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Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view
Décio Bittencourt Dolci, Guilherme Lerch Lunardi, Ana Carolina Salles e Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
Impacto da distância social nas transgressões entre empresas e consumidores
Danielle Mantovani, José Carlos Korelo, Larissa Viapiana e Paulo Henrique Müller Prado
Gestão de recursos do EaD: como adequar as tecnologias aos perfis de assimilação
Lucia Helena Aponi Sanchez, Otávio Próspero Sanchez e Alberto Luiz Albertin
Remontando a rede de atores na implantação de um sistema de informação em saúde
Marcelo Fornazin e Luiz Antonio Joia
Determinants of the success of global and local brands in Latin America
Pablo Farías
Evaluating the efficiency progress with technology in a Spanish hotel chain
Maria del Rosario González-Rodriguez, Rosario Martín-Samper e Antonio Carlos Giuliani
Métodos colaborativos na gestão de cadeias de suprimentos: desafios de implementação
Leonardo de Carvalho Gomes e Francisco José Kliemann Neto
Proposta de investigação sobre o uso de software no suporte à inovação em serviços
Alessandro de Orlando Maia Pinheiro e Paulo Bastos Tigre
Cross-country study on the determinants of bank financial distress
Dos pecados capitais aos pecados do capital
André Felipe Vieira Colares
A análise dos dados quantitativos
Valter Afonso Vieira
Economia comportamental
Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello
V. 55, N. 5,
Setembro–Outubro 2015
ISSN 0034-7590
Analista de Produção Editorial: Denise Francisco Cândido
Assistente Administrativa: Eduarda Pereira
Copidesque e revisão (Português): Paula Thompson |
Márcia Nunes
Tradução e revisão (Espanhol e Inglês): AraberaTraducoes|
Responsável: Ilda Fontes
Assistente Administrativa: Eldi Francisca Soares
Assistente de Marketing: Andréa Cerqueira Souza
Comunidade acadêmico-científica: 700 exemplares
Número de visitas ao site no período julho/agosto 2015:
97.835 visitantes
PONTOS DE VENDA: Livrarias da FGV e Livraria Cultura
Typecomm | Comunicação + Design
Ilustração Pensata: Alex Lutkus
Impressão e Acabamento: Pancrom Indústria Gráfica
Data de Impressão: 26.08.2015
Tiragem: 700 exemplares
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
Ebsco Publishing: Business Source Complete, Economia
y Negocios, Fonte Acadêmica
Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas
Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas
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Google Scholar
Portal de Periódicos CAPES
ProQuest Information and Learning
Sistema de Información Científica Redalyc - Red de
Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe,
España y Portugal
SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online
Scopus | Elsevier
SPELL – Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library
Sumários Brasileiros de Revistas Científicas
Thomson Reuters
Edition of Cabell’s Directory of Publishing
Opportunities in Management
CLASE – Citas Latinoamericans en Sciencias Sociales y
IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Science
HAPI-Hispanic American Periodicals Índex
Latindex - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea
para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe,
España y Portugal
Ulrichs Periodical Directory
Telefones: + 55 (11) 3512-9442 | + 55 (21) 4063-6989
Horário de atendimento: segunda a sexta das 9 as 18h, exceto feriados.
A RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas foi impressa com papel proveniente
de madeira certificada FSC e de outras fontes controladas. A certificação FSC é uma
garantia ao meio ambiente e aos trabalhadores florestais.
Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri (UFMG - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Allan Claudius Queiroz Barbosa (UFMG - Belo
Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Ana Maria de Albuquerque Vasconcellos (UNAMA - Belém - PA, Brasil), Ana Paula Paes
de Paula (UFMG - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Anatalia Saraiva Martins Ramos (UFRN - Natal - RN, Brasil), André
Lucirton Costa (USP/FEA-RP - Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brasil), Andre Luis de Castro Moura Duarte (INSPER - São
Paulo - SP, Brasil), Andre Ofenhejm Mascarenhas (Centro Universitário da FEI - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Andrea
Lago da Silva (UFSCAR – São Carlos – SP, Brasil), Anielson Barbosa da Silva (UFPB - João Pessoa - PB, Brasil),
Antonio Díaz Andrade (AUT University - Auckland, Nova Zelândia), Antonio Domingos Padula (UFRGS - Porto
Alegre - RS, Brasil), Antonio Lopo Martinez (FUCAPE - Vitoria - ES, Brasil), Antonio Moreira de Carvalho (PUC
Minas - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Antonio Navarro-García (Universidad de Sevilla - Sevilha, Espanha), Bento
Alves da Costa Filho (Ibmec-DF - Brasília - DF, Brasil), Bill Cooke (University of York - Heslington, Reino Unido),
Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Madrid, Espanha), Carlos L. Rodriguez
(UNCW - Wilimigton - NC, Estados Unidos), Cesar Alexandre de Souza (USP-FEA - São Paulo SP, Brasil), Claudio
R. Lucinda (USP/FEA-RP - Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brasil), Dario de Oliveira Lima Filho (UFMS - Campo Grande - MS,
Brasil), Delane Botelho (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Denise Del Prá Netto Machado (FURB - Blumenau
- SC, Brasil), Diego Rene Gonzales Miranda (Universidad EAFIT - Medellín, Colômbia), Diogo Henrique Helal
(UFPB - Joao Pessoa - PB, Brasil), Domingo Garcia-Perez-de-Lema (UPCT - Cartagena, Espanha), Edgard Barki
(FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Edmilson de Oliveira Lima (UNINOVE - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Eduardo
Andre Teixeira Ayrosa (FGV-EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Ely Laureano de Paiva (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo
- SP, Brasil), Eric David Cohen (Ibmec-Rio - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Eric van Heck (Erasmus University -
Rotterdam, Holanda), Fábio Frezatti (USP-FEA - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Fernanda Finotti Perobelli (UFJF - Juiz
de Fora - MG, Brasil), Francisco Javier Rondán Cataluña (Universidad de Sevilla - Sevilla, Espanha), Gláucia
Maria Vasconcellos Vale (PUC-Minas - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Glicia Vieira (UFES - Vitoria - ES, Brasil),
Graziela Comini (USP-FEA - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Graziela Dias Alperstedt (UDESC - Florianópolis - SC, Brasil),
Heitor Almeida (College of Business at Illinois - Champaign, Estados Unidos), Henrique Luiz Côrrea (CRUMMER
- Flórida - FL, Estados Unidos), Janete Lara de Oliveira (UFMG - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), João Luiz Becker
(UFRGS - Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil), Jorge Verschoore (São Leopoldo – RS, Brasil), José Antônio Gomes Pinho
(UFBA - Salvador - BA, Brasil), José Henrique de Faria (UFPR - Curitiba - PR, Brasil), José Mauro C. Hernandez
(USP-EACH - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Luciano Barin Cruz (HEC-Montréal - Québec, Canada), Luiz Artur Ledur Brito
(FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Maria Alexandra Cunha (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Maria Ceci
Araújo Misoczky (UFRGS - Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil), Mário Aquino Alves (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil),
Mario Sacomano Neto (UNIMEP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Marlei Pozzebon (HEC-Montréal - Québec, Canada e
FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Mateus Canniatti Ponchio (ESPM - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Mauricio Reinert
(UEM - Maringá - PR, Brasil), Patricia Mendonça (USP-EACH - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Paulo Bastos Tigre (UFRJ
- Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Paulo Roberto Barbosa Lustosa (UnB - Brasília - DF, Brasil), Rafael Alcadipani (FGV-
EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Rafael Goldszmidt (FGV-EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Ramón Valle Cabrera
(Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Sevilha, Espanha), Rebecca Arkader (UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Ricardo
Ratner Rochman (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Roberto Patrus Mundim Pena (PUC-Minas - Belo Horizonte
- MG, Brasil), Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Rodrigo Ladeira (UNIFACS -
Salvador - BA, Brasil), Salomão Alencar de Farias (UFPE - Recife - PE, Brasil), Sérgio Bulgacov (FGV-EAESP - São
Paulo - SP, Brasil), Sérgio Giovanetti Lazzarini (INSPER - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Silvana Anita Walter (FURB
- Blumenau - SC, Brasil), Sônia Maria Fleury (FGV-EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Tales Andreassi (FGV-
EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Teresia D. L. van Ad. de Macedo-Soares (PUC-Rio - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil),
Thomas Brashear Alejandro (University of Massachusetts Amherst - Amherst - MA, Estados Unidos), Vinicius
Brei (UFRGS - Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil), Wilson Toshiro Nakamura (MACKENZIE – São Paulo – SP, Brasil).
Carlos Osmar Bertero, Eduardo Diniz, Flávio Carvalho de Vasconcelos, Francisco Aranha, Luiz Artur Ledur Brito,
Maria José Tonelli, Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, Tales Andreassi, Thomaz Wood Jr.
Eduardo Diniz
Felipe Zambaldi
Roseli Morena Porto
Publicação bimestral da Fundação Getulio Vargas
Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo
RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas / Fundação Getulio Vargas.
Vol. 1, n. 1 (maio/ago. 1961) - . - Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Getulio Vargas, 1961 - v.; 27,5cm.
Quadrimestral: 1961–1962. Trimestral: 1963–1973. Bimestral: 1974–1977.
Trimestral: 1978–1992. Bimestral: 1992–1995. Trimestral: 1996–2010.
Bimestral: 2011–.
Publicada: São Paulo: FGV-EAESP, 1988–
ISSN 0034-7590
1.	Administração de empresas – Periódicos. I. Fundação Getulio Vargas. II.
	 Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo.
A RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas adota a Licença de Atribuição (CC-
BY) do Creative Commons ( em
todos os trabalhos publicados, exceto, quando houver indicação específica de
detentores de direitos autorais.
CDD 658
CDU 658
ISSN 0034-7590
RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas | FGV-EAESP
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015
ecentemente, um blog dedicado a apresentar uma visão críti-
ca sobre o acesso aberto questionou o papel da disseminação
científica das bases SciELO e Redalyc (disponível em: <http://>), ambas
de origem e foco na América Latina. Esse mesmo blog já havia cau-
sado polêmica ao apontar uma lista de publishers predatórios, em-
presas que exploram o mercado de publicações científicas promoven-
do um modelo em que os autores pagam para garantir acesso aberto
aos leitores (disponível em: <>). A
despeito das críticas contundentes terem (ou não) algum fundamen-
to e promoverem uma agenda com foco negativo envolvendo um tema
emergente como esse, infelizmente o blog confunde mais do que es-
clarece. O simples fato de SciELO e publishers predatórios pratica-
rem algum tipo de “acesso aberto” e, portanto, estarem sendo usados
como exemplos de “problema” já demonstra que dificilmente haverá
convergência sobre esse conceito e suas implicações.
“Acesso aberto”, não apenas no mundo da publicação científi-
ca (vide o exemplo do software livre), abrange tanto aspectos econômi-
cos (capital) quanto ideológicos (liberdade). Sem desmerecer o peso e
a relevância desses aspectos, é importante promover também a discus-
são sobre as questões de gestão (modelos de negócio) das publicações
científicas com acesso aberto.
De fato, o que pode ser identificado atualmente como “acesso
aberto” em publicações científicas é um modelo de negócio em que o lei-
tor não precise pagar para ler um artigo científico. Esse modelo emerge
num ambiente dominado por um em que o autor é quem não paga. Mas
esse não é certamente um jogo apenas de autores e leitores. Instituições
de ensino e pesquisa e organismos de fomento, por exemplo, costumam
pagar para manter o acesso aberto a ambos os lados. Algumas das gran-
des editoras, tradicionalmente defensoras do acesso não aberto aos lei-
tores, argumentam que pretendem praticar (ou já praticam) o modelo de
acesso aberto aos leitores, desde que “alguém” pague.
Independentemente de quem venha a pagar, o fato é que man-
ter um processo de publicação científica com qualidade implica cus-
tos relevantes. Para os periódicos brasileiros, que aderem compulsoria-
mente ao modelo de acesso aberto aos leitores, a discussão fica ainda
mais complicada, principalmente em comunidades acadêmicas em que
as alternativas para cobrar os autores não são bem-vistas. Assim, na
maioria das vezes, quem paga acaba sendo uma instituição de ensino
e pesquisa, pois sobram poucas alternativas para cobrir esses custos.
Como não há retorno financeiro direto, o que essas instituições estão
dispostas a investir nos periódicos em geral não cobre as necessidades
para manter um padrão de qualidade exigido para colocá-los no pata-
mar comparável ao dos periódicos internacionais vinculados a grandes
editoras comerciais.
Nesse cenário nos sobram algumas alternativas. Uma delas,
defendida com vigor pelo blog mencionado anteriormente, é que en-
treguemos nossos periódicos às grandes editoras, pois só elas teriam
estrutura para garantir a qualidade necessária à disseminação do co-
nhecimento científico. É claro que, nesse caso, passaríamos por uma
redução drástica do número de periódicos no país, situação que encon-
tra defensores em nosso meio. Outra alternativa seria uma mudança na
política de financiamento por órgãos de fomento, que gastam um valor
nada desprezível comprando bases de periódicos, os quais nem todos
nos interessam. Outra ainda foi aventada em entrevista de um dos fun-
dadores do SciELO, em que afirma: “SciELO terá que se tornar um efetivo
publisher” (disponível em: <
entrevista-rogerio-meneghini>). Nesse caso, talvez teríamos uma edito-
ra nacional com estrutura capaz de concorrer com as internacionais. Im-
portante notar que essas alternativas não são autoexcludentes.
Para além da discussão econômica e ideológica e das caracte-
rísticas regionais do mercado de publicação científica, temos que en-
fatizar que a produção e, por consequência, a publicação científica
precisam avançar em novas frentes. Num momento em que tanto se
discutem modelos de negócio antenados com a nova era de acesso di-
gital amplo, o debate de temas como cocriação, mercado multi-lado e
economia compartilhada, por exemplo, poderia também contribuir para
ajudar a entender melhor os modelos de acesso aberto em periódicos
científicos. Pesquisadores em Administração tem aqui um bom tema
para explorar.
Nesta quinta edição, publicamos nove artigos inéditos. “Imple-
mentation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view” estuda a
dinâmica de implementação de TI verde. “Impacto da distância social
nas transgressões entre empresas e consumidores” contribui para o en-
tendimento dessa relação. “Gestão de recursos do EaD: como adequar
as tecnologias aos perfis de assimilação” analisa o aprendizado a partir
de tipos de tecnologia de educação a distância. “Remontando a rede de
atores na implantação de um sistema de informação em saúde” inves-
tiga, baseando-se na Teoria Ator-Rede, o comportamento de envolvidos
no processo de implantação de um sistema de informação em um hos-
pital público. “Determinants of the success of global and local brands
in Latin America” aborda o sucesso de marcas globais e locais por meio
da categorização de produtos. “Evaluating the efficiency progress with
technology in a Spanish hotel chain” endereça a eficiência da produti-
vidade de redes hoteleiras na Espanha no período de crise. “Métodos
colaborativos na gestão de cadeias de suprimentos: desafios de imple-
mentação” mostra como esses métodos influenciam a competitividade
das empresas. “Proposta de investigação sobre o uso de software no
suporte à inovação em serviços” examina o impacto da inovação no se-
tor por meio da tecnologia da informação e comunicação. “Cross-coun-
try study on the determinants of bank financial distress” pesquisa falên-
cias bancárias em blocos internacionais como Nafta e União Europeia.
Completam esta edição a resenha sobre o livro Sete pecados
capitais nas organizações e as indicações bibliográficas sobre aná-
lise de dados quantitativos e economia comportamental.
Boa leitura a todos!
ISSN 0034-7590© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015
Setembro/Outubro 2015
	 Análise da dinâmica de implementação de TI verde em organizações sob a abordagem da visão
estruturacional por meio do estudo de três casos.
	 Décio Bittencourt Dolci, Guilherme Lerch Lunardi, Ana Carolina Salles e Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
	 Contribuição às teorias de transgressão no relacionamento e de influência social, considerando a
relação entre consumidor e empresa e os demais consumidores que tomam conhecimento sobre
transgressões empresariais.
	 Danielle Mantovani, José Carlos Korelo, Larissa Viapiana e Paulo Henrique Müller Prado
	 Artigo sobre como os tipos de tecnologias de EaD, classificadas como textuais, audiovisuais,
interativas (síncronas) e colaborativas (assíncronas) afetam a percepção de efetividade da
tecnologia no aprendizado.
	 Lucia Helena Aponi Sanchez, Otávio Próspero Sanchez e Alberto Luiz Albertin
	 Pesquisa acerca da implantação de um sistema de informação em saúde (SIS) em um hospital público
brasileiro, seguindo os atores envolvidos nas controvérsias ocorridas durante a trajetória do projeto.
	 Marcelo Fornazin e Luiz Antonio Joia
	 Endereçamento da questão da implementação de marcas globais e locais na América Latina sob
a perspectiva da teoria da contingência, relacionando as características do produto ao sucesso
dessas marcas na região.
	 Pablo Farías
	 Avaliação das mudanças da eficiência em produtividade de uma cadeia de hotéis espanhola de
2007 a 2010, contemplando um período de crise financeira.
	 Maria del Rosario González-Rodriguez, Rosario Martín-Samper e Antonio Carlos Giuliani
	 Estudo sobre os métodos colaborativos referentes à coordenação de cadeias de suprimento e suas
características e dificuldades de implementação por meio da revisão sistemática de literatura e
estudo de caso.
	 Leonardo de Carvalho Gomes e Francisco José Kliemann Neto
	 Exame dos objetivos, instrumentos e características das inovações habilitadas por Tecnologias da
Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no Brasil, enfatizando tecnologias utilizadas, canais habilitados
pelas ferramentas, processos de aprendizado para inovação e mudanças organizacionais
necessárias para o uso de ferramentas avançadas.
