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L1 Vocabulary
I. Words for production

1.     brave adj. not frightened in difficult or dangerous situations 勇敢的

       It was brave of him to point out the president’s mistake.

2.     face v. [T] to confront someone or deal with something 面對;應付

      I was so ashamed of my poor test results that I didn’t want to face my parents.

3.     defeat n. [U] the experience of being beaten in a battle, game, or contest 失敗;戰敗

        defeat v. [T] 擊敗;戰敗

       The party openly admitted its defeat after the general election.
      Our school was defeated in the last football game.

4.     humble adj. having a modest opinion of oneself 謙遜的

       Being a well-known scientist, he is surprisingly humble.

5.     gentle adj. calm, kind, or soft 和善的;溫柔的

        gently adv. 和善地;溫柔地

       Daisy never loses her temper. She is such a gentle girl.
       We shook the little boy gently until he opened his eyes.

6.     victory n. [C] a success in a game, competition, war, or an election       勝利

     The Lakers won a decisive victory over the Rockets yesterday.

7.     knowledge n. [U] information or understanding about a subject 知識

       She amazed us with her knowledge of classical music.

8.     ease n. [U] the state of being very comfortable 舒適;安逸

       ease v. [T] 減輕(疼痛或憂慮)

       Lucy is very rich, and she leads a life of ease.
     The dentist gave me some medicine to ease the pain.

9.     stress n. [U] great worry or pressure caused by a difficult situation      壓力

     stress v. [T] 著重;強調

     Students are under a lot of stress before a big exam.
     My grandma always stresses the importance of table manners.

       10. difficulty n. [C] a problem 困難

           If you find difficulties in filling out the form, just ask for help.
       11. compassion n. [U] sorrow, pity, or sympathy for the sufferings

and misfortunes of others 同情;憐憫

    compassionate adj. 有同情心的;慈悲的

    We have compassion for the families suffering from the effects of the
    My mother is a deeply compassionate and kind person.
12. master v. [T] to control something successfully or do something very well


    master n. [C] 主人;名家

    Students at this school are expected to master a second language before
  He is a master at Chinese chess.

13. seek v. (seek, sought, sought) [I] to try or attempt 試圖;[T] to search

    for, look for, or try to obtain 尋求

  Many people seek to make a fortune in the stock market.
  Will he seek public office again, or is he going to retire?

14. weep v. [I] (weep, wept, wept) to cry (in tears) 哭泣;落淚

    She wept over the heartbreaking ending of the movie.

15. humility n. [U] the quality of being humble 謙遜;謙恭

    I wish I had the humility to admit my own mistakes.

16. simplicity n. [U] the state of being uncomplicated 樸素;單純

    simple adj. 簡樸的;簡單的

  simply adv. 簡單地;單單、僅僅

  Isn’t it a blessing to be able to see the world with childlike simplicity?
  The couple had a small wedding, and the bride wore a simple white dress.
     Simply press the button and the machine will start working.
17. wisdom n. [U] the ability to use experience and knowledge to

    make sensible decisions or judgments 智慧

    wise adj. 聰明的

    In times of trouble, my father always has some words of wisdom for us.
    It is wise of you to consult your elders in making important decisions.

18. meekness n. [U] the quality of being gentle and quiet 溫良;        柔順

meek adj. 溫順的

          She maintains a kind of meekness, never opposing her parents’ opinions.
          He is so meek that he doesn’t speak up even when he disagrees with

     19. dare v. [I] to have enough courage to do something 敢;膽敢

        We thought her new hairstyle was terrible, but no one dared to say so.
II. Words for recognition

1. general n. [C] an officer of high rank in the armed forces (陸軍)上將;將軍

2.   MacArthur n. Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of the allied powers in the Pacific in World War II


3. Lord n. a title that Christians use for God or Jesus Christ 上帝;主耶穌基督

4. unbending adj. unable to change one’s opinions, decisions, etc. 執著的;固執的

5.   wishbone n. [C] a V-shaped bone in chickens, turkeys, and other birds(鳥胸的)叉骨;許願骨

6.   backbone n. [C] the spine脊骨;[U] bravery, or strength of character 骨氣

7.   Thee pron. you; object form of thou; referring to God when capitalized               你(受格;古字;於詩文中


8. spur n. [C] a force leading to action 驅策;激勵

Idioms and Phrases
    1. foundation stone a large block of stone put in position at the start of

            building a construction 基石

            The foundation stone of the new hospital was laid by the vice president.

     2.     sense of humor an ability to appreciate amusing things 幽默感

            It is essential to have a sense of humor in life.
     3.     take ... seriously to think that something is important and give it careful

            attention 嚴肅看待……;認真對待……

            You really shouldn’t take the game so seriously.

     4.     in vain uselessly; without a successful result 徒然;枉然

            We tried in vain to open the door. It was stuck.

Word Power
Do you have a sense of…? (Check the boxes if you do.)

     □ humor 幽默感

     □ responsibility/duty 責任感

     □ direction 方向感

     □ achievement/accomplishment/fulfillment 成就感

     □ guilt 罪惡感

     □ justice 正義感

     □ (in)security(不)安全感

     □ frustration 挫折感

     □ loss 失落感

     □ belonging/community 認同感;歸屬感

    L2 Vocabulary
    I. Words for production

    1.   musician n. [C] a person who plays a musical instrument verywell 音樂家

         musical adj. 音樂的

         Yo-Yo Ma is a distinguished musician.
         Lisa has a great musical talent. At the age of ten, she could play three
         musical instruments.
    2.   courage n. [U] the ability to do something dangerous or difficult,

         or to face pain without showing fear 勇氣

         courageous adj. 有勇氣的;勇敢的

         It takes courage to do things that make you feel scared.
         A courageous man jumped into the river to save the drowning boy.

    3.   section n. [C] a separate part of something 部份

         I live in the eastern section of the city.

    4.   nearby adj. not far away附近的

nearby adv. 在附近

      We went to a nearby restaurant that serves excellent pasta.
      Do you live nearby?

 5.   cottage n. [C] a small house, usually in the country 小屋;村舍

      I would rather live in a small cottage in the country than in an apartment
      in the city.
 6.   sob v. [I, T] (sob, sobbed, sobbed) to say something while one is

          crying; to cry in a noisy way while breathing in short breaths 哭著說;啜泣;嗚咽

      sob n. [C] 啜泣聲;嗚咽聲

    Thinking of her misery, she couldn’t help sobbing.
    The unhappy girl sobbed herself to sleep almost every night.
    Feeling depressed, Mandy pressed her forehead to her knees and let out a bitter sob.
 7. light v. [T] (light, lit, lit; light, lighted, lighted) to make a place brighter

      照亮;to make something start burning 點燃

      moonlight n. [U] 月光

      Modern convenience stores are usually brightly lit.
      He lit a cigarette before he went on with the talk.
      Moonlight flowed in through the window, lighting a corner of the room.

8.    candle n. [C] a stick of wax with a wick which gives light when it burns 蠟燭

      candlelit adj. 燭光照明的

           We should get some candles before the typhoon comes in case the power goes out.
      Isn’t it romantic to have a candlelit dinner with the one you love?
 9.   sigh v. [I] to take a long deep breath to express sadness, tiredness,

      relief, etc. 嘆氣

      sigh n. [C] 嘆氣聲;嘆息

      My father sighed at the sight of our collapsed house.
         She gave a sigh of relief when she heard that her husband was safe and sound.

 10. embarrass v. [T] to cause one to feel uncomfortable 使尷尬;使困窘

      embarrassing adj.令人尷尬的;令人難為情的

      embarrassed adj. 尷尬的;難為情的

      embarrassment n. [U, C] 尷尬;困窘

      I hope I didn’t embarrass you in front of your friends.
I mistook a stranger for my father yesterday on the street. How embarrassing!
     I was so embarrassed when I spilled some coffee on Ms. Lin’s skirt.
     He couldn’t hide his embarrassment when his parents started boasting
     about his good grades.

11. concert n. [C] a performance given by singers or musicians 音樂會;演奏會

    I went to a live concert last night. The music was wonderful.
12. sheet n. [C] a regular-shaped piece of paper, glass, or other flat

     material 一張(紙、玻璃等);a large piece of thin cloth that one sleeps

     on or lies under in bed 床單

    He handed me a sheet of paper with his phone number and address on it.
    You look as white as a sheet. Are you OK?
13. note n. [C] the sound of a particular pitch, or a symbol representing

     this sound 音(符);something that one writes down to remind him or

     her of something 筆記;記錄

     Every song is made up of a series of musical notes.
     I always take notes in class to help me remember what the teacher said.

14. memory n. [U, C] ability to remember things記憶(力);[C]

     things one remembers from the past 回憶

     memorize v. [T] 背;記住

          The four-year-old girl can recite dozens of poems from memory. How amazing!
     My daughter has a poor memory. She always forgets things.
     For years and years Barbara had buried her childhood memories deep within, and suddenly they sprang to
     the surface.
     I try to memorize thirty new words a day to expand my vocabulary.

15. skill n. [U, C] ability to do something 技能

     skillful adj. 靈巧的

     I’m impressed with the author’s writing skills. Her language is beautiful   and concise.
     Jennifer is a skillful ice-skater.

16. sweep v. [T] (sweep, swept, swept) to move something quickly 迅速

     移開,席捲;to clean a floor or an area of ground by using a broom 掃(地)

    He swept everything off the table in a fit of anger.
    Sweep the floor before you mop it.
17. curtain n. [C] a piece of cloth that one hangs from the top of a

window to keep light out or prevent people from seeing in 窗帘

      Mother opened the curtains to let the sunshine in.

18.     flood v. [T, I] to cover 充滿;(to cause) to be covered with water 淹沒;使淹


      flood n. [C] 洪水;水災

      The room will be flooded with light in the morning. If you intend to sleep
      late, you’d better draw the curtains.
      The fierce storm caused the river to overflow and flood the nearby areas.
      Thousands of people were left homeless because of the floods caused by
      the typhoon.

19. bare adj. not covered or decorated with anything; empty 空蕩蕩的,

      沒有裝飾的;(a part of the body) not covered with clothing or shoes(人


      barely adv. 僅僅;勉強可以;幾乎不能

    His bookshelf is bare except for a heavy English dictionary.
    Be careful when you walk on the beach in bare feet.
    Most students in her class could barely read and write.
20. furniture n. [U] items such as chairs, tables, and beds that are

      put into a house to make it comfortable or convenient to live in 家具

      furnish v. [T](用家具)裝潢;布置

      This store sells good secondhand furniture.
      We have just bought a small apartment but can’t afford to furnish it.

21. describe v. [T] to say what something or someone is like 描述;              描寫

      description n. [C, U] 描述;描寫

      He described his new girlfriend as an elegant lady.
      The writer gave a vivid description of Paris in his book.

22. flowing adj. continuous in a smooth way 流暢的

      flow v. [I](指液體、人口、車輛、聲音等的)流動

      I really admire his beautiful, flowing handwriting.
      When I heard the bad news, tears flowed down my cheeks.

23. soft adj. (of sound or voice) quiet and pleasant to the ears 輕柔的;悅耳的;not hard 柔軟的
soften v. [I, T](使)變軟;(使)緩和

          I listen to soft music to help me get to sleep.
          Mom overcooked the vegetables. They were too soft.
          The butter will soften if you leave it at room temperature for half an hour.

    24. kindness n. [C] an action done to help others 善行;[U] good

          nature 好心;善意

          I can never thank you enough for your kindness.
               Out of kindness, the girl asked whether the elderly woman needed any help.

    25. deaf adj. not able to hear 聾的

          deafening adj. 震耳欲聾的

          Mr. Liu went completely deaf in his late years.
          Many young people are crazy about rock concerts. They go wild over the
          deafening music.

    26. hardly adv. almost not 幾乎不

          Suddenly, the lights went out and we could hardly see anything.
     II. Words for recognition

    1.    Ludwig van Beethoven n. a German composer(音樂家名)貝多芬

    2.    Vienna n. the capital of Austria 維也納,奧地利首府

    3.    Austria n. a country in southern Central Europe 奧地利

    4.    sonata n. [C] a piece of classical music written for a piano or for

          a piano and another instrument 奏鳴曲

Idioms and Phrases:

    1.    in the middle of (time or space) near the center of 在……中途;在……


          He came back to Taiwan in the middle of July.

    2.    to this day so far 到目前為止

          What caused the ship to sink? It remains a mystery to this day.

   3.    make out to be barely able to see or hear 勉強看出或聽出;to understand


          In the dim light, I could only make out a tall male figure. I couldn’t tell
who he was.
            I’ve tried my best, but I still can’t" make out what the teacher was talking
     4.     sheet music music that is printed on single pieces of paper without being

            fastened together inside a cover 樂譜

            Have you seen my sheet music for “Moonlight Sonata”? I can’t play it
            from memory!

     5.     in the dark in a place where there is little or no light 在暗處

            Most little children feel scared when left alone in the dark.

     6.     burn out to stop burning because there is nothing left 燒光;燒完

            The fire will soon burn out if we don’t add some more wood.
     7.     come to to do something at the end of a long process or period of time


            People will come to know the truth eventually. You can’t hide it forever.
            I had not wanted to move, but I slowly came to like my new home.

     8.     keep on V-ing to continue doing something 持續

            The teacher kept on lecturing although it was already break time.

     9. It may be that ... perhaps it’s because ... 也許是因為……

          Why are teenagers so rebellious? It may be that they want to show they are
          different. Or it may be that they are unhappy. Who knows?

    Word Power
Types of music

1. pop music 流行音樂             2. rap 饒舌音樂

3. rock and roll 搖滾樂          4. disco 狄斯可音樂

5. heavy metal 重金屬樂 6. classical music 古典音樂

7.   jazz 爵士樂            8.      country music 鄉村音樂

9.   hip hop 嬉哈音樂             10. folk music 民俗音樂

     L3 Vocabulary
     I. Words for production

     1.     meaningful adj. useful or significant in some way 富有意義的

            meaning n. [U, C] 意義;意思
Despite his disabilities, Hsieh Kun-shan lives an active and meaningful life.
     To me, the true meaning of life is doing something that is helpful to others.

2.   afterward adv. at a later time or after something had/has happened 之後;後來

     Don’t eat too much turkey, or you won’t have room for pie afterward.

3.   bake v. [T] to cook something in an oven 烤;烘

     Susan baked a cake for the potluck.
4.   frost n. [C, U] ice crystals that form on things outside when the

     temperature is below freezing 霜

         After a chilly night, I found the grass outside my house sparkling with frost.

5.   cultivate v. [T] to grow crops or plants 栽培;to prepare land

     for growing crops or plants 耕種

     cultivation n. [U] 耕種;栽培

     More than twenty types of roses are cultivated in this garden.
     My grandmother cultivated a small vegetable garden of her own.
     Every inch of land in this area is under cultivation.

6.   native adj. relating to the country or place one was born出生地的

     native n. [C] 當地人

     Native Americans 美國的印地安人

     Ashley comes from Austria; her native tongue is German.
     Judging from his accent, he can’t be a native of Texas.
     According to PC English, “Native Americans” is preferred to “Indians.”
7.   stew n. [C, U] a dish of meat or vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in

     a closed pan燉菜

     stew v. [I, T] 以文火燉煮

     The main dish for dinner was beef stew.
     The beef needs to be stewed for more than two hours.
8.   vitamin n. [C, U] a substance in food that is necessary and

     important for the health of the human body 維他命

     A healthy diet contains various vitamins.
     Sunshine is an important source of vitamin D.
9.   mineral n. [C, U] a natural substance found in some foods that

     is necessary for good health, for example, iron and calcium 礦物質; a

substance that is formed naturally in rocks and in the earth 礦物

        Seaweed is full of minerals.
        Coal, iron, gold, and diamond are all minerals.

  10. amusing adj. funny and interesting好笑的;有趣的

        amuse v. [T] 使開心;逗(某人)笑

        amusement n. [C, U] 娛樂;快樂

        My history teacher is so amusing that we are never bored in his class.
        The audience was amused by the clown’s funny actions.
        Watching soap operas is my grandmother’s favorite amusement.
        To our amusement, the actor’s wig fell off when he was dancing.

  11. guide n. [C] something that helps to make a judgment指引;指南;

        someone whose job is showing tourists around 嚮導

        guide v. [T] 引領;嚮導

  guidance n. [U] 指導;輔導

  The food pyramid provides a guide to healthy diet.
  When we visited the Statue of Liberty, the tour guide told us some
       interesting historical facts.
       When I got lost in London, a local guided me through the streets back to
       my hotel.
       With my teacher’s guidance, I came up with a more effective way to study.

12.     expression n. [C] a word or a phrase 措詞;a look on

        someone’s face that shows his/her feelings or thoughts 表情

        express v. [T] 表達

        expressive adj. 表示的;表達的

        “Pass away” is a more polite and indirect expression for “die.”
        Father put on a serious expression when he saw my report card.
      The boy expressed his fantasy world in his paintings.
      These poems are expressive of a deep love of nature.

13.     harvest n. [C, U] cutting and gathering of food crops 收割;收穫

        harvest v. [T] 收割

  The villagers celebrated the year’s good harvest.
  In Taiwan, rice is harvested two or three times a year.
14.     prize n. [C] an award given to someone who wins or does very well

        in a competition 獎賞;獎品;獎金

        Mike received several prizes for speech contests in high school.
        Tina won first prize in the 100-meter breaststroke event.

15.     fertilizer n. [C, U] a substance added to soil to help plants grow 肥料

      fertilize v. [T] 施肥

      Using fertilizer helped our trees produce more fruit this year.
      Fallen leaves can be used to fertilize soil.

  16. originate v. [I] to start to exist; to start 開始;起源

        Her love of music originated in her childhood, when her parents always
        played music at home.

  17. joyous adj. extremely happy; joyful 快樂的;歡喜的

        The old couple had a joyous celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.

  18. occasion n. [C] a special event or ceremony 特別的活動或慶

        典;a particular time when something occurs 時候;場合

        Shirley’s wedding was a very special occasion.
      Naomi has called me in the middle of the night on several occasions.

  19. spirit [1spIrIt] n. [C] a soul without a physical body 幽靈;[U] a person’s

        mind or thoughts心靈; [pl.] mood 心情

        The spirits of the dead are believed to wander at night during the Ghost
        Witnessing his father’s death left him with a troubled spirit for the rest of
        his life.
        Sunny weather can usually lift a person’s spirits.

  20. hollow v. [T] to make something empty inside 挖空

      hollow adj. 中空的

      The kids hollowed out the pumpkin to make a jack-o’-lantern.
      Balls are usually hollow inside.

  21. evil adj. deliberately cruel or morally bad 邪惡的;壞的

      evil n. [C, U] 惡事;惡

      The evil witch put a spell on the prince, turning him into a frog.
      Some people believe that war is a necessary evil.
      It’s not easy to return to evil with good.
22. carve v. [T, I] to shape something by cutting material from stone or

       wood 雕刻

     carving n. [C] 雕刻品

     This statue of Buddha was carved out of fine wood.
     Sanyi is a town famous for its carvings.

