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Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Distribuição de Vapor
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Distribuição de Vapor
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
VVaappoorr ddee aallttaa pprreessssããoo 
Estação rreedduuttoorraa ddee pprreessssããoo 
VVaappoorr ddee 
bbaaiixxaa pprreessssããoo 
Distribuição de Vapor 
CCoolleettoorr ddee vvaappoorr 
SSiisstteemmaa ddee ddrreennaaggeemm 
VVaappoorr ddaa 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Coletores de Vapor (Barrilhete)
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Coletores de Vapor (Barrilhete) 
Velocidade Ideal = 5 a 8 m/s
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Coletores de Vapor (Barrilhete)
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Critérios Para Dimensionamento 
 Velocidade 
• Para Vapor Saturado 
Linhas Principais: 20 a 30 m/s 
Linhas Secundárias: 15 m/s 
Coletores: 8 m/s 
• Para Vapor Superaquecido: 35 a 50 m/s 
 Perda de Carga 
• Perdas de Carga Inferiores a 0,08 kgf/cm2.100m
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Critérios Para Dimensionamento 
Ideal: Dimensionar pelo método da 
velocidade e conferir pelo 
método da perda de carga!
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Pela fórmula: 
Q = 0,283 V . D2 
Onde: Q = Vazão (kg/h) d = Volume específico (m3/kg) 
V = Velocidade (m/s) D = Diâmetro (cm) 
Se dividirmos por 100 o valor da vazão, 
encontraremos um diâmetro 10 vezes menor, em cm.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exercício 1: 
Qual o Diâmetro de uma linha principal de vapor 
saturado seco, à pressão absoluta de 10 kg/cm2 , e 
uma vazão de 10.000 kg/h? 
Exercício 2: 
Achar o volume específico do vapor superaquecido 
para uma pressão absoluta de 10 kg/cm2 e uma 
temperatura de 250 oC.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exercício 3: 
Qual o diâmetro de um tubo e a velocidade do vapor 
superaquecido por ele transportado, sabendo-se que: 
Vazão = 600 kg/h / Pressão = 10 kgf/cm2 / Temp. = 250 oC? 
Exercício 4: 
Pede-se o comprimento equivalente de uma rede com 200 m de 
extensão, em tubo schedule 40 e diâmetro 2” cm. Contendo 3 curvas de 
90o, raio longo e 1 válvula globo. 
Exercício 5: 
Pede-se a temperatura, o volume específico, o calor sensível e o calor 
latente do vapor saturado à pressão absoluta de 10 kg/cm2.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Régua de Cálculo para Vapor
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Critério de Velocidade
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Critério da Perda de Carga
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Régua de Cálculo Para Vapor
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Vapor Superaquecido
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Dilatação Térmica 
Principais meios para controlar os 
efeitos da dilatação térmica em tubulações: 
1. Trajeto do tubo afastando-se em linha reta, por meio de ângulos no 
plano ou no espaço, de maneira que o tubo fique com a flexibilidade 
própria, capaz de absorver as dilatações. 
2. Uso de elementos deformáveis intercalados na tubulação, de maneira a 
absorverem as dilatações ocorridas. 
3. Pretensionamento (COLD SPRING), introduzindo tensões iniciais opostos 
às tensões geradas pela dilatação térmica.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
LLiirraa oouu FFeerrrraadduurraa 
JJuunnttaass ddee TTeelleessccóóppiioo 
Juntas de Expansão 
Dilatação Térmica
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Dilatação Térmica
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
CCuurrvvaa eemm ““UU”” 
Dilatação Térmica 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Dilatação Térmica
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Dilatação Térmica 
PPoossiiççããoo nnoorrmmaall 
MMoovviimmeennttooss ffuunnddaammeennttaaiiss 
Exemplo de 
EExx.. ddee mmoovv.. aanngguullaarr 
movimentos laterais
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Isolamento Térmico 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Isolamento Térmico 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Isolantes Tipo Massa 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Isolante Tipo Massa
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Isolantes Refletivos 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Convecção Térmica Estratificada 
Ra > 1708 Ra < 1708 
Nu > 1 Nu = 1
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Ancoragem e Suportes de Tubulações
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Formação de Condensado na Linha 
PPrriinncciippaall DDeeffoorrmmaaççããoo 
Porção de 
arrastado pelo 
fluxo de vapor 
VViibbrraaççããoo ee rruuííddoo 
ccaauussaaddooss ppeelloo 
ggoollppee ddee aarrííeettee 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Golpes de Aríete
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Qual a intensidade da Força deste golpe? 
· Cálculo da Taxa de Condensação (Qc): 
Dados da instalação: 
Pressão de Operação: 10 Kgf/cm2 
Temperatura do vapor: 183,2ºC 
Calor Latente (10,5 bar): 478,3 Kcal/Kg 
Diâmetro da Tubulação: 3” 
Comprimento: 30 m 
Temperatura Ambiente: 35ºC 
Título do vapor: 0,8 Onde: 
Os cálculos a seguir mostram a quantidade de condensado 
formado em um trecho de 30 metros de tubulação DN 3”, bem 
como a magnitude da força de impacto causada por essa 
massa de água: 
U – Coeficiente Global de troca 
(Kcal/hm2 ºC) 
At – Área de Troca (m2) 
DT – Diferencial de Temperatura 
Cl – Calor Latente do vapor (Kcal/Kg) 
X – Título do vapor 
= D 
