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Divine Principle 
4 Sins 
4 (5) Fallen Natures 
Introduction v 1.4
The relationship between the 
‱ 4 Sins 
‱ 4 Fallen Natures 
‱ and their Restoration
4 Sins
Sin Hereditary 
Sin Hereditary 
Holy Wine 
1st Gen.
Sin Hereditary 
Age of Attendance Sin 
Disciple of LSA 
United Korea
Sin Hereditary 
Ancestor Sin 
CP (in Cheong Pyeong Korea)
Sin Hereditary 
Heavely Lifestyle 
Live for Others! 
3rd Sin 
3rd Adam 
Original Messianic Years 
1920 - 2013 
1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2013 2020 
1935-1942 1954 1995 
– 36 couples

3rd Sin 
3rd Adam 
Original Messianic Years 
1920 - 2013 
1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2013 2020 
1935-1942 1954 1995 
– 36 couples 
Heriditary Sin 
– Ancestor Liberation
3rd Adam 
2013 13Jan H.C. 
Messianic Years 
1920 - 2012 
1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2013 2020 
1935-1942 1954 1995 
Original Sin 
– 36 couples 
Heriditary Sin 
– Ancestor Liberation 
Collective & personal Sin 
Removed ?
See also 
Physical and Spiritual Salvation.ppt 
Physical fighting 
All who are killed! 
Root Cause 
Fall of Man 
Spiritual fighting 
hatred, revenge 
jeolousy, greed, 
Me – MY Spouce 
Our Ancestors! 
Unsolved Sins 
Root Cause 
Fall of Man 
Spiritual fighting 
hatred, revenge 
jeolousy, greed, 
Parent – Child 
Root Cause 
Fall of Man 
Spiritual fighting 
hatred, revenge 
jeolousy, greed, 
Our Ancestors! 
Unsolved Sins
Root Cause 
Fall of Man 
Spiritual fighting 
hatred, revenge 
jeolousy, greed, 
Our Ancestors! 
Unsolved Sins
‱ Depression 
‱ Sucide 
‱ Anger – Riots 
‱ Rape – Violence 
‱ Free Sex – Porno 
‱ Prostitution 
‱ Teenagers cutting 
‱ Drugs - Crime 
Sin Forgiveness Involves 
Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: 
Sin Forgiveness Involves 
Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: 
Hereditary sin Ancestor Man 
Sin Forgiveness Involves 
Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: 
Hereditary sin Ancestor Man 
Collective sin Attend Mankind 
Sin Forgiveness Involves 
Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: 
Hereditary sin Ancestor Man 
Collective sin Attend Mankind 
Individual Sin Jesus Me 
Don’t sin any more! 
Life in CIG – Live for Others 
4 Fallen Natures
The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 
AArrcchh-- aannggeell 
Eve EEvvee Adam 
Multiplying the criminal act 
The primary characteristics of the fallen 
nature can be divided broadly into four 
types (p. 73).
The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 
1 Failing to take God’s standpoint 
The primary characteristics of the fallen nature 
can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 
1 Failing to take God’s standpoint 
2 Leaving one’s proper position 
The primary characteristics of the fallen nature 
can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 
1 Failing to take God’s standpoint 
2 Leaving one’s proper position 
3 Reversing dominion 
The primary characteristics of the fallen nature 
can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 
1 Failing to take God’s standpoint 
2 Leaving one’s proper position 
3 Reversing dominion 
4 Multiplying the criminal act 
The primary characteristics of the fallen nature 
can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
Is there a fifth fallen nature? 
In November of 2010, due to extenuating 
circumstances in our church community the 
Executive Vice President of the Family 
Federation for World Peace, Joshua Cotter, 
was asked to tour The United States giving 
a presentation entitled 
"A Period of Great Transition in History.” 
In that presentation he clarified the existence of a 
fifth fallen nature, “shifting the blame.”
The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 
Eve EEvvee Adam 
Multiplying the criminal act 
Lucifer alienated from God, and got Eve 
and Adam to do the same. 
The fruit “Allienaton” of man to man 
is therefor rampant today. 
