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Grade – Distinction –48/72
Activity 1 -Rational
Platform of production:
From the brief, the commission I have decided to follow is the promotional video, to
promote the way of healthy living alongside exercise on behalf of the non-profit charity
“MoveIt”. My reasoning behind choosing the approach of a promotional video, as I believe it
is the best way to promote and put across an encouraging campaign to people all over the
UK, to uptake a healthier lifestyle, focusing on exercise and activity. I would argue that
within the brief the target audience is quite broad, suggesting to me that it is an approach
towards all people struggling in the UK, and from interpreting the research it is very clear
that the people who struggle most is women within England. I would firstly publish the
video on different platforms, starting with YouTube, in order to reach the general
demographic on a wide scale and then follow onto social media platforms, to firstly
generate the recognisability of the campaign and its message of healthy living itself, though
exercise. Due to the nature of the video being requested to be approximately 6 minutes
long, it would be too long for a TV ad, meaning if it was ever requested to be turned into a
TV campaign, it would have to be shorted and cut. For my campaign video to successfully
reach the UK public I will create a relatable platform and generate an interest creating an
interest towards the campaign, leading to the message of a healthy lifestyle being spread
throughout the UK public (the target audience.)
Target Audience:
From looking at the brief and assessing the target audience I would argue that the brief
suggests a very broad target audience, of people within the UK who don’t do regular
exercise. While the research is showing figures edging towards women within the UK
focusing on England, and there demographic of their exercise rate. I believe I can met
requirements of this brief as I have come to an overall conclusion that it is focusing on areas
and further demographics which do the least amount of exercise, and from this I can see it is
women in the England region. In order for my promotional video to reach its aimed target
audience, I believe the video itself, should have a focus on women, in England due to it
being the lowest demographic who do regular exercise, and this then create a relatable
platform for them to then respond to. The key idea I am planning to follow is showing the
different ways exercise affects your body not only physically but mentally, and how exercise
itself, can even alter a person’s mind set, into forward positive thinking. This will help
promote and inspire many women and many also target a secondary audience of men.
Secondary research:
For my secondary research I decided to look into two different contrasting videos,
promoting exercise and a heathier lifestyle for people who are perceived unmotivated. I
have gathered this information to evaluate the information and gather ideas for my
audience and promotional video.
The first video I looked at is ‘This Girl Can’ – a campaign which was developed by sport
England to promote sport amongst women. Its aim is to show strong women doing sports,
Grade – Distinction –48/72
all as one and not caring what they look like, as they are having fun and doing what they
love. The campaign itself was a particular success as many women was empowered by the
messages put across in the video and was deemed a success amongst many. From their own
research thy found that the UK is suffering from a significant gender gap. ‘’ Research carried
out by sport England reveals that by every measure, fewer women than men play sport
regularly’’. Two million fewer 14-40 year olds women take part in sport when compared
with men, despite the fact 75% want to be more active’’ and from these figures, they
wanted to change that. There idea was to create an empowering video, which does not
shame women for an ‘unhealthy lifestyle’, yet motivates them to do sport for fun and for
The second video which I looked at was ’Get Active - a TV campaign to get out your chair’.
The videos aims at a much contrasted approach compared to the ‘This girl can’ campaign.
Their approach could be argued to be a lot more negative, toward men in order to create a
valid point. Another argument linking to that is that the approach being connoted in a
negative way is the approach men respond to best, in comparison to women who do not
like fun poked t them to ‘lose weight’. The video itself shows men in arm chairs attempting
to play sport, who are limited due to their chair, the video highlights a fact that men need to
get up out the chairs and get involved in sport because they look silly. This approach makes
men look and feel bad about themselves, and blames it on their overall laziness.
To conclude, the this girl can video, is inspiring women to get fit, and not care about what
people think, while in complete contrast the get active campaign is almost poking fun at
men and how they should care what people think of them, as a way to encourage them to
exercise. However the only comparison is that they use relate people, who other can also
find a relatable ground.
Primary research:
For my primary research, I carried out a questionnaire and distributed it on social media
sites, such as twitter and Facebook. I also gave some out to the general public in order to
gather a wide spectrum of results back. My reasoning behind doing a questionnaire is to
reach a large amount of people of different ages, ABC1 and genders in order to get that
wide knowledge of the UK public. I was able to collect 87 responses from both the general
public and social media forms, and this is what the questionnaire showed;
Q1) which age bracket do you fit into?
12-17: 13
18-24: 15
25-30: 32
30-40: 17
Q2) How often do you do regular exercise?
Grade – Distinction –48/72
Daily: 37
Weekly: 34
Monthly: 16
If none why?
Women within the age group of 25-40+ would argue that they do not have enough time to
fir regular exercise into their personal lives.
Do you enjoy exercise?
Yes: 56
No: 31
Q5) if not why?
The general response from this is a lot of people don’t know what to do in the gym by
themselves, and don’t have the knowledge to follow a plan or even make one.
Q6) how do you get to school or work?
Walk: 18
Cycle: 11
Public Transport: 26
Drive: 32
Q7) are you interested in sports events?
Yes: 57
No: 30
Q8) would you rather work in groups or individually?
Groups: 67
Individually: 20
From my research I have furthered my understanding of people’s opinions towards, exercise
and the route of the issue which is posed, and will use this with my work to help me direct
my target audience.
Understanding commission:
The purpose of the commission is to create market material as part of a wider market
campaign to help promote and spread the message of a healthy lifestyle, with exercise and
Grade – Distinction –48/72
show the effects it has on your body, physically and mentally. From the target market
research the main focus will be women, as they are shown as the demographic who do least
exercise. The client brief is an organisation called ‘MoveIt’, who is a charitable organisation
funded though the UK sport and fitness industry. Its campaign is to promote the
encouragement of a healthier lifestyle. Move it are a new organisation, are foreseen to be
very successful though the backing of the UK sport and fitness industry, suggesting to be
very successful for the future of the organisation.
The themes and subjects I am going to focus on in relation towards the brief is showing the
effects overall of a healthy life style, in cooperation to exercise and a key focus on mental
health and a change to a better mind-set and lifestyle. Though using mental health as a
platform to promote ideas of better health though exercise, we will not only be making a
video aiming towards people who are in need to make changes to follow a healthy lifestyle,
but show how doing exercise can almost change their whole mind set. From research it is
shown over 36% of people classed as ‘over weight’ are people who suffer with mental
health and find it hard to find encouraging platforms in life. While this approach is showing
a perspective of mental health, a lot of scene will be relatable to many, as we all get
discouraged and sometimes find it hard to carry on.