Qc UxAtx T 
* Considerando U = 7, 0 Kcal/hm2 ºC para tubulação em aço, sem isolamento 
** Com isolamento térmico (com eficiência de 80%), teríamos U = 3,81 
Kcal/hm2 ºC para tubulação em aço.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Qual a intensidade da Força deste golpe? 
· Cálculo da àrea de Troca Média – Tubo DN 3”: 
re = 0,0445 e ri = 0,0395 
Ae = 2pr . l = 2p.(0,0445) . 30 = 8,38 
= - 
Am Ae Ai 
ln 2 
Am = 8,38 – 7,44 = 7,72 m2 
ln 0,0445 
re = 0,0445 e ri = 0,0395 
Ae = 2pr . l = 2p.(0,0445) . 30 = 8,38 m2 
Ai = 2pr . l = 2p.(0,0395) . 30 = 7,44 m2 
·Cálculo da quantidade de condensado formado em 30 m: 
Qc = 7 . 7,72 . (183,2 – 25) = 22,34 Kg/h 
478,3 . 0,8 
Qc = 22,34 Kg/h ou 0,0252 m3/h
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Qual a intensidade da Força deste golpe? 
e) Cálculo da Força de Impacto do Condensado (Golpe de Aríete): 
F = m . (v2 – v1) e m = r . A .v 
F = r . A .v (v2 -v1) 
Como v2 = 0, teremos: 
F = r . A .v 2 
m – vazão de massa (Kg/s) 
v1 – Velocidade inicial (m/s) 
v2 – Velocidade final (m/s) 
r - Densidade (Kg/m3) 
A – Área interna do tubo DN 3” (m) 
v – Velocidade de escoamento (m/s) 
Para o condensado, temos: ( r água a 183,2ºC = 886,9 Kg/m 3) 
F = 886,9 . 0,0049 . (20)2 
F = 1.738,32 N ou 177,20 Kgf/cm2 /Kg de Condensado (!!!) 
A título de ilustração, para o vapor temos: 
F = 5,16 . 0,0049 . (20) 2 
F = 10,11 N ou 1,03 Kgf/cm2 / Kg de vapor 
Isto significa que, no momento em que o êmbolo hidráulico formado pelo condensado se 
choca com algum componente na tubulação, teremos uma força de impacto 
instantânea 171,9 vezez maior que a força do vapor saturado , à temperatura de 183,2ºC.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Casos Reais
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Condensado formado a cada 30m durante o 
aquecimento inicial (kg/h) 
kg/cm2 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 
0.0 2.8 4.3 5.7 8.1 14.2 21.4 30.4 40 48 63 79 92 129 
0.7 3.3 5.3 6.9 9.8 17.3 25.9 37.1 49 58 75 95 112 156 
1.4 3.7 6.0 7.8 11.1 19.6 29.5 41.5 55 65 85 108 127 177 
2.8 4.4 7.1 9.2 13.1 23.0 34.8 49.1 65 77 100 127 149 208 
4.2 4.9 7.8 10.2 14.6 25.6 38.4 54.5 72 86 112 141 166 231 
7.0 5.7 9.1 11.9 16.9 29.7 44.6 63.4 84 99 130 163 192 268 
8.5 6.1 9.7 12.7 18.0 31.7 47.8 67.9 90 106 138 175 206 287 
10.5 6.5 10.3 13.4 19.1 33.6 50.4 71.4 95 112 146 185 217 303 
12.0 6.8 10.8 14.2 20.1 35.4 53.1 75.4 100 118 155 195 229 320 
14.0 7.1 11.3 14.8 21.0 37.0 55.8 79.0 105 124 162 204 240 334 
17.5 7.1 12.2 16.0 22.7 39.9 59.8 85.3 113 134 174 220 259 360 
21.0 11.2 17.1 22.9 33.4 63.7 96.9 143.7 198 237 305 381 467 528 
TTeemmppeerraattuurraa aammbbiieennttee 222200CC..
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Condensado formado a cada 30m durante o 
processo (kg/h) 
kg/cm2 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 
0.7 2.7 3.1 4.0 4.9 7.2 9 11 13 14 16 17 20 24 
2.1 3.6 4.0 4.9 6.3 8.9 12 14 17 19 21 22 25 30 
4.2 4.5 5.4 6.3 8.0 12.0 15 18 22 24 28 30 33 40 
7.0 5.4 6.7 8.0 9.8 14.7 18 23 27 30 34 37 42 50 
8.5 5.8 7.2 8.9 10.7 16.1 20 25 30 33 38 40 45 54 
12.0 7.1 8.5 10.3 11.6 17.0 24 30 35 38 44 48 53 63 
17.5 8.1 9.8 12.1 15.2 22.3 28 34 41 45 52 56 53 75 
21.0 8.9 11.2 13.4 16.5 24.1 30 38 45 50 56 62 69 82 
TTeemmppeerraattuurraa aammbbiieennttee 222200CC.. 
TTuubbuullaaççããoo iissoollaaddaa ccoomm 8800 %% ddee eeffiicciiêênncciiaa..
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Construção Correta da Bota Coletora 
SSeeççããoo ttrraannssvveerrssaall 
SSeeççããoo ttrraannssvveerrssaall
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Construção Correta da Bota Coletora 
Qual o Correto?
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Dimensionamento de Botas Coletoras 
livre Linha coletora 
de condensado 
D1 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 
D2 2” 2.1/2” 3” 3” 3” 4” 6” 6” 8” 8” 8” 10” 10” 10” 
DN2 3/4” 1” 1 /2” 2” 
DN1 1/2” 
L mm. para todas as medidas, utilizar como mínimo 250
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
(a cada 30 
metros para vapor 
Pontos de Drenagem 
Pontos de subida ou descida
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
VVaappoorr RReettoorrnnoo 
aaoo NNíívveell 
PPoonnttoo ddee DDrreennaaggeemm 
3300 -- 5500mm 
IInncclliinnaaççããoo 11//225500 
Layout da Tubulação
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Drenagem de Linhas de Distribuição
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Finais de Linha
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Finais de Linha
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
VVaappoorr VVaappoorr 
IIIInnnnccccoooorrrrrrrreeeettttoooo CCCCoooorrrrrrrreeeettttoooo 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Reduções Concêntricas e Excêntricas
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Reduções Concêntricas e Excêntricas
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
O princípio básico de 
funcionamento é determinado pela 
brusca redução da velocidade no 
seu interior, alterando também de 
forma brusca o valor da energia 
Para concretizar a eficiência do 
processo, existe no interior dos 
separadores placas defletoras 
formando chicanas, e assim, pela 
diferença de densidade aliada à 
redução da energia cinética, às 
partículas de água são retidas e 
Separador de Umidade
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Ec = m.v2 
Q = v . A 
F = m . v 
Ec = Energia Cinética 
m = massa 
V = velocidade 
F = Força 
Q = Vazão 
A = Área 
D = Diâmetro 
D2 A = π . D2 
Separador de Umidade
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
  
