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Jornada do Cliente é muito mais do que Marketing
Bruna Cunha
Account Executive
Marina Finotelli
Solution Engineer
Doing Well and Doing Good
33 anos de idade, casada, tem 2 filhos pequenos
e é gerente de finanças em uma grande
Adora correr e fazer trilhas. Já comprou na
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO), mas já faz um
Irá correr uma meia maratona este ano e está
em busca de novos equipamentos para treinar.
7 Dicas para montar o seu treino para uma …
Corridas longas são tipicamente feitas cerca de uma vez por
semana, aumentando a distância ao curso do plano de treino.
Treine para meia maratona em 10 semanas
Corra no seu melhor nível com o nosso plano de treino para
meia-maratona. Concebido para te ajudar a ter sucesso, ao
mesmo tempo que se adapta ao teu horário.
Planos de treino para meia maratona
ex-campeão português e treinador olímpico, desenvolveu
programas de treino para ajudá-lo a fazer a sua melhor
corrida. Temos programas para todas as provas.
Corra 21 km em 12 semanas
Você já passou pelos 5 km, 10 km, 15 km e agora quer
disputar a sua primeira meia-maratona.
Treino para meia maratona
10 Weeks to a Half Marathon:
Training Plan
August 6, 2015
Whether you're a treadmill trotter or a
road warrior, this training plan will get
you across the finish line.
Designed by Kim Maxwell, a USA Track
and Field coach and personal trainer in
Minneapolis-St. Paul, this program
won't make you drop everything for
running. You'll log miles three days a
week, cross-train three days a week, and
rest the remaining day. The running
Treine para meia maratona em
10 semanas
6 de outubro de 2017
Pode ser só meia, mas esta corrida
requer umesforço completo. Vais
precisar de velocidade,força e coragem.
Vamos garantir que estás em forma.
Cada um dos cartões abaixo representa
um treino e existem sete por semana.
Podes alterara sequência como quiseres,
mas não faças corridas de velocidade
e/ou deresistência em dias seguidos e
The Best Cold-Weather
Workout Gear
BY CATLIN CARLSON December 2, 2015
Aumente o seu desempenho
com o trailfit blaze
Por CATLIN CARLSON 10 de outubro, 2017
Inbox (8)
From: Northern Trail Outfitters
To: Me
Items in your cart have been saved.
Psst, Rachel!
Don’t forget about us!
It’s looks like you left something in your NTO shopping cart. Hurry
back to the NTO website to complete your purchase today!
Return to Cart
Need help? Our NTO experts are available 24/7 to assist you. Give us a call at
555.212.3698 or tweet your question to @NTOutfitters.
Inbox (8)
From: Northern Trail Outfitters
To: Me
Don’t forget about us
Psst, Raquel!
O seu Trailfit Blaze está te esperando!
Parece que você deixou este item no seu carrinho de compras. Baixe
o nosso aplicativo e ganhe frete grátis!
Baixar App
Inbox (8)
From: Northern Trail Outfitters
To: Me
Items in your cart have been saved.
Psst, Rachel!
Don’t forget about us!
It’s looks like you left something in your NTO shopping cart. Hurry
back to the NTO website to complete your purchase today!
Return to Cart
Need help? Our NTO experts are available 24/7 to assist you. Give us a call at
555.212.3698 or tweet your question to @NTOutfitters.
Inbox (8)
Don’t forget about us
Meios de Pagamento
Confirmar Pagamento
Urban Decay
We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for
your next adventure with this exclusive
mobile app offer.
Like Comment Share
Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code
ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward.
Download the NTO app
and earn 30% off your next
Urban Decay
We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for
your next adventure with this exclusive
mobile app offer.
Like Comment Share
Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code
ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward.
Download the NTO app
and earn 30% off your next
Northern Trail Outfitters
Ganhe um treino com o preparador
físico do time olímpico! Inscreva-se
agora e concorra.
EnterInscreva-se e concorra
Like Comment Share
Treino com preparador
físico do time olímpico
Urban Decay
We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for
your next adventure with this exclusive
mobile app offer.
Like Comment Share
Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code
ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward.
