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Is Psychology A Science Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of whether psychology qualifies as a science is undeniably
challenging. This task requires a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationship between
psychology and the scientific method. One must navigate through a myriad of perspectives,
ranging from staunch advocates who argue for psychology's scientific legitimacy to critics who
challenge its empirical foundations.
The difficulty arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic. Psychology, as a discipline,
encompasses a broad spectrum of theories, methodologies, and schools of thought. To do justice
to the subject, an essay must delve into the historical evolution of psychology, examining pivotal
moments that shaped its scientific identity. Furthermore, it demands an exploration of diverse
research methods employed in psychological studies, from experimental designs to qualitative
The challenge intensifies when addressing the philosophical underpinnings of science and how
psychology aligns—or perhaps diverges—with these principles. Engaging with debates on
whether psychological phenomena can be objectively studied, measured, and replicated adds
another layer of complexity.
Additionally, a well-rounded essay necessitates an exploration of the limitations and
controversies within the field. Ethical considerations, the subjective nature of mental processes,
and the potential impact of cultural factors must be carefully examined to provide a nuanced
In conclusion, composing an essay on whether psychology qualifies as a science requires
navigating through a labyrinth of ideas, theories, and debates. The challenge lies not only in
presenting a well-reasoned argument but also in addressing the inherent complexities and
controversies surrounding the topic. It demands a balance between acknowledging psychology's
scientific achievements and critically assessing its limitations. In the realm of academia, tackling
such a multifaceted subject necessitates careful research, thoughtful analysis, and the ability to
synthesize diverse perspectives.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are
available. Professional writing services,, offer support in crafting well-
researched and articulate essays on a wide array of topics.
Is Psychology A Science EssayIs Psychology A Science Essay
Background Scheme Of Your Home
Colour scheme of your home Decorating a home may have numerous hassles, but it
has its rewards too. No, we are not talking of the sweet satisfaction that comes at
the end of the process, but during it. Planning for various elements of dГ©cor is a
pleasure in itself. One of the major enjoyments of the entire process can be gained
while deciding on the right colour scheme for the different areas of your home.
Home colours Isn t it wonderful to see the bare walls coming to life just by the
mere touches of a paintbrush? We know how elated everyone feels after seeing the
bright face of their home steeped in the colours of joy. Choosing perfect home
colours involve a few more steps then just choosing the right shade. These are
important for the refreshing look of the façade and interior of your house. Let s
find out what are these aspects that you need to focus on. Choose colours that do
not drastically fade with an exposure to the harsh sunlight. It should be able to
protect your exterior walls from rain and must be easy to maintain. Oil and acrylic
latex based paints are favoured for their water resistant nature and durability. A
glossy paint is best avoided for the exterior. In a moderate proportion these rules
also apply in the interiors as well. Here however, you have greater liberty of
choosing for various finishes and a reasonable amount of sheen on the particular
walls or ceilings is not discouraged. Exterior and interior colour palette White is a
popular choice for the
Another Beautiful Day Interrupted
The sun is beaming down on I and coppers face as we take our daily walk, on the
ocean shore in Florida. The sun is a bright yellow surrounded with a blue sky, filled
with clouds. The sand is stretched alongside I and cooper; white and clear. Only my
foot prints and coopers paw prints left behind. The sand is very soft. My feet and
coopers paws sink into it with every step. The salty ocean air burns our noses. The
waves sparkle and glitter from the sun beaming down on it. The ocean is a dark blue
color with white caps as far as we can see. The waves our small. Go get it Copper! I
yell throwing the stick into the the ocean. Cooper is a Labrador,he s been part of the
family for 7 years now. Cooper catches my eyes , he s holding something that is
shiny. I can t tell what it is with the sun in my eyes. It s most likely a can he s been
bringing them back to shore lately. Come on boy! I yell out to him, trying to
encourage him to swim faster. I can now see what Cooper is holding , I was right it s
a can. For some reason I m curious to find out whats in the can. As he s a few feet
away from shore, I run to the edge of the water, the wind is blowing water across my
ankles. Which you got Cooper? I ask him as he looses grip of the can, letting it fall
on the sand. Coopers barking as I pick up the can. The cans label reads Del Monte
Whole Kernel Corn . I straggle to open the can led It s sealed shut Cooper we have to
wait until we get home to open it. Water is dripping of
How Did Bob Marley Impact The World
If someone was asked to name the first famous reggae artist that came to mind, the
majority of people would say one name, Bob Marley. Robert Nesta Marley,
commonly known as Bob Marley, is undoubtedly the most famous reggae artist of all
time. Additionally, he is responsible for bringing reggae to the masses, and he did
this through his unique style, raspy voice, guitar playing and drumming. Bob Marley
is known around the world for not only his music, but also his greater message of
peace. Furthermore, Marley became a cultural icon, as he encouraged others to
rebel against racism and violence in the world. Although Marley is known for
spreading positive messages of peace, he might be more well known for his embrace
of the use of herb or... Show more content on ...
Early Life and Career Marley was born on the North side of Jamaica to a white
Naval Officer Norval Marley and his mother Cedella Marley. When Bob Marley
was young, his father Norval dropped him off at a elderly couples home in Kingston
Jamaica, it was that last time Marley would see his father as he never returned.
Moreover, Marley spent roughly a year and a half in Kingston which would prove to
have a lasting impact on his life. While in Kingston, Marley was drawn to the vast
musical culture and immersed himself within it. Furthermore, he experimented with
instruments and reggae music in general. In his youth, those around Marley knew
he was special as they believed he had magical powers and that he could tell
fortunes. He was constantly asked to read palms, but after his stint in Kingston
Marley changed. When people would ask Marley to read their palms he would
respond by explaining to them that those days are over and that he is now a
musician. (Dorsey, 1998). At age eleven Bob befriended a long time companion in
Bunny Wailer. Their friendship blossomed just as fast as their love of music, they
soon moved to Kingston together to try and start their musical career. In 1963
Marley met Joe Higgs, a man who gave him music lessons and had a large influence
on Marley and his future music career. Additionally, Higgs introduced Marley and
Bunny to their future band mates and they came up with the name The Wailers .
Once the
Thomas Jefferson s Monticello
Thomas Jefferson s Monticello is a great example of neoclassicism, the renewed
emphasis on the classics. Parts of Monticello that show ties with classicism are the
post and lintel style, the octagonal dome, and the combination of the two styles
(Greek and Roman).
Monticello is a beautifully designed house. In fact, it is Thomas Jefferson s house.
The most obvious of the styles in Monticello is the post and lintel/Greek style
temple. The front porch area of Monticello has four pillars and a pediment that rests
atop the four of them. The Greek temples also had this style. The famous Parthenon
was a full version of this Greek architectural form. Along with the Parthenon is the
Pantheon. The Pantheon is so much like Monticello. The Pantheon
Gay Dance Clubs Essay example
The dance club is no longer an exclusive venue drawing together people with similar
musical interests. Instead, it has become the commercialized superclub, where profit
rather than music is the bottom line. As a space traditionally influenced by
homosexuals becomes a major business opportunity, this commercialization has led to
the inclusion of gay subcultures within mainstream American society. However, this
process has served to reinforce social stigmaand stereotypes. The advertising and club
environment designed to sell the experience to the gay customer is founded on the
overtly sexual club cultureof the 1970s and early 80s. On the dance floor the
constructed image of the club combines with the inherent sexual and mind altering...
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In many clubs, the underground days of clubbing past have been replaced with the
homogenized superclubs of the present: gigantic, multi floored venues attracting
thousands to listen to the music makers spin. Gone too are the days of exclusivity. As
club culture has been mainstreamed, entrepreneurs have found the new sound not
only revolutionary, but also profitable. Promoters and planners such as gay circuit
guru John Blair offer free membership cards and litter the streets with flyers offering
discounts when shown at the door. In the world of the superclub, capitalism and
profits shape dance culture.
With the popularizing of club culture has come an equal mainstreaming of its
components. As Fiona Buckland discusses in her book Impossible Dance: Club
Culture and Queer World Making, the music of today s clubs such as garage, hard
house and Hi NRG imply a historical continuity with gay parties of the 1970s with
deep roots in disco (2002, p. 67). Gay and black influences were a basic part of
disco music, explored in Bernard Weinraub s article Here s to Disco, It Never
Could Say Goodbye. The heritage that once put the music at odds with the more
straight white male sensibility of the contemporary rock music of the era (Weinraub,
2002) is today a basic piece of the dance scene for straight and gay audiences alike.
Now that club culture has become a commodity in the superclub, bought and sold by
promoters and club owners,
The Importance Of Hate Speech On The Internet
I will examine the difficulties of regulating hate speech on the internet through legal
and technological frameworks for Japan and the United States. The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the freedom of expression as a human right.
But the freedom of expression on the internet is subject to certain limitations. The
Internet is not devoid of different forms of deviant behavior (such as hate speech),
which incite discrimination, hatred or violence against groups or individuals on the
basis of their personal attributes. The anonymity and mobility provided by the
Internet has made harassment and expressions of hate effortless and undetectable.
Hate speech on the Internet is a growing problem for the United States and Japan
because it is targeting individuals on the basis of personal characteristics. Brown
(2017) argues that cyberhate has three different qualities: anonymity in the sense that
individuals are not compelled to reveal aspects of their offline identity unless they
wish to do so; invisibility there is a physical distance between speaker and audience;
instantaneousness provides people with almost instantaneous publishing. The
justification for promoting speech is founded on a concern for the facilitation of
discourse democracy, while the rationale for preventing harm is based on a concern
for human dignity.
Koontz (2017) cites the case of City of Yokosuka v. Lee Sin as an example that
Japan needs to redraft the act in order to redefine hate speech on
Animal Breeding Is Good For The Community And Immoral
Many people believe that breeding animals is not good for the community and
immoral. This statement is extremely broad. Instead, the statement should read,
specifically, that irresponsible animal breeding is bad for the animals as well as the
reproduction industry. Knowing the differences between responsible and
irresponsible breeding is crucial to understanding the consequences of reckless
breeding. Careless breeding creates healthand behavioral defects as well as
overpopulation. The negative consequences of irresponsible breeding should not
only become more mainstream, but also more carefully regulated, which results in
the stopping of the practice. Major details differentiate between responsible and
reckless breeding. The biggest is the use of healthy, unrelated animals to produce
the offspring by responsible breeders. Contrary to this, it is common that
irresponsible breeders will use a technique called inbreeding. Inbreeding is when
two animals, who are closely related, reproduce which causes serious health defects.
An example of irresponsible breeding is the use of puppy mills which then sell to
the public and pet stores. It is strongly advised that people do not buy petsfrom stores
because it promotes irresponsible breeding. Trustworthy breeders usually are self
made and use their own pets to produce offspring knowing they are healthful. Not
only do they use their own healthy pets, they make sure that a good partner is used
which results in healthy, well mannered
Al Capone And His Life Of Crime And Villainy
Al CaponeAl Capone is known for his murders, gambling, and prostitution. He
would even smash people s skulls open by hitting them on the side of the head with
a bat! His parents would have never known that he would become the lead gangster
of the prohibition era. What made him turn to his life of crime and villainy? He was
just a normal schoolboy. Maybe it was his desire to support his family. Possibly it
was meeting Johnny Torrio, that changed his perspective on crime. Or maybe it was
Al Capone s real name is Alphonse Gabriel Capone. He was an Italian immigrant.
His father was Gabriel Capone and his mother was Teresa Capone. He lived in just
a little more than a slum. He went to a Catholic school that did not tolerate
violence and scarred the susceptible kid. He was later expelled at the age of 14 for
hitting a female teacher. He later met Johnny Torrio which could have been the
greatest influence in his life. Johnny Torrio was a key figure to Al Capone . Later Al
Capone joined Torrio s James Street Boys gang.
He later stopped the gang life and settled down and married middle class Irish girl
Mae Coughlin and worked as a bookkeeper. He was soon to return to his old job
with Torrio in Chicago. His father s death affected him greatly. His reputation was
growing a lot at this point. He would never go anywhere without two bodyguards.
He would even be smashed by bodyguards when in the car. Al Capone s reputation
grew a lot, but how
Essay on Protest Songs Throughout the Vietnam War
Throughout all the anti war protests and marches during the Vietnam War, it is
interesting to note the changes in the music of that time. From the beginning of the
war, where support and loyalty from Americans was present in songs, to the end of
the war, where anger and distrust was evident in musical lyrics, American s opinion
changed about the war. This change in opinion was easily recognized by the altering
of musical lyrics about the war when Americans grew tired of the constant sending of
U.S. troops to Vietnam. The growing dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War led to
increasing levels of anger and hostility in the popular music of the time. In 1965,
Lyndon Johnson, with solid support from the American public, made the decision to...
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This area in San Francisco named after two interesting streets became a mecca, of
sorts for the hippie movement. It was a generally peaceful movement advocating
universal love and rejection of conventional values. They used songs such as
Where have all the Glowers Gone and Blowin in the Wind to convey an anti war
message, that still had a peaceful tone. In Where have all the Flowers Gone, the girl
in the song could be considered a metaphor for society in general repeating cycles of
history, such as war, without learning from them. When Bob Dylansang Blowin in
the Wind he alluded to the answer to war being right in front of us but the inability
to grasp it: Dylan says, Yes, n how many deaths will it take till he knows/That too
many people have died/The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, (
As more and more troops were being sent to Vietnam, and the casualties began to
rise, people began to question the government s involvement. Even military troops
came to mistrust their government s reasons for keeping them there, as well as
Washington s claims that the war was being won .(Vietnam War) The Vietnam war
was the first war to be broadcast on television. This meant that for the first time the
American people were able to see the war instead of just hearing about it on the
radio. They were able to see firsthand the soldier s faces, see the reality of where they
were fighting and to see the
The Global Problem Facing Chinese Construction Firms
1. Introduction
Zhao and Shen (2008) and a number of other recent researchers considered that the
emerging problem facing Chinese Construction Firms (CCFs) with regard to
competitiveness is their insufficient share in the international markets (Liu, et al.,
2013; ENR, 2014). Chinese contractors have captured the market lead in the African
construction market, but challenges in the European and American markets still
remain (ENR, 2014). This is evidenced by the inclusion of 62 CCFs in the top 250
global contractors list in the Engineering News Record (ENR 2014); with these 62
Chinese firms accounting for 14.5% of the total international revenue in 2013. In
comparison with Chinese contractors, the international revenue of 58 European ...
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After China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001, the
government was able to extend its global reach and secure an increasing number of
foreign construction agreements (Wen, 2005; Hu, 2007). In 2014, Chinese president
Xi Jinping signed more than 20 bilateral agreements with Argentina to offer finance
and construction infrastructure in exchange for raw materials; The China
Development Bank will provide US$7.5bn in loans to Argentina for dams and
construction programs (Quirke, 2014).
International construction markets are considered more accessible to foreign firms as
a consequence of globalization (Kim, et al., 2010). Numerous Chinese contractors
have started to strategically develop overseas propositions to gain new revenue and
minimize domestic market risk (Li, 2006; Zhao and Shen, 2008) as domestic
competition in the Chinese construction market has become increasingly intensive,
due to numerous firms over borrowing and over building, causing an imbalance in the
economy (Anderlini, 2015).
Recent economic liberalisation of the construction market has placed private
contractors in a stronger position to compete for work. At the same time, to be
successful requires more sophisticated project management to enhance
competitiveness (Fang, et al, 2004; Lim, et al., 2010). It is useful to identify the
George Berkeley
George Berkeley sort of follows up on John Locke s philosophy in being
immaterial or idealist. The excerpt seems to me like an attempt in solidifying
Locke s notions about ideas existing but directly questions the existence of matter
or substance. I don t feel Locke was being so bold. According to Berkeley,
something exists only if it can be perceived. An entity must be able to perceive and
form notions/ideas about the object in order for said object to exist. Anything that
cannot be perceived does not exist? As I was quickly forming counter arguments to
this claim, Berkeley goes on to say that God, of infinite mind, perceives all objects so
even if no other entity is there to perceive it, the object remains in existence. Talk
about a master key. My... Show more content on ...
In some ways, I believe our thought functions have evolved sufficiently in the course
of the last few hundred years that allow us to conceive of bodies extended and moved
without attributing sensible qualities. A moving naked singularity somewhere out in
the intergalactic medium comes to mind. It has no sensible qualities that I can
ascribe to it. Any primary and secondary qualities would arise wholly from other
material around the singularity. Without material around it, it still exists to me
without qualities (unless he would call my notions of the affect the singularity
would have on incident matter qualities). I still acknowledge its existence and
therefore recognize its potential roles in cause and effect. What would Berkeley s
thoughts be on inertial forces in accelerated reference frames? Specifically, the
gravitational force, a force that arises by the mere presence of substance. True to
determine anything quantitative you would need the qualities of the substance, but
even a singularity imposes a gravitational force and a singularity doesn t even have a
formally defined radius or extent yet alone any of the other qualities he
King Lear Cordelia
On king Lear one of the characters that shows a very sacrificing nature is Cordelia,
Lear s youngest daughter. We experience this at the beginning of act one when
Cordelia, even though she knew it will cost her her share of lands and her place by
her father s side, chooses to be honest with her father instead of flattering him for
his lands like her sisters did. She sacrificed her status and wealth for standing up
for what she believed in, and even when she was banned for her father s kingdom it
is clear that she loved her father dearly, and she may be the only one that truly
loved Lear. When she became queen of grace we see Cordelia s sacrifice once more
when she gathers her army to go to war against her sisters, is later revealed that the
Psychodynamics Of The Family Essay
The Psychodynamics of the Family , taken from The Reproduction of Mothering:
Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender, published in 1978, remains one of
Nancy Chodorow most influential works.
Chodorow establishes in The Psychodynamics of the Family her interpretation and
analysis of the heterosexual dynamic within the social and familial context, and the
effects of mothering, manhood and womanhood on the perpetuation of the family.
The article is structured in three parts: Oedipal Asymmetries and Heterosexual Knots
; The Cycle Completed: Mothers and Children ; and Gender Personality and
Reproduction of Mothering .
Chodorow s main arguments are based on Sigmund Freud s psychoanalytical Oedipus
Complex theory, which she uses to ... Show more content on ...
A child recreates the mother child exclusivity and allows women to return to their
primary object love unit however, it interrupts it for men, who find themselves
sidelined in the relationship.
