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Structure Of A Good Essay
Crafting an essay on the intricacies of the "Structure of a Good Essay" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, but delving into the depth of this subject reveals its inherent complexity.
The challenge lies not just in elucidating the basic components of an essay but in conveying the
nuances that transform a piece of writing from ordinary to exceptional.
Firstly, the task involves a meticulous exploration of the various elements that constitute a well-
crafted essay. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the introduction, body paragraphs,
and conclusion, each serving a distinct purpose. Establishing a coherent flow of ideas and
arguments demands not only clarity of thought but also the skill to seamlessly transition between
different sections.
Additionally, one must navigate the intricacies of thesis statements, topic sentences, and
supporting evidence. The choice of language, tone, and style plays a pivotal role in captivating
the reader's attention and maintaining their interest throughout the essay. Balancing these
elements requires a keen sense of narrative structure and a deep appreciation for the art of
Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the challenge of incorporating a unique voice and
perspective while adhering to the conventions of academic or formal writing. Striking this
delicate balance necessitates a nuanced understanding of the audience and the purpose of the
essay, be it informative, argumentative, or analytical.
In conclusion, while the topic "Structure of a Good Essay" might seem like a straightforward
endeavor, unraveling its complexities demands a multifaceted approach. It calls for a writer's
ability to synthesize information, present compelling arguments, and engage the reader on a
profound level. Despite the difficulty, mastering the art of essay writing is a skill worth
cultivating for anyone aspiring to convey ideas effectively through the written word.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, there are platforms like where one can find professional support in crafting well-structured and
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Structure Of A Good EssayStructure Of A Good Essay
Classification of Zombie Movies Essay
I have determined that there are three different types of zombie movie. First, the
movies that showcase the slow, but still startling zombies, like Night of the Living
Dead. Night s zombies are slow, the humans just get themselves into trouble by
reacting stupidly, or not paying enough attention to the problem. (G.A. Romero)
Next, films like Shaun of the Dead, which portray the sometimes amusing but still
creepy zombies. And finally, movies like Day of the Dead (2008) which introduce
the completely terrifying, gravity defying zombies.
Night of the Living Dead presents zombies that move slowly but deliberately toward
their ultimate objective which is filling their appetites for human flesh. Zombie
movies of this type are the basis of ... Show more content on ...
Although Shaun can t bring himself to kill Ed, the danger his infected friend
presents, is still clear when Shaun must chastise Ed for trying to bite his arm.
Shaun s zombies are provided with more of a human element, which lends more to
the hilarity of the situation. In my mind they were us, we ve just changed, that s
all. (G.A. Romero) Seeing a zombie that is wearing a towel obviously stricken
undead in the middle of a shower makes this type of movie funnier and more tragic
at the same time. While humor is obviously present the gore zombie movies are
famous for is also a key element. Zombie comedy is also shown in Zombieland,
which is a laugh riot from beginning to end. From the main character s list of survival
rules which include always checking the backseat and being wary of bathrooms, the
story is more about the humans that remain and their fight to stay human.
Finally, the films that make you really fear zombies. Movies like Day of the Dead,
(the 2008 remake, not G.A. Romero s original) which portray zombies that seem
to be aware of their surroundings and can do their own brand of problem solving.
Day s zombies while still driven by the primal instinct of hunger, can figure out
ways of getting to their prey that zombies in movies with less of a freak out factor do
not even begin to grasp and plenty of blood
Essay on The Hard Rock Company
The Hard Rock CafГ© (HRC) and the Hard Rock Hotels / Casinos is a highly
successful series of ventures that serves up fun, music, food, nostalgia and
beverage. The HRC is also famous for its music collectibles, including guitars used
by icons in the industry (i.e. Madonna, Jimi Hendrix, etc), fashion merchandise, live
concerts, and Hard Rock Live performance venues. The first Hard Rock CafГ© was
opened on June 14, 1971, in London, England. Founded by Isaac Tigrett and Peter
Morton, HRC became well known and successful almost immediately. Tigrett went
out and opened HRCs in New York City, Boston, Washington D.C., Dallas, Orlando,
Paris and Berlin, while Morton developed HRCs in Chicago, Houston, San Francisco
and Los Angeles. Various... Show more content on ...
Also, 48% from its revenue come from retail merchandise. Hard rock CafГ©
strategy has changed over time since 1971. It has moved from a London small
cafГ©, to food plus entertainment, to food plus an experience. Restaurant goers don
t just want a meal; increasingly, they want an experience, and Hard Rock s operation
strategy is designed to provide that experience. ВІ HRC claims its mission is to
spread the spirit of rock n roll by creating authentic experiences that rock. В№.
Their success and growth come from adopting this experience strategy. While a
first time customer spreads the mustard and ketchup on a thick juicy hamburger,
and takes that first sip of a frozen margarita, he or she should read the HRC motto,
just below the mission statement. The idea of HRC is to Love all Serve All, and
moreover, All is one...Save the Planet...Take time to Be Kind. Those are some
pretty radical ideas a for profit corporation reminding people to be kind and to save
the planet when it comes to comparison of HRC with other restaurant chains. But it
would appear that companies like HRC and Starbucks, that go out of their way to
publicize and advocate for the urgent environmental needs of the planet and the
needs of less fortunate people, have had a powerful influence on other restaurants.
Chili s for example is proud to support St. Jude Children s Research Hospital
Ві.Customers can use crayons at Chili s restaurants to draw
Acute Red Eye Essay
An acute red eye is one of the most common reasons why children present to the
pediatrician or adults present to their primary care physician. Although most cases of
acute red eye are caused by self limiting and benign conjunctivitis, it is important to
distinguish when a more serious pathology is present that may require a non urgent
or urgent ophthalmologic referral. A thorough history of the illness is one of the most
important tools that pediatricians have to determine whether the patient can be
treated by the pediatrician or whether an ophthalmologic referral is indicated. A child
presenting to the pediatrician with a red eye could indicate a wide variety of
etiologies from infection, trauma, foreign body, structural disorder, or systemic
disease.8 Important aspects of the history to obtain are whether there has been any
recent trauma to the eye, the duration of the symptoms, whether the symptoms are...
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Viral conjunctivitis may be caused by a variety of viruses, but the most commonly
seen infection is with adenovirus. These children present with red, glassy eyes, clear
discharge, tearing, and swelling of the conjunctiva.1 It is also important to evaluate
these patients for a recent history of an upper respiratory infection or sick contacts. If
the child is presenting with grossly inflamed conjunctiva, blurred vision,
photophobia, and signs/symptoms of an upper respiratory infection it is possible that
a more serious cause of viral conjunctivitis, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is present.5
These patients often have subepithelial corneal infiltrates that may affect vision.4 If
this is suspected, an ophthalmologic referral is indicated. Treatment for adenovirus
conjunctivitis (both non complicated and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis) is
symptomatic treatment with artificial tears and proper hand washing hygiene to
prevent spread of the
What Is The United Nations Strategic Framework
Analysis of the UNSF in Lebanon 2017 2020 Introduction Today 23 UN agencies
are in Lebanon which they have different activities in different areas. Almost
10000 peacekeepers and 2500 civilian staff work on Lebanon. United Nations
Strategic Framework (UNSF) is a joint framework between UN and Lebanon
government to make the aids and UN activities more efficient. The UNSF present
key shared objectives to support the government and people of Lebanon from 2017
2020. The UNSF mission is; a secure, stable and prosperous Lebanon, Exercising
full sovereignty while respecting, protecting, ensuring the rights of all. This report
summarize the main points of UNSF in Lebanon also a brief critical analysis of the
UNSF in Lebanon placed at the end of... Show more content on ...
Since 2015, the UN in Lebanon is managing an annual portfolio of approximately $1
billion including humanitarian and development assistance particularly in assistance
to the most vulnerable; support to municipalities and to the delivery of basic public
services such as education and water. Normative Framework of the UNSF Describes
the key national and international frameworks and mandates that underpin the
identification of national priorities and the UN s proposed interventions. They
consider UN strategies , SDGs, Lebanon strategy towards SDGs, and Syria crises
which emerged a serious issue of immigrants for Lebanon. Strategic objectives They
summarize the main objectives in three core priorities and define all objectives based
on the following priorities. Core priority 1: All people in Lebanon enjoy peace and
security In support to peace and security objectives, the UN intends to help mitigate
external threats to Lebanon, strengthen domestic security and law and order and
defuse local inter communal tensions. To mitigate threats to Lebanon s territorial
integrity, efforts foreseen include support
Earth Bound Telescopes
Clearly the better and stronger our telescopes and other methods used to evaluate the
sky will result in further discoveries. Not only do we have Earth bound telescopes;
we have telescopes in the sky that can get even closer to other matter whether that be
planets, stars, comets, asteroids, etc. The textbook also notes radial velocity and how
the gravitational pull of a planetresults in the star wobbling. If the wobble happens
to occur along our line of sight to the star, then we see small fluctuations in the star s
radial velocity, which can be measured using the Doppler effect (Chaisson McMillan,
2014, p 371) allowing us to estimate the mass of the planet (Chaisson McMillan,
2014, p 371). I found this website: topics
/exoplanets/how to search for exoplanets.html that gives three ways. They are noted
as radial velocity (already stated); transit photometry (having to do with the brightness
or lack thereof of a star when another planet passes between it and the Earth(How to
Search for Exoplanets)), and Microlensing (stated as the only real method that is
capable of discovering other planets at huge distances from Earth (How to Search for
Exoplanets)). It further notes that while radial velocity can identify them within 100
light years, transit photometry can identify them more than 100 light years (100 s in
fact), and transit photometry can find those that are thousands of light years away. I
need to understand... Show more content on ...
Basically, to be an Earth like planet and sustain life a planet would need the same
properties similar in mass, density, rotational method, gravity, and atmosphere as the
Earth. I suppose another planet could have some of Earth s same properties but if it
weren t close enough to a source of heat like the Sun is to Earth, life couldn t exist
Bring Back Flogging
Bring Back Flogging This essay by Jeff Jacoby illustrates an authors use of ironic
sarcasm otherwise known as satire to defend and illustrate his platform on his
position. Jacoby uses in this essay verbal irony (persuasion in the form of ridicule).
In the irony of this sort there is a contrast between what is said and what is meant.
Jacoby s claim in simple is he believes that flogging should be brought back to replace
the more standard conventional method of the imprisonment of violent and non
violent offenders. His grounds for the revival of flogging stems back to his initial
mention of the Puritan punishmentsystem. He cites how in 1632 Richard Hopkins
was Flogged and branded for selling guns and weapons to the Indians,... Show more
content on ...
All this holds true assuming that public flogging serves it supposed purpose, and the
terrible risks of prison are a confirmed reality. When Jacoby in paragraph three states
that today we are more enlightened than our puritan forefathers where they used
flogging we lock wrongdoers up in cages , he is portraying a method of verbal irony
(sarcasm). He continues his sarcastic voice when he lists a criminal act and states
that each punishment seems to be incarceration. His satire of the modern day justice
system is even more noticeable when he claims that prison is the all purpose, all in
one punishment. His final statement of the essay that perhaps the puritans where
more enlightened than we thought contradicts one of his initial statements
concluding that we are more enlightened that the puritans how we cage wrongdoers
confirms his satire or verbal irony in his essay. The question arises toward Jacoby s
first reason for flogging. Jacoby s case for the overpopulation and development of
new institutions doesn t find favor in my eyes. Yes, the tax paying American is
paying for the prison system, but he also pays to employ many of the correction
officers along with the contractors who build and restore many of the institutions.
Thus the
Social Conflict In The Turn Of The Screw By Henry James
Henry James array of characters helps to tie the reality of social conflict into this
fictional horror story. His characters each have various economic backgrounds and
interact differently with each other. This diversity brings these social conflicts to
light and helps readers understand the root of these conflicts. In The Turn of the
Screw, Henry James uses characterization and conflict to reveal the horrors of social
classin American society.
James novella centers around a young governess who is in charge of watching her
employer s kids. The governess social standing and desire to keep her job reveal
the instability of jobs for women in this era. Her employer, the uncle of Miles and
Flora, is a typical wealthy landowner who has his own town residence...but it [is] to
his country home that the governess is sent to work (James 149). It is important to
note that it is perhaps the governess first job (Pouquette 257) and that she is still
young and inexperienced (Chase 261). During the 1850 s, middle class women
were expected to fulfill their traditional role of bearing and raising children and that
for unmarried women, serving in someone else s home was also acceptable ( The
Turn of the Screw 255). The social difference between the governess and her
employer and the lack of communication between the two seems to add to her desire
to maintain a good relationship with him. The employer has one rule of not being
bothered with what goes on in the house and when the
Queen Elizabeth 1 Essay
Carson Moriarty
Mr. Brant
Honors History 7
16 December 2014
Queen Elizabeth I: One of the Greatest Monarchs in English History There have been
many influential monarchs in English history, but one that stands out is Queen
Elizabeth I. Throughout her legendary reign, Queen Elizabeth managed to have a
positive effect on England s political and cultural state during this time. Her reign
featured many political accomplishments, but the one that stands out the most is the
defeat of the Spanish Armada. Considered as one of her finest hours, the defeat of
the Spanish Armada has gone down in history as one of the greatest English
victories at sea. Queen Elizabeth s decisions played a positive role in the economic
development in England. Not only did she obtain a positive political impact, but also
an impressive cultural impact in English history. Her decisions ... Show more content
on ...
Queen Elizabeth recognized the importance of the arts to the life and legacy of her
nation. Very fond of plays, Queen Elizabeth permitted professional theaters to be
built in England for the first time. These new and improved theaters attracted 15,000
theatergoers per week in London. (Arts). In addition to Shakespeare s masterpieces
of the stage like Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth, Sir Philip Sidney s Defence of Poesie
was written during this golden age in the literary arts (Arts). Queen Elizabeth
managed to capture the imagination of influential poets such as Edmund Spenser and
Sir Walter Ralegh (Moose). The Shakespearean sonnet, Spenserian stanza, and
dramatic blank verse also came into practice during the period. Queen Elizabeth s
appreciation for theatre led to the introduction of many new theatres and famous
playwrights that promoted English culture (Arts). In conclusion, Queen Elizabeth s
role in the English Renaissance confirms that her reign resulted in a positive impact
on English
Pipeline Failures Are Caused By Undetected Corrosion Of...
The majority of pipeline failures are caused by undetected corrosion of the pipe
(1). A real time corrosion detection technique that does not require access to the
entire pipeline would allow for maintenance and repairs to be done before a failure
occurs, saving time and money, reducing or negating environmental damage, and
easing political pressure and social stigma on pipelines. Pipeline failures can relate
to each aspect of the STEEP model. When a pipeline fails, it effects the
surrounding environment by leaking hazardous gas and hydrocarbons into the
ecosystem. In addition to the environmental affects, the economical effects are
drastic. Between 2002 and 2009, pipeline companies spent over $600,000,000 on
pipeline failures (1). Social and political stances on pipelines are very crucial right
now, as pipelines have a stigma in the media because of the damage and loss of life
failures cause. If we can reduce or negate these failures, social and political support
for pipelines should grow, enabling more pipelines to be built across the world. From
my research, I have not found any corrosion detection techniques out there that do
what I am proposing. A real time corrosion detection technique would allow
companies to detect corrosion in underground/underwater piping systems without
having to excavate, or dive and inspect them. A wireless technology that can be
introduced to a piping system capable of detecting corrosion or a corrosive
The War Of The Wall By Toni Cade Bambara
The War of the Wall
As the lady painted the wind swished. The War of the Wall is about not being rude
to a person just because he or she is doing something that you honestly dislike. The
War of the Wall by Toni Cade Bambara is a short story that shows not to judge a
book by its cover through the boys first reaction to the painter.
The war of the wall is about not being gang like style, And that ll tell you
something that this wall belongs to the kids of taliaferro street . I believe that we
people should not be gang style. I also think that we need to be less gang style
because the people that want to be gang style are not more or less then other people.
We couldn t find any spray paint anywhere . I think that when the boys said they
could not find spray paint anywhere means that they needed spray paint to tag on the
The War of the wall is about not judging others. We should not judge others because
we don t know them and you can t judge if you don t know them. The boys in the
story should have just said hey what are you painting there ?. Instead of being nice
to the lady painter they were very rude. The boys said Who did that lady think think
she was coming into our neighborhood and taking over our wall . ... Show more
content on ...
So we flat out told the lady painter lady to quit messing with the wall said the boys.
So the boys were judging the lady because they did not know what she was going
to do on the wall. Also they should have just asked her what she was going to do
instead of going straight to judging her. It was our wall, and she had no right
coming into our neighborhood painting on it the boys said. I think that they were
being selfish because they don t own a wall just because they like and want the wall.
