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October 2012

Windows Phone 8

André Paumgartten
CIO - WebCarioca

         Investimentos    Segurança e
         Chave            Gerenciamento

                          Comunique &
         Corporativas &
         Hub da Empresa
Três ecossistemas dramaticamente diferentes

              Plataforma + Google     Experiências             Software e Hardware
Estratégia    Services                Integradas               integrados

              Código fonte aberto     Estruturado para         Vertical e controlado
Ecossistema   permitindo alterações   otimizar a Experiência   pela Apple

                                      Consistente e com
Experiência   Varia por dispositivo
                                                               Definido pela Apple
Núcleo compartilhado do Windows: Acelera a Inovação
Inovações de Hardware


                 WVGA        WXGA         720p
                                          1280 x
                 800 x 480   1280 x 768
                 15:9        15:9
Todos com telas grandes, dual-core, 3G, 4G e NFC

Nokia Lumia 920                      Nokia Lumia 820                             Samsung ATIV S                  HTC 8X
4.5”, PureMotion display, PureView   4.3”, ClearBlack display, Carl Zeiss lens   4.8”, HD super AMOLED display   4.3”, Gorilla Glass 2 display, ultra-wide
OIS camera                                                                                                       angle camera lens
                                     Snap on back cover, Wireless                NFC Tap-to-send,
Nokia City lens, Nokia music         charging, Nokia City lens, Nokia music      Samsung Family Story            Built-in Beats Audio, built-in amp
streaming, Wireless charging         streaming
Blocos Vivos que são únicos para você no Windows Phone
Windows Phone 8 para Empresas

Núcleo do Windows reconhecido e
Criptografia e Boot Seguro
Deployment de Apps Corporativas
Gerenciamento de Dispositivos
Comunicação Corporativa
Aplicações do Office familiares
Fácil de distribuir
                      Fácil de integrar
                      Gerenciamento de dispositivos Microsoft, EAS, Office 365, aplicações corporativas
e gerenciar em
infraestrutura        Segurança robusta e criptografia
Windows,              Boot Seguro, criptografia de dispositivo, sandboxing de apps, assinatura de código

para que os
                      Comunique-se com eficiência
possam se             Hub de Pessoas, Outlook, Calendário e Tarefas, Lync, Skype
comunicar e
contribuir de         Contribua com o Office Mobile
forma integrada.      Hub do Office, Office Mobile, OneNote, sempre sincronizado
Segurança robusta para proteger informações

       Boot seguro e                       Plataforma de
       assinatura de                       aplicativos ajuda a
                        complete do
       código para                         prevenir
                        dispositivo para
       garantir a                          comportamentos
                        proteger dados e
       integridade de                      maliciosos de
       software                            aplicações
Boot seguro e assinatura de código

Garante a integridade da
plataforma e ajuda a proteger
contra malware
   O boot seguro permite que somente imagens
   validadas do Sistema Operacional sejam executadas
   Todos os componentes de software do sistema e as
   aplicações são assinados
Segurança da plataforma de Aplicações

A plataforma de aplicações
ajuda a proteger os dados
    Modelo de segurança de câmara para os serviços do
    sistema operacional, das aplicações pré-instaladas e
    das aplicações da loja do Windows Phone
    Sandboxing das câmaras e armazenamento isolado
    As aplicações na Loja do Windows Phone são
    certificadas e verificadas contra malware
Criptografia do dispositivo

Criptografia completa do
armazenamento interno para
proteger informações
    Construída na arquitetura do Windows BitLocker
    A criptografia esta disponível para todos os telefones e pode ser ativadas
    via política pelo time de TI
    Não é necessária experiência de usuário ou PIN de boot
    Todo o armazenamento interno é criptografado
    O cartão SD não é criptografado mas pode ser gerenciado
Atualizações do Windows Phone

Atualizações Over-the-air
   Atualizações são detectadas e baixadas
   automaticamente durante o uso do telefone
   Atualizações são baixadas sobre Wi-Fi ou celular se
   forem pequenas
   Os usuários podem alterar para detecção manual o
   que ignora a otimização
   Não há a necessidade de se conectar a um PC para
Internet Explorer 10 para Windows Phone

Navegação mais rápida e
   Um dos navegadores HTML5 mais rápidos
   Protegido e sem plug-ins
   Proteção em tempo real anti-phishing com Filtro
Gerenciamento de Direitos do Usuário (IRM)

Ajuda a prevenir vazamento
de propriedade intelectual
    Protege e-mails e documentos no telefone contra
    distribuição não autorizada
    Fácil de implementar no Exchange Server e no
Fácil de integrar em sua infraestrutura Windows atual

                                                Gerenciamento de
       Fácil de integrar                        dispositivo móvel
                           ActiveSync para e-
       em sua                                   e aplicações com
                           mail e
       infraestrutura                           as soluções de
                           gerenciamento de
       Windows atual                            gerenciamento
Escolha de gerenciamento

   Amplamente utilizado para configurações de e-mail móvel

   Para distribuição de aplicações e gerenciamento de políticas
   de dispositivos
Exchange ActiveSync

 Versões do protocolo EAS suportadas: 2.5, 12.0, 12.1, 14.0, 14.1
Gerenciamento de dispositivos móveis com
Windows Intune

    Matricula corporativa e cliente de gerenciamento integrado
    Experiência de um único passo para matricular (ou deixar),
    aplicar politicas e encontrar aplicações corporativas
Políticas e relatórios do Windows
EAS Políticas corporativas                                       e relatórios
           Senha simples                                        Valores de políticas configurados
           Senha alfanumérica                                   Determinar aplicações corporativas
           Tamanho mínimo de senha                              instaladas
           Numero mínimo de caracteres complexos                Nome do dispositivo
           Expiração de senha                                   ID do dispositivo
           Histórico de senha                                   Tipo de plataforma do SO
                                                                Versão de firmware
                                                                Versão de OS
     (NA)   Habilitado para IRM                                  Hora local no dispositivo
           Wipe remoto do dispositivo                           Tipo de processador
           Criptografia do Dispositivo (novo)                   Modelo do Dispositivo
            Desabilitar cartão de armazenamento (novo)           Fabricante do Dispositivo
            Atualização remota de aplicações corporativas (novo) Arquitetura do Processador do
            Desmatricula remota ou local (novo)                  Dispositivo
                                                                  Idioma do dispositivo
Gerenciamento Unificado de Dispositivos Microsoft
Simplificando o Gerenciamento entre Plataformas

                                         Dispositivos & Plataformas

        Console de

                        Windows Intune
Acesso controlado a informações do negócio

       Suporte a                         Aplicações para
                      Distribuição de
       aplicações                        maior
                      software privada
       corporativas                      produtividade
Plataforma de aplicativos

    Crie aplicativos cativantes que se integram
    com a experiência do Windows Phone
    Melhores e mais familiares ferramentas da
    Plataforma de código XAML e C# permite
    desenvolvimento rápido e portabilidade
    com Windows 8
    C e C++ para portabilidade fácil de
    aplicações de outras plataformas
Serviços na Nuvem

   Desenvolvimento eficiente integrado para aplicações
   conectadas com a nuvem
   Integrado com o Windows Azure
   Suporta nuvens privadas, hibridas e publicas
   Experiências conectadas e desconectadas
Suporte a aplicações corporativas

    Registro corporativo com a Microsoft
    Recebe ID da empresa e certificado
    Assinar os tokens corporativos e aplicações
    Somente dispositivos com o token corporativo
    podem executar aplicações corporativas
    Aplicações privadas podem ser armazenadas na
Gerenciamento de aplicações corporativas