As suggested throughout; the audience, will be people struggling to maintain or even create
a healthy lifestyle though exercise. Throughout this campaign our initial aim is to motivate
them, and I believe we can also target a secondary audience, anyone who is lacking
motivation, and wants to make a healthier lifestyle change overall. The age will are aiming
towards in general is middle aged women, who might be mothers, carers and any other
stereotypical women in a family home, as the demographic shows the higher majority of
overweight women is older women. From stats given, wealthier areas within the UK
generally are able to meet standards for exercise however the more middleclass and lower
class areas struggle to meet recommendations, showing the overall contrast between the
three areas in the UK. Our campaign is targeted the middle and lower class, who maybe
cannot afford a gym membership, and find it hard to find time or even the motivation to do
every day exercise. When considering who we are going to represent in our video, we want
to show everyday people, not unrealistic figures who may discourage people further. As it is
a campaign generally aimed at any (but targeted towards women). There will be no images
or inappropriate age restricted language used.
Ideas generation:
My first idea is showing a woman at the gym for the first time not knowing what to do, and
being overwhelmed by everyone there, until she is handed a leaflet for a class, which she
shows a deeper interest to. As she goes to these classes the first one she really struggles,
and walks out after 10 minutes, however the second one she sticks it out longer, and does
longer in the class. This story follows her story and her fitness journey and how I cannot be
done in one try.
My second idea is following two people who wake up symmetrically with a split screen
showing both of their mornings, one side a person wakes up fresh and happy, and jumps
straight out of bed over the contrasting side wakes up sad and grumpy. It follows the two
Grade – Distinction –48/72
contrasting sides following different mornings as one would get up one would stay in bed
longer, as one would go for a job one would eat in front of the TV. The story follows the sad
side finding motivation to get fit and start to exercise, and how that impacts there mood
My third idea, is following someone wanting to do a marathon, and it follows there
struggles getting run, and how everyday they can run further and further, showing real
relatable struggles, where at one point they think of giving up and that they can’t do it, until
they finally fun the full length making them proud of themselves. The whole video shows
the progress of the person.
Final idea:
I have chosen my second idea, of a spilt screening image of two women, waking up for their
morning who have contrasting starts. The start of the scene will develop in real time with no
cuts, showing a somewhat relatable start where you dread the day ahead with no
motivation, while the other spilt screen wakes up happy and motivated. From doing this I
hope to put across the link to exercise and mental health, clearly as the video evolves.
As the two sides wake up, one makes breakfast and one has already had food and has left
for a run, the motivation of the other half is very desirable as many women mainly tend to
be but off at the gym by other women, who seem to know everything, so by showing to
ideal women, who don’t necessarily fit into the generic stereotype of the world ideal
imagine of a women, it allows women similar to those shown in the video, to feel a more
relatable ground when it comes to keeping fit and exercising. While one is out for the run
one is eating a sandwich in front of the window, there is no split screen now and the two
people cross over in the same scene to show the contrasting images, and lifestyles of the
two women. The next day pans around and both split screens get up , the one side is happy
while the other side is happier than they was the day before (showing a gradual progress)
and both awake in the same time frame, (compared to the previous shot where they stayed
in bed). They both make a breakfast which is fundamentally healthily compared the one
sides who ate fry up the morning before. The gradually change in the one person’s attitude
is what showing the gradual motivation start from seeing the women running past there
The next day they both wake up in sync both eat in sync, and both leave, while there was
hesitation from the other person she finally did it, and left. When she left the screen focuses
on just her who has never run before. She just runs and runs and runs, and the close up /
mid shot catches her at the end of her run where she can’t do any more, she’s out of breath.
She just runs and runs and runs, and stop breathing heavy and smiling. She even passes the
woman from the other side of the split screen and gives brief smirk. A transition now goes
over with a title screen, saying ‘we all start somewhere-Move it’, which then transitions to a
title screen at the end.
I believe this idea would meet the criteria as it highlights a small way people can fit exercise
into their life, and how they don’t need a gym or any training to start, they can just go on
small runs, at the start the two people contrast in moods trying to put across how exercise
Grade – Distinction –48/72
has an effect on mental health as well. Overall its point is to show that everyone has to start
somewhere. From the one in the scene seeing the women running that insinuates a motive
within their mind as they decide themselves, with hesitation to go on a run? They run and
run until they can’t no more and stop directly within the line of the camera out of breath
smiling as they are proud of what they have done. The next scene pans around to the
person then waking up in sync with the other and going on a run, and the two split screens
clash as they say hello as they pass one another. A title screen will appear with ‘we all start
somewhere’ – Move It.
I believe this choice fits best within the aims and objectives of the brief we was given, as it
promotes a positive message towards, the lower demographic of people within the UK who
exercise. The generalised target audience I gathered from the brief was middle aged women
within England, so I had to ensure all my ideas would be relatable to this audience, and
approach them in a suitable way which my messages put across would reach them
Activity 2 - Pitch:
My name is liberty mason, and I represent Coppice Creative Partnerships. From the
commission, my chosen platform of production is a promotional video, which will be
approximately 6 minutes long, aimed towards a target market women, who struggle to gain
the motivation to exercise and introduce themselves into a more active life, around the
middle aged mark. The videos aims will be to create a platform for women to start to
exercise without feeling like it’s another unrealistic fitness advertisement. By using realistic
women, in a safe environment such as a home, it can create a relatable platform, and
encourage many women. The video itself will be shown though the organisations website,
on platforms such as YouTube, and other social media platforms.
My idea, is to follow two women’s, mornings for 3 days, while mirroring them side by side.
Both women will contrast with one struggling to find motivation to eat healthy and exercise
and the other being able to do so. The idea of a split screen empathises the difference
between their mind-set, when considering exercise within a daily routine. Their body
language compared to one another’s is effected though exercise and a healthy lifestyle,
linking the campaign to mental health and how exercise has an impact on this.
