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Free Essay Grammar And Punctuation Check Free Essay Grammar And Punctuation Check
The Pros And Cons Of Private Schools
Utilizing Private Schools Wreck Public Schools No one thinks twice about whether or not a child
needs an education. As children grow, parents must decide what route to take concerning education.
The options include, but are not limited to, sending children to a private or a public school.
Deciding which type of schooling depends solely on personal preference. The argument If You
Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person by Allison Benedikt, argued that sending
children to private schools ultimately depletes actions to achieve what is best for the students.
Although, Benedikt s piece uses premises, and personal testimonies, overall the argument presented
is lacking.
If this article was written correctly with factual information, the author would have done well with
major premises followed by minor premises, but the information given is biased. Parents will often
send their children to private schools to make up for the poor education at the local public schools.
To make positive changes in public schools, parents need to send their children there. A premise the
author stated Parents have a lot of power (Benedikt, 2013) catches the attention of parent readers,
evidence follows this premise from common, American human beliefs. It is well known that the
parents of students have major influences on the way public school systems run. More challenging
courses for advanced students, sometimes known as enrichment programs are provided through
money raised
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Essay On Bessie Mae
My beloved great aunt, Bessie Mae, has gone on to glory. I was so devastated until I found out that
I was included in her will. She left 500,000 dollars to me because I was her favorite, and she knew I
would use it wisely. Aunt Bessie Mae always told me, God loves a cheerful giver. She was a
philanthropist and insisted I follow in her footsteps, which is why I could only receive the
money IF I donated half of it to nonprofit organizations, charity, or people in need. I could use the
other half however my heart desired. I know exactly how I will use it. The first thing I am going to
do is unselfishly pay 50,000 dollars off my parent s house and our cars. I am choosing to pay part of
their debt because they have sacrificed so much for my siblings... Show more content on ...
They never turn patients away, regardless of ability to pay. They have helped, and continue to help
so many children throughout the years. ACH also go the extra mile to make the patient s time at
the hospital fun, as it can be. ACH s mission is to champion children by making them better today
and healthier tomorrow and their vision are that they fundamentally transform healthcare delivery
for the children of Arkansas and beyond through innovative advancements in patient care, research,
education, and advocacy resulting in unprecedented improved child
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Pretty Little Liars Research Paper
The Division Between Art and Popularity in Television
The lines of traditional art have blurred over the years as new artistic movements have appeared
and transformed the notion of what is considered art. As these movements have revolutionized the
art world, popular culture has branched off from art, causing a shift; art is no longer a
representation of popular culture and visa versa. In contemporary society art doesn t exist to win
any popularity contests, it exists to please the viewer, and is often deemed art by highly acclaimed
art critics who don t speak from a popular culture standpoint. Art highly regarded by critics often
goes against the grain and makes a statement, while popular culture is dictated by what the general
public likes, ... Show more content on ...
When this idea is utilized in television, a large divide appears between shows that display artistic
elements and series that become the newest popular sensation. This phenomenon is apparent
when comparing the HBO show Girls, with the ever popular ABC Family drama Pretty Little
Liars. Girls presents a complex, carefully detailed plot line along with characters who refuse to
abide by social norms. Pretty Little Liars on the other hand follows a generic and predicable
script, complete with plot holes and lackluster characters devoid of diversity. The fact that Pretty
Little Liars reigns more popular than Girls proves that aesthetic appeal is not valued in today s
cultural landscape, uncovering the separation between art and popularity in television. Girls and
Pretty Little Liars represent two different ends of the artistic spectrum; Girls is widely considered
to be art despite its lack of diversity, whereas Pretty Little Liars is more popular yet is associated
with low brow culture given
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How Does Richard Matheson Use Cgi In Modern Disaster Films
The use of CGI (computer generated imagery) has become a prevalent, although rather expensive
element implemented in modern films, especially of the disaster film genre. Audiences worldwide
are proving to be more difficult to amaze, and are not impressed so easily. Most moviegoers are
quick witted and even the slightest production error on screen can deter people from enjoying and
sometimes understanding the film. It is no secret that the general consensus in Hollywood is
focused to create the biggest, and most gruesome disaster situations on screen using special effects
and CGI in order to shock and awe their audiences. When studios act this way while producing a
film, they often ignore plot holes, and lack of substance in storylines in lieu... Show more content on ...
In both films, this universal attachment to the protagonist is established, but in The Last Man on
Earth Robert eventually is hunted down by the new society of intelligient vampires who had
been searching for him after he destroyed the vampires friends and family for his experiments in
hope to find a cure for the disease. [Robert] is seen by these intelligent vampires as not only an
evolutionary throw back but a serious threat as he indiscriminately destroys vampires both
monstrous and intelligent during his daylight rampages. As the monster who comes during one s
sleep, [Robert] is captured and condemned to public execution. (Moreman). This twist in plot,
creates a semi original idea that holds true to the theme in the preceding novel, in a new society of
vampires, Robert has seen himself become a murderous human, the last of his kind. I Am Legend,
however ironic as it may seem because of the films shares the title with the novel, strays away from
this ending and instead, in this storyline, Robert finds a cure and in his final moments decides to
sacrifice himself for the rest of humanity as he knew it. Yet another Christ like reference to further
instill the legend that Robert has left upon the new wave of society. The film I Am Legend
effectively encapsulated, and in some ways expanded, the attachment
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Yuma Project Research Paper
The Yuma Project was important because it dealt with all the uprising conflicts that
occurred.Irrigation greatly changed southern Arizona, also known as Yuma. It started out small,
but as more people moved there it grew largely. There were a series of different irrigation
systems, but the commonly used one was canals. Some of the canals that were built long ago
still stand today, and Yuma is the most linked place. Yuma today is the largest agricultural place,
but will not be for long if they keep having the problems they do. They also need to have money so
they can fix what they need to and be able to pay workers to help.
Not only did the Yma Project affect farming and how irrigation worked, but it also affected the
people that lived around it. There was an issue that the Indians along the Colorado River had. They
were being pushed out of the area on both the California side and the Arizona side because of the
immigrants that came September 3, 1852. They came on a boat called the Capacity . Not only did
that boat carry the immigrants, it also carried lumber and an engine for a steamboat (steamer) that
would be able to sail in twenty two inches of water. The Indians realized that Fort Yuma was getting
stronger and was not going anywhere, anytime soon. It was big on the California side, but the ...
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They have to agree to let the workers and that state use their land for the canals. It is their land,
they were owed it, so it belongs to them and the government or state can t take it from them. The
workers have to bribe them into letting them use the land. Most of the time the bribe consisted of
money but others, consisted of using the water from the canal as a lifetime supply of water for
their own personal needs. Most of the time, they would agree to make a deal, or treaty, and if they
didn t then the workers would have to find another piece of
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My Life After The World
Margaret Mead once said: Never believe that a few caring people can t change the world. For,
indeed, that s all who ever have. This quote certainly holds true for me. When I was in elementary
school, a caring man changed my life without knowing it. In second grade, my mother signed me
and my little sister up for iceskatingclass. For an extremely brief time period, I had visions of
becoming a figure skatingprodigy, but they immediately dissipated as soon as I stepped onto the
ice. I couldn t take a step without slipping, but I was terrified of falling. To get to the area of the
arena where the class was taking place, I had to hang onto the side of the wall and slowly push
myself sideways.
When class started, the teacher first taught us to skate across the ice by stepping outward with our
skates. Our first task was to skate across the ice arena. I felt like I was two again. I took tiny baby
steps across the ice, afraid to fall. I wasn t sure why I was deathly scared of falling. I was bundled
up in snowpants and a heavy winter coat, so falling wouldn t have hurt much anyway, and it wasn t
like falling was an extremely horrible mistake. But I was afraid to take a big step and fall. In life, I
have never wanted to take big risks. I was always careful not to make a mistake and look like a fool.
I looked ahead. My sister, Grace, was already halfway to the other side of the ice arena. She fell
again and again, but got back up and skated faster with each fall. Every time she
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An Analysis Of Tony RobbinsQuotes On Success
If you are on a path towards success, then you ve probably listened to Tony Robbins at one point
or another. Or, at the very least, you ve heard some of his quotes. There s no denying that he s
very successful in what he does which is helping other people be successful in all areas of their
life. He is known as the number one life and business strategist and he understands leadership
psychology. The biggest thing is that he has a knack for making things clear and easy to
understand, which is one of the many reasons why I wanted to do a Tony Robbins Success Quotes
13 Tony Robbins Quotes On Success
If you have a thought about one of these Tony Robbins quotes on success, or a story you would
like to share, please leave it ... Show more content on ...
And, they are not done yet!
Of course, being certain isn t always going to get you the results you want. If you are certain that
you are going to marry a superstar, for instance, and they are married and twenty years older than
you, then the chances of that happening are small. But, when it comes to improving your life,
grabbing hold of that conviction that you could achieve what you want to achieve is the key to
helping you get off your butt and doing things that help you move closer to it.
3. Trying To Believe Something You Don t?
When you go beyond the threshold that somebody believes, it s over, cause they check out and go
I can t do that , I won t do that , There s no way .
Tony Robbins was talking about this in a sports context, but it works for anything. If someone
tells you that you should perform 50% better, and you don t believe that you can, then you will
check out. You will find a way to get out of having to even try to perform 50% better. If you don t
believe it, you simply won t allow the idea into your head.
That s not good news if you want to improve your life and become more successful. You need to
find some crack in your belief system that allows you to see a potential for the outcome you want.
The good news is that we CAN change our beliefs. We are not doomed to believe something for
the rest of our
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Lord Of Flies Book Vs Lord Of The Flies
The Inner Beast Emerges
The beast that lies inside of us all shows what it can do when it has a chance too.
By Daniel Frankel
The Lord of the Flies is a 250 page novel written by Sir William Golding. It was first published in
1954 and since then, has become a worldwide success. A quote from Golding was The right
impression is the one that rises to the reader the first time he reads the book , This was perfectly
suited for his book, as his book was a best seller. The movie based on the novel Lord of the Flies
was first made in 1963 in black and white, then made again in colour in 1990 by Harry Hook. The
movie has many deviations from the book however the storyline is basically the same and proved
a success by grossing just under $14 million in the box office, making it a major film for the time
period. Because this novel was such a success schools all around are still studying it in senior
The Lord of the flies novel, starts at a reasonable pace and doesn t let the reader lose interest. Sir
William Golding writes very descriptively and creates the images very clearly. For example his
hair plastered to his forehead this gives the impression of heat, sweat, and steamy air. The story
starts when a group of British school boys are stranded on an uninhabited island. Trying to
maintain structure, the boys elect Ralph to be the leader, a position, Ralph, feels a duty as the
eldest to fulfil. However, one of the other boys Jack wants to also be the leader, and
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The Rational Decision Making Model Essay
The purpose of this report is to provide feedback on administrative and public policy violation
issues in the city of Crestview located in Okaloosa County, Florida. The report analyzes public
policy violations, City Council member adjudication, transparency, and leadership issues in the City
of Crestview. The report uses various research methods to gather data to help formulate the
conclusion and recommendations of the report.
The rational decision making model is utilized to make the best decision possible. The rational
decision making model is the best known prescriptive model; the model involves several sequential
steps: identifying the problem, determining the goals and objectives, identifying and evaluating
alternative policies, choosing from the alternatives, recommending actions, implementation, and
evaluation (Smith, 2014). The use of this model is justified as it provides structure and sequence
to the choices of the decision maker. The model helps ensure key indicators can be fully considered
in a logical manner.
It is recommended that the administration create new procedures and implement trainings or classes
to educate City Council members, employees and other city officials on new public policies as
well as the Sunshine Law. These trainings will outline laws, policies and ordinances as well as
target times for legislators to move any issue from the systemic agenda to the formal agenda; this
policy should allow for research on Crestview s
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Women s Views On Women
In the United States, study after study continues to show that women have fewer opportunities to
advance in the workplace than men. These disadvantages are a result of society s views of women
in leadership positions and how women may view themselves in these roles. Women have been
making progress in terms of equality in pay and job positions, but significant gaps remain. Women
who strive to be promoted into higher levels of responsibility in their companies often meet
resistance that prevents them from achieving the goal of a senior or executive level of management.
This barrier is referred to as the glass ceilingand it is a controversial issue in our country today. The
glass ceiling called this because women are able to see the higher level positions, but can reach
them because of an intangible barrier. One can look at the Fortune 500companies, which are the
most successful companies in the U.S. in terms of revenue to see how few women are in
leadership positions. Clearly, women are significantly underrepresented in these companies, as less
than 5 percent of these companies have female chief executive officers (CEO) today (Dockterman
105). Providing the opportunity for women to move into management positions, like CEOs, would
bring a unique talent and a new perspective on how the company can operate to perform better
(Buckalew 147). The glass ceiling is a real obstacle that creates an intangible barrier that puts
women at a disadvantage in advancing in a company.
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Floor Mill Research Paper
A small home can either feel cramped or cozy. Unfortunately, if you are like most people you
probably don t like the feeling of being crammed into a room. Luckily, you can trick your eye into
believing your space is much larger by using the right floor tile. Incredibly easy and very effective,
switching up your floor tile is a great way to revamp a small space.
So how you can use floor tile to make your space appear larger? Here are three basic tips:
1. Opt For Larger Tiles
Perhaps the easiest way to make a small space appear larger is to use larger floor tiles. Now this
might sound counterproductive, but it is actually very effective. Larger floor tiles are often less
busy, which automatically opens up the space. In addition, larger floor tiles require less grout. Less
grout means there is less contrast to break up ... Show more content on ...
Choose The Correct Color
Another helpful tip is to choose the correct color for your floor tile. As you might expect, lighter
colors will open up the space better. This is because light and neutral colors are less busy. Lighter
colors also reflect light better, which automatically makes a space appear bigger. If you don t want
your flooring to be a single boring color, don t worry. You can always add accent tiles in a fun or
bright color to liven up the space.
Choosing a color for your tile might seem difficult, but it doesn t have to be. Visit a local tile
store and select some samples that you like. Take the samples home and see how they look in the
space. Be sure to examine the tiles at varying times, as natural light can change how they look.
Once you find a color and style you look, you ll be good to go.
3. Vary Tile Shape
Finally, don t feel like you need to stick to a single tile shape. Varying the shape of the tiles can
be very helpful in making your space appear larger. Subtle changes in texture or shape will
provide some variety to the eye and make the space appear bigger. It s another simple tip, but again
it is quite
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Review Of Waiting For Godot, Hamlet, And Moulin Rouge
In some aspects great musicals and orchestral scores can add to the experience of a theatrical play,
but films have adapted these aspects as well and have proven to be a more successful form of
entertainment. Theatre productions have become secondhand in comparison, though still viewed as
a high class of an entertainment, it is not nearly as successful to reaching a widespread audience as
the film industry has accomplished. The resulting film adaptations that have theatre like qualities
often fail completely due to their inability to capture the attention of contemporary audience
members, essentially creating a stagnant film. In this paper, I am specifically narrowing my focus
and discussing tragedy film adaptations in comparison to themselves and theatre. But first, I will
give an overall briefing of the history of film and theatre. Then I will discuss their relationship and
what elements create successful entertainment within films and how theatre like adaptations have a
crippling effect to a film s success rate. Finally I will have an in depth discussion on these elements
within the films: Waiting for Godot, Hamlet, and Moulin Rouge!, and the success rate of each. The
invention of the cinema began in the 1890 s in America through the exploration of persistence of
vision. This is the technique in which the human eye can begins to see the illusion of movement
when twenty four picture frames are rapidly fired one after the other. ... later research demonstrated,
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Cole Weston s Influence On Photography
Cole Weston was the fourth and youngest son out of all his famous brothers. He was inspired to
do photography from his other brothers, Brett Weston and Edward Weston. Unlike his brothers,
this younger brother was the fame of the 20th century. A 4 by 5 Autoflex camera from his older
brother, Brett, started his journey. Weston went to Cornish School in Seattle to graduate with a
degree in Theater Arts. Cole had served in the World War II as a photographer, where he
probably learned a lot of things as a person and with his camera. Once he was done with the
World War II, he worked for the Life magazine. This didn t go so well, so he went to Camel with
his oldest brother Edward. At Camel, new coloring film was coming out, so Cole took advantage to
experiment with new medium. Experimenting... Show more content on ...