   Distribua o token para o telefone durante a
   Distribua a aplicação de autosserviço
   O portal de autosserviço torna fácil a descoberta de
   Atualizações automáticas de aplicações já instaladas
   Desmatricula remota ou local resulta na remoção
   dos aplicativos e dados corporativos
Hubs da Empresa Customizados

    Portal de autosserviço aprimorado desenvolvido
    e customizado
    Informações e aplicações com audiência
    Centralmente controlado e atualizável
    Distribua, atualize e remova
Hub da Empresa Customizado
Mapas e Direções

          Mapas integrados com tecnologia e dados
          de rua da Nokia em todos os telefones
          Possibilidade de ver mapas off-line
          Lista de rota simples e mapa, sem voz em
          todos os telefones
          Nokia Drive (direções curva a curva) com
          voz somente nos telefones Nokia1
 1As   operadoras podem optar não incluir todas as aplicações Nokia
Comunique-se com eficiência

       Inicie uma        Gerencie o dia       Mantenha-se
       conversa com um   com calendários e    organizado com o
       único toque       tarefas integrados   Outlook Mobile
Conecte-se com as pessoas

    Adicione pessoas a grupos de trabalhos e pessoais
    Conecte-se com pessoas ou grupos facilmente por
    e-mail, IM, Skype e SMS
    Blocos vivos oferecem atualizações das principais
    redes sociais
Tome o controle de seu dia

    Gerencie multiplos calendários
    Gerencie tarefas e afazeres na exibição do calendário
E-mail do jeito que você quer

    Filtre e-mails de formas diferentes
    Leia os e-mails agrupados por conversa
    Veja e-mail de multiplas contas
    Ordene os e-mails em pastas
    Fixe pastas de e-mail no inicio
    Pesquise e-mail armazenado no servidor
Recursos do Outlook

       Exchange Server 2003        Exchange Server 2007    Exchange Server 2010
       SSL de 128-bit
       Wipe remoto (admin)
                                   + Out-of-Office
                                   Pesquisa no servidor
       Pesquisa na GAL             Reduções de banda
       Sincronismo de pastas       Autodiscover
       Sincronismo de tarefas      Veja participantes de   E-mail com IRM
       Sincronismo de contatos     reunião                 SSL de 256-bit
       Sincronismo de calendário   Sinalizadores           Lista de Quarentena
       Sincronismo de e-mail       E-mail HTML             Cache de Apelidos
       Direct push                 Wipe remoto (usuario)   Estado de Resposta
Lync Mobile – comunicação em tempo-real

   Presença corporativa e IM
   Chat com múltiplas partes
   Pesquise contatos corporativos
   Atualize o status corporativo
   Entrada em reuniões com um único clique dos
   Aplicação na Loja do Windows Phone
Skype para Windows Phone

   Ligue para contas Skype (gratuito) ou para
   Conecte-se através de uma chamada de vídeo
   Mande mensagens instantâneas para uma pessoa
   ou mesmo para um grupo mesmo durante uma
   chamada de voz ou vídeo
   Baixe o Skype gratuitamente da Loja do Windows
Contribua com o Office Mobile

                            Acesse, edite e   Não há
       Documentos e
                            compartilhe seu   necessidade de
       anotações sempre
                            documentos não    comprar e instalar,
       sincronizados com
                            importa onde      o Office Mobile já
       o Microsoft Office
                            esteja            vem integrado
Sempre sincronizado e pronto

    Mantêm seus documentos recentes e anotações
    sincronizados entre PC e telefone
    Edite e salve em um e continue trabalhando onde
    parou em outro.*

    *Requer o Office 2013
Acesse documentos rapidamente

   Acesse documentos rapidamente armazenados
   no SkyDrive, no SharePoint, ou no Office 365
   Anexos que você ler no telefone também estão

   Nota-para-si-mesmo: Dite e será transcrito*
   Tome o controle do sincronismo de Anotações:
   sincronismo prévio, escopo limitado ou somente
   via Wi-Fi
   Tome anotações em movimento e sincronize
   com seu PC
   * Somente EEFIGSs

   Veja seus slides e anotações em uma única
   exibição para uma boa experiência de
   Navegue rapidamente em uma apresentação
   PowerPoint utilizando a exibição de
   classificação de slides
   Veja slides em modo retrato ou paisagem
Todas as aplicações familiares do Office ali
Sem necessidade de comprar
ou instalar, o Office Mobile já
vem integrado
    Edite e comente no Word, no Excel, e no
    Nenhuma formatação ou dados são perdidos
    Modelos ajudam os usuários a criar novos
    Estatísticas de dados e assistente de formulas
    no Excel
    Suporte a IRM para documentos
Fácil de distribuir
                      Fácil de integrar
                      Gerenciamento de dispositivos Microsoft, EAS, Office 365, aplicações corporativas
e gerenciar em
infraestrutura        Segurança robusta e criptografia
Windows,              Boot Seguro, criptografia de dispositivo, sandboxing de apps, assinatura de código

para que os
                      Comunique-se com eficiência
possam se             Hub de Pessoas, Outlook, Calendário e Tarefas, Lync, Skype
comunicar e
contribuir de         Contribua com o Office Mobile
forma integrada.      Hub do Office, Office Mobile, OneNote, sempre sincronizado
Aplicativos desenvolvidos pela WebCarioca:

Buscador dos Correios
Desenvolvido para facilitar muito a vida de todos
aqueles que costumam fazer compras e precisam
acompanhar trajeto da encomenda pelos Correios.

É um jeito bem simples de monitorar suas compras
e não permitir que elas se percam pelo caminho.!
Aplicativos desenvolvidos pela WebCarioca:

Claus e Vanessa
Com o app, é possível ouvir todas as músicas
da dupla sem estar conectado à internet.

Outra vantagem é que os fãs também podem
ter acesso à biografia dos cantores e ainda
acompanhar tudo que acontece nas redes sociais
oficiais (Facebook e Twitter) semter que ficar
navegando por diversos sites!
The information herein is for informational                        interpreted to be a commitment on the part of
purposes only an represents the current view of                    Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the
Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this                       accuracy of any information provided after the
presentation. Because Microsoft must respond                       date of this presentation.
to changing market conditions, it should not be


© 2012 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Apresentação de Desenvolvimento e Negócios para Windows Phone

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Apresentação de Desenvolvimento e Negócios para Windows Phone

