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SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   2
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   3
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   4
‫ُْا حعشٌف انًخغٍشاث ٔ انًؤششاث‬
‫‪ Body‬حق انبشَايح‬

‫يعاندت األخطاء‬


             ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬       ‫5‬
‫يالحظت ْايت :‬

                           ‫قغى ‪ٔexception‬قغى ‪declare‬‬
                  ‫ًْا اخخٍاسٌٍ أي ال ٌشخشط ٔخٕدًْا‬

‫أي إرا كاٌ ال ٌٕخذ نذٌك حعشٌف يخغٍشاث ال حغخخذو ‪Declare‬‬

      ‫ٔإرا كُج ال حخعايم يع األخطاء ال حغخخذو ‪Exception‬‬

           ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                                  ‫6‬
name :='ahmed khaled';

v_x number;                        ٍٍ‫ٌدب ٔضع انُقطخ‬
v_y number(10);
                                        = ‫قبم‬
v_z number(8,2) := 55.22;
name varchar2(50);
v_lname varchar2(20) :='Hilal';
v_bdate date;
is_married boolean :=false;
                   SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                      7
type% : ً‫خاصيح ٔٛع اٌحم‬

      v_did departments . department_id % type ;

               SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                       8
‫: ‪% rowtype‬‬
 ‫يدًٕعت يخغٍشاث، ٔحغخخذو نخأعٍظ يصفٕفت يٍ‬
 ‫انًخغٍشاث يبٍُت عهى األعًذة انًٕخٕدة فً يؤشش‬
                                ‫يا أٔ خذٔل يا‬

       ‫‪v_rec departments‬‬     ‫; ‪% rowtype‬‬

             ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                      ‫9‬
dbms_output.put_line(          );

dbms_output.put_line('The name is : '|| name);

  ٌٍ‫انًٕخذة ضًٍ عًهت انطباعت ًْ نهٕصم بٍٍ انخعبٍش‬   || ‫فائذة‬

                SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                  10
          v_did number;
          v_dname varchar2(50);
          v_mid number;
          v_lid number;
          select department_id,department_name,manager_id,location_id
          into v_did,v_dname,v_mid,v_lid
          from departments
          where department_id=10;

          dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : ');
          dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_did);
          dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_dname);
          dbms_output.put_line('Manager: '||v_mid);
          dbms_output.put_line('Location : '|| v_lid);
end ;
                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                    11
‫ حغخخذو الخخٍاس األعًذة ٔانبٍاَاث انخً َحخاخٓا‬select

        select department_id , department_name , manager_id , location_id

        Declare ً‫ حغخخذو الخخٍاس األعًذة ٌٚىٓ يٍ خالل ياحى حعشٌفّ ف‬into

         into v_did , v_dname,v_mid , v_lid

                 ‫حغخخذو نخحذٌذ اندذٔل انزي عُغخشخع يُّ انبٍاَاث‬

         from departments
         where department_id=10;

                    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                              12
            v_did number;
            v_dname varchar2(50);
            v_mid number;
            v_lid number;

            v_did :=666;
            v_dname :='Imam UN';
            v_mid :=105;
            v_lid :=1700;

           insert into departments
( department_id,department_name, manager_id , location_id)
           values(v_did   , v_dname , v_mid , v_lid);

                          SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                      13
          v_did departments.department_id%type;
          v_dname departments.department_name%type;
          v_mid departments.manager_id%type;
          select department_id,department_name,manager_id
          into v_did,v_dname,v_mid
          from departments
          where department_id=10;

          dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : ');
          dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_did);
          dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_dname);
          dbms_output.put_line('Manager: '||v_mid);
end ;

                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                        14
          v_did departments.department_id %type;

          v_dname departments.department_name %type;
          v_mid departments.manager_id %type;

                     SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                     15

         select department_id , department_name , manager_id

         into v_did , v_dname , v_mid
         from departments
         where department_id=10;

        ‫حغخخذو الخخٍاس األعًذة ٔانبٍاَاث انخً َحخاخٓا يٍ خالل‬

                     SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                              16
dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : ');
        dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_did);
        dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_dname);
        dbms_output.put_line('Manager: ‘ || v_mid);
end ;

                     SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                    17
          v_rec departments % rowtype;
          select *
          into v_rec
          from departments
          where department_id=10;

          dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : ');
          dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_rec.department_id);
          dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_rec.department_name);
          dbms_output.put_line('Manager: '||v_rec.manager_id);
          dbms_output.put_line('Location : '|| v_rec.location_id);
end ;

                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                 18
           ‫;‪v_rec departments % rowtype‬‬

          ‫عشفُا (‪ ًْ ٔ )v_rec‬يصفٕفت يٍ انًخغٍشاث يبٍُت‬
                       ‫عهى األعًذة انًٕخٕدة فً اندذٔل‬

                        ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                    ‫91‬
        select *
        into v_rec
        from departments
                                     ‫ُْا اخخشَا خًٍع انحقٕل‬
        where department_id=10;
                                      ‫انًٕخٕدة فً اندذٔل‬

                     SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                            20
dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : ');
        dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_rec . department_id);
        dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_rec . department_name);
        dbms_output.put_line('Manager: '||v_rec . manager_id);
        dbms_output.put_line('Location : '|| v_rec . location_id );
end ;

