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Dorian Gray Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Dorian Gray" can prove to be a challenging yet intellectually
rewarding endeavor. The intricacies of Oscar Wilde's novel demand a nuanced understanding of
themes such as the nature of beauty, the consequences of vanity, and the moral decay of a
character over time. The challenge lies not only in deciphering the layers of Wilde's prose but
also in constructing an insightful analysis that goes beyond surface-level observations.
To tackle this task effectively, one must delve into the psychological complexities of Dorian
Gray's character, exploring the impact of his choices and the symbolism embedded in the portrait
that ages while he remains youthful. Additionally, a comprehensive exploration of the socio-
cultural context of the Victorian era, as reflected in the novel, adds depth to the analysis.
Moreover, a successful essay requires a thoughtful examination of the author's intentions and the
potential influence of his personal life on the narrative. Analyzing the philosophical and aesthetic
elements that Wilde infused into the work demands a keen intellectual grasp and an ability to
connect the dots across diverse literary, historical, and artistic realms.
The essayist must navigate the delicate balance between interpreting the text and presenting
original insights. Crafting a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the essay
adds another layer of difficulty. Furthermore, maintaining coherence and cohesion throughout
the essay while exploring various dimensions of the topic poses an ongoing challenge.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Dorian Gray" demands a synthesis of literary analysis,
historical contextualization, and philosophical exploration. It is an undertaking that requires
dedication, critical thinking, and a mastery of the nuances present in Wilde's masterpiece.
For those seeking assistance or inspiration in approaching such essays, various resources are
available. Platforms like offer the possibility to order similar essays and more,
providing support for individuals navigating the complexities of literary analysis and essay
Dorian Gray Essays Dorian Gray Essays
The Faerie Queene By Edmund Spenser Analysis
This week s lecture is on The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser. This lecture
focuses on Edmund Spenser s life, the sources and influences that created Book I of
The Faerie Queene , themes, devices, and meaning, purpose of Book I, and The
Legend of the Knight of the Red Cross . Edmund Spenserwas born in 1552 to a
modest family of modest means with a similar background such as Marlowe and
Shakespeare. Spenser was a well educated man much like Marlowe. Spenser spent
his first years of education at the Merchant Taylors School before attending
university. Edmund Spenser would go on to receive a Bachelor of Arts and a
Masters of Arts from Cambridge University. After university, Spenser would begin
a career as a minor civil servant where he was a personal secretary to men of power
and influence. His work would lead him to a few minor colonial government posts
in Ireland. Afterwards, Edmund Spenser was bestowed a castle and 3,000 acres of
land in Munster, Ireland. However, the castle was burned down into a rebel
uprising. This was due to Spenser being disrespectful of the Irish and their religion.
Edmund Spenser would then go on to be a poet. He was creative and adventurous
when it came to his work. His greatest works are The Shepheardes Calendar and The
Faerie Queene. Spenser became a great influence to several poets such as Milton and
other romantics. In the end, Edmund Spenser became one of the greatest English
poets of his time.
The Faerie Queene is similar to works of Beowulf because of its Anglo Saxon
epics. Also, Book I has a hint of classical and renaissance adventures. The Faerie
Queene is a perfect combination of themes and motifs that was already introduced
in other assignments. This makes Spenser s The Faerie Queene an epic poem. An
epic poem is described as a long narrative in elevated style while presenting
characters of high positions in adventures thus forming an organic whole through
their relation to a central heroic figure and their development of events that play an
important part to the history of a nation or race. The common characteristics of the
main character is that the hero is played by a person of importance such who would
have a historical or legendary significance. The
The Nightingale Quotes
This quote is a flashback from an elderly Vianne, and it is the first line in the book.
This quote foreshadows the effect that war has on many characters, and how such a
horrible event can put everything under a microscope and show the courageous
battles fought, and not just by the soldiers. War is an abhorrent event that has the
ability to destroy everything. That is no different in the novelThe Nightingaleby
Kristin Hannah. The Nightingale is about two French sisters, Vianne and Isabelle
Rossignol and tells their stories while living in a German occupied France. Right
from the very beginning, it seems that the two sisters have completely opposite
characteristics. When Vianne was 14 and Isabelle was 4 their mother died. This is
obviously a very emotional time for the two and they both cope with the death of
their mother in very different ways. Vianne is forced to take over the mother role
which is courageous at any age, but at 14 it is simply gallant: You will be the
mother now. Her father said to Vianne while her eyes were swollen from crying,
her grief unbearable (7). Vianne did not even have the opportunity to cope with
her mother s loss before she had to fill her mother s shoes, whose shoes were not
easy to fill by any means. Isabelle on the other hand is a fiercely rebellious girl who
refuses to listen to anyone. She is expelled from a dozen boarding schools
throughout her teenage years, and she is unwilling to settle down and be the proper
lady her father so desperately wishes her to be. At the beginning of the novel, both
sisters appear to have distinctive differences in regard to their personality and values.
In 1940, the war begins to intensify at a rapid rate, and it appears that when the war
begins the rebellious side of Isabelle will end up costing her her life or someone
around her. The difference in the two sisters is evident when Sophie questions
why they have to relinquish their radio to the Germans, and Isabelle immediately
decides to hide it , and Vianne reacts by telling Isabelle that they will do as we are
told (99). This is a perfect example of different types of courage between the two
sisters. Isabelle s courage is bold and impulsive as she never thinks about the
The Work Of Henry Ford
Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, managed to change the price of
the Ford Model T from six hundred dollars into four hundred and ninety dollars. He
did this by looking at the total cost it took to manufacture and minimized it again and
again. This is known as total cost minimization. He invented new ways of going about
the production process, the assembly linebeing what he spent most of his time on.
The work of Henry Fordvery close to perfect total cost minimization. As an engineer,
it is important to be able to reduce the cost whenever possible to maximize efficiency.
Throughout the past decades engineers have been able to invent various other ways
to reduce the total cost, many of which are being used today. Total cost minimization
can be achieved through the use of the assembly line, just in time manufacturing and
better training for workers.
To begin with, the total cost of production can be significantly reduced from the
use of the assembly line. The assembly line is a method of production where the
object to be made is moved across a conveyor belt or other moving mechanism and
the workers are all next to it adding to the object one at a time as the object passes.
First, when work is done this way, it is done much faster. Since the workers all do
the same job over and over again, they can do it much faster than a single designated
worker could. With repetition, they become so fine tuned with their job that they are
able to do it as quick as possible.
Dealing With Dragon Character Analysis
Dealing with Dragons
In the novel, Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wade, the main character
Cimorene runs away from home in hopes of getting away from all the rules of
being proper. When she runs away she goes to the enchanted forest where she
meets Kazul and other dragons, and volunteers to be Kazul s princess. then later her
best friend Alianora ,the stone prince and her defeat of Woraug and how the
wizards how were planning to sabotage the trails so that Woraugcould win ,become
king and give the King s Crystal to the wizards so they could find all of the most
magical treasure.In addition athough Cimorene had run away from home to get away
from being proper and acting kind to those that she did not feel fond of for example
Therindal,she did in fact act very princess like when she was the of Kazul, the dragon.
In addition to the novel Dealing with Dragons there was an argument on whether
Cimorene acted in a princess like manner or not.Also if she was justified for doing
so or not.
In chapter 4 it says Lie Down! Cimorene commanded.Kazul looked at her in surprise
and collapsed in another fit of coughing.Cimorene waited until the dragon s coughing
had subsided,then said
What Is The Irony In The Secret Life Of Santiago
For eighty four days, old Santiago has not caught a single fish. At first a young boy,
Manolin, shared his bad fortune, but after the fortieth luckless day, the boy s father
tells his son to go in another boat. From that time on, Santiago works alone. Each
morning he rows his skiff out into the Gulf Stream, where the big fish are. Each
evening he comes home empty handed.
The boy loves the old fisherman and pities him. When Manolin has no money of
his own, he begs or steals to make sure that Santiago has enough to eat and has
fresh baits for his lines. The old man accepts his kindness with a humility that is
like a quiet kind of pride. Over their evening meals of rice or black beans, they talk
about the fish they had caught in luckier times or about American baseball and the
great Joe DiMaggio. At night, alone in his shack, Santiago dreams of lions on the
beaches of Africa, where he had gone on a sailing ship years before. He no longer
dreams of his dead wife. ... Show more content on ...
After leaving the smell of land behind him, he sets his lines. Two of his baits are
fresh tunas the boy had given him, as well as sardines to cover his hooks. The
lines sink straight down into deep dark water. As the sun rises, he sees other boats
in toward shore, which is only a low green line on the sea. A hovering man of war
bird shows him where dolphins are chasing some flying fish, but the school is
moving too fast and is too far away. The bird circles again. This time Santiago sees
tuna leaping in the sunlight. A small one takes the hook on his stern line. Hauling the
quivering fish aboard, the old man thinks it a good
Critique Analysis Of Beowulf
Critique Paper Beowulf
In the epic Beowulf, the main character Beowulf possesses all the qualities of a hero
during the Anglo Saxon Era. He demonstrates his courage, loyalty, wisdom, and
strength but are these qualities enough to consider him a hero by the standards of
Beowulf has qualities that strong heroes have but didn t struggle to get them because
he was born with it. He has many adventures, like fighting Grendel and other
monstrous creatures but was very sure of himself. He was born strong. (Beowulf, 35
Now there lived overseas
In the land of the Geats, a youth of valiance abounding,
Mightiest yest mildest of men, his name Beowulf,
But Beowulf being sure of himself showed how arrogant and boastful he is by ...
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Like Spiderman and Batman both strong, courageous, loyal and helpful. These
heroes didn t ever boast their triumphs. They even hid their identity under a mask.
They have pride and honor because they received recognition initiated by the people.
In spite of that, they remained humble and down to earth. They hid their identity as
superheroes and will just appear if people are in need of help. These are the other
characteristic of a modern hero that is acceptable today. Beowulf has many things that
the Anglo Saxon viewed as heroism but he missed many things that are important for
a modern hero.
In conclusion, Beowulf possessed many heroic qualities in the Anglo Saxon era that
mere mortals lack bravery beyond compare, superhuman intelligence, strength or
skills and a driving desire to find success. However, he would not be considered a
hero in today s world. Drucker and Cathcart (1994) claim: A hero varies culture to
culture and from time to time. (p.2)
Anglo Saxons appreciated different things in a hero that we do not appreciate
today. Nowadays, heroes are introduced to people early on in life usually as a
fictional character, but as children grow older their perception of heroes alter. A hero
not only need to be physically strong, but he also needs to have integrity and moral
values who acts without thinking his own benefits.
Works Cited
Jankowski, Connie.
Analysis Of After The First Death By Robert Cormier
Cruel things happen everywhere around the world today; there are things that make
us question the world that we live in. In the novel After the First Death written by
Robert Cormier a terrorist hijacking of a school bus filled with little kids is a cruel
thing. In the book there are characters who are innocent and then the characters who
are not so innocent. Raymond, Kate , and Ben were innocent but, this innocence was
taken away from them by the end of this novel.
Raymond was one of the many little kids on the bus during the hijacking, when
Raymond was first introduced he was known as the chunkier kid. When the
terrorists first hijacked the bus they gave all the kids drugged candy to sedate them.
On page 107 it stated To make up for being late. He kept his room neat. He washed
up good before eating. He did not fidget. He did not eat candy except at special
times (107). Raymond did not eat the candy that Artkin gave to him because he
wasnt allowed to. He was an innocent little boy who did as he was told but it was
changed when the terrorists found out he did not eat the candy. A second example
from the text is Raymond s chin began to tremble. Whats your name boy?
Raymond. He said the name a whisper. His eyes were agonized as he confronted
Artkin (150). This is towards the end of the book and the two terrorists Arkin and
Miro have realized that Raymond must have not eaten the candy because he is awake
and alert. After this was found out Raymond was forced to eat the
Louis Xiv s Influence On The World War II
Karl Johnson A Block, History Lisa Feirtag The Sun God Louis XIV is known for
his powerful approach to rule. For example, within foreign policy, pressing the
invasion of the Spanish Netherlands in 1667, boldly deeming it his wife s rightful
inheritance. The conflict was named, The War of Devolution, and lasted a year.
France lost, although Louis XIV did not give up, and engaged in the great Franco
Dutch War from 1672 to 1678. During the war, France managed to acquire more
land and the victory promoted France to the status of a dominant power. After all,
Louis XIV was known to France as the Sun King, the most powerful and god like
being on earth, he couldn t stand for defeat. This new dominant status, coupled
with Louis XIV s audacious campaigns to constantly expand territory through the
use of military force, positioned France as an immediate threat to other European
nations, and positioned Louis XIV as a looming figure over all of Europe. Louis
XIV thought of war as the sport of Kings, and he put a lot into his favorite pastime.
Louis XIV was born September 5, 1638 in Saint Germaine en Laye, France. He
became king and official leader of 19 million French in 1643 at the age of four
years old. Rather than a scholarly education, Louis XIV was educated in practicality
and logic. Louis s first goal as king was to centralize and rein in total control of
France. He did this by establishing reforms that cut France s deficit, promoted
industrial growth, created an organized
Colosseum And Pantheon Essay
All ancient cultures around the world, are Identified with the way in which they
choose to build their cities and connecting infrastructure. The Romans seem to
have been the king of architecture, especially when, they as a people were able to
build a lot of public buildings, which are grand in size and opulence. Many of these
structures still exist today, The Colosseum, and Pantheon. But the Romans were
able also to build roads, bridges, and aqueducts. All of these things mentioned above
were ONLY made possible by two things, Concrete and arches ! Let s talk about
concrete. It was a Roman invention and I have taking a direct quote from our reading
to describe what concrete is;
based on different forms of column and the capital which surmounted ... Show more
content on ...
This glue allowed the Romans to stick together many different materials, therefor
making a composite structure. These composite structure had attributes far greater
than that of let s say a wall just made of loose stone. The Romans were also fond of
the Etruscan Arch The arch was a way to use less material when building a bridge or
aqueduct. They made the arches, reinforced or glued together with the concrete.
These two things, concrete and the arch, paved the way (Literally) For the expansion
of the Roman Empire. Through the use of building roads and bridges they could
have a fast and easy way to move men and material to and from different parts of
the Empire. When it came to bridges the use of arches allowed the Romans to span
great distances with в…” rds less material and labor. The arch also performed a great
duty in supplying the city of Rome with fresh drinking and bathing water via the
aqueducts that connected distance water reservoirs to the city of Rome.
Again the importance of these two simple inventions and use of the arch, helped
sustain and propel the Roman culture and influence in the entire mediterranean area.
It is simple amazing that much of what the ancient Romans built is still here today
and not only just in Italy, but wherever the Romans
The Mood For Love, Urban Space, And Post Modernity
In The Mood For Love, Urban Space, and Post Modernity Wong Kar Wai s Fa
Yeung Nin Wa (2000), translated to In The Mood For Love, is an opening to the
new millennium and homage to past genres of filmmaking. Deeply rooted in emotion
and nostalgia, In The Mood For Love reads as a waltz throughout the entirety of the
film. Set in 1962 Hong Kong, journalist Chow Mo wan moves to the city with his
wife, who is often away on business. He befriends a woman who lives in his
apartment complex, Su Li Zhen (referred to Ms. Chan in the film) who mirrors his
loneliness and marital strife. Ironically, Ms. Chan s husband is also often away from
business, and both realize their partners are having an affair with their respective
Su and Chow begin a fantasy relationship with one another, pretending to be each
other s spouse reenacting how their partners could have gotten together. The
protagonists constantly push each other s boundaries of propriety; their combined
desire for affection is an extension of the abandonment they feel from their spouses.
Simultaneously a simulacrum of love and a reflection of genuine yearning, they
imitate a relationship and inevitably fall for one another, but fear that they ll stoop to
the infidelity of their partners. Wong Kar Wai s film is a statement about individual
realities and how people reflect on an unattainable past, as well as an exploration of
physical and emotional confinement that accompany abandonment. In The Mood For
Love is a
Fearless And Stolen Play Analysis
We as the audience are engaged in an upfront manner by the individual concerns
and social issues through our chosen texts the characters in Fearless and Stolen.
Stolen written by Jane Harrison is an indigenous text which explores issues which
arose as a result of the forced removal of Aboriginal children, this is showcased by
5 children perspective. Fearless by Mirra Todd explores stories about people we
wouldn t give a second look at, it also shows the struggles of some society s
outcasts. These two texts allow the audience to see and engage with what many
Australians face every day. Stolen is a play filled with powerful short moments
which tell the audience the effects of a child removed from all that they know,
their identity being stripped away and moulded into something foreign. When the
class read the play we had empathy with the children; they are confused of their
sense of belonging, loss of their culture and a child needing a mother. Sandy is a
character consistently on the run who gives us a contradicting statement been
everywhere except one place home . The word home is a very powerful word it
allows the audience to realise you can build houses but not homes. All Sandy really
wants is a place where he doesn t have to keep hiding. Without an individual identity
a social structure of security is... Show more content on ...
The character Anne seems materially happy however at the end of the play she
breaks the 4th wall by stating s pose you want a happy ending from me this
colloquial language shows that she is caught between cultures and her two families .
To be happy it s not as simple as her adoptive parent inviting them over for a barbie
this demonstrates that her uncertainty has been created by her circumstances, which
fore s the audience to
Non Hunter Violence
The violence I see most is cased by a difference in beliefs. For example, hunters and
non hunters. One of the first things a hunter is taught, is the importance of being
respectful, not just to the animals and their habitat but to the people who don t share
the same beliefs. Many people don t believe in hunting, they think it s cruel and
unethical. However, there are just as many people who do believe in it. Violencecan,
and has, been caused by the difference in beliefs between hunters and non hunters. I
have read about it, seen it on television, and even once saw an argument about it at
school. Last year I took all the pre class tutorials on becoming a hunter and just a
few weeks ago I took the final hunter s education class. There were
Public Speech On Public Speaking
Public Speaking Goals I chose to take this course because I have enjoyed previous
units I have had about public speaking in high school English classes and it is a
requirement for my major. As a pre pharmacy major, public speaking does not
seem like a necessary class, but the more I think about how often public speaking
is used, the more I understand the reasoning for public speaking as a required
course. Public speaking is a major foundation for everyday communication.
Growing up, I can recall several common instances where I was exposed to public
speaking. A guest speaker coming to talk to our class, the priest giving a homily at
mass, large assemblies with inspirational speakers, and our graduation speech are a
few examples that come to mind. Although it seems like only famous people or
teachers ever have to speak in public, in reality, almost everyone will have to give a
speech in front of a large group at some point in their lives. This is why public
speaking is a required course for most students. Public speaking is important when
proposing an idea with a large group of people, explaining a plan of action for a
specific task, sharing a new medical discovery with a group of physicians, or
giving a talk on leadership to a group of business professionals. All of these cases
are applicable to almost any career, which is why it is important for all students to
understand the basics of public speaking and how to effectively communicate with a
large audience. In my
Rube Goldberg Research Paper
Our challenge was to create a Rube Goldberg Machine that could ring a service bell.
