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//written to test doubly-linked list ADT
//ItemType must have << and >> operators defined
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "sortlist.h"
using namespace std;
template <class ItemType>
void PrintAscending(ostream& dataFile,
SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName);
//pre: list has been initialized
// dataFile is open for output
//post: each component in list has been written to
// dataFile is still open
template <class ItemType>
void PrintDescending(ostream& dataFile,
SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName);
//pre: list has been initialized
// dataFile is open for output
//post: each component in list has been written, in
reverse order, to dataFile
// dataFile is still open
void DisplayMenu(int& choice);
//pre: listA and listB have been initialized
//post: displays a menu for list operations
template <class ItemType>
void Insert(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string
//pre: list has been initialized
// item to insert is entered by the user in the
//post: Calls the ADT InsertItem and prints a message
// success or failure
template <class ItemType>
void Delete(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string
//pre: list has been initialized
// item to delete is entered by the user within
the function
//post: Calls the ADT delete function and prints a
// indicating success or failure.
template <class ItemType>
void Retrieve(SortedType<ItemType> list);
//pre: none
//post: prompts user for item to retrieve from list;
displays message
// indicating whether or not item was found in
the list
int main()
SortedType<int> listA, listB, listC;
int choice;
while (true)
switch (choice)
case 0: return 0;
case 1: Insert(listA, "A");
case 2: Insert(listB, "B");
case 3: Delete(listA, "A");
case 4: listA.MakeEmpty();
case 5: Retrieve(listA);
case 6: listC = listB = listA;
case 7: listA.RemoveFirst();
case 8: listA.RemoveLast();
case 9: PrintAscending(cout, listA,
PrintAscending(cout, listB,
PrintAscending(cout, listC,
case 10: PrintDescending(cout, listA,
PrintDescending(cout, listB,
PrintDescending(cout, listC,
default: return 0;
}//end switch
}//end while
}//end main
template <class ItemType>
void PrintAscending(ostream& dataFile,
SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName)
ItemType item;
int length = list.LengthIs();
if (length == 0)
dataFile << "List " << listName << " is
dataFile << "List " << listName << " contains the
following items:n";
for (int count=0; count<length; count++)
dataFile << item;
dataFile << " ";
dataFile << endl;
template <class ItemType>
void PrintDescending(ostream& dataFile,
SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName)
ItemType item;
int length = list.LengthIs();
if (length == 0)
dataFile << "List " << listName << " is
dataFile << "List " << listName << " contains the
following items:n";
for (int count=0; count<length; count++)
dataFile << item;
dataFile << " ";
dataFile << endl;
void DisplayMenu(int& choice)
cout << "Please select from the menu.nn";
cout << "1tInsert an item to List A.n";
cout << "2tInsert an item to List B.n";
cout << "3tDelete an item from List A.n";
cout << "4tDelete all items from List A. (Make
listA empty)n";
cout << "5tRetrieve an item from List A.n";
cout << "6tPerform assignment: listC = listB =
cout << "7tDelete first element of List A.n";
cout << "8tDelete last element of List A.n";
cout << "9tPrint lists in ascending order.n";
cout << "10tPrint lists in descending order.n";
cout << "0tExit programnn";
cin >> choice;
template <class ItemType>
void Insert(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string
ItemType item;
cout << "Please enter the item to insert: ";
cin >> item;
if (list.InsertItem(item))
cout << item << " has been inserted into list
" << listName << ".n";
cout << "Unable to add " << item << " to " <<
listName << ".n";
template <class ItemType>
void Delete(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string
ItemType item;
cout << "Please enter the item to delete: ";
cin >> item;
if (list.DeleteItem(item))
cout << item << " has been deleted from list
" << listName << ".n";
cout << item << " was not in the list. List
has not been changed.n";
template <class ItemType>
void Retrieve(SortedType<ItemType> list)
ItemType item;
bool found;
cout << "Please enter the item to be
cin >> item;
list.RetrieveItem(item, found);
if (found)
cout << item << " was in the list.n";
cout << item << " was not in the list.n";
// Implementation file for Sorted List ADT.
// Class specification is in file sortlist.h.