Restoring the 4 Fallen Natures 
involves working through 
‱ Sel – Foundation of Faith 
‱ And Other People - Foundation of Substance 
You must create: 
‱ 1.1 The Foundation of Faith
Restoring the 4 Fallen Natures 
involves working through 
‱ Sel – Foundation of Faith 
‱ And Other People - Foundation of Substance 
You must create: 
‱ 1.1 The Foundation of Faith 
‱ 1.2 The Foundation of Substance
Restoring the 4 Fallen Natures 
involves working through 
‱ Sel – Foundation of Faith 
‱ And Other People - Foundation of Substance 
You must create: 
‱ 1.1 The Foundation of Faith 
‱ 1.2 The Foundation of Substance 
‱ 1.3 The Foundation for the Messiah 
Restoring the 4 Fallen Natures 
involves working through 
‱ Sel – Foundation of Faith 
‱ And Other People - Foundation of Substance 
You must create: 
‱ 1.1 The Foundation of Faith 
‱ 1.2 The Foundation of Substance 
‱ 1.3 The Foundation for the Messiah 
‱ Receive Blessing by the Messiah/True Parents
Sun Myung Moon – Early Days
To restore through indemnity the Foundation of Faith, 
fallen people must 
‱ set up an object for the condition. 
Due to his faithlessness, Adam lost the Word of God, which 
had been given him in order to fulfil the condition necessary 
to establish the foundation of faith. 
He fell to the position where he could no longer receive the 
Word of God directly.
Consequently, in restoring the foundation of faith, Adam 
had to faithfully offer in a manner acceptable to God 
some object for the condition, substituting for God's 
‱ To restore the foundation of faith, 
there must also be a central figure.
To remove the fallen nature, a person must 
make an indemnity condition in accordance with the 
Principle of Restoration through Indemnity, 
by taking a course which reverses the process through 
which human beings initially acquired the fallen nature.
The Archangel fell because he did not love Adam; rather, 
he envied Adam, who was receiving more love from God 
than he. This was the cause of the first primary 
characteristic of the fallen nature: failing to take God's 
To remove this characteristic of the fallen nature, Cain, who 
stood in the Archangel's position, should have taken God's 
standpoint by loving Abel, who stood in Adam's position.
‱ The foundation for the Messiah is established by first 
restoring through indemnity the foundation of faith and then 
establishing the foundation of substance.
‱ The foundation for the Messiah is established by first 
restoring through indemnity the foundation of faith and then 
establishing the foundation of substance. 
‱ With regard to their requisite sacrifices, the foundation of 
faith is restored by making an acceptable symbolic offering, 
and the foundation of substance is established by making 
an acceptable substantial offering.
‱ The foundation for the Messiah is established by first 
restoring through indemnity the foundation of faith and then 
establishing the foundation of substance. 
‱ With regard to their requisite sacrifices, the foundation of 
faith is restored by making an acceptable symbolic offering, 
and the foundation of substance is established by making 
an acceptable substantial offering. 
‱ Let us examine the meaning and purpose of the symbolic 
offering and the substantial offering.
‱ First, we must establish the foundation of faith by making
‱ First, we must establish the foundation of faith by making 
‱ symbolic offering, which fulfils a condition of indemnity for 
the restoration of all things and
‱ First, we must establish the foundation of faith by making 
‱ symbolic offering, which fulfils a condition of indemnity for 
the restoration of all things and 
‱ a condition of indemnity for the symbolic restoration of 
‱ Next, we must establish the 
foundation of substance by making the substantial offering, 
which fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration of 
first the children and then the parents.
‱ Next, we must establish the 
foundation of substance by making the substantial offering, 
which fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration of 
first the children and then the parents. 
‱ On this basis, we can establish the foundation for the 
‱ One purpose for making the symbolic offering of all things is 
to enable all things to stand as God's actual object partners 
in symbol. It fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration 
of the natural world to its original relationship with God.
‱ One purpose for making the symbolic offering of all things is 
to enable all things to stand as God's actual object partners 
in symbol. It fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration 
of the natural world to its original relationship with God. 
‱ Second, since human beings fell to a position lower than 
the things of creation,20(Jer. 17:9) in order for them to come 
before God, they must go through all things.
