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Rich Internet Application (RIA)Rich Internet Application (RIA)
para Aplicações de Negóciospara Aplicações de Negócios
Aplicações Móveis para o Mundo de Negócios.
Forum Mobile+ / 08 e 09/09/2010 – Converge Comunicações
Rodney Antonio RepulloRodney Antonio Repullo
CEO Magic Software BrasilCEO Magic Software Brasil
 Quem é a Magic?
 Cenário Atual
 O que é Cloud Computing e SaaS?
 Porque estamos indo nessa direção?
 O que é RIA?
 Evolução dos dispositivos clients e browsers
 Arquitetura das Aplicações RIA
 PaaS (Plataform as a Service)
 Visão da Magic Software para a Construção de Aplicações de
Negócios Móveis
 Construção de Aplicação de Negócios com RIA de ponta a ponta
 Encerramento, Perguntas & Respostas
Magic Software Enterprise
 Empresa International de Software
fundada em 1986
 Parte do Formula Group & Emblaze
Group – $400M (Nasdaq: FORTY e
 NASDAQ : MGIC (IPO em 1991)
 500 Colaboradores
 4 Laboratórios P&D (Israel, USA, India
e Japão)
 Presente em em mais de 50 países
 Mais de 1.5M de usuários
 Mais de 2.500 Parceiros de Software
Milhares de Clientes Mundialmente
Família de Soluções da Magic
A Plataforma de Aplicações uniPaaS habilita as
empresas a desenvolver ou melhorar todo tipo de
aplicação de negócios e executá-la como: Full
Client, RIA, Mobile, Web, Batch or SaaS.
iBOLT Integration Suite oferece integração e
transformação de dados livre-de-código,
roteamento de mensagens e orquestramento de
processos de negócios entre aplicações.
A Nuvem (The Cloud)
O que é Cloud Computing
(computação em nuvem)?
 Serviços de software prestados através da internet.
 Não há instalação de software/hardware nas
instalações dos clientes
 Eles simplesmente recebem uma URL e começam a
 Mobilidade, Agilidade, maior interação
 A Nuvem pode ser publica, privada ou híbrida / Para
aplicações de negócios tende a iniciar pela privada.
 SaaS (Software como Serviço) é um modelo comercial
que implementa o Cloud Computing
Crescimento Explosivo de Web 2.0
Crescimento Explosivo de Web 2.0
Crescimento Explosivo nas
Funcionalidades da Web 2.0
Demanda da Web 2.0 Cria Novas Expectativas
para Aplicações de Negócios
 Os novos usuários móveis são os colaboradores
das empresas.
 Usuários esperam uma interface rica e com acesso
 Mobilidade é chave (notebook, netbooks, tablets e
 Expectativa por funcionalidade completa para as
transações de negócios que exigem sua interação
 Agilidade na execução dos processos de negócios
 Interação em tempo real
Demanda da Web 2.0 Cria Novas Expectativas
para Aplicações de Negócios
Uma aplicação de negócios real no Cloud
Computing / Web 2.0 tem que proporcionar
respostas a todos esses Requisitos de forma
RIA = Rich Internet Application
O que é uma Rich Internet
Application (RIA)?
 RIA roda através da internet .
 Experiência rica do usuário / Interface Agradável e com
alta Interatividade.
 Instalado em um único servidor centralizado / Modelo
Cloud Computing
O que é uma Aplicação RIA
voltada a negócios?
 Experiência rica do usuário – aparência e funcionalidades de
aplicações desktop
 Ideal para usuários avançados com grande volume de entrada
de dados.
 Alto nível de manipulação de Dados / Interação com Bancos
de Dados.
