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Short Essay Sample
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Short Essay Sample" presents a unique set of challenges. One
might assume that a shorter essay would be simpler to write, given its reduced length. However,
the brevity of the essay imposes a constraint on the depth and breadth of the content that can be
included. The challenge lies in conveying a clear and concise message while ensuring that the
essay remains informative and engaging.
To begin with, condensing complex ideas into a limited word count requires careful
consideration of language and structure. Every word becomes crucial, demanding a precise
choice of vocabulary to convey meaning effectively. This constraint necessitates a meticulous
approach to sentence construction, making each sentence contribute significantly to the overall
coherence and impact of the essay.
Moreover, the limited space available poses a challenge in terms of research and supporting
evidence. The writer must carefully select the most pertinent information, as there is no room for
unnecessary details. This demands a thorough understanding of the topic and the ability to
prioritize key points that will strengthen the essay's argument or message.
Additionally, creating a captivating introduction and conclusion within the confines of brevity is
a task that requires finesse. The introduction must grab the reader's attention swiftly, and the
conclusion should leave a lasting impression, despite the restricted space for development.
In essence, writing a short essay sample involves walking a tightrope between conciseness and
completeness. It calls for a mastery of language, effective use of supporting evidence, and a keen
awareness of the reader's engagement. Striking this balance is no small feat and demands a
thoughtful and strategic approach to essay composition.
For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of composing a short essay,
assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered,
where skilled writers can help navigate the challenges of concise yet impactful writing.
Short Essay Sample Short Essay Sample
Stress Management Plan
1)Develop a comprehensive stress management plan based on the following:
a)Identify four major ongoing stressors in your life. For each stressor, describe why it
is a stressor for you. You need to discuss a variety of areas such as personality,
lifestyle, self talk, and/or beliefs.
b)For each of your four stressors describe how you know when you are stressed.
What specific indicators or symptoms do you use to determine that you are under
stress? Your indicators of stress may be physical symptoms, mental/emotional
changes, or behavior changes. Include in your answer, how different levels or type of
stress has different and/or more stress symptoms.
c)Describe coping techniques that you have tried that did not help you cope with
your stressors. Explain why each of these techniques did not work for you by giving
examples. Include in your examples the circumstances and the reactions of yourself
and others. Your answer must include at least 3 techniques.
d)Choose and explain stress management techniques that can help you cope with
each of your four stressors. Do not use the same techniques for each stressor. Your
answer must include at least four different coping strategies and the circumstances
when you have or plan to use them. For each stressor take into account: techniques or
lifestyle behaviors that can prevent a stressor from occurring; techniques that can
change your thinking about the stressor; ways to calm yourself or change the
situation while the stressor is
The Fda s Global Unique Device Identification Analysis
The FDA has established a unique device identification (UDI) database to enhance
the identification of medical devices from point of manufacture through delivery to
the end user. This guideline covers medical devices Classes I, II, and III (FDA
2014), where Class I poses the lowest risk to patient and Class III carries the highest
risk. When fully implemented, the label for the majority of medical devices will
contain a unique device identifier(UDI) in a human and machine readable (barcode)
form (FDA 2017). Medical devicecompanies operating under FDA guidelines will
be required to submit certain information about each device to the FDA s Global
Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) (FDA 2014). In order to allow
organizations... Show more content on ...
Problem Statement
Many companies have set forth action plans for UDI compliance, however, when
they purchase the Prisym ID solution, their personnel, from entry level through C
level have not had exposure or training on the PRISYM 360 software application and
do not have sufficient knowledge of the application as required to perform their job.
They may have understanding of the guideline requirements, but they do not yet
know how to translate it into creating the actual label for market medical devices.
Problem Background and Causes
The FDA developed UDI in order to better track medical devices manufactured in
the United States. It was signed into law on Septebmer 27, 2007 as a part of the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Amendments of 2007 (FDA, 2007). The law
is recognized as a significant addition to overall FDA authority, and as a result
medical devices companies must implement the guidance to maintain compliance
with U.S. FDA, or be ordered to cease all operations. The organizations must
prepare and train personnel relative to the production labeling process in order to
ensure product being sold is in compliance. Because the employees are not yet
trained on the proper usage is a concern to the company if they are to meet the
deadline for total compliance. The deadline as set forth by the FDA is a phased in
schedule between 2014 2020. The PRISYM 360 solution is UDI compliant, and the
instruction will allow the organizations employees to
How To Pursue A Career In The Military
Following graduation, high school students are suddenly thrust out into the world
after four years of classes that has done little to nothing to prepare them for life
after school. Always told that college is the only way to find a job that makes
enough money for them to live a happy life, but for some, college isn t the answer.
The military offers not only a variety of jobs and a steady source of income, but an
opportunity for higher education for free. Due to the complex nature of their
mission, the United States military has multiple options for those who wish to make
the most of their military careers. Known as Special Forces, these men and women
face some of the most challenging opposition available. Pararescue, Tactical Air
Control, and Combat Control are a few of the Special Forces under the control of the
United States Air Force. Before choosing a career path, candidates should make sure
to research the physical requirements, training length, and the mission of each career.
... Show more content on ...
While each of the Air Force Special Forces have fairly similar exercises that need to
be performed, they all have different times and repetitions based upon the
complexity and difficulty of the job they do. The requirements to be a PJ, TACP,
and CCT all include a 1.5 mile run, pull ups, push ups, and sit ups (Hoffman, 2017).
However, because PJs and CCTs regularly operate in water, their training
requirements include swimming 25 meters underwater twice and swimming 500
meters ( Air Force Special Tactics Fitness Training , n.d.). Even if a potential Air
Force Special Forces candidate passes the health screening and the physical
requirements, it does not mean that their challenges have been completed and they
can skip right to the more enjoyable
Eb Games Business Plan Essay
The Marketing Environment Final Project
Table of Contents 1.Products or Services:3 Product or service details:3 Development
and marketing:6 2.Overall Marketing Strategy6 General marketing strategy6 How do
customers trade?8 Features and benefits o the products/services8 3.Pricing Strategy:8
Price8 Credit Policy12 Price comparison13 4.Location14 Geographical location14
5.Supply and Distribution15 Describe the methods that will be used to sell and
distribute the products or services15 Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the
selling methods chosen17 6.Advertising and Promotion17 Advertising and promotion
approach17 Basis of the approach18 ... Show more content on ...
To attempt counteract this cyclical slowdown, EB games have introduced an ever
growing variety of accessories with games to increase the revenue raising capacity
of their respective consoles, as well as maintaining the loyalty and attention of a
fickle gaming public. Some types of games have been released, with specialty
controllers to great success, mitigating the expected lull in sales in the lead up to new
consoles. Recently however, the competition has become slightly skewed. Nintendo s
newfound dominance of the market is causing some headaches for Sony and
Microsoft. However, as the Wiis target market is slightly different from that of
either the Xbox 360 or the PS3, it is of less concern in the short term. Nintendo s
dominance of female console gamers, however, is of serious concern. In 2008, the
Wii outsold the PS3 and Xbox combined, indicating Nintendo s strength in the
market, as well as the growing eminence of female gamers as a target for game and
console developers.
In 2008, the Wii outsold the PS3 and Xbox combined, indicating Nintendo s strength
in the market, as well as the growing eminence of female gamers as a target for
game and console developers.
As sales of Nintendo s Wii and DS dominate the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and
PlayStation Portable, respectively, the pressure continues to mount on Sony and
Microsoft to move to the next level in the ongoing console wars. Sales of the Wii in
Pentecostal And Charismatics Research Paper
The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements and Speaking in Tongues
Submitted to Dr. Timothy McAlhaney in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the completion of the course
CHHI 525 D08 Spring 2015 LUO
History of Christianity II
Fred Martin
May 13, 2015
Contents I. Introduction.............................................................................................1 II.
The History and Theologies of Pentecostals and Charismatics..........................2 a.
Brief History of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements..................2 3 b. The
Beliefs of the Pentecostals and Charismatics...................................3 5 III. The Bible
and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit...............................................5 IV. The Bible and...
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There are now approximately 170 various denominations that identify as Pentecostal.
The Charismatic movement, or neo Pentecostalism, was born in 1960 when Episcopal
priest Dennis Bennett, during the Passion Sunday service, both spoke in tongues and
announced that he had received baptism in the Holy Spirit. Although this event is
associated with the official beginning of the Charismatic movement, it must be noted
that many other Pentecostals and even mainline Christians are considered essential to
the birth and spread of the movement. They include such names as David du Plessis,
Smith Wigglesworth, Agnes Sanford, Kenneth McAll, Presbyterian pastor James
Brown, and Lutheran minister Harald Bredesen. Those who embrace the beliefs and
practices of the Charismatic movement do not generally align themselves with any
particular mainline Christian denomination. However, Charismatics are found today
in all the major Christian denominations, especially in the Pentecostal, Lutheran,
Episcopalian, and Catholic Churches. The term Charisma means gift, so therefore
Charismatics denote those that demonstrate one or many of the supernatural gifts of
the Holy Spirit.
B. The Beliefs of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
Pentecostals and Charismatics have similarities in their theological and
ecclesiological beliefs. Both Pentecostals and Charismatics believe in the following:
(1) there is healing in the
The Human Body Is A Complex System
The human body is a complex system that is composed of billions of cells,
undergoing growth, division and death in an orderly fashion on a daily basis. When
this process occurs in an abnormal manner, the outcome is typically referred to as a
tumor. In today s world, tumor is a term that is commonly heard throughout the
world. Also referred to as neoplasm, a tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue resulting
from the rapid cell division due to some form of mutation (Cooper). They are
classified into four main groups: benign, in situ, malignant and those with uncertain
or unknown behaviour. Of the four classes of tumor, malignant neoplasms are those
tumors that are typically referred to as cancers (Cooper). These tumors involve
abnormal cell growth that has the potential to invade and destroy the surrounding
tissue, possibly forming metastases and becoming fatal. Eye tumors are secondary
tumors that results from a primary tumor that has spread from other parts of the body
and have invaded the eye. There are two primary types that occur within the eye:
retinoblastoma in children, and melanoma in adults.
Ocular melanoma is a rare cancer that occurs in the adult eye (GuГ©nel et al.).
Although there are other types of eye cancer, ocular melanoma is the most commonly
occurring and the most dangerous. It is a malignant tumor that metastasizes and
become fatal in about half of all occurring cases. It is the second most common type
of melanoma that occurs and accounts for 5% of all
Rainforests of the Atsinanana, Madagascar Essay
Rainforests of the Atsinanana, Madagascar
Christy Haakenson
Introduction to Life Science
Paula Roberts
March 27, 2011
The Rainforests of the Atsinanana is a place like no other. The continent of
Madagascar can be found 200 miles off the east coast of Africa and completed full
separation from all other land masses more than 60 million years ago (Staff W.,
2001). The island of Madagascar has lived in isolation and with isolation gives the
Rainforests of Atsinanana an abundance of plants and animals found nowhere else
in the world. This unique place is made up of six national parks and was approved
by UNESCO committee in New Zealand (WWF, n.d.). The Rainforests of Atsinanana
is currently on the list of world heritage sites in ... Show more content on ...
One type of lemur is nocturnal and is only active in the night and the other type is
diurnal and spends the days eating, mating, and playing (2005). Some are large in
size like the indri, and others such as the Berthe s mouse lemur is the smallest in the
world (2005). Although these creatures are different in characteristics, they have one
similarity and that is there home in Madagascar. Aside from many types of lemurs,
there are many other unique creatures found in the Rainforests of the Atsinanana in
Madagascar. Other species include the Flying fox bats, Fossa, Fanaloka, Tenrece,
spear nosed snake, and more than 3,000 endemic butterflies (Ward M, 2008). The
isolation of this island and history has made primate extinction real. At this time
there are at least 15 species of lemur that have gone extinct (2005). The main cause
of these primates going extinct is because of the habitat loss from deforestation
only leaving 8.5% of the original forests. The Rainforests of the Atsinanana
Madagascar is not only unique for many types of species it is home to, but also for
the unique plant life. Atsinanana has more than 12,000 plant species known in
Madagascar, which are also endemic. Six of eight baobab trees that are endemic to
Madagascar. Baobabs are bottle shaped trees with large bases and branches that
make a flat appearance to the top. The different types of baobab trees include
The Strategy Of Environmental Treaty Making
Professor of natural resource economics at Columbia University, Scott Barrett, is
responsible for producing Environment statecraft: The strategy of environmental
treaty making , a book that in his words, develops a theory of how states can
cooperate in protecting their shared environmental resources and should utilised to
analyse the successfulness of agreements and treaties. What sets this text apart is not
his presentation of newly founded information, but rather the craftful piecing together
of what Barret labels disparate ideas of economic/game theoretic approaches to
international cooperation and to combine and package them in a coherent fashion
(p.358). This is not to suggest that Barrett did not include his unique findings
however. Barrett persistently brought to light seemingly original examinations into
specific factors influencing poor successful examples of cooperation. This approach
results in an extensively scoping survey that highlights the dominant themes in a
fashion that allows the information to be accessible and feasibly consumable to any
audience willing to follow the core models and is also analytically robust. Notably
Barrett put an intensive focus, not only on theory but on how the theory was could
be applied in practice. Barrett does this as international cooperation in theory should
provide an approach for the conduct of policy , and practitioners need to think deeply
about these problems (p 358). The combination of the ideas and themes
How Karl Mark Views Was Influenced By Views Of The...
In order to make a connection of how Karl Mark views, was in some way, influenced
by certain views of the Enlightenment. But, first, we need to understand what
characteristics we can compare of the two. The idea of Enlightenment was an
intellectual movement that took place around the late 17th and 18th centuries. This
movement had placed emphasis on progress, social structure, materialism, state and
individualism. From class lectures and from the readings of the Communist
Manifesto, we can derive the idea that Marx was against social class. With Marx
understanding the dire need of reform within the social structure, he believed in a
form of equality for all, stating that not one person would be higher than the other.
He, along with other ... Show more content on ...
It was the idea that you are literally taking the lower class of people, the people who
are non land owner, who have no wealth, and now could have a say in government
affairs, in comparison to those who do have the wealth and are landowners. This
idea is now providing the lower class people the power of decision making, the
power of influence. This idea of a democratic state was seen as perhaps, the most
radical of all thoughts of a state.
If we can take Marx s and Engel s phrase of dictatorship of the proletariat, it can be
interpreted as the state s power is in the control of the working people, not the
higher classes. This idea was directed towards having finally separated capitalism
and communism. According to spunk, a website I ve found, it states that it is the
vehicle of abolishing the state ( The necessity of having the phrase
dictatorship of the proletariat was to create a progressive life for the workers, an
equality way of living and ruling. On the same website it states that the need to
create this proletariat led state, was to ...suppress capitalist resistance, and develop
the nationalized means of production as rapidly as possible in order to overcome
relative scarcity and shorten the workday, this allowing all workers to participate in
the affairs of society ( 4.