‱ The substantial offering, on the other hand, is an internal 
‱ The substantial offering, on the other hand, is an internal 
‱ The substantial offering means fulfilling the indemnity 
condition to remove the fallen nature.
‱ How can we understand the indemnity condition for the 
restoration of the parents?
‱ How can we understand the indemnity condition for the 
restoration of the parents? 
‱ If Cain and Abel had then fulfilled the indemnity condition 
for the restoration of the children by making an acceptable 
substantial offering, their father Adam would have shared in 
the victory of this foundation of substance.
‱ How can we understand the indemnity condition for the 
restoration of the parents? 
‱ If Cain and Abel had then fulfilled the indemnity condition 
for the restoration of the children by making an acceptable 
substantial offering, their father Adam would have shared in 
the victory of this foundation of substance. 
‱ Had Cain and Abel succeeded in making the symbolic and 
substantial offerings, the indemnity condition for the 
restoration of the parents would have been fulfilled.
‱ It may be compared to the situation of the first human 
ancestors, who could have helped God accomplish His 
entire Will had they obeyed His Word.
‱ It may be compared to the situation of the first human 
ancestors, who could have helped God accomplish His 
entire Will had they obeyed His Word. 
‱ It may also be compared to the situation of the Jewish 
people of Jesus' day, who could have helped Jesus 
accomplish his will to bring complete salvation to 
humankind had they believed in him.
Importance of 3 Spiritual Children 
1. Three Spiritual Children 
What are spiritual children? 
Importance of 3 Spiritual Children 
1. Three Spiritual Children 
What are spiritual children? 
They represent three lost archangels. 
Importance of 3 Spiritual Children 
1. Three Spiritual Children 
What are spiritual children? 
They represent three lost archangels. 
Adam and Eve fell because the three archangels did not 
stand in a realm of supporting each other.
Importance of 3 Spiritual Children 
1. Three Spiritual Children 
What are spiritual children? 
They represent three lost archangels. 
Adam and Eve fell because the three archangels did not 
stand in a realm of supporting each other. 
This has to be indemnified.
Thus three spiritual children representing the three archangels 
have to become one and stand in a position to you. 
You stand in the position of Adam and Eve toward your 
spiritual children. 
Through education, you must make that relationship.
The purpose of God's creating archangels was for them to 
educate and take care of Adam and Eve until they established 
a realm of heart for making a family.
The purpose of God's creating archangels was for them to 
educate and take care of Adam and Eve until they established 
a realm of heart for making a family. 
Thus the restoration of the realm of heart is established by 
three spiritual children who are the same as three archangels 
becoming one and standing in a position of having no regret in 
giving their lives for you.
In this way, for the first time, you can stand in a position of 
having indemnified the failure of Adam to unite the three 
In this way, for the first time, you can stand in a position of 
having indemnified the failure of Adam to unite the three 
It is the fundamental rule that on the foundation of already 
prepared spiritual children, 
you are to receive the Blessing and have children.
Only by having those archangels stand in a supportive position 
and dedicating their lives, can Adam be recreated.
Only by having those archangels stand in a supportive position 
and dedicating their lives, can Adam be recreated. 
Archangels were created as helpers and objects who serve 
and praise God. But because Adam and Eve fell, they lost the 
angelic world and material of the universe. Thus we must 
restore and recreate what was lost.
Only by having those archangels stand in a supportive position 
and dedicating their lives, can Adam be recreated. 
Archangels were created as helpers and objects who serve 
and praise God. But because Adam and Eve fell, they lost the 
angelic world and material of the universe. Thus we must 
restore and recreate what was lost. 
The archangel is a being like Satan and is a spiritual child in 
the position of Cain.
You must raise up three spiritual children. 
You must raise up three spiritual children. 
Because Jesus' disciples, who were supposed to be one body 
with Jesus centering on him, took the position of betraying 
Jesus, you must raise up three spiritual children to restore this.
This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our 
indemnity course. 
We must raise up 
three spiritual children, and centering on them, we must 
This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our 
indemnity course. 
We must raise up 
three spiritual children, 
and centering on them, we must establish 
12 disciples
This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our 
indemnity course. 