Finally, the author examines how gender personality shapes a woman s mothering
capacities, and thus reproduces the cycle of mothering. The different structures of the
oedipal triangle (binary for men, triangular for women) contribute to the formation of
gender identity in children. The psychoanalytic object choice also ensures that the
heterosexual relationship will result in women mothering and taking on the role of
primary caretaker, leading to an asymmetrical organization of parenthood where men
are mainly absent or removed. However, male dominant households ensure that
women will remain unfulfilled in the relationship, leading to a desire for a child, and
rearing this child in a socially gendered family. In this manner, due to women s
nurturing role and their narcissistic attachment to their daughters, they contribute to
the perpetuation of their own social roles and position in the hierarchy of gender .
The Psychodynamics of the Family has greatly resonated in feminist literary theory
and psychoanalytical theory. Chodorow s first edition of The Reproduction of
Mothering has been the object of criticism due to shortcomings and its limited view
of the family and
Globalization And Third World Countries
Since the start of globalization, some countries have become global powers and
other have had little influence in global society. Once globalization took place
countries got grouped in either first world, second world or third world country. First
world countries are countries that are more developed and are capitalist and
industrial countries that hold a big place in global trading. Third worldcountries are
under developed and are usually poor and have little power in the global community.
This paper is for comparing a first worldcountry in Germany compared to a third
world country in Haiti. Comparison of economic, geography, culture, politics and
human development will prove the difference between first and third world countries.
In the paper it will also discussed reason causing counties to either be first or third
world country.
Land Mass
10,714 mi^2
137,938 mi^2
8.02 Billion
3466.76 Billion
PPP per capita
18,400 sq. Km
167,250 sq. Km
Literacy Rates Men
Literacy Rates Women
Life Expectancy
Infant Mortality
Crime Rate
Women in National Legislation
A factor many people do not consider when determining how powerful a country is,
is their geography layout. Germany is located in northern west Europe which is
connected to the North Sea that leads to Atlantic Ocean. Germany is a flat and
lowland terrain which
Essay On The Banking Concept Of Education
When it comes to the topic of education, most of us will readily agree that as
students, we need to be dedicated learners. Where this agreement usually ends,
however, is on the question of how we should be educated. Some are convinced
that we need to stick with what is currently in place. From this perspective, it is
completely unnecessary to do something different if the method being used works.
However, others maintain that we need to change. According to this view, people
need to move away from what we are comfortable and familiar with in order to be
better students. In sum, then, the issue is whether we should keep how our education
works the same or not. My own view is that we need to change the system of
education. Though I concede that sometimes it makes sense to keep what is not
broken, I still maintain that for a better learning experience, we must change.
Although some argue that what is already in place is enough for our education, I
claim that stepping outside of our comfort zone... Show more content on ...
Freire describes that The banking concept of education, which serves the interests of
oppression, is also necrophilic. Based on a mechanistic, static, naturalistic, spatialized
view of consciousness, it transforms students into receiving objects. It attempts to
control thinking and action, leads women and men to adjust to the world, and inhibits
their creative power (261). According to Freire, the banking concept causes
oppression. Under it, students are nothing more than objects that receive knowledge.
Therefore, it is necrophilic, treating the students as if they were dead and could not
think. I think that the banking concept of education restricts students and what they
are capable of. Rather than actively involving the students, the students are fed
information from the teachers. The goal of education is for the students to actually
learn, and the only way that can be accomplished is through
Summary Of The Escape From Reason By Paul Kurtz
In Paul Kurtz s Fears of the Apocalypse: The Escape from Reason, he explains that
the fixation on apocalypse grows out of fear of the unknown, and it is fed by hope
of redemption (1). Written a year before the new millennium, Kurtz writes about
how different types of doomsday prophecies such as the secular, religious, or New
Age have predicted the world s fate. Although each prophecy has their own tale of
how and when the world will end, they can all agree that the new millennium is the
end for all of mankind. However, these dates have miniscule significance on these
doomsday prophecies. Afterall, time is human creation. Throughout history,
different cultures have used different calendars. For example, the calendar that
everyone is familiar with is the Gregorian calendar, which indicates how many
years it has been since Christ s death. Hence, we are living 2016 years after Christ s
death. But if one were to look back to when the Gregorian calendar was introduced,
10 day seized to exist. If one were to look at the Chinese calendar, the year is
currently 1417 because their system is based off the sun and moon phases.... Show
more content on ...
I agree with this statement because in the past 18 years of my life, I have survived
through dozens of apocalypses. Throughout history, new doomsday prophecies are
always emerging. Kurtz uses the example of the preacher William Miller who
interpreted the Bible s days as years. Miller calculated that the world would in end
1843 and when that failed, he pushed his predictions to another year. Looking back,
I remember hearing how prepared people were for Rapture Day back in 2011. When
the world failed to end, people insisted that a spiritual rapture had occurred instead.
After that, the same scenario happened for the 2012 Doomsday that the Mayan
Calendar had
The Ultimate Guide For Clash Royale
The Ultimate Guide to Clash Royale So you just downloaded Clash Royale for
free on the appstore. You will need to wait for it to download so before you start
playing you need to read this tutorial. In this tutorial we will explain the best way
to start and learn how to play the game well, so you can have an advantage over
your opponents. We will cover the best decks for beginners, what do use and when,
and how to play the game. After you read this tutorial you will be able to beat most
beginners in the lower areas. So wait to click battle and read through this guide.
Introduction to Clash Royale Clash Royale is a unique game that includes different
kinds of cards, different levels of cards, towers, spells and much more. The goal of the
... Show more content on ...
Trophies and Arenas To earn higher cards and Higher arenas you have win most of
your battles. The more battles you win the more trophies you will get. The more
trophies you get the higher arena you will be in. When you are in a higher arena
the better cards you can get from chests. When you win a battle you will get around
27 33 trophies. When you first start and you lose a battle you will only lose around 5
15 trophies. But as you get higher in arenas you will lose 27 33 trophies as well as
gain 27 33 trophies.
What Deck Should I Use? Before you start playing a real game you are forced to
choose your decks. You have eight slots to fill with unique cards. When you start
building your deck keep in mind you don t want the average over 4.0 elixir. This
leaves you at a disadvantage because your cards will be too expensive so you will
be vulnerable to decks that constantly rush you. You will also want a tank 1 card.
Tank cards includes, Giant (rare), Giant Skeleton (epic), P.E.K.K.A (epic), Lava
Hound (legendary), Golem (rare), and Royale Giant (common). Keep in mind you
will unlock these cards at different times so it will be best to use the giant at first.
After you have this tank you should support it with a support card. This means to
place the card behind the tank so the archer tower and the opponent s troops will hit
the tank while your support units hit the tower and the opponent s units. Some good
choices to fill this role would be,
Winston Churchill Accomplishments
Nicki Hooten
Mr. Severs
English 9
28 January 2016
Winston Churchill
The world was at war. Germany quickly invaded Poland and France with brute force,
appearing to be pushing westward toward Great Britain. Without Winston Churchill,
Britain and the rest of the Allied world would have been unprepared for the power of
Germany. Through his brilliant mind, military experience, and leadership capabilities,
Winston Churchill changed the tide of World War II.
Winston Churchill s powerful mind began developing at a young age. He enjoyed
learning, but only what interested him (Vander Hook 20). According to a teacher at
Harrow, he had a brilliant brain, but he would only work when he chose to, and for
the matters he approved of (Vander Hook 24). He... Show more content on ...
Strong leadership is called upon most during a crisis. Churchill began working with
Joseph Stalin, head of the Soviet Union, and convinced Franklin Roosevelt to do the
same (Vander Hook 77). At the Yalta conference in 1945, Churchill told FDR that any
government in Poland was better than a Soviet puppet government (Kimball). He
later asked FDR to confront Stalin about the situation (Kimball).
Churchill had immense determination, exuding passion as well as purpose... Passion
is infectious; if a leader has passion and shows determination, so will those who
follow him, Longstaffe also says in her article. Churchill s greatest attribute was that
he approached everything in his life with courage, even his death (Vander Hook 90).
Against all odds, the little boy who struggled in school transformed into the strong
willed leader that Great Britain needed to win World War II. Winston Churchill
saved potentially the whole world from the hands of Adolf Hitler. His brilliant mind,
military experience, and leadership skills were the solution to the havoc caused by
Germany in World War
Multiple Myeloma Essay examples
Multiple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma is a form of cancer which affects the plasma
cells of the body, which are white blood cells. Multiple Myeloma, first described in
1848, is a disease characterized by a proliferation of malignant plasma cells and a
subsequent overabundance of monoclonal paraprotein. To understand how Multiple
Myelomaaffects an infected person s plasma cells, it helps to have a general
understanding of how normal blood cells are formed and how they act. Most blood
cells develop from stem cells, which can be found in bone marrow(soft material
inside our bones the filling ). Stem cells mature into white blood cells, red blood
cells, or platelets.2 The purpose of white blood cells is to fight off infection, while...
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Below is a list of the most prevalent symptoms of multiple myeloma: * * Bone pain
(esp. back/ribs) * Broken bones (esp. spine) * Weak and tired * Constantly thirsty *
Frequent Infections and fevers3 * Weight loss * Frequent urination * Constipation *
The diagnosis of multiple myeloma can occur after a routine blood test with your
doctor. However, the most common diagnosis occurs when doctors take an x ray of a
broken bone and suspect the cancer has caused or is a contributing factor to the
broken bone. When analyzing the blood tests, the following are considered when
diagnosing multiple myeloma: people with multiple myeloma have high levels of
proteins in the blood, especially M and other immunoglobulin, albumin, and beta 2
microglobulin. Also, the blood exam tests for high levels of calcium and for
creatinine levels (to assure that the kidneys are working properly).3 Other ways to
test for multiple myeloma include urine tests, x rays, biopsies (test the bone marrow
itself from a large bone a painful procedure). Unfortunately, Multiple myeloma is a
very fatal cancer, where only 35% of patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma living
5 years past their diagnosis.3 There are three general treatment
Analysis Of City Upon A Hill By John Winthrop
Audra Addison
How would the federalists view John Winthrop s City Upon a Hill model? How
would the anti federalists view it? 2.) Are the federalists or anti federalists right?
1.) John Winthrop s City Upon a Hill sermon inspired the Puritans aboard the
Arbella by warning that the eyes of the world were watching their colonization of
the New World. He also insisted that they were to set an example for all of the future
generations to come. He called upon the congregants to keep God in their hearts, lest
they fall into disaster in their attempt to colonize the new land. Winthrop wanted
Christianity to serve as a guide to building a future in North America. However,
people carried different views on this Christian model and how ... Show more content
on ...
The federalists wanted the Constitution to provide necessary framework and
boundaries so that people could pursue their life, liberty, and property without hurting
each other. They believed people should have the freedom to follow their own self
interest, and that included religion.
2.) When it comes to freedom of religion, the federalists were probably right about
separation of church and state. However, while the federalists believed in a strong
national government to create unity, the anti federalists were right when they
suggested that state and local governments should be stronger. The more power that
is given to smaller and more localized forms of government, the better the
government represents the people in that area. Diversity is lost when a single
national government is overpowering, and the population as a whole becomes
unsatisfied as the majority of people won t agree with the same ideology. This is
why, for good reason, the anti federalists were worried when the states started to lose
their identity and merge into The United States of America. Patrick Henry realized
this when he said I am no longer a Virginian, but an American.
The biggest fear of the anti federalists was that the government would grow to
trample the very rights that they were trying to preserve. As Alexander Hamilton put
it, When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming
Mongols Religious Ceremony
We hardly knew what to make of all this. Our Mongols explained that tomorrow
night there will be a religious ceremony of great importance which will be very
worthwhile to see. In the mean time we visited a small temple and made
acquaintance of several Lamas. One of them was a great doctor Lama who had a
large number of sick people waiting to be cured. As we walked in the Lama was
attending a lady patient who had a large tubercular absess on her neck. With a few
strokes of his hand the Lama removed the absess from the woman s neck to her
finger and cutting it opened with a huge knife he dressed the wound. We realized
one more that we were being hypnotized by clever Lamas, and quickly departed. My
knees were shaking so hard that I could hardly... Show more content on ...
When he saw us, he walked to my horse and reaching gave me at first a very large
silk scarf and then a string of beads. He said that the Living God regretted he
disappointed the white lady and sent his blessings, gifts and a predictions of good
fortune to the Russian Lady who is a descendant of great leaders and national
heroes as well as High Priests on whose ancestors in blessing of all the living
churches of the world. With the blessing of the Living God, the sacred circle will
be closed and no harm will ever happen to the lady. With this he reached and put
beads on my neck, saying that before handing the beads to him, the Living God put
them on his own Holy Person. I was surprised. Now in the world these people find
out as much as they do. What devilish power do they possess, after all. First I
thought they hypnotized us into seeing miracles, now they proved to be mind readers
and fortune tellers. And how did they find out about my ancestors here, in this desert
with no other Russian person around. Then the men got back we told them about my
gifts and fortune. After this, of course, we all had to have our fortune told. And we
went again into the temple, where we were told that Lamas specialized in that sort of
Essay on Reform Between 1825 And 1850
While some citizens of the United States, between 1825 and 1850, believed that
reform was foolish and that the nation should stick to its old conduct, reformists in
this time period still sought to make the United States a more ideally democratic
nation. This was an age of nationalism and pride, and where there was pride in one s
country, there was the aspiration to improve one s country even further. Many new
reformist and abolitionist groups began to form, all attempting to change aspects of
the United Statesthat the respective groups thought to be unfair or unjust. Some
groups, such as lower and middle class women and immigrants, sought to improve
rights within the county, while other reformers aspired to change the American
education... Show more content on ...
She also brings to attention how they are fighting for the right to vote, when their
own form of government, being the democracy that it is, should permit women the
right to vote initially. (Doc F) However, these women battled on and on to gain their
rights, and make this country a truly democratic nation. Others, such as immigrants,
fought to make it possible for success in America. Due to the naturalization act, an
immigrant must remain in the United States for at least 14 years before becoming a
United States citizen and being able to really have any impact on the country at all.
Samuel F.B. Morse, in his Imminent Dangers to the Free Institutions of the United
States brings the subject of the Naturalization Act to the country s attention and
attempts to change this act, in fear of a conspiracy against immigration. (Doc D) No
matter what obstacles were thrown into the path of these groups battling on for reform
, they didn t concede. The reformist groups persevered and fought to expand America
s democratic ideals.
While attempting to change certain groups rights was crucial, an almost equally
pressing issue of reform at the time was society. Across the country, increasing the
morality and appearance of United States citizens had suddenly become a much more
pressing issue, and various reform assemblies, and especially the church, struggled to
improve society in ways they thought helpful. Due to the mass urbanization occurring
so rapidly,
Kansa Essay
Kansas: Beneath the Surface
Kansas is home to many interesting places and things, like the world s largest ball
of twine in Cawker City, or S.P. Dinsmoor s Garden of Eden in Lucas. What if I told
you that some of Kansas s most interesting attractions are located just beneath your
shoes. Don t believe me? Check out these six unique places located below the Kansas
1.Strataca Hutchinson
Since the Permian Wellington Formation was first tapped into in 1887, the salt
industry in Hutchinson, or Salt City as it has come to be known, has shaped the
town. For nearly 95 years the salt has been mined for commercial uses, but the mines
have also proven to be valuable as storage for important documents, records and
maybe the original ... Show more content on ...
At one time this underground town bolstered 11 saloons. In the 1920s and 30s the
town s population began to decline and become more modern. The underground
businesses began to serve as basements for the businesses above. In 1982 the
Ellinwood replaced its sidewalks and filled all but three sections of this underground
city with sand. Two of these sections are open for tours. One is located under the
Dick building, which housed a harness maker, barber, and bathhouse. The other is a
row of store fronts located under the Wolf Hotel. Tours are offered of both these
tunnels and the Wolf Hotel for $10, but make sure to call ahead.
4.The Big Well Greensburg
Originally built in 1888 to serve as the towns water supply, The Big Well was and
remains the biggest hand dug well in the world. A visit to The Big Well Museum
and Visitors Center allows visitors to descend the spiral staircase and admire the
pioneer ingenuity. While there view exhibits that showcase the town of Greensburg
and its effort to rebuild as a sustainable community after a devastating tornado in
2007. Another attraction found in The Big Well Museum is the Space Wanderer
Pallasite Meteorite. Weighing 1000 pounds it is the largest pallasite found to date. If
you are interested in traveling 106 feet below land to see something out of this
world, visit The Big Well!
5.Auntie Mae s Parlor Manhattan
In the late 1920 s Edgar Walters passed away leaving his business, Walter s
Kiss Of Judas
1. The art works of the artist Giotto that I chose was the Kiss of Judas. It is 6 6 3/4
by 6 7/8 in size. It is located on the south wall of the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua. It is
dated through 1305 and 1306. The medium used for the art work is called fresco.
2. There are many people included in the artwork. I can see about twenty one
people and some of there faces. There are two people in the middle and their names
are Jesus and Judas. They both appear to be kissing. Judas s arms are around Jesus
s neck. There is a soldier next to them. There is a guy in a pink robe pointing at
Jesus and Juda.There are people surrounding them with sticks and some had
torches. Since they are carrying fire it is safe to say that it is night time. Some of
those people are followers and others are enemies of Jesus. They are all wearing
robes. There is one person blowing on a white horn. All of the people in the
painting are bare foot. Some of their expressions on their faces are anger. On the guy
the guy on the left who is wearing blue is Peter. A... Show more content on ...
The color dark blue was used to paint the sky; Using the dark color for the sky gave
the painting a dark and serious feeling emphasizing the betrayal. Judas s robe was a
bright yellow color, which points out the center and most important part of the
painting. The painting had three dimensional space. The people are halfway in the
frame, and the man that is being pulled on the left gives an illusion that there is
more outside of the border of the painting. The layering or overlapping technique of
the people painted over each other show space. The light and shadow created folds
in the clothing, this gave it a natural and realistic feeling. The frame contained
geometric patterns. The shapes used in the pattern were triangles and squares. On
one side of the frame it used rhombuses to create a star shape with a circle in the
Three Tier Model
How are schools able to assure parents that their children are getting the resources
they need to work at their utmost potential? Schools have an obligation to guarantee
that all students, whether on grade level or not, are receiving an education that is
beneficial and meets the needs of every student. All children should have an
opportunity to be successful even if they face challenges that may impair their
ability to learn at an age appropriate pace. Therefore, schools have to provide some
sort of support system to help struggling students. Mississippi has developed a Three
Tier Model of Instruction. This model was put into place to ensure that all students
are receiving the proper instruction they need to succeed and grow. Response... Show
more content on ...
Once results from the universal screener are available, it will show the students that
may not be able to perform at grade level. Therefore, the child will need to receive
outside resources to supplement the reading curriculum that is provided in the
classroom. A teacher may pull these students 2 3 times a week in small groups to
provide a more in depth level of instruction. These students will be closely monitored,
as well. The teacher will log and record all time spent on interventions with each
student. This information will help keep track of each student s progress over time.