23. scary adj. causing fear 嚇人的;恐怖的

       scare v. [T] 使……害怕

       scared adj. 受驚嚇的;害怕的

       Many young people enjoy the scary rides at amusement parks.
       What scares the child most is being bullied by his classmates.
       Amy was scared to death when she saw a big mouse run across the floor.

24. glow v. [I] to produce a gentle, steady light 發光

     glow n. [sing.] 光輝;紅光

     Several sky lanterns were seen glowing high in the sky.
  The mountain peak appeared purple in the glow of the sunset.
25. broil v. [T, I] to cook something by putting it directly above or

       below strong heat 燒烤

        Because of the rain, I broiled the chicken breast instead of grilling it outside.
II. Words for recognition

1.     pumpkin n. [C, U] a round, orange-colored vegetable 南瓜

2.     doorstep n. [C] a step outside the main door to a building 門階

3.     Halloween n. the night of October 31, when children wear

       costumes and go trick-or-treating 萬聖節前夕

4.     Thanksgiving n. a holiday celebrated in the U.S. on the
       fourth Thursday in November, when families get together to have a big

       meal and give thanks for their blessings 感恩節

5.     squash n. [C, U] a large, hard vegetable with thick skin like a pumpkin 南瓜類菜蔬

6.     New Englander n. [C] people who live in New England,
       which includes several states in the northeastern part of the U.S., and is

           where the first English-speaking people arrived in the 17th century 新英格蘭地區的人

7.     Yankee n. [C] someone from the northern part of the U.S.,

especially from New England 新英格蘭人;美國的北方人

    8.   jack-o’-lantern n. [C] a lantern made from a pumpkin,

         especially for Halloween 南瓜燈籠

    9.   the Celts n. an ancient group of people who lived in

         parts of Western Europe(西歐)塞爾特族

    10. the British Isles n. the group of islands that includes Great

         Britain, Ireland and some small islands near them 不列顛群島

    11. turnip n. [C] a round, light-colored root vegetable 蕪菁(俗稱大頭菜)

    12. pulp n. [U] the soft inner part of fruits or vegetables 果肉

Idioms and Phrases:

    1.   (be) rich in ... to contain a lot of ... 有豐富的……

         Milk is rich in calcium, which helps our bones.

    2.   give rise to to cause something to exist or happen 產生;導致

         Overexposure to sunlight may give rise to skin cancer.

    3.   look forward to to wait excitedly for something to happen 期望

         I’m looking forward to taking part in a study tour to Canada this winter.

    4.   pop up to appear unexpectedly 突然出現

         Janet was surprised when her boyfriend popped up at her office, carrying a
         large bunch of roses.

    5.   serve as ... to be used for some purpose 用做……;作為……

         There is no furniture in this room except some wooden boxes, which serve
         as chairs.

    L4 Vocabulary
I. Words for production

    1.   fable n. [C] a story that teaches a lesson 寓言故事

         One of the best known of Aesop’s fables is “The Lion and the Mouse.”

    2.   moral n. [C] a lesson learned from a story or an event 寓意;教訓

         moral adj. 道德的;倫理的

         The moral of “The Lion and the Mouse” is “Little friends may prove great
     For some people, human cloning is not a scientific issue but a moral problem.

3.   character n. [C] a person in a novel, play, or film 人物角色;

     qualities that make a person different from others 人格特質

     There are over four hundred characters in the Chinese novel The Dream of
     the Red Chamber.
     It is believed that a person’s handwriting can reveal his or her character.
4.   tone n. [C] a quality in a person’s voice that expresses his/her

     feelings 語氣;腔調;[sing.] the general feeling expressed in a speech

     or a piece of writing 格調;風格

     My sister often talks to me in an impatient tone, as if I am really stupid.
     His books are mostly delightful in tone.
5.   cynical adj. holding the belief that people are always selfish and

     never do things for good reasons 憤世嫉俗的

     cynic n. [C] 憤世嫉俗者

     Many people are cynical about politics.
          Don’t be such a cynic-----some people actually help others and want nothing
     in return.

6.   wince v. [I] to show pain or distress in the face(對疼痛、不舒服)


     Claire winced at the thought of making her first public speech.

7.   classic adj. very typical 典型的;of excellent quality and lasting

     value 一流的;經典的

     classic n. [C] 經典名著;經典作品

     Her problem with her parents is a classic example of bad communication.
     They just released a new album containing many of the classic love songs
     of the 1980s.
     High school students should be encouraged to read the classics.
8.   branch n. [C] a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk and

     has leaves, flowers, or fruits growing on it 樹枝;one of the offices or

     shops that belong to a large business or organization 分店;分行

     Up in the tree a robin was sitting on a branch and singing a happy tune.
     Our company has branches in New York, London, and Paris.
9.     slip v. [I] (slip, slipped, slipped) to go somewhere quietly without

       being noticed 悄悄溜到……;to slide accidentally and lose one’s balance


       Little Johnny slipped out of his room through the window.
       Be careful not to slip on the icy road. You could break your leg.

10. quaver v. [I] to shake; to tremble 顫抖

       quaver n. [C] 顫抖的聲音

       Her voice quavered as she told the police how she had been abused by her
           Even though she tried to hide her fears, I could hear the quaver in her voice.

11. fear n. [U, C] the feeling of being afraid 恐懼;害怕

       fear v. [T] 害怕;懼怕

     Her body shook with fear for hours after the tragic accident.
     If you have a fear of flying, it will keep you from traveling to many places.
     We fear that this disease will spread and get out of control.

12. astonishment n. [U] great surprise 驚奇;震驚

       astonish v. [T] 使驚奇;使震驚

       astonished adj. 感到驚奇的;感到震驚的

       astonishing adj. 令人驚奇的;令人震驚的

       To my astonishment, he got down on his knees and proposed to me!
       His quick wit astonished me.
       She looked astonished when she learned she hadn’t passed the test.
       Ludwig van Beethoven had a rare and astonishing musical talent, even as
       a boy.

13. creature n. [C] any living thing that is not a plant 生物;動物

    Some people believe that creatures from outer space have visited the earth.
14. secretary n. [C] a person who does office work, such as

       answering telephone calls, keeping records, and arranging meetings 秘書

       secretary bird 書記官鳥

       We are looking for a new secretary who speaks English well.
       The secretary bird is a bird of prey found mostly in Africa.

15. claw n. [C] a hard curved nail on an animal 爪子
With its sharp claws, a black bear can tear a human to pieces.

16. namely adv. that is; more clearly 也就是說;換言之

    There is only one thing that can attract her attention, namely, money.

17. hasten v. [I] to do or say something quickly 急忙;趕快

    haste n. [U] 急忙;趕快

    With only ten minutes left before her first class, Ginger hastened to school
    without breakfast.
    Haste makes waste.

18. report v. [T, I] to give information about an event 報告

    report n. [C] 報告

    It is reported that more than three hundred people died in the air crash.
    My boss wants me to give a report on my sales trip to Singapore.

19. echo v. [T] to repeat what someone else just said 跟著說;重複別人

    的話;[I] to repeat a sound 發出回聲

    echo n. [C] 回聲;回音

         “Brian is the best student in the class,” a teacher said. “He sure is,” echoed
    another teacher.
    The girls’ laughter echoed in the hallway.
    If you shout from the top of the hill, you will hear echoes coming back
    from the valley.

20. messenger n. [C] someone who delivers a message 信差

    message n. [C] 訊息

    Mr. Wagner sent a messenger to deliver the bad news.
    I will take action as soon as I receive your message.

21. dignity n. [U] calm, courageous, and serious manner 尊嚴;崇高

    In the courtroom she answered every question with dignity and courage.
22. peer v. [I] to look at something very carefully, especially when you

    are unable to see it clearly 凝視;細看;認真打量

    The man peered at me as if he had seen me somewhere else.

23. tremendous adj. very great 極大的;巨大的

    His education has had a tremendous influence on his success.
24. concrete adj. made by mixing sand, small stones, cement, and

water 混凝土製的;definite and specific 具體的

      concrete n. [U] 混凝土

      The boy fell from the stairs onto the hard concrete floor.
      Unless you have concrete evidence, you can’t accuse him of stealing your
      Most modern buildings are made of steel and concrete.

25. presently adv. after a short time 不一會兒;soon 馬上

      Presently the teacher came back to the classroom with the test papers.
      Coffee and tea will be served presently.

26. observe v. [T] to see or notice something 注意到;看到;[T, I] to

      watch someone or something carefully 觀察

      observation n. [U, C] 觀察

      I observed her handing a bag to a man after she left the bank.
      The students will observe while the teacher performs the experiment step by
      The doctor advised me to stay in the hospital under observation for another
      two days.

27. merely adv. only 僅僅

      I said that merely to cheer her up. I didn’t know she would take it seriously.

28. injured adj. wounded 受傷的

      injurev. [T] 使……受傷

     injury n. [U, C] 傷害;損傷

   Several people were badly injured in the car accident.
     Mom injured her leg and her back when she slipped in the bathroom yesterday.
   A man with serious head injuries has been sent to the hospital.
 II. Words for recognition
1. James Thurber n. the name of a famous American writer

      (1894-1961) 詹姆士.賽伯

2.    owl n. [C] a bird with large eyes that hunts small animals at night


3.    oak n. [C] a large tree common in northern countries 橡樹

4.    mole n. [C] a mammal that has dark fur and lives in the passages it

digs underground 鼴鼠

    5.   woo v. [T] (old-fashioned) to persuade a woman to marry you 追求

    6.   fox n. [C] a dog-like mammal that has a pointed face, a furry tail,

         and reddish-brown fur 狐狸

    7.   dormouse n. [C] a small animal that looks like a

         mouse and has a long furry tail 睡鼠

    8.   French poodle n. [C] a dog with thick curly hair


    9.   Plymouth Rock hen n. [C] a popular early

         breed of poultry 普利茅斯岩石雞

    10. hawk n. [C] a large bird that hunts and eats small

         birds and animals 鷹;隼

   11.   outridern. [C] a person on a horse, motorcycle, etc., who rides ahead of or close to the vehicle of an

         important person 騎馬或摩托車的護衛

Idioms and Phrases:

    1.   of old of, in, or since former times 自古以來;過去

         In days of old, horses were the only means of transportation.

    2.   I’ll see about that I will try to find if that is true 我要看看是不是那麼


         Is it true that Henry is a wonderful cook? Well, I’ll see about that.

    3.   call on someone to pay a visit to someone 拜訪

              We called on our neighbors in the afternoon and ended up staying for dinner.

    4.   that is to say that is; in other words; namely 換言之;也就是說

         We---that is to say, my husband and I--would like to invite you to dinner
    5.   to wit (formal and old-fashioned) namely; that is to say; in other words


         Mr. Chen is quite a catch. To wit, any young lady would be lucky to marry

    6.   laugh at someone/something to make fun of; to tease 嘲笑
Lucy cried because the other kids laughed at her hairstyle.

    7.   set upon/on someone to attack 攻擊

             Even though the man meant no harm, the hungry tiger set upon him at once.

    8.   take up something to add one’s voice to something 加入一起喊(說、


         All the guests at the party took up the cry of “Happy birthday to Bill!”

    9.   act as ... to perform the role of someone or something 充任……角色;


         Stella usually acts as a guide when foreign visitors come to the school.

    10. run someone down to drive into someone and kill or injure him/her 撞死


         Jimmy was run down by a bus when he was crossing the street.

    Word Power
Animal-related idioms

horse around 到處玩樂

a dark horse 黑馬(不被看好,但可能異軍突起的人)

monkey around 鬼混

hold one’s horses 克制;忍耐

a lucky dog 幸運的人

make a pig of oneself 大吃大喝

a white elephant 昂貴而無用的東西

take the bull by the horns 勇敢克服問題

a snake in the grass 危險人物

a wolf in sheep’s clothing 披著羊皮的狼

L5 Vocabulary
 I. Words for production
1. freeze v. [I, T] (freeze, froze, frozen) to become hard or covered with

     ice because of being extremely cold 冰凍;結冰

     The lake has frozen and many people are skating on it.
     Caught in the snow-covered net, the little bird was frozen stiff.

2.   solid adj. hard and firm, and not a liquid or gas 固體的

     solid n. [C] 固體

     When the temperature is lowered to zero degrees, water becomes solid.
     Iron and wood are solids.
3.   thaw v. [I, T] to change something from a frozen state to become soft

     or liquid again because of an increase in temperature 融化;解凍

     When the sun came out, the snow started to thaw.
     It is recommended that we thaw the chicken before cooking it.
4.   hop v. [I] (hop, hopped, hopped) to move by making quick short


     The bird ate the crumbs on the ground and hopped away.
5.   organ n. [C] a part of the body of an animal that performs a

     special function 器官

     The heart and the lungs are vital organs.
6.   transplant n. [C] a medical operation in which an organ or a

     part of a body is moved from one person to another 移植

     transplant v. [T] 移植

   The patient just had a heart transplant and is now recovering.
   The doctor transplanted one of the woman’s kidneys into her ten-year-old son.
7. inspiration n. [C, U] a feeling, person, or thing that gives

     someone new and creative ideas 靈感;someone or something that makes

     a person want to do something 鼓舞;激勵

     inspire v. [T] 激發靈感;鼓舞

     The beauty of nature provided great inspiration for the poet.
     The story of Mother Teresa is an inspiration to us all.
     The premier’s speech has inspired millions of his countrymen.

8.   discover v. [T] to find something or some place for the first time發現

discovery n. [C, U] 被發現的事物;發現

     This guidebook will help you discover fascinating places to go and exciting
     things to do.
     At the end of the 19th century, a number of scientific discoveries were
     made, which paved the way for the breakthroughs of modern physics.

9.   useful adj. helpful in doing things 有用的

     use n.[U] 使用;利用

     use v. [T] 使用;利用

         You can find lots of useful information about how to keep fit on this website.
    It’s no use trying to escape; you’ve got to face the problem.
    Use a dictionary to look up the words you don’t know.
10. design n. [C, U] the way in which something is planned or

     arranged 設計;計畫

     design v. [T] 設計;構思

     This model of car is being recalled by the company because of some design
    faults in the air bag.
    Our new cellphone models are available in a wide range of designs.
    The overpass was designed to ensure the safety of schoolchildren.
11. adjust v. [I, T] to change something slightly so that it is more

     appropriate for a particular purpose 調整

    This chair can be adjusted to meet your needs.
    It took him almost a month to adjust to his new school.
12. apply v. [T] to make practical use of a method, idea, or law in a

     particular situation 應用;使用;[I] to request for something such as a job,

     or permission to do something in writing 申請

     application n. [C, U] 應用;適用

    This is a job to which you can apply your professional knowledge.
    She applied to the company for a position in the accounting department.
    Research in genetic engineering has many practical applications.
13. engineer n. [C] a person whose job is to design, build, or

     maintain engines, machines, roads, bridges, etc. 工程師

     engineering n. [U] 工程;工程學

     My uncle is a civil engineer and works for the Department of Rapid Transit
The study of engineering can help you to learn how to design and construct
    engines and machinery.
14. microscope n. [C] a scientific instrument that makes

         extremely small things appear bigger so that more details can be seen 顯微鏡

     With the aid of a microscope, germs can be seen clearly.

15. hook n. [C] a curved device used to catch or hold things 鉤;掛鉤

     Angela hung her bag on the hook behind the door.

16. concept n. [C] an idea, a basic principle 概念;觀念

     Once she came up with a concept for her history assignment, she found it
     easy to write ten pages.

17. muddy adj. covered with or containing wet and sticky earth 泥濘


     mud n. [U] 泥巴

     After a rain, the road around the pond becomes very muddy and slippery.
     When he came back from the field, his boots were caked with mud.
18. environment n. [C] the natural features of a place, for
    example, the air, the water or the land, in or on which people, animals, or

     plants live 環境

    The use of chemicals may cause serious damage to the environment.
19. dust n. [U] dry powder of dirt accumulating on the surface of

     buildings or furniture 灰塵

    A cloud of dust rose in the air as a big truck roared past.
20. dirt n. [U] any substance that prevents a surface from being clean


     He brushed his shoes hard, trying to remove the dirt from them.

21. tip n. [C] the end of something pointed 頂端;尖端;a piece of

     useful or helpful advice 秘訣

     Eluanbi Park is located at the southern tip of Taiwan.
     These are useful tips on how to cook fish.

22. readily adv. easily and quickly 迅速地;容易地

     When we made our request, she readily promised to help.

23. surface n. [C] the outer or top layer of something 表面

     A film of oil floated on the surface of the soup.
24. resemble v. [T] to look like or be similar to someone or

     something 相像;類似

    How closely Gerald resembles his father in their love of traveling!
25. string n. [C] a strong thin rope made of fibers twisted together, used

     for tying or fastening things 細繩

     The wind chimes were fastened outside the window with a string.

26. thick adj. not thin 粗的;厚的

     He was so hungry that he had a submarine sandwich and a thick juicy steak
     for dinner.

27. silk n. [U] very thin thread produced by some insects 絲;蠶絲

    A fly was caught in the silk threads of the spider’s web.
28. steel n. [U] strong metal made from iron and other materials and used

     for shaping a structure for things like vehicles and buildings 鋼;鋼鐵

     The security gate is made of two-meter-thick steel.

29. tough adj. not easily broken or cut; strong 堅韌的;不易斷的

     You need a tough pair of sneakers to go mountain climbing.

30. farm v. [T] to grow crops and raise animals on a piece of land 種植;養殖

     Farmed salmon are less expensive than wild ones, but they do not taste as
    They preferred to farm sheep rather than grow corn which was less profitable.
31. process v. [T] to change raw materials industrially to improve

     them in some way 加工

    Tomatoes that we grow on our farm are later processed to make tomato
32. result n. [C, U] something that happens or exists because of

     something that happened earlier 結果

    The results of the opinion poll showed that the entire village was against
    the building of the incinerator.
    Having finally achieved the desired result, the whole research team felt like
33. vest n. [C] a type of clothing, often with no sleeves, worn on the top

     of the body, usually over a shirt 背心

      He buttoned his vest and then put on his jacket.
 II. Words for recognition
1. frog n. [C] a small creature with smooth skin and long back legs

used for jumping 青蛙

    2.   Ottawa n. the capital of Canada 渥太華(加拿大首都)

    3.   Canada n. a country to the north of the United States 加拿大

    4.   Wright n. the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, who developed

         the first successful plane in 1903 萊特兄弟(發明飛機者)

    5.   Swiss adj. of Switzerland or of the people of Switzerland 瑞士(人)的

    6.   George de Mestral n. a Swiss scientist; the inventor of Velcro 喬治‧梅司德拉

    7.   bur n. [C] (also burr) a very small seed container, covered in little

         hooks that make it stick to clothes or animal fur 芒刺

    8.   Velcro n. [U] (trademark) a fastener for clothing, consisting of
         two pieces of material that stick to each other when pressed together


    9.   lotus n. [C] a tropical water lily with flat leaves that float on the

         surface of a lake or a pool 蓮花

    10. German adj. of Germany or of the people of Germany 德國

         (人)的;n. [C] a person from Germany 德國人

    11. Lotusan n. a company in Germany that produces house paint


    12. jet n. [C] an aircraft that can fly at extremely high speed 噴射機

    13. cartoon n. [C] a film that is made by using a series of

         drawings and that is usually amusing 卡通;漫畫

    14. spider n. [C] a small creature with eight legs that catches small

         insects with a web 蜘蛛

    15. Kevlar n. (trademark) a lightweight, flexible fiber usually used

         for making bullet-resistant products 克維拉超強彈性纖維

    16. bulletproof adj. describing something designed in a way that

         can prevent bullets from going through it 防彈的

Idioms and Phrases:
1.   look to to depend on someone or something to provide help, advice, etc.


