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As Cinco Verdades
Essenciais sobre a
Economia das
Rosano Moraes
VP, Enterprise Management
André Piotto
Partner Enablement
Saulo Fernandes
Partner Enablement
Francisco Dal Fabbro
VP, IT Business Management
Bem Vindo a Economia das Aplicações
Fato é que estamos no meio de uma revolução – Onde
seus clientes não interagem mais com sua empresa de
forma costumeira – Eles interagem via Software.
E as Aplicações (Apps) se tornam a face primaria do
Quando o JPMorgan Chase tem mais
desenvolvedores que o Google ou mais
profissionais de tecnologia que a Microsoft.
Source: Anish Bhimani: A Leader in Risk Management at
Aplicativos dominam a Web Móvel
Source: Flurry Analytics, Apps Solidify Leadership Six Years into the Mobile Revolution, April 2014
80% 86%
20% 14%
2013 2014
Mobile Web
de Tempo
E Mobilidade é somente uma parte da
Economia dos Aplicativos
17% 16%
Sources: Comscore, 66 Percent of Digital Media Population in Spain is Now ‘Multi-Platform’, March 2014
Harris Interactive, Cutting Edge Technologies Supplementing – Rather than Displacing – Older Tech, At Least For Now,
June 2013
Start thinking differently about
your software
It’s not just an IT issue. It is a business
There are five essential truths you need to
learn about the Application Economy …
#1. Every business is in the
software business
Have you seen a car ad lately?
It’s likely to tout applications and connections as
much as styling and horsepower.
In some industries, the number of
software jobs have doubled over the
past five years
Manufacturing Healthcare Financial Services Retail
Software Job Growth 31% 40% 72% 98%
Software Job Growth
Source: Burning Glass Technology at http://www.burning-
If you think your company isn’t in the
software business, you’re wrong …
Banks, airlines, athletic shoe companies – you name
it – are all using applications to attract and engage
customers and gain a competitive advantage.
#2. Your infrastructure is now your
greatest competitive advantage
IT infrastructure investment is no longer an IT
decision—it’s now a business decision, made by C-
level stakeholders looking for the best competitive
Google won Search with world-
beating performance
Google built a near-insurmountable competitive
edge in Search by delivering an average search time
of 0.06 to 0.12 seconds.
BUT performance alone is not enough ...
Source: Google's Infrastructure is its Strategic Advantage at
Application quality and user experience
are critical
Sources: *Aberdeen Group, Reaching the Top of the Web Performance Mountain, March 2013
Digital Trends, Are you a rarity? Only 16 percent of people will try out an app more than twice,
March 2013, NASDAQ longest downtime adds to woes over glitches in electronic trading, Aug 2013
of users will
abandon a web
application after
just three seconds
of delay*
90%of all consumer
applications will only
be used once
cost of trading losses
during Facebook IPO
due to ‘system
#3. DevOps should be your new
best practice
You need to build and deploy software faster,
more reliably, and this means DevOps,
where the creation, testing, and deployment of software
is a single, integrated process.
DevOps means your Dev and Ops teams can work more
collaboratively to deliver the highest quality apps, with
the best customer experience, in the fastest time
possible, to maximize the value IT delivers.
DevOps pays big benefits
A recent survey of 1300 senior IT leaders revealed
that 39% of companies have already adopted a
DevOps approach.
Those using DevOps saw a 19% increase in revenue,
a 20% reduction in time to market, and a 22%
increase in quality.
SOURCE: “What Smart Businesses Know About DevOps”, CA and Vanson Bourne, 2013
DirecTV brought Dev and Ops
closer together to:
• meet their consumers’ evolving needs
• provide increased flexibility around their legacy systems
• decrease time-to-market on their offerings
SOURCE: Full Interview: Can a DevOps approach improve your agility and time-
to-market? at
#4. Security should enable the
business, not just protect it
65% of healthcare professionals think secure text
messaging could reduce hospital discharge times by
50 minutes.
This alone could save $3.1 billion in costs
across the industry.
SOURCE: May 2013 study by the Ponemon Institute titled “The Economic and
Productivity Impact of IT Security on Healthcare”.
Companies are using digital identities
from third parties (BYOID) to
strengthen security while creating a
better customer experience
Strengthens the authentication process Enables self-service processes Delivers a better customer experience Increases the effectiveness of
marketing activities
Biggest Differences in Perceived Value
IT Business
SOURCE: “The Identity Imperative for the Open Enterprise”, CA and Vanson
Bourne, 2014:
Nº 5. Mobilidade deve ser imprescindível
na sua Estratégia Multicanal
Nova Geração de Aplicativos :
- Aplicativos Dinâmicos construídos em API que sempre evoluem
- Aplicativos Colaborativos customizados pelo usuário
dependendo do uso e comportamento
- Aplicativos Comportamentais que antecipam a vontade do
usuário e otimiza a experiencia com nossas empresas
1. Toda empresa está no negócio de Software.
2. Sua infraestrutura é uma das maiores vantagens
3. DevOps deve ser a nova e melhor prática.
4. Segurança deve viabilizar novos negócios e não apenas
5. Mobilidade deve ser imprescindível na sua estratégia
Resumindo, as cinco verdades essenciais da
Economia dos Aplicativos...
Acelere a inovação Permita o crescimentoGerencie a área de TI
como um negócio
... e, na visão da CA, as disciplinas que
viabilizam a Economia dos Aplicativos.
#2. Your infrastructure is now your
greatest competitive advantage
IT infrastructure investment is no longer an IT
decision—it’s now a business decision, made by C-
level stakeholders looking for the best competitive
Os Commodities ?
A Riqueza do Simples
Confidential. Do not distribute.
No Perú existem 4.000 tipos de Batatas
Confidential. Do not distribute.
O sabor e a riqueza esta na qualidade em combinar
Por outro lado as aplicações estão mudando o Mundo
O Mundo Caminha Muito Rápido
Em 60 Segundos
• 100,000 Tweets
• 693,800 GB de Dados IP são Transferidos
• 571 Novos Websites criados
• Mais de 2 milhões de buscas no Google
• 47,000 Aplicações são baixadas de Apple Store
• 77,244 conexões Wi-Fi feitas em iPhone
• 217 Novos usuários Web Mobile
• 600 Novos vídeos do YouTube
• 60 domínios www Registrados
• 20 Novas vitimas de Roubo de Identidade
• 1,500 Blog Posts
• Mas de 200 000 E-Mails
• 510,000 comentários no Facebook
• Mas de 370,000 Minutos de Chamadas de Voz no Skype
Existem Apps para quase tudo ...
Sua infra de redes e aplicações estão acompanhando
esse ritmo?
Muitos problemas com Serviços Reportados
Muitas reuniões tentando retornar uma solução
Muito tempo gasto para resolver
E tenho um conjunto de soluções de monitoração
Falta de Recursos e Pessoas
Reclamam que meu Time é muito lento
Corte de Orçamento
E nós… (Em TI = Somente Desafios)
Monitoramento Tradicional
Monitoramento Unificado
CA Unified Infrastructure Management
Operational Intelligence Solutions
(e.g. APM, Capacity Management, Service Operations Management, DCIM, etc.)
