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Modern Times
                              Each civilization that you will study in this unit made important
                              contributions to history.
                                 Western countries built new societies based on industry.
                                 Western rivalries over land and resources sparked World War I, the first
                                 global conflict.
                                 World War II made the United States and the Soviet Union world
                                 By 2000, advances in technology brought peoples of the world closer
                                 together. Conflicts, however, developed among different groups.

                               A.D. 1800                                        A.D. 1825                                    A.D. 1850                  A.D. 1875
Industry and                                        A.D. 1804                                                           A.D. 1848      A.D. 1861       A.D. 1877
 Nationalism                                        Napoleon                                                            Revolutions U.S. Civil         Edison
C ha p t e r 19                                     becomes                                                             sweep       War                invents the
                                                    French                                                              Europe      begins             phonograph

Imperialism                                                                                                                                                        c. A.D. 1885
 and World
   War I                                                                                                                                                           European
                                                                                                                                                   African         powers
Chapt er 20                                                                                                                                        carving of      divide
                                                                                                                                                   missionary      Africa

World War II
and the Cold
Chap te r 21

Chap te r 22

     (t)Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY, (b)The Royal Pavilion Libraries and Museums, Brighton and Howe
60°N                                                                                            60°N

                  NORTH                   EUROPE                     ASIA                                        NORTH                              EUROPE                       ASIA
                 AMERICA                                                                                        AMERICA
                                           AFRICA                                                                                                     AFRICA
              EQUATOR                                                                                         EQUATOR
       0°                                                                                               0°
             N                SOUTH                                                                                           SOUTH
                             AMERICA                                         AUSTRALIA                                                                                                    AUSTRALIA
       W         E                                        Chapter                                                                                                      Chapter
             S   120°W         60°W         0°              19
                                                            60°E             120°E             180°
                                                                                                                 120°W             60°W                 0°               20
                                                                                                                                                                        60°E              120°E            180°

       60°N                                                                                            60°N

                  NORTH                   EUROPE                     ASIA                                        NORTH                              EUROPE                       ASIA
                 AMERICA                                                                                        AMERICA
                                            AFRICA                                                                                                    AFRICA
              EQUATOR                                                                                         EQUATOR
        0°                                                                                             0°
        0        2,000 mi.    SOUTH                                                                                           SOUTH
                             AMERICA                                          AUSTRALIA                                      AMERICA                                                      AUSTRALIA
        0 2,000 km
        Mercator projection
                                                           Chapter                                                                                                     Chapter
                 120°W         60°W             0°           21
                                                            60°E              120°E            180°
                                                                                                                 120°W             60°W                 0°               22
                                                                                                                                                                        60°E               120°E           180°

           A.D. 1900                        A.D. 1925                                   A.D. 1950                                     A.D. 1975                                   A.D. 2000

                                      Woman                                                                                                                               Houses of
                                      factory                                                                                                                             Parliament,
                                      worker                                                                                                                              London

A.D. 1898                c. A.D. 1900       A.D. 1917
United                   Japan              World War I
States                   becomes            ends
declares war             a power
on Spain                 in Asia                                                                                 World War I

                                                     A.D. 1933                A.D. 1941               A.D. 1949               C. A.D. 1957                                                         Nigerians
                                                     Hitler                   U.S.                    Comm-                   African                                                              celebrate
                                                     leads                    enters                  unists                  independence                                                         independ-
                                                     Germany                  World                   rule in                 begins
                                                                              War II                  China

                                                                            A.D. 1948                                                    A.D. 1979                          A.D. 1989                   A.D. 2001
                                                                            Israel                                                       Islamic                            Communism Terrorist
                                                                            becomes                                                      revolution                         ends in   attacks
                                                                            a nation                                                     in Iran                            Eastern   on U.S.
Israel’s Flag                                                                                                                               Ayatollah Khomeini

                                                          (tl)Mary Evans Picture Library, (tr)London Aerial Photo Library/CORBIS, (cl)Bridgeman Art Library, (cr)Archive Photo/Express News/D.E.1, (bl, b)CORBIS
1        Arc de Triomphe

        See Industry and
          Chapter 19

2       British Parliament

     See Imperialism and
         World War I
          Chapter 20

                                                                                     1783–1830                                             1867–1934
                             1769–1821                                South American military                                            Polish-born                                             1869–1948
                         French leader                                  and political leader                                           French scientist                                       Indian leader
                      Chapter 19, page 721                                    Chapter 19, page 750                                    Chapter 19, page 740                                Chapter 21, page 844

    (bkgd)Worldsat International Inc. 2004, All Rights Reserved, (t)Robert Holmes/CORBIS, (c)CORBIS, (bl)Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, (blc)Christie’s Images/CORBIS, (brc)Hulton/Archive by Getty Images, (br)Bettmann/CORBIS
3              Berlin Wall

2          3                                                                                                                       See World War II and

                       EUROPE                                                                                                          the Cold War
                                                                                                                                        Chapter 21
                                                                                                                              4        Sarajevo, Bosnia
      Sea                                                                                               ASIA
                          Red          Gulf
                          Sea                                                                                                      See Building Today’s
                                                                                                                                       Chapter 22
                                                           Indian                                                            5      Cape Town, South Africa

                                                                                                                                   See Building Today’s
                                                                                                                                       Chapter 22

    1870–1924                1882–1945                                1898–1978                                          1918–present
Communist leader          U.S. president                  Israeli prime minister                              South African president
Chapter 20, page 795     Chapter 21, page 817                  Chapter 22, page 877                                  Chapter 22, page 873

                                                (t)Black Star, (c)Chris Rainier/CORBIS, (b)CORBIS, (bl, bcl, bcr)Bettmann/CORBIS, (br)Reuters/Mike Hutchings/Archive Photos
                      Industry and
Steel plant on the Tees River in
Middlebough, England

                              1750                  1800                 1850                1900
                                     1769              1799       1848               1871
                                     Watt              Napoleon   Karl Marx writes   Germany
                                     improves          comes to   Communist          is united
                                     steam engine      power      Manifesto
Chapter Preview                                                                        Chapter Overview Visit
                                                                              for a preview
    In the late 1700s, the French Revolution and the Industrial                        of Chapter 19.
Revolution brought great changes to Europe and the United
States. Read this chapter to find out how the rise of factories and
the spread of nationalism changed how people lived their lives.
        View the Chapter 19 video in the World History: Journey
        Across Time Video Program.

                          The French Revolution and Napoleon
                          In 1789 the French overthrew their king and tried to build a
                          republic. A few years later, however, Napoleon seized power and
                          built a new French empire.

                          The Industrial Revolution
                          During the 1800s, Europe and North America began using
                          machines to produce large quantities of goods. During this time,
                          new inventions improved life for many people.

                          Society and Industry
                          The growth of industry led to the growth of cities and new social
                          groups, as well as many new problems and new ideas.

                          Nationalism and Nation-States
                          Nationalism and liberalism led to new nations and the
                          emergence of democracy in Europe and the Americas.

                                Organizing Information Make this foldable to help you organize and analyze
                                information by asking yourself questions about industry and nationalism.

 Step 1 Fold four sheets of paper               Step 3 Place the folded papers one     Reading and Writing
 in half from top to bottom.                    on top of the other. Staple the four   As you read the chapter,
                                                sections together and label the top    write the main ideas for
                                                four tabs: The French Revolution       each section under the
                                                and Napoleon, The Industrial           appropriate tabs of your
                                                Revolution, Society and Industry,      foldable. Then write
                                                Nationalism and Nation-States.         one statement for each
                                                                                       tab that summarizes all
 Step 2 On each folded paper, make a                              The French           of the main ideas in
 cut 1 inch from the side on the top flap.   Staple here.         Revolution and       that tab.

     Cut 1 inch from
   the edge through the
       top flap only.

                        Reading for Meaning
                            Sometimes, you can define a word but still not clearly understand
                        what it means. It often takes a while to learn the full meaning of a
                        word, especially if the word describes a concept or idea. Thinking
                        about a word or asking yourself questions about it may help you to
                        understand a concept more clearly.
                            For example, in the following paragraph from page 720, it is
                        easy to see that the word nationalism means “the desire of a people
                        for self-rule,” but what does that definition really mean?

      Nationalism             Two forces helped to bring
      is a complex          Napoleon’s empire to an end.
      concept made
      up of many
                            One was nationalism, or the                         Definitions
                                                                                help you
      ideas.                desire of a people for self-rule.
                            The nations of Europe rejected                      a word, but
                            Napoleon’s rule and the French                      they do not
                                                                                always fully
                            customs he forced on them.                          explain
                                                      ––from page 720           concepts.

                                           Ask yourself questions to increase your under-
                 ver a                  standing of the word nationalism. Here are some
        ou disco
W hen y           ur read-              questions you might ask:
         rd in yo
new wo           multiple                  • How is nationalism different from patriotism?
       atch for             n
 ing, w            e word i                • How do we show nationalism in the United
  meanin  gs of th     evision,              States?
             ovies, tel
   books, m rsations.                      • Is there such as thing as regional nationalism
    and co nve                               in a country, such as “southern-ism”?
                                           • What color or music comes to mind when you
                                             think of nationalism? Why?

Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

                                                                                            Read to Write
                                 Ask Questions                                                Choose any word
                                     Choose one word that you do not understand               from Chapter 19 that
                                 fully from each section of Chapter 19. For each              represents a concept,
                                 word, try to understand the meaning by asking the            such as bourgeoisie,
                                                                                              industrialism, socialism,
                                 following questions:
                                                                                              or guerilla warfare. Write
                                                                                              about the word for
                                                                                              several minutes, noting
                                                                                              anything that comes to
                                           1) Who might use the word?                         mind when you read the
                                              When would he or she                            word. Then, search the
                                                                                              word online to expand
                                              use it?                                         your interpretation of
                                                                                              the word.
                                           2) What else do you want to
                                              know about this word?

                                           3) How would you illustrate
                                              the word?

                                           4) What actions go along
                                              with this word?

                                                                        Choose a word from the chapter that
                                                                        is familiar to most people. Ask five
                                                                        people how they define the word.
                                                                        How did their answers help you to
                                                                        understand the word?

