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LAUC-B                                   Char Booth
          INFORMING     INNOVATION        UC Berkeley

Tracking Student Interest in Library Technologies
the questions.

    * ha s lib r ar y 2.0 and us/them think ing created a one-
     size-fit s all app r oach to technology develop ment?

      what motivates user s to integ ra te lib ra ries into
      their per sonal lear ning envir onments ?*
breakout session.

              * generat ional assump ti ons

                  li brary pred isposit ion

    implications for assessment & services
investigating preconceptions.

                 * generat ional assump ti ons

     immigrants                                  natives

       uncomfortable                      Game players

     old and frightened               Unafraid/fearless

      rigidinflexible                  Social/impatient

        wasting time                  Young and abrasive

 * investigate the actual technolog y and libr ar y
  use pa tterns/cultures of Ohio University students.

         env ir o nm e nt al sc a n

                                    Survey 1                                            Survey              2

    time f ra m e   Wi nt e r Q ua r t e r 2 0 0 7- 8                  Sp ri n g Q u ar t er 2 0 0 8
                    55 o n l in e q ues t i on s , mo s tl y
                                                                       22 o n l in e q ues t i on s , m ul t i pl e
    desi g n        clos ed - f or m ( Li ke r t s c al e , m ul t .
                                                                       choi c e a nd o p en r es po ns e
                    choi c e )
    scop e          te ch n o l og y a nd l i br a r y u s e           lib r ar y us e a nd p er c e pt i on s

                    3,648 r es po n d ent s (1 8% o f                  1,651 r es po n d ent s (8 % o f
    samp l e
                    st ude nt bo d y )                                 st ude n t bo d y )
    ince n ti v e   3 $100 p ri zes a w ar d ed                        1 $100 p ri ze aw ar de d

    prom o ti o n   all- s tu d en t e ma i l , l i b r ar y b l o g   all- s tu d en t e ma i l , l i b r ar y b l o g

    anal y si s     de s c ri pt i ve s , c ro ss ta b s               cod ed v er ab a ti m r es po ns e s
findings | demographics

   *gender                *standing
findings | time online per week

                                     u n d e r g ra d u a te   g r a d u a te
        les s t h an 5     hou r s             4%                   4%

        6- 1 0                                22%                   18%

        11- 2 0                               33%                   26%

        21- 3 0                               23%                   21%

        31- 4 0                               10%                   15%

        mor e t h an 4 0                       7%                   14%
findings | time online per week

                                       u n d e r g ra d u a te   g r a d u a te
          les s t h an 5     hou r s             4%                   4%

          6- 1 0                                22%                   18%

          11- 2 0                               33%                   26%

          21- 3 0                               23%                   21%

          31- 4 0                               10%                   15%

      *   mor e t h an 4 0                       7%                   14%
findings | student technology ownership
findings | use of emerging technologies by age

                                      age of respondent
                          1 7- 1 9   2 0- 2 2   2 3- 2 6   2 7- 3 0   31+

   w e b c a l li n g      1 6%      1 8%        3 1%        4 0%     3 3%

   s e c o nd l i f e       5%        8%         1 2%        1 0%     1 0%

   blogs                   1 5%      1 6%        2 3%        2 7%     2 0%

   w e b - b a s ed i m    7 1%      6 6%        5 9%        5 4%     4 3%

   p o d c as t s          2 9%      2 9%        3 5%        3 7%     4 1%

   t e x t in g            8 9%      8 5%        6 7%        5 8%     5 1%

   wikis                   6 5%      7 1%        7 4%        7 3%     7 8%

   f a c e bo o k          9 4%      9 2%        7 6%        5 6%     3 5%

   m y s p ac e            4 0%      3 6%        3 6%        3 4%     1 9%

   f l i c kr               3%        4%          5%         1 4%     8%

   y o u t ub e            6 7%      6 3%        4 8%        3 4%     2 5%

   t w i t te r             .3%       .2%         .7%         0%      .5%

   d e l i ci o us          .6%       .8%         2%          2%      3%
findings | use of emerging technologies by age

