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People love Snapple.
Sometimes, however, love isn’t enough. When buying a beverage, people make their
choices quickly and get on with their lives; often, it isn’t the most beloved brand that
wins out, but the one at the top of the consumer’s mind. The market is filled with
companies vying for this space—some are able to get their messages heard, but others
are lost in the static. While Snapple used to be king of the category, years of heightened
competition, diminishing media presence, and an increasingly cluttered brand voice
have taken their toll. Consumers, though still fans of the unique flavors, fun Real Facts,
and iconic bottle, rarely mentioned the brand when asked about their drinks of choice.
The issue wasn’t that they don’t love Snapple. The issue was that they had simply
forgotten about it.
We decided it was time for the country to meet Snapple again.
Armed with only our brains, a collection of Real Facts, and $50 million, we set out to
reconnect with a nation of long-lost friends. Our campaign revitalizes the Snapple brand
by honing it into the witty, authentic personality it was always meant to be—bringing it
back into the hearts, minds, and lives of a forgetful public. In the pages ahead, you will
see the result of months of exhaustive research, meticulous planning, and bold thinking,
all in pursuit of a singular goal: to reintroduce Snapple to the people who loved it most.
Drink up.
Strategic Planning
Campaign Info
“REAL FACT” #201
The only one-syllabled
US state is Maine.
Snapple up ‘til Now
When Snapple was created in 1972, Hyman Golden, Leonard Marsh and Arnold
Greenburg never could have guessed how popular their little company would become.
Built up from a modest door-to-door selling model, Snapple’s identity as a quirky,
fun and unique brand was quickly established, and it soon became New York’s most
beloved beverage. People identified with its homegrown story, the brand’s honest self-
awareness, and the refreshing new drink that filled a need they didn’t know they had.
After cycling through eccentric antics, memorable spokespeople, and an ever-expanding
assortment of flavors, Snapple’s recent advertising has focused back on its New York
. Despite having multiple corporate owners, Snapple’s brand identity and fan
base has remained constant over the years. Or has it?
Snapple has asked us to create a dual strategy to grow Snapple volume in the
United States.
For the Heartland, located in the Northeast, we were asked to build strong
consumer affinity and increase purchase frequency from nine to ten times a year.
Outside of the Heartland, we were asked to increase brand awareness to drive trial,
growing purchase frequency from one to three times a year.
We were told to leverage paid media (TV, digital, social media, and outdoor) and
earned media (PR, social, and consumer engagement), Snapple website, and retail
in-store activation tactics, and given a budget of $50 million. For us, this meant
an opportunity to connect with more diverse audiences through a wide variety of
media, implementing creative tactics that target Snapple consumers in ways that
go far beyond their geographic locations.
“REAL FACT” #444
The Statue of Liberty wears
a size 879 sandal.
What do they have that we don’t?
Let’s take a look at the marketplace. Finding each competitor’s sweet spot helped us contextualize what we’re up against.
Packed with Personality
Like Arizona, Brisk’s recent
branding appeals to a
younger demographic with
its off-the-wall imaging,
three-eyed lemon mascot,
and bizarre social media
presence, all playing off the
tagline: “Kinda Out There.”
Synonymous with the
With its advertising, social
media, and partnerships
almost exclusively
surrounding nature and the
outdoors, Lipton positions
itself as the perfect tea for
a sunny adventure. This
focus, along with the brand’s
iconic bright red and yellow
colors, has helped Lipton
to distinguish itself in the
Healthy Drink, Healthy
Pure Leaf is a notable
competitor in the category
because of its association
with a healthy lifestyle and
delicious food. Through
partnerships with popular
chefs and a social media
presence that revolves
entirely around cooking,
Pure Leaf shows that it stands
for something beyond the
Brews Emotion
Traditionally, tea evokes
feelings of calm relaxation,
and Gold Peak feeds into
this by portraying a brand
that revolves around the
comforts of home. With its
“The Taste That Brings You
Home” campaign, Gold Peak
shows that it’s a brand that
appreciates family time.
Recognizable Aesthetic
Holding the top sales
position in both the tea and
juice categories, Arizona
is Snapple’s biggest
competitor. Arizona has
positioned itself as a trendy,
inexpensive beverage whose
appeal extends beyond its
many flavors. The brand’s
recognizable packaging
has made its way onto hats,
t-shirts, skateboards, nail
art, and more.
Focus Groups
Everyone has that one drink brand
they’re proud to indulge in. Coca-Cola
tugs at our heart strings with messages
of togetherness and friendship, Pure
Leaf makes us feel health conscious
and trendy, and Arizona makes a
fashion statement with its iconic
floral packaging. To effectively reach
consumers, we had to figure out what
they really thought about Snapple and
what is preventing them from drinking
it more.
To identify common trends and insights
about the brand and the industry in
general, we dissected a number of
secondary sources. We also conducted
focus groups and in-depth interviews,
collected quantitative and qualitative
research, and analyzed 1,197 survey
responses from all 50 states to get
a look inside the heads of Snapple
drinkers across the country.
Enter Rompe, the culmination of our research activities. Rompe, from the Spanish word
meaning “to break,” is an annual event where we “break through” the clutter and begin
forming our big campaign insights. In this intensive research session, members of our
team enter into a contemplative environment to dissect trends and find inspiration from
our primary and secondary research.
From this information, we worked to find the one area that Snapple could
claim as its own.
People on the Street Interviews
Ethnographic Interview
Over a year ago
5-12 months ago
2-4 months ago
Within the last month
Within the last week
8% 7% 7%
<10 11-15 16-19 20-25 26-30 31-40 40+
16% 14%
When was the last time
you had a Snapple?
If Snapple were a person,
how old would they be?
What is your favorite
tea beverage?
Gold Peak
Pure Leaf
Modern Parents are in their mid 30s
to late 40s and live in the suburbs
with their children. This audience
focuses primarily on the moms, as
they tend to be the purchasers
for their family, but includes dads
as well. As people who grew up
drinking and loving Snapple, they
hold a soft spot in their heart for the
brand; though they acknowledge
the sugar content, they view it as
a healthier alternative to soda[31]
Modern Parents like to buy in bulk,
and will get Snapple as a treat for
their family from time to time, but
they do not make a habit of it. Their
social media activity is relatively
limited, as they don’t see much
reason or incentive to get more
involved online. For Modern Parents,
family is the most important.
New Adults, comprised of mainly
males in their late teens to mid
20s, are either still in school or
recently graduated, and live in an
urban or suburban area. This is our
most diverse audience, as many of
them identify as Hispanic or African
. Currently unmarried and
childless, New Adults are trying to
establish their footing in the world.
As lifelong Snapple lovers, they see
Snapple as a fun, tasty way to quench
their thirst and buy it relatively
frequently. They view themselves
as trendy and hip and want the
products they buy to support this
notion, especially with cool or unique
packaging. Very active online, New
Adults enjoy staying up-to-date with
friends, news, sports, and culture.
Though they want to be fit and look
good, living a healthy lifestyle is not
a top priority.
Career Climbers are in their early
30s and are predominantly female,
living on a mid-level income in an
urban or suburban area. They do
not have children. As light Snapple
users, they enjoy Snapple when it’s
given to them, and they carry fond
memories of it from childhood, but
forget to purchase it on their own.
Career Climbers are trend followers,
generally sticking with mainstream
shows and music, and are
moderately active on social media
where they like keeping up with
friends and popular culture. Though
they are not fitness nuts, they enjoy
feeling healthy.
With all of this research at our
fingertips, we had two key factors
to keep in mind: geographic
location (Heartland versus non-
Heartland) and the given age
range (adults 18-49, focusing
on 30). Three main life stages
kept surfacing: Career Climbers,
Modern Parents, and New Adults
While we feel that each of our
executions will appeal to all of our
audiences, an indicator icon will be
placed next to concepts which we
believe will most strongly resonate
with that market.
Snapple Personas
When Snapple drinkers think about the brand, they
reminisce about “The Best Stuff on Earth,” Wendy the
Snapple Lady, and everything that made the juice
quirky and fun. Over the years, however, Snapple’s
brand identity was lost as the company bounced
between corporate owners. Its distinct eccentricity
waned as Snapple’s messaging became scattered,
creating multiple personalities for the brand and
losing the consistent voice that had once resonated
with consumers.
Other brands each have carved out a name for
themselves in the category—homey, healthy, or
outdoorsy, for example. Snapple is fun and refreshing,
but its appearance doesn’t communicate this. The
glass bottle hints at sophistication while the
overcrowded label, cutesy social media accounts, and
dated website design make Snapple seem childlike.
Updating the brand design is essential to staying
relevant with our more mature target audiences,
clarifying the fuzzy identity, and driving purchase.
Despite the rising health trend and shift toward
choosing water above other beverages, sugary drinks
haven’t fallen off the radar. Consumers still indulge
in the occasional sweet treat, but they tend to be
resolutely loyal to their second choice beverage.
They reserve the “designated sugary drink slot” for
brands with which they have stronger associations
(such as Coke), or which offer an incentive (such as
Vitamin Water).
After establishing our target audiences, we identified the three key barriers that stand in the way of Snapple’s goals.
“I’m pretty sure there used to be a Snapple lady?” – James, 32
“I am from Florida and [saw] something about New York loves
Snapple so I should too? I hate New York!” – Helen, 45
“When I treat myself to a tasty drink I never think of
Snapple” – Jesse, 39
“Hmm… the label just has TOO many colors” – Michelle, 22
“Sometimes it is confusing because I know Snapple exists but
like I never see it?” – Jacob, 30
7% 19% 26% 48%
As we talked to these consumers, we witnessed the same phenomenon occur again and again. They were
indifferent to Snapple until they were prompted to remember the quirky commercials, the refreshing flavors,
and the unique Real Facts. Across the board, consumers had an “ah-ha!” moment once they remembered what
they love about Snapple.