Additionally, we needed to document and turn in a team and individual folder. Once
we completed the evaluation of Rube Goldberg s life, cartoons, and machines, my
team worked through the challenges of trying to pull together as a team and create a
successful project.
Rube Goldberg was an inventor, engineer, sculptor, author, and cartoonist. Born on
July fourth, 1883 in San Francisco, California, Rube grew up in an upper middle
class family of Jewish heritage, and he had shown a love for the arts ever since a
young age. At the age of four, Goldberg spent a lot of time creating things and
tracing drawings. Sadly, his mother died when he was a teenager and ... Show more
content on ...
He even won the Pulitzer Prize for his work as an editorial cartoonist. Rube
Goldberg s cartoons depicted different types of complicated inventions. His
success as a cartoonist started when he became the San Francisco Bulletin s sports
cartoonist. This point in time was when publishers began to recognize his work.
Rube also became the co founder of the National Cartoonists Society. It was an
organization that showed the importance of cartoons and cartoonists, which made
Goldberg want to be apart of it. (rube, n.d.). Ever since 1988,
students have participated in the Rube Goldberg MachineRube Goldberg machine
contest that brings out the spirit of Goldberg and his unique cartoons (Raga, 2016).
Rube Goldberg noted that the machines were symbols of, man s capacity for
exiting maximum effort to accomplish minimal results (O Connor, 2015, A Simple
Task, para. 11). Over time, his cartoon inventions turned into real working
machines, and millions of people became inspired. An excellent example of what
Goldberg s designs are and how they can operate is his famous self operating napkin
cartoon. It was a machine that used a chain reaction to accomplish a simple task, and
this was Rube Goldberg s vision for all the simple machines (National Center for
Families Learning,
Pet Dogs As Promoters Of Wellbeing
Pet dogs as promoters of wellbeing
How do you feel about dogs? Do you like them and every time you see them do you
want to run and hug them or do you just avoid them in general? Do they make you
smile with their floppy ears and how just clumsy they are when they run. We all have
different reasons for loving dogs or just despising them. In this entry you will learn
that owning a dog can help you. It can potentially keep you healthy and lower risks
from heart diseases and many other things.
Throughout the article that I have read the author, White seems to be creditable to
talk about the topic. She adds a lot of facts and give description about how the it
changes lives. When she begins she jumps right into the point. She adds When the
World Health Organizationpublished its policy framework for healthy ageing.The
importance of enabling people to live independent and active lives as long as
possible were prominent objectives with physical activity and engagement in all
aspects of society as key components of healthy ageing. She then goes to give
details that it helps with your daily activity owning a dog. It says that people that
own dogs get more daily activity than non dog owners. White gives us reason and
reason to believe that she knows what she is talking about and it also compassionate
about the facts that she gives us. When White talks about the older people and how
the dogs can improve their live. You can tell that she is compassionate about the topic
Nipah Virus Research Paper
Nipah virus, Arena Virus and Francisella tularensis are bioterrorism agents. They
work in various ways to harm the host. Francisella tularenis is considered a Tier 1
bioterrorism agent and Nipah virus is an overlap select agent that affects humans and
agriculture both. They have been harmful in the past. Though, Nipah virus is a newer
virus than the other two. This review will focus on their emergence, pathogenicity
and symptoms of the diseases they cause.
Infectious Disease is one of the great tragedies of living things the struggle for
existence between different forms of life. Incessantly the pitiless war goes on,
without quarter or armistice a nationalism of species against species. Hans Zinsser
Rats, Lice and History (1934) ... Show more content on ...
These biological agents could be viruses, toxins, bacteria, etc. Agents could be used
in war or terrorist attacks. Also, they could be modified to cause extreme diseases
and disorders, according to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It makes
bioterrorism even more tempting to use as it is easy and inexpensive to produce,
disseminate and can cause a more widespread panic than other acts of terrorism (1).
The events of September 11, 2001 forced the initiation of new steps to enhance
security. This is how the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act of 2002 came up. It has four sections:
1.National Preparedness for Bioterrorism and Other public Health Emergencies
2.Enhancing Controls on Dangerous Biological Agents and
Who Is Adnan Syed Innocent
Adnan Syed s Innocence
When one is guilty, it means that he or she is culpable of or responsible for a
specified wrongdoing or, having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong,
especially against moral or penal law; justly subject to a certain accusation or penalty.
If someone is charged as guilty, they have broken a law or performed an unjust or
immoral act to deserve punishment. However, this does not mean that through
reasonable suspicion that an individual can be determined as guilty. It means that a
defendant is innocent until proven guilty. In other words, the prosecution must prove,
beyond a reasonable doubt, each essential element of the crime charged. In other
words, a particular person must be proven guilty of a crime through proof and
evidence. In the story provided by Serial, Sarah Koenig narrates the case of the
murder of Hae Min Lee. Seventeen years ago, on January 13, Hae Min Lee, a
senior at Woodlawn High School, was reported missing. Weeks later, her body is
found and the cause of her death was determined to be manual strangulation. Her ex
boyfriend, Adnan Musud Syed, was convicted of her murder and sentenced to life
plus thirty years in prison. The case against him was mainly based on the story of
one witness, Jay Wilds. Now, past reporter and journalist, Sarah Koenig is reopening
this case to find out what really happened. Through documents, police interrogations,
testimonies, and interviews, she collects evidence to look for the answer.
Police Department and Organization Ppt Essay
Police roles and Functions Paper Tracy Marzano CJA/214 May 16, 2013 All law
enforcement agencies in the United States are connected to one another due to the
fact that most agencies have multi levels of government and overlapping
jurisdictions. In general all levels and departments of law enforcement work and co
operate together to protect the citizens, and to prevent and solve crimes. Local law
enforcement agencies are entrusted with the power to serve and protect the public
and maintain peace within the community. Most local law enforcement agencies are
small in size and employ many civilians for data processing, finger printing and
other clerical duties. Local law enforcement agencies are responsible for patrolling an
area or... Show more content on ...
In some cases the type of offense committed may determine who has power or
jurisdiction over the case. Federal law enforcement is divided into three categories:
The Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department
of the Treasury. Each of these federal law enforcement agencies works together to
solve specific types and forms of crimes. Federal law enforcement agencies are
authorized by Congress to enforce specific laws or attend to specific situations
(Gaines, Miller, 2006). Under the Department of Justice the following are the
following departments: The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), United States
Marshal Service (USMS), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
(ATF), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).The FBI is responsible for
investigating federal law violations and has jurisdiction over two hundred federal
crimes like sabotage, espionage, kidnapping, bank robberies, extortion, interstate
crimes and civil rights violations. The FBI also assists and provides training to other
law enforcement agencies. There are eight separate divisions under the control of the
FBI and they are the National Security Division, Criminal Investigation Division, the
FBI laboratory, Criminal
Royal Phillips Electronics Drastically Suffered From Poor...
Royal Phillips Electronics drastically suffered from poor performance and as a
result filed bankruptcy. Many couldn t believe that they have filed bankruptcy
based on great sales. They were very innovative with their products including the
head shaver, compact cassette, and the CD. Despite, being Europe s largest
electronic company, Phillip s profits were not up to par and sales were drastically
declining. While the company was on a downward spiral, Gerald Kleisterlee took
over as company Presidentand made some adjustment and daring decisions that put
the company on the forefront. The company went through a substantial restructuring
that allowed for growth and an increase in profits within the company. The new
President allowed for the company to revamp and allow for not only growth to occur
but a shift in the mission and values of the organization. With the vast change in the
company the business was simplified and made even smaller, which allowed for the
top level executive to focus solely on the business and employees at hand. This in
turn allowed for a substantial amount of strategic planningand implementation of new
ideas that caused the company to reevaluate what caused sales to decrease in the first
place, and allow for drastic change. Once Kleisterlee developed strong new innovative
ideas, which would cause substantial change throughout the organization as a whole,
the organization started to develop. The atmosphere and culture shifted, which in turn
Financial Aid Benefits
Easy money, something everyone wants, but more when you need it to reach your
goals. However, as a student you tend to be told in high school when to do
everything and when the due dates are. Financial aid can be found anywhere from
people who are private founders to the financial aid office where you can reach from
the internet at Which can be applied from a certain time frame for the
most money for your collegecareer. Also take in conversation that there are also
people who have organizations and foundations that give money to students who need
it with minimum requirements and characteristics that you already have and have
been born with. Looking for financial aid has changed over the years and the way it
is done.
Now. aid
Examples Of Hubris In Raging Bull
In the film Raging Bull, the main character Jake LaMotta goes through a long and
grueling conflict with himself in the search for sanity. The victories and titles that
he spends his whole life searching for wind up ruining his life and destroying the
relationships he cherished the most. The problem that Jake faces the most is his
lack of humility and his personified arrogance, also known as hubris. As Jake s life
and career progress, his inability to control this hubris lead him to rock bottom.
The consequences Jake encounters from his hubris are also known as his nemesis.
Throughout the film, Jake battles his insecurities and exhibits a complex towards
himself, which his friends and loved ones begin to realize. Jake LaMotta is a self
loving boxer who allows his training and hard work to turn him into a savage wild
animal. Through his constant display of hubris, LaMotta ruins everything he
worked so hard to achieve and leaves with nothing. Almost immediately after
hearing Jake speak for the first time, the film introduces his hubris. When his wife
is cooking his steak, he repeatedly tells her to stop cooking the steak. His wife
angrily says to Jake, You re in such a hurry. You can t wait. Jake replies with, No, I
can t wait. You know when I wait? When it s important to wait. Right from the
beginning of the... Show more content on ...
Before the LaMotta vs. Fox fight at Madison Square Garden, Jake tells
commissioner Eagan to put the money he was going to bet on Fox and put it in
Jake s hand. He then introduces a quote which reappears throughout the movie
when he tells Eagan, cause Jake LaMotta don t go down for nobody. Jake would go
on to fight Fox and purposely lose the fight. He sat in the locker room bawling in
disbelief that he purposely lost. He tells Joey, I took the dive. They want me to fall
down too? I don t fall down for nobody. Even in the face of a planned loss, Jake s
hubris is
Essay on Acc512 Unit2 Assign Case 4 1
ACC 512 International Accounting
CASE 4 1 Bessrawl Corporation
Reconciliation from U.S. GAAP to IFRS
Income under US GAAP $1,000,000
Reversal of write down of inventory to replacement cost
Additional depreciation on revaluation of equipment
Impairment loss on intangible asset
Recognition of deferred development costs
Reversal of amortization of deferred gain on sale and leaseback
Income under IFRS
Stockholders equity under US GAAP $8,000,000
Reversal of write down of inventory to replacement cost
Original revaluation surplus on equipment
Accumulated depreciation on revaluation of equipment
(25,000) ... Show more content on ...
Under the revaluation model of IAS 16, depreciation expense on equipment in 2013
was $100,000, making the book value at the end of 2013 of $2,650,000. At the
beginning of 2014 the equipment would be revalued upward to its fair value of
The journal entry to recognize the revaluation would be:
Equipment$600,000 Revaluation Surplus (a stockholders equity account)$600,000
In 2014, depreciation expense would be $125,000 [($3,250,000 $250,000)/24 years].
The additional depreciation under IFRS causes IFRS based income in 2014 to be
$25,000 smaller than U.S. GAAP income. IFRS based stockholders equity is
$575,000 larger than U.S. GAAP stockholders equity. This amount is equal to the
revaluation surplus ($600,000) less the additional depreciation in 2014 under IFRS
($25,000), which reduced retained earnings.
Intangible Assets
Under U.S. GAAP, an asset is considered impaired when its carrying amount
exceeds the undiscounted future cash flows expected to occur from continued use
of the asset. The brand acquired in 2011 has a carrying amount of $40,000 and
future expected cash flows are $42,000, so it is not impaired under U.S. GAAP.
Under IAS 36, an asset is considered impaired when its carrying amount exceeds its
recoverable amount, which would be the greater of net selling price and the present
value of future cash flows. The brand s recoverable amount is
Culture Of Polynesia Research Paper
From the Stone Age to the present day, the symbols and traditions of tattooing
throughout history are fascinating.
The story we know goes back to the Stone Age. In 1991, one hunter man was found in
a glacier from the Neolithic era; his back and knees tattooed. Before the hunter
mummy, the oldest person with tattoo that was discovered was the Egyptian
priestess, Amunet worshiper of Hathor, goddess of love and fertility. She lived in
Thebes around 2000 BC, and her tattoos, were pretty much the same style as the
mummy of the hunter, linear with simple designs of dots and dashes. In the
prehistoric cave of Aurignac small pointed bones were found and were believed to be
use for tattooing at that time.
The old settlers of Polynesia were the first ones to tattoo their skin. They tattooed
men to such an extent that there was not a piece of bare skin on their body.
Polynesia is the place that has the reputation of more artistic tattoo in the ancient
world, characterized by geometric shapes. In fact the term tattoo has a Polynesian
origin. More specifically in the Polynesian word ta which means striking or to the
expression tau tau used to talk about the clash between two bones.
Moko Maori style from New Zealand, for example, was a tribal tattoo that identified
each individual and their ... Show more content on ...
Women used to tattoo their hand fingers and ears with the finest drawings and
symbols categorized as obscene. In the other hand Men used to tattoo their whole
body, nose, eyelids, tongue and scalp. But it was because for them tattoos also had
a magical religious significance, it was a physical armor and a spiritual protection.
When one of these men died, their wives took away the skin, since the guardian of
paradise disliked tattoos. With no trace of tattoo, and returned to the state of purity,
he could be buried in consecrated ground and his spirit could rise to
24 Hour Surveillance
A society is only as good as its leaders, but if the leaders choose to violate the rights
of its people, then it just makes an example of the society. It shows that the society
is corrupt and that it s abusing its power over citizens. There is an extent to where
this power controls, but a society should never go as far as using 24 hour
surveillance to watch its people, manipulate people and control what they know, or
even have the right to change things for its own benefit. Not only does this make life
for the people hard, but it also makes the people lose trust and confidence in the
Some may say that having increased surveillance means increased safety, that having
every second monitored could protect a group individuals from danger. ... Show more
content on ...
Those who support it see it as an increase of safety and survival. Believing that
increasing surveillance and feeding fake news to the public is a way to keep them
safe from the outside. In matter of fact, it does; it reduces the chances of a terrorist
attack to take place with success and gives people incentive to vote for what seems
right. Although, it is not right. It is not morally right for a society to lie to all of
its people. That is not what a society or any government is meant to do. They are
meant to protect, serve, and grant freedom to all of its people. Those aren t granted
when lies are fed and neither by spying to protect the safety of the citizens , they are
granted by doing what is right, while maintaining happiness for
Truman Show Allusion
The Truman Show and The Giver have a lot of relatable things, but they are not
exactly the same. The Truman Show and the giver are both about a boy who grew up
in a distant society, different from any normal society, but the boys have a different
personality from each other. This shows that there are many similarities and
differences between The Giverand The Truman Show. The Giver and The Truman
Show share a lot of symbols, characters, and biblical allusions. One biblical allusion
they share is someone portraying the role of god. In the book The Giver, the giver
is portrayed as the god while in The Truman Show, Christof is portrayed as the god.
A symbol the 2 share is water. Water stands for fear to them, but also stands for
freedom. According
Network Address Translation and Router
|CCNA4: Commands |
WAN Technologies
Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.1.1
1Module 1: Scaling IP Addresses3
1.1NAT and PAT3 1.1.1Configuring static NAT3 1.1.2Configuring dynamic NAT3
1.1.3Configuring NAT Overload (PAT)4 1.1.4Verifying NAT and PAT configuration4
1.1.5Troubleshooting NAT and PAT configuration4
1.2DHCP5 1.2.1Configuring DHCP Operation5 1.2.2Verifying DHCP Operation5
1.2.3Troubleshooting DHCP Configuration5
2Module 3: Point to Point Protocol (PPP)6
2.1Configuring HDLC Encapsulation6
2.2Troubleshooting a Serial ... Show more content on ...
By using the helper address feature, a router can be configured to accept a broadcast
request for a UDP service and then forward it as a unicast to a specific IP address.
Example: Router(config if)#ip helper address address
2 Verifying DHCP Operation
Router#show ip dhcp binding [address]
Router#show ip dhcp conflict [address]
Router#show ip dhcp database [url]
Router#show ip
Transactional Strategies At New York University
Key Points The topic of Wade Boykin speech at New York University was academic
success for all students, but more specifically students of color. He discussed the
documentation and evidence that explains the achievement gap between students of
color and their white counterparts. Boykin also believes the evidence for why the gap
exists should be the guide for implementing strategies, inventions and programs to
raise achievement. The evidence and research suggest that to raise achievement the
intervention should start with transactional strategies. Transactional strategies
involve the exchanges between teachers and students, classroom collaboration, and
classroom environment. The specific focuses of the transactional strategies are student
engagement, positive self efficacy and teacher student relationship quality (TSRQ).
Research shows that student engagement leads to greater success for students of
color in math and reading, instilling positive self efficacy helps build confidence,
perseverance and hold students accountable for their own learning and teacher
student relationships gives the opportunity for meaningful learning experiences and
intellectual exchanges.
Comparison with the Text
Boykin s speech and the book Creating the Opportunity to Learn correlates in
relations to explaining the dimensions of the achievement gap and the strategies that
can raise achievement for students of colors. Chapter 1 of the book and the first
portion of the speech explains the
The Louisiana Judicial System
The Problems Of Louisiana s Judicial System Towards Black Men Louisiana is the
world s prison capital. In a news report by The Times Picayune, reporter Cindy
Chang reported The state imprisons more of its people, per head than any of its
U.S. counterparts. Louisiana s incarceration rate is nearly five times Iran s, 13
times China s and 20 times Germany s. She then goes on to talk about the black
men of Louisiana stating Among black men from New Orleans, one in 14 is behind
bars; one in seven is either in prison, on parole or on probation . These numbers are
shocking. There has to be a reason why there is a much higher rate of African
Americanmen that are imprisoned, surely they are not the only ones committing
crimes. Louisiana s Judicial... Show more content on ...
Search and seizure is one of the tactics used in the War on Drugs. This happens
when police target people who look like they can be causing trouble on the streets,
approach them and then proceed to ask for consent to search their bags that they
are carrying. These police officers intentionally avoid letting these civilians know
that they have the right to remain silent and not answer any questions at all. Never
do the officers inform the person that they are free to remain silent or refuse to
answer questions.(Alexander) Judicial systems were aware that this tactic will
work because of the fact that most of the black men being accused do not have the
proper education and therefore do not know their rights, which then leads to them
complying to the officer and letting them search them whether they actually have
drugs on them or not. Like search and seizures tactics, pretext stops are another
way that the police used to arrest suspicious men who might be doing criminal
activities. These stops were to be able to stop someone on a minor mistake, such as
not signaling when they are turning and use this excuse to search them for drugs, in
hopes that they might get lucky and actually find something.(Alexander) These
police officers stop these men because they look as if they could possibly be
engaging in criminal activity, or in other words because they are black. In Louisiana,
though black men have this right to say No to search and seizures and pretext stops
they usually comply and let the officer search them. In the New Jim Crow, Alexander
states People are easily intimidated when the police confront them, hands on their
revolvers, and most have no idea the question can be answered
A Short Note On Hypertension And Secondary Hypertension
The reason why I selected to do my paper on hypertension is, hypertension is very
common. About 70 million people in the United States have hypertension (High
Blood Pressure Frequently Asked Questions , 2015). Another reason why I selected
to write my paper on hypertension is I want to know why it is called the silent killer.
