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Essay About Compassion
Writing an essay on the topic of compassion is no easy feat. It requires a delicate balance of
personal reflection, empathy, and the ability to articulate complex emotions. Compassion is a
nuanced concept that goes beyond mere sympathy, delving into the realm of understanding and
actively caring for others.
The challenge lies in finding the right words to convey the depth of compassion and its impact
on individuals and society. One must navigate through the intricacies of human emotions,
cultural nuances, and societal expectations. The task becomes even more formidable when trying
to avoid clichГ©s and generic statements, aiming for a genuine and unique perspective.
Expressing compassion in writing demands a profound connection with the subject matter. It
requires the author to draw from personal experiences, anecdotes, or observations that
authentically capture the essence of compassion. Striking a balance between the emotional and
analytical aspects of the topic is crucial to create a compelling and thought-provoking essay.
Moreover, crafting an essay on compassion involves the challenge of inspiring the reader to
reflect on their own capacity for empathy and kindness. The writer must engage the audience
emotionally, prompting them to consider the importance of compassion in their own lives and the
broader context of human relationships.
In conclusion, writing an essay about compassion is a demanding task that goes beyond the mere
arrangement of words on paper. It requires a deep understanding of the topic, a genuine
connection to the subject matter, and the ability to communicate complex emotions effectively.
However, the reward lies in the potential to inspire others and contribute to a greater
understanding of the role compassion plays in shaping our individual and collective experiences.
For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one can explore resources like, where professionals are available to provide support and guidance in crafting
thoughtful and impactful pieces.
Essay About Compassion Essay About Compassion
Separation of a Mixture Containing Calcium Carbonate
Thursday 9/29/11 3:00pm Michaela Howard Partner: Craig Delancy
Separation of a Mixture Containing Calcium Carbonate and Naphthalene
Finding a method to successfully separate a mixture of calcium carbonate and
Properties to be considered: Calcium Carbonate Naphthalene Solubility in water
slightly insoluble Solubility in ethanol insoluble partially Melting point 825 degrees
C 80.2 degrees C Boiling point decomposes 218 degrees C
Subliming the mixture seemed to be the most practical solution due to the
information given in lab by the instructor of the calcium carbonate and the
naphthalene. Their properties of solubility with water or ethanol was either ... Show
more content on ...
Once subliming took place, the naphthalene crystals started to form directly on the
bottom of the watch glass instead of the sides of the beaker, which was the
indication that the beaker was the correct size. Once the mixture was completely
separated and the beaker cooled off to room temperature; the beaker and watch glass
was scraped for the remaining residue, and after which they were weighed.
Data and
BA 620 exam
(2.1) Annual reportF K
Answer: a
The annual report contains four basic financial statements: the income statement,
balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and statement of stockholders equity.
(2.1) Annual report and expectationsF K
Answer: a
The primary reason the annual report is important in finance is that it is used by
investors when they form expectations about the firm s future earnings and dividends,
and the riskiness of those cash flows.
(2.2) ... Show more content on ...
(2.9) Federal income taxes:int expense and dividends FK
Answer: b
The interest and dividends paid by a corporation are considered to be deductible
operating expenses, hence they decrease the firm s tax liability.
(Comp: 2.2,2.3) Financial statementsF K
Answer: b
The balance sheet is a financial statement that measures the flow of funds into and
out of various accounts over time, while the income statement measures the firm s
financial position at a point in time.
(2.4) Retained earningsF K
Answer: b
Its retained earnings is the actual cash that the firm has generated through operations
less the cash that has been paid out to stockholders as dividends. Retained earnings
are kept in cash or near cash accounts and, thus, these cash accounts, when added
together, will always be equal to the firm s total retained earnings.
(2.4) Retained earningsF K
Answer: a
The retained earnings account on the balance sheet does not represent cash. Rather, it
represents part of stockholders claims against the firm s existing assets. This implies
that retained earnings are in fact
Example Of Anthropology Case Study
Natural... Holistic... Organic... Everywhere you turn these days it seems like the
newest trend in healthcare and disease prevention is actually living a healthy,
balanced lifestyle in harmony with nature. For Dr. Major Tallent of Alcoa
Chiropractic, the natural old fashioned approach to life is not a new fad but a
lifestyle. Residing in Greenback with his wife Tammy who also works at Alcoa
Chiropractic as the insurance administrator Dr. Tallent is an avid outdoorsman who
enjoys hunting and fishing year round and the game he bags or reels in is
incorporated into his family s diet, along with homegrown vegetables. A native of
Virginia who received degrees from Virginia s Life University and Lynchburg
College, Dr. Tallent s rural roots... Show more content on ...
Tallent is able to leverage his experience and philosophy in a unique way to the
benefit of his patients. Besides practicing traditional chiropractic adjustments, he also
leads the rehabilitation program. We will bend over backwards here to get you better,
Dr. Tallent says of Alcoa Chiro s functional rehabilitation focused program that is
personalized to the needs of each patient. After meeting with a patient and assessing
the problem Dr. Tallent orders X Rays and develops a specific care plan to address the
issue using Alcoa Chiro s wide array of treatment tools. It s not a cookie cutter
approach. Some patients, for example might need more traditional chiropractic
adjustment but others might benefit from muscular strengthening or rehabilitation
exercises. Dr. Tallent believes his hands on approach to traditional adjustment is not
only superior to the instrument only adjustment approach, but also allows him to get
a more thorough understanding of the patient s overall health. Often Alcoa Chiro will
refer patients to other healthcare practices after discovering an underlying health
condition. Integrating chiropractic care with overall healthcare is really part of the
core mission at Alcoa
Socrates Book I Of The Republic
Book I of the Republic
Despite the fact that Book I of the Republic is a monotonous and troublesome content
to overcome, I gained some knowledge from perusing the content. What I got from
perusing Book I generally speaking is that Plato s contention depends on capacity to
demonstrate that equity is righteousness and makes the fair individual glad which
makes equity significant. I additionally got from alternate endeavors of characterizing
capacity as Cephalus contends that equity is reimbursing obligation and coming
clean, yet Socrates counterexample demonstrates that Cephalus definition is
fortuitous. Polemarchus contends that equity is doing admirably to companions who
are great and doing damage to adversaries who are terrible, however Socrates
highlights that companions can ... Show more content on ...
Polemarchus claims that equity comprises of profiting one s companions and hurting
one s foes. Polemarchus limits his qualification to companions and foes. In the event
that equity relies on upon whether one is a companion or an adversary than it is
questionable how that qualification will be made. The judgment whether somebody
has acted evenhandedly will rely on upon whether he is delegated a companion of
adversary. Polemarchus state of mind to equity, not at all like his father s, does not
perceive any quality inalienable in equity. Polemarchus considers equity to be a result
of the refinement with respect our connection of that dealings as with companions or
foes. In the event that returning something obtained is destructive then it s being a
simply demonstration relies on upon whether the moneylender is companion or not.
Be that as it may, Polemarchus view does not recognize acting legitimately from
acting as per what is socially expected, as the treatment of an individual relies on the
way of their association with those in
Memorie Episodic Memory Paper
Have you ever wondered how you can remember things so easily sometimes without
hesitation? Your brain is made up of millions of different chemicals and processes to
create these memories. Psychologist Margaret W. Matlin describes memory as the
process of retaining information over time (Zimmermann). This process includes
encoding, storing, retaining and then recalling thoughts. Without our memorywe
would be lost not knowing where you are in time, endlessly moving forward.
Memory is essential for almost everything you do day by day, consider for a
moment how much you rely on your memory to help you function just in one day
such as using your phone, test answers or as simple as eating (Cherry). Encoding is
the crucial first step to creating a new memory (Mastin). This is meant to cement the
memory in your head using various parts of the brain. There are three types of
encoding such as Acoustic, Visual and Semantic (Mastin). Encoding... Show more
content on ...
Episodic memory critically depends on the medial temporal lobe and several
neocortical regions during memory encoding (Papassotiropoulos). Memory strategies
to help with long term memory has not been shown to affect memory rehabilitation
(Ylvisaker). One reason is people with common forgetfulness often do not use the
strategies that have been taught to help with memorization. Also most have limited
space in their working memory, therefore it is hard to remember these strategies.
Most of the studies have been conducted with adults who rarely have to learn or
memorize large amounts of new information. However, in an academic atmosphere, it
is worth encouraging students to do at least some of the following at the time of
encoding to enhance their memory (Hibbard). These being summarizing, taking
notes, speaking information aloud and taking in reasonably small amounts of
information in short amounts of
Bilbo Coming Of Age Essay
The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien is a perfect example of a coming of age story. Bilbo,
the main protagonist, started his journey as a sheltered hobbit. It was clear that he
had potential to do something great, but his own insecurities and his fear to stand
out crippled his progression in life. He didn t leave his house often, and he hardly
took any risks. He failed to grow as an individual. Bilbo throughout the book he
experienced personal growth through his encounter with the goblins he, he became
confident through the events that happened at Mirkwood, and when he returned
home at the end of the journey, he was filled with self love and pride. At the
beginning of the book, Bilbo told Gandalf that he did not want anything to do with
the journey. He feared for his safety, and he had nightmares the night before the
journey started. However, throughout his journey, he bonded and learned a lot from
the dwarves. He found out who he really... Show more content on ...
One night while traveling through the Mirkwood forest, they saw a flicker of light
and decided to go towards it. Born and Gandalf did warn them about this, and told
them not to follow the light. After Bilbo gets captured by the giant spider, his will
and perseverance is tested. Not only does he escape from the spider s trap, but he
also defeats the spider and saves the party. He gains even more experience, and
becomes a leader in the group. Before he returned home, he was assumed dead and
his items were auctioned off to the members of his community. When he finally
arrived, he was treated as an outcast because adventures are looked frowned upon in
the hobbit community. Without the friends and companions Bilbo made on the
journey, Bilbo would have been completely alone. However, he didn t really care of
how his peers perceived him. Bilbo was not only proud of himself, but he knew he
was happy and comfortable with the path he took, and the life he
Korea Inhumane Research Paper
There are countries on this planet that still commit inhumane acts towards their own
people every day; one country that still does this is the Democratic People s
Republic of Korea. The Democratic People s Republic of Korea, since its creation
after World War II, has used inhumane methods and propaganda to get the people to
obey the government.
The root of this cause sprung into existence before the Second World War and the
Japanese exploitation of the land. Koreans were then known as the Hermit Kingdom
, as they would resist any form of foreign occupation. In 1866, an armed Merchant
Ship, called the USS General Sherman , ( General Sherman incident ) was on a
political trip and trade mission to Korea; however, the mission ended abruptly ...
Show more content on ...
The government claims that citizens get the full amount of basic rights and claim
that DPRK has the best rights in the world ( Federal Research Division, 172 175).
Contrary to what they said, the DPRK is one of the most repressive governments on
the face of the earth. Their constitution claims that they get freedom of religion,
speech, press, and more ( 175 176). The North Korean government instead ignores
every single word in their own constitution (United Nations Human Rights Council
3). The Supreme People s Assembly meets only once a year ( Federal Research
Division, 175 176). The current state of modern North Korea is based off the
policy of aggression, fear, and governmental brainwashing. (Daily Mail Reporter).
North Korean citizens can and will be placed in a labor camp if they do anything
that goes against the regime ( North Korea ). Not only can North Korean citizens
get placed in a labor camp for going against the regime, but foreigners can and will
be placed in a labor camp for committing that crime, too (David Brunnstrom). In the
North, the government boasts about many of their so called achievements and
superiority over the others. Their media constantly shows how plentiful and how
powerful the country is ( Kim Jong Un s New Year Address ). Videos and images of
industry, food, technology, and stocked stores picture the country as a perfect
Odysseus Weaknesses
Odysseus, hero of the Greeks. The warrior that fought ferocious beast and prolonged
wars. Along With being larger than life, he had many strengths, weaknesses, and
conflicts. One quality of Odysseus being hero is that he had strengths. Homer
describes Odysseus as having substantial military skills, and superlative bravery.
Odysseusstrengths include him being a leader to his men. Thus with distinct
precaution I prepared/My people (Homer). Odysseus says, Me only she permits
those strains to hear, that shows he was the only one to be trusted by Circe s
(Homer). Because of his astounding strengths Odysseus was considered to be a true
warrior. Not only does he have sundry strengths, he has weaknesses. First, Odysseus
was tempted to listen
The Ecological Footprint Of The Human Race
The ecological footprint of the human race is only getting bigger and bigger as our
population steadily increases. It is estimated that our population grows 1.1% each
year and it doesn t show a trace of slowing down ( We have all hopefully
heard the phrase reduce, reuse, and recycle. This phrase alone could help us gradually
reduce our ecological footprint, but many poor countries don t have governing
systems that takes in and sorts plastic or paper products. Some environmentalists say
that unless something drastically changes, humans are doomed in the future because
of lack of resources. Some say that by then, humans will have sufficient technology to
sustain ourselves and our large resource consuming population.
I think most people can agree that if we all change our mindset and governments
work together to solve the problem, there can be drastic improvements. As stated
from, An increase in population size makes excessive demands on
natural resources, and increases the demand on agriculture and livestock. Overall,
there are many negative impacts associated with population explosion. Some
environmentalists believe that the human race will reach its carrying capacity
relatively soon and our population will plummet. I beg to differ because I think that
humans will find a way to solve the population problem before disasters arrive. The
most efficient and easy way to solve the problem is very controversial. In The
Tragedy of the
Stereotypes In Family Guy
When people think of domestic jobs they think of jobs that give low pay, are labor
intensive, have no benefits, require no degree work to carry out, and are worked by
minorities. While these perceptions for the most part are true; the negative stigma
attached to them is wrong as well as the assumption that only minorities are the ones
who work them. Another negative portrayal of Mexicans displayed by the media is
that Mexicans only work domestic jobs, but that is not the reality. In the show Family
Guywhere they too make fun of ethnic groups regarding their stereotypes they
portrays a Mexican woman named Consuela who is the housekeeper of the Griffins
the main characters of the show. In the one of the episodes we can see Consuela
kicking the... Show more content on ...
The image of Consuela shown as the typical Mexican housemaid is one with many
negative repercussions. She is shown on many occasions portraying these stereotypes
in many other episodes as well. In an article called Mexican Immigrants in the United
States the Migration Policy Institute gathered information from the U.S. Census
Bureau to show the occupation of jobs that Mexicans have. For the most part
Mexicans do have a large portion of their population working in service occupations.
Aside from that Mexicans do work in jobs of management, and business which are
all jobs that take a higher level of education to obtain. Although the percentage of
Mexicans occupying these jobs is low the assumption and stereotyping of all
Mexicans assuming they work domestic jobs is something that should not be done
because it diminishes the accomplishments of the Mexicans who have obtained those
higher paying jobs through hard work. Instead of stereotyping Mexicans by this
misconception we should not be judgmental towards them, and be able to recognize
their accomplishments of being able to obtain higher paying jobs and breaking that
A Comprehensive Suite Of Managed Security Services
MACCIUS offers a comprehensive suite of managed security services, providing
you with 24/7/365 management and monitoring of your security systems. Our
globally available services are managed by a recognized team of experts, bringing
years of experience into the equation when delivering secure solutions to your
A steadfast firewall is one of the key elements of your network s infrastructure.
Without a secure firewall, hackers can easily infiltrate your most critical data.
MACCIUS managed security services shield you from the volume of sophisticated
threats that are growing at an alarming rate.
Managed Firewall
MACCIUS will implement and cost effectively manage a best of breed firewall
system on your premises, at a MACCIUS data center or at a third party location of
your choice. We provide two options for a complete firewall management and
monitoring solution:
Managed Firewall Services include MACCIUS provided hardware, software licenses,
maintenance, monitoring and management by our team of reliable security experts.
Firewall Care Services extend the same monitoring and management to the firewall
hardware and software owned by you.
Benefits of MACCIUS Firewall Management:
MACCIUS constantly monitors firewall health, responds to automated alerts and
potential problems in minutes, and resolves most issues without the need to contact
customer personnel.
Reporting allows you to know where your threats originate and better address any
Is Hamlet Relevant Today
Hamlet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare about a prince and his life after his
father is murdered. He must avenge his father s death, by killing his uncle. He is in
love with a girl, Ophelia, who kills herself after prince Hamlet drives her insane.
Hamlet kills the father of Ophelia accidentally, upsetting Laertes, Ophelia s brother.
Laertes and Hamletwere to have a duel by the request of the king. Laertes tries to
cheat in the duel, resulting in the death of Hamlet, Claudius (Hamlet s uncle),
Gertrude(Hamlet s mother), and Laertes. While this tragedy is very old, many of
the principals of Hamlet are still relevant in today s society due to the modern
occurrences of love, hatred, and revenge. In today s society suicide as a result of
someone else actions is a very common occurrence. In Hamlet, Ophelia is driven
away from Hamlet because she is made to believe that he loves her, and when he
treats her poorly again and again, she begins to go crazy. (Act 3 Scene 1) The
subject behind this part of the tragedy seems to be a timeless tale. People will always
be hurt by others actions, especially... Show more content on ...
Obviously, people will always die, but that is not that is all to the theme. Hamet
fears death at the beginning of the play. His father has just passed, which puts him
into a depression. (Act 2 scene 2) Later after Hamlet has become even further
depressed, he cannot decide if he wants to live anymore. (Act 3 scene 3) This can
be a common feeling in today s world when losing the life of a loved one. After
Hamlet discovers the death of Ophelia, and he sees his mother killed in front of
him, he accepts the fact that he is going to die sometime and that his time is
now.(Act 5 scene 2) Hamlet also tries to escape death when he escapes from the
boat and returns home. (Act 4 scene 5) This is similar to today s society because
some people might actually attempt to run from their own death, like breaking out of
Wild Card Essay
DECLARE @v1 varchar(40); SET @v1 = #39;This is the original. #39;; SET @v1
+= #39; More text. #39;; PRINT @v1; % (Wildcard Character(s) to Match)
Matches any string of zero or more characters. This wildcard character can be used
as either a prefix or a suffix. The following example returns all the first names of
people in the Person table of AdventureWorks2012 that start with Dan. SELECT
FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person WHERE FirstName LIKE #39;Dan%
#39;; GO [ ] (Wildcard Character(s) to Match) Matches any single character within
the specified range or set that is specified between brackets [ ]. These wildcard
characters can be used in string comparisons that involve pattern matching, such as
LIKE and PATINDEX. The following
... Show more content on ...
