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Appreciating the
Revised Mass Texts

What is the Roman Missal?
It is the Sacred book that the priest
uses at Mass.
• This contains instructions on
  – what to do
  – how to do it
  – the prayers to be said
The Roman Missal
On What to do:               On How to do it:            The actual
The General Instruction of   Rubrics:                    Prayer
the Roman Missal             These are the particular    Texts and
                             directions to the priest,   Responses
These instructions on how
to celebrate Mass were       ministers, and people on
actually promulgated in      what to do at a specific
2000, ahead of the rest of   point in the Mass. They
the Missal by JPII.          are called ―rubrics‖
Therefore, any changes       (from rubor, Latin for
that it called for should    ―red‖) because they are
already be in place.
                             printed in red ink.
The New Text of the Roman Missal

 It is not a ―New Mass‖
 we are not returning to the ―Old Mass‖,
 this is simply a new translation of the
  Roman Missal.
Process of Translation

          Second Vatican Council (1962 – 1965)

              Missal was extensively revised

The way we celebrate the Mass       Language to be used
Process of Translation
 1970 - The first Latin edition of this new
  Missal came out
 translated from Latin into vernacular /
 1974 - the first English version came out
 1975 - we had a second edition in Latin
 1985 - a decade later we had the Missal (or
  sacramentary) that we use now: the 1985
  English edition.
Process of Translation
        Almost immediately, those in
        charge of the translation
        process knew that it could be
        improved — so they began a
        process of revisiting the texts
        and re-translating them as well
        as studying the structure of the
        Mass and suggesting ways that it,
        too, could be adjusted.
Process of Translation
 So that’s the first reason why we are getting a new
  Missal: even from the start, the intention was that the
  first translations were temporary.
 The Church had never before undertaken such an
  extensive process of translation and Church leaders
  knew that they were learning as they went along and
  that the texts could be improved.
 Over the forty years after the Council, translators
  have learned a great deal about how liturgical
  language works and what different approaches to
  translation have to offer.
 While they finished their draft in 1998, this new
  version was never approved because the rules for
  translation had changed.
 These and the original translations used a
  principle called ―dynamic equivalence,‖ but the
  new translation is being done according to the
  principle of ―formal correspondence.‖
 Basically, the new translations will follow the Latin
  words and syntax (sentence structure) more
  closely, though not ―slavishly‖ as some have
 As a result, what we will hear will sound more
  formal or poetic.
Three Reasons for a New Translation of
the Roman Missal
  The first translations were done quickly and,
   even at that time, considered to be temporary
  The approach to translation changed from
   ―dynamic equivalence‖ (which focuses on the
   wider meaning instead of on the specific
   words and style used in the original) to a
   more literal ―formal correspondence‖
  A third edition of the Missal was promulgated
   by Pope John Paul II in 2000
Why Formal Correspondence instead of
Dynamic Equivalence?
 The connections between Scriptures and the texts
  that we use at Mass are made clearer.
 Time-honored, traditional phrasing—which other
  language groups have used all along—is recovered.
 The Church’s faith is given clearer expression.
 English versions of liturgical texts are used by a
  number of small language groups to guide their own
  translations; therefore, the English needs to be as
  precise and as close to the original as possible.
The new translation is an intensive
process involving hundreds of individuals
and extensive consultation.
How The Translation Was Done
1. The original Latin text is sent to the
   International Commission on English in the
   Liturgy (ICEL)- is made up of a bishop from each
   of 11 English-speaking episcopal conferences.
2. While the commission itself is made up of these
   eleven bishops, they had the ICEL Secretariat
   with liturgical experts from around the world.
3. The ICEL staff and bishops work together to
   produce a first draft (―Green Book‖), which is
   then sent to English-speaking bishops around the
   world for review.
How The Translation Was Done
4. ICEL then takes all the feedback they receive and
   produce a second draft (―Gray Book‖), which is
   again sent to the English-speaking Episcopal
   conferences for review and approval.
5. Once each English-speaking bishops’ conference
   approves the texts, they are sent to the
   Congregation for Divine Worship and the
   Discipline of the Sacraments (CDWDS) in Rome
   for final approval (known as the recognitio).
The Eleven English-Speaking
Bishops‟ Conferences of ICEL

 USA              Scotland        Philippines
 Canada           South Africa    India
 England/Wales    Australia       Pakistan
 Ireland          New Zealand
As you can see, this is an extensive and time-
consuming process. Liturgical, linguistic,
theological, and pastoral experts—lay and
ordained—are consulted all along the way,
from the level of the local bishop and his staff,
to national conferences, and up to the level of
ICEL and the CDWDS.

The new Missal is, indeed, the work of the
Gains with the
New Translation of the Roman Missal
   Connections to Scripture are clearer
   The style will be more formal, a reminder that we
    are addressing God
   The vocabulary will be more varied, poetic, &
   The texts are made to be sung
   The language is more inclusive
   The translation is more theologically rich
   A better linguistic connection to other Catholics
    around the world
   A time for catechesis and liturgical renewal
Let us then Welcome the New
Text of the Roman Missal with
joyful gratitude.
The Introductory Rites

     Penitential Rite
The Greeting
Present Text                    New Text
PRIEST:                         PRIEST:
 The grace of our Lord          The grace of our Lord
  Jesus Christ and the love       Jesus Christ, and the love
  of God and the                  of God, and the
  fellowship of the Holy          communion of the
  Spirit be with you all.         Holy Spirit be with you
   Or: The grace and
                                   Or: Grace to you and
    peace of God our Father
                                    peace from God our
    and the Lord Jesus Christ
                                    Father and the Lord Jesus
    be with you.
The Greeting
Present Text                    New Text
PRIEST:                         PRIEST:
 Or: The Lord be with you.      Or: The Lord be with you.

PEOPLE:                         PEOPLE:
 And also with you.             And with your spirit.