  • 1. October 2012 Windows Phone 8 André Paumgartten CIO - WebCarioca Office
  • 2. Agenda Investimentos Segurança e Chave Gerenciamento Aplicações Comunique & Corporativas & Colabore Hub da Empresa
  • 3. Três ecossistemas dramaticamente diferentes Plataforma + Google Experiências Software e Hardware Estratégia Services Integradas integrados Código fonte aberto Estruturado para Vertical e controlado Ecossistema permitindo alterações otimizar a Experiência pela Apple Consistente e com Experiência Varia por dispositivo extensibilidade Definido pela Apple
  • 4.
  • 5. Núcleo compartilhado do Windows: Acelera a Inovação
  • 6. Inovações de Hardware Fotos Musicas Videos WVGA WXGA 720p 1280 x 800 x 480 1280 x 768 720 15:9 15:9 16:9 NFC
  • 7. Todos com telas grandes, dual-core, 3G, 4G e NFC Nokia Lumia 920 Nokia Lumia 820 Samsung ATIV S HTC 8X 4.5”, PureMotion display, PureView 4.3”, ClearBlack display, Carl Zeiss lens 4.8”, HD super AMOLED display 4.3”, Gorilla Glass 2 display, ultra-wide OIS camera angle camera lens Snap on back cover, Wireless NFC Tap-to-send, Nokia City lens, Nokia music charging, Nokia City lens, Nokia music Samsung Family Story Built-in Beats Audio, built-in amp streaming, Wireless charging streaming
  • 8. Blocos Vivos que são únicos para você no Windows Phone
  • 9. Windows Phone 8 para Empresas Núcleo do Windows reconhecido e compartilhado Criptografia e Boot Seguro Deployment de Apps Corporativas Gerenciamento de Dispositivos Comunicação Corporativa Aplicações do Office familiares
  • 10. Fácil de distribuir Fácil de integrar Gerenciamento de dispositivos Microsoft, EAS, Office 365, aplicações corporativas e gerenciar em uma infraestrutura Segurança robusta e criptografia Windows, Boot Seguro, criptografia de dispositivo, sandboxing de apps, assinatura de código para que os funcionários Comunique-se com eficiência possam se Hub de Pessoas, Outlook, Calendário e Tarefas, Lync, Skype comunicar e contribuir de Contribua com o Office Mobile forma integrada. Hub do Office, Office Mobile, OneNote, sempre sincronizado
  • 11. Segurança robusta para proteger informações Boot seguro e Plataforma de Criptografia assinatura de aplicativos ajuda a complete do código para prevenir dispositivo para garantir a comportamentos proteger dados e integridade de maliciosos de credenciais software aplicações
  • 12. Boot seguro e assinatura de código Garante a integridade da plataforma e ajuda a proteger contra malware O boot seguro permite que somente imagens validadas do Sistema Operacional sejam executadas Todos os componentes de software do sistema e as aplicações são assinados
  • 13. Segurança da plataforma de Aplicações A plataforma de aplicações ajuda a proteger os dados corporativos Modelo de segurança de câmara para os serviços do sistema operacional, das aplicações pré-instaladas e das aplicações da loja do Windows Phone Sandboxing das câmaras e armazenamento isolado As aplicações na Loja do Windows Phone são certificadas e verificadas contra malware
  • 14. Criptografia do dispositivo Criptografia completa do armazenamento interno para proteger informações Construída na arquitetura do Windows BitLocker A criptografia esta disponível para todos os telefones e pode ser ativadas via política pelo time de TI Não é necessária experiência de usuário ou PIN de boot Todo o armazenamento interno é criptografado O cartão SD não é criptografado mas pode ser gerenciado
  • 15. Atualizações do Windows Phone Atualizações Over-the-air Atualizações são detectadas e baixadas automaticamente durante o uso do telefone Atualizações são baixadas sobre Wi-Fi ou celular se forem pequenas Os usuários podem alterar para detecção manual o que ignora a otimização Não há a necessidade de se conectar a um PC para atualizar!
  • 16. Internet Explorer 10 para Windows Phone Navegação mais rápida e segura Um dos navegadores HTML5 mais rápidos Protegido e sem plug-ins Proteção em tempo real anti-phishing com Filtro SmartScreen
  • 17. Gerenciamento de Direitos do Usuário (IRM) Ajuda a prevenir vazamento de propriedade intelectual Protege e-mails e documentos no telefone contra distribuição não autorizada Fácil de implementar no Exchange Server e no Sharepoint
  • 18. Fácil de integrar em sua infraestrutura Windows atual Gerenciamento de Exchange Fácil de integrar dispositivo móvel ActiveSync para e- em sua e aplicações com mail e infraestrutura as soluções de gerenciamento de Windows atual gerenciamento dispositivos Microsoft
  • 19. Escolha de gerenciamento Amplamente utilizado para configurações de e-mail móvel Para distribuição de aplicações e gerenciamento de políticas de dispositivos
  • 20. Exchange ActiveSync Versões do protocolo EAS suportadas: 2.5, 12.0, 12.1, 14.0, 14.1
  • 21. Gerenciamento de dispositivos móveis com Windows Intune Matricula corporativa e cliente de gerenciamento integrado Experiência de um único passo para matricular (ou deixar), aplicar politicas e encontrar aplicações corporativas
  • 22. Políticas e relatórios do Windows EAS Políticas corporativas e relatórios   Senha simples Valores de políticas configurados   Senha alfanumérica Determinar aplicações corporativas   Tamanho mínimo de senha instaladas   Numero mínimo de caracteres complexos Nome do dispositivo   Expiração de senha ID do dispositivo   Histórico de senha Tipo de plataforma do SO   Versão de firmware   Versão de OS  (NA) Habilitado para IRM Hora local no dispositivo   Wipe remoto do dispositivo Tipo de processador   Criptografia do Dispositivo (novo) Modelo do Dispositivo  Desabilitar cartão de armazenamento (novo) Fabricante do Dispositivo  Atualização remota de aplicações corporativas (novo) Arquitetura do Processador do  Desmatricula remota ou local (novo) Dispositivo Idioma do dispositivo
  • 23. Gerenciamento Unificado de Dispositivos Microsoft
  • 24. Simplificando o Gerenciamento entre Plataformas Dispositivos & Plataformas Console de administração único Windows Intune
  • 25. Acesso controlado a informações do negócio Suporte a Aplicações para Distribuição de aplicações maior software privada corporativas produtividade
  • 26. Plataforma de aplicativos Crie aplicativos cativantes que se integram com a experiência do Windows Phone Melhores e mais familiares ferramentas da categoria Plataforma de código XAML e C# permite desenvolvimento rápido e portabilidade com Windows 8 C e C++ para portabilidade fácil de aplicações de outras plataformas