All photographers have a certain style they want to convey to the viewers. The type of style
Cole Weston was passionate about was fine art color photography. Cole was always very
intrigued by the vibe of things like objects, places, and human forms. Cole was inspired to bring
the possibilities of colour into photography. He began with taking pictures of land and seascapes
on the coastline of Carmel. One of his most known pictures with his style was At Home and
Abroad. This inspiration of landscape and female bodies was shown through his work. Many
include luxurious and powerful toned images. Weston believed that color was a form, and these
colors could make contrast really set his work for the races. He was very passionate about his
style. He just liked to take images that showed colour. He used to spend days of working on a
single negative, but when he was working with his brother, he was always told to setup the
camera this way or focus the knob this way. All of these things were tiny to Cole. His technique
seemed more laid back. He just wanted to capture great fine art moments. Part of his
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Informative Speech On Celiac Disease
Do you know about celiac disease? if not then i recommend you to keep reading and you will
learn.When you are finish reading i guarantee you will know what celiac is , the treatment of it,
how you can live with it and if it has a cure or not. Whenever one day someone ask you about
celiac disease you will be able to answer with confident. What is celiac? Celiac Disease is an
autoimmune disorder that results in damage to the lining of the small intestine. When you have
celiac disease your immune system does not protect it from foreign invaders.When you eat things
that contain gluten, their immune systems form antibodies to gluten which then attacks the
intestinal lining. when your body starts to attack itself it causes inflammation in the intestines and
damages the villi. The symptoms of celiac diseases are sometimes abdominals bating pain, gas,
diarrhea and many others. the kind of rash that your skin can get is called dermatitis, this is also
one of many symptoms that celiac disease may have.When you have celiac disease you may have
other... Show more content on ...
The treatment you can do is gluten free. people that have celiac can not eat things that have gluten
in it.Celiac patients who try things that are not in their diet, the quickly react to it. When this
happens and patients eat something with gluten the may have different reactions, for example
some people can ingest small amounts of gluten without developing symptoms. Other patients
that have this disease they get diarrhea because of gluten.The gluten free diet includes to avoid
all foods made from wheat, rye and barley. Some examples of things you can t eat are breads,
cereals, pasta, crackers, cakes pies, and gravies. Other things you can avoid are oats. some patients
are able to have oats in their diets. Some food that may contain gluten sometimes are difficult to
notice.Some examples of food that may have gluten are canned soups, salad dressings, ice cream,
candy bars, and
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The Women from The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain
The Women from The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain
Until recently, the role of women in literature has seemed to reflect the way they were treated in
society. Women were seen as secondary to men, and their sole purpose in life was to please a man s
every desire. This is not the case in three specific literary works. The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath,
and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight use the actions of its women characters to greatly enhance
important thematic elements. The women in each of these works use feminine psyche to persuade
men to do things that men of the time would not usually do. The use of women in these literary
works is very contrary to the prevailing ideals of the female and her responsibilities at the ... Show
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Pile the big bed
With fleeces, rugs, and sheets of purest linen. (23.180 83)
After Odysseus becomes enraged when Penelope asks the maid to make his bed outside, she
realizes that he knows the secret that only Odysseus and her share. She embraces him and praises
his homecoming. Once again, Penelope is wise and patient in her decision making. The suitors
pursued her, overtook her home and aggressively pushed her to remarry as she was supposed to.
If Penelope would have given in, The Odyssey would not have ended with Odysseus returning to a
loyal home. Through cunning, independence and loyalty, Penelope is able to create a positive
image as a woman. Chaucer s Wife of Bath has similar independence and cunning, but she makes
her name as a domineering lady that chooses who she wants, and when she wants them.
During the time period in which Chaucer wrote The Wife of Bath women were most commonly
seen as prizes won by men. They were treated merely as objects of housework and sex. Although,
women of Homer s time period were not degraded as severely, both periods did not allow the due
respect women should have received. The Wife of Bath is an exact antithesis of this view. The
Wife of Bath, known as Alison, is the complete opposite of the typical woman of that time. In fact,
she acts more like the husband in the marriage. She tells stories of how her first three husbands
suffered greatly at her hands. Alison also goes on to describe how
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Is3350 Case Study
IS3350: Project Appendix A
Document Retention Policy:
It is a company policy to maintain a complete, accurate, understandable, and high quality records.
The company record are to be retained for the period of their immediate use, unless a longer
retention period is needed for reference, legal, contractual, and regulatory requirements Records that
have satisfied their required period of retention and no longer required, should be destroyed.
No member of upper management, supervisor, and employee of a company should destroy
knowingly a document with the intention of obstructing and influence an investigation or
administration of any mater within the jurisdiction of any government department, agency, or in
relation to contemplation of any such ... Show more content on ...
Notice of litigation:
1. All employees have an affirmative duty to inform the Office of Legal Counsel when they receive
notification of any claim or action or threat of any claim or action against the University.
2. Employees are considered to be in receipt of notice of a claim or action when they receive a
complaint, summons, and/or other official document(s) related to a lawsuit or claim.
3. The Office of Legal Counsel will determine whether the notification received warrants issuance of
a Litigation Hold Notice.
Issuance of Litigation Hold Notice:
1. University counsel will issue an Official Litigation Hold Notice Letter regarding the matter to the
appropriate individuals within five (5) business days of receipt of notification of pending litigation.
2. The Litigation Hold Notice Letter shall provide the categories of electronic and paper documents,
including ESI, that must be retained until further notice and that electronic information must be
preserved in its original electronic form, so that all information contained within it, whether visible
or not, is also available for
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How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Punish Germany
The Treaty of Versailles is a peace treaty, where it basically punishes Germany. It makes them
powerless to a point that they cannot be able to create another war. This treaty was way too harsh
on the Germans. It is a fact that they were not the only ones fighting in the war, and they should
not be the only one, who should be punished. Everyone must take responsibilities for their drastic
decisions. All of the major countries had a role in this war, not only Germany. The Germans were
stripped down of everything they had. It left Germans helplessly and made to live in poverty. In
order to pay off the damages that were made, they were treated like slaves. Instead of making
peace with Germany, the Treaty of Versailles
was sparking another fire
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The Fifth Discipline By Peter Senge
1.What are the main themes of The Fifth Discipline? Describe and explain each discipline.
The writer of the book The Fifth Discipline Peter Senge distinguishes five principle topics in his
book to recognize taking in associations from customary associations. The five subjects are:
Systems considering: It is the theoretical structure for the book. Framework considering joins the
other four guideline of individual authority, mental models, building shared vision and group
learning. It means to take a gander at the master plan and to not look for basic arrangements that
will tackle today s issue yet which make a greater issue later on (Cropper, 2012).
Personal authority: An association creates when each person in the association ... Show more
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2.How are each of these disciplines related to each other?
When all the five orders are consolidated and honed in an association then that association changes
itself from a conventional association to a learning association. A framework thinking approach
concentrates on enhancing the mentality of people to concentrate on accomplishing long haul
objectives which are essentials to the association than to actualize short term objectives which
acquire impermanent benefits. This general advancement in frameworks considering an individual
is built up when the association concentrates on the other four orders (Cropper, 2012).
At the point when an individual spotlights on enhancing himself, he achieves a level of individual
dominance, in this procedure he changes his disposition to take in new things and create from
inside his internal viewpoints. At the point when internal improvement is accomplished through
individual dominance, he wipes out the lack of awareness and enhances his mental models. Mental
models are the path in which an singular takes a gander at things around him, when he experts
himself, he picks up certainty and can accomplish better results while interfacing with individuals at
a more individual level (Cropper, 2012).
At the point when individual authority is joined with building shared vision an association
accomplishes group learning. They figure out how to function all things considered with different
individuals from group, while making strides
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Analysis Of John Gardner s Beowulf
John Gardner offers an alternate interpretation of the old english epic Beowulf by narrating the
experiences of the monster Grendel, after whom the book is named. Grendel conveys himself as a
homicidal, ravenous beast, only capable of destruction and chaos. Therefore, one can conclude that
Grendel is indeed evil, and that he well deserves the cessation of his existence. However,
depending on the philosophical ideologies and the relative perspective one finds self in, they may
conclude differently. Nevertheless, the reader may likely to find one s self both sympathizing with,
and scorning Grendel, because, as the 10th century old english monster says, balance is everything .
Evil, like many other things we humans take as absolutes, is ultimately a matter of perspective.
President Barack Obama once said ...evil is senseless. It s beyond reason . Senselessness
immorality often coincide in topics surrounding evil. However, as many philosophers and political
thinkers alike question, what defines morality ? A Nihilist may think that all values are baseless
and that nothing can be known or communicated , nor would one have [any] purpose, other than,
perhaps, an impulse to destroy (Pratt). Grendel has a nihilistic epiphany early in his life, when he
narrates I understood that the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on
which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears (Garder 21 22). Grendel also performs a plethora of
destructive acts in the novel,
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The Effects Of Climate Change On The Country
Climate change is one of the biggest issues in the world currently. Carbon emissions since the start
of the industrial revolution have caused the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere to increase, thus
causing temperatures to rise and the climate to change. These changes in climate are going to have
differing effects according to the country. In this essay, the impacts of climatechange and possible
adaptions to it will be explored for the countries Austria and Guatemala.
Background info
Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is located around 47 degrees north of the
equator and is 83,871 sq km. Austria has a temperate climate with cold winters where rain is
frequent and a moderate summer with occasional showers. The west and south of the country is a
mountainous region, whilst the east and north are mostly flat plains. In 2015 Austria had a GDP of
$404.3 billion, with 4% of the population living below the poverty line. Austria s main exports are
machinery and equipment, cars, oil and gas and chemicals. (ref CIA)
Guatemala is a coastal country in Central America. It is around 16 degrees north of the equator and
around 108,889 sq km. Guatemala has a tropical climate which is hot and humid in low lying areas
and cooler in higher altitudes. Guatemala in mostly a mountainous country, but with narrow flat
plains surrounding the coast. In 2015 Guatemala had a GDP of $125.9 billion, with 59.3% of the
population living below the poverty line. The main
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Anxiety And Anxiety Disorder
Fear and anxiety are feelings that are natural human responses. These feelings are necessary in
humans and animals for survival and to deal with dangerous and stressful events. They/such
feelings help individuals cope with adverse or unexpected situations. However, there are certain
individuals who will experience these feelings on a daily basis for long periods of time. The
constant fear and anxiety interferes with individual s daily lives and it is then when these
feelings become a mental health problem, identify as Anxiety Disorders (Steimer, 2002). One of
these anxiety disorders is Panic Disorder. Panic Disorder is characterized by individuals
suffering from unpredicted and constant attacks of fear which normally last between 10 to 20
minutes. These attacks are known as panic attacks. Panic attacks are identified by fear of losing
control even in situations where there is no real danger. Some of the most frequent symptoms a
person experience when having a panic attack are chest pain, palpitations, sweating, feeling
short of breath and the feelings of going crazy or having a heart attack (National Institute of
Mental Health, 2016). Furthermore, people who suffer from Panic Disorder often develop other
conditions such as depression, phobias and drug abuse. Many people with Panic Disorder will
avoid certain situations and environments because they fear they may suffer a panic attack.
Because of this, it is also very common for individuals with Panic Disorder to develop
agoraphobia (NIH, 2016). As a consequence of fearing a panic attack, people with this disorder
often engage in catastrophic and negative thinking. A common example is my heart is beating
fast, I am having a heart attack (Steimer, 2002). Therefore, Panic Disorder is a condition that have
a negative impact on people s family, social and working lives (Kessler et al., 2005). Panic
Disorder is treatable, and numerous treatments exist which help reducing the severity of the
symptoms as well as decreasing the number of panic attacks that occur in the disorder. These
treatments are biological treatment, which involve pharmacological drugs, psychotherapy or a
combination of both (National Institute of Health and Care Excellence, 2013). This essay
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Reaction Paper On Sneakers
We all know that sneaker is an attire to be worn on our feet which becoming one of the successful
fashion industry right now. The term sneaker was coined by Henry Nelson McKinney, an
advertising agent for N. W. Ayer Son. (Bellis, 2016). The term sneakers also been influenced by the
stealth or quiet sound that the rubber soleare making. He said that the rubber soles made the shoes
stealth like so he termed them sneakers. (Tops, n.d.). Mary Bellis (2016) also stated that the rubber
sole made the shoeor sneakers stealthy unlike the other shoes. ...because the rubber sole made the
shoe stealthy or quiet, all other shoes, with the exception of moccasins, made noise when you
walked. (Bellis, 2016). Arthur Chan (2013) explained that the shoe had been termed sneakers
because the rubber sole made it easy to sneak up on other people. ...because the shoe s quiet and...
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The first rubber soled shoes called plimsolls were developed and manufactured in the United
States in the late 1800s. (Bellis, 2016). In addition, Chan (2013) also stated that back in those
days plimsolls are uncomfortable pair of shoes. Back then, plimsolls were rather uncomfortable
shoes for one thing, there was no left or right foot. (Chan, 2013). The first sneakers that were
invented were Keds back in 1917. The first sneakers were Keds and they were invented in 1917.
(Tops, n.d.). Keds was the first shoe maker that had capitalize the new technology in creating tough
canvas upper that combined with soft rubber soles. (Chan, 2013).
This part will review some of the selected previous study about sneaker culture and the impact of
the culture and also theory that is suitable for this study. The selected previous study will provide a
valid argument for this topic in order to have more in depth understanding about sneaker culture as
well as the impact of
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Analysis Of A Flower Garden By Li Bai
This poem creates a scene in which the poet, Li Bai is sitting alone under the moonlight as he
sips on his drink and can share his loneliness with no one but the moon and his shadow. By
pointing out that he is at a flower garden with moonlight shined upon him and a pot of wine by his
side, the setting of the poem is rather pleasant and relaxing. The poet, however, appears to be
frustrated because he has no real friends who are there for him. With a quick thought, LiBai decides
to think the moonand his shadow as his companion and meanwhile starts to sing and dance with
them. The fact that neither the moon nor his shadow is animated does not bother Li Bai as he
slowly gets more involved in the atmosphere he created for himself, or, in his words, it makes us
[them] three . From there on, the poet does not care about what other people think of him
anymore and instead starts to live his life the way that will not leave behind any regrets. In order
to achieve such impression and create an image for the readers, Li Bai incorporates myriad
rhetorical devices in the writing of the poem. Out of all techniques being used, imagery is one
that appears throughout the poem. The poem opens up with an image of a flower garden a
which indicates the poet s location and sets the tone for the slight twist in emotion in next
couple of lines of the poem. The poet s mentioning of his loneliness sharply contrasts the setting
in which both wine and flowers are supposed to bring a sense of prosperity and happiness.