Download the NTO app
and earn 30% off your next
Urban Decay
We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for
your next adventure with this exclusive
mobile app offer.
Like Comment Share
Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code
ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward.
Download the NTO app
and earn 30% off your next
Northern Trail Outfitters
Like Comment Share
Raquel Morris
Preencha as informações abaixo
para concorrer
Urban Decay
We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for
your next adventure with this exclusive
mobile app offer.
Like Comment Share
Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code
ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward.
Download the NTO app
and earn 30% off your next
Urban Decay
We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for
your next adventure with this exclusive
mobile app offer.
Like Comment Share
Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code
ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward.
Download the NTO app
and earn 30% off your next
Northern Trail Outfitters
Like Comment Share
Visit NTO
Recebemos a sua inscrição. O
resultado sai amanhã!
Finished the London Half Marathon! It
was a rainy day, but I’m so proud of my
time…a PR! Now it’s time for a nap :)
4:36 PM
Rachel Morris
Northern Trail Outfitters @NTOutfitters
Replying to @RachelMorris81
Amazing! Congrats on your results, Rachel!
Great job on the race today!
Finished the London Half Marathon! It
was a rainy day, but I’m so proud of my
time…a PR! Now it’s time for a nap :)
4:36 PM
Rachel Morris
Northern Trail Outfitters @NTOutfitters
Replying to @RachelMorris81
Amazing! Congrats on your results, Rachel!
Great job on the race today!
Missão cumprida! Meia maratona
concluída com sucesso! Agora o
merecido descanso.
4:36 PM
Raquel Morris
Northern Trail Outfitters @NTOutfitters
Replying to @RachelMorris81
Parabéns Raquel! Excelente trabalho e
preparo. Que venham as próximas!
Como a Salesforce te ajuda a construir
um relacionamento com o seu cliente…
Conheça o seu cliente
Flexible meta-data model for storing all your marketing data
Dados ECommerce, Vendas e Atendimento
Sincronização de dados de marketing com o resto da Salesforce
DMP, 2nd e 3rd Party Data
Solução completa para capturar e ativar dados on-line
Registros Salesforce
todos os dias
Dados de
Coletar e analisar todos os dados para realmente conhecer o seu consumidor
Integrar e-mail, celular, social e publicitário
Conecte Marketing, Vendas, Serviço e ECommerce
Do conhecimento ao suporte
Otimize a experiência em todo o ciclo de vida do
Participe durante toda a jornada
Conecte todos os pontos de contato ao longo do ciclo de vida do consumidor
10x Retorno médio de investimento
para os licenciados do Salesforce DMP no primeiro ano.
Salesforce DMP
Capture Dados de Qualquer Fonte e Dispositivo
Unificar, segmentar e ativar o público
Aproveite a IA para Descobrir Novas Audiências
Use o Einstein para encontrar novos segmentos de alto
Segmentação de Anúncio 1:1 em Qualquer
Proporcione experiências de clientes mais relevantes e
Traga o CRM para o Salesforce DMP
Conecte-se com segurança a conjuntos de dados
conhecidos e desconhecidos
Coloque seus dados ao trabalho para criar valiosas experiências de clientes
Journey Builder
Ouça as Sugestões de Clients
Antecipar - e reagir - eventos em tempo real
Conecte a Experiência Total
Conecte todos os canais digitais, juntamente com vendas e
Automatizar Interações
Crie uma jornada única para cada indivíduo, em escala
Analise para Oferecer a Melhor Experiência
Compreenda o engajamento e gire facilmente
Dos profissionais de marketing de alta performance dizem
que as jorndas aumentam positivamente o envolvimento do
cliente - Salesforce State Of Marketing
Construa jornadas 1:1 para os seus clientes
Email Studio
Execução Rápida da Campanha
construa, planeje, direcione e teste com facilidade de
Email Inteligente
Aproveite a inteligência artificial para criar um email 1:1
Segmentação Multidimensional
Importe dados de qualquer fonte para segmentação de
Conteúdo Envolvente
Crie conteúdo dinâmico e interativo sem código