The heart of my video, is encouraging people who are struggling to find motivation to
exercise, and take the first entail step. From research, it came to my attention that it is
middle aged women, who struggle with it mostly with England. So in order for this to be
successful, I have used a mirroring image of this target audience to get the message across,
including transitions, from a split screen to a normal, as it empathies the women’s facial
expressions and allows us to focus on the individual.
Overall I believe the use of a split screen within my promotional video, will make it visually
distinctive, and straight forward, as I will have to ensure angle are straight forward and
smooth, for it to flow nicely. Conveying the messages intended from the brief.
Grade – Distinction –48/72
Activity 3 - Proposal
Within my promotional video, I am going to develop and present a story behind a woman
finding motivation, in order to start to exercise within their daily lives. It shows the audience
how a small start is all you need.
Scene 1- the scene opens with a view from a video, from the inside looking out into a
morning scene when an alarm goes off, presenting us with a close up of the clock. It then
transitions to a split screen presenting two women sleeping. One side wakes up then other
covers there head and goes back to sleep.
Scene 2- one side wakes up and goes to make breakfast, the other side continues to sleep.
Scene 3 – one side has finished breakfast and we get a shot of their front door shutting,
while the other side has only just got up and is now making their own breakfast.
Scene 4 – no split screen. Focusing on the woman, eating their breakfast in front of the TV,
as she watches the woman from the other half of the split screen jogging past.
Scene 5 – focuses on the woman’s reaction to seeing this with a close up of their face,
expressing their emotions towards seeing the woman.
Scene 6 – there alarms go of again focusing on the women’s beds, and showing us how they
are waking up in sync together unlike the day before.
Scene 7 – the both make breakfast in sync, and the scene seems more fast pace than the
one presented before.
Scene 8 – shows how one woman leaves for her daily jog as the door shuts, and the other
woman is left hesitating looking at her shoes by the front door.
Scene 9 – they both get waken up again, by their alarms again at 7:00.
Scene 10 – they repeat and at breakfast in sync.
Scene 11 – both doors shut, both woman have gone on the jog, and she has finally left.
Scene 12 - no split screen, focusing on the woman finally running, on her own, showing her
facial reactions to it.
Scene 13 – the two women from the split screens pass each, other and give a slight smile to
each another.
Scene 14 – mid shot of the woman running past, the other one.
Scene 15 – close up of the woman’s face who has found it difficult to finally leave her house
and run.
Scene 16 – writing appears over the scene saying ‘We all start somewhere – Moveit’.
Scene 17 – transitions to a title page of the quote and the organisations logo.
Grade – Distinction –48/72
Technical Considerations:
To ensure I get smooth clear shot I will use, varies of tripods, to create the best content to
reflect the ideas and messages I want the general public to receive. When considering
editing overall I must sure transitions and shots match the themes I am portraying.
In order to create an interesting way to portray my promotional video, I decided to follow a
split screen view, along with close up, mid shots, long shots and matching transitions. The
split screen in my video will create interest towards my audience as it is not a common way
to portray videos, with the media. In order to show the two contrasting women within my
scene I believed this would be the best way as it directly shows the different, as the mirror
one another in every scene. However in part I think are suitable to split screen change to
single, and that is to show close ups of the woman’s face, as when I follow the split screen I
must ensure shots flow and are simply so people can follow them apriority and not get
confused between what is happening. The mid shots and long shots are generally in sync
when used within a split screen, to show a deeper view of their surroundings for effect, and
are also used towards the end when showing the two women passing within a single shot.
The biggest editing tasks within my work will be to create the split screen affect and ensure
they are lined up within the correct time periods of one another. This would involve using
layers in the editing, along with masks. In order for this to work I must ensure the frames of
each shot align with one another, and work sufficiently. Another editing task would be
adding a layer effect over the scene its self, while the scene is still flowing, to then transition
this to fade into a title screen. For this to be successful the transition must fade out and not
look out of place or jumpy, we need it to look smooth, and link smoothly to the title page.
Within my promotional video I will use ambient noise throughout to represent the realness
of the scenes and how the sounds relate to people daily routines. Foley work would be used
for sounds which do not stand out enough though ambient noise such as footsteps or a door
shut. And overall royalty music would be used at the end title which will be upbeat and
match the mood at the end of the scene which contrasts with the start of the video itself.
The locations being used are houses within a street. The rooms which will be used are a bed
room, kitchen and hall way. These locations will have a huge impact on the result of the
video overall, as it is based on what they are doing and help empathise the messages and
themes throughout. The characters will be dressed in pyjamas throughout until they both go
out for a jog where they wear general gym clothes.
Grade – Distinction –48/72
The performance will be directed by the directors, and match the characteristics the
characters must portray. For example one actors must play and show a very happy bubbly
mood while the other a sad and grumpy one wit out being too obvious, and obnoxious.
Legal and Ethical:
Copyright: I will not be using any music with my video until the end, as I plan to use ambient
noise throughout and too effect. The only sound track I will use for the brief moment is the
title screen, at the last scene of my video. The music I plan to us is a royalty free piece, of
music which will be upbeat and represent the mood at the end of the video. However if a
popular piece of music come out around the time of editing I may opt to use the
copyrighted song if I believe if will suit the theme more apparently than the royalty free on I
planned to use, even if it means adjusting the budget.
Health and safety: this is a necessary part when making a production of any sort. It is
apparent that I will have to create a risk assessment for each location which I plan to use in
my scenes, and carry out recces to further the research when taking out a risk assessment,
to ensure all locations are appropriate. I plan to do these in order to minimise any risks
which may become apparent when filming to avoid any injury, actions such as taping down
lose wires, and swatch tests on makeup being used on actors to avoid any issue, to the
Libel: I am not representing a real person in my proposals nor making any disregarding
comments, so there’s no overall issue with the libel.
Child actors: I am not planning on using any child actors within my video, so I do not require
a child performance licence from the child’s local authority.
Fairness: within my work I am not making any claims or unreasonable links.
Privacy: to avoid invading privacy everyone must sign a contributors release form, any
accidental coverage of the general public will be cut if forms are not signed for the
permission of its use.
Representations: no stereotypes are used, however we are presenting the representation
towards the link of mental health and exercise, which we will approach with great cation
and not push to forwardly towards the audience.
 Cannon D700 digital SLR
 Spare Battery’s
 Memory cards
 50mm lens
 Tripod
 3x Led lighting, with stands.