Moving on, the fourth and fifth lines express Li Bai s loneliness by creating an image of the
faraway moon and his shadow. The line states that the moon is too far away to enjoy the wine
with Li Bai, and his shadow cannot communicate with or truly comprehend the poet. Li Bai s use
of the phrase creeps about my heels to describe the behavior of his shadow is interesting
thoughtful, showing that even though the shadow is very close to him in distance, Li Bai feels
as if all the shadow does is blindly following him. Considering Li Bai s experience of rejecting the
government official s position in Chang an the capital of China because of his unwillingness to
sacrifice his entire life for the Royals monetary
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When Worlds Collide Chapter 2 Summary
The beginning of chapter 2 is titled When worlds Collide because in that chapter it talks about the
native americans and Europeans meeting each other in the new world. There were 3 main European
countries that interacted with the natives, the Spanish, English, and French. Each had their reasons
for making the long treck to the new World. One of the major European countries that came in
contact with the natives in the 16th century was Spain. When they first arrived in the caribbean,
they had 3 goals in mind God, Gold, and Glory. They want to enrich themselves in the raw natural
resources that was abundant in North america, but there was only on issue, the natives that have
lived here for centuries. The Spanish treated the natives almost... Show more content on ...
One of the reasons was space. In that time England was extremely crowded and filthy. So a lot of
British colonist came to escape the overcrowded, disease ridden, and filthy towns of England.
Who when the first came over relied greatly on the natives of that area just to survive the harsh
winters, because these settlers had no idea how to be self independent. As more and more settler
came across the atlantic, they began to push the native west which started to create tension between
the two group. One specific group, the Puritans came over because they felt that the church of
England corrupt and they want to escape and start a new more holy life in the new world. They
were able to befriend a tribe of natives called the Wampanoags, which also helped the settlers
survived the harsh New England winters. In Autumn celebrated the first thanksgiving. A strong
indian tribe in the region called the Pequots hated the foreign settlers and the Puritans and the
Peguot fought in a big war in which the Puritans came out on top, but not without casualties. For
the most part the british and the natives were able to get along with some disagreement here and
there but never like the french were with the natives up in
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What Is Your Morning Habits Essay
Every day is precious to us; every decision makes massive changes in our life. In the same way,
every single wasted time and wasted energy, create a fence for a successful life.
Our every moment is important, it might seem that taking a nap for a while or watching a TV is
not a big deal in the long run, but it makes huge changes in our overall life, but unfortunately, we
don t see it.
Little changes in our daily habits would be a game changer. Let me start by asking you a simple
question when you wake up in the morning? What time is your fixed time?
Anything that is worthwhile to notice is a result of discipline and some set of rules and priorities.
So what s your priority about the morning habits? How do you consider yourself in a rating of 1 ...
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Even a half hour walk can make a huge difference in your daily perspective. It could be your best
friend for losing some unwanted calories and getting back to your original shape.
Benefits of Running:
Reduce Daily Stress
Better Immune System
Increase Self Confidence
Control Your Weight
Healthy Bones
And Show Offs п™‚
Quick Tip: Meditation, jogging or running would be done easily at the same time. Select a corner
in a playground and start your breathing and meditation for 15 minutes. It s straightforward and fun.
However, while you are running don t forget to use better sports shoes.
Pick Green Tea: Instead of coffee or regular tea pick the green tea. Green tea is way better for our
health. It has been there for years and years and shown some incredible results. For those who love
to drink tea; green tea would be a heavenly choice for them as it comes with so many health
benefits. Drink green tea in the morning.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How many times a day you can drink green tea?
љ 2 to 3 times a day (Safe)
What are some benefits of Green Tea?
Control Diabetes
Maintain Weight
Reduce Heart Disease
Maintain Good
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Mary V Peter Case Summary
Question 1
Mary v Peter
Given that Mary was injured by Peters act, is he solely liable for the accident?
* In this case, we have to look at the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) to determine who was
negligent and in specific, we use s 5B(1), s 5B(2) and s 5R of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW);
s 5B(1) for the reasonable foreseeability test, s 5B(2) for determining if the standard of reasonable
care has been breached and s 5R for contributory negligence. * Where both the parties seem to have
been negligent, it is important to determine who is more at fault and for this purpose we need to
use the but for test as in the case of Cork v Kirby Maclean [1952] 2 ALL ER 402. * The
application of s 5R of the Civil ... Show more content on ...
* We need to look at s 5R of Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) which states that the plaintiff should
take reasonable care to avoid harm to themselves.
The test of reasonable foreseeability can be seen from the case Ultramares Corp v Touche,
Niven Co 174 NE 441 (1931), in which the defendants were negligent while auditing a company.
The said company then went on to borrow money on the basis that its accounts were correct. The
lender upon learning that the accounts were wrong filed a suit against the company and the
auditor and the court had to decide who was liable to the lender. The court decided that the
defendant was not liable as any person who read the report can then file a complaint against him
leading to unlimited liability. Peter should have foreseen that his negligent action would cause a
traffic jam affecting the other road users. Just as in this case, Peter is not responsible for Sam s
loss as anyone stuck in the traffic jam and affected by the traffic jam could then file suit against
Peter and find him responsible to an unlimited number of liabilities.
In the Perre v Apand (1999) 198 CLR 180 case, the defended sprayed harmful chemicals
carelessly on one farm and the crops on that and the adjacent farms were destroyed by this. Since,
it was reasonably foreseeable that careless spraying of chemicals would lead to such
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Joint Task Force Essay
Chaplains care and provide for the members of the Joint Task Force. But what exactly does that
mean? It means simply that we are always going to take your needs seriously and we will do
what we can within our limits to provide for you. This means there will be times when we have
to refer you to someone else. Every chaplain knows they have limits to what they can and cannot
do. When presented with an issue, we listen and then try to determine if we can help you or if
there are other resources available that may be better suited to assist you. You may present a
problem to a chaplain and he or she may recognize this is an issue better addressed by the Equal
Opportunity Manager or maybe the complexity of the issues may need to be addressed at the
Joint Stress Mitigation and Restoration Team. We are going to get you to the right resource in
order to best meet your needs. I hope you never see this as passing you off, because nothing
could be further from the truth. Because we care about you as a person, we are going to provide
you with the best possible resources to assist you. Some of the best services I have been able to
provide someone is getting them to the right person, whether it be a counselor in mental health, a
financial advisor at Fleet and Family Support... Show more content on ...
If you look at the list of chapel services that are offered during the week, both on the JTF side and
on the Naval Station Guantanamo Bay side, you will see there is a long list. Not all these
services are conducted by a chaplain. When a particular faith group makes a request for services,
we work to train a lay leader and establish that particular service within the scope and guidelines
of the SECNAVINST 1730 series that governs religious ministries. Chaplains cannot lead every
specific type of worship service, but we can ensure each specific group is able to worship within
the guidelines
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Wal Mart s Corporate Administration
Introduction: Wal Mart is one of the biggest retail location in the United States, and it is bigger
than some other retail network on the planet. At present Wal Mart works in excess of 4,150 retail
offices all inclusive. Likewise, the organization is the prevailing retail location in Canada, Mexico,
and the United Kingdom . As indicated by the Fortune 500record of the wealthiest and most capable
organizations on the planet, Wal Mart holds the most obvious spot, positioned by its aggregate
deals. The organization is positioned as the second most appreciated organization on the planet by
Fortune. Wal Mart gives general stock: family attire, wellbeing magnificence supports, family
needs, gadgets, toys, fabrics, creates, yard ... Show more content on ...
Wal Mart broke the code of ethics once in Bangladesh and it s not good for a company in its long
run. Wal Mart imported clothes from a banned company resulting in which they have to pay a
million dollars as a compensation. Ethical behavior is just making good business decisions based on
the code of ethics . Entrepreneurs should have a written code and should strictly stick to it in
making decisions. A company should maintain ethics in its supplies. Falsified information and
branding should be eradicated. Though investments and profits are important they have to consider
customer is as important as the other two.
Customer Satisfaction: Whatever the product supplied to the customer should meet the demands
made by him/her. consistency is the secret of successful business. consistency in the goods
supplied right good at right time, superior service with clear policies, rules and proper interaction
with customers. Whenever a customer is dissatisfied with the product the mouth publicity he gives
create a lot of fuzz in people and it s not good any firm. They have to maintain emotional
consistency which is valuable for emotional connection for its loyal customers. Most of the people
who visit wal mart are middle class and lower than that community their expectations should be met
by the product they receive in stores. Communication consistency is the combination of promises
made by the company and which are kept.
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Crime Scene Investigation Of The National Forensics Academy
The National Forensics Academy was full of multiple dimensions of crime scene investigation that
I had not even thought about nor learned about in the past. The world of crime scene investigation
is interesting to me because of all these aspects and because they are ever changing, and new and
better methods are being discovered. Throughout the academy I learned about these aspects in
detail and how there are various methods within each aspect. The aspects that I learned were how to
photograph a crime scene, finger printing, foot impressions, crime scene sketches, bloodspatter
analysis, bullet holes, bones, and digging up a grace to recover a body. These aspects work
together to investigate and recreate crime scenes.
A part of crime scene investigation that I had never put much thought into was the photography.
Taking photos of everything at a scene and the methods of how to photograph scenes are
important in working a scene. I had never had the opportunity to work with the type of cameras
that we used at the academy and I was unaware of the work that goes into photographing a
picture. Before taking a photo one must adjust the settings including the F stop, ISO, and shutter
speed of the camera. In order to take a picture of a moving object you must adjust the shutter
speed so it can capture the image clear in its state of movement. Also leaving the shutter speed
open for a long time can capture very clear photos of a still object if the camera is placed on a
tripod. The
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Health And Drug Administration Of The Health Care Setting
Work Place Distractions Lead to Deadly Outcomes Effective Ways to Reduce Medication Errors in
the Health Care Setting Lincoln University Suzanne Norman Ybarra One of the greatest fears of
any nurse is harming or killing a patient by making a critical medication error. The U.S. Food and
Drug Administration reports that a person dies accidently every day from a medication error and
approximately 1.3 million sustain an injury from medication errors (U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, 2016). Medication errors can result from the initial prescribing of the order,
transcribing the order, entering the order, dispensing the medication, repackaging the medication
with improper labeling, administering the medication incorrectly,... Show more content on ...
In an effort to reduce the occurrence of medication errors, JHACO has thoroughly investigated and
implemented new safety standards of care. JHACO implemented a new standard referred to as the
10 Rights of Drug Administration. 1. The Right Drug, 2. Right Patient, 3. Right Dose, 4. Right
Route, 5. Right Time and Frequency, 6. Right Documentation, 7. Right History and Assessment, 8.
Drug approach and Right to Refuse, 9. Right Drug to Drug Interaction and Evaluation, and 10.
Right Education and Information. Failure to follow the 10 Rights of Medication Administration
can result in a patient s injury or death (Potter, Perry, Hall, Stockert, 2013). Further research in
safety has proven that reviewing the physicians order three times significantly reduced transcribing
errors or entering the order incorrectly into the electronic medical record. Training new nurses and
experienced nurses to review every order three times has shown beneficial in patient safety and has
reduced medication errors. Nurses and medical staff involved in medication administration are
encouraged to have a buddy system, where there are two nurses or trained staff members who
double check all medication calculations and assist with verifying high risk medication dosages.
When there is a discrepancy concerning any medication administration, a Stop, Think and Call
policy is implemented and the medication is held until proper documentation and verification have
been obtained.
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El Papel de La Iglesia Catolica
Colombia se ha debatido en los Гєltimos 30 aГ±os entre la guerra y la paz, oscilando entre el
Г©nfasis a polГticas represivas para hacer frente al conflicto armado con la insurgencia y la
promociГіn de procesos de paz encaminados a encontrar una soluciГіn negociada. No obstante las
polГticas de seguridad y paz de los distintos gobiernos, sГіlo se han logrado acuerdos parciales de
paz con algunos grupos guerrilleros, pero en cambio el conflicto se ha escalado a niveles de
intensidad significativos. En ese contexto se ha generado una importante y masiva movilizaciГіn
por la paz, una de las mГЎs grandes a nivel mundial, ciertamente la mayor movilizaciГіn en un
paГs con un ... Show more content on ...
las acciones mГЎs promovidas por la Iglesia son, por una parte, las marchas y concentraciones y,
por otra, los encuentros, foros y seminarios. Es decir, acciones demostrativas en contra de la
violencia y demandando la paz y acciones que buscan generar una conciencia favorable a la
construcciГіn de la paz y la reconciliaciГіn.
Ya hemos mencionado como ejemplos significativos del primer tipo de acciones el VГa Crucis
Nacional por la vida, la justicia y la paz, multitud de marchas en defensa de la vida, jornadas de
rechazo a la violencia ejercida por los distintos los actores armados.
Para el segundo tipo de acciones, encontramos los encuentros y foros por la paz y la vida, los
encuentros de experiencias de paz, foros y seminarios para discutir opciones de paz en regiones
especГficas, y la participaciГіn en los espacios amplios de concertaciГіn y debate, como la
Asamblea de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz.
La Iglesia ha aportado a configurar una infraestructura organizativa por la paz
La Iglesia no se ha limitado a la promociГіn de acciones colectivas por la paz, es decir, de eventos
mГЎs de carГЎcter puntual. AdemГЎs, muchas de las iniciativas de paz promovidas por la Iglesia
han sido desarrolladas de una manera silenciosa , como procesos educativos y organizativos, que
dados su perseverancia y cobertura geogrГЎfica, han hecho una contribuciГіn importante la
movilizaciГіn masiva por la paz,
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Rainforest Biomes Research Paper
Biomes,there are six different types of biomes on Earth.The rainforest biomes is one of the six
biomes on Earth and it has distinct and different characteristics than the others.That is why I
chose this biome it is most appealing to me.I also like this biome because it has a ton of
undiscoverd animals.It also has a variety of food to eat from so you ll never starve.
The rainforest is located around the equator.But these are the places that have tons of rainforest in
them Brazil,Peru,Indonesia,and Colombia,Congo (Democratic Republic).Those are the places that
have the most amount of rainforest that anyplace else.These are the place that have a little bit of
rainforest Bolivia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ecuador, Gabon, Guyana, India,... Show
more content on ...
Average rainfall humidity is between 77% and 88%.Rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year.
Rainforests are extremely rich in all kinds of life.The rainforest is filled with a lot of animals and
plants.The most popular animals in the rainforest are the Toucan,Gorilla,Boa Constrictor, and the
Orangutan.The most popular plants in the rainforest are ,Palm Euterpe
Precatoria,Bromeliads,Epiphyte, and Lianas.The rainforest is filled with loads of plants and
animals those are just some of the plants and animals located in the rainforest.
