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Rio Verde
Introdução a
Google Gemini API
Sandro Moreira ele/dele
Google Mentor @SandroEnsinaAI
Rio Verde
Iniciando o desenvolvimento
1. Acesse Google AI Studio.
2. Faça login com sua conta Google.
3. Crie uma chave de API (API key).
4. Utilize esse quickstart para Python ou faça uma requisição REST API usando curl.
Leia mais sobre o Google Gemini API
Get started!
O que é a ia generativa?
O que é
um LLM?
Explicando LLMs
[...] [...] [...]
0.9 0.01 0.0 …
Dogs Rain Drops Fish Wind …
Rosas são vermelhas,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
Explicando LLMs
Rosas são vermelhas,
Violetas são azuis,
Açúcar é doce,
LLMs Explained
for(var i = 0;; i < 10; i++) {
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
LLMs modernos
são grandes.
Explicando LLMs
Problemas Clássicos
de Linguagem Natural
Explicando LLMs
Extração de Entidades Classificação Resumos
Análise de Sentimentos Tradução …
LLMs permitem
Explicando LLMs
Explique essa piada: “O que o
tomate foi fazer no banco?
- Tirar extrato”
Model: A piada se baseia em um
trocadilho com a palavra
A piada sugere que o tomate foi ao banco para
obter um "extrato", mas ao invés do extrato
bancário, ele queria o extrato de tomate, fazendo
um jogo de palavras com o duplo sentido.
Extrato bancário: É um documento que mostra o
histórico de transações de uma conta bancária.
Extrato de tomate: É um produto concentrado
feito a partir de tomates.
Explicando LLMs
1. **Pintura com Redes Neurais**
Implementar um modelo de rede neural, como uma Rede Generativa
Adversarial (GAN), para transformar fotos em pinturas de diferentes
estilos (ex: impressionista, cubista, etc.).
2. **Reconhecimento de Emoções**
Desenvolver um sistema que use uma rede neural para reconhecer
emoções em imagens de rostos.
3. **Música com Redes Neurais**
Criar um sistema que use uma rede neural recorrente (RNN) para gerar
melodias ou acompanhar uma melodia tocada pelo visitante.
4. **Tradução de Linguagem de Sinais**
Desenvolver um sistema que use uma rede neural convolucional (CNN)
para reconhecer sinais de linguagem de sinais e traduzi-los para texto ou
5. **Controlador de jogos com Imagens do jogador**
Utilizar imagens corporais e gestos do jogador para executar comandos
que controlam um personagem de um jogo.
Explicando LLMs
Me dê cinco ideias de projetos
para um feira de Inteligência
Google é pioneiro na indústria de IA
Responsible AI
Construído e testado
para segurança
Privacidade no
Mantém altos padrões
Responsável perante as
Socialmente Benéfico
Evite criar
Google DeepMind
AlphaGo derrota o
campeão de Go
ajuda a
doenças em
Google inventa
o Transformer,
pontapé inicial
da revolução
dos LLM
Google cria um
inovador de
Model Open
Google LaMDA
treinado para
AlphaFold prevê
estruturas de
todas as
Serviço de IA
com PaLM2
Família de LLMs e
(Android AICore)
O Ecosistema Gemini
A mais avançada IA do Google
Para Desenvolvedores
Para Consumidores
Para Negócios e Empresas
Gemini API
(in Google AI Studio +
Gemini for Google Workspace
Gemini for Google Cloud
Gemini in Vertex AI
Gemini | app and web
Gemini in the Google App
Gemini in Gmails, Docs…
Vamos focar um
pouco mais aqui
Começando com
Gemini API
AI Studio
● Generate API Keys
● Create, test, and save prompts
● Customize models in minutes
● Generate starter code
AI Studio
AI Studio
AI Studio
AI Studio
AI Studio
REST API + Client libraries for Python, Node, Java, and Swift
Vertex AI
Enterprise grade support.
Full MLOps (Examples: Model
evaluation, monitoring, registry)
Vertex AI
Check it out when you're
ready for production
Gemini API and Vertex AI
Both give access Gemini family
Vertex AI
Cloud Production
Basicamente, prompts
Escreva um poema sobre uma mochila mágica.
In a world of wonder, behold,
A backpack with tales yet untold.
Its fabric shimmers, alive with might,
A portal to realms, day and night.
Escreva um poema sobre uma mochila mágica
A mochila pendurada, um simples saco de pano,
Mas guarda em suas costuras segredos sobre-humanos.
Um universo inteiro, onde tudo pode caber,
De florestas e oceanos, a um reino para se esconder.
Gere uma pequena dica sobre Javascript. Boas dicas são curtas e
contém um código de exemplo demonstrando.
**Tip: Use Array.prototype.flat() to flatten an array of
const array = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]];
// Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Gere uma pequena dica sobre Javascript. Boas dicas são curtas e
contém um código de exemplo demonstrando.
