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February 2016
Nobody wants to be a part of the end, but most would hope to be a part of a new beginning.
For years we have refrained from ringing the panic bell, but the chips are now falling and we
owe it to you to say it the way it is.
The evidence is mounting that we are on the eve of a change of life as we have known it. Sorry,
but the facts don’t lie, while the political and media talking heads do! There are a series of
events about to happen, and are the reason that banksters are dying, while others are
attempting to hoard much of the gold in anticipation of an imminent currency collapse? Disease
is spreading, the military leaders are being fired & retired, Russia and America are at a trigger
point, Obama is now publicly concerned of a nuke destroying New York City, and virtually every
mainstream media source is discussing the impacts of an EMP.
The BIG EVENT is coming!
The economic and social “reset” is getting ready to happen very soon, and much more. Most of
this information will be outside of the average person's level of understanding or belief
systems. But, the collapse appears to be upon us. Even WW3. Things are being set up and
preparations are being made. The false flags are getting ready to drop, and have been for many
years. The world is in deep trouble and it is about to get much worse!
The corruption is everywhere. We are all being brainwashed – every day of the week. You can
either wake up now, or just hit the sleep switch and pray it will all go away. It won’t! Putting
your head in the sand, won’t save your ass that is still hanging out in the wind.
With all of that said, let’s take a look at the current threats and what you can do to protect
yourself and your family when all hell breaks loose.
Is something really big about to happen? For months, people have been pointing to the second
half of this year for various reasons. Has WW3 already started? Has “political correctness”
already destroyed Europe and soon America?
The exodus from the Middle East is well underway. When America disturbed the social order of
these dictatorships, without replacing real law and order, with respected leadership, we
created a vacuum. That vacuum was quickly filled by ISIS as we pulled out, leaving our own
weapons behind for their use.
Now we are faced with a much bigger global problem that is coming home to roost throughout
the Middle East, Europe, and soon America. Radical Islam has been the root of the evil
problems plaguing modern culture for decades. The Holy War will never go away or be won,
until as they see it, there is only one religion, one set of beliefs, one legal system, in THEIR New
World Order. It’s called Sharia Law and a 100% Muslim society.
The terror is spreading, along with their intolerance for Western society and our way of life.
Women throughout Europe are being raped and beaten for exposing too much skin. Muslim
men believe it is their “right” to rape them. This video reveals what is unfolding better than
words can say:
It does seem rather remarkable that we are seeing such a confluence of economic, political and
spiritual events coming together now. So is all of this leading up to something? Is our world
about to change in a fundamental way? Only time will tell.
Perhaps none of this alarms you. But when you add everything above to the fact that the elite
definitely appear to be feverishly preparing for something, a very alarming picture emerges.
For example, due to fears that a “natural disaster” could interrupt their operations in New York,
the New York Fed has been working hard to build up a satellite office in Chicago.
What kind of “natural disaster” could possibly be so bad that it would cause the entire New
York Fed to shut down?
And NORAD has decided to move back into the base deep inside Cheyenne Mountain after all
these years. The threat of an electromagnetic pulse was the reason given for this decision.
By themselves, perhaps those moves would not be that big of a deal. But let’s add all of the
weird movements of military vehicles and equipment that we have been witnessing lately to
this discussion and it is clear that something is up. The government is preparing for something,
while keeping its citizens in the dark. To avoid panic or social collapse? Maybe. Or, maybe
because what is to come is so horrific that it cannot be revealed – yet!
2016 through 2017 is going to be an extremely significant time period. We may witness the
landscape of America dramatically changing. Though, the picture is broader that we've been
shown... everything is, as always, in God's Hands.
Have you noticed the weather patterns have all shifted, with recent voracious cold fronts from
the Arctic swooping as polar vortices reaching deep into the south? Just a part of nature’s
cycles? Don’t be so naïve. Combine the frigid changes with the droughts, recent tornadoes, the
largest cyclones ever, extreme flooding, massive mud slides, bizarre cloud patterns, melting
polar ice caps, and on and on. Global warming? Maybe… but from what, your SUV and carbon
footprint, or from changes now evident throughout our entire solar system? That’s right, the
entire solar system has been experiencing strange anomalies with virtually every planet heating
up with evidence of shifting!
Did you hear about the burning snow? When tested by many curious observers, a recent
snowfall in Georgia would not melt, but smoldered and blackened under a direct flame. How
can that be? Snow melts and always has, right? Apparently, the “burning snow” is due to
chemical components in the Stratosphere pulled down by what the weathermen were calling
the extreme Polar Vortex over Canada and the US. If left alone, these components would
evaporate and return to the Stratosphere, but when prematurely forced to melt, it was
discovered that they chemically combined with cloud level H₂O to form a type of plastic. When
heated, the snow smelled like plastic too, kind of like a Styrofoam cup. We can no longer look
the other way, this stuff is falling from the sky everywhere. There is much proof that HAARP
(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is responsible for creating and manipulating
weather, mind control, and much more. We’ll let you Google that for the overwhelming
evidence that the “evil” powers that be are screwing with nature and our existence.
Everyone knows that the quakes are growing in magnitude and frequency. Scientists and FEMA
fear the New Madrid Fault is about to split America in half. Some worrying developments are
taking place at the Super Volcano located beneath Yellowstone National Park; the kind of
developments that were seen shortly before other volcanoes erupted. Not only was there a
sudden rise in the elevation of the ground, and development of new cracks, but a gas called
Helium-4, a very rare type of Helium, has been leaking out on the surface. It is the presence of
this gas that has scientists quite concerned and is apparently causing the wildlife to begin their
evacuation, with herds of Buffalo and other wildlife reportedly running down the roads to
If the Yellowstone Super Volcano were to erupt, it would be 2,000 times bigger than the
eruption of Mount St. Helens in the early 1980′s. Everything within 500 miles would be dead or
destroyed within minutes, two-thirds of the entire United States would be covered in volcanic
ash and the climate of the entire planet would cool for many years. Large earthquakes below
Yellowstone prove hot magma is on the move. The government is already planning for
evacuations. Shall we move to the “Yellow” or “Orange” alert stage?
Significant shakers are now occurring in 11 states that very rarely have earthquakes. Oklahoma
is breaking all previous records for earthquakes. Very freaky. What is under Oklahoma?
Fracking, not likely! Ancient and dormant volcanoes are waking up, the lava is flowing, and
people are now realizing we are witnessing major changes.
Strange sonic hums and booms are trumpeting and bellowing around the world with no viable
explanations, other than the Earth’s core is rotating and changing. Or, is the Biblical trumpets?
Freakish mutations of whales, fish and wildlife are now appearing in our oceans. Massive
swarms of fish, flocks of birds, porpoise, whales, and hundreds of nature’s animals are dying
everywhere. The worst is surely yet to come, with no safe place on the Earth to run or hide.
Fukushima is the disaster that just keeps on giving. The radiation is continuing to pour out of
the cooling pools in massive amounts, now spreading throughout the Pacific Ocean, while
airborne radioactive particles are blowing across North America. Guess what? The Japanese
and Tepco don’t have a viable plan to fix it. Fukushima will just keep melting down until it
eventually blows into the Stratosphere. If distributed evenly, just 1 pound of Cesium 137
radioisotopes (about the size of a grapefruit), spread evenly throughout the atmosphere, would
kill every living being on the planet. Meanwhile, the food chain is becoming more and more
toxic with radiation; plutonium, barium and whatever else the government is pumping into the
chemtrails, all accumulating on the land and in our water supply. Japanese doctor Shigeru Mita
has explained why he recently moved away from Tokyo to restart his practice in western Japan:
He believes that Tokyo is no longer be inhabited due to radioactive contamination caused by
the March 11, 2011, meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. He cites that soil
samples throughout Tokyo prove contamination 10 times that of Eastern Europe contaminated
by the Chernobyl accident, with measurable health effects on their populations. Patients are
now showing radiation-induced sickness that will continue to evolve over time. Guess what?
America is downwind of Fukushima and is already getting a steady and cumulative dosage of
fallout. West Coast sea life is dying. Seals are being diagnosed with Leukemia while lesions are
growing all over their bodies.
