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A Rainy Day Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of a rainy day may initially seem deceptively simple, given the
familiarity of the subject. However, delving deeper into the task reveals a set of challenges that
writers may find surprisingly intricate.
Firstly, conveying the sensory experience of a rainy day requires a keen ability to evoke emotions
through words. Describing the sound of raindrops tapping on windows, the earthy scent of wet
soil, and the soothing ambiance can be challenging. Striking the right balance between vivid
imagery and avoiding clichГ©s is a fine line to tread.
Furthermore, maintaining a coherent structure poses its own set of difficulties. A rainy day essay
might tempt writers to wander into unrelated tangents or risk becoming overly repetitive. It
demands a disciplined approach to ensure that each paragraph seamlessly transitions into the
next, contributing to a cohesive narrative.
The challenge intensifies when trying to infuse personal perspectives or unique insights into a
seemingly common topic. It requires creativity to present a rainy day in a way that stands out
from countless other essays on the same theme. The task involves finding a fresh angle or
sharing personal anecdotes that resonate with readers.
Moreover, managing the tone becomes crucial. While the topic may lend itself to a reflective or
nostalgic tone, maintaining a balance between sentimentality and objectivity is essential. Striking
this equilibrium can be tricky, as too much sentimentality may risk alienating certain readers
while excessive objectivity may result in a lack of emotional connection.
In conclusion, writing an essay on a rainy day involves navigating through the complexities of
sensory description, structural coherence, uniqueness, and tonal balance. What initially appears as
a straightforward task unfolds into a nuanced exercise that demands thoughtful consideration
and creative finesse.
If you find such tasks challenging, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays
and a variety of academic writing services can be explored on platforms like,
where professional writers provide support tailored to your specific needs.
A Rainy Day Essay A Rainy Day Essay
The Most Popular Teams Hail From The Northwest
The Sounders played the timbers for the first time on may 2nd, 1975, a 1 0 victory
for the sounders that would start the most heated and bitter rivalry in all of
American soccer. The Seattle sounders, the larger team from the larger city
averages an average 43,000 in attendance for the home games, a continent high and
a respectable amount even in europe s most prestigious leagues. Compared to
portlands smaller 20,000 average in a smaller venues and a more modest market.
The fact that two of the MLS s most popular teams hail from the northwest is no
surprise as soccer is more popular here than anywhere else in the US. Aside from
popularity the Timbers and Sounders have the success to match, both relatively new
teams to the mls, the... Show more content on ...
But this strays from why they dislike each other, it about who is better, more about
who is the best in the northwest. The Seattle sounders have huge infrastructure for
the expression of their fans, from huge tifo s created by ECS to mock the timbers,
to the march to the match closing down some downtown seattle streets just to show
that the fans are willing and able to. When your team can average more fans than
Chelsea, the premier league s reigning champion, you have something to be proud
of. The Timbers would argue so what, you have more people, but the atmosphere in
our city is something you could never match. At any home timbers game you can
hear the constant chanting and the green smoke and streamers exploding from the
timbers army section. They would say that no fans are as dedicated as theirs. One
way the two fanbases each compete off the pitch is in Tifo s, these are huge hand
painted images on canvas by the supporters for each game. They will mostly contain
some form of taunting to the other team, Seattle and Portland are two of the only
teams in the MLS who create these because of the fan man hours and effort they take
to create. The seattle Sounders main fan group is the ECS, the emerald city
supporters, based in bars around seattle and has membership in the high hundreds,
taking up most of the south lower stand they are known for their loud chants and the
atmosphere they create in Centurylink Stadium
Examples Of Identity Theft
Identify Theft
I.Attention Grabber Research has shown that identity theft has become the fastest
evolving crime according to the Ou Police Department Website. There were over nine
million Americans on average that have had their identity stolen each and every year.
According to the websites says that Identity theft has become a very
common crime in today s society, but there are many ways to avoid identity theft by
understanding what it is, how it happens, and what you can do to prevent it.
I.What is Identity Theft?
A.When an unauthorized person gains access to:
1.Your full name
2.Your social security number
4.Driver s license/phone number/ mailing address
5.Credit card information
What Does It Mean To Be Intelligent
There are several ways to define what it means to be intelligent. Some people may
define being intelligent by excelling in academics. While others may feel like they
are intelligent because they know a lot of information. Being intelligent does not
require you to have a high GPA nor does it center itself around how many books
you read. You do no have to have to receive a college degree to be intelligent. It
could just come from a skill you have. I think that being intelligent comes from
helping people. If you are willing to help people and receive no reward, then you
must be intelligent. What better way is there to be intelligent than to know you have
helped someone become better at something or when no one else would? I will show
you how helping... Show more content on ...
Devin is a manager at Domino s pizza. He hires new employees all of the time. One
day, a new trainee was very nervous. He could not seem to do anything right, not
even fold a box. Devin asked the trainee to speak with him in the office and tried to
figure out the problem. The problem became very clear after talking, he was
nervous because it was his first job. Devin got to know him better, and walked him
around the store and introduced him to everyone. He also stood right next to him
to teach him, and make sure everything was right, which another manager had
failed to do with the trainee. Devin understood how nervous he was because
Dominos was his first job as well, and he knew what it felt like to not want to mess
anything up. After having hands on experience with Devin the trainee was more
comfortable and able to do things on his own. Devin helped him overcome his fear
of the new job. He has made a long term employee because the boy who once was a
trainee is now training to become a manager himself. Devin is a bright
Maggi Case Study
Introduction: #MaggiInASoup
For nearly three decades, Nestle s Maggi noodles was the ultimate success story: an
unlikely product embraced wholeheartedly by a difficult market. Over the last few
weeks, it s become a case study of an entirely different sort a textbook example of
how not to handle a crisis.
According to the World Instant Noodles Association, India consumed 5,340 million
cups or bags of instant noodles through 2014. It counts among the fastest growing
markets in the world for the snack, having almost doubled in size since 2010 when it
accounted for 2,940 million units. Maggi is estimated to have a 70 per cent share of
the market, and contributes nearly 30 per cent to Nestle s Rs 9000 crore annual
turnover. While starting off life ... Show more content on ...
Where did it go wrong?
A common complaint is how clinical Nestle s reaction has been. While the brand
ambassadors are obviously scared of talking given the possibility of being dragged
into a legal imbroglio, there s literally no face to the campaign at the time of going
to print. Sourav Ray, chief strategy officer, Havas observes, I would have expected
the leadership team to have come out and taken ownership of this problem.
Communication strategy of Nestle was quite ineffective in the wake of the disaster
as the authorities and the Headquarters took a long time in responding to the claims
of Nestle being pulled off the shelves. If the strategy would have been clear the
media fiasco Nestle got embroiled into could have been easily avoided.
Nestle should take cue from Cadbury and cola giants who have had troubles of their
own in the Indian market but with clear communication strategy were able to get
themselves back on their feet and their cases may still remain only for academic
Burning The American Flag Research Paper
Is burning the American flag freedoms for speech? The Supreme Court says that
burning the American flag is a form of expression that s protected by the first
amendment. Flag burning is something that needed to be protected. Congress
passed the Flag Protection Act in 1989 that stated anyone who knowingly
mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or
templates upon a United States flag can be prosecuted. The Boston Tea Party
carried a message and no one expected that act of civil disobedience was protected
by free speech. Burning the American Flag is wrong no matter who burns it, it is
wrong to do so. You wouldn t want no one burning your flag so I believe it s not
okay to burn any flag at all and it shouldn t... Show more content on
Many people believe it is a threat given to the people especially the White House
and therefore they put up there guards and start taking things seriously. Not long
ago was it when Madonna gave out a speech and that speech said how angry she
was and how she did have an argue to burn up the White House. People saw it as a
threat and now it s all over the news is she should be put in jail for that threat. It is
free speech to say things like that but also a threat and it is not okay because it may
actually happen. For anyone who makes a comment like that about doing something
to the White House or the president it is taken as a threat and they will eventually
do something about it so nothing will actually happen as what was said. For
example, not long ago before trump became president he was saying so many racist
things to the Mexicans and someone who threaten trump was el chapo guzman a
Mexican drug dealer who was triggered about trumps racists comments. Ever since
trump said those things el chapo tweeted something about trump better watch out
because I m coming for you. When that happened trump got security guards on him
because of everything that happened and of course he was scared. When people hear
threats like those they do become more aware of
Anglo Saxon England
4. Vikings in Anglo Saxon England Scandinavian influence The process of
Christianization and Latin influx was interrupted at the end of the eight century (787)
when the Vikings (Norwegian and Dane tribes) began their ravages over Anglo Saxon
England, sacking monasteries like Lindisfarne and Jarrow (793 794). By the ninth
century, churches and monasteries in Northumbria and Mercia lay in ruins while
settlements in all parts of the country had been plundered and northern towns, such as
York in 867, captured. Anglo Saxon kingdoms were finally overturned while the
Vikings established their own kingdom in the northeast of England(the Danelaw).
Under King Alfred s rule of Wessex (871 899) and despite several conflicts, the
Danish were contained in such area. In turn, the Danish king had to convert to
Christianism, although the moral fibre of the church was seriously disrupted (Baugh
(2005:79). Then Alfred s descendants, Edward the Elder (900 925) and Athelstan (925
939), extended their authority throughout England Athelstan s triumph in 937 in
Brunanburh was crucial, which is recorded in an Old Englishpoem with the same
name. However, invasions were repeated at the end of the tenth century along the
southeast coast, led by the Norwegian and Danish kings, Olaf and Svein respectively,
who attacked London. Svein made himself king, sending the English king Г†thelred
the Unready into exile in Normandy. England was hence ruled by Danish kings from
1014 to 1017, when the Danish
Statement of Purpose for the Occupation of...
Obstetricians/Gynecologists and firefighters are occupations crucial to the United
States because they offer safety and medical assistance to the citizens. Both
careers require the ability to work in stressful situations and have medical
knowledge. The jobs also consist of long work shifts. These qualities grab my
attention due to the fact that I like to work with others, enjoy managing people, and
respond well to high stress situations. I am willing to take risks and I describe
myself as ambitious and energetic. Also, verbal and communication skills come
naturally to me. One major difference between an OB/GYN and firefighter is the
typical work shift. Firefighters have a set shift at a firehouse where they get called
out to emergencies. OB/GYNs work at a hospital or physicians office and work
twelve hour shifts but go home and get calls or pages saying they need to return.
Being a firefighter also requires a large amount of physical fitness. While I would
love to be in excellent physical shape, firefighting is too physical for my body. In
addition, I believe it would be easier for me to endure the day to day requirements
of an OB/GYN. Even though firefighters and OB/GYNs share many similar
qualities, I would prefer to become an OB/GYN due to its daily tasks and lack of
physical requirements.
When it comes to job description, firefighters and OB/GYNs share some similar
qualities with many differences. A firefighter responds to and controls building and
or wildfires. This is
The Future Of The Ncaa
Seth M. Marshall
Professor Kristen Bradley
English 1010
9 November 2015
The Future of the NCAA College athletic programs are among the most popular
sporting events in America. With this rise in popularity, the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA) and its colleges have also seen a rise in revenue in
recent years. In 2014, the NCAA made over 900 million dollars in revenue. Some
collegiate coaches, such as Kentucky s John Calipari, have yearly salaries in the
millions, not counting incentives and endorsement deals. While, clearly, money is
being made, NCAA regulations ban collegiate athletes from being paid. Many
question this rule and argue that athletes at the college level earn and deserve pay for
play. The debate to pay or not to pay college athletes rages on despite the latest court
ruling supporting NCAA policies. Because colleges and universities earn such a profit
from sporting events, many fans feel it is only fair to distribute some of the wealth to
the players. Supporters of paying student athletes feel that these young men and
women should be fairly compensated for the time demanded of the athletes and the
stress put on the athletes, physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. Those in
favor of paying college athletes contend that athletic and academic work ethic at both
high school and collegiate levels will improve, as well as, fiscal responsibility in
these young adults. The NCAA argues that paying athletes would negatively affect
Walter Camp s Book Of College Sports
At the turn of the 20th century, sport grew in popularity and became a part of
everyday life. Everyone was participating in sport. That included whites, blacks,
lower class citizens, upper class citizens, and women. The playing field was a zone
of fairness, where social class, race, nor gender were factors for success. Athletic
ability and skill were the attributes necessary for victory. Sport served as a means
for black Americans and women to rise in fame and power, two groups that were
otherwise unlikely to achieve societal influence. Athletics ignored the color of the
skin and the social class of the player, but the player did not. The upper class wanted
to dissociate themselves from the lower class in athletics and the white aristocracy...
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Following the Civil War, black Americans found success through athletics, which
promoted racial segregation because white Americans felt threatened by the
achievements and growing power of black Americans. White athletes used athletic
clubs to prohibit black participation in sports in a similar way to how they
segregated against lower class citizens. The Jockey Association was an example of
these racially exclusive athletic clubs. It was a white only jockey club that was
formed in response to Isaac Murphy s achievement in horse racing. Isaac Murphy
was a talented black horse jockey who won forty four percent of his races, which
was an inconceivable stat line for this craft. Murphy s most famous race pitted
himself (riding Salvator) against a white jockey nicknamed, Snapper Garrison
(riding Tenny) in 1890. The derby was commercialized as a race war black versus
white. Murphy won the race and was at the height of his career because of it.
White jockeys noticed his success and decided that they did not want to have to
compete against the likes of Isaac Murphy, so they formed the Jockey Association.
By 1902, 12 years after Murphy s win, black jockeys had been completely segregated
out of the sport and became
Lululemon Brand Image
Whether you re at the gym or in class you re bound to see countless of girls wearing
a pair of legging with a stylized A place in the lower center of their back. Lulu
lemon is a yoga inspired technical athletic apparel company for women and men
founded by Chip Wilson in Vancouver, Canada in 1998(Lulu Lemon, 2017). Lulu
lemon has become a staple piece in many women closet, earning its position in the
infamous basic bitch list. Lululemon started out as a small brand, but it has blown up
in the last few months creating a huge cult following. According to USA Today
Lulu Lemon are the third most productive retail stores in the US, only behind Apple
and Tiffany Co. in 2012 ( USA Today, 2017). Many may question why are women all
over the world... Show more content on ...
It has taken the value that women and some men look for and have embedded them
in their profile. It helps give consumers an identity that they are living their best lives
by shopping at Lululemon. Not only buying its clothing also the symbol and value
that are connected to it. It clearly obvious that they are marketing to females audience.
The company has done a great job in tailoring to many woman needs and taste.