The Client Continuum
 Mainframes & Terminals – Dumb Client (Burro)
 ClientServer - Fat Client (Gordo)
 The Web Browser – Thin Client (Magro)
 Rich Internet Applications – Fit Client (Sarado)
O Melhor dos Mundos
A Evolução de funcionalidades
do Browser
Metodologia de uso de RIA
como Client separado do Server
Metodologia de uso de RIA
como Client separado do Server
 Arquitetura fragmentada
 Requer multiplos skills de profissionais e
 Metodologia de desenvolvimento extremamente
 Alto custo de desenvolvimento e manutenção
 Algumas soluções estão limitadas pelo browser
Categorias de Produtos
 RIA Client
 Adobe Flex
 Microsoft Silverlight
 Ajax
 JavaFx
 Terminal Clients
 Citrix
 Ericom
 GoGlobal
 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
 (of SFDC)
 Coghead, Longjump
 BungeeConnect
 Google App Engine
 Amazon
 Magic Software
 SaaS Enabled Application
Platform (SEAP)
 Cordys
 Magic Software (em 2011)
uniPaaS / Visão da Magic
Software para o
Desenvolvimento de
Aplicações de Negócios
Cobertura dos Analista
 Gartner
 Cool Vendors in Platform and Integration Middleware, March 2008
 The Impact of SaaS on Application Servers and Platforms, July 2008
 Hype Cycle for Application Infrastructure, July 2008
 Hype Cycle for Software as a Service, July 2008
 Key Issues for Middleware Technologies for Composite Applications, July 2008
 Software as a Service: Key Findings for Vendors, Oct 2008
 Reference Architecture for Multitenancy: Enterprise Computing "in the Cloud“, Dec 2008
 Magic Quadrant for Application Infrastructure for Back-End Application Integration Projects, Dec 2008
 Magic Quadrant for Application Infrastructure for SOA Composite Application Projects, Dec 2008
 Magic Quadrant for Application Infrastructure for New Systematic SOA Application Projects, Dec
 MarketScope for Ajax Technology and RIA Platforms, Dec 2008
 Key Issues for Platform Middleware, Jan 2009
 Magic Quadrant for Business Process Management Suites, Feb 2009
 A Summary of Magic Quadrants for Application Infrastructure, March 2009
 Application Infrastructure for Cloud Computing: An Emerging Market, Apr 2009
 Forrester
 Market Momentum: Middleware Software Market, Sep 2008
 Drive BPM Initiatives To Higher Business Value, Oct 2008
 Platform-As-A-Service Is Here; Can It Help You? Feb 2009
 Platform-As-A-Service Is Here: How To Sift Through The Options, Apr 2009
 Cloud Computing: Can It Help You? May 2009
uniPaaS – Princípios
 Foco nos processos de negócio ao invés
de questões tecnológicas
 Tecnologia livre de código, baseada em
uma abordagem meta-dados
 Protege & alavanca seus investimentos de
TI existentes
uniPaaS – Princípios
 Proporcionar a máxima compatibilidade com as
tendências líderes de mercado
 Oferecer um único paradigma de
desenvolvimento que trata tanto o lado Client
quanto o lado Servidor da aplicação
 Fornecer uma solução para dispositivos móveis
 Ser o primeiro fornecedor a prover uma gama
completa de soluções para desenvolvimento de
aplicações de negócio.
Lógica de Negócios Livre de Código
O Poder da Escolha
Arquitetura Execução uniPaaS RIA
Java ClientJava ClientRIA ClientRIA Client
Inactive contextInactive context
Inactive contextInactive context
Inactive contextInactive context
Inactive contextInactive context
Active contextActive context
Active contextActive context
Active contextActive context
Active contextActive context
Modelo de
Desenvolvimento RIA de
Ponta a Ponta
Metodologia Convencional de uso de
RIA como Client separado do Server
Client Device
Server Tier
uniPaaS RIA – Moelo de
Desenvolvimento de Ponta a Ponta
Application Logic
Adobe Flex Vs.Adobe Flex Vs.
A Aplicação “Exemplo”
 Uma tela online para calcular o custo de frete
 Requisitos:
 O usuário entra com o CEP (ZIP CODE) e o peso
 O Programa calcula o custo do frete
 Constraints:
 O cálculo do custo é uma atividade do lado servidor.
Adobe Flex – Aplicação
Adobe Flex – Fluxo Requerido
Client StartClient Start
Get ValuesGet Values
Send Values by RequestSend Values by Request
Get ResultGet Result
Bind Result to DisplayBind Result to Display
Client EndClient End
Wait for Response
Server Start
Extract Values
Build Response (XML(
Return Response
Server End
Get Request
Calculate Costs
2fluxos distintos
são requeridos para
cada lado envolvido.