                                French Revolution
                                   and Napoleon
                         What’s the Connection?                         Locating Places
                             Many ideas of the American                 Versailles (VUHR • SY)
                         Revolution also affected Europe.               Waterloo (WAW • tuhr • LOO)
                         In France, the people started a
                         revolution and overthrew the king.             Meeting People
                         The French Revolution then led to              King Louis XVI (LOO • ee)
                         the rise of Napoleon.                          Maximilien Robespierre (mak • see •
                                                                          meel • ya ROHBZ • PYEHR)
                         Focusing on the                                Napoleon Bonaparte (nuh • POH •
                         • The French Revolution began because            lee • uhn BOH • nuh • PAHRT)
                          the people were treated unfairly and
                          because their country had serious             Building Your Vocabulary
                          economic problems. (page 715)                 estates
                         • French radicals used terror to enforce       bourgeoisie (BURZH • WAH • ZEE)
                          their reforms. (page 717)                     coup d’etat (KOO day • TAH)
                         • Napoleon Bonaparte used his
                          military success to take control of           Reading Strategy
                          the French government. (page 719)             Cause and Effect Use a diagram like
                                                                        the one below to explain the causes of
                         • Through military conquests,                  the French Revolution.
                          Napoleon built a huge, but short-
                          lived, empire in Europe. (page 720)            Cause:
                                                                                      The French Revolution

                                1780                                   1800                           1820
                                             1789               1799                1812           1814
              Moscow                         The Bastille       Napoleon            Napoleon       Congress
                                             falls              comes to power      invades        of Vienna
   Paris    Vienna                                                                  Russia         meets
  Madrid   Rome

  714             CHAPTER 19   Industry and Nationalism
The Three Estates in
The French Revolution Begins                                 Prerevolutionary France
              The French Revolution began because
the people were treated unfairly and because their                                  98%
country had serious economic problems.
Reading Focus During the French Revolution, people          1.5%
tried to create a new society and government. If you         0.5%
could change our society today, what changes would you                      Population
    Previously you learned about the                                    25%
American Revolution. The example of the
American Revolution influenced many people
in France. They, too, wanted political change                             Land ownership
based on the ideas of freedom and equality.
The French Revolution, which began in 1789,
changed France and all of Europe.

What Caused the French Revolution?           In
the 1700s, France was one of Europe’s most                                    Taxation
powerful countries. French kings ruled it
                                                            First Estate: Clergy     Second Estate: Nobility
with absolute power. Nobles had many priv-
                                                                       Third Estate: Commoners
ileges and lived in great wealth. Most peo-
ple, however, were poor, had little
education, and struggled to make a living.
    The French people were divided into three               The Third Estate made up by far the largest
estates, or classes. The First Estate was the               part of France’s population.
Catholic clergy, or church officials. They did              1. What percentage of the land in France did
                                                               the Second Estate own? What percentage
not pay taxes, and they received money from                    of the population did they make up?
church lands. The Second Estate was the                     2. Infer From looking at these circle graphs,
nobles. They filled the highest posts in gov-                  what inferences can you draw about why
ernment and the military. Like the clergy, the                 a revolution occurred in France?
nobles were free from taxes. They lived in lux-
ury at the king’s court or in their country                 Members of the Third Estate had no
houses surrounded by large areas of land.                voice in the government, but they paid the
    Everyone else in France belonged to the              country’s taxes. As Enlightenment ideas
Third Estate. At the top of this group was the           about freedom and equality spread, the mid-
bourgeoisie (BURZH • WAH • ZEE), or the middle           dle class came to resent more and more the
classes. They included merchants, bankers,               privileges of the nobles and clergy.
doctors, lawyers, and teachers. Next were
the city workers—artisans, day laborers, and             The French King Is Overthrown      In 1788
servants. At the bottom were the peasants,               food shortages and rising prices caused
who made up more than 80 percent of the                  great discontent throughout the country. At
French people.                                           the same time, the French government was

                                                     CHAPTER 19    Industry and Nationalism              715
714-723 Ch19 S1-868873   12/27/05   9:31 AM    Page 716

        almost bankrupt because of costly wars and           new taxes. The Estates-General was made

                                                                                                               Giraudon/Art Resource, NY
        increasing expenses for the king’s court.            up of representatives from all three estates.
        After French banks decided they could no                 In the Estates-General, the nobles and
        longer afford to loan the government                 clergy refused to give up their privileges.
        money, King Louis XVI (LOO • ee) asked the           Frustrated, the delegates of the Third Estate
        nobles and clergy to pay taxes, but they             decided to meet separately. They declared
        refused. Louis then called a meeting of the          themselves to be the National Assembly
        country’s legislative body, the Estates-             and began work on a new constitution for
        General, at his palace at Versailles (VUHR •         France.
        SY). It was the only way he could impose                 The people celebrated this victory, but
                                                             they began to worry. News came that the
                                                             king was gathering troops at Versailles. The
                                                             people of Paris got ready to fight. Early on
                                                             July 14, 1789, a large crowd stormed a hated
                                                             royal fortress and prison called the Bastille
                             Declaration of the              (ba • STEEL).
                             Rights of Man and                   News of the Bastille’s fall spread to the
                             the Citizen                     countryside, where the peasants rose
         On August 26, 1789, the French National
                                                             against the nobles. To calm the people, the
         Assembly approved 17 articles that stated           National Assembly passed new laws that
         their basic freedoms. Three of the articles         ended the privileges of the clergy and
         are listed below.                                   nobles. It also issued the Declaration of the
          2. The aim of every                                Rights of Man and the Citizen. The
             political association                           Declaration said that the powers of govern-
             is the preservation                             ment came from the people, not the king.
             of the natural . . .
                                                                 In 1791 the National Assembly made
             rights of man. These
             rights are liberty,                             France a constitutional monarchy. France
             property, security,                             was to be ruled by an elected assembly, and
             and resistance to                               the king’s power was limited. Louis, how-
             oppression [hardship].                          ever, would not accept these changes. In
          9. Every man being pre-                            June 1791, he and his wife Marie Antoinette
             sumed innocent until                            tried to flee to Austria. They did not get far.
             he has been proven             Declaration of   At a town east of Paris, soldiers arrested the
             guilty, . . .                  the Rights of    king and queen and returned them to Paris.
         11. The free communica-            Man and the
                                            Citizen              Worried that Austria’s ruler would send
             tion of ideas and
             opinions is one of the most precious of the
                                                             troops to aid Louis, the National Assembly
             rights of man; every citizen can then freely    declared war on Austria in 1792. Soon after,
             speak, write, and print. . . .                  Prussia joined Austria in fighting France.
                      —Declaration of the Rights of Man      The war did not go well for France. Angry
                         and the Citizen (August 1789)       about France’s defeats, radicals—or people
                                                             wanting far-reaching changes—took over
                                                             Paris and helped set up a new government
          Which freedoms do Articles 2, 9, and 11
                                                             called the National Convention.
                                                                                  Identify Who belonged to
                                                             the three estates in France?
AKG, Berlin/SuperStock

                         The Reign of Terror                                            The Struggle for Power     In the Convention,
                                                                                        delegates argued about the revolution’s
                                         French radicals used terror to enforce         future. One group of the Jacobins was the
                         their reforms.                                                 Girondists (juh • RAHN • dihsts), who came
                         Reading Focus Have you ever heard the phrase “The              from the Gironde, a region in southwest
                         end justifies the means”? In other words, if your goal is      France. The Girondists believed that the
                         right, is it okay to do anything, even break the law or        revolution had gone far enough. They
                         hurt people, to reach that goal? What do you think?            wanted to protect the interests of the mid-
                                                                                        dle class.
                             Many of the radicals who formed the                            Across the aisle was the group of
                         National Convention—France’s new govern-                       Jacobins that favored still more changes. Its
                         ment—belonged to the Jacobin club. This                        members were known as the Mountain,
                         was a large network of political groups in                     because they sat on high benches at the rear
                         France. They were called Jacobins (JA • kuh •                  of the hall. Leaders of this group, such as
                         buhnz) because they held meetings at the                       Georges-Jacques Danton and Jean-Paul
                         Jacobin monastery in Paris. Once in power,                     Marat, saw themselves as the voice of the
                         the Jacobins divided into two groups.                          people and defenders of the revolution.

                            When the Bastille was attacked on July 14, 1789, it was defended by a little more than
                            100 soldiers, and it held only 7 prisoners. Why did the people of Paris storm the Bastille?

                                                                                     CHAPTER 19   Industry and Nationalism       717
The Mountain soon controlled the               courts sentenced to death by guillotine any-

                                                                                                          (l)Stock Montage, (c)Giraudon/Art Resource, NY, (r)Photo Researchers
Convention. They used their power to get rid       one believed to be disloyal to the revolution.
of the former king. In late 1792, Louis was        This included Girondists, clergy, nobles, and
tried and found guilty of helping France’s         even women and children. In all, about
enemies. A month later, Louis was beheaded         40,000 people died, including Queen Marie
on the guillotine—a new machine designed           Antoinette. This period became known as the
to quickly execute people. Louis’s execution       Reign of Terror.
scared other European rulers. In early 1793,           During this time, Robespierre tried to
Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, and               create a “Republic of Virtue.” He thought
Sardinia joined Austria and Prussia in their       the revolution should inspire people to be
war against France.                                good citizens. Under Robespierre’s lead,
                                                   the Committee opened new schools, had
Who Was Robespierre?        Soon after the         new farming skills taught to the peasants,
king’s execution, the National Convention          and worked to keep prices under control.
set up the Committee of Public Safety to           Robespierre even created a new religion
run the country. This new body quickly             that worshiped a “Supreme Being.” This
came under the control of a lawyer named           attempt to replace France’s traditional
Maximilien Robespierre (mak • see • meel •         Catholic faith, however, did not last.
ya ROHBZ • PYEHR).                                     With France under threat from abroad,
    The Committee took harsh steps to              the Committee decided to raise a new army.
end growing unrest in France. Revolutionary        All single men between the ages of 18 and 25

  The French Revolution

Marie Antoinette is led to her        Model of a
execution. Why was the guillotine     guillotine
adopted for executions?

                                                             This painting shows a supporter
                                                             of the revolution known as a sans-cullote,
                                                             which means “without breeches.” Sans-
                                                             cullotes were shopkeepers, artisans, and
                                                             workers who got their name because they
                                                             wore long pants, rather than the knee-
                                                             length breeches of the upper class.
were conscripted, or required to join up. With
this new force of almost a million soldiers,
                                                      The Rise of Napoleon
France was able to throw back the foreign                             Napoleon Bonaparte used his military
invaders. Military victories gave revolution-         success to take control of the French government.
ary generals great confidence. They soon              Reading Focus What qualities make a great leader?
became important in French politics.                  As you read about Napoleon, ask yourself which of his
    As the fear of foreign invasions less-            qualities won him the confidence of the French people.
ened, people in France grew tired of all the
killings and wanted to end the Reign of                   While the Directory lost support in
Terror. When Robespierre refused, govern-             France, the French army was winning
ment leaders had him executed. After                  great victories in neighboring lands. One
Robespierre’s fall, moderate middle-class             young general, battling Austrian armies in
leaders created a new government led by a             Italy, especially captured the French
five-man council. This council, called the            people’s imagination. His name was
Directory, spent its time trying to handle food       Napoleon Bonaparte (nuh • POH • lee • uhn
shortages, rising prices, government bank-            BOH • nuh • PAHRT).
ruptcy, and attacks by other countries. By                Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the
1799, the Directory had lost much support.            Mediterranean island of Corsica in 1769. He
The French people began to look for a                 went to military school and became an offi-
strong leader who could restore order.                cer. Napoleon supported the revolution. His
                      Contrast How did the            military talent helped him rise to the rank of
Girondists differ from the Mountain?                  general by the time he was 24 years old.