**Dica: Use Array.prototype.flat() para achatar uma matriz de
const array = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]];
// Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Gere uma pequena dica sobre Javascript. Boas dicas são curtas e
contém um código de exemplo demonstrando.
tópico: let e const
dica: Prefira usar `let` e `const` para inicializar variáveis, em
vez de `var`, pois `var` não tem escopo de bloco ou proteção
contra mutabilidade.
e.g. const myVar = "EXAMPLE";
tópico: arrow syntax
AI Studio
import google.generativeai as genai
model = genai.GenerativeModel('models/gemini-pro')
resp = model.generate_content(
'Escreva o primeiro parágrafo de uma história sobre uma mochila
>>> print(resp.text)
Clara nunca pensou que sua vida mudaria por causa de uma mochila velha e
empoeirada. Era feita de um tecido gasto e desbotado, com remendos
coloridos e uma alça desfiada. Ela a encontrara esquecida no sótão da
casa de sua avó, entre caixas de fotografias antigas e brinquedos
chat = model.start_chat()
response = chat.send_message(
"Olá, o que devo comer no jantar?")
# 'Aqui tem algumas sugestões...'
response = chat.send_message(
"Como eu preparo a primeira?")
Settings/Configs Text
Safety Settings
Safety Settings
Generation Config
Content of role: "user"
containing multimodal Parts:
Content of role: "model"
"user" content: a text Part
Tools specified by the caller
Safety setting configured by caller
Generation Config includes: temperature, Top P, Top K,
stop seq, max output tokens etc.
Generate Content Request
Block Reason
Safety Ratings
Candidate "Content"
note: only one candidate returned today
why the model stopped generating
feedback on the prompt
Finish Reason
Finish Message set if finish reason is present
Safety Ratings
Safety Ratings
how safe is the response
Generate Content Response
AI Studio
● Prompts encadeados - faça um plano e execute-o
● Contexto – Poucos e pequenos prompts
● Parâmetros de geração - Temperatura, configurações de segurança,
Top-P, TopK
Geração de códigos
Code Generation
Content generation
Convert human language
requests to machine
Rapid tool building
Generate code based on a
user prompt
Code generation
● Generate data
Code generation
● Generate data
● Generate a SQL query
Code generation
● Generate data
● Generate a SQL query
● Simulate Execution
Code generation
● Generate data
● Generate a SQL query
● Simulate Execution
● Quick coding help - Smart pair programer.
Escreva um teste de unidade para esta função Python:
def is_diver_neutrally_buoyant(density_water, density_diver):
"""Verifique se um mergulhador tem flutuabilidade neutra."""
if density_water == density_diver:
return True
import unittest
class IsDiverNeutrallyBuoyantTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_diver_is_neutrally_buoyant(self):
self.assertTrue(is_diver_neutrally_buoyant(1000, 1000))
def test_diver_is_not_neutrally_buoyant(self):
self.assertFalse(is_diver_neutrally_buoyant(1000, 1010))
def test_invalid_input_types(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
is_diver_neutrally_buoyant("1000", 1000)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
is_diver_neutrally_buoyant(1000, "1000")
Busca e síntese da
● Models have knowledge cut-offs
● LLMs are not fact engines
● No exposure to private data
BYO Data
Search & IR
● Instructions + Context + Question all in the prompt
● Easy to implement
○ No extra code, just ask.
Use the prompt's context window
Search & IR
model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro')
document = pathlib.Path('document.txt').read_text()
result = model.generate_content(f"""
Explique como pode haver vida no mar profundo.
Responda a pergunta baseado no seguinte documento:
Use the prompt's context window
Learning more
● Limited by the model's context length
○ gemini-1.0-pro: 30K tokens.
Search & IR
Use the prompt's context window
Learning more
● gemini-1.5-pro: 1M tokens.
○ Remember: Everything is tokens.
● Using context may be more flexible than Retrieval Augmented
Generation (RAG).
● More input context means higher latency
● Join the waitlist:
Search & IR
Use respostas de perguntas atribuídas
(AQA) com pedaços embutidos
● Instructions + Chunks + Question in one request
● AQA is a new feature
○ Feedback is welcome
○ The AQA model is specifically tuned for RAG
import google.generativeai.answer
import google.generativeai as genai
chunks = ["Your Googlecar has a climate control system that allo...",
"Your Googlecar has a large touchscreen display that p...",
"Your Googlecar has an automatic transmission. To shif..."]
answer = genai.answer.generate_answer(
contents='How do you make it less windy?',
answer { content { parts {
text: "To decrease the airflow inside the car, "
"turn the airflow knob counterclockwise."}}
grounding_attributions {
source_id { grounding_passage { passage_id: "0" } }
content { parts { text:
"Your Googlecar has a climate control system that allows..."}}}
answerable_probability: 0.995222747
Use AQA with inline chunks
Learning more
● Limited by the request size - Max 4MB.
