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A condition when the pressure is
greater than the resources
available .
Types of stress
Selye(1946) classified stress into two types :
 Eustress :Eustress means beneficial stress - either
psychological, physical (e.g. exercise) or
biochemical/radiological (hormesis).
 positive response one has to a stressor, which can depend
on one's current feelings of control, desirability, location,
and timing of the stressor
 Potential indicators may include responding to a stressor
with a sense of meaning, hope, or vigor
 also been positively correlated with life
satisfaction and well-being.
What is distress ?
 Distress : Distress stems from the Latin root “dis” as in
dissonance or disagreement
 Distress is a threat to the quality of life.
 It is when a demand vastly exceeds a person’s
What are your stress factors ?
Some of the commonly known stress factors are
 Relationship pressure
 Peer pressure
 Work pressure
Common stressors
Stress cycle
Acute stress
acute stress
Acute Stress
 Most common form of stress.
 It comes from recent demands of past and anticipated
 It is good for short duration but painful and
exhausting in long duration. Eg: laundry, cleaning
house, looking after people and their needs,etc.
1. Emotional distress- mixture of anxiety, depression
and irritability.
2. Disturbed bowl movement or bladder issues
Episodic acute stress
 Suffering from acute stress periodically.
 They describe themselves as they have “lot of nervous
 They appear blunt and abrupt.
 They are two types of people cardiac prone (excessive
competitive drive, aggressiveness, impatience, and a
harrying sense of time urgency) and worry wart
(pessimistic nature).
1. Persistent tension headaches
2. Migraines, hypertension, chest pain and heart disease
Chronic stress
 Acute stress can be thrilling and exciting, chronic
stress is not.
 This is the grinding stress that wears people away day
after day, year after year. Chronic stress destroys
bodies, minds and lives. It wreaks havoc through long-
term attrition.
 Example: It's the stress of poverty, of dysfunctional
families, of being trapped in an unhappy marriage or
in a despised job or career.
Chronic Stress
 Chronic stress comes when a person never sees a way
out of a miserable situation. It's the stress of
unrelenting demands and pressures for seemingly
interminable periods of time. With no hope, the
individual gives up searching for solutions.
 Source of chronic stress: chronic stresses stem from
traumatic, early childhood experiences that become
internalized and remain forever painful and present.
 Some experiences profoundly affect personality.
(negative belief systems are formed).
Worst kind of stress: Chronic Stress
 People get used to this kind of stress and end up
 They forget about the existence of the stress and end
up loosing their physical, emotional and psychological
well being.
 This breaks down the body and mind to a stage which
appears unrecoverable.
 This requires formation of new belief systems.
 Some diseases associated are: suicide, violence, heart
attack, stroke and, perhaps, even cancer.
What are the effects of stress ?
Results of long term stress
What is anxiety ?
Economic stress
 Pause but don’t panic. There are many negative
stories in newspapers and on television about the state
of the economy.
 Identify your financial stressors and make a plan .
 Recognize how you deal with stress related to
 Turn these challenging times into opportunities
for real growth and change.
 Ask for professional support.
What is Eustress ?
Reason for stress
 Branches and leaves-
your actions and
 Bark-Your thoughts and
 Roots –Your perceptions
and beliefs .
As it is the way of life not some exercise , so this gives
you the power to choose your life .
Patanjali Yoga Sutra states
Yoga asanas
 Backward bending
 Forward bending
 Inverted asanas
 Spinal twisting asanas
 Vajrasana group of asanas
 Shavasana group of asanas
Classification of food
As in bhagwat gita food is classified into 3 basic types :
Sattavic –Fruits ,milk ,vegetables and grains.
Rajasic –Too bitter,too salty ,too dry and arouses passion
in you .
Tamsic –Non –veg and other related quality of food
come under the category .
Stress management approach
The three stages of stress management are :
1. The alarm stage
2. The respond stage
3. The recovery stage
Stress management
 Sort out your priorities –Make a to do list .
 Tell people firmly and politely that you wont be
able to do something at work .
 Put aside sometime for yourself every week where
you can just be yourself –you don’t have to run or jog at
this time .You can meditate ,read a book for sometime
work –overload makes you feel unrewarded .Also
burnout can occur.
Stress management
 CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE –from “I can’t ” to I can“”.
 Maintain distance from negative people .
 Always live in the present moment
 Talk to people you trust .Share your story with
someone to create an action plan .
