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Essay On Global Hunger
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Essay On Global Hunger Essay On Global Hunger
Women s Roles In The Tang Dynasty
Women s role in Ancient Chinese civilisation was always vital to society due to their role in the
family and during the Tang and Song dynasty significant changes occurred, changing Chinese
women s lives forever. While it is no secret women were inferior to men in the history of China,
not many are aware of the major differences of the status of women from dynasty to dynasty. The
Tang Song dynasties ruled from 618AD to 1279 AD and many distinct differences between these
two dynasties can be observed. Women s role in these dynasties primarily included domestic duties,
with the introduction of new roles to the female gender. Their role was very important to society as
the woman of the family ran the household and as that was the most important... Show more content
on ...
It is known for being flourished with women rights. The Song dynasty s society definitely had its
differences to Tang, For instance, the prime minister of the Song dynasty might take a bath in
the same public bath house as everyone else, which would be unthinkable in the Tang Dynasty ,
(Wang, 2003). This is quoted from a secondary source from a professor studying Chinese history
and shows how different the societies were between the two. Men were still greatly superior to
women in this period. In contrast with the Tang dynasty, women in this period despite it
following the Tang dynasty, were not allowed into positions of great importance like
government officials or be involved in politics and were just expected to stay at home and take
care of the household. But women of this period, unlike those of Tang, were had equal societal
and legal rights that enabled them to control their own dowry, able to establish small businesses
and were equal to men when it came to terms of inheritance, (Yuan, 1984). Essentially, Tang
dynasty women were bolder and more active in the society where the women of the Song dynasty
were more academically inclined and well reserved and respectful. Although the society themselves
were different in certain aspects, women s role between the two were similar. Both of these
dynasties were divided by gender,
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One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez...
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The tone that I eventually used in One Hundred Years of Solitude was based on the way my
grandmother used to tell stories. She told things that sounded supernatural and fantastic but she
told them with complete naturalness.... What was most important was the expression she had on
her face. She did not change her expression at all when telling her stories and everyone was
surprised. In previous attempts to write, I tried to tell the story with out believing in it. I
discovered what I had to do was believe in them myself and write them with the same expression
with which my grandmother told them: with a brick face. (Garcia Marquez Magical Realism)
Magic Realism was a ... Show more content on ...
The author creates strange, unknown sentiments that we wouldn t normally experience in normal
life. The wonderful thing about magic realism is its reality. (Garcia Marquez Magical Realism)
Gabo s first novel came out in 1955. His most famous literary work is One Hundred Years of
Solitude, published in 1967. From that day on Gabo s fame has grown non stop. He has received
many awards. He was recognized world wide in 1982 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize.
At the conference for his award Gabo talked about a European explorer named Antonio Pigafetta.
This explorer lived during the colonization time and documented his experiences in Latin America.
He described supernatural and gross creatures. His accounts inspired Gabo.
Gabo takes events that could happen in real life and makes them appear magical. He does such a
good job of diminishing the line between reality and nonreality that the events described seem real.
There are many events that take place in One Hundred Years of Solitude that are good examples of
his style of magic realism.
An important event in the novel was the death of Jose Acardio Buendia. Then they went into Jose
Arcardio Buendia s room, shook him as hard as they could, shouted in his ear, put a mirror in front
of his nostrils, but they could not awaken him. A short time later, when the carpenter was taking
measurements for the coffin, through the
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Essay on The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham
(Characters) To start off I will be describing the characters. The main character, Mr.Mole is a
curious, adventurous, prideful, generous and kind animal. But the Mole very full of lunch, and
self satisfaction, and pride, and already quite at home in the boat (so he thought), and was getting
a bit restless besides and presently he said, Ratty, Please, I want to row, now!, Later on in Chapter
1 we discover Ratty, or Mr.Rat. Mr.Rat(Ratty) is, kind, caring, smart, brave, truthful, and is perhaps
the most adventurous of them all. The Rat danced up and down in the road, simply transported
with passion. You villains, he shouted, shaking both fists, You scoundrels, you highwaymen, you
you roadhogs! I ll have the law on you! I ll report you!... Show more content on ...
(Meaning) Sources:
Merriam Webster Online
The Free Online Dictionary
Kindly pg.43 Denotation: having or showing a gentle nature
Connotation: being kind towards a person besides yourself
Self Surrender pg.142 Denotation: stop fighting yourself
Connotation: surrendering to your wants
Headstrong pg.142 Denotation: determined to have one s way
Connotation: determined to have what you want
Altered pg.164 Denotation: to change or make different
Connotation: changing someone s ways of thinking
Conceit pg.161 Denotation: an ingenious or witty turn of phrase
Connotation: turn of phrase about one s self
Irresponsible pg.78 Denotation: marked by a lack of responsibility
Connotation: not responsible in the slightest bit
Reckless pg.79 Denotation: heedless or careless
Connotation: not caring about your safety
Stealing pg.79 Denotation: to take the property of another
Connotation: taking someone s property without their consent
Terror pg.79 Denotation: intense, overpowering fear
Connotation: fear that is irrevocably strong
Patiently pg.42 Denotation: calmly awaiting an outcome
Connotation: waiting for something to happen while being calm and collected
(Point Of View) The author Kenneth Grahame, originally told this story as a bunch of different
bedtime stories. Grahame s aim was to make his child happy with the
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Pat, By Bradley Cooper
Pat, played by Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook, is a middle aged Caucasian man who
is married to Nikki, but in a separation during this movie. Pat just got out of a mental hospital in
Baltimore after being treated there for eight months. Pat was placed in the mental hospital after
having an outraged manic episode after finding his wife in the shower with another man, the
history teacher from the school she taught at. Pat found them while their wedding song was
playing in Pat and Nikki s shower in their house. Pat ended up beating the man, almost to death, as
his wife tried to pull him off. Pat is now living with his parents in Pennsylvania due to good
behaviour in the hospital, the court ruled that he could move in with them if... Show more content
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Therapy needs to be dialed in and positives need to be given to his medication so he will start to get
better and have less episodes.
Pat could be diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It is hard
to tell whether Pat is going through hypomania or mania episodes throughout the movie, because it
does not say their duration, and it s hard to tell if the movie is a day to day storyline, or skipping
multiple days/weeks at a time. However, it is definitely some form of a manic episode a few
times throughout the movie. Pat displays multiple periods of irritable moods that consist of goal
directed behaviour and energy (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Pat displays his
irritable moods throughout the movie, for example, in the scene where he is searching for his
wedding video and becomes agitated quite fast once he realizes he cannot find it. His goal
directed behaviour during his episodes is very specific, for example finding his wedding video, it
is the middle of the night and he is searching the house frantically for it, Pat even wakes up his
parents to help him search their room, study and the attic.
I believe Pat has a more irritable manic disorder, therefore he needs to have four symptoms
showing a noticeable change in his behaviour (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). First of all
Pat displays grandiosity in one scene, when he is fighting at a diner with Tiffany, a friend,
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The Importance Of Graphic Novels
When most people refer to literature that concentrates specifically on the Holocaust as the
subjects, the first thought usually isn t in the form of a graphic novel. Most people would believe
a graphic novel is something only a child would read or someone to the same educational
equivalent. Due to their engaging stories and appealing visuals though, graphic novels are idea for
visual learners, inexperienced or unenthused readers, and just about anyone else who may not find
traditional print books enticing. Graphic novels tend to show a relationship between the images
and the text that makes for an experience in itself (1.). Sometimes even taking on a difficult
subject, an example being the Holocaust can make for a different kind of experience. In MausI II,
the author chose graphic novels as his medium. For that, Maus shines due to its impressive ability
to speak the unspeakable by using the popular maxim, a picture is worth a thousand words, to
perfection (3).
As mentioned before, graphic novels can be great tools for some, if not all, readers. As well the
holocausts can be a difficult subject, not always easy to read about. Using graphic novels, which
often is associated with children, to represent a traumatic event can be problematic: The enormity
of atrocity is such that the very act of representing it risked trivializing or over dramatizing it, (2).
In other words, the author has to be very cautions when writing serious graphic novels not to get
too creative
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Chronic Bronchitis
The clinical findings that correlate with M.K s Chronic bronchitis are the chronic cough with
sputum and the fact that she has smoked for twenty two years. Chronic bronchitis is defined as a
daily cough with sputum production for at least three consecutive months for two years in a row.
Chronic bronchitis is also usually associated with long term tobacco use. When you have COPD,
the airways of the lungs become inflamed and thickened which make them narrow. They can
become clogged with mucus and makes it difficult for air to get in and out of the lungs. Which
leads to persistent coughing as your body tries to get rid of the extra mucus.
The type of treatment and recommendations that would be appropriate for M.K. s chronic
bronchitis is to ... Show more content on ...
Some things that we need and can do to help people reduce the chances of hypertension is make
them aware that eating healthy is a key prevention for hypertension and by having all the fast food
restaurants around is a reason that the US has a high rate of hypertension. A healthy diet consists of
eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish and low fat dairy foods, and less saturated fat
and trans fat. Exercising and maintain a healthy weight is another key component. Limiting alcohol
and smoking and controlling stress. High blood pressure can lead to other diseases including heart
failure and kidney disease.
According to the lipid panel, M.K. is also at risk for heart disease or stroke. Her total cholesterol is
242mg/dL which is high and increases her risk for heart disease. A normal range for cholesterol is
below 200mg/dL. A level of 201 to 240 mg/dL is borderline, and a level of more than 240 mg/dL is
high. Her HDL is 32mg/dL which is really bad. You want this to be as high as possible any level
that is 60 mg/dL or higher is good or normal, levels of 40 to 59 mg/dL is borderline and levels of
less than 40 mg/dL is low and bad, it increases your chances of heart disease.
An optimal LDL level for adults is less than 100 milligrams per deciliter, according to MedlinePlus.
An LDL level of 130 159 milligrams per deciliter is considered borderline high, while a level of
160 189 is considered high. An LDL level over 190 milligrams per deciliter is very
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Comparing Chapter 5 Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet
The gothic monstrous doors slammed shut, and almost immediately after, Prince Prospero s
servants welded the doors shut, entrapping the thousand guest inside with no way out. With the Red
Death happening, the veil of reality outside the castle penetrated everyone s minds and hearts. To
lighten the mood, PrinceProspero arranged a masquerade ball for all of the thousand guest. Being
the Prince s ball, it was to be the most elegant and expensive masquerade the kingdom has ever
seen. As the day of the ball finally arrived, all of the thousand guests were beyond excited, but a
little anxious. The ballroom, where the masquerade was being held, was lit bay one thousand
candles, embodying the one thousand guest. Decorated tables were covered with exotic food
and drink. The walls were draped in black and red silk curtains that moved with eerie sighs as the
doors to the ballroom swung open and the many guests entered. The masked disguises all varied
and were elaborated. Most of guests had intentionally avoided even a touch of the red death, but
one particular woman seemed to exemplify it instead. She was dressed in a slick, red ball gown
with a solid black mask. Her intentions were not so... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, he had no choice but to ask her to dance. She leaned in as close as she could
without touching him and softly said that she would do anything to save his life. This of course
got Prince Prospero s attention and made his mind race. What could this seductive woman offer
besides a moment of distraction and a memory from the Red Death and destruction going on
outside his castle walls? But, Lenore quickly put Prospero s thoughts to rest. She pulled a small
vial from her red ball gown and covertly showed it to the Prince. Immediately he deduced her
intentions. He gently but quickly pulled her toward the black room and instructed his servants to
stop anyone else from
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Clipperton Island
An island located in the Pacific about 700 miles southwest of Acapulco. Clipperton is a circular
coral atoll of 2 square miles, completely with a lagoon. Temperatures are tropical and the vegetation
includes scrub, wild tobacco, and some coconut trees. The only known structures on the island are
the ruins of a 19th century lighthouse and a tuna fishing station. 115 species of fish have been
identified in the vicinity of the island.
On September 14, 2016 I had a plan to go to a field trip with my friend Bella, both of us were
planning to go to acapulco..We went to look online to find a cheap plain, the ticket was not
expensive. We look for other places that were closely to acapulco we found small island called
Clipperton Island where it has
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Computers And The Pc Revolution
Today, 92% of all Americans have access to a computer(Anderson) in the form of a smartphone,
tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. The first analog computers were developed during WW2, and
they rapidly advanced into the 50s, and 60s. However, by the 70s the Digital Age was on the
horizon. Giants like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft pushed development through the 80s; the PC
Revolution had begun. The PC Revolution had a profound impact of millions of lives, transforming
not only America but the entire world by opening new sales markets, and changing the way they
interact with other humans.
Microsoft, IBM, Dell, and Hewlett Packard(HP) are now well known companies, producing PCs,
PC software, and other PC related products. However, they were not the first, nor were they the last
competitors to enter the grand world of personal computing. The rapid development of PCs opened
up new jobs fields in software development, IT management, computer systems analysis, and
database administration. Jobs in marketing and production related positions expanded as well. Last
but not least is the extreme growth and expansion the PC development brought economically.
In the beginning of the PC revolution companies such as, Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry
Systems(MITS), and Commodore turned out small computers designed for hobbyists but not on a
large enough scale to be considered mass production. It wasn t until Bill Gates and Paul Allen
approached MITS founder Ed Roberts, offering an operating
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Stereotypes In The Fall Of A City
In the short story, The Fall of a City, by Alden Nowlan, Teddy is a young boy has many dreams
and hopes for his future, but his biggest goal is sharterred by his guardians. Moreover, he should
follow his dreams and that his dreams should remain valid till the day he achieves his dreams. It
is also important to pursue the personality and dreams children want to take with them into their
future life. Firstly, stereotypical behaviour of adults in particular can influence a child s future
decisions, but children should have their own dreams and goals to pursue so they get the life
they deserve. Paper dolls and doll houses. An eleven year old boy! (Alden Nowlan, 133). We see
how gender stereotypes come in the way of children achieving their goals and dreams... Show more
content on ...
His uncle pointed a warning finger. Don t get saucy now, mister. I know paper dolls when I see
em (133). This tells us how children change their dreams when they are discourged by others,
especially adults. Furthermore, children pursue what they have been taught and the kind of
personalities they contract with every day, which can also influence and destroy their inner
intentions and dreams. For example, if a child has strict parents and his parents force him into
being a engineer but the child wants to be a construction worker. Therefore, parents want you to
have a good and high paying job, but it is more important to have a job you like. The person will
regret making a choice they were forced to make when they were a child. Lastly, people tend to be
better at something they like, than at things they do to follow traditions of their society. Through
the square below rode squadrons of lancers, dragoons and hussar, batteries of horse artillery;
behind them marched regiments of infantry (130). Teddy is more deeply connected to his
imaginary world than his real
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The Evergreen Research Paper
Origin of the Evergreen Thousands of years ago the town of Maple was full of beautiful maple
trees. These trees were humongous and full of life. Tourists from all around would come to visit
Maple during the summer and fall months to see these trees. In the summer all the maple trees
were a bright green and provided plenty of shade for the people out in the hot sun. In the fall the
maple trees leaves would slowly transition into lovely shades of red, orange, and yellow. Sadly
these colorful leaves would fall off the trees and turn brown the cooler it got outside. Eventually
all the leaves would fall off and all the maple trees were bare branches. Tourists always stopped
visiting during this time. The people of Maple became bitter in
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Wealth Of Nations By Adam Smith
In his book, Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith makes arguments to support free trade. These
arguments range from having to do with war, all the way to the structure of social classes. In
order to assess the morality of these arguments, David Hume s definition of morality and Kant s
definition of morality can be used. These definitions, ultimately, serve as context for Smith s
arguments, so that there is a clearer idea of whether they are moral or not. From this, modern
readers of Smith s book can better determine the positive and negative qualities of Smith s idea of
free trade. Kant s definition of moralitycontrasts with Hume s definition. For Kant, morality is split
into three categories, the analytic imperative, the hypothetical... Show more content on ...
Smith writes that it is moral for society to have different levels of wealth based on talent and
hard work. His feels that the lowest people in a free trade society will still be better off than
some top people in a non free trade society. He mentions how a collier worker commonly earns
double, and in many parts of Scotland, three times as much as common labor (Smith 1.8). In
other words, the possession of a skill causes the worker to make more, since, unlike a common
laborer who can easily be swapped out, a skilled laborer can only be swapped out with someone
who possesses that particular skill. This discussion related to social class would be agreeable to
Hume s definition of morality. In particular, it fits into Hume s idea of using reason to determine
whether an action is moral or not. Since the worker who makes less than the skilled worker
would still be able to support themselves, Hume would feel that the situation is moral. Hume
ultimately would argue that as long as the person, making less, is not suffering, then the income
difference is moral. Kant s definition of morality would also agree with Smith s discussion of
social classes. This is because this discussion in Smith s book, falls under the analytic imperative.
In Kant s definition of morality, it would be moral for people to make more because of a skill. This
is because people would seek to acquire a skill, or talent if they wanted to earn more based off of
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Bossypants Chapter Summary
Every writer has certain organization methods implemented throughout their book which make their
piece of writing unique. Tina Fey, the author behind the memoir Bossypants, is no exception.
