health career nurse preventive interventions to promote health healthcare prevent diseases awareness holistic planning care education theory mental health utilization minor ailments principal after care articles rehablitate procurement items bag health promotion counselling ways of comunication diseases free communicate interative process change behaviour solve provlem society edcationation illness positive behaviour communication health appointment safety health team shool environment immunization mid-day meal protection medical exanination follow-up treatment health education health record health appraisal health problems promotive health school health comprehensive care health#school health services policies community health mortality target committes objective goals evaluation implementation curative sickness ilness cultural defrences different belief's tradition practice health culture nursing care research approach #theories#roys #roys#adaptation#model #theories#assumotions#metapara #nursing#curriculum#admmim prevention cure cause issues khwaoishkor marasmus malnutriton energy protein goiter iodine deficiency vitamin problems nutrition heath expended extended role sidha unanni ayurveda money ecnomics nightingle nursing curriculum health concepts
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