Also the lady painter just wanted to paint she did not want to make any sort of
trouble with the
How Did The African American Civil War Unavoidable
In the history of the United States, African Americans have always been
discriminated against. When Africans first came to America, they were taken
against their will and forced to work as laborers. They became slaves to the rich,
greedy, lazy Americans. They were given no pay and often badly whipped and
beaten. African Americans fought for their freedom, and up until the Civil War it was
never given to them. When the Civil War began, they wanted to take part in fighting
to free all slaves. Their opportunity to be soldiers and fight along side white men
equally did not come easily, but eventually African Americans proved themselves able
to withstand the heat of battle and fight as true American heroes. Ever since the
beginning of America there have been consequential events that led to the American
Civil War. Throughout history, there has been much controversy over whether this
war was or was not unavoidable. Upon looking back into the chronicles of history
and the longtime conflict between the North and the South, one can see that the
American Civil War was undeniably inevitable. And in a time when black people
were supposed to be quiet, submissive and not involved or interested in politics, and
the epidemic of racial prejudice was heavy in the North as well as the South,
Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and Frederick Douglass, and many more, dared to
speak out. The road to freedom from slaverywas long and hard for the African
Americans. With the war just beginning
Essay on Student Athletes Should Not Be Paid
Student Athletes Should Not Be Paid In the world of college athletics there are
endless topics discussed daily and most pertain to money. An issue that falls under
this category includes the heated debate involving whether or not student athletes
should receive money. Many people say student athletes should receive compensation
according to their specific needs because they spend so much time earning their
scholarship and have no time to work. On the other hand, the stronger argument is
student athletes should not be able to acquire additional funds in order to help aid
them through college. An athlete knows what he or she is involving themselves in
before any money issue is even brought up. Signing a letter of intent shows that...
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Actions towards paying athletes are being taken and according to the TCU Daily
Skiff, There s a legislation being passed around in the Big 12 states to provide
athletes with an extra stipend in addition to their all expenses paid education. The
idea is that these students are producing truckloads of revenue for the university
and should see some of the fruits of their labor. (Jennings, par. 2) Because athletes
aren t paid for producing such money, supporters feel some of the money made
should go towards helping with extra expenses. An average student athlete has to
pay for phone bills, transportation, entertainment, laundry, toiletries and other
things. While the typical college student has the opportunity to work, athletes don
t. Some students in college receive academic full ride scholarships, which are the
same as athletic full rides, but they have time to earn extra money on the side. If
these students are receiving a full ride scholarship and have the opportunity to
work then an athlete should be paid a compensation for his or her efforts on the
playing field. On the contrary, there is a reason the NCAA has not passed a law
saying athletes should be paid and numerous reasons support this view. In fact
according to NCAA rules, Section 2, Title V reads, It is a violation of the NCAA
rules for athletes to accept money or gifts while intending to remain eligible. (Way,
par. 16) There is a reason for this law and why it has not changed. Individuals
Critical Case Study Of Sophie Treadwell s Machinal
Critical Case Study
Machinal is a piece of expressionistic theatre (Reesman, 1997) that was written by
American journalist Sophie Treadwell, in 1928. Machinal is based on the life of
convicted murderer Ruth Snyder who was executed in January 1928 for the murder
of her husband, which is similar to what happens to the character of Young Womanas
the piece progresses. Machinal follows a young woman who lives with her mother
who marries her boss. The young woman has a baby with her husband, and then
she has an affair with another man. The young woman then murders her husband
and is executed after she is convicted of the murder. Machinal was first performed
on Broadway in 1928 at the Plymouth Theatre with the cast including Clark Gable.
The production was a success and it ran for 91 performances. However, in 1931 the
production ran in London and it received mixed reviews. The different opinions
were formed due to the violent and sexual themes that featured within the piece. The
greatest success came from Russia at Moscow s Kamerny Theatre. Treadwell
worked as a court reporter first for the San Francisco Bulletin and the New York
Herald Tribune.
Treadwell worked as a reporter first for the San Francisco Bulletin and for the New
York Herald Tribune (Reesman, 1997)
A theme that surround s Treadwell s Machinal is feminism. Feminism is The
advocacy of women s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. (http:/
Dada Surrealism Essay
Dada Surrealism
What elements of dada and surrealism suggest the influence of Freud? The 20th
Century marked a changed in how people viewed the known world. Since its
beginning art has played a major role in how people were able to express
themselves. The early 20th century brought rise to new and exciting art forms.
These were types of writings, paintings and, documentaries that no one had ever
seen before. From expressionism to Dadaism types of work ranged by all means of
the artist. About the 1920 s a new wave of art would soon be seen worlds over. This
art form introduced psychology in a new way to look at the conscious and
subconscious minds. From the beginning Dadaism and surrealism showed true signs
of influence from ... Show more content on ...
Each artist of the Dada era had a new way of expressing Freud?s ideas. They also
felt that art was a powerful means of self revelation, and that the images came from
ones subconscious mind had a truth of its own. As Marcel Duchamp mocked the
Mona Lisa by drawing a Padilla 3 mustache on her, stated that the painting was a
lewd message set by the conventional way of thinking. Since the Dada artist did not
believe in western culture this made sense, because people only want believe what
is told to them, instead of what is true. The Dada movement marked a meeting of
people to have ?noise concerts? where they recited poems in a free association
verse. In these poetry readings the artist perceived how they felt about the world.
As World War I began the Dadaist perceived it as a world gone mad. Not only did
they express their work in unconventional ways; they used the subconscious as a
way of making their views true. Although the Dada era was short lived it
influenced and questioned the traditional concepts of the western world. These
techniques set an agenda for a new trial by error art form of this same era. The
spirit of Freud in the Dadaist era never really died, it is shown today as ?Pop art? or
sometimes known as neo Dada art forms. Also this revolution of thinking and art
paved the way for the Surrealist movement. The Surrealist movement of the 1920?s
through 1930?s captivated the world with its bizarre way of thinking. Just as the
Dadaist used
Understanding The New Kingdom Of Egypt
Understanding the New Kingdom of Egypt
Perhaps no other culture has intrigued the human imagination as that of ancient
Egypt. From the Ancient Greeks, who treated Egypt with venerable respect, to
Alexander the Great, and Napoleon, who felt it was imperative to go there, few
other cultures have represented so much of universal value to all humans. The
purpose of this paper is to present a brief survey of the ancient New Kingdom of
Egypt. An emphasis on scholarly views will focus on culture, agriculture, Nubian
Pharaohs, religion, and war. Of particular interest is the manner in which this
historical knowledge is repeatedly made relevant in today s world.
Spanning approximately 1550 to 1070 BCE, the New Kingdom of Egypt represents
a golden age, one which was almost the opposite of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt in
terms of its accomplishments. Some of the most prestigious names of ancient Egypt
come from this period, such as Hatsetshup, the female pharaoh, Thutmose III, Ramses
II, the last warrior pharaoh of the New Kingdom, King Akhenaten, the sun
worshipper, his beloved wife Nefertiti, and Tutankhamun, the much celebrated boy
There is no probable way to estimate the amount of highly valued art and artifacts that
have been discovered and taken out of Egypt. Whether by contract, government
arrangement or smuggling, the allure of Egyptian art and culture has mesmerized
every other culture that beheld it. Only the size of the pyramids themselves, or the
New Kingdom
Stand by Me
An important relationship between characters in the film Stand by me Directed by
Rob Reiner is the relationship between two characters, Chris Chambers and Gordie
LaChance. We gain an understanding of this relationship through the use of
dialogue, different camera shots, music and the parallel between Teddy and Vern.
Stand by me gives us the story, narrated by adult Gordie, about a particular Journey
involving four childhood friends, Teddy, Vern and Chris that happened in the
summer of 1959 and that his outlook on life forever. An important aspect of the
important relationship between Chris and Gordie is the strength of their friendship.
This is shown in the incident of Gordie s cap being stolen by Ace and Eyeball. Chris
sticks up for... Show more content on ...
And the symbolism of the song Stand by me helped us understand the strong bond
between these two
Case Study Of A Private Card Business
This paper is about a private card business HowRu and its subsidiary. Of course as
all card companies business is seasonal and the best time is holiday season. This
paper will discuss steps the company can take to diversify its portfolio. Next the
definition of diversification and its necessity in risk management will be given.
Then there will be five steps listed to diversify the card business. Each step will be
discussed in detail. Last at least six suggestions will be given to know where and
how funds can be allocated for new investments. HowRu a card business and its
subsidiary has a 14% share in the greeting card business. Everyone knows the best
time is holiday season in this industry. So this company needs to diversify its
portfolio in order to generate income to make up for the slow times. How can this
company diversify and what ways can they find funds to allocate to new
Investments. As I was coming up I was always told you have to budget your
money don t spend it all in one place. Well investing is kind of like that, you do not
want to invest all you have in one thing. Diversification is exactly that investing in
several funds, stocks, or securities so you have less risk. Every ones risk tolerance
is different and all is willing to take a different amount of risk ( Asset Page, n.d.) For
a successful business no matter what their risk tolerance is diversification is needed.
This process allows for the investments to be spread to multiple bonds
The Securities And Exchange Commission s Rationale For...
This paper will address the Securities and Exchange Commission s rationale for
charging Cardillo executives with the violations outlined in the case study and
identify who was in violation or compliance with the AICPA s Code of Professional
Conduct and the reasons they were or were not complying. This paper will also
analyze the actions taken by Cardillo s outside auditors, evaluate the level of
efficiency of the auditriskmanagement, determine whether or not the five
components of internal controls were being properly followed and argue for or
against whether auditors have a responsibility to assess the judgment of the
decisions made by Cardillo s management. Cardillo Travel Systems, Inc. was
acquired in 1956 by Arnold Walter Rognlien who at the time was an established
auto parts salesman. The company quickly became the fourth largest company in
the travel agency industry and the first to be listed on a national stock exchange
(Rittenberg, Johnstone, Gramling Knapp, 2012). In 1986, the company experienced
financial hardship due to liquidation problems and a civil lawsuit requiring them to
pay $685,000. To make matters worse that same year the company was at the center
of a financial reporting scandal when the SEC investigated claims that it received a
payment from United Airlines for $203,000 and did not disclose the specifics of the
transaction to auditors, shareholders or the public. The SEC filed a complaint in 1987
with the Los Angeles Federal Court citing
Chesapeake Bay Persuasive Essay
With a decrease in algae population, the grasses of the bay will be fed on by
zooplankton, oysters, and fish. Without the algae, there would be a huge decrease in
Bay grasses. This happens because Zooplankton, oysters, and fish will no longer eat
the algae, they would resort to the Bay grasses. The effects then go onto the plants
and animals living here. (Science Daily) Since the algaepopulation decreases, so does
the algae bloom, which sink to the bottom and decompose to create oxygenmany
underwater animals need. Some blooms also produce toxins, which can harm or kill
the fish, harm animals that drink the water, and cause problems for humans as well.
With a decrease in algae blooms, plants and animals would no longer have a steady
population. They would end up... Show more content on ...
Citizens are also asked to keep a watchful eye out for possible HABs are urged to
report suspected HABs to their respective state environmental agency. (Chesapeake
Bay Programs) (Article 1)
Lastly, I will explain the dead zone of the chesapeake Bay. Excessive Nitrogen and
Phosphrous pollution from human activities cause Dead Zones , which are areas
with low amounts of oxygen. With little or no oxygen, fish, crabs, oysters, and other
aquatic animals literally suffocate. Further excess in nutrients also fuels the growth
of dense algae blooms that block sunlight that underwater grasses need to grow in
order to continue providing food for waterfowl and shelter for blue crabs and
juvenile fish. (Chesapeake Bay Foundation) (Dead Zones)
When there are excessive loads of Nitrogen and Phosphorous in the water, Alage can
bloom to harmful levels, changing water color, and eventually stripping dissolved
oxygen from the water when they die, fall to the bottom, and decay. This dissolved
oxygen is critical to the health of the Chesapeake Bay s critters and
Cultural Differences Between The Archadian And The
Creolisation is the process of intermixing and cultural change that produces a creole
society. It is a process of absorption of one culture by another. (Hawkes, 1999, p. 89)
Creolisation has had a history in several countries in the World due to mixing and
migration. This has resulted in creolisation of cultureand food. Two such examples are
the Arcadians (or Cajuns) and the Peranakan.
The Arcadians originated from France. In March 1604, a group of Arcadians founded
Quebec City in Canada to establish settlements that would later influence local
culture. (Jones Ells, 2009. P. 194) Political and economical reasons also drove the
Arcadians to move to Louisiana, often as slaves or exiles. The Arcadians often moved
between France and Louisiana during times of changing politics and laws. The
Arcadians held onto their cultural practices to preserve their culture, with them they
brought their food and cooking styles along with them. Cajun culture would later hit
mainstream popularity through food.
A fine example is Chef Paul ... Show more content on ...
The first Chinese traders (the Hokkien) came from the Fujian Provence in China, and
married non Muslim Malay women in Indonesia and Malaysia. The culture was also
brought over to Singapore through migration. Thus, migration of the Peranakans
between the three countries resulted in having similar cultures between the three
countries. (Lim, 2009, pp. 3 4) The similarity in the culture resonates in the food
dishes where only a few ingredients differed due to the natural growing crops of the
In conclusion, Creolisation , the mixing of cultures, has influenced the foods of these
creole cultures. Migration has also resulted in the spread and standardization of the
culture between certain countries and regions. Internationalisation and globalization
have also popularized the cuisine through fascination of people from other cultures.
Bertrand Russell on Analytical Philsophy Essay example
The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth
stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it
Bertrand Russell, The Philosophy of Logical Atomism.
Bertrand Russell was born in 1872 in Wales, England as a member of a famous
British family. He received a degree from Trinity Cambridge College with honors in
Mathematics and Moral Sciences. His most famous works included the subjects of
logic and philosophy, which were deeply rooted in his mathematics background. In
fact, Russell is probably the most highly regarded and most read English speaking
philosopher of our time. Russell was not merely an intellectual, but also a political
and social activist, writing many ... Show more content on ...
The Analysis of the Mind written in 1921 show the connections between Russell s
views on the nature of the mind and how matter is altered in relation to it. Russell s
key themes seem to be that of physical vs. psychological. In fact, Russell expands on
the ideas that there is in fact no difference between the two and the only key
difference is the perception given by the person trying to distinguish between the two.
Russell sees the difference between physics and psychology only in the laws that
bind them, or so he states in the opening while it seems this theory will be altered
throughout his books.
Consciousness is logically fundamental. Without it, how can there be anything
observed or even thought about? We need consciousness to experience anything,
including but not limited to, sensations and images, memories, beliefs, and desires .
Consciousness is, in essence, the most important aspect of the mental state, but
Russell does not agree, and says so in the following passage; `Sensation, in the strict
sense of the term, demands the existence of consciousness. This statement, at first
sight, is one to which we feel inclined to assent, but I believe we are mistaken if we
do so. Russell actually holds to the idea that while consciousness is important, it is
not necessary. Russell states that he believes we are not always aware of things that
happen, and therefore consciousness is
Essay on Motet Development
The motet was one of the most important forms of polyphonic music from 1250 to
1750. The Italian mottetto was originally a profane polyphonic species of music, the
air, or melody, being in the Tenor clef, taking the then acknowledged place of the
canto fermo or plainchant, theme. It originated in the 13th century resulting from the
practice of PГ©rotin and his contemporaries in Paris. The term motetcan be translated
as the word of movement . Sometimes two upper voices had different words. In the
beginning, Latin texts involving topics of the Virgin Mary were used. Later, French
secular pieces became common due to the fact that the motet terminated its
connection with church and liturgy. Between the years 1390 and 1435, Dunstable...
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Artists used a variety of newer principles and techniques, utilizing mostly Marian
texts and combining vocal and instrumental pairs of voices. For three part song
motets, Guillaume Dufay utilized a treble dominated texture derived from the
chanson which is a lyrical composition of French words. More specifically, it is a
French polyphonic song of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Johannes Brasart,
a Walloon like Dufay, whose name appears among the pontifical singers in 1431,
composed motets, including a four part Fortis cum quevis actio and a critically
acclaimed Ave Maria . The next generation of composers included Johannes
Ockeghem and Antoine Busnois. Okeghem was a priest, and was principal chaplain
to Charles VII of France and, to Louis XI, canon and treasurer of St. Martins at
Toursbeing. His motet, Alma Redemptoris , displays much contrapuntal ingenuity,
and he also wrote a motet for thirty six voices, probably performed by six choirs of
six voices each. Binchois, a native of Flanders left some three part motets. They
include Beata Dei Genitrix , but the treatment of his works today is strictly
referential, and some say that his works cannot at all be compared to the works of
Dunstable Power or Dufay. He died in 1460. Like Dufay, he was a priest and canon
of Mons. The motet built on a tenor cantus firmus became important to
The Significance Of African-Americans In Film
When a person reaches that point where life has drugged them through the mud
merely for the color of their skin, will shelter these feelings and allow them to
manifest at a point, as with the case with Victor. Why was it so important for the
POC in the film to be understood by white men in the group? Briefly discuss any
experiences you have had which would confirm or contend with this felt need.