Unified UI (available via mobile)
Industry leading and easiest to use domain solutions
NetworkStorageSystems Database Applications Cloud/SaaS DCIM
Visão Executiva, Operacional e Analítica
© 2014 CA. All rights reserved. CA confidential and proprietary information; for internal use only.
No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Visão Mobile
Evolução (Combinação, Qualidade e o Sabor...)
Muito Leve e entrega com
escalabilidade Corporativa e
Uma visão Fácil e
Unificada de TI e Telecom
para Monitoração de
Falhas e Desempenho
Fácil como adicionar ou
atualizar una aplicação
em seu Smartphone
Implementação de “robos”
para 100 servidores em
menos de 3 minutos
Existem Apps para quase tudo ...
Você conhece a experiência do seu usuário?
segundos de tolerância sobre usar ou não uma app
segundos de tolerância para tempo de resposta
ejeição dos meus usuários
etenção dos meus usuários
Visualizar / Entender para Agir / Resolver…
Quem está usando nossos apps?
Onde e Quando eles estão sendo usados?
O que meus usuários estão fazendo com as apps?
SummaryQual a experiência percebida?
Podemos Ajudar usuários a obter maior valor?
40 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Gerenciamento Unificado de TI
Redução de
custos de
Processo ITIL
Adicionar valor ao
ambiente Microsoft
Rede de Dados
Nível de Serviço
de TI
CA Cloud Service Management
Simplificando a Gestão de Serviços.
Francisco Dal Fabbro
VP, Solution Sales
Saulo Fernandes
Partner Enablement
42 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Gerenciamento Unificado de TI
Redução de
custos de
Processo ITIL
Adicionar valor ao
ambiente Microsoft
Rede de Dados
Nível de Serviço
de TI
43 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Unified IT Management
44 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
A economia de aplicativos alterou as expectativas de
Facilidade de
45 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Evolução das ferramentas de central de serviços
1ª Geração
•Desenvolvimento e
Implementação da própria
2ª Geração
•Primeiras ofertas
comerciais On-Premisse.
•Processos ITIL integrados.
3ª Geração
•Central de serviços
46 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
A promessa do ITSM baseado em SaaS permanece uma ilusão
Muitas implementações SaaS demoram o mesmo tempo ou mais que as locais
Gartner, “Survey Analysis: How to Interpret SaaS-Based IT Service Desk Tool Myths, Reality and Recommendations”, Análise de pesquisa: como
interpretar mitos, realidade e recomendações de ferramentas de centrais de atendimento de TI com base em SaaS”, por Jeffrey M. Brooks, Jarod
Greene, Chris Matchett, 8 de outubro de 2013.
das organizações
globais levam “aproximadamente
o mesmo tempo” ou “muito mais
tempo” para a implantação
inicial de suas soluções SaaS
relativas à instalação local.
47 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
A promessa do ITSM baseado em SaaS permanece uma ilusão
A maior parte das implementações da SaaS falhou em reduzir a equipe
Gartner, “Survey Analysis: How to Interpret SaaS-Based IT Service Desk Tool Myths, Reality and Recommendations”, Análise de pesquisa: como
interpretar mitos, realidade e recomendações de ferramentas de centrais de atendimento de TI com base em SaaS”, por Jeffrey M. Brooks, Jarod
Greene, Chris Matchett, 8 de outubro de 2013.
das organizações
globais não reduziram o
número de funcionários
responsáveis pelo suporte ao
sistema ITSD
48 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
A CA está reescrevendo as regras do gerenciamento de
serviços – 4ª Geração
"O CA Cloud Service Management agrega valor à minha
organização e dá aos analistas e usuários finais a
experiência online que eles estavam procurando."
- Warren McCall, CEO, SCM Solutions
49 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
CA Cloud Service Management
Gerando valor por toda a organização
Organização de
fluxos de
Automação de
Descoberta e
de ativos
Central de
s de
50 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Boas práticas e Experiência
 Anos de experiência
– Configurações pré-definidas
– Configure, não codifique
– Baixo custo de manutenção
– Upgrades automáticos
– Retorno rápido de investimento
– Desenhado e construído por um MSP
Service Operations
– Incident Management
– Problem Management
– Request Management
– Event Management
Service Transition
– Change Management
– Service Asset & Configuration
– Knowledge Management
Service Design
– Service Level Management
– Availability Management
51 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Por que escolher a CA para o gerenciamento de serviços?
Não é só o que fazemos, é como fazemos
Semanas Dias
Usuários corporativos < 2 ETI
O Melhor
Tempo para a
percepção dos
Custo de
ARS, Java,
Banco de dados
Modular, Complexa
52 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Automatizar os processos para a
entrega de serviços
Desenhe seus serviços e
planeje o trabalho de TI
Medir e comparar o
desempenho de serviços
Gestão centralizada de serviços
53 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Definição de Serviços
Abordagem simplificada
para a definição de
serviços e itens do
Visualização de
Medir e comparar o
desempenho de
serviços através de
indicadores chave ootb
Definição e visualização de serviços
54 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Visualize tarefas através de
um quadro de atividades
Kanban para facilmente
entender o backlog, o que
está em progresso e o que
está completo.
Visualize um portfólio de
projetos relacionados aos
serviços de TI que você
Projetos de TI e Gestão de Atividades
55 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Visualizar seus
Click e arraste para
construir seus workflows
sem nenhum tipo de
Automação integrada
Integrar workflows
baseados em soluções
on-premise e SAAS.
Designer de Processos
56 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Automatize seu ecossistema.
Crie conectores para diversas aplicações e serviços.
Conectores customizados
57 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
– Execute tarefas automatizadas através do ticket
Assistente de automação
58 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Uso simplificado dos
Campos customizados
Relatórios avançados
59 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Mobilidade para usuários finais
Tenha suas perguntas
respondidas a
qualquer hora e em
qualquer lugar.
60 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Nossa vantagem competitiva
“Com o modelo baseado em SaaS, a CA reduziu as barreiras financeiras e operacionais para a
adoção, barreiras essas que eram históricas na implementação de soluções de central de
atendimento. O excelente serviço da CA superou problemas com parceiros de
implementação, e esperamos ter maior visibilidade dos problemas de TI.”
Fonte: TechValidate (TVID 608-886-C57)
<2 FTE
1 semana 0
Configure, não
Fácil de
• Inicie rapidamente
• Sem programadores java
• Menos recursos para
oferecer suporte
• Atualizações
automáticas gratuitas
61 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Treinamento e Ajuda. Aprenda rapidamente do jeito
que você gosta.
Vídeos de
treinamento no
Mais de 17
gratuitos no
canal de
educação da CA
CSM Flipboard
Artigos postados
diariamente para
os tópicos mais
no estilo Wiki
Fácil de navegar
de encontrar o
que você procura
Fóruns, ideias,
62 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution.