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
    
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Instalações Típicas
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Filtros Y 
Entrada de 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Instalações Típicas
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Projeto de um Sistema de Distribuição de Vapor
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
O Que é Traceamento à Vapor? 
“Uma combinação de traceamento à vapor e isolamento 
são usados para criar um ambiente artificial ” 
• Tubulações de processos; 
• Containers; 
• Instrumentos.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Onde é Usado o Traceamento? 
• Refinarias e 
• Indústrias Alimentícias; 
• Indústrias Gerais. 
(óleo combustível) 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Por que Traceamento à Vapor? 
• Previne que o produto se estrague; 
• Minimiza os custos de bombeamento; 
• Previne os riscos de solidificação.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
As tubulações de traceamento devem ser anexadas do centro à 
base da tubulação do produto, e nunca devem ser anexadas no 
topo da tubulação do produto. 
condutor de 
IInnccoorrrreettoo CCoorrrreettoo 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Tipos de Traceamento 
• Crítico; 
• Não-crítico ou simples; 
• Encamisado; 
• Instrumentação. 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Traceamento Crítico: 
• Previne contra a solidificação; 
• Previne que o produto se estrague. 
Traceamento Não-Crítico: 
• Mantém a viscosidade ótima do produto.
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Traceamento Crítico 
Controle de 
Linha do Produto 
Válvula de Bloqueio 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Linha do Processo 
Válvula de Bloqueio 
Traceamento Não-Crítico
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Linhas de Produto Encamisadas: 
•• Produtos aallttaammeennttee ccrrííttiiccooss;; 
•• AAqquueecciimmeennttoo oouu aaddiiççããoo ddee ccaalloorr.. 
Traceamento de Instrumentação: 
•• MMeeddiiddoorreess ddee vvaazzããoo 
•• VVáállvvuullaass ddee ccoonnttrroollee 
•• BBoommbbaass 
•• EEssttaaççõõeess ddee aammoossttrraa
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
EElliimmiinnaaddoorr ddee aarr 
Linhas Encamisadas
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Traceamento de Instrumentação 
Traceamento de 
Corpo de válvula 
Corpo de 
Traceamento de 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Cálculo do Calor Total Necessário em um Sistema de 
Q W L t 
= ´ 
Qt = Calor total necessário (kiloWatts) 
W = Perda de calor na tubulação do processo (Watts/metro) 
L = Comprimento total da tubulação do produto com 
traceamento (metros) 
(dividindo por 1000, converte Watts para kiloWatts)
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Cálculo do Calor Total Necessário em um Sistema de Traceamento: 
Perda de calor = 97 Watts/metro 
W = 97 Watts/metro 
Comprimento total da 
tubulação traceada = 200 metros 
L = 200 metros 
Q W L 
t = ´ 
Qt = 97 ´ 200 
t = 19 4 , kiloWatts 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Cálculo da Demanda Total de Vapor de um Sistema de Traceamento: 
M Q 
= ´ 3600 
Mt = Demanda total de vapor (kilogramas/hora) 
Qt = Calor total necessário (kiloWatts) 
hfg = Entalpia específica de evaporação 
(multiplicando por 3600 resulta em kilogramas/hora)
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Cálculo da Demanda Total de Vapor de um Sistema de Traceamento: 
Qt = 19,4 kiloWatts 
Pressão do vapor = 5 bar g 
hfg = 2086 kiloJoules/kilograma 
M t = 33,5 kilo gramas / hora 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Cálculo do Custo do Vapor
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Como Calcular? 
Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento 
do Vapor ------------------ da caldeira 
Projeto EExxeemmpplloo 0011 –– ÓÓ lldeee Sooist e BmBasPP deFF Vapor 
Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF 
- Pressão Caldeira 8 bar 
- Eficiência da Caldeira 85% 
- Temp. Água de Alimentação 80ºC 
- Custo do Óleo BPF R$ 1,08 / Kg 
- Vazão da Caldeira 3000 Kg/h
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF 
Ct = Calor Total (Tabela Vapor Saturado) 
Ct vapor = 662 Kcal/kg 
relativa Temp. 
kgf/cm2 ºC kcal/kg kcal/kg kcal/kg m3/kg 
0 1 99.1 99.1 539.4 638.5 1.725 
1 2 119.6 119.9 525.9 645.8 0.902 
2 3 132.9 133.4 516.9 650.3 0.616 
3 4 142.9 143.6 509.8 653.4 0.470 
4 5 151.1 152.1 503.7 655.8 0.381 
5 6 158.1 159.3 498.5 657.8 0.321 
6 7 164.2 165.6 493.8 659.4 0.277 
7 8 169.6 171.3 489.5 660.8 0.244 
8 9 174.5 176.4 485.6 662.0 0.218 
9 10 179.0 181.2 481.8 663.0 0.198 
10 11 183.2 185.6 478.3 663.9 0.180 
11 12 187.1 189.7 475.0 664.7 0.166 
12 13 190.7 193.5 471.9 665.4 0.154 
13 14 194.1 197.1 468.9 666.0 0.143 
14 15 197.4 200.6 466.0 666.6 0.134
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF 
Cs = Calor Sensível (Tabela Vapor Saturado) 
Cs água = 80 Kcal/kg t=80ºC 
relativa Temp. 
kgf/cm2 ºC kcal/kg kcal/kg kcal/kg m3/kg 
0 1 99.1 99.1 539.4 638.5 1.725 
1 2 119.6 119.9 525.9 645.8 0.902 
2 3 132.9 133.4 516.9 650.3 0.616 
3 4 142.9 143.6 509.8 653.4 0.470 
4 5 151.1 152.1 503.7 655.8 0.381 
5 6 158.1 159.3 498.5 657.8 0.321 
6 7 164.2 165.6 493.8 659.4 0.277 
7 8 169.6 171.3 489.5 660.8 0.244 
8 9 174.5 176.4 485.6 662.0 0.218 
9 10 179.0 181.2 481.8 663.0 0.198 
10 11 183.2 185.6 478.3 663.9 0.180 
11 12 187.1 189.7 475.0 664.7 0.166 
12 13 190.7 193.5 471.9 665.4 0.154 
13 14 194.1 197.1 468.9 666.0 0.143 
14 15 197.4 200.6 466.0 666.6 0.134
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Ct = 662,0 Kcal/kg 
Custo do Óleo = R$ 1,08/kg 
PCI = 9.800 Kcal/kg (Óleo BPF) 
EEffiicciiêênncciiaa FFaattoorr 
8855 %% 11,,1188 
8800 %% 11,,2255 
7755 %% 11,,3333 
7700 %% 11,,4433 
6655 %% 11,,5544 
6600 %% 11,,6677 
Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF 
Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento 
do Vapor ------------------ da caldeira 
Custo Ton. Vapor = 662,0 – 80 x 1000 x 1,08 x 1,18 = R$ 75,68 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 02 – Gás GLP 
- Pressão Caldeira 8 bar 
- Eficiência da Caldeira 85% 
- Temp. Água de Alimentação 80 ºC 
- Custo do Gás GLP R$ 1,60 / Kg 
- Vazão da Caldeira 3000 Kg/h
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 02 – Gás GLP 
Ct = 662,0 Kcal/kg 
Custo do gás GLP = R$ 1,60/kg 
PCI = 11.300 Kcal/kg (Gás GLP) 
Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento 
do Vapor ------------------ da caldeira 
Custo Ton. Vapor = 662,0 – 80 x 1000 x 1,60 x 1,18 = R$ 97,24 
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 03 – Gás Natural 
- Pressão Caldeira 8 bar 
- Eficiência da Caldeira 85% 
- Temp. Água de Alimentação 80 ºC 
- Custo do Gás Natural R$ 0,70 / m³ 
- Vazão da Caldeira 3000 Kg/h
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 03 – Gás Natural 
Ct = 662,0 Kcal/kg 
Custo do gás natural = R$ 0,70/m³ 
PCI = 10.800 Kcal/kg (Gás Natural) 
Densidade do Gás Natural = 0,62 Kg/m³ 
Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento 
do Vapor ------------------ ------------------------------- da caldeira 
PCI densidade gás (0,62 kg/m³) 
Custo Ton. Vapor = 662,0 – 80 x 1000 x 0,70 x 1,18 = R$ 71,80 
--------------- ---------- 
10.800 0,62
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 04 – Bagaço 
Indústria que utiliza Bagaço como combustível de sua Caldeira 
Aquatubular, onde: 
• Pressão e Operação : 21 barg 
• Geração de 50 toneladas / hora de vapor 
• PCI do Bagaço: 1.800 Kcal / kg (50% umidade) 
• Temperatura da água de alimentação: 20oC
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 04 – Bagaço 
1o Passo – Cálculo da quantidade de energia para a Geração de 1 tonelada de 
• Pressão de Operação : 21 barg 
• Calor Sensível : 221,2 Kcal / kg 
• Calor Latente : 447,7 Kcal / kg 
• Assim para 1 kg de vapor: 
• (Cs – 20) + ( Cl * X) = CALOR TOTAL 
• (221,2-20) + (447,7*0,7) = 514,59 Kcal
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 04 – Bagaço 
2o Passo – Cálculo da Relação Kg de Bagaço x Kg de Vapor: 
• Já vimos anteriormente que para geração de um 1 kg de vapor necessitamos 
514,59 Kcal. 
• Sendo o PCI do Bagaço igual a 1.800 Kcal / kg teremos : 
 1.800 / 514,59 = 3,49 kg de vapor por kg de bagaço. Porém, teremos que 
levar em conta o rendimento da caldeira (para caldeiras a bagaço pode 
ser considerado 60%), então : 
3,49 kg * 0,6 = 2,09 ou 2,1 kg de vapor / kg de Bagaço
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 04 – Bagaço 
3o Passo – Cálculo da quantidade bagaço para geração de 1000 kg de vapor, e 
Custo do Vapor: 
• Se 1 kg de bagaço geram 2,1 kg de vapor: 
476,19 kg de bagaço irão gerar 1 ton de vapor 
• O custo da Tonelada do Bagaço é de R$ 15,00. 
Assim, a tonelada de vapor custará: 
R$ 15,00 x 476,19/1000 = R$ 7,15 por tonelada
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 05 – Lenha 
- Pressão Caldeira 8 bar 
- Eficiência da Caldeira 80% 
- Temp. Água de Alimentação 80 ºC 
- Custo do Lenha R$ 35,0 / m³ 
- Vazão da Caldeira 3000 Kg/h 
- Densidade Lenha = 550 Kg/m³
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Exemplo 05 – Lenha 
Ct = 662,0 Kcal/kg 
Custo da lenha = R$ 35,0 /m³ 
PCI = 3.140 Kcal/kg (lenha) 
Densidade Lenha = 550 Kg/m³ 
Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento 
do Vapor ------------------ ----------------------- da caldeira 
PCI densidade lenha 
Custo Ton. Vapor = 662,0 – 80 x 1000 x 35,0 x 1,25 = R$ 14,74 
--------------- ------- 
3.140 550
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
PPeerrddaa ddee vvaappoorr -- llbb//hh ((kkgg//hh)) 
(30 kg/h) 
Diâmetro do furo - polegadas (mm) 
Perdas de vapor por 
vazamentos tornam-se um 
grande prejuízo com o decorrer 
do tempo. 
Um furo de 1/8” a uma pressão 
de 100 psi gera uma perda de 
30 kg/h 
Para um custo de vapor de R$ 
70,00/ton teremos um prejuízo 
R$ 1.512,00 / mês 
Perdas Por Vazamentos
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Perdas Por Vazamentos
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Perdas Por Vazamentos
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Perdas Por Vazamentos
Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 
Devido à característica 
erosiva do vapor (fluido 
bifásico), com o passar do 
tempo o furo aumenta 
exponencialmente, e junto 
com ele o 
Perdas Por Vazamentos 
Não basta somente eliminar perdas, é preciso corrigi-las 
o mais rápido possível.