	 Alessandro de Orlando Maia Pinheiro e Paulo Bastos Tigre
	 Investigação sobre falhas bancárias em blocos internacionais como Nafta e União Europeia, em
países emergentes, no G8 e no G20.
	 André Felipe Vieira Colares
	 Valter Afonso Vieira
	 Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello
ISSN 0034-7590
September/October 2015
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015
	 A structurational view approach to analyzing green IT implementation in organizations: three case studies.
	 Décio Bittencourt Dolci, Guilherme Lerch Lunardi, Ana Carolina Salles and Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
	 A contribution to the relational transgression and social influence theories, considering the
relationship between the consumer and the company and other consumers who learn of corporate
	 Danielle Mantovani, José Carlos Korelo, Larissa Viapiana and Paulo Henrique Müller Prado
	 An article on how the types of ODL technology, which are classified as textual, audio-visual,
interactive (synchronous) and collaborative (asynchronous), affect perception of the effectiveness
of technology in learning.
	 Lucia Helena Aponi Sanchez, Otávio Próspero Sanchez and Alberto Luiz Albertin
	 Research into the introduction of a health information system (SIS) in a Brazilian public hospital,
according to the players involved in the controversies that occurred during the course of the project.
	 Marcelo Fornazin and Luiz Antonio Joia
	 We address the question of the implementation of global and local brands in Latin America from the
perspective of the contingency theory, relating the characteristics of the product to the success of
these brands in the region.
	 Pablo Farías
	 An assessment of the changes in the productivity efficiency of a Spanish hotel chain between 2007
and 2010, considering a period of financial crisis.
	 Maria del Rosario González-Rodriguez, Rosario Martín-Samper and Antonio Carlos Giuliani
	 Study of the collaborative methods used in supply chain coordination, their characteristics and
implementation difficulties, by way of a review of the literature and a case study.
	 Leonardo de Carvalho Gomes and Francisco José Kliemann Neto
	 An examination of the objectives, instruments and characteristics of innovation as enabled by
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Brazil, emphasizing the technologies used,
the channels enabled by the tools, the innovation learning processes and the organizational
changes necessary for using advanced tools.
	 Alessandro de Orlando Maia Pinheiro e Paulo Bastos Tigre
	 An investigation into banking failures in international blocks, like NAFTA and the European Union in
emerging countries, the G8 and G20.
	 André Felipe Vieira Colares
	 Valter Afonso Vieira
	 Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello
ISSN 0034-7590
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015
Septiembre/Octubre 2015
	 Análisis de la dinámica de implementación de TI verde en organizaciones bajo el abordaje de la
visión estructuracional por medio del estudio de tres casos.
	 Décio Bittencourt Dolci, Guilherme Lerch Lunardi, Ana Carolina Salles y Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
	 Contribución a las teorías de transgresión en las relaciones y en la influencia social, considerando
la relación entre consumidor y empresa y los demás consumidores que toman conocimiento sobre
transgresiones empresariales.
	 Danielle Mantovani, José Carlos Korelo, Larissa Viapiana y Paulo Henrique Müller Prado
	 Artículo sobre cómo los tipos de tecnologías de EaD, clasificadas como textuales, audiovisuales,
interactivas (síncronas) y colaborativas (asíncronas) afectan la percepción de efectividad de la
tecnología en el aprendizaje.
	 Lucia Helena Aponi Sanchez, Otávio Próspero Sanchez y Alberto Luiz Albertin
	 Estudio acerca de la implantación de un sistema de información en salud (SIS) en un hospital público
brasileño, siguiendo los actores involucrados en las controversias ocurridas durante la trayectoria
del proyecto.
	 Marcelo Fornazin y Luiz Antonio Joia
	 Abordaje de la cuestión de la implementación de marcas globales y locales en América Latina bajo
la perspectiva de la teoría de la contingencia, relacionando las características del producto al éxito
de esas marcas en la región.
	 Pablo Farías
	 Evaluación de los cambios de la eficiencia en productividad de una cadena de hoteles española de
2007 a 2010, contemplando un periodo de crisis financiera.
	 Maria del Rosario González-Rodriguez, Rosario Martín-Samper y Antonio Carlos Giuliani
	 Estudio sobre los métodos colaborativos referentes a la coordinación de cadenas de suministros
y sus características y dificultades de implementación por medio de la revisión sistemática de
literatura y estudio de caso.
	 Leonardo de Carvalho Gomes y Francisco José Kliemann Neto
	 Examen de los objetivos, instrumentos y características de las innovaciones habilitadas por
Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en Brasil, enfatizando las tecnologías utilizadas,
canales habilitados por las herramientas, procesos de aprendizaje para innovación y cambios
organizacionales necesarios para el uso de herramientas avanzadas.
	 Alessandro de Orlando Maia Pinheiro y Paulo Bastos Tigre
	 Investigación sobre fallas bancarias en bloques internacionales como Nafta y Unión Europea, en
países emergentes, en el G8 y en el G20.
	 André Felipe Vieira Colares
	 Valter Afonso Vieira
	 Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello
ISSN 0034-7590© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
Professor at Universidade Federal
do Rio Grande, Instituto de Ciências
Econômicas, Administrativas e
Contábeis – Rio Grande – RS, Brazil
Professor at Universidade Federal
do Rio Grande, Instituto de Ciências
Econômicas, Administrativas e
Contábeis – Rio Grande – RS, Brazil
Master’s candidate in Business
Administration from the
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
do Sul, Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Administração – Porto Alegre –
RS, Brazil
Ph.D. Candidate in Business
Administration from the
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
do Sul, Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Administração – Porto Alegre –
RS, Brazil
Submitted 02.18.2014. Approved 05.28.2014
Evaluated by double blind review process. Scientific Editor: Martin Jayo
Implementação da TI Verde nas organizações: uma visão estruturacional
Implementación de TI Verde en las organizaciones: una visión estructuracional
Environmental sustainability has become increasingly important to businesses as a response to the
rapid depletion of natural resources. Information Technology (IT) in particular represents a meaningful
part of the environmental issues that society has been facing. Therefore, Green IT emerges as a way of
combining available resources and sustainable and economic policies, thus, generating benefits for
both the environment and businesses. The purpose of this paper, hence, is to explain the dynamics
of Green IT implementation in organizations in light of the structurationist view of technology. We
conducted a case study research based on the cases of three Brazilian companies interested in this
movement. Results provide a better understanding of the relationship among technology, individuals,
and organization institutional properties, thus enhancing the role played by IT teams in institutionali-
zing the environmental dimension of sustainability in organizations.
KEYWORDS | Green IT, structurational view, implementation, Green IT practices, IT team.
A sustentabilidade ambiental tem se tornado muito importante para os negócios como resposta à
rápida degradação de recursos naturais. A Tecnologia da Informação (TI), mais especificamente, tem
sido responsável por parte dos problemas ambientais que a sociedade enfrenta ultimamente. Neste
sentido, a TI Verde aparece como uma forma de combinar recursos disponíveis a políticas de susten-
tabilidade e economia, gerando benefícios para o ambiente e para os negócios. Assim, objetiva-se
neste artigo explicar a dinâmica da implementação da TI Verde nas organizações sob a perspectiva
estruturacionista da tecnologia, por meio de um estudo de múltiplos casos realizado com três empre-
sas brasileiras interessadas neste movimento. Os resultados permitem uma melhor compreensão da
inter-relação entre a tecnologia, os indivíduos e as propriedades institucionais da organização, des-
tacando o papel da equipe de TI na institucionalização da dimensão ambiental da sustentabilidade
nas organizações.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE | TI Verde, visão estruturacional, implementação, práticas de TI Verde, equipe de TI.
La sustentabilidad ambiental se ha vuelto de vital importancia para los negocios como respuesta a
la disminución rápida de los recursos naturales. La Tecnologías de la Información (TI) en particular
representa una parte significativa de los problemas ambientales que ha enfrentado la sociedad. Por
lo tanto, la TI Verde surge como una forma de combinar recursos disponibles y políticas sustentables
y económicas, y por lo tanto, generar beneficios para el medio ambiente y los negocios. El objetivo
de este artículo, por lo tanto, es explicar la dinámica de la implementación de TI Verde en organiza-
ciones, a la luz de la visión estructuracionalista de la tecnología. Llevamos a cabo una investigación
de estudio de caso en los casos de tres empresas brasileñas interesadas en este movimiento. Los
resultados ofrecen un mejor entendimiento de la relación entre tecnología, individuos y propiedades
institucionales de la organización y, por lo tanto, mejorar el rol representado por los equipos de TI en
institucionalizar la dimensión ambiental de sustentabilidad en las organizaciones.
PALABRAS CLAVE | TI Verde, visión estructuracional, implementación, prácticas de TI Verde, equipo
de TI.
RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas | FGV-EAESP
ISSN 0034-7590
AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
Issues related to sustainability have become increasingly important
to business scholars and practitioners in the last decades, as a
result of both natural resource depletion and wealth disparity
(Dao, Langella, & Carbo, 2011). Such issues have recently spread
to the domain of Information Technology (IT), the impacts of which
on natural environment can be classified in two categories: first-
order effects, i.e., when technology represents a significant and
increasingly larger part of the current environmental problems faced
by society (thus concerning the negative environmental impact
of IT production, use, and disposal); and second-order effects,
i.e., when technology provides important solutions to mitigate
these problems (thus concerning the positive impact of using IT
on businesses and economic processes) (Molla & Abareshi, 2012).
In this context, the concept of Green IT or Green Computing stands
out as a socio-technical movement which implements policies,
practices, strategies, and IT products (software and hardware) that
can help improve and foster environmental sustainability (Salles,
Alves, Dolci, & Lunardi, 2013).
Given the increasing demand by regulatory agencies,
consumers, and society for better environmental management,
several organizations have been dedicating time and resources
to protecting the environment and implementing different
strategies to mitigate the impact of their IT operations, so that
energy consumption and waste generation can be decreased
(Ko, Clark, & Ko, 2011). Jenkin, Webster, and McShane (2011)
examined the relationship among four components (motivating
forces, environmental sustainability initiatives, environmental
orientation, and environmental impacts) and developed a
multilevel research framework for environmentally sustainable
IT/IS research, suggesting several theoretical propositions that
could help overcome challenges associated with implementing
Green IT. By focusing on the central part of this framework, we
conducted a case study research based on the cases of three
Brazilian companies interested in the Green IT movement. The
resulting paper describes the dynamics of the interaction among
technological systems, institutional properties, human choices,
and actions that reinforce an environmental orientation over time.
In this perspective, we can see that the actions of individuals in
organizations are guided by a social construction process that
occurs in time and space and constitutes a set of practices that
depend on several factors, such as the specific way in which every
organizational actor learns his/her roles and relates to other people.
Nowadays, individuals use IT to execute a large part of
their activities, both inside and outside the organizations where
they work. With regard to environmental sustainability, the choice
for certain technologies has been addressed by several studies
(Lunardi, Alves, & Salles, 2012; Murugesan, 2008; Zhang &
Liang, 2012). However, it is necessary to understand better how
this behavioral change phenomenon occurs in an organizational
environment. Therefore, this paper aims to explain the dynamics
of Green IT metastructuration and structuration processes in
organizations in order to help perceiving the establishment of
environmental sustainability as an institutional property of
an organization. This reflection was based on empirical data
collected in companies interested in Green IT practices, in light
of the structurationist view of technology, particularly based on
Orlikowski’s studies, that have been recognized as relevant not
only in research of InformationSystems (IS) but also in Organization
studies (Pozzebon, Diniz, & Jayo, 2009).
Through this lens, we attempt to understand the introduction
of Green IT practices into organizations, by examining actions,
conditions and consequences in different groups and levels
presented in the organizational context. According to Giddens,
practices are those social actions that recursively produce and
reproduce the structures that constrain and enable actions
(Feldman & Orlikowski, 2011). The present study considers the
two research orientations that have been used in structurationist
studies of technology: one focused on technology and its impact on
use (Orlikowski, 1992) and one focused on human agency and on
enacting emergent structures in the recurrent use of technologies
(Orlikowski, 2000). The latter is most indicated to explore what
Orlikowski (2000) termed technologies-in-practice. Feldman and
Orlikowski (2011) enhance the distinction between technological
artifacts and technologies-in-practice, a distinction that offers
some practical insights as to how technology can be introduced
and managed in organizations. In addition to being an attempt
to contribute on that issue, the present study is relevant to verify
the application of previous theoretical models in new contexts
such as Green IT.
It is worth noting that this reflection does not intend to
exhaust this complex subject; on the contrary, it aims to trigger
further discussion about Green IT in light of Giddens’s Theory of
Structuration, one of the most widely used social theories in IS
studies (Jones & Karsten, 2008). Although Giddens’ view may
sometimes by overly theoretical – and he has not dealt with
technology in his theory – Orlikowski and her academic peers
have provided models and frameworks that can help investigate
IT using Giddens’s social theory.
The literature review carried out in this research was based on
two pillars: Sustainability and Giddens’s Theory of Structuration.
ISSN 0034-7590
ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
The former approaches the environmental dimension of
sustainability and its relation to Green IT. The latter examines
the metastructuration and structuration processes of technology
in organizations and the establishment of institutional properties.
Green IT in the context of sustainability
The significant scientific and technological development that has
taken place over the last decades has ignored the connection
between Economics and Ecology, bringing as its main negative
outcome the planet’s rapid resource depletion. Impacts, mainly
resulting from industrial demands, population growth, and
increase in social inequity have led to environmental, social, and
economic problems directly affecting the scarcity of non-renewable
resources, the increase in per capita waste generation, and the lack
of residue storage areas, all of which clearly point to unsustainable
development, one that is socially unfair, environmentally
unbalanced, and economically unviable (Claro, Claro, &
Amâncio, 2008). In this context, which intertwines environmental
concerns and socio-economic issues, the UN World Commission
on Environment and Development, in its report “Our Common
Future” (also known as Brundtland Report), conceptualized the
term “sustainable development” as the development that meets
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission
on Environment and Development [WCED], 1987).
Due to its broad and vague features, this definition resulted
in an array of lines, concepts, and conceptions about the theme
(Claro et al., 2008) which contributed to its widespread status
around the world. One of the most common interpretations of
sustainability is the triple bottom line (TBL) concept, which
states that sustainable development must comprise the social,
environmental, and economic dimensions (Elkington, 2001).
When applied to the organizational area, TBL aims to analyze
sustainability beyond the traditional measurements of profit,
return on investment, and value generation for shareholders,
in order to include social and environmental issues (Elkington,
2001; Slaper & Hall, 2011). From this perspective, the beginning
of a new paradigm in business management is expected, driven
by sustainability, integrated economy, environment, and society,
through greater sustainability awareness (Barata et al., 2014).
Companies have been led to admit the seriousness of
their socio-environmental impacts and to carry out voluntary
and continuous actions to mitigate them. Regarding the
environmental dimension, the number of organizations that
include environmental practices in their strategies and daily
operations has grown. These companies aim at reducing energy
consumption, carbon footprint emissions, the amount of non-
renewable resources they use, and the quantity of residues they
generate (Ozturk et al., 2011). In the IT area, these environmental
problems are more visible than those found in other areas.
However, the so-called IT-for-green approach considers IT the
potential solution to environmental problems, rather than
its cause (Dedrick, 2010). Therefore, the adoption of Green IT
practices has involved a new perspective to operations, the
positive results of which can improve organizations’ both
economic and environmental development while disrupting
the idea of a conflict between Economics and Ecology.
The effect of IT on the environmental dimension of
sustainability and the magnitude of the theme sustainability have
triggered scholars’ interest in researching Green IT (Jenkin et al.,
2011; Melville, 2010; Sisaye & Birnberg, 2010; Watson, Boudreau,
& Chen, 2010). However, Green IT is neither a thoroughly defined
concept nor a set of commonly accepted practices (Lunardi, Frio,
& Brum, 2011). According to Murugesan (2008), Green IT is the
study and practice related to designing, manufacturing, using,
and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems
systems) efficiently and effectively, with minimal or no impact on
the environment. In addition, it is concerned with waste, energetic
efficiency, and total ownership cost, which includes discharge
and recycling costs. Schmidt, Erek, Kolbe, and Zarnekow (2010)
have added that Green IT also comprises tools to control, guide,
and communicate the practices adopted. The authors took into
account the complete life cycle of information and communication
technologies, involving environmentallycorrectdesign, production,
operation, and elimination processes (Elliot, 2007).
In this perspective, Green IT can be understood to consist
of: a holistic and systematic approach to facing challenges
related to IT infrastructure; IT’s contribution to reducing the
environmental impact of companies’ IT operations; IT’s support
for environmentally sustainable business practices carried out
in companies; and IT’s role in the low-carbon economy (Molla et
al., 2008). In a socio-technical view, Brooks, Wang, and Sarker
(2010) divided Green IT in: (a) initiatives that use IT infrastructure
to change organizational processes and/or practices to improve
energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts; and (b) the
introduction of environmentally healthier IT products and/or
services. Thus, Green IT can introduce not only environmentally
favorable strategies in organizations but also environmentally
correct products in the market. It is worth highlighting that the
pursuit of sustainability does not mean that economic thinking
must be abandoned; in fact, economics addresses the problem
of allocating scarce resources, such as emission-free energy and
electro-electronic components, which are particularly scarce
resources (Watson et al., 2010).