// Class is templated.
template<class ItemType>
struct NodeType
ItemType info;
NodeType* next;
NodeType* back;
template <class ItemType>
SortedType<ItemType>::SortedType ()
length = 0;
listData = NULL;
listRear = NULL;
template <class ItemType>
SortedType<ItemType>::~SortedType ()
NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr;
while(listData != NULL)
tempPtr = listData;
listData = listData->next;
delete tempPtr;
template <class ItemType>
SortedType<ItemType>::SortedType(const SortedType&
//initialize variables
length = 0;
currentPos = NULL;
listData = NULL;
listRear = NULL;
NodeType<ItemType>* sourcePtr;
NodeType<ItemType>* newNodePtr;
//copy nodes from rhs
sourcePtr = source.listData;
while (sourcePtr != NULL)
newNodePtr = new NodeType<ItemType>;
newNodePtr->info = sourcePtr->info;
if (listData == NULL) //first node to be
listData = newNodePtr;
listRear = newNodePtr;
newNodePtr->next = NULL;
newNodePtr->back = NULL;
listRear->next = newNodePtr;
newNodePtr->back = listRear;
newNodePtr->next = NULL;
listRear = newNodePtr;
sourcePtr = sourcePtr->next;
template <class ItemType>
SortedType<ItemType> SortedType<ItemType>::operator
=(const SortedType& rhs)
//check x=x case
if (this == &rhs)
//delete existing list before assigning it the
values in rtList
NodeType<ItemType>* lhsPtr;
NodeType<ItemType>* rhsPtr;
while (listData != NULL)
lhsPtr = listData;
listData = listData->next;
delete lhsPtr;
length = 0;
listRear = NULL;
//copy nodes from rhs
rhsPtr = rhs.listData;
while (rhsPtr != NULL)
lhsPtr = new NodeType<ItemType>;
lhsPtr->info = rhsPtr->info;
if (listData == NULL) //first node to be
listData = lhsPtr;
listRear = lhsPtr;
lhsPtr->next = NULL;
lhsPtr->back = NULL;
listRear->next = lhsPtr;
lhsPtr->back = listRear;
lhsPtr->next = NULL;
listRear = lhsPtr;
rhsPtr = rhsPtr->next;
return (*this);
template <class ItemType>
bool SortedType<ItemType>::IsFull() const
NodeType<ItemType>* ptr;
ptr = new NodeType<ItemType>;
if (ptr == NULL)
return true;
delete ptr;
return false;
template <class ItemType>
int SortedType<ItemType>::LengthIs() const
return length;
template <class ItemType>
void SortedType<ItemType>::MakeEmpty()
NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr;
while (listData != NULL)
tempPtr = listData;
listData = listData->next;
delete tempPtr;
listRear = NULL;
length = 0;
template <class ItemType>
void SortedType<ItemType>::RetrieveItem(ItemType&
item, bool& found)
bool moreToSearch;
NodeType<ItemType>* location;
location = listData;
found = false;
moreToSearch = (location != NULL);
while (moreToSearch && !found)
if (location->info < item)
location = location->next;
moreToSearch = (location != NULL);
else if (item == location->info)
found = true;
item = location->info;
moreToSearch = false;
template <class ItemType>
bool SortedType<ItemType>::InsertItem(ItemType item)
//modify the following code so that the function
returns false
//if item is already in the list
//Prepare node for insertion
NodeType<ItemType>* newNode;
newNode = new NodeType<ItemType>;
if (newNode == NULL)
return false;
newNode->info = item;
//check if inserting into empty list
if (listData == NULL)
newNode->next = NULL;
newNode->back = NULL;
listData = newNode;
listRear = newNode;
else if(item ==listData->info)
return false;
//check if inserting before existing first item
else if (item < listData->info)
newNode->next = listData;
newNode->back = NULL;
listData->back = newNode;
listData = newNode;
//check if inserting after last item
else if (item > listRear->info)
newNode->next = NULL;
newNode->back = listRear;
listRear->next = newNode;
listRear = newNode;
else//inserting between existing nodes
// Find node that should precede newNode
NodeType<ItemType>* location;
location = listData;
while (location->next->info < item)
location = location->next;
if(location->next->info == item)
return false;
//insert node into list.