“Oh my gosh, yeah! I forgot about the caps!” – Brian, 24 “Snapple simply is the friend who I always love to hang out with
but always forget to make plans with.” – Jason, 24
Trend Focus
Health Focus
Snapple had a good thing going, it is just a matter of
bringing it back to life.
Snapple stopped resonating with the consumer as much
as it used to. To put it back on people’s radar, we must
rekindle its cultural relevance and be more memorable.
This is where we think Snapple should stand
to best drive awareness, trial, and consumer
affinity. In its quest to please everybody
and strike a balance between health,
youthfulness, maturity, and trendiness,
Snapple lost what made it stand out. To
pull the brand back into the spotlight, we
will position Snapple as a unique blend of
quirky, fun, and modern sophistication. It’s
a matter of amplifying Snapple’s already-
established trendiness, allowing the brand
to mature alongside its consumers and
reminding audiences what’s so great about
Snapple to begin with.
Name recognition
Snapple facts
Flavor range
Diet products
Ability to position as healthy
Specialty promotions
Socially conscious
Unclear personality
Never sought out
Confused brand perception
Few ads/little engagement
Not practical
False advertising
Flawed media
Gold Peak/Pure Leaf
Is it tea or juice?
People gave inconsistent answers when asked who
Snapple is as a brand. To fix this, all of Snapple’s
messaging, from advertising and bottle design to the
website and social media, must be cohesive.
When prompted to think about Snapple, people actually
had no complaints about the product. In fact, they raved
about it; everything from the flavors to the bottle to the
Real Facts. Because Snapple is already so well-liked, the
solution lies not in a rebranding but in a reintroduction.
Refreshing Mouths and Minds
The biggest takeaways from our research were that consumers loved Snapple, but
it no longer resonated with them. The strategy that runs through every facet of our
campaign will aim to seal this gap. By refreshing consumers’ mouths with delicious
flavors and refreshing their minds with a renewed brand identity, we can return our
audience’s passion for Snapple to its former heights.
Oh, Hey!
It’s the moment when we bump into an old friend when we least expect it. It’s the joy
when something clever clicks in our mind. It’s a realization that’s been there all along
but has suddenly been brought to the surface. Most of all, it’s the feeling we want to
permeate every aspect of our campaign. That happy moment of remembrance.
To make these “Oh, Hey” moments happen naturally in our consumers’ minds, we will
use a witty, quirky, and authentic tone, staying true to the same Snapple brand that
purchasers have loved all along while updating it to fit the modern consumer.
Enter our big idea...
The more research we conducted, the stronger our understanding grew of how to best
position Snapple to achieve its goals. To channel all of our thoughts into one Big Idea
that makes sense, we organized each step of our solution into a funnel.
And here’s the best stuff
“REAL FACT” #970
Dolphins are unable to smell.
“We Meet Again” is the spark to remind consumers of
what they loved—rather, still love—about Snapple. It is
a brand that relates to them on a personal level, makes
them laugh, and shares their values. This idea makes
those outside of the Heartland wonder why they ever
stopped loving Snapple, and encourages them to
welcome Snapple back into their lives. Meanwhile, for
Heartlanders, it will refresh, reignite, and reaffirm their
love for Snapple.
Snapple’s brand image has faded in people’s minds. People
are unsure of who Snapple is and what it represents; however,
when prompted to remember the product, nearly everyone
has a positive association. From this, we decided that it was
imperative to develop a Big Idea that simplified the brand
instead of introducing something completely new. “We Meet
Again” does not discard anything that the Snapple consumer
loves; it simply reintroduces it with gusto.
For consumers that have simply let Snapple slip off their
radar, “We Meet Again” pulls it back to the top of their mind.
By bringing “Oh, Hey!” moments to the forefront, we renew
all of the well-established reasons to love Snapple, nudging
consumers to give it another try.
“We Meet Again” is both a revival and a celebration of
everything that a loyal consumer adores about Snapple, giving
us an opportunity to bolster Snapple’s quirky, witty, and
relatable qualities and effectively supercharging the brand
personality across heavy and light users alike.
“REAL FACT” #677
A full-grown tree produces
enough oxygen to support a
family of four.
According to our research, Snapple’s
bottle design was one of its strongest
attributes. People loved the iconic glass
design, the fun Real Facts hidden beneath
the cap, and the distinctive “pop” of a
freshly-opened bottle. Snapple drinkers,
however, informed us that they felt the
label was too childish, outdated, and simply
unappealing. We decided to update the
design to make it more culturally relevant.
Our research showed that modern design
follows three main trends: bright and bold
colors, minimal and simplistic layouts, and
whimsical illustrations[33]
. To begin the
reintroduction, we played off of
Snapple’s bright, upbeat persona and
created a bright color palette to be
used throughout our executions. We
then developed a bold label that is eye
catching, aesthetically pleasing, and most
importantly, captures Snapple’s unique
personality to help it stand out on the shelf.
Watermelon Wave
Dragonfruit Delight
Spicy Mango
Pineapple Par-Tea
Cinnamon Cider
Super C Migh-Tea
“I Bought You a Snapple”
Our commercial campaign series is
titled, “I Bought You a Snapple.” Our
first commercial is set in a grocery
store where a guy runs into a girl in
a grocery store whom he does not
remember. As it turns out, she’s an
ex-girlfriend from high school, but he
can’t even recall her first name. She
unsuccessfully tries to jog his memory,
but as soon as she says “I Bought You
a Snapple” everything comes flooding
back, allowing him to remember
hilariously specific anecdotes about
their time together. Other commercials
involve someone interviewing for a job
they have already worked at, as well as
a student running into a former teacher.
This reinforces the idea that Snapple
was a defining product in the lives
of our target audiences and can be
once more.
Total Production Cost: $821,175
Total Media Cost: $27,708,054
Impressions: 79,842,000
On Spotify and Pandora, we will
feature pithy 15 second radio spots
to remind our target audience of the
Real Facts and encourage them to
learn more on Snapple’s website. For
“Oh, Hey! We interrupt this playlist
to bring you an important news
bulletin. Snapple has just discovered
that Goldfish have a memory of
three seconds. We now go live to the
scientist who made this discovery”
“Starting!” - timer clicks for three
seconds - “He forgot!” - Applause.
“Click the banner to learn more
Real Facts”
The only thing it takes for people to
recall their love for Snapple is a simple
reminder. To bring their positive
brand associations flooding back, our
outdoor ads will be dedicated to the
“Oh, Hey!” moment. Our billboards,
bus stops, and subway posters will
each depict a different rendition of,
“Oh, Hey! Is that a Snapple ad?,” or a
real fact beside the iconic Snapple
bottle, integrating a self-aware and
candid sense of humor. We will put
these ads in high traffic areas to catch
consumers’ attention and reintroduce
Snapple in an everyday setting.
Total Price: $3,378,900
Impressions: 349,471,632
Total Price: $400,000
Impressions: 44,375,000
We will place 250x250 and mobile banner ads on
our selected websites/apps throughout the year. For
example, an ad placed on Amazon will encourage
users to purchase Snapple on the site.
We will also advertise with Waze, which Nielsen lists
as one of the most popular apps among our Career
Climbers and Modern Parents target audiences. In a
partnership with 7-Eleven[32]
, drivers will get an “Oh,
Hey!” notification when they are near a 7-Eleven store,
reminding them to pick up the product while they’re
on the go.
Snapple will purchase a Snapchat sponsored lens,
themed around Real Facts. In a bold new idea,
instead of facial recognition, the lens will recognize
the underside of the Snapple cap and, using motion
tracked 3D technology, will bring the Real Fact to life.
For example, for “Real Fact #214: Giraffes can lick
their own eyes,” a 3D animated giraffe will appear
on the cap.
Click here for a demo
Total Price: $236,453.20
Impressions: 29,556,650
Total Price: $2,763,546.80
Impressions: 507,454,665
Total Price: $450,000
Impressions: 30,000,000
You can buy
Snapple on
We updated the Snapple website to match our new brand aesthetic. We moved the Real Facts to the front page, as our
research shows they are popular among our targeted consumers. In addition, we put in information about Snapple’s
latest promotions like Billy on the Street, new limited time offer flavors to look out for, and our YouTube show, Appleview.
We moved the re-enFACTments over to Instagram so that more people will see them but left the longer video content up
on the website to maintain steady web traffic.
Snapple will produce a comedy series on
YouTube called Appleview. When an old
man’s imaginary friend from childhood
moves into the room next door to him,
the two hatch a plan to escape from the
dreary confines of Appleview Home for
the Elderly and find the treasure they
buried together as kids—turning the
home on its head in the process. Episodes
of Appleview, which will generally run
between five and ten minutes, will be
posted on YouTube and the Snapple
website in order to increase our website
traffic. Through both the overt themes
of reconnecting and “meeting again,”
and the witty and slightly surreal sense
of humor, Appleview will help define
Snapple’s retooled brand personality and
give consumers a reason to engage with
Snapple online.
Total Price: $636,010.71
Impressions: 4,327,182
Cycling through grocery stores for one week at a time,
Snapple will place coupon dispensers in grocery stores
in targeted cities, triggering an “Oh, Hey!” sound
effect and dispensing a coupon with a Real Fact on
the back as shoppers pass by. We’re using “Oh, Hey!”
in the most literal sense to remind our consumers
about the Real Facts they love and directly encourage
Our research found an abundance of false assumptions
regarding Snapple’s ingredients and quality. To
remedy this, we will place Snapple juices and teas
in the produce aisles of select grocery stores in our
targeted cities. Next to the bottles, we will address
these common misconceptions with Real Fact displays
featuring phrases like “Snapple’s Lemon Tea only
has five ingredients,” and “Snapple only uses natural
flavors.” This in-store activation will rotate through
grocery stores from April through August.