ISSN 0034-7590
AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
According to Bose and Xin (2012), several studies show
that the IT area has been critical in facing problems, but the need
remains to involve the whole organization in order to achieve
significant results. They also pointed that IT’s negative impact
on the environment can be mitigated through technological and
behavioral changes. The former should focus on improving IT
and business infrastructures in order to make them environment-
friendly. In this respect, adequate, conscious choices of products
and services in IT and other activities in the organization – towards
greater energy efficiency and better use of the resources involved
in IT infrastructure use and development – have contributed to
reduce environmental impact. Behavioral changes, in turn, can
be achieved by acting in an environmentally responsible manner
and by developing and enforcing organizational policies and
initiatives in line with the “green” IT strategy undertaken by the
Jenkin et al. (2011) have developed a conceptual research
framework (Figure 1) that proposes a comprehensive look at Green
IT/IS issues in terms of corporate environmental initiatives and
their environmental impacts. Their theoretical propositions have
addressed several challenges and gaps at both individual and
organizational levels of Green IT analysis. The study reported in
this paper focuses exclusively on the dashed area in Figure 1 and
analyzes the recursiveness between environmental initiatives and
guidelines. The analysis uses features of Giddens’s Structuration
Theory. According to Giddens (1984), structure and agency are
mutually constitutive; society is a complex system of recurrent
practices that constitute social institutions and individual identity.
An important variation of Giddens’s work, primarily for studying
IS phenomena, is the work developed by Orlikowski (1992, 2000)
and Orlikowski, Yates, Okamura, and Fujimoto (1995). Based on
Giddens’ Structuration Theory, they have studied the duality of
technology, i.e., technology as a social product of human action
in a specific cultural and structural context, and technology’s
constitutive role in which a set of rules and resources contributes
to mediate (by facilitating or constraining) the human action; thus,
technology helps create, recreate, and transform these contexts,
and therein lies one of the premises of the structurationist view
of technology. In order to extend previous studies of this issue,
Pozzebon et al. (2009) proposed a framework considering studies
of complex and multilevel interactions (at individual, group,
organization, regional, or societal levels).
Figure 1.	Multilevel framework for environmentally sustainable IT/S research
motivating forces
Environmental sustainability
Overall environmental
Green IT /S
Green IT/S
Organiztion level
Employee level
Source: Adapted from Jenkin et al. (2011, p. 21)
Structuring and metastructuring processes of
technology in use
Most studies of structuration in IS research have adopted
Giddens’s Structuration Theory standpoint (Figure 2) (Jones
& Karsten, 2008). Since many practices have developed from
everyday work, this theory helps us understand how the
structuration process of human action occurs, as it broadens the
perception of rules and resources inherent to social systems that
belong to a certain social structure. Giddens (1984) argues that
the duality of structure concept consists in rules and resources
implicit to the production and reproduction of the environment;
they are, at the same time, the reproductive means of the system.
According to Giddens, structure is simultaneously restrictive and
facilitative; this process presupposes reflexive monitoring and
the integration of agents into social activities with limited actions
and consequences.
Giddens also specifies three modalities – interpretive
schemes, facilities, and norms – that link the realm of action
(interaction) and the realm of social structure (structure). Actors
draw on the modalities of structuration to reproduce interaction
systems, and reconstitute the systems’ structural properties
ISSN 0034-7590
ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
by the same token. Interpretive schemes are actors’ stocks of
knowledge applied reflexively in the sustaining of communication.
The stocks of knowledge that actors draw on to produce and
reproduce interaction are the same ones whereby they are able
to offer accounts, reasons, etc. Facilities are the means through
which actors realize their intentions, achieve their goals, and
exercise their power. Norms are the rules that shape the conduct
and define the legitimacy of interaction.
Figure 2.	Giddens’s structuration model
Source: Giddens (1984)
It is worth mentioning that Giddens does not clarify how
technology is introduced in this process of social changes;
this became a major theme in Orlikowski’s studies (Orlikowski,
1992, 2000; Orlikowski & Gash, 1994; Orlikowski & Robey,
1991; Orlikowski et al., 1995). Based on Giddens’s Theory of
Structuration, Orlikowski (1992) proposed a structurational model
of technology which reconceptualizes the nature of technology in
organization research. Her first studies apply a view that starts
with structures presumed to be embedded within technology
(Orlikowski, 1992; Orlikowski & Gash, 1994; Orlikowski & Robey,
1991). Some years later, based on further fieldwork and colleagues’
constructive criticism, she modified her structurational view
of technology by actively theorizing the relationship between
everyday practices and technologies in use (Feldman & Orlikowski,
2011). Her revised view stresses that technology as artifact does
not embody structures because these can only be instantiated in
practice. Technology structures are not external to, or independent
of, human agency, nor can they be embodied in technologies.
In this sense, “it is thus not technologies per se, nor
how they may be used in general that matter, but the specific
technologies in practice (enacted technology structures) that are
recurrently produced in everyday action that are consequential
for the shaping of organizational outcomes” (Feldman &
Orlikowski, 2011, p. 1247). According to Orlikowski (2000, p. 407),
“these enacted structures of technology use”, which she terms
technologies-in-practice “are the sets of rules and resources
that are (re)constituted in people’s recurrent engagement with
the technology at hand”. By considering technology-in-practice
(rules and resources instantiated in the use of technology) as
a kind of structure, Orlikowski (2000) adopts the modalities of
structuration (Giddens, 1984) in order to illustrate that hardware
and software are examples of facilities; protocols and etiquette
are examples of norms; and assumptions and knowledge are
examples of interpretive schemes.
In the meantime, Orlikowski et al. (1995), based on the
structurational model of technology, propose two new dimensions
to its analysis: mediation and technology in use (Figure 3).
The authors define mediation as a deliberate, ongoing, and
organizationally-sanctioned intervention within the context of use
that helps to adapt a new technology to that context, modifies the
context as appropriate to accommodate the use of that technology,
and facilitates its ongoing effectiveness over time. By including
the mediation and technology in use dimensions, Orlikowski
and her co-workers highlight the metastructuration process that
occurs in the introduction phase of a new technology, i.e., the
interaction among the technologies the organization already uses
and the mediation carried out by IT managers/professionals in the
structuration process of a newly adopted technology. The term
“metastructuration” refers to an organizational mechanism aimed
at continuous adaptation of technologies, their use, and their
organizational contexts, so that favorable conditions for change
can be achieved (Orlikowski et al., 1995). The framework shows
both the metastructuration process of technology in use and its
structuration process. With regard to the use of technology and
its mediation, several interdependencies can be perceived among
the following elements: institutional properties, technology, and
human actions.
The theoretical framework developed by Orlikowski et al.
(1995) is the most suitable to this investigation. Although it does
not emphasize technologies-in-practice (Orlikowski, 2000), it
aids to develop a better explanation about the dynamic inscribed
in the processes. By exposing conditions and consequences –
arrows – it makes it easier for us to understand the relations
and co-evolution of the following three elements: technology,
work organization (Green IT adoption and use), and institutional
properties of an organization.
Sustainability may have become an institutional property
in organizations; thus, IT initiatives using Green IT practices
create a spiral that reinforces environmentally sustainable-
oriented guidance. This spiral presupposes the influence of IT
at a community/societal level; Pozzebon et al. (2009) reinforce
that technology content alone will not influence the process
and outcomes of technologies-in-practice and emergent social
structures. IT implementation and use can be understood as
a process of negotiation where the identification of occasions,
spaces, and mechanisms allowing negotiation and change seems
crucial. According the structurationist, multilevel framework
ISSN 0034-7590
AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
(Pozzebon et al., 2009), the context influences the process, which
in turn influences the content, which influences the context, and
so on. Although this dynamic seems quite similar to the model
presented in Orlikowski et al. (1995), some attention is required,
as the former presupposes the presence of relations of influence
between the elements, while the latter presents relationships of
conditions and consequences.
Figure 3.	The technology metastructuration and
structuration processes
Institutional properties of the organization
Individuals’ actions
Process of
Process of
1 4 2 3 7 6 8
Arrow 1 - Institutional conditions for use
Arrow 2 - Technological conditions for use
Arrow 3 - Technological consequences of use
Arrow 4 - Institutional consequences of use
Arrow 5 - Institutional conditions for mediation
Arrow 6 - Technological conditions for mediation
Arrow 7 - Technological consequences of mediation
Arrow 8 - Institutional consequences of mediation
Arrow 9 - User consequences of mediation
Arrow 10 – User conditions for mediation
Source: Orlikowski et al. (1995)
Firstly, a theoretical analysis was carried out with the help of a
bibliographic review in order to comprehend and report how
sustainability has been defined and understood in both its
environmentaldimension and itsrelation to IT. Likewise, Giddens’s
Theory (1984) wasstudiedincombinationwiththemetastructuration
and structuration model proposed by Orlikowski et al. (1995).
Afterwards,a“multi-caseexplanatorystudy”(Yin, 2001) wascarried
out. This methodology allows using several evidence sources to
solve research problems related to “how” and “why” (Yin, 2001).
Our analysis was conducted at an organizational level as
it focuses on aspects found in every company selected for this
study. We view it as a qualitative research aimed at interpreting
a certain reality found, rather than generalizing it. The study
was conducted with three Brazilian companies in the state of
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. They were chosen because of their
representativeness in their economic sectors, as well as the
fact that they have been committed to developing sustainable
initiatives in their IT departments.
Data were collected using interviews with semi-structured
guidelines, mainly comprised of open-ended questions. In
addition, a structured questionnaire with closed-ended
questions was applied. Secondary methods of data collection
were also used. The instruments were based on questions
that emerged after the theoretical review on sustainability
and Green IT was conducted. Once the questions were written
and the research instruments organized, we proceeded to
interview IT managers at the investigated companies and
apply the structured questionnaires with IT users. The semi-
structured guidelines contained questions about company
and interviewee characteristics, and 11 other questions on
factors that triggered sustainable actions in the IT department,
the relation between Green IT and the company’s strategies,
practices adopted, critical success factors, and perceived
benefits and challenges. The structured questionnaire
evaluated users’ perception of Green IT’s presence in the
organization, identifying different components affecting the
way organizations have addressed environmental sustainability
in the IT area. Secondary methods of data collection included
observing the companies’ environment in order to identify
the various (green) computing equipment and sustainable
practices implemented. We also checked the firms’ websites
and documents in order to complement information collected in
the interviews and visits to the facilities (to check information
given by the managers in their interviews).
All companies under investigation were implementing
some improvement program based on the adoption of Green
IT practices. Company 1 (C1) is a medium-sized company in the
pharmaceutical retail industry which directly employs 87 workers
in 8 branches. This company is part of a pharmaceutical retail
chain that uses a cooperation system to increase competitiveness
against large market players. It tries to use its bargaining power
with suppliers in order to offer consumers competitive prices.
Company 2 (C2) is a large-sized company in the fuel retail industry
which directly and indirectly employs about 450 workers in
nineteen gas stations across the state. Also large-sized, Company
3 (C3) is a container terminal in the port logistics industry, in the
import-export sector. This company employs about 1,000 direct
ISSN 0034-7590
ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
workers, with a pyramid structure where decisions are centralized
in the management and passed down across the organization.
To initiate the data collection process, we first sent an
e-mail to the companies explaining the research theme and
goals and inviting them to participate. Once we had their formal
acceptance, we proceeded to interview the CIOs at their offices
for about one hour. In addition, we applied the structured
questionnaire with three IT users at each company. Data were
analyzed according to their compatibility with the theoretical
dimensions of the model of Orlikowski et al. (1995), which allowed
us to found both the analysis and the results (next item).
The dynamics of the institutionalization of Green IT in the
organizations investigated are explained in light of the model
proposed by Orlikowski et al. (1995). Facts are identified by the
abbreviations c1, c2 and c3 – the number identifies the company
as described in the previous section (methodology). They reveal
different, important types of conditions and consequences
presented in the dynamics of the Green IT structuration process
in the studied firms, with implications beyond IT borders.
According to Orlikowski (2000), different types of
conditions can be found: interpretive, technological, and
institutional. Interpretive conditions refer to approved
agreements and shared meanings that members of a community
use to make sense of their world (such as the technology
they use). Technological conditions refer to technological
properties (both tools and data) available to users in their work
practices. Finally, institutional conditions refer to the social
structures (normative and authority-related) that constitute
part of the broad social system in which users work. As to the
consequences (intended or unintended), the most relevant
are the processual, technological, and structural ones. The
processual ones refer to changes in the execution and results
of work practices, technological ones refer to changes in the
technological properties available to users, and the structural
ones refer to changes in structures that users establish as part
of the broad social system they participate in.
The right side of Figure 4 shows the metastructuration
process occurring when a new Green IT is brought forward. The
left side presents the structuration process resulting of users’
continuous use of technology. As to the influence of technology-
in-use on its mediation, it is represented by two arrows: arrow
10a indicates conditions for mediation and arrow 10b shows the
consequences of the use of technology on mediation; the latter
emphasizes user feedback to mediators (IT team).
Figure 4.	Structuration process of the environmental
sustainability property in Green IT
Institutional properties of the organization
environmental sustainbility orientation
Individuals’ actions
Process of
Green IT-in-
Process of
Green IT-in-use
1 4 2 3 7 6 8
Traditional IT
Green IT
Conditions determining the change to Green IT
On the right side, with regard to technology mediation, IT
managers are pressed by the organization’s institutional
properties to take more sustainable decisions (arrow 5).
These properties can be explained by the institutional context,
i.e., governmental regulations applying to the company’s
commercial activity, such as electronic invoicing (c2, c3) and
legal environmental procedures to start and run the business
(c2). Moreover, there are internal pressures for results, such
as more efficiency in the processes, careful material spending,
less depreciation and maintenance (c1), and external pressures
from suppliers (c2). Finally, the company itself aims to become
more sustainable and committed to managing environmental
liabilities and organization image (c2, c3). By then, the IT team
is able to invest time and resources to adopt different Green
IT initiatives. The organization itself has a certain level of
environmental orientation and social commitment that value
these environment-focused technologies and organizational
routines (Jenkin et al., 2011).
It is worth mentioning that an orientation towards Green
IT differs from the adoption of just any IT, mainly because of
the importance that issues related to ethics and environmental
sustainability have in the decision-making processes.The adoption
of any IT is usually motivated by potential economic benefits
achieved by this technology whereas Green IT practices are also
prompted by concerns for the planet, even though economic
benefits may not be tangible in the short term. Organizations
that care about their social and environmental responsibility,
ISSN 0034-7590
AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
business sustainability, and Green IT have dealt with these issues
by carrying out clear policies on equipment acquisition (less energy
consumption, recycled material, and non-polluting material), the
use of computers and printers (more efficient computational
processes, cartridge refilling, paper recycling, and less printing)
and computers and datacenter facilities design (virtualized, smaller
facilities, with less energy consumption and better air conditioning
systems) (Lunardi et al., 2011).
In this process of change, conditions imposed by users
when using conventional technologies (arrow 10a) and by
current technologies themselves (arrow 6) must also be taken
into account. In this respect, we have found that IT users did
not oppose to sustainable initiatives in the metastructuration
phase. Apparently, the IT team has a certain level of autonomy
and confidence to implement these changes. At this stage,
users’ passive or active resistance may not be perceived due to
a predominant indifference (Giangreco, 2002). Expressions of
both passive and active resistance may appear later, when users
actually use Green IT. Conditions imposed by companies’ current
technologies have guided IT teams as to possible designs and
the replacement of current technologies.
Potential Green IT artifacts and their
technological consequences
Even though an organization may adopt different “green”
practices, it will still be using existing technologies. The
replacement process and the adoption of “new” technologies
mean that they will both qualify and constrain them. Based
on IT-offered resources (arrow 6), the IT area, relying on Green
IT assumptions, starts to test and introduce designs made
possible by computational artifacts – equipment, operational
systems, and applications – while investing in proposals
that are more adequate to Green IT (arrow 7), such as servers
consolidation and virtualization (c1, c2, c3), the introduction
of thin clients (c2), and printer usage monitoring (c1, c2, c3). It
is worth highlighting that such initiatives also constrain (arrow
6) the way mediators work and, later, the way users apply this
technology, such as assigning print quotas to individual users
(c1, c2) and controlling the use and access to software and
information (c2).
These technological novelties have been identified by the
IT area in the media (in the news or in new product launches)
(c1, c3), in reported cases of companies that saved energy and
money by using cleaner computational technologies (c1, c2), and
even by hiring companies specializing in the area (c2). Such IT
department-started initiatives may at first lead to technological
consequences; these, however, are the least relevant in the
present study. The consequences that interest us which arise in
this process of technology metastructuration are discussed below.
Other consequences of Green IT mediation
The more Green IT practices are adopted by the IT team, the more
they influence the technology applied by users. However, the
constant use of these initiatives by the IT department reinforces
the organization’s “green” institutional properties (arrow 8).
Some examples of actions that were first implemented by the
IT department are the use of teleworking and teleconferencing
(c2), email messages rather than printed copy format (c1, c3),
high efficiency equipment (c1, c2, c3), corporate messenger
applications, and printing using eco-font (c1). A fact common
to all three cases was the replacement of CRT monitors by LCD
ones (c1, c2, c3) as the latter need less space and energy. This
set of practices – when it occurs in the metastructuration phase
– influences the organization’s institutional properties, not only
leading it to more sustainable values but also causing it to commit
to the environment and society. These cases show initiatives that
reinforce the organizations’ reduction of operational costs in line
with concerns such as global warming.
By learning more about Green IT and the use of
equipment and services that support environmentally
sustainable strategies, the IT team starts to influence others
in the organization in terms of both implicit and explicit
knowledge (arrow 9). This can be seen in practices related with
awareness raising campaigns and training programs (c1, c2)
and energy efficiency analysis (c1, c3) within the organization.
