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Workflow	Validation	of	Marker‐less	Cervical	Vertebrae	
Tracking	using	X‐Ray	Reconstruction	of	Moving	Morphology	
Hana	Y.	Boudlali	|	Arin	M.	Ellingson,	Ph.D.	
Minnesota	Rehabilitation	Biomechanics	Lab,	University	of	Minnesota		
BMEn	4710	Undergraduate	Directed	Research,	University	of	Minnesota	Dept.	of	Biomedical	Engineering	
Project	summary	
This	project	aims	to	validate	marker‐less	cervical	
vertebrae	 tracking	 workflow	 for	 the	 purpose	 of	
streamlined	 and	 accurate	 acquisition	 of	 spinal	
kinematics	 via	 X‐Ray	 Reconstruction	 of	 Moving	
Morphology	 techniques.	 	 Three	 dimensional	
anatomical	 models	 of	 each	 of	 the	 seven	 cervical	
vertebrae	were	created	from	segmentation	of	a	CT	
scan	 in	 three	 planes.	 	 High	 speed	 biplane	
radiograph	images	were	collected	during	dynamic	
movement	of	the	cervical	vertebrae.		Correction	of	
the	 inherent	 distortion	 from	 fluoroscopy	 was	
applied	to	the	data,	and	a	direct	linear	transform	
was	 used	 to	 configure	 the	 vertebral	 bodies	 to	 a	
three	 dimensional	 coordinate	 system	 based	 on	
known	calibration	markers	in	the	biplane.		Image	
registration	between	the	3D	vertebrae	model	and	
the	 high‐speed	 dynamic	 motion	 scans	 in	 two	
planes	 allowed	 for	 three	 dimensional	 kinematic	
tracking	 of	the	vertebral	bodies.		This	workflow	
was	 carried	 out	 and	 documented	 in	 order	 to	
minimize	error	and	streamline	the	data	analysis	
process	 for	 future	 studies.	 	 The	 biplane	
fluoroscopy	 data	 analysis	 outlined	 in	 this	 paper	
and	in	other	project	documentation	can	be	applied	
to	enhance	studies	concerned	with	the	movement,	
form,	 and	 rehabilitative	 applications	 of	 spinal	
X‐Ray	 Reconstruction	 of	 Moving	 Morphology,	 or	
XROMM	 [2],	 is	 a	 three	 dimensional	 fluoroscopy	
analysis	 process	 that	 combines	 computed	
tomography	 (CT)	 scans	 and	 biplane	 dynamic	
motion	 radiography	 to	 track	 and	 create	
animations	 of	 skeletal	 movement	 in	 3D	 space.		
Accurate,	noninvasive	motion	analysis	would	be	a	
beneficiary	 to	 the	 field	 of	 spinal	 biomechanics.		
Before	 2010,	 the	 majority	 of	 skeletal	 kinematic	
data	was	acquired	via	markers	attached	to	the	skin	
or	tight	clothing	[5],[8].		This	process	can	produce	
poor	 motion	 analysis	 results	 due	 to	 skin‐slip,	
which	occurs	when	the	marker	on	the	skin	does	
not	move	cohesively	with	the	bone	below	it.		In	
addition	to	skin‐slip,	many	bones	are	too	deep	to	
obtain	 reasonable	 estimates	 their	 kinematics.		
Radio‐opaque	 bone	 markers	 can	 be	 implanted	
directly	 onto	 a	 bone	 of	 interest	 and	 tracked	
through	dynamic	motion	[9].		This	procedure	has	
produced	 outcomes	 with	 great	 precision	 [2],	
however	a	non‐invasive	technique	would	be	more	
favorable	in	clinical	applications.		The	emergence	
of	x‐ray	motion	analysis	techniques	addressed	the	
issue	 of	 external	 marker	 slip	 and	 invasive	 bead	
tracking	[1],[4],[7].		However,	the	majority	x‐ray	
motion	 studies	 have	 been	 limited	 to	 two	
dimensions	[2].		The	development	and	application	
of	XROMM	to	spinal	biomechanics	as	a	method	of	
three	 dimensional	 kinematic	 tracking	 offers	 the	
possibility	of	more	accurate	results	due	to	the	fact	
that	very	few	spinal	movements	occur	in	only	two	
The	goal	of	this	project	is	to	validate	and	create	
workflow	 streamlines	 of	 marker‐less	 3D	 motion	
analysis	 procedures	 for	 future	 spinal	
biomechanics	 studies.	 	 This	 paper	 will	 aim	 to	
outline	the	XROMM	analysis	techniques	that	were	
implemented	 and	 confirm	 its	 application	 to	
tracking	the	dynamic	motion	of	cervical	vertebrae.
Materials	and	methods	
The	application	of	XROMM	techniques	to	cervical	
vertebrae	kinematics	was	validated	in	this	project	
via	the	collection	of	data	 from	a	cadaver	 model.		
This	report	will	outline	each	step	of	the	methods	
conducted	 to	 track	 dynamic	 cervical	 vertebrae	
motion	in	three	dimensional	space.	
3D	Anatomical	Modeling	
A	computer	tomography	(CT)	scan	of	the	cadaver	
specimen	of	interest	was	obtained.		The	scan	was	
imported	 into	 the	 Mimics	 Innovation	 Suite,	 a	
software	that	uses	2D	anatomical	image	stacks	to	
create	3D	models.		Each	of	the	seven	vertebrae	of	
the	 cervical	 spine	 were	 isolated	 into	 individual	
masks	 by	 thresholding	 and	 segmenting	 the	 CT	
scan	 in	 the	 axial,	 coronal,	 and	 sagittal	 planes	
(Figure	1).			