 Gels 9 (coloured filters for lights)
 Boom mic
Grade – Distinction –48/72
 Boom pole
 Leads, necessary
 Editing hardware and software.
Location planning:
For my promotional video, I will only three entail locations. Overall my scenes will be shot in
two different houses within the same street, as we would also be filming with the
residential street. The two houses are being rented out as it is generally the cheapest option
to opt for, due to an entire set being available and no set would have to be made. We taking
all precautions and made sure accesses in allowed during the time periods which we wish to
film, we will not disturb traffic or cause any physical disruption to the street itself. If we
were doing a bigger production, we would have to get permission to shut down the whole
street however for the scale we are filming on we would not need to take such measures. I
have chosen these two locations as I believe they will help me portray the message I wish to
in the best way, and help reflect relatability throughout. Only the two actors will be present,
unless we filmunintended extras, and in this case we get there permission to use the
footage though a standard contributor’s release form.
Risk assessment:
In order to film as safely as possible I must take out a risk assessment, to help minimise or
avoid completely are hazards which could be posed to any staff on site when filming. The
risk assessment will be created in a word document or even hand written to be signed off by
the director and producers for the health and safety regulations. We would have to
highlight any potential risks such as lose wires, traffic within the streets, and unsteady
props, and figure out how these could be resolved overall. Some precautions which we
could take is wearing the appropriate footwear when on set, have a run though rehearsal to
highlight any issues which have not been found, make sure actors are aware of props and
many other factors which ned to be considered. Another point is finding out the medical
history of the crew and whether things such as light would affect them if they suffer with
epilepsy, and skins test with makeup to make sure no serious reaction occur when wearing
May week 1 Meeting with client.
May week 2 Story board & scripting
May week 3 Story board and scripting finished.
May week 4 Cast and crew arranged
June Cast and crew confirmed, practical planned
July week 1&2 Filming day 1 and 2
July week 3&4 Editing days
august Final product review, reshoots, reediting.
September Video released
Grade – Distinction –48/72
The whole campaign need to be released and read for the new school year in September. I
believe my schedule allows me enough time to achieve that comfortably, as I have ensured
time for every aspect of the dual course of creating a camping such as a promotional video.
Item Price per day Days Total Cost
Location £300 2 £600
Equipment £250 2 £500
Director £300 5 £1500
Cast £500 2 £1000
Music £150 3 £450
Editing £300 3 £900
Total £4950
Activity 4 - Treatment
Shot 1 – the sound which the video opens with and continues throughout the begging shots,
is a load, aggressive alarmclock, conveying the disturbance unfolding within the scenes. The
first shot shows a window from the inside looking out into a crisp morning where the sun is
rising. The first helps establish the location and environment around, without revealing too
much in the first shot. This allows the audience to clearly see it is the morning and the
world is waking up.
Shot 2 – the close up of the alarm clock, links the sound from the first shot to the source of
the noise, showing the significance to which the alarm clock will have though the video.
Though the focus of the alarm clock, and its sound I hope to portray a meaning around it
and why it is an important factor towards the messages I want to portray though out. This
shows the audience that its time, and someone needs to wake up.
Shot 3 – this shot firstly transitions, to a split screen presenting two bedroom, of similar
features (to empathises the mirroring though out). It shows the alarm clock on both side of
two different women waking up due to the alarm. This shows the audience that we will be
following two people, and their morning’s overall.
Shot 4 – the split screening follows, however emotion begins to show in this shot, as one
side wakes up showing there bubbly personality to waking up , while the other side
contrasts showing there grumpy, sad approach to having to wake up. The noise of the alarm
stops in this shot, and ambient noise follows though the majority of the scenes. This is
showing the audience how we are presenting two contrasting moods throughout the
Shot 5- the spit screen is now highlighting how one side is getting out of bed on the que of
their alarm however the other puts there quilt over there head and goes back to sleep,
conveying a very negative mood towards the audience, along with a sign from there half.
Grade – Distinction –48/72
This shows the audience how the emotions to waking up for their day are different and how
one half is struggling.
Shot 6 – this show shows, the happier side making breakfast, listening to the radio, and
showing there peppy morning mood, while the other side, has sat up , expressing their
mood though there facial features, where you would interpret them as fed up and very
disheartened towards the morning. From this I hope the contrasting moods are very clear,
and will unfold the message as it develops, to the audience.
Shot 7 - this shot focuses on the contrast of the two women’s daily lives, as one side is
making breakfast the other is just sitting on their bed with ambient noise surrounding them.
This shows the contrast of the moods and how there is something wrong with the one side
of the spilt screen, and in this part the audience begin to see this.
Shot 8 – this shot starts with the door one half of the split screen shutting, and the other
finally making breakfast the fast pace of the on side reflect the energy towards the
audience, however the slow pace on the other side shows how dragging the day is for the
other person.
Shot 9- the shot, shows a mid-shot of people, while one is running you hear the mumble of
their music while the other one you hear the TV, empathises the mood again though out.
Making the audience question why they live such different lives and approaches.
Shot 10 – the shot has now transitioned to a single one where we are focusing on the
character who is rather sad and empty throughout the previous scenes. Hey are looking
hopelessly though the video watching the day go by when they see a woman jogging past,
(the one from the other split screen). In this scene you begin to a lift on this person’s mood,
you see a spark of motivation, which has not really been present throughout before. The
only noise you here in this scene is the ambient noise of the TV. This single shot shows a
more in-depth look at the woman, and hr direct reaction to seeing someone living the life
she wants.
Shot 11 – this close up of the girls face, shows the audience that the same girl who looked so
lost and sad earlier has been shown hope, and passion who is battling with herself to take it
further as she see inspiration from the woman running outside.
Shot 12 – a mid-shot of the two women’s rooms again, shows there mornings starting, with
the alarm clock going off again making the audience’s attention divert towards the sound
itself, however the scene seems lighting, emphasising a change on the overall mood of the
Shot 13 – the long shot of them both waking up on the que of their alarms, this shows the
audience a contrast of the women, who the day before stayed in bed due to not feeling
happy enough to leave. This is showing a start to the progress she is going to be making
though out the video as a whole, empathising the passion and motivation being built around
Grade – Distinction –48/72
Shot 14 – this shot, show how there is a faster pace in both sides now, compared to the
other scenes portrayed, which helps portray towards the audience the difference in energy
being given from the person from the previous day.
