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The American Scholar Essay
Crafting an essay on "The American Scholar" is no easy feat. This task demands a deep
understanding of the intricacies embedded in the text, as well as a keen ability to articulate and
analyze the central ideas presented by the author. Delving into the profound insights and
philosophical musings requires a careful examination of the language used, historical context, and
the underlying messages.
To successfully navigate this endeavor, one must be well-versed in literary analysis, critical
thinking, and possess the skill to connect various elements of the essay to broader themes.
Thorough research is essential to grasp the nuances of the cultural and intellectual landscape
during the time of its writing, enabling a comprehensive interpretation of the author's perspective.
Moreover, the challenge lies not only in deciphering the explicit content but also in uncovering
the subtle nuances and metaphors employed. A nuanced exploration of the rhetorical devices,
symbolism, and the author's unique style is crucial for a comprehensive and insightful essay.
Additionally, the essayist must bring their own voice into the narrative, seamlessly integrating
personal reflections and interpretations while maintaining a scholarly tone. This balance is
essential to create an engaging and thought-provoking piece that goes beyond summarization
and delves into the deeper layers of meaning.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "The American Scholar" demands a blend of literary acumen,
critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of the historical and cultural context. It is a task
that requires dedication, analytical skills, and a passion for unraveling the profound thoughts
woven into the fabric of the text.
If you find yourself overwhelmed, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and more
can be ordered on, where experienced writers can help you navigate the
complexities of literary analysis and produce a well-crafted piece that meets your academic
The American Scholar EssayThe American Scholar Essay
Christian Faith And The Cross
The cross has over the years in the Christian faith been perceived as the major
symbol of faith. This is manifested by how it is often strewn in churches, people s
clothing like t shirts, designed as necklaces, and even for some, it is placed as
tattoos on their bodies. This means that the cross, which was initially associated
with the death of Christ, has today become an image and reminder of hope. That
the cross is the focal image for Christians in the church today is no doubt and it is
this perception that has stimulated debate over the years. For most Christians, the
cross is the essential image that brings trust for the forgiveness of sins and the
likelihood of new life. Christ s death on the cross implies that Christians sins have
been managed and that God s ability to pardon sin is prospective. Most people have
drawn such solace from the image of the cross that they will think of it as a source of
violence. Others, on the contrary have raised concerns that the cross has contributed
to promoting violence all through the historical backdrop of the Christian
congregation. From Constantine s vision of the cross during the fourth century, to the
campaigns in the Middle Ages, Christians have considered the cross as a reason for
the utilization of military force, mistreatment, and different types of violence. Most
people are expressing their concerns on whether the cross is an intrinsically violent
and burdensome image, responsible for the misuse and violence not just
Discourse Analysis of Internet News
Discourse Analysis of Internet News I. Introduction Inherited the idea of situational
context from Malinwoski, Halliday abstracts the theory as semiotic construct, which
consists of field, tenor and mode. Any alteration of these three elements may produce
different styles of discourse. By change of the field, it can be news about politics,
economy, sports, etc; by change of the tenor, it transforms into news reports, editorials
and column writings; by change of the mode, it turns out to be newspaper news,
broadcasting news, TV news and internet news. As we know, human language
changes under the influence of various social and situational factors. Today thanks to
the popularization of internet, people can get much more... Show more content on ...
And new information does not exist in the aforementioned as well as the context of
communication. Let s take an example of internet news (titled Deadly Strain of Bird
Flu Found in India) to see how its information distributes in the discourse. New 1 пјЌ
New 1 Given 2 пјЌ New 2 Given 3 пјЌ New 3 Given 4 пјЌ New 4 New 5 пјЌ New
5 Given 6 пјЌ New 6 New 7 пјЌ Given 7 New 8 пјЌ New 8 New 9 пјЌ New 9 New
10 пјЌ New 10 New 11 пјЌ Given 11 As to this news, please refer to the following
website address:
It is generally believed that the given information should be put at the starting point
of an utterance (theme), and then follows the new (rheme). However, this rule is not
so tough for the example shown at above. At the theme position, 7 sentences begin
with new information (63.6%), and 2 sentences have rhemes with given information
(18%). The result confirms that internet news is a kind of discourse that is highly
packed with relative information. Readers may have a relatively large number
Client Centered Therapy And Rogerian Psychotherapy
Person center therapy has many names such as client centered therapy, person
centered counseling and Rogerian psychotherapy. The theory I chose to write
about is called person centered theory. In this paper I will talk about the strength
and weakness of this type of therapy. How is it used in today s society and how it
was used in the past. I will also talk about the developer of Person center therapy.
Carol Roger
Carol Roger, the father of the humanistic movement in psychotherapy. The theme in
this therapy is a nonjudgmental listening and acceptance of the client, the scientific
term would be unconditional positive regard. Roger was born on January 8th 1902 in
Oak Park Illinois. He grew up in a very strict and religious family. As a young boy
Carl Rogers was shy and very studious.He first attended University of Wisconsin as
an agricultural science major. Later on ended up transferring to Union Theological
Seminary in Chicago. In 1942 Rogers became one of the first therapist to record
transcribe therapy sessions precise, a practice that is now commonly done. Rogers s
client centered therapy is among the most prominent and widely used techniques in
today s society. In 1987 Rogers was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize because of
his humanistic causes. (McLeod, 2015)
Purpose of Person Centered Therapy
Person Centered Therapy is a type of talk psychotherapy which was developed by
Carl Rogers in late 1940s and early 1950s. One of the main Purpose of
Snicker s Day Rhetorical Analysis
Snickers Satisfies Rhetorical Analysis You re not you when you when you re hungry.
Snickers Satisfies. The Snickers slogan is a commonly known slogan on television
commercials and lots of advertisements. Snickers advertisements are never boring
they always seem to have a funny catch to them. The Title of this Snickers
advertisement, in a Family Circle magazine, is Happy Valentine s Day (MARS
Incorporated). The title is ironic because it is the Halloween October edition of
Family Circle magazine. Snickers is advertising their bags of fun sized candy bars
for the Halloween season. Snickers knows their audience is very widespread, so they
must find ways to satisfy everyone. Snickers slogan and advertisements persuades
viewers to believe... Show more content on ...
Their advertisements are creative and have lots of meaning behind them that
sometimes isn t seen when just glancing at the advertisement. The unique images
and use of colors make the advertisement pop out and grab customer s attention.
The ironic titles and use of comedy helps to get the audience to view the
advertisements. Snickers is trying to get the audience to buy their bags of snack
size candy bars for the Halloween holiday and they do it very effectively. Overall,
Snickers is a well known company for having good advertisements and for their
catchy slogan, Snickers Satisfies (MARS
Alexander Solzhenitsyn s One Day Of Ivan Denisovich
In the novel of One Day of Ivan Denisovich, written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
published in 1963. It was a cold morning like every other day. It was time for all the
prisoners to go to work. Some prisoners to get out of the job they pass as sick
patients. That is what Shukhov had in mind walking into the hospital that
morning. Nikolay Vdovushkin demonstrates a different perspective other than of
Ivan Denisovich, how gulags are portrayed in the novel and how his opinions
affect the reader s observations. I am a medic at the hospital in the gulags, but
studied literature at the university. I have this job as a medic because Mr. Stephan
Grigoryevich told me I was a medic and so be it gave me the job. Now I give
injections to poor prisoners that are suffering in the baring cold outside. Every
morning is the same routine, wake up dress in my white coat and write down
prisoner names on the (unable to work) list. This morning this man came in I was...
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Shukhov went off and sat on a bench under a bright lamp. While the thermometer
was taking his temperature I went back to writing. As I was writing I noted that
Shukhov showed uncomfortableness body language. It was very quiet in the
hospital, no clocks were heard and mice were caught by the cats. Five minutes or
so have passed, I went over to Shukhov and checked the thermometer his
temperature was barely less than one hundred degrees. Shukhov said nothing
about his temperature not being high enough to be on the sick list. but as things
are I can t let you off. Take a chance if you want (17 18), those were words I exactly
said to him. He did not worry about being caught, if the doctor came in and checked
him, and came to be that he is not sick. He would be sent to the cooler, and in this
unbearable weather in gulags, going to work sounds better to be at. Shukhov haven t
said a word still, he just got up and went
Analysis Assignment- Stairway to Heaven
Through ineffective manipulation of structure, timbre and melody, Victor Lopez s
short version of Stairway to Heaven fails to convey the same mood and effect on the
listener as the original classic piece by Led Zeppelin.
Jimmy Page, lead guitarist of hard rock band Led Zeppelin, and composer of Stairway
to Heaven, once said with reference to the album this piece was released on, My
vocation is more in composition really than anything else building up harmonies
using the guitar, orchestrating the guitar like an army, a guitar army . Victor Lopez s
variation of Stairway to Heaven unsuccessfully attempts to capture the same style and
mood, given its complete change in genre and lack of sensitivity ... Show more
content on ...
The introduction starts with every instrument playing and an attempted take off of
the chorus, contrasting the idea of one melody growing in Led Zeppelin s version.
The arranged variation begins in E flat major and modulates to D major. There is no
clear melody evident at all throughout the piece, as the number of instruments playing
at similar volumes, makes it hard to determine. Ornamentation is also a key musical
flourish in the original, that lacks in Victor Lopez s version, as there is no guitar and
therefore none of the brilliant guitar techniques mentioned above, to make the music
come alive and become more than just notes on a page.
The timbre or characteristic quality of sound displays a great difference when
comparing the jazz arrangement of Stairway to Heaven to the original. Jimmy Page
manipulates his guitar as the main sound source with such brilliance, using a variety
of methods such as pull offs, vibrato, hammer ons, bends and slides (see Figure 2).
The guitar is the central instrument and is held responsible for the individuality and
vividness of the piece as it holds the majority of the melody, and in particular brings
out the contrast during the bridge and solo (5:35). The entire piece depends on the
guitar as it continues to play throughout the whole song and is accountable for the
most complex part, portraying the creativity and ingeniousness of Stairway to
Horse Racing
Title: Types of Horse Racing
Description: Knowing the types of horse racing is instrumental for first time bettors
who want to grasp the ins and outs of the popular wagering activity.
Keyword: South African football
First time bettors would think that all horse races are the same. However, horse
racing is a varied sport once you see the bigger picture. It goes back hundreds of
years and it has developed significantly throughout its course in time. These days,
racing takes place in a multitude of formats with a collection of newly established
rules and regulations. You don t need to follow each and every rule to get involved,
but getting a decent grasp should give you a head start.
Flat racing and jump racing are two of the most common horse racing events, and it s
these that continue to draw the attention of bettors. You should be... Show more
content on ...
Turf is the conventional surface which most South African football fields employ but
dirt tracks are also sought after locations. Synthetic surfaces are used at a number of
race courses as well, particularly in the UK, which is also known as all weather tracks.
Jump Racing
Jump racing is another form that mostly caters to Thoroughbred horses, and is
considerably more hazardous that flat racing due to the company of obstacles that
horses has to leap over. These obstacles mostly include hurdles, fences, or ditches.
The increased risks have led to it being banned in some countries like Australia. It is
still a popular form of race in Europe and the US, where it is recognized as
In the UK and Ireland, it s known as National Hunt racing and there are two codes
hurdles and steeplechases. In hurdles, the obstacles are required to be over three
and a half foot high and a race must be held over a two mile course. Meanwhile, in
steeplechases, a selection of obstacles can be included, such as fences, open ditches,
or water
Panera Bread Company
International Hospitality amp; Office Management Leeuwarden The Netherlands
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of
Science (Hotel Administration) January, 2010 Table of Content 1. Executive
summary4 2. Introduction5 3. Description of the Panera Bread company64.
Strategies being pursued by the company10 5. Future trends which will have impact
on the company15 6. Future possibilities17 7. The way forward 20 Plagiarism With
this form we declare that, this assignment has been done with our ability and... Show
more content on ...
The Fresh dough operations division supplies fresh dough and indirectly supplies
proprietary sweet goods items through a contract manufacturing arrangement to
both company owned and franchise operated bakery cafes. The franchise
operations division comprises the operating activities of the company s franchise
business unit, which licenses qualified operators to conduct business under the
Panera Bread and Paradise Bakery amp; Cafe names and also monitors the
operations of these bakery cafes. Under the terms of most of the agreements, the
licensed operators pay royalties and fees to the company in return for the use of
the Panera Bread and Paradise Bakery amp; Cafe names. The Panera bread
company is one of the fastest growing quick casual restaurants in the United States.
The bakery cafes operate under the Panera Bread and Saint Louis Bread Company
banners. In total there are seven different brand names: Panera, Panera Bread,
Saint Louis Bread, Via Panera, Paradise Bakery, Paradise Bakery amp; cafГ© and
Mother Bread. The company specializes in meeting consumer dining needs by
providing high quality food, and targets suburban dwellers and workers by offering
a premium specialty bakery and cafe experience with a neighbourhood emphasis.
Bakery cafes are principally located in suburban, strip mall, and regional mall
locations. 3.1 Evaluation of the company s resources and capabilities Bellow a short
description is given of the relevant resources and capabilities
Essay on The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have
learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such
meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of
life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that
trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is
not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has
meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined life is different
for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain
what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so.... Show more content on ...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a
great story or great many stories. Based on this view, it is not the end goal or
outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality
with which one lives out and develops his or her role. At the time, this event seemed
rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects
on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have
become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite
necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate
balance in one s life (p. 62, Life as Suffering ). Despite my horrid time spent that
evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an
all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other
emotions. Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in
humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important. Whatever the
case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for
granted nor ignored. Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life
is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions
created endlessly in
Appalachian Culture In J. D. Vance s Hillbilly Elegy
Today in the American society, minority groups voices are beginning to be heard.
These groups desire to overcome the oppression and numerous stereotypes and to be
recognized truthfully and respectfully. However, our society also misses one other
voice the working class white conservatives. People have many judgements about the
poor, white Americans, especially those living in Appalachia. Many Americans view
the Appalachian people as white trash and a plague to the society. But, these
judgments are invalid because no one understands or tries to understand this culture.
In addition, the hillbillies of Appalachia are too socially isolated to feel they can
speak out about the misconceptions. In Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance presents a... Show
more content on ...
Like a majority of people, I had no real knowledge or understanding of the
Appalachian culture. Vance s extensively detailed accounts of his childhood forces
one to feel like he or she is also experiencing it. It is hard to imagine that the
Appalachian culture resides in the United States, some even in Pennsylvania, yet
barely anyone in the mainstream recognizes Appalachia. Because of Hillbilly
Elegy, I clearly understand the flaws in the American Dream narrative. Even
though the American Dream is setup to give hope to those in the lower class,
Vance demonstrates that the lower class has huge disadvantages and unequal
opportunity in towards trying to achieve it. Since the American Dream is the main
theme throughout our course texts, it is helpful to note that the idea of the
American Dream can keep the poor down instead of bringing the poor up. Also, it
is important to use the knowledge from Hillbilly Elegy when discussing today s
society and the poor. Society accuses poor people of laziness and pessimism.
However, after reading Hillbilly Elegy, my perspective of the lower class changed.
It is not always that Appalachian people do not want to work; it is that they have
never experienced hard work pay off; therefore, they see no sense in trying. I truly
enjoyed reading Hillbilly Elegy, and I hope that from Vance s insight, our society can
be more empathic and try to come up with more effective solutions to help the
Essay on Parental Detachment in I Stand Here Ironing
Every parent knows how difficult it is to make decisions in the best interest of their
children. There is always some doubt in the back of the mind, what if this happens or
that happens. Tillie Olsen shows in her story I Stand Here Ironing the conflict and the
results of one mother s decisions. She illustrates the back, forth motion of the iron as
the back and forth doubts in the mothers mind. The detachment between mother and
daughter in I Stand Here Ironingis understandable. The mother struggles daily with
the decisions she made while her oldest child Emily was a young baby and toddler.
Obstacles in Emily s life have made it hard for her mother to forget these decisions,
and life with Emily only reinforces these decisions.... Show more content on ...
Emily is isolated from her mother s touch; she does not get the reassurance she
needs that her mother would return for her. Nurseries in this time were very stale
and cold; her mother describes it as ...lacerations of group life. (Olsen) The mental
pain is like physical pain that she could feel throughout her little body. The
separation of feelings between mother and daughter are so severe that Emily feels
as though her heart is torn in two. As Olsen has done throughout her story, the
visual imagery clarifies the story. Olsen writes about the way boys and girls appear
when they live at a convalescent home, the girls still wear those gigantic red bows
and the ravaged looks... (Olsen) The children have a look of longing; they are
stripped of their emotions. They desire for nothing more than to be with their
families again; they want to feel loved and cared for. Instead, they are in a home
that does not allow emotions or love. Emily was again in that familiar place of
being unwanted. Olsen describes how the parents and children are kept at a distance
so as not to be contaminated by parental germs or physical affection. (Olsen) Parents,
including Emily s mother, are kept at a distance so that they could not fill their
children with false hopes and dreams of returning home. However, the children are
kept away so that they would not tell their parents about the wretched home that they
live in. After eight
Designing a New Direct Sales and Accounting System Essay
Technical Paper
Final Project Plan
Submitted by: Angel Martinez
In this paper, I will be simulating, that as a project manager, I have been designated
to design a new Direct sales and Accounting System for up a coming business
Especially for you Jewelers , or EFYJ. I will be assessing Business benefits,
explaining the capabilities, and giving examples of three (3) possible scenarios. I
will attempt to create a Vision Document, Activity Diagram, and a Use Case
When designing any new system special considerations, guidelines, and specification
should be taken into consideration. It is best practice that as many people as possible
participate in the project, adding some sort of ... Show more content on ...
Added methods can be cash, check, electronic, Google wallet, and reward points.
Generate more income by placing items online
This would attract more customers since it would make it convenient for people to
do their shopping on line. More and exciting opportunities might arise and make way
for possible expansion of the business.
