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avaluació educació
secundària obligatòria
4t d’ESO
curs 2013-2014
	Per fer la prova has d’utilitzar un bolígraf.
	La prova té tres parts:
	 COMPRENSIÓ ORAL. Has d’escoltar dos textos i has de respondre a unes preguntes sobre el que has sentit.
Abans d’escoltar cada text tindràs temps de llegir les preguntes. Escoltaràs el text dues vegades i a mesura que
l’escoltis has d’anar responent a les preguntes.
	 COMPRENSIÓ LECTORA. Has de llegir atentament dos textos i respondre a unes preguntes sobre el que has llegit.
Has de respondre a les preguntes marcant la resposta que consideris correcta. Només hi ha una resposta correcta
per a cada pregunta. Si t’equivoques, pots ratllar-la i marcar clarament la nova resposta.
	 EXPRESSIÓ ESCRITA. Has d’escriure dues redaccions curtes. Intenta no repetir les mateixes paraules i utilitza
estructures variades a l’hora de construir les frases. Si no fas la redacció o és massa curta (menys de 40 paraules)
tindràs menys punts a la prova.
	Tens 1 hora per fer la prova.
	Quan acabis, no t’oblidis de respondre a la pregunta que hi ha al final de la prova.
llengua anglesa
versió amb respostes
2 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria
You’ll hear Listening 1 twice. Listen carefully and tick the correct answer.
Now look at the questions for this part. You have 45 seconds.
	 Where does Ann live?
a.	In York.	
b.	In a town near York.	
c.	In Barcelona. 	
	 John is surprised…
a.	because Ann hasn’t phoned him.	
b.	to see Ann because she lives abroad.	
c.	because Ann is working in a restaurant.	
	 Ann is in York because…
a.	her mum is ill.	
b.	she is on a business trip.	
c.	her brother is getting married.	
	 Ann works for…
a.	an international company.	
b.	a Spanish company.	
c.	a local company.	
	 What does John do?
a.	He studies at University.	
b.	He works for a multinational.	
c.	He works in a supermarket.	
	 Ann’s brother…
a.	is getting married next May.	
b.	got married last May.	
c.	is already married.	
	 John has to leave because he has to…
a.	help his family.	
b.	catch a train.	
c.	go to work.	
avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 3
llengua anglesa
You’ll hear Listening 2 twice. Listen carefully and tick the correct answer.
Now look at the questions for this part. You have 45 seconds.
	 Julia wants to spend the summer holidays…
a.	abroad.	
b.	at home.	
c.	in Britain.	
	 Why doesn’t Julia want to stay in Britain?
a.	They will spend a lot of money.	
b.	They will have to travel by train or plane. 	
c.	They have already visited the most interesting places. 	
	 What does Tom hate about spending his holidays abroad?
a.	Speaking another language.	
b.	Changing money.	
c.	Travelling by plane.	
	 Julia wants to practise foreign languages because she…
a.	uses Spanish and French at work.	
b.	needs them to travel abroad.	
c.	loves speaking languages.	
a.	doesn’t need to speak foreign languages at work. 	
b.	wants to speak foreign languages while travelling.	
c.	can speak some foreign languages.	
	 According to Julia, another advantage of spending holidays abroad is…
a.	to meet new people and save money.	
b.	to see new places and meet new people.	
c.	to spend a lot of money and see new places.	
4 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria
	 Another reason why Julia doesn’t want to stay in Britain for her holidays is that…
a.	she will have to plan a lot.	
b.	she won’t meet new people.	
c.	the weather in England is not nice.	
	 At the end, Tom…
a.	doesn’t accept Julia‘s plan.	
b.	agrees with Julia on travelling abroad.	
c.	insists on spending their holidays in Britain.	
avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 5
llengua anglesa
Read these texts carefully and answer the questions.
Welcome to
Santa ClausHoliday Village Resort
In Rovaniemi,Finland
Northern light safari
by snowmobile
A day trip to
Ranua zoo
Icetrip to Sampo icebreaker
in Kemi
The night safari begins from the
reception at 8 p.m. A guide will take
you on snowmobiles to enjoy the
nature around the Arctic Circle.
You will stop in the woods to make
a camp fire and grill some sausages.
If the weather conditions allow,
you will have the chance to see the
Northern lights on the night sky.
A daytime trip starts in
the reception at 10 a.m.
Transportation by car to
Ranua (80 km) and back
included in the price.
There you will see many
animals that inhabit the
Arctic, including polar bears,
brown bears, lynx, wolverine
and deer. There are also
many different birds of prey.
Lunch and tickets included.
Your trip will begin in the reception
at 10 a.m. Transportation to Kemi
(120 km) and back by car. You will
participate in a cruise on the Sampo
icebreaker between 12 – 4 p.m.
The cruise includes a guided tour,
lunch and the opportunity for wetsuit
swimming in the sea.