                      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                   21
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   22
‫1.خًهت انششط‬
IF then
      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   23
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   24
          v_salary employees.salary %type;
          select salary into v_salary
          from employees
          where employee_id=150;
          if v_salary > 10000 then
          end if ;

                      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                 25
‫خٛاب اٌششط إرا واْ خطأ‬

‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                            ‫62‬
          v_salary employees.salary %type;
          select salary into v_salary
          from employees
          where employee_id=102;
          if v_salary > 10000 then
          end if ;

                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                  27
‫خٛاب اٌششط ارا واْ خطأ‬

‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                            ‫82‬
          v_salary employees.salary%type;
          select salary into v_salary
          from employees
          where employee_id=150;
          if v_salary > 10000 then
          elsif (v_salary >=3000 and v_salary <=10000) then
          end if;

                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                          29
          v_salary employees.salary%type;
          select salary into v_salary
          from employees
          where employee_id=150;
          if v_salary > 10000 then
          elsif (v_salary >=3000 and v_salary <=10000) then
          end if;

                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                          30


SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬            31
          v_salary employees.salary%type;
          select salary into v_salary
          from employees
          where employee_id=150;
          if v_salary > 10000 then
          elsif (v_salary between 3000 and 10000) then
          end if;

                      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                      32


         SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬    33
‫نكٍ الحع ُْا كخابت ‪elsif‬‬

        ‫ٔال حخطً فٍٓا فًٓ نٍغج ‪elseif‬‬

‫بئيكاَُا اعخخذاو ( ‪ ) And , Between‬داخم‬

                        ‫خًهت انششط ) ‪( IF & elsIf‬‬

        ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                               ‫43‬
‫2. انخكشاس‬
 ‫ٌٕٔخذ عذة أٔايش نهخكشاس ًْٔ:‬

‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                   ‫53‬
(i) loop-exit-end

    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   36
‫ششط اٌخشٚج‬

‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                ‫73‬
  v_counter number := 1;
begin                                       v_counter

         exit when v_counter>10;
end loop;
end ;

                     SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                      38
v_counter number :=10;
begin                                       v_counter

         exit when v_counter=0;
end loop;
end ;

                     SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                      39

      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬       40

‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬           ‫14‬
declare                                         v_counter
v_counter number :=1;
while v_counter <=10 loop
end loop;
end ;

                        SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                       42
declare                                      v_counter
v_counter number :=10;
while v_counter >=1 loop
end loop;

end ;

                      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                      43
          v_sal employees.salary %type;
          v_counter number :=0;
          select salary into v_sal
          from employees
          where employee_id=106;
          while v_sal <10000 loop
                   v_sal :=v_sal*1.2;
                   v_counter :=v_counter+1;
          end loop;
          dbms_output.put_line('The number of monthes is : '||v_counter);

                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                        44

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                       45
(iii) FOR - IN - LOOP - END

       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬          46
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   47
For v_counter in 1 ..10 loop
end loop;
end ;

               :: ‫ٔاذح اٌثشٔاِح‬

         v_counter = 1
         v_counter = 2
         v_counter = 3
         v_counter = 4
         10 ُ‫سٛف يطثغ إٌى اٌشل‬

                  SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬           48
For v_counter in reverse 1..10 loop
end loop;
end ;

                 SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬             49
‫فً خًهت ‪For‬‬

‫يا َحخاج ‪ Declare‬ألٌ َقذس َعشف يخغٍش‬

                             ‫داخم انششط‬

                   ‫يثم:: يثال سقى 21 ٔ 31‬

   ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                            ‫05‬

 SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   51
     ‫ذسرخذَ اٌّؤششاخ إلداسج ػثاساخ اٌرحذيذ ‪ Select‬في ٌغح ‪ٚ sql‬وّا‬
 ‫الحظٕا األٚاِش اٌساتمح ِثً ‪ٚIF‬اٌرىشاس ٌُ ٔسرخذِٙا ِغ تيأاخ اٌدذاٚي‬
                ‫اٌّخضٔح ٌٚؼًّ رٌه التذ ِٓ اسرخذاَ ٘زٖ اٌّؤششاخ.‬

 ‫ٕٚ٘ان ٔٛػيٓ ِٓ اٌّؤششاخ ٘ي اٌضّٕيح ٚاٌصشيحح ٚسٛف ٔرطشق ٌه‬
                                     ‫ٚاحذ تاٌرفصيً ٚاألِثٍح اٌالصِح.‬

                                              ‫اٌّؤششاخ اٌصشيحح :‬

  ‫يرُ ذؼشيف ٘زا إٌٛع ِٓ اٌّؤششاخ ودضء ِٓ اإلػالْ ‪ٚDeclare‬يدة اْ‬
             ‫ذشرًّ ػثاسج ‪SQL‬اٌّؼشفٗ ػٍى ػثاسج اٌرحذيذ ‪Select‬فمظ‬

                ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                                          ‫25‬
 ‫ٚػٕذ اسرخذاَ اٌّؤششاخ اٌصشيحح دائّا ِا سرىرة أستؼح ِىٛٔاخ وّا يٍي:‬

                                ‫١- يرُ ذؼشيف اٌّؤشش في اٌدضء ‪Declare‬‬
                                  ‫‪Begin‬‬   ‫٢- يرُ فرح اٌّؤشش تؼذ ػثاسج‬