The Tier Team will also be able to use this information to make adjustments on either
the amount of time the student spends on these interventions as well as the level of
difficulty. The teacher will also use this information to progress monitor each student
receiving interventions. RTI uses a similar method. Once the child has been exposed
to the curriculum being presenting to all students in the classroom, but is still
showing signs of difficulty, as the screener had indicated in the beginning, the method
of intervention will begin. The student will be assigned interventions to target the
exact problem areas shown on the screener. The student will also be progress
monitored using different assessments along the way to make sure that the child is
reacting and responding appropriately. The student s progress will also be charted so
that it is made clear whether or not the interventions are causing the student to grow
or decline while receiving this small group
Globe Theater Research Paper
The Globe Theater s beautiful building design and interesting former times have
been a very notable element of our past, it had even held many of Shakespeare s
famous plays. The whole world is a playhouse and one of the most important
playhouses in the world would have to be The Globe Theater . It is nearly
impossible to think of our world without The Globe Theater and all the interesting
occurrences that have happened involving it. This theater could have been nothing
more than a building if it were for all the important history that was incorporated
into it making it be such an important piece of history. Between 1597 and 1599, The
Globe Theater was built and it officially opened in 1599. In the beginning, there were
six shareholders... Show more content on ...
The Globe Theater not rebuilt for three hundred and fifty two years when it s
mysterious location was discovered under a car park. News broke out that remains
of The Globe Theater foundation had been found starting a spark of curiosity to
run the peoples minds. The foundations of the Globe were rediscovered in 1989,
rekindling interest Many had lost interest in attempting to find its location,
believing that it was hopeless for even wondering. Its exact location remained
unknown until the remnants of the theater were discovered in 1989 beneath the
car park of Anchor Terrace on Park Street. Queen Elizabeth II opened the theater
with a production of Henry V and ever since then it has staged a play every
summer. The Globe Theater is seen as very important in our past and many were
eager to restore the theater to its former glory. This Theater was rebuilt three times,
but after being opened in 1997, it has continued to run and be a great success. The
latest Globe Theater was completed in 1996; Queen Elizabeth II officially opened
the theater on June 12, 1997, with a production of Henry V. Recognizing the
original name of The Globe Theater no longer seemed fitting, it was changed and
now goes by the new title, Shakespeare s Globe Theater . It opened in 1997 under
the name Shakespeare s Globe Theater and now stages plays every summer (May
Relationship Between Current Shift Work And Work
BACKGROUND: shift work is a very common characteristic in healthcare and has
been associated with work related stress.
OBJECTIVE: In this study, we investigated the relationship between current shift
work and work related stress symptoms among healthcare workers from a clinical
setting in Medellin, Colombia.
METHODS: a cross sectional study was conducted from January to July 2014,
Participants completed demographic, occupational and lifestyle questionnaire, and a
self reported work related stress symptoms instrument.
RESULTS: The Study sample consisted of 160 (80%) females and 40 (20%) males.
Mean age was 35.1 В± 9.1. Overall, no significant differences were seen in
physiological, social behavior, intellectual and occupational and psych emotional
symptoms in shift workers compared to day workers. In a stratified analysis,
statistically significant differences were observed in physiological and psycho
emotional symptoms means in the group conformed by nurses and nursing assistants.
(p=0.030 and p=0.047 respectively)
Keywords: shift work, work related stress, healthcare
Shift work has become increasingly common due to recent changes in economics
and political trends. It is estimated that in industrialized countries, approximately
20% of jobs use this type of work modality. (1) European and North American
surveys reported that between 15 to 30% of the adult worker population is exposed
to shift work. (2, 3). According to the First National
Essay On School Shootings
There have been many horror stories in the news about mass shootings at schools.
The public, and even the president of the United States, is asking if anything can be
done to prevent these tragedies. There are many theories on why students kill their
peers at schools; these range from increased violence in video games and movies to
bullying troubles at school. Almost always, the perpetrator suffers from some form of
mental illness (Khadaroo). Because of this, motives for these crimes are extremely
difficult to discern. Although the theories for the causes of this dilemma are tenuous
at best, the effects are very perceptible. Can anything be done to prevent these
massacres? School shootings are a complex problem that cannot always... Show more
content on ...
By investigating possible causes, schools can establish policies and programs to help
prevent school massacres.
Whereas the causes of school violence are mostly theoretical, the effects of mass
school shootings are stark and terrible. In the past twenty years there have been
many incidents, both small and large scale, of shooting in schools. Two of the
most well known of these are the Columbine shooting in 1999 and the Sandy Hook
shooting in 2012. Twenty six people were killed in the Sandy Hook shooting and
thirteen in the Columbine shooting ( School Safety Timeline. ). One boy described
his experience at the Sandy Hook shooting as, I saw some of the bullets going past
the hall that I was right next to, and then a teacher pulled me into her classroom (
What Happened in Newtown ). It is hard to imagine the terror and life long effects
that such an incident would cause among children. These stories cause a fear in many
students that makes it difficult to create an environment for learning. It is obvious
that something must be done to protect children of all ages in public school.
The first possible solution is to pass stringent gun control laws in order to remove
the weapon from a perpetrator s hand. This seems to be a very logical solution, but,
when investigated more closely, it is not. Although few people are lobbying for
complete gun prohibition, many want
Organizational Planning And Functions Of Management
INDUSTRY. Originally, all body supplements are being produced by a
pharmaceutical companies whose nature of business is to produce variety of
medicines . Later on, the producers became mindful of the costs associated with
ineffective planning which potentially results in poor quality of products of dietary
supplements . As a result, the manufacturers of the drug made an innovative way to
check every process involved in the manufacture before they come up with a finished
product . In their attempt to identify specific problems associated with each step
throughout the operation , they eventually arrived with a Good Manufacturing
Process for drugs in the year 1970 . After 2 decades, the manufacturing companies
was able to design a manufacturing dietary supplements sole purpose . It started with
a plan that was organised and it did worked for all their products including dietary
supplements and smilar drugs. They started by doing a research about the business
type they would wanted to operate. Next, they made a business and organizational lay
out which was compose of different expectations and risks models that determined
the finances the business will initially need for start up. The organizational plan
became the foundation baseline that defines how the whole
Analysis Of The Single European Act ( Sea ) For A
The purpose of this report is to provide information on the Single European Act
(SEA) for a Business Seminar on the Single market. Throughout this report, I will
analyse and evaluate the Single European Act, the workings of the internal market
and how far any recent changes have succeeded. 2.0FINDINGS 2.1Background
The SEA was created in 1986, with the aim that by 1992 there would be a Single
market. It was developed from the Treaty of Rome 1957 which established the
common market (later known as the internal market) between the then six EEC
members. This was a major sign of European integration; removing trade barriers
and creating free movement of people, goods, capital and services and involved a
Customs Union. The Single market involves 27 EU countries and the European
Economic Area which includes Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein; Switzerland has
bilateral agreements within the Single market. 2.2Priorities of European Commission
The European Commission aims to maximise the potential of the internal market by
eliminating physical, technical and tax barriers to boost growth and employment.
2.2.1 The Four Freedoms The Four Freedoms refers to the free movement of goods,
services, people and capital between membership countries. Below is a model for the
Four Freedoms (appendix 1). 2.3 What the Single market means for Business The
Single market allows businesses to trade with fewer restrictions. Europa states that
they have a large market to sell into
Zen Short Story Analysis
Karl climbs up on top of Stillwater s back and demonstrates what he would do to his
bossy brother by angrily jumping into a pool. Later on, when drinking tea,
Stillwater reflects that Karl, having been upset with his sibling the whole day, didn
t even notice the fun they had been having. Karl then realizes that his temper had
gotten ahold of him and he thinks about the time that he could ve been spending in
a more carefree manner instead. The story follows three siblings, Addy, Michael,
and Karl, as they befriend a panda named Stillwater who teaches them
philosophical lessons that are tailored to the children s individual lives. If all of
the books in the world were destroyed except one, the collection of fictional short
stories Zen Shorts by Jon J. Muth should be preserved because it delves into the
importance of belongings, how to understand that one s perspective influences an
interpretation of a situation and when to let go of emotions that are in the way of
personal contentment. When Addy visits Stillwater s house, she finds him in a tent
in his backyard. Stillwater explains to Addy that his Uncle Ry gives gifts to others
on his own birthday and the tent was Stillwater s present. Addy reveals a cake that
she d baked for them to share. Stillwater is delighted and in return tells the young
girl a story that enriches their conversation of generosity called Uncle Ry and the
Moon . In the tale, a thief rummages through the belongings of Uncle Ry, a simple
panda who
Psychodynamic Theories Of Psychology On The
Subconscious Self
Psychodynamic theories of psychology focuses on the subconscious self, influencing
behaviors of an individual and are used to explain the development of mental illness
and abnormalities. The basis of psychodynamics is Sigmund Freud s theory in which
he describes three states of mind vying for their preferred goal: the Id concerned with
obtaining pleasure, the Superego concerned with upholding morality, and the Ego
which uses reason to balance the desires of the two extremes. Freud describes three
levels of consciousness the conscious which is what ideas we always know about, the
preconscious which is ideas that we can make conscious, and the unconscious which
is the ideas that are underneath our understanding which may include suppressed
memories of traumatic events. He sees human motivationcoming from a vague notion
of instincts which include the life instinct which drives people to stimulate
themselves/survive and the death instinct which drives people to be calm, serene,
slipping into death. Freud gives great importance to human sexuality in his theories
by linking such dilemmas during the childhood stages of development of the sex
instinct to mental problems in adulthood in the form of subconscious ideas about the
past influencing current actions. He sees defense mechanisms in people s actions as
an attempt to protect the person s view of self or to protect from revealing something
they don t want known, certain cues like forgetting what to say reveal that there is
Literature Review Of Alarm Fatigue
Capstone Part I: Literature Review
Introduction to Problem Alarm Fatigue: According to Cvach (2012), alarm fatigue
is the lack of response due to excessive numbers of alarms resulting in sensory
overload and desensitization (Cvach, 2012, p. 269). Alarm fatigue is a major
concern in the critical care unit. In a course of a shift nurses hear so many alarms
they began to become immune to them. There are many times when an alarm sounds
the result is often a false alarm. Research has demonstrated that 72% to 99% of
clinical alarms are false (Sue Sendelbach Funk, 2013). As a result the increased
number of false alarms has resulted in alarm fatigue. Alarm fatigue is when a nurse
or health care professional has been exposed to an excessive number of alarms
resulting in desensitization to alarms and missed alarms. As a result there has been
patient injuries and deaths associated with alarm fatigue. This has raised concern
making this a very important patient safety issue. Patient safety and regulatory
agencies have focused on the issue of alarm fatigue, and it is a 2014 Joint
Commission National Patient Safety Goal (Sue Sendelbach Funk, 2013). This issue
has raised many concerns and if not handled in a correctly fashion could result in
many more incidents and sentinel effects.
There are many ways that we as health care professionals can attack the problem at
hand. First we can start by individualizing patient parameters on the alarms. Not every
patient is
Class 203 Essay
om Writers
The movie freedom writer will not catch your eye in the first place but once you
started watching it you will be excited what would be the ending, what will happen
to the students, who are gang members and not taking their class seriously. Every
student in the class 203 has their own story that will really make you cry if you ll
understand it. Many Students inside the room 203 don t have a sense of direction on
what they really want, and they don t care about it.
Erin Gruwell started her first teaching in Woodrow Wilson high school, she teaches
freshman and sophomore class. In the first day of her teaching she was shock about
the nature of class 203 which she will handle but she has been motivated and inspired
her students to learn. ... Show more content on ...
On the parents night no parents showed up on her class till 8 then she decided to
open the cabinet to see if there is a journal inside it then she was shock, all of her
students put their journal in the cabinet. She reads all journals and she was shock
about the story of each and every one of her students. The next day, she prepares a
game for her students, which they enjoy, and they become interested by it. Erin
Gruwell made her class a trip which makes them realize about life they become
inspired about every child story given to them and more inspired in the dinner
because of 4 people they met and tell their story to the students. The class was
given books to read to be inspired about they re situation connected to the story of
holocaust that made them inspired and have a hope and continue there lives no
matter what happen. Also a one businessman donated 30 computer units to class
203 to published their own story like Anne Frank. They class 203 become
comfortable to each other which they enjoy being together with Ms. Erin in their
side because they feel hope and being inspired by her to pursue they re lives. But
junior days is coming which may lead to setting apart of class 203, but class 203 don
t want to be separated from each other because they want to
Triage Incident Analysis
The focus of this reflection is on pedestrian injuries from motor vehicle accidents and
the public hospital system s treatment response. This is important as though the rates
incidents involving pedestrians have fallen, the number of pedestrian injures are still
high with, 15% of people seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents from 2001 to
2010 being pedestrians (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2015).
This reflection highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the Australian health care
system experienced by a participant, whose reflections were gathered through an
The Participant s Experience
The Incident
The participant is a 19 year old female. She is a native English speaker of Caucasian
background who is in full time employment. The participant has had one ... Show
more content on ...
Triage Procedure
The participant s condition was prioritised and given immediate attention, a process
that is referred to as triage. Triage is defined as the assignment of degrees of
urgency to wounds or illnesses to decided the order of treatment of a large number of
patients or casualties (Oxford Dictionary of English, 2010).
Triage is vital in vital in large scale medical facilities, like the public hospital where
the participant was treated. Not only is triage effective from a physical care
perspective, but also the immediate care from health professionals can provide a
sense of security to the patient.
The correct implementation of triage, and the swift following of policies and
procedures is a strength highlighted by the participant s experience in the Australian
health care system.
Protocol for Spinal Injury
Upon admission the participant was placed in a neck brace. The purpose of the neck
brace is to protect the spine and prevent any additional injuries
Gsm Specification Air Interface
GSM: GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications: originally from Groupe
SpГ©cial Mobile) is the most popular standard for mobile telephone systems in the
world. The GSM Association, its promoting industry trade organization of mobile
phone carriers and manufacturers, estimates that 80% of the global mobile market
uses the standard.
GSM Specifications I
RF Spectrum
GSM 900
1. Mobile to BTS (uplink): 890 915 MHz
2. BTS to Mobile (downlink):935 960 MHz
3. Bandwidth: 2* 25 MHz
GSM 1800
1. Mobile to BTS (uplink): 1710 1785 MHz
2. BTS to Mobile (downlink) 1805 1880 MHz
3. Bandwidth: 2* 75 MHz
GSM ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of LPC is to reduce the bit rate. The LPC provides parameters for a
filter that mimics the vocal tract. The signal passes through this filter, leaving behind
a residual signal. Speech is encoded at 13 kbps.
GSM Subscriber Services
There are two basic types of services offered through GSM: telephony (also referred
to as tele services) and data (also referred to as bearer services). Telephony services
are mainly voice services that provide subscribers with the complete capability
(including necessary terminal equipment) to communicate with other subscribers.
Data services provide the capacity necessary to transmit appropriate data signals
between two access points creating an interface to the network. In addition to normal
telephony and emergency calling, the following subscriber services are supported by
* Dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) DTMF is a tone signaling scheme often used
for various control purposes via the telephone network, such as remote control of an
answering machine. GSM supports full originating DTMF.
* Facsimile group III GSM supports CCITT Group 3 facsimile. As standard fax
machines are designed to be connected to a telephone using analog signals, a special
fax converter connected to the exchange is used in the GSM system. This enables a
GSM connected fax to communicate with any analog fax in the network.
* Short message services A convenient facility
Netflix s Successful Implementation Of Managerial...
Over the past 7 years, Netflix streaming has expanded from thousands of members
watching a show from time to time to millions of members watching over two
billion hours every single month. Each time a member starts to watch a movie or
TV episode, a view is created in the data systems, and a collection of events
describing that view is gathered. Given that viewing is what members spend most of
their time doing on Netflix, having a robust and scalable architecture to manage and
process this data is critical to the success of the business. A huge part of Netflix s
success can be attributed to their successful implementation of managerial
information system. Netflix records data on content that consumers have watched in
the past and bases suggested movies and TV shows based that particular consumer s
history. This provides the consumer with a highly personalized streaming experience
that tailors showcases all the material Netflix has to offer that would actually interest
that one customer. Netflix s competitor Hulu didn t implement such data mining
strategies right away and instead observed Netflix to see if their implementation of
datamining would be successful. While they were awaiting results from Netflix, Hulu
would just show their customers all of their available content from the menu screen.
This caused a very convoluted and overwhelming menu screen to pick out a movie or
show from. It s this accessibility that drove Netflix to surpass other streaming services
Interglacials Essay
The earliest inhabitants of Britain for whom there is compelling evidence are bands
of hunters living in Southern and Western England during the Hoxnian interglacial
(about 380,000 to 400,000 BC). (Some very recent excavations of stone tools on the
East Anglian coastline suggest human presence as early as 700,000 years ago).
However, as temperatures again dropped, Britain was abandoned. Although there are
signs of humanhabitation during later interglacials, it was not until roughly 14,000
years ago that occupation became permanent. Some of the first things that Mesolithic
Britons did, were to wipe out the lion, the elephant, and the hippopotamus, and to
domesticate the dog. By about 6000 BC the melting of the ice sheet had created the
English... Show more content on ...
Around 2500 BC the Beaker people (originally from Spain) began to immigrate to
Britain and brought metal working skills with them. They made gold, copper and
bronze implements and ornaments. It was during the Bronze age (after 2500 BC)
that circles of standing stones began to be erected in Britain. By far the most
famous is Stonehenge, but at least 900 stone circles survived long enough to be
recorded. Many stone circles were erected within existing henges (i.e. circular
earthworks consisting of a ditch and bank surrounding a central table). The ditch
was dug and the earthen bank built at Stonehenge far earlier around 3000 BC. The
stones were erected (and repeatedly moved) between 2500 BC and 1600 BC. By 55
BC the Romans had tried to take Britain but unsuccessfully failed, as Julius Caesar
retreated. Then one year later Julius Caesar tried again to invade Brtain and
succeeded. The Roman occupation only lasted a few centuries by 400 AD the
British freed the British Isles from Roman rule. By 1000 AD the British Isles were
separated into three kingdoms England, Whales, and Scotland. England united
Whales and England they also controlled what is now Ireland but Scotland was
still it s own country finally in 1707 the Act of Union was made where the English
Parliament united England and Scotland as a single country creating Great Britain.