I also want to know why it affect African Americans the most.
Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure reading of 140/90mmHg (millimeters of
mercury) or above. Blood pressure is the force blood exerts against your artery walls
as it circulates through your body. When the left ventricle contract and expels blood
into the aorta the pressure on the artery wall is called the systolic pressure. The
more blood exerts on the artery wall the higher the blood pressure is. When the
aortic valve close, avoiding blood from flowing back into the heart and the arteries
readjust themselves is called diastolic pressure. When the heart is relaxed the pressure
is at its lowest. The two kind of hypertension are primary hypertension and secondary
hypertension. Primary hypertension develop over many years and there is no known
cause for it. Primary hypertension can be influenced by diet, heredity, obesity, stress,
smoking and age (staff, 2015). Primary hypertension cannot be cured, but it can be
controlled sometimes through diet, exercise, stress management, and medications.
Secondary hypertension is caused by underlying condition such as obstructive sleep
apnea, kidney
The Tragedy Of Dante s Inferno
Dante s Inferno s central theme is God sees all of the sins people partake in their
lives. Once you enter hell you will be punished for those sins according to the
severity. You will endure a punishment that matches the sin you committed. Dante s
Inferno is a very imaginative way to look at crime and punishment. The story is
made up of three different parts told by three people. A pilgrim is lead on journey by
Virgil, Beatrice, and Saint Bernard. Virgil takes him through Helland the Purgatory.
Hell was created when Satan fell from heaven and became lodged into the center of
the earth. The mountain of Purgatory was created when land was pushed down
into the earth opposite the future site of Jerusalem where a passage was created
and lead to the southern hemisphere as a result of Satan s fall into the earth.
Beatrice takes him through Paradise. Paradise sits on top of the Purgatory and is
where Adam and Eve first dwelt Eden. Bernard prepares him for his final union
with the godhead. The union with the godhead is the end of the journey when the
pilgrim experiences love and reason. Hell is made up of nine different levels and
each houses different severity of sins and the people who occupy these levels endure
a different punishment. As the crime gets worse on each level the punishment is also
more sever. The nine levels of Hell are Limbo, Lustful, Gluttonous, Avaricious,
Wrathful, Heretics, Violent, Ordinary Fraud, and Treacherous Fraud. These are listed
from the lesser sinful
Gothic vs. Romanesque Architecture Essay
Gothic vs. Romanesque Architecture
Missing Figures
Where are you when you wake up? Where are you when you are learning? Where
are you when you go to pray? Where are you when you go to work? Where are you
when you are having fun? The answer is that you are in a building or structure of
some kind and style. All of the buildings and structures that one sees around them is
designed and built with much thought and care. They are all designed and built by
what we call architecture.
According to Merriam Webster s Collegiate Dictionary architecture is the art or
science of building; specifically: the art or practice of designing and building
structures and especially habitable ones, a method or style of building . Architecture
is a ... Show more content on ...
It was finally time that architecture now mastering the interior of buildings and
The first two periods of time that this shift was made was the Romanesque style
and the Gothic style of architecture. Both of these styles have made great
contributions that can still been seen in today s architecture. With Romanesque
being the first stylistic period in time with Gothic immediately following it there is
much to be said about the similarities and differences. The Romanesque period of
architecture has its roots deep into western civilization. Even though it is said that
the Romanesque style of architecture was first since and applied around 1000 AD
its history goes back almost 500 years. During the rule of the Roman Empire much
of Europe was influenced by the Roman and Greek classical styles, it wasn t until
the Roman Empire fell that most of Europe was able to diverge from traditional
styles and form their own styles. It was only with time and separation that other styles
were able to grow. With the Roman Empire gone Europe was breaking apart and
developing in small pockets on it own, this caused for greater advancements in many
areas such as architecture. Yet with all the growing change there was still one thing
that linked much of Europe together, that was the Christian church and Christianity.
That is why much of the advancements of architecture can be seen in churches,
temples and other religious
Effects Of Mental Disorders
The prevalence of mental disorder has increased over recent decades and gained
greater public concerns (Polanczyk, Salum, Sugaya, Caye Rohde, 2015). Due to no
biological marker available to indicate the presence of mental disorder, words such as
disease mongering, over diagnosis, over treatment are associated with the current
epidemic of mental disorders (Cosgrove Wheeler, 2013). Some people doubted the
current diagnosis of mental disorder and pointed out the existence of over diagnosis
(James et al., 2014). They hold the view that the psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical
industry should be blame for the current epidemic of mental disorder. Many
researches and organizations are dependent on the pharmaceutical industry, which
may... Show more content on ...
A survey conducted in U.S. based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM) V found that approximately one fourth to one fifth of adolescents
meet the mental disorder diagnosis criteria (Merikangas, 2010). So what are the
reasons behind the current epidemic of mental disorder? Many people attribute it to
the pharmaceutical industry and blame pharmaceutical industry for disease
mongering and its trying to influence scientific evidence for its own interests.

Pharmaceutical industry is disease mongering for its own commercial interests,
which ultimately result in the epidemic of mental disorder (Saddichha, 2010).
Disease mongering was first used by Payer (1992) to describe the behavior of
pharmaceutical companies attempts to convince people they are sick by creating
new disease. In other words, pharmaceutical companies was trying to broadening the
definitions of diseases , but it would obscure the concept of what is health and what
is sickness (Saddichha, 2010). Through disease mongering , pharmaceutical
companies try to convince the public that medications can treat disorders, so they
can enlarge the market of their products (Frances, 2010). Though some argue that
disease mongering can raise health awareness, it attaches the label of pathological to
normal experiences, for example, shyness is named as social phobia (Saddichha,
2010). Therefore, disease mongering would bring the risk of over diagnosis and over
treatment (Frances, 2010).
Taking a Look at Big Data
What is big data? Big data is structured and unstructured data that is difficult to
process using traditional database and software techniques. This is because of its
extensive size. Big data ranges from a few dozen terabytes to many petabytes of
data in a single data set and are constantly growing (Hopp). A terabyte is equal to
1,024 gigabytes, while a petabyte is equal to 1,024 terabytes. A regular iPhone has
16 gigabytes, so a terabyte contains the same amount of digital storage as 64
iPhones, while a petabyte contains the same amount of digital storage as 65,536
iPhones! Structured data is in a fixed field within a record or file (usually
databases or spreadsheets). Unstructured data is unorganized and hard to interpret
by traditional databases or data models (like photos, webpages and emails).
Structured data is a lot easier to work with and can be easily classified, so it is
preferred in big data over unstructured data. Big data is not as new as many people
believe it to be. It is actually a concept that has been around for almost a century. It
is just the same old data marketers have always used, and it s not all that big, and it
s something we should be embracing, not fearing (Arthur). In 1944, Fremont Rider
predicted that the amount of data in the world would increase exponentially (Hopp).
Rider was right on target with his prediction seventy years ago. Data has grown much
greater than he probably could have ever imagined back then. Current databases will
The Influences of C.G. Jung Essay
The Influences of C.G. Jung
Carl Gustav Jung was influenced by literature, symbolism, religion, and the occult
From a very young age. Jung s influencs remained with him as he became a doctor of
medicine and a psychological theorist. The philosophical, the supernatural, the
symbolic, the religious, and the occult all influenced Jung s area of psychological
expertise, making Jung s psychology not only unique to Jung, but also pioneering in
the field of general psychoanalysis.
In Ernest Gallo s article Synchronicity and the Archetypes. (Carl Jung s Doctrines) ,
Gallo cites that Jung was deeply drawn to the occult (Gallo, 1994). Jung s younger
cousin, Helen Preiswerk, had the ability to actually shatter knives in a ... Show more
content on ...
It is therefor dangerous for humans in general to ignore the unconscious. Jung
writes Not only will Ignorance of the unconscious deprive him of the religious
experience, it will also blind him to his capacity for evil, hence making possible
for this evil to be projected and depriving him of his capacity to deal with it.
(Abstracts, 1976, 10:19). Despite Jung s insistence that psychology be empirical and
phenomenological rather than philosophical or metaphysical (Abstracts, 1976, 11.1),
Jung believed that psychologists must take religion into account in the analytic
process as it represents one of the most ancient and universal expressions of the
human mind (Abstracts, 1976, 11.1). Jung s concept of meaningful coincidence is
tied to the spiritual as well. This is evidenced when At certain moments of
heightened spiritual awareness, the archetypal meaning structure that spans the mind
and the world flashes into visibility (Gallo, 1994). Jung even goes so far as to
suggest that religion is an integral aspect of the healing process. In fact, Jung asserts
that many neuroses are never cured unless the religious factor is restored. (Moreno,
1970, p. 79). Jung says that side by side with the decline of religious life, the neuroses
grow noticeably more frequent... (Moreno, 1970, p. 79). Jung explains that
examination of the spiritual side of the patient is recommended as a means of a cure.
(Abstracts, 11:35). Furthermore, Jung maintains that
question answer
12.8Describe how strong and weak entity types differ and provide an example of each.
A strong entity type is an entity type that is not existence dependent on some other
entity type
A weak entity type is an entity type that is existence dependent on some other entity
Strong entity weak entity
Client is strong entity because it already has primary key and doesn t depend on any
other entity, but the reference is weak entity because depends on client entity and
doesn t have primary key. (Section 12.4).
12.11You are required to create a conceptual data model of the data requirements for a
company that ... Show more content on ...
A design methodologyis a structured approach that uses procedures, techniques, tools,
and documentation aids to support and facilitate the process of design.
16.2 Describe the main phases involved database design.
Database design is made up of three main phases: logical and physical database
Conceptual database design: the process of constructing a model of the data used in
an enterprise, independent of all physical consideration. It begin with creating
conceptual data model for the enterprise that is entirely independent of
implementation details.
Logical database design is the process of constructing a model of the data used in a
company based on a specific data model, but independent of a particular DBMS and
other physical considerations.
In the logical database design phase we build the logical representation of the
database, which includes identification of the important entities and relationships, and
then translate this representation to a set of tables. The logical data model is a
source of information for the physical design phase, providing the physical database
designer with a vehicle for making tradeoffs that are very important to the design of
an efficient database.
Physical database design is the process of producing a description of the
implementation of the database on secondary storage; it describes the base tables, file
organizations, and indexes used to achieve efficient access to the data, and any
Institutional Power Of Higher Education
Rajwinder Kaur
Institutional power of higher education enables students to find their place in society
and later in life reaping the benefits of having immense knowledge. What are the
benefits of having higher education? If you don t have any education then what is
your place in society? Due to my limited English I faced limitations throughout my
middle and high school experiences. College has been an ambiguous thought never to
be turned into reality. My reality is I belong to a low status in American society
because my parents make less than twenty five thousand annually. My thought
process changed in high school where I noticed everyone was like in a race to
climb the ladder of success. I met some special people like me who gave me advice
and inspiration. They expected me not to go to army, but to college. A lot of
factors contributed to the fact that going to college is a good decision. First,
college life teaches people to be responsible and to carve out their way into society.
Secondly, I have experienced shattering expectations have devastating results.
Living up to your loved ones expectations give you a reason to succeed. Lastly, the
more intelligent you are the better quality of life you are likely to have and be in a
better position than others. Structure was the primary factor in my decision of going
to college.
Society influenced me to go to college to be successful and learn important life
lessons. Attaining a high pay job in today s economy with no
Car Industry Australia Essay
Executive Summary Eagle Motors Ltd is a well established Swedish Car
Manufacturing Company trying to set up their firm in Australia. In order to compete
successfully in the car industry in Australia, Eagle Motors Ltd needs to conduct an
analysis of the industry context in which they would like to operate. Using the
porters five forces model, this provides a detailed analysis of the competitive nature
of the Australian car industry and also it suggests an appropriate competitive strategy
for Eagle Motors to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Eagle Motors Ltd is
planning to employ a mixture of Swedish and Australian managers and employees to
run there operations in Australia. However, the senior management at Eagle Motors
does... Show more content on ...
High fixed costs: This result in an economy of scales effect that increases rivalry.
High exit barriers: High exiting barriers in the car industry place a high cost of
abandoning products, hence firms compete intensely not to loose out, like
Mitsubishi. Industry shakeout: A growing market and high profits induces new
firms like Eagle Motors to enter market and increase production which again
increases competition and rivalry. Threat of Substitutes: In porter s theory,
substitutes refer to products in other industries, not different types of the product.
A substitute exists when a products demand is affected by a change in the price of
the substitute product. For Eagle motors the price elasticity for cars is affected by
substitute products such as public transport, motorcycles and bicycles for
example. If more of these substitutes become available, the demand for cars
becomes more elastic since customers have more alternatives. A close substitute
makes it difficult for a company like Eagle motors to raise prices. In Australia now
the use of public transport and other forms of transport like bicycles have increased
largely because of the rise in petrol prices. In an already competitive market for cars,
Eagle Motors needs to be aware of the increasing petrol prices, and the tendency for
consumers to switch to lower cost substitutes like public
Women s Soccer Vs Usmnet
Comparing the U.S. women s national team(USWNT) to the U.S. men s national
team (USMNT) seems pretty easy. They play the same game but against different
genders. One thing people do not realize is how large the pay gap is. Even though
they are playing the same game, the USWNT players receives $3650 less than the
USMNT earns for a loss. These numbers never balance out, and they should. Women
s soccer is gaining popularity, and the USWNT does a better job at representing US
soccer in terms of tournaments and wins. Although they play the same game for the
same team, there is little equality between the USWNT and the USMNT.
All over the world, more and more people are watching women s soccer. According
to, Viewership for the 2015 ... Show more content on ...
They might state that not many people watch women s soccer. However, the semi
final game in the 2015 world cup was the most watched soccer game, men s or
females, ever. People might also disagree and say that the men s play harder teams.
This is not true, because the USWNT start every year off with playing 3 of the top
5 teams. Also, the women s national team does not get paid on how difficult the
team is. They always receive the same amount, $1,350 per friendly, whereas the men
s get paid anywhere from 9,375 17,625 dollars per friendly win, depending on
Importance of Early American Women Writers Essay
What could be said to early American women s writers except, thank you? The first
American women s writers opened doors and laid the foundation for future women s
writers and readers. Today s women raise children, supervise households, and work
outside the home with every modern convenience available, and as you would expect
do not find the time to write, except for a grocery list. Early American womenraised
children and supervised households without the modern conveniences of today and
in some way made time to write the first poetry of the New World. For example,
Everette Emerson gives a picture of Anne Bradstreet a housewife who stole hours
from sleep for writinggave women American writerstheir start (4). Different styles of
... Show more content on ...
Bradstreet poetry was considered plain style. She offered the reader a look into the
private world, her world. Upon Burning in Our House was a simple style poem
about the truth put into simple words, as were all of Bradstreet s poems. Bradstreet
tells about faith in God and belongings lost in the poem. Bradstreet addressed her
husband, children, God, and community in her poems. Her maternal instinct and
dedication were present in her writing. In the poem, The Author to Her Book,
Bradstreet compares the poem itself to a child, her child:
Thou ill formed offspring of my feeble brain,
Who after birth did st by my side remain,
Till snatched from thence by friends, less wise than true,
Who thee abroad, exposed to public view,
Made thee in rags, halting to th press to trudge,
These errors were not lessened (all may judge).
At thy return my blushing was not small,
my rambling brat in (in print) should mother call,
I cast thee by as one unfit for light,
My visage was so irksome in my sight;
Yet being mine own, at length affection would
thy blemishes amend, if so I could:
I washed thy face, but defects I saw,
And rubbing off a spot, still made a flaw...(Meridian 33.1 14)
Bradstreet wanted her poetry to remain private. She accepted her poetry
unconditionally, like a mother accepts her child, because if she tried to correct the
poem s flaws more flaws appeared. A distinct expression of Bradstreet true love to her
Characteristics Of The Pythagoreans
Cult: (noun) a religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are considered
extreme or strange by many people. This is the short definition of a cult extracted
from a dictionary. This essay outlines the various uncanny traits of the
Pythagoreans which strongly suggest that they were in fact, a cult. The
Pythagoreans are indeed a religious following; believing and elevating numbers to
the status of a God. Their sheer dedication to numbers and the philosophical belief
in numbers is often viewed as extreme, radical and strange. In addition, they kept
their discoveries and secrets a close guarded secret. Their way of living was also very
restricted due to their religious living and practices.
Pythagoras and his loyal followers, the Pythagoreans , belief in numbers was
radical and often perceived as strange. There are many examples of the
Pythagoreans belief in numbers and their philosophical value going past the norm
of simple philosophical belief. They believed that numbers and their value were a
universal truth because everything in the universe can be counted by numbers.
According to them, numbers were the basis of reality and existence. In addition,
they felt that not all numbers should be regarded equally. The number 10 was
especially sacred as it was the sum of other highly regarded numbers; one, two, three
and four. It is even speculated that they would worship the number 10 as if it were a
God. In fact, the school pf Pythagoras had many strangely perceived beliefs
surrounding numbers. Every allocated number had its own symbol and meaning it
represented. For example, number one was thought to be the creator of all numbers;
two symbolised opinions; three meant harmony; four represented justice; five
embodied marriage; six signified creation and seven corresponded to the seven
planets, of the wandering stars . In addition, odd numbers were thought as feminine,
whilst even numbers were masculine. In summary, Pythagoras and his Pythagorean s
sheer devotion and belief in numbers was radical.
The Pythagoreans were very secretive, especially their mysterious leader, Pythagoras.
Those who followed Pythagoras were divided into two sectors; the akousmatikoi and
the mathematikoi. The mathematikoi were the
Disadvantages Of Medicinal Plants
In recent decades there has been increased public interest in prevention, control and
treatment of diseases by medicinal plants. However, providing the required resources
from wild growing species couldn t always meet the demand. Anthropogenic
interferences with natural habitats and ecosystems, and threats posed by humans to
comply the demand make many medicinal plants endangered. Cultivation of
medicinal plants to provide needed plantmaterials is one of the strategies to conserve
the plants and avoid depletion of wild resources. Furthermore, using cultivated
plants material instead of wild collected ones has some other advantages such as
precise control of growing condition, harvesting at right time, and reduction the
possibility of adulteration. However, it should be considered chemical constituents
may vary between cultivars and wild grown ones by type or amount and then their
biologic effects may differ from each other. Several studies have compared cultivated
and wild grown species especially from the point of view of essential oilcomposition
and then similarities and differences between samples have been reported (1 6). As an
example Chatzopoulou et al., have shown although... Show more content on ...
