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Prepared by: Dr. Abdalla Hasballa Elmanna
PhD. In Health Education
Al-Baha University KSA
At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
1. Define health
2. Describe the different concepts and perspectives
3. of Health.
4. Describe determinants of health.
5. Define globalization & list its advantages and
6. disadvantages on health population.
7. Describe the different models of disease
8. causation theories
1.2 Health
Definitions from lay point of view, professional, World Health
Organization (WHO).
Lay Point of view: Persons are healthy when they are doing
activities with no apparent symptoms of disease in them. The
New oxford Dictionary of English describes health as ‘the state of
being free from illness
or injury’.
Professional points of view: From this point, health is
s a measure of the state of the physical bodily Organs, and the
ability of the body as a whole to function. It refers to freedom
from medically defined diseases.
1.2 Health
WHO definition: The world Health Organization (WHO)
described health in1948, in the preamble to its constitution, as “A
state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Recently this statement has been expanded to include the ability
to lead a “socially and economically productive life”. The World
Health Organization definition of health cannot be considered as
an operational definition because it does not lend itself to direct
measurement. In order to overcome this lacuna a WHO group has
devised an operational definition of health. According to this
definition, the concept of health is viewed as being of two orders.
In broader sense health can be defined as “a condition or quality
of the human organism expressing the adequate functioning of
the organism in given conditions, genetic or environmental” As
evident from the above definitions, health is multidimensional
.The WHO definition envisages three specific dimensions
(physical, mental, and social), some other dimensions like
Physical health- is concerned with anatomical integrity and
physiological functioning of the body. It means the ability to
perform routine tasks without any physical restriction. E.g.,
Physical fitness is needed to walk from place to place.
Mental Health- is the ability to learn and think clearly and
coherently. E.g., a person who is not mentally fit (retarded) could
not learn something new at a pace in which an ordinary normal
person learns.
Social health- is the ability to make and maintain acceptable
interaction with other people. E.g. to celebrate during festivals; to
mourn when a close family member dies; to create and maintain
friendship and intimacy, etc.
Emotional health - is the ability of expressing emotions in the
appropriate way, for example to fear, to be happy, and to be angry.
angry. The response of the body should be congruent with that of
the stimuli. Emotional health is related to mental health and
includes feelings. It also means maintaining one’s own integrity in
in the presence of stressful situation such as tension, depression
and anxiety.
Spiritual Health - Some people relate health with religion; for
others it has to do with personal values, beliefs, principles and ways
ways of achieving mental satisfaction, in which all are related to
their spiritual wellbeing.
Public Health 2
Public Health
Definition of Public Health 1:
• The approach to medicine that is concerned with the health of the community
as a whole. Public health is community health. It has been said that: "Health
care is vital to all of us some of the time, but public health is vital to all of us all
of the time."
• The mission of public health is to "fulfill society's interest in assuring conditions
in which people can be healthy." The three core public health functions are:
• The assessment and monitoring of the health of communities and populations at
risk to identify health problems and priorities;
• The formulation of public policies designed to solve identified local and national
health problems and priorities;
• To assure that all populations have access to appropriate and cost-effective care,
including health promotion and disease prevention services, and evaluation of the
effectiveness of that care
A Dictionary’s Definition of Public Health
“the science and practice of protecting and
improving the health of the community, as by
preventive medicine, health education, control
of communicable diseases, application of
sanitary measures, and monitoring of
environmental hazards.”
Source: The American Heritage Dictionary, Public Health Institute.
CEA Winslow’s Definition of Public Health, 1920
(short version)
“the science and art of preventing disease,
prolonging life and promoting health and
efficiency through organized community
Source: CEA Winslow, 1920.
John Last’s Definition of Public Health, 1980
“… efforts organized by society to protect, promote, and
restore the people’s health … combination of sciences,
skills, and beliefs directed to maintenance and
improvement of health of all people through collective
or social actions … emphasis on prevention of disease …
activities change with changing technology & social
values, but goals remain the same.”
