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The Worst Day Of My Life Essay
4:30 am, my alarm wakes me from dreams of home. I m confused, Where am I? , I asked myself.
Then I remembered, I m at the Naval Academy, Bancroft hall to be more specific. Another day,
Another dollar , I reluctantly said for the seventh and final time. My bunkmate heard my alarm and
woke with a similar reaction. You know what today is right? , he said to me in an uneasy voice. Yeah,
today s wet and sandy, the so called worst day of your life. Or so I m told. , I replied. You know there s
a reason they have wet and sandy for the final day , my bunkmate said. If they had wet and sandy on
the first day, everybody would just go home early, but since today s the last day, you get to leave
directly after he stated. It s like ... Show more content on ...
About 1 mile into the disgustingly difficult task it began to rain, hard. As I crawled ever forward
behind my squad members who were running, the pouring rain filled the dirt path with mud. Now I
was essentially swimming in a foot of mud, and the only thing that came to my mind is Don t give up .
Every ten feet or so I would look ahead and mark a tree in the distance and say to myself just get to
that tree, if you get to that tree then everything will be alright My method of pushing forward got me
to the hospital point beach, While I was completely exhausted, my squad members were fine because
they got to run on two feet, I had to run on four. The workout, appropriately titled Wet and Sandy was
set to begin. Okay, now that everybody is here run into the Chesapeake Bay and cover yourself with as
much sand as possible. Then come back to hospital point, you have 30 seconds. Go . The entire squad
bolted for the sea and began to cover themselves with sand. As quickly as possible we threw sand all
over our bodies, fully clothed mind you, and ran back to hospital point. 33 seconds the two seals stated
with a smile on their faces. You didn t make the time, so know your gonna do the exact same thing
until we say stop, they said. For the next 25 minutes, we continuously ran into the Chesapeake Bay,
covered ourselves sand and sprinted back to hospital point. All along the way, I would look in the
distance, mark a spot on the ground and say just get to that
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Early American Artist Benjamin West
And I looked and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with
him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with
hunger and with death, and with beast of the earth. [Rev. 6:8] Early American artist Benjamin West,
details his conception of the scripture in his smaller study Death on the Pale Horse, in which the Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse Death, War, Famine and Pestilence waste the earth. Considered in his
earlier works as a Neoclassical painter, his later works began to shift in the new direction of
Romanticism. This transition of art was meant to evoke an emotion within the viewer. Recalling the
eighteenth century aesthetic values of Edmund ... Show more content on ...
Format, Proportion and Scale: Death on the Pale White Horse, created in the year 1817 is painted
horizontally through the application of oil on canvas.The dimensions 176 inches x 301 inches. that
correspond to the scale of the figures within the painting come across disproportional and are
somewhat misleading to that of the overall height and width of the piece. However, undisturbed by
the edges of the canvas, the centralized pyramid shape : formed by the figures in conjunction to those
figures within the foreground and the background, is not only placed harmoniously but sporadically
together to begin the process of guiding the viewers eyes across the canvas.
From what can be understood by the viewer, West has created the piece with a head on perspective.
Through the use of many imaginative sharp diagonal lines, that can be drawn from either the more
centralized figures whose hand rest atop his head and back is turned toward the viewer or the figure
from the far left corner who learns at an angle and holds a spear across his body, towards the very last
beast that is placed near the far upper right corner, West is able to create space and distance. The
pyramidal construction of figures, foreshortening, and atmospheric perspective also work collectively
to draw the viewer into the painting more closely.
Three Dimensional Aspects and Composition: Benjamin West, was considered the first
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Analysis Of Yo-Yo Ma And Ethan Watters
It is okay to have a different view of knowledge. It is also okay to think one subject should be taught
more then another subject. In Yo Yo Ma and Ethan Watters essays, they both talked about different
subjects they feel should be taught more heavily in our school systems. While Ma focused more on the
arts and music, Watters focused on the science portion of education. Both had different views and
reasons they felt their subject should be taught more. Neither are wrong and they both viewed their
subjects well. Well I think both are equally valuable, some feel more science should be taught heavier,
while others agree with Ma and think art should be heavier taught. The arts for Ma was the focus of
his Essay. Antonio Damasio, a ... Show more content on ...
Empathy is a huge factor in the arts. Not only do they teach us that there is something bigger that
connects each of us but also it can help us engage instead of avoiding. Yo Yo Ma claims Empathy is
your capacity to imagine what someone else is going through; what they are thinking, feeling, and
perceiving (259). Ma feels that empathetical thinking is missing in education today. I feel that
although STEM is working well in school systems so far, I also think that schools are pushing STEM
too heavy. 10 years ago, the arts were a bigger deal in schools. More kids were involved in band,
choir, and even musicals. Now a day I think that kids think they are too cool to be involved in the arts
because they feel that they will get made fun of or they won t have as many friends. I believe that the
arts can help students stimulate brain activity and help children do better in school. The arts can be
more than just music, it is also just art itself which helps promote creativity. Watters essays starts off
with a study done by Henrich that looks at isolated cultures and how they relate to the west for some
basic instincts on fairness. Henrich believed he would find that all humans share the same cognitive
machinery. While doing his experiment, the ultimatum game, Henrich found that Americans were
more likely to split the amount of money 50/50. In other countries such as Machiguenga, offers were
much lower but still they would not be
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The Importance Of Healthy Eating Habits
Good nutrition is a fundamental part of a person s health (Corbin et al., 2016). Healthy eating habits
can reduce risks of disease and support healthy body composition. Eating a diet rich in nutrient dense
foods combined with a regular moderate exercise routine also reduces overall body fat. Poor eating
habits have been linked to four of the seven leading causes of death in the United States. It is
imperative to implement healthy choices and teach our children healthy eating habits so that we can
improve the overall health of families. There are tools available to help people to eat better and to
change to a healthier lifestyle. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has published in
depth informational literature on the best eating habits for Americans called the Dietary Guidelines for
Americans. Their website also provides a number of tools to help Americans make healthy decisions
and track their eating habits. Over the years I have not always made the healthiest dietary choices.
Over the last few years I have made several attempts at eating healthier including Beach Body s 21
Day Fix Diet and the Mediterranean Diet. I was not successful with either of these. Recently I have
started focusing on making more balanced meals that include a protein, a starch, and a vegetable. After
reading through the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, I see that I still have some work to do.
The USDA suggests that a variety of vegetables be consumed, with emphasis
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Freedom Vs Freedom Essay
In class it was discussed if people were not afraid of getting a bad grade they would not study or come
to class. I believe this is true. Without this fear, people would take classes and never study or learn
anything. If we took away the tickets for speeding was also discussed in class. If they were to
disappear people would drive however they wanted without any regard to others. The roads would not
be safe for people. This is another example of why we need this fear of consequence. I never thought
about grade and studying and respecting the street signs were a fear until it was talked about in class. I
just thought about it as rules to follow so we could avoid disaster. Because, of this discussion I began
to think about if we are a fear ... Show more content on ...
This creates what we call classism and racism. That in turn creates even more fear and division in the
group. With these smaller groups, it is easy to keep power and continue a fear based society. The
biggest example is after 9 11 when the American government created an enemy with the Muslims.
They labeled them all as terrorists because they wanted to invade the Middle East for oil. This was one
of the only ways to get the people to fall in line and label an entire group of people as something they
are not. Just because a small amount of people who were members of the religion doesn t make the
entire following bad. Those people created a fear for people to not wish to go out of their houses, and
if they saw someone covering their head, they would be afraid of a bomb. Many people started to hide
what should have been freedom to practice as they pleased, keeping people doing exactly what is
expected. Should the state really take charge of this freedom? We may think that our current society is
liberticidal, in the sense that it replaces our consciousness. It embodies freedom, while we must not
forget that man is endowed with free will. That means man as a whole is capable of doing the
absolutely worse things to others and is very able to impede upon someone else s freedom. But on the
other hand, without the few or what was once called the ruling class of society, we would have
anarchy as society, which we
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American Empire Vs Ottoman Empire
We have lost control of most of the land that used to make up the Ottoman Empire, our Empire is
falling apart; all we want to do is to keep what land we have for as long as we can. We have also spent
a great amount of money during the war and just want a chance to recover and stabilize. We, the
Ottoman Empire, prefer to end colonization, if the colonies of the European countries were to become
independent we could possibly make alliances with them to expand our influence. We favor this idea
because we believe we can become friends with these small countries and we then can benefit and
help each other. Also, we have less to fear from a Europe of small countries than a Europe of large
states. Although this would not bring back our Empire, it
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Common Core State Standards Initiative
Common Core: To Be or Not to Be Politics and education have been intertwined since the
establishment of public education in the United States. In other words, it is a well known fact that
public education is an extension of our political system. This has never been more apparent to the
public than over the last three decades, beginning in 1983 with A Nation at Risk which is considered a
significant event in modern American educational history. For the last few years, it has been the
controversial topic of the Common Core State Standards Initiative in the headlines. One can hardly
turn on the news or read a newspaper or web site without hearing something about Common Core
State Standards (CCCS). People either seem to be adamantly for or against the standards. Educational
reform and educational standards are not new and date back much further than many people realize.
Furthermore, if the public understood what the standards actually encompass, there may be more
support for Common Core State Standards. However, the public is being inundated with a multitude of
reasons why states should not adopt Common Core by making it a political issue in order to gain
votes. Regardless of what standards are adopted, common standards in education should be
implemented in the United States to prepare students for college and career in order to compete and
succeed in a global economy.
Since its inception, public education has continually focused on improving schooling in the United
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Genetic Research And Its Effects On The Human Bodies
Abstract This study helps us to understand what we need to know about companies owning specific
portions of DNA sequences that exist in our own human bodies. The basis of genetic research and the
idea of owning a gene were brought to light over 150 years ago when the Supreme Court ruled that
you could not own human nature, but over time the advancement of scientific research and technology
made genetic research and its findings more accessible. Genetic researchers were able to find genes
that can help cure disease and could identify cancerous genes in humans. With companies being able
to find these genes, they wanted to have chance to make money off of them; from tests for being
applicable to cancer, disease, or any other medical problem. This became an issue because of how
there are only few companies that you can go through for the test of that specific gene; they are a
monopoly. Since the late 1990 s, people have begun to protest the right to own a gene in a human
body and are wanting the companies to forfeit their rights of the ownership. This creates tensions
because of the abundant amount of money associated with the gene. This makes the company come
off as a negative aspect toward the next step in scientific discoveries. This study concludes that it is in
the best interest of humans to make companies that own genes go to the Supreme Court in order to
fight to protect ourselves against genetic monopolies, and to further develop scientific and
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AAnalysis On The Stripe Hog
Waterblasting Technologies manufactures the Stripe Hog Waterblasting System to remove all types of
durable pavement markings from roadways and runways and rubber deposits left from aircraft
landings. The business began in 1988 and the Stripe Hog has been available to the public since 2005
and is now in 50 countries with more units working around the world than our top five competitors
combined. The fact that the founder, James Crocker, has been a waterblasting contractor since 1988
has allowed Waterblasting Technologies to have a laboratory where new innovations reckon with the
real time results of every day rugged use. The Stripe Hog was the first to have vacuum recovery as a
standard feature, the first to have the entire ... Show more content on ...
Simultaneous removal of parallel markings with the double blasting heads in the side by side
Rapid removal of single, continuous lines with the double blasting heads in the tandem configuration.
Cleaning and rejuvenation of the retro reflectivity of thermoplastic and cold plastic markings.
Simultaneous vacuum recovery allows of application of new markings in 20 minutes
OPERATIONS Waterblasting Technologies has the following technology unique to them and the
Up to a 6 foot (1.83m) pass for runway rubber removal
Variety of spray bars available to meet removal and cleaning needs.
OPERATOR LICENSING PROGRAM  If you don t pass, you don t blast. Extensive training and
continuing education programs that allows Stripe Hog owners to measure the productivity of their
 Licensing gives owners peace of mind that comes with knowing the right person is operating the
machine in the right way.
 Only licensing program in the industry.
 Maximize productivity with properly trained operators.
Longer run time.
Less work stoppage so airports can stay within their critical window of opportunity.
Gives airport the ability to remove markings and clean under jetway
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Process Essay About Becoming Dorothy Gale
The process to becoming a new character is one that many people do not get the chance to experience.
It starts with the makeup, applied in a dimly lit dressing room, surrounded by other actors in the same
position. Foundation put on so heavily that the face resembles a just painted wall and lips stained for
weeks after the final performance. Mascara applied thinly at first. Then, darker and darker so that the
people in the back can tell that your eyelashes are there. And in one swift motion, much like the act of
painting, a dollop of crimson red lines the cheekbone in a grand finale. The makeup is what makes
you appear different. It keeps the illusion alive. Becoming Dorothy Gale (from Kansas) was a simple
process, considering my ... Show more content on ...
I chuckle under my breath at the absurdity of me still having stage fright after all this time. My heart
hums to the sound of the audience s murmur and I sing under my breath, looking for the pitch to
Somewhere over the Rainbow when, suddenly, in what seemed like slow motion, the beat is heard and
I walk on stage, no longer myself. Reciting the lines is just the beginning of acting the part. The
emotion conveyed brings the character to life. Dorothy was not just a girl in a movie or a book. She
was living, breathing, growing. She was me, and I was her. This is how theatre was meant to work. As
the performance ended, the reality of what I was losing became very clear to me. I said my last line,
stood in my last position, and bowed together with the wonderful cast I got to share my journey with.
The lights dimmed, the music played in conclusion, and the curtains closed slowly, signifying the end
of a star performance. Once the black curtains hit each other, in a final round of applause, the cast
scattered in joy towards the meet and greet. All the while, hugs and congratulations were dealt out like
a hand of cards.
The happiness those around me felt was not reciprocated by, a now lonely, me. In one instant, I had
lost a part of myself that had grown in the last few months. Once the production ended, I realized that
Dorothy was gone. We were no longer each other. I sat in silence, mourning the loss of a dear friend,
before turning into the hallway to pretend one last
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of MATLAB
The name MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory. MATLAB is a high performance language for
technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy to use
environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. Typical
uses include:
Math and computation
Algorithm development
Modelling, simulation, and prototyping
Data analysis, exploration, and visualization
Scientific and engineering graphics
Application development, including Graphical User Interface building
MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic data element is an array that does not require
dimensioning. This allows you to solve many technical computing problems, especially those with
matrix and vector formulations, ... Show more content on ...
Three principal elements required to create a MATLAB Graphical User Interface. The elements are
components, figures, callbacks.
1. Components
Each item on a GUI is a graphical component. The types of components include graphical controls
(pushbuttons, radio buttons, edit boxes, lists, sliders, etc.), static elements (frames and text strings),
menus, and axes. Graphical controls and static elements are created by the functions and axes are used
to display graphical data which is created by the function axes.