The Marxist concept of withering away of the state, is in reference to the idea of
known social institutions of the state that will
Sheila Rae Quotes
Sheila Rae wasn t afraid of anything. She wasn t afraid of the dark. She wasn t
afraid of thunder and lightning. And she wasn t afraid of the big black dog at the
end of the block. At dinner, Sheila Rae made believe that the cherries in her fruit
cocktail were the eyes of dead bears, And she ate all five of them. At school, Sheila
Rae giggles when the principal walked by. And when her classmate Wendell stole
her jump rope during recess, Sheila Rae tied him up until the bell rang. I am very
brave She said patting herself on the back. Sheila Rae stepped on every crack in the
sidewalk without fear. When her sister, Louise, said there was a monster in the
closet, Sheila Rae attacked it. And she rode her bicycle no handed with her eyes
10 Most Remarkable Posthumously Published Books
10 Most Remarkable Posthumously Published Books How to deal with an author
s unpublished work after death is a much debated issue. Many famous authors
have had their works published after their death, some with their blessings and
others against their explicitly stated wishes. Nabokov didn t want The Original of
Laura to be released. He had instructed his son Dmitri in his will to destroy the
manuscript but Dmitiri wasn t inclined to obey, inciting a debate over which is
more important an author s last wishes or literary posterity. For better or worse,
here are ten such remarkable works that have been published after the author has
passed on. 10. Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky Died: 1942 Published: 2004
Suite Française is one of the great first hand novelistic chronicles of life in Nazi
occupied France. In July 1942, having just completed the first two of a planned
sequence of five novels, NГ©mirovsky was apprehended as a stateless person of
Jewish descent and deported to Auschwitz, where she died. Her two small daughters
escaped, along with the manuscript of Suite Française in a small suitcase.
Ironically, her elder daughter, Denise, kept the manuscript for fifty years without
reading it, thinking it was a journal, possibly too agonizing to read. In the 1990s,
she made arrangements to donate her mother s papers to a French war archive, and
decided to check out what her mother had written. She discovered, instead of a diary,
two novellas written in a
Ifsm 300
Chapter 1: Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS
Learning Outcome 1.1: Describe the information age and the differences between
data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge.
Learning Outcome 1.2: Identify the different departments in a company and why they
must work together to achieve success.
Learning Outcome 1.3: Explain systems thinking and how management information
systems enable business communications.
Learning Outcome 1.4: Explain why competitive advantages are temporary.
Learning Outcome 1.5: Describe Porter s Five Forces Model and explain each of the
five forces.
Learning Outcome 1.6: Compare Porter s three generic strategies.
Learning Outcome 1.7: Demonstrate how a company can add value by using ... Show
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Learning Outcome 5.2: Identify the three primary areas associated with an
information MIS infrastructure.
Learning Outcome 5.3: Describe the characteristics of an agile MIS infrastructure.
Learning Outcome 5.4: Identify the environmental impacts associated with MIS.
Learning Outcome 5.5: Explain the three components of a sustainable MIS
infrastructure along with their business benefits. * Explain the manner in which an
IT solution supports a business process improvement project for the areas identified
above in Chapter 2.
Chapter 6: Data Business Intelligence
Learning Outcome 6.1: Explain the four primary traits that determine the value of
Learning Outcome 6.2: Describe a database, a database management system, and the
relational database model.
Learning Outcome 6.3: Identify the business advantages of a relational database.
Learning Outcome 6.4: Explain the business benefits of a data driven website.
Learning Outcome 6.5: Define a data warehouse, and provide a few reasons it can
make a manager more effective.
Learning Outcome 6.6: Explain ETL and the role of a data mart in business.
Learning Outcome 6.7: Define data mining, and explain the three common forms for
mining structured and unstructured data.
Learning Outcome 6.8: Identify the advantages of using business intelligence to
support managerial decision making. * Relational Databases
Analysis Of Greasy Lake By T. Coraghessan Boyle
Young people often experience a time in their lives where they desire to be defiant
and unruly. However, this vision is often removed from their minds when they
come into contact with a situation that changes their whole mindset on what it
really means to be bad. Greasy Lake by T. Coraghessan Boyle is a coming of age
story about an adolescent boy and his two friends on their journey to self
awareness The protagonist and his friends create a bad boy facade in order to fit in,
but as the story unravels, they begin to remove their disguise in their discovery that
what is in trend is not always morally right. The protagonist, who is also the narrator
of the story, transitions from a naГЇve boy who is a rebellious exhibitionist unsure of
his true identity to a more mature man that realizes what it really means to be bad
after one night s traumatizing events. Although the protagonist and his two friends
think they are truly bad characters, they are ultimately just rebellious teenagers.
Boyle presents the three boys as being wild and bad but quickly eliminates those
traits, as the reader understands that they are just three boys acting out as unaware
self entitled teenagers. Truly bad characters do not still live with their parents at
nineteen or drive their parent s station wagon (Boyle 409). There are many acts of
rebellion in Greasy Lake. Most of the things that the protagonist does are illegal, and
things that no parent wants their child to do. The narrator and his
Wu Zetian And Hatshepsut
Despite Tang empress of china, Wu Zetian, and Egypt s Pharaoh Hatshepsut
leadership being underrated and infamous, these two hero women had their
similarities and differences during the ear, beginning from striving to achieve
leadership and power and later ruling the empires. Wu Zetian was a non nonsense
lady who strived to get what she desired and even used manipulation and violence for
anyone who would cross her way. With stunning beauty and an excellent talent, Wu,
managed her way top into emperor. Hatshepsutbecame emperor upon the death of her
father claiming that, her father wanted her pharaoh. These two notorious women
brought out the best in themselves and making their reign glorious.
Wu Zetian, born in a well of family became interested in ruling as an emperor at a
young age. Unlike other younger girls, Wu spent most of her time reading about
politics. She learnt how to read, write Chinese classics and play music. By the age
of thirteen, Wu became popular due to her beauty, outstanding wits, talents and
intelligence earning her a place at the court of Emperor Tsai Sung. Wu was easy to
love, therefore becoming the emperor s favorite concubine within a short period of
time. Tsai Tsung died later then succeeded by his son Kao Tsung. (Richard, Harper
1998) By this time Zetian was already twenty seven years old. She immediately
became the favorite concubine of the new emperor giving him sons. Zetian strangled
her own daughter and blamed Koa s wife making her the only
My Time Playing Grand Theft Aut
As of now I have put in somewhere around 30 days of gameplay time into Grand
Theft Auto 5 and am 29% away from completing everything thing in there is to do
in the story mode. I ve played a lot of different types of games throughout my
gaming career and this is one that is definitely in my top 3 of all time. This is a game
that I really don t myself stop playing anytime soon as they keep releasing more
downloadable content to go along with the already large amount of replayability.
Grand Theft Auto 5 had a lot of hype surrounding its release and I would say that it
did indeed live up to the what was expected of it.Grand Theft Auto 5 is a big game
in a lot of ways, which starts with a 7.5 gigabyte install before you can before you
can do anything. Putting that aside the world is a huge place that Rockstar Gameshas
used to express an ambitious story that always made me want to playjust one more
mission . It is a stunning game with amazing graphics that can and does thing most
people would think to be impossible to do on our current generation of hardware.
The story mode in GTA 5 centers around three main characters. Michael, a retired
criminal living a life of idle luxury with his dysfunctional family in the higher class
region of Los Santos, Franklin a gang banger that grew up in the streets of Los
Santos that is desperate to escape the minimal revenue of petty hustling and gang
life, and Trevor an old friend of michaels that is a meth dealer, someone that is
paranoid of
The Theme of Heritage in “Everday Use” Essay
In her late twentieth century short story Everyday Use, African American writer
Alice Walker contrasts the struggle between the main characters involving the
recurring theme. The story takes place in a rural Georgia setting during the 1970s.
The plot circulates around Mama, Maggie, and Dee. Throughout, heritage develops
and remains a central theme revolving them. Each of these women in the Johnson
familytries to stay true to heritage value. But different roles of heritage exist between
each woman, so their ways of achieving this mission differs. The story Everyday Use
exemplifies the various understandings and use of heritage through Mama, Maggie,
and Dee.
To highlight her heritage theme, Walker displays how the character Mama... Show
more content on ...
Along with the name of Dee, Mama emphasizes heritage through the quilts. The
mother understands that the quilts represent her family heritage because they are
composed of pieces of the lives of previous generations (Andrews 3 of 4). Mama
feels the true meaning of the family quilts. The quilts represent tradition. Critic
David Cowart reiterates the quote of Barbara Christian which is heritage . . . must
continually be renewed rather than fixed in the past . Thus for mother heritage is
living tradition manifested through homely skills, such as quilt making, passed on
(Cowart 4 of 7). Mama denies Dee of possessing the quilts and feels like she was
touched by the spirit of God in church (Farrell 4 of 5). She chooses Maggie to have
the symbolic quilts over Dee. By selecting Maggie Mrs. Johnson recognizes the
quilt connection with her (Piedmont Marton 9 of 13). Mama realizes that heritage
must be kept up because the art will die if women like Maggie do not keep it up
(Cowart 4 of 7). Values of both daughters become factors during the decision Mama
makes. The mother is assigning proper weight to the virtues of Maggie and to the
ancestral importance of the pieced quilts (Baker Jr. and Pierce Baker 12 of 13). Thus,
emphasizes her concept of heritage, Mama selects the correct daughter.
Another Johnson family woman, Maggie, represents heritage by the way she
characteristically carries herself. Maggie and her
Mrs Mallard Oppression
The Story of an Hour , is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. Throughout
this time frame, the Women s Suffrage Movement was going on as well as the
constrained traditions of feminine roles. Men were known to be dominant and this
short story connects very well with this time frame. In The Story of an Hour , Kate
Chopinaddresses many of the concerns that are central to feminism, by using verbal,
situational and dramatic irony, as well as imagery and flashback, unveiling the
issues of oppression and suppression in women. The main character of the story
Mrs. Mallard, is firstly introduced to the reader. She is a women afflicted with a
heart trouble and because of this heart trouble, there is great care taken to give her
the news... Show more content on ...
To the readers surprise, Louise dies of a heart attack at that very moment. When
the doctor came there said to she had died of a heart disease of joy that kills (308).
While the Mallards marriage was functional and not horribly cruel, Louise still
appreciated the new found freedom that she had when she thought her husband
was gone. She died not only from a heart attack but at the realization that she would
have to go back to a sub surd role, a repressed situation, she would not live for just
herself but she would have to bend her will to someone else, and this robbing of
the freedom is what really killed her. Josephine, Brentley and the doctor believed
that Louise was overwhelmed with joy at seeing her husband alive that the shock
kills her, given her fragile heart condition. However the reader is privy to the
thoughts in Louise s head and may interpret the ending differently. Seeing Louise s
heart breaking sense that her freedom and autonomy was now dashed to the ground
is what really killed
Racism In Canadian Society
Racism, what is racism? racism is a, intolerance of another race or other races , in
much words people who is agents each other relegate or color. Racism has become a
cccccchjke 1960s, racism was a fairly blatant aspect of Canadian society. Racism
played an obvious role in shaping individual attitudes, state policies and institutional
arrangements in the economy, the political system and civil society. But to what
extent does racismcontinue to inform and structure how our institutions operate
today, what is the social meaning of racein contemporary Canadian society, and what
is the most effective way to combat racism in all its forms?
The chapters in this book seek answers to these important questions. They analyze, in
different ways,
Feudalism In The Middle Ages
Could you imagine working long hours in the hot sun in exchange for a little piece
of land to live on? What about being 100% loyal to your lord in return for land? This
is what life was like in a Feudal society in Europe during the Middle Ages. The
Middle Ages was a time period between 500 and 1500 AD (OI). During the Middle
Ages, Europeans used Feudalism: a social, economic, and political system.
In the Middle Ages, a person s social status was defined by the Feudal rankings.
The Feudal rankings consisted of kings at the top, followed by nobles, knights,
and then peasants and serfs. Feudalism was a political, economic, and social
system in which nobles were granted the use of land that legally belonged to the
king. In return, the nobles agreed to give their loyalty and military services to the
king (Doc. 1). Another influential part in the social life of a person in the Middle
Ages was the Roman Catholic Church (Doc. 3). Mostly everyone in Europe was a
Christian during this time. People, especially serfs and peasants, liked the Church
because it gave them a sense of social belonging even though they were the bottom
class (Doc. 3). Finally, the Code of Chivalry played an important role in the lives
of everyone. It shaped how they lived. A social part of the Code of Chivalry was
Feudal duties, which every person was required to do, and Thou shalt be generous,
especially to the Church (Doc. 5). The social life of a person in the Middle Ages was
important but not the only
Analysis Of Chopin s The Storm
Sexual Openness There have been several instances in history where a woman s
societal and personal existence revolved around her relationship to her husband. In
The Storm , Chopin discusses women s sexual openness in correlation with their
husbands and status in society. By contrasting martial structure, genderroles, and class
distinction, Chopin showcases the weight of societal pressures on women during the
19th century.One of the foundations for marital structures is the conflicting ideas of
monogamy and polygamy. Calixta represents polygamy while Bobinot represents
monogamy. While Calixta slept with Alcee, she felt a response in the depth of his
own sensuous nature that had never yet been reached (83). One could perceive that
Calixta, like other women during the time, was in a passionless marriage, and this was
the first time that she had experienced sexual ecstasy. To expend the point further,
Chopin s portrayal of Calixta draws attention to the ides that if a marriage is
passionless, maybe that is justification for polygamy especially is committed to
staying in the marriage. Calixta is dedicated to her husband, to the point of
remaining married to him, but she is open to having a sexual experience with
someone other than her husband. Once Alcee and Calixta had finished their affair,
the world became a place of gems (83).Chopin s metaphor suggests that polygamy
could be an option for individuals because it makes eases people stress especially
those concerning
Rhetorical Analysis Of Richard Louv s Last Child In The
In Richard Louv s, Last Child in the Woods, he develops an argument relevant to
today s times about the separation between people and nature and how little nature
is actually appreciated. His conversational, yet crisp diction, didactic tone, and use
of allusions to the past strengthen his argument. Louv s diction can be classified as
the diction one would hear at a public speaking event. He carries a conversational
diction to assuage the reader into becoming relaxed, yet willing to listen. Louv doesn
t use colloquialisms, and the lack thereof results in a crisp diction as well. His
conversational yet crisp diction comes out in lines 57 59, Perhaps we ll someday tell
our grandchildren stories about our version of the nineteenth century Conestoga
wagon. Louv s use of the pronouns we and our establishes feelings of mutuality and
togetherness among the audience and in return, the audience is keen to listen.... Show
more content on ...
He doesn t shove his argument or view down the throats of his audience, but he does
present them. He uses litotes to support his argument for closing the gap between
people and nature, an example being, But the logical extension of synthetic nature is
the irrelevance of true nature the certainty that it s not even worth looking at (lines
17 19). In these lines, Louv hints at his disagreement towards the ever growing gap
between people and nature. Like a pastor referring to scripture to support or negate
his arguments, Louv refers to quotes from other people, Richtel and Brooks, to
support or negate his own arguments, which expands on the didactic tone. Louv s use
of rhetorical questions in lines 43 47 targets didactic behavior as
North Korea s Worst Economy
Article one titled A Kim in his counting house; North Korea s awful economy
explains North Korea s collapsing economy. North Korea suppresses most economic
data. The information is created by using near statistics of its trade with other
countries. We can use those countries records and a jazz for population growth and
inflation to get a close estimate of that country s economy. In 1950s through the
1970s its economy outgrew the capitalist s country of South Korea. All their resources
were placed towards production. Although today North Koreas per capita GDP is
only one 40th of South Koreas at a whopping $600 year. Korea spent almost
3,000,000,000 each year in the military. There are 1.2 million people in the Army out
of 25 million people in the whole entire country. They have huge conventional arsenal,
rocket launchers and nuclear tests. Most countries who invest highly in the military
grow economically. North Koreahowever their economy has gone up only a little.