Are you ready for a total collapse? According to Steve Forbes, Publisher of Forbes Magazine,
we are on the ‘precipice’ of a total economic and stock market collapse. Citi Group claims we
are in an “Economic Death Spiral” that cannot be stopped. Banks and the government are
prepared for a total collapse of the global economy. Will this be triggered by another false flag?
There are Bills “pending” in the US Senate structured to strip the veterans of their guns, and
further erode the 2nd Amendment. Remember the expression “watch what they do, not what
they say”?
 Billionaire Jim Rogers who now lives in the hills of Thailand encourages you to get out of
the U.S. cities (George Soros ex-partner. They started the Quantum Hedge Fund
 Jim Rickard a brilliant economist, author of the book the “Death of MONEY”, and a CIA
insider who was responsible for helping the CIA with mock a monetary collapse of the
USA economy in war room exercises, is now saying things are moving so fast towards
the economic collapse that he believes he was too passive about when … having he
originally suggested by 2020-25, and is now saying 2016-17.
 Gerald Celente agrees and has been forecasting the inevitable collapse.
 Peter Schiff warns that while far too many people see an economy in recovery due to
the Fed manufacturing endless supplies of worthless money, this could be our ‘swan
song’, the “bubble that finally breaks the dollar.”
There are dozens of key bank executives from Hong Kong to London, to New York that have
suddenly, in the prime of their careers decided to “commit suicide”. One reportedly shot
himself in the back of his head with a pneumatic nail gun 6 times! Of course the authorities
swept it under the carpet as another suicide! Really? Apparently these banksters knew
something that they were apparently not being allowed to reveal. Key witnesses who might
speak out are disappearing. Whistleblowers? The Illuminati Cabal is a criminal organization
that are trying to run the planet, but are now fearful that they are going to lose all of their
power and money and they are playing their end-game.
The “Fat Cats” are running scared, with hundreds of high net worth families and even
billionaires already preparing to evacuate America and Europe for their Southern Hemisphere
safe havens in Argentina and New Zealand. Fearing martial law and a police state, thousands of
Americans are renouncing their US citizenship (passports) and have just bailed out.
The matrix is real and the evidence is piling high that the global economic reset is about to
begin. Most of the world is at “peak debt”. That is, the ratio of total credit market debt to
current national income ranges between 350% and 500% in every major economy; and that is
the limit of what can be serviced even at today’s aberrantly low interest rates.
Your money may become worthless overnight, and that’s if you are even able to even get your
hands on it. There are reports that the government, through the power of hundreds of
standing White House Executive Orders, will be confiscating your 401K and retirement
accounts, along with everything else of value. In fact, a new “Bail-In” law makes your deposits
in a bank, the BANKS money should a collapse occur. With the stroke of a pen they win and you
lose. The ground work has been laid to confiscate your money. Don’t doubt it for a minute.
They will collapse the system to create a new One World Order and Economic System. America
is bankrupt. They need to reset it. Hedge that!
Russia appears to be taking back the former Soviet Bloc of nations, while positioning his country
for defense. What happens when you back a bear into a corner? Expect retaliation. Russia’s
bombers and warships have been patrolling the coasts of America’s and Europe. They cut off a
majority of gas to Europe from their pipeline. While America and the Saudi’s have orchestrated
the fall of the price of oil to wipe out Russia, Iran, Venezuela and other producing nations that
are dependent on their oil exports as the main source of their economy; China and Russia have
teamed up to trade for oil in Rubles and gold, NOT Petro Dollars, or shall we say the “Retro
Dollar”. The New York Fed has signaled the end of the dollar is near. That spells war, sooner
than later as America cannot allow the Petro Dollar to collapse.
Oil has collapsed with a very narrow gap between the floor and the ceiling. The floor is the
current price per barrel. The ceiling is what it costs to produce that oil. When the margin is too
low, the system collapses and bankruptcies erupt. The trillions of dollars of Ponzi derivatives
become worthless overnight. Poof your broke, and the world is in the worst depression ever.
Can you survive that?
ISIS is ravaging the Middle East and now spreading across Europe, filling the vacuum Obama
created when he pulled our troops out and left all of our weapons behind for the taking. How
many Americans sacrificed their life for nothing! Political correctness is going to destroy us.
How do you win a war, you are not willing to fight, or even label it for what it is, Islamic
Radicalism! So, now “heads” are literally rolling and there may be no stopping it.
This new reign of terror is now spreading across Europe and likely to hit the American
homeland. Radical Muslims are randomly attacking targets in Paris, London, Germany, Sweden,
Spain, and beyond, all in the name of Allah and their intolerant belief that anyone who is not a
believer, is an Infidel and must die!
Planes are now being blown up over the Sinai Peninsula in the name of ISIS and Allah. There is
a massive hunt for these terror cells throughout Europe, while their apparent base of
operations is now Syria. Yet, the White House is unwilling to call it what it is – Islamic terror!
Guantanamo terrorists are being released to their battle fields. Meanwhile, Obama invoked
plans to reduce the military to pre-WW2 levels, under 500,000 troops. Is this dismantling of our
military, on top of a purge of our top US military officers, a set-up for America to soon be
invaded by foreign troops once the US dollar collapses? Oh, by the way, are you aware many
of those foreign (Russian and Chinese) troops are already here, staged in secret bases across
America? Google that too!
Our government is targeting its citizens and our citizens are targeting our government. With
the recent racial riots, executions of the police, and the obvious race baiting, martial law is just
around the corner. Will we see the imposition of martial law in response to an economic
collapse? We are going to see ghost malls, student protests, farmer rebellions, squatter camps,
armed rebellion, tax protests, labor strikes, food shortages, disintegration of law enforcement
and troops on the street. Walmart store closing are reported to become FEMA camps for the
dissidents. Political Correctness is destroying our fundamental rights of speech and our
constitution. PC is now morphing to include offenses if you “hurt someone’s feelings.” Things
will get more chaotic by the minute! No longer will we have our freedoms, we must
understand what is happening in our country before it’s too late. But, what difference can you
make? None of us can stop this disintegration.
Veterans are being stripped of their rights to own a gun with the VA making decisions
to prevent the lawful ownership of weapons by veterans, without a hearing or any due process.
The reason is because the veterans, those trained in warfare, know how to fight, how to lead,
and would be the first to lead a revolution. Yup, we said it, the government is afraid of a
revolution and thus are prepared to impose martial law to contain it. The stage is set, the
frustration and hatred is out there, and sooner or later something will spark the flames of a
revolution or even a civil war. This can easily escalate out of control. Let’s hope cooler heads
prevail and civilization as we know it is not destroyed, throwing us back to the Stone Age.
There are fears of EMP “bombs”, capable of yielding massive electro-magnetic pulses, being set
off high above America that will knock the lights out and put us back to the 17th Century (not
the 18th, as even then we were able to be self-sufficient). A single nuclear blast at 300-400
kilometers in altitude—about the height of the International Space Station—could take down
all power in the U.S. Even an explosion just 30 kilometers up would take out the Eastern grid,
which supplies three-quarters of the country's power. Peter Pry, a former CIA officer and head
of a congressional advisory board on national security says: "This gets translated into mass
fatalities, because our modern civilization can't feed, transport, or provide law and order
without electricity." Gingrich recently told members of Congress that an EMP attack "could be
the kind of catastrophe that ends civilization—and that's not an exaggeration."
North Korea now has a satellite in space that passes over America every day. It is large enough
to carry a payload big enough to be a nuclear device. If so, at their discretion, the sick bastards
could set off an EMP explosion big enough to knock out the entire electric grid of North
What happens post-detonation is not a pretty picture, massive industrial accidents. Over a
hundred nuclear reactors going down and when they run out of diesel fuel to power their
backup generators, get ready for our own Chernobyl and Fukushima explosions, spreading
radiation everywhere. An EMP will knock out oil refineries, leading to their burning down, oil
pipelines exploding, airliners crashing and more devastation then anyone can imagine. No
food, no water, no fuel, no power, no transportation, no banking, no communications, nothing
that we need to support life as we know it. That's just day one!
