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Being Famous Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Being Famous" presents a unique set of challenges that often
stem from the complexities associated with fame itself. While fame can seem glamorous from an
outsider's perspective, delving into the intricacies of what it truly means to be famous requires a
nuanced understanding of various facets, including the personal, social, and cultural implications.
One of the primary difficulties in tackling this subject is navigating the diverse perceptions and
experiences of fame. What may appear as an enviable status to some individuals can be fraught
with challenges, such as loss of privacy, heightened scrutiny, and the pressure to maintain a
carefully curated public image. Balancing these contrasting viewpoints while presenting a
coherent argument can be a daunting task.
Furthermore, the concept of fame is multifaceted, encompassing not only celebrity status in the
entertainment industry but also achievements in other fields such as politics, sports, and
academia. Each domain brings its own set of rewards and pitfalls, adding layers of complexity to
the discussion. Analyzing the impact of fame across different spheres requires extensive research
and critical thinking to provide a comprehensive perspective.
Another challenge lies in addressing the societal fascination with fame and its implications for
individuals and communities. Exploring the cultural obsession with celebrity culture, the
influence of social media on perceptions of fame, and the commodification of personal lives
present additional layers of analysis that demand careful consideration.
Moreover, writing about fame necessitates grappling with ethical questions surrounding the
exploitation of individuals for public consumption, the responsibility of celebrities as role
models, and the blurred boundaries between fame and notoriety. Navigating these ethical
dilemmas while maintaining objectivity and sensitivity requires a thoughtful approach and a deep
understanding of moral frameworks.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Being Famous" requires a delicate balance of
perspectives, a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved, and a willingness to
confront ethical considerations head-on. While the allure of fame may captivate our imagination,
unpacking its implications reveals a rich tapestry of challenges and opportunities that merit
careful examination.
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Being Famous Essay Being Famous Essay
An Independent Judiciary
An independent judiciary allows for the protection of certain values that society
deems important. Thus this essay will critically examine the importance of an
independent judiciary within the modern day constitutional democracy of South
Africa by outlining the key reasons on why an independent judiciary is needed. The
reasons being that independent judiciary within South Africa s model of the
separation of powersis vital for the protection of South African citizens against the
abuse of public power, the protection of human rights and the fair and impartial
application of the rule of law. Then examine the limitations of an independent
judiciary and lastly concluding that the separation of powers allows for an
independent judiciary and the protection of the rule of law.... Show more content on ...
Thus South Africa as a modern constitutional democracy governed by the rule of
law must guarantee judicial independence as a way to protect citizens from arbitrary
rule as well as providing assurance to citizens that the rule of law shall be upheld in a
fair and impartial manner. Institutional independence is one of the two aspects of
judicial independence and is implicitly recognized by the 1996 Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa, under s165 (2) where the judiciary is only subject to the
Constitution and the law. Thus the duty lies with all organs of state to assist the
courts in ensuring their independence, dignity, accessibility and effectiveness . An
independent judiciary does not merely have the institutional independence but also
decisional independence which allows for the courts decision making to only
consider the law and the facts of the case separate from all other external pressures or
Wound Care Reflection
Look Back A meaningful event from my clinical experience was during week six
when one of my colleague and I along with the RN performed a wound care
procedure on one of my client who had pressure ulcers on her coccyx area and
wound on the right foot. It was my first time doing wound care on a client who has
severe wound type. Client is a 90 years old female who has been admitted to the
unit for Osteomyelitis, it is an infection of the bone, caused by bacteria breaking
into the body s tissues and entering the bloodstream through an open wound
(LeMone, p.1382). The client said a dog bit her foot at a park few years ago and that
s how she got the wound. Client has a wound care dressing order that needs to be
changed daily with Betadine soaked gauze for all areas,... Show more content on ...
Elaborate When I entered the client s room for wound care; I saw that she was on
her bed, in semi fowler position with the bottom of the bed elevated as well. I
pressed the bed remote to bring the bottom of the bed down and straight. We had
everything ready on the table for the procedure; we washed our hands and wore
PPE, gloves. Client s legs were very stiff and contracted, we tried to extend but it
didn t work. It was documented on client s chart that she has severe contracture
which is an abnormal flexion and fixation of a joint caused by muscle atrophy and
shortening (LeMone, p. 1330). When I assisted client with passive ROM exercises
before wound care, it was very difficult to straighten her legs. We perform aseptic
technique for cleaning and dressing the wound. We placed extra bed pad under client
s leg and I used the
Life Christian Ministries
When God gave me the title for this book I was completely and totally
dumbfounded. I was just about to return to work after a three month hiatus, which
was used as a period of recuperation from a total knee replacement. My son was
graduating from College, my aging parents were all having health issues and I was
just started the process of allowing Godto birth Speak Life Christian Ministries
through me. My time was limited at best, if I am honest, I really had no time to
begin the journey of becoming a published author. To be more direct and to the
point I really had no desire to become a published author at all. It was as if I was
being punished. I did not wantto open some of the areas that this book would require
me to open. I did not want to revisit my past, not because I am ashamed, but... Show
more content on ...
I had to wrestle with some things, I had to have some very serious conversations
with God, and wrap my mind around Him giving me just one more thing to put my
hands to. Especially when the one more thing was not something I desired to do. I
called a great sister friend of mine to have a gripe and vent session, but as only God
can, my plan was foiled. As we began to talk about the ministry that God was
birthing in me, the why, what, when, and how of it all began to come together. We
talked about the vision of the ministry that God began planting over nine years
ago. We talked about how God had begun to put people in my path that were
integral in birthing the ministry. We also talked about how I would be required to
take on roles that I had never thought about. Finally we also talked about
surrendering to the process of what God was calling me to do. As the conversation
went on I realized that my gripe and vent session had turned into God s planning
session for the ministry. As we were wrapping up our conversation she said to me, I
am going to pray that God gives you the grace for even the more. At the time she
spoke those words it did not dawn on me
Power Out of Control Essay
Athol Fugard s Master Harold . . . and the boys illustrates that power is an issue that
has so many people playing a part. Hally s relatively short visit to his parent s shop
reveals so many problems within society in South Africa and around the world that
still exist today. Everything from the interactions between the characters, to the title
of the play, and even their choices of conversation all show that the thing about power
struggles is that everyone ends up damaged. Fugard presents several brief displays
of the power struggles that affect each character and in turn exposes to the reader
that many forms of power are integrated into society so invisibly that we rarely see
such struggles, and they are so much more than a black and... Show more content on ...
Hally feels powerless when has to transport his unconscious drunken father out of the
hotel, but he does not even think about how embarrassing it could even be to Sam to
need to have permission to come into a hotel because he is black.
Willie is interesting in that he looks up, smiling, from the floor for a good portion
of the play, as if he is obliviously happy with his place. In addition, his physical
positioning mirrors his less powerful status when it comes to Hally, and even when
it comes to Sam. He plays his role as someone who acts slave like and naive in his
illiteracy. But he does have power in some areas of his life, when it comes to he
and Hilda, and he uses it. He does what he knows when he hits Hilda when he does
not get what he wants from her. Hilda uses the power she has to abandon him. He
does not understand the concept of moving someone versus motivating someone.
Because he simply moves her, he made her do what he wanted for a while. But since
he does not motivate her, she will not stay around.
Sam tries to do a lot of good with Hally but even he is guilty of lording power over
others as well. He teases Willie, how s your pillow with the quickstep? (Fugard
1142) because he has slightly more power than Willie, it is acceptable for him to
tease someone of the same race as he, and has fun with it while he can, until the next
incident comes along and where he has a lower status.
Aristotle And Aristotle s Theory Of Moral Virtue
Nietzsche and Aristotle were two of the most significant philosopher of not only their
time but their works has lasted throughout the centuries to influence even some today
s greatest minds. Their works however could not be any separated, Aristotle is a
prominent figure in ancient Greek philosophy, making contributions to logic,
metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture,
medicine, dance and theatre. He was a student of great thinkers such as Plato and
Socrates. He believes that ethics is a process to finding the final end or the highest
good. He states that although there are many ends in life those are usually only
means to further ends, our ambitions and wants must have some final purpose.
Aristotlebelieves that this highest end is that of Happiness. He introduces the concept
moral virtuewhich is the ability to properly control desires to follow bad actions,
and is the focus of morality. Centered on the core of Aristotle s account of moral
virtue is his doctrine of the mean. According to this doctrine, moral virtues are
character traits which are at in between more extreme character traits. While
Nietzsche a German philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic. He believes that Good
is originally designated only the right of those individuals with social and political
power to live their lives by sheer force of will. But a priestly caste, motivated by their
resentment of their natural superiors, generated a corrupt
Worden Four Tasks Of Mourning Analysis
Theoretical Frame Work
According to Worden s Four Tasks of Mourning, when someone loses a loved one to
death, there are certain things that need to be accomplished before the person can
move on with life. Worden suggests that there are four stages that needs to be
completed before someone could successfully mourn. Each of the stages that are
described seem to correlate with the mourning process that Mitch experienced. The
first stage is to accept the reality of the loss. Due to Mitch experiencing anticipatory
grief, once he realized that death is inevitable, he began to express his feelings about
the death and dying process, and then agreed to meet every Tuesday because he
knew that Morrie would die soon. Once Morrie actually died, Mitch ... Show more
content on ...
Morrie s wife kept his funeral small and only permitted the individuals whom
Morrie wanted to surround him on his perfect day, to mourn with her on the day of
the funeral. It is important to note that those different individuals will have
different grieving types, and may not be able to successfully mourn like Worden
suggests. A support group with the individuals who attended the funeral could
possibly be beneficial, because each individual will need to eventually readjust to
the world, however some may have a hard time reaching that stage. Complicated
grief cannot be ruled out, because prolonged grief symptoms are always a
possibility when mourning. Grief support programs are offered to individuals in
order to help reach healthy stages of mourning, to link individuals to community
resources, and to support each other (Wintermeyer Pingel, Murphy, Hammelef
2013). The recordings that Mitch now owned may be beneficial for Morrie s wife
to successfully mourn or recollect thoughts about her husband. This group would
be based off of a strengths based perspective. The goal of the group is to help each
mourn by focusing on the positive aspects of the life lived by Morrie and the
relationship that he had with each group member, personally. The group will allow
each individual to celebrate Morrie s life and death. The group will be given time to
reminisce, and
Ideology In Hamlet
Eshan Kemp Mrs. Yuen AP Literature Period 1
On Polonius and Class Ideology
The development of Polonius through his interactions with others serves as an
aspect of Shakespeare s Hamlet particularly suited for a Marxist analysis. While his
pompous and long winded ramblings have served as comic fodder for generations
of readers, a Marxist reading reveals the insidious nature behind the text s contempt
for royal sycophancy. Polonius, who is of a lower class status than the royal family,
and who presumably lives during a feudal era which featured asymmetric
distributions of wealth and power privileging the royalty and their allies, most
probably regales figures of the royal family with circuitous servility to secure his
survival as a member of a subordinate class. However, the text portrays Polonius s
incessantly pompous sycophantic tendencies as reflections of his, and in extension
the noble class s, inner character. Implicit in this portrayal is a classist ideology which
ascribes inherent characteristics to lower classes, using these traits to justify the
differential treatment of the classes.
Hamlet uses Polonius s initial interactions within a domestic setting and the royal
court to establish Polonius s character. When Polonius notarizes Reynaldo to spy on
Laertes, Polonius lauds his method with such rhetorical flourishes as wisdom and
of reach and with windlasses and assays of bias, to ensure that his grand scheme is
not lost on Reynaldo (2.1.61 62). The text chooses to show Polonius strutting such
ornate rhetoric to commend himself, even when there is no one to impress beyond
his own servant, to illustrate how Polonius is by his very nature pompous. When
Polonius subsequently hears Ophelia relay her encounter with a deranged Hamlet,
Polonius s first instinct is to go see the king, rather than to comfort Ophelia beyond
simply saying he s sorry (2.1.114). Polonius s primal instinct to serve his lord reveals
a servile disposition baked into his very being. These intrinsic tendencies are
hyperbolized through Polonius s interaction with the royal family. Upon entering the
court, Polonius immediately professes to hold my duty ... both to my God
Reflection On Improving My Writing Composition
As a student in High School, my writing composition was not very well developed.
Although, I got help from my teachers, in addition to that, on my free time I went to
the library to make extra corrections that were needed. My dad also helped me all
throughout high school by reading over my essays and making comments on what I
need to improve on, but even then I believe that my writingcould have improved. I
have tried to find strategic ways to improve my writing and I believe that I may
slowly be getting there. One of my strong points as a writer, which could also be seen
as a weak point according to my teachers, is my research; I go in full depth with
details and my research is always accurate. I go too deep into my research which takes
Moral Dilemmas At The Yorktown Gym
Moral Dilemmas In the Workplace: Yorktown Gym Ethical dilemmas can arise in
any situation and they can happen in a group setting or an individual setting.
Workplace dilemmas can occur at any time and can appear as minor situations, or
they can be a more serious situation. In individual settings, ethical dilemmas may
seem more prominent and harder to determine what the right action to take would
actually be, because no one else is present to say whether something is right or
wrong. This is the situation in my case. I work at the Yorktown Gym for Robert
Morris University as one of the health club monitors, and during my shift, I work
alone. Because of the situation that other employees and I are in, we face multiple
dilemmas every time we work. While I would never actually give in to any of
these dilemmas, I face the dilemmas of lying about my hours, working out on the
job, and leaving work whenever I want. All of these situations go along with
ethical theories that explain why these dilemmas are right or wrong the reasoning
behind them. The first ethical dilemma that employees and myself face at work is
lying about our hours. To clock in, employees sign into a website and enter their
start and end times. At the end of the pay period, the times are checked off and sent
in to determine our paycheck. However, people switch shifts all the time so
employee s times are always changing. Whenever another employee or myself clocks
in, we could lie about the times that we were
Compare And Contrast Where The Red Fern Grows Book
And Movie
Joel George George 1
Period 1
23 February, 2016
Where the Red Fern Grows: Compare and Contrast
In Hollywood, there have been over forty two movies made that were based on
books, but many times the movies do not live up to their high expectations. The
movie, Where the Red Fern Grows, was a movie which did not live up to the high
expectations set by the book. The novel, Where the Red Fern Grows, is a story about
a country boy named Billy Colman, who hunts coons in the Ozarks with his loyal
redbone hounds. It is a story of friendship, love, loyalty, and adventure. However,
tragedy strikes and Billy is forced to change from a young boy to a man. In the
novel and the movie adapted from it, a plethora of similarities and differences can be
The movie adaptation of the book kept many of the key commonalities found in the
novel similar. One major event that was kept the same, was the fact that Billy had to
... Show more content on ...
A major difference that the novel and the movie had was that Billy didn t win the
coon hunt in the movie. In the movie, a man named Sam Bellington won the coon
hunt, but out of pity, gave the cup to Billy. This event was one of the vital events
in the book. It was the culmination of all of Billy s hard work and his dogs
dedication. Another distinction was that Billy only saved for one year to earn
money for his pups in the movie. This plot element was one of the many important
times when Billy demonstrated his tenacity. It showed how devoted Billy was to
earn his pups and how willing he was to work two years to earn enough. The fact
that Billy only worked for one year to earn the money greatly diminishes his
industrious mindset, Evidently, there are many differences between the novel and the
movie adapted from
Wgu Hat1 Community Health Task 1 Essay
This paper received all 4s on the grading rubric. I mention this so you can eval the
paper appropriately. I hope it helps.