  • 27. Serviços na Nuvem Desenvolvimento eficiente integrado para aplicações conectadas com a nuvem Integrado com o Windows Azure Suporta nuvens privadas, hibridas e publicas Experiências conectadas e desconectadas
  • 28. Suporte a aplicações corporativas Registro corporativo com a Microsoft Recebe ID da empresa e certificado Assinar os tokens corporativos e aplicações Somente dispositivos com o token corporativo podem executar aplicações corporativas Aplicações privadas podem ser armazenadas na intranet
  • 29. Gerenciamento de aplicações corporativas Distribua o token para o telefone durante a matricula Distribua a aplicação de autosserviço O portal de autosserviço torna fácil a descoberta de aplicações Atualizações automáticas de aplicações já instaladas Desmatricula remota ou local resulta na remoção dos aplicativos e dados corporativos
  • 30. Hubs da Empresa Customizados Portal de autosserviço aprimorado desenvolvido e customizado Informações e aplicações com audiência controlada Centralmente controlado e atualizável Distribua, atualize e remova
  • 31. Hub da Empresa Customizado
  • 32.
  • 33. Mapas e Direções Mapas integrados com tecnologia e dados de rua da Nokia em todos os telefones Possibilidade de ver mapas off-line Lista de rota simples e mapa, sem voz em todos os telefones Nokia Drive (direções curva a curva) com voz somente nos telefones Nokia1 1As operadoras podem optar não incluir todas as aplicações Nokia
  • 34. Comunique-se com eficiência Inicie uma Gerencie o dia Mantenha-se conversa com um com calendários e organizado com o único toque tarefas integrados Outlook Mobile
  • 35. Conecte-se com as pessoas Adicione pessoas a grupos de trabalhos e pessoais Conecte-se com pessoas ou grupos facilmente por e-mail, IM, Skype e SMS Blocos vivos oferecem atualizações das principais redes sociais
  • 36. Tome o controle de seu dia Gerencie multiplos calendários Gerencie tarefas e afazeres na exibição do calendário
  • 37. E-mail do jeito que você quer Filtre e-mails de formas diferentes Leia os e-mails agrupados por conversa Veja e-mail de multiplas contas Ordene os e-mails em pastas Fixe pastas de e-mail no inicio Pesquise e-mail armazenado no servidor
  • 38. Recursos do Outlook Exchange Server 2003 Exchange Server 2007 Exchange Server 2010 SSL de 128-bit Wipe remoto (admin) + Out-of-Office Pesquisa no servidor Defina + Pesquisa na GAL Reduções de banda Sincronismo de pastas Autodiscover Sincronismo de tarefas Veja participantes de E-mail com IRM Sincronismo de contatos reunião SSL de 256-bit Sincronismo de calendário Sinalizadores Lista de Quarentena Sincronismo de e-mail E-mail HTML Cache de Apelidos Direct push Wipe remoto (usuario) Estado de Resposta
  • 39. Lync Mobile – comunicação em tempo-real Presença corporativa e IM Chat com múltiplas partes Pesquise contatos corporativos Atualize o status corporativo Entrada em reuniões com um único clique dos compromissos Aplicação na Loja do Windows Phone
  • 40. Skype para Windows Phone Ligue para contas Skype (gratuito) ou para telefones Conecte-se através de uma chamada de vídeo Mande mensagens instantâneas para uma pessoa ou mesmo para um grupo mesmo durante uma chamada de voz ou vídeo Baixe o Skype gratuitamente da Loja do Windows Phone
  • 41. Contribua com o Office Mobile Acesse, edite e Não há Documentos e compartilhe seu necessidade de anotações sempre documentos não comprar e instalar, sincronizados com importa onde o Office Mobile já o Microsoft Office esteja vem integrado
  • 42. Sempre sincronizado e pronto Mantêm seus documentos recentes e anotações sincronizados entre PC e telefone Edite e salve em um e continue trabalhando onde parou em outro.* *Requer o Office 2013
  • 43. Acesse documentos rapidamente Acesse documentos rapidamente armazenados no SkyDrive, no SharePoint, ou no Office 365 Anexos que você ler no telefone também estão disponíveis
  • 44. OneNote Nota-para-si-mesmo: Dite e será transcrito* Tome o controle do sincronismo de Anotações: sincronismo prévio, escopo limitado ou somente via Wi-Fi Tome anotações em movimento e sincronize com seu PC * Somente EEFIGSs
  • 45. PowerPoint Veja seus slides e anotações em uma única exibição para uma boa experiência de apresentador Navegue rapidamente em uma apresentação PowerPoint utilizando a exibição de classificação de slides Veja slides em modo retrato ou paisagem
  • 46. Todas as aplicações familiares do Office ali Sem necessidade de comprar ou instalar, o Office Mobile já vem integrado Edite e comente no Word, no Excel, e no PowerPoint Nenhuma formatação ou dados são perdidos Modelos ajudam os usuários a criar novos documentos Estatísticas de dados e assistente de formulas no Excel Suporte a IRM para documentos
  • 47. Fácil de distribuir Fácil de integrar Gerenciamento de dispositivos Microsoft, EAS, Office 365, aplicações corporativas e gerenciar em uma infraestrutura Segurança robusta e criptografia Windows, Boot Seguro, criptografia de dispositivo, sandboxing de apps, assinatura de código para que os funcionários Comunique-se com eficiência possam se Hub de Pessoas, Outlook, Calendário e Tarefas, Lync, Skype comunicar e contribuir de Contribua com o Office Mobile forma integrada. Hub do Office, Office Mobile, OneNote, sempre sincronizado
  • 48. Aplicativos desenvolvidos pela WebCarioca: Buscador dos Correios Desenvolvido para facilitar muito a vida de todos aqueles que costumam fazer compras e precisam acompanhar trajeto da encomenda pelos Correios. É um jeito bem simples de monitorar suas compras e não permitir que elas se percam pelo caminho.!
  • 49. Aplicativos desenvolvidos pela WebCarioca: Claus e Vanessa Com o app, é possível ouvir todas as músicas da dupla sem estar conectado à internet. Outra vantagem é que os fãs também podem ter acesso à biografia dos cantores e ainda acompanhar tudo que acontece nas redes sociais oficiais (Facebook e Twitter) semter que ficar navegando por diversos sites!
  • 50. The information herein is for informational interpreted to be a commitment on the part of purposes only an represents the current view of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this accuracy of any information provided after the presentation. Because Microsoft must respond date of this presentation. to changing market conditions, it should not be MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Notas do Editor