Mais conteúdo relacionado

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Turbinas a vapor
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Tubulação industrial
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Powerpoint de Sistema de Refrigeração
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01tiaportal handson-basicov11v2-140421084257-phpapp01
01tiaportal handson-basicov11v2-140421084257-phpapp0101tiaportal handson-basicov11v2-140421084257-phpapp01
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Destaque (20)

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01tiaportal handson-basicov11v2-140421084257-phpapp01
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Semelhante a Projeto Sistemas Vapor

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Semelhante a Projeto Sistemas Vapor (20)

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17.ago ouro i 14.30_412_cemig-d
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17.ago ouro i 14.30_412_cemig-d

Mais de confidencial

19 exercises v1.00_en
19 exercises v1.00_en19 exercises v1.00_en
19 exercises v1.00_enconfidencial
18 syntax rules v1.0
18 syntax rules v1.018 syntax rules v1.0
18 syntax rules v1.0confidencial
17 demonstration server client system-v1.00_en
17 demonstration server client system-v1.00_en17 demonstration server client system-v1.00_en
17 demonstration server client system-v1.00_enconfidencial
15 final steps of configuration v1.00_en
15 final steps of configuration v1.00_en15 final steps of configuration v1.00_en
15 final steps of configuration v1.00_enconfidencial
14 mass data engineering v1.00_en
14 mass data engineering v1.00_en14 mass data engineering v1.00_en
14 mass data engineering v1.00_enconfidencial
13 locking functions and operating modes v1.00_en
13 locking functions and operating modes v1.00_en13 locking functions and operating modes v1.00_en
13 locking functions and operating modes v1.00_enconfidencial
12 archiving system v1.00_en
12 archiving system v1.00_en12 archiving system v1.00_en
12 archiving system v1.00_enconfidencial
11 customizing the os v1.00_en
11 customizing the os v1.00_en11 customizing the os v1.00_en
11 customizing the os v1.00_enconfidencial
10 basics automatic mode control v1.00_en
10 basics automatic mode control v1.00_en10 basics automatic mode control v1.00_en
10 basics automatic mode control v1.00_enconfidencial
09 basics operating and monitoring v1.00_en
09 basics operating and monitoring v1.00_en09 basics operating and monitoring v1.00_en
09 basics operating and monitoring v1.00_enconfidencial
08 basics control functions v1.00_en
08 basics control functions v1.00_en08 basics control functions v1.00_en
08 basics control functions v1.00_enconfidencial
07 connection to the process v1.00_en
07 connection to the process v1.00_en07 connection to the process v1.00_en
07 connection to the process v1.00_enconfidencial
06 station and network configuration v1.00_en
06 station and network configuration v1.00_en06 station and network configuration v1.00_en
06 station and network configuration v1.00_enconfidencial
05 project setup v1.00_en
05 project setup v1.00_en05 project setup v1.00_en
05 project setup v1.00_enconfidencial
03 requirements and functional process description v1.00_en
03 requirements and functional process description v1.00_en03 requirements and functional process description v1.00_en
03 requirements and functional process description v1.00_enconfidencial
02 pcs 7 documentation and support v1.00 en
02 pcs 7 documentation and support v1.00 en02 pcs 7 documentation and support v1.00 en
02 pcs 7 documentation and support v1.00 enconfidencial
01 introduction v1.00_en
01 introduction v1.00_en01 introduction v1.00_en
01 introduction v1.00_enconfidencial
00 st pcs7-sys_v8.0_register 20 en
00 st pcs7-sys_v8.0_register 20 en00 st pcs7-sys_v8.0_register 20 en
00 st pcs7-sys_v8.0_register 20 enconfidencial
Sitrains7 1200pwmpid-150301123045-conversion-gate01
Sitrains7 1200pwmpid-150301123045-conversion-gate01Sitrains7 1200pwmpid-150301123045-conversion-gate01
Sitrains7 1200pwmpid-150301123045-conversion-gate01confidencial
Sitrain introdução a ihm
Sitrain introdução a ihmSitrain introdução a ihm
Sitrain introdução a ihmconfidencial

Mais de confidencial (20)

19 exercises v1.00_en
19 exercises v1.00_en19 exercises v1.00_en
19 exercises v1.00_en
18 syntax rules v1.0
18 syntax rules v1.018 syntax rules v1.0
18 syntax rules v1.0
17 demonstration server client system-v1.00_en
17 demonstration server client system-v1.00_en17 demonstration server client system-v1.00_en
17 demonstration server client system-v1.00_en
15 final steps of configuration v1.00_en
15 final steps of configuration v1.00_en15 final steps of configuration v1.00_en
15 final steps of configuration v1.00_en
14 mass data engineering v1.00_en
14 mass data engineering v1.00_en14 mass data engineering v1.00_en
14 mass data engineering v1.00_en
13 locking functions and operating modes v1.00_en
13 locking functions and operating modes v1.00_en13 locking functions and operating modes v1.00_en
13 locking functions and operating modes v1.00_en
12 archiving system v1.00_en
12 archiving system v1.00_en12 archiving system v1.00_en
12 archiving system v1.00_en
11 customizing the os v1.00_en
11 customizing the os v1.00_en11 customizing the os v1.00_en
11 customizing the os v1.00_en
10 basics automatic mode control v1.00_en
10 basics automatic mode control v1.00_en10 basics automatic mode control v1.00_en
10 basics automatic mode control v1.00_en
09 basics operating and monitoring v1.00_en
09 basics operating and monitoring v1.00_en09 basics operating and monitoring v1.00_en
09 basics operating and monitoring v1.00_en
08 basics control functions v1.00_en
08 basics control functions v1.00_en08 basics control functions v1.00_en
08 basics control functions v1.00_en
07 connection to the process v1.00_en
07 connection to the process v1.00_en07 connection to the process v1.00_en
07 connection to the process v1.00_en
06 station and network configuration v1.00_en
06 station and network configuration v1.00_en06 station and network configuration v1.00_en
06 station and network configuration v1.00_en
05 project setup v1.00_en
05 project setup v1.00_en05 project setup v1.00_en
05 project setup v1.00_en
03 requirements and functional process description v1.00_en
03 requirements and functional process description v1.00_en03 requirements and functional process description v1.00_en
03 requirements and functional process description v1.00_en
02 pcs 7 documentation and support v1.00 en
02 pcs 7 documentation and support v1.00 en02 pcs 7 documentation and support v1.00 en
02 pcs 7 documentation and support v1.00 en
01 introduction v1.00_en
01 introduction v1.00_en01 introduction v1.00_en
01 introduction v1.00_en
00 st pcs7-sys_v8.0_register 20 en
00 st pcs7-sys_v8.0_register 20 en00 st pcs7-sys_v8.0_register 20 en
00 st pcs7-sys_v8.0_register 20 en
Sitrains7 1200pwmpid-150301123045-conversion-gate01
Sitrains7 1200pwmpid-150301123045-conversion-gate01Sitrains7 1200pwmpid-150301123045-conversion-gate01
Sitrains7 1200pwmpid-150301123045-conversion-gate01
Sitrain introdução a ihm
Sitrain introdução a ihmSitrain introdução a ihm
Sitrain introdução a ihm

