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The Odyssey Essay Topics
Crafting an essay on "The Odyssey Essay Topics" can be quite challenging due to the vast array
of themes, characters, and literary devices present in Homer's epic. From analyzing the complex
character development of Odysseus to exploring the themes of hospitality, loyalty, and the role
of the gods, there are numerous angles to consider.
Delving into the intricate plotlines, deciphering the symbolism, and dissecting the poetic devices
used by Homer requires a deep understanding of classical literature and critical thinking skills.
Moreover, crafting a cohesive and insightful essay demands thorough research, meticulous
analysis, and effective organization of ideas.
Navigating through the labyrinth of interpretations and scholarly debates surrounding "The
Odyssey" can be daunting. It's essential to strike a balance between providing original insights
and incorporating existing scholarly perspectives to support arguments effectively.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "The Odyssey Essay Topics" requires not only a
comprehensive understanding of the text but also critical thinking, research skills, and the ability
to articulate complex ideas coherently.
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The Odyssey Essay TopicsThe Odyssey Essay Topics
The Olympic Olympics At The 1988 Seoul Olympics Essay
The 100m final during the 1988 Seoul Olympics, went from being called the
greatest race in history to the dirtiest race in history over a time period of 24 hours.
Ben Johnson Bronze medalist at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Gold
Medal at the Rome World championships in 1987 and a former record holder for the
100m sprints and now a permanent dent in the history of Canadian and Olympic
history after he tested positive for the anabolic steroid Stanozol, at the 1988 Seoul
Olympic games.
The event everyone had been waiting for at the Seoul Olympics was that of the 100
meter final where spectators and fans would be able to who the fastest man alive
was. The Rivalry between Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson had been built up after
many years of close competition most notably since the 1984 Los Angeles
Olympics where Carl Lewis winning gold for America and Ben Johnson winning
bronze for Canada. When Ben Johnson won the 100 meter final at the world
championship in Rome he had beaten Carl Lewis five times before and gained a
world record. This caused him to become very popular with the media and in
Canada with people seeing him as a new hope for Canadian sports after their
embarrassment at the Montreal Olympics in 1976 with Canada being the first
country to hold the Games and not win a single gold medal. After Rome Carl and
Ben both set their sights on The Zurich track and field meet on August the 17, which
was only a month out from the Seoul Olympics. Before this meet, however,
Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England
Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England
Sixteenth century England experienced a phenomenon sometimes referred to as
the Age of Queens. The decisive power of the country was placed in women s
hands and their reigns were watched with a reasonable doubt. There is contrast of
rule in terms of reigns between Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England, both
of whom were engaged in a protracted struggle for the English throne. Beside the
legitimacy of their claims, there are more significant considerations which
predestined them to either increase or lose their power. The rule and attitudes of
the two monarchs bore significant influence upon the times in which they lived,
including social, political and legal precedents which were being challenged and in
some cases reversed. The fact that both Queens encountered situations of striking
similarity, serves as a suitable example for a remarkable comparison, helping to
analyze the lives of the two Queens and how their lives diverged as a result of such
encounters and their actions thereafter. They were both Queens, struggling for the
throne, they were women as well as rivals; they both had affairs with married men,
however, one managed a narrow escape from the disgraceful situation, while the
other failed to do so. Mary grew to hate Anne Boleyn, mother of Elizabeth, because
he took the position of her mother Catharine as Queen of England. Before Elizabeth
came to the scene, Mary was loved and was the only child of King Henry VIII of
Noah Bambach s While We Re Young
The work of art that I chose is a still from director Noah Baumbach from the film
While We re Young starring actor Ben Stiller. My initial reaction to this was how
much different this film looks from modern day filmmaking. This film was only
released not too long ago, in 2015, but it was shot on 35mm film. Most new release
films are shot on a digital format. The main reason for this is because of how
expensive it is to shoot a movie on traditional film. To put this into perspective, a
1,000 roll of film is approximately $860.00, and a 1,000 roll of film will only shoot
11 minutes. Another big advantage to shooting on digital is, digital is better for
color work, something that just can t appear on film. I also like traditional film for...
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It s easy to tell due to the background light that it is daytime, possibly the morning.
It looks like there is a combination of warm and cool colors. The natural light
coming in from the windows of the vehicle shown in the foreground gives the
image a warm, brighter color. The colors in the background are cooler and gives a
lighter feel to the image. In terms of mass, this is a three dimensional image. You
can tell because of what is shown in the background, middle ground, and
foreground. The background of this image would be the cars passing behind the
vehicle in the image, the middle ground would be the people in the vehicle, and
the foreground shows us the GoPro camera and the dashboard. I believe this image
would be considered to be closed form because it is self contained, as in the main
scene takes place in the car alone and does not take up the outside space. When it
comes to the element of space, although it appears as if the actions in this photo
interacts with real space, what is taking place inside of the car is real, but
everything surrounding the car is an illusion. Movies almost never actually film a
real car on a real road, everything behind the car in the picture is an illusion and is
created using a green screen effect. The exact term for how this works is called a
chroma key, which simply replaces a certain color that is either blue or green and
replaces it with an image. So essentially the actors and the vehicle are standing still,
surrounded by a huge green screen which was replaced by a video clip to give the
illusion of
Charlemagne s Reign
Throughout Charlemagne s reign, he was continuously expanding his vast empire
while also improving it internally. Charlemagne was the Kings of Franks from 771
814 and also the Holy Roman Emperor from 800 814, born in the late 740s (the
exact date is unknown/debated) near LiГЁge in modern day Belgium.
Charlemagne was illiterate despite frequently being called the education emperor as
he strongly supported education and literacy. Charlemagne s father, Pepin III had the
Frankish empire and when he died on September 24, 768, Charlemagne and
Carloman (Charlemagne s brother) each took control of half of the empire. After
Carloman s death on December 4 of 771, Charlemagne immediately took over the
other half of the empire that Carloman had ruled. ... Show more content on ...
785; Capitulary for the Saxon Regions ) was intended to force the submission of the
Saxons to the Franks and to Christianity, imposing the death penalty for destruction
of churches, refusal of baptism, and violating the Lenten fast. The Capitulare
Saxonicum (797; Saxon Capitulary ), although not necessarily abrogating the earlier
decree, replaced the harsher measures of the earlier capitulary with conversion
through less brutal methods.
Charlemagne was 50 by 792, and there was a Saxon revolt between 792 and 793.
This revolt was caused mainly be the terror on their part in 785 caused by the
Capitulatio de partibus Saxonic that had been part of securing the Frankish
domination and authority of Christian religion. In 792, there was a conspiracy led
by Pepin the Hunchback that imperiled the king s life, his sons, and Regnum
Francoum too. There had been one in 786 but had ben put down and led to
Charlemagne making all of his subjects take an oath of allegiance, but conspiracies
continued, This show the feeling of discontent among aristocrats and opposition to
royal autocracy and also might have been a sign of weariness caused by unceasing
Three Characteristics Of Machiavellianism And
Some of us are darker than the rest. These darker individuals make an interesting
topic for psychologists. As stated by Paulhus Williams in 2002, the three major
traits of these socially aversive personalities are Machiavellianism, narcissism and
psychopathy. Core of Machiavellianism lies in its manipulative nature ( Paulhus
Williams, 2002 ). They can also be deceitful, dishonest and cold ( Carter, Campbell
Muncer, 2013). As McHoskey states, they can also use social manipulation to
achieve their goals and they are also oppurtunists. They also have their sexual
debuts in earlier ages and report more sexual partners. ( cited in Carter et al., 2013).
As Christie Geis (1970) puts, they are misanthropic, cynical, and they have high
agency. ( cited in Rauthmann Kolar, 2012). To compare with the Big
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In their 2012 study, Holtzman and Strube investigated the effects of adornment used
by Dark Triad individuals on their perceived attractiveness. One component of the
study was unadorned attractiveness which was the facial symmetry of participants.
The other component of the study was effective adornment which was basically how
individuals consciously or unconsciously manipulated the way they look in order to
be perceived as more attractive. Examples can vary from showing cleavage to
preference for colors. Not surprisingly their results showed that people higher on dark
traits used effective adornment significantly more than others. And specifically
psychopathy was the most closely linked one to effective adornment. The guess the
underlying reason is not rocket science. Individual with higher levels of Dark Triad
traits get more satisfaction from attention and having their self esteem pampered.
Also an alternative reason could be that using effective adornment and having a good
look may enhance the probabilities of capturing the attention of possible mates. In
both scenarios, it pays
Negative Effects Of Smoking
Smoking causes 1,300 deaths daily in the U.S., and an estimated 5.6 million pre
mature deaths is expected among American youths18 years and younger due to a
smoking related illness if smoking continues at the current rate (CDC, 2017).
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are currently 40 million
adult smokers in the U.S. (CDC, 2017), and 763,960 of these residents are from
Massachusetts (DPH, 2014).
Smoking can cause various kinds of cancer such as those of the cervix, stomach,
esophagus, lungs and the bladder (Cio et al., 2014). Besides, smoking predisposes
individuals to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) which involves health
complications in the bronchi resulting in various diseases such as ... Show more
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According to West, McNeill Raw (2000), 1 3 smokers from 100 who receive brief
advice from their health care provider, make some form of attempt to quit, as this
form of advice can trigger a cessation attempt. Patients tend to lose interest and
revert to their bad habit. A pilot study, completed at the Mason Square Clinic in
Springfield between July and August of 2017 was successful as it utilized the use
of group sessions, contingency management and the use of a carbon monoxide
breathalyzer, but had margin for error due to the use of large rewards instead of
smaller amounts (J. Alexander, personal communication, November 1, 2017). On
a national level, exposure to secondhand smoke or smoking cigarettes leads to
premature death of almost 500,000 Americans yearly (CDC, 2017), and smokers
die 10 years earlier than non smokers. An estimated 40% to 70% of people with
HIV smoke, a number almost triple in comparison to that of those with other
chronic illnesses such as Diabetes, Cancer, Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease
and Cardio cerebrovascular disease (Nguyen, et al., 2015). In HIV positive patients,
a negative virologic and immune response (O Cleirigh, Traeger, Mayer, Magidson
Safren, 2013), and an increase in medical complications have been linked to smoking
(Humfleet, Hall, Delucchi, Dilley, 2013). Yet, despite the available data and
Airport Offers Similar Vip Services And Facilities At O ...
the past five years. Midway airport offers similar VIP services and facilities to that
of O Hare Airport. Alternate options to commercial travel from O Hare or Midway
Airport are available through the use of the Fixed Base Operators support.
Signature Flight Support is a FBO who services both O Hare Airport and Chicago s
Midway Airport. The company offers a wide range of services geared toward
corporate and private jets. The support includes runway support, flight planning,
fueling, security, and meeting and lounge facilities ( Chicago Midway Intl, ).
For the purpose of this mission, the principal will fly FBO from Chicago to
Domodedovo Airport, Moscow, Russia. The flight is approximately 12 hours in
duration. Domodedovo Airport ... Show more content on ...
The principal s primary mode of transportation while in Izhevsk will be private car.
The car will be acquired through a reputable company, known by the principal s
business contacts in Russia and cleared by the protection team during the advance.
To ensure the continued safety, EP personnel will search the vehicle prior to
acquisition and before each use for any signs of tampering, mechanical issues or
foul play intended to hinder the use of the vehicle or harm the principal. Global
Positioning Systems (GPS) will only be utilized in extreme cases and up to date
paper maps will be accessible inside the vehicle. The advance established primary
and alternate routes of travel. The principal will leave Izhevsk Airport and travel to
his/her hotel. The Park Inn Izhevsk, Borodina Str., 25, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic
426057, contact (866)599 6674 from the U.S. or international +7 341 293 00 10, is
located in the heart of Ishevsk within walking distance to may tourist attractions. The
hotel features a restaurant, indoor pool and a bar/lounge. The hotel rooms include
satellite television, complimentary wireless and hard wired internet access and air
The Role of the Practitioner in Providing Play and...
Section A: the role of the practitioner in providing play and learning opportunities.
E1 Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in meeting children s
learning needs.
Case study 1 Mark a 2 year old boy
The EYFS states that Mark should be developing at certain level for his age and
stage. Marks personal, social and emotional development as a unique child, should be
that he is interested in others play and starts to join in. As Marks key person I will
support him to become confident in interacting with other children and other adults.
It is my role to make sure Mark is developing and learning at the correct rate. Mark
has a positive relationship with his mum and dad so as his key person I need to ensure
... Show more content on ...
Samantha needs to ensure she concentrates on Jacks positive behaviour instead of
reacting to his negative. Jacks needs are not being met and this is why Jack is
behaving like this. Jack if requiring his mums attention at any opportunity that he
gets. This is because he does not see his mum that much as she works all week and
all day. Jacks mum could encourage his child minder to enforce positive behaviour
with Jack and to do the reward system at the child minders as well as at home. This
would help Jack not to get confused with being able to behave differently in
different environments. As a practitioners I would first suggest to reward system
with Jack I would also recommend taking part in calm activities when he arrives
home from the child minders such a puzzles and books to keep Jack calm before
going to bed.
A1 Include a reflective account of the role of the practitioner in supporting the
learning needs of children.
In the childcare setting I supported a child s learning need by helping them to bond
and communicate with other children and other members of staff. This child became
particularly attached to one member of safe and it was becoming unhealthy.
Sometime it would be to the point where is the member of staff left the room the
child would stand at the door and cry until they came back. I supported this child by
distracting the child with toys and activities that they liked. I built a good bond and
relationship with the child which
Plagiarism And The Culture Of Multilingual Students
Concerning the issue of how the cultural conditioning plays in the regard of
plagiarism, I will be analyzing Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in
higher education abroad by Colin Sowden alongside with Plagiarism in ESOL
students: Is cultural conditioning truly the major culprit? by Dilin Liu.
Plagiarism in writing, which could be defined as borrowing a creator s original
ideas and/or words without attributing credits where it s due, is considered a big
concern in higher education level. The difference in ways of writing among regions
and countries baffled me, thus resulted in my interest in the topic. One of the ethical
issue concerns the role cultural background plays in forming students way of
writing: some believe that plagiarism is acceptable in Asian countries, claiming
plagiarism is a concept produced and mainly employed into practice in the Western
nations, while other counter plagiarism is perceived the same way everywhere in the
world to be frowned upon. This essay will mainly explore the notion of whether
culture shapes the way students perceive plagiarism, and if the previous statement
stands true, should it be appreciated as one s tradition.
Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in higher education abroad by
Colin Sowden is printed in ELT Journal Volume 59, Issue 3, July 2005, from pages
226 to 233; it is published by Oxford University Press. The article acknowledges how
the culture factor plays in the way multilingual students
Otorrhea History
It is important for the new generation of otologists to be cognizant of the history of
otology. Following are few landmarks in otology regarding ear surgeries: The
potential of ear suppuration was clearly described by Hippocrates (460 376 BC).
The Greek physician Galen (AD129 217), among others, recognized the importance
of draining an infected ear. In his writings, he suggested that otorrhea was
beneficial for the infected ear because it allowed the drainage of purulent secretions
from the ear and recommended against any procedure intended to impede otorrhea
Hieronymus Meculiasis (1530 1606 AD), gave the clinical description of ear
disease12 . The first documented surgical incision to drain an infected ear was
described by the French... Show more content on ...