ThruVu digital coolers[25]
will be placed in convenience
and grocery stores to beautifully showcase our new
design, remind consumers about Real Facts, and draw
attention to the Snapple on display. ThruVu’s LCD
screen can be updated throughout the campaign to
highlight new designs or sales promotions.
Click here for a demonstration
Total Price: $725,000
Impressions: 4,412,438
Total Price: $1,088,402
Impressions: 3,529,951
Total Price: $362,500
Impressions: 1,410,828
Creating that “Oh, Hey!” moment for
our consumers is something we’re
excited about. We found that 42.2% of
Snapple consumers listen to Spotify
on their commute or throughout the
, so to further demonstrate
what we mean by “We Meet Again”,
Snapple will launch a playlist of
oldies, but goodies. Our “Get Snappy
With It” playlist will feature songs
our audience used to love by artists
like Madonna, Prince, TLC, and
Britney Spears. Both the description
on Spotify and promoted tweets and
Instagram posts will read: “Snap out
of the midday blues and refresh with
all your forgotten hit favorites.”
Come February 1, Snapple will launch
the “Té Amo” Valentine’s Day contest. This
diversity-driven campaign will take a popular
Hispanic phrase and introduce a new way to
say “I Love You’ to the Heartland and non-
Heartland marketplace alike. This execution
drives website visits and engages our
consumers socially. To enter, contestants will
go to to write their significant
other a virtual love letter. The only catch is
they have to write it in 100 characters or less,
in English or Spanish, to fit on a Snapple
cap. Contestants will then share the link of
their Snapple caps on Twitter, Facebook, or
Instagram, asking friends and family to vote
for them. The entry receiving the highest
number of votes will win a romantic getaway
to the tropical paradise of Bora Bora.
New York’s very own Billy Eichner is
the loud, quirky, and totally eccentric
host of the massively popular YouTube
show Billy on the Street. The show
follows him and the occasional
celebrity guest frantically approaching
unsuspecting pedestrians and
bombarding them with obscure
questions, to hilarious results. For a
special Snapple episode, Billy will take
to the streets to quiz the public on one
of Snapple’s most beloved qualities:
Real Facts. He approaches passersby
with his camera crew, demanding
answers to Real Facts-related trivia,
and in true Billy on the Street fashion,
hilarity ensues.
In our focus groups, participants
almost unanimously loved the
unique popping sound made by
opening a Snapple bottle. For three
days at a time, larger-than-life
Snapple caps will line the sidewalks
of high-traffic areas in our targeted
cities. Upon investigation, passersby
will find that stepping on these caps
will create the distinctive sound,
putting a little “pop” in their step.
Get Snappy
With It
Total Price: $0.00
Impressions: 365,700
Total Price: $14,000.00
Impressions: 800,000
Total Price: $80,000.00
Impressions: 1,071,738
Total Price: $8,448.05
Impressions: 390,000
Land growth is scarce and urban development is on the rise. While we want to
encourage consumers to reacquaint themselves with Snapple, we also want to
encourage them to reacquaint themselves with the Earth. According to Simmons
OneView 2013, Snapple consumers strongly agreed that “companies should help
consumers become more environmentally responsible.” To celebrate Earth Day,
Snapple will launch an urban farming partnership with AKER, a company that creates
sustainable farming kits with an assortment of produce and other gardening tools, sent
in a plywood case that doubles as a planter box. Friday, April 21, community centers in
each of our targeted cities will receive an AKER box, courtesy of Snapple. Along with the
kit, we will provide Snapples and reusable Snapple branded water bottles. On Twitter,
Snapple will tweet photos of the event using the promoted hashtag, “#MeetEarthAgain.”
Pop up shops are meant to surprise by pleasantly interrupting
people’s daily routine, so it only made sense to use them to
create memorable “Oh, Hey!” moments. For three days in
June, we will place a massive inflatable Snapple bottle in each
of our targeted cities. Passersby will be invited to enter the
giant bottle to grab a Snapple, read unique facts about their
city, take home a reusable water bottle, and snap a picture in
the branded photo booth before heading back out. This will
not only let consumers taste Snapple but also give them the
opportunity to share their experience with others on social
media with “#PopIn.”
Total Price: $9,100.00
Impressions: 390,000
Total Price: $192,086.70
Impressions: 15,550,000
Total Price: $670,020.00
Impressions: 52,000
The mobile application Nextdoor is growing rapidly,
with four million monthly visitors (primarily age 25-40)
and over 43,000 neighborhoods registered[24]
Need a dog watcher? Babysitter? Throwing a stellar
Taco Tuesday? Nextdoor will help you get the word out.
To celebrate National Night Out, a community-building
event for residents and neighborhood watch groups,
Nextdoor and Snapple will join forces to sponsor
the ultimate block party and bring neighbors
together. Snapple will provide the branded swag
including reusable water bottles and free Snapple,
while local artists, food vendors, and Nextdoor help
get the word out and make each neighborhood’s
party distinctly its own.
Total Price: $190,000.00
Impressions: 53,500,000
In November, Snapple will unite with another New York
icon, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, sponsoring
a float we like to call “The Big SnApple.” The float will
feature the New York skyline with a giant Snapple
bottle in place of the Empire State Building, while a
cap with a digital screen scrolls through a series of New
York themed facts.
Together with NBC’s The Today Show, Snapple will
reconnect a deployed soldier with his or her loved ones
back home for the Fourth of July. In a live segment,
the returned soldier will surprise their family, giving
new meaning to the concept of “We Meet Again.”
Promoted posts on Snapple’s social media will spread
video of the reunion using “#SnappleSalute.” The
stunt will be repeated in December to bring service
members home to their families for the holidays.
Total Price: $354,914.00
Impressions: 3,240,000
Instagram YouTube
Our consumers articulated three clear expectations for the brands they follow: It needs to be funny, it needs to be heart warming, or it needs to reward them tangibly. They need an
incentive. Currently, Snapple’s social media is falling flat against competitors like Arizona. We’re going to rev up Snapple’s social media presence by implementing purposeful and
varied content. This playbook provides a consistent framework for social media engagement thus better targeting Snapple’s younger audience and supporting the older fans.
• Corporate Central: where users turn to learn about the brand
• Purpose: distribute shareable content and provide platform for users to ask
questions, seen as a direct line to Snapple Corporate
• Opportunity: focus responses and posts on optimizing consumer satisfaction, link
to website, maintain personality with trustworthy tone
• Ex: post about promotions, provide helpful customer service, repost select Twitter
and Instagram content
• Blended-in Branding: users seek entertainment or support of a loved brand
• Purpose: provide unobtrusive user browsing experience, inform about new
product or special time offer
• Opportunity: engage viewer via follower reposts, popular hashtags, quirky, fun,
lighthearted, bright images and video clips
• Ex: #TeAmo, #PopIn, #SnappleSalute, #MeetEarthAgain, #OhHey
• Original Content Hub: users can find branded videos and web series
• Purpose: maintain an active fanbase, focus on monthly Appleview episodes,
provide expanded original content
• Opportunity: link back to to drive website traffic, stay true to quirky,
witty, authentic tone, engage and highlight enthusiastic consumers
• Ex: post old and new commercials, video footage of guerrilla tactics,
#SnappleSalute video content, other funny user-generated content related
to Snapple
• Personalized Platform: users compile interesting content
• Purpose: encourage engagement over advertising, lifestyle branding
• Opportunity: show how Snapple fits into everyday lives, share brand personality
and creative edge, link to website
• Content creation, “re-pinning”, board categorization based on target audiences
• Ex: DIY cocktail recipes, reusable bottle decor, #TeAmo caps
• Promotion and Personality: users connect on more personal level
• Purpose: promote LTOs, showcase unique brand voice
• Opportunity: highlight upcoming ads, geotarget Snapple events, engage via
sponsored photo filters, feature exclusive screenshot-able coupons for followers
• Ex: Fun, colorful videos with distinct personality and experiences of Snapple
drinkers exclusive to followers.
• Short Sweet Fun and Facts: users seek a quick laugh and information
• Purpose: catch-all for social channel banter, sharing, and news
• Opportunity: engage via witty personality, handle negative brand comments, start
conversation about pop culture and Snapple brand
• Must maintain same distinct voice, humor, and relatability to average consumer
with focus on hashtags
• Ex: #TeAmo, #PopIn, #SnappleSalute, #MeetEarthAgain, #OhHey
Baseline: 3-5 posts per week
Goal: 1 post per day
Baseline: 3-5 posts a week
Goal: 4-6 posts a week
Baseline: 2-3 pins per day
Goal: 5-10 pins per day
Posting frequency varies per quarter and by post-type
Baseline: 5-7 posts/week
Goal: 3-5 posts/day
1 video per month
We created a media plan that sustains a presence in the Heartland while increasing media
buys in the non-Heartland.
Snapple requested a dual strategy, addressing the Heartland and non-Heartland differently, so we have
decided to use a frequency strategy within the Heartland to reaffirm brand loyalty and a reach strategy
outside of it to help increase brand awareness (especially top-of-mind awareness). As our findings showed
that 48% of non-Heartland consumers had not seen a Snapple ad in the past six months[30],
a reach
strategy with a heavy media presence there is vital to a successful brand reintroduction.
Timing: Focus on summer months for heavier media buys.
Kantar Media AdSpender shows that Snapple focuses most of its advertising dollars during Q2 and Q3
(summer)—and we’re on board! In the case study, Snapple’s sales peak in the summer, so we will place our
TV and outdoor buys in the summer months. Digital advertisements will be placed throughout the year to
remind our consumers about Snapple.
Use TV, Digital and Outdoor advertising
In our primary research, Snapple was associated with an on-the-go/outdoor drink (52.3% on-the-go, 33.6%
so we will drive foot traffic to grocery and convenience stores with digital geotargeting,
outdoor, and local television.