Duration: 2-3 hours
Price: 130 € adult / 75 € child.
Duration: 5 h
Price: 95 € adult / 45 € child.
Size of a group: minimum 5 people.
Duration: 8 hours
Price: 345 € adult / 225 € child.
Snowshoeing Other Popular
Activities Reindeer Sleigh Rides
Guided snowshoe trip for
beginners. We start the adventure in
the local woods behind Santa Claus
Village. We’ll also have the chance to
observe animal tracks in the wild.
Hot drinks and sandwiches included.
Valid period: from the end of December
to mid-April.
Price: 49 € adult / 29 € child
Arktikum Museum.
Arktikum is a museum,
science centre, attraction
and popular destination to
know about the local Sami
culture in the centre of
Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed on Mondays.
Artic Ice Hotel.
Made of ice, this hotel is
about 30 km from the
Arctic Circle.
Located in the Arctic
Circle this ice park offers
possibilities for ice sliding
and visiting the Ice Bar.
Reindeer Sleigh Rides for families.
We will visit a traditional reindeer
farm. There you will learn all about
these indigenous animals that are
so important to the Sami culture,
the history of the farm and the local
traditions. You will also enjoy a ride
in a reindeer sleigh and participate in
a special Lappish ceremony of
crossing the Arctic Circle.
Evening snowshoe trip.
This night trip starts at 8 p.m.
We will listen to the silence of nature
and marvel at the Northern sky lights.
Head lamp needed. Hot drinks and
sandwiches included.
Duration: approximately 1.5 hours.
Price: 89 € adult / 49 € child.
Available daily
Price: 15 € adult / 12 € child.
Adapted from
6 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria
	 The text is about at Santa Claus Holiday Village Resort.
a.	Christmas 	
b.	activities offered	
c.	sports you can play 	
	 Where is Santa Claus Holiday Village Resort located?
a.	In Rovaniemi.	
b.	In Ranua.	
c.	In Kemi.	
	 If you spend your holidays at the resort you…
a.	don’t need much money because most activities are free.	
b.	need no money because all activities are included.	
c.	need to have a budget if you want to go on the trips.	
	 Which activity is the nearest to Santa Claus Holiday Village Resort?
a.	Icetrip to Sampo icebreaker in Kemi.	
b.	A day trip to Ranua zoo.	
c.	Arktikum Museum.	
	 Which sentence is FALSE?
a.	There are day and night activities.	
b.	There is a variety of activities.	
c.	All the activities are free. 	
	 In which activity do you cook your own food?
a.	Evening snowshoe trip.	
b.	Northern light safari.	
c.	Trip to Ranua Zoo.	
	 Which activity does not include food or drinks?
a.	Snowshoeing.	
b.	Reindeer Sleigh Rides. 	
c.	A day trip to Ranua zoo.	
avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 7
llengua anglesa
	 You can see the Northern lights…
a.	if the weather is good.	
b.	every night.	
c.	if it rains.	
	 You will visit the Arktikum Museum if you…
a.	are interested in Science and the Sami culture.	
b.	want to know more about reindeers.	
c.	are interested in going shopping.	
	 What is the meaning of “indigenous” in the text Reindeer Sleigh Rides?
a.	Native.	
b.	Wild.	
c.	Traditional.	
	 In Ranua you can…
a.	see animals that live in the Arctic.	
b.	observe animal footprints in the wild.	
c.	visit a farm and learn about reindeers.	
	 It’s Monday, you don’t have much money but you want to learn about Finnish animals
and traditions, ride a sleigh and participate in a Lappish celebration. Which activity
would you choose?
a.	Arktikum Museum.	
b.	Reindeer Sleigh Rides.	
c.	A day trip to Ranua zoo.	
8 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria
Read this text carefully and answer the questions.
Waste management is one of the most serious
problems that Ireland’s environment has.
Too much waste is generated in this country
and too much waste is sent to landfill*.
Over the last few years, the Irish Galway City
Council has worked hard to solve this problem
and has introduced some services and initiatives
to manage their waste correctly and responsibly.
1.	 Reduce the amount of waste you produce.
	 The most effective way to deal with waste is
changing our lifestyles. By not generating waste, we
can eliminate the need to handle, transport, treat and
dispose of waste. We can also avoid having to pay for
these services.
2.	 Think before you shop.
	 As a result of poor shopping practices on average
we throw out approximately 33% of the food we
buy. Food is expensive to buy and also expensive to
dispose of. Use a reusable shopping bag and always
have a list. Be aware of packaging.
3.	 Dispose of waste correctly and responsibly.
	 Each individual has a responsibility to dispose of
his/her waste safely and correctly. Never dump**
waste illegally. There are waste management
services available in Galway to facilitate the proper
disposal of all waste types, please use them.
4.	 Think before you drop.
	 Have a look at the following information to
segregate your waste correctly.