Adobe Flex - Screen Editor
Adobe Flex – The Code Editor
Aqui começa a
Adobe Flex – Código Lado Client
Lado Server
Manipulação da
Muito Código é
Adobe Flex – Código Lado Server
Retornando o XML
Recepção de
Parametros da
Construção do XML
De Resposta
Adobe Flex – Lado Server – Cálculo do
O Mesmo usando
uniPaaS RIA– Aplicação executando…
uniPaaS RIA – O Fluxo Requerido
Task StartTask Start
Get ValuesGet Values
Calculate Costs
Bind Result to DisplayBind Result to Display
Task EndTask End
O Fluxo é simplificado
pois não há
necessidade de
definção do que será
executado no lado
uniPaaS RIA - Screen Editor
uniPaaS RIA – Binding Data
uniPaaS RIA – Cálculo do Custo
Lógica do Lado Server
A Lógica é definida na mesma Tarefa
e o uniPaaS automaticamente sugere
o que irá ser executado no Server e
no Client
Resultado da Comparação
 Adobe Flex
 Mais de 50 linhas de scripts e códigos
 uniPaaS RIA
 Somente 6 linhas de operações
 Agora, multiplique isso de acordo com aAgora, multiplique isso de acordo com a
complexidade de uma aplicação de negócioscomplexidade de uma aplicação de negócios
 A Mobilidade para Processos de negócios tende a
iniciar na Cloud Privada e Híbrida
 Deve-se iniciar com algumas etapas de processos
apenas o que leva a soluções customizadas e não a
soluções completamente móveis
 O Paradigma do Desenvolvimento de Ponta a Ponta
oferecido pelo uniPaaS viabiliza rápido retorno de
investimento e simplifica em muito a entrada nesse
Como Começar com o uniPaaS
Studio ?
 Versão Discovery Gratuita para Download no Site
 (
 Treinamento Desenvolvimento RIA – Auto-Estudo –
Gratuito no Site
 (
Obrigado por sua participação!

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RIA para Aplicações de Negócios Móveis

  • 1. Rich Internet Application (RIA)Rich Internet Application (RIA) para Aplicações de Negóciospara Aplicações de Negócios Aplicações Móveis para o Mundo de Negócios. Forum Mobile+ / 08 e 09/09/2010 – Converge Comunicações
  • 2. Rodney Antonio RepulloRodney Antonio Repullo CEO Magic Software BrasilCEO Magic Software Brasil
  • 3. Agenda  Quem é a Magic?  Cenário Atual  O que é Cloud Computing e SaaS?  Porque estamos indo nessa direção?  O que é RIA?  Evolução dos dispositivos clients e browsers  Arquitetura das Aplicações RIA  PaaS (Plataform as a Service)  Visão da Magic Software para a Construção de Aplicações de Negócios Móveis  Construção de Aplicação de Negócios com RIA de ponta a ponta  Encerramento, Perguntas & Respostas
  • 4. Magic Software Enterprise  Empresa International de Software fundada em 1986  Parte do Formula Group & Emblaze Group – $400M (Nasdaq: FORTY e BLZ)  NASDAQ : MGIC (IPO em 1991)  500 Colaboradores  4 Laboratórios P&D (Israel, USA, India e Japão)  Presente em em mais de 50 países  Mais de 1.5M de usuários  Mais de 2.500 Parceiros de Software
  • 5. Milhares de Clientes Mundialmente
  • 6. Família de Soluções da Magic Software A Plataforma de Aplicações uniPaaS habilita as empresas a desenvolver ou melhorar todo tipo de aplicação de negócios e executá-la como: Full Client, RIA, Mobile, Web, Batch or SaaS. iBOLT Integration Suite oferece integração e transformação de dados livre-de-código, roteamento de mensagens e orquestramento de processos de negócios entre aplicações.