         Periods of Revolution and Empire in France, 1789–1815
  1785           1790           1795           1800             1805              1810             1815

                            1792     The Directory
May 1789    June 1789                                1799       1804                            1815
 Estates-   National 1791   National Convention Consulate of    Empire of Napoleon          Defeat of
 General    Assembly Legislative Assembly          Napoleon                                 Napoleon

                                                   1. How many years did the Directory stay in
                                                   2. Compare Which period lasted the longest?

                                          This painting shows Napoleon Bonaparte (center)
                                          seizing control of the French government in
                                          1799. At what age did Napoleon become a
                                          general in the French army?

                                                  CHAPTER 19     Industry and Nationalism                   719
                                                                                                (r)Photo Researchers
Robert Holmes/CORBIS
                                                            Napoleon’s Empire
                                                                            Through military conquests, Napoleon
                                                            built a huge, but short-lived, empire in Europe.
                                                            Reading Focus Many talented people use their abili-
                                                            ties to rise high. Some, however, try to do too much and
                                                            fall. Read to learn how Napoleon finally lost his power
                                                            and his empire.
      The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, a monument to
      French military victories, was begun by Napoleon          Being emperor of France was not
      in 1806 and finally finished in 1836. What            enough for Napoleon. He wanted to build a
      territories were included in Napoleon’s empire?       great empire. Beginning in 1803, Napoleon
                                                            won a number of victories that helped him
    After his successes in Italy, Napoleon                  reach his goal. By 1807, Napoleon had an
attacked the British in Egypt in 1799. While                empire that stretched across Europe from
in Egypt, he heard of the worsening politi-                 the Atlantic Ocean to Russia.
cal troubles back home. He immediately                          Napoleon’s empire included many dif-
returned to France. There, he took part in a                ferent territories. Napoleon directly ruled
coup d’etat (KOO day • TAH). This is when the               France and parts of Germany and Italy. His
top government leaders are suddenly                         relatives, however, governed other lands,
replaced by force by a new group of lead-                   such as Spain and the Netherlands. Outside
ers. Napoleon became the most powerful                      the empire, independent countries, such as
man in the country, with the title of First                 Prussia, Austria, and Sweden, were forced
Consul. France had the strong leader many                   to become France’s allies.
believed it needed.
    Napoleon moved quickly to strengthen                    Napoleon Fights Britain        Two forces
his control. He reorganized the government,                 helped to bring Napoleon’s empire to an
created many new schools, and appointed                     end. One was nationalism, or the desire of a
local officials. He reorganized the country’s               people for self-rule. The nations of Europe
finances and tax system. He created a new                   rejected Napoleon’s rule and the French
legal system. Known as the Napoleonic                       customs he forced on them. The other force
Code, it was based on Enlightenment ideas.                  was the combined might of Britain and
Napoleon also made peace with the Catholic                  Russia.
Church, which had opposed the revolution.                       Only Britain and Russia remained unde-
    Napoleon did not remain true to all of                  feated by Napoleon. The French emperor
the ideas of the French Revolution. People                  hoped to invade Britain. However, in 1805,
were equal under the law, but freedom of                    the British admiral Lord Horatio Nelson
speech and the press was limited. A new                     destroyed the French fleet at the Battle of
group of nobles, based on ability rather                    Trafalgar off Spain’s coast. After that,
than wealth or family ties, was created.                    Napoleon tried to obtain victory in a differ-
Then, in 1804, Napoleon crowned himself                     ent way. He forbade the countries in his
emperor, and France became an empire.                       empire to trade with Britain. His plan,
                       Explain After becoming               called the Continental System, was hard to
consul, how did Napoleon strengthen his control?            enforce, and it proved unsuccessful.

720               CHAPTER 19     Industry and Nationalism
Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

                                 NAPO1LEON BONAPARTE
                                                                             first battle
                                       Even though Napoleon Bonaparte’s
                                                                           e seriously. At
                                 was a snowball fight, he took the gam
                                                                        et at the
                                 the time, Napoleon was a young cad
                                                                       astern France. A
                                 Brienne military academy in northe
                                                                       s a break from
                                 surprise snowfall had given the boy
                                                                        g random
                                 their schoolwork. Instead of throwin
                                                                        on showed his
                                 snowballs at his classmates, Napole
                                                                          le attack. He
                                  leadership skills by forming a full-sca
                                                                            places to
                                  gave the boys on his team duties and
                                                                         m because of
                                  stand. They easily beat the other tea
                                   his warlike strategies.
                                        Before the other cadets realized his
                                                                        smates because
                                   Napoleon was picked on by his clas
                                   of his short height, unusual name, and
                                                                         care for his
                                   sounding accent. Napoleon did not
                                   fellow cadets because they were from
                                                                          s  father was a
                                    families and were French. Napoleon’
                                    lawyer, but Napoleon was one of    eight children
                                                                         fact, Napoleon
                                    and the family was not wealthy. In                            Napoleon Bonaparte
                                                                          resented the
                                    often sent money home. Napoleon
                                                                          ded his
                                     French in general because they inva
                                                                            of Corsica,
                                     homeland, the Mediterranean island                         “I have sacrificed all of
                                                                           r later—on the
                                     in 1768. Historians say that one yea
                                                                          eland was forced       my interests to those of
                                     day he was born—Napoleon’s hom
                                                                          French takeover.
                                     to celebrate the anniversary of the                         the country.”
                                          Napoleon’s teachers found him to be
                                                                           tics, but a                  —Napoleon Bonaparte, “Farewell
                                      and capable, especially in mathema                                             to the Old Guard”
                                                                              to a Paris
                                      poor speller. He earned a scholarship
                                      military academy and tested well eno
                                      to become a second lieutenant in the
                                      army at age 16. Little did anyone
                                      know that someday he would                                                          to be a
                                                          leader and                  What skills would prepare someone
                                       become a military
                                                                                      good military leader today?
                                       emperor of France.

Napoleon Invades Russia Napoleon next                                                            France’s enemies then captured
decided to take on Russia. He organized a                                                    Napoleon and exiled him to the
large force of about 600,000 soldiers called                                                 Mediterranean island of Elba. He escaped to
the Grand Army. In the summer of 1812, the                                                   the French mainland in the spring of 1815.
Grand Army invaded Russia. Except for                                                        His troops flocked to their old commander.
one battle, the Russians refused to fight.                                                   Napoleon returned to Paris in triumph. At
Instead, they drew Napoleon’s army                                                           Waterloo (WAW • tuhr • LOO) in Belgium, an
deeper into Russia. When Russia’s harsh                                                      international force led by Britain’s Duke of
winter arrived, Napoleon’s forces were                                                       Wellington finally defeated Napoleon. This
unprepared and helpless. Their retreat was                                                   time, Napoleon was sent to the island of St.
a disaster. Fewer than 100,000 men returned                                                  Helena in the southern Atlantic Ocean,
alive.                                                                                       where he died in 1821.

                           Napoleon’s Empire
                                   10°W           0°                10°E                       20°E                                       40°E
  0    20°W         300 mi.                                                                                  30°E

  0         300 km
                                                                                                                                         cow R .
  Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection                                                                           Borodino    M
                                        KINGDOM      SWEDEN                                             Moscow          1812
                                      OF DENMARK

                                      AND NORWAY                           Ne m a n R



                                     North                    B                         Minsk

                                      Sea                             IA
                   UNITED                                          SS                 RUSSIAN EMPIRE

                                                                U GRAND
                  KINGDOM                          Berlin PR DUCHY OF

                                                                                          Kiev          D n ie p er
                                          R hine        Leipzig WARSAW

                      London                            1813

                               Brussels             Jena                                   Dn
                                                                                              i es


                                          Waterloo                       Austerlitz                  R.
                                 Sei                   Da
         ATLANTIC           Paris n e R . 1815            n u b e R.     1805
          OCEAN N       Versailles                   Ulm Vienna AUSTRIAN
                                                     1805                  EMPIRE                                 Black Sea
                                                               SWITZ. K
                           W        E                                               IN       ILLYRIAN
                                                 FRENCH                                  G PROVINCES                                                   KEY
                                                                                       IT DO
                               S                 EMPIRE                                  AL M            OTTOMAN                                   France, 1799
                                                                                           Y OF
                                                                                                          EMPIRE                                   French Empire, 1812
                                                                                                                                                   Dependent states, 1812
                                                              Corsica               Rome

                                                                                                                                                   States allied with
40°N                                                                                        KINGDOM OF                                             Napoleon, 1812
                                        Madrid                                                NAPLES
                                                              Sardinia                                                                             States allied against

                               SPAIN                                                                                                               Napoleon, 1812
                                                         Mediterranean Sea Sicily                                                                  French victory
                                                                                                                                                   French defeat
                1805               Strait of                                                                                                       Napoleon's invasion
                                   Gibraltar                                                                                                       of Russia, June–
                                                       From 1807 to 1812, Napoleon controlled a                                                    December 1812
                                                       large part of Europe.
                                                       1. Which battles shown were French defeats?
                                                       2. Which countries were allied against Napoleon
                                                          in 1812? What geographic factors might have
                                                          allowed these states to remain free from
                                                          French control?
                                                       Find NGS online map resources @
Austrian Information Service

                               The Congress of Vienna          In September
                               1814, European leaders met in the Austrian
                               capital of Vienna. Their goal was to return                                                    Klemens von
                               Europe to the way it was before the French                                                     Metternich
                               Revolution. The leader of the conference,
                               known as the Congress of Vienna, was
                               Austria’s foreign minister Klemens von
                               Metternich (MEH • tuhr • nihk). Like the other
                                                                                        power would prevent any single nation,
                               leaders, Metternich was a conservative.
                                                                                        such as France, from controlling Europe.
                               Conservatives at that time believed in tradi-
                                                                                           The European leaders at Vienna were
                               tional values, orderly ways, and a strong
                                                                                        against individual rights and nationalism.
                               role for religion. They rejected calls for indi-
                                                                                        Hoping to crush revolutionary ideas, they
                               vidual rights and self-rule. American con-
                                                                                        brought back to power the royal families
                               servatives today believe in traditional
                                                                                        who had ruled in Europe before Napoleon.
                               values, but they also support individual
                                                                                        To keep the peace, the leaders also agreed to
                               political rights and self-rule.
                                                                                        meet from time to time at conferences. These
                                   At the Congress of Vienna, Metternich
                                                                                        meetings were called the Concert of Europe.
                               and the other leaders wanted to create a
                               balance of power, or equal strength among                                         Analyze How did national-
                               countries. They hoped that a balance of                  ism help defeat Napoleon?