America’s demise could also come from the flares of a cyclical sun. A giant solar flare that
triggers a geomagnetic storm could inflict the same damage as a high-altitude nuclear blast
(EMP) —but do it on a massive global scale. The last such flare—known as the Carrington
Event—happened in 1859, frying telegraph lines and igniting fires around the planet. Such
events happen about every 150 years, so we're already overdue for another. Maj. Ed Dames is
predicting it as the coming “Kill Shot” and claims it will occur very soon.
You will suddenly be forced into battle to defend your home and family from the swarms of
marauders and anarchists wanting whatever you have that they need. It has been reported to
Congress that an event of this magnitude will wipe out 90% of America’s population, with
everyone ravaging to survive, before civility returns and society safely restarts.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil,
but by those who watch them without doing anything.” - Albert Einstein
It’s no secret that the world is on the brink of a significant paradigm shift. With United States,
Europe, China and Russia vying for hegemony over global affairs, it is only a matter of time
before the powder keg goes critical.
As was the case with World Wars I and II, the chess pieces are being positioned well in advance.
It’s happening on all levels – monetary, financial, economic, and geopolitical. Lines are being
drawn. Alliances are being cemented.
Russia has hoisted its flag in the face of western weakness and political correctness on its
bordering countries. Putin is retaliating against ISIS in Syria and posturing for WW3, while
America sits back in denial.
Throughout history, when countries have fallen into destitution and despair, their leaders have
often resolved their domestic plights by finding foreign scapegoats. This time will be no
different – for all parties involved.
The trigger is clear. What will follow is nothing short of thermo-nuclear war on a massive scale.
What would give China or Russia the excuse to nuke the United States? Russia and Chinese
could unite to launch against U.S. military targets. There will be about 12 or 15 cities that are
inextricably connected with the military that are going to get hit. You don’t want to be in those
You may have two or three days’ notice before an attack starts. Watch, listen and read what is
going on in the world with a critical mind.
Is the reason Russia and China have yet to take action because they are not ready? But as
current events suggest, they are making haste. China has continually balked at internationally
established air zones, even forming an island in the South China Sea to extend their territory.
North Korea continues to do whatever it wants, even after sanctions issued again their nuclear
development plans by the United Nations. Russia has taken a stand and is retaliating against
ISIS. Yet America cannot even utter the words “Radical Islam.” If we are not willing to even
label the enemy for what it is, how can we possibly fight it? The relationship between the
world’s super powers are becoming increasingly strained.
No one is willing to back down. And as we saw in the 20th century, that kind of diplomacy ends
with the deaths of millions of people.
No one believed it could happen in the early 1910′s and again in the late 1940′s.
And with a “Nobel Peace Prize winner” at the helm of the freest nation on earth, not many
Americans think it can happen in today’s modern and interconnected world. Guess what? It
already is!
But, what about the nukes, weaponized viruses, pandemics, terrorist dirty bombs, first strikes,
and retaliation after retaliation, as the anger and madness escalates? Israel is on the verge of
unilaterally blowing Iran off the map and vice versa. America is weak, broken and splintered
with a racial war and unprecedented hostility toward our police. Meanwhile, our President is
taking advantage of every disaster with continued reductions of our liberties through unilateral
Executive Orders. Doubt it, just read the list of Executive Orders including:
Executive Order 10997 (grants government control over electric, gas, and minerals)
Executive Order 10998 (grants government control over food and farms)
Executive Order 10990 (grants government control over labor)
Executive Order 10995 (grants government control over communications and media)
Executive Order 10999 (grants government control over transportation, highways, seaports,
Executive Order 11000 (grants government control to mobilize civilians into work brigades
under their supervision)
Executive Order 11001 (grants government control over health, education and welfare)
Executive Order 11002 (grants government control over postmaster and creates a national
registration of all persons)
Executive Order 11003 (grants government control over airports, airways, and aviation)
Executive Order 11004 (create new locations for population, relocate communities, and
designate areas to be abandoned)
Executive Order 11005 (grants government control over railroads, public storage facilities, and
Executive Order 11051 (gives authorization to put all executive orders into effect in times of
increased international tensions, economic and financial crisis)
Executive Order 11921 (allows FEMA to develop plans to establish control over money.
You can also find these Executive Orders in the Government National Archive.
More “wars and rumors of wars.” Some even fear that another civil war or a revolutionary
coup is already underway, like so many that are already now happening around the globe.
That’s right, let’s characterize these revolutions as a seed germinating as it grows with a new
fresh blossom as the light of oppression is cast out! Really? How about calling it a conspired
mass uprising by outside forces, attempting to align a new regime with their global interests!
From France and Germany to the Middle East, and soon the western world, it will spring up
before our very weary eyes.
We know that a widespread revolution is sweeping across just about every nation on earth. We
may not know exactly when or how the final nail is driven into the economic coffin, but we
know it’s happening right before our eyes. More and more events like the Nevada rancher
Cliven Bundy’s standoff in Oregon are simmering. When the bullets start flying it is going to get
very ugly.
Viruses are spreading throughout the world. The recent outbreak of Ebola gave us a glimpse of
how vulnerable mankind is to deadly virus’ that have no known cures and can spread
throughout the western world overnight! Ebola is contagious from person to person. Possibly
even airborne. Now that it is in America and Europe we are all susceptible, unless you can
quarantine yourself for a very long time, until the virus burns itself out. Forget H1N1 or its
derivatives. Ebola, or the next strain, can become as deadly as the Black Plague!
But wait, there’s more… Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. The most
common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes).
The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting from several days to a week. Severe disease
requiring hospitalization is uncommon.
In May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first
confirmed Zika virus infection in Brazil. The outbreak in Brazil led to reports of Guillain-Barré
syndrome and pregnant women giving birth to babies with birth defects and poor pregnancy
Here’s our prediction: The 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will either be
cancelled or boycotted by young athletes afraid to go there.
You cannot shoot a virus, or protect yourself from it, other than to avoid contact with it, or
others that may already be infected. Of all threats to mankind, a natural or even weaponized
virus is our biggest risk, since we have little to no defenses against it. Sooner or later, nature,
terrorists or even God will unleash another pandemic that may be our final blow. Prepare to
evacuate. Prepare to isolate. Prepare to wait it out in a safe, air scrubbed, sealed shelter.
Is this the reason for the FEMA detention camps, and the reports of millions of plastic caskets
capable of burying three people in each? Will it be the excuse for Martial Law and the trigger
to usher in the “chip implant” to eliminate the use of paper money that may transport
pathogens from person to person, and even the means to eliminate 90% of the world’s
population as many, including the Georgia Guide Stones have warned is “planned!”
But what if history repeats itself once again? Are we ready to dismiss the warnings simply
because they are such outliers that it is impossible to imagine for most? Or do we look at
history, see how such situations have unfolded over the last 5,000 years, and conclude that it is,
in fact, possible that it happens again?
The lives of hundreds of millions of people are in the balance. That’s a sobering thought for
average people, but mere chess pieces to the elite who sit behind the curtains with their fingers
on the buttons.
As before, when the circumstances suit them and the time is right, they will invariably push
those red buttons as their predecessors did before them.
Those in target cities in the U.S., Russia, China and Europe will become nothing more than
statistics for the history books.
But if you know the warning signs, then perhaps at the very least, you stand a chance.
If you ever wake up one morning and your TV doesn’t work, the internet is down, and your cell
phone is off, then you need to assume that your city or region was hit by a super EMP weapon.
Both Russia and China will use a preemptive nuclear EMP strike to take down the grid… before
the nukes actually fall… that’s the time you need to be getting out of cities before the panic
In such a scenario you’ll have about 24 hours to get out of major cities to a safe location outside
of the blast radius. There really are few safe areas in the United States based on various factors
like population density, location of thoroughfares and resource availability, and nothing
escapes the fallout that will drift with the winds everywhere!
When it starts all avenues for obtaining critical supplies will be unavailable. Therefore,
wherever you are, prepare for the worst by stockpiling reserve food and water. Nations may
well engage in conventional warfare after the nukes drop, meaning that you’ll need to be
prepared to adapt to changing circumstances and know, at the very least, basic military
strategies and tactics to evade, defend and attack.