The first mastoid operation trying to preserve the ossicular chain and hearing was
described by Bondi in 1910. Mosher, in 1911, started the idea of mastoid
obliteration to promote healing of a mastoidectomy defect. Mosher described an
obliteration technique using a superiorly based postauricular soft tissue flap. First
successful intra temporal facial nerve anastamosis and first successful facial nerve
graft within temporal bone was done by Sterling Bunnel in 1930. From 1930 1937
Kopetsky, Almor, Eagelton, Frenchkner, Ramadier and Lempert described the
various routes for draining the petrous apex. Kisch described the use of a pedicled
temporalis muscle flap in 1928 that was expanded on by Rambo in 1958 Popper
described the use of a periosteal flap used to line, rather than obliterate, the mastoid
cavity in 1935 Palva developed anteriorly based musculoperiosteal flap for
obliteration of mastoid cavity in 1973 The temporo parietal fascia flap was first
described by Bryd and the technique of mastoid obliteration using the flap was
devised by collaboration of two authors
Essay On Ritwik Ghatak
Along with Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak was a very influential film maker, not only in
the Bengal Renaissance era but also in the context of the entire Indian film scenario.
Unlike his celebrated contemporary Satyajit Ray, Ghatak had to continue film making
against all odds against abject poverty and a hostile section of film society and his
once party comrades turned foes, who unable to tolerate his uncompromisingly
independent attitude towards art, tried to pull him down at any cost. However, what
eventually stamped Ghatak s greatness for the future generation was his undying
dedication and honesty towards film making. With the advent of rapid
commercialization of cinema, with the fast dissolving boundary between commercial
and... Show more content on ...
After a gap of eleven years during which various adverse situations forced Ghatak not
to make any films, he returned to film making with A River Named Titash. With this
film he made a desperate effort to go back to his roots and thus, notwithstanding a fast
declining health, he travelled to his birth land Bangladesh (previously East Pakistan)
in order to make the film. The film thus, ought to be symbolic affirmation of the
essential oneness of Bengal in spite of the political division and hence the epic
treatment of the film was needed to accommodate that gravity. However, Ghatak
soon realized that the situation had gone beyond recovery and it is this
disillusionment that was reflected at the ending of the film and also added to the final
deterioration of Ghatak s
The Book Of Judges
Judges: What, Where, When, Why, Who?
The Hebrew word for Judge is Ч©Ч•Ч¤Ч (Shofet). In the biblical sense, the word
judge carries a much different connotation than what may be known in today s
society. The Judges of the Old Testament were not Judges of the law ruling over
courtrooms. The title Judge was derived from the sense of judging over Israel.
Judges were looked at as selected rulers, leaders, and temporary special deliverers.
They were sent by G D with the purpose of liberating the Israelites from the hands of
their oppressors; whoever that happens to be at the time. The way it is described by
the Deuteronomic source is that anyone who applied G D s judgment to foes of
Israel is to be considered a Judge. As read in the Hebrew Bible: judging is defined as
standing up for the oppressed: twelve individuals meet the requirements of being
considered a Judge.
The twelve Judges are made up of Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola,
Jair, Jephthah, Ibzam, Elon, Abdon, and Samson; however, not all Judges are given
equal attention. The book of Judges focuses mainly on five of the Judges: Ehud,
Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson.
Ehud is a left handed Judge. In his time and ... Show more content on
After the restful forty years, the Israelites turned their backs to YHWH and
worshipped another god known as Baal. Soon after the Israelites realized that they
did indeed need YHWH, they cried out and YHWH responded to their cry for help
by sending an Angel. The purpose of the Angel was to appoint Gideon. Gideon
was from the tribe of Manasseh, which was one of the main tribes to suffer for
their sin. The Angel went to Gideon and told him that he was brave and that G D
was with him. Gideon was weak and knew that he could not fight alone, but he
agreed because G D was with him. Gideon burnt down all statues of idols and other
gods. Soon after, Gideon restored the faith in YHWH and freedom to the
The Warfare Of The Soviet Union
The United States utilizing its networks to destabilize the Soviet Union as a regional
hegemon, it supported a an Islamic fundamentalist group named the Taliban, and
along with weapon support and logistics. As well as discussing the various guerilla
tactics utilized and discussed by the class through the readings such as Mao Zedong.
I will also elaborate on the success and the dependency of the various guerilla tactics
used and how fundamental it was in their victory against a conventional army (Soviet
Union), and the outcome would not have. As well as the success of the conflict only
through its reliance on foreign aid, as well as the major influence of external actors
from the United States, and other gulf countries, this in fact was colossal in the
success of the conflict. The examination of these primitive as well as effective
asymmetrical forms of warfare were pivotal to the success.
Through the use of my resources I will use the book On Guerilla Warfare as well as
to explain the successful tactics of the Taliban, and how important the tactics
explained in this book were monumental to the movements success. Also I will use a
story dubbed, resources which describe the methods that other sovereign countries
used to utilize support and ultimately proved affective in ending the conflict.
I will examine the progress and elements from its beginning and how it was able to
be successful in the following years. And what proved fundamental to its success as
non conventional
Logical Vindications For The Existence Of God Essay
This paper will discuss the logical vindications for the existence of God. I will
examine the strengths and weaknesses, through criticising existing arguments from
various philosophers and thereby determine that the ontological argument which
states God exists in both the human mind and in reality, is a strong statement. The
analytic statement, which St Anselm devised, indicates that even atheist who does
not believe in Godalso approves of his theory of God. I will evaluate the deductive,
ontological arguments on the existence of God and thus state how the ontological
argument, which I have accepted, rationally justifies God s existence. Anselm
Archbishop of Canterbury in the text Proslogion defines the existence of God with
the support of ontological arguments, which states that nothing imaginable and in
reality is greater than God, therefore it is necessary for God to exist. However, if
another being has greater omnipotent and omniscient characteristics than God, then
this being is conceived to be greater than this God. Hence, Anselm emphasizes in his
first form that one interpretation of God in our minds must exist. However, if God
only existed in human minds then he is conceived to be only a mere figment of our
interpretation of him. Therefore, he would not be perceived as the greatest being and
... Show more content on ...
The experiences or the knowledge people gain from reading scriptures on God is
enough to prove the essence of God present in our lives. This is because spiritually
humans are imperfect and not as perfect as God is, therefore we are unable to
physically expect to see God who is maximally great in all possible worlds.
Therefore, through logical reasoning, God exists is in the mind and in reality and
the ontological argument which is based on a priori knowledge is considered to be
Significance Of The Soweto Uprising
The Soweto Uprising was one of the worst events in the history of education with a
lot of young casualties/ deaths, all this to make a point/ let people see what is wrong
in the education system. Did this event change education in South Africa?
The event of the Soweto Uprising was on the day of June 16th 1976/ June 16th 1976,
students from the township of Soweto gathered in front of their school. The original
plan was for student from all over Soweto to have a march to the Department of Bantu
Education, and deliver a message about their complaint. They complained about the
fact that Afrikaans would be the medium of instructions in all the schools. Learners
could not understand the subjects and this created an issue. Police then got the order
to shoot and kill the protesting students. Seven hundred students died that day and the
13 year old Hector Peterson was the symbol of the uprising. The uprising changed
education and is still in affect after all ... Show more content on ...
During this decade a new sense of resistance had been brewing . Black students, led
by Steve Biko, formed the South African Student s Organization (SASO). A lot of
events led to the Uprising: The school children were influenced by the Black
Consciousness Movement in the 1970 s; and workers strikes in Durban in 1975;
liberation of neighbouring Angola and Mozambique in 1975. (Soweto Student
Uprising, n.d.)
Though the children was influenced by the Black Consciousness Movement, they do
not remember any influence from outside organizations that changed their decision to
protest the use of Afrikaans.
From 1976, Afrikaans were to be the medium of instructions from grade 7. English
and Afrikaans were on a 50 50 basis. This meant that subjects like maths would be
taught in Afrikaans and subjects like Science would be taught in English. Black
people were forced to learn in Afrikaans because it was believed that Afrikaans
would discipline
Immigration Act Of 1924 Research Paper
SUBJECT: Immigration act of 1924 PROBLEM: In the early 1920s the United States
addressed the quick rising immigration population by creating the Immigration act of
1924. The immigration Act limited the number of European, African, and completely
ban the migration of Asians and Arab immigrants. The American people after World
War One had a strong patriotism for their country and did not easily accept new ethic
groups. The fear of Communism also contributed to the dislike of new immigrants
amongst the American people. The American people also felt that immigrants took
jobs away from American citizens and were uncomfortable with the idea of more job
competition. BACKGROUND The Red Scare Post war Recession New found
patriotism High
What Is The Conspiracy Of Roswell
The Conspiracy of Roswell Conspiracy theories are quite a talk among people.
From UFO landings to the questioning of our government and other governments
around the world. One of the many popular conspiracy theories that many talk
about is the UFO incident of Roswell. To this day people embrace the UFO theory,
and still visit the crash site each year. The events of Roswell still leave numerous
questions unanswered; questions like: What exactly happened there? , What is
Project Mogul? , and Why did the public get so worked up over this? First things
first, what happened at Roswell? For those who don t know in the summer of 1947
in Roswell, New Mexico, a rancher, William Mac Brazel happened to stumble upon
unidentifiable debris just... Show more content on ...
These series of dummy drops were conducted by the Air Force around the fields of
New Mexico. The experiments were created and tested to find ways for pilots to
survive high altitudes. They were sent bandaged, featureless dummies with latex skin
and aluminum bones. The dummies fell from the sky and when they hit the ground
the military took them as quick as possible. With their appearances and quick retrieval
people speculated that the government was hiding something that they didn t want
Roswell to know. They had thought the government, army and air force were
kidnapping aliens and were experimenting on them. These test had only increased
their speculation of
Book Of Levius Research Paper
The book of Leviticus has always seemed to be a disconnected, confusing, and
thank God we do not have to book in the Bible for me. Whether the command was
what to wear, forbidden foods to eat, how to harvest the land or what sacrifice to
make and when, the text had left me disinterested. However, this week I found
myself captivated by the text and class readings. First of all, the big picture of the
book of Leviticus was brought to light. Specifically, in order for a Holy Godto dwell
with his people, they would have to become holy and he alone is the one who
makes them holy. In fact, the closer they came to God the more holy they would
need to be. Desmond Alexander said it this way, For the Israelites to enjoy a close
and meaningful relationship... Show more content on ...
This can even be pictured through the arrangement of the Tabernacle. The further
in, the more holy it becomes. So much so, that only the High Priest may enter the
Holy of Holies. Secondly, many others and I have approached Leviticus from a
logical and modern perspective, which creates confusion. However, Mary Douglas
points out the overwhelming analogical emphasis of the entire book. She says, only
when we take, the whole system of analogies in which it nests will [we] show how it
is to be read (Douglas 20). In other words, every aspect of the book is connected
intricately together to underscore the holiness of God. Furthermore, Douglas points
out that, Bible students have to choose between accepting the muddle made by
imposing a Western linear reading upon an archaic text, or trying to read the book
through its own literary conventions (Douglas 51). This opens up a clearer new
view of Leviticus where the entire sacrificial system is connected to the entire
story of the Bible. So why is Leviticus important for us today? Alexander says, The
concept of holiness lies at the heart of the Pentateuch (Alexander 246). I would
even go a step further and state that holiness lies at the heart of all scripture. Our
holy God desires to dwell close and personal with us and in order for this to be
possible, he has to make us holy. He did this through his Son Jesus. His blood was
able to purify us inside and out, so much so that the Holy Spirit can dwell within us
Alaskan Bush People Essay
Alaskan Bush People has been accused of faking things before and now it turns out
that Noah Brown allegedly had a fake date on last week s episode. On last Friday s
Alaskan Bush People, Noah went on a date with a gorgeous woman. Radar Online
has been able to figure out that this woman happens to be an actress and may have
not just been someone interested in dating Noah Brown.
Noah went on a date with a woman named Karryna, and he said that he met her
while he was in the lower 48 states at the beach. The date on Alaskan Bush People
looked like a great date. Noah shared that while they were down south, he invited
Karryna up to see them. He stayed behind when the family went off so he could go on
a date with her. On Alaskan Bush People, Noah talked about the fact that his longest
relationship was three months.
Noah s getting back out there tonight on a new ... Show more content on ...
It would not be shocking if this was faked for the show, but you never know how it
went down. Reality shows are known for sometimes making things up for drama or
ratings. Regardless, everyone is talking about this date that Noah Brown had on the
Starcasm shared that Alaskan Bush People has been considered fake by some
people because of their legal troubles. The show says that the Brown family lives in
the Alaskan bush and don t see people for up to six to nine months at a time. They
are actually in legal trouble for allegedly not living in Alaska all of the time, but still
getting money for being residents of Alaska.
Do you think that Noah Brown s date was hired by Alaskan Bush People for the
show? Do you think that this was really his date? Sounds off in the comments section
below on your thoughts, and don t miss new episodes of Alaskan Bush People on
Friday nights on
Raymond Pit Case Facts
Raymond Pit signed a pledge in which he promised to pay The Institution $150,000
and a scholarship would be created in Pit s name. Two months after signing the
pledge although prior to any money having been paid to The Institute, Pit died. Pit
s estate refused to honor the pledge and The Institute sued as a result. The promise
of a gift to be given at a future time is not enforceable without consideration given
for the promise. A scholarship was to be created in Pit s name which could be
recognized as consideration. Despite the fact that no exchange had taken place, the
pledge is still supported by consideration since Pit agreed a scholarship would be
created for his payment. Since consideration for the payment was to take place, the
Causes Of The Pequot War
The Pequot War started in 1636 and ended in 1637. The war consisted of the Pequot
people and a coalition of English settlers from the Massachusetts Bay. It was a brutal
war and was the first sustained conflict between Native Americans and Europeans in
northeastern North America.
The primary cause of the Pequot Warwas the struggle to control trade. The Dutch
brought on economic, political, and cultural changes when they arrived on Long
Island and in the Connecticut River valley at the beginning of the 17th century and of
English traders and settlers in the early 1630s. The world they entered into was
dominated by the Pequot. The root of the Pequot War was the struggle for control of
the fur and wampum trade in the Connecticut River valley. Before the arrival of the
English in the early 1630s, the Dutch and Pequot controlled all the region s trade.
The situation was precarious because of the resentment held by the subservient
Native American tribes for their Pequot overlords. So, when the English wanted to
join in on the scene, those other tribes sought alliance with them, shifting the balance
of regional power. This brought conflict as the competition for control of trade
escalated quickly. As tensions grew between all parties, the murder of trader John
Oldham by the Manisses Indians of Block Island in July, 1636 resulted in a military
response by the English of Massachusetts Bay that led directly to the Pequot War.
This was the beginning of the Pequot War.
Availability and Utilization of Ict-Based Facilites in the...
ABSTRACT This study employs ex post factor research design to investigate the
level of Availability and Utilization of ICT Based Technology among biology
teachers in Ekiti state secondary schools. In this survey, 36 biology teachers were
randomly selected from boarding and day public secondary schools in Ekiti state.
Two instruments were developed, validated and reliability scores obtained using
Cronbach alpha method. Simple percentages, weighted average and chi square were
used in data analyses. In all, two research questions and three hypotheses were
addressed and tested. The findings revealed low level of availability of ICT Based
facilities as well as low level of utilization of ICT Based facilities by teachers of
biology. The study... Show more content on ...
Sample and Sampling Technique For the first target population of this study (i.e
boarding senior secondary schools), a simple random sampling was employed to
select six (6) schools. Thereafter, three (3) biology teachers were randomly selected
from each of the sampled boarding schools. Also for the second target population,
a simple random sampling was adopted to selected six (6) non boarding senior
secondary schools. Thereafter, three (3) biology teachers were randomly selected
from each of the sampled schools. The overall sampled size for the study was 36.