For example, if a variable @x equals 35, then @x += 2 takes the original value of
@x, add 2 and sets @x to that new value (37). Transact SQL provides the following
compound operators: Operator Link to more information Action += += (Add
EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Adds some amount to the original value and sets the
original value to the result. = = (Subtract EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Subtracts
some amount from the original value and sets the original value to the result. *=
*= (Multiply EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Multiplies by an amount and sets the
original value to the result. /= (Divide EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Divides by an
amount and sets the original value to the result. %= Modulo EQUALS (Transact
SQL) Divides by an amount and sets the original value to the modulo. amp;=
amp;= (Bitwise AND EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise AND and sets
the original value to the result. ^= ^= (Bitwise Exclusive OR EQUALS) (Transact
SQL) Performs a bitwise exclusive OR and sets the original value to the result. |= |=
(Bitwise OR EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise OR and sets the original
value to the result. Operator Precedence When a complex expression has multiple
operators, operator precedence determines the sequence in which the operations are
performed. The order of execution can significantly affect the resulting value.+
The Impact Of Adventist Health Systems On Health Care...
In 1866 the Seven day Adventist Church in Battle Creek, Michigan established a
private nonprofit healthcare program. This program starting expanding in 12
different states, in 1973 the Seven day Adventist church founded Adventist Health
System in order to support and strengthen all faith based Seven day Adventist health
care organizations in the United States under one mission statement of Extending the
healing ministry of Christ. Adventist Health Systems is currently compromised of 46
hospital campuses, skilled nursing facilities, home health and hospice, urgent care
centers and around 82,000 employees in the states of Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Texas, Michigan, Kentucky, Colorado, Tennessee, Wisconsin, West Virginia, North
Carolina, and Kansas (Adventist Health System, 2016). Adventist Health Systems is
committed to be a national leader in health care quality, safety, and patient
satisfaction to the 4.7 million patients who visit them annually. It is ensured to
provide each patient that seeks health care services a whole person health
experience, not only providing health care services but also providing a blueprint
for healthy living called CREATION Health. Each letter in CREATION has a
meaning bases on the principle of the story of creation in the Bible. C stands for
Choice, R stands for Rest, E stands for Environment, A stands for Activity, T stands
for Trust, I stands for Interpersonal relationships, O stands for Outlook, and N stands
for Nutrition.
Jude Law Research Paper
According to Warner Bros. Pictures, British actor Jude Law has been selected to
portray a young version of Hogwarts venerable headmaster Albus Dumbledore, a key
character in the second film of JK Rowling s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find
Them movie spinoff.
Some of you might even wonder who Jude Law is, where did he come from and
how did he gain success as an actor? Jude Law was born in Lewisham, South
London in 29 December 1972. His name was being a bit of both based on the book
Jude the Obscure and the song Hey Jude by the Beatles. He was also the second child
of two teachers, with his father being the youngest headmaster in London. Then, he
grew up in Blackheath, an area in the Borough of Greenwich, and received his
education ... Show more content on ...
His first major role was Foxtrot Darling in The Fastest Clock in the Universe by
Philip Ridley. During that time, he won several awards and nominations such as the
Laurence Olivier Award for Outstanding Newcomer, the Ina Charleson Award for
Outstanding Newcomer and the Most Promising Newcomer from the Evening
Standar British Film Awards. One film that gained him international attention was
the Talented Mr. Ripley based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith in 1999, where he
played Dickie Greenleaf. From there, he won an MTV Movie Award nomination, a
Golden Globe Award, an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actorand a BAFTA
award for Best Supporting Actor.
During the 2000s, he played W.P. Inman the epic war film of Cold Mountain based
on the best selling novel by Anthony Minghella and received Academy Award,
Golden Globe Award and British Academy Film Award nominations. He was also
well known in other motion pictures as well. Starting from 2009, Law played Dr.
Watson, Sherlock Holmes famous assistant in the film of the same name and
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows in 2011, with Robert Downey Jr. as the smart
Jiro Dreams Of Sushi Essay
Sara Rutherfurd
Takakura Sensei
Japanese 1
09 August 2017
Culture Report: The Shokunin Influence The 2011 documentary Jiro Dreams of
Sushi by the American director David Gelb is about an 85 year old sushi master
named Jiro Ono and his Michelin 3 star rated restaurant Sukiyabashi Jiro in a Tokyo
subway station. Like many films about food, Jiro Dreams of Sushi shows artfully
arranged and delicious looking sushi with a tasteful background of classical music.
Naturally, after watching a movie about sushi, anyone would want to make a
reservation and book a flight to Japan. However, there is more to this documentary
than the food alone. The story of Jiro s quest to perfect the craft of making sushi and
presenting it in his restaurant for the ... Show more content on ...
The Smithsonian Magazine article How Japan Copied American Culture and Made it
Better describes how Japan outdoes America in Americana, taking iconic American
products such as bourbon, burgers, jazz, and clothing, improving and elevating them
(Downey). It is simply incredible that they have taken their single minded attention to
detail and focused on what makes these American products good, and then reinvented
them into an even greater version than the original. Even Kumon, the Japanese math
enrichment program, is based on a system of self learning through repetition resulting
in perfecting the student s ability to perform math calculations accurately and to
retain the material learned (Kumon). As the saying goes, Practice makes perfect, and
what is repetition, but practice? Another hallmark of the shokunin philosophy which
is seen in Japanese culture is their sense of purpose with regard to work. The
shokunin seeks perfection in their craft, not for personal gain or accolades, but
rather to push the boundaries of the craft and make it better. A shokunin who is
trained in the craft of tategu shi, shoji screen making, Toshio Odate, is interviewed
in the article The Craft of the Shokunin (Warner 1). Odate s work is done in the
customer s home and does not require a work bench or sanding tools. Using his body
to hold the pieces of wood steady, and planing tools with swift strokes to give a
greater polish to the surface, Odate s work is an artform on
Final Paper AAD 251
Jocelyn Herana June 3, 2012 AAD 251 Greg Gurley FINAL REFELCTION How
has this class experience enhanced your ability to communicate visually? How are
you more visually literate? This class experience has enhanced my understanding
of the art world and how visuals play a major role in expressing certain ideals. The
way certain artists portray their art is caused by many different techniques. It s
amazing to see my progression through out from week to week through my
discussion boards. I even learned something the very first week of class, in the
Abbott reflection I stated, A big theme in this photograph is the use of lines. As we
have studied in class lines add a lot of meaning and can be used interchangeably.
Also, I like how the... Show more content on ...
Also, in my discussion I reflected on how, this image is culturally important
because it represents that females can be strong and powerful. I never realized
how much art can reflect upon the society and how important the media is when it.
There are a lot of politics in art, but not all art forms can be pleasing to the viewers,
it s about doing what you like and there is no need to adjust your point of view.
There are so many different types of art forms, and I m glad we experienced and
learned about them in this class. I have ultimately formed a love for different art
forms, and can t wait to experience them in the future. 3. Did you encounter a break
through moment where you saw a perspective that previously was not in your
experience? Describe the experience of looking . My break through moment in this
class was quite recently actually during the semester project analysis of commercials
and the media. I found this project so interesting. The media plays a powerful part in
today s society, and seeing it in action in commercials was quite shocking. I definitely
underestimated the power of advertisement, and loved analyzing the different
techniques used by producers. Another reason why I thought of this as my break
through moment was because I am studying a lot about the effect of the media on
society in different classes, specifically my women and gender
Research Paper On Igor Stravinsky
Stravinsky was born in Russia in 1882. His music influences came mainly from his
father who was a famous operatic baritone and a bibliophile. Igor Stravinsky himself
never went to the conservatorium and his first composition lessons were with
Vladimir Rimsky Korsakov. Consequently, Stravinsky developed his own
idiosyncratic taste in music. During his early and middle compositional years, Serge
Diaghilev arranged for Stravinsky s pieces such as the Rite of Spring to be
premiГЁred and performed in Paris (Druskin and Cooper, 1983). That was the point
in time where Stravinsky started to be thought of as a nationalist composer because
in Paris he sounded very exotic (Walsh, 2017). However, his style did not remain
static throughout his life. During
Twenty Leagues Under The Sea Reports
Ryan Green
09 October 2017
Title of Your Report In the novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea by Jules
Verne, the author develops a charming protagonist named professor Arronax. He and
his faithful servant Conseil were originally aboard the Abraham Lincoln in search of
a cetacean that had been destroying boats worldwide. They were on the boat a few
months when the finally found this cetacean then it hit the Abraham Lincoln sending
Conseil, Professor Aronnax, and his friend Ned Land overboard. They were soon
rescued by a submarine. The submarine turned out to be the cetacean that had been
destroying ships. They soon met Captain Nemo, a man who wanted to cut himself off
from society so he built a submarine that ... Show more content on ...
You have to alive that special charisma to get along with people so well. This inspires
and motivates Nemo into letting them stay, thrive, live, and learn on the Nautilus. A
second example of this is when he befriends Ned Land, a Canadian harpooner in
which the Abraham Lincoln recruited to harpoon the mighty narwhal they thought
they were hunting. He was an arrogant man who believed he was the best in his
field and Arronax (along with conseil) seemed to be the only people he enjoyed to
communicate with, Yes I understand, replied Ned, because the water surrounds me
does not penetrate. Precisely Ned: ... This is another example of Professor Arronax
getting people to like him using his unique charm. Ned became more attentive when
talking to Arronax because you could have an interesting and enjoyable conversation
with him. I think his charisma played a very large role in the story because it
allowed him to befriend people that have useful traits and abilities.
One of Professor Arronax s most important traits is his vast knowledge of everything
marine biology. It shows that he is willing to learn new things and and that he also
teaches other about the things he knows. It also contributes to his charisma because
people seem
Using P-Element Induced Male Recombination to Generate
Using P element Induced Male Recombination to Generate a Deletion in the DMAP1
Gene on Chromosome Two in Drosophila melanogaster
Abstract: The goal of this study was to induce a deletion in the DMAP1 gene on
chromosome two in Drosophila melanogaster through P element mobilization. The
DMAP1 gene may be an essential gene, however not much is known about it. We
attempted to uncover the function of DMAP1 by creating a series of genetic
crosses and selecting for brown eyed non stubble male flies that may have the
deletion. To test whether these flies had the deletion, we produced PCR products
and ran them on an agarose gel, which resulted as inconclusive. We created a
balanced stock of flies homozygous for the deletion to see if the ... Show more content
on ...
For example, wings clipped P elements that lack the inverted repeats (not able to be
mobilized themselves), which are not internally deleted and can produce a
transposase source, can be introduced to the internally deleted P element to provide
transposase and therefore allow transposition to occur. The provided transposase
recognizes and binds to inverted repeats on the internally deleted P element, which
introduces nicks in the DNA beside the inverted repeats. This allows the element to
excise and insert into a new location. If it excises neatly out of the DNA, a deletion
will not occur. However, if it excises to a homologue towards the right or the left,
due to an error in the excision process, a deletion will occur through this pre meiotic
recombination event. This process of P element mobilization is the basis of how we
directed recombination in male flies, and therefore the basis of generating deletions
in the DMAP1 gene. We made several crosses that allowed P element mobilization to
occur in male flies by crossing P element strains (non autonomous) to a transposase
source, producing heterozygous flies containing a P element and a transposase
source, and therefore allowing us to induce and detect male recombination events in
progeny. The specific recombination event of interest is when the P element is
mobilized towards the right onto a homologue, which may have induced a deletion in
Sports Science Personal Statement
With performance analysts, sports scientists, and physiotherapists growing in
demand, with the ever more focused objectives within the sporting world on
achieving the best results possible, I am eager to study a subject that is continually
flourishing in opportunities. With the margins between victory and defeat becoming
ever more miniscule the necessity to find that two percent increase in speed or a set
of practices to improve the task cohesion of a team is a demand placed on many
managers and scientists. With an overwhelming amount of world records, this
summer s Olympics highlighted just how these scientists are continuing to push our
athlete s potentials further than ever thought possible. With the technology and
understanding of the human anatomy advancing, it is an exciting time to be
completing a degree in Sport Science and I look forward... Show more content on ...
A Sports Science degree is of interest as it traditionally incorporates areas of exercise
physiology and biochemistry alongside various optional modules allowing an
individualised degree to be moulded around my particular interests. Studying biology
has sparked my interest in the fundamental principles underlying exercise physiology
in sport. Sports and exercise scientists work to develop athletes until they reach their
maximal physical limits, being an athlete myself I can appreciate how important it is
to also maintain health and prevent injury to avoid any regression in performance. On
the other hand, studying both A2 Psychology and Physical Education has allowed me
to consider how influential our psychological processes such as anxiety, arousal and
motivation are in an athletes performance and wellbeing, I find interest in
implementing this knowledge when playing netball and when in highly stressful
situations such as exams as I understand how to cope in high pressure environments
using stress management
The Importance Of Communicating And People
Communication has always been a up and down aspect in my life. I believe
communicating is the purpose of receiving and giving information to others, but I
also believe that communicating is a way of expressing yourself to the rest of the
world. I do understand that others have greater levels of communicating and people
understand communicationdifferently. I have experienced both of these aspects of
communication in groups I have been part of. Personally, I prefer to work in a
group setting rather than as an individual. I like the support, experiences, and even
friendships that evolve from group work. I believe that group communication
helps to create a memorable and positive outcome for the task rather than doing it
independently. I have been apart of many groups throughout my high school and
college years and I have enjoyed and learned many different things from each one.
One group in particular in which I learned a lot and was able to gain many skills
was from my core group . I was a New Student Orientation Assistant (NSOA) when
entering my sophomore year at Eastern. NSOAs assist the new students with their
transition to Eastern. There were over 150 of us students that were divided into core
groups. I was with my core group for five days and with them throughout those days
for more than 12 hours. Through those long training days, we learned a lot about one
another. As a group, we bonded and were able to successfully complete the First Four
training and orientation.
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Role Play Activity
The Role Play Activity
The Role Play Activity could be the best way to stimulate conversation. By this
activity, 1st year EFL learners can learn new vocabulary, words statements and know
how to use them in its correct context by asking to perform dialogues, negotiate with
your partner on an item such as computer or large piece of furniture, and discuss
things such as warranty that are found in (ESLGold, 2010). This activity will help
them to know the right place of each discourse and give them an opportunity to
practice it well, improve the FL and create a relaxed area while sharing ideas. As
Livingstone said, The role play is a classroom activity, which gives the student the
opportunity to practice the language, the aspects of role behaviour ... Show more
content on ...
In simulations, 1st year EFL learners could bring items to the class to create a
realistic environment. For instance, if a learner is acting as a singer, she brings a
microphone to sing and so on. Role plays and simulations have many advantages.
First, since they are entertaining, they motivate the learners. Second, as Harmer
(2001, p. 275) suggests, they increase the self confidence of hesitant learners,
because in role play and simulation activities, they will have a different role and do
not have to speak for themselves.
First year EFL Learners could create their own stories to tell their classmates or
summarize a tale or story they heard from somebody else. Story telling could help
learners developing creative thinking and to know how to develop ideas from
introduction, body, and then conclusion without forgetting to include the characters
and the setting. Learners also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the beginning
of each class, the teacher should call few learners to tell short riddles or jokes as an
opening. In this way, he will not only address their speaking ability but getting the
attention of the class.
All Quiet On The Western Front Analysis
Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet on the Western Front discusses his view of war
from a younger generation s viewpoint. Throughout the novel, Remarque describes
in detail what it is like to be a soldier in fighting in the war during World War I.
Remarque s writing views the war as unnecessary, cruel, and evil. The images painted
by Remarque demonstrates the horror and sacrifices that soldiers have to make when
they enter the war. All Quiet on the Western Front
is not an open anti warnovel.
However, the novel has obvious anti war themes and many people such as the Nazi
party, consider All Quiet on the Western Front an anti war novel. Erich Maria
Remarqueviews of war are apparent in the novel All Quiet on the Western Front
considering the images and demonstrations of horror that the characters have to
survive through as well as, the actual reality of who the true enemies are to the
soldiers. Erich Maria Remarque portrays his view of war through Paul in All Quiet
on the Western Front . Remarque mentions briefly several times what it is like for
soldiers from their generation to be fighting in the war. For example, For us lads
of eighteen, they ought to have been mediators and guides to the world of
maturity, the world of work, of duty, of culture, of progress to the future. We often
made fun of them and played jokes on them, but in our hearts we trusted them. The
idea of authority, which they represented, was associated in our minds with a
greater insight and a more humane wisdom. But the first death we saw shattered
this belief. We had to recognize that our generation was more to be trusted than
theirs. (pg. 7) This quote has a lot of significance throughout the story because this
is when Paul and his friends started to understand who the true enemy was. Erich
Maria Remarque s view of war is clearly depicted through Paul in the first chapter.
For example, Paul discovers that war is actually terrible, it is not the glorified
picture that his school master depicts it to be. This can allude to the join the war
efforts where anyone and everyone (that was male) was pushed to joining the war
efforts because it was patriotic, honorable, and appreciated. In reality, it was patriotic
and honorable,
The Birth Weight Of A Newborn
From the moment a newborn is birthed into the world they begin their physical
development at a larger rate than any other period of their life. The first year of
life is full of rapid physical growth in all aspects such as weight, height, limb
lengths and even the physical growth of internal organs. On average, the birth
weight of a newborn will double by the time they reach six months old and triple at
the end of their first year of life. While weight is steadily increasing there is also an
expansion of the babies head and chest as internal organs such as the brain, heart, and
lungs develop as well. (Infancy, 2016)
On average the head of a newborn makes up about 25% of their total length, which is
the height. This can easily be seen by ... Show more content on ...
The size of the brain increases due to the maturation of the brain which includes the
forming of connections of neurons and increased cognitive development. (Lumen
Learning, 2014)
2: Early Childhood
Early childhood also produces physical changes but not to the degree to which
infancy does. There are large increases in height, about 3 inches each year, and also
gain weight, about 4 to 5 pounds each year. While it is important to recognize that
there will be increases in weight gain, during this stage it is very important for the
physical development of the child to take special care in their eating habits. (Lumen
Learning, 2014)
Early childhood is a very active time for children. Children can be seen, for the most
part, constantly in motion whether it is jumping, running, or simply being unable to
stand still. While children are taking part in these activities they are strengthening
their gross motor skills. Most of the physical activity a child takes place in during
this time with not be of a high skill level, such as a particular sport.