North Korea s exports in 2015 were no higher than that at their peak in late 1970s,
while per capita imports were 2/5 lower. The underperformance is remarkable
either for a country that is neither a failing country nor at a state of war. So where
North Korea go wrong? The collapse of the Soviet Union hit North Korea hard in
1990s on addition bad weather and agricultural reduction collapsed in the 1990s that
led to famine in which hundreds of thousands of people died. Also North Korea s
nuclear bombing test has
Starbucks Canadian And International History
This is essay is on Starbucks which are coffee shops that have a 33% share of the
American coffee market. It covers its Canadian and international history. It also goes
over the customer age statistics and Starbucks techniques to bring in more customers
from those age groups. And lastly, it explains some of the health effects its drinks
have on its consumers.
Starbucks was first opened in Seattle by two teachers and a writer. In 1981, the
chairman, president and chief executive officer of Starbucks, Howard Schultz first
went into a Starbucks shop. A year later, in 1982, he became a part of Starbucks. In
1983, he went to Italy and wanted to make Starbucks coffee similar to the coffee
there. He left for a while and then bought Starbucks in 1987 and renamed the II
Giornale coffee shops he owned. The first Canadian Starbucks store opened that year.
In 1995, Chapters and Starbucks create a partnership. A year later, they open stores
outside of North America. ... Show more content on ...
People aged 25 to 40 make up 49% of Starbucks consumers. Starbucks shops have
contemporary designs and most of their customers are from urban places. People
aged 18 24 are 40% of Starbucks consumers. Starbucks uses a lot of social media to
reach out to this age group. They have a Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube account.
Children and teenagers aged 13 to 17 are only 2% of Starbucks consumers because
many of their drinks are bought by their parents. To encourage people from this age
group to purchase drinks, Starbucks makes child friendly adjustments to their
products. They have special drinks for children and smaller sized cups. As well as
selling products in Starbucks shops, the coffee is sold online and in grocery stores,
so consumers can have their products in the comfort of their own homes. This brings
in even more consumers, including some who don t have enough time to go out for
a cup of coffee or some who just feel uncomfortable in social
The Age of Innocence movie Essay example
It s New York City in the 1870s, a society ruled by expectations and propriety,
where a hint of immorality can bring scandal and ruin. This is an America every bit
as Victorian as her contemporary England. Into this world arrives Countess Ellen
Olenska (Michelle Pfeiffer), a woman who has spent much of her life in Europe
and is now escaping from a disastrous marriage. Her initial adult meeting with
Newland Archer (Daniel Day Lewis) is sedate he is engaged to her cousin May
(Winona Ryder) but there is a subtle fire smouldering from the first glance. From that
point on, Archer s dilemma becomes painfully clear proceed with what society
deems proper and marry the rather vapid May, or allow his heart and passions to
carry him far from... Show more content on ...
The powerful score moves along with the story, in perfect counterpoint to the visuals
never intrusive, but always effective. The scenes of artfully prepared meals are
enough to make mouths water, and it s almost possible to smell the pungent aroma of
cigars. In these elements of the film, Scorsese was ably assisted by contributions
from composer Elmer Bernstein and cinematographer Michael Ballhaus.
The set design and costumes are flawless, and the audience is legitimately
transported to the nineteenth century (through the help of Troy, NY, where the
principal filming was done, and the Philadelphia Academy of Music, which doubled
as a New York opera house). This is not some mere token attempt to conjure up
images of times past; Scorsese has put so much effort into the illusion that those who
didn t know better would be willing to swear that he had discovered a time capsule.
Adapting from the 1921 Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Edith Wharton (who also
wrote Ethan Frome, a similar story of love and loss, which reached American
screens earlier this year), Scorsese and Jay Cocks have successfully incorporated
the conflict of emotion against societal pressures which lies at the heart of The Age
of Innocence. Those watching the movie will understand that it is no easy task to
resurrect a code of behavior long dead and buried.
Daniel Day Lewis never fails to impress, even when he appears in a poor film. For the
most part, however, he has chosen
Differences Between New England And Chesapeake Colonies
Elaine Tracy
Mr. Lafontaine
18 September 2017
DBQ #1
Thanks to men like Christopher Columbus the world became an explorer s oyster.
The findings of new created much curiosity in Europe to explore and conquer new
lands in order to expand their empire. In the early 1600 s a surge of motivation to
explore and settle new colonies came over England. The Result of this was the New
England and Chesapeake colonies, who were both settled by immigrants from
England. Many people decided they needed to escape England due to religious
persecution and poverty. Hundreds of families, men, women, and their children,
came in search of a New World where they could have a new start. Despite the
striking similarities between the two colonies they grew ... Show more content on ...
This further emphasizes their intentions by showing their main priorities; minters
to create a religion based society as well as followers, in this case his family. On
the other hand other people s motivation to come to the New World was
commercial and profit. This is the case with the founding fathers of the
Chesapeake colonies. The Chesapeake region of the colonies included Virginia,
Maryland, the New Jerseys and Pennsylvania. In 1607, the first English colony in
the New World, Jamestown, was founded by a group of 104 settlers along the
James River. These settlers were hungry for gold and silver. This is emphasized in
the Ship s list of Emigrants (doc 3) where they state that the men listed should be
transported to Virginia embarked in the Merchant s Hope. Though the settlers of the
Chesapeake Colonies desired religious freedom it was not their main focus when
coming to the New World, they wanted to be merchants; in other words they wanted
money! Captain John Smith further highlights the intentions of the Chesapeake
settlers in History of Virginia (doc 5) which was written for the pure purpose of
informing future people of the origins of Virginia. Smith refers to the men as gold
seekers who made all men their slaves in their hope that they would become wealthy
and discover incredible riches from this new land. Because of the contrasting reasons
for settlement these two colonies became extremely different.
Online Sex Addiction ( Osa )
The expanding role of the internet in everyday life in a culture seemingly obsessed
with sex has led to the expression of a behaviorally complicated form of addiction
referred to as Online Sex Addiction (OSA) (Griffiths, 2012). Hypersexual adults with
OSA display maladaptive patterns of internet enabled sexually compulsive thoughts
and behavior leading to adverse consequences including significant clinical distress
and occupational and social impairment with deficiencies in most areas of
functioning, such as work, school, family relations, judgment, thinking, mood etc.
(Hook et al., 2014; Kaplan Kruegar, 2010). A relatively nascent literature has
attempted to evaluate the biopsychosocial mechanisms that mediate and perpetuate
OSA... Show more content on ...
This paper will review the current OSA definition, summarize recent research on the
prevalence and comorbidities of OSA, and then describe and evaluate data from OSA
psychotherapeutic intervention studies. Defining OSA
Online sex addiction in hypersexual individuals has been defined informally as when
an individual experiences an intense preoccupation with nonparaphilic and/or
paraphilic sexual desires, urges and behaviors as evidenced by the complementary
/exclusive use of the internet as a tool to provide comfort when experiencing
dysphoric mood states and/or stressful live events (Winkler et al, 2013; Kafka, 2010).
As with substance use, misuse and dependence, hypersexual adults with OSA
experience symptoms on a continuum of engagement (i.e., experimental, recreational,
regular and dependent/compulsive) (Cooper, Galbreath, Becker, 2004). Persons with
OSA may repeatedly have unsuccessful attempts to control or diminish the amount of
time spent using the internet to engage in sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviors
(Delmonico, Carnes, 1999; Delmonico Griffin, Carnes, 2002). Like in substance
abuse/dependency, these persons can experience tolerance and withdrawal symptoms.
There is controversy among researchers in the field regarding whether sex addiction
is really a disorder (Kafka, 2010; Karila, 2014). The DSM V does not contain
diagnostic criteria or treatment suggestions for sex
The Human Resources Department Is Doing A Lot Of
Things Right
Introduction and Purpose The Human Resources Department exists to provide value
to the organization. The HR department is doing a lot of things right but there is a
need for a robust HR Transformation in order to help the business achieve its
strategic objectives for performance and growth and increase employee engagement.
The transformation must have the support of all employees in order to ensure
continued success of OUR Company now and in the future. This paper will highlight
the findings of the SWOT assessment that were utilized to identify HR gaps, and
develop proposed recommendations of change within the HR domains. The
recommendations will consist of the Who, What, and Why there is a need for
change as well as a So That... Show more content on ...
Listed below is a summary of the SWOT findings that were key in developing the
proposed transformation recommendations: Strengths Products made is the U.S.A
Specialty component patents Company has grown exponentially Weaknesses
Employee uncertainty Unethical labor practices Performance management system
Opportunities Expand current customer base Cost savings allocation plan
ThreatsPossible unionization Poor economy Possible litigation in the future PAC
Resources currently faces organizational challenges that will be improved by
implementing necessary changes in the HR department. Listed below are some of
these challenges: reduce labor costs by 10% without imposing layoffs employee
benefits program misrepresented sales numbers (due to employee uncertainty)
pending litigation for various complaintsRecommendations Action Plan After
analyzing the SWOT assessment and organizational challenges we have developed
three proposed recommendations for change. The recommendations positively affect
performance, people, information and workflow. Listed below are the proposed
recommendations as well as the Who, What, Why and strategic metric and timeline:
Change # 1 Who: HR staffing section (strategic positioner) What: Encourage
retirement, cut all overtime, freeze all wage increases. Offer retirement to those
employees with over 20 years. The goal
The Theme Of Childhood In The NovelFranny And Zooey
Though not much is known about J.D. Salinger s childhood or family, a plethora
of his works include overall themes of family and how different aspects of
childhood can affect someone in the future (Wenke). In his novel, Franny and
Zooey, this theme is an important part of the story (French). The story begins with
Franny Glass story, told in third person by an unknown narrator. She s taking a
weekend off from college to meet her boyfriend, Lane Coutell, to eat lunch and
spend the weekend with him for his college s football weekend. At lunch, Franny
has a mental breakdown and tells Lane about how she hates all of the fake people
she encounters. She meets many poets and they all write about what will interest
people and not about what they actually feel. She finds beauty in the things that
actually have important value to people rather than something that means nothing.
Lane also questions her on the little green book she always carries around. She
avoids the question until she can t and explains she got it in her college library,
which she is obviously lying about. She proceeds to go to the bathroom and pass
out. When she wakes up, Lane can tell something is wrong, but he no longer
questions her. Then it switches to Zooey s story. It is narrated by the second eldest
Glass sibling, Buddy Glass. Zooey and his mother, Bessie, are struggling to get along.
She continuously questions him, and she babies Franny and only speaks of Seymour,
his brother who committed suicide, and
Advantages Of Davao City
According to the National Economic and Development Authority Region (NEDA)
XI, Davao City, which has an area of approximately 244,000 hectares, is listed as
`one of the largest cities in the world. Because of the city s wide area, it requires
various transportation modes for the people to avail in order to arrive at various
places. Among its common public transportvehicles includes jeepneys, buses,
tricycles, pedicabs and also those small potpots or bicycle with sidecars, single
motorcycles also known as habal habal , as well as taxis and rental cars. Most of
these public transportvehicles have a predefined route in which they should follow in
every trip. For the buses, they can operate within and between provinces. On the
other hand, taxis have no defined routes because they can transport passengers to any
part of the city. As for the jeepneys, they operate within the city and their routes
assigned by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB).
Because jeepneys are only allowed or... Show more content on ...
Davao City is known for many tourists destinations, thus, lots of tourists visit the
place. For some people that are not familiar with the public transit in Davao City, the
possibility of inconvenience and difficulty in choosing a ride is likely to happen.
As what Borromeo (2016) stated, the traffic condition in Davao City can be
considered as a crisis and is not far better than the traffic in Metro Manila. As a
daily routine, most of the people are trying to find ways to arrive faster at their
destination. When traffic is heavy, taking the shortest distance is still not a guarantee
to have a faster way to arrive at the destination. There are optimal paths that are not
necessarily based on distance. For the optimal route, the cost, distance, speed, and
time are being
Wells Fargo Banking System
The information system I chose for my essay is the Wells Fargo online banking
system. The purpose of the system is to be able complete almost any task online
that can be done at a physical branch. Customers with a Wells Fargo online account
can view their account balances, bank credit card balances, transfer funds, pay bills,
make additional principal payments on their mortgage and sign up for additional
services. Customers who use the mobile app in conjunction with their online account
also have the ability to deposit checks by taking a photo of the check and uploading
it via the mobile app. One of the positive impacts of the information system on its
customers includes convenience. The ease of use of the online system in itself is quite
... Show more content on ...
The mobile app does not currently offer customers the ability to view the Messages
Alerts inbox or the ability to see their Statements Documents, which are uploaded in
Portable Document Format (PDF), like they can on the website. PDF files are
easily readable on smartphones as long as the customer has a PDF reader installed
on their phone. To solve this problem, I would add these features to the mobile app
by adding a Messages button where the customer can view all messages in their inbox
followed by a Statements Documents button where the PDF statements and other
documents are uploaded in lieu of sending customers paper documents by
Lloyd School Swot Analysis
Claremont McKenna School is a private establishment that was established in 1946.
It has an aggregate undergrad enlistment of 1,301, its setting is rural, and the
grounds size is 69 sections of land. It uses a semester based scholarly schedule.
Claremont McKenna School s positioning in the 2016 version of Best Universities is
National Aesthetic Sciences Universities, 9. Its educational cost and expenses are
$49,045 (2015 16).
Claremont McKenna School is situated in Claremont, California, at the foot of the
San Gabriel Mountains, 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. The school is a
piece of the seven school consortium known as The Claremont Universities, which
incorporates Scripps School, Pomona, Harvey Mudd School, Pitzer School, Claremont
William Harvey Research Paper
Science has given the world countless inventions that make human life and
progression sophisticated. From ancient times to today, scientific discoveries continue
to advance. During the Scientific Revolution (sixteen hundreds), numerous inventions
and theories were devised. Galileo Galilei established the Law of Inertia, invented the
telescope, and perfected the Scientific Method. Isaac Newtonmade stellar revelations
in physicsand calculus. Finally, Benjamin Franklin made advances in technology. He
invented gadgets such as bifocals, the odometer, and the lightning rod. Along with
these wise men, William Harvey s discovery greatly affected the people of his time,
and still does to this day. William Harvey, a British doctor, stated that blood pumped
by the heart circulates throughout the entire body.
William Harvey was the oldest of nine children. He was born in Folkestone, England
to Thomas Harvey and Joane Hawke on April, 1 1578. His father was a successful
businessman. At the age of fifteen, he enrolled as a medical student at the ... Show
more content on ...
In De Motu Cordis, Harvey s riveting book, he justifies his statement. Years before
Harvey s time, doctors and civilians alike believed that each body part had its own
blood. For example, arm blood was thought to be quite different than leg leg blood.