Despite, they do still have a long way in developing their brand image, but they are
off to a great job. Lululemon is an ever growing business and one day may be seen
as a household name like Nike. Where they need to improve is opening up their
branding to a bigger audience, not just women but men too. They need to stray
away from this basic bitch sterotype. Their posting at the moment take on a very
feminine tone, which can be a turn off to man who are much more responsive to a
more robust and energetic tone; Lulu lemon can expand their brand image to include
man, it will not only boost up their profit but also, create a global brand that people
will take into consideration. In fact, Lulu s posts go far beyond consumers focus.It
aim support that building the brand is more important than just the brand itself. Lulu
s marketing has worked well on targeting youth and old females. It makes it brand
Turner Broadcasting Essay
Discussion of Turner Broadcasting Turner Broadcasting System is a division of
Time Warner that creates, licenses and broadcasts entertainment, sports, new, and
children s programming in over 200 countries. Many of Turner s brands are
recognizable household stations including CNN, TNT, TBS, Cartoon Network and
many more. Known as a media conglomerate because of its ownership of various
subsidiary mass mediaentities, Time Warner competes with some of the largest
companies in the World. The six major players in the media industry are all listed in
the Fortune 500 , with the top companies being Comcast, The Walt Disney Company,
and 21st Century Fox.
Broadcasting stations and media content creators have three major revenue streams.
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The provision of entertainment can be done in many different ways, and each
company has their own unique method of doing so. Turner Broadcasting has
historically lacked innovation in the growing marketplace. They have had an adaptive
growth strategy through delayed acquisitions, including historical acquisitions of
Court TV and Legacy Film Properties and more recent acquisitions of Bleacher
Report and iStreamPlanet. When John Martin took over as the CEO of Turner,
however, he introduced a change in strategy called Turner 2020 . Turner is now
focusing on being the front runner and pioneer of innovative concepts. This begins
with a consumer centric strategy focusing on content creation and the increased
investment in internal projects. Additionally, Turner is working to keep audiences
engaged and bring (along) new viewers while driving change in the industry. The
resulting ownership, from Turner 2020, of innovative technology as well as creative
intellectual property, generates various revenue creation streams. Turner has not
eliminated the capability of adaptation, however, is creating an overwhelming focus
on modernization. Shifting the focus of the company from adaptive to innovative
will ideally guide Turner s growth in the
Who Is Oskar Schindler A Hero
Standing in front of his people, the SchindlerJuden , Oskar Schindler gave a
heartfelt farewell as a Russian armada pushes towards them. A man who saved
hundreds, Oskar Schindler, was a man of business he was a man of money, but
even men of money can have a change of heart. Schindler went from enemy spy to
savior and that s why to me he is an awe inspiring hero because he was seen as a
human he made many mistakes but in the end, he saved many Jewish people.
Schindler was born April 28, 1908, in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria Hungary (now
Svitavy, Czech Republic). His father s name was Hans Schindler, he was a farm
equipment manufacturer and Louisa Schindler was the homemaker. Schindler home
life was rough his father was a heavy drinker and a womanizer.... Show more content
on ...
He preferred to take his chances with the approaching U.S. forces instead. A couple
of days later, the twelve hundred or so Schindlerjuden ( Shindler s Jews ) were
freed by a lone Russian officer who rode up to the factory on horseback.Schindler s
life after the war was similar to that before the war, which was marked by a string
of failed business ventures, overspending, plenty of drinking, and love affairs. In
1949, Schindler moved to Argentina and purchased a farm. By 1957, however,
Schindler had gone bankrupt and was relying on the charity of the Jewish
organization B nai B rith to survive. Schindler abandoned his wife and returned to
West Germany. He started a cement business in Frankfurt, Germany, but it failed
in 1961. From then on, he lived mostly off funds provided by the Schindlerjuden as
well as a small pension.The same year Schindler lost his cement business, he was
invited to visit Israel for the first time. Many of his countrymen were angry with
him for saving Jews and testifying in court against Nazi war criminals. Every
spring for the rest of his life, he returned to Israel for several weeks to bask in the
admiration of the Schindlerjuden and their offspring, whom he regarded with
great affection as his own family. Shortly after Schindler s fifty fourth birthday in
1962, he was officially declared a Righteous Gentile (non Jew) and invited to plant
a tree on the Avenue of the Righteous leading up to Jerusalem s Yad Vashem
Museum. Upon his death from heart and liver problems in 1974, he was granted
his request to be buried in Israel. About five hundred Schindlerjuden attended his
funeral and watched as his body was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery on Mount
Zion in Jerusalem. Schindler s life was turned into a movie based off the book
Schindler s List also called Schindler s
What Are The Negative Effects Of Chemotherapy Related...
The Negative Effects of Chemotherapy Related Diarrhoea on Systems Homeostasis
Important information for new physiologists working with CRD affected patients
Patients suffering from chemotherapy related diarrhoea (CRD) will face a multitude
of social and physiological challenges, and it s important to understand that the
chronic nature of CRD is the basis for most of them. Within hours of the onset of
symptoms, isotonic dehydration will rapidly lead to hypovolemia and consequently;
tachycardia, hypertension, delayed capillary refill and slightly reduced blood flow to
the brain. In these early stages of dehydration and mild hypovolemic shock the body,
while not performing optimally, is within its homeostatic limits and is not susceptible
... Show more content on ...
The chronic increased stress on the cardiovascular system imparted by the action
of these homeostatic regulators, drastically increases risk of ischaemic heart
disease later in life and forms some of the basis for the pathophysiology of other
major systems. If fluid losses become too severe and electrolytic imbalance cannot
be remedied by the release of aldosterone, cerebral oedema and death can result. In
less severe but chronic dehydration, the large water content of the brain is tapped
into for use in more vital physiological processes, and as a consequence the
hydrolysis of ATP that is so important for maintaining brain activity is not as efficient.
Over time grey matter in the brain shrinks and the decreased efficiency adds to the
symptoms of memory impairment and lethargy. Even slightly impaired cognition and
memory, headaches, lethargy and light headedness will take a significant toll on
everyday life if the patient is considering returning to work or study.
Especially in Australia where summer temperatures regularly rise above 38В°C and a
significant proportion of the working population is made up of manual labourers, it s
important to note that the bodies main cooling system can shut down in very severe
dehydration. This presents as inactivity of eccrine sweat glands and in serious heat
waves the reduced fluid volume and inability to reduce core temperature causes a
huge number of homeostatic problems. Notably, as hyperthermia
Pyrmont Action Plan
Research Action Plan By Emma Brading
PART A: Pyrmont is a bustling neighborhood with great restaurants, cafes, parks and
beautiful gardens. The local government area is located in the City of Sydney and is
an important part of the Darling Harbour region. Housing in Pyrmont is identified by
high density apartments, industrial high rise buildings, affordable housing and
heritage cottages. Pyrmont has a land area of 27km per hectare (City Of Sydney,
2014) with approximately 124 people living per hectare, showing evidence of urban
consolidation and a large population in the city. The demographics of Pyrmont
convey a multicultural and proficient civilization with the demographics conveying
that only 39.5% residents are born in Australia (Australian ... Show more content on ...
Limiting and changing the demographics that live in Pyrmont making it hard for
middle classed families and middle classed workers to purchases houses within
Urban consolidation in Pyrmont will also increase the number of houses within
Pyrmont therefore prevented the sizing of the houses. Families commonly look for
housing with a backyard and area for their children to run around and play in,
however urban consolidation in Pyrmont has made it very rare to find a house that
contains a back garden constraining the buyers and residents living in Pyrmont to
typically working class professionals, older couples or single wealthy men and
The development of Pyrmont has also created speculation about the ethics of
housing 547 (City West Housing Pty Ltd, 2013, page 1) affordable housing
properties in one of the most expensive suburbs in Sydney. Although some of the
tenant s families have lived in Pyrmont for generations some believe due to the
redevelopment of Pyrmont, it is unethical to provide for 547 families when the
housing could be relocated to outer Sydney and house more then double the
affordable houses now. However his change in demographics will change the culture
and society of Pyrmont creating a exclusive stigma
The s Speech Of Archidamus
It is remarkable how timeless the Speech of Archidamus is. One could easily
imagine the Spartan King were speaking to a modern occupied territory, itching for a
revolt. King Archidamus urges the Spartans to head caution when entering war with
Athens. He has seen too many wars [pg 25, 80] The battles he has witnessed in his
lifetime have swayed him of any naive fascination with war. He has learned that
violence begets violence, so one should only enter a battle they are prepared to win.
Archidamus explains that Athens is stronger in terms of wealth, military might and
political power. If the Spartans take the offensive route under these circumstances,
they will surely loose both in combat and in terms of public relations. [pg 26, 81]
Furthermore, Archidamus explains later that Athens had agreed to mediation, making
any fight that Spartawere to start an unlawful preemptive attack. [pg 28, 85] The
King assures his people he is not blind to their suffering, he just envisions better
ways of ending it. [pg 26, 82] One of these methods would be to create partnerships
with other nations who would lend armed forces and capital to the cause. To be done
in tandem with confederation would be the accumulation of Sparta s assets.
Archidamus predicts that under these circumstances, Athens could be motivated to
surrender. Under the very different circumstances from which he is speaking, the
King pushes to avoid war at all costs citing that complaints can be resolved, whether
they are
Military Mental Illness
Dating back to early history, military personnel have been experiencing combat
conditions that are breeding grounds for mental health issues. Many men and women
witness/encounter harsh events during deployment and those events impact the
mental well being of military veterans. Research has made positive correlations
between the development of mental health problems and exposure to traumatic
events while serving the country. Some disorders are more prevalent with this
population then others, resulting in veterans being more susceptible to many forms
of mental health diagnosis. Of all the possible mental health diagnosis that impact
military personnel, posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) is very common and
suggested as the most popular disorder
What Were The Economic Causes Of The American
In real life, people get greedy. Real greedy; real fast. Britain was no exception and
the country fell into an abundance of debt. To pay its debt, Britain put on economic
acts towards the colonies. This caused colonists anger and indignation. But, these acts
were not the only reason for conflict. The rebellion from the colonist was a mix of
multiple problems that eventually piled up too high. The conflict between Great
Britain and the American colonies was deeply rooted in economics as well as
political controversies and differences. The conflict between Britain and her colonies
was mainly economic due to the acts that Great Britain put upon the colonists. Britain
loved the idea of mercantilism, the thought that a country s wealth should
The Legal Issue Selected And How It Affects The Sports
1. Explain the legal issue selected and how it affects the sports world.
2. Review the legal cases surrounding this sport law issue.
3. Suggest changes or modifications that might strengthen the current law.
The topic I chose for the research paper was O Bannon vs. NCAA, because I found
this case has lots of aspects worth discussing, like one of the defendants is
Electronic Arts Inc., a videogame corporation (I played lots of videogames from
EA like NBA LIVE series and FIFA series and I do love them), which made me
curious, I would like to know more about EA did in this case and how these actions
affected the judgment.
Plaintiffs are a group of current and former college student athletes. They brought this
antitrust class action against the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) in
2009 to challenge the association s rules restricting compensation for elite men s
football and basketball players. In particular, Plaintiffs seek to challenge the set of
rules that bar student athletes from receiving a share of the revenue that the NCAA
and its member schools earn from the sale of licenses to use the student athletes
names, images, and likenesses in videogames, live game telecasts, and other footage.
Plaintiffs contend that these rules violate the Sherman Antitrust Act. The NCAA
denies this charge and asserts that its restrictions on student athlete compensation are
necessary to uphold its educational mission and to protect the popularity of collegiate
sports. (O Bannon
Lab Report On The Reaction Time
Nicholas Durazo
KINE2202 section 002
Lab Report 1
The reaction time (RT) of students was measured in the experiment to determine
whether light or sound stimulus initiates a quicker response time. The question of
whether or not RT was related to movement time (MT) was also challenged. Each
student performed two test in random order; one testing the reaction time of a red light
stimulus, or visual reaction time (VRT); and the other testing the reaction time of a
beeping sound stimulus, or auditory reaction time (ART). The student completed the
VRT trial by simply receiving the stimulus and pressing a button. The student placing
and holding their hand on a button starts the ART trial. Once the student receives the
stimulus (beep) they press the adjacent button as fast as they can. The ART trial does
not only include the data of the RT, but also the data from the MT. Having previous
knowledge that light travels faster than sound; one can predict that VRT is faster than
ART. The prediction that MT is independent upon RT can be made with the thought
that there are so many opposing variables that could affect the MT of an individual
unrelated RT such as old age
In the experiment, 80 students were randomly separated into groups of 2 to write
down the data from the test for the other individual. The VRT was measured by
pressing a button once the student had seen the stimulus. The reaction time data
would simply show up on the screen once the student completed
Postpartum Doula Research Paper
ГЂ la carte Service Offerings Labor Doula The doulas purpose is to help women have
a safe, memorable and empowering birthing experience, regardless of what that
means for the individual woman. For women who have decided to have a medicated
birth, the doula will offer emotional support, informational support and comfort
measures through labor and the administration of medications. Postpartum Doula A
postpartum doula is someone who comes into the home after birth and provides
education, assistance, and support. The experience is intimate and transformational.
As a postpartum doula, the hope is to help make this transition for families as easy
and comfortable as possible. Placenta Services Placenta encapsulation is the practice
of ingesting
Bronchitis Is Contagious Case Study
Bronchitis How Long Is It Contagious This is a disease which has to do with when
the bronchi starts experiencing inflammation. It is a diseases that has to do with
the infections of the respiratory system and also caused by virus or bacteria.
Chronic bronchi is a disease that does affect people regardless of their ages. Such
can be said to be COPD which is an acronym for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Diseases. Is it contagious in nature? Two answers can be appropriate for such a
question which are yes it is and no it isn t at the same time. Bronchi can only be
contagious when it is caused by bacteria or virus. Cases relating to bronchi that are
contagious are very few. That is to say; such cases are acute cases and not the
chronic ones.... Show more content on ...
In other to have it diagnosed, an X ray is used. The different nature of bronchitis
means that its treatments adopted will be different. For instance; when it is acute
bronchitis, antibiotics will be used. You can also drink plenty of fluids and have
some rest. On the other hand, chronic bronchitis can be treated using therapies,
medication, bronchodilators and so on. How can it be prevented? As explained
above, the best thing to do about this infection is to ensure that you prevent it. At
least preventive measures will help to ensure that it is completely avoided. пѓјThe
best and most reliable way to have it prevented is through vaccination. пѓјIf there are
persons around you that have any kind of respiratory disorders, you should try as
much as you can to avoid such company. пѓјDon t share personal items such as
toothbrush, towel, and clothes with persons with respiratory disorder. пѓјQuit
smoking entirely. Also avoid passive smoking. In the same vein, try to be conscious
of the air you breathe
Social Sin In The Movie 42
The movie, 42, displays multiple examples of social sin in the late 1940s. Jackie
Robinson is the first African American to play in the Major Leagues, which had a
huge part in breaking the color barrier in sports. Because of his courageous act, he
was discriminated and verbally abused. These hurtful abuses that targeted Robinson
are known as social sin. Social sin is a buildup of sins that are harmful to society and
to individuals. In fact, many social sins present themselves in this film. For example,
when the Dodgers played multiple teams, the fans would shout vulgar comments at
Robinson. When one person would shout something at Robinson, more people would
join them. One specific example was when the young boy was in the stands, sitting
Altered Nutrition
Altered Nutrition
1. Nursing Process
The nurse s assessment findings include right sided weakness, slurred speech, and
dysphagia. The nurse identifies that Mrs. Rusk is at high risk for several problems.
