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Curso de Discipulado
Igreja Pentecostal Shekinah
Ministério Moreno
Lição 1 - Oração
Lição 2 - Jejum
Lição 3 - Tentação
Lição 4 - Fé
Jejum é abstinência total ou
parcial de alimento durante
algum tempo e com propósitos
Jejum no AT
Origem do jejum
no AT
Também isto vos será por estatuto
perpétuo: no sétimo mês, aos dez do
mês, afligireis as vossas almas, e
não fareis trabalho algum, nem o
natural nem o estrangeiro que
peregrina entre vos; porque nesse
dia se fará expiação por vós, para
purificar-vos; de todos os vossos
pecados sereis purificados perante o
Lv 16.29,30
Jejuns anuais depois
do exílio babilônico
Assim diz o Senhor dos
exércitos: O jejum do quarto
mês, bem como o do quinto, o do
sétimo, e o do décimo mês se
tornarão para a casa de Judá em
regozijo, alegria, e festas
alegres; amai, pois, a verdade e a
paz. Zc 8.19
Ref.: Jr 52.6-11; 2Rs25.8-10; ;
2Rs 25.25; 2Rs25.1;
O jejum era realizado
espontaneamente como
manifestação de tristeza .
Depois tomaram os seus
ossos, e os sepultaram debaixo
da tamargueira, em Jabes, e
jejuaram sete dias.
1 Sm 31.13
O jejum podia expressar
tristeza pelo pecado e
arrependimento de pecado.
Sucedeu, pois, que Acabe,
ouvindo estas palavras, rasgou
as suas vestes, cobriu de saco a
sua carne, e jejuou; e jazia em
saco, e andava humildemente.
1 Rs 21.27
O jejum expressava extrema
dependência de Deus .
Davi, pois, buscou a Deus pela
criança, e observou rigoroso
jejum e, recolhendo-se, passava
a noite toda prostrado sobre a
2 Sm 12.16
O jejum era uma forma de
buscar o favor de Deus .
Vai, ajunta todos os judeus que
se acham em Susã, e jejuai por
mim, e não comais nem bebais
por três dias, nem de noite nem
de dia; e eu e as minhas moças
também assim jejuaremos.
Depois irei ter com o rei, ainda
que isso não é segundo a lei; e
se eu perecer, pereci.
Et 4.16
Deus condenou o jejum
praticado como ato religioso.
Acaso não é este o jejum que
escolhi? que soltes as ligaduras da
impiedade, que desfaças as ataduras
do jugo? e que deixes ir livres os
oprimidos, e despedaces todo jugo?
Porventura não é também que
repartas o teu pão com o faminto, e
recolhas em casa os pobres
desamparados? que vendo o nu, o
cubras, e não te escondas da tua
carne? Is 58.6,7
Ref.: Is 58.3
O Jejum no Novo Testamento.
O jejum não deveria ser um
ato superficial e hipócrita.
Quando jejuardes, não vos
mostreis contristrados como
os hipócritas; porque eles
desfiguram os seus
rostos, para que os homens
vejam que estão jejuando. Em
verdade vos digo que já
receberam a sua recompensa.
Mt 6.16
Lc 18.9-14
O jejum deve ser um ato
individual e oculto.
Tu, porém, quando
jejuares, unge a tua cabeça, e
lava o teu rosto, para não
mostrar aos homens que
estás jejuando, mas a teu
Pai, que está em secreto; e
teu Pai, que vê em secreto, te
Mt 6.17,18
Preparação para a batalha
... Mas esta casta de demônios
não se expulsa senão à força de
oração e de jejum.
Mt 17.21
Preparar-se para o ministério
Então foi conduzido Jesus pelo
Espírito ao deserto, para ser
tentado pelo Diabo.
E, tendo jejuado quarenta dias e
quarenta noites, depois teve
Mt 4.1,2
Comunhão com o Senhor
Havia também uma
profetisa, Ana, filha de Fanuel, da
tribo de Aser. Era já avançada em
idade, tendo vivido com o marido
sete anos desde a sua virgindade;
E era viúva, de quase oitenta e
quatro anos. Não se afastava do
templo, servindo a Deus noite e
dia em jejuns e orações.