People of color, specifically African Americans, need to be understood. This is the
only group in the room that does not have an identity. When looking at the group,
each man could relate to their original culture, for example, Lee Mun Wah and David
Lee are Chinese descent, Yutaka (Japanese), Hugh (Mexican/Irish) and Roberto
(Mexican/Latino/Chicano), Gordon (European/German), and David C. (England
/Denmark). The only two that had no area to call their own, but America, was Victor
and Loren both African American, and neither are from Africa. The term African
American was introduced to keep from being called Negro, Colored, or simply Black.
... Show more content on ...
I have been to various countries around the world, and the only place that is home in
America. Not to be accepted in the place you hold dear can lead to frustration and
even anger. POC, in the film, wanted to express that sentiment to the white men in the
group. What do you think was the turning point for the entire
Why Hazing Should Be Allowed In College
College life brings many thoughts to mindВ…friendships, football , pizza, late
nights, parties, fraternities, sororities, as well as racial discrimination, binge drinking,
hazing and dying. The latter part of this list may not come naturally to most people,
but they are frightening realities of the Greek system. Parents send their children to
college assuming they will be in a safe, educational environment while enjoying all
the benefits campus life has to offer, including fraternities and sororities. They do not
expect a phone call in the early hours of the morning notifying them of their child s
death. Since March of 2000, over 60 people have died in events associated with
fraternities, alcohol and/or hazing (Marklein p. A3).... Show more content on ...
A national survey of college students by Harvard researchers found that nearly half
of males and more than a third of females engage in binge drinking. Among Greek
students the numbers skyrocket: 86% of fraternity members and 80% of sorority
members living in chapter houses are likely to engage in binge drinking (Marklein).
The frequent focus fraternities and sororities place on alcohol encourages excessive
consumption, unfortunately causing the development of alcoholism and incidents of
alcohol poisoning. The term hazing is defined as any conduct or method of initiation
into any student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully
or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person
(UMass). Whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the weather,
forced consumption of food, liquor, beverages, , brutal treatment, extended isolation,
sleep deprivation, and forced physical activities that adversely affect physical health
and safety are just some known acts of hazing that Greek members may force their
brothers and sisters to undergo. Imagine getting an update from your college student.
Your freshman son calls home, reporting he has just made the lacrosse team and is
excited to receive his fraternity pin the next day. The following morning the phone
rings, but it is not your beloved child. A policeman calls to inform you that your son
had just died of
Reasons For Motivation
Prompt: The Doctoral Program is interested in your reasons for pursuing doctoral
studies. Please describe them in an essay ranging from 500 700 words. Include the
major field area to which you are applying (Accounting; Decision, Risk and
Operations; Finance and Economics; Management; or Marketing).
My journey pursuing a PhD in finance and economics has hardly been
straightforward: Although I started my undergraduate education as a film major, I
quickly came to appreciate the analytical rigor found within the discipline. While a
film major focuses on artistic storytelling, I developed a preference for the stories you
can tell through a study of economics. While both are undoubtedly creative, my
interest pivoted to this education in ... Show more content on ...
My curiosity drives me in the classroom as well. Not only have I demonstrated
success by graduating with both departmental and school wide honors studying
economics, but I also supplemented this education with substantive mathematical
coursework through Real Analysis and Differential Equations. Despite the obvious
dichotomy between math and the original film major, I have been most successful
in my math classes, exhibiting a perfect record despite the rigor. However, the real
rewards from these courses are illustrated by my comfort and mastery economic
topics that four years ago would have challenged me.
By maturing as both an academic and researcher, I am now able to tackle more
intricate topics and teach them to others. While at Claremont McKenna College, I
wrote an honors economics thesis using Regression Discontinuity Design to analyze
incumbency advantage in State Legislatures around the United States. Additionally, I
taught fellow student both at the beginning of their economic careers as a recitation
lecturer at in a 50 person economics lecture, and at the end, by tutoring seniors in
STATA and Econometrics during their theses. Ultimately, I am interested in the
finance and economics because I am primarily interested in the relationship between
an economy and its people. The advantage of this program against that of a purely
traditional economics degree is that it incorporates the financial sector that pervades
through every industry. I learned this first
Research Paper On Love Canal
Luidigine Saladin Miss jacobus Biology 9th 26 january 2017 Love Canal A
beautiful city, Niagara Falls in the state of New York, ruined by irresponsible
decisions of the city of Niagara Falls and The so called Hooker Chemical
Company . Families suffered and died from several of diseases caused by toxic
waste that was place underground near homes and schools. Love canal caused
millions in damages. During 1978,in Niagara Falls a horrible tragedy happened.
What had occurred was love canal. Love canal is a toxic leaking dump with over
20,000 tons of chemical waste. Love canal causes population s health effects,toxic
chemical waste,and humans disasters. (Department of health) Firstly, it is important
to understand how the love canal was caused... Show more content on
In conclusion,the love canal will be forever remembered as A horrific toxic leak
which many people died from. The love canal seemed like any other neighborhood,
the only thing that distinguish that particular zone was how Вѕ of the people that
lived there have gotten ill. In addition if the superfund wasn t created then their
would of been a bigger crisis that would occur due to the leaking toxics. The
amount of people dying would of increases more and the diseases would of been a
bigger effect . Work site Environmental Health. Jama 280.14 (1998): 1276. Web.
Worthley, J. A., and R. Torkelson. Managing the Toxic Waste Problem: Lessons from
the Love Canal. Administration Society 13.2 (1981): 145 60. Web. Department of
Health. Love Canal. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2017. Lessons from Love Canal: Toxic
Expertise and Environmental Justice. OpenDemocracy. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2017.
Department of Health. Love Canal: A Special Report to the Governor Legislature.
N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
Bipolar Disorder ( Disorder )
Bipolar disorder, manic episode, is represented by persistently elevated or irritable
mood and abnormal and persistent increase of goal directed activity or energy that
lasts more than a week (DSM 5). Most of the time, the client presents with inflated
self esteem and grandiosity (DSM 5). In addition, only three hours of sleep may be
enough for the patient to feel rested because he/she has a drecreased need for sleep
(Tracy, 2012). Usually, the person presents with a pressure to talk without taking
any break and is seen more talkative than he/she frequently is (DSM 5). Another
symptom presented in the bipolar disorder, manic episode is flight of ideas or
subjective experience (DSM 5). The patient may also loose attention for any... Show
more content on ...
Even though most of the patients fully return to a functional level between the crises,
approximately 30% of them report having severe difficulties in their work role
function (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). When the patient has acute mania, Haloperidol is
the most used medication for its properties of rapid sedation (Goodwin Jamison,
2007). Another medication that is used is IM olanzapine to calm acute manic
agitation (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). When the patient has extreme hyperactivity,
typical antipsychotics are used to relieve symtoms of dehydration and
cardiovascular stress (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). Lithium is a very common
medication given to a patient with manic episodes (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). One
important aspect to take into account with Lithium is that the dose should be
administered downward as the mania starts to diminish to keep the blood level in
a reasonable range (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). Bipolar disorser can be severe and
long term, or it can be mild with frequent episodes (Simon, 2013). Patients with
bipolar disorder frequently have higher rates of death from suicides, heart problems
than the rest of the population (Simon, 2013). On the other hand, a patient that
receives treatment has a greater chance of survival (Simon, 2013). Based on the
possible causes of bipolar disorders, which are thought to be a biological disorder
Hamlet and Play Essay
Hamlet Essay The act of revenge never fails to accomplish Shakespeare s goal of
keeping the audience in their seats. Hamlet, William Shakespeare s most well
written play carries the theme of revenge or redemption throughout the play.
Redemption is defined to be as the desire to undo an injury or a wrongdoing. Many
characters felt that they needed to redeem themselves however in doing so, they
ended up facing death. For some characters, revenge had sprouted from their urges
to redeem themselves. Revenge is defined as the desire to repay an individual for
their injury or wrongdoing. A famous American novelist, John Irving has mentioned
in work The World According to Garp, that it is a life redeeming work in which
everybody dies. Hamlet,... Show more content on ...
(5.1.252 258)
Hamlet realizes how much he actually loved Ophelia and he shows that he will be
willing to do anything to redeem himself for the way he acted towards Ophelia
before. During the scene at the churchyard, Laertes and Hamlet get into an
altercation in Ophelia s grave however, Hamlet after feels very sorry for his actions
towards Laertes (5.2.80). By the end of the play, Hamlet gives a formal apology to
Laertes, which he accepts. This signifies that as the play progress and as Hamlet
makes mistakes, he attempts redeem himself in the way he was acting crazy.
Hamlet wanted to come back to his usual self but at the same time he still wanted
seek his revenge against his father. By the end of the play, Claudius does die and
Hamlet fulfills his goal of seeking redemption just before his death. Laertes is an
explosive and hotheaded character who got angry when he found out from
Claudius that it was Hamlet who killed his father, Polonius. Claudius plans out a
devious plan for Laertes to kill Hamlet during fencing. Claudius shows his true
character when he encourages Laertes to choose a sharp sword and to [r]equite
[Hamlet] for [his] father (4.7.136). However, by the end of the play Laertes realizes
that by going against Hamlet, he is doing a wrong thing. Even after betraying
Hamlet, Laertes redeems himself by exposing that the king is at fault for events that
took place. He finally asks for Hamlet s forgiveness,
Business Acumen
My current manager has got to be the most applicable reference to business acumen
that I can think of. I have worked for the Federal Government for 4 years now, and
have worked for my current boss for 2 of those years. Her name is Cindy and she is
without a doubt the best boss I have ever had. Throughout my time here, Cindy has
taught me the ins and outs of supply chain, product management, and so much more.
Although she is incredibly efficient at her job and the tasking it entails, I have
found that it is not her true passion. Cindy loves to help people. She has made it her
mission in life to make sure nobody on our team ever feels lost of like they don t
have anyone fighting for them, and she has shown many times how much she truly...
Show more content on ...
As stated by Drucker in this week s reading couldn t predict the environment of
the future. However, what you could do is create the future (Cohen, 2008).
Throughout my years here, I have seen the forward thinking mentality of Cindy.
She is truly a woman beyond her years. She has spent the last 20 years creating a
name for herself in this organization and it has certainly not gone unnoticed. I have
witnessed the creation of new programs used to support the fleet, and even Cindy s
hands on approach to problem solving at the root of the issue, as opposed to waiting
until the issue hit her desk. This is another aspect of business acumen that I believe
Cindy truly possessed; the ability to handle decisions so that the future brings
good outcomes. I could never ask for a better working environment or a better,
more knowledgeable boss. I have observed these skills and will apply them to my
career one day. I hope to be a manager that people enjoy working for, but also trust
to make the right decisions for all parties involved. I believe I have learned those
traits from Cindy in my very short, but very informative time here.
Cohen, W. A. (2008) A Class with Drucker, The Lost Lessons of the World s Greatest
Management Teacher
Reilly, R., amp; Reilly, G. (n.d.). What It Is, Why It s Important and How to Get It.
Building Business Acumen. Retrieved July 27, 2012, from
Irish Brigade Research Paper
At the start of the Civil War, many Irish immigrants traveled to America to seek a
new life or escape their old ones in a poverty stricken Ireland. One of the most well
known and fiercest brigades made up of Irish immigrants during the Civil War was
the Irish Brigade. Consisting of the 69th, 88th, 63rd New York, 116th Pennsylvania,
and 28th Massachusetts Regiments, the brigade was so fierce and strong willed, that
they led the charge in many battles, suffering high amounts of casualties in every
The Irish Brigade leader, Commander Thomas Francis Meagher, was born in
Waterford, Ireland, and was active in the Young Ireland nationalist movement. As a
result, he was exiled and imprisoned on Tasmania, Australia in 1849. In 1853, he
escaped ... Show more content on ...
Born in Waterford, Ireland, he came to America in 1861 and served with Meagher
s Zouaves (the 69th New York regiment) as a private, and fought in the First Battle
of Bull run with that regiment. When he returned to New York, he raised his own
88th New York Regiment in fall of 1861 and became Captain of the 88th New York
regiment. His regiment joined Captain Thomas Meagher s Irish Brigade, along
with Meagher s 69th Regiment and a 63rd New York Regiment, but in 1862 in the
Battle of Antietam, was killed as he charged with his regiment towards the enemy
on Bloody Lane. Clooney was well known in his town of Waterford, for he fought
with the Battalion of St Patrick s in the Papal war of 1860 in Ireland, and when the
town heard of his death in the Civil War, they built a monument for him near where
he was
Pirelli Company Report
The main purpose of this business report is to illustrate the current condition of
Pirelli Company. This report contains parts namely introduction, general description
of the company with its history, profile in the market, current value and future plans,
SWOT analysis on the global market where strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats are provided, market analysis on the home market and companies
performance in the last five years where the company is analyzed by porter s five
forces and finally, the conclusion where is provided the summary of the whole report.
All information is taken from up to date annual report of the company, other
academic sources and recognized news sites.
2.Company profile
Pirelli Co. ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, its properties are sold in 160 countries. Pirelli s market share in Europe
and South America is more than other competitors and it makes them
Pirelli s expenses on Research and Development increased from 150 million USD in
2010 to 206 million USD in 2014 (annual report, 2014), which helps to create new
innovations in the future.
Currently, Pirelli is a sole tyre supplier for Formula1 races (SkySports, 2015). Taking
into consideration the fact, that F1 has 750 million spectators through the world
3.2.Weaknesses: In 2014 Michelin became the official tyre supplier for Grand Prix
motorcycle races (MotoGP, 2014), hence Pirelli s market shares dropped in this
segment. Moreover Michelin and Bridgestone hs
Pirelli has lower market share in Asia with developing economy and North America
where can be sold huge amount of premium tyres. Moreover, company pays lower
attention to the motorbike sector.
Carl Roger Transcript
Transcripts of Carl Rogers Therapy Sessions Edited by Barbara T. Brodley and
Germain Lietaer Volume 12 YearPage Gloria Filmed Interview19652 Sylvia 4th
Interview (Filmed)197521 Commentary interspersed throughout Sylvia 5th Interview
(Filmed)197539 Commentary interspersed throughout Kathy Filmed
Interview197553 Commentary67 Dione 1st Filmed Interview197768 Commentary
interspersed throughout Dione 2nd Filmed Interview1977197785 Final
Comments109 These transcripts are available for purposes of research, study and
teaching. They may not be sold. Throughout these interviews the responses of the
therapist (T) (Rogers), and the client (C)... Show more content on ...
She ll explore some of her feelings and attitudes more deeply. She is likely to
discover some hidden aspects of herself that she wasn t aware of previously.
Feeling herself prized by me, it is quite possible she ll come to prize herself more.
Feeling that some of her meanings are understood by me, then she can more
readily perhaps listen to herself, listen to what is going on within her own
experience, listen to some of the meanings she hasn t been able to catch before.
And perhaps if she senses realness in me, she ll be able to be a little more real
within herself. I suspect there will be a change in the manner of her expression, at
least this has been my experience in other instances. From being rather remote
from her experiencing, remote from what is going on within her, it s possible that
she ll move toward more immediacy of experiencing, that she will be able to sense
and explore what is going on in her in the immediate moment. From being
disapproving of herself, it is quite possible she ll move toward a greater degree of
acceptance of herself. From somewhat of a fear of relating, she may move toward
being able to relate more directly and to encounter me more directly. From construing
life in somewhat rigid black and white patterns, she may move toward more tentative
ways of construing her experience and of seeing
What Is The Theme Of The Royal Game
The Royal Game by Stefan Zweig
Zweig, an outstanding writer and a psychologist, used his accumulation of
knowledge along with his skills of observing people, in order to write his last
novella, The Royal Game. In this book, which is also called Chess , Zweig tells the
extraordinary encounter of two men that are completely different from each other:
Czentovic, a robot like man whose only occupation is playing chess, and Dr. B, who
had been forced to live in a stage of nothingness for months, started playing chess as a
result of an accident and unlike Czentovic, has gotten beyond the limits of his
imagination. While it seems like the main event in the book is the confrontation of
these two men, the author also focuses on the unusual experiences ... Show more
content on ...
B. tells his unique story to the narrator, is the day of Czentovic and Dr. B. s
encounter. With the help of his past experiences, Dr. B. gets down the world chess
champion in the first game. Czentovic offers another game, and Dr. B. accepts it
immediately. However, the second game does not go well for him this time
Czentovic s long awaitings drive him crazy. While waiting, he starts acting like
when he was in the hotel room playing against himself. He starts going up and down
the hall but not the whole hall, only the extents of his hotel room. Six steps up, six
steps down. His brain starts losing control like the old times but just at the right time,
the narrator wakes him up from his shady
Analysis Of A Passage Of India
People can agree that the colonization and the spread of the British Empire had the
barest of good moments. And those good moments are overshadowed by the
massive amounts of negativity that occurred in the wake of their rule. The way the
nations were treated is obscured by the immense sense of pride that is displayed
when thinking about a nation s people and past. This also transcended into the way
that America views and treats other nations that they are allied with or has ties with
, but I digress. In the view of the overall topic of our class being the refusal to inherit
the modern novel , I would like to point out the contradictions of character and the
motifs being displayed are both important to this scene in the essence of the... Show
more content on ...