2. 1.
In developing the nursing plan of care, which problem has the highest priority?
A. Correct Aspiration.
Aspiration, or the entry of foreign substances such as food or fluids into the lungs,
may cause hypoxia or respiratory distress. Therefore, this is the highest priority in
establishing the client s plan of care.
B. Skin breakdown.
This problem is important, but does not have the highest priority when developing
the client s plan of care.
C. Altered nutrition.
This problem is important, but does not have the ... Show more content on ...
1. Nutritional Assessment
During a home visit a week later, the nurse assesses Mrs. Rusk s nutritional status.
2. 7.
Which data indicates the need for the nurse to evaluate Mrs. Rusk further for altered
nutrition? (Select all that apply.)
A. Correct The conjunctival sac is pale in appearance when exposed.
The conjunctival sac should be dark pink. Pallor of any mucous membranes may
indicate anemia.
B. Blanching occurs when the fingernail bed is compressed.
This is an expected finding.
C. Correct The skin over the sternum tents when pinched.
This is an unexpected finding. Skin tenting typically indicates a fluid volume deficit.
D. Bowel sounds are auscultated every 5 seconds.
This is an expected finding.
E. Correct The lips are dry and cracked.
This is an unexpected finding for someone with adequate nutrition, and could be a
sign of dehydration.
The nurse obtains further data regarding Mrs. Rusk s nutritional status.
3. 8.
Which data best assesses the client s functional ability related to nutrition?
A. Amount of groceries the client has in the home.
This assessment provides useful information, but is not related to the client s
functional ability.
B. Types of food the client has eaten within the last 24 hours.
This assessment provides useful information, but is not related to the client s
functional ability.
C. Correct The client s ability
Censorship And Censorship Of Web Content
Censoring the web
Module code: COIS40897
Student number: 14020070
Submission deadline: 23:59 on Monday, 3rd November 2014.
This paper evaluates the restrictions, or lack of restrictions, on web content,
focusing on the political and ethical notions of the censorship of web content. The
question on many people s minds is: Should the web be censored? This author
believes it is the sole responsibility of the user, to protect themselves from un
desirable material on the web. However when it comes to child abuse, and similar
atrocities, more should be done to eliminate and block such material.
7.References ... Show more content on ...
This move to censor pornography has just intentions, but this author believes that
censorship in this manner should be the responsibility of parents. Perhaps there
should be an alternative, such as, equipping parents with the tools to control their
own data consumption and block access to the content they do not wish, or do not
want their children, to have access to. Some people may wish to access adult content,
whilst denying their children access to it. Without the knowledge of self web
regulation, they would not be able to access adult content, without the risk of
exposing their children to it.
The points made by the Prime Minister (as stated above), about protecting children
from the dark online world, are completely justified. The online world can have an
adverse influence on children. According to the NSPCC:
Graphic images and scenes can be very disturbing to children and cause a lot of
distress. In 2012 13 ChildLine received 475 calls from young people who d been
affected in this way.
NSPCC 2013.
Adult material can cause mental scars in some children, whereas others, after
consuming pornography, now have a twisted view on reality:
Pornography has Influence on attitudes of some children, towards reality. Children
who watch online porn can believe that it gives a
Corporate Governance in the Hershey Company
THE HERSHEY COMPANY The scope of this paper is to analyze the kind of
agency problems that emerges between The Hershey Company and their stakeholders
and shareholders. To answer this, a review of the company`s board structure and
ownership structure was made. Thereafter two specific situations that has occurred in
recent times was used as case examples to enlighten the agency problems suggested to
emerge by the corporate structure. Ownership Structure Whinston and Segal defines
ownership as a set of rights and obligations concerning assets (Thomsen and Conyon,
2012, p. 122). The ownership structure, naturally, highly affects the actions of the
company. Hershey is a publicly listed company on the New York Stock Exchange.
There are two... Show more content on ...
142). The Hershey Company`s board can be described as an Anglo Saxon model,
which is typically for American companies. It is a one tier board, where the
employees of the company has no direct affiliation or representatives among the
directors. This may be a source of Type 3 agency problems (stakeholder vs.
shareholders) (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 20). The board is led by the
companies` CEO, Mr. John Bilbrey while other directors are in charge of different
committees. Pearce and Zahra (1991) examine the relative power of the CEO and
the board. Their matrix suggest that The Hershey Company board is a
Participative board as both the CEO and the board exercise a lot of power. John
Bilbrey has been involved with The Hershey Company in several positions since
2003 several years and is likely to enjoy the trust and favor of the board of directors
through his seniority and as the company stock has been steadily increasing
throughout his period at the wheel (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 172). Due to
the fact that he also is on the board himself, he also get to know the board better
and get better handling of them. Another central feature of the board of directors is
the question of whether the CEO is also the chairman of the board. When the CEO
is also the chairman this is often referred to as CEO duality . In the US the CEO is
often the chairman of the board. Studies have shown that the board in most cases
Midsummer Night s Dream And Much Ado About Nothing
Battle of the Sexes in MSND and Much Ado about Nothing In Shakespeare s
comedies, A Midsummer Night s Dream and Much Ado about Nothing, a battle of
the sexes is displayed in profound ways. Particularly in war between the female and
male characters. Shakespeare plays with the idea of a battle between the genders
throughout the two plays and even adds in whimsical fairies and potions to shake up
the plot. In A Midsummer Night s Dream, Shakespeare showcases a battle between
Theseus and Hippolyta. Hippolyta is not the meek and mild woman that many of her
time would be. Instead, she is an Amazon woman who is fierce and strong.
Shakespeare created Hippolyta to not conform to the gender roles of the time. At this
time physical strength was associated... Show more content on ...
Due to not being able to choose her husband Hermia must run away to marry the
man she loves. In this time, women were thought of as weaker than men and unable
to make appropriate decisions for themselves.. This was thought to be due to the fact
that women could not keep the four humours and elements in balance, partly because
of menstruation. (McDonald pg. 254) Aristotle even made the assumption that the
female of all animals in less fierce and takes care of the young more than the male.
He used that example as a way to justify women being forced to stay home and
perform the bulk of the childcare. The next battle is between Helena, Demetrius, and
Lysander. Neither Demetrius nor Lysander love Helena so she wishes she were as
fair as Hermia so that Demetrius might love her. Helena is desperate for Demetrius
love and says, Use me but as your spaniel: spurn me, strike me,/ neglect me, lose me;
only give me leave,/ Unworthy as I am, to follow you (Shakespeare 2.1.205 209).
Shakespeare could be alluding to some bestiality by having Helena refer to herself as
a dog. This is also a way of Helena degrading herself to try to win the love of
Alhambra Way In Lord Of The Flies
An Isolated Island, British Boys, and the Alhambra Way For those at Alhambra
High School, conventional wisdom has it that education, accountability, integrity,
and resilience is the Alhambra Way. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding,
British boys are stranded, presumably from a plane crash, on an island in the middle
of nowhere. Struggling to create a working society, the boys encounter predicaments
that cause most to fall into the world of savagery and disorder. Among them are
three divergent individuals Ralph, Piggy, and Jack who should have fully utilized the
concepts of the Alhambra Way in order for everyone to be better off. Readers are
first introduced to Ralph, the boy who does not wholly use accountability and
integrity and thus
Gay And Lesbian, Gay, And Homosexual Marriages
Recent estimates suggest that between 2.0 and 3.7 million children are being
raised by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults in the United States,
according to the 2013 National Health Interview Survey and Gallup Poll data
(Gates, 2014). The battle of equal right in many aspects for gay and lesbian
couples have been going on for years, and although significant progress has been
made, there are many aspects within their relationships that are not yet equal to
heterosexual couples in similar situations. Gay and lesbian couples have to deal
with daily discrimination within issues such as marriage, legal issues, medical
issues, and mamy forms for homophobia. Adoption has been a big question and
fight for gay and lesbian couples for many years, one that is still being found
today. Questions of whether or not a gay or lesbian couple can properly raise a
healthy child, if the child s psychological development would be compromised, any
many other arguments have been proposed in disapproval of adoption for these
couples. Adoption is a tedious process for a heterosexual married couple and the
challenges and hoops needed to be jumped through to finalize the process can be
even more difficult for homosexual couples and single gay or lesbian individuals.
Gay and lesbian couples have faced many challenges through the course of time,
and adoption is just another part of that challenge. Just as it is legal for men and
women of the same sex to marry, so is adopting a child. However, there is great
prejudice over the issue and the power of opinion often stunts, and sometimes
terminates, the couples process and success of being able to adopt a child of their
own all because of the judges, biological parents, or spectators personal opinions. In
2004 the American Psychological Association declared the no difference theory that
states, no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual
orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide
supportive and healthy environments for their children, . Certain studies show a
difference in childhood development between children of same sex marriage and
biological parents, but none that deem gay or
Summary Of If Hitler Asked You
After reading If Hitler asked you I was astonished to read that the experiment where
participants electrocuted an individual was intense. I can t even imagine being
asked to inflict that kind of intense pain to another human. I understand that
everyone can state that in the beginning and over time their moral compass may
change. Meyer realized that many of his participants were able to inflict even the
more severe voltages past 15 volts like 435 and 450. I found it interesting the
difference between the Yale students and Bridgeport because Yale students were
more obedient. Was it because of how they were raised not to question authority like
The U.S upper class stated or was because of their moral compasses? Also, I thought
it was interesting
Credit Card Debt Essay
Analysis of Credit Card Debt
George Kennedy
Argosy University online
General Education Mathematics
MAT109 A01
Instructor: Sohrab Bakhtyari
January 25, 2013
Analysis of Credit Card Debt 1. My Introduction with a credit card balance of
$5,270.00 and an (APR) of 15.53 percent based upon my own conclusions and
assuming there are no other fees are applied. In my report I took my balance of
$5,270 x 15.53%= $818.431. The Maximum monthly payment would be
$5,270.00+818.43= $6,088.43. Took get this I take the balance + total interest = Total
balance. So to get the minimum monthly payment take $6,088.43/12=$508.00
minimum monthly payment. 1. The amount of interest $818.43 the amount of ... Show
more content on ...
The chart above shows my credit card balance and it also shows my minimum
payment and the years it would take to pay off my balance. To show how I got my
estimated total my credit card interest rate is 29.99%. I took my total balance of
$1,786.00 x 29.99%= $463.00 is my total interest. So in about 7 total years 2322.00
x 463.00= 2785.00 total balance should be paid off. 5. The advice I can give
concerning the use of credit cards and the fees they charge would you provide to a
young adult planning on getting a credit card I would tell them that credit cards is
good to have for emergencies (ask ville2013). Most teens manage to get through
those years without permanent damage. If they don t, it is generally because of
three things: addiction to tobacco, substance abuse or alcoholism and misuse of
credit cards (ask ville2013). In my conclusion many credit card companies are
targeting the consumers with not so good credit and offering their rates so high that
it will take those years to pay the balance off. Consumers should only use credit
cards for emergency purposes only. Also consumers should also think about paying
off the interest off early as possible. For routine purchases you can use a debit card,
which draws money directly out of your checking account. When there is no more
money, the card stops working.
Case Study week 4
Case Study:
Southwestern University: F The recent success of Southwestern University s
football program is causing SWU s president, Joel Wisner, more problems than he
faced during the team s losing era in the early 1990s. For one thing, increasing
game day attendance is squeezing the town of Stephenville, Texas and the campus.
Complaints are arising over parking, seating, concession prices, and even a shortage
of programs at some games. Dr. Wisner, once again, turns to his stadium manager,
Hank Maddux. This time, he needs a guaranteed revenue stream to help fuel the
stadium expansion. One source of income could easily be the high profit game
programs. Selling for $6 each, programs are a tricky business. Under substantial
pressure from ... Show more content on ...
And two of every three people buy a program. In addition to the programs, Maddux
must purchase the inserts for each game. The inserts have information about the
opposing team, photos of the expected starters, and recent game statistics. The
purchasing issue is the same for inserts, except inserts will be purchased separately
for each game and are a total loss after the game. The carrying cost, because inserts
are to be delivered just as they are needed, should be nominal; he estimates 5%. The
other costs and the same discount schedule apply, but the inserts only cost half as
much because they are much smaller. First Printing will give the same 10%
discount on the inserts. Givens: Annual demand is 300,000 (60,000 per game times
5 games) Set up cost for programs is $1,000.00 Holding cost is 40%
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. With whom should Maddux place the order for the
programs, and how many should he order each time? 2. With whom should Maddux
place the order for the inserts, and how many should he order each time? 3. What is
Maddux s total cost for programs with inserts for the season? 4. What other program
management opportunities might Maddux pursue?
1. With whom should Maddux place the order for the programs and how many
should he order each time?
D = 60000 * 5 * 2/3
= 200000
H = 0.5 * unit price
S quality printing = 100
S first printing = 100 + .9*(200) = 280
For quality printing
Q = в€
љ2DS / IP
Q1 = в€
љ2(200000)(100) / 0.5*5 = 4000
Taking a Look at High School Cliques
In high school surviving is the hardest things to do, when anyone first come there.
The best thing to do is finding a clique of people and join them. Finding different
cliques are not that hard, but knowing who they are and adapting the environment is
one of the hardest thing to do in high school. Finding a wrong cliquecan lead anyone
straight down to a life of hell or worse. Students who entering high schoolcan identify
the types of cliques of student are in, and join up with whatever cliques that their find
is good for them.
For students who beginning to enter high school, they can identify the different
types of cliques there are in the school. There are five different cliques, which are
jocks, nerds, popular, artist, and the bad kids. Jocks are a bunch of kids who acts
as if they are better than everyone else. The jocks wear jersey; while, they spend
most of the time in the gym. The second clique are the nerds, whom are quiet to
them and loud while they are in their groups. They dress in oddly fashion and they
mostly sit in front of the classroom. The third clique are the popular kids tend to be
loud and obnoxious, whom they think they are cooler and beautiful than everyone
else. The clothes they wear are mostly expensive clothe like Hollister, A F, and other
popular brand clothing name. The way they talk is about how other people look and
how they look. The forth clique are the artists, whom are quiet, where they dress in
black color and sometimes weird color. The
Why Do Doctors Make The Best Criminals
I believe Holmes in every way, and I think you should too. One because they have
knowledge. Two doctors are perfectionists. Lastly they know many medications
and poisons. That s why I think doctors make the best criminals. First, doctors have
knowledge. The knowledge that doctors have is a advantage because they know
what they can give to people to make certain things happen to them. Doctors can
use weapons to there advantage to hit vital areas. Also doctors know a lot about
different drugs. I would like to add that doctors can make a drug that wont be able
to be traced and they would have free access to the drugs needed. Second, doctors are
perfectionists. Doctors are used to making perfect incisions and making no mistakes.