Community Health Nursing
Community Description and Interpretation of Data
America s Finest City, San Diego, California is located in the southern most county in
California, San Diego County. San Diego is the second largest city in California ,
(Wikipedia, 2013). Bordered by Orange and Riverside Counties to the north,
Imperial County to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and Baja California,
Mexico to the south. San Diego is known for it s mild but, diverse climate. Average
temperatures are 60 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with more than 200 days above 70
degrees Fahrenheit. With warm dry summers and low ... Show more content on ...
A distant second is the Federal Government with 46,300 people, followed by the
State of California, University of California San Diego, North Island Naval Air
Station, County of San Diego, Sharp Healthcare, Scripps Health, San Diego Unified
School District, and San Diego State University , (San Diego Sourcebook website,
2013) rounding out the top 10. Tourism is a large industry in San Diego due to the
beaches, climate, and many tourist attractions including Balboa Park and it s
museums and Zoo and Sea World. Also of note is the display of San Diego s
Mexican heritage as seen in the historical sites including the Mission de Alcala and
Old Town , (Sand Diego Wikipedia entry, 2013).
According to city, 43.7% of San Diego County residents are affiliated with
religious congregations, which is below the national rate of 50.2%. Of that 43.7%,
67.5% are Catholic, 5.7% are Jewish, and 3.8% Latter Day Saints. The rest are
divided between several other denominations (City data website, 2013).
Crime rates in San Diego are below that of the national level. Crimes, including
murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries all seem to bell curve between 1999
and 2011 per the City Data website, most peaking between 2003 and 2006. Most
events are on the decline since 2006. The over all
The Advantages Of Parallax
Tarandeep Reel Assignment 5 Unit 44 Parallax A parallax is used to measure the
distance of how close stars are, the term parallax is the meaning of a semi angle of
an inclination that is between two sight lines to the star and this can be observed
and seen when the earth is on opposite sides of the sun in its orbit. The parallax is
used by its triangulation that will be able to measure the position of the star that is
against the background of more distant stars, the amount that it will shift is 6 months
this is because of the earth orbit and this is the angle of one triangle. The diameter of
the earth orbit is the other side of the triangle. Then trigonometry will play a role and
you will calculate the other two sides of the triangle which... Show more content on ...
This will result in sharpen images. Another advantage is that you don t have deal
with light that is scattered all over by the atmosphere. You don t also have to deal
with light pollution. The major scientific advantage of space telescopes that being
above the atmosphere means you can observe much more with different wave
lengths. Observing from the ground will be harder. We can observe frequencies
within the radio and the optic al range. The major disadvantage is the size. The
larger the mirror on the space telescope then the more light will be gathered up and
more detail we can resolve. But also we are limited on the size that we can
currently send up, the Hubble is an example. But yet again we are only limited by
the design, but telescopes don t cause limitations in space they are only limited as
equipment to observe the universe in different waves lengths of light the only main
limitation that stand in our way is our technology. Earth bound telescopes are the
same thing to expect they are real limitations for earth bound observers and this is in
Owner Chestnut Character Analysis
When you re surrounded by a certain person for a very long time and get the
opportunity to observe their personality and values, you learn a lot. Owner
Chestnut grew up in mexico and moved to the U.S at 5 years old. When I describe
him, he has a buff figure, choclate brown eyes, and short thick dark brown hair. He
grew up learning responsibility, hard work, and compassion but he also values his
selflessness in his life. The events that embodied his selflessness the most is when
he spent a whole day at his aunt s house preparing for his nieces birthday party. He
helped out and hustled on decorations, food, and watching over all the little kids and
it showed how willing he was to help others. Another event that happened was when I
was sick,
Animal Breeding Is Good For The Community And Immoral
Many people believe that breeding animals is not good for the community and
immoral. This statement is extremely broad. Instead, the statement should read,
specifically, that irresponsible animal breeding is bad for the animals as well as the
reproduction industry. Knowing the differences between responsible and
irresponsible breeding is crucial to understanding the consequences of reckless
breeding. Careless breeding creates healthand behavioral defects as well as
overpopulation. The negative consequences of irresponsible breeding should not
only become more mainstream, but also more carefully regulated, which results in
the stopping of the practice. Major details differentiate between responsible and
reckless breeding. The biggest is the use of healthy, unrelated animals to produce
the offspring by responsible breeders. Contrary to this, it is common that
irresponsible breeders will use a technique called inbreeding. Inbreeding is when
two animals, who are closely related, reproduce which causes serious health defects.
An example of irresponsible breeding is the use of puppy mills which then sell to
the public and pet stores. It is strongly advised that people do not buy petsfrom stores
because it promotes irresponsible breeding. Trustworthy breeders usually are self
made and use their own pets to produce offspring knowing they are healthful. Not
only do they use their own healthy pets, they make sure that a good partner is used
which results in healthy, well mannered
Racial Inequality In Brazil
Towards the end of the 19th century, immigration to Brazil began to rapidly increase.
The demand for coffee continued to increase, and the coffee production industry
expanded due to an influx in immigrants from Japan, Portugal, Spain, Italy, as well as
several other European countries. Brazil was a divided nation, lacking a unified
population or shared culture. The goal of allowing an influx of European immigrants
into the country was to conform to European culture, and civilize Brazil. Essentially,
Brazil had desires to whiten the population. The largely black, and Mulatto
population quickly began to transform into predominantly white. Racial inequality
and discrimination marked Brazil, and created distinct divisions amongst the
population. Following abolition, Afro Brazilians had immense difficulty in defining
their own place in Brazilian society. Prior to the 1980s, racist attitudes as well the
intention of Westernizing Brazil, made it challenging for Afro Brazilians to achieve
economic or social mobility. Beginning in the 20th century, efforts to diminish
racial inequality became increasingly necessary to Brazil. Afro Brazilians have
faced severe inequity post abolition, however in recent decades the eradication of
racial inequality has become imperative. Scientific racism emerged in Brazil from
France, and was rooted from the philosophy positivism. Positivism was an ideology
that declared any rational observation or idea can be scientifically, logically, or
Persuasive Essay On Pros And Cons
On May 10th, 2010, a 16 year old high school sophomore was walking home from a
party in the Bronx when he was stopped by the police for allegedly stealing a
backpack with a camera, $700, a credit card, and an iPod. With his mom unable to
make bail he was sent to one of the toughest prisons named Rikers Island. He was
locked up for a crimehe didn t commit. His name is Kalief Browder. He spent over
1000 days in Riker s Island and 700 of those days was in solitary confinement.
President Obama was the president at the time, and he banned solitary
confinement for juveniles. He stated, it could lead to devastating, lasting
psychological consequences (Shear, 2016). Which is what ended up happening to
Kalief. Rikers inmates and most correctional officers had a program, the program
included giving up your commissary, phone calls, and if you were with it, you were
considered a punk and if you weren t you were jumped daily. Browder wasn t with
it, so he was jumped on a regular basis, and the COs allowed it. There was one
incident where Kalief was on the phone with his mother, and 8 to 9 guys jumped
him with his mother, still on the phone. Kalief was also tortured by officers, they
would starve him, they wouldn t allow him to shower, they would even give him
food that was half eaten or poisoned, and sometimes they would leave him in his
cell for 24 hours. He had over 30 court dates, but the courts were never ready for trial.
He felt like the system was playing with his life. He
The Banking Concept Essay
Have you ever wondered what it means to be human? Or what it means to
dehumanize one another? As humans, we have the ability to think and use our
brains. We are subject to an evolving education and to require an education. When
someone is deprived of these human qualities, they are dehumanized. Everyone
strives to live in an environment that enables them to learn, discuss, and act
similarly. Paulo Freire states, Implicit in the banking concept is the assumption of a
dichotomy between human beings and the world: a person is merely in the world,
not with the world or with others; the individual is spectator, not re creator. In this
view, the person is not a conscious being (corpo consciente); he or she is rather the
possessor of a consciousness:... Show more content on ...
The banking concept is constructed to have the students absorb the information from
the teacher. Freire claims that the students do not know much about anything and that
teachers know everything that there is to know. He refers to students as empty
containers and that teachers are the only ones that are able to fill the containers with
knowledge. The banking concept lacks critical thinking. It is constructed so that the
students can absorb the information from the teachers. The banking concept also does
not encourage group discussions. The banking concept is oppressive and it denies the
ability to think independently. This method of teaching keeps students from
advancing as human beings. As students, we should not have to learn by the teacher
influenced method, we should be allowed to find our own methods and techniques
to learn efficiently and effectively. Problem posing is a method of teaching that
encourages critical thinking. It is the opposite of the banking concept. I believe that
problem posing would be a better method of teaching because it is more suitable for
students. Students are able to learn in a creative and hands on environment. They are
also able to engage in discussions with other students and the teacher. When we are
able to have discussions with teachers and classmates, new ideas are formed and
difficult questions are
Why I Don t Hate The Drug Essay
I sat in a lawn chair besides my boyfriend of four months as I watched his one of his
new pledge members take the first hit. He took the bowl that was shaped like a
fish to his lips and light the crumbed up herb. Breathing it in for a few seconds he
blew smoke out of his mouth. The room filled with the smell of past memories that
made me lightly cringe. I watch the smoke vaporize in the air until it was nothing.
The fish bowl circled around for person to person each mimicking the person
besides them actions. I held my breath as it landed on my boyfriend watching his
every move to see what he would decide to do. The smell of marijuana was
honestly smells worse to me than dog shit because all the haunting memories I
have with the drug. Now I don t hate the drug. I m not that person who hates people
who smoke either. Yet I know after my last relationship I didn t want to date
someone who smoke. My last boyfriend was a very good example of a complete
definition of someone who s an addict. Whenever something went wrong. He
smoked. Whenever something went right. He smoked. Whenever he woke up. He
smoked. If he couldn t fall asleep. You guessed it he smoked. I could make a list the
goes on for fifty pages of the reason why he smoked marijuana yet it wouldn t do
me any good.. Because of his addiction I hated the drug. It would cause every single
one of our fights. I remember one especially and it was when we celebrating dating
for six months. We had been watching Dexter
Prions Cause Fatal Neurological Diseases in the Brain of...
Prions cause diseases, but they aren t viruses or bacteria or fungi or parasites, but
proteinaceous infectious particles, an abnormal form of a normally harmless protein
found in the brain causing variety of fatal neurological diseases of both animals and
humans. They are the ones that cause the well known mad cow disease in Britain and
Scarpie for animals. Prions act slowly, and are virtually indestructible.
Prions enter the brain through infection, or they can arise from mutations in the gene
that encodes the protein. When a prion (misfolded form of protein normally present
in brain cells) enters a cell with a normal protein structure, the prion converts the
normal protein structures into a misfolded prion version. Many prions continue to
add up forming a complex that converts other protein structures to prions. When all
the prions add up they interfere with normal cellular functions and cause disease
symptoms. Prions can also spread from one organism to another. They can be
transmitted in food, as may occur when people eat prion laden beef from cattle with
mad cow disease.
Prion like proteins are normal proteins with similar prion like domains which may
also be involved in diseases of the brain or other organs. Seeded protein aggregation
will lead to many more diseases of the brain. In contrast to prions being simple
infection in yeast cells prion forming proteins initiate cell process such as the central
dogma. The prion like proteins may not be widely pathogenic
Martin Luther King Jr. And Rabbi Abraham Joshua
This is a good nonfiction picture book for older children interested in the American
civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. It compares the lives of Dry. Martin
Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a Polish Jew who fled the
Holocaust as a young man and came to the United States, where he was drawn into
the civil rights movement, and became one of MLK s allies in the Jewish community.
Both men were bright, articulate and charismatic, and they were both motivated by
their sensitivity to injustice, which they saw plenty of in their own young lives. The
book shows how people from different cultures and divergent faiths can join together
for a common good, and transcend the differences that are often used to keep people
Mure Hair Salon
Mure Hair Salon #1 Rated in NYC and Reasonably Priced
Meta Description: Mure Hair Salon, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, offers
coloring, haircuts, keratin treatments and other hair services for men and women.
The salon has over 500 positive Yelp reviews, complimenting the staff on their
technique and friendly attitude. The salon offers gift certificates and Groupon deals.
Mure Hair Salon is one of New York City s top salons, but, surprisingly, it s not one
of the most expensive. Located in the Yorkville neighborhood on the Upper East
Side of Manhattan, the salon is close to several pricier establishments that aren t as
well received. Services
The simple list of services includes haircuts, highlights, coloring and anti frizz ...
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The ability to cut and color hair in a way that flatters clients ensures repeat visits and
more money for the stylist! Regardless of the stylist s other positive attributes, if he
or she doesn t have technical skill, customers won t return.
Valued stylists adapt to new trends instead of resisting them. They are constantly
educating themselves on new styling tools, haircuts and coloring methods. Many
clients want the latest hairstyle or color they ve seen online or in a magazine, and if
the stylist doesn t know about trends, the customer will go elsewhere.
Also, they aren t fazed by cancellations, rebookings, and changes in the salon
A stylist with creativity, in addition to technical skill, can attract and keep many
clients. Instead of merely cutting hair, a creative stylist suggests styles that may be
better for te client than what they had originally requested. Creative stylists go the
extyra mile to give clients what they need, instead of what they want.
Listening is the most important trait, next to technical skill. A good stylist make sure
she understands what the client wants, and may clarify it throughout the
appointment. She ll also listen to the client talk about their problems (or whatever
they want to discuss) and give friendly
Corporate Governance in the Hershey Company
THE HERSHEY COMPANY The scope of this paper is to analyze the kind of
agency problems that emerges between The Hershey Company and their stakeholders
and shareholders. To answer this, a review of the company`s board structure and
ownership structure was made. Thereafter two specific situations that has occurred in
recent times was used as case examples to enlighten the agency problems suggested to
emerge by the corporate structure. Ownership Structure Whinston and Segal defines
ownership as a set of rights and obligations concerning assets (Thomsen and Conyon,
2012, p. 122). The ownership structure, naturally, highly affects the actions of the
company. Hershey is a publicly listed company on the New York Stock Exchange.
There are two... Show more content on ...