It’s an outlier to be sure. But it’s one that has been experienced by every second or third
generation on this planet since the dawn of human civilization.
It may well be our turn very soon. The time is drawing nigh…
Geologic evidence proves that planet Earth is always at risk of a catastrophic asteroid impact.
Current studies question the rate of impacts and suggest shorter intervals between such city-
killer episodes. In recent years there has been a greater focus on finding and tracking these
near-Earth objects that threaten humanity, but there are still many Earth crossing potentially
hazardous asteroids (PHAs) yet to be discovered. Many concepts exist for deflecting asteroids
when they are found several years before they are due to collide with Earth, but what if a
catastrophic threat is discovered less than one year before its predicted impact?
Our planet is constantly bombarded by extraterrestrial objects. The most hazardous are those
that cross the Earth’s orbit periodically which are called potentially hazardous asteroids or PHA.
Current and proposed surveys aim to locate and track these objects with the intention of one
day finding a way to avoid a cataclysmic event. Recent asteroid impacts include the 1908
Tunguska impact that devastated millions of square miles of Siberian forest and the 2013 event
in Chelyabinsk that released more energy than some nuclear devices. These events remind us
of how vulnerable our planet is from these extraterrestrial threats. Thousands of people in
Southern California recently witnessed an apparent asteroid being blown up by an American
missile as it punctured our atmosphere high over the ocean. The cover story was that it was
just a routine missile test. Oops they forget to warn us! Then they announced a sudden secret
military exercise off of Los Angeles that required rerouting all air traffic in and out of LAX.
Really? Since when does the military conduct “exercises” just off the coast of one of the
world’s largest cities, under and within the commercial airspace? Was it an asteroid that was
blown up in the sky before it reach our surface with devastating consequences, or was it
something even more epic, like a space craft – ours, theirs, or even of another species?
An asteroid strike will abruptly and severely affect the entire biosphere and all life forms with
severe and immediate impact on civilization. The effects of an impact and the aftermath are
not fully understood, but may be comparable to large scale natural disasters caused by volcanic
eruptions, tsunamis, and earthquakes combined. Immediate effects will include supersonic
shock and heat waves that will incinerate large population centers followed by large debris
missiles and huge dust and water vapor clouds that rise up into the stratosphere and blots out
the sun for months. There will be suborbital debris on global scale igniting forest fires, blocking
the sunlight for 6 months to a year, while temperatures plummet, as we experience Nuclear
Winter effects.
The atmosphere would become thick with dust and toxic agents and as a result water reservoirs
will be polluted. The lack of sunlight will negatively affect agriculture as well, issues discussed in
nuclear winter literature. Rapid changes in climate and weather will include cold snaps, hail and
rain, and off season heavy snow and blizzards, even in equatorial latitudes, will quickly disrupt
natural cycles. We will have a severe and immediate impact on civilization, especially on
densely populated regions. Civil unrest and chaos will be widespread, along with the spread of
disease, a lack of food and water, high level of atmospheric pollution, no access to power and
communication, Cities along coastal areas and those linked to large rivers and waterways are
most susceptible to swift surges, deluge and devastation. Hence such objects, events and
effects are termed “city killers”.
Asteroids are buzzing Earth, with reports of hundreds of large fireballs plummeting from the
heavens almost weekly. It’s been over a year since the Russian meteor explosion, with the
bombardment steadily gaining momentum. Tons of meteors are cascading through our
atmosphere without doubt and our government is completely mum about it. What’s causing
this disruption of the solar system and what appears to be a comet and asteroid superstorm?
Perhaps the astronomers know, those who are not already dead from very suspicious causes
and unexplained accidents over the last decade. Could it be the big one that nobody wants to
talk about – Nibiru aka Planet X and its own mini solar system that is believed to pass near
Earth every 3,600 years on its long elliptical orbit? Guess what? It has been 3,600 years since
its last passage and what many believe was the cause of many epic events from Noah’s flood,
the cause of Atlantis’ sinking, to as many as 5 previous extinction level events for our planet.
The magnetic forces between Nibiru, the Earth and our Sun are expected to tug our molten
core and flip the Earth’s mantle around with an instantaneous pole shift. If so, winds of 300 to
600 miles per hour will ravage the entire surface of the planet, while the oceans will rise up
over the lands, with tsunamis splashing over the mountains, and new continents forming, while
other areas will be sinking. Volcanoes will roar, the quakes will shake worse than you can
imagine, and life as we’ve known it will be over for most, but not all. Those who are able to
find shelter deep underground will have a “chance” of survival.
Those who survive one or all of these catastrophes on the surface will be left to die from
starvation, disease, and exposure, leaving only the lucky few - the government elite bunkered
up in their deep underground fortresses, caring less about you and the rest of mankind. Those
who have obtained a boarding pass into a Vivos shelter will have a far greater chance of
surviving than those who do not have a real shelter solution. Predications are that only 5% of
the population will ultimately survive to restart life on the planet. Not the “end”, but a new
“beginning”. Most say they wouldn’t want to be around to see the aftermath. But, few will be
willing or able to take their own lives. So, they will survive as long as they can, until death, or a
predator catches up with them. No protection. No plan. No provisions or shelter. No
defenses. No chance of survival.
We have all heard the analogy of the frog in the kettle, but is there any truth to that? When a
frog is placed in a pot of cool water, which is slowly heated, will it boil to death or leap out to
save its life? At what point will you finally ‘hop out?’ Will the continuous growth and
intrusiveness of government make the people wake up? Or will you sit in the kettle of hot water
boiling to death?
But, for those that are prepared, their fate will be different. They will ride out the horrors
occurring on the surface, while they survive, to at least come out after the dust settles. Sure,
there may be 95% less people on the planet, but at least these few survivors will have the
choice to be part of a new beginning. Our next phase of life on Earth? Imagine having been
on Noah’s ark and stepping off when the flood subsided. A brand new world that you could
have a hand in making…even better than it was before!
Are you planning to bug out, or bug in? As a member or subscriber to Vivos you are
undoubtedly more aware of these risks and the coming events than 99.99% of the population.
You have undoubtedly stocked up on food, water and some fuel. Given more time you will
continue to stockpile your supplies. Perhaps enough to last a few weeks, or months. But, you
don’t have the most important piece of the puzzle – a real underground shelter capable of
withstanding any and all of these threats. Imagine what your unprepared neighbors will do
when they get hungry and desperate. Can you defend yourself from them, without a large
group of like-minded people in your camp?
Wishful thinking won’t save you from these long-term realities,
nor will Panglossian world views.
Are you motivated yet, or are you preparing to go it alone, sitting on the porch and waiting for
the show to begin? Are you a victim of the normalcy bias, or normality bias, that is a mental
state people enter when facing a disaster? It causes people to underestimate both the
possibility of a disaster and its possible effects. This may result in situations where people fail to
adequately prepare and, on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in
its disaster preparations.
The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has
occurred, it never will occur. It can result in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once
it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not
experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible,
seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
What are you willing to give up to survive? Will you be one of the chosen few who survive to
rebuild the planet, or will you be one of the victims? Are you one of those who say, “I wouldn’t
want to be around to see the aftermath”? But, what if you DO, and are left on the surface
struggling to survive and protect your family from threats you cannot currently prepare for, or
even imagine? The desperation, starvation, depravation, disease, death and evil carnage to
follow. Wouldn’t you rather have space in Vivos to safely and securely ride out the aftermath in
comfort with other like-minded people? We’re not here to sell you, but to tell you about the
realities ahead. Nobody believed “Noah” until it was too late. We all know what that outcome
Are you concerned about the distance and time it will take to get to a Vivos community shelter?
Virtually all of these events will provide days, weeks or even months of warning signs, enough
for you to get to Vivos. But, it is up to you to act now, not after it is too late. How soon are
YOU willing to head out to save your life? What are YOU willing to give up?