And they follow
Wal Mart Stores, Inc. Essay
Company Overview: Wal Mart Stores, Inc. is an American multinational retail
corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores and
grocery stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, the company was founded
by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. As of September 30,
2016, Walmart has 11,573 stores and clubs in 28 countries, under a total of 63
banners. At a glance, Walmart is one of the leading retail companies in the world;
based in the U.S., it has more than 2 million employees in 9,750 retail units under
60 banners in 28 countries. Wal Mart operates more than 5,300 stores, including
about 4,570 Wal Mart stores and 655 Sam s Club warehouses, and a growing
number of smaller format stores. The company s faster growing international
division (26% of sales) numbers more than 6,100 locations; Wal Mart is the #1
retailer in Canada and Mexico and has operations in Asia (where it owns a 95%
stake in Japanese retailer SEIYU), Africa, Europe, and Latin America. At the
beginning of 2016, Walmart closed nearly 269 stores around the world, costing the
company 1 billion dollars in the process. This shift was due to their financial
performance in a move to focus more on supercenters and e commerce. There will
be closures in 154 locations within the United States and include all 102 of Walmart
s Express format stores, 115 stores in Latin American markets as well as some
supercenters and Sam s Club stores. It has been seen in the
How Did Rousseau Influence The French Revolution
Rousseau was a man of great things, that led to a point in history which would
change the way society worked forever. He was one of the most influential thinkers
during the Enlightenment, which helped the people gain more independence and
knowledge. Through his works he was able to influence other greats of their time
like, Immanueal Kant which helped branch his ideas into the French Revolution. His
main standpoint, was that government should be ruled based on the people. He was
a strong believer that the people had all the power, if they knew how to gain it. His
overall arching goals were, modern political, educational, and sociological thought.
His ideas helped unlock the way the people did things, and how government was run.
In return,... Show more content on ...
It is a major turning point in European history and modern politics. His goal was to
make a better political system. He believed that the Social Contract would make
men equal and free; and protected their liberty. It can also be assumed, that his
work greatly influenced Napoleon. Napoleon s impact was focused on equality,
liberty, and fraternity which all three greatly evolved from Rousseau s work.
Napoleon receiving and furthering Rousseau s work, helped support the evidence
that he in fact did change the way history will forever be. Both men being of the
utter most importance that they are, it is apparent that the social contract indeed
did help evolve political and sociological beliefs. Rousseau believed that the most
troubling problem, was he didn t believe there was one person who could fulfill the
role of leading their country, with these goals in mind. His ideas had a less
developed socialism impact. He stated, In order to become free, every individual
must give up all his rights to the entire community, creating the same conditions for
all and thus equality. However, Rousseau was a paradox. He contradicted himself,
and may have confused his audience on what he was trying to persuade. He stated,
Finally, each man, in giving himself to all, gives himself to nobody. ; which
completely went against everything else he stated in his Social
Maynard Jackson Biography Essay
Do you know about the civil rights act? Do you know who was the first black
mayor of a southern city?There s a lot civil rights act people.Maynard Jackson was
one of the main civil rights leaders.His early life, education, Awards and recognitions
are very important. He has made some big improvements and impacts on the world s
history. For example, he was Atlanta s first African American
Maynard Jackson was born on March 23,1938 in Dallas, Texas where his father was
a minister. The family moved to Atlanta in 1945, when his father took the pastorship
at Friendship Baptist Church.Maynard Jr. s roots ran very deep in Atlanta.His mother
was a professor of French at Spelman College.In 1959 his mother became the first
African American ... Show more content on ...
1975; named to the 100 most successful blacks list by Ebony. 1976; Jackson
Securities Inc. ranked second on Black Enterprise magazine s list of Top 100
Black investment banks, 1998.In the 1973 election, Jackson received 46.6 percent
of the vote against Massell s 19.8 percent. In the runoff campaign, Jackson stressed
his own desire to unite blacks and whites in Atlanta. Maynard Jackson was Atlanta s
first African American mayor; he served two consecutive terms (1974 1978; 1978
1982) and was elected for a third term in 1990. Jackson is best known for improving
opportunities for African Americans to do business with the City of Atlanta,
especially in the expansion of Hartsfield Airport which has been renamed Hartsfield
Jackson Airport.
His main impact on the civil rights movement was becoming the first african
american mayor of a mayjor southern city.Elected mayor in 1973, Maynard Jackson
worked to reduce unemployment and utilize affirmative action policies to improve
the socioeconomic status of Atlanta s black communities. Maynard Jackson was
very important in the civil rights act. He helped out all of blacks in the days.He also
known for mayor of a major southern city. The first black to become a mayor ever
during the civil
Stress And Oxidative Stress
Aerobic organisms need molecular oxygen (O2) for respiration or oxidation of
nutrients to obtain energy. There are some reactive by products of cellular
respiration, derived from molecular oxygen, that are generated continuously in cells
grown aerobically, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) superoxide anion radical (O2
), and the highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (OH).These reactive oxygenspecies (ROS)
are essential for various functions such as homeostasis and cell signaling but an
imbalance in favor of reactive oxygen species results in oxidative stress (OS)
(Kashmiri et al.,2014). Oxidative stress (OS) result in interference in the functioning
of biological systems that maintain levels of environmentally produced reactive
oxygen species (ROS), by readily detecting and detoxifying them (Lucana et al.,
2012). Living organisms have adopted mechanisms to protect themselves against
oxidative stress, by producing enzymes such as catalase and superoxide dismutase,
small proteins like thioredoxin and glutaredoxin, and molecules such as glutathione (
Cabiscol et al.,1999). Metallo enzymes such as superoxide dismutases are the
primary antioxidant enzymes that protect cells from oxidative damage of superoxide
radicals, by catalyzing dismutation of superoxide (O2 ) to hydrogen peroxideand
oxygen. Superoxide dismutases, as name suggests dismutes superoxide. Dismutation
reaction is that in which two equal but opposite reactions occur on two separate
molecules. SOD takes two
Cjhs400 R1 Individual Case Studies Essay
University of Phoenix Material
Individual Case Studies
Case One: Violet
Violet is a 20 year old woman with a history of difficult relationships. She was in
foster care from 12 to 18 years old. She attended a career college and is employed
as a dental assistant. This is her first real job. She was referred to you after a patient
at her dental office had a stalking complaint. She apparently began dating a young
man (John) after meeting him at the dentist s office.
When she arrives for her appointment with you, she is dressed provocatively in a
low cut blouse and tight pants. She has heavy eye makeup on and seems to be very
needy, becoming tearful several times during the session.
At the start of the interview, she states that this ... Show more content on ...
They met for dinner, and she ended up going to his apartment where they had sex.
She reports that they saw each other every day for about 3 weeks, which often
ended in sex. She states that he said he needed more space and asked that they not
see each other any more. She then reported trying to get him back and calling him
up to 20 times a day. He asked for a restraining order and phoned the dentist s office
asking for a referral to another dentist he no longer felt comfortable coming into that
office. Violet has had five other restraining orders in the past.
Case Two: Max
You are completing your graduate work at a local university by participating in an
internship at a private mental health clinic. As a part of your internship, you were
asked to cofacilitate a group for men and women with relationship difficulties.
While cofacilitating the group, you meet Max, who was court ordered to participate
as a result of allegations of assault. After a careful review, you find that he has six
past charges of assault. Max is an attractive man in his mid thirties. He is charming
with both the males and female in the group. Although it is clear that he does not feel
he should be in the group, you find that he adds dimension to it.
After some time, Max discloses that he has been involved in multiple sexual
relationships and says he can get in any woman s pants. He also brags that he is
smarter than anyone in the group, regardless of the fact that one person has a PhD in
Pathophysiology Of Hypertension
2.Etiology and Pathophysiology of Hypertension with Rationale:
The etiology (cause of disease/disorder) of hypertension (high blood pressure) is
unknown. However there are numerous factors and conditions that contribute to the
development of high blood pressure. These factors and conditions include, but are not
limited to: smoking, obesity, old age, sleep apnea (definition to follow), a high
sodium (salt) diet, or a lack of exercise/physical activity. Although smoking has not
been definitively proven to cause hypertension, it does have a lasting effect. Every
time someone smokes a cigarette, their blood pressure temporarily increases. This
even lasts a few minutes after you have finished. Another factor, obesity (body mass
index higher than ... Show more content on ...
This is done by placing an inflatable cuff around the upper arm and is measured on
the pressure measuring gauge. There are two numbers read when taking a blood
pressure and it is usually given in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). The first, top
number is the systolic pressure. It measures the pressure in your arteries when
your heart beats. The second, bottom number is the diastolic pressure. It measures
the pressure in your arteries between beats. There are four categories that a blood
pressure measurement falls under. The first is normal blood pressure which
means the reading is below 120/80 mm Hg. The second category is
prehypertension. In this category, the systolic pressure ranges from 120 to 139
mm Hg or the diastolic pressure ranges from 80 to 89 mm Hg. The next category is
stage 1 hypertension. Within this category the systolic pressure ranges from 140
to 159 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure ranging from 90 to 99 mm Hg. The fourth and
final category is stage 2 hypertension. This is the most severe of the four categories
of hypertension. The systolic pressure can be from 160 mm Hg or higher or a
diastolic pressure of 100 mm Hg or higher during stage 2 hypertension. Another test
that a doctor could perform is a 24 hour blood pressure monitoring test. This is
called ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The device used provides a more
accurate blood pressure reading over
Causing Harm With Trade Embargos And Sanctions
Causing Harm With Trade Embargos and Sanctions
Trade embargos have tremendous consequences for countries that are being
embargoed. The embargos not only affect the country that are being embargoed, but
the effect bleed over the borders to the surrounding countries. The list of countries
that have been sanctioned by the United Nations included Russia, North Cyprus, and
Cuba. United Nations sanctions that target countries affect the economy, the
morale, and encourages criminal activities to obtain goods. The majority of good
hearted citizens would be appalled if they were walking down a street and saw a
dog tied up in a yard looking like it hadn t eaten for a week. These citizens would
take a minute retrieve their phone and call the Humane Society to report this cruel
treatment of this poor dog. As doctor C. M. Tiplada, D. B. Walsh, and C. J. C.
Phillips wrote in their journal article, Public outrage after undercover footage of
animal cruelty is screened has been reported in a range of countries, such as USA,
Canada, and the UK (636). Who do the citizen call when they are being treated like
the dog and the owner of the dog is the United Nations? This is how people around
the world are being treated each and every day when their country has an embargo
imposed on the resources that are able to enter and exit their country. These embargos
create personnel harm to the citizens of the country at the expense of political
The United Nations has a greater
The Challenges Of The Sukuk Industry
2.3.5 Challenges in the Sukuk Industry There are challenges in the Malaysian sukuk
market. An important component for the growth of Islamic capital markets is the
conception of a secondary selling platform for the capital market instruments. This
will supply investors with flexibility in supervising their liquidity requirements. The
creation of a continuous supply of Islamic papers and instruments need to advertise
them greater depth in the market. There also necessarily to be greater diversity in the
type and maturity of the sukuk in the market for Islamic financial institutions and
portfolio managers to supervise their funds effectively. The Malaysian government
regularly issues sukuk with different maturities in order to produce a benchmark
yield curve. Another challenge to the growth of the market cares pricing issues. For
the Islamic security to be efficiently priced and believable, further initiatives need to
be undertaken to originate its own indicator. It would then fluctuate depending on the
demand and supply for that property. It will then give a true reflection of the price of
the underlying asset (Aziz, 2007).... Show more content on ...
With regard to sukuk development, the asset securitisation law in Indonesia is not in
line with Shari ah dictates, as the draft of the asset securitisation law clearly states
that securitisation can only be structured through debt. Meanwhile, Malaysia, which
is the most active Islamic capital market, has robust regulatory standards as framed by
the Securities Commission
Hip Replacement Research Paper
Over three hundred thousand hip replacements were performed in 2010. A two
hundred percent increase from 2000. The number of replacements has continued to
grow as recovery from the surgery has become much faster. Although recovery time
has decreased, patients are still at risk of infection from their bodies rejecting the
metal replacement hip. Infection from the bodies reaction to the metal hip will soon
become a problem of the past as researchers have begun making replacement hips out
of bone like material infused with antibiotics. These new replacements will allow the
body to heal with the new structure instead of fighting the foreign material. Patients
will recover even faster with less chance of infection. Each patient s hip will be
custom made to model the patient s bone with a new technique called Fused Filament
Fabrication... Show more content on ...
The SM process is the complete opposite of AM. During SM, a machine cuts material
layer by layer, leaving the desired shape. The SM machine has three basic
components, which are a movable head, a bit to cut, and the material. To visualize
the subtractive manufacturing (SM) process, imagine making a model car from a
stick of butter. Your hands act as the machines head positioning the butter knife in
your hand, which acts as the bit, to make precise cuts into the butter. You continue to
follow the cutting instructions given to you and what started as a block is now a
model car. That s how SM works. Because of SM s extensive use, a standard
symbolic language known as Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD T) has
been developed to ensure manufacturers can fully understand designer s designs. GD
T standards for SM specify geometry, material, tolerances, surface finish, design intent
and acceptable variations in geometry. These standards ensure manufacturers produce
products that meet the designers
Essay On Gaming Trends
Which Gaming Trends Will Change the Future of Gaming?
Gaming is becoming mainstream and it s generating a lot of buzz. It s not just that
we like to spend more time playing games, gaming itself is becoming increasingly
lucrative and competitive. This kind of rise in popularity is bound to mean one thing:
changes in the industry. New gaming trends are popping up and they will change the
future of gaming once more. What to expect?
Improvement and increase in augmented reality
PokГ©mon Go was certainly a huge phenomenon. To some it was a much needed
sign that augmented reality might become an actual gaming trend. It is quite
interesting that since it became a hit not many other titles have dropped. Therefore,
predicting augmented reality as ... Show more content on ...
Collaborative gaming goes physical
This quest for more collaboration is a big trend in the gaming industry in general.
Although multi player games have always been a big thing and with the rise of e
sports is going to be even bigger, the contemporary trend points towards a more
physical experience. With virtual and augmented reality, gaming has moved away
from just sitting at your desk to a physical activity. It s, therefore, not a huge surprise
to find out that these physical games are looking to incorporate collaboration.