                                       age of respondent
                           1 7- 1 9   2 0- 2 2   2 3- 2 6   2 7- 3 0   31+

    w e b c a l li n g      1 6%      1 8%        3 1%        4 0%     3 3%

    s e c o nd l i f e       5%        8%         1 2%        1 0%     1 0%

    blogs                   1 5%      1 6%        2 3%        2 7%     2 0%

    w e b - b a s ed i m    7 1%      6 6%        5 9%        5 4%     4 3%

*   p o d c as t s

    t e x t in g
                            2 9%

                            8 9%
                                      2 9%

                                      8 5%
                                                  3 5%

                                                  6 7%
                                                              3 7%

                                                              5 8%
                                                                       4 1%

                                                                       5 1%

    wikis                   6 5%      7 1%        7 4%        7 3%     7 8%

    f a c e bo o k          9 4%      9 2%        7 6%        5 6%     3 5%

    m y s p ac e            4 0%      3 6%        3 6%        3 4%     1 9%

    f l i c kr               3%        4%          5%         1 4%     8%

    y o u t ub e            6 7%      6 3%        4 8%        3 4%     2 5%

    t w i t te r             .3%       .2%         .7%         0%      .5%

    d e l i ci o us          .6%       .8%         2%          2%      3%
findings | use of emerging technologies by age

                                       age of respondent
                           1 7- 1 9   2 0- 2 2   2 3- 2 6   2 7- 3 0   31+

    w e b c a l li n g      1 6%      1 8%        3 1%        4 0%     3 3%

    s e c o nd l i f e       5%        8%         1 2%        1 0%     1 0%

    blogs                   1 5%      1 6%        2 3%        2 7%     2 0%

*   w e b - b a s ed i m

    p o d c as t s
                            7 1%

                            2 9%
                                      6 6%

                                      2 9%
                                                  5 9%

                                                  3 5%
                                                              5 4%

                                                              3 7%
                                                                       4 3%

                                                                       4 1%

*   t e x t in g

                            8 9%

                            6 5%
                                      8 5%

                                      7 1%
                                                  6 7%

                                                  7 4%
                                                              5 8%

                                                              7 3%
                                                                       5 1%

                                                                       7 8%

    f a c e bo o k          9 4%      9 2%        7 6%        5 6%     3 5%

*   m y s p ac e            4 0%      3 6%        3 6%        3 4%     1 9%

    f l i c kr               3%        4%          5%         1 4%     8%

    y o u t ub e            6 7%      6 3%        4 8%        3 4%     2 5%

    t w i t te r             .3%       .2%         .7%         0%      .5%

    d e l i ci o us          .6%       .8%         2%          2%      3%
findings | use of emerging technologies by age

                                       age of respondent
                           1 7- 1 9   2 0- 2 2   2 3- 2 6   2 7- 3 0   31+

    w e b c a l li n g      1 6%      1 8%        3 1%        4 0%     3 3%

    s e c o nd l i f e       5%        8%         1 2%        1 0%     1 0%

    blogs                   1 5%      1 6%        2 3%        2 7%     2 0%

    w e b - b a s ed i m    7 1%      6 6%        5 9%        5 4%     4 3%

    p o d c as t s          2 9%      2 9%        3 5%        3 7%     4 1%

    t e x t in g            8 9%      8 5%        6 7%        5 8%     5 1%

    wikis                   6 5%      7 1%        7 4%        7 3%     7 8%

    f a c e bo o k          9 4%      9 2%        7 6%        5 6%     3 5%

    m y s p ac e            4 0%      3 6%        3 6%        3 4%     1 9%

    f l i c kr               3%        4%          5%         1 4%     8%

    y o u t ub e            6 7%      6 3%        4 8%        3 4%     2 5%

    t w i t te r             .3%       .2%         .7%         0%      .5%

    d e l i ci o us          .6%       .8%         2%          2%      3%
findings | relative technology unfamiliarity
findings | google app use

                  17 - 1 9   20 - 2 2   23 - 2 6   27 - 3 0   31 +

Se arc h           98%        97%        95%        98%       99%

Im age s           66%        61%        54%        53%       37%

Ma ps              47%        51%        62%        55%       51%

Ne ws              21%        23%        21%        20%       23%

Gm ai l            17%        25%        44%        47%       34%

Sc hol ar          13%        20%        38%        40%       37%

iG oog le           9%         9%        11%        11%       8%

Do cum ent s        8%        10%        15%        20%       20%

Bo ok s             5%         6%        14%        16%       11%

Ta lk               3%         4%        12%        12%       8%

Bl og S ea rc h     2%         2%         4%         4%       6%

Pi cas a            2%         5%        13%         9%       8%

Re ade r            1%         2%         3%         6%       3%
findings | in-person and virtual library use

                         library web visits
  library computer use                        library visits
findings | open-ended library assessment
findings | library vs. research skill
findings | awareness of library services
findings | library technology receptivity
findings | library technology receptivity