Perhaps you would rather go it alone with your own small group or family. Or, you just cannot
afford space in a Vivos community shelter. Then, you need the lowest cost, yet strongest
private shelter available on the market today. It is our latest Quantum Shelter that can be
scaled for virtually any size group. See:
We have presented you with a number of looming threats now upon us. This report can be
outdated by tomorrow, with any number of major events. Do your own research, read
between the lines of the “lame-stream” media and get a clear understanding of what is going
on, while you continue to go about your life, otherwise unaware. Remember, don’t believe
everything you are told, and possibly anything the media is reporting. The truth is likely worse
than any of us can imagine.
Don’t be shut out. We’re here to help you with
a real survival solution, but only if you are willing to save yourself.
It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark!
The Vivos Group

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  • 1. SURVIVAL REPORT: THE BEGINNING, NOT THE END! February 2016 Nobody wants to be a part of the end, but most would hope to be a part of a new beginning. For years we have refrained from ringing the panic bell, but the chips are now falling and we owe it to you to say it the way it is. The evidence is mounting that we are on the eve of a change of life as we have known it. Sorry, but the facts don’t lie, while the political and media talking heads do! There are a series of events about to happen, and are the reason that banksters are dying, while others are attempting to hoard much of the gold in anticipation of an imminent currency collapse? Disease is spreading, the military leaders are being fired & retired, Russia and America are at a trigger point, Obama is now publicly concerned of a nuke destroying New York City, and virtually every mainstream media source is discussing the impacts of an EMP. The BIG EVENT is coming! The economic and social “reset” is getting ready to happen very soon, and much more. Most of this information will be outside of the average person's level of understanding or belief systems. But, the collapse appears to be upon us. Even WW3. Things are being set up and preparations are being made. The false flags are getting ready to drop, and have been for many years. The world is in deep trouble and it is about to get much worse! The corruption is everywhere. We are all being brainwashed – every day of the week. You can either wake up now, or just hit the sleep switch and pray it will all go away. It won’t! Putting your head in the sand, won’t save your ass that is still hanging out in the wind. With all of that said, let’s take a look at the current threats and what you can do to protect yourself and your family when all hell breaks loose.
  • 2. Is something really big about to happen? For months, people have been pointing to the second half of this year for various reasons. Has WW3 already started? Has “political correctness” already destroyed Europe and soon America? The exodus from the Middle East is well underway. When America disturbed the social order of these dictatorships, without replacing real law and order, with respected leadership, we created a vacuum. That vacuum was quickly filled by ISIS as we pulled out, leaving our own weapons behind for their use. Now we are faced with a much bigger global problem that is coming home to roost throughout the Middle East, Europe, and soon America. Radical Islam has been the root of the evil problems plaguing modern culture for decades. The Holy War will never go away or be won, until as they see it, there is only one religion, one set of beliefs, one legal system, in THEIR New World Order. It’s called Sharia Law and a 100% Muslim society. The terror is spreading, along with their intolerance for Western society and our way of life. Women throughout Europe are being raped and beaten for exposing too much skin. Muslim men believe it is their “right” to rape them. This video reveals what is unfolding better than words can say: going-viral-across-europe/ It does seem rather remarkable that we are seeing such a confluence of economic, political and spiritual events coming together now. So is all of this leading up to something? Is our world about to change in a fundamental way? Only time will tell. Perhaps none of this alarms you. But when you add everything above to the fact that the elite definitely appear to be feverishly preparing for something, a very alarming picture emerges. For example, due to fears that a “natural disaster” could interrupt their operations in New York, the New York Fed has been working hard to build up a satellite office in Chicago. What kind of “natural disaster” could possibly be so bad that it would cause the entire New York Fed to shut down?
  • 3. And NORAD has decided to move back into the base deep inside Cheyenne Mountain after all these years. The threat of an electromagnetic pulse was the reason given for this decision. By themselves, perhaps those moves would not be that big of a deal. But let’s add all of the weird movements of military vehicles and equipment that we have been witnessing lately to this discussion and it is clear that something is up. The government is preparing for something, while keeping its citizens in the dark. To avoid panic or social collapse? Maybe. Or, maybe because what is to come is so horrific that it cannot be revealed – yet! 2016 through 2017 is going to be an extremely significant time period. We may witness the landscape of America dramatically changing. Though, the picture is broader that we've been shown... everything is, as always, in God's Hands. Have you noticed the weather patterns have all shifted, with recent voracious cold fronts from the Arctic swooping as polar vortices reaching deep into the south? Just a part of nature’s cycles? Don’t be so naïve. Combine the frigid changes with the droughts, recent tornadoes, the largest cyclones ever, extreme flooding, massive mud slides, bizarre cloud patterns, melting polar ice caps, and on and on. Global warming? Maybe… but from what, your SUV and carbon footprint, or from changes now evident throughout our entire solar system? That’s right, the entire solar system has been experiencing strange anomalies with virtually every planet heating up with evidence of shifting! Did you hear about the burning snow? When tested by many curious observers, a recent snowfall in Georgia would not melt, but smoldered and blackened under a direct flame. How can that be? Snow melts and always has, right? Apparently, the “burning snow” is due to chemical components in the Stratosphere pulled down by what the weathermen were calling the extreme Polar Vortex over Canada and the US. If left alone, these components would evaporate and return to the Stratosphere, but when prematurely forced to melt, it was discovered that they chemically combined with cloud level H₂O to form a type of plastic. When heated, the snow smelled like plastic too, kind of like a Styrofoam cup. We can no longer look the other way, this stuff is falling from the sky everywhere. There is much proof that HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is responsible for creating and manipulating weather, mind control, and much more. We’ll let you Google that for the overwhelming evidence that the “evil” powers that be are screwing with nature and our existence.
  • 4. Everyone knows that the quakes are growing in magnitude and frequency. Scientists and FEMA fear the New Madrid Fault is about to split America in half. Some worrying developments are taking place at the Super Volcano located beneath Yellowstone National Park; the kind of developments that were seen shortly before other volcanoes erupted. Not only was there a sudden rise in the elevation of the ground, and development of new cracks, but a gas called Helium-4, a very rare type of Helium, has been leaking out on the surface. It is the presence of this gas that has scientists quite concerned and is apparently causing the wildlife to begin their evacuation, with herds of Buffalo and other wildlife reportedly running down the roads to escape. If the Yellowstone Super Volcano were to erupt, it would be 2,000 times bigger than the eruption of Mount St. Helens in the early 1980′s. Everything within 500 miles would be dead or destroyed within minutes, two-thirds of the entire United States would be covered in volcanic ash and the climate of the entire planet would cool for many years. Large earthquakes below Yellowstone prove hot magma is on the move. The government is already planning for evacuations. Shall we move to the “Yellow” or “Orange” alert stage? Significant shakers are now occurring in 11 states that very rarely have earthquakes. Oklahoma is breaking all previous records for earthquakes. Very freaky. What is under Oklahoma? Fracking, not likely! Ancient and dormant volcanoes are waking up, the lava is flowing, and people are now realizing we are witnessing major changes. Strange sonic hums and booms are trumpeting and bellowing around the world with no viable explanations, other than the Earth’s core is rotating and changing. Or, is the Biblical trumpets? Freakish mutations of whales, fish and wildlife are now appearing in our oceans. Massive swarms of fish, flocks of birds, porpoise, whales, and hundreds of nature’s animals are dying everywhere. The worst is surely yet to come, with no safe place on the Earth to run or hide. Fukushima is the disaster that just keeps on giving. The radiation is continuing to pour out of the cooling pools in massive amounts, now spreading throughout the Pacific Ocean, while airborne radioactive particles are blowing across North America. Guess what? The Japanese and Tepco don’t have a viable plan to fix it. Fukushima will just keep melting down until it eventually blows into the Stratosphere. If distributed evenly, just 1 pound of Cesium 137
  • 5. radioisotopes (about the size of a grapefruit), spread evenly throughout the atmosphere, would kill every living being on the planet. Meanwhile, the food chain is becoming more and more toxic with radiation; plutonium, barium and whatever else the government is pumping into the chemtrails, all accumulating on the land and in our water supply. Japanese doctor Shigeru Mita has explained why he recently moved away from Tokyo to restart his practice in western Japan: He believes that Tokyo is no longer be inhabited due to radioactive contamination caused by the March 11, 2011, meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. He cites that soil samples throughout Tokyo prove contamination 10 times that of Eastern Europe contaminated by the Chernobyl accident, with measurable health effects on their populations. Patients are now showing radiation-induced sickness that will continue to evolve over time. Guess what? America is downwind of Fukushima and is already getting a steady and cumulative dosage of fallout. West Coast sea life is dying. Seals are being diagnosed with Leukemia while lesions are growing all over their bodies. Are you ready for a total collapse? According to Steve Forbes, Publisher of Forbes Magazine, we are on the ‘precipice’ of a total economic and stock market collapse. Citi Group claims we are in an “Economic Death Spiral” that cannot be stopped. Banks and the government are prepared for a total collapse of the global economy. Will this be triggered by another false flag? There are Bills “pending” in the US Senate structured to strip the veterans of their guns, and further erode the 2nd Amendment. Remember the expression “watch what they do, not what they say”?  Billionaire Jim Rogers who now lives in the hills of Thailand encourages you to get out of the U.S. cities (George Soros ex-partner. They started the Quantum Hedge Fund together).  Jim Rickard a brilliant economist, author of the book the “Death of MONEY”, and a CIA insider who was responsible for helping the CIA with mock a monetary collapse of the USA economy in war room exercises, is now saying things are moving so fast towards the economic collapse that he believes he was too passive about when … having he originally suggested by 2020-25, and is now saying 2016-17.  Gerald Celente agrees and has been forecasting the inevitable collapse.  Peter Schiff warns that while far too many people see an economy in recovery due to the Fed manufacturing endless supplies of worthless money, this could be our ‘swan song’, the “bubble that finally breaks the dollar.”
