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Organization Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Organization" poses a multifaceted challenge. At its core, the
subject demands a comprehensive understanding of various aspects, ranging from the structure
and management of entities to the intricate dynamics of organizational behavior and culture.
Crafting such an essay necessitates a deep dive into theoretical frameworks, empirical studies,
and real-world examples to provide meaningful insights and analysis.
One of the primary hurdles lies in defining the scope of the essay. "Organization" is a broad
concept encompassing diverse fields such as business, sociology, psychology, and even biology.
Narrowing down the focus while ensuring adequate coverage of relevant subtopics requires
careful deliberation and research.
Moreover, discussing organizational theories and models demands clarity and coherence in
articulating complex ideas. Whether delving into classical theories like scientific management
and bureaucratic theory or contemporary paradigms such as contingency theory and systems
theory, the essay must navigate through layers of concepts with precision and depth.
Furthermore, addressing practical implications and challenges adds another layer of complexity.
Analyzing issues like organizational change, leadership dynamics, diversity management, and
global integration requires not only theoretical grounding but also an understanding of evolving
trends and contemporary issues shaping the organizational landscape.
Crafting a cohesive narrative that seamlessly integrates theoretical frameworks, empirical
evidence, and critical analysis is paramount. Each section must flow logically, building upon
preceding arguments while offering fresh insights and perspectives.
In addition to content, the essay's structure and coherence demand meticulous attention.
Ensuring a clear introduction that outlines the essay's objectives, a well-structured body that
presents arguments coherently, and a concise yet insightful conclusion that synthesizes key
findings—all contribute to the essay's effectiveness.
Ultimately, writing an essay on "Organization" entails navigating through a complex terrain of
theory, practice, and analysis. It requires not only scholarly rigor and analytical acumen but also
creativity and critical thinking to offer meaningful contributions to the discourse on
organizational dynamics.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, platforms like offer a range of services to support students and professionals in their
academic endeavors. From essay writing to research assistance, such platforms provide valuable
resources to navigate the challenges of academic writing.
Organization Essay Organization Essay
Erikson Reflection On Child Development
Before studying Child Development at Glendale Community College I had never
heard of Erik Erikson. I was first introduced to his theory about the formation of
identit in Child Development 135 and it immediately captured my attention
because I could reflect on my own experience about my identity (ies) in various
environments. I have always wondered if we are what we are given or if we are what
we choose to become. Finding one s self is a life process and it seems impossible to
explore every phase of our own identity. In my opinion, Erik Erikson offers a
reflexion on social relations influences to understand oneself and others. This quest
for identityis also related to the social and contextual changes that stem from the
demands imposed by society. Erik Erikson s psychosocial stages has a phase of
crisis and the definition he provides opens new perspectives in studying children s
personalities. The term crisis refers to a process marked by ruptures and conflicts.
Through these ruptures and conflicts, there is also a period of quest for an identity
of its own (refers to the question who am I? ), implied by a necessary adaptation to a
new context, changes on the cognitive (access to formal thought) and social
(interactions with various environments) levels.
I focused my research on Erikson s eight psychosocial stages of human development
with the reading of Connecting Life Span Development with the Sociology of the Life
Course: A New Direction written by Chris Gilleard
My Journey Of Reflection During Project 1
Upon my journey of reflection during project 1, I have realized that I value
education. It s a way of not only gaining knowledge but sharing it with others. This
caused me to gain interest in finding organizations for project 2 that relates to the idea
of sharing knowledge and experiences. OU Cousin s is an organization held on
campus. Their purpose is to match international students with one American student
who shares the same interest, major, and hobbies. They encourage and promote the
involvement of students with each other to develop the understanding of different
cultures and experiences as well as creating new friendships. As reported on their
website under the About Us category, it says The OU Cousins program was created
in 1996 by President and Mrs. David Boren as a way of developing understanding,
friendship, and unity among U.S., International, and exchange students at the
University of Oklahoma. . I found this very interesting because I m an international
student, and one of the most things I would love to do is share my culturewith other
people. A majority of people assume negative or misleading thoughts about different
cultures. People have strong opinions and ways of thinking. That s why most
international students always enjoy explaining and sharing their experiences and
beliefs about their cultures. Moreover, that is why I believe that OU Cousins
provides a great community for having a chance to educate one another about each
other s culture.
Potty Ground Pips
Dogs are great companions and are very loyal. Giving them the proper obedience
training is a good start for you, but you can t forget to potty train or your fun and
exciting experiences with your puppy can turn into a nightmare. So if you want a
puppy but you are worrying about training, don t worry these four simple steps will
help you out.
To begin with this process, you might want to pick a potty spot. You should
probably do this before you bring your new puppy home. Pick one spot outside and
when you bring your pup out take her directly there. Dogs are animals of habit, if
you do this consistently your pup will prefer to go there than in any other spot.
After that you might want to get a crate where she will stay for a bit. Make sure the
crate is big enough for her to lay down, ... Show more content on ...
Do not punish the dog if she poops and pees inside. If she gets punished, she will not
understand why she got punished. If you catch her in the act interrupt her with a
noise like Ah! Ah! or clap your hands. Don t get too emotional with your
interruption. Once you interrupt her grab her by the collar and take her outside to
her potty spot. If she goes praise her, if not, then supervise her better next time. It
can be frustrating at times, but don t hit her or rub her nose in her mess, because
she will then be scared of doing her business in front of you inside or outside. This
will result in her instead of peeing on the carpet in plain sight, she will go hide
somewhere where she thinks you can t see her, which isn t good This is the
process of potty training your new puppy. This process might take 1 2 weeks or 1
2 months depending on how consistent you are and how much experience your
puppy has. Remember not to punish her for her mistakes because she will get
scared of you and see you as a crazy person. Also remember to praise her when she
does good with a reward that she likes. Once she is trained you can have fun with your
The Love Poem John Frederick Nims
The poem love poem is by John Frederick Nims it is a one hundred and seventeen
word poem with six verses of four lines in each, the second and also fourth lines
rhyme with each other. This poem is very descriptive and has a lot of meaning in it
just by the words this poet chooses to use and also in his style of writing. The first
three words of this poem he was either speaking or addressing to his beloved one it
said My clumsiest dear . We quickly learn that this is the woman he loves and that
she nearly breaks everything she comes across, her hands wreak disasters
shipwreck vases . They are like proverbial bulls in a china shop, he mentions and
they catch in fine cloth like the burrs of weeds. In this poems first couple of verses
How Did George Eastman Impacted Society
All of these men were Captains of Industry. Though these men did not treat everyone
with respect, they were all philanthropists. They each donated a generous amount of
money to schools and organizations that could use the money to help change society.
George Eastman donated money to dental clinics for children that could not afford
treatment (reading). This impacted our society because people that needed dental
work done could have it. Families that don t have a lot of money do not have to worry
anymore about not being able to afford it. Eastman also gave scholarships and
internships to engineering students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(reading). This gave opportunities to people other than the rich, who wanted to learn
to build
Edward the Confessor as a Failure Essay
Edward the Confessor as a Failure During Edward s the Confessor s reign from
1042 1066, Edward faced many problems. According to Stafford, some of the
problems had no obvious solutions. Some historians argue that Edward was a
failure as he was unable to deal with the power of the Godwine, and was even less
successful with the power of Harold and thirdly, he was unable to solve the problem
of the succession issue according to Barlow as he shows that there were no
contemporary sources that show Edward dealing with the succession, in the latter
part of his reign. Evidence shown from historians that Edward had an inconsistent
policy towards the succession issue. The Norman sources and English sources... Show
more content on ...
This shows Edward as a successful as he defended his kingdom from Swein
invading. There is also evidence from Barlow that Edward always took command
whenever possible of an invasion. Edward provides training of his navy and he
gave it leadership when danger threatened. According to Barlow, Edward was able
to deal with the foreign policy going worse. Edward was able to stop William from
forming an alliance with Flanders. The reason why he does this was because then
that would mean they would share maritime power, meaning that they could help
Swein, Magnus or Harold Hardrada from invading England. Edward forms an
alliance with William, meaning that William will not be able to form an alliance
with Flanders. Therefore this shows that Edward was a success as he was
defending his kingdom from any external enemies. This view of Edward is agreed
by other historians such as the Vita, ASC and Ailred. Also according to Snorri
Sturluson he says that Edward was nicknamed Edward the Good, which describes
him well…By the English he is regarded as a saint. According to Barlow,
Edward had no ambition to widen his empire his policy towards Scotland and
Wales, like his Scandinavian policy, was purely defensive. Schama supports this
view as he mentions that Edward was concerned with defending western borders of
Mercia and Wessex against expansion of the Welsh princes. Due to all these historians
Yixing Teapots During The Late-Ming Dynasty
Shi s relationship with Xu s family represented an important phenomenon in the
development of Yixing teapots during the late Ming dynasty. Some scholar official
tea connoisseurs passionately invited Yixing potters to their household, in which
Yixing potters continuously making teapots under the patronage of scholar official
families, similar to the interaction between the Wu family of Yixing and their
servant Gong Chun. Art historians have illustrated the lives of some Ming
professional painters whose livelihood depended largely upon commissions from
their patrons. For example, painter Qiu Ying (1494 1552), known today as one of
the Four Great Masters of the Ming dynasty, had at least three patrons in whose
houses he lived and worked
Painting With Light By Dante Gabriel Rossetti Essay
The exhibition, Painting with Light will be displayed at the Tate Modern in London
from May the 11th till September the 25th 2016. To those of you who may see
Edwardian and Victorian art as not being particularly exciting, i would encourage you
to try and look past this disinterest and get down to see the Painting with Light
exhibition. The exhibition impressively manages to capture the development of art
during the period in a way of which the disinterest of most is turned into intrigue and
The exhibition focuses on the relationship between painting and photography, the
largely experimental period in which this developed coincided with the founding of
the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood. Paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett
Millais and John Singer Sargent are included (and personally i believe they are the
highlights of the exhibition) are shown side by side with the photos they inspired and
of subjects they drew inspiration from.
The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood was a secret society of the mid 19th century that
sought to create a new form of British art. They strived to emulate art from the late
medieval period, early renaissance till the of Raphael, striving to convey messages of
artistic renewal and moral reform. This theme combined with Aesthetic and
Impressionist works gives the richness in culture and a great span in examples that
supply ample contextual and visual support for the idea the exhibition is conveying.
Although the exhibition
The Characteristics And Contributory Cause Of Truck
Primarily, trucks have a very crucial role to play as far as transportation is
concerned. They move cargo from one place to the other throughout the United
States. As per research, it is believed that approximately one ninth of traffic fatalities
in the United States have either directly or indirectly involved large trucks. The
research further claims that 3% of all accidents results from large trucks. The later has
been facilitated by increasing numbers of trucks that are registered annually. This
study will talk about the characteristics and contributory causes of truckcrashes. To
facilitate this, the paper will examine data from the Fatal Crash department through
its website. There are some factors that contribute directly to truck crashes. Some of
the factors include the use of cellular phone while driving, disobeying traffic rules
and lack of warning signs along the roads. These factors can be addressed through
sensitizing truck drivers on the importance of safe driving.
The United States has over the years experienced a lot of fatalities on the roads.
Surprisingly, most of the fatalities have been caused by trucks. Even so, large trucks
have contributed a lesser percentage of fatalities when compared to other vehicles.
Unfortunately, in terms of severity, fatalities caused by these trucks are alarming.
Sometimes, large trucks might be as heavy as ten thousand pounds. This
characteristic makes it so difficult for the driver to control the vehicle
Cooper Bohannon Dialectical Journal
hides any details from the rest of the squad. Rex is the oldest and most experienced
of the group and the best fighter of them with just the standard weaponry; CR 100
plasma rifle, and a military standard plasma pistol Pi 67. Miles Damien was the
marksman of the group, having a very broad view of things and having the
knowledge to look in places where others do not is the cause of his expertise,
earning his call sign Sharp . Sharp sports a LR20 plasma sniper with a 6x and 2x
transition scope and a .357 Magnum revolver as a secondary, definatly an ancient
weapon, but it still fires true. Cooper Bohannon is the youngest and most naive of the
squad, with outrageous and non standard tactics along with non uniform executions
earned him his call... Show more content on ...
Who are you? Rex questions in return. If you are Delta Squad, I m your pilot who
will get you to Venus, The engineer looking lady explains. Can you fly this? Rogue
asks. Yes, the outfit is just to fool landing pad guards, I m actually a pilot. Every
ship needs to check in at a landing pad once in the capital s airspace, a military
uniform will not be very subtle on Venus, let alone an RUS uniform. She
responded. Ready the shuttle for launch, cuz we re Delta Squad, Rex orders. Yes
sir! And call me Eagle, She responds. Delta Squad and Eagle, the pilot, boarded the
shuttle and departed from Spearhead Base enroute to the capital of Venus. It was a
short ride of only 5 hours before Eagle alerted Rex, Ready your men, Cap n. We are
making our final approach towards the capital.
Acknowledged. Delta get ready we re almost at the LZ! Rex ordered. His squad
jumped up and grabbed their gear which was spread across the ship. They all checked
the power on their weapons and checked the communication links between their
Essay On Macular Edema
The current study was conducted to investigate the changes in choroidal thickness
within the macular area in eyes with various types of diabetic macular edema, by
comparing the measured values with those of healthy normal subjects and of subjects
with diabetic retinopathy without diabetic macular edema and to correlate the sub
foveal choroidal thickness measurements with the central macular thickness. Patients
and methods: A prospective, nonrandomized, observational study was conducted to
evaluate the central macular thickness (CMT) and the choroidal thickness (CH T) in
eyes with treatment naГЇve diabetic macular edema. One hundred forty two eyes of
96 subjects were enrolled in the study. The current study included eyes of patients
with... Show more content on ...
The studied eyes were chosen if the eye met both the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. If both eyes of the same subject were qualified, both were selected. Central
Macular thickness measurement: The fast macular thickness OCT scan protocol
was performed with measurements from 20 x 20 degree raster scans (consisting of
25 scans). The mean thickness of the central 1 mm zone of the 1, 3, 6 mm Early
Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grid thickness map was
measured by the program incorporated in the Spectralis OCT software. Choroidal
thickness measurement: To obtain the choroidal image, Heidelberg Spectralis SD
OCT EDI button in the Spectralis software was used. The white on black image
color was used for better contrast between the choroid and the sclera. The choroidal
thickness was measured manually, using the caliper tool in the Heidelberg
Spectralis OCT software, as perpendicular line, from the outer portion of the
hyperreflective line corresponding to the RPE to the choroidoscleral interface. The
choroidal thickness was measured from vertical and horizontal scans centered on the
fovea. The CH T measurements were obtained from the subfoveal and parafoveal
areas at an interval of 500 Ојm up to 1500 Ојm from the center of the fovea (nasal,
temporal, superior and inferior). All measurements were performed at the same time
of the day from 1PM 3PM for the diurnal variation of the choroidal thickness.