By 1750 the British were a strong empire with colonies in the Americas, their main
treasure was the Thirteenth Colonies. In 1756 the French and Indian War was
declared in America, which made a war of French Folk, and an Indian tribe against
the British Colonies and Britain and some helpful Indians. In 1763 Britain and
France signed a treaty called the Treaty Of Paris which ended the war giving Britain
most of France s American lands, but the colonists were not happy and then in 1775
the colonists rebelled their leader was George Washington, the
Rome, Pompey The Great And Julius Caesar
Pompey was among one of the greats in Roman history. He was compared to Julius
Caesar, because of his military strategy and being loved and appreciated by the
Roman people. Pompey was one of the outstanding Generals the Roman Republic
had seen and Statesman to the people of Rome (Encyclopedia of World Biography).
He was one of the three pieces of the first Triumvirate and the Triumvirate was a big
defining moment in his life. The Romans who formed of the Triumvirate was Julius
Caesar, Pompey The Great, and Marcus Licinius Crassus. More importantly, than
being a part of Triumvirate he became consul with Crassus for one year. Eventually,
he went into Civil War against one of the best Roman for the ages. The Roman,
Pompey went to war with was one of the two people of Triumvirate. Pompey opened
the door to people about his Early life, his best years, and how he died.
Pompey Early life all came into existence when he was born into a lineage with
some extent known by Rome. His Father was a remarkably successful general to
Rome (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Even though his father was well known
he had the regular education as any Roman citizen( Pompey the Great. ). A report
said He went missing for a period of time, then he came out of hiding with three
legions( Pompey the Great. ). His life embarked when he first came into the public
eye when he constructed a army for the support of Lucius Cornelius Sulla
(Encyclopedia of World Biography). Sulla and him went on to campaign
Life Sustaining Bond Of Human Beings With The Land
Research Paper
The life sustaining bond of human beings with the land has a strong connection.
Centuries have gone by and throughout the many years, humans have relied on the
land to provide for Humans, they need to evolve, survive, and move forward with
their lives. The land provides for humans in a non costly manner. The land provides
humans free shelter. For example, Humans use the dirt we walk on to build shelter.
The Earth provides humans natural resources, such as water from lakes, streams and
rain. The land gives humans bountiful, healthy nourishing food. The Earth provides
free health care for every living creature. The land has a bond with humans because
the land provides natural resources, it provides shelter, and it evolves the ... Show
more content on ...
When we need something the Earth provides, but in return we must protect the Earth.
The Earth provides us with the things that we essentially need in order for us to
survive. This is what connects us to the land that we are currently living on.
The land that we are living on is very important. We should also be very careful of
what we do with it also, because just like us we are both fragile. One bullet, just one
single bullet can kill not one, but two people (humans). Such as a match, one small,
simple thing can cause a wildfire, creating a huge amount of damage.
The Earth is very, very important. The land that connects to the Earth is also
important. The land is our life so we should take care of our land. This is why we
have this amazing bond with the land that we are living on. Every person on Earth
shares the responsibility to do as much as they can to preserve the planet s finite
natural resources today and for future generations.
Natural resources are those components of the environment which are inherently
created by environment for supporting life. These resources are very essential for
sustaining life on earth. These resources are available in the form of air, water,
mineral, soil, forest, plant, energy etc.
Many people might disagree, why we don t have the connection between the land
and us is because you may say that I don t see it , of course people might not see it,
many people would either be distracted by the things around us and we as the
Stereotypes In The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck
In The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, the first chapter describes the life of a Chinese
farmer, Wang Lung. He recently reached the age of marriage and meets his wife, or
slave, O lan. Before he met her, Wang Lung did chores that his father describes as
things women do . Although common housework isn t considered a womans job
today, it is an occurring stereotype and still believed by some. Wang Lung acts
towards his new wife is extremely odd and unusual when O Lan and him return to
his house for the wedding feast. When he puts out food for her to prepare, he does
it in a rude way. The author describes it as, He did not look at the woman as he
spoke. It would not have been seemly. This shows that Wang Lung treats O Lan as if
she were his slave for the house, and does not consider her his wife. He believes that
treating a woman with respect or even communicating with her would... Show more
content on ...
His phrasing goes, This was the last morning he would have to light the fire. He
had lit it every morning since his mother died six years before. He had lit the fire,
boiled water, and poured the water into a bowl and taken it into the room where his
father sat upon his bed, coughing and fumbling for his shoes upon the floor. Every
morning for these six years the old man had waited for his son to bring in hot water
to ease him of his morning coughing. Now father and son could rest. There was a
woman coming to the house. This shows the role of women in that period of
China. He is relieved that he does not have to do chores because there will be a
women to take his place. Instead of acknowledging his wife as a life long partner
that he loves , he instead thinks of her as a slave. Although in many first world
countries women have broken these gender roles and take part in many jobs, they are
still treated as slaves in other
The Desensitization Of Violent Video Games
Video games when they first came onto the scene were viewed as family friendly
games that could be played on your TV or in an arcade with your friends. Games like
Pacman and
Donkey Kong were among the most popular of the early video games. Soon it was
possible to have these games and many more in your own home and soon
multiplayer games became popular and it was all seen as harmless fun. However, as
time went on the games soon turned more violent games like Goldfinger started
putting you in the hands of someone with guns and shooting his way through
enemies. This game became so popular that it has spurred on many of the violent
games we see today like Call of Duty (COD), Battlefield, DOOM and many other
shooter games which involve killing people ... Show more content on
If the person is required to go through id checks it could
make the person warier of the violence content in the game and second guess
purchasing it and instead opt for a less violent option.
Another option is for the amount of violent games to be decreased. Shooting games
and action games are a majority of video games today and for good reason seeing as
how they are also to most profitable. Although if more family friendly games where
promoted instead of the more violent ones they too could be more profitable. Instead
the companies that make Halo and
Battlefield spend thousands of dollars to promote their latest game even though
most would agree that not much changes in shooter games nowadays except the
graphics get better. The problem lies in that why would game developers work on
a different genre of game if shooting games sell so well? Action games make the
most money even if they are not received well most of the time they make well over
what it costs to make the game so why change? The fact the market is overstated with
the same old shooting and action games means that if you introduce a different type
of game and make it interesting enough it will stick out more then
Las Vegas Is A City Of The Strip Essay
Las Vegas is a city that is widely known for its casinos, gambling, alcohol, wild
parties, and live entertainment (which usually just entails strippers). It is known
as being most adult s fantasy playground come alive, and because of this it has
been dubbed as Sin City. Because of its nickname, and the way it is constantly
being portrayed in the media it s easy to see why non locals can find it difficult to
imagine there being any type of ordinary life occurring outside of the infamous
Strip that isn t at all entwined with the glitz and glamour that one correlates with
Las Vegas. Sin City locals, on the other hand, can most definitely vouch for there
being life outside of the Strip, but also for there being no life outside of it. So
much emphasis and attention is placed on the Strip that many locals feel that their
life outside of it isn t as commemorative, and because of this they see no point in
taking the time to enjoy their life here in Sin City. In order for locals to enjoy their
life in Vegas ad be able to get the most out of it they must first accept that the fact
that they live in a tourist town, set aside their own insider views for a moment to
be able to look at the city through the eyes of a tourist, and learn to appreciate the
life that there is outside and inside of the Strip. The first step that needs to be taken
to appreciate your life here in Las Vegas is to accept that fact that you live in Las
Vegas. By this I mean that you have to accept the fact that
My Study On A Small Sample Size Of Eight School Leaders
I recognize three considerations to my study: (1) sample size, (2) subjectivity, and
(3) trustworthiness of my research that need to be acknowledged. The first
consideration of my study is based on a small sample size of eight school leaders. I
ve come to recognize that my findings in this narrative study can only be
generalized by the lived experiences and told stories given by each of the selected
principals in the study. An important perspective in narrative studies is that a small
sample sizeallows only for researchers to provide the context and content of those
participants in the study. And by capturing the entire story as told by my selected
participants, I will be in the right position to present a more holistic grounding of
their work as school leaders in pursuit of equity. Indeed, additional studies that desire
to engage this kind of researchis sorely needed in order to broaden and/or augment
the findings of such a study. I believe the current value of this study is its ability to
capture the nuances of leadership practices, dispositions, and challenges that can
better inform school leadership for the just rights of others. A second consideration
significant to this study is my positionality. I recognize this research study is
vulnerable to my own positionality and my experiences in educational spaces. Alcoff
(1988) argues positionality results from the influences of our experiences in our
changing historical context and how we choose to act/contribute upon
Globalization Of Canadian Culture
Nowadays, different governments meet with the problem of Americanization of their
countries cultures and lifestyle and they try their best to mitigate this tendency and
prevent future invasions of American culture. The aim of this essay is to identify
main problems and possible solutions over protecting local cultures from the impacts
of globalization through The Canadian Magazine Dispute.
I think that national authenticity is a vital part of each country. The U.S. Canadian
magazine dispute was motivated by wishes of Canadian Government to protect
Canadian culture since otherwise it would be supplanted by the U.S culture. It could
be proven by the conclusion of Canadian governmental Committee on Mass Media
that magazines constitute ... Show more content on ...
On the one hand, buying of American magazines could be explained by lack of local
ones. And in this case it is important to facilitate the access to local magazines. On the
other hand, it could be related to the quality of content, and then there is only one
democratic possibility improvement of quality of local journals. Any restrictions for
foreign magazines could be considered as discriminatory an unfair. However, both
these directions should be developed permanently and simultaneously to increase the
share of Canadian magazines.
Additional taxes or change of existed taxes could be a part of financial wellbeing
and economical concept of each country. To my mind, such taxes should not be
implemented if their purpose is a limitation of share of foreign magazines and
subsidizing in local publications since it is clearly stated in the WTO (World Trade
Organization) rules and Canada is a part of WTO.
Since the Internet era changes rules of the game in almost all areas of business, and
additionally a lot of citizens of one country live in other ones I suppose that these
circumstances have to be taken into consideration while distinguishing between a
split run and a domestic magazine.
I would take the following criteria: Whether the company is Canadian owned? and
Whether the magazine is printed in Canada? Answering yes for both these questions
means that it is a domestic
Consequences Of Income And Elyth Inequality
Within this essay, the issues and consequences of income and wealth inequalities
have been discussed, considering them on both an individual and a social level. It
considers sociological theories in order to make sense of such consequences and
recognise links between inequality and other sociological concepts, such an
education, family, gender and age. It draws on arguments made by sociologists
about the nature of such inequalities and the factors that influence them. It also
highlights the possibility that perhaps such inequalities are not entirely negative
and may have some advantages as well as consequences, such as without it there
would be no social hierarchy. The focus of this essay refers to the consequences of
income and wealth inequalities, both on a social and an individual level. This essay
will approach the topic by starting to reflect on key theories of wealth inequalities
and then proceed to discuss the consequences these inequalities cause. It will then
conclude by suggesting reasons such inequalities exist and why they may or may
not be important to the functioning of society. It is an important topic of sociological
discussion as it allows individuals to learn about the ways in which society is
divided; primarily in this case, through wealth. Income and wealth refer to the amount
of capital one possesses through earning a wage or being entitled to benefits provided
by the welfare state. Inequality refers to the disadvantages that individuals are
College Dropout Rates In America
Did you know, that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 65.9% of
students in America who graduate high school attend college? Major evidence also
reports that this may be due to financial problems. I believe that college tuition
prices should be lowered because they are already way too high, college dropoutrates
are linked to financial problems, and the attendance rates are also suffering due to
finances. First of all, the cost to receive a higher educationis very expensive. The
ACS 1 Year survey shows that the median family income for California in 2014, was
$71,015. For our purposes, we shall use the Universityof California at Los Angeles, as
it is the most applied to university in all of America. According to,... Show
more content on ...
Colleges, of course, can always host events or fundraisers. If lowering tuition
becomes too much to handle, colleges can always just provide extra financial aid
for those who need it. As you can see, I believe that college tuition costs should be
lowered because they are just simply too expensive, and they even affect their
dropout and attendance rates in a negative way, all because the cost to enroll in a
higher education is too
Essay about BSBWRT401A Assessment 1 Full NameWorked
BSBWRT401A Write complex documents
Assessment 1.
Activity 1: Determine the purpose of documents
You work for a financial planning organisation that manages thousands of client s
portfolios and accounts. Recently there have been several changes in the industry that
only affects clients who have share portfolios. For some clients, the changes will have
a negative effect on their investments and for other clients, this will mean that they
will be receiving good news.
You have been asked to write a document to all clients that asks them to attend an
information session regarding the changes that will affect their share portfolio
1. Describe the purpose of this document. (For example, is it ... Show more content on ...
In preparing the bi annual sales figures report, what would be the most logical way to
present the dataand information?
It would be best to use a diagram to compare the figures quickly and easily. I would
order the information in lists with the most sales at the top and the least at the bottom.
To help the readers understand the report I would use pie charts for each period with
the different sales segments in corresponding colours.
Activity 4: Develop overview of structure and contents of documents
1. How you can develop an overview of the structure and content of the document.
I would brain storm.
Research relevant industry codes and practices.
If I was using a team I would make an action plan to delegate different tasks to team
members with a time line and dates for completion.
Look at who the audience is (who is the document for ?)
What is the purpose of the document?
How to convey the information most effectively to the audience.
2.Why do documents need to be structured?
To be more clear and easy to read. To keep interest of the reader.
To present the information in a logical order.
Activity 5: Review and organise available data, information and knowledge according
to proposed structure and content
1. When communicating, messages must be appropriate to the needs of the audience,
the subject andthe
The Beat Movement And Kerouac s On The Road
The beat movement is expressed the social and literary nonconformity of artists,
poets, and writers. The word beat originally meant weary but came to refer as well to
a musical beat. Followers of this movement, called beats or beatniks, lived
nonconformist lives. They tended to shun regular work and sought a higher
consciousness through Zen Buddhism, music, and, sometimes, drugs. Works that
capture the essence of this era include Allen Ginsbergs long, free verse poem, Howl,
published in 1956, and Jack Kerouacs novel of the movement, On the Road,
published in 1957.
Alan Freed s listeners responded enthusiastically, and Freed began promoting the
new music that grew out of rhythm and blues and country and pop. He called the
music rock n roll. In the early and mid 1950s, Richard Penniman, Chuck Berry, Bill
Haley and His Comets, and especially Elvis Presley brought rock n roll to a frantic
pitch of popularity among the newly affluent teens who bought their records. Elvis
Presley, the unofficial King of Rock n Roll, first developed his musical style by
singing in church and listening to gospel, country, and blues music on the radio in
Memphis, Tennessee. Not surprisingly, many... Show more content on ...
One proposed solution to the housing problem in inner cities was urban renewal.
The National Housing Act of 1949 was passed to provide a decent home and a
suitable living environment for every American family. This act called for tearing
down rundown neighborhoods and constructing low income housing. Later, the
nation s leaders would create a new cabinet position, Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), to aid in improving conditions in the inner city. Although
dilapidated areas were razed, parking lots, shopping centers, highways, parks, and
factories were constructed on some of the cleared land, and there was seldom enough
new housing built to accommodate all the displaced
The Ministry Of Jesus Changed Society, Religion, And The...
The ministry of Jesus changed society, religion, and the world forever. During his
short ministry, Jesus had a clear task, teach and preach the Kingdom of God on
earth. Within this kingdom, a higher standard of living was preached; sickness was
outlawed, needs were supplied, demoniacs were set free, and religion was superseded
by love. To accomplish this mission, Jesusselected a few good men and turned them
into disciples. They would be the ones, after his ascension, that would carry the
torch and preach the good news to the ends of the earth. Centuries later, we have
the written messages, teachings, preachings, and instructions of Jesus thanks to
some of these men. Amongst them, John, a disciple of Jesus who is assumed to be
the author of one of the four Gospels. Many Bible scholars and Christians conceive
John as the gospel of love; moreover, he specifically exemplifies in the passage of the
true vine (John 15: 1 17) the love between the Father and Jesus and Jesus and
In John 15:1 Jesus depicts himself as the true vine, the Father as the vinedresser,
and Christians as the branches. Dr. W Hall Harris III, a professor of New
Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, explains that this excerpt
represents new imagery which differs significantly from OT concepts; it appears to
be original with Jesus. However, in the old testament there a few references to Israel
as the vineyard of the Lord (Gospel of John). Jesus is showing a new way to the
father, who
The Legacy Of Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
California proved divided on state political issues in 1964. The state needed a
Republican candidate with an inspirational personality that could humanize
conservatism within the state. Ronald Reagan fit the criteria (DeGroot, 1997).
Reagan a former actor, and president of the Screen Actors Guild was not a politician
by Washington standards. However, Reagan had been on the campaign trail with
Barry Goldwater, delivering inspirational speeches at various campaign stops.
Reagans speeches captivated the audience, speaking in terms the audience
understood, exuding a sincerity on the issues he spoke of. Visual aides, like the
television are a wonderful tool, and Reagan used this to his advantage. The television,
gave Reagan ... Show more content on ...
The most distinguishing factor about Ronald Reagan, he was a conservative with a
charming personality, who spoke passionately against communism, Americas
economy, and making America great again. Reagan had a way of speaking to
colleagues that made them feel as if he belonged with them, understood them. His
calm demeanor exuded an aura that commanded respect, showed his strength and
compassion to do what was right. Reagan brought renewed hope not only to
Americans, but to the world over.
Reagan s Economic Policy
Ronald Reagan s message and vision for the future of America was clear. Cut taxes
and make Americas economy great again. Increases in unemployment, taxes, and
inflation during Jimmy Carters presidency, would require immediate action. President
Reagans stance on the economy attributed to him winning the election.
Enthusiastically, Reagan immediately began working on the economy by reducing
government spending, controlling money to curb inflation, and economic
deregulation (Fox, 2008). Through Reagans policies, the United States began to
emerge from the stronghold of the 1970 s. Taking the direction towards economic
freedom. Reagan fought and won the battle to the White House. Energetic, humorous,
witty, but above all intellectual. It was his intellect that appealed to the American
electorates. Reagan spoke to them about his vision for the United States, how he
would accomplish tasks before him. He believed
Nonverbal Communication in Politics
Nonverbal Communication in Politics
The 2012 presidential election finally reached its conclusion late Tuesday night on
November 6th, as the incumbent Barack Obama won a second term in the White
House over the challenger Mitt Romney. The election, with its reputation as the most
expensive presidential race in history, attracted wide attentions not only from the
United States but also from many other countries around the globe (Confessore
McGinty, 2012). The election was also noted with a numerous number of debates
and discussions in both online and offline about the two candidates policies and
pledges on every level. However, while a lot of attention was paid to the candidates
verbally expressed speeches and pledges, the candidates ... Show more content on ...