  • 6. There are dozens of key bank executives from Hong Kong to London, to New York that have suddenly, in the prime of their careers decided to “commit suicide”. One reportedly shot himself in the back of his head with a pneumatic nail gun 6 times! Of course the authorities swept it under the carpet as another suicide! Really? Apparently these banksters knew something that they were apparently not being allowed to reveal. Key witnesses who might speak out are disappearing. Whistleblowers? The Illuminati Cabal is a criminal organization that are trying to run the planet, but are now fearful that they are going to lose all of their power and money and they are playing their end-game. The “Fat Cats” are running scared, with hundreds of high net worth families and even billionaires already preparing to evacuate America and Europe for their Southern Hemisphere safe havens in Argentina and New Zealand. Fearing martial law and a police state, thousands of Americans are renouncing their US citizenship (passports) and have just bailed out. The matrix is real and the evidence is piling high that the global economic reset is about to begin. Most of the world is at “peak debt”. That is, the ratio of total credit market debt to current national income ranges between 350% and 500% in every major economy; and that is the limit of what can be serviced even at today’s aberrantly low interest rates. Your money may become worthless overnight, and that’s if you are even able to even get your hands on it. There are reports that the government, through the power of hundreds of standing White House Executive Orders, will be confiscating your 401K and retirement accounts, along with everything else of value. In fact, a new “Bail-In” law makes your deposits in a bank, the BANKS money should a collapse occur. With the stroke of a pen they win and you lose. The ground work has been laid to confiscate your money. Don’t doubt it for a minute. They will collapse the system to create a new One World Order and Economic System. America is bankrupt. They need to reset it. Hedge that! Russia appears to be taking back the former Soviet Bloc of nations, while positioning his country for defense. What happens when you back a bear into a corner? Expect retaliation. Russia’s bombers and warships have been patrolling the coasts of America’s and Europe. They cut off a majority of gas to Europe from their pipeline. While America and the Saudi’s have orchestrated the fall of the price of oil to wipe out Russia, Iran, Venezuela and other producing nations that are dependent on their oil exports as the main source of their economy; China and Russia have teamed up to trade for oil in Rubles and gold, NOT Petro Dollars, or shall we say the “Retro Dollar”. The New York Fed has signaled the end of the dollar is near. That spells war, sooner than later as America cannot allow the Petro Dollar to collapse. Oil has collapsed with a very narrow gap between the floor and the ceiling. The floor is the current price per barrel. The ceiling is what it costs to produce that oil. When the margin is too low, the system collapses and bankruptcies erupt. The trillions of dollars of Ponzi derivatives become worthless overnight. Poof your broke, and the world is in the worst depression ever. Can you survive that?
  • 7. ISIS is ravaging the Middle East and now spreading across Europe, filling the vacuum Obama created when he pulled our troops out and left all of our weapons behind for the taking. How many Americans sacrificed their life for nothing! Political correctness is going to destroy us. How do you win a war, you are not willing to fight, or even label it for what it is, Islamic Radicalism! So, now “heads” are literally rolling and there may be no stopping it. This new reign of terror is now spreading across Europe and likely to hit the American homeland. Radical Muslims are randomly attacking targets in Paris, London, Germany, Sweden, Spain, and beyond, all in the name of Allah and their intolerant belief that anyone who is not a believer, is an Infidel and must die! Planes are now being blown up over the Sinai Peninsula in the name of ISIS and Allah. There is a massive hunt for these terror cells throughout Europe, while their apparent base of operations is now Syria. Yet, the White House is unwilling to call it what it is – Islamic terror! Guantanamo terrorists are being released to their battle fields. Meanwhile, Obama invoked plans to reduce the military to pre-WW2 levels, under 500,000 troops. Is this dismantling of our military, on top of a purge of our top US military officers, a set-up for America to soon be invaded by foreign troops once the US dollar collapses? Oh, by the way, are you aware many of those foreign (Russian and Chinese) troops are already here, staged in secret bases across America? Google that too! Our government is targeting its citizens and our citizens are targeting our government. With the recent racial riots, executions of the police, and the obvious race baiting, martial law is just around the corner. Will we see the imposition of martial law in response to an economic collapse? We are going to see ghost malls, student protests, farmer rebellions, squatter camps, armed rebellion, tax protests, labor strikes, food shortages, disintegration of law enforcement and troops on the street. Walmart store closing are reported to become FEMA camps for the dissidents. Political Correctness is destroying our fundamental rights of speech and our constitution. PC is now morphing to include offenses if you “hurt someone’s feelings.” Things will get more chaotic by the minute! No longer will we have our freedoms, we must understand what is happening in our country before it’s too late. But, what difference can you make? None of us can stop this disintegration.
  • 8. Veterans are being stripped of their rights to own a gun with the VA making decisions to prevent the lawful ownership of weapons by veterans, without a hearing or any due process. The reason is because the veterans, those trained in warfare, know how to fight, how to lead, and would be the first to lead a revolution. Yup, we said it, the government is afraid of a revolution and thus are prepared to impose martial law to contain it. The stage is set, the frustration and hatred is out there, and sooner or later something will spark the flames of a revolution or even a civil war. This can easily escalate out of control. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail and civilization as we know it is not destroyed, throwing us back to the Stone Age. There are fears of EMP “bombs”, capable of yielding massive electro-magnetic pulses, being set off high above America that will knock the lights out and put us back to the 17th Century (not the 18th, as even then we were able to be self-sufficient). A single nuclear blast at 300-400 kilometers in altitude—about the height of the International Space Station—could take down all power in the U.S. Even an explosion just 30 kilometers up would take out the Eastern grid, which supplies three-quarters of the country's power. Peter Pry, a former CIA officer and head of a congressional advisory board on national security says: "This gets translated into mass fatalities, because our modern civilization can't feed, transport, or provide law and order without electricity." Gingrich recently told members of Congress that an EMP attack "could be the kind of catastrophe that ends civilization—and that's not an exaggeration." North Korea now has a satellite in space that passes over America every day. It is large enough to carry a payload big enough to be a nuclear device. If so, at their discretion, the sick bastards could set off an EMP explosion big enough to knock out the entire electric grid of North America. What happens post-detonation is not a pretty picture, massive industrial accidents. Over a hundred nuclear reactors going down and when they run out of diesel fuel to power their backup generators, get ready for our own Chernobyl and Fukushima explosions, spreading radiation everywhere. An EMP will knock out oil refineries, leading to their burning down, oil pipelines exploding, airliners crashing and more devastation then anyone can imagine. No food, no water, no fuel, no power, no transportation, no banking, no communications, nothing that we need to support life as we know it. That's just day one!