                        ‫اٌصيغح اٌؼاِح ٌرؼشيف اٌّؤشش اٌصشيح وّا يٍي:‬

                ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                                           ‫35‬

    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   54

    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   55

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬             56
          v_id employees.employee_id%type;
          v_fname employees.first_name%type;
          v_lname employees.last_name%type;
          v_sal employees.salary%type;
          cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary
          from employees where department_id=50;
          open c;
                    fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal;
                    exit when c % notfound;
          dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' '||v_fname||' '||v_lname||' '||v_sal);
          end loop;
          close c;
end ;
                        SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                           57
          v_id employees.employee_id%type;
          v_fname employees.first_name%type;
          v_lname employees.last_name%type;
          v_sal employees.salary%type;

           cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary
           from employees
            where department_id=50;

                    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                       58

       open c;
fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal;

exit when c % notfound;
dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' '||v_fname||' '||v_lname||' '||v_sal);
          end loop;
          close c;
end ;

                        SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                 59
‫الحظٕا في اٌّثاي اٌساتك أْ االسرؼالَ في ‪Cursor‬‬
‫سٛف يؼٛد تسدً ٚاحذ ٌىٓ ِارا يحذز ٌٛ أػاد اٌّؤشش أوثش ِٓ سدً‬
                                  ‫ٚأسدٔا اٌّشٚس ػٍى وافح اٌسدالخ ؟‬

                                ‫ٌزا ٔسرخذَ األِش ‪Found OR NotFound‬‬

                           ‫ٔسرخذَ األِش ‪ِ NotFound‬غ ‪Loop‬‬

  ‫ً٘ سدالخ اٌّؤشش أرٙد أَ ال ٚٔؼشف رٌه ِٓ خالي خاصيح ‪Found‬‬

           ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                                             ‫06‬

                %found loop

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                 61
          v_id employees.employee_id%type;
          v_fname employees.first_name%type;
          v_lname employees.last_name%type;
          v_sal employees.salary%type;
          cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary
          from employees where department_id=50;
          open c;
          fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal;
          while c %found loop
          dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' '||v_fname||' '||v_lname||' '||v_sal);
          fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal;
          end loop;
          close c;
end ;
                        SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                           62
        open c;
        fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal;
        while c %found loop
        dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' '||v_fname||' '||v_lname||' '||v_sal);
        fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal;
        end loop;
        close c;
end ;

                      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                           63
          cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary
          from employees where department_id=50;
          v_rec c %rowtype;
          open c;
          fetch c into v_rec;
          while c %found loop
          dbms_output.put_line(v_rec.employee_id||' '||v_rec.first_name||'
'||v_rec.last_name||' '||v_rec.salary);
                    fetch c into v_rec;
          end loop;
          close c;
end ;

                        SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                        64


        SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬              65
       cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary
       from employees
       where department_id=50;
       for v_rec in c loop
       dbms_output.put_line(v_rec.employee_id||' '||v_rec.first_name||'
       '||v_rec.last_name||' '||v_rec.salary);
       end loop;

                    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                         66
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   67
            v_job employees.job_id%type;
            v_id employees.employee_id%type;
            cursor c is select employee_id,job_id from employees;
open c;
            fetch c into v_id,v_job;
            exit when c%notfound;
            if v_job='ST_CLERK' then
                        delete from employees where employee_id=v_id;
            elsif v_job='IT_PROG' then
                        update employees set department_id=50 where employee_id=v_id;
                        dbms_output.put_line('No Changes');
            end if;
end loop;
close c;
end ;

                            SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                               68
v_id   v_sal

       v_sal    v_id

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                    69
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   70
          v_sal employees.salary%type;
          v_id employees.employee_id%type;
          cursor c is select employee_id,salary from employees;
          open c;
                    fetch c into v_id,v_sal;
                    exit when c%notfound;
                    if v_sal < 3000 then
          update employees set salary=salary*1.2 where employee_id=v_id;
                    elsif v_sal between 3000 and 10000 then
          update employees set salary=salary*1.15 where employee_id=v_id;
          update employees set salary=salary*1.1 where employee_id=v_id;
                    end if;
          end loop;
          close c;
end ;

                          SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                     71
Used                   Conditions
One Fetch & ( % notFound )         Loop
 Two Fetch & ( % Found )           While
     Don’t use Fetch                For

                 SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬             72

 ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬   ‫37‬
‫: ‪Exception handlers‬‬

        ‫ْٕ خضء اخخٍاسي ، ٔ ْزا اندضء ٌبذأ بكهًت ‪Exception‬‬
       ‫ٔ فً ْزا اندضء ٌخى ححذٌذ اإلخشاء انزي عٍخى احخارِ‬
                                     ‫فً حانت حذٔد خطأ‬

              ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                                 ‫47‬
                       :: ‫ذٕمسُ األخطاء إٌى‬

1. Too many rows
2. No data found
3. Zero divide
4. Others

       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                          75
  1. Too many rows
       v_lname employees.last_name%type;
   dbms_output.put_line('Before Exception');
        select last_name into v_lname
           from employees;
        when too_many_rows then
                    dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement');