Source: John Last, 1980
“Public health is what we, as a society, do
collectively to assure the conditions in which
people can be healthy.”
Source: Institute of Medicine Report (IOM).
National Academy Press. 1988.
Public Health Defined, 1988
Public Health 3
Definitions of Public Health :
1. Public Health is "the science and art of preventing
disease, prolonging life and promoting health
through the organized efforts and informed choices
of society, organizations, public and private,
communities and individuals." It is concerned with
threats to the overall health of a community based
on population health analysis. The population in
question can be as small as a handful of people or as
as large as all the inhabitants of several continents
(for instance, in the case of a pandemic). Public
health is typically divided into epidemiology,
biostatistics and health services. Environmental,
social, behavioral, and occupational health are also
Different perspectives on health
Health is viewed as a right, as consumption good, and as an
investment. Some view health as a right similar to justice or
political freedom. The WHO constitution sates that “ . . . the
enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of
the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction
of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition”.
Others view health as an important individual objective of
material aspect i.e. as consumption good. The third view
considers health as an investment, indicates health as an
important prerequisite for development because of its
consequence on the overall production through its effect on the
productive ability of the productive force. These different views
indicate differences in the emphases given to health by
Determinants of health
Health or ill health is the result of a combination of different factors. There
are different perspectives in expressing the determinants of health of an
individual or a community.
• The health field concept
According to the “Health field” concept. There are four major determinants
of health or ill health.
1. A. Human Biology:
Every Human being is made of genes. In addition, there are factors, which
are genetically transmitted from parents to offspring. As a result, there is a
chance of transferring defective trait. The modern medicine does not have a
significant role in these cases.
a. Genetic Counseling: For instance during marriage parents could be
made aware of their genetic component in order to overcome some risks
that could arise.
b. Genetic Engineering: may have a role in cases like Breast cancer.
Determinants of health
B. Environment:
is all that which is external to the individual human host. Those are factors
outside the human body. Environmental factors that could influence health
a. Life support, food, water, air etc
b. Physical factors, climate, Rain fall
c. Biological factors: microorganisms, toxins, Biological waste,
d. Psycho-social and economic e.g. Crowding, income level, access to health
e. Chemical factors: industrial wastes, agricultural waste , air pollution, etc
Determinants of health
C. Life style (Behavior): is an action that has a specific frequency, duration,
and purpose, whether conscious or unconscious. It is associated with
practice. It is what we
do and how we act.
Recently life style by itself received an increased amount of attention as a
major determinant of health. Life style of individuals affects their health
directly or indirectly.
For example:
• Cigarette smoking
• Unsafe sexual practice
• Eating contaminated food
Determinants of health
D. Health care organization Health care organizations in terms of their resource in
human power, equipment's, money and so on determine the health of people. It is
concerned with:
a. Availability of health service
People living in areas where there is no access to health service are affected by
health problems and have lower health status than those with accessible health
b. Scarcity of Health Services leads to inefficient health service and resulting in poor
quality of health status of people.
c. Acceptability of the service by the community d. Accessibility : in terms of
physical distance, finance etc.
e. Quality of care that mainly focuses on the comprehensiveness, continuity and
integration of the health care. The other view of the determinants of health is from
Determinants of health
Characteristics of Public Health
• “A broad social enterprise or system.”
• “A body of knowledge and techniques that can be applied to
health-related problems.”
• “Public health is literally the health of the public as measured in
terms of health and illness.”
• “Social justice is said to be the cornerstone of public health.”