 Step out of victim mindset .Its all about attitude .
 Don’t sweat over small stuff –over neatness practise .
 Stay away from staffroom politics and gossip.It often
waste time and is unproductive .
Understand action
Thoughts Feelings Action
Also known as palm tree has following
benefits :
 Gives massage to the
alimentary canal
 Helps in removing nervous
tension .
 Helps in gaining height .
 Increase the strength of
the spine .
 Also works as the basic
balancing pose .
Also known as palm tree has following
benefits :
 Gives massage to the
alimentary canal
 Helps in removing nervous
tension .
 Helps in gaining height .
 Increase the strength of
the spine .
 Also works as the basic
balancing pose .
Also know as waist rotating
pose .It has following
advantages :
 Tones up waist ,shoulder ,
neck ,abdomen ,back and
 Corrects stiffness of back
and postural problem.
 Induces a feeling of
lightness and relaxation
after a busy day .
Triangle pose .
 Affects the muscles of the
sides ,waist and trunk .
 Stimulates nervous
system and alleviates
nervous depression.
 Strengthens pelvic area
and tones up
reproductive organs .
 Improves the sense of
balance .
Saral bhujangasana
Also known as Cobra pose.It
has following benefits :
 Provides gentle massage to
the lower back .
 Relieves lower back pain .
 Strengthens arms and
shoulders .
 Removes unconsicous tension
stored in the lower back
because of prologue sitting or
standing .
 Improves cervical
spondylitis and
osteoarthiritis .
Snake pose is the other name
for this .It has following
advantages :
 Removes excess weight from
lower abdomen.
 Strengthens the muscles of
the upper abdomen.
 Improves shoulder blade
strength and rotation .
 Helpful in frozen shoulder .
 Opens up the chest region for
deep inhalation and
Ardha shalabasana
Half loctust pose .It has the
following benefits :
 Helps in strengthening the
weak and stiff back
muslces .
 Tones up the hip and thigh
muscles .
 Improves the blood
circulation in the lower
body .
 Provides a strong diagonal
stretch to the body .
 Improves concentration .
Also known as the bow pose. It has
the following advantages :
 Entire alimentary canal is
 Secretions of the pancreas and
adrenal glands are balanced .
 Helps in removing chronic
constipation and liver issues .
 Removes stiffness in the back.
 Blood circulation is improved .
 Frees nervous energy in cervical
and thoracic area.
 Strengthens leg muscles and
Bhu namanasana
Spinal twist prostration
pose .Advantages are
 Easiest spinal twisting
pose .
 Gives relief in back pain
 Preparatory pose for
ardha matyesendra
 Lower back pain is
Also known as the animal
relaxation pose .It has following
benefits :
 It stretches the back , pelvic
region ,insides of the thighs and
opens up the hip joint .
 Balances nervous system.
 Gives gentle massage to the
internal organs by pressing
against the knee joint the
abdominal organs .
 Gives relaxation and positive
stress to the muscles in the
cervical region.
 Improves the bending ability of
the spine .
Janu sirasana
Gives the same benefits as of the
paschimottanasana. They are :
 Improves the flexibility of the
lower back muscles .
 Improves the hamstring muscles
condition .
 Removes stiffness from the
hip and thigh muscles .
 Prevents the development of
cervical spondilosis .
 Removes excess weight from the
abdominal area .
 Gives massage to the liver and
pancreas specifically .
Vipareeta karani asana
 By pressing the chest against the
chin ,this asana stimulates the
thyroid gland .
 It balances the various systems
of the body .
 Tranquillizes the mind
,relieving mental and emotional
stress .
 Helps in pyschological stress
and boosts up the immune
system .
 Abdominal breathing is
induced and helps in managing
the stress on abdominal organs
Eka pada pranamasana
It’s a balancing pose .So it
just induces a sense of
balance .
Provides strength to legs
,ankle and foot muscles .
Pranayama is composed of two roots “prana” plus
Prana : is the vital energy force which flows through
both the objects animate and inanimate.
Ayama :Is extension or expansion of prana .
Deep Breathing
One of the most common denominators in removing
acid from the body is deep breathing .
When you take shallow breath or hold your breath you
are robbing your body off of the much needed oxygen.
There is then accumulation of the co2 in your blood
causing an increase in the ph level and making it
acidic by nature .