Physical Appearance
The first form of nonverbal communication that plays a significant role in
influencing the voting behavior is the physical appearance of candidates. The
analytical study by Olivola and Todorov (2010) states that today s politics have
become so extremely intricate and incomprehensible that it is almost impossible
for voters to genuinely agree to every aspect of the candidates views. For instance,
it is highly conceivable for voters to agree on international and security issues with
one candidate and agree on economic issues with the other candidate at the same
time. Hence, the number of the voters who are unfamiliar with the intricacies of
political issues and unmotivated to study candidates policy as a criterion for
making their choice has increased (Olivola Todorov, 2010). In addition, according
to Olivola and Todorov (2010), the field of cognitive psychology indicates that
people s minds tend to simplify decision making process by relying on simple rules
when they are confronted with too much information. As a result, instead of behaving
as rational actors and voting reasonably as they are believed to do so, voters are
hugely influenced by and unconsciously opt for irrelevant cues, which in this case,
the candidates physical appearance.
Furthermore, Olivola and Todorov (2010) state that voters actually infer politicians
personality traits and form impressions on politicians based on their physical
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Is Psychology A Science Essay

  • 1. Is Psychology A Science Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of whether psychology qualifies as a science is undeniably challenging. This task requires a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationship between psychology and the scientific method. One must navigate through a myriad of perspectives, ranging from staunch advocates who argue for psychology's scientific legitimacy to critics who challenge its empirical foundations. The difficulty arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic. Psychology, as a discipline, encompasses a broad spectrum of theories, methodologies, and schools of thought. To do justice to the subject, an essay must delve into the historical evolution of psychology, examining pivotal moments that shaped its scientific identity. Furthermore, it demands an exploration of diverse research methods employed in psychological studies, from experimental designs to qualitative analyses. The challenge intensifies when addressing the philosophical underpinnings of science and how psychology aligns—or perhaps diverges—with these principles. Engaging with debates on whether psychological phenomena can be objectively studied, measured, and replicated adds another layer of complexity. Additionally, a well-rounded essay necessitates an exploration of the limitations and controversies within the field. Ethical considerations, the subjective nature of mental processes, and the potential impact of cultural factors must be carefully examined to provide a nuanced perspective. In conclusion, composing an essay on whether psychology qualifies as a science requires navigating through a labyrinth of ideas, theories, and debates. The challenge lies not only in presenting a well-reasoned argument but also in addressing the inherent complexities and controversies surrounding the topic. It demands a balance between acknowledging psychology's scientific achievements and critically assessing its limitations. In the realm of academia, tackling such a multifaceted subject necessitates careful research, thoughtful analysis, and the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are available. Professional writing services,, offer support in crafting well- researched and articulate essays on a wide array of topics. Is Psychology A Science EssayIs Psychology A Science Essay
  • 2. Background Scheme Of Your Home Colour scheme of your home Decorating a home may have numerous hassles, but it has its rewards too. No, we are not talking of the sweet satisfaction that comes at the end of the process, but during it. Planning for various elements of dГ©cor is a pleasure in itself. One of the major enjoyments of the entire process can be gained while deciding on the right colour scheme for the different areas of your home. Home colours Isn t it wonderful to see the bare walls coming to life just by the mere touches of a paintbrush? We know how elated everyone feels after seeing the bright face of their home steeped in the colours of joy. Choosing perfect home colours involve a few more steps then just choosing the right shade. These are important for the refreshing look of the faГ§ade and interior of your house. Let s find out what are these aspects that you need to focus on. Choose colours that do not drastically fade with an exposure to the harsh sunlight. It should be able to protect your exterior walls from rain and must be easy to maintain. Oil and acrylic latex based paints are favoured for their water resistant nature and durability. A glossy paint is best avoided for the exterior. In a moderate proportion these rules also apply in the interiors as well. Here however, you have greater liberty of choosing for various finishes and a reasonable amount of sheen on the particular walls or ceilings is not discouraged. Exterior and interior colour palette White is a popular choice for the
  • 3. Another Beautiful Day Interrupted The sun is beaming down on I and coppers face as we take our daily walk, on the ocean shore in Florida. The sun is a bright yellow surrounded with a blue sky, filled with clouds. The sand is stretched alongside I and cooper; white and clear. Only my foot prints and coopers paw prints left behind. The sand is very soft. My feet and coopers paws sink into it with every step. The salty ocean air burns our noses. The waves sparkle and glitter from the sun beaming down on it. The ocean is a dark blue color with white caps as far as we can see. The waves our small. Go get it Copper! I yell throwing the stick into the the ocean. Cooper is a Labrador,he s been part of the family for 7 years now. Cooper catches my eyes , he s holding something that is shiny. I can t tell what it is with the sun in my eyes. It s most likely a can he s been bringing them back to shore lately. Come on boy! I yell out to him, trying to encourage him to swim faster. I can now see what Cooper is holding , I was right it s a can. For some reason I m curious to find out whats in the can. As he s a few feet away from shore, I run to the edge of the water, the wind is blowing water across my ankles. Which you got Cooper? I ask him as he looses grip of the can, letting it fall on the sand. Coopers barking as I pick up the can. The cans label reads Del Monte Whole Kernel Corn . I straggle to open the can led It s sealed shut Cooper we have to wait until we get home to open it. Water is dripping of
  • 4. How Did Bob Marley Impact The World If someone was asked to name the first famous reggae artist that came to mind, the majority of people would say one name, Bob Marley. Robert Nesta Marley, commonly known as Bob Marley, is undoubtedly the most famous reggae artist of all time. Additionally, he is responsible for bringing reggae to the masses, and he did this through his unique style, raspy voice, guitar playing and drumming. Bob Marley is known around the world for not only his music, but also his greater message of peace. Furthermore, Marley became a cultural icon, as he encouraged others to rebel against racism and violence in the world. Although Marley is known for spreading positive messages of peace, he might be more well known for his embrace of the use of herb or... Show more content on ... Early Life and Career Marley was born on the North side of Jamaica to a white Naval Officer Norval Marley and his mother Cedella Marley. When Bob Marley was young, his father Norval dropped him off at a elderly couples home in Kingston Jamaica, it was that last time Marley would see his father as he never returned. Moreover, Marley spent roughly a year and a half in Kingston which would prove to have a lasting impact on his life. While in Kingston, Marley was drawn to the vast musical culture and immersed himself within it. Furthermore, he experimented with instruments and reggae music in general. In his youth, those around Marley knew he was special as they believed he had magical powers and that he could tell fortunes. He was constantly asked to read palms, but after his stint in Kingston Marley changed. When people would ask Marley to read their palms he would respond by explaining to them that those days are over and that he is now a musician. (Dorsey, 1998). At age eleven Bob befriended a long time companion in Bunny Wailer. Their friendship blossomed just as fast as their love of music, they soon moved to Kingston together to try and start their musical career. In 1963 Marley met Joe Higgs, a man who gave him music lessons and had a large influence on Marley and his future music career. Additionally, Higgs introduced Marley and Bunny to their future band mates and they came up with the name The Wailers . Once the
  • 5. Thomas Jefferson s Monticello Thomas Jefferson s Monticello is a great example of neoclassicism, the renewed emphasis on the classics. Parts of Monticello that show ties with classicism are the post and lintel style, the octagonal dome, and the combination of the two styles (Greek and Roman). Monticello is a beautifully designed house. In fact, it is Thomas Jefferson s house. The most obvious of the styles in Monticello is the post and lintel/Greek style temple. The front porch area of Monticello has four pillars and a pediment that rests atop the four of them. The Greek temples also had this style. The famous Parthenon was a full version of this Greek architectural form. Along with the Parthenon is the Pantheon. The Pantheon is so much like Monticello. The Pantheon
  • 6. Gay Dance Clubs Essay example The dance club is no longer an exclusive venue drawing together people with similar musical interests. Instead, it has become the commercialized superclub, where profit rather than music is the bottom line. As a space traditionally influenced by homosexuals becomes a major business opportunity, this commercialization has led to the inclusion of gay subcultures within mainstream American society. However, this process has served to reinforce social stigmaand stereotypes. The advertising and club environment designed to sell the experience to the gay customer is founded on the overtly sexual club cultureof the 1970s and early 80s. On the dance floor the constructed image of the club combines with the inherent sexual and mind altering... Show more content on ... In many clubs, the underground days of clubbing past have been replaced with the homogenized superclubs of the present: gigantic, multi floored venues attracting thousands to listen to the music makers spin. Gone too are the days of exclusivity. As club culture has been mainstreamed, entrepreneurs have found the new sound not only revolutionary, but also profitable. Promoters and planners such as gay circuit guru John Blair offer free membership cards and litter the streets with flyers offering discounts when shown at the door. In the world of the superclub, capitalism and profits shape dance culture. With the popularizing of club culture has come an equal mainstreaming of its components. As Fiona Buckland discusses in her book Impossible Dance: Club Culture and Queer World Making, the music of today s clubs such as garage, hard house and Hi NRG imply a historical continuity with gay parties of the 1970s with deep roots in disco (2002, p. 67). Gay and black influences were a basic part of disco music, explored in Bernard Weinraub s article Here s to Disco, It Never Could Say Goodbye. The heritage that once put the music at odds with the more straight white male sensibility of the contemporary rock music of the era (Weinraub, 2002) is today a basic piece of the dance scene for straight and gay audiences alike. Now that club culture has become a commodity in the superclub, bought and sold by promoters and club owners,
  • 7. The Importance Of Hate Speech On The Internet I will examine the difficulties of regulating hate speech on the internet through legal and technological frameworks for Japan and the United States. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the freedom of expression as a human right. But the freedom of expression on the internet is subject to certain limitations. The Internet is not devoid of different forms of deviant behavior (such as hate speech), which incite discrimination, hatred or violence against groups or individuals on the basis of their personal attributes. The anonymity and mobility provided by the Internet has made harassment and expressions of hate effortless and undetectable. Hate speech on the Internet is a growing problem for the United States and Japan because it is targeting individuals on the basis of personal characteristics. Brown (2017) argues that cyberhate has three different qualities: anonymity in the sense that individuals are not compelled to reveal aspects of their offline identity unless they wish to do so; invisibility there is a physical distance between speaker and audience; instantaneousness provides people with almost instantaneous publishing. The justification for promoting speech is founded on a concern for the facilitation of discourse democracy, while the rationale for preventing harm is based on a concern for human dignity. Koontz (2017) cites the case of City of Yokosuka v. Lee Sin as an example that Japan needs to redraft the act in order to redefine hate speech on
  • 8. Animal Breeding Is Good For The Community And Immoral Many people believe that breeding animals is not good for the community and immoral. This statement is extremely broad. Instead, the statement should read, specifically, that irresponsible animal breeding is bad for the animals as well as the reproduction industry. Knowing the differences between responsible and irresponsible breeding is crucial to understanding the consequences of reckless breeding. Careless breeding creates healthand behavioral defects as well as overpopulation. The negative consequences of irresponsible breeding should not only become more mainstream, but also more carefully regulated, which results in the stopping of the practice. Major details differentiate between responsible and reckless breeding. The biggest is the use of healthy, unrelated animals to produce the offspring by responsible breeders. Contrary to this, it is common that irresponsible breeders will use a technique called inbreeding. Inbreeding is when two animals, who are closely related, reproduce which causes serious health defects. An example of irresponsible breeding is the use of puppy mills which then sell to the public and pet stores. It is strongly advised that people do not buy petsfrom stores because it promotes irresponsible breeding. Trustworthy breeders usually are self made and use their own pets to produce offspring knowing they are healthful. Not only do they use their own healthy pets, they make sure that a good partner is used which results in healthy, well mannered
  • 9. Al Capone And His Life Of Crime And Villainy Al CaponeAl Capone is known for his murders, gambling, and prostitution. He would even smash people s skulls open by hitting them on the side of the head with a bat! His parents would have never known that he would become the lead gangster of the prohibition era. What made him turn to his life of crime and villainy? He was just a normal schoolboy. Maybe it was his desire to support his family. Possibly it was meeting Johnny Torrio, that changed his perspective on crime. Or maybe it was both. Al Capone s real name is Alphonse Gabriel Capone. He was an Italian immigrant. His father was Gabriel Capone and his mother was Teresa Capone. He lived in just a little more than a slum. He went to a Catholic school that did not tolerate violence and scarred the susceptible kid. He was later expelled at the age of 14 for hitting a female teacher. He later met Johnny Torrio which could have been the greatest influence in his life. Johnny Torrio was a key figure to Al Capone . Later Al Capone joined Torrio s James Street Boys gang. He later stopped the gang life and settled down and married middle class Irish girl Mae Coughlin and worked as a bookkeeper. He was soon to return to his old job with Torrio in Chicago. His father s death affected him greatly. His reputation was growing a lot at this point. He would never go anywhere without two bodyguards. He would even be smashed by bodyguards when in the car. Al Capone s reputation grew a lot, but how
  • 10. Essay on Protest Songs Throughout the Vietnam War Throughout all the anti war protests and marches during the Vietnam War, it is interesting to note the changes in the music of that time. From the beginning of the war, where support and loyalty from Americans was present in songs, to the end of the war, where anger and distrust was evident in musical lyrics, American s opinion changed about the war. This change in opinion was easily recognized by the altering of musical lyrics about the war when Americans grew tired of the constant sending of U.S. troops to Vietnam. The growing dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War led to increasing levels of anger and hostility in the popular music of the time. In 1965, Lyndon Johnson, with solid support from the American public, made the decision to... Show more content on ... This area in San Francisco named after two interesting streets became a mecca, of sorts for the hippie movement. It was a generally peaceful movement advocating universal love and rejection of conventional values. They used songs such as Where have all the Glowers Gone and Blowin in the Wind to convey an anti war message, that still had a peaceful tone. In Where have all the Flowers Gone, the girl in the song could be considered a metaphor for society in general repeating cycles of history, such as war, without learning from them. When Bob Dylansang Blowin in the Wind he alluded to the answer to war being right in front of us but the inability to grasp it: Dylan says, Yes, n how many deaths will it take till he knows/That too many people have died/The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, ( As more and more troops were being sent to Vietnam, and the casualties began to rise, people began to question the government s involvement. Even military troops came to mistrust their government s reasons for keeping them there, as well as Washington s claims that the war was being won .(Vietnam War) The Vietnam war was the first war to be broadcast on television. This meant that for the first time the American people were able to see the war instead of just hearing about it on the radio. They were able to see firsthand the soldier s faces, see the reality of where they were fighting and to see the
  • 11. The Global Problem Facing Chinese Construction Firms 1. Introduction Zhao and Shen (2008) and a number of other recent researchers considered that the emerging problem facing Chinese Construction Firms (CCFs) with regard to competitiveness is their insufficient share in the international markets (Liu, et al., 2013; ENR, 2014). Chinese contractors have captured the market lead in the African construction market, but challenges in the European and American markets still remain (ENR, 2014). This is evidenced by the inclusion of 62 CCFs in the top 250 global contractors list in the Engineering News Record (ENR 2014); with these 62 Chinese firms accounting for 14.5% of the total international revenue in 2013. In comparison with Chinese contractors, the international revenue of 58 European ... Show more content on ... After China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001, the government was able to extend its global reach and secure an increasing number of foreign construction agreements (Wen, 2005; Hu, 2007). In 2014, Chinese president Xi Jinping signed more than 20 bilateral agreements with Argentina to offer finance and construction infrastructure in exchange for raw materials; The China Development Bank will provide US$7.5bn in loans to Argentina for dams and construction programs (Quirke, 2014). International construction markets are considered more accessible to foreign firms as a consequence of globalization (Kim, et al., 2010). Numerous Chinese contractors have started to strategically develop overseas propositions to gain new revenue and minimize domestic market risk (Li, 2006; Zhao and Shen, 2008) as domestic competition in the Chinese construction market has become increasingly intensive, due to numerous firms over borrowing and over building, causing an imbalance in the economy (Anderlini, 2015). Recent economic liberalisation of the construction market has placed private contractors in a stronger position to compete for work. At the same time, to be successful requires more sophisticated project management to enhance competitiveness (Fang, et al, 2004; Lim, et al., 2010). It is useful to identify the
  • 12. George Berkeley George Berkeley sort of follows up on John Locke s philosophy in being immaterial or idealist. The excerpt seems to me like an attempt in solidifying Locke s notions about ideas existing but directly questions the existence of matter or substance. I don t feel Locke was being so bold. According to Berkeley, something exists only if it can be perceived. An entity must be able to perceive and form notions/ideas about the object in order for said object to exist. Anything that cannot be perceived does not exist? As I was quickly forming counter arguments to this claim, Berkeley goes on to say that God, of infinite mind, perceives all objects so even if no other entity is there to perceive it, the object remains in existence. Talk about a master key. My... Show more content on ... In some ways, I believe our thought functions have evolved sufficiently in the course of the last few hundred years that allow us to conceive of bodies extended and moved without attributing sensible qualities. A moving naked singularity somewhere out in the intergalactic medium comes to mind. It has no sensible qualities that I can ascribe to it. Any primary and secondary qualities would arise wholly from other material around the singularity. Without material around it, it still exists to me without qualities (unless he would call my notions of the affect the singularity would have on incident matter qualities). I still acknowledge its existence and therefore recognize its potential roles in cause and effect. What would Berkeley s thoughts be on inertial forces in accelerated reference frames? Specifically, the gravitational force, a force that arises by the mere presence of substance. True to determine anything quantitative you would need the qualities of the substance, but even a singularity imposes a gravitational force and a singularity doesn t even have a formally defined radius or extent yet alone any of the other qualities he
  • 13. King Lear Cordelia On king Lear one of the characters that shows a very sacrificing nature is Cordelia, Lear s youngest daughter. We experience this at the beginning of act one when Cordelia, even though she knew it will cost her her share of lands and her place by her father s side, chooses to be honest with her father instead of flattering him for his lands like her sisters did. She sacrificed her status and wealth for standing up for what she believed in, and even when she was banned for her father s kingdom it is clear that she loved her father dearly, and she may be the only one that truly loved Lear. When she became queen of grace we see Cordelia s sacrifice once more when she gathers her army to go to war against her sisters, is later revealed that the
  • 14. Psychodynamics Of The Family Essay The Psychodynamics of the Family , taken from The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender, published in 1978, remains one of Nancy Chodorow most influential works. Chodorow establishes in The Psychodynamics of the Family her interpretation and analysis of the heterosexual dynamic within the social and familial context, and the effects of mothering, manhood and womanhood on the perpetuation of the family. The article is structured in three parts: Oedipal Asymmetries and Heterosexual Knots ; The Cycle Completed: Mothers and Children ; and Gender Personality and Reproduction of Mothering . Chodorow s main arguments are based on Sigmund Freud s psychoanalytical Oedipus Complex theory, which she uses to ... Show more content on ... A child recreates the mother child exclusivity and allows women to return to their primary object love unit however, it interrupts it for men, who find themselves sidelined in the relationship. Finally, the author examines how gender personality shapes a woman s mothering capacities, and thus reproduces the cycle of mothering. The different structures of the oedipal triangle (binary for men, triangular for women) contribute to the formation of gender identity in children. The psychoanalytic object choice also ensures that the heterosexual relationship will result in women mothering and taking on the role of primary caretaker, leading to an asymmetrical organization of parenthood where men are mainly absent or removed. However, male dominant households ensure that women will remain unfulfilled in the relationship, leading to a desire for a child, and rearing this child in a socially gendered family. In this manner, due to women s nurturing role and their narcissistic attachment to their daughters, they contribute to the perpetuation of their own social roles and position in the hierarchy of gender . The Psychodynamics of the Family has greatly resonated in feminist literary theory and psychoanalytical theory. Chodorow s first edition of The Reproduction of Mothering has been the object of criticism due to shortcomings and its limited view of the family and