  • 7. A Nuvem (The Cloud)
  • 8. O que é Cloud Computing (computação em nuvem)?  Serviços de software prestados através da internet.  Não há instalação de software/hardware nas instalações dos clientes  Eles simplesmente recebem uma URL e começam a trabalhar  Mobilidade, Agilidade, maior interação  A Nuvem pode ser publica, privada ou híbrida / Para aplicações de negócios tende a iniciar pela privada.  SaaS (Software como Serviço) é um modelo comercial que implementa o Cloud Computing 8
  • 9. Crescimento Explosivo de Web 2.0 Players
  • 10. Crescimento Explosivo de Web 2.0 Players
  • 12. Demanda da Web 2.0 Cria Novas Expectativas para Aplicações de Negócios  Os novos usuários móveis são os colaboradores das empresas.  Usuários esperam uma interface rica e com acesso ilimitado  Mobilidade é chave (notebook, netbooks, tablets e smartphones)  Expectativa por funcionalidade completa para as transações de negócios que exigem sua interação  Agilidade na execução dos processos de negócios  Interação em tempo real
  • 13. Demanda da Web 2.0 Cria Novas Expectativas para Aplicações de Negócios Uma aplicação de negócios real no Cloud Computing / Web 2.0 tem que proporcionar respostas a todos esses Requisitos de forma simultânea RIA = Rich Internet Application
  • 14. O que é uma Rich Internet Application (RIA)?  RIA roda através da internet .  Experiência rica do usuário / Interface Agradável e com alta Interatividade.  Instalado em um único servidor centralizado / Modelo Cloud Computing 14
  • 15. O que é uma Aplicação RIA voltada a negócios?  Experiência rica do usuário – aparência e funcionalidades de aplicações desktop  Ideal para usuários avançados com grande volume de entrada de dados.  Alto nível de manipulação de Dados / Interação com Bancos de Dados. 15
  • 16. The Client Continuum  Mainframes & Terminals – Dumb Client (Burro)  ClientServer - Fat Client (Gordo)  The Web Browser – Thin Client (Magro)  Rich Internet Applications – Fit Client (Sarado)
  • 17. O Melhor dos Mundos
  • 18. A Evolução de funcionalidades do Browser
  • 19. Metodologia de uso de RIA como Client separado do Server
  • 20. Metodologia de uso de RIA como Client separado do Server  Arquitetura fragmentada  Requer multiplos skills de profissionais e tecnologias  Metodologia de desenvolvimento extremamente complexa  Alto custo de desenvolvimento e manutenção  Algumas soluções estão limitadas pelo browser
  • 21. Categorias de Produtos (RIA/Cloud/SaaS)  RIA Client Technologies  Adobe Flex  Microsoft Silverlight  Ajax  JavaFx  Terminal Clients  Citrix  Ericom  GoGlobal  Platform as a Service (PaaS)  (of SFDC)  Coghead, Longjump  BungeeConnect  Google App Engine  Amazon  Magic Software  SaaS Enabled Application Platform (SEAP)  Cordys  Magic Software (em 2011)
  • 22. uniPaaS / Visão da Magic Software para o Desenvolvimento de Aplicações de Negócios Móveis
  • 23. Cobertura dos Analista  Gartner  Cool Vendors in Platform and Integration Middleware, March 2008  The Impact of SaaS on Application Servers and Platforms, July 2008  Hype Cycle for Application Infrastructure, July 2008  Hype Cycle for Software as a Service, July 2008  Key Issues for Middleware Technologies for Composite Applications, July 2008  Software as a Service: Key Findings for Vendors, Oct 2008  Reference Architecture for Multitenancy: Enterprise Computing "in the Cloud“, Dec 2008  Magic Quadrant for Application Infrastructure for Back-End Application Integration Projects, Dec 2008  Magic Quadrant for Application Infrastructure for SOA Composite Application Projects, Dec 2008  Magic Quadrant for Application Infrastructure for New Systematic SOA Application Projects, Dec 2008  MarketScope for Ajax Technology and RIA Platforms, Dec 2008  Key Issues for Platform Middleware, Jan 2009  Magic Quadrant for Business Process Management Suites, Feb 2009  A Summary of Magic Quadrants for Application Infrastructure, March 2009  Application Infrastructure for Cloud Computing: An Emerging Market, Apr 2009  Forrester  Market Momentum: Middleware Software Market, Sep 2008  Drive BPM Initiatives To Higher Business Value, Oct 2008  Platform-As-A-Service Is Here; Can It Help You? Feb 2009  Platform-As-A-Service Is Here: How To Sift Through The Options, Apr 2009  Cloud Computing: Can It Help You? May 2009