Because of this, doctors and surgeons would practice bloodletting. Bloodletting
was the withdrawal of large amounts of blood in a specific body part in order to get
disease or infection out of an ill patient s system. This practice was not safe and
ended in many deaths. William Harvey s discovery allowed sick patients to get safe,
correct treatment. It also gave doctors a deeper understanding of the human body and
the knowledge to improve medicine. In short, William Harvey made patient care safe
and practical, and gifted fellow and future doctors the correct
Essay on The Death of Artemio Cruz
The Death of Artemio Cruz
Carlos Fuentes author of The Death of Artemio Cruz has used his novel to show how
Mexico has been transformed and molded into its present state through the use of his
character Artemio Cruz. Fuentes uses Cruz to bring together a historical truth about
the greedy capital seekers, robber barons, if you will, who after the revolution
brought Mexico directly back to into the situation it was in before and during the
Revolution. Fuentes wrote the novel in nineteen sixty two, shortly after the Cuban
Revolution. Fuentes is able to express his disappointment from the Mexican
Revolution, the revolution by the people in his native land. The revolution seemed to
change nothing for the average person in Mexico; the ... Show more content on ...
He was revolutionary in the way he was able to use characters in his writings to
disclose the big picture and history of his own home land, the country of Mexico.
Fuentes was able to reach out to people of all walks of life, his writings were
eventually all translated, and he became known worldwide. Fuentes wrote many
controversial books, some of those were: Terra Nostra, The Campaign, The Old
Gringo, Where the Air Is clear, The Death of Artemio Cruz, The Good Conscience,
The Orange Tree, etc. I believe Carlos Fuentes published nineteen books altogether,
many of the books seem to be almost chapters of one large novel; a novel that was
an idea to bring information to the people, to help people think about things
outside of the box, the way he saw things. His work was very insightful and helped
to show the struggle of Mexico throughout history and even to the present day.
Fuentes also wrote many essays of social protest and several short stories. He had a
love of history, a desire to show the truth and the want to enlighten people to
believe in a better way of life, all of these things he was able to due in his writings.
I believe he just wanted the average person to understand how and why their
economy, Government and their basic existence came to be. . . He was trying to
reach the average Mexican. I believe Fuentes basically blamed the people of Mexico
for letting these things
The Holocaust And The Holocaust
The Holocaust was a genocide which lasted from 1942 to 1945 in which around 6
million European Jewish people were killed. It was the result of the Ideals of the
past chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler. Hitler came to power in 1933 by
capitalising on worldwide events such as the great depression in 1929 resulting
from the Wall Street crash. He began spreading his ideas of anti Semitism to the
German population in preparation for the Final Solution with the assistance of
distribution methods like propaganda, violence, and an economic boycott. Most of
the impacts resulting from his methods proved to be extremely valuable to the
success of the preparation as they efficiently and effectively carved a hateful image
of the Jewish population into the minds of the German people and aligned them
with Hitler s ideas of anti Semitism. However, some of his methods were not
valuable to prepare the German people as they were not able to depict a strong
enough bias against the Jews.
Propaganda was arguably one of the most effective ways for ideas to be spread
around rapidly, this was shown in Hitler s autobiography, Mien Kampf, in which
he states: Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people..... Propaganda
works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for
the victory of this idea. It shows that Hitler understood the effectiveness of
propaganda and utilised it to spread his anti Semitist ideas towards the German
people to create a negative image of the Jewish population. The United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum Webpage states that the Nazi propagandists exploited
pre existing images and stereotypes, and portrayed Jews as an alien race that fed off
the host nation, poisoned its culture, seized its economy, and enslaved its workers
and farmers. This hateful depiction of the Jewish people was enough to create fire in
the minds of the German population and drove them into an anti Semitic frenzy,
resulting in the German people expressing their rage against the Jews through violent
means. The impact on the German people that was created by the slanderous
depictions of Jews was extremely valuable to prepare them for the Holocaust, as the
hatred for the Jews was so deeply
The Goal By Eliyahu M. Veldt
The Goal, a fictional novel written by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, introduces the reader to a
plant manager of a production plant within the UniCo Manufacturing group, Alex
Rogo, who is experiencing consistent problems in meeting targeted production levels.
Faced with an ultimatum, ta turn his plant profitable in three months, Rogo seeks
guidance from a distant acquaintance of his, Jonah, an old physics professor. This
consultancy introduces concepts that will constitute cornerstones of Rogo s strategy
to turn the plant around. These concepts are also applied successfully by Rogo in the
alternative story line of his marital life. When reaching out to Jonah, Rogo is to some
extent perplexed of why the plant is not performing as expected, he is instructed to
define the true goal of the firm. After contemplation, Rogo managed, with help of one
of his accountants, to expand the ultimate goal to make money into essentially three
categories: to increase net profit, while simultaneously increasing return of
investment, while simultaneously increasing cash flow . The measures, as outlined
by Jonah, of this overarching goal were; Throughput, Inventory and Operational
Expense. Throughput refers to the rate at which the system generates cash from sales,
Inventory is defined as the total money invested in purchasing things intended to sell,
whereas Operational Expense is the cost associated with turning inventory into
throughput. These measurements as defined in the Goal differ in
Conflicting Artistic Styles In The Enlightenment
Conflicting Artistic Styles in the Enlightenment The Enlightenment era spanned from
the latter half of the 1600s to the end of the 1700s and was a time of monumental
shifts in political ideology and social structure. Although some forms of art, especially
music, did not become emotional vehicles of individual experience until the
Romantic period, the art of the Enlightenment certainly reflected the changing social
climate of the era and the political views of the artists. A prime example of the
portrayal of social life in the arts during the Enlightenment is in the conflict between
the Rococo and Neo Classical movements. Not only is Rococo art and architecture
aesthetically pleasing, but during the eighteenth century this type of artwork helped
the nobility momentarily forget about the brooding societal climes in which they
lived. The mood of Rococo artwork is often carefree (though sometimes tinged with a
bit of sadness), the color hues are muted, and the subjects are usually aristocratic
figures enjoying various hobbies. Style galant and Empfindsamkeit are two... Show
more content on ...
The textbook states that The aims and ideals of the Roman Republic freedom,
opposition to tyranny, valor ...became a characteristic of the art of the French
revolution. Specifically, Neo Classical artists emphasized a balance between emotion
and restraint (p. 568). Thus, Neo Classicism was one way in which the lower classes
of Europe identified with the worldview of the ancient Romans as they sought to
better their position in society. Classical music, which is characterized by the
expression of emotion in a thoughtful, structured manner, was one result of the Neo
Classical movement. The Classical tradition gave rise to the symphonic form, which
was perfected by the now famous composers Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang
Lobotomy Case Studies
1.Lobotomy is a surgical procedure that severs the nerve fibers in the brain. The
procedure became very popular by Antonio Egan Moniz and Walter Freeman. The
procedure is done using an ice pick and is irreversible. Thousands of lobotomies
were done between 1939 and 1967. 2.Legal leverage is basically when the court
forces a person to accept medical treatment even if the person s income has to be
taken control over. 3.Psychotherapy is a type of therapy that uses verbal
communication. Psychotherapy can take on many formats including: individual,
couple, group, and family. 4.Bipolar disorder is when person experiences moods
varying like a roller costar with very elevated moods (peaks) and very depressed
moods (valleys). 5.Deinstitutionalization is when many patients in state mental...
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A drug is described as a substance that is not food. A drug is taken typically in
small quantities and can cause some altering effects to the individual taking the
drug(s). (alter mental, physical, or emotional state) 2.There are two types of
inherited alcoholism: Type I and Type II. Type I is milieu limited which means
that men and women are equally as likely to develop this type of alcoholism. Type
II is dominantly seen in males and is more supported by genetic data information
when compared to type I. Type II tends to be considered to be more severe than
type I alcoholism. 3.Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the concentration of
alcohol in your blood. In North Carolina, it is illegal for someone to drive with a
BAC level greater than 0.08. 4.Many fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) happen
when a woman consumes alcohol when they are pregnant. The following health
conditions are related to FASD: fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), alcohol related birth
defects (ARBD), and alcohol related neurodevelopment disorders (ARND). When a
baby experiences fetal alcohol syndrome they often experience withdrawals and
Riley Inside Out
Film Analysis The film is about the 11 year old central character, Riley, originally
from Minnesota, moves to San Francisco with her parents. The story explores the
mind of Riley who struggles to move away from her hometown, away from her
childhood friends, hockey team and has a hard time pretending to be happy for her
parents. The primary emotions of Riley are Joy/happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust
and Fear. Riley has 5 out of the 6 human universal emotions. All of these emotions
are personalised into characters in Riley s control centre . Development of Riley s
emotions The dominant emotion of Riley is happiness because Joy is the leader of
the emotion crew in the control centre. Riley s personality is shaped by her
happiness. This fits... Show more content on ...
It teaches people that sadness allows them to unfold, engage patiently, especially
for preteens and teenagers with emotional struggles. It is important that we
experience sadness, and one of our physiological responses is tears. When we cry,
it cues others around us that we need help, and thus we can be empathised. When
others empathise us, our hearts feel warm, and this is caused by the production of
oxytocin (love hormone). Sadness creates bonds, and when we share it, a healing
effect can be caused. Sadness is vital in the film because it allows Riley to recognize
the changes that she is going through (moving to a new town) and her
Accordin s Article Canines To The Rescue
In wars thousands of years past, men have had more than just cannons and swords at
their sides. Dogs have stayed by humans through the impossible, sacrificing
themselves for their owners even in the most life threatening circumstances. What
could be more life threatening than the frontlines of a war, or being on the trail of a
dangerous criminal? Dogs have the incredible natural senses and an unshakable
loyalty to humans that makes them a valuable asset to first responders.
The article, Canines to the Rescue tells about how dogs have been used to locate
survivors at Ground Zero in the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York City.
Locating the dead and searching (too often in vain for the living is obviously an
emotionally draining task, says the article, It s no picnic for dogs. Dogs may appear
to be simple domestic animals, but they have emotions and problems just like
humans, and are more than capable of thinking for themselves. These dogs suffer
through injury as well as emotional trauma, all the while staying close to their soldier
or their officer. Sometimes, it s hard for a dog to stay away, as the article relates how
one dog urged its owner to go to work even after it had been injured. ... Show more
content on ...
Dog bites kill or seriously injure countless people, and a powerful dog could easily
tear through a human. Dogs, by nature, are wild animals governed by their
instincts. However, dogs used by first responders go through intense training for
months on end. They establish an unbreakable bond with their owners, as seen in
the video Soldier Adopts Dog, where a soldier adopts the dog that saved his life. I
owned this dog... I owe her everything, he says. These dogs are just like our
brothers, to our left and our right. His dog currently lives with his family and shows
very little aggression, and, of course, is still loyal to its
Greek Values In The Odyssey
Ryan Hartman
Ms. Dixon
Freshman English 6
3 March 2015 The Cunning Way
Greek values, originating in Ancient Greece, were widely celebrated by the Greeks.
These values were commonly used and recognized in century old myths. In some
myths, heroes would often use values while performing heroic actions. These values
still alive today in many different ways and are present in American culture. They
appear in pop culture, everyday life, warfare and the business world. Although the
value s meaning might have shifted from when they originated, they are still true to
their original meanings. Mythological values used by the Ancient Greeks have lived
on and are still present in American culture today. Precisely, Guile is seen and used in
the business ... Show more content on ...
In a popular TV drama series, Breaking Bad, the main character Walter White uses
guile to his advantage when an extremely powerful drug lord threatens to kill him
and his family. The drug lord s name is Gustavo Fring. Gustavo is in charge of a
successful fast food chain that serves as a front for his meth business. He also
makes weekly visits to his old boss, Hector Salamanca. Because Walt knows this,
he goes to Hector Salamanca and they devise a plan. Because of their mutual
hatred toward Gustavo Fring, they devise a plan to kill him. He plants a bomb
underneath Hector s wheelchair and detonates it when Gustavo enters the room.
After this, Walt and his family are safe and no longer worry about their lives on a
day to day basis. Since Walt tricks Gustavo into walking into his own death trap, he
uses guile effectively in Breaking Bad. Another TV drama, Dexter, implements guile
as well. Dexter Morgan, the main character, is a serial killer who works with the
Miami Police. A sergeant that works with Dexter, Sgt. Doakes, is suspicious and
thinks something is wrong with him. For this reason, Sgt. Doakes follows Dexter
around to gather information on him. Dexter knows this and sets up a trap to
incriminate Sgt. Doakes. He tricks Sgt. Doakes into assaulting him in front of their
coworkers. After seeing this confrontation, the coworkers side with Dexter.
Everybody thinks that Sgt. Doakes is out of
Marxism Between Social Classes In The Office
The popularity of the television show, The Office, is partially a result of its
connection to problems and topics that members of the society face daily. One
example of these problems is the emergence of Marxism between social classes that
can occur due to businesses or the economy. In one episode of The Office, the boss,
Michael, is assigned with the task of choosing a health care plan for his employees.
Jan, who is over Michael, says to him, You know the whole reason that we are doing
this is to save money ( Health Care ). The main goal for most companies is to make
as much profit as possible and cut unnecessary expenditures, however, companies
often become so obsessed with becoming wealthy that they often neglect the needs of
their employees
Harvesters Vase
Harvester Vase: Hagia Triada
The Harvester Vase was found in Hagia Triada on the island of Crete. This vase is
from the Late Bronze Age, dating from 1550 to 1500 BC. The vase was originally
made in three parts and was fitted together. The face is oval shaped and has a
vessel on the top. The vase was carved on brownish steatite. The vase was originally
glided with gold and hammered to paper thin thickness. This piece is decorated with
low relief sculpture and shows a unique scene. The piece has pictorial designs. The
composition is powerful, rhythmical, and lively.
The vase is a sculptural piece. To get the full effect of the piece you have to see the
whole thing, which may cause you to have to walk around the piece. The piece is a
dark ... Show more content on ...
The man in front of him has his head turned backwards to look at the man who has
fallen behind him. These figures are vividly caught in their motion and differ from
the basic consistency of the other figures.
The Harvester Vase has a solid and strong composition. The composition gives
rhythm to the piece. The piece comes alive through all the movement shown
throughout the piece. This piece is done in a naturalistic way. The figures in the
piece have life like features and their clothes match the clothes of the present time.
The way the figures muscles are expressed are very life like and natural. The detail
of the work is unbelievable, especially given that the vase has a diameter of about
five inches. The Harvester Vase is a portrayal of the humanbody, emotions, and
expressions. The distribution of the vase shows stylistic uniformity.
The Harvester Vase can be interpreted in a few different ways. The other twenty
figures carry a stick like object with three rods at the end. This stick like object could
represent an instrument such as a pitchfork. This leads to the idea that the twenty
figures are harvesters. The harvesters seem to be marching in pairs. They seem to be
stomping, but are in step with one another. Their lips are pressed together which
could indicate silence. Although most of the men are in step, there is one exception.
Jerome Seymour Bruner Essay
Jerome Seymour Bruner is an American psychologist who made signification
contributions to educational, cognitive and developmental psychology. This paper
will focus on who Bruner is, his main theories explained, plus a comparison between
Bruner and Piaget and the effectiveness of Bruners theories in the classroom.