  • 15. Globalization And Third World Countries Since the start of globalization, some countries have become global powers and other have had little influence in global society. Once globalization took place countries got grouped in either first world, second world or third world country. First world countries are countries that are more developed and are capitalist and industrial countries that hold a big place in global trading. Third worldcountries are under developed and are usually poor and have little power in the global community. This paper is for comparing a first worldcountry in Germany compared to a third world country in Haiti. Comparison of economic, geography, culture, politics and human development will prove the difference between first and third world countries. In the paper it will also discussed reason causing counties to either be first or third world country. Haiti Germany Land Mass 10,714 mi^2 137,938 mi^2 GDP 8.02 Billion 3466.76 Billion PPP per capita 1,654 44,072.39 Agriculture 18,400 sq. Km 167,250 sq. Km Unemployment 6.80% 3.60% Literacy Rates Men 64.39% 99% Literacy Rates Women 57.17% 99.00% Life Expectancy 62.1 81.09 Infant Mortality 0.06% 0.00% Crime Rate 73.21 23.57
  • 16. Women in National Legislation None 37 A factor many people do not consider when determining how powerful a country is, is their geography layout. Germany is located in northern west Europe which is connected to the North Sea that leads to Atlantic Ocean. Germany is a flat and lowland terrain which
  • 17. Essay On The Banking Concept Of Education When it comes to the topic of education, most of us will readily agree that as students, we need to be dedicated learners. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of how we should be educated. Some are convinced that we need to stick with what is currently in place. From this perspective, it is completely unnecessary to do something different if the method being used works. However, others maintain that we need to change. According to this view, people need to move away from what we are comfortable and familiar with in order to be better students. In sum, then, the issue is whether we should keep how our education works the same or not. My own view is that we need to change the system of education. Though I concede that sometimes it makes sense to keep what is not broken, I still maintain that for a better learning experience, we must change. Although some argue that what is already in place is enough for our education, I claim that stepping outside of our comfort zone... Show more content on ... Freire describes that The banking concept of education, which serves the interests of oppression, is also necrophilic. Based on a mechanistic, static, naturalistic, spatialized view of consciousness, it transforms students into receiving objects. It attempts to control thinking and action, leads women and men to adjust to the world, and inhibits their creative power (261). According to Freire, the banking concept causes oppression. Under it, students are nothing more than objects that receive knowledge. Therefore, it is necrophilic, treating the students as if they were dead and could not think. I think that the banking concept of education restricts students and what they are capable of. Rather than actively involving the students, the students are fed information from the teachers. The goal of education is for the students to actually learn, and the only way that can be accomplished is through
  • 18. Summary Of The Escape From Reason By Paul Kurtz In Paul Kurtz s Fears of the Apocalypse: The Escape from Reason, he explains that the fixation on apocalypse grows out of fear of the unknown, and it is fed by hope of redemption (1). Written a year before the new millennium, Kurtz writes about how different types of doomsday prophecies such as the secular, religious, or New Age have predicted the world s fate. Although each prophecy has their own tale of how and when the world will end, they can all agree that the new millennium is the end for all of mankind. However, these dates have miniscule significance on these doomsday prophecies. Afterall, time is human creation. Throughout history, different cultures have used different calendars. For example, the calendar that everyone is familiar with is the Gregorian calendar, which indicates how many years it has been since Christ s death. Hence, we are living 2016 years after Christ s death. But if one were to look back to when the Gregorian calendar was introduced, 10 day seized to exist. If one were to look at the Chinese calendar, the year is currently 1417 because their system is based off the sun and moon phases.... Show more content on ... I agree with this statement because in the past 18 years of my life, I have survived through dozens of apocalypses. Throughout history, new doomsday prophecies are always emerging. Kurtz uses the example of the preacher William Miller who interpreted the Bible s days as years. Miller calculated that the world would in end 1843 and when that failed, he pushed his predictions to another year. Looking back, I remember hearing how prepared people were for Rapture Day back in 2011. When the world failed to end, people insisted that a spiritual rapture had occurred instead. After that, the same scenario happened for the 2012 Doomsday that the Mayan Calendar had
  • 19. The Ultimate Guide For Clash Royale The Ultimate Guide to Clash Royale So you just downloaded Clash Royale for free on the appstore. You will need to wait for it to download so before you start playing you need to read this tutorial. In this tutorial we will explain the best way to start and learn how to play the game well, so you can have an advantage over your opponents. We will cover the best decks for beginners, what do use and when, and how to play the game. After you read this tutorial you will be able to beat most beginners in the lower areas. So wait to click battle and read through this guide. Introduction to Clash Royale Clash Royale is a unique game that includes different kinds of cards, different levels of cards, towers, spells and much more. The goal of the ... Show more content on ... Trophies and Arenas To earn higher cards and Higher arenas you have win most of your battles. The more battles you win the more trophies you will get. The more trophies you get the higher arena you will be in. When you are in a higher arena the better cards you can get from chests. When you win a battle you will get around 27 33 trophies. When you first start and you lose a battle you will only lose around 5 15 trophies. But as you get higher in arenas you will lose 27 33 trophies as well as gain 27 33 trophies. What Deck Should I Use? Before you start playing a real game you are forced to choose your decks. You have eight slots to fill with unique cards. When you start building your deck keep in mind you don t want the average over 4.0 elixir. This leaves you at a disadvantage because your cards will be too expensive so you will be vulnerable to decks that constantly rush you. You will also want a tank 1 card. Tank cards includes, Giant (rare), Giant Skeleton (epic), P.E.K.K.A (epic), Lava Hound (legendary), Golem (rare), and Royale Giant (common). Keep in mind you will unlock these cards at different times so it will be best to use the giant at first. After you have this tank you should support it with a support card. This means to place the card behind the tank so the archer tower and the opponent s troops will hit the tank while your support units hit the tower and the opponent s units. Some good choices to fill this role would be,
  • 20. Winston Churchill Accomplishments Nicki Hooten Mr. Severs English 9 28 January 2016 Winston Churchill The world was at war. Germany quickly invaded Poland and France with brute force, appearing to be pushing westward toward Great Britain. Without Winston Churchill, Britain and the rest of the Allied world would have been unprepared for the power of Germany. Through his brilliant mind, military experience, and leadership capabilities, Winston Churchill changed the tide of World War II. Winston Churchill s powerful mind began developing at a young age. He enjoyed learning, but only what interested him (Vander Hook 20). According to a teacher at Harrow, he had a brilliant brain, but he would only work when he chose to, and for the matters he approved of (Vander Hook 24). He... Show more content on ... Strong leadership is called upon most during a crisis. Churchill began working with Joseph Stalin, head of the Soviet Union, and convinced Franklin Roosevelt to do the same (Vander Hook 77). At the Yalta conference in 1945, Churchill told FDR that any government in Poland was better than a Soviet puppet government (Kimball). He later asked FDR to confront Stalin about the situation (Kimball). Churchill had immense determination, exuding passion as well as purpose... Passion is infectious; if a leader has passion and shows determination, so will those who follow him, Longstaffe also says in her article. Churchill s greatest attribute was that he approached everything in his life with courage, even his death (Vander Hook 90). Against all odds, the little boy who struggled in school transformed into the strong willed leader that Great Britain needed to win World War II. Winston Churchill saved potentially the whole world from the hands of Adolf Hitler. His brilliant mind, military experience, and leadership skills were the solution to the havoc caused by Germany in World War
  • 21. Multiple Myeloma Essay examples Multiple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma is a form of cancer which affects the plasma cells of the body, which are white blood cells. Multiple Myeloma, first described in 1848, is a disease characterized by a proliferation of malignant plasma cells and a subsequent overabundance of monoclonal paraprotein. To understand how Multiple Myelomaaffects an infected person s plasma cells, it helps to have a general understanding of how normal blood cells are formed and how they act. Most blood cells develop from stem cells, which can be found in bone marrow(soft material inside our bones the filling ). Stem cells mature into white blood cells, red blood cells, or platelets.2 The purpose of white blood cells is to fight off infection, while... Show more content on ... Below is a list of the most prevalent symptoms of multiple myeloma: * * Bone pain (esp. back/ribs) * Broken bones (esp. spine) * Weak and tired * Constantly thirsty * Frequent Infections and fevers3 * Weight loss * Frequent urination * Constipation * Nausea The diagnosis of multiple myeloma can occur after a routine blood test with your doctor. However, the most common diagnosis occurs when doctors take an x ray of a broken bone and suspect the cancer has caused or is a contributing factor to the broken bone. When analyzing the blood tests, the following are considered when diagnosing multiple myeloma: people with multiple myeloma have high levels of proteins in the blood, especially M and other immunoglobulin, albumin, and beta 2 microglobulin. Also, the blood exam tests for high levels of calcium and for creatinine levels (to assure that the kidneys are working properly).3 Other ways to test for multiple myeloma include urine tests, x rays, biopsies (test the bone marrow itself from a large bone a painful procedure). Unfortunately, Multiple myeloma is a very fatal cancer, where only 35% of patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma living 5 years past their diagnosis.3 There are three general treatment
  • 22. Analysis Of City Upon A Hill By John Winthrop Audra Addison How would the federalists view John Winthrop s City Upon a Hill model? How would the anti federalists view it? 2.) Are the federalists or anti federalists right? 1.) John Winthrop s City Upon a Hill sermon inspired the Puritans aboard the Arbella by warning that the eyes of the world were watching their colonization of the New World. He also insisted that they were to set an example for all of the future generations to come. He called upon the congregants to keep God in their hearts, lest they fall into disaster in their attempt to colonize the new land. Winthrop wanted Christianity to serve as a guide to building a future in North America. However, people carried different views on this Christian model and how ... Show more content on ... The federalists wanted the Constitution to provide necessary framework and boundaries so that people could pursue their life, liberty, and property without hurting each other. They believed people should have the freedom to follow their own self interest, and that included religion. 2.) When it comes to freedom of religion, the federalists were probably right about separation of church and state. However, while the federalists believed in a strong national government to create unity, the anti federalists were right when they suggested that state and local governments should be stronger. The more power that is given to smaller and more localized forms of government, the better the government represents the people in that area. Diversity is lost when a single national government is overpowering, and the population as a whole becomes unsatisfied as the majority of people won t agree with the same ideology. This is why, for good reason, the anti federalists were worried when the states started to lose their identity and merge into The United States of America. Patrick Henry realized this when he said I am no longer a Virginian, but an American. The biggest fear of the anti federalists was that the government would grow to trample the very rights that they were trying to preserve. As Alexander Hamilton put it, When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming
  • 23. Mongols Religious Ceremony We hardly knew what to make of all this. Our Mongols explained that tomorrow night there will be a religious ceremony of great importance which will be very worthwhile to see. In the mean time we visited a small temple and made acquaintance of several Lamas. One of them was a great doctor Lama who had a large number of sick people waiting to be cured. As we walked in the Lama was attending a lady patient who had a large tubercular absess on her neck. With a few strokes of his hand the Lama removed the absess from the woman s neck to her finger and cutting it opened with a huge knife he dressed the wound. We realized one more that we were being hypnotized by clever Lamas, and quickly departed. My knees were shaking so hard that I could hardly... Show more content on ... When he saw us, he walked to my horse and reaching gave me at first a very large silk scarf and then a string of beads. He said that the Living God regretted he disappointed the white lady and sent his blessings, gifts and a predictions of good fortune to the Russian Lady who is a descendant of great leaders and national heroes as well as High Priests on whose ancestors in blessing of all the living churches of the world. With the blessing of the Living God, the sacred circle will be closed and no harm will ever happen to the lady. With this he reached and put beads on my neck, saying that before handing the beads to him, the Living God put them on his own Holy Person. I was surprised. Now in the world these people find out as much as they do. What devilish power do they possess, after all. First I thought they hypnotized us into seeing miracles, now they proved to be mind readers and fortune tellers. And how did they find out about my ancestors here, in this desert with no other Russian person around. Then the men got back we told them about my gifts and fortune. After this, of course, we all had to have our fortune told. And we went again into the temple, where we were told that Lamas specialized in that sort of
  • 24. Essay on Reform Between 1825 And 1850 While some citizens of the United States, between 1825 and 1850, believed that reform was foolish and that the nation should stick to its old conduct, reformists in this time period still sought to make the United States a more ideally democratic nation. This was an age of nationalism and pride, and where there was pride in one s country, there was the aspiration to improve one s country even further. Many new reformist and abolitionist groups began to form, all attempting to change aspects of the United Statesthat the respective groups thought to be unfair or unjust. Some groups, such as lower and middle class women and immigrants, sought to improve rights within the county, while other reformers aspired to change the American education... Show more content on ... She also brings to attention how they are fighting for the right to vote, when their own form of government, being the democracy that it is, should permit women the right to vote initially. (Doc F) However, these women battled on and on to gain their rights, and make this country a truly democratic nation. Others, such as immigrants, fought to make it possible for success in America. Due to the naturalization act, an immigrant must remain in the United States for at least 14 years before becoming a United States citizen and being able to really have any impact on the country at all. Samuel F.B. Morse, in his Imminent Dangers to the Free Institutions of the United States brings the subject of the Naturalization Act to the country s attention and attempts to change this act, in fear of a conspiracy against immigration. (Doc D) No matter what obstacles were thrown into the path of these groups battling on for reform , they didn t concede. The reformist groups persevered and fought to expand America s democratic ideals. While attempting to change certain groups rights was crucial, an almost equally pressing issue of reform at the time was society. Across the country, increasing the morality and appearance of United States citizens had suddenly become a much more pressing issue, and various reform assemblies, and especially the church, struggled to improve society in ways they thought helpful. Due to the mass urbanization occurring so rapidly,
  • 25. Kansa Essay Kansas: Beneath the Surface Kansas is home to many interesting places and things, like the world s largest ball of twine in Cawker City, or S.P. Dinsmoor s Garden of Eden in Lucas. What if I told you that some of Kansas s most interesting attractions are located just beneath your shoes. Don t believe me? Check out these six unique places located below the Kansas prairies. 1.Strataca Hutchinson Since the Permian Wellington Formation was first tapped into in 1887, the salt industry in Hutchinson, or Salt City as it has come to be known, has shaped the town. For nearly 95 years the salt has been mined for commercial uses, but the mines have also proven to be valuable as storage for important documents, records and maybe the original ... Show more content on ... At one time this underground town bolstered 11 saloons. In the 1920s and 30s the town s population began to decline and become more modern. The underground businesses began to serve as basements for the businesses above. In 1982 the Ellinwood replaced its sidewalks and filled all but three sections of this underground city with sand. Two of these sections are open for tours. One is located under the Dick building, which housed a harness maker, barber, and bathhouse. The other is a row of store fronts located under the Wolf Hotel. Tours are offered of both these tunnels and the Wolf Hotel for $10, but make sure to call ahead. 4.The Big Well Greensburg Originally built in 1888 to serve as the towns water supply, The Big Well was and remains the biggest hand dug well in the world. A visit to The Big Well Museum and Visitors Center allows visitors to descend the spiral staircase and admire the pioneer ingenuity. While there view exhibits that showcase the town of Greensburg and its effort to rebuild as a sustainable community after a devastating tornado in 2007. Another attraction found in The Big Well Museum is the Space Wanderer Pallasite Meteorite. Weighing 1000 pounds it is the largest pallasite found to date. If you are interested in traveling 106 feet below land to see something out of this world, visit The Big Well! 5.Auntie Mae s Parlor Manhattan In the late 1920 s Edgar Walters passed away leaving his business, Walter s
  • 26. Kiss Of Judas 1. The art works of the artist Giotto that I chose was the Kiss of Judas. It is 6 6 3/4 by 6 7/8 in size. It is located on the south wall of the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua. It is dated through 1305 and 1306. The medium used for the art work is called fresco. 2. There are many people included in the artwork. I can see about twenty one people and some of there faces. There are two people in the middle and their names are Jesus and Judas. They both appear to be kissing. Judas s arms are around Jesus s neck. There is a soldier next to them. There is a guy in a pink robe pointing at Jesus and Juda.There are people surrounding them with sticks and some had torches. Since they are carrying fire it is safe to say that it is night time. Some of those people are followers and others are enemies of Jesus. They are all wearing robes. There is one person blowing on a white horn. All of the people in the painting are bare foot. Some of their expressions on their faces are anger. On the guy the guy on the left who is wearing blue is Peter. A... Show more content on ... The color dark blue was used to paint the sky; Using the dark color for the sky gave the painting a dark and serious feeling emphasizing the betrayal. Judas s robe was a bright yellow color, which points out the center and most important part of the painting. The painting had three dimensional space. The people are halfway in the frame, and the man that is being pulled on the left gives an illusion that there is more outside of the border of the painting. The layering or overlapping technique of the people painted over each other show space. The light and shadow created folds in the clothing, this gave it a natural and realistic feeling. The frame contained geometric patterns. The shapes used in the pattern were triangles and squares. On one side of the frame it used rhombuses to create a star shape with a circle in the
  • 27. Three Tier Model How are schools able to assure parents that their children are getting the resources they need to work at their utmost potential? Schools have an obligation to guarantee that all students, whether on grade level or not, are receiving an education that is beneficial and meets the needs of every student. All children should have an opportunity to be successful even if they face challenges that may impair their ability to learn at an age appropriate pace. Therefore, schools have to provide some sort of support system to help struggling students. Mississippi has developed a Three Tier Model of Instruction. This model was put into place to ensure that all students are receiving the proper instruction they need to succeed and grow. Response... Show more content on ... Once results from the universal screener are available, it will show the students that may not be able to perform at grade level. Therefore, the child will need to receive outside resources to supplement the reading curriculum that is provided in the classroom. A teacher may pull these students 2 3 times a week in small groups to provide a more in depth level of instruction. These students will be closely monitored, as well. The teacher will log and record all time spent on interventions with each student. This information will help keep track of each student s progress over time. The Tier Team will also be able to use this information to make adjustments on either the amount of time the student spends on these interventions as well as the level of difficulty. The teacher will also use this information to progress monitor each student receiving interventions. RTI uses a similar method. Once the child has been exposed to the curriculum being presenting to all students in the classroom, but is still showing signs of difficulty, as the screener had indicated in the beginning, the method of intervention will begin. The student will be assigned interventions to target the exact problem areas shown on the screener. The student will also be progress monitored using different assessments along the way to make sure that the child is reacting and responding appropriately. The student s progress will also be charted so that it is made clear whether or not the interventions are causing the student to grow or decline while receiving this small group