We will optimize the success of our social media and PR executions through digital ads, native advertising,
and promoted posts and tweets.
On the go/ Traveling
At work
At home
In the car
At the gym
Where would you most likely
be drinking Snapple?
Strawberries contain more
Vitamin C than oranges.
Snapple’s case study provides us with
Nielsen’s data of the top selling markets
within the Heartland. We narrowed
down the cities by nixing the regions
that were too close together to avoid
messaging overlap and kept the rest.
We will focus on markets that have the
highest potential to drink more Snapple.
Since the non-Heartland contains
such a wide range of territory, we
decided to focus our spending on
the West, the non-Heartland region
with the highest index of culturally
diverse Snapple drinkers.[14]
West also has the added benefit
of being a nationwide influencer,
making local success more likely
to spread across the country. We
won’t leave out the rest of the non-
Heartland, as Chicago and Dallas will
represent the Midwest and South,
and our digital presence will connect
with consumers.
Washington D.C.
New York City
Los Angeles
San Francisco
“REAL FACT” #855
Oregon has more ghost
towns than any other US city.
250x250 and Mobile Banner Ads throughout the year. [15, 19, 23]
Online Radio
Pandora and Spotify
Network and Cable buys
Early Fringe Primetime and Late News at a 150 GRP from Q2-Q3 April-September.
Television Placements [19, 23]
Digital Placements
Yahoo Mail
YouTube (Skippable Pre-roll Ad)
Riot Games
Candy Crush
Clash of Clans
Local News Websites
LA Times
SF Chronicle
The Seattle Times
The Oregonian
Chicago Sun Times
The Dallas Morning News
The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Boston Globe
The Buffalo Sun Times
The Post-Standard
The Washington Post
NY Times
MTV Music Television
Comedy Central
Adult Swim
MLB Network
YouTube (Skippable ad)
Facebook (Promoted post integrated with video) throughout the year.
Twitter: Promoted Tweets
Instagram: Carousel Ad
Pinterest: Promoted Pins
Facebook: Promoted Video posts
BuzzFeed: Listicles
Bus transits, subway ads, and bulletins
within our non-Heartland and Heartland
markets will create “Oh, Hey!” moments
from April-September[11, 19]
Out-of-home placements will allow us to
effectively communicate with every facet
of Snapple’s diverse fan base, and the
medium’s low CPM makes it a valuable tool
for the reach strategy employed outside of
the Heartland.
“REAL FACT” #236
Cows give more milk when
they listen to music.
Based on Nielsen and Experian, we selected media placements that are highly indexed for
all three of our target audiences (Males and Females 18-49). In select instances, certain
placements are hyper-targeted toward African American and Hispanic markets.
Television (Early Fringe, Prime and Late News)
OOH (Bus Shelters, Subway Ads, Bulletins)
Website Ads (250x250 and Mobile Banners)
Online Radio (Spotify & Pandora)
Online Commercial (Facebook & YouTube)
Instagram (Carousel Ad)
Twitter Sponsored Tweets
Pinterest Promoted Pins
Snapchat Sponsored AR
Buzzfeed Articles
“Get Snappy With It” Spotify Playlist
“Té Amo” Contest
Appleview YouTube Series
Meet Earth Again
Steppin’ Snapple Caps
#PopIn Pop Up
Snapple Salute
Billy on the Street Sponsorship
Nextdoor Block Party
The Big SnApple
“Hey!” Sensors
ThruVu Refrigerators
Snapple Produce
Commercial Production Costs
Media & Agency Fees (15% of Budget)
Media: TV (55.5%)
Media: Digital (14.3%)
Media: OOH (6.8%)
PR Executions (4.3%)
In-Store Activation (4.4%)
Production Costs (1.6%)
Media + Agency Fees (13.0%)
Total Budget:
Until the 19th century, solid
blocks of tea were used as
money in Siberia.
Throughout the campaign we will monitor sales patterns, conduct social listening, and use mobile and
web analytics to ensure we are reaching Snapple’s business objectives in the most cost-effective way. Post-
impression tracking will help us understand which ad placements actually lead to consumers buying more
Snapple teas and juices.
Our campaign will accomplish the following to increase purchase frequency in the non-Heartland and Heartland:
• Remind consumers of the Snapple features they love with “Oh, hey!” and “We Meet Again”
• Reintroduce Snapple as a fun, quirky matured brand
• Place Snapple into our target audiences’ lives with our PR executions and media placements.
To determine whether our concept and executions will be received well by our target audience, we conducted
a series of in-depth interviews with Career Climbers, Modern Parents, and New Adults. We asked them to
comment on the “We Meet Again” idea and executions such as Hey! Sensors, Nextdoor Snapple Block Parties,
“#SnappleSalute” and the design enhancements. The responses were overwhelmingly positive, telling us our
suggestions are on strategy and likely to convert consumers to Snapple. Respondents made minor suggestions
for how to make our ads clearer, which we implemented in our executions.
On the campaign
“Love the big idea! Snapple is a great brand, I’m
glad they are re-booting it.” - Vincent, 48
On the design enhancements
“It looks very refreshing and makes me want to
drink it. It’s total-tea delicious!” – Rich, 22
On the Hey! Sensors
“I would totally Snapchat this experience! Plus I love
coupons.” – Alex, 23
“I love it! I would get the coupon and
definitely use it. Great idea!” – Michael, 25
On the Nextdoor Snapple
Block Parties
“I would bring my entire family or all my
friends! We need more block parties like this,
cool idea.” – Alli, 34
Can I come? When will it be? – Paul, 24
On Snapple Salute
“Really loved this one! This is my favorite.
There are so many elements behind this idea
that are emotional and very meaningful. This
one touches my heart.” – Lauren, 29
Snapple is not currently the king of its category. This is where “We Meet Again” comes in. The challenge facing
Snapple is not that people don’t like the product — on the contrary, they love it — but that people no longer
remember how much or why. Overall We will spend a total of $49,894,027.03 and garner 1,212,024,773
impressions across the heartland and non-heartland alike in order to effectively return Snapple back to the fun,
witty, authentic brand that built consumer loyalty from the beginning.
As it stands, there is a gap between Snapple and its consumers, but that gap is not insurmountable. We’ve
showed how we will bridge that divide and how our campaign establishes a strong foundation and brand
reintroduction strategy that can carry Snapple for years to come. With “We Meet Again,” Snapple can begin its
quest to become leader of the pack once more. We look forward to working with you.
Thank you.
Stay Snappy.
1. 10 Brilliant Graphic Design Trends of 2016. (2016, February 22). Retrieved February
25, 2016, from
2. 14 Real Facts About Snapple. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2016, from http://
3. 2015-2016 Snapple Case Study. Retrieved from National AAF Student Advertising
4. Advertise With Waze. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2016, from
5. AKER. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2016, from
6. Amazon Display Advertising. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2016, from https://
7. AriZona Beverages - AriZona Beverages | America’s No. 1 Selling Iced Tea Brand. (n.d.).
Retrieved March 15, 2016, from
8. Billy On The Street. Retrieved January 28, 2016, from
9. Boothy Call. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2016, from http://www.photoboothycall.
10. Brisk Kinda Out There. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from http://drinkbrisk.tumblr.
11. Clear Channel Outdoor. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2016, from http://
12. Custom Inflatable Advertising. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2016, from http://
13. Eastwood, D. B., Gray, M. D., & Brooker, J. R. (1994, September). Supermarket
Patronage: An Analysis of Customer Counts Among Outlets within a Geographic
Area. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from
14. Experian Marketing Services. (2013). Simmons OneView (Spring 2013) [Computer
Software]. Retrieved March 21, 2016 from
15. Experian Marketing Services. (2015). Hitwise® (March 2015) [Computer Software].
Retrieved March 21, 2016 from
16. Gold Peak Tea & Coffee. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from http://www.
17. Innovative Vending Solutions - Pricing & Options. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2016,
18. Kantar Media AdSpender. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2015, from http://
19. Kantar Media SRDS. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2015, from
20. Knocking on Nextdoor, the social network for neighbors. (2013, December 03).
Retrieved February 20, 2016, from
21. Lipton® Tea. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2016, from
22. Media Survey, Team 201 Survey, conducted February 25, 2016.
23. Nielsen Data 2015-2016. Retrieved from National AAF Student Advertising
24. Nextdoor is the free private social network for your neighborhood community. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 19, 2016, from
25. Next-generation vending machine concept with see-through display. (2011, December
15). Retrieved January 15, 2016, from
26. Penske Truck Rental A Better Way to Move. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2016, from
27. Pure Leaf - For the Love of Leaves. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from http://
28. Snapple: Welcome. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from
29. Snapple Beverage Corporation History. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2015, from
30. Strategic Planning Survey, Team 201 Survey, conducted November 2015 through
December 2015.
31. Strategic Planning Focus Groups, Team 201 Focus Groups, conducted February 2016.
32. Tea for FREE at 7-Eleven® is #Awesummer. (2013, June 10). Retrieved February 17,
2016, from
33. The 9 Graphic Design Trends You Need to Be Aware of In 2016. (2016, January 19).
Retrieved February 25, 2016, from
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35. Veras, O. (2015, November 2). March of Magic. Retrieved February 15, 2016, from

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  • 1.