Then the essential oils were dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and kept in sealed
vials at 20ВєC until analysis and antimicrobial evaluations.
Extraction and fractionation
The dried powdered fruits (250g) also were subjected to extraction using methanol
(5Г—1.5L) at room temperature. The resulting total extracts were concentrated under
vacuum by means of a rotary evaporator at 40ВєC, the resultant concentrated extracts
were lyophilized by freeze dryer at 40ВєC for 24h (Lyotrap Ultra, LTE Scientific
Ltd., Oldham, UK). A portion of dried extracts were fractionated using solid liquid
fractionation method with appropriate volumes of petroleum ether and ethylacetate.
Understanding Of Local Area Network Technologies Essay
Final Report AS 91377 Demonstrate understanding of local area network technologies
Adam Major
Networking Concepts
describe what the user will mainly use a specific LAN for
A LAN network (Local Area Network) is an establishment created when clients or
devices such as computers and phones etc. with the right networking specifications
allowing them to be connected with each other using a common connecion such as
Ethernet or wireless. This establishment allows the sharing of resources from the
device through the network and to the desired destination such as another device e.g.
Mobile phone, pc, tablet etc. all locally within the network by Ethernet etc. In this
scenario the LAN network is used for gaming where two computers connected to the
same network are trying to connect with each other to allow an established
connection between the two allowing data to be shared, effectively creating a game
server. A user will mainly use a specific LAN to share data between clients by pairing
them together.
Ethernet is the most commonly used LAN technology. It is used to transmit data
locally from the network router and to devices manually connecting them to the
network by wire using copper cabling.
compare and contrast the characteristics and the purposes of peer to peer LANs and
client/server LANs
Peer to Peer LAN
A peer to peer (P2P) network consists of nodes with equal privileges able to send
data to each other without the need for a server to connect to. Each peer has the
Pros And Cons Of Pure Natural Healing Method
Master Lim s Pure Natural Healing System Our Full Review
Hello and welcome to our review of the Pure Natural Healing system by Master Lim.
Like always, this review will be divided into 3 main parts:
1. The basics section that covers the main things Master Lim teaches in his training
2. The section about the pros and cons of Pure Natural Healing that will cover
several of the primary pros and cons of this system.
3. The conclusions section where we talk about our final thoughts and feelings
regarding the Pure Natural Healing program...
Let s start :)
The Basics
Created by Master Lim, an Acupressure master, Pure Natural Healing is a
comprehensive training program that will show you the exact sequence and
techniques for unblocking the meridians in your body, so it can naturally heal itself
of different types of ailments in a short span of time. ... Show more content on ...
He says he generally structured the Pure Natural Healing training manual around
XXXacupressure XXX, which works
similarly to acupuncture. Acupressure uses the same healing trigger points as
acupuncture, but instead of using needles, a practitioner applies gentle pressure to
release meridian points on the body. A meridian is a channel through which qi or life
force flows.
Some of the benefits that Master Lim promises can be achieved through the Pure
Natural Healing program
Metamorphosis by Frank Kafka
Frank Kafka s short story Metamorphosis involves an element of horror derived from
the unchallenged acceptance provided by everyone, including Gregor himself to his
transformation into a vermin cockroach. Kafka, renowned for his surrealism, tries to
create a universe where a seemingly unrealistic reality containing chaos, corruption
and immorality, is in fact reality, and an actually consistent perception of the truly
horrid nature of human existenceunder the influence of society. Set against the
backdrop of truly unnatural and surreal circumstance, Kafka explores the prospect of
human sympathy; and to what extent sympathy actually exists between humans than
simply on the mere countenance of men. In Metamorphosis, Kafka especially
elucidates the unprincipled, unpleasant nature behind the ideology of a society
overruled by a capitalist mindset, completely preoccupied with work and giving little
regard for one s own nature of existence. And when Gregor dies, the readers might be
prompted to feel that there is no resolution to life.
Grete, who is the loving, caring and idyllic sister of Gregor initially expresses pity
and concern for the character of her cockroach brother, who is although hideous and
seemingly not requiring human affection on the outside. However, throughout the
happenings of the plot, this compassion gradually diminishes, having been
overwhelmed by other lurking emotions of possessiveness and resentfulness, which
hold greater place in her developing mind
The British Position s Position On The Morality Continuum
A major difference between 1956 and the 1930s was the British position s position
on the morality continuum. The Anti Appeasement position championed by
Churchill during the 1930s had aged very well. By 1956 the horrors of world war
two were still fresh memories for all adult Britons and Churchill s historical writings
seemed to cement this view.
At a time when the evils of imperialism were becoming more apparent and resented
a great deal of British pride was sourced from standing up to fascism in 1939 and
ultimately winning.
Illegal, unilateral military intervention in Suez on the back of a legal nationalisation
of a foreign owned asset had all the hallmarks of a colonist power s show of strength.
British national interest was undoubtedly threatened by the loss of oil, spread of Arab
nationalism and (more questionably) the resulting spread of communism throughout
the region but the moral high ground of a nation defending itself against fascism was
more difficult to conjure up.
By drawing parallels between (specifically) 1938 and the nationalization crisis a
sense of moral authority was gained.
Britain could no longer hope to act unilaterally with success. The support (active and
passive) from the commonwealth and the USA was no longer present.
Britain viewed Nasser as a reckless dictator who had potential to massively threaten
western power in the Middle East, the power of Britain and ultimately tip the balance
in the cold war.
The decision not to pursue further
Cultural Conflict In Angela s Ashes
In the book Angela s Ashes , the main character, which is the author himself, Frank
McCourt, describes his miserable Irish Catholic childhood (p 11). His parents met
each other in the New York City, where the beginning of the story takes place during
the times of Great Depression. The father was an alcoholic that couldn t find a job
and wasn t able to financially support a family: Dad is out looking for a job again and
sometimes he comes home with the smell of whiskey (p 22). They didn t have
food: I wish I had something to eat but there s nothing in the icebox but cabbage
leaves floating in the melted ice. My father said never eat anything floating in
water for the rot that might be in it (p22). Three kids died because of the diseases.
The youngest girl s body was sold in order... Show more content on ...
They take bodies any age and do the experiments on them..that s terrible. A father
or mother would never give the baby for something like that (p 44). Those and
many others sad events surrounded McCourt s family and the main reason for that
is poverty. The main cultural conflict in the novel was represented by political
tension between wealthy, powerful England and impoverished Ireland. In the
opening lines, Frank made clear his opinion on this topic by talking about the
English and the terrible things they did to us for eight hundred long years . Most
of the adult characters in the memoir we re against past English invasions of
Ireland and contemporary English repression of the Irish. His father fought with the
Old IRA and was signing a lot of Irish rebel songs after coming home drunk. A lot of
times he made his sons give him a promise to die for Ireland: You ll die for Ireland,
won t you, boys? (p 40), he ll give us a
Personal Health Behaviors And Religious Prohibition Of...
1.1 Background
Personal health behaviours are activities that heighten risk of disease or promote the
maintenance of health. They consist of two broad classes of behaviour: 1) Health
risk behaviours, or activities carried out with a frequency or intensity that increases
risk of disease or injury; these include cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol
consumption, certain sexual behaviours and drink driving. 2) Positive health
behaviours, or activities that may help prevent disease and injury, detect disease and
disability at an early stage, or enhance health; regular physical activity, avoidance of
fat in the diet, eating fruit and fibre, and breast and testicle self examination, all fall
into this category. (1) Personal health behaviours are thought to play a key role in
determining the prevalence of diseases of major socio economic impact throughout
the world, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers and accidents. (2)
Personal health behaviours are determined by a wide variety of factors, including
socio cultural influences (e.g. dietary traditions and religious prohibition of
alcohol), legislation (e.g. laws restricting the purchase of tobacco and the use of
seat belts), macroeconomics (e.g. disposable income and taxation on cigarettes),
health care provision (e.g. occupational health checks and free dental care), systems
of provision of goods and services (e.g. availability of sporting facilities and low fat
foods), and socio demographic factors (age,
Portrayal Of The Jim Crow
The term Jim Crow originated from actor Thomas Rice, who dressed in blackface
while pretending to be a beggar. While acting he often imitated many of the
mannerisms ascribed to African Americans. Rice also created a song called Jump Jim
Crow from a routine he saw performed by an elderly stable man who was owned by
Mr. Crow. Rice s portrayal of African American
life became very popular among
individuals in the North and the South. The term Jim Crow soon became a common
phrase in American Language. Jim Crow lawsbecame a way for Whites to keep free
African Americans in their place . Signs were placed in many public venues in order
to keep African Americans and Whites facilities separate.
Alabama had separate waiting rooms and ticket ... Show more content on ...
Mary doesn t recall the negative effects that Jim Crow had on African Americans.
Mary believed that African Americans made the choice to endure some of the
oppressions that they faced. For example, Mary believed that African Americans
chose to sit on the back of the bus. Additionally, Mary was raised by an African
American caretaker and she was surrounded by African American tenants on her
family s plantation. She also believed that the African Americans that worked on her
families plantation were poor but happy. Lastly, Mary believed that nothing bothered
African Americans.
Mary s statement reflects a form of covert racism. This quote tends to depict the
hardships of African Americans as merely inconvenient aspects of everyday life.
Instead of viewing Jim Crow laws as inhumane, many Whites neglect to comprehend
the damage that these laws had on Black families. This quote also embodies the
notion of the veil that Dubois described. African Americans had to hide their true
intentions behind a smile when in the presence of Whites. As a result, some Whites
believe that African Americans were accepting of the systematic racism that they
The Feminine Mystique, By Betty Friedan
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan is related to the second wave of feminism.
Betty Friedan wrote about The Problem that has no Name. Throughout the next few
pages the analysis will be on The Feminine Mystique with particular attention on The
Problem that has no Name. In the 1960s it was uncommon for the women of the
time to hold a job and raise a family. Betty Friedanworked until she was pregnant,
which she was fired for, and then continued to write freelance for journals and
newspapers after she had her children. She wanted to have a job and raise a family.
She wanted the best of both worlds. The other part of Betty Friedan that is
remarkably admirable is her view on beauty standards. She was not all that pleased
that women and men had to look a certain way. How has The Problem that has no
Name and The Feminine Mystiquechanged the outlook on women s problems, how
has society dealt with these problems, and how women were able to write about
such problems that women face? These are the main concerns that will be
addressed throughout the next few pages. By looking at the book and Betty Friedan
s life, but, also looking at other sources from the 1960s we can see how life was for
women both on the home front and the outside world.
The Problem that has no Name, as Betty Friedan called it, is a situation that
occurred in the 1960s. The Problem that has no Name happened because people
were moving to the suburbs. Before the mid twentieth century the suburbs did not
really exist, it was either the countryside or the urban centre. People, particularly
women and children, had nothing to do because the suburbs did not have all the
activities that they do today. There were no playgrounds, parks, clubs or activities
to keep the women or their children busy. The men would go off to work and the
wives and children would be stuck at home with nothing to do. Of course, there were
some usual activities, such as, cleaning and doing chores but outside of the domestic
side of activities there was not much for the women or children to do. They would go
to their doctors and get prescriptions to help relieve the pain they felt. This essentially
became know as the problem that has no name. The main question that
Nazi Propaganda Film
Seldom has a history classes had film, myth, and Nazis been as integrated as this
Nazi Cinema class. Most people watch films as a form of entertainment, were as
we are introduced to new form of cinema as well as new ways to study historical
merit. This will explain specific aspects of Nazi history ranging from 1930 to 1937.
Such as the power of propaganda, the Hitler Youth, and Women in Nazi Germany
while relating it with these films Triumph of the Will (1934), Hitler Youth Quex
(1933), and La Habanera (1937).
Looking deep into the beginning of the creation of a Nazi Germany requires looking
into causes why Germany would allow a takeover. As World War Iended Germany
had been devised. Many of the middle class families that lived in Germany ... Show
more content on ...
Just by taking a look at the opening shot we are seeing from Hitler s view as he looks
down upon Germany. His view is high above Germany and its people, as if he is
looking down from the heavens. As the view changes it is of the people in the
crowd waiting to see Hitler. We are now looking at him as he ascends from the sky
full of beautiful, light, fluffy clouds. As if he were a god coming down from the
heavens just for Germany to save them in their desperate time of need. As Hitler
steps from the plane we are now in the view of him or perhaps a guard, the entire
crowd is beside themselves to be in the presence of das FГјhrer. This creation of this
god like man, in which all extremely outwardly show such love for definitely creates
an appeal to the hearts of the national masses .
Another scene in which drew a huge amount of emotion would be the night rally.
With a combination of darkly lit atmosphere with large fires blazing, creating a
smoke filling the screen
April Raintree Analysis
The drunken Indian stereotype is a twisted perversion of the sad truth that many
Indigenous peoples in Canada, and all over the world, struggle with substance abuse
problems and alcoholism, as seen numerous times plaguing the family of the
protagonist of In Search of April Raintree, written by author Beatrice Culleton
Mosionier. Countless believe alcoholismamongst Indigenous peoplesis genetic, that it
is in their blood their nature, but this logic is hackneyed and highly inaccurate. For
starters, Canada s Indigenous population was not introduced to alcoholand its effects
until colonization. Years later, lacking proper and sufficient help to aid in healing the
scars left from trauma, many turned to substances. Nowadays, the scientific
community recognizes that alcoholism is something learned, not something one is
born with. Alcoholism amongst Indigenous peoples is not a genetic predisposition,
but rather a cultural influence taught over hundreds of years.
Before the European colonizers arrived in Canada, the Indigenous peoples of the land
did not have a brewing tradition, and had no prior experience with alcohol. Alcohol
was first introduced to the Indigenous peoples of Canada around the 17th century,
where it became a commonly traded commodity, in exchange for materials such as
fur. Consequently, the addition of alcohol also greatly changed the healthy diets of
the Indigenous peoples, who once relied on organic foods for sustenance, acquired
through hunting and
Mad Cow Disease
Mad Cow Disease Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), better know as Mad
cow disease is a relatively new disease. Most sources state that BSE first showed up
in Great Britain in 1986 [Dealler p.5] but some say it popped up in 1985 [Greger
p.1]. However the official notification was not until 21 June, 1988 [Dealler stats.
p.1]. Spongiform encephalopathies are invariable fatal neurodegenerative diseases
and there is no treatment nor is there a cure for this disease [Greger p.1]. The recent
scare of BSE has arisen because of the contraction of Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (CJD:
see Appendix B) in humans from eating beef products. Although there are many
forms of Spongiform encephalopathies that affect a wide range of animals, BSE has...
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Great Britain is the site where the major problem of BSE started. The increase of
BSE in the UK was mostly due to the fact that farmers were feeding their cattle a
bovine food which included parts of dead sheep that had scrapie [see Appendix
B.]and also the offal [see Appendix B] of dead cows that carry the BSE disease.
This method of preparing the bovine food started in 1980, in order to be protein
concentrated which in return made the cows increase their milk yield. Most
people did not know BSE could be transmitted through the food derived from dead
sheep and cattle. Because the normal incubation period for a cow is 2 8 years,
most of the BSE infected cattle did not start to show signs until sixth and seventh
year. Due to the fact that a very small amount of the cows that were infected with
BSE showed the symptoms early in the 1980 s , they were not detected as having
BSE. Most of these cows were then recycled into bovine food, which was then feed
to more cattle and more cattle became infected. It was not until July of 1988 that
the feed manufacturers were issued a warning to stop the production of bovine
food with the presence of cattle offal that were infected with BSE [Dealler pg.2].
And it was not until 25 September, 1990 that bovine offal were specified to be
banned from the food of all species [Dealler stats. p.1]. In 1987 the
Antibacterial Properties of Essential Oils Essay
Present study proves that, citrus fruit juices are great antimicrobial agents against
certain microorganism and they can be used as medicine for treatment of bacterial
infections. The tests of antimicrobial activity and the MIC assays showed promising
results that fresh citrus fruit juices are good in killing bacteria. (Bansode.DS et al.,
IRJP 2012)
Lemon is one of the Family Rutaceae. It is prepared primarily for its alkaloids, which
having anticancer activities and the antibacterial properties. (Kawaii et al., 2000)
Antimicrobial potential of the citrus peel extract is directly concerned with the
components that they have. The studies showed that essential oils, protopine and
corydaline alkaloids, lactons, polyacetylene, acyclic ... Show more content on ...
The effect of herbs and spices has been successfully done in food application. As
several experiment had being conducted. This was due to the present of essential oils,
which act as antibacterial substances, which inhibit the growth of bacteria. In food
and in vitro the only experiment that had being successfully applied. (M.M Tajkarimi,
The condition when high vapor have a great effect on the effectiveness of essential oil
as for this research 14 different types of essential oils that have being tested on few
different bacteria example Staphylococcus. The effect when in high vapor is better
the when leave the essential oils overnight. From the research the result was around 1
or 2 hours for the essential oils to diffuse into the agar. (Shigeharu Inouye, 2001)
From the Sodium bicarbonate the effect of inhibition towards bacteria had identified
as the sodium bicarbonate had alter the pH value of the surrounding and this had
make the bacteria not it good condition which
Analysis Of Halftime Advertisements
The most recent sports advertisement I have seen and paid attention were the Pepsi,
Hyped for Halftime. The only reason these billboards stuck with me is because
there was a billboard everywhere you turned in downtown Phoenix for several
weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. Otherwise, I do not watch much in the way of
advertisements. The Pepsi Hyped for Halftime billboards were fairly simple in
design Pepsi blue background with a can of Pepsi front and center topped with the
Super Bowl trophy. The overall message eluded to an impressive, highly
anticipated halftime show. These billboards were primarily placed around the
central part of downtown Phoenix where the NFL Experience was taking place.
Sides of buildings, inside and outside of the light rail, bus stops, outside and inside
city buses were all platforms for displaying Pepsi s Hyped for Halftime
advertisements. The advertisements began to appear about two to three weeks prior
to the opening of the NFL Experience. I feel these advertisements were not targeting
the diehard football fans. These advertisements were aiming to attract the casual fan
and the non fan. Pepsi did not spotlight a football player of anything about the NFL,
instead the company was promoting an aspect of the Super Bowl that is typically
viewed as the part of most interest to people... Show more content on
For example, while I may have suggested placing more Pepsi Hyped for Halftime
advertisements near suburban parts of phoenix, rather than just downtown, but by
placing the advertisements primarily in downtown Pepsi successfully reached their
primary target market with the added benefit of reaching their secondary market too.
This exercise made me think critically about Pepsi s decision to center their
advertisements in short two to three block area, which received a large amount of
foot traffic, rather than spreading advertisements to other parts of the
Essay On Student Loan Crisis
The student loan crisis is worse than ever and more people are leaving college
thousands of dollars in debt before they even have a job or any type of income.