The Brown Bin
Brown bin waste is composted***
•	All cooked and raw food, including:
-	Bread, pasta, rice	 -	Tea bags, coffee grounds
-	Meat, fish, poultry, bones	 -	Leftover food
-	Fruit, vegetables	 -	Out-of-date food
-	Eggs, cheese, salads
(Always remove the food from the packaging before placing
in the brown bin)
•	Paper napkins and paper towels
•	Food soiled cardboard
•	Green garden waste, including:
-	Grass cuttings
-	Leaves
-	Dead plants and flowers
DO NOT place plastic bags in the brown
The Grey Bin
Grey bin waste is dumped in a landfill.
It is not re-used or recycled.
Each household should try to reduce the amount of waste in
their grey bin.
The easiest way to do this is to make sure that your waste is
segregated properly.
•	Examples of non-recyclable and non-compostable items
include: ashes… nappies… dirty plastic … toothpaste tubes …
aluminium foil… bathroom bin … crisp packets… light bulbs …
sanitary items
The Green Bin
Green bin waste is recycled
•	Newspaper	 •	Milk and juice cartons
•	Magazines	 •	Plastic bottles and containers
•	Paper	 •	Food tins
•	Cardboard	 •	Drink cans
NO glass NO dirty items
*Landfill: an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the earth. En català, vol dir ‘abocador’.
**Dump: to deposit or dispose of (rubbish, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way. En català, vol dir ‘abocar’.
***Compost: to make a mixture of decomposed plants, food, etc. that can be added to soil to help plants grow. En català, vol dir
Adapted from
Please help Galway’s environment.
Segregate your waste correctly.
For more information on waste on Galway’s city check the website
A brief guide to household waste
management in Galway City
avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 9
llengua anglesa
	 What is one of the most important problems in Ireland?
a.	Waste management.	
b.	The shopping practices.	
c.	There are not enough dumps.	
	 Where is Galway city?
a.	In Wales.	
b.	In Ireland.	
c.	In Scotland.	
	 What has The Galway Town Council done to solve the problem?
a.	It has introduced plans to manage waste in a correct way.	
b.	It has improved waste over the last few years.	
c.	It hasn’t worked a lot over the last few years.	
	 According to the text, one of the ways to protect the environment is to throw waste…
a.	in the correct bin.	
b.	in the brown bin.	
c.	wherever you want.	
	 According to the text, what is the most effective way to reduce waste?
a.	Using plastic bags.	
b.	Changing our lifestyles.	
c.	Sending waste to landfills.	
	 The text mentions two ways to protect the environment:
a.	To reduce waste and segregate it correctly.	
b.	To pay more taxes and transport waste to the landfills. 	
c.	To throw waste and place plastic bags in the brown bin.	
	 In Galway, if you cut the grass in your garden, can you throw it in the green bin?
a.	Yes, you can because grass is green.	
b.	Yes, you can because grass is recyclable.	
c.	No, you can´t because grass goes in the brown bin.	
10 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria
	 Out-of-date food is…
a.	healthy food that you must eat daily.	
b.	food which is no longer fresh.	
c.	food that is very tasteful.	
	 Before you throw something in the grey bin, you must consider if it…
a.	is out-of-date food. 	
b.	is raw or cooked food.	
c.	can be recycled or reused.	
	 In the brown bin, you can throw…
a.	raw, cooked and out-of-date food.	
b.	bread in a plastic bag.	
c.	sardine tins.	
	 Brown bin waste can be used for…
a.	reducing.	
b.	recycling.	
c.	composting.	
	 Today at school you brought a sandwich wrapped in aluminium foil for breakfast.
After eating your sandwich, where will you throw the aluminium foil?
a.	In the brown bin.	
b.	In the grey bin.	
c.	In the green bin.	
	 Where can you find information about the amount of food we throw out?
a.	Tip 2.	
b.	Tip 3.	
c.	Tip 4.	
avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 11
llengua anglesa
Write 45-50 words for each of the following tasks.
	 David, your American e-pal, is coming to Catalonia on a school trip. He will visit you
next Saturday. You have organised a day out for him. Send him an e-mail telling him
where you will go, which transport you will use, the places you will visit and the time
and place you will meet.
Number of words
	 Imagine that you spent last night in a large empty house. It was a dark, windy night and
strange things happened during the night. You felt frightened. Explain what happened,
what you heard, saw and felt.
	 Last night …
Number of words
•	Com valores la dificultat d’aquesta prova?
Molt fàcil	 Fàcil	 Difícil	 Molt difícil
Moltes gràcies per la teva col·laboració.
1 2 3 4

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Operacions i problemes 3r i 4t   voramarOperacions i problemes 3r i 4t   voramar
Operacions i problemes 3r i 4t voramar
Caaco dos 1415_mt0141_r1_conceptos_pequeño_grande
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Caaco dos 1415_mt0141_r1_conceptos_pequeño_grande
Què faries si...?