2. Figures
The components of a GUI must be arranged within a figure, which is a window on the computer
3. Callbacks
Finally, there must be some way to perform an action if a user clicks on a button. A mouse click or a
key press is an event, and the MATLAB program must respond to each event if the program is to
perform its function. The code executed in response to an event is known as a call back. There must be
a callback to implement the function of each graphical component on the
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Nt1330 Unit 4.3 Assignment 1
4.4.3. Important Criteria Compatibility The compared authoring tools supports different browsers such
as Internet Explorer, Chrome, FireFox 4.0 for Windows, and Google Chrome or Apple Safari for Mac,
and all users with different network connections can use all their services. Moreover they all support
different operation systems; for example, both Lectora and Easygenerator support Microsoft Windows
XP, Vista, 7; Lectora support Microsoft Windows 8 as a plus. Captivate is certified for Microsoft
Windows 7, 8 and 8.1., and Mac OS too. They are all compatible with mobiles and smartphones or in
other words mobile friendly . Maintainability Security Management The data in all compared tools is
securely stored and is backed up automatically. Easygenerator back up your data every day, Captivate
creates a backup file for your project when you save it, and Lectora will automatically create a backup
copy of the original AWT file. Users sensitive information like passwords is encrypted in all compared
tools. Easygenerator guarantees a secure access and prevents unauthorized persons from accessing
your account and content. A number of security improvements were made in Lectora, specifically as it
relates to the resetting and distribution of user passwords. Users are the ones demanding and pushing
for the ... Show more content on ...
On the left of each page within the course the comments button is available to open the Comments
pop up, where a reviewer can add, edit or delete comments per page as long as they are not yet being
processed by course. Lectora is working with the Facebook Comments widget, so instructors can add
the Facebook Comments button so Facebook users can send comments about the course to their
Facebook wall. Moreover, instructors can publish their courses to ReviewLink where you can share
and collect feedback from reviewers and other team
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Ready to Eat Food Industry
In today s competitive world the practical study forms an important part in each and every
professional course. The MBA is a course in which the theoretical knowledge is backed by the
practical study. That study is in the form of different projects which are undertaken during the MBA
course. Here we have done a project on a READY TO EAT FOOD INDUSTRY as a part of
MARKETING RESEARCH INFORMATION SYSTEM course. The current situation is made known
to the students when they undertake the project. The project gives better insides into the application
part of the theory. The companies in an industry and their operations can be better known by the
students when they analyse the data, and prepare the project.
This project is on ... Show more content on ...
He wants value for his money in terms of quality and variety. No wonder, multi cuisine restaurants are
mushrooming even in small towns. Italian, Mexican, Lebanese, Japanese, Cajun the list is growing.
Corroborating this trend, Euromonitor International, a market research company, says the amount of
money Indians spend on meals outside the home has more than doubled in the past decade, to about
US$5 billion a year, and is expected to double again in about half that time.
Another interesting trend noticed in consumer patterns is the growth of branded products. The branded
food market is on a roll. It grew over 5 per cent in 2004, according to the latest ACNielsen Global
Services report on global trends in food and beverages.
That makes food an attractive proposition for investors. Savvy companies have pumped in more than
Rs 60,000 crore (US$13.78 billion) in new food and farm businesses in 2004. According to industry
estimates, 321 private sector projects worth Rs 60,360 crore (US$13.86 billion) were announced in
2004 compared to 89 with an investment of Rs 2,130 crore (US$489.3 million) in 2003.
The popularity of food and agro products is not surprising when the sector is now offering a growth of
more than 150 per cent in sales. With such promise in the sector, a number of foreign companies have
joined the fray.
While US brands such as McDonald s, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken have become
household names, more are
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Pos-335 Individual Assignment File Management Paper
The task of implementing a protection scheme that will provide controlled access to specific files in a
system is not only an important but also a necessary task to ensure that the integrity as well as the
availability of that file is maintained throughout. This paper is designed to put into perspective a
protection scheme to facilitate the scenario where a system has 5000 user and 4990 of those users will
need to have access to a particular file within the system. It will also provide clarity on Access control
list (ACL s) their roles as well as the different flavors available. It will also try to prove that proper
implementation and utilizations of groups within a security scheme provides not only organization and
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Access control list provides greater control over file permissions which traditional UNIX files
permissions falls short.
Creating and assigning users to groups in a protection scheme is not only a recommendation but also a
standard for control all modern operating system. Users and machines alike can be assigned to groups
and that group is then placed on ACLs as if they are individual users. Every group member inherits all
the permissions granted to that group on the ACL. This assignment of users and machines to groups
will solve many problems when addressing security issues, one such issue would be the assignment of
permissions to massive number of people rather than individually
Groups permissions are managed by the ACL that grants the user the permissions assigned by the ACL
to take actions on objects. These permissions can be assigned fixed actions for a given group. For
example, a User in the Accounts group could only submit, manage and view data pertaining to the
accounts department. Someone in the Sales group also would only be able to view customer
information, add or remove products or services from the customer account, etc. Permissions also can
be set where there is an all or nothing, parameter where a member of a group manages files across
multiple ACLs. For example the HR group can manage files associated with all employees from every
department. Actions and permissions assigned
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Analysis Of Gulliver s Travels
Cameron Aiello
Professor Lund
Final Paper
14 May 2017
Throughout all of Jonathan Swift s writings there are many commonalities. One in particular that
stands out is the use of satire throughout both Gulliver s Travels , which tells the story of a series of
voyages of Lemuel Gulliver s published in 1726, and A Modest Proposal , where Swift uses the idea
of cannibalism to captivate his audience as well as focus on society s problems. Throughout Swift s
life, politics and religion had a huge impact on him and more importantly, his writing. Many of the
satires that Swift uses in his works have to do with politics and the changing ways of the Catholic
church in the 1800 s.
A Modest Proposal written in 1729, was a satire written to ... Show more content on ...
Swift is using this quotation to show that he cares about the poor and struggling people and he really
wants to help them. This is also a different type of writing from Swift, who usually is always
criticizing someone rather than showing empathy for them. But since Swift disagrees with the English
so much, he chooses to write about it and make those with wealth and power look evil and selfish.
Swift who chose not to make it known he was writing this satire, continues to bash England on page
509 by saying, I fortunately fell upon this proposal; which, as it is wholly new, so it hath something
solid and real, of no expence, and little trouble, full in our own power; and whereby we can incur no
danger in disobliging England: for this kind of commodity will not bear exportation; the flesh being of
too tender a consistence, to admit a long continuance in salt; although, perhaps, I could name a
country, which would be glad to eat up our whole nation without it . Here, once again Swift shows that
England has no problem with the Irish starving and not being able to survive or make money as long
as the rich and powerful are facing no hardships. Also by using the words eat up he is going back to
the idea of cannibalism, not by the poor but by the wealthy who are taking what is left of the the other
nations to become more powerful and to gain more
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Iraq Synthesis Essay
Our organization Nature Iraq does really important work to support the Mesopotamian Marshlands.
Our work has changed the environment for the better. For thousands of years, the marshlands
influenced the culture by Giving them a flooded marsh that has animals to hunt like fish for food.
Also, the marshes provide the culture with fresh water and trading goods that the culture makes. There
are reeds in the marshes that the people use to make houses and blankets so houses don t get cold.
Also, the reeds are used to feed their buffalo and make food. Many people in the marshlands will use
boats to get the reeds so they can transport the reeds to people who need them.They also can transport
people who don t have The culture likes to fish and hunt animals for food, they use boats to catch the
fish so they don t have to stand next to the tall grass while fishing. The ... Show more content on ...
He did that by putting big huge canals next to the marshlands and draining out all of the water to
dump it into the Persian Gulf. His plan worked because his plan was to make the reeds go away, the
animals, the food, and also the people. The plan was amazing architecture work that probably no one
would have thought of. He also attacked the marshland with big weapons like the holocausts by
destroying the people of the marshlands homes, and forcing the people leave because they don t have
any homes. So after all of that the marsh land were completely destroyed except for a very small part
of the marshlands, Which changed the culture because the marshes were almost like a desert and there
was no animals, plants, and water. So the marshlands went to 6,000 acres to 10% of that. Many of the
people were mad and sad because they didn t have their homes. And the culture didn t have their
animals, reeds, water, and homes so it was very desperate for the people of the
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The Wife s Lament And The Seafarer
In the Anglo Saxon epic poems The Wife s Lament, The Wanderer, and The Seafarer, the authors
make their poetry much more interesting and enjoyable by inserting literary devices that add meaning
and cohesiveness to each line. Each poem contains multiple literary devices such as kennings,
caesuras, and imagery. These tools work together in order to add mood and transparency to the poetry.
The Wife s Lament, translated by Ann Standford, uses numerous literary devices to convey the pain
and emotion of an exiled wife. The author of the poem uses a metaphor to compare the cave the wife
has moved into to an empty hall, under an oak tree in this den in the earth. / Ancient this earth hall.
(Stanford 28 9). Comparing the cave to an empty hall shows the loneliness and isolation the
abandoned wife is feeling. Another device used by the author in The Wife s Lament is juxtaposition.
In lines 42 43, the author writes, May that young man be sad minded always / hard his heart s thought
(Stanford). This transition from the wife to her ... Show more content on ...
In the lines 8 9, the author of the poem uses a metaphor to compare icy bands to frozen chains. This
creates an image in the readers minds by suggesting that the ice around the sailor s feet is holding him
down as if it was a chain. The author continues creating a picture in the minds of readers when he uses
a kenning to create a new description for hail: Frost bound the earth and hail would fall, / The coldest
seeds (Raffel 33). This kenning serves to provide an alternate view and allude to the freezing weather
conditions the narrator faces. Next, the author of The Seafarer uses repetition with the word so in lines
40 41 and no in lines 44 45. This repetition exaggerates the seafarer s misery by making it seem like
he has wasted opportunity and failed to acquire anything of value in his
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When Someone Thinks Of Interrogation Techniques Their Mind
When someone thinks of interrogation techniques their mind gravitates towards the cliché good cop
bad cop routine. It is a classic calling card in stories and films alike where one cop intimidates the
suspect and another is sympathetic towards them. However, real life interrogations are of course more
complicated than they are portrayed in film. This paper will seek to learn more about the fundamental
techniques that detectives utilize in the real world to incriminate suspects.
The interrogation process is one of the most important phases of the justice system. It demands many
aspects such as, the investigation of crime, the apprehension of offenders, the restoration of order, and
the deterrence of future crime (Police Interrogation and ... Show more content on ...
The goal is to create a connection psychologically with the suspect. Therefore, the interrogator must
connect with them on a personal level, for instance, through engaging in small talk. Small talk helps to
push things forward as it contributes to the previously mentioned idea of creating an illusion. It is at
this time where the interrogator is engaging with the suspect in a friendly manner so that they feel
more comfortable, and the interrogator is viewed as nonthreatening. It is intended to put the suspect at
ease (Police Interrogation and American Justice) and thus make the interrogator more relatable. The
second step is to acknowledge their rights; Miranda Waiver. Detectives are legally bound to inform the
suspect of the Miranda Waiver; the right to remain silent and that anything they say or do can be used
against them in court. If by any chance a detective forgets to do this, any statements cannot be used
against him and are excluded from evidence at trial (Police Interrogation and American Justice). At
this stage the best outcome for the interrogator is for the suspect to waive their rights for a lawyer, that
way they do not have to deal with a lawyer. The third stage is when the interrogation process actually
happens. During this process the detective is no longer asking questions but instead accusing the
suspect of the crime committed. The idea here is to convince the suspect that they have evidence
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Enron And Enron Of Enron
During the Enron debacle, it was workers who took the pounding, not bankers. Not only did Enron
employees lose their jobs, many lost their retirement savings. That s because they were at the bottom
of the investing food chain. In July of 1985, Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth, to create
Enron, and Kenneth Lay became CEO the following year. In 1989, Enron began trading natural gas
commodities. In 1997, Andrew Fastow devised the first steps to hide debts and inflate profits and one
year later, he was named the CFO of Enron. In the year 2000, shares of Enron reached a peak of $90.
Enron claimed $101 billion in revenues, and as a direct result of this, became the sixth largest energy
company in the world. After all of these rapid ... Show more content on ...
During the West Coast power crisis, homes went dark and street lights were out in California, causing
injuries and accidents. But the danger didn t stop Enron s energy traders from having a good laugh.
Newly released evidence shows that years before the crisis, Enron schemed to manipulate markets.
The new tapes routinely recorded by Enron to protect their own deals, and later obtained by
Snohomish County Public Utility District Number 1, confirmed what had been constantly reported for
four years. Enron secretly shut down power plants so they could cause, and then cash in on, the crisis.
Power plant operators were coached on how to lie to officials. Enron also pulled power out of states
like California, causing emergency conditions to worsen. The shut downs and pull outs triggered sky
high power prices and when states complained, the traders instructed the states to leave them alone,
and let them make a little bit of money. When the schemes began to unravel, employees blamed the
men running Enron. Mark to market accounting was introduced by former Enron President and CEO,
Jeff Skilling. This allowed Enron to book potential future profits on the very day the deal was signed,
even if some states had yet to deregulate their power markets. No matter how little cash actually came
in the door, to the outside world, Enron s profits could be whatever Enron said they were. Enron s
former CFO, Andrew Fastow, had his eye on John Olson, one
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Dollar General
Dollar General (DG): Brand of Choice for Low Income Households / Dollar General (DG) and the
Bifurcation of American Households Low end retailers serve an important function in American
society. Having been around for as long as people have lived in cities, low end retailers provide an
affordable option for cash strapped consumers looking to make ends meet. Today, low end retail is a
highly competitive, multi billion dollar industry that is serving the needs of low income households
across the United States. Dollar General (DG) is America s largest low end retailer. Founded in 1939
and headquartered in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, Dollar General operates over 11,000 stores in 40 US
states. The company tends to serve smaller communities where ... Show more content on ...
The company s size has given it numerous competitive advantages, including the ability to offer a
large selection of name brand and off brand goods. The company will play a bigger role in the
discount market, as it expands into new territory and adds to its existing in store selection. America s
economic recovery has generated mixed signals. On the one hand, US employers have added an
average of 230,000 jobs per month in 2014, as the unemployment rate has fallen to a more than six
year low. On the other hand, overall wage growth has run stagnant and workforce participation is at
multi decade lows. This likely means demand for discount goods will remain steady for the
foreseeable future as the economy returns to full capacity. The company s ambitious plans for
expansion reflect its good standing and high growth potential. Earlier this year Dollar General
announced plans to expand into three new US states. Expanding its operations into Rhode Island,
Maine and Oregon would give the company presence in 43 states.
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Coverage Bias Report
A survey reported by the Pew Research Center, a so called fact tank , said that 77 percent of the
surveyed that they have less confidence in the media because of reliability and bias. The other 33
percent could have been unaware of bias in their regularly visited news (or could they could be
confident in the way they find news). Varying forms of bias affect susceptible audiences more than
aware readers.
As one of the most used forms of bias, coverage or confirmation bias is used all over the news.
Coverage bias is used in online news articles, talk shows, TV, and in conversation. Coverage bias, as a
main form of bias, can be easy to make and The host of the show, Jake Barlow, controls who, the
callers, says what and what they say. If the caller were to disagree with Jake, he would speak over
them not letting them speak or hang up before they could voice their opinion (Avi 138). The results of
the Jake Barlow argument sided with Philip because he could control what was argued on his show. ...