Generate payment notices By the company reaching out to customers and working
with them on how to repay the item purchase it generates a professional environment
while still maintaining essentials of running a business.
Ranking system to track customers By having a ranking system, the company could
keep track of those customers that frequent the most, pay on time, or non payment
making customers.
Organize sale dates with seasons and holidays This would help promote and foster a
system that could generate dates and holidays for special sales and savings. It would
calculate how much of an item would have to be on hand in order for the company to
meet its supply and demand.
Ability to shop online With the added ability and luxury to be able to shop on
creates a new source of revenue for the Business. It enables companies, in this case
EFUJ, to promote, sale, and reach to a variety of demographics.
Tracks purchase and Syncs accounts payable
This would keep companies books up
The Death Of Assisted Suicide
Assisted Suicide is one of the most debated and opinionated topic in the world
today. Currently, the law in the UK has criminalised assisted suicide, with a
maximum sentence of 14 years . Kevin Yuill opposes those who are in favour of
legalisation. By referencing the floodgates argument he believes that more people
who are not in a critical condition will use assisted suicide, thus exploiting the system
and leading into a transition to involuntary euthanasia. He also touches on the flaws in
the compassionate grounds theory and the breakdown in doctor patient relationships.
Alternatively, other theorists and pro legalisation campaigners such as Tony
Nicklinson and Ilora Finlay look at the beliefs of autonomy, compassion and
individual dignity where if legalised it can end a wide area of unnecessary suffering.
Kevin Yuill makes a fair case against the legalisation of assisted suicide, using the
slippery slope theory. If assisted suicide becomes legal in the UK, there is potential
for groups of people to exploit the system altogether. As time progresses more
people will become eligible, even branching out to those who do not have a serious
medical condition , but desire assisted suicide due to their own personal problems.
This brings about a moral issue, as it can open the floodgates to non critical suicides
and potentially involuntary euthanasia . Looking at the Netherlands, where
euthanasia is not punishable if the doctor follows regulations and acts with due care,
Medical Professionals And Facilities Use Technology And...
Introduction With the epic changes and alterations to our current healthcare
system, the Federal Government has made great strides in order to make
healthcare more effective and efficient. In order to do so healthcare reforms have
been enacted in order to have medical professionals and facilities use technology
and informatics. Technology in the medical field helps create databases and offer
medical professionals a higher level of patient care. Meaningful Use is part of a
2009 law called HITECH, which in turn is part of the American recovery and
Reinvestment act . HITECH stands for Health Information Technology for Economic
and Clinical Health. Meaningful use is also part of a 3 stage system, that helps
medical providers and facilities... Show more content on ...
This paper will discuss the pros and cons of meaningful use as well as
recommendations for further guideline adjustments.
Meaningful Use and Implementation Criteria
Meaningful use is currently separated into a three stage system that the federal
government has enacted timelines on. Meaningful use is defined by characteristics
by which medical personnel and medical facilities gain the use of electronic health
record technology. The goal is to create an interoperable EHR system that improves
quality, safety, efficiency and reduce health disparities while engaging patient and
improving care coordination. The HITECH act also establishes the scope of
security and privacy protections under the HIPPA law. Under the rules, providers
must meet certain standards in stage one then moves on to meet the criteria in stages
two and three. The act stipulates that users must meet five out of ten criteria points
of which one must be a population /public health measure and thirteen required core
objectives (CDC, 2012). According to the CMS website, new rules and regulations
have been enacted as of 2014 that show the criteria for medical professionals versus
facilities. Through the use of the 27 billion dollars allocated to incentive this
program, medical professionals, meaningful users that can meet criteria will receive
money and assistance to initiate the HIT
Sci 110 Assignment 1 Applications of the Scientific Method
SCI 110 Assignment 1 Applications of the Scientific Method
Click Link Below To Buy: 110 assignment 1
applications scientific method/ The scientific method is a body of techniques for
investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating
previous knowledge. The scientific inquiry is a way to investigate things and purpose
explanation for their observations. Data is gathered, hypothesis suggested, and
observations recorded.
Several different troubleshooting methods already exist but according to CompTIA;
there are six steps to solve a problem. Drawing a parallel these steps are all included
into the scientific method, but how?
Scientific method CompTIA troubleshooting ... Show more content on ...
All the computers plugged in the same outlet, or into the same switch or router are
affected by the power surges. The other common culprit of internal network card
failure is malware. Given the crucial role that NIC cards play in connecting
computers to networks, network cards are a major target for malware. If malware
can get access to the network interface controller, then the hacker can gain access to
all of the networking data that passes through the computer. Technically speaking,
malware does not directly damage the physical hardware of network cards, so there
is no reason to replace the NIC hardware. What a malware does is hurt the software
(the device driver) that controls the network card, and that can effectively render the
network card faulty. If we suppose that the card is hypothetical culprit then, we will
take some action to confirm the hypothesis.
Physical test: we check the Ethernet cable (cable plugged into the card and the outlet
on the wall), switch and router. Result of the test: Cable, switch and router are all
working well. Then we move on the next step.
Logical Test: on the computer, we need to check if the card is responding to a
request (internal this time) the network internal address the card called loopback
address is for all computer and to do that go on. Click on Start Accessories
then commands prompt. Black screen will pop up. Then type ping and hit
ENTER. For the purpose of this assignment,
Amontillado Literary Devices
The Cask of Amontillado follows a narrator through his plot to get revenge on a man
who has once insulted him. The man takes the idea of this revenge and lets it lead
him into a string of actions that end with him killing the man named Fortunato. This
revengeful action is the main event found throughout the story and it allows for the
thought of revenge to drive this story and develop it. The topic of revenge is widely
found throughout the story The Cask of Amontillado and the literary devices of irony,
imagery, and the narrativepoint of view are used to develop this story s unsettling
tone and its meaning as a whole.
To begin with, the literary device of irony was used to develop this story and its
meaning as a whole. The story begins with the narrator developing his idea of
revenge on the man named Fortunato and the narrator states that At length I would be
avenged; this was a point definitely settled but the very definiteness with which it
was resolved, precluded the risk of risk . At this point in the story the audience is
extremely aware that ... Show more content on ...
In the beginning, the story is described to take place ...about dusk, one evening
during the supreme madness of the carnival season . The development of the setting
through imagery really contributes the tone of uneasiness, because it creates an
image that the reader can only interpret as shifty, shady, and it almost makes the hair
on the back of the readers neck stand up. As the story develops, the setting changes
to a cave described as ...insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre, and they
are described as being dark and filled with catacombs. The imagery once again used
to depict the setting of the story developed the tone of uneasiness, due to the
combination of these hair raising images of settings and the filling idea of revenge
that runs throughout the entire
What Is The Purpose Of The French Colonization In
Asia has been colonized by the western world for many centuries. Since the start of
the 15th century, the Portuguese were the first to travel to undiscovered continents,
including Asia. In addition, new trading routes for Europe revealed and created an
enormous opportunity for further expansion of western imperialism. In particular,
France, although late to colonize, decided to establish its superiority over the vacant
region of Indochina. The French existence in the Indochina territory led to a tragic
legacy of aggressiveness towards the local people.
II.The Purpose of France Aggressive Colonization on Indochina
At first, the French were not interested in Indochina. However, they began to pay
more attention and later colonized it for three main reasons. Firstly, ... Show more
content on ...
In Cambodia, they found silver, tin, zinc along border with Siam. Besides these
resources, France was also impressed by the agricultural products such as peppers,
tea, fruit, silk, tobacco...etc. Moreover, they attempted to find trade route to China
because trading with China provided prosperous profit to them as well. During this
period, French enjoyed trading and spreading their religion ( French Influence
Overseas , n.d). Lastly, France needed to fully control the region in order to achieve
these advantages. Although France benefited from trading in Indochina, it also faced
some major problems. When Gia Long s son, Minh Mang in the 1820s succeeded the
throne, he worked against the French because he disliked their religion. This issue
gave negative effect to French trade. When king Minh Mang ordered those
missionaries killed, French took this opportunity to use force to defeat Vietnam(
Military , n.d). They began fully control since it was more convenient for them to do
whatever they want. Quickly colonization became to emerge in the region. In 1862,
Vietnam signed an agreement gave France the three eastern province in Cochinchina.
A year later,
Analysis Of Anthem By Ayn Rand
Have you ever considered what it would be like to have every single freedom taken
away from you? In the book Anthem by Ayn Rand, a boy named Equality 7 2521
begins to write by stating that what you are currently reading is a sin. Writing
anything without your brothers knowing is a sin, working on something without
your brothers is a sin, having your own hobbies is a sin, you get the point.
Honestly, breathing and eating are about the only free things you have. Living in
this city where Equality lives is a true futuristic dystopia. This book takes place
many years after a time frame, which by the way they cannot talk about at all, and
these people are living in fear of the government s control. Equality is writing this
entire journal... Show more content on ...
When he was actually given the job of Street Sweeper he was a little disheartened,
but he accepted it and moved on. To me, that is just wrong. In our society, we get
to pick and choose what we want to do like our jobs, who we want to date or marry
and even if we want a pet. Equality describes his daily life as a Street Sweeper and it
really brings you to a realization that wow, I take all the things I do for granted
because I could really live a life like this. We are brought into this world (usually)
by two people, raised by them or one person, go to school to learn by ourselves,
must learn how to be nice and make friends on our own, do our homework without
asking because we know that no one else knows how to do it and even learn how
to make money without our parents or guardians with us. We end up doing things
on our own to live with someone else or by ourselves. Unlike our society, everyone
in this book is taught that [They] are nothing, Mankind is all, (21). The
government did a phenomenal job of portraying collectivism as the role model for
everyone in the city. One thing that stood out the most to me was how no one
could push themselves to do something great for the world. If you look at
successful people today, they may have had small assistance but they mainly did
whatever they are doing on their own. As long as we aren t looking at the
Kardashian s, most people are successful in doing things on their own. People like the
The United Nations And The Nations
Here is a task truly of, by and for the world, one that should rally nations. The nature
of this task however, must be clearly understood; only then can suitable means for
accomplishing it be formulated, only then can the role that the United Nations could
and should play be appreciated ( Wilcox/Haviland, 29). There are many international
organizations that have been talked about throughout this semester. One of the most
important ones is The United Nations. The United Nations was established October
24, 1945, and has since then been impacting the country. The United Nations main
purpose according to the lecture notes is to provide a global additional structure
through which states can sometimes settle conflicts with less reliance on the use
of force , for whole purpose of the United Nations is to provide the globe a forum
by which countries may settle disputes through this forum peacefully as opposed
to relying on a force which has been the case historically ( Kopalyan, Module 8).
Thus meaning The United Nations was set up to handle problems peacefully rather
than going to war to try and solve problems. Powerful economic as well as political
forces are at work to bring about a growing integration of the world community, and
the United Nations and its related agencies are uniquely fitted to assist in the task
(Wilcox/Haviland,45). This was some of the reason that the United Nations was
There are four reasons that the United Nations was fit for
William Penn Influence On Society
On October 14th, 1644, the son of Anglican Admiral Sir William Penn, was born.
While persecution was occurring throughout the world, William Penn founded an
American sanctuary which secured freedom of conscience. As Europeans solved the
issue of land with Native Americans by violence, Penn negotiated peacefully,
disarmed. He had advocated for women s equality, presented a written constitution to
Pennsylvania, provided a human penal code, and protected several principal liberties
Penn commenced his education at a local grammar school. Overwhelmed by
curiosity, he continued his studies at the University of Oxford, where he was
expelled two years later (1662) due to his religious rebellions. In an effort to cease his
son s revolts, ... Show more content on ...
At that time, Penn was in considerable debt as his plans to sell of land in
Pennsylvania did not work to his advantage, but put him into further debt with the
King. Sir William knew he was dying and did not have much time so agreed to pay
off his son s debt in exchange for William to visit him without persecution. At that
time, William Penn was told by his father to never go against his conscious and
instructed his son to not worry about the things he cannot change, not troubled at
disappointments; for if they may be recovered, do it; if they can t trouble is vain
(Peare 125).
William Penn arranged a funeral for a hero after his father passed. Prior to his
father s passing and prior to his debts being paid off, William was considered to be
underground and hiding from the collectors and the government, but with his debt
paid, he was free to walk the streets without worry of imprisonment. As the firstborn,
William was left the entire estate of his father. Thanks to the inheritance, he was then
free to spend his life dedicated to the cause of the Quakers (Doherty
Guy Fawkes French Revolution
Guy Fawkes was raised in York. Guy Fawkes was born April 13, 1570. Guy
Fawkes father died when he was just eight years old. Guy Fawkes later converted to
Catholicism and Guy Fawkes moved to Europe. Guy Fawkes participated in the 80
Years War where he fought for the Spanish against the Dutch. Guy Fawkes tried to
start a revolution against the British by asking the Catholic church for assistance, but
was denied access. Guy Fawkesis notable because of the fact that he was involved in
the Gunpowder Plotof 1605. In the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, the Roman Catholics
from London made a plan in order to blow up the House of Lords which held King
James the First.
The plotters rented a cellar extending under the palace, and Fawkes planted 36 (some
... Show more content on ...
They planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) during the
state opening of Parliament, intending to kill the king and members of Parliament in
order to clear the way to reestablishing Catholic rule in England. The plan failed
when the conspirators were betrayed (Guy Fawkes Day).
Through Guy Fawkes help in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 he gained national
attention throughout England, worldwide recognition, and a present day influence
that provides a symbol of anarchy to the world.
Guy Fawkes received national attention in England immediately after the failure of
the plot. After the failed plot the rest of England lit bonfires and had a large
festival in order to celebrate the survival of King James the First. In January 1606
Parliament established November 5 as a day of public thanksgiving. The day, known
as Guy Fawkes Day, is still celebrated with bonfires, fireworks, and the carrying of
guys through the streets. On November fifth of every year people burn effigies and
celebrate Guy Fawkes day. Today Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated in the United
Kingdom, and in a number of countries that were formerly part of the British Empire,
with parades, fireworks, bonfires, and food. Straw effigies of Fawkes are tossed on
the bonfire, as are in more recent years in some places those of contemporary
political figure (Guy Fawkes Day). Guy Fawkes in Europe was seen as a hero and a
villain, he stood as a symbol of justice for the Roman
The Ozarks
College of the Ozarks is a Christian college located in Point Lookout, Missouri that
was established in 1906. This college has a highly selective rate of admittance for
students who apply due to high demand for its unique approach to college tuition.
Absolutely no formal tuition is required of its full time students. Instead, the college
has its students work on campus for fifteen hours every week during the schoolyear
and two 40 hour weeks each year during school breaks. CO also accepts donations
from anyone who wants to help it educate today s young people and will accept
scholarships and federal student aid. It typically has less than 1,500 students each
year, and the college nickname and motto is Hard Work U due to the dedication
students... Show more content on ...
Students can compete on several competitive sports teams, including three men s
teams and three women s teams. The Bobcats compete in the National Association of
Intercollegiate Athletics as an independent team, meaning it is not part of any
specific conference. There are also men s and women s cheer leading teams rooting
the teams on. All students can participate in the school s intramural sports league or
just get some exercise by enjoying the school s several volleyball and basketball
courts, large Olympic sized swimming pool, tennis courts, and table tennis areas.
There are no fraternities or sororities at CO, but there are seven student honor
societies and almost 50 clubs and other fun organizations students can enjoy. Club
focuses vary widely, but many are groups of students pursuing similar degrees. The
school is also home to a jazz band and concert band where students can play their
instruments together and make great
Health Care Delivery System Us Public Health System
Title US Health Care Delivery SystemUS Public Health System
Mission Achieving universal access, delivering services that are cost effective, and
meeting pre established standards of quality.Ensuring conditions in which the entire
population can be healthy by protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and
safety of the nation.
StructureThere are four functional components of health care delivery system. 1
Financing: to purchase insurance or to pay for health care services consumed. 2
Insurance: to protect against catastrophic risk
3 Delivery: to provide health care services. 4 Payment: to reimburse providers for
services rendered.
The subsystems of US Health Care Delivery includes: Managed Care (HMOs and
PPOs), Military, Vulnerable Populations, and Integrated Delivery.The entities
Comprising the Public Health Infrastructure include: County and city health
departments and local boards of health State, territorial, and island nation health
departments Various U.S. Public Health Service agencies in the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) Tribal health agencies coordinated at HHS by the Indian
Health Service Public and private laboratories Hospitals and other private sector
healthcare providers Volunteer organizations, such as the American Red Cross,
American Diabetes Association, American Cancer Society.
WorkforceEmploys approximately 10 million people:
850,000 doctors
3 million nurses
168,000 dentists
208,000 pharmacists
Princess Tutu Identity
Princess Tutu Princess Tutu is a Japanese anime series created by Ikuko Itoh and
ran from 2002 to 2003. Drawing inspiration from various ballets and fairy tales,
Princess Tutu follows the story of Ahiru (literally translated at Duck ), a simple duck
who is given a magical necklace by a mysterious man known as Drosselmeyer. This
necklace allows her to not only turn into a human girl, but also the mythical Princess
Tutu. With this pendant, she must search for and gather all the heart shards to
restore the shattered heart of the prince, which will give him the power to do
battle with the evil Raven. Despite its fairly generic description, Princess Tutu
ended up being one of the more subversive and emotionally charged anime series
out there. It is, in my opinion, an excellent portrayal of the young adolescent girl s
struggle with identity and the narrow roles that have already been defined for her.
Unlike many other magical girl anime series, where the protagonists wholly accepts
their new life with little to no issue, Ahiru visibly struggles with her new identities
and wonders often who the real Ahiru is and if that makes any difference in her
accomplishments in her Princess Tutu persona. Princess Tutu is, at its core, a
message to young girls to be their true self, but in a slightly different version.