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Què faries si...?
Dori dt 1516_mt005_r1_rubrica_professiograma_4t (1) (1)
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Dori dt 1516_mt005_r1_rubrica_professiograma_4t (1) (1)
8 comencem jclic_aliments
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8 comencem jclic_aliments
Caaco dos 1314_mt088_r1_matematiques_3
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Caaco dos 1314_mt088_r1_matematiques_3
Biografia superman
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Biografia superman
Pont de Bac de Roda
Pont de Bac de RodaPont de Bac de Roda
Pont de Bac de Roda
Caaco dos 1415_mt133_r1_comprensio_lectora_6
Caaco dos 1415_mt133_r1_comprensio_lectora_6Caaco dos 1415_mt133_r1_comprensio_lectora_6
Caaco dos 1415_mt133_r1_comprensio_lectora_6

Semelhante a Activities and sights in Santa Claus Village

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калініна ам спец-п_7анг_(120-14)_s
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калініна ам спец-п_7анг_(120-14)_sdella street
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Semelhante a Activities and sights in Santa Claus Village (20)

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Materials for ies
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7 am kal_2015
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калініна ам спец-п_7анг_(120-14)_s
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калініна ам спец-п_7анг_(120-14)_s
7 am kal_2015
7 am kal_20157 am kal_2015
7 am kal_2015
7 am kal_2015
7 am kal_20157 am kal_2015
7 am kal_2015
калініна ам спец-п_7анг_(120-14)_s
калініна ам спец-п_7анг_(120-14)_sкалініна ам спец-п_7анг_(120-14)_s
калініна ам спец-п_7анг_(120-14)_s
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7 англ калініна_самойлюкевич_7год_2015_укр

Mais de M T

Resum fira guia't per tutors
Resum fira guia't per tutorsResum fira guia't per tutors
Resum fira guia't per tutorsM T
Unitat los transportes
Unitat los transportesUnitat los transportes
Unitat los transportesM T
Unitat 3 la salud
Unitat 3 la saludUnitat 3 la salud
Unitat 3 la saludM T
Unitat 3 la salut
Unitat 3 la salutUnitat 3 la salut
Unitat 3 la salutM T
Unitat 5 el tiempo
Unitat 5 el tiempoUnitat 5 el tiempo
Unitat 5 el tiempoM T
Unitat 5 el temps
Unitat 5 el tempsUnitat 5 el temps
Unitat 5 el tempsM T
Sequencia carter gossos
Sequencia carter gossosSequencia carter gossos
Sequencia carter gossosM T
Dori act 1819_mt003_r1_actuacio_incendi
Dori act 1819_mt003_r1_actuacio_incendiDori act 1819_mt003_r1_actuacio_incendi
Dori act 1819_mt003_r1_actuacio_incendiM T
Exercicis paradigmatics 1
Exercicis paradigmatics 1Exercicis paradigmatics 1
Exercicis paradigmatics 1M T
Dori act 1819_mt002_r1_sls_que_tens
Dori act 1819_mt002_r1_sls_que_tensDori act 1819_mt002_r1_sls_que_tens
Dori act 1819_mt002_r1_sls_que_tensM T
Dori dos 1819_mt009_r1_comprensio_lectora_ao_1
Dori dos 1819_mt009_r1_comprensio_lectora_ao_1Dori dos 1819_mt009_r1_comprensio_lectora_ao_1
Dori dos 1819_mt009_r1_comprensio_lectora_ao_1M T
Exemples de textos per anaitzar
Exemples de textos per anaitzarExemples de textos per anaitzar
Exemples de textos per anaitzarM T
Quadre tipologia textual
Quadre tipologia textualQuadre tipologia textual
Quadre tipologia textualM T
Caaco dos 1213_mt071_r1_lectura_facil_pol_escriu
Caaco dos 1213_mt071_r1_lectura_facil_pol_escriuCaaco dos 1213_mt071_r1_lectura_facil_pol_escriu
Caaco dos 1213_mt071_r1_lectura_facil_pol_escriuM T
Dori dt 1718_mt019_r1_ajuda_tria_graus
Dori dt 1718_mt019_r1_ajuda_tria_grausDori dt 1718_mt019_r1_ajuda_tria_graus
Dori dt 1718_mt019_r1_ajuda_tria_grausM T
Dori dt 1718_mt017_r1_branques_coneixement
Dori dt 1718_mt017_r1_branques_coneixementDori dt 1718_mt017_r1_branques_coneixement
Dori dt 1718_mt017_r1_branques_coneixementM T
Dori rub 1718_mt003_r1_dossier_infografia_4t
Dori rub 1718_mt003_r1_dossier_infografia_4tDori rub 1718_mt003_r1_dossier_infografia_4t
Dori rub 1718_mt003_r1_dossier_infografia_4tM T
Dori rub 1718_mt002_r1_professiograma_4t_part_escrita
Dori rub 1718_mt002_r1_professiograma_4t_part_escritaDori rub 1718_mt002_r1_professiograma_4t_part_escrita
Dori rub 1718_mt002_r1_professiograma_4t_part_escritaM T
Dori rub 1718_mt001_r1_professiograma_4t_oral
Dori rub 1718_mt001_r1_professiograma_4t_oralDori rub 1718_mt001_r1_professiograma_4t_oral
Dori rub 1718_mt001_r1_professiograma_4t_oralM T
Caaco dos 1718_mt004_r1_historia_2n_tema_6_
Caaco dos 1718_mt004_r1_historia_2n_tema_6_Caaco dos 1718_mt004_r1_historia_2n_tema_6_
Caaco dos 1718_mt004_r1_historia_2n_tema_6_M T