  • 28. Globe Theater Research Paper The Globe Theater s beautiful building design and interesting former times have been a very notable element of our past, it had even held many of Shakespeare s famous plays. The whole world is a playhouse and one of the most important playhouses in the world would have to be The Globe Theater . It is nearly impossible to think of our world without The Globe Theater and all the interesting occurrences that have happened involving it. This theater could have been nothing more than a building if it were for all the important history that was incorporated into it making it be such an important piece of history. Between 1597 and 1599, The Globe Theater was built and it officially opened in 1599. In the beginning, there were six shareholders... Show more content on ... The Globe Theater not rebuilt for three hundred and fifty two years when it s mysterious location was discovered under a car park. News broke out that remains of The Globe Theater foundation had been found starting a spark of curiosity to run the peoples minds. The foundations of the Globe were rediscovered in 1989, rekindling interest Many had lost interest in attempting to find its location, believing that it was hopeless for even wondering. Its exact location remained unknown until the remnants of the theater were discovered in 1989 beneath the car park of Anchor Terrace on Park Street. Queen Elizabeth II opened the theater with a production of Henry V and ever since then it has staged a play every summer. The Globe Theater is seen as very important in our past and many were eager to restore the theater to its former glory. This Theater was rebuilt three times, but after being opened in 1997, it has continued to run and be a great success. The latest Globe Theater was completed in 1996; Queen Elizabeth II officially opened the theater on June 12, 1997, with a production of Henry V. Recognizing the original name of The Globe Theater no longer seemed fitting, it was changed and now goes by the new title, Shakespeare s Globe Theater . It opened in 1997 under the name Shakespeare s Globe Theater and now stages plays every summer (May
  • 29. Relationship Between Current Shift Work And Work Related... BACKGROUND: shift work is a very common characteristic in healthcare and has been associated with work related stress. OBJECTIVE: In this study, we investigated the relationship between current shift work and work related stress symptoms among healthcare workers from a clinical setting in Medellin, Colombia. METHODS: a cross sectional study was conducted from January to July 2014, Participants completed demographic, occupational and lifestyle questionnaire, and a self reported work related stress symptoms instrument. RESULTS: The Study sample consisted of 160 (80%) females and 40 (20%) males. Mean age was 35.1 В± 9.1. Overall, no significant differences were seen in physiological, social behavior, intellectual and occupational and psych emotional symptoms in shift workers compared to day workers. In a stratified analysis, statistically significant differences were observed in physiological and psycho emotional symptoms means in the group conformed by nurses and nursing assistants. (p=0.030 and p=0.047 respectively) CONCLUSIONS: Keywords: shift work, work related stress, healthcare Introduction Shift work has become increasingly common due to recent changes in economics and political trends. It is estimated that in industrialized countries, approximately 20% of jobs use this type of work modality. (1) European and North American surveys reported that between 15 to 30% of the adult worker population is exposed to shift work. (2, 3). According to the First National
  • 30. Essay On School Shootings There have been many horror stories in the news about mass shootings at schools. The public, and even the president of the United States, is asking if anything can be done to prevent these tragedies. There are many theories on why students kill their peers at schools; these range from increased violence in video games and movies to bullying troubles at school. Almost always, the perpetrator suffers from some form of mental illness (Khadaroo). Because of this, motives for these crimes are extremely difficult to discern. Although the theories for the causes of this dilemma are tenuous at best, the effects are very perceptible. Can anything be done to prevent these massacres? School shootings are a complex problem that cannot always... Show more content on ... By investigating possible causes, schools can establish policies and programs to help prevent school massacres. Whereas the causes of school violence are mostly theoretical, the effects of mass school shootings are stark and terrible. In the past twenty years there have been many incidents, both small and large scale, of shooting in schools. Two of the most well known of these are the Columbine shooting in 1999 and the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. Twenty six people were killed in the Sandy Hook shooting and thirteen in the Columbine shooting ( School Safety Timeline. ). One boy described his experience at the Sandy Hook shooting as, I saw some of the bullets going past the hall that I was right next to, and then a teacher pulled me into her classroom ( What Happened in Newtown ). It is hard to imagine the terror and life long effects that such an incident would cause among children. These stories cause a fear in many students that makes it difficult to create an environment for learning. It is obvious that something must be done to protect children of all ages in public school. The first possible solution is to pass stringent gun control laws in order to remove the weapon from a perpetrator s hand. This seems to be a very logical solution, but, when investigated more closely, it is not. Although few people are lobbying for complete gun prohibition, many want
  • 31. Organizational Planning And Functions Of Management Essay QUESTION 3: DISCUSS THE STEPS RELATED TO ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING AND FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT INCLUDING ECONOMIC TRENDS AND MARKETS WITH RESPECT TO THE DIETARY SUPPLEMENT INDUSTRY. Originally, all body supplements are being produced by a pharmaceutical companies whose nature of business is to produce variety of medicines . Later on, the producers became mindful of the costs associated with ineffective planning which potentially results in poor quality of products of dietary supplements . As a result, the manufacturers of the drug made an innovative way to check every process involved in the manufacture before they come up with a finished product . In their attempt to identify specific problems associated with each step throughout the operation , they eventually arrived with a Good Manufacturing Process for drugs in the year 1970 . After 2 decades, the manufacturing companies was able to design a manufacturing dietary supplements sole purpose . It started with a plan that was organised and it did worked for all their products including dietary supplements and smilar drugs. They started by doing a research about the business type they would wanted to operate. Next, they made a business and organizational lay out which was compose of different expectations and risks models that determined the finances the business will initially need for start up. The organizational plan became the foundation baseline that defines how the whole
  • 32. Analysis Of The Single European Act ( Sea ) For A Business... The purpose of this report is to provide information on the Single European Act (SEA) for a Business Seminar on the Single market. Throughout this report, I will analyse and evaluate the Single European Act, the workings of the internal market and how far any recent changes have succeeded. 2.0FINDINGS 2.1Background The SEA was created in 1986, with the aim that by 1992 there would be a Single market. It was developed from the Treaty of Rome 1957 which established the common market (later known as the internal market) between the then six EEC members. This was a major sign of European integration; removing trade barriers and creating free movement of people, goods, capital and services and involved a Customs Union. The Single market involves 27 EU countries and the European Economic Area which includes Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein; Switzerland has bilateral agreements within the Single market. 2.2Priorities of European Commission The European Commission aims to maximise the potential of the internal market by eliminating physical, technical and tax barriers to boost growth and employment. 2.2.1 The Four Freedoms The Four Freedoms refers to the free movement of goods, services, people and capital between membership countries. Below is a model for the Four Freedoms (appendix 1). 2.3 What the Single market means for Business The Single market allows businesses to trade with fewer restrictions. Europa states that they have a large market to sell into
  • 33. Zen Short Story Analysis Karl climbs up on top of Stillwater s back and demonstrates what he would do to his bossy brother by angrily jumping into a pool. Later on, when drinking tea, Stillwater reflects that Karl, having been upset with his sibling the whole day, didn t even notice the fun they had been having. Karl then realizes that his temper had gotten ahold of him and he thinks about the time that he could ve been spending in a more carefree manner instead. The story follows three siblings, Addy, Michael, and Karl, as they befriend a panda named Stillwater who teaches them philosophical lessons that are tailored to the children s individual lives. If all of the books in the world were destroyed except one, the collection of fictional short stories Zen Shorts by Jon J. Muth should be preserved because it delves into the importance of belongings, how to understand that one s perspective influences an interpretation of a situation and when to let go of emotions that are in the way of personal contentment. When Addy visits Stillwater s house, she finds him in a tent in his backyard. Stillwater explains to Addy that his Uncle Ry gives gifts to others on his own birthday and the tent was Stillwater s present. Addy reveals a cake that she d baked for them to share. Stillwater is delighted and in return tells the young girl a story that enriches their conversation of generosity called Uncle Ry and the Moon . In the tale, a thief rummages through the belongings of Uncle Ry, a simple panda who
  • 34. Psychodynamic Theories Of Psychology On The Subconscious Self Psychodynamic theories of psychology focuses on the subconscious self, influencing behaviors of an individual and are used to explain the development of mental illness and abnormalities. The basis of psychodynamics is Sigmund Freud s theory in which he describes three states of mind vying for their preferred goal: the Id concerned with obtaining pleasure, the Superego concerned with upholding morality, and the Ego which uses reason to balance the desires of the two extremes. Freud describes three levels of consciousness the conscious which is what ideas we always know about, the preconscious which is ideas that we can make conscious, and the unconscious which is the ideas that are underneath our understanding which may include suppressed memories of traumatic events. He sees human motivationcoming from a vague notion of instincts which include the life instinct which drives people to stimulate themselves/survive and the death instinct which drives people to be calm, serene, slipping into death. Freud gives great importance to human sexuality in his theories by linking such dilemmas during the childhood stages of development of the sex instinct to mental problems in adulthood in the form of subconscious ideas about the past influencing current actions. He sees defense mechanisms in people s actions as an attempt to protect the person s view of self or to protect from revealing something they don t want known, certain cues like forgetting what to say reveal that there is
  • 35. Literature Review Of Alarm Fatigue Capstone Part I: Literature Review Introduction to Problem Alarm Fatigue: According to Cvach (2012), alarm fatigue is the lack of response due to excessive numbers of alarms resulting in sensory overload and desensitization (Cvach, 2012, p. 269). Alarm fatigue is a major concern in the critical care unit. In a course of a shift nurses hear so many alarms they began to become immune to them. There are many times when an alarm sounds the result is often a false alarm. Research has demonstrated that 72% to 99% of clinical alarms are false (Sue Sendelbach Funk, 2013). As a result the increased number of false alarms has resulted in alarm fatigue. Alarm fatigue is when a nurse or health care professional has been exposed to an excessive number of alarms resulting in desensitization to alarms and missed alarms. As a result there has been patient injuries and deaths associated with alarm fatigue. This has raised concern making this a very important patient safety issue. Patient safety and regulatory agencies have focused on the issue of alarm fatigue, and it is a 2014 Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal (Sue Sendelbach Funk, 2013). This issue has raised many concerns and if not handled in a correctly fashion could result in many more incidents and sentinel effects. There are many ways that we as health care professionals can attack the problem at hand. First we can start by individualizing patient parameters on the alarms. Not every patient is
  • 36. Class 203 Essay om Writers The movie freedom writer will not catch your eye in the first place but once you started watching it you will be excited what would be the ending, what will happen to the students, who are gang members and not taking their class seriously. Every student in the class 203 has their own story that will really make you cry if you ll understand it. Many Students inside the room 203 don t have a sense of direction on what they really want, and they don t care about it. Erin Gruwell started her first teaching in Woodrow Wilson high school, she teaches freshman and sophomore class. In the first day of her teaching she was shock about the nature of class 203 which she will handle but she has been motivated and inspired her students to learn. ... Show more content on ... On the parents night no parents showed up on her class till 8 then she decided to open the cabinet to see if there is a journal inside it then she was shock, all of her students put their journal in the cabinet. She reads all journals and she was shock about the story of each and every one of her students. The next day, she prepares a game for her students, which they enjoy, and they become interested by it. Erin Gruwell made her class a trip which makes them realize about life they become inspired about every child story given to them and more inspired in the dinner because of 4 people they met and tell their story to the students. The class was given books to read to be inspired about they re situation connected to the story of holocaust that made them inspired and have a hope and continue there lives no matter what happen. Also a one businessman donated 30 computer units to class 203 to published their own story like Anne Frank. They class 203 become comfortable to each other which they enjoy being together with Ms. Erin in their side because they feel hope and being inspired by her to pursue they re lives. But junior days is coming which may lead to setting apart of class 203, but class 203 don t want to be separated from each other because they want to
  • 37. Triage Incident Analysis Introduction The focus of this reflection is on pedestrian injuries from motor vehicle accidents and the public hospital system s treatment response. This is important as though the rates incidents involving pedestrians have fallen, the number of pedestrian injures are still high with, 15% of people seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents from 2001 to 2010 being pedestrians (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2015). This reflection highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the Australian health care system experienced by a participant, whose reflections were gathered through an interview. The Participant s Experience The Incident The participant is a 19 year old female. She is a native English speaker of Caucasian background who is in full time employment. The participant has had one ... Show more content on ... Strengths Triage Procedure The participant s condition was prioritised and given immediate attention, a process that is referred to as triage. Triage is defined as the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decided the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties (Oxford Dictionary of English, 2010). Triage is vital in vital in large scale medical facilities, like the public hospital where the participant was treated. Not only is triage effective from a physical care perspective, but also the immediate care from health professionals can provide a sense of security to the patient. The correct implementation of triage, and the swift following of policies and procedures is a strength highlighted by the participant s experience in the Australian health care system. Protocol for Spinal Injury Upon admission the participant was placed in a neck brace. The purpose of the neck brace is to protect the spine and prevent any additional injuries
  • 38. Gsm Specification Air Interface [pic] WHAT IS GSM???? GSM: GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications: originally from Groupe SpГ©cial Mobile) is the most popular standard for mobile telephone systems in the world. The GSM Association, its promoting industry trade organization of mobile phone carriers and manufacturers, estimates that 80% of the global mobile market uses the standard. GSM Specifications I RF Spectrum GSM 900 1. Mobile to BTS (uplink): 890 915 MHz 2. BTS to Mobile (downlink):935 960 MHz 3. Bandwidth: 2* 25 MHz GSM 1800 1. Mobile to BTS (uplink): 1710 1785 MHz 2. BTS to Mobile (downlink) 1805 1880 MHz 3. Bandwidth: 2* 75 MHz GSM ... Show more content on ... The purpose of LPC is to reduce the bit rate. The LPC provides parameters for a filter that mimics the vocal tract. The signal passes through this filter, leaving behind a residual signal. Speech is encoded at 13 kbps. GSM Subscriber Services There are two basic types of services offered through GSM: telephony (also referred to as tele services) and data (also referred to as bearer services). Telephony services are mainly voice services that provide subscribers with the complete capability (including necessary terminal equipment) to communicate with other subscribers. Data services provide the capacity necessary to transmit appropriate data signals between two access points creating an interface to the network. In addition to normal telephony and emergency calling, the following subscriber services are supported by
  • 39. GSM: * Dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) DTMF is a tone signaling scheme often used for various control purposes via the telephone network, such as remote control of an answering machine. GSM supports full originating DTMF. * Facsimile group III GSM supports CCITT Group 3 facsimile. As standard fax machines are designed to be connected to a telephone using analog signals, a special fax converter connected to the exchange is used in the GSM system. This enables a GSM connected fax to communicate with any analog fax in the network. * Short message services A convenient facility
  • 40. Netflix s Successful Implementation Of Managerial... Over the past 7 years, Netflix streaming has expanded from thousands of members watching a show from time to time to millions of members watching over two billion hours every single month. Each time a member starts to watch a movie or TV episode, a view is created in the data systems, and a collection of events describing that view is gathered. Given that viewing is what members spend most of their time doing on Netflix, having a robust and scalable architecture to manage and process this data is critical to the success of the business. A huge part of Netflix s success can be attributed to their successful implementation of managerial information system. Netflix records data on content that consumers have watched in the past and bases suggested movies and TV shows based that particular consumer s history. This provides the consumer with a highly personalized streaming experience that tailors showcases all the material Netflix has to offer that would actually interest that one customer. Netflix s competitor Hulu didn t implement such data mining strategies right away and instead observed Netflix to see if their implementation of datamining would be successful. While they were awaiting results from Netflix, Hulu would just show their customers all of their available content from the menu screen. This caused a very convoluted and overwhelming menu screen to pick out a movie or show from. It s this accessibility that drove Netflix to surpass other streaming services such
  • 41. Interglacials Essay The earliest inhabitants of Britain for whom there is compelling evidence are bands of hunters living in Southern and Western England during the Hoxnian interglacial (about 380,000 to 400,000 BC). (Some very recent excavations of stone tools on the East Anglian coastline suggest human presence as early as 700,000 years ago). However, as temperatures again dropped, Britain was abandoned. Although there are signs of humanhabitation during later interglacials, it was not until roughly 14,000 years ago that occupation became permanent. Some of the first things that Mesolithic Britons did, were to wipe out the lion, the elephant, and the hippopotamus, and to domesticate the dog. By about 6000 BC the melting of the ice sheet had created the English... Show more content on ... Around 2500 BC the Beaker people (originally from Spain) began to immigrate to Britain and brought metal working skills with them. They made gold, copper and bronze implements and ornaments. It was during the Bronze age (after 2500 BC) that circles of standing stones began to be erected in Britain. By far the most famous is Stonehenge, but at least 900 stone circles survived long enough to be recorded. Many stone circles were erected within existing henges (i.e. circular earthworks consisting of a ditch and bank surrounding a central table). The ditch was dug and the earthen bank built at Stonehenge far earlier around 3000 BC. The stones were erected (and repeatedly moved) between 2500 BC and 1600 BC. By 55 BC the Romans had tried to take Britain but unsuccessfully failed, as Julius Caesar retreated. Then one year later Julius Caesar tried again to invade Brtain and succeeded. The Roman occupation only lasted a few centuries by 400 AD the British freed the British Isles from Roman rule. By 1000 AD the British Isles were separated into three kingdoms England, Whales, and Scotland. England united Whales and England they also controlled what is now Ireland but Scotland was still it s own country finally in 1707 the Act of Union was made where the English Parliament united England and Scotland as a single country creating Great Britain. By 1750 the British were a strong empire with colonies in the Americas, their main treasure was the Thirteenth Colonies. In 1756 the French and Indian War was declared in America, which made a war of French Folk, and an Indian tribe against the British Colonies and Britain and some helpful Indians. In 1763 Britain and France signed a treaty called the Treaty Of Paris which ended the war giving Britain most of France s American lands, but the colonists were not happy and then in 1775 the colonists rebelled their leader was George Washington, the
  • 42. Rome, Pompey The Great And Julius Caesar Pompey was among one of the greats in Roman history. He was compared to Julius Caesar, because of his military strategy and being loved and appreciated by the Roman people. Pompey was one of the outstanding Generals the Roman Republic had seen and Statesman to the people of Rome (Encyclopedia of World Biography). He was one of the three pieces of the first Triumvirate and the Triumvirate was a big defining moment in his life. The Romans who formed of the Triumvirate was Julius Caesar, Pompey The Great, and Marcus Licinius Crassus. More importantly, than being a part of Triumvirate he became consul with Crassus for one year. Eventually, he went into Civil War against one of the best Roman for the ages. The Roman, Pompey went to war with was one of the two people of Triumvirate. Pompey opened the door to people about his Early life, his best years, and how he died. Pompey Early life all came into existence when he was born into a lineage with some extent known by Rome. His Father was a remarkably successful general to Rome (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Even though his father was well known he had the regular education as any Roman citizen( Pompey the Great. ). A report said He went missing for a period of time, then he came out of hiding with three legions( Pompey the Great. ). His life embarked when he first came into the public eye when he constructed a army for the support of Lucius Cornelius Sulla (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Sulla and him went on to campaign