Within the autobiography, she utilized different structural devices to portray her life, such as
chronological order, lists, sub chapters, and footnotes. The way Ms. Fey arranged her book
undoubtedly affected the memoir as a whole. To begin, Tina Feyorganized her book chronologically
starting from kindergarten and working her way through her life until present. The memoir started
out with the chapter, Origin Story, where she introduces herself to the reader and lays out her early
life. For example, During the spring semester of kindergarten I was... Show more content on ...
For example, one chapter called Sarah, Oprah, and Captain Hook, or How to Succeed by Sort of
Looking Like Someone, was very busy and multiple things were the focus of the chapter. To
prevent this chapter from becoming confusing, Ms. Fey strategically used sub chapters, including,
In a Shocking Turn of Events, Meanwhile, Across Town, and Back at 30 Rock (page 181 184).
All of these sub chapters allowed for this hectic, action filled chapter to remain organized. In
continuation, the use of footnotes within Bossypants, allowed for there to be clarity on certain
topics. For instance, To say he was unfriendly would be the biggest understatement since the
captain of Hindenberg said I smell gas. When first reading there might be confusion, but it had a
footnote attached that said, Or it would be the biggest understatement since Warren Buffet said, I
can pay for dinner tonight. Or it would be the biggest understatement since Charlie Sheen said, I m
gonna have fun this weekend. So you have options (page 56). With the footnote it offers more
precision and the reader can take away from it the true intent, this guy was not a friendly guy.
Furthermore, one chapter as dedicated to her Sarah Palin skits on Saturday Night Live. This chapter
was filled with sub chapters such as, Week 4: Weekend Update Prime Time Special with Will
Ferrell, and Week 5: The Sneaker Upper (page 205 207). The sub chapters and footnotes that Fey
included allowed for the memoir to remain well
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Delegating Application Essay
Delegating is a personality trait that comes in handy when cooperating with others.
Consequently, by holding this trait, it is clear to understand that a few tasks require additional
opinions than just one in order to be executed. In addition, it is also used while problem solving,
at times when it is required to be open minded with everyone s points of views. As I grow up, I
aspire to maintain the characteristic of being a delegator, as well as maintain a balance
throughout the responsibilities that I take. On the other hand, there are a variety of people prefer
to not keep their tasks organized, working with these people can be almost impossible to succeed
with, and can lead to calamities. This assignment was possibly my most difficult to complete, not
due to the task itself, but by cause of it being a month long project that was to be completed by
three people, which I ended up doing myself. The day that I was given this assignment, the class
was assigned teammembers according to our... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless I found that it would do no good at the moment, so I quickly put it behind me. I had a
project to complete, next time I am put in a group with others, I need to consider that others may
not care about their school work as much as I do. I prefer to keep my balance from school with
my work at home and all the other activities unlike some who do not prioritize their tasks and
easily give up. At about six in the morning, I received a text back from both women explaining to
me that they had not actually dropped the classes but that they had no time to complete their part
on times, they were too tired to do anything. Of course this is where my team members and I also
clashed in points of view. Work is work and there is no excuse to not taking obligations seriously.
Not only was this idea inconsiderate, but as well as put them at risk for failing the assignment, but
also the others in the
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How Did Beethoven Change Music
Ludwig Van Beethoven, was the composer who changed music more than any other composer, the
sound of music and what the other composers that were to come after him thought. He wrote nine
symphonies, five piano concertos, an opera and many pieces of chamber music that jolted music
right out of itself. (Landon) Beethoven changed musicby creating a new era called Romanticism,
influencing the other composers and changing the old methods by adding a special twist.
The first way that Beethoven changed music was by creating romanticism. Ludwig is viewed as
the most transitional figure between the eras of classical and romanticism of musical history. Even
though his first period was more conventional he grew tired of this and made his second time period
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He took the old methods and twisted to match his style of thinking. As mentioned before,
Ludwig used a D major melody and a B minor harmony all at once. (Discuss) He then called this
juxtaposed chords, which were opposing the old idea where they generally did not mix minor and
major chords. If he changed the way chords were played, then obviously he changed music.
Ludwig also influenced Romantic composers by changing the ideas of programmatic writing.
(Discuss) He changed the idea of writing music from composing just to compose into actually
creating a picture in the listeners mind. Beethoven s Symphony Number Six was the first
programmatic symphony where the music was meant to paint a picture, compared to simply being
a series of sounds. (Guthrie) The earlier works of his period brought the Classical forms to the
highest expressive point, expanded the formal, structural and harmonic terms of his teachers
Mozart and Haydn. (Guthrie) While he was influenced by his teachers, he took their old ways and
transformed them into a new version of thinking to help others actually express themselves through
the power of music. He changed the old methods into a new and improved version. He held onto the
old culture without wearing it
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Gender Roles In Creation Myths
Bhaumik Patel
Mr. Hall
7 November, 16
Gender Roles in Creation Myths from Around the World
Different cultures and societies have their story of how the world began. These stories vary in the
process, but they all share one common theme. All of the stories begin with nothing or chaos, that is
until one being creates light, time, earth and its occupants. One common thing all myths share is the
role and status of women and men. In the Greek myth women were less dominant, Hindu myth
women are not even mentioned, and in Cherokee myth women are shown to be inferior.
Greek creation myth highlights how men and women differ in their status and roles. Women were
the inferior sex when compared to men, they were seen as intellects, and child ... Show more content
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Then an island is created and held up by four cords that connected to the sky. In that sky was
where the animals and other creatures lived. The island was formed when a water beetle decided
to into the ocean and brought up some mud. That mud began to expand until it turned into an
island. After the mud on the island dried a Great Buzzard flew down and every time he flapped
his wings down it created valley and when it went up it created mountains. Then husbands
appeared the first were a pair of brother and sister. The brother hit his sister with a fish and told her
to multiply, and she would produce an offspring every seven days. This shows that the brother is
the more dominant one since he commanded her to reproduce by hitting her with a
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The Problems Of Urban Rot
For many years, Detroit has been described as the Come Back City . A presumption will be made
that the significant reasons for urban rot are, among potential others are evolving demographics,
deindustrialization, political disappointment, poor urban arranging, and racial separation. Detroit
can still be viewed as a beautiful cityfull of culture and art, both in its stately decay and in its
growing natural abundance. Indeed, Detroitremains to be one of the finest sights to be seen with a
little investing from the people. Chartier (2005) of Cambridge University make a valid point by
stating people will not invest the requisite level of care into their resources if they believe their
investments will be lost . (p 374).
In 1701 the ... Show more content on ...
Around 1910 and 1980 Detroit s African American populace expanded in excess of 100 times.
Ryan (2008) a faculty member of Harvard University reports that The City of Detroit, Michigan
was a natural subject for the study. Like many other cities in the American Midwest and West,
Detroit grew rapidly, expanding from a population of essentially in 1850 to over 1,800,000 by 1950
. (p 2) The breakdown of the Big Three automakers has quickened Detroit s decay, and occupants
have been consistently escaping since the 1950s. In that time, the populace has dwindled from
around 2 million to somewhat more than 700,000 individuals; aside from that, there are more than
70,000 deserted structures and numerous empty lots. Individuals have been relentlessly streaming
out of the city for quite a long time, leaving behind empty homes and scantily populated
neighborhoods, leaving vacant neighborhoods an invitation to more crime and other wrongdoing.
By the mid twentieth century, real changes in the American economy were underway, and the auto
business was on the front line. It wasn t the automotive industry alone that demolished Detroit. It
was urbanization that also played its hand in the demise of Detroit. The city was destroyed by
deindustrialization, and decentralization amid the post World War II spread and when the
interstates, and disinvestments in the urban communities started to dissolve. The auto makers such
as Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, drove almost
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Markets, Regulation And Tort Law
Markets, Regulation and Tort law
Markets, regulation and tort law are elective techniques for accomplishing security. Of these the
business sector is the most capable yet it is frequently disregarded in approach exchanges. I
demonstrate that both for the United States after some time and for the world in general higher
earnings are connected with lower coincidental demise rates and I talk about a few illustrations
of business sectors making wellbeing. Markets may fall flat if there are outsider impacts or if
there are data issues. Excellent tort law is a sensible approach to handle outsider impacts for
outsiders as on account of car crashes. In principle regulation could take care of data issues yet by
and by numerous regulations ... Show more content on ...
Additionally security is the thing that financial analysts call a typical decent a decent where
interest increments with wage. Along these lines as social orders get to be wealthier through
business sector trade and monetary opportunity security increments. The other two powers for
security might likewise prompt increments despite the fact that this is in no way, shape or form
certain however the part of business sectors is central. In examining regulation and tort law I will
contrast each with the business sector. I then talk about connections in the middle of regulation and
tort law. All through the dialog I stretch the part of questionable products that both expand and
lessening wellbeing. For instance pharmaceuticals lessen danger of infection however have
reactions that are in some cases destructive. This class of merchandise ends up being both
imperative and troublesome for any of the three wellbeing frameworks to handle. Markets will give
the measure of first gathering wellbeing that customers wish if the data environment is right. That
is if customers need more secure items enough to be willing to pay for them then organizations
will discover giving wellbeing productive and will give the level of wellbeing that purchasers want.
This is the most grounded power for security. Market s reaction to buyer valuation of security infers
a noteworthy business sector reaction to salary. Security offices routinely utilize information from
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Essay on The Importance of Assisted Living
Taking care of the individuals that are getting older takes many different needs. Most of these
needs cannot be given from the help of a family. This causes the need of having to put your love
one into a home and causing for the worry of how they will be treated. It is important for the
family and also the soon to be client to feel at home in their new environment. This has been an
issue with the care being provided for each individual, which has lead to the need of making sure
individuals have their own health care plan. Assisted living is an effective type of care facility
programmed towards helping older individuals with their increasing disabilities. The fit between
individual capacity and the availability of satisfying activities... Show more content on ...
ADL s aid in making the person appear and feel more independent. In the experiment, the
hypothesis was described to show the outlooks on care that the authors were trying to prove
adequate or inadequate. The purpose of this quote is to show that the prediction will lead to older
people being able to complete everyday tasks, since they are being provided the chance, given that
their health is more stable.
Assisted living helps each person value life to its fullest potential. When it comes to making an
older individual feel more at home and also be able to focus more on non stressful activities, they
need to be ensured the best care. Families feel more confident and are less protective when there is
continuity in staff and they are deemed competent. Staff are more likely to be retained where they
feel valued 2 part of the quote which is especially conducive to the argument is, where they feel
valued. When picking and choosing a nursing home that fits individual the best, and will provide
them with the care needed, it is important to make sure that everyone is valued in the process.
This quote is important because if the workers are not being taken care of, then they are less
enthusiastic and also less likely to give someone s loved one the care needed and to know what is
expected from them. It is assumed that when picking an assisted living home, that the well being of
the person and also many other characteristics are taken into
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Social Mobility In The Medieval And Renaissance Time Period
Throughout early British literature and history, there has been a gradual change in social class.
In the Anglo Norman time period, feudalism was in place which did not allow much movement
among the classes. However, that is not the case in the Medieval and Renaissance time period.
During these times, there were factors that played a part in allowing social mobility to take place.
In the duration of the Anglo Norman, Medieval, and Renaissance eras the options of social
mobility changed dramatically and possessed more alternative options people in these eras. During
the Anglo Norman time period there was not a chance for people to truly move through the social
classes. Everyone was in their set class that they were born into and were not able... Show more
content on ...
This poem explains how one knight s dedication to his king lead him to be respected and praised
more among his fellow knights. Sir Gawain is part of the upper class due to his relation to King
Arthur, Take care young cousin... (The Pearl Poet 372). Attributable to this, he did not truly
move up in class when he became a knight, but he was given a position and was most likely
respected more than he might be if he did not become a knight. However, after he accepted the
Green Knight s challenge in Arthur s place, he managed to move up among his own class. Near
the end, the Green Knight tells Sir Gawain, you re by the far the most faultless fellow on earth ...
In good faith, so is Gawain, amongst gallant knights (The Pearl Poet 2363 2365). Only after he
agreed to sacrifice himself for his king and his honor did he get the recognition that a reader
would expect a knight to receive. However, it shows the praise that he receives and how he is able
to move up and become more respected among
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Closed Circulatory System
The earthworm has a closed circulatory system. Which means that it has the blood closed at all
times within the vessels. Three main vessels supply the blood to the organs. These organs are
ventral blood vessels, dorsal blood vessels, and aortic arches. The ventral blood vessels carry blood
to the worm s body. Dorsal blood vessels carry blood to front of the worm. Kind of like a human
heart, the aortic arches pump blood into the dorsal and ventral blood vessels.
Earthworms breathe though out their skin and do not have lungs. To breathe, oxygen and carbon
dioxide pass through the worm s skin by diffusion. For diffusion to happen the worm must keep its
skin moist and live in moist soil. Worms have the ability to detect light even though they
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Lutheran Vs Orthodoxy Essay
And other key point, the Lutherans cherishes the view of the sacraments, while the orthodoxy sees
the effects of sacraments as mysteries of grace for all that took part. In fact, the Protestant see grace
as something already given. They acknowledge only two sacraments which are Baptism also the
Holy Communion. The Sacraments signify the effect signs which they give. Here again the
Orthodoxy also the Catholic are in unity with at least seven. They are Baptism, Eucharist, Holy
Orders, Holy Unction, Marriage, Penance, Confession. Therefore, Lutheran and Orthodoxy are
similar when it comes to the papacy. Not to mention, Luther calls it the Antichrist also the
Orthodoxy when the church separated the pope did not accept the split and both refused to
recognize the papacy as a supreme and infallible institution (Gonzalez 132 184). As a result, the
theologians departed from the Roman Catholic church. There were three primary reason for their
decision, Sola Scriptura (by Scripture alone) the doctrine that Scripture as in the Bible is the only
authority for Christians when it comes to life also faith. Sola Fide (by faith alone) the doctrine that
we are justified before God, then saved by faith alone. The... Show more content on
A fellow classmate wrote something on the order of, the Post Modern Era not only will influence
religion, but also art, literature, philosophy, architecture and music. Likewise, the Post Modern
attitude is that there is no absolute truth but truth is based how the mind tries to understand its own
particular and personal reality. And still, the Post Modern Era lacks the optimism of there being a
religious truth that will explain or interpret everything to everyone satisfactory. In this era Christian
tradition and modernism will face a tremendous challenge in the 21st century, but I believe that the
faith that we have in God will ultimately
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Analysis Of Benjamin Button And The Great Gatsby
Dissatisfaction in Benjamin Button and The Great Gatsby
In the novel The Great Gatsby and the short story Benjamin Button , the characters are dissatisfied
with aspects in life. In The Great Gatsby dissatisfaction is associated with lack of fulfillment in
Dreams. In Benjamin Button dissatisfaction is surrounded by Benjamin s curious case of aging in
Through these two pieces of writing by Fitzgerald there are a lot of unhappy relationships. With
bad relationships come trends such as abusive traits from typically one party, whether it be
emotionally or physically. In The Great Gatsby Tom Buchanan is a cruel man who is dominant and
aggressive with a strong physique. With these attributes he is a prime candidate for an abusive lover.
Look! she complained: I hurt it, we all looked the knuckle black and blue. You did it, Tom, she
said accusingly. I know you didn t mean to, but you did do it. That s what I get for marrying a
brute of a man (Gatsby 17).
In the above quotation Tom has hurt and bruised Daisy s finger. Tom is a man who views
women as a sexual object. He abuses women because he is a man who craves power. He is not
getting the gratification of power out of his relationship with Daisy and in his day to day life so
he harms the ones close to him as seen with Daisy s finger and later on in the novel when breaking
Myrtle s nose. This quotation also shows how Daisy is discontent with her relationship with Tom.
Daisy is whining
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Acid Rain Pollution Essay
name here
Engineering 303i
Professor h
May 3, 2004
Penguin Publishing House, 1987 , Pearce Fred Acid Rain. What is it and what is it doing to us?
New York Publishers, 1989, William Stone Acid Rain. Fiend or Foe? Lucent books, Inc. 1990,
Steward Gail Acid Rain.
Acid Rain
Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die because earth s
rainwaters are contaminated. It also causes harm to people as well, because we eat fish, drink
water and eat plants that are polluted by acid rain. It is a problem that we must all face together
and try to get rid of. However, acid rain on it s own is not the biggest problem. It causes many other
problems such as aluminum ... Show more content on ...
Farmers put lime (a very strong alkaline substance) and special fertilizers in there soil neutralize the
acid in the soil on a regular daily basis.
In general, soil structure is classified as sandy, clay, or loam, although most garden soils are
mixtures of the three in varying proportions. A sandy soil is very loose and will not hold water. A
clay soil is dense and heavy, sticky when wet, and almost brick hard when dry. Loam is a mixture
of sand and clay soils, but it also contains large quantities of humus, or decayed organic material,
which loosens and aerates clay soil and binds sandy soil particles together. In addition, humus
supplies plant nutrients. Then, soil structure can be improved by digging in compost, manure, peat
moss, and other organic matter.
Parts of western United States, Minneapolis, northeastern North America and east and north Canada
are places in North America where soil is more sensitive to acid deposits then any other places.
Many factors, including the soil chemistry and the type of rock determine the environments ability
to neutralize the acid deposits from the rain.