Mais de M T (20)

Resum fira guia't per tutors
Resum fira guia't per tutorsResum fira guia't per tutors
Resum fira guia't per tutors
Unitat los transportes
Unitat los transportesUnitat los transportes
Unitat los transportes
Unitat 3 la salud
Unitat 3 la saludUnitat 3 la salud
Unitat 3 la salud
Unitat 3 la salut
Unitat 3 la salutUnitat 3 la salut
Unitat 3 la salut
Unitat 5 el tiempo
Unitat 5 el tiempoUnitat 5 el tiempo
Unitat 5 el tiempo
Unitat 5 el temps
Unitat 5 el tempsUnitat 5 el temps
Unitat 5 el temps
Sequencia carter gossos
Sequencia carter gossosSequencia carter gossos
Sequencia carter gossos
Dori act 1819_mt003_r1_actuacio_incendi
Dori act 1819_mt003_r1_actuacio_incendiDori act 1819_mt003_r1_actuacio_incendi
Dori act 1819_mt003_r1_actuacio_incendi
Exercicis paradigmatics 1
Exercicis paradigmatics 1Exercicis paradigmatics 1
Exercicis paradigmatics 1
Dori act 1819_mt002_r1_sls_que_tens
Dori act 1819_mt002_r1_sls_que_tensDori act 1819_mt002_r1_sls_que_tens
Dori act 1819_mt002_r1_sls_que_tens
Dori dos 1819_mt009_r1_comprensio_lectora_ao_1
Dori dos 1819_mt009_r1_comprensio_lectora_ao_1Dori dos 1819_mt009_r1_comprensio_lectora_ao_1
Dori dos 1819_mt009_r1_comprensio_lectora_ao_1
Exemples de textos per anaitzar
Exemples de textos per anaitzarExemples de textos per anaitzar
Exemples de textos per anaitzar
Quadre tipologia textual
Quadre tipologia textualQuadre tipologia textual
Quadre tipologia textual
Caaco dos 1213_mt071_r1_lectura_facil_pol_escriu
Caaco dos 1213_mt071_r1_lectura_facil_pol_escriuCaaco dos 1213_mt071_r1_lectura_facil_pol_escriu
Caaco dos 1213_mt071_r1_lectura_facil_pol_escriu
Dori dt 1718_mt019_r1_ajuda_tria_graus
Dori dt 1718_mt019_r1_ajuda_tria_grausDori dt 1718_mt019_r1_ajuda_tria_graus
Dori dt 1718_mt019_r1_ajuda_tria_graus
Dori dt 1718_mt017_r1_branques_coneixement
Dori dt 1718_mt017_r1_branques_coneixementDori dt 1718_mt017_r1_branques_coneixement
Dori dt 1718_mt017_r1_branques_coneixement
Dori rub 1718_mt003_r1_dossier_infografia_4t
Dori rub 1718_mt003_r1_dossier_infografia_4tDori rub 1718_mt003_r1_dossier_infografia_4t
Dori rub 1718_mt003_r1_dossier_infografia_4t
Dori rub 1718_mt002_r1_professiograma_4t_part_escrita
Dori rub 1718_mt002_r1_professiograma_4t_part_escritaDori rub 1718_mt002_r1_professiograma_4t_part_escrita
Dori rub 1718_mt002_r1_professiograma_4t_part_escrita
Dori rub 1718_mt001_r1_professiograma_4t_oral
Dori rub 1718_mt001_r1_professiograma_4t_oralDori rub 1718_mt001_r1_professiograma_4t_oral
Dori rub 1718_mt001_r1_professiograma_4t_oral
Caaco dos 1718_mt004_r1_historia_2n_tema_6_
Caaco dos 1718_mt004_r1_historia_2n_tema_6_Caaco dos 1718_mt004_r1_historia_2n_tema_6_
Caaco dos 1718_mt004_r1_historia_2n_tema_6_


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Activities and sights in Santa Claus Village

  • 1. avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 4t d’ESO curs 2013-2014 Per fer la prova has d’utilitzar un bolígraf. La prova té tres parts: COMPRENSIÓ ORAL. Has d’escoltar dos textos i has de respondre a unes preguntes sobre el que has sentit. Abans d’escoltar cada text tindràs temps de llegir les preguntes. Escoltaràs el text dues vegades i a mesura que l’escoltis has d’anar responent a les preguntes. COMPRENSIÓ LECTORA. Has de llegir atentament dos textos i respondre a unes preguntes sobre el que has llegit. Has de respondre a les preguntes marcant la resposta que consideris correcta. Només hi ha una resposta correcta per a cada pregunta. Si t’equivoques, pots ratllar-la i marcar clarament la nova resposta. EXPRESSIÓ ESCRITA. Has d’escriure dues redaccions curtes. Intenta no repetir les mateixes paraules i utilitza estructures variades a l’hora de construir les frases. Si no fas la redacció o és massa curta (menys de 40 paraules) tindràs menys punts a la prova. Tens 1 hora per fer la prova. Quan acabis, no t’oblidis de respondre a la pregunta que hi ha al final de la prova. INSTRUCCIONS llengua anglesa lingüística: competència ENGANXEU L’ETIQUETA IDENTIFICATIVA EN AQUEST ESPAI versió amb respostes
  • 2. 2 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria ORAL COMPREHENSION: LISTENING 1 You’ll hear Listening 1 twice. Listen carefully and tick the correct answer. Now look at the questions for this part. You have 45 seconds. ANN AND JOHN MEET IN THEIR HOMETOWN AFTER A FEW YEARS. Where does Ann live? a. In York. b. In a town near York. c. In Barcelona. John is surprised… a. because Ann hasn’t phoned him. b. to see Ann because she lives abroad. c. because Ann is working in a restaurant. Ann is in York because… a. her mum is ill. b. she is on a business trip. c. her brother is getting married. Ann works for… a. an international company. b. a Spanish company. c. a local company. What does John do? a. He studies at University. b. He works for a multinational. c. He works in a supermarket. Ann’s brother… a. is getting married next May. b. got married last May. c. is already married. John has to leave because he has to… a. help his family. b. catch a train. c. go to work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0-1 a 0-1 b 0-1 c 0-1 d 0-1 e 0-1 f 0-1 g