Instruments for Data Collection 1. Inventory on Availability of ICT Facilities
(IAIF) This instrument was developed and validated by the researchers. It has two
sections A and B. Section A contains demographic data, while section B contains 11
items to elicit information on the availability of ICT based facilities for the teaching
of biology in schools. A reliability alpha value of 0.87 was obtained using Croubach
alpha method. 2. Teachers Utilization of ICT Facilities Questionnaires (TUIFQ) An
instrument also developed and validated by the researchers with two sections A and
B. Section A contains demographic data while section B contains 13 items to elicit
information on the teachers utilization of ICT based facilities in the teaching of
biology. A reliability alpha
Jackson s Life-Personal Narrative
In a land far away, many years ago, there live a brother and his sister. They lived in
a fairly small village. The brother s name was Jackson, and his sister s name was
Lilly. Jackson was the oldest by eight years. They live all alone because their
parents were taken from them in a horrendous accident. One day, Lilly became
very ill. Jackson got the village doctor, who was very experienced in the medical
field. He said that Lilly had caught something he hasn t ever seen before, however
he knew that within a month Lilly would die. Jackson was distort; he already lost
his parents, and he didn t want to lose his sister too. He also always told her he
would always protect her.
Jackson asked the doctor, What can I do to make my sister better? The doctor told
him, There are two goblets that are hidden deep within a cave about a week s
journey from the village. One of the goblets is for healing and the other one is for
death. The two are identical, however that is just one of the problems. In the cave,
lays different chambers, which has trials. If you wish to reach these goblets you
may need a team to aid you in your journey. Before he left, the doctor said that the
team was a team of explorers, he have heard of that were like no other.
Jackson set out to the ... Show more content on ...
Before he could reach the creature, he tripped on a rock. The group rushed towards
him and Jackson rolled in the direction of the creature and swung his sword cutting
it in half. He then felt a sting in his left arm. He looked behind him to see that
Adam had stuck him in the arm with a dagger, I m so sorry. I don t know what
happened. It s okay. It wasn t your fault, Jackson explained. They got out some of
their supplies to fix up those who had been wounded before they entered the next
room. Jackson also explained everything that had happened, because they couldn t
remember any of the events that took
Franz Haydn Essay
Franz Joseph Haydn
Joseph Haydn is regarded as one of the greatest composers of the classical period.
He is often called the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, and he
founded what is known as the Viennese classical school, which consisted of himself,
his friend, Wolfgang Mozart, and his pupil, Ludwig van Beethoven. During his
lifetime, he produced a mind boggling amount of music. He lived from the end of the
baroque period to the beginning of the romantic period, and presided over the
transition between them.
Franz Joseph Haydn was born in Rohrau, Austria, on April 1, 1732, to Mathias and
Anna Maria Koller Haydn. Joseph Haydn s parents had twelve children, but, sadly,
six of them died during infancy. His surviving ... Show more content on ...
He retreated into his music, while she found consolation by spending a great deal of
time in church.
In 1761, Count Morzin was forced to disband his orchestra due to financial problems.
It wasn t long, however, before Haydn was offered another job, this time in
Eisenstadt, Austria, as assistant Kapellmeister for Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy, who
was greatly impressed by the music that Haydn performed while he was with the
Morzin orchestra.
Paul Anton died in 1762 and was succeeded by his brother Nicholas, who was also a
music lover and played the baryton (a brass wind instrument). Thus, Haydn
composed more than a hundred trios for baryton, viola, and bass during the next
thirteen years. Haydn also composed several short operas and a full length opera,
named Acide.
Upon the death of Gregor Werner in 1766, Joseph Haydn was promoted to
Kapellmeister (musical director). Prior to his death, Werner earned slightly over half
of the wage paid to his highly talented, younger assistant. The orchestra was
expanded, and Haydn composed four to five symphonies a year. He also continued to
compose operas.
In 1768, Haydn and the Esterhazy orchestra moved to Eszterhaza, a beautiful new
palace built by Prince Nicholas. During this time, Haydn did not maintain his usual
volume of symphony production, as he composed less than ten between 1766 and
1770. However, Haydn experienced a renewed interest in writing string quartets. He
composed three
Power In Rear Window
The film Rear Window, released in 1954, and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, portrays
the shift of power in the relationship between the central characters of Lisa Freemont
and L.B. Jeff Jeffries throughout the film. As the characters are introduced in the
beginning of the film, Jeffries is shown to have control of the relationship between
himself and Miss Freemont, the power later shifts to Lisa as the film progresses and
she takes an interest in the suspected murder. However, the film ends with relative
equality within the relationship, after Lisa s intelligence is discovered by her partner.
The film Rear Window opens with L.B Jeffries ultimately holding the power in the
relationship between himself and Lisa Freemont. Lisa is shown to be a woman of high
... Show more content on ...
Jeffries realises Lisa is more than just beautiful when she expresses her insightful
theories about Laars and his wife, things Jeffries would never have thought of,
himself. Lisa contributes Women don t keep their jewellery in a purse, all
tangled... A woman going anywhere but the hospital would always take makeup,
perfume and jewellery. Detective Doyle dismisses Lisa s ideas as feminine
intuition and therefore a waste of his time, however Jeffies sticks by his girlfriend.
Lisa comes over to Jeffries apartment unannounced with the intention of staying the
night [t]here, uninvited. This was much frowned upon in conservative, fifties
society, especially for someone of Lisa s status, however she doesn t seem to much
care, she has her own mind. Jeffries admires Lisa s bravery as she drops off the
note at Laars apartment, something he would have done if he was able. She gets
back, glowing with excitement and the look on Jeffries face could only be described
as adoration. The power in the relationship shifts to Lisa when Lisa expresses her
intelligence and
Vocal Development In Infants
Due to lack of research on social interactions and transitions in development of
vocalization, Goldstein et al developed a study to test this relationship. Specifically,
their study focused on social feedback from caregivers and resulting vocal
development in infants. They wanted to know if this study would induce more
variety of vocalizations in infants. Goldstein et al took thirty infants around eight
months of age as well as the infants mothers and split them into an experimental
contingent condition and a yoked control condition (Goldstein et al, 2003, p. 8030).
Participants came for two thirty minute play sessions. The first was simply to allow
the child and motherto adapt to the playroom. The second session consisted of three
ten minute... Show more content on ...
According to Goldstein et al, other studies have demonstrated how adults perceive
mature vocalization as a means of communication thus resulting in an increased
response from the adult (Goldstein et al, 2003, 8034). Therefore, as children begin to
articulate more maturely, parents in return respond more in hopes to increase the
performance of mature vocalization by the child. These data also indicate that
imitation may not be as strong of a mechanism for the development of infant
vocalization but positive reinforcement may act as a mechanism to increase babbling.
The mothers responded to the infants vocalizations by simply smiling, moving closer
and touching them which acted as a positive reinforcement. Thus, the increase in their
babbling was not a means of imitating the mother (Goldstein et al, 2003, 8034).
Instead, they were receiving positive feedback each time they vocalized which was a
positive reinforcement for the child to want to continue producing
The New Drugs For Glaucoma
Time to time there has been development in new drugs for glaucoma. With these
new drugs comes new benefits and risks. Glaucoma being the second leading cause
of blindness in the world (after cataract) (1) is expected to affect around 11 million
people worldwide by 2020 (1). Most of the affected population are greater than 50
years of age, who are also expected to have other health issues. For a clinician, it
becomes extremely important to understand the potential side effects of the
medications before prescribing it to the patients. These adverse drug reactions can
occur from the drug itself, the preservatives or the vehicle of the drug, and can be
ocular or systemic. Unabsorbed topical ocular medication for glaucomamay drain out
of the eye through naso lacrimal duct and can be absorbed by conjunctiva, nasal
mucosa, oropharynx, and GI mucosa (occasionally) to rise to sufficient levels in the
blood to cause systemic side effect or interact with other drugs. It has been estimated
that roughly 80% of an eye drop can pass through the nasal nasolacrimal duct and get
absorbed into the nasal mucosa and its microvasculature. Considering that these eye
drops are often used in either eyes twice or thrice a day, the systemic implications
can be extremely dangerous. (8)(14)
Ocular therapeutics for Glaucoma:
These include beta blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, alpha 1 and alpha 2
adrenergic agonists, prostaglandin analogues, miotics and combination medications.
Most of these
New Avenues Of The Affordable Care Act
Since 1984, Medicare patients have been serviced under the prospective payment
system of the Medicare program. Under this system, primary care providers are
reimbursed for their services using a fixed payment for each patient that is
determined by the patient s diagnosis related group at the time of the admission.
Therefore, under the prospective payment system a hospital s reimbursement is
unaffected by the actual expenditures that are required to care for a patient.
This newer reimbursement system has been a topic of contention amongst a large
portion of the professional medical community due to the perceived unfairness that it
brings in certain situations where a patient must be readmitted and, as a
consequence, the primary care providers may not be reimbursed for the readmission
regardless if they were responsible. With the introduction of the Affordable Care Act
in 2010, further criteria such as the Readmissions Reduction Program have been
added that determines the eligibility of a primary care provider being reimbursed
through the Medicare/Medicaid program. These new requirements have led to new
avenues of contention amongst healthcare professionals and, in some cases, new
avenues for fraud and patient discrimination.
In order to more fully delve into this issue, this literature review will be focusing on
three main areas of study as it applies to the topic of Medicare/Medicaid
reimbursement and its relation to the Affordable Care Act. These areas of focus will
Chief Financial Officer
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a corporate officer responsible for managing the
company s financial operations. This officer is also responsible for all accounting
functions including credit control, budgeting and financial reporting, coordination of
financing and funding, expenditure and liquidity, monitoring and managementof
investment and tax issues, provide timely reports to the board, and providing timely
financial data to the Chief Executive Officer(CEO). In some sectors the CFO is also
responsible for analysis of data. CFOs with the current organization were limited
mainly to provide financial data aggregation from senior management responsibility
for external and internal organization. There is minimum part of the CFOs in... Show
more content on ...
Instance, CFO should have financial related information to facilities understanding of
option to resolve complex problem (Auditor General Victoria, 2004, pp.3). Besides
that, a good CFO demonstrates strong leadership and strategic vision within the
financial department and with whole management team. At minimum, he or she must
have the respected and support of the financial team, be a good motivator, and be
necessary (Marc Pfefferle, 2013).
As the responsibilities and influence of the CFO change, it is also important that
the CFO effectively communicates on financial matters, and has effective sale
skills of negotiation (Auditor General Victoria, 2004, pp.3). A CFO who works
reliably under pressure to produce punctually, accurate information but being a nice
person is not enough. The old saying, if you re not part of the solution you re part
of the problem is never more true than it is of a CFO involved in a turnaround (Marc
Pfefferle, 2013).
One important role of CFO that author state is the strategic application of technology,
utilities technology to strategic advantage. For example, the use of electronic
business opportunities such as on line communication with customer and suppliers
provide opportunities for organization to become more efficient and e commerce
(Auditor General Victoria, 2004, pp.5).
A communication skill
The Between Public And Private Spaces
When looking at how online forums effects civility, Papacharisssi (2011) suggest
viewing technology as an architecture which blurs the line between public and
private spaces. Online discussions merge the social, cultural, political, and
economical into merging yet fragmented spaces. With this framework, the presents
of civility or incivility should be viewed as a dependent of the context of the topic
and website (Coe et. al., 2014; Herbst, 2010). Reader (2012) argues that incivility
may be a reflection from the polarization of current media messages. He argues that,
the rhetoric of the culture war is often vitriolic and rancorous, what some scholars
have dubbed to be incivility (p. 506). Others have found that topics involving... Show
more content on ...
Christopherson (2006) compliments with his construct of anonymity as the inability of
others to identify an individual. Anonymity comes in multiple forms; a common one
being pseudonymity. When using a pseudonym, a person uses another name other
than his or her own to associate with. It is very common to see pseudonymity on the
Internet, since websites rarely check for the true identity of the individual users, and
it is often beneficial to protect a user s privacy.
Studies generally confirm that anonymity emboldens incivility in CMC. Strom and
Strom (2005) found that when abusers lack face to face contact with those being
persecuted, they may not know the level of distress that their misconduct is causing.
Furthermore, online anonymity makes misdeeds difficult to trace, easy for
cyberbullies to avoid responsibility for their misdeeds, and reduces fear of being
caught and punished.
Through interviewing people from various countries and socioeconomic levels, Kang,
Brown, and Kiesler (2013) found that about half of those they interviewed sought
anonymity for malicious reasons like hacking or socially undesirable activities such
as flaming or browsing violent or pornographic website.
Typically CMC civility studies have focused on websites with clear topical themes
or articles such as online newspapers (e.g. Coe et. al., 2014; Rowe, 2015; Santana,
2015) or discussion boards (e.g. Lampe et. al., 2014; Papacharisssi, 2004). In contrast
Film, By Max Horkheimer And Theodor Adorno
There is no doubt that film is a powerful mode of cultural production that caters to
politicians, academics, and the general public. We are, in our quotidian existence,
unwittingly exposed to a stunning amount of sensorial stimulation. Much of this
stimulation comes from film, a form of media that has captivated sociologists,
psychologists, and philosophers. In the Frankfurt School, Max Horkheimerand
Theodor Adorno interpret the sociopolitical implications of film differently from
Walter Benjamin. Horkheimer and Adorno see film as a means to deceive and
manipulate the proletariat although Benjamin critiques capitalist exploitation of film,
he argues that film can serve revolutionary purposes. In the context of historical film,
Benjamin s arguments are more convincing than Horkheimer and Adorno s; film is
not inherently authoritarian or oppressive. Rather, the manner film is employed socio
politically is what defines its roles in mass culture. In The Culture Industry:
Enlightenment as Mass Deception, Horkheimer and Adorno argue that the
bourgeoisie use film as a means to impose control over the proletariat. They base their
argument on how culture today is infecting everything with sameness (Horkheimer
94). That is, the ubiquity of mass culture allows for the bourgeoisie to infect everyone
with certain notions. Horkheimer and Adorno view film as a useful way of
indoctrinating the masses it quickly imparts information through the same medium.
When they contend how
A Summary Of The Faerie Queene And Beowulf
After reading the assigned short stories I decided to use the first book of the Faerie
Queene and Beowulf. These stories have numerous uses of imagery, Throughout
Beowulf there are creatures and battles that are so epic they literally pop off the
page because of the way ( the author s) described them. In the first book of the Faerie
Queene(the author) there are also a wide variety of different monsters and battles and
stunning characters, but they also connect with history.
I decided to choose Imagery because both of these stories are full of different
creatures and scenes that need imagery to be told in its full glory. Beowulf is action
packed and has descriptive battles and the Faerie Queene has many historical
references that involve imagery.
In the Faerie Queene Spenser uses imagery with what was happening politically or
religiously at the time. There are many examples throughout the story that suggests
this. At the time Spenser wrote the Faerie Queene it was during the English
reformation when England dropped Catholicism and turned to Protestantism as the
country s new religion. Since this was going on at the time Spenser used imagery to
connect with events and to show that their new religion could prevail over the
Catholic s criticism.
In the first book Spenser talks about the noble knight Redcrosse, and describes him
as a symbol to look up to. An example Spenser wrote But on his brest a bloudie
Crosse he bore, The deare remembrance of his dying Lord, For whose sweete sake
that glorious badge he wore, And dead as living ever him adored (1.i.2.1 4). Here it
almost seems like Spenser is using imagery to describe the knight Redcrosse as a
Christ figure. Further into the story Spenser talks about a mythical creature called
Errour and begins to paint a vivid image of the serpent. Halfe like a serpent horribly
displaide, But th other halfe did womans shape retaine, Most lothsom, filthie, foule,
and full of vile disdaine. when reading this you see a disgusting creature, and Spenser
chose the right words. The word disdaine means a description that describes monsters
both mythical and in the bible and it really shows how horrifying this monster must
have been. After painting the image of the horrible
Who Is Banquo In Macbeth
Banquo s character has a significant role in Macbeth because hes is the foil to
Macbeth, he enhances Macbeth s actions by being the complete opposite but shares
qualities with Macbeth. (Macbeth Essay | The Role of Banquo in Macbeth)
In Elizabethan English, Lord Banquo, the thane of Lochaber is classified a
nobleman or baron. As a noble he would function as middle class between peasants
and royalty. He would be expected to provide work, land, and protection to the
peasants. (Nobles in the Middle Ages) He would also provide funding supplies and
military service. Their life would be focused around military strategy, social affairs,
financial obligations and responsibilities. Banquo got that classification by showing
his loyalty to the king; ... Show more content on ...