● Inefficient when asking about the same data repeatedly.
● Simple to use.
● Example: handle chunks returned by a search tool.
Use AQA with the retriever service
Learning more
● Corpus < Document < Chunk hierarchy.
● Pass a reference to a document or corpus to the
generate_answer function.
Document Chunk
from google.generativeai import retriever
my_corpus = retriever.create_corpus(display_name="My Documents")
for document in my_documents:
doc = my_corpus.create_document(display_name=document.title)
answer = genai.answer.generate_answer(
semantic_retreiver_config=my_corpus, ...)
Use AQA with the retriever service
Learning more
● Supports filtering based on chunk metadata
● Limits
○ 10k documents per corpus
○ 1M chunks per corpus
○ 5 corpora per user
Chamada de Funções
Function Calling
Function Calling
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(returned_at IS NOT NULL, order_id, NULL)) /
COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)) * 100, 2)
AS return_rate
FROM thelook_ecommerce.orders
Function Calling
Function Calling
● Describe external functions to the model.
● The model may ask you to call the function to help it respond
to your queries.
● Endless possibilities for integrating external tools.
Function calling - Basics
Function Calling
● How?
● The google.generativeai SDK will inspect the function's
type hints to determine the schema.
● Allowed types are limited:
AllowedTypes = (
int | float | str | bool | list | dict )
def multiply(a: float, b: float):
"""Returns a * b."""
return a*b
model = genai.GenerativeModel(
Function calling - Basics
Function Calling
● Because function calling requires alternating turns, it's easiest
to use through chat.
● Enable "automatic function calling" when you start a chat, and
the ChatSession will call the function(s) for you.
○ You don't have to use automatic function calling, it just
makes simple cases easier.
chat = model.start_chat(
response = chat.send_message(
'I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, '
'how many mittens is that in total?')
chat = model.start_chat(
response = chat.send_message(
'I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, '
'how many mittens is that in total?')
# The number of mittens in total is 2508.
Function calling - Basics
Function Calling
● What happened? Use the chat history to find out.
● The chat history collects all the function calls and responses
that took place.
for content in chat.history:
part =[0]
print(content.role, "->", type(part).to_dict(part))
for content in chat.history:
part =[0]
print(content.role, "->", type(part).to_dict(part))
# user -> {'text': 'I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, '
# 'how many mittens is that in total?'}
# model -> {'function_call': {'name': 'multiply',
# 'args': {'a': 57.0, 'b': 44.0}}}
# user -> {'function_response': {'name': 'multiply',
# 'response': {'result': 2508.0}}}
# model -> {'text': ' The number of mittens in total is 2508.'}
Function Declaration
Function Declaration
Function Calling interaction
Function Call
Function Response
model may predict a function call
based on user content
model can understand the function response
and generate text
OR another function call
if one or more function declarations are
provided, function calling feature will turn on
Function calling - More Examples
Function Calling
● Wikipedia research aid
○ Integrates a search tool.
○ Uses the Gemini API inside the function call to summarize pages.
def wikipedia_search(queries:list[str]) -> list[str]:
model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro', tools=[wikipedia_search])
chat = model.start_chat(enable_automatic_function_calling=True)
query = "Explain how deep-sea life survives."
res = chat.send_message(instructions.format(query=query))
model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro', tools=[wikipedia_search])
chat = model.start_chat(enable_automatic_function_calling=True)
query = "Explain how deep-sea life survives."
res = chat.send_message(instructions.format(query=query))
# Searching for "How do deep-sea creatures survive the extreme pressure?"
# Related search terms: ['Deep sea', 'Deep-sea community', 'Deep-sea fish']
# Fetching page: "Deep sea"
# Information Source:
# Fetching page: "Deep-sea community"
# Information Source:
# Fetching page: "Deep-sea fish"
# Information Source:
# Searching for "How do deep-sea creatures survive the cold temperatures?"
# Related search terms: ['Deep-sea community', 'Deep sea', 'Deep-water coral']
# Fetching page: "Deep-water coral"
# Information Source:
Function calling - More Examples
Function Calling
● SQL Talk
○ Use function calling to talk to a database.
○ Live example:
sql_query_func = FunctionDeclaration(
description="Get information from data in BigQuery using SQL queries",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"query": {
"type": "string",
"description": "SQL query on a single line ...
Function Calling
COUNT(DISTINCT IF(returned_at IS NOT NULL, order_id, NULL)) /
COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)) * 100, 2)
AS return_rate
FROM thelook_ecommerce.orders
Function calling - Schema
Function Calling
● Automatically building the schema from the type hints doesn't
[currently 02/2024] work for everything.