          The art association is looking to the government for more funds.

     2.   be based on to be on the basis of; to be founded on 以……為基礎

          Their friendship is based on mutual trust.

     3. be covered with to have a layer of something on the surface 為……所覆蓋

          The hilltops are covered with snow.

     4.   in theory as a general idea which may not be true or may not happen 理論上

          In theory, it takes me one hour to drive home, but in practice, it usually
          takes longer than that because of the rush-hour traffic.

      Word Power
      I. Present participles + N
a flying bird a running car         a sleeping child    a boring lecture
the rising sun a charming girl      an amusing film     surprising news

     II. Past participles + N
a frozen lake        a broken vase
a deserted house        a bored audience
the stolen jewelry an injured soldier
a frightened animal     a disappointed look

     L6 Vocabulary
     I. Words for production

     1.   active adj. doing many things and having a lot of energy 有活動力


          act v. [I] 採取行動

          action n. [U, C] 行動

          After her retirement, she continued to be active in politics.
          When there is a fire, people must act quickly.
          We must take action to solve the problem before it’s too late.

     2.   rather adv. a little; quite 有些;頗為

          The weather has been rather cold this week.

     3.   ache v. [I] to have or suffer a continuous pain (持續性的)疼痛

ache n. [C] 疼痛

     My head aches badly.
     After the race, I had aches and pains all over my body.
4.   cool v. [T] to make something cooler; to make a feeling less strong


     Let’s open all the windows to cool the room.
     We tried to cool him down, but he was still very angry.

5.   faint v. [I] to lose consciousness 昏厥

     faint adj. 微弱的;暗淡的

     He fainted at the sight of his own blood.
     I don’t have the faintest idea what you are talking about.

6.   nobody n. [C] a person of no importance 無名小卒

     Jason has vowed to become famous. He is tired of being a nobody.

7.   dreary adj. dull; uninteresting 無聊;乏味

     Answering phones all day long is dreary work.

8.   somebody n. [U] someone that is considered important 大人物

     She thinks she is really somebody in this town just because she has a
     doctoral degree.

9.   admiring adj. full of respect and approval 欽佩的;仰慕的

     admire v. [T] 欽佩;仰慕

     admiration n. [U] 欽佩;仰慕

     A group of journalists and admiring fans waited outside the gate for the
     We admire Andy for his courage in admitting his mistake.
     All the tourists gazed in admiration at the breathtaking scenery.

10. perch v. [I] (of a bird) to come to rest on a branch, etc.(鳥)棲息

     A bird flew down and perched on the windowsill.

11. soul n. [C] the moral or spiritual part of a person 靈魂

    “What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his
         soul?” ---the Bible
12. tune n. [C] a series of musical notes that is pleasant and easy to

     remember 曲調

tune v. [T, I] 調音;調整(收聽或收視的)頻率

         She was humming a merry little tune.
         The band tuned (up) their instruments before the concert.
         Millions of people tuned in to watch the royal wedding on TV.

    13. sore adj. painful or aching from a wound, infection, or hard use 疼痛的

           Henry is suffering from a sore throat.

    14. chilly adj. noticeably cold 寒冷的

         chill n. [C] 風寒;寒冷

         chill v. [T, I] 使冷卻;變冷

         I felt chilly after the fire went out.
         There is a chill in the air this morning.
         The milk should be chilled after you open the container.

    15. extremity n. [U] great need, danger, trouble, etc. 絕境

    extreme adj. 極端的;極度的

    In spite of the extremity of her situation, she still had hope.
       Be prepared for extreme danger if you are going to be a war correspondent.
     II. Words for recognition

    1.     Emily Dickinson n. the name of an American poet 愛蜜莉‧狄瑾蓀


    2.     robin n. [C] a common bird 知更鳥

    3.     livelong adj. whole 全部的;整個的

    4.     bog n. [C] an area of soft wet ground into which the feet sink 沼澤

    5.     gale n. [C] a strong wind 狂風;強風

    6.     abash v. [T] to cause to feel uncomfortable or ashamed 使羞慚;使跼促不


    7.     crumb n. [C] a very small piece of dry bread or cake 餅屑;麵包屑

Idioms and Phrases:

    1.     hardly ever very rarely; almost never 很少;幾乎從不
It hardly ever snows in this mountainous area.

    2. figure out to understand; to learn how to explain 了解;理解;算出;解出

         I can’t figure out how you can be late for school every day.

    3.   ask sth. of sb. to expect or demand something from somebody 向人要求


         You want a cellphone and an MP3 player? Don’t you think you are asking
         too much of your parents?

Word Power

□   poetry/poem 詩

□   prose 散文

□   drama/play 戲劇

□   novel 長篇小說

□   short story 短篇小說

□   biography 傳記

□   history 歷史;史書

□   mythology (希臘羅馬)神話

□   fairy tale 童話

□   folk tale 民間故事

□   fable 寓言

□   legend 傳說;傳奇

□   historical fiction 歷史小說

□   science fiction 科幻小說

□   fantasy 奇幻文學

□   mystery懸疑(推理)小說

□   detective novel 偵探小說
□   martial arts novel 武俠小說

□   romance 愛情故事;言情小說

□   picture book 繪本

    L7 Vocabulary
    I. Words for production

    1.   ring n. [C] the sound of a bell(鐘、鈴、電話等的)響聲

         ring v. [I] (ring, rang, rung)(鐘、鈴、電話等)響

         I didn’t hear the ring of my cellphone because it was at the bottom of my backpack.
         The bell rang and the students rushed out of the classroom.

    2.   alarm n. [C] a device that produces a warning signal 鬧鐘;警報器

         You can ask for a wake-up call, or you can set the alarm on your clock and hope it wakes you.
         I thought I had flunked math, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

    3.   drowsily adv. feeling tired and sleepy(令人)昏昏欲睡地

         drowsy adj.(令人)昏昏欲睡的

         On Monday morning, everybody drowsily walked into the office.
         I had jet lag and felt drowsy for the first few days I was in London.

    4.   smooth adj. flat and even; soft to the touch 平滑的

         Some women try everything they can to keep their skin smooth.

    5.   roll v. [I] to move by turning over and over 滾下來

         Tears rolled down her cheeks when she was told that her mother was very

    6.   colleague n. [C] someone a person works with 同事

         Jenny quit her job because she did not get along with her colleagues.

    7.   associate n. [C] a business partner 合夥人;同事

         associate v. [I] 交往;結交

         Thank you for your comments. I will pass them onto my business associate.
         We are advised not to associate with drug addicts and alcoholics.

    8.   globalized adj. worldwide 全球化的

         globalize v. [T] 使全球化

global adj. 全球性的

     globalization n. [U] 全球化

     Misunderstandings between people may decrease as the world becomes
     Today’s meeting is to discuss how to globalize the company.
     Global warming has become a problem that every country must deal with.
     Liberal approaches to modernization are closely linked to economic

9.   amazing adj. wonderful; marvelous令人驚奇的

     amaze v. [T] 使驚奇

     amazed adj. 感到驚奇的

     It was an amazing experience to watch the men’s singles at Wimbledon.
     The author amazes me with her vivid description of farm life.
         The teacher was amazed at how creative his students were when writing poems.

10. rapid adj. quick 迅速的

     The town experienced rapid growth once gold was found in the local river.

11. growth n. [U] increase or development 成長

     grow v. [I] 成長

     The chart shows the growth in viewers for foreign films on cable TV.
     My nephew was born in Taiwan but grew up in America.

12. decade n. [C] a period of ten years 十年

     I can’t believe we’ve been married for ten years! How can a decade pass so

13. aspect n. [C] one part of a situation or problem 方面

     Which aspect of the story did you find the most interesting?

14. variety n. [U] the quality of including many different types 種種;多樣(性)

     vary v. [I] 改變;變化

     The college offers a variety of classes, including business writing and
     Variety is the spice of life.
     Side effects of this drug may vary from person to person.

15. access n. [U] the right or ability to use something(使用的)機


     access v. [T] 得以接近、使用

     The course requires that all students have access to a computer.
     Students can now access the library from the comfort of their homes.

16. hometown] n. [C] the city or town that someone comes from家鄉

         The man went back to his hometown only to find that everything had changed.

17. online adv. on the Internet 在線上

     online adj. 線上的

     You can never be sure about people’s true identities when you meet them
     Have you tried an online dating service before?

18. feast v. [I] to eat a lot of food and enjoy it 飽餐

     feast n. [C] 盛宴

    At Thanksgiving, we feasted on turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.
    It was a feast that I could never have imagined even in my dreams.
19. customer n. [C] a person that buys things or receives services

     from a shop or a company 客戶;顧客

    If this store does not start attracting more customers, it will go out of business.

20. discuss v. [T] to talk about 討論

     discussion n. [C, U] 討論

    I made an appointment with my teacher to discuss the topic of my paper.
    We had an interesting discussion in class today about the death penalty.
21. relaxing adj. making someone feel comfortable and without any

     worries 令人放鬆的

     relax v. [I] 使放鬆

     relaxed adj. 感到放鬆的

     relaxation n. [U] 放鬆

     Listening to relaxing music helps reduce your stress level.
     Now that our exams are over, we can finally relax.
         Five minutes after I got into my father’s car, I felt very relaxed and fell asleep.
     What do you do for relaxation when you’re not studying?

22. greet v. [T] to welcome someone 問候

         The friendly doorman greeted me with a big smile as I walked into the hotel.

23. fluent adj. able to speak a language easily and smoothly 流利的

     fluency n. [U] 流利

        Although the young man has never been to France, he speaks fluent French.
    A lack of language fluency prevented him from getting the job.
24. accent n. [C] a way of pronouncing words shared by a group of

     people 口音

     Do you find it easier to understand someone who speaks English with a
     British accent or an American accent?

25. obvious adj. easy to tell 明顯的

    George’s frustration was obvious: his face started to turn red.
26. dye v. [T] (dye, dyed, dyeing) to color something using a special liquid


     dye n. [U] 染料

     Susan dyed her hair brown, but I don’t think it suits her.
     The chemicals from hair dye can seep into your scalp and may harm your body.

27. old-fashioned adj. belonging to a time in the past 舊式的;           不流行的

     You can see items from the 1800s at the museum, including old-fashioned

28. local adj. relating to an area, especially of a country 當地的;本地的

     I took my friend to a night market to introduce her to some local Taiwanese food.
II. Words for recognition

1.   bedside n. [C] a place next to a bed 床邊

2.   pastime n. [C] an activity done for enjoyment 娛樂;消遣

3.   New York Times n. a newspaper published in New York City 紐約時報

4.   Sydney Morning Herald n. a newspaper

     published in Sydney 雪梨先鋒報

5.    brewed adj. (tea, coffee) prepared by infusion in hot water(茶、咖啡)泡開的

6. videoconference n. [C] a meeting held by means of

     audio and video signals 視訊會議
7. pasta n. [U] food made from flour and water, and cut into different

         shapes 麵食

    8. bar n. [C] a counter at which food or drinks are served 飲食販賣部

    9. burrito n. [C] a kind of Mexican food made by rolling a thin

         round bread around a filling of meat, beans and cheese 麵捲餅(墨西哥的一種菜餚,以肉、乳酪等作


    10. baggy adj. (of clothes) loose and big(褲子等)袋狀的

    11. hip-hop adj. relating to a type of music in which the words are

         spoken rather than sung 嘻哈風格的

    12. high-five v. [T] (two people) to slap upraised right hands 舉手擊掌

    13. multicultural adj. of diverse cultures 多元文化的

    14. bian-dang n. [C] a Taiwanese lunch box containing rice, meat

         and vegetables 便當

    15. clam n. [C] a sea creature with an oval shell that can open and close


    16. oolong n. [C, U] a type of Chinese tea 烏龍茶

Idioms and Phrases:

    1.   as usual as commonly happens 照常;照例

         Even though today is a holiday, many stores are open for business as usual.

    2.   go off to start ringing loudly(鐘、鈴等)突然響起

         I hate it when people’s car alarms go off in the middle of the night.

    3.   at times sometimes 有時;偶爾

         I try my best to answer all my email, but I do miss some messages at times.

    4.   switch on to turn on 打開(電視、收音機等)

         My father switched on the TV to watch the baseball game as soon as he got

    5.   look around to look at what is in a particular place 環顧四周

         He looked around the lobby and saw that it had a coffee shop as well as a
6.   follow ... up to take further action connected with something 接續做……

         I sent a letter to the person in charge and then followed it up with a phone call.

    L8 Vocabulary
I. Words for production

    1.   tide n. [C, U] the regular rise and fall of the sea 潮汐

         The tide is rising. We’d better keep away from the beach.
         Time and tide wait for no man.

    2.   plain adj. simple; without anything added 簡樸的

         Our boss is a special person; though he is rich, he enjoys plain living.

    3.   suit n. [C] a set of clothes made of the same material 一套衣服(包括


         My manager usually wears a suit to work, but today he wore a sports jacket.

    4.   dusty adj. dry and covered with dry earth 佈滿塵土的

              After playing in the field for hours, all the boys came home with dusty faces.

    5.   mask v. [T] to keep from being seen 掩飾

         mask n. [C] 面具

         She tried to mask her anger with a smile.
         On Halloween, children enjoy wearing costumes and masks.

    6.   chew v. [T, I] to keep biting with the teeth 咀嚼

         The steak was so tough; I had to chew each piece for five minutes!

    7.   rooted adj. fixed as if deeply planted into the soil 一動也不動的;


         root n. [C] 根

         When he saw the horrible accident, he stood rooted to the spot.
         She pulled the plant up by its roots.

    8.   captain n. [C] an officer in charge of a ship or an aircraft 船長;機長

         The captain ordered the sailors to work harder.

    9.   introduce v. [T] to make people known to each other for the first time介紹

         introduction n. [U, C] 介紹;說明

         He turned to face the newcomer and introduced himself.
The teacher introduced the little boy to his new classmates.
     Every student in this new class has to make a self-introduction at the beginning of the semester.

10. retreat v. [I] to move back 撤退

     retreat n. [C, U] 撤退

     The soldiers retreated safely into the mountains.
     We learned about the retreat of the U.S. army from Iraq.

11. shy adj. nervous in front of others 害羞的;羞怯的

     shyly adv. 害羞地

     shyness n. [U] 羞怯

     The little boy becomes too shy to speak whenever he faces strangers.
     The newcomer answered the girl’s request shyly.
     His face went red with shyness when he walked into the crowded room.

12. chatter v. [I] to talk continuously and eagerly 喋喋不休;聊個不停

     They were sitting on the bench, chattering about their school life.

13. painfully adv. uncomfortably; sufferingly 痛苦地

     painful adj. 痛苦的

     pain n. [U, C] 疼痛

     He looked painfully toward the oak tree, unable to see any yellow
         It was very painful for Mr. Lee to tell his daughter about her mother’s death.
     The death of the dog gave the little boy great pain; he lost his beloved pet.
     No pains, no gains.

14. jail n. [U] the place where criminals are kept 監獄

     It was reported on the radio that three prisoners had escaped from jail.

15. guy n. [C] a man 男人

    Who was the guy at the door?
    Helena’s boyfriend is a nice guy.
16. parole n. [U] the letting out of a person from prison before his/

     her prison sentence is due to end 假釋

     parole v. [T] 假釋

     After serving five years in prison, the man was released on parole.
     Jack will be paroled earlier than expected because of his good behavior in
17. much-handled adj. much-touched 常觸摸的

    handle n. [U, C] 把手

    handle v. [T] 觸摸;處理

    From the way he looked at the much-handled pictures of his family, you
    could tell that he missed them deeply.
    The father taught the boy to grab the hammer by the handle.
    That was a difficult situation, but the teacher handled it very well.

18. acquire v. [T] to gain 獲得;養成

    acquisition n. [U, C] 獲得(物);養成

    When did you acquire the habit of smoking?
    This antique vase is the collector’s latest acquisition.

19. hushed adj. silent 安靜的

    hush n. [U] (also sing.) 安靜

    Knowing that their teacher had passed away, the students were in a hushed
    When the bad news was announced, a hush fell over the room.

20. absence n. [U] not being there 缺席;不在

    absent adj. 缺席的

    During Jack’s absence, we all missed him very much.
    Joe is absent from class; he must be sick.

21. tighten v. [T, I] to become tighter繃緊;變緊

    tight adj. 緊的

    tight adv. 緊緊地

    You’d better tighten the rope, or the boat will float away.
    He’s got a very tight schedule today; he won’t be able to see you until
    She held the baby tight in her arms.

22. fortify v. [T] to make strong 加強

    Soldiers fortified the city by building a large wall around it.

23. exultation n. [U] great delight and pleasure 雀躍;狂喜

    exult v. [I] 雀躍;狂喜
Winning the race filled me with a feeling of exultation.
        The swimmer exulted in her achievement of breaking the world record.

   24. stun v. [T] (stun, stunned, stunned) to shock or surprise 震驚

        The news of her friend’s suicide stunned her.
        George was stunned by the news of his father’s death.

   25. banner n. [C] a flag 旗幟

        On Double Tenth Day, we can see a lot of banners flying in the wind.
        The marchers waved banners saying “we want work.”

   26. billow v. [I] to move in large waves 飄揚;翻騰

         We watched the flags billowing in the wind.
    II. Words for recognition

   1.   rumble v. [I] to make or move with a deep rolling sound 發出隆隆的響聲

   2.   ill-fitting adj. not the right size or shape 不合身的

   3.   runaway n. [C] a person who has escaped from somewhere 逃亡者

   4.   swig n. [C] a large mouthful of a drink that is taken quickly 大口地喝

   5.   can n. [C] (slang) prison(俚)監獄

   6.   unformed adj. still young 年幼的

   7.   snapshot n. [C] an informal photograph taken with a hand-held camera 快照

   8.   ex-con n. [C] (slang) a former prisoner(俚)前科犯

Idioms and Phrases

   1.   deep into the night very late at night 深夜

        The party lasted until deep into the night.
   2.   come through to be realized; to become definite or officially approved


        They both felt sad but relieved when their divorce finally came through.
   3.   take ... back to accept someone again after they have been away

        or after a disagreement 讓……回家

        I’ll take him back if he wants to be with me again.

   4.   take over to gain control over 接手
I have an important meeting to attend. Could you take over my work for a
         few hours?

    5.   make one’s way to ... to go to ... 去(某處)

         After lunch, I’ll make my way to the market.