Banquo would always want be loyal to the king especially after the witches told him
his prophecy because his descendants would become king and to make sure his
family after him would be proud and have a good life, but the main difference
between Banquo and Macbeth is Banquo has absolutely no temptation to become
king. Based on the setting and the time period of 1606 I would have to assume that
Banquo is christian; christians would often pair witches and magic with ideas of
the devil like in (Act 1, Scene 3) What, can the devil speak true? (shakespeare
navigators). Macbeth is told he would be king but Banquo is told that he himself
will not be king but his descendants will hold the royal throne. Banquo is a father of
Fleance who goes to england to get Malcolm the king after killing Macbeth. It
seems Banquo is motivated and believes in karma. He argues that evil only offers
gifts that only lead to destruction. I believe that his wisdom threatens
Macbeth.(Macbeth Study Guide) He also warns Macbeth by saying to win us to our
harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths in act scene. Banquo suspects
Macbeth of having something to do with king Duncan s death, Banquo tells
Macbeth I think you have come about your title most foully. (Act 3, scene 1) he is
also worried about his son s safety because Macbeth knows that Banquo s
descendants are to be
Michael Myers Personality
As I grew older my views on what I fear changed. As a child, I developed a fear of
little things such as ghosts, the dark, etc. Once I grow into an adult I developed a
of things observed on a daily. Americans between the age group of children and
adolescents introduce themselves to bigger fears by watching movies that replay
on the already experienced fears. For example: Freddy Krueger, Jason, Vampires,
Werewolves, etc. Many people in society watch these horror movies and are
brought to an assumption that directors based the movies on serial killers, who
become glorified for the crimes committed and made into huge stars that we love.
In the film Halloween, a little boy name Michael Myers kills his sister at the age of
six. Twenty years later Michael return s to his home town Haddonfield, Illinois to kill
a group of teenagers that appear around his deceased sister age. Halloween
identifies as one of those gruesome films that you question, because he was a six
year old when he first killed. To society Michael exemplify monster qualities
because at that age, how can some one so young stab his sister or anyone to death.
Michael Myers poses as a Monster in America, he demonstrates traits of the devil in
him and express his hate by killing his family, by existing in a dysfunctional family.
Michael watches his sister over sexualize herself which leads him to kill his sister.
During the 1970 s movies concentrated on punishing women who sexualized
themselves by killing and
Political Style Of Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong was the chairman of the Communist party in China, and his adventure
is one that is very dirty and manipulative. Mao uses the media to brainwash people
by making people read propaganda in the newspapers every day and listen to
propaganda on the radios too. He targets youth to mold them into his image of how
they should act. His hunger for power has to lead him to down a harsh road filled
with other people suffering. Mao Zedongis a manipulative man that brainwashes the
youth to gain him power in the political scene.
One of the many ways that chairman Mao could gain control and brain wash
people was through the media. This media is very important when brainwashing a
group of people. In Mao s case, he takes control of the newspaper and makes sure
that there is plenty of propaganda everywhere, all over the paper. Mao uses a very
smart tactic to lure out and shut down anyone who opposes him in the media. He
bombards the common folk with quote after quote from his books that is basically
just crammed with propaganda. A modern example of the media being a very
important tool when brainwashing a nation is North Korea. The dictatorship at North
Korea has complete control over the media and there is absolutely no hope of telling
the citizens that their entire lives were lives since they were constantly fed
propaganda all the time, everywhere. Mao s control of newspaper during the cultural
revolution help his cause a great deal.
According to Stuart Schram, along with
The, Capital One, And Bowsart
Hey guys, hope you re all enjoying your placements. They sound great! I
mentioned last week that the Network sent out a newsletter for artists to submit
their artwork for three desired, upcoming events: Bridgepoint, Capital One, and
Bowsart. We extended the deadline because we were not receiving enough
submissions. Bridgepoint is only open to members of the Network, but Capital
One is open to artists and other non members. Thus far, we have received much
more submissions for the Capital One event. Location is key. Capital One is set in
a corporate building and can generate more cliental. My task was to transfer each
artists submission from the website into a document for the board. An artist can
submit up to three images for each event. For example, only 8 pieces of artwork are
selected by a jury to be showcased at Bridgepoint and CapitalOne. I went through
each submission, uploaded each of their images, and inserted a description for the
artwork, which included, the artists name, title of the piece, size by inch, and the
medium. I then imported this information into an excel spreadsheet for our records to
note payment and membership information. I viewed a range of fascinating artwork
ranging from oil paintings, watercolour, acrylic on canvas, sculpted canvas,
photography etc. Later on, an artist came by to the office because she required
assistance submitting her artwork online. My LSS was happy to help take
photographs of her paintings. I edited the pictures
Programs Impact Children s Academic Achievment
From the information I gained from my classmate s wikis, many of them include
skill building lessons that incorporate the common themes of increasing children s
social and emotional competency. Like the Roots of empathy program, these
programs all aim to incorporate better understanding and acceptance of differences.
Some of the differences I notice are that a few of these programs also have the
direct goal of trying to improve literacy and academic success, though I believe all
programs like these will impact children s academic achievements positively. From
what I took, most of these programs start in the classroom, and then send lessons or
activities home. Parent involvement is important to the success of all of these
programs and is a huge link to the retention of each of these programs. Many of these
programs teach about positive peer relationships, which to me is a starting point that
lays the foundation for how children will interact with their communities, as they
become adults. To better understand each of these programs, I have compiled details
on each from my review of the wiki pages.
The Positive Action program is designed for grades K 12 and focuses on building
skills that support effective social and conduct behaviors with emphasis on personal
character and mental health, and works to develop the ability to be able to set and
achieve goals. The curriculum follows 140 lessons that are divided in to six teaching
units. These six units include lessons
Essay Las Vegas
The City That Never Sleeps Have you ever wondered what it is like to live in Las
Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world, a gambling mecca for millions
every year? What could it possibly be like for a person to live in a city known as
Sin City, where the only thing hotter than the bright lights is the sun. According to over 600,000 people live in Las Vegas now, which is triple
what it was just twenty years ago. It is a city built as a railroad town that has turned
into one of the most well known cities in the world. Las Vegas is not just a tourist
destination, but a great place to live. With countless job opportunities, strong
economy, beautiful weather and state of the art education, Las Vegas is... Show more
content on ...
According to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, the tourism industry
s economic impact was thirty six billion dollars in 2005. Since so much money is
made in the tourism industry, the local Las Vegas government has been trying to
attract more commercial businesses. With no state individual or corporate income
tax, Las Vegas has been able to get these much needed commercial industries to
come to Las Vegas and stabilize its economy. Housing prices are now at or slightly
above the median price nationwide, and as of late, the housing industry has
become a buyer s market according to the website. With such a
strong economy and affordable housing, Las Vegas is a very good place to make a
living. Las Vegas is such a great place to live because of the superb weather. Las
Vegas has a typical desert climate, with hot summers, mild winters, year long
sunshine and very little rainfall. Some may complain that it is too hot to live in
Las Vegas over the summer. The high temperatures in the months of July and
August normally exceed one hundred degrees, but as my Las Vegas local Daniel
Rogalski can tell you, it s really not that bad: Las Vegas is hot over the summer, but
it s not that bad. We have very little humidity and I would much rather be in Las
Vegas when it is one hundred and five degrees than be in Florida with high humidity
when it is
Academic Writing Styles
Academic writing
Proper academic writing should demonstrate the students understanding of the subject
at hand. (Elton, 2010) adds that because academic writing may defer from discipline
to discipline, instructors in schools have a duty to express their expectations of
students writing while students on the other hand should act on it.
Academic writing is logical
The student s work needs to have a introduction, the body and the conclusion. The
introduction gives a background to the topic and one could include interesting facts
and quotations. It is important to outline the main ideas that are in the body. The
student then discusses the main points in the body. This is done in paragraphs which
should be well structured to give a coherent argument. The conclusion is the final
paragraph and must briefly summarise every idea discussed in the body.
Other s works
Academic writing builds on what others have done on the same subject. A student
therefore needs to base his work on his own ideas as well as what others have done
and thought about, however, students should take care not to get lost in another
scholar s voice but should instead incorporate the information so as to maintain the
novelty of his argument. (Hampton, 2014) states that another scholar s work should
be fully acknowledged by accurate citation.
Academic writing is objective
Academic writing is objective (A. De Montfort University Website, 2014) states that
one needs to write in the third person and avoid
Evaluation Of Fungicides And Application Timing On
Introduction The blackleg fungus is a major disease of canola and can cause
significant losses. An experiment to evaluate fungicides effect on blackleg was
conducted by J.P. Damicone et. al. entitled Evaluation of fungicides and application
timing on control of black leg of winter canola, 2015 at Oklahoma State University.
This study involved evaluation of two fungicides, Proline and Approach, applied at
different times throughout the growing season to gauge their efficacy controlling
Black Leg of Canola Blackleg of canola is a disease that affects canola (Brassica
napus) and other Brassica spp. with the causal agent being a fungus, Leptosphaeria
maculans (anamorph= Phoma lingam). Canola is one of many cruciferous crops
that is attacked by blackleg disease and losses from the disease have been
documented for over a century with the disease occurring in every production area
around the world (History occurrence impact, pg. 1).
Symptoms for blackleg include lesions, necrosis, stem cankers, shriveled seeds,
premature ripening, and lodging. When seedlings first emerge they can be killed in
a manner similar to damping off, but if the seedlings develop past emergence,
lesions can develop on both the cotyledons and leaves with a grayish appearance
(History occurrence impact, pg. 1). As the crops get larger, stem lesions called
cankers develop and can restrict water flow causing premature ripening and shriveled
seeds (History occurrence impact, pg. 1). If
Small Universities Vs Smaller Universities
Smaller Universities vs. Larger Universities Millions of students attend various
universities every semester. Some students choose to go to smaller universities
because they might be close to home, and some students decide to go with the larger
ones due to the desire to be a part of the campus life or the longing to join a sorority
/fraternity; maybe they like classes that contain about 300 other peers. Students often
debate whether they should attend a smaller universityor a larger university; however,
when the two are contrasted, it becomes clear that smaller universities have more
opportunities offered.
One important issue that deeply impacts a student s education are the class sizes.
Bigger universities tend to obtain classes consisting of 100 to about 600
classmates. This has the ability to negatively affect an individual because they
might be behind on a subject due to lack of understanding and are too afraid to ask
a question in front of a full class (which mostly happens because they do not want to
appear unintelligent to the other undergrads). On the other hand, if the student
attended a smaller university, the class sizes would be about 20 50 students, putting
less pressure on a person to request assistance (Hyman and Jacobs). Another
concern is a professor s teaching techniques. As stated, class sizes are a problem not
only for the students, but also the professors. If the class is huge, the professor will
not be able to look at one student as an individual
The Toga A Single Piece Of Clothing In Ancient Rome
They had many different styles of clothing in ancient rome which included: The
Toga a single piece of clothing worn by the ancient roman s that moved very easily
and very swiftly when they would move around. Women wore sandles and boots that
were made out of leather
Is Captivity Detrimental On Global Animal Ecology And...
For several generations, animals have been entertaining humans. From sitting in
zoo exhibits to being paraded around in flashy circuses, animals, especially exotic
ones, have drawn large audiences. A close look at a ferocious lion or a dancing
elephant wearing a headdress is often what captivates people, since these spectacles
are often unusual and fascinating. However, for lions to be viewed up close and
elephants to dance, they must be held captive and trained for desired behavior. This
captivity and training raises a question: is captivity detrimental to global animal
ecology and health? Many animal activists claim that captivity is abusive, but animal
entertainment organizations, such as zoos, circuses, and animal theme parks,
promote environmental health through ecological education of children and adults
as well as funding research for conservation. During SeaWorld commercials, orcas
and sea lions playfully splash around in crystal blue waters. Likewise, zoos display
animals in beautiful habitats, yet many of the animals natural habitats are depleting
due to acid rain, ozone depletion, global warming, the destruction of the world s rain
forests, and phytoplankton blooms and coral bleaching (Bonner 81). These man
created global issues are forcing several animals to the brink of extinction. According
to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature 18 percent of the world s
remaining mammals and 11 percent of the world s remaining birds are threatened with
The Role Of Carbon Dioxide Emissions In The United States
Carbon dioxide
Today carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human actives in
the world. Carbon dioxide accounts for nearly three quarter of the greenhouse gas
emission. The main source of carbon dioxide emission in the United States are
electricity, transportation, and industry. Electricity has a significant amount of
emission due to the fossil fuels needed to generate electricity, to power homes,
businesses, and industries. The second largest cause of carbon dioxide emission is
transportation. Transportation accounts for 31% total of carbon dioxide emission in
the United States. Lastly industry is another large part in the emission rising. Many
industry process carbon dioxide and the emission through chemical reaction that do
not involve combustion. These are the leading carbon dioxide emission today in the
Why ... Show more content on ...
The gases that travel around are atmosphere is what absorb radiation is known as
greenhouse gases . The primary greenhouse gases on are atmosphere are water vapor,
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Due to the three big large
consumer of fossil fuel has impacted are atmosphere with carbon dioxide. Greenhouse
gases allow the sunlight to past through are atmosphere freely. The earth absorbs
some of the shortwave radiation and some of the energy bounce back into space.
While carbon monoxide emission has been rising it has been causing are atmosphere
to have too much that causes the heat to be trapped which causes the greenhouse
effect. This changed the temperature of the earth by trapping the heat in are
atmosphere. This keep the temperature of earth higher than it would be if direct sun
was heating
Personal Narrative On Closet
Dark at two For the last time Brent, there is nothing in that closet.There never has
been and there never will. Just go to bed. And I will not leave the light on in the
hall. You are fourteen, grow up. My parents never seem to understand my fear of the
dark, and of my closet. They tell me over and over that there is nothing in that closet.
They think I am too old to be afraid of something like that. When I tell them that
things get changed in my roomat night they never seem to believe me either. I have
taken pictures of my stuff before I go to bed, and then taken pictures of it in the
morning, evidence that my stuff has been moved, and they still don t believe me.
Tonight is just another one of those nights. I guess mom had a bad day because she
is really... Show more content on ...
I speedily ran back to my room. I donned my slippers and my winter coat, and placed
a winter cap on my head. I grabbed my massive flashlight and headed out of the door.
I happened to look at my clock and stopped dead in my tracks. The clock read 2 o
clock on the mark. I stood there, dazedly staring at the clock. I turned the light on in
my room and ran out into the hallway. I ran through the entire house flipping on
lights madly looking for anything I could find. There was nothing, absolutely
nothing that would help me find my mom. I ran out onto the porch and stared out
into the pitch black night. What was happening? I walked to the edge of the
clearing that our house sat on and followed the driveway for awhile. Suddenly my
flashlight died and I found myself totally enclosed in darkness. I began to shake. I
walked forward, or what I thought was forward, until I tripped and fell. I groped
around and found that I was completely surrounded by trees. I got up and walked
back the way I thought I had come. I tripped again and tore my pants. I got back up
and stumbled like this in the dark for what seemed like an eternity. I wandered for
what seemed like hours. Suddenly I heard a sound. I stopped dead
Advantages Of Mattress Toppers
A good mattress should offer adequate support and at the same maintain excellent
comfort for a great night sleep. However, sometimes it is possible to buy a mattress
that is a bit too soft contrary to your needs. Mattresses can also get saggy and lose
their firmness over time because of wear and tear. And when this happens, buying a
new mattressis not always an option. But using a firm mattress topper is one of the
easiest ways to get your bedfirm again. Whether it is a high density memory foam or
latex topper, the best firm mattress topper can enhance the firmness of any mattress
whilst giving you the sleep you have missed for a long time. Talking about firm
mattress toppers, let s talk about some of the best available options on the market.