Users learn to identify costs and risks of business activities
and are encouraged to participate in “green” technology
development and implementation processes.
The organization can occasionally resort to different
alternatives in order to encourage individual and collective
development, i.e., working on environmental education (c3),
which promotes understanding about the adoption of Green IT
practices. Assimilation depends largely on employees’ attitudes,
cognition, and behavior, as well as on the organization itself
according to the importance they attribute to environmental
issues (Jenkin et al., 2011) and their belief that these initiatives
can actually help the environment. The dissemination of Green
IT practices awakens ecological awareness in the company (c1,
c3), although the challenge remains to find ways of mobilizing
people towards changing their behavior. Moreover, the process
may take a long time. Still, there is evidence that the younger
generations have already incorporated environmental issues
into their education processes (c3), making assimilation and
dissemination easier.
ISSN 0034-7590
ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
Using Green IT: technological conditions and
early consequences
The mediation conducted to clarify these technological process
changes has been accompanied by constraints and advantages
proposed with the new technological configuration. The
interaction among individuals leads to deeper communication
among users and the IT team. Green IT-in-use becomes part of
the organizational environment, which is constantly updated
and, in turn, suggests changes/updating in the new contexts.
Issues previously restricted to the IT team – eco-fonts, LCD
monitors, more efficient machines, screen savers, printing
quotas – become potential organization-wide technologies-
in-use (arrow 2). However, users’ participation must be
emphasized since they use designs and tools that can make
“green” technological resources more effective. Examples are
duplex printing (c3) and paper reuse (c1, c2), as well as actions
such as setting equipment to hibernate during long idle periods
and switching computers off when leaving the office (c3). These
show technological consequences aligned to “green” thinking.
As to the technological conditions, it is worth mentioning that
flexible technological innovations (i.e., those allowing users
greater control of their interaction with the technology and its
characteristics) are the most critical ones, therefore requiring
more effort from the mediation team. Certain practices, such as
replacing printed reports by digitalized documents (c1, c2, c3),
eco-font use (c1), and paper reuse (c1, c2) will only work if users
commit to them in their routine. The use of, or replacement for,
more efficient machines (c1, c2, c3), server virtualization (c1, c2,
c3), thin clients (c2), and (even) printing monitoring (c1, c2, c3),
which have all been classified as strict technological innovations,
are situations whose dependence on, or acceptance by users is
low or irrelevant to their use/institutionalization.
Orlikowski (1992) calls interpretive flexibility the degree
to which users of a technology are engaged in its constitution
(physically and/or socially), whether during its development
or use. Interpretive flexibility is an attribute of the relationship
between humans and technology and hence it is influenced
by characteristics of the material artifact (e.g., the specific
hardware and software), characteristics of the human agents (e.g.,
experience, motivation), and characteristics of the context (e.g.,
social relation, task assignment). However, she recognizes that
the interpretive flexibility of any given technology is not infinite.
On the one hand, it is constrained by the material characteristics
of that technology. Technology is at some level physical in nature
and hence bounded by the state of the art in material, energy, and
so on. On the other hand, it is constrained by the institutional
context (structures of signification, legitimation, and domination)
and different levels of knowledge and power affecting actors as
the technology is designed and used (Orlikowski, 1992, p. 409).
Another important aspect in this process is that using
these initiatives on an ongoing basis causes users to give
their feedback to the mediation team (IT managers) as to the
results achieved through Green IT. In other words, benefits and
potential improvements of process/technology are revealed
(arrow 10b). Printing monitoring (c3), which not only decreased
the consumption of non-renewable inputs and pollutants but also
reduced expenses, and the introduction of thin clients (c2), which
lowered energy consumption, maintenance, downtime, and costs
(since the equipment is pre-configured and users themselves can
solve most incidents), can be cited as good examples of processes
and “green” technologies that result in improvements for both
organizations and the environment.
It is worth pointing out that, in order to get this feedback,
Green IT must be functioning and users must have conditions
to use it. This enables users to compare different available
resources (“green” and traditional technologies) while providing
information to the IT team so that improvements can be made in
the structuration process of a technology. However, the feedback
relationship is also conditioned by mediation activities. The
cases studied revealed difficulties concerning changing behavior
and habits (c1, c2 and c3), using certain technologies (c3), and
the awareness that these practices bring environmental and
organizational benefits (c1, c3). However, certain technological
conditions are so strict that there is neither feedback nor
mediation adjustments involved. In these cases, users merely
use the technology without any possibility or need to question it.
Greater environmental sustainability
orientation as a consequence of Green IT use
When users apply Green IT continuously, they legitimate different
patterns, configurations, and policies; as a consequence, they
reinforce some organizational principles (arrow 4).The interviewees
reported such influences when mentioning the benefits from the
adoption of “green” practices, even though economic advantages
were mentioned most often. They cited reduction in energy, paper,
and toner cartridge consumption (c1, c2, c3), decrease in telephone
costs(c1), lessmaintenance (c2) and equipmentpurchase expenses
(c2), in addition to increase in machine life cycles (c1, c2). They
also reported the following perceptions as environmental benefits:
environmental awareness encouragement (c1) and more physical
space (c2). In the context of the companies investigated, examples
of recurrent Green IT practices were: printing monitoring (c1, c2, c3),
document digitalization (c1, c2, c3), recycled paper use (c1, c2, c3),
paper reuse (c1, c2), duplex printing (c1, c2, c3) and replacing old
ISSN 0034-7590
AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
equipment with more power-efficient ones (c2, c3). Our analysis of
the cases shows that environmental sustainability outcomes are
due to practices usually introduced in the organization as a means
to economic benefits.Thus, the environmental dimension arises as
a positive consequence of changes promoted for economic aspects.
Reinforcing the institutionalization of environmental
sustainability as a property of the organization enables people
to carry out different “green” practices not only in the IT area
but also in other departments (arrow 1). When a change occurs
in institutional properties, such as becoming environmentally
aware of resource shortage and that it is necessary to recycle
technological equipment and discharge it properly (c1, c2),
this means that Green IT has contributed to institutionalize
the organization’s concern for different environmental issues.
This situation leads to a change in work methods that can favor
environmental sustainability initiatives. In this context, Green IT
influences the behavior and actions of IT users and managers,
since the phenomenon was collectively accepted and generated
changes in the institutional properties. Evidence of these changes
is the behavior and habits of several groups of IT users who now
switch off equipment when leaving the office, ask for more power-
efficient equipment (i.e., Energy Star or LEED-certified), separate
organic garbage from recyclable waste, and monitor toxic residues
even after handing them to recycling companies that collect
equipment and parts such as batteries, bulbs, and ink cartridges.
By analyzing the cases, we were able to see that: (1)
the adoption of Green IT practices is triggered by the IT area
when it first identifies new “green” technologies that will be
implemented by the organization; thus, we can see the need
to associate technical and computational knowledge with
issues related to eco-efficiency and eco-equity; (2) Green IT’s
structuration process and its interrelation with the property
of sustainability are mutually constructed by users and the IT
team, rather than autocratically imposed; (3) the mediation
in the metastructuration process is key to introducing
open, complex technologies, as this mediation allows the
technology assimilation process, encourages users to adopt
it, and makes it a technology-in-use; (4) the model helps
understanding the dynamics of the Green IT phenomenon and
how it develops within organizations, thus institutionalizing
environmental sustainability in multiple levels; (5) Green IT
practices in organizations can also be studied by analyzing
rules and resources through Giddens’ (1984) three modality
types: facilities (e.g., hardware and software such as electronic
invoicing, server consolidation, and corporate messenger
applications), norms (e.g., print quotas, computer hibernation
mode for long idle periods, switching computers off when leaving
work), and interpretive schemes (e.g., reducing energy, paper,
and toner cartridge consumption brings both environmental
and organizational benefits); (6) using Green IT can provide
better conditions (structures enacted in the use of technology)
to trigger new “green” practices (not necessarily IT-related);
and that (7) the institutional properties related to economic
and legal aspects still guide most Green IT initiatives in
organizations (institutional conditions, according to Orlikowski,
2000); however, they have prompted greater concern for the
environment and the future of society.
As to managerial implications, this study can help
organizations that wish to engage – or deepen engagement –
in the movement for environmental sustainability through
Green IT practices. In this sense, the study suggests that Green
IT has an important role in transforming technological and
interpretive conditions, thus helping to change the status quo
of the organization. With regard to transforming technological
conditions, we found that technology per se is necessary but not
sufficient to structure the environmental sustainability property.
This change occurs when a particular technology is chosen and
properly used for that purpose. For example, many companies
are currently purchasing computer printers and multifunction
printers that can automatically print on both sides of paper sheets,
yet failing to use it in every activity in the company. The same
occurs with eco-fonts, hibernate function, and the digitization of
documents, among others. Therefore, although the organization
has the proper technology to enable this change, it is not occurring.
Consequently, the IT team should – after searching and choosing
new, “green” technologies – test, disseminate, and guide
best Green IT practices in the organization, as well as develop
and adapt information systems and business processes that
exploit technological resources for the sake of environmental
sustainability. Additionally, it is worth stressing the importance
of top management support, through establishing certain
organizational policies, norms, and guidelines that legitimize
the IT team’s actions, thus favoring Green IT metastructuration
and structuration processes.
As to transformations in interpretive conditions, the
study suggests that it occurs through technology-in-use. As they
use Green IT artifacts, users develop meanings and emotional
attachments related to environmental sustainability that reinforce
their use as Green IT practices, bringing both environmental and
organizational benefits by reducing energy, paper, and toner
cartridge consumption, maintenance and purchase expenses,
while increasing computer life cycles. Accordingly, the role of
the IT team is key to develop performance indicators, by using
measurement and consumer control tools and by disseminating
the results achieved. This allows showing users the positive
effects of these Green IT initiatives on environmental issues.
ISSN 0034-7590
ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view
© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497
The purpose of the present study was to explain the dynamics
of Green IT metastructuration and structuration processes in
organizations in order to allow a perception of the development
of environmental sustainability as an institutional property of
organizations. Therefore, by achieving its purpose, this study
contributes to understanding how the structuration process of
Green IT practices occurs in organizations, in light of the model
proposed by Orlikowski et al. (1995). The study also provides
empirical experiences, i.e., three case studies, and continues
the discussion on the characteristics of organizations that adopt
those practices. Green IT is an organizational phenomenon that
has grown under different kinds of pressure of the society towards
reducing the environmental risks generated by organizations.
The theoretical framework adopted in our analysis
emphasized IT teams’ role in institutionalizing the environmental
dimension of sustainability in organizations, since the adoption
process of these various practices applied to the technological
area has been mainly triggered and fostered by IT personnel. This
study also allowed greater understanding of the interrelation
among technology, people, and organizations’ institutional
properties. Moreover, it shows how this interaction affects and
is affected by people’s behaviors, attitudes, and cognition, as
well as by the organization itself, thus changing the context
within the company. In addition, the adoption of more flexible
“green” technologies depends on users’ acceptance in order to
become institutionalized. Therefore, these technologies need
more metastructuration than rigid practices where users have little
or no say on using them or not. In the context of this study, the
structurational model of technology was adequate to investigate
the Green IT phenomenon. Just as certain organization structural
properties can influence human agents towards adopting Green
IT, so too can its use reinforce the environmental dimension of
sustainability as an institutional property of the organization.
Some limitations of this study are due to the fact that we
analyzed data for a single time point; a longitudinal analysis
could have shown new, different connections. It is also relevant
to conduct other studies to show the adoption of different Green
IT initiatives and their impacts. A number of Green IT practices
are most likely being carried out in organizations that were not
mentioned in the cases analyzed here. Correlated studies and new
research should be conducted to investigate different companies,
activities, and contexts. Finally, we hope this study can help
managers understand how Green IT’s metastructuration and
structuration processes occurs in organizations, thus contributing
to implement these technologies in their organizations. This
research also aims to help researchers interested in developing
studies on models of Green IT adoption and consequences.
Therefore, future studies should approach IT institutionalization
in all social contexts and include models to measure different
variables and their associations with the subject.
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ISSN 0034-7590© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 498-510
Professora da Universidade Federal
do Paraná, Programa de Pós-
Graduação em Administração –
Curitiba – PR, Brasil
Professor da Universidade Federal do
Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Administração – Curitiba – PR,
Mestre em Administração de
Empresas pela Universidade
Federal do Paraná, Programa de
Pós Graduação em Administração
Curitiba – PR, Brasil
Professor da Universidade Federal do
Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Administração – Curitiba PR,
Submetido 13.04.2014. Aprovado 02.07.2014
Avaliado pelo processo de double blind review. Editor Científico: Mateus Canniatti Ponchio
Impact of the social distance on the transgressions between companies and
Impacto de la distancia social en las transgresiones entre empresas y
Este estudo procura contribuir com as teorias de transgressão no relacionamento e de influência
social, ao considerar não apenas a relação diádica (consumidor-empresa), mas também os demais
consumidores que tomam conhecimento sobre a transgressão da empresa. Tais consumidores são
aqui chamados de terceiros. Os autores propõem que a distância social entre o terceiro e a vítima da
transgressão pode influenciar a avaliação do relacionamento entre a empresa e o terceiro, mesmo
que o terceiro não tenha sofrido a transgressão. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, ambos com
três condições de distância social na perspectiva de transgressão do consumidor (vítima vs. terceiro
próximo da vítima vs. terceiro distante da vítima). Os resultados indicam que o impacto de uma trans-
gressão sobre a avaliação do relacionamento é o mesmo para a vítima e para o terceiro próximo, mas
é significativamente menor para o terceiro distante. Verificou-se que essa relação direta é mediada
pela emoção de irritação.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE | Marketing de relacionamento, transgressões, influência social, satisfação, lealdade.
This study seeks to contribute with the theories of transgression in relationships and social influence,
by considering not only the dyadic relationship (consumer-company) but also other consumers that
become aware of the transgression of the company. Such consumers are herein called third parties.
The authors propose that the social distance between the third party and the victim of the transgres-
sion may influence the evaluation of the relationship between the company and the third party, even
if the third party has not suffered the transgression. Two experiments were conducted, both with three
conditions of social distance in the perspective of consumer transgression (victim vs. third party near
the victim vs. third party distant from the victim). The results indicate that the impact of a transgres-
sion on the evaluation of the relationship is the same for the victim and for the near third party, but it
is significantly smaller for the distant third party. It was found that this direct relation is mediated by
the irritation emotion.
KEYWORDS | Marketing relationship, transgressions, social influence, satisfaction, loyalty.
Este estudio busca contribuir con las teorías de transgresión en la relación y de influencia social, al
considerar no sólo la relación diádica (consumidor-empresa) pero también los demás consumidores
que toman conocimiento de la transgresión de la empresa. Tales consumidores son llamados aquí de
terceros. Los autores proponen que la distancia social entre el tercero y la víctima de la transgresión
puede influir en la evaluación de la relación entre la empresa y el tercero, mismo que el tercero no
haya sufrido la transgresión. Fueron conducidos dos experimentos, ambos con tres condiciones de
distancia social en la perspectiva de transgresión del consumidor (víctima vs. tercero próximo de la
víctima vs. tercero distante de la víctima). Los resultados indican que el impacto de una transgresión
sobre la evaluación de la relación es el mismo para la víctima y para el tercero próximo, pero es sig-
nificativamente menor para el tercero distante. Se ha verificado que esa relación directa es mediada
por la emoción de irritación.
PALABRAS CLAVE | Marketing de relación, transgresiones, influencia social, satisfacción, lealtad.
RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas | FGV-EAESP
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Artigos em revista

  • 1. ARTIGOS Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view Décio Bittencourt Dolci, Guilherme Lerch Lunardi, Ana Carolina Salles e Ana Paula Ferreira Alves Impacto da distância social nas transgressões entre empresas e consumidores Danielle Mantovani, José Carlos Korelo, Larissa Viapiana e Paulo Henrique Müller Prado Gestão de recursos do EaD: como adequar as tecnologias aos perfis de assimilação Lucia Helena Aponi Sanchez, Otávio Próspero Sanchez e Alberto Luiz Albertin Remontando a rede de atores na implantação de um sistema de informação em saúde Marcelo Fornazin e Luiz Antonio Joia Determinants of the success of global and local brands in Latin America Pablo Farías Evaluating the efficiency progress with technology in a Spanish hotel chain Maria del Rosario González-Rodriguez, Rosario Martín-Samper e Antonio Carlos Giuliani Métodos colaborativos na gestão de cadeias de suprimentos: desafios de implementação Leonardo de Carvalho Gomes e Francisco José Kliemann Neto Proposta de investigação sobre o uso de software no suporte à inovação em serviços Alessandro de Orlando Maia Pinheiro e Paulo Bastos Tigre Cross-country study on the determinants of bank financial distress Zhen-Jia-Liu RESENHA Dos pecados capitais aos pecados do capital André Felipe Vieira Colares INDICAÇÕES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS A análise dos dados quantitativos Valter Afonso Vieira Economia comportamental Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello R$50,00 PESQUISA E CONHECIMENTO V. 55, N. 5, Setembro–Outubro 2015
  • 2. ISSN 0034-7590 REDAÇÃO Analista de Produção Editorial: Denise Francisco Cândido Assistente Administrativa: Eduarda Pereira Copidesque e revisão (Português): Paula Thompson | Márcia Nunes Tradução e revisão (Espanhol e Inglês): AraberaTraducoes| LerschTraducoes|RobertDinham ADMINISTRAÇÃO Responsável: Ilda Fontes Assistente Administrativa: Eldi Francisca Soares Assistente de Marketing: Andréa Cerqueira Souza DISTRIBUIÇÃO Comunidade acadêmico-científica: 700 exemplares Número de visitas ao site no período julho/agosto 2015: 97.835 visitantes ASSINATURA ANUAL: R$ 300,00 EXEMPLAR AVULSO: R$ 50,00 PONTOS DE VENDA: Livrarias da FGV e Livraria Cultura ARTE/EDITORAÇÃO ELETRÔNICA Typecomm | Comunicação + Design Ilustração Pensata: Alex Lutkus PRODUÇÃO INDUSTRIAL Impressão e Acabamento: Pancrom Indústria Gráfica Data de Impressão: 26.08.2015 Tiragem: 700 exemplares PERIODICIDADE: Bimestral INDEXADORES DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals Ebsco Publishing: Business Source Complete, Economia y Negocios, Fonte Acadêmica e-Revistas Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas Gale Cengage Learning Google Scholar Portal de Periódicos CAPES ProQuest Information and Learning RePEc Sistema de Información Científica Redalyc - Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online Scopus | Elsevier SHERPA/RoMEO SPELL – Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library Sumários Brasileiros de Revistas Científicas Thomson Reuters SSCI, JCR DIRETÓRIOS 10th Edition of Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management CLASE – Citas Latinoamericans en Sciencias Sociales y Humanidades Diadorim IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Science HAPI-Hispanic American Periodicals Índex Latindex - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Ulrichs Periodical Directory SAC / ASSINATURAS AssinaJá Telefones: + 55 (11) 3512-9442 | + 55 (21) 4063-6989 Horário de atendimento: segunda a sexta das 9 as 18h, exceto feriados. A RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas foi impressa com papel proveniente de madeira certificada FSC e de outras fontes controladas. A certificação FSC é uma garantia ao meio ambiente e aos trabalhadores florestais. CORPO EDITORIAL CIENTÍFICO Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri (UFMG - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Allan Claudius Queiroz Barbosa (UFMG - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Ana Maria de Albuquerque Vasconcellos (UNAMA - Belém - PA, Brasil), Ana Paula Paes de Paula (UFMG - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Anatalia Saraiva Martins Ramos (UFRN - Natal - RN, Brasil), André Lucirton Costa (USP/FEA-RP - Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brasil), Andre Luis de Castro Moura Duarte (INSPER - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Andre Ofenhejm Mascarenhas (Centro Universitário da FEI - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Andrea Lago da Silva (UFSCAR – São Carlos – SP, Brasil), Anielson Barbosa da Silva (UFPB - João Pessoa - PB, Brasil), Antonio Díaz Andrade (AUT University - Auckland, Nova Zelândia), Antonio Domingos Padula (UFRGS - Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil), Antonio Lopo Martinez (FUCAPE - Vitoria - ES, Brasil), Antonio Moreira de Carvalho (PUC Minas - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Antonio Navarro-García (Universidad de Sevilla - Sevilha, Espanha), Bento Alves da Costa Filho (Ibmec-DF - Brasília - DF, Brasil), Bill Cooke (University of York - Heslington, Reino Unido), Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Madrid, Espanha), Carlos L. Rodriguez (UNCW - Wilimigton - NC, Estados Unidos), Cesar Alexandre de Souza (USP-FEA - São Paulo SP, Brasil), Claudio R. Lucinda (USP/FEA-RP - Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brasil), Dario de Oliveira Lima Filho (UFMS - Campo Grande - MS, Brasil), Delane Botelho (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Denise Del Prá Netto Machado (FURB - Blumenau - SC, Brasil), Diego Rene Gonzales Miranda (Universidad EAFIT - Medellín, Colômbia), Diogo Henrique Helal (UFPB - Joao Pessoa - PB, Brasil), Domingo Garcia-Perez-de-Lema (UPCT - Cartagena, Espanha), Edgard Barki (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Edmilson de Oliveira Lima (UNINOVE - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Eduardo Andre Teixeira Ayrosa (FGV-EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Ely Laureano de Paiva (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Eric David Cohen (Ibmec-Rio - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Eric van Heck (Erasmus University - Rotterdam, Holanda), Fábio Frezatti (USP-FEA - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Fernanda Finotti Perobelli (UFJF - Juiz de Fora - MG, Brasil), Francisco Javier Rondán Cataluña (Universidad de Sevilla - Sevilla, Espanha), Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale (PUC-Minas - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Glicia Vieira (UFES - Vitoria - ES, Brasil), Graziela Comini (USP-FEA - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Graziela Dias Alperstedt (UDESC - Florianópolis - SC, Brasil), Heitor Almeida (College of Business at Illinois - Champaign, Estados Unidos), Henrique Luiz Côrrea (CRUMMER - Flórida - FL, Estados Unidos), Janete Lara de Oliveira (UFMG - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), João Luiz Becker (UFRGS - Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil), Jorge Verschoore (São Leopoldo – RS, Brasil), José Antônio Gomes Pinho (UFBA - Salvador - BA, Brasil), José Henrique de Faria (UFPR - Curitiba - PR, Brasil), José Mauro C. Hernandez (USP-EACH - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Luciano Barin Cruz (HEC-Montréal - Québec, Canada), Luiz Artur Ledur Brito (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Maria Alexandra Cunha (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Maria Ceci Araújo Misoczky (UFRGS - Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil), Mário Aquino Alves (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Mario Sacomano Neto (UNIMEP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Marlei Pozzebon (HEC-Montréal - Québec, Canada e FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Mateus Canniatti Ponchio (ESPM - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Mauricio Reinert (UEM - Maringá - PR, Brasil), Patricia Mendonça (USP-EACH - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Paulo Bastos Tigre (UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Paulo Roberto Barbosa Lustosa (UnB - Brasília - DF, Brasil), Rafael Alcadipani (FGV- EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Rafael Goldszmidt (FGV-EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Ramón Valle Cabrera (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Sevilha, Espanha), Rebecca Arkader (UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Ricardo Ratner Rochman (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Roberto Patrus Mundim Pena (PUC-Minas - Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil), Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Rodrigo Ladeira (UNIFACS - Salvador - BA, Brasil), Salomão Alencar de Farias (UFPE - Recife - PE, Brasil), Sérgio Bulgacov (FGV-EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Sérgio Giovanetti Lazzarini (INSPER - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Silvana Anita Walter (FURB - Blumenau - SC, Brasil), Sônia Maria Fleury (FGV-EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Tales Andreassi (FGV- EAESP - São Paulo - SP, Brasil), Teresia D. L. van Ad. de Macedo-Soares (PUC-Rio - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil), Thomas Brashear Alejandro (University of Massachusetts Amherst - Amherst - MA, Estados Unidos), Vinicius Brei (UFRGS - Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil), Wilson Toshiro Nakamura (MACKENZIE – São Paulo – SP, Brasil). COMITÊ DE POLÍTICA EDITORIAL Carlos Osmar Bertero, Eduardo Diniz, Flávio Carvalho de Vasconcelos, Francisco Aranha, Luiz Artur Ledur Brito, Maria José Tonelli, Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, Tales Andreassi, Thomaz Wood Jr. EDITOR CHEFE Eduardo Diniz EDITOR ADJUNTO Felipe Zambaldi EDITORA DE LIVROS Roseli Morena Porto
  • 3. Publicação bimestral da Fundação Getulio Vargas Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo Apoio: PESQUISA E CONHECIMENTO | V. 55, N. 5, SETEMBRO-OUTUBRO 2015
  • 4. RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas / Fundação Getulio Vargas. Vol. 1, n. 1 (maio/ago. 1961) - . - Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Getulio Vargas, 1961 - v.; 27,5cm. Quadrimestral: 1961–1962. Trimestral: 1963–1973. Bimestral: 1974–1977. Trimestral: 1978–1992. Bimestral: 1992–1995. Trimestral: 1996–2010. Bimestral: 2011–. Publicada: São Paulo: FGV-EAESP, 1988– ISSN 0034-7590 1. Administração de empresas – Periódicos. I. Fundação Getulio Vargas. II. Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo. A RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas adota a Licença de Atribuição (CC- BY) do Creative Commons ( em todos os trabalhos publicados, exceto, quando houver indicação específica de detentores de direitos autorais. CDD 658 CDU 658
  • 5. 479 ISSN 0034-7590 RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas | FGV-EAESP © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 EDITORIAL ACESSO ABERTO: UM TEMA A SER MAIS BEM EXPLORADO R ecentemente, um blog dedicado a apresentar uma visão críti- ca sobre o acesso aberto questionou o papel da disseminação científica das bases SciELO e Redalyc (disponível em: <http://>), ambas de origem e foco na América Latina. Esse mesmo blog já havia cau- sado polêmica ao apontar uma lista de publishers predatórios, em- presas que exploram o mercado de publicações científicas promoven- do um modelo em que os autores pagam para garantir acesso aberto aos leitores (disponível em: <>). A despeito das críticas contundentes terem (ou não) algum fundamen- to e promoverem uma agenda com foco negativo envolvendo um tema emergente como esse, infelizmente o blog confunde mais do que es- clarece. O simples fato de SciELO e publishers predatórios pratica- rem algum tipo de “acesso aberto” e, portanto, estarem sendo usados como exemplos de “problema” já demonstra que dificilmente haverá convergência sobre esse conceito e suas implicações. “Acesso aberto”, não apenas no mundo da publicação científi- ca (vide o exemplo do software livre), abrange tanto aspectos econômi- cos (capital) quanto ideológicos (liberdade). Sem desmerecer o peso e a relevância desses aspectos, é importante promover também a discus- são sobre as questões de gestão (modelos de negócio) das publicações científicas com acesso aberto. De fato, o que pode ser identificado atualmente como “acesso aberto” em publicações científicas é um modelo de negócio em que o lei- tor não precise pagar para ler um artigo científico. Esse modelo emerge num ambiente dominado por um em que o autor é quem não paga. Mas esse não é certamente um jogo apenas de autores e leitores. Instituições de ensino e pesquisa e organismos de fomento, por exemplo, costumam pagar para manter o acesso aberto a ambos os lados. Algumas das gran- des editoras, tradicionalmente defensoras do acesso não aberto aos lei- tores, argumentam que pretendem praticar (ou já praticam) o modelo de acesso aberto aos leitores, desde que “alguém” pague. Independentemente de quem venha a pagar, o fato é que man- ter um processo de publicação científica com qualidade implica cus- tos relevantes. Para os periódicos brasileiros, que aderem compulsoria- mente ao modelo de acesso aberto aos leitores, a discussão fica ainda mais complicada, principalmente em comunidades acadêmicas em que as alternativas para cobrar os autores não são bem-vistas. Assim, na maioria das vezes, quem paga acaba sendo uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa, pois sobram poucas alternativas para cobrir esses custos. Como não há retorno financeiro direto, o que essas instituições estão dispostas a investir nos periódicos em geral não cobre as necessidades para manter um padrão de qualidade exigido para colocá-los no pata- mar comparável ao dos periódicos internacionais vinculados a grandes editoras comerciais. Nesse cenário nos sobram algumas alternativas. Uma delas, defendida com vigor pelo blog mencionado anteriormente, é que en- treguemos nossos periódicos às grandes editoras, pois só elas teriam estrutura para garantir a qualidade necessária à disseminação do co- nhecimento científico. É claro que, nesse caso, passaríamos por uma redução drástica do número de periódicos no país, situação que encon- tra defensores em nosso meio. Outra alternativa seria uma mudança na política de financiamento por órgãos de fomento, que gastam um valor nada desprezível comprando bases de periódicos, os quais nem todos nos interessam. Outra ainda foi aventada em entrevista de um dos fun- dadores do SciELO, em que afirma: “SciELO terá que se tornar um efetivo publisher” (disponível em: < entrevista-rogerio-meneghini>). Nesse caso, talvez teríamos uma edito- ra nacional com estrutura capaz de concorrer com as internacionais. Im- portante notar que essas alternativas não são autoexcludentes. Para além da discussão econômica e ideológica e das caracte- rísticas regionais do mercado de publicação científica, temos que en- fatizar que a produção e, por consequência, a publicação científica precisam avançar em novas frentes. Num momento em que tanto se discutem modelos de negócio antenados com a nova era de acesso di- gital amplo, o debate de temas como cocriação, mercado multi-lado e economia compartilhada, por exemplo, poderia também contribuir para ajudar a entender melhor os modelos de acesso aberto em periódicos científicos. Pesquisadores em Administração tem aqui um bom tema para explorar. Nesta quinta edição, publicamos nove artigos inéditos. “Imple- mentation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view” estuda a dinâmica de implementação de TI verde. “Impacto da distância social nas transgressões entre empresas e consumidores” contribui para o en- tendimento dessa relação. “Gestão de recursos do EaD: como adequar as tecnologias aos perfis de assimilação” analisa o aprendizado a partir de tipos de tecnologia de educação a distância. “Remontando a rede de atores na implantação de um sistema de informação em saúde” inves- tiga, baseando-se na Teoria Ator-Rede, o comportamento de envolvidos no processo de implantação de um sistema de informação em um hos- pital público. “Determinants of the success of global and local brands in Latin America” aborda o sucesso de marcas globais e locais por meio da categorização de produtos. “Evaluating the efficiency progress with technology in a Spanish hotel chain” endereça a eficiência da produti- vidade de redes hoteleiras na Espanha no período de crise. “Métodos colaborativos na gestão de cadeias de suprimentos: desafios de imple- mentação” mostra como esses métodos influenciam a competitividade das empresas. “Proposta de investigação sobre o uso de software no suporte à inovação em serviços” examina o impacto da inovação no se- tor por meio da tecnologia da informação e comunicação. “Cross-coun- try study on the determinants of bank financial distress” pesquisa falên- cias bancárias em blocos internacionais como Nafta e União Europeia. Completam esta edição a resenha sobre o livro Sete pecados capitais nas organizações e as indicações bibliográficas sobre aná- lise de dados quantitativos e economia comportamental. Boa leitura a todos! EDUARDO DINIZ | EDITOR CHEFE DOI:
  • 6. ISSN 0034-7590© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 Setembro/Outubro 2015 ARTIGOS 486 IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DA TI VERDE NAS ORGANIZAÇÕES: UMA VISÃO ESTRUTURACIONAL Análise da dinâmica de implementação de TI verde em organizações sob a abordagem da visão estruturacional por meio do estudo de três casos. Décio Bittencourt Dolci, Guilherme Lerch Lunardi, Ana Carolina Salles e Ana Paula Ferreira Alves 498 IMPACTO DA DISTÂNCIA SOCIAL NAS TRANSGRESSÕES ENTRE EMPRESAS E CONSUMIDORES Contribuição às teorias de transgressão no relacionamento e de influência social, considerando a relação entre consumidor e empresa e os demais consumidores que tomam conhecimento sobre transgressões empresariais. Danielle Mantovani, José Carlos Korelo, Larissa Viapiana e Paulo Henrique Müller Prado 511 GESTÃO DE RECURSOS DO EAD: COMO ADEQUAR AS TECNOLOGIAS AOS PERFIS DE ASSIMILAÇÃO Artigo sobre como os tipos de tecnologias de EaD, classificadas como textuais, audiovisuais, interativas (síncronas) e colaborativas (assíncronas) afetam a percepção de efetividade da tecnologia no aprendizado. Lucia Helena Aponi Sanchez, Otávio Próspero Sanchez e Alberto Luiz Albertin 527 REMONTANDO A REDE DE ATORES NA IMPLANTAÇÃO DE UM SISTEMA DE INFORMAÇÃO EM SAÚDE Pesquisa acerca da implantação de um sistema de informação em saúde (SIS) em um hospital público brasileiro, seguindo os atores envolvidos nas controvérsias ocorridas durante a trajetória do projeto. Marcelo Fornazin e Luiz Antonio Joia 539 DETERMINANTES DO SUCESSO DE MARCAS GLOBAIS E LOCAIS NA AMÉRICA LATINA Endereçamento da questão da implementação de marcas globais e locais na América Latina sob a perspectiva da teoria da contingência, relacionando as características do produto ao sucesso dessas marcas na região. Pablo Farías 551 AVALIANDO O PROGRESSO DA EFICIÊNCIA COM TECNOLOGIA EM UMA CADEIA DE HOTÉIS ESPANHOLA Avaliação das mudanças da eficiência em produtividade de uma cadeia de hotéis espanhola de 2007 a 2010, contemplando um período de crise financeira. Maria del Rosario González-Rodriguez, Rosario Martín-Samper e Antonio Carlos Giuliani 563 MÉTODOS COLABORATIVOS NA GESTÃO DE CADEIAS DESUPRIMENTOS: DESAFIOS DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO Estudo sobre os métodos colaborativos referentes à coordenação de cadeias de suprimento e suas características e dificuldades de implementação por meio da revisão sistemática de literatura e estudo de caso. Leonardo de Carvalho Gomes e Francisco José Kliemann Neto 578 PROPOSTADEINVESTIGAÇÃOSOBREOUSODESOFTWARENOSUPORTEÀINOVAÇÃOEMSERVIÇOS Exame dos objetivos, instrumentos e características das inovações habilitadas por Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no Brasil, enfatizando tecnologias utilizadas, canais habilitados pelas ferramentas, processos de aprendizado para inovação e mudanças organizacionais necessárias para o uso de ferramentas avançadas. Alessandro de Orlando Maia Pinheiro e Paulo Bastos Tigre 593 ESTUDO CROSS-COUNTRY SOBRE OS FATORES DETERMINANTES DA CRISE FINANCEIRA BANCÁRIA Investigação sobre falhas bancárias em blocos internacionais como Nafta e União Europeia, em países emergentes, no G8 e no G20. Zhen-Jia-Liu RESENHA 604 DOS PECADOS CAPITAIS AOS PECADOS DO CAPITAL André Felipe Vieira Colares INDICAÇÕES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 606 A ANÁLISE DOS DADOS QUANTITATIVOS Valter Afonso Vieira 607 ECONOMIA COMPORTAMENTAL Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello SUMÁRIO