  • 2. People love Snapple. Sometimes, however, love isn’t enough. When buying a beverage, people make their choices quickly and get on with their lives; often, it isn’t the most beloved brand that wins out, but the one at the top of the consumer’s mind. The market is filled with companies vying for this space—some are able to get their messages heard, but others are lost in the static. While Snapple used to be king of the category, years of heightened competition, diminishing media presence, and an increasingly cluttered brand voice have taken their toll. Consumers, though still fans of the unique flavors, fun Real Facts, and iconic bottle, rarely mentioned the brand when asked about their drinks of choice. The issue wasn’t that they don’t love Snapple. The issue was that they had simply forgotten about it. We decided it was time for the country to meet Snapple again. Armed with only our brains, a collection of Real Facts, and $50 million, we set out to reconnect with a nation of long-lost friends. Our campaign revitalizes the Snapple brand by honing it into the witty, authentic personality it was always meant to be—bringing it back into the hearts, minds, and lives of a forgetful public. In the pages ahead, you will see the result of months of exhaustive research, meticulous planning, and bold thinking, all in pursuit of a singular goal: to reintroduce Snapple to the people who loved it most. Drink up. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYTABLE OF CONTENTS COLOR KEY 02 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 03 LIGHT HISTORY/CHALLENGE 04 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 05 RESEARCH 06 TARGET MARKETS 07 BARRIERS 08 KEY INSIGHTS 09 CREATIVE VISION 10 BIG IDEA 11 NEW PACKAGING DESIGN 12 TV SPOT 13 OUTDOOR ADS/ ONLINE RADIO 14 DIGITAL PRESENCE 15 DIGITAL PRESENCE 16 IN STORE ACTIVATION 17 EXECUTIONS Q1 18 EXECUTIONS Q2 19 EXECUTIONS Q3 20 SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES 21 MEDIA OBJECTIVES 22 MEDIA MARKETS 23 MEDIA PLACEMENTS 24 MEDIA TIMELINE 25 BUDGET 26 POST TESTING/ CONCLUSION 27 SOURCES Strategic Planning Creative Media PR Campaign Info “REAL FACT” #201 The only one-syllabled US state is Maine. 2
  • 3. LIGHT HISTORY Snapple up ‘til Now THE OBJECTIVES When Snapple was created in 1972, Hyman Golden, Leonard Marsh and Arnold Greenburg never could have guessed how popular their little company would become. Built up from a modest door-to-door selling model, Snapple’s identity as a quirky, fun and unique brand was quickly established, and it soon became New York’s most beloved beverage. People identified with its homegrown story, the brand’s honest self- awareness, and the refreshing new drink that filled a need they didn’t know they had. After cycling through eccentric antics, memorable spokespeople, and an ever-expanding assortment of flavors, Snapple’s recent advertising has focused back on its New York roots[3] . Despite having multiple corporate owners, Snapple’s brand identity and fan base has remained constant over the years. Or has it? Snapple has asked us to create a dual strategy to grow Snapple volume in the United States. For the Heartland, located in the Northeast, we were asked to build strong consumer affinity and increase purchase frequency from nine to ten times a year. Outside of the Heartland, we were asked to increase brand awareness to drive trial, growing purchase frequency from one to three times a year. We were told to leverage paid media (TV, digital, social media, and outdoor) and earned media (PR, social, and consumer engagement), Snapple website, and retail in-store activation tactics, and given a budget of $50 million. For us, this meant an opportunity to connect with more diverse audiences through a wide variety of media, implementing creative tactics that target Snapple consumers in ways that go far beyond their geographic locations. 3 “REAL FACT” #444 The Statue of Liberty wears a size 879 sandal.
  • 4. 4 4 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE What do they have that we don’t? Let’s take a look at the marketplace. Finding each competitor’s sweet spot helped us contextualize what we’re up against. BRISK Packed with Personality Like Arizona, Brisk’s recent branding appeals to a younger demographic with its off-the-wall imaging, three-eyed lemon mascot, and bizarre social media presence, all playing off the tagline: “Kinda Out There.” LIPTON Synonymous with the Outdoors With its advertising, social media, and partnerships almost exclusively surrounding nature and the outdoors, Lipton positions itself as the perfect tea for a sunny adventure. This focus, along with the brand’s iconic bright red and yellow colors, has helped Lipton to distinguish itself in the category. PURE LEAF Healthy Drink, Healthy Food Pure Leaf is a notable competitor in the category because of its association with a healthy lifestyle and delicious food. Through partnerships with popular chefs and a social media presence that revolves entirely around cooking, Pure Leaf shows that it stands for something beyond the product. GOLD PEAK Brews Emotion Traditionally, tea evokes feelings of calm relaxation, and Gold Peak feeds into this by portraying a brand that revolves around the comforts of home. With its “The Taste That Brings You Home” campaign, Gold Peak shows that it’s a brand that appreciates family time. ARIZONA Recognizable Aesthetic Holding the top sales position in both the tea and juice categories, Arizona is Snapple’s biggest competitor. Arizona has positioned itself as a trendy, inexpensive beverage whose appeal extends beyond its many flavors. The brand’s recognizable packaging has made its way onto hats, t-shirts, skateboards, nail art, and more.
  • 5. RESEARCH ROMPE Focus Groups Everyone has that one drink brand they’re proud to indulge in. Coca-Cola tugs at our heart strings with messages of togetherness and friendship, Pure Leaf makes us feel health conscious and trendy, and Arizona makes a fashion statement with its iconic floral packaging. To effectively reach consumers, we had to figure out what they really thought about Snapple and what is preventing them from drinking it more. To identify common trends and insights about the brand and the industry in general, we dissected a number of secondary sources. We also conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews, collected quantitative and qualitative research, and analyzed 1,197 survey responses from all 50 states to get a look inside the heads of Snapple drinkers across the country. Enter Rompe, the culmination of our research activities. Rompe, from the Spanish word meaning “to break,” is an annual event where we “break through” the clutter and begin forming our big campaign insights. In this intensive research session, members of our team enter into a contemplative environment to dissect trends and find inspiration from our primary and secondary research. From this information, we worked to find the one area that Snapple could claim as its own. People on the Street Interviews Ethnographic Interview 5 Over a year ago 5-12 months ago 2-4 months ago Within the last month Within the last week 5.24% 9.36% 17.85% 19.23% 48.33% 22% 42% 21% 18% 8% 7% 7% 5% <10 11-15 16-19 20-25 26-30 31-40 40+ 15% 18% 16% 14% 10% When was the last time you had a Snapple? If Snapple were a person, how old would they be? What is your favorite tea beverage? AriZona Snapple Brisk Fuze Gold Peak Pure Leaf
  • 6. 6 THE MODERN PARENTS SECONDARY Modern Parents are in their mid 30s to late 40s and live in the suburbs with their children. This audience focuses primarily on the moms, as they tend to be the purchasers for their family, but includes dads as well. As people who grew up drinking and loving Snapple, they hold a soft spot in their heart for the brand; though they acknowledge the sugar content, they view it as a healthier alternative to soda[31] . Modern Parents like to buy in bulk, and will get Snapple as a treat for their family from time to time, but they do not make a habit of it. Their social media activity is relatively limited, as they don’t see much reason or incentive to get more involved online. For Modern Parents, family is the most important. THE NEW ADULTS TERTIARY New Adults, comprised of mainly males in their late teens to mid 20s, are either still in school or recently graduated, and live in an urban or suburban area. This is our most diverse audience, as many of them identify as Hispanic or African American[14] . Currently unmarried and childless, New Adults are trying to establish their footing in the world. As lifelong Snapple lovers, they see Snapple as a fun, tasty way to quench their thirst and buy it relatively frequently. They view themselves as trendy and hip and want the products they buy to support this notion, especially with cool or unique packaging. Very active online, New Adults enjoy staying up-to-date with friends, news, sports, and culture. Though they want to be fit and look good, living a healthy lifestyle is not a top priority. THE CAREER CLIMBERS PRIMARY Career Climbers are in their early 30s and are predominantly female, living on a mid-level income in an urban or suburban area. They do not have children. As light Snapple users, they enjoy Snapple when it’s given to them, and they carry fond memories of it from childhood, but forget to purchase it on their own. Career Climbers are trend followers, generally sticking with mainstream shows and music, and are moderately active on social media where they like keeping up with friends and popular culture. Though they are not fitness nuts, they enjoy feeling healthy. With all of this research at our fingertips, we had two key factors to keep in mind: geographic location (Heartland versus non- Heartland) and the given age range (adults 18-49, focusing on 30). Three main life stages kept surfacing: Career Climbers, Modern Parents, and New Adults While we feel that each of our executions will appeal to all of our audiences, an indicator icon will be placed next to concepts which we believe will most strongly resonate with that market. TARGET MARKET ICONS TARGET MARKETS Snapple Personas C C P P A A
  • 7. SNAPPLE WHO? THE BRAND IMAGE CONUNDRUM NOT A SUGAR PROBLEM, BUT A LOYALTY PROBLEM When Snapple drinkers think about the brand, they reminisce about “The Best Stuff on Earth,” Wendy the Snapple Lady, and everything that made the juice quirky and fun. Over the years, however, Snapple’s brand identity was lost as the company bounced between corporate owners. Its distinct eccentricity waned as Snapple’s messaging became scattered, creating multiple personalities for the brand and losing the consistent voice that had once resonated with consumers. Other brands each have carved out a name for themselves in the category—homey, healthy, or outdoorsy, for example. Snapple is fun and refreshing, but its appearance doesn’t communicate this. The glass bottle hints at sophistication while the overcrowded label, cutesy social media accounts, and dated website design make Snapple seem childlike. Updating the brand design is essential to staying relevant with our more mature target audiences, clarifying the fuzzy identity, and driving purchase. Despite the rising health trend and shift toward choosing water above other beverages, sugary drinks haven’t fallen off the radar. Consumers still indulge in the occasional sweet treat, but they tend to be resolutely loyal to their second choice beverage. They reserve the “designated sugary drink slot” for brands with which they have stronger associations (such as Coke), or which offer an incentive (such as Vitamin Water). BARRIERS After establishing our target audiences, we identified the three key barriers that stand in the way of Snapple’s goals. TAKEAWAYS “I’m pretty sure there used to be a Snapple lady?” – James, 32 “I am from Florida and [saw] something about New York loves Snapple so I should too? I hate New York!” – Helen, 45 “When I treat myself to a tasty drink I never think of Snapple” – Jesse, 39 “Hmm… the label just has TOO many colors” – Michelle, 22 “Sometimes it is confusing because I know Snapple exists but like I never see it?” – Jacob, 30 WITHIN THE LAST WEEK WITHIN THE LAST MONTH 2-4 MONTHS 5 MONTHS & OVER WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW A SNAPPLE AD? 7% 19% 26% 48% As we talked to these consumers, we witnessed the same phenomenon occur again and again. They were indifferent to Snapple until they were prompted to remember the quirky commercials, the refreshing flavors, and the unique Real Facts. Across the board, consumers had an “ah-ha!” moment once they remembered what they love about Snapple. “Oh my gosh, yeah! I forgot about the caps!” – Brian, 24 “Snapple simply is the friend who I always love to hang out with but always forget to make plans with.” – Jason, 24 7
  • 8. Trend Focus Mature Youthful Health Focus Current Ideal KEY INSIGHTS Snapple had a good thing going, it is just a matter of bringing it back to life. PERCEPTION MAP MAKE IT MEMORABLE KEEP IT COHESIVE REINTRODUCE, DON’T REBRAND Snapple stopped resonating with the consumer as much as it used to. To put it back on people’s radar, we must rekindle its cultural relevance and be more memorable. This is where we think Snapple should stand to best drive awareness, trial, and consumer affinity. In its quest to please everybody and strike a balance between health, youthfulness, maturity, and trendiness, Snapple lost what made it stand out. To pull the brand back into the spotlight, we will position Snapple as a unique blend of quirky, fun, and modern sophistication. It’s a matter of amplifying Snapple’s already- established trendiness, allowing the brand to mature alongside its consumers and reminding audiences what’s so great about Snapple to begin with. 8 STRENGTHS Name recognition Snapple facts Flavor range LTOs Accessibility Taste Heartland OPPORTUNITIES Diet products Ability to position as healthy Recycling/green Specialty promotions Socially conscious WEAKNESSES Unclear personality Sugar Never sought out Confused brand perception Few ads/little engagement Not practical Lawsuits THREATS False advertising Flawed media Gold Peak/Pure Leaf Arizona Is it tea or juice? People gave inconsistent answers when asked who Snapple is as a brand. To fix this, all of Snapple’s messaging, from advertising and bottle design to the website and social media, must be cohesive. When prompted to think about Snapple, people actually had no complaints about the product. In fact, they raved about it; everything from the flavors to the bottle to the Real Facts. Because Snapple is already so well-liked, the solution lies not in a rebranding but in a reintroduction.
