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listening to god love wins violence revelation brian mclaren alive spirit grief ephesians 5:7 matthew 6:25-34 anxiety truth easter lutheran church micah 6:8 money law and gospel rest gary smalley emotions vulnerability beauty easter vigil glory hidden figures empire beasts percentage observation stewardship what is the church gratitude online course trust authenticity c.s. lewis st. john of the cross pastoral care 2 corinthians robert kegan suburban studies generation gap local church eschatology pride touch sower seed doubt rehoboam evolution pentateuch identity wrestles spiritual but not religious nones god evil theodicy education bible overview praise hallelujah narrativ great commission matthew 28:16-20 sheep and goats invitation matthew 22:1-14 wedding feast matthew 20:1-16 landowner matthew 18:1-9 beatitudes epiphany righteousness baptism renewal flight to egypt matthew 2:13-23 justice light of hope nathan confrontation rainbow redeemer faithfulness liturgy matthew 22:15-22 dance 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