              Et cum spiritu tuo.
The Greeting
   This Greeting of the priest affirms that Christ,
    the Risen Lord, is present
    ◦ in the assembly during the celebration of the Mass.
    ◦ in the person of the priest
    ◦ in the Scriptures (God speaks to us when the
      Scripture is read.)
    ◦ in the Bread and Wine
The Greeting
   Greeting repeated in
    ◦ Reading of the Gospel
      Christ’s word and deeds are unfolded before the eyes of faith
    ◦ Before the Eucharistic Prayer
      Presence of the Lord God – Bread and Wine
    ◦ At the end of the celebration
      Final Blessing and sending the people with the Lord
       accompanying them.
The Greeting
1.       Sign of our unity across space
     ◦     Common response with Catholics around the world.
     ◦     Vatican II - almost all of the major language groups
           translated the response to include the word spiritu; for
           example, in Spanish: Y con tú espíritu.
2.       Sign of our unity across time
     ◦     Ancient in origin
     ◦     It has long been used in both Eastern and Western
           liturgies and is found in the Apostolic Tradition
           (attributed to St. Hippolytus, c. AD 215).
3.       Clearer Connection to Scripture
     ◦      The response is based on Galatians 6:18 and 2 Timothy
Present Text                           New Text
FORM A                                 FORM A
   I confess to almighty God, and        I confess to almighty God and
    to you, my brothers and sisters,       to you, my brothers and sisters,
    that I have sinned through             that I have greatly sinned
    my own fault, in my thoughts           in my thoughts and in my
    and in my words, in what I have        words, in what I have done and
    done, and in what I have failed        in what I have failed to do,
    to do; and I ask blessed Mary,         through my fault, through
    ever virgin, all the angels and        my fault, through my most
    saints, and you, my brothers           grievous fault; therefore I
    and sisters, to pray for me to         ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
    the Lord, our God.                     all the Angels and Saints, and
                                           you, my brothers and sisters, to
                                           pray for me to the Lord our
Present Text                       New Text
FORM B                             FORM B
   Priest: Lord, we have sinned      Priest: Have mercy on us,
    against you: Lord, have            O Lord.
    mercy.                            People: For we have sinned
   People: Lord, have mercy.          against you.
   Priest: Lord, show us your        Priest: Show us, O Lord,
    mercy and love.                    your mercy.
   People: And grant us your         People: And grant us your
    salvation.                         salvation.
Present Text                         New Text
FORM C                               FORM C
   You were sent to heal the           You were sent to heal the
    contrite: Lord, have mercy.          contrite of heart: Lord, have
   You came to call sinners:            mercy.
    Christ, have mercy.                 You came to call sinners:
   You plead for us at the right        Christ, have mercy.
    hand of the Father: Lord, have      You are seated at the right
    mercy.                               hand of the Father to
                                         intercede for us: Lord, have
Present Text                    New Text
ABSOLUTION                      ABSOLUTION
PRIEST:                         PRIEST:
 May almighty God have          No change.

  mercy on us, forgive us
  our sins, and bring us to
  everlasting life.

If form A or B is used, the Kyrie follows.
PRIEST: Lord, have mercy.        PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy.
PRIEST: Christ, have mercy.      PEOPLE: Christ, have mercy.
PRIEST: Lord, have mercy.        PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy.
The Gloria
Glory to God in the        Glory to God in the
highest,                   highest,
and peace to his people    and on earth peace
on earth.                  to people of good will.
Lord God, heavenly King,   We praise you, we bless
almighty God and Father,   you, we adore you,
we worship you,            we glorify you,
we give you thanks,        we give you thanks
we praise you for your     for your great glory,
glory.                     Lord God, heavenly King,
                           O God, almighty Father.
The Gloria
Lord Jesus Christ,            Lord Jesus Christ,
only Son of the Father,       Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God,        Lord God, Lamb of God,
                              Son of the Father,
you take away the sin         you take away the sins of the
of the world:                 world,
have mercy on us;             have mercy on us;
                              you take away the sins of
you are seated at the right
                              the world,
hand of the Father:
                              receive our prayer;
receive our prayer.
                              you are seated at the right
                              hand of the Father, have
                              mercy on us.
The Gloria
For you alone             For you alone
are the Holy One,         are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,   you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most    you alone are the Most
High, Jesus Christ,       High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,     with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God       in the glory of God
the Father. Amen.         the Father. Amen.
Liturgy of the Word

       Liturgy of the Word

 Nicene Creed
Apostles Creed
Liturgy of the Word
   The acclamations ―The Word of the Lord‖ and
    ―The Gospel of the Lord‖ has two functions:
    1. They mark and announce the end of the
    2. They remind the assembly that what they
       have heard is God’s living word.
Liturgy of the Word
   Interaction components
    ◦ Reader: ―The Word of the Lord‖
      Denotes the ministry of the reader who proclaims
    ◦ Assembly: ―Thanks be to God‖
      Signifies the act of listening of the assembly
Liturgy of the Word
 Vat. II Constitution on Sacred Liturgy (SC #33)
  ◦ ―in the liturgy God speaks to His people and
    Christ still proclaims His gospel.‖
 SC #7
  ◦ Christ ―is present in His Word, since it is He
    Himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures
    are read in the Church.‖
Liturgy of the Word
 Before the Gospel is read
  ◦ Priest: ―The Lord be with you‖
  ◦ People: ―And with your spirit‖
  ◦ prepares us to listen to God as He speaks to us
    and proclaims the Gospel.
 We hear the voice of the reader, but we listen to the
  word of Christ.
 Two disciples at Emmaus listened to Jesus attentively.
  ◦ Their hearts where burning as He spoke to them
    on the road.
Nicene Creed
PRESENT TEXT                NEW TEXT
We believe in one           I believe in one God,
God,                        the Father almighty,
the Father, the Almighty,   maker of heaven and
maker of heaven and         earth,
earth,                      of all things visible
of all that is seen and     and invisible.
unseen.                     I believe in one Lord
We believe in one           Jesus Christ,
Lord, Jesus Christ,         the Only Begotten Son
the only Son of God,        of God,
eternally begotten of       born of the Father
the Father,                 before all ages.
Nicene Creed
God from God, Light      God from God, Light
from Light,              from Light,
true God from true
God,                     true God from true
begotten, not made,      God,
one in Being with the    begotten, not made,
Through him all things   consubstantial with
were made. one in        the Father;
Being with the Father.   through him all things
Through him all things
were made.               were made.
Nicene Creed
For us men and for    For us men and for
our salvation         our salvation
he came down from     he came down from
heaven:               heaven,
by the power of the   and by the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit           was incarnate of
he was born of the    the Virgin Mary,
Virgin Mary,          and became man.
and became man.
Nicene Creed
For our sake            For our sake
he was crucified        he was crucified
under Pontius Pilate;   under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered, died,      he suffered death
and was buried.         and was buried,
                        and rose again on
On the third day        the third day
he rose again
                        in accordance
in fulfillment of       with the
the Scriptures;         Scriptures.
Nicene Creed
he ascended into          he ascended into
heaven and is seated      heaven and is seated
at the right hand of      at the right hand of
the Father.               the Father.
He will come again in     He will come again in
glory                     glory
to judge the living and   to judge the living and
the dead,                 the dead,
and his kingdom will      and his kingdom will
have no end.              have no end.
Nicene Creed
We believe in the        I believe in the Holy
Holy Spirit,             Spirit, the Lord,
the Lord, the giver of   the giver of life, who
life, who proceeds       proceeds
from the Father and      from the Father and
the Son.                 the Son,
With the Father          who with the
and the Son              Father and the Son
he is worshipped         is adored and
and glorified.           glorified,
He has spoken            who has spoken
through the Prophets.    through the prophets.
Nicene Creed
We believe in one        I believe in one, holy,
holy catholic            catholic
and apostolic Church.    and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge           I confess one baptism
one baptism              for the forgiveness of
for the forgiveness of   sins
                         and I look forward
We look for the          to the resurrection
of the dead,             of the dead
and the life of the      and the life of the
world to come. Amen.     world to come. Amen.
Apostles Creed
I believe in God, the    I believe in God, the
Father almighty,         Father almighty,
creator of heaven and    Creator of heaven and
I believe in Jesus       earth,
Christ, his only Son,    and in Jesus Christ, his
our Lord.                only Son,
He was conceived         our Lord,
by the power of the
Holy Spirit              who was conceived
and born of the Virgin   by the Holy Spirit,
Mary.                    born of the Virgin Mary,
Apostles Creed
PRESENT TEXT                   NEW TEXT
He suffered under Pontius      suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Pilate,                        was crucified, died and was
was crucified, died, and was   buried;
He descended to the dead.      he descended into hell;
On the third day he rose       on the third day he rose again
again.                         from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right     he ascended into heaven,
hand                           and is seated at the right hand
of the Father.                 of God the Father
He will come again to          almighty;
the living and the dead.       from there he will come to
                               judge the living and the dead.
Apostles Creed
PRESENT TEXT                NEW TEXT
I believe in the Holy       I believe in the Holy
Spirit,                     Spirit,
the holy catholic           the holy catholic
Church,                     Church,
the communion of            the communion of
saints,                     saints,
the forgiveness of sins,    the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the     the resurrection of the
body,                       body,
and the life everlasting.   and life everlasting.
Amen.                       Amen.
Liturgy of the Eucharist
 Preparation of the Gifts
 The Preface
Preparation of the Gifts
Present Text                New Text