Sudbury MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
20th Century’s Top Ten Achievements
in Public Health
1. Fluoridation of drinking water
2. Control of infectious diseases
3. Motor vehicle safety
4. Safer workplaces
5. Safer and healthier foods
6. Healthier mothers and babies
7. Recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard
8. Family planning
9. Decline in deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke
10. Immunizations
Public Health 4
Public health functions include:
1. Health surveillance, monitoring and analysis
2. Investigation of disease outbreaks, epidemics and risk to health
3. Establishing, designing and managing health promotion and disease
prevention programmes
4. Enabling and empowering communities to promote health and reduce
5. Creating and sustaining cross-Government and intersectoral partnerships to
improve health and reduce inequalities
6. Ensuring compliance with regulations and laws to protect and promote health
7. Developing and maintaining a well-educated and trained, multi-disciplinary
public health workforce
8. Ensuring the effective performance of NHS services to meet goals in improving
health, preventing disease and reducing inequalities
9. Research, development, evaluation and innovation
10. Quality assuring the public health function
From: Wikipedia December 28 2008
Public Health aims…
• Prevents epidemics and the spread of
• Protects against environmental hazards
• Responds to disasters and assists
communities in recovery
Public Health…
• Prevents injuries
• Promotes healthy behaviors
• Assures the quality and accessibility of
health services
A Public Health System
• Who?
• Public units
• Private units
• Voluntary units
• What?
• A network
Major specialist in public health
• Diverse and Multidisciplinary
• Examples…
 Biostatisticians
 Dieticians
 Environmental Health Specialists
 Behavioral Health Specialists
Core Components in public health
of the health of
the community
of the public’s
in the public’s
10 Essential public health Services
1. Monitor health status
to identify community
health problems
2. Diagnose and investigate the
common health problems and
health hazards in the community
10 Essential Services
3. Inform, educate, and
empower people about
health issues
4. Mobilize community partnerships
in order to identify and solve
health problems
10 Essential Services
5. Develop policies and plans that
support health efforts.
6. Enforce laws and regulations that
protect health and
ensure safety
10 Essential Services
7. Link people to personnel
health services and
assure the provision of
health care
8. Assure a competent public health
and health care workers.
10 Essential Services
9. Evaluate the effectiveness
accessibility, and quality of services
10. Research for new insights and
innovative solutions to health
Public Health Approach
Public Health
Determinants of Health
• Genetic
• Behavioral
• Social
• Environmental
• Personal
health care
• Vaccination
• Safer Workplaces
• Safer & Healthier Food
• Motor Vehicle Safety
• Control of Infectious
• Family Planning
• Decline in Deaths from
Heart Disease & Stroke
• Recognition of Tobacco
Use as a Health Hazard
a) Healthier Mothers
and Babies
• Fluoridation of Drinking
Aims of Public Health
• Prevents epidemics and the spread of disease
• Protects against environmental hazards
• Prevents injuries
• Promotes and encourages healthy behaviors
• Responds to disasters and assists communities in recoveries
• Assures the quality and accessibility of health services
Public Health Fundamentals
• 5 Ps of Public Health (expansion from the 3 Ps)
• Prevention (individual and community-focused)
• Promotion (voluntary, education, advocacy)
• Protection (policies/regulations; enforcement)
• Population-based (communities, groups)
• New 5th P: Preparedness (e.g., bioterrorism, natural disasters, pandemics)
• Closely linked to Environmental Health
Factors affecting of community health
1. Physical Determinants -The physical factors affecting the health of a
community include: the geography (e.g. high land versus low land), the
environment (e.g. manmade or natural catastrophes) and the industrial
development (e.g. pollution occupational hazards)
2. Socio – cultural determinants – The socio- cultural factors affecting the
health of a community include the beliefs, traditions, and social customs in
the community. It also involves the economy, politics and religion in the
3. Community organization - Community organization include the
community size, arrangement and distribution of resources (“relations of
4. Behavioral determinants- The behavioral determinants affecting health
include individual behavior and life style affecting the health of an
individual and the community.
Globalization and Health
Globalization is the process of increasing political and social
interdependence and global integration that takes place as capital,
traded goods, persons, concepts, images, ideas and Values diffuse
across the stated boundaries (Hurrel &woods 1995).