With the rising cost of college and living expenses, people are taking out more
student loans for higher amounts, leaving more people in an undesirable amount of
debtand essentially trapping them. There s currently no way to get rid of federal
student debt other than paying off the loans. (Quinton, Sophie, why you might be
paying student loans till you retire). Because student loans are not like other loans
they will not disappear if you declare bankruptcy, so the borrower is forced to pay
them back even if it means you cannot afford to do so. There is not just one thing that
is causing the student loancrisis this is a combination of many things that are being
overlooked or ignored. We need to look into the reasoning to determine why this is
happening, what problems it is causing and then come up with a solution that can
stop the problem. Student loans are a great tool to use if you need financial help
for college, but one must be careful and consider the consequences and understand
what a student loan is and how to deal with them to make a responsible decision
about their financial future. Before we can go any further, we need to first define
what exactly a student loan is, and what student loans can entail. A student loan is
defined as A type of loan designed to help students pay for post secondary
education and the associated fees . Student loans are marvelous and a supportive
tool for college students, but people don t realize that everything they borrow
needs to be paid back with interest. Five years ago in 2012 71% of students
graduating four year colleges had student loans and the average indebtedness of a
college graduate was $29,400 . If you compare that to 1993 the average
indebtedness of a college graduate was $9,450 (Average Student Loan Debt, 1993
2012). In only 19 years there was a $19,950 dollar difference in the averages. Those
numbers do not include the interest that the student will have to pay back over time.
All of those factors are just a small part of what makes up student debt but it is good
to have a general
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Dorian Gray Essays

  • 1. Dorian Gray Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Dorian Gray" can prove to be a challenging yet intellectually rewarding endeavor. The intricacies of Oscar Wilde's novel demand a nuanced understanding of themes such as the nature of beauty, the consequences of vanity, and the moral decay of a character over time. The challenge lies not only in deciphering the layers of Wilde's prose but also in constructing an insightful analysis that goes beyond surface-level observations. To tackle this task effectively, one must delve into the psychological complexities of Dorian Gray's character, exploring the impact of his choices and the symbolism embedded in the portrait that ages while he remains youthful. Additionally, a comprehensive exploration of the socio- cultural context of the Victorian era, as reflected in the novel, adds depth to the analysis. Moreover, a successful essay requires a thoughtful examination of the author's intentions and the potential influence of his personal life on the narrative. Analyzing the philosophical and aesthetic elements that Wilde infused into the work demands a keen intellectual grasp and an ability to connect the dots across diverse literary, historical, and artistic realms. The essayist must navigate the delicate balance between interpreting the text and presenting original insights. Crafting a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the essay adds another layer of difficulty. Furthermore, maintaining coherence and cohesion throughout the essay while exploring various dimensions of the topic poses an ongoing challenge. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Dorian Gray" demands a synthesis of literary analysis, historical contextualization, and philosophical exploration. It is an undertaking that requires dedication, critical thinking, and a mastery of the nuances present in Wilde's masterpiece. For those seeking assistance or inspiration in approaching such essays, various resources are available. Platforms like offer the possibility to order similar essays and more, providing support for individuals navigating the complexities of literary analysis and essay composition. Dorian Gray Essays Dorian Gray Essays
  • 2. The Faerie Queene By Edmund Spenser Analysis This week s lecture is on The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser. This lecture focuses on Edmund Spenser s life, the sources and influences that created Book I of The Faerie Queene , themes, devices, and meaning, purpose of Book I, and The Legend of the Knight of the Red Cross . Edmund Spenserwas born in 1552 to a modest family of modest means with a similar background such as Marlowe and Shakespeare. Spenser was a well educated man much like Marlowe. Spenser spent his first years of education at the Merchant Taylors School before attending university. Edmund Spenser would go on to receive a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters of Arts from Cambridge University. After university, Spenser would begin a career as a minor civil servant where he was a personal secretary to men of power and influence. His work would lead him to a few minor colonial government posts in Ireland. Afterwards, Edmund Spenser was bestowed a castle and 3,000 acres of land in Munster, Ireland. However, the castle was burned down into a rebel uprising. This was due to Spenser being disrespectful of the Irish and their religion. Edmund Spenser would then go on to be a poet. He was creative and adventurous when it came to his work. His greatest works are The Shepheardes Calendar and The Faerie Queene. Spenser became a great influence to several poets such as Milton and other romantics. In the end, Edmund Spenser became one of the greatest English poets of his time. The Faerie Queene is similar to works of Beowulf because of its Anglo Saxon epics. Also, Book I has a hint of classical and renaissance adventures. The Faerie Queene is a perfect combination of themes and motifs that was already introduced in other assignments. This makes Spenser s The Faerie Queene an epic poem. An epic poem is described as a long narrative in elevated style while presenting characters of high positions in adventures thus forming an organic whole through their relation to a central heroic figure and their development of events that play an important part to the history of a nation or race. The common characteristics of the main character is that the hero is played by a person of importance such who would have a historical or legendary significance. The
  • 3. The Nightingale Quotes This quote is a flashback from an elderly Vianne, and it is the first line in the book. This quote foreshadows the effect that war has on many characters, and how such a horrible event can put everything under a microscope and show the courageous battles fought, and not just by the soldiers. War is an abhorrent event that has the ability to destroy everything. That is no different in the novelThe Nightingaleby Kristin Hannah. The Nightingale is about two French sisters, Vianne and Isabelle Rossignol and tells their stories while living in a German occupied France. Right from the very beginning, it seems that the two sisters have completely opposite characteristics. When Vianne was 14 and Isabelle was 4 their mother died. This is obviously a very emotional time for the two and they both cope with the death of their mother in very different ways. Vianne is forced to take over the mother role which is courageous at any age, but at 14 it is simply gallant: You will be the mother now. Her father said to Vianne while her eyes were swollen from crying, her grief unbearable (7). Vianne did not even have the opportunity to cope with her mother s loss before she had to fill her mother s shoes, whose shoes were not easy to fill by any means. Isabelle on the other hand is a fiercely rebellious girl who refuses to listen to anyone. She is expelled from a dozen boarding schools throughout her teenage years, and she is unwilling to settle down and be the proper lady her father so desperately wishes her to be. At the beginning of the novel, both sisters appear to have distinctive differences in regard to their personality and values. In 1940, the war begins to intensify at a rapid rate, and it appears that when the war begins the rebellious side of Isabelle will end up costing her her life or someone around her. The difference in the two sisters is evident when Sophie questions why they have to relinquish their radio to the Germans, and Isabelle immediately decides to hide it , and Vianne reacts by telling Isabelle that they will do as we are told (99). This is a perfect example of different types of courage between the two sisters. Isabelle s courage is bold and impulsive as she never thinks about the consequences
  • 4. The Work Of Henry Ford Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, managed to change the price of the Ford Model T from six hundred dollars into four hundred and ninety dollars. He did this by looking at the total cost it took to manufacture and minimized it again and again. This is known as total cost minimization. He invented new ways of going about the production process, the assembly linebeing what he spent most of his time on. The work of Henry Fordvery close to perfect total cost minimization. As an engineer, it is important to be able to reduce the cost whenever possible to maximize efficiency. Throughout the past decades engineers have been able to invent various other ways to reduce the total cost, many of which are being used today. Total cost minimization can be achieved through the use of the assembly line, just in time manufacturing and better training for workers. To begin with, the total cost of production can be significantly reduced from the use of the assembly line. The assembly line is a method of production where the object to be made is moved across a conveyor belt or other moving mechanism and the workers are all next to it adding to the object one at a time as the object passes. First, when work is done this way, it is done much faster. Since the workers all do the same job over and over again, they can do it much faster than a single designated worker could. With repetition, they become so fine tuned with their job that they are able to do it as quick as possible.
  • 5. Dealing With Dragon Character Analysis Dealing with Dragons In the novel, Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wade, the main character Cimorene runs away from home in hopes of getting away from all the rules of being proper. When she runs away she goes to the enchanted forest where she meets Kazul and other dragons, and volunteers to be Kazul s princess. then later her best friend Alianora ,the stone prince and her defeat of Woraug and how the wizards how were planning to sabotage the trails so that Woraugcould win ,become king and give the King s Crystal to the wizards so they could find all of the most magical treasure.In addition athough Cimorene had run away from home to get away from being proper and acting kind to those that she did not feel fond of for example Therindal,she did in fact act very princess like when she was the of Kazul, the dragon. In addition to the novel Dealing with Dragons there was an argument on whether Cimorene acted in a princess like manner or not.Also if she was justified for doing so or not. In chapter 4 it says Lie Down! Cimorene commanded.Kazul looked at her in surprise and collapsed in another fit of coughing.Cimorene waited until the dragon s coughing had subsided,then said
  • 6. What Is The Irony In The Secret Life Of Santiago For eighty four days, old Santiago has not caught a single fish. At first a young boy, Manolin, shared his bad fortune, but after the fortieth luckless day, the boy s father tells his son to go in another boat. From that time on, Santiago works alone. Each morning he rows his skiff out into the Gulf Stream, where the big fish are. Each evening he comes home empty handed. The boy loves the old fisherman and pities him. When Manolin has no money of his own, he begs or steals to make sure that Santiago has enough to eat and has fresh baits for his lines. The old man accepts his kindness with a humility that is like a quiet kind of pride. Over their evening meals of rice or black beans, they talk about the fish they had caught in luckier times or about American baseball and the great Joe DiMaggio. At night, alone in his shack, Santiago dreams of lions on the beaches of Africa, where he had gone on a sailing ship years before. He no longer dreams of his dead wife. ... Show more content on ... After leaving the smell of land behind him, he sets his lines. Two of his baits are fresh tunas the boy had given him, as well as sardines to cover his hooks. The lines sink straight down into deep dark water. As the sun rises, he sees other boats in toward shore, which is only a low green line on the sea. A hovering man of war bird shows him where dolphins are chasing some flying fish, but the school is moving too fast and is too far away. The bird circles again. This time Santiago sees tuna leaping in the sunlight. A small one takes the hook on his stern line. Hauling the quivering fish aboard, the old man thinks it a good
  • 7. Critique Analysis Of Beowulf Critique Paper Beowulf In the epic Beowulf, the main character Beowulf possesses all the qualities of a hero during the Anglo Saxon Era. He demonstrates his courage, loyalty, wisdom, and strength but are these qualities enough to consider him a hero by the standards of today? Beowulf has qualities that strong heroes have but didn t struggle to get them because he was born with it. He has many adventures, like fighting Grendel and other monstrous creatures but was very sure of himself. He was born strong. (Beowulf, 35 37) Now there lived overseas In the land of the Geats, a youth of valiance abounding, Mightiest yest mildest of men, his name Beowulf, But Beowulf being sure of himself showed how arrogant and boastful he is by ... Show more content on ... Like Spiderman and Batman both strong, courageous, loyal and helpful. These heroes didn t ever boast their triumphs. They even hid their identity under a mask. They have pride and honor because they received recognition initiated by the people. In spite of that, they remained humble and down to earth. They hid their identity as superheroes and will just appear if people are in need of help. These are the other characteristic of a modern hero that is acceptable today. Beowulf has many things that the Anglo Saxon viewed as heroism but he missed many things that are important for a modern hero. In conclusion, Beowulf possessed many heroic qualities in the Anglo Saxon era that mere mortals lack bravery beyond compare, superhuman intelligence, strength or skills and a driving desire to find success. However, he would not be considered a hero in today s world. Drucker and Cathcart (1994) claim: A hero varies culture to culture and from time to time. (p.2) Anglo Saxons appreciated different things in a hero that we do not appreciate today. Nowadays, heroes are introduced to people early on in life usually as a fictional character, but as children grow older their perception of heroes alter. A hero not only need to be physically strong, but he also needs to have integrity and moral values who acts without thinking his own benefits. Works Cited Jankowski, Connie.
  • 8. Analysis Of After The First Death By Robert Cormier Cruel things happen everywhere around the world today; there are things that make us question the world that we live in. In the novel After the First Death written by Robert Cormier a terrorist hijacking of a school bus filled with little kids is a cruel thing. In the book there are characters who are innocent and then the characters who are not so innocent. Raymond, Kate , and Ben were innocent but, this innocence was taken away from them by the end of this novel. Raymond was one of the many little kids on the bus during the hijacking, when Raymond was first introduced he was known as the chunkier kid. When the terrorists first hijacked the bus they gave all the kids drugged candy to sedate them. On page 107 it stated To make up for being late. He kept his room neat. He washed up good before eating. He did not fidget. He did not eat candy except at special times (107). Raymond did not eat the candy that Artkin gave to him because he wasnt allowed to. He was an innocent little boy who did as he was told but it was changed when the terrorists found out he did not eat the candy. A second example from the text is Raymond s chin began to tremble. Whats your name boy? Raymond. He said the name a whisper. His eyes were agonized as he confronted Artkin (150). This is towards the end of the book and the two terrorists Arkin and Miro have realized that Raymond must have not eaten the candy because he is awake and alert. After this was found out Raymond was forced to eat the
  • 9. Louis Xiv s Influence On The World War II Karl Johnson A Block, History Lisa Feirtag The Sun God Louis XIV is known for his powerful approach to rule. For example, within foreign policy, pressing the invasion of the Spanish Netherlands in 1667, boldly deeming it his wife s rightful inheritance. The conflict was named, The War of Devolution, and lasted a year. France lost, although Louis XIV did not give up, and engaged in the great Franco Dutch War from 1672 to 1678. During the war, France managed to acquire more land and the victory promoted France to the status of a dominant power. After all, Louis XIV was known to France as the Sun King, the most powerful and god like being on earth, he couldn t stand for defeat. This new dominant status, coupled with Louis XIV s audacious campaigns to constantly expand territory through the use of military force, positioned France as an immediate threat to other European nations, and positioned Louis XIV as a looming figure over all of Europe. Louis XIV thought of war as the sport of Kings, and he put a lot into his favorite pastime. Louis XIV was born September 5, 1638 in Saint Germaine en Laye, France. He became king and official leader of 19 million French in 1643 at the age of four years old. Rather than a scholarly education, Louis XIV was educated in practicality and logic. Louis s first goal as king was to centralize and rein in total control of France. He did this by establishing reforms that cut France s deficit, promoted industrial growth, created an organized
  • 10. Colosseum And Pantheon Essay All ancient cultures around the world, are Identified with the way in which they choose to build their cities and connecting infrastructure. The Romans seem to have been the king of architecture, especially when, they as a people were able to build a lot of public buildings, which are grand in size and opulence. Many of these structures still exist today, The Colosseum, and Pantheon. But the Romans were able also to build roads, bridges, and aqueducts. All of these things mentioned above were ONLY made possible by two things, Concrete and arches ! Let s talk about concrete. It was a Roman invention and I have taking a direct quote from our reading to describe what concrete is; based on different forms of column and the capital which surmounted ... Show more content on ... This glue allowed the Romans to stick together many different materials, therefor making a composite structure. These composite structure had attributes far greater than that of let s say a wall just made of loose stone. The Romans were also fond of the Etruscan Arch The arch was a way to use less material when building a bridge or aqueduct. They made the arches, reinforced or glued together with the concrete. These two things, concrete and the arch, paved the way (Literally) For the expansion of the Roman Empire. Through the use of building roads and bridges they could have a fast and easy way to move men and material to and from different parts of the Empire. When it came to bridges the use of arches allowed the Romans to span great distances with в…” rds less material and labor. The arch also performed a great duty in supplying the city of Rome with fresh drinking and bathing water via the aqueducts that connected distance water reservoirs to the city of Rome. Again the importance of these two simple inventions and use of the arch, helped sustain and propel the Roman culture and influence in the entire mediterranean area. It is simple amazing that much of what the ancient Romans built is still here today and not only just in Italy, but wherever the Romans
  • 11. The Mood For Love, Urban Space, And Post Modernity In The Mood For Love, Urban Space, and Post Modernity Wong Kar Wai s Fa Yeung Nin Wa (2000), translated to In The Mood For Love, is an opening to the new millennium and homage to past genres of filmmaking. Deeply rooted in emotion and nostalgia, In The Mood For Love reads as a waltz throughout the entirety of the film. Set in 1962 Hong Kong, journalist Chow Mo wan moves to the city with his wife, who is often away on business. He befriends a woman who lives in his apartment complex, Su Li Zhen (referred to Ms. Chan in the film) who mirrors his loneliness and marital strife. Ironically, Ms. Chan s husband is also often away from business, and both realize their partners are having an affair with their respective spouses. Su and Chow begin a fantasy relationship with one another, pretending to be each other s spouse reenacting how their partners could have gotten together. The protagonists constantly push each other s boundaries of propriety; their combined desire for affection is an extension of the abandonment they feel from their spouses. Simultaneously a simulacrum of love and a reflection of genuine yearning, they imitate a relationship and inevitably fall for one another, but fear that they ll stoop to the infidelity of their partners. Wong Kar Wai s film is a statement about individual realities and how people reflect on an unattainable past, as well as an exploration of physical and emotional confinement that accompany abandonment. In The Mood For Love is a
  • 12. Fearless And Stolen Play Analysis We as the audience are engaged in an upfront manner by the individual concerns and social issues through our chosen texts the characters in Fearless and Stolen. Stolen written by Jane Harrison is an indigenous text which explores issues which arose as a result of the forced removal of Aboriginal children, this is showcased by 5 children perspective. Fearless by Mirra Todd explores stories about people we wouldn t give a second look at, it also shows the struggles of some society s outcasts. These two texts allow the audience to see and engage with what many Australians face every day. Stolen is a play filled with powerful short moments which tell the audience the effects of a child removed from all that they know, their identity being stripped away and moulded into something foreign. When the class read the play we had empathy with the children; they are confused of their sense of belonging, loss of their culture and a child needing a mother. Sandy is a character consistently on the run who gives us a contradicting statement been everywhere except one place home . The word home is a very powerful word it allows the audience to realise you can build houses but not homes. All Sandy really wants is a place where he doesn t have to keep hiding. Without an individual identity a social structure of security is... Show more content on ... The character Anne seems materially happy however at the end of the play she breaks the 4th wall by stating s pose you want a happy ending from me this colloquial language shows that she is caught between cultures and her two families . To be happy it s not as simple as her adoptive parent inviting them over for a barbie this demonstrates that her uncertainty has been created by her circumstances, which fore s the audience to
  • 13. Non Hunter Violence The violence I see most is cased by a difference in beliefs. For example, hunters and non hunters. One of the first things a hunter is taught, is the importance of being respectful, not just to the animals and their habitat but to the people who don t share the same beliefs. Many people don t believe in hunting, they think it s cruel and unethical. However, there are just as many people who do believe in it. Violencecan, and has, been caused by the difference in beliefs between hunters and non hunters. I have read about it, seen it on television, and even once saw an argument about it at school. Last year I took all the pre class tutorials on becoming a hunter and just a few weeks ago I took the final hunter s education class. There were
  • 14. Public Speech On Public Speaking Public Speaking Goals I chose to take this course because I have enjoyed previous units I have had about public speaking in high school English classes and it is a requirement for my major. As a pre pharmacy major, public speaking does not seem like a necessary class, but the more I think about how often public speaking is used, the more I understand the reasoning for public speaking as a required course. Public speaking is a major foundation for everyday communication. Growing up, I can recall several common instances where I was exposed to public speaking. A guest speaker coming to talk to our class, the priest giving a homily at mass, large assemblies with inspirational speakers, and our graduation speech are a few examples that come to mind. Although it seems like only famous people or teachers ever have to speak in public, in reality, almost everyone will have to give a speech in front of a large group at some point in their lives. This is why public speaking is a required course for most students. Public speaking is important when proposing an idea with a large group of people, explaining a plan of action for a specific task, sharing a new medical discovery with a group of physicians, or giving a talk on leadership to a group of business professionals. All of these cases are applicable to almost any career, which is why it is important for all students to understand the basics of public speaking and how to effectively communicate with a large audience. In my
  • 15. Rube Goldberg Research Paper Our challenge was to create a Rube Goldberg Machine that could ring a service bell. Additionally, we needed to document and turn in a team and individual folder. Once we completed the evaluation of Rube Goldberg s life, cartoons, and machines, my team worked through the challenges of trying to pull together as a team and create a successful project. Rube Goldberg was an inventor, engineer, sculptor, author, and cartoonist. Born on July fourth, 1883 in San Francisco, California, Rube grew up in an upper middle class family of Jewish heritage, and he had shown a love for the arts ever since a young age. At the age of four, Goldberg spent a lot of time creating things and tracing drawings. Sadly, his mother died when he was a teenager and ... Show more content on ... He even won the Pulitzer Prize for his work as an editorial cartoonist. Rube Goldberg s cartoons depicted different types of complicated inventions. His success as a cartoonist started when he became the San Francisco Bulletin s sports cartoonist. This point in time was when publishers began to recognize his work. Rube also became the co founder of the National Cartoonists Society. It was an organization that showed the importance of cartoons and cartoonists, which made Goldberg want to be apart of it. (rube, n.d.). Ever since 1988, students have participated in the Rube Goldberg MachineRube Goldberg machine contest that brings out the spirit of Goldberg and his unique cartoons (Raga, 2016). Rube Goldberg noted that the machines were symbols of, man s capacity for exiting maximum effort to accomplish minimal results (O Connor, 2015, A Simple Task, para. 11). Over time, his cartoon inventions turned into real working machines, and millions of people became inspired. An excellent example of what Goldberg s designs are and how they can operate is his famous self operating napkin cartoon. It was a machine that used a chain reaction to accomplish a simple task, and this was Rube Goldberg s vision for all the simple machines (National Center for Families Learning,
  • 16. Pet Dogs As Promoters Of Wellbeing Pet dogs as promoters of wellbeing How do you feel about dogs? Do you like them and every time you see them do you want to run and hug them or do you just avoid them in general? Do they make you smile with their floppy ears and how just clumsy they are when they run. We all have different reasons for loving dogs or just despising them. In this entry you will learn that owning a dog can help you. It can potentially keep you healthy and lower risks from heart diseases and many other things. Throughout the article that I have read the author, White seems to be creditable to talk about the topic. She adds a lot of facts and give description about how the it changes lives. When she begins she jumps right into the point. She adds When the World Health Organizationpublished its policy framework for healthy ageing.The importance of enabling people to live independent and active lives as long as possible were prominent objectives with physical activity and engagement in all aspects of society as key components of healthy ageing. She then goes to give details that it helps with your daily activity owning a dog. It says that people that own dogs get more daily activity than non dog owners. White gives us reason and reason to believe that she knows what she is talking about and it also compassionate about the facts that she gives us. When White talks about the older people and how the dogs can improve their live. You can tell that she is compassionate about the topic that
  • 17. Nipah Virus Research Paper Abstract Nipah virus, Arena Virus and Francisella tularensis are bioterrorism agents. They work in various ways to harm the host. Francisella tularenis is considered a Tier 1 bioterrorism agent and Nipah virus is an overlap select agent that affects humans and agriculture both. They have been harmful in the past. Though, Nipah virus is a newer virus than the other two. This review will focus on their emergence, pathogenicity and symptoms of the diseases they cause. Introduction Infectious Disease is one of the great tragedies of living things the struggle for existence between different forms of life. Incessantly the pitiless war goes on, without quarter or armistice a nationalism of species against species. Hans Zinsser Rats, Lice and History (1934) ... Show more content on ... These biological agents could be viruses, toxins, bacteria, etc. Agents could be used in war or terrorist attacks. Also, they could be modified to cause extreme diseases and disorders, according to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It makes bioterrorism even more tempting to use as it is easy and inexpensive to produce, disseminate and can cause a more widespread panic than other acts of terrorism (1). The events of September 11, 2001 forced the initiation of new steps to enhance security. This is how the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 came up. It has four sections: 1.National Preparedness for Bioterrorism and Other public Health Emergencies 2.Enhancing Controls on Dangerous Biological Agents and
  • 18. Who Is Adnan Syed Innocent Adnan Syed s Innocence When one is guilty, it means that he or she is culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing or, having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong, especially against moral or penal law; justly subject to a certain accusation or penalty. If someone is charged as guilty, they have broken a law or performed an unjust or immoral act to deserve punishment. However, this does not mean that through reasonable suspicion that an individual can be determined as guilty. It means that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. In other words, the prosecution must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, each essential element of the crime charged. In other words, a particular person must be proven guilty of a crime through proof and evidence. In the story provided by Serial, Sarah Koenig narrates the case of the murder of Hae Min Lee. Seventeen years ago, on January 13, Hae Min Lee, a senior at Woodlawn High School, was reported missing. Weeks later, her body is found and the cause of her death was determined to be manual strangulation. Her ex boyfriend, Adnan Musud Syed, was convicted of her murder and sentenced to life plus thirty years in prison. The case against him was mainly based on the story of one witness, Jay Wilds. Now, past reporter and journalist, Sarah Koenig is reopening this case to find out what really happened. Through documents, police interrogations, testimonies, and interviews, she collects evidence to look for the answer.