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Nike s Advertising
Sporting goods companies continue to grow as each year passes. Successful brands
in this industry include Adidas, Under Armour, Jordan and Oakley. However, Nike is
seemingly the most famous and successful brand in the entire industry. Recently,
Nike has began a campaign to spread equality by coming together through sports. The
campaign is supported by several iconic athletes around the world. Some of these
athletes include LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Serena Williams, and Victor Cruz
(Rafferty, 2017). The image I have chosen shows a basketball court in the middle
of a city with a large crowd of people gathering around the court. The text on the
image reads Equality has no boundaries . This image illustrates a point by stating
race, gender, religion, and so on should not be a factor in how people are treated in
today s society. The image also evokes an emotional response. Equality and
discrimination is an extremely sensitive topic. Many viewers of this advertisement
may respond in a positive manner,... Show more content on ...
This certain photo has a subjective point of view. A subjective point of view is
when an individual feels that he or she is inside and a part of the image. The
advertisement by Nike is subjective because it is everyone s responsibility to
promote equality and the importance of fair treatment in the world today. The
discrimination problem will not be solved if not everyone contributes. The use of
color is also a factor that can be evaluated. The colors used in this picture are
strictly black and white. The combination of black and white is often used when an
image is dealing with an issue or a controversial topic. In this case, discrimination
and equality is one of the most controversial subjects and is a large issue in today s
world. A topic this serious is a perfect fit for the black and white color combination.
The black and white could also symbolize African American and White individuals
uniting as
Too Much Of Nothing Analysis
Happiness with people vs Happiness with materialistic objects What brings us
happiness, people or materialistic objects? In, Too much of Nothing, Charlie
Creekmore states that most Americans believe wealth brings happiness meaning
happiness can be bought. Though he exaggerates to make his point, I do agree with
his notion. I have met too many individuals that value wealth and materialistic objects
and believe that they will find happinessin that. My friend s roommate, Shanice, my
grandmother, and my mom s co worker, Theresa, are some of the few that believe
that happiness can be bought. Creekmore states, We are constantly conditioned to
purchase our pleasure. My friend s roommate, Shanice, believes that objects bring
her the most happiness. My friend, Ngozi, describes her as an attention whore
because she tries to get males attention so they can buy her things like purses,
watches, and shoes. Recently her son s father bought her a Michael Kohrs watch,
purse, and wallet set. Now I might not be familiar with name brand designers, but I
do know that those products are very expensive. Shanice claims that even though she
no interests with these dudes she s not going to stop them from buying her the... Show
more content on ...
One example is my grandmother. She believes that if we don t but her something then
it means that we don t love her. I remember a few years ago on Mother s day, my
sister and I gave my grandmother a video of her throughout the years. After she
finished the video she said, Is that all you got me? Where are my flowers or a
purse? This is cute and all but this isn t enough. It took me months to get photos and
salvage footages of her and all she wanted was a purse. She was never satisfied. I
agree with Creekmore s notion because with my grandmother she believes that
materialistic objects signifies how her family loves her rather than when we would
make attempts to spend quality time with
Essay on The Ins and Outs of Service Charges for Flat
The ins and outs of service charges
Services charges will be a common occurrence for those living in a flat, as they
play a part in how the building is taken care of and maintained. Service charges are
considered the only measurable and manageable way to cover the buildings
maintenance costs. If you live in a converted house, odds are you won t need to pat
monthly service charges, but in some cases you may be asked to pay such charges
either quarterly, half yearly or annually,
The purpose of service charges is to cover general repairs, regular cleaning and
employment of certain building staff. In some instances service charges may cover
building insurance, but this isn t always the case and you may need to enquire with
freeholder to see ... Show more content on ...
The following is what would qualify as expensive:
Work that costs more than ВЈ250 per flat
Services (general repairs, gardening or cleaning) that cost ВЈ100 or more per flat
Don t accept the freeholders word for any repairs that are set to take place, they
should provide you with copies of two or more estimates that they have taken out
for the work in question. Also, one of the quotes should be obtained from an
independent contractor that has no connection to the freeholder. The only instance
in which a freeloader can go ahead with a repair without your consent is if it is
deemed urgent. If you feel you haven t been consulted properly or in due time, then
it may be worth seeking legal advice as you may not have to be held accountable for
the work.
Challenging service charges
If you feel that the services you re receiving are sub par or un satisfactory you
should write to the freeholder detailing your concerns. In such instances they may
lower the rate you pay going forward or compensate you in some way. If the
freeholder is unreasonable and refuses to better the building services, you can take the
disagreement to a Leasehold Valuation Tribunal(LVT). They will decide if your
complaints are valid and hold the freeholder accountable if so.
Responding to poor service
In rare cares freeholders may charge for
The Rights Of Female Sexuality
The Restoration Period in England began in 1660 when Charles II was restored to the
throne as monarch of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Charles II rapidly did away
with the strict morals that defined the Puritan Commonwealth, and his court became
characterized by its licentiousness and extravagant spending. While men during the
period enjoyed the libertine culture that was introduced, women continued to be
restrained by boundaries that had constricted their social and sexual freedom for
centuries. Aphra Behn, the first womanin England to identify as a professional writer,
challenged sexual inequality by reforming the female image through literature. She
addresses themes of female desire, sexuality, and homosexuality in amatory fiction...
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This, however, is a product of the modesty of seventeenth century England, during
which erotica could not be overly candid and graphic. Aphra Behn s description of a
female s unrestricted desires within the poem enables her to construct the
revolutionary model of a liberated female.
In contrast to The Willing Mistress , The Disappointment portrays a woman who
does not acquiesce to the seduction of a male but instead displays a form of power
over him by refusing. Through Cloris, the female protagonist in the poem, Aphra
Behn is able to reveal the sexual power women hold over men. While Cloris
conforms to a more conventional depiction of chaste femininity in the seventeenth
century, the power she exacts over Lysander, her lover, is uncommon. She
conforms in that she holds My dearer Honour, ev n to you (Behn, The
Disappointment 27), refusing Lysander s sexual advances for the sake of her
purity. In spite of her refusals, Lysander persists and Cloris subsequently swoons half
dead and breathless lay (55). While Lysander attempts to rape Cloris, she snatches his
Pow r, yet leave him the Desire! (80) leaving him impotent. Cloris is seemingly able
to deprive Lysander of all his pow rful Fires (95). Her capability to disarm Lysander
of his ability to fulfill his sexual desires gives her character a sense of sexual power
over men. While still a victim, Aphra Behn does not victimize her. She is not
portrayed as
Bear Grylls Quotes
You only get one chance at life and you have to grab it boldly that inspiring quote
was said by Bear Grylls ( Grylls ). Bear Grylls is the author of the book A Survival
Guide for Life. Grylls was born on 7th June 1974 and is currently 41 years old (
Bear ). He is one of the many famous British men and he is known for his stunning
adventures and his sensational television show Man vs. Wild. He has worked in
various military services like the Territorial Army, Special Air Services, etc. He has
written 11 different books and his first bookwas A kid who climbed the Everest ( Bear
GryllsBiography ). Grylls is genuinely helping the reader as he provides the reader
with an effective guideline or a principle to follow with an inspiring and... Show more
content on ...
For example in the book in chapter 49 he mentions about how his friend Mark
managed to complete his huge office work in a single day to receive his awaited
reward. Grylls said that if everyone works at their highest level they could charge
down many goals in less time and they could start enjoying their desired life after
accomplishing their goals (Grylls 188). That example was really motivating to the
reader and causes the reader to work at his highest level. He also explains the
effectiveness of working at highest level. Grylls s suggestions in the book are
realistic and effective. Grylls s suggestions are realistic because he discuss about
his own personal experiences to support his ideas, for example in chapter nine he
mentions about when he got selected for SAS. His commander said that in fact, but
what makes our work here special is your ability to give that little bit extra when
most simply give up (Grylls 46). That was his own personal life example which
makes his ideas realistic. His suggestions are effective because his personal life
experiences and their results show the effectiveness. In this chapter 43 Grylls
changes the vocabulary like weekend to strong end or alarm clock to opportunity
clock because he claims that changing vocabulary changes the way the brain thinks
like week end means
A Brief Note On Clean Water And Sanitation
Every year in developing countries, millions are suffering and dying due to
hazardous sanitation conditions and unclean water. This can be prevented. Many
developing countries lack in water and sanitation, as a result millions die every year.
Health plays a big factor in sanitation and water in developing countries. There are
many inexpensive and effective alternatives to clean water and safe sanitation. Access
to water and sanitation increased from 1990 to 2002. Many challenges and obstacles
are existent. With every challenge there is a solution. The solution can only be
overcome through technology, research, collaboration, and engineering problem
solving for future.
Imagine the impact on public health if no water services for toilets, faucets, and
sinks to address for our daily needs. For billions of people all over the world, this is
unfortunately a reality. Approximately 1.1 billion (ACS) people don t have access to
improved drinking water and estimated 2.6 billion (ACS) individuals live without
any type of water services. From 2005 2015, The World Health Organization(WHO)
wanted to establish a system that will provide full access to safe drinking water and
sanitation by 2015.
Sanitation is vital to global health and is a larger problem then the lack of water.
Sanitation is the conditions relating to public health especially the provision of clean
drinking water and adequate sewage disposal. These conditions in the developing
world are due to the lack of sanitation,
The Pros And Cons Of Guantanamo Bay Detention Center
Controversy surrounds many of the United States foreign policy decisions.
Regardless of the results of the policy, politics takes over. One of the most important
political issues that Democrats and Republicans argue over today regards national
security. The biggest controversial national security interest today is located in Cuba.
Guantanamo Bay is located inside the United StatesNaval base and imprisons
suspected terrorists. The Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in Cuba should be
closed due to the fact that the standards for evidence in hearings are poor, the United
States has proved that it can hold prisoners on its own soil or in other countries, the
sheer amount of money spent to keep the detention center open is extremely wasteful,
and the human rightsviolations that occur in the prison alone are enough to justify its
closure. Guantanamo Bay perpetuates torture and coercion to produce desired
confessions from inmates, which lowers the threshold for... Show more content on ...
The government can put an end to the controversy and spectacle surrounding what
Guantanamo Bay is and does; yet it is still unable to officially close down the
prison. There are many positive impacts that closing the prison will have on the
United States and the global community collectively. Setting the precedent for being
on the forefront of human rights for other countries to follow is one major plus.
Human rights violations occur across the globe, in the United States and elsewhere,
and establishing a standard for everyone to follow will be a huge step for improving
the quality of life for all of Earth s inhabitants. The Guantanamo Bay Detention
Center desperately needs to be closed in an effort to prevent other countries from
aiding and abetting horrific violations to society s civil
Random Sampling Definition
1.Random Sampling:
Definition: A method of sampling used for polling that ensures that all groups and
persons have an equal chance of being selected. This ensures that most, if not all,
groups are represented in polls.
Current Event: Since random sampling is supposed to give all an equal probability
of being selected, if a random sample was taken, it would be expected that slightly
more than half of those selected would be female, to reflect the proportion of females
to males in the actual population.
Definition: A collection of information from every person in the United Statesdone
every 10 years to provide the government with information on the population of the
country, and its demographics. It is required by the Constitution. ... Show more
content on ...
The election of the Republican candidate Donald Trump in 2016 could lead to
policies that restrict abortion, since Trump has said he is pro life and supports
overturning Roe v. Wade.
Definition: Those in the middle of the political spectrum, who do not affiliate
themselves with radical liberals or conservatives. They have more centrist political
Current Event: According to the 2008 American National Election Study, almost half
of voters, young and old, consider themselves to be moderate. This shows that many
Americans do not wholly agree with either the conservatives or liberals, and that
many are willing to vote for either side depending on whether they agree with their
proposed plans.
Definition: Those who believe that the past was the best, and it would be most
beneficial to enact political policies to return to that previous state. They are often
Current Event: Some consider president elect Donald Trump to be a reactionary,
because of his promises to follow in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan. Reactionaries
highly value the Reagan presidency, and have wanted to return that state for a long
time. They want taxes cut and to make America great again, as they suppose it was
during the Reagan
Phantom Of The Opera Comparison
With the movie industry becoming more and more popular, it is wondered if the
theatre is becoming a dying art form because of it. After all, musicals are being
made as movies, but are they are better than them? In this essay, I look to compare
the film adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera with the stage version of it and
decide based off of this, if the theatre is really a dying art form. For the stage
version of the show, I decided to do the 25th anniversary version of it which was
performed at the Royal Albert Hall. In addition to, it was sold out in just 5 hours
and happened in 2011. The starring actors and actresses in this were Ramin
Karimloo as The Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine DaaГ©, Hadley Fraser as
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny, Wendy Ferguson as
... Show more content on ...
The last thing that I would like to say that I liked was their costumes. Their
costumes just fit for each of the characters. The one that I liked the most was the
Phantom s one to start the 2nd act. It was just so scary and intimidating. However,
with each excellent part of a show, there are awful ones as well. I didn t enjoy the
ending because I didn t understand who the person was. They just introduced a
new character and I still don t know if Christine got older or if that was someone
else. Something else that I didn t like was when a bunch of people was singing, but
they were all something different which made it confusing. Now that we have
analyzed the stage version, it is time to take a look at the film. The film version had
many pluses and minuses. I ll first start off with what I liked. The part of the film
that I liked the best were the camera angles. Where the parts where the film fell short,
it made up at times with its brilliant placement of the camera. Something else that I
liked was the special effects of the movie. They made it a lot more entertaining with
what they
Native Americans Essays
In the early days of English settlement in the American colonies, the Indian European
relationship of each area was the determining factor in the survival of the newly
established colonies. By working together and exchanging methods of food
production and survival, an English colony could maintain its population and
continue to support the arrival of new settlers. However, a colonythat had trouble
maintaining ties with their Indian neighbors had a tough time attracting settlers and
adapting to their environment. The role of the Indian helping the white man in North
America played an important partin the survival of the American colonies. In the
Jamestown colony, very few people survived the disease and sickness which
accompanied the... Show more content on ...
In 1620, many Pilgrims died in a very tough winter, but the colony survived
because of the help provided by local Indian groups. Not only did the Indians help,
but the two groups were able to set up trade and exchange methods and supplies.
This continued when the Puritans arrived in the late 1620 s, but things changed
soon after. Again, English disease wiped out the local Indian tribes and allowed
for the continued expansion deeper into the New England woodlands. Because of
the influence and help of the early Indian groups in this area, the English gained
critical knowledge and support to establish a successful colony. Other areas of
New England soon developed problems with Indians. The English settlers of the
Connecticut Valley and the Pequot Indians were involved in a bloody battle, as
well as the King Phillips War in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the 1670 s. As
the 1600 s progressed, Indians were able to gain technological experience with the
higher power European weapons and resulted in tougher battles for the English.
However, other areas remained in good standing with their locals, such as in
Maryland. In the 1630 s, two groups of settlers arrived and set up a settlement on the
Potomac River. They established good relations with the Indians, and as a result,
...experienced no Indian assaults, no plagues, no starving time. (Brinkley 36). The
assistance of Indian groups was essential to the survival of the colonies. The only
way to attain the assistance of
`` The Cradle Of Freedom `` By Nathaniel Philbrick
Samuel Adams once said, It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate,
tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. In
Bunker Hill, Nathaniel Philbrick chronicles how the conflagration of the American
Revolution would erupt from the embers of the past focusing on the great impact
that those involved in the infamous battle for which the book is titled and the battle
itself would have on the colonies and their fight for liberties. This is a vivid
bildungsroman for the city of Boston, teeming with new thoughts and ideals, that
would face internal conflict, which would later give the city the title the Cradle of
Freedom. 1 Setting aside the legends of the revolution, Philbrick presents not only a
historic event in American history, but also the subtle, essential moments that are not
limited to 1775 but are the underpinning mechanics of overthrowing a regime that are
essentially the same today as they were in the eighteenth century; however, focusing
on our mythic Founding Fathers, many overlook the true nature of the war that is
present in every revolution.2
Unlike the hackneyed stories told to us as children on the Fourth of July, the
American colonies were not victims to an overly oppressive, malevolent motherland
thousands of miles away. In fact studies have shown that the American colonies were
the least taxed people in the Western world and that, overall, the claims of English
oppression boil down to nothing more
My Best Year At Paideia
This has been my most varied year at Paideia. I covered topics that I would ve
never expected. In fact rather than being handed project ideas I came up with a lot
of my own. I worked From humanism to cosmetic surgery, I ve really explored the
educational field.