When instances of compensation come up, Aziz is actually very practical, stating
that I want the money to educate my boys, as I explained to her. (261 2). Now we
know that Fielding is supposed to be a logical person. A logical person would see
that this is completely acceptable to educate young Indian boys. However, instead,
Fielding goes against his normal behavior and uses the emotional blackmail on
Aziz, his friend, to ensure this British woman is safe. Using Mrs. Moore s ghost,
he says nothing that he believed to be untrue, but producing something that was
probably far from the truth. (262) This is not the first time he has used the ghost of
Mrs. Moore to be cruel to his friend. During Aziz s celebration, Fielding blurted out
that she was dead in an attempt to gain the upper hand in the conversation and
because he wasn t happy with Aziz. Fielding even admits to feeling guilt over trying
to kill her image when it was the only thing that Aziz would have left. These are the
emotional responses that Fielding criticizes the Indian people have. On the other end
of the spectrum, Adela has all but stopped being a person that has any resemblance of
Adela has lost much at this point and we are to feel very conflicted with how we
feel about her in this predicament, however, this is the only moment we see her being
herself. Fielding asks her to write
How Does Anne Change In The Painted Door
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens
to him Aldous Huxley. Experiences can have a great effect on the future of people,
and can affect how that person becomes whom they are. The characters in the three
stories, all go through experiences and make choices throughout their lives that
change the way they act in the future and alter their lives in a good or bad way. In
the short story The Painted Door by Sinclair Ross, Anne the main character is very
conservative at first and does not enjoy her husband, John. Anne does not have
much caring for a dull witted fellow (Ross 226), and makes it seem like she
deserves better. As the story progresses, Anne lets go of her self control and has an
affair with Steven while John is away tending to his father.... Show more content on ...
At first he has good intentions to go out and kill the evil black knight, but as time
passes he himself starts turning into the black knight, commiting all evil, in order
to help his cause in finding the evil black knight. However one day after doing all
these dark deeds he himself is mistaken for being the evil black night and another
knight attempts to take his life. He fights back and in turn kills him... Soon after
he wonders is evil then triumphant? (Nicol 1). He comes to the realizaiton that he
himself was the black knight and was commiting all the dark evil. What one does
not simply realize is that, he was ethically chasing himself slowly turning more and
more dark as he commited worse and worse evil. However after the slaying of the
white knight, he takes time to himself and realizes that he needs to act, instead of
do. The white knight from then on, never looked for more than he could see (1), and
tried his very best to be the good white knight (1) in an effort to be the man he is, not
whom he portrayed himself to
Copernicus Essay
Nicolas Copernicus Nicolas Copernicus 1473 1543 Physics February 8, 2000
Nicolas Copernicus Nicolas Copernicus 1473 1543 Copernicus was born in Poland
in 1473, he started his education at Cracow University. There he studied mathematics
and optics. From here he went to Italy, where he was appointed as a canon in the
cathedral of Frauenburg, where he spent a comfortable academic life studding.
Copernicushad some small hobbies while at the cathedral, he painted, and frequently
translated Greek poetry into Latin. One other hobby that just wasn t small enough to
be called a hobby to most of us was astronomy. He made investigations quietly and
alone, without any help. He observed from a turreton a protective wall around a
cathedral, he also... Show more content on ...
(Field 1995) So you can see why Copernicus wasn t in any big rush to have the world
know about his theory. On one hand he would cause a Nicolas Copernicus
tramoundous stir in the church, and all the scientific community. He would ve
most likely have been fired from the comfortable church position he had for many
years, and could ve given him a bad name. If it hadn t been for George Rheticus, a
25 year old German mathematics professor Copernicus s might have never
publiched his work. (Field 1995) Rheticus stayed with Copernicus for two years, and
convinced him to release his work. His work the Copernicus s heliostatic cosmology
involved giving several distinct motions to the Earth. It was consequently considered
implausible by the vast majority of his contemporaries, and by most astronomers and
natural philosophers of succeeding generations before the middle of the seventeenth
century. Its only defenders included Johannes Kepler (1571 1630) and Galileo
Galilei (1564 1642). Strong theoretical underpinning for the Copernican theory was
provided by Newton s theory of universal gravitation (1687). (Field 1995) So
Copernicus s whole argument stated that the planets and the Earth were in orbit
around the sun, and the moon was in orbit around the Earth. This is called the The
Heliocentric System: Nicolas Copernicus In conclusion Copernicus said that the Sun
was the center of the universe, and went against all known knowledge, religion, and
teachings. He
The University Of St. Thomas Essay
University of St. Thomas
The University of St. Thomas, which is commonly called St. Thomas, is a liberal
arts Catholic college that has campuses in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota. It
was originally founded in 1885 as a seminary school and is named after the famous
medieval Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas. Today, the University of St. Thomas
has over 10,000 students, which includes approximately 6,000 undergraduate students
and 4,000 graduate students. At any time, there are at least 500 international students
from over 60 countries on campus.
The University of St. Thomas is Minnesota s largest private, non profit university
and comes with nine academic divisions. This includes the Opus College of
Business, which includes AACSB accredited Executive Education and Professional
Development programs, and the Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, which
offers master s and doctoral degrees in theology and ministry practice. There is also
the Schools of Education, Engineering and School of Social Work. The Psychology
and Counseling program is a popular degree choice among incoming students.
University of St. Thomas Accreditation Details
Since 1916, the university of has maintained accreditation through the Higher
Learning Commission (HLC).
The Doctor of Psychology program is accredited by the American Psychological
Association (APA).
University of St. Thomas Application Requirements
The University of St. Thomas offers an online application and a traditional printable
Christian Music Influence
Has one ever listened to any Christian music? Christian music is a widely popular
genre of music which is sung all over the world in many languages. Many people
listen to Christian music for entertainment, but it is mainly be used as a carrier for
praise and worship. At church, people listen to Christian music to have their mind
cleared of all troubles and have a time where they can focus on God. Christian music
also sets the right atmosphere of worship in the room, or location where one may be
listening. In dark places, it fills the air with worship. Christian music isn t just
harmony in one s ear, but it carries messages, influences people, and leads people to
God. Christian Music carries messages with deep and powerful meanings. Most
Christian... Show more content on ...
It can influence people by setting the right atmosphere. Has one ever had a time
where the room they were in was filled with music? Christian music does the same,
but only fills the room with good melody, but also fills the room with worship and
it makes everyone think about God and his beautiful work that he did for us.
Christian Music can also influence the sinful. When they listen to how God sent
his only son to die on the cross for our sins, they realize the wrong that they have
done. They will somehow repent and become a Christian. The influence that
Christian Music can make is very powerful. Lastly, Christian Music can lead the
unsaved to God. Christian music is so powerful. It is so powerful over our hearts that
is can draw us closer to God and we will be thirsty for his love and get saved for ones
sins. God always desires our lives to be filled and controlled by the power of His
Holy spirit. Christian Music also unlocks the door to ones soul. It gives us the
ability to actually listen to each word and catch the meaning of it. God unlocks that
door, so the unsaved will realize that God is their only hope in their hard times.
Christian Music can completely change a person s
Essay on Captiva Conglomerate Case Study Analysis
Major Facts:
пЃ¶System specifications not clearly defined
пЃ¶Contract wording is partial to S. O. Software
пЃ¶Spares management module is a disaster
пЃ¶Spares management module currently complicated and un useable/outdated
пЃ¶Spares management module behind schedule
пЃ¶Regional and centralized inventory management system behind schedule
пЃ¶S.O. Software depleted allotted financing
пЃ¶The system software specifications were not drafted by S.O. Software personnel
Major Problems:
пЃ¶The contract was not reviewed by appropriate personnel prior to contract award
пЃ¶The spares management module is 4 months behind schedule
пЃ¶The spares management system requirements is a hassle
пЃ¶The spares management module does not provide relevant data ... Show more
content on ...
The negotiations approach must take on the altitude of a win win situation in order to
provide the company with a incentive to re negotiation.
Alternate Solution: T4C, Termination of Contract
пЃ¶Captiva Conglomerate is able to cut the losses with the S.O. Software Company;
accurately re define the specifications; provide an accurately cost analysis and
procure a new company that is able to design a systems in accordance with the
requirements within the allotted time while provide a customer service approach to
address any issues that might arise.
пЃ¶The ability to exit transactions with S.O. Software could have significant cost
savings to Captiva Conglomerate rather than waiting for the contract to end and
paying for poorly performed services.
пЃ¶Depending on where the contract is currently in its life cycle stage may cause for
compensation to S.O. Software that is sufficient to cover any loss of profits over the
remaining project term.
пЃ¶Termination will also damage the company s reputation with current and future
businesses world.
пЃ¶The company may risk a trial or protest because of the foggy nature of the best
effort verbiage generally demands a factual determination as to its meaning.
IMPLEMENTATION: The first step would be to completely re examine the software
requirements and request a
Gerald Graff Education
Students and Professors: Working Together for a Better Education
Gerald Graff s desire as an author and a professor at University of Illinois, is For
American students to do better all of them, not just twenty percent because he
believes that education is not only for the elite few (3). His Clueless in Academe
How Schooling Obscures the Life of the Mind strongly emphasizes that the faculty
have the tools to succeed, yet does not give these tools to the students. Graff has first
hand experience dealing with educational system and troubled students, so he explain
his observations and how can education be improved. Throughout his work, Graff
compels the reader to accept that professors must initiate and reach out to the
students. He implies ... Show more content on ...
Graff underestimates the students ability of understanding and reaching out for help.
Student can ask question during TA s or professor s office hour to ensure they
understand the material. As an illustration, John Merrow s Declining by Degree:
Higher Education at Risk shows a young student, Brittany Schmidt, being an assertive
and independent adult. She initially has an identity crisis with the lectures having
hundred fifty people in it and the class wasn t challenging her enough. Nevertheless,
Schmidt turn to Dr. Robert Brown whom she asked questions and spent time with.
She found guidances and encouragement from Dr. Brown which resulted in Schmidt
success and choice of career, Planetary Sciences. I believe communication is the key
for education and success, between students and professors. Most colleges provide
tutoring for students, so they can get additional help from the resources they have at
their disposal. Many student like Brittany Schmidt can take initiative to look at their
syllabus and decide whether reading or skimming ahead of lectures, so they can at
least have an idea what the lesson will be about. It starts with students taking
initiative because at the end of the day it s their
Life In Milan Kundera s The Unbearable Lightness Of Being
In The Unbearable Lightness of Being , Milan Kundera informs readers that
without the ability to compare our lives to others, we cannot find meaning in our
lives, but remain between life s lightness and heaviness. He does this by
illustrating the relationships between four characters: Tomas, Tereza, Sabina, and
Franz. The novel begins in the year 1968 with Tomas, who is a brilliant surgeon
from Prague and a perpetual bachelor. In a small town cafe, he fortuitously met
Tereza, who was his waitress; to Tereza, the moment was magical because one of
her favorite compositions by Beethoven was playing on the radio and that he
enjoyed literature. Tereza evidently followed Tomas to Prague with her life packed
within a suitcase and she intended to offer her life to him. The two started living
with each other, but Tomas was incapable of terminating his bachelor lifestyle full
of mistresses. He tried to hide his infidelity, but Tereza found a letter from one of
his mistresses, Sabina. She wrote to Tomas saying, I want to make love to you in
my studio. It will be like a stage surrounded by people. The audience won t be
allowed up close, but they won t be able to take their eyes off us. (Pg. 16). Tomas
confessed and told her that these sexual acts were separate from his love for her.
This information marred Tereza s mind; she starting having horrendous nightmares
and began contemplating suicide. He then married her, to relieve her of her
distress. Yet he still kept his mistresses. Eventually Sabina and Tereza become
close friends, but Tereza s jealousy still remained the same. Sabina, Tereza, and
Tomas fled to Switzerland due to the Soviet Union inhabiting Czechoslovakia.
Tereza left behind her career as a photographer, became unemployed, and had to sit
home alone as Tomas continued his affairs. She then began to believe, when the
strong were too weak to hurt the weak, the weak have to be strong enough to leave.
(Pg. 75). Then, she returned back to Prague. Tomas was enjoying his liberation for a
few days, but he gave up and left for Prague. This evidently meant that the couple
gave up their freedom because there was no chance that the couple would be allowed
to leave again due to the Communist regime. In
What Are The Causes Of Procrastination Among
It is undeniable that most students include university students have the habit of
procrastination mostly in their homework, reports and assignments. They usually like
to delay their works and do them last minutes. Beswick and Mann (1994) state that
procrastination is the action of delaying the beginning or completing an intended
course. Ferrari and Pychyl (2008) state that the habit of procrastination brings a lot of
negative effects to the students, such as low achievement of students or increase their
physical and psychological problems. There are three reasons that cause
procrastination among the university students, which are distractions, difficulty in
regulating emotions and lack of motivation. The first reason of procrastination...
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There are some causes of lack of motivation, such as lack of confidence, unclear goals
and they are surrounded by negativity. Some of the university students are lack of
confidence. They always think that they are weak in anything and they will get low
marks in their assignments. This will cause them do not have the motion to start or
do the assignments. In addition, some university students do not get motivation from
their friends. A students attitude in his studies is easily influenced by his
surrounding friends. For example, if a student is surrounded by the friends who will
do their assignments earlier and submit them on time, the student will be motivated
by completing and submitting his assignments on time. Moreover, some of the
university students do not have their clear goals in their studies. This will cause
them lack of motion to study and do their assignments. For example, if a student do
not determine a goal or fix a direction in his studies, he will feel bored and become
lazy to complete the assignments. This is because he does not know what he will
obtain from his studies. Therefore, the third reason of procrastination among the
university students is lack of
Inhuman Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, were used in previous administrations. The
techniques were considered at the very least to be cruel and inhuman. Among these
are attention strikes and stress positions. The techniques violate human rights as well
as detainee rights. There are few serious arguments for the retention of enhanced
interrogation. The most compelling is the ticking time bomb theory. This theory is in
fact based on logical fallacy. An executive order has banned the use of enhanced
interrogation. It is the position of this summary that the current ban remain in effect.
Torture is the intentional infliction of extreme physical suffering on some non
consenting, defenseless person. Torture in any form is used to punish,... Show more
content on ...
These strikes, more than just inhuman can be dangerous. They can lead to head
trauma and internal damage. Stress positions are meant to break the will of the
detainee. In Forced Standing detainees are shackled in a standing position. In a 1956
CIA report on soviet interrogation, Harold Wolfe and Lawrence Hinkle noted that
after as little as 18 hours edema occurs causing swelling of the ankles to at least twice
the normal size. The swelling continues up to the mid thigh. This causes circulatory
failure and eventually renal failure. The 2 experts when evaluating the treatment
called it physical torture (Wolfe 1956). While outside lasting marks may not be
present the internal damage can be devastating Palestinian Hanging is a more severe
form of stress position, capable of damaging the shoulder joints, ligaments, nerves
and tendons. In this position, the bound hands are placed behind the detainee while
they are elevated until the body weight is supported primarily or entirely by the hyper
extended shoulder joint. In conjunction with broken ribs, the CIA found that
palestinian hanging caused the asphyxiation death of Manadel al Jamadi, who was a
detainee at the now infamous Abu Ghraib Prison (McChesney 2005). A major reason
that Enhanced Interrogation Techniques are not seen as beneficial to society is the fact
that all people have human rights that protect them from torture. Human rights are in
place in order to set an outline of how
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The film I have chosen for my 1950 s film analysis is The Bridge on the River Kwai.
Directed by David Lean, The Bridge on the River Kwai follows a battalion of British
soldiers who find themselves trapped in a Japanese POW camp during WWII in
1943. The British soldieries are led by Colonel Nicholson (Alec Guinness) who is
ordered by the commandant of the POW camp, Colonel Saito (Sessue Hayakawa), to
build a railroad bridge over the Burmese river Kwai.
Colonel Nicholson refuses to help build the bridge based on the fact that the Geneva
Convention strictly forbids using officers as laborers. After a lengthy battle of wills
between Saito and Nicholson, Saito, realizing that the bridge will never be completed
on time without Nicholson s help, ... Show more content on ...
I agree with the majority of critics that the film is very good even compared to
more modern war films such as Lone Survivor. Like Lone Survivor the genius of
The Bridge on the River Kwai is that it focuses on the individual soldiers and their
struggles not on the war itself. This allows you to empathize with the characters; even
the Japanese soldiers who run the camp.