  • 19. Police Department and Organization Ppt Essay Police roles and Functions Paper Tracy Marzano CJA/214 May 16, 2013 All law enforcement agencies in the United States are connected to one another due to the fact that most agencies have multi levels of government and overlapping jurisdictions. In general all levels and departments of law enforcement work and co operate together to protect the citizens, and to prevent and solve crimes. Local law enforcement agencies are entrusted with the power to serve and protect the public and maintain peace within the community. Most local law enforcement agencies are small in size and employ many civilians for data processing, finger printing and other clerical duties. Local law enforcement agencies are responsible for patrolling an area or... Show more content on ... In some cases the type of offense committed may determine who has power or jurisdiction over the case. Federal law enforcement is divided into three categories: The Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of the Treasury. Each of these federal law enforcement agencies works together to solve specific types and forms of crimes. Federal law enforcement agencies are authorized by Congress to enforce specific laws or attend to specific situations (Gaines, Miller, 2006). Under the Department of Justice the following are the following departments: The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), United States Marshal Service (USMS), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).The FBI is responsible for investigating federal law violations and has jurisdiction over two hundred federal crimes like sabotage, espionage, kidnapping, bank robberies, extortion, interstate crimes and civil rights violations. The FBI also assists and provides training to other law enforcement agencies. There are eight separate divisions under the control of the FBI and they are the National Security Division, Criminal Investigation Division, the FBI laboratory, Criminal
  • 20. Royal Phillips Electronics Drastically Suffered From Poor... Royal Phillips Electronics drastically suffered from poor performance and as a result filed bankruptcy. Many couldn t believe that they have filed bankruptcy based on great sales. They were very innovative with their products including the head shaver, compact cassette, and the CD. Despite, being Europe s largest electronic company, Phillip s profits were not up to par and sales were drastically declining. While the company was on a downward spiral, Gerald Kleisterlee took over as company Presidentand made some adjustment and daring decisions that put the company on the forefront. The company went through a substantial restructuring that allowed for growth and an increase in profits within the company. The new President allowed for the company to revamp and allow for not only growth to occur but a shift in the mission and values of the organization. With the vast change in the company the business was simplified and made even smaller, which allowed for the top level executive to focus solely on the business and employees at hand. This in turn allowed for a substantial amount of strategic planningand implementation of new ideas that caused the company to reevaluate what caused sales to decrease in the first place, and allow for drastic change. Once Kleisterlee developed strong new innovative ideas, which would cause substantial change throughout the organization as a whole, the organization started to develop. The atmosphere and culture shifted, which in turn
  • 21. Financial Aid Benefits Easy money, something everyone wants, but more when you need it to reach your goals. However, as a student you tend to be told in high school when to do everything and when the due dates are. Financial aid can be found anywhere from people who are private founders to the financial aid office where you can reach from the internet at Which can be applied from a certain time frame for the most money for your collegecareer. Also take in conversation that there are also people who have organizations and foundations that give money to students who need it with minimum requirements and characteristics that you already have and have been born with. Looking for financial aid has changed over the years and the way it is done. Now. aid
  • 22. Examples Of Hubris In Raging Bull In the film Raging Bull, the main character Jake LaMotta goes through a long and grueling conflict with himself in the search for sanity. The victories and titles that he spends his whole life searching for wind up ruining his life and destroying the relationships he cherished the most. The problem that Jake faces the most is his lack of humility and his personified arrogance, also known as hubris. As Jake s life and career progress, his inability to control this hubris lead him to rock bottom. The consequences Jake encounters from his hubris are also known as his nemesis. Throughout the film, Jake battles his insecurities and exhibits a complex towards himself, which his friends and loved ones begin to realize. Jake LaMotta is a self loving boxer who allows his training and hard work to turn him into a savage wild animal. Through his constant display of hubris, LaMotta ruins everything he worked so hard to achieve and leaves with nothing. Almost immediately after hearing Jake speak for the first time, the film introduces his hubris. When his wife is cooking his steak, he repeatedly tells her to stop cooking the steak. His wife angrily says to Jake, You re in such a hurry. You can t wait. Jake replies with, No, I can t wait. You know when I wait? When it s important to wait. Right from the beginning of the... Show more content on ... Before the LaMotta vs. Fox fight at Madison Square Garden, Jake tells commissioner Eagan to put the money he was going to bet on Fox and put it in Jake s hand. He then introduces a quote which reappears throughout the movie when he tells Eagan, cause Jake LaMotta don t go down for nobody. Jake would go on to fight Fox and purposely lose the fight. He sat in the locker room bawling in disbelief that he purposely lost. He tells Joey, I took the dive. They want me to fall down too? I don t fall down for nobody. Even in the face of a planned loss, Jake s hubris is
  • 23. Essay on Acc512 Unit2 Assign Case 4 1 ACC 512 International Accounting CASE 4 1 Bessrawl Corporation Reconciliation from U.S. GAAP to IFRS 2014 Income under US GAAP $1,000,000 Adjustments: Reversal of write down of inventory to replacement cost 10,000 Additional depreciation on revaluation of equipment (25,000) Impairment loss on intangible asset (5,000) Recognition of deferred development costs 80,000 Reversal of amortization of deferred gain on sale and leaseback (30,000) Income under IFRS $1,030,000 2014 Stockholders equity under US GAAP $8,000,000 Adjustments: Reversal of write down of inventory to replacement cost 10,000 Original revaluation surplus on equipment 600,000 Accumulated depreciation on revaluation of equipment (25,000) ... Show more content on ... Under the revaluation model of IAS 16, depreciation expense on equipment in 2013 was $100,000, making the book value at the end of 2013 of $2,650,000. At the beginning of 2014 the equipment would be revalued upward to its fair value of $3,250,000. The journal entry to recognize the revaluation would be: Equipment$600,000 Revaluation Surplus (a stockholders equity account)$600,000 In 2014, depreciation expense would be $125,000 [($3,250,000 $250,000)/24 years]. The additional depreciation under IFRS causes IFRS based income in 2014 to be
  • 24. $25,000 smaller than U.S. GAAP income. IFRS based stockholders equity is $575,000 larger than U.S. GAAP stockholders equity. This amount is equal to the revaluation surplus ($600,000) less the additional depreciation in 2014 under IFRS ($25,000), which reduced retained earnings. Intangible Assets Under U.S. GAAP, an asset is considered impaired when its carrying amount exceeds the undiscounted future cash flows expected to occur from continued use of the asset. The brand acquired in 2011 has a carrying amount of $40,000 and future expected cash flows are $42,000, so it is not impaired under U.S. GAAP. Under IAS 36, an asset is considered impaired when its carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount, which would be the greater of net selling price and the present value of future cash flows. The brand s recoverable amount is
  • 25. Culture Of Polynesia Research Paper From the Stone Age to the present day, the symbols and traditions of tattooing throughout history are fascinating. The story we know goes back to the Stone Age. In 1991, one hunter man was found in a glacier from the Neolithic era; his back and knees tattooed. Before the hunter mummy, the oldest person with tattoo that was discovered was the Egyptian priestess, Amunet worshiper of Hathor, goddess of love and fertility. She lived in Thebes around 2000 BC, and her tattoos, were pretty much the same style as the mummy of the hunter, linear with simple designs of dots and dashes. In the prehistoric cave of Aurignac small pointed bones were found and were believed to be use for tattooing at that time. The old settlers of Polynesia were the first ones to tattoo their skin. They tattooed men to such an extent that there was not a piece of bare skin on their body. Polynesia is the place that has the reputation of more artistic tattoo in the ancient world, characterized by geometric shapes. In fact the term tattoo has a Polynesian origin. More specifically in the Polynesian word ta which means striking or to the expression tau tau used to talk about the clash between two bones. Moko Maori style from New Zealand, for example, was a tribal tattoo that identified each individual and their ... Show more content on ... Women used to tattoo their hand fingers and ears with the finest drawings and symbols categorized as obscene. In the other hand Men used to tattoo their whole body, nose, eyelids, tongue and scalp. But it was because for them tattoos also had a magical religious significance, it was a physical armor and a spiritual protection. When one of these men died, their wives took away the skin, since the guardian of paradise disliked tattoos. With no trace of tattoo, and returned to the state of purity, he could be buried in consecrated ground and his spirit could rise to
  • 26. 24 Hour Surveillance A society is only as good as its leaders, but if the leaders choose to violate the rights of its people, then it just makes an example of the society. It shows that the society is corrupt and that it s abusing its power over citizens. There is an extent to where this power controls, but a society should never go as far as using 24 hour surveillance to watch its people, manipulate people and control what they know, or even have the right to change things for its own benefit. Not only does this make life for the people hard, but it also makes the people lose trust and confidence in the society. Some may say that having increased surveillance means increased safety, that having every second monitored could protect a group individuals from danger. ... Show more content on ... Those who support it see it as an increase of safety and survival. Believing that increasing surveillance and feeding fake news to the public is a way to keep them safe from the outside. In matter of fact, it does; it reduces the chances of a terrorist attack to take place with success and gives people incentive to vote for what seems right. Although, it is not right. It is not morally right for a society to lie to all of its people. That is not what a society or any government is meant to do. They are meant to protect, serve, and grant freedom to all of its people. Those aren t granted when lies are fed and neither by spying to protect the safety of the citizens , they are granted by doing what is right, while maintaining happiness for
  • 27. Truman Show Allusion The Truman Show and The Giver have a lot of relatable things, but they are not exactly the same. The Truman Show and the giver are both about a boy who grew up in a distant society, different from any normal society, but the boys have a different personality from each other. This shows that there are many similarities and differences between The Giverand The Truman Show. The Giver and The Truman Show share a lot of symbols, characters, and biblical allusions. One biblical allusion they share is someone portraying the role of god. In the book The Giver, the giver is portrayed as the god while in The Truman Show, Christof is portrayed as the god. A symbol the 2 share is water. Water stands for fear to them, but also stands for freedom. According
  • 28. Network Address Translation and Router |CCNA4: Commands | WAN Technologies [pic] Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.1.1 1Module 1: Scaling IP Addresses3 1.1NAT and PAT3 1.1.1Configuring static NAT3 1.1.2Configuring dynamic NAT3 1.1.3Configuring NAT Overload (PAT)4 1.1.4Verifying NAT and PAT configuration4 1.1.5Troubleshooting NAT and PAT configuration4 1.2DHCP5 1.2.1Configuring DHCP Operation5 1.2.2Verifying DHCP Operation5 1.2.3Troubleshooting DHCP Configuration5 2Module 3: Point to Point Protocol (PPP)6 2.1Configuring HDLC Encapsulation6 2.2Troubleshooting a Serial ... Show more content on ... By using the helper address feature, a router can be configured to accept a broadcast request for a UDP service and then forward it as a unicast to a specific IP address. Example: Router(config if)#ip helper address address 2 Verifying DHCP Operation Router#show ip dhcp binding [address] Router#show ip dhcp conflict [address] Router#show ip dhcp database [url] Router#show ip
  • 29. Transactional Strategies At New York University Key Points The topic of Wade Boykin speech at New York University was academic success for all students, but more specifically students of color. He discussed the documentation and evidence that explains the achievement gap between students of color and their white counterparts. Boykin also believes the evidence for why the gap exists should be the guide for implementing strategies, inventions and programs to raise achievement. The evidence and research suggest that to raise achievement the intervention should start with transactional strategies. Transactional strategies involve the exchanges between teachers and students, classroom collaboration, and classroom environment. The specific focuses of the transactional strategies are student engagement, positive self efficacy and teacher student relationship quality (TSRQ). Research shows that student engagement leads to greater success for students of color in math and reading, instilling positive self efficacy helps build confidence, perseverance and hold students accountable for their own learning and teacher student relationships gives the opportunity for meaningful learning experiences and intellectual exchanges. Comparison with the Text Boykin s speech and the book Creating the Opportunity to Learn correlates in relations to explaining the dimensions of the achievement gap and the strategies that can raise achievement for students of colors. Chapter 1 of the book and the first portion of the speech explains the
  • 30. The Louisiana Judicial System The Problems Of Louisiana s Judicial System Towards Black Men Louisiana is the world s prison capital. In a news report by The Times Picayune, reporter Cindy Chang reported The state imprisons more of its people, per head than any of its U.S. counterparts. Louisiana s incarceration rate is nearly five times Iran s, 13 times China s and 20 times Germany s. She then goes on to talk about the black men of Louisiana stating Among black men from New Orleans, one in 14 is behind bars; one in seven is either in prison, on parole or on probation . These numbers are shocking. There has to be a reason why there is a much higher rate of African Americanmen that are imprisoned, surely they are not the only ones committing crimes. Louisiana s Judicial... Show more content on ... Search and seizure is one of the tactics used in the War on Drugs. This happens when police target people who look like they can be causing trouble on the streets, approach them and then proceed to ask for consent to search their bags that they are carrying. These police officers intentionally avoid letting these civilians know that they have the right to remain silent and not answer any questions at all. Never do the officers inform the person that they are free to remain silent or refuse to answer questions.(Alexander) Judicial systems were aware that this tactic will work because of the fact that most of the black men being accused do not have the proper education and therefore do not know their rights, which then leads to them complying to the officer and letting them search them whether they actually have drugs on them or not. Like search and seizures tactics, pretext stops are another way that the police used to arrest suspicious men who might be doing criminal activities. These stops were to be able to stop someone on a minor mistake, such as not signaling when they are turning and use this excuse to search them for drugs, in hopes that they might get lucky and actually find something.(Alexander) These police officers stop these men because they look as if they could possibly be engaging in criminal activity, or in other words because they are black. In Louisiana, though black men have this right to say No to search and seizures and pretext stops they usually comply and let the officer search them. In the New Jim Crow, Alexander states People are easily intimidated when the police confront them, hands on their revolvers, and most have no idea the question can be answered
  • 31. A Short Note On Hypertension And Secondary Hypertension The reason why I selected to do my paper on hypertension is, hypertension is very common. About 70 million people in the United States have hypertension (High Blood Pressure Frequently Asked Questions , 2015). Another reason why I selected to write my paper on hypertension is I want to know why it is called the silent killer. I also want to know why it affect African Americans the most. Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure reading of 140/90mmHg (millimeters of mercury) or above. Blood pressure is the force blood exerts against your artery walls as it circulates through your body. When the left ventricle contract and expels blood into the aorta the pressure on the artery wall is called the systolic pressure. The more blood exerts on the artery wall the higher the blood pressure is. When the aortic valve close, avoiding blood from flowing back into the heart and the arteries readjust themselves is called diastolic pressure. When the heart is relaxed the pressure is at its lowest. The two kind of hypertension are primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. Primary hypertension develop over many years and there is no known cause for it. Primary hypertension can be influenced by diet, heredity, obesity, stress, smoking and age (staff, 2015). Primary hypertension cannot be cured, but it can be controlled sometimes through diet, exercise, stress management, and medications. Secondary hypertension is caused by underlying condition such as obstructive sleep apnea, kidney
  • 32. The Tragedy Of Dante s Inferno Dante s Inferno s central theme is God sees all of the sins people partake in their lives. Once you enter hell you will be punished for those sins according to the severity. You will endure a punishment that matches the sin you committed. Dante s Inferno is a very imaginative way to look at crime and punishment. The story is made up of three different parts told by three people. A pilgrim is lead on journey by Virgil, Beatrice, and Saint Bernard. Virgil takes him through Helland the Purgatory. Hell was created when Satan fell from heaven and became lodged into the center of the earth. The mountain of Purgatory was created when land was pushed down into the earth opposite the future site of Jerusalem where a passage was created and lead to the southern hemisphere as a result of Satan s fall into the earth. Beatrice takes him through Paradise. Paradise sits on top of the Purgatory and is where Adam and Eve first dwelt Eden. Bernard prepares him for his final union with the godhead. The union with the godhead is the end of the journey when the pilgrim experiences love and reason. Hell is made up of nine different levels and each houses different severity of sins and the people who occupy these levels endure a different punishment. As the crime gets worse on each level the punishment is also more sever. The nine levels of Hell are Limbo, Lustful, Gluttonous, Avaricious, Wrathful, Heretics, Violent, Ordinary Fraud, and Treacherous Fraud. These are listed from the lesser sinful
  • 33. Gothic vs. Romanesque Architecture Essay Gothic vs. Romanesque Architecture Missing Figures Where are you when you wake up? Where are you when you are learning? Where are you when you go to pray? Where are you when you go to work? Where are you when you are having fun? The answer is that you are in a building or structure of some kind and style. All of the buildings and structures that one sees around them is designed and built with much thought and care. They are all designed and built by what we call architecture. According to Merriam Webster s Collegiate Dictionary architecture is the art or science of building; specifically: the art or practice of designing and building structures and especially habitable ones, a method or style of building . Architecture is a ... Show more content on ... It was finally time that architecture now mastering the interior of buildings and structures. The first two periods of time that this shift was made was the Romanesque style and the Gothic style of architecture. Both of these styles have made great contributions that can still been seen in today s architecture. With Romanesque being the first stylistic period in time with Gothic immediately following it there is much to be said about the similarities and differences. The Romanesque period of architecture has its roots deep into western civilization. Even though it is said that the Romanesque style of architecture was first since and applied around 1000 AD its history goes back almost 500 years. During the rule of the Roman Empire much of Europe was influenced by the Roman and Greek classical styles, it wasn t until the Roman Empire fell that most of Europe was able to diverge from traditional styles and form their own styles. It was only with time and separation that other styles were able to grow. With the Roman Empire gone Europe was breaking apart and developing in small pockets on it own, this caused for greater advancements in many areas such as architecture. Yet with all the growing change there was still one thing that linked much of Europe together, that was the Christian church and Christianity. That is why much of the advancements of architecture can be seen in churches, temples and other religious
  • 34. Effects Of Mental Disorders The prevalence of mental disorder has increased over recent decades and gained greater public concerns (Polanczyk, Salum, Sugaya, Caye Rohde, 2015). Due to no biological marker available to indicate the presence of mental disorder, words such as disease mongering, over diagnosis, over treatment are associated with the current epidemic of mental disorders (Cosgrove Wheeler, 2013). Some people doubted the current diagnosis of mental disorder and pointed out the existence of over diagnosis (James et al., 2014). They hold the view that the psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry should be blame for the current epidemic of mental disorder. Many researches and organizations are dependent on the pharmaceutical industry, which may... Show more content on ... A survey conducted in U.S. based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) V found that approximately one fourth to one fifth of adolescents meet the mental disorder diagnosis criteria (Merikangas, 2010). So what are the reasons behind the current epidemic of mental disorder? Many people attribute it to the pharmaceutical industry and blame pharmaceutical industry for disease mongering and its trying to influence scientific evidence for its own interests.