A	 variety	 of	 functions	 were	 applied	 in	 order	 to	
create	anatomically	correct	masks	of	the	vertebral	
bodies.	 	 Thresholding	 was	 utilized	 to	 create	 an	
“initial	 guess”	 for	 the	 bone	 structures.	 	 This	
function	made	it	possible	to	fill	in	bone	anatomy	
based	on	pixel	brightness,	where	a	low	threshold	
corresponds	to	dark	pixels	and	a	high	threshold	
corresponds	to	bright	pixels.		Manual	editing	via	
Multiple	 Slice	 Edit	 in	 Mimics	 was	 employed	 to	
make	 corrections	 that	 thresholding	 cannot	
automatically	detect.		A	single	vertebral	body	can	
be	separated	from	the	rest	of	the	bone	anatomy	
using	the	‘erase’	function	on	each	image	slice	in	
Multiple	Slice	Edit.		This	process	was	streamlined	
by	using	the	‘interpolation’	function,	which	applies	
an	 edit	 to	 image	 slices	 between	 two	 designated	
edits.	 	 Corrective	 functions	 such	 as	 Cavity	 Fill,	
Smoothing,	and	Wrap	Mask	were	used	as	needed	
to	create	anatomically	correct	three	dimensional	
A	Boolean	function	was	applied	to	each	vertebral	
mask	to	create	new	masks	which	were	completely	
filled	in	black	except	for	at	the	pixels	at	the	bone	of	
interest.	 	 These	 segmentations	 were	 exported	
from	 Mimics	 as	 DICOM	 files	 and	 uploaded	 to	
ImageJ	as	a	stack	of	images.		This	stack	of	images	
was	 exported	 from	 ImageJ	 as	 a	 single	 Tiff	 file	
which	included	each	slice	of	the	vertebral	body	of	
Figure 1: Segmentation of the seven 
cervical vertebrae in the sagittal 
(top), coronal (middle), and axial 
(bottom) planes from a CT scan 
imported into Mimics. 
Biplane	Fluoroscopy		
A	high‐speed	biplane	fluoroscopy	system	is	set	up	
in	 the	 Minnesota	 Rehabilitation	 Biomechanics	
Laboratory	 on	 the	 University	 of	 Minnesota	
Riverside	Medical	Campus	(Figure	2).		Two	x‐ray	
sources	 with	 image	 intensifiers	 and	 high‐speed	
cameras	are	configured	to	intersect	planes	(Figure	
3).		A	specimen	was	positioned	at	the	intersection	
of	the	two	x‐ray	beams	while	high‐speed	images	
were	 collected	 in	 the	 two	 planes.	 	 Dynamic	
movement	 trials	 including	 flexion‐extension,	
circumduction,	and	lateral	bending	of	the	cervical	
spine	 were	 collected	 using	 a	 cadaver	 specimen.		
Flexion‐extension	data	was	collected	at	from	two	
oblique	perspectives	in	order	to	test	for	optimal	
cervical	vertebrae	visibility	throughout	the	range	
of	 motion	 (Figure	 4).	 	 Fluoroscopy	 images	 were	
collected	 using	 a	 variety	 of	 photon	 energies	 to	
determine	 optimal	 visibility	 while	 minimizing	
radiation	exposure	to	the	specimen.		The	two	2D	
coordinate	 systems	 from	 each	 camera	 can	 be	
converted	 to	 a	 3D	 global	 coordinate	 system	 via	
data	analysis	techniques.	
Imaging	trials	were	also	performed	using	a	Ferlic	
Wedge	 filter	 (Figure	 5)[12],	 which	 was	 inserted	
into	the	collimator	rails	of	the	x‐ray	source.		X‐ray	
filters	 are	 used	 in	 clinical	 settings	 to	 improve	
image	 quality	 and	 reduce	 radiation	 exposure	 to	
the	patient	by	attenuating	low‐energy	x‐rays	[6].		
Figure 4: Flexion‐extension motion data was 
collected from two oblique angles as shown above.  
The beam angle between the two x‐ray sources was 
60 degrees. 
Figure 2: Minnesota Rehabilitation Biomechanics 
Laboratory’s biplane fluoroscopy system
Figure 3: Overhead schematic of the biplane 
fluoroscopy system 
Figure 5: Wedge x‐ray filter by Ferlic Filter Co., LLC [12]
Undistortion	and	Calibration		
Image	 distortion	 due	 to	 inherent	 fluoroscopy	
error	 was	 corrected	 computationally	 using	
XMALab	 [13].	 	 XMALab	 was	 also	 used	 as	 a	
calibration	tool	to	relate	the	biplane	images	to	a	
three	 dimensional	 coordinate	 system.			
Radiograph	 images	 of	 an	 undistortion	 grid	 and	
calibration	 reference	 cube	 were	 collected	 at	 a	
variety	 of	 photon	 energy	 levels	 in	 order	 to	
determine	the	fluoroscopy	settings	that	minimize	
residual	calibration	error.		
XMALab	 uses	 an	 algorithm	 that	 compares	 the	
spaces	 between	 punctures	 on	 a	 linearly	 spaced	
grid,	and	creates	a	transformation	matrix	that	can	
be	 applied	 to	 other	 images.	 	 Radiograph	 images	
were	collected	in	the	biplane	setup	with	a	metal	
‘undistortion	 grid’	 containing	 circular	 punctures	
over	each	image	intensifier.		These	images	were	
uploaded	into	XMALab,	which	digitally	computes	
the	 centroid	 of	 each	 puncture	 (Figure	 5).	 	 False	
positive	centroids	detected	along	the	edges	of	the	
image	were	manually	toggled.		The	centroids	that	
were	removed	from	the	undistortion	calculation	
include	those	that	are	not	well	defined	or	that	are	
cut	off	in	the	image.		The	red	crosses	in	Figure	6	
are	 examples	 of	 centroids	 that	 were	 toggled.		