  • 9. APPROACH Refreshing Mouths and Minds The biggest takeaways from our research were that consumers loved Snapple, but it no longer resonated with them. The strategy that runs through every facet of our campaign will aim to seal this gap. By refreshing consumers’ mouths with delicious flavors and refreshing their minds with a renewed brand identity, we can return our audience’s passion for Snapple to its former heights. STORY Oh, Hey! It’s the moment when we bump into an old friend when we least expect it. It’s the joy when something clever clicks in our mind. It’s a realization that’s been there all along but has suddenly been brought to the surface. Most of all, it’s the feeling we want to permeate every aspect of our campaign. That happy moment of remembrance. TONE To make these “Oh, Hey” moments happen naturally in our consumers’ minds, we will use a witty, quirky, and authentic tone, staying true to the same Snapple brand that purchasers have loved all along while updating it to fit the modern consumer. BIG IDEA Enter our big idea... THE FUNNEL The more research we conducted, the stronger our understanding grew of how to best position Snapple to achieve its goals. To channel all of our thoughts into one Big Idea that makes sense, we organized each step of our solution into a funnel. CREATIVE VISION And here’s the best stuff 9 “REAL FACT” #970 Dolphins are unable to smell.
  • 10. “We Meet Again” is the spark to remind consumers of what they loved—rather, still love—about Snapple. It is a brand that relates to them on a personal level, makes them laugh, and shares their values. This idea makes those outside of the Heartland wonder why they ever stopped loving Snapple, and encourages them to welcome Snapple back into their lives. Meanwhile, for Heartlanders, it will refresh, reignite, and reaffirm their love for Snapple. WHAT DOES WE MEET AGAIN SOLVE? HOW DOES IT TARGET THE NON-HEARTLAND? HOW DOES IT TACKLE THE HEARTLAND? Snapple’s brand image has faded in people’s minds. People are unsure of who Snapple is and what it represents; however, when prompted to remember the product, nearly everyone has a positive association. From this, we decided that it was imperative to develop a Big Idea that simplified the brand instead of introducing something completely new. “We Meet Again” does not discard anything that the Snapple consumer loves; it simply reintroduces it with gusto. For consumers that have simply let Snapple slip off their radar, “We Meet Again” pulls it back to the top of their mind. By bringing “Oh, Hey!” moments to the forefront, we renew all of the well-established reasons to love Snapple, nudging consumers to give it another try. “We Meet Again” is both a revival and a celebration of everything that a loyal consumer adores about Snapple, giving us an opportunity to bolster Snapple’s quirky, witty, and relatable qualities and effectively supercharging the brand personality across heavy and light users alike. “REAL FACT” #677 A full-grown tree produces enough oxygen to support a family of four. 10 WE MEET AGAIN
  • 11. According to our research, Snapple’s bottle design was one of its strongest attributes. People loved the iconic glass design, the fun Real Facts hidden beneath the cap, and the distinctive “pop” of a freshly-opened bottle. Snapple drinkers, however, informed us that they felt the label was too childish, outdated, and simply unappealing. We decided to update the design to make it more culturally relevant. Our research showed that modern design follows three main trends: bright and bold colors, minimal and simplistic layouts, and whimsical illustrations[33] . To begin the reintroduction, we played off of Snapple’s bright, upbeat persona and created a bright color palette to be used throughout our executions. We then developed a bold label that is eye catching, aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, captures Snapple’s unique personality to help it stand out on the shelf. 11NEW PACKAGING DESIGN LIMITED TIME OFFERS Summer Watermelon Wave Dragonfruit Delight SPRING Spicy Mango Pineapple Par-Tea Fall Cinnamon Cider Super C Migh-Tea
  • 12. 12TV SPOT “I Bought You a Snapple” Our commercial campaign series is titled, “I Bought You a Snapple.” Our first commercial is set in a grocery store where a guy runs into a girl in a grocery store whom he does not remember. As it turns out, she’s an ex-girlfriend from high school, but he can’t even recall her first name. She unsuccessfully tries to jog his memory, but as soon as she says “I Bought You a Snapple” everything comes flooding back, allowing him to remember hilariously specific anecdotes about their time together. Other commercials involve someone interviewing for a job they have already worked at, as well as a student running into a former teacher. This reinforces the idea that Snapple was a defining product in the lives of our target audiences and can be once more. Total Production Cost: $821,175 Total Media Cost: $27,708,054 Impressions: 79,842,000
  • 13. OUTDOOR ADS AND ONLINE RADIO 13 ONLINE RADIO SPOT SUBWAY POSTERS BUS STOP ADSBILLBOARDS On Spotify and Pandora, we will feature pithy 15 second radio spots to remind our target audience of the Real Facts and encourage them to learn more on Snapple’s website. For example: “Oh, Hey! We interrupt this playlist to bring you an important news bulletin. Snapple has just discovered that Goldfish have a memory of three seconds. We now go live to the scientist who made this discovery” “Starting!” - timer clicks for three seconds - “He forgot!” - Applause. “Click the banner to learn more Real Facts” The only thing it takes for people to recall their love for Snapple is a simple reminder. To bring their positive brand associations flooding back, our outdoor ads will be dedicated to the “Oh, Hey!” moment. Our billboards, bus stops, and subway posters will each depict a different rendition of, “Oh, Hey! Is that a Snapple ad?,” or a real fact beside the iconic Snapple bottle, integrating a self-aware and candid sense of humor. We will put these ads in high traffic areas to catch consumers’ attention and reintroduce Snapple in an everyday setting. Total Price: $3,378,900 Impressions: 349,471,632 Total Price: $400,000 Impressions: 44,375,000
  • 14. We will place 250x250 and mobile banner ads on our selected websites/apps throughout the year. For example, an ad placed on Amazon will encourage users to purchase Snapple on the site. We will also advertise with Waze, which Nielsen lists as one of the most popular apps among our Career Climbers and Modern Parents target audiences. In a partnership with 7-Eleven[32] , drivers will get an “Oh, Hey!” notification when they are near a 7-Eleven store, reminding them to pick up the product while they’re on the go. Snapple will purchase a Snapchat sponsored lens, themed around Real Facts. In a bold new idea, instead of facial recognition, the lens will recognize the underside of the Snapple cap and, using motion tracked 3D technology, will bring the Real Fact to life. For example, for “Real Fact #214: Giraffes can lick their own eyes,” a 3D animated giraffe will appear on the cap. Click here for a demo 14 Total Price: $236,453.20 Impressions: 29,556,650 Total Price: $2,763,546.80 Impressions: 507,454,665 Total Price: $450,000 Impressions: 30,000,000 DIGITAL PRESENCE WAZE ADSDIGITAL ADS SNAPCHAT AUGMENTED REALI-TEA OH, HEY! “REAL FACT” You can buy Snapple on Amazon
  • 15. 15 We updated the Snapple website to match our new brand aesthetic. We moved the Real Facts to the front page, as our research shows they are popular among our targeted consumers. In addition, we put in information about Snapple’s latest promotions like Billy on the Street, new limited time offer flavors to look out for, and our YouTube show, Appleview. We moved the re-enFACTments over to Instagram so that more people will see them but left the longer video content up on the website to maintain steady web traffic. Snapple will produce a comedy series on YouTube called Appleview. When an old man’s imaginary friend from childhood moves into the room next door to him, the two hatch a plan to escape from the dreary confines of Appleview Home for the Elderly and find the treasure they buried together as kids—turning the home on its head in the process. Episodes of Appleview, which will generally run between five and ten minutes, will be posted on YouTube and the Snapple website in order to increase our website traffic. Through both the overt themes of reconnecting and “meeting again,” and the witty and slightly surreal sense of humor, Appleview will help define Snapple’s retooled brand personality and give consumers a reason to engage with Snapple online. Total Price: $636,010.71 Impressions: 4,327,182 YOUTUBE SERIES DIGITAL PRESENCE REDESIGNED WEBSITE
  • 16. Cycling through grocery stores for one week at a time, Snapple will place coupon dispensers in grocery stores in targeted cities, triggering an “Oh, Hey!” sound effect and dispensing a coupon with a Real Fact on the back as shoppers pass by. We’re using “Oh, Hey!” in the most literal sense to remind our consumers about the Real Facts they love and directly encourage purchase. Our research found an abundance of false assumptions regarding Snapple’s ingredients and quality. To remedy this, we will place Snapple juices and teas in the produce aisles of select grocery stores in our targeted cities. Next to the bottles, we will address these common misconceptions with Real Fact displays featuring phrases like “Snapple’s Lemon Tea only has five ingredients,” and “Snapple only uses natural flavors.” This in-store activation will rotate through grocery stores from April through August. ThruVu digital coolers[25] will be placed in convenience and grocery stores to beautifully showcase our new design, remind consumers about Real Facts, and draw attention to the Snapple on display. ThruVu’s LCD screen can be updated throughout the campaign to highlight new designs or sales promotions. Click here for a demonstration 16 HEY! SENSORS SNAPPLE THRUVU SNAPPLE PRODUCE Total Price: $725,000 Impressions: 4,412,438 Total Price: $1,088,402 Impressions: 3,529,951 Total Price: $362,500 Impressions: 1,410,828 IN STORE ACTIVATION