● The allowed types are actually:
AllowedType= (
int | float | str | bool |
list['AllowedType'] |
dict[str, 'AllowedType']
Function calling - Schema
Function Calling
● Let's look at how the schema is constructed.
model = genai.GenerativeModel(
[function_declarations {
name: "multiply"
description: "returns a * b."
parameters {
type_: OBJECT
properties {
key: "b" value { type_: NUMBER }}
properties {
key: "a" value { type_: NUMBER }}
required: "a" required: "b" }}]
Function calling - Schema
Function Calling
● It's an OpenAPI schema, written as a protobuf.
● The protobuf-classes are available in the client library.
● Reference docs:
import as glm
calculator = glm.Tool(
description="Returns the product of two numbers.",
'a': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.NUMBER),
'b': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.NUMBER)},
Function calling - Schema
Function Calling
● They can be written out as JSON-compatible objects as well.
calculator = {
'function_declarations': [{
'name': 'multiply',
'description': 'Returns the product of two numbers.',
'parameters': {
'type': 'OBJECT',
'properties': {
'a': {'type': 'NUMBER'},
'b': {'type': 'NUMBER'}},
'required': ['a', 'b']}}]}
model = genai.GenerativeModel(
Function calling - Structured data
Function Calling
● Structured data extraction.
● You can just ask the model to do it and return JSON.
response = model.generate_content(textwrap.dedent("""
Please return JSON describing the the people, places, things and relationships from this
story using the following schema:
{"people": list[PERSON], "places":list[PLACE], "things":list[THING], "relationships": list[RELATIONS
PERSON = {"name": str, "description": str, "start_place_name": str, "end_place_name": str}
PLACE = {"name": str, "description": str}
THING = {"name": str, "description": str, "start_place_name": str, "end_place_name": str}
RELATIONSHIP = {"person_1_name": str, "person_2_name": str, "relationship": str}
Here is the story:
""") + story)
Function calling - Structured data
Function Calling
● Asking for JSON often works.
● Function calling lets you strictly describe the schema.
● With a strict description, we can strictly enforce that that's
what gets returned.
add_to_database = glm.FunctionDeclaration(
description="Adds entities to the database.",
properties = {
'people': glm.Schema(
type = glm.Type.OBJECT,
properties = {
'name': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.STRING),
'description': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.STRING),
'start_place_name': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.STRING),
'end_place_name': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.STRING)})),
'places': glm.Schema(
add_to_database = glm.FunctionDeclaration(
description="Adds entities to the database.",
"type": "OBJECT",
"properties": {
'people': {
"type": "ARRAY",
"items": {
"type": "OBJECT",
"properties": {
'name': {"type":"STRING"},
'description': {"type":"STRING"},
'start_place_name': {"type":"STRING"},
'end_place_name': {"type":"STRING"}})),
'places': {...},
model = model = genai.GenerativeModel(
tools = [add_to_database])
Function calling - Structured data
Function Calling
● Why?
○ Function calling doesn 't return a string.
○ Function calling returns data-structures: You don't parse
response = model.generate_content(f"""
Please add the people, places, things and relationships
from this story to the database:
fc = response.candidates[0][0].function_call
{'name': 'add_to_database',
'args': {'people': [{'description': 'A curious girl with wild hair of '
'midnight blue and eyes that shone like...,
'name': 'Luna',
'places': [{'description': 'Nestled between rolling hills and '
'sparkling rivers, where Luna and her '
'family lived.',
'name': 'Small town'}],
'relationships': [{'person_1_name': 'Luna', 'person_2_name': 'Elara',
'relationship': 'Mother-daughter'},
{'person_1_name': 'Luna', 'person_2_name': 'Orion',
'relationship': 'Father-daughter'}],
'things': [{'description': 'A dusty, forgotten backpack that Luna '
'found in the attic, which possessed a...',
'end_place_name': None,
'name': 'Backpack',
'start_place_name': 'Attic'},

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[BuildWithAI] Introduction to Gemini.pdf

  • 2. Introdução a Google Gemini API Sandro Moreira ele/dele Google Mentor @SandroEnsinaAI Rio Verde
  • 3.
  • 4. Visite: Iniciando o desenvolvimento 1. Acesse Google AI Studio. 2. Faça login com sua conta Google. 3. Crie uma chave de API (API key). 4. Utilize esse quickstart para Python ou faça uma requisição REST API usando curl. Leia mais sobre o Google Gemini API Get started!
  • 5. O que é a ia generativa?