newNode->back = location;
newNode->next = location->next;
location->next->back = newNode;
location->next = newNode;
return true;
template <class ItemType>
void SortedType<ItemType>::RemoveFirst()
if(listData == NULL)
NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr = listData;
if(listData->next == NULL)
delete tempPtr;
listData = NULL;
listRear = NULL;
length = 0;
listData = listData->next;
listData->back = NULL;
delete tempPtr;
template <class ItemType>
void SortedType<ItemType>::RemoveLast()
if(listData == NULL)
NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr = listRear;
if(listData->next == NULL)
delete tempPtr;
listData = NULL;
listRear = NULL;
length = 0;
listRear = listRear->back;
listRear->next = NULL;
delete tempPtr;
template <class ItemType>
bool SortedType<ItemType>::DeleteItem(ItemType item)
if(listData == NULL)
return false;
NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr = listData;
if(item == listData->info)
if(listData->next == NULL)
delete tempPtr;
listData = NULL;
listRear = NULL;
length = 0;
listData = listData->next;
listData->back = NULL;
delete tempPtr;
else if(item == listRear->info)
tempPtr =listRear;
listRear =listRear->back;
listRear->next = NULL;
delete tempPtr;
while(tempPtr->next->info != item)
if(tempPtr->next->info > item)
return false;
tempPtr = tempPtr->next;
NodeType<ItemType>* newNode;
newNode = tempPtr->next;
tempPtr->next = newNode->next;
newNode->next->back = tempPtr;
delete newNode;
return true;
template <class ItemType>
void SortedType<ItemType>::ResetList()
currentPos = NULL;
template <class ItemType>
void SortedType<ItemType>::ResetListBackward()
currentRev = NULL;
template <class ItemType>
void SortedType<ItemType>::GetNextItem(ItemType&
if (currentPos == NULL)
currentPos = listData;
currentPos = currentPos->next;
item = currentPos->info;
template <class ItemType>
void SortedType<ItemType>::GetPreviousItem(ItemType&
if (currentRev == NULL)
currentRev = listRear;
currentRev = currentRev->back;
item = currentRev->info;
// sortlist.h: Header file for Sorted List ADT.
// Class is templated.
// Assumption: ItemType is a type for which the
comparison operators
// are defined
#ifndef SORTLIST_H
#define SORTLIST_H
template <class ItemType>
struct NodeType;
template <class ItemType>
class SortedType
SortedType (); // Class constructor
~SortedType (); // Class destructor
SortedType(const SortedType& source);
//copy constructor
SortedType operator =(const SortedType& rhs);
//assignment operator
bool IsFull() const;
// Function: Determines whether list is full.
// Post: Function value = (list is full)
int LengthIs() const;
// Function: Determines the number of elements in
// Post: Function value = number of elements in
void MakeEmpty();
// Function: Initializes list to empty state.
// Post: List is empty.
void RetrieveItem(ItemType& item, bool& found);
// Function: Retrieves list element whose key
matches item's key (if present).
// Pre: Key member of item is initialized.
// Post: If there is an element someItem whose
key matches item's key,
// then found = true and item is a copy of
someItem; otherwise
// found = false and item is unchanged.
// List is unchanged.
bool InsertItem(ItemType item);
// Function: Adds item to list
// Pre: List has been initialized
// Post: Returns true if the item was
successfully added
// returns false if not able to add
void RemoveFirst();
//pre: none
//post: if list is not empty, first element has
been removed,
// else list is unchanged
void RemoveLast();
//pre: none
//post: if list is not empty, last element has
been removed,
// else list is unchanged
bool DeleteItem(ItemType item);
// Function: Deletes the element whose key
matches item's key.
// Pre: Key member of item is initialized.
// At most one element in list has a key
matching item's key.
// Post: No element in list has a key matching
item's key.
void ResetList();
// Function: Initializes current position for an
iteration through the list.
// Pre: List has been initialized
// Post: Current position is prior to first
element of list.
void GetNextItem(ItemType&);
// Function: Gets the next element in list.
// Pre: Current position is defined.
// Element at current position is not last
in list.
// Post: Current position is updated to next
// item is a copy of element at current
void ResetListBackward();
// Function: Initializes current position for a
backward iteration through the list.
// Pre: List has been initialized
// Post: Current position is after the last
element of the list
void GetPreviousItem(ItemType&);
// Function: Gets the previous element in list.
// Pre: Current position is defined.
// Element at current position is not first
in list.