Soils naturally contain small amounts of poisonous minerals such as mercury, aluminum, and
cadmium. Normally, these minerals do not cause serious problems, but as the acidity of the soil
increases, chemical reactions allow the minerals to be absorbed by the plants. The plants are
damaged and any animals that eat the plants
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Women Years Ago Vs. Women Today
Women one hundred years ago VS women today Women one hundred years ago were drastically
different than women today in many aspects of their lives. Soon after the turn of the 20th
century, a surge in women s independence surfaced. This was largely due to the fact that
women were urged by Rosie the Riveter and other propaganda to replace men in factory jobs to
support the war effort and provide income for their families. Women s lifestyles changed from
then on, including their hairstyles, clothing, and overall personalities. The culture surrounding
women in the early 1900 s, especially in terms of the way that they dressed, was drastically
different than that surrounding women in today s society. The typical everyday clothes that
women would wear in the 1900 s were usually long dresses or clothes that covered most of their
bodies. Between the years 1900 1909 there were two key trends, the La Belle Epoque and the
Gibson Girl. They were very much alike, they both consisted of a corsetto make the waist skinnier
and the bosom and backside larger, but it remained modest to the standards of that period. Both
of these styles were very high class and were custom for the wealthier people of the day, this is
due to the dresses being made out of luxury fabrics and rhinestones. However, from 1910 1919, the
styles began to change when women became tired of wearing the puffy dresses and tight corsets.
They wanted something more comfortable, so they came out with three styles called
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Walmart s Argumentative Essay On Food Stamps
In last week s activity, we had to put ourselves in the shoes of a parent with a nine year old child,
who relies on food stamps in order to eat every week. We had forty two dollars to spend on
groceries from the food stamps and had to make it last a week. Our strategy consisted of picking
the cheapest types of foodwe could find that had a lot of servings, while also making sure the
nutritionwas somewhat sufficient to keep us healthy. We used Walmart to shop for groceries
since it had the cheapest prices compared to local grocery stores like Publix. Planning out the
meals, we realized that living on only forty two dollars a week for food really limited the variety
of our diet. We realized that having a child to support with this low variety... Show more content on ...
When more and more food stamps are being issued, the economy just looks weaker and weaker,
as there must be less and less jobs around at the time. Also, while not always true, some people
that rely on food stamps might not be motivated to work a lot since they are being fed for free,
and simply to not need work. This creates an unhealthy dependence on the government, which
may destroy motivation to work since these people can freeload of the government for food,
hurting the economy. The system should help those in poverty get up on their feet instead of
babying them for their entire life. Another problem with food stamps is that they are a little too
generous for the people who are capable of work. During the activity, we learned that getting
enough food to get us by was not very difficult. While a large variety of foods wasn t available,
the amount of food we could purchase was more than enough for a welfare system. This just
makes it easier for dependence, since there s not a ton of motivation due to all of the free meals.
This a problem because the taxpayers have to continue to pay for people who aren t motivated to
get out of
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Unit 3 Assignment 1 User Authentication
User authentication
With the rapid increase in the number of attempted breaches and resulting damages, there is an
increased need for user authentication, especially with numerous unknown mobile devices with
which consumers are using to access to IT resources.
Users of these mobile devices can be authenticated by the use of passwords or hardware token
devices and both password and hardware one time password (OTP) in most cases. Generally,
while the use of passwords are inexpensive, they are thought to be a relatively insecure form of
security. Hardware OTPs, on the other hand, tend to be a more secure form of security, but are
more expensive and may also be susceptible to more advanced attacks, such as the man in the
middle (MITM) attack. ... Show more content on ...
The inappropriate disclosure or misuse of sensitive information by an employee may result in
financial considerations and legal consequences for an organization. Mobile devices provide all
kinds of new scenarios for business data to go missing, be shared with others, or be stolen. You
need to go into BYOD thinking this way, not just for everyday activity, but also when employees
move on from your organization (Arnold, n.d.).
Every organization must have adequate control mechanisms in place to help protect sensitive
information from the distribution or transmission outside the organization, inappropriate disclosure,
and control of how the information accessed is used. Companies should have policies in place that
outline the course of action to take should inappropriate usage or disclosure of data be
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Happiness In Hume s A Treatise Of Human Nature
In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle claims that the human good is happiness, which can be
understood as activity in accordance with reason. Happiness here should be described as living
well or doing well, or living in a virtuous manner. Aristotle, from this, implicates that moral
distinctions are derived from reason. However, in Hume s A Treatise of Human Nature, particulars
of Aristotles claim become contradictory. It can be seen that through Hume s argument of
Aristotle believes there to be one ultimate end that humans hope to achieve. As all actions lead to
some good or end, and these ends are useful for another desired end, the latter end is the one that
is truly desired. If all ends lead to another end, eventually there will be what would be considered
the highest end, one in which all other ends are aiming towards reaching. Aristotle believes this end
to be Eudaimonia, or happiness. It can be said that all other ends achieved are in hopes of
achieving happiness, and that happiness is an end for the sake of itself. This end then would ... Show
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Aristotle s implication that moral distinctions can be derived from reason seems to fail under
Hume s of the influencing of the will. First, it is necessary to establish Hume s argument that
reason alone can never be the motive to any action of the will. Hume distinguishes reasoning into
two categories; demonstrative, which is a priori and useful in relations of ideas; and probabilistic,
which is a posteriori and is useful in relating feeling of pain or pleasure to actions through
experience. Neither of these, however, actually determine our actions, they only help us understand
the cause and effect of proposed actions. The true motivation of will is a result of passion. While
demonstrative and probabilistic reasoning may give way to a particular sentiment, i.e. discovering
truths or falsehoods, it is from these sentiments we align our
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Was The Egyptian Revolution Of 1919 A Justifiable Act Of...
What was the Egyptian Revolution of 1919 and why was it a justifiable act of civil disobedience?
The Egyptian rebellion was a very political and economic defiance of the law. It encouraged many
individuals, such as Mahatma Gandhi, to protest against what they believe is harmful and
unconstitutional to the country. The Egyptian Revolution of 1919 can be justified as an act of civil
disobediencebecause of Britain s protectorate and martial law for Egyptand Sudan, for causing false
belief that the protectorate would be changed after the war, and for seizing the country s
The rebellion against the Britain Empire began after the Caucasus Campaign of World War I and
Britain declared Egypt the burden of war; it was then that the ... Show more content on ...
Lord Alfred Milner of Britain was sent to Egypt in December of 1919, he later left March of
1920 and advised that Britain abolish the protectorate and grant Egypt complete independence.
He saw the hostile stance of the Egyptian people as uncontrollable and believed Britain would
not be able to continue to pursue its interests, given such public opinion. When Britain decided
to send the colonial administrator, Egyptians responded to the Milner Mission to get rid of Lord
Milner and to confound the judicial system. Thousands of nationalists met at Alexandria s
mosque Abu l Abbas al Mursi; ministers, lawyers, counsels, and students proposed strategies
against the British rule Egypt. According to the report by Under Secretary of the Foreign Office
Cecil Harmsworth to the House of Commons, 800 natives were killed and 1,600 women
wounded during the uprising. It states that casualties for European and other civilians were 31
killed and 35 wounded, while 29 British soldiers were killed and 114 wounded. So there were
209 European casualties to 2,400 Egyptian. The Under Secretary of the Foreign Office provided a
clear understanding of how many natives of Egypt died for their independence; clearly there were
very few British casualties which shows how much the Egyptians were willing to give up, to have
what they gravely
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Hawaii Earthquake Research Paper
Brittyn Chaloupka
Earth Science 6A
December 1, 2017
2006 Hawaii Earthquake
On the islands of Hawaii a 6.6 earthquake hit the island Honolulu. The lack of electricity gave them
no communication with the mainland.
After and the aftershocks, there was fear of a tsunami people started to worry. The Pacific Tsunami
Warning Center issued a report saying that no tsunami is expected, although officials at the center
warned of the possibility of one in Hawaii. There was so much damage they did not know what to
Knocking out electrical power to many of the islands and forming a landslide that rained boulders
on the major highway on the biggest island. Emergency management officials also told residents
and others to stay put if they could,
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The Importance Of Performance At Carnegie Hall
Every musician definitely dreams about one day performing at Carnegie Hall because it is one
of the best concert halls all over world. Since it first built, it keeps providing good shows and
performances to audience. According to this article, Carnegie Hall decides to add more events in
the next couple years, and despite classical musicevents, they want to provide more modern musical
events to audience. Also, in the next following years, they will more focus on education and try to
bring more children and students get involved into live performances (Cooper, n.p.).
When I first saw this news, I was so happy to know that Carnegie decided to offer more events.
Nowadays, the technologies develop so fast, and we can get whatever we want from
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Cinematic Language In The Help
The Help is a movie from a famous book published by Kathryn Stockett about a girl name
Eugenia Skeeter Phelan and her relationship with to African American maids in the 1960 s during
the Civil Rights era in Jackson, Mississippi. This film was written by Tate Tayor, who written and
directed other movies such as; Pretty Ugly People (2008), and Winter Bones (2010). The fans
general response to the movie The Helpbudget in the Box office according to was at
the estimate of 25 million dollars. This filmwas produced by DreamWorks Pictures.The celebrities
that started the movie was, Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Howard, and
Jessica Chastain. Emma Stone had an opportunity to play at the role of Eugenia Skeeter ... Show
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The way how the scenes of the movie looks in the eyes of the director, he wanted his viewers to
see how life was back in the 1960s. Kathryn Stockett vision of the story is to show racism at its
finest. Tate Taylor has to figure out how to make the movie seems like the viewers are looking at
the movie ask if they are reading the book. The soundtrack of the movie is based off different
songs that can relate to the type of music most people will hear from the 1960s. A few artists that
is mentioned in the soundtracks are Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, and Mary J Blige. The
performance of the movie was outstanding. The thought of having Emma Stone being the
protagonist is a film, is a great fit for this type of character in the movie. I believe that Emma
Stone have certain way of showing a leadership role a multiple of films that she starred in. Viola
Davis and Octavia Spencer did a magnificent job playing as the role off the two maids. Both of
these women have probably experienced some sorts of racism in the lives, and can relate well to
the movie. Stone, Davis, Spencer have read The Help before, so playing the role of Skeeter and
the two maids was easy for them to get into, because of reasons this story beforehand. There s a
video on YouTube where Tate Taylor and Kathryn Stockett had mention the fact that these women
have read the story before, and enjoyed
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Vietnam Veterans Research Paper
There are over 45 percent of the 1.6 million veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that
are seeking compensation for injuries they claim are related to their military service. That is over
double the 21 percent of veterans that filed service connected claims after the Gulf War in the
early 1990s. Additionally, these new veterans are claiming on average eight to nine issues and the
most recent ones received by the VA are claiming 11 to 14 ailments. In comparison, the Vietnam
veterans are averaging compensation for fewer than four ailments and those from World War II and
Korea average only two.
The recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been experienced not only on the battlefield but when
they return, the war comes home with them. Military service members have to deal with the
emotional and physical scars and the multiple civilian ... Show more content on ...
Almost half have been deployed more than once. Many times that number of Americans has been
affected as parents, spouses, children, and friends.
The wars violence has rippled through the nation, affecting families and the communities where
they live. A 2010 report found that child abusein Army families was been three times higher in
homes from which a parent was deployed. From 2001 through 2011, alcohol use associated with
physical domestic violence in Army families increased significantly. This phenomenon could be
attributed to increased alcohol consumption among military veterans suffering from combat related
wounds, injuries and illnesses.
The causes of these elevated levels of suffering in military veterans and their families lives are
multifactorial and cannot be just the direct result of combat exposure. The factors contributing to
this very large number and significant scale of problems are not all fully understood, but are
alarming. Most of these problems can be attributed as direct or indirect effect of a decade of
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The Real Merlin Essay
From the shores of Avalon to the court of King Arthur, tales and accounts of the mystical Merlin
abound. Did Merlin really exist, and if so, was he the dark magical wizard of legend or an image
conjured up by superstitious townsfolk to explain occurrences they didn t understand? To answer
this question, one should first look at the actual accomplishments of the figure Merlin. When was
the character introduced and what did he do afterwards? What kinds of feats did this person
accomplish to make him as well known as he is? Secondly, Merlin was well known as a mythical
figure. How did this mythical figure emerge and what aspects of his life do we still remember to
this day? As the son of a devil, was Merlin an evil characteror a good... Show more content on ...
Many stories of the Arthurian legend contain some reference to Merlin, as either a wizard or a
prophet. As a magician, Merlin performed feats such as the moving of Stonehenge, the disguising of
Uther Pendragon, and the crowning of King Arthur by the use of the sword in the stone (Fletcher
25). As a prophet, Merlin told of the defeat of the Saxons, the death of Arthur, and the one who
found the Holy Grail.
Almost everyone knows the story The Sword in the Stone by T.H. White wherein Merlin
instructed Arthur in his life as king, but what most don t know is that Merlin was, in legend, the
son of a devil. An incubus came and bedded with Merlin s mother so that she would bear his
child (Ackerman 168). One story that shows the significance of this union is Geoffrey of
Monmouth s Historia regum Britannae. In this book there is a section that tells the tale of
Vortigern and Ambrosius. Vortigern, the King of Britain at the time, wants to build a new retreat,
but every night the foundation is destroyed. Vortigern s wise men tell him he must sprinkle the
spot with the blood of a child born fatherless. After a long and tedious search, Ambrosius is found
and brought before Vortigern. Ambrosius tells the King not to slay him but to dig in the spot for
two vases. Those digging found these two vases and inside were two tents. Inside the two tents
were a red dragon and a white dragon. These creatures fought each other
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Lumber Liquidator Case Summary
Lumber Liquidator is one of the biggest hardwood flooring retailers in United Stated of America.
The company starts in 1994 when Tom Sullivan, a building contractor, decided to purchase the
excess wood that bigger contractors had to resale it.
The company growth stronger in the business in 2004 Lumber Liquidator open the largest
production center and its headquarters in Toano, Virginia. The company counts with over 360
locations in 46 states in USA and Canada (Lumber Liquidators, 2017).
In July 2014, the nonprofit organization Global Community Monitor filed a lawsuit in California
against Lumber Liquidators Inc. The organization alleged that Lumber Liquidators was selling
Chinese made laminate flooring contaminated with high levels of formaldehyde and deliberately
violating California s ... Show more content on ...
He analyses the finances of companies he is attracted to invest in. Mr. Tilson noticed that the profit
margins for Lumber Liquidators were unusually high compared with its competitors. He states that
when you see a company suddenly duplicating its profit margins brings a red flag to investors
(Cooper, 2017).
Two months after 60 minutes broadcasted Lumber Liquidators story the company stops selling
laminated Chinese floors in its nationwide market. Lumber Liquidators was subject to several
investigations and lawsuits in the United States since the report aired in March 2015. Government
agencies as Consumer Products Safety Commission and California Environmental Protection
Agency settle agreements with LL in 2016 due to their examinations.
Lumber Liquidators had to pay a high price for the mistakes they committed. In October 2015, in an
investigation made by the United States Department of Justice LL pleaded guilty to multiple crimes
related its importation of timber products. LL agreed to pay $13.15 million in criminal fines,
forfeiture, and community service payments (Department of Justice,
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Argumentative Essay About Penguins
Magnificent creatures of the land and sea, penguins have been around for a long time. Penguins
have adapted well over the course of many years, for swimming and hunting purposes. Everyone
knows that penguins are weird birds that can t fly and have to waddle on land, but what most
people don t know about are the harms that penguins have been exposed to and the fact that many
penguins are endangered, if not vulnerable to endangerment. Penguins are incredibly different
from other animals and are very important to the food chain, so they should be saved from
endangerment. Penguins indeed have adapted a great deal as time passed. According to recent
research on old fossils found in Peru, ancient penguins used to be six feet tall. They could swim and
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It seems unusual that birds can t fly, but it s brilliant that they can practically fly underwater !
The World Book (2008 ed.) states that penguins use the same motion to swim as other birds use
to fly. These flipper y fowls can zoom through the water at a rate of eight miles an hour, but if
they really must, they can swim above twenty miles for the same amount of time! Penguins take
breaths every minute so they soar by the surface and pounce into the air on occasion, although
they can hold their breath for almost twenty minutes as they dive deep below into the water.
Penguins can plunge as deep as 900 feet. That s 300 times their average height! They are not only
so fabulous underwater; penguins can toboggan across the snow on their bellies or climb over
rocks if they need to! Rockhopper penguins, as one might assume, are named after their ability to
hop over rocks easier than most other penguins. Rockhoppers are also able to pencil dive (feet
first) into the water, unlike most other penguins, and can leap back into the air as high as three
times their height and grab onto perches above them with their tiny
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The American Society Of Criminology Essay
The American Society Of Criminology
AHHHHhhhhh! I let out a girlish scream and squirmed as shivers went strait up my spine. I was
glued to the latest episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, a show that I have watched
religiously since its debut. Criminology is something that has always fascinated me, and is a
career that I hope to pursue in the future as an FBI agent. I frequently surf the web looking for
short stories to read about different criminal cases and to find information about job opportunities
and internships. One day I found a website of an organization that studied crime independently of
the government. I was immediately intrigued by the organization, and began reading about the
American Society of Criminology. ... Show more content on ...