Middle Childhood:
The growth rates of middle childhood are generally slower than that of infancy and
early childhood. On average a child will gain about 5 7 pounds and grow about 2
inches per year. During this time a child will also start to experience increased
muscle strength and even an increase in lung capacity. Because of these things it is
possible to children in this stage of development to engage in more
Against Grand Canyon National Park
I am going to write against the federal government making the grand canyon
national park. They should not put park in the grand canyon because there is
wildlife, and other things that are special to the world. The animals will run off
and you should not hurt wildlife like that. That s a fact jack. People around come
out to this park and help make the owners richer and run out wildlife. Alright I m
bout to tell you about why there should not be park in Grand Canyon. All the
wildlife there is very important to everyone who explores it not to get rid of all of the
wildlife. People these days donВґt care about things like that they just want to make
money. I think people are plane stupid to get rid of all wildlife, then build park to
Biology Folio Form Four
The efforts by Various Agencies to Diversity Food Production
Ulam or vegetable salad consists of fresh leaves , fruits , and other plant parts which
are eaten raw . Examples of ulam include :
pegaga ( Centella asiatica )
shoots of papaya
kacang botol
petai ( Parkia speciosa )
kemangi ( Ocimum sanctum )
Ulam is rich in mineral ions , vitamins and fibre . some of these plants are used in
the preparation of herbal medicines and drinks .
FACTS ABOUT pegaga , jering and pucuk kaduk !
Pegaga is now recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an herb
thought to generate intelligence in children than can help blood circulation and
improve skin health . ... Show more content on ...
They are low in cholesterol . Examples of freshwater fish are :
Methods used to improve the quality and quantity of food production
Direct seeding spring cereal at Dewald s farm near Davenport , WA
Direct seeding is a method in which the seeds are shown directly into the soil by
using special machines . The seeds are covered with soil as they are being sown .
This method does not involve the transplanting of seedlings and therefore results
in less damage to the roots of the seedlings . The plants achieve faster growth and this
increases crop yield . Less water is also needed to irrigate the fields . This method is
widely used in the planting of paddy to obtain higher yields of rice .
Hydrophonics is a commercial technique for growing certain crop plants in culture
solutions rather than soil . The roots of the plants are immersed in a solution which
contains all the macronutrients and micronutrients in the correct proportions . The
culture solution is aerated to provide sufficient oxygen for respiration .
The nutrient solution is pumped into the container for a given period of time . The
growing medium absorbs the nutrient solution , and the nutrient solution is then
allowed to drain away .
Aeroponics is a modified
Truth In Dystopian Novels
Reading transports me to countries, times and universes allowing me to experience
a life outside of my own. As a child I imagined life in a Viking settlement and
Queen Elizabeth I s court while also surviving a post apocalyptic dystopia. I gained
more worldly experience from the comforts of my bedroom than many of my
compatriots in their escapades at the end of the lane. While narrative is memorable,
studying English Literature has taught me about the complexities of the language and
its ability to convey a message. I am also interested in literature that provides insight
into a period in history, and look forward to exploring literature that casts light on
little known periods of time. All literature, intentionally or not, critiques society....
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Webber s musical adaption uses costume, setting and score to emphasise the
differences in human nature. I am interested in music and drama, performing each
year in a combined arts performance with the Dorchester Youth Theatre and I
worked on school productions of We Will Rock You and Little Shop of Horrors.
These performances have allowed me to work in large companies and have given me
ways to express myself creatively. I am working towards Grade Seven in Musical
Colon Cancer Case Study
Could Coffee be the Cure for Colon Cancer?
There are approximately 200,000 to 3 million cases of colon cancer in the US
each year; could Coffee be the answer to this illness? The Dana Farber Institute in
Boston, MA conducted the study. Those who drank four or more cups of regular
(not decaf) coffee per day saw the most benefit, said Diane Stern, co anchor of WBZ
News. Cancer researchers located in Boston have discovered drinking coffee daily
reduces the risk of colon cancer.
The Experiment
Dr. Charles Fuchs, director of the Gastrointestnal Cancer Center at the Dana
Farber Institute, led the study. 950 people suffering from advanced colon cancer
and went through surgery and chemotherapy who partook in the experiment.
Patients suffering from stage III colon cancer and drank four cups (460 milligrams)
of coffee daily lowered their risk of recurrence by 42 percent. Even people who
regularly drank slightly less (two to three cups) per day appeared to reap some of the
same benefits, just to a lesser degree, said Alan Mozes, reporter for HealthDay.
The Result ... Show more content on ...
The researchers found that drinking two cups of caffeinated coffee daily was
associated with a reduced risk for cancer recurrence and colon cancer death. That
protection was even greater for those consuming three or four cups of coffee daily,
reported Mozes. Researchers believe telling their patients to drink coffee as
treatment for colon cancer would be rash despite the success of the experiment. Dr.
Fuchs said there is only a 35 percent chance of colon cancer recurrence after
Essay On The Story Of Chapter 1
I don t know how much longer I can hold out against these guys! Alec exclaimed as
he fired another arrow at an oncoming circle member.
Stay close to me and you ll be fine Magnus replied, finishing off the circle member
who had an arrow sticking out of their chest.
It had been a peaceful afternoon for Magnus and Alec, the two of them had been
relaxing at Magnus loft when he received a fire message. Valentine had attacked a
patrol downtown and major backup was needed, all available hands were required.
Reluctantly, the couple had made their way off the couch and downtown to where to
fight was happening; almost every shadowhunter from the institute was there and
pretty much every local downworlder were fighting at the institute s ... Show more
content on ...
Magnus head was pounding when he slowly came to, the world blurry around him
and his hearing was muffled and fuzzy. Blinking a couple of times, Magnus
managed to clear up his sight and his hearing followed suit. Pain was spiking
through his neck and his knees as he noticed he was kneeling on a hard concrete floor
Where am I? He thought to himself. Raising his head to take in his surroundings he
was instantly confused, it looked like some type of extremely old prison. Magnus
began to make an attempt to get up but noticed that his hands and feet were bound
tightly behind him.
Shit... what happened? He also questioned to himself, a groan beside him quickly
caught his attention. Looking to his right his eyes widened at the sight of Alec, also
kneeling but unconscious
Alexander? Alexander! Magnus exclaimed nudging the young shadowhunter with his
shoulder, Alec groaned in response but didn t open his eyes
Come on Alec wake up! Magnus begged as he continued to nudge him. Finally, Alec
s eyes began to flutter open as he
Excessive Sweat Perceptions
Excessive perspiration is a major issue for many people in today s society. With
American culture placing increasing value on the importance of physical perfection,
the issue of visual sweat has grown. However, the perception of exorbitant
perspiration varies from situation to situation; when working out, being extremely
nervous, and out of place sweating are viewed very differently. Personal and social
views of extreme sweating when someone is working out are generally considered a
positive. Personally, it leaves the person feeling like they have worked hard, increased
their overall attractiveness, and improved their health. So for the individualworking
out have having excessive sweat increases a positive perception of self and increases
self esteem. Socially this is also true, when others see a fit person working hard and
sweating hard, they see them as healthy, which leads to feeling that the person is
attractive. The main perception of an extremely... Show more content on ...
In regards to when someone is nervous or anxious the perceptions vary. On a
personal scale, when someone is nervous and sweating profusely, they often feel
more nervous and insecure, which creates feelings of weakness and
unpreparedness, when an overabundance of sweat accompanies nerves or anxiety.
This can lead to a poor view on the self and lead to more anxiety and nerves,
creating a cycle of negativity. However, for others viewing the nervous person, the
amount of sweat only indicates the person s level of anxiety. This is not necessarily
correlated with negative feelings, often others will sympathize with the stressed
individual, which is a more positive perception than the nervous person has of them.
Also, the other may feel that the sweaty and nervous takes the situation very seriously
and is
Bless Me Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya
Bless Me Ultima
Topic #2
Abid Ahmad
Abid Ahmad #1 An essential part of someone s life is a place where they are left
alone with their own thoughts, not being judged by anyone or anything outside of
them. In many cases, this sense of safety can only be found within themselves,
because their world is being torn apart by outside influences that have little regard for
their own perspective. Similarly, this is ever present with Antonio and his familyin
the book Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya. In almost every aspect , Antonio s
family persistently attempts to influence him to their own accord, with even his
brothers becoming distant memories that left him and expecting him to fulfill his
parents antithetical wishes. ... Show more content on ...
While his mom argued it would be best for him to become a Luna and be
connected to the Earth, his father s side argued that the Marez blood inside of him
would compel him to become a vaquero, free to roam the grassy plains and not
being shackled by anything. His dream encapsulated the idea of his thinking and
identity being imposed on him literally from birth. A child s mind is like clay that
can be molded in an infinite amount of directions. The absolutely worst thing a
person could do to this flower of growth is to put it in a box that restricts it from
germinating on its own. The only saving grace that Tonie found in this dream was
Ultima, who eloquently scolded both sides of the family in saying that only she
knows what Antonio will become in life. This concept of Antonio s parents tearing
him apart from either side and Ultima giving him the peace of mind of his own
critical thinking is a recurring theme. As Antonio s mother and father were
simultaneously attempting to pull him to completely opposite shores of happiness,
they created a chasm of uncertainty that Antonio had become very susceptible to
crashing through. Unfortunately, the people furthest away from Antonio only
increased the pressure on his shoulders. Antonio had a deep admiration for all three
of his brothers that went off to war.Since his brothers were gone for so long, they
are portrayed as distant characters that were always so far away
Information Protection Using Active Directory Rights...
End User Guide
Information Protection Using Active DirectoryВ® Rights Management Services
Beach Body Windows Engineering
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Version 1.5
Prepared by
BeachBody Security
MC Nguyen Revision and Signoff Sheet
Change Record
DateAuthorVersionChange reference
June 11th , 20150.1Initial draft for review/discussion
June 24th, 20151.5Update for Active Directory Rights Management Services
NameVersion approvedPositionDate Custodian
Enterprise Encryption5
Use Outlook 2010 and Microsoft RMS to Secure Emails [How To]5
Business Benefit5
Supported Platforms5
Rights Management sharing application user guide5
Examples for using the RMS sharing application5
As soon as this process is complete, your document or email will be encrypted with
a strong key of 2048bit in key size. The email or document can be saved off/lost or
stolen but will remain protected regardless if it falls in the wrong hands.9
Protecting Word, Excel, Powerpoint9
Restrict Access to your documents using Information Rights Management Service9
How to Protect Non Office Documents on Network or Local File Folders14
Protect a file on a device (protect in place) by using the Rights Management sharing
To protect a file on a device (protect in place)14
Protect a file that you share by email by using the Rights
Psychoanalytic Perspective Of Kurtz s Heart Of Darkness
Hari Krishnan Period 4
Post AP Literary Theory Dr. Parchesky
September 29th, 2017
Psychoanalytic perspective of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness
The novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad reveals the uncanny similarities
between the Europeans and the natives as well as demonstrates why imperialism is
not civilizing the natives. Although Conrad often dehumanizes the natives, he still
demonstrates that Europeans still are savage in some ways. Kurtz is an example of
the savagery still remnant in European culture buried deep within us. Kurtz s journey
in the Congo can be seen as his pure primal expression of his id without restraint
from his ego and superego.
Kurtz s transformation from a pillar of European ideals and civility to a greedy ...
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His descent was mainly caused by the dehumanizing aspect of the Congo which the
doctor implies by taking initial measurements . His separation from civilization and
the station allow for him to forgo the superego and ego because they are not
necessary in the Congo where only his primal drives are necessary for survival
shown by the natives. The primal and degrading aura of the Congo can be seen
when Marlow says It was unearthly, and the men were No, they were not inhuman.
(44). This shows that the aura of the Congo is foreign to the Europeans and
environmental factors affect their ability to suppress their id like it is more difficult
when alone and away from civilization.
The return of Kurtz on Marlow s boat leads to the return of his ego and superego
because he is with Europeans again which shows what happens after his morality
returns. Kurtz is described to be feel very guilty about his actions, and he says
things like I am waiting to die which shows his feelings of utter shame of his
actions after he represses his id even further. This culminates into his final words the
horror, the horror which shows the extreme guilt and shame towards his actions to
the natives and his beliefs of imperialism. This also shows how different one person
can be when he lets his id run rampant and when he controls it. Kurtz could be
civilized European who embodies the initiative of civilizing the natives, while he
could also
Suzerainty Treaty Vs Parity Treaty
The Lord s role in the book of Exodus begins from the early childhood of Moses.
Soon after Moses s birth, King Pharaoh ordered for all the male children to be
killed (Watt, 1997). The Lord saved baby Moses from Pharaoh since he would later
use him to evacuate the Israelites to the promised land of Canaan. Moses, as a herder,
would then in life see a burning bush, from where the Lord spoke to him and
instructed to go and tell Pharaoh that he wanted to free the Israelitesfrom bondage in
Egypt (Nelson, 1993).
1.Difference between Suzerainty treaty and Parity treaty
Parity and suzerain were two types of agreements mainly made in the Old Testament.
There were many transition times, and each treaty was laying grounds for
engagement between the two parties. Parity treaties were made between two parties
which were equal in social ... Show more content on ...
Why should Samuel be described as a king maker and a king breaker?
God had dedicated Samuel from a very young age that he would be the one to
replace Eli as the king of Israel (Tullock, 2006). The fact that God saw him to be a
king automatically made him the king maker, but at the same time, Samuel felt that
Saul was befitting to be a king, against the instructions of God which led to his
consequent punishment by God.
12.What are the two different versions of how Saul and David met? What does this
seem to say about the sources used in writing the Deuteronomistic History?
According to the book of 2nd Samuel, 17:55 58, it is quoted that Saul did not know
David. However, David played the harp for Samuel since it was a tradition at the
time for the king to have such an entertainment (Nelson, 1993). There is also another
explanation that at the time David was playing the harp for the king, Saul was not
in his right mental state. Thus he may not have realized that David was indeed the
one playing the harmonica. The other version is that Saul was foretold of David as a
king in the making by God.
13.Why did David join forces with the
Empress Cixi Research Paper
The effects that the Xinhai revolution had on the Chinese government system and
the social hierarchy of the time renders the old political adage, Despite the best laid
plans, not all desires are realised false, I will be mainly focusing on the motives and
actions Sun Yat sen and his followers and the patterns of change in the chinese
government and social hieracy of the time. The two main goals of the revolution were
for Chinato become a republic where the people decided their leader and to have a
social hierarchy both of these goals were met. It was also very successful in the
sense of the majority of the Chinese citizens getting what they desired by over
throwing the Qing Empire and turning China into a republic. This was mainly in
response... Show more content on ...
Many drastic changes to the Chinese social hierarchy were also evident as a result
as the Xinhai revolution. People were considered more equal in all aspects of life.
Such as social status, people could eat what they wanted; dress how they pleased
and your class did not necessarily determine your occupation. Before the
revolution your class in the social hierarchy determined what you where allowed to
wear out in public and what you could eat (Woollacott, 2012). Your class also
determined your occupation therefore peasants would have jobs like farming and
most upper class would not even need a job. (Randolph, 4, 2012). The revolution
also brought more social equality to china in the sense off al class having a say in
who runs their country. Before the revolution the very high upper class and the
royalty were the only ones with a real say (Randolph, 4, 2012). The empires / who
would run China would be chosen by other royalty and the highest upper class
citizens (Randolph, 4, 2012). After the revolution all people in China would have a
say whom would be president. All people from concubines to royalty had the same
vote and if a person had the majority of votes they would rule china until the next
election (People s Daily, September 22, 2011). The pattern of change in social
hierarchy of China and how people were considered to have equal rights is another
way the revolution changed the Chinese social
A Noise Within By Luigi Pirandello
With the help of directors Geoff Elliott and Julia Rodriguez Elliott, a play within a
play comes to A Noise Within. In Six Characters in Search of an Author, six
characters appear in front of actors and a director at A Noise Within during a
rehearsal with only one desire: to tell their unfinished story. A Noise Within is
known quite well for their performances of popular adaptations, and when Robert
Brustein s adaptation of Luigi Pirandello s metatheatre absurdist play comes to A
Noise Within, it is quite clear what the directors are trying to say. In their production
of Six Characters, directors Geoff and Julia Elliott convey the theme that theatres are
filled with the impressions of all the characters played there, and will always be a
part of that theatre. The success of this adaptation is attributed to no one person, but
the collective effort of the people at A Noise Within. This production of Six
Characters provides purposeful and creative direction, dedicated actors and actresses,
and a stunning use of production values that display an engaging adaptation of the
It is obvious that Geoff and Julia Elliott were very involved in the direction and
created an adaptation in which everything in the play was thought out and had a
purpose. This can be seen by the writing done for the play. Most directors choose to
perform the play with as few changes to the script as possible. It seems, however,
that Geoff and Julia Elliott went out of their way to add to the script in
What Are The Long Term Causes Of The Great Depression
The Great Depression was a time in the U.S where the economy had dropped and
the majority of the population struggled with poverty. One of the long term causes
of the Great Depression was that there was no program to help aid the people
because President Hoover believed in rugged individualism, another long term
reason of the depression was that the people had placed money on the banks and
the banks would share it for the stock market and usually didn t give it back.
Hoover was elected in 1928, he believed in rugged individualism, natural cycles, and
voluntary action which prolonged the depression because there was nothing to back
up the people. FDR was elected in 1932 and the New Dealprograms were a set of
reforms that Roosevelt had set up... Show more content on ...
For instance, FDR had prior knowledge that major communities in the nation had a
huge a distrust of the government, the president wanted to achieve that reliance
again so that there would be a growing economy once more in the U.S. The belief
that FDR had of doing everything you can to make things better illustrates to us
and the people of the time that he wanted to gain that trust and faith that everyone
had lost because of the prior leader and the depression. Furthermore, President
Roosevelt had made a speech covering everything that he was willing to do for his
country and the faith of the people. This shows that he wanted to approach
everything to make the past a learnable experience and to move on from the tragic
downfall the U.S had. Thirdly, He wasn t afraid to loose a lot from the the New
Deal programs because he wanted to support the country in need. The President had
established an act called the social security act and it was a step forward to the the
acts that he had assigned before and after. This shows that everything FDR had done
was successful because it gave people that faith again to move forward and create a
better moving
Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health Social...
Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and
Children and Young People s Settings Workbook
Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and
Children and Young People s Settings Workbook Contents
Modules Topic Contracts of employment Anti discriminationAge discrimination
Statutory rights and responsibilities Disability discrimination Working hours, rest
breaks and holiday entitlement Maternity/Paternity, parental and adoption leave
Absence and sickness Data protection and access to personal information Health and
safety Contracts of employment Anti discrimination Procedures and documentation
within your organisation Working hours and holiday entitlements Sickness... Show
more content on ...
Below is an example of a journal entry:
Your reflective learning journal entry should include: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· The
description of the event that took place; What you have learned; How it has affected
your job role; Short term implications to you or your job role and Long term
implications to you or your job role.
Creating a new journal entry 1. 2. Click on the button on the navigation menu.