  • 17. EXECUTIONS Q1 17 JANUARY GET SNAPPY WITH IT MARCH BILLY ON THE STREET FEBRUARY TÉ AMO Creating that “Oh, Hey!” moment for our consumers is something we’re excited about. We found that 42.2% of Snapple consumers listen to Spotify on their commute or throughout the day[22] , so to further demonstrate what we mean by “We Meet Again”, Snapple will launch a playlist of oldies, but goodies. Our “Get Snappy With It” playlist will feature songs our audience used to love by artists like Madonna, Prince, TLC, and Britney Spears. Both the description on Spotify and promoted tweets and Instagram posts will read: “Snap out of the midday blues and refresh with all your forgotten hit favorites.” Come February 1, Snapple will launch the “Té Amo” Valentine’s Day contest. This diversity-driven campaign will take a popular Hispanic phrase and introduce a new way to say “I Love You’ to the Heartland and non- Heartland marketplace alike. This execution drives website visits and engages our consumers socially. To enter, contestants will go to to write their significant other a virtual love letter. The only catch is they have to write it in 100 characters or less, in English or Spanish, to fit on a Snapple cap. Contestants will then share the link of their Snapple caps on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, asking friends and family to vote for them. The entry receiving the highest number of votes will win a romantic getaway to the tropical paradise of Bora Bora. New York’s very own Billy Eichner is the loud, quirky, and totally eccentric host of the massively popular YouTube show Billy on the Street. The show follows him and the occasional celebrity guest frantically approaching unsuspecting pedestrians and bombarding them with obscure questions, to hilarious results. For a special Snapple episode, Billy will take to the streets to quiz the public on one of Snapple’s most beloved qualities: Real Facts. He approaches passersby with his camera crew, demanding answers to Real Facts-related trivia, and in true Billy on the Street fashion, hilarity ensues. In our focus groups, participants almost unanimously loved the unique popping sound made by opening a Snapple bottle. For three days at a time, larger-than-life Snapple caps will line the sidewalks of high-traffic areas in our targeted cities. Upon investigation, passersby will find that stepping on these caps will create the distinctive sound, putting a little “pop” in their step. MARCH STEPPIN’ SNAPPLE CAPS Get Snappy With It Total Price: $0.00 Impressions: 365,700 Total Price: $14,000.00 Impressions: 800,000 Total Price: $80,000.00 Impressions: 1,071,738 Total Price: $8,448.05 Impressions: 390,000 17 CCCC PP AAAA
  • 18. 18EXECUTIONS Q2 APRIL MEET EARTH AGAIN JUNE #POPIN POP UP Land growth is scarce and urban development is on the rise. While we want to encourage consumers to reacquaint themselves with Snapple, we also want to encourage them to reacquaint themselves with the Earth. According to Simmons OneView 2013, Snapple consumers strongly agreed that “companies should help consumers become more environmentally responsible.” To celebrate Earth Day, Snapple will launch an urban farming partnership with AKER, a company that creates sustainable farming kits with an assortment of produce and other gardening tools, sent in a plywood case that doubles as a planter box. Friday, April 21, community centers in each of our targeted cities will receive an AKER box, courtesy of Snapple. Along with the kit, we will provide Snapples and reusable Snapple branded water bottles. On Twitter, Snapple will tweet photos of the event using the promoted hashtag, “#MeetEarthAgain.” Pop up shops are meant to surprise by pleasantly interrupting people’s daily routine, so it only made sense to use them to create memorable “Oh, Hey!” moments. For three days in June, we will place a massive inflatable Snapple bottle in each of our targeted cities. Passersby will be invited to enter the giant bottle to grab a Snapple, read unique facts about their city, take home a reusable water bottle, and snap a picture in the branded photo booth before heading back out. This will not only let consumers taste Snapple but also give them the opportunity to share their experience with others on social media with “#PopIn.” Total Price: $9,100.00 Impressions: 390,000 Total Price: $192,086.70 Impressions: 15,550,000 CC PP A
  • 19. 19EXECUTIONS Q3 Total Price: $670,020.00 Impressions: 52,000 AUGUST SNAPPLE BLOCK PARTY The mobile application Nextdoor is growing rapidly, with four million monthly visitors (primarily age 25-40) and over 43,000 neighborhoods registered[24] . Need a dog watcher? Babysitter? Throwing a stellar Taco Tuesday? Nextdoor will help you get the word out. To celebrate National Night Out, a community-building event for residents and neighborhood watch groups, Nextdoor and Snapple will join forces to sponsor the ultimate block party and bring neighbors together. Snapple will provide the branded swag including reusable water bottles and free Snapple, while local artists, food vendors, and Nextdoor help get the word out and make each neighborhood’s party distinctly its own. Total Price: $190,000.00 Impressions: 53,500,000 AUGUST THE BIG SNAPPLE In November, Snapple will unite with another New York icon, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, sponsoring a float we like to call “The Big SnApple.” The float will feature the New York skyline with a giant Snapple bottle in place of the Empire State Building, while a cap with a digital screen scrolls through a series of New York themed facts. JULY #SNAPPLESALUTE Together with NBC’s The Today Show, Snapple will reconnect a deployed soldier with his or her loved ones back home for the Fourth of July. In a live segment, the returned soldier will surprise their family, giving new meaning to the concept of “We Meet Again.” Promoted posts on Snapple’s social media will spread video of the reunion using “#SnappleSalute.” The stunt will be repeated in December to bring service members home to their families for the holidays. Total Price: $354,914.00 Impressions: 3,240,000 CC PPP A
  • 20. SOCIAL MEDIA PLAYBOOK Facebook Instagram YouTube PinterestSnapchat Twitter Our consumers articulated three clear expectations for the brands they follow: It needs to be funny, it needs to be heart warming, or it needs to reward them tangibly. They need an incentive. Currently, Snapple’s social media is falling flat against competitors like Arizona. We’re going to rev up Snapple’s social media presence by implementing purposeful and varied content. This playbook provides a consistent framework for social media engagement thus better targeting Snapple’s younger audience and supporting the older fans. • Corporate Central: where users turn to learn about the brand • Purpose: distribute shareable content and provide platform for users to ask questions, seen as a direct line to Snapple Corporate • Opportunity: focus responses and posts on optimizing consumer satisfaction, link to website, maintain personality with trustworthy tone • Ex: post about promotions, provide helpful customer service, repost select Twitter and Instagram content • Blended-in Branding: users seek entertainment or support of a loved brand • Purpose: provide unobtrusive user browsing experience, inform about new product or special time offer • Opportunity: engage viewer via follower reposts, popular hashtags, quirky, fun, lighthearted, bright images and video clips • Ex: #TeAmo, #PopIn, #SnappleSalute, #MeetEarthAgain, #OhHey • Original Content Hub: users can find branded videos and web series • Purpose: maintain an active fanbase, focus on monthly Appleview episodes, provide expanded original content • Opportunity: link back to to drive website traffic, stay true to quirky, witty, authentic tone, engage and highlight enthusiastic consumers • Ex: post old and new commercials, video footage of guerrilla tactics, #SnappleSalute video content, other funny user-generated content related to Snapple • Personalized Platform: users compile interesting content • Purpose: encourage engagement over advertising, lifestyle branding • Opportunity: show how Snapple fits into everyday lives, share brand personality and creative edge, link to website • Content creation, “re-pinning”, board categorization based on target audiences • Ex: DIY cocktail recipes, reusable bottle decor, #TeAmo caps • Promotion and Personality: users connect on more personal level • Purpose: promote LTOs, showcase unique brand voice • Opportunity: highlight upcoming ads, geotarget Snapple events, engage via sponsored photo filters, feature exclusive screenshot-able coupons for followers • Ex: Fun, colorful videos with distinct personality and experiences of Snapple drinkers exclusive to followers. • Short Sweet Fun and Facts: users seek a quick laugh and information • Purpose: catch-all for social channel banter, sharing, and news • Opportunity: engage via witty personality, handle negative brand comments, start conversation about pop culture and Snapple brand • Must maintain same distinct voice, humor, and relatability to average consumer with focus on hashtags • Ex: #TeAmo, #PopIn, #SnappleSalute, #MeetEarthAgain, #OhHey Baseline: 3-5 posts per week Goal: 1 post per day Baseline: 3-5 posts a week Goal: 4-6 posts a week Baseline: 2-3 pins per day Goal: 5-10 pins per day Posting frequency varies per quarter and by post-type Baseline: 5-7 posts/week Goal: 3-5 posts/day 1 video per month 20