Nicholson and Saito encompass the values that a solider and a man should have
specifically duty, honor, purpose, and loyalty. Saito has a duty to complete the
bridge while Nicholson has a duty to ensure the survival of his men. Honor is best
displayed by Saito who is prepared to kill himself if the bridge isn t completed on
time as missing his deadline would dishonor him. According to the code of Bushido,
which Saito and the Japanese subscribe to, the righteous thing to do when you
dishonor yourself is to kill yourself. Purpose is shown by Nicholson when he states
to Saito There are times when suddenly you realize you re nearer the end than the
beginning. And you wonder, you ask yourself, what the sum total of your life
represents. For Nicholson the one physical thing that gives his life meaning, that
represents him, is the bridge. By completing the bridge he proves to himself and
everyone else that his life had purpose; that he accomplished something meaningful.
The final value displayed is loyalty.

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Structure Of A Good Essay

  • 1. Structure Of A Good Essay Crafting an essay on the intricacies of the "Structure of a Good Essay" may initially seem like a straightforward task, but delving into the depth of this subject reveals its inherent complexity. The challenge lies not just in elucidating the basic components of an essay but in conveying the nuances that transform a piece of writing from ordinary to exceptional. Firstly, the task involves a meticulous exploration of the various elements that constitute a well- crafted essay. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, each serving a distinct purpose. Establishing a coherent flow of ideas and arguments demands not only clarity of thought but also the skill to seamlessly transition between different sections. Additionally, one must navigate the intricacies of thesis statements, topic sentences, and supporting evidence. The choice of language, tone, and style plays a pivotal role in captivating the reader's attention and maintaining their interest throughout the essay. Balancing these elements requires a keen sense of narrative structure and a deep appreciation for the art of persuasion. Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the challenge of incorporating a unique voice and perspective while adhering to the conventions of academic or formal writing. Striking this delicate balance necessitates a nuanced understanding of the audience and the purpose of the essay, be it informative, argumentative, or analytical. In conclusion, while the topic "Structure of a Good Essay" might seem like a straightforward endeavor, unraveling its complexities demands a multifaceted approach. It calls for a writer's ability to synthesize information, present compelling arguments, and engage the reader on a profound level. Despite the difficulty, mastering the art of essay writing is a skill worth cultivating for anyone aspiring to convey ideas effectively through the written word. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, there are platforms like where one can find professional support in crafting well-structured and compelling pieces. Whether it's essays, research papers, or other academic writing needs, such services can provide valuable aid in navigating the challenges of composition and expression. Structure Of A Good EssayStructure Of A Good Essay
  • 2. Classification of Zombie Movies Essay I have determined that there are three different types of zombie movie. First, the movies that showcase the slow, but still startling zombies, like Night of the Living Dead. Night s zombies are slow, the humans just get themselves into trouble by reacting stupidly, or not paying enough attention to the problem. (G.A. Romero) Next, films like Shaun of the Dead, which portray the sometimes amusing but still creepy zombies. And finally, movies like Day of the Dead (2008) which introduce the completely terrifying, gravity defying zombies. Night of the Living Dead presents zombies that move slowly but deliberately toward their ultimate objective which is filling their appetites for human flesh. Zombie movies of this type are the basis of ... Show more content on ... Although Shaun can t bring himself to kill Ed, the danger his infected friend presents, is still clear when Shaun must chastise Ed for trying to bite his arm. Shaun s zombies are provided with more of a human element, which lends more to the hilarity of the situation. In my mind they were us, we ve just changed, that s all. (G.A. Romero) Seeing a zombie that is wearing a towel obviously stricken undead in the middle of a shower makes this type of movie funnier and more tragic at the same time. While humor is obviously present the gore zombie movies are famous for is also a key element. Zombie comedy is also shown in Zombieland, which is a laugh riot from beginning to end. From the main character s list of survival rules which include always checking the backseat and being wary of bathrooms, the story is more about the humans that remain and their fight to stay human. Finally, the films that make you really fear zombies. Movies like Day of the Dead, (the 2008 remake, not G.A. Romero s original) which portray zombies that seem to be aware of their surroundings and can do their own brand of problem solving. Day s zombies while still driven by the primal instinct of hunger, can figure out ways of getting to their prey that zombies in movies with less of a freak out factor do not even begin to grasp and plenty of blood
  • 3. Essay on The Hard Rock Company The Hard Rock CafГ© (HRC) and the Hard Rock Hotels / Casinos is a highly successful series of ventures that serves up fun, music, food, nostalgia and beverage. The HRC is also famous for its music collectibles, including guitars used by icons in the industry (i.e. Madonna, Jimi Hendrix, etc), fashion merchandise, live concerts, and Hard Rock Live performance venues. The first Hard Rock CafГ© was opened on June 14, 1971, in London, England. Founded by Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton, HRC became well known and successful almost immediately. Tigrett went out and opened HRCs in New York City, Boston, Washington D.C., Dallas, Orlando, Paris and Berlin, while Morton developed HRCs in Chicago, Houston, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Various... Show more content on ... Also, 48% from its revenue come from retail merchandise. Hard rock CafГ© strategy has changed over time since 1971. It has moved from a London small cafГ©, to food plus entertainment, to food plus an experience. Restaurant goers don t just want a meal; increasingly, they want an experience, and Hard Rock s operation strategy is designed to provide that experience. ВІ HRC claims its mission is to spread the spirit of rock n roll by creating authentic experiences that rock. В№. Their success and growth come from adopting this experience strategy. While a first time customer spreads the mustard and ketchup on a thick juicy hamburger, and takes that first sip of a frozen margarita, he or she should read the HRC motto, just below the mission statement. The idea of HRC is to Love all Serve All, and moreover, All is one...Save the Planet...Take time to Be Kind. Those are some pretty radical ideas a for profit corporation reminding people to be kind and to save the planet when it comes to comparison of HRC with other restaurant chains. But it would appear that companies like HRC and Starbucks, that go out of their way to publicize and advocate for the urgent environmental needs of the planet and the needs of less fortunate people, have had a powerful influence on other restaurants. Chili s for example is proud to support St. Jude Children s Research Hospital Ві.Customers can use crayons at Chili s restaurants to draw
  • 4. Acute Red Eye Essay An acute red eye is one of the most common reasons why children present to the pediatrician or adults present to their primary care physician. Although most cases of acute red eye are caused by self limiting and benign conjunctivitis, it is important to distinguish when a more serious pathology is present that may require a non urgent or urgent ophthalmologic referral. A thorough history of the illness is one of the most important tools that pediatricians have to determine whether the patient can be treated by the pediatrician or whether an ophthalmologic referral is indicated. A child presenting to the pediatrician with a red eye could indicate a wide variety of etiologies from infection, trauma, foreign body, structural disorder, or systemic disease.8 Important aspects of the history to obtain are whether there has been any recent trauma to the eye, the duration of the symptoms, whether the symptoms are... Show more content on ... Viral conjunctivitis may be caused by a variety of viruses, but the most commonly seen infection is with adenovirus. These children present with red, glassy eyes, clear discharge, tearing, and swelling of the conjunctiva.1 It is also important to evaluate these patients for a recent history of an upper respiratory infection or sick contacts. If the child is presenting with grossly inflamed conjunctiva, blurred vision, photophobia, and signs/symptoms of an upper respiratory infection it is possible that a more serious cause of viral conjunctivitis, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is present.5 These patients often have subepithelial corneal infiltrates that may affect vision.4 If this is suspected, an ophthalmologic referral is indicated. Treatment for adenovirus conjunctivitis (both non complicated and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis) is symptomatic treatment with artificial tears and proper hand washing hygiene to prevent spread of the
  • 5. What Is The United Nations Strategic Framework Analysis of the UNSF in Lebanon 2017 2020 Introduction Today 23 UN agencies are in Lebanon which they have different activities in different areas. Almost 10000 peacekeepers and 2500 civilian staff work on Lebanon. United Nations Strategic Framework (UNSF) is a joint framework between UN and Lebanon government to make the aids and UN activities more efficient. The UNSF present key shared objectives to support the government and people of Lebanon from 2017 2020. The UNSF mission is; a secure, stable and prosperous Lebanon, Exercising full sovereignty while respecting, protecting, ensuring the rights of all. This report summarize the main points of UNSF in Lebanon also a brief critical analysis of the UNSF in Lebanon placed at the end of... Show more content on ... Since 2015, the UN in Lebanon is managing an annual portfolio of approximately $1 billion including humanitarian and development assistance particularly in assistance to the most vulnerable; support to municipalities and to the delivery of basic public services such as education and water. Normative Framework of the UNSF Describes the key national and international frameworks and mandates that underpin the identification of national priorities and the UN s proposed interventions. They consider UN strategies , SDGs, Lebanon strategy towards SDGs, and Syria crises which emerged a serious issue of immigrants for Lebanon. Strategic objectives They summarize the main objectives in three core priorities and define all objectives based on the following priorities. Core priority 1: All people in Lebanon enjoy peace and security In support to peace and security objectives, the UN intends to help mitigate external threats to Lebanon, strengthen domestic security and law and order and defuse local inter communal tensions. To mitigate threats to Lebanon s territorial integrity, efforts foreseen include support
  • 6. Earth Bound Telescopes Clearly the better and stronger our telescopes and other methods used to evaluate the sky will result in further discoveries. Not only do we have Earth bound telescopes; we have telescopes in the sky that can get even closer to other matter whether that be planets, stars, comets, asteroids, etc. The textbook also notes radial velocity and how the gravitational pull of a planetresults in the star wobbling. If the wobble happens to occur along our line of sight to the star, then we see small fluctuations in the star s radial velocity, which can be measured using the Doppler effect (Chaisson McMillan, 2014, p 371) allowing us to estimate the mass of the planet (Chaisson McMillan, 2014, p 371). I found this website: topics /exoplanets/how to search for exoplanets.html that gives three ways. They are noted as radial velocity (already stated); transit photometry (having to do with the brightness or lack thereof of a star when another planet passes between it and the Earth(How to Search for Exoplanets)), and Microlensing (stated as the only real method that is capable of discovering other planets at huge distances from Earth (How to Search for Exoplanets)). It further notes that while radial velocity can identify them within 100 light years, transit photometry can identify them more than 100 light years (100 s in fact), and transit photometry can find those that are thousands of light years away. I need to understand... Show more content on ... Basically, to be an Earth like planet and sustain life a planet would need the same properties similar in mass, density, rotational method, gravity, and atmosphere as the Earth. I suppose another planet could have some of Earth s same properties but if it weren t close enough to a source of heat like the Sun is to Earth, life couldn t exist
  • 7. Bring Back Flogging Bring Back Flogging This essay by Jeff Jacoby illustrates an authors use of ironic sarcasm otherwise known as satire to defend and illustrate his platform on his position. Jacoby uses in this essay verbal irony (persuasion in the form of ridicule). In the irony of this sort there is a contrast between what is said and what is meant. Jacoby s claim in simple is he believes that flogging should be brought back to replace the more standard conventional method of the imprisonment of violent and non violent offenders. His grounds for the revival of flogging stems back to his initial mention of the Puritan punishmentsystem. He cites how in 1632 Richard Hopkins was Flogged and branded for selling guns and weapons to the Indians,... Show more content on ... All this holds true assuming that public flogging serves it supposed purpose, and the terrible risks of prison are a confirmed reality. When Jacoby in paragraph three states that today we are more enlightened than our puritan forefathers where they used flogging we lock wrongdoers up in cages , he is portraying a method of verbal irony (sarcasm). He continues his sarcastic voice when he lists a criminal act and states that each punishment seems to be incarceration. His satire of the modern day justice system is even more noticeable when he claims that prison is the all purpose, all in one punishment. His final statement of the essay that perhaps the puritans where more enlightened than we thought contradicts one of his initial statements concluding that we are more enlightened that the puritans how we cage wrongdoers confirms his satire or verbal irony in his essay. The question arises toward Jacoby s first reason for flogging. Jacoby s case for the overpopulation and development of new institutions doesn t find favor in my eyes. Yes, the tax paying American is paying for the prison system, but he also pays to employ many of the correction officers along with the contractors who build and restore many of the institutions. Thus the
  • 8. Social Conflict In The Turn Of The Screw By Henry James Henry James array of characters helps to tie the reality of social conflict into this fictional horror story. His characters each have various economic backgrounds and interact differently with each other. This diversity brings these social conflicts to light and helps readers understand the root of these conflicts. In The Turn of the Screw, Henry James uses characterization and conflict to reveal the horrors of social classin American society. James novella centers around a young governess who is in charge of watching her employer s kids. The governess social standing and desire to keep her job reveal the instability of jobs for women in this era. Her employer, the uncle of Miles and Flora, is a typical wealthy landowner who has his own town residence...but it [is] to his country home that the governess is sent to work (James 149). It is important to note that it is perhaps the governess first job (Pouquette 257) and that she is still young and inexperienced (Chase 261). During the 1850 s, middle class women were expected to fulfill their traditional role of bearing and raising children and that for unmarried women, serving in someone else s home was also acceptable ( The Turn of the Screw 255). The social difference between the governess and her employer and the lack of communication between the two seems to add to her desire to maintain a good relationship with him. The employer has one rule of not being bothered with what goes on in the house and when the
  • 9. Queen Elizabeth 1 Essay Carson Moriarty Mr. Brant Honors History 7 16 December 2014 Queen Elizabeth I: One of the Greatest Monarchs in English History There have been many influential monarchs in English history, but one that stands out is Queen Elizabeth I. Throughout her legendary reign, Queen Elizabeth managed to have a positive effect on England s political and cultural state during this time. Her reign featured many political accomplishments, but the one that stands out the most is the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Considered as one of her finest hours, the defeat of the Spanish Armada has gone down in history as one of the greatest English victories at sea. Queen Elizabeth s decisions played a positive role in the economic development in England. Not only did she obtain a positive political impact, but also an impressive cultural impact in English history. Her decisions ... Show more content on ... Queen Elizabeth recognized the importance of the arts to the life and legacy of her nation. Very fond of plays, Queen Elizabeth permitted professional theaters to be built in England for the first time. These new and improved theaters attracted 15,000 theatergoers per week in London. (Arts). In addition to Shakespeare s masterpieces of the stage like Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth, Sir Philip Sidney s Defence of Poesie was written during this golden age in the literary arts (Arts). Queen Elizabeth managed to capture the imagination of influential poets such as Edmund Spenser and Sir Walter Ralegh (Moose). The Shakespearean sonnet, Spenserian stanza, and dramatic blank verse also came into practice during the period. Queen Elizabeth s appreciation for theatre led to the introduction of many new theatres and famous playwrights that promoted English culture (Arts). In conclusion, Queen Elizabeth s role in the English Renaissance confirms that her reign resulted in a positive impact on English