Under the Actions Menu click on New Journal.
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Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and
Children and Young People s Settings Workbook
The My Learning Journal is very much like sending a message, you have: a subject
line, content section and can attach a file or multiple files. 3. 4. 5. Type in the subject
for your My Learning Journal entry; In the content section, enter your main journal
entry; Attach any reference files by clicking the browse button and selecting the files
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Your journal entry should look like the example listed below:
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Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and
Posidonia Decline
Reasons for decline of Posidonia oceanica P. oceanica meadows are met in
transparent and pure waters of Mediterranean area. The prevalence of Posidonia
meadows in clear water is a useful tool for biomonitoring the clearness of the desired
area. Along with Mytilus galloprovincialis, the Mediterranean mussel, Posidonia is a
natural reservoir of different metals acquired from the environment. These metals are
released from industrial, agricultural and urban activities in the coastal area and are
one of the most persisting pollutants in the environment (Bethoux et al. 1990). Due to
its sessile property, Posidonia is an ideal organism for biomonitoring. In a study
conducted to compare the bioaccumulation level between M. galloprovincialis and P.
oceanica, for cadmium, cobalt, chromium, nickel and lead, P. oceanica... Show more
content on ...
Frequently, alien species overcome indigenous species by decreasing their
reproductive rate, effectively consuming food resources, and possibly leading to
extinction of native species (Mooney and Cleland 2001). In Mediterranean, a
major threat for Posidonia is the introduction and spreading of Caulerpa racemosa,
a tropical macroalga, which is listed as one of the worst invasive species in that
region (Streftaris and Zenetos, 2006). This macroalga has affected gravely the
marine ecosystem, changing food web network and the composition of animal and
plant inhabitant across the meadows (Deudero et al 2011). A relatively new
invasive species appeared in Mediterranean, as well for tropics, a red alga
Womersleyella setacea, which introduction first time was noticed in Italy in 1986.
Between 2003 and 2009 this red alga was recorded in 40 new sites along the Croatian
coastline of the Adriatic Sea, which in addition with 10 previously recorded in
literature makes 50 new sites were the red alga newly spread (Nikolic et al
Word Of Mouth Advertising
Social media marketing is the act of promoting a product or company through
social media platforms, in hopes to increase brand popularity. These social media
platforms can include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat,
which are all used a great deal every day by society. One of the main benefits of
social media marketing is the word of mouth advertising, which results from the
ads companies place on social media platforms. To explain, word of mouth
advertising is a free form of advertising, in which an advertisement is viewed by an
individual and talked about to others, which further advertises the company, or
product, to someone who did not view this ad. Today, companies are more likely to
reach out to the millenials with their ads through these social media platforms, due
to their addictions to these sites. In an article found on Mintel, it is stated,
Millennials are more likely than the general population to use social media as a
way to connect with brands. (Marketing to Millennials, 2017). Using my personal
opinion, I agree with this quote taken from this article, due to being a millennial
myself. I believe that companies are gaining more business by advertising to us
through our social media platforms, due to the amount of time we spend on them
each day. If I see an ad pop up on one of my social media sites, I instantly become
interested and click on the ad more than half of the time, which has led to me
purchasing a product from that
Mirror By Grealy Analysis
In the essay Mirrors and the poem Phenomenal Woman , both women learn to accept
their self and not listen to society s standards. While they start out differently and
both endure different journeys, in the end, they achieve the same goal.
Grealy, the author of Mirrors starts her essay with memories of her childhood. As a
child, her self hatred started after needing half of her jaw removed results in her
looking different from the majority of kids. She emphasizes that she enjoyed
Halloween as a child because a mask could hide her abnormal face. Grealy only felt
normal as she breathed in the condensed, plastic scented air under the mask
(Grealy). Her childhood was spent in grief and self hatred knowing no one would
ever love her (Grealy). ... Show more content on ...
Grealy considers herself abnormal while Angelou looks at it as being special.
Angelou knows she does not fit society s standards, but instead of bringing herself
down she uses it as her strength. Unlike Grealy, who hates herself for being
abnormal. She spends her life trying to fix her face, which she confusedly thought
concurrent with fixing herself, her soul, her life (Grealy). She thought by fitting
society s norms she would gain happiness and confidence.
Although both women differ in the beginning, in the end Grealy achieves self
acceptance bringing her to the same place as Angelou. It takes Grealy longer but
she realizes her face is an image, a surface that was not directly related to any true,
deep definition of the self (Grealy). Grealy helps readers understand that society is
superficial and materialistic focusing on how people look and what they own, which
has no real depth and doesn t define people.
The influences of society cause Grealy to think of herself as abnormal and ugly .
She is able to get to the same place as the Phenomenal Womanin the end, which is
self acceptance and self love. Angelou never gives into society s standards and sets
herself apart. She knows she is beautiful despite what society thinks. The authors
teach readers how people appear to themselves is more important than how society
Similarities Between The Flood And The Epic Of Gilgamesh
The Flood Narrative (Genesis 6 9) and the Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet XI have certain
parallels that are undeniable, yet many noticeable differences. The parallels are
strange yet oddly common in any flood narrative and the differences often lie behind
the reasons, responses, and decisions made by the main characters. In both texts, each
of the main characters, Noahand Uta napishti, were ordered to build an ark or a boat
due to an incoming flood. In Genesis, Godtells Noah, Make yourself an ark of cypress
wood, make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch (Genesis 6:14).
Noah obeys God s orders and indeed builds an ark. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Uta
napishti is told by God Ea, O man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar Tutu, demolish the
house and build a boat! Abandon wealth, and seek survival (Gilgamesh, XI, 23 25).
Uta napishti knew his life was on the line and followed his orders as well. In both
texts, the men are warned that flood will be coming and are given instructions on
how to survive. Naturally, if anyone was told a massive flood was coming, one of
the first ideas should be to build some type of shelter. However, the details of how
the ark/boat was to be built were remarkably different. In Genesis, God gives Noah
specific directions: ...the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits,
and its height thirty cubits...make it with lower, second, and third decks (Genesis
6:15). The ark was designed to be rectangular with three decks
Cannery Row As A Pastoral Novel Similar To Tortilla Flat
Alexander s excerpt drives his point that Cannery Row is a pastoral novel similar to
Tortilla Flat but with deeper and more admirable sentiments. In his point of view,
Cannery Row displays the marginal existence of the relatively primitive townsfolk in
Monterey, with its pastoral aspects coming from detached, truth hungry Doc.
Alexander argues that the pastoral tone of Cannery Row is established in the short
inter chapter where Steinbeck renders Monterey as a microcosm with Mack and the
boys orbits being more stable than those of the world. In addition, Alexander believes
that Mack s famous apology to Doc for wrecking his lab 6recounts the outcast
renunciate status of the men.
Though as opinionated as any other literary criticism, Alexander justifies his
standpoint with specific examples and allusions from the novel. The writing s goal to
uphold Cannery Row as one long pastoral poem is more precise and thorough than
many other criticism s with similar objectives. Alexander s direct and confident tone
makes his essay easier to read compared to other sources.
In Benson s article, he describes his belief that Cannery Row is a tribute to
friendship, specifically to a man named Ed Ricketts, who some say Doc from Cannery
Row vaguely resembles. He approaches the novel from three different perspectives:
from the novel s literary context, its underlying naturalistic philosophy, and from the
direction of Steinbeck as an artist. Also, Benson contends that Cannery Row
Greek Root Astr
Over 60% of the words in the English language contain a Greek or Latin root (
Online English Dictionary ). This quantitative figure conveys the importance of
Greek and Latin on the development of the words in the English language. One
commonly used root, astr, has origins in the Greek language ( Alphabetical Index ).
Many words that use the root astr in them relate to stars or space. The root astr,
meaning star, comes from the Greek language, and it !is! used in words such as
astrolabe, astronomy, and astronaut (Harper). The genesis of the root astr occurred
early in the Greek language ( Alphabetical Index ). Greek, an Indo European
language, began in the 14th century BC. The Greek language went through many
changes following its creation and had many important phases. The first phase,
known as the Ancient phase, !was! subdivided into an Archaic period, a Classical
period, and a Hellenistic period. The Roman, Byzantine, and Modern phases followed
the Ancient phase. Greek also had many various dialects which differed in many
ways, but !were! mutually intelligible. During the Greek language s evolution
through time, the Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet for their own use.
(Newton) The root astr... Show more content on ...
It most likely evolved from the French word astronaute. ( Online English Dictionary
) . The word astronaut comes from the Greek roots astron, meaning star, and nautes,
meaning ship or sailor. Not until the space race in the 1960s !was! it popularized
and became a common word in many Americans vocabularies. The word astronaut
!was! used by the United States Space Program as the counterpart of the United
Soviet Socialist Republics word cosmonaut, coming from the Greek roots cosmos and
nautes, during the space race. (Harper) Astronaut and cosmonaut may differ, but they,
like many other words, share a Greek
What Is The Purpose Of Mythology Compared To The
I. Introduction to Classical Mythology
1. The importance of the Iliad is that it shows us what the early Greeks were like
which is critical to us the descendants intellectually, and in our politics and art.
2. The Greek miracle is the awakening of Greece which with the disappearance of old
things created a whole new way to look at the world.
3. Compared to the Egyptians, the Greeks were more relaxed and casual evident in
their portrayal of the gods. The Greeks made their gods look human which had never
been done before and they felt at home with them, fearing them yet still at ease
knowing all about what they did and even laughing at them. This is much more
relaxed than the Egyptians as they didn t make their gods human nor did they dare
laugh in their presence.
4. Over time Zeus went from the most powerful god, to a deity that has a moral code
that was enforced upon others but not himself, punisher of those that violate it, to
punisher of those that did wrong and friend of justice. In general Zeus went from a
dictator like state to a more mature and just form of ruler.
5. The three main purposes of myths were for entertainment, religious purposes, and
early literature and science.
II. Chapter 1: The Gods
1. Cronus (Saturn): Cronus was the king of the Titans, the children of the heavens
and earth, and reigned until his son Zeus dethroned him and took power for himself.
According to the Romans after being dethroned, Saturn fled to Italy and brought
about the
Murder, Manslaughter
This case note will discuss the issues of the law concerning Murder, Manslaughter
and that of Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH), this can be found in The offences
Against the Person Act 1861 , Sections 18 , 20 and 36. It will critically discuss and
analyze the areas of law in relation to the death of a baby, who was said to have died
because she was born prematurely however it is argued that the events that led up to
the birth, that is the stabbing of the mother by her mother s boyfriend when she was
still a foetus is what contributed to the deathof the baby. The main issue concerning
this case note is if the offender in this case the boyfriend can be charged with murder.
The legal definition of murder as defined by Sir Edward Coke is the unlawful
Famine In Somalia Research Paper
Disasters in Somalia How many of you know what famine is? Famine is an
extreme and long term shortage of food that leads to widespread hunger and
sometimes death to millions of people. Granted, many of you may be aware of what
famine might be, however, there are very few if not any of you that have experienced
this firsthand. Unfortunately, the people of Somalia and Ethiopia don t happen to be
as fortunate as us. Everyday thousands of people continue to die from starvation,
dehydration, diseases, and the list can go on. Both Somalia and Ethiopia are located
within the far north eastern part of Africa. Famineproblems within this part of the
country dates back to the late 1900 s. During the early 1990 s, more than 300,000
David Bailey Essay
From East End to London David Bailey is an English author and photographer
based in East London. He is widely revelled as one of the greatest photographers
ever; thanks to his free spirited and nonconformist approach to his technique. He
felt as though he needed to integrate himself into his projects as well as his
subjects, which is what set him apart from the others in his league. He always
showed a piece of himself in every photograph or portrait in his career. Way back in
January 2nd 1938, Bailey was born into a blue collar family up in East Ham,
London. He had trouble in school with reading and spelling (which he would later
be diagnosed with dyslexia); the way he got around reading was by looking at the
way the letters were written. He memorized them. By the time the young Bailey
turned 15, he dropped out of school and three years later was drafted into the Royal
Air Force in 1956. That s when his magic began. Needing an outlet during his
service, Bailey discovered his first inspiration Henri Cartier Bresson. He became
infatuated with the world... Show more content on ...
The most popular one is Box of Pin Ups. It is a 14 1/2 x 12 1/2 in. box containing
36 subject photos of Mick Jagger, the Beatles, Andy Warhol, Jean Shrimpton, Cecil
Beaton, Terence Stamp and Rudolf Nureyev. Dramatic yet at the same time,
gentle. Bailey s use of lighting captured his subjects natural cheek bones and
beautiful curves and crevices. His work is timeless. Other books include Models
Close Up (a book documenting interviews with some of the most popular models
of his time), Imagine: A Book for Band Aid, and the Wonder of Forgiveness which
was released earlier this year. Forgiveness works beyond the taking away of our
sins. Forgiveness works a wonder. It changes the way we think; it governs the
direction of our walk; it generates sincerity in our worship, and moderates our
relationships with God and fellow
Nail Polish Research Papers
There are dozens of brands of nail polish in hundreds of colors and textures. Of
these brands several make the claim to be the fastest drying. However, do all nail
polishes dry at the same speed? Does the brand, texture or even color make a
difference in the speed at which a nail polish dries? It is my belief that polish of a
thinner consistency would dry the quickest. Based on the consistency of the four
brands I will be experimenting with, this leads me to believe that Sally Hansen Insta
dri will be the fastest drying nail polish.
What is nail polish? Nail polish is a form of paint that can be applied to fingernails
or toenails to decorate them. All nail polish contains the same basic ingredients:
Nitrocellulose, resins and solvents, plasticizer, and dyes or pigments. Beyond the
basic ingredients, each brand may include a dozen more ingredients for shine, texture
or so on. One of the main ingredient, ... Show more content on ...
Essie brand currently has the most variety of colors and textures. Acrylic nails
were first introduced in 1978 and were actually invented by a dentist! In the 1930 s
nail polish cost about .35 cents. The most expensive nail polish cost $250,000 and
was made with diamonds. In 2012, nail polish sales were $768 million. Nail polish
and nail salons continues to see growth.
Experiment and Conclusion. Nail polish today comes in so many different forms,
different colors, different cost, but all contain the same basic formula. Despite the
texture, color or type of polish used, most brands direct you to put on thin coats,
allowing each coat to dry before applying a new coat. Most brand states it takes 2
full minutes for each coat to sufficiently dry. For my experiment I looked at four
brands, two that are designed for quick dry and marketed that way, plus two that are
simple basic nail polish.
Wet N Wild Fastdry, claims to dry in 60
Similarities Between Jacobs And Frederick Douglass
Frederick and Harriet both as narrative were different in several ways and had few
similarities between each other. Both slave narratives had a huge impact on slavery
in many unique ways. The majority of Douglass and Jacobs work symbolize the
tension between the disagreements motives that generated autobiographies of slave
life. Both narratives of Douglass and Jacobs indicates the full range of requests and
situations that slaves could experience. Both suffered under cruel masters, got
whipped, beaten badly, and escaped from slavery. Each fought for several rights to
be equal as well. Douglass and Jacobs both were able to accomplish something that
proslavery writers often proclaim was impossible which was how to write and read.
After ten years... Show more content on ...
Frederick Douglass, whom known as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey born
on February in 1818. Frederick had born into slavery in Talbot County in
Maryland. Frederick Douglass played a huge role in history and still has a huge
impact on today s society. Frederick was a former slave and eminent to the human
rights leader in the abolition movement. Douglass held a high United States
government rank and was also the first black citizen to do so. Douglass was also
an African American social reformer, writer, orator, and statesman. Douglass
became a leader of the abolitionist movement after escaping from slavery. It was
hard for several Northern to believe that Douglass, who was a great orator, had
been a slave. Douglass experiences so much abuse such as whipping, disrespect,
and being degraded first hand. Douglass constantly was whipped on a regular basis
by Edward Covey, which was a poor farmer and an early 19th century American
slaveholder. Fredrick mentioned I have already intimated that my condition was
much worse, during the first six months of my stay at Mr. Covey s than in the last
six (Douglass, 65 66). Frederick then rebelled against the beatings and fought
The study of cancer has impact millions of lives and scientist have continued to
research new treatments for this disease. Scientists are coming close to developing a
cure for this disease. New compounds are being tested to develop this cure.
Compounds used in this research are Onosma echioides L., German Chamomile
(Chamomilla recutita), and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L). Onosma L. is a
medicinal plant traditionally used as laxative, anthelmintic and for alexipharmic
effect. Chamomile have many medicinal attributes, used for hay fever, inflammation,
muscle spasms, menstrual disorder, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal
disorder, rheumatic pain and hemorrhoids. Rosemary is a medicinal plant, a good
source of iron, calcium, ... Show more content on ...
After conducting the experiment, Onosma L. result showed that at a 100% 23.6%
growth, at 50% 27.3% growth, at 25% 27.5% growth, at 13% 54.4% growth, at 6%
75.4% growth, at 3% 78.1% growth, at 2% 80.8% growth, at Tamox (T0) ( 2.55%)
growth, and at DMSO 100% growth. The result showed that at a 100%, about 77%
actual grew and 23.6% died. At Tamox the entire cell lines died because it was the
positive control. At DMSO 100% of cells survived. This compound proved to be a
possibility against A549 cell (Lung cancer). Onosma research indicated a 23%
chance against prevention of lung cancer cell. Rosemary result showed at a 100%
93.9% growth, at 50% 96.9% growth, at 25% 99.2% growth, at 13% 102.3%, at
6% 103.2% growth, at 3% 103.4 growth, at 2% 100.3% growth, at Tamox (T0)
6.5% growth and at DMSO 100% growth. Chamomile result showed at a 100%
20.5% growth, at 50% 25.6% growth, at 25% 25.9% growth, at 13% 48.5% growth,
at 6% 69.4% growth, at 3% 70.9% growth, at 2% 74.1% growth, at Tamox (T0) (
1.23) growth and at DMSO 100% growth. All compounds used showed an prevention
against cancer with further research are good candidates against the war for cancer in
Two Types Of Deterrence
Deterrence uses the theory of free will, that a person chooses to commit crimes
because the benefits of it outweigh the costs. Deterrence is an approach of crime
control that tries to eliminate crime by the threat of a punishment that will exceed the
benefits of crime. Individuals with this philosophy think that if they make the
punishments of crimelook so bad, that people will veer away from crime because
they don t want to be punished.
There are two types of deterrence, general and specific deterrence. General
deterrence is a type of deterrence aimed at society as a whole. For example,
documentaries and other forms of media give the general public a perception of
life in prison as being not that appealing, which in theory will deter them from
committing crime because they don t want to go to prison. The other type of
deterrence, specific deterrence is aimed at the individual and its goal is to
discourage them from future criminal acts. For example, a person who has served
time in prison may be deterred from ... Show more content on ...