142). The Hershey Company`s board can be described as an Anglo Saxon model,
which is typically for American companies. It is a one tier board, where the
employees of the company has no direct affiliation or representatives among the
directors. This may be a source of Type 3 agency problems (stakeholder vs.
shareholders) (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 20). The board is led by the
companies` CEO, Mr. John Bilbrey while other directors are in charge of different
committees. Pearce and Zahra (1991) examine the relative power of the CEO and
the board. Their matrix suggest that The Hershey Company board is a
Participative board as both the CEO and the board exercise a lot of power. John
Bilbrey has been involved with The Hershey Company in several positions since
2003 several years and is likely to enjoy the trust and favor of the board of directors
through his seniority and as the company stock has been steadily increasing
throughout his period at the wheel (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 172). Due to
the fact that he also is on the board himself, he also get to know the board better
and get better handling of them. Another central feature of the board of directors is
the question of whether the CEO is also the chairman of the board. When the CEO
is also the chairman this is often referred to as CEO duality . In the US the CEO is
often the chairman of the board. Studies have shown that the board in most cases
Comparing The Book And Tuck Everlasting The Movie
This will be a compare and contrast about Tuck everlasting the book and Tuck
everlasting the movie. Same story, but differences throughout the movie and book.A
story about an everlasting family and a girl Winnie Foster. This will be three
paragraphs that have same and differences although the paragraphs. The similarities
between the book and the movie were that Mea was going to get sent to the gallows
to die for what she had done. Also, Mea hit the man in the yellow suit on the head
with a shotgun. Another similarity is they have the same setting, plot and the
characters in both book and movie. My fourth similarity is when Winnie found Jesse
drinking the water and wanted a drink herself but, Jesse stop her before she could
start drinking
Batman The Killing Joke
Batman: The Killing Joker is one of Alan Moore and Brian Bolland s most
renowned works, famous for its interpretation and illustration of the infamous Joker s
origin, and the true nature of his character in relation to that of the Batman s. The
story revolves around the Joker, and his purpose to prove a point (Moore 21) to
Batmanand the world, his point being that There is no different between [him] and
everyone else! All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy
(Moore 45). His attempts to achieve this purpose develop to become two of the three
climatic turns in the story, the first being the shooting and paralysis of Barbara
Gordon, and the second consisting of her father, James Gordon, forcefully being
taken onto... Show more content on ...
Similar to the Joker s, Barbara s clothing as well held significance, mainly to
foreshadow the anguish the Joker makes her go through when taking naked
pictures of her. Barbara is clothed in low neck shirt, and a knee high dress, and
during her shooting, while she falls, more and more of her legs are exposed, along
with a small portion of her cleavage in the last panel. The vulgarity of the scene
immediately implies a relation to a sexual act, in this case, most probably being
sexually violated by the Joker. The emotions brought up by the illustration in the
first two panels come rushing back to the reader, but with a greater impact. They
eventually realize the pain Barbara is going through in the duration of the
sequence. Although the writers and illustrators could have chosen a simple shirt
and pant, the dress and low cut shirt, which allowed a more revealing illustration of
Barbara, do a better job in presenting and foreshadowing her sexual assault.
Similarly, the particular place where Barbara is shot by the Joker implies the same
ideas. The Joker shoots Barbara in her pelvic area, in order to break her spine and
paralyze her. Even though the spine could have been broken by shooting
Stereotypes In Films
In today s films, perceptions of women haven t changed much. Nancy Signorielli
has a case study that looked at popular films today and how young girls are
portrayed in them. Signorieilli coded the top 25 films for girls 12 17 in 1995 to
look for traits that the characters were portraying and the situations they were in. She
found from her study that girls in these films were 20 30% more likely to be talking
about romance, doing genderstereotyped chores, dating, talking about friends and
clothes, on the phone, grooming, talking about the opposite sex, in class, shopping
and working out. The men in these movies are 25% more likely to be working. In
addition to looking at what these characters are doing, they also looked at the type of
behavior they exhibit during the films. From the study they found that girls were 10
20% more likely to be honest, crying or whining, flirting, compromising, follow
intuition, and be seductive as Signorielli found in her research. From this they found
that the men were more intelligent, more threatening and intimidating, more
hardworking, more risk taking, and use physical force more. From this study it can
be seen that these negative perceptions of women are still similar to the period of...
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I chose to draw inspiration from these films because they all portray different
stereotypes of girls in all of them. I chose films that were focused on teenagers
because I felt that the age group is one I know well because I myself am part of it.
I believe it s important to be able to focus on stereotypes of girls that impact my life
and age group because not only is it something that I can connect to, but it is an
important message for students who will view this
Montage Of A Dream Deferred By Langston Hughes
Many of the poems within Montage of a Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes
contain great meaning as well as emotion embedded within them. Whether they are
3 lines or 20 lines long, vivid images and explanations follow. The main focus of the
series of poems are centralized on African Americans living in Harlem in the 20 s and
on and their opposition from the rest. The motif in nearly all poems express
discrimination, daily activities, and African Americans struggle for equality. Out of
all poems, certain ones such as Theme for English B , Ballad of the Landlord , and
Harlem #2 stood out. These short poems have a similar correlation carrying the same
meaning and or idea.
In the poem Theme for English B , a black student is asked to ... Show more content
on ...
He concludes with As I learn from you, I guess you learn from me although you re
older and white and somewhat more free. This is my page for English B. The Black
student realizes that not only does the teacher have the ability to teach, but even the
students can teach the teacher something they never knew regardless if he/she is
older, white, and more free than he is. Langston Hughes states that all Americans are
shaped and defined differently and there is no specific way to be an American.
Moving on to the second poem; Ballad of the Landlord , we see back and forth
conversations between a white landlord and his unhappy black tenant. The black
tenant tries explaining the poor conditions of his apartment. Flaws such as broken
steps, and the leaking roof are examples of imagery. The black tenant tells his
landlord that he won t be able to talk after he lands his fists on him. Without a
further ado, the white tenant calls the police and the black tenant instantly gets
arrest and sentenced to 90 days in county jail with no bail. Hughes expresses a
theme of injustice for the black race in comparison to how the white race is favored
and carry unfair power in society. It is easily said that the condition of the apartment
explains the quality of a black person s justice: broken.
Lastly, in the poem Harlem #2 , the speaker right off the bat tosses many rhetorical
questions that the reader can ponder on. What happens to a dream deferred? Does it
dry up like a raisin in
My Love for You~
You seem to capture my mind all the time There is never a moment when I don t
think about you or miss your presence.Your love takes over me all the time..My
days are like nights when you are not around. Your love brings the sweet sunlight
into my heart. Every moment feels so incomplete without you. Without you the
days and nights are longer. The way you look at me, gives me a taste of paradise. I
know I can always count on you. Thank you for everything. I love you truly, madly
and deeply. I find my heart cascading with your never ending love. You are just
everything to me. You are my life, I cannot live without your love. Love works like
magic. Everything seems different. When two heart unite, it is the most beautiful
thing in the whole... Show more content on ...
May we always stay in love. Thanks for everything, I love you. Kiss me and I will see
stars. Love me and I ll give them to you. Come away with me sweetheart, to a land
that far away and unknown, where it s just you and me with the sun baking our
feet and the water wetting our cheeks. Let s spend the rest of our lives in a paradise
like this. I love you sweetheart. You and me Were meant to be You and me Have a
long journey to see You and me Are a couple born free You and me Are bound with
love s canopy! I love you sweetheart. Have I ever told you how deep your eyes are
and how supple your skin is? Have I ever told you how glowing your face is and
how gentle your heart is? Stop me right now with a kiss otherwise I will keep
going on and on! You are central theme of my life. The script and the story of my
life is written around you. And trust me, the story of my life is going to be
beautiful! I don t need to pursue happiness. Happiness pursues me because of your
presence in my life. Don t ever go away. Whenever my mind goes from sleep mode
to active mode, it boots up with the thought of YOU! You are the fuel of my life
too much of you could burn me to ashes and too little of you will be unable to
sustain me! I wish I knew some fancy words to pass a heartfelt romantic message to
you but all I know right now is to say with a smile that I love you tons and tons!
The only thing I NEVER EVER want to think about in life is to say goodbye to
Animal Farm By George Orwell
Individual rights
Sometimes taking control can corrupt people and make them do selfish acts or
make decisions the people don t want. It might even bring about an argument or
revolt from someone or a crowd. Whatever the case, it is never good to be
possessive or something or someone when they want to make their own choices and
decisions because they have the right to. An example of a story that shows how
power can corrupt people is Animal Farm by George Orwell. He uses the character
from the story to symbolize the historical figures from the Russian Revolution. This
Revolution had two separate events called the February and October Revolution. In
the February revolution, Tsar Nicholas II was removed from power after being
selfish and greedy leader to his citizens. The October revolution, however was a
much more different event and was led by the Bolsheviks realize who began building
support within petrograd and other Urban centers. After, the Bolsheviks realize they
couldn t maintain too much power and abandoned the democratic process, they
declared themselves representatives of a dictatorship of the proletariat. Based on the
use of symbolism and characterization in Animal Farm, Orwell argues that in society,
people should stand up for their own rights and protect themselves from leaders who
think have more power or control than them.
By using symbolism to compare the historical figures from the russian revolution to
the animals in animal farm, Orwell contends that in
Skin Cancer Essay
The Causes and Symptoms of Skin Cancer
The Causes and symptoms of Skin Cancer While tanning beds and extreme use
/exposure to UV rays are ways to get skin cancer, there are also various other ways
to get it. Many don t know that genetics and traits can actually play a huge role in
developing this dangerous disease. They also don t know that skin cancer is the most
common type of cancer in the U.S. today. According to the Skin CancerFoundation
more people over the last 300 years have had skin cancer than all of the other cancers
combined. They say that one in five people develop skin cancer throughout their
lifetime; some surviving, some moribund. Skin cancer starts in the outermost layer of
skin called the epidermis. The epidermis ... Show more content on ...
Basal cell carcinoma treatment is very important because it can eventually grow
deeper into your skin and destroy the tissue and/ or bone (Carucci JA, 2013). It
usually looks like a raised, smooth, pearly bump on sun exposed skin of the head,
neck shoulders or back of hands. BCC is often mistaken for a sore that does not
heal. (Staff, Skin Cancer Causes, 2012). Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC) is the next
most common type of skin cancer. It accounts for about fifteen to twenty percent
of skin cancers in individuals. SCC is two times as frequent in men as women and
usually catches up with the victim at an older age. If the amount of sun/UV ray
/lamp exposure is extremely great, it is possible to get it while at a young age also.
Almost all of squamous cell carcinomas result from extreme exposure to UV rays,
the sun, and/or lamps (Staff, Skin Cancer Causes, 2012). It is possible to get
squamous cell carcinoma on any part of your body. A common place for women to
get SCC is on their legs. Some types of SCC look like a common, well defined,
thick, red, scaly patch/ bump on one s skin. If it is left untreated, it can form into a
big mass and possibly spread to other parts of the body (Michael S Lehrer, 2013).
The least common, yet most harmful, type of skin cancer is called malignant
melanoma. It accounts for less than ten percent of skin cancers in individuals. This
type of cancer can and most likely will kill a victim if not found earlier in a cancer
She Walks in Beauty
She Walks in Beauty, The Analysis She Walks in Beauty is a poem in which the
author speaks of the physical beauty of a woman; a female who the author
encountered. This encounter lead him to visualize a great distinct physical image of
her so he began to speak of this phenomenal attractiveness. A special quality in her
was being able to be identified with the heaven. Beautiful like the stars and clearly
visible as a cloudless night. The poem She Walks in Beauty came by as an inspiration
to the author. This occurred at an event attended by the author where he meet his
cousin which is the woman the author speaks about in the poem. The author lord
Byron wrote this poem which is found in the Hebrew Melodies. This publication is
found with... Show more content on ...
She Walks in beauty can be defined as a lyric poem because of its many
characteristics. There are many lyric forms expressed in it. Lyric poetryis often short,
expressing the intense feelings and thoughts of the speaker as clearly shown
throughout this poem. She walks in beauty demonstrates brevity, melody and an
emotional intensity in all of its emotional expressions; thus making a relationship
of what typically characterizes a lyric poem. The poem consist of three six line
stanzas in which a description of the woman s beauty of a woman is prominent.
This is a woman with whom Byron is acquainted. The development of the poem
clearly shows the voice through which the poem is spoken, This poem was written
as a final product showing how her presence provided for inspiration. The speaker
of She walks in Beauty feels a highly admiration for this woman to the point that he
thinks he is in love with her. The way she walks, her harmonious movement, and her
brightness lead the speaker to contrast her with the beauty of the night; which
reflects her self control, steadiness, and balance. This is clearly understood when
Byron speaks of her image. This is noted on his voice. Lord Byron s She Walks in
Beauty shows a perfect harmony whit its alternating rhymes. The poem has a new
Analysis Of Through The Tunnel By Doris Lessing
In Doris Lessing s Through the Tunnel , Lessing uses imagery in order to show the
audience that the transition from childhood to adulthood is a quest in itself. Lessing
reveals that Jerry s quest isn t just to swim at the bay, but is to become a man by
suggesting that swimming through the tunnel represents manhood and to become
like the boys at the bay who Jerry idolizes as being men. It is evident that Lessing
incorporates explicit overtones into her writingbecause in the text It s All About
Sex... Foster explains, imagery is just a part of the much older tradition identified
by Freud/Westen/Frazer/Jung about lances and swords and guns (and keys) as
phallic symbols, chalices and grails (and bowls, of course, also) as symbols of
female sexual organs. (3). Therefore, Foster concludes that other objects can
symbolize sexual organs, and that objects that can be filled tend to represent female
sexuality. And Lessing incorporates this philosophy into her short story by writing,
All night the boy dreamed of the water filled cave in the rock, and as soon as
breakfast was over, he went to the bay. (6). Therefore, Lessing uses the imagery of
the water filled cave that going through the tunnel is symbolic for having sexual
intercoursebecause the tunnel represents female sexuality, because it can be filled.
Furthermore, Jerry quite literally has a wet dream, further suggesting the explicit
nature of the real quest. However, Lessing shows the audiencethe difficulty of this
Self Reflection Paper
When asked to describe myself, I am not solely a one sided card, I am a decagon of
collective interests and identities. I am: an eldest child, a sister, a Latina, a
volunteer, a student, and a determined first generation college graduate. Without
one, I am no longer myself. Because of this, each side has molded me into the person
I am today and as time goes by I will gain more sides to myself and continue to grow.
As the eldest child, I didn t have a sibling to look up to, so I became self motivated
and driven. To my parents, I was known as the guinea pig because I learned
through trial and error. I was the baby whose first steps followed a nosedive to the
floor. Yet, I did not lay there and cry, I got up again and proceeded to walk then fall,
until I finally walked without falling. Even though I was so young, I believe
because of this I gained my need to be determined, persistent, and optimistic even
when there was an obstacle in front of me. As a sister, I learned to become
nurturing and selfless. Because my brother was born soon after me, everyone s first
thought including my own, was to always worry about his well being. This sense
has been heightened because of my younger sister. In so many ways she has taught
me patience, maturity, and the true meaning of selflessness. As I grow I help my
sibling s by being their teacher and counselor for them so they can learn from my
Being a Latina has been difficult because I felt like I didn t fit in. When I attended
Spelman Speech
It s official, you re a spelmanite. You ve received that Spelman blue envelope and
you ve attended Spelbound. You ve taken a horrid ID photo that will follow you
through your matriculation at Spelman. You ve heard the word matriculation at least
50 times since you got on campus. Last, but not least you ve added #Spelman to
your twitter and Instagram bios so that all of your followers know that you have
made that choice to change the world. Basically, you think you re ready to begin
your journey as a Spelman Woman. Well, my dear baby spelman sister I am so
happy that you are starting your journey, but I want to give you some tips to make
these four years some of the best four years of your life.
Do open yourself up to the Spelman sisterhood. When you get to Spelman, you
will have this belief that every girl you meet will be your sister. Through the lens
of administration, these are your sisters, but let s be real. Every girl you meet isn t
your friend and has no desire to become your friend. All of this may bring you
down, but don t let it. The great thing about Spelman is that you will find that
sisterhood somewhere. Whether it be a club, dorm hall, or even a classroom. The
sisterhood will come to you, just allow it to come to you. ... Show more content on ...