We must raise up 
three spiritual children, 
and centering on them, we must establish 
12 disciples 
72 disciples and
This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our 
indemnity course. 
We must raise up 
three spiritual children, 
and centering on them, we must establish 
12 disciples 
72 disciples and 
120 disciples. 
This was the 21-year course that Father accomplished 
(and the Mission of Jesus and All Mankind 
since the Fall of Man).
Towards 2020
Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there 
to inspire the most Holy original inside us all! 
Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.

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DP & Relationship 4 Sins & 4 (5) Fallen Natures

  • 1. Divine Principle & Restoring 4 Sins 4 (5) Fallen Natures Introduction v 1.4
  • 2. Introduction The relationship between the ‱ 4 Sins ‱ 4 Fallen Natures ‱ and their Restoration
  • 4. Original Sin Collective Sin Personal Sin Hereditary Sin
  • 5. Original Sin Collective Sin Personal Sin Hereditary Sin UC Holy Wine Ceremony 1st Gen.
  • 6. Original Sin Collective Sin Personal Sin Hereditary Age of Attendance Sin Disciple of LSA FR Witnessing United Korea
  • 7. Original Sin Collective Sin Personal Sin Hereditary Ancestor Sin Liberation CP (in Cheong Pyeong Korea)
  • 8. Original Sin Collective Sin Personal Sin Hereditary Sin Heavely Lifestyle Live for Others! HDH CSG Witnessing
  • 9. 3rd Sin 3rd Adam born Original Messianic Years 1920 - 2013 HSA-UWC 1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2013 2020 1935-1942 1954 1995 2nd 1st Removed – 36 couples

  • 10. 3rd Sin 3rd Adam born Original Messianic Years 1920 - 2013 HSA-UWC 1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2013 2020 1935-1942 1954 1995 2nd 1st Removed – 36 couples Heriditary Sin Removed – Ancestor Liberation
  • 11. 3rd Adam born 2013 13Jan H.C. (22Febr) Messianic Years 1920 - 2012 HSA-UWC 1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2013 2020 1935-1942 1954 1995 3rd 2nd 1st CIG Original Sin Removed – 36 couples Heriditary Sin Removed – Ancestor Liberation Collective & personal Sin Removed ?
  • 12. See also slides Physical and Spiritual Salvation.ppt Eggs of Sin
  • 13. Physical fighting All who are killed! WARS Root Cause Fall of Man Spiritual fighting wrath/rage/anger hatred, revenge jeolousy, greed, lust-rape, attachment egoism-pride
  • 14. Me – MY Spouce Our Ancestors! Unsolved Sins Marriage Fighting Root Cause Fall of Man Spiritual fighting wrath/rage/anger hatred, revenge jeolousy, greed, lust-rape, attachment egoism-pride
  • 15. Parent – Child Parents-Child Fighting Root Cause Fall of Man Spiritual fighting wrath/rage/anger hatred, revenge jeolousy, greed, lust-rape, attachment egoism-pride
more Our Ancestors! Unsolved Sins
  • 16. Sibblings Sibling Fighting Root Cause Fall of Man Spiritual fighting wrath/rage/anger hatred, revenge jeolousy, greed, lust-rape, attachment egoism-pride
more Our Ancestors! Unsolved Sins
  • 17. TOP OF THE “ICEBERG OF SIN” ‱ Depression ‱ Sucide ‱ Anger – Riots ‱ Rape – Violence ‱ 
 ‱ Free Sex – Porno ‱ Prostitution ‱ Teenagers cutting ‱ Drugs - Crime ‱ 
  • 18. Sin Forgiveness Involves /Indemnity Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: satan
  • 19. Sin Forgiveness Involves /Indemnity Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: satan Hereditary sin Ancestor Man liberation
  • 20. Sin Forgiveness Involves /Indemnity Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: satan Hereditary sin Ancestor Man liberation Collective sin Attend Mankind LSA
  • 21. Sin Forgiveness Involves /Indemnity Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: satan Hereditary sin Ancestor Man liberation Collective sin Attend Mankind LSA Individual Sin Jesus Me Don’t sin any more! Life in CIG – Live for Others Do HDH
  • 23. The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature AArrcchh-- aannggeell Eve Adam S AArrcchh-- aannggeell Eve EEvvee Adam AAddaamm Multiplying the criminal act ï€Ą The primary characteristics of the fallen nature can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
  • 24. The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 1 Failing to take God’s standpoint 2 3 4 ï€Ą The primary characteristics of the fallen nature can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
  • 25. The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 1 Failing to take God’s standpoint 2 Leaving one’s proper position 3 4 ï€Ą The primary characteristics of the fallen nature can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
  • 26. The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 1 Failing to take God’s standpoint 2 Leaving one’s proper position 3 Reversing dominion 4 ï€Ą The primary characteristics of the fallen nature can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
  • 27. The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature 1 Failing to take God’s standpoint 2 Leaving one’s proper position 3 Reversing dominion 4 Multiplying the criminal act ï€Ą The primary characteristics of the fallen nature can be divided broadly into four types (p. 73).