As the book states on page 83, deterrence relies on certainty, celerity, or celerity, and
severity of punishment. Certainty being the likelihood of receiving punishment,
celerity the swiftness of punishment, and severity, the harshness of the punishment.
(Berger, Free, and Searles 2009). As was stated in class, we can only manipulate the
severity of the punishment, the other variables we have no control over. With that
being said, since we cannot control the certainty of swiftness of punishment, it is
harder to deter people from committing crime, because most criminals don t think
they are going to get caught and when they do, punishment often takes months to
years. . Criminals plan to minimize their chances of being caught, therefore harsh
punishment is not enough to deter them (O Brien

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Essay About Compassion

  • 1. Essay About Compassion Writing an essay on the topic of compassion is no easy feat. It requires a delicate balance of personal reflection, empathy, and the ability to articulate complex emotions. Compassion is a nuanced concept that goes beyond mere sympathy, delving into the realm of understanding and actively caring for others. The challenge lies in finding the right words to convey the depth of compassion and its impact on individuals and society. One must navigate through the intricacies of human emotions, cultural nuances, and societal expectations. The task becomes even more formidable when trying to avoid clichГ©s and generic statements, aiming for a genuine and unique perspective. Expressing compassion in writing demands a profound connection with the subject matter. It requires the author to draw from personal experiences, anecdotes, or observations that authentically capture the essence of compassion. Striking a balance between the emotional and analytical aspects of the topic is crucial to create a compelling and thought-provoking essay. Moreover, crafting an essay on compassion involves the challenge of inspiring the reader to reflect on their own capacity for empathy and kindness. The writer must engage the audience emotionally, prompting them to consider the importance of compassion in their own lives and the broader context of human relationships. In conclusion, writing an essay about compassion is a demanding task that goes beyond the mere arrangement of words on paper. It requires a deep understanding of the topic, a genuine connection to the subject matter, and the ability to communicate complex emotions effectively. However, the reward lies in the potential to inspire others and contribute to a greater understanding of the role compassion plays in shaping our individual and collective experiences. For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one can explore resources like, where professionals are available to provide support and guidance in crafting thoughtful and impactful pieces. Essay About Compassion Essay About Compassion
  • 2. Separation of a Mixture Containing Calcium Carbonate and... Thursday 9/29/11 3:00pm Michaela Howard Partner: Craig Delancy Separation of a Mixture Containing Calcium Carbonate and Naphthalene Objective: Finding a method to successfully separate a mixture of calcium carbonate and naphthalene. Properties to be considered: Calcium Carbonate Naphthalene Solubility in water slightly insoluble Solubility in ethanol insoluble partially Melting point 825 degrees C 80.2 degrees C Boiling point decomposes 218 degrees C Procedure: Subliming the mixture seemed to be the most practical solution due to the information given in lab by the instructor of the calcium carbonate and the naphthalene. Their properties of solubility with water or ethanol was either ... Show more content on ... Once subliming took place, the naphthalene crystals started to form directly on the bottom of the watch glass instead of the sides of the beaker, which was the indication that the beaker was the correct size. Once the mixture was completely separated and the beaker cooled off to room temperature; the beaker and watch glass was scraped for the remaining residue, and after which they were weighed. Data and
  • 3. BA 620 exam CHAPTER 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, CASH FLOW, AND TAXES True/False Easy: (2.1) Annual reportF K Answer: a EASY 1. The annual report contains four basic financial statements: the income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and statement of stockholders equity. a. True b. False (2.1) Annual report and expectationsF K Answer: a EASY 2. The primary reason the annual report is important in finance is that it is used by investors when they form expectations about the firm s future earnings and dividends, and the riskiness of those cash flows. a. True b. False (2.2) ... Show more content on ... True b. False (2.9) Federal income taxes:int expense and dividends FK Answer: b EASY 12.
  • 4. The interest and dividends paid by a corporation are considered to be deductible operating expenses, hence they decrease the firm s tax liability. a. True b. False (Comp: 2.2,2.3) Financial statementsF K Answer: b EASY 13. The balance sheet is a financial statement that measures the flow of funds into and out of various accounts over time, while the income statement measures the firm s financial position at a point in time. a. True b. False Medium: (2.4) Retained earningsF K Answer: b MEDIUM 14. Its retained earnings is the actual cash that the firm has generated through operations less the cash that has been paid out to stockholders as dividends. Retained earnings are kept in cash or near cash accounts and, thus, these cash accounts, when added together, will always be equal to the firm s total retained earnings. a. True b. False (2.4) Retained earningsF K Answer: a MEDIUM 15. The retained earnings account on the balance sheet does not represent cash. Rather, it
  • 5. represents part of stockholders claims against the firm s existing assets. This implies that retained earnings are in fact
  • 6. Example Of Anthropology Case Study Natural... Holistic... Organic... Everywhere you turn these days it seems like the newest trend in healthcare and disease prevention is actually living a healthy, balanced lifestyle in harmony with nature. For Dr. Major Tallent of Alcoa Chiropractic, the natural old fashioned approach to life is not a new fad but a lifestyle. Residing in Greenback with his wife Tammy who also works at Alcoa Chiropractic as the insurance administrator Dr. Tallent is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys hunting and fishing year round and the game he bags or reels in is incorporated into his family s diet, along with homegrown vegetables. A native of Virginia who received degrees from Virginia s Life University and Lynchburg College, Dr. Tallent s rural roots... Show more content on ... Tallent is able to leverage his experience and philosophy in a unique way to the benefit of his patients. Besides practicing traditional chiropractic adjustments, he also leads the rehabilitation program. We will bend over backwards here to get you better, Dr. Tallent says of Alcoa Chiro s functional rehabilitation focused program that is personalized to the needs of each patient. After meeting with a patient and assessing the problem Dr. Tallent orders X Rays and develops a specific care plan to address the issue using Alcoa Chiro s wide array of treatment tools. It s not a cookie cutter approach. Some patients, for example might need more traditional chiropractic adjustment but others might benefit from muscular strengthening or rehabilitation exercises. Dr. Tallent believes his hands on approach to traditional adjustment is not only superior to the instrument only adjustment approach, but also allows him to get a more thorough understanding of the patient s overall health. Often Alcoa Chiro will refer patients to other healthcare practices after discovering an underlying health condition. Integrating chiropractic care with overall healthcare is really part of the core mission at Alcoa
  • 7. Socrates Book I Of The Republic Book I of the Republic Despite the fact that Book I of the Republic is a monotonous and troublesome content to overcome, I gained some knowledge from perusing the content. What I got from perusing Book I generally speaking is that Plato s contention depends on capacity to demonstrate that equity is righteousness and makes the fair individual glad which makes equity significant. I additionally got from alternate endeavors of characterizing capacity as Cephalus contends that equity is reimbursing obligation and coming clean, yet Socrates counterexample demonstrates that Cephalus definition is fortuitous. Polemarchus contends that equity is doing admirably to companions who are great and doing damage to adversaries who are terrible, however Socrates highlights that companions can ... Show more content on ... Polemarchus claims that equity comprises of profiting one s companions and hurting one s foes. Polemarchus limits his qualification to companions and foes. In the event that equity relies on upon whether one is a companion or an adversary than it is questionable how that qualification will be made. The judgment whether somebody has acted evenhandedly will rely on upon whether he is delegated a companion of adversary. Polemarchus state of mind to equity, not at all like his father s, does not perceive any quality inalienable in equity. Polemarchus considers equity to be a result of the refinement with respect our connection of that dealings as with companions or foes. In the event that returning something obtained is destructive then it s being a simply demonstration relies on upon whether the moneylender is companion or not. Be that as it may, Polemarchus view does not recognize acting legitimately from acting as per what is socially expected, as the treatment of an individual relies on the way of their association with those in
  • 8. Memorie Episodic Memory Paper Have you ever wondered how you can remember things so easily sometimes without hesitation? Your brain is made up of millions of different chemicals and processes to create these memories. Psychologist Margaret W. Matlin describes memory as the process of retaining information over time (Zimmermann). This process includes encoding, storing, retaining and then recalling thoughts. Without our memorywe would be lost not knowing where you are in time, endlessly moving forward. Memory is essential for almost everything you do day by day, consider for a moment how much you rely on your memory to help you function just in one day such as using your phone, test answers or as simple as eating (Cherry). Encoding is the crucial first step to creating a new memory (Mastin). This is meant to cement the memory in your head using various parts of the brain. There are three types of encoding such as Acoustic, Visual and Semantic (Mastin). Encoding... Show more content on ... Episodic memory critically depends on the medial temporal lobe and several neocortical regions during memory encoding (Papassotiropoulos). Memory strategies to help with long term memory has not been shown to affect memory rehabilitation (Ylvisaker). One reason is people with common forgetfulness often do not use the strategies that have been taught to help with memorization. Also most have limited space in their working memory, therefore it is hard to remember these strategies. Most of the studies have been conducted with adults who rarely have to learn or memorize large amounts of new information. However, in an academic atmosphere, it is worth encouraging students to do at least some of the following at the time of encoding to enhance their memory (Hibbard). These being summarizing, taking notes, speaking information aloud and taking in reasonably small amounts of information in short amounts of
  • 9. Bilbo Coming Of Age Essay The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien is a perfect example of a coming of age story. Bilbo, the main protagonist, started his journey as a sheltered hobbit. It was clear that he had potential to do something great, but his own insecurities and his fear to stand out crippled his progression in life. He didn t leave his house often, and he hardly took any risks. He failed to grow as an individual. Bilbo throughout the book he experienced personal growth through his encounter with the goblins he, he became confident through the events that happened at Mirkwood, and when he returned home at the end of the journey, he was filled with self love and pride. At the beginning of the book, Bilbo told Gandalf that he did not want anything to do with the journey. He feared for his safety, and he had nightmares the night before the journey started. However, throughout his journey, he bonded and learned a lot from the dwarves. He found out who he really... Show more content on ... One night while traveling through the Mirkwood forest, they saw a flicker of light and decided to go towards it. Born and Gandalf did warn them about this, and told them not to follow the light. After Bilbo gets captured by the giant spider, his will and perseverance is tested. Not only does he escape from the spider s trap, but he also defeats the spider and saves the party. He gains even more experience, and becomes a leader in the group. Before he returned home, he was assumed dead and his items were auctioned off to the members of his community. When he finally arrived, he was treated as an outcast because adventures are looked frowned upon in the hobbit community. Without the friends and companions Bilbo made on the journey, Bilbo would have been completely alone. However, he didn t really care of how his peers perceived him. Bilbo was not only proud of himself, but he knew he was happy and comfortable with the path he took, and the life he
  • 10. Korea Inhumane Research Paper There are countries on this planet that still commit inhumane acts towards their own people every day; one country that still does this is the Democratic People s Republic of Korea. The Democratic People s Republic of Korea, since its creation after World War II, has used inhumane methods and propaganda to get the people to obey the government. The root of this cause sprung into existence before the Second World War and the Japanese exploitation of the land. Koreans were then known as the Hermit Kingdom , as they would resist any form of foreign occupation. In 1866, an armed Merchant Ship, called the USS General Sherman , ( General Sherman incident ) was on a political trip and trade mission to Korea; however, the mission ended abruptly ... Show more content on ... The government claims that citizens get the full amount of basic rights and claim that DPRK has the best rights in the world ( Federal Research Division, 172 175). Contrary to what they said, the DPRK is one of the most repressive governments on the face of the earth. Their constitution claims that they get freedom of religion, speech, press, and more ( 175 176). The North Korean government instead ignores every single word in their own constitution (United Nations Human Rights Council 3). The Supreme People s Assembly meets only once a year ( Federal Research Division, 175 176). The current state of modern North Korea is based off the policy of aggression, fear, and governmental brainwashing. (Daily Mail Reporter). North Korean citizens can and will be placed in a labor camp if they do anything that goes against the regime ( North Korea ). Not only can North Korean citizens get placed in a labor camp for going against the regime, but foreigners can and will be placed in a labor camp for committing that crime, too (David Brunnstrom). In the North, the government boasts about many of their so called achievements and superiority over the others. Their media constantly shows how plentiful and how powerful the country is ( Kim Jong Un s New Year Address ). Videos and images of industry, food, technology, and stocked stores picture the country as a perfect
  • 11. Odysseus Weaknesses Odysseus, hero of the Greeks. The warrior that fought ferocious beast and prolonged wars. Along With being larger than life, he had many strengths, weaknesses, and conflicts. One quality of Odysseus being hero is that he had strengths. Homer describes Odysseus as having substantial military skills, and superlative bravery. Odysseusstrengths include him being a leader to his men. Thus with distinct precaution I prepared/My people (Homer). Odysseus says, Me only she permits those strains to hear, that shows he was the only one to be trusted by Circe s (Homer). Because of his astounding strengths Odysseus was considered to be a true warrior. Not only does he have sundry strengths, he has weaknesses. First, Odysseus was tempted to listen
  • 12. The Ecological Footprint Of The Human Race The ecological footprint of the human race is only getting bigger and bigger as our population steadily increases. It is estimated that our population grows 1.1% each year and it doesn t show a trace of slowing down ( We have all hopefully heard the phrase reduce, reuse, and recycle. This phrase alone could help us gradually reduce our ecological footprint, but many poor countries don t have governing systems that takes in and sorts plastic or paper products. Some environmentalists say that unless something drastically changes, humans are doomed in the future because of lack of resources. Some say that by then, humans will have sufficient technology to sustain ourselves and our large resource consuming population. I think most people can agree that if we all change our mindset and governments work together to solve the problem, there can be drastic improvements. As stated from, An increase in population size makes excessive demands on natural resources, and increases the demand on agriculture and livestock. Overall, there are many negative impacts associated with population explosion. Some environmentalists believe that the human race will reach its carrying capacity relatively soon and our population will plummet. I beg to differ because I think that humans will find a way to solve the population problem before disasters arrive. The most efficient and easy way to solve the problem is very controversial. In The Tragedy of the
  • 13. Stereotypes In Family Guy When people think of domestic jobs they think of jobs that give low pay, are labor intensive, have no benefits, require no degree work to carry out, and are worked by minorities. While these perceptions for the most part are true; the negative stigma attached to them is wrong as well as the assumption that only minorities are the ones who work them. Another negative portrayal of Mexicans displayed by the media is that Mexicans only work domestic jobs, but that is not the reality. In the show Family Guywhere they too make fun of ethnic groups regarding their stereotypes they portrays a Mexican woman named Consuela who is the housekeeper of the Griffins the main characters of the show. In the one of the episodes we can see Consuela kicking the... Show more content on ... The image of Consuela shown as the typical Mexican housemaid is one with many negative repercussions. She is shown on many occasions portraying these stereotypes in many other episodes as well. In an article called Mexican Immigrants in the United States the Migration Policy Institute gathered information from the U.S. Census Bureau to show the occupation of jobs that Mexicans have. For the most part Mexicans do have a large portion of their population working in service occupations. Aside from that Mexicans do work in jobs of management, and business which are all jobs that take a higher level of education to obtain. Although the percentage of Mexicans occupying these jobs is low the assumption and stereotyping of all Mexicans assuming they work domestic jobs is something that should not be done because it diminishes the accomplishments of the Mexicans who have obtained those higher paying jobs through hard work. Instead of stereotyping Mexicans by this misconception we should not be judgmental towards them, and be able to recognize their accomplishments of being able to obtain higher paying jobs and breaking that
  • 14. A Comprehensive Suite Of Managed Security Services MACCIUS offers a comprehensive suite of managed security services, providing you with 24/7/365 management and monitoring of your security systems. Our globally available services are managed by a recognized team of experts, bringing years of experience into the equation when delivering secure solutions to your business. A steadfast firewall is one of the key elements of your network s infrastructure. Without a secure firewall, hackers can easily infiltrate your most critical data. MACCIUS managed security services shield you from the volume of sophisticated threats that are growing at an alarming rate. Managed Firewall MACCIUS will implement and cost effectively manage a best of breed firewall system on your premises, at a MACCIUS data center or at a third party location of your choice. We provide two options for a complete firewall management and monitoring solution: Managed Firewall Services include MACCIUS provided hardware, software licenses, maintenance, monitoring and management by our team of reliable security experts. Firewall Care Services extend the same monitoring and management to the firewall hardware and software owned by you. Benefits of MACCIUS Firewall Management: MACCIUS constantly monitors firewall health, responds to automated alerts and potential problems in minutes, and resolves most issues without the need to contact customer personnel. Reporting allows you to know where your threats originate and better address any vulnerability.