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Jake Barlow s thought of New Hampshire on his show: Jake Barlow explains that he thinks that not
allowing someone to express patriotism was unreasonable (and somewhat ironic) by mentioning that
their license plates read Live free or die. (Avi 128) Jake Barlow uses irony to relate to his audience
more which helps the audience . Conflicting Bias in News Coverage: Words such as contest or
competition can be viewed by an audience by thinking of conflict.(Conners, 1) Varying connotations
can be viewed as bias by readers that are not aware of the author s provided
interpretation(interpretation that is not biased) as a bias with them or against them. Words with other
types of synonyms can be interpreted differently. Description Bias in Media Coverage of Protest
Events: Organized public demonstrations deemed important have an idea or aim to attract mass media
for a
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The International Expansion Into Shanghai
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is commonly attributed with the idea that nothing is constant but
change (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2011). This is particularly true in business. If an
organization is not changing and evolving with the market then they are stagnating and falling behind.
In this exercise XYZ, Inc. is pursuing an international expansion into Shanghai, China followed by an
expansion into four other international markets a year later. I believe XYZ, Inc. should use the
Systems Contingency Model to launch the international expansion in Shanghai because this change
model is complex enough to incorporate all the environmental requirements and a good tool to
highlight how the different internal dimensions of the ... Show more content on ...
The second and most complex phase is the transformation phase. During transformation,
organizational leadership must follow through on the vision. This is where the hard work takes place
by creating, manufacturing, and finalizing the product before distribution (Weiss, 2012). Leadership
will need to adhere to the organization s vision and strategy while ensuring that employees have the
resources required to complete their assignments and respond to changing requirements in the new
environment. This includes secure supply lines and an anticipation of the foreign commercial
If leadership at XYZ, Inc. has done their job properly it will be reflected in the output phase. Success
will be shown at the organizational level by percentage of market share, product quality and
competitiveness. At the group level success will result in synergy, performance and effectiveness.
Finally, at the individual level success will find employee satisfaction, performance, and development
and growth (Weiss, 2012). That is to say that when everything is running as it should, when all
dimensions are in sync, the System contingency model shows success in short term change.
The long term, large scale change into the B.R.I.C. countries is more of a transformational change in
that it includes a shift in radically different markets that require a different strategy and skills (Weiss,
2012). Leadership must
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Kidney Function Lab Report
Human Kidney Function
Renee King
TA: Oliver
Biology 3U03
November 24, 2016
Treatment with water, caffeine, alcohol, and gatorade and the effects on urine output, pH, Na+
excretion, and solid excretion were tested at 30 minute intervals for 2 hours. It was found that urine
production for each treatment group increased after 30 minutes, increased further after 60 minutes,
and then began to decrease. Mean increases in urine production were only significant for Gatorade in
the first 90 minutes (an increase of 40% at 30 60 minutes, and a decrease of 73% at 60 90 minutes)
and for caffeine over 60 90min (a 48% decrease). The average pH for each treatment group became
more acidic by 90 120 minutes. Mean differences over each time ... Show more content on ...
Life sciences, 47(6), 557 564.
Epstein, M. (1997). Alcohol s impact on kidney function. Alcohol health and research world, 21,
84 Geethavani, G., Rameswarudu, M., Reddy, R. R. Effect of Caffeine on Serum and Urine
Electrolytes. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 234.
Guyton A.C., J.E. Hall. 2011. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12th Edition. Saunders,
Haller, C. A., Jacob, P., Benowitz, N. L. (2002). Pharmacology of ephedra alkaloids and caffeine after
single‐dose dietary supplement use. Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics, 71(6), 421 432.
Maughan, R. J., Owen, J. H., Shirreffs, S. M., Leiper, J. B. (1994). Post exercise rehydration in man:
effects of electrolyte addition to ingested fluids. European journal of applied physiology and
occupational physiology, 69(3), 209 215.
Surgenor, Stephen, and Ruth E. Uphold. Acute hyponatremia in ultra endurance athletes. The
American journal of emergency medicine 12.4 (1994): 441 444.
VanPutte, C., Regan, J. Russo, A., Seely, R., Stephens, T., Tate, P. 2014. Seely s Anatomy and
Physiology: 10th Edition. The McGraw Hill Companies, New
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Big Two Hearted River, Part I, By Ernest Hemingway
Success comes only to those who stand firm throughout the trials and tribulations the world has to
offer, as many people come to realize through the gaining of their personal life experience. In Big Two
Hearted River, Part I , Ernest Hemingway utilizes figurative language such as symbolism, imagery,
and metaphors in order to impart and emphasize the importance of one s determination to endure the
challenges of existence in relation to their overall prosperity. Readers are led to reflect on how
persevering through the negative experiences in one s life can ultimately lead to positive experiences,
as well as the role perseverance plays in the lifelong search for stability. According to Hemingway, the
only method of attaining true ... Show more content on ...
It is unclear whether or not they will stay that way permanently, but Nick has hope that they will
overcome their unfortunate situation; when he wonders how long they will be stained, Nick is
insinuating that there will eventually come a day, be it in weeks or years, that the grasshoppers will
return to their natural state. Hemingway uses this metaphor to parallel our perception of Nick himself.
The trauma Nick has endured throughout his life has impacted him as well as his identity significantly,
but there is hope and the promise of a better future if he is willing to withstand the burden in the
meantime. This sentiment is echoed by Nick when he lets go of the grasshopper, instructing it to fly
away somewhere (212). The message conveyed here is that life goes on; though the grasshoppers are
sullied by their experiences, as they might be for a while, there is a way for them to be free and thus,
there must be a way for Nick to be free as well. The rewards that follow in the wake of a negative or
traumatic event are earned by the mere fact that an individual was not willing to be swayed from their
path or to give up simply on the basis that it was difficult. Nick himself sums it up rather nicely when
he states that he s a right to eat this kind of stuff, if [he s] willing to carry it (215) referring to, of
course, his backpack full of food and supplies that he d been shouldering for
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What Is Marie De France s Lanval A New Model
Cora Orme
Medieval Literature
23 February 2015
Marie de France s Lanval : A New Model for Gender Roles in the Medieval Romance Genre
Historically, Medieval women had little agency or control over their lives. Parents arranged marriages
for political alliances and while the romantic compatibility of the engaged couple was almost never
considered, Medieval society often prioritized men s sexual preferences. Marie de France comments
on women s lack of agency and the unfulfilling nature of these marital alliances in her unconventional
lai, Lanval. Her curious inversion of power dynamics skews the traditional gender roles and reveals
flaws within the Medieval ideal of courtly romance. In particular, Marie de France s Fairy Queen
starkly ... Show more content on ...
In order to fully comprehend the subversive female subject, it is imperative to explore how Lanval s
failure to fit the romantic hero archetype renders him more conventionally feminine. Despite his noble
lineage and inherent bravery that aligns him with Medieval models of knighthood, the narrator places
more emphasis on Lanval s defects and insufficiencies. In particular, Lanval is so unmemorable that
King Arthur forgets to financially support Lanval:
Women and land / He shared out with generous hand / To all but one who d served. Lanval heOrme 2
forgot: no man helped his recall (Marie de France). Lanval s strong financial dependence on the king
(and later the Fairy Queen) liken him to an unmarried woman; he is reliant on powerful alliances for
monetary support and validation of status. In fact, Marie de France paints Lanval as quite pitiable and
without the capability to independently solve his hopeless situation. He is so morose that he
relinquishes his horse, his last financial asset and visible sign of status, to wander the forest and think
of his sad plight, He saw nothing to bring delight (Marie de France).
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Informative Speech On Deafhood
Hi, this is my pro tactile interpreter, (I missed the name, looks like ptpt), we are working together.
Before I begin, I want to thank you and I am honor to be here. My experience and relationship with
Deafhood is different but honestly I am happy to be here. To the board, thank you for inviting me here
and to the community, thank you for inviting me here. I speak for myself, no, I speak for my various
intersecting communities: The Deaf, Deaf Blind, people of color including Native American, Black,
South East Asian, West African, and all of the groups, and the disabled people. Sometimes when I do
presentations, people have given me more information for community work. I am going to discuss
community collective healing, the Deaf history has ... Show more content on ...
I am not here to benefit the hearing people by speaking. But if a hearing person tells me but you know
I have a deaf friend who says speech is better. That one deaf person does not represent the whole Deaf
community. Each of you represent something, each of you have a story to tell, each of you have a
background, we need to listen to each of you. We cannot say when one has a friend who is Deaf Blind
and make assumptions on what this person needs. We must listen to a person and provide the
necessary accommodations based on this person s needs. Community Collective means all including
people of color, disabled, Deaf blind, all of them. It begins with LAL, that is, listening for
understanding with love. You may become defensive but you cannot listen and say wait. You must
listen to understand in order to love the process itself. Sometimes people will disagree with you. For
example, I have a dialogue with the KKK, do I like it? no, but I need to understand why. I don t have
to agree with them. In a strange way, I do understand KKK because the KKK members were taught
that way by their families and they want to be accepted by their families. It s human nature. Do I like
the concept of KKK, of course
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Fiscal Issues In Canada
Summary Canada currently faces a number of significant fiscal challenges that require leadership,
strategy, and a commitment to take the actions needed to protect the country s future prosperity. This
briefing note outlines the greatest fiscal challenges facing the federal government and offers
recommendations for addressing these issues. Declining commodity prices around the world, along
with one of the world s strongest links between oil production and currency (McNeely, 2015) places
the country at considerable risk. An economic slowdown in China has led to a major decline in global
commodity prices. At the same time, geo political conflict has led to some OPEC member states like
Saudi Arabia flooding the market with oil in an attempt to ... Show more content on ...
It is recommended that Canada adopt and implement a more active fiscal policy and cut interest rates
to ensure the prices of commodities remain low. Low commodity prices can potentially stimulate
demand over time and boost exports, benefiting the country s economy, including its beleaguered
commodities sector. At the same time, tax incentives for business and consumers to pursue alternative
energy projects could further stimulate the economy and lead to strong consumer confidence in the
levels of permanent income increasing over time. Buttressing short term efforts such as cutting interest
rates with tax incentives to promote long term growth and a shift toward a more diverse economy
could help Canada address both its short term and longer term economic woes. Moreover, this two
tiered approach would likely generate an increase in consumer spending as the government s approach
would promote greater confidence in a more diverse Canadian economy being able to grow over time,
thus providing individuals with greater spending
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Darwin And The Scientific Method
Summary Darwin and the Scientific Method There has been an apparent disagreement between how
Darwin conducted his experimentation and how he publicized his findings to the public. Ayala
describes that Darwin follows and inductive approach derived from British philosophers such as John
Stuart Mill and Francis Bacon; they believed in making observations without criticizing as to their
significance and to gather several of them in order to reach a final conclusion. As Darwin traveled on
the H.M.S. Beagle he was in pursuit of knowledge that required observation and experimentation,
otherwise known as empirical evidence. In this case, he wanted to explain the origin of organisms and
to see if his theory of natural selection is true. Darwin had the fear of being accused in making
evaluations based on poorly measured results. There was this urge in formulating hypotheses that can
be tested by observable experimentation rather than having ones that appear to be afterthoughts. It has
been a false mindset that science advances by gathering experimental results and drawing a
conclusion. Bacon and Mill suggested inductive reasoning as a way to gain empirical conclusions not
based on personal feelings or opinions. Basically, an ideal scientist should observe any occurrence and
record without worrying as to what the truth may be. However, every scientist must have a plan as to
what kind event to study and obtain answers to questions they may have on something that interests
them. A
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Why The South Killed Reconstruction
The South Killed Reconstruction After the Civil War, there was still question about who had overall
killed Reconstruction. They both had a lot to do with it, but the south had more to do with it. The
KKK was killing important people just to prove a point. Life was hard for African Americans in this
time because Southern people wanted slavery to continue even after it was abolished. African
americans were bribed to vote for who the kkk wanted. There was a lot of racism.I think the south
killed reconstruction because of bribery, the killing of scalawags and carpetbaggers, and who they
voted for. I think the South killed Reconstruction efforts by bribing African Americans They offered
me $5,000 to go with them and said they would pay me $2,500 in cash if I would let another man go
to legislature in my place. (Colby 513) This gives evidence that the KKK was bribing African
Americans to do what they wanted. They set in and whipped me a thousand licks more, with sticks
and straps that had buckles on the ends of them. (Colby 513) This shows that the KKK was beating
and whipping African Americans if they refused their offer. Although, the North could be held at fault
because they did not take the ... Show more content on ...
HE was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room. (Tourgee 511)
This quote shows that the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was killing Northerners who were trying to keep
Reconstruction efforts going. The picture in Document A depicts a donkey, labelled the KKK, walking
away after hanging a carpetbaggers and a scalawag. (Independent Monitor)It is for sure a
carpetbaggers and a scalawag because the one is holding a briefcase and the other is dressed like a
northerner. Although, the North was not acting on these incidents even when their people were dying.
However, this is not enough to counteract the main claim because it does give as much importance as
the South s
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Spanish Conquistadors
The Spanish conquistadors who vanquished Cuba in the 16th century are known for the suffering they
caused among conquered peoples. Yet, the same brute force that exploited native populations is also
responsible for Cuba s development into a flourishing colony. On October 28, 1492, Italian explorer
Christopher Columbus discovered Cuba on his first voyage to the New World. Impressed with the
beauty, natural resources, and prime location of the island, Columbus returned to Cuba on his second
voyage in 1494. Nineteen years later, Spanish conquistador Diego Velasquez conquered the island
under the command of Columbus son Diego Columbus. After Spain established political control in
Cuba, native culture was completely disregarded and innocent lives ... Show more content on ...
Though the establishment of encomiendas abused natives and supported African slave trade, the
agricultural industry founded in Cuba by the Spanish became the colony s main source of income.
When the Spanish arrived in Cuba in the late fifteenth century, they discovered tobacco native to the
region and brought it back to Europe, where it was admired for its unique taste (Garcia). Tobacco
encomiendas were built across the island and the crop was shipped to Europe in exchange for
manufactured goods. Other cash crops including sugarcane, coffee, and animal hides were also
exported via Spanish ships and taken to European consumers (Woodward). By 1600, Cuban tobacco
had become renowned worldwide for its superior quality and cost nearly three times the price of its
competitors (NAter). Though the success of the encomienda system is controversial due to its lack of
morality, Cuba s economic development would not have been made possible without them. The
agricultural industries and business partners formed by Spanish colonists enabled Cuba to rise as a
powerful trade hub between Europe and the Americas. Prior to Spanish conquest, Cuba had no
connections to the outside world and natives survived as hunter gatherers ( The Colonial Years ).
When they colonized the island, the Spanish built economic institutions that
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The History Of Wine Production
The history of wine production traces back thousands of years, with the earliest evidence of a wine
like drink located in China circa and estimated to be of at 7000 BC. Wine was the center of the
agricultural culture of many civilizations like the Romans, the Phoenicians and the Greeks, who
considered wine a divine drink of the gods. Wine remains until today one of the largest components of
the agricultural production in the Western civilization (Appendix 1).