  • 3. avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 3 llengua anglesa lingüística: competència ORAL COMPREHENSION: LISTENING 2 You’ll hear Listening 2 twice. Listen carefully and tick the correct answer. Now look at the questions for this part. You have 45 seconds. JULIA AND TOM ARE TALKING ABOUT THEIR SUMMER HOLIDAYS. Julia wants to spend the summer holidays… a. abroad. b. at home. c. in Britain. Why doesn’t Julia want to stay in Britain? a. They will spend a lot of money. b. They will have to travel by train or plane. c. They have already visited the most interesting places. What does Tom hate about spending his holidays abroad? a. Speaking another language. b. Changing money. c. Travelling by plane. Julia wants to practise foreign languages because she… a. uses Spanish and French at work. b. needs them to travel abroad. c. loves speaking languages. Tom… a. doesn’t need to speak foreign languages at work. b. wants to speak foreign languages while travelling. c. can speak some foreign languages. According to Julia, another advantage of spending holidays abroad is… a. to meet new people and save money. b. to see new places and meet new people. c. to spend a lot of money and see new places. 1 2 3 4 5 6 0-1 h 0-1 i 0-1 j 0-1 k 0-1 l 0-1 m
  • 4. 4 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria ORAL COMPREHENSION: LISTENING 2 Another reason why Julia doesn’t want to stay in Britain for her holidays is that… a. she will have to plan a lot. b. she won’t meet new people. c. the weather in England is not nice. At the end, Tom… a. doesn’t accept Julia‘s plan. b. agrees with Julia on travelling abroad. c. insists on spending their holidays in Britain. THAT’S THE END OF THE ORAL TEST. 7 8 0-1 n 0-1 o
  • 5. avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 5 llengua anglesa lingüística: competència READING COMPREHENSION: TASK 1 Read these texts carefully and answer the questions. Welcome to Santa ClausHoliday Village Resort In Rovaniemi,Finland Northern light safari by snowmobile A day trip to Ranua zoo Icetrip to Sampo icebreaker in Kemi The night safari begins from the reception at 8 p.m. A guide will take you on snowmobiles to enjoy the nature around the Arctic Circle. You will stop in the woods to make a camp fire and grill some sausages. If the weather conditions allow, you will have the chance to see the Northern lights on the night sky. A daytime trip starts in the reception at 10 a.m. Transportation by car to Ranua (80 km) and back included in the price. There you will see many animals that inhabit the Arctic, including polar bears, brown bears, lynx, wolverine and deer. There are also many different birds of prey. Lunch and tickets included. Your trip will begin in the reception at 10 a.m. Transportation to Kemi (120 km) and back by car. You will participate in a cruise on the Sampo icebreaker between 12 – 4 p.m. The cruise includes a guided tour, lunch and the opportunity for wetsuit swimming in the sea. Duration: 2-3 hours Price: 130 € adult / 75 € child. Duration: 5 h Price: 95 € adult / 45 € child. Size of a group: minimum 5 people. Duration: 8 hours Price: 345 € adult / 225 € child. Snowshoeing Other Popular Activities Reindeer Sleigh Rides Guided snowshoe trip for beginners. We start the adventure in the local woods behind Santa Claus Village. We’ll also have the chance to observe animal tracks in the wild. Hot drinks and sandwiches included. Valid period: from the end of December to mid-April. Price: 49 € adult / 29 € child Arktikum Museum. Arktikum is a museum, science centre, attraction and popular destination to know about the local Sami culture in the centre of Rovaniemi. Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed on Mondays. Artic Ice Hotel. Made of ice, this hotel is about 30 km from the Arctic Circle. Arctice. Located in the Arctic Circle this ice park offers possibilities for ice sliding and visiting the Ice Bar. Reindeer Sleigh Rides for families. We will visit a traditional reindeer farm. There you will learn all about these indigenous animals that are so important to the Sami culture, the history of the farm and the local traditions. You will also enjoy a ride in a reindeer sleigh and participate in a special Lappish ceremony of crossing the Arctic Circle. Evening snowshoe trip. This night trip starts at 8 p.m. We will listen to the silence of nature and marvel at the Northern sky lights. Head lamp needed. Hot drinks and sandwiches included. Duration: approximately 1.5 hours. Price: 89 € adult / 49 € child. Available daily Price: 15 € adult / 12 € child. Adapted from ACTIVITIES
