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A Good Essay Structure
Crafting an essay on the subject of "A Good Essay Structure" can be deceptively challenging. At
first glance, it may seem like a straightforward task, but as one delves into the intricacies of essay
construction, the complexity becomes apparent. The difficulty lies not only in conveying ideas
effectively but also in adhering to a coherent structure that engages readers and communicates
the intended message.
To start, identifying the core elements of a well-structured essay involves understanding the
significance of a compelling introduction, a well-argued body, and a thought-provoking
conclusion. Balancing these components requires a delicate interplay of ideas and a meticulous
arrangement of supporting evidence.
Additionally, maintaining a logical flow within paragraphs and ensuring seamless transitions
between ideas are crucial aspects of essay writing. This demands a deep understanding of the
topic and the ability to present information in a manner that is both organized and accessible to
the reader.
Moreover, the challenge intensifies when attempting to strike the right balance between being
informative and persuasive. Crafting an essay that not only conveys information but also
convinces the reader of its validity requires a nuanced approach to language and argumentation.
Furthermore, the difficulty extends to the revision process. Revisiting and refining the essay to
enhance clarity, coherence, and overall impact is a time-consuming task that demands a keen eye
for detail.
In conclusion, while the topic of "A Good Essay Structure" may seem simple on the surface, the
process of crafting an essay that embodies this ideal structure involves navigating a complex
terrain of ideas, language, and organization. It's an undertaking that requires not only a deep
understanding of the subject matter but also a skillful command of the nuances of effective
For those seeking assistance in mastering the art of essay writing or in tackling specific topics,
it's worth considering external resources. Platforms like offer a wealth of
expertise and can provide tailored support for various writing needs, ensuring that the daunting
task of essay composition becomes more manageable.
A Good Essay Structure A Good Essay Structure
Taxation New Zealand Essay
Taxation Arrangements. Overall, 10% of NZ households have an income of
$150,000 or more and this funds 71% of our net taxation. The tax system is an
important issue for NZ s small businesses that are taxed at a 28% flat rate. Key
features of New Zealand s tax system include a highly redistributive income taxand
GST (15%), but we have no inheritance tax, no capital gains tax, no payroll tax, no
social security tax, no health care tax, other than relatively low levy accident
compensation insurance. The government has recently announced the possibility of
tax cuts and a business focused tax package that seems positive for smaller
businesses. In particular, the following intended changes are designed to make tax
more simple, reduce compliance costs and make for a more productive economy:
Provisional tax will allow for a new pay as you go option, which should allow some
100,000 small businesses to pay tax as they generate income from 1 April 2018.
Use of money interest will be reduced or eliminated for most taxpayers.
Contractors can select a withholding tax rate suited to their needs, rather than have it
set for them.
The 1% monthly penalty for new debt will be scrapped from 1 April 2017.
Economic Forces. The current macro economic environment has very sound
foundations, which is of course beyond SkillPower s direct influence, but does
considerably affect the SkillPower organisation and its market, particularly in terms
of customer spending patterns as examined
Rogerian Theory
Rogerian Theory: The Person Centered Approach of Therapy Humanistic psychology
was developed from the many counter reactions towards psychoanalytic and
behavioristic theories. In addition, it is considered the third force of psychology and
it consists of theories that have a holistic approach to human nature. One of the most
significant and establishing theorists of the humanistic force was Carl Rogers, as he
developed the Person Centered Theory. Over the years, his theory has deeply
expanded and influenced the knowledge of many mental health professions.
Early life of Theorist Carl Ransom Rogers was the fourth of six children, in which
five were boys. He was born on January 8, 1902, in Oak Park, Illinois. His parents,
Walter and Julia Cushing Rogers were devoted and loving parents, giving a great deal
of time and energy to creating a family (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 344). As a
child, Rogers learned to place the most value in work and religion. At the age of
seven, Rogers became particularly interested in the Bible and was capable of
reading advanced Bible books (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 344). His incredible
academic abilities and studious personality allowed him to skip grades, however,
he was teased a great deal [by others] and [was] called Professor Moony (Boring
and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 345). Furthermore, Rogers described himself as a dreamy
youngster...lost in fantasy most of the time (Boring Lindzey, 1967, p. 345). He was
sensitive, [a] shy introvert,
Leaving The Yellow House By Saul Bellow
Saul Bellow wrote many novels; one of his novels Leaving the Yellow House is
about an elder woman who lives in a yellow house and is incapable to take care of
herself. Her neighbors tell her that they will help her only in return for her house.
The Rolfe s are the only neighbors that really care about Hattie and do not want her
house in return. Leaving the Yellow House was one of Saul Bellows most known short
story. When Bellow was young he was hospitalized for a while. The time he spent
in the hospital was where his interest in literature grew. When he was in school his
friends influenced him to write. He became so interested in writing that he dropped
out of college to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. Bellow served as a... Show
more content on ...
Darly is a sixty eight year old man who works at a dude ranch. He recklessly causes
Hattie to break her arm and never apologizes. As the story goes on he and Hattie
are seen as acting differently towards each other. They have less patients for each
other. They do not like the new changes. Pace is one of Hattie s Neighbors, and
runs a dude ranch. When Hattie is in a car accident he offers his help by giving her
a monthly check. He said he will help if she leaves her house for him once she
passes away. Helen Rolfe is one of Hattie s neighbors. She and her husband go on
many vacations and have luxury cars. Hattie feels bitterness towards her because
of the calm life that Helen lives. Jerry Rolfe is one of Hattie s neighbors and is the
husband of Helen Rolfe. He is Hattie s only real friend. He is also the only person
who understands Hattie s Pride. Jerry tries his best to help Hattie when she breaks
her arm. Him and his wife have been taking care of Hattie, but is unable to find
someone to care for her like him and his wife have been. Amy Walters is a self
sufficient miner s widow. She lives twenty miles away from Hattie. Jerry Rolfe tells
her that she should move in with Hattie. Amy is a woman capable of taking care of
herself. She will only move in and help Hattie in return for her house. Conflicts that
occur in this short story are Hattie vs. neighbors and Hattie vs. decision. In Hattie vs.
neighbors, her neighbors only offer help
Speech Against Hate Speech
One of the most significant valued rights in American society is the right to freedom
of speech. Unfortunately, this right is often abused by people who are intent on
spreading the message of hate against others. Creating hate speech as a dialog that
attacks an individual or a group based on a protected characteristic such as the sexual
orientation, religion, disability, color, or ethnicity. Some countries consider hate
speech to be a crime because it encourages discriminationand sometimes even
Pursuing this further hate speech has been a topic of discussion for those who claim
any try to restrict someone s expression of ideas amounts to the opposition meanwhile
is constitutionally protected by the United States (Lukianoff). ... Show more content
on ...
He thinks that is good to have more information about fighting words and the only
way to obtain it, is knowing our constitutional laws. The use of offensive will never
lead anyone to a right end. The government of United States is cautious with this
issue and tries to keep people from taking their fighting words to another type of
The second reason is xenophobia or racism that is not more than the fear or hatred of
strangers that some people have with others who were not born in their country.
This phobia is the most manifested today In United States. It does not consist in
illness, but in an aptitude and position on the part of the society discriminating
unfairly. Usually, it is encouraged from the houses to children by the family
regardless of the damage they can create in others. A good example is when in
1943 in West Virginia, was the teacher criticize a child for his idea of free speech
against xenophobia stating that we all must be equal, we must not see color or
ethnicity ( pp. 237). The history of Supreme Court ruled in favor of the student
named Mary Beth who now dedicates her life to promote in the concepts of free
speech and free press on different campuses. In addition, xenophobia has also been
part of racism against whites and blacks people. The best way to avoid the racial
Value Of Personal Loans
Personal loans can feel like a God send when you re in a financial pinch or when
you want to increase your nest egg. However, without the proper guidance, it can be
easy to blow through a personal loan. While that s tempting, your real goal should be
to get the most value out of your personal loan. To do that, you have to know what
kinds of loans are out there and what the possible drawbacks to each are. Then you
can finally make an informed decision that will allow you to get the most value from
your loan.
Doing Your Homework
Like anything else, you need to look at several kinds of loans as well as your
personal credit. On the one end of the spectrum, you have title loans, which don t
require good credit. Rather, you need collateral a ... Show more content on ...
You wind up paying a lot more money in the end with these loans, especially when
you consider roll over fees. Many times these are so much, you wind up paying
more in the process of paying back your loan than you originally borrowed.
Getting the Maximum Value From Your Loans
Despite the high interest rates on some types of loans, it s still possible to get a good
value out of your loan. First, if you can get a loan with a lower amount of interest,
use these financial tools to pay off some of the higher interest debts you have as
well as loans or lines of credit.
Additionally, making the most of your loan may actually have nothing to do with
your loan, but rather what you do with your money elsewhere. Once you get your
loan, put the money from the loan into a savings account that has a high interest rate.
If your personal loan interest rate is 12%, and you put the money in a savings
account that get even just 3%, you effectively lower the rate of your loan to 9%.
If there are no pre pay penalties, then pay off your loan early if you can. Often the
amount of money you have to pay in interest is what really takes a chunk out of
your wallet. Shave off months or even years from a loan to save cash in the end,
according to The Nest.
Hidden Ways to Find
Ineffective Criminal Courts
Ineffective Criminal Courts
The earlier criminal courts started to punish those who committed a crime or
differentiated from the norms of society (NACM, 2017). It was a system put in
place to keep order. In the 16th century , if the person was found guilty, it was most
likely going to result in a death sentence(NACM, 2017). Unlike in modern criminal
court, the accused was guilty until proven innocent. The earlier criminal courts
followed numerous laws that displayed discrimination until centuries later,
philosophers and policy maker, began to change the laws to try to assure all citizens
rights were protected.
Criminal courts are made to uphold the rights of citizens to have a fair trial when
convicted of crime. Criminal courts are the center of establishing order and creating
justice in society (NACM, 2017). It is the duty of the courtroom workgroup to assure
that the convicted that step in the court has their due process, which is individual s
rights as a citizen such as fair trial, jury trial, no discrimination, exclusionary means,
and other rights that are established in the amendments. Although the going rate ,
which is the normal way of handling crimes, is a consistent method of deciding
sentencing, there are many types of punishments that the guilty receives.
The initial purpose of punishments were to prevent others from committing crime
and to discourage felons from committing more crime. The most popular type of
punishment is incapacitation, which is
Essay on M2.04 Developing the Work Team
M2.04 Developing the Work Team Understanding the nature of teams and the
features of the team roles and responsibilities including advantages and
disadvantages. Would you describe the brewers at Springfield as a group of a
team? Explain your answer. The brewers at Springfield international are a team
although this is specifically the original members. The two new members Peter
and John are at the forming stage of a team and could be considered to be part of a
group due to the fact they are working with different methods but towards the same
goals. Dr R. M Belbin Defined a team as: A team is not a bunch of people with job
titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood
by other members.... Show more content on ...
Peter and John haven t taken into account the need to produce such large quantities
which have made them isolated from the Springfield team as they are not up to
date with modern methods of brewing to create large amounts of lager. This single
mindedness is highlighted by Belbin who notes that the Specialist if often single
minded and only contributes on a narrow front of their own expertise. The two
brewers were moved to the Springfield plant to implement new ideas and help the 8
brewers to apply them into making the new ale which match Belbin s idea that
Plants are innovators and inventors. They usually prefer to operate by themselves
which may explain the difficulty in communicating with the Springfield brewers
while also lacking practical constraint. The two NFB brewers may have been
identified to join Springfield as Plants are often needed in the initial stages of a
project such as the implementation of a new ale to a brewery. Using a recognised
model to illustrate your answer, describe at what stage of team developments the
brewers are Bruce W Tuckman (1965) developed a model to describe the differing
stages of team development. He gave us a way of interpreting the various stages
groups pass through into making an effective team. As you can see from the
illustration below, teams go
Vertical Integration Case Study
Fiona Li
FDM 3320
Business of Media Midterm Exam
1.There are five advantages to markets that Croteau and Hoynes discuss. Identify and
FULLY explain three of these advantages.
Markets Promote Efficiency: the market model is based on supply and demand.
When demand and supply are constant; in order to increase profits, companies as
producers have to provide more goods and services at the lowest cost. This promotes
producer s efficiency as well as keep low price for consumers.
Markets Promote Responsiveness: Since market is relied on supply and demand,
producers are responsive to what their consumers want. When consumers demand of
a certain product increases; producers will increase the price to seeking higher profit;
at same time, they will ... Show more content on ...
A single media project can be developed with various different media company to
gain maximized profits on this project. When a massive media company owns
many different outlets, its subsidiaries can help to promote their projects for each
other. For example, an idea of a comic book story also can develop into film, online
games, novels and TV shows of the company has synergy relationship with others.
Synergy also can help cross promotion. The company can use one of its subsidiaries
to promote another of its subsidiaries. A massive media company, for example, its
film production subsidiary produces a movie that is about to come out; others media
companies who also hold by the parent company will help to promote the upcoming
movie. These could be advertisements on Internet, television even the other movies.
5.In Ch. 6 of our textbook there are eight ways listed that the news media are trying
to attract viewers and turn a profit. Discuss three of these ways in detail, giving some
examples of this taking place that you have seen.
Drama: the news media tend to attract readers and viewers by publishing scandal
stories. Normal news are prosaic which are hard to attract audience but dramatic
news are opposite. It is also easy for journalists to get sources of scandals from
different ways than normal news sources. Audiences curiosities support
Components Of John Sebastian Bach
People create music in all kinds of different ways, if every piece of music sounded
the same it would not be enjoyable. Many people reinvent older composed music
and take their own approach to it. There are plenty of instruments that people can
use to make an old sound, sound new. People can be very innovative and resourceful
when it comes to recreating a new sound with an older composed piece. John
Sebastian Bach is one of the many composers whose musicis being recreated in a
new way. John Sebastian Bach was a composer born in 1685 in Germany. He built
his reputation by performing in churches, and after working his way up in the
music field back then he was able to establish a career in composing. He created
the Well Tempered Clavier and the Prelude No. 1 was the first piece of it. This
piece was originally composed with a piano, like many pieces composed at this
time. A group of people, Les Objets Volants, used boomwhackers to recreate this
piece in a new innovative way. Boomwhackers are percussion tubes that people use
to recreate music using various lengths of the tubes to make various sounds. The
people who recreated this piece with boowhackers were able to capture Bach s
sound with a really peculiar instrument. Les Objets Volants were the group that
used boomwhackers to recreate Bach s piece. They are a group from France who
do shows that involve juggling. They perform all kinds of different skills they
have in regard to juggling. They are very creative with their performances, so
using an unfamiliar instrument to play a famous piece is something that would
not be out of character for them. Tzvi Erez is pianist who records classical
performances. Niv Music is what Erez records his music under. He is a very talented
pianist who is able to capture the original composers essence with his recordings of
the major pieces he does. He has various covers he has reordered, like Ludwig van
Beethoven, Frederick Chopin, John Sebastian Bach, Franz Liszt, Erik Satie, Claude
Debusssy, Edvard Grieg, Mozart, and many others (Niv Music). This transcription, a
transcription being a rewritten composition for new instruments, was truly
interesting. When clicking upon the video and seeing Les Objets Volants use a very
I Acknowledge Mine By Jane Goodall
Animals in Biomedical Research Do you think animals should be used in
biomedical research? I don t think so because the treatment of the animals in the
process is inhumane, especially in the film Black Fish . In another article I
Acknowledge Mine Jane Goodall was watching a tape of the apes in the lab, after
that she and her partners were crushed. So she decided to take a look for herself
and what she found was unpleasant. First to support my thesis, in their article I
Acknowledge Mine Jane Goodall says, During a subsequent visit to LEMSIP, I
asked one of the youngsters I had met at the nursery, Little Josh. A real character he
had been there, a born group leader. I was led to one of the cages in Junior Africa,
Where that once assertive
Duality In Sylvia Plath s Two Sisters Of Persephone
Duality occasionally results as the cause for suffering, while it is a product of the
mind, it can often revolve around condemnation and the fear of judgement. Sylvia
Plath s poem, Two Sisters of Persephone illuminates the idea of the duality that exists
within a woman s personality. The title Two Sisters of Persephone suggests that there
are two sisters being described in this poem, when in reality, Plath allures the reader
by revealing that the two designated qualities actually deal with the two lives that
Persephone endured as the Goddessof the Spring and the Queen of the Underworld.