Some interesting facts about a rainforest is that a rainforest can be called a jungle.A tree in a
rainforest can grow up to 150 feet tall. Rainforests cover around 2 percent of the Earth, but about
50 percent of the plants and animals on the earth live in the rainforest.Rainforests are the forests
that get high amounts of rainfall.There are 70 million acres of rainforest in the world but every
minute 1ВЅ acre of rainforest is
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Dungeon Crawler Research Paper
The Silent Generation have a much higher chance of preferring a Strong, Silent type character. A
Procedurally Generated Dungeon Crawler game would best suit this generation. Most of these
types of games don t really require a heavily voiced Protagonist, due to the fact that more often than
not your Player Character is completely isolated. Procedural Generationwould add plenty of replay
value to the game, as the randomly generated dungeons would never repeat (or would at least have
very low odds of repeating).
For the Boom Generation, a Japanese Roleplaying Game format would be the best type of game for
them. Almost 100% of the time, these types of games have an overwhelmingly large spiritual
theme around them. From the main character channeling their personal strengths to fight off their
literal inner demons within them in an attempt to reach enlightenment, to player characters dueling
fates with deities, these seem like the best option for such a spirited generation.
Generation X is a defiant, one against all generation. A well made, non twitch styled First Person
Shooter would best suit this generation. A Great example of this type of game... Show more content
on ...
There s already a game that s mastered this generation to a T: Halo. From Combat Evolved to
Reach, the Halo Series has NAILED both the Skill Based competitive multiplayer with its
projectile based arena shooting, map control based gameplay with fair starts, and the Casual/Co
Operative experience with Multiplayer Campaign modes, and the Firefight Horde mode
introduced in Halo 3: ODST, and fully realized in Halo: Reach. There s an argument to be made
that Twitch Shooters COULD appeal more to these Millennials, due to the highly compressed Skill
Gap, over gratification of ultimately mundane tasks, and satisfying progression system. However,
as Infinite Warfare has shown, this mindset of design WILL Fail, once players realized how they
ve been
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Serial Killers Vs Serial Killers
There are many different people in the United States. Many people follow the rules and
regulations that were implemented through the laws of being an American citizen, but there are
many people who do not follow these laws and regulations. People such as the horrid serial killers
that live among us and some even living incarcerated in prisons all across the country. A serial killer
is described as a person who murders three or more people in a period of over a month, with
cooling down time between murders (Serial Killers Vs. Mass Murderers). One question being;
were killers born with a sense of killing, or did they learn how to become killers over time? Many
speculations come from all different kinds of people, but are serial killers born the way they are?
One side of this argument is that all serial killers are raised in such a manner that causes them to
commit murders. Donald Henry Gaskins is one serial killer that many believe committed his
crimes based on the way his family raised him. Gaskins mother Eulea Parrott otherwise known as
Molly got pregnant at the age of fourteen when she has sex with Mr. Gaskins, a wealthy, well
known neighbor of Molly, who loved to gamble and drink... he paid Molly $1 for sex several times
a week (Donald Henry Gaskins). Later Molly would live on Mr. Gaskins farm and get paid ten
dollars by Mr. Gaskins each month. Donald would later in his childhood be known as Pee Wee
because of his small height and weight, and he was teased and made
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William Faulkner Biography
William Faulkner was Born in New Albany, Mississippi on September 25, 1897 to Murry and
Maud Butler Falkner. Throughout his young life he was taken care of from birth until he moved
out by his caretaker, an African American woman named Caroline Barr. William called her
Mammy . Barr was one of the most influential people in his life. She was fundamental to his
development in his early years. He said later on that it was a privilege to have known her and
that she was the one who taught him right from wrong and sparked his interest in the politics of
sexuality and race. Faulkner s grandfather was also a writer. William Clark Falkner, often called
Old Colonel , was an adventurous man who was a railroad financier, politician, soldier, farmer,...
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The makers later retitled it to The Story of Temple Drake in 1933. During that same year Estelle
gave birth yet again to their next daughter who they named Jill. Jill ended up being the only
surviving child of the couple. Afterwards, he continued to write scripts for various films in
Hollywood, but purely for the money and not really because of any inspirational purposes. At the
same time he continued to publish some of his best works including, Absalom, Absalom! (1936),
The Hamlet (1940), and Go Down Moses
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Noel Case Study Psychology
Noel is a fifteen year old male, who his blind and deaf. He is diagnosed with Autism and
Developmental Delays. He has cognitive impairments and is relies on other to make decisions for
him. The mother indicates they do everything for him. He is nonverbal; he does not understand or
is not able to think independently. He also has behavioral patterns of being physically abusive when
his needs are not being met. The motherstates he does not like to go out and is nonsocial. He attends
Westbury high school and is in a confined classroom with only three other students. The mother
indicates he resist his activities of daily living and his occupational therapy treatments. He currently
takes two prescribed medications. He has urinary and bowel incontinence
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Silas Marner Isolation Quotes
After banishment from Lantern Yard, Silas Marner loses trust in all people and even God. Poor
Marner went out with that despair in his soul that shaken trust in God and man, which is little
short madness to a loving nature (Eliot, 14). Silas believed that his name would be cleared from
the crime he allegedly committed as he did not challenge the methods used to determine his
innocence. Because he allowed chance to control his life, Silas lost all hope in humanity and
barricaded himself from the outside world. He invited no comer to step across his door still, and
he never strolled into the village to drink a pint at the Rainbow, or to gossip at the wheelwright.
(Eliot, 7). This quote exemplifies Silas mistrust of people and his isolation from society as it shows
Silas had no desire to connect with his neighbors because he never integrated into his new home,
Raveloe. Unknowingly, Silas Marnerfound himself on a quest for happiness, but his... Show more
content on ...
So, year after year, Silas Marner had lived in this solitude, his guineas rising in the iron pot, and
his life narrowing and hardening itself more and more into a mere pulsation of desire and
satisfaction that had no relation to other being (Eliot, 20). The weaver s work became obsessive
and soon the loom became equivalent to Silas heartbeat. The gold controlled Silas life instead of
Silas controlling his own life, and it drove Silas into a state of simplicity. The need for more and
more gold took his mind off his troubling past and bringing Silas false relief. The love of
accumulating money grows an absorbing passion in men whose imaginations, even in the very
beginning of their hoard, showed them no purpose beyond it (Eliot, 14). In the beginning, Silas did
not want to collect more and more gold, but because of his broken past and lonely habits, the
money consumed his
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Ship Breaker
Joseph Conrad once said, It is the mark of an inexperienced man not to believe in luck . Nailer,
the main character of Paolo Bacigalupi s book Ship Breaker, wasn t born lucky, he was born a
ship breaker. Ship breakers are child and adult laborers who spend their days starving, poor, and
working away to take the anything valuable off old ships for the big companies. Throughout Nailer
s life, he has suffered through various unfortunate events. However, with a strong belief of luckand
having other superstitions, his life becomes more manageable. In ShipBreaker, Paolo Bacigalupi
demonstrates that being superstitious and believing in various degrees of luck allows people to
more easily feel in control of uncontrollable situations. The ship... Show more content on ...
This is important to realize in today s society because if believing in luck and superstition can
give people a sense of control then this information can be used for the improvement of the mental
states of many people of many different cultures. Superstition gave Nailer the sense of control he
needed which made his life much more satisfying at the end of the book. Therefore, Conrad s
words hold true, it would be ignorant to not believe in
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UNICEF Challenges
Alfred Nobel once said, If you could only understand that we can help a human being without any
ulterior motive. Mr Nobels words echos a sentiment of the the Declaration of the Rights of the
Child or by another name, the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of children. It was adopted by the
United Nations in 1959. This worthy goal to protect children must be carried by people that can
fulfill that purpose and reach into the world, where many need help. UNICEF is that program.
(UNCF) UNICEF or United Nations Internationals Children Emergency Fund has a duty to help
make the world a better place. It is vital to understand what UNICEF is, its origins, the type of
problems they face and how they help. It is also essential to look at challenges they have and how
they can improve as an organization.
History of UNICEF UNICEF had its origins in 1946. It was 3 men who played an essential role,
Former President Herbert Hoover, Maurice Pate, an American business man, later the first executive
director of UNICEF. Ludwik Rajchman, an advocate for global health.
By 1947, Pate set up an office in D.C. He assembled a team and built networks in Europe and
recruited staff from the League of Nations. It took only 8 months to get approval for UNICEF to
support programs for Albania,Austria, China, Finland and a few others . (Jolly, 12)
Its first program focused on establishing feeding programs and provided 4.5 million children a
daily meal in 30,000 locations in 12 countries. It
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Iditarod Trail Race
Throughout the world, many people play and compete in many different kinds of sports to meet
new people, create new friendships, be a part of a team, compete against others, or to simply
have fun. No other sport can be described quite like the Iditarod. The Iditarod Trail Race is often
described as the last great race , and the race lives up to its well known description. Mushers and
their team of sled dogs compete in a race where they are pitted up against nature, wildlife, and the
elements. The Alaskan Iditarod Trail Race is a brutal and challenging race with erratically frigid
weather conditions, but despite the cold, mushers and their team of committed sled dogs face the
difficult challenges with eager anticipation and unmatched ... Show more content on
The arctic like temperatures make it essential to dress in warm winter gear for survival. All of
the people seen in the photograph are all wearing heavy looking coats, and most are wearing hats
and gloves. The enthusiastic anticipation as the race begins is unrivaled. It can be seen in the
substantial number of people bordering the sides of the crowded snowy street, in the faces and
eyes of the dogs as they pull the sled, and in the overall atmosphere of the photograph. The
undisguised determination seen in the musher and his team of dogs is without a doubt. The strong
stare of the right lead dog, the vigorous endeavor made by the black and tan dog in the third row
from the back, the overall team effort made by each of the sled dogs, and the proud stance the
musher all show how much determination the team has for the race and in each other. Despite the
evident bone chilling temperatures, the keen anticipation and compelling determination can all be
found in the untitled photograph of the start of the 2013 annual Iditarod Trail
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The Star Of Star Stars
Our universe is made of millions of objects, many of them, we wonder how they became part of
this planet we live on. The star is one of these objects, sometimes we wonder how they maintain
their brightness and attractiveness. The main sequence stars, red dwarf stars and white dwarf stars
are some of these objects. The stages of each starare very different and have different variations of
life. The life of each star varies being that the longest a star can survive is up to trillions of years.
There are trillions of stars that sparkle in the sky and each star are very different from each other
and are very unique. Main sequence stars, Red dwarf stars and the white dwarfstars are all very
unique in every way.
A large portion of the stars in the universe, around about 90 percent of them, are principle main
sequence stars. The sun is one of the main sequence stars and the largest. These stars can go from
about a tenth of the mass of the sun to up to 200 times larger. Stars are the magnificent bodies like
the sun that are extremely hot and have light they could call their own. Each star is a tremendous
mass of hot gasses and enormous flares that are leaving it. Stars are comprised of endless billows
of hydrogen gas, some helium and dust. In all the stars (counting the sun), hydrogen particles are
consistently being changed over into helium molecules and a lot of atomic vitality as warmth and
light is discharged amid this methodology. It is this light which makes a star
... Get more on ...
Anthony Horowitz s Stormbreaker
Anthony Horowitz s Stormbreaker, is a best selling, action/ Adventure novel that depicts the
adventurous life of Alex rider. Stormbreaker is about a character called Alex rider. He is
distraught over his uncles death, but even through his sadness, is thrust into the life of spies,
weapons and danger. Retracing his uncles steps he goes undercover to find the truth about his
death and uncover the corporations secrets. Horowitz s novel should be included in our
curriculum, as its a great Novel, With amazing one liners, it s an action/ Adventure novel and I
found it had a complex, interesting plot. Horowitz s plot is incredibly in depth and Complex and
has multiple different layers to it, with twists and turns everywhere. Stormbreaker s plot is amazing
and makes you think about what will happen next. Horowitz also uses Stormbreakers plot to write
future books. Stormbreaker uses yassen gregorovic, the... Show more content on ...
Go back to school. Go back to your life. And next time they ask you say no. Killing is for grown
ups and you re still a child This shows that Horowitz thinks about future novels while writing the
current novel. Another plot twist is when Alex finds out that sayle is planning a biological
attack on school in Britain when originally we all thought it was a cyber attack. This is why
stormbreakers plot was enjoyable for me. Stormbreaker is an amazing example of an action
/adventure novel with critical, descriptive action scenes. It adds to the book and makes it an
amazing thrill ride that makes you want to keep reading. In Stormbreaker Horowitz describes his
action scenes incredibly well with amazing detail. One example is when Alex is in Port Tallon.
and two men on quad bikes are sent to kill him. Horowitz describes the scene in Alex s view the
entire time and adds to the story well. Alex gets pitted against seemingly impossible odds and as a
reader i thoroughly enjoyed the detail and attention he put
... Get more on ...
America Vs Airplane
I disagree with this statement, as consumers we don t only value the invention based on how
hard it is made, but how useful it is. we could conclude this by looking at the current invention
for example: Viagra vs airplane. The wright brothers (Wilbur and Orville) invented airplane in
17, December 1903. They both was first inspired by birds, they observe that birds angled their
wings for balance and control, and tried to apply the same principle to their design and call it
wing wrapping . Not long after that they invented moveable rubber that is able to react like the
birds wing and they discovered airplane. With this method Wilbur is able to fly for 59 seconds at
852 feet. This have been an extraordinary achievement. To build the first flying... Show more
content on ...
I don t think that it is necessary for us to see it in this perspective, we value things based on its
effect towards us, not just based on how easy or hard it takes to invent it. It would seems quite
unfair we value things based on the result instead of the process like for example: the wright
brother put so much effort towards it and finally their work paid off. In the other hand the Viagra
pills they also give much effort in researching and its effect toward the human body. Even thought
the result is not as expected, but his invention doesn t make us value one more than the other. In
conclusion, people based value toward the invention based on its effect towards us. Some people
value airplane more than Viagra maybe because they travel a lot, or inverse probably because they
think it is more beneficial for them. But this does not mean the knowledge we achieve through
difficulty is what we truly value. What we truly value is its benefit towards us and that is the true
measurement of value, instead of measuring through the process we rather measure it though the
advantage towards
... Get more on ...
Cause And Effect On Foodborne Illness
Food borne Illnesses
Foodborne illness, also foodborne disease and conversationally referred to as food poisoning is
any illness resulting from the food spoilage of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or
parasites that contaminate food, as well as toxins such as poisonous mushrooms and various
species of beans that have not been boiled for at least 10 minutes.
Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that each year 48 million people get sick from a
foodborne illness, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die. Many different disease causing germs
can contaminate foods, so there are many different foodborne infections.
The Movement of People, Food, And Manufactured Goods
In the trend of globalization people, food and goods are being transported from on country to the
other for merchandizing and business purpose. While this transportation is being globally
practiced, a high sense of risk is involved whereby the food supplies raises questions about safety
standards for food production and processing. Many other countries, especially developing ones
(where much of the new food imports originate), do not possess the same health and sanitary
safeguards that some developed countries have. This raises the potential for the transmission of
goods infected with pathogenic microorganisms into more develop states
Effect of Movement of people, Food and Goods On Globalization
Increased Global Travel
Increased Trade in Goods
Food borne Illnesses
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The Population Of Bluefin Tuna
The population of Bluefin Tuna has been dramatically declining over the past few decades with
no expectation of slowing down. Bluefin Tuna are a very important species of fish because they
are one of the top predators in the ocean and if they become extinct the balance of the ocean s
ecosystem would be off. The classification of Bluefin Tunaincludes a few different types, all of
which are endangered and it is estimated that they will soon become extinct. The categorization of
each type of Bluefin Tuna species is based on geographical location although the exact number
varies from 3 8. Although there are still significant number of Bluefin tuna in the ocean, the demand
for the fishhas increased dramatically with no sign of decreasing. This demand has caused new and
harmful fishingmethods to be created. They have become incredibly popular in sushi as well as
other food and for this reason the population has declined; however, there are methods that could be
used in order to prevent the species from becoming extinct.