  • 10. Pipeline Failures Are Caused By Undetected Corrosion Of... The majority of pipeline failures are caused by undetected corrosion of the pipe (1). A real time corrosion detection technique that does not require access to the entire pipeline would allow for maintenance and repairs to be done before a failure occurs, saving time and money, reducing or negating environmental damage, and easing political pressure and social stigma on pipelines. Pipeline failures can relate to each aspect of the STEEP model. When a pipeline fails, it effects the surrounding environment by leaking hazardous gas and hydrocarbons into the ecosystem. In addition to the environmental affects, the economical effects are drastic. Between 2002 and 2009, pipeline companies spent over $600,000,000 on pipeline failures (1). Social and political stances on pipelines are very crucial right now, as pipelines have a stigma in the media because of the damage and loss of life failures cause. If we can reduce or negate these failures, social and political support for pipelines should grow, enabling more pipelines to be built across the world. From my research, I have not found any corrosion detection techniques out there that do what I am proposing. A real time corrosion detection technique would allow companies to detect corrosion in underground/underwater piping systems without having to excavate, or dive and inspect them. A wireless technology that can be introduced to a piping system capable of detecting corrosion or a corrosive environment
  • 11. The War Of The Wall By Toni Cade Bambara The War of the Wall As the lady painted the wind swished. The War of the Wall is about not being rude to a person just because he or she is doing something that you honestly dislike. The War of the Wall by Toni Cade Bambara is a short story that shows not to judge a book by its cover through the boys first reaction to the painter. The war of the wall is about not being gang like style, And that ll tell you something that this wall belongs to the kids of taliaferro street . I believe that we people should not be gang style. I also think that we need to be less gang style because the people that want to be gang style are not more or less then other people. We couldn t find any spray paint anywhere . I think that when the boys said they could not find spray paint anywhere means that they needed spray paint to tag on the wall. The War of the wall is about not judging others. We should not judge others because we don t know them and you can t judge if you don t know them. The boys in the story should have just said hey what are you painting there ?. Instead of being nice to the lady painter they were very rude. The boys said Who did that lady think think she was coming into our neighborhood and taking over our wall . ... Show more content on ... So we flat out told the lady painter lady to quit messing with the wall said the boys. So the boys were judging the lady because they did not know what she was going to do on the wall. Also they should have just asked her what she was going to do instead of going straight to judging her. It was our wall, and she had no right coming into our neighborhood painting on it the boys said. I think that they were being selfish because they don t own a wall just because they like and want the wall. Also the lady painter just wanted to paint she did not want to make any sort of trouble with the
  • 12. How Did The African American Civil War Unavoidable In the history of the United States, African Americans have always been discriminated against. When Africans first came to America, they were taken against their will and forced to work as laborers. They became slaves to the rich, greedy, lazy Americans. They were given no pay and often badly whipped and beaten. African Americans fought for their freedom, and up until the Civil War it was never given to them. When the Civil War began, they wanted to take part in fighting to free all slaves. Their opportunity to be soldiers and fight along side white men equally did not come easily, but eventually African Americans proved themselves able to withstand the heat of battle and fight as true American heroes. Ever since the beginning of America there have been consequential events that led to the American Civil War. Throughout history, there has been much controversy over whether this war was or was not unavoidable. Upon looking back into the chronicles of history and the longtime conflict between the North and the South, one can see that the American Civil War was undeniably inevitable. And in a time when black people were supposed to be quiet, submissive and not involved or interested in politics, and the epidemic of racial prejudice was heavy in the North as well as the South, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and Frederick Douglass, and many more, dared to speak out. The road to freedom from slaverywas long and hard for the African Americans. With the war just beginning
  • 13. Essay on Student Athletes Should Not Be Paid Student Athletes Should Not Be Paid In the world of college athletics there are endless topics discussed daily and most pertain to money. An issue that falls under this category includes the heated debate involving whether or not student athletes should receive money. Many people say student athletes should receive compensation according to their specific needs because they spend so much time earning their scholarship and have no time to work. On the other hand, the stronger argument is student athletes should not be able to acquire additional funds in order to help aid them through college. An athlete knows what he or she is involving themselves in before any money issue is even brought up. Signing a letter of intent shows that... Show more content on ... Actions towards paying athletes are being taken and according to the TCU Daily Skiff, There s a legislation being passed around in the Big 12 states to provide athletes with an extra stipend in addition to their all expenses paid education. The idea is that these students are producing truckloads of revenue for the university and should see some of the fruits of their labor. (Jennings, par. 2) Because athletes aren t paid for producing such money, supporters feel some of the money made should go towards helping with extra expenses. An average student athlete has to pay for phone bills, transportation, entertainment, laundry, toiletries and other things. While the typical college student has the opportunity to work, athletes don t. Some students in college receive academic full ride scholarships, which are the same as athletic full rides, but they have time to earn extra money on the side. If these students are receiving a full ride scholarship and have the opportunity to work then an athlete should be paid a compensation for his or her efforts on the playing field. On the contrary, there is a reason the NCAA has not passed a law saying athletes should be paid and numerous reasons support this view. In fact according to NCAA rules, Section 2, Title V reads, It is a violation of the NCAA rules for athletes to accept money or gifts while intending to remain eligible. (Way, par. 16) There is a reason for this law and why it has not changed. Individuals
  • 14. Critical Case Study Of Sophie Treadwell s Machinal Critical Case Study Machinal is a piece of expressionistic theatre (Reesman, 1997) that was written by American journalist Sophie Treadwell, in 1928. Machinal is based on the life of convicted murderer Ruth Snyder who was executed in January 1928 for the murder of her husband, which is similar to what happens to the character of Young Womanas the piece progresses. Machinal follows a young woman who lives with her mother who marries her boss. The young woman has a baby with her husband, and then she has an affair with another man. The young woman then murders her husband and is executed after she is convicted of the murder. Machinal was first performed on Broadway in 1928 at the Plymouth Theatre with the cast including Clark Gable. The production was a success and it ran for 91 performances. However, in 1931 the production ran in London and it received mixed reviews. The different opinions were formed due to the violent and sexual themes that featured within the piece. The greatest success came from Russia at Moscow s Kamerny Theatre. Treadwell worked as a court reporter first for the San Francisco Bulletin and the New York Herald Tribune. Treadwell worked as a reporter first for the San Francisco Bulletin and for the New York Herald Tribune (Reesman, 1997) SECTION TWO A theme that surround s Treadwell s Machinal is feminism. Feminism is The advocacy of women s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. (http:/ /
  • 15. Dada Surrealism Essay Dada Surrealism What elements of dada and surrealism suggest the influence of Freud? The 20th Century marked a changed in how people viewed the known world. Since its beginning art has played a major role in how people were able to express themselves. The early 20th century brought rise to new and exciting art forms. These were types of writings, paintings and, documentaries that no one had ever seen before. From expressionism to Dadaism types of work ranged by all means of the artist. About the 1920 s a new wave of art would soon be seen worlds over. This art form introduced psychology in a new way to look at the conscious and subconscious minds. From the beginning Dadaism and surrealism showed true signs of influence from ... Show more content on ... Each artist of the Dada era had a new way of expressing Freud?s ideas. They also felt that art was a powerful means of self revelation, and that the images came from ones subconscious mind had a truth of its own. As Marcel Duchamp mocked the Mona Lisa by drawing a Padilla 3 mustache on her, stated that the painting was a lewd message set by the conventional way of thinking. Since the Dada artist did not believe in western culture this made sense, because people only want believe what is told to them, instead of what is true. The Dada movement marked a meeting of people to have ?noise concerts? where they recited poems in a free association verse. In these poetry readings the artist perceived how they felt about the world. As World War I began the Dadaist perceived it as a world gone mad. Not only did they express their work in unconventional ways; they used the subconscious as a way of making their views true. Although the Dada era was short lived it influenced and questioned the traditional concepts of the western world. These techniques set an agenda for a new trial by error art form of this same era. The spirit of Freud in the Dadaist era never really died, it is shown today as ?Pop art? or sometimes known as neo Dada art forms. Also this revolution of thinking and art paved the way for the Surrealist movement. The Surrealist movement of the 1920?s through 1930?s captivated the world with its bizarre way of thinking. Just as the Dadaist used
  • 16. Understanding The New Kingdom Of Egypt Understanding the New Kingdom of Egypt Perhaps no other culture has intrigued the human imagination as that of ancient Egypt. From the Ancient Greeks, who treated Egypt with venerable respect, to Alexander the Great, and Napoleon, who felt it was imperative to go there, few other cultures have represented so much of universal value to all humans. The purpose of this paper is to present a brief survey of the ancient New Kingdom of Egypt. An emphasis on scholarly views will focus on culture, agriculture, Nubian Pharaohs, religion, and war. Of particular interest is the manner in which this historical knowledge is repeatedly made relevant in today s world. Culture Spanning approximately 1550 to 1070 BCE, the New Kingdom of Egypt represents a golden age, one which was almost the opposite of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt in terms of its accomplishments. Some of the most prestigious names of ancient Egypt come from this period, such as Hatsetshup, the female pharaoh, Thutmose III, Ramses II, the last warrior pharaoh of the New Kingdom, King Akhenaten, the sun worshipper, his beloved wife Nefertiti, and Tutankhamun, the much celebrated boy king. There is no probable way to estimate the amount of highly valued art and artifacts that have been discovered and taken out of Egypt. Whether by contract, government arrangement or smuggling, the allure of Egyptian art and culture has mesmerized every other culture that beheld it. Only the size of the pyramids themselves, or the New Kingdom
  • 17. Stand by Me An important relationship between characters in the film Stand by me Directed by Rob Reiner is the relationship between two characters, Chris Chambers and Gordie LaChance. We gain an understanding of this relationship through the use of dialogue, different camera shots, music and the parallel between Teddy and Vern. Stand by me gives us the story, narrated by adult Gordie, about a particular Journey involving four childhood friends, Teddy, Vern and Chris that happened in the summer of 1959 and that his outlook on life forever. An important aspect of the important relationship between Chris and Gordie is the strength of their friendship. This is shown in the incident of Gordie s cap being stolen by Ace and Eyeball. Chris sticks up for... Show more content on ... And the symbolism of the song Stand by me helped us understand the strong bond between these two
  • 18. Case Study Of A Private Card Business This paper is about a private card business HowRu and its subsidiary. Of course as all card companies business is seasonal and the best time is holiday season. This paper will discuss steps the company can take to diversify its portfolio. Next the definition of diversification and its necessity in risk management will be given. Then there will be five steps listed to diversify the card business. Each step will be discussed in detail. Last at least six suggestions will be given to know where and how funds can be allocated for new investments. HowRu a card business and its subsidiary has a 14% share in the greeting card business. Everyone knows the best time is holiday season in this industry. So this company needs to diversify its portfolio in order to generate income to make up for the slow times. How can this company diversify and what ways can they find funds to allocate to new Investments. As I was coming up I was always told you have to budget your money don t spend it all in one place. Well investing is kind of like that, you do not want to invest all you have in one thing. Diversification is exactly that investing in several funds, stocks, or securities so you have less risk. Every ones risk tolerance is different and all is willing to take a different amount of risk ( Asset Page, n.d.) For a successful business no matter what their risk tolerance is diversification is needed. This process allows for the investments to be spread to multiple bonds
  • 19. The Securities And Exchange Commission s Rationale For... This paper will address the Securities and Exchange Commission s rationale for charging Cardillo executives with the violations outlined in the case study and identify who was in violation or compliance with the AICPA s Code of Professional Conduct and the reasons they were or were not complying. This paper will also analyze the actions taken by Cardillo s outside auditors, evaluate the level of efficiency of the auditriskmanagement, determine whether or not the five components of internal controls were being properly followed and argue for or against whether auditors have a responsibility to assess the judgment of the decisions made by Cardillo s management. Cardillo Travel Systems, Inc. was acquired in 1956 by Arnold Walter Rognlien who at the time was an established auto parts salesman. The company quickly became the fourth largest company in the travel agency industry and the first to be listed on a national stock exchange (Rittenberg, Johnstone, Gramling Knapp, 2012). In 1986, the company experienced financial hardship due to liquidation problems and a civil lawsuit requiring them to pay $685,000. To make matters worse that same year the company was at the center of a financial reporting scandal when the SEC investigated claims that it received a payment from United Airlines for $203,000 and did not disclose the specifics of the transaction to auditors, shareholders or the public. The SEC filed a complaint in 1987 with the Los Angeles Federal Court citing
  • 20. Chesapeake Bay Persuasive Essay With a decrease in algae population, the grasses of the bay will be fed on by zooplankton, oysters, and fish. Without the algae, there would be a huge decrease in Bay grasses. This happens because Zooplankton, oysters, and fish will no longer eat the algae, they would resort to the Bay grasses. The effects then go onto the plants and animals living here. (Science Daily) Since the algaepopulation decreases, so does the algae bloom, which sink to the bottom and decompose to create oxygenmany underwater animals need. Some blooms also produce toxins, which can harm or kill the fish, harm animals that drink the water, and cause problems for humans as well. With a decrease in algae blooms, plants and animals would no longer have a steady population. They would end up... Show more content on ... Citizens are also asked to keep a watchful eye out for possible HABs are urged to report suspected HABs to their respective state environmental agency. (Chesapeake Bay Programs) (Article 1) Lastly, I will explain the dead zone of the chesapeake Bay. Excessive Nitrogen and Phosphrous pollution from human activities cause Dead Zones , which are areas with low amounts of oxygen. With little or no oxygen, fish, crabs, oysters, and other aquatic animals literally suffocate. Further excess in nutrients also fuels the growth of dense algae blooms that block sunlight that underwater grasses need to grow in order to continue providing food for waterfowl and shelter for blue crabs and juvenile fish. (Chesapeake Bay Foundation) (Dead Zones) When there are excessive loads of Nitrogen and Phosphorous in the water, Alage can bloom to harmful levels, changing water color, and eventually stripping dissolved oxygen from the water when they die, fall to the bottom, and decay. This dissolved oxygen is critical to the health of the Chesapeake Bay s critters and
  • 21. Cultural Differences Between The Archadian And The Arcadians Creolisation is the process of intermixing and cultural change that produces a creole society. It is a process of absorption of one culture by another. (Hawkes, 1999, p. 89) Creolisation has had a history in several countries in the World due to mixing and migration. This has resulted in creolisation of cultureand food. Two such examples are the Arcadians (or Cajuns) and the Peranakan. The Arcadians originated from France. In March 1604, a group of Arcadians founded Quebec City in Canada to establish settlements that would later influence local culture. (Jones Ells, 2009. P. 194) Political and economical reasons also drove the Arcadians to move to Louisiana, often as slaves or exiles. The Arcadians often moved between France and Louisiana during times of changing politics and laws. The Arcadians held onto their cultural practices to preserve their culture, with them they brought their food and cooking styles along with them. Cajun culture would later hit mainstream popularity through food. A fine example is Chef Paul ... Show more content on ... The first Chinese traders (the Hokkien) came from the Fujian Provence in China, and married non Muslim Malay women in Indonesia and Malaysia. The culture was also brought over to Singapore through migration. Thus, migration of the Peranakans between the three countries resulted in having similar cultures between the three countries. (Lim, 2009, pp. 3 4) The similarity in the culture resonates in the food dishes where only a few ingredients differed due to the natural growing crops of the area. In conclusion, Creolisation , the mixing of cultures, has influenced the foods of these creole cultures. Migration has also resulted in the spread and standardization of the culture between certain countries and regions. Internationalisation and globalization have also popularized the cuisine through fascination of people from other cultures.