This has been my best year in math. We started the year covering exponents, which
thoroughly enjoyed working with. The concept initially confused me but after
some practice and explanation I soaked it up. Another big part of math this year
was pre algebra. As with exponents, the concept was originally confusing but over
some time I understood it. I completed a lot of problems where I solved an equation
algebraically. I mainly completed these problems in two different ways using
elimination and substitution. After trying both ways I decided my favorite was
substitution. Even though elimination is quicker I believe substitution is more
versatile. In Beacon I predict there to be complex variations on math I ve already
learned or brand new fields of math. Whatever they throw at me, I look forward to
practicing and applying the concept to real life.
I really enjoyed all different elements of language we learned this year, especially the
short story portion. Tim would give all the students a prompt to write a short story
on, usually based on the one we read in class. The following day everyone would
present their stories, we would talk about the language, analyze the meaning, discuss
our views on the prompt. It was very
Color Of Fire Research Paper
Did you know that there are certain chemicals that can color a fire? Well, that s
what my topic is about. There are many chemicals that can turn things into a
different color. There will be chemicals used for this experiment and will turn the
fire into a range of colors. First, there are many chemicals and subatomic particles
involved in the testing. A few things involved are atoms, flame photometry, photons,
and many more. All of those things affect the test and how the results will come out.
Everything involved plays a very important role in how the results turn out and how
the experiment is tested. Second of all, atoms play the biggest role in the whole
entire project. The reason why is because they are made with positively charged
nuclei.... Show more content on ...
Atoms play a big role because when they go back to their ground state they emit
photons. Photons also play a big role, but without atoms we wouldn t have
photons. Flame photometry is also a huge thing, it detects the routine of metal
salts. Now, let s talk about absorption and emission lines. Absorption lines are often
superimposed on a colored continuum. (Same website as spectral lines) Absorption
lines are also a result of specific wavelengths being absorbed along the line of sight.
Emission lines are sort of the opposite, they appear as discrete colored lines that are
most commonly on a black background. These lines correspond to specific
wavelengths of light emitted by an object.
Next, chemicals and color. How can certain chemicals turn fire into a color? Well, any
element placed into or within a fire will change the color. Quantum mechanics and
orbitals are a couple things that are also involved in the process. Quantum
mechanics constrains them to appear in various distinct patterns which are also
called orbitals. Orbitals are a lot like planetary orbits, but blurrier, so you will never
really be sure on where the electrons
Hrm at General Motors
Background to HRM at General Motors Corporation
General Motors Corporation (NYE: GM) is the leading American automaker in the
world with its operations spanning in 157 countries. The car manufacturer was
established in 1908 in Michigan and today it is headquartered in Detroit, the United
States of America. Besides the domestic industry of the United States of America,
General Motors manufactures cars and trucks in other 30 countries around the world.
Among its brand products are Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo,
Hummer, Holden, Opel, Saab, Pontiac, Vauxhall, and Saturn. Besides these brands
that are owned by the automaker, GMC also operates joint ventures in China and
Japan. That is, Shanghai GM and SAIC GM Wuling ... Show more content on ...
Training of General Motors employees on their job specifications will improve their
productivity. Ofshore trainings in China and Japan are recommended . This will
allow the corporation s manufacturing engineers to learn new efficient production
technologies of Japan and China in making cheaper and highly effiecient cars.
Motivational incentives such as team building sessions, delegation of duties, self
managed leadership styles, and monetary rewards will boost their commitment to the
organization. The combined effect of training and motivation will necesitate
restructuring of a pay roll while leveraging on improved productivity of highly
productive employees.
The fourth recommendation is embracing technology in Human Resource
Management system to enhance global cordination of its business. According to
Dreher and Dougherty ( 2002), the use of technology such as centralised Enterprise
Resource Management system to co ordinate human resource activities of General
Motors will enhance quick sharing of ideas and consultation among the global
employees of the company without barriers. This will allow the organization to carry
out its marketing strategies efficiently and effectively without limitation by
geographical distances. Effective Human
The Clarinet Essay
The clarinet s versatility makes it an ideal instrument for several genres of music.
The most popular genres use the clarinet because of its flexibility, virtuosity and
ability to play in the extremes of the instrument s range. It is a core member of the
orchestra and blends well with woodwind, brass and string instruments.
Clarinets appear regularly in jazz ensembles. The laid back nature of the instrument
allows the clarinet to play with ease and nuance. These characteristics make it
suitable for playing extended solos and complex passages as the jazz ensemble works
through modulations resulting in key changes.
A famous type of jazz music, called Dixieland jazz, features the clarinet prominently.
Dixieland jazz consists of a soloist ... Show more content on ...
Mozart used the clarinet extensively in several of his orchestral works.
Popular music uses the clarinet for background music and solos. The Beatles used
the clarinet extensively in songs. Two famous examples include When I m Sixty
Four and Here Comes the Sun. The clarinet s smooth tone and texture lends itself
well to rock and popular music.
Another famous group by the name of Muse wrote a song for bass clarinet solo
titled I belong to you. Small popular bands find that the clarinet is a suitable addition
to the standard orchestration of guitar, voice and percussion.
Klezmer music s roots go back to the immigrants to the United States in 1880. The
genre was initiated in Eastern Europe but the commonly known music that goes by
the name of Klezmer music wasn t initiated until musicians emigrated to the United
States. Klezmer music is ideal for the clarinet and features the clarinet in solo
passages along with a keyboard instrument known as the dulcimer, violin, viola, bass,
small drum and sometimes included flute and trumpet.
Virginia Tech: Clarinet
The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By
In the world many people have, don t have, or think they have hope. Hope is many
different things. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman
Alexie, many people have hope and many people think they don t have hope. The
Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian is about a boy named Junior and how
he finds his way in the world and how he builds his own path to find hope. He ends
up going to a school outside the Reservation where he tries to find a balance
between his two identities. Many people in this book like Junior, Mary and
Grandma have many different beliefs about hope and they are all very interesting
when you look at them below the surface. The different perceptions people have on
hope are very intriguing and... Show more content on ...
a white person. One thing that he said was that whites have hope and a bright
future while Indians only have a vanishing past and a bone crushing reality. Junior
has these thoughts because everyone on the rez is always drunk and people die all
the time like how Junior has been to 42 funerals and 90% of them are from alcohol
(pages 199 and 200.) Junior ends up finding some hope at Reardon like when
everyone was cheering on Junior in the basketball game and he loved the school.
Even though Junior had a stereotype in his head that whites were the only ones with
hope he was able to defy his own laws.
Mary believes that you need a little push from someone close to follow your dream
then hope will come. Mary is the sister of Junior. When Junior left to go to
Reardon outside the rez, Mary felt a calling to follow her dream. Mary was living
in her basement for years until Junior moved. Then she made the crazy decision to
married and move to Montana (page 89.) Mary followed that calling and and found
hope in living out her dream of living a romance novel. Junior figures this out on
page 90 when he said,
How weird is that? It s almost romantic.
And then I realized that my sister was trying to LIVE a ro mance novel.
Mary had always wanted to write romance novels and she wanted to live on too.
Mary kept in touch with her family but died on page 201. Mary found hope when
her brother left that she could still live out her dream to write books, have hope and
Personal Theories Of Ethnocentrism And Conformity
Personal theories are individual theories of communication that help people describe
and explain a myriad of circumstances, experiences, and interactions with others. Not
everyone s personal theories are the same, however, each personal theory contains
fundamental communicational applications or concepts; these applications are the
backbone of personal theories. Scholarly theories are similar to personal theories
however scholarly theories provide objective explanations on communicationMy
personal theory on my relationship with my family applies to the concepts of
ethnocentrism and conformity orientation, while my tendency to avoid the term one
day, applies to the concepts of self development and monochronic time.
When I was younger, ... Show more content on ...
Approximately two years ago, I realized that one day is a very arbitrary phrase. I
was promised that one day I would reunite with one of my dearest friends, however,
as the months passed, I received not a single word. Months turned into years and to
my disappointment, the reunion never happened. Therefore, one day is synonymous
with never. From then and on, I replace one day with the phrase, one of these days
because then it doesn t imply that it is never going to happen; it implies that it will
happen, but not just right now. My personal theory best exemplifies self development
which is essentially another aspect of individual communication. An individual
undergoes self development from his or her earliest of interactions. In this respect,
the individual learns from his or her experiences. My personal theory embodies this
principle because from my experience of the term one day, I have realized how
often individuals utilize it in their vernacular and they always never follow through
on their one day promises. Additionally, my personal theory applies to the concept of
monochronic time. When individuals pay attention to and do solely one activity at a
time is monochronic time. I live in monochronic culture and I behave according to
monochronic time, and my interpretation of one day or one of these days, is simply
my effort to
Three Strategies That You Can Use as a Clinical Research...
Describe three strategies that you can use as a clinical research coordinator that
will significantly reduce the error in data that you collect. Error is inevitable. How
many times have you made a dish from a recipe something has not been deviated.
Maybe you were low on flour and had to substitute cornstarch or you did not have
almond abstract and had to use lemon. The result may have looked like the picture
but I m sure the taste varied. In research we take limited samples of the population to
make it paint a picture of the whole. A site could recruit 100 heart patients and use the
information gathered to try to aid the population of 500,000 heart patients worldwide.
Is the information true information of the whole or just a... Show more content on ...
Go by the worksheet to fill in all needed data then review the data with the subject
before they leave. This will cut down on misremembering information. In regards
to mis recording data get someone to review your information or review it yourself
the next day. When writing down lab values I can record it and then get someone
to call out the lab values while I double check them. Our after getting rest I can
look at the information with fresh eyes and double check myself. I believe that
this is a major error. One number being off can skew the results drastically. By
improving upon this error, I believe statistical information will be better. The
second major error made is made up information. We should never infer any
information gathered about a patient based on their age, sex, ethnicity, or gender.
Just recently, I recruited a patient for a study who was pleasant but very stubborn
and did not realize he would have to come in for surgery. Everything in his case
happened so fast that he really did not have a chance to process anything. Another
research staff member goes to get blood samples and follow up with the patient. The
patient is really cranky and agitated. When the research personnel comes back
upstairs she is telling everyone that the patient suffers from dementia and inferring
how this could affect other parts of the protocol. Well I asked her point blank, How
do you know that patient has dementia? Did his wife fail to disclose this
Widespread Offences In Football
My Senior Project is on the diversion I have cherished since I have been a young
man, which is football. What I adore most about football is the hostile plans and
various types that are out there. There are three principle offenses in football which
are the Spread, Option, and Wing T. They all have distinctive outlines that add to
them being fruitful. The spread offense is the best on the grounds that the spread,
which is the most energizing also, has a considerable measure of wide
arrangements. The most imperative part of the spread offense is the blocking,
makes resistances concentrate on the running back so that the pass can get to be
helpful. The line should be great at a zone blocking yet first the Quarterback should
read the front side border LOS danger, not posterior in light of the fact that in the
event that he peruses the rear he will neglect to ride the work point which
incorporates a playside shuffle,which helps the play create and purchases time on the
front side read. Another... Show more content on ...
Make them move vertical. Vertical development is crucial to accomplishment on
the O line. Each penetrate you will 4 run includes the O line moving downfield.
Have them complete pieces and sprint downfield. Clearing the read key is the most
essential thing the handle can do to make the play effective. Presently another
critical thing on the O line is The linemen far from the play must scoop on the rear.
This cuts off interest and gives the B Back wrinkles to run when the ball is
decreased. It additionally wears out the restricting d line on the off chance that they
are continue getting cut on the rear of the play. Presently you should have a shrewd
Quarterback that peruses in light of the fact that one that didn t read well groups he
will play with awesome resistance and had have extraordinary sums ability on
Analysis Of Miss Lonelyhearts And The Day Of The Locust
In Miss Lonelyhearts and The Day of the Locust, each character experiences
suffering, and in each case the suffering is ridiculed. Schadenfreude is a basic
human experience; human beings do find humor in other s misfortune. Society is so
accustomed to the feeling of schadenfreude that hardly anyone knows exactly where
it comes from or how distasteful it is. Society feeds schadenfreude of physical pain
by letting it reside throughout comedy. Almost every comedic movie, show, song,
sketch or any other form of entertainment is cluttered with people being hurt. Harry
Greener s clown show in The Day of the Locust is completely centered around his
pain. When he stands up, the audience, which failed to laugh at his joke, laughs at his
limp, so he continues lame for the rest of the act, (West, The Day 78). The entire
comedy genre thrives off of schadenfreude. Perhaps this is because the audience
knows that the subject is not truly hurt, so it becomes funny to see people such as
Curly, Moe, and Larry beat each other. Perhaps it is because people use laughter as a
shield against pain. When people see pain they laugh to make it seem that it did not
actually hurt. It is a product of empathy for him who was hurt. Laughter serves to
camouflage embarrassment which is included in empathy. The ways in which
characters receive injuries are usually embarrassing, and the audience feels the
embarrassment causing them to laugh.
Schadenfreude is embedded in human emotions such as envy,
Alpha Lipoic Neuropathy Report
Alpha Lipoic Acid and Diabetic Neuropathy Name: Ola Taji Student
number:999188383 Alpha Lipoic Acid and Diabetic Neuropathy Introduction Alpha
Lipoic Acid (ALA) (aka thioctic acid), is a naturally occurring substance found in
our diets such as vegetables (spinach, broccolis) and in meat (intestines),also,ALA is
synthesized in our body through the function of different enzymes that take part in
mitochondrial oxidative metabolism found in plants and animals. When ALA is
consumed it gets absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and transported to other
organs in the body, for example, it can cross the blood brain barrier to enter the
brain, or it can go to the liver where ALA gets reduced to its reduced form called
dilhydrolipic acid (DHLA). Both ALA and DHLA have many biochemical functions
... Show more content on ...
The results showed that upon injecting high glucose in the PC12 cells, the activity
of the cells decreased, and it increased the level of ROS, the ratio of ADP/ATP, and
the apoptotic protein (Bax, and caspase 3). However, after injecting ALA the viability
of the cells increased back, ALA also inhibited ROS, ADP/ATP, and the apoptotic
proteins (Bax and caspase 3). Therefore, all of the studies found all showed the same
thing that ALA has positive effect of diabetic neuropathy. Despite all of these results,
there was some limitations in the experiments such as the clarification if the
neuroprotective potential of ALA according to diabetic type, diabetic stage, and also
another limitation is that some of the studies were observational studies. Overall, the
most important thing is that the actually mechanism in which ALA functions in order
to decrease the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy is not yet
Epilogue To Odysseus
I watched as Odysseus took out my son s eye. He was blinded. I just stood and
watched as my youngest son was blinded. I felt more furious in my entire lifetime.