Grapevine is one of the most economically and socially important crops around the globe. Grapes are
used for the production of raising, grape juice, jams and vinegar, but the main end product is wine. It
was estimated in 2005 that 65.7% of the production of grapes is being used ... Show more content on ...
The past few years however, groups have been trying to address the cultivation techniques from
another perspective; by genetically modifying grapevines.
Realizing the global significance of wine, scientists specializing in plant biology, viticulture and
enology from the major wine producing areas (USA, Australia, France, Canada, Chile, Italy, Germany,
Spain and South Africa) launched the International Grape Genome Program (IGGP) in the beginning
of the century. It involves a cooperative genome sequence analysis of the species Vitis Vinifera, one of
the most common grapevine species.
The goal of the IGGP is to provide insights into the molecular biology of the species. Using genetic
tools, scientists are attempting to modify specific parts of the Vitis genome to produce higher quality
wine, disease resistant crops and provide a database for producers to plant the right species with
respect to the specific environment of their production site. According to data collected in 2007, half
of the grape genome has been mapped, which includes more than 22800 nucleotide sequences and the
project is expected to grow even more the next years. The data has been placed in the public databases
of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Genetically Disease Resistant Grapes Following the launch
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The Financial Performance Of Tesco Plc
In this report I will be analysing and evaluating the financial performance of Tesco PLC over the past
5 years (2010 to 2014).
Background Company Information
Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen, he originally started up his business as a market stall
selling surplus groceries in the East End of London. The company is now not only a grocery store but
also a general merchandise retailer, selling clothes, furniture, electrical items and wide range of other
products and services including Tesco Bank, Tesco Mobile, and Blinkbox video on demand service.
Tesco currently operates in 12 countries around the world, employ over 500,000 people and serve tens
of millions of customers every week both in store and online.
Tesco became a private limited company in 1932 and in 1947 Tesco Stores (Holdings) PLC floated on
the stock exchange with a share price of 25p per share. Tesco were interested in what their customers
buying habits were in order to try and evolve their company so they decided to closely watch
customers behaviour and this led to the introduction of the Clubcard scheme in 1995 and a banking
service in 1997. This allowed them to collect customer data and personalise their discounts in
response to what they bought and this made them the UK s top supermarket. Aggressive negotiation
with suppliers helped them grow their market share from a mere 7% in 1971 to 31% in 2007 making
them the UK s top supermarket, which they still are today, (as according to the website
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Social Norms And Social Aspects
Social norms are what the world or society view as acceptable ways to act. A social norm that I tend to
follow would be facing the front when riding on an elevator. This is one that I assume most people
follow, but I have actually been in a situation where someone walked on an elevator while they were
texting and never turned around. I had never thought about that being socially normal until someone
didn t face the door. However, it is only normal because the majority believes it s normal.
I believe that yielding to a majority s opinion is something that I rarely do. I speak up very quickly to
voice my opinion (perhaps sometimes a little too quickly). I have very strong beliefs and tend to let
people know about them. I also let people know ... Show more content on ...
Apathy is needed to stand alone and not care what people think of you.
The social norm that I decided to violate was wearing my sweatshirt backwards the whole school day.
I wore it all day, even in the morning and at home. I also went so far as to wear it backwards to all of
my piano lessons that I teach. This was one of the main reasons I wanted to violate this particular
social norm. I knew that I would get good reactions out of my students. Before I put it on backwards,
honestly I was a little nervous even though this really isn t that big of a deal. I was also really excited
about wearing it in front of the kids I teach. I didn t get a lot of reactions at school so I was looking
forward to the lessons. When I answered the door for my first student, she gave me the funniest look,
but she didn t say anything to me. Instead, she just walked in and was silent for most of the lesson. My
second student asked so many questions when I tried to explain it to her.
The next student couldn t even focus on the lesson. She was about six years old so she couldn t stop
laughing every time she looked at me. When I would lean over to help her, she would pull on my
hood. Pretty soon, I ended up just having her play her songs the best she could so that she would
actually get something out of the lesson. I was actually laughing part of the time too because I really
didn t expect such big reactions.
After all of my students went home, I left it on because I wanted to see what my dad s
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Love and Prowess in The Knight with the Lion Essay
Love and Prowess in The Knight with the Lion
The chivalric ideal demanded many things of a knight. To the military ideals of prowess, loyalty, and
honor it added the aristocratic ideal of largesse and, with the rise of the troubadour lyrics and
romances, the ideal of courtly love. At times a knight could find these demands in conflict with one
another. Such is the case with Chrétien de Troyes s romance The Knight with the Lion. In this story,
the hero Yvain finds love while pursuing prowess; but, continuing to pursue prowess, he loses that
love. In the adventures that follow, he seeks to regain his love. In so doing, he develops true prowess
without aiming for it and learns to reconcile chivalry s demands of love and prowess, ... Show more
content on ...
Yvain s prowess is already great in this early part of the story, as we can see from his first two feats of
arms. In the first, he defeats Esclados the Red, the defender of the fountain, by whom Calogrenant had
been so disgraced. How good a knight Esclados defeated in Calogrenant, the story does not indicate,
only that he is a most agreeable knight (258). We may perhaps assume that, being a knight of Arthur s
Round Table, Calogrenant would have been a good fighter and his defeat more the exception than the
rule. Regardless of his abilities, however, Calogrenant s failure at the spring serves one important
purpose: it provides a backdrop against which Yvain s success there is seen to be all the more
impressive. To this backdrop is added Calogrenant s description of the spring s defender:
I thought there were at least ten. Yet there was only a single knight whose approach caused so much
noise and commotion....As though bent on evil, he was riding up faster than an eagle and looking as
ferocious as a lion....The knight had a good horse and a stout lance, and without doubt, he was a whole
head taller than I....His lance was not light but, in my opinion, weighed more than any knight s lance. I
have never seen one so large. (263)
Besides this, there is the testimony of Calogrenant s courteous host: So far as they knew or had heard
tell, no man, they said, had ever escaped the
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Tinker Vs. Des Moines Essay
The Vietnam War a time where a lot of American s believed that American s shouldn t have been a
part of in the first place. Tens of thousands of soldiers received dishonorable discharges for desertion,
and about 500,000 American men from 1965 73 became draft dodgers, with many fleeing to Canada
to evade conscription (Vietnam War History). During that time there were thousands of protestors
against the Vietnam War On November 15, 1969, the largest anti war protest in American history took
place in Washington, D.C., as over 250,000 Americans gathered peacefully, calling for withdrawal of
American troops from Vietnam (Vietnam War History). A case that is known in history forever Tinker
v. Des Moines case was a very good example of anti war protest and was proven to be an example of
freedom of speech. Tinker v. Des Moines case involves two main students. Others students were also
involved. The two main student s names were John and Mary Beth Tinker (Landmark Cases). They
were from Des Moines, Iowa and this case took place between the years 1965 1969 (Landmark
Cases). The problem with this case was there form of protest. They wore black armbands to their
public school as a symbol of protest against American involvement in the Vietnam War (Landmark
Cases). When their school found out about what they were doing they had an issue with it. When
school authorities asked that the Tinkers remove their armbands, they refused and were subsequently
suspended (Landmark
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The History Of Technology
or to be used for communication. The Capitol had a few of them about for about 10 years after the
uprisings, but a rebel scientist had deleted over 400 gigabytes of data detailing the schematics of very
powerful tech before she was murdered. One of the things she had deleted was the science behind
satellites, so slowly, whatever satellites the Capitol had already had in orbit became decommissioned,
and were unable to be replaced. She must not have deleted very important things, Madge grumbles.
The Capitol has tons of really scary technology. They do, Al agrees. But if you ever study the
technology used in the Dark Days, you ll find that Capitol tech really isn t all that advanced, which is
a good thing. I m not saying they re ... Show more content on ...
I remember when I was 12, and I was watching the reapings, all I could think was that could have
been me. My Father he... Al trails off and shakes his head. Anyways, from a very young age, I was
disgusted by the world I lived in, so I immersed myself into astrophysics. I used to daydream about
living on the moon by myself. That sounds awfully lonely, Madge comments, feeling ashamed that Al
is right, a part of her did hate him from where he was from, which had been totally unfair and cruel of
her. Yeah, well, I was used to loneliness. At least up there I wouldn t have be surrounded by
barbarians, Al chuckles bitterly. Madge stares at his profile. His eyes hooded, and the visible part of
his irises are pained. I know a thing or two about loneliness, Madge confesses in a whisper. My Father
was the Mayor of 12. Everyone either resented me for my family s affiliation with the Capitol, or
feared the supposed power and influence I held. The one friend I had was shipped off to the Games,
and then again to the Quell. Al looks at her in surprise. You re friends with Katniss? Madge just nods,
not wanting to appear boastful. Huh, Al says, tilting his head as he studies her. I was kind of surprised
when I found you yesterday alone. You look like the kinda girl that has a bunch of guys trailing after
her. Not a loner. Trust me, Madge huffs. I have no admirers to speak of. But why? Al presses on. You
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Book Thief Theme
Alexis Javier Mrs. Rosenwasser English 9H October 13, 2014 The Book Thief by Markus Zusak The
Book Thief is a text set in Germany during the time of World War II, focused on the life of the
protagonist, Liesel Meminger. Liesel, a young German girl, loses her family including her brother
Werner who died on a train on the way to Munich. She comprehends the feeling of loss and pain and
is conscious that she is existing in hard times. The narrator of the story, Death, witnesses her brother s
demise and kneels down to extract the boy s soft and cold spirit as Liesel shakes Werner in an attempt
to resuscitate him (Zusak 21). Of course, it does not work as Death questions Liesel s struggle to
restore her fallen brother. Thereafter, Lisel picks ... Show more content on ...
However, one interesting theme is forming ties with others. In Liesel s journey, she meets many
people, exclusively through her love of books and words. For instance, Liesel and her foster father,
Hans Hubermann, did not have a strong bond with each other. It was evident that Liesel did not want
to be with Rosa and Hans Hubermann. Later on, Liesel would have to deal with the constant remarks
of Saumensch, Saukerl, or Arschloch by Rosa. On the other hand, she became more comfortable living
with them because of reading and learning words from The Grave Digger s Handbook. Hans and
Liesel establish a deeper and more involved relationship with these books. For example, Hans and
Liesel study the alphabet which shows their bond developing. [Hans] patted the girl s hair. She d fallen
into his trap. With a smile like that, you don t need eyes. He hugged her and then looked again at the
picture, with a face of warm silver. Now for T (68). Moreover, Hans gifted Liesel with books for her
birthday such as The Mud Men, which intensified their relationship even more. Based on this
evidence, it is palpable that Hans and Liesel s bond strengthened through books and words from the
moment of Liesel s arrival through the end of their
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The Time Period Of The Cold War
The time period of the Cold War was a breeding ground for ideological change. It was an era filled
with fear and paranoia, not simply of the unknown, but of neighbours, friends, and family. World War
II, the atomic bomb, the Cold War, made it hard for Americans to continue their optimism historian
Stephen Ambrose commented. This paradigm shift is evident in the texts from the era, and by studying
them we come to understand the values and atmosphere of the time and the effect those values had on
the texts. The Cold War began after the end of World War II, after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki by the United States of America; that continued until the early 90s with the dissolving of
the Soviet Union. The two sides of the Cold War were the Western Bloc and Eastern Bloc, which are
terms given to the alliances formed by the USA and NATO; and the USSR and the Warsaw Pact
respectively. Named for its lack of major conflict or bloodshed between its two super powers, the USA
and USSR, despite the wars that occurred that those super powers supported, the Korean War and the
Vietnam War. After the bombing and subsequent end of WW II, the world was reeling from the
unprecedented destruction it caused as well as the implications and effects it would have on not only
war but society itself. During this time both a nuclear arms race and the space race occurred.
Primarily the Cold War was a power struggle between the USA and USSR, and their conflicting ideals
of capitalism
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Woodstock Essays
Woodstock 1969 The Sixties were an exciting revolutionary period with great cultural change. Some
people called it the decade of discontent (Britannica) due to the race riots in Detroit and La, and the
demonstrations against the Vietnam War. Other people called it the decade of peace, love, and
harmony (Woodstock 69). This decade was identified as such as a result of the peace movement and
the emergence of the flower children. (Britannica) The sixties were about assassination, unforgettable
fashion, new styles of music, civil rights, gay and women s liberation, Vietnam, Neil Armstrong
landing on the moon, peace marches, sexual freedom, drug experimentation, and Woodstock. All of
these components caused a revolutionary change in the ... Show more content on ...
Woodstock was a planned event however; the majority of it just fell into place for three days. The
second quality is is it temporally bounded . The event was bounded by the first and last days. Next is
is it spatially bounded . It contained a stage for the musicians and an area marked off for those that
paid for their ticket however, during the occasion the boundaries for the ticket holders was breached.
Another quality is was it programmed . Woodstock was programmed due to the line up, or the order in
which the musicians sang. The fifth quality is is this a coordinated public event . This was the main
purpose for Woodstock to get people to come together to share the peace and love. The final quality is
is the event heightened . Woodstock is still remembered as being three days of a concert and people
coming together to enjoy good music and love. The cultural process of Woodstock consisted of
rejoicing in the different styles of music and in each individual that came. The festival included many
social dramas. Individuals, in that number, are bound to have differences. Woodstock taught people,
approximately 400,000, how to resolve their issues by sharing a common goal. The celebration helped
to advance the ideas of peace and unity throughout the generation. The three day celebration was
considered an aesthetic event. It was not only a concert but an art fair as well. Some works of art were
seen during the event. People wore the art in the form of body
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Whole Foods And The Corporate Social Responsibility
University of the People
BUS 3306
AY 2017 T2
Unit 6 Written Assignment
The company I chose to explore is Whole Foods and the corporate social responsibility (CSR) they
adhere to. Corporate social responsibility, also known as CSR, means a corporation s initiatives to
assess and take responsibility for the company s effects on environmental and social well being ,
according to, Investopedia, (R., 2015). Whole foods are dedicated to contributing back to its people,
community, and the environment while profiting as a company. CSR is just as important as their
ethical practices including green marketing by utilizing the marketing of products believed to be
preferably used by people which incorporate a number of activities such as, environmentally friendly
packaging, sustainability, and modified advertising. The company s reputation of what they offer, the
treatment of their employees, behavior as a company, including the major factors of they represent
across the marketplace is what they strive to exude.
As stated on the whole foods market website, sustainability and our future , whole foods has a vision
of a sustainable future for generations to come, (Sustainable and our future, n.d.). Corporate social
responsibility has existed in their strategy as a company since the beginning. Founder and co CEO,
John Mackey found the company in the beginning of the eighties decade and has instilled these
practices since. They have built sustainability into their
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The Wife Of His Youth And Mrs. Spring Fragrance
Ever since the days of World War I, women have been seen as second rate to men. They had to live up
to many social standards that men didn t have to and had strict guidelines on how to live their lives.