    Word Power

commit a crime 犯罪

be suspected for/of ... 有……嫌疑

get arrested 被捕

be under investigation for ... 在調查……

be put on trial 被審判

confess a crime 坦承犯罪

be convicted of ... 被判有……罪

be sentenced (to death) 判(死)刑

be put behind the bars 服刑

be in jail/prison 服刑

be on parole 假釋

be released 被釋放

L9 Vocabulary
     I. Words for production
    1. extinction n. [U] the situation when an animal or plant no

         longer exists 滅絕;絕種

         extinct adj. 滅絕的;絕種的

         Giant pandas are such beautiful animals that nobody wants to see their
         This kind of snake has been extinct for many years in this area.

    2.   marine adj. of the sea and ocean 海洋的

              According to the WWF, three of the seven existing species of marine turtles
         are critically endangered.
3.     endangered adj. becoming extinct 瀕臨絕種的

       endanger v. [T] 危害;危及

       We should pay more attention to endangered animals; otherwise, they will
       soon become extinct.
       Human population growth is endangering the survival of giant pandas.

4.     species n. [C] (pl. species) a plant or an animal 物種

       Thousands of species of plants and animals are under increasing threat.
     A new species of bird was found in the forests of central Taiwan.

5.     habitat n. [C, U] a place where a certain animal normally lives 棲息地

       habitation n. [U, C] 居住

       Loss of habitat has a great influence on the survival of wildlife.
       The settlers cleared thousands of acres of forests for habitation.

6.     mainly adv. mostly 主要地

       main adj. 主要的

       We are reading this article mainly to understand the situation of endangered
       What is the main food of the giant panda?
7.     deforestation n. [U] the process of cutting down trees from

       an area 砍伐森林

       forest n. [C, U] 森林

       Deforestation leads to loss of habitat. In turn, loss of habitat leads to
       extinction of wild animals.
       I think pandas belong in the forest. I object to the idea of putting them on
       display in zoos.

8.     agriculturen. [U] the work, business, or study of farming     農業

       In Taiwan, most people used to be employed in agriculture.

9.     settler n. [C] a person who goes to live in a new place 移民;開墾者

       settle v. [I, T] 定居;安居

            The island’s first settlers arrived on ships from Europe two hundred years ago.
       Luisa and her husband love Vancouver so much that they have decided to
       settle there.

10. inevitably adv. used to say something is certain to happen 不可避免地

inevitable adj. 不可避免的

   A famous singer will inevitably attract attention from fans wherever he or she goes.
  Because of deforestation, the loss of habitat seems inevitable.

11. threaten v. [T] to be likely to harm or destroy something 威脅

  threat n. [C] 威脅

Global warming threatens the survival of the world.
  Air pollution created by cars and motorcycles is a big threat to our health.
    Scientists are seeking solutions to problems and threats that face the
    World’s forests.

12. starve v. [I, T] to suffer or die because one does not have enough food to eat 挨餓

     starvation n. [U] 挨餓

        Winter is coming. If these animals stay where they are, they will starve to death.
     Those earthquake victims were on the verge of starvation.

13. worse adj. more unpleasant than before 更糟

     The condition of these endangered animals is getting worse.
  We are already late. What’s worse, our car won’t start!

14. bloom v. [I] to produce flowers 開花

     Azaleas in the garden are blooming now, and the flowers are very pretty.

15. appropriate adj. proper or suitable 合適的

     It does not seem appropriate to wear casual clothes to a wedding banquet.

16. mate n. [C] an animal’s sexual partner 配偶;伴侶;a friend or a

         person who shares an activity or accommodation with someone 夥伴;朋友

     mate v. [I, T] 交配

    Do you have any idea how pandas find their mates?
        Are you looking for Brian? I saw him talk to his mates in the garden about ten minutes ago.
    At zoos, animals mate with the help of scientists.
17. inbreeding n. [U] the process of producing children or animals

     from parents who are close members of the same family 近親繁殖

     breed v. [T] (breed, bred, bred) 飼養

    It seems inevitable that inbreeding will take place in this small isolated
  Well fed, well bred.
18. adaptable adj. being able to change one’s behavior to deal with new situations

  adapt v. [I, T] 適應;[T] 改編

    I don’t think I could live in another country. I’m not very adaptable.
   Are you having any difficulty adapting to your new school?
It took him several months to adapt himself to his new job.
   The horror movie was adapted from a best-selling novel.

19. vulnerable adj. weak or easy to get hurt 易受傷害的

  The girl is very sensitive and vulnerable.
  Airports and train stations are highly vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

20. fur n. [C, U] soft hair that covers an animal’s body 毛,毛皮

     furless adj. 沒毛的

  My cat has beautiful soft white fur.
  Try to imagine a small, white, furless and helpless baby panda.

21. lick v. [I, T] to move one’s tongue across something 舔

     The big cat licked her kitten tenderly.

22. predator n. [C] an animal that kills and eats other animals 掠食者

   Some insects are such smart predators that they use traps to catch their prey.
  These birds have to be protected from foxes and other predators.

23. fortunately adv. with good luck 幸運地

  fortunate adj. 幸運的

    Fortunately, she passed the strict examination and was hired by the company.
  I am fortunate to have so many good friends.

24. measure n. [C] an action that is taken to deal with something 措施

  Measures are being taken to protect endangered animals.

25. fund n. [C] a financial organization 基金會

    Many people donated to the fund to help protect those beautiful old buildings.
26. reserve n. [C] an area of land where animals and plants are

     specially protected保留地

     reserve v. [T] 預訂

     reservation n. [U, C] 保留;預訂

Reserves are set up in the forest for the protection of giant pandas.
  My father called the restaurant to reserve a table in advance.
I have made a reservation for two at a fancy restaurant next Sunday.

  27.    program n. [C] a plan for achieving something 計畫

         A green turtle conservation program carried out by the islanders has
         produced interesting results.

  28.    preserve v. [T] to keep something in its original state 保存

         preservation n. [U] 保存

        The WWF is making efforts to preserve endangered animals.
             You should visit the beautifully preserved buildings when you go to Lukang.
        Preservation of natural habitat is very important.
II. Words for recognition

    1.   whale n. [C] a very large ocean animal 鯨魚

    2.   turtle n. [C] an animal with a shell and four short legs 烏龜

    3.   ape n. [C] a large monkey without a tail that can stand and walk on two feet 猿

    4.   panda n. [C]a large Chinese animal with black and white fur 貓熊

    5.   timber n. [U] wood used for building houses or making furniture木材

    6.   slope n. [C] a surface that has one end higher than the other 斜坡

    7.   bamboo n. [U, C] a tall tropical plant 竹子

    8.   kilogram n. [C] a unit for measuring weight 公斤

    9.   shoot n. [C] a very young plant(竹的)嫩芽;筍

    10. cub n. [C] a young animal 幼獸

    11. WWF World Wildlife Fund 的縮寫 世界野生動物基金會

    12. Hua Mei n. name of a panda 華美(貓熊的名字)

    13. San Diego n. a city in California 聖地牙哥(美國加州城市                      名)

Idioms and Phrases:

    1.   be due to to be caused by 因為

         The prosperity of this small town was due to its gold mine.
         His bankruptcy is mainly due to the poor investments he made in the stock
2. or so about 大約

         I will stay with my grandparents for a week or so.
         It will take a year or so to construct a new bridge for the villagers.

    3. die off to die one by one until none exists 滅絕

         If we don’t do something, this species will eventually die off.
         After the bamboo blossoms, it naturally dies off. It’s a natural phenomenon.

    4. search for to look for 尋找

         She is learning how to use the Internet to search for useful information.
         She has been searching for her cat for several days, but she cannot find it.

    5. be sure to to be certain to 必然

         Owing to global warming, polar bears are sure to lose their habitat one day.

    6.   take action to do something to solve a particular problem 採取行動

              The government must take immediate action to stop the illegal animal trade.

L10 Vocabulary
I. Words for production
    1.   blush v. [I] to become red in the face, usually because one feels

         ashamed or embarrassed about something(因害羞、尷尬而)臉紅

         Every time I have to speak in public, I blush and stammer.

    2.   stammer v. [I] to speak with difficulty, repeating words or sounds 口吃

         John felt nervous and stammered out, “F-f-for-g-give me.”

    3.   privately adv. without other people present 私底下

         I need to talk to you privately about this important matter.
    4.   confident adj. sure about one’s ideas and abilities to do

         things well 有信心的

         confidence n. [U] 信心

         We have been practicing so hard that we are confident of victory.
         You should have more confidence in your own abilities. Don’t look
         down on yourself!
    5.   stereotype n. [C] a fixed idea or general image of what a

         particular person or thing is like 刻板印象

         He is so energetic that he does not fit the stereotype of a retired old man.

    6.   visibly adv. in a way that can be easily seen or noticed 明顯地

visible adj. 可看見的;顯而易見的

       vision n. [U] 視力;視覺

     She had visibly lost weight. How did she do it?
     Bacteria are not visible to the naked eye.
     After his failure, there was a visible change in the way he dealt with people.
          I was born with good vision; however, as I grew older, my vision began to fail.
  7. psychologist n. [C] someone who is trained in the study

       of the mind 心理學家

       psychology n. [U] 心理學

       They were advised by a psychologist to set aside some time for each other
       every day.
       I have decided to major in psychology in college.

  8.   tremble v. [I] to shake slightly 顫抖

       All the uncertainty made him tremble with fear.
  9.   impression n. [C] an opinion or feeling about what someone

       or something is like印象

       impress v. [T] 使有深刻印象;使銘記

       impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的

       First impressions are very important in an interview.
       Sandra’s confidence impressed me during the speech contest.
            Dave can handle many things at the same time, which is quite      impressive.
10.    snobbish adj. behaving in a way that shows one thinks he or

       she is better than other people 自負的;勢利眼的

       snob n. [C] 自負傲慢的人;勢利鬼

       The clerk was very snobbish. He thought I could not afford the dress
       and was unwilling to answer my inquiries about the price.
       Ann is such a snob that she only talks to people who look rich.

11.    actually adv. really; in fact 實際上

       actual adj. 實際的

       He looks shy, but actually, when you get to know him, he is very funny
       and easygoing.
       Since Emily is going back to London, we’ll throw her a surprise party
       one week before her actual birthday.
12.    host n. [C] a person who introduces or talks to the guests,
especially on a TV or radio program主持人;a person who invites

        guests to his/her home, or to an activity, and looks after them while

        they are there 主人

        host v. [T] 主持;作……主人

        hostess [1hostIs] n. [C] 女主人

        Mark’s wit and humor would make him a good talk-show host.
        Athens hosted the 2004 Olympic Games.
        The host and hostess welcomed all the guests at the door.
  13.   performance n. [C] the action of amusing other people by

        singing, dancing, acting, etc. 表演;演出

        perform v. [I] 表演

        performer n. [C] 表演者

        The play the children performed was most impressive. The performers
        were all very well-prepared. I’d say it was one of the best performances
        I have ever been to.
  14.   spontaneous adj. happening in a natural, sudden way

        without being planned or thought about 自然的

        William Wordsworth said, “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of
        powerful feelings.”
15.     entertainer n. [C] a person whose job is to amuse people

        by singing, dancing, telling jokes, acting, etc. 藝人

        entertain v. [T] 招待;娛樂

        entertainment n. [U] 娛樂

        Joe is a student but works as a part-time entertainer in the circus.
        We often entertain our friends in our villa on the weekends.
        He always entertains people with his witty comments.
             Several singers provided the entertainment while we were enjoying our dinner.

  16.   outgoing adj. friendly and active; easy and enjoyable to be with 外向的;


        Sylvia is an outgoing person who is easy to get along with.

  17.   insecure adj. unsure of oneself 感覺不安的;not safe 不安全的

insecurity n. [U, C] 侷促不安;不安全

      When Roger’s parents divorced, he felt lonely and insecure.
            Because of her own insecurity, Nita doesn’t let her boyfriend talk to any other

18.   figure n. [C] a famous or important person人物;a person’s shape身材;

      a number or an amount數字

      figure v. [T] 估量;猜想

      On the one hand, I would like to go into politics, but on the other hand, I don’t think I want to be a public
           To get her figure back, Janet often went to the gym after giving birth to her son.
      He wouldn’t say what his salary was, only that it was six figures.
      I figured John would be mad at Susan after she told on him.
19.   category n. [C] a group of people or things of the same

      type or having similar features or qualities 種類;類型

      categorize v. [T] 將……分類

      Our products fall into two broad categories: daily necessities and luxuries.
      These novels are categorized into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
20.   research n. [U] serious study of a subject in order to test new

      ideas, discover new information, or reach a new understanding 研究

      research v. [I, T] 作學術研究;調查;探究

      researcher n. [C] 研究員;調查者

      The research team is made up of scientific and medical researchers
      who conduct research in biochemistry.
      They are researching several possible cures for SARS.
      To understand this novel, you need to research its historical background.

21.   distress n. [U] a feeling of extreme worry or unhappiness 苦惱

      distressed adj. 苦惱的;難過的

      distressful adj. 令人苦惱的

      She was clearly in distress. She could not say a word; she could only cry.
       I was distressed to find that my apartment had been damaged badly by the earthquake.
      That is very distressful news, and I am certainly sorry to hear it.
22.   encounter v. [T] to experience something, especially

      problems or difficulties 遭遇;to meet someone without planning to偶遇
Don’t give up on your dreams when you encounter difficulties.
      On my way home yesterday I encountered a group of dangerous-
      looking young men.
23.   inherit v. [T] to be born with the similar appearance or

      character as one’s parents or grandparents 遺傳;to receive money,

      property, etc. from someone who has died 繼承

      I inherited my father’s gift for learning languages.
      Brian inherited an apartment from his grandparents.

24.   statistically adv. in terms of a set of numbers that represent facts統計上

      statistic n. [C, usu. pl.] 統計數據

           Statistically speaking, our school performed better this year than last year in math.
      Statistics show that lung cancer is related to smoking.

25.   innate adj. in one’s nature 天生的

      Enya has an innate gift for entertaining people and making them laugh.
26.   identity n. [U] who someone is, or the qualities that make a

      person or a group different from other people 身份

      identify v. [T] 辨認(身份);認同

      Traveling abroad can make one feel a stronger sense of national identity.
      It’s not easy for me to identify with the characters in the play because I
      Haven’t had the same life experience.
27.   crisis n. [C] (pl. crises) an extremely difficult, urgent, or dangerous situation


      I admire the way he handled the crisis.

28.   confront v. [T] to face, meet, or deal with 面對;遭遇到

      confrontation n. [C, U] 面對;對抗

           When the scandal broke out, he was confronted with the biggest crisis of his career.
      It’ best to solve problems without confrontation, if possible.
29.   tease v. [T] to laugh at, joke about or annoy a person or animal on

      purpose 取笑;嘲弄

      I accidentally ate cat food when I was little, and my brother still teases me about it!

30.   comment n. [C] an opinion or a remark 評論

      comment v. [I] 評論

commentary n. [C] 實況報導

         commentator n. [C](電臺、電視臺等的)時事評論者;實況播音員

         When the host asked the actor to comment on his love life, the actor said, “No comment.”
         Eric is a professional sports commentator. His commentary is always spirited and informative.
 31.     tongue n. [C] the soft movable part in the mouth that is used to eat and speak


         The soup was so hot that I burned my tongue.

 32.     perfectionist n. [C] a person who wants everything to be flawless完美主義者

         perfect adj. 完美的

         perfect v. [T] 使完美

         I think you have already done a perfect job. Don’t be such a perfectionist.
         Emma spent years trying to perfect her English.

    32. realistic adj. practical 實際可行的;showing something as it actually is


         I don’t think it is realistic to expect your lazy sister to do the dishes.
         The painting was so realistic that I thought it was a photograph at first.

    34. rejection n. [U] the act of not accepting or believing in something 拒絕

         reject v. [T] 拒絕

         Every one of us gets rejected sometimes. We just have to learn to take
         rejection when it comes.

    35. technique n. [C] a method of doing something 技術;手法

        The scientists are conducting research using a new advanced technique.
II. Words for recognition
     1. self-consciousness n. [U] the condition of worrying

         or being aware of one’s own existence, thought and action 自我意識

    2.   temperament n. [C, U] a person’s basic nature or

         character; one’s tendency to be happy, angry, etc. 性情;性格

    3.   abnormal adj. not usual or typical, in a way that is bad 不正常的

    4.   Israeli adj. belonging or relating to Israel or its people


5.   adolescent n. [C] teenager 青少年

    6.   well-meaning adj. trying to help, but often in a way that does not work


Idioms and Phrases:
    1. Has the cat got your tongue? something you say to someone when

         he/she does not speak 怎麼不說話了?

         Why aren’t you talking? What’s wrong? Has the cat got your tongue?
    2.   on the surface the way someone or something appears to be, while it

         may not actually be so 表面上

         She appeared calm on the surface, but actually she was very nervous.

    3.   be ill at ease nervous and uncomfortable侷促不安;不自在

         When I stay overnight at another person’s home, I feel ill at ease.
    4.   have butterflies in one’s stomach to feel very nervous before one has

         to do something 緊張

         I have butterflies in my stomach whenever my teacher talks to me.
    5.   make a(n) ... impression on ... to cause someone to notice someone or

         something in a good or bad way留下……的印象

         His confident way of speaking always makes a good impression on people.

    6.   make contact to communicate with people聯繫;接觸

         Do you make contact with any of your old friends when you visit your
    7.   down to the last detail completely; including all of the things

         mentioned 徹底地

         In order for our wedding to be perfect, we must plan everything
         down to the last detail.

    8. fit into ... to be part of a group or system 融入

         The new transfer student seemed to fit into the class very well.

    9.   be born with ... to have a special type of character since birth 與生俱


         The baby was born with six fingers on each hand.

    10. suffer from ... to experience physical or mental pain受苦;患病

         After losing her son, she spent years suffering from mental pain and

     11. work out to happen or develop in a satisfactory way有好結果

          Don’t worry. I am sure things will work out well for you this semester.

Word Power
Cat proverbs, idioms and phrases

1.   Has the cat got your tongue? 怎麼不說話了?

2.   When the cat’s away, the mice      will play. 貓兒不在,老鼠作怪。

3.   A cat has nine lives.    貓有九命。

4.   Care killed the cat. 憂能傷身。

5.   Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇惹禍上身。

     Idioms and phrases

1.   Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 別洩漏祕密。

2.   The police played cat and mouse with the thief. 方對小偷欲擒故縱。

3.   We used to fight like cat and dog. 我們以前經常激烈爭吵。

4.   Cindy is acting like a cat on a hot tin roof. 蒂急得像熱鍋上的螞蟻。

5.   It’s raining cats and dogs. 正在下傾盆大雨。

L11 Vocabulary
I. Words for production
    1. capture v. [T] to attract someone’s attention or to make someone

          interested in something引起(興趣、注目等);使人著迷; [T] to catch

          someone 擄獲

          As the girl walked into the toy store, a giant teddy bear immediately
          captured her attention.
          The soldiers captured fifty enemies in the battle and won an important victory.

     2.   poverty n. [U] the condition of being very poor 貧窮

          The writer lived in poverty because none of his books sold well.