// Post: Current position is updated to previous
// item is a copy of element at current
int length;
NodeType<ItemType>* listData;
NodeType<ItemType>* listRear;
NodeType<ItemType>* currentPos; //for forward
NodeType<ItemType>* currentRev; //for backward
#include "sortlist.cpp"

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  • 1. //driver.cpp //written to test doubly-linked list ADT //ItemType must have << and >> operators defined #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "sortlist.h" using namespace std; template <class ItemType> void PrintAscending(ostream& dataFile, SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName); //pre: list has been initialized // dataFile is open for output //post: each component in list has been written to dataFile // dataFile is still open template <class ItemType> void PrintDescending(ostream& dataFile, SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName); //pre: list has been initialized // dataFile is open for output //post: each component in list has been written, in reverse order, to dataFile // dataFile is still open void DisplayMenu(int& choice); //pre: listA and listB have been initialized //post: displays a menu for list operations
  • 2. template <class ItemType> void Insert(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName); //pre: list has been initialized // item to insert is entered by the user in the function //post: Calls the ADT InsertItem and prints a message indicating // success or failure template <class ItemType> void Delete(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName); //pre: list has been initialized // item to delete is entered by the user within the function //post: Calls the ADT delete function and prints a message // indicating success or failure. template <class ItemType> void Retrieve(SortedType<ItemType> list); //pre: none //post: prompts user for item to retrieve from list; displays message // indicating whether or not item was found in the list int main() {
  • 3. SortedType<int> listA, listB, listC; int choice; while (true) { DisplayMenu(choice); switch (choice) { case 0: return 0; case 1: Insert(listA, "A"); break; case 2: Insert(listB, "B"); break; case 3: Delete(listA, "A"); break; case 4: listA.MakeEmpty(); break; case 5: Retrieve(listA); break; case 6: listC = listB = listA; break; case 7: listA.RemoveFirst(); break; case 8: listA.RemoveLast(); break;
  • 4. case 9: PrintAscending(cout, listA, "A"); PrintAscending(cout, listB, "B"); PrintAscending(cout, listC, "C"); break; case 10: PrintDescending(cout, listA, "A"); PrintDescending(cout, listB, "B"); PrintDescending(cout, listC, "C"); break; default: return 0; }//end switch }//end while }//end main template <class ItemType> void PrintAscending(ostream& dataFile, SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName) { ItemType item; int length = list.LengthIs(); if (length == 0) {
  • 5. dataFile << "List " << listName << " is empty.n"; return; } dataFile << "List " << listName << " contains the following items:n"; list.ResetList(); for (int count=0; count<length; count++) { list.GetNextItem(item); dataFile << item; dataFile << " "; } dataFile << endl; } template <class ItemType> void PrintDescending(ostream& dataFile, SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName) { ItemType item; int length = list.LengthIs(); if (length == 0) { dataFile << "List " << listName << " is empty.n"; return; } dataFile << "List " << listName << " contains the following items:n"; list.ResetListBackward();
  • 6. for (int count=0; count<length; count++) { list.GetPreviousItem(item); dataFile << item; dataFile << " "; } dataFile << endl; } void DisplayMenu(int& choice) { cout << "Please select from the menu.nn"; cout << "1tInsert an item to List A.n"; cout << "2tInsert an item to List B.n"; cout << "3tDelete an item from List A.n"; cout << "4tDelete all items from List A. (Make listA empty)n"; cout << "5tRetrieve an item from List A.n"; cout << "6tPerform assignment: listC = listB = listAn"; cout << "7tDelete first element of List A.n"; cout << "8tDelete last element of List A.n"; cout << "9tPrint lists in ascending order.n"; cout << "10tPrint lists in descending order.n"; cout << "0tExit programnn"; cin >> choice; } template <class ItemType>
  • 7. void Insert(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName) { ItemType item; cout << "Please enter the item to insert: "; cin >> item; if (list.InsertItem(item)) cout << item << " has been inserted into list " << listName << ".n"; else cout << "Unable to add " << item << " to " << listName << ".n"; } template <class ItemType> void Delete(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName) { ItemType item; cout << "Please enter the item to delete: "; cin >> item; if (list.DeleteItem(item)) cout << item << " has been deleted from list " << listName << ".n"; else cout << item << " was not in the list. List has not been changed.n"; } template <class ItemType> void Retrieve(SortedType<ItemType> list) {
  • 8. ItemType item; bool found; cout << "Please enter the item to be retrieved:n"; cin >> item; list.RetrieveItem(item, found); if (found) cout << item << " was in the list.n"; else cout << item << " was not in the list.n"; }
  • 9. // Implementation file for Sorted List ADT. // Class specification is in file sortlist.h. // Class is templated. template<class ItemType> struct NodeType { ItemType info; NodeType* next; NodeType* back; }; template <class ItemType> SortedType<ItemType>::SortedType () { length = 0; listData = NULL; listRear = NULL; } template <class ItemType> SortedType<ItemType>::~SortedType () { NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr; while(listData != NULL) { tempPtr = listData; listData = listData->next; delete tempPtr; } }
  • 10. template <class ItemType> SortedType<ItemType>::SortedType(const SortedType& source) { //initialize variables length = 0; currentPos = NULL; listData = NULL; listRear = NULL; NodeType<ItemType>* sourcePtr; NodeType<ItemType>* newNodePtr; //copy nodes from rhs sourcePtr = source.listData; while (sourcePtr != NULL) { newNodePtr = new NodeType<ItemType>; newNodePtr->info = sourcePtr->info; if (listData == NULL) //first node to be copied { listData = newNodePtr; listRear = newNodePtr; newNodePtr->next = NULL; newNodePtr->back = NULL; } else { listRear->next = newNodePtr; newNodePtr->back = listRear; newNodePtr->next = NULL;
  • 11. listRear = newNodePtr; } length++; sourcePtr = sourcePtr->next; } } template <class ItemType> SortedType<ItemType> SortedType<ItemType>::operator =(const SortedType& rhs) { //check x=x case if (this == &rhs) return(*this); //delete existing list before assigning it the values in rtList NodeType<ItemType>* lhsPtr; NodeType<ItemType>* rhsPtr; while (listData != NULL) { lhsPtr = listData; listData = listData->next; delete lhsPtr; } length = 0; listRear = NULL; //copy nodes from rhs rhsPtr = rhs.listData; while (rhsPtr != NULL) { lhsPtr = new NodeType<ItemType>;
  • 12. lhsPtr->info = rhsPtr->info; if (listData == NULL) //first node to be copied { listData = lhsPtr; listRear = lhsPtr; lhsPtr->next = NULL; lhsPtr->back = NULL; } else { listRear->next = lhsPtr; lhsPtr->back = listRear; lhsPtr->next = NULL; listRear = lhsPtr; } length++; rhsPtr = rhsPtr->next; } return (*this); } template <class ItemType> bool SortedType<ItemType>::IsFull() const { NodeType<ItemType>* ptr; ptr = new NodeType<ItemType>; if (ptr == NULL) return true; else { delete ptr;
  • 13. return false; } } template <class ItemType> int SortedType<ItemType>::LengthIs() const { return length; } template <class ItemType> void SortedType<ItemType>::MakeEmpty() { NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr; while (listData != NULL) { tempPtr = listData; listData = listData->next; delete tempPtr; } listRear = NULL; length = 0; } template <class ItemType> void SortedType<ItemType>::RetrieveItem(ItemType& item, bool& found) { bool moreToSearch; NodeType<ItemType>* location; location = listData;
  • 14. found = false; moreToSearch = (location != NULL); while (moreToSearch && !found) { if (location->info < item) { location = location->next; moreToSearch = (location != NULL); } else if (item == location->info) { found = true; item = location->info; } else moreToSearch = false; } } template <class ItemType> bool SortedType<ItemType>::InsertItem(ItemType item) { //modify the following code so that the function returns false //if item is already in the list //Prepare node for insertion NodeType<ItemType>* newNode; newNode = new NodeType<ItemType>; if (newNode == NULL) return false; newNode->info = item;
  • 15. //check if inserting into empty list if (listData == NULL) { newNode->next = NULL; newNode->back = NULL; listData = newNode; listRear = newNode; } else if(item ==listData->info) return false; //check if inserting before existing first item else if (item < listData->info) { newNode->next = listData; newNode->back = NULL; listData->back = newNode; listData = newNode; } //check if inserting after last item else if (item > listRear->info) { newNode->next = NULL; newNode->back = listRear; listRear->next = newNode; listRear = newNode; } else//inserting between existing nodes { // Find node that should precede newNode NodeType<ItemType>* location; location = listData; while (location->next->info < item) location = location->next;
  • 16. if(location->next->info == item) return false; else { //insert node into list. newNode->back = location; newNode->next = location->next; location->next->back = newNode; location->next = newNode; } } length++; return true; } template <class ItemType> void SortedType<ItemType>::RemoveFirst() { if(listData == NULL) return; NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr = listData; if(listData->next == NULL) { delete tempPtr; listData = NULL; listRear = NULL; length = 0; } else { listData = listData->next; listData->back = NULL; delete tempPtr;