You ve probably joined or if you re like me started a Groupme with the expectation
of making a ton of friends. Groupme is a great way to chat with newbies like
yourself, but what every Groupme member must remember is that these people aren
t 100% authentic when they are in these groups. They want to be known and become
popular, so they say things they may not actually mean. Also, sometimes people act
different when they re offline. Your virtual bff may be crazy outgoing in the group
chat, but a timid turtle in real life. Don t expect too much from Groupme, you ll meet
your real friends when you get to
The Case Study Of Colon And Rectal Cancer
Colon and rectum cancer is ranked third for cancer incidence and fourth for cancer
death globally in 2013. Further colon and rectum cancer ranked second for incidence
and mortality for developed countries and ranked fourth for both incidence and
mortality for developing countries. The Global burden of cancerstudy showed that
colonand rectal cancer was the fourth leading cause for cancer related years life
lost between 1990 and 2013. The number of people diagnosed with colon and rectal
cancer doubled from 1990 to 2013, most of the increase being explained by an aging
and growing population. But a 16% of this increase was independent of the aging and
growing population. The study showed colon and rectum cancer caused 15.8 million
... Show more content on ...
Disadvantages of FIT is repeated testing in an opportunistic setting and requiring
further diagnostic invasive test if positive.3.
The natural history of transition of polyp to cancer pathway is well known.
Colorectal cancer can be prevented to a large extent by removing polyps.
Additionally, detection of colorectal cancer in early stage by screening also results
in lower mortality rate. Hence colorectal cancer screening is recommended for
asymptomatic average risk individuals. In the study by M. Aronsson, one time
colonoscopy yielded 49 more quality adjusted life years (QALYs) as compared to
screening twice with FIT gave 26 more QALYs. All screening strategies showed cost
effectiveness as compared to no screening though colonoscopy was more cost
effective than FIT.6
Although, more CRCs occur in high income countries, CRC incidence has been
rising rapidly in many less developed countries including Brazil, Philippines and
Bulgaria.7 However, currently few countries are having a CRC screening program in
place.8 Even in countries with screening program uptake rates are suboptimal and
screening programs are unutilized.9 The effect of it is the unsettling truth that a large
proportion of the CRC related 700,000 deaths should not occur. On the other side, a
model calculation done in Germany about the effect of colonoscopies done for 10
Asimov s Three Laws
In Asimov s fictional universe, the Three Laws of Robotics are built most deeply
into a robot s positronic brain(Asimov 37) in order for robots not to cause harm to
humans or to other robots. They are not mere suggestions or guidelines they are
embedded into the brain that governs their behavior. Some may think that the
Three Laws as software; that they are just programmed into the robot s brain. You
could program the Laws and have a good robot or not program the Laws and have
an evil robot. In Little Lost Robot, Calvin says if you modify the Three Laws, you
would be left with complete instability, with no non imaginary solutions to the
positronic Field Equations (Asimov 119). The Laws aren t just programs; they are a
necessary part of how you build a positronic brain. Calvin says in Evidence that...
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As we see in the short story Robbie, the robot causes Gloria emotional harm when
he leaves. Some may not believe that causing emotional harm is what Asimov
considered harm when constructing the Laws, but indeed Robbie did cause her
harm. Asimov s Three Laws of Robotics could also be seen as self contradictory. In
the story Liar! Dr. Susan Calvin develops a crush on a co worker and asks Herbie
to find out if her feelings are reciprocated. It turns out they aren t but Herbie lies,
reasoning that the truth might upset Calvin, and allow her to come to harm.
Additionally, In Reason Cutie disobeys orders (which is against the Second Law)
but mostly in order to uphold the First Law. In this short story, we can see that the
Laws can almost contradict themselves in a way. Cutie keeps Powell and Donovan
away from the controls during the electron storm (even though he was told to stop)
because he believed that humans are inferior and that he could do the job better in
order to protect their
Anne Bradstreet s Influence On Me As A Reader
Anne Bradstreet was the most well known of early English poets of North America
and first female writer in England s North American colonies to be published. She
was also an important Puritan figure in American Literature. Bradstreet wrote
many poems such as In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet. Who
Deceased August, 1665 Being a Year and Half Old and Upon the Burning of Our
House. In Memory of My Dear Grandchild was about her grandchild named
Elizabeth Bradstreet who died being a year and half old. Throughout the poem, she
mourned for the baby s death while accepting God s will. In Upon the Burning of
Our House, she talked the burning of her house. This paper would show how Ann
Bradstreet s poems have a positive affect on... Show more content on
My grandma was described as an angel and fair flower by my family when she passed
away. She was very kind to everyone and always have a smile on her face. She never
got angry at anything or anybody. When she passed away, I said my goodbyes to her
and was taken into heaven to be with God.
Bradstreet questioned her own grief in the lines, By nature trees do not when they
are grown/ And plum and apples thoroughly ripe do fall/ And corn ad grass are in
their season mown/ And time brings down what is both strong and tall (
Bradstreet, 105. Lines 6 11). In these lines, she investigated the natural order of
life, growth, and death. She was saying that her grandchild had not lived long life
and nature had a long life. She discovered solace in her confidence that it is god s
hand that guides nature and destiny. I choose these lines from the poem because
when my grandma passed away, I was angry that God took her away from me and
my family but I find comfort in faith of Christianity similar to when Bradstreet
struggled to accept the loss of her grandchild as being God s will and found comfort
in her faith of Puritanism. The poem showed me as a reader that Bradstreet had real
emotions as she felt sorrow by losing the one that she loved and must constantly be
active in her faith of Puritanism for it be remain meaningful. Bradstreet showed me to
continue to believe in my faith of the religion as God would continue to test me by
Jackie Chan Research Paper
Nothing makes me more determined to succeed than someone telling me
something s impossible . That is one of most Jackie Chan s most famous quotes.
His dream was to become an actress and a martial artist. He has been studying kung
fu, acrobatics, and singing his whole life.He has been in a lot of musical films in
his lifetime. Jackie Chan has been in more than one hundred films. He began
studying martial arts, acrobatics, and singing at the age of seven. His parents moved
to Australia to find new jobs, Jackie Chan was left behind to study at the Chinese
Opera Research institute, a Hong Kong boarding school. For the next ten years he
studied martial arts, drama, acrobatics, and singing. He appeared in his first film, the
Cantonese feature
Essay about Don t Touch My Mama
Don t touch my Doritos. For the 2010 Super Bowl, Doritos put out a commercial that
was titled House Rules . In this commercial a young man comes to take a beautiful
young, single mother out for their first date. While the mother is out of the room
putting up the flowers the man brought, the man sits down to socialize with the son.
As the mansits down he picks up one of the son s Doritos, and just as he is about to
put the chip in his mouth the son slaps him. After slapping the man the son says, Don
t touch my mama, and don t touch my Doritos. This 2010 Super Bowl Doritos
commercial is an example of visual rhetoric, because it appeals to the audience using
pathos, ethos, and what the camera focuses to not just persuade the viewers... Show
more content on ...
Another technique this commercial uses is what the camera focuses on. When the
camera is focused on the mother s back side from the mans point of view the
creators are telling the audience what is really on the man s mind, and why the son
says don t touch my mama. The creators do the same thing with the bowl of Doritos.
The camera also zooms in on the game controller in the boy s hand. Through putting
the focus on the boy dropping the game controller, the creators lets the audience
know that things have just gotten serious and that something is about to happen.
Aside from the different types of appeals, pathos and ethos, and camera focus; the
creators are sending a couple of messages with the son s actions. The first message
is to get your own Doritos and not take someone else s. This message comes across
when the boy slaps the man and tells him to put his Dorito chip back in the bowl.
By the son not being willing to share even one of his Doritos, the creators are
telling the viewers not to share their Doritos with any one. The second message is
that Doritos are just as important as mothers. The viewers can see this as the boy
not only tells the man not to touch his mother but also to keep his hands off the boys
Doritos. By doing this the boy in a way puts the Doritos on the same level of is
mother making the chips just as import as the woman who gave birth to him. These
techniques and hidden messages of the commercial make the commercial
The Debate About Information Freedom
Pros and cons of WikiLeak The debate about information freedom has become
fiercely contested with the advent of WikiLeaks. Wikileaks is a non profit
organization which collects original resources and publishes on the website. It
provides a secure platform for whistleblowers. Some people consider Julian
Assange (leader of WikiLeaks) as a hero who has provided a platform to uncover
the truth. This essay discusses the pros and cons for the issue. In 1971, The
NewYork Times and Washington Post newspapers convened hundreds of people
from the politics, press, law and academia, spending 20 days, in order to expose a
secret document with 47 volumes and 7000 pages to the public (Douglas 2011).
However, 39 years later, on 28th November 2010, according to its official website,
WikiLeaks released 251,287 United States embassy cables, including 15,652 secret
classified cables in one night. It claims that it is the largest activity ever to publish
large scale documents(Wikileaks, 2010). It is acknowledged that internet
strengthens the power of a single group to spread an idea and reveal the truth. Based
on the open platform, small groups or individuals, like Wikileaks, play greater roles
in the information freedom. The Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
announces an official statement on its website which declares that Wikileaks is
crucial to assist keeping government and corporations transparent (APC, 2010). As is
stated on its website, the goal of WikiLeaks is to bring
Roger s Chocolate Analysis
Table of Contents 1. History, Development and Growth2 2. Vision, Mission,
Objective, Philosophy and Strategy13 3. Functional level strategies14 4. Business
level strategy.20 5. Corporate level strategy25 6. How is the effectiveness of the
company s strategies? (ROIC)26 7. What strategic problems does the company
have?33 8. What strategic issues need to be addressed?34 9. External environmental
analysis35 10. Internal environment analysis60 11. Determine the strategic factors of
the company70 12. Generating alternative strategies by using a TOWS matrix73 13.
Evaluate strategic alternatives pros and cons.74 14. Recommend strategic for
company (short, medium, and long term)81 1. Describe briefly... Show more content
on ...
| | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News | | | Retailer of the
Year Award Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards Business Examiner | | |
Manufacturer of the Year: Runner Up Vancouver Island Business Excellence
Awards Business Examiner| 2004| | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards
Victoria News| | | Best Storefront Window Display The Best of the City Awards
Victoria News| | | Best Chocolate Maker Readers Choice The Best of the Island
Awards Times Colonist| | 2003| | Time Honored Member: 40 Plus Years Greater
Victoria Chamber of Commerce| | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards
Victoria News | 2002| | Business Excellence Award Greater Victoria Chamber of
Commerce | | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News| | |
Retailer of the Year: Runner Up Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards
Business Examiner | | 2001| | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria
News |
Zadie Smith Research Paper
Morgan Howard
Mrs. Robinson
ENG 205 18
30 November 2016
Zadie Smith
You must live life with the full knowledge that your actions will remain. We are
creatures of consequence (Smith). Zadie smith has presented many short stories and
nonfiction pieces throughout her time. She was born in North London in 1975 to an
English father and a Jamaican mother (Nabokov). At a young age she started writing
poems and stories; later as she got older she studied English Literature at the
University of Cambridge when she began writing her first novel, White Teeth
(Britannica). Years later she published two more novels called The Autograph Man
and On Beauty. She became a tenured professor at New York University and her
current novel NW was published in 2012.
When Zadie was young, despite being a writer, she was intrigued by tap dancing;
which made her considered becoming an actress in a musical theatre. When she got
older that suddenly changed. While in college literature became apparent as her main
interest, which made her decide to become a journalist. Also in college she published
many ... Show more content on ...
It s mainly set in the North London neighbors of Willesden and Kilburn. The
narrator is unknown, but the way it seems the narrator knows all the juicy details
about Iqbal s and the Joneses. Since the novel is out of consecutive order, the
narrator pinpoints every detail and what reader s should pay attention to. The novel
begins with Archie and Samad, they thought they will never see each other again but
their friendship set the foundation of the whole story. Archie and Samad marry, have
children that will later change their lives forever, and both live in North London.
Samad and his wife Alsana marriage was arranged; Archie and his wife Clara rushed
in their marriage. Both men struggle not only with raising their children but also with
dealing with strong wives who had opinions of their own
Analysis Of Hemostatic Agents And Their Applications
Analysis of Hemostatic Agents and their Applications in Treating Hemorrhage in
Emergency Combat and Civilian Situations
Author: Philip Sang
Literature Paper Reader: Dr. Whitney
Put in the general infoo about hemorrhage data in combat siutations...
Talk about problems currently present
Other shit
Prompt hemorrhage hemostasis is not only paramount to survival but also long term
recovery. If patients survive and blood loss is controlled, the large blood loss can lead
to hypothermia/coagulopathy/infection/acidosis/multiple organ failure/ and fatal
Talk about need for stability during movement
Talk about need for devices that don t require compression.
Need junctional stuffs
... Show more content on ...
Kaolin is very easy to refine and produce due to the abundant available quantities of
its unrefined form, kaolinite. And since kaolin is inert in its clinical form it does
not cause an immune response when introduced into a biological system, however
it is not biodegradable so it must be removed after use (Bennett et al., 2014;
Trabattoni et al., 2010). Kaolin has been an attractive hemostatic agent due to its
ability to form clots and being inexpensive to produces, however a major drawback
is that it does not work when the host is in a state of coagulopathy.
Chitosan is a polysaccharide made of polymers of ОІ (1 4) linked D glucosamine and
N acetyl D glucosamine (NAG), and is produced from a component of the
exoskeleton of crustacean shells called chitin. Chitosan s hemostatic effects are due to
its amino groups reacting with the membranes of circulating cells in the host s blood,
leading to eventual clot formation that occurs independently of the innate coagulation
cascade. The positively charged residues present on chitosan attract the negatively
charged cell membranes of erythrocytes and thrombocytes, creating a cross linkage of
said cells and then the formation of a thrombus. Chitosan is also biodegradable and is
broken down inside the host. It also induces an immune response that activates
macrophages and stimulates cell proliferation leading to faster wound healing
The Holy Spirit
The Trinity is seen at work throughout the Old Testament, but what many people do
not realize is how often the Holy Spirit is seen. The Holy Spirit is at work forming
and shaping the history of the Bible. He guided rulers, came upon the mighty king
Saul, and, even more amazing, the Spirit could make a stubborn obstinate heart
obedient. He gave the men words to say and write so that people can read the
message of the Lord. The Spirit is both hidden and revealed throughout the Bible. The
Old Testament believers did not always realize the full power of the Holy Spirit, but
taking a closer look at the work he did, we see that the Holy Spirit was extremely
vital. Beginning in the book of Genesis the Holy Spirit is seen and takes an active
role. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the
deep, and the Spirit of Godwas hovering over the waters. (Gen 1:2) At the time of
creation the spirit was called ruah meaning, wind or breath of life. He was there at
the beginning breathing the breath of life into human kind. The Holy Spirit was
there at the forming of the earth and all that we know. He did not have to be there,
nor did it meet a need of his, but out of his grace he chose to do it. The Holy Spirit
along with the Trinity created all things, including humans. The Spirit of God has
made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life. (Job 33:4) God gives man the
breath of life, the Holy Spirit. When they die God withdraws the breath of life from
Ancient Greek Philosophers
There has been much debate as to what change is, and is not. Ancient Greek
Philosophers were not indifferent to this. The early Greek Philosophers tried to
explain what our world is comprised of, whether it is monism (one true stuff, or
reality), or pluralism (more than one reality, or stuff ). They then proceeded to try to
elaborate and explain how change and motion occur. Heraclitus conclusion can be
summed up in a quote of his: One cannot step into the same river twice. Parmenides
and Zeno, unlike Heraclitus, came to the conclusion that the world was practically
an unmovable brick; there is no change, there is no motion. Finally, Epicurus came
to the conclusion that the world was formed from indivisible, and constantly
colliding atoms. Heraclitus was a monist. His interpretation of the one and true
reality was fire. This is not to be taken literally, because Heraclitus believed that the
one could never be any material thing, but was found in the orderliness of change.