Because	the	circles	around	the	periphery	of	the		
image	are	cut	off,	the	true	centroid	of	the	shape	
should	be	shifted	outward.		Removing	these	false	
centroids	 reduces	 error	 in	 the	 undistortion	
calculation.	 	 Radiograph	 image	 undistortion	 can	
be	 computationally	 corrected	 by	 correlating	 the	
known	puncture	shape	to	the	warped	puncture	on	
the	scan.			
A	 calibration	 cube	 (Figure	 7)	 constructed	 from	
Plexiglas	and	64	radio‐opaque	beads	separated	by	
known	distances	was	used	to	determine	the	three	
dimensional	location	of	objects	in	the	biplane.		The	
calibration	 cube	 contained	 four	 planes	 with	 16	
beads	on	each	plane.		Fluoroscopy	images	of	the	
cube	 were	 collected	 in	 the	 biplane	 setup,	 which	
were	then	imported	into	XMALab	(Figure	8).			
Figure 5: Screenshot of XMALab undistortion interface after centroid detection has been 
Figure 6: the red crosses are centroids that have 
been removed due to cut‐off calculation error 
Imaging	 trials	 were	 repeated	 at	 different	 cube	
orientations	and	with	a	calibration	cube	that	had	a	
different	Plexiglas	thickness	in	order	to	determine	
the	parameters	that	minimize	residual	calibration	
error.	 	 The	 3D	 locations	 of	 the	 markers	 are	
specified	in	a	file	that	was	uploaded	into	XMALab.		
The	 2D	 location	 of	 the	 calibration	 beads	 were	
related	 to	 a	 global	 coordinate	 system	 using	 a	
direct	 linear	 transform	 (DLT).	 	 XMALab	 semi‐
automates	the	calibration	process	by	determining	
DLT	coefficients	based	on	four	reference	points	on	
the	calibration	cube.			
Distortion	 correction	 was	 applied	 to	 the	
radiograph	 image	 sequences	 of	 the	 cadaver	
specimen	 in	 XMALab.	 	 The	 undistorted	 images	
were	 converted	 to	 8‐bit	 resolution	 using	 a	
MATLAB	 script.	 	 MayaCam	 files	 and	 a	 file	
containing	the	11	DLT	coefficients	were	exported	
from	XMALab.		The	MayaCams	specify	the	position	
and	orientation	of	the	cameras,	in	addition	to	the	
dimensions	and	position	of	the	imaging	plane.	
Figure 7: Schematic of the calibration cube.  
Figure 8: Radiograph images of the calibration 
cube uploaded into XMALab.  The extraneous 
markers in the images were used as references to 
locate the radio‐opaque beads 
3D	Tracking	and	Animation		
Three	 dimensional	 tracking	 of	 cervical	 spinal	
kinematics	was	performed	using	Autoscoper	[13].		
The	 3D	 vertebral	 body	 volume	 file	 that	 was	
created	in	Mimics	was	uploaded	into	Autoscoper,	
as	well	as	the	MayaCam	files	and	the	undistorted	
8‐bit	 fluoroscopy	 sequences.	 	 Filter	 settings	 in	
Autoscoper	were	chosen	to	optimize	the	visibility	
of	the	3D	bone	model.		The	bone	model	was	then	
shape‐matched	to	the	fluoroscopy	images	over	the	
duration	of	the	sequence	using	the	translation	and	
rotation	functions	(Figure	9).	
3D	Anatomical	Modeling	
The	 three‐plane	 cervical	 vertebrae	 masks	 that	
were	 created	 in	 Mimics	 from	 a	 CT	 scan	 were	
converted	into	a	three	dimensional	model	in	order	
to	 visualize	 anatomical	 correctness.	 	 Figure	 10	
displays	 a	 qualitative	 validation	 of	 the	 3D	
modeling	techniques	that	were	employed	in	this	
Undistortion	and	Calibration		
Data	 was	 collected	 for	 eight	 calibration	 cube	
orientations,	and	for	the	undistortion	grid	at	three	
different	fluoroscopy	settings.		The	error	residuals	
for	 each	 combination	 of	 calibration	 cube	 and	
undistortion	grid	scan	was	calculated	in	order	to	
determine	 optimal	 calibration	 settings	 and	
workflow,	which	can	be	found	in	Table	1.		GridB	
and	 GridC	 were	 obtained	 using	 the	 same	 x‐ray	
photon	 energy,	 but	 the	 grid	 was	 rotated	 on	 the	
image	 intensifier	 between	 trials.	 	 	 The	 lowest	
residual	 error	 was	 calculated	 for	 the	 GridA	 –	
CubeF	combination.		GridA	was	obtained	using	a	
tube	voltage	of	50	kV,	a	tube	current	of	80	mA,	and	
an	exposure	time	of	10		ms.		CubeF	was	obtained	
using	a	tube	voltage	of	42	kV,	a	tube	current	of	50	
mA,	and	an	exposure	time	of	20	ms.	
Figure 10: The colorful spine model on the left is the 3D 
anatomical model of the cervical spine that was created in 
Mimics from a CT. The spine model on the right was used for 
anatomical comparison [3].