Today, membership includes anyone interested in enhancing the professional interests of the study
of criminology from students, to practitioners, to scholars of various professional criminological
specialties (American Society of Criminology homepage). Membership of ASC is no longer
limited to a geographic area. ASC has grown into an international organization involved with other
professional societies of criminology around the world. ASC sponsors an employment exchange
between its members to facilitate the various job openings in the criminological field over seas.
Today, nearly 1,000 people are attending annual meetings and every major criminologist in the
United States is a member and active participant of ASC (American Society of Criminology
homepage). Also, there are currently 121 (15.2%) female members of what was originally a
completely male organization. ASC s large numbers in membership and diversity makes the
organization a unique professional association of some of the world s best and brightest thinkers
(American Society of Criminology homepage).
The American Society of Criminology meets once a year at a large hotel to discuss a particular
topic of general interest. The society is divided up by committees, for seminars and plenary
sessions. At the last meeting, there were two dozen society committees and one hundred and eighty
panels. The society publishes three
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Doctor Manette In A Tale Of Two Cities
The personality of Doctor Manette has greatly altered throughout the book due to realizing he is
capable of great feats. Doctor Manette was first terrified of the world and needed people to
guide him through daily tasks. After being released from prison after almost two decades in
pure isolation, all people and items of the world were unknown and strange. To cope with his
anxiety, the Doctor turned to shoemaking, working for countless hours in the Defarge s tavern.
Meeting his daughter Lucie helped greatly decrease this peculiar behavior, but the Doctor still
did not have a sense of self. When asked if he would like to have a life similar to what he had
before he was imprisoned, the Doctor responded, I hope you care to be recalled to life? And the
old answer: I can t say (Dickens 57). It is clear that the Doctor still believes and sees flashbacks
from his horrors in prison, and therefore does not know otherwise from it. He has been secluded
from the outside world for so long that he cannot make decisions for himself and does not know if
he wants to continue living... Show more content on ...
When Carton was working for C.J. Stryver, who is opposite to him in personality. While Sydney
is reserved, Stryver is power hungry, and strives to climb to the top. Because of this, Carton is a
slave to the other man and is the much harder worker of the two. In this chapter, Dickens
described these men as animals based on their traits, and stating, Although Sydney Carton would
never be a lion, he was an amazingly good jackal (Dickens 102). This comparison depicts Carton
s lack of motivations perfectly and shows that he is responsible for all the grunt work but does not
take the lead. Without an individual or purpose in the world to try and succeed for, Carton feels no
need to expose himself as the genius behind Stryver, and therefore is sacrificing showcasing his
potential to eventually be that
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The study, in which we looked upon through our time...
The study, in which we looked upon through our time working within Applied Theatre, is how our
role as a facilitator changes, depending on the age, ability and social background of the
participants, in an educational environment. I will discuss further how the various aspects of social
and political culture vary the way that I have conducted a workshop, and also what I would have to
do if I continued my study further.
Two of the workshops that was conducted, was in a secondary educationally school Sir William
Stanier Community school in Crewe. When working within the school we conducted two
workshops, with the year ten Drama students, who are currently undergoing the GCSE mock tests.
We planned both workshops excessively, our plan when... Show more content on ...
Heathcote s approach allows the students to make as many of the decision about what the drama is
going to be about as possible. (Wagner, 1999. P.9)
In one way this approach works well for various people such as Adam Proctor, as for Adam he
found that like Dorothy Heathcote he believes in the children s ability and potential, therefore, he
likes to approach his work with a sense of improvisation, where decisions which the children make
in the lesson determine the overall outcome of the workshop, but this being to a certain extent. For
example when he was running a workshop for the first time with the second year Applied Theatre
students, one exercise we created was for them to create a story from an object, the task in creating
the story through thinking and planning was all down to them, they created their own piece of
In contrast to this I found that I require a set structure to follow. This is due to me finding it
difficult to steer away from the set plan, for the reason of my own anxieties, of not knowing the
outcome of a workshop; being in the unknown. For me I find the best way in which I work
individually, is following a set structure, this enables me to be a successful facilitator, without any
chaos. I want the students to see me as their facilitator; therefore they can then follow my set
instructions clearly. Richard Hahlo and Peter Reynolds state in Dramatic
... Get more on ...
Summary Of The Mirror By Virginia Woolf
The way one person perceives the world is not always the way another perceives, just as a
reflection shows a person but reflected backwards. The mirror does not create falsehood; it instead
shows the views of every side. Every person is going to see something different when looking into
the mirror depending on where they stand. When Virginia Woolf
writes she tells the world of an
idea everybody can relate to. She writes on women and men and shows how they related through
the mirror. Sometimes to empower and others to educate those that don t have that view point or
understand. She writes both the common and uncommon views and shows how they both stand
together in one mirror. Two text which reflect two Ideas through the mirror to show the world
are Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid. Ladies are well represented in
Virginia Woolf s stories such as Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid.
Both of these Texts reflect the standard for women at this time. In Professions for women Virginia
Woolf tells of her story of being a women; showing her views of the world through reflectionof her
life. Virginia Woolf starts by creating powerful small ideas when she writes, it is true, I am a
women; it is true I am employed, but what professional experiences have I had? Using her short
chops of information she has simplified herself so that more people can see her in their mirror.
This is great because it simplifies Woolf making her more common,
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Cold Vs Flu Season Essay
Winter is here and almost everyone can catch a cold or flu. Some call it cold season, flu season,
or even have it combined as flu and cold season. It doesn t really matter what we call it. What s
important is staying healthy during cold and flu season. If you re curious on how you could
prepare for the full onslaught or actually when is cold and flu season, just keep on reading.
Most people tend to catch cold or flu because they are caught unawares that it s already cold
season or flu season. When is cold and flu season? You don t really have to wait for when is the
actual date of its arrival. When you start to feel it in your bones that it s starting to get cold, start
your preparations for staying healthy during cold and flu season. It s better to start ... Show more
content on ...
As stated by an article by, most people touch their faces at least once in every 4
minutes. This means that if you sleep for 8 hours, you touch your face around 400 times in a day.
If you notice yourself rubbing your eyes, wiping your nose, touching your lips, or biting your nails,
try to avoid doing so. If you continue on doing this without at least using a hand sanitizer, germs
can directly enter your mucus membranes and even your respiratory system. You will then be more
susceptible to illnesses during the flu season.
Flu Season Health Tips: Have Some Quality You Time
Find some time to relax from your hectic schedule. Doing so will yield to stress reduction,
calming your mind, and improving the number of hours and quality of your sleep. This will
prevent cold or flu sources from infecting your body by around 50%.
Qigong is a traditional Chinese health care practice that helps reduce a person s stress levels,
improve focus, and enhance general health. As reported by a new study, doing Qigong for at least
once in a week can minimize respiratory infections from happening by almost 70%. This is
definitely a good way of staying healthy during the cold
... Get more on ...
Make A Wish Mission Statement
The Make A Wish Foundation Mission Vision and Purpose Make A Wish is one of the leading
children charities. It was founded in Phoenix, Arizona in 1980. They are a 501(c) (3) non profit
charitable organization. They are in the health category of the NTEE, providing health and family
support. (IRS Data for Make A Wish International, n.d.) The non profits mission it to grant the
wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with
hope, strength and joy (Make A Wish International, n.d). They approach their mission with
enthusiasm, imagination and creativity Their vision is, We are dedicated to making every eligible
child s wish come true. They value integrity, child focus, excellence, community, and inspiration
(Our Values, n.d.). They approach every aspect of their organization with honesty and respect. They
show respect and honesty to their wish receivers, their families, and Make A Wish supports.
Everything they do they do for the children. They are very child focus and always put the interest of
their wish receivers first. They aim to have the best business practices and embrace the challenge to
exceed expectations. They also love working with their global community of staff, volunteers, and
donors. Their wish receivers and community inspire them to reach their vision. (Our Values, n.d.)
Analyzing the Mission Statement. The mission statement of Make A Wish implies that the
organization helps children with life threating
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Carnivore Narney Research Paper
As the Narneys inside the crater further evolve they start to grow taller and taller. This goes against
Mercury s gravity but this helps them survive. Being taller means that they can capture more
An example phototropism are the Narneys leaves. Similar to sunflowers their leaves move with the
sun. Following the sunlight allows them to capture the maximum amount of light energy. An
example of thigmotropism is when pollen touches the Narney. Since pollen is how they reproduce
pollen is vital to their survival. To protect and ensure they receive pollen the reproductive organs of
a Narney closes around pollen. After sensing the pollen it will quickly close around it.
After one year the plant like Narneys reach a punctuated equilibrium. ... Show more content on ...
The first one is the herbivores and the other is the carnivores. The herbivores eat the Narneys
inside the crater while the carnivores eat the Narneys outside the crater. This completely changes
how the two species look, act, and survive. The herbivores of the Narney population become
smaller and quicker while the carnivores start to become bigger and stronger.
The herbivore Narney fear the carnivore Narneys because they are their demise. In order to
protect themselves from the carnivore Narneys they form camouflage. This camouflage makes
them blend into Mercury s environment and keep them hidden. Their outer layer become very
rough looking and tan color to blend in. This makes it very hard for a carnivore Narney to find
and eat a herbivore Narney.
The herbivore Narneys also use mimicry to protect themselves from the carnivore Narney. The
herbivore Narneys will mimic the plant like Narneys inside the crater. Since the carnivore Narneys
don t eat the plantlike Narneys they stay away from them. The herbivore Narney mimics the plant
like Narney by not moving and staying close to the plant like Narney which is very similar to the
plant like
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Essay About Duterte
Radical simply means grasping things at the root Angela Davis (Radical Quotes). Throughout
history, radical change meats two things: a chaotic new era where people suffered, or it meant a
prosperous time for the people. During the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin led an uprising
with the people to form a communist government. This radical change brought forth a demise to
the new Russian society and its people as the new system led them to time of economic
depression and poverty. On the other hand, the American Revolution was a radical uprising that
would be the start of the United States of America. As a result, the U.S. today has created a
government that is considered unrivaled in its efficiency. Rodrigo Duterte, a man known for his
unorthodox methods and aggressive nature, is considered a radical candidate in this year s
election. Duterte s actions are heavily criticized as well as his possibility of presidency. However,
despite the many criticisms about Duterte, he is the presidential candidate the Philippines needs to
change the many... Show more content on ...
Throughout the Philippines, The Punisher is a well know nickname. Duterte was given this
nickname for his iron fist on enforcing laws. On a survey taken by students it Silliman, many
students did not know many of Duterte s policies. However, many of the students surveyed
answered that they are familiar with Duterte and his reputation as The Punisher . Also, Duterte has
no regards to the opinions of his opponents and criticizers. During an interview, Duterte claims to be
unfazed to death threats after hearing that drug lords from Iloilo sent mercenaries after the
candidate (Duterte unfazed by death threats). In the same interview, Duterte also said that he is
stern on his use of brutal punishments even if it meant losing precious votes (Duterte unfazed by
... Get more on ...
Renaissance Era Research Paper
The Renaissance Era is a period approximately dated from the 1460 s to the 1600 s. It was a
period where reason was celebrated and advanced over metaphysics and mysticism. The general
conclusion when Renaissance comes to mind always seems to center around the growth of Art and
Science. The topic of the contributions made to Psychology by the citizens of the RenaissanceEra is
often overlooked, and not many are privy to the role Psychology played in the development of the
Era by perfecting scientific methods and researching reason, thought, and mental illness. The
Renaissance Era was viewed as the rebirth. It was a period where people went back to their more
open minded method of inquiry that had characterized early Greek philosophy. It was... Show more
content on ...
Though the Renaissance Era is thought to have played a major role in giving birth to the modern
secular life, it began by looking backwards instead of forward to the future with the works of
Francesco Petrarch 1304 1374, who was an influential philosopher whose writings are said to have
marked the beginning of the Renaissance. Petrarch had particular interest in freeing the human
spirit, which he believed was held in the confines of medieval traditions and opted for a more
personal religion based on personal feelings and personal faith. Martin Luther, not to be confused as
Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an Augustinian Priest and biblical scholar who
did not agree with what he had witnessed Christianity turn into. His view of Christianity aligned
with the beliefs of St. Paul s and St. Augustine s than that of Aquinas. He believed everyone should
suffer the consequences of their sins, and that God was the only person any human being was
answerable to. The Renaissance was a paradoxical time. There was a growth of interest in human
potential coupled with human achievements, and simultaneously, there was also persecution, witch
hunting, superstition, exorcism, and
... Get more on ...
The World Experience For The Australian Team Essay
Brendan is a professional engineer working on an important project, a typical example in Australia
and overseas on an oil rig in the North Sea occurred accidentally. Brendan is the Institution of
Engineers Australia, Engineering Professional of the Year in 2000, was a talented Brendan, also a
professional sport (level 2) and managing highly effective exerciseand sports science in Australia
(ESSA. )
Real world experience to the Australian team for the past eight Paralympics Games and numerous
world championships. This includes athletes at Seoul 1988, Barcelona 1992, Atlanta 1996 and
Sydney 2000 Games; And a sports scientist at Athens 2004, Beijing 2008, London 2012 and Rio
2016 Games, these are all good, all good.
The combination of sport and the success of a professional is famous for many recognized that
Brendan was the recipient of three awards have it, such as Australia Day Award for Sports, of
Australia Medal (OAM) and. Australian Sports medal recipient The impact of research in human
health and Brendan performance increased steadily working to demonstrate the research and
publications in this discipline is as expected.
Professor of Sports Science (Biomechanics)
Sport and exercise science researchers.
Professor Brendan Burkett
Qualifications of applicants
PhD Qld.UT, MEngQld.UT, BEng C.Qld. FIEAust.
Phone + 61 7 5430 2827
Fax: + 61 7 5459 4600
The sources of information that you will use to conduct your research, including in the case of
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Xerox Co. Diversity
How would Xerox define diversity? How has its definition changed over the years?
In business , diversity has seen action in the managing of human resource as essential capital in
fostering businesses at a global scale . Diversity is also seen as a concept where differences can be
a powerful resource . Based on the Case facts, Xerox value diversity as the most priceless resource
to drive the company towards achieving its goals.
According to Xerox Chairman amp; former CEO, Anne M. Mulcahy, diversity is not just about
race, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability. She and the staff believed that diversity provide
an environment for employee to grow for their fullest potential. Employee with different ways ...
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For instance, women and minorities represent 52% of Xerox workforce and about 42.5% of Xerox
senior executives are women or people of color or both.
* Friendly HR policies
Xerox understand that women struggling to balance work and family commitments. Thus, HR
function initiated alternative work schedules and other HR policies as the company recognizes that
family and individual needs affect employee performance.
Besides, Xerox also has a work life programs to ensures that the workforce become successful in
their career and family such as dependent care fund, employee assistance program and education
assistance program.
* Xerox Employee Caucus Groups
A caucus group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees.
After establishment of this program, the company began to provide domestic partner benefits for
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees.
The groups consist of Asians Coming Together, Black Women s Leadership Council, GALAXe
Pride at work, Hispanic Association for Professional Advancement, National Black Employee
Assosiation and The Women s Alliance.
* CEO roundtables
An annual diversity employee roundtables with senior managers. This program provide platform
for employees to engage in unfiltered
... Get more on ...
Franco and TPOK Jazz Essay
Congolese guitarist, singer, bandleader and composer Francois Luambo Makiadi (Franco) the
sorcerer of the guitar was 20th century Africa s most important musician; he was the greatest. My
opinion is amply supported by the recent release of two double CD retrospectives Francophonic
Volume 1(1953 1979) 2 (1980 1989). The sets demonstrate Franco s amazing longevity, prolificacy,
and innovation. From 1950 until his death in 1989, he record over a thousand songs, created a
dominate style of African guitarplaying, trained generations of musicians, and attained a status
equivalent in Africato Elvis or the Beatles in the West. These collections allow the listener to
discover not only the evolution of a musical genius, but also the history... Show more content on ...
OK Jazz was a formidable group ranging from six to over 20 musicians produced a who s who
of African musicians and vocalists. Songs start slow with gentle vocal harmonies, incrementally
building speed and adding layers instruments into funky sebenes leavened with strong Latin
flavor. Cuban music was as essential to the development of modern Congolese music as African
slaves were to the creation of Cuban music. Franco s pan African popularity was never matched
by popularity amongst western world music fans; it sounds like salsa to most casual listeners,
thus ending their exploration. However, there is a tremendous difference, the guitars are forceful,
the rhythms urgent, and the vocal interplay is unique. Franco s music has been difficult to find
in the US, shunted aside by the world music flavor of the week or the tsunami of Afro funk re
releases. I was scandalized by Pitchfork s recent Africa 100 playlist in which completely blew off
Congolese music. However, amongst Africans over forty, the music of OK Jazz is held in
reverence and his monster hits of the 1980s are inevitable played at parties and village reunions.