Envie e-mails personalizados que ofereçam resultados
retorno por cada dólar gasto em marketing por e-mail
Mobile Studio
Mensagens Cross-Channel
Enviar mensagens consistentes em todos os
Interações Sensíveis ao Tempo
Entregar lembretes e alertas personalizados
Engajamento pelo Aplicativo Mobile
Impulsione a adoção de aplicativos
Marketing Baseado em Localização
Mensagens direcionadas aonde quer que o seu
cliente esteja
Envie mensagens SMS, push e chat em tempo real
de todos os SMS são lidos dentro de 3 minutos
Conversational Advertising
Mais engajamento para a
publicidade promovida pelo CRM
Advertising Studio
Conduzido com Segurança a Partir dos Dados do
Use o CRM para fazer anúncions no Google e Facebook
Conectado à Jornadaa
Conecte seus anúncios ao marketing, vendas e
Geração de Leads Integrada
Orquestre anúncios com programas de nutrição e vendas
Construa seu Recurso de Dados
Una CRM + Salesforce DMP para impulsionar seus
Use o CRM para potencializar a publicidade 1:1
Social Studio
Plataforma de Marketing Social Completa
Ouça, analise, publique e participe de uma plataforma
Social Conectado
Conecte social ao Marketing, atendimento e vendas
Automação Avançada e Insights com IA
Obtenha insights do consumidor e automatize com
Crie Alinhamento com o Command Center
Veja e analisar todas as suas interações digitais
dos consumidores usaram a página de mídia social da
empresa para suporte ao cliente
J.D. Power and Associates 2013 Social Media Benchmark Study
Ouça, publique e engaje para criar defensores de clientes
"Jornada do Cliente é muito mais do que Marketing" - Por Bruna Cunha e Marina Finotelli

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"Jornada do Cliente é muito mais do que Marketing" - Por Bruna Cunha e Marina Finotelli

  • 1. Jornada do Cliente é muito mais do que Marketing Bruna Cunha Account Executive Marina Finotelli Solution Engineer
  • 2. Doing Well and Doing Good
  • 3. Conheça 33 anos de idade, casada, tem 2 filhos pequenos e é gerente de finanças em uma grande empresa. Adora correr e fazer trilhas. Já comprou na Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO), mas já faz um ano. Irá correr uma meia maratona este ano e está em busca de novos equipamentos para treinar. Raquel
  • 4. 7 Dicas para montar o seu treino para uma … Corridas longas são tipicamente feitas cerca de uma vez por semana, aumentando a distância ao curso do plano de treino. Treine para meia maratona em 10 semanas Corra no seu melhor nível com o nosso plano de treino para meia-maratona. Concebido para te ajudar a ter sucesso, ao mesmo tempo que se adapta ao teu horário. Planos de treino para meia maratona ex-campeão português e treinador olímpico, desenvolveu programas de treino para ajudá-lo a fazer a sua melhor corrida. Temos programas para todas as provas. Corra 21 km em 12 semanas Você já passou pelos 5 km, 10 km, 15 km e agora quer disputar a sua primeira meia-maratona. Treino para meia maratona
  • 5. SUBSCRIBE 10 Weeks to a Half Marathon: Training Plan August 6, 2015 Whether you're a treadmill trotter or a road warrior, this training plan will get you across the finish line. Designed by Kim Maxwell, a USA Track and Field coach and personal trainer in Minneapolis-St. Paul, this program won't make you drop everything for running. You'll log miles three days a week, cross-train three days a week, and rest the remaining day. The running SUBSCRIBE Treine para meia maratona em 10 semanas 6 de outubro de 2017 Pode ser só meia, mas esta corrida requer umesforço completo. Vais precisar de velocidade,força e coragem. Vamos garantir que estás em forma. Cada um dos cartões abaixo representa um treino e existem sete por semana. Podes alterara sequência como quiseres, mas não faças corridas de velocidade e/ou deresistência em dias seguidos e
  • 6. SUBSCRIBE The Best Cold-Weather Workout Gear BY CATLIN CARLSON December 2, 2015 SUBSCRIBE Aumente o seu desempenho com o trailfit blaze Por CATLIN CARLSON 10 de outubro, 2017