  • 9. America’s demise could also come from the flares of a cyclical sun. A giant solar flare that triggers a geomagnetic storm could inflict the same damage as a high-altitude nuclear blast (EMP) —but do it on a massive global scale. The last such flare—known as the Carrington Event—happened in 1859, frying telegraph lines and igniting fires around the planet. Such events happen about every 150 years, so we're already overdue for another. Maj. Ed Dames is predicting it as the coming “Kill Shot” and claims it will occur very soon. You will suddenly be forced into battle to defend your home and family from the swarms of marauders and anarchists wanting whatever you have that they need. It has been reported to Congress that an event of this magnitude will wipe out 90% of America’s population, with everyone ravaging to survive, before civility returns and society safely restarts. “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” - Albert Einstein It’s no secret that the world is on the brink of a significant paradigm shift. With United States, Europe, China and Russia vying for hegemony over global affairs, it is only a matter of time before the powder keg goes critical. As was the case with World Wars I and II, the chess pieces are being positioned well in advance. It’s happening on all levels – monetary, financial, economic, and geopolitical. Lines are being drawn. Alliances are being cemented. Russia has hoisted its flag in the face of western weakness and political correctness on its bordering countries. Putin is retaliating against ISIS in Syria and posturing for WW3, while America sits back in denial. Throughout history, when countries have fallen into destitution and despair, their leaders have often resolved their domestic plights by finding foreign scapegoats. This time will be no different – for all parties involved. The trigger is clear. What will follow is nothing short of thermo-nuclear war on a massive scale.
  • 10. What would give China or Russia the excuse to nuke the United States? Russia and Chinese could unite to launch against U.S. military targets. There will be about 12 or 15 cities that are inextricably connected with the military that are going to get hit. You don’t want to be in those cities. You may have two or three days’ notice before an attack starts. Watch, listen and read what is going on in the world with a critical mind. Is the reason Russia and China have yet to take action because they are not ready? But as current events suggest, they are making haste. China has continually balked at internationally established air zones, even forming an island in the South China Sea to extend their territory. North Korea continues to do whatever it wants, even after sanctions issued again their nuclear development plans by the United Nations. Russia has taken a stand and is retaliating against ISIS. Yet America cannot even utter the words “Radical Islam.” If we are not willing to even label the enemy for what it is, how can we possibly fight it? The relationship between the world’s super powers are becoming increasingly strained. No one is willing to back down. And as we saw in the 20th century, that kind of diplomacy ends with the deaths of millions of people. No one believed it could happen in the early 1910′s and again in the late 1940′s. And with a “Nobel Peace Prize winner” at the helm of the freest nation on earth, not many Americans think it can happen in today’s modern and interconnected world. Guess what? It already is! But, what about the nukes, weaponized viruses, pandemics, terrorist dirty bombs, first strikes, and retaliation after retaliation, as the anger and madness escalates? Israel is on the verge of unilaterally blowing Iran off the map and vice versa. America is weak, broken and splintered with a racial war and unprecedented hostility toward our police. Meanwhile, our President is taking advantage of every disaster with continued reductions of our liberties through unilateral Executive Orders. Doubt it, just read the list of Executive Orders including: Executive Order 10997 (grants government control over electric, gas, and minerals) Executive Order 10998 (grants government control over food and farms) Executive Order 10990 (grants government control over labor) Executive Order 10995 (grants government control over communications and media) Executive Order 10999 (grants government control over transportation, highways, seaports, waterways) Executive Order 11000 (grants government control to mobilize civilians into work brigades under their supervision) Executive Order 11001 (grants government control over health, education and welfare) Executive Order 11002 (grants government control over postmaster and creates a national registration of all persons) Executive Order 11003 (grants government control over airports, airways, and aviation)
  • 11. Executive Order 11004 (create new locations for population, relocate communities, and designate areas to be abandoned) Executive Order 11005 (grants government control over railroads, public storage facilities, and shipping) Executive Order 11051 (gives authorization to put all executive orders into effect in times of increased international tensions, economic and financial crisis) Executive Order 11921 (allows FEMA to develop plans to establish control over money. You can also find these Executive Orders in the Government National Archive. More “wars and rumors of wars.” Some even fear that another civil war or a revolutionary coup is already underway, like so many that are already now happening around the globe. That’s right, let’s characterize these revolutions as a seed germinating as it grows with a new fresh blossom as the light of oppression is cast out! Really? How about calling it a conspired mass uprising by outside forces, attempting to align a new regime with their global interests! From France and Germany to the Middle East, and soon the western world, it will spring up before our very weary eyes. We know that a widespread revolution is sweeping across just about every nation on earth. We may not know exactly when or how the final nail is driven into the economic coffin, but we know it’s happening right before our eyes. More and more events like the Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s standoff in Oregon are simmering. When the bullets start flying it is going to get very ugly. Viruses are spreading throughout the world. The recent outbreak of Ebola gave us a glimpse of how vulnerable mankind is to deadly virus’ that have no known cures and can spread throughout the western world overnight! Ebola is contagious from person to person. Possibly even airborne. Now that it is in America and Europe we are all susceptible, unless you can quarantine yourself for a very long time, until the virus burns itself out. Forget H1N1 or its derivatives. Ebola, or the next strain, can become as deadly as the Black Plague! But wait, there’s more… Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. The most common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting from several days to a week. Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon.
  • 12. In May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed Zika virus infection in Brazil. The outbreak in Brazil led to reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome and pregnant women giving birth to babies with birth defects and poor pregnancy outcomes. Here’s our prediction: The 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will either be cancelled or boycotted by young athletes afraid to go there. You cannot shoot a virus, or protect yourself from it, other than to avoid contact with it, or others that may already be infected. Of all threats to mankind, a natural or even weaponized virus is our biggest risk, since we have little to no defenses against it. Sooner or later, nature, terrorists or even God will unleash another pandemic that may be our final blow. Prepare to evacuate. Prepare to isolate. Prepare to wait it out in a safe, air scrubbed, sealed shelter. Is this the reason for the FEMA detention camps, and the reports of millions of plastic caskets capable of burying three people in each? Will it be the excuse for Martial Law and the trigger to usher in the “chip implant” to eliminate the use of paper money that may transport pathogens from person to person, and even the means to eliminate 90% of the world’s population as many, including the Georgia Guide Stones have warned is “planned!” But what if history repeats itself once again? Are we ready to dismiss the warnings simply because they are such outliers that it is impossible to imagine for most? Or do we look at history, see how such situations have unfolded over the last 5,000 years, and conclude that it is, in fact, possible that it happens again? The lives of hundreds of millions of people are in the balance. That’s a sobering thought for average people, but mere chess pieces to the elite who sit behind the curtains with their fingers on the buttons. As before, when the circumstances suit them and the time is right, they will invariably push those red buttons as their predecessors did before them. Those in target cities in the U.S., Russia, China and Europe will become nothing more than statistics for the history books.
  • 13. But if you know the warning signs, then perhaps at the very least, you stand a chance. If you ever wake up one morning and your TV doesn’t work, the internet is down, and your cell phone is off, then you need to assume that your city or region was hit by a super EMP weapon. Both Russia and China will use a preemptive nuclear EMP strike to take down the grid… before the nukes actually fall… that’s the time you need to be getting out of cities before the panic hits. In such a scenario you’ll have about 24 hours to get out of major cities to a safe location outside of the blast radius. There really are few safe areas in the United States based on various factors like population density, location of thoroughfares and resource availability, and nothing escapes the fallout that will drift with the winds everywhere! When it starts all avenues for obtaining critical supplies will be unavailable. Therefore, wherever you are, prepare for the worst by stockpiling reserve food and water. Nations may well engage in conventional warfare after the nukes drop, meaning that you’ll need to be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances and know, at the very least, basic military strategies and tactics to evade, defend and attack. It’s an outlier to be sure. But it’s one that has been experienced by every second or third generation on this planet since the dawn of human civilization. It may well be our turn very soon. The time is drawing nigh… Geologic evidence proves that planet Earth is always at risk of a catastrophic asteroid impact. Current studies question the rate of impacts and suggest shorter intervals between such city- killer episodes. In recent years there has been a greater focus on finding and tracking these near-Earth objects that threaten humanity, but there are still many Earth crossing potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) yet to be discovered. Many concepts exist for deflecting asteroids when they are found several years before they are due to collide with Earth, but what if a catastrophic threat is discovered less than one year before its predicted impact?