  • 15. Is Hamlet Relevant Today Hamlet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare about a prince and his life after his father is murdered. He must avenge his father s death, by killing his uncle. He is in love with a girl, Ophelia, who kills herself after prince Hamlet drives her insane. Hamlet kills the father of Ophelia accidentally, upsetting Laertes, Ophelia s brother. Laertes and Hamletwere to have a duel by the request of the king. Laertes tries to cheat in the duel, resulting in the death of Hamlet, Claudius (Hamlet s uncle), Gertrude(Hamlet s mother), and Laertes. While this tragedy is very old, many of the principals of Hamlet are still relevant in today s society due to the modern occurrences of love, hatred, and revenge. In today s society suicide as a result of someone else actions is a very common occurrence. In Hamlet, Ophelia is driven away from Hamlet because she is made to believe that he loves her, and when he treats her poorly again and again, she begins to go crazy. (Act 3 Scene 1) The subject behind this part of the tragedy seems to be a timeless tale. People will always be hurt by others actions, especially... Show more content on ... Obviously, people will always die, but that is not that is all to the theme. Hamet fears death at the beginning of the play. His father has just passed, which puts him into a depression. (Act 2 scene 2) Later after Hamlet has become even further depressed, he cannot decide if he wants to live anymore. (Act 3 scene 3) This can be a common feeling in today s world when losing the life of a loved one. After Hamlet discovers the death of Ophelia, and he sees his mother killed in front of him, he accepts the fact that he is going to die sometime and that his time is now.(Act 5 scene 2) Hamlet also tries to escape death when he escapes from the boat and returns home. (Act 4 scene 5) This is similar to today s society because some people might actually attempt to run from their own death, like breaking out of
  • 16. Wild Card Essay DECLARE @v1 varchar(40); SET @v1 = #39;This is the original. #39;; SET @v1 += #39; More text. #39;; PRINT @v1; % (Wildcard Character(s) to Match) Matches any string of zero or more characters. This wildcard character can be used as either a prefix or a suffix. The following example returns all the first names of people in the Person table of AdventureWorks2012 that start with Dan. SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person WHERE FirstName LIKE #39;Dan% #39;; GO [ ] (Wildcard Character(s) to Match) Matches any single character within the specified range or set that is specified between brackets [ ]. These wildcard characters can be used in string comparisons that involve pattern matching, such as LIKE and PATINDEX. The following ... Show more content on ... For example, if a variable @x equals 35, then @x += 2 takes the original value of @x, add 2 and sets @x to that new value (37). Transact SQL provides the following compound operators: Operator Link to more information Action += += (Add EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Adds some amount to the original value and sets the original value to the result. = = (Subtract EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Subtracts some amount from the original value and sets the original value to the result. *= *= (Multiply EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Multiplies by an amount and sets the original value to the result. /= (Divide EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Divides by an amount and sets the original value to the result. %= Modulo EQUALS (Transact SQL) Divides by an amount and sets the original value to the modulo. amp;= amp;= (Bitwise AND EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise AND and sets the original value to the result. ^= ^= (Bitwise Exclusive OR EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise exclusive OR and sets the original value to the result. |= |= (Bitwise OR EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise OR and sets the original value to the result. Operator Precedence When a complex expression has multiple operators, operator precedence determines the sequence in which the operations are performed. The order of execution can significantly affect the resulting value.+
  • 17. The Impact Of Adventist Health Systems On Health Care... BACKGROUND In 1866 the Seven day Adventist Church in Battle Creek, Michigan established a private nonprofit healthcare program. This program starting expanding in 12 different states, in 1973 the Seven day Adventist church founded Adventist Health System in order to support and strengthen all faith based Seven day Adventist health care organizations in the United States under one mission statement of Extending the healing ministry of Christ. Adventist Health Systems is currently compromised of 46 hospital campuses, skilled nursing facilities, home health and hospice, urgent care centers and around 82,000 employees in the states of Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Texas, Michigan, Kentucky, Colorado, Tennessee, Wisconsin, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Kansas (Adventist Health System, 2016). Adventist Health Systems is committed to be a national leader in health care quality, safety, and patient satisfaction to the 4.7 million patients who visit them annually. It is ensured to provide each patient that seeks health care services a whole person health experience, not only providing health care services but also providing a blueprint for healthy living called CREATION Health. Each letter in CREATION has a meaning bases on the principle of the story of creation in the Bible. C stands for Choice, R stands for Rest, E stands for Environment, A stands for Activity, T stands for Trust, I stands for Interpersonal relationships, O stands for Outlook, and N stands for Nutrition.
  • 18. Jude Law Research Paper According to Warner Bros. Pictures, British actor Jude Law has been selected to portray a young version of Hogwarts venerable headmaster Albus Dumbledore, a key character in the second film of JK Rowling s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie spinoff. Some of you might even wonder who Jude Law is, where did he come from and how did he gain success as an actor? Jude Law was born in Lewisham, South London in 29 December 1972. His name was being a bit of both based on the book Jude the Obscure and the song Hey Jude by the Beatles. He was also the second child of two teachers, with his father being the youngest headmaster in London. Then, he grew up in Blackheath, an area in the Borough of Greenwich, and received his education ... Show more content on ... His first major role was Foxtrot Darling in The Fastest Clock in the Universe by Philip Ridley. During that time, he won several awards and nominations such as the Laurence Olivier Award for Outstanding Newcomer, the Ina Charleson Award for Outstanding Newcomer and the Most Promising Newcomer from the Evening Standar British Film Awards. One film that gained him international attention was the Talented Mr. Ripley based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith in 1999, where he played Dickie Greenleaf. From there, he won an MTV Movie Award nomination, a Golden Globe Award, an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actorand a BAFTA award for Best Supporting Actor. During the 2000s, he played W.P. Inman the epic war film of Cold Mountain based on the best selling novel by Anthony Minghella and received Academy Award, Golden Globe Award and British Academy Film Award nominations. He was also well known in other motion pictures as well. Starting from 2009, Law played Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes famous assistant in the film of the same name and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows in 2011, with Robert Downey Jr. as the smart detective
  • 19. Jiro Dreams Of Sushi Essay Sara Rutherfurd Takakura Sensei Japanese 1 09 August 2017 Culture Report: The Shokunin Influence The 2011 documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi by the American director David Gelb is about an 85 year old sushi master named Jiro Ono and his Michelin 3 star rated restaurant Sukiyabashi Jiro in a Tokyo subway station. Like many films about food, Jiro Dreams of Sushi shows artfully arranged and delicious looking sushi with a tasteful background of classical music. Naturally, after watching a movie about sushi, anyone would want to make a reservation and book a flight to Japan. However, there is more to this documentary than the food alone. The story of Jiro s quest to perfect the craft of making sushi and presenting it in his restaurant for the ... Show more content on ... The Smithsonian Magazine article How Japan Copied American Culture and Made it Better describes how Japan outdoes America in Americana, taking iconic American products such as bourbon, burgers, jazz, and clothing, improving and elevating them (Downey). It is simply incredible that they have taken their single minded attention to detail and focused on what makes these American products good, and then reinvented them into an even greater version than the original. Even Kumon, the Japanese math enrichment program, is based on a system of self learning through repetition resulting in perfecting the student s ability to perform math calculations accurately and to retain the material learned (Kumon). As the saying goes, Practice makes perfect, and what is repetition, but practice? Another hallmark of the shokunin philosophy which is seen in Japanese culture is their sense of purpose with regard to work. The shokunin seeks perfection in their craft, not for personal gain or accolades, but rather to push the boundaries of the craft and make it better. A shokunin who is trained in the craft of tategu shi, shoji screen making, Toshio Odate, is interviewed in the article The Craft of the Shokunin (Warner 1). Odate s work is done in the customer s home and does not require a work bench or sanding tools. Using his body to hold the pieces of wood steady, and planing tools with swift strokes to give a greater polish to the surface, Odate s work is an artform on
  • 20. Final Paper AAD 251 Jocelyn Herana June 3, 2012 AAD 251 Greg Gurley FINAL REFELCTION How has this class experience enhanced your ability to communicate visually? How are you more visually literate? This class experience has enhanced my understanding of the art world and how visuals play a major role in expressing certain ideals. The way certain artists portray their art is caused by many different techniques. It s amazing to see my progression through out from week to week through my discussion boards. I even learned something the very first week of class, in the Abbott reflection I stated, A big theme in this photograph is the use of lines. As we have studied in class lines add a lot of meaning and can be used interchangeably. Also, I like how the... Show more content on ... Also, in my discussion I reflected on how, this image is culturally important because it represents that females can be strong and powerful. I never realized how much art can reflect upon the society and how important the media is when it. There are a lot of politics in art, but not all art forms can be pleasing to the viewers, it s about doing what you like and there is no need to adjust your point of view. There are so many different types of art forms, and I m glad we experienced and learned about them in this class. I have ultimately formed a love for different art forms, and can t wait to experience them in the future. 3. Did you encounter a break through moment where you saw a perspective that previously was not in your experience? Describe the experience of looking . My break through moment in this class was quite recently actually during the semester project analysis of commercials and the media. I found this project so interesting. The media plays a powerful part in today s society, and seeing it in action in commercials was quite shocking. I definitely underestimated the power of advertisement, and loved analyzing the different techniques used by producers. Another reason why I thought of this as my break through moment was because I am studying a lot about the effect of the media on society in different classes, specifically my women and gender
  • 21. Research Paper On Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky was born in Russia in 1882. His music influences came mainly from his father who was a famous operatic baritone and a bibliophile. Igor Stravinsky himself never went to the conservatorium and his first composition lessons were with Vladimir Rimsky Korsakov. Consequently, Stravinsky developed his own idiosyncratic taste in music. During his early and middle compositional years, Serge Diaghilev arranged for Stravinsky s pieces such as the Rite of Spring to be premiГЁred and performed in Paris (Druskin and Cooper, 1983). That was the point in time where Stravinsky started to be thought of as a nationalist composer because in Paris he sounded very exotic (Walsh, 2017). However, his style did not remain static throughout his life. During
  • 22. Twenty Leagues Under The Sea Reports Ryan Green Ms.Wilson Pre AP ELA 09 October 2017 Title of Your Report In the novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne, the author develops a charming protagonist named professor Arronax. He and his faithful servant Conseil were originally aboard the Abraham Lincoln in search of a cetacean that had been destroying boats worldwide. They were on the boat a few months when the finally found this cetacean then it hit the Abraham Lincoln sending Conseil, Professor Aronnax, and his friend Ned Land overboard. They were soon rescued by a submarine. The submarine turned out to be the cetacean that had been destroying ships. They soon met Captain Nemo, a man who wanted to cut himself off from society so he built a submarine that ... Show more content on ... You have to alive that special charisma to get along with people so well. This inspires and motivates Nemo into letting them stay, thrive, live, and learn on the Nautilus. A second example of this is when he befriends Ned Land, a Canadian harpooner in which the Abraham Lincoln recruited to harpoon the mighty narwhal they thought they were hunting. He was an arrogant man who believed he was the best in his field and Arronax (along with conseil) seemed to be the only people he enjoyed to communicate with, Yes I understand, replied Ned, because the water surrounds me does not penetrate. Precisely Ned: ... This is another example of Professor Arronax getting people to like him using his unique charm. Ned became more attentive when talking to Arronax because you could have an interesting and enjoyable conversation with him. I think his charisma played a very large role in the story because it allowed him to befriend people that have useful traits and abilities. One of Professor Arronax s most important traits is his vast knowledge of everything marine biology. It shows that he is willing to learn new things and and that he also teaches other about the things he knows. It also contributes to his charisma because people seem
  • 23. Using P-Element Induced Male Recombination to Generate a... Using P element Induced Male Recombination to Generate a Deletion in the DMAP1 Gene on Chromosome Two in Drosophila melanogaster Abstract: The goal of this study was to induce a deletion in the DMAP1 gene on chromosome two in Drosophila melanogaster through P element mobilization. The DMAP1 gene may be an essential gene, however not much is known about it. We attempted to uncover the function of DMAP1 by creating a series of genetic crosses and selecting for brown eyed non stubble male flies that may have the deletion. To test whether these flies had the deletion, we produced PCR products and ran them on an agarose gel, which resulted as inconclusive. We created a balanced stock of flies homozygous for the deletion to see if the ... Show more content on ... For example, wings clipped P elements that lack the inverted repeats (not able to be mobilized themselves), which are not internally deleted and can produce a transposase source, can be introduced to the internally deleted P element to provide transposase and therefore allow transposition to occur. The provided transposase recognizes and binds to inverted repeats on the internally deleted P element, which introduces nicks in the DNA beside the inverted repeats. This allows the element to excise and insert into a new location. If it excises neatly out of the DNA, a deletion will not occur. However, if it excises to a homologue towards the right or the left, due to an error in the excision process, a deletion will occur through this pre meiotic recombination event. This process of P element mobilization is the basis of how we directed recombination in male flies, and therefore the basis of generating deletions in the DMAP1 gene. We made several crosses that allowed P element mobilization to occur in male flies by crossing P element strains (non autonomous) to a transposase source, producing heterozygous flies containing a P element and a transposase source, and therefore allowing us to induce and detect male recombination events in progeny. The specific recombination event of interest is when the P element is mobilized towards the right onto a homologue, which may have induced a deletion in
  • 24. Sports Science Personal Statement With performance analysts, sports scientists, and physiotherapists growing in demand, with the ever more focused objectives within the sporting world on achieving the best results possible, I am eager to study a subject that is continually flourishing in opportunities. With the margins between victory and defeat becoming ever more miniscule the necessity to find that two percent increase in speed or a set of practices to improve the task cohesion of a team is a demand placed on many managers and scientists. With an overwhelming amount of world records, this summer s Olympics highlighted just how these scientists are continuing to push our athlete s potentials further than ever thought possible. With the technology and understanding of the human anatomy advancing, it is an exciting time to be completing a degree in Sport Science and I look forward... Show more content on ... A Sports Science degree is of interest as it traditionally incorporates areas of exercise physiology and biochemistry alongside various optional modules allowing an individualised degree to be moulded around my particular interests. Studying biology has sparked my interest in the fundamental principles underlying exercise physiology in sport. Sports and exercise scientists work to develop athletes until they reach their maximal physical limits, being an athlete myself I can appreciate how important it is to also maintain health and prevent injury to avoid any regression in performance. On the other hand, studying both A2 Psychology and Physical Education has allowed me to consider how influential our psychological processes such as anxiety, arousal and motivation are in an athletes performance and wellbeing, I find interest in implementing this knowledge when playing netball and when in highly stressful situations such as exams as I understand how to cope in high pressure environments using stress management
  • 25. The Importance Of Communicating And People Understand... Communication has always been a up and down aspect in my life. I believe communicating is the purpose of receiving and giving information to others, but I also believe that communicating is a way of expressing yourself to the rest of the world. I do understand that others have greater levels of communicating and people understand communicationdifferently. I have experienced both of these aspects of communication in groups I have been part of. Personally, I prefer to work in a group setting rather than as an individual. I like the support, experiences, and even friendships that evolve from group work. I believe that group communication helps to create a memorable and positive outcome for the task rather than doing it independently. I have been apart of many groups throughout my high school and college years and I have enjoyed and learned many different things from each one. One group in particular in which I learned a lot and was able to gain many skills was from my core group . I was a New Student Orientation Assistant (NSOA) when entering my sophomore year at Eastern. NSOAs assist the new students with their transition to Eastern. There were over 150 of us students that were divided into core groups. I was with my core group for five days and with them throughout those days for more than 12 hours. Through those long training days, we learned a lot about one another. As a group, we bonded and were able to successfully complete the First Four training and orientation.