                          SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                              76
        2. No data found
        v_lname employees.last_name%type;
        select last_name into v_lname
        from employees
        where employee_id=101;
                when no_data_found then
        dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement');
                     SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                     77
        3. Zero divide
        v_lname employees.last_name%type;
        select last_name into v_lname
        from employees
        where employee_id=101;
      when zero_divide then
                dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero');
                    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                78
create table error
        title varchar2(25),

       err_date date
)                                          Title
                                    ‫خاص تؼٕٛاْ اٌخطأ‬

     ‫خاص تراسيخ اٌخطأ‬

                  SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                    79
          v_lname employees.last_name%type;
         select last_name into v_lname from employees ;
         when too_many_rows then
                   dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement');
                   insert into error values('Too many rows',sysdate);
         when no_data_found then
                   dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement');
                   insert into error values('no data found',sysdate);
         when zero_divide then
                   dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero');
                   insert into error values('Zero Divide',sysdate);
                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                                80
            when too_many_rows then
                     dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement');
                     insert into error values('Too many rows',sysdate);
            when no_data_found then
                     dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement');
                     insert into error values('no data found', sysdate);
            when zero_divide then
                     dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero');
                     insert into error values('Zero Divide',sysdate);

                         SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                                81
 4. Others
            v_lname employees.last_name%type;
            select last_name into v_lname from employees ;
            when too_many_rows then
                       dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement');
                       insert into error values('Too many rows',sysdate);
            when no_data_found then
                       dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement');
                       insert into error values('no data found',sysdate);
            when zero_divide then
                       dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero');
                       insert into error values('Zero Divide',sysdate);
            when others then
                               SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                            82
         when too_many_rows then
                 dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement');
                 insert into error values('Too many rows',sysdate);
         when no_data_found then
                 dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement');
                 insert into error values('no data found',sysdate);
         when zero_divide then
                 dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero');
                 insert into error values('Zero Divide',sysdate);
         when others then

                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                              83
                      ‫**حعشٌف انخطأ كًخغٍش‬

‫طشٌقت اعخخذاو األٔايش انخانٍت يع داخم‬
                               ‫( ‪) Exception‬‬
‫‪** Raise‬‬
‫‪** Commit‬‬
‫‪** Rollback‬‬
      ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                            ‫48‬
          v_sal employees.salary%type;
          my_exp exception;
          update employees set salary=salary*1.7 where employee_id=200;
          select salary into v_sal from employees where employee_id=200;
          if v_sal >5500 then
                    raise my_exp;
                    dbms_output.put_line('The salary is updated');
          end if;
        when my_exp then
                    dbms_output.put_line('The salary is more than 7500');
                        SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                       85
:: ‫**حعشٌف انخطأ كًخغٍش‬
          Declare ًٍ‫ًٌكٍ حعشٌف يخغٍش ( خاص باألخطاء ) ض‬

      v_sal employees.salary%type;
      my_exp exception;

              SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                               86
‫‪** Raise‬‬

      ‫‪if v_sal >5500 then‬‬
            ‫;‪raise my_exp‬‬

    ‫إرا طهع انششط ( ‪ ) IF‬خطأ ٌعًم إصاحت نّ( اعخشاض )‬
                 ‫إنى يكاٌ انخاص باألخطاء‬

             ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                             ‫78‬
** Commit
              dbms_output.put_line('The salary is updated');
    end if;

                     data base ٍ‫) إرا خشخُا ي‬commit( ‫ٔظٍفت‬
                                 ‫ٌـحـخـفع بدًٍع انخحذٌثاث ٔ انقٍى‬

                SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                       88
** Rollback

         when my_exp then
               dbms_output.put_line('The salary is more than 7500');

                     data base ٍ‫) إرا خشخُا ي‬rollback( ‫ٔظٍفت‬
                                ‫ٌخشاخع عٍ خًٍع انخحذٌثاث ٔ انقٍى‬

                SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                          89
Procedure &
  SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   90

End (                       ;
            SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                   91

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬               92

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬               93

End (                       ;
            SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                  94
‫تحدثنا في الشريحة السابقة عن اإلجراءات المخزنة و اآلن نتحدث عن الوظائف المخزنة‬
                                       ‫لكن الفرق أن الوظائف المخزنة ترجع قيمة‬

                                                       ‫الصيغة العامة كما يلي :‬

       ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬                                                             ‫59‬
ً‫ ) ف‬Declare ( ‫ال ٌٕخذ قغى‬

) Function ( ٔ )Procedure(

      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬          96
create or replace procedure print_all_emp( p_did
        cursor c is select first_name,last_name,salary
        from employees
        where department_id=p_did;
        for v_rec in c loop
                           '||v_rec.last_name||' '||v_rec.salary);
        end loop;
end print_all_emp;

                      SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                  97
create or replace procedure print_all_emp

( p_did employees.department_id%type )

              SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                 98
create table circle
( id number,
r number);

create or replace procedure circle_proc (p_id number)
         v_r number;
         select r into v_r
         from circle where id=p_id;
         dbms_output.put_line('Muhit : '||(2*3.14*v_r));
         dbms_output.put_line('Area : '||(v_r*v_r*3.14));
         when no_data_found         then
                   dbms_output.put_line('The circle you selected
no exists');
end circle_proc;
                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                               99
create or replace procedure circle_proc (p_id number)
         v_r number;
         select r into v_r
         from circle where id=p_id;
         dbms_output.put_line(‘ Muhit : '||(2*3.14*v_r));
         dbms_output.put_line('Area : '||(v_r*v_r*3.14));
         when no_data_found         then
         dbms_output.put_line('The circle you selected no exists');
end circle_proc;

                       SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                  100
create or replace function getR(p_id number)
return number
        v_r number;
        select r into v_r
        from circle
        where id=p_id;
        return v_r;
        when no_data_found        then
                  return 0;
end getR;

                    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                     101
create or replace procedure circle_proc( p_id number)
        v_r number;
        v_r := getR( p_id );

        dbms_output.put_line('Muhit : '||(2*3.14*v_r));
        dbms_output.put_line('Area : '||(v_r*v_r*3.14));
end ;

          ) Function ( ‫ ) إنى‬v_r ( ‫قًُا بئعُاد قًٍت انًخغٍش اندذٌذ‬
                    ) Example 30 ( ً‫انغابقت انخً قًُا بخعشٌفٓا ف‬

                    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                102
create or replace function getDid (p_eid number)
return number
        v_did number;
        select department_id into v_did
        from employees
        where employee_id=p_eid;
        return v_did;
        when no_data_found then
                 return 0;
end getDid;

                    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                         103
create or replace procedure updateEmpSal(p_eid number)
        v_did number;
        v_did :=getDid(p_eid);
        if v_did!=0 then
                  if(v_did=50) then
update employees set salary=salary*1.5 where employee_id=p_eid;
update employees set salary=salary*1.2 where employee_id=p_eid;
                  end if;
                  dbms_output.put_line('Employee not found');
        end if;
end     updateEmpSal;

                    SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬                                 104

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬           105

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬           106

SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬           107
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   108
SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬   109
‫تحّذ هللا‬
  ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬   ‫011‬

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Sql pl

  • 1.
  • 2. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 2
  • 3. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 3
  • 4. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 4
  • 5. ‫‪Declare‬‬ ‫ُْا حعشٌف انًخغٍشاث ٔ انًؤششاث‬ ‫‪Begin‬‬ ‫‪ Body‬حق انبشَايح‬ ‫‪Exception‬‬ ‫يعاندت األخطاء‬ ‫;‪end‬‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫5‬
  • 6. ‫يالحظت ْايت :‬ ‫قغى ‪ٔexception‬قغى ‪declare‬‬ ‫ًْا اخخٍاسٌٍ أي ال ٌشخشط ٔخٕدًْا‬ ‫أي إرا كاٌ ال ٌٕخذ نذٌك حعشٌف يخغٍشاث ال حغخخذو ‪Declare‬‬ ‫ٔإرا كُج ال حخعايم يع األخطاء ال حغخخذو ‪Exception‬‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫6‬
  • 7. name :='ahmed khaled'; v:=15; v_x number; ٍٍ‫ٌدب ٔضع انُقطخ‬ v_y number(10); = ‫قبم‬ v_z number(8,2) := 55.22; name varchar2(50); v_lname varchar2(20) :='Hilal'; v_bdate date; is_married boolean :=false; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 7
  • 8. type% : ً‫خاصيح ٔٛع اٌحم‬ declare v_did departments . department_id % type ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 8
  • 9. ‫: ‪% rowtype‬‬ ‫يدًٕعت يخغٍشاث، ٔحغخخذو نخأعٍظ يصفٕفت يٍ‬ ‫انًخغٍشاث يبٍُت عهى األعًذة انًٕخٕدة فً يؤشش‬ ‫يا أٔ خذٔل يا‬ ‫‪declare‬‬ ‫‪v_rec departments‬‬ ‫; ‪% rowtype‬‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫9‬
  • 10. dbms_output.put_line( ); dbms_output.put_line(v_y); dbms_output.put_line('###########'); dbms_output.put_line('The name is : '|| name); ٌٍ‫انًٕخذة ضًٍ عًهت انطباعت ًْ نهٕصم بٍٍ انخعبٍش‬ || ‫فائذة‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 10
  • 11. declare v_did number; v_dname varchar2(50); v_mid number; v_lid number; begin select department_id,department_name,manager_id,location_id into v_did,v_dname,v_mid,v_lid from departments where department_id=10; dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : '); dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_did); dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_dname); dbms_output.put_line('Manager: '||v_mid); dbms_output.put_line('Location : '|| v_lid); end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 11
  • 12. ‫ حغخخذو الخخٍاس األعًذة ٔانبٍاَاث انخً َحخاخٓا‬select begin select department_id , department_name , manager_id , location_id Declare ً‫ حغخخذو الخخٍاس األعًذة ٌٚىٓ يٍ خالل ياحى حعشٌفّ ف‬into into v_did , v_dname,v_mid , v_lid ‫حغخخذو نخحذٌذ اندذٔل انزي عُغخشخع يُّ انبٍاَاث‬ from departments where department_id=10; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 12
  • 13. declare v_did number; v_dname varchar2(50); v_mid number; v_lid number; begin v_did :=666; v_dname :='Imam UN'; v_mid :=105; v_lid :=1700; insert into departments ( department_id,department_name, manager_id , location_id) values(v_did , v_dname , v_mid , v_lid); end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 13
  • 14. declare v_did departments.department_id%type; v_dname departments.department_name%type; v_mid departments.manager_id%type; begin select department_id,department_name,manager_id into v_did,v_dname,v_mid from departments where department_id=10; dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : '); dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_did); dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_dname); dbms_output.put_line('Manager: '||v_mid); end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 14
  • 15. declare v_did departments.department_id %type; v_dname departments.department_name %type; v_mid departments.manager_id %type; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 15
  • 16. begin select department_id , department_name , manager_id into v_did , v_dname , v_mid from departments where department_id=10; ‫حغخخذو الخخٍاس األعًذة ٔانبٍاَاث انخً َحخاخٓا يٍ خالل‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 16
  • 17. dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : '); dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_did); dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_dname); dbms_output.put_line('Manager: ‘ || v_mid); end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 17
  • 18. declare v_rec departments % rowtype; begin select * into v_rec from departments where department_id=10; dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : '); dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_rec.department_id); dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_rec.department_name); dbms_output.put_line('Manager: '||v_rec.manager_id); dbms_output.put_line('Location : '|| v_rec.location_id); end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 18
  • 19. ‫‪declare‬‬ ‫;‪v_rec departments % rowtype‬‬ ‫عشفُا (‪ ًْ ٔ )v_rec‬يصفٕفت يٍ انًخغٍشاث يبٍُت‬ ‫عهى األعًذة انًٕخٕدة فً اندذٔل‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫91‬
  • 20. begin select * into v_rec from departments ‫ُْا اخخشَا خًٍع انحقٕل‬ where department_id=10; ‫انًٕخٕدة فً اندذٔل‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 20
  • 21. dbms_output.put_line('The recors is : '); dbms_output.put_line('ID : '|| v_rec . department_id); dbms_output.put_line('Name : '|| v_rec . department_name); dbms_output.put_line('Manager: '||v_rec . manager_id); dbms_output.put_line('Location : '|| v_rec . location_id ); end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 21
  • 22. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 22
  • 23. ‫1.خًهت انششط‬ IF then SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 23
  • 24. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 24
  • 25. declare v_salary employees.salary %type; begin select salary into v_salary from employees where employee_id=150; if v_salary > 10000 then dbms_output.put_line('VIP'); end if ; end; v_salary employee_id VIP SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 25
  • 26. ‫خٛاب اٌششط إرا واْ خطأ‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫62‬
  • 27. declare v_salary employees.salary %type; begin select salary into v_salary from employees where employee_id=102; if v_salary > 10000 then dbms_output.put_line('VIP'); else dbms_output.put_line('normal'); end if ; end; normal SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 27
  • 28. ‫خٛاب اٌششط ارا واْ خطأ‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫82‬
  • 29. declare v_salary employees.salary%type; begin select salary into v_salary from employees where employee_id=150; if v_salary > 10000 then dbms_output.put_line('VIP'); elsif (v_salary >=3000 and v_salary <=10000) then dbms_output.put_line('normal'); else dbms_output.put_line('low'); end if; end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 29