Lc 2.37
Adoração ao Senhor e
consagração de ministérios.
Enquanto eles ministravam
perante o Senhor e
jejuavam, disse o Espírito Santo:
Separai-me a Barnabé e a Saulo
para a obra a que os tenho
Então, depois que
jejuaram, oraram e lhes
impuseram as mãos, os
Consagração de Presbíteros
E, havendo-lhes feito eleger
anciãos em cada igreja e orado
com jejuns, os encomendaram ao
Senhor em quem haviam crido.
At 14.23

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Lição 2 jejum

  • 1. Curso de Discipulado Igreja Pentecostal Shekinah Ministério Moreno
  • 2. Lição 1 - Oração Lição 2 - Jejum Lição 3 - Tentação Lição 4 - Fé MÓDULO II
  • 3. Jejum Jejum é abstinência total ou parcial de alimento durante algum tempo e com propósitos espirituais.
  • 5. Origem do jejum no AT Também isto vos será por estatuto perpétuo: no sétimo mês, aos dez do mês, afligireis as vossas almas, e não fareis trabalho algum, nem o natural nem o estrangeiro que peregrina entre vos; porque nesse dia se fará expiação por vós, para purificar-vos; de todos os vossos pecados sereis purificados perante o Senhor. Lv 16.29,30
  • 6. Jejuns anuais depois do exílio babilônico Assim diz o Senhor dos exércitos: O jejum do quarto mês, bem como o do quinto, o do sétimo, e o do décimo mês se tornarão para a casa de Judá em regozijo, alegria, e festas alegres; amai, pois, a verdade e a paz. Zc 8.19 Ref.: Jr 52.6-11; 2Rs25.8-10; ; 2Rs 25.25; 2Rs25.1;
  • 7.
  • 8. O jejum era realizado espontaneamente como manifestação de tristeza . Depois tomaram os seus ossos, e os sepultaram debaixo da tamargueira, em Jabes, e jejuaram sete dias. 1 Sm 31.13
  • 9. O jejum podia expressar tristeza pelo pecado e arrependimento de pecado. Sucedeu, pois, que Acabe, ouvindo estas palavras, rasgou as suas vestes, cobriu de saco a sua carne, e jejuou; e jazia em saco, e andava humildemente. 1 Rs 21.27
  • 10. O jejum expressava extrema dependência de Deus . Davi, pois, buscou a Deus pela criança, e observou rigoroso jejum e, recolhendo-se, passava a noite toda prostrado sobre a terra. 2 Sm 12.16
  • 11. O jejum era uma forma de buscar o favor de Deus . Vai, ajunta todos os judeus que se acham em Susã, e jejuai por mim, e não comais nem bebais por três dias, nem de noite nem de dia; e eu e as minhas moças também assim jejuaremos. Depois irei ter com o rei, ainda que isso não é segundo a lei; e se eu perecer, pereci. Et 4.16
  • 12. Deus condenou o jejum praticado como ato religioso. Acaso não é este o jejum que escolhi? que soltes as ligaduras da impiedade, que desfaças as ataduras do jugo? e que deixes ir livres os oprimidos, e despedaces todo jugo? Porventura não é também que repartas o teu pão com o faminto, e recolhas em casa os pobres desamparados? que vendo o nu, o cubras, e não te escondas da tua carne? Is 58.6,7 Ref.: Is 58.3
  • 13. O Jejum no Novo Testamento.
  • 14.
  • 15. O jejum não deveria ser um ato superficial e hipócrita. Quando jejuardes, não vos mostreis contristrados como os hipócritas; porque eles desfiguram os seus rostos, para que os homens vejam que estão jejuando. Em verdade vos digo que já receberam a sua recompensa. Mt 6.16 Lc 18.9-14
  • 16. O jejum deve ser um ato individual e oculto. Tu, porém, quando jejuares, unge a tua cabeça, e lava o teu rosto, para não mostrar aos homens que estás jejuando, mas a teu Pai, que está em secreto; e teu Pai, que vê em secreto, te recompensará. Mt 6.17,18
  • 17.