This all changed when modernism deliberately tried to break away from Victorian Era standards in
which women were subjugated to a lot more scrutiny. Ezra Pound, who was a large figure in the
modernist movement, captured the spirit of the era in his famous line Make it new! Consequently,
many writers started to experiment with many different and wild writing styles, which led to the short
stories and poems we have today. The stories The Wife of His Youth and Mrs. Spring Fragrance were
all written in this era of modernism. While they are written in a more traditional style of writing, both
these stories have strong implications on feminism from the viewpoints of both male and female
writers. The Victorian Era women was vastly different than the female we think of nowadays. Women
during that time were expected to fulfill more of a domestic and motherly role, one that stayed at
home and took care of the house. They were confined within the private sphere of the world while the
men toiled away in the public sphere. The ideal Victorian women was described as:
The women were expected to carry out the duties of the house without complaint and to remain
diligent to her husband, as well as God. During this time, motherhood transformed from just being a
child bearing figure to
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Free Lined Stationary Printable - Printable Templ

  • 1. Free Lined Stationary Printable - Printable Templ 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Free Lined Stationary Printable - Printable Templ Free Lined Stationary Printable - Printable Templ
  • 2. The Worst Day Of My Life Essay 4:30 am, my alarm wakes me from dreams of home. I m confused, Where am I? , I asked myself. Then I remembered, I m at the Naval Academy, Bancroft hall to be more specific. Another day, Another dollar , I reluctantly said for the seventh and final time. My bunkmate heard my alarm and woke with a similar reaction. You know what today is right? , he said to me in an uneasy voice. Yeah, today s wet and sandy, the so called worst day of your life. Or so I m told. , I replied. You know there s a reason they have wet and sandy for the final day , my bunkmate said. If they had wet and sandy on the first day, everybody would just go home early, but since today s the last day, you get to leave directly after he stated. It s like ... Show more content on ... About 1 mile into the disgustingly difficult task it began to rain, hard. As I crawled ever forward behind my squad members who were running, the pouring rain filled the dirt path with mud. Now I was essentially swimming in a foot of mud, and the only thing that came to my mind is Don t give up . Every ten feet or so I would look ahead and mark a tree in the distance and say to myself just get to that tree, if you get to that tree then everything will be alright My method of pushing forward got me to the hospital point beach, While I was completely exhausted, my squad members were fine because they got to run on two feet, I had to run on four. The workout, appropriately titled Wet and Sandy was set to begin. Okay, now that everybody is here run into the Chesapeake Bay and cover yourself with as much sand as possible. Then come back to hospital point, you have 30 seconds. Go . The entire squad bolted for the sea and began to cover themselves with sand. As quickly as possible we threw sand all over our bodies, fully clothed mind you, and ran back to hospital point. 33 seconds the two seals stated with a smile on their faces. You didn t make the time, so know your gonna do the exact same thing until we say stop, they said. For the next 25 minutes, we continuously ran into the Chesapeake Bay, covered ourselves sand and sprinted back to hospital point. All along the way, I would look in the distance, mark a spot on the ground and say just get to that ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Early American Artist Benjamin West And I looked and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger and with death, and with beast of the earth. [Rev. 6:8] Early American artist Benjamin West, details his conception of the scripture in his smaller study Death on the Pale Horse, in which the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Death, War, Famine and Pestilence waste the earth. Considered in his earlier works as a Neoclassical painter, his later works began to shift in the new direction of Romanticism. This transition of art was meant to evoke an emotion within the viewer. Recalling the eighteenth century aesthetic values of Edmund ... Show more content on ... Format, Proportion and Scale: Death on the Pale White Horse, created in the year 1817 is painted horizontally through the application of oil on canvas.The dimensions 176 inches x 301 inches. that correspond to the scale of the figures within the painting come across disproportional and are somewhat misleading to that of the overall height and width of the piece. However, undisturbed by the edges of the canvas, the centralized pyramid shape : formed by the figures in conjunction to those figures within the foreground and the background, is not only placed harmoniously but sporadically together to begin the process of guiding the viewers eyes across the canvas. Viewpoint: From what can be understood by the viewer, West has created the piece with a head on perspective. Through the use of many imaginative sharp diagonal lines, that can be drawn from either the more centralized figures whose hand rest atop his head and back is turned toward the viewer or the figure from the far left corner who learns at an angle and holds a spear across his body, towards the very last beast that is placed near the far upper right corner, West is able to create space and distance. The pyramidal construction of figures, foreshortening, and atmospheric perspective also work collectively to draw the viewer into the painting more closely. Three Dimensional Aspects and Composition: Benjamin West, was considered the first ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Analysis Of Yo-Yo Ma And Ethan Watters It is okay to have a different view of knowledge. It is also okay to think one subject should be taught more then another subject. In Yo Yo Ma and Ethan Watters essays, they both talked about different subjects they feel should be taught more heavily in our school systems. While Ma focused more on the arts and music, Watters focused on the science portion of education. Both had different views and reasons they felt their subject should be taught more. Neither are wrong and they both viewed their subjects well. Well I think both are equally valuable, some feel more science should be taught heavier, while others agree with Ma and think art should be heavier taught. The arts for Ma was the focus of his Essay. Antonio Damasio, a ... Show more content on ... Empathy is a huge factor in the arts. Not only do they teach us that there is something bigger that connects each of us but also it can help us engage instead of avoiding. Yo Yo Ma claims Empathy is your capacity to imagine what someone else is going through; what they are thinking, feeling, and perceiving (259). Ma feels that empathetical thinking is missing in education today. I feel that although STEM is working well in school systems so far, I also think that schools are pushing STEM too heavy. 10 years ago, the arts were a bigger deal in schools. More kids were involved in band, choir, and even musicals. Now a day I think that kids think they are too cool to be involved in the arts because they feel that they will get made fun of or they won t have as many friends. I believe that the arts can help students stimulate brain activity and help children do better in school. The arts can be more than just music, it is also just art itself which helps promote creativity. Watters essays starts off with a study done by Henrich that looks at isolated cultures and how they relate to the west for some basic instincts on fairness. Henrich believed he would find that all humans share the same cognitive machinery. While doing his experiment, the ultimatum game, Henrich found that Americans were more likely to split the amount of money 50/50. In other countries such as Machiguenga, offers were much lower but still they would not be ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Importance Of Healthy Eating Habits Good nutrition is a fundamental part of a person s health (Corbin et al., 2016). Healthy eating habits can reduce risks of disease and support healthy body composition. Eating a diet rich in nutrient dense foods combined with a regular moderate exercise routine also reduces overall body fat. Poor eating habits have been linked to four of the seven leading causes of death in the United States. It is imperative to implement healthy choices and teach our children healthy eating habits so that we can improve the overall health of families. There are tools available to help people to eat better and to change to a healthier lifestyle. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has published in depth informational literature on the best eating habits for Americans called the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Their website also provides a number of tools to help Americans make healthy decisions and track their eating habits. Over the years I have not always made the healthiest dietary choices. Over the last few years I have made several attempts at eating healthier including Beach Body s 21 Day Fix Diet and the Mediterranean Diet. I was not successful with either of these. Recently I have started focusing on making more balanced meals that include a protein, a starch, and a vegetable. After reading through the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, I see that I still have some work to do. The USDA suggests that a variety of vegetables be consumed, with emphasis ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Freedom Vs Freedom Essay In class it was discussed if people were not afraid of getting a bad grade they would not study or come to class. I believe this is true. Without this fear, people would take classes and never study or learn anything. If we took away the tickets for speeding was also discussed in class. If they were to disappear people would drive however they wanted without any regard to others. The roads would not be safe for people. This is another example of why we need this fear of consequence. I never thought about grade and studying and respecting the street signs were a fear until it was talked about in class. I just thought about it as rules to follow so we could avoid disaster. Because, of this discussion I began to think about if we are a fear ... Show more content on ... This creates what we call classism and racism. That in turn creates even more fear and division in the group. With these smaller groups, it is easy to keep power and continue a fear based society. The biggest example is after 9 11 when the American government created an enemy with the Muslims. They labeled them all as terrorists because they wanted to invade the Middle East for oil. This was one of the only ways to get the people to fall in line and label an entire group of people as something they are not. Just because a small amount of people who were members of the religion doesn t make the entire following bad. Those people created a fear for people to not wish to go out of their houses, and if they saw someone covering their head, they would be afraid of a bomb. Many people started to hide what should have been freedom to practice as they pleased, keeping people doing exactly what is expected. Should the state really take charge of this freedom? We may think that our current society is liberticidal, in the sense that it replaces our consciousness. It embodies freedom, while we must not forget that man is endowed with free will. That means man as a whole is capable of doing the absolutely worse things to others and is very able to impede upon someone else s freedom. But on the other hand, without the few or what was once called the ruling class of society, we would have anarchy as society, which we ... Get more on ...
  • 7. American Empire Vs Ottoman Empire We have lost control of most of the land that used to make up the Ottoman Empire, our Empire is falling apart; all we want to do is to keep what land we have for as long as we can. We have also spent a great amount of money during the war and just want a chance to recover and stabilize. We, the Ottoman Empire, prefer to end colonization, if the colonies of the European countries were to become independent we could possibly make alliances with them to expand our influence. We favor this idea because we believe we can become friends with these small countries and we then can benefit and help each other. Also, we have less to fear from a Europe of small countries than a Europe of large states. Although this would not bring back our Empire, it ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Common Core State Standards Initiative Common Core: To Be or Not to Be Politics and education have been intertwined since the establishment of public education in the United States. In other words, it is a well known fact that public education is an extension of our political system. This has never been more apparent to the public than over the last three decades, beginning in 1983 with A Nation at Risk which is considered a significant event in modern American educational history. For the last few years, it has been the controversial topic of the Common Core State Standards Initiative in the headlines. One can hardly turn on the news or read a newspaper or web site without hearing something about Common Core State Standards (CCCS). People either seem to be adamantly for or against the standards. Educational reform and educational standards are not new and date back much further than many people realize. Furthermore, if the public understood what the standards actually encompass, there may be more support for Common Core State Standards. However, the public is being inundated with a multitude of reasons why states should not adopt Common Core by making it a political issue in order to gain votes. Regardless of what standards are adopted, common standards in education should be implemented in the United States to prepare students for college and career in order to compete and succeed in a global economy. Since its inception, public education has continually focused on improving schooling in the United ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Genetic Research And Its Effects On The Human Bodies Abstract This study helps us to understand what we need to know about companies owning specific portions of DNA sequences that exist in our own human bodies. The basis of genetic research and the idea of owning a gene were brought to light over 150 years ago when the Supreme Court ruled that you could not own human nature, but over time the advancement of scientific research and technology made genetic research and its findings more accessible. Genetic researchers were able to find genes that can help cure disease and could identify cancerous genes in humans. With companies being able to find these genes, they wanted to have chance to make money off of them; from tests for being applicable to cancer, disease, or any other medical problem. This became an issue because of how there are only few companies that you can go through for the test of that specific gene; they are a monopoly. Since the late 1990 s, people have begun to protest the right to own a gene in a human body and are wanting the companies to forfeit their rights of the ownership. This creates tensions because of the abundant amount of money associated with the gene. This makes the company come off as a negative aspect toward the next step in scientific discoveries. This study concludes that it is in the best interest of humans to make companies that own genes go to the Supreme Court in order to fight to protect ourselves against genetic monopolies, and to further develop scientific and technological ... Get more on ...