  • 21. MEDIA OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES 21 We created a media plan that sustains a presence in the Heartland while increasing media buys in the non-Heartland. Snapple requested a dual strategy, addressing the Heartland and non-Heartland differently, so we have decided to use a frequency strategy within the Heartland to reaffirm brand loyalty and a reach strategy outside of it to help increase brand awareness (especially top-of-mind awareness). As our findings showed that 48% of non-Heartland consumers had not seen a Snapple ad in the past six months[30], a reach strategy with a heavy media presence there is vital to a successful brand reintroduction. Timing: Focus on summer months for heavier media buys. Kantar Media AdSpender shows that Snapple focuses most of its advertising dollars during Q2 and Q3 (summer)—and we’re on board! In the case study, Snapple’s sales peak in the summer, so we will place our TV and outdoor buys in the summer months. Digital advertisements will be placed throughout the year to remind our consumers about Snapple. Use TV, Digital and Outdoor advertising In our primary research, Snapple was associated with an on-the-go/outdoor drink (52.3% on-the-go, 33.6% outdoors)[22] so we will drive foot traffic to grocery and convenience stores with digital geotargeting, outdoor, and local television. We will optimize the success of our social media and PR executions through digital ads, native advertising, and promoted posts and tweets. On the go/ Traveling Outdoors At work At home In the car At the gym Where would you most likely be drinking Snapple? “REAL FACT” #64 Strawberries contain more Vitamin C than oranges. 52.3%33.6%31.3%26.6%22.7%0.8%
  • 22. MEDIA MARKETS HEARTLAND NON-HEARTLAND Snapple’s case study provides us with Nielsen’s data of the top selling markets within the Heartland. We narrowed down the cities by nixing the regions that were too close together to avoid messaging overlap and kept the rest. We will focus on markets that have the highest potential to drink more Snapple. Since the non-Heartland contains such a wide range of territory, we decided to focus our spending on the West, the non-Heartland region with the highest index of culturally diverse Snapple drinkers.[14] The West also has the added benefit of being a nationwide influencer, making local success more likely to spread across the country. We won’t leave out the rest of the non- Heartland, as Chicago and Dallas will represent the Midwest and South, and our digital presence will connect with consumers. Philadelphia Boston Buffalo Baltimore Washington D.C. New York City Los Angeles San Francisco Portland Seattle Denver Chicago Dallas “REAL FACT” #855 Oregon has more ghost towns than any other US city. 22
  • 23. WEBSITE/APP PLACEMENTS 250x250 and Mobile Banner Ads throughout the year. [15, 19, 23] Online Radio Pandora and Spotify COMMERCIAL Network and Cable buys Early Fringe Primetime and Late News at a 150 GRP from Q2-Q3 April-September. [19] Television Placements [19, 23] Digital Placements Amazon Pandora Spotify Yahoo Mail YouTube (Skippable Pre-roll Ad) Riot Games Candy Crush Clash of Clans Waze Gamespot MTV ESPN Local News Websites LA Times SF Chronicle The Seattle Times The Oregonian Chicago Sun Times The Dallas Morning News The Philadelphia Inquirer The Boston Globe The Buffalo Sun Times The Post-Standard The Washington Post NY Times ABC NBC CBS TeenNick E! Bravo MTV Music Television Comedy Central ESPN Adult Swim MTV2 MLB Network YouTube (Skippable ad) Facebook (Promoted post integrated with video) throughout the year. NATIVE ADVERTISING Twitter: Promoted Tweets Instagram: Carousel Ad Pinterest: Promoted Pins Facebook: Promoted Video posts BuzzFeed: Listicles OUTDOOR Bus transits, subway ads, and bulletins within our non-Heartland and Heartland markets will create “Oh, Hey!” moments from April-September[11, 19] Out-of-home placements will allow us to effectively communicate with every facet of Snapple’s diverse fan base, and the medium’s low CPM makes it a valuable tool for the reach strategy employed outside of the Heartland. “REAL FACT” #236 Cows give more milk when they listen to music. MEDIA PLACEMENTS 23 Based on Nielsen and Experian, we selected media placements that are highly indexed for all three of our target audiences (Males and Females 18-49). In select instances, certain placements are hyper-targeted toward African American and Hispanic markets.
  • 24. MEDIA TIMELINE JAN FEB APR JUNE AUG OCT DEC TRADITIONAL Television (Early Fringe, Prime and Late News) OOH (Bus Shelters, Subway Ads, Bulletins) DIGITAL Website Ads (250x250 and Mobile Banners) Waze Online Radio (Spotify & Pandora) Online Commercial (Facebook & YouTube) Instagram (Carousel Ad) Twitter Sponsored Tweets Pinterest Promoted Pins Snapchat Sponsored AR Buzzfeed Articles “Get Snappy With It” Spotify Playlist EXECUTIONS “Té Amo” Contest Appleview YouTube Series Meet Earth Again Steppin’ Snapple Caps #PopIn Pop Up Snapple Salute Billy on the Street Sponsorship Nextdoor Block Party The Big SnApple IN-STORE ACTIVATION “Hey!” Sensors ThruVu Refrigerators Snapple Produce ADDITIONAL COSTS Commercial Production Costs Media & Agency Fees (15% of Budget) TOTAL COST $27,708,054 $3,378,900 $2,763,546.80 $236,453.20 $400,000.00 $2,092,500.00 $500,000.00 $560,000.00 $65,0000 $450,000.00 $80,000.00 $0.00 $14,000 $636,010.71 $9,100.00 $8,448.05 $192,086.70 $354,914.00 $80,000.00 $670,020.00 $190,000.00 $725,000.00 $1,088,402.00 $362,500 $821,175.00 $6,507,916.57 $49,894,027.03 79,842,000 349,471,632 507,454,665 29,556,650 44,375,000 29,556,650 12,500,000 35,000,000 7,200,000 30,000,000 2,355,520 365,700 800,000 4,327,182 390,000 390,000 15,550,000 1,240,000 1,071,738 52,000 53,500,000 4,412,438 3,529,951 1,410,828 1,212,024,773 MAR MAY JULY NOV COSTSIMPRESSIONSSEP 24
  • 25. BUDGET Media: TV (55.5%) $27,708,054.00 Media: Digital (14.3%) $7,147,500.00 Media: OOH (6.8%) $3,378,900.00 PR Executions (4.3%) $2,154,579.46 In-Store Activation (4.4%) $2,175,902.00 Production Costs (1.6%) $821,175.00 Media + Agency Fees (13.0%) $6,507,916.57 Total Budget: $49,894,027.03 25 “REAL FACT” #86 Until the 19th century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia.
  • 26. 26POST TESTING TESTIMONIALS CONCLUSION Throughout the campaign we will monitor sales patterns, conduct social listening, and use mobile and web analytics to ensure we are reaching Snapple’s business objectives in the most cost-effective way. Post- impression tracking will help us understand which ad placements actually lead to consumers buying more Snapple teas and juices. Our campaign will accomplish the following to increase purchase frequency in the non-Heartland and Heartland: • Remind consumers of the Snapple features they love with “Oh, hey!” and “We Meet Again” • Reintroduce Snapple as a fun, quirky matured brand • Place Snapple into our target audiences’ lives with our PR executions and media placements. To determine whether our concept and executions will be received well by our target audience, we conducted a series of in-depth interviews with Career Climbers, Modern Parents, and New Adults. We asked them to comment on the “We Meet Again” idea and executions such as Hey! Sensors, Nextdoor Snapple Block Parties, “#SnappleSalute” and the design enhancements. The responses were overwhelmingly positive, telling us our suggestions are on strategy and likely to convert consumers to Snapple. Respondents made minor suggestions for how to make our ads clearer, which we implemented in our executions. On the campaign “Love the big idea! Snapple is a great brand, I’m glad they are re-booting it.” - Vincent, 48 On the design enhancements “It looks very refreshing and makes me want to drink it. It’s total-tea delicious!” – Rich, 22 On the Hey! Sensors “I would totally Snapchat this experience! Plus I love coupons.” – Alex, 23 “I love it! I would get the coupon and definitely use it. Great idea!” – Michael, 25 On the Nextdoor Snapple Block Parties “I would bring my entire family or all my friends! We need more block parties like this, cool idea.” – Alli, 34 Can I come? When will it be? – Paul, 24 On Snapple Salute “Really loved this one! This is my favorite. There are so many elements behind this idea that are emotional and very meaningful. This one touches my heart.” – Lauren, 29 Snapple is not currently the king of its category. This is where “We Meet Again” comes in. The challenge facing Snapple is not that people don’t like the product — on the contrary, they love it — but that people no longer remember how much or why. Overall We will spend a total of $49,894,027.03 and garner 1,212,024,773 impressions across the heartland and non-heartland alike in order to effectively return Snapple back to the fun, witty, authentic brand that built consumer loyalty from the beginning. As it stands, there is a gap between Snapple and its consumers, but that gap is not insurmountable. We’ve showed how we will bridge that divide and how our campaign establishes a strong foundation and brand reintroduction strategy that can carry Snapple for years to come. With “We Meet Again,” Snapple can begin its quest to become leader of the pack once more. We look forward to working with you. Thank you. Stay Snappy.
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