     3.   romance n. [C] an exciting love relationship 愛情;羅曼史
They had a whirlwind romance. They were talking about getting married
     three weeks after they had started dating.
4.   strike v. [T] (strike, struck, struck/stricken) to hit something or

     someone on purpose 打;敲打

     Without saying a word, the angry man walked up to Tony and struck him
     on the face.
5.   musical n. [C] a play or film that uses singing and dancing as

     important parts音樂劇

     The leading actor’s powerful singing was my favorite part of the musical.
6.   version n. [C] a particular form of something that is slightly

     different from the earlier form 版本

     David was interested in the horror novel and wanted to make a film version
     of it.
7.   prison n. [U, C] a building in which criminals are kept as a

     punishment 監獄

     The men were sent to prison for robbing the bank.

8.   criminal adj. relating to an illegal action or activity 犯罪的

     criminal n. [C] 罪犯

     crime n. [C] 罪

     The man has criminal records for robbery and theft.
     The villagers were relieved when the dangerous criminal was finally caught
     by police.
     The man was sent to prison for committing various crimes.

9.   valuable adj. worth a lot of money 貴重的;值錢的

     She took off the valuable necklace and locked it in a safe.

10. vow v. [T] to make a serious promise to do something 發誓;誓言要……

     vow n. [C] 誓言

     My father vowed to quit smoking last year.
     I made a vow to my wife on our wedding day that I would never leave her.

11. injustice n. [U] lack of fairness 非正義;不公

     justice n. [U] 正義

     Martin Luther King made great efforts to fight against racial injustice. He hoped that one day people of
     different races would live together in peace.
          The woman had a strong sense of justice, and she always tried to do the right thing.
B3  Vocabulary All
B3  Vocabulary All
B3  Vocabulary All
B3  Vocabulary All
B3  Vocabulary All
B3  Vocabulary All
B3  Vocabulary All
B3  Vocabulary All
B3  Vocabulary All