Figure 9: The 3D bone model in the global 
coordinate system (top), and the C4 bone 
model in the 2D image plane in Camera 1 
(middle) and Camera 2 (bottom). 
Two	 different	 calibration	 cubes	 were	 studied	 in	
order	to	determine	if	the	residual	calibration	error	
was	 significantly	 different	 between	 the	 two	
devices.	 	 CubeA	 through	 CubeB	 in	 Table	 1	
correspond	 with	 the	 “Thin”	 relative	 Plexiglas	
thickness	in	Figure11,	and	CubeD	through	CubeH	
correspond	 to	 the	 “Thick”	 relative	 Plexiglas	
thickness.		The	residual	error	for	the	“Thin”	cube	
was	0.72	+/‐0.087,	and	the	residual	error	for	the	
“Thick”	cube	was	0.66	+/‐0.056	(Figure	11).	
The	relationship	between	x‐ray	tube	voltage	and	
the	residual	calibration	error	is	plotted	in	Figure	
12.		There	is	a	strong	linear	relationship	between	
the	two	parameters,	with	an	R	squared	value	of	
0.9826	for	a	linear	fit.		It	is	anticipated	that	this	
linear	 relationship	 would	 not	 hold	 true	 for	 all	
values;	the	image	would	eventually	saturate	and	
the	calibration	residuals	would	no	longer	decrease	
Fluoroscopy	Perspectives	
The	cadaver	model	was	imaged	from	two	different	
oblique	 perspectives.	 	 These	 perspectives	 were	
explored	 in	 order	 to	 determine	 parameters	 for	
optimal	cervical	spine	visibility.		One	frame	from	
trials	in	each	perspective	are	displayed	in	Figure	
13	and	Figure	14.  
Table 1: Residual calibration error for each undistortion grid ‐ calibration cube combination.  The 
first number in each cell corresponds with the error for Camera 1 in the biplane fluoroscopy 
setup, and the second number corresponds with Camera 2. 
y = ‐0.004x + 0.8508
R² = 0.9826
20 40 60 80 100
Residual Calibration Error
Tube Current [mA]
Effect of X‐Ray Tube Current for Cube 
Imaging on Residual Error
Project	Concepts	
Fluoroscopy	distortion	correction	is	an	important	
process	 to	 ensure	 imaging	 accuracy.	 	 Inherent	
fluoroscopy	can	occur	due	to	a	number	of	factors.		
A	 common	 mode	 of	 fluoroscopy	 distortion	 is	
pincushion	distortion,	which	occurs	when	an	x‐ray	
bean	is	projected	onto	a	curved	surface.		Another	
form	is	s‐shaped,	or	spiral,	distortion.		This	occurs	
due	 to	 the	 presence	 of	 external	 magnetic	 fields,	
either	from	the	Earth’s	natural	fields	or	from	other	
electronic	 equipment	 [2].	 	 Geometric	
representations	 of	 these	 two	 forms	 of	 image	
distortion	 are	 shown	 in	 Figure	 15	 [11].	 	 Other	
factors	that	may	lead	to	image	distortion	include:	
imprecision	in	the	electronic	focusing	mechanism,	
imperfections	in	the	camera,	or	due	to	the	system	
The	 calibration	 process	 is	 another	 important	
concept	 in	 the	 workflow	 of	 this	 project.	 	 The	
calibration	cube	is	used	as	a	reference	to	relate	the	
two	 dimensional	 fluoroscopy	 coordinate	 system	
to	a	three	dimensional	global	coordinate	system	
via	 a	 direct	 linear	 transform	 (DLT).	 	 The	 DLT	
method	 correlates	 the	 known	 3D	 location	 of	
markers	on	the	calibration	cube	to	the	location	of	
the	 markers	 on	 the	 fluoroscopy	 image.	 	 The	
Figure 13: A radiograph frame 
collected with the specimen facing 
the x‐ray sources with beams coming 
in at a 60 degree oblique angle.  
Figure 14: A radiograph frame 
collected with the specimen facing 
lateral to the x‐ray sources with beams 
coming in a 60 degree oblique angle. 
Figure 15: Geometric representations of pincushion 
distortion (left) and s‐shaped distortion (right) [11] 
transformation	 can	 be	 applied	 to	 any	 image,	
therefore	 giving	 the	 ability	 to	 track	 spinal	
kinematics	 in	 three	 dimensions	 based	 on	 2D	
radiograph	images.		The	origin	of	the	“object	space	
reference	 frame”	 coordinate	 system	 is	 marker	 1	
on	 the	 calibration	 cube,	 which	 functions	 as	 the	
global	coordinate	system.		The	coordinate	system	
in	the	2D	“image	plane	reference	frames”	have	an	
origin	at	the	principal	point	(Figure	16)	[10].	