  • 28. Is there a fifth fallen nature? In November of 2010, due to extenuating circumstances in our church community the Executive Vice President of the Family Federation for World Peace, Joshua Cotter, was asked to tour The United States giving a presentation entitled "A Period of Great Transition in History.” In that presentation he clarified the existence of a fifth fallen nature, “shifting the blame.”
  • 29. The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen Nature AArrcchh-- aannggeell Eve EEvvee Adam AAddaamm Multiplying the criminal act ï€Ą Lucifer alienated from God, and got Eve and Adam to do the same. The fruit “Allienaton” of man to man is therefor rampant today. G
  • 30. Restoring the 4 Fallen Natures involves working through ‱ Sel – Foundation of Faith ‱ And Other People - Foundation of Substance You must create: ‱ 1.1 The Foundation of Faith
  • 31. Restoring the 4 Fallen Natures involves working through ‱ Sel – Foundation of Faith ‱ And Other People - Foundation of Substance You must create: ‱ 1.1 The Foundation of Faith ‱ 1.2 The Foundation of Substance
  • 32. Restoring the 4 Fallen Natures involves working through ‱ Sel – Foundation of Faith ‱ And Other People - Foundation of Substance You must create: ‱ 1.1 The Foundation of Faith ‱ 1.2 The Foundation of Substance ‱ 1.3 The Foundation for the Messiah _________________________________
  • 33. Restoring the 4 Fallen Natures involves working through ‱ Sel – Foundation of Faith ‱ And Other People - Foundation of Substance You must create: ‱ 1.1 The Foundation of Faith ‱ 1.2 The Foundation of Substance ‱ 1.3 The Foundation for the Messiah _________________________________ ‱ Receive Blessing by the Messiah/True Parents
  • 34. Sun Myung Moon – Early Days
  • 35. F.o.Faith To restore through indemnity the Foundation of Faith, fallen people must ‱ set up an object for the condition. Due to his faithlessness, Adam lost the Word of God, which had been given him in order to fulfil the condition necessary to establish the foundation of faith. He fell to the position where he could no longer receive the Word of God directly.
  • 36. F.o.Faith Consequently, in restoring the foundation of faith, Adam had to faithfully offer in a manner acceptable to God some object for the condition, substituting for God's Word. ‱ To restore the foundation of faith, there must also be a central figure.
  • 37. 1960
  • 38. F.o.Subst To remove the fallen nature, a person must make an indemnity condition in accordance with the Principle of Restoration through Indemnity, by taking a course which reverses the process through which human beings initially acquired the fallen nature.
  • 39. F.o.Subst The Archangel fell because he did not love Adam; rather, he envied Adam, who was receiving more love from God than he. This was the cause of the first primary characteristic of the fallen nature: failing to take God's standpoint. To remove this characteristic of the fallen nature, Cain, who stood in the Archangel's position, should have taken God's standpoint by loving Abel, who stood in Adam's position.
  • 40. 2012
  • 41. F.f.Messiah ‱ The foundation for the Messiah is established by first restoring through indemnity the foundation of faith and then establishing the foundation of substance.
  • 42. F.f.Messiah ‱ The foundation for the Messiah is established by first restoring through indemnity the foundation of faith and then establishing the foundation of substance. ‱ With regard to their requisite sacrifices, the foundation of faith is restored by making an acceptable symbolic offering, and the foundation of substance is established by making an acceptable substantial offering.