                                    Digital      Status               Academic               Status
                                    n a t i ve   i m m i gr a nt   u n d e rg r ad u a t e   g r a d ua t e

   Very    r e ce p t i ve            23%             42%                   23%                  33%

   S o m e wh a t r e c ep t iv e     53%             47%                   53%                  45%

   N o t r e c ep t i v e             24%             11%                   24%                  22%
findings | library predisposition

                                      Digital      Status               Academic               Status
                                      n a t i ve   i m m i gr a nt   u n d e rg r ad u a t e   g r a d ua t e

 *   Very    r e ce p t i ve

     S o m e wh a t r e c ep t iv e





 *   N o t r e c ep t i v e             24%             11%                   24%                  22%

findings | priceless verbatim comments

                            “Two words - air con dition ing.”

 “The librar y kin d of sm ells.”                        “The ‘stack floors ’ are cre ep y.”

                         “Mor e stab le s for pe op le to stu dy at.”

         “Constan t talks to stu de nts as how to acc ess libra ry resourc es.”

                            “Prom ote librar y ser vic es more !!”
implementation | skype

    Skype a librarian & video kiosk

         low use/i nterest

          st affing is sues

            … creepy?

         under ev al uat io n
implementation | mobile access

     mobile library website

       low current interest

         hi gh growt h area

         tech innova t ing

          push servi ce?
implementation | texting

     OPAC texting services

           hi gher int eres t

        ea sier to imp l ement

         push to 1st years

          launchi ng soo n
implementation | second life

         Second Life

        low st udent use

         AD A potent ia l

        ca mp us interest

        surv ey hi ndsi ght
implementation | browser add-ons

     Firefox library toolbars

              pra cti ca l

          hi ghest int eres t

           new itera ti ons

         st udent s unaw are
implementation | social networking

     Facebook library page

           hi gh int erest

          div id ed opi nion

          “conveni ence ”

         ea sy to mai nta i n
implementation | non-tech related

     facility-based changes

         lat e access po li cy

       com put ers & print ing

        quiet spa ce & ho urs

        bull eti n bo ard s, et c.
implementation | non-tech related


          low awareness

       sha re survey result s

        out rea ch st rat egies

              si gna ge
the point.

    * und ersta nding local patr on cultur es is essentia l
      to cr ea ting used and useful (technolog y) ser vices.

      envir onmenta l scan ning is a scalab le mea ns
      of investig ating need s and per ceptions.*
the point.

 qu estion gene rational               in vestigate loc al
      assu m ption s                    patron cultur es


   promote emerging                        use data to
       services                        inf or m dec ision s

            * cha r boot h
              e-learning li brarian | uc berk eley
              cboot h@li brary .berkeley .edu

      report: ti i-b ooth | bl og: infomat

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informing innovation at lauc-b 2009: part 2