  • 7. Inbox (8) From: Northern Trail Outfitters To: Me Items in your cart have been saved. WEB VERSION Psst, Rachel! Don’t forget about us! It’s looks like you left something in your NTO shopping cart. Hurry back to the NTO website to complete your purchase today! Return to Cart Need help? Our NTO experts are available 24/7 to assist you. Give us a call at 555.212.3698 or tweet your question to @NTOutfitters. Inbox (8) From: Northern Trail Outfitters To: Me Don’t forget about us WEB VERSION Psst, Raquel! O seu Trailfit Blaze está te esperando! Parece que você deixou este item no seu carrinho de compras. Baixe o nosso aplicativo e ganhe frete grátis! Baixar App
  • 8. Inbox (8) From: Northern Trail Outfitters To: Me Items in your cart have been saved. WEB VERSION Psst, Rachel! Don’t forget about us! It’s looks like you left something in your NTO shopping cart. Hurry back to the NTO website to complete your purchase today! Return to Cart Need help? Our NTO experts are available 24/7 to assist you. Give us a call at 555.212.3698 or tweet your question to @NTOutfitters. Inbox (8) Don’t forget about us WEB VERSION Carrinho FRETEGRATIS Apply TRAILFIT BLAZE R$59.32 R$59.32 R$0.00 GRÁTIS R$59.32 Subtotal Desconto Frete Total Meios de Pagamento Confirmar Pagamento
  • 9. Urban Decay Sponsored We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for your next adventure with this exclusive mobile app offer. Like Comment Share Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward. Download the NTO app and earn 30% off your next purchase! Urban Decay Sponsored We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for your next adventure with this exclusive mobile app offer. Like Comment Share Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward. Download the NTO app and earn 30% off your next purchase! Northern Trail Outfitters Sponsored Ganhe um treino com o preparador físico do time olímpico! Inscreva-se agora e concorra. EnterInscreva-se e concorra Like Comment Share Treino com preparador físico do time olímpico
  • 10. Urban Decay Sponsored We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for your next adventure with this exclusive mobile app offer. Like Comment Share Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward. Download the NTO app and earn 30% off your next purchase! Urban Decay Sponsored We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for your next adventure with this exclusive mobile app offer. Like Comment Share Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward. Download the NTO app and earn 30% off your next purchase! Northern Trail Outfitters Sponsored Like Comment Share SubmitCancel Raquel Morris 04551-000 110 Preencha as informações abaixo para concorrer 1/4/1992Nascimento Email CEP Número Nome
  • 11. Urban Decay Sponsored We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for your next adventure with this exclusive mobile app offer. Like Comment Share Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward. Download the NTO app and earn 30% off your next purchase! Urban Decay Sponsored We’ve got a deal for you! Get ready for your next adventure with this exclusive mobile app offer. Like Comment Share Visit the App Store to download the NTO app. Use code ADVENTURE30 at checkout to earn your reward. Download the NTO app and earn 30% off your next purchase! Northern Trail Outfitters Sponsored Like Comment Share Visit NTO Recebemos a sua inscrição. O resultado sai amanhã!
  • 12. Finished the London Half Marathon! It was a rainy day, but I’m so proud of my time…a PR! Now it’s time for a nap :) 4:36 PM Rachel Morris @RachelMorris81 Northern Trail Outfitters @NTOutfitters Replying to @RachelMorris81 Amazing! Congrats on your results, Rachel! Great job on the race today! Finished the London Half Marathon! It was a rainy day, but I’m so proud of my time…a PR! Now it’s time for a nap :) 4:36 PM Rachel Morris @RachelMorris81 Northern Trail Outfitters @NTOutfitters Replying to @RachelMorris81 Amazing! Congrats on your results, Rachel! Great job on the race today! Missão cumprida! Meia maratona concluída com sucesso! Agora o merecido descanso. 4:36 PM Raquel Morris @RaquelMorris81 Northern Trail Outfitters @NTOutfitters Replying to @RachelMorris81 Parabéns Raquel! Excelente trabalho e preparo. Que venham as próximas!