Old timers shake their head smiling, that s music and begin muttering about today s music. Franco s
mother a professional mourner and market woman brought the young Luambo to funerals steeping
him in traditional music. At twelve, he was
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Hr Plan For The Uk High Speed Rail Link Project
HR Plan for the UK High Speed Rail Link Project
Business Report
1.0 Introduction3
2.1 Recruitment and Selection Strategy4
2.2 HR Management Structure10
2.3 HR Staff Structure15
3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation19
4.0 References20
HR Plan for the UK High Speed Rail Link Project
Using relevant theories and approaches develop an HR plan for the UK Speed Rail Link Project.
Focus on designing, recruiting and selecting the HR team.
1.0 Introduction
2.1 Recruitment and Selection Strategy
There are various types of recruitment and selection strategies to consider when planning a
project such as the UK high speed rail link. The HR team within such a big project will require a
number of specialist roles such as; an organisational design professional, a payroll and reward
professionals, a management professionals, and a talent/recruitment professionals. For successful
completion of the project, each of the specialist HR roles will need to be filled by well capable
individuals, who have the right talent and skills suited to the job. For each HR specialist role, the
key skills are listed below:
RolesKey Skills
Organisational design professionalsTo integrate the different parts of the organisation.
To deliver clarity and define roles
Ability to investigate design principles
PayrollAccording to Colin Youle, the ability to have numeral and computer skills are required for
expected payroll professionals.
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Essay On Global Hunger

  • 1. Essay On Global Hunger 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Global Hunger Essay On Global Hunger
  • 2. Women s Roles In The Tang Dynasty Women s role in Ancient Chinese civilisation was always vital to society due to their role in the family and during the Tang and Song dynasty significant changes occurred, changing Chinese women s lives forever. While it is no secret women were inferior to men in the history of China, not many are aware of the major differences of the status of women from dynasty to dynasty. The Tang Song dynasties ruled from 618AD to 1279 AD and many distinct differences between these two dynasties can be observed. Women s role in these dynasties primarily included domestic duties, with the introduction of new roles to the female gender. Their role was very important to society as the woman of the family ran the household and as that was the most important... Show more content on ... It is known for being flourished with women rights. The Song dynasty s society definitely had its differences to Tang, For instance, the prime minister of the Song dynasty might take a bath in the same public bath house as everyone else, which would be unthinkable in the Tang Dynasty , (Wang, 2003). This is quoted from a secondary source from a professor studying Chinese history and shows how different the societies were between the two. Men were still greatly superior to women in this period. In contrast with the Tang dynasty, women in this period despite it following the Tang dynasty, were not allowed into positions of great importance like government officials or be involved in politics and were just expected to stay at home and take care of the household. But women of this period, unlike those of Tang, were had equal societal and legal rights that enabled them to control their own dowry, able to establish small businesses and were equal to men when it came to terms of inheritance, (Yuan, 1984). Essentially, Tang dynasty women were bolder and more active in the society where the women of the Song dynasty were more academically inclined and well reserved and respectful. Although the society themselves were different in certain aspects, women s role between the two were similar. Both of these dynasties were divided by gender, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez... One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez The tone that I eventually used in One Hundred Years of Solitude was based on the way my grandmother used to tell stories. She told things that sounded supernatural and fantastic but she told them with complete naturalness.... What was most important was the expression she had on her face. She did not change her expression at all when telling her stories and everyone was surprised. In previous attempts to write, I tried to tell the story with out believing in it. I discovered what I had to do was believe in them myself and write them with the same expression with which my grandmother told them: with a brick face. (Garcia Marquez Magical Realism) Magic Realism was a ... Show more content on ... The author creates strange, unknown sentiments that we wouldn t normally experience in normal life. The wonderful thing about magic realism is its reality. (Garcia Marquez Magical Realism) Gabo s first novel came out in 1955. His most famous literary work is One Hundred Years of Solitude, published in 1967. From that day on Gabo s fame has grown non stop. He has received many awards. He was recognized world wide in 1982 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize. At the conference for his award Gabo talked about a European explorer named Antonio Pigafetta. This explorer lived during the colonization time and documented his experiences in Latin America. He described supernatural and gross creatures. His accounts inspired Gabo. Gabo takes events that could happen in real life and makes them appear magical. He does such a good job of diminishing the line between reality and nonreality that the events described seem real. There are many events that take place in One Hundred Years of Solitude that are good examples of his style of magic realism. An important event in the novel was the death of Jose Acardio Buendia. Then they went into Jose Arcardio Buendia s room, shook him as hard as they could, shouted in his ear, put a mirror in front of his nostrils, but they could not awaken him. A short time later, when the carpenter was taking measurements for the coffin, through the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Essay on The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham (Characters) To start off I will be describing the characters. The main character, Mr.Mole is a curious, adventurous, prideful, generous and kind animal. But the Mole very full of lunch, and self satisfaction, and pride, and already quite at home in the boat (so he thought), and was getting a bit restless besides and presently he said, Ratty, Please, I want to row, now!, Later on in Chapter 1 we discover Ratty, or Mr.Rat. Mr.Rat(Ratty) is, kind, caring, smart, brave, truthful, and is perhaps the most adventurous of them all. The Rat danced up and down in the road, simply transported with passion. You villains, he shouted, shaking both fists, You scoundrels, you highwaymen, you you roadhogs! I ll have the law on you! I ll report you!... Show more content on ... (Meaning) Sources: Merriam Webster Online The Free Online Dictionary Kindly pg.43 Denotation: having or showing a gentle nature Connotation: being kind towards a person besides yourself Self Surrender pg.142 Denotation: stop fighting yourself Connotation: surrendering to your wants Headstrong pg.142 Denotation: determined to have one s way Connotation: determined to have what you want Altered pg.164 Denotation: to change or make different Connotation: changing someone s ways of thinking Conceit pg.161 Denotation: an ingenious or witty turn of phrase Connotation: turn of phrase about one s self Irresponsible pg.78 Denotation: marked by a lack of responsibility Connotation: not responsible in the slightest bit Reckless pg.79 Denotation: heedless or careless Connotation: not caring about your safety
  • 5. Stealing pg.79 Denotation: to take the property of another Connotation: taking someone s property without their consent Terror pg.79 Denotation: intense, overpowering fear Connotation: fear that is irrevocably strong Patiently pg.42 Denotation: calmly awaiting an outcome Connotation: waiting for something to happen while being calm and collected (Point Of View) The author Kenneth Grahame, originally told this story as a bunch of different bedtime stories. Grahame s aim was to make his child happy with the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Pat, By Bradley Cooper Pat, played by Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook, is a middle aged Caucasian man who is married to Nikki, but in a separation during this movie. Pat just got out of a mental hospital in Baltimore after being treated there for eight months. Pat was placed in the mental hospital after having an outraged manic episode after finding his wife in the shower with another man, the history teacher from the school she taught at. Pat found them while their wedding song was playing in Pat and Nikki s shower in their house. Pat ended up beating the man, almost to death, as his wife tried to pull him off. Pat is now living with his parents in Pennsylvania due to good behaviour in the hospital, the court ruled that he could move in with them if... Show more content on ... Therapy needs to be dialed in and positives need to be given to his medication so he will start to get better and have less episodes. Pat could be diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It is hard to tell whether Pat is going through hypomania or mania episodes throughout the movie, because it does not say their duration, and it s hard to tell if the movie is a day to day storyline, or skipping multiple days/weeks at a time. However, it is definitely some form of a manic episode a few times throughout the movie. Pat displays multiple periods of irritable moods that consist of goal directed behaviour and energy (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Pat displays his irritable moods throughout the movie, for example, in the scene where he is searching for his wedding video and becomes agitated quite fast once he realizes he cannot find it. His goal directed behaviour during his episodes is very specific, for example finding his wedding video, it is the middle of the night and he is searching the house frantically for it, Pat even wakes up his parents to help him search their room, study and the attic. I believe Pat has a more irritable manic disorder, therefore he needs to have four symptoms showing a noticeable change in his behaviour (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). First of all Pat displays grandiosity in one scene, when he is fighting at a diner with Tiffany, a friend, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Importance Of Graphic Novels When most people refer to literature that concentrates specifically on the Holocaust as the subjects, the first thought usually isn t in the form of a graphic novel. Most people would believe a graphic novel is something only a child would read or someone to the same educational equivalent. Due to their engaging stories and appealing visuals though, graphic novels are idea for visual learners, inexperienced or unenthused readers, and just about anyone else who may not find traditional print books enticing. Graphic novels tend to show a relationship between the images and the text that makes for an experience in itself (1.). Sometimes even taking on a difficult subject, an example being the Holocaust can make for a different kind of experience. In MausI II, the author chose graphic novels as his medium. For that, Maus shines due to its impressive ability to speak the unspeakable by using the popular maxim, a picture is worth a thousand words, to perfection (3). As mentioned before, graphic novels can be great tools for some, if not all, readers. As well the holocausts can be a difficult subject, not always easy to read about. Using graphic novels, which often is associated with children, to represent a traumatic event can be problematic: The enormity of atrocity is such that the very act of representing it risked trivializing or over dramatizing it, (2). In other words, the author has to be very cautions when writing serious graphic novels not to get too creative ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Chronic Bronchitis The clinical findings that correlate with M.K s Chronic bronchitis are the chronic cough with sputum and the fact that she has smoked for twenty two years. Chronic bronchitis is defined as a daily cough with sputum production for at least three consecutive months for two years in a row. Chronic bronchitis is also usually associated with long term tobacco use. When you have COPD, the airways of the lungs become inflamed and thickened which make them narrow. They can become clogged with mucus and makes it difficult for air to get in and out of the lungs. Which leads to persistent coughing as your body tries to get rid of the extra mucus. The type of treatment and recommendations that would be appropriate for M.K. s chronic bronchitis is to ... Show more content on ... Some things that we need and can do to help people reduce the chances of hypertension is make them aware that eating healthy is a key prevention for hypertension and by having all the fast food restaurants around is a reason that the US has a high rate of hypertension. A healthy diet consists of eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish and low fat dairy foods, and less saturated fat and trans fat. Exercising and maintain a healthy weight is another key component. Limiting alcohol and smoking and controlling stress. High blood pressure can lead to other diseases including heart failure and kidney disease. According to the lipid panel, M.K. is also at risk for heart disease or stroke. Her total cholesterol is 242mg/dL which is high and increases her risk for heart disease. A normal range for cholesterol is below 200mg/dL. A level of 201 to 240 mg/dL is borderline, and a level of more than 240 mg/dL is high. Her HDL is 32mg/dL which is really bad. You want this to be as high as possible any level that is 60 mg/dL or higher is good or normal, levels of 40 to 59 mg/dL is borderline and levels of less than 40 mg/dL is low and bad, it increases your chances of heart disease. An optimal LDL level for adults is less than 100 milligrams per deciliter, according to MedlinePlus. An LDL level of 130 159 milligrams per deciliter is considered borderline high, while a level of 160 189 is considered high. An LDL level over 190 milligrams per deciliter is very ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Comparing Chapter 5 Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet The gothic monstrous doors slammed shut, and almost immediately after, Prince Prospero s servants welded the doors shut, entrapping the thousand guest inside with no way out. With the Red Death happening, the veil of reality outside the castle penetrated everyone s minds and hearts. To lighten the mood, PrinceProspero arranged a masquerade ball for all of the thousand guest. Being the Prince s ball, it was to be the most elegant and expensive masquerade the kingdom has ever seen. As the day of the ball finally arrived, all of the thousand guests were beyond excited, but a little anxious. The ballroom, where the masquerade was being held, was lit bay one thousand candles, embodying the one thousand guest. Decorated tables were covered with exotic food and drink. The walls were draped in black and red silk curtains that moved with eerie sighs as the doors to the ballroom swung open and the many guests entered. The masked disguises all varied and were elaborated. Most of guests had intentionally avoided even a touch of the red death, but one particular woman seemed to exemplify it instead. She was dressed in a slick, red ball gown with a solid black mask. Her intentions were not so... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, he had no choice but to ask her to dance. She leaned in as close as she could without touching him and softly said that she would do anything to save his life. This of course got Prince Prospero s attention and made his mind race. What could this seductive woman offer besides a moment of distraction and a memory from the Red Death and destruction going on outside his castle walls? But, Lenore quickly put Prospero s thoughts to rest. She pulled a small vial from her red ball gown and covertly showed it to the Prince. Immediately he deduced her intentions. He gently but quickly pulled her toward the black room and instructed his servants to stop anyone else from ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Clipperton Island An island located in the Pacific about 700 miles southwest of Acapulco. Clipperton is a circular coral atoll of 2 square miles, completely with a lagoon. Temperatures are tropical and the vegetation includes scrub, wild tobacco, and some coconut trees. The only known structures on the island are the ruins of a 19th century lighthouse and a tuna fishing station. 115 species of fish have been identified in the vicinity of the island. On September 14, 2016 I had a plan to go to a field trip with my friend Bella, both of us were planning to go to acapulco..We went to look online to find a cheap plain, the ticket was not expensive. We look for other places that were closely to acapulco we found small island called Clipperton Island where it has ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Computers And The Pc Revolution Today, 92% of all Americans have access to a computer(Anderson) in the form of a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. The first analog computers were developed during WW2, and they rapidly advanced into the 50s, and 60s. However, by the 70s the Digital Age was on the horizon. Giants like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft pushed development through the 80s; the PC Revolution had begun. The PC Revolution had a profound impact of millions of lives, transforming not only America but the entire world by opening new sales markets, and changing the way they interact with other humans. Microsoft, IBM, Dell, and Hewlett Packard(HP) are now well known companies, producing PCs, PC software, and other PC related products. However, they were not the first, nor were they the last competitors to enter the grand world of personal computing. The rapid development of PCs opened up new jobs fields in software development, IT management, computer systems analysis, and database administration. Jobs in marketing and production related positions expanded as well. Last but not least is the extreme growth and expansion the PC development brought economically. In the beginning of the PC revolution companies such as, Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems(MITS), and Commodore turned out small computers designed for hobbyists but not on a large enough scale to be considered mass production. It wasn t until Bill Gates and Paul Allen approached MITS founder Ed Roberts, offering an operating ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Stereotypes In The Fall Of A City In the short story, The Fall of a City, by Alden Nowlan, Teddy is a young boy has many dreams and hopes for his future, but his biggest goal is sharterred by his guardians. Moreover, he should follow his dreams and that his dreams should remain valid till the day he achieves his dreams. It is also important to pursue the personality and dreams children want to take with them into their future life. Firstly, stereotypical behaviour of adults in particular can influence a child s future decisions, but children should have their own dreams and goals to pursue so they get the life they deserve. Paper dolls and doll houses. An eleven year old boy! (Alden Nowlan, 133). We see how gender stereotypes come in the way of children achieving their goals and dreams... Show more content on ... His uncle pointed a warning finger. Don t get saucy now, mister. I know paper dolls when I see em (133). This tells us how children change their dreams when they are discourged by others, especially adults. Furthermore, children pursue what they have been taught and the kind of personalities they contract with every day, which can also influence and destroy their inner intentions and dreams. For example, if a child has strict parents and his parents force him into being a engineer but the child wants to be a construction worker. Therefore, parents want you to have a good and high paying job, but it is more important to have a job you like. The person will regret making a choice they were forced to make when they were a child. Lastly, people tend to be better at something they like, than at things they do to follow traditions of their society. Through the square below rode squadrons of lancers, dragoons and hussar, batteries of horse artillery; behind them marched regiments of infantry (130). Teddy is more deeply connected to his imaginary world than his real ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Evergreen Research Paper Origin of the Evergreen Thousands of years ago the town of Maple was full of beautiful maple trees. These trees were humongous and full of life. Tourists from all around would come to visit Maple during the summer and fall months to see these trees. In the summer all the maple trees were a bright green and provided plenty of shade for the people out in the hot sun. In the fall the maple trees leaves would slowly transition into lovely shades of red, orange, and yellow. Sadly these colorful leaves would fall off the trees and turn brown the cooler it got outside. Eventually all the leaves would fall off and all the maple trees were bare branches. Tourists always stopped visiting during this time. The people of Maple became bitter in ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Wealth Of Nations By Adam Smith In his book, Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith makes arguments to support free trade. These arguments range from having to do with war, all the way to the structure of social classes. In order to assess the morality of these arguments, David Hume s definition of morality and Kant s definition of morality can be used. These definitions, ultimately, serve as context for Smith s arguments, so that there is a clearer idea of whether they are moral or not. From this, modern readers of Smith s book can better determine the positive and negative qualities of Smith s idea of free trade. Kant s definition of moralitycontrasts with Hume s definition. For Kant, morality is split into three categories, the analytic imperative, the hypothetical... Show more content on ... Smith writes that it is moral for society to have different levels of wealth based on talent and hard work. His feels that the lowest people in a free trade society will still be better off than some top people in a non free trade society. He mentions how a collier worker commonly earns double, and in many parts of Scotland, three times as much as common labor (Smith 1.8). In other words, the possession of a skill causes the worker to make more, since, unlike a common laborer who can easily be swapped out, a skilled laborer can only be swapped out with someone who possesses that particular skill. This discussion related to social class would be agreeable to Hume s definition of morality. In particular, it fits into Hume s idea of using reason to determine whether an action is moral or not. Since