 Pharmaceutical industry is disease mongering for its own commercial interests, which ultimately result in the epidemic of mental disorder (Saddichha, 2010). Disease mongering was first used by Payer (1992) to describe the behavior of pharmaceutical companies attempts to convince people they are sick by creating new disease. In other words, pharmaceutical companies was trying to broadening the definitions of diseases , but it would obscure the concept of what is health and what is sickness (Saddichha, 2010). Through disease mongering , pharmaceutical companies try to convince the public that medications can treat disorders, so they can enlarge the market of their products (Frances, 2010). Though some argue that disease mongering can raise health awareness, it attaches the label of pathological to normal experiences, for example, shyness is named as social phobia (Saddichha, 2010). Therefore, disease mongering would bring the risk of over diagnosis and over treatment (Frances, 2010).
  • 35. Taking a Look at Big Data What is big data? Big data is structured and unstructured data that is difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques. This is because of its extensive size. Big data ranges from a few dozen terabytes to many petabytes of data in a single data set and are constantly growing (Hopp). A terabyte is equal to 1,024 gigabytes, while a petabyte is equal to 1,024 terabytes. A regular iPhone has 16 gigabytes, so a terabyte contains the same amount of digital storage as 64 iPhones, while a petabyte contains the same amount of digital storage as 65,536 iPhones! Structured data is in a fixed field within a record or file (usually databases or spreadsheets). Unstructured data is unorganized and hard to interpret by traditional databases or data models (like photos, webpages and emails). Structured data is a lot easier to work with and can be easily classified, so it is preferred in big data over unstructured data. Big data is not as new as many people believe it to be. It is actually a concept that has been around for almost a century. It is just the same old data marketers have always used, and it s not all that big, and it s something we should be embracing, not fearing (Arthur). In 1944, Fremont Rider predicted that the amount of data in the world would increase exponentially (Hopp). Rider was right on target with his prediction seventy years ago. Data has grown much greater than he probably could have ever imagined back then. Current databases will
  • 36. The Influences of C.G. Jung Essay The Influences of C.G. Jung Carl Gustav Jung was influenced by literature, symbolism, religion, and the occult From a very young age. Jung s influencs remained with him as he became a doctor of medicine and a psychological theorist. The philosophical, the supernatural, the symbolic, the religious, and the occult all influenced Jung s area of psychological expertise, making Jung s psychology not only unique to Jung, but also pioneering in the field of general psychoanalysis. In Ernest Gallo s article Synchronicity and the Archetypes. (Carl Jung s Doctrines) , Gallo cites that Jung was deeply drawn to the occult (Gallo, 1994). Jung s younger cousin, Helen Preiswerk, had the ability to actually shatter knives in a ... Show more content on ... It is therefor dangerous for humans in general to ignore the unconscious. Jung writes Not only will Ignorance of the unconscious deprive him of the religious experience, it will also blind him to his capacity for evil, hence making possible for this evil to be projected and depriving him of his capacity to deal with it. (Abstracts, 1976, 10:19). Despite Jung s insistence that psychology be empirical and phenomenological rather than philosophical or metaphysical (Abstracts, 1976, 11.1), Jung believed that psychologists must take religion into account in the analytic process as it represents one of the most ancient and universal expressions of the human mind (Abstracts, 1976, 11.1). Jung s concept of meaningful coincidence is tied to the spiritual as well. This is evidenced when At certain moments of heightened spiritual awareness, the archetypal meaning structure that spans the mind and the world flashes into visibility (Gallo, 1994). Jung even goes so far as to suggest that religion is an integral aspect of the healing process. In fact, Jung asserts that many neuroses are never cured unless the religious factor is restored. (Moreno, 1970, p. 79). Jung says that side by side with the decline of religious life, the neuroses grow noticeably more frequent... (Moreno, 1970, p. 79). Jung explains that examination of the spiritual side of the patient is recommended as a means of a cure. (Abstracts, 11:35). Furthermore, Jung maintains that
  • 37. question answer 12.8Describe how strong and weak entity types differ and provide an example of each. A strong entity type is an entity type that is not existence dependent on some other entity type A weak entity type is an entity type that is existence dependent on some other entity type. States Strong entity weak entity Client is strong entity because it already has primary key and doesn t depend on any other entity, but the reference is weak entity because depends on client entity and doesn t have primary key. (Section 12.4). 12.11You are required to create a conceptual data model of the data requirements for a company that ... Show more content on ... A design methodologyis a structured approach that uses procedures, techniques, tools, and documentation aids to support and facilitate the process of design. 16.2 Describe the main phases involved database design. Database design is made up of three main phases: logical and physical database design. Conceptual database design: the process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise, independent of all physical consideration. It begin with creating conceptual data model for the enterprise that is entirely independent of implementation details. Logical database design is the process of constructing a model of the data used in a company based on a specific data model, but independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations. In the logical database design phase we build the logical representation of the database, which includes identification of the important entities and relationships, and then translate this representation to a set of tables. The logical data model is a source of information for the physical design phase, providing the physical database designer with a vehicle for making tradeoffs that are very important to the design of an efficient database. Physical database design is the process of producing a description of the implementation of the database on secondary storage; it describes the base tables, file organizations, and indexes used to achieve efficient access to the data, and any
  • 38. Institutional Power Of Higher Education Rajwinder Kaur Institutional power of higher education enables students to find their place in society and later in life reaping the benefits of having immense knowledge. What are the benefits of having higher education? If you don t have any education then what is your place in society? Due to my limited English I faced limitations throughout my middle and high school experiences. College has been an ambiguous thought never to be turned into reality. My reality is I belong to a low status in American society because my parents make less than twenty five thousand annually. My thought process changed in high school where I noticed everyone was like in a race to climb the ladder of success. I met some special people like me who gave me advice and inspiration. They expected me not to go to army, but to college. A lot of factors contributed to the fact that going to college is a good decision. First, college life teaches people to be responsible and to carve out their way into society. Secondly, I have experienced shattering expectations have devastating results. Living up to your loved ones expectations give you a reason to succeed. Lastly, the more intelligent you are the better quality of life you are likely to have and be in a better position than others. Structure was the primary factor in my decision of going to college. Society influenced me to go to college to be successful and learn important life lessons. Attaining a high pay job in today s economy with no
  • 39. Car Industry Australia Essay Executive Summary Eagle Motors Ltd is a well established Swedish Car Manufacturing Company trying to set up their firm in Australia. In order to compete successfully in the car industry in Australia, Eagle Motors Ltd needs to conduct an analysis of the industry context in which they would like to operate. Using the porters five forces model, this provides a detailed analysis of the competitive nature of the Australian car industry and also it suggests an appropriate competitive strategy for Eagle Motors to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Eagle Motors Ltd is planning to employ a mixture of Swedish and Australian managers and employees to run there operations in Australia. However, the senior management at Eagle Motors does... Show more content on ... High fixed costs: This result in an economy of scales effect that increases rivalry. High exit barriers: High exiting barriers in the car industry place a high cost of abandoning products, hence firms compete intensely not to loose out, like Mitsubishi. Industry shakeout: A growing market and high profits induces new firms like Eagle Motors to enter market and increase production which again increases competition and rivalry. Threat of Substitutes: In porter s theory, substitutes refer to products in other industries, not different types of the product. A substitute exists when a products demand is affected by a change in the price of the substitute product. For Eagle motors the price elasticity for cars is affected by substitute products such as public transport, motorcycles and bicycles for example. If more of these substitutes become available, the demand for cars becomes more elastic since customers have more alternatives. A close substitute makes it difficult for a company like Eagle motors to raise prices. In Australia now the use of public transport and other forms of transport like bicycles have increased largely because of the rise in petrol prices. In an already competitive market for cars, Eagle Motors needs to be aware of the increasing petrol prices, and the tendency for consumers to switch to lower cost substitutes like public
  • 40. Women s Soccer Vs Usmnet Comparing the U.S. women s national team(USWNT) to the U.S. men s national team (USMNT) seems pretty easy. They play the same game but against different genders. One thing people do not realize is how large the pay gap is. Even though they are playing the same game, the USWNT players receives $3650 less than the USMNT earns for a loss. These numbers never balance out, and they should. Women s soccer is gaining popularity, and the USWNT does a better job at representing US soccer in terms of tournaments and wins. Although they play the same game for the same team, there is little equality between the USWNT and the USMNT. All over the world, more and more people are watching women s soccer. According to, Viewership for the 2015 ... Show more content on ... They might state that not many people watch women s soccer. However, the semi final game in the 2015 world cup was the most watched soccer game, men s or females, ever. People might also disagree and say that the men s play harder teams. This is not true, because the USWNT start every year off with playing 3 of the top 5 teams. Also, the women s national team does not get paid on how difficult the team is. They always receive the same amount, $1,350 per friendly, whereas the men s get paid anywhere from 9,375 17,625 dollars per friendly win, depending on
  • 41. Importance of Early American Women Writers Essay What could be said to early American women s writers except, thank you? The first American women s writers opened doors and laid the foundation for future women s writers and readers. Today s women raise children, supervise households, and work outside the home with every modern convenience available, and as you would expect do not find the time to write, except for a grocery list. Early American womenraised children and supervised households without the modern conveniences of today and in some way made time to write the first poetry of the New World. For example, Everette Emerson gives a picture of Anne Bradstreet a housewife who stole hours from sleep for writinggave women American writerstheir start (4). Different styles of ... Show more content on ... Bradstreet poetry was considered plain style. She offered the reader a look into the private world, her world. Upon Burning in Our House was a simple style poem about the truth put into simple words, as were all of Bradstreet s poems. Bradstreet tells about faith in God and belongings lost in the poem. Bradstreet addressed her husband, children, God, and community in her poems. Her maternal instinct and dedication were present in her writing. In the poem, The Author to Her Book, Bradstreet compares the poem itself to a child, her child: Thou ill formed offspring of my feeble brain, Who after birth did st by my side remain, Till snatched from thence by friends, less wise than true, Who thee abroad, exposed to public view, Made thee in rags, halting to th press to trudge, These errors were not lessened (all may judge). At thy return my blushing was not small, my rambling brat in (in print) should mother call, I cast thee by as one unfit for light, My visage was so irksome in my sight; Yet being mine own, at length affection would thy blemishes amend, if so I could: I washed thy face, but defects I saw,
  • 42. And rubbing off a spot, still made a flaw...(Meridian 33.1 14) Bradstreet wanted her poetry to remain private. She accepted her poetry unconditionally, like a mother accepts her child, because if she tried to correct the poem s flaws more flaws appeared. A distinct expression of Bradstreet true love to her
  • 43. Characteristics Of The Pythagoreans Cult: (noun) a religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people. This is the short definition of a cult extracted from a dictionary. This essay outlines the various uncanny traits of the Pythagoreans which strongly suggest that they were in fact, a cult. The Pythagoreans are indeed a religious following; believing and elevating numbers to the status of a God. Their sheer dedication to numbers and the philosophical belief in numbers is often viewed as extreme, radical and strange. In addition, they kept their discoveries and secrets a close guarded secret. Their way of living was also very restricted due to their religious living and practices. Pythagoras and his loyal followers, the Pythagoreans , belief in numbers was radical and often perceived as strange. There are many examples of the Pythagoreans belief in numbers and their philosophical value going past the norm of simple philosophical belief. They believed that numbers and their value were a universal truth because everything in the universe can be counted by numbers. According to them, numbers were the basis of reality and existence. In addition, they felt that not all numbers should be regarded equally. The number 10 was especially sacred as it was the sum of other highly regarded numbers; one, two, three and four. It is even speculated that they would worship the number 10 as if it were a God. In fact, the school pf Pythagoras had many strangely perceived beliefs surrounding numbers. Every allocated number had its own symbol and meaning it represented. For example, number one was thought to be the creator of all numbers; two symbolised opinions; three meant harmony; four represented justice; five embodied marriage; six signified creation and seven corresponded to the seven planets, of the wandering stars . In addition, odd numbers were thought as feminine, whilst even numbers were masculine. In summary, Pythagoras and his Pythagorean s sheer devotion and belief in numbers was radical. The Pythagoreans were very secretive, especially their mysterious leader, Pythagoras. Those who followed Pythagoras were divided into two sectors; the akousmatikoi and the mathematikoi. The mathematikoi were the
  • 44. Disadvantages Of Medicinal Plants In recent decades there has been increased public interest in prevention, control and treatment of diseases by medicinal plants. However, providing the required resources from wild growing species couldn t always meet the demand. Anthropogenic interferences with natural habitats and ecosystems, and threats posed by humans to comply the demand make many medicinal plants endangered. Cultivation of medicinal plants to provide needed plantmaterials is one of the strategies to conserve the plants and avoid depletion of wild resources. Furthermore, using cultivated plants material instead of wild collected ones has some other advantages such as precise control of growing condition, harvesting at right time, and reduction the possibility of adulteration. However, it should be considered chemical constituents may vary between cultivars and wild grown ones by type or amount and then their biologic effects may differ from each other. Several studies have compared cultivated and wild grown species especially from the point of view of essential oilcomposition and then similarities and differences between samples have been reported (1 6). As an example Chatzopoulou et al., have shown although... Show more content on ... Then the essential oils were dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and kept in sealed vials at 20ВєC until analysis and antimicrobial evaluations. Extraction and fractionation The dried powdered fruits (250g) also were subjected to extraction using methanol (5Г—1.5L) at room temperature. The resulting total extracts were concentrated under vacuum by means of a rotary evaporator at 40ВєC, the resultant concentrated extracts were lyophilized by freeze dryer at 40ВєC for 24h (Lyotrap Ultra, LTE Scientific Ltd., Oldham, UK). A portion of dried extracts were fractionated using solid liquid fractionation method with appropriate volumes of petroleum ether and ethylacetate. GC MS
  • 45. Understanding Of Local Area Network Technologies Essay Final Report AS 91377 Demonstrate understanding of local area network technologies Adam Major Networking Concepts describe what the user will mainly use a specific LAN for A LAN network (Local Area Network) is an establishment created when clients or devices such as computers and phones etc. with the right networking specifications allowing them to be connected with each other using a common connecion such as Ethernet or wireless. This establishment allows the sharing of resources from the device through the network and to the desired destination such as another device e.g. Mobile phone, pc, tablet etc. all locally within the network by Ethernet etc. In this scenario the LAN network is used for gaming where two computers connected to the same network are trying to connect with each other to allow an established connection between the two allowing data to be shared, effectively creating a game server. A user will mainly use a specific LAN to share data between clients by pairing them together. Ethernet is the most commonly used LAN technology. It is used to transmit data locally from the network router and to devices manually connecting them to the network by wire using copper cabling. compare and contrast the characteristics and the purposes of peer to peer LANs and client/server LANs Peer to Peer LAN A peer to peer (P2P) network consists of nodes with equal privileges able to send data to each other without the need for a server to connect to. Each peer has the
  • 46. Pros And Cons Of Pure Natural Healing Method Master Lim s Pure Natural Healing System Our Full Review Hello and welcome to our review of the Pure Natural Healing system by Master Lim. Like always, this review will be divided into 3 main parts: 1. The basics section that covers the main things Master Lim teaches in his training course. 2. The section about the pros and cons of Pure Natural Healing that will cover several of the primary pros and cons of this system. 3. The conclusions section where we talk about our final thoughts and feelings regarding the Pure Natural Healing program... Let s start :) The Basics Created by Master Lim, an Acupressure master, Pure Natural Healing is a comprehensive training program that will show you the exact sequence and techniques for unblocking the meridians in your body, so it can naturally heal itself of different types of ailments in a short span of time. ... Show more content on ... He says he generally structured the Pure Natural Healing training manual around XXXacupressure XXX, which works similarly to acupuncture. Acupressure uses the same healing trigger points as acupuncture, but instead of using needles, a practitioner applies gentle pressure to release meridian points on the body. A meridian is a channel through which qi or life force flows. Some of the benefits that Master Lim promises can be achieved through the Pure Natural Healing program