                                                                                            Study CentralTM Need help with the
                                                                                            material in this section? Visit

                                                                      What Did You Learn?
                               Reading Summary                        1. What was the main idea of the      5. Compare and Contrast
                               Review the                                Declaration of the Rights of          Compare the goals of the
                               • Rising prices, food shortages, and      Man and the Citizen?                  French and American
                                 unemployment in France led the       2. What were the goals of the            Revolutions.
                                 Third Estate to rebel, creating a       Congress of Vienna?                6. Sequence Information
                                 new elected assembly.                                                         What events led to Napoleon’s
                                                                      Critical Thinking
                               • French radicals known as Jacobins                                             defeat and the fall of the
                                                                      3. Organize Information Draw             French Empire?
                                 gained control of the government        a chart like the one below. Use
                                 and executed thousands of peo-          it to describe the divisions in    7.             Understanding
                                 ple who opposed their reforms.          French society.                         Concepts Make a recruiting
                               • As political troubles in France        First Estate                             poster for the French army,
                                 worsened, Napoleon Bonaparte           Second Estate                            either in the revolutionary
                                 took control of the country.                                                    period or under Napoleon. Use
                                                                        Third Estate
                               • After creating a large empire,                                                  language and illustrations that
                                 Napoleon was finally defeated.       4. Summarize What were some                convey the ideals, emotions,
                                 European leaders attempted to           of the achievements of the              and events of the time.
                                 restore a balance of power.             Committee of Public Safety?

                                                                                   CHAPTER 19      Industry and Nationalism                   723
The Industrial
                          What’s the Connection?                        Michael Faraday (FAR • uh • DAY)
                              While France and other nations            Thomas Edison
                          were undergoing political changes,
                          the Industrial Revolution was                 Building Your Vocabulary
                          changing the way people worked and            industrialism (ihn • DUHS • tree •
                          lived.                                           uh• LIH • zuhm)
                                                                        textile (TEHK • STYL)
                          Focusing on the                               capital
                          • The Industrial Revolution began in          partnership
                           Great Britain because of the
                                                                        corporation (KAWR • puh • RAY •
                           enclosure movement, Britain’s
                           natural resources, and new British
                           inventions. (page 725)
                                                                        Reading Strategy
                          • The Industrial Revolution spread            Organizing Information Use a
                           beyond Great Britain’s shores to             diagram like the one below to show
                           Europe and the United States.                four of the major inventions and their
                           (page 729)                                   inventors that helped start the
                                                                        Industrial Revolution.
                          Meeting People
                          James Hargreaves (HAHR • GREEVZ)
                          Richard Arkwright (AHRK • RYT)
                                                                                    The Industrial
                          Edmund Cartwright (KAHRT • RYT)                            Revolution
                          James Watt
                          Robert Fulton

                                 1750              1800                1850              1900
                                        1769                   1807          1876                    1903
                                        Watt improves          Robert Fulton Alexander               Wright brothers
  NORTH       EUROPE                    steam engine           builds        Graham Bell             make first
                  Paris                                        steamboat     invents telephone       airplane flight
       New York

724          CHAPTER 19         Industry and Nationalism
to rely on the use of machinery, rather than
Industrialism Begins                                                                              on animal or human power. Over the next
              The Industrial Revolution began in                                                  200 years, industrialism would spread from
Britain because of the enclosure movement, Britain’s                                              Britain to dramatically change life in other
natural resources, and new British inventions.                                                    parts of the world. Industry changed life so
Reading Focus How would your life be different if                                                 much that historians call these changes the
you did not have cars, telephones, or electricity? All of                                         Industrial Revolution.
these things came from the Industrial Revolution. Read                                                Before the rise of industrialism, most
to learn how industry began.                                                                      people lived in small farming villages. They
                                                                                                  raised their own food and made their own
   While political revolution swept through                                                       goods. In Britain during the early 1700s,
Europe, a new economic system known as                                                            cloth was made in villages. As you read
industrialism       (ihn • DUHS • tree • uh • LIH •                                               previously, this system was known as cot-
zuhm) began in Britain. There, people began                                                       tage industry. Under this system, most

                          The Industrial Revolution 1870
          20°W                            10°W                         0°                       10°E                                20°E                             30°E
 0                           400 mi.
                                                                                      Oslo                                                           St. Petersburg
 0               400 km
                                                                                   NORWAY                                          Stockholm
 Chamberlain Trimetric projection

                                        Glasgow      Edinburgh                                         SWEDEN                                                                                           40°E
                                    UNITED KINGDOM             North

                                            Bradford            Sea                Copenhagen                                                                                      Moscow

  °N                                    Liverpool      Leeds                                                              l   t              N
                                                                                    DENMARK                            Ba                        e m an R
                                                     Sheffield                                                                                                                     N
                                                                            Amsterdam                                  PRUSSIA                                                             E
                                          Bristol       London                 NETH.                                                                                           W
                                                            Brussels                                                                                                                   S
                                                                                                                       POLAND Warsaw
                                                                                                                                          u l a R.

                                                    BELGIUM                       Cologne                               Breslau                                   RUSSIA
                                                                                                                                           st                                          Dnie
                                                                                  GERMANY                                                Vi                                                 p
          ATLANTIC                                    Paris
                                                                                                                                                                                                er R
           OCEAN                                                                            Munich

                                                                                                                      Vienna Budapest
                                                 Bordeaux                                                           AUSTRIA-
                                                                       Turin       Milan Venice                     HUNGARY
                                                                                        Po R.
                                      E                                  Genoa
40°                                                                                      Florence                                                                                          Black Sea


                                                                                                                                                        D an
                                                                                                                                                               u be R.

                                                                                                         ia                         SERBIA

                        Madrid                                                           ITALY                tic
                                                    Me d i t e r r a n e a n               Rome                     Se
                    SPAIN                                                                                              a                                                       Constantinople
                                                             Se a

                                                                                                                                                                         Manufacturing and industrial area
                                                                                                                                                                         Major industrial center
          The Industrial Revolution spread throughout                                                                                                                    Major railways by 1870
          Europe in the 1800s.                                                                                                                                      Industry:
          1. What were the major industries in the United                                                                                                              Coal mining
             Kingdom?                                                                                                                                                  Ironworking
30°N      2. What patterns do you see in the distribution                                                                                                              Textile production
             of industries, and what geographical factors
             might account for these patterns?
Traveling by Early Railroad  In the 1700s and early 1800s, the best way to travel in
      England was on horseback or by stagecoach. By the late 1840s, however, stagecoach
      companies were being forced out of business with a new invention: the steam locomotive.
         The locomotive was invented in England in the early 1800s. It was first used to move
                                               coal and iron ore from mines to factories. Then
                                               passengers started riding the trains.
                                                   Boarding and riding a grand locomotive,
                                               nicknamed the “iron horse,” was an exciting
                                               trip. The wealthy bought tickets for first-class
                                               seats in fancy, enclosed passenger cars. These
                                               customers sat on plush cloth and leather
                                               benches with wood and brass handrails. The
                                               seats were located behind the locomotive

                 Early English train from the 1840s

work was done in workers’ cottages, where                     movement began. Britain’s Parliament
families worked together.                                     passed new laws that allowed landowners
    Merchants went from cottage to cottage,                   to fence off their land. For hundreds of
bringing the workers raw wool and cotton.                     years, local villagers had rented the land
Using hand-powered spinning wheels and                        from landowners and divided it into small
looms, the workers would spin the thread                      strips, each worked by a family. Now the
and weave it into wool and cotton cloth. The                  villagers were told they could not use the
merchants then picked up the finished cloth                   land the way they wanted.
to sell. The Industrial Revolution began in the                   Enclosure allowed landowners to make
woven cloth, or textile (TEHK • STYL), industry.              more money. Whole areas could grow the
Merchants could make so much money from                       same crop, which meant larger harvests
textiles that they began to look for ways to                  and greater profits. Often the land was
make cloth better and faster. By the 1700s,                   turned into pasture for sheep whose wool
changes in Britain made this possible.                        was used by the textile industry.
                                                                  Successful farming provided landown-
What Caused the Industrial Revolution?                        ers with extra money. Many chose to invest,
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain                    or put money, into new businesses. Money
for many reasons. One important cause of                      invested in businesses is called capital. A
Britain’s Industrial Revolution was a                         growing middle class joined wealthy
change in how Britain’s landowners used                       landowners and merchants in investing
their land. In the 1700s the enclosure                        capital in new industries.

726                CHAPTER 19      Industry and Nationalism
Archive Photos
where the smoke would rise above the train’s front
section and not bother the riders.
    People who bought cheaper tickets sat in the second-
class section. Second-class railway cars were open to the air,
and passengers had to wait their turn for a bench seat to
become available. Third-class passengers could buy very
cheap tickets and stand in train cars with open sides. Some
had benches. The smoke from the coal-powered steam
engines often dirtied the riders’ clothes. They ignored this
discomfort because riding a train was faster and cheaper
than traveling in uncomfortable stagecoaches.