  • 13. Como a Salesforce te ajuda a construir um relacionamento com o seu cliente…
  • 14. Conheça o seu cliente Contatos Flexible meta-data model for storing all your marketing data Dados ECommerce, Vendas e Atendimento Sincronização de dados de marketing com o resto da Salesforce DMP, 2nd e 3rd Party Data Solução completa para capturar e ativar dados on-line 12B Registros Salesforce sincronizando todos os dias Dados de consumidor43PB Coletar e analisar todos os dados para realmente conhecer o seu consumidor
  • 15. Cross-Touchpoints Integrar e-mail, celular, social e publicitário Cross-Channels Conecte Marketing, Vendas, Serviço e ECommerce Do conhecimento ao suporte Otimize a experiência em todo o ciclo de vida do consumidor Participe durante toda a jornada Conecte todos os pontos de contato ao longo do ciclo de vida do consumidor
  • 16. 10x Retorno médio de investimento para os licenciados do Salesforce DMP no primeiro ano. Salesforce DMP Capture Dados de Qualquer Fonte e Dispositivo Unificar, segmentar e ativar o público Aproveite a IA para Descobrir Novas Audiências Use o Einstein para encontrar novos segmentos de alto valor Segmentação de Anúncio 1:1 em Qualquer Dispositivo Proporcione experiências de clientes mais relevantes e valiosas Traga o CRM para o Salesforce DMP Conecte-se com segurança a conjuntos de dados conhecidos e desconhecidos Coloque seus dados ao trabalho para criar valiosas experiências de clientes
  • 17. Journey Builder Ouça as Sugestões de Clients Antecipar - e reagir - eventos em tempo real Conecte a Experiência Total Conecte todos os canais digitais, juntamente com vendas e serviços Automatizar Interações Crie uma jornada única para cada indivíduo, em escala Analise para Oferecer a Melhor Experiência Compreenda o engajamento e gire facilmente 73% Dos profissionais de marketing de alta performance dizem que as jorndas aumentam positivamente o envolvimento do cliente - Salesforce State Of Marketing Construa jornadas 1:1 para os seus clientes
  • 18. Email Studio Execução Rápida da Campanha construa, planeje, direcione e teste com facilidade de execução Email Inteligente Aproveite a inteligência artificial para criar um email 1:1 Segmentação Multidimensional Importe dados de qualquer fonte para segmentação de público Conteúdo Envolvente Crie conteúdo dinâmico e interativo sem código Envie e-mails personalizados que ofereçam resultados retorno por cada dólar gasto em marketing por e-mail DMA38x
  • 19. Mobile Studio Mensagens Cross-Channel Enviar mensagens consistentes em todos os canais Interações Sensíveis ao Tempo Entregar lembretes e alertas personalizados Engajamento pelo Aplicativo Mobile Impulsione a adoção de aplicativos Marketing Baseado em Localização Mensagens direcionadas aonde quer que o seu cliente esteja Envie mensagens SMS, push e chat em tempo real 90% de todos os SMS são lidos dentro de 3 minutos Conversational Advertising
  • 20. 47% Mais engajamento para a publicidade promovida pelo CRM Advertising Studio Conduzido com Segurança a Partir dos Dados do Cliente Use o CRM para fazer anúncions no Google e Facebook Conectado à Jornadaa Conecte seus anúncios ao marketing, vendas e atendimento Geração de Leads Integrada Orquestre anúncios com programas de nutrição e vendas Construa seu Recurso de Dados Una CRM + Salesforce DMP para impulsionar seus anúncios Use o CRM para potencializar a publicidade 1:1
  • 21. Social Studio Plataforma de Marketing Social Completa Ouça, analise, publique e participe de uma plataforma Social Conectado Conecte social ao Marketing, atendimento e vendas Automação Avançada e Insights com IA Obtenha insights do consumidor e automatize com Einstein. Crie Alinhamento com o Command Center Veja e analisar todas as suas interações digitais 67% dos consumidores usaram a página de mídia social da empresa para suporte ao cliente J.D. Power and Associates 2013 Social Media Benchmark Study Ouça, publique e engaje para criar defensores de clientes

Notas do Editor

  1. Talk Track Like all great stories, this one focuses on an engaging subject, Rachel Morris. Rachel is a mid-thirties working professional, married with two kids. She is an avid hiker and trail runner, but not a current Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) customer. It’s been over a year since her last purchase from NTO. Rachel is training for a half marathon in London later this year so she is looking for new gear to help her train and take with her on the trip.