I can t just stand by and watch my children be destroyed by mortals; it s not what I
do. For heaven s sake, I am the God of the sea. My children can t be picked off one
by one with me sitting in the corner fretting. My god, Zeus, I can t do anything
without you nagging me about it. You believe that just because you re the god of
lightning, you re better than Hades and I. Your only brothers and you can t support
one. It s sad really. I work this hard and you don t even help me avenge my son, I
boomed, almost as loud as his thunder. Poseidon, brother, I will not help you
terminate one mortal who was captured by your son,... Show more content on ...
Her name, Circe, was banished from Mount Olympus for wrongdoing on her part.
She turned a beautiful woman, Scylla into a man eating monster only out of
jealousy. She didn t get the man. Soon after arriving, Odysseus s men were turned
to swine; all of them oinking and snorting for food. Odysseus, on the other hand,
was given a supernatural plant that would allow him to maintain his human form. I
had no clue she would be so welcoming to him. He remained on the sorceress island
for nine months. That was when she informed him of the dangers he would
encounter. First, Scylla; she would devour his men if they sailed too close to
shore. Second, Charybdis; the sea monster who creates whirlpools for her victims.
Third, the sirens; they sing sweet songs and imitate sailor s wives and families in
hopes of the sailors venturing toward them. And finally, Apollo s island; where he
keeps his cattle, but if one man lays a finger on a cattle, Apollo will destroy their
ship and leave them stranded and possibly dead. Scylla gave Odysseus wax for the
Sirens and sent him on his way, returning his men to their human
Prohibition was the Time to be a Criminal in America
There d never been a more advantageous time to be a criminal in America than during
the 13 years of Prohibition. At a stroke, the American government closed down the
fifth largest industry in the United States alcohol production and just handed it to
criminals a pretty remarkable thing to do
(Bill Bryson). The twenties was a fast paced fun, loving time, the one problem was
no alcohol. With the twenties came the rise of jazz, flappers, different fashions, and
prohibition. Jazz, flappers, and different fashions made life enjoyable but,
prohibition caused the rise of criminals, who saw the demand for alcohol, and the
opportunity to make money, by selling it to average people, along with government
officials. Noteworthy criminals helped define the roaring twenties by helping
everyday citizens break the law. To understand how this defined the decade, it is
important to explore how gangsters provided alcohol to citizens, bribed police and
government officials, and made criminals popular. Prohibition was a law passed
whereby the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol was illegal, this gave
gangsters and average citizens the opportunity to make easy money, if they did not
get caught. The most noteworthy criminal during this time was Al Capone, in
Chicago, he bribed government officials, ran bootlegging rackets, prostitution, and
gambling dens. Al Capone didn t become a criminal overnight, at a young age he
dropped out of school and was welcomed into the local
Emmy Noether
Amalie Emmy Noether born March 23, 1882, in Erlangen, Germany and died April
14, 1935, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania was an intellectual German mathematician who
made numerous amounts of contributions towards abstract algebra. Emmy Noether
was one of the highly acknowledged female mathematicians during the late 18th and
19th century, who earned the respect of many well educated scholars. Emmy noether
was also the oldest child of Max Noether, a research mathematician in algebraic
geometry and the theory of algebraic functions; like his daughter he was also a
respected mathematician during the 19th century. Emmy had 3 brothers whom two
of them, Alfred and Gustav became scientist; her other brother Fritz became a
mathematician. Alfred s son followed... Show more content on ...
In 1919 Emmy won an acceptance as an academic lecturer.For six years, she
investigated general theory of ideals that encompassed her abstract theory and helped
assemble many influential mathematical developments.Emmy decided to concentrate
on noncommutative algebras, linear transformations, and applications to
commutative number fields in 1927 before she developed the theory of
noncommutative algebras in a new sequenced and conceptual way. She
collaborated with german mathematician, Helmut Hasse and Richard Brauer with
the idea to examine the structure of noncommutative algebras and their application
to commutative fields and its cross products. In the last years of her career she was
one of the she was the most influential mathematician at Göttingen.Due to Nazis
seizing germany in 1933, Emmy and multiple Jewish professors at Göttingen were
ordered to leave. A year later in 1934, Nazi political pressures led her brother Fritz
Noether to quit from his pose at Breslau and whereas she was offered a visiting
position to be a professor at Bryn Mawr College. She later left to the United States to
become a mathematics professor at Bryn Mawr College and with hopes to conduct
research in the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in New Jersey. Emmy
Noether unfortunately died in April 14, 1935 due to complications that occurred after
a uterine surgery on an ovarian
Confederate Loss
The Loss The Battle of Gettysburg was the most brutal battle in the American
Civil War. Many people consider this the turning point of the Civil War, for every
major battle prior to this won by the Confederate Army, led under the famous
Robert E. Lee. In the span of three days in the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,
the Union Army persevered and won. There were many men at fault for the
Confederate loss, however the only person to fully blame is the cavalry leader
J.E.B. Stuart. He was in the wrong by not doing his job; Stuart failed to give the
position of the Union Army before the battle, he failed to give the information
necessary during the battle, and he failed to re enforce the Confederate army. J.E.B.
Stuart was most at fault for the Confederate loss at the Battle of Gettysburg.... Show
more content on ...
Stuart failed his job. Advancing through the North, General Robert E. Lee depended
on Stuart to report information about the terrain of the unfamiliar land and the
movement of the Army of the Potomac (Union). Lee s purpose for invading the
North was to utterly destroy the Union army and have a devastating win to end the
war. At this point, General Lee and his army were running low on provisions.
Stuart, instead of gathering essential information, was joy riding in the North
causing great commotion. If it had not been for a paid spy by the name of
Harrison, the Confederates would have surely been blind in enemy territory.
Harrison gave the size of the Union Army, as well as which direction the army was
going. All roads converged at Gettysburg, so Lee thought it was the best place to
strike. Also, Harry Heth, a division commander who some blame for the lost of
Gettysburg, would not have attacked until the Confederate army assembled, for they
would have known what they were up against. The Confederate army at full strength
could have easily won the battle on day one; however, Stuart s absence almost lost
the battle before it even
Diane Arbus Research Paper
Diane Arbus was an American photographer was born on March 14, 1923 to her
parents David Nemerov and Gertrude Russek Nemerov. She grew up in New York
City during the Great Depression, but it did not affect her childhood due to her parent
s wealth. She would eventually attend the Fieldston School for Ethical Culture, and in
1941 she married Allan Arbus. Diane would eventually have two kids named Doon
and Amy, and in 1946, Diane and Allan Arbus would found a commercial
photographybusiness named Diane and Allan Arbus. Diane and Allan worked in
advertising and fashion photography, but it was not widely successful. In 1956, she
would quit the business, although she would still continue her photography until her
death. Her life tragically ended when Diane Arbus committed suicide on July 26,
1971 in New York City.... Show more content on ...
She worked with fashion magazines such as Glamour and Vogue in her early
photography career. In the 1960 s she began her work photographing the freaks of
society. She also used several different types of cameras for her work. From
advertisements and fashion magazines to photos of the freaks of society, her work
varied greatly in content and style throughout her short life. During the early parts
of her career, her content mostly centered around advertisements and work for
fashion magazines. For example, in the 1940 s her father hired her to take photos
of his store for advertisements, and Diane and Allan Arbus s business was hired to
take pictures for fashion magazines such as Vogue, Glamour, and other magazines.
One of these works was an advertisement ofMost of her early works were
commercial pieces, but later in her life she began photographing the freaks of
Hamlet And Oedipus Similarities
There are just as many differences as there are similarities with Oedipus and Hamlet.
Oedipus kills his father, and the father of Hamlet is murdered by his uncle Claudius.
Both Oedipus and Hamlet are victims. Both Hamlet and Oedipus can avoid their fate,
however both of them feel the only solution to solving the issue at hand. The main
similarity I see between Oedipusand Hamlet is how they both believe that the only
way to save themselves from the set of mind they are in, is by solving it alone. They
alone must overcome what has happened and no one can change that. Hamlet and
Oedipus are both worried of the state of Denmark, and its current conditions. I can see
how Hamlet s father function like Apollo and Tiresius. Though have completely...
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This causes Hamlet to change, his metal state is what is most affected. In Oedipus
the king, you have Apollo and Tiresius sort of doing the same thing. Although they
are not telling Oedipus to kill his father, but the fate they reveal to his parents is
what is guiding him his whole life. Both Hamlet and Oedipus seem to have their
lives controlled by people other than themselves. That is how I see the similarity
of how his father s ghost functions the same as Apollo and Tiresius. There are many
difficulties with Hamlet avenging his father. The most obvious is the act of killing
a king. Hamlet knows the punishment to come if he is caught, death. He also delays
because he does not seem to have a clear understanding of life. Many times throw
out the play he shows confusion, and lack of understanding. He shows many views
of the world revolving around him. One of the other reasons is the possibility that
the ghost of his father might actually be something else, an evil demo or the devil
himself. The difference of Hamlet and Oedipus can come from many theories. One of
which is how both of these men came from different
Juilliard s Paul Recital Hall
Juilliard s Paul Recital Hall was where jazz drummer Douglas Marriner had his
graduation recital, which happened on Monday, May 8th.
From now on, and following a family tradition, Douglas, who is the grandson of the
late English conductor/violinist Sir Neville Marriner and the son of LSO s clarinetist
Andrew Marriner, is entitled to an artist diploma degree, which authenticates him as a
professional musician, with all the letters.
The newly graduated envisioned different formations to tackle the six selected tunes
he arranged for this special night.
The sextet he summoned to join him on the bandstand had a three horn frontline
composed of David Neves on trumpet, Sam Dillon on tenor saxophone, and Kalia
Vandeaver on trombone, and was rounded out with his mates from the rhythm
section, David Meder on piano and Marty Jaffe on bass.
They kicked in with Herbie Hancock s I Have a Dream, whose lush ... Show more
content on ...
Marriner injected a steaming Latinized groove with the help of Jaffe, giving it a
vibrant, danceable touch.
Marriner s only original, Broadway Bounce, was delivered in trio, featuring pianist
Micah Thomas, who sat in for Meder. Swinging along, the pianist hurled shifting
chords on top of the steady rhythmic flow created by the drummer s brushwork and
the bassist s pizzicato.
The following piece, Harold Land s Compulsion, was arranged for a trombone less
quintet engagement and spread colorful post bop energy.
Quieter atmospheres were left to the final. First, through the classic ballad If You
Could See Me Now, delivered in a traditional piano trio format, and then, through
Monk s Crepuscule With Nellie , in which the group was enlarged once again to a
Douglas Marriner accomplished his mission with determination, thanking his teachers
(Kenny Washington and Billy Drummond) and parents, who were present, for the
four years he spent at Juilliard, learning and being a better
Case Study Of Vadilal
Vadilal that has experienced stagnating profits over the past three quarters have a
very few options before it to explore. Making things worse for Vadilal is its limited
market access with 14% market share in northern India. A 20 year old family
separation restricts Ahmedabad based Vadilal from selling its ice cream products in
southern Indian states, including Mumbai and Goa. This is a major handicap,
considering that 25 30 per cent of the country s total ice cream sales come from
these places. One option among for the would be to try and find out why it isn t
making more money; and, thereafter what changes they need to make in their
products to make it more attractive option for consumers and to improve efficiencies
and squeeze a little... Show more content on ...
They were in dilemma about leveraging their brand and the group was still
assessing the possibilities to use the brand Vadilal in non ice cream categories.
They launched processed food business under the brand name Quick Treat some
five years back that accounts for Rs 50 crore in their total turnover and growing at
almost 80% a year. They also export ready to serve curries, range of Indian breads,
frozen samosa etc but the ice creams still remains the core of their activity. Soon
they will enter the srikhand and butter milk categories. The second major
challenge that the Vadilal would have to face while expanding its operations in
North India, primarily Uttar Pradesh is that it is often crippled by power problems
the stuff of nightmares for an ice cream maker that doesn t have reliable backups.
Also supply chain is a major challenge for ice cream players. Ice cream is a product
that requires constant cooling and proper
This Community Base Spiral Texture Wall Was Design By
Our Lives Yesterday and Today
This community base spiral texture wall was design by (Tara Cady Sartorius, 2006)
and sponsored by the Central Alabama Community Foundation. The spiral texture
title is a wonderful piece of work that represents the expressions of more than 700
artists containing more than 1000 textured titles using different kinds of material. I
find this art to be abstract art, because this art stresses elements of composition,
rather than a subject. This body of work was designed with undefined proportions
and great balance. This piece of art has artistic element of color, line, shape, form,
and texture. The spiral was added to give tone and balance to the art and provide a
smooth separation of colors. These are some of thing that immediately drawls the
viewer to the bodywork. The work is a colorful representation of the past as well as
the future showing all aspects of life. There was no detail information on this
collage of title work other than the name, but it spoke to me and I had to share this
with the class. If you didn t know anything about art, this work would get your
attention and show you the past and take you forward into today. The
complimentary colors used in this display has a smooth earthly tone, but as you
view the artwork it has a very pleasant, comforting feel as you view the mellow soft
colors displayed in this design. This type of work has vivid elements, it really get your
Examples Of Gross Profit Costings
Based on the ABC data below are the gross profit margins for each product produced.
ABC is short for activity based costing. Companies follow a two stage process when
allocating indirect costs using ABC. The first stage entails assigning costs to pools
based on the activities that cause the costs to be incurred. The second stage involves
allocating the costs in the activity costs pools to products through the use of a variety
of cost drivers. Furthermore, activity based costing generates a suitable allocation
since it disperses the applicable overhead costs to the appropriate products. Also, it
enhances precision in ascertaining the costs of products and services. Therefore, it
calls attention to the need to acquire a better ... Show more content on
With the ABC system, there is a variety of cost drivers used. Thus, a different cost
driver is used for each category of overhead cost. Furthermore, with the ABC
system, a larger amount of overhead costs are allocated to OS 367. Therefore, since
OS 367 utilizes greater proportions of some of the resources than other products, the
overhead costs for those categories are allocated to OS 367 in larger amounts.
Hence, the total overhead cost per unit increased for OS 367 (Edmonds et al., 2011).