  • 1. LAUC-B Char Booth 2009 INFORMING INNOVATION UC Berkeley Tracking Student Interest in Library Technologies
  • 2. the questions. * ha s lib r ar y 2.0 and us/them think ing created a one- size-fit s all app r oach to technology develop ment? what motivates user s to integ ra te lib ra ries into their per sonal lear ning envir onments ?*
  • 3. breakout session. * generat ional assump ti ons li brary pred isposit ion implications for assessment & services
  • 4. investigating preconceptions. * generat ional assump ti ons immigrants natives uncomfortable Game players old and frightened Unafraid/fearless rigidinflexible Social/impatient wasting time Young and abrasive
  • 5. methodology. * investigate the actual technolog y and libr ar y use pa tterns/cultures of Ohio University students. env ir o nm e nt al sc a n Survey 1 Survey 2 time f ra m e Wi nt e r Q ua r t e r 2 0 0 7- 8 Sp ri n g Q u ar t er 2 0 0 8 55 o n l in e q ues t i on s , mo s tl y 22 o n l in e q ues t i on s , m ul t i pl e desi g n clos ed - f or m ( Li ke r t s c al e , m ul t . choi c e a nd o p en r es po ns e choi c e ) scop e te ch n o l og y a nd l i br a r y u s e lib r ar y us e a nd p er c e pt i on s 3,648 r es po n d ent s (1 8% o f 1,651 r es po n d ent s (8 % o f samp l e st ude nt bo d y ) st ude n t bo d y ) ince n ti v e 3 $100 p ri zes a w ar d ed 1 $100 p ri ze aw ar de d prom o ti o n all- s tu d en t e ma i l , l i b r ar y b l o g all- s tu d en t e ma i l , l i b r ar y b l o g anal y si s de s c ri pt i ve s , c ro ss ta b s cod ed v er ab a ti m r es po ns e s
  • 6. findings | demographics *age *gender *standing
  • 7. findings | time online per week u n d e r g ra d u a te g r a d u a te les s t h an 5 hou r s 4% 4% 6- 1 0 22% 18% 11- 2 0 33% 26% 21- 3 0 23% 21% 31- 4 0 10% 15% mor e t h an 4 0 7% 14%
  • 8. findings | time online per week u n d e r g ra d u a te g r a d u a te les s t h an 5 hou r s 4% 4% 6- 1 0 22% 18% 11- 2 0 33% 26% 21- 3 0 23% 21% 31- 4 0 10% 15% * mor e t h an 4 0 7% 14%
  • 9. findings | student technology ownership
  • 10. findings | use of emerging technologies by age age of respondent 1 7- 1 9 2 0- 2 2 2 3- 2 6 2 7- 3 0 31+ w e b c a l li n g 1 6% 1 8% 3 1% 4 0% 3 3% s e c o nd l i f e 5% 8% 1 2% 1 0% 1 0% blogs 1 5% 1 6% 2 3% 2 7% 2 0% w e b - b a s ed i m 7 1% 6 6% 5 9% 5 4% 4 3% p o d c as t s 2 9% 2 9% 3 5% 3 7% 4 1% t e x t in g 8 9% 8 5% 6 7% 5 8% 5 1% wikis 6 5% 7 1% 7 4% 7 3% 7 8% f a c e bo o k 9 4% 9 2% 7 6% 5 6% 3 5% m y s p ac e 4 0% 3 6% 3 6% 3 4% 1 9% f l i c kr 3% 4% 5% 1 4% 8% y o u t ub e 6 7% 6 3% 4 8% 3 4% 2 5% t w i t te r .3% .2% .7% 0% .5% d e l i ci o us .6% .8% 2% 2% 3%
  • 11. findings | use of emerging technologies by age age of respondent 1 7- 1 9 2 0- 2 2 2 3- 2 6 2 7- 3 0 31+ w e b c a l li n g 1 6% 1 8% 3 1% 4 0% 3 3% * s e c o nd l i f e 5% 8% 1 2% 1 0% 1 0% blogs 1 5% 1 6% 2 3% 2 7% 2 0% w e b - b a s ed i m 7 1% 6 6% 5 9% 5 4% 4 3% * p o d c as t s t e x t in g 2 9% 8 9% 2 9% 8 5% 3 5% 6 7% 3 7% 5 8% 4 1% 5 1% * wikis 6 5% 7 1% 7 4% 7 3% 7 8% f a c e bo o k 9 4% 9 2% 7 6% 5 6% 3 5% m y s p ac e 4 0% 3 6% 3 6% 3 4% 1 9% * f l i c kr 3% 4% 5% 1 4% 8% y o u t ub e 6 7% 6 3% 4 8% 3 4% 2 5% t w i t te r .3% .2% .7% 0% .5% * d e l i ci o us .6% .8% 2% 2% 3%
  • 12. findings | use of emerging technologies by age age of respondent 1 7- 1 9 2 0- 2 2 2 3- 2 6 2 7- 3 0 31+ w e b c a l li n g 1 6% 1 8% 3 1% 4 0% 3 3% s e c o nd l i f e 5% 8% 1 2% 1 0% 1 0% blogs 1 5% 1 6% 2 3% 2 7% 2 0% * w e b - b a s ed i m p o d c as t s 7 1% 2 9% 6 6% 2 9% 5 9% 3 5% 5 4% 3 7% 4 3% 4 1% * t e x t in g wikis 8 9% 6 5% 8 5% 7 1% 6 7% 7 4% 5 8% 7 3% 5 1% 7 8% f a c e bo o k 9 4% 9 2% 7 6% 5 6% 3 5% * m y s p ac e 4 0% 3 6% 3 6% 3 4% 1 9% f l i c kr 3% 4% 5% 1 4% 8% * y o u t ub e 6 7% 6 3% 4 8% 3 4% 2 5% t w i t te r .3% .2% .7% 0% .5% d e l i ci o us .6% .8% 2% 2% 3%