Shot 15 – this show is particularly important as you one sides door shut you see the other
side just looking contemplating whether to take that step and leave there house which they
see as a safe place. Showing directly to the audience the progress she has made over the
days which we have followed her.

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Unit 8 Jan 2019 Distinction

  • 1. Grade – Distinction –48/72 Activity 1 -Rational Platform of production: From the brief, the commission I have decided to follow is the promotional video, to promote the way of healthy living alongside exercise on behalf of the non-profit charity “MoveIt”. My reasoning behind choosing the approach of a promotional video, as I believe it is the best way to promote and put across an encouraging campaign to people all over the UK, to uptake a healthier lifestyle, focusing on exercise and activity. I would argue that within the brief the target audience is quite broad, suggesting to me that it is an approach towards all people struggling in the UK, and from interpreting the research it is very clear that the people who struggle most is women within England. I would firstly publish the video on different platforms, starting with YouTube, in order to reach the general demographic on a wide scale and then follow onto social media platforms, to firstly generate the recognisability of the campaign and its message of healthy living itself, though exercise. Due to the nature of the video being requested to be approximately 6 minutes long, it would be too long for a TV ad, meaning if it was ever requested to be turned into a TV campaign, it would have to be shorted and cut. For my campaign video to successfully reach the UK public I will create a relatable platform and generate an interest creating an interest towards the campaign, leading to the message of a healthy lifestyle being spread throughout the UK public (the target audience.) Target Audience: From looking at the brief and assessing the target audience I would argue that the brief suggests a very broad target audience, of people within the UK who don’t do regular exercise. While the research is showing figures edging towards women within the UK focusing on England, and there demographic of their exercise rate. I believe I can met requirements of this brief as I have come to an overall conclusion that it is focusing on areas and further demographics which do the least amount of exercise, and from this I can see it is women in the England region. In order for my promotional video to reach its aimed target audience, I believe the video itself, should have a focus on women, in England due to it being the lowest demographic who do regular exercise, and this then create a relatable platform for them to then respond to. The key idea I am planning to follow is showing the different ways exercise affects your body not only physically but mentally, and how exercise itself, can even alter a person’s mind set, into forward positive thinking. This will help promote and inspire many women and many also target a secondary audience of men. Secondary research: For my secondary research I decided to look into two different contrasting videos, promoting exercise and a heathier lifestyle for people who are perceived unmotivated. I have gathered this information to evaluate the information and gather ideas for my audience and promotional video. The first video I looked at is ‘This Girl Can’ – a campaign which was developed by sport England to promote sport amongst women. Its aim is to show strong women doing sports,
  • 2. Grade – Distinction –48/72 all as one and not caring what they look like, as they are having fun and doing what they love. The campaign itself was a particular success as many women was empowered by the messages put across in the video and was deemed a success amongst many. From their own research thy found that the UK is suffering from a significant gender gap. ‘’ Research carried out by sport England reveals that by every measure, fewer women than men play sport regularly’’. Two million fewer 14-40 year olds women take part in sport when compared with men, despite the fact 75% want to be more active’’ and from these figures, they wanted to change that. There idea was to create an empowering video, which does not shame women for an ‘unhealthy lifestyle’, yet motivates them to do sport for fun and for themselves! The second video which I looked at was ’Get Active - a TV campaign to get out your chair’. The videos aims at a much contrasted approach compared to the ‘This girl can’ campaign. Their approach could be argued to be a lot more negative, toward men in order to create a valid point. Another argument linking to that is that the approach being connoted in a negative way is the approach men respond to best, in comparison to women who do not like fun poked t them to ‘lose weight’. The video itself shows men in arm chairs attempting to play sport, who are limited due to their chair, the video highlights a fact that men need to get up out the chairs and get involved in sport because they look silly. This approach makes men look and feel bad about themselves, and blames it on their overall laziness. To conclude, the this girl can video, is inspiring women to get fit, and not care about what people think, while in complete contrast the get active campaign is almost poking fun at men and how they should care what people think of them, as a way to encourage them to exercise. However the only comparison is that they use relate people, who other can also find a relatable ground. Primary research: For my primary research, I carried out a questionnaire and distributed it on social media sites, such as twitter and Facebook. I also gave some out to the general public in order to gather a wide spectrum of results back. My reasoning behind doing a questionnaire is to reach a large amount of people of different ages, ABC1 and genders in order to get that wide knowledge of the UK public. I was able to collect 87 responses from both the general public and social media forms, and this is what the questionnaire showed; Q1) which age bracket do you fit into? 12-17: 13 18-24: 15 25-30: 32 30-40: 17 40+:10 Q2) How often do you do regular exercise?