  • 43. Life Sustaining Bond Of Human Beings With The Land Research Paper The life sustaining bond of human beings with the land has a strong connection. Centuries have gone by and throughout the many years, humans have relied on the land to provide for Humans, they need to evolve, survive, and move forward with their lives. The land provides for humans in a non costly manner. The land provides humans free shelter. For example, Humans use the dirt we walk on to build shelter. The Earth provides humans natural resources, such as water from lakes, streams and rain. The land gives humans bountiful, healthy nourishing food. The Earth provides free health care for every living creature. The land has a bond with humans because the land provides natural resources, it provides shelter, and it evolves the ... Show more content on ... When we need something the Earth provides, but in return we must protect the Earth. The Earth provides us with the things that we essentially need in order for us to survive. This is what connects us to the land that we are currently living on. The land that we are living on is very important. We should also be very careful of what we do with it also, because just like us we are both fragile. One bullet, just one single bullet can kill not one, but two people (humans). Such as a match, one small, simple thing can cause a wildfire, creating a huge amount of damage. The Earth is very, very important. The land that connects to the Earth is also important. The land is our life so we should take care of our land. This is why we have this amazing bond with the land that we are living on. Every person on Earth shares the responsibility to do as much as they can to preserve the planet s finite natural resources today and for future generations. Natural resources are those components of the environment which are inherently created by environment for supporting life. These resources are very essential for sustaining life on earth. These resources are available in the form of air, water, mineral, soil, forest, plant, energy etc. Many people might disagree, why we don t have the connection between the land and us is because you may say that I don t see it , of course people might not see it, many people would either be distracted by the things around us and we as the
  • 44. Stereotypes In The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck In The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, the first chapter describes the life of a Chinese farmer, Wang Lung. He recently reached the age of marriage and meets his wife, or slave, O lan. Before he met her, Wang Lung did chores that his father describes as things women do . Although common housework isn t considered a womans job today, it is an occurring stereotype and still believed by some. Wang Lung acts towards his new wife is extremely odd and unusual when O Lan and him return to his house for the wedding feast. When he puts out food for her to prepare, he does it in a rude way. The author describes it as, He did not look at the woman as he spoke. It would not have been seemly. This shows that Wang Lung treats O Lan as if she were his slave for the house, and does not consider her his wife. He believes that treating a woman with respect or even communicating with her would... Show more content on ... His phrasing goes, This was the last morning he would have to light the fire. He had lit it every morning since his mother died six years before. He had lit the fire, boiled water, and poured the water into a bowl and taken it into the room where his father sat upon his bed, coughing and fumbling for his shoes upon the floor. Every morning for these six years the old man had waited for his son to bring in hot water to ease him of his morning coughing. Now father and son could rest. There was a woman coming to the house. This shows the role of women in that period of China. He is relieved that he does not have to do chores because there will be a women to take his place. Instead of acknowledging his wife as a life long partner that he loves , he instead thinks of her as a slave. Although in many first world countries women have broken these gender roles and take part in many jobs, they are still treated as slaves in other
  • 45. The Desensitization Of Violent Video Games Video games when they first came onto the scene were viewed as family friendly games that could be played on your TV or in an arcade with your friends. Games like Pacman and Donkey Kong were among the most popular of the early video games. Soon it was possible to have these games and many more in your own home and soon multiplayer games became popular and it was all seen as harmless fun. However, as time went on the games soon turned more violent games like Goldfinger started putting you in the hands of someone with guns and shooting his way through enemies. This game became so popular that it has spurred on many of the violent games we see today like Call of Duty (COD), Battlefield, DOOM and many other shooter games which involve killing people ... Show more content on ... If the person is required to go through id checks it could 6 make the person warier of the violence content in the game and second guess purchasing it and instead opt for a less violent option. Another option is for the amount of violent games to be decreased. Shooting games and action games are a majority of video games today and for good reason seeing as how they are also to most profitable. Although if more family friendly games where promoted instead of the more violent ones they too could be more profitable. Instead the companies that make Halo and Battlefield spend thousands of dollars to promote their latest game even though most would agree that not much changes in shooter games nowadays except the graphics get better. The problem lies in that why would game developers work on a different genre of game if shooting games sell so well? Action games make the most money even if they are not received well most of the time they make well over what it costs to make the game so why change? The fact the market is overstated with the same old shooting and action games means that if you introduce a different type of game and make it interesting enough it will stick out more then
  • 46. Las Vegas Is A City Of The Strip Essay Las Vegas is a city that is widely known for its casinos, gambling, alcohol, wild parties, and live entertainment (which usually just entails strippers). It is known as being most adult s fantasy playground come alive, and because of this it has been dubbed as Sin City. Because of its nickname, and the way it is constantly being portrayed in the media it s easy to see why non locals can find it difficult to imagine there being any type of ordinary life occurring outside of the infamous Strip that isn t at all entwined with the glitz and glamour that one correlates with Las Vegas. Sin City locals, on the other hand, can most definitely vouch for there being life outside of the Strip, but also for there being no life outside of it. So much emphasis and attention is placed on the Strip that many locals feel that their life outside of it isn t as commemorative, and because of this they see no point in taking the time to enjoy their life here in Sin City. In order for locals to enjoy their life in Vegas ad be able to get the most out of it they must first accept that the fact that they live in a tourist town, set aside their own insider views for a moment to be able to look at the city through the eyes of a tourist, and learn to appreciate the life that there is outside and inside of the Strip. The first step that needs to be taken to appreciate your life here in Las Vegas is to accept that fact that you live in Las Vegas. By this I mean that you have to accept the fact that
  • 47. My Study On A Small Sample Size Of Eight School Leaders I recognize three considerations to my study: (1) sample size, (2) subjectivity, and (3) trustworthiness of my research that need to be acknowledged. The first consideration of my study is based on a small sample size of eight school leaders. I ve come to recognize that my findings in this narrative study can only be generalized by the lived experiences and told stories given by each of the selected principals in the study. An important perspective in narrative studies is that a small sample sizeallows only for researchers to provide the context and content of those participants in the study. And by capturing the entire story as told by my selected participants, I will be in the right position to present a more holistic grounding of their work as school leaders in pursuit of equity. Indeed, additional studies that desire to engage this kind of researchis sorely needed in order to broaden and/or augment the findings of such a study. I believe the current value of this study is its ability to capture the nuances of leadership practices, dispositions, and challenges that can better inform school leadership for the just rights of others. A second consideration significant to this study is my positionality. I recognize this research study is vulnerable to my own positionality and my experiences in educational spaces. Alcoff (1988) argues positionality results from the influences of our experiences in our changing historical context and how we choose to act/contribute upon
  • 48. Globalization Of Canadian Culture Nowadays, different governments meet with the problem of Americanization of their countries cultures and lifestyle and they try their best to mitigate this tendency and prevent future invasions of American culture. The aim of this essay is to identify main problems and possible solutions over protecting local cultures from the impacts of globalization through The Canadian Magazine Dispute. I think that national authenticity is a vital part of each country. The U.S. Canadian magazine dispute was motivated by wishes of Canadian Government to protect Canadian culture since otherwise it would be supplanted by the U.S culture. It could be proven by the conclusion of Canadian governmental Committee on Mass Media that magazines constitute ... Show more content on ... On the one hand, buying of American magazines could be explained by lack of local ones. And in this case it is important to facilitate the access to local magazines. On the other hand, it could be related to the quality of content, and then there is only one democratic possibility improvement of quality of local journals. Any restrictions for foreign magazines could be considered as discriminatory an unfair. However, both these directions should be developed permanently and simultaneously to increase the share of Canadian magazines. Additional taxes or change of existed taxes could be a part of financial wellbeing and economical concept of each country. To my mind, such taxes should not be implemented if their purpose is a limitation of share of foreign magazines and subsidizing in local publications since it is clearly stated in the WTO (World Trade Organization) rules and Canada is a part of WTO. Since the Internet era changes rules of the game in almost all areas of business, and additionally a lot of citizens of one country live in other ones I suppose that these circumstances have to be taken into consideration while distinguishing between a split run and a domestic magazine. I would take the following criteria: Whether the company is Canadian owned? and Whether the magazine is printed in Canada? Answering yes for both these questions means that it is a domestic
  • 49. Consequences Of Income And Elyth Inequality Within this essay, the issues and consequences of income and wealth inequalities have been discussed, considering them on both an individual and a social level. It considers sociological theories in order to make sense of such consequences and recognise links between inequality and other sociological concepts, such an education, family, gender and age. It draws on arguments made by sociologists about the nature of such inequalities and the factors that influence them. It also highlights the possibility that perhaps such inequalities are not entirely negative and may have some advantages as well as consequences, such as without it there would be no social hierarchy. The focus of this essay refers to the consequences of income and wealth inequalities, both on a social and an individual level. This essay will approach the topic by starting to reflect on key theories of wealth inequalities and then proceed to discuss the consequences these inequalities cause. It will then conclude by suggesting reasons such inequalities exist and why they may or may not be important to the functioning of society. It is an important topic of sociological discussion as it allows individuals to learn about the ways in which society is divided; primarily in this case, through wealth. Income and wealth refer to the amount of capital one possesses through earning a wage or being entitled to benefits provided by the welfare state. Inequality refers to the disadvantages that individuals are
  • 50. College Dropout Rates In America Did you know, that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 65.9% of students in America who graduate high school attend college? Major evidence also reports that this may be due to financial problems. I believe that college tuition prices should be lowered because they are already way too high, college dropoutrates are linked to financial problems, and the attendance rates are also suffering due to finances. First of all, the cost to receive a higher educationis very expensive. The ACS 1 Year survey shows that the median family income for California in 2014, was $71,015. For our purposes, we shall use the Universityof California at Los Angeles, as it is the most applied to university in all of America. According to,... Show more content on ... Colleges, of course, can always host events or fundraisers. If lowering tuition becomes too much to handle, colleges can always just provide extra financial aid for those who need it. As you can see, I believe that college tuition costs should be lowered because they are just simply too expensive, and they even affect their dropout and attendance rates in a negative way, all because the cost to enroll in a higher education is too
  • 51. Essay about BSBWRT401A Assessment 1 Full NameWorked Copy BSBWRT401A Write complex documents Assessment 1. SECTION 1: PLAN DOCUMENTS Activity 1: Determine the purpose of documents Scenario You work for a financial planning organisation that manages thousands of client s portfolios and accounts. Recently there have been several changes in the industry that only affects clients who have share portfolios. For some clients, the changes will have a negative effect on their investments and for other clients, this will mean that they will be receiving good news. You have been asked to write a document to all clients that asks them to attend an information session regarding the changes that will affect their share portfolio performance. 1. Describe the purpose of this document. (For example, is it ... Show more content on ... In preparing the bi annual sales figures report, what would be the most logical way to present the dataand information? It would be best to use a diagram to compare the figures quickly and easily. I would order the information in lists with the most sales at the top and the least at the bottom. To help the readers understand the report I would use pie charts for each period with the different sales segments in corresponding colours. Activity 4: Develop overview of structure and contents of documents 1. How you can develop an overview of the structure and content of the document. I would brain storm. Research relevant industry codes and practices. If I was using a team I would make an action plan to delegate different tasks to team members with a time line and dates for completion. Look at who the audience is (who is the document for ?) What is the purpose of the document? How to convey the information most effectively to the audience. 2.Why do documents need to be structured? To be more clear and easy to read. To keep interest of the reader. To present the information in a logical order. SECTION 2: DRAFT TEXT
  • 52. Activity 5: Review and organise available data, information and knowledge according to proposed structure and content 1. When communicating, messages must be appropriate to the needs of the audience, the subject andthe
  • 53. The Beat Movement And Kerouac s On The Road The beat movement is expressed the social and literary nonconformity of artists, poets, and writers. The word beat originally meant weary but came to refer as well to a musical beat. Followers of this movement, called beats or beatniks, lived nonconformist lives. They tended to shun regular work and sought a higher consciousness through Zen Buddhism, music, and, sometimes, drugs. Works that capture the essence of this era include Allen Ginsbergs long, free verse poem, Howl, published in 1956, and Jack Kerouacs novel of the movement, On the Road, published in 1957. Alan Freed s listeners responded enthusiastically, and Freed began promoting the new music that grew out of rhythm and blues and country and pop. He called the music rock n roll. In the early and mid 1950s, Richard Penniman, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley and His Comets, and especially Elvis Presley brought rock n roll to a frantic pitch of popularity among the newly affluent teens who bought their records. Elvis Presley, the unofficial King of Rock n Roll, first developed his musical style by singing in church and listening to gospel, country, and blues music on the radio in Memphis, Tennessee. Not surprisingly, many... Show more content on ... One proposed solution to the housing problem in inner cities was urban renewal. The National Housing Act of 1949 was passed to provide a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family. This act called for tearing down rundown neighborhoods and constructing low income housing. Later, the nation s leaders would create a new cabinet position, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to aid in improving conditions in the inner city. Although dilapidated areas were razed, parking lots, shopping centers, highways, parks, and factories were constructed on some of the cleared land, and there was seldom enough new housing built to accommodate all the displaced
  • 54. The Ministry Of Jesus Changed Society, Religion, And The... The ministry of Jesus changed society, religion, and the world forever. During his short ministry, Jesus had a clear task, teach and preach the Kingdom of God on earth. Within this kingdom, a higher standard of living was preached; sickness was outlawed, needs were supplied, demoniacs were set free, and religion was superseded by love. To accomplish this mission, Jesusselected a few good men and turned them into disciples. They would be the ones, after his ascension, that would carry the torch and preach the good news to the ends of the earth. Centuries later, we have the written messages, teachings, preachings, and instructions of Jesus thanks to some of these men. Amongst them, John, a disciple of Jesus who is assumed to be the author of one of the four Gospels. Many Bible scholars and Christians conceive John as the gospel of love; moreover, he specifically exemplifies in the passage of the true vine (John 15: 1 17) the love between the Father and Jesus and Jesus and believers. In John 15:1 Jesus depicts himself as the true vine, the Father as the vinedresser, and Christians as the branches. Dr. W Hall Harris III, a professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, explains that this excerpt represents new imagery which differs significantly from OT concepts; it appears to be original with Jesus. However, in the old testament there a few references to Israel as the vineyard of the Lord (Gospel of John). Jesus is showing a new way to the father, who
  • 55. The Legacy Of Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan California proved divided on state political issues in 1964. The state needed a Republican candidate with an inspirational personality that could humanize conservatism within the state. Ronald Reagan fit the criteria (DeGroot, 1997). Reagan a former actor, and president of the Screen Actors Guild was not a politician by Washington standards. However, Reagan had been on the campaign trail with Barry Goldwater, delivering inspirational speeches at various campaign stops. Reagans speeches captivated the audience, speaking in terms the audience understood, exuding a sincerity on the issues he spoke of. Visual aides, like the television are a wonderful tool, and Reagan used this to his advantage. The television, gave Reagan ... Show more content on ... The most distinguishing factor about Ronald Reagan, he was a conservative with a charming personality, who spoke passionately against communism, Americas economy, and making America great again. Reagan had a way of speaking to colleagues that made them feel as if he belonged with them, understood them. His calm demeanor exuded an aura that commanded respect, showed his strength and compassion to do what was right. Reagan brought renewed hope not only to Americans, but to the world over. Reagan s Economic Policy Ronald Reagan s message and vision for the future of America was clear. Cut taxes and make Americas economy great again. Increases in unemployment, taxes, and inflation during Jimmy Carters presidency, would require immediate action. President Reagans stance on the economy attributed to him winning the election. Enthusiastically, Reagan immediately began working on the economy by reducing government spending, controlling money to curb inflation, and economic deregulation (Fox, 2008). Through Reagans policies, the United States began to emerge from the stronghold of the 1970 s. Taking the direction towards economic freedom. Reagan fought and won the battle to the White House. Energetic, humorous, witty, but above all intellectual. It was his intellect that appealed to the American electorates. Reagan spoke to them about his vision for the United States, how he would accomplish tasks before him. He believed
  • 56. Nonverbal Communication in Politics Nonverbal Communication in Politics The 2012 presidential election finally reached its conclusion late Tuesday night on November 6th, as the incumbent Barack Obama won a second term in the White House over the challenger Mitt Romney. The election, with its reputation as the most expensive presidential race in history, attracted wide attentions not only from the United States but also from many other countries around the globe (Confessore McGinty, 2012). The election was also noted with a numerous number of debates and discussions in both online and offline about the two candidates policies and pledges on every level. However, while a lot of attention was paid to the candidates verbally expressed speeches and pledges, the candidates ... Show more content on ... Physical Appearance The first form of nonverbal communication that plays a significant role in influencing the voting behavior is the physical appearance of candidates. The analytical study by Olivola and Todorov (2010) states that today s politics have become so extremely intricate and incomprehensible that it is almost impossible for voters to genuinely agree to every aspect of the candidates views. For instance, it is highly conceivable for voters to agree on international and security issues with one candidate and agree on economic issues with the other candidate at the same time. Hence, the number of the voters who are unfamiliar with the intricacies of political issues and unmotivated to study candidates policy as a criterion for making their choice has increased (Olivola Todorov, 2010). In addition, according to Olivola and Todorov (2010), the field of cognitive psychology indicates that people s minds tend to simplify decision making process by relying on simple rules when they are confronted with too much information. As a result, instead of behaving as rational actors and voting reasonably as they are believed to do so, voters are hugely influenced by and unconsciously opt for irrelevant cues, which in this case, the candidates physical appearance. Furthermore, Olivola and Todorov (2010) state that voters actually infer politicians personality traits and form impressions on politicians based on their physical appearance