Reduction	of	Residual	Calibration	Error	
A	variety	of	variables	were	altered	throughout	
the	 undistortion	 and	 calibration	 process	 in	
order	 to	 determine	 parameters	 that	 would	
minimize	the	residual	calibration	error.		One	
parameter	that	was	observed	was	the	effect	of	
rotating	 the	 undistortion	 grid.	 	 GridB	 and	
GridC	 were	 obtained	 using	 the	 same	 x‐ray	
photon	energies,	but	the	grids	on	both	image	
intensifiers	 were	 rotated	 between	 the	 two	
trials.		There	was	not	a	statistically	significant	
difference	 in	 the	 residual	 calibration	 error	
between	these	two	trials.		This	could	be	due	to	
the	 fact	 that	 the	 centroid	 calculation	 for	
undistortion	 in	 XMALab	 does	 not	 change	
based	on	rotational	differences	in	position.		If	
an	imperfection	in	the	metal	undistortion	grid	
existed,	 rotating	 the	 grid	 and	 moving	 the	
position	of	the	imperfection	would	not	change	
the	 undistortion	 calculation.	 	 Another	
parameter	 that	 was	 observed	 was	 the	
thickness	 of	 the	 Plexiglas	 planes	 on	 the	
calibration	 cube.	 	 It	 was	 predicted	 that	 a	
thicker	plane	would	correspond	with	a	lower	
residual	calibration	error	because	the	added	
mechanical	 support	 would	 decrease	 the	
likelihood	of	the	plane	warping.		A	student’s	t‐
test	 was	 performed	 on	 the	 residual	 errors	
between	cubes	with	thick	and	thin	planes,	and	
it	is	concluded	that	there	is	not	a	statistically	
significant	 difference	 between	 the	 two	
calibration	cubes	at	a	95%	confidence	interval.		
The	 high	 variability	 in	 the	 residual	 values	 is	
due	 to	 the	 changing	 x‐ray	 energies	 between	
trails.		If	the	cube	devices	had	been	the	only	
variable	altered	between	trials,	a	difference	in	
the	residual	error	might	have	been	found.	
Conclusions	and	future	directions	
The	 objective	 of	 this	 project	 was	 to	 validate	
the	 application	 of	 X‐Ray	 Reconstruction	 of	
Moving	 Morphology	 techniques	 to	 three	
dimensional	dynamic	tracking	of	the	cervical	
vertebrae.		Throughout	the	project,	workflow	
documents	 were	 created	 in	 order	 to	
streamline	each	step	of	the	process	for	future	
studies	 and	 applications.	 	 In	 the	 future,	 a	
shape‐matching	 program	 called	 Joint	 Track	
will	be	considered	to	replace	Autoscoper.		The	
algorithms	 in	 Joint	 Track	 could	 be	 a	 more	
precise	 way	 to	 shape‐match	 and	 minimize	
human	 error.	 	 The	 project	 will	 also	 be	
expanded	 to	 include	 lumbar	 vertebrae	
kinematics.	 	 The	 application	 of	 XROMM	
techniques	to	spinal	biomechanics	will	be	used	
to	understand	how	specific	vertebrae	move	in	
relation	to	each	other.		In	order	to	do	this,	the	
three	 dimensional	 global	 coordinate	 system	
will	 be	 converted	 into	 a	 three	 dimensional	
local	 coordinate	 system	 with	 the	 origin	 on	
specific	 markers	 on	 the	 bone	 of	 interest.	 	 A	
method	to	precisely	track	the	dynamic	motion	
of	the	spine	will	have	extensive	applications	in	
rehabilitative	care	and	physical	therapy.	
Figure 16: The two dimensional and three 
dimensional reference frames involved in the 
calibration process [10]. 
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1991. The functional anatomy of the
shoulder in the European starling
(Sturnus vulgaris). J Morphol 207:327–
(5) Filipe, V.M., J.E. Pereira, L.M. Costa,
A.C. Maurício, P.A. Couto, P. Melo-
Pinto, and A.S.P. Varejão. (2006).
Effect of skin movement on the
analysis of hindlimb kinematics during
treadmill locomotion in rats. J.
Neurosci. Methods. 155, 55–61.
(6) “Filters in Radiography.” NDT
Resource Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May
(7) Gatesy, S.M. and T. Alenghat. (1999).
A 3-D computer-animated analysis of
pigeon wing movement. Amer.
Zool. 39, 104A.
(8) Lanovaz, J.L., S. Khumsap, and H.M.
Clayton. (2004). Quantification of
three-dimensional skin displacement
artefacts on the equine tibia and third
metatarsus. Equine and Comparative
Exercise Physiology. 1, 141-150.
(9) Leardini, A., L. Chiari, U. Della Croce,
and A. Cappozzo. (2005). Human
movement analysis using
stereophotogrammetry part 3. Soft
tissue artifact assessment and
compensation. Gait Posture. 21, 212-
Thomson, Scott. “Direct Linear
Transform.” Elementary
Instrumentation (n.d.): 1-8. Web. 10
May 2016.
Wang, J. and Blackburn, T.J. (2000).
X-ray image intensifiers for
fluoroscopy. AAPM/RSNA Physics
Tutorial. 1471-1477.
“Wedge X-ray Filter.” Ferlic Filter Co,
LLC. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2016
X-ray Reconstruction of Moving
Morphology (XROMM). Brown
University, n.d. Web. 10 May 2016.