Bruner was born and raised in New York City, Bruner graduated high school in 1933
and went on to major in psychology at Duke University; earning an AB degree in
1937. Subsequently, Bruner pursued a graduate study at Harvard University
receiving the MA in 1939 and a Ph.D. in 1941.
Gardner (2001) noted; Jerome Bruner has served a vital role in the educational
discourse of our time: bringing to bear the latest thinking in ... Show more content on ...
The third theme is intuitive thinking, a neglected but important feature of productive
thinking. Careful examinations of the nature of intuitive thinking is a great aid to
those in teaching and effective thinking is supported by the development of self
confidence and courage. The fourth theme is motivation for learning; an interest in
the learning material is the best stimulus for learning and must be kept broad and
different in expression. It is important for students to feel motivated whilst learning,
the motives for learning must be based upon as much as possible on interests. Bruner
s work had a profound effect on education, researchers and the students he has worked
with. Bruner (1964) clearly states that his theory is the development of human
intellectual functioning .
A lot of Bruner s work was powered by earlier theoretical research of Vygotsky and
Piaget. My main focus is on the similarities and differences of Bruner and Piaget, as
LaFrancois (2000) states that much of Bruner s work is linked to Piaget. The best
theory for this is the theory of Constructivism. According to Bruning et al. (1999)
constructivism is a psychological and philosophical perspective contending that
individuals form or construct much of what they learn and understand.
Constructivism is the philosophy of learning; a

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Short Essay Sample

  • 1. Short Essay Sample Crafting an essay on the topic of "Short Essay Sample" presents a unique set of challenges. One might assume that a shorter essay would be simpler to write, given its reduced length. However, the brevity of the essay imposes a constraint on the depth and breadth of the content that can be included. The challenge lies in conveying a clear and concise message while ensuring that the essay remains informative and engaging. To begin with, condensing complex ideas into a limited word count requires careful consideration of language and structure. Every word becomes crucial, demanding a precise choice of vocabulary to convey meaning effectively. This constraint necessitates a meticulous approach to sentence construction, making each sentence contribute significantly to the overall coherence and impact of the essay. Moreover, the limited space available poses a challenge in terms of research and supporting evidence. The writer must carefully select the most pertinent information, as there is no room for unnecessary details. This demands a thorough understanding of the topic and the ability to prioritize key points that will strengthen the essay's argument or message. Additionally, creating a captivating introduction and conclusion within the confines of brevity is a task that requires finesse. The introduction must grab the reader's attention swiftly, and the conclusion should leave a lasting impression, despite the restricted space for development. In essence, writing a short essay sample involves walking a tightrope between conciseness and completeness. It calls for a mastery of language, effective use of supporting evidence, and a keen awareness of the reader's engagement. Striking this balance is no small feat and demands a thoughtful and strategic approach to essay composition. For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of composing a short essay, assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered, where skilled writers can help navigate the challenges of concise yet impactful writing. Short Essay Sample Short Essay Sample
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  • 3. The Fda s Global Unique Device Identification Analysis The FDA has established a unique device identification (UDI) database to enhance the identification of medical devices from point of manufacture through delivery to the end user. This guideline covers medical devices Classes I, II, and III (FDA 2014), where Class I poses the lowest risk to patient and Class III carries the highest risk. When fully implemented, the label for the majority of medical devices will contain a unique device identifier(UDI) in a human and machine readable (barcode) form (FDA 2017). Medical devicecompanies operating under FDA guidelines will be required to submit certain information about each device to the FDA s Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) (FDA 2014). In order to allow organizations... Show more content on ... Problem Statement Many companies have set forth action plans for UDI compliance, however, when they purchase the Prisym ID solution, their personnel, from entry level through C level have not had exposure or training on the PRISYM 360 software application and do not have sufficient knowledge of the application as required to perform their job. They may have understanding of the guideline requirements, but they do not yet know how to translate it into creating the actual label for market medical devices. Problem Background and Causes The FDA developed UDI in order to better track medical devices manufactured in the United States. It was signed into law on Septebmer 27, 2007 as a part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Amendments of 2007 (FDA, 2007). The law is recognized as a significant addition to overall FDA authority, and as a result medical devices companies must implement the guidance to maintain compliance with U.S. FDA, or be ordered to cease all operations. The organizations must prepare and train personnel relative to the production labeling process in order to ensure product being sold is in compliance. Because the employees are not yet trained on the proper usage is a concern to the company if they are to meet the deadline for total compliance. The deadline as set forth by the FDA is a phased in schedule between 2014 2020. The PRISYM 360 solution is UDI compliant, and the instruction will allow the organizations employees to
  • 4. How To Pursue A Career In The Military Following graduation, high school students are suddenly thrust out into the world after four years of classes that has done little to nothing to prepare them for life after school. Always told that college is the only way to find a job that makes enough money for them to live a happy life, but for some, college isn t the answer. The military offers not only a variety of jobs and a steady source of income, but an opportunity for higher education for free. Due to the complex nature of their mission, the United States military has multiple options for those who wish to make the most of their military careers. Known as Special Forces, these men and women face some of the most challenging opposition available. Pararescue, Tactical Air Control, and Combat Control are a few of the Special Forces under the control of the United States Air Force. Before choosing a career path, candidates should make sure to research the physical requirements, training length, and the mission of each career. ... Show more content on ... While each of the Air Force Special Forces have fairly similar exercises that need to be performed, they all have different times and repetitions based upon the complexity and difficulty of the job they do. The requirements to be a PJ, TACP, and CCT all include a 1.5 mile run, pull ups, push ups, and sit ups (Hoffman, 2017). However, because PJs and CCTs regularly operate in water, their training requirements include swimming 25 meters underwater twice and swimming 500 meters ( Air Force Special Tactics Fitness Training , n.d.). Even if a potential Air Force Special Forces candidate passes the health screening and the physical requirements, it does not mean that their challenges have been completed and they can skip right to the more enjoyable
  • 5. Eb Games Business Plan Essay EB GAMES The Marketing Environment Final Project Table of Contents 1.Products or Services:3 Product or service details:3 Development and marketing:6 2.Overall Marketing Strategy6 General marketing strategy6 How do customers trade?8 Features and benefits o the products/services8 3.Pricing Strategy:8 Price8 Credit Policy12 Price comparison13 4.Location14 Geographical location14 5.Supply and Distribution15 Describe the methods that will be used to sell and distribute the products or services15 Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the selling methods chosen17 6.Advertising and Promotion17 Advertising and promotion approach17 Basis of the approach18 ... Show more content on ... To attempt counteract this cyclical slowdown, EB games have introduced an ever growing variety of accessories with games to increase the revenue raising capacity of their respective consoles, as well as maintaining the loyalty and attention of a fickle gaming public. Some types of games have been released, with specialty controllers to great success, mitigating the expected lull in sales in the lead up to new consoles. Recently however, the competition has become slightly skewed. Nintendo s newfound dominance of the market is causing some headaches for Sony and Microsoft. However, as the Wiis target market is slightly different from that of either the Xbox 360 or the PS3, it is of less concern in the short term. Nintendo s dominance of female console gamers, however, is of serious concern. In 2008, the Wii outsold the PS3 and Xbox combined, indicating Nintendo s strength in the market, as well as the growing eminence of female gamers as a target for game and console developers. In 2008, the Wii outsold the PS3 and Xbox combined, indicating Nintendo s strength in the market, as well as the growing eminence of female gamers as a target for game and console developers. As sales of Nintendo s Wii and DS dominate the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and PlayStation Portable, respectively, the pressure continues to mount on Sony and Microsoft to move to the next level in the ongoing console wars. Sales of the Wii in 2008
  • 6. Pentecostal And Charismatics Research Paper LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements and Speaking in Tongues Submitted to Dr. Timothy McAlhaney in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course CHHI 525 D08 Spring 2015 LUO History of Christianity II By Fred Martin May 13, 2015 Contents I. Introduction.............................................................................................1 II. The History and Theologies of Pentecostals and Charismatics..........................2 a. Brief History of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements..................2 3 b. The Beliefs of the Pentecostals and Charismatics...................................3 5 III. The Bible and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit...............................................5 IV. The Bible and... Show more content on ... There are now approximately 170 various denominations that identify as Pentecostal. The Charismatic movement, or neo Pentecostalism, was born in 1960 when Episcopal priest Dennis Bennett, during the Passion Sunday service, both spoke in tongues and announced that he had received baptism in the Holy Spirit. Although this event is associated with the official beginning of the Charismatic movement, it must be noted that many other Pentecostals and even mainline Christians are considered essential to the birth and spread of the movement. They include such names as David du Plessis, Smith Wigglesworth, Agnes Sanford, Kenneth McAll, Presbyterian pastor James Brown, and Lutheran minister Harald Bredesen. Those who embrace the beliefs and practices of the Charismatic movement do not generally align themselves with any particular mainline Christian denomination. However, Charismatics are found today in all the major Christian denominations, especially in the Pentecostal, Lutheran, Episcopalian, and Catholic Churches. The term Charisma means gift, so therefore Charismatics denote those that demonstrate one or many of the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. B. The Beliefs of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements Pentecostals and Charismatics have similarities in their theological and ecclesiological beliefs. Both Pentecostals and Charismatics believe in the following: (1) there is healing in the
  • 7. The Human Body Is A Complex System The human body is a complex system that is composed of billions of cells, undergoing growth, division and death in an orderly fashion on a daily basis. When this process occurs in an abnormal manner, the outcome is typically referred to as a tumor. In today s world, tumor is a term that is commonly heard throughout the world. Also referred to as neoplasm, a tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue resulting from the rapid cell division due to some form of mutation (Cooper). They are classified into four main groups: benign, in situ, malignant and those with uncertain or unknown behaviour. Of the four classes of tumor, malignant neoplasms are those tumors that are typically referred to as cancers (Cooper). These tumors involve abnormal cell growth that has the potential to invade and destroy the surrounding tissue, possibly forming metastases and becoming fatal. Eye tumors are secondary tumors that results from a primary tumor that has spread from other parts of the body and have invaded the eye. There are two primary types that occur within the eye: retinoblastoma in children, and melanoma in adults. Ocular melanoma is a rare cancer that occurs in the adult eye (GuГ©nel et al.). Although there are other types of eye cancer, ocular melanoma is the most commonly occurring and the most dangerous. It is a malignant tumor that metastasizes and become fatal in about half of all occurring cases. It is the second most common type of melanoma that occurs and accounts for 5% of all
  • 8. Rainforests of the Atsinanana, Madagascar Essay Rainforests of the Atsinanana, Madagascar Christy Haakenson SCI230 Introduction to Life Science Paula Roberts March 27, 2011 The Rainforests of the Atsinanana is a place like no other. The continent of Madagascar can be found 200 miles off the east coast of Africa and completed full separation from all other land masses more than 60 million years ago (Staff W., 2001). The island of Madagascar has lived in isolation and with isolation gives the Rainforests of Atsinanana an abundance of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. This unique place is made up of six national parks and was approved by UNESCO committee in New Zealand (WWF, n.d.). The Rainforests of Atsinanana is currently on the list of world heritage sites in ... Show more content on ... One type of lemur is nocturnal and is only active in the night and the other type is diurnal and spends the days eating, mating, and playing (2005). Some are large in size like the indri, and others such as the Berthe s mouse lemur is the smallest in the world (2005). Although these creatures are different in characteristics, they have one similarity and that is there home in Madagascar. Aside from many types of lemurs, there are many other unique creatures found in the Rainforests of the Atsinanana in Madagascar. Other species include the Flying fox bats, Fossa, Fanaloka, Tenrece, spear nosed snake, and more than 3,000 endemic butterflies (Ward M, 2008). The isolation of this island and history has made primate extinction real. At this time there are at least 15 species of lemur that have gone extinct (2005). The main cause of these primates going extinct is because of the habitat loss from deforestation only leaving 8.5% of the original forests. The Rainforests of the Atsinanana Madagascar is not only unique for many types of species it is home to, but also for the unique plant life. Atsinanana has more than 12,000 plant species known in Madagascar, which are also endemic. Six of eight baobab trees that are endemic to Madagascar. Baobabs are bottle shaped trees with large bases and branches that make a flat appearance to the top. The different types of baobab trees include
  • 9. The Strategy Of Environmental Treaty Making Professor of natural resource economics at Columbia University, Scott Barrett, is responsible for producing Environment statecraft: The strategy of environmental treaty making , a book that in his words, develops a theory of how states can cooperate in protecting their shared environmental resources and should utilised to analyse the successfulness of agreements and treaties. What sets this text apart is not his presentation of newly founded information, but rather the craftful piecing together of what Barret labels disparate ideas of economic/game theoretic approaches to international cooperation and to combine and package them in a coherent fashion (p.358). This is not to suggest that Barrett did not include his unique findings however. Barrett persistently brought to light seemingly original examinations into specific factors influencing poor successful examples of cooperation. This approach results in an extensively scoping survey that highlights the dominant themes in a fashion that allows the information to be accessible and feasibly consumable to any audience willing to follow the core models and is also analytically robust. Notably Barrett put an intensive focus, not only on theory but on how the theory was could be applied in practice. Barrett does this as international cooperation in theory should provide an approach for the conduct of policy , and practitioners need to think deeply about these problems (p 358). The combination of the ideas and themes
  • 10. How Karl Mark Views Was Influenced By Views Of The... In order to make a connection of how Karl Mark views, was in some way, influenced by certain views of the Enlightenment. But, first, we need to understand what characteristics we can compare of the two. The idea of Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that took place around the late 17th and 18th centuries. This movement had placed emphasis on progress, social structure, materialism, state and individualism. From class lectures and from the readings of the Communist Manifesto, we can derive the idea that Marx was against social class. With Marx understanding the dire need of reform within the social structure, he believed in a form of equality for all, stating that not one person would be higher than the other. He, along with other ... Show more content on ... It was the idea that you are literally taking the lower class of people, the people who are non land owner, who have no wealth, and now could have a say in government affairs, in comparison to those who do have the wealth and are landowners. This idea is now providing the lower class people the power of decision making, the power of influence. This idea of a democratic state was seen as perhaps, the most radical of all thoughts of a state. 3. If we can take Marx s and Engel s phrase of dictatorship of the proletariat, it can be interpreted as the state s power is in the control of the working people, not the higher classes. This idea was directed towards having finally separated capitalism and communism. According to spunk, a website I ve found, it states that it is the vehicle of abolishing the state ( The necessity of having the phrase dictatorship of the proletariat was to create a progressive life for the workers, an equality way of living and ruling. On the same website it states that the need to create this proletariat led state, was to ...suppress capitalist resistance, and develop the nationalized means of production as rapidly as possible in order to overcome relative scarcity and shorten the workday, this allowing all workers to participate in the affairs of society ( 4. The Marxist concept of withering away of the state, is in reference to the idea of known social institutions of the state that will
  • 11. Sheila Rae Quotes Sheila Rae wasn t afraid of anything. She wasn t afraid of the dark. She wasn t afraid of thunder and lightning. And she wasn t afraid of the big black dog at the end of the block. At dinner, Sheila Rae made believe that the cherries in her fruit cocktail were the eyes of dead bears, And she ate all five of them. At school, Sheila Rae giggles when the principal walked by. And when her classmate Wendell stole her jump rope during recess, Sheila Rae tied him up until the bell rang. I am very brave She said patting herself on the back. Sheila Rae stepped on every crack in the sidewalk without fear. When her sister, Louise, said there was a monster in the closet, Sheila Rae attacked it. And she rode her bicycle no handed with her eyes closed.