Projeto Sistemas Vapor

  • 2. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Distribuição de Vapor
  • 3. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Distribuição de Vapor
  • 4. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor VVaappoorr ddee aallttaa pprreessssããoo Estação rreedduuttoorraa ddee pprreessssããoo VVaappoorr ddee bbaaiixxaa pprreessssããoo Distribuição de Vapor CCoolleettoorr ddee vvaappoorr SSiisstteemmaa ddee ddrreennaaggeemm CCoonnddeennssaaddoo CCoonnddeennssaaddoo VVaappoorr ddaa CCaallddeeiirraa
  • 5. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Coletores de Vapor (Barrilhete)
  • 6. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Coletores de Vapor (Barrilhete) Velocidade Ideal = 5 a 8 m/s
  • 7. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Coletores de Vapor (Barrilhete)
  • 8. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Dimensionamento COLETORES DE VAPOR TTUUBBUULLAAÇÇÕÕEESS RAMAIS
  • 9. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Critérios Para Dimensionamento  Velocidade • Para Vapor Saturado Linhas Principais: 20 a 30 m/s Linhas Secundárias: 15 m/s Coletores: 8 m/s • Para Vapor Superaquecido: 35 a 50 m/s  Perda de Carga • Perdas de Carga Inferiores a 0,08 kgf/cm2.100m
  • 10. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Critérios Para Dimensionamento Ideal: Dimensionar pelo método da velocidade e conferir pelo método da perda de carga!
  • 11. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Fórmula Pela fórmula: Q = 0,283 V . D2 d Onde: Q = Vazão (kg/h) d = Volume específico (m3/kg) V = Velocidade (m/s) D = Diâmetro (cm) Se dividirmos por 100 o valor da vazão, encontraremos um diâmetro 10 vezes menor, em cm.
  • 12. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exercícios Exercício 1: Qual o Diâmetro de uma linha principal de vapor saturado seco, à pressão absoluta de 10 kg/cm2 , e uma vazão de 10.000 kg/h? Exercício 2: Achar o volume específico do vapor superaquecido para uma pressão absoluta de 10 kg/cm2 e uma temperatura de 250 oC.
  • 13. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exercícios Exercício 3: Qual o diâmetro de um tubo e a velocidade do vapor superaquecido por ele transportado, sabendo-se que: Vazão = 600 kg/h / Pressão = 10 kgf/cm2 / Temp. = 250 oC? Exercício 4: Pede-se o comprimento equivalente de uma rede com 200 m de extensão, em tubo schedule 40 e diâmetro 2” cm. Contendo 3 curvas de 90o, raio longo e 1 válvula globo. Exercício 5: Pede-se a temperatura, o volume específico, o calor sensível e o calor latente do vapor saturado à pressão absoluta de 10 kg/cm2.
  • 14. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Régua de Cálculo para Vapor
  • 15. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Critério de Velocidade
  • 16. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Critério da Perda de Carga
  • 17. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Régua de Cálculo Para Vapor
  • 18. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Vapor Superaquecido
  • 19. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Dilatação Térmica Principais meios para controlar os efeitos da dilatação térmica em tubulações: 1. Trajeto do tubo afastando-se em linha reta, por meio de ângulos no plano ou no espaço, de maneira que o tubo fique com a flexibilidade própria, capaz de absorver as dilatações. 2. Uso de elementos deformáveis intercalados na tubulação, de maneira a absorverem as dilatações ocorridas. 3. Pretensionamento (COLD SPRING), introduzindo tensões iniciais opostos às tensões geradas pela dilatação térmica.
  • 20. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor VViissttaa ssuuppeerriioorr LLiirraa oouu FFeerrrraadduurraa VViissttaa ssuuppeerriioorr CCoonnttoorrnnoo JJuunnttaass ddee TTeelleessccóóppiioo Juntas de Expansão Dilatação Térmica
  • 21. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Dilatação Térmica
  • 22. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor CCuurrvvaa eemm ““UU”” Dilatação Térmica Fluxo
  • 23. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Dilatação Térmica
  • 24. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Dilatação Térmica PPoossiiççããoo nnoorrmmaall CCoommpprreessssããoo DDiisstteennççããoo MMoovviimmeennttoo aaxxiiaall MMoovviimmeennttoo aanngguullaarr MMoovviimmeennttoo llaatteerraall DDiillaattaaççããoo DDiillaattaaççããoo DDiillaattaaççããoo MMoovviimmeennttooss ffuunnddaammeennttaaiiss JJ..EE.. ((dduuppllaa)) Exemplo de DDiillaattaaççããoo EExx.. ddee mmoovv.. aanngguullaarr movimentos laterais
  • 26. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Isolamento Térmico TIPOS MASSA OU FIBROSOS REFLETIVOS
  • 28. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Isolante Tipo Massa
  • 30. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Convecção Térmica Estratificada Ra > 1708 Ra < 1708 Nu > 1 Nu = 1
  • 31. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Ancoragem e Suportes de Tubulações
  • 32. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Formação de Condensado na Linha PPrriinncciippaall DDeeffoorrmmaaççããoo Porção de condensado arrastado pelo fluxo de vapor VViibbrraaççããoo ee rruuííddoo ccaauussaaddooss ppeelloo ggoollppee ddee aarrííeettee Condensado Filtro Válvula
  • 33. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Golpes de Aríete
  • 34. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Qual a intensidade da Força deste golpe? · Cálculo da Taxa de Condensação (Qc): Dados da instalação: Pressão de Operação: 10 Kgf/cm2 Temperatura do vapor: 183,2ºC Calor Latente (10,5 bar): 478,3 Kcal/Kg Diâmetro da Tubulação: 3” Comprimento: 30 m Temperatura Ambiente: 35ºC Título do vapor: 0,8 Onde: Os cálculos a seguir mostram a quantidade de condensado formado em um trecho de 30 metros de tubulação DN 3”, bem como a magnitude da força de impacto causada por essa massa de água: U – Coeficiente Global de troca (Kcal/hm2 ºC) At – Área de Troca (m2) DT – Diferencial de Temperatura Cl – Calor Latente do vapor (Kcal/Kg) X – Título do vapor = D Qc UxAtx T ClxX * Considerando U = 7, 0 Kcal/hm2 ºC para tubulação em aço, sem isolamento térmico. ** Com isolamento térmico (com eficiência de 80%), teríamos U = 3,81 Kcal/hm2 ºC para tubulação em aço.
  • 35. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Qual a intensidade da Força deste golpe? · Cálculo da àrea de Troca Média – Tubo DN 3”: Onde: re = 0,0445 e ri = 0,0395 Ae = 2pr . l = 2p.(0,0445) . 30 = 8,38 m2 = - Am Ae Ai r ln 2 r 1 Am = 8,38 – 7,44 = 7,72 m2 ln 0,0445 0,0395 Onde: re = 0,0445 e ri = 0,0395 Ae = 2pr . l = 2p.(0,0445) . 30 = 8,38 m2 Ai = 2pr . l = 2p.(0,0395) . 30 = 7,44 m2 ·Cálculo da quantidade de condensado formado em 30 m: Qc = 7 . 7,72 . (183,2 – 25) = 22,34 Kg/h 478,3 . 0,8 Qc = 22,34 Kg/h ou 0,0252 m3/h
  • 36. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Qual a intensidade da Força deste golpe? e) Cálculo da Força de Impacto do Condensado (Golpe de Aríete): F = m . (v2 – v1) e m = r . A .v Então: F = r . A .v (v2 -v1) Como v2 = 0, teremos: F = r . A .v 2 Onde: m – vazão de massa (Kg/s) v1 – Velocidade inicial (m/s) v2 – Velocidade final (m/s) r - Densidade (Kg/m3) A – Área interna do tubo DN 3” (m) v – Velocidade de escoamento (m/s) Para o condensado, temos: ( r água a 183,2ºC = 886,9 Kg/m 3) F = 886,9 . 0,0049 . (20)2 F = 1.738,32 N ou 177,20 Kgf/cm2 /Kg de Condensado (!!!) A título de ilustração, para o vapor temos: F = 5,16 . 0,0049 . (20) 2 F = 10,11 N ou 1,03 Kgf/cm2 / Kg de vapor Isto significa que, no momento em que o êmbolo hidráulico formado pelo condensado se choca com algum componente na tubulação, teremos uma força de impacto instantânea 171,9 vezez maior que a força do vapor saturado , à temperatura de 183,2ºC.
  • 37. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Casos Reais