Connecting to the Past
1. What accommodations were provided for first-class
2. Why did third-class passengers prefer to travel by train
                                                                       Interior of a
   than by stagecoach?                                                 railway car

    Still another cause was the large num-              New Inventions    Britain also had a number
ber of people available to work in industry.            of talented inventors. Their inventions
The enclosure movement forced many                      made the Industrial Revolution possible.
peasants off the land. They then moved to               Many of these first inventions were devel-
the cities and became workers in new                    oped in the late 1700s for the textile indus-
industries.                                             try. James Hargreaves (HAHR • GREEVZ)
    In the 1700s, Britain’s population grew             invented a spinning jenny that could spin
rapidly. More and better food meant that                cotton into thread very quickly. Richard
people were healthier, lived longer, and                Arkwright (AHRK • RYT) developed a way to
had larger families. This increase in popu-             power a spinning machine with water, and
lation also provided workers for the new                Edmund Cartwright (KAHRT • RYT) created a
factories.                                              new powered loom. This machine could
    Finally, Britain’s natural resources and            weave the thread into cloth as fast as the
geography also helped in the rise of indus-             new spinning machines produced it.
try. The British had large supplies of coal                 In 1769 James Watt designed a steam
and iron. Coal replaced wood as the fuel                engine that could power the new machines.
for running machines. Iron was used in                  Steam soon replaced water as the major
building and in making machines. The                    source of power.
country had many fine harbors and rivers                    As the need for machines grew, iron was
for transporting goods. Rivers also pro-                needed to make machine parts. In 1753
vided power for the earliest cotton mills.              Henry Cort found a way to use coal to turn

                                                    CHAPTER 19   Industry and Nationalism           727
iron ore into pure iron. As a result, iron            do this was to form a partnership where
became cheaper, production grew, and coal             two or more people owned the business
mining became a major industry. In 1856               and pooled their own money. Another way
Henry Bessemer invented an inexpensive                was to create a corporation (KAWR • puh • RAY •
way to make large amounts of iron into steel,         shuhn). A corporation raises money by sell-
which was harder and stronger than iron.              ing shares in the company to investors.
Soon mining towns and steel centers grew in           Creating a corporation allowed business
areas with supplies of iron ore and coal.             leaders to build large factories with hun-
                                                      dreds of workers.
The Rise of Factories and Railroads                       New forms of transportation also led to
Factories were the major centers of the               industrial growth. In 1807 Robert Fulton, an
Industrial Revolution. Why did they                   American inventor, developed a boat pow-
develop? Machines became too large and                ered by a steam engine. The biggest
expensive for home use. Factories brought             improvement in land transportation was the
workers and machines together in one                  railroad. By the mid-1800s, steam-powered
place under managers.                                 locomotives carried raw materials, finished
   As the Industrial Revolution began,                goods, and people faster and cheaper than
business owners reorganized their compa-              any other kind of transportation.
nies to raise the money they needed to buy                                 Explain How did enclosure
machines and build factories. One way to              help to bring about the Industrial Revolution?

Steam Engine
In a locomotive, coal is burned in the engine’s firebox. The hot gases from the
fire travel through tubes and empty into the smokebox, after heating water in
the boiler and creating steam. The throttle releases steam into the steam
chest, where a valve controls the movement of the steam into the cylinder. In
the cylinder, the steam pushes the piston, which is connected to a drive rod
that turns the locomotive’s wheels. How did railroads affect industry?

       Water compartment        Throttle Lever    Smokebox        Cylinder
       Coal bunker              Firebox           Blast pipe      Piston
       Coal conveyer            Boiler tubes      Steam chest
The Library of Congress

                          The Spread of Industry
                                         The Industrial Revolution spread
                          beyond Great Britain’s shores to Europe and the
                          United States.
                          Reading Focus Important inventions fueled the
                          spread of the Industrial Revolution. What inventions of
                          your lifetime do you feel have had the greatest impact         Edison’s Lightbulb 1879
                          on your life today?
                                                                                         Edison once said, “The electric light has
                                                                                         caused me the greatest amount of
                              Britain’s advances in industrial technol-
                                                                                         study and has required the most
                          ogy gave it an advantage over other coun-
                                                                                         elaborate experiments.” For these
                          tries. To protect that advantage, Britain’s
                                                                                         experiments, Edison carefully made the
                          Parliament passed laws keeping ideas,
                                                                                         glass bulbs in his own glassblowing
                          inventions, and skilled workers from leav-
                                                                                         shed. Inside each bulb was a filament,
                          ing the country. In spite of these laws, how-
                                                                                         or thin strip of material. The bulbs were
                          ever, the Industrial Revolution soon spread
                          to other areas.
                                                                                         which means that
                          Industry in Europe and America          From                   electricity heats
                          Britain the Industrial Revolution spread to                    the filament,
                          France, Belgium, Germany, and the United                       which becomes
                          States. European governments encouraged                        hot enough to
                          the rise of industries. They helped build fac-                 glow and make
                          tories, railroads, canals, and roads. By the                   light. For Edison,
                          1820s, British business owners and                             the trickiest part
                          investors had made so much money from                          was finding the
                          industry that they began to invest in facto-                   best material for
                          ries and railroads in Europe. Their invest-                    the filaments.
                          ments helped the Industrial Revolution get                     Eventually, he
                          started in other countries.                                    found that a
                              The Industrial Revolution also took                        carbonized cotton
                          hold in the United States. British investors                   thread filament        Thomas Edison in
                                                                                         provided the best       his workshop
                          and American engineers built factories for
                          making textiles and shoes. Workers, includ-                    quality of light.
                          ing women and children, left rural areas to                    Edison gave the first public
                          work in cities.                                                demonstration of his incandescent
                              Like Britain, the United States had                        lightbulb on December 31, 1879, at his
                          many natural resources. Americans                              laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey.
                          quickly built roads and canals to move                         Edison’s lightbulb made it possible for
                          goods and people across the vast nation.                       people to use small electric lamps in
                          Fulton’s steamboat improved transporta-                        their homes and led to other uses for
                          tion on inland waterways, and railroads                        electricity.
                          soon crisscrossed the country.

                                                                                    CHAPTER 19   Industry and Nationalism            729
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
Ch. 19 Modern Times
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Ch. 19 Modern Times