Analyzing the change in fishing practices and a change in the fish that are caught might explain
this change. Due to the fact that the spawning process causes fish to stay in shallow waters and
closer to land, they are more likely to be caught at this time. For this reason the age that they are at
during the spawning period would indicate what age they usually are when they are caught. The
estimated age structure of fish caught by the Indonesian fleet
... Get more on ...

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Free Essay Grammar And Punctuation Check

  • 1. Free Essay Grammar And Punctuation Check 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Free Essay Grammar And Punctuation Check Free Essay Grammar And Punctuation Check
  • 2. The Pros And Cons Of Private Schools Utilizing Private Schools Wreck Public Schools No one thinks twice about whether or not a child needs an education. As children grow, parents must decide what route to take concerning education. The options include, but are not limited to, sending children to a private or a public school. Deciding which type of schooling depends solely on personal preference. The argument If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person by Allison Benedikt, argued that sending children to private schools ultimately depletes actions to achieve what is best for the students. Although, Benedikt s piece uses premises, and personal testimonies, overall the argument presented is lacking. Premises If this article was written correctly with factual information, the author would have done well with major premises followed by minor premises, but the information given is biased. Parents will often send their children to private schools to make up for the poor education at the local public schools. To make positive changes in public schools, parents need to send their children there. A premise the author stated Parents have a lot of power (Benedikt, 2013) catches the attention of parent readers, evidence follows this premise from common, American human beliefs. It is well known that the parents of students have major influences on the way public school systems run. More challenging courses for advanced students, sometimes known as enrichment programs are provided through money raised ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay On Bessie Mae My beloved great aunt, Bessie Mae, has gone on to glory. I was so devastated until I found out that I was included in her will. She left 500,000 dollars to me because I was her favorite, and she knew I would use it wisely. Aunt Bessie Mae always told me, God loves a cheerful giver. She was a philanthropist and insisted I follow in her footsteps, which is why I could only receive the money IF I donated half of it to nonprofit organizations, charity, or people in need. I could use the other half however my heart desired. I know exactly how I will use it. The first thing I am going to do is unselfishly pay 50,000 dollars off my parent s house and our cars. I am choosing to pay part of their debt because they have sacrificed so much for my siblings... Show more content on ... They never turn patients away, regardless of ability to pay. They have helped, and continue to help so many children throughout the years. ACH also go the extra mile to make the patient s time at the hospital fun, as it can be. ACH s mission is to champion children by making them better today and healthier tomorrow and their vision are that they fundamentally transform healthcare delivery for the children of Arkansas and beyond through innovative advancements in patient care, research, education, and advocacy resulting in unprecedented improved child ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Pretty Little Liars Research Paper The Division Between Art and Popularity in Television The lines of traditional art have blurred over the years as new artistic movements have appeared and transformed the notion of what is considered art. As these movements have revolutionized the art world, popular culture has branched off from art, causing a shift; art is no longer a representation of popular culture and visa versa. In contemporary society art doesn t exist to win any popularity contests, it exists to please the viewer, and is often deemed art by highly acclaimed art critics who don t speak from a popular culture standpoint. Art highly regarded by critics often goes against the grain and makes a statement, while popular culture is dictated by what the general public likes, ... Show more content on ... When this idea is utilized in television, a large divide appears between shows that display artistic elements and series that become the newest popular sensation. This phenomenon is apparent when comparing the HBO show Girls, with the ever popular ABC Family drama Pretty Little Liars. Girls presents a complex, carefully detailed plot line along with characters who refuse to abide by social norms. Pretty Little Liars on the other hand follows a generic and predicable script, complete with plot holes and lackluster characters devoid of diversity. The fact that Pretty Little Liars reigns more popular than Girls proves that aesthetic appeal is not valued in today s cultural landscape, uncovering the separation between art and popularity in television. Girls and Pretty Little Liars represent two different ends of the artistic spectrum; Girls is widely considered to be art despite its lack of diversity, whereas Pretty Little Liars is more popular yet is associated with low brow culture given ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Does Richard Matheson Use Cgi In Modern Disaster Films The use of CGI (computer generated imagery) has become a prevalent, although rather expensive element implemented in modern films, especially of the disaster film genre. Audiences worldwide are proving to be more difficult to amaze, and are not impressed so easily. Most moviegoers are quick witted and even the slightest production error on screen can deter people from enjoying and sometimes understanding the film. It is no secret that the general consensus in Hollywood is focused to create the biggest, and most gruesome disaster situations on screen using special effects and CGI in order to shock and awe their audiences. When studios act this way while producing a film, they often ignore plot holes, and lack of substance in storylines in lieu... Show more content on ... In both films, this universal attachment to the protagonist is established, but in The Last Man on Earth Robert eventually is hunted down by the new society of intelligient vampires who had been searching for him after he destroyed the vampires friends and family for his experiments in hope to find a cure for the disease. [Robert] is seen by these intelligent vampires as not only an evolutionary throw back but a serious threat as he indiscriminately destroys vampires both monstrous and intelligent during his daylight rampages. As the monster who comes during one s sleep, [Robert] is captured and condemned to public execution. (Moreman). This twist in plot, creates a semi original idea that holds true to the theme in the preceding novel, in a new society of vampires, Robert has seen himself become a murderous human, the last of his kind. I Am Legend, however ironic as it may seem because of the films shares the title with the novel, strays away from this ending and instead, in this storyline, Robert finds a cure and in his final moments decides to sacrifice himself for the rest of humanity as he knew it. Yet another Christ like reference to further instill the legend that Robert has left upon the new wave of society. The film I Am Legend effectively encapsulated, and in some ways expanded, the attachment ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Yuma Project Research Paper The Yuma Project was important because it dealt with all the uprising conflicts that occurred.Irrigation greatly changed southern Arizona, also known as Yuma. It started out small, but as more people moved there it grew largely. There were a series of different irrigation systems, but the commonly used one was canals. Some of the canals that were built long ago still stand today, and Yuma is the most linked place. Yuma today is the largest agricultural place, but will not be for long if they keep having the problems they do. They also need to have money so they can fix what they need to and be able to pay workers to help. Not only did the Yma Project affect farming and how irrigation worked, but it also affected the people that lived around it. There was an issue that the Indians along the Colorado River had. They were being pushed out of the area on both the California side and the Arizona side because of the immigrants that came September 3, 1852. They came on a boat called the Capacity . Not only did that boat carry the immigrants, it also carried lumber and an engine for a steamboat (steamer) that would be able to sail in twenty two inches of water. The Indians realized that Fort Yuma was getting stronger and was not going anywhere, anytime soon. It was big on the California side, but the ... Show more content on ... They have to agree to let the workers and that state use their land for the canals. It is their land, they were owed it, so it belongs to them and the government or state can t take it from them. The workers have to bribe them into letting them use the land. Most of the time the bribe consisted of money but others, consisted of using the water from the canal as a lifetime supply of water for their own personal needs. Most of the time, they would agree to make a deal, or treaty, and if they didn t then the workers would have to find another piece of ... Get more on ...
  • 7. My Life After The World Margaret Mead once said: Never believe that a few caring people can t change the world. For, indeed, that s all who ever have. This quote certainly holds true for me. When I was in elementary school, a caring man changed my life without knowing it. In second grade, my mother signed me and my little sister up for iceskatingclass. For an extremely brief time period, I had visions of becoming a figure skatingprodigy, but they immediately dissipated as soon as I stepped onto the ice. I couldn t take a step without slipping, but I was terrified of falling. To get to the area of the arena where the class was taking place, I had to hang onto the side of the wall and slowly push myself sideways. When class started, the teacher first taught us to skate across the ice by stepping outward with our skates. Our first task was to skate across the ice arena. I felt like I was two again. I took tiny baby steps across the ice, afraid to fall. I wasn t sure why I was deathly scared of falling. I was bundled up in snowpants and a heavy winter coat, so falling wouldn t have hurt much anyway, and it wasn t like falling was an extremely horrible mistake. But I was afraid to take a big step and fall. In life, I have never wanted to take big risks. I was always careful not to make a mistake and look like a fool. I looked ahead. My sister, Grace, was already halfway to the other side of the ice arena. She fell again and again, but got back up and skated faster with each fall. Every time she ... Get more on ...
  • 8. An Analysis Of Tony RobbinsQuotes On Success If you are on a path towards success, then you ve probably listened to Tony Robbins at one point or another. Or, at the very least, you ve heard some of his quotes. There s no denying that he s very successful in what he does which is helping other people be successful in all areas of their life. He is known as the number one life and business strategist and he understands leadership psychology. The biggest thing is that he has a knack for making things clear and easy to understand, which is one of the many reasons why I wanted to do a Tony Robbins Success Quotes article. 13 Tony Robbins Quotes On Success If you have a thought about one of these Tony Robbins quotes on success, or a story you would like to share, please leave it ... Show more content on ... And, they are not done yet! Of course, being certain isn t always going to get you the results you want. If you are certain that you are going to marry a superstar, for instance, and they are married and twenty years older than you, then the chances of that happening are small. But, when it comes to improving your life, grabbing hold of that conviction that you could achieve what you want to achieve is the key to helping you get off your butt and doing things that help you move closer to it. 3. Trying To Believe Something You Don t? When you go beyond the threshold that somebody believes, it s over, cause they check out and go I can t do that , I won t do that , There s no way . Tony Robbins was talking about this in a sports context, but it works for anything. If someone tells you that you should perform 50% better, and you don t believe that you can, then you will check out. You will find a way to get out of having to even try to perform 50% better. If you don t believe it, you simply won t allow the idea into your head. That s not good news if you want to improve your life and become more successful. You need to find some crack in your belief system that allows you to see a potential for the outcome you want. The good news is that we CAN change our beliefs. We are not doomed to believe something for the rest of our ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Lord Of Flies Book Vs Lord Of The Flies The Inner Beast Emerges The beast that lies inside of us all shows what it can do when it has a chance too. By Daniel Frankel The Lord of the Flies is a 250 page novel written by Sir William Golding. It was first published in 1954 and since then, has become a worldwide success. A quote from Golding was The right impression is the one that rises to the reader the first time he reads the book , This was perfectly suited for his book, as his book was a best seller. The movie based on the novel Lord of the Flies was first made in 1963 in black and white, then made again in colour in 1990 by Harry Hook. The movie has many deviations from the book however the storyline is basically the same and proved a success by grossing just under $14 million in the box office, making it a major film for the time period. Because this novel was such a success schools all around are still studying it in senior English. The Lord of the flies novel, starts at a reasonable pace and doesn t let the reader lose interest. Sir William Golding writes very descriptively and creates the images very clearly. For example his hair plastered to his forehead this gives the impression of heat, sweat, and steamy air. The story starts when a group of British school boys are stranded on an uninhabited island. Trying to maintain structure, the boys elect Ralph to be the leader, a position, Ralph, feels a duty as the eldest to fulfil. However, one of the other boys Jack wants to also be the leader, and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Rational Decision Making Model Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide feedback on administrative and public policy violation issues in the city of Crestview located in Okaloosa County, Florida. The report analyzes public policy violations, City Council member adjudication, transparency, and leadership issues in the City of Crestview. The report uses various research methods to gather data to help formulate the conclusion and recommendations of the report. The rational decision making model is utilized to make the best decision possible. The rational decision making model is the best known prescriptive model; the model involves several sequential steps: identifying the problem, determining the goals and objectives, identifying and evaluating alternative policies, choosing from the alternatives, recommending actions, implementation, and evaluation (Smith, 2014). The use of this model is justified as it provides structure and sequence to the choices of the decision maker. The model helps ensure key indicators can be fully considered in a logical manner. It is recommended that the administration create new procedures and implement trainings or classes to educate City Council members, employees and other city officials on new public policies as well as the Sunshine Law. These trainings will outline laws, policies and ordinances as well as target times for legislators to move any issue from the systemic agenda to the formal agenda; this policy should allow for research on Crestview s ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Women s Views On Women In the United States, study after study continues to show that women have fewer opportunities to advance in the workplace than men. These disadvantages are a result of society s views of women in leadership positions and how women may view themselves in these roles. Women have been making progress in terms of equality in pay and job positions, but significant gaps remain. Women who strive to be promoted into higher levels of responsibility in their companies often meet resistance that prevents them from achieving the goal of a senior or executive level of management. This barrier is referred to as the glass ceilingand it is a controversial issue in our country today. The glass ceiling called this because women are able to see the higher level positions, but can reach them because of an intangible barrier. One can look at the Fortune 500companies, which are the most successful companies in the U.S. in terms of revenue to see how few women are in leadership positions. Clearly, women are significantly underrepresented in these companies, as less than 5 percent of these companies have female chief executive officers (CEO) today (Dockterman 105). Providing the opportunity for women to move into management positions, like CEOs, would bring a unique talent and a new perspective on how the company can operate to perform better (Buckalew 147). The glass ceiling is a real obstacle that creates an intangible barrier that puts women at a disadvantage in advancing in a company. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Floor Mill Research Paper A small home can either feel cramped or cozy. Unfortunately, if you are like most people you probably don t like the feeling of being crammed into a room. Luckily, you can trick your eye into believing your space is much larger by using the right floor tile. Incredibly easy and very effective, switching up your floor tile is a great way to revamp a small space. So how you can use floor tile to make your space appear larger? Here are three basic tips: 1. Opt For Larger Tiles Perhaps the easiest way to make a small space appear larger is to use larger floor tiles. Now this might sound counterproductive, but it is actually very effective. Larger floor tiles are often less busy, which automatically opens up the space. In addition, larger floor tiles require less grout. Less grout means there is less contrast to break up ... Show more content on ... Choose The Correct Color Another helpful tip is to choose the correct color for your floor tile. As you might expect, lighter colors will open up the space better. This is because light and neutral colors are less busy. Lighter colors also reflect light better, which automatically makes a space appear bigger. If you don t want your flooring to be a single boring color, don t worry. You can always add accent tiles in a fun or bright color to liven up the space. Choosing a color for your tile might seem difficult, but it doesn t have to be. Visit a local tile store and select some samples that you like. Take the samples home and see how they look in the space. Be sure to examine the tiles at varying times, as natural light can change how they look. Once you find a color and style you look, you ll be good to go. 3. Vary Tile Shape Finally, don t feel like you need to stick to a single tile shape. Varying the shape of the tiles can be very helpful in making your space appear larger. Subtle changes in texture or shape will provide some variety to the eye and make the space appear bigger. It s another simple tip, but again it is quite ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Review Of Waiting For Godot, Hamlet, And Moulin Rouge In some aspects great musicals and orchestral scores can add to the experience of a theatrical play, but films have adapted these aspects as well and have proven to be a more successful form of entertainment. Theatre productions have become secondhand in comparison, though still viewed as a high class of an entertainment, it is not nearly as successful to reaching a widespread audience as the film industry has accomplished. The resulting film adaptations that have theatre like qualities often fail completely due to their inability to capture the attention of contemporary audience members, essentially creating a stagnant film. In this paper, I am specifically narrowing my focus and discussing tragedy film adaptations in comparison to themselves and theatre. But first, I will give an overall briefing of the history of film and theatre. Then I will discuss their relationship and what elements create successful entertainment within films and how theatre like adaptations have a crippling effect to a film s success rate. Finally I will have an in depth discussion on these elements within the films: Waiting for Godot, Hamlet, and Moulin Rouge!, and the success rate of each. The invention of the cinema began in the 1890 s in America through the exploration of persistence of vision. This is the technique in which the human eye can begins to see the illusion of movement when twenty four picture frames are rapidly fired one after the other. ... later research demonstrated, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Cole Weston s Influence On Photography Cole Weston was the fourth and youngest son out of all his famous brothers. He was inspired to do photography from his other brothers, Brett Weston and Edward Weston. Unlike his brothers, this younger brother was the fame of the 20th century. A 4 by 5 Autoflex camera from his older brother, Brett, started his journey. Weston went to Cornish School in Seattle to graduate with a degree in Theater Arts. Cole had served in the World War II as a photographer, where he probably learned a lot of things as a person and with his camera. Once he was done with the World War II, he worked for the Life magazine. This didn t go so well, so he went to Camel with his oldest brother Edward. At Camel, new coloring film was coming out, so Cole took advantage to experiment with new medium. Experimenting... Show more content on ... All photographers have a certain style they want to convey to the viewers. The type of style Cole Weston was passionate about was fine art color photography. Cole was always very intrigued by the vibe of things like objects, places, and human forms. Cole was inspired to bring the possibilities of colour into photography. He began with taking pictures of land and seascapes on the coastline of Carmel. One of his most known pictures with his style was At Home and Abroad. This inspiration of landscape and female bodies was shown through his work. Many include luxurious and powerful toned images. Weston believed that color was a form, and these colors could make contrast really set his work for the races. He was very passionate about his style. He just liked to take images that showed colour. He used to spend days of working on a single negative, but when he was working with his brother, he was always told to setup the camera this way or focus the knob this way. All of these things were tiny to Cole. His technique seemed more laid back. He just wanted to capture great fine art moments. Part of his ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Informative Speech On Celiac Disease Do you know about celiac disease? if not then i recommend you to keep reading and you will learn.When you are finish reading i guarantee you will know what celiac is , the treatment of it, how you can live with it and if it has a cure or not. Whenever one day someone ask you about celiac disease you will be able to answer with confident. What is celiac? Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder that results in damage to the lining of the small intestine. When you have celiac disease your immune system does not protect it from foreign invaders.When you eat things that contain gluten, their immune systems form antibodies to gluten which then attacks the intestinal lining. when your body starts to attack itself it causes inflammation in the intestines and damages the villi. The symptoms of celiac diseases are sometimes abdominals bating pain, gas, diarrhea and many others. the kind of rash that your skin can get is called dermatitis, this is also one of many symptoms that celiac disease may have.When you have celiac disease you may have other... Show more content on ... The treatment you can do is gluten free. people that have celiac can not eat things that have gluten in it.Celiac patients who try things that are not in their diet, the quickly react to it. When this happens and patients eat something with gluten the may have different reactions, for example some people can ingest small amounts of gluten without developing symptoms. Other patients that have this disease they get diarrhea because of gluten.The gluten free diet includes to avoid all foods made from wheat, rye and barley. Some examples of things you can t eat are breads, cereals, pasta, crackers, cakes pies, and gravies. Other things you can avoid are oats. some patients are able to have oats in their diets. Some food that may contain gluten sometimes are difficult to notice.Some examples of food that may have gluten are canned soups, salad dressings, ice cream, candy bars, and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Women from The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain The Women from The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain Until recently, the role of women in literature has seemed to reflect the way they were treated in society. Women were seen as secondary to men, and their sole purpose in life was to please a man s every desire. This is not the case in three specific literary works. The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight use the actions of its women characters to greatly enhance important thematic elements. The women in each of these works use feminine psyche to persuade men to do things that men of the time would not usually do. The use of women in these literary works is very contrary to the prevailing ideals of the female and her responsibilities at the ... Show more content on ... Pile the big bed With fleeces, rugs, and sheets of purest linen. (23.180 83) After Odysseus becomes enraged when Penelope asks the maid to make his bed outside, she realizes that he knows the secret that only Odysseus and her share. She embraces him and praises his homecoming. Once again, Penelope is wise and patient in her decision making. The suitors pursued her, overtook her home and aggressively pushed her to remarry as she was supposed to. If Penelope would have given in, The Odyssey would not have ended with Odysseus returning to a loyal home. Through cunning, independence and loyalty, Penelope is able to create a positive image as a woman. Chaucer s Wife of Bath has similar independence and cunning, but she makes her name as a domineering lady that chooses who she wants, and when she wants them. During the time period in which Chaucer wrote The Wife of Bath women were most commonly seen as prizes won by men. They were treated merely as objects of housework and sex. Although, women of Homer s time period were not degraded as severely, both periods did not allow the due respect women should have received. The Wife of Bath is an exact antithesis of this view. The Wife of Bath, known as Alison, is the complete opposite of the typical woman of that time. In fact, she acts more like the husband in the marriage. She tells stories of how her first three husbands suffered greatly at her hands. Alison also goes on to describe how ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Is3350 Case Study IS3350: Project Appendix A Document Retention Policy: It is a company policy to maintain a complete, accurate, understandable, and high quality records. The company record are to be retained for the period of their immediate use, unless a longer retention period is needed for reference, legal, contractual, and regulatory requirements Records that have satisfied their required period of retention and no longer required, should be destroyed. No member of upper management, supervisor, and employee of a company should destroy knowingly a document with the intention of obstructing and influence an investigation or administration of any mater within the jurisdiction of any government department, agency, or in relation to contemplation of any such ... Show more content on ... Notice of litigation: 1. All employees have an affirmative duty to inform the Office of Legal Counsel when they receive notification of any claim or action or threat of any claim or action against the University. 2. Employees are considered to be in receipt of notice of a claim or action when they receive a complaint, summons, and/or other official document(s) related to a lawsuit or claim. 3. The Office of Legal Counsel will determine whether the notification received warrants issuance of a Litigation Hold Notice. Issuance of Litigation Hold Notice: 1. University counsel will issue an Official Litigation Hold Notice Letter regarding the matter to the appropriate individuals within five (5) business days of receipt of notification of pending litigation. 2. The Litigation Hold Notice Letter shall provide the categories of electronic and paper documents, including ESI, that must be retained until further notice and that electronic information must be preserved in its original electronic form, so that all information contained within it, whether visible or not, is also available for ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Punish Germany The Treaty of Versailles is a peace treaty, where it basically punishes Germany. It makes them powerless to a point that they cannot be able to create another war. This treaty was way too harsh on the Germans. It is a fact that they were not the only ones fighting in the war, and they should not be the only one, who should be punished. Everyone must take responsibilities for their drastic decisions. All of the major countries had a role in this war, not only Germany. The Germans were stripped down of everything they had. It left Germans helplessly and made to live in poverty. In order to pay off the damages that were made, they were treated like slaves. Instead of making peace with Germany, the Treaty of Versailles was sparking another fire ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Fifth Discipline By Peter Senge 1.What are the main themes of The Fifth Discipline? Describe and explain each discipline. The writer of the book The Fifth Discipline Peter Senge distinguishes five principle topics in his book to recognize taking in associations from customary associations. The five subjects are: Systems considering: It is the theoretical structure for the book. Framework considering joins the other four guideline of individual authority, mental models, building shared vision and group learning. It means to take a gander at the master plan and to not look for basic arrangements that will tackle today s issue yet which make a greater issue later on (Cropper, 2012). Personal authority: An association creates when each person in the association ... Show more content on ... 2.How are each of these disciplines related to each other? When all the five orders are consolidated and honed in an association then that association changes itself from a conventional association to a learning association. A framework thinking approach concentrates on enhancing the mentality of people to concentrate on accomplishing long haul objectives which are essentials to the association than to actualize short term objectives which acquire impermanent benefits. This general advancement in frameworks considering an individual is built up when the association concentrates on the other four orders (Cropper, 2012). At the point when an individual spotlights on enhancing himself, he achieves a level of individual dominance, in this procedure he changes his disposition to take in new things and create from inside his internal viewpoints. At the point when internal improvement is accomplished through individual dominance, he wipes out the lack of awareness and enhances his mental models. Mental models are the path in which an singular takes a gander at things around him, when he experts himself, he picks up certainty and can accomplish better results while interfacing with individuals at a more individual level (Cropper, 2012). At the point when individual authority is joined with building shared vision an association accomplishes group learning. They figure out how to function all things considered with different individuals from group, while making strides ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Analysis Of John Gardner s Beowulf John Gardner offers an alternate interpretation of the old english epic Beowulf by narrating the experiences of the monster Grendel, after whom the book is named. Grendel conveys himself as a homicidal, ravenous beast, only capable of destruction and chaos. Therefore, one can conclude that Grendel is indeed evil, and that he well deserves the cessation of his existence. However, depending on the philosophical ideologies and the relative perspective one finds self in, they may conclude differently. Nevertheless, the reader may likely to find one s self both sympathizing with, and scorning Grendel, because, as the 10th century old english monster says, balance is everything . Evil, like many other things we humans take as absolutes, is ultimately a matter of perspective. President Barack Obama once said ...evil is senseless. It s beyond reason . Senselessness immorality often coincide in topics surrounding evil. However, as many philosophers and political thinkers alike question, what defines morality ? A Nihilist may think that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated , nor would one have [any] purpose, other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy (Pratt). Grendel has a nihilistic epiphany early in his life, when he narrates I understood that the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears (Garder 21 22). Grendel also performs a plethora of destructive acts in the novel, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Effects Of Climate Change On The Country Introduction Climate change is one of the biggest issues in the world currently. Carbon emissions since the start of the industrial revolution have caused the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere to increase, thus causing temperatures to rise and the climate to change. These changes in climate are going to have differing effects according to the country. In this essay, the impacts of climatechange and possible adaptions to it will be explored for the countries Austria and Guatemala. Background info Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is located around 47 degrees north of the equator and is 83,871 sq km. Austria has a temperate climate with cold winters where rain is frequent and a moderate summer with occasional showers. The west and south of the country is a mountainous region, whilst the east and north are mostly flat plains. In 2015 Austria had a GDP of $404.3 billion, with 4% of the population living below the poverty line. Austria s main exports are machinery and equipment, cars, oil and gas and chemicals. (ref CIA) Guatemala is a coastal country in Central America. It is around 16 degrees north of the equator and around 108,889 sq km. Guatemala has a tropical climate which is hot and humid in low lying areas and cooler in higher altitudes. Guatemala in mostly a mountainous country, but with narrow flat plains surrounding the coast. In 2015 Guatemala had a GDP of $125.9 billion, with 59.3% of the population living below the poverty line. The main ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Anxiety And Anxiety Disorder Fear and anxiety are feelings that are natural human responses. These feelings are necessary in humans and animals for survival and to deal with dangerous and stressful events. They/such feelings help individuals cope with adverse or unexpected situations. However, there are certain individuals who will experience these feelings on a daily basis for long periods of time. The constant fear and anxiety interferes with individual s daily lives and it is then when these feelings become a mental health problem, identify as Anxiety Disorders (Steimer, 2002). One of these anxiety disorders is Panic Disorder. Panic Disorder is characterized by individuals suffering from unpredicted and constant attacks of fear which normally last between 10 to 20 minutes. These attacks are known as panic attacks. Panic attacks are identified by fear of losing control even in situations where there is no real danger. Some of the most frequent symptoms a person experience when having a panic attack are chest pain, palpitations, sweating, feeling short of breath and the feelings of going crazy or having a heart attack (National Institute of Mental Health, 2016). Furthermore, people who suffer from Panic Disorder often develop other conditions such as depression, phobias and drug abuse. Many people with Panic Disorder will avoid certain situations and environments because they fear they may suffer a panic attack. Because of this, it is also very common for individuals with Panic Disorder to develop agoraphobia (NIH, 2016). As a consequence of fearing a panic attack, people with this disorder often engage in catastrophic and negative thinking. A common example is my heart is beating fast, I am having a heart attack (Steimer, 2002). Therefore, Panic Disorder is a condition that have a negative impact on people s family, social and working lives (Kessler et al., 2005). Panic Disorder is treatable, and numerous treatments exist which help reducing the severity of the symptoms as well as decreasing the number of panic attacks that occur in the disorder. These treatments are biological treatment, which involve pharmacological drugs, psychotherapy or a combination of both (National Institute of Health and Care Excellence, 2013). This essay ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Reaction Paper On Sneakers We all know that sneaker is an attire to be worn on our feet which becoming one of the successful fashion industry right now. The term sneaker was coined by Henry Nelson McKinney, an advertising agent for N. W. Ayer Son. (Bellis, 2016). The term sneakers also been influenced by the stealth or quiet sound that the rubber soleare making. He said that the rubber soles made the shoes stealth like so he termed them sneakers. (Tops, n.d.). Mary Bellis (2016) also stated that the rubber sole made the shoeor sneakers stealthy unlike the other shoes. ...because the rubber sole made the shoe stealthy or quiet, all other shoes, with the exception of moccasins, made noise when you walked. (Bellis, 2016). Arthur Chan (2013) explained that the shoe had been termed sneakers because the rubber sole made it easy to sneak up on other people. ...because the shoe s quiet and... Show more content on ... The first rubber soled shoes called plimsolls were developed and manufactured in the United States in the late 1800s. (Bellis, 2016). In addition, Chan (2013) also stated that back in those days plimsolls are uncomfortable pair of shoes. Back then, plimsolls were rather uncomfortable shoes for one thing, there was no left or right foot. (Chan, 2013). The first sneakers that were invented were Keds back in 1917. The first sneakers were Keds and they were invented in 1917. (Tops, n.d.). Keds was the first shoe maker that had capitalize the new technology in creating tough canvas upper that combined with soft rubber soles. (Chan, 2013). This part will review some of the selected previous study about sneaker culture and the impact of the culture and also theory that is suitable for this study. The selected previous study will provide a valid argument for this topic in order to have more in depth understanding about sneaker culture as well as the impact of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Analysis Of A Flower Garden By Li Bai This poem creates a scene in which the poet, Li Bai is sitting alone under the moonlight as he sips on his drink and can share his loneliness with no one but the moon and his shadow. By pointing out that he is at a flower garden with moonlight shined upon him and a pot of wine by his side, the setting of the poem is rather pleasant and relaxing. The poet, however, appears to be frustrated because he has no real friends who are there for him. With a quick thought, LiBai decides to think the moonand his shadow as his companion and meanwhile starts to sing and dance with them. The fact that neither the moon nor his shadow is animated does not bother Li Bai as he slowly gets more involved in the atmosphere he created for himself, or, in his words, it makes us [them] three . From there on, the poet does not care about what other people think of him anymore and instead starts to live his life the way that will not leave behind any regrets. In order to achieve such impression and create an image for the readers, Li Bai incorporates myriad rhetorical devices in the writing of the poem. Out of all techniques being used, imagery is one that appears throughout the poem. The poem opens up with an image of a flower garden a which indicates the poet s location and sets the tone for the slight twist in emotion in next couple of lines of the poem. The poet s mentioning of his loneliness sharply contrasts the setting in which both wine and flowers are supposed to bring a sense of prosperity and happiness. Moving on, the fourth and fifth lines express Li Bai s loneliness by creating an image of the faraway moon and his shadow. The line states that the moon is too far away to enjoy the wine with Li Bai, and his shadow cannot communicate with or truly comprehend the poet. Li Bai s use of the phrase creeps about my heels to describe the behavior of his shadow is interesting thoughtful, showing that even though the shadow is very close to him in distance, Li Bai feels as if all the shadow does is blindly following him. Considering Li Bai s experience of rejecting the government official s position in Chang an the capital of China because of his unwillingness to sacrifice his entire life for the Royals monetary ... Get more on ...