Princess Tutu is a story that is all about people regaining their agency and rejecting
the roles created for them in order to find their own path. Ahiru s true self is
Should the Government Protect American Jobs by
BA 390 Notes
04 01 13 (Lecture 1) * Integrated marketing program is a comprehensive plan that
communicates and delivers the intended value to chosen customers.
04 03 13 (Lecture 2) * Downsizing: Reduction of the business portfolio by
eliminating products and businesses units that aren t profitable. * Market segment:
Group of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing efforts.
04 08 13 (Lecture 3) * Publics: Group that has an actual or potential interest in or
impact on an organization s ability to achiever its objectives (Financial publics, media
publics, Government publics)
04 10 13 (Lecture 4) * Marketing intelligence: Systematic collection and analysis of
publicly available information ... Show more content on ...
* This store is now a little too big. * Angels is 80% of people who purchase products
from best buy. * Demons are the 20% of people who only buy stuff from best buy
that are on sale. * What is your experience with a black heater? * I ve used a block
heater * I ve heard of a block heater but have never had occasion to use one * What s
a block heater? * Gor tex : Rain coat * United States Census data by states and city
website. * Lake Oswego s cost of a home is $507,000. * Corvallis has a high
percentage of Asian population 7%. * Over 50% graduated 4 years degree. Half of
the population graduated college 4 years degree. * Knowing this about my
daughter is going to give you the most information about her actual shopping
behavior: * Her age * Her education * Her marital status * She thinks she is Emo * In
terms of both exports and imports which country is the number one trading partner
with the U.S? * China * Japan * Mexico * Canada * The U.K. * Most of the class is
right handed. * Left handed people are different from right handed people. They tend
to like different thing. * Quiz answers: * 1. 5 * 2. 1 * 3. 4 * 4. 2 * 5. 1
04 29 13 (lecture 8) * Hispanic
Han Dynasty Research Paper
The Han Dynasty is the largest dynasty since the Zhou Dynasty, although this is not
the dynasty for wars like the Zhou was. The year is one hundred and the Dynasty
we are living in has learned much from the dynasties before it and used them to
shape our civilization today. In the Han Dynasty we use our language, beliefs, and
government all together for a successful system to live in. These three things are
crucial to our individual lives and why Chinawill retain power for many more
dynasties. Another key to our success is the administrated structure we use. The
dynasty before us (Qin Dynasty) divided our nation into many parts that were ruled
by royal officials. We use this system too, however, we adopted the ideology from
Confucius that emphasized... Show more content on ...
We must maintain it because without it our dynasty will fall the same way our
previous dynasties did. We are supposed to live in religious harmony. We believe in
our ancestors and we want to follow as they did, which was harmonious with Tao.
Tao is the way of life and if with are in sync with Tao and others the gods will
notice and give us peace in life. The Xia kings were conquered by the Shang
because they had lost their Mandate to Heaven. The Shang also lost their mandate
because of ways of life that were not morally justified. This is another reason we
live by the words of Confucius. Confucius taught to live in a way that was morally
right, and we do, which is why we are in a happy and strong dynasty. Some things
that have come from losing the Mandate of Heaven and causing the fall of dynasties
Conformity In The Military
Any corporation that is strongly adamant about having their employees conform to
the organization s expectations and beliefs is only trying to accomplish one thing.
(pg. 188) There are two primary reasons why the military wants their members to
conform to the organization. The first reason why the militarypushes for conformity is
for the overall safety of the organization. That s why the Marines go to boot camp for
three months. That gives the drill instructors three unforgettable months to get you to
conform to their corps. Then the new Marines get shipped off to receive infantry
training. Once the Marines complete infantry school, they are sent to finish up at
their specific military occupational specialty school to learn their job
South Korea Cultural Analysis
Table of Contents
Cover Page 1
Table of Contents 2
Executive Summary Introduction of South Korea 3
Cultural Analysis components 4 Values Attitudes Manners Customs Personal
Communication Social Structure Education
Impact on International Business through culture 6 Power Distance Individualism
Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity/Femininity Long term/Short term Orientation
Conclusion 8
Reference List ... Show more content on ...
Manners Customs
Manners represent an individual by the way they dress, behave, communicate, and
their etiquette, while customs refer to the traditional way that a culture is practice
individually, or by a group of people. Workers are expected to bow to their seniors
when they greet them, and to use only formal language to their seniors, as it is
rude to speak informally to someone of higher rank. In Korean businesses,
meetings are often held in evenings at a restaurant or bar. Drinking is part of the
Korean culture, as Koreans believe that drinking helps to bond colleagues in the
company, and an offered drink must never be refused as it is considered to be rude.
Along with drinking, Karaoke is a popular activity after meetings. People who attend
the meeting are usually expected to sing a solo song.
Personal Communication
In South Korea, the Korean language is the most frequently used language and the
Koreans use Hangul as the main writing system. Quoted from,
The Korean language is spoken by more than 65 million people living on the
peninsula and its outlying islands as well as 5.5 million Koreans living in other parts
of the world. The fact that all Koreans speak and write the same language has been a
crucial factor in their strong national identity. In the present time, Korea boasts many
dialects, including the standard dialect used in Seoul and central areas. Even
Why Is Snowflake Wrong
Snowflake: Are you sure we should be doing this? What if we get caught? We d get
in so much trouble!
Giggles: Will you calm down I know what I m doing. We re just going to walk in,
light the place on fire and leave.
Snowflake: LIGHT THE PLACE ON FIRE? You said we were going to get revenge!
You never said that we were going to kill him.
Giggles: It was implied.
Snowflake: No it wasn t! I need to leave! I will warn him and you ll be kicked out of
the North Pole!
Giggles: You re not going to tell.
Snowflake: Yes I will.
Giggles: Nope.
Snowflake: I said yes!
Giggles: I said no.
Snowflake: (beat) Whatever.
Giggles: So you re going to help me?
Snowflake: (Mumbles) sure
Giggles: What was that?
Snowflake: Yes! I said yes!
Giggles: Yep that s what... Show more content on ...
(Lets go of rope and drops Snowflake into the room with Santa and the fire) Bye loser.
Santa: (waking up and sniffing the air) Hmmm smells like Mrs. Clause has picked
up smoking again. (Closes eyes to fall back to sleep, automatically opens them when
he hears snowflake yelling) Well what is this commotion about? HOLY
GINGERBREAD MEN MY CARPET IS ON FIRE!! (Grabs big jugs of milk from
mini fridge and pours them on the fire) Well, what do you have to say for yourself?
Snowflake: I m so sorry Santa. I didn t want to do it but Giggles told me too. He
said that you were mean and that you weren t going to give us our Christmas bonus.
Santa: (Chuckling) Hohoho. Not going to give you a bonus? Well, come to think
of it maybe he s right you don t deserve a bonus. But, you know who does? (Calling
out the window) Dasher and Dancer! Come here boys! (Looking back at
snowflake) I was running a bit low on reindeer food thank you. (leaves room and
locks Snowflake in with reindeer. Screams can be heard)
Scene 3. Santa s workshop the next day
All of the elves are at their little desks wait for attendance to be called so they can get
to work on making toys.
Santa: Okay time for role call
Indigenous Australian Stereotypes
The representation of Indigenous Australians in fiction and nonfiction texts are
influenced by a range of factors. In the contemporary world of multicultural Australia,
there has been a variety of ways groups of people are represented in texts. The
Indigenous population is often portrayed in ways that strengthen harmful stereotypes.
However, there are also a variety of positive outlooks and portrayals expressing their
strength and achievements. In texts studied in year 8 English, the representation of
Indigenous Australiansin Crow country are characterized as outcasts and reflect
cultural distinction. Newspaper articles regarding Adam Goodes demonstrates how
preconceived thoughts from many Australians destroys sporting stars outlook upon...
Show more content on ...
In modern day, it is time to recognize the misjudgments and shed light to Indigenes
representation. A poem written by Jack Davis named Integration illustrates how
Australia needs to improve from their black history and start to allow for two
worlds to combine (Davis). Australia has created a distinction between these two
worlds. They claim to show acceptance and therefore must carry their promises into
reality and allow for two cultures to unite. The poet includes phrases in the form of
reality. There is no need for mocking (Davis), this must be taken into strong
consideration, especially by the Caucasian people. They have spent centuries
mocking, judging and insulting the vulnerable. If they want to express their
acceptance and acknowledgment, they must start to educate young minds, impact
how they view Indigenes and represent them in positive ways even if there were
some wrong actions. They seem to extract the smaller percentage of negatives and
exaggerate them in a form to allow for white people to create a preconceived and
racist view on Indigenes. Australia needs to represent themselves with a positive
outlook and start to develop their actions that they have undertaken, such as saying
an acknowledgment to Indigenes during school, work and in relevant times. It is
vital to view and study the past to be able to learn from the recognized mistakes.
The past is done (Davis), although the past won t come back for them to act
differently, they must choose to change their ways now. Choose to take away their
bias minds. Take away their brutal words and actions, to develop a lasting
combination of both cultures in which they represent in a positive and influential
way. Indigenes have shown to be positively influential role models and figures that
young and mature minds should aspire to be
Fluoride Harm
Fluoride harm or benefit?
Fluoride plays an important role in the formation of teeth, but an excess of it is
very toxic and can cause irreversible damage to the structure of the enamel
fluorosis. Depending on the extent of the teeth become white, yellow or brown
spots, stripes, defects, and cleave fast break. In the case of fluorosis and in order to
prevent it in children s toothpaste contains fluoride should be minimized. For
children up to 4 years are suitable paste with fluoride concentrations less than 200
ppm, 4 8 years no more than 500 ppm (values should be listed on the packaging of
paste). At the age of 8 14 years, the child can use toothpaste with fluoride content of
about 1400 ppm. The older the child, the less probability of getting large amounts of
toothpaste into the body. ... Show more content on ...
They provide cleaning properties of pastes. The use as abrasives, calcium carbonate,
and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda and chalk), which is too aggressive for children
s tooth enamel. Milder cleansing have titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide, and their
presence in the composition of the paste is more desirable. Designation of abrasion
on the packaging of paste index RDA, which must be not more than 20. For children
up to 4 years, no more than 50.
The Contributions of Frederick Douglas, William Apess,...
The Contributions of Frederick Douglas, William Apess, Sarah Margaret Fuller, and
Sojourner Truth
As has been noted before, when we look at the authors of The Declaration of
Independence, we are quite aware that the document was written in the interest of the
people who were there. The wealthy, white, landowners make up the Constitution to
fit their needs and exclude everyone else. The people most notably left without rights
are African American s, Native American s and Women. These minority groups
formed a bond with each other because they were outside the dominant group. These
groups of people helped gain their strength and voice through speeches and
conventions with each one using the very words of the Constitution as ... Show more
content on ...
He goes on to explain his real life experiences. Douglas says: Fellow citizens, I am
not wanting in respect for the fathers of this republic. The signers of the
Declaration of Independence were brave men. They were great men too great
enough to give fame to a great age. It does not often happen to a nation to raise, at
one time, such a number of truly great men. The point from which I am compelled
to view them is not, certainly, the most favorable; and yet I cannot contemplate
their great deeds with less than admiration. They were statesmen, patriots, and
heroes, and for the good they did, and the principles they contend for, I will unite
with you to honor their memory (1822). What Douglas does here is recognize and
respect these men to the crowd and make himself part of the group by honoring
them together and yet he still gets his point across. Douglas was known as an
articulate antislavery speaker his speeches for the Massachusetts Antislavery Society
cemented Douglas role as an abolitionists. Douglas also worked for the Underground
Railroad (owl eyes 1).
Another minority to gain his voice during the American Renaissance was William
Apess. The earliest major Indian writers of the nineteenth century, William
Apess...contrast s white s savage treatment of non whites with their professed
Christianity (1867). Apess uses the Bible to gain his audience s sympathy with his
cause. In An Indian s
Understand the Role of Retailing in the Distribution of...
Task 1 Describe the distribution process through different channels from the
manufacturer through to the customer for the following; an independent retailer and
a multiple retailer. (P2)
A channel of distribution is a network of organisations that, combined, perform all
the functions required to link producers with consumers. Retailers need to offer
right product at the right place at the right time. If the product that a consumer
wants is not available then 31% of consumers will buy from a different store, 26%
will buy a different brand and 24% will delay their purchase, or not purchase at all.
There are many possible distribution channels. All begin at the manufacturer and end
at the customer. For example;
Independent retailer ... Show more content on ...
In this essay, I will evaluate the distribution systems in delivering goods and
services for a selected organisation. The business I will use for this task will be Tesco.
Tesco is a British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer with its
headquarters based in Cheshunt, United Kingdom. It is the third largest retailer in the
world measured by revenues (after
The Laws And Regulations Of Canada
Legal There are some laws and regulations in Canada that will directly affect Kohl
s. Canada has been trying to get rid of spam advertising for numerous years now
and finally passed an Anti spam legislation stating that: Your business must have
consent to deliver an electronic message to someone, you must clearly identify your
business, and must include an unsubscribe feature. This may be to disadvantage, but
America has similar anti spam laws as well. Ontario specifically has been trying to
make the provinces buildings completely accessible for people with disability. The
laws haven t gone into effect that every business must have some sort of access that
complies with all disability, but there has been laws enforcing business owners...
Show more content on ...
Minimum wage in Ontario is $11.00 right now and is set to go up to $11.25 in
October 2015. This is a lot higher than many of the stats minimum wages.
Although the American dollar is worth more and they pay less taxes on purchases,
Canada still has a fairly high minimum wage in comparison. Between 1996 and
2013 Political stability in Canada has maintained an average of 1.1 according to
an article in the global economy ( 2.5 being weak, +2.5 being strong). In
comparison to the states who have dropped below 0.0 in that time frame for
political stability. For Kohl s to move to Canada this would be a smart move.
Comparison on tax deductions on income: Tax in Ontario: for 2015: 5.05% on the
first $40,922 of taxable income, + 9.15% on the next $40,925, + 11.16% on the
next $68,153, + 12.16% on the next $70,000, + 13.16 % on the amount over
$220,000. Tax in America: From $90,751 $189,300 over 18,000 is due in tax and
28% of anything over $90,751. Then from 189,301 $411,500 over $45,000 is due
in taxes and 33% of anything over $189,301, and so on... Economic Trends
Macroeconomic Conditions These are the economic conditions that will directly
affect Kohl s opening in Canada: Real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has steadily
rose according to recent statistics. According to an article in ( Stats Canada [Canadian
economic accounts,
Movie Review Of Doc
Doc. 1 Scene 1 (TT 61 Amenuser (User) usr)
This scene is represented in the inner room especially on the lower part of the
northern wall which is largely damaged. This part carries a large list of offerings,
beneath which to the left hand side, there are the final scene of the opening of the
mouth ritual with sacrifice offerings to the right hand side. This scene represents
three men holding offerings like a goose, a heart and a bull s leg.
Doc. 2 Scene 2 (TT 83 aAmethu aAmTw aAhmos iaH ms)
On the west wall of inner room IJ, most of the scenes are extremely damaged near
side I except for the scene which represents funeral Procession facing the goddess of
the west. The goddess in this scene is the personification of Hathor. The scene is
divided into two registers containing men in boats preceded by shrines while the
lower part of the wall is completely ruined. The first register represents two men on
a boat, one of them holding a bull s leg with his right hand trying to pull some
water and holding a heart in a vase on his left hand. This scene perhaps refers to
removing both the heart and the leg of Osiris from the water.
Doc. 3 Scene 3 (TT 84 Amunedjeh iAm.w nDH)
The western wall of the passage is decorated with a scene divided into three
registers. The first one represents crossing the Nile to the west bank during the
funeral Procession directed to the goddess of the west including a boat, a bull s leg, a
heart as well as a shrine at the
Essay On Gadgets
Cars with Gadgets 5 Basic Must Buy Accessories
Cars need gadgets to make the driving experience better. Not only are car
accessories great for adding more personality and fun to your wheels, the gadgets
can make your drives safer as well. As technology keeps moving forwards, the
number of gadgets keeps increasing. While gadget are great, you don t want to add
too many to cramp up your car. So, what are the most essential car accessories you
should have? Here are the essential five car accessories and gadgets you should buy.
A dash organiser
What does your dashboard look like? Chances are that it has a few bits and bobs
lying around perhaps a few coins you had left over after your latest fuelling, a pen
for writing down instructions, keys sliding from one end to another and so on.
You could put an end to messy dashboard with a handy magnetic organiser. The
DashGrip gel pads are among the best accessories for keeping your things in order.
The pad is easy to attach on the dashboard and the texture is designed to hold things
like your phone, keys, coins, pens, and so on neatly in their place. The convenient
pads also won t leave a mark on the dash when you decide to remove them.
An emergency seatbelt cutter ... Show more content on ...
In accidents, such as the car plunging in to water, you need to get rid of your seatbelt
quick. But crashes can make the traditional method of just clicking the seatbelt off
difficult and you might even find the seatbelt tangled up. For the situations when
fast actions are required, you need a seatbelt cutter. The clever tool will help you
cut the seatbelt it seconds, allowing you to get out of the car or helping another
injured person to escape. If you want to add extra security, get a combination
seatbelt cutter, like Resqme Car Escape Tool, which also has a window breaker tool
for smashing in the windows in an
The Effect Of Skeletal Muscle On The Human Physiology...
Roben Houspian 2/27/15 Muscle Physiology 1
Abstract: In this experiment the measurements of skeletal muscle fibers of the rabbit
are in millimeters. The average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the
solution A which contained only 0.25% ATP in distilled water was 20 mm. The
average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution C which
contained 0.5M KCl and 0.001M MgCl2 in distilled water was 1.77 mm and the
average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution B which
contained 0.25 % ATP and 0.5 M KCl with 0.001 M Mgcl2 in water was 1.77 mm.