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  • 1. 1    Workflow Validation of Marker‐less Cervical Vertebrae Tracking using X‐Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology Hana Y. Boudlali | Arin M. Ellingson, Ph.D. Minnesota Rehabilitation Biomechanics Lab, University of Minnesota BMEn 4710 Undergraduate Directed Research, University of Minnesota Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Project summary This project aims to validate marker‐less cervical vertebrae tracking workflow for the purpose of streamlined and accurate acquisition of spinal kinematics via X‐Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology techniques. Three dimensional anatomical models of each of the seven cervical vertebrae were created from segmentation of a CT scan in three planes. High speed biplane radiograph images were collected during dynamic movement of the cervical vertebrae. Correction of the inherent distortion from fluoroscopy was applied to the data, and a direct linear transform was used to configure the vertebral bodies to a three dimensional coordinate system based on known calibration markers in the biplane. Image registration between the 3D vertebrae model and the high‐speed dynamic motion scans in two planes allowed for three dimensional kinematic tracking of the vertebral bodies. This workflow was carried out and documented in order to minimize error and streamline the data analysis process for future studies. The biplane fluoroscopy data analysis outlined in this paper and in other project documentation can be applied to enhance studies concerned with the movement, form, and rehabilitative applications of spinal biomechanics. Background X‐Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology, or XROMM [2], is a three dimensional fluoroscopy analysis process that combines computed tomography (CT) scans and biplane dynamic motion radiography to track and create animations of skeletal movement in 3D space. Accurate, noninvasive motion analysis would be a beneficiary to the field of spinal biomechanics. Before 2010, the majority of skeletal kinematic data was acquired via markers attached to the skin or tight clothing [5],[8]. This process can produce poor motion analysis results due to skin‐slip, which occurs when the marker on the skin does not move cohesively with the bone below it. In addition to skin‐slip, many bones are too deep to obtain reasonable estimates their kinematics. Radio‐opaque bone markers can be implanted directly onto a bone of interest and tracked through dynamic motion [9]. This procedure has produced outcomes with great precision [2], however a non‐invasive technique would be more favorable in clinical applications. The emergence of x‐ray motion analysis techniques addressed the issue of external marker slip and invasive bead tracking [1],[4],[7]. However, the majority x‐ray motion studies have been limited to two dimensions [2]. The development and application of XROMM to spinal biomechanics as a method of three dimensional kinematic tracking offers the possibility of more accurate results due to the fact that very few spinal movements occur in only two dimensions. Objectives The goal of this project is to validate and create workflow streamlines of marker‐less 3D motion analysis procedures for future spinal biomechanics studies. This paper will aim to outline the XROMM analysis techniques that were implemented and confirm its application to tracking the dynamic motion of cervical vertebrae.
  • 2. 2    Materials and methods The application of XROMM techniques to cervical vertebrae kinematics was validated in this project via the collection of data from a cadaver model. This report will outline each step of the methods conducted to track dynamic cervical vertebrae motion in three dimensional space. 3D Anatomical Modeling A computer tomography (CT) scan of the cadaver specimen of interest was obtained. The scan was imported into the Mimics Innovation Suite, a software that uses 2D anatomical image stacks to create 3D models. Each of the seven vertebrae of the cervical spine were isolated into individual masks by thresholding and segmenting the CT scan in the axial, coronal, and sagittal planes (Figure 1). A variety of functions were applied in order to create anatomically correct masks of the vertebral bodies. Thresholding was utilized to create an “initial guess” for the bone structures. This function made it possible to fill in bone anatomy based on pixel brightness, where a low threshold corresponds to dark pixels and a high threshold corresponds to bright pixels. Manual editing via Multiple Slice Edit in Mimics was employed to make corrections that thresholding cannot automatically detect. A single vertebral body can be separated from the rest of the bone anatomy using the ‘erase’ function on each image slice in Multiple Slice Edit. This process was streamlined by using the ‘interpolation’ function, which applies an edit to image slices between two designated edits. Corrective functions such as Cavity Fill, Smoothing, and Wrap Mask were used as needed to create anatomically correct three dimensional models. A Boolean function was applied to each vertebral mask to create new masks which were completely filled in black except for at the pixels at the bone of interest. These segmentations were exported from Mimics as DICOM files and uploaded to ImageJ as a stack of images. This stack of images was exported from ImageJ as a single Tiff file which included each slice of the vertebral body of interest. Figure 1: Segmentation of the seven  cervical vertebrae in the sagittal  (top), coronal (middle), and axial  (bottom) planes from a CT scan  imported into Mimics. 
  • 3. 3    Biplane Fluoroscopy A high‐speed biplane fluoroscopy system is set up in the Minnesota Rehabilitation Biomechanics Laboratory on the University of Minnesota Riverside Medical Campus (Figure 2). Two x‐ray sources with image intensifiers and high‐speed cameras are configured to intersect planes (Figure 3). A specimen was positioned at the intersection of the two x‐ray beams while high‐speed images were collected in the two planes. Dynamic movement trials including flexion‐extension, circumduction, and lateral bending of the cervical spine were collected using a cadaver specimen. Flexion‐extension data was collected at from two oblique perspectives in order to test for optimal cervical vertebrae visibility throughout the range of motion (Figure 4). Fluoroscopy images were collected using a variety of photon energies to determine optimal visibility while minimizing radiation exposure to the specimen. The two 2D coordinate systems from each camera can be converted to a 3D global coordinate system via data analysis techniques. Imaging trials were also performed using a Ferlic Wedge filter (Figure 5)[12], which was inserted into the collimator rails of the x‐ray source. X‐ray filters are used in clinical settings to improve image quality and reduce radiation exposure to the patient by attenuating low‐energy x‐rays [6]. Figure 4: Flexion‐extension motion data was  collected from two oblique angles as shown above.   The beam angle between the two x‐ray sources was  60 degrees.  Figure 2: Minnesota Rehabilitation Biomechanics  Laboratory’s biplane fluoroscopy system Figure 3: Overhead schematic of the biplane  fluoroscopy system  Figure 5: Wedge x‐ray filter by Ferlic Filter Co., LLC [12]