Anjali mudra
Apana mudra
Prana mudra
Best diet according to the blood
To prevent depression and other stress related disorders
some research has been done on how the food quality
and taste varies with the blood group .Common blood
groups are :
 AB
 A
 B
 O
Alternative healing therapy
 The theory behind naturopathy is that the body is
capable of healing itself without relying on
medications and other medical interventions.
 Naturopathy relies on many types of treatments to
bring about natural healing from within, all of which
are non-invasive.
 Examples are Aromatherapy, massage therapy,
Herbology and meditation.
 Aromatherapy relies on the use of
essential oils derived from plants to
bring about healing.
 It is especially useful as a relaxation
treatment, to address conditions
such as stress, anxiety, emotional
disorders and as a pain management
 The oils are inhaled or used in
massage. They can also be added in
specific quantities to baths and
body compresses.
 The essential oils are highly
concentrated and this high dose of
essence is believed to have a positive
impact on brain waves and
neurological systems.
 Examples of popular essential oils
used in aromatherapy include
lavender, citronella and bergamot.
Massage Therapy
 Massage therapy relies on the
healing power of physical touch to
relieve stress and treat disease.
 Muscles and soft tissues are
manipulated by a trained therapist
who presses, pushes, pulls and rubs
the affected area. Therapist not only
use their hands, but depending on
the type of massage, may use their
fists, arms, elbows and even their
knees to work on particular areas of
the body.
 There are numerous types of
massage therapy, each one used to
address different conditions.
Examples are relaxation massage,
sports massage and prenatal
Herbology is the use of herbs,
botanicals, vitamins, minerals,
probiotics, flowers, flower
essences leaves, stems, roots,
bark, fruits and seeds to induce
healing in the body.
 Herbology is used by many
different complementary and
alternative medicine practitioners,
including Naturopaths, Ayurveda
Practitioners and in traditional
Chinese Medicine.
 Although Herbology is all natural
and generally considered to be safe,
some herbs are very powerful and
can interact with traditional
medications. Individuals can also
experience allergic reactions.
 Meditation is used to bring
about a peaceful state of quiet
consideration. There is not one
particular way to meditate;
rather, there are multiple types
of meditation.
 Although the techniques used
to meditate may vary, the goal is
the same for all. That goal is to
quiet the mind and calm the
spirit, leaving the individual free
from stress, anxiety and negative
thoughts and emotions.
 Meditation is often prescribed to
cancer patients and individuals
suffering from debilitating
 Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of healing to date. The goal
of this holistic healing method is to assist people in living a long
and healthy life.
 It focuses on keeping the body in an overall balanced state. To
bring about that balance, Ayurveda promotes a healthy diet,
proper hydration, good mental state, meditation and relaxation
techniques for a peaceful mind and herbal remedies to address
health conditions.
 Ayurveda practitioners express the need for individuals to
remain in control of their health by opening their supreme
consciousness to become balanced with the universal energies.
 It promotes positive emotions and the avoidance of negativity.
 The main principle behind Homeopathy is to treat like with
like. What this means is that any substance which causes
symptoms in an individual can be used to eradicate those
symptoms when the substance is ingested in large doses.
 An example of this would be an individual taking bee pollen to
eradicate allergy symptoms. The purpose is to stimulate the
body’s ability to self-heal. Homeopathy even carries over to
mainstream medicine. One example would be giving the
medication Ritalin, which is a stimulant, to a child who is
 Homeopathic treatments usually come in the form of tiny pellets
that are placed under the tongue. The formulas are prepared by
specialty pharmacists who carefully dilute the substance and
vigorously shake it to activate it.
 Reflexology is similar to acupuncture in
that is believed to release trapped energy
from certain trigger points in the body.
 using special finger and hand
techniques to apply pressure to areas
of the foot that represent certain parts
of the body.
 Bare hands are used, and no oils or
lubricants are used.
 Therapists rely on a reflexology chart
that mirrors an image of the body
onto the feet. Each are of the body has
a specific area on the foot.
 The area of the foot is treated is directly
related to the body part that require the
A form of touch therapy.
 Its principle belief is that
individuals are controlled by
a universal life force energy
known as “qi”.
 Reiki practitioners use their
hands to release energy
blockages along specific
meridian points in the body.
 This laying-of-hands therapy
can help to channel the
energy throughout the body
and redistribute it as needed.