Introduction: According to the Human Physiology Laboratory Manual ,BIOL 282
,page 31 , the reason of performing this experiment is to learn how the muscle
contraction occurs based on the molecular level and what kind of factors are
involved .As a matter of fact, skeletal muscles contain a lot of nuclei because of the
cell fusion while being developed and are made of cylindrical cells that have
myofibrils. The myofibrils contain sarcomeres and the
Wind Guide You Analysis
Rebecca McKenney
Mass Media Communication
Mrs. Rose
24 March 2017
The Soundtrack of My Life For every song that comes on the radio or that is
featured on a CD, there is a personal meaning for the listener. Selecting five songs
to represent my life was a difficult choice because of this. The song selection that
follows is organized by the artist s last name. 1. Changes Performed by David
Bowie I don t know many people would could say that remember the first song they
ever heard on the radio. For me, that song was David Bowie s Changes . I was in
pre school, and my Mom had just picked me up at school. When she turned on the
radio, I heard a song that I enjoyed. I didn t know what the words were that Bowie
was singing or understood ... Show more content on ...
Wind Guide You Composed by Jeremey Soule If the Orchestral Suite to the Inner
Light is, in personal opinion, the most romantic instrumental to date, the most
thought provoking is Wind Guide You composed by Jeremey Soule. How could an
instrumental be thought provoking? Honestly, it s just a feeling I have. The best
way that I can describe it is that Wind Guide You is the retelling of a somber epic.
Every once in a while, I try my hand at freelance writing (purely as a hobby), and this
piece is my go to in finding inspiration for my work. Jeremy Soule s Wind Guide You
was featured in the video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and first appeared on
the soundtrack album of the same name in 2011. 5. Memory Performed by Barbra
Streisand When it comes to vocal music, I will confess that I typically listen to
male artists. It s just personal taste. For me, there are only three female vocalists
that I could listen to for more than one or two songs. My favorite female vocalist?
Barbra Streisand. I watched the musical film Funny Girl once when I was very
young. I could care less for the film, but I loved Streisand s signing voice. Many
years later, I had the opportunity to purchase one her greatest hits collection and have
enjoyed it ever
Analysis Of Isabel Allende s Tales Of Passion
Isabel Allende uses storytelling to depict real stories of women across the world
being abused and suppressed by men at a TEDTALK conference during her
presentation Tales of Passion . She does this to educate her audience on how
women are less empowered by using evidence of anecdotes about women suffering
abuse. For example, she tells the story of Rose Mapendo who was a prisoner in the
camp for Tutsi refugees in Congo. Allende illustrates how Mapendo s life in the
prison camp was petrifying for a mother protecting her child: When the soldiers
burst in her cell to rape her oldest daughter, she grabs hold of her and refuses to let
go, even when they hold a gun to her head . As a result, Allende wants her audienceto
feel the fear that Mapendo felt during her experience at the prison to develop her
The main purpose of her speech was to inform her audience on the lives of women
who are victims of abuse and she expresss how fenimism can lead the change for
women so they could be empowered. For example, Allende said, But not for most of
our sisters in the rest of the world who are still forced into premature marriage,
prostitution, forced labor . She tells how many women acroossed the world are
treated poorly, even through, we live in a society that condems those acts. For this
reason, she uses her specific purpose in her speech through a series of anecdotes to
reveal that the truth, which is the unfairness towards women. I believe that Allende
wants her audeience to
Taking a Look at Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, RA, causes premature mortality, disability and compromised
quality of life in the developed and emerging world ( RA is the most
common of chronic inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune
condition; it is a chronic inflammatory polyarthritis, in which more than five joints
are affected. Rheumatoid arthritisis a systemic inflammatory disease which it
manifests itself in numerous joints of the body. The inflammatory process mainly
affects the lining of the joints, usually small joints then leading to many other organs.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that occurs in joints on both sides of
the body. This symmetry helps distinguish rheumatoid arthritis from other types of
arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis may also affect the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, or
nerves (
There are subsequent exacerbations in which rheumatoid arthritis develops. First
being an abnormal immune response, this caused inflammation of the synovial
membrane. The inflamed synovial membrane leads to erosions of the cartilage and
bone and in some cases joint deformity. Due to inflammation of the synovial
membrane vasodilation, formation of exudate, and increased permeability; this
causes swollen, pained, and red joints. Synovitis cells will proliferate and
inflammation recurs. Synovitis occurs due to immune abnormality. Rheumatoid
factor, RF, is an antibody against immunoglobulin G; it is present in the blood, also in
Cambrian Explosion
Around 530 million years ago, the Cambrian explosion made a significantly fast
appearance of main groups of complex organism. This was confirmed by the fossil
record. Along the support by an apparent diversification of various living things,
including phytoplankton, calcimicrobes and also animals. 580 million years before
this, most life forms were basic, made out of individual cells occasionally sorted out
into colonies. The Cambrian explosion can be said to happen in waves. The initial, a
co evolutionary transformative ascent in differing qualities as animals investigated
specialties on the Ediacaran ocean bottom, trailed by a second development in the
early Cambrian as they established in the waters column. The pace of advancement
found in the Cambrian times of the explosion is not paralleled amongst the marine
creatures: it changed all metazoan clades where Cambrian fossils were found. Later
radiations, the fish in the Silurian and Devonian era, included less taxa, for the most
part with basically the same body plans. Despite... Show more content on ...
Other essential factors include, steadiness of numbers and overpopulation, which led
to battle for survival amongst the species and only some will live sufficiently long
enough to breed. Additionally, variation amongst the offspring plays a role in
survival as well where only the strongest will survive through extreme conditions.
Also, the arrangement of new species where members lacks favourable capabilities
and characteristics are most likely not to survive sufficiently long to breed.
Inheritance of a single variation will not create another species. However, the
evolution of various varieties in a specific course over the generations will lead to the
evolution of other type
The Relation Between Economic Freedom And Political...
George Pippin Professor Hays HMXP 201 29 July 2015 An Ideal Society
Throughout history, we have seen many societies come and go regardless of how
powerful or stable they were at one point. Is it possible to have a society which is
ideal for all of it s members, or is society only capable of being beneficial to some
and not to everyone? I do believe an ideal society could be achieved, but our
current society would have to undertake a substantial overhaul. In today s society,
there are more opinions and beliefs about the way it should be ran than there have
ever been. An ideal society could be achieved through it s members treating their
neighbors in a more religious way, a change in the way our current economy is
operated, and by improving... Show more content on ...
In Milton Friedman s story, The Relation Between Economic Freedom and
Political Freedom, he speaks about what a free society should consist of, One
feature of a free society is surely the freedom of individuals to advocate and
propagandize openly for a radical change in the structure of the society so long as
the advocacy is restricted to persuasion and does not include force or other forms
of coercion. (Friedman 63). The American democracy system revolutionized
politics into what we know it to be today. A government of the people, by the
people, for the people, was never made imaginable before America; but like all
good things, overtime it can become corrupted. An ideal society would truly be
what the people wanted. Democracy is by far the best political system that could
be implemented, but there could be improvements. I do not believe being a
politician should be a career choice, but it should be more of a duty to your
country. We place trust in our governments to decide such things as going to war,
healthcare, and overall the decisions that affect our lives. In order to make a proper
decision on sending troops to war, I believe the decision makers should have had
military experience. It is impossible to ask someone to go risk their lives when you
have no idea the feeling or sacrifice they could possibly make. All members of the
legislative branch, and the President, should be required to have served their
country. Moreover, in an ideal society it s politicians would be held accountable
for their actions. For example, during a review at your workplace, if your
employer tells you that your satisfaction or approval rating is less than fifty percent
by your peers, what do you think would happen to you? More than likely you
would be fired, but why doesn t this same philosophy apply to the men and women
who run a society? In order to keep politicians working for the
The Conscience Of Huckleberry Finn Moral Essay
In the article The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn , Jonathan Bennett discusses the
conscience of Huckleberry Finn, Heinrich Himmler and Jonathan Edwards. For the
purposes of this essay I will focus on the argument of Huckleberry Finn. Bennett
concedes that that there is a relationship between sympathy and bad morality.
Sympathy : I use this term to cover every sort of fellow feeling, as when one feels
pity over someone s loneliness, or horrified compassion over his pain, or when one
feels a shrinking reluctance to act in a way which will bring misfortune to someone
Bad morality a morality of one s own a set of principles of action which he sincerely
assents to, acting well or rightly or in obedience to conscience is the problem ... Show
more content on ...
To which I would argue is a flawed perspective to have so much confidence in as it
offers no feasible solution to the moral issue at hand. In the case of the wife, the
husband continues to circulate illegal images online and begins to defile innocent
children. This is due to the sympathy the wife had for her husband, whom she loved.
In the case of the child getting a vaccine, the mother spared her daughter the two
minute discomfort of receiving a flu shot but at the expense of being bed ridden for
due to the flu and recovery time during her Christmas break. Choosing sympathy is an
immediate solution to a problem that demands more. This is why Bennett is flawed
in his
My Freshman Team
My freshman year of high school, I failed. It wasn t grades, it wasn t socially. I felt
I had failed myself. My freshman year I didn t make the junior varsity team, but
remained on the freshman team. This may not seem like a failure; however, it
meant a lot more to me than simply not making the team. The facts were simple,
all of my friends made the junior varsity team but me. I had strived to make that
team. Frankly, I just felt like I was left behind. I felt like I just wasn t good enough
that is one of the worst feeling. The first week of practicing with my new freshman
team, I absolutely loathed it. I didn t know anyone on the team and hardly knew
how the rest of the season would go. Though as time went on I grew to like everyone
Compare And Contrast Frederick Douglas And Chief Seattle
Mrs. Lyons Frederick Douglass vs. Chief Seattle Frederick Douglas and Chief
Seattle both experienced disadvantages because of their race and culture around
the years 1850 1855. Frederick Douglass was a former slave abolitionist who
fought to change America and the Africans who were enslaved in it. Chief Seattle
was the leader of the Suquamish Tribe and he too was determined to change the
citizen s perspective about how his people were being treated. Both authors wrote
compelling letters/speeches to the President to convince him and the citizens to
spark change for their race by using pathos, description, and cause/effect in their
dialogue. Douglass and Seattle use pathos to evoke a certain emotion out of the
reader in order to make them feel the same way as they do. Douglass uses
examples to stir emotion. He says, What am I to argue that it is wrong to make
men brutes, to rob them of their liberty, to work them without wages, to keep them
ignorant of their relations to their fellow men, to beat them with sticks... Douglass
continues on with more examples highlighting the injustice to draw an emotion
out of the reader. Chief Seattle uses pathos but in a different way. Instead of
pulling examples from the past, he foreshadows to future problems that could
occur. He says, All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons
of the earth. Seattle also uses religion. Our God is the same God. You may think
that you own him as you wish to own our land, but you cannot. When religion is
placed in the mix, emotions stir; it becomes more personal to the reader because
they can relate on a certain level. In order to get their points across effectively and
proficiently, Douglass and Seattle used description. Both authors use description to
help the reader form an image in their mind. This tool helps the writer create a
connection with the reader with the use of details. Frederick Douglass describes in
detail the wrongs he and his people experienced through slavery. He says, What, to
the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more
than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the
constant victim. It s essential that Douglass uses
Comparing Antony s Eulogy Of Antony And Antony
Caesar s eulogy was delivered by his good friend Antony who honored his name
and told the real truth about him. Princess Diana s eulogy was given by her
brother Earl Spencer who gave an emotional speech of his sister s life and all that
she s done for people. Both of these eulogies gave an emotional impact on the
people listening and on the person giving the speech. The comparison of these two
eulogies are very similar in the way they talk about the loved one they loved. The
response from people hearing them was a little different though. Caesar s eulogy
was given by his friend Antony after his name was put to shame by his literal
backstabbing old friend, Brutus. At first Antony states he will not dishonor what
brutus had to say but he would say what he knew of Caesar. As his eulogy goes on
Antony goes against Brutus and tells the crowd how much Caesar loved the
people of Rome other than being only ambitious like Brutus stated. Antony gave an
emotional speech. An example is O, now you weep, and I perceive you feel the
dint of pity; these are gracious drops. Kind souls, what weep you when you but
behold our Caesar s vesture wounded? Look you here, here is himself marred as you
see with traitors. (shakespeare III.ii.193 197) This brought out emotion in the crowd
to feel pity on Caesar.... Show more content on ...
Her death impacted millions. Her eulogy was delivered by her brother Earl Spencer.
He gave a remarkable representation of who Princess Diana was. He described her as
the essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. All over the world she was
a symbol of selfless humanity . It brought tears to a worldwide of people as he
acknowledged all Diana did for humanity and how she was loved and how she loved
everyone. Earl Spencer connected to everyone listening like Princess Diana s
children, her husband, and many people all around listening. He honored her in every
Questions On Object Oriented Programming
Growing a Language by Guy Steele
Shobha M. Kand
Department Of Computer Science and Informatics, Purdue School of Science,
IUPUI Abstract A lecture given by Guy L. Steele in 1998 at
OOPSLA 13th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object oriented programming
focuses mainly on the nature and growth of programming language design. The
speaker started his lecture by giving insights into the use and nature of
programming languages. He started with examples of English language comparing
with a programming language. He talked about the set of constraints showing one
may use any word of single syllable. The speaker also demonstrates it can be
confining to expressing yourself when you don t have access to an extensive
vocabulary. If someone wishes to use the longer words, one must define them using
only such words have one syllable Guy Steele shows with his talk is that small
language restricts the expressiveness of thoughts. You must define a lot of new
words to express your thoughts and ideas clearly. .He gives many more interesting
points how languages should be grown. He discusses that how programmer needs to
enhance the ability to expand the vocabularies of languages that feels weakened. The
speaker ends his lecture after explaining the main goal of programming language
design by giving various examples. [1][2][5]
Keywords Programming Language, Software Design, Object Oriented Programming,
ACM conference, OOPSLA 98.
1. INTRODUCTION A programming language is a
How Does Twain Present Slavery In Huckleberry Finn
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; slavery was a big symbol in the book,
Twain uses the ills of Slavery to put Jim in some situations to fit the slave
stereotype in the book. Jim is a righteous and honest character in a sea of white
people, who Twain wanted to show were greatly flawed and that despite being
civilized; the white society was in fact the opposite of perfect and slaverydenies
human rights. Twain uses Jim to help depict slavery in the book and give a
glimpse of what life was like as a slave, and what they had to go through in that era.
Since slavery is a major symbol in the novel, it is used to depict the character s
emotions and actions in the novel, Twain uses slavery to portray the effect it had on
society in the novel... Show more content on ...
When Jim gets sold by the Dauphin to the Phelps, which then Huck writes a letter
to Miss Watson to ask for, forgiveness of his sins that he had committed, and then
he decides that he s going to disobey society and go get his best friend who is a
slave back: All right then, I ll go to hell (195). This quote is very significant
because this is one of the major turning points in the novel, were Huck decides that
Jim should no longer be a slave to slavery and should be a free man, so he decides
to go break his friend out. This is very important in the novel because Huck goes
against the rules of society to do what he feels should be civilized and that s having
Jim be a free man. When Tom gets shot that s when Jim stuns everyone, that s
where he shows you he really is, he decided that he rather get caught, so that Tom
could get help since he had been shot, which changed the perception of Jim
drastically: [ No, sah I doan budge a step out n dis place, dout a doctor not if its forty
year!(248). ] This
Shelby GT350 Advertisement Analysis
We all drive; some of us tend to stand out more. Pure exhilaration, the Shelby
GT350 is engineered for adrenaline pumping performance. Its 5.2L V8 with flat
plane crank kicks out 526 hp and 429 lb. ft. of torque and is one of four Mustang
engine choices all designed to overwhelm the senses with pulse raising torque and
a legendary roar. So buckle in and put your hands on the wheel of a Mustang and
you will feel one thing above everything else: pure exhilaration, it is ok to stare. We
warn you. It is going to be a tough choice. Ford s took the time to design and
produce effective visual aids. Ford used audio, video, and used photos. I think Ford
did a great job on the advertisement for the Shelby GT350. The advertisement for
shaving, the Schick
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polyploidy
Definition: Polyploidy is the heritable condition in which a normally diploid cell or
organism acquires one or more additional sets of chromosomes.
Polyploidy refers to a numerical change in a whole set of chromosomes. Organisms in
which a particular chromosome, or chromosome segment, is under or overrepresented
are said to be aneuploid. Therefore, the distinction between aneuploidy and polyploidy
is that aneuploidy refers to a numerical change in part of the chromosome set,
whereas polyploidy refers to a numerical change in the whole set of chromosomes.
Examples in animals are more common in non vertebrates[9] such as flatworms,
leeches, and brine shrimp. Within vertebrates, examples of stable polyploidy include
the salmonids and ... Show more content on ...
However, these epigenetic changes might instead increase diversity and plasticity
by allowing for rapid adaptation in polyploids. One example may be the
widespread dispersal of the invasive allopolyploid Spartina angelica. However, it is
not clear whether the success of this species can be attributed to fixed heterosis or
to the increased variability that results from epigenetic remodeling. Polyploidy is
also believed to play a role in the rapid adaptation of some allopolyploid arctic flora,
probably because their genomes confer hybrid vigor and buffer against the effects
of inbreeding. However, fertility barriers between species often need to be overcome
in order to form successful allopolyploids, and these barriers may have an epigenetic
2.2 Competitors. As Mentioned Earlier, Burberry Positioned
2.2 Competitors
As mentioned earlier, Burberry positioned itself as functionality luxury by being a
top global brand worldwide. Burberry not only have rivals which contend directly
such as Louis Vuitton and Chanel but also indirectly such as Ralph Lauren and
Calvin Klein which both having the same collections in lifestyles (Appendix 4).
Louis Vuitton is one of the Burberry s biggest yet strongest competitors in the field of
fashion. It formes up its strategy by focusing on the customer trends, concentrates
customer taste and build a effectively responsive supply chain before the trend
emerge. In order to well served the customers, Louis Vuitton hired expert and
specialized young workers to work with the merchandise design. And due to ... Show
more content on ...