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B3 Vocabulary All

  • 1. L1 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. brave adj. not frightened in difficult or dangerous situations 勇敢的 It was brave of him to point out the president’s mistake. 2. face v. [T] to confront someone or deal with something 面對;應付 I was so ashamed of my poor test results that I didn’t want to face my parents. 3. defeat n. [U] the experience of being beaten in a battle, game, or contest 失敗;戰敗 defeat v. [T] 擊敗;戰敗 The party openly admitted its defeat after the general election. Our school was defeated in the last football game. 4. humble adj. having a modest opinion of oneself 謙遜的 Being a well-known scientist, he is surprisingly humble. 5. gentle adj. calm, kind, or soft 和善的;溫柔的 gently adv. 和善地;溫柔地 Daisy never loses her temper. She is such a gentle girl. We shook the little boy gently until he opened his eyes. 6. victory n. [C] a success in a game, competition, war, or an election 勝利 The Lakers won a decisive victory over the Rockets yesterday. 7. knowledge n. [U] information or understanding about a subject 知識 She amazed us with her knowledge of classical music. 8. ease n. [U] the state of being very comfortable 舒適;安逸 ease v. [T] 減輕(疼痛或憂慮) Lucy is very rich, and she leads a life of ease. The dentist gave me some medicine to ease the pain. 9. stress n. [U] great worry or pressure caused by a difficult situation 壓力 stress v. [T] 著重;強調 Students are under a lot of stress before a big exam. My grandma always stresses the importance of table manners. 10. difficulty n. [C] a problem 困難 If you find difficulties in filling out the form, just ask for help. 11. compassion n. [U] sorrow, pity, or sympathy for the sufferings 1
  • 2. and misfortunes of others 同情;憐憫 compassionate adj. 有同情心的;慈悲的 We have compassion for the families suffering from the effects of the earthquake. My mother is a deeply compassionate and kind person. 12. master v. [T] to control something successfully or do something very well 駕馭;精通 master n. [C] 主人;名家 Students at this school are expected to master a second language before graduation. He is a master at Chinese chess. 13. seek v. (seek, sought, sought) [I] to try or attempt 試圖;[T] to search for, look for, or try to obtain 尋求 Many people seek to make a fortune in the stock market. Will he seek public office again, or is he going to retire? 14. weep v. [I] (weep, wept, wept) to cry (in tears) 哭泣;落淚 She wept over the heartbreaking ending of the movie. 15. humility n. [U] the quality of being humble 謙遜;謙恭 I wish I had the humility to admit my own mistakes. 16. simplicity n. [U] the state of being uncomplicated 樸素;單純 simple adj. 簡樸的;簡單的 simply adv. 簡單地;單單、僅僅 Isn’t it a blessing to be able to see the world with childlike simplicity? The couple had a small wedding, and the bride wore a simple white dress. Simply press the button and the machine will start working. 17. wisdom n. [U] the ability to use experience and knowledge to make sensible decisions or judgments 智慧 wise adj. 聰明的 In times of trouble, my father always has some words of wisdom for us. It is wise of you to consult your elders in making important decisions. 18. meekness n. [U] the quality of being gentle and quiet 溫良; 柔順 2
  • 3. meek adj. 溫順的 She maintains a kind of meekness, never opposing her parents’ opinions. He is so meek that he doesn’t speak up even when he disagrees with somebody. 19. dare v. [I] to have enough courage to do something 敢;膽敢 We thought her new hairstyle was terrible, but no one dared to say so. II. Words for recognition 1. general n. [C] an officer of high rank in the armed forces (陸軍)上將;將軍 2. MacArthur n. Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of the allied powers in the Pacific in World War II 麥克阿瑟將軍(二次大戰時任太平洋盟軍最高統帥) 3. Lord n. a title that Christians use for God or Jesus Christ 上帝;主耶穌基督 4. unbending adj. unable to change one’s opinions, decisions, etc. 執著的;固執的 5. wishbone n. [C] a V-shaped bone in chickens, turkeys, and other birds(鳥胸的)叉骨;許願骨 6. backbone n. [C] the spine脊骨;[U] bravery, or strength of character 骨氣 7. Thee pron. you; object form of thou; referring to God when capitalized 你(受格;古字;於詩文中 大寫則作為對上帝之敬稱) 8. spur n. [C] a force leading to action 驅策;激勵 Idioms and Phrases 1. foundation stone a large block of stone put in position at the start of building a construction 基石 The foundation stone of the new hospital was laid by the vice president. 2. sense of humor an ability to appreciate amusing things 幽默感 It is essential to have a sense of humor in life. 3. take ... seriously to think that something is important and give it careful attention 嚴肅看待……;認真對待…… You really shouldn’t take the game so seriously. 4. in vain uselessly; without a successful result 徒然;枉然 We tried in vain to open the door. It was stuck. 3
  • 4. Word Power Do you have a sense of…? (Check the boxes if you do.) □ humor 幽默感 □ responsibility/duty 責任感 □ direction 方向感 □ achievement/accomplishment/fulfillment 成就感 □ guilt 罪惡感 □ justice 正義感 □ (in)security(不)安全感 □ frustration 挫折感 □ loss 失落感 □ belonging/community 認同感;歸屬感 L2 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. musician n. [C] a person who plays a musical instrument verywell 音樂家 musical adj. 音樂的 Yo-Yo Ma is a distinguished musician. Lisa has a great musical talent. At the age of ten, she could play three musical instruments. 2. courage n. [U] the ability to do something dangerous or difficult, or to face pain without showing fear 勇氣 courageous adj. 有勇氣的;勇敢的 It takes courage to do things that make you feel scared. A courageous man jumped into the river to save the drowning boy. 3. section n. [C] a separate part of something 部份 I live in the eastern section of the city. 4. nearby adj. not far away附近的 4
  • 5. nearby adv. 在附近 We went to a nearby restaurant that serves excellent pasta. Do you live nearby? 5. cottage n. [C] a small house, usually in the country 小屋;村舍 I would rather live in a small cottage in the country than in an apartment in the city. 6. sob v. [I, T] (sob, sobbed, sobbed) to say something while one is crying; to cry in a noisy way while breathing in short breaths 哭著說;啜泣;嗚咽 sob n. [C] 啜泣聲;嗚咽聲 Thinking of her misery, she couldn’t help sobbing. The unhappy girl sobbed herself to sleep almost every night. Feeling depressed, Mandy pressed her forehead to her knees and let out a bitter sob. 7. light v. [T] (light, lit, lit; light, lighted, lighted) to make a place brighter 照亮;to make something start burning 點燃 moonlight n. [U] 月光 Modern convenience stores are usually brightly lit. He lit a cigarette before he went on with the talk. Moonlight flowed in through the window, lighting a corner of the room. 8. candle n. [C] a stick of wax with a wick which gives light when it burns 蠟燭 candlelit adj. 燭光照明的 We should get some candles before the typhoon comes in case the power goes out. Isn’t it romantic to have a candlelit dinner with the one you love? 9. sigh v. [I] to take a long deep breath to express sadness, tiredness, relief, etc. 嘆氣 sigh n. [C] 嘆氣聲;嘆息 My father sighed at the sight of our collapsed house. She gave a sigh of relief when she heard that her husband was safe and sound. 10. embarrass v. [T] to cause one to feel uncomfortable 使尷尬;使困窘 embarrassing adj.令人尷尬的;令人難為情的 embarrassed adj. 尷尬的;難為情的 embarrassment n. [U, C] 尷尬;困窘 I hope I didn’t embarrass you in front of your friends. 5
  • 6. I mistook a stranger for my father yesterday on the street. How embarrassing! I was so embarrassed when I spilled some coffee on Ms. Lin’s skirt. He couldn’t hide his embarrassment when his parents started boasting about his good grades. 11. concert n. [C] a performance given by singers or musicians 音樂會;演奏會 I went to a live concert last night. The music was wonderful. 12. sheet n. [C] a regular-shaped piece of paper, glass, or other flat material 一張(紙、玻璃等);a large piece of thin cloth that one sleeps on or lies under in bed 床單 He handed me a sheet of paper with his phone number and address on it. You look as white as a sheet. Are you OK? 13. note n. [C] the sound of a particular pitch, or a symbol representing this sound 音(符);something that one writes down to remind him or her of something 筆記;記錄 Every song is made up of a series of musical notes. I always take notes in class to help me remember what the teacher said. 14. memory n. [U, C] ability to remember things記憶(力);[C] things one remembers from the past 回憶 memorize v. [T] 背;記住 The four-year-old girl can recite dozens of poems from memory. How amazing! My daughter has a poor memory. She always forgets things. For years and years Barbara had buried her childhood memories deep within, and suddenly they sprang to the surface. I try to memorize thirty new words a day to expand my vocabulary. 15. skill n. [U, C] ability to do something 技能 skillful adj. 靈巧的 I’m impressed with the author’s writing skills. Her language is beautiful and concise. Jennifer is a skillful ice-skater. 16. sweep v. [T] (sweep, swept, swept) to move something quickly 迅速 移開,席捲;to clean a floor or an area of ground by using a broom 掃(地) He swept everything off the table in a fit of anger. Sweep the floor before you mop it. 17. curtain n. [C] a piece of cloth that one hangs from the top of a 6
  • 7. window to keep light out or prevent people from seeing in 窗帘 Mother opened the curtains to let the sunshine in. 18. flood v. [T, I] to cover 充滿;(to cause) to be covered with water 淹沒;使淹 水;(洪水)氾濫 flood n. [C] 洪水;水災 The room will be flooded with light in the morning. If you intend to sleep late, you’d better draw the curtains. The fierce storm caused the river to overflow and flood the nearby areas. Thousands of people were left homeless because of the floods caused by the typhoon. 19. bare adj. not covered or decorated with anything; empty 空蕩蕩的, 沒有裝飾的;(a part of the body) not covered with clothing or shoes(人 體某部位)裸露的 barely adv. 僅僅;勉強可以;幾乎不能 His bookshelf is bare except for a heavy English dictionary. Be careful when you walk on the beach in bare feet. Most students in her class could barely read and write. 20. furniture n. [U] items such as chairs, tables, and beds that are put into a house to make it comfortable or convenient to live in 家具 furnish v. [T](用家具)裝潢;布置 This store sells good secondhand furniture. We have just bought a small apartment but can’t afford to furnish it. 21. describe v. [T] to say what something or someone is like 描述; 描寫 description n. [C, U] 描述;描寫 He described his new girlfriend as an elegant lady. The writer gave a vivid description of Paris in his book. 22. flowing adj. continuous in a smooth way 流暢的 flow v. [I](指液體、人口、車輛、聲音等的)流動 I really admire his beautiful, flowing handwriting. When I heard the bad news, tears flowed down my cheeks. 23. soft adj. (of sound or voice) quiet and pleasant to the ears 輕柔的;悅耳的;not hard 柔軟的 7
  • 8. soften v. [I, T](使)變軟;(使)緩和 I listen to soft music to help me get to sleep. Mom overcooked the vegetables. They were too soft. The butter will soften if you leave it at room temperature for half an hour. 24. kindness n. [C] an action done to help others 善行;[U] good nature 好心;善意 I can never thank you enough for your kindness. Out of kindness, the girl asked whether the elderly woman needed any help. 25. deaf adj. not able to hear 聾的 deafening adj. 震耳欲聾的 Mr. Liu went completely deaf in his late years. Many young people are crazy about rock concerts. They go wild over the deafening music. 26. hardly adv. almost not 幾乎不 Suddenly, the lights went out and we could hardly see anything. II. Words for recognition 1. Ludwig van Beethoven n. a German composer(音樂家名)貝多芬 2. Vienna n. the capital of Austria 維也納,奧地利首府 3. Austria n. a country in southern Central Europe 奧地利 4. sonata n. [C] a piece of classical music written for a piano or for a piano and another instrument 奏鳴曲 Idioms and Phrases: 1. in the middle of (time or space) near the center of 在……中途;在…… 之中 He came back to Taiwan in the middle of July. 2. to this day so far 到目前為止 What caused the ship to sink? It remains a mystery to this day. 3. make out to be barely able to see or hear 勉強看出或聽出;to understand 理解 In the dim light, I could only make out a tall male figure. I couldn’t tell 8
  • 9. who he was. I’ve tried my best, but I still can’t" make out what the teacher was talking about. 4. sheet music music that is printed on single pieces of paper without being fastened together inside a cover 樂譜 Have you seen my sheet music for “Moonlight Sonata”? I can’t play it from memory! 5. in the dark in a place where there is little or no light 在暗處 Most little children feel scared when left alone in the dark. 6. burn out to stop burning because there is nothing left 燒光;燒完 The fire will soon burn out if we don’t add some more wood. 7. come to to do something at the end of a long process or period of time 後來……;逐漸…… People will come to know the truth eventually. You can’t hide it forever. I had not wanted to move, but I slowly came to like my new home. 8. keep on V-ing to continue doing something 持續 The teacher kept on lecturing although it was already break time. 9. It may be that ... perhaps it’s because ... 也許是因為…… Why are teenagers so rebellious? It may be that they want to show they are different. Or it may be that they are unhappy. Who knows? Word Power Types of music 1. pop music 流行音樂 2. rap 饒舌音樂 3. rock and roll 搖滾樂 4. disco 狄斯可音樂 5. heavy metal 重金屬樂 6. classical music 古典音樂 7. jazz 爵士樂 8. country music 鄉村音樂 9. hip hop 嬉哈音樂 10. folk music 民俗音樂 L3 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. meaningful adj. useful or significant in some way 富有意義的 meaning n. [U, C] 意義;意思 9
  • 10. Despite his disabilities, Hsieh Kun-shan lives an active and meaningful life. To me, the true meaning of life is doing something that is helpful to others. 2. afterward adv. at a later time or after something had/has happened 之後;後來 Don’t eat too much turkey, or you won’t have room for pie afterward. 3. bake v. [T] to cook something in an oven 烤;烘 Susan baked a cake for the potluck. 4. frost n. [C, U] ice crystals that form on things outside when the temperature is below freezing 霜 After a chilly night, I found the grass outside my house sparkling with frost. 5. cultivate v. [T] to grow crops or plants 栽培;to prepare land for growing crops or plants 耕種 cultivation n. [U] 耕種;栽培 More than twenty types of roses are cultivated in this garden. My grandmother cultivated a small vegetable garden of her own. Every inch of land in this area is under cultivation. 6. native adj. relating to the country or place one was born出生地的 native n. [C] 當地人 Native Americans 美國的印地安人 Ashley comes from Austria; her native tongue is German. Judging from his accent, he can’t be a native of Texas. According to PC English, “Native Americans” is preferred to “Indians.” 7. stew n. [C, U] a dish of meat or vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed pan燉菜 stew v. [I, T] 以文火燉煮 The main dish for dinner was beef stew. The beef needs to be stewed for more than two hours. 8. vitamin n. [C, U] a substance in food that is necessary and important for the health of the human body 維他命 A healthy diet contains various vitamins. Sunshine is an important source of vitamin D. 9. mineral n. [C, U] a natural substance found in some foods that is necessary for good health, for example, iron and calcium 礦物質; a 10
  • 11. substance that is formed naturally in rocks and in the earth 礦物 Seaweed is full of minerals. Coal, iron, gold, and diamond are all minerals. 10. amusing adj. funny and interesting好笑的;有趣的 amuse v. [T] 使開心;逗(某人)笑 amusement n. [C, U] 娛樂;快樂 My history teacher is so amusing that we are never bored in his class. The audience was amused by the clown’s funny actions. Watching soap operas is my grandmother’s favorite amusement. To our amusement, the actor’s wig fell off when he was dancing. 11. guide n. [C] something that helps to make a judgment指引;指南; someone whose job is showing tourists around 嚮導 guide v. [T] 引領;嚮導 guidance n. [U] 指導;輔導 The food pyramid provides a guide to healthy diet. When we visited the Statue of Liberty, the tour guide told us some interesting historical facts. When I got lost in London, a local guided me through the streets back to my hotel. With my teacher’s guidance, I came up with a more effective way to study. 12. expression n. [C] a word or a phrase 措詞;a look on someone’s face that shows his/her feelings or thoughts 表情 express v. [T] 表達 expressive adj. 表示的;表達的 “Pass away” is a more polite and indirect expression for “die.” Father put on a serious expression when he saw my report card. The boy expressed his fantasy world in his paintings. These poems are expressive of a deep love of nature. 13. harvest n. [C, U] cutting and gathering of food crops 收割;收穫 harvest v. [T] 收割 The villagers celebrated the year’s good harvest. In Taiwan, rice is harvested two or three times a year. 11
  • 12. 14. prize n. [C] an award given to someone who wins or does very well in a competition 獎賞;獎品;獎金 Mike received several prizes for speech contests in high school. Tina won first prize in the 100-meter breaststroke event. 15. fertilizer n. [C, U] a substance added to soil to help plants grow 肥料 fertilize v. [T] 施肥 Using fertilizer helped our trees produce more fruit this year. Fallen leaves can be used to fertilize soil. 16. originate v. [I] to start to exist; to start 開始;起源 Her love of music originated in her childhood, when her parents always played music at home. 17. joyous adj. extremely happy; joyful 快樂的;歡喜的 The old couple had a joyous celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. 18. occasion n. [C] a special event or ceremony 特別的活動或慶 典;a particular time when something occurs 時候;場合 Shirley’s wedding was a very special occasion. Naomi has called me in the middle of the night on several occasions. 19. spirit [1spIrIt] n. [C] a soul without a physical body 幽靈;[U] a person’s mind or thoughts心靈; [pl.] mood 心情 The spirits of the dead are believed to wander at night during the Ghost Month. Witnessing his father’s death left him with a troubled spirit for the rest of his life. Sunny weather can usually lift a person’s spirits. 20. hollow v. [T] to make something empty inside 挖空 hollow adj. 中空的 The kids hollowed out the pumpkin to make a jack-o’-lantern. Balls are usually hollow inside. 21. evil adj. deliberately cruel or morally bad 邪惡的;壞的 evil n. [C, U] 惡事;惡 The evil witch put a spell on the prince, turning him into a frog. Some people believe that war is a necessary evil. It’s not easy to return to evil with good. 12
  • 13. 22. carve v. [T, I] to shape something by cutting material from stone or wood 雕刻 carving n. [C] 雕刻品 This statue of Buddha was carved out of fine wood. Sanyi is a town famous for its carvings. 23. scary adj. causing fear 嚇人的;恐怖的 scare v. [T] 使……害怕 scared adj. 受驚嚇的;害怕的 Many young people enjoy the scary rides at amusement parks. What scares the child most is being bullied by his classmates. Amy was scared to death when she saw a big mouse run across the floor. 24. glow v. [I] to produce a gentle, steady light 發光 glow n. [sing.] 光輝;紅光 Several sky lanterns were seen glowing high in the sky. The mountain peak appeared purple in the glow of the sunset. 25. broil v. [T, I] to cook something by putting it directly above or below strong heat 燒烤 Because of the rain, I broiled the chicken breast instead of grilling it outside. II. Words for recognition 1. pumpkin n. [C, U] a round, orange-colored vegetable 南瓜 2. doorstep n. [C] a step outside the main door to a building 門階 3. Halloween n. the night of October 31, when children wear costumes and go trick-or-treating 萬聖節前夕 4. Thanksgiving n. a holiday celebrated in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday in November, when families get together to have a big meal and give thanks for their blessings 感恩節 5. squash n. [C, U] a large, hard vegetable with thick skin like a pumpkin 南瓜類菜蔬 6. New Englander n. [C] people who live in New England, which includes several states in the northeastern part of the U.S., and is where the first English-speaking people arrived in the 17th century 新英格蘭地區的人 7. Yankee n. [C] someone from the northern part of the U.S., 13
  • 14. especially from New England 新英格蘭人;美國的北方人 8. jack-o’-lantern n. [C] a lantern made from a pumpkin, especially for Halloween 南瓜燈籠 9. the Celts n. an ancient group of people who lived in parts of Western Europe(西歐)塞爾特族 10. the British Isles n. the group of islands that includes Great Britain, Ireland and some small islands near them 不列顛群島 11. turnip n. [C] a round, light-colored root vegetable 蕪菁(俗稱大頭菜) 12. pulp n. [U] the soft inner part of fruits or vegetables 果肉 Idioms and Phrases: 1. (be) rich in ... to contain a lot of ... 有豐富的…… Milk is rich in calcium, which helps our bones. 2. give rise to to cause something to exist or happen 產生;導致 Overexposure to sunlight may give rise to skin cancer. 3. look forward to to wait excitedly for something to happen 期望 I’m looking forward to taking part in a study tour to Canada this winter. 4. pop up to appear unexpectedly 突然出現 Janet was surprised when her boyfriend popped up at her office, carrying a large bunch of roses. 5. serve as ... to be used for some purpose 用做……;作為…… There is no furniture in this room except some wooden boxes, which serve as chairs. L4 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. fable n. [C] a story that teaches a lesson 寓言故事 One of the best known of Aesop’s fables is “The Lion and the Mouse.” 2. moral n. [C] a lesson learned from a story or an event 寓意;教訓 moral adj. 道德的;倫理的 The moral of “The Lion and the Mouse” is “Little friends may prove great 14
  • 15. friends.” For some people, human cloning is not a scientific issue but a moral problem. 3. character n. [C] a person in a novel, play, or film 人物角色; qualities that make a person different from others 人格特質 There are over four hundred characters in the Chinese novel The Dream of the Red Chamber. It is believed that a person’s handwriting can reveal his or her character. 4. tone n. [C] a quality in a person’s voice that expresses his/her feelings 語氣;腔調;[sing.] the general feeling expressed in a speech or a piece of writing 格調;風格 My sister often talks to me in an impatient tone, as if I am really stupid. His books are mostly delightful in tone. 5. cynical adj. holding the belief that people are always selfish and never do things for good reasons 憤世嫉俗的 cynic n. [C] 憤世嫉俗者 Many people are cynical about politics. Don’t be such a cynic-----some people actually help others and want nothing in return. 6. wince v. [I] to show pain or distress in the face(對疼痛、不舒服) 表現出沮喪、退縮、畏懼 Claire winced at the thought of making her first public speech. 7. classic adj. very typical 典型的;of excellent quality and lasting value 一流的;經典的 classic n. [C] 經典名著;經典作品 Her problem with her parents is a classic example of bad communication. They just released a new album containing many of the classic love songs of the 1980s. High school students should be encouraged to read the classics. 8. branch n. [C] a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk and has leaves, flowers, or fruits growing on it 樹枝;one of the offices or shops that belong to a large business or organization 分店;分行 Up in the tree a robin was sitting on a branch and singing a happy tune. Our company has branches in New York, London, and Paris. 15
  • 16. 9. slip v. [I] (slip, slipped, slipped) to go somewhere quietly without being noticed 悄悄溜到……;to slide accidentally and lose one’s balance 滑倒 Little Johnny slipped out of his room through the window. Be careful not to slip on the icy road. You could break your leg. 10. quaver v. [I] to shake; to tremble 顫抖 quaver n. [C] 顫抖的聲音 Her voice quavered as she told the police how she had been abused by her husband. Even though she tried to hide her fears, I could hear the quaver in her voice. 11. fear n. [U, C] the feeling of being afraid 恐懼;害怕 fear v. [T] 害怕;懼怕 Her body shook with fear for hours after the tragic accident. If you have a fear of flying, it will keep you from traveling to many places. We fear that this disease will spread and get out of control. 12. astonishment n. [U] great surprise 驚奇;震驚 astonish v. [T] 使驚奇;使震驚 astonished adj. 感到驚奇的;感到震驚的 astonishing adj. 令人驚奇的;令人震驚的 To my astonishment, he got down on his knees and proposed to me! His quick wit astonished me. She looked astonished when she learned she hadn’t passed the test. Ludwig van Beethoven had a rare and astonishing musical talent, even as a boy. 13. creature n. [C] any living thing that is not a plant 生物;動物 Some people believe that creatures from outer space have visited the earth. 14. secretary n. [C] a person who does office work, such as answering telephone calls, keeping records, and arranging meetings 秘書 secretary bird 書記官鳥 We are looking for a new secretary who speaks English well. The secretary bird is a bird of prey found mostly in Africa. 15. claw n. [C] a hard curved nail on an animal 爪子 16
  • 17. With its sharp claws, a black bear can tear a human to pieces. 16. namely adv. that is; more clearly 也就是說;換言之 There is only one thing that can attract her attention, namely, money. 17. hasten v. [I] to do or say something quickly 急忙;趕快 haste n. [U] 急忙;趕快 With only ten minutes left before her first class, Ginger hastened to school without breakfast. Haste makes waste. 18. report v. [T, I] to give information about an event 報告 report n. [C] 報告 It is reported that more than three hundred people died in the air crash. My boss wants me to give a report on my sales trip to Singapore. 19. echo v. [T] to repeat what someone else just said 跟著說;重複別人 的話;[I] to repeat a sound 發出回聲 echo n. [C] 回聲;回音 “Brian is the best student in the class,” a teacher said. “He sure is,” echoed another teacher. The girls’ laughter echoed in the hallway. If you shout from the top of the hill, you will hear echoes coming back from the valley. 20. messenger n. [C] someone who delivers a message 信差 message n. [C] 訊息 Mr. Wagner sent a messenger to deliver the bad news. I will take action as soon as I receive your message. 21. dignity n. [U] calm, courageous, and serious manner 尊嚴;崇高 In the courtroom she answered every question with dignity and courage. 22. peer v. [I] to look at something very carefully, especially when you are unable to see it clearly 凝視;細看;認真打量 The man peered at me as if he had seen me somewhere else. 23. tremendous adj. very great 極大的;巨大的 His education has had a tremendous influence on his success. 24. concrete adj. made by mixing sand, small stones, cement, and 17