  • 25. When Worlds Collide Chapter 2 Summary The beginning of chapter 2 is titled When worlds Collide because in that chapter it talks about the native americans and Europeans meeting each other in the new world. There were 3 main European countries that interacted with the natives, the Spanish, English, and French. Each had their reasons for making the long treck to the new World. One of the major European countries that came in contact with the natives in the 16th century was Spain. When they first arrived in the caribbean, they had 3 goals in mind God, Gold, and Glory. They want to enrich themselves in the raw natural resources that was abundant in North america, but there was only on issue, the natives that have lived here for centuries. The Spanish treated the natives almost... Show more content on ... One of the reasons was space. In that time England was extremely crowded and filthy. So a lot of British colonist came to escape the overcrowded, disease ridden, and filthy towns of England. Who when the first came over relied greatly on the natives of that area just to survive the harsh winters, because these settlers had no idea how to be self independent. As more and more settler came across the atlantic, they began to push the native west which started to create tension between the two group. One specific group, the Puritans came over because they felt that the church of England corrupt and they want to escape and start a new more holy life in the new world. They were able to befriend a tribe of natives called the Wampanoags, which also helped the settlers survived the harsh New England winters. In Autumn celebrated the first thanksgiving. A strong indian tribe in the region called the Pequots hated the foreign settlers and the Puritans and the Peguot fought in a big war in which the Puritans came out on top, but not without casualties. For the most part the british and the natives were able to get along with some disagreement here and there but never like the french were with the natives up in ... Get more on ...
  • 26. What Is Your Morning Habits Essay Every day is precious to us; every decision makes massive changes in our life. In the same way, every single wasted time and wasted energy, create a fence for a successful life. Our every moment is important, it might seem that taking a nap for a while or watching a TV is not a big deal in the long run, but it makes huge changes in our overall life, but unfortunately, we don t see it. Little changes in our daily habits would be a game changer. Let me start by asking you a simple question when you wake up in the morning? What time is your fixed time? Anything that is worthwhile to notice is a result of discipline and some set of rules and priorities. So what s your priority about the morning habits? How do you consider yourself in a rating of 1 ... Show more content on ... Even a half hour walk can make a huge difference in your daily perspective. It could be your best friend for losing some unwanted calories and getting back to your original shape. Benefits of Running: Reduce Daily Stress Better Immune System Increase Self Confidence Control Your Weight Healthy Bones And Show Offs п™‚ Quick Tip: Meditation, jogging or running would be done easily at the same time. Select a corner in a playground and start your breathing and meditation for 15 minutes. It s straightforward and fun. However, while you are running don t forget to use better sports shoes. Pick Green Tea: Instead of coffee or regular tea pick the green tea. Green tea is way better for our health. It has been there for years and years and shown some incredible results. For those who love to drink tea; green tea would be a heavenly choice for them as it comes with so many health benefits. Drink green tea in the morning. Frequently Asked Questions: How many times a day you can drink green tea? в€ љ 2 to 3 times a day (Safe) What are some benefits of Green Tea?
  • 27. Control Diabetes Maintain Weight Reduce Heart Disease Maintain Good ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Mary V Peter Case Summary Question 1 Mary v Peter Issue Given that Mary was injured by Peters act, is he solely liable for the accident? Law * In this case, we have to look at the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) to determine who was negligent and in specific, we use s 5B(1), s 5B(2) and s 5R of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW); s 5B(1) for the reasonable foreseeability test, s 5B(2) for determining if the standard of reasonable care has been breached and s 5R for contributory negligence. * Where both the parties seem to have been negligent, it is important to determine who is more at fault and for this purpose we need to use the but for test as in the case of Cork v Kirby Maclean [1952] 2 ALL ER 402. * The application of s 5R of the Civil ... Show more content on ... * We need to look at s 5R of Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) which states that the plaintiff should take reasonable care to avoid harm to themselves. Application The test of reasonable foreseeability can be seen from the case Ultramares Corp v Touche, Niven Co 174 NE 441 (1931), in which the defendants were negligent while auditing a company. The said company then went on to borrow money on the basis that its accounts were correct. The lender upon learning that the accounts were wrong filed a suit against the company and the auditor and the court had to decide who was liable to the lender. The court decided that the defendant was not liable as any person who read the report can then file a complaint against him leading to unlimited liability. Peter should have foreseen that his negligent action would cause a traffic jam affecting the other road users. Just as in this case, Peter is not responsible for Sam s loss as anyone stuck in the traffic jam and affected by the traffic jam could then file suit against Peter and find him responsible to an unlimited number of liabilities. In the Perre v Apand (1999) 198 CLR 180 case, the defended sprayed harmful chemicals carelessly on one farm and the crops on that and the adjacent farms were destroyed by this. Since, it was reasonably foreseeable that careless spraying of chemicals would lead to such ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Joint Task Force Essay Chaplains care and provide for the members of the Joint Task Force. But what exactly does that mean? It means simply that we are always going to take your needs seriously and we will do what we can within our limits to provide for you. This means there will be times when we have to refer you to someone else. Every chaplain knows they have limits to what they can and cannot do. When presented with an issue, we listen and then try to determine if we can help you or if there are other resources available that may be better suited to assist you. You may present a problem to a chaplain and he or she may recognize this is an issue better addressed by the Equal Opportunity Manager or maybe the complexity of the issues may need to be addressed at the Joint Stress Mitigation and Restoration Team. We are going to get you to the right resource in order to best meet your needs. I hope you never see this as passing you off, because nothing could be further from the truth. Because we care about you as a person, we are going to provide you with the best possible resources to assist you. Some of the best services I have been able to provide someone is getting them to the right person, whether it be a counselor in mental health, a financial advisor at Fleet and Family Support... Show more content on ... If you look at the list of chapel services that are offered during the week, both on the JTF side and on the Naval Station Guantanamo Bay side, you will see there is a long list. Not all these services are conducted by a chaplain. When a particular faith group makes a request for services, we work to train a lay leader and establish that particular service within the scope and guidelines of the SECNAVINST 1730 series that governs religious ministries. Chaplains cannot lead every specific type of worship service, but we can ensure each specific group is able to worship within the guidelines ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Wal Mart s Corporate Administration Introduction: Wal Mart is one of the biggest retail location in the United States, and it is bigger than some other retail network on the planet. At present Wal Mart works in excess of 4,150 retail offices all inclusive. Likewise, the organization is the prevailing retail location in Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom . As indicated by the Fortune 500record of the wealthiest and most capable organizations on the planet, Wal Mart holds the most obvious spot, positioned by its aggregate deals. The organization is positioned as the second most appreciated organization on the planet by Fortune. Wal Mart gives general stock: family attire, wellbeing magnificence supports, family needs, gadgets, toys, fabrics, creates, yard ... Show more content on ... Wal Mart broke the code of ethics once in Bangladesh and it s not good for a company in its long run. Wal Mart imported clothes from a banned company resulting in which they have to pay a million dollars as a compensation. Ethical behavior is just making good business decisions based on the code of ethics . Entrepreneurs should have a written code and should strictly stick to it in making decisions. A company should maintain ethics in its supplies. Falsified information and branding should be eradicated. Though investments and profits are important they have to consider customer is as important as the other two. Customer Satisfaction: Whatever the product supplied to the customer should meet the demands made by him/her. consistency is the secret of successful business. consistency in the goods supplied right good at right time, superior service with clear policies, rules and proper interaction with customers. Whenever a customer is dissatisfied with the product the mouth publicity he gives create a lot of fuzz in people and it s not good any firm. They have to maintain emotional consistency which is valuable for emotional connection for its loyal customers. Most of the people who visit wal mart are middle class and lower than that community their expectations should be met by the product they receive in stores. Communication consistency is the combination of promises made by the company and which are kept. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Crime Scene Investigation Of The National Forensics Academy The National Forensics Academy was full of multiple dimensions of crime scene investigation that I had not even thought about nor learned about in the past. The world of crime scene investigation is interesting to me because of all these aspects and because they are ever changing, and new and better methods are being discovered. Throughout the academy I learned about these aspects in detail and how there are various methods within each aspect. The aspects that I learned were how to photograph a crime scene, finger printing, foot impressions, crime scene sketches, bloodspatter analysis, bullet holes, bones, and digging up a grace to recover a body. These aspects work together to investigate and recreate crime scenes. A part of crime scene investigation that I had never put much thought into was the photography. Taking photos of everything at a scene and the methods of how to photograph scenes are important in working a scene. I had never had the opportunity to work with the type of cameras that we used at the academy and I was unaware of the work that goes into photographing a picture. Before taking a photo one must adjust the settings including the F stop, ISO, and shutter speed of the camera. In order to take a picture of a moving object you must adjust the shutter speed so it can capture the image clear in its state of movement. Also leaving the shutter speed open for a long time can capture very clear photos of a still object if the camera is placed on a tripod. The ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Health And Drug Administration Of The Health Care Setting Work Place Distractions Lead to Deadly Outcomes Effective Ways to Reduce Medication Errors in the Health Care Setting Lincoln University Suzanne Norman Ybarra One of the greatest fears of any nurse is harming or killing a patient by making a critical medication error. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports that a person dies accidently every day from a medication error and approximately 1.3 million sustain an injury from medication errors (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2016). Medication errors can result from the initial prescribing of the order, transcribing the order, entering the order, dispensing the medication, repackaging the medication with improper labeling, administering the medication incorrectly,... Show more content on ... In an effort to reduce the occurrence of medication errors, JHACO has thoroughly investigated and implemented new safety standards of care. JHACO implemented a new standard referred to as the 10 Rights of Drug Administration. 1. The Right Drug, 2. Right Patient, 3. Right Dose, 4. Right Route, 5. Right Time and Frequency, 6. Right Documentation, 7. Right History and Assessment, 8. Drug approach and Right to Refuse, 9. Right Drug to Drug Interaction and Evaluation, and 10. Right Education and Information. Failure to follow the 10 Rights of Medication Administration can result in a patient s injury or death (Potter, Perry, Hall, Stockert, 2013). Further research in safety has proven that reviewing the physicians order three times significantly reduced transcribing errors or entering the order incorrectly into the electronic medical record. Training new nurses and experienced nurses to review every order three times has shown beneficial in patient safety and has reduced medication errors. Nurses and medical staff involved in medication administration are encouraged to have a buddy system, where there are two nurses or trained staff members who double check all medication calculations and assist with verifying high risk medication dosages. When there is a discrepancy concerning any medication administration, a Stop, Think and Call policy is implemented and the medication is held until proper documentation and verification have been obtained. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. El Papel de La Iglesia Catolica EL PAPEL DE LA IGLESIA CATГ“LICA EN LOS PROCESOS POR LA PAZ EN COLOMBIA Colombia se ha debatido en los Гєltimos 30 aГ±os entre la guerra y la paz, oscilando entre el Г©nfasis a polГticas represivas para hacer frente al conflicto armado con la insurgencia y la promociГіn de procesos de paz encaminados a encontrar una soluciГіn negociada. No obstante las polГticas de seguridad y paz de los distintos gobiernos, sГіlo se han logrado acuerdos parciales de paz con algunos grupos guerrilleros, pero en cambio el conflicto se ha escalado a niveles de intensidad significativos. En ese contexto se ha generado una importante y masiva movilizaciГіn por la paz, una de las mГЎs grandes a nivel mundial, ciertamente la mayor movilizaciГіn en un paГs con un ... Show more content on ... las acciones mГЎs promovidas por la Iglesia son, por una parte, las marchas y concentraciones y, por otra, los encuentros, foros y seminarios. Es decir, acciones demostrativas en contra de la violencia y demandando la paz y acciones que buscan generar una conciencia favorable a la construcciГіn de la paz y la reconciliaciГіn. Ya hemos mencionado como ejemplos significativos del primer tipo de acciones el VГa Crucis Nacional por la vida, la justicia y la paz, multitud de marchas en defensa de la vida, jornadas de rechazo a la violencia ejercida por los distintos los actores armados. Para el segundo tipo de acciones, encontramos los encuentros y foros por la paz y la vida, los encuentros de experiencias de paz, foros y seminarios para discutir opciones de paz en regiones especГficas, y la participaciГіn en los espacios amplios de concertaciГіn y debate, como la Asamblea de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz. La Iglesia ha aportado a configurar una infraestructura organizativa por la paz La Iglesia no se ha limitado a la promociГіn de acciones colectivas por la paz, es decir, de eventos mГЎs de carГЎcter puntual. AdemГЎs, muchas de las iniciativas de paz promovidas por la Iglesia han sido desarrolladas de una manera silenciosa , como procesos educativos y organizativos, que dados su perseverancia y cobertura geogrГЎfica, han hecho una contribuciГіn importante la movilizaciГіn masiva por la paz, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Rainforest Biomes Research Paper Biomes,there are six different types of biomes on Earth.The rainforest biomes is one of the six biomes on Earth and it has distinct and different characteristics than the others.That is why I chose this biome it is most appealing to me.I also like this biome because it has a ton of undiscoverd animals.It also has a variety of food to eat from so you ll never starve. The rainforest is located around the equator.But these are the places that have tons of rainforest in them Brazil,Peru,Indonesia,and Colombia,Congo (Democratic Republic).Those are the places that have the most amount of rainforest that anyplace else.These are the place that have a little bit of rainforest Bolivia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ecuador, Gabon, Guyana, India,... Show more content on ... Average rainfall humidity is between 77% and 88%.Rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year. Rainforests are extremely rich in all kinds of life.The rainforest is filled with a lot of animals and plants.The most popular animals in the rainforest are the Toucan,Gorilla,Boa Constrictor, and the Orangutan.The most popular plants in the rainforest are ,Palm Euterpe Precatoria,Bromeliads,Epiphyte, and Lianas.The rainforest is filled with loads of plants and animals those are just some of the plants and animals located in the rainforest. Some interesting facts about a rainforest is that a rainforest can be called a jungle.A tree in a rainforest can grow up to 150 feet tall. Rainforests cover around 2 percent of the Earth, but about 50 percent of the plants and animals on the earth live in the rainforest.Rainforests are the forests that get high amounts of rainfall.There are 70 million acres of rainforest in the world but every minute 1ВЅ acre of rainforest is ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Dungeon Crawler Research Paper The Silent Generation have a much higher chance of preferring a Strong, Silent type character. A Procedurally Generated Dungeon Crawler game would best suit this generation. Most of these types of games don t really require a heavily voiced Protagonist, due to the fact that more often than not your Player Character is completely isolated. Procedural Generationwould add plenty of replay value to the game, as the randomly generated dungeons would never repeat (or would at least have very low odds of repeating). For the Boom Generation, a Japanese Roleplaying Game format would be the best type of game for them. Almost 100% of the time, these types of games have an overwhelmingly large spiritual theme around them. From the main character channeling their personal strengths to fight off their literal inner demons within them in an attempt to reach enlightenment, to player characters dueling fates with deities, these seem like the best option for such a spirited generation. Generation X is a defiant, one against all generation. A well made, non twitch styled First Person Shooter would best suit this generation. A Great example of this type of game... Show more content on ... There s already a game that s mastered this generation to a T: Halo. From Combat Evolved to Reach, the Halo Series has NAILED both the Skill Based competitive multiplayer with its projectile based arena shooting, map control based gameplay with fair starts, and the Casual/Co Operative experience with Multiplayer Campaign modes, and the Firefight Horde mode introduced in Halo 3: ODST, and fully realized in Halo: Reach. There s an argument to be made that Twitch Shooters COULD appeal more to these Millennials, due to the highly compressed Skill Gap, over gratification of ultimately mundane tasks, and satisfying progression system. However, as Infinite Warfare has shown, this mindset of design WILL Fail, once players realized how they ve been ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Serial Killers Vs Serial Killers There are many different people in the United States. Many people follow the rules and regulations that were implemented through the laws of being an American citizen, but there are many people who do not follow these laws and regulations. People such as the horrid serial killers that live among us and some even living incarcerated in prisons all across the country. A serial killer is described as a person who murders three or more people in a period of over a month, with cooling down time between murders (Serial Killers Vs. Mass Murderers). One question being; were killers born with a sense of killing, or did they learn how to become killers over time? Many speculations come from all different kinds of people, but are serial killers born the way they are? One side of this argument is that all serial killers are raised in such a manner that causes them to commit murders. Donald Henry Gaskins is one serial killer that many believe committed his crimes based on the way his family raised him. Gaskins mother Eulea Parrott otherwise known as Molly got pregnant at the age of fourteen when she has sex with Mr. Gaskins, a wealthy, well known neighbor of Molly, who loved to gamble and drink... he paid Molly $1 for sex several times a week (Donald Henry Gaskins). Later Molly would live on Mr. Gaskins farm and get paid ten dollars by Mr. Gaskins each month. Donald would later in his childhood be known as Pee Wee because of his small height and weight, and he was teased and made ... Get more on ...