the worker who makes less than the skilled worker would still be able to support themselves, Hume would feel that the situation is moral. Hume ultimately would argue that as long as the person, making less, is not suffering, then the income difference is moral. Kant s definition of morality would also agree with Smith s discussion of social classes. This is because this discussion in Smith s book, falls under the analytic imperative. In Kant s definition of morality, it would be moral for people to make more because of a skill. This is because people would seek to acquire a skill, or talent if they wanted to earn more based off of ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Bossypants Chapter Summary Every writer has certain organization methods implemented throughout their book which make their piece of writing unique. Tina Fey, the author behind the memoir Bossypants, is no exception. Within the autobiography, she utilized different structural devices to portray her life, such as chronological order, lists, sub chapters, and footnotes. The way Ms. Fey arranged her book undoubtedly affected the memoir as a whole. To begin, Tina Feyorganized her book chronologically starting from kindergarten and working her way through her life until present. The memoir started out with the chapter, Origin Story, where she introduces herself to the reader and lays out her early life. For example, During the spring semester of kindergarten I was... Show more content on ... For example, one chapter called Sarah, Oprah, and Captain Hook, or How to Succeed by Sort of Looking Like Someone, was very busy and multiple things were the focus of the chapter. To prevent this chapter from becoming confusing, Ms. Fey strategically used sub chapters, including, In a Shocking Turn of Events, Meanwhile, Across Town, and Back at 30 Rock (page 181 184). All of these sub chapters allowed for this hectic, action filled chapter to remain organized. In continuation, the use of footnotes within Bossypants, allowed for there to be clarity on certain topics. For instance, To say he was unfriendly would be the biggest understatement since the captain of Hindenberg said I smell gas. When first reading there might be confusion, but it had a footnote attached that said, Or it would be the biggest understatement since Warren Buffet said, I can pay for dinner tonight. Or it would be the biggest understatement since Charlie Sheen said, I m gonna have fun this weekend. So you have options (page 56). With the footnote it offers more precision and the reader can take away from it the true intent, this guy was not a friendly guy. Furthermore, one chapter as dedicated to her Sarah Palin skits on Saturday Night Live. This chapter was filled with sub chapters such as, Week 4: Weekend Update Prime Time Special with Will Ferrell, and Week 5: The Sneaker Upper (page 205 207). The sub chapters and footnotes that Fey included allowed for the memoir to remain well ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Delegating Application Essay Delegating is a personality trait that comes in handy when cooperating with others. Consequently, by holding this trait, it is clear to understand that a few tasks require additional opinions than just one in order to be executed. In addition, it is also used while problem solving, at times when it is required to be open minded with everyone s points of views. As I grow up, I aspire to maintain the characteristic of being a delegator, as well as maintain a balance throughout the responsibilities that I take. On the other hand, there are a variety of people prefer to not keep their tasks organized, working with these people can be almost impossible to succeed with, and can lead to calamities. This assignment was possibly my most difficult to complete, not due to the task itself, but by cause of it being a month long project that was to be completed by three people, which I ended up doing myself. The day that I was given this assignment, the class was assigned teammembers according to our... Show more content on ... Nevertheless I found that it would do no good at the moment, so I quickly put it behind me. I had a project to complete, next time I am put in a group with others, I need to consider that others may not care about their school work as much as I do. I prefer to keep my balance from school with my work at home and all the other activities unlike some who do not prioritize their tasks and easily give up. At about six in the morning, I received a text back from both women explaining to me that they had not actually dropped the classes but that they had no time to complete their part on times, they were too tired to do anything. Of course this is where my team members and I also clashed in points of view. Work is work and there is no excuse to not taking obligations seriously. Not only was this idea inconsiderate, but as well as put them at risk for failing the assignment, but also the others in the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. How Did Beethoven Change Music Ludwig Van Beethoven, was the composer who changed music more than any other composer, the sound of music and what the other composers that were to come after him thought. He wrote nine symphonies, five piano concertos, an opera and many pieces of chamber music that jolted music right out of itself. (Landon) Beethoven changed musicby creating a new era called Romanticism, influencing the other composers and changing the old methods by adding a special twist. The first way that Beethoven changed music was by creating romanticism. Ludwig is viewed as the most transitional figure between the eras of classical and romanticism of musical history. Even though his first period was more conventional he grew tired of this and made his second time period ... Show more content on ... He took the old methods and twisted to match his style of thinking. As mentioned before, Ludwig used a D major melody and a B minor harmony all at once. (Discuss) He then called this juxtaposed chords, which were opposing the old idea where they generally did not mix minor and major chords. If he changed the way chords were played, then obviously he changed music. Ludwig also influenced Romantic composers by changing the ideas of programmatic writing. (Discuss) He changed the idea of writing music from composing just to compose into actually creating a picture in the listeners mind. Beethoven s Symphony Number Six was the first programmatic symphony where the music was meant to paint a picture, compared to simply being a series of sounds. (Guthrie) The earlier works of his period brought the Classical forms to the highest expressive point, expanded the formal, structural and harmonic terms of his teachers Mozart and Haydn. (Guthrie) While he was influenced by his teachers, he took their old ways and transformed them into a new version of thinking to help others actually express themselves through the power of music. He changed the old methods into a new and improved version. He held onto the old culture without wearing it ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Gender Roles In Creation Myths Bhaumik Patel Mythology Mr. Hall 7 November, 16 Gender Roles in Creation Myths from Around the World Different cultures and societies have their story of how the world began. These stories vary in the process, but they all share one common theme. All of the stories begin with nothing or chaos, that is until one being creates light, time, earth and its occupants. One common thing all myths share is the role and status of women and men. In the Greek myth women were less dominant, Hindu myth women are not even mentioned, and in Cherokee myth women are shown to be inferior. Greek creation myth highlights how men and women differ in their status and roles. Women were the inferior sex when compared to men, they were seen as intellects, and child ... Show more content on ... Then an island is created and held up by four cords that connected to the sky. In that sky was where the animals and other creatures lived. The island was formed when a water beetle decided to into the ocean and brought up some mud. That mud began to expand until it turned into an island. After the mud on the island dried a Great Buzzard flew down and every time he flapped his wings down it created valley and when it went up it created mountains. Then husbands appeared the first were a pair of brother and sister. The brother hit his sister with a fish and told her to multiply, and she would produce an offspring every seven days. This shows that the brother is the more dominant one since he commanded her to reproduce by hitting her with a ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Problems Of Urban Rot For many years, Detroit has been described as the Come Back City . A presumption will be made that the significant reasons for urban rot are, among potential others are evolving demographics, deindustrialization, political disappointment, poor urban arranging, and racial separation. Detroit can still be viewed as a beautiful cityfull of culture and art, both in its stately decay and in its growing natural abundance. Indeed, Detroitremains to be one of the finest sights to be seen with a little investing from the people. Chartier (2005) of Cambridge University make a valid point by stating people will not invest the requisite level of care into their resources if they believe their investments will be lost . (p 374). In 1701 the ... Show more content on ... Around 1910 and 1980 Detroit s African American populace expanded in excess of 100 times. Ryan (2008) a faculty member of Harvard University reports that The City of Detroit, Michigan was a natural subject for the study. Like many other cities in the American Midwest and West, Detroit grew rapidly, expanding from a population of essentially in 1850 to over 1,800,000 by 1950 . (p 2) The breakdown of the Big Three automakers has quickened Detroit s decay, and occupants have been consistently escaping since the 1950s. In that time, the populace has dwindled from around 2 million to somewhat more than 700,000 individuals; aside from that, there are more than 70,000 deserted structures and numerous empty lots. Individuals have been relentlessly streaming out of the city for quite a long time, leaving behind empty homes and scantily populated neighborhoods, leaving vacant neighborhoods an invitation to more crime and other wrongdoing. By the mid twentieth century, real changes in the American economy were underway, and the auto business was on the front line. It wasn t the automotive industry alone that demolished Detroit. It was urbanization that also played its hand in the demise of Detroit. The city was destroyed by deindustrialization, and decentralization amid the post World War II spread and when the interstates, and disinvestments in the urban communities started to dissolve. The auto makers such as Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, drove almost ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Markets, Regulation And Tort Law Markets, Regulation and Tort law Markets, regulation and tort law are elective techniques for accomplishing security. Of these the business sector is the most capable yet it is frequently disregarded in approach exchanges. I demonstrate that both for the United States after some time and for the world in general higher earnings are connected with lower coincidental demise rates and I talk about a few illustrations of business sectors making wellbeing. Markets may fall flat if there are outsider impacts or if there are data issues. Excellent tort law is a sensible approach to handle outsider impacts for outsiders as on account of car crashes. In principle regulation could take care of data issues yet by and by numerous regulations ... Show more content on ... Additionally security is the thing that financial analysts call a typical decent a decent where interest increments with wage. Along these lines as social orders get to be wealthier through business sector trade and monetary opportunity security increments. The other two powers for security might likewise prompt increments despite the fact that this is in no way, shape or form certain however the part of business sectors is central. In examining regulation and tort law I will contrast each with the business sector. I then talk about connections in the middle of regulation and tort law. All through the dialog I stretch the part of questionable products that both expand and lessening wellbeing. For instance pharmaceuticals lessen danger of infection however have reactions that are in some cases destructive. This class of merchandise ends up being both imperative and troublesome for any of the three wellbeing frameworks to handle. Markets will give the measure of first gathering wellbeing that customers wish if the data environment is right. That is if customers need more secure items enough to be willing to pay for them then organizations will discover giving wellbeing productive and will give the level of wellbeing that purchasers want. This is the most grounded power for security. Market s reaction to buyer valuation of security infers a noteworthy business sector reaction to salary. Security offices routinely utilize information from ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay on The Importance of Assisted Living Taking care of the individuals that are getting older takes many different needs. Most of these needs cannot be given from the help of a family. This causes the need of having to put your love one into a home and causing for the worry of how they will be treated. It is important for the family and also the soon to be client to feel at home in their new environment. This has been an issue with the care being provided for each individual, which has lead to the need of making sure individuals have their own health care plan. Assisted living is an effective type of care facility programmed towards helping older individuals with their increasing disabilities. The fit between individual capacity and the availability of satisfying activities... Show more content on ... ADL s aid in making the person appear and feel more independent. In the experiment, the hypothesis was described to show the outlooks on care that the authors were trying to prove adequate or inadequate. The purpose of this quote is to show that the prediction will lead to older people being able to complete everyday tasks, since they are being provided the chance, given that their health is more stable. Assisted living helps each person value life to its fullest potential. When it comes to making an older individual feel more at home and also be able to focus more on non stressful activities, they need to be ensured the best care. Families feel more confident and are less protective when there is continuity in staff and they are deemed competent. Staff are more likely to be retained where they feel valued 2 part of the quote which is especially conducive to the argument is, where they feel valued. When picking and choosing a nursing home that fits individual the best, and will provide them with the care needed, it is important to make sure that everyone is valued in the process. This quote is important because if the workers are not being taken care of, then they are less enthusiastic and also less likely to give someone s loved one the care needed and to know what is expected from them. It is assumed that when picking an assisted living home, that the well being of the person and also many other characteristics are taken into ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Social Mobility In The Medieval And Renaissance Time Period Throughout early British literature and history, there has been a gradual change in social class. In the Anglo Norman time period, feudalism was in place which did not allow much movement among the classes. However, that is not the case in the Medieval and Renaissance time period. During these times, there were factors that played a part in allowing social mobility to take place. In the duration of the Anglo Norman, Medieval, and Renaissance eras the options of social mobility changed dramatically and possessed more alternative options people in these eras. During the Anglo Norman time period there was not a chance for people to truly move through the social classes. Everyone was in their set class that they were born into and were not able... Show more content on ... This poem explains how one knight s dedication to his king lead him to be respected and praised more among his fellow knights. Sir Gawain is part of the upper class due to his relation to King Arthur, Take care young cousin... (The Pearl Poet 372). Attributable to this, he did not truly move up in class when he became a knight, but he was given a position and was most likely respected more than he might be if he did not become a knight. However, after he accepted the Green Knight s challenge in Arthur s place, he managed to move up among his own class. Near the end, the Green Knight tells Sir Gawain, you re by the far the most faultless fellow on earth ... In good faith, so is Gawain, amongst gallant knights (The Pearl Poet 2363 2365). Only after he agreed to sacrifice himself for his king and his honor did he get the recognition that a reader would expect a knight to receive. However, it shows the praise that he receives and how he is able to move up and become more respected among ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Closed Circulatory System The earthworm has a closed circulatory system. Which means that it has the blood closed at all times within the vessels. Three main vessels supply the blood to the organs. These organs are ventral blood vessels, dorsal blood vessels, and aortic arches. The ventral blood vessels carry blood to the worm s body. Dorsal blood vessels carry blood to front of the worm. Kind of like a human heart, the aortic arches pump blood into the dorsal and ventral blood vessels. Earthworms breathe though out their skin and do not have lungs. To breathe, oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through the worm s skin by diffusion. For diffusion to happen the worm must keep its skin moist and live in moist soil. Worms have the ability to detect light even though they ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Lutheran Vs Orthodoxy Essay And other key point, the Lutherans cherishes the view of the sacraments, while the orthodoxy sees the effects of sacraments as mysteries of grace for all that took part. In fact, the Protestant see grace as something already given. They acknowledge only two sacraments which are Baptism also the Holy Communion. The Sacraments signify the effect signs which they give. Here again the Orthodoxy also the Catholic are in unity with at least seven. They are Baptism, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Holy Unction, Marriage, Penance, Confession. Therefore, Lutheran and Orthodoxy are similar when it comes to the papacy. Not to mention, Luther calls it the Antichrist also the Orthodoxy when the church separated the pope did not accept the split and both refused to recognize the papacy as a supreme and infallible institution (Gonzalez 132 184). As a result, the theologians departed from the Roman Catholic church. There were three primary reason for their decision, Sola Scriptura (by Scripture alone) the doctrine that Scripture as in the Bible is the only authority for Christians when it comes to life also faith. Sola Fide (by faith alone) the doctrine that we are justified before God, then saved by faith alone. The... Show more content on ... A fellow classmate wrote something on the order of, the Post Modern Era not only will influence religion, but also art, literature, philosophy, architecture and music. Likewise, the Post Modern attitude is that there is no absolute truth but truth is based how the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality. And still, the Post Modern Era lacks the optimism of there being a religious truth that will explain or interpret everything to everyone satisfactory. In this era Christian tradition and modernism will face a tremendous challenge in the 21st century, but I believe that the faith that we have in God will ultimately ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analysis Of Benjamin Button And The Great Gatsby Dissatisfaction in Benjamin Button and The Great Gatsby In the novel The Great Gatsby and the short story Benjamin Button , the characters are dissatisfied with aspects in life. In The Great Gatsby dissatisfaction is associated with lack of fulfillment in Dreams. In Benjamin Button dissatisfaction is surrounded by Benjamin s curious case of aging in reverse. Through these two pieces of writing by Fitzgerald there are a lot of unhappy relationships. With bad relationships come trends such as abusive traits from typically one party, whether it be emotionally or physically. In The Great Gatsby Tom Buchanan is a cruel man who is dominant and aggressive with a strong physique. With these attributes he is a prime candidate for an abusive lover. Look! she complained: I hurt it, we all looked the knuckle black and blue. You did it, Tom, she said accusingly. I know you didn t mean to, but you did do it. That s what I get for marrying a brute of a man (Gatsby 17). In the above quotation Tom has hurt and bruised Daisy s finger. Tom is a man who views women as a sexual object. He abuses women because he is a man who craves power. He is not getting the gratification of power out of his relationship with Daisy and in his day to day life so he harms the ones close to him as seen with Daisy s finger and later on in the novel when breaking Myrtle s nose. This quotation also shows how Daisy is discontent with her relationship with Tom. Daisy is whining ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Acid Rain Pollution Essay ACID RAIN name here Engineering 303i Professor h May 3, 2004 BIBLIOGRAPHY Penguin Publishing House, 1987 , Pearce Fred Acid Rain. What is it and what is it doing to us? New York Publishers, 1989, William Stone Acid Rain. Fiend or Foe? Lucent books, Inc. 1990, Steward Gail Acid Rain. Acid Rain Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die because earth s rainwaters are contaminated. It also causes harm to people as well, because we eat fish, drink water and eat plants that are polluted by acid rain. It is a problem that we must all face together and try to get rid of. However, acid rain on it s own is not the biggest problem. It causes many other problems such as aluminum ... Show more content on ... Farmers put lime (a very strong alkaline substance) and special fertilizers in there soil neutralize the acid in the soil on a regular daily basis. In general, soil structure is classified as sandy, clay, or loam, although most garden soils are mixtures of the three in varying proportions. A sandy soil is very loose and will not hold water. A clay soil is dense and heavy, sticky when wet, and almost brick hard when dry. Loam is a mixture of sand and clay soils, but it also contains large quantities of humus, or decayed organic material, which loosens and aerates clay soil and binds sandy soil particles together. In addition, humus supplies plant nutrients. Then, soil structure can be improved by digging in compost, manure, peat moss, and other organic matter. Parts of western United States, Minneapolis, northeastern North America and east and north Canada are places in North America where soil is more sensitive to acid deposits then any other places. Many factors, including