  • 6. O que é um LLM? Explicando LLMs [...] [...] [...] [...] 0.02 0.03 0.9 0.01 0.0 … Dogs Rain Drops Fish Wind … and cats raining It’s
  • 7. Rosas são vermelhas, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, Explicando LLMs
  • 8. Rosas são vermelhas, Violetas são azuis, Açúcar é doce, LLMs Explained
  • 9. for(var i = 0;; i < 10; i++) {
  • 10. for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  • 12. Problemas Clássicos de Linguagem Natural Explicando LLMs Extração de Entidades Classificação Resumos Análise de Sentimentos Tradução …
  • 14. Explique essa piada: “O que o tomate foi fazer no banco? - Tirar extrato” Model: A piada se baseia em um trocadilho com a palavra "extrato". Modelo: Usuário: A piada sugere que o tomate foi ao banco para obter um "extrato", mas ao invés do extrato bancário, ele queria o extrato de tomate, fazendo um jogo de palavras com o duplo sentido. Extrato bancário: É um documento que mostra o histórico de transações de uma conta bancária. Extrato de tomate: É um produto concentrado feito a partir de tomates. Explicando LLMs
  • 15. Modelo: 1. **Pintura com Redes Neurais** Implementar um modelo de rede neural, como uma Rede Generativa Adversarial (GAN), para transformar fotos em pinturas de diferentes estilos (ex: impressionista, cubista, etc.). 2. **Reconhecimento de Emoções** Desenvolver um sistema que use uma rede neural para reconhecer emoções em imagens de rostos. 3. **Música com Redes Neurais** Criar um sistema que use uma rede neural recorrente (RNN) para gerar melodias ou acompanhar uma melodia tocada pelo visitante. 4. **Tradução de Linguagem de Sinais** Desenvolver um sistema que use uma rede neural convolucional (CNN) para reconhecer sinais de linguagem de sinais e traduzi-los para texto ou fala. 5. **Controlador de jogos com Imagens do jogador** Utilizar imagens corporais e gestos do jogador para executar comandos que controlam um personagem de um jogo. Explicando LLMs Me dê cinco ideias de projetos para um feira de Inteligência Artificial Usuário:
  • 16. Google é pioneiro na indústria de IA Responsible AI 3,000 Pesquisadores 7,000 Publicações Construído e testado para segurança Privacidade no Design Mantém altos padrões científicos Responsável perante as pessoas Socialmente Benéfico Evite criar preconceitos injustos 2015 Google DeepMind AlphaGo derrota o campeão de Go 2016 Google DeepMind ajuda a detectar doenças em olhos 2017 Google inventa o Transformer, pontapé inicial da revolução dos LLM 2018 Google cria um modelo inovador de grande linguagem (BERT) 2019 Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer LLM 10B P Model Open Sourced 2020 Google LaMDA Modelo treinado para conversação 2022 AlphaFold prevê estruturas de todas as proteínas conhecidas 2023 Serviço de IA Conversacional desenvolvido com PaLM2 2024 Família de LLMs e produtos multimodais
  • 18.
  • 21. O Ecosistema Gemini A mais avançada IA do Google Para Desenvolvedores Para Consumidores Para Negócios e Empresas Modelos Gemini API (in Google AI Studio + Gemini for Google Workspace Gemini for Google Cloud Gemini in Vertex AI Gemini | app and web Gemini in the Google App Gemini in Gmails, Docs… Vamos focar um pouco mais aqui
  • 23. AI Studio ● Generate API Keys ● Create, test, and save prompts ● Customize models in minutes ● Generate starter code
  • 29. REST API + Client libraries for Python, Node, Java, and Swift Libraries Libraries SDKs
  • 30. Vertex AI Enterprise grade support. Full MLOps (Examples: Model evaluation, monitoring, registry) Vertex AI Check it out when you're ready for production Gemini API and Vertex AI Both give access Gemini family models. Vertex AI Cloud Production PlatfoEndpoints rms Platforms Platforms
  • 32. Escreva um poema sobre uma mochila mágica. In a world of wonder, behold, A backpack with tales yet untold. Its fabric shimmers, alive with might, A portal to realms, day and night.
  • 33. Escreva um poema sobre uma mochila mágica A mochila pendurada, um simples saco de pano, Mas guarda em suas costuras segredos sobre-humanos. Um universo inteiro, onde tudo pode caber, De florestas e oceanos, a um reino para se esconder. ...
  • 34. Gere uma pequena dica sobre Javascript. Boas dicas são curtas e contém um código de exemplo demonstrando. **Tip: Use Array.prototype.flat() to flatten an array of arrays.** ```javascript const array = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]; console.log(array.flat()); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ```
  • 35. Gere uma pequena dica sobre Javascript. Boas dicas são curtas e contém um código de exemplo demonstrando. **Dica: Use Array.prototype.flat() para achatar uma matriz de matrizes.** ```javascript const array = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]; console.log(array.flat()); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ```
  • 36. Gere uma pequena dica sobre Javascript. Boas dicas são curtas e contém um código de exemplo demonstrando. tópico: let e const dica: Prefira usar `let` e `const` para inicializar variáveis, em vez de `var`, pois `var` não tem escopo de bloco ou proteção contra mutabilidade. e.g. const myVar = "EXAMPLE"; tópico: arrow syntax dica:
  • 38. import google.generativeai as genai model = genai.GenerativeModel('models/gemini-pro') resp = model.generate_content( 'Escreva o primeiro parágrafo de uma história sobre uma mochila mágica') >>> print(resp.text) Clara nunca pensou que sua vida mudaria por causa de uma mochila velha e empoeirada. Era feita de um tecido gasto e desbotado, com remendos coloridos e uma alça desfiada. Ela a encontrara esquecida no sótão da casa de sua avó, entre caixas de fotografias antigas e brinquedos quebrados...