  • 24. uniPaaS – Princípios  Foco nos processos de negócio ao invés de questões tecnológicas  Tecnologia livre de código, baseada em uma abordagem meta-dados  Protege & alavanca seus investimentos de TI existentes 24
  • 25. uniPaaS – Princípios  Proporcionar a máxima compatibilidade com as tendências líderes de mercado  Oferecer um único paradigma de desenvolvimento que trata tanto o lado Client quanto o lado Servidor da aplicação  Fornecer uma solução para dispositivos móveis  Ser o primeiro fornecedor a prover uma gama completa de soluções para desenvolvimento de aplicações de negócio. 25
  • 26. Lógica de Negócios Livre de Código
  • 27. O Poder da Escolha
  • 28. Database Context Database Database Connection Manager Database Connection Manager Arquitetura Execução uniPaaS RIA Web Server Internet Requester IntranetIntranet eDevelopereDeveloper Java ClientJava ClientRIA ClientRIA Client XML Inactive contextInactive context Inactive contextInactive context Inactive contextInactive context Inactive contextInactive context Session Manager Session Manager Active contextActive context Active contextActive context Active contextActive context Active contextActive context
  • 30. Modelo de Desenvolvimento RIA de Ponta a Ponta
  • 31. Metodologia Convencional de uso de RIA como Client separado do Server
  • 32. Client Device Server Tier Communications uniPaaS RIA – Moelo de Desenvolvimento de Ponta a Ponta Application Logic
  • 33. Adobe Flex Vs.Adobe Flex Vs. uniPaaSuniPaaS
  • 34. A Aplicação “Exemplo”  Uma tela online para calcular o custo de frete  Requisitos:  O usuário entra com o CEP (ZIP CODE) e o peso  O Programa calcula o custo do frete  Constraints:  O cálculo do custo é uma atividade do lado servidor.
  • 35. Adobe Flex – Aplicação executando…
  • 36. Adobe Flex – Fluxo Requerido Client StartClient Start Get ValuesGet Values Send Values by RequestSend Values by Request Get ResultGet Result Bind Result to DisplayBind Result to Display Client EndClient End Wait for Response Server Start Extract Values Build Response (XML( Return Response Server End Get Request Calculate Costs 2fluxos distintos são requeridos para cada lado envolvido.
  • 37. Adobe Flex - Screen Editor 39
  • 38. Adobe Flex – The Code Editor 40 Aqui começa a complexidade
  • 39. Adobe Flex – Código Lado Client Apresentação Chamada Lado Server Manipulação da Resposta Muito Código é requerido
  • 40. Adobe Flex – Código Lado Server Retornando o XML Recepção de Parametros da Chamada Construção do XML De Resposta
  • 41. Adobe Flex – Lado Server – Cálculo do Custo
  • 43. uniPaaS RIA– Aplicação executando…
  • 44. uniPaaS RIA – O Fluxo Requerido Task StartTask Start Get ValuesGet Values Calculate Costs Bind Result to DisplayBind Result to Display Task EndTask End O Fluxo é simplificado pois não há necessidade de definção do que será executado no lado Server
  • 45. uniPaaS RIA - Screen Editor
  • 46. uniPaaS RIA – Binding Data
  • 47. uniPaaS RIA – Cálculo do Custo Lógica do Lado Server A Lógica é definida na mesma Tarefa e o uniPaaS automaticamente sugere o que irá ser executado no Server e no Client
  • 48. Resultado da Comparação  Adobe Flex  Mais de 50 linhas de scripts e códigos  uniPaaS RIA  Somente 6 linhas de operações  Agora, multiplique isso de acordo com aAgora, multiplique isso de acordo com a complexidade de uma aplicação de negócioscomplexidade de uma aplicação de negócios real…real…
  • 49. Conclusões  A Mobilidade para Processos de negócios tende a iniciar na Cloud Privada e Híbrida  Deve-se iniciar com algumas etapas de processos apenas o que leva a soluções customizadas e não a soluções completamente móveis  O Paradigma do Desenvolvimento de Ponta a Ponta oferecido pelo uniPaaS viabiliza rápido retorno de investimento e simplifica em muito a entrada nesse cenário.