Globalization must ensure that people, particularly the poor, enjoy
better health that is the most important factor in improving the
economic wellbeing of the population in general and in reducing
poverty in particular. The effects of Globalization on health are
diverse; these can be positive, negative or mixed. Some of the
effects of Globalization are listed hereunder.
Effects of Globalization on health includes
• Externalities of some diseases due to increased communication
decreased human mobility
• Accelerated economic growth and technological advances have
enhanced health and life expectancy in many population
• Increasing effects of international and bilateral agencies (structural
adjustment programs and Global initiatives)
• Jeopardizing population health Via erosion of social and
environmental conditions and exacerbating inequalities
• Other health risks of Globalization includes - Fragmentation and
weakening of labor markets due to greater power of mobile capital
• Tobacco induced diseases
Effects of Globalization on health includes
• - Food markets & obesity as well as chemicals in food
• - Rapid spread of infectious diseases
• - Depression in aged and fragmented population
• - Adverse effects on the environment
Model of disease causation theories
• A model is a representation of a system that specifies its
components and the relationships among the variables.
• E.g. includes graphs, charts, and decision trees
• I – Nineteen-century models
• Each effort to prevent disease in the 19th century was based on
one or the other three theories of disease causality. These are:
1. Contagion theory
2. Supernatural theory
3. Personal behavior theory
4. Miasma theory
1. Contagion theory
• This theory was common at the beginning of the 19th century.
Most official disease prevention activities were based on the
hypothesis that illness is contagious. It required :
• Keeping sick people away from well people.
• The institution of quarantine of ships (the traditional period was
forty days la quarantine) during which time ships, their crews
and cargos waited off shores or at some isolated islands.
• Setting up military cordons around infected towns
• Isolation of households if they were infected, and
• Fumigating or washing the bedding and clothing of the sick.
1. Contagion theory
• Problems confounded the acceptance of this theory were
• There were too many instances where people become ill regardless of
their isolation from human contact and
• Too many others where brave souls nursed the dying and carried their bodies
to the graveyard yet remained well.

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WHO definition: The world Health Organization (WHO) described health in1948, in the preamble to its constitution, as “A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

  • 1. CONCEPTS OF HEALTH Prepared by: Dr. Abdalla Hasballa Elmanna PhD. In Health Education Al-Baha University KSA Email
  • 2. CONCEPT OF HEALTH At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to: 1. Define health 2. Describe the different concepts and perspectives 3. of Health. 4. Describe determinants of health. 5. Define globalization & list its advantages and 6. disadvantages on health population. 7. Describe the different models of disease 8. causation theories
  • 3. 1.2 Health Definitions from lay point of view, professional, World Health Organization (WHO). Lay Point of view: Persons are healthy when they are doing activities with no apparent symptoms of disease in them. The New oxford Dictionary of English describes health as ‘the state of being free from illness or injury’. Professional points of view: From this point, health is s a measure of the state of the physical bodily Organs, and the ability of the body as a whole to function. It refers to freedom from medically defined diseases.
  • 4. 1.2 Health WHO definition: The world Health Organization (WHO) described health in1948, in the preamble to its constitution, as “A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
  • 5. Health Recently this statement has been expanded to include the ability to lead a “socially and economically productive life”. The World Health Organization definition of health cannot be considered as an operational definition because it does not lend itself to direct measurement. In order to overcome this lacuna a WHO group has devised an operational definition of health. According to this definition, the concept of health is viewed as being of two orders. In broader sense health can be defined as “a condition or quality of the human organism expressing the adequate functioning of the organism in given conditions, genetic or environmental” As evident from the above definitions, health is multidimensional .The WHO definition envisages three specific dimensions (physical, mental, and social), some other dimensions like
  • 6. Health Physical health- is concerned with anatomical integrity and physiological functioning of the body. It means the ability to perform routine tasks without any physical restriction. E.g., Physical fitness is needed to walk from place to place. Mental Health- is the ability to learn and think clearly and coherently. E.g., a person who is not mentally fit (retarded) could not learn something new at a pace in which an ordinary normal person learns. Social health- is the ability to make and maintain acceptable interaction with other people. E.g. to celebrate during festivals; to mourn when a close family member dies; to create and maintain friendship and intimacy, etc.