  • 3. Grade – Distinction –48/72 Daily: 37 Weekly: 34 Monthly: 16 Q3) If none why? Women within the age group of 25-40+ would argue that they do not have enough time to fir regular exercise into their personal lives. Q4) Do you enjoy exercise? Yes: 56 No: 31 Q5) if not why? The general response from this is a lot of people don’t know what to do in the gym by themselves, and don’t have the knowledge to follow a plan or even make one. Q6) how do you get to school or work? Walk: 18 Cycle: 11 Public Transport: 26 Drive: 32 Q7) are you interested in sports events? Yes: 57 No: 30 Q8) would you rather work in groups or individually? Groups: 67 Individually: 20 From my research I have furthered my understanding of people’s opinions towards, exercise and the route of the issue which is posed, and will use this with my work to help me direct my target audience. Understanding commission: The purpose of the commission is to create market material as part of a wider market campaign to help promote and spread the message of a healthy lifestyle, with exercise and
  • 4. Grade – Distinction –48/72 show the effects it has on your body, physically and mentally. From the target market research the main focus will be women, as they are shown as the demographic who do least exercise. The client brief is an organisation called ‘MoveIt’, who is a charitable organisation funded though the UK sport and fitness industry. Its campaign is to promote the encouragement of a healthier lifestyle. Move it are a new organisation, are foreseen to be very successful though the backing of the UK sport and fitness industry, suggesting to be very successful for the future of the organisation. The themes and subjects I am going to focus on in relation towards the brief is showing the effects overall of a healthy life style, in cooperation to exercise and a key focus on mental health and a change to a better mind-set and lifestyle. Though using mental health as a platform to promote ideas of better health though exercise, we will not only be making a video aiming towards people who are in need to make changes to follow a healthy lifestyle, but show how doing exercise can almost change their whole mind set. From research it is shown over 36% of people classed as ‘over weight’ are people who suffer with mental health and find it hard to find encouraging platforms in life. While this approach is showing a perspective of mental health, a lot of scene will be relatable to many, as we all get discouraged and sometimes find it hard to carry on. As suggested throughout; the audience, will be people struggling to maintain or even create a healthy lifestyle though exercise. Throughout this campaign our initial aim is to motivate them, and I believe we can also target a secondary audience, anyone who is lacking motivation, and wants to make a healthier lifestyle change overall. The age will are aiming towards in general is middle aged women, who might be mothers, carers and any other stereotypical women in a family home, as the demographic shows the higher majority of overweight women is older women. From stats given, wealthier areas within the UK generally are able to meet standards for exercise however the more middleclass and lower class areas struggle to meet recommendations, showing the overall contrast between the three areas in the UK. Our campaign is targeted the middle and lower class, who maybe cannot afford a gym membership, and find it hard to find time or even the motivation to do every day exercise. When considering who we are going to represent in our video, we want to show everyday people, not unrealistic figures who may discourage people further. As it is a campaign generally aimed at any (but targeted towards women). There will be no images or inappropriate age restricted language used. Ideas generation: My first idea is showing a woman at the gym for the first time not knowing what to do, and being overwhelmed by everyone there, until she is handed a leaflet for a class, which she shows a deeper interest to. As she goes to these classes the first one she really struggles, and walks out after 10 minutes, however the second one she sticks it out longer, and does longer in the class. This story follows her story and her fitness journey and how I cannot be done in one try. My second idea is following two people who wake up symmetrically with a split screen showing both of their mornings, one side a person wakes up fresh and happy, and jumps straight out of bed over the contrasting side wakes up sad and grumpy. It follows the two
  • 5. Grade – Distinction –48/72 contrasting sides following different mornings as one would get up one would stay in bed longer, as one would go for a job one would eat in front of the TV. The story follows the sad side finding motivation to get fit and start to exercise, and how that impacts there mood overall. My third idea, is following someone wanting to do a marathon, and it follows there struggles getting run, and how everyday they can run further and further, showing real relatable struggles, where at one point they think of giving up and that they can’t do it, until they finally fun the full length making them proud of themselves. The whole video shows the progress of the person. Final idea: I have chosen my second idea, of a spilt screening image of two women, waking up for their morning who have contrasting starts. The start of the scene will develop in real time with no cuts, showing a somewhat relatable start where you dread the day ahead with no motivation, while the other spilt screen wakes up happy and motivated. From doing this I hope to put across the link to exercise and mental health, clearly as the video evolves. As the two sides wake up, one makes breakfast and one has already had food and has left for a run, the motivation of the other half is very desirable as many women mainly tend to be but off at the gym by other women, who seem to know everything, so by showing to ideal women, who don’t necessarily fit into the generic stereotype of the world ideal imagine of a women, it allows women similar to those shown in the video, to feel a more relatable ground when it comes to keeping fit and exercising. While one is out for the run one is eating a sandwich in front of the window, there is no split screen now and the two people cross over in the same scene to show the contrasting images, and lifestyles of the two women. The next day pans around and both split screens get up , the one side is happy while the other side is happier than they was the day before (showing a gradual progress) and both awake in the same time frame, (compared to the previous shot where they stayed in bed). They both make a breakfast which is fundamentally healthily compared the one sides who ate fry up the morning before. The gradually change in the one person’s attitude is what showing the gradual motivation start from seeing the women running past there widow. The next day they both wake up in sync both eat in sync, and both leave, while there was hesitation from the other person she finally did it, and left. When she left the screen focuses on just her who has never run before. She just runs and runs and runs, and the close up / mid shot catches her at the end of her run where she can’t do any more, she’s out of breath. She just runs and runs and runs, and stop breathing heavy and smiling. She even passes the woman from the other side of the split screen and gives brief smirk. A transition now goes over with a title screen, saying ‘we all start somewhere-Move it’, which then transitions to a title screen at the end. I believe this idea would meet the criteria as it highlights a small way people can fit exercise into their life, and how they don’t need a gym or any training to start, they can just go on small runs, at the start the two people contrast in moods trying to put across how exercise
  • 6. Grade – Distinction –48/72 has an effect on mental health as well. Overall its point is to show that everyone has to start somewhere. From the one in the scene seeing the women running that insinuates a motive within their mind as they decide themselves, with hesitation to go on a run? They run and run until they can’t no more and stop directly within the line of the camera out of breath smiling as they are proud of what they have done. The next scene pans around to the person then waking up in sync with the other and going on a run, and the two split screens clash as they say hello as they pass one another. A title screen will appear with ‘we all start somewhere’ – Move It. I believe this choice fits best within the aims and objectives of the brief we was given, as it promotes a positive message towards, the lower demographic of people within the UK who exercise. The generalised target audience I gathered from the brief was middle aged women within England, so I had to ensure all my ideas would be relatable to this audience, and approach them in a suitable way which my messages put across would reach them effectively. Activity 2 - Pitch: My name is liberty mason, and I represent Coppice Creative Partnerships. From the commission, my chosen platform of production is a promotional video, which will be approximately 6 minutes long, aimed towards a target market women, who struggle to gain the motivation to exercise and introduce themselves into a more active life, around the middle aged mark. The videos aims will be to create a platform for women to start to exercise without feeling like it’s another unrealistic fitness advertisement. By using realistic women, in a safe environment such as a home, it can create a relatable platform, and encourage many women. The video itself will be shown though the organisations website, on platforms such as YouTube, and other social media platforms. My idea, is to follow two women’s, mornings for 3 days, while mirroring them side by side. Both women will contrast with one struggling to find motivation to eat healthy and exercise and the other being able to do so. The idea of a split screen empathises the difference between their mind-set, when considering exercise within a daily routine. Their body language compared to one another’s is effected though exercise and a healthy lifestyle, linking the campaign to mental health and how exercise has an impact on this. The heart of my video, is encouraging people who are struggling to find motivation to exercise, and take the first entail step. From research, it came to my attention that it is middle aged women, who struggle with it mostly with England. So in order for this to be successful, I have used a mirroring image of this target audience to get the message across, including transitions, from a split screen to a normal, as it empathies the women’s facial expressions and allows us to focus on the individual. Overall I believe the use of a split screen within my promotional video, will make it visually distinctive, and straight forward, as I will have to ensure angle are straight forward and smooth, for it to flow nicely. Conveying the messages intended from the brief.