1.Pure Green ... Show more content on ...
With a firmness rating of 44 ILD, this is a good topper for anyone who enjoys a
firm mattress. Although it is deemed ideal for side sleepers, people with any sleeping
position can also enjoy its ultimate comfort.
Offers a nice level of firmness
Very eco friendly
Has outstanding durability and comfort level
Good for relieving pressure points and back pains
Has a mild odour that wears out quickly
2.Queen Size Thick, Firm Conventional Polyurethane Foam Mattress pad Bed Topper
3 Inch Thick
This is another great firm mattress topper option from the AmericanMade brand.
Forget about having to buy a new mattress because the old kind of lost its firmness.
With a couple of dollars, you can own one of this toppers. It claims to add firmness
to any mattress and be more supportive to any sagging areas of the bed.
Featuring 3 inches of firm polyurethane foam, it supports and distributes weight
evenly so you don t end up sinking into the middle of your mattress. The firmness
of the topper is efficient and able to ease different types of pain. It channels heat
away just as well and absorbs pressure so no more tossing and

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The Odyssey Essay Topics

  • 1. The Odyssey Essay Topics Crafting an essay on "The Odyssey Essay Topics" can be quite challenging due to the vast array of themes, characters, and literary devices present in Homer's epic. From analyzing the complex character development of Odysseus to exploring the themes of hospitality, loyalty, and the role of the gods, there are numerous angles to consider. Delving into the intricate plotlines, deciphering the symbolism, and dissecting the poetic devices used by Homer requires a deep understanding of classical literature and critical thinking skills. Moreover, crafting a cohesive and insightful essay demands thorough research, meticulous analysis, and effective organization of ideas. Navigating through the labyrinth of interpretations and scholarly debates surrounding "The Odyssey" can be daunting. It's essential to strike a balance between providing original insights and incorporating existing scholarly perspectives to support arguments effectively. In conclusion, writing an essay on "The Odyssey Essay Topics" requires not only a comprehensive understanding of the text but also critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to articulate complex ideas coherently. [Note: Similar essays and much more can be ordered on] The Odyssey Essay TopicsThe Odyssey Essay Topics
  • 2. The Olympic Olympics At The 1988 Seoul Olympics Essay The 100m final during the 1988 Seoul Olympics, went from being called the greatest race in history to the dirtiest race in history over a time period of 24 hours. Ben Johnson Bronze medalist at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Gold Medal at the Rome World championships in 1987 and a former record holder for the 100m sprints and now a permanent dent in the history of Canadian and Olympic history after he tested positive for the anabolic steroid Stanozol, at the 1988 Seoul Olympic games. The event everyone had been waiting for at the Seoul Olympics was that of the 100 meter final where spectators and fans would be able to who the fastest man alive was. The Rivalry between Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson had been built up after many years of close competition most notably since the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics where Carl Lewis winning gold for America and Ben Johnson winning bronze for Canada. When Ben Johnson won the 100 meter final at the world championship in Rome he had beaten Carl Lewis five times before and gained a world record. This caused him to become very popular with the media and in Canada with people seeing him as a new hope for Canadian sports after their embarrassment at the Montreal Olympics in 1976 with Canada being the first country to hold the Games and not win a single gold medal. After Rome Carl and Ben both set their sights on The Zurich track and field meet on August the 17, which was only a month out from the Seoul Olympics. Before this meet, however,
  • 3. Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England Sixteenth century England experienced a phenomenon sometimes referred to as the Age of Queens. The decisive power of the country was placed in women s hands and their reigns were watched with a reasonable doubt. There is contrast of rule in terms of reigns between Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England, both of whom were engaged in a protracted struggle for the English throne. Beside the legitimacy of their claims, there are more significant considerations which predestined them to either increase or lose their power. The rule and attitudes of the two monarchs bore significant influence upon the times in which they lived, including social, political and legal precedents which were being challenged and in some cases reversed. The fact that both Queens encountered situations of striking similarity, serves as a suitable example for a remarkable comparison, helping to analyze the lives of the two Queens and how their lives diverged as a result of such encounters and their actions thereafter. They were both Queens, struggling for the throne, they were women as well as rivals; they both had affairs with married men, however, one managed a narrow escape from the disgraceful situation, while the other failed to do so. Mary grew to hate Anne Boleyn, mother of Elizabeth, because he took the position of her mother Catharine as Queen of England. Before Elizabeth came to the scene, Mary was loved and was the only child of King Henry VIII of
  • 4. Noah Bambach s While We Re Young The work of art that I chose is a still from director Noah Baumbach from the film While We re Young starring actor Ben Stiller. My initial reaction to this was how much different this film looks from modern day filmmaking. This film was only released not too long ago, in 2015, but it was shot on 35mm film. Most new release films are shot on a digital format. The main reason for this is because of how expensive it is to shoot a movie on traditional film. To put this into perspective, a 1,000 roll of film is approximately $860.00, and a 1,000 roll of film will only shoot 11 minutes. Another big advantage to shooting on digital is, digital is better for color work, something that just can t appear on film. I also like traditional film for... Show more content on ... It s easy to tell due to the background light that it is daytime, possibly the morning. It looks like there is a combination of warm and cool colors. The natural light coming in from the windows of the vehicle shown in the foreground gives the image a warm, brighter color. The colors in the background are cooler and gives a lighter feel to the image. In terms of mass, this is a three dimensional image. You can tell because of what is shown in the background, middle ground, and foreground. The background of this image would be the cars passing behind the vehicle in the image, the middle ground would be the people in the vehicle, and the foreground shows us the GoPro camera and the dashboard. I believe this image would be considered to be closed form because it is self contained, as in the main scene takes place in the car alone and does not take up the outside space. When it comes to the element of space, although it appears as if the actions in this photo interacts with real space, what is taking place inside of the car is real, but everything surrounding the car is an illusion. Movies almost never actually film a real car on a real road, everything behind the car in the picture is an illusion and is created using a green screen effect. The exact term for how this works is called a chroma key, which simply replaces a certain color that is either blue or green and replaces it with an image. So essentially the actors and the vehicle are standing still, surrounded by a huge green screen which was replaced by a video clip to give the illusion of
  • 5. Charlemagne s Reign Throughout Charlemagne s reign, he was continuously expanding his vast empire while also improving it internally. Charlemagne was the Kings of Franks from 771 814 and also the Holy Roman Emperor from 800 814, born in the late 740s (the exact date is unknown/debated) near LiГЁge in modern day Belgium. Charlemagne was illiterate despite frequently being called the education emperor as he strongly supported education and literacy. Charlemagne s father, Pepin III had the Frankish empire and when he died on September 24, 768, Charlemagne and Carloman (Charlemagne s brother) each took control of half of the empire. After Carloman s death on December 4 of 771, Charlemagne immediately took over the other half of the empire that Carloman had ruled. ... Show more content on ... 785; Capitulary for the Saxon Regions ) was intended to force the submission of the Saxons to the Franks and to Christianity, imposing the death penalty for destruction of churches, refusal of baptism, and violating the Lenten fast. The Capitulare Saxonicum (797; Saxon Capitulary ), although not necessarily abrogating the earlier decree, replaced the harsher measures of the earlier capitulary with conversion through less brutal methods. Charlemagne was 50 by 792, and there was a Saxon revolt between 792 and 793. This revolt was caused mainly be the terror on their part in 785 caused by the Capitulatio de partibus Saxonic that had been part of securing the Frankish domination and authority of Christian religion. In 792, there was a conspiracy led by Pepin the Hunchback that imperiled the king s life, his sons, and Regnum Francoum too. There had been one in 786 but had ben put down and led to Charlemagne making all of his subjects take an oath of allegiance, but conspiracies continued, This show the feeling of discontent among aristocrats and opposition to royal autocracy and also might have been a sign of weariness caused by unceasing warfare.
  • 6. Three Characteristics Of Machiavellianism And Deversiveness Some of us are darker than the rest. These darker individuals make an interesting topic for psychologists. As stated by Paulhus Williams in 2002, the three major traits of these socially aversive personalities are Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. Core of Machiavellianism lies in its manipulative nature ( Paulhus Williams, 2002 ). They can also be deceitful, dishonest and cold ( Carter, Campbell Muncer, 2013). As McHoskey states, they can also use social manipulation to achieve their goals and they are also oppurtunists. They also have their sexual debuts in earlier ages and report more sexual partners. ( cited in Carter et al., 2013). As Christie Geis (1970) puts, they are misanthropic, cynical, and they have high agency. ( cited in Rauthmann Kolar, 2012). To compare with the Big ... Show more content on ... In their 2012 study, Holtzman and Strube investigated the effects of adornment used by Dark Triad individuals on their perceived attractiveness. One component of the study was unadorned attractiveness which was the facial symmetry of participants. The other component of the study was effective adornment which was basically how individuals consciously or unconsciously manipulated the way they look in order to be perceived as more attractive. Examples can vary from showing cleavage to preference for colors. Not surprisingly their results showed that people higher on dark traits used effective adornment significantly more than others. And specifically psychopathy was the most closely linked one to effective adornment. The guess the underlying reason is not rocket science. Individual with higher levels of Dark Triad traits get more satisfaction from attention and having their self esteem pampered. Also an alternative reason could be that using effective adornment and having a good look may enhance the probabilities of capturing the attention of possible mates. In both scenarios, it pays
  • 7. Negative Effects Of Smoking Introduction Smoking causes 1,300 deaths daily in the U.S., and an estimated 5.6 million pre mature deaths is expected among American youths18 years and younger due to a smoking related illness if smoking continues at the current rate (CDC, 2017). According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are currently 40 million adult smokers in the U.S. (CDC, 2017), and 763,960 of these residents are from Massachusetts (DPH, 2014). Smoking can cause various kinds of cancer such as those of the cervix, stomach, esophagus, lungs and the bladder (Cio et al., 2014). Besides, smoking predisposes individuals to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) which involves health complications in the bronchi resulting in various diseases such as ... Show more content on ... According to West, McNeill Raw (2000), 1 3 smokers from 100 who receive brief advice from their health care provider, make some form of attempt to quit, as this form of advice can trigger a cessation attempt. Patients tend to lose interest and revert to their bad habit. A pilot study, completed at the Mason Square Clinic in Springfield between July and August of 2017 was successful as it utilized the use of group sessions, contingency management and the use of a carbon monoxide breathalyzer, but had margin for error due to the use of large rewards instead of smaller amounts (J. Alexander, personal communication, November 1, 2017). On a national level, exposure to secondhand smoke or smoking cigarettes leads to premature death of almost 500,000 Americans yearly (CDC, 2017), and smokers die 10 years earlier than non smokers. An estimated 40% to 70% of people with HIV smoke, a number almost triple in comparison to that of those with other chronic illnesses such as Diabetes, Cancer, Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease and Cardio cerebrovascular disease (Nguyen, et al., 2015). In HIV positive patients, a negative virologic and immune response (O Cleirigh, Traeger, Mayer, Magidson Safren, 2013), and an increase in medical complications have been linked to smoking (Humfleet, Hall, Delucchi, Dilley, 2013). Yet, despite the available data and
  • 8. Airport Offers Similar Vip Services And Facilities At O ... the past five years. Midway airport offers similar VIP services and facilities to that of O Hare Airport. Alternate options to commercial travel from O Hare or Midway Airport are available through the use of the Fixed Base Operators support. Signature Flight Support is a FBO who services both O Hare Airport and Chicago s Midway Airport. The company offers a wide range of services geared toward corporate and private jets. The support includes runway support, flight planning, fueling, security, and meeting and lounge facilities ( Chicago Midway Intl, ). For the purpose of this mission, the principal will fly FBO from Chicago to Domodedovo Airport, Moscow, Russia. The flight is approximately 12 hours in duration. Domodedovo Airport ... Show more content on ... The principal s primary mode of transportation while in Izhevsk will be private car. The car will be acquired through a reputable company, known by the principal s business contacts in Russia and cleared by the protection team during the advance. To ensure the continued safety, EP personnel will search the vehicle prior to acquisition and before each use for any signs of tampering, mechanical issues or foul play intended to hinder the use of the vehicle or harm the principal. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) will only be utilized in extreme cases and up to date paper maps will be accessible inside the vehicle. The advance established primary and alternate routes of travel. The principal will leave Izhevsk Airport and travel to his/her hotel. The Park Inn Izhevsk, Borodina Str., 25, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic 426057, contact (866)599 6674 from the U.S. or international +7 341 293 00 10, is located in the heart of Ishevsk within walking distance to may tourist attractions. The hotel features a restaurant, indoor pool and a bar/lounge. The hotel rooms include satellite television, complimentary wireless and hard wired internet access and air
  • 9. The Role of the Practitioner in Providing Play and... Section A: the role of the practitioner in providing play and learning opportunities. E1 Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in meeting children s learning needs. Case study 1 Mark a 2 year old boy The EYFS states that Mark should be developing at certain level for his age and stage. Marks personal, social and emotional development as a unique child, should be that he is interested in others play and starts to join in. As Marks key person I will support him to become confident in interacting with other children and other adults. It is my role to make sure Mark is developing and learning at the correct rate. Mark has a positive relationship with his mum and dad so as his key person I need to ensure ... Show more content on ... Samantha needs to ensure she concentrates on Jacks positive behaviour instead of reacting to his negative. Jacks needs are not being met and this is why Jack is behaving like this. Jack if requiring his mums attention at any opportunity that he gets. This is because he does not see his mum that much as she works all week and all day. Jacks mum could encourage his child minder to enforce positive behaviour with Jack and to do the reward system at the child minders as well as at home. This would help Jack not to get confused with being able to behave differently in different environments. As a practitioners I would first suggest to reward system with Jack I would also recommend taking part in calm activities when he arrives home from the child minders such a puzzles and books to keep Jack calm before going to bed. A1 Include a reflective account of the role of the practitioner in supporting the learning needs of children. In the childcare setting I supported a child s learning need by helping them to bond and communicate with other children and other members of staff. This child became particularly attached to one member of safe and it was becoming unhealthy. Sometime it would be to the point where is the member of staff left the room the child would stand at the door and cry until they came back. I supported this child by distracting the child with toys and activities that they liked. I built a good bond and relationship with the child which
  • 10. Plagiarism And The Culture Of Multilingual Students Concerning the issue of how the cultural conditioning plays in the regard of plagiarism, I will be analyzing Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in higher education abroad by Colin Sowden alongside with Plagiarism in ESOL students: Is cultural conditioning truly the major culprit? by Dilin Liu. Plagiarism in writing, which could be defined as borrowing a creator s original ideas and/or words without attributing credits where it s due, is considered a big concern in higher education level. The difference in ways of writing among regions and countries baffled me, thus resulted in my interest in the topic. One of the ethical issue concerns the role cultural background plays in forming students way of writing: some believe that plagiarism is acceptable in Asian countries, claiming plagiarism is a concept produced and mainly employed into practice in the Western nations, while other counter plagiarism is perceived the same way everywhere in the world to be frowned upon. This essay will mainly explore the notion of whether culture shapes the way students perceive plagiarism, and if the previous statement stands true, should it be appreciated as one s tradition. Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in higher education abroad by Colin Sowden is printed in ELT Journal Volume 59, Issue 3, July 2005, from pages 226 to 233; it is published by Oxford University Press. The article acknowledges how the culture factor plays in the way multilingual students