  1. Slide - AgendaTalk Track:Hojeapresentaremoscomo a Microsoft estaseguindo para tersucessoemumaindustriaemmovimento e comopodemosoferecer valor a vocês com o Windows Phone.Com o Windows Phone 8 estamosdando um grandepasso para entregarfuncionalidadeschavesqueatendemàsnecessidades de negócio, e queremosatualizarvocês do nossoprogresso. Areas quecobriremosincluemcomunicação e colaboração (principalmente com uma demo), e então um mergulhoemsegurança e gerenciamento de dispositivos e como o Windows Phone 8 lida com aplicaçõescorporativas.
  2. Nota aoapresentador: Fazercomentáriosdeprecativosreduz a credibilidade da Microsoft de ponta a ponta – nãoestamostentandodizer “melhor”, mas estamostentandocolocar “diferente”.MensagensChave: O Windows Phone é um meiotermo entre o total controleque a Apple mantêm com o ecossistema do iOS e a abordagem de controlelimitado do Android.A abordagem da Microsoft entregaumaplataformaconfiável e previsivel com a flexibilidade e escolhaqueseusfuncionáriosprecisam para serprodutivos.Talk Track:We now have 3 ecosystems, each with different DNAStrategy and Ecosystem:Android and iPhone have done a great job at innovating, and they continue to push innovation, which is great. However, people want to buy a device that works with their ‘stuff.’Windows Phone focuses on the integrated experiences that work with what people already use. As a result of focusing our development on these deep integrated experiences, we won’t have all the variability you can get from Android, and that's ok. Our structured approach to the hardware has created an ecosystem that can deliver a rich and powerful phone at a very affordable price - the Nokia Lumina 900 and the HTC Titan II are proof of that. (Refer to the high-end spec and the low price.) Even better pricing is available in the non-subsidized emerging markets with the Nokia 610, which still delivers a very good experience for the user. You do not have to choose yesterday’s technology to get the best experience. (Don’t name Apple.)People value that Windows Phone just works, and also the ease of use that comes with the integration. (And I will demonstrate some of that in a minute.)Windows Phone is the only phone that provides rich experiences in both work and personal scenarios.Experience:We believe Windows Phone has a higher and more consistent quality than Android.Google doesn’t certify OR test its apps. So, anyone can write an app that hacks into your personal information and steals your credit card info. Android is also experiencing a lot of fragmentation because developers don’t know when to update their apps, and consumers are continually frustrated by apps that don’t work on their phones. In contrast, we make sure 1) apps work like they say they should 2) apps are PG-13 and 3) apps go through a security check. Consumers just want their phone to work, and they want to know how to use it for both work and play.As a business, you face the same choices as consumers (and we do focus mostly on consumer, they are our king). We are convinced that our structured approach delivers you more value in the end.
  3. Key messages:We are moving to a shared core of OS technologies across devicesThis is big year for Microsoft and Windows It is the first time that all of our products come together, they look the same, and work in the same ways, and deliver new value when used togetherMicrosoft will bring the concept of Windows Reimagined to market in a big way, millions of people will see Metro everywhere and we expect customers to come to your stores to check out what’s new
  4. Announcement: Latest and Greatest Hardware! Support for Multi-core Chipsets, New Screen Resolutions and MicroSD Card Support!So the first advantage that comes with a common core for Windows and Windows Phone 8 is support for new hardware components. As you already know, we optimized Windows Phone to run buttery smooth on existing single core chipsets, but Windows Phone 8 will support multiple core chipsets. In fact as it is based on the Windows kernel it can support dual core, quad-core, octa-core and in theory as many as 64 cores!We are also going to be offering more choices in screen resolutions. We currently offer WVGA in Windows Phone 7.5, but we will be adding WXGA and 720P to have a total of three screen resolution options. Great for both our hardware partners and consumers. And we are also enabling full Micro SD card support in Windows Phone 8 – enabling you to store music, photos, videos and install apps. You can also use the MicroSD card in other devices too.
  5. Key message: Windows Phone is highly personal, it reflects your life and is as unique as you. It also removes layers of technology do can get things done instantly, it’s faster.Talk TrackLive Tiles & Apps with Live Tiles. Only a people powered phone gives you Live Tiles, so your start screen reflects your life and your priorities, showing you only the people, apps and stuff you care about. You get real time updates and notifications so you can see what’s happening in your world as it happens. [Scenarios: Your friend’s Live Tile announced she just had her baby or your weather app’s Live Tile tells you to get ready because this weekend is going to be sunny.]
  6. Windows Phone 8 supports the Enterprise!Key Messages:In this context we are continuing our journey to bring a phone that builds a bridge between compelling business user experiences and enterprise technology from Microsoft that IT knows . IT organizations as well as business users know and use Microsoft products every day. With the core of the OS based on Windows 8, we are making a series of investments in enterprise functionality, with device encryption, native mobile device management and private distribution of Line of Business applications as the most important.
  7. Slide - Windows Phone 8 Key MessagesKey Messages:We are bringing a smartphone that is easy to integrate and deploy with your existing Microsoft investments and so your employees can communicate and collaborate right out of the box. Talk Track:Windows Phone bridges the divide between what users want from a smartphone and what organizations require from those who use smartphones for personal and business purposes. Microsoft has designed the Windows Phone 8 operating system to build that bridge. Users can easily get up and running with a Windows Phone that has all the familiar office tools such as Outlook Mobile and Office Mobile built-in and ready to go. IT departments can build on the known security of the platform and easily deploy Windows Phone within their existing infrastructures. No other smartphone delivers the same no-compromise experience with Microsoft tools and services.Fully functional Office applications: Windows Phone 8 is built on technology that business customers know and trust. With enhancements in all areas, Windows Phone delivers value to all business customers, in any industry, and of any size.With Windows Phone 8, we are adding key capabilities required by IT departments to approve Windows Phone as a smartphone for their organizations. Windows Phone 8 will have the strongest device encryption of any smartphone platform. Wide support for most Microsoft servers and services: Windows Phone remains the leading smartphone that is easy to deploy in a Microsoft IT infrastructure, whether it’s on-premises (Exchange, SharePoint, Lync) or in the cloud (Office 365). With the advanced in-device management as well as private app distribution (does not require Marketplace) for LOB applications using Microsoft mobile device management, Microsoft now has a complete offering for businesses of all sizes.Windows functionality that companies know and trust: With Outlook Mobile and Office Mobile built-in, customers get the tools they are familiar with to communicate and collaborate with teams, customers, and partners. Windows Phone is the only smartphone that includes full editing capabilities for Office documents with a built-in version of Office Mobile.
  8. Key Messages:To help organizations protect business information and guard against malware, Microsoft has implemented the strongest, industry-leading security controls on Windows Phone 8.Let’s look at the details.Talk Track:Deliver key message. Don’t talk about anything in the boxes.
  9. Key Messages: Windows Phone 8 implements industry-leading security architecture. Protecting data on the phone starts with making sure the device is in a known trusted state before it connects to anything. Talk Track:Trusted bootWindows Phone 8 trusted boot allows only validated software components to execute, from the early boot loader to complete initialization of the operating system. This approach assures platform integrity and helps protect the platform from malware that could be introduced early in the process. It also builds on the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) firmware to take advantage of currently available technologies. Microsoft works closely with OEMs to ensure that best practices are applied in manufacturing of devices. Code signingWindows Phone 8 operating system services and applications are signed with a Microsoft certificate. This approach ensures that only trusted and vetted code can run, and prevents malware from running as an operating system component.All Windows Phone 8 operating system code is signed by Microsoft.
  10. Key Messages:Improved for Windows Phone 8, app sandboxing prevents malicious apps from gaining unauthorized access to data and delivers a trustworthy platform for business apps. Talk Track:Another area of great concern is how to prevent malware tools from hijacking the system and accessing data. The Windows Phone 8 app platform security model deals with this concern by requiring app store certification and antimalware scanning of apps. Least-privileged chamber modelThe least-privileged chamber model from the Windows Phone 7 security design has been implemented across the operating system, so native applications and even operating system services now run in the appropriate least-privileged chamber. Least privileged means that apps need to declare the privileges they need and be assigned a private chamber that has only those privileges. Privileges cannot be elevated after installation. App sandboxingEach chamber is isolated and other apps cannot read from the private data store or communicate directly with the app. Should a service or application be compromised, the operating system would still be protected from malicious software that might try to elevate its privileges to access high-value data on the phone.Windows Phone Store certification and malware scanning also helps prevent malicious code and enhances reliability of the phone. The Windows Phone security model and its controls have caused some requested features, such as application back listing and antimalware apps, to be deprioritized. We feel confident that with our Windows Phone Store approach and the chamber model we will be able to prevent malware from compromising the handset. We remain vigilant, and will closely monitor the situation and take additional measures if needed.Location policy control. Microsoft has the best record in how location is handled on the phone. Users are always in control so applications cannot prey on where they are and what they are doing. Applications are required to declare their need to access location information at installation and first run. The user also has the option to turn off location tracking globally for all apps on the phone.