  • 6. 6 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 0-1 r 0-1 t 0-1 s 0-1 u READING COMPREHENSION: TASK 1 The text is about at Santa Claus Holiday Village Resort. a. Christmas b. activities offered c. sports you can play Where is Santa Claus Holiday Village Resort located? a. In Rovaniemi. b. In Ranua. c. In Kemi. If you spend your holidays at the resort you… a. don’t need much money because most activities are free. b. need no money because all activities are included. c. need to have a budget if you want to go on the trips. Which activity is the nearest to Santa Claus Holiday Village Resort? a. Icetrip to Sampo icebreaker in Kemi. b. A day trip to Ranua zoo. c. Arktikum Museum. Which sentence is FALSE? a. There are day and night activities. b. There is a variety of activities. c. All the activities are free. In which activity do you cook your own food? a. Evening snowshoe trip. b. Northern light safari. c. Trip to Ranua Zoo. Which activity does not include food or drinks? a. Snowshoeing. b. Reindeer Sleigh Rides. c. A day trip to Ranua zoo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0-1 v 0-1 p 0-1 q
  • 7. avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 7 llengua anglesa lingüística: competència READING COMPREHENSION: TASK 1 You can see the Northern lights… a. if the weather is good. b. every night. c. if it rains. You will visit the Arktikum Museum if you… a. are interested in Science and the Sami culture. b. want to know more about reindeers. c. are interested in going shopping. What is the meaning of “indigenous” in the text Reindeer Sleigh Rides? a. Native. b. Wild. c. Traditional. In Ranua you can… a. see animals that live in the Arctic. b. observe animal footprints in the wild. c. visit a farm and learn about reindeers. It’s Monday, you don’t have much money but you want to learn about Finnish animals and traditions, ride a sleigh and participate in a Lappish celebration. Which activity would you choose? a. Arktikum Museum. b. Reindeer Sleigh Rides. c. A day trip to Ranua zoo. 8 9 10 11 12 0-1 x 0-1 w 0-1 z 0-1 y 0-1 aa
  • 8. 8 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria READING COMPREHENSION: TASK 2 Read this text carefully and answer the questions. PLEASE HELP GALWAY’S ENVIRONMENT Waste management is one of the most serious problems that Ireland’s environment has. Too much waste is generated in this country and too much waste is sent to landfill*. Over the last few years, the Irish Galway City Council has worked hard to solve this problem and has introduced some services and initiatives to manage their waste correctly and responsibly. SOME TIPS TO HELP THE ENVIRONMENT: 1. Reduce the amount of waste you produce. The most effective way to deal with waste is changing our lifestyles. By not generating waste, we can eliminate the need to handle, transport, treat and dispose of waste. We can also avoid having to pay for these services. 2. Think before you shop. As a result of poor shopping practices on average we throw out approximately 33% of the food we buy. Food is expensive to buy and also expensive to dispose of. Use a reusable shopping bag and always have a list. Be aware of packaging. 3. Dispose of waste correctly and responsibly. Each individual has a responsibility to dispose of his/her waste safely and correctly. Never dump** waste illegally. There are waste management services available in Galway to facilitate the proper disposal of all waste types, please use them. 4. Think before you drop. Have a look at the following information to segregate your waste correctly. The Brown Bin Brown bin waste is composted*** • All cooked and raw food, including: - Bread, pasta, rice - Tea bags, coffee grounds - Meat, fish, poultry, bones - Leftover food - Fruit, vegetables - Out-of-date food - Eggs, cheese, salads (Always remove the food from the packaging before placing in the brown bin) • Paper napkins and paper towels • Food soiled cardboard • Green garden waste, including: - Grass cuttings - Leaves - Dead plants and