  • 39. chat = model.start_chat() response = chat.send_message( "Olá, o que devo comer no jantar?") print(response.text) # 'Aqui tem algumas sugestões...' response = chat.send_message( "Como eu preparo a primeira?")
  • 40. Contents Settings/Configs Text Text Text Tools Tools Safety Settings Safety Settings Generation Config Content of role: "user" containing multimodal Parts: Content of role: "model" "user" content: a text Part Tools specified by the caller Safety setting configured by caller Generation Config includes: temperature, Top P, Top K, stop seq, max output tokens etc. Generate Content Request
  • 41. Candidate(s) Feedback Text Block Reason Safety Ratings Candidate "Content" note: only one candidate returned today why the model stopped generating feedback on the prompt Finish Reason Finish Message set if finish reason is present Safety Ratings Safety Ratings how safe is the response Generate Content Response …
  • 42. AI Studio Endpoints Prompting ● Prompts encadeados - faça um plano e execute-o ● Contexto – Poucos e pequenos prompts ● Parâmetros de geração - Temperatura, configurações de segurança, Top-P, TopK
  • 44. Code Generation Content generation Convert human language requests to machine requests Rapid tool building Generate code based on a user prompt
  • 46.
  • 47. Examples Code generation ● Generate data ● Generate a SQL query
  • 48.
  • 49. Examples Code generation ● Generate data ● Generate a SQL query ● Simulate Execution
  • 50.
  • 51. Examples Code generation ● Generate data ● Generate a SQL query ● Simulate Execution ● Quick coding help - Smart pair programer.
  • 52.
  • 53. Escreva um teste de unidade para esta função Python: def is_diver_neutrally_buoyant(density_water, density_diver): """Verifique se um mergulhador tem flutuabilidade neutra.""" if density_water == density_diver: return True
  • 54. import unittest class IsDiverNeutrallyBuoyantTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_diver_is_neutrally_buoyant(self): self.assertTrue(is_diver_neutrally_buoyant(1000, 1000)) def test_diver_is_not_neutrally_buoyant(self): self.assertFalse(is_diver_neutrally_buoyant(1000, 1010)) def test_invalid_input_types(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): is_diver_neutrally_buoyant("1000", 1000) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): is_diver_neutrally_buoyant(1000, "1000")
  • 55. Busca e síntese da informação
  • 56. ● Models have knowledge cut-offs ● LLMs are not fact engines ● No exposure to private data BYO Data Search & IR
  • 57. ● Instructions + Context + Question all in the prompt ● Easy to implement ○ No extra code, just ask. Use the prompt's context window Search & IR
  • 58. model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro') document = pathlib.Path('document.txt').read_text() result = model.generate_content(f""" Explique como pode haver vida no mar profundo. Responda a pergunta baseado no seguinte documento: {document}""")
  • 59. Use the prompt's context window Learning more ● Limited by the model's context length ○ gemini-1.0-pro: 30K tokens. Search & IR
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62. Use the prompt's context window Learning more ● gemini-1.5-pro: 1M tokens. ○ Remember: Everything is tokens. ● Using context may be more flexible than Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). ● More input context means higher latency ● Join the waitlist: Search & IR
  • 63.
  • 64. Use respostas de perguntas atribuídas (AQA) com pedaços embutidos AQA ● Instructions + Chunks + Question in one request ● AQA is a new feature ○ Feedback is welcome ○ The AQA model is specifically tuned for RAG
  • 65. import google.generativeai.answer import google.generativeai as genai chunks = ["Your Googlecar has a climate control system that allo...", "Your Googlecar has a large touchscreen display that p...", "Your Googlecar has an automatic transmission. To shif..."]