  • 10. AAnalysis On The Stripe Hog FOREWORD Waterblasting Technologies manufactures the Stripe Hog Waterblasting System to remove all types of durable pavement markings from roadways and runways and rubber deposits left from aircraft landings. The business began in 1988 and the Stripe Hog has been available to the public since 2005 and is now in 50 countries with more units working around the world than our top five competitors combined. The fact that the founder, James Crocker, has been a waterblasting contractor since 1988 has allowed Waterblasting Technologies to have a laboratory where new innovations reckon with the real time results of every day rugged use. The Stripe Hog was the first to have vacuum recovery as a standard feature, the first to have the entire ... Show more content on ... Simultaneous removal of parallel markings with the double blasting heads in the side by side configuration. Rapid removal of single, continuous lines with the double blasting heads in the tandem configuration. Cleaning and rejuvenation of the retro reflectivity of thermoplastic and cold plastic markings. Simultaneous vacuum recovery allows of application of new markings in 20 minutes LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN WATERBLASTING TECHNOLOGY FOR MODERN AIRPORT OPERATIONS Waterblasting Technologies has the following technology unique to them and the industry: BLASTING HEADS PICTURE OF BLASTING HEADS Up to a 6 foot (1.83m) pass for runway rubber removal Variety of spray bars available to meet removal and cleaning needs. OPERATOR LICENSING PROGRAM  If you don t pass, you don t blast. Extensive training and continuing education programs that allows Stripe Hog owners to measure the productivity of their operators.  Licensing gives owners peace of mind that comes with knowing the right person is operating the machine in the right way.  Only licensing program in the industry.  Maximize productivity with properly trained operators. HIGHER DEBRIS TANK CAPACITY DEBRIS TANK PHOTO OR ILLUSTRATION OF DEBRIS TANK LIKE THE WATER TANK ONE ON WEBSITE Longer run time. Less work stoppage so airports can stay within their critical window of opportunity. SURFACE HOG
  • 11. SURFACE HOG PHOTO Gives airport the ability to remove markings and clean under jetway ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Process Essay About Becoming Dorothy Gale The process to becoming a new character is one that many people do not get the chance to experience. It starts with the makeup, applied in a dimly lit dressing room, surrounded by other actors in the same position. Foundation put on so heavily that the face resembles a just painted wall and lips stained for weeks after the final performance. Mascara applied thinly at first. Then, darker and darker so that the people in the back can tell that your eyelashes are there. And in one swift motion, much like the act of painting, a dollop of crimson red lines the cheekbone in a grand finale. The makeup is what makes you appear different. It keeps the illusion alive. Becoming Dorothy Gale (from Kansas) was a simple process, considering my ... Show more content on ... I chuckle under my breath at the absurdity of me still having stage fright after all this time. My heart hums to the sound of the audience s murmur and I sing under my breath, looking for the pitch to Somewhere over the Rainbow when, suddenly, in what seemed like slow motion, the beat is heard and I walk on stage, no longer myself. Reciting the lines is just the beginning of acting the part. The emotion conveyed brings the character to life. Dorothy was not just a girl in a movie or a book. She was living, breathing, growing. She was me, and I was her. This is how theatre was meant to work. As the performance ended, the reality of what I was losing became very clear to me. I said my last line, stood in my last position, and bowed together with the wonderful cast I got to share my journey with. The lights dimmed, the music played in conclusion, and the curtains closed slowly, signifying the end of a star performance. Once the black curtains hit each other, in a final round of applause, the cast scattered in joy towards the meet and greet. All the while, hugs and congratulations were dealt out like a hand of cards. The happiness those around me felt was not reciprocated by, a now lonely, me. In one instant, I had lost a part of myself that had grown in the last few months. Once the production ended, I realized that Dorothy was gone. We were no longer each other. I sat in silence, mourning the loss of a dear friend, before turning into the hallway to pretend one last ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Advantages And Disadvantages Of MATLAB The name MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory. MATLAB is a high performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy to use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. Typical uses include: Math and computation Algorithm development Modelling, simulation, and prototyping Data analysis, exploration, and visualization Scientific and engineering graphics Application development, including Graphical User Interface building MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic data element is an array that does not require dimensioning. This allows you to solve many technical computing problems, especially those with matrix and vector formulations, ... Show more content on ... Three principal elements required to create a MATLAB Graphical User Interface. The elements are components, figures, callbacks. 1. Components Each item on a GUI is a graphical component. The types of components include graphical controls (pushbuttons, radio buttons, edit boxes, lists, sliders, etc.), static elements (frames and text strings), menus, and axes. Graphical controls and static elements are created by the functions and axes are used to display graphical data which is created by the function axes. 2. Figures The components of a GUI must be arranged within a figure, which is a window on the computer screen. 3. Callbacks Finally, there must be some way to perform an action if a user clicks on a button. A mouse click or a key press is an event, and the MATLAB program must respond to each event if the program is to perform its function. The code executed in response to an event is known as a call back. There must be a callback to implement the function of each graphical component on the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Nt1330 Unit 4.3 Assignment 1 4.4.3. Important Criteria Compatibility The compared authoring tools supports different browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, FireFox 4.0 for Windows, and Google Chrome or Apple Safari for Mac, and all users with different network connections can use all their services. Moreover they all support different operation systems; for example, both Lectora and Easygenerator support Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7; Lectora support Microsoft Windows 8 as a plus. Captivate is certified for Microsoft Windows 7, 8 and 8.1., and Mac OS too. They are all compatible with mobiles and smartphones or in other words mobile friendly . Maintainability Security Management The data in all compared tools is securely stored and is backed up automatically. Easygenerator back up your data every day, Captivate creates a backup file for your project when you save it, and Lectora will automatically create a backup copy of the original AWT file. Users sensitive information like passwords is encrypted in all compared tools. Easygenerator guarantees a secure access and prevents unauthorized persons from accessing your account and content. A number of security improvements were made in Lectora, specifically as it relates to the resetting and distribution of user passwords. Users are the ones demanding and pushing for the ... Show more content on ... On the left of each page within the course the comments button is available to open the Comments pop up, where a reviewer can add, edit or delete comments per page as long as they are not yet being processed by course. Lectora is working with the Facebook Comments widget, so instructors can add the Facebook Comments button so Facebook users can send comments about the course to their Facebook wall. Moreover, instructors can publish their courses to ReviewLink where you can share and collect feedback from reviewers and other team ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Ready to Eat Food Industry 1. INTRODUCTION In today s competitive world the practical study forms an important part in each and every professional course. The MBA is a course in which the theoretical knowledge is backed by the practical study. That study is in the form of different projects which are undertaken during the MBA course. Here we have done a project on a READY TO EAT FOOD INDUSTRY as a part of MARKETING RESEARCH INFORMATION SYSTEM course. The current situation is made known to the students when they undertake the project. The project gives better insides into the application part of the theory. The companies in an industry and their operations can be better known by the students when they analyse the data, and prepare the project. This project is on ... Show more content on ... He wants value for his money in terms of quality and variety. No wonder, multi cuisine restaurants are mushrooming even in small towns. Italian, Mexican, Lebanese, Japanese, Cajun the list is growing. Corroborating this trend, Euromonitor International, a market research company, says the amount of money Indians spend on meals outside the home has more than doubled in the past decade, to about US$5 billion a year, and is expected to double again in about half that time. Another interesting trend noticed in consumer patterns is the growth of branded products. The branded food market is on a roll. It grew over 5 per cent in 2004, according to the latest ACNielsen Global Services report on global trends in food and beverages. That makes food an attractive proposition for investors. Savvy companies have pumped in more than Rs 60,000 crore (US$13.78 billion) in new food and farm businesses in 2004. According to industry estimates, 321 private sector projects worth Rs 60,360 crore (US$13.86 billion) were announced in 2004 compared to 89 with an investment of Rs 2,130 crore (US$489.3 million) in 2003. The popularity of food and agro products is not surprising when the sector is now offering a growth of more than 150 per cent in sales. With such promise in the sector, a number of foreign companies have joined the fray. While US brands such as McDonald s, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken have become household names, more are ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Pos-335 Individual Assignment File Management Paper Introduction The task of implementing a protection scheme that will provide controlled access to specific files in a system is not only an important but also a necessary task to ensure that the integrity as well as the availability of that file is maintained throughout. This paper is designed to put into perspective a protection scheme to facilitate the scenario where a system has 5000 user and 4990 of those users will need to have access to a particular file within the system. It will also provide clarity on Access control list (ACL s) their roles as well as the different flavors available. It will also try to prove that proper implementation and utilizations of groups within a security scheme provides not only organization and ... Show more content on ... Access control list provides greater control over file permissions which traditional UNIX files permissions falls short. Groups Creating and assigning users to groups in a protection scheme is not only a recommendation but also a standard for control all modern operating system. Users and machines alike can be assigned to groups and that group is then placed on ACLs as if they are individual users. Every group member inherits all the permissions granted to that group on the ACL. This assignment of users and machines to groups will solve many problems when addressing security issues, one such issue would be the assignment of permissions to massive number of people rather than individually Groups permissions are managed by the ACL that grants the user the permissions assigned by the ACL to take actions on objects. These permissions can be assigned fixed actions for a given group. For example, a User in the Accounts group could only submit, manage and view data pertaining to the accounts department. Someone in the Sales group also would only be able to view customer information, add or remove products or services from the customer account, etc. Permissions also can be set where there is an all or nothing, parameter where a member of a group manages files across multiple ACLs. For example the HR group can manage files associated with all employees from every department. Actions and permissions assigned ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Analysis Of Gulliver s Travels Cameron Aiello Professor Lund Final Paper 14 May 2017 Throughout all of Jonathan Swift s writings there are many commonalities. One in particular that stands out is the use of satire throughout both Gulliver s Travels , which tells the story of a series of voyages of Lemuel Gulliver s published in 1726, and A Modest Proposal , where Swift uses the idea of cannibalism to captivate his audience as well as focus on society s problems. Throughout Swift s life, politics and religion had a huge impact on him and more importantly, his writing. Many of the satires that Swift uses in his works have to do with politics and the changing ways of the Catholic church in the 1800 s. A Modest Proposal written in 1729, was a satire written to ... Show more content on ... Swift is using this quotation to show that he cares about the poor and struggling people and he really wants to help them. This is also a different type of writing from Swift, who usually is always criticizing someone rather than showing empathy for them. But since Swift disagrees with the English so much, he chooses to write about it and make those with wealth and power look evil and selfish. Swift who chose not to make it known he was writing this satire, continues to bash England on page 509 by saying, I fortunately fell upon this proposal; which, as it is wholly new, so it hath something solid and real, of no expence, and little trouble, full in our own power; and whereby we can incur no danger in disobliging England: for this kind of commodity will not bear exportation; the flesh being of too tender a consistence, to admit a long continuance in salt; although, perhaps, I could name a country, which would be glad to eat up our whole nation without it . Here, once again Swift shows that England has no problem with the Irish starving and not being able to survive or make money as long as the rich and powerful are facing no hardships. Also by using the words eat up he is going back to the idea of cannibalism, not by the poor but by the wealthy who are taking what is left of the the other nations to become more powerful and to gain more ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Iraq Synthesis Essay Our organization Nature Iraq does really important work to support the Mesopotamian Marshlands. Our work has changed the environment for the better. For thousands of years, the marshlands influenced the culture by Giving them a flooded marsh that has animals to hunt like fish for food. Also, the marshes provide the culture with fresh water and trading goods that the culture makes. There are reeds in the marshes that the people use to make houses and blankets so houses don t get cold. Also, the reeds are used to feed their buffalo and make food. Many people in the marshlands will use boats to get the reeds so they can transport the reeds to people who need them.They also can transport people who don t have The culture likes to fish and hunt animals for food, they use boats to catch the fish so they don t have to stand next to the tall grass while fishing. The ... Show more content on ... He did that by putting big huge canals next to the marshlands and draining out all of the water to dump it into the Persian Gulf. His plan worked because his plan was to make the reeds go away, the animals, the food, and also the people. The plan was amazing architecture work that probably no one would have thought of. He also attacked the marshland with big weapons like the holocausts by destroying the people of the marshlands homes, and forcing the people leave because they don t have any homes. So after all of that the marsh land were completely destroyed except for a very small part of the marshlands, Which changed the culture because the marshes were almost like a desert and there was no animals, plants, and water. So the marshlands went to 6,000 acres to 10% of that. Many of the people were mad and sad because they didn t have their homes. And the culture didn t have their animals, reeds, water, and homes so it was very desperate for the people of the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Wife s Lament And The Seafarer In the Anglo Saxon epic poems The Wife s Lament, The Wanderer, and The Seafarer, the authors make their poetry much more interesting and enjoyable by inserting literary devices that add meaning and cohesiveness to each line. Each poem contains multiple literary devices such as kennings, caesuras, and imagery. These tools work together in order to add mood and transparency to the poetry. The Wife s Lament, translated by Ann Standford, uses numerous literary devices to convey the pain and emotion of an exiled wife. The author of the poem uses a metaphor to compare the cave the wife has moved into to an empty hall, under an oak tree in this den in the earth. / Ancient this earth hall. (Stanford 28 9). Comparing the cave to an empty hall shows the loneliness and isolation the abandoned wife is feeling. Another device used by the author in The Wife s Lament is juxtaposition. In lines 42 43, the author writes, May that young man be sad minded always / hard his heart s thought (Stanford). This transition from the wife to her ... Show more content on ... In the lines 8 9, the author of the poem uses a metaphor to compare icy bands to frozen chains. This creates an image in the readers minds by suggesting that the ice around the sailor s feet is holding him down as if it was a chain. The author continues creating a picture in the minds of readers when he uses a kenning to create a new description for hail: Frost bound the earth and hail would fall, / The coldest seeds (Raffel 33). This kenning serves to provide an alternate view and allude to the freezing weather conditions the narrator faces. Next, the author of The Seafarer uses repetition with the word so in lines 40 41 and no in lines 44 45. This repetition exaggerates the seafarer s misery by making it seem like he has wasted opportunity and failed to acquire anything of value in his ... Get more on ...