the soil chemistry and the type of rock determine the environments ability to neutralize the acid deposits from the rain. Soils naturally contain small amounts of poisonous minerals such as mercury, aluminum, and cadmium. Normally, these minerals do not cause serious problems, but as the acidity of the soil increases, chemical reactions allow the minerals to be absorbed by the plants. The plants are damaged and any animals that eat the plants ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Women Years Ago Vs. Women Today Women one hundred years ago VS women today Women one hundred years ago were drastically different than women today in many aspects of their lives. Soon after the turn of the 20th century, a surge in women s independence surfaced. This was largely due to the fact that women were urged by Rosie the Riveter and other propaganda to replace men in factory jobs to support the war effort and provide income for their families. Women s lifestyles changed from then on, including their hairstyles, clothing, and overall personalities. The culture surrounding women in the early 1900 s, especially in terms of the way that they dressed, was drastically different than that surrounding women in today s society. The typical everyday clothes that women would wear in the 1900 s were usually long dresses or clothes that covered most of their bodies. Between the years 1900 1909 there were two key trends, the La Belle Epoque and the Gibson Girl. They were very much alike, they both consisted of a corsetto make the waist skinnier and the bosom and backside larger, but it remained modest to the standards of that period. Both of these styles were very high class and were custom for the wealthier people of the day, this is due to the dresses being made out of luxury fabrics and rhinestones. However, from 1910 1919, the styles began to change when women became tired of wearing the puffy dresses and tight corsets. They wanted something more comfortable, so they came out with three styles called ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Walmart s Argumentative Essay On Food Stamps In last week s activity, we had to put ourselves in the shoes of a parent with a nine year old child, who relies on food stamps in order to eat every week. We had forty two dollars to spend on groceries from the food stamps and had to make it last a week. Our strategy consisted of picking the cheapest types of foodwe could find that had a lot of servings, while also making sure the nutritionwas somewhat sufficient to keep us healthy. We used Walmart to shop for groceries since it had the cheapest prices compared to local grocery stores like Publix. Planning out the meals, we realized that living on only forty two dollars a week for food really limited the variety of our diet. We realized that having a child to support with this low variety... Show more content on ... When more and more food stamps are being issued, the economy just looks weaker and weaker, as there must be less and less jobs around at the time. Also, while not always true, some people that rely on food stamps might not be motivated to work a lot since they are being fed for free, and simply to not need work. This creates an unhealthy dependence on the government, which may destroy motivation to work since these people can freeload of the government for food, hurting the economy. The system should help those in poverty get up on their feet instead of babying them for their entire life. Another problem with food stamps is that they are a little too generous for the people who are capable of work. During the activity, we learned that getting enough food to get us by was not very difficult. While a large variety of foods wasn t available, the amount of food we could purchase was more than enough for a welfare system. This just makes it easier for dependence, since there s not a ton of motivation due to all of the free meals. This a problem because the taxpayers have to continue to pay for people who aren t motivated to get out of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Unit 3 Assignment 1 User Authentication User authentication With the rapid increase in the number of attempted breaches and resulting damages, there is an increased need for user authentication, especially with numerous unknown mobile devices with which consumers are using to access to IT resources. Users of these mobile devices can be authenticated by the use of passwords or hardware token devices and both password and hardware one time password (OTP) in most cases. Generally, while the use of passwords are inexpensive, they are thought to be a relatively insecure form of security. Hardware OTPs, on the other hand, tend to be a more secure form of security, but are more expensive and may also be susceptible to more advanced attacks, such as the man in the middle (MITM) attack. ... Show more content on ... The inappropriate disclosure or misuse of sensitive information by an employee may result in financial considerations and legal consequences for an organization. Mobile devices provide all kinds of new scenarios for business data to go missing, be shared with others, or be stolen. You need to go into BYOD thinking this way, not just for everyday activity, but also when employees move on from your organization (Arnold, n.d.). Every organization must have adequate control mechanisms in place to help protect sensitive information from the distribution or transmission outside the organization, inappropriate disclosure, and control of how the information accessed is used. Companies should have policies in place that outline the course of action to take should inappropriate usage or disclosure of data be ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Happiness In Hume s A Treatise Of Human Nature In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle claims that the human good is happiness, which can be understood as activity in accordance with reason. Happiness here should be described as living well or doing well, or living in a virtuous manner. Aristotle, from this, implicates that moral distinctions are derived from reason. However, in Hume s A Treatise of Human Nature, particulars of Aristotles claim become contradictory. It can be seen that through Hume s argument of Aristotle believes there to be one ultimate end that humans hope to achieve. As all actions lead to some good or end, and these ends are useful for another desired end, the latter end is the one that is truly desired. If all ends lead to another end, eventually there will be what would be considered the highest end, one in which all other ends are aiming towards reaching. Aristotle believes this end to be Eudaimonia, or happiness. It can be said that all other ends achieved are in hopes of achieving happiness, and that happiness is an end for the sake of itself. This end then would ... Show more content on ... Aristotle s implication that moral distinctions can be derived from reason seems to fail under Hume s of the influencing of the will. First, it is necessary to establish Hume s argument that reason alone can never be the motive to any action of the will. Hume distinguishes reasoning into two categories; demonstrative, which is a priori and useful in relations of ideas; and probabilistic, which is a posteriori and is useful in relating feeling of pain or pleasure to actions through experience. Neither of these, however, actually determine our actions, they only help us understand the cause and effect of proposed actions. The true motivation of will is a result of passion. While demonstrative and probabilistic reasoning may give way to a particular sentiment, i.e. discovering truths or falsehoods, it is from these sentiments we align our ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Was The Egyptian Revolution Of 1919 A Justifiable Act Of... What was the Egyptian Revolution of 1919 and why was it a justifiable act of civil disobedience? The Egyptian rebellion was a very political and economic defiance of the law. It encouraged many individuals, such as Mahatma Gandhi, to protest against what they believe is harmful and unconstitutional to the country. The Egyptian Revolution of 1919 can be justified as an act of civil disobediencebecause of Britain s protectorate and martial law for Egyptand Sudan, for causing false belief that the protectorate would be changed after the war, and for seizing the country s infrastructure. The rebellion against the Britain Empire began after the Caucasus Campaign of World War I and Britain declared Egypt the burden of war; it was then that the ... Show more content on ... Lord Alfred Milner of Britain was sent to Egypt in December of 1919, he later left March of 1920 and advised that Britain abolish the protectorate and grant Egypt complete independence. He saw the hostile stance of the Egyptian people as uncontrollable and believed Britain would not be able to continue to pursue its interests, given such public opinion. When Britain decided to send the colonial administrator, Egyptians responded to the Milner Mission to get rid of Lord Milner and to confound the judicial system. Thousands of nationalists met at Alexandria s mosque Abu l Abbas al Mursi; ministers, lawyers, counsels, and students proposed strategies against the British rule Egypt. According to the report by Under Secretary of the Foreign Office Cecil Harmsworth to the House of Commons, 800 natives were killed and 1,600 women wounded during the uprising. It states that casualties for European and other civilians were 31 killed and 35 wounded, while 29 British soldiers were killed and 114 wounded. So there were 209 European casualties to 2,400 Egyptian. The Under Secretary of the Foreign Office provided a clear understanding of how many natives of Egypt died for their independence; clearly there were very few British casualties which shows how much the Egyptians were willing to give up, to have what they gravely ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Hawaii Earthquake Research Paper Brittyn Chaloupka Donner Earth Science 6A December 1, 2017 2006 Hawaii Earthquake On the islands of Hawaii a 6.6 earthquake hit the island Honolulu. The lack of electricity gave them no communication with the mainland. After and the aftershocks, there was fear of a tsunami people started to worry. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a report saying that no tsunami is expected, although officials at the center warned of the possibility of one in Hawaii. There was so much damage they did not know what to do. Knocking out electrical power to many of the islands and forming a landslide that rained boulders on the major highway on the biggest island. Emergency management officials also told residents and others to stay put if they could, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Importance Of Performance At Carnegie Hall Every musician definitely dreams about one day performing at Carnegie Hall because it is one of the best concert halls all over world. Since it first built, it keeps providing good shows and performances to audience. According to this article, Carnegie Hall decides to add more events in the next couple years, and despite classical musicevents, they want to provide more modern musical events to audience. Also, in the next following years, they will more focus on education and try to bring more children and students get involved into live performances (Cooper, n.p.). When I first saw this news, I was so happy to know that Carnegie decided to offer more events. Nowadays, the technologies develop so fast, and we can get whatever we want from ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Cinematic Language In The Help The Help is a movie from a famous book published by Kathryn Stockett about a girl name Eugenia Skeeter Phelan and her relationship with to African American maids in the 1960 s during the Civil Rights era in Jackson, Mississippi. This film was written by Tate Tayor, who written and directed other movies such as; Pretty Ugly People (2008), and Winter Bones (2010). The fans general response to the movie The Helpbudget in the Box office according to was at the estimate of 25 million dollars. This filmwas produced by DreamWorks Pictures.The celebrities that started the movie was, Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Jessica Chastain. Emma Stone had an opportunity to play at the role of Eugenia Skeeter ... Show more content on ... The way how the scenes of the movie looks in the eyes of the director, he wanted his viewers to see how life was back in the 1960s. Kathryn Stockett vision of the story is to show racism at its finest. Tate Taylor has to figure out how to make the movie seems like the viewers are looking at the movie ask if they are reading the book. The soundtrack of the movie is based off different songs that can relate to the type of music most people will hear from the 1960s. A few artists that is mentioned in the soundtracks are Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, and Mary J Blige. The performance of the movie was outstanding. The thought of having Emma Stone being the protagonist is a film, is a great fit for this type of character in the movie. I believe that Emma Stone have certain way of showing a leadership role a multiple of films that she starred in. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer did a magnificent job playing as the role off the two maids. Both of these women have probably experienced some sorts of racism in the lives, and can relate well to the movie. Stone, Davis, Spencer have read The Help before, so playing the role of Skeeter and the two maids was easy for them to get into, because of reasons this story beforehand. There s a video on YouTube where Tate Taylor and Kathryn Stockett had mention the fact that these women have read the story before, and enjoyed ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Vietnam Veterans Research Paper There are over 45 percent of the 1.6 million veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that are seeking compensation for injuries they claim are related to their military service. That is over double the 21 percent of veterans that filed service connected claims after the Gulf War in the early 1990s. Additionally, these new veterans are claiming on average eight to nine issues and the most recent ones received by the VA are claiming 11 to 14 ailments. In comparison, the Vietnam veterans are averaging compensation for fewer than four ailments and those from World War II and Korea average only two. The recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been experienced not only on the battlefield but when they return, the war comes home with them. Military service members have to deal with the emotional and physical scars and the multiple civilian ... Show more content on ... Almost half have been deployed more than once. Many times that number of Americans has been affected as parents, spouses, children, and friends. The wars violence has rippled through the nation, affecting families and the communities where they live. A 2010 report found that child abusein Army families was been three times higher in homes from which a parent was deployed. From 2001 through 2011, alcohol use associated with physical domestic violence in Army families increased significantly. This phenomenon could be attributed to increased alcohol consumption among military veterans suffering from combat related wounds, injuries and illnesses. The causes of these elevated levels of suffering in military veterans and their families lives are multifactorial and cannot be just the direct result of combat exposure. The factors contributing to this very large number and significant scale of problems are not all fully understood, but are alarming. Most of these problems can be attributed as direct or indirect effect of a decade of ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Real Merlin Essay From the shores of Avalon to the court of King Arthur, tales and accounts of the mystical Merlin abound. Did Merlin really exist, and if so, was he the dark magical wizard of legend or an image conjured up by superstitious townsfolk to explain occurrences they didn t understand? To answer this question, one should first look at the actual accomplishments of the figure Merlin. When was the character introduced and what did he do afterwards? What kinds of feats did this person accomplish to make him as well known as he is? Secondly, Merlin was well known as a mythical figure. How did this mythical figure emerge and what aspects of his life do we still remember to this day? As the son of a devil, was Merlin an evil characteror a good... Show more content on ... Many stories of the Arthurian legend contain some reference to Merlin, as either a wizard or a prophet. As a magician, Merlin performed feats such as the moving of Stonehenge, the disguising of Uther Pendragon, and the crowning of King Arthur by the use of the sword in the stone (Fletcher 25). As a prophet, Merlin told of the defeat of the Saxons, the death of Arthur, and the one who found the Holy Grail. Almost everyone knows the story The Sword in the Stone by T.H. White wherein Merlin instructed Arthur in his life as king, but what most don t know is that Merlin was, in legend, the son of a devil. An incubus came and bedded with Merlin s mother so that she would bear his child (Ackerman 168). One story that shows the significance of this union is Geoffrey of Monmouth s Historia regum Britannae. In this book there is a section that tells the tale of Vortigern and Ambrosius. Vortigern, the King of Britain at the time, wants to build a new retreat, but every night the foundation is destroyed. Vortigern s wise men tell him he must sprinkle the spot with the blood of a child born fatherless. After a long and tedious search, Ambrosius is found and brought before Vortigern. Ambrosius tells the King not to slay him but to dig in the spot for two vases. Those digging found these two vases and inside were two tents. Inside the two tents were a red dragon and a white dragon. These creatures fought each other ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Lumber Liquidator Case Summary Lumber Liquidator is one of the biggest hardwood flooring retailers in United Stated of America. The company starts in 1994 when Tom Sullivan, a building contractor, decided to purchase the excess wood that bigger contractors had to resale it. The company growth stronger in the business in 2004 Lumber Liquidator open the largest production center and its headquarters in Toano, Virginia. The company counts with over 360 locations in 46 states in USA and Canada (Lumber Liquidators, 2017). In July 2014, the nonprofit organization Global Community Monitor filed a lawsuit in California against Lumber Liquidators Inc. The organization alleged that Lumber Liquidators was selling Chinese made laminate flooring contaminated with high levels of formaldehyde and deliberately violating California s ... Show more content on ... He analyses the finances of companies he is attracted to invest in. Mr. Tilson noticed that the profit margins for Lumber Liquidators were unusually high compared with its competitors. He states that when you see a company suddenly duplicating its profit margins brings a red flag to investors (Cooper, 2017). Two months after 60 minutes broadcasted Lumber Liquidators story the company stops selling laminated Chinese floors in its nationwide market. Lumber Liquidators was subject to several investigations and lawsuits in the United States since the report aired in March 2015. Government agencies as Consumer Products Safety Commission and California Environmental Protection Agency settle agreements with LL in 2016 due to their examinations. Lumber Liquidators had to pay a high price for the mistakes they committed. In October 2015, in an investigation made by the United States Department of Justice LL pleaded guilty to multiple crimes related its importation of timber products. LL agreed to pay $13.15 million in criminal fines, forfeiture, and community service payments (Department of Justice, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Argumentative Essay About Penguins Magnificent creatures of the land and sea, penguins have been around for a long time. Penguins have adapted well over the course of many years, for swimming and hunting purposes. Everyone knows that penguins are weird birds that can t fly and have to waddle on land, but what most people don t know about are the harms that penguins have been exposed to and the fact that many penguins are endangered, if not vulnerable to endangerment. Penguins are incredibly different from other animals and are very important to the food chain, so they should be saved from endangerment. Penguins indeed have adapted a great deal as time passed. According to recent research on old fossils found in Peru, ancient penguins used to be six feet tall. They could swim and ... Show more content on ... It seems unusual that birds can t fly, but it s brilliant that they can practically fly underwater ! The World Book (2008 ed.) states that penguins use the same motion to swim as other birds use to fly. These flipper y fowls can zoom through the water at a rate of eight miles an hour, but if they really must, they can swim above twenty miles for the same amount of time! Penguins take breaths every minute so they soar by the surface and pounce into the air on occasion, although they can hold their breath for almost twenty minutes as they dive deep below into the water. Penguins can plunge as deep as 900 feet. That s 300 times their average height! They are not only so fabulous underwater; penguins can toboggan across the snow on their bellies or climb over rocks if they need to! Rockhopper penguins, as one might assume, are named after their ability to hop over rocks easier than most other penguins. Rockhoppers are also able to pencil dive (feet first) into the water, unlike most other penguins, and can leap back into the air as high as three times their height and grab onto perches above them with their tiny ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The American Society Of Criminology Essay The American Society Of Criminology AHHHHhhhhh! I let out a girlish scream and squirmed as shivers went strait up my spine. I was glued to the latest episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, a show that I have watched religiously since its debut. Criminology is something that has always fascinated me, and is a career that I hope to pursue in the future as an FBI agent. I frequently surf the web looking for short stories to read about different criminal cases and to find information about job opportunities and internships. One day I found a website of an organization that studied crime independently of the government. I was immediately intrigued by the organization, and began reading about the American Society of Criminology. ... Show more content on ... Today, membership includes anyone interested in enhancing the professional interests of the study of criminology from students, to practitioners, to scholars of various professional criminological specialties (American Society of Criminology homepage). Membership of ASC is no longer limited to a geographic area. ASC has grown into an international organization involved with other professional societies of criminology around the world. ASC sponsors an employment exchange between its members to facilitate the various job openings in the criminological field over seas. Today, nearly 1,000 people are attending