  • 38. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Condensado formado a cada 30m durante o aquecimento inicial (kg/h) Diâmetro Pressão kg/cm2 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 0.0 2.8 4.3 5.7 8.1 14.2 21.4 30.4 40 48 63 79 92 129 0.7 3.3 5.3 6.9 9.8 17.3 25.9 37.1 49 58 75 95 112 156 1.4 3.7 6.0 7.8 11.1 19.6 29.5 41.5 55 65 85 108 127 177 2.8 4.4 7.1 9.2 13.1 23.0 34.8 49.1 65 77 100 127 149 208 4.2 4.9 7.8 10.2 14.6 25.6 38.4 54.5 72 86 112 141 166 231 7.0 5.7 9.1 11.9 16.9 29.7 44.6 63.4 84 99 130 163 192 268 8.5 6.1 9.7 12.7 18.0 31.7 47.8 67.9 90 106 138 175 206 287 10.5 6.5 10.3 13.4 19.1 33.6 50.4 71.4 95 112 146 185 217 303 12.0 6.8 10.8 14.2 20.1 35.4 53.1 75.4 100 118 155 195 229 320 14.0 7.1 11.3 14.8 21.0 37.0 55.8 79.0 105 124 162 204 240 334 17.5 7.1 12.2 16.0 22.7 39.9 59.8 85.3 113 134 174 220 259 360 21.0 11.2 17.1 22.9 33.4 63.7 96.9 143.7 198 237 305 381 467 528 TTeemmppeerraattuurraa aammbbiieennttee 222200CC..
  • 39. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Condensado formado a cada 30m durante o processo (kg/h) Diâmetro Pressão kg/cm2 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 0.7 2.7 3.1 4.0 4.9 7.2 9 11 13 14 16 17 20 24 2.1 3.6 4.0 4.9 6.3 8.9 12 14 17 19 21 22 25 30 4.2 4.5 5.4 6.3 8.0 12.0 15 18 22 24 28 30 33 40 7.0 5.4 6.7 8.0 9.8 14.7 18 23 27 30 34 37 42 50 8.5 5.8 7.2 8.9 10.7 16.1 20 25 30 33 38 40 45 54 12.0 7.1 8.5 10.3 11.6 17.0 24 30 35 38 44 48 53 63 17.5 8.1 9.8 12.1 15.2 22.3 28 34 41 45 52 56 53 75 21.0 8.9 11.2 13.4 16.5 24.1 30 38 45 50 56 62 69 82 TTeemmppeerraattuurraa aammbbiieennttee 222200CC.. TTuubbuullaaççããoo iissoollaaddaa ccoomm 8800 %% ddee eeffiicciiêênncciiaa..
  • 40. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor VVaappoorr VVaappoorr Construção Correta da Bota Coletora CCoonnddeennssaaddoo BBoottaa ccoolleettoorraa PPuurrggaaddoorreess CCoorrrreettoo IInnccoorrrreettoo 2255//3300mmmm SSeeççããoo ttrraannssvveerrssaall SSeeççããoo ttrraannssvveerrssaall
  • 41. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Construção Correta da Bota Coletora Qual o Correto?
  • 42. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Dimensionamento de Botas Coletoras Escoamento livre Linha coletora de condensado DIÂMETROS CORRESPONDENTES D1 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” D2 2” 2.1/2” 3” 3” 3” 4” 6” 6” 8” 8” 8” 10” 10” 10” DN2 3/4” 1” 1 /2” 2” DN1 1/2” L mm. para todas as medidas, utilizar como mínimo 250
  • 43. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Drenagem intermediária (a cada 30 metros para vapor saturado) Pontos de Drenagem Pontos de subida ou descida
  • 44. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor VVaappoorr RReettoorrnnoo aaoo NNíívveell SSuuppeerriioorr PPoonnttoo ddee DDrreennaaggeemm 3300 -- 5500mm IInncclliinnaaççããoo 11//225500 Layout da Tubulação
  • 45. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Drenagem de Linhas de Distribuição
  • 46. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Finais de Linha
  • 48. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Finais de Linha
  • 49. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Ramificações VVaappoorr VVaappoorr IIIInnnnccccoooorrrrrrrreeeettttoooo CCCCoooorrrrrrrreeeettttoooo CCoonnddeennssaaddoo
  • 50. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Ramificações
  • 51. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Reduções Concêntricas e Excêntricas
  • 52. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Reduções Concêntricas e Excêntricas
  • 53. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor O princípio básico de funcionamento é determinado pela brusca redução da velocidade no seu interior, alterando também de forma brusca o valor da energia cinética; Para concretizar a eficiência do processo, existe no interior dos separadores placas defletoras formando chicanas, e assim, pela diferença de densidade aliada à redução da energia cinética, às partículas de água são retidas e purgadas. Separador de Umidade
  • 54. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Ec = m.v2 2 Q = v . A F = m . v Ec = Energia Cinética m = massa V = velocidade F = Força Q = Vazão A = Área D = Diâmetro d1 D2 A = π . D2 4 (Cte.) Separador de Umidade
  • 55. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Funcionamento VVAAZZÃÃOO Separador
  • 56. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Funcionamento VVAAZZÃÃOO Separador
  • 57. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Funcionamento VVAAZZÃÃOO Separador
  • 58. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Separador    VVAAZZÃÃOO  Funcionamento
  • 59. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Funcionamento VVAAZZÃÃOO Separador      
  • 60. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Instalações Típicas
  • 61. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Filtros Y Entrada de vapor
  • 62. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Instalações Típicas
  • 63. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Projeto de um Sistema de Distribuição de Vapor
  • 64. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Traceamento O Que é Traceamento à Vapor? “Uma combinação de traceamento à vapor e isolamento são usados para criar um ambiente artificial ” • Tubulações de processos; • Containers; • Instrumentos.
  • 65. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Onde é Usado o Traceamento? • Refinarias e Petroquímicas; • Indústrias Alimentícias; • Indústrias Gerais. (óleo combustível) Traceamento
  • 66. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Traceamento Por que Traceamento à Vapor? • Previne que o produto se estrague; • Minimiza os custos de bombeamento; • Previne os riscos de solidificação.
  • 67. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor As tubulações de traceamento devem ser anexadas do centro à base da tubulação do produto, e nunca devem ser anexadas no topo da tubulação do produto. Produto Linha Tracer Isolamento Produto condutor de calor IInnccoorrrreettoo CCoorrrreettoo Expansão Traceamento
  • 68. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Tipos de Traceamento • Crítico; • Não-crítico ou simples; • Encamisado; • Instrumentação. Traceamento
  • 69. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Traceamento Traceamento Crítico: • Previne contra a solidificação; • Previne que o produto se estrague. Traceamento Não-Crítico: • Mantém a viscosidade ótima do produto.
  • 70. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Traceamento Crítico Manifold Controle de Temperatura Purgador Spiratec Silenciador Purgador Linha do Produto Traceamento Válvula de Bloqueio Vapor Condensado
  • 71. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Linha do Processo Traceamento Válvula de Bloqueio Purgador Vapor Condensado Traceamento Não-Crítico
  • 72. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Traceamento Linhas de Produto Encamisadas: •• Produtos aallttaammeennttee ccrrííttiiccooss;; •• AAqquueecciimmeennttoo oouu aaddiiççããoo ddee ccaalloorr.. Traceamento de Instrumentação: •• MMeeddiiddoorreess ddee vvaazzããoo •• VVáállvvuullaass ddee ccoonnttrroollee •• BBoommbbaass •• EEssttaaççõõeess ddee aammoossttrraa
  • 73. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor EElliimmiinnaaddoorr ddee aarr Traceamento Linhas Encamisadas
  • 74. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Traceamento de Instrumentação Traceamento de instrumentação Corpo de válvula Corpo de Bomba Traceamento de Flange
  • 75. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Traceamento Cálculo do Calor Total Necessário em um Sistema de Traceamento: Q W L t = ´ 1000 Qt = Calor total necessário (kiloWatts) W = Perda de calor na tubulação do processo (Watts/metro) L = Comprimento total da tubulação do produto com traceamento (metros) (dividindo por 1000, converte Watts para kiloWatts)
  • 76. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Cálculo do Calor Total Necessário em um Sistema de Traceamento: EXEMPLO: Perda de calor = 97 Watts/metro W = 97 Watts/metro ——————————————— Comprimento total da tubulação traceada = 200 metros L = 200 metros Q W L t = ´ 1000 Qt = 97 ´ 200 1000 .Q t = 19 4 , kiloWatts Traceamento