  • 1. Modern Times Each civilization that you will study in this unit made important contributions to history. • Western countries built new societies based on industry. • Western rivalries over land and resources sparked World War I, the first global conflict. • World War II made the United States and the Soviet Union world leaders. • By 2000, advances in technology brought peoples of the world closer together. Conflicts, however, developed among different groups. A.D. 1800 A.D. 1825 A.D. 1850 A.D. 1875 Industry and A.D. 1804 A.D. 1848 A.D. 1861 A.D. 1877 Nationalism Napoleon Revolutions U.S. Civil Edison C ha p t e r 19 becomes sweep War invents the French Europe begins phonograph emperor Napoleon Imperialism c. A.D. 1885 and World War I European African powers Chapt er 20 carving of divide European missionary Africa World War II and the Cold War Chap te r 21 Building Today’s World Chap te r 22 706 (t)Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY, (b)The Royal Pavilion Libraries and Museums, Brighton and Howe
  • 2. 60°N 60°N NORTH EUROPE ASIA NORTH EUROPE ASIA AMERICA AMERICA AFRICA AFRICA EQUATOR EQUATOR 0° 0° N SOUTH SOUTH AMERICA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AMERICA W E Chapter Chapter 60°S S 120°W 60°W 0° 19 60°E 120°E 180° 60°S 120°W 60°W 0° 20 60°E 120°E 180° 60°N 60°N NORTH EUROPE ASIA NORTH EUROPE ASIA AMERICA AMERICA AFRICA AFRICA EQUATOR EQUATOR 0° 0° 0 2,000 mi. SOUTH SOUTH AMERICA AUSTRALIA AMERICA AUSTRALIA 0 2,000 km Mercator projection Chapter Chapter 60°S 120°W 60°W 0° 21 60°E 120°E 180° 60°S 120°W 60°W 0° 22 60°E 120°E 180° A.D. 1900 A.D. 1925 A.D. 1950 A.D. 1975 A.D. 2000 Woman Houses of factory Parliament, worker London A.D. 1898 c. A.D. 1900 A.D. 1917 United Japan World War I States becomes ends declares war a power on Spain in Asia World War I poster A.D. 1933 A.D. 1941 A.D. 1949 C. A.D. 1957 Nigerians Hitler U.S. Comm- African celebrate leads enters unists independence independ- ence Germany World rule in begins War II China A.D. 1948 A.D. 1979 A.D. 1989 A.D. 2001 Israel Islamic Communism Terrorist becomes revolution ends in attacks a nation in Iran Eastern on U.S. Europe Israel’s Flag Ayatollah Khomeini (tl)Mary Evans Picture Library, (tr)London Aerial Photo Library/CORBIS, (cl)Bridgeman Art Library, (cr)Archive Photo/Express News/D.E.1, (bl, b)CORBIS
  • 3. 1 Arc de Triomphe NORTH AMERICA Atlantic See Industry and Nationalism Ocean Chapter 19 2 British Parliament Pacific Ocean SOUTH See Imperialism and World War I AMERICA Chapter 20 1783–1830 1867–1934 1769–1821 South American military Polish-born 1869–1948 French leader and political leader French scientist Indian leader Chapter 19, page 721 Chapter 19, page 750 Chapter 19, page 740 Chapter 21, page 844 708 (bkgd)Worldsat International Inc. 2004, All Rights Reserved, (t)Robert Holmes/CORBIS, (c)CORBIS, (bl)Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, (blc)Christie’s Images/CORBIS, (brc)Hulton/Archive by Getty Images, (br)Bettmann/CORBIS
  • 4. 3 Berlin Wall 2 3 See World War II and 1 EUROPE the Cold War Chapter 21 4 4 Sarajevo, Bosnia Mediterranean Sea ASIA Persian Red Gulf Sea See Building Today’s World Chapter 22 AFRICA Indian 5 Cape Town, South Africa Ocean See Building Today’s World Chapter 22 5 1870–1924 1882–1945 1898–1978 1918–present Communist leader U.S. president Israeli prime minister South African president Chapter 20, page 795 Chapter 21, page 817 Chapter 22, page 877 Chapter 22, page 873 709 (t)Black Star, (c)Chris Rainier/CORBIS, (b)CORBIS, (bl, bcl, bcr)Bettmann/CORBIS, (br)Reuters/Mike Hutchings/Archive Photos
  • 5. 710–711 PICIMPACT/CORBIS Industry and Nationalism Steel plant on the Tees River in Middlebough, England 1750 1800 1850 1900 1769 1799 1848 1871 Watt Napoleon Karl Marx writes Germany improves comes to Communist is united steam engine power Manifesto
  • 6. Chapter Preview Chapter Overview Visit for a preview In the late 1700s, the French Revolution and the Industrial of Chapter 19. Revolution brought great changes to Europe and the United States. Read this chapter to find out how the rise of factories and the spread of nationalism changed how people lived their lives. View the Chapter 19 video in the World History: Journey Across Time Video Program. The French Revolution and Napoleon In 1789 the French overthrew their king and tried to build a republic. A few years later, however, Napoleon seized power and built a new French empire. The Industrial Revolution During the 1800s, Europe and North America began using machines to produce large quantities of goods. During this time, new inventions improved life for many people. Society and Industry The growth of industry led to the growth of cities and new social groups, as well as many new problems and new ideas. Nationalism and Nation-States Nationalism and liberalism led to new nations and the emergence of democracy in Europe and the Americas. Organizing Information Make this foldable to help you organize and analyze information by asking yourself questions about industry and nationalism. Step 1 Fold four sheets of paper Step 3 Place the folded papers one Reading and Writing in half from top to bottom. on top of the other. Staple the four As you read the chapter, sections together and label the top write the main ideas for four tabs: The French Revolution each section under the and Napoleon, The Industrial appropriate tabs of your Revolution, Society and Industry, foldable. Then write Nationalism and Nation-States. one statement for each tab that summarizes all Step 2 On each folded paper, make a The French of the main ideas in cut 1 inch from the side on the top flap. Staple here. Revolution and that tab. Cut 1 inch from the edge through the top flap only. 711
  • 7. Understanding Concepts Reading for Meaning Sometimes, you can define a word but still not clearly understand what it means. It often takes a while to learn the full meaning of a word, especially if the word describes a concept or idea. Thinking about a word or asking yourself questions about it may help you to understand a concept more clearly. For example, in the following paragraph from page 720, it is easy to see that the word nationalism means “the desire of a people for self-rule,” but what does that definition really mean? Nationalism Two forces helped to bring is a complex Napoleon’s empire to an end. concept made up of many One was nationalism, or the Definitions help you ideas. desire of a people for self-rule. understand The nations of Europe rejected a word, but Napoleon’s rule and the French they do not always fully customs he forced on them. explain ––from page 720 concepts. Ask yourself questions to increase your under- ver a standing of the word nationalism. Here are some ou disco W hen y ur read- questions you might ask: rd in yo new wo multiple • How is nationalism different from patriotism? atch for n ing, w e word i • How do we show nationalism in the United meanin gs of th evision, States? ovies, tel books, m rsations. • Is there such as thing as regional nationalism and co nve in a country, such as “southern-ism”? • What color or music comes to mind when you think of nationalism? Why? 712
  • 8. Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY Read to Write Ask Questions Choose any word Choose one word that you do not understand from Chapter 19 that fully from each section of Chapter 19. For each represents a concept, word, try to understand the meaning by asking the such as bourgeoisie, industrialism, socialism, following questions: or guerilla warfare. Write about the word for several minutes, noting anything that comes to 1) Who might use the word? mind when you read the When would he or she word. Then, search the word online to expand use it? your interpretation of the word. 2) What else do you want to know about this word? 3) How would you illustrate the word? 4) What actions go along with this word? Choose a word from the chapter that is familiar to most people. Ask five people how they define the word. How did their answers help you to understand the word? 713
  • 9. The French Revolution and Napoleon What’s the Connection? Locating Places Many ideas of the American Versailles (VUHR • SY) Revolution also affected Europe. Waterloo (WAW • tuhr • LOO) In France, the people started a revolution and overthrew the king. Meeting People The French Revolution then led to King Louis XVI (LOO • ee) the rise of Napoleon. Maximilien Robespierre (mak • see • meel • ya ROHBZ • PYEHR) Focusing on the Napoleon Bonaparte (nuh • POH • • The French Revolution began because lee • uhn BOH • nuh • PAHRT) the people were treated unfairly and because their country had serious Building Your Vocabulary economic problems. (page 715) estates • French radicals used terror to enforce bourgeoisie (BURZH • WAH • ZEE) their reforms. (page 717) coup d’etat (KOO day • TAH) • Napoleon Bonaparte used his military success to take control of Reading Strategy the French government. (page 719) Cause and Effect Use a diagram like the one below to explain the causes of • Through military conquests, the French Revolution. Napoleon built a huge, but short- lived, empire in Europe. (page 720) Cause: The French Revolution Cause: 1780 1800 1820 1789 1799 1812 1814 Moscow The Bastille Napoleon Napoleon Congress London falls comes to power invades of Vienna Paris Vienna Russia meets Madrid Rome 714 CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism
  • 10. The Three Estates in The French Revolution Begins Prerevolutionary France The French Revolution began because the people were treated unfairly and because their 98% country had serious economic problems. Reading Focus During the French Revolution, people 1.5% tried to create a new society and government. If you 0.5% could change our society today, what changes would you Population make? 65% Previously you learned about the 25% 10% American Revolution. The example of the American Revolution influenced many people in France. They, too, wanted political change Land ownership based on the ideas of freedom and equality. The French Revolution, which began in 1789, 100% changed France and all of Europe. What Caused the French Revolution? In the 1700s, France was one of Europe’s most Taxation powerful countries. French kings ruled it First Estate: Clergy Second Estate: Nobility with absolute power. Nobles had many priv- Third Estate: Commoners ileges and lived in great wealth. Most peo- ple, however, were poor, had little education, and struggled to make a living. The French people were divided into three The Third Estate made up by far the largest estates, or classes. The First Estate was the part of France’s population. Catholic clergy, or church officials. They did 1. What percentage of the land in France did the Second Estate own? What percentage not pay taxes, and they received money from of the population did they make up? church lands. The Second Estate was the 2. Infer From looking at these circle graphs, nobles. They filled the highest posts in gov- what inferences can you draw about why ernment and the military. Like the clergy, the a revolution occurred in France? nobles were free from taxes. They lived in lux- ury at the king’s court or in their country Members of the Third Estate had no houses surrounded by large areas of land. voice in the government, but they paid the Everyone else in France belonged to the country’s taxes. As Enlightenment ideas Third Estate. At the top of this group was the about freedom and equality spread, the mid- bourgeoisie (BURZH • WAH • ZEE), or the middle dle class came to resent more and more the classes. They included merchants, bankers, privileges of the nobles and clergy. doctors, lawyers, and teachers. Next were the city workers—artisans, day laborers, and The French King Is Overthrown In 1788 servants. At the bottom were the peasants, food shortages and rising prices caused who made up more than 80 percent of the great discontent throughout the country. At French people. the same time, the French government was CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism 715
  • 11. 714-723 Ch19 S1-868873 12/27/05 9:31 AM Page 716 almost bankrupt because of costly wars and new taxes. The Estates-General was made Giraudon/Art Resource, NY increasing expenses for the king’s court. up of representatives from all three estates. After French banks decided they could no In the Estates-General, the nobles and longer afford to loan the government clergy refused to give up their privileges. money, King Louis XVI (LOO • ee) asked the Frustrated, the delegates of the Third Estate nobles and clergy to pay taxes, but they decided to meet separately. They declared refused. Louis then called a meeting of the themselves to be the National Assembly country’s legislative body, the Estates- and began work on a new constitution for General, at his palace at Versailles (VUHR • France. SY). It was the only way he could impose The people celebrated this victory, but they began to worry. News came that the king was gathering troops at Versailles. The people of Paris got ready to fight. Early on July 14, 1789, a large crowd stormed a hated royal fortress and prison called the Bastille Declaration of the (ba • STEEL). Rights of Man and News of the Bastille’s fall spread to the the Citizen countryside, where the peasants rose On August 26, 1789, the French National against the nobles. To calm the people, the Assembly approved 17 articles that stated National Assembly passed new laws that their basic freedoms. Three of the articles ended the privileges of the clergy and are listed below. nobles. It also issued the Declaration of the 2. The aim of every Rights of Man and the Citizen. The political association Declaration said that the powers of govern- is the preservation ment came from the people, not the king. of the natural . . . In 1791 the National Assembly made rights of man. These rights are liberty, France a constitutional monarchy. France property, security, was to be ruled by an elected assembly, and and resistance to the king’s power was limited. Louis, how- oppression [hardship]. ever, would not accept these changes. In 9. Every man being pre- June 1791, he and his wife Marie Antoinette sumed innocent until tried to flee to Austria. They did not get far. he has been proven Declaration of At a town east of Paris, soldiers arrested the guilty, . . . the Rights of king and queen and returned them to Paris. 11. The free communica- Man and the Citizen Worried that Austria’s ruler would send tion of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the troops to aid Louis, the National Assembly rights of man; every citizen can then freely declared war on Austria in 1792. Soon after, speak, write, and print. . . . Prussia joined Austria in fighting France. —Declaration of the Rights of Man The war did not go well for France. Angry and the Citizen (August 1789) about France’s defeats, radicals—or people wanting far-reaching changes—took over Paris and helped set up a new government Which freedoms do Articles 2, 9, and 11 protect? called the National Convention. Identify Who belonged to the three estates in France?