Experimente – Trial Gratuito -

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5 verdades essencias sobre a economia das aplicações final

  • 1. As Cinco Verdades Essenciais sobre a Economia das Aplicações Rosano Moraes VP, Enterprise Management André Piotto Partner Enablement Saulo Fernandes Partner Enablement Francisco Dal Fabbro VP, IT Business Management
  • 2. Bem Vindo a Economia das Aplicações Fato é que estamos no meio de uma revolução – Onde seus clientes não interagem mais com sua empresa de forma costumeira – Eles interagem via Software. E as Aplicações (Apps) se tornam a face primaria do Negocio. Quando o JPMorgan Chase tem mais desenvolvedores que o Google ou mais profissionais de tecnologia que a Microsoft. Source: Anish Bhimani: A Leader in Risk Management at .html
  • 3. 3 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aplicativos dominam a Web Móvel Source: Flurry Analytics, Apps Solidify Leadership Six Years into the Mobile Revolution, April 2014 80% 86% 20% 14% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2013 2014 Mobile Web Apps Percentagem de Tempo Gasto
  • 4. 4 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. E Mobilidade é somente uma parte da Economia dos Aplicativos 34% 8% 58% 40% 17% 16% Sources: Comscore, 66 Percent of Digital Media Population in Spain is Now ‘Multi-Platform’, March 2014 Harris Interactive, Cutting Edge Technologies Supplementing – Rather than Displacing – Older Tech, At Least For Now, June 2013
  • 5. Start thinking differently about your software It’s not just an IT issue. It is a business imperative. There are five essential truths you need to learn about the Application Economy …
  • 6. #1. Every business is in the software business Have you seen a car ad lately? It’s likely to tout applications and connections as much as styling and horsepower.
  • 7. In some industries, the number of software jobs have doubled over the past five years Manufacturing Healthcare Financial Services Retail Software Job Growth 31% 40% 72% 98% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Software Job Growth Source: Burning Glass Technology at http://www.burning-
  • 8. If you think your company isn’t in the software business, you’re wrong … Banks, airlines, athletic shoe companies – you name it – are all using applications to attract and engage customers and gain a competitive advantage.
  • 9. #2. Your infrastructure is now your greatest competitive advantage IT infrastructure investment is no longer an IT decision—it’s now a business decision, made by C- level stakeholders looking for the best competitive advantage.
  • 10. Google won Search with world- beating performance Google built a near-insurmountable competitive edge in Search by delivering an average search time of 0.06 to 0.12 seconds. BUT performance alone is not enough ... Source: Google's Infrastructure is its Strategic Advantage at
  • 11. 11 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Application quality and user experience are critical Sources: *Aberdeen Group, Reaching the Top of the Web Performance Mountain, March 2013 Digital Trends, Are you a rarity? Only 16 percent of people will try out an app more than twice, March 2013, NASDAQ longest downtime adds to woes over glitches in electronic trading, Aug 2013 25% of users will abandon a web application after just three seconds of delay* 80- 90%of all consumer applications will only be used once $500M cost of trading losses during Facebook IPO due to ‘system problems’ also ^
  • 12. #3. DevOps should be your new best practice You need to build and deploy software faster, more reliably, and this means DevOps, where the creation, testing, and deployment of software is a single, integrated process. DevOps means your Dev and Ops teams can work more collaboratively to deliver the highest quality apps, with the best customer experience, in the fastest time possible, to maximize the value IT delivers.
  • 13. DevOps pays big benefits A recent survey of 1300 senior IT leaders revealed that 39% of companies have already adopted a DevOps approach. Those using DevOps saw a 19% increase in revenue, a 20% reduction in time to market, and a 22% increase in quality. SOURCE: “What Smart Businesses Know About DevOps”, CA and Vanson Bourne, 2013
  • 14. DirecTV brought Dev and Ops closer together to: • meet their consumers’ evolving needs • provide increased flexibility around their legacy systems • decrease time-to-market on their offerings SOURCE: Full Interview: Can a DevOps approach improve your agility and time- to-market? at a-devops-approach-improve-your-agility-and-time-to-market.aspx
  • 15. #4. Security should enable the business, not just protect it 65% of healthcare professionals think secure text messaging could reduce hospital discharge times by 50 minutes. This alone could save $3.1 billion in costs across the industry. SOURCE: May 2013 study by the Ponemon Institute titled “The Economic and Productivity Impact of IT Security on Healthcare”.
  • 16. Companies are using digital identities from third parties (BYOID) to strengthen security while creating a better customer experience 70% 30% 52% 19% 38% 17% 81% 76% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Strengthens the authentication process Enables self-service processes Delivers a better customer experience Increases the effectiveness of marketing activities Biggest Differences in Perceived Value IT Business SOURCE: “The Identity Imperative for the Open Enterprise”, CA and Vanson Bourne, 2014: Slideshare-2_428506-Landing-Page.html
  • 17. Nº 5. Mobilidade deve ser imprescindível na sua Estratégia Multicanal Nova Geração de Aplicativos : - Aplicativos Dinâmicos construídos em API que sempre evoluem - Aplicativos Colaborativos customizados pelo usuário dependendo do uso e comportamento - Aplicativos Comportamentais que antecipam a vontade do usuário e otimiza a experiencia com nossas empresas
  • 18. 1. Toda empresa está no negócio de Software. 2. Sua infraestrutura é uma das maiores vantagens competitivas. 3. DevOps deve ser a nova e melhor prática. 4. Segurança deve viabilizar novos negócios e não apenas protegê-los. 5. Mobilidade deve ser imprescindível na sua estratégia Multicanal. Resumindo, as cinco verdades essenciais da Economia dos Aplicativos...
  • 19. DEVOPS SECURITYMANAGEMENT CLOUD Acelere a inovação Permita o crescimentoGerencie a área de TI como um negócio ... e, na visão da CA, as disciplinas que viabilizam a Economia dos Aplicativos.
  • 20. #2. Your infrastructure is now your greatest competitive advantage IT infrastructure investment is no longer an IT decision—it’s now a business decision, made by C- level stakeholders looking for the best competitive advantage.
  • 21. 21 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Os Commodities ?
  • 22. 22 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A Riqueza do Simples
  • 23. 23 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Confidential. Do not distribute. No Perú existem 4.000 tipos de Batatas
  • 24. 24 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Confidential. Do not distribute. O sabor e a riqueza esta na qualidade em combinar Integrar
  • 25. 25 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Por outro lado as aplicações estão mudando o Mundo
  • 26. 26 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • 27. 27 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 60 O Mundo Caminha Muito Rápido 59585756555453525150494847464544434241403938373635343332313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210 Em 60 Segundos • 100,000 Tweets • 693,800 GB de Dados IP são Transferidos • 571 Novos Websites criados • Mais de 2 milhões de buscas no Google • 47,000 Aplicações são baixadas de Apple Store • 77,244 conexões Wi-Fi feitas em iPhone • 217 Novos usuários Web Mobile • 600 Novos vídeos do YouTube • 60 domínios www Registrados • 20 Novas vitimas de Roubo de Identidade • 1,500 Blog Posts • Mas de 200 000 E-Mails • 510,000 comentários no Facebook • Mas de 370,000 Minutos de Chamadas de Voz no Skype
  • 28. Existem Apps para quase tudo ... Sua infra de redes e aplicações estão acompanhando esse ritmo?