Each of the collection with different theme ways out the elegancy which inspired
consumer to wear with their own style (Ralph Lauren, 2016). In addition, it is
charged with a higher price compared to Burberry collection.
To sums up the above, Burberry focused it brand on the price level to come out
with fashion luxury and high quality at best affordable price as its average supply
chain does not have ability to compete with the fast fashion like Louis Vuitton
(Hogarth, 2015). Louis Vuitton reported that its pricing level based around 40 45%
is expensive than any other brand considered as the highest (The Economist, 2009).
Consumers is likely to spend an average of $3000 4000 at Louis Vuitton while $2500
at Burberry.
Through the Harvard Business Review by Keller, Sterthal Tybout (2002), the
product life cycle (PLC) stage can influence frame of reference s choice. The
growth opportunities included with threats might emerge outside product s
category in later stages of PLC. According to Perez (2015), the unknown source of
clothing has to be analysed before they navigate to others, an example given is
eBay. With the addition of expanding its eBay Valet considered as professional
service selling, the high end clothing or accessories can be easily being sell out by
pre approved eBay sellers.
3.0 Points of Parity
From the article stated in Harvard

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The American Scholar Essay

  • 1. The American Scholar Essay Crafting an essay on "The American Scholar" is no easy feat. This task demands a deep understanding of the intricacies embedded in the text, as well as a keen ability to articulate and analyze the central ideas presented by the author. Delving into the profound insights and philosophical musings requires a careful examination of the language used, historical context, and the underlying messages. To successfully navigate this endeavor, one must be well-versed in literary analysis, critical thinking, and possess the skill to connect various elements of the essay to broader themes. Thorough research is essential to grasp the nuances of the cultural and intellectual landscape during the time of its writing, enabling a comprehensive interpretation of the author's perspective. Moreover, the challenge lies not only in deciphering the explicit content but also in uncovering the subtle nuances and metaphors employed. A nuanced exploration of the rhetorical devices, symbolism, and the author's unique style is crucial for a comprehensive and insightful essay. Additionally, the essayist must bring their own voice into the narrative, seamlessly integrating personal reflections and interpretations while maintaining a scholarly tone. This balance is essential to create an engaging and thought-provoking piece that goes beyond summarization and delves into the deeper layers of meaning. In conclusion, writing an essay on "The American Scholar" demands a blend of literary acumen, critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of the historical and cultural context. It is a task that requires dedication, analytical skills, and a passion for unraveling the profound thoughts woven into the fabric of the text. If you find yourself overwhelmed, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, where experienced writers can help you navigate the complexities of literary analysis and produce a well-crafted piece that meets your academic needs. The American Scholar EssayThe American Scholar Essay
  • 2. Christian Faith And The Cross The cross has over the years in the Christian faith been perceived as the major symbol of faith. This is manifested by how it is often strewn in churches, people s clothing like t shirts, designed as necklaces, and even for some, it is placed as tattoos on their bodies. This means that the cross, which was initially associated with the death of Christ, has today become an image and reminder of hope. That the cross is the focal image for Christians in the church today is no doubt and it is this perception that has stimulated debate over the years. For most Christians, the cross is the essential image that brings trust for the forgiveness of sins and the likelihood of new life. Christ s death on the cross implies that Christians sins have been managed and that God s ability to pardon sin is prospective. Most people have drawn such solace from the image of the cross that they will think of it as a source of violence. Others, on the contrary have raised concerns that the cross has contributed to promoting violence all through the historical backdrop of the Christian congregation. From Constantine s vision of the cross during the fourth century, to the campaigns in the Middle Ages, Christians have considered the cross as a reason for the utilization of military force, mistreatment, and different types of violence. Most people are expressing their concerns on whether the cross is an intrinsically violent and burdensome image, responsible for the misuse and violence not just
  • 3. Discourse Analysis of Internet News Discourse Analysis of Internet News I. Introduction Inherited the idea of situational context from Malinwoski, Halliday abstracts the theory as semiotic construct, which consists of field, tenor and mode. Any alteration of these three elements may produce different styles of discourse. By change of the field, it can be news about politics, economy, sports, etc; by change of the tenor, it transforms into news reports, editorials and column writings; by change of the mode, it turns out to be newspaper news, broadcasting news, TV news and internet news. As we know, human language changes under the influence of various social and situational factors. Today thanks to the popularization of internet, people can get much more... Show more content on ... And new information does not exist in the aforementioned as well as the context of communication. Let s take an example of internet news (titled Deadly Strain of Bird Flu Found in India) to see how its information distributes in the discourse. New 1 пјЌ New 1 Given 2 пјЌ New 2 Given 3 пјЌ New 3 Given 4 пјЌ New 4 New 5 пјЌ New 5 Given 6 пјЌ New 6 New 7 пјЌ Given 7 New 8 пјЌ New 8 New 9 пјЌ New 9 New 10 пјЌ New 10 New 11 пјЌ Given 11 As to this news, please refer to the following website address: / bird_flu;_ylt=AmfERM2vmV8JxBscZnEMExSs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b3JuZGZhBHNlYw It is generally believed that the given information should be put at the starting point of an utterance (theme), and then follows the new (rheme). However, this rule is not so tough for the example shown at above. At the theme position, 7 sentences begin with new information (63.6%), and 2 sentences have rhemes with given information (18%). The result confirms that internet news is a kind of discourse that is highly packed with relative information. Readers may have a relatively large number
  • 4. Client Centered Therapy And Rogerian Psychotherapy Introduction Person center therapy has many names such as client centered therapy, person centered counseling and Rogerian psychotherapy. The theory I chose to write about is called person centered theory. In this paper I will talk about the strength and weakness of this type of therapy. How is it used in today s society and how it was used in the past. I will also talk about the developer of Person center therapy. Carol Roger Carol Roger, the father of the humanistic movement in psychotherapy. The theme in this therapy is a nonjudgmental listening and acceptance of the client, the scientific term would be unconditional positive regard. Roger was born on January 8th 1902 in Oak Park Illinois. He grew up in a very strict and religious family. As a young boy Carl Rogers was shy and very studious.He first attended University of Wisconsin as an agricultural science major. Later on ended up transferring to Union Theological Seminary in Chicago. In 1942 Rogers became one of the first therapist to record transcribe therapy sessions precise, a practice that is now commonly done. Rogers s client centered therapy is among the most prominent and widely used techniques in today s society. In 1987 Rogers was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize because of his humanistic causes. (McLeod, 2015) Purpose of Person Centered Therapy Person Centered Therapy is a type of talk psychotherapy which was developed by Carl Rogers in late 1940s and early 1950s. One of the main Purpose of
  • 5. Snicker s Day Rhetorical Analysis Snickers Satisfies Rhetorical Analysis You re not you when you when you re hungry. Snickers Satisfies. The Snickers slogan is a commonly known slogan on television commercials and lots of advertisements. Snickers advertisements are never boring they always seem to have a funny catch to them. The Title of this Snickers advertisement, in a Family Circle magazine, is Happy Valentine s Day (MARS Incorporated). The title is ironic because it is the Halloween October edition of Family Circle magazine. Snickers is advertising their bags of fun sized candy bars for the Halloween season. Snickers knows their audience is very widespread, so they must find ways to satisfy everyone. Snickers slogan and advertisements persuades viewers to believe... Show more content on ... Their advertisements are creative and have lots of meaning behind them that sometimes isn t seen when just glancing at the advertisement. The unique images and use of colors make the advertisement pop out and grab customer s attention. The ironic titles and use of comedy helps to get the audience to view the advertisements. Snickers is trying to get the audience to buy their bags of snack size candy bars for the Halloween holiday and they do it very effectively. Overall, Snickers is a well known company for having good advertisements and for their catchy slogan, Snickers Satisfies (MARS
  • 6. Alexander Solzhenitsyn s One Day Of Ivan Denisovich In the novel of One Day of Ivan Denisovich, written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn published in 1963. It was a cold morning like every other day. It was time for all the prisoners to go to work. Some prisoners to get out of the job they pass as sick patients. That is what Shukhov had in mind walking into the hospital that morning. Nikolay Vdovushkin demonstrates a different perspective other than of Ivan Denisovich, how gulags are portrayed in the novel and how his opinions affect the reader s observations. I am a medic at the hospital in the gulags, but studied literature at the university. I have this job as a medic because Mr. Stephan Grigoryevich told me I was a medic and so be it gave me the job. Now I give injections to poor prisoners that are suffering in the baring cold outside. Every morning is the same routine, wake up dress in my white coat and write down prisoner names on the (unable to work) list. This morning this man came in I was... Show more content on ... Shukhov went off and sat on a bench under a bright lamp. While the thermometer was taking his temperature I went back to writing. As I was writing I noted that Shukhov showed uncomfortableness body language. It was very quiet in the hospital, no clocks were heard and mice were caught by the cats. Five minutes or so have passed, I went over to Shukhov and checked the thermometer his temperature was barely less than one hundred degrees. Shukhov said nothing about his temperature not being high enough to be on the sick list. but as things are I can t let you off. Take a chance if you want (17 18), those were words I exactly said to him. He did not worry about being caught, if the doctor came in and checked him, and came to be that he is not sick. He would be sent to the cooler, and in this unbearable weather in gulags, going to work sounds better to be at. Shukhov haven t said a word still, he just got up and went
  • 7. Analysis Assignment- Stairway to Heaven ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Through ineffective manipulation of structure, timbre and melody, Victor Lopez s short version of Stairway to Heaven fails to convey the same mood and effect on the listener as the original classic piece by Led Zeppelin. Jimmy Page, lead guitarist of hard rock band Led Zeppelin, and composer of Stairway to Heaven, once said with reference to the album this piece was released on, My vocation is more in composition really than anything else building up harmonies using the guitar, orchestrating the guitar like an army, a guitar army . Victor Lopez s variation of Stairway to Heaven unsuccessfully attempts to capture the same style and mood, given its complete change in genre and lack of sensitivity ... Show more content on ... The introduction starts with every instrument playing and an attempted take off of the chorus, contrasting the idea of one melody growing in Led Zeppelin s version. The arranged variation begins in E flat major and modulates to D major. There is no clear melody evident at all throughout the piece, as the number of instruments playing at similar volumes, makes it hard to determine. Ornamentation is also a key musical flourish in the original, that lacks in Victor Lopez s version, as there is no guitar and therefore none of the brilliant guitar techniques mentioned above, to make the music come alive and become more than just notes on a page. The timbre or characteristic quality of sound displays a great difference when comparing the jazz arrangement of Stairway to Heaven to the original. Jimmy Page manipulates his guitar as the main sound source with such brilliance, using a variety of methods such as pull offs, vibrato, hammer ons, bends and slides (see Figure 2). The guitar is the central instrument and is held responsible for the individuality and vividness of the piece as it holds the majority of the melody, and in particular brings out the contrast during the bridge and solo (5:35). The entire piece depends on the guitar as it continues to play throughout the whole song and is accountable for the most complex part, portraying the creativity and ingeniousness of Stairway to
  • 8. Horse Racing Title: Types of Horse Racing Description: Knowing the types of horse racing is instrumental for first time bettors who want to grasp the ins and outs of the popular wagering activity. Keyword: South African football First time bettors would think that all horse races are the same. However, horse racing is a varied sport once you see the bigger picture. It goes back hundreds of years and it has developed significantly throughout its course in time. These days, racing takes place in a multitude of formats with a collection of newly established rules and regulations. You don t need to follow each and every rule to get involved, but getting a decent grasp should give you a head start. Flat racing and jump racing are two of the most common horse racing events, and it s these that continue to draw the attention of bettors. You should be... Show more content on ... Turf is the conventional surface which most South African football fields employ but dirt tracks are also sought after locations. Synthetic surfaces are used at a number of race courses as well, particularly in the UK, which is also known as all weather tracks. Jump Racing Jump racing is another form that mostly caters to Thoroughbred horses, and is considerably more hazardous that flat racing due to the company of obstacles that horses has to leap over. These obstacles mostly include hurdles, fences, or ditches. The increased risks have led to it being banned in some countries like Australia. It is still a popular form of race in Europe and the US, where it is recognized as steeplechasing. In the UK and Ireland, it s known as National Hunt racing and there are two codes hurdles and steeplechases. In hurdles, the obstacles are required to be over three and a half foot high and a race must be held over a two mile course. Meanwhile, in steeplechases, a selection of obstacles can be included, such as fences, open ditches, or water
  • 9. Panera Bread Company Strategic Business Plan STRATEGIC HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT CHN International Hospitality amp; Office Management Leeuwarden The Netherlands Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Science (Hotel Administration) January, 2010 Table of Content 1. Executive summary4 2. Introduction5 3. Description of the Panera Bread company64. Strategies being pursued by the company10 5. Future trends which will have impact on the company15 6. Future possibilities17 7. The way forward 20 Plagiarism With this form we declare that, this assignment has been done with our ability and... Show more content on ... The Fresh dough operations division supplies fresh dough and indirectly supplies proprietary sweet goods items through a contract manufacturing arrangement to both company owned and franchise operated bakery cafes. The franchise operations division comprises the operating activities of the company s franchise business unit, which licenses qualified operators to conduct business under the Panera Bread and Paradise Bakery amp; Cafe names and also monitors the operations of these bakery cafes. Under the terms of most of the agreements, the licensed operators pay royalties and fees to the company in return for the use of the Panera Bread and Paradise Bakery amp; Cafe names. The Panera bread company is one of the fastest growing quick casual restaurants in the United States. The bakery cafes operate under the Panera Bread and Saint Louis Bread Company banners. In total there are seven different brand names: Panera, Panera Bread, Saint Louis Bread, Via Panera, Paradise Bakery, Paradise Bakery amp; cafГ© and Mother Bread. The company specializes in meeting consumer dining needs by providing high quality food, and targets suburban dwellers and workers by offering a premium specialty bakery and cafe experience with a neighbourhood emphasis. Bakery cafes are principally located in suburban, strip mall, and regional mall locations. 3.1 Evaluation of the company s resources and capabilities Bellow a short description is given of the relevant resources and capabilities
  • 10. Essay on The Meaning of Life The Meaning of Life My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so.... Show more content on ... Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story or great many stories. Based on this view, it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role. At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one s life (p. 62, Life as Suffering ). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important. Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored. Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in
  • 11. Appalachian Culture In J. D. Vance s Hillbilly Elegy Today in the American society, minority groups voices are beginning to be heard. These groups desire to overcome the oppression and numerous stereotypes and to be recognized truthfully and respectfully. However, our society also misses one other voice the working class white conservatives. People have many judgements about the poor, white Americans, especially those living in Appalachia. Many Americans view the Appalachian people as white trash and a plague to the society. But, these judgments are invalid because no one understands or tries to understand this culture. In addition, the hillbillies of Appalachia are too socially isolated to feel they can speak out about the misconceptions. In Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance presents a... Show more content on ... Like a majority of people, I had no real knowledge or understanding of the Appalachian culture. Vance s extensively detailed accounts of his childhood forces one to feel like he or she is also experiencing it. It is hard to imagine that the Appalachian culture resides in the United States, some even in Pennsylvania, yet barely anyone in the mainstream recognizes Appalachia. Because of Hillbilly Elegy, I clearly understand the flaws in the American Dream narrative. Even though the American Dream is setup to give hope to those in the lower class, Vance demonstrates that the lower class has huge disadvantages and unequal opportunity in towards trying to achieve it. Since the American Dream is the main theme throughout our course texts, it is helpful to note that the idea of the American Dream can keep the poor down instead of bringing the poor up. Also, it is important to use the knowledge from Hillbilly Elegy when discussing today s society and the poor. Society accuses poor people of laziness and pessimism. However, after reading Hillbilly Elegy, my perspective of the lower class changed. It is not always that Appalachian people do not want to work; it is that they have never experienced hard work pay off; therefore, they see no sense in trying. I truly enjoyed reading Hillbilly Elegy, and I hope that from Vance s insight, our society can be more empathic and try to come up with more effective solutions to help the
  • 12. Essay on Parental Detachment in I Stand Here Ironing Every parent knows how difficult it is to make decisions in the best interest of their children. There is always some doubt in the back of the mind, what if this happens or that happens. Tillie Olsen shows in her story I Stand Here Ironing the conflict and the results of one mother s decisions. She illustrates the back, forth motion of the iron as the back and forth doubts in the mothers mind. The detachment between mother and daughter in I Stand Here Ironingis understandable. The mother struggles daily with the decisions she made while her oldest child Emily was a young baby and toddler. Obstacles in Emily s life have made it hard for her mother to forget these decisions, and life with Emily only reinforces these decisions.... Show more content on ... Emily is isolated from her mother s touch; she does not get the reassurance she needs that her mother would return for her. Nurseries in this time were very stale and cold; her mother describes it as ...lacerations of group life. (Olsen) The mental pain is like physical pain that she could feel throughout her little body. The separation of feelings between mother and daughter are so severe that Emily feels as though her heart is torn in two. As Olsen has done throughout her story, the visual imagery clarifies the story. Olsen writes about the way boys and girls appear when they live at a convalescent home, the girls still wear those gigantic red bows and the ravaged looks... (Olsen) The children have a look of longing; they are stripped of their emotions. They desire for nothing more than to be with their families again; they want to feel loved and cared for. Instead, they are in a home that does not allow emotions or love. Emily was again in that familiar place of being unwanted. Olsen describes how the parents and children are kept at a distance so as not to be contaminated by parental germs or physical affection. (Olsen) Parents, including Emily s mother, are kept at a distance so that they could not fill their children with false hopes and dreams of returning home. However, the children are kept away so that they would not tell their parents about the wretched home that they live in. After eight