  11. Key Messages: To help keep everything from documents to passwords safe, Windows Phone 8 encrypts the entire device, including operating system and data files. Device encryption is always turned on, so any file saved to the phone is encrypted automatically. Encryption technology innovation puts Windows Phone 8 in an industry leadership position.Talk Track:To help protect your information, Windows Phone 8 encrypts the entire device, including operating system and data files. Device encryption is turned on by IT professionals with Exchange or MDM policy, so any file saved to the phone is encrypted automatically.Encryption (AES128) is turned with policy and will remain so, users cannot turn off. In combination with secure boot, this feature delivers a secure device by default. The first line of defense, locking the phone so it cannot be accessed by unauthorized users when lost or stolen, is also a required control, and device password policies allow IT departments to make sure this control is properly implemented.Encryption keys are not derived or related to the users PIN or password, but are generated at first boot. There is no pre-boot PIN for encryption (as some of you may be used to on the desktop) or ability for the user to configure device encryption. Keys never leave the secure execution environment (trust zone-based TPM is the only protector of the key) and cannot be saved to a cloud service or backed up to Active Directory. Note about the SD card for enterprises concerned about it not being encrypted: The SD card can be disabled by a management server and only certain content can be stored on it, such as pictures, video, and music. Applications and application data are always stored on the internal memory of the phone and users cannot change this configuration.
  12. Key Messages:Windows Phone delivers operating system and firmware updates over the air.Talk Track:This feature is probably most important to you – we no longer require the phone to connect to a PC to download and install operating system and firmware updates. Download and staging of updates is done automatically so updates are least disruptive to the user. Users are still in control and we do not provide IT administrators with the ability to block users from updating or validating updates before installation.As before, Microsoft is in control of OEM, Mobile Operator, and feature updates. We are doing Technical Assurance with tier 1 mobile operators to ensure good operations on their networks.Security patches are pushed out quickly to keep phones up to date with the latest software fixes.
  13. Key Messages:Improved for Windows Phone 8, application sandboxing prevents malicious apps from gaining unauthorized access to data and delivers a trustworthy platform for business apps. Talk Track:SmartScreen FilterAnti-phishing in Internet ExplorerIE Mobile lockdownAccording to Network Security Services (NSS), Internet Explorer 9 blocked 99% of malware downloads compared to 90% for Internet Explorer 8. In early 2010, similar tests gave Internet Explorer 8 an 85% passing grade, the 5% improvement being attributed to "continued investments in improved data intelligence." By comparison, the same research showed that Chrome 6, Firefox 3.6, and Safari 5, all if which rely on Google's Safe Browsing Service, scored 6%, 19%, and 11%, respectively. Opera 10 scored 0%, failing to "detect any of the socially engineered malware samples."Internet Explorer always runs at the least-privileged level and operates independently of all other phone apps. Internet Explorer Mobile cannot access data in the phone’s file system or access information from other applications in memory. Also, Internet Explorer ensures that malicious code cannot be launched from websites, thus reducing this threat.
  14. Key Messages:Windows Phone is the only smartphone with full support for Microsoft Rights Management Services.Talk Track:Users can read protected email using Information Rights Management (IRM) in Outlook mobile. Document access policies such as edit, reply, forward, and add recipients are also available. Users can reply to or forward an IRM email when policy permits but are not allowed to copy or paste from an IRM email to another email or document. Users can open and read IRM documents from an email. Users do not have to take any special steps to set up IRM capabilities. IRM is only available to users if they are connected to Exchange Server 2010 or Office 365 (supported by EAS 14.1 or higher).IRM on documents downloaded from a SharePoint Server 2010 (or Office 365) are equally protected and supported on Windows Phone.IT professionals can set up Microsoft Rights Management Services (RMS) as part of Windows Server. RMS can be applied to email (requires Exchange Server 2010), so messages can circulate in a protected environment and cannot be forwarded outside of the organization. RMS can also be applied to documents that are attached to email or stored on SharePoint servers, limiting distribution and editing capabilities and helping prevent information from being leaked to unauthorized personnel.
  15. Key Messages:Windows Phone is easy to integrate in your existing Microsoft infrastructure with support for a wide range of Microsoft servers and cloud services. Let us look at the details.Talk Track:Deliver key message. Don’t talk about anything in the boxes.Note to presenter:We will have support for enterprise management tools but cannot call out any brands (not even Microsoft brands) or partners at this time. We will have more details later.
  16. Key Messages:With Windows Phone 8 we are offering you more choices as to what tools you use for mobile device management. We have provided EAS for mobile email and policy management in the past and are now adding native support for mobile device management.Talk Track:We are giving you choices so you have more control over the tools you use to manage mobile devices.EAS provides a widely used platform for mobile email and policy management.We are adding native support for application and device management so you will be able to use Enterprise mobile device management tools to manage Windows Phone.
  17. Key Messages:We continue to support EAS for email and policy management. It has value because is relatively lightweight and supported across a variety of mobile devices. Email is still the main smartphone use case for business users, and EAS is used by most business organizations.. EAS is a good solution for many customers. Talk Track:Managing smartphones can be costly and complex. Windows Phones 8 can be managed through EAS policies using Exchange Server Management console, Office 365 Management console, and System Center Configuration Manager 2012 or a third-party EAS compliant management product. EAS is quickly becoming a standard for mobile device management.Exchange ActiveSync device management.EAS provides the ability to manage Windows Phone through the use of security–related policies that are configured by IT departments. Supported EAS password policies.The following EAS policies can be managed by IT: Password required. Requires the user to set a device locking PIN before the phone starts synchronizing email, calendar, and contact information with a Microsoft Exchange Server.Complex (alphanumeric) password required. Requires the user to set an alphanumeric or complex password to unlock the phone.Password complexity. Determines the minimum number of character types required in the password. The maximum is 4. Character types supported are lower case letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.  Password expiration. Sets the validity period of a PIN, after which the PIN has to be renewed.Password history. Prevents the user from re-using the same PIN repeatedly.Allow simple password. Can be used to prevent the user from using a simple PIN (such as 1111).Minimum password length. Sets the minimum number of characters in the PIN or the complex password.Idle timeout frequency or value. Defines the time before a phone locks when not in use.Device wipe threshold. Defines the number of times a wrong PIN can be used before the phone wipes and resets to factory settings.Encryption required. With Windows Phone 8 we are re-introducing device encryption. Remote device wipe. Can be initiated either by a user through Outlook Web App or by an Exchange administrator. This feature is supported by multiple versions of Exchange Server, starting with Exchange Server 2003.
  18. Key Messages:Windows Phone includes a simple and unintimidating enterprise enrolment and management client, that enable Windows Intuneto manage the phone and allow the user to install enterprise custom apps. System Center Configuration Manager 2012 with SP1 will also be ale to manage mobile devices via Windows Intune. Details will be provided by the Microsoft Management Division later. Track:Windows Phone 8 can be managed with enterprise device management tools from Microsoft or 3rd parties, The experience for the user is unintimidating and simpleThere is a on-time enrollment experience that the user can go thru to get policy and the ability to install company specific apps from a company catalog.
  19. Key Messages:Enterprise Mobile device management policies and reporting, comparison with EAS. We have added a few important policies such as device encryption required and blocking of external micro SD cards.Talk Track:Exchange ActiveSync comes with a variety of security related password policies and enables remote wipe of Windows Phone. Enterprise mobile device management tools can deliver the same policy set, and more and are able to report on Windows Phone configuration settings and device information and status.If you want to block the use of SD cards by your Windows Phone users, a mobile device management system will be required. Reporting focuses at delivering information about the device for asset management purposes and making sure the device is correctly configured so the user can access the appropriate corporate resources and download and install business application from the corporate app catalog.Transition to next section: Let’s have a look at the LOB app support we are delivering in Windows Phone 8 and how those get installed on Windows Phone.