  • 20. When Someone Thinks Of Interrogation Techniques Their Mind When someone thinks of interrogation techniques their mind gravitates towards the cliché good cop bad cop routine. It is a classic calling card in stories and films alike where one cop intimidates the suspect and another is sympathetic towards them. However, real life interrogations are of course more complicated than they are portrayed in film. This paper will seek to learn more about the fundamental techniques that detectives utilize in the real world to incriminate suspects. The interrogation process is one of the most important phases of the justice system. It demands many aspects such as, the investigation of crime, the apprehension of offenders, the restoration of order, and the deterrence of future crime (Police Interrogation and ... Show more content on ... The goal is to create a connection psychologically with the suspect. Therefore, the interrogator must connect with them on a personal level, for instance, through engaging in small talk. Small talk helps to push things forward as it contributes to the previously mentioned idea of creating an illusion. It is at this time where the interrogator is engaging with the suspect in a friendly manner so that they feel more comfortable, and the interrogator is viewed as nonthreatening. It is intended to put the suspect at ease (Police Interrogation and American Justice) and thus make the interrogator more relatable. The second step is to acknowledge their rights; Miranda Waiver. Detectives are legally bound to inform the suspect of the Miranda Waiver; the right to remain silent and that anything they say or do can be used against them in court. If by any chance a detective forgets to do this, any statements cannot be used against him and are excluded from evidence at trial (Police Interrogation and American Justice). At this stage the best outcome for the interrogator is for the suspect to waive their rights for a lawyer, that way they do not have to deal with a lawyer. The third stage is when the interrogation process actually happens. During this process the detective is no longer asking questions but instead accusing the suspect of the crime committed. The idea here is to convince the suspect that they have evidence ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Enron And Enron Of Enron During the Enron debacle, it was workers who took the pounding, not bankers. Not only did Enron employees lose their jobs, many lost their retirement savings. That s because they were at the bottom of the investing food chain. In July of 1985, Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth, to create Enron, and Kenneth Lay became CEO the following year. In 1989, Enron began trading natural gas commodities. In 1997, Andrew Fastow devised the first steps to hide debts and inflate profits and one year later, he was named the CFO of Enron. In the year 2000, shares of Enron reached a peak of $90. Enron claimed $101 billion in revenues, and as a direct result of this, became the sixth largest energy company in the world. After all of these rapid ... Show more content on ... During the West Coast power crisis, homes went dark and street lights were out in California, causing injuries and accidents. But the danger didn t stop Enron s energy traders from having a good laugh. Newly released evidence shows that years before the crisis, Enron schemed to manipulate markets. The new tapes routinely recorded by Enron to protect their own deals, and later obtained by Snohomish County Public Utility District Number 1, confirmed what had been constantly reported for four years. Enron secretly shut down power plants so they could cause, and then cash in on, the crisis. Power plant operators were coached on how to lie to officials. Enron also pulled power out of states like California, causing emergency conditions to worsen. The shut downs and pull outs triggered sky high power prices and when states complained, the traders instructed the states to leave them alone, and let them make a little bit of money. When the schemes began to unravel, employees blamed the men running Enron. Mark to market accounting was introduced by former Enron President and CEO, Jeff Skilling. This allowed Enron to book potential future profits on the very day the deal was signed, even if some states had yet to deregulate their power markets. No matter how little cash actually came in the door, to the outside world, Enron s profits could be whatever Enron said they were. Enron s former CFO, Andrew Fastow, had his eye on John Olson, one ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Dollar General Dollar General (DG): Brand of Choice for Low Income Households / Dollar General (DG) and the Bifurcation of American Households Low end retailers serve an important function in American society. Having been around for as long as people have lived in cities, low end retailers provide an affordable option for cash strapped consumers looking to make ends meet. Today, low end retail is a highly competitive, multi billion dollar industry that is serving the needs of low income households across the United States. Dollar General (DG) is America s largest low end retailer. Founded in 1939 and headquartered in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, Dollar General operates over 11,000 stores in 40 US states. The company tends to serve smaller communities where ... Show more content on ... The company s size has given it numerous competitive advantages, including the ability to offer a large selection of name brand and off brand goods. The company will play a bigger role in the discount market, as it expands into new territory and adds to its existing in store selection. America s economic recovery has generated mixed signals. On the one hand, US employers have added an average of 230,000 jobs per month in 2014, as the unemployment rate has fallen to a more than six year low. On the other hand, overall wage growth has run stagnant and workforce participation is at multi decade lows. This likely means demand for discount goods will remain steady for the foreseeable future as the economy returns to full capacity. The company s ambitious plans for expansion reflect its good standing and high growth potential. Earlier this year Dollar General announced plans to expand into three new US states. Expanding its operations into Rhode Island, Maine and Oregon would give the company presence in 43 states. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Coverage Bias Report A survey reported by the Pew Research Center, a so called fact tank , said that 77 percent of the surveyed that they have less confidence in the media because of reliability and bias. The other 33 percent could have been unaware of bias in their regularly visited news (or could they could be confident in the way they find news). Varying forms of bias affect susceptible audiences more than aware readers. As one of the most used forms of bias, coverage or confirmation bias is used all over the news. Coverage bias is used in online news articles, talk shows, TV, and in conversation. Coverage bias, as a main form of bias, can be easy to make and The host of the show, Jake Barlow, controls who, the callers, says what and what they say. If the caller were to disagree with Jake, he would speak over them not letting them speak or hang up before they could voice their opinion (Avi 138). The results of the Jake Barlow argument sided with Philip because he could control what was argued on his show. ... Show more content on ... Jake Barlow s thought of New Hampshire on his show: Jake Barlow explains that he thinks that not allowing someone to express patriotism was unreasonable (and somewhat ironic) by mentioning that their license plates read Live free or die. (Avi 128) Jake Barlow uses irony to relate to his audience more which helps the audience . Conflicting Bias in News Coverage: Words such as contest or competition can be viewed by an audience by thinking of conflict.(Conners, 1) Varying connotations can be viewed as bias by readers that are not aware of the author s provided interpretation(interpretation that is not biased) as a bias with them or against them. Words with other types of synonyms can be interpreted differently. Description Bias in Media Coverage of Protest Events: Organized public demonstrations deemed important have an idea or aim to attract mass media for a ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The International Expansion Into Shanghai The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is commonly attributed with the idea that nothing is constant but change (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2011). This is particularly true in business. If an organization is not changing and evolving with the market then they are stagnating and falling behind. In this exercise XYZ, Inc. is pursuing an international expansion into Shanghai, China followed by an expansion into four other international markets a year later. I believe XYZ, Inc. should use the Systems Contingency Model to launch the international expansion in Shanghai because this change model is complex enough to incorporate all the environmental requirements and a good tool to highlight how the different internal dimensions of the ... Show more content on ... The second and most complex phase is the transformation phase. During transformation, organizational leadership must follow through on the vision. This is where the hard work takes place by creating, manufacturing, and finalizing the product before distribution (Weiss, 2012). Leadership will need to adhere to the organization s vision and strategy while ensuring that employees have the resources required to complete their assignments and respond to changing requirements in the new environment. This includes secure supply lines and an anticipation of the foreign commercial marketplace. If leadership at XYZ, Inc. has done their job properly it will be reflected in the output phase. Success will be shown at the organizational level by percentage of market share, product quality and competitiveness. At the group level success will result in synergy, performance and effectiveness. Finally, at the individual level success will find employee satisfaction, performance, and development and growth (Weiss, 2012). That is to say that when everything is running as it should, when all dimensions are in sync, the System contingency model shows success in short term change. The long term, large scale change into the B.R.I.C. countries is more of a transformational change in that it includes a shift in radically different markets that require a different strategy and skills (Weiss, 2012). Leadership must ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Kidney Function Lab Report Human Kidney Function Renee King TA: Oliver Biology 3U03 November 24, 2016 Treatment with water, caffeine, alcohol, and gatorade and the effects on urine output, pH, Na+ excretion, and solid excretion were tested at 30 minute intervals for 2 hours. It was found that urine production for each treatment group increased after 30 minutes, increased further after 60 minutes, and then began to decrease. Mean increases in urine production were only significant for Gatorade in the first 90 minutes (an increase of 40% at 30 60 minutes, and a decrease of 73% at 60 90 minutes) and for caffeine over 60 90min (a 48% decrease). The average pH for each treatment group became more acidic by 90 120 minutes. Mean differences over each time ... Show more content on ... Life sciences, 47(6), 557 564. Epstein, M. (1997). Alcohol s impact on kidney function. Alcohol health and research world, 21, 84 Geethavani, G., Rameswarudu, M., Reddy, R. R. Effect of Caffeine on Serum and Urine Electrolytes. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 234. 91. Guyton A.C., J.E. Hall. 2011. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12th Edition. Saunders, Philidelphia. Haller, C. A., Jacob, P., Benowitz, N. L. (2002). Pharmacology of ephedra alkaloids and caffeine after single‐dose dietary supplement use. Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics, 71(6), 421 432. Maughan, R. J., Owen, J. H., Shirreffs, S. M., Leiper, J. B. (1994). Post exercise rehydration in man: effects of electrolyte addition to ingested fluids. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 69(3), 209 215. Surgenor, Stephen, and Ruth E. Uphold. Acute hyponatremia in ultra endurance athletes. The American journal of emergency medicine 12.4 (1994): 441 444. VanPutte, C., Regan, J. Russo, A., Seely, R., Stephens, T., Tate, P. 2014. Seely s Anatomy and Physiology: 10th Edition. The McGraw Hill Companies, New ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Big Two Hearted River, Part I, By Ernest Hemingway Success comes only to those who stand firm throughout the trials and tribulations the world has to offer, as many people come to realize through the gaining of their personal life experience. In Big Two Hearted River, Part I , Ernest Hemingway utilizes figurative language such as symbolism, imagery, and metaphors in order to impart and emphasize the importance of one s determination to endure the challenges of existence in relation to their overall prosperity. Readers are led to reflect on how persevering through the negative experiences in one s life can ultimately lead to positive experiences, as well as the role perseverance plays in the lifelong search for stability. According to Hemingway, the only method of attaining true ... Show more content on ... It is unclear whether or not they will stay that way permanently, but Nick has hope that they will overcome their unfortunate situation; when he wonders how long they will be stained, Nick is insinuating that there will eventually come a day, be it in weeks or years, that the grasshoppers will return to their natural state. Hemingway uses this metaphor to parallel our perception of Nick himself. The trauma Nick has endured throughout his life has impacted him as well as his identity significantly, but there is hope and the promise of a better future if he is willing to withstand the burden in the meantime. This sentiment is echoed by Nick when he lets go of the grasshopper, instructing it to fly away somewhere (212). The message conveyed here is that life goes on; though the grasshoppers are sullied by their experiences, as they might be for a while, there is a way for them to be free and thus, there must be a way for Nick to be free as well. The rewards that follow in the wake of a negative or traumatic event are earned by the mere fact that an individual was not willing to be swayed from their path or to give up simply on the basis that it was difficult. Nick himself sums it up rather nicely when he states that he s a right to eat this kind of stuff, if [he s] willing to carry it (215) referring to, of course, his backpack full of food and supplies that he d been shouldering for ... Get more on ...
  • 27. What Is Marie De France s Lanval A New Model Cora Orme Kapelle Medieval Literature 23 February 2015 Marie de France s Lanval : A New Model for Gender Roles in the Medieval Romance Genre Historically, Medieval women had little agency or control over their lives. Parents arranged marriages for political alliances and while the romantic compatibility of the engaged couple was almost never considered, Medieval society often prioritized men s sexual preferences. Marie de France comments on women s lack of agency and the unfulfilling nature of these marital alliances in her unconventional lai, Lanval. Her curious inversion of power dynamics skews the traditional gender roles and reveals flaws within the Medieval ideal of courtly romance. In particular, Marie de France s Fairy Queen starkly ... Show more content on ... In order to fully comprehend the subversive female subject, it is imperative to explore how Lanval s failure to fit the romantic hero archetype renders him more conventionally feminine. Despite his noble lineage and inherent bravery that aligns him with Medieval models of knighthood, the narrator places more emphasis on Lanval s defects and insufficiencies. In particular, Lanval is so unmemorable that King Arthur forgets to financially support Lanval: Women and land / He shared out with generous hand / To all but one who d served. Lanval heOrme 2 forgot: no man helped his recall (Marie de France). Lanval s strong financial dependence on the king (and later the Fairy Queen) liken him to an unmarried woman; he is reliant on powerful alliances for monetary support and validation of status. In fact, Marie de France paints Lanval as quite pitiable and without the capability to independently solve his hopeless situation. He is so morose that he relinquishes his horse, his last financial asset and visible sign of status, to wander the forest and think of his sad plight, He saw nothing to bring delight (Marie de France). ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Informative Speech On Deafhood Hi, this is my pro tactile interpreter, (I missed the name, looks like ptpt), we are working together. Before I begin, I want to thank you and I am honor to be here. My experience and relationship with Deafhood is different but honestly I am happy to be here. To the board, thank you for inviting me here and to the community, thank you for inviting me here. I speak for myself, no, I speak for my various intersecting communities: The Deaf, Deaf Blind, people of color including Native American, Black, South East Asian, West African, and all of the groups, and the disabled people. Sometimes when I do presentations, people have given me more information for community work. I am going to discuss community collective healing, the Deaf history has ... Show more content on ... I am not here to benefit the hearing people by speaking. But if a hearing person tells me but you know I have a deaf friend who says speech is better. That one deaf person does not represent the whole Deaf community. Each of you represent something, each of you have a story to tell, each of you have a background, we need to listen to each of you. We cannot say when one has a friend who is Deaf Blind and make assumptions on what this person needs. We must listen to a person and provide the necessary accommodations based on this person s needs. Community Collective means all including people of color, disabled, Deaf blind, all of them. It begins with LAL, that is, listening for understanding with love. You may become defensive but you cannot listen and say wait. You must listen to understand in order to love the process itself. Sometimes people will disagree with you. For example, I have a dialogue with the KKK, do I like it? no, but I need to understand why. I don t have to agree with them. In a strange way, I do understand KKK because the KKK members were taught that way by their families and they want to be accepted by their families. It s human nature. Do I like the concept of KKK, of course ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Fiscal Issues In Canada Summary Canada currently faces a number of significant fiscal challenges that require leadership, strategy, and a commitment to take the actions needed to protect the country s future prosperity. This briefing note outlines the greatest fiscal challenges facing the federal government and offers recommendations for addressing these issues. Declining commodity prices around the world, along with one of the world s strongest links between oil production and currency (McNeely, 2015) places the country at considerable risk. An economic slowdown in China has led to a major decline in global commodity prices. At the same time, geo political conflict has led to some OPEC member states like Saudi Arabia flooding the market with oil in an attempt to ... Show more content on ... It is recommended that Canada adopt and implement a more active fiscal policy and cut interest rates to ensure the prices of commodities remain low. Low commodity prices can potentially stimulate demand over time and boost exports, benefiting the country s economy, including its beleaguered commodities sector. At the same time, tax incentives for business and consumers to pursue alternative energy projects could further stimulate the economy and lead to strong consumer confidence in the levels of permanent income increasing over time. Buttressing short term efforts such as cutting interest rates with tax incentives to promote long term growth and a shift toward a more diverse economy could help Canada address both its short term and longer term economic woes. Moreover, this two tiered approach would likely generate an increase in consumer spending as the government s approach would promote greater confidence in a more diverse Canadian economy being able to grow over time, thus providing individuals with greater spending ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Darwin And The Scientific Method Summary Darwin and the Scientific Method There has been an apparent disagreement between how Darwin conducted his experimentation and how he publicized his findings to the public. Ayala describes that Darwin follows and inductive approach derived from British philosophers such as John Stuart Mill and Francis Bacon; they believed in making observations without criticizing as to their significance and to gather several of them in order to reach a final conclusion. As Darwin traveled on the H.M.S. Beagle he was in pursuit of knowledge that required observation and experimentation, otherwise known as empirical evidence. In this case, he wanted to explain the origin of organisms and to see if his theory of natural selection is true. Darwin had the fear of being accused in making evaluations based on poorly measured results. There was this urge in formulating hypotheses that can be tested by observable experimentation rather than having ones that appear to be afterthoughts. It has been a false mindset that science advances by gathering experimental results and drawing a conclusion. Bacon and Mill suggested inductive reasoning as a way to gain empirical conclusions not based on personal feelings or opinions. Basically, an ideal scientist should observe any occurrence and record without worrying as to what the truth may be. However, every scientist must have a plan as to what kind event to study and obtain answers to questions they may have on something that interests them. A ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Why The South Killed Reconstruction The South Killed Reconstruction After the Civil War, there was still question about who had overall killed Reconstruction. They both had a lot to do with it, but the south had more to do with it. The KKK was killing important people just to prove a point. Life was hard for African Americans in this time because Southern people wanted slavery to continue even after it was abolished. African americans were bribed to vote for who the kkk wanted. There was a lot of racism.I think the south killed reconstruction because of bribery, the killing of scalawags and carpetbaggers, and who they voted for. I think the South killed Reconstruction efforts by bribing African Americans They offered me $5,000 to go with them and said they would pay me $2,500 in cash if I would let another man go to legislature in my place. (Colby 513) This gives evidence that the KKK was bribing African Americans to do what they wanted. They set in and whipped me a thousand licks more, with sticks and straps that had buckles on the ends of them. (Colby 513) This shows that the KKK was beating and whipping African Americans if they refused their offer. Although, the North could be held at fault because they did not take the ... Show more content on ... HE was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room. (Tourgee 511) This quote shows that the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was killing Northerners who were trying to keep Reconstruction efforts going. The picture in Document A depicts a donkey, labelled the KKK, walking away after hanging a carpetbaggers and a scalawag. (Independent Monitor)It is for sure a carpetbaggers and a scalawag because the one is holding a briefcase and the other is dressed like a northerner. Although, the North was not acting on these incidents even when their people were dying. However, this is not enough to counteract the main claim because it does give as much importance as the South s ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Spanish Conquistadors The Spanish conquistadors who vanquished Cuba in the 16th century are known for the suffering they caused among conquered peoples. Yet, the same brute force that exploited native populations is also responsible for Cuba s development into a flourishing colony. On October 28, 1492, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus discovered Cuba on his first voyage to the New World. Impressed with the beauty, natural resources, and prime location of the island, Columbus returned to Cuba on his second voyage in 1494. Nineteen years later, Spanish conquistador Diego Velasquez conquered the island under the command of Columbus son Diego Columbus. After Spain established political control in Cuba, native culture was completely disregarded and innocent lives ... Show more content on ... Though the establishment of encomiendas abused natives and supported African slave trade, the agricultural industry founded in Cuba by the Spanish became the colony s main source of income. When the Spanish arrived in Cuba in the late fifteenth