  • 17. length--; } } template <class ItemType> void SortedType<ItemType>::RemoveLast() { if(listData == NULL) return; NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr = listRear; if(listData->next == NULL) { delete tempPtr; listData = NULL; listRear = NULL; length = 0; } else { listRear = listRear->back; listRear->next = NULL; delete tempPtr; length--; } } template <class ItemType> bool SortedType<ItemType>::DeleteItem(ItemType item) { if(listData == NULL) return false; NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr = listData;
  • 18. if(item == listData->info) { if(listData->next == NULL) { delete tempPtr; listData = NULL; listRear = NULL; length = 0; } else { listData = listData->next; listData->back = NULL; delete tempPtr; length--; } } else if(item == listRear->info) { tempPtr =listRear; listRear =listRear->back; listRear->next = NULL; delete tempPtr; length--; } else { while(tempPtr->next->info != item) { if(tempPtr->next->info > item) return false; else tempPtr = tempPtr->next; }
  • 19. NodeType<ItemType>* newNode; newNode = tempPtr->next; tempPtr->next = newNode->next; newNode->next->back = tempPtr; delete newNode; length--; } return true; } template <class ItemType> void SortedType<ItemType>::ResetList() { currentPos = NULL; } template <class ItemType> void SortedType<ItemType>::ResetListBackward() { currentRev = NULL; } template <class ItemType> void SortedType<ItemType>::GetNextItem(ItemType& item) { if (currentPos == NULL) currentPos = listData; else currentPos = currentPos->next; item = currentPos->info; }
  • 20. template <class ItemType> void SortedType<ItemType>::GetPreviousItem(ItemType& item) { if (currentRev == NULL) currentRev = listRear; else currentRev = currentRev->back; item = currentRev->info; }
  • 21. // sortlist.h: Header file for Sorted List ADT. // Class is templated. // Assumption: ItemType is a type for which the comparison operators // are defined #ifndef SORTLIST_H #define SORTLIST_H template <class ItemType> struct NodeType; template <class ItemType> class SortedType { public: SortedType (); // Class constructor ~SortedType (); // Class destructor SortedType(const SortedType& source); //copy constructor SortedType operator =(const SortedType& rhs); //assignment operator bool IsFull() const; // Function: Determines whether list is full. // Post: Function value = (list is full)
  • 22. int LengthIs() const; // Function: Determines the number of elements in list. // Post: Function value = number of elements in list. void MakeEmpty(); // Function: Initializes list to empty state. // Post: List is empty. void RetrieveItem(ItemType& item, bool& found); // Function: Retrieves list element whose key matches item's key (if present). // Pre: Key member of item is initialized. // Post: If there is an element someItem whose key matches item's key, // then found = true and item is a copy of someItem; otherwise // found = false and item is unchanged. // List is unchanged. bool InsertItem(ItemType item); // Function: Adds item to list // Pre: List has been initialized // Post: Returns true if the item was successfully added // returns false if not able to add void RemoveFirst(); //pre: none //post: if list is not empty, first element has been removed, // else list is unchanged
  • 23. void RemoveLast(); //pre: none //post: if list is not empty, last element has been removed, // else list is unchanged bool DeleteItem(ItemType item); // Function: Deletes the element whose key matches item's key. // Pre: Key member of item is initialized. // At most one element in list has a key matching item's key. // Post: No element in list has a key matching item's key. void ResetList(); // Function: Initializes current position for an iteration through the list. // Pre: List has been initialized // Post: Current position is prior to first element of list. void GetNextItem(ItemType&); // Function: Gets the next element in list. // Pre: Current position is defined. // Element at current position is not last in list. // Post: Current position is updated to next position. // item is a copy of element at current position. void ResetListBackward();
  • 24. // Function: Initializes current position for a backward iteration through the list. // Pre: List has been initialized // Post: Current position is after the last element of the list void GetPreviousItem(ItemType&); // Function: Gets the previous element in list. // Pre: Current position is defined. // Element at current position is not first in list. // Post: Current position is updated to previous position. // item is a copy of element at current position. private: int length; NodeType<ItemType>* listData; NodeType<ItemType>* listRear; NodeType<ItemType>* currentPos; //for forward traversal NodeType<ItemType>* currentRev; //for backward traversal }; #include "sortlist.cpp" #endif