Plath conveys the concept of dualism through the purposeful use of structure, and
depicting imagery to illustrate the contrasting lives of the renowned deity,
Persephone. Primarily, Plath illuminates her emphasis on contrast through the use of
caesuras. The first caesura, Two girls there are: within the house (1), introduces the
foil of Persephone s dual personalities. This is significant as it elucidates the
concept of there being two people within one character setting. In this case the two
girls portrayed in the house allude to the existent impression that women are two
faced. Women are known to have two sides for they only ultimately show what is
perceived as face value, and preserve their other individual persona hidden. Similarly,
Plath uses a second example of a caesura, One sits; the other, without (2), to clarify
the erratic contrast amongst her two personalities. This is
Internationalizing The Habanera
In the 19th century there were a few conservatories where composers frequently
visited to study music. Instruments played a big role, too. Piano industries in
Argentina and Mexico had popped up, which were accessible to the middle class,
thus creating a demand for sheet music. Cuba even had a piano factory. This increase
in access caused an explosion of pianomusicto be written.
The Caribbean also was influenced. It had internationalized the habanera, a dance
that was very popular in Cuba. Habanera was often used in dance music and theater.
Moving onto the 20th century, popular music genres included Puerto Rican plena,
Argentine tango, Dominican merengue, and Brazilian samba. These genres became
national symbols for the countries from which
U.s. Airline Carriers And Canada
Case Situation
Over the past three years, the number of Canadians crossing the border to take the
advantage of the cheaper U.S. airline carriers was increasing. The young adults
from 18 24 years old led the way with 32% have down so. Also, survey suggests
that the residents from Ontario and British Columbia were most frequent flyers
from the U.S. airports with 23% of the respondents. Canadians make up 88% of the
customers at the Fall Airport. YVR and YWG are estimated to lose nearly 1,000,000
and 250,000 passengers to the U.S. each year respectively. WestJet is affected by this
situation in the price battle. In order to keep its fares competitive, WestJet announced
baggage fee, but was received negatively by many customers.
Research ... Show more content on ...
At the end of 2014, the aircrafts in possess are 109 Boeing 737 NG, and 19
Bombardier Q400, which are all short and medium range narrow bodied airliners. We
assume that majority of WestJet customers are travelling for leisure, and the
determinant of which airline to choose is the price.
Target Market
Demographic Segmentation
30 65+
Midsized families, young couples with children, old couples with grown children
30 80k income
Professional, academic, retired, small business owner.
Geographic Segmentation
Big cities
Large population size 250,000+
Urban and Suburban areas
Psychological Segmentation
Working class, middle class, upper middle class
Suburban families, retired couples, single urban professional
Highly organized and detail oriented.
Behavioural Segmentation
Regular, holiday, and seasonal occasion
Looking for customer service and convenience benefits
Regular users, medium to frequent users
Medium to strong loyalty
Positive view of WestJet.
SWOT Analysis
Condition of fleet
Customer service
Make profit every year
Strong alliances
Ticket prices
Baggage fee
Limited international flights
Expensive international flights
Losing to cross boarder
Growing tourism rate
Positive outlook on global air freight industry
Service northern work freight
Canadian airline
American airports
Buddhism In The Tang Dynasty
Buddhism is originated from India, however it seems that China has become the
center of Buddhism with the rise of Tang, and the Chinese Buddhism have a profound
influence on the development of Buddhism in East Asia. Although Buddhism was
introduced to the Chinese people early in the Han Dynasty in the first century B.C., a
couple of historical events in Tang Dynasty truly mark the prosperousness of
Buddhismin China. During the early Tang dynasty, along with many other pilgrims,
the monk Xuanzang traveled to Indiaand returned to Chang an (Place 1) with a large
collection of Buddhist texts, relics, and statues. With the support of Emperor Taizong
of Tang, Xuanzang set up a large translation bureau in Chang an, attracting students
Socrates Flaws
Socrates, in a simple but bold statement, proclaims wisdom as being the cardinal
virtue. He believed that if one does not examine oneself, their life has no true
meaning. Socrates defended the idea and virtue of self examination, for he believed it
is through change and growth that people attain self betterment. Not only this, but
this method of critical reflection also realigns values with what is actually important
in life, such as wisdom and spirituality. Socratesbelieved that examination and
scrutiny of one s beliefs were necessary in order to improve oneself. Without
review, people would never be able to see their faults. Socrates lists this reason in
Apology as why he cross examines people: For I do nothing but go about persuading
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A person with unexamined values generally holds the insignificant to be what is
important and what is truly significant to be inconsequential. In the Apology, Socrates
addresses the men of Athens on this subject: Are you not ashamed of heaping up the
greatest amount of money and honour and reputation, and caring so little about
wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul (Plato)? Through this
statement, Socrates argument perfectly encapsulates the state that an unexamined
society exists in one that values greatness over goodness. Though over two
thousand years have passed since Socrates stated this before the Athenian court, it
remains an accurate portrait of society; the majority of people amass material
things, strive to become famous, and seemingly work only to gain wealth, all while
hardly caring about knowledge, morals, or personal integrity. These skewing of
values are the result of an unexamined life. People who never inspect what they hold
valuable are swept up into society s race to riches and fame, instead of focusing on
enriching themselves and others with wisdom and truth. People often ruin their lives
as well as others in pursuit of their vices. Socrates knew that by examining oneself
and what values are genuinely important, one not only safeguards himself against
such downfalls, but they can also be led to the most valuable things of
American Fundamentalism
The relationship between American Christian Fundamentalism and American culture
is symbiotic. Symbiosis is broadly defined as a relationship, usually long term, that
involves two or more organisms in close relation with one another. American
Fundamentalism can also be broadly defined and also ambiguous in terms of the
differing views within the movement. Within symbiosis are two main groups of
relationships defined as either obligate or facultative. Obligate symbiosis is a
relationship in which both organisms must rely on one another to survive. A
Facultative relationship is when organisms live together by choice. There are many
forms of symbiotic relationships, but the most common and relevant to this argument
are mutualism, commensalism,... Show more content on ...
In the area of education, secularists would states that fundamentalists continued
opposition to evolution being taught in public schools as detrimental to the overall
education of children. In this way, secularists consider fundamentalism as a
deterrent to societal progress. Fundamentalism is a parasite that is hindering the
progression of children into well educated adults. Others would argue that
fundamentalists are overly hostile and militant towards groups such as
homosexuals or abortionists. Jerry Falwell once claimed that the terror attacks of
September 11, 2001, were a response from God due to the amount of homosexuals
and abortionists in the United States. In this scenario, the secularists become the
parasite rather than the host. According to Falwell, Falwell once said, The rising
tide of secularism threatens to obliterate the Judeo Christian influence on American
Society. In Falwell s eyes, secularism was the main enemy, and in assistance in his
war combating the enemy, Falwell call on his evangelical brethren to assist him.
Along the same train of thought Falwell also stated, Throw down the anchor of
truth and stop drifting with every new wave of religious fad. Stop trying to
accommodate the gospel to the pitiful philosophies of unregenerate mankind.
However, Falwell does not distinguish cultural norms in great detail, or religious
fads. Perhaps Falwell is referring to the secularization of the gospel. This can be
seen through the use of mega churches and their rock concert vibe, bible styled theme
parks, or secularization of Christian music by contemporary artists. Falwell would
argue that some evangelicals have abandoned their fight against the secularism of
America and joined them in order to attract more people to their pews and offering
Edward Hopper Painted The Night Hawks
In 1942, American artist Edward Hopper painted The Night Hawks. This oil
painting, is a 33 1/8th in. x 60 in. piece. Hopper used oil paint on canvas, to create
this piece. Currently this piece is located at the Art Institute of Chicago. In The
Night Hawks, a city diner is depicted sometime at night. The buildings and diner
design, are consistent with a city setting. Within the diner, there are 4 people
present. Three of these people appear to be customers, while the other is working
at the diner. There are three men present in the picture, and one woman. Due to the
clothes they are wearing, we know that this diner is set sometime before 1960.
After looking at the painting, I believe that this is either an exact depiction of a
real life diner, or the painting was inspired by a real life diner. Within this painting,
there are many different elements of design that Hopper uses to create this scene.
The first element of design within this painting is, the use of light and shadows.
Hopper uses light and shadows, to create the visual of nighttime within the painting.
Within the restaurant, very bright colors are used to create the walls. Using light
colors in this way, makes it appear as if the walls of the diner are reflecting light. In
addition, the countertop within the diner appears to be glossy, and has reflections in
it. This effect also aids in making the illusion of light within the diner. Outside of the
dinner, light can be seen on the buildings across the street. This
Charles Darwin s Finches And Tortoises
A Theory for Life
Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 and passed away on April 19,
1882. Darwin is known in the science community for his thoughts on how species
evolved, which became known as Theory of Evolution. He started researching after
his visit to Galapagos Islands where he found different species of finches and
tortoises. Darwin found a lot of evidence in this animals to support his theory about
Natural Selection. He was not able to publish his theory till 1859 because of the
beliefs at the time. Scientist are still discovering new evidence on Darwin s theory
To support his idea for Natural Selection he used finches,tortoise as evidence, in
them he noticed patterns of diversity. This observation led to the question, Why
would God produce various organisms and put them on identical islands? this
sparked the idea of Natural Selection. He noticed that all the islands were similar in
climates but had various differences in the animals. On each different island he found
a different type of finche depending on the environment they lived in. Some of them
had big beaks, small beaks, needle like beaks, etc. Darwin noticed that the different
beaks helped each of them survive and gave them an advantage in the environment
over other animals. He noticed similar differences in tortoises, some had ... Show
more content on ...
The people he was surrounded by thought that God had created the world and and
all its species, but Darwin did not think that. He was also afraid of damaging his
reputation and religious persecution. Another reason was Emma Darwin, his wife,
who was very religious and believed strongly. Last but not the least, it might have
taken Darwin 20 years to collect enough evidence and
The Law when Two Companies Merge
During the Merger of AB and YZ into MN, an issue relating to licence keys will
arise because of the Copy Right Act of 1988. This is as the software that was
previously licenced to both companies has now become invalidated due to the fact it
was licenced to each individual and respective company, but not MN as a whole.
Therefore any software used in the development and hosting of the database and
website, will now have to be renewed.
For the merging of the systems and newly built website, the Supply of Goods and
Services Act 1982 would expect a reasonable level of quality that someone, who is
in the business would be expect from web design and database systems university
graduate. The Supply of Goods and Services Act also stipulate that we should agree
to a cost that is reasonable for part time university students. This could be around 3
4k for the website and around 2k for the database integration. A time scale of around
three months should also be set; this will be to allow the student to carry on with
their study while working for MN.
We should also be aware that a website made by students may not have the most
secure systems employed, and a data breach could be possible. If a data breach does
happen then the impending ICO enquiry for breaking the Data Protection Act 1998,
will land squarely on our shoulders. This is as the courts will not accept our decision
to allow students to become MN s data controller.
Systems should also be in place to automatically delete
To Build A Fire Theme Of Primitivity
We, as humans, should follow our instincts. Humans are capable of many things, but
just live anything else we come with advantages and disadvantages. As humans, were
born to grow and learn. Humans have other humans to help them to learn. As for
animals, they are born with what they know. What animals do that most humans do
not do is follow their instincts. For example, wolves are keen experts at hunting and
staying alive during winter. Birds use their instincts to tell when it is time for
migration. Also, elephants use their ears to fan their selves to keep cool in high
temperatures. Survival shows us good examples of humans choosing pride over
instincts. For example, people pay large amount of money for small amounts of food.
Another is that some humans will not ask for help even though they know that they
need it. Now, these animals were not told to do those things to survive; it was their
instincts. In some cases, humans do not make it through their situations because of
letting their pride get in the way of their success. The difference between surviving
and not surviving is whether or not we use our humaninstinct.
Perry, John. Jack London: An American Myth. 1981.... Show more content on ...
To Build a Fire Theme of Primitivity. . 2008. 02 Mar 2016. To Build a Fire Theme of
Primitivity. 11 Nov 2008. Shmoop University, Inc. 02 Mar 2016. In the story the
wolf dog and the traveling man both knew that they needed fire to survive. The
traveling man had done so but not for long. He wanted to get to his destination. the
man s judgment seems to draw on his personal experience, the wolf dog s instinct
draws on the experience of every blood ancestor the animal has ever had (Team).
Dogs (tend) to go for things they need to survive and being in fifty below weather
the wolf dog needed fire to survive. The dog wants out because he knows that it is
nowhere near save for the both of them. The traveling man wants to continue because
he wants to prove the old timer
Muscle Mustangs Magazine Analysis
Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords magazine is packed with news and informative reviews
about your favorite vehicles. This ultimate vehicle resources aids you in keeping up
with the newest models, featured vehicles, car reviews, and other interesting features
in this vehicle enthusiast magazine. With each highly anticipated issue of this
amazing guide to vehicles, you ll receive valuable tutorials and advice to aid you in
beginning and finishing projects! Take advantage of ordering your discount magazine
subscription to Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords today!
Cars, Parts Lovely Ladies
Gain new insights and knowledge about both modern and classic vehicles in
Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords magazine s features. You ll learn vital details about
gorgeous machines that you didn t know even existed. Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords
offers a section that focuses on project vehicles for those who enjoy crafting them!
Each issue offers fresh ideas to employ during your next project in addition to
valuable suggestions for building your own unique road warrior! Inside this
publication geared towards car and truck enthusiasts, fabulous articles that share the
advantages and disadvantages of different vehicle parts are shared so you re always
in the know about the best suited parts for your unique vehicle you re crafting. In ...
Show more content on ...
Gain knowledge about events, such as car shows, races, Mustang Week, and other
awesome events that focus on your favorite cars and trucks. This publication
provides various views and opinions about the cars you re interested in with its
recurring feature, Horse s Mouth. In this feature, you ll gain access to all the latest
views and news in the Ford community. Each new magazine issue additionally offers
you the best quality reviews from comparing the the Ford Mustang to the Chevy
Camaro to initial road tests of the newest modern
Moses In The Odyssey
The most important character in this unit is Moses, who is introduced in Exodus and
leads the Israelites through their journey to the promised land until he dies in
Deuteronomy. He not only was a leader for the Israelites, but he was a very religious
and had a special connection with God. His accomplishments influence the Roman
Catholicism today. He freed the Israelitesfrom slavery in Egypt; he delivered them the
Ten Commandments; he led them to the promised land of Canaan; on their journey,
he protected, nourished, and sheltered the Israelites. As a leader of this Israelites, he
guided them because most of them did not know anything but slavery. After the Moses
died in Deuteronomy, the Israelites population grew more powerful. In conclusion,
Yoko Ono Research Paper
Yoko Ono is a conceptual artist, performer, singer, film maker and peace activist, and
Japanese multimedia artist. She is known for avant garde and expressive pieces. Her
work spans countless mediums. The following are works that highlight Ono s array
of mediums both independently and collaborative.
Ono s groundbreaking contributions to the art scene of the 1960s has led her to be
described as the most famous unknown artist by John Lennon. Recently, she has
gained admiration for her retrospective exhibitions of love, peace, and protest.
Bed In (Performance)
Ono married Lennon in 1969 during the Vietnam war. They invited press to their
hotel room in Amsterdam during their honeymoon. It was a form of non violent
protest war. The couple took the
Using One-Stage Cluster Sampling
In cluster sampling, instead of selecting all the subjects from the entire population
right off, the researcher must take several steps in order to gather his or her sample
First, the researcher must select various groups or clusters, and then from each
cluster, the researcher begins to choose the individual subjects by either simple
random or systematic random sampling. The researcher can even opt to include the
entire cluster and not just a subset from it depending on the design study they have
For my particular study, I have chosen to use a simple random control trial, which is
pretty common for the testing of behavioral sciences. I have also chosen to use one
stage cluster sample, this sample includes all of the children with PTSD and severe
forms of trauma that were picked from all the randomly selected clusters in the
sample set. I did this to keep my internal validity high and avoid selection bias, as
well as minimizing any other form of bias and threats to internal validity by
equalizing the conditions on all other influences except for the ... Show more content
on ...
There are numerous ways to keep a tight control over the internal validity of your
research study which is extremely important in the studies overall accuracy. The same
concept can be attributed to the studies external validity. Having the study include an
accurate range of, important demographic characteristics of the participants including
gender, age, and sex can enhance external validity. The setting scope or range should
also be an accurate representation including clinical therapists, and study
Essay on SCI case study
1. Why did Allen s heart rate and blood pressure fall in this time of emergency (i.e.
at a time when you d expect just the opposite homeostatic response)? Pg. 969
This occurred because Allen s spinal cord has decreased perfusion due to damage,
and a broken vertebral bone. Also, there has been a disruptions of the sympathetic
fibers of his autonomic nervous system therefore it can no longer stimulate the heart.