Furthermore, traditional costing does not classify the specific overhead charges or
resource used to fabricate a specific product and distributes costs by assigning
average overhead rates. However, ABC categorizes specific activities employed for
producing each individual product and allocates them based on their consumption of
resources. Drilling Innovations used traditional costing, which in turn, caused them
to assign overhead based on machine hours and ignore other overhead activities
used to produce each product. However, by using ABC, the costs were allocated
based on the activities used to produce each individual drilling head. Therefore, the
cost was more accurately spread based on the overhead consumption of each product
individually. Costs that were incurred to produce OS 367 were being allocated to GS
157 and HS 241 with the traditional costing method. Once
The Legacy Of Henry Ford
Henry Ford was instrumental in revolutionizing modern day America with his
innovations in the manufacturing industry. His modernistic ideas that led to the
creation of the Model T and assembly line were never heard of before. Ford s
development dramatically decreased assembly time of the Model T from twelve
hours to less than six hours. His Model T was the first to be within economic reach
of the everyday man. However, Ford didn t always see himself as an inventor, or
even an innovator. He spent many of his younger years working as a machinist. It
wasn t until 1882 when Ford got a job at the Westinghouse Company of Schenectady
where he repaired road engines that he saw himself enjoying the idea of being a
creator. Henry Fordwas born on a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan on July
30th, 1863. Ford was the oldest of six siblings. His family was neither rich nor
poor, but somewhere in the middle. The house he grew up in is still standing today
and he owns it along with the farm. Ford s major education influence as well as his
moral influence was his mother. While he was growing up, he constantly pondered
how much work there was to do on a farm and that surely there had to be an easier,
quicker way to get it all done. Ford attended school until he was 15 when he started
to discover his fascination with machinery. He often tinkered with things to figure
out how they worked. Ford put it this way: every fragment of machinery was a
treasure. Ford says his mother always

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A Visual Guide to 1 Samuel | A Tale of Two Hearts
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Organization Essay

  • 1. Organization Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Organization" poses a multifaceted challenge. At its core, the subject demands a comprehensive understanding of various aspects, ranging from the structure and management of entities to the intricate dynamics of organizational behavior and culture. Crafting such an essay necessitates a deep dive into theoretical frameworks, empirical studies, and real-world examples to provide meaningful insights and analysis. One of the primary hurdles lies in defining the scope of the essay. "Organization" is a broad concept encompassing diverse fields such as business, sociology, psychology, and even biology. Narrowing down the focus while ensuring adequate coverage of relevant subtopics requires careful deliberation and research. Moreover, discussing organizational theories and models demands clarity and coherence in articulating complex ideas. Whether delving into classical theories like scientific management and bureaucratic theory or contemporary paradigms such as contingency theory and systems theory, the essay must navigate through layers of concepts with precision and depth. Furthermore, addressing practical implications and challenges adds another layer of complexity. Analyzing issues like organizational change, leadership dynamics, diversity management, and global integration requires not only theoretical grounding but also an understanding of evolving trends and contemporary issues shaping the organizational landscape. Crafting a cohesive narrative that seamlessly integrates theoretical frameworks, empirical evidence, and critical analysis is paramount. Each section must flow logically, building upon preceding arguments while offering fresh insights and perspectives. In addition to content, the essay's structure and coherence demand meticulous attention. Ensuring a clear introduction that outlines the essay's objectives, a well-structured body that presents arguments coherently, and a concise yet insightful conclusion that synthesizes key findings—all contribute to the essay's effectiveness. Ultimately, writing an essay on "Organization" entails navigating through a complex terrain of theory, practice, and analysis. It requires not only scholarly rigor and analytical acumen but also creativity and critical thinking to offer meaningful contributions to the discourse on organizational dynamics. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, platforms like offer a range of services to support students and professionals in their academic endeavors. From essay writing to research assistance, such platforms provide valuable resources to navigate the challenges of academic writing. Organization Essay Organization Essay
  • 2. Erikson Reflection On Child Development Before studying Child Development at Glendale Community College I had never heard of Erik Erikson. I was first introduced to his theory about the formation of identit in Child Development 135 and it immediately captured my attention because I could reflect on my own experience about my identity (ies) in various environments. I have always wondered if we are what we are given or if we are what we choose to become. Finding one s self is a life process and it seems impossible to explore every phase of our own identity. In my opinion, Erik Erikson offers a reflexion on social relations influences to understand oneself and others. This quest for identityis also related to the social and contextual changes that stem from the demands imposed by society. Erik Erikson s psychosocial stages has a phase of crisis and the definition he provides opens new perspectives in studying children s personalities. The term crisis refers to a process marked by ruptures and conflicts. Through these ruptures and conflicts, there is also a period of quest for an identity of its own (refers to the question who am I? ), implied by a necessary adaptation to a new context, changes on the cognitive (access to formal thought) and social (interactions with various environments) levels. I focused my research on Erikson s eight psychosocial stages of human development with the reading of Connecting Life Span Development with the Sociology of the Life Course: A New Direction written by Chris Gilleard
  • 3. My Journey Of Reflection During Project 1 Upon my journey of reflection during project 1, I have realized that I value education. It s a way of not only gaining knowledge but sharing it with others. This caused me to gain interest in finding organizations for project 2 that relates to the idea of sharing knowledge and experiences. OU Cousin s is an organization held on campus. Their purpose is to match international students with one American student who shares the same interest, major, and hobbies. They encourage and promote the involvement of students with each other to develop the understanding of different cultures and experiences as well as creating new friendships. As reported on their website under the About Us category, it says The OU Cousins program was created in 1996 by President and Mrs. David Boren as a way of developing understanding, friendship, and unity among U.S., International, and exchange students at the University of Oklahoma. . I found this very interesting because I m an international student, and one of the most things I would love to do is share my culturewith other people. A majority of people assume negative or misleading thoughts about different cultures. People have strong opinions and ways of thinking. That s why most international students always enjoy explaining and sharing their experiences and beliefs about their cultures. Moreover, that is why I believe that OU Cousins provides a great community for having a chance to educate one another about each other s culture. Before
  • 4. Potty Ground Pips Dogs are great companions and are very loyal. Giving them the proper obedience training is a good start for you, but you can t forget to potty train or your fun and exciting experiences with your puppy can turn into a nightmare. So if you want a puppy but you are worrying about training, don t worry these four simple steps will help you out. To begin with this process, you might want to pick a potty spot. You should probably do this before you bring your new puppy home. Pick one spot outside and when you bring your pup out take her directly there. Dogs are animals of habit, if you do this consistently your pup will prefer to go there than in any other spot. After that you might want to get a crate where she will stay for a bit. Make sure the crate is big enough for her to lay down, ... Show more content on ... Do not punish the dog if she poops and pees inside. If she gets punished, she will not understand why she got punished. If you catch her in the act interrupt her with a noise like Ah! Ah! or clap your hands. Don t get too emotional with your interruption. Once you interrupt her grab her by the collar and take her outside to her potty spot. If she goes praise her, if not, then supervise her better next time. It can be frustrating at times, but don t hit her or rub her nose in her mess, because she will then be scared of doing her business in front of you inside or outside. This will result in her instead of peeing on the carpet in plain sight, she will go hide somewhere where she thinks you can t see her, which isn t good This is the process of potty training your new puppy. This process might take 1 2 weeks or 1 2 months depending on how consistent you are and how much experience your puppy has. Remember not to punish her for her mistakes because she will get scared of you and see you as a crazy person. Also remember to praise her when she does good with a reward that she likes. Once she is trained you can have fun with your
  • 5. The Love Poem John Frederick Nims The poem love poem is by John Frederick Nims it is a one hundred and seventeen word poem with six verses of four lines in each, the second and also fourth lines rhyme with each other. This poem is very descriptive and has a lot of meaning in it just by the words this poet chooses to use and also in his style of writing. The first three words of this poem he was either speaking or addressing to his beloved one it said My clumsiest dear . We quickly learn that this is the woman he loves and that she nearly breaks everything she comes across, her hands wreak disasters shipwreck vases . They are like proverbial bulls in a china shop, he mentions and they catch in fine cloth like the burrs of weeds. In this poems first couple of verses mostly
  • 6. How Did George Eastman Impacted Society All of these men were Captains of Industry. Though these men did not treat everyone with respect, they were all philanthropists. They each donated a generous amount of money to schools and organizations that could use the money to help change society. George Eastman donated money to dental clinics for children that could not afford treatment (reading). This impacted our society because people that needed dental work done could have it. Families that don t have a lot of money do not have to worry anymore about not being able to afford it. Eastman also gave scholarships and internships to engineering students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (reading). This gave opportunities to people other than the rich, who wanted to learn to build
  • 7. Edward the Confessor as a Failure Essay Edward the Confessor as a Failure During Edward s the Confessor s reign from 1042 1066, Edward faced many problems. According to Stafford, some of the problems had no obvious solutions. Some historians argue that Edward was a failure as he was unable to deal with the power of the Godwine, and was even less successful with the power of Harold and thirdly, he was unable to solve the problem of the succession issue according to Barlow as he shows that there were no contemporary sources that show Edward dealing with the succession, in the latter part of his reign. Evidence shown from historians that Edward had an inconsistent policy towards the succession issue. The Norman sources and English sources... Show more content on ... This shows Edward as a successful as he defended his kingdom from Swein invading. There is also evidence from Barlow that Edward always took command whenever possible of an invasion. Edward provides training of his navy and he gave it leadership when danger threatened. According to Barlow, Edward was able to deal with the foreign policy going worse. Edward was able to stop William from forming an alliance with Flanders. The reason why he does this was because then that would mean they would share maritime power, meaning that they could help Swein, Magnus or Harold Hardrada from invading England. Edward forms an alliance with William, meaning that William will not be able to form an alliance with Flanders. Therefore this shows that Edward was a success as he was defending his kingdom from any external enemies. This view of Edward is agreed by other historians such as the Vita, ASC and Ailred. Also according to Snorri Sturluson he says that Edward was nicknamed Edward the Good, which describes him well…By the English he is regarded as a saint. According to Barlow, Edward had no ambition to widen his empire his policy towards Scotland and Wales, like his Scandinavian policy, was purely defensive. Schama supports this view as he mentions that Edward was concerned with defending western borders of Mercia and Wessex against expansion of the Welsh princes. Due to all these historians
  • 8. Yixing Teapots During The Late-Ming Dynasty Shi s relationship with Xu s family represented an important phenomenon in the development of Yixing teapots during the late Ming dynasty. Some scholar official tea connoisseurs passionately invited Yixing potters to their household, in which Yixing potters continuously making teapots under the patronage of scholar official families, similar to the interaction between the Wu family of Yixing and their servant Gong Chun. Art historians have illustrated the lives of some Ming professional painters whose livelihood depended largely upon commissions from their patrons. For example, painter Qiu Ying (1494 1552), known today as one of the Four Great Masters of the Ming dynasty, had at least three patrons in whose houses he lived and worked
  • 9. Painting With Light By Dante Gabriel Rossetti Essay The exhibition, Painting with Light will be displayed at the Tate Modern in London from May the 11th till September the 25th 2016. To those of you who may see Edwardian and Victorian art as not being particularly exciting, i would encourage you to try and look past this disinterest and get down to see the Painting with Light exhibition. The exhibition impressively manages to capture the development of art during the period in a way of which the disinterest of most is turned into intrigue and knowledge. The exhibition focuses on the relationship between painting and photography, the largely experimental period in which this developed coincided with the founding of the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood. Paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and John Singer Sargent are included (and personally i believe they are the highlights of the exhibition) are shown side by side with the photos they inspired and of subjects they drew inspiration from. The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood was a secret society of the mid 19th century that sought to create a new form of British art. They strived to emulate art from the late medieval period, early renaissance till the of Raphael, striving to convey messages of artistic renewal and moral reform. This theme combined with Aesthetic and Impressionist works gives the richness in culture and a great span in examples that supply ample contextual and visual support for the idea the exhibition is conveying. Although the exhibition
  • 10. The Characteristics And Contributory Cause Of Truck Crashes Primarily, trucks have a very crucial role to play as far as transportation is concerned. They move cargo from one place to the other throughout the United States. As per research, it is believed that approximately one ninth of traffic fatalities in the United States have either directly or indirectly involved large trucks. The research further claims that 3% of all accidents results from large trucks. The later has been facilitated by increasing numbers of trucks that are registered annually. This study will talk about the characteristics and contributory causes of truckcrashes. To facilitate this, the paper will examine data from the Fatal Crash department through its website. There are some factors that contribute directly to truck crashes. Some of the factors include the use of cellular phone while driving, disobeying traffic rules and lack of warning signs along the roads. These factors can be addressed through sensitizing truck drivers on the importance of safe driving. Introduction The United States has over the years experienced a lot of fatalities on the roads. Surprisingly, most of the fatalities have been caused by trucks. Even so, large trucks have contributed a lesser percentage of fatalities when compared to other vehicles. Unfortunately, in terms of severity, fatalities caused by these trucks are alarming. Sometimes, large trucks might be as heavy as ten thousand pounds. This characteristic makes it so difficult for the driver to control the vehicle
  • 11. Cooper Bohannon Dialectical Journal hides any details from the rest of the squad. Rex is the oldest and most experienced of the group and the best fighter of them with just the standard weaponry; CR 100 plasma rifle, and a military standard plasma pistol Pi 67. Miles Damien was the marksman of the group, having a very broad view of things and having the knowledge to look in places where others do not is the cause of his expertise, earning his call sign Sharp . Sharp sports a LR20 plasma sniper with a 6x and 2x transition scope and a .357 Magnum revolver as a secondary, definatly an ancient weapon, but it still fires true. Cooper Bohannon is the youngest and most naive of the squad, with outrageous and non standard tactics along with non uniform executions earned him his call... Show more content on ... Who are you? Rex questions in return. If you are Delta Squad, I m your pilot who will get you to Venus, The engineer looking lady explains. Can you fly this? Rogue asks. Yes, the outfit is just to fool landing pad guards, I m actually a pilot. Every ship needs to check in at a landing pad once in the capital s airspace, a military uniform will not be very subtle on Venus, let alone an RUS uniform. She responded. Ready the shuttle for launch, cuz we re Delta Squad, Rex orders. Yes sir! And call me Eagle, She responds. Delta Squad and Eagle, the pilot, boarded the shuttle and departed from Spearhead Base enroute to the capital of Venus. It was a short ride of only 5 hours before Eagle alerted Rex, Ready your men, Cap n. We are making our final approach towards the capital. Acknowledged. Delta get ready we re almost at the LZ! Rex ordered. His squad jumped up and grabbed their gear which was spread across the ship. They all checked the power on their weapons and checked the communication links between their
  • 12. Essay On Macular Edema The current study was conducted to investigate the changes in choroidal thickness within the macular area in eyes with various types of diabetic macular edema, by comparing the measured values with those of healthy normal subjects and of subjects with diabetic retinopathy without diabetic macular edema and to correlate the sub foveal choroidal thickness measurements with the central macular thickness. Patients and methods: A prospective, nonrandomized, observational study was conducted to evaluate the central macular thickness (CMT) and the choroidal thickness (CH T) in eyes with treatment naГЇve diabetic macular edema. One hundred forty two eyes of 96 subjects were enrolled in the study. The current study included eyes of patients with... Show more content on ... The studied eyes were chosen if the eye met both the inclusion and exclusion criteria. If both eyes of the same subject were qualified, both were selected. Central Macular thickness measurement: The fast macular thickness OCT scan protocol was performed with measurements from 20 x 20 degree raster scans (consisting of 25 scans). The mean thickness of the central 1 mm zone of the 1, 3, 6 mm Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grid thickness map was measured by the program incorporated in the Spectralis OCT software. Choroidal thickness measurement: To obtain the choroidal image, Heidelberg Spectralis SD OCT EDI button in the Spectralis software was used. The white on black image color was used for better contrast between the choroid and the sclera. The choroidal thickness was measured manually, using the caliper tool in the Heidelberg Spectralis OCT software, as perpendicular line, from the outer portion of the hyperreflective line corresponding to the RPE to the choroidoscleral interface. The choroidal thickness was measured from vertical and horizontal scans centered on the fovea. The CH T measurements were obtained from the subfoveal and parafoveal areas at an interval of 500 Ојm up to 1500 Ојm from the center of the fovea (nasal, temporal, superior and inferior). All measurements were performed at the same time of the day from 1PM 3PM for the diurnal variation of the choroidal thickness.