  • 12. 10 Most Remarkable Posthumously Published Books 10 Most Remarkable Posthumously Published Books How to deal with an author s unpublished work after death is a much debated issue. Many famous authors have had their works published after their death, some with their blessings and others against their explicitly stated wishes. Nabokov didn t want The Original of Laura to be released. He had instructed his son Dmitri in his will to destroy the manuscript but Dmitiri wasn t inclined to obey, inciting a debate over which is more important an author s last wishes or literary posterity. For better or worse, here are ten such remarkable works that have been published after the author has passed on. 10. Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky Died: 1942 Published: 2004 Suite FranГ§aise is one of the great first hand novelistic chronicles of life in Nazi occupied France. In July 1942, having just completed the first two of a planned sequence of five novels, NГ©mirovsky was apprehended as a stateless person of Jewish descent and deported to Auschwitz, where she died. Her two small daughters escaped, along with the manuscript of Suite FranГ§aise in a small suitcase. Ironically, her elder daughter, Denise, kept the manuscript for fifty years without reading it, thinking it was a journal, possibly too agonizing to read. In the 1990s, she made arrangements to donate her mother s papers to a French war archive, and decided to check out what her mother had written. She discovered, instead of a diary, two novellas written in a
  • 13. Ifsm 300 Chapter 1: Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS Learning Outcome 1.1: Describe the information age and the differences between data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge. Learning Outcome 1.2: Identify the different departments in a company and why they must work together to achieve success. Learning Outcome 1.3: Explain systems thinking and how management information systems enable business communications. Learning Outcome 1.4: Explain why competitive advantages are temporary. Learning Outcome 1.5: Describe Porter s Five Forces Model and explain each of the five forces. Learning Outcome 1.6: Compare Porter s three generic strategies. Learning Outcome 1.7: Demonstrate how a company can add value by using ... Show more content on ... Learning Outcome 5.2: Identify the three primary areas associated with an information MIS infrastructure. Learning Outcome 5.3: Describe the characteristics of an agile MIS infrastructure. Learning Outcome 5.4: Identify the environmental impacts associated with MIS. Learning Outcome 5.5: Explain the three components of a sustainable MIS infrastructure along with their business benefits. * Explain the manner in which an IT solution supports a business process improvement project for the areas identified above in Chapter 2. Chapter 6: Data Business Intelligence Learning Outcome 6.1: Explain the four primary traits that determine the value of information. Learning Outcome 6.2: Describe a database, a database management system, and the relational database model. Learning Outcome 6.3: Identify the business advantages of a relational database. Learning Outcome 6.4: Explain the business benefits of a data driven website. Learning Outcome 6.5: Define a data warehouse, and provide a few reasons it can make a manager more effective. Learning Outcome 6.6: Explain ETL and the role of a data mart in business. Learning Outcome 6.7: Define data mining, and explain the three common forms for mining structured and unstructured data. Learning Outcome 6.8: Identify the advantages of using business intelligence to support managerial decision making. * Relational Databases
  • 14. Analysis Of Greasy Lake By T. Coraghessan Boyle Young people often experience a time in their lives where they desire to be defiant and unruly. However, this vision is often removed from their minds when they come into contact with a situation that changes their whole mindset on what it really means to be bad. Greasy Lake by T. Coraghessan Boyle is a coming of age story about an adolescent boy and his two friends on their journey to self awareness The protagonist and his friends create a bad boy facade in order to fit in, but as the story unravels, they begin to remove their disguise in their discovery that what is in trend is not always morally right. The protagonist, who is also the narrator of the story, transitions from a naГЇve boy who is a rebellious exhibitionist unsure of his true identity to a more mature man that realizes what it really means to be bad after one night s traumatizing events. Although the protagonist and his two friends think they are truly bad characters, they are ultimately just rebellious teenagers. Boyle presents the three boys as being wild and bad but quickly eliminates those traits, as the reader understands that they are just three boys acting out as unaware self entitled teenagers. Truly bad characters do not still live with their parents at nineteen or drive their parent s station wagon (Boyle 409). There are many acts of rebellion in Greasy Lake. Most of the things that the protagonist does are illegal, and things that no parent wants their child to do. The narrator and his
  • 15. Wu Zetian And Hatshepsut Despite Tang empress of china, Wu Zetian, and Egypt s Pharaoh Hatshepsut leadership being underrated and infamous, these two hero women had their similarities and differences during the ear, beginning from striving to achieve leadership and power and later ruling the empires. Wu Zetian was a non nonsense lady who strived to get what she desired and even used manipulation and violence for anyone who would cross her way. With stunning beauty and an excellent talent, Wu, managed her way top into emperor. Hatshepsutbecame emperor upon the death of her father claiming that, her father wanted her pharaoh. These two notorious women brought out the best in themselves and making their reign glorious. Wu Zetian, born in a well of family became interested in ruling as an emperor at a young age. Unlike other younger girls, Wu spent most of her time reading about politics. She learnt how to read, write Chinese classics and play music. By the age of thirteen, Wu became popular due to her beauty, outstanding wits, talents and intelligence earning her a place at the court of Emperor Tsai Sung. Wu was easy to love, therefore becoming the emperor s favorite concubine within a short period of time. Tsai Tsung died later then succeeded by his son Kao Tsung. (Richard, Harper 1998) By this time Zetian was already twenty seven years old. She immediately became the favorite concubine of the new emperor giving him sons. Zetian strangled her own daughter and blamed Koa s wife making her the only
  • 16. My Time Playing Grand Theft Aut As of now I have put in somewhere around 30 days of gameplay time into Grand Theft Auto 5 and am 29% away from completing everything thing in there is to do in the story mode. I ve played a lot of different types of games throughout my gaming career and this is one that is definitely in my top 3 of all time. This is a game that I really don t myself stop playing anytime soon as they keep releasing more downloadable content to go along with the already large amount of replayability. Grand Theft Auto 5 had a lot of hype surrounding its release and I would say that it did indeed live up to the what was expected of it.Grand Theft Auto 5 is a big game in a lot of ways, which starts with a 7.5 gigabyte install before you can before you can do anything. Putting that aside the world is a huge place that Rockstar Gameshas used to express an ambitious story that always made me want to playjust one more mission . It is a stunning game with amazing graphics that can and does thing most people would think to be impossible to do on our current generation of hardware. The story mode in GTA 5 centers around three main characters. Michael, a retired criminal living a life of idle luxury with his dysfunctional family in the higher class region of Los Santos, Franklin a gang banger that grew up in the streets of Los Santos that is desperate to escape the minimal revenue of petty hustling and gang life, and Trevor an old friend of michaels that is a meth dealer, someone that is paranoid of
  • 17. The Theme of Heritage in “Everday Use” Essay In her late twentieth century short story Everyday Use, African American writer Alice Walker contrasts the struggle between the main characters involving the recurring theme. The story takes place in a rural Georgia setting during the 1970s. The plot circulates around Mama, Maggie, and Dee. Throughout, heritage develops and remains a central theme revolving them. Each of these women in the Johnson familytries to stay true to heritage value. But different roles of heritage exist between each woman, so their ways of achieving this mission differs. The story Everyday Use exemplifies the various understandings and use of heritage through Mama, Maggie, and Dee. To highlight her heritage theme, Walker displays how the character Mama... Show more content on ... Along with the name of Dee, Mama emphasizes heritage through the quilts. The mother understands that the quilts represent her family heritage because they are composed of pieces of the lives of previous generations (Andrews 3 of 4). Mama feels the true meaning of the family quilts. The quilts represent tradition. Critic David Cowart reiterates the quote of Barbara Christian which is heritage . . . must continually be renewed rather than fixed in the past . Thus for mother heritage is living tradition manifested through homely skills, such as quilt making, passed on (Cowart 4 of 7). Mama denies Dee of possessing the quilts and feels like she was touched by the spirit of God in church (Farrell 4 of 5). She chooses Maggie to have the symbolic quilts over Dee. By selecting Maggie Mrs. Johnson recognizes the quilt connection with her (Piedmont Marton 9 of 13). Mama realizes that heritage must be kept up because the art will die if women like Maggie do not keep it up (Cowart 4 of 7). Values of both daughters become factors during the decision Mama makes. The mother is assigning proper weight to the virtues of Maggie and to the ancestral importance of the pieced quilts (Baker Jr. and Pierce Baker 12 of 13). Thus, emphasizes her concept of heritage, Mama selects the correct daughter. Another Johnson family woman, Maggie, represents heritage by the way she characteristically carries herself. Maggie and her
  • 18. Mrs Mallard Oppression The Story of an Hour , is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. Throughout this time frame, the Women s Suffrage Movement was going on as well as the constrained traditions of feminine roles. Men were known to be dominant and this short story connects very well with this time frame. In The Story of an Hour , Kate Chopinaddresses many of the concerns that are central to feminism, by using verbal, situational and dramatic irony, as well as imagery and flashback, unveiling the issues of oppression and suppression in women. The main character of the story Mrs. Mallard, is firstly introduced to the reader. She is a women afflicted with a heart trouble and because of this heart trouble, there is great care taken to give her the news... Show more content on ... To the readers surprise, Louise dies of a heart attack at that very moment. When the doctor came there said to she had died of a heart disease of joy that kills (308). While the Mallards marriage was functional and not horribly cruel, Louise still appreciated the new found freedom that she had when she thought her husband was gone. She died not only from a heart attack but at the realization that she would have to go back to a sub surd role, a repressed situation, she would not live for just herself but she would have to bend her will to someone else, and this robbing of the freedom is what really killed her. Josephine, Brentley and the doctor believed that Louise was overwhelmed with joy at seeing her husband alive that the shock kills her, given her fragile heart condition. However the reader is privy to the thoughts in Louise s head and may interpret the ending differently. Seeing Louise s heart breaking sense that her freedom and autonomy was now dashed to the ground is what really killed
  • 19. Racism In Canadian Society Racism, what is racism? racism is a, intolerance of another race or other races , in much words people who is agents each other relegate or color. Racism has become a cccccchjke 1960s, racism was a fairly blatant aspect of Canadian society. Racism played an obvious role in shaping individual attitudes, state policies and institutional arrangements in the economy, the political system and civil society. But to what extent does racismcontinue to inform and structure how our institutions operate today, what is the social meaning of racein contemporary Canadian society, and what is the most effective way to combat racism in all its forms? The chapters in this book seek answers to these important questions. They analyze, in different ways,
  • 20. Feudalism In The Middle Ages Could you imagine working long hours in the hot sun in exchange for a little piece of land to live on? What about being 100% loyal to your lord in return for land? This is what life was like in a Feudal society in Europe during the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages was a time period between 500 and 1500 AD (OI). During the Middle Ages, Europeans used Feudalism: a social, economic, and political system. In the Middle Ages, a person s social status was defined by the Feudal rankings. The Feudal rankings consisted of kings at the top, followed by nobles, knights, and then peasants and serfs. Feudalism was a political, economic, and social system in which nobles were granted the use of land that legally belonged to the king. In return, the nobles agreed to give their loyalty and military services to the king (Doc. 1). Another influential part in the social life of a person in the Middle Ages was the Roman Catholic Church (Doc. 3). Mostly everyone in Europe was a Christian during this time. People, especially serfs and peasants, liked the Church because it gave them a sense of social belonging even though they were the bottom class (Doc. 3). Finally, the Code of Chivalry played an important role in the lives of everyone. It shaped how they lived. A social part of the Code of Chivalry was Feudal duties, which every person was required to do, and Thou shalt be generous, especially to the Church (Doc. 5). The social life of a person in the Middle Ages was important but not the only
  • 21. Analysis Of Chopin s The Storm Sexual Openness There have been several instances in history where a woman s societal and personal existence revolved around her relationship to her husband. In The Storm , Chopin discusses women s sexual openness in correlation with their husbands and status in society. By contrasting martial structure, genderroles, and class distinction, Chopin showcases the weight of societal pressures on women during the 19th century.One of the foundations for marital structures is the conflicting ideas of monogamy and polygamy. Calixta represents polygamy while Bobinot represents monogamy. While Calixta slept with Alcee, she felt a response in the depth of his own sensuous nature that had never yet been reached (83). One could perceive that Calixta, like other women during the time, was in a passionless marriage, and this was the first time that she had experienced sexual ecstasy. To expend the point further, Chopin s portrayal of Calixta draws attention to the ides that if a marriage is passionless, maybe that is justification for polygamy especially is committed to staying in the marriage. Calixta is dedicated to her husband, to the point of remaining married to him, but she is open to having a sexual experience with someone other than her husband. Once Alcee and Calixta had finished their affair, the world became a place of gems (83).Chopin s metaphor suggests that polygamy could be an option for individuals because it makes eases people stress especially those concerning
  • 22. Rhetorical Analysis Of Richard Louv s Last Child In The Woods In Richard Louv s, Last Child in the Woods, he develops an argument relevant to today s times about the separation between people and nature and how little nature is actually appreciated. His conversational, yet crisp diction, didactic tone, and use of allusions to the past strengthen his argument. Louv s diction can be classified as the diction one would hear at a public speaking event. He carries a conversational diction to assuage the reader into becoming relaxed, yet willing to listen. Louv doesn t use colloquialisms, and the lack thereof results in a crisp diction as well. His conversational yet crisp diction comes out in lines 57 59, Perhaps we ll someday tell our grandchildren stories about our version of the nineteenth century Conestoga wagon. Louv s use of the pronouns we and our establishes feelings of mutuality and togetherness among the audience and in return, the audience is keen to listen.... Show more content on ... He doesn t shove his argument or view down the throats of his audience, but he does present them. He uses litotes to support his argument for closing the gap between people and nature, an example being, But the logical extension of synthetic nature is the irrelevance of true nature the certainty that it s not even worth looking at (lines 17 19). In these lines, Louv hints at his disagreement towards the ever growing gap between people and nature. Like a pastor referring to scripture to support or negate his arguments, Louv refers to quotes from other people, Richtel and Brooks, to support or negate his own arguments, which expands on the didactic tone. Louv s use of rhetorical questions in lines 43 47 targets didactic behavior as
  • 23. North Korea s Worst Economy Article one titled A Kim in his counting house; North Korea s awful economy explains North Korea s collapsing economy. North Korea suppresses most economic data. The information is created by using near statistics of its trade with other countries. We can use those countries records and a jazz for population growth and inflation to get a close estimate of that country s economy. In 1950s through the 1970s its economy outgrew the capitalist s country of South Korea. All their resources were placed towards production. Although today North Koreas per capita GDP is only one 40th of South Koreas at a whopping $600 year. Korea spent almost 3,000,000,000 each year in the military. There are 1.2 million people in the Army out of 25 million people in the whole entire country. They have huge conventional arsenal, rocket launchers and nuclear tests. Most countries who invest highly in the military grow economically. North Koreahowever their economy has gone up only a little. North Korea s exports in 2015 were no higher than that at their peak in late 1970s, while per capita imports were 2/5 lower. The underperformance is remarkable either for a country that is neither a failing country nor at a state of war. So where North Korea go wrong? The collapse of the Soviet Union hit North Korea hard in 1990s on addition bad weather and agricultural reduction collapsed in the 1990s that led to famine in which hundreds of thousands of people died. Also North Korea s nuclear bombing test has