Allen likely has spinal shock.
2. Upon admission to the hospital, Allen s breathing was rapid and shallow, can you
explain why? Pg. 969
Due to Allen s fall he likely has an incompetent diaphragm due to injuring a cervical
segment. This would alter effect the lower motor neurons and external intercostal
muscles. This would ... Show more content on ...
In addition Allen could not raise his arms against gravity, had flaccid lower
extremities, and was without triceps or wrist extensor reflexes, and other muscle
stretch reflexes were absent. If the fracture was at C4 5 Allen would not be able to
shrug his shoulders and if the fracture was at C7 he could extend his flexed arms.
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
6. What is the normal pH of blood? Why was Allen s blood pH below normal? Pg.
970 971.
The normal blood pH is between 7.35 and 7.45. Allen s blood was acidotic due to a
decrease in lung expansion and an alteration in the perfusion to his spinal cord. He
also has an alteration in spinal innervation to the respiratory muscles including the
phrenic nerve that controls the diaphragm. This would further cause Allen to not be
able to adequately take in enough oxygen and blow off enough CO2 to adequately
have gas exchange, within the alveoli. Respiratory failure.
7. What is the primary muscle of respiration? What nerve initiates this muscle?
The primary muscle of respiration is the diaphragm. The nerve that initiates this
muscle is the phrenic nerve.
8. Which spinal neurons to the nerve you named in question #7? Pg. 969.
The cervical spinal nerve C3 5 innervate the phrenic nerve. These are the lower motor
9. By four days after the injury, some of Allen s signs and symptoms had changed.
Allen s arm muscles were still flaccid, yet his leg muscles had
Personal Influence of Grigori Rasputin
A. PLAN OF INVESTIGATION Among the greatest mysteries of Russian history is
the influence of the Mad Monk Grigori Rasputin. During his time in court 1907
1916, Rasputin developed a complex relationship with the ruling Romanovs and
leading ministers due to his mystical ability to treat the hemophilia of the sole heir to
the throne, Tsarevich Alexei. The topic of this investigation is to analyze to what
extent did the personal influence of Grigori Rasputin lead to the fall of the Russian
Empire. The analysis will investigate the relationship of Rasputin to those in positions
of power, starting from the time when Rasputin first treated Alexei to the last days of
the Romanov Dynasty. Statements from those acquainted with Rasputin and... Show
more content on ...
Rasputin s influence over Alexandra allowed him to promote political allies to high
ranking state positions, leading to a massive reorganization of bureaucracy in 1915
1916 (Massie 389). Government officials soon believed that Rasputin s presence
was the source of too many of the troubles of the empire and posed a threat to the
Romanov Dynasty. In December 1916, a group of nobles led by Prince Felix
Yusupov plotted Rasputin s death. After inviting him to a dinner party, they brutally
murdered Rasputin, shooting him several times, beating him, poisoning him with
cyanide, and finally throwing him into the Neva River (Rasputin 235; King 182).
The Romanov Dynasty would collapse in the following year 1917 in the February.
C. EVALUATION OF SOURCESOne resource used for this investigation was
Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie, which describes the reign of
Nicholas II. This source was published in 1967 in the United States, thus the book is
a secondary source. Massie is a Pulitzer Prize winning historian whose work focuses
on the Russian Romanovs. Massie s alma mater includes Yale and Oxford University.
The source is highly valuable in its extremely detailed and comprehensive research of
nearly 600 pages, providing the thoughts of those in positions of power and
interesting, insightful perspectives to the situation at the time. An analysis on
connecting causes and effects are thorough and
Verizon Fios Research Paper
Get Verizon FiOS in Jersey City Experience the difference of a fiber optic network
[Check Availability] # # # Fast Internet, from Verizon: Jersey City Eligible for
FiOS! It s tough to match the power of a 100% fiber optic network. That s what
you get, with Verizon FiOS. Jersey City residents can sign up FiOS home services
for Internet, phone and TV. FiOS plans fit your speed need and budget. Call today
to see if you live in a FiOS neighborhood! Build a Bundle with FiOS Internet Jersey
City households can save big when they bundle. Add TV, phone or both to FiOS
Internet. Here s what you can expect when you sign up for FiOS: FiOS Internet:
Fiber optics deliver fast, reliable speed, whenever you log in FiOS TV: Crystal clarity
and a load of HD channel options... Show more content on ...
With SpeedMatch, only available from Verizon, you get matching speeds,
upstream and downstream. The fiber optic network allows you to connect your
whole household. Even on more than one device! Check out what s possible with
FiOS Internet: GAMING | SpeedMatch lets you stay on top of your game and in
charge of your kingdom SURFING | Pay bills, check email, update social media
even with more than one user connected STREAMING | Verizon FiOS supports all
the popular movie, TV and movie apps Shop online, video chat and more, with
Verizon FiOS! [Shop FiOS Bundles] # # # FiOS TV: Jersey City can get the best in
home entertainment! Why pay for the kinds of channels you don t watch? You have
a choice, with Verizon FiOS. In Jersey City, pick channel plans designed to deliver
programming you want most! FiOS TV comes with viewing features that transform
your entertainment experience: ADVANCED RECORDING | Jets or Giants? Either
way, record your team s game to watch later FiOS MOBILE APP | On smartphones,
tablets and laptops, stream certain channels
Mobil Commerce Essay
Mobil Commerce
The greatest wealth in the 21st century will not be made from products or services,
but rather by the company that creates the conduit for international m commerce
through the mobile device (Unknown author)
As defined by market analysts, mobile commerce is the natural extension of e
commerce that allows consumers to make business via a wireless mode anytime,
anywhere and always on. It uses digital cellular phones, PDAs, pagers, notebooks and
even cars can already be online wirelessly, all this developing another channel of the
value added chain. It is the innovation to meet the evolving customer needs of
wanting to escape the personal interaction eyeball to eyeball pressure of ... Show
more content on ...
In this scenario, consumers are recognized by the signals they emit, most likely
from their wireless phones or PDAs, and they can purchase goods and services
from vending machines and businesses without having to use a checkbook, credit
card or cash. But making the wireless wallet a reality will require an evolution of
both technology and consumer attitudes that is still far in the distance. Moreover,
at the commerce phase, in which consumers should realize that using wireless
devices to purchase real goods in the physical world does not necessarily deliver
those goods to their wireless device. It will be a challenge to convince consumers to
leave their credit cards at home and let their phones do the purchasing. In addition to
this, consumers will need easy to carry wireless devices that they will always have
with them, and terminals will have to be available at stores or in vending machines.
Both of these devices must have the necessary infrastructure to enable transactions.
Last, and most difficult, there must be a worldwide standards initiatives. However,
the most important aspect is to explain to the consumers, what is their bennefit to use
the services of m commerce, instead of the brick and mortal
Foster Home Essay
We are FosterHope changing the lives of abused children. Under the original name
of St. Francis Home for Children we have been providing foster care for over 30
years in the Sacramento Region.
Our mission is to be a leader in providing therapeutic foster care services to children,
teens, and families and to be an instrument in healing of spirit, mind, and body of the
youth in care to help them reach their fullest potential in a safe and nurturing
environment. FosterHope is a non sectarian, 501(c)(3) non profit organization that
works with Children s Protective Services to care for children who are victims of
neglect, abuse and sexual exploitation.
Through broad based support, extensive training and structured accountability,
FosterHope provides ... Show more content on ...
Through the State of California, a delegated rate is set on the care and administrative
cost of an individual foster child. These funds are processed through the individual
Counties. As with most Government programs this funding is helpful but falls short
in providing the proper care for these at risk children.
FosterHope has historically paid 10% to 20% higher than the basic rate required by
State law, directly to the foster parents to ensure better care. Now we have the just
released U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2015 Expenditures on Children by
Families report, also known as The Cost of Raising a Child. In this report, it states
that a low income family will spend approximately $856 a month per to raise a child.
Keeping this in mind, the State of California highest pay rate for foster care is only
$883 meaning that children under 15 years old are being raised at the equivalent of
poverty level.
The question you are having now is how does this balance out? Agency s like
FosterHope offset the cost of the care for these children and the foster parents absorb
the expense of caring for these deserving children in their
The Effects Of Cavitation Bubbles On Non Pathogenic...
Every year, roughly one in six people get a foodborne illness and an estimated
3,000 die from either from contaminated food or utensils ( Making Food , 2011).
Escherichia coli, known more commonly as E. coli, is a common suspect in
foodborne illness outbreaks and affects people all around the world. To eliminate
the number of illnesses and casualties from E.coli, it is important to ensure it does
not spread throughout the public, such as in a restaurant. The use of cavitation
bubbles to sanitize utensils could potentially decrease the spread of the E.coli
pathogen and decrease the number of infected people. The destructive force of
collapsing bubbles could prove vital to destroying microorganisms on a variety of
surfaces in a safe and cost effective manner. Will the effects of cavitation bubbles on
non pathogenic E.coli on an ice cream scoop and the amount sloughed off into the
water the scoop will be treated in reduce the amount of bacteriapresent? The null
hypothesis is that neither the water or scoop, when exposed to cavitation bubbles will
show a significant decrease in the amount of non pathogenic E.coli. The alternate
hypothesis is that both the scoop and the water, when subjected to cavitation bubbles,
will show a significant reduction of E.coli bacteria. The expected outcome is that the
cavitation bubbles with be able to destroy a significant portion of the E.coli bacteria
present, thus reducing the amount of E.coli that adheres to the ice cream scoop and
An American Hedge Fund Essay
Who doesn t want to make money? Everyone right? An American Hedge Fund is a
great read for all those who want to be successful in life because it shows you how
to think smarter, along with what is achievable with money (which is the most
important thing on earth). This book, written by Timothy Sykes, shows the ease of
becoming a self made millionaire, if you are motivated to do so. Timothy Sykes
began his millionaire conquest at the age of 14 where he gained interest in the stock
market. By his freshman year in college he figured out a way to determine a pattern
for stocks fluctuating prices. His pattern allowed him to buy and sell stocks making
huge gains and minimal loses. After his new profound wealth, it made him realize, for
better or... Show more content on ...
This book is very entertaining because he draws readers in with twists and crazy
stories, and it s all actually real. The climax of this book was when he was trading
stocks overseas, and he decides to put 75% of his money he made on the line. He
realized that the stock he put his money on dropped and did not follow his
projected pattern, suddenly he felt a cold sweat run down his pale face. To his
surprise, the internet connection on the boat powers off. He runs to the captain,
who informs him to call his broker, (someone who manages the buying and selling
of stocks), to sell the stock. He arrives to the phone booth and there is a long line.
He pays the person in the front of the line $20, and calls his broker. Then the phone
connection died. Out of nowhere, the students tell him the internet is back on, he
rushes to his laptop to realize the stock... To discover what happened you ll have to
read this alluring book. I would recommend this to all audiences who are intending to
make money, and be smart with investments. Although it mostly focuses on stocks,
the main objective is teaching the ease of making money if you have motivation, and
the will to battle with whatever life throws at
Witchcraft During Medieval Times
During medieval times, there was a constant uproar when it came to difference in
religions, as leaders preferred there be one sacred religion, Christianity. Around the
15th century, leading into the 16th century, in European countries, such as Germany
and surrounding providences, witchcraft became the new practice, which was
frowned upon. Anyone accused of being a witch, could not receive a fair trial, as they
were persecuted, tricked into confession, humiliated, inhumanly tortured, and put to
death by the numbers.
Witchcraft was known, as a practice, in which, one would give themselves, over to the
devil; in return, sorcery would be gained (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century],
1996). Due to fear, and the misunderstandings, of natural disasters, witches were said,
to be the cause of a multitude of events. Uneducated, about the scientific reasoning,
behind; miscarriages, the destruction of crops, any lifeform that had perished, in
addition, to any other mishap; inevitably, witchcraft would be to blame (Witchcraft
Documents [15th Century], 1996). In an attempt, to preserve Catholicism, Pope
Innocent VIII, supported, the persecution of witches.
The excerpt Innocent VIII: BULL Summis desiderantes, Dec. 5th, 1484, is a
memoriam, listing desires and requirements, as to how witches convicted, should be
hunted and put on trial (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century], 1996). To help
preserve and spread Catholicism, would mean to, capture all who have, disrupted
peace, in upper parts
Becoming A Physician As A Surgeon
Becoming a physician takes long years of training and education, and even more so
when desiring to become a surgeon. This training and education is a requirement to
become proficient in diagnosing ailments, prescribing medications, and determining
the appropriate treatment to treat sickness and disease, and perform surgeries when
the opportunity presents itself. Physicians are certified by the American Medical
Association (AMA), and require a state license to practice within the state they live.
This license does not guarantee that the physicianor the surgeon is mentally capable
to perform any surgeries or practice medicinefor that matter. (Roy Benaroch, 2011). It
just shows that the applicant did indeed satisfy the requirements of the medical board
in passing all tests to obtain the license. Obtaining a license to practice medicine does
not altogether prove that the candidate is competent enough to perform such tasks.
Subsequently, there are steps that must be utilized to test the competency,
qualifications, and references of the physician to establish that the physician holds a
current license and is not listed as a candidate of a malpractice lawsuit. Therefore,
there must be a credentialing process in place that should be followed in order to
prevent needless deaths, and costly lawsuits.
Credentialing Issues In the case of Candler General Hospital and Persuad, there are
several credentialing issues with the hospital and the physician. The hospital did not
see fit to
Uncle Jack s Steakhouse Research Paper
What is it? Uncle Jack s Steakhouse is a high class steak restaurant that incorporates
superior quality and obsessive dedication bring the high quality Kobe steaks to
New Yorkers. Where is it located? Uncle Jack s Steakhouse is located in Bayside,
Queens; Chelsea and Midtown in Manhattan. For exact locations, please visit the
website. More recently, the restaurant is bringing another chain to Madison Square
Garden offering their official steak sandwiches a tasty Brisket Version of Mozzarella
sandwich similar to their signature Filet sandwich. What s good here? Start your
meal with neatly hoarded shrimp cocktail or jumbo crab cakes. We recommend you
to get Filet Mignon, juicy Kobe beef steak, Wagyu Ribeye, or Porterhouse that
Sci 275 Couse Syllabus
I 275Course Design Guide SCI/275 Version 5
Axia College/College of Natural Sciences SCI/275 Version 5 Environmental Science
Copyright 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights
Course Description This course focuses on the causes of, impacts of, and solutions to
environmental issues. Students identify global environmental issues as well as
develop and critique environmental action plans. Topics include ecosystems, energy,
populations, resources, pollution, and sustainability. Policies Faculty and students
/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies
contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be
logged into the ... Show more content on ...
Upon your return, you wanted to share the knowledge you learned with your
students. Review Ch. 7 of Visualizing Environmental Science, which discusses the
benefits and challenges of urbanization and how the conference gave awards for
urban development projects that improved human settlements. Read summaries of
the 1996 winners of the Dubai awards on their websites: o o o o o o Institutionalizing
Community Based Development: A
Women s Self help Organization for Poverty Alleviation in India: SEWA: http:/
/ Shelter Upgrading in Agadir: http:/
/ City Management in Tilburg: Past, Present and
Future: The Bronx Center Project Don t
Move, Improve : Project of Sites and Services
for Low Income Family Groups:
В® В®
Create a 7 to 10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that describes environmental
benefits and challenges of urbanization. Include descriptions of two award winners,
discussing how they overcame a challenge mentioned in your presentation. Include
detailed speaker notes. Review the PowerPoint Tutorial if
Douglas Haig s Great Contribution to World War I Essays
Douglas Haig (1861 1928) was one of the most renowned soldiers during World
War I. He became the Commander in Chief of the British Expeditionary Forces and
led very decisive battles at the Battles of Some and Passchendaele. He also was
able to stop the Germans last offensive (March July 1918) which ultimately led him
to create a veteran s facility called the Royal British Legion. This caused him to be
elected to be an earl in 1919. Douglas Haig became Commander in Chief of British
Expeditionary Forces, led forces at the Battle of Some and Passchendaele, created
the Royals British Legion, and became an earl in 1919. Douglas Haig s previous
war experiences made him perfect for the position of Commander in Chief of the
British Expeditionary... Show more content on ...