flowers DO NOT place plastic bags in the brown The Grey Bin Grey bin waste is dumped in a landfill. It is not re-used or recycled. Each household should try to reduce the amount of waste in their grey bin. The easiest way to do this is to make sure that your waste is segregated properly. • Examples of non-recyclable and non-compostable items include: ashes… nappies… dirty plastic … toothpaste tubes … aluminium foil… bathroom bin … crisp packets… light bulbs … sanitary items The Green Bin Green bin waste is recycled • Newspaper • Milk and juice cartons • Magazines • Plastic bottles and containers • Paper • Food tins • Cardboard • Drink cans NO glass NO dirty items ALL RECYCLABLES MUST BE CLEAN AND DRY VOCABULARY: *Landfill: an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the earth. En català, vol dir ‘abocador’. **Dump: to deposit or dispose of (rubbish, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way. En català, vol dir ‘abocar’. ***Compost: to make a mixture of decomposed plants, food, etc. that can be added to soil to help plants grow. En català, vol dir ‘compostar’. Adapted from Please help Galway’s environment. Segregate your waste correctly. For more information on waste on Galway’s city check the website KNOW YOUR WASTE A brief guide to household waste management in Galway City
  • 9. avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 9 llengua anglesa lingüística: competència 0-1 ac 0-1 ab 0-1 ad READING COMPREHENSION: TASK 2 What is one of the most important problems in Ireland? a. Waste management. b. The shopping practices. c. There are not enough dumps. Where is Galway city? a. In Wales. b. In Ireland. c. In Scotland. What has The Galway Town Council done to solve the problem? a. It has introduced plans to manage waste in a correct way. b. It has improved waste over the last few years. c. It hasn’t worked a lot over the last few years. According to the text, one of the ways to protect the environment is to throw waste… a. in the correct bin. b. in the brown bin. c. wherever you want. According to the text, what is the most effective way to reduce waste? a. Using plastic bags. b. Changing our lifestyles. c. Sending waste to landfills. The text mentions two ways to protect the environment: a. To reduce waste and segregate it correctly. b. To pay more taxes and transport waste to the landfills. c. To throw waste and place plastic bags in the brown bin. In Galway, if you cut the grass in your garden, can you throw it in the green bin? a. Yes, you can because grass is green. b. Yes, you can because grass is recyclable. c. No, you can´t because grass goes in the brown bin. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0-1 ae 0-1 ag 0-1 af 0-1 ah
  • 10. 10 avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 0-1 ak 0-1 am 0-1 al 0-1 an READING COMPREHENSION: TASK 2 Out-of-date food is… a. healthy food that you must eat daily. b. food which is no longer fresh. c. food that is very tasteful. Before you throw something in the grey bin, you must consider if it… a. is out-of-date food. b. is raw or cooked food. c. can be recycled or reused. In the brown bin, you can throw… a. raw, cooked and out-of-date food. b. bread in a plastic bag. c. sardine tins. Brown bin waste can be used for… a. reducing. b. recycling. c. composting. Today at school you brought a sandwich wrapped in aluminium foil for breakfast. After eating your sandwich, where will you throw the aluminium foil? a. In the brown bin. b. In the grey bin. c. In the green bin. Where can you find information about the amount of food we throw out? a. Tip 2. b. Tip 3. c. Tip 4. 8 9 10 11 1012 13 0-1 ai 0-1 aj
  • 11. avaluació educació secundària obligatòria 11 llengua anglesa lingüística: competència 0-1-2-3-4 A1 0-1-2 L1 0-1-2-3-4 M1 0-1-2-3-4 A2 0-1-2 L2 0-1-2-3-4 M2 WRITING Write 45-50 words for each of the following tasks. David, your American e-pal, is coming to Catalonia on a school trip. He will visit you next Saturday. You have organised a day out for him. Send him an e-mail telling him where you will go, which transport you will use, the places you will visit and the time and place you will meet. w Number of words Imagine that you spent last night in a large empty house. It was a dark, windy night and strange things happened during the night. You felt frightened. Explain what happened, what you heard, saw and felt. Last night … Number of words 1 2
  • 12. VALORACIÓ DE LA PROVA • Com valores la dificultat d’aquesta prova? Molt fàcil Fàcil Difícil Molt difícil Moltes gràcies per la teva col·laboració. 1 2 3 4 1-2-3-4 ao