PRIEST:                     PRIEST:
Pray, brethren (brothers    Pray, brethren (brothers and
and sisters),               sisters),
that our sacrifice          that my sacrifice and
may be acceptable to        yours may be acceptable to
God, the almighty Father.   God, the almighty Father.

PEOPLE:                     PEOPLE:
May the Lord accept the     May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands…    sacrifice at your hands…
 Present Text                 New Text
PRIEST: The Lord be with you. PRIEST: The Lord be with you.
PEOPLE: And also with you. PEOPLE: And with your
PRIEST: Lift up your hearts.
PEOPLE: We lift them up to    PRIEST: Lift up your hearts.
the Lord.                     PEOPLE: We lift them up to the
PRIEST: Let us give thanks to
the Lord our God.             PRIEST: Let us give thanks to
PEOPLE: It is right to give   the Lord our God.
him thanks and praise.        PEOPLE: It is right and just.
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of Vat. II
    Mother Church earnestly desires that all the
    faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and
    active participation in liturgical celebrations
    which is demanded by the very nature of the
    liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people
    as “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy
    nation, a redeemed people” (1 Pet. 2:9; cf. 2:4-5),
    is their right and duty by reason of their
    baptism. (SC §14)
The Prefaces, which have all been
retranslated, will now begin, “It is truly
right and just…” – which will make
the connection to the dialogue more
Present Text                New Text
Holy, holy, holy Lord,      Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
God of power and            God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full   Heaven and earth are full
of your glory.              of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.     Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes     Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.    in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.     Hosanna in the highest.
 Consecration: Institution
          Mysterium Fidei
             Doxology
Institution Narrative
Present Text                New Text
PRIEST:                      PRIEST:
 Take this, all of you, and  Take this, all of you, and
  drink from it: this is the   drink from it: for this is
  cup of my blood, the         the chalice of my blood,
  blood of the new and         the blood of the new and
  everlasting covenant.        eternal covenant; which
  It will be shed for you
  and for all so that          will be poured out for
  sins may be forgiven.        you and for many for
  Do this in memory of         the forgiveness of sins.
  me.                          Do this in memory of me.
Probably the change that has received the most
attention has been the translation of the Latin
phrase, pro multis.

Currently, we hear in the Eucharistic Prayers, that
Christ’s blood ―will be shed for you and for all so
that sins may be forgiven.‖

The new translation will read: ―which will be
poured out for you and for many, for the
forgiveness of sins.‖
It does not mean that Christ did not die for

The Scriptures (for example, John 11:52; 2 Corinthians
5:14-15; Titus 2:11; 1 John 2:2) and the dogmatic
teaching of the Church (Catechism §§624, 629) make
it clear that Christ died for everyone (not just for

In addition, in our Eucharistic Prayers, we pray that
all the dead (not just Catholics and other Christians)
would enjoy eternal life.
4 Reasons Why We Now Use “FOR
1) Scriptural reasons: The words in our
Eucharistic Prayer come from the Gospels of
Matthew 26:28 and Mark 14:24; the Greek “for
many” is used there and connects to Isaiah

2) Historical reasons: The Roman Rite has
always said pro multis (for many) and not pro
omnibus (for all) at this point in the Mass.
3) Ecumenical reasons: The Eucharistic
Prayers of the Eastern Churches all have ―for
many‖ in their respective languages.

4) Theological reasons: As Cardinal Francis
Arinze, former prefect of the Congregation for
Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments,
stated in his letter to Presidents of Conferences
of Bishops (Oct. 17, 2006):
The expression „for many,‟ while remaining
open to the inclusion of each human person, is
reflective also of the fact that this salvation is
not brought about in some mechanistic way,
without one's own willing or participation;
the believer is invited to accept in faith the gift
that is being offered and to receive the
supernatural life that is given to those who
participate in this mystery, living it out in their
lives as well so as to be numbered among the
„many‟ to whom the text refers.
In other words, while salvation is offered to all,
not all will accept God‟s gift.

Respecting human free will means that we need to
accept the possibility that some might reject God.
Mysterium fidei
Present Text              New Text

PRIEST:                    PRIEST:
 Let us proclaim the         The mystery of faith.
  mystery of faith.

The new translation shows that this is a dialogue:
the priest says (―The mystery of faith‖) and
everyone responds in one of the three ways.
Mysterium fidei
The Latin version of the Missal contains
Three Responses.
Present Text              New Text
PEOPLE:                   PEOPLE:
Dying you destroyed       We proclaim your Death,
our death, rising you     O Lord, and profess your
restored our life. Lord   Resurrection until you
Jesus, come in glory.     come again.
Mysterium fidei
Present Text             New Text
PEOPLE:                  PEOPLE:
When we eat this bread   When we eat this Bread
and drink this cup, we   and drink this Cup,
proclaim your death,     we proclaim your Death, O
Lord Jesus, until you    Lord, until you come again.
come in glory.
Mysterium fidei
The new translations of the acclamations
highlight the fact that:
1. we are addressing Christ
2. and we can easily grasp the connections
   to the Scriptures.

The first and second acclamations are both based
on 1 Corinthians 11:26
Mysterium fidei
Present Text                 New Text
PEOPLE:                      PEOPLE:
Lord, by your cross and      Save us, Savior of the
resurrection, you have set   world, for by your Cross
us free. You are the         and Resurrection, you have
Savior of the World.         set us free.

                      (John 4:42)
Mysterium fidei
Present Text              New Text
PEOPLE:                   Not approved.
Christ has died, Christ
is risen, Christ will
come again.

The fourth — “Christ has died, Christ is risen,
Christ will come again”— was not approved for this
edition of the Missal because the acclamations are
addressed to Christ (in the new Missal) and the
fourth version simply states what Christ has
Present Text                 New Text
PRIEST:                       PRIEST:
 Through Him, with him,         Through him, and with him,
 in him, in the unity of the and in him, O God,
 Holy Spirit, all glory and almighty Father, in the
 honor is yours almighty unity of the Holy Spirit, all
 Father, for ever and           honor and glory is yours,
 ever.                          for ever and ever.
The Latin Text positions the Holy Spirit after God the
Father. This arrangement relates the Three Persons of the
Holy Trinity to one another. The New Text is a literal
translation of the Latin text, while the Present Text is an
       Communion   Rite
       Concluding Rites
Communion Rite
Present Text             New Text

PRIEST:                  PRIEST:
                         Behold the Lamb of God;
This is the Lamb of
God                      behold him who takes away
                         the sins of the world.
who takes away
                         Blessed are those called
the sins of the world.
                         to the supper of the
Happy are those who      Lamb.
are called
to his supper.
Communion Rite
   The more literal rendering of the invitation to
    communion also makes the various connections
    to the Scriptures more clear:
     John the Baptist’s identification of Jesus as the
      Lamb of God in John 1:29,
     the supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19:9, and
     the healing of the centurion’s servant in Luke
      7:6-7 (and Matthew 8:8).
Communion Rite
 It is interesting to notice that the phrase “this
  is” has been removed. Just as we no longer
  say, “This is the word of the Lord” at the
  end of the readings or This is the Body of
  Christ” at communion because the word
  “THIS” seems to limit Christ’s presence.
 In addition, “behold” makes for a more poetic
  rendering, and is more suggestive of the sacred,
  as is “blessed” instead of “happy.”
Communion Rite
Present Text             New Text
PEOPLE:                  PEOPLE:
Lord, I am not worthy    Lord, I am not worthy
to receive you,          that you should enter
but only say the word    under my roof,
and I shall be healed.   but only say the word
                         and my soul shall be

 This echoes the words of the Centurion, who
 asked Jesus to heal his servant (Luke 7:6-7,
 Matthew 8:5-13)
Communion Rite
 Those under the roof of the centurion were
  those of his household and of his command,the
  solders who were under his authority as their
 By saying “Lord, I am not worthy that you should
  enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my
  soul shall be healed,” he actually placed himself
  under Jesus’ authority and expressed his faith and
  confidence in Him and in His Words.
Communion Rite
   Therefore, when we say this, we follow the same
    attitude of the centurion as we prepare to
    welcome Christ into the ―home‖ of our bodies in
    Holy Communion, in humility, faith, gratitude as
    members of Jesus‟ household, which is His
Concluding Rites
Present Text              New Text

PRIEST:                   PRIEST:
                           Go forth, the Mass is
 The Mass is ended, go
  in peace.
                           Or: Go and announce
                            the Gospel of the Lord.
                           Or: Go in peace,
                            glorifying the Lord by
                            your life.
                           Or: Go in peace.
Concluding Rites
 In 2005, the World Synod of Bishops met to
  reflect on the place of the Eucharist in the life of
  the Church.
 At the end of the meeting, a number of
  propositions were presented to Pope Benedict
  XVI. These were worked into his follow-up
  Apostolic Exhortation, Sacramentum
  caritatis (§51):
Sacramentum Caritatis (§51)
Finally, I would like to comment briefly on the
observations of the Synod Fathers regarding the
dismissal at the end of the eucharistic celebration.
After the blessing, the deacon or the priest
dismisses the people with the words: Ite, missa est
[currently translated as, “The Mass is ended, go
in peace.”]. These words help us to grasp the
relationship between the Mass just celebrated
and the mission of Christians in the world. In
antiquity, missa simply meant "dismissal."
Sacramentum Caritatis (§51)
However in Christian usage it gradually took on a
deeper meaning. The word "dismissal" has come
to imply a "mission." These few words
succinctly express the missionary nature of the
Church. The People of God might be helped to
understand more clearly this essential dimension
of the Church's life, taking the dismissal as a
starting- point. In this context, it might also be
helpful to provide new texts, duly approved, for
the prayer over the people and the final
blessing, in order to make this connection clear.
Concluding Rites
In 2008, the Holy Father did indeed add three
new dismissals to the Roman Missal in order to
stress that we are sent as missionaries into the
world. These are the newest words in the 2000-
year history of Catholic worship. Along with “Go
forth, the Mass is ended” (which is the new
translation of Ite, missa est),

 Or: Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.
 Or: Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.
 Or: Go in peace.
Concluding Rites
It is an intriguing fact that we name what we
do — the Mass — by the final action: the
dismissal, the being sent forth to proclaim
the Gospel in word and deed.

The Church, which is all of us, is missionary in

In order to fulfill that calling, which comes to us
through baptism, we gather together to
celebrate Eucharist.
Concluding Rites
Our faith tells us that this is the pre-eminent place
  we encounter Christ
     in each other,
     in the word proclaimed,
     in the sacrament
— in order to be
     more and more into the Body of Christ
     that we are.
Concluding Rite
Changed, we are sent back out
  — to encounter Christ in those whom we

Changed by that encounter,
   we return to the Tables of Word and Sacrament
    to be nourished ...
    and sent on mission again…
 week after week… until we are all welcomed
 into the wedding feast of the Lamb.
       Communion   Rite
       Concluding Rites
In addition, the 3rd Edition of the
Roman Missal contains prayers
1)   for the observances of recently canonized saints,
2)   additional prefaces for the Eucharistic Prayers,
3)   additional Votive Masses
4)   additional Masses and Prayers for Various
     Needs and Occasions
5)   some updated and revised rubrics (instructions)
     for the celebration of the Mass
6)   new musical settings have been composed
   There is grace with the new Missal for all
    Catholics as we allow the Holy Spirit to deepen,
    nurture, and celebrate our faith through the
    renewal of our worship and the celebration of
    the Sacred Liturgy.

   The entire Church has been blessed with this
    opportunity to deepen its understanding of
    the Sacred Liturgy, and to appreciate its
    meaning and importance in our lives.
Appreciating the
Revised Mass Texts


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New textoftheromanmissal

  • 1. Appreciating the Revised Mass Texts The 3rd EDITION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL
  • 2. What is the Roman Missal? It is the Sacred book that the priest uses at Mass. • This contains instructions on – what to do – how to do it – the prayers to be said
  • 3. The Roman Missal On What to do: On How to do it: The actual The General Instruction of Rubrics: Prayer the Roman Missal These are the particular Texts and (GIRM): directions to the priest, Responses These instructions on how to celebrate Mass were ministers, and people on actually promulgated in what to do at a specific 2000, ahead of the rest of point in the Mass. They the Missal by JPII. are called ―rubrics‖ Therefore, any changes (from rubor, Latin for that it called for should ―red‖) because they are already be in place. printed in red ink.
  • 4. The New Text of the Roman Missal  It is not a ―New Mass‖  we are not returning to the ―Old Mass‖,  this is simply a new translation of the Roman Missal.
  • 5. Process of Translation Second Vatican Council (1962 – 1965) Missal was extensively revised The way we celebrate the Mass Language to be used
  • 6. Process of Translation  1970 - The first Latin edition of this new Missal came out  translated from Latin into vernacular / languages  1974 - the first English version came out  1975 - we had a second edition in Latin  1985 - a decade later we had the Missal (or sacramentary) that we use now: the 1985 English edition.
  • 7. Process of Translation Almost immediately, those in charge of the translation process knew that it could be improved — so they began a process of revisiting the texts and re-translating them as well as studying the structure of the Mass and suggesting ways that it, too, could be adjusted.
  • 8. Process of Translation  So that’s the first reason why we are getting a new Missal: even from the start, the intention was that the first translations were temporary.  The Church had never before undertaken such an extensive process of translation and Church leaders knew that they were learning as they went along and that the texts could be improved.  Over the forty years after the Council, translators have learned a great deal about how liturgical language works and what different approaches to translation have to offer.
  • 9.  While they finished their draft in 1998, this new version was never approved because the rules for translation had changed.  These and the original translations used a principle called ―dynamic equivalence,‖ but the new translation is being done according to the principle of ―formal correspondence.‖  Basically, the new translations will follow the Latin words and syntax (sentence structure) more closely, though not ―slavishly‖ as some have suggested.  As a result, what we will hear will sound more formal or poetic.
  • 10. Three Reasons for a New Translation of the Roman Missal  The first translations were done quickly and, even at that time, considered to be temporary  The approach to translation changed from ―dynamic equivalence‖ (which focuses on the wider meaning instead of on the specific words and style used in the original) to a more literal ―formal correspondence‖  A third edition of the Missal was promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 2000
  • 11. Why Formal Correspondence instead of Dynamic Equivalence?  The connections between Scriptures and the texts that we use at Mass are made clearer.  Time-honored, traditional phrasing—which other language groups have used all along—is recovered.  The Church’s faith is given clearer expression.  English versions of liturgical texts are used by a number of small language groups to guide their own translations; therefore, the English needs to be as precise and as close to the original as possible.
  • 12. The new translation is an intensive process involving hundreds of individuals and extensive consultation.
  • 13. How The Translation Was Done 1. The original Latin text is sent to the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL)- is made up of a bishop from each of 11 English-speaking episcopal conferences. 2. While the commission itself is made up of these eleven bishops, they had the ICEL Secretariat with liturgical experts from around the world. 3. The ICEL staff and bishops work together to produce a first draft (―Green Book‖), which is then sent to English-speaking bishops around the world for review.
  • 14. How The Translation Was Done 4. ICEL then takes all the feedback they receive and produce a second draft (―Gray Book‖), which is again sent to the English-speaking Episcopal conferences for review and approval. 5. Once each English-speaking bishops’ conference approves the texts, they are sent to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDWDS) in Rome for final approval (known as the recognitio).
  • 15. The Eleven English-Speaking Bishops‟ Conferences of ICEL  USA  Scotland  Philippines  Canada  South Africa  India  England/Wales  Australia  Pakistan  Ireland  New Zealand
  • 16. As you can see, this is an extensive and time- consuming process. Liturgical, linguistic, theological, and pastoral experts—lay and ordained—are consulted all along the way, from the level of the local bishop and his staff, to national conferences, and up to the level of ICEL and the CDWDS. The new Missal is, indeed, the work of the Church.
  • 17. Gains with the New Translation of the Roman Missal  Connections to Scripture are clearer  The style will be more formal, a reminder that we are addressing God  The vocabulary will be more varied, poetic, & concrete  The texts are made to be sung  The language is more inclusive  The translation is more theologically rich  A better linguistic connection to other Catholics around the world  A time for catechesis and liturgical renewal
  • 18. Let us then Welcome the New Text of the Roman Missal with joyful gratitude.
  • 19. The Introductory Rites Greeting Penitential Rite Gloria
  • 20. The Greeting Present Text New Text PRIEST: PRIEST:  The grace of our Lord  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the of God, and the fellowship of the Holy communion of the Spirit be with you all. Holy Spirit be with you all.  Or: The grace and  Or: Grace to you and peace of God our Father peace from God our and the Lord Jesus Christ Father and the Lord Jesus be with you. Christ.
  • 21. The Greeting Present Text New Text PRIEST: PRIEST:  Or: The Lord be with you.  Or: The Lord be with you. PEOPLE: PEOPLE:  And also with you.  And with your spirit. LatinText PEOPLE:  Et cum spiritu tuo.
  • 22. The Greeting  This Greeting of the priest affirms that Christ, the Risen Lord, is present ◦ in the assembly during the celebration of the Mass. ◦ in the person of the priest ◦ in the Scriptures (God speaks to us when the Scripture is read.) ◦ in the Bread and Wine
  • 23. The Greeting  Greeting repeated in ◦ Reading of the Gospel  Christ’s word and deeds are unfolded before the eyes of faith ◦ Before the Eucharistic Prayer  Presence of the Lord God – Bread and Wine ◦ At the end of the celebration  Final Blessing and sending the people with the Lord accompanying them.
  • 24. The Greeting 1. Sign of our unity across space ◦ Common response with Catholics around the world. ◦ Vatican II - almost all of the major language groups translated the response to include the word spiritu; for example, in Spanish: Y con tú espíritu. 2. Sign of our unity across time ◦ Ancient in origin ◦ It has long been used in both Eastern and Western liturgies and is found in the Apostolic Tradition (attributed to St. Hippolytus, c. AD 215). 3. Clearer Connection to Scripture ◦ The response is based on Galatians 6:18 and 2 Timothy 4:22.
  • 25. PENITENTIAL RITE Present Text New Text FORM A FORM A  I confess to almighty God, and  I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through that I have greatly sinned my own fault, in my thoughts in my thoughts and in my and in my words, in what I have words, in what I have done and done, and in what I have failed in what I have failed to do, to do; and I ask blessed Mary, through my fault, through ever virgin, all the angels and my fault, through my most saints, and you, my brothers grievous fault; therefore I and sisters, to pray for me to ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, the Lord, our God. all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
  • 26. PENITENTIAL RITE Present Text New Text FORM B FORM B  Priest: Lord, we have sinned  Priest: Have mercy on us, against you: Lord, have O Lord. mercy.  People: For we have sinned  People: Lord, have mercy. against you.  Priest: Lord, show us your  Priest: Show us, O Lord, mercy and love. your mercy.  People: And grant us your  People: And grant us your salvation. salvation.
  • 27. PENITENTIAL RITE Present Text New Text FORM C FORM C  You were sent to heal the  You were sent to heal the contrite: Lord, have mercy. contrite of heart: Lord, have  You came to call sinners: mercy. Christ, have mercy.  You came to call sinners:  You plead for us at the right Christ, have mercy. hand of the Father: Lord, have  You are seated at the right mercy. hand of the Father to intercede for us: Lord, have mercy.
  • 28. PENITENTIAL RITE Present Text New Text ABSOLUTION ABSOLUTION PRIEST: PRIEST:  May almighty God have  No change. mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. If form A or B is used, the Kyrie follows. PRIEST: Lord, have mercy. PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy. PRIEST: Christ, have mercy. PEOPLE: Christ, have mercy. PRIEST: Lord, have mercy. PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy.
  • 29. The Gloria Glory to God in the Glory to God in the highest, highest, and peace to his people and on earth peace on earth. to people of good will. Lord God, heavenly King, We praise you, we bless almighty God and Father, you, we adore you, we worship you, we glorify you, we give you thanks, we give you thanks we praise you for your for your great glory, glory. Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.
  • 30. The Gloria Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sin you take away the sins of the of the world: world, have mercy on us; have mercy on us; you take away the sins of you are seated at the right the world, hand of the Father: receive our prayer; receive our prayer. you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
  • 31. The Gloria For you alone For you alone are the Holy One, are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God in the glory of God the Father. Amen. the Father. Amen.
  • 32. Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Word Nicene Creed Apostles Creed
  • 33. Liturgy of the Word  The acclamations ―The Word of the Lord‖ and ―The Gospel of the Lord‖ has two functions: 1. They mark and announce the end of the reading. 2. They remind the assembly that what they have heard is God’s living word.
  • 34. Liturgy of the Word  Interaction components ◦ Reader: ―The Word of the Lord‖  ORAL COMPONENT  Denotes the ministry of the reader who proclaims orally. ◦ Assembly: ―Thanks be to God‖  AURAL COMPONENT  Signifies the act of listening of the assembly
  • 35. Liturgy of the Word  Vat. II Constitution on Sacred Liturgy (SC #33) ◦ ―in the liturgy God speaks to His people and Christ still proclaims His gospel.‖  SC #7 ◦ Christ ―is present in His Word, since it is He Himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures are read in the Church.‖
  • 36. Liturgy of the Word  Before the Gospel is read ◦ Priest: ―The Lord be with you‖ ◦ People: ―And with your spirit‖ ◦ prepares us to listen to God as He speaks to us and proclaims the Gospel.  We hear the voice of the reader, but we listen to the word of Christ.  Two disciples at Emmaus listened to Jesus attentively. ◦ Their hearts where burning as He spoke to them on the road.
  • 37. Nicene Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT We believe in one I believe in one God, God, the Father almighty, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and maker of heaven and earth, earth, of all things visible of all that is seen and and invisible. unseen. I believe in one Lord We believe in one Jesus Christ, Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son the only Son of God, of God, eternally begotten of born of the Father the Father, before all ages.
  • 38. Nicene Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT God from God, Light God from God, Light from Light, from Light, true God from true God, true God from true begotten, not made, God, one in Being with the begotten, not made, Father. Through him all things consubstantial with were made. one in the Father; Being with the Father. through him all things Through him all things were made. were made.
  • 39. Nicene Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT For us men and for For us men and for our salvation our salvation he came down from he came down from heaven: heaven, by the power of the and by the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit was incarnate of he was born of the the Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary, and became man. and became man.
  • 40. Nicene Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT For our sake For our sake he was crucified he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; under Pontius Pilate, he suffered, died, he suffered death and was buried. and was buried, and rose again on On the third day the third day he rose again in accordance in fulfillment of with the the Scriptures; Scriptures.
  • 41. Nicene Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT he ascended into he ascended into heaven and is seated heaven and is seated at the right hand of at the right hand of the Father. the Father. He will come again in He will come again in glory glory to judge the living and to judge the living and the dead, the dead, and his kingdom will and his kingdom will have no end. have no end.
  • 42. Nicene Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT We believe in the I believe in the Holy Holy Spirit, Spirit, the Lord, the Lord, the giver of the giver of life, who life, who proceeds proceeds from the Father and from the Father and the Son. the Son, With the Father who with the and the Son Father and the Son he is worshipped is adored and and glorified. glorified, He has spoken who has spoken through the Prophets. through the prophets.
  • 43. Nicene Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT We believe in one I believe in one, holy, holy catholic catholic and apostolic Church. and apostolic Church. We acknowledge I confess one baptism one baptism for the forgiveness of for the forgiveness of sins sins. and I look forward We look for the to the resurrection resurrection of the dead, of the dead and the life of the and the life of the world to come. Amen. world to come. Amen.
  • 44. Apostles Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT I believe in God, the I believe in God, the Father almighty, Father almighty, creator of heaven and Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus earth, Christ, his only Son, and in Jesus Christ, his our Lord. only Son, He was conceived our Lord, by the power of the Holy Spirit who was conceived and born of the Virgin by the Holy Spirit, Mary. born of the Virgin Mary,
  • 45. Apostles Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT He suffered under Pontius suffered under Pontius Pilate, Pilate, was crucified, died and was was crucified, died, and was buried; buried. He descended to the dead. he descended into hell; On the third day he rose on the third day he rose again again. from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right he ascended into heaven, hand and is seated at the right hand of the Father. of God the Father He will come again to almighty; judge the living and the dead. from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
  • 46. Apostles Creed PRESENT TEXT NEW TEXT I believe in the Holy I believe in the Holy Spirit, Spirit, the holy catholic the holy catholic Church, Church, the communion of the communion of saints, saints, the forgiveness of sins, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the the resurrection of the body, body, and the life everlasting. and life everlasting. Amen. Amen.
  • 47. Liturgy of the Eucharist  Preparation of the Gifts  The Preface
  • 48. Preparation of the Gifts Present Text New Text PRIEST: PRIEST: Pray, brethren (brothers Pray, brethren (brothers and and sisters), sisters), that our sacrifice that my sacrifice and may be acceptable to yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father. God, the almighty Father. PEOPLE: PEOPLE: May the Lord accept the May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands… sacrifice at your hands…
  • 49. Preface Present Text New Text PRIEST: The Lord be with you. PRIEST: The Lord be with you. PEOPLE: And also with you. PEOPLE: And with your spirit. PRIEST: Lift up your hearts. PEOPLE: We lift them up to PRIEST: Lift up your hearts. the Lord. PEOPLE: We lift them up to the Lord. PRIEST: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. PRIEST: Let us give thanks to PEOPLE: It is right to give the Lord our God. him thanks and praise. PEOPLE: It is right and just.
  • 50. Preface Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of Vat. II Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people” (1 Pet. 2:9; cf. 2:4-5), is their right and duty by reason of their baptism. (SC §14)
  • 51. Preface The Prefaces, which have all been retranslated, will now begin, “It is truly right and just…” – which will make the connection to the dialogue more obvious.
  • 52. Preface Present Text New Text Holy, holy, holy Lord, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of power and God of hosts. might. Heaven and earth are full Heaven and earth are full of your glory. of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest.
  • 53. The 3rd EDITION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL  Consecration: Institution Narrative  Mysterium Fidei  Doxology
  • 54. Institution Narrative Present Text New Text PRIEST: PRIEST:  Take this, all of you, and  Take this, all of you, and drink from it: this is the drink from it: for this is cup of my blood, the the chalice of my blood, blood of the new and the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. eternal covenant; which It will be shed for you and for all so that will be poured out for sins may be forgiven. you and for many for Do this in memory of the forgiveness of sins. me. Do this in memory of me.
  • 55. Probably the change that has received the most attention has been the translation of the Latin phrase, pro multis. Currently, we hear in the Eucharistic Prayers, that Christ’s blood ―will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven.‖ The new translation will read: ―which will be poured out for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins.‖
  • 56. It does not mean that Christ did not die for everyone. The Scriptures (for example, John 11:52; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15; Titus 2:11; 1 John 2:2) and the dogmatic teaching of the Church (Catechism §§624, 629) make it clear that Christ died for everyone (not just for many). In addition, in our Eucharistic Prayers, we pray that all the dead (not just Catholics and other Christians) would enjoy eternal life.
  • 57. 4 Reasons Why We Now Use “FOR MANY” 1) Scriptural reasons: The words in our Eucharistic Prayer come from the Gospels of Matthew 26:28 and Mark 14:24; the Greek “for many” is used there and connects to Isaiah 53:11-12. 2) Historical reasons: The Roman Rite has always said pro multis (for many) and not pro omnibus (for all) at this point in the Mass.
  • 58. 3) Ecumenical reasons: The Eucharistic Prayers of the Eastern Churches all have ―for many‖ in their respective languages. 4) Theological reasons: As Cardinal Francis Arinze, former prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, stated in his letter to Presidents of Conferences of Bishops (Oct. 17, 2006):
  • 59. The expression „for many,‟ while remaining open to the inclusion of each human person, is reflective also of the fact that this salvation is not brought about in some mechanistic way, without one's own willing or participation; rather, the believer is invited to accept in faith the gift that is being offered and to receive the supernatural life that is given to those who participate in this mystery, living it out in their lives as well so as to be numbered among the „many‟ to whom the text refers.
  • 60. In other words, while salvation is offered to all, not all will accept God‟s gift. Respecting human free will means that we need to accept the possibility that some might reject God.
  • 61. Mysterium fidei Present Text New Text PRIEST: PRIEST:  Let us proclaim the  The mystery of faith. mystery of faith. The new translation shows that this is a dialogue: the priest says (―The mystery of faith‖) and everyone responds in one of the three ways.
  • 62. Mysterium fidei The Latin version of the Missal contains Three Responses. 1) Present Text New Text PEOPLE: PEOPLE: Dying you destroyed We proclaim your Death, our death, rising you O Lord, and profess your restored our life. Lord Resurrection until you Jesus, come in glory. come again.
  • 63. Mysterium fidei 2) Present Text New Text PEOPLE: PEOPLE: When we eat this bread When we eat this Bread and drink this cup, we and drink this Cup, proclaim your death, we proclaim your Death, O Lord Jesus, until you Lord, until you come again. come in glory.
  • 64. Mysterium fidei The new translations of the acclamations highlight the fact that: 1. we are addressing Christ 2. and we can easily grasp the connections to the Scriptures. The first and second acclamations are both based on 1 Corinthians 11:26
  • 65. Mysterium fidei 3) Present Text New Text PEOPLE: PEOPLE: Lord, by your cross and Save us, Savior of the resurrection, you have set world, for by your Cross us free. You are the and Resurrection, you have Savior of the World. set us free. (John 4:42)
  • 66. Mysterium fidei 4) Present Text New Text PEOPLE: Not approved. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. The fourth — “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again”— was not approved for this edition of the Missal because the acclamations are addressed to Christ (in the new Missal) and the fourth version simply states what Christ has done.
  • 67. Doxology Present Text New Text PRIEST: PRIEST: Through Him, with him, Through him, and with him, in him, in the unity of the and in him, O God, Holy Spirit, all glory and almighty Father, in the honor is yours almighty unity of the Holy Spirit, all Father, for ever and honor and glory is yours, ever. for ever and ever. The Latin Text positions the Holy Spirit after God the Father. This arrangement relates the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity to one another. The New Text is a literal translation of the Latin text, while the Present Text is an interpretation.
  • 68. The 3rd EDITION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL  Communion Rite  Concluding Rites
  • 69. Communion Rite Present Text New Text PRIEST: PRIEST: Behold the Lamb of God; This is the Lamb of God behold him who takes away the sins of the world. who takes away Blessed are those called the sins of the world. to the supper of the Happy are those who Lamb. are called to his supper.
  • 70. Communion Rite  The more literal rendering of the invitation to communion also makes the various connections to the Scriptures more clear:  John the Baptist’s identification of Jesus as the Lamb of God in John 1:29,  the supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19:9, and  the healing of the centurion’s servant in Luke 7:6-7 (and Matthew 8:8).
  • 71. Communion Rite  It is interesting to notice that the phrase “this is” has been removed. Just as we no longer say, “This is the word of the Lord” at the end of the readings or This is the Body of Christ” at communion because the word “THIS” seems to limit Christ’s presence.  In addition, “behold” makes for a more poetic rendering, and is more suggestive of the sacred, as is “blessed” instead of “happy.”
  • 72. Communion Rite Present Text New Text PEOPLE: PEOPLE: Lord, I am not worthy Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, that you should enter but only say the word under my roof, and I shall be healed. but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. This echoes the words of the Centurion, who asked Jesus to heal his servant (Luke 7:6-7, Matthew 8:5-13)
  • 73. Communion Rite  Those under the roof of the centurion were those of his household and of his command,the solders who were under his authority as their head.  By saying “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed,” he actually placed himself under Jesus’ authority and expressed his faith and confidence in Him and in His Words.
  • 74. Communion Rite  Therefore, when we say this, we follow the same attitude of the centurion as we prepare to welcome Christ into the ―home‖ of our bodies in Holy Communion, in humility, faith, gratitude as members of Jesus‟ household, which is His Body.
  • 75. Concluding Rites Present Text New Text PRIEST: PRIEST:  Go forth, the Mass is  The Mass is ended, go ended. in peace.  Or: Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.  Or: Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.  Or: Go in peace.
  • 76.
  • 77. Concluding Rites  In 2005, the World Synod of Bishops met to reflect on the place of the Eucharist in the life of the Church.  At the end of the meeting, a number of propositions were presented to Pope Benedict XVI. These were worked into his follow-up Apostolic Exhortation, Sacramentum caritatis (§51):
  • 78. Sacramentum Caritatis (§51) Finally, I would like to comment briefly on the observations of the Synod Fathers regarding the dismissal at the end of the eucharistic celebration. After the blessing, the deacon or the priest dismisses the people with the words: Ite, missa est [currently translated as, “The Mass is ended, go in peace.”]. These words help us to grasp the relationship between the Mass just celebrated and the mission of Christians in the world. In antiquity, missa simply meant "dismissal."
  • 79. Sacramentum Caritatis (§51) However in Christian usage it gradually took on a deeper meaning. The word "dismissal" has come to imply a "mission." These few words succinctly express the missionary nature of the Church. The People of God might be helped to understand more clearly this essential dimension of the Church's life, taking the dismissal as a starting- point. In this context, it might also be helpful to provide new texts, duly approved, for the prayer over the people and the final blessing, in order to make this connection clear.
  • 80. Concluding Rites In 2008, the Holy Father did indeed add three new dismissals to the Roman Missal in order to stress that we are sent as missionaries into the world. These are the newest words in the 2000- year history of Catholic worship. Along with “Go forth, the Mass is ended” (which is the new translation of Ite, missa est), THE NEW DISMISSALS ARE:  Or: Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.  Or: Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.  Or: Go in peace.
  • 81. Concluding Rites It is an intriguing fact that we name what we do — the Mass — by the final action: the dismissal, the being sent forth to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed. The Church, which is all of us, is missionary in nature. In order to fulfill that calling, which comes to us through baptism, we gather together to celebrate Eucharist.
  • 82. Concluding Rites Our faith tells us that this is the pre-eminent place that we encounter Christ in each other, in the word proclaimed, in the sacrament — in order to be changed, transformed, more and more into the Body of Christ that we are.
  • 83. Concluding Rite Changed, we are sent back out — to encounter Christ in those whom we serve. Changed by that encounter, we return to the Tables of Word and Sacrament to be nourished ... and sent on mission again… week after week… until we are all welcomed into the wedding feast of the Lamb.
  • 84. The 3rd EDITION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL  Communion Rite  Concluding Rites
  • 85. In addition, the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal contains prayers 1) for the observances of recently canonized saints, 2) additional prefaces for the Eucharistic Prayers, 3) additional Votive Masses 4) additional Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions 5) some updated and revised rubrics (instructions) for the celebration of the Mass 6) new musical settings have been composed
  • 86. There is grace with the new Missal for all Catholics as we allow the Holy Spirit to deepen, nurture, and celebrate our faith through the renewal of our worship and the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy.  The entire Church has been blessed with this opportunity to deepen its understanding of the Sacred Liturgy, and to appreciate its meaning and importance in our lives.
  • 87. Appreciating the Revised Mass Texts The 3rd EDITION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL

Notas do Editor

  1. All of these formulas are based on the Scriptures In the first option, the word “communion” was chosen over “fellowship” to better capture the sense of the scriptural Greek (koinonia; 2 Cor 13:13): that we are sharing or participating in the life of the Holy Spirit. The change to the second option more closely echoes the words of Romans 1:7.
  2. During the Preface:The priest would say, “The Lord be with you”…. Respond: “and with your spirit”
  3. 1. we will once again share a common response with Catholics around the world. sign of our unity across space After the Second Vatican Council, almost all of the major language groups translated the response to include the word spiritu; for example, in Spanish: Y con túespíritu. In other words, the use of this expression is a sign of our unity across space (in fact, the new instruction for translations highlights this as one phrase that all groups should be able to share in common).2. this response is ancient in origin. It has long been used in both Eastern and Western liturgies and is found in the Apostolic Tradition (attributed to St. Hippolytus, c. AD 215). Therefore, the use of this expression is also a sign of our unity across time.3. the connection to Scripture is made clearer with this translation. The response is based on Galatians 6:18 and 2 Timothy 4:22.
  4. Present text: that I have sinned through my own fault, New text: that I have greatly sinned The first change that you’ll notice that the word “greatly” has returned to its place before “sinned,” better reflecting the scriptural origins of this text (1 Chronicles 21:8)Latin text: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpaNew text: through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous faultThis looks as though we are a lot more sinful now than we used to be. Remember, though, that the guiding principle of the translation is a closer adherence to the words in Latin – not a sharper critique of our virtue. The new translation does not have us express more grandly the seriousness of our sins and the sincerity of our contrition. The triple repetition is a way of clearly taking personal responsibility when itcomes to our sins. It offers a humbler way to collect ourselves before stepping any further into prayer.
  5. Form B is not often used; the new translation helps us see that this option is intended to be a dialogue, or exchange, between the priest and the people. The current translation did not make that characteristic very clear. In addition, one can more easily see its origins in Baruch 3:2 (first exchange) “Hear, LORD, and have mercy, for you are a merciful God; have mercy on us, who have sinned against you:”and Psalm 85:8 (v. 7 in some translations; second exchange)“Show us, LORD, your mercy;grant us your salvation.”
  6. The so-called “absolution” follows all three forms of the penitential act. The new Missal will leave the current translation intact. However, it is important to remember that we are not praying that God forgive our sins at this moment but that, having celebrated Eucharist, God will lead us with our sins forgiven to everlasting life. Because forms A and B do not include the three-fold “Lord, have mercy,” this response follows those versions of the Act of Penitence. The English or the original Greek — Kyrie eleison, Christeeleison, Kyrie eleison — may be used.
  7. People of good will – people that is favored by God. God’s peace is not a reward granted to people who possess good will; rather it is a benevolence of God, a goodwill gift, a divine favor stowed on our unworthy selves. Those who receive the goodwill of God become a people of good will.The new translation expands the hymn back to its fuller form. It is not unusual in music to stress a concept or emphasize a point by repeating the same words, or by using different words to express thesame idea. We see that with the Gloria: five verbs are used to refer to our actions in response to God’s graciousnessinstead of three
  8. Christ’s Sonship is stressed, John the Baptist’s words are repeated — but with a different petition following.Note that “sins” is in the plural now, to match the invitation to Communion. This is an example of how traditional liturgical usage has differed from the use of the same phrase in the scriptures. John the Baptist refers to the Lamb of God taking away the “sin” of the world in John 1:29; however, for over 1000 years we have used the plural liturgically. It is that tradition which is maintained in the new Missal.
  9. The dialogue between the reader and the assembly at the end of the reading is an interaction between the oral and the aural components of the Liturgy of the Word. “The Word of the Lord” denotes the ministry which the reader has performed (oral aspect of the proclamation). “Thanks be to God” signifies the act of listening on the part of the assembly (the aural aspect of proclamation).
  10. The Creed is a theologically rich text, and the new translation highlights some important nuances that might have been less obvious in the current version:The plural “We” in the present text indicates that what we declare in the creed is the faith of the Church. It is what we, the Church, profess as our belief. This plural form of the Creed is proclaimed meaningfully when the Church gathers in Synods and Councils.The singular pronoun “I”, on the other hand, expresses personal adherence to the tenets of faith. It is the form of the Creed that we use when we profess or renew our baptismal faith. The 1975 English translation adopts the Greek, while the new translation follows the Latin.“Visible and invisible” is more accurate than “seen and unseen” – there may be things that we don’t currently see (they are outside our field of vision, but are capable of being seen); that’sdifferent than referring to things that are, by their nature, visible or invisible (e.g., the angels). Also, the reference to Col 1:16 is made more explicit.
  11. In reference to the Holy Spirit, the word “power”—which does not appear in the Creed (Latin Text) — is absent in the new Missal. The incarnation is the act of a person (Holy Spirit) not an impersonal force; the new translation makes this more obvious.
  12. We should note that the word “death” is not in the original Creed (Latin text). Approved by Rome, this addition makes clearer what Jesus suffered.Our beliefs in regard to Jesus Christ are not only a fulfillment of the Scriptures (Old Testament) but are also attested to in the Scriptures (New Testament). Therefore, “in accordance” is a more inclusive phrase.
  13. We do more than “acknowledge” baptism. To confess baptism has multiple levels of meaning: we believe in its efficacy, we have faith in the one who promised to act through it, and we proclaim it and invite others to it.“Looking forward” suggests that we are straining towards the Reign of God, like Paul’s reference to all creation “groaning” in anticipation (Rom 8:22). The current or present translation “we look for…” suggests a more passive stance.
  14. Much of what is said about the Nicene Creed applies to the Apostles’ Creed.
  15. In addition, it is important to note that what the present text or current translation renders as, “he descended to the dead” the new version splits into two phrases: “he descended into hell (Latin: inferos; the abode of the dead; the underworld; not the permanent state of separation from God that awaits those who completely reject the offer of divine love); on the third day he rose again from the dead.” As a result, the new translation emphasizes that through his passion and resurrection Christ overcame death itself.
  16. The revision of the present to the new text is in accordance with the latin text which is utmeum ac vestrumsacrificium.that my sacrifice - offered by the priest who is ordained to the ministerial priesthoodand yours - offered by the people who receive the common priesthood at baptism“Pray, brethren (brothers and sisters), that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.” The priest is actually requesting the people to pray to God to accept our sacrifice.
  17. The revision of the present to the new text is in accordance with the latin text which is utmeum ac vestrumsacrificium.“Pray, brethren (brothers and sisters), that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.” The priest is actually requesting the people to pray to God to accept our sacrifice.