  • 77. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Traceamento Cálculo da Demanda Total de Vapor de um Sistema de Traceamento: M Q h t t fg = ´ 3600 Mt = Demanda total de vapor (kilogramas/hora) Qt = Calor total necessário (kiloWatts) hfg = Entalpia específica de evaporação (kiloJoules/kilograma) (multiplicando por 3600 resulta em kilogramas/hora)
  • 78. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Cálculo da Demanda Total de Vapor de um Sistema de Traceamento: EXEMPLO: Qt = 19,4 kiloWatts —————————————— Pressão do vapor = 5 bar g hfg = 2086 kiloJoules/kilograma M t = 33,5 kilo gramas / hora Traceamento
  • 79. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Cálculo do Custo do Vapor
  • 80. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Como Calcular? Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento do Vapor ------------------ da caldeira PCI Quanto??
  • 81. Projeto EExxeemmpplloo 0011 –– ÓÓ lldeee Sooist e BmBasPP deFF Vapor Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF DADOS: - Pressão Caldeira 8 bar - Eficiência da Caldeira 85% - Temp. Água de Alimentação 80ºC - Custo do Óleo BPF R$ 1,08 / Kg - Vazão da Caldeira 3000 Kg/h
  • 82. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF Ct = Calor Total (Tabela Vapor Saturado) Ct vapor = 662 Kcal/kg Pressão relativa Temp. Calor sensível Calor latente Calor total Volume Específico Pressão absoluta kgf/cm2 ºC kcal/kg kcal/kg kcal/kg m3/kg kgf/cm2 0 1 99.1 99.1 539.4 638.5 1.725 1 2 119.6 119.9 525.9 645.8 0.902 2 3 132.9 133.4 516.9 650.3 0.616 3 4 142.9 143.6 509.8 653.4 0.470 4 5 151.1 152.1 503.7 655.8 0.381 5 6 158.1 159.3 498.5 657.8 0.321 6 7 164.2 165.6 493.8 659.4 0.277 7 8 169.6 171.3 489.5 660.8 0.244 8 9 174.5 176.4 485.6 662.0 0.218 9 10 179.0 181.2 481.8 663.0 0.198 10 11 183.2 185.6 478.3 663.9 0.180 11 12 187.1 189.7 475.0 664.7 0.166 12 13 190.7 193.5 471.9 665.4 0.154 13 14 194.1 197.1 468.9 666.0 0.143 14 15 197.4 200.6 466.0 666.6 0.134
  • 83. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF Cs = Calor Sensível (Tabela Vapor Saturado) Cs água = 80 Kcal/kg t=80ºC Pressão relativa Temp. Calor sensível Calor latente Calor total Volume Específico Pressão absoluta kgf/cm2 ºC kcal/kg kcal/kg kcal/kg m3/kg kgf/cm2 0 1 99.1 99.1 539.4 638.5 1.725 1 2 119.6 119.9 525.9 645.8 0.902 2 3 132.9 133.4 516.9 650.3 0.616 3 4 142.9 143.6 509.8 653.4 0.470 4 5 151.1 152.1 503.7 655.8 0.381 5 6 158.1 159.3 498.5 657.8 0.321 6 7 164.2 165.6 493.8 659.4 0.277 7 8 169.6 171.3 489.5 660.8 0.244 8 9 174.5 176.4 485.6 662.0 0.218 9 10 179.0 181.2 481.8 663.0 0.198 10 11 183.2 185.6 478.3 663.9 0.180 11 12 187.1 189.7 475.0 664.7 0.166 12 13 190.7 193.5 471.9 665.4 0.154 13 14 194.1 197.1 468.9 666.0 0.143 14 15 197.4 200.6 466.0 666.6 0.134
  • 84. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Então: Ct = 662,0 Kcal/kg Custo do Óleo = R$ 1,08/kg PCI = 9.800 Kcal/kg (Óleo BPF) EEffiicciiêênncciiaa FFaattoorr 8855 %% 11,,1188 8800 %% 11,,2255 7755 %% 11,,3333 7700 %% 11,,4433 6655 %% 11,,5544 6600 %% 11,,6677 FATOR DE CORREÇÃO DO RENDIMENTO DA CALDEIRA Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF
  • 85. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 01 – Óleo BPF CALCULANDO: Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento do Vapor ------------------ da caldeira PCI Custo Ton. Vapor = 662,0 – 80 x 1000 x 1,08 x 1,18 = R$ 75,68 --------------- 9.800
  • 86. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 02 – Gás GLP DADOS: - Pressão Caldeira 8 bar - Eficiência da Caldeira 85% - Temp. Água de Alimentação 80 ºC - Custo do Gás GLP R$ 1,60 / Kg - Vazão da Caldeira 3000 Kg/h
  • 87. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 02 – Gás GLP Então: Ct = 662,0 Kcal/kg Custo do gás GLP = R$ 1,60/kg PCI = 11.300 Kcal/kg (Gás GLP) Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento do Vapor ------------------ da caldeira PCI Custo Ton. Vapor = 662,0 – 80 x 1000 x 1,60 x 1,18 = R$ 97,24 --------------- 11.300
  • 88. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 03 – Gás Natural DADOS: - Pressão Caldeira 8 bar - Eficiência da Caldeira 85% - Temp. Água de Alimentação 80 ºC - Custo do Gás Natural R$ 0,70 / m³ - Vazão da Caldeira 3000 Kg/h
  • 89. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 03 – Gás Natural Então: Ct = 662,0 Kcal/kg Custo do gás natural = R$ 0,70/m³ PCI = 10.800 Kcal/kg (Gás Natural) Densidade do Gás Natural = 0,62 Kg/m³ Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento do Vapor ------------------ ------------------------------- da caldeira PCI densidade gás (0,62 kg/m³) Custo Ton. Vapor = 662,0 – 80 x 1000 x 0,70 x 1,18 = R$ 71,80 --------------- ---------- 10.800 0,62
  • 90. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 04 – Bagaço Indústria que utiliza Bagaço como combustível de sua Caldeira Aquatubular, onde: • Pressão e Operação : 21 barg • Geração de 50 toneladas / hora de vapor • PCI do Bagaço: 1.800 Kcal / kg (50% umidade) • Temperatura da água de alimentação: 20oC
  • 91. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 04 – Bagaço 1o Passo – Cálculo da quantidade de energia para a Geração de 1 tonelada de vapor: • Pressão de Operação : 21 barg • Calor Sensível : 221,2 Kcal / kg • Calor Latente : 447,7 Kcal / kg • Assim para 1 kg de vapor: • (Cs – 20) + ( Cl * X) = CALOR TOTAL • (221,2-20) + (447,7*0,7) = 514,59 Kcal
  • 92. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 04 – Bagaço 2o Passo – Cálculo da Relação Kg de Bagaço x Kg de Vapor: • Já vimos anteriormente que para geração de um 1 kg de vapor necessitamos 514,59 Kcal. • Sendo o PCI do Bagaço igual a 1.800 Kcal / kg teremos :  1.800 / 514,59 = 3,49 kg de vapor por kg de bagaço. Porém, teremos que levar em conta o rendimento da caldeira (para caldeiras a bagaço pode ser considerado 60%), então : 3,49 kg * 0,6 = 2,09 ou 2,1 kg de vapor / kg de Bagaço
  • 93. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 04 – Bagaço 3o Passo – Cálculo da quantidade bagaço para geração de 1000 kg de vapor, e Custo do Vapor: • Se 1 kg de bagaço geram 2,1 kg de vapor: 476,19 kg de bagaço irão gerar 1 ton de vapor • O custo da Tonelada do Bagaço é de R$ 15,00. Assim, a tonelada de vapor custará: R$ 15,00 x 476,19/1000 = R$ 7,15 por tonelada
  • 94. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 05 – Lenha DADOS: - Pressão Caldeira 8 bar - Eficiência da Caldeira 80% - Temp. Água de Alimentação 80 ºC - Custo do Lenha R$ 35,0 / m³ - Vazão da Caldeira 3000 Kg/h - Densidade Lenha = 550 Kg/m³
  • 95. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Exemplo 05 – Lenha Então: Ct = 662,0 Kcal/kg Custo da lenha = R$ 35,0 /m³ PCI = 3.140 Kcal/kg (lenha) Densidade Lenha = 550 Kg/m³ Custo Tonelada = Ct – Cs água x 1000 x Custo do Combustível x Fator de Rendimento do Vapor ------------------ ----------------------- da caldeira PCI densidade lenha Custo Ton. Vapor = 662,0 – 80 x 1000 x 35,0 x 1,25 = R$ 14,74 --------------- ------- 3.140 550
  • 96. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor 1/16 (1,6) 1/8 (3,2) 3/16 (4,8) 1/4 (6,4) 5/16 (7,9) 3/8 (9,5) 1000 (453,5) 100 (45,41) 10 (4,5) 1 (0,5) PPeerrddaa ddee vvaappoorr -- llbb//hh ((kkgg//hh)) (30 kg/h) Diâmetro do furo - polegadas (mm) Perdas de vapor por vazamentos tornam-se um grande prejuízo com o decorrer do tempo. Um furo de 1/8” a uma pressão de 100 psi gera uma perda de 30 kg/h Para um custo de vapor de R$ 70,00/ton teremos um prejuízo de: R$ 1.512,00 / mês Perdas Por Vazamentos
  • 97. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Perdas Por Vazamentos
  • 98. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Perdas Por Vazamentos
  • 99. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Perdas Por Vazamentos
  • 100. Projeto de Sistemas de Vapor Devido à característica erosiva do vapor (fluido bifásico), com o passar do tempo o furo aumenta exponencialmente, e junto com ele o PREJUÍZO! Perdas Por Vazamentos Não basta somente eliminar perdas, é preciso corrigi-las o mais rápido possível.