  • 47. Metamorphosis by Frank Kafka Frank Kafka s short story Metamorphosis involves an element of horror derived from the unchallenged acceptance provided by everyone, including Gregor himself to his transformation into a vermin cockroach. Kafka, renowned for his surrealism, tries to create a universe where a seemingly unrealistic reality containing chaos, corruption and immorality, is in fact reality, and an actually consistent perception of the truly horrid nature of human existenceunder the influence of society. Set against the backdrop of truly unnatural and surreal circumstance, Kafka explores the prospect of human sympathy; and to what extent sympathy actually exists between humans than simply on the mere countenance of men. In Metamorphosis, Kafka especially elucidates the unprincipled, unpleasant nature behind the ideology of a society overruled by a capitalist mindset, completely preoccupied with work and giving little regard for one s own nature of existence. And when Gregor dies, the readers might be prompted to feel that there is no resolution to life. Grete, who is the loving, caring and idyllic sister of Gregor initially expresses pity and concern for the character of her cockroach brother, who is although hideous and seemingly not requiring human affection on the outside. However, throughout the happenings of the plot, this compassion gradually diminishes, having been overwhelmed by other lurking emotions of possessiveness and resentfulness, which hold greater place in her developing mind
  • 48. The British Position s Position On The Morality Continuum A major difference between 1956 and the 1930s was the British position s position on the morality continuum. The Anti Appeasement position championed by Churchill during the 1930s had aged very well. By 1956 the horrors of world war two were still fresh memories for all adult Britons and Churchill s historical writings seemed to cement this view. At a time when the evils of imperialism were becoming more apparent and resented a great deal of British pride was sourced from standing up to fascism in 1939 and ultimately winning. Illegal, unilateral military intervention in Suez on the back of a legal nationalisation of a foreign owned asset had all the hallmarks of a colonist power s show of strength. British national interest was undoubtedly threatened by the loss of oil, spread of Arab nationalism and (more questionably) the resulting spread of communism throughout the region but the moral high ground of a nation defending itself against fascism was more difficult to conjure up. By drawing parallels between (specifically) 1938 and the nationalization crisis a sense of moral authority was gained. Britain could no longer hope to act unilaterally with success. The support (active and passive) from the commonwealth and the USA was no longer present. Britain viewed Nasser as a reckless dictator who had potential to massively threaten western power in the Middle East, the power of Britain and ultimately tip the balance in the cold war. The decision not to pursue further
  • 49. Cultural Conflict In Angela s Ashes In the book Angela s Ashes , the main character, which is the author himself, Frank McCourt, describes his miserable Irish Catholic childhood (p 11). His parents met each other in the New York City, where the beginning of the story takes place during the times of Great Depression. The father was an alcoholic that couldn t find a job and wasn t able to financially support a family: Dad is out looking for a job again and sometimes he comes home with the smell of whiskey (p 22). They didn t have food: I wish I had something to eat but there s nothing in the icebox but cabbage leaves floating in the melted ice. My father said never eat anything floating in water for the rot that might be in it (p22). Three kids died because of the diseases. The youngest girl s body was sold in order... Show more content on ... They take bodies any age and do the experiments on them..that s terrible. A father or mother would never give the baby for something like that (p 44). Those and many others sad events surrounded McCourt s family and the main reason for that is poverty. The main cultural conflict in the novel was represented by political tension between wealthy, powerful England and impoverished Ireland. In the opening lines, Frank made clear his opinion on this topic by talking about the English and the terrible things they did to us for eight hundred long years . Most of the adult characters in the memoir we re against past English invasions of Ireland and contemporary English repression of the Irish. His father fought with the Old IRA and was signing a lot of Irish rebel songs after coming home drunk. A lot of times he made his sons give him a promise to die for Ireland: You ll die for Ireland, won t you, boys? (p 40), he ll give us a
  • 50. Personal Health Behaviors And Religious Prohibition Of... 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Personal health behaviours are activities that heighten risk of disease or promote the maintenance of health. They consist of two broad classes of behaviour: 1) Health risk behaviours, or activities carried out with a frequency or intensity that increases risk of disease or injury; these include cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, certain sexual behaviours and drink driving. 2) Positive health behaviours, or activities that may help prevent disease and injury, detect disease and disability at an early stage, or enhance health; regular physical activity, avoidance of fat in the diet, eating fruit and fibre, and breast and testicle self examination, all fall into this category. (1) Personal health behaviours are thought to play a key role in determining the prevalence of diseases of major socio economic impact throughout the world, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers and accidents. (2) Personal health behaviours are determined by a wide variety of factors, including socio cultural influences (e.g. dietary traditions and religious prohibition of alcohol), legislation (e.g. laws restricting the purchase of tobacco and the use of seat belts), macroeconomics (e.g. disposable income and taxation on cigarettes), health care provision (e.g. occupational health checks and free dental care), systems of provision of goods and services (e.g. availability of sporting facilities and low fat foods), and socio demographic factors (age,
  • 51. Portrayal Of The Jim Crow The term Jim Crow originated from actor Thomas Rice, who dressed in blackface while pretending to be a beggar. While acting he often imitated many of the mannerisms ascribed to African Americans. Rice also created a song called Jump Jim Crow from a routine he saw performed by an elderly stable man who was owned by Mr. Crow. Rice s portrayal of African American life became very popular among individuals in the North and the South. The term Jim Crow soon became a common phrase in American Language. Jim Crow lawsbecame a way for Whites to keep free African Americans in their place . Signs were placed in many public venues in order to keep African Americans and Whites facilities separate. Alabama had separate waiting rooms and ticket ... Show more content on ... Mary doesn t recall the negative effects that Jim Crow had on African Americans. Mary believed that African Americans made the choice to endure some of the oppressions that they faced. For example, Mary believed that African Americans chose to sit on the back of the bus. Additionally, Mary was raised by an African American caretaker and she was surrounded by African American tenants on her family s plantation. She also believed that the African Americans that worked on her families plantation were poor but happy. Lastly, Mary believed that nothing bothered African Americans. Mary s statement reflects a form of covert racism. This quote tends to depict the hardships of African Americans as merely inconvenient aspects of everyday life. Instead of viewing Jim Crow laws as inhumane, many Whites neglect to comprehend the damage that these laws had on Black families. This quote also embodies the notion of the veil that Dubois described. African Americans had to hide their true intentions behind a smile when in the presence of Whites. As a result, some Whites believe that African Americans were accepting of the systematic racism that they
  • 52. The Feminine Mystique, By Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan is related to the second wave of feminism. Betty Friedan wrote about The Problem that has no Name. Throughout the next few pages the analysis will be on The Feminine Mystique with particular attention on The Problem that has no Name. In the 1960s it was uncommon for the women of the time to hold a job and raise a family. Betty Friedanworked until she was pregnant, which she was fired for, and then continued to write freelance for journals and newspapers after she had her children. She wanted to have a job and raise a family. She wanted the best of both worlds. The other part of Betty Friedan that is remarkably admirable is her view on beauty standards. She was not all that pleased that women and men had to look a certain way. How has The Problem that has no Name and The Feminine Mystiquechanged the outlook on women s problems, how has society dealt with these problems, and how women were able to write about such problems that women face? These are the main concerns that will be addressed throughout the next few pages. By looking at the book and Betty Friedan s life, but, also looking at other sources from the 1960s we can see how life was for women both on the home front and the outside world. The Problem that has no Name, as Betty Friedan called it, is a situation that occurred in the 1960s. The Problem that has no Name happened because people were moving to the suburbs. Before the mid twentieth century the suburbs did not really exist, it was either the countryside or the urban centre. People, particularly women and children, had nothing to do because the suburbs did not have all the activities that they do today. There were no playgrounds, parks, clubs or activities to keep the women or their children busy. The men would go off to work and the wives and children would be stuck at home with nothing to do. Of course, there were some usual activities, such as, cleaning and doing chores but outside of the domestic side of activities there was not much for the women or children to do. They would go to their doctors and get prescriptions to help relieve the pain they felt. This essentially became know as the problem that has no name. The main question that
  • 53. Nazi Propaganda Film Seldom has a history classes had film, myth, and Nazis been as integrated as this Nazi Cinema class. Most people watch films as a form of entertainment, were as we are introduced to new form of cinema as well as new ways to study historical merit. This will explain specific aspects of Nazi history ranging from 1930 to 1937. Such as the power of propaganda, the Hitler Youth, and Women in Nazi Germany , while relating it with these films Triumph of the Will (1934), Hitler Youth Quex (1933), and La Habanera (1937). Looking deep into the beginning of the creation of a Nazi Germany requires looking into causes why Germany would allow a takeover. As World War Iended Germany had been devised. Many of the middle class families that lived in Germany ... Show more content on ... Just by taking a look at the opening shot we are seeing from Hitler s view as he looks down upon Germany. His view is high above Germany and its people, as if he is looking down from the heavens. As the view changes it is of the people in the crowd waiting to see Hitler. We are now looking at him as he ascends from the sky full of beautiful, light, fluffy clouds. As if he were a god coming down from the heavens just for Germany to save them in their desperate time of need. As Hitler steps from the plane we are now in the view of him or perhaps a guard, the entire crowd is beside themselves to be in the presence of das FГјhrer. This creation of this god like man, in which all extremely outwardly show such love for definitely creates an appeal to the hearts of the national masses . Another scene in which drew a huge amount of emotion would be the night rally. With a combination of darkly lit atmosphere with large fires blazing, creating a smoke filling the screen
  • 54. April Raintree Analysis The drunken Indian stereotype is a twisted perversion of the sad truth that many Indigenous peoples in Canada, and all over the world, struggle with substance abuse problems and alcoholism, as seen numerous times plaguing the family of the protagonist of In Search of April Raintree, written by author Beatrice Culleton Mosionier. Countless believe alcoholismamongst Indigenous peoplesis genetic, that it is in their blood their nature, but this logic is hackneyed and highly inaccurate. For starters, Canada s Indigenous population was not introduced to alcoholand its effects until colonization. Years later, lacking proper and sufficient help to aid in healing the scars left from trauma, many turned to substances. Nowadays, the scientific community recognizes that alcoholism is something learned, not something one is born with. Alcoholism amongst Indigenous peoples is not a genetic predisposition, but rather a cultural influence taught over hundreds of years. Before the European colonizers arrived in Canada, the Indigenous peoples of the land did not have a brewing tradition, and had no prior experience with alcohol. Alcohol was first introduced to the Indigenous peoples of Canada around the 17th century, where it became a commonly traded commodity, in exchange for materials such as fur. Consequently, the addition of alcohol also greatly changed the healthy diets of the Indigenous peoples, who once relied on organic foods for sustenance, acquired through hunting and
  • 55. Mad Cow Disease Mad Cow Disease Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), better know as Mad cow disease is a relatively new disease. Most sources state that BSE first showed up in Great Britain in 1986 [Dealler p.5] but some say it popped up in 1985 [Greger p.1]. However the official notification was not until 21 June, 1988 [Dealler stats. p.1]. Spongiform encephalopathies are invariable fatal neurodegenerative diseases and there is no treatment nor is there a cure for this disease [Greger p.1]. The recent scare of BSE has arisen because of the contraction of Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (CJD: see Appendix B) in humans from eating beef products. Although there are many forms of Spongiform encephalopathies that affect a wide range of animals, BSE has... Show more content on ... Great Britain is the site where the major problem of BSE started. The increase of BSE in the UK was mostly due to the fact that farmers were feeding their cattle a bovine food which included parts of dead sheep that had scrapie [see Appendix B.]and also the offal [see Appendix B] of dead cows that carry the BSE disease. This method of preparing the bovine food started in 1980, in order to be protein concentrated which in return made the cows increase their milk yield. Most people did not know BSE could be transmitted through the food derived from dead sheep and cattle. Because the normal incubation period for a cow is 2 8 years, most of the BSE infected cattle did not start to show signs until sixth and seventh year. Due to the fact that a very small amount of the cows that were infected with BSE showed the symptoms early in the 1980 s , they were not detected as having BSE. Most of these cows were then recycled into bovine food, which was then feed to more cattle and more cattle became infected. It was not until July of 1988 that the feed manufacturers were issued a warning to stop the production of bovine food with the presence of cattle offal that were infected with BSE [Dealler pg.2]. And it was not until 25 September, 1990 that bovine offal were specified to be banned from the food of all species [Dealler stats. p.1]. In 1987 the
  • 56. Antibacterial Properties of Essential Oils Essay Present study proves that, citrus fruit juices are great antimicrobial agents against certain microorganism and they can be used as medicine for treatment of bacterial infections. The tests of antimicrobial activity and the MIC assays showed promising results that fresh citrus fruit juices are good in killing bacteria. (Bansode.DS et al., IRJP 2012) Lemon is one of the Family Rutaceae. It is prepared primarily for its alkaloids, which having anticancer activities and the antibacterial properties. (Kawaii et al., 2000) Antimicrobial potential of the citrus peel extract is directly concerned with the components that they have. The studies showed that essential oils, protopine and corydaline alkaloids, lactons, polyacetylene, acyclic ... Show more content on ... ECCLES,1994) The effect of herbs and spices has been successfully done in food application. As several experiment had being conducted. This was due to the present of essential oils, which act as antibacterial substances, which inhibit the growth of bacteria. In food and in vitro the only experiment that had being successfully applied. (M.M Tajkarimi, 2010) The condition when high vapor have a great effect on the effectiveness of essential oil as for this research 14 different types of essential oils that have being tested on few different bacteria example Staphylococcus. The effect when in high vapor is better the when leave the essential oils overnight. From the research the result was around 1 or 2 hours for the essential oils to diffuse into the agar. (Shigeharu Inouye, 2001) From the Sodium bicarbonate the effect of inhibition towards bacteria had identified as the sodium bicarbonate had alter the pH value of the surrounding and this had make the bacteria not it good condition which
  • 57. Analysis Of Halftime Advertisements The most recent sports advertisement I have seen and paid attention were the Pepsi, Hyped for Halftime. The only reason these billboards stuck with me is because there was a billboard everywhere you turned in downtown Phoenix for several weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. Otherwise, I do not watch much in the way of advertisements. The Pepsi Hyped for Halftime billboards were fairly simple in design Pepsi blue background with a can of Pepsi front and center topped with the Super Bowl trophy. The overall message eluded to an impressive, highly anticipated halftime show. These billboards were primarily placed around the central part of downtown Phoenix where the NFL Experience was taking place. Sides of buildings, inside and outside of the light rail, bus stops, outside and inside city buses were all platforms for displaying Pepsi s Hyped for Halftime advertisements. The advertisements began to appear about two to three weeks prior to the opening of the NFL Experience. I feel these advertisements were not targeting the diehard football fans. These advertisements were aiming to attract the casual fan and the non fan. Pepsi did not spotlight a football player of anything about the NFL, instead the company was promoting an aspect of the Super Bowl that is typically viewed as the part of most interest to people... Show more content on ... For example, while I may have suggested placing more Pepsi Hyped for Halftime advertisements near suburban parts of phoenix, rather than just downtown, but by placing the advertisements primarily in downtown Pepsi successfully reached their primary target market with the added benefit of reaching their secondary market too. This exercise made me think critically about Pepsi s decision to center their advertisements in short two to three block area, which received a large amount of foot traffic, rather than spreading advertisements to other parts of the
  • 58. Essay On Student Loan Crisis The student loan crisis is worse than ever and more people are leaving college thousands of dollars in debt before they even have a job or any type of income. With the rising cost of college and living expenses, people are taking out more student loans for higher amounts, leaving more people in an undesirable amount of debtand essentially trapping them. There s currently no way to get rid of federal student debt other than paying off the loans. (Quinton, Sophie, why you might be paying student loans till you retire). Because student loans are not like other loans they will not disappear if you declare bankruptcy, so the borrower is forced to pay them back even if it means you cannot afford to do so. There is not just one thing that is causing the student loancrisis this is a combination of many things that are being overlooked or ignored. We need to look into the reasoning to determine why this is happening, what problems it is causing and then come up with a solution that can stop the problem. Student loans are a great tool to use if you need financial help for college, but one must be careful and consider the consequences and understand what a student loan is and how to deal with them to make a responsible decision about their financial future. Before we can go any further, we need to first define what exactly a student loan is, and what student loans can entail. A student loan is defined as A type of loan designed to help students pay for post secondary education and the associated fees . Student loans are marvelous and a supportive tool for college students, but people don t realize that everything they borrow needs to be paid back with interest. Five years ago in 2012 71% of students graduating four year colleges had student loans and the average indebtedness of a college graduate was $29,400 . If you compare that to 1993 the average indebtedness of a college graduate was $9,450 (Average Student Loan Debt, 1993 2012). In only 19 years there was a $19,950 dollar difference in the averages. Those numbers do not include the interest that the student will have to pay back over time. All of those factors are just a small part of what makes up student debt but it is good to have a general