He said fire was always changing yet somehow is always the same. He believed
that everything is being changed constantly, and this is occurring through a state of
flux. By having orderliness, it becomes possible for the human mind to comprehend
the world, instead of it being entirely chaotic and based on the will of gods. Since
the rate of change is constant, an appearance of permanence exists. Hence, one
cannot step into the same river twice. (Jones 16) At first, it might appear as if you

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Being Famous Essay

  • 1. Being Famous Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Being Famous" presents a unique set of challenges that often stem from the complexities associated with fame itself. While fame can seem glamorous from an outsider's perspective, delving into the intricacies of what it truly means to be famous requires a nuanced understanding of various facets, including the personal, social, and cultural implications. One of the primary difficulties in tackling this subject is navigating the diverse perceptions and experiences of fame. What may appear as an enviable status to some individuals can be fraught with challenges, such as loss of privacy, heightened scrutiny, and the pressure to maintain a carefully curated public image. Balancing these contrasting viewpoints while presenting a coherent argument can be a daunting task. Furthermore, the concept of fame is multifaceted, encompassing not only celebrity status in the entertainment industry but also achievements in other fields such as politics, sports, and academia. Each domain brings its own set of rewards and pitfalls, adding layers of complexity to the discussion. Analyzing the impact of fame across different spheres requires extensive research and critical thinking to provide a comprehensive perspective. Another challenge lies in addressing the societal fascination with fame and its implications for individuals and communities. Exploring the cultural obsession with celebrity culture, the influence of social media on perceptions of fame, and the commodification of personal lives present additional layers of analysis that demand careful consideration. Moreover, writing about fame necessitates grappling with ethical questions surrounding the exploitation of individuals for public consumption, the responsibility of celebrities as role models, and the blurred boundaries between fame and notoriety. Navigating these ethical dilemmas while maintaining objectivity and sensitivity requires a thoughtful approach and a deep understanding of moral frameworks. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Being Famous" requires a delicate balance of perspectives, a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved, and a willingness to confront ethical considerations head-on. While the allure of fame may captivate our imagination, unpacking its implications reveals a rich tapestry of challenges and opportunities that merit careful examination. For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore resources Being Famous Essay Being Famous Essay
  • 2. An Independent Judiciary An independent judiciary allows for the protection of certain values that society deems important. Thus this essay will critically examine the importance of an independent judiciary within the modern day constitutional democracy of South Africa by outlining the key reasons on why an independent judiciary is needed. The reasons being that independent judiciary within South Africa s model of the separation of powersis vital for the protection of South African citizens against the abuse of public power, the protection of human rights and the fair and impartial application of the rule of law. Then examine the limitations of an independent judiciary and lastly concluding that the separation of powers allows for an independent judiciary and the protection of the rule of law.... Show more content on ... Thus South Africa as a modern constitutional democracy governed by the rule of law must guarantee judicial independence as a way to protect citizens from arbitrary rule as well as providing assurance to citizens that the rule of law shall be upheld in a fair and impartial manner. Institutional independence is one of the two aspects of judicial independence and is implicitly recognized by the 1996 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, under s165 (2) where the judiciary is only subject to the Constitution and the law. Thus the duty lies with all organs of state to assist the courts in ensuring their independence, dignity, accessibility and effectiveness . An independent judiciary does not merely have the institutional independence but also decisional independence which allows for the courts decision making to only consider the law and the facts of the case separate from all other external pressures or
  • 3. Wound Care Reflection Look Back A meaningful event from my clinical experience was during week six when one of my colleague and I along with the RN performed a wound care procedure on one of my client who had pressure ulcers on her coccyx area and wound on the right foot. It was my first time doing wound care on a client who has severe wound type. Client is a 90 years old female who has been admitted to the unit for Osteomyelitis, it is an infection of the bone, caused by bacteria breaking into the body s tissues and entering the bloodstream through an open wound (LeMone, p.1382). The client said a dog bit her foot at a park few years ago and that s how she got the wound. Client has a wound care dressing order that needs to be changed daily with Betadine soaked gauze for all areas,... Show more content on ... Elaborate When I entered the client s room for wound care; I saw that she was on her bed, in semi fowler position with the bottom of the bed elevated as well. I pressed the bed remote to bring the bottom of the bed down and straight. We had everything ready on the table for the procedure; we washed our hands and wore PPE, gloves. Client s legs were very stiff and contracted, we tried to extend but it didn t work. It was documented on client s chart that she has severe contracture which is an abnormal flexion and fixation of a joint caused by muscle atrophy and shortening (LeMone, p. 1330). When I assisted client with passive ROM exercises before wound care, it was very difficult to straighten her legs. We perform aseptic technique for cleaning and dressing the wound. We placed extra bed pad under client s leg and I used the
  • 4. Life Christian Ministries When God gave me the title for this book I was completely and totally dumbfounded. I was just about to return to work after a three month hiatus, which was used as a period of recuperation from a total knee replacement. My son was graduating from College, my aging parents were all having health issues and I was just started the process of allowing Godto birth Speak Life Christian Ministries through me. My time was limited at best, if I am honest, I really had no time to begin the journey of becoming a published author. To be more direct and to the point I really had no desire to become a published author at all. It was as if I was being punished. I did not wantto open some of the areas that this book would require me to open. I did not want to revisit my past, not because I am ashamed, but... Show more content on ... I had to wrestle with some things, I had to have some very serious conversations with God, and wrap my mind around Him giving me just one more thing to put my hands to. Especially when the one more thing was not something I desired to do. I called a great sister friend of mine to have a gripe and vent session, but as only God can, my plan was foiled. As we began to talk about the ministry that God was birthing in me, the why, what, when, and how of it all began to come together. We talked about the vision of the ministry that God began planting over nine years ago. We talked about how God had begun to put people in my path that were integral in birthing the ministry. We also talked about how I would be required to take on roles that I had never thought about. Finally we also talked about surrendering to the process of what God was calling me to do. As the conversation went on I realized that my gripe and vent session had turned into God s planning session for the ministry. As we were wrapping up our conversation she said to me, I am going to pray that God gives you the grace for even the more. At the time she spoke those words it did not dawn on me
  • 5. Power Out of Control Essay Athol Fugard s Master Harold . . . and the boys illustrates that power is an issue that has so many people playing a part. Hally s relatively short visit to his parent s shop reveals so many problems within society in South Africa and around the world that still exist today. Everything from the interactions between the characters, to the title of the play, and even their choices of conversation all show that the thing about power struggles is that everyone ends up damaged. Fugard presents several brief displays of the power struggles that affect each character and in turn exposes to the reader that many forms of power are integrated into society so invisibly that we rarely see such struggles, and they are so much more than a black and... Show more content on ... Hally feels powerless when has to transport his unconscious drunken father out of the hotel, but he does not even think about how embarrassing it could even be to Sam to need to have permission to come into a hotel because he is black. Willie is interesting in that he looks up, smiling, from the floor for a good portion of the play, as if he is obliviously happy with his place. In addition, his physical positioning mirrors his less powerful status when it comes to Hally, and even when it comes to Sam. He plays his role as someone who acts slave like and naive in his illiteracy. But he does have power in some areas of his life, when it comes to he and Hilda, and he uses it. He does what he knows when he hits Hilda when he does not get what he wants from her. Hilda uses the power she has to abandon him. He does not understand the concept of moving someone versus motivating someone. Because he simply moves her, he made her do what he wanted for a while. But since he does not motivate her, she will not stay around. Sam tries to do a lot of good with Hally but even he is guilty of lording power over others as well. He teases Willie, how s your pillow with the quickstep? (Fugard 1142) because he has slightly more power than Willie, it is acceptable for him to tease someone of the same race as he, and has fun with it while he can, until the next incident comes along and where he has a lower status.
  • 6. Aristotle And Aristotle s Theory Of Moral Virtue Nietzsche and Aristotle were two of the most significant philosopher of not only their time but their works has lasted throughout the centuries to influence even some today s greatest minds. Their works however could not be any separated, Aristotle is a prominent figure in ancient Greek philosophy, making contributions to logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance and theatre. He was a student of great thinkers such as Plato and Socrates. He believes that ethics is a process to finding the final end or the highest good. He states that although there are many ends in life those are usually only means to further ends, our ambitions and wants must have some final purpose. Aristotlebelieves that this highest end is that of Happiness. He introduces the concept moral virtuewhich is the ability to properly control desires to follow bad actions, and is the focus of morality. Centered on the core of Aristotle s account of moral virtue is his doctrine of the mean. According to this doctrine, moral virtues are character traits which are at in between more extreme character traits. While Nietzsche a German philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic. He believes that Good is originally designated only the right of those individuals with social and political power to live their lives by sheer force of will. But a priestly caste, motivated by their resentment of their natural superiors, generated a corrupt
  • 7. Worden Four Tasks Of Mourning Analysis Theoretical Frame Work According to Worden s Four Tasks of Mourning, when someone loses a loved one to death, there are certain things that need to be accomplished before the person can move on with life. Worden suggests that there are four stages that needs to be completed before someone could successfully mourn. Each of the stages that are described seem to correlate with the mourning process that Mitch experienced. The first stage is to accept the reality of the loss. Due to Mitch experiencing anticipatory grief, once he realized that death is inevitable, he began to express his feelings about the death and dying process, and then agreed to meet every Tuesday because he knew that Morrie would die soon. Once Morrie actually died, Mitch ... Show more content on ... Morrie s wife kept his funeral small and only permitted the individuals whom Morrie wanted to surround him on his perfect day, to mourn with her on the day of the funeral. It is important to note that those different individuals will have different grieving types, and may not be able to successfully mourn like Worden suggests. A support group with the individuals who attended the funeral could possibly be beneficial, because each individual will need to eventually readjust to the world, however some may have a hard time reaching that stage. Complicated grief cannot be ruled out, because prolonged grief symptoms are always a possibility when mourning. Grief support programs are offered to individuals in order to help reach healthy stages of mourning, to link individuals to community resources, and to support each other (Wintermeyer Pingel, Murphy, Hammelef 2013). The recordings that Mitch now owned may be beneficial for Morrie s wife to successfully mourn or recollect thoughts about her husband. This group would be based off of a strengths based perspective. The goal of the group is to help each mourn by focusing on the positive aspects of the life lived by Morrie and the relationship that he had with each group member, personally. The group will allow each individual to celebrate Morrie s life and death. The group will be given time to reminisce, and
  • 8. Ideology In Hamlet Eshan Kemp Mrs. Yuen AP Literature Period 1 On Polonius and Class Ideology The development of Polonius through his interactions with others serves as an aspect of Shakespeare s Hamlet particularly suited for a Marxist analysis. While his pompous and long winded ramblings have served as comic fodder for generations of readers, a Marxist reading reveals the insidious nature behind the text s contempt for royal sycophancy. Polonius, who is of a lower class status than the royal family, and who presumably lives during a feudal era which featured asymmetric distributions of wealth and power privileging the royalty and their allies, most probably regales figures of the royal family with circuitous servility to secure his survival as a member of a subordinate class. However, the text portrays Polonius s incessantly pompous sycophantic tendencies as reflections of his, and in extension the noble class s, inner character. Implicit in this portrayal is a classist ideology which ascribes inherent characteristics to lower classes, using these traits to justify the differential treatment of the classes. Hamlet uses Polonius s initial interactions within a domestic setting and the royal court to establish Polonius s character. When Polonius notarizes Reynaldo to spy on Laertes, Polonius lauds his method with such rhetorical flourishes as wisdom and of reach and with windlasses and assays of bias, to ensure that his grand scheme is not lost on Reynaldo (2.1.61 62). The text chooses to show Polonius strutting such ornate rhetoric to commend himself, even when there is no one to impress beyond his own servant, to illustrate how Polonius is by his very nature pompous. When Polonius subsequently hears Ophelia relay her encounter with a deranged Hamlet, Polonius s first instinct is to go see the king, rather than to comfort Ophelia beyond simply saying he s sorry (2.1.114). Polonius s primal instinct to serve his lord reveals a servile disposition baked into his very being. These intrinsic tendencies are hyperbolized through Polonius s interaction with the royal family. Upon entering the court, Polonius immediately professes to hold my duty ... both to my God
  • 9. Reflection On Improving My Writing Composition As a student in High School, my writing composition was not very well developed. Although, I got help from my teachers, in addition to that, on my free time I went to the library to make extra corrections that were needed. My dad also helped me all throughout high school by reading over my essays and making comments on what I need to improve on, but even then I believe that my writingcould have improved. I have tried to find strategic ways to improve my writing and I believe that I may slowly be getting there. One of my strong points as a writer, which could also be seen as a weak point according to my teachers, is my research; I go in full depth with details and my research is always accurate. I go too deep into my research which takes