  2. Talk Track Our story starts at home, where Rachel takes to Google to start conducting research to prepare for her half marathon. She reads articles about training programs for cold weather running and checks out recommended gear and outdoor training must-haves.
  3. Talk Track One of the sites Rachel lands on is the Women's Health Magazine website. She checks out a few articles featured on the homepage and in the Fitness section.
  4. Talk Track From her research, Rachel finds several recommendations that she dresses in layers for the half marathon because of the expected cold and rainy weather in London. She knows she wants to purchase a running jacket, but hasn’t found one that strikes her eye quite yet.
  5. Talk Track The next day while she picks up her morning coffee, Rachel receives an email from NTO, reminding her to purchase her jacket. Although she still wants the jacket, she doesn’t have time to complete her purchase at the moment, so she ignores the message.
  6. Talk Track The next day while she picks up her morning coffee, Rachel receives an email from NTO, reminding her to purchase her jacket. Although she still wants the jacket, she doesn’t have time to complete her purchase at the moment, so she ignores the message.
  7. Browsing history – luxury goods. Haircare and skincare. Served social campaign for makeup session competition.
  8. She clicks and signs up with her email.
  9. She clicks and signs up with her email.
  10. Talk Track A few months later, Rachel runs her half marathon. Rachel completes the race and has a personal record time! She tweets her excitement from the race. NTO responds, congratulating her on completing the race and her awesome results. NTO has earned Rachel as a customer for life.
  11. Helping customers to know their consumers is why we have spent the last 17 years building the industry’s most robust and flexible meta-data model called Contacts, where customers are storing all their marketing data. And those customers are syncing that data across the entire Customer Success Platform. 12B records a day are synced so they know everything about that consumer across the journey. And last year, we announced the acquisition of Krux Data Management Platform, now the Salesforce DMP. That enables customers to bring in all the online signals, make sense of it and then orchestrate brand experiences out.
  12. With Marketing Cloud and Salesforce, you can connect every all your consumer interactions throughout their journey. It starts with having the single view of the customer across every department and then connecting marketing, sales, service and commerce touchpoints in order to create one seamless experience according to customer preferences. With salesforce you can create the experience you want consumers to have and manage the entire consumer lifecycle from awareness and acquisition, to onboarding, to engagement and ultimately long-term advocacy and ensure every touchpoint is connected.
  13. Key Takeaways: Salesforce DMP is the leading data management platform or DMP. DMPs capture data from any source, unify it to a single ID, and segment IDs into valuable audiences for targeting and analytics. Salesforce DMP uses Einstein to help marketers and media companies discover valuable new audiences, connect with consumers on any addressable touchpoint, and provides rich insights into how campaigns perform. Stat: The average DMP customer sees a 10-time return on their investment with Salesforce in the first year of deployment. Headline: Better data management delivers better customer experience to drive performance. Overview deck:
  14. Key Takeaways: Gartner says that 89% of companies plan to compete on customer experience. This means that companies can no longer be delivering siloed customer interactions. Brands need to make sure they’re delivering seamless customer experiences across channels and across areas of their business. They need to ensure the customer is receiving relevant, personalized experiences, whether they’re opening an email, seeing an ad or on the phone with a customer service representative. Adopting a customer journey mentality is the way to do this. And Journey Builder from Salesforce is the platform to deliver these experiences. Talk Track: There are four key components to delivering relevant, personalized customer journeys. First, we need to put the customer at the center of everything we’re doing by listening to what they’re telling us by their behavior. Journey Builder listens for key customer events - like abandoned carts, form completes, purchases, and channel engagement - and then allows the marketer to react in real-time. The second piece is connecting the experience. With Journey Builder, marketers can present customers the information they need in the channel they prefer. They can connect the experiences across email, Web, ad and mobile. In addition, with natively integrated Sales and Service Cloud activities, brands can incorporate interactions across their business into the journey. For example, brands can listen for a case being closed in the Service Cloud and send a follow-up