  • 66. answer = genai.answer.generate_answer( contents='How do you make it less windy?', answer_style=AnswerStyle.ABSTRACTIVE, inline_passages=chunks)
  • 67. answer { content { parts { text: "To decrease the airflow inside the car, " "turn the airflow knob counterclockwise."}} ... grounding_attributions { source_id { grounding_passage { passage_id: "0" } } content { parts { text: "Your Googlecar has a climate control system that allows..."}}} } answerable_probability: 0.995222747
  • 68. Use AQA with inline chunks Learning more ● Limited by the request size - Max 4MB. ● Inefficient when asking about the same data repeatedly. ● Simple to use. ● Example: handle chunks returned by a search tool. AQA
  • 69. Use AQA with the retriever service Learning more ● Corpus < Document < Chunk hierarchy. ● Pass a reference to a document or corpus to the generate_answer function. Corpus Document Chunk AQA
  • 70. from google.generativeai import retriever my_corpus = retriever.create_corpus(display_name="My Documents") for document in my_documents: doc = my_corpus.create_document(display_name=document.title) doc.batch_create_chunks(htmlchunker.chunk(document.html)) answer = genai.answer.generate_answer( semantic_retreiver_config=my_corpus, ...) Coming soon
  • 71. Use AQA with the retriever service Learning more ● Supports filtering based on chunk metadata ● Limits ○ 10k documents per corpus ○ 1M chunks per corpus ○ 5 corpora per user AQA
  • 74. Function Calling SELECT ROUND(( COUNT(DISTINCT IF(returned_at IS NOT NULL, order_id, NULL)) / COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)) * 100, 2) AS return_rate FROM thelook_ecommerce.orders
  • 75. Function Calling Function Calling ● Describe external functions to the model. ● The model may ask you to call the function to help it respond to your queries. ● Endless possibilities for integrating external tools.
  • 76. Function calling - Basics Function Calling ● How? ● The google.generativeai SDK will inspect the function's type hints to determine the schema. ● Allowed types are limited: AllowedTypes = ( int | float | str | bool | list | dict )
  • 77. def multiply(a: float, b: float): """Returns a * b.""" return a*b model = genai.GenerativeModel( model_name='gemini-1.0-pro', tools=[multiply])
  • 78. Function calling - Basics Function Calling ● Because function calling requires alternating turns, it's easiest to use through chat. ● Enable "automatic function calling" when you start a chat, and the ChatSession will call the function(s) for you. ○ You don't have to use automatic function calling, it just makes simple cases easier.
  • 79. chat = model.start_chat( enable_automatic_function_calling=True) response = chat.send_message( 'I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, ' 'how many mittens is that in total?')
  • 80. chat = model.start_chat( enable_automatic_function_calling=True) response = chat.send_message( 'I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, ' 'how many mittens is that in total?') print(response.text) # The number of mittens in total is 2508.
  • 81. Function calling - Basics Function Calling ● What happened? Use the chat history to find out. ● The chat history collects all the function calls and responses that took place.
  • 82. for content in chat.history: part =[0] print(content.role, "->", type(part).to_dict(part))
  • 83. for content in chat.history: part =[0] print(content.role, "->", type(part).to_dict(part)) # user -> {'text': 'I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, ' # 'how many mittens is that in total?'} # model -> {'function_call': {'name': 'multiply', # 'args': {'a': 57.0, 'b': 44.0}}} # user -> {'function_response': {'name': 'multiply', # 'response': {'result': 2508.0}}} # model -> {'text': ' The number of mittens in total is 2508.'}
  • 84. Contents Tools Text Function Declaration Function Declaration Text Function Calling interaction Function Call Function Response Text model may predict a function call based on user content model can understand the function response and generate text OR another function call if one or more function declarations are provided, function calling feature will turn on
  • 85. Function calling - More Examples Function Calling ● Wikipedia research aid ○ Integrates a search tool. ○ Uses the Gemini API inside the function call to summarize pages. def wikipedia_search(queries:list[str]) -> list[str]: ...
  • 86. model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro', tools=[wikipedia_search]) chat = model.start_chat(enable_automatic_function_calling=True) query = "Explain how deep-sea life survives." res = chat.send_message(instructions.format(query=query))
  • 87. model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro', tools=[wikipedia_search]) chat = model.start_chat(enable_automatic_function_calling=True) query = "Explain how deep-sea life survives." res = chat.send_message(instructions.format(query=query)) # Searching for "How do deep-sea creatures survive the extreme pressure?" # Related search terms: ['Deep sea', 'Deep-sea community', 'Deep-sea fish'] # Fetching page: "Deep sea" # Information Source: # Fetching page: "Deep-sea community" # Information Source: # Fetching page: "Deep-sea fish" # Information Source: # Searching for "How do deep-sea creatures survive the cold temperatures?" # Related search terms: ['Deep-sea community', 'Deep sea', 'Deep-water coral'] # Fetching page: "Deep-water coral" # Information Source:
  • 88. Function calling - More Examples Function Calling ● SQL Talk ○ Use function calling to talk to a database. ○ Live example:
  • 89. sql_query_func = FunctionDeclaration( name="sql_query", description="Get information from data in BigQuery using SQL queries", parameters={ "type": "object", "properties": { "query": { "type": "string", "description": "SQL query on a single line ...