  • 30. declare v_salary employees.salary%type; begin select salary into v_salary from employees where employee_id=150; if v_salary > 10000 then dbms_output.put_line('VIP'); elsif (v_salary >=3000 and v_salary <=10000) then dbms_output.put_line('normal'); else dbms_output.put_line('low'); end if; end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 30
  • 31. normal Low SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 31
  • 32. declare v_salary employees.salary%type; begin select salary into v_salary from employees where employee_id=150; if v_salary > 10000 then dbms_output.put_line('VIP'); elsif (v_salary between 3000 and 10000) then dbms_output.put_line('normal'); else dbms_output.put_line('low'); end if; end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 32
  • 33. normal Low SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 33
  • 34. ‫نكٍ الحع ُْا كخابت ‪elsif‬‬ ‫ٔال حخطً فٍٓا فًٓ نٍغج ‪elseif‬‬ ‫بئيكاَُا اعخخذاو ( ‪ ) And , Between‬داخم‬ ‫خًهت انششط ) ‪( IF & elsIf‬‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫43‬
  • 35. ‫2. انخكشاس‬ ‫ٌٕٔخذ عذة أٔايش نهخكشاس ًْٔ:‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫53‬
  • 36. (i) loop-exit-end SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 36
  • 38. declare v_counter number := 1; begin v_counter loop dbms_output.put_line(v_counter); v_counter:=v_counter+1; exit when v_counter>10; end loop; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 38
  • 39. declare v_counter number :=10; begin v_counter loop dbms_output.put_line(v_counter); v_counter:=v_counter-1; exit when v_counter=0; end loop; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 39
  • 40. (ii) WHILE - LOOP - END SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 40
  • 42. declare v_counter v_counter number :=1; begin while v_counter <=10 loop dbms_output.put_line(v_counter); v_counter:=v_counter+1; end loop; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 42
  • 43. declare v_counter v_counter number :=10; begin while v_counter >=1 loop dbms_output.put_line(v_counter); v_counter:=v_counter-1; end loop; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 43
  • 44. declare v_sal employees.salary %type; v_counter number :=0; begin select salary into v_sal from employees where employee_id=106; while v_sal <10000 loop v_sal :=v_sal*1.2; v_counter :=v_counter+1; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('The number of monthes is : '||v_counter); end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 44
  • 45. v_sal v_counter salary SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 45
  • 46. (iii) FOR - IN - LOOP - END SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 46
  • 47. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 47
  • 48. begin For v_counter in 1 ..10 loop dbms_output.put_line(v_counter); end loop; end ; :: ‫ٔاذح اٌثشٔاِح‬ v_counter = 1 v_counter = 2 v_counter = 3 v_counter = 4 10 ُ‫سٛف يطثغ إٌى اٌشل‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 48
  • 49. begin For v_counter in reverse 1..10 loop dbms_output.put_line(v_counter); end loop; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 49
  • 50. ‫فً خًهت ‪For‬‬ ‫يا َحخاج ‪ Declare‬ألٌ َقذس َعشف يخغٍش‬ ‫داخم انششط‬ ‫يثم:: يثال سقى 21 ٔ 31‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫05‬
  • 51. CURSORS ‫اٌّؤششاخ‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 51
  • 52. ‫‪CURSORS‬‬ ‫ذسرخذَ اٌّؤششاخ إلداسج ػثاساخ اٌرحذيذ ‪ Select‬في ٌغح ‪ٚ sql‬وّا‬ ‫الحظٕا األٚاِش اٌساتمح ِثً ‪ٚIF‬اٌرىشاس ٌُ ٔسرخذِٙا ِغ تيأاخ اٌدذاٚي‬ ‫اٌّخضٔح ٌٚؼًّ رٌه التذ ِٓ اسرخذاَ ٘زٖ اٌّؤششاخ.‬ ‫ٕٚ٘ان ٔٛػيٓ ِٓ اٌّؤششاخ ٘ي اٌضّٕيح ٚاٌصشيحح ٚسٛف ٔرطشق ٌه‬ ‫ٚاحذ تاٌرفصيً ٚاألِثٍح اٌالصِح.‬ ‫اٌّؤششاخ اٌصشيحح :‬ ‫يرُ ذؼشيف ٘زا إٌٛع ِٓ اٌّؤششاخ ودضء ِٓ اإلػالْ ‪ٚDeclare‬يدة اْ‬ ‫ذشرًّ ػثاسج ‪SQL‬اٌّؼشفٗ ػٍى ػثاسج اٌرحذيذ ‪Select‬فمظ‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫25‬
  • 53. ‫‪CURSORS‬‬ ‫ٚػٕذ اسرخذاَ اٌّؤششاخ اٌصشيحح دائّا ِا سرىرة أستؼح ِىٛٔاخ وّا يٍي:‬ ‫١- يرُ ذؼشيف اٌّؤشش في اٌدضء ‪Declare‬‬ ‫‪Begin‬‬ ‫٢- يرُ فرح اٌّؤشش تؼذ ػثاسج‬ ‫اٌصيغح اٌؼاِح ٌرؼشيف اٌّؤشش اٌصشيح وّا يٍي:‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫35‬
  • 54. CURSORS SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 54
  • 55. CURSORS SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 55
  • 56. CURSORS _ Loop SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 56
  • 57. declare v_id employees.employee_id%type; v_fname employees.first_name%type; v_lname employees.last_name%type; v_sal employees.salary%type; cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary from employees where department_id=50; begin open c; loop fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal; exit when c % notfound; dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' '||v_fname||' '||v_lname||' '||v_sal); end loop; close c; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 57
  • 58. declare v_id employees.employee_id%type; v_fname employees.first_name%type; v_lname employees.last_name%type; v_sal employees.salary%type; cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary from employees where department_id=50; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 58
  • 59. ‫•جلب‬ begin open c; loop fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal; exit when c % notfound; dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' '||v_fname||' '||v_lname||' '||v_sal); end loop; close c; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 59
  • 60. ‫الحظٕا في اٌّثاي اٌساتك أْ االسرؼالَ في ‪Cursor‬‬ ‫سٛف يؼٛد تسدً ٚاحذ ٌىٓ ِارا يحذز ٌٛ أػاد اٌّؤشش أوثش ِٓ سدً‬ ‫ٚأسدٔا اٌّشٚس ػٍى وافح اٌسدالخ ؟‬ ‫ٌزا ٔسرخذَ األِش ‪Found OR NotFound‬‬ ‫ٔسرخذَ األِش ‪ِ NotFound‬غ ‪Loop‬‬ ‫ً٘ سدالخ اٌّؤشش أرٙد أَ ال ٚٔؼشف رٌه ِٓ خالي خاصيح ‪Found‬‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫06‬
  • 61. CURSORS _ While while %found loop SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 61
  • 62. declare v_id employees.employee_id%type; v_fname employees.first_name%type; v_lname employees.last_name%type; v_sal employees.salary%type; cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary from employees where department_id=50; begin open c; fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal; while c %found loop dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' '||v_fname||' '||v_lname||' '||v_sal); fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal; end loop; close c; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 62
  • 63. begin open c; fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal; while c %found loop dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' '||v_fname||' '||v_lname||' '||v_sal); fetch c into v_id,v_fname,v_lname,v_sal; end loop; close c; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 63