The same results would also happen at the Battle of Passchendaele. July 31, 1917,
when Haig appointed an offensive minded general (Sir Hubert Gough) to
command, and pressed him to plan a decisive breakthrough, rather than a step by
step advance.11 Again, this battle turn out to be a technicality win for Great
Britain, however, they faced high casualties. These efforts obviously weakened
Germany tremendously; however, the cost of lives was too high to really see any
progress in their efforts. Haig has been criticized by many people over the years
due to his plans that caused high casualties. The wartime Prime Minister, David
Lloyd George, was one such critic. He wrote that he sometimes wondered whether
he should have resigned on more than one occasion rather than permit Haig to
continue with his strategy.12 In Haig s defense, he was forced to apply pressure on
France He had to push up his plans one month in advanced. That s plausible
reasoning to why his plans may have had some
The Experience of the Afro-Guyanese in Guyana
The Experienced of Afro Guyanese in Guyana
The country Guyana was discovered in 1498 by the Europeans people. Guyana s
settlers were divided into two groups, Arawak people who were the entire coast and
the Carib were in the interiors. One of the legacies of the domestic people was to
word Guiana. It was used to describe the region surrounding Guyana and also
Suriname. Guiana which means land of many waters was proper since that the area
has many rivers and streams. Guyana is about the size of Idaho. Guyana is on the
North coast of South America, by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east of Suriname
and south of Brazil and Venezuela. Most of the populations are East Indian followed
by Africans, Chinese, and then Europeans. Also the Chinese, Portuguese we re
called the indenture people in Guyana. In 1616 the Dutch were the first Colonizers
to settle in what we now Guyana. Not much is known about the first arrival of
slaves, but it s believed that the first groups of slaves were brought by the Dutch
West India Company. Though the Dutch colonies were driven by trade in the
Caribbean, they switch into crops. Agriculture production increased for the Dutch,
but they were short of laborers. They had a low indigenous population to work on the
plantations, so the Dutch West India Company went to get to African slaves to work
on the sugar plantations. The slave ships arrived different port such as Essequibo,
Demerara, and Berbice. This is where they had auctions and the planters
The Role of Civil Society in Democracy
The Role of Civil Society in Democracy
Keith Sanders
July 20, 2013
CIV 410
Victoria Labs
As one looks at the history of democracy, it is common to detect an undertone, a
rush of voices clamoring for purchase in the debate regarding how the country will
be governed. It is my belief that this undertone is the footprint of civil society, a
segment of democratic societies that often can be difficult to identify. Much has
been said about how difficult civil society is to define. However, as I read the
various definitions and came to my own conclusion, it seemed to me that we should
look at civil society as the vital foundation on which democracy is built. There are
definitely challenges and civil society is not perfect, but democracy itself is ... Show
more content on ...
I believe that Brian O Connell elucidates an important pre condition for the strong
civil society that developed in this country when it was simply a part of the British
Empire (O Connell, 1999). When British settlers first came to North America, it
was a largely untamed wilderness, and to some degree the first settlers were entirely
on their own, since many of them were religious dissidents, seeking a place to
practice the faith they deemed to be correct. The colonies that were set up by the
British largely came once they were made aware of the natural bounty that existed in
North America. The first settlers isolation and the subsequent isolation that even the
official British colonies experienced forced people to organize and to create
associations; institutions such as churches, granges, unions, public services such as
fire companies, sheriff s offices, and militias (O Connell, 1999). These institutions
began to represent the American experience, as our means of socialization and
support. Therefore, as I see it, civil society came first and in truth created the
framework upon which our founding fathers laid our representative democracy. The
groups and institutions that were created during the settling of North America gave
America the confidence to legally declare its separation from Great Britain. As I see
it, the successful
8th Amendment
Betty Waltermire
Critical Issues in Criminal Justice JUS 250
March 28, 2014
Michael Strauch
8th Amendment: Protection for Domestic and Foreign Terrorist
Our forefathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence and served the people
from their states came together to form ideas and write a Constitution that would
protect the people, property and their rights as citizen of the United States. These two
documents are what we were founded on. The simple version of the 8th Amendment,
Prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, nor excessive fines
imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted, including torture (8th
Amendment to the United States Constitution). To define torture is an act perpetrated
by one ... Show more content on ...
Testimony coerced through humiliating, degrading treatment would be admissible
(How 9 11 Changed the Law, Privacy, Profiling and Free Speech, 2011).
Part of the act was rewritten making soldiers no longer subject to legal prosecution
under United States law for what, before the amendment, was defined as a war crime,
such as torture (Wikipedia).
The Patriot Act in 2010 added criminalization of pure speech in furtherance of the
non criminal acts of terrorist groups (How 9 11 changed the Law, Privacy, Profiling
and Free Speech, 2011.
The coercion and torturing captured terrorist is needed to protect national security in
the war against terrorism. There are numerous justifications why the coercion or
torture of terrorist is normally a lesser evil than the preventable mass murder of
innocent victims (Slater, Summer 2006).
With all the new legislation and measures need for the protection of the American
people does this mean we are going to become as barbaric as a foreign country? Do
we really need to torture people until they are willing to give up information? Do
we need to spy on our own people? As with any additional legislation it gives the
government a broader chance of spying on its people and taking away a right to
privacy. Slowly the people s rights are being replaced with the government s need to
8th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
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Power factor monitor control 63. PROCURE SYSTEM FOR VEHICLE USING
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 67. Temperature Data Logger 68. SMS Enabled
Industrial Networking 69. Digital Anemometer 70. Mobile car Security System
Identification using RF Modems 73. Security Integrated System Based On WAP
For Remote Monitoring and Control of Industrial Process 74. Railway Gate
Management using GPS and GSM 75. Priority for Emergency Vehicles in Traffic
SYSTEM 77. Programmable Hopper Controller 78. TCP/IP BASED ENERGY
Temperature Monitoring and Controlling Using Embedded System 80. GPS GSM
based patient monitoring 81. Security System for Remote Access using Telephone
Line 82. I2C EPROM Programmers 83. Multi channel Temperature Monitor
controller 84. RF Based Embedded Virtual Highway Patrol 85. Mail Transfer
System 86. Lift control System 87. Tyre pressure monitoring system 88. WIRELESS
SECURE POLLING SYSTEM USING GPRS 89. Accident identification system 90.
Pc to Microcontroller communication Through USART. 91. Wireless Water Level
Controller 92. Traffic Priority for Ambulance 93. Telephone interface security system
Social Influence from Authority in The Lottery by Chris...
Social influence is the way individuals are influenced in their beliefs, feelings, and
behaviors from others. Day after day we deal with infinite challenges by others to
inspire us, and as such. Conformity is commonly observed as a method of
inspiration, which followers of the crowd prepare actively to try to impact others.
Individuals simply witness the activities of crowd associates and fine tune their
actions and/or thoughts accordingly. The use of fear is one of the main forms of
influence to cause conformity; this is shown in The Lottery by Chris Abani. While in
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K LeGuin and, Firoozeh Dumas
s Sweet, Sour, and Resentful show how joy/happiness of others, have the ability to
influences others. The pressures of social conformity push characters to make
decisions regarding going against their personal beliefs that are in opposition to what
is socially acceptable in Salem.
Individuals in The Lottery form to the community; since they fear that if they were
to voice about what is being done to one individual could culminate upon them.
This is shown when the man accused of stealing attempts to reach the sacred land
of the elders and pleads for sanctuary, this is because their say is never questioned
and has the highest say besides the civil system. One elder attempts to stands up for
the man but is quickly silenced by boos and rotten fruit. No other elder attempts to
defend the man and conform to that of the elder who feared
Civil Rights Movement In The 60 s
The first amendment gives Americans the right to freedom of speech whether that
means verbally or nonverbally. Before learning about the different types and ways to
protest, I always thought it was just giant groups of people that walked around
chanting and holding signs. I had the privilege of learning that being silent as well as
non verbal gestures count as protesting too. During the 1960s, there were many
movements taking place such as: The Civil Rights Movement, Anti Vietnam War
movement, Women s Movements, and Gay Rights movement. All of these
movements changed government policies and helped shaped the way Americans live
today. Americans started to realize that relying on Government officials to make the
decisions for everyone wasn t... Show more content on ...
When Carlos realised he had forgotten his black gloves, Norman suggested the two
share Smith s pair. He then asked what he could do to support them, and Carlos
managed to get an additional badge, which Norman attached to his track suit, over
his heart. After the ceremony, Norman explained himself simply: I believe that
every man is born equal and should be treated that way (Carlson). What people often
forget about is the fact that Smith pulled a muscle in the semi final two hours before
the final but managed to push through the pain and still beat the world record by two
tenths of a second according to the Chicago Tribune article Smith and Seagreen Win
Gold Medals. (Strickler) A legacy written about both Smith and Carlos goes in great
detail about what each part of their protest represented. It says, Tommie Smithraised
black gloved fist presented black power, the knotted black scarf around his neck
represented pride and the box in his left hand contained an olive tree sapling which
stood as an emblem of peace. John Carlos s raised left black gloved fist represented
unity in black America, and the beads around his neck signified lynching suffered by
blacks. Both men wore black socks but were shoeless during the ceremony to
represent the black poverty
Quantitative Research Article Summary
Quantitative Research Article Critique
Summary of Article Topic
In the article, Perceptions of Burnout, Its Prevention and Its Effect on Patient Care as
Described by Oncology Nurses in the Hospital Setting, Russell, (2016) gives a
quantitative approach on the thoughts of burnout nurses in clinical oncology
registered nurses. Nurses that work oncology normally do not take care of
themselves due to the extensive care they give to their patients therefore run a high
risk of burnout that may lead to compassion fatigue, resentment and displeasure of
their job. In burnt out nurses, what is the perception on stress and compassion fatigue
compared with decreased ability for patient care?
Quantitative Article Critique
Background of the study ... Show more content on ...
Research tools used were: Maslach Burnout Inventory (HBI HSS) Human Services
Survey which had three categories of: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and
personal accomplishments. The investagator develpoed inpatient Oncology Nursing
Questionnaire (IONQ) focused on the nurses demographic information. It was also
an interview that was able to collect additional variables and information such as:
how long the nurse worked at the hospital, status, shift they were on and if whether
overtime was a factor. Results of study When nurses realized that it was the care
they were given that could be causing or be part of the reason for burnout and
compassion fatigue, they listened for options. The findings indicated ways to
prevent and decrease burnout and have alternate ways not to reach the burnout nurse.
Ways to prevent burnout that were discussed were: education, adequate rest and
sleep, self care and being able to be social out of work. Thirty five nurses believe
The Sniper Narrative
This is going to be a regular house search for the area. The locals have already been
informed we are coming. Thomson announced. My names is jackson clemton. I am a
US army airborne ranger assigned to the 82nd. Clemton your on sniper cover
thomson said.
sir yes sir I replied.
Tank, Gunny you both are going to take the X, Q, and do the sweeps. thompson
Sir yes sir. They replied in unison.
Tank and Gunny were both part of my squad. Tank was buff and was around
average height, he had a scar that ran from the top of his left arm to the start of his
wrist. Nobody knows how he got it. He swears up it was from a knife fight.
Gunny was a short and chubby latino man with a big tattoo on his right arm of a
cobra eating a spider ... Show more content on ...
Now it was my turn so i layed down and set up my rifle and began to sweep the area
with my scope. As the squads repelled out one by one. Once everyone was out i
then packed up and grasped the rope firmly with my gloves, i wrapped the rope
around my leg and began to descend. Once my feet hit the ground i tugged on the
rope and it fell from the helo. The squad than began to break off into groups of 12
except the three sniper teams of three. joseph, john, and i were bravo team so we
split off from the group and started towards the perch we were assigned before the
briefing. When we got there it was a tall bell tower that was rustic looking. John
(whose job was our security) stacked on the door, then me, then joseph (which was
my spotter). John then jumped into action Breach, Breach, Breach he announced.
He pushed the door in and moved to the right side aiming up the stairs. I followed
to the middle with joesph right behind me. John then he began to bark orders stack
on me, begin to climb he shouted. We began up the spiral staircase, every step with
a loud creak from the wood. Once we reached the top of
Analyzing Virgil s Advertisements
The advertisement created by Emily Dai and I, Marissa Hanzlik, covered the
realm of the waverers. We advertised for Virgil Travel to visit the outside of the
gates of hell. Emily and I chose to do a commercial because it would give us more
of an opportunity to be creative and have fun with the project. The target audience for
our ad are sports fans, particularly those who enjoy attending the events in person.
Characters we chose to highlight in our commercial were Moses, Celestine V, and
Charon. Moses is included to advertise to those living in Limbo and to offer
entertainment to those in the first circle. We also included Moses because is well
known and those on earth are will likely recognize his name. Moses endorsement ...
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Celestine s costume consisted of a papal hat and a necklace with a cross to help
portray his character as a pope. Charon wore a large black cloak to show how he
takes souls of the deceased from the livid shore and guides them across the dark
river. Also, Charon is wearing masks arranged to depict his flaming eyes. The
tormented shades are wearing athletic clothing to show that they are competitors in
a race. Props that we used included a book, a scythe, a cross, a banner, and plastic
insects. The book, used as a bible, and the cross were used to help portray the
holiness of the characters. The scythe was used by Charon to represent the recent
death of the souls waiting to cross. The banner was used as a sign at the entrance of
the gates of hell to set the location. The plastic insects were thrown at the
competitors to represent the tormenting of the waverers by wasps and flies. We
chose to begin our commercial at the stairs outside of school to symbolize the
entrance to a stadium or coliseum. Emily and I decided to film Celestine in the
cafeteria to portray him in an arena like were the race would take place. Our
original plan was to film Celestine s scene in the sophomore and junior commons
but they were blocked off and filled with chairs. We filmed Charon on one side of
the hallway to portray him as being on the shore of the Acheron. Eli Greer, David
Winters, and I acted in this commercial. Eli was chosen to be Celestine V because
he displayed the athleticism and attitude needed to portray his character. David
was chosen for Moses because he was able to capture the stoic nature of his
character and was able to present the change of emotion that we were looking for
from his character. I was chosen to play Charon because I was willing to wear the
two masks needed to represent his flaming eyes. Members of the cross country team
acted as
Effective Communication Case Study
QP provided William with a CBT activity geared towards improving communication
with parents. QP explained to William that the activity will teach skills on how to
improve communication and have more effective dialog with parents, peers and
authority figures. QP asked William to list some ways he communicate with his
parents. QP asked William to explain how he communicate with his parents when he
angry, depress or frustrated. QP discussed with William, how he can improve his
communication with his parents. QP asked will to list some communicate that will
not help with getting him what he want. QP asked William, what are some things he
would like to talk to his parents about but feel he can t, Why do he think he can or
cannot talk to them about... Show more content on ...
QP asked William, if he has good communication with his parents. QP discussed
with William the bee benefits of having good communication with your parents.
QP asked William, if he respect his parents, if so how does he show it. QP asked
William, in what ways he would like his parents to show him respect. In what ways
would he like his parents to show him respect? QP discussed with William, how to
communicate his feelings and thoughts that are respect to his parents and others. QP
asked William if he is aggressive and disrespectful to his parents. QP examined with
William the different style of communication. QP discussed with William assertive
communication. QP provided William with a worksheet in which he had to identify
the style of communicate described in each situation. QP pointed out to William that
he should use assertive communication with his parents when expressing his feeling
and thoughts. QP discussed with William how he can respond to difficult situation
without being aggressive towards his parents or others. QP provided William with a
worksheet in which he had to practice using assertive communication in each
situation provided. QP provided William feedback on the progress he is making
towards his goals. QP ended the session by reminding William of the next scheduled
Summary Of La Belle Dame Sans Merci
In John Keats La Belle Dame sans Merci, the speaker express his love for this fairy
woman where he explains, I met a lady in the meads, Full beautiful a faery s child,
(13,14). But he was Lured (33), to sleep with the woman who he thought once loved
him and as she said, I love the true (28). Why then if she love thee does he feel the
darkness of horrid warning gapГЁd ? Was it all just a dream? Or reality?
Firstly, the speaker as I assume is a man because he is talking about a lady he met
which he called her a faery s child, (14). As he said in the poem he was, Alone and
palely loitering (Keats, 2), That certain stanza made me pictured a man alone with
no sense of direction no sense of love. Lonesome. But they never went into much
detail on what he was doing or where he came from. Moving on, just from a few
lines into the poem the speaker s tone was coming off as melancholy. I got the
melancholy tone because the speaker seemed very sad and gloomy with phrases
as, O what can ail thee (1) almost sound like a cry for help or just a cry out of last
hope. He then goes on to say I met a lady in the meads, ( 13 ), as stated previously
but, this is when the poem turns from melancholy and alone to happy and almost
Continuing on, in this poem the speaker became infatuated with this lady. As he
said, I made a garland for her head, And bracelets too, and fragrant zone; (17,18 ) he
begins to fall for her and starts to be very taken with her

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A Good Essay Structure. Good academic essay sample Help in writing an essay 2018 in 2023 ...

  • 1. A Good Essay Structure Crafting an essay on the subject of "A Good Essay Structure" can be deceptively challenging. At first glance, it may seem like a straightforward task, but as one delves into the intricacies of essay construction, the complexity becomes apparent. The difficulty lies not only in conveying ideas effectively but also in adhering to a coherent structure that engages readers and communicates the intended message. To start, identifying the core elements of a well-structured essay involves understanding the significance of a compelling introduction, a well-argued body, and a thought-provoking conclusion. Balancing these components requires a delicate interplay of ideas and a meticulous arrangement of supporting evidence. Additionally, maintaining a logical flow within paragraphs and ensuring seamless transitions between ideas are crucial aspects of essay writing. This demands a deep understanding of the topic and the ability to present information in a manner that is both organized and accessible to the reader. Moreover, the challenge intensifies when attempting to strike the right balance between being informative and persuasive. Crafting an essay that not only conveys information but also convinces the reader of its validity requires a nuanced approach to language and argumentation. Furthermore, the difficulty extends to the revision process. Revisiting and refining the essay to enhance clarity, coherence, and overall impact is a time-consuming task that demands a keen eye for detail. In conclusion, while the topic of "A Good Essay Structure" may seem simple on the surface, the process of crafting an essay that embodies this ideal structure involves navigating a complex terrain of ideas, language, and organization. It's an undertaking that requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also a skillful command of the nuances of effective communication. For those seeking assistance in mastering the art of essay writing or in tackling specific topics, it's worth considering external resources. Platforms like offer a wealth of expertise and can provide tailored support for various writing needs, ensuring that the daunting task of essay composition becomes more manageable. A Good Essay Structure A Good Essay Structure
  • 2. Taxation New Zealand Essay Taxation Arrangements. Overall, 10% of NZ households have an income of $150,000 or more and this funds 71% of our net taxation. The tax system is an important issue for NZ s small businesses that are taxed at a 28% flat rate. Key features of New Zealand s tax system include a highly redistributive income taxand GST (15%), but we have no inheritance tax, no capital gains tax, no payroll tax, no social security tax, no health care tax, other than relatively low levy accident compensation insurance. The government has recently announced the possibility of tax cuts and a business focused tax package that seems positive for smaller businesses. In particular, the following intended changes are designed to make tax more simple, reduce compliance costs and make for a more productive economy: Provisional tax will allow for a new pay as you go option, which should allow some 100,000 small businesses to pay tax as they generate income from 1 April 2018. Use of money interest will be reduced or eliminated for most taxpayers. Contractors can select a withholding tax rate suited to their needs, rather than have it set for them. The 1% monthly penalty for new debt will be scrapped from 1 April 2017. Economic Forces. The current macro economic environment has very sound foundations, which is of course beyond SkillPower s direct influence, but does considerably affect the SkillPower organisation and its market, particularly in terms of customer spending patterns as examined
  • 3. Rogerian Theory Rogerian Theory: The Person Centered Approach of Therapy Humanistic psychology was developed from the many counter reactions towards psychoanalytic and behavioristic theories. In addition, it is considered the third force of psychology and it consists of theories that have a holistic approach to human nature. One of the most significant and establishing theorists of the humanistic force was Carl Rogers, as he developed the Person Centered Theory. Over the years, his theory has deeply expanded and influenced the knowledge of many mental health professions. Early life of Theorist Carl Ransom Rogers was the fourth of six children, in which five were boys. He was born on January 8, 1902, in Oak Park, Illinois. His parents, Walter and Julia Cushing Rogers were devoted and loving parents, giving a great deal of time and energy to creating a family (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 344). As a child, Rogers learned to place the most value in work and religion. At the age of seven, Rogers became particularly interested in the Bible and was capable of reading advanced Bible books (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 344). His incredible academic abilities and studious personality allowed him to skip grades, however, he was teased a great deal [by others] and [was] called Professor Moony (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 345). Furthermore, Rogers described himself as a dreamy youngster...lost in fantasy most of the time (Boring Lindzey, 1967, p. 345). He was sensitive, [a] shy introvert,
  • 4. Leaving The Yellow House By Saul Bellow Saul Bellow wrote many novels; one of his novels Leaving the Yellow House is about an elder woman who lives in a yellow house and is incapable to take care of herself. Her neighbors tell her that they will help her only in return for her house. The Rolfe s are the only neighbors that really care about Hattie and do not want her house in return. Leaving the Yellow House was one of Saul Bellows most known short story. When Bellow was young he was hospitalized for a while. The time he spent in the hospital was where his interest in literature grew. When he was in school his friends influenced him to write. He became so interested in writing that he dropped out of college to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. Bellow served as a... Show more content on ... Darly is a sixty eight year old man who works at a dude ranch. He recklessly causes Hattie to break her arm and never apologizes. As the story goes on he and Hattie are seen as acting differently towards each other. They have less patients for each other. They do not like the new changes. Pace is one of Hattie s Neighbors, and runs a dude ranch. When Hattie is in a car accident he offers his help by giving her a monthly check. He said he will help if she leaves her house for him once she passes away. Helen Rolfe is one of Hattie s neighbors. She and her husband go on many vacations and have luxury cars. Hattie feels bitterness towards her because of the calm life that Helen lives. Jerry Rolfe is one of Hattie s neighbors and is the husband of Helen Rolfe. He is Hattie s only real friend. He is also the only person who understands Hattie s Pride. Jerry tries his best to help Hattie when she breaks her arm. Him and his wife have been taking care of Hattie, but is unable to find someone to care for her like him and his wife have been. Amy Walters is a self sufficient miner s widow. She lives twenty miles away from Hattie. Jerry Rolfe tells her that she should move in with Hattie. Amy is a woman capable of taking care of herself. She will only move in and help Hattie in return for her house. Conflicts that occur in this short story are Hattie vs. neighbors and Hattie vs. decision. In Hattie vs. neighbors, her neighbors only offer help
  • 5. Speech Against Hate Speech One of the most significant valued rights in American society is the right to freedom of speech. Unfortunately, this right is often abused by people who are intent on spreading the message of hate against others. Creating hate speech as a dialog that attacks an individual or a group based on a protected characteristic such as the sexual orientation, religion, disability, color, or ethnicity. Some countries consider hate speech to be a crime because it encourages discriminationand sometimes even violence. Pursuing this further hate speech has been a topic of discussion for those who claim any try to restrict someone s expression of ideas amounts to the opposition meanwhile is constitutionally protected by the United States (Lukianoff). ... Show more content on ... He thinks that is good to have more information about fighting words and the only way to obtain it, is knowing our constitutional laws. The use of offensive will never lead anyone to a right end. The government of United States is cautious with this issue and tries to keep people from taking their fighting words to another type of violence. The second reason is xenophobia or racism that is not more than the fear or hatred of strangers that some people have with others who were not born in their country. This phobia is the most manifested today In United States. It does not consist in illness, but in an aptitude and position on the part of the society discriminating unfairly. Usually, it is encouraged from the houses to children by the family regardless of the damage they can create in others. A good example is when in 1943 in West Virginia, was the teacher criticize a child for his idea of free speech against xenophobia stating that we all must be equal, we must not see color or ethnicity ( pp. 237). The history of Supreme Court ruled in favor of the student named Mary Beth who now dedicates her life to promote in the concepts of free speech and free press on different campuses. In addition, xenophobia has also been part of racism against whites and blacks people. The best way to avoid the racial intolerance
  • 6. Value Of Personal Loans Personal loans can feel like a God send when you re in a financial pinch or when you want to increase your nest egg. However, without the proper guidance, it can be easy to blow through a personal loan. While that s tempting, your real goal should be to get the most value out of your personal loan. To do that, you have to know what kinds of loans are out there and what the possible drawbacks to each are. Then you can finally make an informed decision that will allow you to get the most value from your loan. Doing Your Homework Like anything else, you need to look at several kinds of loans as well as your personal credit. On the one end of the spectrum, you have title loans, which don t require good credit. Rather, you need collateral a ... Show more content on ... You wind up paying a lot more money in the end with these loans, especially when you consider roll over fees. Many times these are so much, you wind up paying more in the process of paying back your loan than you originally borrowed. Getting the Maximum Value From Your Loans Despite the high interest rates on some types of loans, it s still possible to get a good value out of your loan. First, if you can get a loan with a lower amount of interest, use these financial tools to pay off some of the higher interest debts you have as well as loans or lines of credit. Additionally, making the most of your loan may actually have nothing to do with your loan, but rather what you do with your money elsewhere. Once you get your loan, put the money from the loan into a savings account that has a high interest rate. If your personal loan interest rate is 12%, and you put the money in a savings account that get even just 3%, you effectively lower the rate of your loan to 9%. If there are no pre pay penalties, then pay off your loan early if you can. Often the amount of money you have to pay in interest is what really takes a chunk out of your wallet. Shave off months or even years from a loan to save cash in the end, according to The Nest. Hidden Ways to Find
  • 7. Ineffective Criminal Courts Ineffective Criminal Courts The earlier criminal courts started to punish those who committed a crime or differentiated from the norms of society (NACM, 2017). It was a system put in place to keep order. In the 16th century , if the person was found guilty, it was most likely going to result in a death sentence(NACM, 2017). Unlike in modern criminal court, the accused was guilty until proven innocent. The earlier criminal courts followed numerous laws that displayed discrimination until centuries later, philosophers and policy maker, began to change the laws to try to assure all citizens rights were protected. Criminal courts are made to uphold the rights of citizens to have a fair trial when convicted of crime. Criminal courts are the center of establishing order and creating justice in society (NACM, 2017). It is the duty of the courtroom workgroup to assure that the convicted that step in the court has their due process, which is individual s rights as a citizen such as fair trial, jury trial, no discrimination, exclusionary means, and other rights that are established in the amendments. Although the going rate , which is the normal way of handling crimes, is a consistent method of deciding sentencing, there are many types of punishments that the guilty receives. The initial purpose of punishments were to prevent others from committing crime and to discourage felons from committing more crime. The most popular type of punishment is incapacitation, which is
  • 8. Essay on M2.04 Developing the Work Team M2.04 Developing the Work Team Understanding the nature of teams and the features of the team roles and responsibilities including advantages and disadvantages. Would you describe the brewers at Springfield as a group of a team? Explain your answer. The brewers at Springfield international are a team although this is specifically the original members. The two new members Peter and John are at the forming stage of a team and could be considered to be part of a group due to the fact they are working with different methods but towards the same goals. Dr R. M Belbin Defined a team as: A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members.... Show more content on ... Peter and John haven t taken into account the need to produce such large quantities which have made them isolated from the Springfield team as they are not up to date with modern methods of brewing to create large amounts of lager. This single mindedness is highlighted by Belbin who notes that the Specialist if often single minded and only contributes on a narrow front of their own expertise. The two brewers were moved to the Springfield plant to implement new ideas and help the 8 brewers to apply them into making the new ale which match Belbin s idea that Plants are innovators and inventors. They usually prefer to operate by themselves which may explain the difficulty in communicating with the Springfield brewers while also lacking practical constraint. The two NFB brewers may have been identified to join Springfield as Plants are often needed in the initial stages of a project such as the implementation of a new ale to a brewery. Using a recognised model to illustrate your answer, describe at what stage of team developments the brewers are Bruce W Tuckman (1965) developed a model to describe the differing stages of team development. He gave us a way of interpreting the various stages groups pass through into making an effective team. As you can see from the illustration below, teams go
  • 9. Vertical Integration Case Study Fiona Li FDM 3320 Business of Media Midterm Exam 1.There are five advantages to markets that Croteau and Hoynes discuss. Identify and FULLY explain three of these advantages. Markets Promote Efficiency: the market model is based on supply and demand. When demand and supply are constant; in order to increase profits, companies as producers have to provide more goods and services at the lowest cost. This promotes producer s efficiency as well as keep low price for consumers. Markets Promote Responsiveness: Since market is relied on supply and demand, producers are responsive to what their consumers want. When consumers demand of a certain product increases; producers will increase the price to seeking higher profit; at same time, they will ... Show more content on ... A single media project can be developed with various different media company to gain maximized profits on this project. When a massive media company owns many different outlets, its subsidiaries can help to promote their projects for each other. For example, an idea of a comic book story also can develop into film, online games, novels and TV shows of the company has synergy relationship with others. Synergy also can help cross promotion. The company can use one of its subsidiaries to promote another of its subsidiaries. A massive media company, for example, its film production subsidiary produces a movie that is about to come out; others media companies who also hold by the parent company will help to promote the upcoming movie. These could be advertisements on Internet, television even the other movies. 5.In Ch. 6 of our textbook there are eight ways listed that the news media are trying to attract viewers and turn a profit. Discuss three of these ways in detail, giving some examples of this taking place that you have seen. Drama: the news media tend to attract readers and viewers by publishing scandal stories. Normal news are prosaic which are hard to attract audience but dramatic news are opposite. It is also easy for journalists to get sources of scandals from different ways than normal news sources. Audiences curiosities support
  • 10. Components Of John Sebastian Bach People create music in all kinds of different ways, if every piece of music sounded the same it would not be enjoyable. Many people reinvent older composed music and take their own approach to it. There are plenty of instruments that people can use to make an old sound, sound new. People can be very innovative and resourceful when it comes to recreating a new sound with an older composed piece. John Sebastian Bach is one of the many composers whose musicis being recreated in a new way. John Sebastian Bach was a composer born in 1685 in Germany. He built his reputation by performing in churches, and after working his way up in the music field back then he was able to establish a career in composing. He created the Well Tempered Clavier and the Prelude No. 1 was the first piece of it. This piece was originally composed with a piano, like many pieces composed at this time. A group of people, Les Objets Volants, used boomwhackers to recreate this piece in a new innovative way. Boomwhackers are percussion tubes that people use to recreate music using various lengths of the tubes to make various sounds. The people who recreated this piece with boowhackers were able to capture Bach s sound with a really peculiar instrument. Les Objets Volants were the group that used boomwhackers to recreate Bach s piece. They are a group from France who do shows that involve juggling. They perform all kinds of different skills they have in regard to juggling. They are very creative with their performances, so using an unfamiliar instrument to play a famous piece is something that would not be out of character for them. Tzvi Erez is pianist who records classical performances. Niv Music is what Erez records his music under. He is a very talented pianist who is able to capture the original composers essence with his recordings of the major pieces he does. He has various covers he has reordered, like Ludwig van Beethoven, Frederick Chopin, John Sebastian Bach, Franz Liszt, Erik Satie, Claude Debusssy, Edvard Grieg, Mozart, and many others (Niv Music). This transcription, a transcription being a rewritten composition for new instruments, was truly interesting. When clicking upon the video and seeing Les Objets Volants use a very
  • 11. I Acknowledge Mine By Jane Goodall Animals in Biomedical Research Do you think animals should be used in biomedical research? I don t think so because the treatment of the animals in the process is inhumane, especially in the film Black Fish . In another article I Acknowledge Mine Jane Goodall was watching a tape of the apes in the lab, after that she and her partners were crushed. So she decided to take a look for herself and what she found was unpleasant. First to support my thesis, in their article I Acknowledge Mine Jane Goodall says, During a subsequent visit to LEMSIP, I asked one of the youngsters I had met at the nursery, Little Josh. A real character he had been there, a born group leader. I was led to one of the cages in Junior Africa, Where that once assertive
  • 12. Duality In Sylvia Plath s Two Sisters Of Persephone Duality occasionally results as the cause for suffering, while it is a product of the mind, it can often revolve around condemnation and the fear of judgement. Sylvia Plath s poem, Two Sisters of Persephone illuminates the idea of the duality that exists within a woman s personality. The title Two Sisters of Persephone suggests that there are two sisters being described in this poem, when in reality, Plath allures the reader by revealing that the two designated qualities actually deal with the two lives that Persephone endured as the Goddessof the Spring and the Queen of the Underworld. Plath conveys the concept of dualism through the purposeful use of structure, and depicting imagery to illustrate the contrasting lives of the renowned deity, Persephone. Primarily, Plath illuminates her emphasis on contrast through the use of caesuras. The first caesura, Two girls there are: within the house (1), introduces the foil of Persephone s dual personalities. This is significant as it elucidates the concept of there being two people within one character setting. In this case the two girls portrayed in the house allude to the existent impression that women are two faced. Women are known to have two sides for they only ultimately show what is perceived as face value, and preserve their other individual persona hidden. Similarly, Plath uses a second example of a caesura, One sits; the other, without (2), to clarify the erratic contrast amongst her two personalities. This is
  • 13. Internationalizing The Habanera In the 19th century there were a few conservatories where composers frequently visited to study music. Instruments played a big role, too. Piano industries in Argentina and Mexico had popped up, which were accessible to the middle class, thus creating a demand for sheet music. Cuba even had a piano factory. This increase in access caused an explosion of pianomusicto be written. The Caribbean also was influenced. It had internationalized the habanera, a dance that was very popular in Cuba. Habanera was often used in dance music and theater. Moving onto the 20th century, popular music genres included Puerto Rican plena, Argentine tango, Dominican merengue, and Brazilian samba. These genres became national symbols for the countries from which
  • 14. U.s. Airline Carriers And Canada Case Situation Over the past three years, the number of Canadians crossing the border to take the advantage of the cheaper U.S. airline carriers was increasing. The young adults from 18 24 years old led the way with 32% have down so. Also, survey suggests that the residents from Ontario and British Columbia were most frequent flyers from the U.S. airports with 23% of the respondents. Canadians make up 88% of the customers at the Fall Airport. YVR and YWG are estimated to lose nearly 1,000,000 and 250,000 passengers to the U.S. each year respectively. WestJet is affected by this situation in the price battle. In order to keep its fares competitive, WestJet announced baggage fee, but was received negatively by many customers. Research ... Show more content on ... At the end of 2014, the aircrafts in possess are 109 Boeing 737 NG, and 19 Bombardier Q400, which are all short and medium range narrow bodied airliners. We assume that majority of WestJet customers are travelling for leisure, and the determinant of which airline to choose is the price. Target Market Demographic Segmentation 30 65+ Midsized families, young couples with children, old couples with grown children 30 80k income Professional, academic, retired, small business owner. Geographic Segmentation Canada Big cities Large population size 250,000+ Urban and Suburban areas Psychological Segmentation Working class, middle class, upper middle class Suburban families, retired couples, single urban professional Highly organized and detail oriented. Behavioural Segmentation Regular, holiday, and seasonal occasion Looking for customer service and convenience benefits Regular users, medium to frequent users Medium to strong loyalty Positive view of WestJet. SWOT Analysis
  • 15. Strength Condition of fleet Reliability Customer service Make profit every year Strong alliances Schedules Weakness Ticket prices Baggage fee Limited international flights Expensive international flights Losing to cross boarder Opportunities Convenience Growing tourism rate Positive outlook on global air freight industry Service northern work freight Canadian airline Threats American airports
  • 16. Buddhism In The Tang Dynasty Buddhism is originated from India, however it seems that China has become the center of Buddhism with the rise of Tang, and the Chinese Buddhism have a profound influence on the development of Buddhism in East Asia. Although Buddhism was introduced to the Chinese people early in the Han Dynasty in the first century B.C., a couple of historical events in Tang Dynasty truly mark the prosperousness of Buddhismin China. During the early Tang dynasty, along with many other pilgrims, the monk Xuanzang traveled to Indiaand returned to Chang an (Place 1) with a large collection of Buddhist texts, relics, and statues. With the support of Emperor Taizong of Tang, Xuanzang set up a large translation bureau in Chang an, attracting students from
  • 17. Socrates Flaws Socrates, in a simple but bold statement, proclaims wisdom as being the cardinal virtue. He believed that if one does not examine oneself, their life has no true meaning. Socrates defended the idea and virtue of self examination, for he believed it is through change and growth that people attain self betterment. Not only this, but this method of critical reflection also realigns values with what is actually important in life, such as wisdom and spirituality. Socratesbelieved that examination and scrutiny of one s beliefs were necessary in order to improve oneself. Without review, people would never be able to see their faults. Socrates lists this reason in Apology as why he cross examines people: For I do nothing but go about persuading ... Show more content on ... A person with unexamined values generally holds the insignificant to be what is important and what is truly significant to be inconsequential. In the Apology, Socrates addresses the men of Athens on this subject: Are you not ashamed of heaping up the greatest amount of money and honour and reputation, and caring so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul (Plato)? Through this statement, Socrates argument perfectly encapsulates the state that an unexamined society exists in one that values greatness over goodness. Though over two thousand years have passed since Socrates stated this before the Athenian court, it remains an accurate portrait of society; the majority of people amass material things, strive to become famous, and seemingly work only to gain wealth, all while hardly caring about knowledge, morals, or personal integrity. These skewing of values are the result of an unexamined life. People who never inspect what they hold valuable are swept up into society s race to riches and fame, instead of focusing on enriching themselves and others with wisdom and truth. People often ruin their lives as well as others in pursuit of their vices. Socrates knew that by examining oneself and what values are genuinely important, one not only safeguards himself against such downfalls, but they can also be led to the most valuable things of
  • 18. American Fundamentalism The relationship between American Christian Fundamentalism and American culture is symbiotic. Symbiosis is broadly defined as a relationship, usually long term, that involves two or more organisms in close relation with one another. American Fundamentalism can also be broadly defined and also ambiguous in terms of the differing views within the movement. Within symbiosis are two main groups of relationships defined as either obligate or facultative. Obligate symbiosis is a relationship in which both organisms must rely on one another to survive. A Facultative relationship is when organisms live together by choice. There are many forms of symbiotic relationships, but the most common and relevant to this argument are mutualism, commensalism,... Show more content on ... In the area of education, secularists would states that fundamentalists continued opposition to evolution being taught in public schools as detrimental to the overall education of children. In this way, secularists consider fundamentalism as a deterrent to societal progress. Fundamentalism is a parasite that is hindering the progression of children into well educated adults. Others would argue that fundamentalists are overly hostile and militant towards groups such as homosexuals or abortionists. Jerry Falwell once claimed that the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, were a response from God due to the amount of homosexuals and abortionists in the United States. In this scenario, the secularists become the parasite rather than the host. According to Falwell, Falwell once said, The rising tide of secularism threatens to obliterate the Judeo Christian influence on American Society. In Falwell s eyes, secularism was the main enemy, and in assistance in his war combating the enemy, Falwell call on his evangelical brethren to assist him. Along the same train of thought Falwell also stated, Throw down the anchor of truth and stop drifting with every new wave of religious fad. Stop trying to accommodate the gospel to the pitiful philosophies of unregenerate mankind. However, Falwell does not distinguish cultural norms in great detail, or religious fads. Perhaps Falwell is referring to the secularization of the gospel. This can be seen through the use of mega churches and their rock concert vibe, bible styled theme parks, or secularization of Christian music by contemporary artists. Falwell would argue that some evangelicals have abandoned their fight against the secularism of America and joined them in order to attract more people to their pews and offering
  • 19. Edward Hopper Painted The Night Hawks In 1942, American artist Edward Hopper painted The Night Hawks. This oil painting, is a 33 1/8th in. x 60 in. piece. Hopper used oil paint on canvas, to create this piece. Currently this piece is located at the Art Institute of Chicago. In The Night Hawks, a city diner is depicted sometime at night. The buildings and diner design, are consistent with a city setting. Within the diner, there are 4 people present. Three of these people appear to be customers, while the other is working at the diner. There are three men present in the picture, and one woman. Due to the clothes they are wearing, we know that this diner is set sometime before 1960. After looking at the painting, I believe that this is either an exact depiction of a real life diner, or the painting was inspired by a real life diner. Within this painting, there are many different elements of design that Hopper uses to create this scene. The first element of design within this painting is, the use of light and shadows. Hopper uses light and shadows, to create the visual of nighttime within the painting. Within the restaurant, very bright colors are used to create the walls. Using light colors in this way, makes it appear as if the walls of the diner are reflecting light. In addition, the countertop within the diner appears to be glossy, and has reflections in it. This effect also aids in making the illusion of light within the diner. Outside of the dinner, light can be seen on the buildings across the street. This
  • 20. Charles Darwin s Finches And Tortoises A Theory for Life Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 and passed away on April 19, 1882. Darwin is known in the science community for his thoughts on how species evolved, which became known as Theory of Evolution. He started researching after his visit to Galapagos Islands where he found different species of finches and tortoises. Darwin found a lot of evidence in this animals to support his theory about Natural Selection. He was not able to publish his theory till 1859 because of the beliefs at the time. Scientist are still discovering new evidence on Darwin s theory today. To support his idea for Natural Selection he used finches,tortoise as evidence, in them he noticed patterns of diversity. This observation led to the question, Why would God produce various organisms and put them on identical islands? this sparked the idea of Natural Selection. He noticed that all the islands were similar in climates but had various differences in the animals. On each different island he found a different type of finche depending on the environment they lived in. Some of them had big beaks, small beaks, needle like beaks, etc. Darwin noticed that the different beaks helped each of them survive and gave them an advantage in the environment over other animals. He noticed similar differences in tortoises, some had ... Show more content on ... The people he was surrounded by thought that God had created the world and and all its species, but Darwin did not think that. He was also afraid of damaging his reputation and religious persecution. Another reason was Emma Darwin, his wife, who was very religious and believed strongly. Last but not the least, it might have taken Darwin 20 years to collect enough evidence and
  • 21. The Law when Two Companies Merge 1A. During the Merger of AB and YZ into MN, an issue relating to licence keys will arise because of the Copy Right Act of 1988. This is as the software that was previously licenced to both companies has now become invalidated due to the fact it was licenced to each individual and respective company, but not MN as a whole. Therefore any software used in the development and hosting of the database and website, will now have to be renewed. For the merging of the systems and newly built website, the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 would expect a reasonable level of quality that someone, who is in the business would be expect from web design and database systems university graduate. The Supply of Goods and Services Act also stipulate that we should agree to a cost that is reasonable for part time university students. This could be around 3 4k for the website and around 2k for the database integration. A time scale of around three months should also be set; this will be to allow the student to carry on with their study while working for MN. We should also be aware that a website made by students may not have the most secure systems employed, and a data breach could be possible. If a data breach does happen then the impending ICO enquiry for breaking the Data Protection Act 1998, will land squarely on our shoulders. This is as the courts will not accept our decision to allow students to become MN s data controller. Systems should also be in place to automatically delete
  • 22. To Build A Fire Theme Of Primitivity We, as humans, should follow our instincts. Humans are capable of many things, but just live anything else we come with advantages and disadvantages. As humans, were born to grow and learn. Humans have other humans to help them to learn. As for animals, they are born with what they know. What animals do that most humans do not do is follow their instincts. For example, wolves are keen experts at hunting and staying alive during winter. Birds use their instincts to tell when it is time for migration. Also, elephants use their ears to fan their selves to keep cool in high temperatures. Survival shows us good examples of humans choosing pride over instincts. For example, people pay large amount of money for small amounts of food. Another is that some humans will not ask for help even though they know that they need it. Now, these animals were not told to do those things to survive; it was their instincts. In some cases, humans do not make it through their situations because of letting their pride get in the way of their success. The difference between surviving and not surviving is whether or not we use our humaninstinct. Perry, John. Jack London: An American Myth. 1981.... Show more content on ... To Build a Fire Theme of Primitivity. . 2008. 02 Mar 2016. To Build a Fire Theme of Primitivity. 11 Nov 2008. Shmoop University, Inc. 02 Mar 2016. In the story the wolf dog and the traveling man both knew that they needed fire to survive. The traveling man had done so but not for long. He wanted to get to his destination. the man s judgment seems to draw on his personal experience, the wolf dog s instinct draws on the experience of every blood ancestor the animal has ever had (Team). Dogs (tend) to go for things they need to survive and being in fifty below weather the wolf dog needed fire to survive. The dog wants out because he knows that it is nowhere near save for the both of them. The traveling man wants to continue because he wants to prove the old timer
  • 23. Muscle Mustangs Magazine Analysis Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords magazine is packed with news and informative reviews about your favorite vehicles. This ultimate vehicle resources aids you in keeping up with the newest models, featured vehicles, car reviews, and other interesting features in this vehicle enthusiast magazine. With each highly anticipated issue of this amazing guide to vehicles, you ll receive valuable tutorials and advice to aid you in beginning and finishing projects! Take advantage of ordering your discount magazine subscription to Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords today! Cars, Parts Lovely Ladies Gain new insights and knowledge about both modern and classic vehicles in Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords magazine s features. You ll learn vital details about gorgeous machines that you didn t know even existed. Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords offers a section that focuses on project vehicles for those who enjoy crafting them! Each issue offers fresh ideas to employ during your next project in addition to valuable suggestions for building your own unique road warrior! Inside this publication geared towards car and truck enthusiasts, fabulous articles that share the advantages and disadvantages of different vehicle parts are shared so you re always in the know about the best suited parts for your unique vehicle you re crafting. In ... Show more content on ... Gain knowledge about events, such as car shows, races, Mustang Week, and other awesome events that focus on your favorite cars and trucks. This publication provides various views and opinions about the cars you re interested in with its recurring feature, Horse s Mouth. In this feature, you ll gain access to all the latest views and news in the Ford community. Each new magazine issue additionally offers you the best quality reviews from comparing the the Ford Mustang to the Chevy Camaro to initial road tests of the newest modern
  • 24. Moses In The Odyssey The most important character in this unit is Moses, who is introduced in Exodus and leads the Israelites through their journey to the promised land until he dies in Deuteronomy. He not only was a leader for the Israelites, but he was a very religious and had a special connection with God. His accomplishments influence the Roman Catholicism today. He freed the Israelitesfrom slavery in Egypt; he delivered them the Ten Commandments; he led them to the promised land of Canaan; on their journey, he protected, nourished, and sheltered the Israelites. As a leader of this Israelites, he guided them because most of them did not know anything but slavery. After the Moses died in Deuteronomy, the Israelites population grew more powerful. In conclusion,
  • 25. Yoko Ono Research Paper Yoko Ono is a conceptual artist, performer, singer, film maker and peace activist, and Japanese multimedia artist. She is known for avant garde and expressive pieces. Her work spans countless mediums. The following are works that highlight Ono s array of mediums both independently and collaborative. Ono s groundbreaking contributions to the art scene of the 1960s has led her to be described as the most famous unknown artist by John Lennon. Recently, she has gained admiration for her retrospective exhibitions of love, peace, and protest. Bed In (Performance) Ono married Lennon in 1969 during the Vietnam war. They invited press to their hotel room in Amsterdam during their honeymoon. It was a form of non violent protest war. The couple took the
  • 26. Using One-Stage Cluster Sampling In cluster sampling, instead of selecting all the subjects from the entire population right off, the researcher must take several steps in order to gather his or her sample population. First, the researcher must select various groups or clusters, and then from each cluster, the researcher begins to choose the individual subjects by either simple random or systematic random sampling. The researcher can even opt to include the entire cluster and not just a subset from it depending on the design study they have chosen. For my particular study, I have chosen to use a simple random control trial, which is pretty common for the testing of behavioral sciences. I have also chosen to use one stage cluster sample, this sample includes all of the children with PTSD and severe forms of trauma that were picked from all the randomly selected clusters in the sample set. I did this to keep my internal validity high and avoid selection bias, as well as minimizing any other form of bias and threats to internal validity by equalizing the conditions on all other influences except for the ... Show more content on ... There are numerous ways to keep a tight control over the internal validity of your research study which is extremely important in the studies overall accuracy. The same concept can be attributed to the studies external validity. Having the study include an accurate range of, important demographic characteristics of the participants including gender, age, and sex can enhance external validity. The setting scope or range should also be an accurate representation including clinical therapists, and study
  • 27. Essay on SCI case study 1. Why did Allen s heart rate and blood pressure fall in this time of emergency (i.e. at a time when you d expect just the opposite homeostatic response)? Pg. 969 This occurred because Allen s spinal cord has decreased perfusion due to damage, and a broken vertebral bone. Also, there has been a disruptions of the sympathetic fibers of his autonomic nervous system therefore it can no longer stimulate the heart. Allen likely has spinal shock. 2. Upon admission to the hospital, Allen s breathing was rapid and shallow, can you explain why? Pg. 969 Due to Allen s fall he likely has an incompetent diaphragm due to injuring a cervical segment. This would alter effect the lower motor neurons and external intercostal muscles. This would ... Show more content on ... In addition Allen could not raise his arms against gravity, had flaccid lower extremities, and was without triceps or wrist extensor reflexes, and other muscle stretch reflexes were absent. If the fracture was at C4 5 Allen would not be able to shrug his shoulders and if the fracture was at C7 he could extend his flexed arms. Top of Form Bottom of Form 6. What is the normal pH of blood? Why was Allen s blood pH below normal? Pg. 970 971. The normal blood pH is between 7.35 and 7.45. Allen s blood was acidotic due to a decrease in lung expansion and an alteration in the perfusion to his spinal cord. He also has an alteration in spinal innervation to the respiratory muscles including the phrenic nerve that controls the diaphragm. This would further cause Allen to not be able to adequately take in enough oxygen and blow off enough CO2 to adequately have gas exchange, within the alveoli. Respiratory failure. 7. What is the primary muscle of respiration? What nerve initiates this muscle? The primary muscle of respiration is the diaphragm. The nerve that initiates this muscle is the phrenic nerve. 8. Which spinal neurons to the nerve you named in question #7? Pg. 969. The cervical spinal nerve C3 5 innervate the phrenic nerve. These are the lower motor neurons. 9. By four days after the injury, some of Allen s signs and symptoms had changed. Allen s arm muscles were still flaccid, yet his leg muscles had
  • 28. Personal Influence of Grigori Rasputin A. PLAN OF INVESTIGATION Among the greatest mysteries of Russian history is the influence of the Mad Monk Grigori Rasputin. During his time in court 1907 1916, Rasputin developed a complex relationship with the ruling Romanovs and leading ministers due to his mystical ability to treat the hemophilia of the sole heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei. The topic of this investigation is to analyze to what extent did the personal influence of Grigori Rasputin lead to the fall of the Russian Empire. The analysis will investigate the relationship of Rasputin to those in positions of power, starting from the time when Rasputin first treated Alexei to the last days of the Romanov Dynasty. Statements from those acquainted with Rasputin and... Show more content on ... Rasputin s influence over Alexandra allowed him to promote political allies to high ranking state positions, leading to a massive reorganization of bureaucracy in 1915 1916 (Massie 389). Government officials soon believed that Rasputin s presence was the source of too many of the troubles of the empire and posed a threat to the Romanov Dynasty. In December 1916, a group of nobles led by Prince Felix Yusupov plotted Rasputin s death. After inviting him to a dinner party, they brutally murdered Rasputin, shooting him several times, beating him, poisoning him with cyanide, and finally throwing him into the Neva River (Rasputin 235; King 182). The Romanov Dynasty would collapse in the following year 1917 in the February. C. EVALUATION OF SOURCESOne resource used for this investigation was Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie, which describes the reign of Nicholas II. This source was published in 1967 in the United States, thus the book is a secondary source. Massie is a Pulitzer Prize winning historian whose work focuses on the Russian Romanovs. Massie s alma mater includes Yale and Oxford University. The source is highly valuable in its extremely detailed and comprehensive research of nearly 600 pages, providing the thoughts of those in positions of power and interesting, insightful perspectives to the situation at the time. An analysis on connecting causes and effects are thorough and
  • 29. Verizon Fios Research Paper Get Verizon FiOS in Jersey City Experience the difference of a fiber optic network [Check Availability] # # # Fast Internet, from Verizon: Jersey City Eligible for FiOS! It s tough to match the power of a 100% fiber optic network. That s what you get, with Verizon FiOS. Jersey City residents can sign up FiOS home services for Internet, phone and TV. FiOS plans fit your speed need and budget. Call today to see if you live in a FiOS neighborhood! Build a Bundle with FiOS Internet Jersey City households can save big when they bundle. Add TV, phone or both to FiOS Internet. Here s what you can expect when you sign up for FiOS: FiOS Internet: Fiber optics deliver fast, reliable speed, whenever you log in FiOS TV: Crystal clarity and a load of HD channel options... Show more content on ... With SpeedMatch, only available from Verizon, you get matching speeds, upstream and downstream. The fiber optic network allows you to connect your whole household. Even on more than one device! Check out what s possible with FiOS Internet: GAMING | SpeedMatch lets you stay on top of your game and in charge of your kingdom SURFING | Pay bills, check email, update social media even with more than one user connected STREAMING | Verizon FiOS supports all the popular movie, TV and movie apps Shop online, video chat and more, with Verizon FiOS! [Shop FiOS Bundles] # # # FiOS TV: Jersey City can get the best in home entertainment! Why pay for the kinds of channels you don t watch? You have a choice, with Verizon FiOS. In Jersey City, pick channel plans designed to deliver programming you want most! FiOS TV comes with viewing features that transform your entertainment experience: ADVANCED RECORDING | Jets or Giants? Either way, record your team s game to watch later FiOS MOBILE APP | On smartphones, tablets and laptops, stream certain channels
  • 30. Mobil Commerce Essay Mobil Commerce The greatest wealth in the 21st century will not be made from products or services, but rather by the company that creates the conduit for international m commerce through the mobile device (Unknown author) As defined by market analysts, mobile commerce is the natural extension of e commerce that allows consumers to make business via a wireless mode anytime, anywhere and always on. It uses digital cellular phones, PDAs, pagers, notebooks and even cars can already be online wirelessly, all this developing another channel of the value added chain. It is the innovation to meet the evolving customer needs of wanting to escape the personal interaction eyeball to eyeball pressure of ... Show more content on ... In this scenario, consumers are recognized by the signals they emit, most likely from their wireless phones or PDAs, and they can purchase goods and services from vending machines and businesses without having to use a checkbook, credit card or cash. But making the wireless wallet a reality will require an evolution of both technology and consumer attitudes that is still far in the distance. Moreover, at the commerce phase, in which consumers should realize that using wireless devices to purchase real goods in the physical world does not necessarily deliver those goods to their wireless device. It will be a challenge to convince consumers to leave their credit cards at home and let their phones do the purchasing. In addition to this, consumers will need easy to carry wireless devices that they will always have with them, and terminals will have to be available at stores or in vending machines. Both of these devices must have the necessary infrastructure to enable transactions. Last, and most difficult, there must be a worldwide standards initiatives. However, the most important aspect is to explain to the consumers, what is their bennefit to use the services of m commerce, instead of the brick and mortal
  • 31. Foster Home Essay We are FosterHope changing the lives of abused children. Under the original name of St. Francis Home for Children we have been providing foster care for over 30 years in the Sacramento Region. Our mission is to be a leader in providing therapeutic foster care services to children, teens, and families and to be an instrument in healing of spirit, mind, and body of the youth in care to help them reach their fullest potential in a safe and nurturing environment. FosterHope is a non sectarian, 501(c)(3) non profit organization that works with Children s Protective Services to care for children who are victims of neglect, abuse and sexual exploitation. Through broad based support, extensive training and structured accountability, FosterHope provides ... Show more content on ... Through the State of California, a delegated rate is set on the care and administrative cost of an individual foster child. These funds are processed through the individual Counties. As with most Government programs this funding is helpful but falls short in providing the proper care for these at risk children. FosterHope has historically paid 10% to 20% higher than the basic rate required by State law, directly to the foster parents to ensure better care. Now we have the just released U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2015 Expenditures on Children by Families report, also known as The Cost of Raising a Child. In this report, it states that a low income family will spend approximately $856 a month per to raise a child. Keeping this in mind, the State of California highest pay rate for foster care is only $883 meaning that children under 15 years old are being raised at the equivalent of poverty level. The question you are having now is how does this balance out? Agency s like FosterHope offset the cost of the care for these children and the foster parents absorb the expense of caring for these deserving children in their
  • 32. The Effects Of Cavitation Bubbles On Non Pathogenic... Every year, roughly one in six people get a foodborne illness and an estimated 3,000 die from either from contaminated food or utensils ( Making Food , 2011). Escherichia coli, known more commonly as E. coli, is a common suspect in foodborne illness outbreaks and affects people all around the world. To eliminate the number of illnesses and casualties from E.coli, it is important to ensure it does not spread throughout the public, such as in a restaurant. The use of cavitation bubbles to sanitize utensils could potentially decrease the spread of the E.coli pathogen and decrease the number of infected people. The destructive force of collapsing bubbles could prove vital to destroying microorganisms on a variety of surfaces in a safe and cost effective manner. Will the effects of cavitation bubbles on non pathogenic E.coli on an ice cream scoop and the amount sloughed off into the water the scoop will be treated in reduce the amount of bacteriapresent? The null hypothesis is that neither the water or scoop, when exposed to cavitation bubbles will show a significant decrease in the amount of non pathogenic E.coli. The alternate hypothesis is that both the scoop and the water, when subjected to cavitation bubbles, will show a significant reduction of E.coli bacteria. The expected outcome is that the cavitation bubbles with be able to destroy a significant portion of the E.coli bacteria present, thus reducing the amount of E.coli that adheres to the ice cream scoop and
  • 33. An American Hedge Fund Essay Who doesn t want to make money? Everyone right? An American Hedge Fund is a great read for all those who want to be successful in life because it shows you how to think smarter, along with what is achievable with money (which is the most important thing on earth). This book, written by Timothy Sykes, shows the ease of becoming a self made millionaire, if you are motivated to do so. Timothy Sykes began his millionaire conquest at the age of 14 where he gained interest in the stock market. By his freshman year in college he figured out a way to determine a pattern for stocks fluctuating prices. His pattern allowed him to buy and sell stocks making huge gains and minimal loses. After his new profound wealth, it made him realize, for better or... Show more content on ... This book is very entertaining because he draws readers in with twists and crazy stories, and it s all actually real. The climax of this book was when he was trading stocks overseas, and he decides to put 75% of his money he made on the line. He realized that the stock he put his money on dropped and did not follow his projected pattern, suddenly he felt a cold sweat run down his pale face. To his surprise, the internet connection on the boat powers off. He runs to the captain, who informs him to call his broker, (someone who manages the buying and selling of stocks), to sell the stock. He arrives to the phone booth and there is a long line. He pays the person in the front of the line $20, and calls his broker. Then the phone connection died. Out of nowhere, the students tell him the internet is back on, he rushes to his laptop to realize the stock... To discover what happened you ll have to read this alluring book. I would recommend this to all audiences who are intending to make money, and be smart with investments. Although it mostly focuses on stocks, the main objective is teaching the ease of making money if you have motivation, and the will to battle with whatever life throws at
  • 34. Witchcraft During Medieval Times During medieval times, there was a constant uproar when it came to difference in religions, as leaders preferred there be one sacred religion, Christianity. Around the 15th century, leading into the 16th century, in European countries, such as Germany and surrounding providences, witchcraft became the new practice, which was frowned upon. Anyone accused of being a witch, could not receive a fair trial, as they were persecuted, tricked into confession, humiliated, inhumanly tortured, and put to death by the numbers. Witchcraft was known, as a practice, in which, one would give themselves, over to the devil; in return, sorcery would be gained (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century], 1996). Due to fear, and the misunderstandings, of natural disasters, witches were said, to be the cause of a multitude of events. Uneducated, about the scientific reasoning, behind; miscarriages, the destruction of crops, any lifeform that had perished, in addition, to any other mishap; inevitably, witchcraft would be to blame (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century], 1996). In an attempt, to preserve Catholicism, Pope Innocent VIII, supported, the persecution of witches. The excerpt Innocent VIII: BULL Summis desiderantes, Dec. 5th, 1484, is a memoriam, listing desires and requirements, as to how witches convicted, should be hunted and put on trial (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century], 1996). To help preserve and spread Catholicism, would mean to, capture all who have, disrupted peace, in upper parts
  • 35. Becoming A Physician As A Surgeon Becoming a physician takes long years of training and education, and even more so when desiring to become a surgeon. This training and education is a requirement to become proficient in diagnosing ailments, prescribing medications, and determining the appropriate treatment to treat sickness and disease, and perform surgeries when the opportunity presents itself. Physicians are certified by the American Medical Association (AMA), and require a state license to practice within the state they live. This license does not guarantee that the physicianor the surgeon is mentally capable to perform any surgeries or practice medicinefor that matter. (Roy Benaroch, 2011). It just shows that the applicant did indeed satisfy the requirements of the medical board in passing all tests to obtain the license. Obtaining a license to practice medicine does not altogether prove that the candidate is competent enough to perform such tasks. Subsequently, there are steps that must be utilized to test the competency, qualifications, and references of the physician to establish that the physician holds a current license and is not listed as a candidate of a malpractice lawsuit. Therefore, there must be a credentialing process in place that should be followed in order to prevent needless deaths, and costly lawsuits. Credentialing Issues In the case of Candler General Hospital and Persuad, there are several credentialing issues with the hospital and the physician. The hospital did not see fit to
  • 36. Uncle Jack s Steakhouse Research Paper What is it? Uncle Jack s Steakhouse is a high class steak restaurant that incorporates superior quality and obsessive dedication bring the high quality Kobe steaks to New Yorkers. Where is it located? Uncle Jack s Steakhouse is located in Bayside, Queens; Chelsea and Midtown in Manhattan. For exact locations, please visit the website. More recently, the restaurant is bringing another chain to Madison Square Garden offering their official steak sandwiches a tasty Brisket Version of Mozzarella sandwich similar to their signature Filet sandwich. What s good here? Start your meal with neatly hoarded shrimp cocktail or jumbo crab cakes. We recommend you to get Filet Mignon, juicy Kobe beef steak, Wagyu Ribeye, or Porterhouse that includes
  • 37. Sci 275 Couse Syllabus I 275Course Design Guide SCI/275 Version 5 1 Syllabus Axia College/College of Natural Sciences SCI/275 Version 5 Environmental Science Copyright 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course focuses on the causes of, impacts of, and solutions to environmental issues. Students identify global environmental issues as well as develop and critique environmental action plans. Topics include ecosystems, energy, populations, resources, pollution, and sustainability. Policies Faculty and students /learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the ... Show more content on ... Upon your return, you wanted to share the knowledge you learned with your students. Review Ch. 7 of Visualizing Environmental Science, which discusses the benefits and challenges of urbanization and how the conference gave awards for urban development projects that improved human settlements. Read summaries of the 1996 winners of the Dubai awards on their websites: o o o o o o Institutionalizing Community Based Development: A Women s Self help Organization for Poverty Alleviation in India: SEWA: http:/ / Shelter Upgrading in Agadir: http:/ / City Management in Tilburg: Past, Present and Future: The Bronx Center Project Don t Move, Improve : Project of Sites and Services for Low Income Family Groups: В® В® Create a 7 to 10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that describes environmental benefits and challenges of urbanization. Include descriptions of two award winners, discussing how they overcame a challenge mentioned in your presentation. Include detailed speaker notes. Review the PowerPoint Tutorial if
  • 38. Douglas Haig s Great Contribution to World War I Essays Douglas Haig (1861 1928) was one of the most renowned soldiers during World War I. He became the Commander in Chief of the British Expeditionary Forces and led very decisive battles at the Battles of Some and Passchendaele. He also was able to stop the Germans last offensive (March July 1918) which ultimately led him to create a veteran s facility called the Royal British Legion. This caused him to be elected to be an earl in 1919. Douglas Haig became Commander in Chief of British Expeditionary Forces, led forces at the Battle of Some and Passchendaele, created the Royals British Legion, and became an earl in 1919. Douglas Haig s previous war experiences made him perfect for the position of Commander in Chief of the British Expeditionary... Show more content on ... The same results would also happen at the Battle of Passchendaele. July 31, 1917, when Haig appointed an offensive minded general (Sir Hubert Gough) to command, and pressed him to plan a decisive breakthrough, rather than a step by step advance.11 Again, this battle turn out to be a technicality win for Great Britain, however, they faced high casualties. These efforts obviously weakened Germany tremendously; however, the cost of lives was too high to really see any progress in their efforts. Haig has been criticized by many people over the years due to his plans that caused high casualties. The wartime Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, was one such critic. He wrote that he sometimes wondered whether he should have resigned on more than one occasion rather than permit Haig to continue with his strategy.12 In Haig s defense, he was forced to apply pressure on France He had to push up his plans one month in advanced. That s plausible reasoning to why his plans may have had some
  • 39. The Experience of the Afro-Guyanese in Guyana The Experienced of Afro Guyanese in Guyana The country Guyana was discovered in 1498 by the Europeans people. Guyana s settlers were divided into two groups, Arawak people who were the entire coast and the Carib were in the interiors. One of the legacies of the domestic people was to word Guiana. It was used to describe the region surrounding Guyana and also Suriname. Guiana which means land of many waters was proper since that the area has many rivers and streams. Guyana is about the size of Idaho. Guyana is on the North coast of South America, by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east of Suriname and south of Brazil and Venezuela. Most of the populations are East Indian followed by Africans, Chinese, and then Europeans. Also the Chinese, Portuguese we re called the indenture people in Guyana. In 1616 the Dutch were the first Colonizers to settle in what we now Guyana. Not much is known about the first arrival of slaves, but it s believed that the first groups of slaves were brought by the Dutch West India Company. Though the Dutch colonies were driven by trade in the Caribbean, they switch into crops. Agriculture production increased for the Dutch, but they were short of laborers. They had a low indigenous population to work on the plantations, so the Dutch West India Company went to get to African slaves to work on the sugar plantations. The slave ships arrived different port such as Essequibo, Demerara, and Berbice. This is where they had auctions and the planters
  • 40. The Role of Civil Society in Democracy The Role of Civil Society in Democracy Keith Sanders July 20, 2013 CIV 410 Victoria Labs As one looks at the history of democracy, it is common to detect an undertone, a rush of voices clamoring for purchase in the debate regarding how the country will be governed. It is my belief that this undertone is the footprint of civil society, a segment of democratic societies that often can be difficult to identify. Much has been said about how difficult civil society is to define. However, as I read the various definitions and came to my own conclusion, it seemed to me that we should look at civil society as the vital foundation on which democracy is built. There are definitely challenges and civil society is not perfect, but democracy itself is ... Show more content on ... I believe that Brian O Connell elucidates an important pre condition for the strong civil society that developed in this country when it was simply a part of the British Empire (O Connell, 1999). When British settlers first came to North America, it was a largely untamed wilderness, and to some degree the first settlers were entirely on their own, since many of them were religious dissidents, seeking a place to practice the faith they deemed to be correct. The colonies that were set up by the British largely came once they were made aware of the natural bounty that existed in North America. The first settlers isolation and the subsequent isolation that even the official British colonies experienced forced people to organize and to create associations; institutions such as churches, granges, unions, public services such as fire companies, sheriff s offices, and militias (O Connell, 1999). These institutions began to represent the American experience, as our means of socialization and support. Therefore, as I see it, civil society came first and in truth created the framework upon which our founding fathers laid our representative democracy. The groups and institutions that were created during the settling of North America gave America the confidence to legally declare its separation from Great Britain. As I see it, the successful
  • 41. 8th Amendment Betty Waltermire Critical Issues in Criminal Justice JUS 250 March 28, 2014 Michael Strauch 8th Amendment: Protection for Domestic and Foreign Terrorist Our forefathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence and served the people from their states came together to form ideas and write a Constitution that would protect the people, property and their rights as citizen of the United States. These two documents are what we were founded on. The simple version of the 8th Amendment, Prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted, including torture (8th Amendment to the United States Constitution). To define torture is an act perpetrated by one ... Show more content on ... Testimony coerced through humiliating, degrading treatment would be admissible (How 9 11 Changed the Law, Privacy, Profiling and Free Speech, 2011). Part of the act was rewritten making soldiers no longer subject to legal prosecution under United States law for what, before the amendment, was defined as a war crime, such as torture (Wikipedia). The Patriot Act in 2010 added criminalization of pure speech in furtherance of the non criminal acts of terrorist groups (How 9 11 changed the Law, Privacy, Profiling and Free Speech, 2011. The coercion and torturing captured terrorist is needed to protect national security in the war against terrorism. There are numerous justifications why the coercion or torture of terrorist is normally a lesser evil than the preventable mass murder of innocent victims (Slater, Summer 2006). With all the new legislation and measures need for the protection of the American people does this mean we are going to become as barbaric as a foreign country? Do we really need to torture people until they are willing to give up information? Do we need to spy on our own people? As with any additional legislation it gives the government a broader chance of spying on its people and taking away a right to privacy. Slowly the people s rights are being replaced with the government s need to control. References 8th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
  • 42. Asaaaa ECE Mini Projects: Projects Q A, Guidance for your projects gclid=CN6UlK321bE... Custom Search 23 REGISTER LOGIN SEARCH ACTIVE TOPICS Electrical, Electronics Communication Projects Projects Q A, Guidance for your projects В» Projects Forum В» Electrical, Electronics Communication Projects Ads by Google Alarm Monitoring System Alarm House Alarm System Telephone System Topic: ECE Mini Projects Found this useful? Give a +1 Free Project Downloads 12 Add to Facebook: Get Free Electronics (ECE) / Electrical (EEE) Project Downloads: Electronics Project Download ECE Mini Project Downloads Robotics Projects Downloads Wireless Project Downloads Space Project Downloads ... Show more content on ... Power factor monitor control 63. PROCURE SYSTEM FOR VEHICLE USING CAN PROTOCOL 64. TCP/IP BASED STUDENT ATTENDANCE LOGGING SYSTEM 65. SECURE SYSTEM FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSE 66. CARGO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 67. Temperature Data Logger 68. SMS Enabled Industrial Networking 69. Digital Anemometer 70. Mobile car Security System 71. ETHERNET BASED PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM 72. Electricity theft Identification using RF Modems 73. Security Integrated System Based On WAP For Remote Monitoring and Control of Industrial Process 74. Railway Gate Management using GPS and GSM 75. Priority for Emergency Vehicles in Traffic Signals 76. WIRELESS SENSORY BASED ENERGY CONSERVATION SYSTEM 77. Programmable Hopper Controller 78. TCP/IP BASED ENERGY MONITORING SYSTEM FOR ELECTRICITY BOARD 79. Wireless Temperature Monitoring and Controlling Using Embedded System 80. GPS GSM based patient monitoring 81. Security System for Remote Access using Telephone Line 82. I2C EPROM Programmers 83. Multi channel Temperature Monitor controller 84. RF Based Embedded Virtual Highway Patrol 85. Mail Transfer
  • 43. System 86. Lift control System 87. Tyre pressure monitoring system 88. WIRELESS SECURE POLLING SYSTEM USING GPRS 89. Accident identification system 90. Pc to Microcontroller communication Through USART. 91. Wireless Water Level Controller 92. Traffic Priority for Ambulance 93. Telephone interface security system 94. VOICE BASED AUTO RECEPTIONIST FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION
  • 44. Social Influence from Authority in The Lottery by Chris... Social influence is the way individuals are influenced in their beliefs, feelings, and behaviors from others. Day after day we deal with infinite challenges by others to inspire us, and as such. Conformity is commonly observed as a method of inspiration, which followers of the crowd prepare actively to try to impact others. Individuals simply witness the activities of crowd associates and fine tune their actions and/or thoughts accordingly. The use of fear is one of the main forms of influence to cause conformity; this is shown in The Lottery by Chris Abani. While in The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K LeGuin and, Firoozeh Dumas s Sweet, Sour, and Resentful show how joy/happiness of others, have the ability to influences others. The pressures of social conformity push characters to make decisions regarding going against their personal beliefs that are in opposition to what is socially acceptable in Salem. Individuals in The Lottery form to the community; since they fear that if they were to voice about what is being done to one individual could culminate upon them. This is shown when the man accused of stealing attempts to reach the sacred land of the elders and pleads for sanctuary, this is because their say is never questioned and has the highest say besides the civil system. One elder attempts to stands up for the man but is quickly silenced by boos and rotten fruit. No other elder attempts to defend the man and conform to that of the elder who feared
  • 45. Civil Rights Movement In The 60 s The first amendment gives Americans the right to freedom of speech whether that means verbally or nonverbally. Before learning about the different types and ways to protest, I always thought it was just giant groups of people that walked around chanting and holding signs. I had the privilege of learning that being silent as well as non verbal gestures count as protesting too. During the 1960s, there were many movements taking place such as: The Civil Rights Movement, Anti Vietnam War movement, Women s Movements, and Gay Rights movement. All of these movements changed government policies and helped shaped the way Americans live today. Americans started to realize that relying on Government officials to make the decisions for everyone wasn t... Show more content on ... When Carlos realised he had forgotten his black gloves, Norman suggested the two share Smith s pair. He then asked what he could do to support them, and Carlos managed to get an additional badge, which Norman attached to his track suit, over his heart. After the ceremony, Norman explained himself simply: I believe that every man is born equal and should be treated that way (Carlson). What people often forget about is the fact that Smith pulled a muscle in the semi final two hours before the final but managed to push through the pain and still beat the world record by two tenths of a second according to the Chicago Tribune article Smith and Seagreen Win Gold Medals. (Strickler) A legacy written about both Smith and Carlos goes in great detail about what each part of their protest represented. It says, Tommie Smithraised black gloved fist presented black power, the knotted black scarf around his neck represented pride and the box in his left hand contained an olive tree sapling which stood as an emblem of peace. John Carlos s raised left black gloved fist represented unity in black America, and the beads around his neck signified lynching suffered by blacks. Both men wore black socks but were shoeless during the ceremony to represent the black poverty
  • 46. Quantitative Research Article Summary Quantitative Research Article Critique Summary of Article Topic In the article, Perceptions of Burnout, Its Prevention and Its Effect on Patient Care as Described by Oncology Nurses in the Hospital Setting, Russell, (2016) gives a quantitative approach on the thoughts of burnout nurses in clinical oncology registered nurses. Nurses that work oncology normally do not take care of themselves due to the extensive care they give to their patients therefore run a high risk of burnout that may lead to compassion fatigue, resentment and displeasure of their job. In burnt out nurses, what is the perception on stress and compassion fatigue compared with decreased ability for patient care? Quantitative Article Critique Background of the study ... Show more content on ... Research tools used were: Maslach Burnout Inventory (HBI HSS) Human Services Survey which had three categories of: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishments. The investagator develpoed inpatient Oncology Nursing Questionnaire (IONQ) focused on the nurses demographic information. It was also an interview that was able to collect additional variables and information such as: how long the nurse worked at the hospital, status, shift they were on and if whether overtime was a factor. Results of study When nurses realized that it was the care they were given that could be causing or be part of the reason for burnout and compassion fatigue, they listened for options. The findings indicated ways to prevent and decrease burnout and have alternate ways not to reach the burnout nurse. Ways to prevent burnout that were discussed were: education, adequate rest and sleep, self care and being able to be social out of work. Thirty five nurses believe
  • 47. The Sniper Narrative This is going to be a regular house search for the area. The locals have already been informed we are coming. Thomson announced. My names is jackson clemton. I am a US army airborne ranger assigned to the 82nd. Clemton your on sniper cover thomson said. sir yes sir I replied. Tank, Gunny you both are going to take the X, Q, and do the sweeps. thompson ordered. Sir yes sir. They replied in unison. Tank and Gunny were both part of my squad. Tank was buff and was around average height, he had a scar that ran from the top of his left arm to the start of his wrist. Nobody knows how he got it. He swears up it was from a knife fight. Gunny was a short and chubby latino man with a big tattoo on his right arm of a cobra eating a spider ... Show more content on ... Now it was my turn so i layed down and set up my rifle and began to sweep the area with my scope. As the squads repelled out one by one. Once everyone was out i then packed up and grasped the rope firmly with my gloves, i wrapped the rope around my leg and began to descend. Once my feet hit the ground i tugged on the rope and it fell from the helo. The squad than began to break off into groups of 12 except the three sniper teams of three. joseph, john, and i were bravo team so we split off from the group and started towards the perch we were assigned before the briefing. When we got there it was a tall bell tower that was rustic looking. John (whose job was our security) stacked on the door, then me, then joseph (which was my spotter). John then jumped into action Breach, Breach, Breach he announced. He pushed the door in and moved to the right side aiming up the stairs. I followed to the middle with joesph right behind me. John then he began to bark orders stack on me, begin to climb he shouted. We began up the spiral staircase, every step with a loud creak from the wood. Once we reached the top of
  • 48. Analyzing Virgil s Advertisements HANZLIK, M. 7 WMRD The advertisement created by Emily Dai and I, Marissa Hanzlik, covered the realm of the waverers. We advertised for Virgil Travel to visit the outside of the gates of hell. Emily and I chose to do a commercial because it would give us more of an opportunity to be creative and have fun with the project. The target audience for our ad are sports fans, particularly those who enjoy attending the events in person. Characters we chose to highlight in our commercial were Moses, Celestine V, and Charon. Moses is included to advertise to those living in Limbo and to offer entertainment to those in the first circle. We also included Moses because is well known and those on earth are will likely recognize his name. Moses endorsement ... Show more content on ... Celestine s costume consisted of a papal hat and a necklace with a cross to help portray his character as a pope. Charon wore a large black cloak to show how he takes souls of the deceased from the livid shore and guides them across the dark river. Also, Charon is wearing masks arranged to depict his flaming eyes. The tormented shades are wearing athletic clothing to show that they are competitors in a race. Props that we used included a book, a scythe, a cross, a banner, and plastic insects. The book, used as a bible, and the cross were used to help portray the holiness of the characters. The scythe was used by Charon to represent the recent death of the souls waiting to cross. The banner was used as a sign at the entrance of the gates of hell to set the location. The plastic insects were thrown at the competitors to represent the tormenting of the waverers by wasps and flies. We chose to begin our commercial at the stairs outside of school to symbolize the entrance to a stadium or coliseum. Emily and I decided to film Celestine in the cafeteria to portray him in an arena like were the race would take place. Our original plan was to film Celestine s scene in the sophomore and junior commons but they were blocked off and filled with chairs. We filmed Charon on one side of the hallway to portray him as being on the shore of the Acheron. Eli Greer, David Winters, and I acted in this commercial. Eli was chosen to be Celestine V because he displayed the athleticism and attitude needed to portray his character. David was chosen for Moses because he was able to capture the stoic nature of his character and was able to present the change of emotion that we were looking for from his character. I was chosen to play Charon because I was willing to wear the two masks needed to represent his flaming eyes. Members of the cross country team acted as
  • 49. Effective Communication Case Study QP provided William with a CBT activity geared towards improving communication with parents. QP explained to William that the activity will teach skills on how to improve communication and have more effective dialog with parents, peers and authority figures. QP asked William to list some ways he communicate with his parents. QP asked William to explain how he communicate with his parents when he angry, depress or frustrated. QP discussed with William, how he can improve his communication with his parents. QP asked will to list some communicate that will not help with getting him what he want. QP asked William, what are some things he would like to talk to his parents about but feel he can t, Why do he think he can or cannot talk to them about... Show more content on ... QP asked William, if he has good communication with his parents. QP discussed with William the bee benefits of having good communication with your parents. QP asked William, if he respect his parents, if so how does he show it. QP asked William, in what ways he would like his parents to show him respect. In what ways would he like his parents to show him respect? QP discussed with William, how to communicate his feelings and thoughts that are respect to his parents and others. QP asked William if he is aggressive and disrespectful to his parents. QP examined with William the different style of communication. QP discussed with William assertive communication. QP provided William with a worksheet in which he had to identify the style of communicate described in each situation. QP pointed out to William that he should use assertive communication with his parents when expressing his feeling and thoughts. QP discussed with William how he can respond to difficult situation without being aggressive towards his parents or others. QP provided William with a worksheet in which he had to practice using assertive communication in each situation provided. QP provided William feedback on the progress he is making towards his goals. QP ended the session by reminding William of the next scheduled
  • 50. Summary Of La Belle Dame Sans Merci Deceived In John Keats La Belle Dame sans Merci, the speaker express his love for this fairy woman where he explains, I met a lady in the meads, Full beautiful a faery s child, (13,14). But he was Lured (33), to sleep with the woman who he thought once loved him and as she said, I love the true (28). Why then if she love thee does he feel the darkness of horrid warning gapГЁd ? Was it all just a dream? Or reality? Firstly, the speaker as I assume is a man because he is talking about a lady he met which he called her a faery s child, (14). As he said in the poem he was, Alone and palely loitering (Keats, 2), That certain stanza made me pictured a man alone with no sense of direction no sense of love. Lonesome. But they never went into much detail on what he was doing or where he came from. Moving on, just from a few lines into the poem the speaker s tone was coming off as melancholy. I got the melancholy tone because the speaker seemed very sad and gloomy with phrases as, O what can ail thee (1) almost sound like a cry for help or just a cry out of last hope. He then goes on to say I met a lady in the meads, ( 13 ), as stated previously but, this is when the poem turns from melancholy and alone to happy and almost hopeful. Continuing on, in this poem the speaker became infatuated with this lady. As he said, I made a garland for her head, And bracelets too, and fragrant zone; (17,18 ) he begins to fall for her and starts to be very taken with her