  • 13. findings | use of emerging technologies by age age of respondent 1 7- 1 9 2 0- 2 2 2 3- 2 6 2 7- 3 0 31+ w e b c a l li n g 1 6% 1 8% 3 1% 4 0% 3 3% s e c o nd l i f e 5% 8% 1 2% 1 0% 1 0% blogs 1 5% 1 6% 2 3% 2 7% 2 0% w e b - b a s ed i m 7 1% 6 6% 5 9% 5 4% 4 3% p o d c as t s 2 9% 2 9% 3 5% 3 7% 4 1% t e x t in g 8 9% 8 5% 6 7% 5 8% 5 1% wikis 6 5% 7 1% 7 4% 7 3% 7 8% f a c e bo o k 9 4% 9 2% 7 6% 5 6% 3 5% m y s p ac e 4 0% 3 6% 3 6% 3 4% 1 9% f l i c kr 3% 4% 5% 1 4% 8% y o u t ub e 6 7% 6 3% 4 8% 3 4% 2 5% * t w i t te r .3% .2% .7% 0% .5% d e l i ci o us .6% .8% 2% 2% 3%
  • 14. findings | relative technology unfamiliarity
  • 15. findings | google app use 17 - 1 9 20 - 2 2 23 - 2 6 27 - 3 0 31 + Se arc h 98% 97% 95% 98% 99% Im age s 66% 61% 54% 53% 37% Ma ps 47% 51% 62% 55% 51% Ne ws 21% 23% 21% 20% 23% Gm ai l 17% 25% 44% 47% 34% Sc hol ar 13% 20% 38% 40% 37% iG oog le 9% 9% 11% 11% 8% Do cum ent s 8% 10% 15% 20% 20% Bo ok s 5% 6% 14% 16% 11% Ta lk 3% 4% 12% 12% 8% Bl og S ea rc h 2% 2% 4% 4% 6% Pi cas a 2% 5% 13% 9% 8% Re ade r 1% 2% 3% 6% 3%
  • 16. findings | in-person and virtual library use library web visits library computer use library visits
  • 17. findings | open-ended library assessment
  • 18. findings | library vs. research skill
  • 19. findings | awareness of library services
  • 20. findings | library technology receptivity
  • 21. findings | library technology receptivity Digital Status Academic Status n a t i ve i m m i gr a nt u n d e rg r ad u a t e g r a d ua t e Very r e ce p t i ve 23% 42% 23% 33% S o m e wh a t r e c ep t iv e 53% 47% 53% 45% N o t r e c ep t i v e 24% 11% 24% 22%
  • 22. findings | library predisposition Digital Status Academic Status n a t i ve i m m i gr a nt u n d e rg r ad u a t e g r a d ua t e * Very r e ce p t i ve S o m e wh a t r e c ep t iv e 23% 53% 42% 47% 23% 53% 33% 45% * N o t r e c ep t i v e 24% 11% 24% 22% * * *
  • 23. findings | priceless verbatim comments “Two words - air con dition ing.” “The librar y kin d of sm ells.” “The ‘stack floors ’ are cre ep y.” “Mor e stab le s for pe op le to stu dy at.” “Constan t talks to stu de nts as how to acc ess libra ry resourc es.” “Prom ote librar y ser vic es more !!”
  • 24. implementation | skype Skype a librarian & video kiosk low use/i nterest st affing is sues … creepy? under ev al uat io n
  • 25. implementation | mobile access mobile library website low current interest hi gh growt h area tech innova t ing push servi ce?
  • 26. implementation | texting OPAC texting services hi gher int eres t ea sier to imp l ement push to 1st years launchi ng soo n
  • 27. implementation | second life Second Life low st udent use AD A potent ia l ca mp us interest surv ey hi ndsi ght
  • 28. implementation | browser add-ons Firefox library toolbars pra cti ca l hi ghest int eres t new itera ti ons st udent s unaw are
  • 29. implementation | social networking Facebook library page hi gh int erest div id ed opi nion “conveni ence ” ea sy to mai nta i n
  • 30. implementation | non-tech related facility-based changes lat e access po li cy com put ers & print ing quiet spa ce & ho urs bull eti n bo ard s, et c.
  • 31. implementation | non-tech related marketing/advertising low awareness sha re survey result s out rea ch st rat egies si gna ge
  • 32. the point. * und ersta nding local patr on cultur es is essentia l to cr ea ting used and useful (technolog y) ser vices. envir onmenta l scan ning is a scalab le mea ns of investig ating need s and per ceptions.*
  • 33. the point. qu estion gene rational in vestigate loc al assu m ption s patron cultur es takeaways promote emerging use data to services inf or m dec ision s
  • 34. Q/A * cha r boot h e-learning li brarian | uc berk eley cboot h@li brary .berkeley .edu report: ti i-b ooth | bl og: infomat