  • 18. water 混凝土製的;definite and specific 具體的 concrete n. [U] 混凝土 The boy fell from the stairs onto the hard concrete floor. Unless you have concrete evidence, you can’t accuse him of stealing your money. Most modern buildings are made of steel and concrete. 25. presently adv. after a short time 不一會兒;soon 馬上 Presently the teacher came back to the classroom with the test papers. Coffee and tea will be served presently. 26. observe v. [T] to see or notice something 注意到;看到;[T, I] to watch someone or something carefully 觀察 observation n. [U, C] 觀察 I observed her handing a bag to a man after she left the bank. The students will observe while the teacher performs the experiment step by step. The doctor advised me to stay in the hospital under observation for another two days. 27. merely adv. only 僅僅 I said that merely to cheer her up. I didn’t know she would take it seriously. 28. injured adj. wounded 受傷的 injurev. [T] 使……受傷 injury n. [U, C] 傷害;損傷 Several people were badly injured in the car accident. Mom injured her leg and her back when she slipped in the bathroom yesterday. A man with serious head injuries has been sent to the hospital. II. Words for recognition 1. James Thurber n. the name of a famous American writer (1894-1961) 詹姆士.賽伯 2. owl n. [C] a bird with large eyes that hunts small animals at night 貓頭鷹 3. oak n. [C] a large tree common in northern countries 橡樹 4. mole n. [C] a mammal that has dark fur and lives in the passages it 18
  • 19. digs underground 鼴鼠 5. woo v. [T] (old-fashioned) to persuade a woman to marry you 追求 6. fox n. [C] a dog-like mammal that has a pointed face, a furry tail, and reddish-brown fur 狐狸 7. dormouse n. [C] a small animal that looks like a mouse and has a long furry tail 睡鼠 8. French poodle n. [C] a dog with thick curly hair 貴賓犬 9. Plymouth Rock hen n. [C] a popular early breed of poultry 普利茅斯岩石雞 10. hawk n. [C] a large bird that hunts and eats small birds and animals 鷹;隼 11. outridern. [C] a person on a horse, motorcycle, etc., who rides ahead of or close to the vehicle of an important person 騎馬或摩托車的護衛 Idioms and Phrases: 1. of old of, in, or since former times 自古以來;過去 In days of old, horses were the only means of transportation. 2. I’ll see about that I will try to find if that is true 我要看看是不是那麼 一回事 Is it true that Henry is a wonderful cook? Well, I’ll see about that. 3. call on someone to pay a visit to someone 拜訪 We called on our neighbors in the afternoon and ended up staying for dinner. 4. that is to say that is; in other words; namely 換言之;也就是說 We---that is to say, my husband and I--would like to invite you to dinner tonight. 5. to wit (formal and old-fashioned) namely; that is to say; in other words 換言之;也就是說 Mr. Chen is quite a catch. To wit, any young lady would be lucky to marry him. 6. laugh at someone/something to make fun of; to tease 嘲笑 19
  • 20. Lucy cried because the other kids laughed at her hairstyle. 7. set upon/on someone to attack 攻擊 Even though the man meant no harm, the hungry tiger set upon him at once. 8. take up something to add one’s voice to something 加入一起喊(說、 唱)…… All the guests at the party took up the cry of “Happy birthday to Bill!” 9. act as ... to perform the role of someone or something 充任……角色; 擔任……工作 Stella usually acts as a guide when foreign visitors come to the school. 10. run someone down to drive into someone and kill or injure him/her 撞死 或撞傷某人 Jimmy was run down by a bus when he was crossing the street. Word Power Animal-related idioms horse around 到處玩樂 a dark horse 黑馬(不被看好,但可能異軍突起的人) monkey around 鬼混 hold one’s horses 克制;忍耐 a lucky dog 幸運的人 make a pig of oneself 大吃大喝 a white elephant 昂貴而無用的東西 take the bull by the horns 勇敢克服問題 a snake in the grass 危險人物 a wolf in sheep’s clothing 披著羊皮的狼 20
  • 21. L5 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. freeze v. [I, T] (freeze, froze, frozen) to become hard or covered with ice because of being extremely cold 冰凍;結冰 The lake has frozen and many people are skating on it. Caught in the snow-covered net, the little bird was frozen stiff. 2. solid adj. hard and firm, and not a liquid or gas 固體的 solid n. [C] 固體 When the temperature is lowered to zero degrees, water becomes solid. Iron and wood are solids. 3. thaw v. [I, T] to change something from a frozen state to become soft or liquid again because of an increase in temperature 融化;解凍 When the sun came out, the snow started to thaw. It is recommended that we thaw the chicken before cooking it. 4. hop v. [I] (hop, hopped, hopped) to move by making quick short jumps(蛙、鳥等)齊足跳;(人)單腳跳 The bird ate the crumbs on the ground and hopped away. 5. organ n. [C] a part of the body of an animal that performs a special function 器官 The heart and the lungs are vital organs. 6. transplant n. [C] a medical operation in which an organ or a part of a body is moved from one person to another 移植 transplant v. [T] 移植 The patient just had a heart transplant and is now recovering. The doctor transplanted one of the woman’s kidneys into her ten-year-old son. 7. inspiration n. [C, U] a feeling, person, or thing that gives someone new and creative ideas 靈感;someone or something that makes a person want to do something 鼓舞;激勵 inspire v. [T] 激發靈感;鼓舞 The beauty of nature provided great inspiration for the poet. The story of Mother Teresa is an inspiration to us all. The premier’s speech has inspired millions of his countrymen. 8. discover v. [T] to find something or some place for the first time發現 21
  • 22. discovery n. [C, U] 被發現的事物;發現 This guidebook will help you discover fascinating places to go and exciting things to do. At the end of the 19th century, a number of scientific discoveries were made, which paved the way for the breakthroughs of modern physics. 9. useful adj. helpful in doing things 有用的 use n.[U] 使用;利用 use v. [T] 使用;利用 You can find lots of useful information about how to keep fit on this website. It’s no use trying to escape; you’ve got to face the problem. Use a dictionary to look up the words you don’t know. 10. design n. [C, U] the way in which something is planned or arranged 設計;計畫 design v. [T] 設計;構思 This model of car is being recalled by the company because of some design faults in the air bag. Our new cellphone models are available in a wide range of designs. The overpass was designed to ensure the safety of schoolchildren. 11. adjust v. [I, T] to change something slightly so that it is more appropriate for a particular purpose 調整 This chair can be adjusted to meet your needs. It took him almost a month to adjust to his new school. 12. apply v. [T] to make practical use of a method, idea, or law in a particular situation 應用;使用;[I] to request for something such as a job, or permission to do something in writing 申請 application n. [C, U] 應用;適用 This is a job to which you can apply your professional knowledge. She applied to the company for a position in the accounting department. Research in genetic engineering has many practical applications. 13. engineer n. [C] a person whose job is to design, build, or maintain engines, machines, roads, bridges, etc. 工程師 engineering n. [U] 工程;工程學 My uncle is a civil engineer and works for the Department of Rapid Transit Systems. 22
  • 23. The study of engineering can help you to learn how to design and construct engines and machinery. 14. microscope n. [C] a scientific instrument that makes extremely small things appear bigger so that more details can be seen 顯微鏡 With the aid of a microscope, germs can be seen clearly. 15. hook n. [C] a curved device used to catch or hold things 鉤;掛鉤 Angela hung her bag on the hook behind the door. 16. concept n. [C] an idea, a basic principle 概念;觀念 Once she came up with a concept for her history assignment, she found it easy to write ten pages. 17. muddy adj. covered with or containing wet and sticky earth 泥濘 的;沾滿爛泥的 mud n. [U] 泥巴 After a rain, the road around the pond becomes very muddy and slippery. When he came back from the field, his boots were caked with mud. 18. environment n. [C] the natural features of a place, for example, the air, the water or the land, in or on which people, animals, or plants live 環境 The use of chemicals may cause serious damage to the environment. 19. dust n. [U] dry powder of dirt accumulating on the surface of buildings or furniture 灰塵 A cloud of dust rose in the air as a big truck roared past. 20. dirt n. [U] any substance that prevents a surface from being clean 污物;灰塵 He brushed his shoes hard, trying to remove the dirt from them. 21. tip n. [C] the end of something pointed 頂端;尖端;a piece of useful or helpful advice 秘訣 Eluanbi Park is located at the southern tip of Taiwan. These are useful tips on how to cook fish. 22. readily adv. easily and quickly 迅速地;容易地 When we made our request, she readily promised to help. 23. surface n. [C] the outer or top layer of something 表面 A film of oil floated on the surface of the soup. 23
  • 24. 24. resemble v. [T] to look like or be similar to someone or something 相像;類似 How closely Gerald resembles his father in their love of traveling! 25. string n. [C] a strong thin rope made of fibers twisted together, used for tying or fastening things 細繩 The wind chimes were fastened outside the window with a string. 26. thick adj. not thin 粗的;厚的 He was so hungry that he had a submarine sandwich and a thick juicy steak for dinner. 27. silk n. [U] very thin thread produced by some insects 絲;蠶絲 A fly was caught in the silk threads of the spider’s web. 28. steel n. [U] strong metal made from iron and other materials and used for shaping a structure for things like vehicles and buildings 鋼;鋼鐵 The security gate is made of two-meter-thick steel. 29. tough adj. not easily broken or cut; strong 堅韌的;不易斷的 You need a tough pair of sneakers to go mountain climbing. 30. farm v. [T] to grow crops and raise animals on a piece of land 種植;養殖 Farmed salmon are less expensive than wild ones, but they do not taste as good. They preferred to farm sheep rather than grow corn which was less profitable. 31. process v. [T] to change raw materials industrially to improve them in some way 加工 Tomatoes that we grow on our farm are later processed to make tomato sauce. 32. result n. [C, U] something that happens or exists because of something that happened earlier 結果 The results of the opinion poll showed that the entire village was against the building of the incinerator. Having finally achieved the desired result, the whole research team felt like celebrating. 33. vest n. [C] a type of clothing, often with no sleeves, worn on the top of the body, usually over a shirt 背心 He buttoned his vest and then put on his jacket. II. Words for recognition 1. frog n. [C] a small creature with smooth skin and long back legs 24
  • 25. used for jumping 青蛙 2. Ottawa n. the capital of Canada 渥太華(加拿大首都) 3. Canada n. a country to the north of the United States 加拿大 4. Wright n. the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, who developed the first successful plane in 1903 萊特兄弟(發明飛機者) 5. Swiss adj. of Switzerland or of the people of Switzerland 瑞士(人)的 6. George de Mestral n. a Swiss scientist; the inventor of Velcro 喬治‧梅司德拉 7. bur n. [C] (also burr) a very small seed container, covered in little hooks that make it stick to clothes or animal fur 芒刺 8. Velcro n. [U] (trademark) a fastener for clothing, consisting of two pieces of material that stick to each other when pressed together 維可牢;魔鬼粘 9. lotus n. [C] a tropical water lily with flat leaves that float on the surface of a lake or a pool 蓮花 10. German adj. of Germany or of the people of Germany 德國 (人)的;n. [C] a person from Germany 德國人 11. Lotusan n. a company in Germany that produces house paint 一個生產外牆塗料的德國公司 12. jet n. [C] an aircraft that can fly at extremely high speed 噴射機 13. cartoon n. [C] a film that is made by using a series of drawings and that is usually amusing 卡通;漫畫 14. spider n. [C] a small creature with eight legs that catches small insects with a web 蜘蛛 15. Kevlar n. (trademark) a lightweight, flexible fiber usually used for making bullet-resistant products 克維拉超強彈性纖維 16. bulletproof adj. describing something designed in a way that can prevent bullets from going through it 防彈的 Idioms and Phrases: 25
  • 26. 1. look to to depend on someone or something to provide help, advice, etc. 依賴;指望 The art association is looking to the government for more funds. 2. be based on to be on the basis of; to be founded on 以……為基礎 Their friendship is based on mutual trust. 3. be covered with to have a layer of something on the surface 為……所覆蓋 The hilltops are covered with snow. 4. in theory as a general idea which may not be true or may not happen 理論上 In theory, it takes me one hour to drive home, but in practice, it usually takes longer than that because of the rush-hour traffic. Word Power I. Present participles + N a flying bird a running car a sleeping child a boring lecture the rising sun a charming girl an amusing film surprising news II. Past participles + N a frozen lake a broken vase a deserted house a bored audience the stolen jewelry an injured soldier a frightened animal a disappointed look L6 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. active adj. doing many things and having a lot of energy 有活動力 的;活躍的 act v. [I] 採取行動 action n. [U, C] 行動 After her retirement, she continued to be active in politics. When there is a fire, people must act quickly. We must take action to solve the problem before it’s too late. 2. rather adv. a little; quite 有些;頗為 The weather has been rather cold this week. 3. ache v. [I] to have or suffer a continuous pain (持續性的)疼痛 26
  • 27. ache n. [C] 疼痛 My head aches badly. After the race, I had aches and pains all over my body. 4. cool v. [T] to make something cooler; to make a feeling less strong 使變涼;使鎮靜 Let’s open all the windows to cool the room. We tried to cool him down, but he was still very angry. 5. faint v. [I] to lose consciousness 昏厥 faint adj. 微弱的;暗淡的 He fainted at the sight of his own blood. I don’t have the faintest idea what you are talking about. 6. nobody n. [C] a person of no importance 無名小卒 Jason has vowed to become famous. He is tired of being a nobody. 7. dreary adj. dull; uninteresting 無聊;乏味 Answering phones all day long is dreary work. 8. somebody n. [U] someone that is considered important 大人物 She thinks she is really somebody in this town just because she has a doctoral degree. 9. admiring adj. full of respect and approval 欽佩的;仰慕的 admire v. [T] 欽佩;仰慕 admiration n. [U] 欽佩;仰慕 A group of journalists and admiring fans waited outside the gate for the superstar. We admire Andy for his courage in admitting his mistake. All the tourists gazed in admiration at the breathtaking scenery. 10. perch v. [I] (of a bird) to come to rest on a branch, etc.(鳥)棲息 A bird flew down and perched on the windowsill. 11. soul n. [C] the moral or spiritual part of a person 靈魂 “What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?” ---the Bible 12. tune n. [C] a series of musical notes that is pleasant and easy to remember 曲調 27
  • 28. tune v. [T, I] 調音;調整(收聽或收視的)頻率 She was humming a merry little tune. The band tuned (up) their instruments before the concert. Millions of people tuned in to watch the royal wedding on TV. 13. sore adj. painful or aching from a wound, infection, or hard use 疼痛的 Henry is suffering from a sore throat. 14. chilly adj. noticeably cold 寒冷的 chill n. [C] 風寒;寒冷 chill v. [T, I] 使冷卻;變冷 I felt chilly after the fire went out. There is a chill in the air this morning. The milk should be chilled after you open the container. 15. extremity n. [U] great need, danger, trouble, etc. 絕境 extreme adj. 極端的;極度的 In spite of the extremity of her situation, she still had hope. Be prepared for extreme danger if you are going to be a war correspondent. II. Words for recognition 1. Emily Dickinson n. the name of an American poet 愛蜜莉‧狄瑾蓀 (美國詩人名) 2. robin n. [C] a common bird 知更鳥 3. livelong adj. whole 全部的;整個的 4. bog n. [C] an area of soft wet ground into which the feet sink 沼澤 5. gale n. [C] a strong wind 狂風;強風 6. abash v. [T] to cause to feel uncomfortable or ashamed 使羞慚;使跼促不 安 7. crumb n. [C] a very small piece of dry bread or cake 餅屑;麵包屑 Idioms and Phrases: 1. hardly ever very rarely; almost never 很少;幾乎從不 28
  • 29. It hardly ever snows in this mountainous area. 2. figure out to understand; to learn how to explain 了解;理解;算出;解出 I can’t figure out how you can be late for school every day. 3. ask sth. of sb. to expect or demand something from somebody 向人要求 某物 You want a cellphone and an MP3 player? Don’t you think you are asking too much of your parents? Word Power □ poetry/poem 詩 □ prose 散文 □ drama/play 戲劇 □ novel 長篇小說 □ short story 短篇小說 □ biography 傳記 □ history 歷史;史書 □ mythology (希臘羅馬)神話 □ fairy tale 童話 □ folk tale 民間故事 □ fable 寓言 □ legend 傳說;傳奇 □ historical fiction 歷史小說 □ science fiction 科幻小說 □ fantasy 奇幻文學 □ mystery懸疑(推理)小說 □ detective novel 偵探小說 29
  • 30. martial arts novel 武俠小說 □ romance 愛情故事;言情小說 □ picture book 繪本 L7 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. ring n. [C] the sound of a bell(鐘、鈴、電話等的)響聲 ring v. [I] (ring, rang, rung)(鐘、鈴、電話等)響 I didn’t hear the ring of my cellphone because it was at the bottom of my backpack. The bell rang and the students rushed out of the classroom. 2. alarm n. [C] a device that produces a warning signal 鬧鐘;警報器 You can ask for a wake-up call, or you can set the alarm on your clock and hope it wakes you. I thought I had flunked math, but it turned out to be a false alarm. 3. drowsily adv. feeling tired and sleepy(令人)昏昏欲睡地 drowsy adj.(令人)昏昏欲睡的 On Monday morning, everybody drowsily walked into the office. I had jet lag and felt drowsy for the first few days I was in London. 4. smooth adj. flat and even; soft to the touch 平滑的 Some women try everything they can to keep their skin smooth. 5. roll v. [I] to move by turning over and over 滾下來 Tears rolled down her cheeks when she was told that her mother was very sick. 6. colleague n. [C] someone a person works with 同事 Jenny quit her job because she did not get along with her colleagues. 7. associate n. [C] a business partner 合夥人;同事 associate v. [I] 交往;結交 Thank you for your comments. I will pass them onto my business associate. We are advised not to associate with drug addicts and alcoholics. 8. globalized adj. worldwide 全球化的 globalize v. [T] 使全球化 30
  • 31. global adj. 全球性的 globalization n. [U] 全球化 Misunderstandings between people may decrease as the world becomes globalized. Today’s meeting is to discuss how to globalize the company. Global warming has become a problem that every country must deal with. Liberal approaches to modernization are closely linked to economic globalization. 9. amazing adj. wonderful; marvelous令人驚奇的 amaze v. [T] 使驚奇 amazed adj. 感到驚奇的 It was an amazing experience to watch the men’s singles at Wimbledon. The author amazes me with her vivid description of farm life. The teacher was amazed at how creative his students were when writing poems. 10. rapid adj. quick 迅速的 The town experienced rapid growth once gold was found in the local river. 11. growth n. [U] increase or development 成長 grow v. [I] 成長 The chart shows the growth in viewers for foreign films on cable TV. My nephew was born in Taiwan but grew up in America. 12. decade n. [C] a period of ten years 十年 I can’t believe we’ve been married for ten years! How can a decade pass so quickly? 13. aspect n. [C] one part of a situation or problem 方面 Which aspect of the story did you find the most interesting? 14. variety n. [U] the quality of including many different types 種種;多樣(性) vary v. [I] 改變;變化 The college offers a variety of classes, including business writing and management. Variety is the spice of life. Side effects of this drug may vary from person to person. 15. access n. [U] the right or ability to use something(使用的)機 31
  • 32. 會、權利;通路 access v. [T] 得以接近、使用 The course requires that all students have access to a computer. Students can now access the library from the comfort of their homes. 16. hometown] n. [C] the city or town that someone comes from家鄉 The man went back to his hometown only to find that everything had changed. 17. online adv. on the Internet 在線上 online adj. 線上的 You can never be sure about people’s true identities when you meet them online. Have you tried an online dating service before? 18. feast v. [I] to eat a lot of food and enjoy it 飽餐 feast n. [C] 盛宴 At Thanksgiving, we feasted on turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. It was a feast that I could never have imagined even in my dreams. 19. customer n. [C] a person that buys things or receives services from a shop or a company 客戶;顧客 If this store does not start attracting more customers, it will go out of business. 20. discuss v. [T] to talk about 討論 discussion n. [C, U] 討論 I made an appointment with my teacher to discuss the topic of my paper. We had an interesting discussion in class today about the death penalty. 21. relaxing adj. making someone feel comfortable and without any worries 令人放鬆的 relax v. [I] 使放鬆 relaxed adj. 感到放鬆的 relaxation n. [U] 放鬆 Listening to relaxing music helps reduce your stress level. Now that our exams are over, we can finally relax. Five minutes after I got into my father’s car, I felt very relaxed and fell asleep. What do you do for relaxation when you’re not studying? 32
  • 33. 22. greet v. [T] to welcome someone 問候 The friendly doorman greeted me with a big smile as I walked into the hotel. 23. fluent adj. able to speak a language easily and smoothly 流利的 fluency n. [U] 流利 Although the young man has never been to France, he speaks fluent French. A lack of language fluency prevented him from getting the job. 24. accent n. [C] a way of pronouncing words shared by a group of people 口音 Do you find it easier to understand someone who speaks English with a British accent or an American accent? 25. obvious adj. easy to tell 明顯的 George’s frustration was obvious: his face started to turn red. 26. dye v. [T] (dye, dyed, dyeing) to color something using a special liquid 染色 dye n. [U] 染料 Susan dyed her hair brown, but I don’t think it suits her. The chemicals from hair dye can seep into your scalp and may harm your body. 27. old-fashioned adj. belonging to a time in the past 舊式的; 不流行的 You can see items from the 1800s at the museum, including old-fashioned clothes. 28. local adj. relating to an area, especially of a country 當地的;本地的 I took my friend to a night market to introduce her to some local Taiwanese food. II. Words for recognition 1. bedside n. [C] a place next to a bed 床邊 2. pastime n. [C] an activity done for enjoyment 娛樂;消遣 3. New York Times n. a newspaper published in New York City 紐約時報 4. Sydney Morning Herald n. a newspaper published in Sydney 雪梨先鋒報 5. brewed adj. (tea, coffee) prepared by infusion in hot water(茶、咖啡)泡開的 6. videoconference n. [C] a meeting held by means of audio and video signals 視訊會議 33
  • 34. 7. pasta n. [U] food made from flour and water, and cut into different shapes 麵食 8. bar n. [C] a counter at which food or drinks are served 飲食販賣部 9. burrito n. [C] a kind of Mexican food made by rolling a thin round bread around a filling of meat, beans and cheese 麵捲餅(墨西哥的一種菜餚,以肉、乳酪等作 餡烤製而成) 10. baggy adj. (of clothes) loose and big(褲子等)袋狀的 11. hip-hop adj. relating to a type of music in which the words are spoken rather than sung 嘻哈風格的 12. high-five v. [T] (two people) to slap upraised right hands 舉手擊掌 13. multicultural adj. of diverse cultures 多元文化的 14. bian-dang n. [C] a Taiwanese lunch box containing rice, meat and vegetables 便當 15. clam n. [C] a sea creature with an oval shell that can open and close 蛤蜊 16. oolong n. [C, U] a type of Chinese tea 烏龍茶 Idioms and Phrases: 1. as usual as commonly happens 照常;照例 Even though today is a holiday, many stores are open for business as usual. 2. go off to start ringing loudly(鐘、鈴等)突然響起 I hate it when people’s car alarms go off in the middle of the night. 3. at times sometimes 有時;偶爾 I try my best to answer all my email, but I do miss some messages at times. 4. switch on to turn on 打開(電視、收音機等) My father switched on the TV to watch the baseball game as soon as he got home. 5. look around to look at what is in a particular place 環顧四周 He looked around the lobby and saw that it had a coffee shop as well as a newsstand. 34
  • 35. 6. follow ... up to take further action connected with something 接續做…… I sent a letter to the person in charge and then followed it up with a phone call. L8 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. tide n. [C, U] the regular rise and fall of the sea 潮汐 The tide is rising. We’d better keep away from the beach. Time and tide wait for no man. 2. plain adj. simple; without anything added 簡樸的 Our boss is a special person; though he is rich, he enjoys plain living. 3. suit n. [C] a set of clothes made of the same material 一套衣服(包括 外套背心和褲子) My manager usually wears a suit to work, but today he wore a sports jacket. 4. dusty adj. dry and covered with dry earth 佈滿塵土的 After playing in the field for hours, all the boys came home with dusty faces. 5. mask v. [T] to keep from being seen 掩飾 mask n. [C] 面具 She tried to mask her anger with a smile. On Halloween, children enjoy wearing costumes and masks. 6. chew v. [T, I] to keep biting with the teeth 咀嚼 The steak was so tough; I had to chew each piece for five minutes! 7. rooted adj. fixed as if deeply planted into the soil 一動也不動的; 生根的 root n. [C] 根 When he saw the horrible accident, he stood rooted to the spot. She pulled the plant up by its roots. 8. captain n. [C] an officer in charge of a ship or an aircraft 船長;機長 The captain ordered the sailors to work harder. 9. introduce v. [T] to make people known to each other for the first time介紹 introduction n. [U, C] 介紹;說明 He turned to face the newcomer and introduced himself. 35