  • 7. Health Emotional health - is the ability of expressing emotions in the appropriate way, for example to fear, to be happy, and to be angry. angry. The response of the body should be congruent with that of the stimuli. Emotional health is related to mental health and includes feelings. It also means maintaining one’s own integrity in in the presence of stressful situation such as tension, depression and anxiety. Spiritual Health - Some people relate health with religion; for others it has to do with personal values, beliefs, principles and ways ways of achieving mental satisfaction, in which all are related to their spiritual wellbeing.
  • 8. Public Health 2 Public Health Definition of Public Health 1: • The approach to medicine that is concerned with the health of the community as a whole. Public health is community health. It has been said that: "Health care is vital to all of us some of the time, but public health is vital to all of us all of the time." • The mission of public health is to "fulfill society's interest in assuring conditions in which people can be healthy." The three core public health functions are: • The assessment and monitoring of the health of communities and populations at risk to identify health problems and priorities; • The formulation of public policies designed to solve identified local and national health problems and priorities; • To assure that all populations have access to appropriate and cost-effective care, including health promotion and disease prevention services, and evaluation of the effectiveness of that care
  • 9. A Dictionary’s Definition of Public Health “the science and practice of protecting and improving the health of the community, as by preventive medicine, health education, control of communicable diseases, application of sanitary measures, and monitoring of environmental hazards.” Source: The American Heritage Dictionary, Public Health Institute. PUBLIC HEALTH 101.
  • 10. CEA Winslow’s Definition of Public Health, 1920 (short version) “the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort.” Source: CEA Winslow, 1920.
  • 11. John Last’s Definition of Public Health, 1980 “… efforts organized by society to protect, promote, and restore the people’s health … combination of sciences, skills, and beliefs directed to maintenance and improvement of health of all people through collective or social actions … emphasis on prevention of disease … activities change with changing technology & social values, but goals remain the same.” Source: John Last, 1980
  • 12. 12 “Public health is what we, as a society, do collectively to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy.” Source: Institute of Medicine Report (IOM). THE FUTURE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Washington DC: National Academy Press. 1988. Public Health Defined, 1988
  • 13. Public Health 3 Definitions of Public Health : 1. Public Health is "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals." It is concerned with threats to the overall health of a community based on population health analysis. The population in question can be as small as a handful of people or as as large as all the inhabitants of several continents (for instance, in the case of a pandemic). Public health is typically divided into epidemiology, biostatistics and health services. Environmental, social, behavioral, and occupational health are also
  • 14. Different perspectives on health Health is viewed as a right, as consumption good, and as an investment. Some view health as a right similar to justice or political freedom. The WHO constitution sates that “ . . . the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition”. Others view health as an important individual objective of material aspect i.e. as consumption good. The third view considers health as an investment, indicates health as an important prerequisite for development because of its consequence on the overall production through its effect on the productive ability of the productive force. These different views indicate differences in the emphases given to health by
  • 15. Determinants of health Health or ill health is the result of a combination of different factors. There are different perspectives in expressing the determinants of health of an individual or a community. • The health field concept According to the “Health field” concept. There are four major determinants of health or ill health. 1. A. Human Biology: Every Human being is made of genes. In addition, there are factors, which are genetically transmitted from parents to offspring. As a result, there is a chance of transferring defective trait. The modern medicine does not have a significant role in these cases. a. Genetic Counseling: For instance during marriage parents could be made aware of their genetic component in order to overcome some risks that could arise. b. Genetic Engineering: may have a role in cases like Breast cancer.
  • 16. Determinants of health B. Environment: is all that which is external to the individual human host. Those are factors outside the human body. Environmental factors that could influence health include: a. Life support, food, water, air etc b. Physical factors, climate, Rain fall c. Biological factors: microorganisms, toxins, Biological waste, d. Psycho-social and economic e.g. Crowding, income level, access to health care e. Chemical factors: industrial wastes, agricultural waste , air pollution, etc
  • 17. Determinants of health C. Life style (Behavior): is an action that has a specific frequency, duration, and purpose, whether conscious or unconscious. It is associated with practice. It is what we do and how we act. Recently life style by itself received an increased amount of attention as a major determinant of health. Life style of individuals affects their health directly or indirectly. For example: • Cigarette smoking • Unsafe sexual practice • Eating contaminated food
  • 18. Determinants of health D. Health care organization Health care organizations in terms of their resource in human power, equipment's, money and so on determine the health of people. It is concerned with: a. Availability of health service People living in areas where there is no access to health service are affected by health problems and have lower health status than those with accessible health services. b. Scarcity of Health Services leads to inefficient health service and resulting in poor quality of health status of people. c. Acceptability of the service by the community d. Accessibility : in terms of physical distance, finance etc. e. Quality of care that mainly focuses on the comprehensiveness, continuity and integration of the health care. The other view of the determinants of health is from
  • 20. 20 Characteristics of Public Health • “A broad social enterprise or system.” • “A body of knowledge and techniques that can be applied to health-related problems.” • “Public health is literally the health of the public as measured in terms of health and illness.” • “Social justice is said to be the cornerstone of public health.” Source: Turnock B. PUBLIC HEALTH – WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT WORKS, FOURTH EDITION. 2009. Sudbury MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
  • 21. 21 20th Century’s Top Ten Achievements in Public Health 1. Fluoridation of drinking water 2. Control of infectious diseases 3. Motor vehicle safety 4. Safer workplaces 5. Safer and healthier foods 6. Healthier mothers and babies 7. Recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard 8. Family planning 9. Decline in deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke 10. Immunizations
  • 22. Public Health 4 Public health functions include: 1. Health surveillance, monitoring and analysis 2. Investigation of disease outbreaks, epidemics and risk to health 3. Establishing, designing and managing health promotion and disease prevention programmes 4. Enabling and empowering communities to promote health and reduce inequalities 5. Creating and sustaining cross-Government and intersectoral partnerships to improve health and reduce inequalities 6. Ensuring compliance with regulations and laws to protect and promote health 7. Developing and maintaining a well-educated and trained, multi-disciplinary public health workforce 8. Ensuring the effective performance of NHS services to meet goals in improving health, preventing disease and reducing inequalities 9. Research, development, evaluation and innovation 10. Quality assuring the public health function From: Wikipedia December 28 2008
  • 23. Public Health aims… • Prevents epidemics and the spread of disease • Protects against environmental hazards • Responds to disasters and assists communities in recovery
  • 24. Public Health… • Prevents injuries • Promotes healthy behaviors • Assures the quality and accessibility of health services
  • 25. A Public Health System • Who? • Public units • Private units • Voluntary units • What? • A network
  • 26. Major specialist in public health • Diverse and Multidisciplinary • Examples…  Biostatisticians  Dieticians  Environmental Health Specialists  Behavioral Health Specialists
  • 27. Core Components in public health ASSESSMENT of the health of the community ASSURANCE of the public’s health POLICY DEVELOPMENT in the public’s interest
  • 28. 10 Essential public health Services 1. Monitor health status to identify community health problems 2. Diagnose and investigate the common health problems and health hazards in the community
  • 29. 10 Essential Services 3. Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues 4. Mobilize community partnerships in order to identify and solve health problems
  • 30. 10 Essential Services 5. Develop policies and plans that support health efforts. 6. Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety
  • 31. 10 Essential Services 7. Link people to personnel health services and assure the provision of health care 8. Assure a competent public health and health care workers.
  • 32. 10 Essential Services 9. Evaluate the effectiveness accessibility, and quality of services 10. Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems.