  • 4. 4    Undistortion and Calibration Image distortion due to inherent fluoroscopy error was corrected computationally using XMALab [13]. XMALab was also used as a calibration tool to relate the biplane images to a three dimensional coordinate system. Radiograph images of an undistortion grid and calibration reference cube were collected at a variety of photon energy levels in order to determine the fluoroscopy settings that minimize residual calibration error. XMALab uses an algorithm that compares the spaces between punctures on a linearly spaced grid, and creates a transformation matrix that can be applied to other images. Radiograph images were collected in the biplane setup with a metal ‘undistortion grid’ containing circular punctures over each image intensifier. These images were uploaded into XMALab, which digitally computes the centroid of each puncture (Figure 5). False positive centroids detected along the edges of the image were manually toggled. The centroids that were removed from the undistortion calculation include those that are not well defined or that are cut off in the image. The red crosses in Figure 6 are examples of centroids that were toggled. Because the circles around the periphery of the image are cut off, the true centroid of the shape should be shifted outward. Removing these false centroids reduces error in the undistortion calculation. Radiograph image undistortion can be computationally corrected by correlating the known puncture shape to the warped puncture on the scan. A calibration cube (Figure 7) constructed from Plexiglas and 64 radio‐opaque beads separated by known distances was used to determine the three dimensional location of objects in the biplane. The calibration cube contained four planes with 16 beads on each plane. Fluoroscopy images of the cube were collected in the biplane setup, which were then imported into XMALab (Figure 8). Figure 5: Screenshot of XMALab undistortion interface after centroid detection has been  performed.  Figure 6: the red crosses are centroids that have  been removed due to cut‐off calculation error 
  • 5. 5    Imaging trials were repeated at different cube orientations and with a calibration cube that had a different Plexiglas thickness in order to determine the parameters that minimize residual calibration error. The 3D locations of the markers are specified in a file that was uploaded into XMALab. The 2D location of the calibration beads were related to a global coordinate system using a direct linear transform (DLT). XMALab semi‐ automates the calibration process by determining DLT coefficients based on four reference points on the calibration cube. Distortion correction was applied to the radiograph image sequences of the cadaver specimen in XMALab. The undistorted images were converted to 8‐bit resolution using a MATLAB script. MayaCam files and a file containing the 11 DLT coefficients were exported from XMALab. The MayaCams specify the position and orientation of the cameras, in addition to the dimensions and position of the imaging plane. Figure 7: Schematic of the calibration cube.   Figure 8: Radiograph images of the calibration  cube uploaded into XMALab.  The extraneous  markers in the images were used as references to  locate the radio‐opaque beads 
  • 6. 6    3D Tracking and Animation Three dimensional tracking of cervical spinal kinematics was performed using Autoscoper [13]. The 3D vertebral body volume file that was created in Mimics was uploaded into Autoscoper, as well as the MayaCam files and the undistorted 8‐bit fluoroscopy sequences. Filter settings in Autoscoper were chosen to optimize the visibility of the 3D bone model. The bone model was then shape‐matched to the fluoroscopy images over the duration of the sequence using the translation and rotation functions (Figure 9). Results 3D Anatomical Modeling The three‐plane cervical vertebrae masks that were created in Mimics from a CT scan were converted into a three dimensional model in order to visualize anatomical correctness. Figure 10 displays a qualitative validation of the 3D modeling techniques that were employed in this project. Undistortion and Calibration Data was collected for eight calibration cube orientations, and for the undistortion grid at three different fluoroscopy settings. The error residuals for each combination of calibration cube and undistortion grid scan was calculated in order to determine optimal calibration settings and workflow, which can be found in Table 1. GridB and GridC were obtained using the same x‐ray photon energy, but the grid was rotated on the image intensifier between trials. The lowest residual error was calculated for the GridA – CubeF combination. GridA was obtained using a tube voltage of 50 kV, a tube current of 80 mA, and an exposure time of 10 ms. CubeF was obtained using a tube voltage of 42 kV, a tube current of 50 mA, and an exposure time of 20 ms. Figure 10: The colorful spine model on the left is the 3D  anatomical model of the cervical spine that was created in  Mimics from a CT. The spine model on the right was used for  anatomical comparison [3]. Figure 9: The 3D bone model in the global  coordinate system (top), and the C4 bone  model in the 2D image plane in Camera 1  (middle) and Camera 2 (bottom). 
  • 7. 7    Two different calibration cubes were studied in order to determine if the residual calibration error was significantly different between the two devices. CubeA through CubeB in Table 1 correspond with the “Thin” relative Plexiglas thickness in Figure11, and CubeD through CubeH correspond to the “Thick” relative Plexiglas thickness. The residual error for the “Thin” cube was 0.72 +/‐0.087, and the residual error for the “Thick” cube was 0.66 +/‐0.056 (Figure 11). The relationship between x‐ray tube voltage and the residual calibration error is plotted in Figure 12. There is a strong linear relationship between the two parameters, with an R squared value of 0.9826 for a linear fit. It is anticipated that this linear relationship would not hold true for all values; the image would eventually saturate and the calibration residuals would no longer decrease linearly. Fluoroscopy Perspectives The cadaver model was imaged from two different oblique perspectives. These perspectives were explored in order to determine parameters for optimal cervical spine visibility. One frame from trials in each perspective are displayed in Figure 13 and Figure 14.   Table 1: Residual calibration error for each undistortion grid ‐ calibration cube combination.  The  first number in each cell corresponds with the error for Camera 1 in the biplane fluoroscopy  setup, and the second number corresponds with Camera 2.  y = ‐0.004x + 0.8508 R² = 0.9826 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 20 40 60 80 100 Residual Calibration Error Tube Current [mA] Effect of X‐Ray Tube Current for Cube  Imaging on Residual Error