  • 18. Preparação para a batalha espiritual ... Mas esta casta de demônios não se expulsa senão à força de oração e de jejum. Mt 17.21
  • 19. Preparar-se para o ministério Então foi conduzido Jesus pelo Espírito ao deserto, para ser tentado pelo Diabo. E, tendo jejuado quarenta dias e quarenta noites, depois teve fome. Mt 4.1,2
  • 20. Comunhão com o Senhor Havia também uma profetisa, Ana, filha de Fanuel, da tribo de Aser. Era já avançada em idade, tendo vivido com o marido sete anos desde a sua virgindade; E era viúva, de quase oitenta e quatro anos. Não se afastava do templo, servindo a Deus noite e dia em jejuns e orações. Lc 2.37
  • 21. Adoração ao Senhor e consagração de ministérios. Enquanto eles ministravam perante o Senhor e jejuavam, disse o Espírito Santo: Separai-me a Barnabé e a Saulo para a obra a que os tenho chamado. Então, depois que jejuaram, oraram e lhes impuseram as mãos, os despediram.
  • 22. Consagração de Presbíteros E, havendo-lhes feito eleger anciãos em cada igreja e orado com jejuns, os encomendaram ao Senhor em quem haviam crido. At 14.23

Notas do Editor

  1. Custom animation effects: title fade-in on path and text fade by letter(Intermediate)Tip: For the effects on this slide, use a picture that measures 7.5” high (the height of the slide) and 2.61” wide.To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theDrawing group, clickShapes, and then under Rectangles click Rectangle (first option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a rectangle.Select the rectangle. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following: In the ShapeHeight box, enter 3.17”.In the ShapeWidth box, enter 9.5”.Drag the rectangle slightly above the middle of the slide. Select the rectangle. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click Align Left.Under DrawingTools, on theFormat tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the next to ShapeOutline, and then click NoOutline.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the ShapeStyles group, click the FormatShape dialog box launcher. In the FormatShape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Right (first row, fourth option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Orange, Accent 6, Darker 50% (fifth row, 10th option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Orange, Accent 6, Darker 25% (fourth row, 10th option from the left).To reproduce the “heading” text box on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter the heading text, and then select text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Calibri.In the FontSize box, enter 38.Click Bold.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click Orange, Accent 6, Darker 25% (fourth row, 10th option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextLeft.Drag the text box just above the rectangle, in the right half of the slide. To reproduce the second text box on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter three lines of text with paragraph breaks, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Calibri.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextLeft.Drag the second text box onto the rectangle, below the “heading” text box. To reproduce the full-color picture on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, clickPicture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select the 7.5” x 2.61” picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, under Crop from,in the Bottom box, enter 2.43”. (Note: Under Size and rotate, the Height should now be 5.08”.)On the slide, select the picture. UnderPicture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Effects, point to Glow, and then under Glow Variations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left).Also under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click PictureEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Drag the full-color picture on top of the rectangle, to the left of the text boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click Align Top. To reproduce the second picture on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select the same 7.5” x 2.61” picture, and then click Insert. On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, under Crop from,in the Top box, enter 5.08”. (Note: Under Size and rotate, the Height should now be 2.43”.)On the slide, select the second, smaller picture. Under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click the FormatShape dialog box launcher. In the FormatPicture dialog box, click Picture in the left pane, and in the Picture pane do the following:In the Brightness box, enter 70%.In the Contrast box, enter -70%.On the slide, drag the smaller picture until it is directly underneath the larger full-color picture.Select the smaller picture. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click Align Bottom. Press and hold CTRL, and then select both pictures. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align Selected Objects.Click Align Center. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. On the slide, select the “heading” text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade.Select the animation effect (fade effect for the “heading” text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected text box, and then click Timing. In the Fade dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box, enter 1.5.In the Speed list, select 2 seconds (Medium).On the slide, select the “heading” text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:ClickAddEffect, point to MotionPaths, and then click Left.Select the second animation effect (left motion path for the “heading” text box). Under Modify: Left,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select Medium. On the slide, right-click the left motion path and click ReversePathDirection. With the motion path still selected,point to the starting point (green arrow) of the motion path until the cursor becomes a two-headed arrow. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the starting pointabout 1.5” off the left edge of the slide. (Note: It may help to display the ruler. On the View tab, in the Show/Hide group, select Ruler. If your lines of text are longer than in the example above, you may need to further increase the length of the motion path. )On the slide, select the second text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade.Select the third animation effect (fade effect for the second text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Fade dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, do the following:In the Animate text list, select By Letter.In the % delay between letters box, enter 5.On the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the TextAnimation tab, in the Grouptext list, select By 1st Level Paragraphs.To reproduce the background on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until three stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Select Stop 3 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 232, Green: 227, and Blue: 216.