  • 13. Designing a New Direct Sales and Accounting System Essay strayer Technical Paper Final Project Plan Submitted by: Angel Martinez INTRODUCTION In this paper, I will be simulating, that as a project manager, I have been designated to design a new Direct sales and Accounting System for up a coming business Especially for you Jewelers , or EFYJ. I will be assessing Business benefits, explaining the capabilities, and giving examples of three (3) possible scenarios. I will attempt to create a Vision Document, Activity Diagram, and a Use Case Description. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT When designing any new system special considerations, guidelines, and specification should be taken into consideration. It is best practice that as many people as possible participate in the project, adding some sort of ... Show more content on ... Added methods can be cash, check, electronic, Google wallet, and reward points. Generate more income by placing items online This would attract more customers since it would make it convenient for people to do their shopping on line. More and exciting opportunities might arise and make way for possible expansion of the business. BUISNESS CAPABILITIES Generate payment notices By the company reaching out to customers and working with them on how to repay the item purchase it generates a professional environment while still maintaining essentials of running a business. Ranking system to track customers By having a ranking system, the company could keep track of those customers that frequent the most, pay on time, or non payment making customers. Organize sale dates with seasons and holidays This would help promote and foster a system that could generate dates and holidays for special sales and savings. It would calculate how much of an item would have to be on hand in order for the company to meet its supply and demand. Ability to shop online With the added ability and luxury to be able to shop on creates a new source of revenue for the Business. It enables companies, in this case EFUJ, to promote, sale, and reach to a variety of demographics. Tracks purchase and Syncs accounts payable This would keep companies books up
  • 14. The Death Of Assisted Suicide Assisted Suicide is one of the most debated and opinionated topic in the world today. Currently, the law in the UK has criminalised assisted suicide, with a maximum sentence of 14 years . Kevin Yuill opposes those who are in favour of legalisation. By referencing the floodgates argument he believes that more people who are not in a critical condition will use assisted suicide, thus exploiting the system and leading into a transition to involuntary euthanasia. He also touches on the flaws in the compassionate grounds theory and the breakdown in doctor patient relationships. Alternatively, other theorists and pro legalisation campaigners such as Tony Nicklinson and Ilora Finlay look at the beliefs of autonomy, compassion and individual dignity where if legalised it can end a wide area of unnecessary suffering. Kevin Yuill makes a fair case against the legalisation of assisted suicide, using the slippery slope theory. If assisted suicide becomes legal in the UK, there is potential for groups of people to exploit the system altogether. As time progresses more people will become eligible, even branching out to those who do not have a serious medical condition , but desire assisted suicide due to their own personal problems. This brings about a moral issue, as it can open the floodgates to non critical suicides and potentially involuntary euthanasia . Looking at the Netherlands, where euthanasia is not punishable if the doctor follows regulations and acts with due care, the
  • 15. Medical Professionals And Facilities Use Technology And... Introduction With the epic changes and alterations to our current healthcare system, the Federal Government has made great strides in order to make healthcare more effective and efficient. In order to do so healthcare reforms have been enacted in order to have medical professionals and facilities use technology and informatics. Technology in the medical field helps create databases and offer medical professionals a higher level of patient care. Meaningful Use is part of a 2009 law called HITECH, which in turn is part of the American recovery and Reinvestment act . HITECH stands for Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health. Meaningful use is also part of a 3 stage system, that helps medical providers and facilities... Show more content on ... This paper will discuss the pros and cons of meaningful use as well as recommendations for further guideline adjustments. Meaningful Use and Implementation Criteria Meaningful use is currently separated into a three stage system that the federal government has enacted timelines on. Meaningful use is defined by characteristics by which medical personnel and medical facilities gain the use of electronic health record technology. The goal is to create an interoperable EHR system that improves quality, safety, efficiency and reduce health disparities while engaging patient and improving care coordination. The HITECH act also establishes the scope of security and privacy protections under the HIPPA law. Under the rules, providers must meet certain standards in stage one then moves on to meet the criteria in stages two and three. The act stipulates that users must meet five out of ten criteria points of which one must be a population /public health measure and thirteen required core objectives (CDC, 2012). According to the CMS website, new rules and regulations have been enacted as of 2014 that show the criteria for medical professionals versus facilities. Through the use of the 27 billion dollars allocated to incentive this program, medical professionals, meaningful users that can meet criteria will receive money and assistance to initiate the HIT
  • 16. Sci 110 Assignment 1 Applications of the Scientific Method SCI 110 Assignment 1 Applications of the Scientific Method Click Link Below To Buy: 110 assignment 1 applications scientific method/ The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. The scientific inquiry is a way to investigate things and purpose explanation for their observations. Data is gathered, hypothesis suggested, and observations recorded. Several different troubleshooting methods already exist but according to CompTIA; there are six steps to solve a problem. Drawing a parallel these steps are all included into the scientific method, but how? Scientific method CompTIA troubleshooting ... Show more content on ... All the computers plugged in the same outlet, or into the same switch or router are affected by the power surges. The other common culprit of internal network card failure is malware. Given the crucial role that NIC cards play in connecting computers to networks, network cards are a major target for malware. If malware can get access to the network interface controller, then the hacker can gain access to all of the networking data that passes through the computer. Technically speaking, malware does not directly damage the physical hardware of network cards, so there is no reason to replace the NIC hardware. What a malware does is hurt the software (the device driver) that controls the network card, and that can effectively render the network card faulty. If we suppose that the card is hypothetical culprit then, we will take some action to confirm the hypothesis. Physical test: we check the Ethernet cable (cable plugged into the card and the outlet on the wall), switch and router. Result of the test: Cable, switch and router are all working well. Then we move on the next step. Logical Test: on the computer, we need to check if the card is responding to a request (internal this time) the network internal address the card called loopback address is for all computer and to do that go on. Click on Start Accessories then commands prompt. Black screen will pop up. Then type ping and hit ENTER. For the purpose of this assignment,
  • 17. Amontillado Literary Devices The Cask of Amontillado follows a narrator through his plot to get revenge on a man who has once insulted him. The man takes the idea of this revenge and lets it lead him into a string of actions that end with him killing the man named Fortunato. This revengeful action is the main event found throughout the story and it allows for the thought of revenge to drive this story and develop it. The topic of revenge is widely found throughout the story The Cask of Amontillado and the literary devices of irony, imagery, and the narrativepoint of view are used to develop this story s unsettling tone and its meaning as a whole. To begin with, the literary device of irony was used to develop this story and its meaning as a whole. The story begins with the narrator developing his idea of revenge on the man named Fortunato and the narrator states that At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely settled but the very definiteness with which it was resolved, precluded the risk of risk . At this point in the story the audience is extremely aware that ... Show more content on ... In the beginning, the story is described to take place ...about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season . The development of the setting through imagery really contributes the tone of uneasiness, because it creates an image that the reader can only interpret as shifty, shady, and it almost makes the hair on the back of the readers neck stand up. As the story develops, the setting changes to a cave described as ...insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre, and they are described as being dark and filled with catacombs. The imagery once again used to depict the setting of the story developed the tone of uneasiness, due to the combination of these hair raising images of settings and the filling idea of revenge that runs throughout the entire
  • 18. What Is The Purpose Of The French Colonization In Indochina I.Introduction Asia has been colonized by the western world for many centuries. Since the start of the 15th century, the Portuguese were the first to travel to undiscovered continents, including Asia. In addition, new trading routes for Europe revealed and created an enormous opportunity for further expansion of western imperialism. In particular, France, although late to colonize, decided to establish its superiority over the vacant region of Indochina. The French existence in the Indochina territory led to a tragic legacy of aggressiveness towards the local people. II.The Purpose of France Aggressive Colonization on Indochina At first, the French were not interested in Indochina. However, they began to pay more attention and later colonized it for three main reasons. Firstly, ... Show more content on ... In Cambodia, they found silver, tin, zinc along border with Siam. Besides these resources, France was also impressed by the agricultural products such as peppers, tea, fruit, silk, tobacco...etc. Moreover, they attempted to find trade route to China because trading with China provided prosperous profit to them as well. During this period, French enjoyed trading and spreading their religion ( French Influence Overseas , n.d). Lastly, France needed to fully control the region in order to achieve these advantages. Although France benefited from trading in Indochina, it also faced some major problems. When Gia Long s son, Minh Mang in the 1820s succeeded the throne, he worked against the French because he disliked their religion. This issue gave negative effect to French trade. When king Minh Mang ordered those missionaries killed, French took this opportunity to use force to defeat Vietnam( Military , n.d). They began fully control since it was more convenient for them to do whatever they want. Quickly colonization became to emerge in the region. In 1862, Vietnam signed an agreement gave France the three eastern province in Cochinchina. A year later,
  • 19. Analysis Of Anthem By Ayn Rand Have you ever considered what it would be like to have every single freedom taken away from you? In the book Anthem by Ayn Rand, a boy named Equality 7 2521 begins to write by stating that what you are currently reading is a sin. Writing anything without your brothers knowing is a sin, working on something without your brothers is a sin, having your own hobbies is a sin, you get the point. Honestly, breathing and eating are about the only free things you have. Living in this city where Equality lives is a true futuristic dystopia. This book takes place many years after a time frame, which by the way they cannot talk about at all, and these people are living in fear of the government s control. Equality is writing this entire journal... Show more content on ... When he was actually given the job of Street Sweeper he was a little disheartened, but he accepted it and moved on. To me, that is just wrong. In our society, we get to pick and choose what we want to do like our jobs, who we want to date or marry and even if we want a pet. Equality describes his daily life as a Street Sweeper and it really brings you to a realization that wow, I take all the things I do for granted because I could really live a life like this. We are brought into this world (usually) by two people, raised by them or one person, go to school to learn by ourselves, must learn how to be nice and make friends on our own, do our homework without asking because we know that no one else knows how to do it and even learn how to make money without our parents or guardians with us. We end up doing things on our own to live with someone else or by ourselves. Unlike our society, everyone in this book is taught that [They] are nothing, Mankind is all, (21). The government did a phenomenal job of portraying collectivism as the role model for everyone in the city. One thing that stood out the most to me was how no one could push themselves to do something great for the world. If you look at successful people today, they may have had small assistance but they mainly did whatever they are doing on their own. As long as we aren t looking at the Kardashian s, most people are successful in doing things on their own. People like the Dalai
  • 20. The United Nations And The Nations Here is a task truly of, by and for the world, one that should rally nations. The nature of this task however, must be clearly understood; only then can suitable means for accomplishing it be formulated, only then can the role that the United Nations could and should play be appreciated ( Wilcox/Haviland, 29). There are many international organizations that have been talked about throughout this semester. One of the most important ones is The United Nations. The United Nations was established October 24, 1945, and has since then been impacting the country. The United Nations main purpose according to the lecture notes is to provide a global additional structure through which states can sometimes settle conflicts with less reliance on the use of force , for whole purpose of the United Nations is to provide the globe a forum by which countries may settle disputes through this forum peacefully as opposed to relying on a force which has been the case historically ( Kopalyan, Module 8). Thus meaning The United Nations was set up to handle problems peacefully rather than going to war to try and solve problems. Powerful economic as well as political forces are at work to bring about a growing integration of the world community, and the United Nations and its related agencies are uniquely fitted to assist in the task (Wilcox/Haviland,45). This was some of the reason that the United Nations was created. There are four reasons that the United Nations was fit for
  • 21. William Penn Influence On Society On October 14th, 1644, the son of Anglican Admiral Sir William Penn, was born. While persecution was occurring throughout the world, William Penn founded an American sanctuary which secured freedom of conscience. As Europeans solved the issue of land with Native Americans by violence, Penn negotiated peacefully, disarmed. He had advocated for women s equality, presented a written constitution to Pennsylvania, provided a human penal code, and protected several principal liberties (Powell). Penn commenced his education at a local grammar school. Overwhelmed by curiosity, he continued his studies at the University of Oxford, where he was expelled two years later (1662) due to his religious rebellions. In an effort to cease his son s revolts, ... Show more content on ... At that time, Penn was in considerable debt as his plans to sell of land in Pennsylvania did not work to his advantage, but put him into further debt with the King. Sir William knew he was dying and did not have much time so agreed to pay off his son s debt in exchange for William to visit him without persecution. At that time, William Penn was told by his father to never go against his conscious and instructed his son to not worry about the things he cannot change, not troubled at disappointments; for if they may be recovered, do it; if they can t trouble is vain (Peare 125). William Penn arranged a funeral for a hero after his father passed. Prior to his father s passing and prior to his debts being paid off, William was considered to be underground and hiding from the collectors and the government, but with his debt paid, he was free to walk the streets without worry of imprisonment. As the firstborn, William was left the entire estate of his father. Thanks to the inheritance, he was then free to spend his life dedicated to the cause of the Quakers (Doherty
  • 22. Guy Fawkes French Revolution Guy Fawkes was raised in York. Guy Fawkes was born April 13, 1570. Guy Fawkes father died when he was just eight years old. Guy Fawkes later converted to Catholicism and Guy Fawkes moved to Europe. Guy Fawkes participated in the 80 Years War where he fought for the Spanish against the Dutch. Guy Fawkes tried to start a revolution against the British by asking the Catholic church for assistance, but was denied access. Guy Fawkesis notable because of the fact that he was involved in the Gunpowder Plotof 1605. In the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, the Roman Catholics from London made a plan in order to blow up the House of Lords which held King James the First. The plotters rented a cellar extending under the palace, and Fawkes planted 36 (some ... Show more content on ... They planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) during the state opening of Parliament, intending to kill the king and members of Parliament in order to clear the way to reestablishing Catholic rule in England. The plan failed when the conspirators were betrayed (Guy Fawkes Day). Through Guy Fawkes help in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 he gained national attention throughout England, worldwide recognition, and a present day influence that provides a symbol of anarchy to the world. Guy Fawkes received national attention in England immediately after the failure of the plot. After the failed plot the rest of England lit bonfires and had a large festival in order to celebrate the survival of King James the First. In January 1606 Parliament established November 5 as a day of public thanksgiving. The day, known as Guy Fawkes Day, is still celebrated with bonfires, fireworks, and the carrying of guys through the streets. On November fifth of every year people burn effigies and celebrate Guy Fawkes day. Today Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, and in a number of countries that were formerly part of the British Empire, with parades, fireworks, bonfires, and food. Straw effigies of Fawkes are tossed on the bonfire, as are in more recent years in some places those of contemporary political figure (Guy Fawkes Day). Guy Fawkes in Europe was seen as a hero and a villain, he stood as a symbol of justice for the Roman
  • 23. The Ozarks College of the Ozarks is a Christian college located in Point Lookout, Missouri that was established in 1906. This college has a highly selective rate of admittance for students who apply due to high demand for its unique approach to college tuition. Absolutely no formal tuition is required of its full time students. Instead, the college has its students work on campus for fifteen hours every week during the schoolyear and two 40 hour weeks each year during school breaks. CO also accepts donations from anyone who wants to help it educate today s young people and will accept scholarships and federal student aid. It typically has less than 1,500 students each year, and the college nickname and motto is Hard Work U due to the dedication students... Show more content on ... Students can compete on several competitive sports teams, including three men s teams and three women s teams. The Bobcats compete in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics as an independent team, meaning it is not part of any specific conference. There are also men s and women s cheer leading teams rooting the teams on. All students can participate in the school s intramural sports league or just get some exercise by enjoying the school s several volleyball and basketball courts, large Olympic sized swimming pool, tennis courts, and table tennis areas. There are no fraternities or sororities at CO, but there are seven student honor societies and almost 50 clubs and other fun organizations students can enjoy. Club focuses vary widely, but many are groups of students pursuing similar degrees. The school is also home to a jazz band and concert band where students can play their instruments together and make great
  • 24. Health Care Delivery System Us Public Health System Title US Health Care Delivery SystemUS Public Health System Mission Achieving universal access, delivering services that are cost effective, and meeting pre established standards of quality.Ensuring conditions in which the entire population can be healthy by protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the nation. StructureThere are four functional components of health care delivery system. 1 Financing: to purchase insurance or to pay for health care services consumed. 2 Insurance: to protect against catastrophic risk 3 Delivery: to provide health care services. 4 Payment: to reimburse providers for services rendered. The subsystems of US Health Care Delivery includes: Managed Care (HMOs and PPOs), Military, Vulnerable Populations, and Integrated Delivery.The entities Comprising the Public Health Infrastructure include: County and city health departments and local boards of health State, territorial, and island nation health departments Various U.S. Public Health Service agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Tribal health agencies coordinated at HHS by the Indian Health Service Public and private laboratories Hospitals and other private sector healthcare providers Volunteer organizations, such as the American Red Cross, American Diabetes Association, American Cancer Society. WorkforceEmploys approximately 10 million people: 850,000 doctors 3 million nurses 168,000 dentists 208,000 pharmacists 700,000