  • 43. F.f.Messiah ‱ The foundation for the Messiah is established by first restoring through indemnity the foundation of faith and then establishing the foundation of substance. ‱ With regard to their requisite sacrifices, the foundation of faith is restored by making an acceptable symbolic offering, and the foundation of substance is established by making an acceptable substantial offering. ‱ Let us examine the meaning and purpose of the symbolic offering and the substantial offering.
  • 44. F.f.Messiah ‱ First, we must establish the foundation of faith by making
  • 45. F.f.Messiah ‱ First, we must establish the foundation of faith by making ‱ symbolic offering, which fulfils a condition of indemnity for the restoration of all things and
  • 46. F.f.Messiah ‱ First, we must establish the foundation of faith by making ‱ symbolic offering, which fulfils a condition of indemnity for the restoration of all things and ‱ a condition of indemnity for the symbolic restoration of people.
  • 47. F.f.Messiah ‱ Next, we must establish the foundation of substance by making the substantial offering, which fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration of first the children and then the parents.
  • 48. F.f.Messiah ‱ Next, we must establish the foundation of substance by making the substantial offering, which fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration of first the children and then the parents. ‱ On this basis, we can establish the foundation for the Messiah.
  • 49. F.f.Messiah ‱ One purpose for making the symbolic offering of all things is to enable all things to stand as God's actual object partners in symbol. It fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration of the natural world to its original relationship with God.
  • 50. F.f.Messiah ‱ One purpose for making the symbolic offering of all things is to enable all things to stand as God's actual object partners in symbol. It fulfills an indemnity condition for the restoration of the natural world to its original relationship with God. ‱ Second, since human beings fell to a position lower than the things of creation,20(Jer. 17:9) in order for them to come before God, they must go through all things.
  • 51. F.f.Messiah ‱ The substantial offering, on the other hand, is an internal offering.
  • 52. F.f.Messiah ‱ The substantial offering, on the other hand, is an internal offering. ‱ The substantial offering means fulfilling the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature.
  • 53. F.f.Messiah ‱ How can we understand the indemnity condition for the restoration of the parents?
  • 54. F.f.Messiah ‱ How can we understand the indemnity condition for the restoration of the parents? ‱ If Cain and Abel had then fulfilled the indemnity condition for the restoration of the children by making an acceptable substantial offering, their father Adam would have shared in the victory of this foundation of substance.
  • 55. F.f.Messiah ‱ How can we understand the indemnity condition for the restoration of the parents? ‱ If Cain and Abel had then fulfilled the indemnity condition for the restoration of the children by making an acceptable substantial offering, their father Adam would have shared in the victory of this foundation of substance. ‱ Had Cain and Abel succeeded in making the symbolic and substantial offerings, the indemnity condition for the restoration of the parents would have been fulfilled.
  • 56. F.f.Messiah ‱ It may be compared to the situation of the first human ancestors, who could have helped God accomplish His entire Will had they obeyed His Word.
  • 57. F.f.Messiah ‱ It may be compared to the situation of the first human ancestors, who could have helped God accomplish His entire Will had they obeyed His Word. ‱ It may also be compared to the situation of the Jewish people of Jesus' day, who could have helped Jesus accomplish his will to bring complete salvation to humankind had they believed in him.
  • 58. 1982
  • 59. Importance of 3 Spiritual Children 1. Three Spiritual Children What are spiritual children? F.f.Messiah
  • 60. Importance of 3 Spiritual Children 1. Three Spiritual Children What are spiritual children? They represent three lost archangels. F.f.Messiah
  • 61. Importance of 3 Spiritual Children F.f.Messiah 1. Three Spiritual Children What are spiritual children? They represent three lost archangels. Adam and Eve fell because the three archangels did not stand in a realm of supporting each other.
  • 62. Importance of 3 Spiritual Children F.f.Messiah 1. Three Spiritual Children What are spiritual children? They represent three lost archangels. Adam and Eve fell because the three archangels did not stand in a realm of supporting each other. This has to be indemnified.