  • 14. Our planet is constantly bombarded by extraterrestrial objects. The most hazardous are those that cross the Earth’s orbit periodically which are called potentially hazardous asteroids or PHA. Current and proposed surveys aim to locate and track these objects with the intention of one day finding a way to avoid a cataclysmic event. Recent asteroid impacts include the 1908 Tunguska impact that devastated millions of square miles of Siberian forest and the 2013 event in Chelyabinsk that released more energy than some nuclear devices. These events remind us of how vulnerable our planet is from these extraterrestrial threats. Thousands of people in Southern California recently witnessed an apparent asteroid being blown up by an American missile as it punctured our atmosphere high over the ocean. The cover story was that it was just a routine missile test. Oops they forget to warn us! Then they announced a sudden secret military exercise off of Los Angeles that required rerouting all air traffic in and out of LAX. Really? Since when does the military conduct “exercises” just off the coast of one of the world’s largest cities, under and within the commercial airspace? Was it an asteroid that was blown up in the sky before it reach our surface with devastating consequences, or was it something even more epic, like a space craft – ours, theirs, or even of another species? An asteroid strike will abruptly and severely affect the entire biosphere and all life forms with severe and immediate impact on civilization. The effects of an impact and the aftermath are not fully understood, but may be comparable to large scale natural disasters caused by volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and earthquakes combined. Immediate effects will include supersonic shock and heat waves that will incinerate large population centers followed by large debris missiles and huge dust and water vapor clouds that rise up into the stratosphere and blots out the sun for months. There will be suborbital debris on global scale igniting forest fires, blocking the sunlight for 6 months to a year, while temperatures plummet, as we experience Nuclear Winter effects. The atmosphere would become thick with dust and toxic agents and as a result water reservoirs will be polluted. The lack of sunlight will negatively affect agriculture as well, issues discussed in nuclear winter literature. Rapid changes in climate and weather will include cold snaps, hail and rain, and off season heavy snow and blizzards, even in equatorial latitudes, will quickly disrupt natural cycles. We will have a severe and immediate impact on civilization, especially on densely populated regions. Civil unrest and chaos will be widespread, along with the spread of disease, a lack of food and water, high level of atmospheric pollution, no access to power and communication, Cities along coastal areas and those linked to large rivers and waterways are most susceptible to swift surges, deluge and devastation. Hence such objects, events and effects are termed “city killers”.
  • 15. Asteroids are buzzing Earth, with reports of hundreds of large fireballs plummeting from the heavens almost weekly. It’s been over a year since the Russian meteor explosion, with the bombardment steadily gaining momentum. Tons of meteors are cascading through our atmosphere without doubt and our government is completely mum about it. What’s causing this disruption of the solar system and what appears to be a comet and asteroid superstorm? Perhaps the astronomers know, those who are not already dead from very suspicious causes and unexplained accidents over the last decade. Could it be the big one that nobody wants to talk about – Nibiru aka Planet X and its own mini solar system that is believed to pass near Earth every 3,600 years on its long elliptical orbit? Guess what? It has been 3,600 years since its last passage and what many believe was the cause of many epic events from Noah’s flood, the cause of Atlantis’ sinking, to as many as 5 previous extinction level events for our planet. The magnetic forces between Nibiru, the Earth and our Sun are expected to tug our molten core and flip the Earth’s mantle around with an instantaneous pole shift. If so, winds of 300 to 600 miles per hour will ravage the entire surface of the planet, while the oceans will rise up over the lands, with tsunamis splashing over the mountains, and new continents forming, while other areas will be sinking. Volcanoes will roar, the quakes will shake worse than you can imagine, and life as we’ve known it will be over for most, but not all. Those who are able to find shelter deep underground will have a “chance” of survival. Those who survive one or all of these catastrophes on the surface will be left to die from starvation, disease, and exposure, leaving only the lucky few - the government elite bunkered up in their deep underground fortresses, caring less about you and the rest of mankind. Those who have obtained a boarding pass into a Vivos shelter will have a far greater chance of surviving than those who do not have a real shelter solution. Predications are that only 5% of the population will ultimately survive to restart life on the planet. Not the “end”, but a new “beginning”. Most say they wouldn’t want to be around to see the aftermath. But, few will be willing or able to take their own lives. So, they will survive as long as they can, until death, or a predator catches up with them. No protection. No plan. No provisions or shelter. No defenses. No chance of survival. We have all heard the analogy of the frog in the kettle, but is there any truth to that? When a frog is placed in a pot of cool water, which is slowly heated, will it boil to death or leap out to save its life? At what point will you finally ‘hop out?’ Will the continuous growth and
  • 16. intrusiveness of government make the people wake up? Or will you sit in the kettle of hot water boiling to death? But, for those that are prepared, their fate will be different. They will ride out the horrors occurring on the surface, while they survive, to at least come out after the dust settles. Sure, there may be 95% less people on the planet, but at least these few survivors will have the choice to be part of a new beginning. Our next phase of life on Earth? Imagine having been on Noah’s ark and stepping off when the flood subsided. A brand new world that you could have a hand in making…even better than it was before! Are you planning to bug out, or bug in? As a member or subscriber to Vivos you are undoubtedly more aware of these risks and the coming events than 99.99% of the population. You have undoubtedly stocked up on food, water and some fuel. Given more time you will continue to stockpile your supplies. Perhaps enough to last a few weeks, or months. But, you don’t have the most important piece of the puzzle – a real underground shelter capable of withstanding any and all of these threats. Imagine what your unprepared neighbors will do when they get hungry and desperate. Can you defend yourself from them, without a large group of like-minded people in your camp? Wishful thinking won’t save you from these long-term realities, nor will Panglossian world views. Are you motivated yet, or are you preparing to go it alone, sitting on the porch and waiting for the show to begin? Are you a victim of the normalcy bias, or normality bias, that is a mental state people enter when facing a disaster? It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster and its possible effects. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare and, on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred, it never will occur. It can result in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation. What are you willing to give up to survive? Will you be one of the chosen few who survive to rebuild the planet, or will you be one of the victims? Are you one of those who say, “I wouldn’t want to be around to see the aftermath”? But, what if you DO, and are left on the surface struggling to survive and protect your family from threats you cannot currently prepare for, or even imagine? The desperation, starvation, depravation, disease, death and evil carnage to follow. Wouldn’t you rather have space in Vivos to safely and securely ride out the aftermath in comfort with other like-minded people? We’re not here to sell you, but to tell you about the realities ahead. Nobody believed “Noah” until it was too late. We all know what that outcome was!
  • 17. Are you concerned about the distance and time it will take to get to a Vivos community shelter? Virtually all of these events will provide days, weeks or even months of warning signs, enough for you to get to Vivos. But, it is up to you to act now, not after it is too late. How soon are YOU willing to head out to save your life? What are YOU willing to give up? Perhaps you would rather go it alone with your own small group or family. Or, you just cannot afford space in a Vivos community shelter. Then, you need the lowest cost, yet strongest private shelter available on the market today. It is our latest Quantum Shelter that can be scaled for virtually any size group. See: We have presented you with a number of looming threats now upon us. This report can be outdated by tomorrow, with any number of major events. Do your own research, read between the lines of the “lame-stream” media and get a clear understanding of what is going on, while you continue to go about your life, otherwise unaware. Remember, don’t believe everything you are told, and possibly anything the media is reporting. The truth is likely worse than any of us can imagine. Don’t be shut out. We’re here to help you with a real survival solution, but only if you are willing to save yourself. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark! The Vivos Group