  20. Microsoft’s Unified Device Management StrategyEmpower Users. Enable IT to provide users with access to the corporate resources (including apps)they need on the devices they choose (including personal devices). Unify Management Infrastructure. Reduce costs, maintain compliance,and improve IT efficiency by unifying management and security for PCs and mobile devices in a single infrastructure.
  21. Slide - Business app overview slideKey Messages:Organizations are turning to customized business apps to enable business users to be more productive. With Windows Phone 8 Microsoft is enabling organizations to take charge of their own business apps. Let us look at the details.Talk Track:Deliver key message. Don’t talk about anything in the boxes.
  22. Key messages:Developers and designers can unleash their creativity on a very modern phone platform that gives them the freedom they need to create rich interactive and effective apps for employees and customers. But most importantly, we want to emphasize that we are strongly focused on maintaining compatibility with the Windows Phone 7.5 app platform, so any investment you make today in app development is money well spent.Talk Track:Captivating experiences.The Windows Phone application platform is based on the proven and widely adopted Microsoft .NET Framework. Integration.With Windows Phone, Microsoft provides a predictable, consistent hardware standard—a single set of specifications for all device manufacturers—to minimize compatibility issues so that every application will run the way it is designed by the developer. A choice of form factors from a range of device manufacturers, all offering a common set of hardware functionality, helps to ensure a consistent user experience. A range of innovative, high-performance phones designed to be compliant with the same reference design minimizes compatibility issues so that every application will run the way it is designed by the developer. Predictable functionality helps improve developer productivity, shorten development cycles, and accelerate time-to-market.Best of breed tools.Windows Phone application development tools include the Microsoft Visual Studio development system one of the most widely used development environments today and will include a native x86 Windows Phone Emulator that runs on Hypervisor for greater flexibility in prototyping and testing applications.C# is a popular and powerful development language that gives developers the ability to create highly interactive experiences. Designers can work in XAML, while developers code directly in C#. Windows Phone exposes a rich set of application programming interfaces (APIs) that developers can use quickly and easily.HTML 5.Building on the Windows Phone capabilities, developers can create compelling applications using HTML 5. The tools will be made available later this summer.
  23. Key Messages:Building on the Windows Phone capabilities, developers can create compelling applications on a platform that crosses PCs, phones, and the cloud.Talk Track: The SDK has several components that enable integration with cloud services (SOEP, REST)Microsoft delivers a number of rich cloud services that can be used, including Microsoft Identity, Notification services, SkyDrive for storage, and Windows Azure.Microsoft has released a Windows Phone SDK for Windows AzureDevelopers can integrate with third-party cloud services using standard protocols such as SOEP and REST that are supported out of the box.The Windows Phone platform allows development of disconnected use cases, and supports synchronization when connectivity is re-established.
  24. Key Messages:Organizations can become registered entities that can develop, package, sign, and deliver custom apps to their users.Talk Track:What are the principles of enterprise app support?Organizations can become registered entities (specifics for registration and cost have not been announced yet ).Registered organizations will receive an Enterprise ID, an enterprise certificate associated with the ID, and tools to sign tokens, apps and app packages. An app security token can be installed on the phone during enrollment process (enterprise management) but can also be distributed via email or other mechanism.Only phones with a token installed can run applications developed and signed by the same enterprise.Organizations can develop their own app catalog and use a ‘self-services portal’ app to publish and install apps from their catalog. The catalog can contain new apps and/or app updates. There is no need for organizations to certify applications to the Windows Phone store before distributing application to their users; app quality is left to the enterprise.Installation of apps is initiated by the users.
  25. Key Messages:Organizations can become registered entities that can develop, package, sign, and deliver apps to their users. Talk Track:Distribute the app security token to the phone during enrollmentNeeded before any LOB apps can installDistribute one app to jump-start app discovery on the phone (Hub or simple discovery app)IT can determine what the app catalog will be (options: file share, SharePoint, web server, database, or store that is part of an MDM system)Richer store will be able to distribute and track private appsUpload apps in the enterprise storeAuto-update installed LOB appsMaintain the same version of the app on all managed phonesDisable a specific app by updating it to a stubIn a managed scenario, un-enroll will result in deletion of LOB apps and their associated storage. All company data used by LOB apps is deleted.Can be initiated by IT or by the user
  26. Key Messages:Organizations can now develop Custom Hubs, that function as a one stop shop for employees to get data and apps from their company. This is a set of API to develop this kind of app, there is no Company hub included in the phone. Talk Track:Distribute one Custom Hub app to jump-start app discovery on the phone and provide additional information to the employees.Auto-update installed enterprise appsMaintain the same version of the app on all managed phonesDisable a specific app by updating it to a stubDelete enterprise apps and their associated storage with un-enroll
  27. To bring this together, WP8 is enabling a feature we call the company hub. This is a one-stop shop for apps, information, and activities – built and controlled by your company.Let me show you what Microsoft’s own IT department is doing with the Microsoft Hub.A one-stop shop for tools, information, and activitiesCustom developed enhanced self-service portalHost audience specific apps and informationCentrally controlled and updatedDeploy, update, and remove
  28. App Momentummentioned earlier, WP7 apps will run on WP8 devices.#3: And we’re happy to announce that we’ve hit A HUNDRED THOUSAND published apps.#4: I want to PERSONALLY thank EVERY DEVELOPER that got us where we are today.#5: That’s not just a big catalog. That’s an amazing PACE. We delivered our hundred thousandth app faster than Android.#6: We also have some great new app ANNOUNCEMENTS today.#7: I’m happy to announce that later today you can download AUDIBLE.#8: Another set of apps Windows Phone users can look forward to that Nokia has been VERY HELPFUL in bringing to the platform: ZYNGA will be bringing WORDS WITH FRIENDS and DRAW SOMETHING to Windows Phone users later this year.
  29. Key Messages:Windows Phone 8 is a people-powered phone. It’s a breeze to connect with people any way you want, using email, IM, Skype, or any other means of communicating. Ease of communication puts the user in the driver’s seat and accelerates productivity. Talk Track:Don’t talk about the boxes. Deliver the key message and move to next slide.
  30. Key Messages:Windows Phone 8 is a people-powered phone. It’s a breeze to connect with people any way you want. The People Hub is the people center and the place from which any conversation starts.Talk Track:People Hub brings all contacts together in a people center. Contacts from Exchange, Facebook, LinkedIn and other sources are all accessible from a single hub and all can be acted upon. Users get to their contacts with one touch and communicate with them anyway they want, including via phone, email, IM, and Skype.Create work and personal contact groups. Users can create work and personal groups in the People Hub for easier email, IM and SMS, communication. Quicker and easier communication tools help users make the most of their day. Skype apps integrate in People Hub.People Hub profiles of individuals integrate their Skype details and allow users to quickly communicate with friends and colleagues.
  31. Key Messages:With Windows Phone 8 we deliver a great experience to manage your day, with multiple calendars and task list support. Windows Phone is the only smartphone that natively supports Outlook to-do lists. Talk Track:Tight integration of calendar and email. Meeting invitations come to the Outlook inbox and show conflicts with calendar entries at a glance. When Outlook is in calendar view, users can send a one-tap, pre-populated “I will be late” email to the organizer or all attendees. Calendar and tasks features. Users can now manage multiple calendars in a single view, integrate to-do lists with their calendars, set quick appointments, and view Facebook events.Calendars are integrated, too. Users can view multiple calendars from Exchange Server and web email in one view, with appointments from different calendars appearing in different colors.View Facebook events. Users now have more ways to share their experiences and stay-up-to-date with their social networks. Users can see their Facebook events in their calendar, view event details, respond to events (RSVP), post and view comments, and see the guest list. Improved calendar functionality. Users can create appointments faster by using Quick Events and typing in the subject directly from within the Day view. Users can also synchronize and view multiple calendars if their accounts are enabled with EAS. Users can join a Lync meeting directly from their calendar (requires the Lync app to be installed) and the smartphone is connected to Lync Server 14.1. The Lync app is available as a free download from Windows Phone Marketplace.