  • 63. F.f.Messiah Thus three spiritual children representing the three archangels have to become one and stand in a position to you. You stand in the position of Adam and Eve toward your spiritual children. Through education, you must make that relationship.
  • 64. F.f.Messiah The purpose of God's creating archangels was for them to educate and take care of Adam and Eve until they established a realm of heart for making a family.
  • 65. F.f.Messiah The purpose of God's creating archangels was for them to educate and take care of Adam and Eve until they established a realm of heart for making a family. Thus the restoration of the realm of heart is established by three spiritual children who are the same as three archangels becoming one and standing in a position of having no regret in giving their lives for you.
  • 66. F.f.Messiah In this way, for the first time, you can stand in a position of having indemnified the failure of Adam to unite the three archangels.
  • 67. F.f.Messiah In this way, for the first time, you can stand in a position of having indemnified the failure of Adam to unite the three archangels. It is the fundamental rule that on the foundation of already prepared spiritual children, you are to receive the Blessing and have children.
  • 68. F.f.Messiah Only by having those archangels stand in a supportive position and dedicating their lives, can Adam be recreated.
  • 69. F.f.Messiah Only by having those archangels stand in a supportive position and dedicating their lives, can Adam be recreated. Archangels were created as helpers and objects who serve and praise God. But because Adam and Eve fell, they lost the angelic world and material of the universe. Thus we must restore and recreate what was lost.
  • 70. F.f.Messiah Only by having those archangels stand in a supportive position and dedicating their lives, can Adam be recreated. Archangels were created as helpers and objects who serve and praise God. But because Adam and Eve fell, they lost the angelic world and material of the universe. Thus we must restore and recreate what was lost. The archangel is a being like Satan and is a spiritual child in the position of Cain.
  • 71. You must raise up three spiritual children. F.f.Messiah
  • 72. F.f.Messiah You must raise up three spiritual children. Because Jesus' disciples, who were supposed to be one body with Jesus centering on him, took the position of betraying Jesus, you must raise up three spiritual children to restore this.
  • 73. F.f.Messiah This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our indemnity course. We must raise up three spiritual children, and centering on them, we must establish
  • 74. F.f.Messiah This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our indemnity course. We must raise up three spiritual children, and centering on them, we must establish 12 disciples
  • 75. F.f.Messiah This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our indemnity course. We must raise up three spiritual children, and centering on them, we must establish 12 disciples 72 disciples and
  • 76. F.f.Messiah This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our indemnity course. We must raise up three spiritual children, and centering on them, we must establish 12 disciples 72 disciples and 120 disciples. This was the 21-year course that Father accomplished (and the Mission of Jesus and All Mankind since the Fall of Man).
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 80. Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire the most Holy original inside us all! Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.

Notas do Editor

  1. v.1.4 Nov 2014
  2. UC=Unification Church Design: BengtdP
  3. UC=Unification Church Design: BengtdP
  4. UC=Unification Church Design: BengtdP
  5. CP=Cheong Pyeong Training Center Korea (northeast of Seoul) Design: BengtdP
  6. HDH = Hon Dok Hae, Heavenly Daily ReadingCSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Design: BengtdP
  7. Jesus said "the Kingdom of God is within you" in Luke 17:21 
  8. Jesus said "the Kingdom of God is within you" in Luke 17:21 
  9. Jesus said "the Kingdom of God is within you" in Luke 17:21 
  10. HDH = Hon Dok Hae, Heavenly Daily ReadingCSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong,
  11. The five thieves (panchadosh or panj vikar) are, according to Sikhism, the five major weaknesses of the human personality at variance with its spiritual essence. The common evils far exceed five in number, but a group of five came to be identified because of the obstruction they are believed to cause in man's pursuit of the moral and spiritual path. The group of five evils comprises Kam (lust), Krodh (rage), Lobh (greed), Moh(attachment) and Ahankar (ego) in Punjabi; translated into English these words mean lust/addiction, wrath/rage/anger, materialistic greed, attachment/worldly infatuation and ego/pride respectively.