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  • 8. ISSN 0034-7590 September/October 2015 CONTENTS © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 ARTICLES 486 IMPLEMENTATION OF GREEN IT IN ORGANIZATIONS: A STRUCTURATIONAL VIEW A structurational view approach to analyzing green IT implementation in organizations: three case studies. Décio Bittencourt Dolci, Guilherme Lerch Lunardi, Ana Carolina Salles and Ana Paula Ferreira Alves 498 IMPACT OF THE SOCIAL DISTANCE ON THE TRANSGRESSIONS BETWEEN COMPANIES AND CONSUMERS A contribution to the relational transgression and social influence theories, considering the relationship between the consumer and the company and other consumers who learn of corporate transgressions. Danielle Mantovani, José Carlos Korelo, Larissa Viapiana and Paulo Henrique Müller Prado 511 ODL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: HOW TO ADAPT THE TECHNOLOGIES TO THE ASSIMILATION PROFILES An article on how the types of ODL technology, which are classified as textual, audio-visual, interactive (synchronous) and collaborative (asynchronous), affect perception of the effectiveness of technology in learning. Lucia Helena Aponi Sanchez, Otávio Próspero Sanchez and Alberto Luiz Albertin 527 REASSEMBLING THE ACTOR-NETWORK IN THE DEPLOYMENT OF A HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM Research into the introduction of a health information system (SIS) in a Brazilian public hospital, according to the players involved in the controversies that occurred during the course of the project. Marcelo Fornazin and Luiz Antonio Joia 539 DETERMINANTS OF THE SUCESS OF GLOBAL AND LOCAL BRANDS IN LATIN AMERICA We address the question of the implementation of global and local brands in Latin America from the perspective of the contingency theory, relating the characteristics of the product to the success of these brands in the region. Pablo Farías 551 EVALUATING THE EFFICIENCY PROGRESS WITH TECHNOLOGY IN A SPANISH HOTEL CHAIN An assessment of the changes in the productivity efficiency of a Spanish hotel chain between 2007 and 2010, considering a period of financial crisis. Maria del Rosario González-Rodriguez, Rosario Martín-Samper and Antonio Carlos Giuliani 563 COLLABORATIVE METHODS IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES Study of the collaborative methods used in supply chain coordination, their characteristics and implementation difficulties, by way of a review of the literature and a case study. Leonardo de Carvalho Gomes and Francisco José Kliemann Neto 578 INVESTIGATION PROPOSAL ON SOFTWARE AS A TOOL FOR INNOVATION IN SERVICE An examination of the objectives, instruments and characteristics of innovation as enabled by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Brazil, emphasizing the technologies used, the channels enabled by the tools, the innovation learning processes and the organizational changes necessary for using advanced tools. Alessandro de Orlando Maia Pinheiro e Paulo Bastos Tigre 593 CROSS-COUNTRY STUDY ON THE DETERMINANTS OF BANK FINANCIAL DISTRESS An investigation into banking failures in international blocks, like NAFTA and the European Union in emerging countries, the G8 and G20. Zhen-Jia-Liu BOOK REVIEW 604 FROM CAPITAL SINS TO THE SINS OF CAPITAL André Felipe Vieira Colares BOOK RECOMMENDATION 606 THE ANALYSIS OF QUANTITATIVE DATA Valter Afonso Vieira 607 BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello
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  • 10. ISSN 0034-7590 SUMARIO © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 Septiembre/Octubre 2015 ARTÍCULOS 486 IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE TI VERDE EN LAS ORGANIZACIONES: UNA VISIÓN ESTRUCTURACIONAL Análisis de la dinámica de implementación de TI verde en organizaciones bajo el abordaje de la visión estructuracional por medio del estudio de tres casos. Décio Bittencourt Dolci, Guilherme Lerch Lunardi, Ana Carolina Salles y Ana Paula Ferreira Alves 498 IMPACTO DE LA DISTANCIA SOCIAL EN LAS TRANSGRESIONES ENTRE EMPRESAS Y CONSUMIDORES Contribución a las teorías de transgresión en las relaciones y en la influencia social, considerando la relación entre consumidor y empresa y los demás consumidores que toman conocimiento sobre transgresiones empresariales. Danielle Mantovani, José Carlos Korelo, Larissa Viapiana y Paulo Henrique Müller Prado 511 GESTIÓN DE RECURSOS DEL EAD: CÓMO ADECUAR LAS TECNOLOGÍAS A LOS PERFILES DE ASIMILACIÓN Artículo sobre cómo los tipos de tecnologías de EaD, clasificadas como textuales, audiovisuales, interactivas (síncronas) y colaborativas (asíncronas) afectan la percepción de efectividad de la tecnología en el aprendizaje. Lucia Helena Aponi Sanchez, Otávio Próspero Sanchez y Alberto Luiz Albertin 527 REMONTANDO LA RED DE ACTORES EN LA IMPLANTACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN EN SALUD Estudio acerca de la implantación de un sistema de información en salud (SIS) en un hospital público brasileño, siguiendo los actores involucrados en las controversias ocurridas durante la trayectoria del proyecto. Marcelo Fornazin y Luiz Antonio Joia 539 DETERMINANTES DEL ÉXITO DE LAS MARCAS GLOBALES Y LOCALES EN AMÉRICA LATINA Abordaje de la cuestión de la implementación de marcas globales y locales en América Latina bajo la perspectiva de la teoría de la contingencia, relacionando las características del producto al éxito de esas marcas en la región. Pablo Farías 551 EVALUANDO EL PROGRESO DE LA EFICIENCIA CONTECNOLOGÍA EN UNA CADENA DE HOTELES ESPAÑOLA Evaluación de los cambios de la eficiencia en productividad de una cadena de hoteles española de 2007 a 2010, contemplando un periodo de crisis financiera. Maria del Rosario González-Rodriguez, Rosario Martín-Samper y Antonio Carlos Giuliani 563 MÉTODOS COLABORATIVOS EN LA GESTIÓN DE CADENAS DE SUMINISTROS: DESAFÍOS DE IMPLEMENTACIÓN Estudio sobre los métodos colaborativos referentes a la coordinación de cadenas de suministros y sus características y dificultades de implementación por medio de la revisión sistemática de literatura y estudio de caso. Leonardo de Carvalho Gomes y Francisco José Kliemann Neto 578 PROPUESTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN SOBRE SOFTWARE COMO SOPORTE A LA INNOVACIÓN EN SERVICIOS Examen de los objetivos, instrumentos y características de las innovaciones habilitadas por Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en Brasil, enfatizando las tecnologías utilizadas, canales habilitados por las herramientas, procesos de aprendizaje para innovación y cambios organizacionales necesarios para el uso de herramientas avanzadas. Alessandro de Orlando Maia Pinheiro y Paulo Bastos Tigre 593 ESTUDIO CROSS-COUNTRY SOBRE LOS FACTORES DETERMINANTES DE LA CRISIS FINANCIERA BANCARIA Investigación sobre fallas bancarias en bloques internacionales como Nafta y Unión Europea, en países emergentes, en el G8 y en el G20. Zhen-Jia-Liu RESEÑA 604 DE LOS PECADOS CAPITALES A LOS PECADOS DEL CAPITAL André Felipe Vieira Colares INDICACIONES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 606 ANÁLISIS DE LOS DATOS CUANTITATIVOS Valter Afonso Vieira 607 ECONOMÍA COMPORTAMENTAL Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello
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  • 12. 486 ISSN 0034-7590© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 DÉCIO BITTENCOURT DOLCI Professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Instituto de Ciências Econômicas, Administrativas e Contábeis – Rio Grande – RS, Brazil GUILHERME LERCH LUNARDI Professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Instituto de Ciências Econômicas, Administrativas e Contábeis – Rio Grande – RS, Brazil ANA CAROLINA SALLES Master’s candidate in Business Administration from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração – Porto Alegre – RS, Brazil ANA PAULA FERREIRA ALVES Ph.D. Candidate in Business Administration from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração – Porto Alegre – RS, Brazil ARTICLES Submitted 02.18.2014. Approved 05.28.2014 Evaluated by double blind review process. Scientific Editor: Martin Jayo IMPLEMENTATION OF GREEN IT IN ORGANIZATIONS: A STRUCTURATIONAL VIEW Implementação da TI Verde nas organizações: uma visão estruturacional Implementación de TI Verde en las organizaciones: una visión estructuracional ABSTRACT Environmental sustainability has become increasingly important to businesses as a response to the rapid depletion of natural resources. Information Technology (IT) in particular represents a meaningful part of the environmental issues that society has been facing. Therefore, Green IT emerges as a way of combining available resources and sustainable and economic policies, thus, generating benefits for both the environment and businesses. The purpose of this paper, hence, is to explain the dynamics of Green IT implementation in organizations in light of the structurationist view of technology. We conducted a case study research based on the cases of three Brazilian companies interested in this movement. Results provide a better understanding of the relationship among technology, individuals, and organization institutional properties, thus enhancing the role played by IT teams in institutionali- zing the environmental dimension of sustainability in organizations. KEYWORDS | Green IT, structurational view, implementation, Green IT practices, IT team. RESUMO A sustentabilidade ambiental tem se tornado muito importante para os negócios como resposta à rápida degradação de recursos naturais. A Tecnologia da Informação (TI), mais especificamente, tem sido responsável por parte dos problemas ambientais que a sociedade enfrenta ultimamente. Neste sentido, a TI Verde aparece como uma forma de combinar recursos disponíveis a políticas de susten- tabilidade e economia, gerando benefícios para o ambiente e para os negócios. Assim, objetiva-se neste artigo explicar a dinâmica da implementação da TI Verde nas organizações sob a perspectiva estruturacionista da tecnologia, por meio de um estudo de múltiplos casos realizado com três empre- sas brasileiras interessadas neste movimento. Os resultados permitem uma melhor compreensão da inter-relação entre a tecnologia, os indivíduos e as propriedades institucionais da organização, des- tacando o papel da equipe de TI na institucionalização da dimensão ambiental da sustentabilidade nas organizações. PALAVRAS-CHAVE | TI Verde, visão estruturacional, implementação, práticas de TI Verde, equipe de TI. RESUMEN La sustentabilidad ambiental se ha vuelto de vital importancia para los negocios como respuesta a la disminución rápida de los recursos naturales. La Tecnologías de la Información (TI) en particular representa una parte significativa de los problemas ambientales que ha enfrentado la sociedad. Por lo tanto, la TI Verde surge como una forma de combinar recursos disponibles y políticas sustentables y económicas, y por lo tanto, generar beneficios para el medio ambiente y los negocios. El objetivo de este artículo, por lo tanto, es explicar la dinámica de la implementación de TI Verde en organiza- ciones, a la luz de la visión estructuracionalista de la tecnología. Llevamos a cabo una investigación de estudio de caso en los casos de tres empresas brasileñas interesadas en este movimiento. Los resultados ofrecen un mejor entendimiento de la relación entre tecnología, individuos y propiedades institucionales de la organización y, por lo tanto, mejorar el rol representado por los equipos de TI en institucionalizar la dimensión ambiental de sustentabilidad en las organizaciones. PALABRAS CLAVE | TI Verde, visión estructuracional, implementación, prácticas de TI Verde, equipo de TI. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas | FGV-EAESP
  • 13. 487 ISSN 0034-7590 AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 INTRODUCTION Issues related to sustainability have become increasingly important to business scholars and practitioners in the last decades, as a result of both natural resource depletion and wealth disparity (Dao, Langella, & Carbo, 2011). Such issues have recently spread to the domain of Information Technology (IT), the impacts of which on natural environment can be classified in two categories: first- order effects, i.e., when technology represents a significant and increasingly larger part of the current environmental problems faced by society (thus concerning the negative environmental impact of IT production, use, and disposal); and second-order effects, i.e., when technology provides important solutions to mitigate these problems (thus concerning the positive impact of using IT on businesses and economic processes) (Molla & Abareshi, 2012). In this context, the concept of Green IT or Green Computing stands out as a socio-technical movement which implements policies, practices, strategies, and IT products (software and hardware) that can help improve and foster environmental sustainability (Salles, Alves, Dolci, & Lunardi, 2013). Given the increasing demand by regulatory agencies, consumers, and society for better environmental management, several organizations have been dedicating time and resources to protecting the environment and implementing different strategies to mitigate the impact of their IT operations, so that energy consumption and waste generation can be decreased (Ko, Clark, & Ko, 2011). Jenkin, Webster, and McShane (2011) examined the relationship among four components (motivating forces, environmental sustainability initiatives, environmental orientation, and environmental impacts) and developed a multilevel research framework for environmentally sustainable IT/IS research, suggesting several theoretical propositions that could help overcome challenges associated with implementing Green IT. By focusing on the central part of this framework, we conducted a case study research based on the cases of three Brazilian companies interested in the Green IT movement. The resulting paper describes the dynamics of the interaction among technological systems, institutional properties, human choices, and actions that reinforce an environmental orientation over time. In this perspective, we can see that the actions of individuals in organizations are guided by a social construction process that occurs in time and space and constitutes a set of practices that depend on several factors, such as the specific way in which every organizational actor learns his/her roles and relates to other people. Nowadays, individuals use IT to execute a large part of their activities, both inside and outside the organizations where they work. With regard to environmental sustainability, the choice for certain technologies has been addressed by several studies (Lunardi, Alves, & Salles, 2012; Murugesan, 2008; Zhang & Liang, 2012). However, it is necessary to understand better how this behavioral change phenomenon occurs in an organizational environment. Therefore, this paper aims to explain the dynamics of Green IT metastructuration and structuration processes in organizations in order to help perceiving the establishment of environmental sustainability as an institutional property of an organization. This reflection was based on empirical data collected in companies interested in Green IT practices, in light of the structurationist view of technology, particularly based on Orlikowski’s studies, that have been recognized as relevant not only in research of InformationSystems (IS) but also in Organization studies (Pozzebon, Diniz, & Jayo, 2009). Through this lens, we attempt to understand the introduction of Green IT practices into organizations, by examining actions, conditions and consequences in different groups and levels presented in the organizational context. According to Giddens, practices are those social actions that recursively produce and reproduce the structures that constrain and enable actions (Feldman & Orlikowski, 2011). The present study considers the two research orientations that have been used in structurationist studies of technology: one focused on technology and its impact on use (Orlikowski, 1992) and one focused on human agency and on enacting emergent structures in the recurrent use of technologies (Orlikowski, 2000). The latter is most indicated to explore what Orlikowski (2000) termed technologies-in-practice. Feldman and Orlikowski (2011) enhance the distinction between technological artifacts and technologies-in-practice, a distinction that offers some practical insights as to how technology can be introduced and managed in organizations. In addition to being an attempt to contribute on that issue, the present study is relevant to verify the application of previous theoretical models in new contexts such as Green IT. It is worth noting that this reflection does not intend to exhaust this complex subject; on the contrary, it aims to trigger further discussion about Green IT in light of Giddens’s Theory of Structuration, one of the most widely used social theories in IS studies (Jones & Karsten, 2008). Although Giddens’ view may sometimes by overly theoretical – and he has not dealt with technology in his theory – Orlikowski and her academic peers have provided models and frameworks that can help investigate IT using Giddens’s social theory. LITERATURE REVIEW The literature review carried out in this research was based on two pillars: Sustainability and Giddens’s Theory of Structuration.