  • 7. Grade – Distinction –48/72 Activity 3 - Proposal Overview: Within my promotional video, I am going to develop and present a story behind a woman finding motivation, in order to start to exercise within their daily lives. It shows the audience how a small start is all you need. Scene 1- the scene opens with a view from a video, from the inside looking out into a morning scene when an alarm goes off, presenting us with a close up of the clock. It then transitions to a split screen presenting two women sleeping. One side wakes up then other covers there head and goes back to sleep. Scene 2- one side wakes up and goes to make breakfast, the other side continues to sleep. Scene 3 – one side has finished breakfast and we get a shot of their front door shutting, while the other side has only just got up and is now making their own breakfast. Scene 4 – no split screen. Focusing on the woman, eating their breakfast in front of the TV, as she watches the woman from the other half of the split screen jogging past. Scene 5 – focuses on the woman’s reaction to seeing this with a close up of their face, expressing their emotions towards seeing the woman. Scene 6 – there alarms go of again focusing on the women’s beds, and showing us how they are waking up in sync together unlike the day before. Scene 7 – the both make breakfast in sync, and the scene seems more fast pace than the one presented before. Scene 8 – shows how one woman leaves for her daily jog as the door shuts, and the other woman is left hesitating looking at her shoes by the front door. Scene 9 – they both get waken up again, by their alarms again at 7:00. Scene 10 – they repeat and at breakfast in sync. Scene 11 – both doors shut, both woman have gone on the jog, and she has finally left. Scene 12 - no split screen, focusing on the woman finally running, on her own, showing her facial reactions to it. Scene 13 – the two women from the split screens pass each, other and give a slight smile to each another. Scene 14 – mid shot of the woman running past, the other one. Scene 15 – close up of the woman’s face who has found it difficult to finally leave her house and run. Scene 16 – writing appears over the scene saying ‘We all start somewhere – Moveit’. Scene 17 – transitions to a title page of the quote and the organisations logo.
  • 8. Grade – Distinction –48/72 Technical Considerations: To ensure I get smooth clear shot I will use, varies of tripods, to create the best content to reflect the ideas and messages I want the general public to receive. When considering editing overall I must sure transitions and shots match the themes I am portraying. Cinematography: In order to create an interesting way to portray my promotional video, I decided to follow a split screen view, along with close up, mid shots, long shots and matching transitions. The split screen in my video will create interest towards my audience as it is not a common way to portray videos, with the media. In order to show the two contrasting women within my scene I believed this would be the best way as it directly shows the different, as the mirror one another in every scene. However in part I think are suitable to split screen change to single, and that is to show close ups of the woman’s face, as when I follow the split screen I must ensure shots flow and are simply so people can follow them apriority and not get confused between what is happening. The mid shots and long shots are generally in sync when used within a split screen, to show a deeper view of their surroundings for effect, and are also used towards the end when showing the two women passing within a single shot. Editing: The biggest editing tasks within my work will be to create the split screen affect and ensure they are lined up within the correct time periods of one another. This would involve using layers in the editing, along with masks. In order for this to work I must ensure the frames of each shot align with one another, and work sufficiently. Another editing task would be adding a layer effect over the scene its self, while the scene is still flowing, to then transition this to fade into a title screen. For this to be successful the transition must fade out and not look out of place or jumpy, we need it to look smooth, and link smoothly to the title page. Sound: Within my promotional video I will use ambient noise throughout to represent the realness of the scenes and how the sounds relate to people daily routines. Foley work would be used for sounds which do not stand out enough though ambient noise such as footsteps or a door shut. And overall royalty music would be used at the end title which will be upbeat and match the mood at the end of the scene which contrasts with the start of the video itself. Mise-En-Scene: The locations being used are houses within a street. The rooms which will be used are a bed room, kitchen and hall way. These locations will have a huge impact on the result of the video overall, as it is based on what they are doing and help empathise the messages and themes throughout. The characters will be dressed in pyjamas throughout until they both go out for a jog where they wear general gym clothes. Performance:
  • 9. Grade – Distinction –48/72 The performance will be directed by the directors, and match the characteristics the characters must portray. For example one actors must play and show a very happy bubbly mood while the other a sad and grumpy one wit out being too obvious, and obnoxious. Legal and Ethical: Copyright: I will not be using any music with my video until the end, as I plan to use ambient noise throughout and too effect. The only sound track I will use for the brief moment is the title screen, at the last scene of my video. The music I plan to us is a royalty free piece, of music which will be upbeat and represent the mood at the end of the video. However if a popular piece of music come out around the time of editing I may opt to use the copyrighted song if I believe if will suit the theme more apparently than the royalty free on I planned to use, even if it means adjusting the budget. Health and safety: this is a necessary part when making a production of any sort. It is apparent that I will have to create a risk assessment for each location which I plan to use in my scenes, and carry out recces to further the research when taking out a risk assessment, to ensure all locations are appropriate. I plan to do these in order to minimise any risks which may become apparent when filming to avoid any injury, actions such as taping down lose wires, and swatch tests on makeup being used on actors to avoid any issue, to the health. Libel: I am not representing a real person in my proposals nor making any disregarding comments, so there’s no overall issue with the libel. Child actors: I am not planning on using any child actors within my video, so I do not require a child performance licence from the child’s local authority. Fairness: within my work I am not making any claims or unreasonable links. Privacy: to avoid invading privacy everyone must sign a contributors release form, any accidental coverage of the general public will be cut if forms are not signed for the permission of its use. Representations: no stereotypes are used, however we are presenting the representation towards the link of mental health and exercise, which we will approach with great cation and not push to forwardly towards the audience. Equipment:  Cannon D700 digital SLR  Spare Battery’s  Memory cards  50mm lens  Tripod  3x Led lighting, with stands.  Gels 9 (coloured filters for lights)  Boom mic