  2. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  3. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  4. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  5. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  6. Custom animation effects: dotted line with text fade by letter(Basic)To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then on the slide, drag to draw a text box that spans the entire width of the slide.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Symbol. In the Symbol dialog box, do the following:In the Font list, select (normal text).In the Subset list, select General Punctuation.In the Character Code box, enter 2022 to select BULLET, and then click Insert.Click Insert 33 more times until there is a row of 34 bullets in the text box. In the text box, select the text, and then on the Home tab, in the Font group do the following:In the Font list, select ArialBlack.In the FontSize list, select 44.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click TextBox. Drag to draw a text box on the slide.Enter and select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Corbel.In the FontSize box, enter 50.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Click Bold.With the text still selected, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Center.Select the second text box. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors select Blue, Accent 1, Darker 25% (fifth row, fifth option from the left). Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors select Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left). To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. On the slide, select the first text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntrance Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Fly In.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the first text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Fly In dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, do the following:In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Animatetext list, selectByLetter.In the % delay between letters box, enter 10.On the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (Very Fast).On the slide, select the first text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the Add Exit Effect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade. Select the second animation effect (fade effect for the first text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Fade dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, do the following:In the Animatetext list, selectByLetter.In the % delay between letters box, enter 10.On the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box, enter 1.5.In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (Very Fast).On the slide, select the second text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following.Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade.Select the third animation effect (fade effect for the second text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Fade dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, do the following:In the Animatetext list, selectByLetter.In the % delay between letters box, enter 6.On the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box,enter 2.In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (Very Fast).
  7. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  8. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  9. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  10. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  11. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  12. Custom animation effects: shrink picture circle with text(Intermediate)To reproduce the picture effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click PictureShape, and then under BasicShapes click Oval (first row, first option from the left).Select the picture-filled oval. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 6” and the Width box is set to 6”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. Under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click PictureEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 18 pt glow (fourth row, first option from the left).Under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click PictureEffects, point to Glow, point to More Glow Colors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Picture dialog box, click Shadow in the left pane. In the Shadow pane, click the button next to Presets, under Inner click InsideDiagonalBottomLeft (third row, first option from the left), and then do the following:In the Transparency box, enter 50%.In the Blur box, enter 8 pt.In the Angle box, enter 135°.In the Distance box, enter 8 pt.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Candara.In the FontSize box, enter 30.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 25% (fourth row, second option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextLeft.On the slide, select the text box. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the WordArt Styles group, click TextEffects, point to Reflection, and then under ReflectionVariations click TightReflection, touching (first row, first option from the left).Drag the text box onto the right half of the slide.With the text box still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, and then do the following:Point to Align, and then click Align to Slide.Point to Align, and then click Align Right.Point to Align, and then click Align Middle.Click Send to Back. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance, and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Wheel.Select the animation effect (wheel effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wheel,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Spokes list, select 1 Spoke.In the Speed list, select Medium. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance, and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, click FadedZoom.Select the second animation effect (faded zoom effect for the picture). Under Modify: FadedZoom,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select Medium. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Grow/Shrink.Select the third animation effect (grow/shrink effect for the picture). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Grow/Shrink dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, under Settings, do the following:In the Size list, in the Custom box, enter 95%, and then press ENTER.Select SmoothStart.Select SmoothEnd.Select Auto-reverse.On the Timing tab, do the following: In the Start list, select AfterPrevious. In the Speed box, enter 0.3 seconds. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Grow/Shrink.Select the fourth animation effect (grow/shrink effect for the picture). Under Grow/Shrink, do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Size list, select Smaller.In the Speed list, select Medium. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:ClickAddEffect, point to MotionPaths, and then click Left.Select the fifth animation effect (left motion path for the picture). Under Modify: Left,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select Medium.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance, and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, select Fade.Select the sixth animation effect (fade effect for the text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Timing. In the Fade dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box, enter 1.5.In the Speed list, select 1 seconds (Fast).On the slide, select the text box. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:ClickAddEffect, point to MotionPaths, and then click Left.Select the seventh animation effect (left motion path for the text box). Under Modify: Left,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, right–click the selected motion path for the text box, and then clickReversePathDirection. To reproduce the rectangle on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in theDrawing group, clickShapes, and then under Rectangles click Rectangle (first option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a rectangle.Select the rectangle.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following:In the ShapeHeight box, enter 1.54”.In theShapeWidth box, enter 10”.Under DrawingTools, on theFormat tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the arrow next to ShapeOutline, and then click NoOutline.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the ShapeStyles group, click the FormatShape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, clickFill in the left pane, selectGradientfill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Right (first row, fourth option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).In the Transparency box, enter 88%.Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).In the Transparency box, enter 43%.On the Home tab, in the Drawinggroup, click Arrange, and then do the following:Point to Align, and then click Align to Slide. Point to Align, and then clickAlignMiddle.Point to Align, and then clickAlignCenter.Click Send to Back. To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).
  13. Custom animation effects: sparkle(Basic)To reproduce the text on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text and select it. On the Home tab, in the Font group, in the Font list select FranklinGothicHeavy, and then in the FontSize box, select 96 pt.On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Center.Select the text box, and then under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the WordArtStyles group, click TextEffects, point to Reflection, and under ReflectionVariations select Tight Reflection, Touching (first row, the first option from the left).With the text box still selected, under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the WordArtStyles group, click the FormatTextEffects: Text Box dialog box launcher. In the FormatTextEffects dialog box, click TextFill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the TextFill pane, and then do the following:Click the button next to Presetcolors, and then click Ocean (second row, second option from the left).In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click LinearUp (second row, second option from the left).Also in the FormatTextEffects dialog box, click 3-DFormat in the left pane. In the 3-DFormat pane, under Bevel, click the button next to Top, and then under Bevel click Circle (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the first star on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Stars and Banners click 4-Point Star (first row, third option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a star.On the slide, drag the star onto the top of the first letter (in the example slide, it is “S”) in the text box.With the star still selected, drag the yellow diamond adjustment handle down to make the points thinner.On the Home tab, in the bottom right corner in the Drawing group, click the FormatShape dialog box launcher. In the FormatShape dialog box, clickFill in the left pane, select Gradient fillin the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Transparency box, enter 100%.Also in the FormatShape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane, and in the LineColor pane click Noline. UnderDrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, under Sizeand rotation do the following:In the Height box, enter 0.51”.In the Width box, enter 0.51”.In the Rotation box, enter 15°.To reproduce the other stars on this slide, do the following:On the slide, select the star. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate. On the slide, drag the second star until it slightly overlaps the edge of a letter in the text box.Change the size of the star in the Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group.Repeat steps 1-3 for a total of five stars.To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation.On the slide, select the first star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:ClickAddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, clickGrow & Turn.Select the animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the first star). Under Modify: Grow & Turn,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select VeryFast.On the slide, select the first star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the second animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the first star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.7. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the second star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the third animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the second star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.2. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the second star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the fourth animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the second star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.9. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the third star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the fifth animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the third star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.4. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the third star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the sixth animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the third star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 1.1. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the fourth star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the seventh animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the fourth star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.8. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the fourth star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the eighth animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the fourth star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 1.4. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the fifth star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the ninth animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the fifth star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.9. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the fifth star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the 10th animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the fifth star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 1.5. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColorsclick Black, Text 1, Lighter 35% (third row, second option from the left). Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColorsclick Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).