The goal of complementary and alternative medicines is
to promote optimal health and wellness through non-
traditional therapies and techniques. Many of these
therapies, once considered “fringe” therapy, are now
being recognized as powerful tools in the fight against
sickness and disease
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Stess managment D.El.Ed

  • 1. A condition when the pressure is greater than the resources available .
  • 2. Types of stress Selye(1946) classified stress into two types :  Eustress :Eustress means beneficial stress - either psychological, physical (e.g. exercise) or biochemical/radiological (hormesis).  positive response one has to a stressor, which can depend on one's current feelings of control, desirability, location, and timing of the stressor  Potential indicators may include responding to a stressor with a sense of meaning, hope, or vigor  also been positively correlated with life satisfaction and well-being.
  • 3. What is distress ?  Distress : Distress stems from the Latin root “dis” as in dissonance or disagreement  Distress is a threat to the quality of life.  It is when a demand vastly exceeds a person’s capabilities.
  • 4. What are your stress factors ? Some of the commonly known stress factors are  Relationship pressure  Peer pressure  Work pressure
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  • 10. Acute Stress  Most common form of stress.  It comes from recent demands of past and anticipated future.  It is good for short duration but painful and exhausting in long duration. Eg: laundry, cleaning house, looking after people and their needs,etc. Symtopms: 1. Emotional distress- mixture of anxiety, depression and irritability. 2. Disturbed bowl movement or bladder issues
  • 11. Episodic acute stress  Suffering from acute stress periodically.  They describe themselves as they have “lot of nervous energy”.  They appear blunt and abrupt.  They are two types of people cardiac prone (excessive competitive drive, aggressiveness, impatience, and a harrying sense of time urgency) and worry wart (pessimistic nature). Symptoms: 1. Persistent tension headaches 2. Migraines, hypertension, chest pain and heart disease
  • 12. Chronic stress  Acute stress can be thrilling and exciting, chronic stress is not.  This is the grinding stress that wears people away day after day, year after year. Chronic stress destroys bodies, minds and lives. It wreaks havoc through long- term attrition.  Example: It's the stress of poverty, of dysfunctional families, of being trapped in an unhappy marriage or in a despised job or career.
  • 13. Chronic Stress  Chronic stress comes when a person never sees a way out of a miserable situation. It's the stress of unrelenting demands and pressures for seemingly interminable periods of time. With no hope, the individual gives up searching for solutions.  Source of chronic stress: chronic stresses stem from traumatic, early childhood experiences that become internalized and remain forever painful and present.  Some experiences profoundly affect personality. (negative belief systems are formed).
  • 14. Worst kind of stress: Chronic Stress  People get used to this kind of stress and end up adjusting.  They forget about the existence of the stress and end up loosing their physical, emotional and psychological well being.  This breaks down the body and mind to a stage which appears unrecoverable.  This requires formation of new belief systems.  Some diseases associated are: suicide, violence, heart attack, stroke and, perhaps, even cancer.
  • 15. What are the effects of stress ?
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  • 18. Results of long term stress
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  • 22. Economic stress  Pause but don’t panic. There are many negative stories in newspapers and on television about the state of the economy.  Identify your financial stressors and make a plan .  Recognize how you deal with stress related to money.  Turn these challenging times into opportunities for real growth and change.  Ask for professional support.
  • 24. Reason for stress  Branches and leaves- your actions and responses.  Bark-Your thoughts and feelings.  Roots –Your perceptions and beliefs .
  • 25. As it is the way of life not some exercise , so this gives you the power to choose your life .
  • 27. Yoga asanas  Backward bending  Forward bending  Inverted asanas  Spinal twisting asanas  Vajrasana group of asanas  Shavasana group of asanas
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  • 29. Classification of food As in bhagwat gita food is classified into 3 basic types : Sattavic –Fruits ,milk ,vegetables and grains. Rajasic –Too bitter,too salty ,too dry and arouses passion in you . Tamsic –Non –veg and other related quality of food come under the category .
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  • 31. Stress management approach The three stages of stress management are : 1. The alarm stage 2. The respond stage 3. The recovery stage
  • 32. Stress management  Sort out your priorities –Make a to do list .  Tell people firmly and politely that you wont be able to do something at work .  Put aside sometime for yourself every week where you can just be yourself –you don’t have to run or jog at this time .You can meditate ,read a book for sometime .  REMEMBER NEVER OVERLOAD yourself with work –overload makes you feel unrewarded .Also burnout can occur.