survey. If the response to the survey is negative, Journey Builder can automatically re-open the case, so the customer receives a follow-up phone call. Listening to how customers are interacting with your brand and offering these connected experiences across channels is the ideal state - and it needs to be done at massive scale, for every single customer. With Journey Builder, brands create these interactions and then the platform does the heavy lifting. Marketers are able to react to customer engagement or lack of engagement, test to see which channels perform the best and route customers down different paths in the journey based on their data - automatically. The last piece is analysis. Marketers must constantly be assessing what is working and then have the ability to change their strategy to meet customer needs. Journey Builder allows marketers to set a goal and monitor how customers are progressing toward that goal and also see in-line engagement metrics to understand what channels and content are performing best. Journey Builder Overview Deck: Berkshire Hathaway Story •Use Marketing cloud to recruit and onboard third-party sales reps •When a potential sales reps visits the website and signs up to learn more, Journey Builder triggers an email outlining various Berkshire Hathaway benefits •Once they sign up to sell Berkshire Hathaway products, onboarding kicks in with by keeping the reps up with new products and training Sales Process Simplify •Onboarding 14k Agents through automation series •FOR ONBOARDING, WE SEE A 300-400% IMPROVEMENT Company Profile A while back we realized something. Somewhere between the carbon copy and the fax machine, travel insurance had given up. It stopped looking for new ways to make giving and getting help easier. Worse, it forgot that helping people is what travel insurance is all about. Confusion and inconvenience are no ways to make a buck. Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection is different. Our proactive claims processing is revolutionary in the industry. And we’re determined to give travelers the coverage they need in simpler and smarter ways than ever before. We can’t ignore how technology and travel have changed each other. Why would we want to? Together, they make the world a bigger place. Use Case Employee recruiting and onboarding: Berkshire Hathaway uses Journey Builder to: recruit sales reps as soon as they show interest, onboard them to get them up and running as soon as possible and engage them to stay top of mind. When a potential sales reps visits the website and signs up to learn more, Journey Builder triggers an email outlining various Berkshire Hathaway benefits. When the recruit interacts with the email, a Sales Cloud opportunity is opened and the individual receives a personal phone call from Berkshire Hathaway to discuss the benefits of selling their products. Once the sale reps joins the team, the onboarding process begins. Because these reps sell many different products, Berkshire Hathaway stays top of mind by sending regular emails and SMS messages about new products and training opportunities. Berkshire Hathaway also continues to stay engaged with new hires, by sending status updates, on what they are accomplishing and how well they are performing against their goals Sales Process: This was an entirely manual process. The Sales Cloud integration with Marketing Cloud allows them to automate this process by pulling records from Sales Cloud and putting them into journey’s using Marketing. BHTP has contact data for 1500-2000 individuals; they set up journey’s to break up the contact records into 10% increments so reps don't get hit by everyone responding at once. The biggest impact is efficiency, and that helps them and their customers. They are saving months of phone calls for our sales team. Unfortunately, insurance gets complicated. They try and eliminate the complexities, but getting an agent registered and licensed to sell insurance took us time and lots of manpower. With the automation series FOR ONBOARDING, WE SEE A 300-400% IMPROVEMENT….the amount of agencies that our entire sales team can do in one entire week. There are roughly 14K travel agents in just the United States. They would never be able to call upon all those in one year. And those are never a one-touch call resolution. It requires several calls and exchanges of emails to get all the information collected before they can start selling. What they demonstrated using Journey Builder, DocuSign, and Salesforce will save over 2-3 months of effort for our sales-team. Signing on hundreds of agents at one time. “With Salesforce, we are connecting sales, service and marketing interactions to create a cohesive and differentiated experience for each customer, based on how they're interacting with the brand,” Brad Rutta, VP of Marketing. Results Berkshire Hathaway is taking sales reps on a journey that connects human resources, sales and marketing. Berkshire Hathaway is not only increasing its number of sales reps, but also taking these employee down a journey to build a long-term, successful relationship.