In the future, you might need to put your bodies on the line in order to win a game
with friends. You could even be able to provide physical feelings and emotions to
other people through gaming. The possibilities are endless, although the trend needs
some careful consideration in terms of accessibility will everyone be able to take
part in a highly physical gameplay?
The rise of specialized gaming stores
Gamers are a smart bunch of people. They know where and when to shop for their
games. However, the selection is so huge that specialization in the gaming world is
bound to happen in terms of stores. If you look at Steam, nearly 40% of the games
in the platform never get played. Therefore, new ways of shopping for games will
appear, focusing on things such as Indie gaming.
For the gamer, this can mean savings. Tighter competition of the games and

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A Rainy Day Essay

  • 1. A Rainy Day Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of a rainy day may initially seem deceptively simple, given the familiarity of the subject. However, delving deeper into the task reveals a set of challenges that writers may find surprisingly intricate. Firstly, conveying the sensory experience of a rainy day requires a keen ability to evoke emotions through words. Describing the sound of raindrops tapping on windows, the earthy scent of wet soil, and the soothing ambiance can be challenging. Striking the right balance between vivid imagery and avoiding clichГ©s is a fine line to tread. Furthermore, maintaining a coherent structure poses its own set of difficulties. A rainy day essay might tempt writers to wander into unrelated tangents or risk becoming overly repetitive. It demands a disciplined approach to ensure that each paragraph seamlessly transitions into the next, contributing to a cohesive narrative. The challenge intensifies when trying to infuse personal perspectives or unique insights into a seemingly common topic. It requires creativity to present a rainy day in a way that stands out from countless other essays on the same theme. The task involves finding a fresh angle or sharing personal anecdotes that resonate with readers. Moreover, managing the tone becomes crucial. While the topic may lend itself to a reflective or nostalgic tone, maintaining a balance between sentimentality and objectivity is essential. Striking this equilibrium can be tricky, as too much sentimentality may risk alienating certain readers while excessive objectivity may result in a lack of emotional connection. In conclusion, writing an essay on a rainy day involves navigating through the complexities of sensory description, structural coherence, uniqueness, and tonal balance. What initially appears as a straightforward task unfolds into a nuanced exercise that demands thoughtful consideration and creative finesse. If you find such tasks challenging, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and a variety of academic writing services can be explored on platforms like, where professional writers provide support tailored to your specific needs. A Rainy Day Essay A Rainy Day Essay
  • 2. The Most Popular Teams Hail From The Northwest The Sounders played the timbers for the first time on may 2nd, 1975, a 1 0 victory for the sounders that would start the most heated and bitter rivalry in all of American soccer. The Seattle sounders, the larger team from the larger city averages an average 43,000 in attendance for the home games, a continent high and a respectable amount even in europe s most prestigious leagues. Compared to portlands smaller 20,000 average in a smaller venues and a more modest market. The fact that two of the MLS s most popular teams hail from the northwest is no surprise as soccer is more popular here than anywhere else in the US. Aside from popularity the Timbers and Sounders have the success to match, both relatively new teams to the mls, the... Show more content on ... But this strays from why they dislike each other, it about who is better, more about who is the best in the northwest. The Seattle sounders have huge infrastructure for the expression of their fans, from huge tifo s created by ECS to mock the timbers, to the march to the match closing down some downtown seattle streets just to show that the fans are willing and able to. When your team can average more fans than Chelsea, the premier league s reigning champion, you have something to be proud of. The Timbers would argue so what, you have more people, but the atmosphere in our city is something you could never match. At any home timbers game you can hear the constant chanting and the green smoke and streamers exploding from the timbers army section. They would say that no fans are as dedicated as theirs. One way the two fanbases each compete off the pitch is in Tifo s, these are huge hand painted images on canvas by the supporters for each game. They will mostly contain some form of taunting to the other team, Seattle and Portland are two of the only teams in the MLS who create these because of the fan man hours and effort they take to create. The seattle Sounders main fan group is the ECS, the emerald city supporters, based in bars around seattle and has membership in the high hundreds, taking up most of the south lower stand they are known for their loud chants and the atmosphere they create in Centurylink Stadium
  • 3. Examples Of Identity Theft Identify Theft Introduction I.Attention Grabber Research has shown that identity theft has become the fastest evolving crime according to the Ou Police Department Website. There were over nine million Americans on average that have had their identity stolen each and every year. II.Thesis According to the websites says that Identity theft has become a very common crime in today s society, but there are many ways to avoid identity theft by understanding what it is, how it happens, and what you can do to prevent it. Body I.What is Identity Theft? A.When an unauthorized person gains access to: 1.Your full name 2.Your social security number 3.Birthday 4.Driver s license/phone number/ mailing address 5.Credit card information
  • 4. What Does It Mean To Be Intelligent There are several ways to define what it means to be intelligent. Some people may define being intelligent by excelling in academics. While others may feel like they are intelligent because they know a lot of information. Being intelligent does not require you to have a high GPA nor does it center itself around how many books you read. You do no have to have to receive a college degree to be intelligent. It could just come from a skill you have. I think that being intelligent comes from helping people. If you are willing to help people and receive no reward, then you must be intelligent. What better way is there to be intelligent than to know you have helped someone become better at something or when no one else would? I will show you how helping... Show more content on ... Devin is a manager at Domino s pizza. He hires new employees all of the time. One day, a new trainee was very nervous. He could not seem to do anything right, not even fold a box. Devin asked the trainee to speak with him in the office and tried to figure out the problem. The problem became very clear after talking, he was nervous because it was his first job. Devin got to know him better, and walked him around the store and introduced him to everyone. He also stood right next to him to teach him, and make sure everything was right, which another manager had failed to do with the trainee. Devin understood how nervous he was because Dominos was his first job as well, and he knew what it felt like to not want to mess anything up. After having hands on experience with Devin the trainee was more comfortable and able to do things on his own. Devin helped him overcome his fear of the new job. He has made a long term employee because the boy who once was a trainee is now training to become a manager himself. Devin is a bright
  • 5. Maggi Case Study Introduction: #MaggiInASoup For nearly three decades, Nestle s Maggi noodles was the ultimate success story: an unlikely product embraced wholeheartedly by a difficult market. Over the last few weeks, it s become a case study of an entirely different sort a textbook example of how not to handle a crisis. According to the World Instant Noodles Association, India consumed 5,340 million cups or bags of instant noodles through 2014. It counts among the fastest growing markets in the world for the snack, having almost doubled in size since 2010 when it accounted for 2,940 million units. Maggi is estimated to have a 70 per cent share of the market, and contributes nearly 30 per cent to Nestle s Rs 9000 crore annual turnover. While starting off life ... Show more content on ... Where did it go wrong? A common complaint is how clinical Nestle s reaction has been. While the brand ambassadors are obviously scared of talking given the possibility of being dragged into a legal imbroglio, there s literally no face to the campaign at the time of going to print. Sourav Ray, chief strategy officer, Havas observes, I would have expected the leadership team to have come out and taken ownership of this problem. Communication strategy of Nestle was quite ineffective in the wake of the disaster as the authorities and the Headquarters took a long time in responding to the claims of Nestle being pulled off the shelves. If the strategy would have been clear the media fiasco Nestle got embroiled into could have been easily avoided. Recommendations Nestle should take cue from Cadbury and cola giants who have had troubles of their own in the Indian market but with clear communication strategy were able to get themselves back on their feet and their cases may still remain only for academic
  • 6. Burning The American Flag Research Paper Is burning the American flag freedoms for speech? The Supreme Court says that burning the American flag is a form of expression that s protected by the first amendment. Flag burning is something that needed to be protected. Congress passed the Flag Protection Act in 1989 that stated anyone who knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or templates upon a United States flag can be prosecuted. The Boston Tea Party carried a message and no one expected that act of civil disobedience was protected by free speech. Burning the American Flag is wrong no matter who burns it, it is wrong to do so. You wouldn t want no one burning your flag so I believe it s not okay to burn any flag at all and it shouldn t... Show more content on ... Many people believe it is a threat given to the people especially the White House and therefore they put up there guards and start taking things seriously. Not long ago was it when Madonna gave out a speech and that speech said how angry she was and how she did have an argue to burn up the White House. People saw it as a threat and now it s all over the news is she should be put in jail for that threat. It is free speech to say things like that but also a threat and it is not okay because it may actually happen. For anyone who makes a comment like that about doing something to the White House or the president it is taken as a threat and they will eventually do something about it so nothing will actually happen as what was said. For example, not long ago before trump became president he was saying so many racist things to the Mexicans and someone who threaten trump was el chapo guzman a Mexican drug dealer who was triggered about trumps racists comments. Ever since trump said those things el chapo tweeted something about trump better watch out because I m coming for you. When that happened trump got security guards on him because of everything that happened and of course he was scared. When people hear threats like those they do become more aware of
  • 7. Anglo Saxon England 4. Vikings in Anglo Saxon England Scandinavian influence The process of Christianization and Latin influx was interrupted at the end of the eight century (787) when the Vikings (Norwegian and Dane tribes) began their ravages over Anglo Saxon England, sacking monasteries like Lindisfarne and Jarrow (793 794). By the ninth century, churches and monasteries in Northumbria and Mercia lay in ruins while settlements in all parts of the country had been plundered and northern towns, such as York in 867, captured. Anglo Saxon kingdoms were finally overturned while the Vikings established their own kingdom in the northeast of England(the Danelaw). Under King Alfred s rule of Wessex (871 899) and despite several conflicts, the Danish were contained in such area. In turn, the Danish king had to convert to Christianism, although the moral fibre of the church was seriously disrupted (Baugh (2005:79). Then Alfred s descendants, Edward the Elder (900 925) and Athelstan (925 939), extended their authority throughout England Athelstan s triumph in 937 in Brunanburh was crucial, which is recorded in an Old Englishpoem with the same name. However, invasions were repeated at the end of the tenth century along the southeast coast, led by the Norwegian and Danish kings, Olaf and Svein respectively, who attacked London. Svein made himself king, sending the English king Г†thelred the Unready into exile in Normandy. England was hence ruled by Danish kings from 1014 to 1017, when the Danish
  • 8. Statement of Purpose for the Occupation of... Obstetricians/Gynecologists and firefighters are occupations crucial to the United States because they offer safety and medical assistance to the citizens. Both careers require the ability to work in stressful situations and have medical knowledge. The jobs also consist of long work shifts. These qualities grab my attention due to the fact that I like to work with others, enjoy managing people, and respond well to high stress situations. I am willing to take risks and I describe myself as ambitious and energetic. Also, verbal and communication skills come naturally to me. One major difference between an OB/GYN and firefighter is the typical work shift. Firefighters have a set shift at a firehouse where they get called out to emergencies. OB/GYNs work at a hospital or physicians office and work twelve hour shifts but go home and get calls or pages saying they need to return. Being a firefighter also requires a large amount of physical fitness. While I would love to be in excellent physical shape, firefighting is too physical for my body. In addition, I believe it would be easier for me to endure the day to day requirements of an OB/GYN. Even though firefighters and OB/GYNs share many similar qualities, I would prefer to become an OB/GYN due to its daily tasks and lack of physical requirements. When it comes to job description, firefighters and OB/GYNs share some similar qualities with many differences. A firefighter responds to and controls building and or wildfires. This is
  • 9. The Future Of The Ncaa Seth M. Marshall Professor Kristen Bradley English 1010 9 November 2015 The Future of the NCAA College athletic programs are among the most popular sporting events in America. With this rise in popularity, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and its colleges have also seen a rise in revenue in recent years. In 2014, the NCAA made over 900 million dollars in revenue. Some collegiate coaches, such as Kentucky s John Calipari, have yearly salaries in the millions, not counting incentives and endorsement deals. While, clearly, money is being made, NCAA regulations ban collegiate athletes from being paid. Many question this rule and argue that athletes at the college level earn and deserve pay for play. The debate to pay or not to pay college athletes rages on despite the latest court ruling supporting NCAA policies. Because colleges and universities earn such a profit from sporting events, many fans feel it is only fair to distribute some of the wealth to the players. Supporters of paying student athletes feel that these young men and women should be fairly compensated for the time demanded of the athletes and the stress put on the athletes, physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. Those in favor of paying college athletes contend that athletic and academic work ethic at both high school and collegiate levels will improve, as well as, fiscal responsibility in these young adults. The NCAA argues that paying athletes would negatively affect their
  • 10. Walter Camp s Book Of College Sports At the turn of the 20th century, sport grew in popularity and became a part of everyday life. Everyone was participating in sport. That included whites, blacks, lower class citizens, upper class citizens, and women. The playing field was a zone of fairness, where social class, race, nor gender were factors for success. Athletic ability and skill were the attributes necessary for victory. Sport served as a means for black Americans and women to rise in fame and power, two groups that were otherwise unlikely to achieve societal influence. Athletics ignored the color of the skin and the social class of the player, but the player did not. The upper class wanted to dissociate themselves from the lower class in athletics and the white aristocracy... Show more content on ... Following the Civil War, black Americans found success through athletics, which promoted racial segregation because white Americans felt threatened by the achievements and growing power of black Americans. White athletes used athletic clubs to prohibit black participation in sports in a similar way to how they segregated against lower class citizens. The Jockey Association was an example of these racially exclusive athletic clubs. It was a white only jockey club that was formed in response to Isaac Murphy s achievement in horse racing. Isaac Murphy was a talented black horse jockey who won forty four percent of his races, which was an inconceivable stat line for this craft. Murphy s most famous race pitted himself (riding Salvator) against a white jockey nicknamed, Snapper Garrison (riding Tenny) in 1890. The derby was commercialized as a race war black versus white. Murphy won the race and was at the height of his career because of it. White jockeys noticed his success and decided that they did not want to have to compete against the likes of Isaac Murphy, so they formed the Jockey Association. By 1902, 12 years after Murphy s win, black jockeys had been completely segregated out of the sport and became
  • 11. Lululemon Brand Image Whether you re at the gym or in class you re bound to see countless of girls wearing a pair of legging with a stylized A place in the lower center of their back. Lulu lemon is a yoga inspired technical athletic apparel company for women and men founded by Chip Wilson in Vancouver, Canada in 1998(Lulu Lemon, 2017). Lulu lemon has become a staple piece in many women closet, earning its position in the infamous basic bitch list. Lululemon started out as a small brand, but it has blown up in the last few months creating a huge cult following. According to USA Today Lulu Lemon are the third most productive retail stores in the US, only behind Apple and Tiffany Co. in 2012 ( USA Today, 2017). Many may question why are women all over the world... Show more content on ... It has taken the value that women and some men look for and have embedded them in their profile. It helps give consumers an identity that they are living their best lives by shopping at Lululemon. Not only buying its clothing also the symbol and value that are connected to it. It clearly obvious that they are marketing to females audience. The company has done a great job in tailoring to many woman needs and taste. Despite, they do still have a long way in developing their brand image, but they are off to a great job. Lululemon is an ever growing business and one day may be seen as a household name like Nike. Where they need to improve is opening up their branding to a bigger audience, not just women but men too. They need to stray away from this basic bitch sterotype. Their posting at the moment take on a very feminine tone, which can be a turn off to man who are much more responsive to a more robust and energetic tone; Lulu lemon can expand their brand image to include man, it will not only boost up their profit but also, create a global brand that people will take into consideration. In fact, Lulu s posts go far beyond consumers focus.It aim support that building the brand is more important than just the brand itself. Lulu s marketing has worked well on targeting youth and old females. It makes it brand