  • 25. Princess Tutu Identity Princess Tutu Princess Tutu is a Japanese anime series created by Ikuko Itoh and ran from 2002 to 2003. Drawing inspiration from various ballets and fairy tales, Princess Tutu follows the story of Ahiru (literally translated at Duck ), a simple duck who is given a magical necklace by a mysterious man known as Drosselmeyer. This necklace allows her to not only turn into a human girl, but also the mythical Princess Tutu. With this pendant, she must search for and gather all the heart shards to restore the shattered heart of the prince, which will give him the power to do battle with the evil Raven. Despite its fairly generic description, Princess Tutu ended up being one of the more subversive and emotionally charged anime series out there. It is, in my opinion, an excellent portrayal of the young adolescent girl s struggle with identity and the narrow roles that have already been defined for her. Unlike many other magical girl anime series, where the protagonists wholly accepts their new life with little to no issue, Ahiru visibly struggles with her new identities and wonders often who the real Ahiru is and if that makes any difference in her accomplishments in her Princess Tutu persona. Princess Tutu is, at its core, a message to young girls to be their true self, but in a slightly different version. Princess Tutu is a story that is all about people regaining their agency and rejecting the roles created for them in order to find their own path. Ahiru s true self is
  • 26. Should the Government Protect American Jobs by Imposing... BA 390 Notes 04 01 13 (Lecture 1) * Integrated marketing program is a comprehensive plan that communicates and delivers the intended value to chosen customers. 04 03 13 (Lecture 2) * Downsizing: Reduction of the business portfolio by eliminating products and businesses units that aren t profitable. * Market segment: Group of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing efforts. 04 08 13 (Lecture 3) * Publics: Group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization s ability to achiever its objectives (Financial publics, media publics, Government publics) 04 10 13 (Lecture 4) * Marketing intelligence: Systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information ... Show more content on ... * This store is now a little too big. * Angels is 80% of people who purchase products from best buy. * Demons are the 20% of people who only buy stuff from best buy that are on sale. * What is your experience with a black heater? * I ve used a block heater * I ve heard of a block heater but have never had occasion to use one * What s a block heater? * Gor tex : Rain coat * United States Census data by states and city website. * Lake Oswego s cost of a home is $507,000. * Corvallis has a high percentage of Asian population 7%. * Over 50% graduated 4 years degree. Half of the population graduated college 4 years degree. * Knowing this about my daughter is going to give you the most information about her actual shopping behavior: * Her age * Her education * Her marital status * She thinks she is Emo * In terms of both exports and imports which country is the number one trading partner with the U.S? * China * Japan * Mexico * Canada * The U.K. * Most of the class is right handed. * Left handed people are different from right handed people. They tend to like different thing. * Quiz answers: * 1. 5 * 2. 1 * 3. 4 * 4. 2 * 5. 1 04 29 13 (lecture 8) * Hispanic
  • 27. Han Dynasty Research Paper The Han Dynasty is the largest dynasty since the Zhou Dynasty, although this is not the dynasty for wars like the Zhou was. The year is one hundred and the Dynasty we are living in has learned much from the dynasties before it and used them to shape our civilization today. In the Han Dynasty we use our language, beliefs, and government all together for a successful system to live in. These three things are crucial to our individual lives and why Chinawill retain power for many more dynasties. Another key to our success is the administrated structure we use. The dynasty before us (Qin Dynasty) divided our nation into many parts that were ruled by royal officials. We use this system too, however, we adopted the ideology from Confucius that emphasized... Show more content on ... We must maintain it because without it our dynasty will fall the same way our previous dynasties did. We are supposed to live in religious harmony. We believe in our ancestors and we want to follow as they did, which was harmonious with Tao. Tao is the way of life and if with are in sync with Tao and others the gods will notice and give us peace in life. The Xia kings were conquered by the Shang because they had lost their Mandate to Heaven. The Shang also lost their mandate because of ways of life that were not morally justified. This is another reason we live by the words of Confucius. Confucius taught to live in a way that was morally right, and we do, which is why we are in a happy and strong dynasty. Some things that have come from losing the Mandate of Heaven and causing the fall of dynasties are
  • 28. Conformity In The Military Any corporation that is strongly adamant about having their employees conform to the organization s expectations and beliefs is only trying to accomplish one thing. (pg. 188) There are two primary reasons why the military wants their members to conform to the organization. The first reason why the militarypushes for conformity is for the overall safety of the organization. That s why the Marines go to boot camp for three months. That gives the drill instructors three unforgettable months to get you to conform to their corps. Then the new Marines get shipped off to receive infantry training. Once the Marines complete infantry school, they are sent to finish up at their specific military occupational specialty school to learn their job
  • 29. South Korea Cultural Analysis Table of Contents Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Executive Summary Introduction of South Korea 3 Cultural Analysis components 4 Values Attitudes Manners Customs Personal Communication Social Structure Education Impact on International Business through culture 6 Power Distance Individualism Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity/Femininity Long term/Short term Orientation Conclusion 8 Reference List ... Show more content on ... Manners Customs Manners represent an individual by the way they dress, behave, communicate, and their etiquette, while customs refer to the traditional way that a culture is practice individually, or by a group of people. Workers are expected to bow to their seniors when they greet them, and to use only formal language to their seniors, as it is rude to speak informally to someone of higher rank. In Korean businesses, meetings are often held in evenings at a restaurant or bar. Drinking is part of the Korean culture, as Koreans believe that drinking helps to bond colleagues in the company, and an offered drink must never be refused as it is considered to be rude. Along with drinking, Karaoke is a popular activity after meetings. People who attend the meeting are usually expected to sing a solo song. Personal Communication In South Korea, the Korean language is the most frequently used language and the Koreans use Hangul as the main writing system. Quoted from, The Korean language is spoken by more than 65 million people living on the peninsula and its outlying islands as well as 5.5 million Koreans living in other parts of the world. The fact that all Koreans speak and write the same language has been a crucial factor in their strong national identity. In the present time, Korea boasts many dialects, including the standard dialect used in Seoul and central areas. Even
  • 30. Why Is Snowflake Wrong Snowflake: Are you sure we should be doing this? What if we get caught? We d get in so much trouble! Giggles: Will you calm down I know what I m doing. We re just going to walk in, light the place on fire and leave. Snowflake: LIGHT THE PLACE ON FIRE? You said we were going to get revenge! You never said that we were going to kill him. Giggles: It was implied. Snowflake: No it wasn t! I need to leave! I will warn him and you ll be kicked out of the North Pole! Giggles: You re not going to tell. Snowflake: Yes I will. Giggles: Nope. Snowflake: I said yes! Giggles: I said no. Snowflake: (beat) Whatever. Giggles: So you re going to help me? Snowflake: (Mumbles) sure Giggles: What was that? Snowflake: Yes! I said yes! Giggles: Yep that s what... Show more content on ... (Lets go of rope and drops Snowflake into the room with Santa and the fire) Bye loser. Santa: (waking up and sniffing the air) Hmmm smells like Mrs. Clause has picked up smoking again. (Closes eyes to fall back to sleep, automatically opens them when he hears snowflake yelling) Well what is this commotion about? HOLY GINGERBREAD MEN MY CARPET IS ON FIRE!! (Grabs big jugs of milk from mini fridge and pours them on the fire) Well, what do you have to say for yourself? Snowflake: I m so sorry Santa. I didn t want to do it but Giggles told me too. He said that you were mean and that you weren t going to give us our Christmas bonus. Santa: (Chuckling) Hohoho. Not going to give you a bonus? Well, come to think of it maybe he s right you don t deserve a bonus. But, you know who does? (Calling out the window) Dasher and Dancer! Come here boys! (Looking back at snowflake) I was running a bit low on reindeer food thank you. (leaves room and locks Snowflake in with reindeer. Screams can be heard) Scene 3. Santa s workshop the next day All of the elves are at their little desks wait for attendance to be called so they can get to work on making toys. Santa: Okay time for role call
  • 31. Indigenous Australian Stereotypes The representation of Indigenous Australians in fiction and nonfiction texts are influenced by a range of factors. In the contemporary world of multicultural Australia, there has been a variety of ways groups of people are represented in texts. The Indigenous population is often portrayed in ways that strengthen harmful stereotypes. However, there are also a variety of positive outlooks and portrayals expressing their strength and achievements. In texts studied in year 8 English, the representation of Indigenous Australiansin Crow country are characterized as outcasts and reflect cultural distinction. Newspaper articles regarding Adam Goodes demonstrates how preconceived thoughts from many Australians destroys sporting stars outlook upon... Show more content on ... In modern day, it is time to recognize the misjudgments and shed light to Indigenes representation. A poem written by Jack Davis named Integration illustrates how Australia needs to improve from their black history and start to allow for two worlds to combine (Davis). Australia has created a distinction between these two worlds. They claim to show acceptance and therefore must carry their promises into reality and allow for two cultures to unite. The poet includes phrases in the form of reality. There is no need for mocking (Davis), this must be taken into strong consideration, especially by the Caucasian people. They have spent centuries mocking, judging and insulting the vulnerable. If they want to express their acceptance and acknowledgment, they must start to educate young minds, impact how they view Indigenes and represent them in positive ways even if there were some wrong actions. They seem to extract the smaller percentage of negatives and exaggerate them in a form to allow for white people to create a preconceived and racist view on Indigenes. Australia needs to represent themselves with a positive outlook and start to develop their actions that they have undertaken, such as saying an acknowledgment to Indigenes during school, work and in relevant times. It is vital to view and study the past to be able to learn from the recognized mistakes. The past is done (Davis), although the past won t come back for them to act differently, they must choose to change their ways now. Choose to take away their bias minds. Take away their brutal words and actions, to develop a lasting combination of both cultures in which they represent in a positive and influential way. Indigenes have shown to be positively influential role models and figures that young and mature minds should aspire to be
  • 32. Fluoride Harm Fluoride harm or benefit? Fluoride plays an important role in the formation of teeth, but an excess of it is very toxic and can cause irreversible damage to the structure of the enamel fluorosis. Depending on the extent of the teeth become white, yellow or brown spots, stripes, defects, and cleave fast break. In the case of fluorosis and in order to prevent it in children s toothpaste contains fluoride should be minimized. For children up to 4 years are suitable paste with fluoride concentrations less than 200 ppm, 4 8 years no more than 500 ppm (values should be listed on the packaging of paste). At the age of 8 14 years, the child can use toothpaste with fluoride content of about 1400 ppm. The older the child, the less probability of getting large amounts of toothpaste into the body. ... Show more content on ... They provide cleaning properties of pastes. The use as abrasives, calcium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda and chalk), which is too aggressive for children s tooth enamel. Milder cleansing have titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide, and their presence in the composition of the paste is more desirable. Designation of abrasion on the packaging of paste index RDA, which must be not more than 20. For children up to 4 years, no more than 50.
  • 33. The Contributions of Frederick Douglas, William Apess,... The Contributions of Frederick Douglas, William Apess, Sarah Margaret Fuller, and Sojourner Truth As has been noted before, when we look at the authors of The Declaration of Independence, we are quite aware that the document was written in the interest of the people who were there. The wealthy, white, landowners make up the Constitution to fit their needs and exclude everyone else. The people most notably left without rights are African American s, Native American s and Women. These minority groups formed a bond with each other because they were outside the dominant group. These groups of people helped gain their strength and voice through speeches and conventions with each one using the very words of the Constitution as ... Show more content on ... He goes on to explain his real life experiences. Douglas says: Fellow citizens, I am not wanting in respect for the fathers of this republic. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were brave men. They were great men too great enough to give fame to a great age. It does not often happen to a nation to raise, at one time, such a number of truly great men. The point from which I am compelled to view them is not, certainly, the most favorable; and yet I cannot contemplate their great deeds with less than admiration. They were statesmen, patriots, and heroes, and for the good they did, and the principles they contend for, I will unite with you to honor their memory (1822). What Douglas does here is recognize and respect these men to the crowd and make himself part of the group by honoring them together and yet he still gets his point across. Douglas was known as an articulate antislavery speaker his speeches for the Massachusetts Antislavery Society cemented Douglas role as an abolitionists. Douglas also worked for the Underground Railroad (owl eyes 1). Another minority to gain his voice during the American Renaissance was William Apess. The earliest major Indian writers of the nineteenth century, William Apess...contrast s white s savage treatment of non whites with their professed Christianity (1867). Apess uses the Bible to gain his audience s sympathy with his cause. In An Indian s
  • 34. Understand the Role of Retailing in the Distribution of... Task 1 Describe the distribution process through different channels from the manufacturer through to the customer for the following; an independent retailer and a multiple retailer. (P2) A channel of distribution is a network of organisations that, combined, perform all the functions required to link producers with consumers. Retailers need to offer right product at the right place at the right time. If the product that a consumer wants is not available then 31% of consumers will buy from a different store, 26% will buy a different brand and 24% will delay their purchase, or not purchase at all. There are many possible distribution channels. All begin at the manufacturer and end at the customer. For example; Independent retailer ... Show more content on ... (D1) In this essay, I will evaluate the distribution systems in delivering goods and services for a selected organisation. The business I will use for this task will be Tesco. Tesco is a British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer with its headquarters based in Cheshunt, United Kingdom. It is the third largest retailer in the world measured by revenues (after
  • 35. The Laws And Regulations Of Canada Legal There are some laws and regulations in Canada that will directly affect Kohl s. Canada has been trying to get rid of spam advertising for numerous years now and finally passed an Anti spam legislation stating that: Your business must have consent to deliver an electronic message to someone, you must clearly identify your business, and must include an unsubscribe feature. This may be to disadvantage, but America has similar anti spam laws as well. Ontario specifically has been trying to make the provinces buildings completely accessible for people with disability. The laws haven t gone into effect that every business must have some sort of access that complies with all disability, but there has been laws enforcing business owners... Show more content on ... Minimum wage in Ontario is $11.00 right now and is set to go up to $11.25 in October 2015. This is a lot higher than many of the stats minimum wages. Although the American dollar is worth more and they pay less taxes on purchases, Canada still has a fairly high minimum wage in comparison. Between 1996 and 2013 Political stability in Canada has maintained an average of 1.1 according to an article in the global economy ( 2.5 being weak, +2.5 being strong). In comparison to the states who have dropped below 0.0 in that time frame for political stability. For Kohl s to move to Canada this would be a smart move. Comparison on tax deductions on income: Tax in Ontario: for 2015: 5.05% on the first $40,922 of taxable income, + 9.15% on the next $40,925, + 11.16% on the next $68,153, + 12.16% on the next $70,000, + 13.16 % on the amount over $220,000. Tax in America: From $90,751 $189,300 over 18,000 is due in tax and 28% of anything over $90,751. Then from 189,301 $411,500 over $45,000 is due in taxes and 33% of anything over $189,301, and so on... Economic Trends Macroeconomic Conditions These are the economic conditions that will directly affect Kohl s opening in Canada: Real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has steadily rose according to recent statistics. According to an article in ( Stats Canada [Canadian economic accounts,
  • 36. Movie Review Of Doc Doc. 1 Scene 1 (TT 61 Amenuser (User) usr) This scene is represented in the inner room especially on the lower part of the northern wall which is largely damaged. This part carries a large list of offerings, beneath which to the left hand side, there are the final scene of the opening of the mouth ritual with sacrifice offerings to the right hand side. This scene represents three men holding offerings like a goose, a heart and a bull s leg. Doc. 2 Scene 2 (TT 83 aAmethu aAmTw aAhmos iaH ms) On the west wall of inner room IJ, most of the scenes are extremely damaged near side I except for the scene which represents funeral Procession facing the goddess of the west. The goddess in this scene is the personification of Hathor. The scene is divided into two registers containing men in boats preceded by shrines while the lower part of the wall is completely ruined. The first register represents two men on a boat, one of them holding a bull s leg with his right hand trying to pull some water and holding a heart in a vase on his left hand. This scene perhaps refers to removing both the heart and the leg of Osiris from the water. Doc. 3 Scene 3 (TT 84 Amunedjeh iAm.w nDH) The western wall of the passage is decorated with a scene divided into three registers. The first one represents crossing the Nile to the west bank during the funeral Procession directed to the goddess of the west including a boat, a bull s leg, a heart as well as a shrine at the
  • 37. Essay On Gadgets Cars with Gadgets 5 Basic Must Buy Accessories Cars need gadgets to make the driving experience better. Not only are car accessories great for adding more personality and fun to your wheels, the gadgets can make your drives safer as well. As technology keeps moving forwards, the number of gadgets keeps increasing. While gadget are great, you don t want to add too many to cramp up your car. So, what are the most essential car accessories you should have? Here are the essential five car accessories and gadgets you should buy. A dash organiser What does your dashboard look like? Chances are that it has a few bits and bobs lying around perhaps a few coins you had left over after your latest fuelling, a pen for writing down instructions, keys sliding from one end to another and so on. You could put an end to messy dashboard with a handy magnetic organiser. The DashGrip gel pads are among the best accessories for keeping your things in order. The pad is easy to attach on the dashboard and the texture is designed to hold things like your phone, keys, coins, pens, and so on neatly in their place. The convenient pads also won t leave a mark on the dash when you decide to remove them. An emergency seatbelt cutter ... Show more content on ... In accidents, such as the car plunging in to water, you need to get rid of your seatbelt quick. But crashes can make the traditional method of just clicking the seatbelt off difficult and you might even find the seatbelt tangled up. For the situations when fast actions are required, you need a seatbelt cutter. The clever tool will help you cut the seatbelt it seconds, allowing you to get out of the car or helping another injured person to escape. If you want to add extra security, get a combination seatbelt cutter, like Resqme Car Escape Tool, which also has a window breaker tool for smashing in the windows in an
  • 38. The Effect Of Skeletal Muscle On The Human Physiology... Roben Houspian 2/27/15 Muscle Physiology 1 Abstract: In this experiment the measurements of skeletal muscle fibers of the rabbit are in millimeters. The average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution A which contained only 0.25% ATP in distilled water was 20 mm. The average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution C which contained 0.5M KCl and 0.001M MgCl2 in distilled water was 1.77 mm and the average length for the three muscle fibers after adding the solution B which contained 0.25 % ATP and 0.5 M KCl with 0.001 M Mgcl2 in water was 1.77 mm. Introduction: According to the Human Physiology Laboratory Manual ,BIOL 282 ,page 31 , the reason of performing this experiment is to learn how the muscle contraction occurs based on the molecular level and what kind of factors are involved .As a matter of fact, skeletal muscles contain a lot of nuclei because of the cell fusion while being developed and are made of cylindrical cells that have myofibrils. The myofibrils contain sarcomeres and the