  • 13. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Nike s Advertising Sporting goods companies continue to grow as each year passes. Successful brands in this industry include Adidas, Under Armour, Jordan and Oakley. However, Nike is seemingly the most famous and successful brand in the entire industry. Recently, Nike has began a campaign to spread equality by coming together through sports. The campaign is supported by several iconic athletes around the world. Some of these athletes include LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Serena Williams, and Victor Cruz (Rafferty, 2017). The image I have chosen shows a basketball court in the middle of a city with a large crowd of people gathering around the court. The text on the image reads Equality has no boundaries . This image illustrates a point by stating race, gender, religion, and so on should not be a factor in how people are treated in today s society. The image also evokes an emotional response. Equality and discrimination is an extremely sensitive topic. Many viewers of this advertisement may respond in a positive manner,... Show more content on ... This certain photo has a subjective point of view. A subjective point of view is when an individual feels that he or she is inside and a part of the image. The advertisement by Nike is subjective because it is everyone s responsibility to promote equality and the importance of fair treatment in the world today. The discrimination problem will not be solved if not everyone contributes. The use of color is also a factor that can be evaluated. The colors used in this picture are strictly black and white. The combination of black and white is often used when an image is dealing with an issue or a controversial topic. In this case, discrimination and equality is one of the most controversial subjects and is a large issue in today s world. A topic this serious is a perfect fit for the black and white color combination. The black and white could also symbolize African American and White individuals uniting as
  • 14. Too Much Of Nothing Analysis Happiness with people vs Happiness with materialistic objects What brings us happiness, people or materialistic objects? In, Too much of Nothing, Charlie Creekmore states that most Americans believe wealth brings happiness meaning happiness can be bought. Though he exaggerates to make his point, I do agree with his notion. I have met too many individuals that value wealth and materialistic objects and believe that they will find happinessin that. My friend s roommate, Shanice, my grandmother, and my mom s co worker, Theresa, are some of the few that believe that happiness can be bought. Creekmore states, We are constantly conditioned to purchase our pleasure. My friend s roommate, Shanice, believes that objects bring her the most happiness. My friend, Ngozi, describes her as an attention whore because she tries to get males attention so they can buy her things like purses, watches, and shoes. Recently her son s father bought her a Michael Kohrs watch, purse, and wallet set. Now I might not be familiar with name brand designers, but I do know that those products are very expensive. Shanice claims that even though she no interests with these dudes she s not going to stop them from buying her the... Show more content on ... One example is my grandmother. She believes that if we don t but her something then it means that we don t love her. I remember a few years ago on Mother s day, my sister and I gave my grandmother a video of her throughout the years. After she finished the video she said, Is that all you got me? Where are my flowers or a purse? This is cute and all but this isn t enough. It took me months to get photos and salvage footages of her and all she wanted was a purse. She was never satisfied. I agree with Creekmore s notion because with my grandmother she believes that materialistic objects signifies how her family loves her rather than when we would make attempts to spend quality time with
  • 15. Essay on The Ins and Outs of Service Charges for Flat Rentals The ins and outs of service charges Services charges will be a common occurrence for those living in a flat, as they play a part in how the building is taken care of and maintained. Service charges are considered the only measurable and manageable way to cover the buildings maintenance costs. If you live in a converted house, odds are you won t need to pat monthly service charges, but in some cases you may be asked to pay such charges either quarterly, half yearly or annually, The purpose of service charges is to cover general repairs, regular cleaning and employment of certain building staff. In some instances service charges may cover building insurance, but this isn t always the case and you may need to enquire with freeholder to see ... Show more content on ... The following is what would qualify as expensive: Work that costs more than ВЈ250 per flat Services (general repairs, gardening or cleaning) that cost ВЈ100 or more per flat Don t accept the freeholders word for any repairs that are set to take place, they should provide you with copies of two or more estimates that they have taken out for the work in question. Also, one of the quotes should be obtained from an independent contractor that has no connection to the freeholder. The only instance in which a freeloader can go ahead with a repair without your consent is if it is deemed urgent. If you feel you haven t been consulted properly or in due time, then it may be worth seeking legal advice as you may not have to be held accountable for the work. Challenging service charges If you feel that the services you re receiving are sub par or un satisfactory you should write to the freeholder detailing your concerns. In such instances they may lower the rate you pay going forward or compensate you in some way. If the freeholder is unreasonable and refuses to better the building services, you can take the disagreement to a Leasehold Valuation Tribunal(LVT). They will decide if your complaints are valid and hold the freeholder accountable if so. Responding to poor service In rare cares freeholders may charge for
  • 16. The Rights Of Female Sexuality The Restoration Period in England began in 1660 when Charles II was restored to the throne as monarch of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Charles II rapidly did away with the strict morals that defined the Puritan Commonwealth, and his court became characterized by its licentiousness and extravagant spending. While men during the period enjoyed the libertine culture that was introduced, women continued to be restrained by boundaries that had constricted their social and sexual freedom for centuries. Aphra Behn, the first womanin England to identify as a professional writer, challenged sexual inequality by reforming the female image through literature. She addresses themes of female desire, sexuality, and homosexuality in amatory fiction... Show more content on ... This, however, is a product of the modesty of seventeenth century England, during which erotica could not be overly candid and graphic. Aphra Behn s description of a female s unrestricted desires within the poem enables her to construct the revolutionary model of a liberated female. In contrast to The Willing Mistress , The Disappointment portrays a woman who does not acquiesce to the seduction of a male but instead displays a form of power over him by refusing. Through Cloris, the female protagonist in the poem, Aphra Behn is able to reveal the sexual power women hold over men. While Cloris conforms to a more conventional depiction of chaste femininity in the seventeenth century, the power she exacts over Lysander, her lover, is uncommon. She conforms in that she holds My dearer Honour, ev n to you (Behn, The Disappointment 27), refusing Lysander s sexual advances for the sake of her purity. In spite of her refusals, Lysander persists and Cloris subsequently swoons half dead and breathless lay (55). While Lysander attempts to rape Cloris, she snatches his Pow r, yet leave him the Desire! (80) leaving him impotent. Cloris is seemingly able to deprive Lysander of all his pow rful Fires (95). Her capability to disarm Lysander of his ability to fulfill his sexual desires gives her character a sense of sexual power over men. While still a victim, Aphra Behn does not victimize her. She is not portrayed as
  • 17. Bear Grylls Quotes You only get one chance at life and you have to grab it boldly that inspiring quote was said by Bear Grylls ( Grylls ). Bear Grylls is the author of the book A Survival Guide for Life. Grylls was born on 7th June 1974 and is currently 41 years old ( Bear ). He is one of the many famous British men and he is known for his stunning adventures and his sensational television show Man vs. Wild. He has worked in various military services like the Territorial Army, Special Air Services, etc. He has written 11 different books and his first bookwas A kid who climbed the Everest ( Bear GryllsBiography ). Grylls is genuinely helping the reader as he provides the reader with an effective guideline or a principle to follow with an inspiring and... Show more content on ... For example in the book in chapter 49 he mentions about how his friend Mark managed to complete his huge office work in a single day to receive his awaited reward. Grylls said that if everyone works at their highest level they could charge down many goals in less time and they could start enjoying their desired life after accomplishing their goals (Grylls 188). That example was really motivating to the reader and causes the reader to work at his highest level. He also explains the effectiveness of working at highest level. Grylls s suggestions in the book are realistic and effective. Grylls s suggestions are realistic because he discuss about his own personal experiences to support his ideas, for example in chapter nine he mentions about when he got selected for SAS. His commander said that in fact, but what makes our work here special is your ability to give that little bit extra when most simply give up (Grylls 46). That was his own personal life example which makes his ideas realistic. His suggestions are effective because his personal life experiences and their results show the effectiveness. In this chapter 43 Grylls changes the vocabulary like weekend to strong end or alarm clock to opportunity clock because he claims that changing vocabulary changes the way the brain thinks like week end means
  • 18. A Brief Note On Clean Water And Sanitation Every year in developing countries, millions are suffering and dying due to hazardous sanitation conditions and unclean water. This can be prevented. Many developing countries lack in water and sanitation, as a result millions die every year. Health plays a big factor in sanitation and water in developing countries. There are many inexpensive and effective alternatives to clean water and safe sanitation. Access to water and sanitation increased from 1990 to 2002. Many challenges and obstacles are existent. With every challenge there is a solution. The solution can only be overcome through technology, research, collaboration, and engineering problem solving for future. Imagine the impact on public health if no water services for toilets, faucets, and sinks to address for our daily needs. For billions of people all over the world, this is unfortunately a reality. Approximately 1.1 billion (ACS) people don t have access to improved drinking water and estimated 2.6 billion (ACS) individuals live without any type of water services. From 2005 2015, The World Health Organization(WHO) wanted to establish a system that will provide full access to safe drinking water and sanitation by 2015. Sanitation is vital to global health and is a larger problem then the lack of water. Sanitation is the conditions relating to public health especially the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal. These conditions in the developing world are due to the lack of sanitation,
  • 19. The Pros And Cons Of Guantanamo Bay Detention Center Controversy surrounds many of the United States foreign policy decisions. Regardless of the results of the policy, politics takes over. One of the most important political issues that Democrats and Republicans argue over today regards national security. The biggest controversial national security interest today is located in Cuba. Guantanamo Bay is located inside the United StatesNaval base and imprisons suspected terrorists. The Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in Cuba should be closed due to the fact that the standards for evidence in hearings are poor, the United States has proved that it can hold prisoners on its own soil or in other countries, the sheer amount of money spent to keep the detention center open is extremely wasteful, and the human rightsviolations that occur in the prison alone are enough to justify its closure. Guantanamo Bay perpetuates torture and coercion to produce desired confessions from inmates, which lowers the threshold for... Show more content on ... The government can put an end to the controversy and spectacle surrounding what Guantanamo Bay is and does; yet it is still unable to officially close down the prison. There are many positive impacts that closing the prison will have on the United States and the global community collectively. Setting the precedent for being on the forefront of human rights for other countries to follow is one major plus. Human rights violations occur across the globe, in the United States and elsewhere, and establishing a standard for everyone to follow will be a huge step for improving the quality of life for all of Earth s inhabitants. The Guantanamo Bay Detention Center desperately needs to be closed in an effort to prevent other countries from aiding and abetting horrific violations to society s civil
  • 20. Random Sampling Definition 1.Random Sampling: Definition: A method of sampling used for polling that ensures that all groups and persons have an equal chance of being selected. This ensures that most, if not all, groups are represented in polls. Current Event: Since random sampling is supposed to give all an equal probability of being selected, if a random sample was taken, it would be expected that slightly more than half of those selected would be female, to reflect the proportion of females to males in the actual population. 2.Census: Definition: A collection of information from every person in the United Statesdone every 10 years to provide the government with information on the population of the country, and its demographics. It is required by the Constitution. ... Show more content on ... The election of the Republican candidate Donald Trump in 2016 could lead to policies that restrict abortion, since Trump has said he is pro life and supports overturning Roe v. Wade. 15.Moderate: Definition: Those in the middle of the political spectrum, who do not affiliate themselves with radical liberals or conservatives. They have more centrist political views. Current Event: According to the 2008 American National Election Study, almost half of voters, young and old, consider themselves to be moderate. This shows that many Americans do not wholly agree with either the conservatives or liberals, and that many are willing to vote for either side depending on whether they agree with their proposed plans. 16.Reactionary: Definition: Those who believe that the past was the best, and it would be most beneficial to enact political policies to return to that previous state. They are often conservatives. Current Event: Some consider president elect Donald Trump to be a reactionary, because of his promises to follow in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan. Reactionaries highly value the Reagan presidency, and have wanted to return that state for a long time. They want taxes cut and to make America great again, as they suppose it was during the Reagan
  • 21. Phantom Of The Opera Comparison With the movie industry becoming more and more popular, it is wondered if the theatre is becoming a dying art form because of it. After all, musicals are being made as movies, but are they are better than them? In this essay, I look to compare the film adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera with the stage version of it and decide based off of this, if the theatre is really a dying art form. For the stage version of the show, I decided to do the 25th anniversary version of it which was performed at the Royal Albert Hall. In addition to, it was sold out in just 5 hours and happened in 2011. The starring actors and actresses in this were Ramin Karimloo as The Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine DaaГ©, Hadley Fraser as Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny, Wendy Ferguson as ... Show more content on ... The last thing that I would like to say that I liked was their costumes. Their costumes just fit for each of the characters. The one that I liked the most was the Phantom s one to start the 2nd act. It was just so scary and intimidating. However, with each excellent part of a show, there are awful ones as well. I didn t enjoy the ending because I didn t understand who the person was. They just introduced a new character and I still don t know if Christine got older or if that was someone else. Something else that I didn t like was when a bunch of people was singing, but they were all something different which made it confusing. Now that we have analyzed the stage version, it is time to take a look at the film. The film version had many pluses and minuses. I ll first start off with what I liked. The part of the film that I liked the best were the camera angles. Where the parts where the film fell short, it made up at times with its brilliant placement of the camera. Something else that I liked was the special effects of the movie. They made it a lot more entertaining with what they
  • 22. Native Americans Essays In the early days of English settlement in the American colonies, the Indian European relationship of each area was the determining factor in the survival of the newly established colonies. By working together and exchanging methods of food production and survival, an English colony could maintain its population and continue to support the arrival of new settlers. However, a colonythat had trouble maintaining ties with their Indian neighbors had a tough time attracting settlers and adapting to their environment. The role of the Indian helping the white man in North America played an important partin the survival of the American colonies. In the Jamestown colony, very few people survived the disease and sickness which accompanied the... Show more content on ... In 1620, many Pilgrims died in a very tough winter, but the colony survived because of the help provided by local Indian groups. Not only did the Indians help, but the two groups were able to set up trade and exchange methods and supplies. This continued when the Puritans arrived in the late 1620 s, but things changed soon after. Again, English disease wiped out the local Indian tribes and allowed for the continued expansion deeper into the New England woodlands. Because of the influence and help of the early Indian groups in this area, the English gained critical knowledge and support to establish a successful colony. Other areas of New England soon developed problems with Indians. The English settlers of the Connecticut Valley and the Pequot Indians were involved in a bloody battle, as well as the King Phillips War in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the 1670 s. As the 1600 s progressed, Indians were able to gain technological experience with the higher power European weapons and resulted in tougher battles for the English. However, other areas remained in good standing with their locals, such as in Maryland. In the 1630 s, two groups of settlers arrived and set up a settlement on the Potomac River. They established good relations with the Indians, and as a result, ...experienced no Indian assaults, no plagues, no starving time. (Brinkley 36). The assistance of Indian groups was essential to the survival of the colonies. The only way to attain the assistance of