  • 26. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Role Play Activity The Role Play Activity The Role Play Activity could be the best way to stimulate conversation. By this activity, 1st year EFL learners can learn new vocabulary, words statements and know how to use them in its correct context by asking to perform dialogues, negotiate with your partner on an item such as computer or large piece of furniture, and discuss things such as warranty that are found in (ESLGold, 2010). This activity will help them to know the right place of each discourse and give them an opportunity to practice it well, improve the FL and create a relaxed area while sharing ideas. As Livingstone said, The role play is a classroom activity, which gives the student the opportunity to practice the language, the aspects of role behaviour ... Show more content on ... In simulations, 1st year EFL learners could bring items to the class to create a realistic environment. For instance, if a learner is acting as a singer, she brings a microphone to sing and so on. Role plays and simulations have many advantages. First, since they are entertaining, they motivate the learners. Second, as Harmer (2001, p. 275) suggests, they increase the self confidence of hesitant learners, because in role play and simulation activities, they will have a different role and do not have to speak for themselves. Storytelling First year EFL Learners could create their own stories to tell their classmates or summarize a tale or story they heard from somebody else. Story telling could help learners developing creative thinking and to know how to develop ideas from introduction, body, and then conclusion without forgetting to include the characters and the setting. Learners also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the beginning of each class, the teacher should call few learners to tell short riddles or jokes as an opening. In this way, he will not only address their speaking ability but getting the attention of the class. Story
  • 27. All Quiet On The Western Front Analysis Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet on the Western Front discusses his view of war from a younger generation s viewpoint. Throughout the novel, Remarque describes in detail what it is like to be a soldier in fighting in the war during World War I. Remarque s writing views the war as unnecessary, cruel, and evil. The images painted by Remarque demonstrates the horror and sacrifices that soldiers have to make when they enter the war. All Quiet on the Western Front is not an open anti warnovel. However, the novel has obvious anti war themes and many people such as the Nazi party, consider All Quiet on the Western Front an anti war novel. Erich Maria Remarqueviews of war are apparent in the novel All Quiet on the Western Front considering the images and demonstrations of horror that the characters have to survive through as well as, the actual reality of who the true enemies are to the soldiers. Erich Maria Remarque portrays his view of war through Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front . Remarque mentions briefly several times what it is like for soldiers from their generation to be fighting in the war. For example, For us lads of eighteen, they ought to have been mediators and guides to the world of maturity, the world of work, of duty, of culture, of progress to the future. We often made fun of them and played jokes on them, but in our hearts we trusted them. The idea of authority, which they represented, was associated in our minds with a greater insight and a more humane wisdom. But the first death we saw shattered this belief. We had to recognize that our generation was more to be trusted than theirs. (pg. 7) This quote has a lot of significance throughout the story because this is when Paul and his friends started to understand who the true enemy was. Erich Maria Remarque s view of war is clearly depicted through Paul in the first chapter. For example, Paul discovers that war is actually terrible, it is not the glorified picture that his school master depicts it to be. This can allude to the join the war efforts where anyone and everyone (that was male) was pushed to joining the war efforts because it was patriotic, honorable, and appreciated. In reality, it was patriotic and honorable,
  • 28. The Birth Weight Of A Newborn From the moment a newborn is birthed into the world they begin their physical development at a larger rate than any other period of their life. The first year of life is full of rapid physical growth in all aspects such as weight, height, limb lengths and even the physical growth of internal organs. On average, the birth weight of a newborn will double by the time they reach six months old and triple at the end of their first year of life. While weight is steadily increasing there is also an expansion of the babies head and chest as internal organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs develop as well. (Infancy, 2016) On average the head of a newborn makes up about 25% of their total length, which is the height. This can easily be seen by ... Show more content on ... The size of the brain increases due to the maturation of the brain which includes the forming of connections of neurons and increased cognitive development. (Lumen Learning, 2014) 2: Early Childhood Early childhood also produces physical changes but not to the degree to which infancy does. There are large increases in height, about 3 inches each year, and also gain weight, about 4 to 5 pounds each year. While it is important to recognize that there will be increases in weight gain, during this stage it is very important for the physical development of the child to take special care in their eating habits. (Lumen Learning, 2014) Early childhood is a very active time for children. Children can be seen, for the most part, constantly in motion whether it is jumping, running, or simply being unable to stand still. While children are taking part in these activities they are strengthening their gross motor skills. Most of the physical activity a child takes place in during this time with not be of a high skill level, such as a particular sport. Middle Childhood: The growth rates of middle childhood are generally slower than that of infancy and early childhood. On average a child will gain about 5 7 pounds and grow about 2 inches per year. During this time a child will also start to experience increased muscle strength and even an increase in lung capacity. Because of these things it is possible to children in this stage of development to engage in more
  • 29. Against Grand Canyon National Park I am going to write against the federal government making the grand canyon national park. They should not put park in the grand canyon because there is wildlife, and other things that are special to the world. The animals will run off and you should not hurt wildlife like that. That s a fact jack. People around come out to this park and help make the owners richer and run out wildlife. Alright I m bout to tell you about why there should not be park in Grand Canyon. All the wildlife there is very important to everyone who explores it not to get rid of all of the wildlife. People these days donВґt care about things like that they just want to make money. I think people are plane stupid to get rid of all wildlife, then build park to make
  • 30. Biology Folio Form Four TECHNOLOGY USED IN FOOD PRODUCTION The efforts by Various Agencies to Diversity Food Production ULAM Ulam or vegetable salad consists of fresh leaves , fruits , and other plant parts which are eaten raw . Examples of ulam include : pegaga ( Centella asiatica ) [pic] shoots of papaya [pic] kacang botol [pic] petai ( Parkia speciosa ) [pic] kemangi ( Ocimum sanctum ) [pic] Ulam is rich in mineral ions , vitamins and fibre . some of these plants are used in the preparation of herbal medicines and drinks . FACTS ABOUT pegaga , jering and pucuk kaduk ! Pegaga is now recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an herb thought to generate intelligence in children than can help blood circulation and improve skin health . ... Show more content on ... They are low in cholesterol . Examples of freshwater fish are : Tilapia [pic] Jelawat
  • 31. [pic] Haruan [pic] Methods used to improve the quality and quantity of food production DIRECT SEEDING [pic] Direct seeding spring cereal at Dewald s farm near Davenport , WA Direct seeding is a method in which the seeds are shown directly into the soil by using special machines . The seeds are covered with soil as they are being sown . This method does not involve the transplanting of seedlings and therefore results in less damage to the roots of the seedlings . The plants achieve faster growth and this increases crop yield . Less water is also needed to irrigate the fields . This method is widely used in the planting of paddy to obtain higher yields of rice . HYDROPHONIC [pic] Hydrophonics is a commercial technique for growing certain crop plants in culture solutions rather than soil . The roots of the plants are immersed in a solution which contains all the macronutrients and micronutrients in the correct proportions . The culture solution is aerated to provide sufficient oxygen for respiration . [pic] THE HYDROPHONIC METHOD The nutrient solution is pumped into the container for a given period of time . The growing medium absorbs the nutrient solution , and the nutrient solution is then allowed to drain away . THE NEW DESIGN OF HYDROPHONIC GARDEN [pic] AEROPONICS [pic] Aeroponics is a modified
  • 32. Truth In Dystopian Novels Reading transports me to countries, times and universes allowing me to experience a life outside of my own. As a child I imagined life in a Viking settlement and Queen Elizabeth I s court while also surviving a post apocalyptic dystopia. I gained more worldly experience from the comforts of my bedroom than many of my compatriots in their escapades at the end of the lane. While narrative is memorable, studying English Literature has taught me about the complexities of the language and its ability to convey a message. I am also interested in literature that provides insight into a period in history, and look forward to exploring literature that casts light on little known periods of time. All literature, intentionally or not, critiques society.... Show more content on ... Webber s musical adaption uses costume, setting and score to emphasise the differences in human nature. I am interested in music and drama, performing each year in a combined arts performance with the Dorchester Youth Theatre and I worked on school productions of We Will Rock You and Little Shop of Horrors. These performances have allowed me to work in large companies and have given me ways to express myself creatively. I am working towards Grade Seven in Musical
  • 33. Colon Cancer Case Study Could Coffee be the Cure for Colon Cancer? There are approximately 200,000 to 3 million cases of colon cancer in the US each year; could Coffee be the answer to this illness? The Dana Farber Institute in Boston, MA conducted the study. Those who drank four or more cups of regular (not decaf) coffee per day saw the most benefit, said Diane Stern, co anchor of WBZ News. Cancer researchers located in Boston have discovered drinking coffee daily reduces the risk of colon cancer. The Experiment Dr. Charles Fuchs, director of the Gastrointestnal Cancer Center at the Dana Farber Institute, led the study. 950 people suffering from advanced colon cancer and went through surgery and chemotherapy who partook in the experiment. Patients suffering from stage III colon cancer and drank four cups (460 milligrams) of coffee daily lowered their risk of recurrence by 42 percent. Even people who regularly drank slightly less (two to three cups) per day appeared to reap some of the same benefits, just to a lesser degree, said Alan Mozes, reporter for HealthDay. The Result ... Show more content on ... The researchers found that drinking two cups of caffeinated coffee daily was associated with a reduced risk for cancer recurrence and colon cancer death. That protection was even greater for those consuming three or four cups of coffee daily, reported Mozes. Researchers believe telling their patients to drink coffee as treatment for colon cancer would be rash despite the success of the experiment. Dr. Fuchs said there is only a 35 percent chance of colon cancer recurrence after
  • 34. Essay On The Story Of Chapter 1 I don t know how much longer I can hold out against these guys! Alec exclaimed as he fired another arrow at an oncoming circle member. Stay close to me and you ll be fine Magnus replied, finishing off the circle member who had an arrow sticking out of their chest. It had been a peaceful afternoon for Magnus and Alec, the two of them had been relaxing at Magnus loft when he received a fire message. Valentine had attacked a patrol downtown and major backup was needed, all available hands were required. Reluctantly, the couple had made their way off the couch and downtown to where to fight was happening; almost every shadowhunter from the institute was there and pretty much every local downworlder were fighting at the institute s ... Show more content on ... Magnus head was pounding when he slowly came to, the world blurry around him and his hearing was muffled and fuzzy. Blinking a couple of times, Magnus managed to clear up his sight and his hearing followed suit. Pain was spiking through his neck and his knees as he noticed he was kneeling on a hard concrete floor Where am I? He thought to himself. Raising his head to take in his surroundings he was instantly confused, it looked like some type of extremely old prison. Magnus began to make an attempt to get up but noticed that his hands and feet were bound tightly behind him. Shit... what happened? He also questioned to himself, a groan beside him quickly caught his attention. Looking to his right his eyes widened at the sight of Alec, also kneeling but unconscious Alexander? Alexander! Magnus exclaimed nudging the young shadowhunter with his shoulder, Alec groaned in response but didn t open his eyes Come on Alec wake up! Magnus begged as he continued to nudge him. Finally, Alec s eyes began to flutter open as he
  • 35. Excessive Sweat Perceptions Excessive perspiration is a major issue for many people in today s society. With American culture placing increasing value on the importance of physical perfection, the issue of visual sweat has grown. However, the perception of exorbitant perspiration varies from situation to situation; when working out, being extremely nervous, and out of place sweating are viewed very differently. Personal and social views of extreme sweating when someone is working out are generally considered a positive. Personally, it leaves the person feeling like they have worked hard, increased their overall attractiveness, and improved their health. So for the individualworking out have having excessive sweat increases a positive perception of self and increases self esteem. Socially this is also true, when others see a fit person working hard and sweating hard, they see them as healthy, which leads to feeling that the person is attractive. The main perception of an extremely... Show more content on ... In regards to when someone is nervous or anxious the perceptions vary. On a personal scale, when someone is nervous and sweating profusely, they often feel more nervous and insecure, which creates feelings of weakness and unpreparedness, when an overabundance of sweat accompanies nerves or anxiety. This can lead to a poor view on the self and lead to more anxiety and nerves, creating a cycle of negativity. However, for others viewing the nervous person, the amount of sweat only indicates the person s level of anxiety. This is not necessarily correlated with negative feelings, often others will sympathize with the stressed individual, which is a more positive perception than the nervous person has of them. Also, the other may feel that the sweaty and nervous takes the situation very seriously and is
  • 36. Bless Me Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya Bless Me Ultima Topic #2 Abid Ahmad Abid Ahmad #1 An essential part of someone s life is a place where they are left alone with their own thoughts, not being judged by anyone or anything outside of them. In many cases, this sense of safety can only be found within themselves, because their world is being torn apart by outside influences that have little regard for their own perspective. Similarly, this is ever present with Antonio and his familyin the book Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya. In almost every aspect , Antonio s family persistently attempts to influence him to their own accord, with even his brothers becoming distant memories that left him and expecting him to fulfill his parents antithetical wishes. ... Show more content on ... While his mom argued it would be best for him to become a Luna and be connected to the Earth, his father s side argued that the Marez blood inside of him would compel him to become a vaquero, free to roam the grassy plains and not being shackled by anything. His dream encapsulated the idea of his thinking and identity being imposed on him literally from birth. A child s mind is like clay that can be molded in an infinite amount of directions. The absolutely worst thing a person could do to this flower of growth is to put it in a box that restricts it from germinating on its own. The only saving grace that Tonie found in this dream was Ultima, who eloquently scolded both sides of the family in saying that only she knows what Antonio will become in life. This concept of Antonio s parents tearing him apart from either side and Ultima giving him the peace of mind of his own critical thinking is a recurring theme. As Antonio s mother and father were simultaneously attempting to pull him to completely opposite shores of happiness, they created a chasm of uncertainty that Antonio had become very susceptible to crashing through. Unfortunately, the people furthest away from Antonio only increased the pressure on his shoulders. Antonio had a deep admiration for all three of his brothers that went off to war.Since his brothers were gone for so long, they are portrayed as distant characters that were always so far away
  • 37. Information Protection Using Active Directory Rights... End User Guide ENTERPRISE ENCRYPTION Information Protection Using Active DirectoryВ® Rights Management Services Beach Body Windows Engineering Thursday, 25 June 2015 Version 1.5 Prepared by BeachBody Security Contributors MC Nguyen Revision and Signoff Sheet Change Record DateAuthorVersionChange reference June 11th , 20150.1Initial draft for review/discussion June 24th, 20151.5Update for Active Directory Rights Management Services Reviewers NameVersion approvedPositionDate Custodian Contents Enterprise Encryption5 Use Outlook 2010 and Microsoft RMS to Secure Emails [How To]5 Business Benefit5 Supported Platforms5 Rights Management sharing application user guide5 Examples for using the RMS sharing application5 ________________________________________6 As soon as this process is complete, your document or email will be encrypted with a strong key of 2048bit in key size. The email or document can be saved off/lost or stolen but will remain protected regardless if it falls in the wrong hands.9 Protecting Word, Excel, Powerpoint9 Restrict Access to your documents using Information Rights Management Service9 How to Protect Non Office Documents on Network or Local File Folders14 Protect a file on a device (protect in place) by using the Rights Management sharing application14 To protect a file on a device (protect in place)14 ________________________________________14 Protect a file that you share by email by using the Rights
  • 38. Psychoanalytic Perspective Of Kurtz s Heart Of Darkness Hari Krishnan Period 4 Post AP Literary Theory Dr. Parchesky September 29th, 2017 Psychoanalytic perspective of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness The novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad reveals the uncanny similarities between the Europeans and the natives as well as demonstrates why imperialism is not civilizing the natives. Although Conrad often dehumanizes the natives, he still demonstrates that Europeans still are savage in some ways. Kurtz is an example of the savagery still remnant in European culture buried deep within us. Kurtz s journey in the Congo can be seen as his pure primal expression of his id without restraint from his ego and superego. Kurtz s transformation from a pillar of European ideals and civility to a greedy ... Show more content on ... His descent was mainly caused by the dehumanizing aspect of the Congo which the doctor implies by taking initial measurements . His separation from civilization and the station allow for him to forgo the superego and ego because they are not necessary in the Congo where only his primal drives are necessary for survival shown by the natives. The primal and degrading aura of the Congo can be seen when Marlow says It was unearthly, and the men were No, they were not inhuman. (44). This shows that the aura of the Congo is foreign to the Europeans and environmental factors affect their ability to suppress their id like it is more difficult when alone and away from civilization. The return of Kurtz on Marlow s boat leads to the return of his ego and superego because he is with Europeans again which shows what happens after his morality returns. Kurtz is described to be feel very guilty about his actions, and he says things like I am waiting to die which shows his feelings of utter shame of his actions after he represses his id even further. This culminates into his final words the horror, the horror which shows the extreme guilt and shame towards his actions to the natives and his beliefs of imperialism. This also shows how different one person can be when he lets his id run rampant and when he controls it. Kurtz could be civilized European who embodies the initiative of civilizing the natives, while he could also
  • 39. Suzerainty Treaty Vs Parity Treaty The Lord s role in the book of Exodus begins from the early childhood of Moses. Soon after Moses s birth, King Pharaoh ordered for all the male children to be killed (Watt, 1997). The Lord saved baby Moses from Pharaoh since he would later use him to evacuate the Israelites to the promised land of Canaan. Moses, as a herder, would then in life see a burning bush, from where the Lord spoke to him and instructed to go and tell Pharaoh that he wanted to free the Israelitesfrom bondage in Egypt (Nelson, 1993). 1.Difference between Suzerainty treaty and Parity treaty Parity and suzerain were two types of agreements mainly made in the Old Testament. There were many transition times, and each treaty was laying grounds for engagement between the two parties. Parity treaties were made between two parties which were equal in social ... Show more content on ... Why should Samuel be described as a king maker and a king breaker? God had dedicated Samuel from a very young age that he would be the one to replace Eli as the king of Israel (Tullock, 2006). The fact that God saw him to be a king automatically made him the king maker, but at the same time, Samuel felt that Saul was befitting to be a king, against the instructions of God which led to his consequent punishment by God. 12.What are the two different versions of how Saul and David met? What does this seem to say about the sources used in writing the Deuteronomistic History? According to the book of 2nd Samuel, 17:55 58, it is quoted that Saul did not know David. However, David played the harp for Samuel since it was a tradition at the time for the king to have such an entertainment (Nelson, 1993). There is also another explanation that at the time David was playing the harp for the king, Saul was not in his right mental state. Thus he may not have realized that David was indeed the one playing the harmonica. The other version is that Saul was foretold of David as a king in the making by God. 13.Why did David join forces with the
  • 40. Empress Cixi Research Paper The effects that the Xinhai revolution had on the Chinese government system and the social hierarchy of the time renders the old political adage, Despite the best laid plans, not all desires are realised false, I will be mainly focusing on the motives and actions Sun Yat sen and his followers and the patterns of change in the chinese government and social hieracy of the time. The two main goals of the revolution were for Chinato become a republic where the people decided their leader and to have a social hierarchy both of these goals were met. It was also very successful in the sense of the majority of the Chinese citizens getting what they desired by over throwing the Qing Empire and turning China into a republic. This was mainly in response... Show more content on ... Many drastic changes to the Chinese social hierarchy were also evident as a result as the Xinhai revolution. People were considered more equal in all aspects of life. Such as social status, people could eat what they wanted; dress how they pleased and your class did not necessarily determine your occupation. Before the revolution your class in the social hierarchy determined what you where allowed to wear out in public and what you could eat (Woollacott, 2012). Your class also determined your occupation therefore peasants would have jobs like farming and most upper class would not even need a job. (Randolph, 4, 2012). The revolution also brought more social equality to china in the sense off al class having a say in who runs their country. Before the revolution the very high upper class and the royalty were the only ones with a real say (Randolph, 4, 2012). The empires / who would run China would be chosen by other royalty and the highest upper class citizens (Randolph, 4, 2012). After the revolution all people in China would have a say whom would be president. All people from concubines to royalty had the same vote and if a person had the majority of votes they would rule china until the next election (People s Daily, September 22, 2011). The pattern of change in social hierarchy of China and how people were considered to have equal rights is another way the revolution changed the Chinese social
  • 41. A Noise Within By Luigi Pirandello With the help of directors Geoff Elliott and Julia Rodriguez Elliott, a play within a play comes to A Noise Within. In Six Characters in Search of an Author, six characters appear in front of actors and a director at A Noise Within during a rehearsal with only one desire: to tell their unfinished story. A Noise Within is known quite well for their performances of popular adaptations, and when Robert Brustein s adaptation of Luigi Pirandello s metatheatre absurdist play comes to A Noise Within, it is quite clear what the directors are trying to say. In their production of Six Characters, directors Geoff and Julia Elliott convey the theme that theatres are filled with the impressions of all the characters played there, and will always be a part of that theatre. The success of this adaptation is attributed to no one person, but the collective effort of the people at A Noise Within. This production of Six Characters provides purposeful and creative direction, dedicated actors and actresses, and a stunning use of production values that display an engaging adaptation of the play. It is obvious that Geoff and Julia Elliott were very involved in the direction and created an adaptation in which everything in the play was thought out and had a purpose. This can be seen by the writing done for the play. Most directors choose to perform the play with as few changes to the script as possible. It seems, however, that Geoff and Julia Elliott went out of their way to add to the script in
