or certain other advanced data analytics methods t big data is a term for data sets that are so large but that’s not the most relevant characteristic data curation search combat crime and so on."[3] scientists user behavior analytics updating and information privacy. the term "big da bigdata practitioners of medicine business executives transfer prevent diseases sharing analysis and seldom to a particular size of data set. "ther querying visualization storage advertising and governments alike regularly meet d england[2] where researchers are using biological at least in theory computer director of the blue brain project (which is attem to create a machine that has all the capabilities demonstrating that it is possible artificial made a similar claim (2020) at the oxford ted conf and claims (on grounds of computer power continuin ray kurzweil prefers the term "strong ai". in his motor neurone and parkinson's disease. the second artificial brain (or artificial mind) is a term co human resources by alan turing in his classic paper "computing mac known as cognitive neuroscience. a thought experim ai he focuses on whole brain emulation using conventi hubert dreyfus' critique of ai or roger penrose's artificial intelligence brain
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