  • 50. Como Começar com o uniPaaS Studio ?  Versão Discovery Gratuita para Download no Site  (  Treinamento Desenvolvimento RIA – Auto-Estudo – Gratuito no Site  (
  • 51. Obrigado por sua participação!

Notas do Editor

  1. In today’s IT environments, most aggressive small businesses, mid-size companies and large enterprises take a mixed approach to delivering the IT services needed by the business. The use a mix of common off the shelf ERP, CRM and best-of-breed applications as well as a few key cusom applications that provide for and support some of the unique charactersitics of their business. These custom applications are quite often essential to the unique differentiation and position that these companies can provide in the market place. Magic Software’s solution family is designed to support this blend or mix of off-the-shelf and custom applications. uniPaaS allows you to build the custom solutions that you need in your IT department. The things that make your business, your business. iBOLT is our application integration suite that allows you to integrate applications and orchestrate the workflow between all your applications, systems and people.
  2. There is a new development philosophy that all industry leaders are now moving towards – Cloud Computing.
  3. What is Cloud? Services that are given over the Cloud network - either internet, LAN or WAN. The customer has no idea where these services are coming from – he/she simply receives a URL and gets to work. An important point – there is no installation in the organization – everything comes over the network.
  4. Over the past few years, advances in Internet, Web 2.0 and rich interactive applications (RIA) technologies have forever altered the traditional “text in, text out” Internet experience. In its place today is an Internet replete with ever-evolving, easy-to-use interaction and socialization tools.
  5. Over the past few years, advances in Internet, Web 2.0 and rich interactive applications (RIA) technologies have forever altered the traditional “text in, text out” Internet experience. In its place today is an Internet replete with ever-evolving, easy-to-use interaction and socialization tools.
  6. Blogging, wikis, social networks, podcasts, RSS feeds, Twitter, photo-sharing, gaming, tagging, video-surfing, video-conferencing, instant messaging, VOIP phoning…The list is virtually endless.  To be sure, we have begun a new era of unprecedented and boundless Internet interaction and socialization.
  7. In today's global business environment, where customers are more demanding than ever and brand loyalty is increasingly difficult to obtain, deeper customer engagement is integral to an organization's success. RIAs can make customer interactions compelling, dynamic, and useful — in a word, engaging. Business executives increasingly recognize the value customer engagement brings to their businesses. For example, in a recent study on engagement conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, 80% of executives said that better engagement translates into improved customer loyalty, and 75% said they believed it meant higher profits. Engagement is also critical to transforming customers into active advocates for brands and businesses; 79% of respondents said that engaged customers will recommend products and services to others. In March 2007, Forrester Research published "The Business Case for Rich Internet Applications," a report based on interviews with RIA technology providers and designers, as well as Forrester Research clients and customers. The report revealed that "well-designed RIAs can produce eye-popping results that can help prove the value of current investments and make the case for future RIA projects." According to the findings, "firms that measure the business impact of their RIAs say that rich applications meet or exceed their goals." Specific findings demonstrate that improved ease of use for customer-facing RIAs "drives higher conversion rates and order size....More shoppers convert to buyers when they can easily trade off product options and costs in real time....And because of increased ease of completing complex orders online, fewer customers give up." Additionally, the ability for RIAs to incorporate rich media pays dividends. "Rich media helps boost margins. RIAs not only enable better configurations, they also allow firms to embed video and other contextual help content into applications....Users who access these types of help features convert at a higher rate than those who don't.“ The real excitement is that RIAs enable new classes of enterprise applications that can greatly improve the access to data stored within the organization, helping employees to better understand and use that data and to support their working practices in richer, more interactive, and more intuitive ways. The outcome of this is not only increased levels of employee productivity and effectiveness; it can be the differentiator needed to achieve competitive success, business innovation, and operational excellence.