  • 39. Wind Guide You Analysis Rebecca McKenney Mass Media Communication Mrs. Rose 24 March 2017 The Soundtrack of My Life For every song that comes on the radio or that is featured on a CD, there is a personal meaning for the listener. Selecting five songs to represent my life was a difficult choice because of this. The song selection that follows is organized by the artist s last name. 1. Changes Performed by David Bowie I don t know many people would could say that remember the first song they ever heard on the radio. For me, that song was David Bowie s Changes . I was in pre school, and my Mom had just picked me up at school. When she turned on the radio, I heard a song that I enjoyed. I didn t know what the words were that Bowie was singing or understood ... Show more content on ... Wind Guide You Composed by Jeremey Soule If the Orchestral Suite to the Inner Light is, in personal opinion, the most romantic instrumental to date, the most thought provoking is Wind Guide You composed by Jeremey Soule. How could an instrumental be thought provoking? Honestly, it s just a feeling I have. The best way that I can describe it is that Wind Guide You is the retelling of a somber epic. Every once in a while, I try my hand at freelance writing (purely as a hobby), and this piece is my go to in finding inspiration for my work. Jeremy Soule s Wind Guide You was featured in the video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and first appeared on the soundtrack album of the same name in 2011. 5. Memory Performed by Barbra Streisand When it comes to vocal music, I will confess that I typically listen to male artists. It s just personal taste. For me, there are only three female vocalists that I could listen to for more than one or two songs. My favorite female vocalist? Barbra Streisand. I watched the musical film Funny Girl once when I was very young. I could care less for the film, but I loved Streisand s signing voice. Many years later, I had the opportunity to purchase one her greatest hits collection and have enjoyed it ever
  • 40. Analysis Of Isabel Allende s Tales Of Passion Isabel Allende uses storytelling to depict real stories of women across the world being abused and suppressed by men at a TEDTALK conference during her presentation Tales of Passion . She does this to educate her audience on how women are less empowered by using evidence of anecdotes about women suffering abuse. For example, she tells the story of Rose Mapendo who was a prisoner in the camp for Tutsi refugees in Congo. Allende illustrates how Mapendo s life in the prison camp was petrifying for a mother protecting her child: When the soldiers burst in her cell to rape her oldest daughter, she grabs hold of her and refuses to let go, even when they hold a gun to her head . As a result, Allende wants her audienceto feel the fear that Mapendo felt during her experience at the prison to develop her speech. The main purpose of her speech was to inform her audience on the lives of women who are victims of abuse and she expresss how fenimism can lead the change for women so they could be empowered. For example, Allende said, But not for most of our sisters in the rest of the world who are still forced into premature marriage, prostitution, forced labor . She tells how many women acroossed the world are treated poorly, even through, we live in a society that condems those acts. For this reason, she uses her specific purpose in her speech through a series of anecdotes to reveal that the truth, which is the unfairness towards women. I believe that Allende wants her audeience to
  • 41. Taking a Look at Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis, RA, causes premature mortality, disability and compromised quality of life in the developed and emerging world ( RA is the most common of chronic inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition; it is a chronic inflammatory polyarthritis, in which more than five joints are affected. Rheumatoid arthritisis a systemic inflammatory disease which it manifests itself in numerous joints of the body. The inflammatory process mainly affects the lining of the joints, usually small joints then leading to many other organs. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that occurs in joints on both sides of the body. This symmetry helps distinguish rheumatoid arthritis from other types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis may also affect the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, or nerves ( There are subsequent exacerbations in which rheumatoid arthritis develops. First being an abnormal immune response, this caused inflammation of the synovial membrane. The inflamed synovial membrane leads to erosions of the cartilage and bone and in some cases joint deformity. Due to inflammation of the synovial membrane vasodilation, formation of exudate, and increased permeability; this causes swollen, pained, and red joints. Synovitis cells will proliferate and inflammation recurs. Synovitis occurs due to immune abnormality. Rheumatoid factor, RF, is an antibody against immunoglobulin G; it is present in the blood, also in the
  • 42. Cambrian Explosion Around 530 million years ago, the Cambrian explosion made a significantly fast appearance of main groups of complex organism. This was confirmed by the fossil record. Along the support by an apparent diversification of various living things, including phytoplankton, calcimicrobes and also animals. 580 million years before this, most life forms were basic, made out of individual cells occasionally sorted out into colonies. The Cambrian explosion can be said to happen in waves. The initial, a co evolutionary transformative ascent in differing qualities as animals investigated specialties on the Ediacaran ocean bottom, trailed by a second development in the early Cambrian as they established in the waters column. The pace of advancement found in the Cambrian times of the explosion is not paralleled amongst the marine creatures: it changed all metazoan clades where Cambrian fossils were found. Later radiations, the fish in the Silurian and Devonian era, included less taxa, for the most part with basically the same body plans. Despite... Show more content on ... Other essential factors include, steadiness of numbers and overpopulation, which led to battle for survival amongst the species and only some will live sufficiently long enough to breed. Additionally, variation amongst the offspring plays a role in survival as well where only the strongest will survive through extreme conditions. Also, the arrangement of new species where members lacks favourable capabilities and characteristics are most likely not to survive sufficiently long to breed. Inheritance of a single variation will not create another species. However, the evolution of various varieties in a specific course over the generations will lead to the evolution of other type
  • 43. The Relation Between Economic Freedom And Political... George Pippin Professor Hays HMXP 201 29 July 2015 An Ideal Society Throughout history, we have seen many societies come and go regardless of how powerful or stable they were at one point. Is it possible to have a society which is ideal for all of it s members, or is society only capable of being beneficial to some and not to everyone? I do believe an ideal society could be achieved, but our current society would have to undertake a substantial overhaul. In today s society, there are more opinions and beliefs about the way it should be ran than there have ever been. An ideal society could be achieved through it s members treating their neighbors in a more religious way, a change in the way our current economy is operated, and by improving... Show more content on ... In Milton Friedman s story, The Relation Between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom, he speaks about what a free society should consist of, One feature of a free society is surely the freedom of individuals to advocate and propagandize openly for a radical change in the structure of the society so long as the advocacy is restricted to persuasion and does not include force or other forms of coercion. (Friedman 63). The American democracy system revolutionized politics into what we know it to be today. A government of the people, by the people, for the people, was never made imaginable before America; but like all good things, overtime it can become corrupted. An ideal society would truly be what the people wanted. Democracy is by far the best political system that could be implemented, but there could be improvements. I do not believe being a politician should be a career choice, but it should be more of a duty to your country. We place trust in our governments to decide such things as going to war, healthcare, and overall the decisions that affect our lives. In order to make a proper decision on sending troops to war, I believe the decision makers should have had military experience. It is impossible to ask someone to go risk their lives when you have no idea the feeling or sacrifice they could possibly make. All members of the legislative branch, and the President, should be required to have served their country. Moreover, in an ideal society it s politicians would be held accountable for their actions. For example, during a review at your workplace, if your employer tells you that your satisfaction or approval rating is less than fifty percent by your peers, what do you think would happen to you? More than likely you would be fired, but why doesn t this same philosophy apply to the men and women who run a society? In order to keep politicians working for the
  • 44. The Conscience Of Huckleberry Finn Moral Essay In the article The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn , Jonathan Bennett discusses the conscience of Huckleberry Finn, Heinrich Himmler and Jonathan Edwards. For the purposes of this essay I will focus on the argument of Huckleberry Finn. Bennett concedes that that there is a relationship between sympathy and bad morality. Sympathy : I use this term to cover every sort of fellow feeling, as when one feels pity over someone s loneliness, or horrified compassion over his pain, or when one feels a shrinking reluctance to act in a way which will bring misfortune to someone else. Bad morality a morality of one s own a set of principles of action which he sincerely assents to, acting well or rightly or in obedience to conscience is the problem ... Show more content on ... To which I would argue is a flawed perspective to have so much confidence in as it offers no feasible solution to the moral issue at hand. In the case of the wife, the husband continues to circulate illegal images online and begins to defile innocent children. This is due to the sympathy the wife had for her husband, whom she loved. In the case of the child getting a vaccine, the mother spared her daughter the two minute discomfort of receiving a flu shot but at the expense of being bed ridden for due to the flu and recovery time during her Christmas break. Choosing sympathy is an immediate solution to a problem that demands more. This is why Bennett is flawed in his
  • 45. My Freshman Team My freshman year of high school, I failed. It wasn t grades, it wasn t socially. I felt I had failed myself. My freshman year I didn t make the junior varsity team, but remained on the freshman team. This may not seem like a failure; however, it meant a lot more to me than simply not making the team. The facts were simple, all of my friends made the junior varsity team but me. I had strived to make that team. Frankly, I just felt like I was left behind. I felt like I just wasn t good enough that is one of the worst feeling. The first week of practicing with my new freshman team, I absolutely loathed it. I didn t know anyone on the team and hardly knew how the rest of the season would go. Though as time went on I grew to like everyone on
  • 46. Compare And Contrast Frederick Douglas And Chief Seattle Mrs. Lyons Frederick Douglass vs. Chief Seattle Frederick Douglas and Chief Seattle both experienced disadvantages because of their race and culture around the years 1850 1855. Frederick Douglass was a former slave abolitionist who fought to change America and the Africans who were enslaved in it. Chief Seattle was the leader of the Suquamish Tribe and he too was determined to change the citizen s perspective about how his people were being treated. Both authors wrote compelling letters/speeches to the President to convince him and the citizens to spark change for their race by using pathos, description, and cause/effect in their dialogue. Douglass and Seattle use pathos to evoke a certain emotion out of the reader in order to make them feel the same way as they do. Douglass uses examples to stir emotion. He says, What am I to argue that it is wrong to make men brutes, to rob them of their liberty, to work them without wages, to keep them ignorant of their relations to their fellow men, to beat them with sticks... Douglass continues on with more examples highlighting the injustice to draw an emotion out of the reader. Chief Seattle uses pathos but in a different way. Instead of pulling examples from the past, he foreshadows to future problems that could occur. He says, All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Seattle also uses religion. Our God is the same God. You may think that you own him as you wish to own our land, but you cannot. When religion is placed in the mix, emotions stir; it becomes more personal to the reader because they can relate on a certain level. In order to get their points across effectively and proficiently, Douglass and Seattle used description. Both authors use description to help the reader form an image in their mind. This tool helps the writer create a connection with the reader with the use of details. Frederick Douglass describes in detail the wrongs he and his people experienced through slavery. He says, What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. It s essential that Douglass uses
  • 47. Comparing Antony s Eulogy Of Antony And Antony Caesar s eulogy was delivered by his good friend Antony who honored his name and told the real truth about him. Princess Diana s eulogy was given by her brother Earl Spencer who gave an emotional speech of his sister s life and all that she s done for people. Both of these eulogies gave an emotional impact on the people listening and on the person giving the speech. The comparison of these two eulogies are very similar in the way they talk about the loved one they loved. The response from people hearing them was a little different though. Caesar s eulogy was given by his friend Antony after his name was put to shame by his literal backstabbing old friend, Brutus. At first Antony states he will not dishonor what brutus had to say but he would say what he knew of Caesar. As his eulogy goes on Antony goes against Brutus and tells the crowd how much Caesar loved the people of Rome other than being only ambitious like Brutus stated. Antony gave an emotional speech. An example is O, now you weep, and I perceive you feel the dint of pity; these are gracious drops. Kind souls, what weep you when you but behold our Caesar s vesture wounded? Look you here, here is himself marred as you see with traitors. (shakespeare III.ii.193 197) This brought out emotion in the crowd to feel pity on Caesar.... Show more content on ... Her death impacted millions. Her eulogy was delivered by her brother Earl Spencer. He gave a remarkable representation of who Princess Diana was. He described her as the essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. All over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity . It brought tears to a worldwide of people as he acknowledged all Diana did for humanity and how she was loved and how she loved everyone. Earl Spencer connected to everyone listening like Princess Diana s children, her husband, and many people all around listening. He honored her in every possible
  • 48. Questions On Object Oriented Programming 1 Growing a Language by Guy Steele Shobha M. Kand Department Of Computer Science and Informatics, Purdue School of Science, IUPUI Abstract A lecture given by Guy L. Steele in 1998 at OOPSLA 13th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object oriented programming focuses mainly on the nature and growth of programming language design. The speaker started his lecture by giving insights into the use and nature of programming languages. He started with examples of English language comparing with a programming language. He talked about the set of constraints showing one may use any word of single syllable. The speaker also demonstrates it can be confining to expressing yourself when you don t have access to an extensive vocabulary. If someone wishes to use the longer words, one must define them using only such words have one syllable Guy Steele shows with his talk is that small language restricts the expressiveness of thoughts. You must define a lot of new words to express your thoughts and ideas clearly. .He gives many more interesting points how languages should be grown. He discusses that how programmer needs to enhance the ability to expand the vocabularies of languages that feels weakened. The speaker ends his lecture after explaining the main goal of programming language design by giving various examples. [1][2][5] Keywords Programming Language, Software Design, Object Oriented Programming, ACM conference, OOPSLA 98. 2 1. INTRODUCTION A programming language is a
  • 49. How Does Twain Present Slavery In Huckleberry Finn In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; slavery was a big symbol in the book, Twain uses the ills of Slavery to put Jim in some situations to fit the slave stereotype in the book. Jim is a righteous and honest character in a sea of white people, who Twain wanted to show were greatly flawed and that despite being civilized; the white society was in fact the opposite of perfect and slaverydenies human rights. Twain uses Jim to help depict slavery in the book and give a glimpse of what life was like as a slave, and what they had to go through in that era. Since slavery is a major symbol in the novel, it is used to depict the character s emotions and actions in the novel, Twain uses slavery to portray the effect it had on society in the novel... Show more content on ... When Jim gets sold by the Dauphin to the Phelps, which then Huck writes a letter to Miss Watson to ask for, forgiveness of his sins that he had committed, and then he decides that he s going to disobey society and go get his best friend who is a slave back: All right then, I ll go to hell (195). This quote is very significant because this is one of the major turning points in the novel, were Huck decides that Jim should no longer be a slave to slavery and should be a free man, so he decides to go break his friend out. This is very important in the novel because Huck goes against the rules of society to do what he feels should be civilized and that s having Jim be a free man. When Tom gets shot that s when Jim stuns everyone, that s where he shows you he really is, he decided that he rather get caught, so that Tom could get help since he had been shot, which changed the perception of Jim drastically: [ No, sah I doan budge a step out n dis place, dout a doctor not if its forty year!(248). ] This
  • 50. Shelby GT350 Advertisement Analysis We all drive; some of us tend to stand out more. Pure exhilaration, the Shelby GT350 is engineered for adrenaline pumping performance. Its 5.2L V8 with flat plane crank kicks out 526 hp and 429 lb. ft. of torque and is one of four Mustang engine choices all designed to overwhelm the senses with pulse raising torque and a legendary roar. So buckle in and put your hands on the wheel of a Mustang and you will feel one thing above everything else: pure exhilaration, it is ok to stare. We warn you. It is going to be a tough choice. Ford s took the time to design and produce effective visual aids. Ford used audio, video, and used photos. I think Ford did a great job on the advertisement for the Shelby GT350. The advertisement for shaving, the Schick
  • 51. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polyploidy Definition: Polyploidy is the heritable condition in which a normally diploid cell or organism acquires one or more additional sets of chromosomes. Polyploidy refers to a numerical change in a whole set of chromosomes. Organisms in which a particular chromosome, or chromosome segment, is under or overrepresented are said to be aneuploid. Therefore, the distinction between aneuploidy and polyploidy is that aneuploidy refers to a numerical change in part of the chromosome set, whereas polyploidy refers to a numerical change in the whole set of chromosomes. Animals Examples in animals are more common in non vertebrates[9] such as flatworms, leeches, and brine shrimp. Within vertebrates, examples of stable polyploidy include the salmonids and ... Show more content on ... However, these epigenetic changes might instead increase diversity and plasticity by allowing for rapid adaptation in polyploids. One example may be the widespread dispersal of the invasive allopolyploid Spartina angelica. However, it is not clear whether the success of this species can be attributed to fixed heterosis or to the increased variability that results from epigenetic remodeling. Polyploidy is also believed to play a role in the rapid adaptation of some allopolyploid arctic flora, probably because their genomes confer hybrid vigor and buffer against the effects of inbreeding. However, fertility barriers between species often need to be overcome in order to form successful allopolyploids, and these barriers may have an epigenetic
  • 52. 2.2 Competitors. As Mentioned Earlier, Burberry Positioned 2.2 Competitors As mentioned earlier, Burberry positioned itself as functionality luxury by being a top global brand worldwide. Burberry not only have rivals which contend directly such as Louis Vuitton and Chanel but also indirectly such as Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein which both having the same collections in lifestyles (Appendix 4). Louis Vuitton is one of the Burberry s biggest yet strongest competitors in the field of fashion. It formes up its strategy by focusing on the customer trends, concentrates customer taste and build a effectively responsive supply chain before the trend emerge. In order to well served the customers, Louis Vuitton hired expert and specialized young workers to work with the merchandise design. And due to ... Show more content on ... Each of the collection with different theme ways out the elegancy which inspired consumer to wear with their own style (Ralph Lauren, 2016). In addition, it is charged with a higher price compared to Burberry collection. To sums up the above, Burberry focused it brand on the price level to come out with fashion luxury and high quality at best affordable price as its average supply chain does not have ability to compete with the fast fashion like Louis Vuitton (Hogarth, 2015). Louis Vuitton reported that its pricing level based around 40 45% is expensive than any other brand considered as the highest (The Economist, 2009). Consumers is likely to spend an average of $3000 4000 at Louis Vuitton while $2500 at Burberry. Through the Harvard Business Review by Keller, Sterthal Tybout (2002), the product life cycle (PLC) stage can influence frame of reference s choice. The growth opportunities included with threats might emerge outside product s category in later stages of PLC. According to Perez (2015), the unknown source of clothing has to be analysed before they navigate to others, an example given is eBay. With the addition of expanding its eBay Valet considered as professional service selling, the high end clothing or accessories can be easily being sell out by pre approved eBay sellers. 3.0 Points of Parity From the article stated in Harvard