  • 8. 8    Discussion Project Concepts Fluoroscopy distortion correction is an important process to ensure imaging accuracy. Inherent fluoroscopy can occur due to a number of factors. A common mode of fluoroscopy distortion is pincushion distortion, which occurs when an x‐ray bean is projected onto a curved surface. Another form is s‐shaped, or spiral, distortion. This occurs due to the presence of external magnetic fields, either from the Earth’s natural fields or from other electronic equipment [2]. Geometric representations of these two forms of image distortion are shown in Figure 15 [11]. Other factors that may lead to image distortion include: imprecision in the electronic focusing mechanism, imperfections in the camera, or due to the system temperature. The calibration process is another important concept in the workflow of this project. The calibration cube is used as a reference to relate the two dimensional fluoroscopy coordinate system to a three dimensional global coordinate system via a direct linear transform (DLT). The DLT method correlates the known 3D location of markers on the calibration cube to the location of the markers on the fluoroscopy image. The Figure 13: A radiograph frame  collected with the specimen facing  the x‐ray sources with beams coming  in at a 60 degree oblique angle.   Figure 14: A radiograph frame  collected with the specimen facing  lateral to the x‐ray sources with beams  coming in a 60 degree oblique angle.  Figure 15: Geometric representations of pincushion  distortion (left) and s‐shaped distortion (right) [11] 
  • 9. 9    transformation can be applied to any image, therefore giving the ability to track spinal kinematics in three dimensions based on 2D radiograph images. The origin of the “object space reference frame” coordinate system is marker 1 on the calibration cube, which functions as the global coordinate system. The coordinate system in the 2D “image plane reference frames” have an origin at the principal point (Figure 16) [10]. Reduction of Residual Calibration Error A variety of variables were altered throughout the undistortion and calibration process in order to determine parameters that would minimize the residual calibration error. One parameter that was observed was the effect of rotating the undistortion grid. GridB and GridC were obtained using the same x‐ray photon energies, but the grids on both image intensifiers were rotated between the two trials. There was not a statistically significant difference in the residual calibration error between these two trials. This could be due to the fact that the centroid calculation for undistortion in XMALab does not change based on rotational differences in position. If an imperfection in the metal undistortion grid existed, rotating the grid and moving the position of the imperfection would not change the undistortion calculation. Another parameter that was observed was the thickness of the Plexiglas planes on the calibration cube. It was predicted that a thicker plane would correspond with a lower residual calibration error because the added mechanical support would decrease the likelihood of the plane warping. A student’s t‐ test was performed on the residual errors between cubes with thick and thin planes, and it is concluded that there is not a statistically significant difference between the two calibration cubes at a 95% confidence interval. The high variability in the residual values is due to the changing x‐ray energies between trails. If the cube devices had been the only variable altered between trials, a difference in the residual error might have been found. Conclusions and future directions The objective of this project was to validate the application of X‐Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology techniques to three dimensional dynamic tracking of the cervical vertebrae. Throughout the project, workflow documents were created in order to streamline each step of the process for future studies and applications. In the future, a shape‐matching program called Joint Track will be considered to replace Autoscoper. The algorithms in Joint Track could be a more precise way to shape‐match and minimize human error. The project will also be expanded to include lumbar vertebrae kinematics. The application of XROMM techniques to spinal biomechanics will be used to understand how specific vertebrae move in relation to each other. In order to do this, the three dimensional global coordinate system will be converted into a three dimensional local coordinate system with the origin on specific markers on the bone of interest. A method to precisely track the dynamic motion of the spine will have extensive applications in rehabilitative care and physical therapy. Figure 16: The two dimensional and three  dimensional reference frames involved in the  calibration process [10]. 
  • 10. References (1) Bey, M.J., R. Zauel, S.K. Brock, and S. Tashman. (2006). Validation of a new model-based tracking technique for measuring three-dimensional, in vivo glenohumeral joint kinematics. J. Biomech. Eng. 128, 604-609. (2) Brainerd, E.L., Baier D.B., Gatesy S.M., Hedrick T.L., Metzger K.A., Gilbert S.L., Crisco J.J. 2010. X-ray reconstruction of moving morphology (XROMM): precision, accuracy and applications in comparative biomechanics research. J. Exp. Zool. 313A:262–279. (3) “Cervical Spine.” SpineUniverse. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2016. (4) Dial K.P., Goslow G.E., Jenkins F.A. 1991. The functional anatomy of the shoulder in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). J Morphol 207:327– 344. (5) Filipe, V.M., J.E. Pereira, L.M. Costa, A.C. Maurício, P.A. Couto, P. Melo- Pinto, and A.S.P. Varejão. (2006). Effect of skin movement on the analysis of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rats. J. Neurosci. Methods. 155, 55–61. (6) “Filters in Radiography.” NDT Resource Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2016 (7) Gatesy, S.M. and T. Alenghat. (1999). A 3-D computer-animated analysis of pigeon wing movement. Amer. Zool. 39, 104A. (8) Lanovaz, J.L., S. Khumsap, and H.M. Clayton. (2004). Quantification of three-dimensional skin displacement artefacts on the equine tibia and third metatarsus. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology. 1, 141-150. (9) Leardini, A., L. Chiari, U. Della Croce, and A. Cappozzo. (2005). Human movement analysis using stereophotogrammetry part 3. Soft tissue artifact assessment and compensation. Gait Posture. 21, 212- 225. Thomson, Scott. “Direct Linear Transform.” Elementary Instrumentation (n.d.): 1-8. Web. 10 May 2016. Wang, J. and Blackburn, T.J. (2000). X-ray image intensifiers for fluoroscopy. AAPM/RSNA Physics Tutorial. 1471-1477. “Wedge X-ray Filter.” Ferlic Filter Co, LLC. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2016 X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology (XROMM). Brown University, n.d. Web. 10 May 2016.