  15. Key Takeaways; Salesforce is a leader in email Salesforce allows customers to execute intelligent campaigns faster, across any device, at massive scale Talk Track: Salesforce is the leader in email, delivering over 500 billion messages a year. The platform is sophisticated enough to execute highly personalized campaigns at massive scale, for the largest marketers in the world, while being intuitive enough for every marketers to create personalized campaigns, using predictive and dynamic content blocks for effective emails, all without the need to code. We make the simple thing simple and the complex things possible. Email Studio Overview Deck:
  16. Key Takeaways: Mobile Marketing delivers a unique touch point with your customers and complements other channels like email, web and social Delivers time-sensitive messages such as reminders and alerts keeping your brand top of mind Drive app engagement to keep customers coming back Targets customers with location based marketing to surprise and delight Talk Track: Salesforce powers mobile marketing to reach customers wherever they are on the world’s most unified device. Connecting the physical and digital worlds with SMS/MMS, push notifications, and group messaging to ensure your brand is always top of mind. Delivering real-time alerts using personalized data stored on the customer success platform to have a single view of the customer. Bottom line is, mobile marketing is the closest customer touch point to have 100% reach. Mobile Studio overview deck:
  17. Talking points: This is why we created Advertising Studio which allows brands to power 1-to-1 advertising using your customer data to reach your customers wherever they are Activate your CRM data in Salesforce to securely and powerfully reach your customers, find new prospects with lookalikes, end-to-end lead automation solutions and re-engage inactive users within the customer journey across all digital advertising Enhance your email marketing and multi-channel journey goals with advertising and coordinate your overall customer experience with social, mobile, sales, and customer service efforts Build a B2B marketing machine by combining CRM based lead advertising with your lead scoring and nurture programs and your sales teams for a powerful marketing to sales funnel For CEOs and CMOs to build your valuable Data Asset you need to bring together CRM, Online and Trusted Data partner data. This is where bring the wider Salesforce ecosystem together with DMP through Advertising Studio is so powerful to power every ad experience Links for Advertising Studio overview decks and videos: 1. Salesforce for Advertising (Advertising Studio, DMP, Data Studio): (and video pitch - 2. Advertising Studio B2C: (and video pitch: 3. Advertising Studio B2B: (and video pitch:
  18. Key Takeaways: Listen, analyze, publish, and engage with your customers on social media. Single platform to manage all social interactions and natively connected to the Salesforce platform for marketing, sales and service. Mobile app to manage campaigns on the go. Over 1500 customers use Social Studio. Talk Track: Companies such as Nestle Waters use Salesforce Social Studio to manage their global social campaigns and presence. Social studio offers: Social Listening Analyze social conversations from millions of different sources with social media monitoring software. Discover what customers are saying about their brand, products, and competitors. Social Publishing Plan, schedule, publish and promote social posts across multiple accounts and networks. Create and approve content, route for approval, and publish relevant messages at the right moment. Social Engagement Respond to social posts, connect with prospects and customers, and measure social activity. Customers use workflow and social automation to drive efficiency. Marketing Command Center Create company wide awareness around customer experience, brand and campaigns with multiscreen displays of customer feedback, social conversations, and digital marketing activity. Customers choose Social Studio because: Adoption Focus: Drive enterprise wide adoption with a complete suite that is easy to deploy, easy to use, and mobile first Connected: Extend social with native Salesforce social features and integration to third party apps. Efficient: Leverage automation and intelligence to maximize the people investment in social Secure: Trust an enterprise solution from the leading cloud platform to manage social accounts. Nestle Waters: Nestle uses Social Studio globally to manage millions of social interactions across 100s of brands in dozens of companies. Nestle Waters uses social studio to manage their content marketing efforts, drive traffic and leads to their ecommerce business and create amazing customer experiences through social engagement. They also have a Command Center that tracks their brands, customer interactions and campaigns. They use this Command Center to create alignment across their teams and collaborate with their retail partners on campaigns, Full Social Overview Deck is here: