english grammar lesson languageteaching basic activities performance work quiz competition project clauses language time structure if ab on sports free teaching show animals directions learning things neither same tense too proje comenius education dynamic tale fairy idioms grades spot 8th games spare intelligence leisure elt grammer animal farming tenses simple perfect present doing like so different as future enough adjective farm multiple intelligence types intelligence english language student project spot on friendship power shouldnt should multiple english teaching places too and enough grammar of english christopher columbus discoverer america 1492 english grammar passive active daily expressions in english simple present spot on 6 unit 3 food and drinks my region time for english medeniyet dogu ve bat turkey regions rnei ornegi comeniusproje rnegi under sky dyned kurulum competitition knowledge dont why we shall about what lets better had than rather would prefer case measures precautionary expressing gone been with empathetic sympathetic helping ....? twcie once frequency adverbs reading condition clause adverbial prefixes empathy sympathy help world land sea direction proverb skils peace school violence road rules traffic safety street crossing rooms house parts kelimeler bildiren karşıtlık outdoor likes hobbies species yarışması bilgi gerund infinitive caluses cartoon teacher activity are there past farmer natinalities countries englis uncountable countable week days dates date dislike structures “comparing adjectives comparison relative sentences containers quanyifiers
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