  • 37. William Faulkner Biography William Faulkner was Born in New Albany, Mississippi on September 25, 1897 to Murry and Maud Butler Falkner. Throughout his young life he was taken care of from birth until he moved out by his caretaker, an African American woman named Caroline Barr. William called her Mammy . Barr was one of the most influential people in his life. She was fundamental to his development in his early years. He said later on that it was a privilege to have known her and that she was the one who taught him right from wrong and sparked his interest in the politics of sexuality and race. Faulkner s grandfather was also a writer. William Clark Falkner, often called Old Colonel , was an adventurous man who was a railroad financier, politician, soldier, farmer,... Show more content on ... The makers later retitled it to The Story of Temple Drake in 1933. During that same year Estelle gave birth yet again to their next daughter who they named Jill. Jill ended up being the only surviving child of the couple. Afterwards, he continued to write scripts for various films in Hollywood, but purely for the money and not really because of any inspirational purposes. At the same time he continued to publish some of his best works including, Absalom, Absalom! (1936), The Hamlet (1940), and Go Down Moses ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Noel Case Study Psychology Noel is a fifteen year old male, who his blind and deaf. He is diagnosed with Autism and Developmental Delays. He has cognitive impairments and is relies on other to make decisions for him. The mother indicates they do everything for him. He is nonverbal; he does not understand or is not able to think independently. He also has behavioral patterns of being physically abusive when his needs are not being met. The motherstates he does not like to go out and is nonsocial. He attends Westbury high school and is in a confined classroom with only three other students. The mother indicates he resist his activities of daily living and his occupational therapy treatments. He currently takes two prescribed medications. He has urinary and bowel incontinence ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Silas Marner Isolation Quotes After banishment from Lantern Yard, Silas Marner loses trust in all people and even God. Poor Marner went out with that despair in his soul that shaken trust in God and man, which is little short madness to a loving nature (Eliot, 14). Silas believed that his name would be cleared from the crime he allegedly committed as he did not challenge the methods used to determine his innocence. Because he allowed chance to control his life, Silas lost all hope in humanity and barricaded himself from the outside world. He invited no comer to step across his door still, and he never strolled into the village to drink a pint at the Rainbow, or to gossip at the wheelwright. (Eliot, 7). This quote exemplifies Silas mistrust of people and his isolation from society as it shows Silas had no desire to connect with his neighbors because he never integrated into his new home, Raveloe. Unknowingly, Silas Marnerfound himself on a quest for happiness, but his... Show more content on ... So, year after year, Silas Marner had lived in this solitude, his guineas rising in the iron pot, and his life narrowing and hardening itself more and more into a mere pulsation of desire and satisfaction that had no relation to other being (Eliot, 20). The weaver s work became obsessive and soon the loom became equivalent to Silas heartbeat. The gold controlled Silas life instead of Silas controlling his own life, and it drove Silas into a state of simplicity. The need for more and more gold took his mind off his troubling past and bringing Silas false relief. The love of accumulating money grows an absorbing passion in men whose imaginations, even in the very beginning of their hoard, showed them no purpose beyond it (Eliot, 14). In the beginning, Silas did not want to collect more and more gold, but because of his broken past and lonely habits, the money consumed his ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Ship Breaker Joseph Conrad once said, It is the mark of an inexperienced man not to believe in luck . Nailer, the main character of Paolo Bacigalupi s book Ship Breaker, wasn t born lucky, he was born a ship breaker. Ship breakers are child and adult laborers who spend their days starving, poor, and working away to take the anything valuable off old ships for the big companies. Throughout Nailer s life, he has suffered through various unfortunate events. However, with a strong belief of luckand having other superstitions, his life becomes more manageable. In ShipBreaker, Paolo Bacigalupi demonstrates that being superstitious and believing in various degrees of luck allows people to more easily feel in control of uncontrollable situations. The ship... Show more content on ... This is important to realize in today s society because if believing in luck and superstition can give people a sense of control then this information can be used for the improvement of the mental states of many people of many different cultures. Superstition gave Nailer the sense of control he needed which made his life much more satisfying at the end of the book. Therefore, Conrad s words hold true, it would be ignorant to not believe in ... Get more on ...
  • 41. UNICEF Challenges Introduction Alfred Nobel once said, If you could only understand that we can help a human being without any ulterior motive. Mr Nobels words echos a sentiment of the the Declaration of the Rights of the Child or by another name, the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of children. It was adopted by the United Nations in 1959. This worthy goal to protect children must be carried by people that can fulfill that purpose and reach into the world, where many need help. UNICEF is that program. (UNCF) UNICEF or United Nations Internationals Children Emergency Fund has a duty to help make the world a better place. It is vital to understand what UNICEF is, its origins, the type of problems they face and how they help. It is also essential to look at challenges they have and how they can improve as an organization. History of UNICEF UNICEF had its origins in 1946. It was 3 men who played an essential role, Former President Herbert Hoover, Maurice Pate, an American business man, later the first executive director of UNICEF. Ludwik Rajchman, an advocate for global health. By 1947, Pate set up an office in D.C. He assembled a team and built networks in Europe and recruited staff from the League of Nations. It took only 8 months to get approval for UNICEF to support programs for Albania,Austria, China, Finland and a few others . (Jolly, 12) Its first program focused on establishing feeding programs and provided 4.5 million children a daily meal in 30,000 locations in 12 countries. It ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Iditarod Trail Race Title Throughout the world, many people play and compete in many different kinds of sports to meet new people, create new friendships, be a part of a team, compete against others, or to simply have fun. No other sport can be described quite like the Iditarod. The Iditarod Trail Race is often described as the last great race , and the race lives up to its well known description. Mushers and their team of sled dogs compete in a race where they are pitted up against nature, wildlife, and the elements. The Alaskan Iditarod Trail Race is a brutal and challenging race with erratically frigid weather conditions, but despite the cold, mushers and their team of committed sled dogs face the difficult challenges with eager anticipation and unmatched ... Show more content on ... The arctic like temperatures make it essential to dress in warm winter gear for survival. All of the people seen in the photograph are all wearing heavy looking coats, and most are wearing hats and gloves. The enthusiastic anticipation as the race begins is unrivaled. It can be seen in the substantial number of people bordering the sides of the crowded snowy street, in the faces and eyes of the dogs as they pull the sled, and in the overall atmosphere of the photograph. The undisguised determination seen in the musher and his team of dogs is without a doubt. The strong stare of the right lead dog, the vigorous endeavor made by the black and tan dog in the third row from the back, the overall team effort made by each of the sled dogs, and the proud stance the musher all show how much determination the team has for the race and in each other. Despite the evident bone chilling temperatures, the keen anticipation and compelling determination can all be found in the untitled photograph of the start of the 2013 annual Iditarod Trail ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Star Of Star Stars Our universe is made of millions of objects, many of them, we wonder how they became part of this planet we live on. The star is one of these objects, sometimes we wonder how they maintain their brightness and attractiveness. The main sequence stars, red dwarf stars and white dwarf stars are some of these objects. The stages of each starare very different and have different variations of life. The life of each star varies being that the longest a star can survive is up to trillions of years. There are trillions of stars that sparkle in the sky and each star are very different from each other and are very unique. Main sequence stars, Red dwarf stars and the white dwarfstars are all very unique in every way. A large portion of the stars in the universe, around about 90 percent of them, are principle main sequence stars. The sun is one of the main sequence stars and the largest. These stars can go from about a tenth of the mass of the sun to up to 200 times larger. Stars are the magnificent bodies like the sun that are extremely hot and have light they could call their own. Each star is a tremendous mass of hot gasses and enormous flares that are leaving it. Stars are comprised of endless billows of hydrogen gas, some helium and dust. In all the stars (counting the sun), hydrogen particles are consistently being changed over into helium molecules and a lot of atomic vitality as warmth and light is discharged amid this methodology. It is this light which makes a star ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Anthony Horowitz s Stormbreaker Anthony Horowitz s Stormbreaker, is a best selling, action/ Adventure novel that depicts the adventurous life of Alex rider. Stormbreaker is about a character called Alex rider. He is distraught over his uncles death, but even through his sadness, is thrust into the life of spies, weapons and danger. Retracing his uncles steps he goes undercover to find the truth about his death and uncover the corporations secrets. Horowitz s novel should be included in our curriculum, as its a great Novel, With amazing one liners, it s an action/ Adventure novel and I found it had a complex, interesting plot. Horowitz s plot is incredibly in depth and Complex and has multiple different layers to it, with twists and turns everywhere. Stormbreaker s plot is amazing and makes you think about what will happen next. Horowitz also uses Stormbreakers plot to write future books. Stormbreaker uses yassen gregorovic, the... Show more content on ... Go back to school. Go back to your life. And next time they ask you say no. Killing is for grown ups and you re still a child This shows that Horowitz thinks about future novels while writing the current novel. Another plot twist is when Alex finds out that sayle is planning a biological attack on school in Britain when originally we all thought it was a cyber attack. This is why stormbreakers plot was enjoyable for me. Stormbreaker is an amazing example of an action /adventure novel with critical, descriptive action scenes. It adds to the book and makes it an amazing thrill ride that makes you want to keep reading. In Stormbreaker Horowitz describes his action scenes incredibly well with amazing detail. One example is when Alex is in Port Tallon. and two men on quad bikes are sent to kill him. Horowitz describes the scene in Alex s view the entire time and adds to the story well. Alex gets pitted against seemingly impossible odds and as a reader i thoroughly enjoyed the detail and attention he put ... Get more on ...
  • 45. America Vs Airplane I disagree with this statement, as consumers we don t only value the invention based on how hard it is made, but how useful it is. we could conclude this by looking at the current invention for example: Viagra vs airplane. The wright brothers (Wilbur and Orville) invented airplane in 17, December 1903. They both was first inspired by birds, they observe that birds angled their wings for balance and control, and tried to apply the same principle to their design and call it wing wrapping . Not long after that they invented moveable rubber that is able to react like the birds wing and they discovered airplane. With this method Wilbur is able to fly for 59 seconds at 852 feet. This have been an extraordinary achievement. To build the first flying... Show more content on ... I don t think that it is necessary for us to see it in this perspective, we value things based on its effect towards us, not just based on how easy or hard it takes to invent it. It would seems quite unfair we value things based on the result instead of the process like for example: the wright brother put so much effort towards it and finally their work paid off. In the other hand the Viagra pills they also give much effort in researching and its effect toward the human body. Even thought the result is not as expected, but his invention doesn t make us value one more than the other. In conclusion, people based value toward the invention based on its effect towards us. Some people value airplane more than Viagra maybe because they travel a lot, or inverse probably because they think it is more beneficial for them. But this does not mean the knowledge we achieve through difficulty is what we truly value. What we truly value is its benefit towards us and that is the true measurement of value, instead of measuring through the process we rather measure it though the advantage towards ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Cause And Effect On Foodborne Illness Food borne Illnesses Foodborne illness, also foodborne disease and conversationally referred to as food poisoning is any illness resulting from the food spoilage of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as toxins such as poisonous mushrooms and various species of beans that have not been boiled for at least 10 minutes. Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that each year 48 million people get sick from a foodborne illness, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die. Many different disease causing germs can contaminate foods, so there are many different foodborne infections. The Movement of People, Food, And Manufactured Goods In the trend of globalization people, food and goods are being transported from on country to the other for merchandizing and business purpose. While this transportation is being globally practiced, a high sense of risk is involved whereby the food supplies raises questions about safety standards for food production and processing. Many other countries, especially developing ones (where much of the new food imports originate), do not possess the same health and sanitary safeguards that some developed countries have. This raises the potential for the transmission of goods infected with pathogenic microorganisms into more develop states Effect of Movement of people, Food and Goods On Globalization Increased Global Travel Increased Trade in Goods Food borne Illnesses Urbanization Climate ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Population Of Bluefin Tuna The population of Bluefin Tuna has been dramatically declining over the past few decades with no expectation of slowing down. Bluefin Tuna are a very important species of fish because they are one of the top predators in the ocean and if they become extinct the balance of the ocean s ecosystem would be off. The classification of Bluefin Tunaincludes a few different types, all of which are endangered and it is estimated that they will soon become extinct. The categorization of each type of Bluefin Tuna species is based on geographical location although the exact number varies from 3 8. Although there are still significant number of Bluefin tuna in the ocean, the demand for the fishhas increased dramatically with no sign of decreasing. This demand has caused new and harmful fishingmethods to be created. They have become incredibly popular in sushi as well as other food and for this reason the population has declined; however, there are methods that could be used in order to prevent the species from becoming extinct. Analyzing the change in fishing practices and a change in the fish that are caught might explain this change. Due to the fact that the spawning process causes fish to stay in shallow waters and closer to land, they are more likely to be caught at this time. For this reason the age that they are at during the spawning period would indicate what age they usually are when they are caught. The estimated age structure of fish caught by the Indonesian fleet ... Get more on ...