  • 33. Stress management  CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE –from “I can’t ” to I can“”.  Maintain distance from negative people .  Always live in the present moment  Talk to people you trust .Share your story with someone to create an action plan .  Step out of victim mindset .Its all about attitude .  Don’t sweat over small stuff –over neatness practise .  Stay away from staffroom politics and gossip.It often waste time and is unproductive .
  • 35. Tadasana Also known as palm tree has following benefits :  Gives massage to the alimentary canal  Helps in removing nervous tension .  Helps in gaining height .  Increase the strength of the spine .  Also works as the basic balancing pose .
  • 36. Tadasana Also known as palm tree has following benefits :  Gives massage to the alimentary canal  Helps in removing nervous tension .  Helps in gaining height .  Increase the strength of the spine .  Also works as the basic balancing pose .
  • 37. Katichakrasana Also know as waist rotating pose .It has following advantages :  Tones up waist ,shoulder , neck ,abdomen ,back and hips.  Corrects stiffness of back and postural problem.  Induces a feeling of lightness and relaxation after a busy day .
  • 38. Trikonasana Triangle pose .  Affects the muscles of the sides ,waist and trunk .  Stimulates nervous system and alleviates nervous depression.  Strengthens pelvic area and tones up reproductive organs .  Improves the sense of balance .
  • 39. Saral bhujangasana Also known as Cobra pose.It has following benefits :  Provides gentle massage to the lower back .  Relieves lower back pain .  Strengthens arms and shoulders .  Removes unconsicous tension stored in the lower back because of prologue sitting or standing .  Improves cervical spondylitis and osteoarthiritis .
  • 40. Sarpasana Snake pose is the other name for this .It has following advantages :  Removes excess weight from lower abdomen.  Strengthens the muscles of the upper abdomen.  Improves shoulder blade strength and rotation .  Helpful in frozen shoulder .  Opens up the chest region for deep inhalation and exhalation.
  • 41. Ardha shalabasana Half loctust pose .It has the following benefits :  Helps in strengthening the weak and stiff back muslces .  Tones up the hip and thigh muscles .  Improves the blood circulation in the lower body .  Provides a strong diagonal stretch to the body .  Improves concentration .
  • 42. Dhanurasana Also known as the bow pose. It has the following advantages :  Entire alimentary canal is massaged.  Secretions of the pancreas and adrenal glands are balanced .  Helps in removing chronic constipation and liver issues .  Removes stiffness in the back.  Blood circulation is improved .  Frees nervous energy in cervical and thoracic area.  Strengthens leg muscles and thighs.
  • 43. Bhu namanasana Spinal twist prostration pose .Advantages are following  Easiest spinal twisting pose .  Gives relief in back pain  Preparatory pose for ardha matyesendra asana.  Lower back pain is relieved.
  • 44. Shathilayasana Also known as the animal relaxation pose .It has following benefits :  It stretches the back , pelvic region ,insides of the thighs and opens up the hip joint .  Balances nervous system.  Gives gentle massage to the internal organs by pressing against the knee joint the abdominal organs .  Gives relaxation and positive stress to the muscles in the cervical region.  Improves the bending ability of the spine .
  • 45. Janu sirasana Gives the same benefits as of the paschimottanasana. They are :  Improves the flexibility of the lower back muscles .  Improves the hamstring muscles condition .  Removes stiffness from the hip and thigh muscles .  Prevents the development of cervical spondilosis .  Removes excess weight from the abdominal area .  Gives massage to the liver and pancreas specifically .
  • 46. Vipareeta karani asana  By pressing the chest against the chin ,this asana stimulates the thyroid gland .  It balances the various systems of the body .  Tranquillizes the mind ,relieving mental and emotional stress .  Helps in pyschological stress and boosts up the immune system .  Abdominal breathing is induced and helps in managing the stress on abdominal organs .
  • 47. Eka pada pranamasana It’s a balancing pose .So it just induces a sense of balance . Provides strength to legs ,ankle and foot muscles .
  • 48. Pranayama Pranayama is composed of two roots “prana” plus “ayama”. Prana : is the vital energy force which flows through both the objects animate and inanimate. Ayama :Is extension or expansion of prana .
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  • 50. Deep Breathing One of the most common denominators in removing acid from the body is deep breathing . When you take shallow breath or hold your breath you are robbing your body off of the much needed oxygen. There is then accumulation of the co2 in your blood causing an increase in the ph level and making it acidic by nature .