  • 12. AKG, Berlin/SuperStock The Reign of Terror The Struggle for Power In the Convention, delegates argued about the revolution’s French radicals used terror to enforce future. One group of the Jacobins was the their reforms. Girondists (juh • RAHN • dihsts), who came Reading Focus Have you ever heard the phrase “The from the Gironde, a region in southwest end justifies the means”? In other words, if your goal is France. The Girondists believed that the right, is it okay to do anything, even break the law or revolution had gone far enough. They hurt people, to reach that goal? What do you think? wanted to protect the interests of the mid- dle class. Many of the radicals who formed the Across the aisle was the group of National Convention—France’s new govern- Jacobins that favored still more changes. Its ment—belonged to the Jacobin club. This members were known as the Mountain, was a large network of political groups in because they sat on high benches at the rear France. They were called Jacobins (JA • kuh • of the hall. Leaders of this group, such as buhnz) because they held meetings at the Georges-Jacques Danton and Jean-Paul Jacobin monastery in Paris. Once in power, Marat, saw themselves as the voice of the the Jacobins divided into two groups. people and defenders of the revolution. When the Bastille was attacked on July 14, 1789, it was defended by a little more than 100 soldiers, and it held only 7 prisoners. Why did the people of Paris storm the Bastille? CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism 717
  • 13. The Mountain soon controlled the courts sentenced to death by guillotine any- (l)Stock Montage, (c)Giraudon/Art Resource, NY, (r)Photo Researchers Convention. They used their power to get rid one believed to be disloyal to the revolution. of the former king. In late 1792, Louis was This included Girondists, clergy, nobles, and tried and found guilty of helping France’s even women and children. In all, about enemies. A month later, Louis was beheaded 40,000 people died, including Queen Marie on the guillotine—a new machine designed Antoinette. This period became known as the to quickly execute people. Louis’s execution Reign of Terror. scared other European rulers. In early 1793, During this time, Robespierre tried to Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, and create a “Republic of Virtue.” He thought Sardinia joined Austria and Prussia in their the revolution should inspire people to be war against France. good citizens. Under Robespierre’s lead, the Committee opened new schools, had Who Was Robespierre? Soon after the new farming skills taught to the peasants, king’s execution, the National Convention and worked to keep prices under control. set up the Committee of Public Safety to Robespierre even created a new religion run the country. This new body quickly that worshiped a “Supreme Being.” This came under the control of a lawyer named attempt to replace France’s traditional Maximilien Robespierre (mak • see • meel • Catholic faith, however, did not last. ya ROHBZ • PYEHR). With France under threat from abroad, The Committee took harsh steps to the Committee decided to raise a new army. end growing unrest in France. Revolutionary All single men between the ages of 18 and 25 The French Revolution Marie Antoinette is led to her Model of a execution. Why was the guillotine guillotine adopted for executions? This painting shows a supporter of the revolution known as a sans-cullote, which means “without breeches.” Sans- cullotes were shopkeepers, artisans, and workers who got their name because they wore long pants, rather than the knee- length breeches of the upper class.
  • 14. were conscripted, or required to join up. With this new force of almost a million soldiers, The Rise of Napoleon France was able to throw back the foreign Napoleon Bonaparte used his military invaders. Military victories gave revolution- success to take control of the French government. ary generals great confidence. They soon Reading Focus What qualities make a great leader? became important in French politics. As you read about Napoleon, ask yourself which of his As the fear of foreign invasions less- qualities won him the confidence of the French people. ened, people in France grew tired of all the killings and wanted to end the Reign of While the Directory lost support in Terror. When Robespierre refused, govern- France, the French army was winning ment leaders had him executed. After great victories in neighboring lands. One Robespierre’s fall, moderate middle-class young general, battling Austrian armies in leaders created a new government led by a Italy, especially captured the French five-man council. This council, called the people’s imagination. His name was Directory, spent its time trying to handle food Napoleon Bonaparte (nuh • POH • lee • uhn shortages, rising prices, government bank- BOH • nuh • PAHRT). ruptcy, and attacks by other countries. By Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the 1799, the Directory had lost much support. Mediterranean island of Corsica in 1769. He The French people began to look for a went to military school and became an offi- strong leader who could restore order. cer. Napoleon supported the revolution. His Contrast How did the military talent helped him rise to the rank of Girondists differ from the Mountain? general by the time he was 24 years old. Periods of Revolution and Empire in France, 1789–1815 1785 1790 1795 1800 1805 1810 1815 1795 1792 The Directory May 1789 June 1789 1799 1804 1815 Estates- National 1791 National Convention Consulate of Empire of Napoleon Defeat of General Assembly Legislative Assembly Napoleon Napoleon 1. How many years did the Directory stay in power? 2. Compare Which period lasted the longest? This painting shows Napoleon Bonaparte (center) seizing control of the French government in 1799. At what age did Napoleon become a general in the French army? CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism 719 (r)Photo Researchers
  • 15. Robert Holmes/CORBIS Napoleon’s Empire Through military conquests, Napoleon built a huge, but short-lived, empire in Europe. Reading Focus Many talented people use their abili- ties to rise high. Some, however, try to do too much and fall. Read to learn how Napoleon finally lost his power and his empire. The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, a monument to French military victories, was begun by Napoleon Being emperor of France was not in 1806 and finally finished in 1836. What enough for Napoleon. He wanted to build a territories were included in Napoleon’s empire? great empire. Beginning in 1803, Napoleon won a number of victories that helped him After his successes in Italy, Napoleon reach his goal. By 1807, Napoleon had an attacked the British in Egypt in 1799. While empire that stretched across Europe from in Egypt, he heard of the worsening politi- the Atlantic Ocean to Russia. cal troubles back home. He immediately Napoleon’s empire included many dif- returned to France. There, he took part in a ferent territories. Napoleon directly ruled coup d’etat (KOO day • TAH). This is when the France and parts of Germany and Italy. His top government leaders are suddenly relatives, however, governed other lands, replaced by force by a new group of lead- such as Spain and the Netherlands. Outside ers. Napoleon became the most powerful the empire, independent countries, such as man in the country, with the title of First Prussia, Austria, and Sweden, were forced Consul. France had the strong leader many to become France’s allies. believed it needed. Napoleon moved quickly to strengthen Napoleon Fights Britain Two forces his control. He reorganized the government, helped to bring Napoleon’s empire to an created many new schools, and appointed end. One was nationalism, or the desire of a local officials. He reorganized the country’s people for self-rule. The nations of Europe finances and tax system. He created a new rejected Napoleon’s rule and the French legal system. Known as the Napoleonic customs he forced on them. The other force Code, it was based on Enlightenment ideas. was the combined might of Britain and Napoleon also made peace with the Catholic Russia. Church, which had opposed the revolution. Only Britain and Russia remained unde- Napoleon did not remain true to all of feated by Napoleon. The French emperor the ideas of the French Revolution. People hoped to invade Britain. However, in 1805, were equal under the law, but freedom of the British admiral Lord Horatio Nelson speech and the press was limited. A new destroyed the French fleet at the Battle of group of nobles, based on ability rather Trafalgar off Spain’s coast. After that, than wealth or family ties, was created. Napoleon tried to obtain victory in a differ- Then, in 1804, Napoleon crowned himself ent way. He forbade the countries in his emperor, and France became an empire. empire to trade with Britain. His plan, Explain After becoming called the Continental System, was hard to consul, how did Napoleon strengthen his control? enforce, and it proved unsuccessful. 720 CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism
  • 16. Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY NAPO1LEON BONAPARTE –182 1769 first battle Even though Napoleon Bonaparte’s e seriously. At was a snowball fight, he took the gam et at the the time, Napoleon was a young cad astern France. A Brienne military academy in northe s a break from surprise snowfall had given the boy g random their schoolwork. Instead of throwin on showed his snowballs at his classmates, Napole le attack. He leadership skills by forming a full-sca places to gave the boys on his team duties and m because of stand. They easily beat the other tea his warlike strategies. abilities, Before the other cadets realized his smates because Napoleon was picked on by his clas Italian- of his short height, unusual name, and care for his sounding accent. Napoleon did not wealthy fellow cadets because they were from s father was a families and were French. Napoleon’ lawyer, but Napoleon was one of eight children fact, Napoleon and the family was not wealthy. In Napoleon Bonaparte resented the often sent money home. Napoleon ded his French in general because they inva of Corsica, homeland, the Mediterranean island “I have sacrificed all of r later—on the in 1768. Historians say that one yea eland was forced my interests to those of day he was born—Napoleon’s hom French takeover. to celebrate the anniversary of the the country.” smart Napoleon’s teachers found him to be tics, but a —Napoleon Bonaparte, “Farewell and capable, especially in mathema to the Old Guard” to a Paris poor speller. He earned a scholarship ugh military academy and tested well eno to become a second lieutenant in the army at age 16. Little did anyone know that someday he would to be a leader and What skills would prepare someone become a military good military leader today? emperor of France. 721
  • 17. Napoleon Invades Russia Napoleon next France’s enemies then captured decided to take on Russia. He organized a Napoleon and exiled him to the large force of about 600,000 soldiers called Mediterranean island of Elba. He escaped to the Grand Army. In the summer of 1812, the the French mainland in the spring of 1815. Grand Army invaded Russia. Except for His troops flocked to their old commander. one battle, the Russians refused to fight. Napoleon returned to Paris in triumph. At Instead, they drew Napoleon’s army Waterloo (WAW • tuhr • LOO) in Belgium, an deeper into Russia. When Russia’s harsh international force led by Britain’s Duke of winter arrived, Napoleon’s forces were Wellington finally defeated Napoleon. This unprepared and helpless. Their retreat was time, Napoleon was sent to the island of St. a disaster. Fewer than 100,000 men returned Helena in the southern Atlantic Ocean, alive. where he died in 1821. Napoleon’s Empire 60° N 10°W 0° 10°E 20°E 40°E 0 20°W 300 mi. 30°E 0 300 km cow R . Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection Borodino M os KINGDOM SWEDEN Moscow 1812 OF DENMARK a Se AND NORWAY Ne m a n R ic t . Kovno al E North B Minsk TH Sea IA UNITED SS RUSSIAN EMPIRE OF U GRAND KINGDOM Berlin PR DUCHY OF ION Kiev D n ie p er R. 50°N R hine Leipzig WARSAW CONFEDERAT London 1813 R. Brussels Jena Dn i es RHINE t 1806 er Waterloo Austerlitz R. Sei Da ATLANTIC Paris n e R . 1815 n u b e R. 1805 OCEAN N Versailles Ulm Vienna AUSTRIAN 1805 EMPIRE Black Sea SWITZ. K W E IN ILLYRIAN FRENCH G PROVINCES KEY IT DO S EMPIRE AL M OTTOMAN France, 1799 Y OF EMPIRE French Empire, 1812 Elba Dependent states, 1812 Corsica Rome UGAL States allied with 40°N KINGDOM OF Napoleon, 1812 Madrid NAPLES Sardinia States allied against PORT SPAIN Napoleon, 1812 Mediterranean Sea Sicily French victory French defeat Trafalgar 1805 Strait of Napoleon's invasion Gibraltar of Russia, June– From 1807 to 1812, Napoleon controlled a December 1812 large part of Europe. 1. Which battles shown were French defeats? 2. Which countries were allied against Napoleon in 1812? What geographic factors might have allowed these states to remain free from French control? Find NGS online map resources @ 722