annual meetings and every major criminologist in the United States is a member and active participant of ASC (American Society of Criminology homepage). Also, there are currently 121 (15.2%) female members of what was originally a completely male organization. ASC s large numbers in membership and diversity makes the organization a unique professional association of some of the world s best and brightest thinkers (American Society of Criminology homepage). The American Society of Criminology meets once a year at a large hotel to discuss a particular topic of general interest. The society is divided up by committees, for seminars and plenary sessions. At the last meeting, there were two dozen society committees and one hundred and eighty panels. The society publishes three ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Doctor Manette In A Tale Of Two Cities The personality of Doctor Manette has greatly altered throughout the book due to realizing he is capable of great feats. Doctor Manette was first terrified of the world and needed people to guide him through daily tasks. After being released from prison after almost two decades in pure isolation, all people and items of the world were unknown and strange. To cope with his anxiety, the Doctor turned to shoemaking, working for countless hours in the Defarge s tavern. Meeting his daughter Lucie helped greatly decrease this peculiar behavior, but the Doctor still did not have a sense of self. When asked if he would like to have a life similar to what he had before he was imprisoned, the Doctor responded, I hope you care to be recalled to life? And the old answer: I can t say (Dickens 57). It is clear that the Doctor still believes and sees flashbacks from his horrors in prison, and therefore does not know otherwise from it. He has been secluded from the outside world for so long that he cannot make decisions for himself and does not know if he wants to continue living... Show more content on ... When Carton was working for C.J. Stryver, who is opposite to him in personality. While Sydney is reserved, Stryver is power hungry, and strives to climb to the top. Because of this, Carton is a slave to the other man and is the much harder worker of the two. In this chapter, Dickens described these men as animals based on their traits, and stating, Although Sydney Carton would never be a lion, he was an amazingly good jackal (Dickens 102). This comparison depicts Carton s lack of motivations perfectly and shows that he is responsible for all the grunt work but does not take the lead. Without an individual or purpose in the world to try and succeed for, Carton feels no need to expose himself as the genius behind Stryver, and therefore is sacrificing showcasing his potential to eventually be that ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The study, in which we looked upon through our time... The study, in which we looked upon through our time working within Applied Theatre, is how our role as a facilitator changes, depending on the age, ability and social background of the participants, in an educational environment. I will discuss further how the various aspects of social and political culture vary the way that I have conducted a workshop, and also what I would have to do if I continued my study further. Two of the workshops that was conducted, was in a secondary educationally school Sir William Stanier Community school in Crewe. When working within the school we conducted two workshops, with the year ten Drama students, who are currently undergoing the GCSE mock tests. We planned both workshops excessively, our plan when... Show more content on ... Heathcote s approach allows the students to make as many of the decision about what the drama is going to be about as possible. (Wagner, 1999. P.9) In one way this approach works well for various people such as Adam Proctor, as for Adam he found that like Dorothy Heathcote he believes in the children s ability and potential, therefore, he likes to approach his work with a sense of improvisation, where decisions which the children make in the lesson determine the overall outcome of the workshop, but this being to a certain extent. For example when he was running a workshop for the first time with the second year Applied Theatre students, one exercise we created was for them to create a story from an object, the task in creating the story through thinking and planning was all down to them, they created their own piece of drama. In contrast to this I found that I require a set structure to follow. This is due to me finding it difficult to steer away from the set plan, for the reason of my own anxieties, of not knowing the outcome of a workshop; being in the unknown. For me I find the best way in which I work individually, is following a set structure, this enables me to be a successful facilitator, without any chaos. I want the students to see me as their facilitator; therefore they can then follow my set instructions clearly. Richard Hahlo and Peter Reynolds state in Dramatic ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Summary Of The Mirror By Virginia Woolf The way one person perceives the world is not always the way another perceives, just as a reflection shows a person but reflected backwards. The mirror does not create falsehood; it instead shows the views of every side. Every person is going to see something different when looking into the mirror depending on where they stand. When Virginia Woolf writes she tells the world of an idea everybody can relate to. She writes on women and men and shows how they related through the mirror. Sometimes to empower and others to educate those that don t have that view point or understand. She writes both the common and uncommon views and shows how they both stand together in one mirror. Two text which reflect two Ideas through the mirror to show the world are Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid. Ladies are well represented in Virginia Woolf s stories such as Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid. Both of these Texts reflect the standard for women at this time. In Professions for women Virginia Woolf tells of her story of being a women; showing her views of the world through reflectionof her life. Virginia Woolf starts by creating powerful small ideas when she writes, it is true, I am a women; it is true I am employed, but what professional experiences have I had? Using her short chops of information she has simplified herself so that more people can see her in their mirror. This is great because it simplifies Woolf making her more common, ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Cold Vs Flu Season Essay Winter is here and almost everyone can catch a cold or flu. Some call it cold season, flu season, or even have it combined as flu and cold season. It doesn t really matter what we call it. What s important is staying healthy during cold and flu season. If you re curious on how you could prepare for the full onslaught or actually when is cold and flu season, just keep on reading. Most people tend to catch cold or flu because they are caught unawares that it s already cold season or flu season. When is cold and flu season? You don t really have to wait for when is the actual date of its arrival. When you start to feel it in your bones that it s starting to get cold, start your preparations for staying healthy during cold and flu season. It s better to start ... Show more content on ... As stated by an article by, most people touch their faces at least once in every 4 minutes. This means that if you sleep for 8 hours, you touch your face around 400 times in a day. If you notice yourself rubbing your eyes, wiping your nose, touching your lips, or biting your nails, try to avoid doing so. If you continue on doing this without at least using a hand sanitizer, germs can directly enter your mucus membranes and even your respiratory system. You will then be more susceptible to illnesses during the flu season. Flu Season Health Tips: Have Some Quality You Time Find some time to relax from your hectic schedule. Doing so will yield to stress reduction, calming your mind, and improving the number of hours and quality of your sleep. This will prevent cold or flu sources from infecting your body by around 50%. Qigong is a traditional Chinese health care practice that helps reduce a person s stress levels, improve focus, and enhance general health. As reported by a new study, doing Qigong for at least once in a week can minimize respiratory infections from happening by almost 70%. This is definitely a good way of staying healthy during the cold ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Make A Wish Mission Statement The Make A Wish Foundation Mission Vision and Purpose Make A Wish is one of the leading children charities. It was founded in Phoenix, Arizona in 1980. They are a 501(c) (3) non profit charitable organization. They are in the health category of the NTEE, providing health and family support. (IRS Data for Make A Wish International, n.d.) The non profits mission it to grant the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy (Make A Wish International, n.d). They approach their mission with enthusiasm, imagination and creativity Their vision is, We are dedicated to making every eligible child s wish come true. They value integrity, child focus, excellence, community, and inspiration (Our Values, n.d.). They approach every aspect of their organization with honesty and respect. They show respect and honesty to their wish receivers, their families, and Make A Wish supports. Everything they do they do for the children. They are very child focus and always put the interest of their wish receivers first. They aim to have the best business practices and embrace the challenge to exceed expectations. They also love working with their global community of staff, volunteers, and donors. Their wish receivers and community inspire them to reach their vision. (Our Values, n.d.) Analyzing the Mission Statement. The mission statement of Make A Wish implies that the organization helps children with life threating ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Carnivore Narney Research Paper As the Narneys inside the crater further evolve they start to grow taller and taller. This goes against Mercury s gravity but this helps them survive. Being taller means that they can capture more sunlight. An example phototropism are the Narneys leaves. Similar to sunflowers their leaves move with the sun. Following the sunlight allows them to capture the maximum amount of light energy. An example of thigmotropism is when pollen touches the Narney. Since pollen is how they reproduce pollen is vital to their survival. To protect and ensure they receive pollen the reproductive organs of a Narney closes around pollen. After sensing the pollen it will quickly close around it. After one year the plant like Narneys reach a punctuated equilibrium. ... Show more content on ... The first one is the herbivores and the other is the carnivores. The herbivores eat the Narneys inside the crater while the carnivores eat the Narneys outside the crater. This completely changes how the two species look, act, and survive. The herbivores of the Narney population become smaller and quicker while the carnivores start to become bigger and stronger. The herbivore Narney fear the carnivore Narneys because they are their demise. In order to protect themselves from the carnivore Narneys they form camouflage. This camouflage makes them blend into Mercury s environment and keep them hidden. Their outer layer become very rough looking and tan color to blend in. This makes it very hard for a carnivore Narney to find and eat a herbivore Narney. The herbivore Narneys also use mimicry to protect themselves from the carnivore Narney. The herbivore Narneys will mimic the plant like Narneys inside the crater. Since the carnivore Narneys don t eat the plantlike Narneys they stay away from them. The herbivore Narney mimics the plant like Narney by not moving and staying close to the plant like Narney which is very similar to the plant like ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Essay About Duterte Radical simply means grasping things at the root Angela Davis (Radical Quotes). Throughout history, radical change meats two things: a chaotic new era where people suffered, or it meant a prosperous time for the people. During the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin led an uprising with the people to form a communist government. This radical change brought forth a demise to the new Russian society and its people as the new system led them to time of economic depression and poverty. On the other hand, the American Revolution was a radical uprising that would be the start of the United States of America. As a result, the U.S. today has created a government that is considered unrivaled in its efficiency. Rodrigo Duterte, a man known for his unorthodox methods and aggressive nature, is considered a radical candidate in this year s election. Duterte s actions are heavily criticized as well as his possibility of presidency. However, despite the many criticisms about Duterte, he is the presidential candidate the Philippines needs to change the many... Show more content on ... Throughout the Philippines, The Punisher is a well know nickname. Duterte was given this nickname for his iron fist on enforcing laws. On a survey taken by students it Silliman, many students did not know many of Duterte s policies. However, many of the students surveyed answered that they are familiar with Duterte and his reputation as The Punisher . Also, Duterte has no regards to the opinions of his opponents and criticizers. During an interview, Duterte claims to be unfazed to death threats after hearing that drug lords from Iloilo sent mercenaries after the candidate (Duterte unfazed by death threats). In the same interview, Duterte also said that he is stern on his use of brutal punishments even if it meant losing precious votes (Duterte unfazed by death ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Renaissance Era Research Paper The Renaissance Era is a period approximately dated from the 1460 s to the 1600 s. It was a period where reason was celebrated and advanced over metaphysics and mysticism. The general conclusion when Renaissance comes to mind always seems to center around the growth of Art and Science. The topic of the contributions made to Psychology by the citizens of the RenaissanceEra is often overlooked, and not many are privy to the role Psychology played in the development of the Era by perfecting scientific methods and researching reason, thought, and mental illness. The Renaissance Era was viewed as the rebirth. It was a period where people went back to their more open minded method of inquiry that had characterized early Greek philosophy. It was... Show more content on ... Though the Renaissance Era is thought to have played a major role in giving birth to the modern secular life, it began by looking backwards instead of forward to the future with the works of Francesco Petrarch 1304 1374, who was an influential philosopher whose writings are said to have marked the beginning of the Renaissance. Petrarch had particular interest in freeing the human spirit, which he believed was held in the confines of medieval traditions and opted for a more personal religion based on personal feelings and personal faith. Martin Luther, not to be confused as Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an Augustinian Priest and biblical scholar who did not agree with what he had witnessed Christianity turn into. His view of Christianity aligned with the beliefs of St. Paul s and St. Augustine s than that of Aquinas. He believed everyone should suffer the consequences of their sins, and that God was the only person any human being was answerable to. The Renaissance was a paradoxical time. There was a growth of interest in human potential coupled with human achievements, and simultaneously, there was also persecution, witch hunting, superstition, exorcism, and ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The World Experience For The Australian Team Essay Brendan is a professional engineer working on an important project, a typical example in Australia and overseas on an oil rig in the North Sea occurred accidentally. Brendan is the Institution of Engineers Australia, Engineering Professional of the Year in 2000, was a talented Brendan, also a professional sport (level 2) and managing highly effective exerciseand sports science in Australia (ESSA. ) Real world experience to the Australian team for the past eight Paralympics Games and numerous world championships. This includes athletes at Seoul 1988, Barcelona 1992, Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 Games; And a sports scientist at Athens 2004, Beijing 2008, London 2012 and Rio 2016 Games, these are all good, all good. The combination of sport and the success of a professional is famous for many recognized that Brendan was the recipient of three awards have it, such as Australia Day Award for Sports, of Australia Medal (OAM) and. Australian Sports medal recipient The impact of research in human health and Brendan performance increased steadily working to demonstrate the research and publications in this discipline is as expected. Professor of Sports Science (Biomechanics) Sport and exercise science researchers. Professor Brendan Burkett Qualifications of applicants PhD Qld.UT, MEngQld.UT, BEng C.Qld. FIEAust. Email: Phone + 61 7 5430 2827 Fax: + 61 7 5459 4600 The sources of information that you will use to conduct your research, including in the case of ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Xerox Co. Diversity CASE 2 XEROX QUESTION 1 How would Xerox define diversity? How has its definition changed over the years? In business , diversity has seen action in the managing of human resource as essential capital in fostering businesses at a global scale . Diversity is also seen as a concept where differences can be a powerful resource . Based on the Case facts, Xerox value diversity as the most priceless resource to drive the company towards achieving its goals. According to Xerox Chairman amp; former CEO, Anne M. Mulcahy, diversity is not just about race, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability. She and the staff believed that diversity provide an environment for employee to grow for their fullest potential. Employee with different ways ... Show more content on ... For instance, women and minorities represent 52% of Xerox workforce and about 42.5% of Xerox senior executives are women or people of color or both. * Friendly HR policies Xerox understand that women struggling to balance work and family commitments. Thus, HR function initiated alternative work schedules and other HR policies as the company recognizes that family and individual needs affect employee performance. Besides, Xerox also has a work life programs to ensures that the workforce become successful in their career and family such as dependent care fund, employee assistance program and education assistance program. * Xerox Employee Caucus Groups A caucus group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees. After establishment of this program, the company began to provide domestic partner benefits for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees. The groups consist of Asians Coming Together, Black Women s Leadership Council, GALAXe Pride at work, Hispanic Association for Professional Advancement, National Black Employee Assosiation and The Women s Alliance. * CEO roundtables An annual diversity employee roundtables with senior managers. This program provide platform for employees to engage in unfiltered ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Franco and TPOK Jazz Essay Congolese guitarist, singer, bandleader and composer Francois Luambo Makiadi (Franco) the sorcerer of the guitar was 20th century Africa s most important musician; he was the greatest. My opinion is amply supported by the recent release of two double CD retrospectives Francophonic Volume 1(1953 1979) 2 (1980 1989). The sets demonstrate Franco s amazing longevity, prolificacy, and innovation. From 1950 until his death in 1989, he record over a thousand songs, created a dominate style of African guitarplaying, trained generations of musicians, and attained a status equivalent in Africato Elvis or the Beatles in the West. These collections allow the listener to discover not only the evolution of a musical genius, but also the history... Show more content on ... OK Jazz was a formidable group ranging from six to over 20 musicians produced a who s who of African musicians and vocalists. Songs start slow with gentle vocal harmonies, incrementally building speed and adding layers instruments into funky sebenes leavened with strong Latin flavor. Cuban music was as essential to the development of modern Congolese music as African slaves were to the creation of Cuban music. Franco s pan African popularity was never matched by popularity amongst western world music fans; it sounds like salsa to most casual listeners, thus ending their exploration. However, there is a tremendous difference, the guitars are forceful, the rhythms urgent, and the vocal interplay is unique. Franco s music has been difficult to find in the US, shunted aside by the world music flavor of the week or the tsunami of Afro funk re releases. I was scandalized by Pitchfork s recent Africa 100 playlist in which completely blew off Congolese music. However, amongst Africans over forty, the music of OK Jazz is held in reverence and his monster hits of the 1980s are inevitable played at parties and village reunions. Old timers shake their head smiling, that s music and begin muttering about today s music. Franco s mother a professional mourner and market woman brought the young Luambo to funerals steeping him in traditional music. At twelve, he was ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Hr Plan For The Uk High Speed Rail Link Project HR Plan for the UK High Speed Rail Link Project 10/24/2014 Business Report OLUMIDE SHOFOLUWE Contents 1.0 Introduction3 2.1 Recruitment and Selection Strategy4 2.2 HR Management Structure10 2.3 HR Staff Structure15 3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation19 4.0 References20 HR Plan for the UK High Speed Rail Link Project Using relevant theories and approaches develop an HR plan for the UK Speed Rail Link Project. Focus on designing, recruiting and selecting the HR team. 1.0 Introduction 2.1 Recruitment and Selection Strategy There are various types of recruitment and selection strategies to consider when planning a project such as the UK high speed rail link. The HR team within such a big project will require a number of specialist roles such as; an organisational design professional, a payroll and reward professionals, a management professionals, and a talent/recruitment professionals. For successful completion of the project, each of the specialist HR roles will need to be filled by well capable individuals, who have the right talent and skills suited to the job. For each HR specialist role, the key skills are listed below: RolesKey Skills Organisational design professionalsTo integrate the different parts of the organisation. To deliver clarity and define roles Ability to investigate design principles PayrollAccording to Colin Youle, the ability to have numeral and computer skills are required for expected payroll professionals. He/she ... Get more on ...