  • 23. `` The Cradle Of Freedom `` By Nathaniel Philbrick Samuel Adams once said, It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. In Bunker Hill, Nathaniel Philbrick chronicles how the conflagration of the American Revolution would erupt from the embers of the past focusing on the great impact that those involved in the infamous battle for which the book is titled and the battle itself would have on the colonies and their fight for liberties. This is a vivid bildungsroman for the city of Boston, teeming with new thoughts and ideals, that would face internal conflict, which would later give the city the title the Cradle of Freedom. 1 Setting aside the legends of the revolution, Philbrick presents not only a historic event in American history, but also the subtle, essential moments that are not limited to 1775 but are the underpinning mechanics of overthrowing a regime that are essentially the same today as they were in the eighteenth century; however, focusing on our mythic Founding Fathers, many overlook the true nature of the war that is present in every revolution.2 Unlike the hackneyed stories told to us as children on the Fourth of July, the American colonies were not victims to an overly oppressive, malevolent motherland thousands of miles away. In fact studies have shown that the American colonies were the least taxed people in the Western world and that, overall, the claims of English oppression boil down to nothing more
  • 24. My Best Year At Paideia This has been my most varied year at Paideia. I covered topics that I would ve never expected. In fact rather than being handed project ideas I came up with a lot of my own. I worked From humanism to cosmetic surgery, I ve really explored the educational field. This has been my best year in math. We started the year covering exponents, which thoroughly enjoyed working with. The concept initially confused me but after some practice and explanation I soaked it up. Another big part of math this year was pre algebra. As with exponents, the concept was originally confusing but over some time I understood it. I completed a lot of problems where I solved an equation algebraically. I mainly completed these problems in two different ways using elimination and substitution. After trying both ways I decided my favorite was substitution. Even though elimination is quicker I believe substitution is more versatile. In Beacon I predict there to be complex variations on math I ve already learned or brand new fields of math. Whatever they throw at me, I look forward to practicing and applying the concept to real life. I really enjoyed all different elements of language we learned this year, especially the short story portion. Tim would give all the students a prompt to write a short story on, usually based on the one we read in class. The following day everyone would present their stories, we would talk about the language, analyze the meaning, discuss our views on the prompt. It was very
  • 25. Color Of Fire Research Paper Did you know that there are certain chemicals that can color a fire? Well, that s what my topic is about. There are many chemicals that can turn things into a different color. There will be chemicals used for this experiment and will turn the fire into a range of colors. First, there are many chemicals and subatomic particles involved in the testing. A few things involved are atoms, flame photometry, photons, and many more. All of those things affect the test and how the results will come out. Everything involved plays a very important role in how the results turn out and how the experiment is tested. Second of all, atoms play the biggest role in the whole entire project. The reason why is because they are made with positively charged nuclei.... Show more content on ... Atoms play a big role because when they go back to their ground state they emit photons. Photons also play a big role, but without atoms we wouldn t have photons. Flame photometry is also a huge thing, it detects the routine of metal salts. Now, let s talk about absorption and emission lines. Absorption lines are often superimposed on a colored continuum. (Same website as spectral lines) Absorption lines are also a result of specific wavelengths being absorbed along the line of sight. Emission lines are sort of the opposite, they appear as discrete colored lines that are most commonly on a black background. These lines correspond to specific wavelengths of light emitted by an object. Next, chemicals and color. How can certain chemicals turn fire into a color? Well, any element placed into or within a fire will change the color. Quantum mechanics and orbitals are a couple things that are also involved in the process. Quantum mechanics constrains them to appear in various distinct patterns which are also called orbitals. Orbitals are a lot like planetary orbits, but blurrier, so you will never really be sure on where the electrons
  • 26. Hrm at General Motors Background to HRM at General Motors Corporation General Motors Corporation (NYE: GM) is the leading American automaker in the world with its operations spanning in 157 countries. The car manufacturer was established in 1908 in Michigan and today it is headquartered in Detroit, the United States of America. Besides the domestic industry of the United States of America, General Motors manufactures cars and trucks in other 30 countries around the world. Among its brand products are Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Hummer, Holden, Opel, Saab, Pontiac, Vauxhall, and Saturn. Besides these brands that are owned by the automaker, GMC also operates joint ventures in China and Japan. That is, Shanghai GM and SAIC GM Wuling ... Show more content on ... Training of General Motors employees on their job specifications will improve their productivity. Ofshore trainings in China and Japan are recommended . This will allow the corporation s manufacturing engineers to learn new efficient production technologies of Japan and China in making cheaper and highly effiecient cars. Motivational incentives such as team building sessions, delegation of duties, self managed leadership styles, and monetary rewards will boost their commitment to the organization. The combined effect of training and motivation will necesitate restructuring of a pay roll while leveraging on improved productivity of highly productive employees. The fourth recommendation is embracing technology in Human Resource Management system to enhance global cordination of its business. According to Dreher and Dougherty ( 2002), the use of technology such as centralised Enterprise Resource Management system to co ordinate human resource activities of General Motors will enhance quick sharing of ideas and consultation among the global employees of the company without barriers. This will allow the organization to carry out its marketing strategies efficiently and effectively without limitation by geographical distances. Effective Human
  • 27. The Clarinet Essay The clarinet s versatility makes it an ideal instrument for several genres of music. The most popular genres use the clarinet because of its flexibility, virtuosity and ability to play in the extremes of the instrument s range. It is a core member of the orchestra and blends well with woodwind, brass and string instruments. Jazz Clarinets appear regularly in jazz ensembles. The laid back nature of the instrument allows the clarinet to play with ease and nuance. These characteristics make it suitable for playing extended solos and complex passages as the jazz ensemble works through modulations resulting in key changes. A famous type of jazz music, called Dixieland jazz, features the clarinet prominently. Dixieland jazz consists of a soloist ... Show more content on ... Mozart used the clarinet extensively in several of his orchestral works. Popular Popular music uses the clarinet for background music and solos. The Beatles used the clarinet extensively in songs. Two famous examples include When I m Sixty Four and Here Comes the Sun. The clarinet s smooth tone and texture lends itself well to rock and popular music. Another famous group by the name of Muse wrote a song for bass clarinet solo titled I belong to you. Small popular bands find that the clarinet is a suitable addition to the standard orchestration of guitar, voice and percussion. Klezmer Klezmer music s roots go back to the immigrants to the United States in 1880. The genre was initiated in Eastern Europe but the commonly known music that goes by the name of Klezmer music wasn t initiated until musicians emigrated to the United States. Klezmer music is ideal for the clarinet and features the clarinet in solo passages along with a keyboard instrument known as the dulcimer, violin, viola, bass, small drum and sometimes included flute and trumpet. References Virginia Tech: Clarinet
  • 28. The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman... In the world many people have, don t have, or think they have hope. Hope is many different things. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, many people have hope and many people think they don t have hope. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian is about a boy named Junior and how he finds his way in the world and how he builds his own path to find hope. He ends up going to a school outside the Reservation where he tries to find a balance between his two identities. Many people in this book like Junior, Mary and Grandma have many different beliefs about hope and they are all very interesting when you look at them below the surface. The different perceptions people have on hope are very intriguing and... Show more content on ... a white person. One thing that he said was that whites have hope and a bright future while Indians only have a vanishing past and a bone crushing reality. Junior has these thoughts because everyone on the rez is always drunk and people die all the time like how Junior has been to 42 funerals and 90% of them are from alcohol (pages 199 and 200.) Junior ends up finding some hope at Reardon like when everyone was cheering on Junior in the basketball game and he loved the school. Even though Junior had a stereotype in his head that whites were the only ones with hope he was able to defy his own laws. Mary believes that you need a little push from someone close to follow your dream then hope will come. Mary is the sister of Junior. When Junior left to go to Reardon outside the rez, Mary felt a calling to follow her dream. Mary was living in her basement for years until Junior moved. Then she made the crazy decision to married and move to Montana (page 89.) Mary followed that calling and and found hope in living out her dream of living a romance novel. Junior figures this out on page 90 when he said, How weird is that? It s almost romantic. And then I realized that my sister was trying to LIVE a ro mance novel. Mary had always wanted to write romance novels and she wanted to live on too. Mary kept in touch with her family but died on page 201. Mary found hope when her brother left that she could still live out her dream to write books, have hope and
  • 29. Personal Theories Of Ethnocentrism And Conformity Orientation Personal theories are individual theories of communication that help people describe and explain a myriad of circumstances, experiences, and interactions with others. Not everyone s personal theories are the same, however, each personal theory contains fundamental communicational applications or concepts; these applications are the backbone of personal theories. Scholarly theories are similar to personal theories however scholarly theories provide objective explanations on communicationMy personal theory on my relationship with my family applies to the concepts of ethnocentrism and conformity orientation, while my tendency to avoid the term one day, applies to the concepts of self development and monochronic time. When I was younger, ... Show more content on ... Approximately two years ago, I realized that one day is a very arbitrary phrase. I was promised that one day I would reunite with one of my dearest friends, however, as the months passed, I received not a single word. Months turned into years and to my disappointment, the reunion never happened. Therefore, one day is synonymous with never. From then and on, I replace one day with the phrase, one of these days because then it doesn t imply that it is never going to happen; it implies that it will happen, but not just right now. My personal theory best exemplifies self development which is essentially another aspect of individual communication. An individual undergoes self development from his or her earliest of interactions. In this respect, the individual learns from his or her experiences. My personal theory embodies this principle because from my experience of the term one day, I have realized how often individuals utilize it in their vernacular and they always never follow through on their one day promises. Additionally, my personal theory applies to the concept of monochronic time. When individuals pay attention to and do solely one activity at a time is monochronic time. I live in monochronic culture and I behave according to monochronic time, and my interpretation of one day or one of these days, is simply my effort to
  • 30. Three Strategies That You Can Use as a Clinical Research... Describe three strategies that you can use as a clinical research coordinator that will significantly reduce the error in data that you collect. Error is inevitable. How many times have you made a dish from a recipe something has not been deviated. Maybe you were low on flour and had to substitute cornstarch or you did not have almond abstract and had to use lemon. The result may have looked like the picture but I m sure the taste varied. In research we take limited samples of the population to make it paint a picture of the whole. A site could recruit 100 heart patients and use the information gathered to try to aid the population of 500,000 heart patients worldwide. Is the information true information of the whole or just a... Show more content on ... Go by the worksheet to fill in all needed data then review the data with the subject before they leave. This will cut down on misremembering information. In regards to mis recording data get someone to review your information or review it yourself the next day. When writing down lab values I can record it and then get someone to call out the lab values while I double check them. Our after getting rest I can look at the information with fresh eyes and double check myself. I believe that this is a major error. One number being off can skew the results drastically. By improving upon this error, I believe statistical information will be better. The second major error made is made up information. We should never infer any information gathered about a patient based on their age, sex, ethnicity, or gender. Just recently, I recruited a patient for a study who was pleasant but very stubborn and did not realize he would have to come in for surgery. Everything in his case happened so fast that he really did not have a chance to process anything. Another research staff member goes to get blood samples and follow up with the patient. The patient is really cranky and agitated. When the research personnel comes back upstairs she is telling everyone that the patient suffers from dementia and inferring how this could affect other parts of the protocol. Well I asked her point blank, How do you know that patient has dementia? Did his wife fail to disclose this
  • 31. Widespread Offences In Football My Senior Project is on the diversion I have cherished since I have been a young man, which is football. What I adore most about football is the hostile plans and various types that are out there. There are three principle offenses in football which are the Spread, Option, and Wing T. They all have distinctive outlines that add to them being fruitful. The spread offense is the best on the grounds that the spread, which is the most energizing also, has a considerable measure of wide arrangements. The most imperative part of the spread offense is the blocking, makes resistances concentrate on the running back so that the pass can get to be helpful. The line should be great at a zone blocking yet first the Quarterback should read the front side border LOS danger, not posterior in light of the fact that in the event that he peruses the rear he will neglect to ride the work point which incorporates a playside shuffle,which helps the play create and purchases time on the front side read. Another... Show more content on ... Make them move vertical. Vertical development is crucial to accomplishment on the O line. Each penetrate you will 4 run includes the O line moving downfield. Have them complete pieces and sprint downfield. Clearing the read key is the most essential thing the handle can do to make the play effective. Presently another critical thing on the O line is The linemen far from the play must scoop on the rear. This cuts off interest and gives the B Back wrinkles to run when the ball is decreased. It additionally wears out the restricting d line on the off chance that they are continue getting cut on the rear of the play. Presently you should have a shrewd Quarterback that peruses in light of the fact that one that didn t read well groups he will play with awesome resistance and had have extraordinary sums ability on
  • 32. Analysis Of Miss Lonelyhearts And The Day Of The Locust In Miss Lonelyhearts and The Day of the Locust, each character experiences suffering, and in each case the suffering is ridiculed. Schadenfreude is a basic human experience; human beings do find humor in other s misfortune. Society is so accustomed to the feeling of schadenfreude that hardly anyone knows exactly where it comes from or how distasteful it is. Society feeds schadenfreude of physical pain by letting it reside throughout comedy. Almost every comedic movie, show, song, sketch or any other form of entertainment is cluttered with people being hurt. Harry Greener s clown show in The Day of the Locust is completely centered around his pain. When he stands up, the audience, which failed to laugh at his joke, laughs at his limp, so he continues lame for the rest of the act, (West, The Day 78). The entire comedy genre thrives off of schadenfreude. Perhaps this is because the audience knows that the subject is not truly hurt, so it becomes funny to see people such as Curly, Moe, and Larry beat each other. Perhaps it is because people use laughter as a shield against pain. When people see pain they laugh to make it seem that it did not actually hurt. It is a product of empathy for him who was hurt. Laughter serves to camouflage embarrassment which is included in empathy. The ways in which characters receive injuries are usually embarrassing, and the audience feels the embarrassment causing them to laugh. Schadenfreude is embedded in human emotions such as envy,
  • 33. Alpha Lipoic Neuropathy Report Alpha Lipoic Acid and Diabetic Neuropathy Name: Ola Taji Student number:999188383 Alpha Lipoic Acid and Diabetic Neuropathy Introduction Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) (aka thioctic acid), is a naturally occurring substance found in our diets such as vegetables (spinach, broccolis) and in meat (intestines),also,ALA is synthesized in our body through the function of different enzymes that take part in mitochondrial oxidative metabolism found in plants and animals. When ALA is consumed it gets absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and transported to other organs in the body, for example, it can cross the blood brain barrier to enter the brain, or it can go to the liver where ALA gets reduced to its reduced form called dilhydrolipic acid (DHLA). Both ALA and DHLA have many biochemical functions ... Show more content on ... The results showed that upon injecting high glucose in the PC12 cells, the activity of the cells decreased, and it increased the level of ROS, the ratio of ADP/ATP, and the apoptotic protein (Bax, and caspase 3). However, after injecting ALA the viability of the cells increased back, ALA also inhibited ROS, ADP/ATP, and the apoptotic proteins (Bax and caspase 3). Therefore, all of the studies found all showed the same thing that ALA has positive effect of diabetic neuropathy. Despite all of these results, there was some limitations in the experiments such as the clarification if the neuroprotective potential of ALA according to diabetic type, diabetic stage, and also another limitation is that some of the studies were observational studies. Overall, the most important thing is that the actually mechanism in which ALA functions in order to decrease the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy is not yet