Notas do Editor

  1. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  2. At low points, or in long runs of &amp;quot;horizontal&amp;quot; pipe at intervals of about 30 - 50 m, drain points and steam traps sets are fitted. In cases where the gradient of the line means that it reaches an unacceptably low level, a relay point to a higher level can be arranged as in the slide. The value of the slope can vary a great deal from 1/70 to 1/350. There are many reasons to suggest any of these values but the above (1/250) is given as guidance only. This slope is to aid drainage of the main so that gravity will help the water towards the drain points. This is the theory but the main motive force of the condensate is the velocity of the steam.
  3. At low points, or in long runs of &amp;quot;horizontal&amp;quot; pipe at intervals of about 30 - 50 m, drain points and steam traps sets are fitted. In cases where the gradient of the line means that it reaches an unacceptably low level, a relay point to a higher level can be arranged as in the slide. The value of the slope can vary a great deal from 1/70 to 1/350. There are many reasons to suggest any of these values but the above (1/250) is given as guidance only. This slope is to aid drainage of the main so that gravity will help the water towards the drain points. This is the theory but the main motive force of the condensate is the velocity of the steam.
  4. At low points, or in long runs of &amp;quot;horizontal&amp;quot; pipe at intervals of about 30 - 50 m, drain points and steam traps sets are fitted. In cases where the gradient of the line means that it reaches an unacceptably low level, a relay point to a higher level can be arranged as in the slide. The value of the slope can vary a great deal from 1/70 to 1/350. There are many reasons to suggest any of these values but the above (1/250) is given as guidance only. This slope is to aid drainage of the main so that gravity will help the water towards the drain points. This is the theory but the main motive force of the condensate is the velocity of the steam.
  5. At low points, or in long runs of &amp;quot;horizontal&amp;quot; pipe at intervals of about 30 - 50 m, drain points and steam traps sets are fitted. In cases where the gradient of the line means that it reaches an unacceptably low level, a relay point to a higher level can be arranged as in the slide. The value of the slope can vary a great deal from 1/70 to 1/350. There are many reasons to suggest any of these values but the above (1/250) is given as guidance only. This slope is to aid drainage of the main so that gravity will help the water towards the drain points. This is the theory but the main motive force of the condensate is the velocity of the steam.
  6. At low points, or in long runs of &amp;quot;horizontal&amp;quot; pipe at intervals of about 30 - 50 m, drain points and steam traps sets are fitted. In cases where the gradient of the line means that it reaches an unacceptably low level, a relay point to a higher level can be arranged as in the slide. The value of the slope can vary a great deal from 1/70 to 1/350. There are many reasons to suggest any of these values but the above (1/250) is given as guidance only. This slope is to aid drainage of the main so that gravity will help the water towards the drain points. This is the theory but the main motive force of the condensate is the velocity of the steam.
  7. At low points, or in long runs of &amp;quot;horizontal&amp;quot; pipe at intervals of about 30 - 50 m, drain points and steam traps sets are fitted. In cases where the gradient of the line means that it reaches an unacceptably low level, a relay point to a higher level can be arranged as in the slide. The value of the slope can vary a great deal from 1/70 to 1/350. There are many reasons to suggest any of these values but the above (1/250) is given as guidance only. This slope is to aid drainage of the main so that gravity will help the water towards the drain points. This is the theory but the main motive force of the condensate is the velocity of the steam.
  8. 2.2.1 Waterhammer At any low points where water is allowed to collect (bottom of risers, badly fitted steam traps or pipe fittings), including where the mains has been allowed to sag perhaps due to inadequate pipe support or broken pipe hangers, these slugs of condensate may be picked up by the steam and hurled at downstream valves or pipe fittings, as shown above. Such slugs of water, moving at velocities of up to 30 m/s or even more, possess considerable amounts of kinetic energy which is released on impact causing noise and vibration called waterhammer. This causes considerable damage to the pipework and ancillaries.
  9. 2.2.1 Waterhammer At any low points where water is allowed to collect (bottom of risers, badly fitted steam traps or pipe fittings), including where the mains has been allowed to sag perhaps due to inadequate pipe support or broken pipe hangers, these slugs of condensate may be picked up by the steam and hurled at downstream valves or pipe fittings, as shown above. Such slugs of water, moving at velocities of up to 30 m/s or even more, possess considerable amounts of kinetic energy which is released on impact causing noise and vibration called waterhammer. This causes considerable damage to the pipework and ancillaries.
  10. 2.2.1 Waterhammer At any low points where water is allowed to collect (bottom of risers, badly fitted steam traps or pipe fittings), including where the mains has been allowed to sag perhaps due to inadequate pipe support or broken pipe hangers, these slugs of condensate may be picked up by the steam and hurled at downstream valves or pipe fittings, as shown above. Such slugs of water, moving at velocities of up to 30 m/s or even more, possess considerable amounts of kinetic energy which is released on impact causing noise and vibration called waterhammer. This causes considerable damage to the pipework and ancillaries.
  11. 2.2.1 Waterhammer At any low points where water is allowed to collect (bottom of risers, badly fitted steam traps or pipe fittings), including where the mains has been allowed to sag perhaps due to inadequate pipe support or broken pipe hangers, these slugs of condensate may be picked up by the steam and hurled at downstream valves or pipe fittings, as shown above. Such slugs of water, moving at velocities of up to 30 m/s or even more, possess considerable amounts of kinetic energy which is released on impact causing noise and vibration called waterhammer. This causes considerable damage to the pipework and ancillaries.
  12. At low points, or in long runs of &amp;quot;horizontal&amp;quot; pipe at intervals of about 30 - 50 m, drain points and steam traps sets are fitted. In cases where the gradient of the line means that it reaches an unacceptably low level, a relay point to a higher level can be arranged as in the slide. The value of the slope can vary a great deal from 1/70 to 1/350. There are many reasons to suggest any of these values but the above (1/250) is given as guidance only. This slope is to aid drainage of the main so that gravity will help the water towards the drain points. This is the theory but the main motive force of the condensate is the velocity of the steam.
  13. At low points, or in long runs of &amp;quot;horizontal&amp;quot; pipe at intervals of about 30 - 50 m, drain points and steam traps sets are fitted. In cases where the gradient of the line means that it reaches an unacceptably low level, a relay point to a higher level can be arranged as in the slide. The value of the slope can vary a great deal from 1/70 to 1/350. There are many reasons to suggest any of these values but the above (1/250) is given as guidance only. This slope is to aid drainage of the main so that gravity will help the water towards the drain points. This is the theory but the main motive force of the condensate is the velocity of the steam.
  14. 2.2.5 Branch Connections Branch connections taken from the top of the main carry the driest steam. If taken from the side, or even worse from the bottom, they can carry the condensate from the main and in effect become a drain pocket. The result is very wet steam reaching the equipment.
  15. 2.2.5 Branch Connections Branch connections taken from the top of the main carry the driest steam. If taken from the side, or even worse from the bottom, they can carry the condensate from the main and in effect become a drain pocket. The result is very wet steam reaching the equipment.
  16. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  17. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  18. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  19. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  20. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  21. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  22. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  23. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  24. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  25. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  26. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  27. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  28. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  29. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  30. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  31. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  32. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  33. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  34. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  35. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.
  36. 2.2 Pipe Alignment and Drainage Points It is necessary to give some consideration to the alignment of all service lines, and to the drainage or air venting of them as appropriate. Steam lines are no exception. Steam leaving a boiler, or other sources, is often much wetter than is appreciated and if this water is not removed, there will be poor heat transfer at the point of use this is why the steam needs to be dry. The use of a separator to remove this moisture is shown in the slide. Sizing one is not difficult as they are always sized to match the steam line (line size). This is one location where a correctly sized mechanical drain trap, such as a float trap, can be beneficial. As soon as steam has left the boiler, some of it must condense, to replace the heat being lost through the pipe wall. Insulation will naturally reduce the heat loss, but the heat flow and the condensation rate remain as small but finite amounts and if appropriate action is not taken these amounts will accumulate. The condensate will form droplets on the inside of the pipe wall, and these can merge into a film as they are swept along by the steam flow. The film will also gravitate towards the bottom of the pipe, and so the thickness of the water film will be greatest there. Steam flowing over this film can raise ripples which can build up into waves. If this build up continues, the tips of the waves will break off, throwing droplets of condensate into the steam flow. The result is that the heat exchange equipment receives very wet steam.