  • 12. Turner Broadcasting Essay Discussion of Turner Broadcasting Turner Broadcasting System is a division of Time Warner that creates, licenses and broadcasts entertainment, sports, new, and children s programming in over 200 countries. Many of Turner s brands are recognizable household stations including CNN, TNT, TBS, Cartoon Network and many more. Known as a media conglomerate because of its ownership of various subsidiary mass mediaentities, Time Warner competes with some of the largest companies in the World. The six major players in the media industry are all listed in the Fortune 500 , with the top companies being Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, and 21st Century Fox. Broadcasting stations and media content creators have three major revenue streams. Advertisements ... Show more content on ... The provision of entertainment can be done in many different ways, and each company has their own unique method of doing so. Turner Broadcasting has historically lacked innovation in the growing marketplace. They have had an adaptive growth strategy through delayed acquisitions, including historical acquisitions of Court TV and Legacy Film Properties and more recent acquisitions of Bleacher Report and iStreamPlanet. When John Martin took over as the CEO of Turner, however, he introduced a change in strategy called Turner 2020 . Turner is now focusing on being the front runner and pioneer of innovative concepts. This begins with a consumer centric strategy focusing on content creation and the increased investment in internal projects. Additionally, Turner is working to keep audiences engaged and bring (along) new viewers while driving change in the industry. The resulting ownership, from Turner 2020, of innovative technology as well as creative intellectual property, generates various revenue creation streams. Turner has not eliminated the capability of adaptation, however, is creating an overwhelming focus on modernization. Shifting the focus of the company from adaptive to innovative will ideally guide Turner s growth in the
  • 13. Who Is Oskar Schindler A Hero Standing in front of his people, the SchindlerJuden , Oskar Schindler gave a heartfelt farewell as a Russian armada pushes towards them. A man who saved hundreds, Oskar Schindler, was a man of business he was a man of money, but even men of money can have a change of heart. Schindler went from enemy spy to savior and that s why to me he is an awe inspiring hero because he was seen as a human he made many mistakes but in the end, he saved many Jewish people. Schindler was born April 28, 1908, in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria Hungary (now Svitavy, Czech Republic). His father s name was Hans Schindler, he was a farm equipment manufacturer and Louisa Schindler was the homemaker. Schindler home life was rough his father was a heavy drinker and a womanizer.... Show more content on ... He preferred to take his chances with the approaching U.S. forces instead. A couple of days later, the twelve hundred or so Schindlerjuden ( Shindler s Jews ) were freed by a lone Russian officer who rode up to the factory on horseback.Schindler s life after the war was similar to that before the war, which was marked by a string of failed business ventures, overspending, plenty of drinking, and love affairs. In 1949, Schindler moved to Argentina and purchased a farm. By 1957, however, Schindler had gone bankrupt and was relying on the charity of the Jewish organization B nai B rith to survive. Schindler abandoned his wife and returned to West Germany. He started a cement business in Frankfurt, Germany, but it failed in 1961. From then on, he lived mostly off funds provided by the Schindlerjuden as well as a small pension.The same year Schindler lost his cement business, he was invited to visit Israel for the first time. Many of his countrymen were angry with him for saving Jews and testifying in court against Nazi war criminals. Every spring for the rest of his life, he returned to Israel for several weeks to bask in the admiration of the Schindlerjuden and their offspring, whom he regarded with great affection as his own family. Shortly after Schindler s fifty fourth birthday in 1962, he was officially declared a Righteous Gentile (non Jew) and invited to plant a tree on the Avenue of the Righteous leading up to Jerusalem s Yad Vashem Museum. Upon his death from heart and liver problems in 1974, he was granted his request to be buried in Israel. About five hundred Schindlerjuden attended his funeral and watched as his body was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Schindler s life was turned into a movie based off the book Schindler s List also called Schindler s
  • 14. What Are The Negative Effects Of Chemotherapy Related... The Negative Effects of Chemotherapy Related Diarrhoea on Systems Homeostasis Important information for new physiologists working with CRD affected patients Patients suffering from chemotherapy related diarrhoea (CRD) will face a multitude of social and physiological challenges, and it s important to understand that the chronic nature of CRD is the basis for most of them. Within hours of the onset of symptoms, isotonic dehydration will rapidly lead to hypovolemia and consequently; tachycardia, hypertension, delayed capillary refill and slightly reduced blood flow to the brain. In these early stages of dehydration and mild hypovolemic shock the body, while not performing optimally, is within its homeostatic limits and is not susceptible ... Show more content on ... The chronic increased stress on the cardiovascular system imparted by the action of these homeostatic regulators, drastically increases risk of ischaemic heart disease later in life and forms some of the basis for the pathophysiology of other major systems. If fluid losses become too severe and electrolytic imbalance cannot be remedied by the release of aldosterone, cerebral oedema and death can result. In less severe but chronic dehydration, the large water content of the brain is tapped into for use in more vital physiological processes, and as a consequence the hydrolysis of ATP that is so important for maintaining brain activity is not as efficient. Over time grey matter in the brain shrinks and the decreased efficiency adds to the symptoms of memory impairment and lethargy. Even slightly impaired cognition and memory, headaches, lethargy and light headedness will take a significant toll on everyday life if the patient is considering returning to work or study. Especially in Australia where summer temperatures regularly rise above 38В°C and a significant proportion of the working population is made up of manual labourers, it s important to note that the bodies main cooling system can shut down in very severe dehydration. This presents as inactivity of eccrine sweat glands and in serious heat waves the reduced fluid volume and inability to reduce core temperature causes a huge number of homeostatic problems. Notably, as hyperthermia
  • 15. Pyrmont Action Plan Research Action Plan By Emma Brading PART A: Pyrmont is a bustling neighborhood with great restaurants, cafes, parks and beautiful gardens. The local government area is located in the City of Sydney and is an important part of the Darling Harbour region. Housing in Pyrmont is identified by high density apartments, industrial high rise buildings, affordable housing and heritage cottages. Pyrmont has a land area of 27km per hectare (City Of Sydney, 2014) with approximately 124 people living per hectare, showing evidence of urban consolidation and a large population in the city. The demographics of Pyrmont convey a multicultural and proficient civilization with the demographics conveying that only 39.5% residents are born in Australia (Australian ... Show more content on ... Limiting and changing the demographics that live in Pyrmont making it hard for middle classed families and middle classed workers to purchases houses within Pyrmont. Urban consolidation in Pyrmont will also increase the number of houses within Pyrmont therefore prevented the sizing of the houses. Families commonly look for housing with a backyard and area for their children to run around and play in, however urban consolidation in Pyrmont has made it very rare to find a house that contains a back garden constraining the buyers and residents living in Pyrmont to typically working class professionals, older couples or single wealthy men and women. The development of Pyrmont has also created speculation about the ethics of housing 547 (City West Housing Pty Ltd, 2013, page 1) affordable housing properties in one of the most expensive suburbs in Sydney. Although some of the tenant s families have lived in Pyrmont for generations some believe due to the redevelopment of Pyrmont, it is unethical to provide for 547 families when the housing could be relocated to outer Sydney and house more then double the affordable houses now. However his change in demographics will change the culture and society of Pyrmont creating a exclusive stigma
  • 16. The s Speech Of Archidamus It is remarkable how timeless the Speech of Archidamus is. One could easily imagine the Spartan King were speaking to a modern occupied territory, itching for a revolt. King Archidamus urges the Spartans to head caution when entering war with Athens. He has seen too many wars [pg 25, 80] The battles he has witnessed in his lifetime have swayed him of any naive fascination with war. He has learned that violence begets violence, so one should only enter a battle they are prepared to win. Archidamus explains that Athens is stronger in terms of wealth, military might and political power. If the Spartans take the offensive route under these circumstances, they will surely loose both in combat and in terms of public relations. [pg 26, 81] Furthermore, Archidamus explains later that Athens had agreed to mediation, making any fight that Spartawere to start an unlawful preemptive attack. [pg 28, 85] The King assures his people he is not blind to their suffering, he just envisions better ways of ending it. [pg 26, 82] One of these methods would be to create partnerships with other nations who would lend armed forces and capital to the cause. To be done in tandem with confederation would be the accumulation of Sparta s assets. Archidamus predicts that under these circumstances, Athens could be motivated to surrender. Under the very different circumstances from which he is speaking, the King pushes to avoid war at all costs citing that complaints can be resolved, whether they are
  • 17. Military Mental Illness Dating back to early history, military personnel have been experiencing combat conditions that are breeding grounds for mental health issues. Many men and women witness/encounter harsh events during deployment and those events impact the mental well being of military veterans. Research has made positive correlations between the development of mental health problems and exposure to traumatic events while serving the country. Some disorders are more prevalent with this population then others, resulting in veterans being more susceptible to many forms of mental health diagnosis. Of all the possible mental health diagnosis that impact military personnel, posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) is very common and suggested as the most popular disorder
  • 18. What Were The Economic Causes Of The American Revolution In real life, people get greedy. Real greedy; real fast. Britain was no exception and the country fell into an abundance of debt. To pay its debt, Britain put on economic acts towards the colonies. This caused colonists anger and indignation. But, these acts were not the only reason for conflict. The rebellion from the colonist was a mix of multiple problems that eventually piled up too high. The conflict between Great Britain and the American colonies was deeply rooted in economics as well as political controversies and differences. The conflict between Britain and her colonies was mainly economic due to the acts that Great Britain put upon the colonists. Britain loved the idea of mercantilism, the thought that a country s wealth should
  • 19. The Legal Issue Selected And How It Affects The Sports World 1. Explain the legal issue selected and how it affects the sports world. 2. Review the legal cases surrounding this sport law issue. 3. Suggest changes or modifications that might strengthen the current law. The topic I chose for the research paper was O Bannon vs. NCAA, because I found this case has lots of aspects worth discussing, like one of the defendants is Electronic Arts Inc., a videogame corporation (I played lots of videogames from EA like NBA LIVE series and FIFA series and I do love them), which made me curious, I would like to know more about EA did in this case and how these actions affected the judgment. Plaintiffs are a group of current and former college student athletes. They brought this antitrust class action against the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) in 2009 to challenge the association s rules restricting compensation for elite men s football and basketball players. In particular, Plaintiffs seek to challenge the set of rules that bar student athletes from receiving a share of the revenue that the NCAA and its member schools earn from the sale of licenses to use the student athletes names, images, and likenesses in videogames, live game telecasts, and other footage. Plaintiffs contend that these rules violate the Sherman Antitrust Act. The NCAA denies this charge and asserts that its restrictions on student athlete compensation are necessary to uphold its educational mission and to protect the popularity of collegiate sports. (O Bannon
  • 20. Lab Report On The Reaction Time Nicholas Durazo KINE2202 section 002 Lab Report 1 Introduction The reaction time (RT) of students was measured in the experiment to determine whether light or sound stimulus initiates a quicker response time. The question of whether or not RT was related to movement time (MT) was also challenged. Each student performed two test in random order; one testing the reaction time of a red light stimulus, or visual reaction time (VRT); and the other testing the reaction time of a beeping sound stimulus, or auditory reaction time (ART). The student completed the VRT trial by simply receiving the stimulus and pressing a button. The student placing and holding their hand on a button starts the ART trial. Once the student receives the stimulus (beep) they press the adjacent button as fast as they can. The ART trial does not only include the data of the RT, but also the data from the MT. Having previous knowledge that light travels faster than sound; one can predict that VRT is faster than ART. The prediction that MT is independent upon RT can be made with the thought that there are so many opposing variables that could affect the MT of an individual unrelated RT such as old age Methods In the experiment, 80 students were randomly separated into groups of 2 to write down the data from the test for the other individual. The VRT was measured by pressing a button once the student had seen the stimulus. The reaction time data would simply show up on the screen once the student completed
  • 21. Postpartum Doula Research Paper ГЂ la carte Service Offerings Labor Doula The doulas purpose is to help women have a safe, memorable and empowering birthing experience, regardless of what that means for the individual woman. For women who have decided to have a medicated birth, the doula will offer emotional support, informational support and comfort measures through labor and the administration of medications. Postpartum Doula A postpartum doula is someone who comes into the home after birth and provides education, assistance, and support. The experience is intimate and transformational. As a postpartum doula, the hope is to help make this transition for families as easy and comfortable as possible. Placenta Services Placenta encapsulation is the practice of ingesting
  • 22. Bronchitis Is Contagious Case Study Bronchitis How Long Is It Contagious This is a disease which has to do with when the bronchi starts experiencing inflammation. It is a diseases that has to do with the infections of the respiratory system and also caused by virus or bacteria. Chronic bronchi is a disease that does affect people regardless of their ages. Such can be said to be COPD which is an acronym for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases. Is it contagious in nature? Two answers can be appropriate for such a question which are yes it is and no it isn t at the same time. Bronchi can only be contagious when it is caused by bacteria or virus. Cases relating to bronchi that are contagious are very few. That is to say; such cases are acute cases and not the chronic ones.... Show more content on ... In other to have it diagnosed, an X ray is used. The different nature of bronchitis means that its treatments adopted will be different. For instance; when it is acute bronchitis, antibiotics will be used. You can also drink plenty of fluids and have some rest. On the other hand, chronic bronchitis can be treated using therapies, medication, bronchodilators and so on. How can it be prevented? As explained above, the best thing to do about this infection is to ensure that you prevent it. At least preventive measures will help to ensure that it is completely avoided. пѓјThe best and most reliable way to have it prevented is through vaccination. пѓјIf there are persons around you that have any kind of respiratory disorders, you should try as much as you can to avoid such company. пѓјDon t share personal items such as toothbrush, towel, and clothes with persons with respiratory disorder. пѓјQuit smoking entirely. Also avoid passive smoking. In the same vein, try to be conscious of the air you breathe
  • 23. Social Sin In The Movie 42 The movie, 42, displays multiple examples of social sin in the late 1940s. Jackie Robinson is the first African American to play in the Major Leagues, which had a huge part in breaking the color barrier in sports. Because of his courageous act, he was discriminated and verbally abused. These hurtful abuses that targeted Robinson are known as social sin. Social sin is a buildup of sins that are harmful to society and to individuals. In fact, many social sins present themselves in this film. For example, when the Dodgers played multiple teams, the fans would shout vulgar comments at Robinson. When one person would shout something at Robinson, more people would join them. One specific example was when the young boy was in the stands, sitting
  • 24. Altered Nutrition Altered Nutrition 1. Nursing Process The nurse s assessment findings include right sided weakness, slurred speech, and dysphagia. The nurse identifies that Mrs. Rusk is at high risk for several problems. 2. 1. In developing the nursing plan of care, which problem has the highest priority? A. Correct Aspiration. Aspiration, or the entry of foreign substances such as food or fluids into the lungs, may cause hypoxia or respiratory distress. Therefore, this is the highest priority in establishing the client s plan of care. B. Skin breakdown. This problem is important, but does not have the highest priority when developing the client s plan of care. C. Altered nutrition. This problem is important, but does not have the ... Show more content on ... 1. Nutritional Assessment During a home visit a week later, the nurse assesses Mrs. Rusk s nutritional status. 2. 7. Which data indicates the need for the nurse to evaluate Mrs. Rusk further for altered nutrition? (Select all that apply.) A. Correct The conjunctival sac is pale in appearance when exposed. The conjunctival sac should be dark pink. Pallor of any mucous membranes may indicate anemia. B. Blanching occurs when the fingernail bed is compressed. This is an expected finding. C. Correct The skin over the sternum tents when pinched. This is an unexpected finding. Skin tenting typically indicates a fluid volume deficit. D. Bowel sounds are auscultated every 5 seconds. This is an expected finding. E. Correct The lips are dry and cracked. This is an unexpected finding for someone with adequate nutrition, and could be a sign of dehydration. The nurse obtains further data regarding Mrs. Rusk s nutritional status. 3. 8. Which data best assesses the client s functional ability related to nutrition? A. Amount of groceries the client has in the home. This assessment provides useful information, but is not related to the client s functional ability. B. Types of food the client has eaten within the last 24 hours.
  • 25. This assessment provides useful information, but is not related to the client s functional ability. C. Correct The client s ability
  • 26. Censorship And Censorship Of Web Content Censoring the web Module code: COIS40897 Student number: 14020070 Submission deadline: 23:59 on Monday, 3rd November 2014. Abstract This paper evaluates the restrictions, or lack of restrictions, on web content, focusing on the political and ethical notions of the censorship of web content. The question on many people s minds is: Should the web be censored? This author believes it is the sole responsibility of the user, to protect themselves from un desirable material on the web. However when it comes to child abuse, and similar atrocities, more should be done to eliminate and block such material. Contents 1.Abstract 2.Contents 3.Introduction 4.Overview 5.Discussion 6.Summary 7.References ... Show more content on ... This move to censor pornography has just intentions, but this author believes that censorship in this manner should be the responsibility of parents. Perhaps there should be an alternative, such as, equipping parents with the tools to control their own data consumption and block access to the content they do not wish, or do not want their children, to have access to. Some people may wish to access adult content, whilst denying their children access to it. Without the knowledge of self web regulation, they would not be able to access adult content, without the risk of exposing their children to it. The points made by the Prime Minister (as stated above), about protecting children from the dark online world, are completely justified. The online world can have an adverse influence on children. According to the NSPCC: Graphic images and scenes can be very disturbing to children and cause a lot of distress. In 2012 13 ChildLine received 475 calls from young people who d been affected in this way. NSPCC 2013. Adult material can cause mental scars in some children, whereas others, after consuming pornography, now have a twisted view on reality: Pornography has Influence on attitudes of some children, towards reality. Children who watch online porn can believe that it gives a
  • 27. Corporate Governance in the Hershey Company THE HERSHEY COMPANY The scope of this paper is to analyze the kind of agency problems that emerges between The Hershey Company and their stakeholders and shareholders. To answer this, a review of the company`s board structure and ownership structure was made. Thereafter two specific situations that has occurred in recent times was used as case examples to enlighten the agency problems suggested to emerge by the corporate structure. Ownership Structure Whinston and Segal defines ownership as a set of rights and obligations concerning assets (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 122). The ownership structure, naturally, highly affects the actions of the company. Hershey is a publicly listed company on the New York Stock Exchange. There are two... Show more content on ... 142). The Hershey Company`s board can be described as an Anglo Saxon model, which is typically for American companies. It is a one tier board, where the employees of the company has no direct affiliation or representatives among the directors. This may be a source of Type 3 agency problems (stakeholder vs. shareholders) (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 20). The board is led by the companies` CEO, Mr. John Bilbrey while other directors are in charge of different committees. Pearce and Zahra (1991) examine the relative power of the CEO and the board. Their matrix suggest that The Hershey Company board is a Participative board as both the CEO and the board exercise a lot of power. John Bilbrey has been involved with The Hershey Company in several positions since 2003 several years and is likely to enjoy the trust and favor of the board of directors through his seniority and as the company stock has been steadily increasing throughout his period at the wheel (Thomsen and Conyon, 2012, p. 172). Due to the fact that he also is on the board himself, he also get to know the board better and get better handling of them. Another central feature of the board of directors is the question of whether the CEO is also the chairman of the board. When the CEO is also the chairman this is often referred to as CEO duality . In the US the CEO is often the chairman of the board. Studies have shown that the board in most cases
  • 28. Midsummer Night s Dream And Much Ado About Nothing Battle of the Sexes in MSND and Much Ado about Nothing In Shakespeare s comedies, A Midsummer Night s Dream and Much Ado about Nothing, a battle of the sexes is displayed in profound ways. Particularly in war between the female and male characters. Shakespeare plays with the idea of a battle between the genders throughout the two plays and even adds in whimsical fairies and potions to shake up the plot. In A Midsummer Night s Dream, Shakespeare showcases a battle between Theseus and Hippolyta. Hippolyta is not the meek and mild woman that many of her time would be. Instead, she is an Amazon woman who is fierce and strong. Shakespeare created Hippolyta to not conform to the gender roles of the time. At this time physical strength was associated... Show more content on ... Due to not being able to choose her husband Hermia must run away to marry the man she loves. In this time, women were thought of as weaker than men and unable to make appropriate decisions for themselves.. This was thought to be due to the fact that women could not keep the four humours and elements in balance, partly because of menstruation. (McDonald pg. 254) Aristotle even made the assumption that the female of all animals in less fierce and takes care of the young more than the male. He used that example as a way to justify women being forced to stay home and perform the bulk of the childcare. The next battle is between Helena, Demetrius, and Lysander. Neither Demetrius nor Lysander love Helena so she wishes she were as fair as Hermia so that Demetrius might love her. Helena is desperate for Demetrius love and says, Use me but as your spaniel: spurn me, strike me,/ neglect me, lose me; only give me leave,/ Unworthy as I am, to follow you (Shakespeare 2.1.205 209). Shakespeare could be alluding to some bestiality by having Helena refer to herself as a dog. This is also a way of Helena degrading herself to try to win the love of
  • 29. Alhambra Way In Lord Of The Flies An Isolated Island, British Boys, and the Alhambra Way For those at Alhambra High School, conventional wisdom has it that education, accountability, integrity, and resilience is the Alhambra Way. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, British boys are stranded, presumably from a plane crash, on an island in the middle of nowhere. Struggling to create a working society, the boys encounter predicaments that cause most to fall into the world of savagery and disorder. Among them are three divergent individuals Ralph, Piggy, and Jack who should have fully utilized the concepts of the Alhambra Way in order for everyone to be better off. Readers are first introduced to Ralph, the boy who does not wholly use accountability and integrity and thus
  • 30. Gay And Lesbian, Gay, And Homosexual Marriages Recent estimates suggest that between 2.0 and 3.7 million children are being raised by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults in the United States, according to the 2013 National Health Interview Survey and Gallup Poll data (Gates, 2014). The battle of equal right in many aspects for gay and lesbian couples have been going on for years, and although significant progress has been made, there are many aspects within their relationships that are not yet equal to heterosexual couples in similar situations. Gay and lesbian couples have to deal with daily discrimination within issues such as marriage, legal issues, medical issues, and mamy forms for homophobia. Adoption has been a big question and fight for gay and lesbian couples for many years, one that is still being found today. Questions of whether or not a gay or lesbian couple can properly raise a healthy child, if the child s psychological development would be compromised, any many other arguments have been proposed in disapproval of adoption for these couples. Adoption is a tedious process for a heterosexual married couple and the challenges and hoops needed to be jumped through to finalize the process can be even more difficult for homosexual couples and single gay or lesbian individuals. Gay and lesbian couples have faced many challenges through the course of time, and adoption is just another part of that challenge. Just as it is legal for men and women of the same sex to marry, so is adopting a child. However, there is great prejudice over the issue and the power of opinion often stunts, and sometimes terminates, the couples process and success of being able to adopt a child of their own all because of the judges, biological parents, or spectators personal opinions. In 2004 the American Psychological Association declared the no difference theory that states, no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and healthy environments for their children, . Certain studies show a difference in childhood development between children of same sex marriage and biological parents, but none that deem gay or
  • 31. Summary Of If Hitler Asked You After reading If Hitler asked you I was astonished to read that the experiment where participants electrocuted an individual was intense. I can t even imagine being asked to inflict that kind of intense pain to another human. I understand that everyone can state that in the beginning and over time their moral compass may change. Meyer realized that many of his participants were able to inflict even the more severe voltages past 15 volts like 435 and 450. I found it interesting the difference between the Yale students and Bridgeport because Yale students were more obedient. Was it because of how they were raised not to question authority like The U.S upper class stated or was because of their moral compasses? Also, I thought it was interesting
  • 32. Credit Card Debt Essay Running head: ANALYSIS OF CREDIT CARD DEBT Analysis of Credit Card Debt George Kennedy Argosy University online General Education Mathematics MAT109 A01 Instructor: Sohrab Bakhtyari January 25, 2013 Analysis of Credit Card Debt 1. My Introduction with a credit card balance of $5,270.00 and an (APR) of 15.53 percent based upon my own conclusions and assuming there are no other fees are applied. In my report I took my balance of $5,270 x 15.53%= $818.431. The Maximum monthly payment would be $5,270.00+818.43= $6,088.43. Took get this I take the balance + total interest = Total balance. So to get the minimum monthly payment take $6,088.43/12=$508.00 minimum monthly payment. 1. The amount of interest $818.43 the amount of ... Show more content on ... | The chart above shows my credit card balance and it also shows my minimum payment and the years it would take to pay off my balance. To show how I got my estimated total my credit card interest rate is 29.99%. I took my total balance of $1,786.00 x 29.99%= $463.00 is my total interest. So in about 7 total years 2322.00 x 463.00= 2785.00 total balance should be paid off. 5. The advice I can give concerning the use of credit cards and the fees they charge would you provide to a young adult planning on getting a credit card I would tell them that credit cards is good to have for emergencies (ask ville2013). Most teens manage to get through those years without permanent damage. If they don t, it is generally because of three things: addiction to tobacco, substance abuse or alcoholism and misuse of credit cards (ask ville2013). In my conclusion many credit card companies are targeting the consumers with not so good credit and offering their rates so high that it will take those years to pay the balance off. Consumers should only use credit cards for emergency purposes only. Also consumers should also think about paying off the interest off early as possible. For routine purchases you can use a debit card, which draws money directly out of your checking account. When there is no more money, the card stops working. References:
  • 33. Case Study week 4 Case Study: Southwestern University: F The recent success of Southwestern University s football program is causing SWU s president, Joel Wisner, more problems than he faced during the team s losing era in the early 1990s. For one thing, increasing game day attendance is squeezing the town of Stephenville, Texas and the campus. Complaints are arising over parking, seating, concession prices, and even a shortage of programs at some games. Dr. Wisner, once again, turns to his stadium manager, Hank Maddux. This time, he needs a guaranteed revenue stream to help fuel the stadium expansion. One source of income could easily be the high profit game programs. Selling for $6 each, programs are a tricky business. Under substantial pressure from ... Show more content on ... And two of every three people buy a program. In addition to the programs, Maddux must purchase the inserts for each game. The inserts have information about the opposing team, photos of the expected starters, and recent game statistics. The purchasing issue is the same for inserts, except inserts will be purchased separately for each game and are a total loss after the game. The carrying cost, because inserts are to be delivered just as they are needed, should be nominal; he estimates 5%. The other costs and the same discount schedule apply, but the inserts only cost half as much because they are much smaller. First Printing will give the same 10% discount on the inserts. Givens: Annual demand is 300,000 (60,000 per game times 5 games) Set up cost for programs is $1,000.00 Holding cost is 40% DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. With whom should Maddux place the order for the programs, and how many should he order each time? 2. With whom should Maddux place the order for the inserts, and how many should he order each time? 3. What is Maddux s total cost for programs with inserts for the season? 4. What other program management opportunities might Maddux pursue? Solution: 1. With whom should Maddux place the order for the programs and how many should he order each time? D = 60000 * 5 * 2/3 = 200000 H = 0.5 * unit price S quality printing = 100 S first printing = 100 + .9*(200) = 280 For quality printing Q = в€ љ2DS / IP Q1 = в€ љ2(200000)(100) / 0.5*5 = 4000
  • 34. Taking a Look at High School Cliques In high school surviving is the hardest things to do, when anyone first come there. The best thing to do is finding a clique of people and join them. Finding different cliques are not that hard, but knowing who they are and adapting the environment is one of the hardest thing to do in high school. Finding a wrong cliquecan lead anyone straight down to a life of hell or worse. Students who entering high schoolcan identify the types of cliques of student are in, and join up with whatever cliques that their find is good for them. For students who beginning to enter high school, they can identify the different types of cliques there are in the school. There are five different cliques, which are jocks, nerds, popular, artist, and the bad kids. Jocks are a bunch of kids who acts as if they are better than everyone else. The jocks wear jersey; while, they spend most of the time in the gym. The second clique are the nerds, whom are quiet to them and loud while they are in their groups. They dress in oddly fashion and they mostly sit in front of the classroom. The third clique are the popular kids tend to be loud and obnoxious, whom they think they are cooler and beautiful than everyone else. The clothes they wear are mostly expensive clothe like Hollister, A F, and other popular brand clothing name. The way they talk is about how other people look and how they look. The forth clique are the artists, whom are quiet, where they dress in black color and sometimes weird color. The
  • 35. Why Do Doctors Make The Best Criminals I believe Holmes in every way, and I think you should too. One because they have knowledge. Two doctors are perfectionists. Lastly they know many medications and poisons. That s why I think doctors make the best criminals. First, doctors have knowledge. The knowledge that doctors have is a advantage because they know what they can give to people to make certain things happen to them. Doctors can use weapons to there advantage to hit vital areas. Also doctors know a lot about different drugs. I would like to add that doctors can make a drug that wont be able to be traced and they would have free access to the drugs needed. Second, doctors are perfectionists. Doctors are used to making perfect incisions and making no mistakes. And they follow
  • 36. Wal Mart Stores, Inc. Essay Company Overview: Wal Mart Stores, Inc. is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores and grocery stores. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. As of September 30, 2016, Walmart has 11,573 stores and clubs in 28 countries, under a total of 63 banners. At a glance, Walmart is one of the leading retail companies in the world; based in the U.S., it has more than 2 million employees in 9,750 retail units under 60 banners in 28 countries. Wal Mart operates more than 5,300 stores, including about 4,570 Wal Mart stores and 655 Sam s Club warehouses, and a growing number of smaller format stores. The company s faster growing international division (26% of sales) numbers more than 6,100 locations; Wal Mart is the #1 retailer in Canada and Mexico and has operations in Asia (where it owns a 95% stake in Japanese retailer SEIYU), Africa, Europe, and Latin America. At the beginning of 2016, Walmart closed nearly 269 stores around the world, costing the company 1 billion dollars in the process. This shift was due to their financial performance in a move to focus more on supercenters and e commerce. There will be closures in 154 locations within the United States and include all 102 of Walmart s Express format stores, 115 stores in Latin American markets as well as some supercenters and Sam s Club stores. It has been seen in the
  • 37. How Did Rousseau Influence The French Revolution Rousseau was a man of great things, that led to a point in history which would change the way society worked forever. He was one of the most influential thinkers during the Enlightenment, which helped the people gain more independence and knowledge. Through his works he was able to influence other greats of their time like, Immanueal Kant which helped branch his ideas into the French Revolution. His main standpoint, was that government should be ruled based on the people. He was a strong believer that the people had all the power, if they knew how to gain it. His overall arching goals were, modern political, educational, and sociological thought. His ideas helped unlock the way the people did things, and how government was run. In return,... Show more content on ... It is a major turning point in European history and modern politics. His goal was to make a better political system. He believed that the Social Contract would make men equal and free; and protected their liberty. It can also be assumed, that his work greatly influenced Napoleon. Napoleon s impact was focused on equality, liberty, and fraternity which all three greatly evolved from Rousseau s work. Napoleon receiving and furthering Rousseau s work, helped support the evidence that he in fact did change the way history will forever be. Both men being of the utter most importance that they are, it is apparent that the social contract indeed did help evolve political and sociological beliefs. Rousseau believed that the most troubling problem, was he didn t believe there was one person who could fulfill the role of leading their country, with these goals in mind. His ideas had a less developed socialism impact. He stated, In order to become free, every individual must give up all his rights to the entire community, creating the same conditions for all and thus equality. However, Rousseau was a paradox. He contradicted himself, and may have confused his audience on what he was trying to persuade. He stated, Finally, each man, in giving himself to all, gives himself to nobody. ; which completely went against everything else he stated in his Social
  • 38. Maynard Jackson Biography Essay Do you know about the civil rights act? Do you know who was the first black mayor of a southern city?There s a lot civil rights act people.Maynard Jackson was one of the main civil rights leaders.His early life, education, Awards and recognitions are very important. He has made some big improvements and impacts on the world s history. For example, he was Atlanta s first African American mayor. Maynard Jackson was born on March 23,1938 in Dallas, Texas where his father was a minister. The family moved to Atlanta in 1945, when his father took the pastorship at Friendship Baptist Church.Maynard Jr. s roots ran very deep in Atlanta.His mother was a professor of French at Spelman College.In 1959 his mother became the first African American ... Show more content on ... 1975; named to the 100 most successful blacks list by Ebony. 1976; Jackson Securities Inc. ranked second on Black Enterprise magazine s list of Top 100 Black investment banks, 1998.In the 1973 election, Jackson received 46.6 percent of the vote against Massell s 19.8 percent. In the runoff campaign, Jackson stressed his own desire to unite blacks and whites in Atlanta. Maynard Jackson was Atlanta s first African American mayor; he served two consecutive terms (1974 1978; 1978 1982) and was elected for a third term in 1990. Jackson is best known for improving opportunities for African Americans to do business with the City of Atlanta, especially in the expansion of Hartsfield Airport which has been renamed Hartsfield Jackson Airport. His main impact on the civil rights movement was becoming the first african american mayor of a mayjor southern city.Elected mayor in 1973, Maynard Jackson worked to reduce unemployment and utilize affirmative action policies to improve the socioeconomic status of Atlanta s black communities. Maynard Jackson was very important in the civil rights act. He helped out all of blacks in the days.He also known for mayor of a major southern city. The first black to become a mayor ever during the civil
  • 39. Stress And Oxidative Stress Aerobic organisms need molecular oxygen (O2) for respiration or oxidation of nutrients to obtain energy. There are some reactive by products of cellular respiration, derived from molecular oxygen, that are generated continuously in cells grown aerobically, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) superoxide anion radical (O2 ), and the highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (OH).These reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) are essential for various functions such as homeostasis and cell signaling but an imbalance in favor of reactive oxygen species results in oxidative stress (OS) (Kashmiri et al.,2014). Oxidative stress (OS) result in interference in the functioning of biological systems that maintain levels of environmentally produced reactive oxygen species (ROS), by readily detecting and detoxifying them (Lucana et al., 2012). Living organisms have adopted mechanisms to protect themselves against oxidative stress, by producing enzymes such as catalase and superoxide dismutase, small proteins like thioredoxin and glutaredoxin, and molecules such as glutathione ( Cabiscol et al.,1999). Metallo enzymes such as superoxide dismutases are the primary antioxidant enzymes that protect cells from oxidative damage of superoxide radicals, by catalyzing dismutation of superoxide (O2 ) to hydrogen peroxideand oxygen. Superoxide dismutases, as name suggests dismutes superoxide. Dismutation reaction is that in which two equal but opposite reactions occur on two separate molecules. SOD takes two
  • 40. Cjhs400 R1 Individual Case Studies Essay University of Phoenix Material Individual Case Studies Case One: Violet Violet is a 20 year old woman with a history of difficult relationships. She was in foster care from 12 to 18 years old. She attended a career college and is employed as a dental assistant. This is her first real job. She was referred to you after a patient at her dental office had a stalking complaint. She apparently began dating a young man (John) after meeting him at the dentist s office. When she arrives for her appointment with you, she is dressed provocatively in a low cut blouse and tight pants. She has heavy eye makeup on and seems to be very needy, becoming tearful several times during the session. At the start of the interview, she states that this ... Show more content on ... They met for dinner, and she ended up going to his apartment where they had sex. She reports that they saw each other every day for about 3 weeks, which often ended in sex. She states that he said he needed more space and asked that they not see each other any more. She then reported trying to get him back and calling him up to 20 times a day. He asked for a restraining order and phoned the dentist s office asking for a referral to another dentist he no longer felt comfortable coming into that office. Violet has had five other restraining orders in the past. Case Two: Max You are completing your graduate work at a local university by participating in an internship at a private mental health clinic. As a part of your internship, you were asked to cofacilitate a group for men and women with relationship difficulties. While cofacilitating the group, you meet Max, who was court ordered to participate as a result of allegations of assault. After a careful review, you find that he has six past charges of assault. Max is an attractive man in his mid thirties. He is charming with both the males and female in the group. Although it is clear that he does not feel he should be in the group, you find that he adds dimension to it. After some time, Max discloses that he has been involved in multiple sexual relationships and says he can get in any woman s pants. He also brags that he is smarter than anyone in the group, regardless of the fact that one person has a PhD in
  • 41. Pathophysiology Of Hypertension 2.Etiology and Pathophysiology of Hypertension with Rationale: The etiology (cause of disease/disorder) of hypertension (high blood pressure) is unknown. However there are numerous factors and conditions that contribute to the development of high blood pressure. These factors and conditions include, but are not limited to: smoking, obesity, old age, sleep apnea (definition to follow), a high sodium (salt) diet, or a lack of exercise/physical activity. Although smoking has not been definitively proven to cause hypertension, it does have a lasting effect. Every time someone smokes a cigarette, their blood pressure temporarily increases. This even lasts a few minutes after you have finished. Another factor, obesity (body mass index higher than ... Show more content on ... This is done by placing an inflatable cuff around the upper arm and is measured on the pressure measuring gauge. There are two numbers read when taking a blood pressure and it is usually given in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). The first, top number is the systolic pressure. It measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. The second, bottom number is the diastolic pressure. It measures the pressure in your arteries between beats. There are four categories that a blood pressure measurement falls under. The first is normal blood pressure which means the reading is below 120/80 mm Hg. The second category is prehypertension. In this category, the systolic pressure ranges from 120 to 139 mm Hg or the diastolic pressure ranges from 80 to 89 mm Hg. The next category is stage 1 hypertension. Within this category the systolic pressure ranges from 140 to 159 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure ranging from 90 to 99 mm Hg. The fourth and final category is stage 2 hypertension. This is the most severe of the four categories of hypertension. The systolic pressure can be from 160 mm Hg or higher or a diastolic pressure of 100 mm Hg or higher during stage 2 hypertension. Another test that a doctor could perform is a 24 hour blood pressure monitoring test. This is called ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The device used provides a more accurate blood pressure reading over
  • 42. Causing Harm With Trade Embargos And Sanctions Causing Harm With Trade Embargos and Sanctions Trade embargos have tremendous consequences for countries that are being embargoed. The embargos not only affect the country that are being embargoed, but the effect bleed over the borders to the surrounding countries. The list of countries that have been sanctioned by the United Nations included Russia, North Cyprus, and Cuba. United Nations sanctions that target countries affect the economy, the morale, and encourages criminal activities to obtain goods. The majority of good hearted citizens would be appalled if they were walking down a street and saw a dog tied up in a yard looking like it hadn t eaten for a week. These citizens would take a minute retrieve their phone and call the Humane Society to report this cruel treatment of this poor dog. As doctor C. M. Tiplada, D. B. Walsh, and C. J. C. Phillips wrote in their journal article, Public outrage after undercover footage of animal cruelty is screened has been reported in a range of countries, such as USA, Canada, and the UK (636). Who do the citizen call when they are being treated like the dog and the owner of the dog is the United Nations? This is how people around the world are being treated each and every day when their country has an embargo imposed on the resources that are able to enter and exit their country. These embargos create personnel harm to the citizens of the country at the expense of political malfeasance. The United Nations has a greater
  • 43. The Challenges Of The Sukuk Industry 2.3.5 Challenges in the Sukuk Industry There are challenges in the Malaysian sukuk market. An important component for the growth of Islamic capital markets is the conception of a secondary selling platform for the capital market instruments. This will supply investors with flexibility in supervising their liquidity requirements. The creation of a continuous supply of Islamic papers and instruments need to advertise them greater depth in the market. There also necessarily to be greater diversity in the type and maturity of the sukuk in the market for Islamic financial institutions and portfolio managers to supervise their funds effectively. The Malaysian government regularly issues sukuk with different maturities in order to produce a benchmark yield curve. Another challenge to the growth of the market cares pricing issues. For the Islamic security to be efficiently priced and believable, further initiatives need to be undertaken to originate its own indicator. It would then fluctuate depending on the demand and supply for that property. It will then give a true reflection of the price of the underlying asset (Aziz, 2007).... Show more content on ... With regard to sukuk development, the asset securitisation law in Indonesia is not in line with Shari ah dictates, as the draft of the asset securitisation law clearly states that securitisation can only be structured through debt. Meanwhile, Malaysia, which is the most active Islamic capital market, has robust regulatory standards as framed by the Securities Commission
  • 44. Hip Replacement Research Paper Over three hundred thousand hip replacements were performed in 2010. A two hundred percent increase from 2000. The number of replacements has continued to grow as recovery from the surgery has become much faster. Although recovery time has decreased, patients are still at risk of infection from their bodies rejecting the metal replacement hip. Infection from the bodies reaction to the metal hip will soon become a problem of the past as researchers have begun making replacement hips out of bone like material infused with antibiotics. These new replacements will allow the body to heal with the new structure instead of fighting the foreign material. Patients will recover even faster with less chance of infection. Each patient s hip will be custom made to model the patient s bone with a new technique called Fused Filament Fabrication... Show more content on ... The SM process is the complete opposite of AM. During SM, a machine cuts material layer by layer, leaving the desired shape. The SM machine has three basic components, which are a movable head, a bit to cut, and the material. To visualize the subtractive manufacturing (SM) process, imagine making a model car from a stick of butter. Your hands act as the machines head positioning the butter knife in your hand, which acts as the bit, to make precise cuts into the butter. You continue to follow the cutting instructions given to you and what started as a block is now a model car. That s how SM works. Because of SM s extensive use, a standard symbolic language known as Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD T) has been developed to ensure manufacturers can fully understand designer s designs. GD T standards for SM specify geometry, material, tolerances, surface finish, design intent and acceptable variations in geometry. These standards ensure manufacturers produce products that meet the designers
  • 45. Essay On Gaming Trends Which Gaming Trends Will Change the Future of Gaming? Gaming is becoming mainstream and it s generating a lot of buzz. It s not just that we like to spend more time playing games, gaming itself is becoming increasingly lucrative and competitive. This kind of rise in popularity is bound to mean one thing: changes in the industry. New gaming trends are popping up and they will change the future of gaming once more. What to expect? Improvement and increase in augmented reality PokГ©mon Go was certainly a huge phenomenon. To some it was a much needed sign that augmented reality might become an actual gaming trend. It is quite interesting that since it became a hit not many other titles have dropped. Therefore, predicting augmented reality as ... Show more content on ... Collaborative gaming goes physical This quest for more collaboration is a big trend in the gaming industry in general. Although multi player games have always been a big thing and with the rise of e sports is going to be even bigger, the contemporary trend points towards a more physical experience. With virtual and augmented reality, gaming has moved away from just sitting at your desk to a physical activity. It s, therefore, not a huge surprise to find out that these physical games are looking to incorporate collaboration. In the future, you might need to put your bodies on the line in order to win a game with friends. You could even be able to provide physical feelings and emotions to other people through gaming. The possibilities are endless, although the trend needs some careful consideration in terms of accessibility will everyone be able to take part in a highly physical gameplay? The rise of specialized gaming stores Gamers are a smart bunch of people. They know where and when to shop for their games. However, the selection is so huge that specialization in the gaming world is bound to happen in terms of stores. If you look at Steam, nearly 40% of the games in the platform never get played. Therefore, new ways of shopping for games will appear, focusing on things such as Indie gaming. For the gamer, this can mean savings. Tighter competition of the games and