Science of LEGO Serious Play (LSP)

sertuser Há 11 anos

Exploring User Requirements with Lego®

Oliver Schirok Há 12 anos

User requirements with lego

Ellen Grove Há 10 anos

Co-creation on speed with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

Catherine Ryan Há 10 anos

Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling

Gavin McMahon Há 10 anos

The 9 Criteria for Brand Essence (TM)

Kirk Phillips Há 14 anos

Design Ethnography for Lean Teams

William Evans Há 10 anos

Archetypes – Making the mundane meaningful.

3Sixty Design Limited Há 10 anos

UX Strategy and Lean UX

John Whalen Há 11 anos

Desis Lab RMIT, Melbourne May 2013

FutureGov Há 11 anos

IA Summit 2013 Closing Plenary

Karen McGrane Há 11 anos

Lean UX Roundtable

Anders Ramsay Há 12 anos

Same devices, different experiences

cxpartners Há 11 anos

Prisoners dilemma

Infinity Business School Há 13 anos

The Real Life Social Network v2

Paul Adams Há 13 anos

Better UX Surveys at UCD2012 by @cjforms

Caroline Jarrett Há 11 anos

Guerrilla User and Design Research

Ruth Ellison Há 14 anos