  14. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  15. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  16. Custom animation effects: sparkle(Basic)To reproduce the text on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text and select it. On the Home tab, in the Font group, in the Font list select FranklinGothicHeavy, and then in the FontSize box, select 96 pt.On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Center.Select the text box, and then under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the WordArtStyles group, click TextEffects, point to Reflection, and under ReflectionVariations select Tight Reflection, Touching (first row, the first option from the left).With the text box still selected, under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the WordArtStyles group, click the FormatTextEffects: Text Box dialog box launcher. In the FormatTextEffects dialog box, click TextFill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the TextFill pane, and then do the following:Click the button next to Presetcolors, and then click Ocean (second row, second option from the left).In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click LinearUp (second row, second option from the left).Also in the FormatTextEffects dialog box, click 3-DFormat in the left pane. In the 3-DFormat pane, under Bevel, click the button next to Top, and then under Bevel click Circle (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the first star on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Stars and Banners click 4-Point Star (first row, third option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a star.On the slide, drag the star onto the top of the first letter (in the example slide, it is “S”) in the text box.With the star still selected, drag the yellow diamond adjustment handle down to make the points thinner.On the Home tab, in the bottom right corner in the Drawing group, click the FormatShape dialog box launcher. In the FormatShape dialog box, clickFill in the left pane, select Gradient fillin the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Transparency box, enter 100%.Also in the FormatShape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane, and in the LineColor pane click Noline. UnderDrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, under Sizeand rotation do the following:In the Height box, enter 0.51”.In the Width box, enter 0.51”.In the Rotation box, enter 15°.To reproduce the other stars on this slide, do the following:On the slide, select the star. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate. On the slide, drag the second star until it slightly overlaps the edge of a letter in the text box.Change the size of the star in the Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group.Repeat steps 1-3 for a total of five stars.To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation.On the slide, select the first star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:ClickAddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, clickGrow & Turn.Select the animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the first star). Under Modify: Grow & Turn,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select VeryFast.On the slide, select the first star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the second animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the first star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.7. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the second star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the third animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the second star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.2. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the second star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the fourth animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the second star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.9. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the third star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the fifth animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the third star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.4. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the third star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the sixth animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the third star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 1.1. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the fourth star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the seventh animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the fourth star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.8. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the fourth star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the eighth animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the fourth star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 1.4. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the fifth star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the ninth animation effect (grow & turn entrance effect for the fifth star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 0.9. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the slide, select the fifth star from the left. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddExitEffect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the 10th animation effect (grow & turn exit effect for the fifth star). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Grow & Turn dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box enter 1.5. In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColorsclick Black, Text 1, Lighter 35% (third row, second option from the left). Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColorsclick Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).
  17. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  18. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  19. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  20. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.
  21. Custom animation effects: line sweeps in picture and text(Basic)To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Line (first option from the left).On the slide, press and hold SHIFT, and then drag to draw a straight, vertical line.Select the line. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, in the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click LineColor in the left pane. In the LineColor pane, select Solidline, click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click LineStyle in the left pane. In the LineStyle pane, in the Weight box, enter 2 pt.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left). Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click ShapeEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the slide, select the line. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Drag the duplicate line slightly off the right edge of the slide.With the duplicate line still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 7.5” and the Width box is set to 5”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.ClickAlignRight.ClickAlignMiddle.To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text in the text box, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Arial.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the button next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextRight to align the text right in the text box. Drag the text box onto the left half of the slide.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. Select the line off the right edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the second line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select After Previous.In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the first line you created (in the middle of the slide). In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click FlyIn.Select the second animation effect (fly-in effect for the first line). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, click Wipe.Select the third animation effect (wipe effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wipe,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Basic, clickFlyIn.Select the fourth animation effect (fly-in effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fly In,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Direction list, select FromRight.In the Speed list, select Fast.