  8. In today's global business environment, where customers are more demanding than ever and brand loyalty is increasingly difficult to obtain, deeper customer engagement is integral to an organization's success. RIAs can make customer interactions compelling, dynamic, and useful — in a word, engaging. Business executives increasingly recognize the value customer engagement brings to their businesses. For example, in a recent study on engagement conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, 80% of executives said that better engagement translates into improved customer loyalty, and 75% said they believed it meant higher profits. Engagement is also critical to transforming customers into active advocates for brands and businesses; 79% of respondents said that engaged customers will recommend products and services to others. In March 2007, Forrester Research published "The Business Case for Rich Internet Applications," a report based on interviews with RIA technology providers and designers, as well as Forrester Research clients and customers. The report revealed that "well-designed RIAs can produce eye-popping results that can help prove the value of current investments and make the case for future RIA projects." According to the findings, "firms that measure the business impact of their RIAs say that rich applications meet or exceed their goals." Specific findings demonstrate that improved ease of use for customer-facing RIAs "drives higher conversion rates and order size....More shoppers convert to buyers when they can easily trade off product options and costs in real time....And because of increased ease of completing complex orders online, fewer customers give up." Additionally, the ability for RIAs to incorporate rich media pays dividends. "Rich media helps boost margins. RIAs not only enable better configurations, they also allow firms to embed video and other contextual help content into applications....Users who access these types of help features convert at a higher rate than those who don't.“ The real excitement is that RIAs enable new classes of enterprise applications that can greatly improve the access to data stored within the organization, helping employees to better understand and use that data and to support their working practices in richer, more interactive, and more intuitive ways. The outcome of this is not only increased levels of employee productivity and effectiveness; it can be the differentiator needed to achieve competitive success, business innovation, and operational excellence.
  9. RIA runs on the middleware – via the internet. Its installed on a central server location Features ‘rich’ user-experience, look and feel etc. uniPaaS offers all of the benefits of RIA and more – we offer rich functionality.
  10. RIA runs on the middleware – via the internet. Its installed on a central server location Features ‘rich’ user-experience, look and feel etc. uniPaaS offers all of the benefits of RIA and more – we offer rich functionality.
  11. What we observe is evolution, not revolution. That means that even at present, all these Clients coexist – one size does not fit all! Therefore, organizations face steep challenges having to maintain in parallel multiple deployment modes, which implies in many cases to maintain several applications and/or versions for the same business area.
  12. The industry started 30 years ago with Mainframe – very heavy, very expensive – they supplied information to the screen – known as ‘Dumb Clients’. No hard disk etc. Shoot forward 15 years and every PC developed the same power of the Mainframe – hence the name ‘Fat Client’ – with many applications running on your machine. Then the internet came and pushed us back a little to the Mainframe model - the ‘Thin Client’. uniPaaS uses a ‘Fit Client’ model – featuring a ‘best of breed’ approach that combines the processing power of the Fat Client with the convenience of the ‘thin client’ to make more use of the scope of the internet. uniPaaS does most of it’s work on the Client side – without running back and forward between the Client and the network for each and every validation.
  13. This is the evolution of the browser. Ajax and HTML were designed to give more power and capabilities to the internet. Ajax didn’t catch on so well – its highly complex. So the market went in the direction of plug-in’s and Java etc – this also didn’t do so well. So then the industry moved in the direction of ‘outside the browser’ – ie. We no longer run on the browser, but rather on the middleware – on Java or .NET The Browser has a number of problems! It’s designed solely for ‘browsing’ and for static internet applications. Also, there many types of browsing environments today: Internet Explorer, Firefox and now Chrome – each operating and behaving differently. This demands designer to prepare the application from the beginning to run in these different environments – a very complex process! The Browser is not ideal for business applications – refresh issues etc. Every issue related to security on the browser is problematic – including employee data theft and the intrusion of malicious code etc.
  14. The Process Factory is a hosted, multitenancy, SaaS offering targeting small and midsize businesses and Web developers that want to develop simpler workflows, rather than full process management systems. Cordys relies on partners to host it. Cordys has strong market understanding and product vision for a business-oriented, operational platform for managing processes in real time. UIs throughout the product are functional, but basic in look and feel; they affect intuitiveness and ease of use, especially for less-technical roles. Generated UIs are also average in look and feel. Cordys must attract independent software vendors (ISVs) to the platform.
  15. Why uniPaaS? Our platform is designed for the business world. We assume that the users want and need to involve themselves in the business logic rather than the technical details – the what, rather than the how. A code-free, meta-data driven approach can achieve this, and an approach that looks after the company’s existing IT assets.