  32. Key Messages:Experience the real Outlook you know from the desktop. Windows Phone is the only smartphone with Outlook built-in, which puts you in control of email and help you get organized and on top of it so you don’t get overwhelmed by too many messages.Talk Track:Get to a new level of organized in your work and personal life with the intuitive and familiar experience of Outlook.Filter email in different ways. Filtering enables users to pivot easily and filter email by All, Unread, Flagged or Urgent messages. Read email grouped by conversation. Users can more easily manage their inboxes by displaying messages by conversation; they can select a whole conversation instead of just individual messages and delete them or mark them as read. Users can simply tap an email to expand and quickly view a conversation, all from the same screen.Combine multiple email accounts in a single view. Users can combine email accounts and have them display them in a single inbox. Users can give their linked inbox a unique name and choose the accounts they want to link—work, personal or both—which gives them more control over their email. Users can pin a single linked inbox or pin multiple linked inboxes to their Start screen; a dynamic live tile with a counter helps keep them informed of new messages.Pin email folders. Users can view specific email folders on their Start screen. For example, if a user doesn’t want to miss important messages, they can create a new email folder dedicated to important messages and pin it to the Start screen. In this way, they can easily and quickly view new messages and not miss what is important to them. Of course, any email folder can be pinned to the Start screen. Search for messages on the server. Users can search their email server for messages not stored on their phone. This capability requires the user to preset their email policies so that mail is retained on their server.
  33. Key Messages:With Windows Phone 8 you get a rich email, calendaring, and contacts experience. With good support for Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), users get their best Outlook experience on Windows Phone.Talk Track:Exchange ActiveSync offers direct push email and calendar information to Windows Phone devices. As you can see from the slide, ActiveSync also comes with a variety of security tools to help keep your information and devices safe.
  34. Note to Presenter:Disclosure of the Lync app for WP8 is happening at a later date. We are presenting the Lync app for 7.5 here as a place holder. Windows Phone 8 will have a Lync app that will have a superset of what we have today. We cannot talk about specifics now but will provide more details at a later date.Key Messages:Interact in real-time with coworkers using Lync Mobile.Talk Track:Interact in real-time with Lync Mobile:View and connect with colleaguesChat with multiple coworkersSearch for corporate contactsUpdate status to show availabilityJoin conferences with a single tap
  35. Note to Presenter:Disclosure of the Skype app for WP8 is happening at a later date. We are presenting the 7.5 app here as a place holder. Windows Phone 8 will have a Skype app that will have a superset of what we have today. We cannot talk about specifics now but will provide more details at a later date.Key Messages:Skype from anywhere, anytime. Experience the power and integration of Skype on Windows Phone 8. Skype for Windows Phone significantly enhances the communications capabilities for mobile professionals and office workers alike.Talk Track:Consistent experience for incoming Skype and wireless callsMake free voice and video calls to other Skype users, or calls to landlines and other cells phones at a good rates with Skype CreditMake Skype calls from the native contact cardsVoice and video calls also work over Wi-FiSupports audio conference calls and call-in-progress notifications
  36. Key Messages:Employees have a simple way to access all their documents, no matter where they are with the Office Hub. Access, edit, and sync documents and notebooks with Office Mobile. Documents and notebooks stay in sync when using Microsoft Office.Talk Track:Don’t talk about the boxes. Deliver the key message and move to next slide.
  37. Key Messages: Documents and notebooks stay in sync when using Microsoft OfficeTalk Track:Keep your documents and notes synchronized across PC and phoneEdit, save on one and continue working right where you left off on the other.*(* Requires Office 15)
  38. Key Messages: A simple way to access all your documents, no matter where they areTalk Track:Quickly access documents stored in SkyDrive, SharePoint, or Office 365Email attachments you read on the phone are available, too
  39. Key Messages: Never lose an idea and keep your life organized Talk Track:Note-to-self: dictate and it is transcribed*Take control of syncing Notebooks: presync, limit scope, sync over free Wi-FiTake notes while on the go and sync with your PC* Only EEFIGSs
  40. Key Messages: Get ready for the presentationTalk Track:View your slides and speaker notes in one view for a good presenter experienceNavigate a PowerPoint presentation quickly using slide sorter viewView slides in portrait or landscape modeEdit and comment in PowerPointNo formatting or data gets lost
  41. Key Messages:Access, change, and share your Office documents. No need to purchase and install, Office Mobile is built-in.Talk Track:Access, change, and share your Office documents and notes easier and faster through rich capabilities: View notes and documents with Office Hub. The improved Office Hub provides users with a single place to find all their Office documents and notes no matter where they are stored—phone, SharePoint site, SkyDrive, or Office 365. Access documents in SharePoint. Users have access to all their documents and can sort by most recently used (whether on their phone or SharePoint site, or in SkyDrive).Edit and comment in Word Mobile, Excel Mobile. View, edit and comment in Word and Excel Mobile documents, view and edit text in PowerPoint Mobile, and view PowerPoint presentations with fully rendered animations. Users can select text within a Word document and add a comment. Edit in PowerPoint Mobile.View document formatting. View documents with the same formatting as on a PC.Read protected documents with IRM.
  42. Slide - Windows Phone 8 Key MessagesKey Messages:We are bringing a smartphone that is easy to integrate and deploy with your existing Microsoft investments and so your employees can communicate and collaborate right out of the box. Talk Track:Windows Phone bridges the divide between what users want from a smartphone and what organizations require from those who use smartphones for personal and business purposes. Microsoft has designed the Windows Phone 8 operating system to build that bridge. Users can easily get up and running with a Windows Phone that has all the familiar office tools such as Outlook Mobile and Office Mobile built-in and ready to go. IT departments can build on the known security of the platform and easily deploy Windows Phone within their existing infrastructures. No other smartphone delivers the same no-compromise experience with Microsoft tools and services.Fully functional Office applications: Windows Phone 8 is built on technology that business customers know and trust. With enhancements in all areas, Windows Phone delivers value to all business customers, in any industry, and of any size.With Windows Phone 8, we are adding key capabilities required by IT departments to approve Windows Phone as a smartphone for their organizations. Windows Phone 8 will have the strongest device encryption of any smartphone platform. Wide support for most Microsoft servers and services: Windows Phone remains the leading smartphone that is easy to deploy in a Microsoft IT infrastructure, whether it’s on-premises (Exchange, SharePoint, Lync) or in the cloud (Office 365). With the advanced in-device management as well as private app distribution (does not require Marketplace) for LOB applications using Microsoft mobile device management, Microsoft now has a complete offering for businesses of all sizes.Windows functionality that companies know and trust: With Outlook Mobile and Office Mobile built-in, customers get the tools they are familiar with to communicate and collaborate with teams, customers, and partners. Windows Phone is the only smartphone that includes full editing capabilities for Office documents with a built-in version of Office Mobile.
  43. Key Messages:Access, change, and share your Office documents. No need to purchase and install, Office Mobile is built-in.Talk Track:Access, change, and share your Office documents and notes easier and faster through rich capabilities: View notes and documents with Office Hub. The improved Office Hub provides users with a single place to find all their Office documents and notes no matter where they are stored—phone, SharePoint site, SkyDrive, or Office 365. Access documents in SharePoint. Users have access to all their documents and can sort by most recently used (whether on their phone or SharePoint site, or in SkyDrive).Edit and comment in Word Mobile, Excel Mobile. View, edit and comment in Word and Excel Mobile documents, view and edit text in PowerPoint Mobile, and view PowerPoint presentations with fully rendered animations. Users can select text within a Word document and add a comment. Edit in PowerPoint Mobile.View document formatting. View documents with the same formatting as on a PC.Read protected documents with IRM.
  44. Key Messages:Access, change, and share your Office documents. No need to purchase and install, Office Mobile is built-in.Talk Track:Access, change, and share your Office documents and notes easier and faster through rich capabilities: View notes and documents with Office Hub. The improved Office Hub provides users with a single place to find all their Office documents and notes no matter where they are stored—phone, SharePoint site, SkyDrive, or Office 365. Access documents in SharePoint. Users have access to all their documents and can sort by most recently used (whether on their phone or SharePoint site, or in SkyDrive).Edit and comment in Word Mobile, Excel Mobile. View, edit and comment in Word and Excel Mobile documents, view and edit text in PowerPoint Mobile, and view PowerPoint presentations with fully rendered animations. Users can select text within a Word document and add a comment. Edit in PowerPoint Mobile.View document formatting. View documents with the same formatting as on a PC.Read protected documents with IRM.