  • 29. 29 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Muitos problemas com Serviços Reportados Muitas reuniões tentando retornar uma solução Muito tempo gasto para resolver E tenho um conjunto de soluções de monitoração Falta de Recursos e Pessoas Reclamam que meu Time é muito lento Corte de Orçamento E nós… (Em TI = Somente Desafios)
  • 30. 30 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Monitoramento Tradicional Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool
  • 31. 31 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoring tool Monitoramento Unificado Unified Monitoring
  • 32. 32 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA Unified Infrastructure Management UNIFIED MONITORING OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IT ENVIRONMENTS Operational Intelligence Solutions (e.g. APM, Capacity Management, Service Operations Management, DCIM, etc.) Unified UI (available via mobile) Industry leading and easiest to use domain solutions NetworkStorageSystems Database Applications Cloud/SaaS DCIM Other CMDB Service Desk Other TBD(eg Config Mgr)
  • 33. 33 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Visão Executiva, Operacional e Analítica
  • 34. 34 © 2014 CA. All rights reserved. CA confidential and proprietary information; for internal use only. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Visão Mobile
  • 35. 35 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Evolução (Combinação, Qualidade e o Sabor...) Muito Leve e entrega com escalabilidade Corporativa e Mult-tenancy Uma visão Fácil e Unificada de TI e Telecom para Monitoração de Falhas e Desempenho Fácil como adicionar ou atualizar una aplicação em seu Smartphone Implementação de “robos” para 100 servidores em menos de 3 minutos Simples ForteRápido Unificada
  • 37. Existem Apps para quase tudo ... Você conhece a experiência do seu usuário?
  • 38. 38 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 5 R R segundos de tolerância sobre usar ou não uma app segundos de tolerância para tempo de resposta ejeição dos meus usuários etenção dos meus usuários
  • 39. 39 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Visualizar / Entender para Agir / Resolver… Quem está usando nossos apps? Onde e Quando eles estão sendo usados? O que meus usuários estão fazendo com as apps? SummaryQual a experiência percebida? Podemos Ajudar usuários a obter maior valor?
  • 40. 40 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Service Desk Gerenciamento Unificado de TI Redução de custos de suporte Processo ITIL Adicionar valor ao ambiente Microsoft Servidores Rede de Dados Aplicações Mobilidade Nível de Serviço Gerenciamento de TI Produtividade
  • 41. CA Cloud Service Management Simplificando a Gestão de Serviços. Francisco Dal Fabbro VP, Solution Sales Saulo Fernandes Partner Enablement
  • 42. 42 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Service Desk Gerenciamento Unificado de TI Redução de custos de suporte Processo ITIL Adicionar valor ao ambiente Microsoft Servidores Rede de Dados Aplicações Mobilidade Nível de Serviço Gerenciamento de TI Produtividade
  • 44. 44 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. A economia de aplicativos alterou as expectativas de negócios Facilidade de uso RapidezDiversidade
  • 45. 45 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Evolução das ferramentas de central de serviços 1ª Geração •Desenvolvimento e Implementação da própria lógica. 2ª Geração •Primeiras ofertas comerciais On-Premisse. •Processos ITIL integrados. •Customizável 3ª Geração •Central de serviços hospedada.
  • 46. 46 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. A promessa do ITSM baseado em SaaS permanece uma ilusão Muitas implementações SaaS demoram o mesmo tempo ou mais que as locais Gartner, “Survey Analysis: How to Interpret SaaS-Based IT Service Desk Tool Myths, Reality and Recommendations”, Análise de pesquisa: como interpretar mitos, realidade e recomendações de ferramentas de centrais de atendimento de TI com base em SaaS”, por Jeffrey M. Brooks, Jarod Greene, Chris Matchett, 8 de outubro de 2013. das organizações globais levam “aproximadamente o mesmo tempo” ou “muito mais tempo” para a implantação inicial de suas soluções SaaS relativas à instalação local. 52%
  • 47. 47 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. A promessa do ITSM baseado em SaaS permanece uma ilusão A maior parte das implementações da SaaS falhou em reduzir a equipe Gartner, “Survey Analysis: How to Interpret SaaS-Based IT Service Desk Tool Myths, Reality and Recommendations”, Análise de pesquisa: como interpretar mitos, realidade e recomendações de ferramentas de centrais de atendimento de TI com base em SaaS”, por Jeffrey M. Brooks, Jarod Greene, Chris Matchett, 8 de outubro de 2013. das organizações globais não reduziram o número de funcionários responsáveis pelo suporte ao sistema ITSD 57%
  • 48. 48 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Rápido Flexível Poderoso Pessoal A CA está reescrevendo as regras do gerenciamento de serviços – 4ª Geração "O CA Cloud Service Management agrega valor à minha organização e dá aos analistas e usuários finais a experiência online que eles estavam procurando." - Warren McCall, CEO, SCM Solutions
  • 49. 49 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. CA Cloud Service Management Gerando valor por toda a organização Organização de fluxos de trabalho Automação de solicitações ColaboraçãoMobilidade Descoberta e gerenciamento de ativos Automação híbrida Integração contínua Central de atendimento AN EXCEPTIONAL USER EXPERIENCE Relatórios avançados Consumidores corporativos Tomadore s de decisões Usuários avançado s
  • 50. 50 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Boas práticas e Experiência  Anos de experiência – Configurações pré-definidas – Configure, não codifique – Baixo custo de manutenção – Upgrades automáticos – Retorno rápido de investimento – Desenhado e construído por um MSP Service Operations – Incident Management – Problem Management – Request Management – Event Management Service Transition – Change Management – Service Asset & Configuration Management – Knowledge Management Service Design – Service Level Management – Availability Management Pink:
  • 51. 51 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. ExtensãoAtualizaçãoAdministração Por que escolher a CA para o gerenciamento de serviços? Não é só o que fazemos, é como fazemos AdoçãoImplementação Meses Relatórios Configuração Semanas Dias Usuários corporativos < 2 ETI Locatário Personalizações Automática Básico Melhor O Melhor Inclusiva Tempo para a percepção dos benefícios Recursos especializados Custo de propriedade HOJE CA Semanas ARS, Java, Personalizado Negócios rotineiros Banco de dados Modular, Complexa $
  • 52. 52 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Automatizar Automatizar os processos para a entrega de serviços Desenhar Desenhe seus serviços e planeje o trabalho de TI Medir Medir e comparar o desempenho de serviços Gestão centralizada de serviços
  • 53. 53 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Definição de Serviços Abordagem simplificada para a definição de serviços e itens do catálogo Visualização de Serviços Medir e comparar o desempenho de serviços através de indicadores chave ootb Definição e visualização de serviços
  • 54. 54 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Controlar. Visualize tarefas através de um quadro de atividades Kanban para facilmente entender o backlog, o que está em progresso e o que está completo. Planejar. Visualize um portfólio de projetos relacionados aos serviços de TI que você provê. Projetos de TI e Gestão de Atividades
  • 55. 55 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Visualizar seus processos. Click e arraste para construir seus workflows sem nenhum tipo de código Automação integrada Integrar workflows automatizados baseados em soluções on-premise e SAAS. Designer de Processos
  • 56. 56 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Automatize seu ecossistema. Crie conectores para diversas aplicações e serviços. …… Conectores customizados
  • 57. 57 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. – Execute tarefas automatizadas através do ticket Assistente de automação
  • 58. 58 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Uso simplificado dos campos customizados Campos customizados disponibilizados automaticamente. Relatórios avançados
  • 59. 59 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Mobilidade para usuários finais Tenha suas perguntas respondidas a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.
  • 60. 60 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Nossa vantagem competitiva “Com o modelo baseado em SaaS, a CA reduziu as barreiras financeiras e operacionais para a adoção, barreiras essas que eram históricas na implementação de soluções de central de atendimento. O excelente serviço da CA superou problemas com parceiros de implementação, e esperamos ter maior visibilidade dos problemas de TI.” Fonte: TechValidate (TVID 608-886-C57) <2 FTE 1 semana 0 US$0 Implementação rápida Configure, não codifique Fácil de usar/manter Atualização automática • Inicie rapidamente • Sem programadores java • Menos recursos para oferecer suporte • Atualizações automáticas gratuitas
  • 61. 61 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Treinamento e Ajuda. Aprenda rapidamente do jeito que você gosta. Vídeos de treinamento no YouTube Mais de 17 treinamentos gratuitos no canal de educação da CA CSM Flipboard Cookbook Artigos postados diariamente para os tópicos mais quentes Documentação no estilo Wiki Fácil de navegar de encontrar o que você procura Comunidade Unificada Fóruns, ideias, eventos
  • 62. 62 © 2014 CA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CA confidential and proprietary information. No unauthorized use, copying or distribution. Experimente – Trial Gratuito -

Notas do Editor

  1. Nos vivemos na Economia dos Aplicativos. Nos compramos, vendemos na Economia dos Aplicativos. As notícias, entretenimento, serviços bancários, educação, comunicação – tudo é realizado em um mundo conectado e através de um aplicativo que temos ao alcance da ponta de nossos dedos. Para os usuários, é praticidade. Para empresas de qualquer parte, é oportunidade. Já não questionamos quando isso deve acontecer, mas sim… A sua empresa está pronta para essa realidade?
  2. For those businesses here today looking to transform the industry, your first port of call must be new mobile applications. Mobile device usage is exploding, and on mobile devices customers are looking overwhelmingly to use applications, rather than the mobile web, with over 80% of consumers using mobile applications in favor of mobile browsers.
  3. But the greater application economy is much more than just mobile. Around a third of consumers still use desktop and laptop; almost two-thirds are considered ‘multi-channel’ users, using both mobile and desktop or laptop. Plus … almost half of all US consumers have a web-connected game console, 17% have an e-Reader, 16% have an internet-connected Smart TV
  4. Principais Resultados: A pressão por resultados está na TI: 94% dos executivos entrevistados sofrem pressão para lançar aplicativos com mais rapidez; Benefícios de DevOps já são realidade no Brasil: 73% das empresas brasileiras entrevistadas já adotaram práticas de DevOps, enquanto os outros 27% tem planos pra implementar essas práticas nos próximos 5 anos; Diversificação e Eficiência estimulam a implementação de DevOps no Brasil: os principais motivadores da adoção de DevOps no país são: Melhorar a qualidade e o desempenho de aplicativos: 52%; Conduzir o desenvolvimento simultâneo em plataformas diferentes: 41%; O aumento da utilização de dispositivos móveis no Brasil: 36%; Os Principais Benefícios já encontrados de DevOps no Brasil são: Aumentar a frequência de lançamentos de aplicativos: 78%; Reduzir o tempo com manutenção e correções: 71% Reduzir o time-to-market: 70%
  5. A economia dos aplicativos chegou para ficar. Neste ambiente, os aplicativos ditam o relacionamento entre a maioria das empresas e seus clientes, tornando todas elas empresas de tecnologia ou de software. Para os líderes de TI e sua força de trabalho, isso significa que o papel da TI deve evoluir para se tornar muito mais estratégico para os negócios, reduzindo a quantidade de recursos que a TI pode empregar em funções de back-office e no suporte. A TI ainda deve gerenciar esses sistemas de back-end, mas, considerando a velocidade com que são lançados aplicativos e os dispositivos móveis e plataformas nas quais os usuários finais os acessam, mais do que nunca a TI precisa de maior flexibilidade, agilidade e facilidade de uso. Management Cloud é um conjunto de aplicativos de negócios integrados distribuídos como serviços da nuvem que permitem que você gerencie a TI como um negócio – trazendo os insights necessários para você tomar as decisões certas e capacitar a sua equipe. Outro requisito da economia dos aplicativos é a inovação contínua. As empresas estão sendo mais pressionadas do que nunca para oferecer serviços novos e inovadores e cada vez mais rápido. E a qualidade do que está sendo entregue deve ser excelente, já que os clientes têm mais opções e menos paciência e tolerância com experiências insatisfatórias nos aplicativos. O DevOps tem a ver com garantir que as equipes de desenvolvimento e operações trabalhem juntas e com eficiência para trazer inovação ao mercado, rapidamente e de forma alinhada. Também envolve distribuir aplicativos de melhor qualidade e assegurar a excelência operacional – e nós temos o conhecimento e as soluções que podem ajudar você a implementar uma abordagem de DevOps. Entre as empresas que participaram de nossa pesquisa recentemente, a segurança foi identificada como o principal obstáculo da economia dos aplicativos. Os aplicativos se tornaram o ponto crucial de interação com os clientes, por isso é fundamental adotar uma abordagem de segurança com base na identidade, porque hoje os usuários esperam poder ter acesso a seus aplicativos e dados em diferentes dispositivos e em qualquer lugar que eles estejam. Além disso, os aplicativos inovadores disponíveis hoje no mercado dependem muito de APIs para compartilhar dados e se integrar com outros aplicativos e serviços. É preciso implementar uma estratégia para gerenciar e proteger APIs como parte do processo de desenvolvimento. O foco da nossa abordagem de Security não é apenas proteger os negócios contra riscos, mas, mais importante ainda, permitir o crescimento dos negócios. Adotamos uma abordagem de segurança com base na identidade, para oferecer tanto a proteção contra riscos de que as empresas precisam quanto a flexibilidade e a facilidade de uso esperadas pelos usuários. As nossas ofertas de segurança e gerenciamento de APIs dão às organizações a confiança para tornar pública uma valiosa funcionalidade de dados e aplicativos como APIs e ajudam as equipes de desenvolvedores a distribuir aplicativos móveis e serviços na nuvem seguros mais rapidamente.
  6. The explosive growth of wireless communications and easy connectivity has changed the way people communicate. As business organizations we like to segment markets into consumer, public, and business-to-business. But the truth is people are people regardless if they work in private enterprise, a government body, or are buying something as a consumer. Quick quiz, how many of you checked an app on your cell phones before this meeting started? We all do the same thing. There is a lull in the action and we immediately check our cell phones. Traditional businesses today are tuning into new consumer and mobile applications for differentiation. Examples of this new application economy are everywhere, and they are changing the world of business. In the entertainment industry, applications like Netflix and Hulu have already transformed video, and are becoming the new standards In the payments industry, smartphone applications like Square and Google Wallet are challenging the dominance of traditional banks and credit cards In the transportation industry, software-driven services like Uber and Lyft are rewriting the world of taxi and limo services In the hospitality industry, services like AirBnB and Homeaway are upending the tradition hotel and accommodation business
  7. Speaker Notes This is a self-running slide. Press enter and begin. Do not worry about keeping pace with the animations. Simply speak to the slide. As we discussed, the World is moving faster than ever and changing into an app economy. In just 60 seconds [Press Enter] There will be more than 100,000 Tweets More than 693 GB of IP data will be transferred More than 570 new websites will form There will be more than 2 million Google searches. In fact, I bet some of you are Googling that right now Apple will download more than 47,000 apps from the AppStore. If I’m boring you chances are some of you are downloading iTunes now. There will be 77,224 wi-fi connections made on iPhone The world will gain 217 new mobile users There will be about 60 new YouTube videos posted Unfortunately, about 20 people will be the victims of identity theft People will post more than 1500 blogs More than 200 million e-mails are being sent…if the lines weren’t muted I probably would have heard someone get an alert Those of you posting a comment on Facebook right now are part of the 510,000 comments being posted And people are using an aggregate of more than 370,000 minutes of voice calls on Skype. The thing that jumps out is the e-mail. As little as five years ago, that number would have been much higher but it goes tro show you how rapidly things are changing in the market landscape.
  8. Networks have always been perceived as a focal point of blame for application performance issues, but what IT users experience most directly is not the network – it is the applications and services that the network delivers. Building awareness of applications and services has thus become one of the most important evolutionary expansions of network engineering and operations disciplines today. While the focus on application performance is well-deserved, underneath it all there’s still a need to monitor and understand what flows across the network infrastructure, in order to deliver the expected level of performance of modern, mobility, and media-rich apps or content users have become accustomed to today.
  9. Speaker Notes This is a self-running slide. Press enter and begin. Do not worry about keeping pace with the animations. Simply speak to the slide. The footnotes to the data is in case someone asks for the source Most IT monitoring environments are siloed and inefficient. IT teams use disparate point products to monitor specific technologies, each with separate interfaces, databases, infrastructures, and administrators. The ongoing management of each tool is too time-consuming, risky, expensive, and complex. The average IT Department is inundated with calls from their colleagues with service related issues. What’s worse, is that 54% of networked application service problems are reported by end-users before the IT staff know about them. 1 This leads to a number of people in the IT organization searching for answers to the root cause. At times, it can best be described as chickens running around with their heads cut off. We know that up to 82 percent of IT organizations resort to cross-functional team meetings to triage and find root cause of networked application service performance problems. 1 And what happens is people start pointing fingers at what they think is the issue versus knowing where the problem lies. And we also know that up to 80 percent of IT organizations’ time is spent troubleshooting and fixing problems versus adding new value and services to the business. 1 You are facing an uphill battle especially nowadays when you have limited resources due to budget cuts. But that still doesn’t matter when your business colleagues keep complaining your team is too slow. So ,to help alleviate the confusion, you probably added a number of different point products to monitor specific technologies, each with separate interfaces, databases, infrastructures, and administrators. The ongoing management of each tool is too time-consuming, risky, expensive, and complex. Heck, it must feel like your team spends more time managing your management tools than your infrastructure. You undoubtedly feel like you have too many monitoring tools already and don’t need another one. Let’s face it, you may be right. Next slide 1Jim Frey, Research Director, Enterprise Management Associates, “IT Service Assurance: What Winning Organizations are Doing” 2009 and 2010
  10. Adding further to the challenges outlined in the prior slide is the common reality that most IT organizations have multiple, disparate tools and multiple, disparate vendors to manage each area/domain. It’s not uncommon for organizations to have dozens and even 100+ tools to manage their infrastructure and applications. One CA customer, a relatively large financial institution, told us that they inventoried their collection of tools and discovered they had 180 tools in use from 45 different vendors – 60% of which (27) supplied just one tool. Another, smaller financial firm reported they had a dozen just in their network management area. The effect of this reality includes the following: Monitoring teams tend to focus on their own technology, not the holistic delivery of the business service Silos and silos of monitoring teams and tools prohibits collaboration It’s common to have multiple tools that provide redundant capabilities Given the multiple data sources often used during triage, multiple versions of ‘truth’ are presented, creating more confusion than clarity
  11. Unifying infrastructure monitoring, and removing the multitude of disparate tools in use made possible by CA Unified Infrastructure Management will have a number of benefits to IT, including the following: One unified solution is easier to deploy and use One unified solution provides a single source of data One unified solution promotes collaboration One unified solution can promote a rapid response to situations One unified solution can enable IT to focus on business outcomes Although “unified” can reduce the number of tools, it doesn’t reduce the number of potential specialized views. The systems team still wants a view that’s relevant to them, and the same with the network, storage, application, cloud, etc., teams. CA Unified Infrastructure Management accommodates this.
  12. Speaker’s Notes: CA Unified Infrastructure Management is a unified IT monitoring solution that is scalable, easy-to-use and resilient. CA Unified Infrastructure Management can help enable your organization to proactively monitor on-premise and cloud-based infrastructures—all within a single code base. CA Unified Infrastructure Management offers the speed and ease-of-use associated with point solutions, featuring a streamlined architecture with a lightweight footprint. At the same time, this solution delivers enterprise scalability and multi-tenancy. CA Unified Infrastructure Management is built on a unified architecture that enables organizations to monitor servers, networks, applications, databases, storage, private and public clouds as well as end user response time. This unified architecture allows for extremely efficient monitoring capabilities and may be deployed on-premise or via a SaaS offering.
  13. Speaker Notes This slide is a manual build. Press enter at your pace. But what if you were able to replace all the different monitoring tools with one solution to monitor your entire IT infrastructure that enables you to Eliminate the complexity by having a single, unified platform that allows you to monitor and control your entire IT environment, both inside and outside the data center. A solution that helps you optimize operational efficiency, eliminating the complexity, cost, and hassle of having to use and integrate multiple, disparate point monitoring tools. Increase your team’s productivity by reducing the time spent supporting your management tools and allowing them more time to address the growing needs of the business Renew IT relevancy with your business colleagues by giving them insight into service quality and performance through transparent reports on your team’s ability to meet their requirements. This will also help you improve the relationship with your business colleagues Better utilize technology to promote business success by reducing time spent on ongoing administration of multiple monitoring tools your team can focus on delivering innovation to the business and also respond more quickly to the changing business demands. Make your job easier. Your job is hard enough trying to stay on top of all the new apps & technologies that are being demanded by your customers faster than ever before. Don’t make it harder by settling for IT monitoring tools that are also difficult to use, complex to customize and limited in both scope and scale.  Put customer and co-worker needs first by giving them the information they want when they want it and how they want to see it. With a unified architecture and comprehensive monitoring coverage you will finally be able to monitor, measure and report on the metrics that matter the most to your customers, as well as adopt and manage new customer-centric applications and technologies faster than you ever thought possible
  14. Speaker Notes Static slide It’s never been easier to switch your monitoring solutions to a unified monitoring solution. CA Unified Infrastructure Management you get: A single, comprehensive and unified IT monitoring solution that enables you to monitor and control your entire IT environment, both inside and outside the data center. That means you can Optimize operational efficiency by giving your team a standard platform to work from and eliminates the complexity, cost and hassle of having to use and integrate multiple, disparate point monitoring tools. It also speeds resolution times because using a single architecture to monitor all technologies, administrators can avoid the “finger pointing” among disparate domain specific tools, speeding mean time to resolution. Plus, with built-in, intuitive dashboards, reports, alarms and best practices help you quickly pinpoint and resolve issues. An easy and simple platform that operates as seamlessly as adding apps to a Smartphone - CA Unified Infrastructure Management is easy to deploy, manage, maintain, scale and adapt. Our “plug and play” probe architecture allows for on-demand delivery of monitoring services without having to wait for future product releases – making it as easy to add new monitoring functionality as downloading & using a new app on your smartphone. The solution offers out-of-the-box monitoring templates that helps reduce setup and administration time. In addition to this best practice, Unified Infrastructure Management delivers features like automatic deployment, discovery and monitoring; and it offers thresholds that help customers quickly and successfully deploy reliable monitoring in their IT environment. This simplicity Reduces cost and complexity. The solution helps you stop spending so much time managing your management tools—eliminating the cost and complexity of maintaining multiple platforms. It helps you focus on strategic efforts. You can reduce the time and effort your staff is currently spending babysitting your IT infrastructure and tools, and allow them to focus on higher value IT services and projects. CA Unified Infrastructure Management delivers more value. By reducing time spent on ongoing administration and speeding deployment and adaptation, it enables you to better deliver innovation and respond more quickly to changing business demands. CA Unified Infrastructure Management is Powerful in that it has a lightweight footprint that delivers Enterprise scalability and multi-tenancy. It offers the ease of use, simplicity and rapid time to value often associated with point, best-of-breed monitoring tools, featuring a uniquely powerful architecture and a lightweight footprint. At the same time, the solution delivers enterprise scalability and multi-tenancy, and it has been adopted by organizations that run some of the largest and most complex IT infrastructures in the world. It is Highly scalable -Unified Infrastructure Management can scale to handle the largest and most complex IT environments and can seamlessly go from 100 to more than 100,000 devices, It creates transparency by providing insight into whether service quality and performance is meeting the requirements of end user or user group.  In short, it improves IT’s reputation because now your staff will be proactive, and transparent when reporting back to the lines of business which will help improve your colleague’s’ perception of IT’s value. CA Unified Infrastructure Management is fast – You can download, deploy, monitor and report on critical devices in as little as an hour. With more than 140 technologies and systems monitored out of the box, CA Unified Infrastructure Management provides the most comprehensive, unified IT monitoring solution on the market—and support for more technologies is added every quarter. CA Unified Infrastructure Management is developed and continuously advanced by the industry’s leading IT management software company, CA Technologies. Further, the solution features open APIs and an intuitive SDK, enabling customers to leverage their own monitoring code and even automate monitoring services. With CA Unified Infrastructure Management, you can leverage a solution that includes open source flexibility but without the complexity—and you get a partner you can rely on when assistance is needed.  This helps you to Speeds time to value. That means you can speed deployment time and effort, so you realize benefits more quickly. Customers can install CA Unified Infrastructure Management and deploy monitoring to more than 100 servers in under three minutes. Adapt to changing demands. Automate monitoring and align it to your dynamic IT environment. Leverage existing code. With CA Unified Infrastructure Management, you can continue to utilize homegrown monitoring code that was custom built for your specific needs. Adapt to future needs. If you are investing in cutting edge technologies, your management solution needs to be ready when you are. With its broad support of emerging technologies—and continued innovation—CA Unified Infrastructure Management enables your organization to gain the monitoring support needed to embrace future innovations.
  15. Networks have always been perceived as a focal point of blame for application performance issues, but what IT users experience most directly is not the network – it is the applications and services that the network delivers. Building awareness of applications and services has thus become one of the most important evolutionary expansions of network engineering and operations disciplines today. While the focus on application performance is well-deserved, underneath it all there’s still a need to monitor and understand what flows across the network infrastructure, in order to deliver the expected level of performance of modern, mobility, and media-rich apps or content users have become accustomed to today.
  16. Insurance Story
  17. Resources are not limitless For applications to perform, the network has to perform For the network to perform, it musts be able to anticipate and accommodate the load that’s put on it by applications and services Assuming that overall performance can be achieved in organizational silos is unrealistic and leads to disappointing outcomes for all There’s a natural co-dependency that exists between the network and what runs on top or across it. What’s unnatural is the way organizations typically divide up their efforts to manage these two very co-dependent entities.
  18. Resources are not limitless For applications to perform, the network has to perform For the network to perform, it musts be able to anticipate and accommodate the load that’s put on it by applications and services Assuming that overall performance can be achieved in organizational silos is unrealistic and leads to disappointing outcomes for all There’s a natural co-dependency that exists between the network and what runs on top or across it. What’s unnatural is the way organizations typically divide up their efforts to manage these two very co-dependent entities.
  19. Finding “value” has become even more challenging as business demands have shifted in the application economy. As users leverage apps in a new way in their personal lives, it is translating to differing demands within the business. For instance, users expect their business experience across a diverse set of devices, platforms, etc. …and regardless of how they interact with the business they want an experience that is intuitive and easy to use.