  • 10. Moral Dilemmas At The Yorktown Gym Moral Dilemmas In the Workplace: Yorktown Gym Ethical dilemmas can arise in any situation and they can happen in a group setting or an individual setting. Workplace dilemmas can occur at any time and can appear as minor situations, or they can be a more serious situation. In individual settings, ethical dilemmas may seem more prominent and harder to determine what the right action to take would actually be, because no one else is present to say whether something is right or wrong. This is the situation in my case. I work at the Yorktown Gym for Robert Morris University as one of the health club monitors, and during my shift, I work alone. Because of the situation that other employees and I are in, we face multiple dilemmas every time we work. While I would never actually give in to any of these dilemmas, I face the dilemmas of lying about my hours, working out on the job, and leaving work whenever I want. All of these situations go along with ethical theories that explain why these dilemmas are right or wrong the reasoning behind them. The first ethical dilemma that employees and myself face at work is lying about our hours. To clock in, employees sign into a website and enter their start and end times. At the end of the pay period, the times are checked off and sent in to determine our paycheck. However, people switch shifts all the time so employee s times are always changing. Whenever another employee or myself clocks in, we could lie about the times that we were
  • 11. Compare And Contrast Where The Red Fern Grows Book And Movie Joel George George 1 Mrs.Sorensen Period 1 23 February, 2016 Where the Red Fern Grows: Compare and Contrast In Hollywood, there have been over forty two movies made that were based on books, but many times the movies do not live up to their high expectations. The movie, Where the Red Fern Grows, was a movie which did not live up to the high expectations set by the book. The novel, Where the Red Fern Grows, is a story about a country boy named Billy Colman, who hunts coons in the Ozarks with his loyal redbone hounds. It is a story of friendship, love, loyalty, and adventure. However, tragedy strikes and Billy is forced to change from a young boy to a man. In the novel and the movie adapted from it, a plethora of similarities and differences can be discovered. The movie adaptation of the book kept many of the key commonalities found in the novel similar. One major event that was kept the same, was the fact that Billy had to ... Show more content on ... A major difference that the novel and the movie had was that Billy didn t win the coon hunt in the movie. In the movie, a man named Sam Bellington won the coon hunt, but out of pity, gave the cup to Billy. This event was one of the vital events in the book. It was the culmination of all of Billy s hard work and his dogs dedication. Another distinction was that Billy only saved for one year to earn money for his pups in the movie. This plot element was one of the many important times when Billy demonstrated his tenacity. It showed how devoted Billy was to earn his pups and how willing he was to work two years to earn enough. The fact that Billy only worked for one year to earn the money greatly diminishes his industrious mindset, Evidently, there are many differences between the novel and the movie adapted from
  • 12. Wgu Hat1 Community Health Task 1 Essay This paper received all 4s on the grading rubric. I mention this so you can eval the paper appropriately. I hope it helps. Community Health Nursing Community Description and Interpretation of Data America s Finest City, San Diego, California is located in the southern most county in California, San Diego County. San Diego is the second largest city in California , (Wikipedia, 2013). Bordered by Orange and Riverside Counties to the north, Imperial County to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and Baja California, Mexico to the south. San Diego is known for it s mild but, diverse climate. Average temperatures are 60 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with more than 200 days above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. With warm dry summers and low ... Show more content on ... A distant second is the Federal Government with 46,300 people, followed by the State of California, University of California San Diego, North Island Naval Air Station, County of San Diego, Sharp Healthcare, Scripps Health, San Diego Unified School District, and San Diego State University , (San Diego Sourcebook website, 2013) rounding out the top 10. Tourism is a large industry in San Diego due to the beaches, climate, and many tourist attractions including Balboa Park and it s museums and Zoo and Sea World. Also of note is the display of San Diego s Mexican heritage as seen in the historical sites including the Mission de Alcala and Old Town , (Sand Diego Wikipedia entry, 2013). According to city, 43.7% of San Diego County residents are affiliated with religious congregations, which is below the national rate of 50.2%. Of that 43.7%, 67.5% are Catholic, 5.7% are Jewish, and 3.8% Latter Day Saints. The rest are divided between several other denominations (City data website, 2013). Crime rates in San Diego are below that of the national level. Crimes, including murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries all seem to bell curve between 1999 and 2011 per the City Data website, most peaking between 2003 and 2006. Most events are on the decline since 2006. The over all
  • 13. The Advantages Of Parallax Tarandeep Reel Assignment 5 Unit 44 Parallax A parallax is used to measure the distance of how close stars are, the term parallax is the meaning of a semi angle of an inclination that is between two sight lines to the star and this can be observed and seen when the earth is on opposite sides of the sun in its orbit. The parallax is used by its triangulation that will be able to measure the position of the star that is against the background of more distant stars, the amount that it will shift is 6 months this is because of the earth orbit and this is the angle of one triangle. The diameter of the earth orbit is the other side of the triangle. Then trigonometry will play a role and you will calculate the other two sides of the triangle which... Show more content on ... This will result in sharpen images. Another advantage is that you don t have deal with light that is scattered all over by the atmosphere. You don t also have to deal with light pollution. The major scientific advantage of space telescopes that being above the atmosphere means you can observe much more with different wave lengths. Observing from the ground will be harder. We can observe frequencies within the radio and the optic al range. The major disadvantage is the size. The larger the mirror on the space telescope then the more light will be gathered up and more detail we can resolve. But also we are limited on the size that we can currently send up, the Hubble is an example. But yet again we are only limited by the design, but telescopes don t cause limitations in space they are only limited as equipment to observe the universe in different waves lengths of light the only main limitation that stand in our way is our technology. Earth bound telescopes are the same thing to expect they are real limitations for earth bound observers and this is in our
  • 14. Owner Chestnut Character Analysis When you re surrounded by a certain person for a very long time and get the opportunity to observe their personality and values, you learn a lot. Owner Chestnut grew up in mexico and moved to the U.S at 5 years old. When I describe him, he has a buff figure, choclate brown eyes, and short thick dark brown hair. He grew up learning responsibility, hard work, and compassion but he also values his selflessness in his life. The events that embodied his selflessness the most is when he spent a whole day at his aunt s house preparing for his nieces birthday party. He helped out and hustled on decorations, food, and watching over all the little kids and it showed how willing he was to help others. Another event that happened was when I was sick,
  • 15. Animal Breeding Is Good For The Community And Immoral Many people believe that breeding animals is not good for the community and immoral. This statement is extremely broad. Instead, the statement should read, specifically, that irresponsible animal breeding is bad for the animals as well as the reproduction industry. Knowing the differences between responsible and irresponsible breeding is crucial to understanding the consequences of reckless breeding. Careless breeding creates healthand behavioral defects as well as overpopulation. The negative consequences of irresponsible breeding should not only become more mainstream, but also more carefully regulated, which results in the stopping of the practice. Major details differentiate between responsible and reckless breeding. The biggest is the use of healthy, unrelated animals to produce the offspring by responsible breeders. Contrary to this, it is common that irresponsible breeders will use a technique called inbreeding. Inbreeding is when two animals, who are closely related, reproduce which causes serious health defects. An example of irresponsible breeding is the use of puppy mills which then sell to the public and pet stores. It is strongly advised that people do not buy petsfrom stores because it promotes irresponsible breeding. Trustworthy breeders usually are self made and use their own pets to produce offspring knowing they are healthful. Not only do they use their own healthy pets, they make sure that a good partner is used which results in healthy, well mannered
  • 16. Racial Inequality In Brazil Towards the end of the 19th century, immigration to Brazil began to rapidly increase. The demand for coffee continued to increase, and the coffee production industry expanded due to an influx in immigrants from Japan, Portugal, Spain, Italy, as well as several other European countries. Brazil was a divided nation, lacking a unified population or shared culture. The goal of allowing an influx of European immigrants into the country was to conform to European culture, and civilize Brazil. Essentially, Brazil had desires to whiten the population. The largely black, and Mulatto population quickly began to transform into predominantly white. Racial inequality and discrimination marked Brazil, and created distinct divisions amongst the population. Following abolition, Afro Brazilians had immense difficulty in defining their own place in Brazilian society. Prior to the 1980s, racist attitudes as well the intention of Westernizing Brazil, made it challenging for Afro Brazilians to achieve economic or social mobility. Beginning in the 20th century, efforts to diminish racial inequality became increasingly necessary to Brazil. Afro Brazilians have faced severe inequity post abolition, however in recent decades the eradication of racial inequality has become imperative. Scientific racism emerged in Brazil from France, and was rooted from the philosophy positivism. Positivism was an ideology that declared any rational observation or idea can be scientifically, logically, or
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Pros And Cons On May 10th, 2010, a 16 year old high school sophomore was walking home from a party in the Bronx when he was stopped by the police for allegedly stealing a backpack with a camera, $700, a credit card, and an iPod. With his mom unable to make bail he was sent to one of the toughest prisons named Rikers Island. He was locked up for a crimehe didn t commit. His name is Kalief Browder. He spent over 1000 days in Riker s Island and 700 of those days was in solitary confinement. President Obama was the president at the time, and he banned solitary confinement for juveniles. He stated, it could lead to devastating, lasting psychological consequences (Shear, 2016). Which is what ended up happening to Kalief. Rikers inmates and most correctional officers had a program, the program included giving up your commissary, phone calls, and if you were with it, you were considered a punk and if you weren t you were jumped daily. Browder wasn t with it, so he was jumped on a regular basis, and the COs allowed it. There was one incident where Kalief was on the phone with his mother, and 8 to 9 guys jumped him with his mother, still on the phone. Kalief was also tortured by officers, they would starve him, they wouldn t allow him to shower, they would even give him food that was half eaten or poisoned, and sometimes they would leave him in his cell for 24 hours. He had over 30 court dates, but the courts were never ready for trial. He felt like the system was playing with his life. He
  • 18. The Banking Concept Essay Have you ever wondered what it means to be human? Or what it means to dehumanize one another? As humans, we have the ability to think and use our brains. We are subject to an evolving education and to require an education. When someone is deprived of these human qualities, they are dehumanized. Everyone strives to live in an environment that enables them to learn, discuss, and act similarly. Paulo Freire states, Implicit in the banking concept is the assumption of a dichotomy between human beings and the world: a person is merely in the world, not with the world or with others; the individual is spectator, not re creator. In this view, the person is not a conscious being (corpo consciente); he or she is rather the possessor of a consciousness:... Show more content on ... The banking concept is constructed to have the students absorb the information from the teacher. Freire claims that the students do not know much about anything and that teachers know everything that there is to know. He refers to students as empty containers and that teachers are the only ones that are able to fill the containers with knowledge. The banking concept lacks critical thinking. It is constructed so that the students can absorb the information from the teachers. The banking concept also does not encourage group discussions. The banking concept is oppressive and it denies the ability to think independently. This method of teaching keeps students from advancing as human beings. As students, we should not have to learn by the teacher influenced method, we should be allowed to find our own methods and techniques to learn efficiently and effectively. Problem posing is a method of teaching that encourages critical thinking. It is the opposite of the banking concept. I believe that problem posing would be a better method of teaching because it is more suitable for students. Students are able to learn in a creative and hands on environment. They are also able to engage in discussions with other students and the teacher. When we are able to have discussions with teachers and classmates, new ideas are formed and difficult questions are
  • 19. Why I Don t Hate The Drug Essay I sat in a lawn chair besides my boyfriend of four months as I watched his one of his new pledge members take the first hit. He took the bowl that was shaped like a fish to his lips and light the crumbed up herb. Breathing it in for a few seconds he blew smoke out of his mouth. The room filled with the smell of past memories that made me lightly cringe. I watch the smoke vaporize in the air until it was nothing. The fish bowl circled around for person to person each mimicking the person besides them actions. I held my breath as it landed on my boyfriend watching his every move to see what he would decide to do. The smell of marijuana was honestly smells worse to me than dog shit because all the haunting memories I have with the drug. Now I don t hate the drug. I m not that person who hates people who smoke either. Yet I know after my last relationship I didn t want to date someone who smoke. My last boyfriend was a very good example of a complete definition of someone who s an addict. Whenever something went wrong. He smoked. Whenever something went right. He smoked. Whenever he woke up. He smoked. If he couldn t fall asleep. You guessed it he smoked. I could make a list the goes on for fifty pages of the reason why he smoked marijuana yet it wouldn t do me any good.. Because of his addiction I hated the drug. It would cause every single one of our fights. I remember one especially and it was when we celebrating dating for six months. We had been watching Dexter
  • 20. Prions Cause Fatal Neurological Diseases in the Brain of... Prions cause diseases, but they aren t viruses or bacteria or fungi or parasites, but proteinaceous infectious particles, an abnormal form of a normally harmless protein found in the brain causing variety of fatal neurological diseases of both animals and humans. They are the ones that cause the well known mad cow disease in Britain and Scarpie for animals. Prions act slowly, and are virtually indestructible. Prions enter the brain through infection, or they can arise from mutations in the gene that encodes the protein. When a prion (misfolded form of protein normally present in brain cells) enters a cell with a normal protein structure, the prion converts the normal protein structures into a misfolded prion version. Many prions continue to add up forming a complex that converts other protein structures to prions. When all the prions add up they interfere with normal cellular functions and cause disease symptoms. Prions can also spread from one organism to another. They can be transmitted in food, as may occur when people eat prion laden beef from cattle with mad cow disease. Prion like proteins are normal proteins with similar prion like domains which may also be involved in diseases of the brain or other organs. Seeded protein aggregation will lead to many more diseases of the brain. In contrast to prions being simple infection in yeast cells prion forming proteins initiate cell process such as the central dogma. The prion like proteins may not be widely pathogenic
  • 21. Martin Luther King Jr. And Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel This is a good nonfiction picture book for older children interested in the American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. It compares the lives of Dry. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a Polish Jew who fled the Holocaust as a young man and came to the United States, where he was drawn into the civil rights movement, and became one of MLK s allies in the Jewish community. Both men were bright, articulate and charismatic, and they were both motivated by their sensitivity to injustice, which they saw plenty of in their own young lives. The book shows how people from different cultures and divergent faiths can join together for a common good, and transcend the differences that are often used to keep people apart.