  • 33. Public Health Approach Public Health Model Medical Model Versus
  • 34. Determinants of Health • Genetic • Behavioral • Social • Environmental • Personal health care
  • 35. Achievements • Vaccination • Safer Workplaces • Safer & Healthier Food • Motor Vehicle Safety
  • 36. Achievements • Control of Infectious Diseases • Family Planning • Decline in Deaths from Heart Disease & Stroke
  • 37. Achievements • Recognition of Tobacco Use as a Health Hazard a) Healthier Mothers and Babies • Fluoridation of Drinking Water
  • 38. Aims of Public Health • Prevents epidemics and the spread of disease • Protects against environmental hazards • Prevents injuries • Promotes and encourages healthy behaviors • Responds to disasters and assists communities in recoveries • Assures the quality and accessibility of health services
  • 39. Public Health Fundamentals • 5 Ps of Public Health (expansion from the 3 Ps) • Prevention (individual and community-focused) • Promotion (voluntary, education, advocacy) • Protection (policies/regulations; enforcement) • Population-based (communities, groups) • New 5th P: Preparedness (e.g., bioterrorism, natural disasters, pandemics) • Closely linked to Environmental Health
  • 40. Factors affecting of community health 1. Physical Determinants -The physical factors affecting the health of a community include: the geography (e.g. high land versus low land), the environment (e.g. manmade or natural catastrophes) and the industrial development (e.g. pollution occupational hazards) 2. Socio – cultural determinants – The socio- cultural factors affecting the health of a community include the beliefs, traditions, and social customs in the community. It also involves the economy, politics and religion in the community. 3. Community organization - Community organization include the community size, arrangement and distribution of resources (“relations of productions’) 4. Behavioral determinants- The behavioral determinants affecting health include individual behavior and life style affecting the health of an individual and the community.
  • 41. Globalization and Health Globalization is the process of increasing political and social interdependence and global integration that takes place as capital, traded goods, persons, concepts, images, ideas and Values diffuse across the stated boundaries (Hurrel &woods 1995). Globalization must ensure that people, particularly the poor, enjoy better health that is the most important factor in improving the economic wellbeing of the population in general and in reducing poverty in particular. The effects of Globalization on health are diverse; these can be positive, negative or mixed. Some of the effects of Globalization are listed hereunder.
  • 42. Effects of Globalization on health includes • Externalities of some diseases due to increased communication decreased human mobility • Accelerated economic growth and technological advances have enhanced health and life expectancy in many population • Increasing effects of international and bilateral agencies (structural adjustment programs and Global initiatives) • Jeopardizing population health Via erosion of social and environmental conditions and exacerbating inequalities • Other health risks of Globalization includes - Fragmentation and weakening of labor markets due to greater power of mobile capital • Tobacco induced diseases
  • 43. Effects of Globalization on health includes • - Food markets & obesity as well as chemicals in food • - Rapid spread of infectious diseases • - Depression in aged and fragmented population • - Adverse effects on the environment
  • 44. Model of disease causation theories • A model is a representation of a system that specifies its components and the relationships among the variables. • E.g. includes graphs, charts, and decision trees • I – Nineteen-century models • Each effort to prevent disease in the 19th century was based on one or the other three theories of disease causality. These are: 1. Contagion theory 2. Supernatural theory 3. Personal behavior theory 4. Miasma theory
  • 45. 1. Contagion theory • This theory was common at the beginning of the 19th century. Most official disease prevention activities were based on the hypothesis that illness is contagious. It required : • Keeping sick people away from well people. • The institution of quarantine of ships (the traditional period was forty days la quarantine) during which time ships, their crews and cargos waited off shores or at some isolated islands. • Setting up military cordons around infected towns • Isolation of households if they were infected, and • Fumigating or washing the bedding and clothing of the sick.
  • 46. 1. Contagion theory • Problems confounded the acceptance of this theory were • There were too many instances where people become ill regardless of their isolation from human contact and • Too many others where brave souls nursed the dying and carried their bodies to the graveyard yet remained well.