  • 34. Epilogue To Odysseus I watched as Odysseus took out my son s eye. He was blinded. I just stood and watched as my youngest son was blinded. I felt more furious in my entire lifetime. I can t just stand by and watch my children be destroyed by mortals; it s not what I do. For heaven s sake, I am the God of the sea. My children can t be picked off one by one with me sitting in the corner fretting. My god, Zeus, I can t do anything without you nagging me about it. You believe that just because you re the god of lightning, you re better than Hades and I. Your only brothers and you can t support one. It s sad really. I work this hard and you don t even help me avenge my son, I boomed, almost as loud as his thunder. Poseidon, brother, I will not help you terminate one mortal who was captured by your son,... Show more content on ... Her name, Circe, was banished from Mount Olympus for wrongdoing on her part. She turned a beautiful woman, Scylla into a man eating monster only out of jealousy. She didn t get the man. Soon after arriving, Odysseus s men were turned to swine; all of them oinking and snorting for food. Odysseus, on the other hand, was given a supernatural plant that would allow him to maintain his human form. I had no clue she would be so welcoming to him. He remained on the sorceress island for nine months. That was when she informed him of the dangers he would encounter. First, Scylla; she would devour his men if they sailed too close to shore. Second, Charybdis; the sea monster who creates whirlpools for her victims. Third, the sirens; they sing sweet songs and imitate sailor s wives and families in hopes of the sailors venturing toward them. And finally, Apollo s island; where he keeps his cattle, but if one man lays a finger on a cattle, Apollo will destroy their ship and leave them stranded and possibly dead. Scylla gave Odysseus wax for the Sirens and sent him on his way, returning his men to their human
  • 35. Prohibition was the Time to be a Criminal in America There d never been a more advantageous time to be a criminal in America than during the 13 years of Prohibition. At a stroke, the American government closed down the fifth largest industry in the United States alcohol production and just handed it to criminals a pretty remarkable thing to do (Bill Bryson). The twenties was a fast paced fun, loving time, the one problem was no alcohol. With the twenties came the rise of jazz, flappers, different fashions, and prohibition. Jazz, flappers, and different fashions made life enjoyable but, prohibition caused the rise of criminals, who saw the demand for alcohol, and the opportunity to make money, by selling it to average people, along with government officials. Noteworthy criminals helped define the roaring twenties by helping everyday citizens break the law. To understand how this defined the decade, it is important to explore how gangsters provided alcohol to citizens, bribed police and government officials, and made criminals popular. Prohibition was a law passed whereby the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol was illegal, this gave gangsters and average citizens the opportunity to make easy money, if they did not get caught. The most noteworthy criminal during this time was Al Capone, in Chicago, he bribed government officials, ran bootlegging rackets, prostitution, and gambling dens. Al Capone didn t become a criminal overnight, at a young age he dropped out of school and was welcomed into the local
  • 36. Emmy Noether Amalie Emmy Noether born March 23, 1882, in Erlangen, Germany and died April 14, 1935, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania was an intellectual German mathematician who made numerous amounts of contributions towards abstract algebra. Emmy Noether was one of the highly acknowledged female mathematicians during the late 18th and 19th century, who earned the respect of many well educated scholars. Emmy noether was also the oldest child of Max Noether, a research mathematician in algebraic geometry and the theory of algebraic functions; like his daughter he was also a respected mathematician during the 19th century. Emmy had 3 brothers whom two of them, Alfred and Gustav became scientist; her other brother Fritz became a mathematician. Alfred s son followed... Show more content on ... In 1919 Emmy won an acceptance as an academic lecturer.For six years, she investigated general theory of ideals that encompassed her abstract theory and helped assemble many influential mathematical developments.Emmy decided to concentrate on noncommutative algebras, linear transformations, and applications to commutative number fields in 1927 before she developed the theory of noncommutative algebras in a new sequenced and conceptual way. She collaborated with german mathematician, Helmut Hasse and Richard Brauer with the idea to examine the structure of noncommutative algebras and their application to commutative fields and its cross products. In the last years of her career she was one of the she was the most influential mathematician at GГ¶ttingen.Due to Nazis seizing germany in 1933, Emmy and multiple Jewish professors at GГ¶ttingen were ordered to leave. A year later in 1934, Nazi political pressures led her brother Fritz Noether to quit from his pose at Breslau and whereas she was offered a visiting position to be a professor at Bryn Mawr College. She later left to the United States to become a mathematics professor at Bryn Mawr College and with hopes to conduct research in the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in New Jersey. Emmy Noether unfortunately died in April 14, 1935 due to complications that occurred after a uterine surgery on an ovarian
  • 37. Confederate Loss The Loss The Battle of Gettysburg was the most brutal battle in the American Civil War. Many people consider this the turning point of the Civil War, for every major battle prior to this won by the Confederate Army, led under the famous Robert E. Lee. In the span of three days in the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the Union Army persevered and won. There were many men at fault for the Confederate loss, however the only person to fully blame is the cavalry leader J.E.B. Stuart. He was in the wrong by not doing his job; Stuart failed to give the position of the Union Army before the battle, he failed to give the information necessary during the battle, and he failed to re enforce the Confederate army. J.E.B. Stuart was most at fault for the Confederate loss at the Battle of Gettysburg.... Show more content on ... Stuart failed his job. Advancing through the North, General Robert E. Lee depended on Stuart to report information about the terrain of the unfamiliar land and the movement of the Army of the Potomac (Union). Lee s purpose for invading the North was to utterly destroy the Union army and have a devastating win to end the war. At this point, General Lee and his army were running low on provisions. Stuart, instead of gathering essential information, was joy riding in the North causing great commotion. If it had not been for a paid spy by the name of Harrison, the Confederates would have surely been blind in enemy territory. Harrison gave the size of the Union Army, as well as which direction the army was going. All roads converged at Gettysburg, so Lee thought it was the best place to strike. Also, Harry Heth, a division commander who some blame for the lost of Gettysburg, would not have attacked until the Confederate army assembled, for they would have known what they were up against. The Confederate army at full strength could have easily won the battle on day one; however, Stuart s absence almost lost the battle before it even
  • 38. Diane Arbus Research Paper Diane Arbus was an American photographer was born on March 14, 1923 to her parents David Nemerov and Gertrude Russek Nemerov. She grew up in New York City during the Great Depression, but it did not affect her childhood due to her parent s wealth. She would eventually attend the Fieldston School for Ethical Culture, and in 1941 she married Allan Arbus. Diane would eventually have two kids named Doon and Amy, and in 1946, Diane and Allan Arbus would found a commercial photographybusiness named Diane and Allan Arbus. Diane and Allan worked in advertising and fashion photography, but it was not widely successful. In 1956, she would quit the business, although she would still continue her photography until her death. Her life tragically ended when Diane Arbus committed suicide on July 26, 1971 in New York City.... Show more content on ... She worked with fashion magazines such as Glamour and Vogue in her early photography career. In the 1960 s she began her work photographing the freaks of society. She also used several different types of cameras for her work. From advertisements and fashion magazines to photos of the freaks of society, her work varied greatly in content and style throughout her short life. During the early parts of her career, her content mostly centered around advertisements and work for fashion magazines. For example, in the 1940 s her father hired her to take photos of his store for advertisements, and Diane and Allan Arbus s business was hired to take pictures for fashion magazines such as Vogue, Glamour, and other magazines. One of these works was an advertisement ofMost of her early works were commercial pieces, but later in her life she began photographing the freaks of
  • 39. Hamlet And Oedipus Similarities There are just as many differences as there are similarities with Oedipus and Hamlet. Oedipus kills his father, and the father of Hamlet is murdered by his uncle Claudius. Both Oedipus and Hamlet are victims. Both Hamlet and Oedipus can avoid their fate, however both of them feel the only solution to solving the issue at hand. The main similarity I see between Oedipusand Hamlet is how they both believe that the only way to save themselves from the set of mind they are in, is by solving it alone. They alone must overcome what has happened and no one can change that. Hamlet and Oedipus are both worried of the state of Denmark, and its current conditions. I can see how Hamlet s father function like Apollo and Tiresius. Though have completely... Show more content on ... This causes Hamlet to change, his metal state is what is most affected. In Oedipus the king, you have Apollo and Tiresius sort of doing the same thing. Although they are not telling Oedipus to kill his father, but the fate they reveal to his parents is what is guiding him his whole life. Both Hamlet and Oedipus seem to have their lives controlled by people other than themselves. That is how I see the similarity of how his father s ghost functions the same as Apollo and Tiresius. There are many difficulties with Hamlet avenging his father. The most obvious is the act of killing a king. Hamlet knows the punishment to come if he is caught, death. He also delays because he does not seem to have a clear understanding of life. Many times throw out the play he shows confusion, and lack of understanding. He shows many views of the world revolving around him. One of the other reasons is the possibility that the ghost of his father might actually be something else, an evil demo or the devil himself. The difference of Hamlet and Oedipus can come from many theories. One of which is how both of these men came from different
  • 40. Juilliard s Paul Recital Hall Juilliard s Paul Recital Hall was where jazz drummer Douglas Marriner had his graduation recital, which happened on Monday, May 8th. From now on, and following a family tradition, Douglas, who is the grandson of the late English conductor/violinist Sir Neville Marriner and the son of LSO s clarinetist Andrew Marriner, is entitled to an artist diploma degree, which authenticates him as a professional musician, with all the letters. The newly graduated envisioned different formations to tackle the six selected tunes he arranged for this special night. The sextet he summoned to join him on the bandstand had a three horn frontline composed of David Neves on trumpet, Sam Dillon on tenor saxophone, and Kalia Vandeaver on trombone, and was rounded out with his mates from the rhythm section, David Meder on piano and Marty Jaffe on bass. They kicked in with Herbie Hancock s I Have a Dream, whose lush ... Show more content on ... Marriner injected a steaming Latinized groove with the help of Jaffe, giving it a vibrant, danceable touch. Marriner s only original, Broadway Bounce, was delivered in trio, featuring pianist Micah Thomas, who sat in for Meder. Swinging along, the pianist hurled shifting chords on top of the steady rhythmic flow created by the drummer s brushwork and the bassist s pizzicato. The following piece, Harold Land s Compulsion, was arranged for a trombone less quintet engagement and spread colorful post bop energy. Quieter atmospheres were left to the final. First, through the classic ballad If You Could See Me Now, delivered in a traditional piano trio format, and then, through Monk s Crepuscule With Nellie , in which the group was enlarged once again to a sextet. Douglas Marriner accomplished his mission with determination, thanking his teachers (Kenny Washington and Billy Drummond) and parents, who were present, for the four years he spent at Juilliard, learning and being a better
  • 41. Case Study Of Vadilal Vadilal that has experienced stagnating profits over the past three quarters have a very few options before it to explore. Making things worse for Vadilal is its limited market access with 14% market share in northern India. A 20 year old family separation restricts Ahmedabad based Vadilal from selling its ice cream products in southern Indian states, including Mumbai and Goa. This is a major handicap, considering that 25 30 per cent of the country s total ice cream sales come from these places. One option among for the would be to try and find out why it isn t making more money; and, thereafter what changes they need to make in their products to make it more attractive option for consumers and to improve efficiencies and squeeze a little... Show more content on ... They were in dilemma about leveraging their brand and the group was still assessing the possibilities to use the brand Vadilal in non ice cream categories. They launched processed food business under the brand name Quick Treat some five years back that accounts for Rs 50 crore in their total turnover and growing at almost 80% a year. They also export ready to serve curries, range of Indian breads, frozen samosa etc but the ice creams still remains the core of their activity. Soon they will enter the srikhand and butter milk categories. The second major challenge that the Vadilal would have to face while expanding its operations in North India, primarily Uttar Pradesh is that it is often crippled by power problems the stuff of nightmares for an ice cream maker that doesn t have reliable backups. Also supply chain is a major challenge for ice cream players. Ice cream is a product that requires constant cooling and proper
  • 42. This Community Base Spiral Texture Wall Was Design By Tara... Our Lives Yesterday and Today This community base spiral texture wall was design by (Tara Cady Sartorius, 2006) and sponsored by the Central Alabama Community Foundation. The spiral texture title is a wonderful piece of work that represents the expressions of more than 700 artists containing more than 1000 textured titles using different kinds of material. I find this art to be abstract art, because this art stresses elements of composition, rather than a subject. This body of work was designed with undefined proportions and great balance. This piece of art has artistic element of color, line, shape, form, and texture. The spiral was added to give tone and balance to the art and provide a smooth separation of colors. These are some of thing that immediately drawls the viewer to the bodywork. The work is a colorful representation of the past as well as the future showing all aspects of life. There was no detail information on this collage of title work other than the name, but it spoke to me and I had to share this with the class. If you didn t know anything about art, this work would get your attention and show you the past and take you forward into today. The complimentary colors used in this display has a smooth earthly tone, but as you view the artwork it has a very pleasant, comforting feel as you view the mellow soft colors displayed in this design. This type of work has vivid elements, it really get your
  • 43. Examples Of Gross Profit Costings Based on the ABC data below are the gross profit margins for each product produced. ABC is short for activity based costing. Companies follow a two stage process when allocating indirect costs using ABC. The first stage entails assigning costs to pools based on the activities that cause the costs to be incurred. The second stage involves allocating the costs in the activity costs pools to products through the use of a variety of cost drivers. Furthermore, activity based costing generates a suitable allocation since it disperses the applicable overhead costs to the appropriate products. Also, it enhances precision in ascertaining the costs of products and services. Therefore, it calls attention to the need to acquire a better ... Show more content on ... With the ABC system, there is a variety of cost drivers used. Thus, a different cost driver is used for each category of overhead cost. Furthermore, with the ABC system, a larger amount of overhead costs are allocated to OS 367. Therefore, since OS 367 utilizes greater proportions of some of the resources than other products, the overhead costs for those categories are allocated to OS 367 in larger amounts. Hence, the total overhead cost per unit increased for OS 367 (Edmonds et al., 2011). Furthermore, traditional costing does not classify the specific overhead charges or resource used to fabricate a specific product and distributes costs by assigning average overhead rates. However, ABC categorizes specific activities employed for producing each individual product and allocates them based on their consumption of resources. Drilling Innovations used traditional costing, which in turn, caused them to assign overhead based on machine hours and ignore other overhead activities used to produce each product. However, by using ABC, the costs were allocated based on the activities used to produce each individual drilling head. Therefore, the cost was more accurately spread based on the overhead consumption of each product individually. Costs that were incurred to produce OS 367 were being allocated to GS 157 and HS 241 with the traditional costing method. Once
  • 44. The Legacy Of Henry Ford Henry Ford was instrumental in revolutionizing modern day America with his innovations in the manufacturing industry. His modernistic ideas that led to the creation of the Model T and assembly line were never heard of before. Ford s development dramatically decreased assembly time of the Model T from twelve hours to less than six hours. His Model T was the first to be within economic reach of the everyday man. However, Ford didn t always see himself as an inventor, or even an innovator. He spent many of his younger years working as a machinist. It wasn t until 1882 when Ford got a job at the Westinghouse Company of Schenectady where he repaired road engines that he saw himself enjoying the idea of being a creator. Henry Fordwas born on a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan on July 30th, 1863. Ford was the oldest of six siblings. His family was neither rich nor poor, but somewhere in the middle. The house he grew up in is still standing today and he owns it along with the farm. Ford s major education influence as well as his moral influence was his mother. While he was growing up, he constantly pondered how much work there was to do on a farm and that surely there had to be an easier, quicker way to get it all done. Ford attended school until he was 15 when he started to discover his fascination with machinery. He often tinkered with things to figure out how they worked. Ford put it this way: every fragment of machinery was a treasure. Ford says his mother always