  • 22. Mure Hair Salon Mure Hair Salon #1 Rated in NYC and Reasonably Priced Meta Description: Mure Hair Salon, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, offers coloring, haircuts, keratin treatments and other hair services for men and women. The salon has over 500 positive Yelp reviews, complimenting the staff on their technique and friendly attitude. The salon offers gift certificates and Groupon deals. Mure Hair Salon is one of New York City s top salons, but, surprisingly, it s not one of the most expensive. Located in the Yorkville neighborhood on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the salon is close to several pricier establishments that aren t as well received. Services The simple list of services includes haircuts, highlights, coloring and anti frizz ... Show more content on ... The ability to cut and color hair in a way that flatters clients ensures repeat visits and more money for the stylist! Regardless of the stylist s other positive attributes, if he or she doesn t have technical skill, customers won t return. Valued stylists adapt to new trends instead of resisting them. They are constantly educating themselves on new styling tools, haircuts and coloring methods. Many clients want the latest hairstyle or color they ve seen online or in a magazine, and if the stylist doesn t know about trends, the customer will go elsewhere. Also, they aren t fazed by cancellations, rebookings, and changes in the salon atmosphere. A stylist with creativity, in addition to technical skill, can attract and keep many clients. Instead of merely cutting hair, a creative stylist suggests styles that may be better for te client than what they had originally requested. Creative stylists go the extyra mile to give clients what they need, instead of what they want. Listening is the most important trait, next to technical skill. A good stylist make sure she understands what the client wants, and may clarify it throughout the appointment. She ll also listen to the client talk about their problems (or whatever they want to discuss) and give friendly
  • 23. Corporate Governance in the Hershey Company THE HERSHEY COMPANY The scope of this paper is to analyze the kind of agency problems that emerges between The Hershey Company and their stakeholders and shareholders. To answer this, a review of the company`s board structure and ownership structure was made. Thereafter two specific situations that has occurred in recent times was used as case examples to enlighten the agency problems suggested to emerge by the corporate structure. Ownership Structure Whinston and Segal defines ownership as a set of rights and obligations concerning assets (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 122). The ownership structure, naturally, highly affects the actions of the company. Hershey is a publicly listed company on the New York Stock Exchange. There are two... Show more content on ... 142). The Hershey Company`s board can be described as an Anglo Saxon model, which is typically for American companies. It is a one tier board, where the employees of the company has no direct affiliation or representatives among the directors. This may be a source of Type 3 agency problems (stakeholder vs. shareholders) (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 20). The board is led by the companies` CEO, Mr. John Bilbrey while other directors are in charge of different committees. Pearce and Zahra (1991) examine the relative power of the CEO and the board. Their matrix suggest that The Hershey Company board is a Participative board as both the CEO and the board exercise a lot of power. John Bilbrey has been involved with The Hershey Company in several positions since 2003 several years and is likely to enjoy the trust and favor of the board of directors through his seniority and as the company stock has been steadily increasing throughout his period at the wheel (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 172). Due to the fact that he also is on the board himself, he also get to know the board better and get better handling of them. Another central feature of the board of directors is the question of whether the CEO is also the chairman of the board. When the CEO is also the chairman this is often referred to as CEO duality . In the US the CEO is often the chairman of the board. Studies have shown that the board in most cases
  • 24. Comparing The Book And Tuck Everlasting The Movie This will be a compare and contrast about Tuck everlasting the book and Tuck everlasting the movie. Same story, but differences throughout the movie and book.A story about an everlasting family and a girl Winnie Foster. This will be three paragraphs that have same and differences although the paragraphs. The similarities between the book and the movie were that Mea was going to get sent to the gallows to die for what she had done. Also, Mea hit the man in the yellow suit on the head with a shotgun. Another similarity is they have the same setting, plot and the characters in both book and movie. My fourth similarity is when Winnie found Jesse drinking the water and wanted a drink herself but, Jesse stop her before she could start drinking
  • 25. Batman The Killing Joke Batman: The Killing Joker is one of Alan Moore and Brian Bolland s most renowned works, famous for its interpretation and illustration of the infamous Joker s origin, and the true nature of his character in relation to that of the Batman s. The story revolves around the Joker, and his purpose to prove a point (Moore 21) to Batmanand the world, his point being that There is no different between [him] and everyone else! All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy (Moore 45). His attempts to achieve this purpose develop to become two of the three climatic turns in the story, the first being the shooting and paralysis of Barbara Gordon, and the second consisting of her father, James Gordon, forcefully being taken onto... Show more content on ... Similar to the Joker s, Barbara s clothing as well held significance, mainly to foreshadow the anguish the Joker makes her go through when taking naked pictures of her. Barbara is clothed in low neck shirt, and a knee high dress, and during her shooting, while she falls, more and more of her legs are exposed, along with a small portion of her cleavage in the last panel. The vulgarity of the scene immediately implies a relation to a sexual act, in this case, most probably being sexually violated by the Joker. The emotions brought up by the illustration in the first two panels come rushing back to the reader, but with a greater impact. They eventually realize the pain Barbara is going through in the duration of the sequence. Although the writers and illustrators could have chosen a simple shirt and pant, the dress and low cut shirt, which allowed a more revealing illustration of Barbara, do a better job in presenting and foreshadowing her sexual assault. Similarly, the particular place where Barbara is shot by the Joker implies the same ideas. The Joker shoots Barbara in her pelvic area, in order to break her spine and paralyze her. Even though the spine could have been broken by shooting
  • 26. Stereotypes In Films In today s films, perceptions of women haven t changed much. Nancy Signorielli has a case study that looked at popular films today and how young girls are portrayed in them. Signorieilli coded the top 25 films for girls 12 17 in 1995 to look for traits that the characters were portraying and the situations they were in. She found from her study that girls in these films were 20 30% more likely to be talking about romance, doing genderstereotyped chores, dating, talking about friends and clothes, on the phone, grooming, talking about the opposite sex, in class, shopping and working out. The men in these movies are 25% more likely to be working. In addition to looking at what these characters are doing, they also looked at the type of behavior they exhibit during the films. From the study they found that girls were 10 20% more likely to be honest, crying or whining, flirting, compromising, follow intuition, and be seductive as Signorielli found in her research. From this they found that the men were more intelligent, more threatening and intimidating, more hardworking, more risk taking, and use physical force more. From this study it can be seen that these negative perceptions of women are still similar to the period of... Show more content on ... I chose to draw inspiration from these films because they all portray different stereotypes of girls in all of them. I chose films that were focused on teenagers because I felt that the age group is one I know well because I myself am part of it. I believe it s important to be able to focus on stereotypes of girls that impact my life and age group because not only is it something that I can connect to, but it is an important message for students who will view this
  • 27. Montage Of A Dream Deferred By Langston Hughes Many of the poems within Montage of a Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes contain great meaning as well as emotion embedded within them. Whether they are 3 lines or 20 lines long, vivid images and explanations follow. The main focus of the series of poems are centralized on African Americans living in Harlem in the 20 s and on and their opposition from the rest. The motif in nearly all poems express discrimination, daily activities, and African Americans struggle for equality. Out of all poems, certain ones such as Theme for English B , Ballad of the Landlord , and Harlem #2 stood out. These short poems have a similar correlation carrying the same meaning and or idea. In the poem Theme for English B , a black student is asked to ... Show more content on ... He concludes with As I learn from you, I guess you learn from me although you re older and white and somewhat more free. This is my page for English B. The Black student realizes that not only does the teacher have the ability to teach, but even the students can teach the teacher something they never knew regardless if he/she is older, white, and more free than he is. Langston Hughes states that all Americans are shaped and defined differently and there is no specific way to be an American. Moving on to the second poem; Ballad of the Landlord , we see back and forth conversations between a white landlord and his unhappy black tenant. The black tenant tries explaining the poor conditions of his apartment. Flaws such as broken steps, and the leaking roof are examples of imagery. The black tenant tells his landlord that he won t be able to talk after he lands his fists on him. Without a further ado, the white tenant calls the police and the black tenant instantly gets arrest and sentenced to 90 days in county jail with no bail. Hughes expresses a theme of injustice for the black race in comparison to how the white race is favored and carry unfair power in society. It is easily said that the condition of the apartment explains the quality of a black person s justice: broken. Lastly, in the poem Harlem #2 , the speaker right off the bat tosses many rhetorical questions that the reader can ponder on. What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in
  • 28. My Love for You~ You seem to capture my mind all the time There is never a moment when I don t think about you or miss your presence.Your love takes over me all the time..My days are like nights when you are not around. Your love brings the sweet sunlight into my heart. Every moment feels so incomplete without you. Without you the days and nights are longer. The way you look at me, gives me a taste of paradise. I know I can always count on you. Thank you for everything. I love you truly, madly and deeply. I find my heart cascading with your never ending love. You are just everything to me. You are my life, I cannot live without your love. Love works like magic. Everything seems different. When two heart unite, it is the most beautiful thing in the whole... Show more content on ... May we always stay in love. Thanks for everything, I love you. Kiss me and I will see stars. Love me and I ll give them to you. Come away with me sweetheart, to a land that far away and unknown, where it s just you and me with the sun baking our feet and the water wetting our cheeks. Let s spend the rest of our lives in a paradise like this. I love you sweetheart. You and me Were meant to be You and me Have a long journey to see You and me Are a couple born free You and me Are bound with love s canopy! I love you sweetheart. Have I ever told you how deep your eyes are and how supple your skin is? Have I ever told you how glowing your face is and how gentle your heart is? Stop me right now with a kiss otherwise I will keep going on and on! You are central theme of my life. The script and the story of my life is written around you. And trust me, the story of my life is going to be beautiful! I don t need to pursue happiness. Happiness pursues me because of your presence in my life. Don t ever go away. Whenever my mind goes from sleep mode to active mode, it boots up with the thought of YOU! You are the fuel of my life too much of you could burn me to ashes and too little of you will be unable to sustain me! I wish I knew some fancy words to pass a heartfelt romantic message to you but all I know right now is to say with a smile that I love you tons and tons! The only thing I NEVER EVER want to think about in life is to say goodbye to
  • 29. Animal Farm By George Orwell Individual rights Sometimes taking control can corrupt people and make them do selfish acts or make decisions the people don t want. It might even bring about an argument or revolt from someone or a crowd. Whatever the case, it is never good to be possessive or something or someone when they want to make their own choices and decisions because they have the right to. An example of a story that shows how power can corrupt people is Animal Farm by George Orwell. He uses the character from the story to symbolize the historical figures from the Russian Revolution. This Revolution had two separate events called the February and October Revolution. In the February revolution, Tsar Nicholas II was removed from power after being selfish and greedy leader to his citizens. The October revolution, however was a much more different event and was led by the Bolsheviks realize who began building support within petrograd and other Urban centers. After, the Bolsheviks realize they couldn t maintain too much power and abandoned the democratic process, they declared themselves representatives of a dictatorship of the proletariat. Based on the use of symbolism and characterization in Animal Farm, Orwell argues that in society, people should stand up for their own rights and protect themselves from leaders who think have more power or control than them. By using symbolism to compare the historical figures from the russian revolution to the animals in animal farm, Orwell contends that in
  • 30. Skin Cancer Essay The Causes and Symptoms of Skin Cancer The Causes and symptoms of Skin Cancer While tanning beds and extreme use /exposure to UV rays are ways to get skin cancer, there are also various other ways to get it. Many don t know that genetics and traits can actually play a huge role in developing this dangerous disease. They also don t know that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. today. According to the Skin CancerFoundation more people over the last 300 years have had skin cancer than all of the other cancers combined. They say that one in five people develop skin cancer throughout their lifetime; some surviving, some moribund. Skin cancer starts in the outermost layer of skin called the epidermis. The epidermis ... Show more content on ... Basal cell carcinoma treatment is very important because it can eventually grow deeper into your skin and destroy the tissue and/ or bone (Carucci JA, 2013). It usually looks like a raised, smooth, pearly bump on sun exposed skin of the head, neck shoulders or back of hands. BCC is often mistaken for a sore that does not heal. (Staff, Skin Cancer Causes, 2012). Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC) is the next most common type of skin cancer. It accounts for about fifteen to twenty percent of skin cancers in individuals. SCC is two times as frequent in men as women and usually catches up with the victim at an older age. If the amount of sun/UV ray /lamp exposure is extremely great, it is possible to get it while at a young age also. Almost all of squamous cell carcinomas result from extreme exposure to UV rays, the sun, and/or lamps (Staff, Skin Cancer Causes, 2012). It is possible to get squamous cell carcinoma on any part of your body. A common place for women to get SCC is on their legs. Some types of SCC look like a common, well defined, thick, red, scaly patch/ bump on one s skin. If it is left untreated, it can form into a big mass and possibly spread to other parts of the body (Michael S Lehrer, 2013). The least common, yet most harmful, type of skin cancer is called malignant melanoma. It accounts for less than ten percent of skin cancers in individuals. This type of cancer can and most likely will kill a victim if not found earlier in a cancer
  • 31. She Walks in Beauty She Walks in Beauty, The Analysis She Walks in Beauty is a poem in which the author speaks of the physical beauty of a woman; a female who the author encountered. This encounter lead him to visualize a great distinct physical image of her so he began to speak of this phenomenal attractiveness. A special quality in her was being able to be identified with the heaven. Beautiful like the stars and clearly visible as a cloudless night. The poem She Walks in Beauty came by as an inspiration to the author. This occurred at an event attended by the author where he meet his cousin which is the woman the author speaks about in the poem. The author lord Byron wrote this poem which is found in the Hebrew Melodies. This publication is found with... Show more content on ... She Walks in beauty can be defined as a lyric poem because of its many characteristics. There are many lyric forms expressed in it. Lyric poetryis often short, expressing the intense feelings and thoughts of the speaker as clearly shown throughout this poem. She walks in beauty demonstrates brevity, melody and an emotional intensity in all of its emotional expressions; thus making a relationship of what typically characterizes a lyric poem. The poem consist of three six line stanzas in which a description of the woman s beauty of a woman is prominent. This is a woman with whom Byron is acquainted. The development of the poem clearly shows the voice through which the poem is spoken, This poem was written as a final product showing how her presence provided for inspiration. The speaker of She walks in Beauty feels a highly admiration for this woman to the point that he thinks he is in love with her. The way she walks, her harmonious movement, and her brightness lead the speaker to contrast her with the beauty of the night; which reflects her self control, steadiness, and balance. This is clearly understood when Byron speaks of her image. This is noted on his voice. Lord Byron s She Walks in Beauty shows a perfect harmony whit its alternating rhymes. The poem has a new
  • 32. Analysis Of Through The Tunnel By Doris Lessing In Doris Lessing s Through the Tunnel , Lessing uses imagery in order to show the audience that the transition from childhood to adulthood is a quest in itself. Lessing reveals that Jerry s quest isn t just to swim at the bay, but is to become a man by suggesting that swimming through the tunnel represents manhood and to become like the boys at the bay who Jerry idolizes as being men. It is evident that Lessing incorporates explicit overtones into her writingbecause in the text It s All About Sex... Foster explains, imagery is just a part of the much older tradition identified by Freud/Westen/Frazer/Jung about lances and swords and guns (and keys) as phallic symbols, chalices and grails (and bowls, of course, also) as symbols of female sexual organs. (3). Therefore, Foster concludes that other objects can symbolize sexual organs, and that objects that can be filled tend to represent female sexuality. And Lessing incorporates this philosophy into her short story by writing, All night the boy dreamed of the water filled cave in the rock, and as soon as breakfast was over, he went to the bay. (6). Therefore, Lessing uses the imagery of the water filled cave that going through the tunnel is symbolic for having sexual intercoursebecause the tunnel represents female sexuality, because it can be filled. Furthermore, Jerry quite literally has a wet dream, further suggesting the explicit nature of the real quest. However, Lessing shows the audiencethe difficulty of this goal
  • 33. Self Reflection Paper When asked to describe myself, I am not solely a one sided card, I am a decagon of collective interests and identities. I am: an eldest child, a sister, a Latina, a volunteer, a student, and a determined first generation college graduate. Without one, I am no longer myself. Because of this, each side has molded me into the person I am today and as time goes by I will gain more sides to myself and continue to grow. As the eldest child, I didn t have a sibling to look up to, so I became self motivated and driven. To my parents, I was known as the guinea pig because I learned through trial and error. I was the baby whose first steps followed a nosedive to the floor. Yet, I did not lay there and cry, I got up again and proceeded to walk then fall, until I finally walked without falling. Even though I was so young, I believe because of this I gained my need to be determined, persistent, and optimistic even when there was an obstacle in front of me. As a sister, I learned to become nurturing and selfless. Because my brother was born soon after me, everyone s first thought including my own, was to always worry about his well being. This sense has been heightened because of my younger sister. In so many ways she has taught me patience, maturity, and the true meaning of selflessness. As I grow I help my sibling s by being their teacher and counselor for them so they can learn from my mistakes. Being a Latina has been difficult because I felt like I didn t fit in. When I attended