  • 42. What Are The Long Term Causes Of The Great Depression The Great Depression was a time in the U.S where the economy had dropped and the majority of the population struggled with poverty. One of the long term causes of the Great Depression was that there was no program to help aid the people because President Hoover believed in rugged individualism, another long term reason of the depression was that the people had placed money on the banks and the banks would share it for the stock market and usually didn t give it back. Hoover was elected in 1928, he believed in rugged individualism, natural cycles, and voluntary action which prolonged the depression because there was nothing to back up the people. FDR was elected in 1932 and the New Dealprograms were a set of reforms that Roosevelt had set up... Show more content on ... For instance, FDR had prior knowledge that major communities in the nation had a huge a distrust of the government, the president wanted to achieve that reliance again so that there would be a growing economy once more in the U.S. The belief that FDR had of doing everything you can to make things better illustrates to us and the people of the time that he wanted to gain that trust and faith that everyone had lost because of the prior leader and the depression. Furthermore, President Roosevelt had made a speech covering everything that he was willing to do for his country and the faith of the people. This shows that he wanted to approach everything to make the past a learnable experience and to move on from the tragic downfall the U.S had. Thirdly, He wasn t afraid to loose a lot from the the New Deal programs because he wanted to support the country in need. The President had established an act called the social security act and it was a step forward to the the acts that he had assigned before and after. This shows that everything FDR had done was successful because it gave people that faith again to move forward and create a better moving
  • 43. Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health Social... Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and Children and Young People s Settings Workbook Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and Children and Young People s Settings Workbook Contents Modules Topic Contracts of employment Anti discriminationAge discrimination Statutory rights and responsibilities Disability discrimination Working hours, rest breaks and holiday entitlement Maternity/Paternity, parental and adoption leave Absence and sickness Data protection and access to personal information Health and safety Contracts of employment Anti discrimination Procedures and documentation within your organisation Working hours and holiday entitlements Sickness... Show more content on ... Below is an example of a journal entry: Your reflective learning journal entry should include: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· The description of the event that took place; What you have learned; How it has affected your job role; Short term implications to you or your job role and Long term implications to you or your job role. Creating a new journal entry 1. 2. Click on the button on the navigation menu. Under the Actions Menu click on New Journal. Page | 4 Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and Children and Young People s Settings Workbook The My Learning Journal is very much like sending a message, you have: a subject line, content section and can attach a file or multiple files. 3. 4. 5. Type in the subject for your My Learning Journal entry; In the content section, enter your main journal entry; Attach any reference files by clicking the browse button and selecting the files from your computer. Your journal entry should look like the example listed below: 6. Click the post button once you have checked the contents and your entry will be added to your My Learning Journal . Page | 5 Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care and
  • 44. Posidonia Decline Reasons for decline of Posidonia oceanica P. oceanica meadows are met in transparent and pure waters of Mediterranean area. The prevalence of Posidonia meadows in clear water is a useful tool for biomonitoring the clearness of the desired area. Along with Mytilus galloprovincialis, the Mediterranean mussel, Posidonia is a natural reservoir of different metals acquired from the environment. These metals are released from industrial, agricultural and urban activities in the coastal area and are one of the most persisting pollutants in the environment (Bethoux et al. 1990). Due to its sessile property, Posidonia is an ideal organism for biomonitoring. In a study conducted to compare the bioaccumulation level between M. galloprovincialis and P. oceanica, for cadmium, cobalt, chromium, nickel and lead, P. oceanica... Show more content on ... Frequently, alien species overcome indigenous species by decreasing their reproductive rate, effectively consuming food resources, and possibly leading to extinction of native species (Mooney and Cleland 2001). In Mediterranean, a major threat for Posidonia is the introduction and spreading of Caulerpa racemosa, a tropical macroalga, which is listed as one of the worst invasive species in that region (Streftaris and Zenetos, 2006). This macroalga has affected gravely the marine ecosystem, changing food web network and the composition of animal and plant inhabitant across the meadows (Deudero et al 2011). A relatively new invasive species appeared in Mediterranean, as well for tropics, a red alga Womersleyella setacea, which introduction first time was noticed in Italy in 1986. Between 2003 and 2009 this red alga was recorded in 40 new sites along the Croatian coastline of the Adriatic Sea, which in addition with 10 previously recorded in literature makes 50 new sites were the red alga newly spread (Nikolic et al
  • 45. Word Of Mouth Advertising Social media marketing is the act of promoting a product or company through social media platforms, in hopes to increase brand popularity. These social media platforms can include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, which are all used a great deal every day by society. One of the main benefits of social media marketing is the word of mouth advertising, which results from the ads companies place on social media platforms. To explain, word of mouth advertising is a free form of advertising, in which an advertisement is viewed by an individual and talked about to others, which further advertises the company, or product, to someone who did not view this ad. Today, companies are more likely to reach out to the millenials with their ads through these social media platforms, due to their addictions to these sites. In an article found on Mintel, it is stated, Millennials are more likely than the general population to use social media as a way to connect with brands. (Marketing to Millennials, 2017). Using my personal opinion, I agree with this quote taken from this article, due to being a millennial myself. I believe that companies are gaining more business by advertising to us through our social media platforms, due to the amount of time we spend on them each day. If I see an ad pop up on one of my social media sites, I instantly become interested and click on the ad more than half of the time, which has led to me purchasing a product from that
  • 46. Mirror By Grealy Analysis In the essay Mirrors and the poem Phenomenal Woman , both women learn to accept their self and not listen to society s standards. While they start out differently and both endure different journeys, in the end, they achieve the same goal. Grealy, the author of Mirrors starts her essay with memories of her childhood. As a child, her self hatred started after needing half of her jaw removed results in her looking different from the majority of kids. She emphasizes that she enjoyed Halloween as a child because a mask could hide her abnormal face. Grealy only felt normal as she breathed in the condensed, plastic scented air under the mask (Grealy). Her childhood was spent in grief and self hatred knowing no one would ever love her (Grealy). ... Show more content on ... Grealy considers herself abnormal while Angelou looks at it as being special. Angelou knows she does not fit society s standards, but instead of bringing herself down she uses it as her strength. Unlike Grealy, who hates herself for being abnormal. She spends her life trying to fix her face, which she confusedly thought concurrent with fixing herself, her soul, her life (Grealy). She thought by fitting society s norms she would gain happiness and confidence. Although both women differ in the beginning, in the end Grealy achieves self acceptance bringing her to the same place as Angelou. It takes Grealy longer but she realizes her face is an image, a surface that was not directly related to any true, deep definition of the self (Grealy). Grealy helps readers understand that society is superficial and materialistic focusing on how people look and what they own, which has no real depth and doesn t define people. The influences of society cause Grealy to think of herself as abnormal and ugly . She is able to get to the same place as the Phenomenal Womanin the end, which is self acceptance and self love. Angelou never gives into society s standards and sets herself apart. She knows she is beautiful despite what society thinks. The authors teach readers how people appear to themselves is more important than how society views
  • 47. Similarities Between The Flood And The Epic Of Gilgamesh The Flood Narrative (Genesis 6 9) and the Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet XI have certain parallels that are undeniable, yet many noticeable differences. The parallels are strange yet oddly common in any flood narrative and the differences often lie behind the reasons, responses, and decisions made by the main characters. In both texts, each of the main characters, Noahand Uta napishti, were ordered to build an ark or a boat due to an incoming flood. In Genesis, Godtells Noah, Make yourself an ark of cypress wood, make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch (Genesis 6:14). Noah obeys God s orders and indeed builds an ark. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Uta napishti is told by God Ea, O man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar Tutu, demolish the house and build a boat! Abandon wealth, and seek survival (Gilgamesh, XI, 23 25). Uta napishti knew his life was on the line and followed his orders as well. In both texts, the men are warned that flood will be coming and are given instructions on how to survive. Naturally, if anyone was told a massive flood was coming, one of the first ideas should be to build some type of shelter. However, the details of how the ark/boat was to be built were remarkably different. In Genesis, God gives Noah specific directions: ...the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits...make it with lower, second, and third decks (Genesis 6:15). The ark was designed to be rectangular with three decks
  • 48. Cannery Row As A Pastoral Novel Similar To Tortilla Flat Alexander s excerpt drives his point that Cannery Row is a pastoral novel similar to Tortilla Flat but with deeper and more admirable sentiments. In his point of view, Cannery Row displays the marginal existence of the relatively primitive townsfolk in Monterey, with its pastoral aspects coming from detached, truth hungry Doc. Alexander argues that the pastoral tone of Cannery Row is established in the short inter chapter where Steinbeck renders Monterey as a microcosm with Mack and the boys orbits being more stable than those of the world. In addition, Alexander believes that Mack s famous apology to Doc for wrecking his lab 6recounts the outcast renunciate status of the men. Though as opinionated as any other literary criticism, Alexander justifies his standpoint with specific examples and allusions from the novel. The writing s goal to uphold Cannery Row as one long pastoral poem is more precise and thorough than many other criticism s with similar objectives. Alexander s direct and confident tone makes his essay easier to read compared to other sources. In Benson s article, he describes his belief that Cannery Row is a tribute to friendship, specifically to a man named Ed Ricketts, who some say Doc from Cannery Row vaguely resembles. He approaches the novel from three different perspectives: from the novel s literary context, its underlying naturalistic philosophy, and from the direction of Steinbeck as an artist. Also, Benson contends that Cannery Row
  • 49. Greek Root Astr Over 60% of the words in the English language contain a Greek or Latin root ( Online English Dictionary ). This quantitative figure conveys the importance of Greek and Latin on the development of the words in the English language. One commonly used root, astr, has origins in the Greek language ( Alphabetical Index ). Many words that use the root astr in them relate to stars or space. The root astr, meaning star, comes from the Greek language, and it !is! used in words such as astrolabe, astronomy, and astronaut (Harper). The genesis of the root astr occurred early in the Greek language ( Alphabetical Index ). Greek, an Indo European language, began in the 14th century BC. The Greek language went through many changes following its creation and had many important phases. The first phase, known as the Ancient phase, !was! subdivided into an Archaic period, a Classical period, and a Hellenistic period. The Roman, Byzantine, and Modern phases followed the Ancient phase. Greek also had many various dialects which differed in many ways, but !were! mutually intelligible. During the Greek language s evolution through time, the Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet for their own use. (Newton) The root astr... Show more content on ... It most likely evolved from the French word astronaute. ( Online English Dictionary ) . The word astronaut comes from the Greek roots astron, meaning star, and nautes, meaning ship or sailor. Not until the space race in the 1960s !was! it popularized and became a common word in many Americans vocabularies. The word astronaut !was! used by the United States Space Program as the counterpart of the United Soviet Socialist Republics word cosmonaut, coming from the Greek roots cosmos and nautes, during the space race. (Harper) Astronaut and cosmonaut may differ, but they, like many other words, share a Greek
  • 50. What Is The Purpose Of Mythology Compared To The Ancient... I. Introduction to Classical Mythology 1. The importance of the Iliad is that it shows us what the early Greeks were like which is critical to us the descendants intellectually, and in our politics and art. 2. The Greek miracle is the awakening of Greece which with the disappearance of old things created a whole new way to look at the world. 3. Compared to the Egyptians, the Greeks were more relaxed and casual evident in their portrayal of the gods. The Greeks made their gods look human which had never been done before and they felt at home with them, fearing them yet still at ease knowing all about what they did and even laughing at them. This is much more relaxed than the Egyptians as they didn t make their gods human nor did they dare laugh in their presence. 4. Over time Zeus went from the most powerful god, to a deity that has a moral code that was enforced upon others but not himself, punisher of those that violate it, to punisher of those that did wrong and friend of justice. In general Zeus went from a dictator like state to a more mature and just form of ruler. 5. The three main purposes of myths were for entertainment, religious purposes, and early literature and science. II. Chapter 1: The Gods 1. Cronus (Saturn): Cronus was the king of the Titans, the children of the heavens and earth, and reigned until his son Zeus dethroned him and took power for himself. According to the Romans after being dethroned, Saturn fled to Italy and brought about the
  • 51. Murder, Manslaughter This case note will discuss the issues of the law concerning Murder, Manslaughter and that of Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH), this can be found in The offences Against the Person Act 1861 , Sections 18 , 20 and 36. It will critically discuss and analyze the areas of law in relation to the death of a baby, who was said to have died because she was born prematurely however it is argued that the events that led up to the birth, that is the stabbing of the mother by her mother s boyfriend when she was still a foetus is what contributed to the deathof the baby. The main issue concerning this case note is if the offender in this case the boyfriend can be charged with murder. The legal definition of murder as defined by Sir Edward Coke is the unlawful
  • 52. Famine In Somalia Research Paper Disasters in Somalia How many of you know what famine is? Famine is an extreme and long term shortage of food that leads to widespread hunger and sometimes death to millions of people. Granted, many of you may be aware of what famine might be, however, there are very few if not any of you that have experienced this firsthand. Unfortunately, the people of Somalia and Ethiopia don t happen to be as fortunate as us. Everyday thousands of people continue to die from starvation, dehydration, diseases, and the list can go on. Both Somalia and Ethiopia are located within the far north eastern part of Africa. Famineproblems within this part of the country dates back to the late 1900 s. During the early 1990 s, more than 300,000
  • 53. David Bailey Essay From East End to London David Bailey is an English author and photographer based in East London. He is widely revelled as one of the greatest photographers ever; thanks to his free spirited and nonconformist approach to his technique. He felt as though he needed to integrate himself into his projects as well as his subjects, which is what set him apart from the others in his league. He always showed a piece of himself in every photograph or portrait in his career. Way back in January 2nd 1938, Bailey was born into a blue collar family up in East Ham, London. He had trouble in school with reading and spelling (which he would later be diagnosed with dyslexia); the way he got around reading was by looking at the way the letters were written. He memorized them. By the time the young Bailey turned 15, he dropped out of school and three years later was drafted into the Royal Air Force in 1956. That s when his magic began. Needing an outlet during his service, Bailey discovered his first inspiration Henri Cartier Bresson. He became infatuated with the world... Show more content on ... The most popular one is Box of Pin Ups. It is a 14 1/2 x 12 1/2 in. box containing 36 subject photos of Mick Jagger, the Beatles, Andy Warhol, Jean Shrimpton, Cecil Beaton, Terence Stamp and Rudolf Nureyev. Dramatic yet at the same time, gentle. Bailey s use of lighting captured his subjects natural cheek bones and beautiful curves and crevices. His work is timeless. Other books include Models Close Up (a book documenting interviews with some of the most popular models of his time), Imagine: A Book for Band Aid, and the Wonder of Forgiveness which was released earlier this year. Forgiveness works beyond the taking away of our sins. Forgiveness works a wonder. It changes the way we think; it governs the direction of our walk; it generates sincerity in our worship, and moderates our relationships with God and fellow
  • 54. Nail Polish Research Papers There are dozens of brands of nail polish in hundreds of colors and textures. Of these brands several make the claim to be the fastest drying. However, do all nail polishes dry at the same speed? Does the brand, texture or even color make a difference in the speed at which a nail polish dries? It is my belief that polish of a thinner consistency would dry the quickest. Based on the consistency of the four brands I will be experimenting with, this leads me to believe that Sally Hansen Insta dri will be the fastest drying nail polish. What is nail polish? Nail polish is a form of paint that can be applied to fingernails or toenails to decorate them. All nail polish contains the same basic ingredients: Nitrocellulose, resins and solvents, plasticizer, and dyes or pigments. Beyond the basic ingredients, each brand may include a dozen more ingredients for shine, texture or so on. One of the main ingredient, ... Show more content on ... Essie brand currently has the most variety of colors and textures. Acrylic nails were first introduced in 1978 and were actually invented by a dentist! In the 1930 s nail polish cost about .35 cents. The most expensive nail polish cost $250,000 and was made with diamonds. In 2012, nail polish sales were $768 million. Nail polish and nail salons continues to see growth. Experiment and Conclusion. Nail polish today comes in so many different forms, different colors, different cost, but all contain the same basic formula. Despite the texture, color or type of polish used, most brands direct you to put on thin coats, allowing each coat to dry before applying a new coat. Most brand states it takes 2 full minutes for each coat to sufficiently dry. For my experiment I looked at four brands, two that are designed for quick dry and marketed that way, plus two that are simple basic nail polish. Wet N Wild Fastdry, claims to dry in 60
  • 55. Similarities Between Jacobs And Frederick Douglass Frederick and Harriet both as narrative were different in several ways and had few similarities between each other. Both slave narratives had a huge impact on slavery in many unique ways. The majority of Douglass and Jacobs work symbolize the tension between the disagreements motives that generated autobiographies of slave life. Both narratives of Douglass and Jacobs indicates the full range of requests and situations that slaves could experience. Both suffered under cruel masters, got whipped, beaten badly, and escaped from slavery. Each fought for several rights to be equal as well. Douglass and Jacobs both were able to accomplish something that proslavery writers often proclaim was impossible which was how to write and read. After ten years... Show more content on ... Frederick Douglass, whom known as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey born on February in 1818. Frederick had born into slavery in Talbot County in Maryland. Frederick Douglass played a huge role in history and still has a huge impact on today s society. Frederick was a former slave and eminent to the human rights leader in the abolition movement. Douglass held a high United States government rank and was also the first black citizen to do so. Douglass was also an African American social reformer, writer, orator, and statesman. Douglass became a leader of the abolitionist movement after escaping from slavery. It was hard for several Northern to believe that Douglass, who was a great orator, had been a slave. Douglass experiences so much abuse such as whipping, disrespect, and being degraded first hand. Douglass constantly was whipped on a regular basis by Edward Covey, which was a poor farmer and an early 19th century American slaveholder. Fredrick mentioned I have already intimated that my condition was much worse, during the first six months of my stay at Mr. Covey s than in the last six (Douglass, 65 66). Frederick then rebelled against the beatings and fought
  • 56. Onosma Abstract The study of cancer has impact millions of lives and scientist have continued to research new treatments for this disease. Scientists are coming close to developing a cure for this disease. New compounds are being tested to develop this cure. Compounds used in this research are Onosma echioides L., German Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L). Onosma L. is a medicinal plant traditionally used as laxative, anthelmintic and for alexipharmic effect. Chamomile have many medicinal attributes, used for hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorder, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorder, rheumatic pain and hemorrhoids. Rosemary is a medicinal plant, a good source of iron, calcium, ... Show more content on ... After conducting the experiment, Onosma L. result showed that at a 100% 23.6% growth, at 50% 27.3% growth, at 25% 27.5% growth, at 13% 54.4% growth, at 6% 75.4% growth, at 3% 78.1% growth, at 2% 80.8% growth, at Tamox (T0) ( 2.55%) growth, and at DMSO 100% growth. The result showed that at a 100%, about 77% actual grew and 23.6% died. At Tamox the entire cell lines died because it was the positive control. At DMSO 100% of cells survived. This compound proved to be a possibility against A549 cell (Lung cancer). Onosma research indicated a 23% chance against prevention of lung cancer cell. Rosemary result showed at a 100% 93.9% growth, at 50% 96.9% growth, at 25% 99.2% growth, at 13% 102.3%, at 6% 103.2% growth, at 3% 103.4 growth, at 2% 100.3% growth, at Tamox (T0) 6.5% growth and at DMSO 100% growth. Chamomile result showed at a 100% 20.5% growth, at 50% 25.6% growth, at 25% 25.9% growth, at 13% 48.5% growth, at 6% 69.4% growth, at 3% 70.9% growth, at 2% 74.1% growth, at Tamox (T0) ( 1.23) growth and at DMSO 100% growth. All compounds used showed an prevention against cancer with further research are good candidates against the war for cancer in
  • 57. Two Types Of Deterrence Deterrence uses the theory of free will, that a person chooses to commit crimes because the benefits of it outweigh the costs. Deterrence is an approach of crime control that tries to eliminate crime by the threat of a punishment that will exceed the benefits of crime. Individuals with this philosophy think that if they make the punishments of crimelook so bad, that people will veer away from crime because they don t want to be punished. There are two types of deterrence, general and specific deterrence. General deterrence is a type of deterrence aimed at society as a whole. For example, documentaries and other forms of media give the general public a perception of life in prison as being not that appealing, which in theory will deter them from committing crime because they don t want to go to prison. The other type of deterrence, specific deterrence is aimed at the individual and its goal is to discourage them from future criminal acts. For example, a person who has served time in prison may be deterred from ... Show more content on ... As the book states on page 83, deterrence relies on certainty, celerity, or celerity, and severity of punishment. Certainty being the likelihood of receiving punishment, celerity the swiftness of punishment, and severity, the harshness of the punishment. (Berger, Free, and Searles 2009). As was stated in class, we can only manipulate the severity of the punishment, the other variables we have no control over. With that being said, since we cannot control the certainty of swiftness of punishment, it is harder to deter people from committing crime, because most criminals don t think they are going to get caught and when they do, punishment often takes months to years. . Criminals plan to minimize their chances of being caught, therefore harsh punishment is not enough to deter them (O Brien