  16. We’ve made uniPaaS RIA so that it’s completely .NET compliant and we provide full development for .NET in our solution. We have a value that is unique to the market – for most web applications – you need to develop both Server side, Client side, and the in-between layers separately. That requires you to know and use multiple development paradigms and languages. For example – developing a web application today using .NET requires knowledge of C# for the Server side, for the Client side, and a separate middleware. uniPaaS allows you to achieve it all using a single development paradigm. uniPaaS also gives access via mobile devices – enabling you to run business applications on mobile devices.
  17. The platform approach enables us to provide development facilities that are more closely related to business logic, and does not require the developer to access low level APIs of the underlying infrastructure directly. Our technology does not require any coding or learning of language syntax. The developer uses simple, visual editors to construct a metadata repository that describes the application logic. This repository is executed as-is by our platform engine, without compilation or transformation.
  18. uniPaaS’ centralized application metadata enables “the power of choice” in deployment modes.
  19. Using uniPaaS, you can deliver virtually any type of application, front-end or back-end. You can develop desktop client applications, web browser applications, you can create service oriented services like SOAP web services, J2EE services, or even local COM servers. Starting from the last version of uniPaaS, you can also develop RIA applications for both desktop and mobile. RIA applications are fully functional desktop applications that are deployed over the internet and work over an HTTP connection with an enterprise server. RIA applications are installed automatically, and are updated automatically whenever updates are available.
  20. How will cloud computing change the way Web applications have been traditionally developed? The graphical user interface (GUI) is the industry standard for virtually all modern distributed IT solutions. The traditional client/server GUI is routinely represented by event-driven “fat client” applications with bitmap addressable interfaces, static and sizable installations. These applications directly build on and have a high affinity with the features and functions of the native operating system. The advent of the Web further evolved and extended the reach of the distributed computing model to the global Internet. The Web has introduced a new client user interface (UI), as well. The Web’s browser-based interface shares a common heritage with traditional GUIs, but it differs in important key areas because it typically places the bulk of business logic in the middle tier (the server). In typical implementations, the client elements of traditional browser-based applications are limited to the interface logic (for example, HTML) with small amounts of script code (such as JavaScript) for minor data validation and control logic. This creates a lightweight “thin client” that can easily be accessed from multiple platforms and devices and constrained network connections.
  21. RIAs represent one of the most challenging development processes yet. They involve 3 clear tiers – a Client tier (taking care of the presentation, interaction logic and some business logic), a Server tier (taking care of most of the business logic, the data and backend integration), and a Session tier (the inter-lying communication layer between the Client and the Server that has its own particularities). So, a typical development effort requires building and maintaining a number of different teams to work on the different aspects of the application. As a result, the design, planning and management of the project becomes riskier, more complex, and of course, more expensive. As with any system, where there are more moving parts, there is an increased chance of breakdowns.   This architecture, which attempts to provide the comfort of a tightly-couple and highly interactive user experience in a loosely-coupled transactional setting, requires sophisticated system design and programming skills, which are rarely found in development teams focused on business solutions. At present, the only platforms which support this type of architecture and enable the development of Enterprise RIA’s without having to resort to system-level programming are the metadata-driven platforms described in the previous slide – such as, Magic Software’s uniPaaS or Cordys.
  22. Here we can see screenshots of the application types you can develop with uniPaaS. A Windows based C/S application, that is deployed in a local area network. A browser based HTML application, that you serve with a browser only. A RIA application that is based on the .NET framework and is deployed over the internet. And another RIA application running on a Windows Mobile phone.
  23. uniPaaS is a unique application platform capable of delivering advanced RIA and SaaS web applications through a unified development paradigm that incorporates all aspects of your development and deployment process. uniPaaS is able to manage all the setting and controlling of the Client side and Server side logic, in addition to the communication between the Client and the Server, and the consumption and manipulation of back-end services - all within a single solution. uniPaaS is an Application Platform, which supports the entire application delivery spectrum – desktop, client/server, web, RIA and SaaS, with the same and single application copy. It is the only platform that caters for server-side logic and client-side logic within the same development project, even for Rich Internet Applications.
  24. Show here the form editor screen shot which generates the presentation script. Ideally, this script should be shown within the Adobe studio.
  25. The following sources of information will be available in the uniPaaS Studio installation folder.