  12. Next, let us investigate the nature of God's love. Had Adam and Eve attained perfection, each becoming a substantial object partner to God resembling one of His dual characteristics, they would have joined as husband and wife and raised children in a godly family. In so doing, they would have experienced three kinds of original love with their three object partners: parental love, conjugal love and children's love. (The love of the first object partner, the love of the second object partner, and the love of the third object partner.) Only then would they complete the three object purpose and form the four position foundation. This would be the fulfillment of their purpose of creation.
  13. Next, let us investigate the nature of God's love. Had Adam and Eve attained perfection, each becoming a substantial object partner to God resembling one of His dual characteristics, they would have joined as husband and wife and raised children in a godly family. In so doing, they would have experienced three kinds of original love with their three object partners: parental love, conjugal love and children's love. (The love of the first object partner, the love of the second object partner, and the love of the third object partner.) Only then would they complete the three object purpose and form the four position foundation. This would be the fulfillment of their purpose of creation.
  14. Next, let us investigate the nature of God's love. Had Adam and Eve attained perfection, each becoming a substantial object partner to God resembling one of His dual characteristics, they would have joined as husband and wife and raised children in a godly family. In so doing, they would have experienced three kinds of original love with their three object partners: parental love, conjugal love and children's love. (The love of the first object partner, the love of the second object partner, and the love of the third object partner.) Only then would they complete the three object purpose and form the four position foundation. This would be the fulfillment of their purpose of creation.
  15. Triangles of Sin and Liberation Ancestor Liberation takes place in CP Korea. CP=Cheong Pyeong spiritual training centre KoreaLSA=Lord of Second Advent, Sun Myung Moon
  16. Triangles of Sin and Liberation Ancestor Liberation takes place in CP Korea. CP=Cheong Pyeong spiritual training centre KoreaLSA=Lord of Second Advent, Sun Myung Moon
  17. Triangles of Sin and Liberation Ancestor Liberation takes place in CP Korea. CP=Cheong Pyeong spiritual training centre KoreaLSA=Lord of Second Advent, Sun Myung Moon
  18. Triangles of Sin and Liberation Ancestor Liberation takes place in CP Korea. CP=Cheong Pyeong spiritual training centre KoreaLSA=Lord of Second Advent, Sun Myung Moon CIG= Cheong Il Guk, ”The New Sinless Age” HDH= Hon Dok Hae, daily reading of Holy Texts
  20. Failing to take God’s standpoint Leaving one’s proper position Reversing dominion Multiplying the criminal act
  21. Failing to take God’s standpoint Leaving one’s proper position Reversing dominion Multiplying the criminal act
  22. Failing to take God’s standpoint Leaving one’s proper position Reversing dominion Multiplying the criminal act
  23. Failing to take God’s standpoint Leaving one’s proper position Reversing dominion Multiplying the criminal act
  24. Source: Deep Origin Healing by Robert & Janice MaddoxIs there a fifth fallen nature?Those familiar with the Divine Principle, both the brown book and the Exposition of the Divine Principle will recognize the four fallen natures as follows:1) Failure to see from God's viewpoint2) Leaving Proper Position3) Reversal of Dominion4) Multiplication of Evil This struck us by its significance, as we had for a number of years been working to correlate our healing work involving the five defenses with aspects of the Divine Principle. It was already obvious to us that there were many similarities between defenses and fallen natures but they did not quite fit being five and four in number respectively. The fifth fallen nature of avoiding responsibility fit the fifth defense’s “rigid“ energy perfectly. These defenses and their roots in the fallen natures are the basic foundation for our book. Rev. Sun Myung Moon discovered the Divine Principle after years of searching the spiritual and physical realms, seeking to understand God’s purpose in creating as well as why a breakdown occurred. Obviously, we live in a world of suffering and pain. Rev. Moon sought to understand the secrets hidden throughout history in order to help us realize the original purpose of creation, a loving relationship with God, our Heavenly Parent. We hope we have opened an avenue for further discovery and healing.To view the powerpoint presentation of Rev. Cotter’s speech,
  26. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  27. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  28. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  29. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  30. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  31. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  32. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  33. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  34. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  35. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  36. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  37. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  38. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  39. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  40. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  41. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  42. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1
  43. Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996 Translation Chapter 1 The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration Section 1