  • 11. Otorrhea History It is important for the new generation of otologists to be cognizant of the history of otology. Following are few landmarks in otology regarding ear surgeries: The potential of ear suppuration was clearly described by Hippocrates (460 376 BC). The Greek physician Galen (AD129 217), among others, recognized the importance of draining an infected ear. In his writings, he suggested that otorrhea was beneficial for the infected ear because it allowed the drainage of purulent secretions from the ear and recommended against any procedure intended to impede otorrhea Hieronymus Meculiasis (1530 1606 AD), gave the clinical description of ear disease12 . The first documented surgical incision to drain an infected ear was described by the French... Show more content on ... The first mastoid operation trying to preserve the ossicular chain and hearing was described by Bondi in 1910. Mosher, in 1911, started the idea of mastoid obliteration to promote healing of a mastoidectomy defect. Mosher described an obliteration technique using a superiorly based postauricular soft tissue flap. First successful intra temporal facial nerve anastamosis and first successful facial nerve graft within temporal bone was done by Sterling Bunnel in 1930. From 1930 1937 Kopetsky, Almor, Eagelton, Frenchkner, Ramadier and Lempert described the various routes for draining the petrous apex. Kisch described the use of a pedicled temporalis muscle flap in 1928 that was expanded on by Rambo in 1958 Popper described the use of a periosteal flap used to line, rather than obliterate, the mastoid cavity in 1935 Palva developed anteriorly based musculoperiosteal flap for obliteration of mastoid cavity in 1973 The temporo parietal fascia flap was first described by Bryd and the technique of mastoid obliteration using the flap was devised by collaboration of two authors
  • 12. Essay On Ritwik Ghatak Along with Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak was a very influential film maker, not only in the Bengal Renaissance era but also in the context of the entire Indian film scenario. Unlike his celebrated contemporary Satyajit Ray, Ghatak had to continue film making against all odds against abject poverty and a hostile section of film society and his once party comrades turned foes, who unable to tolerate his uncompromisingly independent attitude towards art, tried to pull him down at any cost. However, what eventually stamped Ghatak s greatness for the future generation was his undying dedication and honesty towards film making. With the advent of rapid commercialization of cinema, with the fast dissolving boundary between commercial and... Show more content on ... After a gap of eleven years during which various adverse situations forced Ghatak not to make any films, he returned to film making with A River Named Titash. With this film he made a desperate effort to go back to his roots and thus, notwithstanding a fast declining health, he travelled to his birth land Bangladesh (previously East Pakistan) in order to make the film. The film thus, ought to be symbolic affirmation of the essential oneness of Bengal in spite of the political division and hence the epic treatment of the film was needed to accommodate that gravity. However, Ghatak soon realized that the situation had gone beyond recovery and it is this disillusionment that was reflected at the ending of the film and also added to the final deterioration of Ghatak s
  • 13. The Book Of Judges Judges: What, Where, When, Why, Who? The Hebrew word for Judge is Ч©Ч•Ч¤Ч (Shofet). In the biblical sense, the word judge carries a much different connotation than what may be known in today s society. The Judges of the Old Testament were not Judges of the law ruling over courtrooms. The title Judge was derived from the sense of judging over Israel. Judges were looked at as selected rulers, leaders, and temporary special deliverers. They were sent by G D with the purpose of liberating the Israelites from the hands of their oppressors; whoever that happens to be at the time. The way it is described by the Deuteronomic source is that anyone who applied G D s judgment to foes of Israel is to be considered a Judge. As read in the Hebrew Bible: judging is defined as standing up for the oppressed: twelve individuals meet the requirements of being considered a Judge. The twelve Judges are made up of Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzam, Elon, Abdon, and Samson; however, not all Judges are given equal attention. The book of Judges focuses mainly on five of the Judges: Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson. Ehud is a left handed Judge. In his time and ... Show more content on ... After the restful forty years, the Israelites turned their backs to YHWH and worshipped another god known as Baal. Soon after the Israelites realized that they did indeed need YHWH, they cried out and YHWH responded to their cry for help by sending an Angel. The purpose of the Angel was to appoint Gideon. Gideon was from the tribe of Manasseh, which was one of the main tribes to suffer for their sin. The Angel went to Gideon and told him that he was brave and that G D was with him. Gideon was weak and knew that he could not fight alone, but he agreed because G D was with him. Gideon burnt down all statues of idols and other gods. Soon after, Gideon restored the faith in YHWH and freedom to the
  • 14. The Warfare Of The Soviet Union The United States utilizing its networks to destabilize the Soviet Union as a regional hegemon, it supported a an Islamic fundamentalist group named the Taliban, and along with weapon support and logistics. As well as discussing the various guerilla tactics utilized and discussed by the class through the readings such as Mao Zedong. I will also elaborate on the success and the dependency of the various guerilla tactics used and how fundamental it was in their victory against a conventional army (Soviet Union), and the outcome would not have. As well as the success of the conflict only through its reliance on foreign aid, as well as the major influence of external actors from the United States, and other gulf countries, this in fact was colossal in the success of the conflict. The examination of these primitive as well as effective asymmetrical forms of warfare were pivotal to the success. Through the use of my resources I will use the book On Guerilla Warfare as well as to explain the successful tactics of the Taliban, and how important the tactics explained in this book were monumental to the movements success. Also I will use a story dubbed, resources which describe the methods that other sovereign countries used to utilize support and ultimately proved affective in ending the conflict. I will examine the progress and elements from its beginning and how it was able to be successful in the following years. And what proved fundamental to its success as non conventional
  • 15. Logical Vindications For The Existence Of God Essay This paper will discuss the logical vindications for the existence of God. I will examine the strengths and weaknesses, through criticising existing arguments from various philosophers and thereby determine that the ontological argument which states God exists in both the human mind and in reality, is a strong statement. The analytic statement, which St Anselm devised, indicates that even atheist who does not believe in Godalso approves of his theory of God. I will evaluate the deductive, ontological arguments on the existence of God and thus state how the ontological argument, which I have accepted, rationally justifies God s existence. Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury in the text Proslogion defines the existence of God with the support of ontological arguments, which states that nothing imaginable and in reality is greater than God, therefore it is necessary for God to exist. However, if another being has greater omnipotent and omniscient characteristics than God, then this being is conceived to be greater than this God. Hence, Anselm emphasizes in his first form that one interpretation of God in our minds must exist. However, if God only existed in human minds then he is conceived to be only a mere figment of our interpretation of him. Therefore, he would not be perceived as the greatest being and ... Show more content on ... The experiences or the knowledge people gain from reading scriptures on God is enough to prove the essence of God present in our lives. This is because spiritually humans are imperfect and not as perfect as God is, therefore we are unable to physically expect to see God who is maximally great in all possible worlds. Therefore, through logical reasoning, God exists is in the mind and in reality and the ontological argument which is based on a priori knowledge is considered to be
  • 16. Significance Of The Soweto Uprising The Soweto Uprising was one of the worst events in the history of education with a lot of young casualties/ deaths, all this to make a point/ let people see what is wrong in the education system. Did this event change education in South Africa? The event of the Soweto Uprising was on the day of June 16th 1976/ June 16th 1976, students from the township of Soweto gathered in front of their school. The original plan was for student from all over Soweto to have a march to the Department of Bantu Education, and deliver a message about their complaint. They complained about the fact that Afrikaans would be the medium of instructions in all the schools. Learners could not understand the subjects and this created an issue. Police then got the order to shoot and kill the protesting students. Seven hundred students died that day and the 13 year old Hector Peterson was the symbol of the uprising. The uprising changed education and is still in affect after all ... Show more content on ... During this decade a new sense of resistance had been brewing . Black students, led by Steve Biko, formed the South African Student s Organization (SASO). A lot of events led to the Uprising: The school children were influenced by the Black Consciousness Movement in the 1970 s; and workers strikes in Durban in 1975; liberation of neighbouring Angola and Mozambique in 1975. (Soweto Student Uprising, n.d.) Though the children was influenced by the Black Consciousness Movement, they do not remember any influence from outside organizations that changed their decision to protest the use of Afrikaans. From 1976, Afrikaans were to be the medium of instructions from grade 7. English and Afrikaans were on a 50 50 basis. This meant that subjects like maths would be taught in Afrikaans and subjects like Science would be taught in English. Black people were forced to learn in Afrikaans because it was believed that Afrikaans would discipline
  • 17. Immigration Act Of 1924 Research Paper SUBJECT: Immigration act of 1924 PROBLEM: In the early 1920s the United States addressed the quick rising immigration population by creating the Immigration act of 1924. The immigration Act limited the number of European, African, and completely ban the migration of Asians and Arab immigrants. The American people after World War One had a strong patriotism for their country and did not easily accept new ethic groups. The fear of Communism also contributed to the dislike of new immigrants amongst the American people. The American people also felt that immigrants took jobs away from American citizens and were uncomfortable with the idea of more job competition. BACKGROUND The Red Scare Post war Recession New found patriotism High
  • 18. What Is The Conspiracy Of Roswell The Conspiracy of Roswell Conspiracy theories are quite a talk among people. From UFO landings to the questioning of our government and other governments around the world. One of the many popular conspiracy theories that many talk about is the UFO incident of Roswell. To this day people embrace the UFO theory, and still visit the crash site each year. The events of Roswell still leave numerous questions unanswered; questions like: What exactly happened there? , What is Project Mogul? , and Why did the public get so worked up over this? First things first, what happened at Roswell? For those who don t know in the summer of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, a rancher, William Mac Brazel happened to stumble upon unidentifiable debris just... Show more content on ... These series of dummy drops were conducted by the Air Force around the fields of New Mexico. The experiments were created and tested to find ways for pilots to survive high altitudes. They were sent bandaged, featureless dummies with latex skin and aluminum bones. The dummies fell from the sky and when they hit the ground the military took them as quick as possible. With their appearances and quick retrieval people speculated that the government was hiding something that they didn t want Roswell to know. They had thought the government, army and air force were kidnapping aliens and were experimenting on them. These test had only increased their speculation of
  • 19. Book Of Levius Research Paper The book of Leviticus has always seemed to be a disconnected, confusing, and thank God we do not have to book in the Bible for me. Whether the command was what to wear, forbidden foods to eat, how to harvest the land or what sacrifice to make and when, the text had left me disinterested. However, this week I found myself captivated by the text and class readings. First of all, the big picture of the book of Leviticus was brought to light. Specifically, in order for a Holy Godto dwell with his people, they would have to become holy and he alone is the one who makes them holy. In fact, the closer they came to God the more holy they would need to be. Desmond Alexander said it this way, For the Israelites to enjoy a close and meaningful relationship... Show more content on ... This can even be pictured through the arrangement of the Tabernacle. The further in, the more holy it becomes. So much so, that only the High Priest may enter the Holy of Holies. Secondly, many others and I have approached Leviticus from a logical and modern perspective, which creates confusion. However, Mary Douglas points out the overwhelming analogical emphasis of the entire book. She says, only when we take, the whole system of analogies in which it nests will [we] show how it is to be read (Douglas 20). In other words, every aspect of the book is connected intricately together to underscore the holiness of God. Furthermore, Douglas points out that, Bible students have to choose between accepting the muddle made by imposing a Western linear reading upon an archaic text, or trying to read the book through its own literary conventions (Douglas 51). This opens up a clearer new view of Leviticus where the entire sacrificial system is connected to the entire story of the Bible. So why is Leviticus important for us today? Alexander says, The concept of holiness lies at the heart of the Pentateuch (Alexander 246). I would even go a step further and state that holiness lies at the heart of all scripture. Our holy God desires to dwell close and personal with us and in order for this to be possible, he has to make us holy. He did this through his Son Jesus. His blood was able to purify us inside and out, so much so that the Holy Spirit can dwell within us
  • 20. Alaskan Bush People Essay Alaskan Bush People has been accused of faking things before and now it turns out that Noah Brown allegedly had a fake date on last week s episode. On last Friday s Alaskan Bush People, Noah went on a date with a gorgeous woman. Radar Online has been able to figure out that this woman happens to be an actress and may have not just been someone interested in dating Noah Brown. Noah went on a date with a woman named Karryna, and he said that he met her while he was in the lower 48 states at the beach. The date on Alaskan Bush People looked like a great date. Noah shared that while they were down south, he invited Karryna up to see them. He stayed behind when the family went off so he could go on a date with her. On Alaskan Bush People, Noah talked about the fact that his longest relationship was three months. Noah s getting back out there tonight on a new ... Show more content on ... It would not be shocking if this was faked for the show, but you never know how it went down. Reality shows are known for sometimes making things up for drama or ratings. Regardless, everyone is talking about this date that Noah Brown had on the show. Starcasm shared that Alaskan Bush People has been considered fake by some people because of their legal troubles. The show says that the Brown family lives in the Alaskan bush and don t see people for up to six to nine months at a time. They are actually in legal trouble for allegedly not living in Alaska all of the time, but still getting money for being residents of Alaska. Do you think that Noah Brown s date was hired by Alaskan Bush People for the show? Do you think that this was really his date? Sounds off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don t miss new episodes of Alaskan Bush People on Friday nights on
  • 21. Raymond Pit Case Facts Raymond Pit signed a pledge in which he promised to pay The Institution $150,000 and a scholarship would be created in Pit s name. Two months after signing the pledge although prior to any money having been paid to The Institute, Pit died. Pit s estate refused to honor the pledge and The Institute sued as a result. The promise of a gift to be given at a future time is not enforceable without consideration given for the promise. A scholarship was to be created in Pit s name which could be recognized as consideration. Despite the fact that no exchange had taken place, the pledge is still supported by consideration since Pit agreed a scholarship would be created for his payment. Since consideration for the payment was to take place, the pledge
  • 22. Causes Of The Pequot War The Pequot War started in 1636 and ended in 1637. The war consisted of the Pequot people and a coalition of English settlers from the Massachusetts Bay. It was a brutal war and was the first sustained conflict between Native Americans and Europeans in northeastern North America. The primary cause of the Pequot Warwas the struggle to control trade. The Dutch brought on economic, political, and cultural changes when they arrived on Long Island and in the Connecticut River valley at the beginning of the 17th century and of English traders and settlers in the early 1630s. The world they entered into was dominated by the Pequot. The root of the Pequot War was the struggle for control of the fur and wampum trade in the Connecticut River valley. Before the arrival of the English in the early 1630s, the Dutch and Pequot controlled all the region s trade. The situation was precarious because of the resentment held by the subservient Native American tribes for their Pequot overlords. So, when the English wanted to join in on the scene, those other tribes sought alliance with them, shifting the balance of regional power. This brought conflict as the competition for control of trade escalated quickly. As tensions grew between all parties, the murder of trader John Oldham by the Manisses Indians of Block Island in July, 1636 resulted in a military response by the English of Massachusetts Bay that led directly to the Pequot War. This was the beginning of the Pequot War.
  • 23. Availability and Utilization of Ict-Based Facilites in the... ABSTRACT This study employs ex post factor research design to investigate the level of Availability and Utilization of ICT Based Technology among biology teachers in Ekiti state secondary schools. In this survey, 36 biology teachers were randomly selected from boarding and day public secondary schools in Ekiti state. Two instruments were developed, validated and reliability scores obtained using Cronbach alpha method. Simple percentages, weighted average and chi square were used in data analyses. In all, two research questions and three hypotheses were addressed and tested. The findings revealed low level of availability of ICT Based facilities as well as low level of utilization of ICT Based facilities by teachers of biology. The study... Show more content on ... Sample and Sampling Technique For the first target population of this study (i.e boarding senior secondary schools), a simple random sampling was employed to select six (6) schools. Thereafter, three (3) biology teachers were randomly selected from each of the sampled boarding schools. Also for the second target population, a simple random sampling was adopted to selected six (6) non boarding senior secondary schools. Thereafter, three (3) biology teachers were randomly selected from each of the sampled schools. The overall sampled size for the study was 36. Instruments for Data Collection 1. Inventory on Availability of ICT Facilities (IAIF) This instrument was developed and validated by the researchers. It has two sections A and B. Section A contains demographic data, while section B contains 11 items to elicit information on the availability of ICT based facilities for the teaching of biology in schools. A reliability alpha value of 0.87 was obtained using Croubach alpha method. 2. Teachers Utilization of ICT Facilities Questionnaires (TUIFQ) An instrument also developed and validated by the researchers with two sections A and B. Section A contains demographic data while section B contains 13 items to elicit information on the teachers utilization of ICT based facilities in the teaching of biology. A reliability alpha
  • 24. Jackson s Life-Personal Narrative In a land far away, many years ago, there live a brother and his sister. They lived in a fairly small village. The brother s name was Jackson, and his sister s name was Lilly. Jackson was the oldest by eight years. They live all alone because their parents were taken from them in a horrendous accident. One day, Lilly became very ill. Jackson got the village doctor, who was very experienced in the medical field. He said that Lilly had caught something he hasn t ever seen before, however he knew that within a month Lilly would die. Jackson was distort; he already lost his parents, and he didn t want to lose his sister too. He also always told her he would always protect her. Jackson asked the doctor, What can I do to make my sister better? The doctor told him, There are two goblets that are hidden deep within a cave about a week s journey from the village. One of the goblets is for healing and the other one is for death. The two are identical, however that is just one of the problems. In the cave, lays different chambers, which has trials. If you wish to reach these goblets you may need a team to aid you in your journey. Before he left, the doctor said that the team was a team of explorers, he have heard of that were like no other. Jackson set out to the ... Show more content on ... Before he could reach the creature, he tripped on a rock. The group rushed towards him and Jackson rolled in the direction of the creature and swung his sword cutting it in half. He then felt a sting in his left arm. He looked behind him to see that Adam had stuck him in the arm with a dagger, I m so sorry. I don t know what happened. It s okay. It wasn t your fault, Jackson explained. They got out some of their supplies to fix up those who had been wounded before they entered the next room. Jackson also explained everything that had happened, because they couldn t remember any of the events that took
  • 25. Franz Haydn Essay Franz Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn is regarded as one of the greatest composers of the classical period. He is often called the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, and he founded what is known as the Viennese classical school, which consisted of himself, his friend, Wolfgang Mozart, and his pupil, Ludwig van Beethoven. During his lifetime, he produced a mind boggling amount of music. He lived from the end of the baroque period to the beginning of the romantic period, and presided over the transition between them. Franz Joseph Haydn was born in Rohrau, Austria, on April 1, 1732, to Mathias and Anna Maria Koller Haydn. Joseph Haydn s parents had twelve children, but, sadly, six of them died during infancy. His surviving ... Show more content on ... He retreated into his music, while she found consolation by spending a great deal of time in church. In 1761, Count Morzin was forced to disband his orchestra due to financial problems. It wasn t long, however, before Haydn was offered another job, this time in Eisenstadt, Austria, as assistant Kapellmeister for Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy, who was greatly impressed by the music that Haydn performed while he was with the Morzin orchestra. Paul Anton died in 1762 and was succeeded by his brother Nicholas, who was also a music lover and played the baryton (a brass wind instrument). Thus, Haydn composed more than a hundred trios for baryton, viola, and bass during the next thirteen years. Haydn also composed several short operas and a full length opera, named Acide. Upon the death of Gregor Werner in 1766, Joseph Haydn was promoted to Kapellmeister (musical director). Prior to his death, Werner earned slightly over half of the wage paid to his highly talented, younger assistant. The orchestra was expanded, and Haydn composed four to five symphonies a year. He also continued to compose operas. In 1768, Haydn and the Esterhazy orchestra moved to Eszterhaza, a beautiful new palace built by Prince Nicholas. During this time, Haydn did not maintain his usual volume of symphony production, as he composed less than ten between 1766 and 1770. However, Haydn experienced a renewed interest in writing string quartets. He composed three
  • 26. Power In Rear Window The film Rear Window, released in 1954, and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, portrays the shift of power in the relationship between the central characters of Lisa Freemont and L.B. Jeff Jeffries throughout the film. As the characters are introduced in the beginning of the film, Jeffries is shown to have control of the relationship between himself and Miss Freemont, the power later shifts to Lisa as the film progresses and she takes an interest in the suspected murder. However, the film ends with relative equality within the relationship, after Lisa s intelligence is discovered by her partner. The film Rear Window opens with L.B Jeffries ultimately holding the power in the relationship between himself and Lisa Freemont. Lisa is shown to be a woman of high ... Show more content on ... Jeffries realises Lisa is more than just beautiful when she expresses her insightful theories about Laars and his wife, things Jeffries would never have thought of, himself. Lisa contributes Women don t keep their jewellery in a purse, all tangled... A woman going anywhere but the hospital would always take makeup, perfume and jewellery. Detective Doyle dismisses Lisa s ideas as feminine intuition and therefore a waste of his time, however Jeffies sticks by his girlfriend. Lisa comes over to Jeffries apartment unannounced with the intention of staying the night [t]here, uninvited. This was much frowned upon in conservative, fifties society, especially for someone of Lisa s status, however she doesn t seem to much care, she has her own mind. Jeffries admires Lisa s bravery as she drops off the note at Laars apartment, something he would have done if he was able. She gets back, glowing with excitement and the look on Jeffries face could only be described as adoration. The power in the relationship shifts to Lisa when Lisa expresses her intelligence and
  • 27. Vocal Development In Infants Due to lack of research on social interactions and transitions in development of vocalization, Goldstein et al developed a study to test this relationship. Specifically, their study focused on social feedback from caregivers and resulting vocal development in infants. They wanted to know if this study would induce more variety of vocalizations in infants. Goldstein et al took thirty infants around eight months of age as well as the infants mothers and split them into an experimental contingent condition and a yoked control condition (Goldstein et al, 2003, p. 8030). Participants came for two thirty minute play sessions. The first was simply to allow the child and motherto adapt to the playroom. The second session consisted of three ten minute... Show more content on ... According to Goldstein et al, other studies have demonstrated how adults perceive mature vocalization as a means of communication thus resulting in an increased response from the adult (Goldstein et al, 2003, 8034). Therefore, as children begin to articulate more maturely, parents in return respond more in hopes to increase the performance of mature vocalization by the child. These data also indicate that imitation may not be as strong of a mechanism for the development of infant vocalization but positive reinforcement may act as a mechanism to increase babbling. The mothers responded to the infants vocalizations by simply smiling, moving closer and touching them which acted as a positive reinforcement. Thus, the increase in their babbling was not a means of imitating the mother (Goldstein et al, 2003, 8034). Instead, they were receiving positive feedback each time they vocalized which was a positive reinforcement for the child to want to continue producing
  • 28. The New Drugs For Glaucoma Time to time there has been development in new drugs for glaucoma. With these new drugs comes new benefits and risks. Glaucoma being the second leading cause of blindness in the world (after cataract) (1) is expected to affect around 11 million people worldwide by 2020 (1). Most of the affected population are greater than 50 years of age, who are also expected to have other health issues. For a clinician, it becomes extremely important to understand the potential side effects of the medications before prescribing it to the patients. These adverse drug reactions can occur from the drug itself, the preservatives or the vehicle of the drug, and can be ocular or systemic. Unabsorbed topical ocular medication for glaucomamay drain out of the eye through naso lacrimal duct and can be absorbed by conjunctiva, nasal mucosa, oropharynx, and GI mucosa (occasionally) to rise to sufficient levels in the blood to cause systemic side effect or interact with other drugs. It has been estimated that roughly 80% of an eye drop can pass through the nasal nasolacrimal duct and get absorbed into the nasal mucosa and its microvasculature. Considering that these eye drops are often used in either eyes twice or thrice a day, the systemic implications can be extremely dangerous. (8)(14) Ocular therapeutics for Glaucoma: These include beta blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, alpha 1 and alpha 2 adrenergic agonists, prostaglandin analogues, miotics and combination medications. Most of these
  • 29. New Avenues Of The Affordable Care Act Since 1984, Medicare patients have been serviced under the prospective payment system of the Medicare program. Under this system, primary care providers are reimbursed for their services using a fixed payment for each patient that is determined by the patient s diagnosis related group at the time of the admission. Therefore, under the prospective payment system a hospital s reimbursement is unaffected by the actual expenditures that are required to care for a patient. This newer reimbursement system has been a topic of contention amongst a large portion of the professional medical community due to the perceived unfairness that it brings in certain situations where a patient must be readmitted and, as a consequence, the primary care providers may not be reimbursed for the readmission regardless if they were responsible. With the introduction of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, further criteria such as the Readmissions Reduction Program have been added that determines the eligibility of a primary care provider being reimbursed through the Medicare/Medicaid program. These new requirements have led to new avenues of contention amongst healthcare professionals and, in some cases, new avenues for fraud and patient discrimination. In order to more fully delve into this issue, this literature review will be focusing on three main areas of study as it applies to the topic of Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement and its relation to the Affordable Care Act. These areas of focus will include
  • 30. Chief Financial Officer The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a corporate officer responsible for managing the company s financial operations. This officer is also responsible for all accounting functions including credit control, budgeting and financial reporting, coordination of financing and funding, expenditure and liquidity, monitoring and managementof investment and tax issues, provide timely reports to the board, and providing timely financial data to the Chief Executive Officer(CEO). In some sectors the CFO is also responsible for analysis of data. CFOs with the current organization were limited mainly to provide financial data aggregation from senior management responsibility for external and internal organization. There is minimum part of the CFOs in... Show more content on ... Instance, CFO should have financial related information to facilities understanding of option to resolve complex problem (Auditor General Victoria, 2004, pp.3). Besides that, a good CFO demonstrates strong leadership and strategic vision within the financial department and with whole management team. At minimum, he or she must have the respected and support of the financial team, be a good motivator, and be necessary (Marc Pfefferle, 2013). As the responsibilities and influence of the CFO change, it is also important that the CFO effectively communicates on financial matters, and has effective sale skills of negotiation (Auditor General Victoria, 2004, pp.3). A CFO who works reliably under pressure to produce punctually, accurate information but being a nice person is not enough. The old saying, if you re not part of the solution you re part of the problem is never more true than it is of a CFO involved in a turnaround (Marc Pfefferle, 2013). One important role of CFO that author state is the strategic application of technology, utilities technology to strategic advantage. For example, the use of electronic business opportunities such as on line communication with customer and suppliers provide opportunities for organization to become more efficient and e commerce (Auditor General Victoria, 2004, pp.5). A communication skill
  • 31. The Between Public And Private Spaces When looking at how online forums effects civility, Papacharisssi (2011) suggest viewing technology as an architecture which blurs the line between public and private spaces. Online discussions merge the social, cultural, political, and economical into merging yet fragmented spaces. With this framework, the presents of civility or incivility should be viewed as a dependent of the context of the topic and website (Coe et. al., 2014; Herbst, 2010). Reader (2012) argues that incivility may be a reflection from the polarization of current media messages. He argues that, the rhetoric of the culture war is often vitriolic and rancorous, what some scholars have dubbed to be incivility (p. 506). Others have found that topics involving... Show more content on ... Christopherson (2006) compliments with his construct of anonymity as the inability of others to identify an individual. Anonymity comes in multiple forms; a common one being pseudonymity. When using a pseudonym, a person uses another name other than his or her own to associate with. It is very common to see pseudonymity on the Internet, since websites rarely check for the true identity of the individual users, and it is often beneficial to protect a user s privacy. Studies generally confirm that anonymity emboldens incivility in CMC. Strom and Strom (2005) found that when abusers lack face to face contact with those being persecuted, they may not know the level of distress that their misconduct is causing. Furthermore, online anonymity makes misdeeds difficult to trace, easy for cyberbullies to avoid responsibility for their misdeeds, and reduces fear of being caught and punished. Through interviewing people from various countries and socioeconomic levels, Kang, Brown, and Kiesler (2013) found that about half of those they interviewed sought anonymity for malicious reasons like hacking or socially undesirable activities such as flaming or browsing violent or pornographic website. Typically CMC civility studies have focused on websites with clear topical themes or articles such as online newspapers (e.g. Coe et. al., 2014; Rowe, 2015; Santana, 2015) or discussion boards (e.g. Lampe et. al., 2014; Papacharisssi, 2004). In contrast social
  • 32. Film, By Max Horkheimer And Theodor Adorno There is no doubt that film is a powerful mode of cultural production that caters to politicians, academics, and the general public. We are, in our quotidian existence, unwittingly exposed to a stunning amount of sensorial stimulation. Much of this stimulation comes from film, a form of media that has captivated sociologists, psychologists, and philosophers. In the Frankfurt School, Max Horkheimerand Theodor Adorno interpret the sociopolitical implications of film differently from Walter Benjamin. Horkheimer and Adorno see film as a means to deceive and manipulate the proletariat although Benjamin critiques capitalist exploitation of film, he argues that film can serve revolutionary purposes. In the context of historical film, Benjamin s arguments are more convincing than Horkheimer and Adorno s; film is not inherently authoritarian or oppressive. Rather, the manner film is employed socio politically is what defines its roles in mass culture. In The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception, Horkheimer and Adorno argue that the bourgeoisie use film as a means to impose control over the proletariat. They base their argument on how culture today is infecting everything with sameness (Horkheimer 94). That is, the ubiquity of mass culture allows for the bourgeoisie to infect everyone with certain notions. Horkheimer and Adorno view film as a useful way of indoctrinating the masses it quickly imparts information through the same medium. When they contend how
  • 33. A Summary Of The Faerie Queene And Beowulf After reading the assigned short stories I decided to use the first book of the Faerie Queene and Beowulf. These stories have numerous uses of imagery, Throughout Beowulf there are creatures and battles that are so epic they literally pop off the page because of the way ( the author s) described them. In the first book of the Faerie Queene(the author) there are also a wide variety of different monsters and battles and stunning characters, but they also connect with history. I decided to choose Imagery because both of these stories are full of different creatures and scenes that need imagery to be told in its full glory. Beowulf is action packed and has descriptive battles and the Faerie Queene has many historical references that involve imagery. In the Faerie Queene Spenser uses imagery with what was happening politically or religiously at the time. There are many examples throughout the story that suggests this. At the time Spenser wrote the Faerie Queene it was during the English reformation when England dropped Catholicism and turned to Protestantism as the country s new religion. Since this was going on at the time Spenser used imagery to connect with events and to show that their new religion could prevail over the Catholic s criticism. In the first book Spenser talks about the noble knight Redcrosse, and describes him as a symbol to look up to. An example Spenser wrote But on his brest a bloudie Crosse he bore, The deare remembrance of his dying Lord, For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore, And dead as living ever him adored (1.i.2.1 4). Here it almost seems like Spenser is using imagery to describe the knight Redcrosse as a Christ figure. Further into the story Spenser talks about a mythical creature called Errour and begins to paint a vivid image of the serpent. Halfe like a serpent horribly displaide, But th other halfe did womans shape retaine, Most lothsom, filthie, foule, and full of vile disdaine. when reading this you see a disgusting creature, and Spenser chose the right words. The word disdaine means a description that describes monsters both mythical and in the bible and it really shows how horrifying this monster must have been. After painting the image of the horrible