  • 24. Starbucks Canadian And International History This is essay is on Starbucks which are coffee shops that have a 33% share of the American coffee market. It covers its Canadian and international history. It also goes over the customer age statistics and Starbucks techniques to bring in more customers from those age groups. And lastly, it explains some of the health effects its drinks have on its consumers. Starbucks was first opened in Seattle by two teachers and a writer. In 1981, the chairman, president and chief executive officer of Starbucks, Howard Schultz first went into a Starbucks shop. A year later, in 1982, he became a part of Starbucks. In 1983, he went to Italy and wanted to make Starbucks coffee similar to the coffee there. He left for a while and then bought Starbucks in 1987 and renamed the II Giornale coffee shops he owned. The first Canadian Starbucks store opened that year. In 1995, Chapters and Starbucks create a partnership. A year later, they open stores outside of North America. ... Show more content on ... People aged 25 to 40 make up 49% of Starbucks consumers. Starbucks shops have contemporary designs and most of their customers are from urban places. People aged 18 24 are 40% of Starbucks consumers. Starbucks uses a lot of social media to reach out to this age group. They have a Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube account. Children and teenagers aged 13 to 17 are only 2% of Starbucks consumers because many of their drinks are bought by their parents. To encourage people from this age group to purchase drinks, Starbucks makes child friendly adjustments to their products. They have special drinks for children and smaller sized cups. As well as selling products in Starbucks shops, the coffee is sold online and in grocery stores, so consumers can have their products in the comfort of their own homes. This brings in even more consumers, including some who don t have enough time to go out for a cup of coffee or some who just feel uncomfortable in social
  • 25. The Age of Innocence movie Essay example It s New York City in the 1870s, a society ruled by expectations and propriety, where a hint of immorality can bring scandal and ruin. This is an America every bit as Victorian as her contemporary England. Into this world arrives Countess Ellen Olenska (Michelle Pfeiffer), a woman who has spent much of her life in Europe and is now escaping from a disastrous marriage. Her initial adult meeting with Newland Archer (Daniel Day Lewis) is sedate he is engaged to her cousin May (Winona Ryder) but there is a subtle fire smouldering from the first glance. From that point on, Archer s dilemma becomes painfully clear proceed with what society deems proper and marry the rather vapid May, or allow his heart and passions to carry him far from... Show more content on ... The powerful score moves along with the story, in perfect counterpoint to the visuals never intrusive, but always effective. The scenes of artfully prepared meals are enough to make mouths water, and it s almost possible to smell the pungent aroma of cigars. In these elements of the film, Scorsese was ably assisted by contributions from composer Elmer Bernstein and cinematographer Michael Ballhaus. The set design and costumes are flawless, and the audience is legitimately transported to the nineteenth century (through the help of Troy, NY, where the principal filming was done, and the Philadelphia Academy of Music, which doubled as a New York opera house). This is not some mere token attempt to conjure up images of times past; Scorsese has put so much effort into the illusion that those who didn t know better would be willing to swear that he had discovered a time capsule. Adapting from the 1921 Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Edith Wharton (who also wrote Ethan Frome, a similar story of love and loss, which reached American screens earlier this year), Scorsese and Jay Cocks have successfully incorporated the conflict of emotion against societal pressures which lies at the heart of The Age of Innocence. Those watching the movie will understand that it is no easy task to resurrect a code of behavior long dead and buried. Daniel Day Lewis never fails to impress, even when he appears in a poor film. For the most part, however, he has chosen
  • 26. Differences Between New England And Chesapeake Colonies Elaine Tracy Mr. Lafontaine 18 September 2017 DBQ #1 Thanks to men like Christopher Columbus the world became an explorer s oyster. The findings of new created much curiosity in Europe to explore and conquer new lands in order to expand their empire. In the early 1600 s a surge of motivation to explore and settle new colonies came over England. The Result of this was the New England and Chesapeake colonies, who were both settled by immigrants from England. Many people decided they needed to escape England due to religious persecution and poverty. Hundreds of families, men, women, and their children, came in search of a New World where they could have a new start. Despite the striking similarities between the two colonies they grew ... Show more content on ... This further emphasizes their intentions by showing their main priorities; minters to create a religion based society as well as followers, in this case his family. On the other hand other people s motivation to come to the New World was commercial and profit. This is the case with the founding fathers of the Chesapeake colonies. The Chesapeake region of the colonies included Virginia, Maryland, the New Jerseys and Pennsylvania. In 1607, the first English colony in the New World, Jamestown, was founded by a group of 104 settlers along the James River. These settlers were hungry for gold and silver. This is emphasized in the Ship s list of Emigrants (doc 3) where they state that the men listed should be transported to Virginia embarked in the Merchant s Hope. Though the settlers of the Chesapeake Colonies desired religious freedom it was not their main focus when coming to the New World, they wanted to be merchants; in other words they wanted money! Captain John Smith further highlights the intentions of the Chesapeake settlers in History of Virginia (doc 5) which was written for the pure purpose of informing future people of the origins of Virginia. Smith refers to the men as gold seekers who made all men their slaves in their hope that they would become wealthy and discover incredible riches from this new land. Because of the contrasting reasons for settlement these two colonies became extremely different.
  • 27. Online Sex Addiction ( Osa ) The expanding role of the internet in everyday life in a culture seemingly obsessed with sex has led to the expression of a behaviorally complicated form of addiction referred to as Online Sex Addiction (OSA) (Griffiths, 2012). Hypersexual adults with OSA display maladaptive patterns of internet enabled sexually compulsive thoughts and behavior leading to adverse consequences including significant clinical distress and occupational and social impairment with deficiencies in most areas of functioning, such as work, school, family relations, judgment, thinking, mood etc. (Hook et al., 2014; Kaplan Kruegar, 2010). A relatively nascent literature has attempted to evaluate the biopsychosocial mechanisms that mediate and perpetuate OSA... Show more content on ... This paper will review the current OSA definition, summarize recent research on the prevalence and comorbidities of OSA, and then describe and evaluate data from OSA psychotherapeutic intervention studies. Defining OSA Online sex addiction in hypersexual individuals has been defined informally as when an individual experiences an intense preoccupation with nonparaphilic and/or paraphilic sexual desires, urges and behaviors as evidenced by the complementary /exclusive use of the internet as a tool to provide comfort when experiencing dysphoric mood states and/or stressful live events (Winkler et al, 2013; Kafka, 2010). As with substance use, misuse and dependence, hypersexual adults with OSA experience symptoms on a continuum of engagement (i.e., experimental, recreational, regular and dependent/compulsive) (Cooper, Galbreath, Becker, 2004). Persons with OSA may repeatedly have unsuccessful attempts to control or diminish the amount of time spent using the internet to engage in sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviors (Delmonico, Carnes, 1999; Delmonico Griffin, Carnes, 2002). Like in substance abuse/dependency, these persons can experience tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. There is controversy among researchers in the field regarding whether sex addiction is really a disorder (Kafka, 2010; Karila, 2014). The DSM V does not contain diagnostic criteria or treatment suggestions for sex
  • 28. The Human Resources Department Is Doing A Lot Of Things Right Introduction and Purpose The Human Resources Department exists to provide value to the organization. The HR department is doing a lot of things right but there is a need for a robust HR Transformation in order to help the business achieve its strategic objectives for performance and growth and increase employee engagement. The transformation must have the support of all employees in order to ensure continued success of OUR Company now and in the future. This paper will highlight the findings of the SWOT assessment that were utilized to identify HR gaps, and develop proposed recommendations of change within the HR domains. The recommendations will consist of the Who, What, and Why there is a need for change as well as a So That... Show more content on ... Listed below is a summary of the SWOT findings that were key in developing the proposed transformation recommendations: Strengths Products made is the U.S.A Specialty component patents Company has grown exponentially Weaknesses Employee uncertainty Unethical labor practices Performance management system Opportunities Expand current customer base Cost savings allocation plan ThreatsPossible unionization Poor economy Possible litigation in the future PAC Resources currently faces organizational challenges that will be improved by implementing necessary changes in the HR department. Listed below are some of these challenges: reduce labor costs by 10% without imposing layoffs employee benefits program misrepresented sales numbers (due to employee uncertainty) pending litigation for various complaintsRecommendations Action Plan After analyzing the SWOT assessment and organizational challenges we have developed three proposed recommendations for change. The recommendations positively affect performance, people, information and workflow. Listed below are the proposed recommendations as well as the Who, What, Why and strategic metric and timeline: Change # 1 Who: HR staffing section (strategic positioner) What: Encourage retirement, cut all overtime, freeze all wage increases. Offer retirement to those employees with over 20 years. The goal
  • 29. The Theme Of Childhood In The NovelFranny And Zooey Though not much is known about J.D. Salinger s childhood or family, a plethora of his works include overall themes of family and how different aspects of childhood can affect someone in the future (Wenke). In his novel, Franny and Zooey, this theme is an important part of the story (French). The story begins with Franny Glass story, told in third person by an unknown narrator. She s taking a weekend off from college to meet her boyfriend, Lane Coutell, to eat lunch and spend the weekend with him for his college s football weekend. At lunch, Franny has a mental breakdown and tells Lane about how she hates all of the fake people she encounters. She meets many poets and they all write about what will interest people and not about what they actually feel. She finds beauty in the things that actually have important value to people rather than something that means nothing. Lane also questions her on the little green book she always carries around. She avoids the question until she can t and explains she got it in her college library, which she is obviously lying about. She proceeds to go to the bathroom and pass out. When she wakes up, Lane can tell something is wrong, but he no longer questions her. Then it switches to Zooey s story. It is narrated by the second eldest Glass sibling, Buddy Glass. Zooey and his mother, Bessie, are struggling to get along. She continuously questions him, and she babies Franny and only speaks of Seymour, his brother who committed suicide, and
  • 30. Advantages Of Davao City According to the National Economic and Development Authority Region (NEDA) XI, Davao City, which has an area of approximately 244,000 hectares, is listed as `one of the largest cities in the world. Because of the city s wide area, it requires various transportation modes for the people to avail in order to arrive at various places. Among its common public transportvehicles includes jeepneys, buses, tricycles, pedicabs and also those small potpots or bicycle with sidecars, single motorcycles also known as habal habal , as well as taxis and rental cars. Most of these public transportvehicles have a predefined route in which they should follow in every trip. For the buses, they can operate within and between provinces. On the other hand, taxis have no defined routes because they can transport passengers to any part of the city. As for the jeepneys, they operate within the city and their routes assigned by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB). Because jeepneys are only allowed or... Show more content on ... Davao City is known for many tourists destinations, thus, lots of tourists visit the place. For some people that are not familiar with the public transit in Davao City, the possibility of inconvenience and difficulty in choosing a ride is likely to happen. As what Borromeo (2016) stated, the traffic condition in Davao City can be considered as a crisis and is not far better than the traffic in Metro Manila. As a daily routine, most of the people are trying to find ways to arrive faster at their destination. When traffic is heavy, taking the shortest distance is still not a guarantee to have a faster way to arrive at the destination. There are optimal paths that are not necessarily based on distance. For the optimal route, the cost, distance, speed, and time are being
  • 31. Wells Fargo Banking System The information system I chose for my essay is the Wells Fargo online banking system. The purpose of the system is to be able complete almost any task online that can be done at a physical branch. Customers with a Wells Fargo online account can view their account balances, bank credit card balances, transfer funds, pay bills, make additional principal payments on their mortgage and sign up for additional services. Customers who use the mobile app in conjunction with their online account also have the ability to deposit checks by taking a photo of the check and uploading it via the mobile app. One of the positive impacts of the information system on its customers includes convenience. The ease of use of the online system in itself is quite ... Show more content on ... The mobile app does not currently offer customers the ability to view the Messages Alerts inbox or the ability to see their Statements Documents, which are uploaded in Portable Document Format (PDF), like they can on the website. PDF files are easily readable on smartphones as long as the customer has a PDF reader installed on their phone. To solve this problem, I would add these features to the mobile app by adding a Messages button where the customer can view all messages in their inbox followed by a Statements Documents button where the PDF statements and other documents are uploaded in lieu of sending customers paper documents by
  • 32. Lloyd School Swot Analysis Claremont McKenna School is a private establishment that was established in 1946. It has an aggregate undergrad enlistment of 1,301, its setting is rural, and the grounds size is 69 sections of land. It uses a semester based scholarly schedule. Claremont McKenna School s positioning in the 2016 version of Best Universities is National Aesthetic Sciences Universities, 9. Its educational cost and expenses are $49,045 (2015 16). Claremont McKenna School is situated in Claremont, California, at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains, 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. The school is a piece of the seven school consortium known as The Claremont Universities, which incorporates Scripps School, Pomona, Harvey Mudd School, Pitzer School, Claremont
  • 33. William Harvey Research Paper Science has given the world countless inventions that make human life and progression sophisticated. From ancient times to today, scientific discoveries continue to advance. During the Scientific Revolution (sixteen hundreds), numerous inventions and theories were devised. Galileo Galilei established the Law of Inertia, invented the telescope, and perfected the Scientific Method. Isaac Newtonmade stellar revelations in physicsand calculus. Finally, Benjamin Franklin made advances in technology. He invented gadgets such as bifocals, the odometer, and the lightning rod. Along with these wise men, William Harvey s discovery greatly affected the people of his time, and still does to this day. William Harvey, a British doctor, stated that blood pumped by the heart circulates throughout the entire body. William Harvey was the oldest of nine children. He was born in Folkestone, England to Thomas Harvey and Joane Hawke on April, 1 1578. His father was a successful businessman. At the age of fifteen, he enrolled as a medical student at the ... Show more content on ... In De Motu Cordis, Harvey s riveting book, he justifies his statement. Years before Harvey s time, doctors and civilians alike believed that each body part had its own blood. For example, arm blood was thought to be quite different than leg leg blood. Because of this, doctors and surgeons would practice bloodletting. Bloodletting was the withdrawal of large amounts of blood in a specific body part in order to get disease or infection out of an ill patient s system. This practice was not safe and ended in many deaths. William Harvey s discovery allowed sick patients to get safe, correct treatment. It also gave doctors a deeper understanding of the human body and the knowledge to improve medicine. In short, William Harvey made patient care safe and practical, and gifted fellow and future doctors the correct