  • 90. Function Calling SELECT ROUND(( COUNT(DISTINCT IF(returned_at IS NOT NULL, order_id, NULL)) / COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)) * 100, 2) AS return_rate FROM thelook_ecommerce.orders
  • 91. Function calling - Schema Function Calling ● Automatically building the schema from the type hints doesn't [currently 02/2024] work for everything. ● The allowed types are actually: AllowedType= ( int | float | str | bool | list['AllowedType'] | dict[str, 'AllowedType'] )
  • 92. Function calling - Schema Function Calling ● Let's look at how the schema is constructed.
  • 94. [function_declarations { name: "multiply" description: "returns a * b." parameters { type_: OBJECT properties { key: "b" value { type_: NUMBER }} properties { key: "a" value { type_: NUMBER }} required: "a" required: "b" }}]
  • 95. Function calling - Schema Function Calling ● It's an OpenAPI schema, written as a protobuf. ● The protobuf-classes are available in the client library. ● Reference docs: /FunctionDeclaration
  • 96. import as glm calculator = glm.Tool( function_declarations=[ glm.FunctionDeclaration( name='multiply', description="Returns the product of two numbers.", parameters=glm.Schema( type=glm.Type.OBJECT, properties={ 'a': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.NUMBER), 'b': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.NUMBER)}, required=['a','b']))])
  • 97. Function calling - Schema Function Calling ● They can be written out as JSON-compatible objects as well.
  • 98. calculator = { 'function_declarations': [{ 'name': 'multiply', 'description': 'Returns the product of two numbers.', 'parameters': { 'type': 'OBJECT', 'properties': { 'a': {'type': 'NUMBER'}, 'b': {'type': 'NUMBER'}}, 'required': ['a', 'b']}}]}
  • 100. Function calling - Structured data Function Calling ● Structured data extraction. ● You can just ask the model to do it and return JSON.
  • 101. response = model.generate_content(textwrap.dedent(""" Please return JSON describing the the people, places, things and relationships from this story using the following schema: {"people": list[PERSON], "places":list[PLACE], "things":list[THING], "relationships": list[RELATIONS PERSON = {"name": str, "description": str, "start_place_name": str, "end_place_name": str} PLACE = {"name": str, "description": str} THING = {"name": str, "description": str, "start_place_name": str, "end_place_name": str} RELATIONSHIP = {"person_1_name": str, "person_2_name": str, "relationship": str} Here is the story: """) + story)
  • 102. Function calling - Structured data Function Calling ● Asking for JSON often works. ● Function calling lets you strictly describe the schema. ● With a strict description, we can strictly enforce that that's what gets returned.
  • 103. add_to_database = glm.FunctionDeclaration( name="add_to_database", description="Adds entities to the database.", parameters=glm.Schema( type=glm.Type.OBJECT, properties = { 'people': glm.Schema( type=glm.Type.ARRAY, items=glm.Schema( type = glm.Type.OBJECT, properties = { 'name': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.STRING), 'description': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.STRING), 'start_place_name': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.STRING), 'end_place_name': glm.Schema(type=glm.Type.STRING)})), 'places': glm.Schema( ...
  • 104. add_to_database = glm.FunctionDeclaration( name="add_to_database", description="Adds entities to the database.", parameters={ "type": "OBJECT", "properties": { 'people': { "type": "ARRAY", "items": { "type": "OBJECT", "properties": { 'name': {"type":"STRING"}, 'description': {"type":"STRING"}, 'start_place_name': {"type":"STRING"}, 'end_place_name': {"type":"STRING"}})), 'places': {...}, ...
  • 105. model = model = genai.GenerativeModel( model_name='gemini-1.0-pro', tools = [add_to_database])
  • 106. Function calling - Structured data Function Calling ● Why? ○ Function calling doesn 't return a string. ○ Function calling returns data-structures: You don't parse text.
  • 107. response = model.generate_content(f""" Please add the people, places, things and relationships from this story to the database: {story} """) fc = response.candidates[0][0].function_call pprint.pprint(type(fc).to_dict(fc))
  • 108. {'name': 'add_to_database', 'args': {'people': [{'description': 'A curious girl with wild hair of ' 'midnight blue and eyes that shone like..., 'name': 'Luna', ... 'places': [{'description': 'Nestled between rolling hills and ' 'sparkling rivers, where Luna and her ' 'family lived.', 'name': 'Small town'}], 'relationships': [{'person_1_name': 'Luna', 'person_2_name': 'Elara', 'relationship': 'Mother-daughter'}, {'person_1_name': 'Luna', 'person_2_name': 'Orion', 'relationship': 'Father-daughter'}], 'things': [{'description': 'A dusty, forgotten backpack that Luna ' 'found in the attic, which possessed a...', 'end_place_name': None, 'name': 'Backpack', 'start_place_name': 'Attic'}, ...