  • 14. 488 ISSN 0034-7590 ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 The former approaches the environmental dimension of sustainability and its relation to Green IT. The latter examines the metastructuration and structuration processes of technology in organizations and the establishment of institutional properties. Green IT in the context of sustainability The significant scientific and technological development that has taken place over the last decades has ignored the connection between Economics and Ecology, bringing as its main negative outcome the planet’s rapid resource depletion. Impacts, mainly resulting from industrial demands, population growth, and increase in social inequity have led to environmental, social, and economic problems directly affecting the scarcity of non-renewable resources, the increase in per capita waste generation, and the lack of residue storage areas, all of which clearly point to unsustainable development, one that is socially unfair, environmentally unbalanced, and economically unviable (Claro, Claro, & Amâncio, 2008). In this context, which intertwines environmental concerns and socio-economic issues, the UN World Commission on Environment and Development, in its report “Our Common Future” (also known as Brundtland Report), conceptualized the term “sustainable development” as the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on Environment and Development [WCED], 1987). Due to its broad and vague features, this definition resulted in an array of lines, concepts, and conceptions about the theme (Claro et al., 2008) which contributed to its widespread status around the world. One of the most common interpretations of sustainability is the triple bottom line (TBL) concept, which states that sustainable development must comprise the social, environmental, and economic dimensions (Elkington, 2001). When applied to the organizational area, TBL aims to analyze sustainability beyond the traditional measurements of profit, return on investment, and value generation for shareholders, in order to include social and environmental issues (Elkington, 2001; Slaper & Hall, 2011). From this perspective, the beginning of a new paradigm in business management is expected, driven by sustainability, integrated economy, environment, and society, through greater sustainability awareness (Barata et al., 2014). Companies have been led to admit the seriousness of their socio-environmental impacts and to carry out voluntary and continuous actions to mitigate them. Regarding the environmental dimension, the number of organizations that include environmental practices in their strategies and daily operations has grown. These companies aim at reducing energy consumption, carbon footprint emissions, the amount of non- renewable resources they use, and the quantity of residues they generate (Ozturk et al., 2011). In the IT area, these environmental problems are more visible than those found in other areas. However, the so-called IT-for-green approach considers IT the potential solution to environmental problems, rather than its cause (Dedrick, 2010). Therefore, the adoption of Green IT practices has involved a new perspective to operations, the positive results of which can improve organizations’ both economic and environmental development while disrupting the idea of a conflict between Economics and Ecology. The effect of IT on the environmental dimension of sustainability and the magnitude of the theme sustainability have triggered scholars’ interest in researching Green IT (Jenkin et al., 2011; Melville, 2010; Sisaye & Birnberg, 2010; Watson, Boudreau, & Chen, 2010). However, Green IT is neither a thoroughly defined concept nor a set of commonly accepted practices (Lunardi, Frio, & Brum, 2011). According to Murugesan (2008), Green IT is the study and practice related to designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems (monitors,printers,storagedevices,andnetworkandcommunication systems) efficiently and effectively, with minimal or no impact on the environment. In addition, it is concerned with waste, energetic efficiency, and total ownership cost, which includes discharge and recycling costs. Schmidt, Erek, Kolbe, and Zarnekow (2010) have added that Green IT also comprises tools to control, guide, and communicate the practices adopted. The authors took into account the complete life cycle of information and communication technologies, involving environmentallycorrectdesign, production, operation, and elimination processes (Elliot, 2007). In this perspective, Green IT can be understood to consist of: a holistic and systematic approach to facing challenges related to IT infrastructure; IT’s contribution to reducing the environmental impact of companies’ IT operations; IT’s support for environmentally sustainable business practices carried out in companies; and IT’s role in the low-carbon economy (Molla et al., 2008). In a socio-technical view, Brooks, Wang, and Sarker (2010) divided Green IT in: (a) initiatives that use IT infrastructure to change organizational processes and/or practices to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts; and (b) the introduction of environmentally healthier IT products and/or services. Thus, Green IT can introduce not only environmentally favorable strategies in organizations but also environmentally correct products in the market. It is worth highlighting that the pursuit of sustainability does not mean that economic thinking must be abandoned; in fact, economics addresses the problem of allocating scarce resources, such as emission-free energy and electro-electronic components, which are particularly scarce resources (Watson et al., 2010).
  • 15. 489 ISSN 0034-7590 AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 According to Bose and Xin (2012), several studies show that the IT area has been critical in facing problems, but the need remains to involve the whole organization in order to achieve significant results. They also pointed that IT’s negative impact on the environment can be mitigated through technological and behavioral changes. The former should focus on improving IT and business infrastructures in order to make them environment- friendly. In this respect, adequate, conscious choices of products and services in IT and other activities in the organization – towards greater energy efficiency and better use of the resources involved in IT infrastructure use and development – have contributed to reduce environmental impact. Behavioral changes, in turn, can be achieved by acting in an environmentally responsible manner and by developing and enforcing organizational policies and initiatives in line with the “green” IT strategy undertaken by the organization. Jenkin et al. (2011) have developed a conceptual research framework (Figure 1) that proposes a comprehensive look at Green IT/IS issues in terms of corporate environmental initiatives and their environmental impacts. Their theoretical propositions have addressed several challenges and gaps at both individual and organizational levels of Green IT analysis. The study reported in this paper focuses exclusively on the dashed area in Figure 1 and analyzes the recursiveness between environmental initiatives and guidelines. The analysis uses features of Giddens’s Structuration Theory. According to Giddens (1984), structure and agency are mutually constitutive; society is a complex system of recurrent practices that constitute social institutions and individual identity. An important variation of Giddens’s work, primarily for studying IS phenomena, is the work developed by Orlikowski (1992, 2000) and Orlikowski, Yates, Okamura, and Fujimoto (1995). Based on Giddens’ Structuration Theory, they have studied the duality of technology, i.e., technology as a social product of human action in a specific cultural and structural context, and technology’s constitutive role in which a set of rules and resources contributes to mediate (by facilitating or constraining) the human action; thus, technology helps create, recreate, and transform these contexts, and therein lies one of the premises of the structurationist view of technology. In order to extend previous studies of this issue, Pozzebon et al. (2009) proposed a framework considering studies of complex and multilevel interactions (at individual, group, organization, regional, or societal levels). Figure 1. Multilevel framework for environmentally sustainable IT/S research Environmental sustainability motivating forces Environmental sustainability initiatives Overall environmental orientation Green IT /S strategies Green IT/S Environmental impacts Organiztion level Employee level Source: Adapted from Jenkin et al. (2011, p. 21) Structuring and metastructuring processes of technology in use Most studies of structuration in IS research have adopted Giddens’s Structuration Theory standpoint (Figure 2) (Jones & Karsten, 2008). Since many practices have developed from everyday work, this theory helps us understand how the structuration process of human action occurs, as it broadens the perception of rules and resources inherent to social systems that belong to a certain social structure. Giddens (1984) argues that the duality of structure concept consists in rules and resources implicit to the production and reproduction of the environment; they are, at the same time, the reproductive means of the system. According to Giddens, structure is simultaneously restrictive and facilitative; this process presupposes reflexive monitoring and the integration of agents into social activities with limited actions and consequences. Giddens also specifies three modalities – interpretive schemes, facilities, and norms – that link the realm of action (interaction) and the realm of social structure (structure). Actors draw on the modalities of structuration to reproduce interaction systems, and reconstitute the systems’ structural properties
  • 16. 490 ISSN 0034-7590 ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 by the same token. Interpretive schemes are actors’ stocks of knowledge applied reflexively in the sustaining of communication. The stocks of knowledge that actors draw on to produce and reproduce interaction are the same ones whereby they are able to offer accounts, reasons, etc. Facilities are the means through which actors realize their intentions, achieve their goals, and exercise their power. Norms are the rules that shape the conduct and define the legitimacy of interaction. Figure 2. Giddens’s structuration model significationstructure modality interaction interpretative scheme communication domination facility power legitimation norm sanction Source: Giddens (1984) It is worth mentioning that Giddens does not clarify how technology is introduced in this process of social changes; this became a major theme in Orlikowski’s studies (Orlikowski, 1992, 2000; Orlikowski & Gash, 1994; Orlikowski & Robey, 1991; Orlikowski et al., 1995). Based on Giddens’s Theory of Structuration, Orlikowski (1992) proposed a structurational model of technology which reconceptualizes the nature of technology in organization research. Her first studies apply a view that starts with structures presumed to be embedded within technology (Orlikowski, 1992; Orlikowski & Gash, 1994; Orlikowski & Robey, 1991). Some years later, based on further fieldwork and colleagues’ constructive criticism, she modified her structurational view of technology by actively theorizing the relationship between everyday practices and technologies in use (Feldman & Orlikowski, 2011). Her revised view stresses that technology as artifact does not embody structures because these can only be instantiated in practice. Technology structures are not external to, or independent of, human agency, nor can they be embodied in technologies. In this sense, “it is thus not technologies per se, nor how they may be used in general that matter, but the specific technologies in practice (enacted technology structures) that are recurrently produced in everyday action that are consequential for the shaping of organizational outcomes” (Feldman & Orlikowski, 2011, p. 1247). According to Orlikowski (2000, p. 407), “these enacted structures of technology use”, which she terms technologies-in-practice “are the sets of rules and resources that are (re)constituted in people’s recurrent engagement with the technology at hand”. By considering technology-in-practice (rules and resources instantiated in the use of technology) as a kind of structure, Orlikowski (2000) adopts the modalities of structuration (Giddens, 1984) in order to illustrate that hardware and software are examples of facilities; protocols and etiquette are examples of norms; and assumptions and knowledge are examples of interpretive schemes. In the meantime, Orlikowski et al. (1995), based on the structurational model of technology, propose two new dimensions to its analysis: mediation and technology in use (Figure 3). The authors define mediation as a deliberate, ongoing, and organizationally-sanctioned intervention within the context of use that helps to adapt a new technology to that context, modifies the context as appropriate to accommodate the use of that technology, and facilitates its ongoing effectiveness over time. By including the mediation and technology in use dimensions, Orlikowski and her co-workers highlight the metastructuration process that occurs in the introduction phase of a new technology, i.e., the interaction among the technologies the organization already uses and the mediation carried out by IT managers/professionals in the structuration process of a newly adopted technology. The term “metastructuration” refers to an organizational mechanism aimed at continuous adaptation of technologies, their use, and their organizational contexts, so that favorable conditions for change can be achieved (Orlikowski et al., 1995). The framework shows both the metastructuration process of technology in use and its structuration process. With regard to the use of technology and its mediation, several interdependencies can be perceived among the following elements: institutional properties, technology, and human actions. The theoretical framework developed by Orlikowski et al. (1995) is the most suitable to this investigation. Although it does not emphasize technologies-in-practice (Orlikowski, 2000), it aids to develop a better explanation about the dynamic inscribed in the processes. By exposing conditions and consequences – arrows – it makes it easier for us to understand the relations and co-evolution of the following three elements: technology, work organization (Green IT adoption and use), and institutional properties of an organization. Sustainability may have become an institutional property in organizations; thus, IT initiatives using Green IT practices create a spiral that reinforces environmentally sustainable- oriented guidance. This spiral presupposes the influence of IT at a community/societal level; Pozzebon et al. (2009) reinforce that technology content alone will not influence the process and outcomes of technologies-in-practice and emergent social structures. IT implementation and use can be understood as a process of negotiation where the identification of occasions, spaces, and mechanisms allowing negotiation and change seems crucial. According the structurationist, multilevel framework
  • 17. 491 ISSN 0034-7590 AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 (Pozzebon et al., 2009), the context influences the process, which in turn influences the content, which influences the context, and so on. Although this dynamic seems quite similar to the model presented in Orlikowski et al. (1995), some attention is required, as the former presupposes the presence of relations of influence between the elements, while the latter presents relationships of conditions and consequences. Figure 3. The technology metastructuration and structuration processes Institutional properties of the organization Individuals’ actions Process of structuring technology- in-use Process of metastructuring technology-in- use 1 4 2 3 7 6 8 9 10 5 Technology-use Technology-use mediation Technology Arrow 1 - Institutional conditions for use Arrow 2 - Technological conditions for use Arrow 3 - Technological consequences of use Arrow 4 - Institutional consequences of use Arrow 5 - Institutional conditions for mediation Arrow 6 - Technological conditions for mediation Arrow 7 - Technological consequences of mediation Arrow 8 - Institutional consequences of mediation Arrow 9 - User consequences of mediation Arrow 10 – User conditions for mediation Source: Orlikowski et al. (1995) METHOD Firstly, a theoretical analysis was carried out with the help of a bibliographic review in order to comprehend and report how sustainability has been defined and understood in both its environmentaldimension and itsrelation to IT. Likewise, Giddens’s Theory (1984) wasstudiedincombinationwiththemetastructuration and structuration model proposed by Orlikowski et al. (1995). Afterwards,a“multi-caseexplanatorystudy”(Yin, 2001) wascarried out. This methodology allows using several evidence sources to solve research problems related to “how” and “why” (Yin, 2001). Our analysis was conducted at an organizational level as it focuses on aspects found in every company selected for this study. We view it as a qualitative research aimed at interpreting a certain reality found, rather than generalizing it. The study was conducted with three Brazilian companies in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. They were chosen because of their representativeness in their economic sectors, as well as the fact that they have been committed to developing sustainable initiatives in their IT departments. Data were collected using interviews with semi-structured guidelines, mainly comprised of open-ended questions. In addition, a structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions was applied. Secondary methods of data collection were also used. The instruments were based on questions that emerged after the theoretical review on sustainability and Green IT was conducted. Once the questions were written and the research instruments organized, we proceeded to interview IT managers at the investigated companies and apply the structured questionnaires with IT users. The semi- structured guidelines contained questions about company and interviewee characteristics, and 11 other questions on factors that triggered sustainable actions in the IT department, the relation between Green IT and the company’s strategies, practices adopted, critical success factors, and perceived benefits and challenges. The structured questionnaire evaluated users’ perception of Green IT’s presence in the organization, identifying different components affecting the way organizations have addressed environmental sustainability in the IT area. Secondary methods of data collection included observing the companies’ environment in order to identify the various (green) computing equipment and sustainable practices implemented. We also checked the firms’ websites and documents in order to complement information collected in the interviews and visits to the facilities (to check information given by the managers in their interviews). All companies under investigation were implementing some improvement program based on the adoption of Green IT practices. Company 1 (C1) is a medium-sized company in the pharmaceutical retail industry which directly employs 87 workers in 8 branches. This company is part of a pharmaceutical retail chain that uses a cooperation system to increase competitiveness against large market players. It tries to use its bargaining power with suppliers in order to offer consumers competitive prices. Company 2 (C2) is a large-sized company in the fuel retail industry which directly and indirectly employs about 450 workers in nineteen gas stations across the state. Also large-sized, Company 3 (C3) is a container terminal in the port logistics industry, in the import-export sector. This company employs about 1,000 direct
  • 18. 492 ISSN 0034-7590 ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 workers, with a pyramid structure where decisions are centralized in the management and passed down across the organization. To initiate the data collection process, we first sent an e-mail to the companies explaining the research theme and goals and inviting them to participate. Once we had their formal acceptance, we proceeded to interview the CIOs at their offices for about one hour. In addition, we applied the structured questionnaire with three IT users at each company. Data were analyzed according to their compatibility with the theoretical dimensions of the model of Orlikowski et al. (1995), which allowed us to found both the analysis and the results (next item). RESULTS The dynamics of the institutionalization of Green IT in the organizations investigated are explained in light of the model proposed by Orlikowski et al. (1995). Facts are identified by the abbreviations c1, c2 and c3 – the number identifies the company as described in the previous section (methodology). They reveal different, important types of conditions and consequences presented in the dynamics of the Green IT structuration process in the studied firms, with implications beyond IT borders. According to Orlikowski (2000), different types of conditions can be found: interpretive, technological, and institutional. Interpretive conditions refer to approved agreements and shared meanings that members of a community use to make sense of their world (such as the technology they use). Technological conditions refer to technological properties (both tools and data) available to users in their work practices. Finally, institutional conditions refer to the social structures (normative and authority-related) that constitute part of the broad social system in which users work. As to the consequences (intended or unintended), the most relevant are the processual, technological, and structural ones. The processual ones refer to changes in the execution and results of work practices, technological ones refer to changes in the technological properties available to users, and the structural ones refer to changes in structures that users establish as part of the broad social system they participate in. The right side of Figure 4 shows the metastructuration process occurring when a new Green IT is brought forward. The left side presents the structuration process resulting of users’ continuous use of technology. As to the influence of technology- in-use on its mediation, it is represented by two arrows: arrow 10a indicates conditions for mediation and arrow 10b shows the consequences of the use of technology on mediation; the latter emphasizes user feedback to mediators (IT team). Figure 4. Structuration process of the environmental sustainability property in Green IT Institutional properties of the organization environmental sustainbility orientation Individuals’ actions Process of structuring Green IT-in- use Process of metastructuring Green IT-in-use 1 4 2 3 7 6 8 9 10a 10b 5 Technology-use Technology-use mediation Traditional IT Green IT Conditions determining the change to Green IT On the right side, with regard to technology mediation, IT managers are pressed by the organization’s institutional properties to take more sustainable decisions (arrow 5). These properties can be explained by the institutional context, i.e., governmental regulations applying to the company’s commercial activity, such as electronic invoicing (c2, c3) and legal environmental procedures to start and run the business (c2). Moreover, there are internal pressures for results, such as more efficiency in the processes, careful material spending, less depreciation and maintenance (c1), and external pressures from suppliers (c2). Finally, the company itself aims to become more sustainable and committed to managing environmental liabilities and organization image (c2, c3). By then, the IT team is able to invest time and resources to adopt different Green IT initiatives. The organization itself has a certain level of environmental orientation and social commitment that value these environment-focused technologies and organizational routines (Jenkin et al., 2011). It is worth mentioning that an orientation towards Green IT differs from the adoption of just any IT, mainly because of the importance that issues related to ethics and environmental sustainability have in the decision-making processes.The adoption of any IT is usually motivated by potential economic benefits achieved by this technology whereas Green IT practices are also prompted by concerns for the planet, even though economic benefits may not be tangible in the short term. Organizations that care about their social and environmental responsibility,
  • 19. 493 ISSN 0034-7590 AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 business sustainability, and Green IT have dealt with these issues by carrying out clear policies on equipment acquisition (less energy consumption, recycled material, and non-polluting material), the use of computers and printers (more efficient computational processes, cartridge refilling, paper recycling, and less printing) and computers and datacenter facilities design (virtualized, smaller facilities, with less energy consumption and better air conditioning systems) (Lunardi et al., 2011). In this process of change, conditions imposed by users when using conventional technologies (arrow 10a) and by current technologies themselves (arrow 6) must also be taken into account. In this respect, we have found that IT users did not oppose to sustainable initiatives in the metastructuration phase. Apparently, the IT team has a certain level of autonomy and confidence to implement these changes. At this stage, users’ passive or active resistance may not be perceived due to a predominant indifference (Giangreco, 2002). Expressions of both passive and active resistance may appear later, when users actually use Green IT. Conditions imposed by companies’ current technologies have guided IT teams as to possible designs and the replacement of current technologies. Potential Green IT artifacts and their technological consequences Even though an organization may adopt different “green” practices, it will still be using existing technologies. The replacement process and the adoption of “new” technologies mean that they will both qualify and constrain them. Based on IT-offered resources (arrow 6), the IT area, relying on Green IT assumptions, starts to test and introduce designs made possible by computational artifacts – equipment, operational systems, and applications – while investing in proposals that are more adequate to Green IT (arrow 7), such as servers consolidation and virtualization (c1, c2, c3), the introduction of thin clients (c2), and printer usage monitoring (c1, c2, c3). It is worth highlighting that such initiatives also constrain (arrow 6) the way mediators work and, later, the way users apply this technology, such as assigning print quotas to individual users (c1, c2) and controlling the use and access to software and information (c2). These technological novelties have been identified by the IT area in the media (in the news or in new product launches) (c1, c3), in reported cases of companies that saved energy and money by using cleaner computational technologies (c1, c2), and even by hiring companies specializing in the area (c2). Such IT department-started initiatives may at first lead to technological consequences; these, however, are the least relevant in the present study. The consequences that interest us which arise in this process of technology metastructuration are discussed below. Other consequences of Green IT mediation The more Green IT practices are adopted by the IT team, the more they influence the technology applied by users. However, the constant use of these initiatives by the IT department reinforces the organization’s “green” institutional properties (arrow 8). Some examples of actions that were first implemented by the IT department are the use of teleworking and teleconferencing (c2), email messages rather than printed copy format (c1, c3), high efficiency equipment (c1, c2, c3), corporate messenger applications, and printing using eco-font (c1). A fact common to all three cases was the replacement of CRT monitors by LCD ones (c1, c2, c3) as the latter need less space and energy. This set of practices – when it occurs in the metastructuration phase – influences the organization’s institutional properties, not only leading it to more sustainable values but also causing it to commit to the environment and society. These cases show initiatives that reinforce the organizations’ reduction of operational costs in line with concerns such as global warming. By learning more about Green IT and the use of equipment and services that support environmentally sustainable strategies, the IT team starts to influence others in the organization in terms of both implicit and explicit knowledge (arrow 9). This can be seen in practices related with awareness raising campaigns and training programs (c1, c2) and energy efficiency analysis (c1, c3) within the organization. Users learn to identify costs and risks of business activities and are encouraged to participate in “green” technology development and implementation processes. The organization can occasionally resort to different alternatives in order to encourage individual and collective development, i.e., working on environmental education (c3), which promotes understanding about the adoption of Green IT practices. Assimilation depends largely on employees’ attitudes, cognition, and behavior, as well as on the organization itself according to the importance they attribute to environmental issues (Jenkin et al., 2011) and their belief that these initiatives can actually help the environment. The dissemination of Green IT practices awakens ecological awareness in the company (c1, c3), although the challenge remains to find ways of mobilizing people towards changing their behavior. Moreover, the process may take a long time. Still, there is evidence that the younger generations have already incorporated environmental issues into their education processes (c3), making assimilation and dissemination easier.