  • 34. Essay on The Death of Artemio Cruz The Death of Artemio Cruz Carlos Fuentes author of The Death of Artemio Cruz has used his novel to show how Mexico has been transformed and molded into its present state through the use of his character Artemio Cruz. Fuentes uses Cruz to bring together a historical truth about the greedy capital seekers, robber barons, if you will, who after the revolution brought Mexico directly back to into the situation it was in before and during the Revolution. Fuentes wrote the novel in nineteen sixty two, shortly after the Cuban Revolution. Fuentes is able to express his disappointment from the Mexican Revolution, the revolution by the people in his native land. The revolution seemed to change nothing for the average person in Mexico; the ... Show more content on ... He was revolutionary in the way he was able to use characters in his writings to disclose the big picture and history of his own home land, the country of Mexico. Fuentes was able to reach out to people of all walks of life, his writings were eventually all translated, and he became known worldwide. Fuentes wrote many controversial books, some of those were: Terra Nostra, The Campaign, The Old Gringo, Where the Air Is clear, The Death of Artemio Cruz, The Good Conscience, The Orange Tree, etc. I believe Carlos Fuentes published nineteen books altogether, many of the books seem to be almost chapters of one large novel; a novel that was an idea to bring information to the people, to help people think about things outside of the box, the way he saw things. His work was very insightful and helped to show the struggle of Mexico throughout history and even to the present day. Fuentes also wrote many essays of social protest and several short stories. He had a love of history, a desire to show the truth and the want to enlighten people to believe in a better way of life, all of these things he was able to due in his writings. I believe he just wanted the average person to understand how and why their economy, Government and their basic existence came to be. . . He was trying to reach the average Mexican. I believe Fuentes basically blamed the people of Mexico for letting these things
  • 35. The Holocaust And The Holocaust The Holocaust was a genocide which lasted from 1942 to 1945 in which around 6 million European Jewish people were killed. It was the result of the Ideals of the past chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler. Hitler came to power in 1933 by capitalising on worldwide events such as the great depression in 1929 resulting from the Wall Street crash. He began spreading his ideas of anti Semitism to the German population in preparation for the Final Solution with the assistance of distribution methods like propaganda, violence, and an economic boycott. Most of the impacts resulting from his methods proved to be extremely valuable to the success of the preparation as they efficiently and effectively carved a hateful image of the Jewish population into the minds of the German people and aligned them with Hitler s ideas of anti Semitism. However, some of his methods were not valuable to prepare the German people as they were not able to depict a strong enough bias against the Jews. Propaganda was arguably one of the most effective ways for ideas to be spread around rapidly, this was shown in Hitler s autobiography, Mien Kampf, in which he states: Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people..... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea. It shows that Hitler understood the effectiveness of propaganda and utilised it to spread his anti Semitist ideas towards the German people to create a negative image of the Jewish population. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Webpage states that the Nazi propagandists exploited pre existing images and stereotypes, and portrayed Jews as an alien race that fed off the host nation, poisoned its culture, seized its economy, and enslaved its workers and farmers. This hateful depiction of the Jewish people was enough to create fire in the minds of the German population and drove them into an anti Semitic frenzy, resulting in the German people expressing their rage against the Jews through violent means. The impact on the German people that was created by the slanderous depictions of Jews was extremely valuable to prepare them for the Holocaust, as the hatred for the Jews was so deeply
  • 36. The Goal By Eliyahu M. Veldt The Goal, a fictional novel written by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, introduces the reader to a plant manager of a production plant within the UniCo Manufacturing group, Alex Rogo, who is experiencing consistent problems in meeting targeted production levels. Faced with an ultimatum, ta turn his plant profitable in three months, Rogo seeks guidance from a distant acquaintance of his, Jonah, an old physics professor. This consultancy introduces concepts that will constitute cornerstones of Rogo s strategy to turn the plant around. These concepts are also applied successfully by Rogo in the alternative story line of his marital life. When reaching out to Jonah, Rogo is to some extent perplexed of why the plant is not performing as expected, he is instructed to define the true goal of the firm. After contemplation, Rogo managed, with help of one of his accountants, to expand the ultimate goal to make money into essentially three categories: to increase net profit, while simultaneously increasing return of investment, while simultaneously increasing cash flow . The measures, as outlined by Jonah, of this overarching goal were; Throughput, Inventory and Operational Expense. Throughput refers to the rate at which the system generates cash from sales, Inventory is defined as the total money invested in purchasing things intended to sell, whereas Operational Expense is the cost associated with turning inventory into throughput. These measurements as defined in the Goal differ in
  • 37. Conflicting Artistic Styles In The Enlightenment Conflicting Artistic Styles in the Enlightenment The Enlightenment era spanned from the latter half of the 1600s to the end of the 1700s and was a time of monumental shifts in political ideology and social structure. Although some forms of art, especially music, did not become emotional vehicles of individual experience until the Romantic period, the art of the Enlightenment certainly reflected the changing social climate of the era and the political views of the artists. A prime example of the portrayal of social life in the arts during the Enlightenment is in the conflict between the Rococo and Neo Classical movements. Not only is Rococo art and architecture aesthetically pleasing, but during the eighteenth century this type of artwork helped the nobility momentarily forget about the brooding societal climes in which they lived. The mood of Rococo artwork is often carefree (though sometimes tinged with a bit of sadness), the color hues are muted, and the subjects are usually aristocratic figures enjoying various hobbies. Style galant and Empfindsamkeit are two... Show more content on ... The textbook states that The aims and ideals of the Roman Republic freedom, opposition to tyranny, valor ...became a characteristic of the art of the French revolution. Specifically, Neo Classical artists emphasized a balance between emotion and restraint (p. 568). Thus, Neo Classicism was one way in which the lower classes of Europe identified with the worldview of the ancient Romans as they sought to better their position in society. Classical music, which is characterized by the expression of emotion in a thoughtful, structured manner, was one result of the Neo Classical movement. The Classical tradition gave rise to the symphonic form, which was perfected by the now famous composers Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus
  • 38. Lobotomy Case Studies 1.Lobotomy is a surgical procedure that severs the nerve fibers in the brain. The procedure became very popular by Antonio Egan Moniz and Walter Freeman. The procedure is done using an ice pick and is irreversible. Thousands of lobotomies were done between 1939 and 1967. 2.Legal leverage is basically when the court forces a person to accept medical treatment even if the person s income has to be taken control over. 3.Psychotherapy is a type of therapy that uses verbal communication. Psychotherapy can take on many formats including: individual, couple, group, and family. 4.Bipolar disorder is when person experiences moods varying like a roller costar with very elevated moods (peaks) and very depressed moods (valleys). 5.Deinstitutionalization is when many patients in state mental... Show more content on ... A drug is described as a substance that is not food. A drug is taken typically in small quantities and can cause some altering effects to the individual taking the drug(s). (alter mental, physical, or emotional state) 2.There are two types of inherited alcoholism: Type I and Type II. Type I is milieu limited which means that men and women are equally as likely to develop this type of alcoholism. Type II is dominantly seen in males and is more supported by genetic data information when compared to type I. Type II tends to be considered to be more severe than type I alcoholism. 3.Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the concentration of alcohol in your blood. In North Carolina, it is illegal for someone to drive with a BAC level greater than 0.08. 4.Many fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) happen when a woman consumes alcohol when they are pregnant. The following health conditions are related to FASD: fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), alcohol related birth defects (ARBD), and alcohol related neurodevelopment disorders (ARND). When a baby experiences fetal alcohol syndrome they often experience withdrawals and
  • 39. Riley Inside Out Film Analysis The film is about the 11 year old central character, Riley, originally from Minnesota, moves to San Francisco with her parents. The story explores the mind of Riley who struggles to move away from her hometown, away from her childhood friends, hockey team and has a hard time pretending to be happy for her parents. The primary emotions of Riley are Joy/happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear. Riley has 5 out of the 6 human universal emotions. All of these emotions are personalised into characters in Riley s control centre . Development of Riley s emotions The dominant emotion of Riley is happiness because Joy is the leader of the emotion crew in the control centre. Riley s personality is shaped by her happiness. This fits... Show more content on ... It teaches people that sadness allows them to unfold, engage patiently, especially for preteens and teenagers with emotional struggles. It is important that we experience sadness, and one of our physiological responses is tears. When we cry, it cues others around us that we need help, and thus we can be empathised. When others empathise us, our hearts feel warm, and this is caused by the production of oxytocin (love hormone). Sadness creates bonds, and when we share it, a healing effect can be caused. Sadness is vital in the film because it allows Riley to recognize the changes that she is going through (moving to a new town) and her
  • 40. Accordin s Article Canines To The Rescue In wars thousands of years past, men have had more than just cannons and swords at their sides. Dogs have stayed by humans through the impossible, sacrificing themselves for their owners even in the most life threatening circumstances. What could be more life threatening than the frontlines of a war, or being on the trail of a dangerous criminal? Dogs have the incredible natural senses and an unshakable loyalty to humans that makes them a valuable asset to first responders. The article, Canines to the Rescue tells about how dogs have been used to locate survivors at Ground Zero in the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York City. Locating the dead and searching (too often in vain for the living is obviously an emotionally draining task, says the article, It s no picnic for dogs. Dogs may appear to be simple domestic animals, but they have emotions and problems just like humans, and are more than capable of thinking for themselves. These dogs suffer through injury as well as emotional trauma, all the while staying close to their soldier or their officer. Sometimes, it s hard for a dog to stay away, as the article relates how one dog urged its owner to go to work even after it had been injured. ... Show more content on ... Dog bites kill or seriously injure countless people, and a powerful dog could easily tear through a human. Dogs, by nature, are wild animals governed by their instincts. However, dogs used by first responders go through intense training for months on end. They establish an unbreakable bond with their owners, as seen in the video Soldier Adopts Dog, where a soldier adopts the dog that saved his life. I owned this dog... I owe her everything, he says. These dogs are just like our brothers, to our left and our right. His dog currently lives with his family and shows very little aggression, and, of course, is still loyal to its
  • 41. Greek Values In The Odyssey Ryan Hartman Ms. Dixon Freshman English 6 3 March 2015 The Cunning Way Greek values, originating in Ancient Greece, were widely celebrated by the Greeks. These values were commonly used and recognized in century old myths. In some myths, heroes would often use values while performing heroic actions. These values still alive today in many different ways and are present in American culture. They appear in pop culture, everyday life, warfare and the business world. Although the value s meaning might have shifted from when they originated, they are still true to their original meanings. Mythological values used by the Ancient Greeks have lived on and are still present in American culture today. Precisely, Guile is seen and used in the business ... Show more content on ... In a popular TV drama series, Breaking Bad, the main character Walter White uses guile to his advantage when an extremely powerful drug lord threatens to kill him and his family. The drug lord s name is Gustavo Fring. Gustavo is in charge of a successful fast food chain that serves as a front for his meth business. He also makes weekly visits to his old boss, Hector Salamanca. Because Walt knows this, he goes to Hector Salamanca and they devise a plan. Because of their mutual hatred toward Gustavo Fring, they devise a plan to kill him. He plants a bomb underneath Hector s wheelchair and detonates it when Gustavo enters the room. After this, Walt and his family are safe and no longer worry about their lives on a day to day basis. Since Walt tricks Gustavo into walking into his own death trap, he uses guile effectively in Breaking Bad. Another TV drama, Dexter, implements guile as well. Dexter Morgan, the main character, is a serial killer who works with the Miami Police. A sergeant that works with Dexter, Sgt. Doakes, is suspicious and thinks something is wrong with him. For this reason, Sgt. Doakes follows Dexter around to gather information on him. Dexter knows this and sets up a trap to incriminate Sgt. Doakes. He tricks Sgt. Doakes into assaulting him in front of their coworkers. After seeing this confrontation, the coworkers side with Dexter. Everybody thinks that Sgt. Doakes is out of
  • 42. Marxism Between Social Classes In The Office The popularity of the television show, The Office, is partially a result of its connection to problems and topics that members of the society face daily. One example of these problems is the emergence of Marxism between social classes that can occur due to businesses or the economy. In one episode of The Office, the boss, Michael, is assigned with the task of choosing a health care plan for his employees. Jan, who is over Michael, says to him, You know the whole reason that we are doing this is to save money ( Health Care ). The main goal for most companies is to make as much profit as possible and cut unnecessary expenditures, however, companies often become so obsessed with becoming wealthy that they often neglect the needs of their employees
  • 43. Harvesters Vase Harvester Vase: Hagia Triada The Harvester Vase was found in Hagia Triada on the island of Crete. This vase is from the Late Bronze Age, dating from 1550 to 1500 BC. The vase was originally made in three parts and was fitted together. The face is oval shaped and has a vessel on the top. The vase was carved on brownish steatite. The vase was originally glided with gold and hammered to paper thin thickness. This piece is decorated with low relief sculpture and shows a unique scene. The piece has pictorial designs. The composition is powerful, rhythmical, and lively. The vase is a sculptural piece. To get the full effect of the piece you have to see the whole thing, which may cause you to have to walk around the piece. The piece is a dark ... Show more content on ... The man in front of him has his head turned backwards to look at the man who has fallen behind him. These figures are vividly caught in their motion and differ from the basic consistency of the other figures. The Harvester Vase has a solid and strong composition. The composition gives rhythm to the piece. The piece comes alive through all the movement shown throughout the piece. This piece is done in a naturalistic way. The figures in the piece have life like features and their clothes match the clothes of the present time. The way the figures muscles are expressed are very life like and natural. The detail of the work is unbelievable, especially given that the vase has a diameter of about five inches. The Harvester Vase is a portrayal of the humanbody, emotions, and expressions. The distribution of the vase shows stylistic uniformity. The Harvester Vase can be interpreted in a few different ways. The other twenty figures carry a stick like object with three rods at the end. This stick like object could represent an instrument such as a pitchfork. This leads to the idea that the twenty figures are harvesters. The harvesters seem to be marching in pairs. They seem to be stomping, but are in step with one another. Their lips are pressed together which could indicate silence. Although most of the men are in step, there is one exception. One
  • 44. Jerome Seymour Bruner Essay Jerome Seymour Bruner is an American psychologist who made signification contributions to educational, cognitive and developmental psychology. This paper will focus on who Bruner is, his main theories explained, plus a comparison between Bruner and Piaget and the effectiveness of Bruners theories in the classroom. Bruner was born and raised in New York City, Bruner graduated high school in 1933 and went on to major in psychology at Duke University; earning an AB degree in 1937. Subsequently, Bruner pursued a graduate study at Harvard University receiving the MA in 1939 and a Ph.D. in 1941. Gardner (2001) noted; Jerome Bruner has served a vital role in the educational discourse of our time: bringing to bear the latest thinking in ... Show more content on ... The third theme is intuitive thinking, a neglected but important feature of productive thinking. Careful examinations of the nature of intuitive thinking is a great aid to those in teaching and effective thinking is supported by the development of self confidence and courage. The fourth theme is motivation for learning; an interest in the learning material is the best stimulus for learning and must be kept broad and different in expression. It is important for students to feel motivated whilst learning, the motives for learning must be based upon as much as possible on interests. Bruner s work had a profound effect on education, researchers and the students he has worked with. Bruner (1964) clearly states that his theory is the development of human intellectual functioning . A lot of Bruner s work was powered by earlier theoretical research of Vygotsky and Piaget. My main focus is on the similarities and differences of Bruner and Piaget, as LaFrancois (2000) states that much of Bruner s work is linked to Piaget. The best theory for this is the theory of Constructivism. According to Bruning et al. (1999) constructivism is a psychological and philosophical perspective contending that individuals form or construct much of what they learn and understand. Constructivism is the philosophy of learning; a