  • 22. Bertrand Russell on Analytical Philsophy Essay example The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it Bertrand Russell, The Philosophy of Logical Atomism. Bertrand Russell was born in 1872 in Wales, England as a member of a famous British family. He received a degree from Trinity Cambridge College with honors in Mathematics and Moral Sciences. His most famous works included the subjects of logic and philosophy, which were deeply rooted in his mathematics background. In fact, Russell is probably the most highly regarded and most read English speaking philosopher of our time. Russell was not merely an intellectual, but also a political and social activist, writing many ... Show more content on ... The Analysis of the Mind written in 1921 show the connections between Russell s views on the nature of the mind and how matter is altered in relation to it. Russell s key themes seem to be that of physical vs. psychological. In fact, Russell expands on the ideas that there is in fact no difference between the two and the only key difference is the perception given by the person trying to distinguish between the two. Russell sees the difference between physics and psychology only in the laws that bind them, or so he states in the opening while it seems this theory will be altered throughout his books. Consciousness is logically fundamental. Without it, how can there be anything observed or even thought about? We need consciousness to experience anything, including but not limited to, sensations and images, memories, beliefs, and desires . Consciousness is, in essence, the most important aspect of the mental state, but Russell does not agree, and says so in the following passage; `Sensation, in the strict sense of the term, demands the existence of consciousness. This statement, at first sight, is one to which we feel inclined to assent, but I believe we are mistaken if we do so. Russell actually holds to the idea that while consciousness is important, it is not necessary. Russell states that he believes we are not always aware of things that happen, and therefore consciousness is
  • 23. Essay on Motet Development The motet was one of the most important forms of polyphonic music from 1250 to 1750. The Italian mottetto was originally a profane polyphonic species of music, the air, or melody, being in the Tenor clef, taking the then acknowledged place of the canto fermo or plainchant, theme. It originated in the 13th century resulting from the practice of PГ©rotin and his contemporaries in Paris. The term motetcan be translated as the word of movement . Sometimes two upper voices had different words. In the beginning, Latin texts involving topics of the Virgin Mary were used. Later, French secular pieces became common due to the fact that the motet terminated its connection with church and liturgy. Between the years 1390 and 1435, Dunstable... Show more content on ... Artists used a variety of newer principles and techniques, utilizing mostly Marian texts and combining vocal and instrumental pairs of voices. For three part song motets, Guillaume Dufay utilized a treble dominated texture derived from the chanson which is a lyrical composition of French words. More specifically, it is a French polyphonic song of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Johannes Brasart, a Walloon like Dufay, whose name appears among the pontifical singers in 1431, composed motets, including a four part Fortis cum quevis actio and a critically acclaimed Ave Maria . The next generation of composers included Johannes Ockeghem and Antoine Busnois. Okeghem was a priest, and was principal chaplain to Charles VII of France and, to Louis XI, canon and treasurer of St. Martins at Toursbeing. His motet, Alma Redemptoris , displays much contrapuntal ingenuity, and he also wrote a motet for thirty six voices, probably performed by six choirs of six voices each. Binchois, a native of Flanders left some three part motets. They include Beata Dei Genitrix , but the treatment of his works today is strictly referential, and some say that his works cannot at all be compared to the works of Dunstable Power or Dufay. He died in 1460. Like Dufay, he was a priest and canon of Mons. The motet built on a tenor cantus firmus became important to
  • 24. The Significance Of African-Americans In Film When a person reaches that point where life has drugged them through the mud merely for the color of their skin, will shelter these feelings and allow them to manifest at a point, as with the case with Victor. Why was it so important for the POC in the film to be understood by white men in the group? Briefly discuss any experiences you have had which would confirm or contend with this felt need. People of color, specifically African Americans, need to be understood. This is the only group in the room that does not have an identity. When looking at the group, each man could relate to their original culture, for example, Lee Mun Wah and David Lee are Chinese descent, Yutaka (Japanese), Hugh (Mexican/Irish) and Roberto (Mexican/Latino/Chicano), Gordon (European/German), and David C. (England /Denmark). The only two that had no area to call their own, but America, was Victor and Loren both African American, and neither are from Africa. The term African American was introduced to keep from being called Negro, Colored, or simply Black. ... Show more content on ... I have been to various countries around the world, and the only place that is home in America. Not to be accepted in the place you hold dear can lead to frustration and even anger. POC, in the film, wanted to express that sentiment to the white men in the group. What do you think was the turning point for the entire
  • 25. Why Hazing Should Be Allowed In College College life brings many thoughts to mindВ…friendships, football , pizza, late nights, parties, fraternities, sororities, as well as racial discrimination, binge drinking, hazing and dying. The latter part of this list may not come naturally to most people, but they are frightening realities of the Greek system. Parents send their children to college assuming they will be in a safe, educational environment while enjoying all the benefits campus life has to offer, including fraternities and sororities. They do not expect a phone call in the early hours of the morning notifying them of their child s death. Since March of 2000, over 60 people have died in events associated with fraternities, alcohol and/or hazing (Marklein p. A3).... Show more content on ... A national survey of college students by Harvard researchers found that nearly half of males and more than a third of females engage in binge drinking. Among Greek students the numbers skyrocket: 86% of fraternity members and 80% of sorority members living in chapter houses are likely to engage in binge drinking (Marklein). The frequent focus fraternities and sororities place on alcohol encourages excessive consumption, unfortunately causing the development of alcoholism and incidents of alcohol poisoning. The term hazing is defined as any conduct or method of initiation into any student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person (UMass). Whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the weather, forced consumption of food, liquor, beverages, , brutal treatment, extended isolation, sleep deprivation, and forced physical activities that adversely affect physical health and safety are just some known acts of hazing that Greek members may force their brothers and sisters to undergo. Imagine getting an update from your college student. Your freshman son calls home, reporting he has just made the lacrosse team and is excited to receive his fraternity pin the next day. The following morning the phone rings, but it is not your beloved child. A policeman calls to inform you that your son had just died of
  • 26. Reasons For Motivation Prompt: The Doctoral Program is interested in your reasons for pursuing doctoral studies. Please describe them in an essay ranging from 500 700 words. Include the major field area to which you are applying (Accounting; Decision, Risk and Operations; Finance and Economics; Management; or Marketing). My journey pursuing a PhD in finance and economics has hardly been straightforward: Although I started my undergraduate education as a film major, I quickly came to appreciate the analytical rigor found within the discipline. While a film major focuses on artistic storytelling, I developed a preference for the stories you can tell through a study of economics. While both are undoubtedly creative, my interest pivoted to this education in ... Show more content on ... My curiosity drives me in the classroom as well. Not only have I demonstrated success by graduating with both departmental and school wide honors studying economics, but I also supplemented this education with substantive mathematical coursework through Real Analysis and Differential Equations. Despite the obvious dichotomy between math and the original film major, I have been most successful in my math classes, exhibiting a perfect record despite the rigor. However, the real rewards from these courses are illustrated by my comfort and mastery economic topics that four years ago would have challenged me. By maturing as both an academic and researcher, I am now able to tackle more intricate topics and teach them to others. While at Claremont McKenna College, I wrote an honors economics thesis using Regression Discontinuity Design to analyze incumbency advantage in State Legislatures around the United States. Additionally, I taught fellow student both at the beginning of their economic careers as a recitation lecturer at in a 50 person economics lecture, and at the end, by tutoring seniors in STATA and Econometrics during their theses. Ultimately, I am interested in the finance and economics because I am primarily interested in the relationship between an economy and its people. The advantage of this program against that of a purely traditional economics degree is that it incorporates the financial sector that pervades through every industry. I learned this first
  • 27. Research Paper On Love Canal Luidigine Saladin Miss jacobus Biology 9th 26 january 2017 Love Canal A beautiful city, Niagara Falls in the state of New York, ruined by irresponsible decisions of the city of Niagara Falls and The so called Hooker Chemical Company . Families suffered and died from several of diseases caused by toxic waste that was place underground near homes and schools. Love canal caused millions in damages. During 1978,in Niagara Falls a horrible tragedy happened. What had occurred was love canal. Love canal is a toxic leaking dump with over 20,000 tons of chemical waste. Love canal causes population s health effects,toxic chemical waste,and humans disasters. (Department of health) Firstly, it is important to understand how the love canal was caused... Show more content on ... In conclusion,the love canal will be forever remembered as A horrific toxic leak which many people died from. The love canal seemed like any other neighborhood, the only thing that distinguish that particular zone was how Вѕ of the people that lived there have gotten ill. In addition if the superfund wasn t created then their would of been a bigger crisis that would occur due to the leaking toxics. The amount of people dying would of increases more and the diseases would of been a bigger effect . Work site Environmental Health. Jama 280.14 (1998): 1276. Web. Worthley, J. A., and R. Torkelson. Managing the Toxic Waste Problem: Lessons from the Love Canal. Administration Society 13.2 (1981): 145 60. Web. Department of Health. Love Canal. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2017. Lessons from Love Canal: Toxic Expertise and Environmental Justice. OpenDemocracy. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2017. Department of Health. Love Canal: A Special Report to the Governor Legislature. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan.
  • 28. Bipolar Disorder ( Disorder ) Bipolar disorder, manic episode, is represented by persistently elevated or irritable mood and abnormal and persistent increase of goal directed activity or energy that lasts more than a week (DSM 5). Most of the time, the client presents with inflated self esteem and grandiosity (DSM 5). In addition, only three hours of sleep may be enough for the patient to feel rested because he/she has a drecreased need for sleep (Tracy, 2012). Usually, the person presents with a pressure to talk without taking any break and is seen more talkative than he/she frequently is (DSM 5). Another symptom presented in the bipolar disorder, manic episode is flight of ideas or subjective experience (DSM 5). The patient may also loose attention for any... Show more content on ... Even though most of the patients fully return to a functional level between the crises, approximately 30% of them report having severe difficulties in their work role function (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). When the patient has acute mania, Haloperidol is the most used medication for its properties of rapid sedation (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). Another medication that is used is IM olanzapine to calm acute manic agitation (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). When the patient has extreme hyperactivity, typical antipsychotics are used to relieve symtoms of dehydration and cardiovascular stress (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). Lithium is a very common medication given to a patient with manic episodes (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). One important aspect to take into account with Lithium is that the dose should be administered downward as the mania starts to diminish to keep the blood level in a reasonable range (Goodwin Jamison, 2007). Bipolar disorser can be severe and long term, or it can be mild with frequent episodes (Simon, 2013). Patients with bipolar disorder frequently have higher rates of death from suicides, heart problems than the rest of the population (Simon, 2013). On the other hand, a patient that receives treatment has a greater chance of survival (Simon, 2013). Based on the possible causes of bipolar disorders, which are thought to be a biological disorder
  • 29. Hamlet and Play Essay Hamlet Essay The act of revenge never fails to accomplish Shakespeare s goal of keeping the audience in their seats. Hamlet, William Shakespeare s most well written play carries the theme of revenge or redemption throughout the play. Redemption is defined to be as the desire to undo an injury or a wrongdoing. Many characters felt that they needed to redeem themselves however in doing so, they ended up facing death. For some characters, revenge had sprouted from their urges to redeem themselves. Revenge is defined as the desire to repay an individual for their injury or wrongdoing. A famous American novelist, John Irving has mentioned in work The World According to Garp, that it is a life redeeming work in which everybody dies. Hamlet,... Show more content on ... (5.1.252 258) Hamlet realizes how much he actually loved Ophelia and he shows that he will be willing to do anything to redeem himself for the way he acted towards Ophelia before. During the scene at the churchyard, Laertes and Hamlet get into an altercation in Ophelia s grave however, Hamlet after feels very sorry for his actions towards Laertes (5.2.80). By the end of the play, Hamlet gives a formal apology to Laertes, which he accepts. This signifies that as the play progress and as Hamlet makes mistakes, he attempts redeem himself in the way he was acting crazy. Hamlet wanted to come back to his usual self but at the same time he still wanted seek his revenge against his father. By the end of the play, Claudius does die and Hamlet fulfills his goal of seeking redemption just before his death. Laertes is an explosive and hotheaded character who got angry when he found out from Claudius that it was Hamlet who killed his father, Polonius. Claudius plans out a devious plan for Laertes to kill Hamlet during fencing. Claudius shows his true character when he encourages Laertes to choose a sharp sword and to [r]equite [Hamlet] for [his] father (4.7.136). However, by the end of the play Laertes realizes that by going against Hamlet, he is doing a wrong thing. Even after betraying Hamlet, Laertes redeems himself by exposing that the king is at fault for events that took place. He finally asks for Hamlet s forgiveness,
  • 30. Business Acumen My current manager has got to be the most applicable reference to business acumen that I can think of. I have worked for the Federal Government for 4 years now, and have worked for my current boss for 2 of those years. Her name is Cindy and she is without a doubt the best boss I have ever had. Throughout my time here, Cindy has taught me the ins and outs of supply chain, product management, and so much more. Although she is incredibly efficient at her job and the tasking it entails, I have found that it is not her true passion. Cindy loves to help people. She has made it her mission in life to make sure nobody on our team ever feels lost of like they don t have anyone fighting for them, and she has shown many times how much she truly... Show more content on ... As stated by Drucker in this week s reading couldn t predict the environment of the future. However, what you could do is create the future (Cohen, 2008). Throughout my years here, I have seen the forward thinking mentality of Cindy. She is truly a woman beyond her years. She has spent the last 20 years creating a name for herself in this organization and it has certainly not gone unnoticed. I have witnessed the creation of new programs used to support the fleet, and even Cindy s hands on approach to problem solving at the root of the issue, as opposed to waiting until the issue hit her desk. This is another aspect of business acumen that I believe Cindy truly possessed; the ability to handle decisions so that the future brings good outcomes. I could never ask for a better working environment or a better, more knowledgeable boss. I have observed these skills and will apply them to my career one day. I hope to be a manager that people enjoy working for, but also trust to make the right decisions for all parties involved. I believe I have learned those traits from Cindy in my very short, but very informative time here. References Cohen, W. A. (2008) A Class with Drucker, The Lost Lessons of the World s Greatest Management Teacher Reilly, R., amp; Reilly, G. (n.d.). What It Is, Why It s Important and How to Get It. Building Business Acumen. Retrieved July 27, 2012, from
  • 31. Irish Brigade Research Paper At the start of the Civil War, many Irish immigrants traveled to America to seek a new life or escape their old ones in a poverty stricken Ireland. One of the most well known and fiercest brigades made up of Irish immigrants during the Civil War was the Irish Brigade. Consisting of the 69th, 88th, 63rd New York, 116th Pennsylvania, and 28th Massachusetts Regiments, the brigade was so fierce and strong willed, that they led the charge in many battles, suffering high amounts of casualties in every battle. The Irish Brigade leader, Commander Thomas Francis Meagher, was born in Waterford, Ireland, and was active in the Young Ireland nationalist movement. As a result, he was exiled and imprisoned on Tasmania, Australia in 1849. In 1853, he escaped ... Show more content on ... Born in Waterford, Ireland, he came to America in 1861 and served with Meagher s Zouaves (the 69th New York regiment) as a private, and fought in the First Battle of Bull run with that regiment. When he returned to New York, he raised his own 88th New York Regiment in fall of 1861 and became Captain of the 88th New York regiment. His regiment joined Captain Thomas Meagher s Irish Brigade, along with Meagher s 69th Regiment and a 63rd New York Regiment, but in 1862 in the Battle of Antietam, was killed as he charged with his regiment towards the enemy on Bloody Lane. Clooney was well known in his town of Waterford, for he fought with the Battalion of St Patrick s in the Papal war of 1860 in Ireland, and when the town heard of his death in the Civil War, they built a monument for him near where he was
  • 32. Pirelli Company Report 1.Introduction. The main purpose of this business report is to illustrate the current condition of Pirelli Company. This report contains parts namely introduction, general description of the company with its history, profile in the market, current value and future plans, SWOT analysis on the global market where strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are provided, market analysis on the home market and companies performance in the last five years where the company is analyzed by porter s five forces and finally, the conclusion where is provided the summary of the whole report. All information is taken from up to date annual report of the company, other academic sources and recognized news sites. 2.Company profile Pirelli Co. ... Show more content on ... Moreover, its properties are sold in 160 countries. Pirelli s market share in Europe and South America is more than other competitors and it makes them Pirelli s expenses on Research and Development increased from 150 million USD in 2010 to 206 million USD in 2014 (annual report, 2014), which helps to create new innovations in the future. Currently, Pirelli is a sole tyre supplier for Formula1 races (SkySports, 2015). Taking into consideration the fact, that F1 has 750 million spectators through the world 3.2.Weaknesses: In 2014 Michelin became the official tyre supplier for Grand Prix motorcycle races (MotoGP, 2014), hence Pirelli s market shares dropped in this segment. Moreover Michelin and Bridgestone hs Pirelli has lower market share in Asia with developing economy and North America where can be sold huge amount of premium tyres. Moreover, company pays lower attention to the motorbike sector.