  • 34. Spelman Speech It s official, you re a spelmanite. You ve received that Spelman blue envelope and you ve attended Spelbound. You ve taken a horrid ID photo that will follow you through your matriculation at Spelman. You ve heard the word matriculation at least 50 times since you got on campus. Last, but not least you ve added #Spelman to your twitter and Instagram bios so that all of your followers know that you have made that choice to change the world. Basically, you think you re ready to begin your journey as a Spelman Woman. Well, my dear baby spelman sister I am so happy that you are starting your journey, but I want to give you some tips to make these four years some of the best four years of your life. Do open yourself up to the Spelman sisterhood. When you get to Spelman, you will have this belief that every girl you meet will be your sister. Through the lens of administration, these are your sisters, but let s be real. Every girl you meet isn t your friend and has no desire to become your friend. All of this may bring you down, but don t let it. The great thing about Spelman is that you will find that sisterhood somewhere. Whether it be a club, dorm hall, or even a classroom. The sisterhood will come to you, just allow it to come to you. ... Show more content on ... You ve probably joined or if you re like me started a Groupme with the expectation of making a ton of friends. Groupme is a great way to chat with newbies like yourself, but what every Groupme member must remember is that these people aren t 100% authentic when they are in these groups. They want to be known and become popular, so they say things they may not actually mean. Also, sometimes people act different when they re offline. Your virtual bff may be crazy outgoing in the group chat, but a timid turtle in real life. Don t expect too much from Groupme, you ll meet your real friends when you get to
  • 35. The Case Study Of Colon And Rectal Cancer Colon and rectum cancer is ranked third for cancer incidence and fourth for cancer death globally in 2013. Further colon and rectum cancer ranked second for incidence and mortality for developed countries and ranked fourth for both incidence and mortality for developing countries. The Global burden of cancerstudy showed that colonand rectal cancer was the fourth leading cause for cancer related years life lost between 1990 and 2013. The number of people diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer doubled from 1990 to 2013, most of the increase being explained by an aging and growing population. But a 16% of this increase was independent of the aging and growing population. The study showed colon and rectum cancer caused 15.8 million ... Show more content on ... Disadvantages of FIT is repeated testing in an opportunistic setting and requiring further diagnostic invasive test if positive.3. The natural history of transition of polyp to cancer pathway is well known. Colorectal cancer can be prevented to a large extent by removing polyps. Additionally, detection of colorectal cancer in early stage by screening also results in lower mortality rate. Hence colorectal cancer screening is recommended for asymptomatic average risk individuals. In the study by M. Aronsson, one time colonoscopy yielded 49 more quality adjusted life years (QALYs) as compared to screening twice with FIT gave 26 more QALYs. All screening strategies showed cost effectiveness as compared to no screening though colonoscopy was more cost effective than FIT.6 Although, more CRCs occur in high income countries, CRC incidence has been rising rapidly in many less developed countries including Brazil, Philippines and Bulgaria.7 However, currently few countries are having a CRC screening program in place.8 Even in countries with screening program uptake rates are suboptimal and screening programs are unutilized.9 The effect of it is the unsettling truth that a large proportion of the CRC related 700,000 deaths should not occur. On the other side, a model calculation done in Germany about the effect of colonoscopies done for 10
  • 36. Asimov s Three Laws In Asimov s fictional universe, the Three Laws of Robotics are built most deeply into a robot s positronic brain(Asimov 37) in order for robots not to cause harm to humans or to other robots. They are not mere suggestions or guidelines they are embedded into the brain that governs their behavior. Some may think that the Three Laws as software; that they are just programmed into the robot s brain. You could program the Laws and have a good robot or not program the Laws and have an evil robot. In Little Lost Robot, Calvin says if you modify the Three Laws, you would be left with complete instability, with no non imaginary solutions to the positronic Field Equations (Asimov 119). The Laws aren t just programs; they are a necessary part of how you build a positronic brain. Calvin says in Evidence that... Show more content on ... As we see in the short story Robbie, the robot causes Gloria emotional harm when he leaves. Some may not believe that causing emotional harm is what Asimov considered harm when constructing the Laws, but indeed Robbie did cause her harm. Asimov s Three Laws of Robotics could also be seen as self contradictory. In the story Liar! Dr. Susan Calvin develops a crush on a co worker and asks Herbie to find out if her feelings are reciprocated. It turns out they aren t but Herbie lies, reasoning that the truth might upset Calvin, and allow her to come to harm. Additionally, In Reason Cutie disobeys orders (which is against the Second Law) but mostly in order to uphold the First Law. In this short story, we can see that the Laws can almost contradict themselves in a way. Cutie keeps Powell and Donovan away from the controls during the electron storm (even though he was told to stop) because he believed that humans are inferior and that he could do the job better in order to protect their
  • 37. Anne Bradstreet s Influence On Me As A Reader Anne Bradstreet was the most well known of early English poets of North America and first female writer in England s North American colonies to be published. She was also an important Puritan figure in American Literature. Bradstreet wrote many poems such as In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet. Who Deceased August, 1665 Being a Year and Half Old and Upon the Burning of Our House. In Memory of My Dear Grandchild was about her grandchild named Elizabeth Bradstreet who died being a year and half old. Throughout the poem, she mourned for the baby s death while accepting God s will. In Upon the Burning of Our House, she talked the burning of her house. This paper would show how Ann Bradstreet s poems have a positive affect on... Show more content on ... My grandma was described as an angel and fair flower by my family when she passed away. She was very kind to everyone and always have a smile on her face. She never got angry at anything or anybody. When she passed away, I said my goodbyes to her and was taken into heaven to be with God. Bradstreet questioned her own grief in the lines, By nature trees do not when they are grown/ And plum and apples thoroughly ripe do fall/ And corn ad grass are in their season mown/ And time brings down what is both strong and tall ( Bradstreet, 105. Lines 6 11). In these lines, she investigated the natural order of life, growth, and death. She was saying that her grandchild had not lived long life and nature had a long life. She discovered solace in her confidence that it is god s hand that guides nature and destiny. I choose these lines from the poem because when my grandma passed away, I was angry that God took her away from me and my family but I find comfort in faith of Christianity similar to when Bradstreet struggled to accept the loss of her grandchild as being God s will and found comfort in her faith of Puritanism. The poem showed me as a reader that Bradstreet had real emotions as she felt sorrow by losing the one that she loved and must constantly be active in her faith of Puritanism for it be remain meaningful. Bradstreet showed me to continue to believe in my faith of the religion as God would continue to test me by
  • 38. Jackie Chan Research Paper Nothing makes me more determined to succeed than someone telling me something s impossible . That is one of most Jackie Chan s most famous quotes. His dream was to become an actress and a martial artist. He has been studying kung fu, acrobatics, and singing his whole life.He has been in a lot of musical films in his lifetime. Jackie Chan has been in more than one hundred films. He began studying martial arts, acrobatics, and singing at the age of seven. His parents moved to Australia to find new jobs, Jackie Chan was left behind to study at the Chinese Opera Research institute, a Hong Kong boarding school. For the next ten years he studied martial arts, drama, acrobatics, and singing. He appeared in his first film, the Cantonese feature
  • 39. Essay about Don t Touch My Mama Don t touch my Doritos. For the 2010 Super Bowl, Doritos put out a commercial that was titled House Rules . In this commercial a young man comes to take a beautiful young, single mother out for their first date. While the mother is out of the room putting up the flowers the man brought, the man sits down to socialize with the son. As the mansits down he picks up one of the son s Doritos, and just as he is about to put the chip in his mouth the son slaps him. After slapping the man the son says, Don t touch my mama, and don t touch my Doritos. This 2010 Super Bowl Doritos commercial is an example of visual rhetoric, because it appeals to the audience using pathos, ethos, and what the camera focuses to not just persuade the viewers... Show more content on ... Another technique this commercial uses is what the camera focuses on. When the camera is focused on the mother s back side from the mans point of view the creators are telling the audience what is really on the man s mind, and why the son says don t touch my mama. The creators do the same thing with the bowl of Doritos. The camera also zooms in on the game controller in the boy s hand. Through putting the focus on the boy dropping the game controller, the creators lets the audience know that things have just gotten serious and that something is about to happen. Aside from the different types of appeals, pathos and ethos, and camera focus; the creators are sending a couple of messages with the son s actions. The first message is to get your own Doritos and not take someone else s. This message comes across when the boy slaps the man and tells him to put his Dorito chip back in the bowl. By the son not being willing to share even one of his Doritos, the creators are telling the viewers not to share their Doritos with any one. The second message is that Doritos are just as important as mothers. The viewers can see this as the boy not only tells the man not to touch his mother but also to keep his hands off the boys Doritos. By doing this the boy in a way puts the Doritos on the same level of is mother making the chips just as import as the woman who gave birth to him. These techniques and hidden messages of the commercial make the commercial
  • 40. The Debate About Information Freedom Pros and cons of WikiLeak The debate about information freedom has become fiercely contested with the advent of WikiLeaks. Wikileaks is a non profit organization which collects original resources and publishes on the website. It provides a secure platform for whistleblowers. Some people consider Julian Assange (leader of WikiLeaks) as a hero who has provided a platform to uncover the truth. This essay discusses the pros and cons for the issue. In 1971, The NewYork Times and Washington Post newspapers convened hundreds of people from the politics, press, law and academia, spending 20 days, in order to expose a secret document with 47 volumes and 7000 pages to the public (Douglas 2011). However, 39 years later, on 28th November 2010, according to its official website, WikiLeaks released 251,287 United States embassy cables, including 15,652 secret classified cables in one night. It claims that it is the largest activity ever to publish large scale documents(Wikileaks, 2010). It is acknowledged that internet strengthens the power of a single group to spread an idea and reveal the truth. Based on the open platform, small groups or individuals, like Wikileaks, play greater roles in the information freedom. The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) announces an official statement on its website which declares that Wikileaks is crucial to assist keeping government and corporations transparent (APC, 2010). As is stated on its website, the goal of WikiLeaks is to bring
  • 41. Roger s Chocolate Analysis Table of Contents 1. History, Development and Growth2 2. Vision, Mission, Objective, Philosophy and Strategy13 3. Functional level strategies14 4. Business level strategy.20 5. Corporate level strategy25 6. How is the effectiveness of the company s strategies? (ROIC)26 7. What strategic problems does the company have?33 8. What strategic issues need to be addressed?34 9. External environmental analysis35 10. Internal environment analysis60 11. Determine the strategic factors of the company70 12. Generating alternative strategies by using a TOWS matrix73 13. Evaluate strategic alternatives pros and cons.74 14. Recommend strategic for company (short, medium, and long term)81 1. Describe briefly... Show more content on ... | | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News | | | Retailer of the Year Award Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards Business Examiner | | | Manufacturer of the Year: Runner Up Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards Business Examiner| 2004| | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News| | | Best Storefront Window Display The Best of the City Awards Victoria News| | | Best Chocolate Maker Readers Choice The Best of the Island Awards Times Colonist| | 2003| | Time Honored Member: 40 Plus Years Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce| | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News | 2002| | Business Excellence Award Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce | | | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News| | | Retailer of the Year: Runner Up Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards Business Examiner | | 2001| | Best Chocolatier The Best of the City Awards Victoria News |
  • 42. Zadie Smith Research Paper Morgan Howard Mrs. Robinson ENG 205 18 30 November 2016 Zadie Smith You must live life with the full knowledge that your actions will remain. We are creatures of consequence (Smith). Zadie smith has presented many short stories and nonfiction pieces throughout her time. She was born in North London in 1975 to an English father and a Jamaican mother (Nabokov). At a young age she started writing poems and stories; later as she got older she studied English Literature at the University of Cambridge when she began writing her first novel, White Teeth (Britannica). Years later she published two more novels called The Autograph Man and On Beauty. She became a tenured professor at New York University and her current novel NW was published in 2012. When Zadie was young, despite being a writer, she was intrigued by tap dancing; which made her considered becoming an actress in a musical theatre. When she got older that suddenly changed. While in college literature became apparent as her main interest, which made her decide to become a journalist. Also in college she published many ... Show more content on ... It s mainly set in the North London neighbors of Willesden and Kilburn. The narrator is unknown, but the way it seems the narrator knows all the juicy details about Iqbal s and the Joneses. Since the novel is out of consecutive order, the narrator pinpoints every detail and what reader s should pay attention to. The novel begins with Archie and Samad, they thought they will never see each other again but their friendship set the foundation of the whole story. Archie and Samad marry, have children that will later change their lives forever, and both live in North London. Samad and his wife Alsana marriage was arranged; Archie and his wife Clara rushed in their marriage. Both men struggle not only with raising their children but also with dealing with strong wives who had opinions of their own
  • 43. Analysis Of Hemostatic Agents And Their Applications Analysis of Hemostatic Agents and their Applications in Treating Hemorrhage in Emergency Combat and Civilian Situations Author: Philip Sang Literature Paper Reader: Dr. Whitney Introduction Put in the general infoo about hemorrhage data in combat siutations... Talk about problems currently present Other shit Prompt hemorrhage hemostasis is not only paramount to survival but also long term recovery. If patients survive and blood loss is controlled, the large blood loss can lead to hypothermia/coagulopathy/infection/acidosis/multiple organ failure/ and fatal hypotension. Talk about need for stability during movement Talk about need for devices that don t require compression. Need junctional stuffs ... Show more content on ... Kaolin is very easy to refine and produce due to the abundant available quantities of its unrefined form, kaolinite. And since kaolin is inert in its clinical form it does not cause an immune response when introduced into a biological system, however it is not biodegradable so it must be removed after use (Bennett et al., 2014; Trabattoni et al., 2010). Kaolin has been an attractive hemostatic agent due to its ability to form clots and being inexpensive to produces, however a major drawback is that it does not work when the host is in a state of coagulopathy. Chitosan: Chitosan is a polysaccharide made of polymers of ОІ (1 4) linked D glucosamine and N acetyl D glucosamine (NAG), and is produced from a component of the exoskeleton of crustacean shells called chitin. Chitosan s hemostatic effects are due to its amino groups reacting with the membranes of circulating cells in the host s blood, leading to eventual clot formation that occurs independently of the innate coagulation cascade. The positively charged residues present on chitosan attract the negatively charged cell membranes of erythrocytes and thrombocytes, creating a cross linkage of said cells and then the formation of a thrombus. Chitosan is also biodegradable and is broken down inside the host. It also induces an immune response that activates macrophages and stimulates cell proliferation leading to faster wound healing
  • 44. The Holy Spirit The Trinity is seen at work throughout the Old Testament, but what many people do not realize is how often the Holy Spirit is seen. The Holy Spirit is at work forming and shaping the history of the Bible. He guided rulers, came upon the mighty king Saul, and, even more amazing, the Spirit could make a stubborn obstinate heart obedient. He gave the men words to say and write so that people can read the message of the Lord. The Spirit is both hidden and revealed throughout the Bible. The Old Testament believers did not always realize the full power of the Holy Spirit, but taking a closer look at the work he did, we see that the Holy Spirit was extremely vital. Beginning in the book of Genesis the Holy Spirit is seen and takes an active role. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of Godwas hovering over the waters. (Gen 1:2) At the time of creation the spirit was called ruah meaning, wind or breath of life. He was there at the beginning breathing the breath of life into human kind. The Holy Spirit was there at the forming of the earth and all that we know. He did not have to be there, nor did it meet a need of his, but out of his grace he chose to do it. The Holy Spirit along with the Trinity created all things, including humans. The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life. (Job 33:4) God gives man the breath of life, the Holy Spirit. When they die God withdraws the breath of life from
  • 45. Ancient Greek Philosophers There has been much debate as to what change is, and is not. Ancient Greek Philosophers were not indifferent to this. The early Greek Philosophers tried to explain what our world is comprised of, whether it is monism (one true stuff, or reality), or pluralism (more than one reality, or stuff ). They then proceeded to try to elaborate and explain how change and motion occur. Heraclitus conclusion can be summed up in a quote of his: One cannot step into the same river twice. Parmenides and Zeno, unlike Heraclitus, came to the conclusion that the world was practically an unmovable brick; there is no change, there is no motion. Finally, Epicurus came to the conclusion that the world was formed from indivisible, and constantly colliding atoms. Heraclitus was a monist. His interpretation of the one and true reality was fire. This is not to be taken literally, because Heraclitus believed that the one could never be any material thing, but was found in the orderliness of change. He said fire was always changing yet somehow is always the same. He believed that everything is being changed constantly, and this is occurring through a state of flux. By having orderliness, it becomes possible for the human mind to comprehend the world, instead of it being entirely chaotic and based on the will of gods. Since the rate of change is constant, an appearance of permanence exists. Hence, one cannot step into the same river twice. (Jones 16) At first, it might appear as if you