century, they discovered tobacco native to the region and brought it back to Europe, where it was admired for its unique taste (Garcia). Tobacco encomiendas were built across the island and the crop was shipped to Europe in exchange for manufactured goods. Other cash crops including sugarcane, coffee, and animal hides were also exported via Spanish ships and taken to European consumers (Woodward). By 1600, Cuban tobacco had become renowned worldwide for its superior quality and cost nearly three times the price of its competitors (NAter). Though the success of the encomienda system is controversial due to its lack of morality, Cuba s economic development would not have been made possible without them. The agricultural industries and business partners formed by Spanish colonists enabled Cuba to rise as a powerful trade hub between Europe and the Americas. Prior to Spanish conquest, Cuba had no connections to the outside world and natives survived as hunter gatherers ( The Colonial Years ). When they colonized the island, the Spanish built economic institutions that ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The History Of Wine Production The history of wine production traces back thousands of years, with the earliest evidence of a wine like drink located in China circa and estimated to be of at 7000 BC. Wine was the center of the agricultural culture of many civilizations like the Romans, the Phoenicians and the Greeks, who considered wine a divine drink of the gods. Wine remains until today one of the largest components of the agricultural production in the Western civilization (Appendix 1). Grapevine is one of the most economically and socially important crops around the globe. Grapes are used for the production of raising, grape juice, jams and vinegar, but the main end product is wine. It was estimated in 2005 that 65.7% of the production of grapes is being used ... Show more content on ... The past few years however, groups have been trying to address the cultivation techniques from another perspective; by genetically modifying grapevines. Realizing the global significance of wine, scientists specializing in plant biology, viticulture and enology from the major wine producing areas (USA, Australia, France, Canada, Chile, Italy, Germany, Spain and South Africa) launched the International Grape Genome Program (IGGP) in the beginning of the century. It involves a cooperative genome sequence analysis of the species Vitis Vinifera, one of the most common grapevine species. The goal of the IGGP is to provide insights into the molecular biology of the species. Using genetic tools, scientists are attempting to modify specific parts of the Vitis genome to produce higher quality wine, disease resistant crops and provide a database for producers to plant the right species with respect to the specific environment of their production site. According to data collected in 2007, half of the grape genome has been mapped, which includes more than 22800 nucleotide sequences and the project is expected to grow even more the next years. The data has been placed in the public databases of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Genetically Disease Resistant Grapes Following the launch ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Financial Performance Of Tesco Plc In this report I will be analysing and evaluating the financial performance of Tesco PLC over the past 5 years (2010 to 2014). Background Company Information Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen, he originally started up his business as a market stall selling surplus groceries in the East End of London. The company is now not only a grocery store but also a general merchandise retailer, selling clothes, furniture, electrical items and wide range of other products and services including Tesco Bank, Tesco Mobile, and Blinkbox video on demand service. Tesco currently operates in 12 countries around the world, employ over 500,000 people and serve tens of millions of customers every week both in store and online. Tesco became a private limited company in 1932 and in 1947 Tesco Stores (Holdings) PLC floated on the stock exchange with a share price of 25p per share. Tesco were interested in what their customers buying habits were in order to try and evolve their company so they decided to closely watch customers behaviour and this led to the introduction of the Clubcard scheme in 1995 and a banking service in 1997. This allowed them to collect customer data and personalise their discounts in response to what they bought and this made them the UK s top supermarket. Aggressive negotiation with suppliers helped them grow their market share from a mere 7% in 1971 to 31% in 2007 making them the UK s top supermarket, which they still are today, (as according to the website ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Social Norms And Social Aspects Social norms are what the world or society view as acceptable ways to act. A social norm that I tend to follow would be facing the front when riding on an elevator. This is one that I assume most people follow, but I have actually been in a situation where someone walked on an elevator while they were texting and never turned around. I had never thought about that being socially normal until someone didn t face the door. However, it is only normal because the majority believes it s normal. I believe that yielding to a majority s opinion is something that I rarely do. I speak up very quickly to voice my opinion (perhaps sometimes a little too quickly). I have very strong beliefs and tend to let people know about them. I also let people know ... Show more content on ... Apathy is needed to stand alone and not care what people think of you. The social norm that I decided to violate was wearing my sweatshirt backwards the whole school day. I wore it all day, even in the morning and at home. I also went so far as to wear it backwards to all of my piano lessons that I teach. This was one of the main reasons I wanted to violate this particular social norm. I knew that I would get good reactions out of my students. Before I put it on backwards, honestly I was a little nervous even though this really isn t that big of a deal. I was also really excited about wearing it in front of the kids I teach. I didn t get a lot of reactions at school so I was looking forward to the lessons. When I answered the door for my first student, she gave me the funniest look, but she didn t say anything to me. Instead, she just walked in and was silent for most of the lesson. My second student asked so many questions when I tried to explain it to her. The next student couldn t even focus on the lesson. She was about six years old so she couldn t stop laughing every time she looked at me. When I would lean over to help her, she would pull on my hood. Pretty soon, I ended up just having her play her songs the best she could so that she would actually get something out of the lesson. I was actually laughing part of the time too because I really didn t expect such big reactions. After all of my students went home, I left it on because I wanted to see what my dad s ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Love and Prowess in The Knight with the Lion Essay Love and Prowess in The Knight with the Lion The chivalric ideal demanded many things of a knight. To the military ideals of prowess, loyalty, and honor it added the aristocratic ideal of largesse and, with the rise of the troubadour lyrics and romances, the ideal of courtly love. At times a knight could find these demands in conflict with one another. Such is the case with Chrétien de Troyes s romance The Knight with the Lion. In this story, the hero Yvain finds love while pursuing prowess; but, continuing to pursue prowess, he loses that love. In the adventures that follow, he seeks to regain his love. In so doing, he develops true prowess without aiming for it and learns to reconcile chivalry s demands of love and prowess, ... Show more content on ... Yvain s prowess is already great in this early part of the story, as we can see from his first two feats of arms. In the first, he defeats Esclados the Red, the defender of the fountain, by whom Calogrenant had been so disgraced. How good a knight Esclados defeated in Calogrenant, the story does not indicate, only that he is a most agreeable knight (258). We may perhaps assume that, being a knight of Arthur s Round Table, Calogrenant would have been a good fighter and his defeat more the exception than the rule. Regardless of his abilities, however, Calogrenant s failure at the spring serves one important purpose: it provides a backdrop against which Yvain s success there is seen to be all the more impressive. To this backdrop is added Calogrenant s description of the spring s defender: I thought there were at least ten. Yet there was only a single knight whose approach caused so much noise and commotion....As though bent on evil, he was riding up faster than an eagle and looking as ferocious as a lion....The knight had a good horse and a stout lance, and without doubt, he was a whole head taller than I....His lance was not light but, in my opinion, weighed more than any knight s lance. I have never seen one so large. (263) Besides this, there is the testimony of Calogrenant s courteous host: So far as they knew or had heard tell, no man, they said, had ever escaped the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Tinker Vs. Des Moines Essay The Vietnam War a time where a lot of American s believed that American s shouldn t have been a part of in the first place. Tens of thousands of soldiers received dishonorable discharges for desertion, and about 500,000 American men from 1965 73 became draft dodgers, with many fleeing to Canada to evade conscription (Vietnam War History). During that time there were thousands of protestors against the Vietnam War On November 15, 1969, the largest anti war protest in American history took place in Washington, D.C., as over 250,000 Americans gathered peacefully, calling for withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam (Vietnam War History). A case that is known in history forever Tinker v. Des Moines case was a very good example of anti war protest and was proven to be an example of freedom of speech. Tinker v. Des Moines case involves two main students. Others students were also involved. The two main student s names were John and Mary Beth Tinker (Landmark Cases). They were from Des Moines, Iowa and this case took place between the years 1965 1969 (Landmark Cases). The problem with this case was there form of protest. They wore black armbands to their public school as a symbol of protest against American involvement in the Vietnam War (Landmark Cases). When their school found out about what they were doing they had an issue with it. When school authorities asked that the Tinkers remove their armbands, they refused and were subsequently suspended (Landmark ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The History Of Technology or to be used for communication. The Capitol had a few of them about for about 10 years after the uprisings, but a rebel scientist had deleted over 400 gigabytes of data detailing the schematics of very powerful tech before she was murdered. One of the things she had deleted was the science behind satellites, so slowly, whatever satellites the Capitol had already had in orbit became decommissioned, and were unable to be replaced. She must not have deleted very important things, Madge grumbles. The Capitol has tons of really scary technology. They do, Al agrees. But if you ever study the technology used in the Dark Days, you ll find that Capitol tech really isn t all that advanced, which is a good thing. I m not saying they re ... Show more content on ... I remember when I was 12, and I was watching the reapings, all I could think was that could have been me. My Father he... Al trails off and shakes his head. Anyways, from a very young age, I was disgusted by the world I lived in, so I immersed myself into astrophysics. I used to daydream about living on the moon by myself. That sounds awfully lonely, Madge comments, feeling ashamed that Al is right, a part of her did hate him from where he was from, which had been totally unfair and cruel of her. Yeah, well, I was used to loneliness. At least up there I wouldn t have be surrounded by barbarians, Al chuckles bitterly. Madge stares at his profile. His eyes hooded, and the visible part of his irises are pained. I know a thing or two about loneliness, Madge confesses in a whisper. My Father was the Mayor of 12. Everyone either resented me for my family s affiliation with the Capitol, or feared the supposed power and influence I held. The one friend I had was shipped off to the Games, and then again to the Quell. Al looks at her in surprise. You re friends with Katniss? Madge just nods, not wanting to appear boastful. Huh, Al says, tilting his head as he studies her. I was kind of surprised when I found you yesterday alone. You look like the kinda girl that has a bunch of guys trailing after her. Not a loner. Trust me, Madge huffs. I have no admirers to speak of. But why? Al presses on. You re ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Book Thief Theme Alexis Javier Mrs. Rosenwasser English 9H October 13, 2014 The Book Thief by Markus Zusak The Book Thief is a text set in Germany during the time of World War II, focused on the life of the protagonist, Liesel Meminger. Liesel, a young German girl, loses her family including her brother Werner who died on a train on the way to Munich. She comprehends the feeling of loss and pain and is conscious that she is existing in hard times. The narrator of the story, Death, witnesses her brother s demise and kneels down to extract the boy s soft and cold spirit as Liesel shakes Werner in an attempt to resuscitate him (Zusak 21). Of course, it does not work as Death questions Liesel s struggle to restore her fallen brother. Thereafter, Lisel picks ... Show more content on ... However, one interesting theme is forming ties with others. In Liesel s journey, she meets many people, exclusively through her love of books and words. For instance, Liesel and her foster father, Hans Hubermann, did not have a strong bond with each other. It was evident that Liesel did not want to be with Rosa and Hans Hubermann. Later on, Liesel would have to deal with the constant remarks of Saumensch, Saukerl, or Arschloch by Rosa. On the other hand, she became more comfortable living with them because of reading and learning words from The Grave Digger s Handbook. Hans and Liesel establish a deeper and more involved relationship with these books. For example, Hans and Liesel study the alphabet which shows their bond developing. [Hans] patted the girl s hair. She d fallen into his trap. With a smile like that, you don t need eyes. He hugged her and then looked again at the picture, with a face of warm silver. Now for T (68). Moreover, Hans gifted Liesel with books for her birthday such as The Mud Men, which intensified their relationship even more. Based on this evidence, it is palpable that Hans and Liesel s bond strengthened through books and words from the moment of Liesel s arrival through the end of their ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Time Period Of The Cold War The time period of the Cold War was a breeding ground for ideological change. It was an era filled with fear and paranoia, not simply of the unknown, but of neighbours, friends, and family. World War II, the atomic bomb, the Cold War, made it hard for Americans to continue their optimism historian Stephen Ambrose commented. This paradigm shift is evident in the texts from the era, and by studying them we come to understand the values and atmosphere of the time and the effect those values had on the texts. The Cold War began after the end of World War II, after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States of America; that continued until the early 90s with the dissolving of the Soviet Union. The two sides of the Cold War were the Western Bloc and Eastern Bloc, which are terms given to the alliances formed by the USA and NATO; and the USSR and the Warsaw Pact respectively. Named for its lack of major conflict or bloodshed between its two super powers, the USA and USSR, despite the wars that occurred that those super powers supported, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. After the bombing and subsequent end of WW II, the world was reeling from the unprecedented destruction it caused as well as the implications and effects it would have on not only war but society itself. During this time both a nuclear arms race and the space race occurred. Primarily the Cold War was a power struggle between the USA and USSR, and their conflicting ideals of capitalism ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Woodstock Essays Woodstock 1969 The Sixties were an exciting revolutionary period with great cultural change. Some people called it the decade of discontent (Britannica) due to the race riots in Detroit and La, and the demonstrations against the Vietnam War. Other people called it the decade of peace, love, and harmony (Woodstock 69). This decade was identified as such as a result of the peace movement and the emergence of the flower children. (Britannica) The sixties were about assassination, unforgettable fashion, new styles of music, civil rights, gay and women s liberation, Vietnam, Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, peace marches, sexual freedom, drug experimentation, and Woodstock. All of these components caused a revolutionary change in the ... Show more content on ... Woodstock was a planned event however; the majority of it just fell into place for three days. The second quality is is it temporally bounded . The event was bounded by the first and last days. Next is is it spatially bounded . It contained a stage for the musicians and an area marked off for those that paid for their ticket however, during the occasion the boundaries for the ticket holders was breached. Another quality is was it programmed . Woodstock was programmed due to the line up, or the order in which the musicians sang. The fifth quality is is this a coordinated public event . This was the main purpose for Woodstock to get people to come together to share the peace and love. The final quality is is the event heightened . Woodstock is still remembered as being three days of a concert and people coming together to enjoy good music and love. The cultural process of Woodstock consisted of rejoicing in the different styles of music and in each individual that came. The festival included many social dramas. Individuals, in that number, are bound to have differences. Woodstock taught people, approximately 400,000, how to resolve their issues by sharing a common goal. The celebration helped to advance the ideas of peace and unity throughout the generation. The three day celebration was considered an aesthetic event. It was not only a concert but an art fair as well. Some works of art were seen during the event. People wore the art in the form of body ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Whole Foods And The Corporate Social Responsibility University of the People BUS 3306 AY 2017 T2 Unit 6 Written Assignment The company I chose to explore is Whole Foods and the corporate social responsibility (CSR) they adhere to. Corporate social responsibility, also known as CSR, means a corporation s initiatives to assess and take responsibility for the company s effects on environmental and social well being , according to, Investopedia, (R., 2015). Whole foods are dedicated to contributing back to its people, community, and the environment while profiting as a company. CSR is just as important as their ethical practices including green marketing by utilizing the marketing of products believed to be preferably used by people which incorporate a number of activities such as, environmentally friendly packaging, sustainability, and modified advertising. The company s reputation of what they offer, the treatment of their employees, behavior as a company, including the major factors of they represent across the marketplace is what they strive to exude. As stated on the whole foods market website, sustainability and our future , whole foods has a vision of a sustainable future for generations to come, (Sustainable and our future, n.d.). Corporate social responsibility has existed in their strategy as a company since the beginning. Founder and co CEO, John Mackey found the company in the beginning of the eighties decade and has instilled these practices since. They have built sustainability into their ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Wife Of His Youth And Mrs. Spring Fragrance Ever since the days of World War I, women have been seen as second rate to men. They had to live up to many social standards that men didn t have to and had strict guidelines on how to live their lives. This all changed when modernism deliberately tried to break away from Victorian Era standards in which women were subjugated to a lot more scrutiny. Ezra Pound, who was a large figure in the modernist movement, captured the spirit of the era in his famous line Make it new! Consequently, many writers started to experiment with many different and wild writing styles, which led to the short stories and poems we have today. The stories The Wife of His Youth and Mrs. Spring Fragrance were all written in this era of modernism. While they are written in a more traditional style of writing, both these stories have strong implications on feminism from the viewpoints of both male and female writers. The Victorian Era women was vastly different than the female we think of nowadays. Women during that time were expected to fulfill more of a domestic and motherly role, one that stayed at home and took care of the house. They were confined within the private sphere of the world while the men toiled away in the public sphere. The ideal Victorian women was described as: The women were expected to carry out the duties of the house without complaint and to remain diligent to her husband, as well as God. During this time, motherhood transformed from just being a child bearing figure to ... Get more on ...