  20. Antes de falar da nossa solução, eu gostaria de falar um pouco sobre a evolução das ferramentas de central de serviços nos últimos 15 a 20 anos. Num dado momento, quando nós ainda não tinhamos nenhum framework de melhores práticas, muitas empresas, acabaram desenvolveram sua própria lógica pra poder rastrear e gerenciar seus tickets visando atender a demanda existente na época, essas soluções desenvolvidas em casa deram início à primeira geração de central de serviços e essa primeira geração permitiu que essas empresas melhorassem seus recursos de gerenciamento de serviços, porém em troca de um alto preço não só pelo esforço inicial do desenvolvimento do sistema, mas também para dar manutenção a eles, uma vez que novas funcionalidades eram adicionadas conforme a demanda sem um planejamento estratégico prévio. Bom, em seguida tivemos a segunda geração, que foram as primeiras ofertas comerciais de software de central de serviços, ela trazia fluxos de trabalho e conteúdos pré construídos baseados nas melhores práticas de frameworks, como o ITIL. Esses softwares de segunda geração eram e ainda são implementados localmente (On Premisse), essas soluções exigem uma grande equipe para suporte (de banco de dados, da aplicação alem de desenvolvedores para fazer customizações e adequar o software aos processos internos do cliente, essa demanda de mão de obra especializada, somada com a possibilidade de fazer grandes customizações, acabam fazendo com que essas soluções de segunda geração acabem se tornando dificeis de atualizar, tanto pela dificuldade quanto pelo custo atrelado a essa atualização, por isso é muito comum vocês encontrarem empresas que permanecem com versões antigas e muitas vezes até sem suporte da solução. Nos últimos anos, devido à redução de orçamentos na área de TI, o conceito de plataformas de central de serviços hospedadas começou a ganhar cada vez mais aceitação no mercado, elas vem com a promessa de diminuição de custos de manutenção e infraestrutura das ferramentas.
  21. Unfortunately, this does not always work out. According to a study by Gartner, 52% of global organizations took “about the same time” or “much more time” for the initial rollout of their SaaS solutions relative to on-premise install.
  22. …and 57% did not reduce the resources that support these systems.
  23. Ao contrário dos softwares da 3a geração, o software da 4a geração é um SAAS real, desenvolvido para a Nuvem, com uma aborgagem rápida, agilizando o tempo de implementação, fexivel, permitindo configurar sem a necessidade de customizar, poderoso, atendendo às demandas da empresa e trazendo retorno de investimento de maneira muito mais rápida, e pessoal, com uma interface intuitiva voltada para o conceito de mídias sociais.
  24. With the Spring release we have made it easier to use this powerful solution throughout the enterprise, regardless of your function. For business consumers it is easier than ever for to consume services, wherever they are. For power users, we have put more productivity enhancements at their fingertips. And for decision makers, we not only deliver a better TCO, but we have added capabilities that aid them in their day to day responsibilities.
  25. Aqui nós temos uma comparação entre nossa oferta saas quando comparada com outras soluções de 2a ou 3a gerações.
  26. The Bamboo release focuses on making ITSM service centric again. ITSM teams need the ability to plan and build the services they deliver to their customers. A service is not only the IT infrastructure it includes but also the process to support that service. CSM provides end-to-end ITSM including the ability to Design, Automate and Measure your services.
  27. Take a service centric approach to managing your IT commitments to the business. Today, most IT departments are ticket centric and almost all the metrics revolve around tickets – ticket volume, backlog, aging, successful vs unsuccessful changes, SLA, MTTR, etc. Business analysts take this data and extrapolate to what it means to the business from a top down standpoint. Service view takes a fresh look at IT services and how it should be defined, delivered and measured. Service view gives you key info on the metrics from an adoption & service level standpoint. It also indicates services that need to be looked at based on trends for a time period compared to the previous one. This may indicate increased user adoption, capacity demand, infrastructure issues, etc that can be drilled down into to figure out next steps. Service owners can also build and define new services in an easy and intuitive manner – take it to the next level with an integrated approach of defining your catalog items for the business service and associate workflow processes in a very visual and graphical manner. For example, create a Dropbox service for rolling out a new storage service for your users. From the service, associate or create new catalog items to request new accounts, increase storage limits or terminate an user account. For each of these catalog items, you can also easily relate existing workflow processes such as account provisioning or termination. The goal is to provide a dashboard for each user to view their key metrics/exceptions. The users could select which ones they want to include in their dashboard. For Asset Management, the trending metrics/exceptions would be: % of assets reconciled (red, yellow and green would be configurable %s), assets with no serial number, assets not classified (i.e. hardware_asset is default for non-classified assets), assets without an organization, asset not discovered in 30 days, import job status (last X which were successful and not successful), (add a few more and discuss formatting)
  28. Take a service centric approach to managing your IT commitments to the business. Today, most IT departments are ticket centric and almost all the metrics revolve around tickets – ticket volume, backlog, aging, successful vs unsuccessful changes, SLA, MTTR, etc. Business analysts take this data and extrapolate to what it means to the business from a top down standpoint. The concepts of Service view/creator and workflow designer combine this to take a fresh look at IT services and how it should be defined, delivered and measured. Service view gives you key info on the metrics from an adoption & service level standpoint. It also indicates services that need to be looked at based on trends for a time period compared to the previous one. This may indicate increased user adoption, capacity demand, infrastructure issues, etc that can be drilled down into to figure out next steps. Service owners can also build and define new services in an easy and intuitive manner – take it to the next level with an integrated approach of defining your catalog items for the business service and associate workflow processes in a very visual and graphical manner. For example, create a Dropbox service for rolling out a new storage service for your users. From the service, associate or create new catalog items to request new accounts, increase storage limits or terminate an user account. For each of these catalog items, you can also easily relate existing workflow processes such as account provisioning or termination. Workflow designer helps admins and process owners define both process and automation workflows in one place in a very simple and intuitive graphical designer. The long term vision inlcudes the ability to do version control, export/import and publishing of these workflows.
  29. CA will continue to add new connectors to CA and 3rd party applications out of the box. But we know we will never be able to deliver ever single connector that our customers need. We have designed a process inside the tool that doesn’t require coding that allows an admin to create integrations to the business’s key applications. All you need is details on how to continue to the 3rd party application’s REST API and you can begin automating processes for that applications from the Catalog and Cloud SM. Example employee provisioning, password reset, etc to create a update in Workday or other products with REST or SOAP APIs Longer term we will have a marketplace available and integrated with the community to allow customers to share connectors they have built. Connect to remote systems using ReST & HTTP On-premise and cloud-based services Basic and advanced authentication JSON & XML payload Build end-to-end workflows with custom or 3rd party services
  30. Analysts often use multiple tools to perform tasks such investigate, diagnose, fulfill, remediate, etc. The tools they use depend on the problem domain. For example, for networking tools fissues, they use ne Examples: Reset password, Run traceroute or ping, Check virtual machine state
  31. Simplify use of custom fields – see all your custom fields, select which ones you want exposed in reporting, fields show up automatically in the ticket data set New data sets for Asset Discovery, Project Management-Tasks, Associations, Time Entry
  32. We continue to advance the mobile capabilities for the solution meaning that end users can quickly access the system, but also leverage uniquely mobile capabilities such as the camera and location tracking to provide richer data.
  33. When you also factor in the platform and codeless configuration capabilities, this means that your company can get started quickly … in as little as one week with our rapid implementation, that you don’t need specialized programmers, that you will need fewer resources to maintain, and, perhaps most importantly, that you don’t need to get tied up with lengthy upgrades.
  34. Wiki currently in Beta as of Jan 2014- target delivery by Feb/March