  • 34. Who Is Banquo In Macbeth Banquo s character has a significant role in Macbeth because hes is the foil to Macbeth, he enhances Macbeth s actions by being the complete opposite but shares qualities with Macbeth. (Macbeth Essay | The Role of Banquo in Macbeth) In Elizabethan English, Lord Banquo, the thane of Lochaber is classified a nobleman or baron. As a noble he would function as middle class between peasants and royalty. He would be expected to provide work, land, and protection to the peasants. (Nobles in the Middle Ages) He would also provide funding supplies and military service. Their life would be focused around military strategy, social affairs, financial obligations and responsibilities. Banquo got that classification by showing his loyalty to the king; ... Show more content on ... Banquo would always want be loyal to the king especially after the witches told him his prophecy because his descendants would become king and to make sure his family after him would be proud and have a good life, but the main difference between Banquo and Macbeth is Banquo has absolutely no temptation to become king. Based on the setting and the time period of 1606 I would have to assume that Banquo is christian; christians would often pair witches and magic with ideas of the devil like in (Act 1, Scene 3) What, can the devil speak true? (shakespeare navigators). Macbeth is told he would be king but Banquo is told that he himself will not be king but his descendants will hold the royal throne. Banquo is a father of Fleance who goes to england to get Malcolm the king after killing Macbeth. It seems Banquo is motivated and believes in karma. He argues that evil only offers gifts that only lead to destruction. I believe that his wisdom threatens Macbeth.(Macbeth Study Guide) He also warns Macbeth by saying to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths in act scene. Banquo suspects Macbeth of having something to do with king Duncan s death, Banquo tells Macbeth I think you have come about your title most foully. (Act 3, scene 1) he is also worried about his son s safety because Macbeth knows that Banquo s descendants are to be
  • 35. Michael Myers Personality As I grew older my views on what I fear changed. As a child, I developed a fear of little things such as ghosts, the dark, etc. Once I grow into an adult I developed a of things observed on a daily. Americans between the age group of children and adolescents introduce themselves to bigger fears by watching movies that replay on the already experienced fears. For example: Freddy Krueger, Jason, Vampires, Werewolves, etc. Many people in society watch these horror movies and are brought to an assumption that directors based the movies on serial killers, who become glorified for the crimes committed and made into huge stars that we love. In the film Halloween, a little boy name Michael Myers kills his sister at the age of six. Twenty years later Michael return s to his home town Haddonfield, Illinois to kill a group of teenagers that appear around his deceased sister age. Halloween identifies as one of those gruesome films that you question, because he was a six year old when he first killed. To society Michael exemplify monster qualities because at that age, how can some one so young stab his sister or anyone to death. Michael Myers poses as a Monster in America, he demonstrates traits of the devil in him and express his hate by killing his family, by existing in a dysfunctional family. Michael watches his sister over sexualize herself which leads him to kill his sister. During the 1970 s movies concentrated on punishing women who sexualized themselves by killing and
  • 36. Political Style Of Mao Zedong Mao Zedong was the chairman of the Communist party in China, and his adventure is one that is very dirty and manipulative. Mao uses the media to brainwash people by making people read propaganda in the newspapers every day and listen to propaganda on the radios too. He targets youth to mold them into his image of how they should act. His hunger for power has to lead him to down a harsh road filled with other people suffering. Mao Zedongis a manipulative man that brainwashes the youth to gain him power in the political scene. One of the many ways that chairman Mao could gain control and brain wash people was through the media. This media is very important when brainwashing a group of people. In Mao s case, he takes control of the newspaper and makes sure that there is plenty of propaganda everywhere, all over the paper. Mao uses a very smart tactic to lure out and shut down anyone who opposes him in the media. He bombards the common folk with quote after quote from his books that is basically just crammed with propaganda. A modern example of the media being a very important tool when brainwashing a nation is North Korea. The dictatorship at North Korea has complete control over the media and there is absolutely no hope of telling the citizens that their entire lives were lives since they were constantly fed propaganda all the time, everywhere. Mao s control of newspaper during the cultural revolution help his cause a great deal. According to Stuart Schram, along with
  • 37. The, Capital One, And Bowsart Hey guys, hope you re all enjoying your placements. They sound great! I mentioned last week that the Network sent out a newsletter for artists to submit their artwork for three desired, upcoming events: Bridgepoint, Capital One, and Bowsart. We extended the deadline because we were not receiving enough submissions. Bridgepoint is only open to members of the Network, but Capital One is open to artists and other non members. Thus far, we have received much more submissions for the Capital One event. Location is key. Capital One is set in a corporate building and can generate more cliental. My task was to transfer each artists submission from the website into a document for the board. An artist can submit up to three images for each event. For example, only 8 pieces of artwork are selected by a jury to be showcased at Bridgepoint and CapitalOne. I went through each submission, uploaded each of their images, and inserted a description for the artwork, which included, the artists name, title of the piece, size by inch, and the medium. I then imported this information into an excel spreadsheet for our records to note payment and membership information. I viewed a range of fascinating artwork ranging from oil paintings, watercolour, acrylic on canvas, sculpted canvas, photography etc. Later on, an artist came by to the office because she required assistance submitting her artwork online. My LSS was happy to help take photographs of her paintings. I edited the pictures
  • 38. Programs Impact Children s Academic Achievment From the information I gained from my classmate s wikis, many of them include skill building lessons that incorporate the common themes of increasing children s social and emotional competency. Like the Roots of empathy program, these programs all aim to incorporate better understanding and acceptance of differences. Some of the differences I notice are that a few of these programs also have the direct goal of trying to improve literacy and academic success, though I believe all programs like these will impact children s academic achievements positively. From what I took, most of these programs start in the classroom, and then send lessons or activities home. Parent involvement is important to the success of all of these programs and is a huge link to the retention of each of these programs. Many of these programs teach about positive peer relationships, which to me is a starting point that lays the foundation for how children will interact with their communities, as they become adults. To better understand each of these programs, I have compiled details on each from my review of the wiki pages. The Positive Action program is designed for grades K 12 and focuses on building skills that support effective social and conduct behaviors with emphasis on personal character and mental health, and works to develop the ability to be able to set and achieve goals. The curriculum follows 140 lessons that are divided in to six teaching units. These six units include lessons
  • 39. Essay Las Vegas The City That Never Sleeps Have you ever wondered what it is like to live in Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world, a gambling mecca for millions every year? What could it possibly be like for a person to live in a city known as Sin City, where the only thing hotter than the bright lights is the sun. According to over 600,000 people live in Las Vegas now, which is triple what it was just twenty years ago. It is a city built as a railroad town that has turned into one of the most well known cities in the world. Las Vegas is not just a tourist destination, but a great place to live. With countless job opportunities, strong economy, beautiful weather and state of the art education, Las Vegas is... Show more content on ... According to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, the tourism industry s economic impact was thirty six billion dollars in 2005. Since so much money is made in the tourism industry, the local Las Vegas government has been trying to attract more commercial businesses. With no state individual or corporate income tax, Las Vegas has been able to get these much needed commercial industries to come to Las Vegas and stabilize its economy. Housing prices are now at or slightly above the median price nationwide, and as of late, the housing industry has become a buyer s market according to the website. With such a strong economy and affordable housing, Las Vegas is a very good place to make a living. Las Vegas is such a great place to live because of the superb weather. Las Vegas has a typical desert climate, with hot summers, mild winters, year long sunshine and very little rainfall. Some may complain that it is too hot to live in Las Vegas over the summer. The high temperatures in the months of July and August normally exceed one hundred degrees, but as my Las Vegas local Daniel Rogalski can tell you, it s really not that bad: Las Vegas is hot over the summer, but it s not that bad. We have very little humidity and I would much rather be in Las Vegas when it is one hundred and five degrees than be in Florida with high humidity when it is
  • 40. Academic Writing Styles Academic writing Proper academic writing should demonstrate the students understanding of the subject at hand. (Elton, 2010) adds that because academic writing may defer from discipline to discipline, instructors in schools have a duty to express their expectations of students writing while students on the other hand should act on it. Academic writing is logical The student s work needs to have a introduction, the body and the conclusion. The introduction gives a background to the topic and one could include interesting facts and quotations. It is important to outline the main ideas that are in the body. The student then discusses the main points in the body. This is done in paragraphs which should be well structured to give a coherent argument. The conclusion is the final paragraph and must briefly summarise every idea discussed in the body. Other s works Academic writing builds on what others have done on the same subject. A student therefore needs to base his work on his own ideas as well as what others have done and thought about, however, students should take care not to get lost in another scholar s voice but should instead incorporate the information so as to maintain the novelty of his argument. (Hampton, 2014) states that another scholar s work should be fully acknowledged by accurate citation. Academic writing is objective Academic writing is objective (A. De Montfort University Website, 2014) states that one needs to write in the third person and avoid
  • 41. Evaluation Of Fungicides And Application Timing On Control... Introduction The blackleg fungus is a major disease of canola and can cause significant losses. An experiment to evaluate fungicides effect on blackleg was conducted by J.P. Damicone et. al. entitled Evaluation of fungicides and application timing on control of black leg of winter canola, 2015 at Oklahoma State University. This study involved evaluation of two fungicides, Proline and Approach, applied at different times throughout the growing season to gauge their efficacy controlling blackleg. Blackleg Black Leg of Canola Blackleg of canola is a disease that affects canola (Brassica napus) and other Brassica spp. with the causal agent being a fungus, Leptosphaeria maculans (anamorph= Phoma lingam). Canola is one of many cruciferous crops that is attacked by blackleg disease and losses from the disease have been documented for over a century with the disease occurring in every production area around the world (History occurrence impact, pg. 1). Symptoms for blackleg include lesions, necrosis, stem cankers, shriveled seeds, premature ripening, and lodging. When seedlings first emerge they can be killed in a manner similar to damping off, but if the seedlings develop past emergence, lesions can develop on both the cotyledons and leaves with a grayish appearance (History occurrence impact, pg. 1). As the crops get larger, stem lesions called cankers develop and can restrict water flow causing premature ripening and shriveled seeds (History occurrence impact, pg. 1). If
  • 42. Small Universities Vs Smaller Universities Smaller Universities vs. Larger Universities Millions of students attend various universities every semester. Some students choose to go to smaller universities because they might be close to home, and some students decide to go with the larger ones due to the desire to be a part of the campus life or the longing to join a sorority /fraternity; maybe they like classes that contain about 300 other peers. Students often debate whether they should attend a smaller universityor a larger university; however, when the two are contrasted, it becomes clear that smaller universities have more opportunities offered. One important issue that deeply impacts a student s education are the class sizes. Bigger universities tend to obtain classes consisting of 100 to about 600 classmates. This has the ability to negatively affect an individual because they might be behind on a subject due to lack of understanding and are too afraid to ask a question in front of a full class (which mostly happens because they do not want to appear unintelligent to the other undergrads). On the other hand, if the student attended a smaller university, the class sizes would be about 20 50 students, putting less pressure on a person to request assistance (Hyman and Jacobs). Another concern is a professor s teaching techniques. As stated, class sizes are a problem not only for the students, but also the professors. If the class is huge, the professor will not be able to look at one student as an individual
  • 43. The Toga A Single Piece Of Clothing In Ancient Rome They had many different styles of clothing in ancient rome which included: The Toga a single piece of clothing worn by the ancient roman s that moved very easily and very swiftly when they would move around. Women wore sandles and boots that were made out of leather
  • 44. Is Captivity Detrimental On Global Animal Ecology And... For several generations, animals have been entertaining humans. From sitting in zoo exhibits to being paraded around in flashy circuses, animals, especially exotic ones, have drawn large audiences. A close look at a ferocious lion or a dancing elephant wearing a headdress is often what captivates people, since these spectacles are often unusual and fascinating. However, for lions to be viewed up close and elephants to dance, they must be held captive and trained for desired behavior. This captivity and training raises a question: is captivity detrimental to global animal ecology and health? Many animal activists claim that captivity is abusive, but animal entertainment organizations, such as zoos, circuses, and animal theme parks, promote environmental health through ecological education of children and adults as well as funding research for conservation. During SeaWorld commercials, orcas and sea lions playfully splash around in crystal blue waters. Likewise, zoos display animals in beautiful habitats, yet many of the animals natural habitats are depleting due to acid rain, ozone depletion, global warming, the destruction of the world s rain forests, and phytoplankton blooms and coral bleaching (Bonner 81). These man created global issues are forcing several animals to the brink of extinction. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature 18 percent of the world s remaining mammals and 11 percent of the world s remaining birds are threatened with
  • 45. The Role Of Carbon Dioxide Emissions In The United States Carbon dioxide Today carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human actives in the world. Carbon dioxide accounts for nearly three quarter of the greenhouse gas emission. The main source of carbon dioxide emission in the United States are electricity, transportation, and industry. Electricity has a significant amount of emission due to the fossil fuels needed to generate electricity, to power homes, businesses, and industries. The second largest cause of carbon dioxide emission is transportation. Transportation accounts for 31% total of carbon dioxide emission in the United States. Lastly industry is another large part in the emission rising. Many industry process carbon dioxide and the emission through chemical reaction that do not involve combustion. These are the leading carbon dioxide emission today in the world. Why ... Show more content on ... The gases that travel around are atmosphere is what absorb radiation is known as greenhouse gases . The primary greenhouse gases on are atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Due to the three big large consumer of fossil fuel has impacted are atmosphere with carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases allow the sunlight to past through are atmosphere freely. The earth absorbs some of the shortwave radiation and some of the energy bounce back into space. While carbon monoxide emission has been rising it has been causing are atmosphere to have too much that causes the heat to be trapped which causes the greenhouse effect. This changed the temperature of the earth by trapping the heat in are atmosphere. This keep the temperature of earth higher than it would be if direct sun was heating
  • 46. Personal Narrative On Closet Dark at two For the last time Brent, there is nothing in that closet.There never has been and there never will. Just go to bed. And I will not leave the light on in the hall. You are fourteen, grow up. My parents never seem to understand my fear of the dark, and of my closet. They tell me over and over that there is nothing in that closet. They think I am too old to be afraid of something like that. When I tell them that things get changed in my roomat night they never seem to believe me either. I have taken pictures of my stuff before I go to bed, and then taken pictures of it in the morning, evidence that my stuff has been moved, and they still don t believe me. Tonight is just another one of those nights. I guess mom had a bad day because she is really... Show more content on ... I speedily ran back to my room. I donned my slippers and my winter coat, and placed a winter cap on my head. I grabbed my massive flashlight and headed out of the door. I happened to look at my clock and stopped dead in my tracks. The clock read 2 o clock on the mark. I stood there, dazedly staring at the clock. I turned the light on in my room and ran out into the hallway. I ran through the entire house flipping on lights madly looking for anything I could find. There was nothing, absolutely nothing that would help me find my mom. I ran out onto the porch and stared out into the pitch black night. What was happening? I walked to the edge of the clearing that our house sat on and followed the driveway for awhile. Suddenly my flashlight died and I found myself totally enclosed in darkness. I began to shake. I walked forward, or what I thought was forward, until I tripped and fell. I groped around and found that I was completely surrounded by trees. I got up and walked back the way I thought I had come. I tripped again and tore my pants. I got back up and stumbled like this in the dark for what seemed like an eternity. I wandered for what seemed like hours. Suddenly I heard a sound. I stopped dead
  • 47. Advantages Of Mattress Toppers A good mattress should offer adequate support and at the same maintain excellent comfort for a great night sleep. However, sometimes it is possible to buy a mattress that is a bit too soft contrary to your needs. Mattresses can also get saggy and lose their firmness over time because of wear and tear. And when this happens, buying a new mattressis not always an option. But using a firm mattress topper is one of the easiest ways to get your bedfirm again. Whether it is a high density memory foam or latex topper, the best firm mattress topper can enhance the firmness of any mattress whilst giving you the sleep you have missed for a long time. Talking about firm mattress toppers, let s talk about some of the best available options on the market. 1.Pure Green ... Show more content on ... With a firmness rating of 44 ILD, this is a good topper for anyone who enjoys a firm mattress. Although it is deemed ideal for side sleepers, people with any sleeping position can also enjoy its ultimate comfort. Pros Offers a nice level of firmness Very eco friendly Has outstanding durability and comfort level Good for relieving pressure points and back pains Cons Has a mild odour that wears out quickly 2.Queen Size Thick, Firm Conventional Polyurethane Foam Mattress pad Bed Topper 3 Inch Thick This is another great firm mattress topper option from the AmericanMade brand. Forget about having to buy a new mattress because the old kind of lost its firmness. With a couple of dollars, you can own one of this toppers. It claims to add firmness to any mattress and be more supportive to any sagging areas of the bed. Featuring 3 inches of firm polyurethane foam, it supports and distributes weight evenly so you don t end up sinking into the middle of your mattress. The firmness of the topper is efficient and able to ease different types of pain. It channels heat away just as well and absorbs pressure so no more tossing and