  • 36. The teacher introduced the little boy to his new classmates. Every student in this new class has to make a self-introduction at the beginning of the semester. 10. retreat v. [I] to move back 撤退 retreat n. [C, U] 撤退 The soldiers retreated safely into the mountains. We learned about the retreat of the U.S. army from Iraq. 11. shy adj. nervous in front of others 害羞的;羞怯的 shyly adv. 害羞地 shyness n. [U] 羞怯 The little boy becomes too shy to speak whenever he faces strangers. The newcomer answered the girl’s request shyly. His face went red with shyness when he walked into the crowded room. 12. chatter v. [I] to talk continuously and eagerly 喋喋不休;聊個不停 They were sitting on the bench, chattering about their school life. 13. painfully adv. uncomfortably; sufferingly 痛苦地 painful adj. 痛苦的 pain n. [U, C] 疼痛 He looked painfully toward the oak tree, unable to see any yellow handkerchiefs. It was very painful for Mr. Lee to tell his daughter about her mother’s death. The death of the dog gave the little boy great pain; he lost his beloved pet. No pains, no gains. 14. jail n. [U] the place where criminals are kept 監獄 It was reported on the radio that three prisoners had escaped from jail. 15. guy n. [C] a man 男人 Who was the guy at the door? Helena’s boyfriend is a nice guy. 16. parole n. [U] the letting out of a person from prison before his/ her prison sentence is due to end 假釋 parole v. [T] 假釋 After serving five years in prison, the man was released on parole. Jack will be paroled earlier than expected because of his good behavior in prison. 36
  • 37. 17. much-handled adj. much-touched 常觸摸的 handle n. [U, C] 把手 handle v. [T] 觸摸;處理 From the way he looked at the much-handled pictures of his family, you could tell that he missed them deeply. The father taught the boy to grab the hammer by the handle. That was a difficult situation, but the teacher handled it very well. 18. acquire v. [T] to gain 獲得;養成 acquisition n. [U, C] 獲得(物);養成 When did you acquire the habit of smoking? This antique vase is the collector’s latest acquisition. 19. hushed adj. silent 安靜的 hush n. [U] (also sing.) 安靜 Knowing that their teacher had passed away, the students were in a hushed mood. When the bad news was announced, a hush fell over the room. 20. absence n. [U] not being there 缺席;不在 absent adj. 缺席的 During Jack’s absence, we all missed him very much. Joe is absent from class; he must be sick. 21. tighten v. [T, I] to become tighter繃緊;變緊 tight adj. 緊的 tight adv. 緊緊地 You’d better tighten the rope, or the boat will float away. He’s got a very tight schedule today; he won’t be able to see you until tomorrow. She held the baby tight in her arms. 22. fortify v. [T] to make strong 加強 Soldiers fortified the city by building a large wall around it. 23. exultation n. [U] great delight and pleasure 雀躍;狂喜 exult v. [I] 雀躍;狂喜 37
  • 38. Winning the race filled me with a feeling of exultation. The swimmer exulted in her achievement of breaking the world record. 24. stun v. [T] (stun, stunned, stunned) to shock or surprise 震驚 The news of her friend’s suicide stunned her. George was stunned by the news of his father’s death. 25. banner n. [C] a flag 旗幟 On Double Tenth Day, we can see a lot of banners flying in the wind. The marchers waved banners saying “we want work.” 26. billow v. [I] to move in large waves 飄揚;翻騰 We watched the flags billowing in the wind. II. Words for recognition 1. rumble v. [I] to make or move with a deep rolling sound 發出隆隆的響聲 2. ill-fitting adj. not the right size or shape 不合身的 3. runaway n. [C] a person who has escaped from somewhere 逃亡者 4. swig n. [C] a large mouthful of a drink that is taken quickly 大口地喝 5. can n. [C] (slang) prison(俚)監獄 6. unformed adj. still young 年幼的 7. snapshot n. [C] an informal photograph taken with a hand-held camera 快照 8. ex-con n. [C] (slang) a former prisoner(俚)前科犯 Idioms and Phrases 1. deep into the night very late at night 深夜 The party lasted until deep into the night. 2. come through to be realized; to become definite or officially approved (消息、結果)傳出,公布 They both felt sad but relieved when their divorce finally came through. 3. take ... back to accept someone again after they have been away or after a disagreement 讓……回家 I’ll take him back if he wants to be with me again. 4. take over to gain control over 接手 38
  • 39. I have an important meeting to attend. Could you take over my work for a few hours? 5. make one’s way to ... to go to ... 去(某處) After lunch, I’ll make my way to the market. Word Power commit a crime 犯罪 be suspected for/of ... 有……嫌疑 get arrested 被捕 be under investigation for ... 在調查…… be put on trial 被審判 confess a crime 坦承犯罪 be convicted of ... 被判有……罪 be sentenced (to death) 判(死)刑 be put behind the bars 服刑 be in jail/prison 服刑 be on parole 假釋 be released 被釋放 L9 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. extinction n. [U] the situation when an animal or plant no longer exists 滅絕;絕種 extinct adj. 滅絕的;絕種的 Giant pandas are such beautiful animals that nobody wants to see their extinction. This kind of snake has been extinct for many years in this area. 2. marine adj. of the sea and ocean 海洋的 According to the WWF, three of the seven existing species of marine turtles are critically endangered. 39
  • 40. 3. endangered adj. becoming extinct 瀕臨絕種的 endanger v. [T] 危害;危及 We should pay more attention to endangered animals; otherwise, they will soon become extinct. Human population growth is endangering the survival of giant pandas. 4. species n. [C] (pl. species) a plant or an animal 物種 Thousands of species of plants and animals are under increasing threat. A new species of bird was found in the forests of central Taiwan. 5. habitat n. [C, U] a place where a certain animal normally lives 棲息地 habitation n. [U, C] 居住 Loss of habitat has a great influence on the survival of wildlife. The settlers cleared thousands of acres of forests for habitation. 6. mainly adv. mostly 主要地 main adj. 主要的 We are reading this article mainly to understand the situation of endangered animals. What is the main food of the giant panda? 7. deforestation n. [U] the process of cutting down trees from an area 砍伐森林 forest n. [C, U] 森林 Deforestation leads to loss of habitat. In turn, loss of habitat leads to extinction of wild animals. I think pandas belong in the forest. I object to the idea of putting them on display in zoos. 8. agriculturen. [U] the work, business, or study of farming 農業 In Taiwan, most people used to be employed in agriculture. 9. settler n. [C] a person who goes to live in a new place 移民;開墾者 settle v. [I, T] 定居;安居 The island’s first settlers arrived on ships from Europe two hundred years ago. Luisa and her husband love Vancouver so much that they have decided to settle there. 10. inevitably adv. used to say something is certain to happen 不可避免地 40
  • 41. inevitable adj. 不可避免的 A famous singer will inevitably attract attention from fans wherever he or she goes. Because of deforestation, the loss of habitat seems inevitable. 11. threaten v. [T] to be likely to harm or destroy something 威脅 threat n. [C] 威脅 Global warming threatens the survival of the world. Air pollution created by cars and motorcycles is a big threat to our health. Scientists are seeking solutions to problems and threats that face the World’s forests. 12. starve v. [I, T] to suffer or die because one does not have enough food to eat 挨餓 starvation n. [U] 挨餓 Winter is coming. If these animals stay where they are, they will starve to death. Those earthquake victims were on the verge of starvation. 13. worse adj. more unpleasant than before 更糟 The condition of these endangered animals is getting worse. We are already late. What’s worse, our car won’t start! 14. bloom v. [I] to produce flowers 開花 Azaleas in the garden are blooming now, and the flowers are very pretty. 15. appropriate adj. proper or suitable 合適的 It does not seem appropriate to wear casual clothes to a wedding banquet. 16. mate n. [C] an animal’s sexual partner 配偶;伴侶;a friend or a person who shares an activity or accommodation with someone 夥伴;朋友 mate v. [I, T] 交配 Do you have any idea how pandas find their mates? Are you looking for Brian? I saw him talk to his mates in the garden about ten minutes ago. At zoos, animals mate with the help of scientists. 17. inbreeding n. [U] the process of producing children or animals from parents who are close members of the same family 近親繁殖 breed v. [T] (breed, bred, bred) 飼養 It seems inevitable that inbreeding will take place in this small isolated community. Well fed, well bred. 18. adaptable adj. being able to change one’s behavior to deal with new situations 41
  • 42. 適應力強的 adapt v. [I, T] 適應;[T] 改編 I don’t think I could live in another country. I’m not very adaptable. Are you having any difficulty adapting to your new school? It took him several months to adapt himself to his new job. The horror movie was adapted from a best-selling novel. 19. vulnerable adj. weak or easy to get hurt 易受傷害的 The girl is very sensitive and vulnerable. Airports and train stations are highly vulnerable to terrorist attacks. 20. fur n. [C, U] soft hair that covers an animal’s body 毛,毛皮 furless adj. 沒毛的 My cat has beautiful soft white fur. Try to imagine a small, white, furless and helpless baby panda. 21. lick v. [I, T] to move one’s tongue across something 舔 The big cat licked her kitten tenderly. 22. predator n. [C] an animal that kills and eats other animals 掠食者 Some insects are such smart predators that they use traps to catch their prey. These birds have to be protected from foxes and other predators. 23. fortunately adv. with good luck 幸運地 fortunate adj. 幸運的 Fortunately, she passed the strict examination and was hired by the company. I am fortunate to have so many good friends. 24. measure n. [C] an action that is taken to deal with something 措施 Measures are being taken to protect endangered animals. 25. fund n. [C] a financial organization 基金會 Many people donated to the fund to help protect those beautiful old buildings. 26. reserve n. [C] an area of land where animals and plants are specially protected保留地 reserve v. [T] 預訂 reservation n. [U, C] 保留;預訂 Reserves are set up in the forest for the protection of giant pandas. My father called the restaurant to reserve a table in advance. 42
  • 43. I have made a reservation for two at a fancy restaurant next Sunday. 27. program n. [C] a plan for achieving something 計畫 A green turtle conservation program carried out by the islanders has produced interesting results. 28. preserve v. [T] to keep something in its original state 保存 preservation n. [U] 保存 The WWF is making efforts to preserve endangered animals. You should visit the beautifully preserved buildings when you go to Lukang. Preservation of natural habitat is very important. II. Words for recognition 1. whale n. [C] a very large ocean animal 鯨魚 2. turtle n. [C] an animal with a shell and four short legs 烏龜 3. ape n. [C] a large monkey without a tail that can stand and walk on two feet 猿 4. panda n. [C]a large Chinese animal with black and white fur 貓熊 5. timber n. [U] wood used for building houses or making furniture木材 6. slope n. [C] a surface that has one end higher than the other 斜坡 7. bamboo n. [U, C] a tall tropical plant 竹子 8. kilogram n. [C] a unit for measuring weight 公斤 9. shoot n. [C] a very young plant(竹的)嫩芽;筍 10. cub n. [C] a young animal 幼獸 11. WWF World Wildlife Fund 的縮寫 世界野生動物基金會 12. Hua Mei n. name of a panda 華美(貓熊的名字) 13. San Diego n. a city in California 聖地牙哥(美國加州城市 名) Idioms and Phrases: 1. be due to to be caused by 因為 The prosperity of this small town was due to its gold mine. His bankruptcy is mainly due to the poor investments he made in the stock market. 43
  • 44. 2. or so about 大約 I will stay with my grandparents for a week or so. It will take a year or so to construct a new bridge for the villagers. 3. die off to die one by one until none exists 滅絕 If we don’t do something, this species will eventually die off. After the bamboo blossoms, it naturally dies off. It’s a natural phenomenon. 4. search for to look for 尋找 She is learning how to use the Internet to search for useful information. She has been searching for her cat for several days, but she cannot find it. 5. be sure to to be certain to 必然 Owing to global warming, polar bears are sure to lose their habitat one day. 6. take action to do something to solve a particular problem 採取行動 The government must take immediate action to stop the illegal animal trade. L10 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. blush v. [I] to become red in the face, usually because one feels ashamed or embarrassed about something(因害羞、尷尬而)臉紅 Every time I have to speak in public, I blush and stammer. 2. stammer v. [I] to speak with difficulty, repeating words or sounds 口吃 John felt nervous and stammered out, “F-f-for-g-give me.” 3. privately adv. without other people present 私底下 I need to talk to you privately about this important matter. 4. confident adj. sure about one’s ideas and abilities to do things well 有信心的 confidence n. [U] 信心 We have been practicing so hard that we are confident of victory. You should have more confidence in your own abilities. Don’t look down on yourself! 5. stereotype n. [C] a fixed idea or general image of what a particular person or thing is like 刻板印象 He is so energetic that he does not fit the stereotype of a retired old man. 6. visibly adv. in a way that can be easily seen or noticed 明顯地 44
  • 45. visible adj. 可看見的;顯而易見的 vision n. [U] 視力;視覺 She had visibly lost weight. How did she do it? Bacteria are not visible to the naked eye. After his failure, there was a visible change in the way he dealt with people. I was born with good vision; however, as I grew older, my vision began to fail. 7. psychologist n. [C] someone who is trained in the study of the mind 心理學家 psychology n. [U] 心理學 They were advised by a psychologist to set aside some time for each other every day. I have decided to major in psychology in college. 8. tremble v. [I] to shake slightly 顫抖 All the uncertainty made him tremble with fear. 9. impression n. [C] an opinion or feeling about what someone or something is like印象 impress v. [T] 使有深刻印象;使銘記 impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的 First impressions are very important in an interview. Sandra’s confidence impressed me during the speech contest. Dave can handle many things at the same time, which is quite impressive. 10. snobbish adj. behaving in a way that shows one thinks he or she is better than other people 自負的;勢利眼的 snob n. [C] 自負傲慢的人;勢利鬼 The clerk was very snobbish. He thought I could not afford the dress and was unwilling to answer my inquiries about the price. Ann is such a snob that she only talks to people who look rich. 11. actually adv. really; in fact 實際上 actual adj. 實際的 He looks shy, but actually, when you get to know him, he is very funny and easygoing. Since Emily is going back to London, we’ll throw her a surprise party one week before her actual birthday. 12. host n. [C] a person who introduces or talks to the guests, 45
  • 46. especially on a TV or radio program主持人;a person who invites guests to his/her home, or to an activity, and looks after them while they are there 主人 host v. [T] 主持;作……主人 hostess [1hostIs] n. [C] 女主人 Mark’s wit and humor would make him a good talk-show host. Athens hosted the 2004 Olympic Games. The host and hostess welcomed all the guests at the door. 13. performance n. [C] the action of amusing other people by singing, dancing, acting, etc. 表演;演出 perform v. [I] 表演 performer n. [C] 表演者 The play the children performed was most impressive. The performers were all very well-prepared. I’d say it was one of the best performances I have ever been to. 14. spontaneous adj. happening in a natural, sudden way without being planned or thought about 自然的 William Wordsworth said, “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” 15. entertainer n. [C] a person whose job is to amuse people by singing, dancing, telling jokes, acting, etc. 藝人 entertain v. [T] 招待;娛樂 entertainment n. [U] 娛樂 Joe is a student but works as a part-time entertainer in the circus. We often entertain our friends in our villa on the weekends. He always entertains people with his witty comments. Several singers provided the entertainment while we were enjoying our dinner. 16. outgoing adj. friendly and active; easy and enjoyable to be with 外向的; 活潑的 Sylvia is an outgoing person who is easy to get along with. 17. insecure adj. unsure of oneself 感覺不安的;not safe 不安全的 46
  • 47. insecurity n. [U, C] 侷促不安;不安全 When Roger’s parents divorced, he felt lonely and insecure. Because of her own insecurity, Nita doesn’t let her boyfriend talk to any other girl. 18. figure n. [C] a famous or important person人物;a person’s shape身材; a number or an amount數字 figure v. [T] 估量;猜想 On the one hand, I would like to go into politics, but on the other hand, I don’t think I want to be a public figure. To get her figure back, Janet often went to the gym after giving birth to her son. He wouldn’t say what his salary was, only that it was six figures. I figured John would be mad at Susan after she told on him. 19. category n. [C] a group of people or things of the same type or having similar features or qualities 種類;類型 categorize v. [T] 將……分類 Our products fall into two broad categories: daily necessities and luxuries. These novels are categorized into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. 20. research n. [U] serious study of a subject in order to test new ideas, discover new information, or reach a new understanding 研究 research v. [I, T] 作學術研究;調查;探究 researcher n. [C] 研究員;調查者 The research team is made up of scientific and medical researchers who conduct research in biochemistry. They are researching several possible cures for SARS. To understand this novel, you need to research its historical background. 21. distress n. [U] a feeling of extreme worry or unhappiness 苦惱 distressed adj. 苦惱的;難過的 distressful adj. 令人苦惱的 She was clearly in distress. She could not say a word; she could only cry. I was distressed to find that my apartment had been damaged badly by the earthquake. That is very distressful news, and I am certainly sorry to hear it. 22. encounter v. [T] to experience something, especially problems or difficulties 遭遇;to meet someone without planning to偶遇 47
  • 48. Don’t give up on your dreams when you encounter difficulties. On my way home yesterday I encountered a group of dangerous- looking young men. 23. inherit v. [T] to be born with the similar appearance or character as one’s parents or grandparents 遺傳;to receive money, property, etc. from someone who has died 繼承 I inherited my father’s gift for learning languages. Brian inherited an apartment from his grandparents. 24. statistically adv. in terms of a set of numbers that represent facts統計上 statistic n. [C, usu. pl.] 統計數據 Statistically speaking, our school performed better this year than last year in math. Statistics show that lung cancer is related to smoking. 25. innate adj. in one’s nature 天生的 Enya has an innate gift for entertaining people and making them laugh. 26. identity n. [U] who someone is, or the qualities that make a person or a group different from other people 身份 identify v. [T] 辨認(身份);認同 Traveling abroad can make one feel a stronger sense of national identity. It’s not easy for me to identify with the characters in the play because I Haven’t had the same life experience. 27. crisis n. [C] (pl. crises) an extremely difficult, urgent, or dangerous situation 危機 I admire the way he handled the crisis. 28. confront v. [T] to face, meet, or deal with 面對;遭遇到 confrontation n. [C, U] 面對;對抗 When the scandal broke out, he was confronted with the biggest crisis of his career. It’ best to solve problems without confrontation, if possible. 29. tease v. [T] to laugh at, joke about or annoy a person or animal on purpose 取笑;嘲弄 I accidentally ate cat food when I was little, and my brother still teases me about it! 30. comment n. [C] an opinion or a remark 評論 comment v. [I] 評論 48
  • 49. commentary n. [C] 實況報導 commentator n. [C](電臺、電視臺等的)時事評論者;實況播音員 When the host asked the actor to comment on his love life, the actor said, “No comment.” Eric is a professional sports commentator. His commentary is always spirited and informative. 31. tongue n. [C] the soft movable part in the mouth that is used to eat and speak 舌頭 The soup was so hot that I burned my tongue. 32. perfectionist n. [C] a person who wants everything to be flawless完美主義者 perfect adj. 完美的 perfect v. [T] 使完美 I think you have already done a perfect job. Don’t be such a perfectionist. Emma spent years trying to perfect her English. 32. realistic adj. practical 實際可行的;showing something as it actually is 寫實逼真的 I don’t think it is realistic to expect your lazy sister to do the dishes. The painting was so realistic that I thought it was a photograph at first. 34. rejection n. [U] the act of not accepting or believing in something 拒絕 reject v. [T] 拒絕 Every one of us gets rejected sometimes. We just have to learn to take rejection when it comes. 35. technique n. [C] a method of doing something 技術;手法 The scientists are conducting research using a new advanced technique. II. Words for recognition 1. self-consciousness n. [U] the condition of worrying or being aware of one’s own existence, thought and action 自我意識 2. temperament n. [C, U] a person’s basic nature or character; one’s tendency to be happy, angry, etc. 性情;性格 3. abnormal adj. not usual or typical, in a way that is bad 不正常的 4. Israeli adj. belonging or relating to Israel or its people 以色列(人)的 49
  • 50. 5. adolescent n. [C] teenager 青少年 6. well-meaning adj. trying to help, but often in a way that does not work 善意的;好心的 Idioms and Phrases: 1. Has the cat got your tongue? something you say to someone when he/she does not speak 怎麼不說話了? Why aren’t you talking? What’s wrong? Has the cat got your tongue? 2. on the surface the way someone or something appears to be, while it may not actually be so 表面上 She appeared calm on the surface, but actually she was very nervous. 3. be ill at ease nervous and uncomfortable侷促不安;不自在 When I stay overnight at another person’s home, I feel ill at ease. 4. have butterflies in one’s stomach to feel very nervous before one has to do something 緊張 I have butterflies in my stomach whenever my teacher talks to me. 5. make a(n) ... impression on ... to cause someone to notice someone or something in a good or bad way留下……的印象 His confident way of speaking always makes a good impression on people. 6. make contact to communicate with people聯繫;接觸 Do you make contact with any of your old friends when you visit your hometown? 7. down to the last detail completely; including all of the things mentioned 徹底地 In order for our wedding to be perfect, we must plan everything down to the last detail. 8. fit into ... to be part of a group or system 融入 The new transfer student seemed to fit into the class very well. 9. be born with ... to have a special type of character since birth 與生俱 來 The baby was born with six fingers on each hand. 10. suffer from ... to experience physical or mental pain受苦;患病 After losing her son, she spent years suffering from mental pain and 50
  • 51. distress. 11. work out to happen or develop in a satisfactory way有好結果 Don’t worry. I am sure things will work out well for you this semester. Word Power Cat proverbs, idioms and phrases Proverbs 1. Has the cat got your tongue? 怎麼不說話了? 2. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. 貓兒不在,老鼠作怪。 3. A cat has nine lives. 貓有九命。 4. Care killed the cat. 憂能傷身。 5. Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇惹禍上身。 Idioms and phrases 1. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 別洩漏祕密。 2. The police played cat and mouse with the thief. 方對小偷欲擒故縱。 3. We used to fight like cat and dog. 我們以前經常激烈爭吵。 4. Cindy is acting like a cat on a hot tin roof. 蒂急得像熱鍋上的螞蟻。 5. It’s raining cats and dogs. 正在下傾盆大雨。 L11 Vocabulary I. Words for production 1. capture v. [T] to attract someone’s attention or to make someone interested in something引起(興趣、注目等);使人著迷; [T] to catch someone 擄獲 As the girl walked into the toy store, a giant teddy bear immediately captured her attention. The soldiers captured fifty enemies in the battle and won an important victory. 2. poverty n. [U] the condition of being very poor 貧窮 The writer lived in poverty because none of his books sold well. 3. romance n. [C] an exciting love relationship 愛情;羅曼史 51
  • 52. They had a whirlwind romance. They were talking about getting married three weeks after they had started dating. 4. strike v. [T] (strike, struck, struck/stricken) to hit something or someone on purpose 打;敲打 Without saying a word, the angry man walked up to Tony and struck him on the face. 5. musical n. [C] a play or film that uses singing and dancing as important parts音樂劇 The leading actor’s powerful singing was my favorite part of the musical. 6. version n. [C] a particular form of something that is slightly different from the earlier form 版本 David was interested in the horror novel and wanted to make a film version of it. 7. prison n. [U, C] a building in which criminals are kept as a punishment 監獄 The men were sent to prison for robbing the bank. 8. criminal adj. relating to an illegal action or activity 犯罪的 criminal n. [C] 罪犯 crime n. [C] 罪 The man has criminal records for robbery and theft. The villagers were relieved when the dangerous criminal was finally caught by police. The man was sent to prison for committing various crimes. 9. valuable adj. worth a lot of money 貴重的;值錢的 She took off the valuable necklace and locked it in a safe. 10. vow v. [T] to make a serious promise to do something 發誓;誓言要…… vow n. [C] 誓言 My father vowed to quit smoking last year. I made a vow to my wife on our wedding day that I would never leave her. 11. injustice n. [U] lack of fairness 非正義;不公 justice n. [U] 正義 Martin Luther King made great efforts to fight against racial injustice. He hoped that one day people of different races would live together in peace. The woman had a strong sense of justice, and she always tried to do the right thing. 52