  • 33. Carl Roger Transcript Transcripts of Carl Rogers Therapy Sessions Edited by Barbara T. Brodley and Germain Lietaer Volume 12 YearPage Gloria Filmed Interview19652 Sylvia 4th Interview (Filmed)197521 Commentary interspersed throughout Sylvia 5th Interview (Filmed)197539 Commentary interspersed throughout Kathy Filmed Interview197553 Commentary67 Dione 1st Filmed Interview197768 Commentary interspersed throughout Dione 2nd Filmed Interview1977197785 Final Comments109 These transcripts are available for purposes of research, study and teaching. They may not be sold. Throughout these interviews the responses of the therapist (T) (Rogers), and the client (C)... Show more content on ... She ll explore some of her feelings and attitudes more deeply. She is likely to discover some hidden aspects of herself that she wasn t aware of previously. Feeling herself prized by me, it is quite possible she ll come to prize herself more. Feeling that some of her meanings are understood by me, then she can more readily perhaps listen to herself, listen to what is going on within her own experience, listen to some of the meanings she hasn t been able to catch before. And perhaps if she senses realness in me, she ll be able to be a little more real within herself. I suspect there will be a change in the manner of her expression, at least this has been my experience in other instances. From being rather remote from her experiencing, remote from what is going on within her, it s possible that she ll move toward more immediacy of experiencing, that she will be able to sense and explore what is going on in her in the immediate moment. From being disapproving of herself, it is quite possible she ll move toward a greater degree of acceptance of herself. From somewhat of a fear of relating, she may move toward being able to relate more directly and to encounter me more directly. From construing life in somewhat rigid black and white patterns, she may move toward more tentative ways of construing her experience and of seeing
  • 34. What Is The Theme Of The Royal Game The Royal Game by Stefan Zweig Zweig, an outstanding writer and a psychologist, used his accumulation of knowledge along with his skills of observing people, in order to write his last novella, The Royal Game. In this book, which is also called Chess , Zweig tells the extraordinary encounter of two men that are completely different from each other: Czentovic, a robot like man whose only occupation is playing chess, and Dr. B, who had been forced to live in a stage of nothingness for months, started playing chess as a result of an accident and unlike Czentovic, has gotten beyond the limits of his imagination. While it seems like the main event in the book is the confrontation of these two men, the author also focuses on the unusual experiences ... Show more content on ... B. tells his unique story to the narrator, is the day of Czentovic and Dr. B. s encounter. With the help of his past experiences, Dr. B. gets down the world chess champion in the first game. Czentovic offers another game, and Dr. B. accepts it immediately. However, the second game does not go well for him this time Czentovic s long awaitings drive him crazy. While waiting, he starts acting like when he was in the hotel room playing against himself. He starts going up and down the hall but not the whole hall, only the extents of his hotel room. Six steps up, six steps down. His brain starts losing control like the old times but just at the right time, the narrator wakes him up from his shady
  • 35. Analysis Of A Passage Of India People can agree that the colonization and the spread of the British Empire had the barest of good moments. And those good moments are overshadowed by the massive amounts of negativity that occurred in the wake of their rule. The way the nations were treated is obscured by the immense sense of pride that is displayed when thinking about a nation s people and past. This also transcended into the way that America views and treats other nations that they are allied with or has ties with , but I digress. In the view of the overall topic of our class being the refusal to inherit the modern novel , I would like to point out the contradictions of character and the motifs being displayed are both important to this scene in the essence of the... Show more content on ... When instances of compensation come up, Aziz is actually very practical, stating that I want the money to educate my boys, as I explained to her. (261 2). Now we know that Fielding is supposed to be a logical person. A logical person would see that this is completely acceptable to educate young Indian boys. However, instead, Fielding goes against his normal behavior and uses the emotional blackmail on Aziz, his friend, to ensure this British woman is safe. Using Mrs. Moore s ghost, he says nothing that he believed to be untrue, but producing something that was probably far from the truth. (262) This is not the first time he has used the ghost of Mrs. Moore to be cruel to his friend. During Aziz s celebration, Fielding blurted out that she was dead in an attempt to gain the upper hand in the conversation and because he wasn t happy with Aziz. Fielding even admits to feeling guilt over trying to kill her image when it was the only thing that Aziz would have left. These are the emotional responses that Fielding criticizes the Indian people have. On the other end of the spectrum, Adela has all but stopped being a person that has any resemblance of empathy. Adela has lost much at this point and we are to feel very conflicted with how we feel about her in this predicament, however, this is the only moment we see her being herself. Fielding asks her to write
  • 36. How Does Anne Change In The Painted Door Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him Aldous Huxley. Experiences can have a great effect on the future of people, and can affect how that person becomes whom they are. The characters in the three stories, all go through experiences and make choices throughout their lives that change the way they act in the future and alter their lives in a good or bad way. In the short story The Painted Door by Sinclair Ross, Anne the main character is very conservative at first and does not enjoy her husband, John. Anne does not have much caring for a dull witted fellow (Ross 226), and makes it seem like she deserves better. As the story progresses, Anne lets go of her self control and has an affair with Steven while John is away tending to his father.... Show more content on ... At first he has good intentions to go out and kill the evil black knight, but as time passes he himself starts turning into the black knight, commiting all evil, in order to help his cause in finding the evil black knight. However one day after doing all these dark deeds he himself is mistaken for being the evil black night and another knight attempts to take his life. He fights back and in turn kills him... Soon after he wonders is evil then triumphant? (Nicol 1). He comes to the realizaiton that he himself was the black knight and was commiting all the dark evil. What one does not simply realize is that, he was ethically chasing himself slowly turning more and more dark as he commited worse and worse evil. However after the slaying of the white knight, he takes time to himself and realizes that he needs to act, instead of do. The white knight from then on, never looked for more than he could see (1), and tried his very best to be the good white knight (1) in an effort to be the man he is, not whom he portrayed himself to
  • 37. Copernicus Essay Nicolas Copernicus Nicolas Copernicus 1473 1543 Physics February 8, 2000 Nicolas Copernicus Nicolas Copernicus 1473 1543 Copernicus was born in Poland in 1473, he started his education at Cracow University. There he studied mathematics and optics. From here he went to Italy, where he was appointed as a canon in the cathedral of Frauenburg, where he spent a comfortable academic life studding. Copernicushad some small hobbies while at the cathedral, he painted, and frequently translated Greek poetry into Latin. One other hobby that just wasn t small enough to be called a hobby to most of us was astronomy. He made investigations quietly and alone, without any help. He observed from a turreton a protective wall around a cathedral, he also... Show more content on ... (Field 1995) So you can see why Copernicus wasn t in any big rush to have the world know about his theory. On one hand he would cause a Nicolas Copernicus tramoundous stir in the church, and all the scientific community. He would ve most likely have been fired from the comfortable church position he had for many years, and could ve given him a bad name. If it hadn t been for George Rheticus, a 25 year old German mathematics professor Copernicus s might have never publiched his work. (Field 1995) Rheticus stayed with Copernicus for two years, and convinced him to release his work. His work the Copernicus s heliostatic cosmology involved giving several distinct motions to the Earth. It was consequently considered implausible by the vast majority of his contemporaries, and by most astronomers and natural philosophers of succeeding generations before the middle of the seventeenth century. Its only defenders included Johannes Kepler (1571 1630) and Galileo Galilei (1564 1642). Strong theoretical underpinning for the Copernican theory was provided by Newton s theory of universal gravitation (1687). (Field 1995) So Copernicus s whole argument stated that the planets and the Earth were in orbit around the sun, and the moon was in orbit around the Earth. This is called the The Heliocentric System: Nicolas Copernicus In conclusion Copernicus said that the Sun was the center of the universe, and went against all known knowledge, religion, and teachings. He
  • 38. The University Of St. Thomas Essay University of St. Thomas The University of St. Thomas, which is commonly called St. Thomas, is a liberal arts Catholic college that has campuses in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was originally founded in 1885 as a seminary school and is named after the famous medieval Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas. Today, the University of St. Thomas has over 10,000 students, which includes approximately 6,000 undergraduate students and 4,000 graduate students. At any time, there are at least 500 international students from over 60 countries on campus. The University of St. Thomas is Minnesota s largest private, non profit university and comes with nine academic divisions. This includes the Opus College of Business, which includes AACSB accredited Executive Education and Professional Development programs, and the Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, which offers master s and doctoral degrees in theology and ministry practice. There is also the Schools of Education, Engineering and School of Social Work. The Psychology and Counseling program is a popular degree choice among incoming students. University of St. Thomas Accreditation Details Since 1916, the university of has maintained accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The Doctor of Psychology program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). University of St. Thomas Application Requirements The University of St. Thomas offers an online application and a traditional printable
  • 39. Christian Music Influence Has one ever listened to any Christian music? Christian music is a widely popular genre of music which is sung all over the world in many languages. Many people listen to Christian music for entertainment, but it is mainly be used as a carrier for praise and worship. At church, people listen to Christian music to have their mind cleared of all troubles and have a time where they can focus on God. Christian music also sets the right atmosphere of worship in the room, or location where one may be listening. In dark places, it fills the air with worship. Christian music isn t just harmony in one s ear, but it carries messages, influences people, and leads people to God. Christian Music carries messages with deep and powerful meanings. Most Christian... Show more content on ... It can influence people by setting the right atmosphere. Has one ever had a time where the room they were in was filled with music? Christian music does the same, but only fills the room with good melody, but also fills the room with worship and it makes everyone think about God and his beautiful work that he did for us. Christian Music can also influence the sinful. When they listen to how God sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins, they realize the wrong that they have done. They will somehow repent and become a Christian. The influence that Christian Music can make is very powerful. Lastly, Christian Music can lead the unsaved to God. Christian music is so powerful. It is so powerful over our hearts that is can draw us closer to God and we will be thirsty for his love and get saved for ones sins. God always desires our lives to be filled and controlled by the power of His Holy spirit. Christian Music also unlocks the door to ones soul. It gives us the ability to actually listen to each word and catch the meaning of it. God unlocks that door, so the unsaved will realize that God is their only hope in their hard times. Christian Music can completely change a person s
  • 40. Essay on Captiva Conglomerate Case Study Analysis Major Facts: пЃ¶System specifications not clearly defined пЃ¶Contract wording is partial to S. O. Software пЃ¶Spares management module is a disaster пЃ¶Spares management module currently complicated and un useable/outdated пЃ¶Spares management module behind schedule пЃ¶Regional and centralized inventory management system behind schedule пЃ¶S.O. Software depleted allotted financing пЃ¶The system software specifications were not drafted by S.O. Software personnel Major Problems: пЃ¶The contract was not reviewed by appropriate personnel prior to contract award пЃ¶The spares management module is 4 months behind schedule пЃ¶The spares management system requirements is a hassle пЃ¶The spares management module does not provide relevant data ... Show more content on ... The negotiations approach must take on the altitude of a win win situation in order to provide the company with a incentive to re negotiation. Alternate Solution: T4C, Termination of Contract Advantages: пЃ¶Captiva Conglomerate is able to cut the losses with the S.O. Software Company; accurately re define the specifications; provide an accurately cost analysis and procure a new company that is able to design a systems in accordance with the requirements within the allotted time while provide a customer service approach to address any issues that might arise. пЃ¶The ability to exit transactions with S.O. Software could have significant cost savings to Captiva Conglomerate rather than waiting for the contract to end and paying for poorly performed services. Disadvantage: пЃ¶Depending on where the contract is currently in its life cycle stage may cause for compensation to S.O. Software that is sufficient to cover any loss of profits over the remaining project term. пЃ¶Termination will also damage the company s reputation with current and future businesses world. пЃ¶The company may risk a trial or protest because of the foggy nature of the best effort verbiage generally demands a factual determination as to its meaning. IMPLEMENTATION: The first step would be to completely re examine the software requirements and request a
  • 41. Gerald Graff Education Students and Professors: Working Together for a Better Education Gerald Graff s desire as an author and a professor at University of Illinois, is For American students to do better all of them, not just twenty percent because he believes that education is not only for the elite few (3). His Clueless in Academe How Schooling Obscures the Life of the Mind strongly emphasizes that the faculty have the tools to succeed, yet does not give these tools to the students. Graff has first hand experience dealing with educational system and troubled students, so he explain his observations and how can education be improved. Throughout his work, Graff compels the reader to accept that professors must initiate and reach out to the students. He implies ... Show more content on ... Graff underestimates the students ability of understanding and reaching out for help. Student can ask question during TA s or professor s office hour to ensure they understand the material. As an illustration, John Merrow s Declining by Degree: Higher Education at Risk shows a young student, Brittany Schmidt, being an assertive and independent adult. She initially has an identity crisis with the lectures having hundred fifty people in it and the class wasn t challenging her enough. Nevertheless, Schmidt turn to Dr. Robert Brown whom she asked questions and spent time with. She found guidances and encouragement from Dr. Brown which resulted in Schmidt success and choice of career, Planetary Sciences. I believe communication is the key for education and success, between students and professors. Most colleges provide tutoring for students, so they can get additional help from the resources they have at their disposal. Many student like Brittany Schmidt can take initiative to look at their syllabus and decide whether reading or skimming ahead of lectures, so they can at least have an idea what the lesson will be about. It starts with students taking initiative because at the end of the day it s their
  • 42. Life In Milan Kundera s The Unbearable Lightness Of Being In The Unbearable Lightness of Being , Milan Kundera informs readers that without the ability to compare our lives to others, we cannot find meaning in our lives, but remain between life s lightness and heaviness. He does this by illustrating the relationships between four characters: Tomas, Tereza, Sabina, and Franz. The novel begins in the year 1968 with Tomas, who is a brilliant surgeon from Prague and a perpetual bachelor. In a small town cafe, he fortuitously met Tereza, who was his waitress; to Tereza, the moment was magical because one of her favorite compositions by Beethoven was playing on the radio and that he enjoyed literature. Tereza evidently followed Tomas to Prague with her life packed within a suitcase and she intended to offer her life to him. The two started living with each other, but Tomas was incapable of terminating his bachelor lifestyle full of mistresses. He tried to hide his infidelity, but Tereza found a letter from one of his mistresses, Sabina. She wrote to Tomas saying, I want to make love to you in my studio. It will be like a stage surrounded by people. The audience won t be allowed up close, but they won t be able to take their eyes off us. (Pg. 16). Tomas confessed and told her that these sexual acts were separate from his love for her. This information marred Tereza s mind; she starting having horrendous nightmares and began contemplating suicide. He then married her, to relieve her of her distress. Yet he still kept his mistresses. Eventually Sabina and Tereza become close friends, but Tereza s jealousy still remained the same. Sabina, Tereza, and Tomas fled to Switzerland due to the Soviet Union inhabiting Czechoslovakia. Tereza left behind her career as a photographer, became unemployed, and had to sit home alone as Tomas continued his affairs. She then began to believe, when the strong were too weak to hurt the weak, the weak have to be strong enough to leave. (Pg. 75). Then, she returned back to Prague. Tomas was enjoying his liberation for a few days, but he gave up and left for Prague. This evidently meant that the couple gave up their freedom because there was no chance that the couple would be allowed to leave again due to the Communist regime. In
  • 43. What Are The Causes Of Procrastination Among University... It is undeniable that most students include university students have the habit of procrastination mostly in their homework, reports and assignments. They usually like to delay their works and do them last minutes. Beswick and Mann (1994) state that procrastination is the action of delaying the beginning or completing an intended course. Ferrari and Pychyl (2008) state that the habit of procrastination brings a lot of negative effects to the students, such as low achievement of students or increase their physical and psychological problems. There are three reasons that cause procrastination among the university students, which are distractions, difficulty in regulating emotions and lack of motivation. The first reason of procrastination... Show more content on ... There are some causes of lack of motivation, such as lack of confidence, unclear goals and they are surrounded by negativity. Some of the university students are lack of confidence. They always think that they are weak in anything and they will get low marks in their assignments. This will cause them do not have the motion to start or do the assignments. In addition, some university students do not get motivation from their friends. A students attitude in his studies is easily influenced by his surrounding friends. For example, if a student is surrounded by the friends who will do their assignments earlier and submit them on time, the student will be motivated by completing and submitting his assignments on time. Moreover, some of the university students do not have their clear goals in their studies. This will cause them lack of motion to study and do their assignments. For example, if a student do not determine a goal or fix a direction in his studies, he will feel bored and become lazy to complete the assignments. This is because he does not know what he will obtain from his studies. Therefore, the third reason of procrastination among the university students is lack of
  • 44. Inhuman Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, were used in previous administrations. The techniques were considered at the very least to be cruel and inhuman. Among these are attention strikes and stress positions. The techniques violate human rights as well as detainee rights. There are few serious arguments for the retention of enhanced interrogation. The most compelling is the ticking time bomb theory. This theory is in fact based on logical fallacy. An executive order has banned the use of enhanced interrogation. It is the position of this summary that the current ban remain in effect. Torture is the intentional infliction of extreme physical suffering on some non consenting, defenseless person. Torture in any form is used to punish,... Show more content on ... These strikes, more than just inhuman can be dangerous. They can lead to head trauma and internal damage. Stress positions are meant to break the will of the detainee. In Forced Standing detainees are shackled in a standing position. In a 1956 CIA report on soviet interrogation, Harold Wolfe and Lawrence Hinkle noted that after as little as 18 hours edema occurs causing swelling of the ankles to at least twice the normal size. The swelling continues up to the mid thigh. This causes circulatory failure and eventually renal failure. The 2 experts when evaluating the treatment called it physical torture (Wolfe 1956). While outside lasting marks may not be present the internal damage can be devastating Palestinian Hanging is a more severe form of stress position, capable of damaging the shoulder joints, ligaments, nerves and tendons. In this position, the bound hands are placed behind the detainee while they are elevated until the body weight is supported primarily or entirely by the hyper extended shoulder joint. In conjunction with broken ribs, the CIA found that palestinian hanging caused the asphyxiation death of Manadel al Jamadi, who was a detainee at the now infamous Abu Ghraib Prison (McChesney 2005). A major reason that Enhanced Interrogation Techniques are not seen as beneficial to society is the fact that all people have human rights that protect them from torture. Human rights are in place in order to set an outline of how
  • 45. The Bridge on the River Kwai The film I have chosen for my 1950 s film analysis is The Bridge on the River Kwai. Directed by David Lean, The Bridge on the River Kwai follows a battalion of British soldiers who find themselves trapped in a Japanese POW camp during WWII in 1943. The British soldieries are led by Colonel Nicholson (Alec Guinness) who is ordered by the commandant of the POW camp, Colonel Saito (Sessue Hayakawa), to build a railroad bridge over the Burmese river Kwai. Colonel Nicholson refuses to help build the bridge based on the fact that the Geneva Convention strictly forbids using officers as laborers. After a lengthy battle of wills between Saito and Nicholson, Saito, realizing that the bridge will never be completed on time without Nicholson s help, ... Show more content on ... I agree with the majority of critics that the film is very good even compared to more modern war films such as Lone Survivor. Like Lone Survivor the genius of The Bridge on the River Kwai is that it focuses on the individual soldiers and their struggles not on the war itself. This allows you to empathize with the characters; even the Japanese soldiers who run the camp. Nicholson and Saito encompass the values that a solider and a man should have specifically duty, honor, purpose, and loyalty. Saito has a duty to complete the bridge while Nicholson has a duty to ensure the survival of his men. Honor is best displayed by Saito who is prepared to kill himself if the bridge isn t completed on time as missing his deadline would dishonor him. According to the code of Bushido, which Saito and the Japanese subscribe to, the righteous thing to do when you dishonor yourself is to kill yourself. Purpose is shown by Nicholson when he states to Saito There are times when suddenly you realize you re nearer the end than the beginning. And you wonder, you ask yourself, what the sum total of your life represents. For Nicholson the one physical thing that gives his life meaning, that represents him, is the bridge. By completing the bridge he proves to himself and everyone else that his life had purpose; that he accomplished something meaningful. The final value displayed is loyalty.