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  • 55. Best diet according to the blood group To prevent depression and other stress related disorders some research has been done on how the food quality and taste varies with the blood group .Common blood groups are :  AB  A  B  O
  • 56. Alternative healing therapy Naturopathy  The theory behind naturopathy is that the body is capable of healing itself without relying on medications and other medical interventions.  Naturopathy relies on many types of treatments to bring about natural healing from within, all of which are non-invasive.  Examples are Aromatherapy, massage therapy, Herbology and meditation.
  • 57. Aromatherapy  Aromatherapy relies on the use of essential oils derived from plants to bring about healing.  It is especially useful as a relaxation treatment, to address conditions such as stress, anxiety, emotional disorders and as a pain management tool.  The oils are inhaled or used in massage. They can also be added in specific quantities to baths and body compresses.  The essential oils are highly concentrated and this high dose of essence is believed to have a positive impact on brain waves and neurological systems.  Examples of popular essential oils used in aromatherapy include lavender, citronella and bergamot.
  • 58. Massage Therapy  Massage therapy relies on the healing power of physical touch to relieve stress and treat disease.  Muscles and soft tissues are manipulated by a trained therapist who presses, pushes, pulls and rubs the affected area. Therapist not only use their hands, but depending on the type of massage, may use their fists, arms, elbows and even their knees to work on particular areas of the body.  There are numerous types of massage therapy, each one used to address different conditions. Examples are relaxation massage, sports massage and prenatal massage.
  • 59. Herbology Herbology is the use of herbs, botanicals, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, flowers, flower essences leaves, stems, roots, bark, fruits and seeds to induce healing in the body.  Herbology is used by many different complementary and alternative medicine practitioners, including Naturopaths, Ayurveda Practitioners and in traditional Chinese Medicine.  Although Herbology is all natural and generally considered to be safe, some herbs are very powerful and can interact with traditional medications. Individuals can also experience allergic reactions.
  • 60. Meditation  Meditation is used to bring about a peaceful state of quiet consideration. There is not one particular way to meditate; rather, there are multiple types of meditation.  Although the techniques used to meditate may vary, the goal is the same for all. That goal is to quiet the mind and calm the spirit, leaving the individual free from stress, anxiety and negative thoughts and emotions.  Meditation is often prescribed to cancer patients and individuals suffering from debilitating illness.
  • 61. Ayurveda  Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of healing to date. The goal of this holistic healing method is to assist people in living a long and healthy life.  It focuses on keeping the body in an overall balanced state. To bring about that balance, Ayurveda promotes a healthy diet, proper hydration, good mental state, meditation and relaxation techniques for a peaceful mind and herbal remedies to address health conditions.  Ayurveda practitioners express the need for individuals to remain in control of their health by opening their supreme consciousness to become balanced with the universal energies.  It promotes positive emotions and the avoidance of negativity.
  • 62. Homeopathy  The main principle behind Homeopathy is to treat like with like. What this means is that any substance which causes symptoms in an individual can be used to eradicate those symptoms when the substance is ingested in large doses.  An example of this would be an individual taking bee pollen to eradicate allergy symptoms. The purpose is to stimulate the body’s ability to self-heal. Homeopathy even carries over to mainstream medicine. One example would be giving the medication Ritalin, which is a stimulant, to a child who is hyperactive.  Homeopathic treatments usually come in the form of tiny pellets that are placed under the tongue. The formulas are prepared by specialty pharmacists who carefully dilute the substance and vigorously shake it to activate it.
  • 63. Reflexology  Reflexology is similar to acupuncture in that is believed to release trapped energy from certain trigger points in the body.  using special finger and hand techniques to apply pressure to areas of the foot that represent certain parts of the body.  Bare hands are used, and no oils or lubricants are used.  Therapists rely on a reflexology chart that mirrors an image of the body onto the feet. Each are of the body has a specific area on the foot.  The area of the foot is treated is directly related to the body part that require the healing
  • 64. Reiki A form of touch therapy.  Its principle belief is that individuals are controlled by a universal life force energy known as “qi”.  Reiki practitioners use their hands to release energy blockages along specific meridian points in the body.  This laying-of-hands therapy can help to channel the energy throughout the body and redistribute it as needed.
  • 65. Summary The goal of complementary and alternative medicines is to promote optimal health and wellness through non- traditional therapies and techniques. Many of these therapies, once considered “fringe” therapy, are now being recognized as powerful tools in the fight against sickness and disease