  • 10. Grade – Distinction –48/72  Boom pole  Leads, necessary  Editing hardware and software. Location planning: For my promotional video, I will only three entail locations. Overall my scenes will be shot in two different houses within the same street, as we would also be filming with the residential street. The two houses are being rented out as it is generally the cheapest option to opt for, due to an entire set being available and no set would have to be made. We taking all precautions and made sure accesses in allowed during the time periods which we wish to film, we will not disturb traffic or cause any physical disruption to the street itself. If we were doing a bigger production, we would have to get permission to shut down the whole street however for the scale we are filming on we would not need to take such measures. I have chosen these two locations as I believe they will help me portray the message I wish to in the best way, and help reflect relatability throughout. Only the two actors will be present, unless we filmunintended extras, and in this case we get there permission to use the footage though a standard contributor’s release form. Risk assessment: In order to film as safely as possible I must take out a risk assessment, to help minimise or avoid completely are hazards which could be posed to any staff on site when filming. The risk assessment will be created in a word document or even hand written to be signed off by the director and producers for the health and safety regulations. We would have to highlight any potential risks such as lose wires, traffic within the streets, and unsteady props, and figure out how these could be resolved overall. Some precautions which we could take is wearing the appropriate footwear when on set, have a run though rehearsal to highlight any issues which have not been found, make sure actors are aware of props and many other factors which ned to be considered. Another point is finding out the medical history of the crew and whether things such as light would affect them if they suffer with epilepsy, and skins test with makeup to make sure no serious reaction occur when wearing it. Schedule: May week 1 Meeting with client. May week 2 Story board & scripting May week 3 Story board and scripting finished. May week 4 Cast and crew arranged June Cast and crew confirmed, practical planned complete. July week 1&2 Filming day 1 and 2 July week 3&4 Editing days august Final product review, reshoots, reediting. September Video released
  • 11. Grade – Distinction –48/72 The whole campaign need to be released and read for the new school year in September. I believe my schedule allows me enough time to achieve that comfortably, as I have ensured time for every aspect of the dual course of creating a camping such as a promotional video. Budgets: Item Price per day Days Total Cost Location £300 2 £600 Equipment £250 2 £500 Director £300 5 £1500 Cast £500 2 £1000 Music £150 3 £450 Editing £300 3 £900 Total £4950 Activity 4 - Treatment Justification Shot 1 – the sound which the video opens with and continues throughout the begging shots, is a load, aggressive alarmclock, conveying the disturbance unfolding within the scenes. The first shot shows a window from the inside looking out into a crisp morning where the sun is rising. The first helps establish the location and environment around, without revealing too much in the first shot. This allows the audience to clearly see it is the morning and the world is waking up. Shot 2 – the close up of the alarm clock, links the sound from the first shot to the source of the noise, showing the significance to which the alarm clock will have though the video. Though the focus of the alarm clock, and its sound I hope to portray a meaning around it and why it is an important factor towards the messages I want to portray though out. This shows the audience that its time, and someone needs to wake up. Shot 3 – this shot firstly transitions, to a split screen presenting two bedroom, of similar features (to empathises the mirroring though out). It shows the alarm clock on both side of two different women waking up due to the alarm. This shows the audience that we will be following two people, and their morning’s overall. Shot 4 – the split screening follows, however emotion begins to show in this shot, as one side wakes up showing there bubbly personality to waking up , while the other side contrasts showing there grumpy, sad approach to having to wake up. The noise of the alarm stops in this shot, and ambient noise follows though the majority of the scenes. This is showing the audience how we are presenting two contrasting moods throughout the scenes. Shot 5- the spit screen is now highlighting how one side is getting out of bed on the que of their alarm however the other puts there quilt over there head and goes back to sleep, conveying a very negative mood towards the audience, along with a sign from there half.
  • 12. Grade – Distinction –48/72 This shows the audience how the emotions to waking up for their day are different and how one half is struggling. Shot 6 – this show shows, the happier side making breakfast, listening to the radio, and showing there peppy morning mood, while the other side, has sat up , expressing their mood though there facial features, where you would interpret them as fed up and very disheartened towards the morning. From this I hope the contrasting moods are very clear, and will unfold the message as it develops, to the audience. Shot 7 - this shot focuses on the contrast of the two women’s daily lives, as one side is making breakfast the other is just sitting on their bed with ambient noise surrounding them. This shows the contrast of the moods and how there is something wrong with the one side of the spilt screen, and in this part the audience begin to see this. Shot 8 – this shot starts with the door one half of the split screen shutting, and the other finally making breakfast the fast pace of the on side reflect the energy towards the audience, however the slow pace on the other side shows how dragging the day is for the other person. Shot 9- the shot, shows a mid-shot of people, while one is running you hear the mumble of their music while the other one you hear the TV, empathises the mood again though out. Making the audience question why they live such different lives and approaches. Shot 10 – the shot has now transitioned to a single one where we are focusing on the character who is rather sad and empty throughout the previous scenes. Hey are looking hopelessly though the video watching the day go by when they see a woman jogging past, (the one from the other split screen). In this scene you begin to a lift on this person’s mood, you see a spark of motivation, which has not really been present throughout before. The only noise you here in this scene is the ambient noise of the TV. This single shot shows a more in-depth look at the woman, and hr direct reaction to seeing someone living the life she wants. Shot 11 – this close up of the girls face, shows the audience that the same girl who looked so lost and sad earlier has been shown hope, and passion who is battling with herself to take it further as she see inspiration from the woman running outside. Shot 12 – a mid-shot of the two women’s rooms again, shows there mornings starting, with the alarm clock going off again making the audience’s attention divert towards the sound itself, however the scene seems lighting, emphasising a change on the overall mood of the scene. Shot 13 – the long shot of them both waking up on the que of their alarms, this shows the audience a contrast of the women, who the day before stayed in bed due to not feeling happy enough to leave. This is showing a start to the progress she is going to be making though out the video as a whole, empathising the passion and motivation being built around her.
  • 13. Grade – Distinction –48/72 Shot 14 – this shot, show how there is a faster pace in both sides now, compared to the other scenes portrayed, which helps portray towards the audience the difference in energy being given from the person from the previous day. Shot 15 – this show is particularly important as you one sides door shut you see the other side just looking contemplating whether to take that step and leave there house which they see as a safe place. Showing directly to the audience the progress she has made over the days which we have followed her.