  • 18. Austrian Information Service The Congress of Vienna In September 1814, European leaders met in the Austrian capital of Vienna. Their goal was to return Klemens von Europe to the way it was before the French Metternich Revolution. The leader of the conference, known as the Congress of Vienna, was Austria’s foreign minister Klemens von Metternich (MEH • tuhr • nihk). Like the other power would prevent any single nation, leaders, Metternich was a conservative. such as France, from controlling Europe. Conservatives at that time believed in tradi- The European leaders at Vienna were tional values, orderly ways, and a strong against individual rights and nationalism. role for religion. They rejected calls for indi- Hoping to crush revolutionary ideas, they vidual rights and self-rule. American con- brought back to power the royal families servatives today believe in traditional who had ruled in Europe before Napoleon. values, but they also support individual To keep the peace, the leaders also agreed to political rights and self-rule. meet from time to time at conferences. These At the Congress of Vienna, Metternich meetings were called the Concert of Europe. and the other leaders wanted to create a balance of power, or equal strength among Analyze How did national- countries. They hoped that a balance of ism help defeat Napoleon? Study CentralTM Need help with the material in this section? Visit What Did You Learn? Reading Summary 1. What was the main idea of the 5. Compare and Contrast Review the Declaration of the Rights of Compare the goals of the • Rising prices, food shortages, and Man and the Citizen? French and American unemployment in France led the 2. What were the goals of the Revolutions. Third Estate to rebel, creating a Congress of Vienna? 6. Sequence Information new elected assembly. What events led to Napoleon’s Critical Thinking • French radicals known as Jacobins defeat and the fall of the 3. Organize Information Draw French Empire? gained control of the government a chart like the one below. Use and executed thousands of peo- it to describe the divisions in 7. Understanding ple who opposed their reforms. French society. Concepts Make a recruiting • As political troubles in France First Estate poster for the French army, worsened, Napoleon Bonaparte Second Estate either in the revolutionary took control of the country. period or under Napoleon. Use Third Estate • After creating a large empire, language and illustrations that Napoleon was finally defeated. 4. Summarize What were some convey the ideals, emotions, European leaders attempted to of the achievements of the and events of the time. restore a balance of power. Committee of Public Safety? CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism 723
  • 19. The Industrial Revolution What’s the Connection? Michael Faraday (FAR • uh • DAY) While France and other nations Thomas Edison were undergoing political changes, the Industrial Revolution was Building Your Vocabulary changing the way people worked and industrialism (ihn • DUHS • tree • lived. uh• LIH • zuhm) textile (TEHK • STYL) Focusing on the capital • The Industrial Revolution began in partnership Great Britain because of the corporation (KAWR • puh • RAY • enclosure movement, Britain’s shuhn) natural resources, and new British inventions. (page 725) Reading Strategy • The Industrial Revolution spread Organizing Information Use a beyond Great Britain’s shores to diagram like the one below to show Europe and the United States. four of the major inventions and their (page 729) inventors that helped start the Industrial Revolution. Meeting People James Hargreaves (HAHR • GREEVZ) Richard Arkwright (AHRK • RYT) The Industrial Edmund Cartwright (KAHRT • RYT) Revolution James Watt Robert Fulton 1750 1800 1850 1900 1769 1807 1876 1903 Watt improves Robert Fulton Alexander Wright brothers NORTH EUROPE steam engine builds Graham Bell make first AMERICA London Paris steamboat invents telephone airplane flight New York 724 CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism
  • 20. to rely on the use of machinery, rather than Industrialism Begins on animal or human power. Over the next The Industrial Revolution began in 200 years, industrialism would spread from Britain because of the enclosure movement, Britain’s Britain to dramatically change life in other natural resources, and new British inventions. parts of the world. Industry changed life so Reading Focus How would your life be different if much that historians call these changes the you did not have cars, telephones, or electricity? All of Industrial Revolution. these things came from the Industrial Revolution. Read Before the rise of industrialism, most to learn how industry began. people lived in small farming villages. They raised their own food and made their own While political revolution swept through goods. In Britain during the early 1700s, Europe, a new economic system known as cloth was made in villages. As you read industrialism (ihn • DUHS • tree • uh • LIH • previously, this system was known as cot- zuhm) began in Britain. There, people began tage industry. Under this system, most The Industrial Revolution 1870 20°W 10°W 0° 10°E 20°E 30°E FINLAND 0 400 mi. Oslo St. Petersburg 0 400 km NORWAY Stockholm Chamberlain Trimetric projection Glasgow Edinburgh SWEDEN 40°E UNITED KINGDOM North a Se Bradford Sea Copenhagen Moscow ic 50 °N Liverpool Leeds l t N Manchester DENMARK Ba e m an R . Sheffield N Birmingham Hamburg Amsterdam PRUSSIA E Bristol London NETH. W Berlin Brussels S POLAND Warsaw u l a R. BELGIUM Cologne Breslau RUSSIA st Dnie GERMANY Vi p ATLANTIC Paris Prague er R . Lo OCEAN Munich ire R. Vienna Budapest FRANCE SWITZ. Bordeaux AUSTRIA- Turin Milan Venice HUNGARY Po R. E Genoa 40° Florence Black Sea br N Marseille oR D an u be R. Ad . ia SERBIA r Madrid ITALY tic Me d i t e r r a n e a n Rome Se SPAIN a Constantinople Se a KEY Manufacturing and industrial area Major industrial center The Industrial Revolution spread throughout Major railways by 1870 Europe in the 1800s. Industry: 1. What were the major industries in the United Coal mining Kingdom? Ironworking 30°N 2. What patterns do you see in the distribution Textile production of industries, and what geographical factors might account for these patterns?
  • 21. Traveling by Early Railroad In the 1700s and early 1800s, the best way to travel in England was on horseback or by stagecoach. By the late 1840s, however, stagecoach companies were being forced out of business with a new invention: the steam locomotive. The locomotive was invented in England in the early 1800s. It was first used to move coal and iron ore from mines to factories. Then passengers started riding the trains. Boarding and riding a grand locomotive, nicknamed the “iron horse,” was an exciting trip. The wealthy bought tickets for first-class seats in fancy, enclosed passenger cars. These customers sat on plush cloth and leather benches with wood and brass handrails. The seats were located behind the locomotive Early English train from the 1840s work was done in workers’ cottages, where movement began. Britain’s Parliament families worked together. passed new laws that allowed landowners Merchants went from cottage to cottage, to fence off their land. For hundreds of bringing the workers raw wool and cotton. years, local villagers had rented the land Using hand-powered spinning wheels and from landowners and divided it into small looms, the workers would spin the thread strips, each worked by a family. Now the and weave it into wool and cotton cloth. The villagers were told they could not use the merchants then picked up the finished cloth land the way they wanted. to sell. The Industrial Revolution began in the Enclosure allowed landowners to make woven cloth, or textile (TEHK • STYL), industry. more money. Whole areas could grow the Merchants could make so much money from same crop, which meant larger harvests textiles that they began to look for ways to and greater profits. Often the land was make cloth better and faster. By the 1700s, turned into pasture for sheep whose wool changes in Britain made this possible. was used by the textile industry. Successful farming provided landown- What Caused the Industrial Revolution? ers with extra money. Many chose to invest, The Industrial Revolution began in Britain or put money, into new businesses. Money for many reasons. One important cause of invested in businesses is called capital. A Britain’s Industrial Revolution was a growing middle class joined wealthy change in how Britain’s landowners used landowners and merchants in investing their land. In the 1700s the enclosure capital in new industries. 726 CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism Archive Photos
  • 22. where the smoke would rise above the train’s front section and not bother the riders. People who bought cheaper tickets sat in the second- class section. Second-class railway cars were open to the air, and passengers had to wait their turn for a bench seat to become available. Third-class passengers could buy very cheap tickets and stand in train cars with open sides. Some had benches. The smoke from the coal-powered steam engines often dirtied the riders’ clothes. They ignored this discomfort because riding a train was faster and cheaper than traveling in uncomfortable stagecoaches. Connecting to the Past 1. What accommodations were provided for first-class passengers? 2. Why did third-class passengers prefer to travel by train Interior of a than by stagecoach? railway car Still another cause was the large num- New Inventions Britain also had a number ber of people available to work in industry. of talented inventors. Their inventions The enclosure movement forced many made the Industrial Revolution possible. peasants off the land. They then moved to Many of these first inventions were devel- the cities and became workers in new oped in the late 1700s for the textile indus- industries. try. James Hargreaves (HAHR • GREEVZ) In the 1700s, Britain’s population grew invented a spinning jenny that could spin rapidly. More and better food meant that cotton into thread very quickly. Richard people were healthier, lived longer, and Arkwright (AHRK • RYT) developed a way to had larger families. This increase in popu- power a spinning machine with water, and lation also provided workers for the new Edmund Cartwright (KAHRT • RYT) created a factories. new powered loom. This machine could Finally, Britain’s natural resources and weave the thread into cloth as fast as the geography also helped in the rise of indus- new spinning machines produced it. try. The British had large supplies of coal In 1769 James Watt designed a steam and iron. Coal replaced wood as the fuel engine that could power the new machines. for running machines. Iron was used in Steam soon replaced water as the major building and in making machines. The source of power. country had many fine harbors and rivers As the need for machines grew, iron was for transporting goods. Rivers also pro- needed to make machine parts. In 1753 vided power for the earliest cotton mills. Henry Cort found a way to use coal to turn CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism 727 Bettmann/CORBIS
  • 23. iron ore into pure iron. As a result, iron do this was to form a partnership where became cheaper, production grew, and coal two or more people owned the business mining became a major industry. In 1856 and pooled their own money. Another way Henry Bessemer invented an inexpensive was to create a corporation (KAWR • puh • RAY • way to make large amounts of iron into steel, shuhn). A corporation raises money by sell- which was harder and stronger than iron. ing shares in the company to investors. Soon mining towns and steel centers grew in Creating a corporation allowed business areas with supplies of iron ore and coal. leaders to build large factories with hun- dreds of workers. The Rise of Factories and Railroads New forms of transportation also led to Factories were the major centers of the industrial growth. In 1807 Robert Fulton, an Industrial Revolution. Why did they American inventor, developed a boat pow- develop? Machines became too large and ered by a steam engine. The biggest expensive for home use. Factories brought improvement in land transportation was the workers and machines together in one railroad. By the mid-1800s, steam-powered place under managers. locomotives carried raw materials, finished As the Industrial Revolution began, goods, and people faster and cheaper than business owners reorganized their compa- any other kind of transportation. nies to raise the money they needed to buy Explain How did enclosure machines and build factories. One way to help to bring about the Industrial Revolution? Steam Engine In a locomotive, coal is burned in the engine’s firebox. The hot gases from the fire travel through tubes and empty into the smokebox, after heating water in the boiler and creating steam. The throttle releases steam into the steam chest, where a valve controls the movement of the steam into the cylinder. In the cylinder, the steam pushes the piston, which is connected to a drive rod that turns the locomotive’s wheels. How did railroads affect industry? Key Water compartment Throttle Lever Smokebox Cylinder Coal bunker Firebox Blast pipe Piston Coal conveyer Boiler tubes Steam chest
  • 24. The Library of Congress The Spread of Industry The Industrial Revolution spread beyond Great Britain’s shores to Europe and the United States. Reading Focus Important inventions fueled the spread of the Industrial Revolution. What inventions of your lifetime do you feel have had the greatest impact Edison’s Lightbulb 1879 on your life today? Edison once said, “The electric light has caused me the greatest amount of Britain’s advances in industrial technol- study and has required the most ogy gave it an advantage over other coun- elaborate experiments.” For these tries. To protect that advantage, Britain’s experiments, Edison carefully made the Parliament passed laws keeping ideas, glass bulbs in his own glassblowing inventions, and skilled workers from leav- shed. Inside each bulb was a filament, ing the country. In spite of these laws, how- or thin strip of material. The bulbs were ever, the Industrial Revolution soon spread incandescent, to other areas. which means that Industry in Europe and America From electricity heats Britain the Industrial Revolution spread to the filament, France, Belgium, Germany, and the United which becomes States. European governments encouraged hot enough to the rise of industries. They helped build fac- glow and make tories, railroads, canals, and roads. By the light. For Edison, 1820s, British business owners and the trickiest part investors had made so much money from was finding the industry that they began to invest in facto- best material for ries and railroads in Europe. Their invest- the filaments. ments helped the Industrial Revolution get Eventually, he started in other countries. found that a The Industrial Revolution also took carbonized cotton hold in the United States. British investors thread filament Thomas Edison in provided the best his workshop and American engineers built factories for making textiles and shoes. Workers, includ- quality of light. ing women and children, left rural areas to Edison gave the first public work in cities. demonstration of his incandescent Like Britain, the United States had lightbulb on December 31, 1879, at his many natural resources. Americans laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. quickly built roads and canals to move Edison’s lightbulb made it possible for goods and people across the vast nation. people to use small electric lamps in Fulton’s steamboat improved transporta- their homes and led to other uses for tion on inland waterways, and railroads electricity. soon crisscrossed the country. CHAPTER 19 Industry and Nationalism 729