  • 20. 494 ISSN 0034-7590 ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 Using Green IT: technological conditions and early consequences The mediation conducted to clarify these technological process changes has been accompanied by constraints and advantages proposed with the new technological configuration. The interaction among individuals leads to deeper communication among users and the IT team. Green IT-in-use becomes part of the organizational environment, which is constantly updated and, in turn, suggests changes/updating in the new contexts. Issues previously restricted to the IT team – eco-fonts, LCD monitors, more efficient machines, screen savers, printing quotas – become potential organization-wide technologies- in-use (arrow 2). However, users’ participation must be emphasized since they use designs and tools that can make “green” technological resources more effective. Examples are duplex printing (c3) and paper reuse (c1, c2), as well as actions such as setting equipment to hibernate during long idle periods and switching computers off when leaving the office (c3). These show technological consequences aligned to “green” thinking. As to the technological conditions, it is worth mentioning that flexible technological innovations (i.e., those allowing users greater control of their interaction with the technology and its characteristics) are the most critical ones, therefore requiring more effort from the mediation team. Certain practices, such as replacing printed reports by digitalized documents (c1, c2, c3), eco-font use (c1), and paper reuse (c1, c2) will only work if users commit to them in their routine. The use of, or replacement for, more efficient machines (c1, c2, c3), server virtualization (c1, c2, c3), thin clients (c2), and (even) printing monitoring (c1, c2, c3), which have all been classified as strict technological innovations, are situations whose dependence on, or acceptance by users is low or irrelevant to their use/institutionalization. Orlikowski (1992) calls interpretive flexibility the degree to which users of a technology are engaged in its constitution (physically and/or socially), whether during its development or use. Interpretive flexibility is an attribute of the relationship between humans and technology and hence it is influenced by characteristics of the material artifact (e.g., the specific hardware and software), characteristics of the human agents (e.g., experience, motivation), and characteristics of the context (e.g., social relation, task assignment). However, she recognizes that the interpretive flexibility of any given technology is not infinite. On the one hand, it is constrained by the material characteristics of that technology. Technology is at some level physical in nature and hence bounded by the state of the art in material, energy, and so on. On the other hand, it is constrained by the institutional context (structures of signification, legitimation, and domination) and different levels of knowledge and power affecting actors as the technology is designed and used (Orlikowski, 1992, p. 409). Another important aspect in this process is that using these initiatives on an ongoing basis causes users to give their feedback to the mediation team (IT managers) as to the results achieved through Green IT. In other words, benefits and potential improvements of process/technology are revealed (arrow 10b). Printing monitoring (c3), which not only decreased the consumption of non-renewable inputs and pollutants but also reduced expenses, and the introduction of thin clients (c2), which lowered energy consumption, maintenance, downtime, and costs (since the equipment is pre-configured and users themselves can solve most incidents), can be cited as good examples of processes and “green” technologies that result in improvements for both organizations and the environment. It is worth pointing out that, in order to get this feedback, Green IT must be functioning and users must have conditions to use it. This enables users to compare different available resources (“green” and traditional technologies) while providing information to the IT team so that improvements can be made in the structuration process of a technology. However, the feedback relationship is also conditioned by mediation activities. The cases studied revealed difficulties concerning changing behavior and habits (c1, c2 and c3), using certain technologies (c3), and the awareness that these practices bring environmental and organizational benefits (c1, c3). However, certain technological conditions are so strict that there is neither feedback nor mediation adjustments involved. In these cases, users merely use the technology without any possibility or need to question it. Greater environmental sustainability orientation as a consequence of Green IT use When users apply Green IT continuously, they legitimate different patterns, configurations, and policies; as a consequence, they reinforce some organizational principles (arrow 4).The interviewees reported such influences when mentioning the benefits from the adoption of “green” practices, even though economic advantages were mentioned most often. They cited reduction in energy, paper, and toner cartridge consumption (c1, c2, c3), decrease in telephone costs(c1), lessmaintenance (c2) and equipmentpurchase expenses (c2), in addition to increase in machine life cycles (c1, c2). They also reported the following perceptions as environmental benefits: environmental awareness encouragement (c1) and more physical space (c2). In the context of the companies investigated, examples of recurrent Green IT practices were: printing monitoring (c1, c2, c3), document digitalization (c1, c2, c3), recycled paper use (c1, c2, c3), paper reuse (c1, c2), duplex printing (c1, c2, c3) and replacing old
  • 21. 495 ISSN 0034-7590 AUTHORS | Décio Bittencourt Dolci | Guilherme Lerch Lunardi | Ana Carolina Salles | Ana Paula Ferreira Alves © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 equipment with more power-efficient ones (c2, c3). Our analysis of the cases shows that environmental sustainability outcomes are due to practices usually introduced in the organization as a means to economic benefits.Thus, the environmental dimension arises as a positive consequence of changes promoted for economic aspects. Reinforcing the institutionalization of environmental sustainability as a property of the organization enables people to carry out different “green” practices not only in the IT area but also in other departments (arrow 1). When a change occurs in institutional properties, such as becoming environmentally aware of resource shortage and that it is necessary to recycle technological equipment and discharge it properly (c1, c2), this means that Green IT has contributed to institutionalize the organization’s concern for different environmental issues. This situation leads to a change in work methods that can favor environmental sustainability initiatives. In this context, Green IT influences the behavior and actions of IT users and managers, since the phenomenon was collectively accepted and generated changes in the institutional properties. Evidence of these changes is the behavior and habits of several groups of IT users who now switch off equipment when leaving the office, ask for more power- efficient equipment (i.e., Energy Star or LEED-certified), separate organic garbage from recyclable waste, and monitor toxic residues even after handing them to recycling companies that collect equipment and parts such as batteries, bulbs, and ink cartridges. By analyzing the cases, we were able to see that: (1) the adoption of Green IT practices is triggered by the IT area when it first identifies new “green” technologies that will be implemented by the organization; thus, we can see the need to associate technical and computational knowledge with issues related to eco-efficiency and eco-equity; (2) Green IT’s structuration process and its interrelation with the property of sustainability are mutually constructed by users and the IT team, rather than autocratically imposed; (3) the mediation in the metastructuration process is key to introducing open, complex technologies, as this mediation allows the technology assimilation process, encourages users to adopt it, and makes it a technology-in-use; (4) the model helps understanding the dynamics of the Green IT phenomenon and how it develops within organizations, thus institutionalizing environmental sustainability in multiple levels; (5) Green IT practices in organizations can also be studied by analyzing rules and resources through Giddens’ (1984) three modality types: facilities (e.g., hardware and software such as electronic invoicing, server consolidation, and corporate messenger applications), norms (e.g., print quotas, computer hibernation mode for long idle periods, switching computers off when leaving work), and interpretive schemes (e.g., reducing energy, paper, and toner cartridge consumption brings both environmental and organizational benefits); (6) using Green IT can provide better conditions (structures enacted in the use of technology) to trigger new “green” practices (not necessarily IT-related); and that (7) the institutional properties related to economic and legal aspects still guide most Green IT initiatives in organizations (institutional conditions, according to Orlikowski, 2000); however, they have prompted greater concern for the environment and the future of society. As to managerial implications, this study can help organizations that wish to engage – or deepen engagement – in the movement for environmental sustainability through Green IT practices. In this sense, the study suggests that Green IT has an important role in transforming technological and interpretive conditions, thus helping to change the status quo of the organization. With regard to transforming technological conditions, we found that technology per se is necessary but not sufficient to structure the environmental sustainability property. This change occurs when a particular technology is chosen and properly used for that purpose. For example, many companies are currently purchasing computer printers and multifunction printers that can automatically print on both sides of paper sheets, yet failing to use it in every activity in the company. The same occurs with eco-fonts, hibernate function, and the digitization of documents, among others. Therefore, although the organization has the proper technology to enable this change, it is not occurring. Consequently, the IT team should – after searching and choosing new, “green” technologies – test, disseminate, and guide best Green IT practices in the organization, as well as develop and adapt information systems and business processes that exploit technological resources for the sake of environmental sustainability. Additionally, it is worth stressing the importance of top management support, through establishing certain organizational policies, norms, and guidelines that legitimize the IT team’s actions, thus favoring Green IT metastructuration and structuration processes. As to transformations in interpretive conditions, the study suggests that it occurs through technology-in-use. As they use Green IT artifacts, users develop meanings and emotional attachments related to environmental sustainability that reinforce their use as Green IT practices, bringing both environmental and organizational benefits by reducing energy, paper, and toner cartridge consumption, maintenance and purchase expenses, while increasing computer life cycles. Accordingly, the role of the IT team is key to develop performance indicators, by using measurement and consumer control tools and by disseminating the results achieved. This allows showing users the positive effects of these Green IT initiatives on environmental issues.
  • 22. 496 ISSN 0034-7590 ARTICLES | Implementation of Green IT in organizations: a structurational view © RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 486-497 FINAL REMARKS The purpose of the present study was to explain the dynamics of Green IT metastructuration and structuration processes in organizations in order to allow a perception of the development of environmental sustainability as an institutional property of organizations. Therefore, by achieving its purpose, this study contributes to understanding how the structuration process of Green IT practices occurs in organizations, in light of the model proposed by Orlikowski et al. (1995). The study also provides empirical experiences, i.e., three case studies, and continues the discussion on the characteristics of organizations that adopt those practices. Green IT is an organizational phenomenon that has grown under different kinds of pressure of the society towards reducing the environmental risks generated by organizations. The theoretical framework adopted in our analysis emphasized IT teams’ role in institutionalizing the environmental dimension of sustainability in organizations, since the adoption process of these various practices applied to the technological area has been mainly triggered and fostered by IT personnel. This study also allowed greater understanding of the interrelation among technology, people, and organizations’ institutional properties. Moreover, it shows how this interaction affects and is affected by people’s behaviors, attitudes, and cognition, as well as by the organization itself, thus changing the context within the company. In addition, the adoption of more flexible “green” technologies depends on users’ acceptance in order to become institutionalized. Therefore, these technologies need more metastructuration than rigid practices where users have little or no say on using them or not. In the context of this study, the structurational model of technology was adequate to investigate the Green IT phenomenon. Just as certain organization structural properties can influence human agents towards adopting Green IT, so too can its use reinforce the environmental dimension of sustainability as an institutional property of the organization. Some limitations of this study are due to the fact that we analyzed data for a single time point; a longitudinal analysis could have shown new, different connections. It is also relevant to conduct other studies to show the adoption of different Green IT initiatives and their impacts. A number of Green IT practices are most likely being carried out in organizations that were not mentioned in the cases analyzed here. Correlated studies and new research should be conducted to investigate different companies, activities, and contexts. Finally, we hope this study can help managers understand how Green IT’s metastructuration and structuration processes occurs in organizations, thus contributing to implement these technologies in their organizations. This research also aims to help researchers interested in developing studies on models of Green IT adoption and consequences. Therefore, future studies should approach IT institutionalization in all social contexts and include models to measure different variables and their associations with the subject. REFERENCES Barata, J., Quelhas, O., Costa, H., Gutierrez, R., Lameira, V. de J., & Meiriño, M. (2014). Multi-criteria indicator for sustainability rating in suppliers of the oil and gas industries in Brazil. Sustainability, 6(3), 1107-1128. doi:10.3390/su6031107 Bose, R., & Xin, R. (2012). Green IT adoption: A process management approach. 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  • 24. 498 ISSN 0034-7590© RAE | São Paulo | V. 55 | n. 5 | set-out 2015 | 498-510 DANIELLE MANTOVANI Professora da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós- Graduação em Administração – Curitiba – PR, Brasil JOSÉ CARLOS KORELO Professor da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração – Curitiba – PR, Brasil LARISSA VIAPIANA Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração Curitiba – PR, Brasil PAULO HENRIQUE MÜLLER PRADO Professor da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração – Curitiba PR, Brasil ARTIGOS Submetido 13.04.2014. Aprovado 02.07.2014 Avaliado pelo processo de double blind review. Editor Científico: Mateus Canniatti Ponchio IMPACTO DA DISTÂNCIA SOCIAL NAS TRANSGRESSÕES ENTRE EMPRESAS E CONSUMIDORES Impact of the social distance on the transgressions between companies and consumers Impacto de la distancia social en las transgresiones entre empresas y consumidores RESUMO Este estudo procura contribuir com as teorias de transgressão no relacionamento e de influência social, ao considerar não apenas a relação diádica (consumidor-empresa), mas também os demais consumidores que tomam conhecimento sobre a transgressão da empresa. Tais consumidores são aqui chamados de terceiros. Os autores propõem que a distância social entre o terceiro e a vítima da transgressão pode influenciar a avaliação do relacionamento entre a empresa e o terceiro, mesmo que o terceiro não tenha sofrido a transgressão. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, ambos com três condições de distância social na perspectiva de transgressão do consumidor (vítima vs. terceiro próximo da vítima vs. terceiro distante da vítima). Os resultados indicam que o impacto de uma trans- gressão sobre a avaliação do relacionamento é o mesmo para a vítima e para o terceiro próximo, mas é significativamente menor para o terceiro distante. Verificou-se que essa relação direta é mediada pela emoção de irritação. PALAVRAS-CHAVE | Marketing de relacionamento, transgressões, influência social, satisfação, lealdade. ABSTRACT This study seeks to contribute with the theories of transgression in relationships and social influence, by considering not only the dyadic relationship (consumer-company) but also other consumers that become aware of the transgression of the company. Such consumers are herein called third parties. The authors propose that the social distance between the third party and the victim of the transgres- sion may influence the evaluation of the relationship between the company and the third party, even if the third party has not suffered the transgression. Two experiments were conducted, both with three conditions of social distance in the perspective of consumer transgression (victim vs. third party near the victim vs. third party distant from the victim). The results indicate that the impact of a transgres- sion on the evaluation of the relationship is the same for the victim and for the near third party, but it is significantly smaller for the distant third party. It was found that this direct relation is mediated by the irritation emotion. KEYWORDS | Marketing relationship, transgressions, social influence, satisfaction, loyalty. RESUMEN Este estudio busca contribuir con las teorías de transgresión en la relación y de influencia social, al considerar no sólo la relación diádica (consumidor-empresa) pero también los demás consumidores que toman conocimiento de la transgresión de la empresa. Tales consumidores son llamados aquí de terceros. Los autores proponen que la distancia social entre el tercero y la víctima de la transgresión puede influir en la evaluación de la relación entre la empresa y el tercero, mismo que el tercero no haya sufrido la transgresión. Fueron conducidos dos experimentos, ambos con tres condiciones de distancia social en la perspectiva de transgresión del consumidor (víctima vs. tercero próximo de la víctima vs. tercero distante de la víctima). Los resultados indican que el impacto de una transgresión sobre la evaluación de la relación es el mismo para la víctima y para el tercero próximo, pero es sig- nificativamente menor para el tercero distante. Se ha verificado que esa relación directa es mediada por la emoción de irritación. PALABRAS CLAVE | Marketing de relación, transgresiones, influencia social, satisfacción, lealtad. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas | FGV-EAESP DOI: