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Employment Laws in Canada
Canada Employment Law The employment affiliation can be complex, with no quick and easy
method to use which will provide an instant answer. When collecting information from the parties in
regards to their work association, the inspector/health and safety officer must keep in mind that the
numerous tests are not tests in and of themselves, but rather circumstances outlined in jurisprudence.
They may be given more or less credence in a particular case to establish if a worker is simply part
of the payer's business or in business on his or her own account (Determining the
Employer/Employee Relationship – IPG–069, 2012). The general principles of contract law rule the
structure of the contract of employment. A contract of employment is a contract by which a person,
the worker, takes on for a limited or undefined period of time to do work for payment according to
the instructions and under the direction or control of another person, the employer. Inside the
structure of a contract of employment, a person carries out the service of work, gets payment and the
work is carried out according to the direction and supervision of the employer. "The terms of the
contract may be either in writing or given orally, but both are equally binding and enforceable.
When a person is hired to be an employee, the person enters into a contract of service, which is an
employer/employee relationship" (Determining the Employer/Employee Relationship – IPG–069,
2012). Another kind of contract between
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American Influence On Upper Canada
American Influence on Upper Canada: Pre 1812
Upper Canada was created in 1791 to accommodate the Loyalist refugees and land–hunting farmers
of the United States after the American Revolution. In addition of the existing two colonies, a third
colony was created by diving the Province of Quebec into Lower Canada which resides in the east
and Upper Canada which resides in the west. The colony was made official by the British
Parliament in the Constitution Act of 1791. Afterwards, the colonies became populated with pre–
dominantly American inhabitants and their French–speaking counterpart. Consequently, it was
difficult for Upper Canada to merge with these two different cultures, but proven otherwise when
the dualism between French culture and American ... Show more content on ...
The Civil Law of England was formally introduced into Upper Canada in 1792 (Riddell 165). Their
law greatly differed and was based on their autonomous ego. In Riddell's 1915 journal The Duel in
Early Canada, Blackstone comments the practice of English Civil Law by the Loyalist as "where
both parties meet avowedly with an intent to murder thinking it their duty as gentlemen, and
claiming as their right to wanton with their own lives those of their fellow creatures, without any
warrant or authority from a power either divine or human, but in the direct contradiction to the laws
of God and man" (Riddell 165). This signifies that the intention of the Loyalist were crude and
irresponsible. They did it out of their egotistic notions. This explains why the political standpoint of
Canada was poor during the War of 1812. The Democratic Republican party did not prepare the
country sufficiently for the war and limited the nation's chances for success (Tucker 3). Canada was
against the participation in the war and wanted to remain neutral. Either way, America threated to
attack and made Canada an unwanted third party victim. The Democratic Republican distrusted
expansive government and feared standing along military establishment (3). The English Civil Law
ended up dividing the country than bring it together. In addition, certain contents of the English
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What Is Canada In Canada
Colloquially referred to as the Great White North as a result of its large land area, its areas of Arctic
tundra, and its location relative to the rest of the North American continent (Simpson, 2017), Canada
is the second largest country by land mass in the world and a close economic and geographic
neighbor of the United States (U.S.).
Under Canadian rule are 10 provinces (British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta,
Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Islands)
and three territories (Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon). Although Canada has two official
languages (English and French), Quebec is the only province in which French is the dominant
spoken and written language.
As the 11th ... Show more content on ...
The leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons is appointed as Prime
Minister (PM). Currently the majority party is the Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau is the Prime
Minister. The PM is essentially the "voice" of Canada, and the duties of the office are similar to that
of a U.S. President or U.K. Prime Minister. Canada's judiciary system is comprised of the Supreme
Court as well as federal and provincial courts.
Legal System
Both English and French legal traditions had an impact in the development of Canada's legal
system. As a result, the system is comprised of both common law and civil law components.
However, only in the province of Quebec does civil law supercede common law (Government of
Canada, 2017).
Canada has a federal parliament, which makes legislation in the country and a provincial parliament
in each province and territory which creates legislation for its respective area. Parliament is
responsible for debating and deciding which proposed laws to approve and which existing laws to
change, once a change is proposed.
The process for changing or creating a law is as follows: Senior government officials draft a law
proposal. This draft is handed off to the Cabinet, which is comprised of select members of
Parliament chosen by the Prime Minister. Once the Cabinet approves the proposed law it presents
the proposal to Parliament, the members of which study and debate the proposal. If the majority of
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The Importance Of Media Laws In Canada
Although the media requires editorial freedom, but to ask are media laws necessary? Yes they are to
an extent, because in the case of Canada's cultural media and industries and cultural needs it can be
said to be other wise. The media has turned from a cultural providing platform to a platform that
only feeds on profit from big industries, media companies have noticed that the cultural needs do
not satisfy the taste of there consumers so they there for refer to ways that can provide profit. Private
companies or individuals majorly own the media and all companies have the same goal, "PROFIT"
it has become a major priority for all companies to derive profit from what ever they venture in
that's why the Canadian media is a profit driving platform that disregards the essence of cultural
needs, they tend to provide content from other sources which harm the Canadian cultural needs
which in this case provides them with ... Show more content on ...
Such include words or images that would clearly endanger the rule of law, society's peace, or the
safety of individuals: for example, incitement to violence, calls for discrimination, or show of child
pornography. The media should provide more means of expressing the Canadian culture in this age;
it has been shown that the Internet has become a booming place for all videos and due to that
concentration on video channels have been disembarked, the media should therefore use the internet
to show Canadian culture to a certain level that is acceptable. Self–regulation by the government or
a governing body on the media is a key to ensuring those continuity on Canada's media industries
and cultural
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The Charter Of Rights And Freedoms
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was constructed to replace the Bill of Rights, 1960. In the
1960's–1970's Quebec was extremely discontent with being apart of Canada due to the language
barer and being a minority. Many citizens in Quebec even wanted to separate themselves from
Canada and form their own nation. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau decided that the new charter in
order to ensure the rights of people residing in Quebec. In order to do this Trudeau had to create an
amending formula for the British North–American Act. This would grand Canada its independence
from Brittan. After gaining independence Pierre Trudeau also included the new Charter of Rights
and Freedoms. This charter created a great amount a controversy among many ... Show more
content on ...
The courts themselves contradict the democracy that is prided and practiced all throughout Canada
by amending laws without consulting parliament. Finally a citizens rights and freedoms are only
conditional and can be restricted by the court under interpreted circumstances. This paper will touch
upon three main characteristics that contribute to the power and controversy of judges in the
Supreme Court, through the selection process, undermining democracy and conditional rights and
The first controversial issue relating to the Supreme Court is its selection process. Canada is based
off of both a written and unwritten constitution, this implies that the governor general does not
appoint judges in Canada; instead federal and provincial cabinets advise him. (Kelly & Manfredi,
2010, p.41–42). Although the cabinets can recommend potential judges, the Prime Minister
ultimately chooses the judges in the Supreme Court. Having the Prime Minister appoint a judge
causes a political bias within the court. Essentially a judge's role within the court is to be politically
fair and non–biased. With that being said when a judge is recommended; cabinets will ensure that
the person appointed will have potential to benefit their political party. By having the power to
change laws that conflict with the constitution, the government tries to hire a judge
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The Modern Day Legal Systems
Human civilization marked the beginning of modern day legal systems. The advancements in
societies resulted in maintaining certain rules and regulations to continue this progress. Every
society has its own set of laws which are in some ways distinct from others. Many of these laws
have common sections and underlying guidelines. This could be because some societies decide to
retain certain aspects of their customs after breaking out of another society. It could also be the case
that over time different societies through trade and other intercultural activities developed together,
which caused them to have agreements in their laws. For many others, it is the case that they share a
common colonial master. The law and legal systems operating today are derivatives of the forms
listed above. Like many other nations today, the laws of ancient civilizations have affected Canadian
law. These include the Code of Hammurabi, the Mosaic law, Greek and Roman laws, the Magna
Carta and a few others. More recently are the civil and common law derived from the French and
British respectively. Canada did not always have a written constitution. The territory we now refer to
as Canada was once populated by the French and English colonial masters. These colonists extended
the laws of their home countries to their colonies. As the population of this territory grew and the
UK gained control of more colonies including those from the French, regional laws became a
necessity. Between the eighteenth
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Comparing The Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms
Although, Canada offers comparable qualities and values with other countries, The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms really separates Canada from other social liberties enactments. The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms upholds the diversity of differing qualities of Canadian culture and assures the
freedom of individuals that lengthens boundaries apparent to the constitutionalized law. Thusly,
contrasted with different nations, Canada's judiciary performs a huge part in deciphering the law.
Considering the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which consists of basic human rights, it is evident
that Canada has many significant laws that acknowledge and protect the rights and freedoms
including the liberty and equality of citizens. In my opinion, the most important law that Canada has
is Fundamental Freedoms. According to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Fundamental
Freedoms, are a group of laws ... Show more content on ...
This law allows citizens to the (2a) right to freedom of conscience and religion, (2b) freedom of
thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of
communication, (2c) freedom of peaceful assembly and lastly (2d) freedom of association. To be
brief, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms permits protection to freedoms within individuals of
Canada. Everyone in Canada has a right to practice any belief or religion as they would like to. We
have freedom of speech, to assemble peacefully into groups and to associate with whomever we
desire, as long as we do not violate the law and rights of others. The liberation of the media to print
and broadcast news is also permitted under the Charter.
The reason as to why I believe this is most important law in Canada is due to the fact it allows
individuals to live their lives as one would prefer to practice it. For instance, primarily the main
religion many
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Essay about Prejudice, Racism and the Law in Canada
Racism and the Law in Canada
In the 1900's a prominent English scholar Gilbert Murray said: "There is in the world a hierarchy of
races;[some] will direct and rule the others, and the lower work of the world will tend in the long
run to be done by the lower breeds of men. This we of the ruling colour will no doubt accept as
obvious."(Walker; 1997) It was very true at the time; everywhere you looked you could see that
white men assumed all roles of responsibility. Canada has been fighting a never–ending war against
racism in the 19th century. It. It has modified or created many laws to help try to combat the
discrimination that exists within our country. Canada has modified its immigration act to make it
less discriminatory. ... Show more content on ...
This stereotypical thinking comes from believing that all people in one group have the same
characteristics. There are no laws which prohibit racism because you cannot control a persons state
of mind only his actions. (Cohen; 1987)
In Canada the road to racism is compared by John Boyko to ladder the first rung being stereotypes.
These stereotypes are brought to existence by popular culture such as newspapers, magazines,
cartoons, and movies. The next rung is prejudice, which is the belief that stereotypes are true. These
beliefs are portrayed in phrases such as, "They are all"; or "Those people"; prejudice only looks at
groups not individuals. The next rung is discrimination which is an action based on prejudice. For
example an employer not hiring someone because they believe the stereotypes about the group that
that person belong to. The next rung that Boyko talks about is sanctioned discrimination. This is
where the discrimination becomes entrenched in our laws and practices. After that the next step is
systematic racism, which is seen in laws that promote segregation. This step leads to the next step, a
need to purify the nation through exclusion or expulsion. And finally that last step, which is
genocide, the deliberate extermination of a race. (Boyko; 1998) In this essay I would like to talk
about the 5th step in the ladder, sanctioned discrimination. Canada, which prides itself on being a
multicultural nation, has a
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British North America Act 1867: Important In Canadian History
British North America Act 1867
This act occurred on July 1st, 1867 the law The British North America Act is important in Canadian
history because it is the 1867 Act which officially created the new country of Canada by joining
together the four provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia legal in
Confederation. This legislation, passed by the British Parliament, created Canada as a new making it
its own today. Therefore Canada is an independent country that must not listen to anyone but
themselves. The statue of West Minister 1931
The statue of West Minister was a law that was created on December 11th, 1931 in Britain which
clarified the parliament powers in Canada. It was a British law which clarified the powers of ...
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The United Nations do multiple things such as following the devastation of the Second World War,
with one central mission: the maintenance of international peace and security. The UN does this by
working to prevent conflict; helping parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the
conditions to allow peace to hold and flourish. These activities often overlap and should reinforce
one another, to be effective. The term "human rights" was mentioned seven times in the UN's
founding Charter, making the promotion and protection of human rights a key purpose and guiding
principle of the Organization. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights brought human
rights into the realm of international law. Since then, the Organization has diligently protected
human rights through legal instruments and on–the–ground activities. The united nations are a great
group of people who are looking out for us ever since Canada has joined this group they have been
able to make an impact such as. Today, Canada continues to uphold the UN by actively participating
in the organization's activities and providing financial support. Canada consistently brings pragmatic
ideas and solutions to the table, from peacekeeping proposals in the 1950s, to creating the
International Criminal Court and banning landmines in the 1990s. Today, some of their current goals
are to assist war–affected children, or to improve the UN's management and
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Essay About Canada Have Too Many Laws
As we all know, there are a lot of laws in Canada.For example, the "Foreign Investment Review
Act", the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms", the "Aboriginal Law" and so on, all belong to the
Canadian laws.In my opinion, Canada has too many laws simply because of the lack of universality,
the ignorant of the differences between the impact of law and morality, and also the limitations
which existed in its laws.
To tell the truth, firstly, I think Canada has too many laws because of the lack of universality
reflected by its laws.Nowadays, the society and also the quality of people are both developing
rapidly day by day.However, from a deeper point of view, we could easily seek out the truth under
the "peaceful" and "harmonious" surface of the modern
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Sharia In Canad The Pitfalls Of Diversity
Islam is now the second most practiced religion in Canada, only behind Catholicism. Approximately
one million people living in Canada identify as Muslim, making it one of the largest minority groups
within Canada. Internationally, Canada can be identified as a multicultural country, known for its
diversity of population and for its policies which enforce toleration for those living within Canada.
The film Sharia in Canada – The Pitfalls of Diversity explores the debates around allowing for
Sharia law to exist as a legitimate law form within Canada. This is a point of contention throughout
various groups of people in Canada. In the 1990s, the idea to first introduce sharia law in Canadian
society was presented. Sharia law is the rules outlined ... Show more content on ...
However, with the emergence of multicultural policy, some difficulties have developed in the
attempt to in place these policies. The challenges which have emerged include the problem of how
to properly categorize minorities, the problem of conditions and sequencing, and the relationship
between justice and security, (Kymlicka, 2013, pp. 8–9). Examining the relationship between justice
and security, the question of to what extent should minority rights be preserved, and what risks are
worth taking is brought forward, (Kymlicka, 2013, p. 9). Putting Sharia law into practice is
controversial because while it follows multicultural, the practice also differentiates from Canadian
law, and puts some Canadians at
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Pierre Elliot Trudeau
As one of the Canada's greatest leaders, Pierre Elliot Trudeau brought change that would change
Canada forever in a positive manner. Although it can be argued that Trudeau's behavior was
outlandish and informal at times, it could be considered charismatic, however, his behavior to
politics was superior. He was inspired to change Canada and make it a better place to live. He did so
by implying the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, multiculturalism, and using laws to make Canada
a better place. Pierre Elliot Trudeau's actions changed Canada for the better. On April 17th, 1982,
when the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was signed into law (_The History of the Charter_),
Canadians lives would change forever. The Canadian Charter of Rights and ... Show more content
on ...
As a result, others who came were often considered "foreigners" because their race, color, religion,
or customs were different from those of the majority of Canadians (_Attitudes Towards
Immigrants_). Trudeau was the first to imply Multiculturalism in Canada. By implying it, it allowed
Canada to be a much more diverse and equal place. It also promotes respect for peoples' distinct
cultural identity. Implying multiculturalism to Canada was one of Trudeau's greatest
accomplishments. Pierre Trudeau was a leader who not only brought change by bringing new laws
to Canada, but he changed the way people viewed other laws. Trudeau listened to the majority, but
also protected the rights of the minority which demonstrates he is a strong leader. He once said
"Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the
country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them." (CBC Archives) Trudeau has always
strived for greatness and has been successful in many cases. As in the FLQ crisis, Trudeau declared
a brief period of Martial Law using the War Measures Act (WMA). By doing this, he completely
changed the view of the WMA. It had been assumed that the WMA would be used in times of crisis,
such as famines, depressions, pandemics and other serious situations that are serious to Canada's
well–being. However, Trudeau demonstrated how it can be used
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The Charter Of Rights And Freedoms Is A Set Of Laws Holding
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a set of laws holding basic rules about how our country
operates.1 Since its implementation in 1982, courts have had to weight an individual's fundamental
rights in accordance to the law. 1 Since the Charter, courts have had the ability to overrule sections
of the law if considered to violate an induvial right, or contrariwise. 1 Criminal and civil cases taken
to trial subsequent the charter are the primary evidence that its implementation has changed the way
the court conducts itself and their outcomes. Judges have to take all sections of the charter of any
party involved when determining what is just. Given circumstantial evidence in trials, decisions can
be taken to exclude, dismiss, certain ... Show more content on ...
Primary resources are the most reliable and most objective. They consist of archives and
manuscripts, journals, speeches, and government publications. For examples, the research found for
this essay is primary. It consists of evidence found in the actual cases, from actual documentation of
occurrences, and from the legal legislature of laws. These cannot be disproven since it is information
taken from the matter itself.
After, come secondary sources, these you need look through more to make sure they are valid and
see between any bias there may be. Secondary sources are textbooks, editorials, and journal articles.
These can be hard to consider accurate because there is usually some amount of bias within
evidence. For example, a textbook for a catholic school on religion, even though it contains
scholarly documentation, it may not include and adjust specific evidence that may go against the
religion. As well, a journal article from a conservative site will not necessarily shed positive light on
any democratic view. These sources can be used but only if it is capable to differ between bias and
As mentioned before, the research for this essay is primary in order to provide the most compelling
and objective evidence. Sources that were obtained where dictionary definition in order to prove
accurate original meaning rather than
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What Are Gun Laws In Canada
Has one ever wondered about Canadian firearm laws. Firearm laws have been developing in Canada
since the 1892. The Canadian government started creating laws like Bill C 83, Bill C 51, Bill C 17
etc to control firearms, but these laws are becoming more helpful and unhelpful. According to the
government of Canada scene firearm laws and gun control were put into amendment, the country
has seen both positive and negative changes. Firearm laws may have the advantage of preventing
crime, additional injuries and / or fatalities, crammed prisons, loss of money and use of materials
developing firearms, but correspondingly has the disadvantages of illegal purchase, different
methods of armed attacks, delay of sports, cancellation of jobs and insignificant increase in
pollution. ... Show more content on ...
Firearm laws and gun control lower crimes, provide safety, prevent crammed prisons, loss of money,
distribution of materials etc. Governed rules about firearms have been preventing tragedies example:
mass shootings, school shootings and accidental deaths from occurring. There have not been
shooting attacks since 1969. Accidental deaths have also gone down by 33.33%. Furthermore
prevention of firearms have prevented the death and wounding of minors. Firearm laws have also
been lowering crimes including (armed robbery, armed assault, homicides and mass murder).
Statistics show that since firearm laws were put into amendment ⅗ of crime has diminished. The
decrease in crimes and accidental deaths causes us relief. The heavy restriction on firearms stops
weapons (firearms) from traveling into our communities. Firearm laws and gun control guarantees a
sense of safety to majority of the Canadian population as people do not
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The Canadian Legal System: A Comparative Analysis
Canada unlike the United States is not a product of a unilateral declaration of independence from
British occupation (Blake, n.d.). The U.S owes its independence to a series of revolutions which led
to development of the U.S constitution, which guides its legal system. However, Canada gained its
independence from British rule through legislative and political processes. There is no single
document called Canadian constitution, but common are a number of statutes from the British and
Canadian parliaments. Although the U.S and the Canadian legal systems are comparable in many
aspects, the two legal systems have significant differences. There are two distinct types of laws, the
procedural and substantive laws (Boyd, 2011). Substantive laws concern ... Show more content on ...
According to (Boyd, 2011), Canada's legal system is open to using and adopting case precedents
from United States and England when there are insufficient ones in the country's law. Since Canada
have less cases that deal with privacy, the Canadian jurists often seek reference to the American
cases that have been ruled on privacy rights. Moreover, the other areas that Canadian jurists make
reference while making decisions include corporate governance, securities law and insurance.
However, while making rulings on a wide range of legal matters, the jurists often make reference to
the decisions by the House of Lords and the English Court of
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My 5 Significant Events Of The Canadian Elections Act
My 5 significant events i have chosen for my Canada 150 is Canada Elections Act, The stock market
crash, Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission, The adoption of the new flag,and Canadian Bill
of Rights and freedoms . And My top 3 hits i will be talking about later are about The Canadian
Charter of Rights, Viola Desmond , and Agnes Macphail
The Canada Elections Act is an election that is held ever since 1917 to allow all citizens of Canada
to vote for whom they want to represent their country and govern them. Permitting all citizens the
ability to be able to take part in their country and choose the best one they think is going to make a
big difference in their society
The stock market crash was indeed a sad moment in 1929 causing many ... Show more content on ...
This law also has more updated rights than the previous one ensuring everyone in Canada to have a
safe environment to live in. canadian charter of rights and freedoms is important to be understood
today because first of all this law still exists which means it has been acknowledged by many people
and nobody had a problem with it. second it sets out civil rights Canadians believe are necessary in a
free and democratic society resulting in everybody being able to take part of it since they are
canadian citizens. The historical significance fits into this because: As a result of this law it had
affected many people: ex Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada
is one of the acts. This insures that everyone is equal.
Viola Desmond was a Black Nova Scotian who was strained of racial segregation at a film theatre in
New Glasgowa. Viola was important and still is through her actions even though she had passed
away because she had stood up for herself when racism was involved. Viola is important to
understanding Canada since she is canadian herself and also her acts provided inspiration to a later
generation of Black persons in Nova Scotia and in the rest of Canada. As a result of this incidence it
had made an significant overview throughout time because slowly viola got well known for standing
up for herself since she was black and people
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Criminal Law In Canada
The Canadian criminal law involves the prosecution by the government of a person for an act that
has been categorized as a crime. In order to convict, an individual or party they must have
demonstrated or committed a guilty act, whilst having a guilty state of mind or intentions. In other
words, the individual must represent "actus reus, an evil act, and must simultaneously possess mens
rea, an evil mind. It is essential that the prosecution prove both of these elements of the offence to
the satisfaction of the judge beyond reasonable doubt, if there is a lack of one of these elements the
defendant will be innocent of the crime, in the eyes of the law.
An actus reus consists of more than just a guilty act, it also consists of the conduct, ... Show more
content on ...
Some individuals are obliged by the law to take action stop the crime from happening. One of the
exceptions is when the defendant or the individual himself caused or created the peril. In other
words, an individual must stop a crime, which was committed by his negligence. For example, the
defendant threw a cigar butt, who caused a fire, in this case the defendant's negligence caused a
peril, if a person were to die because of the fire he would be criminally responsible. Another
exception is when the defendant has a special relationship with the victim or contractual duties. The
bond between the defendant and the victim can be of many sorts like family, patient and doctor, or
company and employee. In each relationship, individuals have duties towards each other and if they
do not fulfill the duties, which result into death or another crime, and then they can be criminally
prosecuted. Lastly, when an individual or party has undertaken the rescue. This is when a couple
assumes a duty of care towards there vulnerable relative they assume a duty of voluntary
responsibility to look after him and take care of him, failing to do so they may be charged for
criminal offence. Even though, individuals have the free will and are able to decide their actions,
there are exceptions that force individuals to be held
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Marijuana Law In Canada
Marijuana has been acclimated as a antecedent of anesthetic for centuries – a accepted alleviative
bulb for the ancients. Even as technology became allotment of how we live, it was advised a
applicable analysis for abounding ailments. However, in 1923, the Canadian government banned
marijuana. Although marijuana cigarettes were bedeviled in 1932, nine years afterwards the law
passed, it took fourteen years for the aboriginal allegation for marijuana ascendancy to be laid adjoin
an individual.
In 1961, the United Nations active an all–embracing accord accepted as the Single Convention on
Narcotic Drugs, which alien the four Schedules of controlled substances. Marijuana clearly became
an internationally controlled drug, classified as a agenda ... Show more content on
–April 1999 analysis shows 78% percent abutment the alleviative use of the plant.
–May 10th – adjudicator grants AIDS accommodating Jim Wakeford an acting built–in absolution
for ascendancy and agronomics
–May 25th – House of Commons passes adapted alleviative marijuana motion: "the government
should takes accomplish anon apropos the accessible acknowledged medical use of marijuana
including... analytic trials, adapted guidelines for medical use, as able–bodied as admission to a safe
alleviative supply..."
–June 9th – Minister of Health announces analytic trials program; individuals who auspiciously
administer to Health Canada are absolved from bent case
–October 6th – 14 added individuals accept appropriate exemptions to use marijuana for alleviative
–September 2000 – Federal Minister of Health announces government will be growing alleviative
marijuana and federal regulations will be fabricated into
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Robert Borden Analysis
Tommy Douglas, Pierre Trudeau, and Robert Borden
Borden, Douglas, and Trudeau all remain resilient in the face of political obstacles under their
leadership, kept Canada as a united nation. After their involvement in local communities, Borden,
Douglas, and Trudeau reach Canada's national community. Borden was elected into politics through
his partner, which soon changed his lifestyle causing him to be the prime minister. As a staunch
imperialist opposing Sir Wilfred Laurier he spoke up for what was right and always brought the best
for Canada. Later on being elected to the upper hand he took matters into own hand and prepared for
World War 1. Tommy Douglas knew since his severe injury with his leg that he had to do something
about this. As he grew fond about politics he changed Canada dramatically including medicare,
women's rights, and old age pension plans. "I'm sure that ... Show more content on
Bringing Canada as one nation was a great barrier that these leaders go through. Borden had a real
struggle keeping the French Canadians and the English Canadians together during the war, but got
through with the idea conscription. French speaking Canadians not wanting to be involved with the
war opposed what the English speaking Canadians helping their motherland. Douglas had a different
situation against separation due to all doctors going on strike, which caused disunion between them.
Even though Tommy handled this strike and carried on with the law of free health care for all he had
a disadvantage of doing so. Pierre Trudeau declared that he would seek to patriate the Canadian
Constitution and to bring about what would eventually become the Canadian Charter of Rights.
(Wikipedia) Trudeau brought a solution that would prevent Quebec separate from the English
speaking side of Canada. With the help of these establishments Canada is all united politically and
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British Influence On Canada
British colonial system was one of powerful and biggest one, and it is possible to point out that the
colonials of the UK consist of two parts. The first part was called settled colonies such as New
Zealand, North America, and i.e. The second part was called ceded colonies and the colonies which
belongs to the second part were responsible for the territory that was controlled by native princes or
other European Colonial powers that lost their territory to the UK. It is possible to underline that
during that time French Emperor and the UK were in the power struggle. The reception of the UK
common law to the world happened with the same reason of the French civil law. The UK had very
strong and powerful colonial system, therefore, the UK called as an empire on which the sun never
sets. This colonial power of the UK was the biggest factor the reception of the common law. The UK
had its powerful colonies in North America, India, ... Show more content on ...
Because there was French population is some parts of the Canada such as Quebec. But the biggest
influenced made by UK (the influence of the UK to North America (USA) also affected to Canada
indirectly). In 1791, the region of the Canada separated into two parts with the decision of the
British Parliament. The one side of the Canada was under the effect of French and the other side of
the Canada was under the influence of the UK. But in 1867, British North America Act was adopted
by the Parliament in London. And in 1869, Canada obtained all the sovereign rights with paying
300,000 pounds. In 1871, British Columbia participated the Canadian Union. Consequently, since
1949 North American territory has been separated between USA and Canada. And Canada has been
using common law system except Quebec. (And in the USA the Louisiana has this kind of
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Clash of Laws in US and Canada Regarding Trade With Cuba
Clash of Laws in U.S. & Canda Regarding Trade with Cuba Introduction
When Canadian laws collide with laws in the United States with reference to trade with Cuba, which
side prevails? More specifically, when an American subsidiary is operating in Canada and engages
in profitable trade or export–related activities with Cuba which is illegal from the point of view of
the U.S. Department of Justice what will happen to that U.S. subsidiary in Canada? Which side is
right and which side is in the wrong? Is it fair for an American subsidiary operating in Canada to be
held accountable for what some view as archaic U.S. laws that forbid any trade with Cuba? These
issues and others related to the U.S. embargo on trade with Cuba will be presented in this paper.
The Original Basis Background into the Legal Issues
In the first place, at the heart of the current legal standoff between the two neighbors in North
America, is the United States' law called "Trading with the Enemy Act" (which was signed into law
in 1917). The Trading with the Enemy Act was an attempt to prevent American companies from
exporting to or importing from companies in nations that the U.S. listed as "enemies" of America.
And in 1994, James Sabzali, a Canadian citizen working as a foreign national in Philadelphia, sold
Canadian water purification systems to Cuban hospitals, in violation of the Trading with the Enemy
Act (TWEA). He was originally charged with 75 counts in violation of the TWEA and could have
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Politics Before Confederation : Politics After Confederation
Politics Before Confederation
Now that we have seen Cartier's part in the rebellions of 1837, it's time to move on to what
happened after, leading up to Confederation. After George Etienne Cartier returned from exile to
Vermont in 1839, he started practicing law again in Montreal(Sweeny). He even teamed up with one
of his brothers who also practiced law, as I mentioned before(Bonenfant). Some of the people who
he worked for during this time included the Sulpician Order, who he had close ties with due to him
going to their school if you remember. He also worked for some of the old seigneurs of Montreal
and the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railway(Sweeny). As I mentioned before in the introduction,
George Cartier was a railway promoter and helped develop the Grand Trunk Railway and Canadian
Pacific Railway ("George Etienne Cartier", Wikipedia). Although he didn't know it, railways would
be a key aspect of uniting what would later become Canada, but that comes later under
Confederation. Also George Cartier on his return became involved with the Saint–Jean Baptiste
Society, which led him to Louis Lafontaine ("George Etienne Cartier", Wikipedia).
How did Cartier help move the Province of Canada towards responsible government?
George Etienne Cartier practiced law for these clients up until 1841, this was around the time when
he became more involved in the politics of Lower Canada. In 1841, Cartier decided to use the
method of constitutional reform rather than violence (the
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Criminal Law In Canada By Verdon Jones: Article Analysis
This particular study question from our text Criminal Law in Canada by Verdon Jones illustrates
how rape can be weaved into the NCRMD theme. The perpetrator or rapist is attempting to use
NCRMD as a valid argument in describing his lack of accountability to the crime. One must
primarily summarize the scenario at hand, Sikes rapes Nancy and attacks her brutally inflicting
severe physical injury with a hunting knife and also causes psychological damaging from the shock
of the event. Furthermore, Sikes defense argues that a mental health diagnosis of "psychopathic"
personality disorder, as corroborated by a psychiatrist merits enough evidence to use the NCRMD
section 16 criminal code act to describe Sikes actions. The next question arises is:
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Canada 's Laws Should Be Unbiased And Non Discriminatory
Canada's laws are presented to be unbiased and non–discriminatory. The law promises every
individual the right to life, freedom of expression, well–being and uses sparkly language to prove
that no one is above the law despite sexual orientation (Canadian Human Rights Act, 1985).
However, this is not the case in regards to homosexual individuals. This paper will discuss how
homosexual suffer from discriminatory laws in their everyday lives. The discriminatory laws further
lead to myths, ideologies and labels that are imposed on homosexuals (Fedders, pgs.787–789, 2006).
Also, in this piece of writing two cases will be introduced to further prove how the law can be
discriminatory even though it appears to be sparkly with persuasive language ... Show more content
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However, these incidents took place in schoolyards, classrooms and hallways when teachers or staff
was not present (Black, pgs. 2–5, 2013). Since, Azmi was called names stigmatization occurred
because there was labelling that were present. Stigma comes from labelling, which further leads to
individuals as social outcasts. Labels are negative assumptions based on gender, gender preferences
and stereotypes that are not close to scientific evidence. Also, labelling causes dehumanization of a
person (Barris, 2007). However, no human attribute is inferior but these attributes are socially
constructed. For example, homosexual men were reflected in the Church as deviant, mentally ill and
seducers of boys and these labels were later displayed in many laws (Keller, pgs. 191–192, 1994).
Finally, the term "faggot" originated from the time when homosexuals were often burned first to
make coals hot for the burning of witches (Keller, pgs. 191–192, 1994). As for Jubran's case, he did
not identify himself as a homosexual individual but he was the subject of ongoing homophobic
harassment. This led Azmi to take legal action in regards to the harassment he was experiencing
during his school years (Black, pgs. 48,52, 2013). Mr. Jubran took his case to the court and alleged
that the school Board had violated the British Columbia Human Right code by discriminating him
on the grounds of sexual orientation (Black,
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Reducing Gun Violence Essay
Gun violence is a crucial predicament in North American society. The stringent fundamental laws
put in place and enforced by the federal, provincial, and state governments of Canada and the United
States of America are efficacious in dealing with fire arms and the violence that accompanies them.
In essence the American system is flawed; hence the higher death rate due to gun violence in
comparison with Canada. The American system is fallacious because of their adamant belief in the
Second Amendment; which is not of cardinal significance in the 21st century America. The
Canadian governments approach to gun crime reduction is moreover efficient; which is due to the
total ban on owning and possession of handguns in the country. This paper ... Show more content on ...
Macdonald was prime minister, each province had its own criminal law. Macdonald believed
strongly in the need for a single, uniform regime of criminal law for Canada. The Canadian
constitution which Sir John A. Macdonald helped write, gave the federal government the explicit
authority to codify the criminal law. An advantage of a codification is the implementation of a
constitutional principle that no person can be convicted of an offence unless it has been specifically
provided for in a statute. The complete criminal code of Canada came to fruition in July, 1892 under
the guidance of the minister of justice, and the fourth prime minister of Canada Sir John Sparrow
David Thompson. The 1892 version of the criminal code of Canada was similar to the English 1878
bill. In the year of 1955 there was a major reform in the criminal code of Canada; the code was
reduced from 1100 to 753 sections.
A firearm in Canada is defined as "a barreled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile
can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and
includes any frame or receiver of such a barreled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use
as a firearm." The Canadian federal government has been aspiring to control and limit the use and
ownership of guns since the 1920's. In the 1920's permits were necessary for all firearms that were
newly acquired by foreigners in Canada. Furthermore in 1935 the RCMP and or
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Canada Is Not A Free, Country We Can Compare Brian...
Understanding what it means to be "free" and determining whether Canada is indeed a "free' country
we can compare Brian Tamanaha's four themes of liberty from "On the Rule of Law" to see if
Canada shares similarities with that of what Tamanaha speaks of. In "On the Rule of Law"
Tamanaha refers to the four themes of liberty, being political liberty, legal liberty, personal liberty,
and institutionalized perversion of liberty, which he notes as characteristics of beneficial sacrifices
that we give up as "free" individuals for personal security and social order. Living under laws can
limit the full extent of freedom that we may have as people, but it can also be noted, that with no
laws we are potentially a danger to ourselves and others. In modern society, primarily democratic
societies, having no laws is simply not a reality so when we do give up our freedom, this exchange
for stability must be beneficial to us and not an agreement to live under state oppression. Observing
the way Canada is formed and while we are not entirely "free" living under Canadian laws, however,
due to the country's incentives taken to ensure that our basic liberties are secured it be seen that
citizens indeed benefit from the sacrifices they make limiting their freedom, yet still being "free" to
a certain degree. 1 Analyzing Tamanaha's four themes of liberty the first theme he mentions is
"political liberty" which can be defined as "self–rule" being essentially the ability to be ourselves the
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Canada 's Drug Laws And Drugs
Canada 's drug regulations are covered by the Food and Drug Act and the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act. In relation to controlled and restricted drug products the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act establishes eight schedules of drugs and new penalties for the possession,
trafficking, exportation and production of controlled substances as defined by the Governor–in–
Council. Drug policy of Canada has traditionally favoured punishment of the smallest of offenders,
but this convention was partially broken in 1996 with the passing of the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act.[1]
Until 1908 the use of narcotics, opiates especially, in Canada was unregulated.[2] From the 1850s
onwards, Chinese immigrants came to British Columbia in droves, establishing opium dens in their
isolated communities. Canadian employers saw the Chinese immigrants as a source of cheap labour,
and the government viewed opium consumption as another way to gain revenue, imposing a tax on
opium factories in 1871. However, with the decline of the gold rush in the 1880s resentment towards
the Chinese grew, as unemployed Canadians could not compete with cheap Chinese labour.[3]
Additionally, Japanese immigration to Canada began to rise sharply, resulting in demonstrations
against Asian labour. In 1907, there was a particularly large demonstration against Asian immigrants
in Vancouver 's Chinatown.[4] In response to the demonstrations, Deputy Minister of Labour
Mackenzie King
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Research Assignment : R. V. Grant
Research Assignment: R. v. Grant, [2009] S.C.R. 353
Facts of the case:
Mr. Grant, an 18–year–old black man, was walking down a street in a high–crime area where he
attracted police officers' attention. He was stopped and questioned by police officers. Then, Mr.
Grant became more suspicious to the police when he started acting very nervous. Mr. Grant was
requested name, address and was asked to put hands in front of him. Mr. Grant admitted he was
carrying a firearm and weed and he was immediately arrested, searched and advised his legal rights.
Legal issues:
1) Was Mr. Grant arbitrarily detained by the police?
2) Did the obtaining of evidence breach ss.8, 9 and 10(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and
3) If Mr. Grant's rights were violated under s.24 (2) of the Charter, should the evidence be
inadmissible at trial?
Supreme Court of Canada decisions:
1) Yes. The court considered the special circumstances the police encountered and questioned Mr.
Grant, the entire interaction constitutes detention.
The definition of detention is unclear and difficult to develop a framework when there is no actual
physical restraint or legal obligation. A legal test for psychological detention could be whether a
reasonable person would consider that his or her rights to act liberally have been removed but to
comply in that particular circumstance. According to ss.9 and 10(b) of the Charter, Mr. Grant was
considered detained even before he was asked what he possessed: initial police
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The Copyright Law Of Canada Connected With An Ethical Line...
This paper discusses the copyright law in Canada connected with an ethical line in music sharing.
Before embarking on the discussion, it is imperative to understand what copyright entails under the
umbrella of intellectual property; the latter refers to intangible property, which is entirely a creation
of the mind (Alexander & Penalver, 2012, p. 188). Copyright is the exclusive right granted to the
original author of literary work. In this effect, it prevents other people from using an authorship
without authorization by the original author. The latter grants license for the reproduction of copies
of the work, its usage, as well as distribution in lieu of some fee, i.e. royalty. Merges (2011) explains
that literary work encompasses a wide ... Show more content on ...
After the period elapses, any person can use, print, publish, and distribute the original work. The
music industry has been in dispute for many years in respect to music piracy. It went after software
and website developers, as well as consumers in the courts (Easley, 2005, p.163). As a result, this
may be why governing the expansion of the music industry towards later benefits for the industry;
however, not toward those who pirate from them (Easley, 2005, p.163). There is clear evidence of a
willingness to pay for online music in general through legal download services such as iTunes
(Easley, 2005, p.163). It is clear that some new markets are emerging; for example, services such as
4G LTE combine music with other services. These markets may provide both better margins and
better copyright protection to the music industry. Nevertheless, some forms of music piracy may
ultimately come to be seen as an effective marketing channel for those services (Easley, 2005,
p.163). Clearly the industry is adapting piracy issues. Based on the information mentioned above,
the objective of this paper is to emphasize the ethical dimensions of sharing music in the Canadian
context. There are different ways of such sharing like burning, lending, downloading, and uploading
among others. The argument is that burning and downloading are unethical while
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A Comparison Of Law In Canada And The United States
Since the British North America Act was adopted in 1867, Canada has been developing and writing
up their own laws independently from other countries. Many people believe that, though our
Canadian laws have come far from the days of the BNA act, they are still not up to par with the
harshness of American laws. The advantage that Canadians have over Americans is that in Canada,
there is only one criminal code for all Canadians whereas in the United States, every State has their
own criminal codes which, unfortunately for the Americans, are not identical. Also, the United
States and Canada each have a law that is fraught with the possibility that an injustice will be
brought upon those whom these laws apply. In the United States, it is the ... Show more content on ...
This case can be compared to the Rettig case. Const. Tom Rettig, a 29–year veteran of the Windsor
police, was shot in the chest and arm on January 19 of the same year as he was leaving a discount
auto parts store in the 3800 block of West Vernor in Detroit. He was about to back out of his parking
space when a man approached his window, pointed a gun at him and opened fire. Unlike Constable
Atkinson, Const. Rettig survived his shooting. The 18–year–old who shot Rettig was sentenced to
53 years in prison in an American court. Remember that the 18–year–old who shot Atkinson (and
killed him) received only 25 years in a Canadian court. Both of these crimes were nearly identical,
and yet the crime that was judged in an American court was seen to deserve a harsher punishment
than the one that was judged in a Canadian court. The final example of the Canadian legal system
being too lenient comes from the Kiddypics and Kiddyvids club. This club specialized in the
viewing of sexually–exploitative material – including live streaming video of men abusing their own
infant children. A Canadian member of the group was charged with sexual assault during an
investigation by authorities. The judge in the case decried his actions as a "gross case" and
"sickening" – and sentenced the abuser to four years. The maximum penalty under Canadian law for
sexual offences against children is 10 years, except for incest,
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Citizen Legal Rights In Canada
Citizen Legal Rights in Canada
Mattie Parham
Bryant & Stratton College
SOSC 330: Comparative Politics
Mrs. Koval
April 04, 2016
Canada government is different from the United States
I believe some of the rights Canadians hold to their country is how people should have the same
respect for their own country. The people of Canada respect each other no matter what the
nationality is but just as long as you're another human, voter, and understand there are two laws. A
Canadian born resident have the right to vote at the legal age of 18 years old similar to other
countries but you cannot be out of the country more than 5 or more years and planning on voting in
your country. Being held responsible for their families
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Canad A Beneficial Thing
Canada in the early stages was not how it was today, especially in the area of multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism in Canada during the 1900's was rare and not spoken of. In fact, the British people
in Canada were against it. They came up with laws like the "Chinese Head Tax", the "Continuous
Journey Regulation" and residential schools in order to make it hard for foreigners to come and live
in Canada. After awhile, Canada decided to become an independent country and separated from the
British rule . With this change Canada had a different way of seeing immigrants. They started to see
that immigrants' coming to Canada was a beneficial thing. Canada was the first country in the world
to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy. By doing ... Show more content on ...
Back then, Canada was an extension of the British rule and was ruled by the whites. Britain being as
powerful as they were in the 1900's, had a vision of Canada being "Home away from home". In
other words, the British wanted Canada to be for just the whites. With this mentality put in their
heads the Canadians started to enforce laws to try and "keep Canada as white as possible''. One of
them was the 'Chinese Head Tax' which was a tax that was put on every Chinese person that wanted
to enter Canada. At the beginning, when the law was first put in place, it only cost fifty dollars for
every Chinese immigrant. However, as time went on the price multiplied, as it rose to an astonishing
five hundred dollars . This was a huge problem for the Chinese as they did not make a lot of money,
they found it very difficult paying for the head taxes. This resulted in fewer Chinese immigrants
coming to Canada, which was what the Canadians and British wanted to happen. Another law
Canada enforced was, the "Continuous Journey" regulation which was introduced in the early
1900's. "This law only allowed entry to Asian passengers that had sailed on a "continuous journey"
from their home land to Canada. " Enforcing this law the government knew that not many Asians
would stay on a cramped ship for several months due to the spread of sicknesses and diseases, so
they were satisfied with this law and were still motivated to keep Canada's immigration levels low.
Another act
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Canadian Constitution Essay
The Canadian Constitution
Regarded as the fundamental law of the land, a Constitution is important because it sets forth the
policy declaration and principles of a sovereign state. Aside from that, it accords the government
fundamental powers so that the latter is able to serve and protect the people in the best possible way.
Without the Constitution, a community will fall into anarchy. For the purposes of this paper, the
history of the promulgation of the Canadian Constitution will be discussed. This paper will also
assess the purpose of the said Constitution.
History of the Promulgation
The Canadian Constitution is composed of various legal documents such as the Constitution Act
(1867) or the British North America Act, the Canadian Charter ... Show more content on ...
Thus, it authorizes the state to exercise its inherent powers and at the same time, limiting such
exercise. To make it simple, the Constitution creates the systems of government of a certain state.
The Government of Canada (n.d.). mentioned that Canada has three branches of the government: the
executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. In Canada, the Queen exercises the executive power.
The legislative branch is known as the parliament. The parliament is comprised of the Senate and
the House of Commons (Government of Canada, n.d.). This is where bills are passed and
subsequently become laws. The judiciary is comprised of judges. They are burdened with the
responsibility of interpreting the law and making sure that its application conforms to what is set
forth in the Constitution. The fundamental powers granted by the Constitution to the government
enable the latter to intervene and regulate people's liberty and rights. However, this intervention is
not absolute because the Constitution also provides for its limits. There is a need to authorize the
government and limit it at the same time so that its authority and the liberty and exercise of rights of
the citizens are well–balanced. Without such balance, anarchy will result. As such, the existence of a
Constitution is a necessity for a government to function properly and for the citizens to live
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The Laws And Regulations Of Canada
Legal There are some laws and regulations in Canada that will directly affect Kohl's. –Canada has
been trying to get rid of spam advertising for numerous years now and finally passed an Anti–spam
legislation stating that: Your business must have consent to deliver an electronic message to
someone, you must clearly identify your business, and must include an unsubscribe feature. This
may be to disadvantage, but America has similar anti–spam laws as well. –Ontario specifically has
been trying to make the provinces buildings completely accessible for people with disability. The
laws haven't gone into effect that every business must have some sort of access that complies with
all disability, but there has been laws enforcing business owners ... Show more content on ...
–Minimum wage in Ontario is $11.00 right now and is set to go up to $11.25 in October 2015. This
is a lot higher than many of the stats minimum wages. Although the American dollar is worth more
and they pay less taxes on purchases, Canada still has a fairly high minimum wage in comparison. –
Between 1996 and 2013 Political stability in Canada has maintained an average of 1.1 according to
an article in "the global economy" (–2.5 being weak, +2.5 being strong). In comparison to the states
who have dropped below 0.0 in that time frame for political stability. For Kohl's to move to Canada
this would be a smart move. Comparison on tax deductions on income: –Tax in Ontario: for 2015:
5.05% on the first $40,922 of taxable income, + 9.15% on the next $40,925, + 11.16% on the next
$68,153, + 12.16% on the next $70,000, + 13.16 % on the amount over $220,000. –Tax in America:
From $90,751 – $189,300 over 18,000 is due in tax and 28% of anything over $90,751. Then from
189,301 – $411,500 over $45,000 is due in taxes and 33% of anything over $189,301, and so on...
Economic Trends Macroeconomic Conditions These are the economic conditions that will directly
affect Kohl's opening in Canada: –Real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has steadily rose according
to recent statistics. According to an article in ("Stats Canada" [Canadian economic accounts,
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Canada 's New Laws Regarding Doctor Assisted Suicide
According to the Criminal Code of Canada, physician–assisted suicide is illegal in Canada.
However, due to the changing minds of Canadians and their values over a course of time, Canada
created new laws that directed the act of assisted suicide by a physician. However, it is an ongoing
debate whether these laws are problematic or beneficial. Canada's new laws regarding doctor–
assisted suicide are effective because patients can die with dignity, there are benefits to the
healthcare system and there will be less emotional turmoil for patients and their families. To begin,
patients can die with dignity. Dying with dignity is the philosophical concept that a terminally ill
individual should be allowed to die naturally and comfortably instead of experiencing a life of deep
unconsciousness prolonged by mechanical support systems. (Death with Dignity) In 1993, Sue
Rodriguez, a sufferer of ALS, believed that the time and manner of her death should not be
determined by her illness or by the law. She expressed that it should be legal for a physician to end
her life for her at a time she has chosen. (Fenton) Rodriguez took her case to the Supreme Court of
British Columbia, she argued that Section 241(b) of the Criminal Code, everyone who aids or abets
a person in committing suicide commits an indictable offence, violates her rights in the Charter
under Section 7, that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security, 12, that everyone has the
right not to be subjected to any
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Animal Laws In Canada
Throughout the years there were lot of laws that were made to protect the animals but still not
enough. The first ever law made in Canada was in 1866 called "Declaration of Rights of Animal``.
Not just in Canada but all around the world animals are not treated right, even though they have
equal rights on the planet as humans. If animals have equal rights as us then humans has no rights to
take them away but on the day of today animal's rights are taken away. As citizens it is our
responsibility to follow the laws but when it comes to animals laws, they are not followed. Being
cruel is not something that should be done because in all the advanced countries everyone is taught
to respect one another and to be kind. The laws need to be more ... Show more content on ...
This world is not owned by humans that they get to decide what to do with the animals and when
they should die. In U.S laboratory estimate of 10 million animals are used for food, drug, chemical
and cosmetic testing. In world war two it was done on humans and now there is a whole history
about it but when it's done on animals its normal. After a death of a human or an animal their bodies
can be used for testing instead of having to kill the animals. After certain age animals get euthanized
without their permission. This should not be right because they have the right to live without having
to die because they are old. There is a law in Ontario which states no pitbull dogs are allow in
Ontario. They get killed or get transported out of Ontario, which is insane. The Ontario government
define Pitbull as "Brick–like head, which is especially broad between the cheeks, is carried upon a
thickly muscled, well–defined neck. The neck runs into a deep, thick, well–sprung chest."
( No animals are allow to live freely because wither they get killed or capture.
There are no rights and no freedom for
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Copyright Law in Canada Essay
Canada's copyright law is one of our hardest laws to enforce. The reason the police have so much
trouble enforcing this law, is due to technology. This law is very easy to break, and once broken, it is
very hard to track down violators. So although some form of a copyright law is needed, the one we
have has, too many holes to be effective. There are three main ways in which the copyright law is
broken in everyday life. They is audio/video tape copying, plagiarism, and software piracy.
The first, and most commonly violated aspect of the copyright law, is the copying of audio tapes for
oneself and friends. Thanks to the invention of dual cassette stereos, this has become very easy. You
simply take an original or even another copy of a ... Show more content on ...
Very often a student when doing a research paper will "accidently" forget to footnote his
work. By "forgetting" to give the author credit, the student has claimed the work as his
own. Another reason students may copy someone else's work is to sound more sophisticated hoping
that if they use someone elses words it will sound better than their own. Generally, this provides an
easy way for a teacher or the police to catch them.
Teachers also plagiarize rather frequently. Very often a teacher will photocopy several pages from a
book, in order to save the students the expense of having to buy the book for themselves. While this
is a noble act by the teacher, in most cases, this is illegal. Unless the author of the book, gave
consent for his/her work to be freely distributed, teachers can't copy it any more than students or
anyone else can.
The third category of piracy is Software Pirating. There are several forms which this can take. The
most common form is very similar to audio/video cassettes. It is when someone copies a game or
program from his/her computer to someone elses. As long as the two people have the same type of
computer, (they both have apples or IBM's) this is a very simple process, so long as the programmer
didn't put a bug into the program (a precaution they take against people copying their work).
Another form of Computer Piracy is a "cracker". A cracker is someone
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The Ethics Of The Law Essay
When it comes to large sums of money, it is not uncommon for the spender to feel they have been
ripped off or become over protected. The practice of law is no exception to this phenomenon, and
crocked lawyers and paralegals have negatively contributed to the notion. On several occasions law
professionals have taken client money for personal use, acting against the law and rules of
professional conduct. Although lawyers and paralegals have their own individual rules and
guidelines to abide by, they follow the same professional structure of proper conduct. The rules of
conduct for paralegals is governed by the Law Society of Upper Canada and is the governing body
responsible for reports of misconduct. Further investigations will lay out the proper procedures and
tasks that must be completed when a paralegal encounters an accusations of misconduct, specifically
when a client accuses a paralegal of misappropriating money from the clients trust fund. When it
comes to possible options it is important to remember that by proactively sending a report of the
circumstance to the Law Society of Upper Canada with a detailed list of events, bookkeeping and
accounts billed to the client will help your case prior to the client reporting you to the Law Society.
Should a paralegal choose to ignore the threat of the client, in hopes that the client will not follow
through with higher involvement, the paralegal will then face an audit by the Law Society. If the
Law Society is apprised that the
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Secularism In Canada
On the international stage, Canada is often viewed as a secular and multicultural nation. Throughout
the history of the country, immigrants have come to Canada seeking a country which is accepting of
diversity in ethnicity, language, religion, and culture. Especially since the 1970s, when
multiculturalism was introduced by former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, thus becoming an official
policy of Canada, the diversity of the nation has increased greatly, (Wang & Handy, 2014, p. 1561).
However, while Canada has become a more multicultural country as a whole, it has not necessarily
become more religiously pluralistic. In fact, it has been argued that Canada remains and will
continue to be an overwhelmingly Christian country and many immigrants ... Show more content on ...
Though Canada is officially a multicultural country, it has not resulted in complete religious
toleration or separation from Christian values and preference of the state. Through observation of
the ongoing, nationwide debate regarding sharia law, this can be seen. Since the early 2000s, a
common area of contention amongst Canadians has revolved around the debate of whether or not
Sharia law should be included in Ontario family tribunals. Sharia law is used to describe Islamic law
as according to the Qur'an. Some Canadian Muslims believed that the addition of sharia law would
help better integrate Canadian Muslims into society. While previously, other forms of religious
arbitration were permitted in Ontario, the attempt to include Sharia law in the early 2000s played an
vital role in the Ontario government's decision to ban all forms of religious arbitration, (Reitz,
Banergee, Phan, & Thompson, 2009, p. 700). Consequently, the Family Statue Law Amendment
was introduced in 2006 by the Ontario government in order to ensure that the was 'one law for all'.
This legislation effectively banned all faith–based arbitration by instituting that all family law
arbitration in the province would be conducted the same as it would be for any other Canadian,
(Berger, 2015, p. 52). Conversely, prior to this amendment, religious arbitration was permitted in
Ontario. However, when religious pluralism began
... Get more on ...

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Employment Laws In Canada

  • 1. Employment Laws in Canada Canada Employment Law The employment affiliation can be complex, with no quick and easy method to use which will provide an instant answer. When collecting information from the parties in regards to their work association, the inspector/health and safety officer must keep in mind that the numerous tests are not tests in and of themselves, but rather circumstances outlined in jurisprudence. They may be given more or less credence in a particular case to establish if a worker is simply part of the payer's business or in business on his or her own account (Determining the Employer/Employee Relationship – IPG–069, 2012). The general principles of contract law rule the structure of the contract of employment. A contract of employment is a contract by which a person, the worker, takes on for a limited or undefined period of time to do work for payment according to the instructions and under the direction or control of another person, the employer. Inside the structure of a contract of employment, a person carries out the service of work, gets payment and the work is carried out according to the direction and supervision of the employer. "The terms of the contract may be either in writing or given orally, but both are equally binding and enforceable. When a person is hired to be an employee, the person enters into a contract of service, which is an employer/employee relationship" (Determining the Employer/Employee Relationship – IPG–069, 2012). Another kind of contract between ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. American Influence On Upper Canada American Influence on Upper Canada: Pre 1812 Upper Canada was created in 1791 to accommodate the Loyalist refugees and land–hunting farmers of the United States after the American Revolution. In addition of the existing two colonies, a third colony was created by diving the Province of Quebec into Lower Canada which resides in the east and Upper Canada which resides in the west. The colony was made official by the British Parliament in the Constitution Act of 1791. Afterwards, the colonies became populated with pre– dominantly American inhabitants and their French–speaking counterpart. Consequently, it was difficult for Upper Canada to merge with these two different cultures, but proven otherwise when the dualism between French culture and American ... Show more content on ... The Civil Law of England was formally introduced into Upper Canada in 1792 (Riddell 165). Their law greatly differed and was based on their autonomous ego. In Riddell's 1915 journal The Duel in Early Canada, Blackstone comments the practice of English Civil Law by the Loyalist as "where both parties meet avowedly with an intent to murder thinking it their duty as gentlemen, and claiming as their right to wanton with their own lives those of their fellow creatures, without any warrant or authority from a power either divine or human, but in the direct contradiction to the laws of God and man" (Riddell 165). This signifies that the intention of the Loyalist were crude and irresponsible. They did it out of their egotistic notions. This explains why the political standpoint of Canada was poor during the War of 1812. The Democratic Republican party did not prepare the country sufficiently for the war and limited the nation's chances for success (Tucker 3). Canada was against the participation in the war and wanted to remain neutral. Either way, America threated to attack and made Canada an unwanted third party victim. The Democratic Republican distrusted expansive government and feared standing along military establishment (3). The English Civil Law ended up dividing the country than bring it together. In addition, certain contents of the English ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. What Is Canada In Canada Colloquially referred to as the Great White North as a result of its large land area, its areas of Arctic tundra, and its location relative to the rest of the North American continent (Simpson, 2017), Canada is the second largest country by land mass in the world and a close economic and geographic neighbor of the United States (U.S.). Under Canadian rule are 10 provinces (British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Islands) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon). Although Canada has two official languages (English and French), Quebec is the only province in which French is the dominant spoken and written language. As the 11th ... Show more content on ... The leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons is appointed as Prime Minister (PM). Currently the majority party is the Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister. The PM is essentially the "voice" of Canada, and the duties of the office are similar to that of a U.S. President or U.K. Prime Minister. Canada's judiciary system is comprised of the Supreme Court as well as federal and provincial courts. Legal System Both English and French legal traditions had an impact in the development of Canada's legal system. As a result, the system is comprised of both common law and civil law components. However, only in the province of Quebec does civil law supercede common law (Government of Canada, 2017). Canada has a federal parliament, which makes legislation in the country and a provincial parliament in each province and territory which creates legislation for its respective area. Parliament is responsible for debating and deciding which proposed laws to approve and which existing laws to change, once a change is proposed. The process for changing or creating a law is as follows: Senior government officials draft a law proposal. This draft is handed off to the Cabinet, which is comprised of select members of Parliament chosen by the Prime Minister. Once the Cabinet approves the proposed law it presents the proposal to Parliament, the members of which study and debate the proposal. If the majority of ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Importance Of Media Laws In Canada Although the media requires editorial freedom, but to ask are media laws necessary? Yes they are to an extent, because in the case of Canada's cultural media and industries and cultural needs it can be said to be other wise. The media has turned from a cultural providing platform to a platform that only feeds on profit from big industries, media companies have noticed that the cultural needs do not satisfy the taste of there consumers so they there for refer to ways that can provide profit. Private companies or individuals majorly own the media and all companies have the same goal, "PROFIT" it has become a major priority for all companies to derive profit from what ever they venture in that's why the Canadian media is a profit driving platform that disregards the essence of cultural needs, they tend to provide content from other sources which harm the Canadian cultural needs which in this case provides them with ... Show more content on ... Such include words or images that would clearly endanger the rule of law, society's peace, or the safety of individuals: for example, incitement to violence, calls for discrimination, or show of child pornography. The media should provide more means of expressing the Canadian culture in this age; it has been shown that the Internet has become a booming place for all videos and due to that concentration on video channels have been disembarked, the media should therefore use the internet to show Canadian culture to a certain level that is acceptable. Self–regulation by the government or a governing body on the media is a key to ensuring those continuity on Canada's media industries and cultural ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Charter Of Rights And Freedoms The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was constructed to replace the Bill of Rights, 1960. In the 1960's–1970's Quebec was extremely discontent with being apart of Canada due to the language barer and being a minority. Many citizens in Quebec even wanted to separate themselves from Canada and form their own nation. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau decided that the new charter in order to ensure the rights of people residing in Quebec. In order to do this Trudeau had to create an amending formula for the British North–American Act. This would grand Canada its independence from Brittan. After gaining independence Pierre Trudeau also included the new Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This charter created a great amount a controversy among many ... Show more content on ... The courts themselves contradict the democracy that is prided and practiced all throughout Canada by amending laws without consulting parliament. Finally a citizens rights and freedoms are only conditional and can be restricted by the court under interpreted circumstances. This paper will touch upon three main characteristics that contribute to the power and controversy of judges in the Supreme Court, through the selection process, undermining democracy and conditional rights and freedoms. The first controversial issue relating to the Supreme Court is its selection process. Canada is based off of both a written and unwritten constitution, this implies that the governor general does not appoint judges in Canada; instead federal and provincial cabinets advise him. (Kelly & Manfredi, 2010, p.41–42). Although the cabinets can recommend potential judges, the Prime Minister ultimately chooses the judges in the Supreme Court. Having the Prime Minister appoint a judge causes a political bias within the court. Essentially a judge's role within the court is to be politically fair and non–biased. With that being said when a judge is recommended; cabinets will ensure that the person appointed will have potential to benefit their political party. By having the power to change laws that conflict with the constitution, the government tries to hire a judge ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Modern Day Legal Systems Human civilization marked the beginning of modern day legal systems. The advancements in societies resulted in maintaining certain rules and regulations to continue this progress. Every society has its own set of laws which are in some ways distinct from others. Many of these laws have common sections and underlying guidelines. This could be because some societies decide to retain certain aspects of their customs after breaking out of another society. It could also be the case that over time different societies through trade and other intercultural activities developed together, which caused them to have agreements in their laws. For many others, it is the case that they share a common colonial master. The law and legal systems operating today are derivatives of the forms listed above. Like many other nations today, the laws of ancient civilizations have affected Canadian law. These include the Code of Hammurabi, the Mosaic law, Greek and Roman laws, the Magna Carta and a few others. More recently are the civil and common law derived from the French and British respectively. Canada did not always have a written constitution. The territory we now refer to as Canada was once populated by the French and English colonial masters. These colonists extended the laws of their home countries to their colonies. As the population of this territory grew and the UK gained control of more colonies including those from the French, regional laws became a necessity. Between the eighteenth ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Comparing The Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms Although, Canada offers comparable qualities and values with other countries, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms really separates Canada from other social liberties enactments. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms upholds the diversity of differing qualities of Canadian culture and assures the freedom of individuals that lengthens boundaries apparent to the constitutionalized law. Thusly, contrasted with different nations, Canada's judiciary performs a huge part in deciphering the law. Considering the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which consists of basic human rights, it is evident that Canada has many significant laws that acknowledge and protect the rights and freedoms including the liberty and equality of citizens. In my opinion, the most important law that Canada has is Fundamental Freedoms. According to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Fundamental Freedoms, are a group of laws ... Show more content on ... This law allows citizens to the (2a) right to freedom of conscience and religion, (2b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication, (2c) freedom of peaceful assembly and lastly (2d) freedom of association. To be brief, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms permits protection to freedoms within individuals of Canada. Everyone in Canada has a right to practice any belief or religion as they would like to. We have freedom of speech, to assemble peacefully into groups and to associate with whomever we desire, as long as we do not violate the law and rights of others. The liberation of the media to print and broadcast news is also permitted under the Charter. The reason as to why I believe this is most important law in Canada is due to the fact it allows individuals to live their lives as one would prefer to practice it. For instance, primarily the main religion many ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Essay about Prejudice, Racism and the Law in Canada Racism and the Law in Canada In the 1900's a prominent English scholar Gilbert Murray said: "There is in the world a hierarchy of races;[some] will direct and rule the others, and the lower work of the world will tend in the long run to be done by the lower breeds of men. This we of the ruling colour will no doubt accept as obvious."(Walker; 1997) It was very true at the time; everywhere you looked you could see that white men assumed all roles of responsibility. Canada has been fighting a never–ending war against racism in the 19th century. It. It has modified or created many laws to help try to combat the discrimination that exists within our country. Canada has modified its immigration act to make it less discriminatory. ... Show more content on ... This stereotypical thinking comes from believing that all people in one group have the same characteristics. There are no laws which prohibit racism because you cannot control a persons state of mind only his actions. (Cohen; 1987) In Canada the road to racism is compared by John Boyko to ladder the first rung being stereotypes. These stereotypes are brought to existence by popular culture such as newspapers, magazines, cartoons, and movies. The next rung is prejudice, which is the belief that stereotypes are true. These beliefs are portrayed in phrases such as, "They are all"; or "Those people"; prejudice only looks at groups not individuals. The next rung is discrimination which is an action based on prejudice. For example an employer not hiring someone because they believe the stereotypes about the group that that person belong to. The next rung that Boyko talks about is sanctioned discrimination. This is where the discrimination becomes entrenched in our laws and practices. After that the next step is systematic racism, which is seen in laws that promote segregation. This step leads to the next step, a need to purify the nation through exclusion or expulsion. And finally that last step, which is genocide, the deliberate extermination of a race. (Boyko; 1998) In this essay I would like to talk about the 5th step in the ladder, sanctioned discrimination. Canada, which prides itself on being a multicultural nation, has a ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. British North America Act 1867: Important In Canadian History British North America Act 1867 This act occurred on July 1st, 1867 the law The British North America Act is important in Canadian history because it is the 1867 Act which officially created the new country of Canada by joining together the four provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia legal in Confederation. This legislation, passed by the British Parliament, created Canada as a new making it its own today. Therefore Canada is an independent country that must not listen to anyone but themselves. The statue of West Minister 1931 The statue of West Minister was a law that was created on December 11th, 1931 in Britain which clarified the parliament powers in Canada. It was a British law which clarified the powers of ... Show more content on ... The United Nations do multiple things such as following the devastation of the Second World War, with one central mission: the maintenance of international peace and security. The UN does this by working to prevent conflict; helping parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the conditions to allow peace to hold and flourish. These activities often overlap and should reinforce one another, to be effective. The term "human rights" was mentioned seven times in the UN's founding Charter, making the promotion and protection of human rights a key purpose and guiding principle of the Organization. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights brought human rights into the realm of international law. Since then, the Organization has diligently protected human rights through legal instruments and on–the–ground activities. The united nations are a great group of people who are looking out for us ever since Canada has joined this group they have been able to make an impact such as. Today, Canada continues to uphold the UN by actively participating in the organization's activities and providing financial support. Canada consistently brings pragmatic ideas and solutions to the table, from peacekeeping proposals in the 1950s, to creating the International Criminal Court and banning landmines in the 1990s. Today, some of their current goals are to assist war–affected children, or to improve the UN's management and ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Essay About Canada Have Too Many Laws As we all know, there are a lot of laws in Canada.For example, the "Foreign Investment Review Act", the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms", the "Aboriginal Law" and so on, all belong to the Canadian laws.In my opinion, Canada has too many laws simply because of the lack of universality, the ignorant of the differences between the impact of law and morality, and also the limitations which existed in its laws. To tell the truth, firstly, I think Canada has too many laws because of the lack of universality reflected by its laws.Nowadays, the society and also the quality of people are both developing rapidly day by day.However, from a deeper point of view, we could easily seek out the truth under the "peaceful" and "harmonious" surface of the modern ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Sharia In Canad The Pitfalls Of Diversity Islam is now the second most practiced religion in Canada, only behind Catholicism. Approximately one million people living in Canada identify as Muslim, making it one of the largest minority groups within Canada. Internationally, Canada can be identified as a multicultural country, known for its diversity of population and for its policies which enforce toleration for those living within Canada. The film Sharia in Canada – The Pitfalls of Diversity explores the debates around allowing for Sharia law to exist as a legitimate law form within Canada. This is a point of contention throughout various groups of people in Canada. In the 1990s, the idea to first introduce sharia law in Canadian society was presented. Sharia law is the rules outlined ... Show more content on ... However, with the emergence of multicultural policy, some difficulties have developed in the attempt to in place these policies. The challenges which have emerged include the problem of how to properly categorize minorities, the problem of conditions and sequencing, and the relationship between justice and security, (Kymlicka, 2013, pp. 8–9). Examining the relationship between justice and security, the question of to what extent should minority rights be preserved, and what risks are worth taking is brought forward, (Kymlicka, 2013, p. 9). Putting Sharia law into practice is controversial because while it follows multicultural, the practice also differentiates from Canadian law, and puts some Canadians at ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Pierre Elliot Trudeau As one of the Canada's greatest leaders, Pierre Elliot Trudeau brought change that would change Canada forever in a positive manner. Although it can be argued that Trudeau's behavior was outlandish and informal at times, it could be considered charismatic, however, his behavior to politics was superior. He was inspired to change Canada and make it a better place to live. He did so by implying the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, multiculturalism, and using laws to make Canada a better place. Pierre Elliot Trudeau's actions changed Canada for the better. On April 17th, 1982, when the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was signed into law (_The History of the Charter_), Canadians lives would change forever. The Canadian Charter of Rights and ... Show more content on ... As a result, others who came were often considered "foreigners" because their race, color, religion, or customs were different from those of the majority of Canadians (_Attitudes Towards Immigrants_). Trudeau was the first to imply Multiculturalism in Canada. By implying it, it allowed Canada to be a much more diverse and equal place. It also promotes respect for peoples' distinct cultural identity. Implying multiculturalism to Canada was one of Trudeau's greatest accomplishments. Pierre Trudeau was a leader who not only brought change by bringing new laws to Canada, but he changed the way people viewed other laws. Trudeau listened to the majority, but also protected the rights of the minority which demonstrates he is a strong leader. He once said "Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them." (CBC Archives) Trudeau has always strived for greatness and has been successful in many cases. As in the FLQ crisis, Trudeau declared a brief period of Martial Law using the War Measures Act (WMA). By doing this, he completely changed the view of the WMA. It had been assumed that the WMA would be used in times of crisis, such as famines, depressions, pandemics and other serious situations that are serious to Canada's well–being. However, Trudeau demonstrated how it can be used ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Charter Of Rights And Freedoms Is A Set Of Laws Holding The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a set of laws holding basic rules about how our country operates.1 Since its implementation in 1982, courts have had to weight an individual's fundamental rights in accordance to the law. 1 Since the Charter, courts have had the ability to overrule sections of the law if considered to violate an induvial right, or contrariwise. 1 Criminal and civil cases taken to trial subsequent the charter are the primary evidence that its implementation has changed the way the court conducts itself and their outcomes. Judges have to take all sections of the charter of any party involved when determining what is just. Given circumstantial evidence in trials, decisions can be taken to exclude, dismiss, certain ... Show more content on ... Primary resources are the most reliable and most objective. They consist of archives and manuscripts, journals, speeches, and government publications. For examples, the research found for this essay is primary. It consists of evidence found in the actual cases, from actual documentation of occurrences, and from the legal legislature of laws. These cannot be disproven since it is information taken from the matter itself. After, come secondary sources, these you need look through more to make sure they are valid and see between any bias there may be. Secondary sources are textbooks, editorials, and journal articles. These can be hard to consider accurate because there is usually some amount of bias within evidence. For example, a textbook for a catholic school on religion, even though it contains scholarly documentation, it may not include and adjust specific evidence that may go against the religion. As well, a journal article from a conservative site will not necessarily shed positive light on any democratic view. These sources can be used but only if it is capable to differ between bias and facts. As mentioned before, the research for this essay is primary in order to provide the most compelling and objective evidence. Sources that were obtained where dictionary definition in order to prove accurate original meaning rather than ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. What Are Gun Laws In Canada Has one ever wondered about Canadian firearm laws. Firearm laws have been developing in Canada since the 1892. The Canadian government started creating laws like Bill C 83, Bill C 51, Bill C 17 etc to control firearms, but these laws are becoming more helpful and unhelpful. According to the government of Canada scene firearm laws and gun control were put into amendment, the country has seen both positive and negative changes. Firearm laws may have the advantage of preventing crime, additional injuries and / or fatalities, crammed prisons, loss of money and use of materials developing firearms, but correspondingly has the disadvantages of illegal purchase, different methods of armed attacks, delay of sports, cancellation of jobs and insignificant increase in pollution. ... Show more content on ... Firearm laws and gun control lower crimes, provide safety, prevent crammed prisons, loss of money, distribution of materials etc. Governed rules about firearms have been preventing tragedies example: mass shootings, school shootings and accidental deaths from occurring. There have not been shooting attacks since 1969. Accidental deaths have also gone down by 33.33%. Furthermore prevention of firearms have prevented the death and wounding of minors. Firearm laws have also been lowering crimes including (armed robbery, armed assault, homicides and mass murder). Statistics show that since firearm laws were put into amendment ⅗ of crime has diminished. The decrease in crimes and accidental deaths causes us relief. The heavy restriction on firearms stops weapons (firearms) from traveling into our communities. Firearm laws and gun control guarantees a sense of safety to majority of the Canadian population as people do not ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Canadian Legal System: A Comparative Analysis Canada unlike the United States is not a product of a unilateral declaration of independence from British occupation (Blake, n.d.). The U.S owes its independence to a series of revolutions which led to development of the U.S constitution, which guides its legal system. However, Canada gained its independence from British rule through legislative and political processes. There is no single document called Canadian constitution, but common are a number of statutes from the British and Canadian parliaments. Although the U.S and the Canadian legal systems are comparable in many aspects, the two legal systems have significant differences. There are two distinct types of laws, the procedural and substantive laws (Boyd, 2011). Substantive laws concern ... Show more content on ... According to (Boyd, 2011), Canada's legal system is open to using and adopting case precedents from United States and England when there are insufficient ones in the country's law. Since Canada have less cases that deal with privacy, the Canadian jurists often seek reference to the American cases that have been ruled on privacy rights. Moreover, the other areas that Canadian jurists make reference while making decisions include corporate governance, securities law and insurance. However, while making rulings on a wide range of legal matters, the jurists often make reference to the decisions by the House of Lords and the English Court of ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. My 5 Significant Events Of The Canadian Elections Act My 5 significant events i have chosen for my Canada 150 is Canada Elections Act, The stock market crash, Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission, The adoption of the new flag,and Canadian Bill of Rights and freedoms . And My top 3 hits i will be talking about later are about The Canadian Charter of Rights, Viola Desmond , and Agnes Macphail The Canada Elections Act is an election that is held ever since 1917 to allow all citizens of Canada to vote for whom they want to represent their country and govern them. Permitting all citizens the ability to be able to take part in their country and choose the best one they think is going to make a big difference in their society The stock market crash was indeed a sad moment in 1929 causing many ... Show more content on ... This law also has more updated rights than the previous one ensuring everyone in Canada to have a safe environment to live in. canadian charter of rights and freedoms is important to be understood today because first of all this law still exists which means it has been acknowledged by many people and nobody had a problem with it. second it sets out civil rights Canadians believe are necessary in a free and democratic society resulting in everybody being able to take part of it since they are canadian citizens. The historical significance fits into this because: As a result of this law it had affected many people: ex Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada is one of the acts. This insures that everyone is equal. Viola Desmond was a Black Nova Scotian who was strained of racial segregation at a film theatre in New Glasgowa. Viola was important and still is through her actions even though she had passed away because she had stood up for herself when racism was involved. Viola is important to understanding Canada since she is canadian herself and also her acts provided inspiration to a later generation of Black persons in Nova Scotia and in the rest of Canada. As a result of this incidence it had made an significant overview throughout time because slowly viola got well known for standing up for herself since she was black and people ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Criminal Law In Canada The Canadian criminal law involves the prosecution by the government of a person for an act that has been categorized as a crime. In order to convict, an individual or party they must have demonstrated or committed a guilty act, whilst having a guilty state of mind or intentions. In other words, the individual must represent "actus reus, an evil act, and must simultaneously possess mens rea, an evil mind. It is essential that the prosecution prove both of these elements of the offence to the satisfaction of the judge beyond reasonable doubt, if there is a lack of one of these elements the defendant will be innocent of the crime, in the eyes of the law. An actus reus consists of more than just a guilty act, it also consists of the conduct, ... Show more content on ... Some individuals are obliged by the law to take action stop the crime from happening. One of the exceptions is when the defendant or the individual himself caused or created the peril. In other words, an individual must stop a crime, which was committed by his negligence. For example, the defendant threw a cigar butt, who caused a fire, in this case the defendant's negligence caused a peril, if a person were to die because of the fire he would be criminally responsible. Another exception is when the defendant has a special relationship with the victim or contractual duties. The bond between the defendant and the victim can be of many sorts like family, patient and doctor, or company and employee. In each relationship, individuals have duties towards each other and if they do not fulfill the duties, which result into death or another crime, and then they can be criminally prosecuted. Lastly, when an individual or party has undertaken the rescue. This is when a couple assumes a duty of care towards there vulnerable relative they assume a duty of voluntary responsibility to look after him and take care of him, failing to do so they may be charged for criminal offence. Even though, individuals have the free will and are able to decide their actions, there are exceptions that force individuals to be held ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Marijuana Law In Canada Marijuana has been acclimated as a antecedent of anesthetic for centuries – a accepted alleviative bulb for the ancients. Even as technology became allotment of how we live, it was advised a applicable analysis for abounding ailments. However, in 1923, the Canadian government banned marijuana. Although marijuana cigarettes were bedeviled in 1932, nine years afterwards the law passed, it took fourteen years for the aboriginal allegation for marijuana ascendancy to be laid adjoin an individual. In 1961, the United Nations active an all–embracing accord accepted as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which alien the four Schedules of controlled substances. Marijuana clearly became an internationally controlled drug, classified as a agenda ... Show more content on ... –April 1999 analysis shows 78% percent abutment the alleviative use of the plant. –May 10th – adjudicator grants AIDS accommodating Jim Wakeford an acting built–in absolution for ascendancy and agronomics –May 25th – House of Commons passes adapted alleviative marijuana motion: "the government should takes accomplish anon apropos the accessible acknowledged medical use of marijuana including... analytic trials, adapted guidelines for medical use, as able–bodied as admission to a safe alleviative supply..." –June 9th – Minister of Health announces analytic trials program; individuals who auspiciously administer to Health Canada are absolved from bent case –October 6th – 14 added individuals accept appropriate exemptions to use marijuana for alleviative purposes. –September 2000 – Federal Minister of Health announces government will be growing alleviative marijuana and federal regulations will be fabricated into ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Robert Borden Analysis Tommy Douglas, Pierre Trudeau, and Robert Borden Borden, Douglas, and Trudeau all remain resilient in the face of political obstacles under their leadership, kept Canada as a united nation. After their involvement in local communities, Borden, Douglas, and Trudeau reach Canada's national community. Borden was elected into politics through his partner, which soon changed his lifestyle causing him to be the prime minister. As a staunch imperialist opposing Sir Wilfred Laurier he spoke up for what was right and always brought the best for Canada. Later on being elected to the upper hand he took matters into own hand and prepared for World War 1. Tommy Douglas knew since his severe injury with his leg that he had to do something about this. As he grew fond about politics he changed Canada dramatically including medicare, women's rights, and old age pension plans. "I'm sure that ... Show more content on ... Bringing Canada as one nation was a great barrier that these leaders go through. Borden had a real struggle keeping the French Canadians and the English Canadians together during the war, but got through with the idea conscription. French speaking Canadians not wanting to be involved with the war opposed what the English speaking Canadians helping their motherland. Douglas had a different situation against separation due to all doctors going on strike, which caused disunion between them. Even though Tommy handled this strike and carried on with the law of free health care for all he had a disadvantage of doing so. Pierre Trudeau declared that he would seek to patriate the Canadian Constitution and to bring about what would eventually become the Canadian Charter of Rights. (Wikipedia) Trudeau brought a solution that would prevent Quebec separate from the English speaking side of Canada. With the help of these establishments Canada is all united politically and ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. British Influence On Canada British colonial system was one of powerful and biggest one, and it is possible to point out that the colonials of the UK consist of two parts. The first part was called settled colonies such as New Zealand, North America, and i.e. The second part was called ceded colonies and the colonies which belongs to the second part were responsible for the territory that was controlled by native princes or other European Colonial powers that lost their territory to the UK. It is possible to underline that during that time French Emperor and the UK were in the power struggle. The reception of the UK common law to the world happened with the same reason of the French civil law. The UK had very strong and powerful colonial system, therefore, the UK called as an empire on which the sun never sets. This colonial power of the UK was the biggest factor the reception of the common law. The UK had its powerful colonies in North America, India, ... Show more content on ... Because there was French population is some parts of the Canada such as Quebec. But the biggest influenced made by UK (the influence of the UK to North America (USA) also affected to Canada indirectly). In 1791, the region of the Canada separated into two parts with the decision of the British Parliament. The one side of the Canada was under the effect of French and the other side of the Canada was under the influence of the UK. But in 1867, British North America Act was adopted by the Parliament in London. And in 1869, Canada obtained all the sovereign rights with paying 300,000 pounds. In 1871, British Columbia participated the Canadian Union. Consequently, since 1949 North American territory has been separated between USA and Canada. And Canada has been using common law system except Quebec. (And in the USA the Louisiana has this kind of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Clash of Laws in US and Canada Regarding Trade With Cuba Clash of Laws in U.S. & Canda Regarding Trade with Cuba Introduction When Canadian laws collide with laws in the United States with reference to trade with Cuba, which side prevails? More specifically, when an American subsidiary is operating in Canada and engages in profitable trade or export–related activities with Cuba which is illegal from the point of view of the U.S. Department of Justice what will happen to that U.S. subsidiary in Canada? Which side is right and which side is in the wrong? Is it fair for an American subsidiary operating in Canada to be held accountable for what some view as archaic U.S. laws that forbid any trade with Cuba? These issues and others related to the U.S. embargo on trade with Cuba will be presented in this paper. The Original Basis Background into the Legal Issues In the first place, at the heart of the current legal standoff between the two neighbors in North America, is the United States' law called "Trading with the Enemy Act" (which was signed into law in 1917). The Trading with the Enemy Act was an attempt to prevent American companies from exporting to or importing from companies in nations that the U.S. listed as "enemies" of America. And in 1994, James Sabzali, a Canadian citizen working as a foreign national in Philadelphia, sold Canadian water purification systems to Cuban hospitals, in violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA). He was originally charged with 75 counts in violation of the TWEA and could have been ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Politics Before Confederation : Politics After Confederation Politics Before Confederation Now that we have seen Cartier's part in the rebellions of 1837, it's time to move on to what happened after, leading up to Confederation. After George Etienne Cartier returned from exile to Vermont in 1839, he started practicing law again in Montreal(Sweeny). He even teamed up with one of his brothers who also practiced law, as I mentioned before(Bonenfant). Some of the people who he worked for during this time included the Sulpician Order, who he had close ties with due to him going to their school if you remember. He also worked for some of the old seigneurs of Montreal and the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railway(Sweeny). As I mentioned before in the introduction, George Cartier was a railway promoter and helped develop the Grand Trunk Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway ("George Etienne Cartier", Wikipedia). Although he didn't know it, railways would be a key aspect of uniting what would later become Canada, but that comes later under Confederation. Also George Cartier on his return became involved with the Saint–Jean Baptiste Society, which led him to Louis Lafontaine ("George Etienne Cartier", Wikipedia). How did Cartier help move the Province of Canada towards responsible government? George Etienne Cartier practiced law for these clients up until 1841, this was around the time when he became more involved in the politics of Lower Canada. In 1841, Cartier decided to use the method of constitutional reform rather than violence (the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Criminal Law In Canada By Verdon Jones: Article Analysis This particular study question from our text Criminal Law in Canada by Verdon Jones illustrates how rape can be weaved into the NCRMD theme. The perpetrator or rapist is attempting to use NCRMD as a valid argument in describing his lack of accountability to the crime. One must primarily summarize the scenario at hand, Sikes rapes Nancy and attacks her brutally inflicting severe physical injury with a hunting knife and also causes psychological damaging from the shock of the event. Furthermore, Sikes defense argues that a mental health diagnosis of "psychopathic" personality disorder, as corroborated by a psychiatrist merits enough evidence to use the NCRMD section 16 criminal code act to describe Sikes actions. The next question arises is: ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Canada 's Laws Should Be Unbiased And Non Discriminatory Canada's laws are presented to be unbiased and non–discriminatory. The law promises every individual the right to life, freedom of expression, well–being and uses sparkly language to prove that no one is above the law despite sexual orientation (Canadian Human Rights Act, 1985). However, this is not the case in regards to homosexual individuals. This paper will discuss how homosexual suffer from discriminatory laws in their everyday lives. The discriminatory laws further lead to myths, ideologies and labels that are imposed on homosexuals (Fedders, pgs.787–789, 2006). Also, in this piece of writing two cases will be introduced to further prove how the law can be discriminatory even though it appears to be sparkly with persuasive language ... Show more content on ... However, these incidents took place in schoolyards, classrooms and hallways when teachers or staff was not present (Black, pgs. 2–5, 2013). Since, Azmi was called names stigmatization occurred because there was labelling that were present. Stigma comes from labelling, which further leads to individuals as social outcasts. Labels are negative assumptions based on gender, gender preferences and stereotypes that are not close to scientific evidence. Also, labelling causes dehumanization of a person (Barris, 2007). However, no human attribute is inferior but these attributes are socially constructed. For example, homosexual men were reflected in the Church as deviant, mentally ill and seducers of boys and these labels were later displayed in many laws (Keller, pgs. 191–192, 1994). Finally, the term "faggot" originated from the time when homosexuals were often burned first to make coals hot for the burning of witches (Keller, pgs. 191–192, 1994). As for Jubran's case, he did not identify himself as a homosexual individual but he was the subject of ongoing homophobic harassment. This led Azmi to take legal action in regards to the harassment he was experiencing during his school years (Black, pgs. 48,52, 2013). Mr. Jubran took his case to the court and alleged that the school Board had violated the British Columbia Human Right code by discriminating him on the grounds of sexual orientation (Black, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Reducing Gun Violence Essay Gun violence is a crucial predicament in North American society. The stringent fundamental laws put in place and enforced by the federal, provincial, and state governments of Canada and the United States of America are efficacious in dealing with fire arms and the violence that accompanies them. In essence the American system is flawed; hence the higher death rate due to gun violence in comparison with Canada. The American system is fallacious because of their adamant belief in the Second Amendment; which is not of cardinal significance in the 21st century America. The Canadian governments approach to gun crime reduction is moreover efficient; which is due to the total ban on owning and possession of handguns in the country. This paper ... Show more content on ... Macdonald was prime minister, each province had its own criminal law. Macdonald believed strongly in the need for a single, uniform regime of criminal law for Canada. The Canadian constitution which Sir John A. Macdonald helped write, gave the federal government the explicit authority to codify the criminal law. An advantage of a codification is the implementation of a constitutional principle that no person can be convicted of an offence unless it has been specifically provided for in a statute. The complete criminal code of Canada came to fruition in July, 1892 under the guidance of the minister of justice, and the fourth prime minister of Canada Sir John Sparrow David Thompson. The 1892 version of the criminal code of Canada was similar to the English 1878 bill. In the year of 1955 there was a major reform in the criminal code of Canada; the code was reduced from 1100 to 753 sections. A firearm in Canada is defined as "a barreled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barreled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm." The Canadian federal government has been aspiring to control and limit the use and ownership of guns since the 1920's. In the 1920's permits were necessary for all firearms that were newly acquired by foreigners in Canada. Furthermore in 1935 the RCMP and or ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Canada Is Not A Free, Country We Can Compare Brian... Understanding what it means to be "free" and determining whether Canada is indeed a "free' country we can compare Brian Tamanaha's four themes of liberty from "On the Rule of Law" to see if Canada shares similarities with that of what Tamanaha speaks of. In "On the Rule of Law" Tamanaha refers to the four themes of liberty, being political liberty, legal liberty, personal liberty, and institutionalized perversion of liberty, which he notes as characteristics of beneficial sacrifices that we give up as "free" individuals for personal security and social order. Living under laws can limit the full extent of freedom that we may have as people, but it can also be noted, that with no laws we are potentially a danger to ourselves and others. In modern society, primarily democratic societies, having no laws is simply not a reality so when we do give up our freedom, this exchange for stability must be beneficial to us and not an agreement to live under state oppression. Observing the way Canada is formed and while we are not entirely "free" living under Canadian laws, however, due to the country's incentives taken to ensure that our basic liberties are secured it be seen that citizens indeed benefit from the sacrifices they make limiting their freedom, yet still being "free" to a certain degree. 1 Analyzing Tamanaha's four themes of liberty the first theme he mentions is "political liberty" which can be defined as "self–rule" being essentially the ability to be ourselves the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Canada 's Drug Laws And Drugs Canada 's drug regulations are covered by the Food and Drug Act and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. In relation to controlled and restricted drug products the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act establishes eight schedules of drugs and new penalties for the possession, trafficking, exportation and production of controlled substances as defined by the Governor–in– Council. Drug policy of Canada has traditionally favoured punishment of the smallest of offenders, but this convention was partially broken in 1996 with the passing of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.[1] Contents HistoryEdit Until 1908 the use of narcotics, opiates especially, in Canada was unregulated.[2] From the 1850s onwards, Chinese immigrants came to British Columbia in droves, establishing opium dens in their isolated communities. Canadian employers saw the Chinese immigrants as a source of cheap labour, and the government viewed opium consumption as another way to gain revenue, imposing a tax on opium factories in 1871. However, with the decline of the gold rush in the 1880s resentment towards the Chinese grew, as unemployed Canadians could not compete with cheap Chinese labour.[3] Additionally, Japanese immigration to Canada began to rise sharply, resulting in demonstrations against Asian labour. In 1907, there was a particularly large demonstration against Asian immigrants in Vancouver 's Chinatown.[4] In response to the demonstrations, Deputy Minister of Labour Mackenzie King ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Research Assignment : R. V. Grant Research Assignment: R. v. Grant, [2009] S.C.R. 353 Facts of the case: Mr. Grant, an 18–year–old black man, was walking down a street in a high–crime area where he attracted police officers' attention. He was stopped and questioned by police officers. Then, Mr. Grant became more suspicious to the police when he started acting very nervous. Mr. Grant was requested name, address and was asked to put hands in front of him. Mr. Grant admitted he was carrying a firearm and weed and he was immediately arrested, searched and advised his legal rights. Legal issues: 1) Was Mr. Grant arbitrarily detained by the police? 2) Did the obtaining of evidence breach ss.8, 9 and 10(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? 3) If Mr. Grant's rights were violated under s.24 (2) of the Charter, should the evidence be inadmissible at trial? Supreme Court of Canada decisions: 1) Yes. The court considered the special circumstances the police encountered and questioned Mr. Grant, the entire interaction constitutes detention. The definition of detention is unclear and difficult to develop a framework when there is no actual physical restraint or legal obligation. A legal test for psychological detention could be whether a reasonable person would consider that his or her rights to act liberally have been removed but to comply in that particular circumstance. According to ss.9 and 10(b) of the Charter, Mr. Grant was considered detained even before he was asked what he possessed: initial police ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. The Copyright Law Of Canada Connected With An Ethical Line... This paper discusses the copyright law in Canada connected with an ethical line in music sharing. Before embarking on the discussion, it is imperative to understand what copyright entails under the umbrella of intellectual property; the latter refers to intangible property, which is entirely a creation of the mind (Alexander & Penalver, 2012, p. 188). Copyright is the exclusive right granted to the original author of literary work. In this effect, it prevents other people from using an authorship without authorization by the original author. The latter grants license for the reproduction of copies of the work, its usage, as well as distribution in lieu of some fee, i.e. royalty. Merges (2011) explains that literary work encompasses a wide ... Show more content on ... After the period elapses, any person can use, print, publish, and distribute the original work. The music industry has been in dispute for many years in respect to music piracy. It went after software and website developers, as well as consumers in the courts (Easley, 2005, p.163). As a result, this may be why governing the expansion of the music industry towards later benefits for the industry; however, not toward those who pirate from them (Easley, 2005, p.163). There is clear evidence of a willingness to pay for online music in general through legal download services such as iTunes (Easley, 2005, p.163). It is clear that some new markets are emerging; for example, services such as 4G LTE combine music with other services. These markets may provide both better margins and better copyright protection to the music industry. Nevertheless, some forms of music piracy may ultimately come to be seen as an effective marketing channel for those services (Easley, 2005, p.163). Clearly the industry is adapting piracy issues. Based on the information mentioned above, the objective of this paper is to emphasize the ethical dimensions of sharing music in the Canadian context. There are different ways of such sharing like burning, lending, downloading, and uploading among others. The argument is that burning and downloading are unethical while ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. A Comparison Of Law In Canada And The United States Since the British North America Act was adopted in 1867, Canada has been developing and writing up their own laws independently from other countries. Many people believe that, though our Canadian laws have come far from the days of the BNA act, they are still not up to par with the harshness of American laws. The advantage that Canadians have over Americans is that in Canada, there is only one criminal code for all Canadians whereas in the United States, every State has their own criminal codes which, unfortunately for the Americans, are not identical. Also, the United States and Canada each have a law that is fraught with the possibility that an injustice will be brought upon those whom these laws apply. In the United States, it is the ... Show more content on ... This case can be compared to the Rettig case. Const. Tom Rettig, a 29–year veteran of the Windsor police, was shot in the chest and arm on January 19 of the same year as he was leaving a discount auto parts store in the 3800 block of West Vernor in Detroit. He was about to back out of his parking space when a man approached his window, pointed a gun at him and opened fire. Unlike Constable Atkinson, Const. Rettig survived his shooting. The 18–year–old who shot Rettig was sentenced to 53 years in prison in an American court. Remember that the 18–year–old who shot Atkinson (and killed him) received only 25 years in a Canadian court. Both of these crimes were nearly identical, and yet the crime that was judged in an American court was seen to deserve a harsher punishment than the one that was judged in a Canadian court. The final example of the Canadian legal system being too lenient comes from the Kiddypics and Kiddyvids club. This club specialized in the viewing of sexually–exploitative material – including live streaming video of men abusing their own infant children. A Canadian member of the group was charged with sexual assault during an investigation by authorities. The judge in the case decried his actions as a "gross case" and "sickening" – and sentenced the abuser to four years. The maximum penalty under Canadian law for sexual offences against children is 10 years, except for incest, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Citizen Legal Rights In Canada Citizen Legal Rights in Canada Mattie Parham Bryant & Stratton College SOSC 330: Comparative Politics Mrs. Koval April 04, 2016 Canada government is different from the United States I believe some of the rights Canadians hold to their country is how people should have the same respect for their own country. The people of Canada respect each other no matter what the nationality is but just as long as you're another human, voter, and understand there are two laws. A Canadian born resident have the right to vote at the legal age of 18 years old similar to other countries but you cannot be out of the country more than 5 or more years and planning on voting in your country. Being held responsible for their families ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Canad A Beneficial Thing Canada in the early stages was not how it was today, especially in the area of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism in Canada during the 1900's was rare and not spoken of. In fact, the British people in Canada were against it. They came up with laws like the "Chinese Head Tax", the "Continuous Journey Regulation" and residential schools in order to make it hard for foreigners to come and live in Canada. After awhile, Canada decided to become an independent country and separated from the British rule . With this change Canada had a different way of seeing immigrants. They started to see that immigrants' coming to Canada was a beneficial thing. Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy. By doing ... Show more content on ... Back then, Canada was an extension of the British rule and was ruled by the whites. Britain being as powerful as they were in the 1900's, had a vision of Canada being "Home away from home". In other words, the British wanted Canada to be for just the whites. With this mentality put in their heads the Canadians started to enforce laws to try and "keep Canada as white as possible''. One of them was the 'Chinese Head Tax' which was a tax that was put on every Chinese person that wanted to enter Canada. At the beginning, when the law was first put in place, it only cost fifty dollars for every Chinese immigrant. However, as time went on the price multiplied, as it rose to an astonishing five hundred dollars . This was a huge problem for the Chinese as they did not make a lot of money, they found it very difficult paying for the head taxes. This resulted in fewer Chinese immigrants coming to Canada, which was what the Canadians and British wanted to happen. Another law Canada enforced was, the "Continuous Journey" regulation which was introduced in the early 1900's. "This law only allowed entry to Asian passengers that had sailed on a "continuous journey" from their home land to Canada. " Enforcing this law the government knew that not many Asians would stay on a cramped ship for several months due to the spread of sicknesses and diseases, so they were satisfied with this law and were still motivated to keep Canada's immigration levels low. Another act ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Canadian Constitution Essay The Canadian Constitution Regarded as the fundamental law of the land, a Constitution is important because it sets forth the policy declaration and principles of a sovereign state. Aside from that, it accords the government fundamental powers so that the latter is able to serve and protect the people in the best possible way. Without the Constitution, a community will fall into anarchy. For the purposes of this paper, the history of the promulgation of the Canadian Constitution will be discussed. This paper will also assess the purpose of the said Constitution. History of the Promulgation The Canadian Constitution is composed of various legal documents such as the Constitution Act (1867) or the British North America Act, the Canadian Charter ... Show more content on ... Thus, it authorizes the state to exercise its inherent powers and at the same time, limiting such exercise. To make it simple, the Constitution creates the systems of government of a certain state. The Government of Canada (n.d.). mentioned that Canada has three branches of the government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. In Canada, the Queen exercises the executive power. The legislative branch is known as the parliament. The parliament is comprised of the Senate and the House of Commons (Government of Canada, n.d.). This is where bills are passed and subsequently become laws. The judiciary is comprised of judges. They are burdened with the responsibility of interpreting the law and making sure that its application conforms to what is set forth in the Constitution. The fundamental powers granted by the Constitution to the government enable the latter to intervene and regulate people's liberty and rights. However, this intervention is not absolute because the Constitution also provides for its limits. There is a need to authorize the government and limit it at the same time so that its authority and the liberty and exercise of rights of the citizens are well–balanced. Without such balance, anarchy will result. As such, the existence of a Constitution is a necessity for a government to function properly and for the citizens to live ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Laws And Regulations Of Canada Legal There are some laws and regulations in Canada that will directly affect Kohl's. –Canada has been trying to get rid of spam advertising for numerous years now and finally passed an Anti–spam legislation stating that: Your business must have consent to deliver an electronic message to someone, you must clearly identify your business, and must include an unsubscribe feature. This may be to disadvantage, but America has similar anti–spam laws as well. –Ontario specifically has been trying to make the provinces buildings completely accessible for people with disability. The laws haven't gone into effect that every business must have some sort of access that complies with all disability, but there has been laws enforcing business owners ... Show more content on ... –Minimum wage in Ontario is $11.00 right now and is set to go up to $11.25 in October 2015. This is a lot higher than many of the stats minimum wages. Although the American dollar is worth more and they pay less taxes on purchases, Canada still has a fairly high minimum wage in comparison. – Between 1996 and 2013 Political stability in Canada has maintained an average of 1.1 according to an article in "the global economy" (–2.5 being weak, +2.5 being strong). In comparison to the states who have dropped below 0.0 in that time frame for political stability. For Kohl's to move to Canada this would be a smart move. Comparison on tax deductions on income: –Tax in Ontario: for 2015: 5.05% on the first $40,922 of taxable income, + 9.15% on the next $40,925, + 11.16% on the next $68,153, + 12.16% on the next $70,000, + 13.16 % on the amount over $220,000. –Tax in America: From $90,751 – $189,300 over 18,000 is due in tax and 28% of anything over $90,751. Then from 189,301 – $411,500 over $45,000 is due in taxes and 33% of anything over $189,301, and so on... Economic Trends Macroeconomic Conditions These are the economic conditions that will directly affect Kohl's opening in Canada: –Real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has steadily rose according to recent statistics. According to an article in ("Stats Canada" [Canadian economic accounts, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Canada 's New Laws Regarding Doctor Assisted Suicide According to the Criminal Code of Canada, physician–assisted suicide is illegal in Canada. However, due to the changing minds of Canadians and their values over a course of time, Canada created new laws that directed the act of assisted suicide by a physician. However, it is an ongoing debate whether these laws are problematic or beneficial. Canada's new laws regarding doctor– assisted suicide are effective because patients can die with dignity, there are benefits to the healthcare system and there will be less emotional turmoil for patients and their families. To begin, patients can die with dignity. Dying with dignity is the philosophical concept that a terminally ill individual should be allowed to die naturally and comfortably instead of experiencing a life of deep unconsciousness prolonged by mechanical support systems. (Death with Dignity) In 1993, Sue Rodriguez, a sufferer of ALS, believed that the time and manner of her death should not be determined by her illness or by the law. She expressed that it should be legal for a physician to end her life for her at a time she has chosen. (Fenton) Rodriguez took her case to the Supreme Court of British Columbia, she argued that Section 241(b) of the Criminal Code, everyone who aids or abets a person in committing suicide commits an indictable offence, violates her rights in the Charter under Section 7, that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security, 12, that everyone has the right not to be subjected to any ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Animal Laws In Canada Throughout the years there were lot of laws that were made to protect the animals but still not enough. The first ever law made in Canada was in 1866 called "Declaration of Rights of Animal``. Not just in Canada but all around the world animals are not treated right, even though they have equal rights on the planet as humans. If animals have equal rights as us then humans has no rights to take them away but on the day of today animal's rights are taken away. As citizens it is our responsibility to follow the laws but when it comes to animals laws, they are not followed. Being cruel is not something that should be done because in all the advanced countries everyone is taught to respect one another and to be kind. The laws need to be more ... Show more content on ... This world is not owned by humans that they get to decide what to do with the animals and when they should die. In U.S laboratory estimate of 10 million animals are used for food, drug, chemical and cosmetic testing. In world war two it was done on humans and now there is a whole history about it but when it's done on animals its normal. After a death of a human or an animal their bodies can be used for testing instead of having to kill the animals. After certain age animals get euthanized without their permission. This should not be right because they have the right to live without having to die because they are old. There is a law in Ontario which states no pitbull dogs are allow in Ontario. They get killed or get transported out of Ontario, which is insane. The Ontario government define Pitbull as "Brick–like head, which is especially broad between the cheeks, is carried upon a thickly muscled, well–defined neck. The neck runs into a deep, thick, well–sprung chest." ( No animals are allow to live freely because wither they get killed or capture. There are no rights and no freedom for ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Copyright Law in Canada Essay Canada's copyright law is one of our hardest laws to enforce. The reason the police have so much trouble enforcing this law, is due to technology. This law is very easy to break, and once broken, it is very hard to track down violators. So although some form of a copyright law is needed, the one we have has, too many holes to be effective. There are three main ways in which the copyright law is broken in everyday life. They is audio/video tape copying, plagiarism, and software piracy. The first, and most commonly violated aspect of the copyright law, is the copying of audio tapes for oneself and friends. Thanks to the invention of dual cassette stereos, this has become very easy. You simply take an original or even another copy of a ... Show more content on ... Very often a student when doing a research paper will "accidently" forget to footnote his work. By "forgetting" to give the author credit, the student has claimed the work as his own. Another reason students may copy someone else's work is to sound more sophisticated hoping that if they use someone elses words it will sound better than their own. Generally, this provides an easy way for a teacher or the police to catch them. Teachers also plagiarize rather frequently. Very often a teacher will photocopy several pages from a book, in order to save the students the expense of having to buy the book for themselves. While this is a noble act by the teacher, in most cases, this is illegal. Unless the author of the book, gave consent for his/her work to be freely distributed, teachers can't copy it any more than students or anyone else can. The third category of piracy is Software Pirating. There are several forms which this can take. The most common form is very similar to audio/video cassettes. It is when someone copies a game or program from his/her computer to someone elses. As long as the two people have the same type of computer, (they both have apples or IBM's) this is a very simple process, so long as the programmer didn't put a bug into the program (a precaution they take against people copying their work). Another form of Computer Piracy is a "cracker". A cracker is someone ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Ethics Of The Law Essay When it comes to large sums of money, it is not uncommon for the spender to feel they have been ripped off or become over protected. The practice of law is no exception to this phenomenon, and crocked lawyers and paralegals have negatively contributed to the notion. On several occasions law professionals have taken client money for personal use, acting against the law and rules of professional conduct. Although lawyers and paralegals have their own individual rules and guidelines to abide by, they follow the same professional structure of proper conduct. The rules of conduct for paralegals is governed by the Law Society of Upper Canada and is the governing body responsible for reports of misconduct. Further investigations will lay out the proper procedures and tasks that must be completed when a paralegal encounters an accusations of misconduct, specifically when a client accuses a paralegal of misappropriating money from the clients trust fund. When it comes to possible options it is important to remember that by proactively sending a report of the circumstance to the Law Society of Upper Canada with a detailed list of events, bookkeeping and accounts billed to the client will help your case prior to the client reporting you to the Law Society. Should a paralegal choose to ignore the threat of the client, in hopes that the client will not follow through with higher involvement, the paralegal will then face an audit by the Law Society. If the Law Society is apprised that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Secularism In Canada On the international stage, Canada is often viewed as a secular and multicultural nation. Throughout the history of the country, immigrants have come to Canada seeking a country which is accepting of diversity in ethnicity, language, religion, and culture. Especially since the 1970s, when multiculturalism was introduced by former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, thus becoming an official policy of Canada, the diversity of the nation has increased greatly, (Wang & Handy, 2014, p. 1561). However, while Canada has become a more multicultural country as a whole, it has not necessarily become more religiously pluralistic. In fact, it has been argued that Canada remains and will continue to be an overwhelmingly Christian country and many immigrants ... Show more content on ... Though Canada is officially a multicultural country, it has not resulted in complete religious toleration or separation from Christian values and preference of the state. Through observation of the ongoing, nationwide debate regarding sharia law, this can be seen. Since the early 2000s, a common area of contention amongst Canadians has revolved around the debate of whether or not Sharia law should be included in Ontario family tribunals. Sharia law is used to describe Islamic law as according to the Qur'an. Some Canadian Muslims believed that the addition of sharia law would help better integrate Canadian Muslims into society. While previously, other forms of religious arbitration were permitted in Ontario, the attempt to include Sharia law in the early 2000s played an vital role in the Ontario government's decision to ban all forms of religious arbitration, (Reitz, Banergee, Phan, & Thompson, 2009, p. 700). Consequently, the Family Statue Law Amendment was introduced in 2006 by the Ontario government in order to ensure that the was 'one law for all'. This legislation effectively banned all faith–based arbitration by instituting that all family law arbitration in the province would be conducted the same as it would be for any other Canadian, (Berger, 2015, p. 52). Conversely, prior to this amendment, religious arbitration was permitted in Ontario. However, when religious pluralism began ... Get more on ...