  • 64. declare cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary from employees where department_id=50; v_rec c %rowtype; begin open c; fetch c into v_rec; while c %found loop dbms_output.put_line(v_rec.employee_id||' '||v_rec.first_name||' '||v_rec.last_name||' '||v_rec.salary); fetch c into v_rec; end loop; close c; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 64
  • 65. %rowtype v_rec SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 65
  • 66. declare cursor c is select employee_id,first_name,last_name,salary from employees where department_id=50; begin for v_rec in c loop dbms_output.put_line(v_rec.employee_id||' '||v_rec.first_name||' '||v_rec.last_name||' '||v_rec.salary); end loop; end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 66
  • 67. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 67
  • 68. declare v_job employees.job_id%type; v_id employees.employee_id%type; cursor c is select employee_id,job_id from employees; begin open c; loop fetch c into v_id,v_job; exit when c%notfound; if v_job='ST_CLERK' then delete from employees where employee_id=v_id; elsif v_job='IT_PROG' then update employees set department_id=50 where employee_id=v_id; else dbms_output.put_line('No Changes'); end if; end loop; close c; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 68
  • 69. v_id v_sal v_sal v_id SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 69
  • 70. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 70
  • 71. declare v_sal employees.salary%type; v_id employees.employee_id%type; cursor c is select employee_id,salary from employees; begin open c; loop fetch c into v_id,v_sal; exit when c%notfound; if v_sal < 3000 then update employees set salary=salary*1.2 where employee_id=v_id; elsif v_sal between 3000 and 10000 then update employees set salary=salary*1.15 where employee_id=v_id; else update employees set salary=salary*1.1 where employee_id=v_id; end if; end loop; close c; end ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 71
  • 72. Used Conditions One Fetch & ( % notFound ) Loop If Two Fetch & ( % Found ) While Don’t use Fetch For SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 72
  • 74. ‫‪Exception‬‬ ‫: ‪Exception handlers‬‬ ‫ْٕ خضء اخخٍاسي ، ٔ ْزا اندضء ٌبذأ بكهًت ‪Exception‬‬ ‫ٔ فً ْزا اندضء ٌخى ححذٌذ اإلخشاء انزي عٍخى احخارِ‬ ‫فً حانت حذٔد خطأ‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫47‬
  • 75. Exception :: ‫ذٕمسُ األخطاء إٌى‬ 1. Too many rows 2. No data found 3. Zero divide 4. Others SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 75
  • 76. Exception 1. Too many rows declare v_lname employees.last_name%type; begin dbms_output.put_line('Before Exception'); select last_name into v_lname from employees; dbms_output.put_line(v_lname); exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement'); end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 76
  • 77. Exception 2. No data found declare v_lname employees.last_name%type; begin select last_name into v_lname from employees where employee_id=101; dbms_output.put_line(v_lname); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement'); end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 77
  • 78. Exception 3. Zero divide declare v_lname employees.last_name%type; begin select last_name into v_lname from employees where employee_id=101; dbms_output.put_line(50/0); exception when zero_divide then dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero'); end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 78
  • 79. Exception create table error ( title varchar2(25), err_date date ) Title ‫خاص تؼٕٛاْ اٌخطأ‬ err_date ‫خاص تراسيخ اٌخطأ‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 79
  • 80. Exception declare v_lname employees.last_name%type; begin select last_name into v_lname from employees ; dbms_output.put_line(v_lname); dbms_output.put_line(50/0); exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement'); insert into error values('Too many rows',sysdate); when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement'); insert into error values('no data found',sysdate); when zero_divide then dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero'); insert into error values('Zero Divide',sysdate); end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 80
  • 81. exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement'); insert into error values('Too many rows',sysdate); when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement'); insert into error values('no data found', sysdate); when zero_divide then dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero'); insert into error values('Zero Divide',sysdate); end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 81
  • 82. Exception 4. Others declare v_lname employees.last_name%type; begin select last_name into v_lname from employees ; dbms_output.put_line(v_lname); dbms_output.put_line(50/0); exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement'); insert into error values('Too many rows',sysdate); when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement'); insert into error values('no data found',sysdate); when zero_divide then dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero'); insert into error values('Zero Divide',sysdate); when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error'); end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 82
  • 83. exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('Pleae set Comndition in sql statement'); insert into error values('Too many rows',sysdate); when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No data returned from sql statement'); insert into error values('no data found',sysdate); when zero_divide then dbms_output.put_line('Cant division on zero'); insert into error values('Zero Divide',sysdate); when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error'); SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 83
  • 84. ‫‪Exception‬‬ ‫**حعشٌف انخطأ كًخغٍش‬ ‫طشٌقت اعخخذاو األٔايش انخانٍت يع داخم‬ ‫( ‪) Exception‬‬ ‫‪** Raise‬‬ ‫‪** Commit‬‬ ‫‪** Rollback‬‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫48‬
  • 85. Exception declare v_sal employees.salary%type; my_exp exception; begin update employees set salary=salary*1.7 where employee_id=200; select salary into v_sal from employees where employee_id=200; if v_sal >5500 then raise my_exp; else dbms_output.put_line('The salary is updated'); commit; end if; exception when my_exp then dbms_output.put_line('The salary is more than 7500'); rollback; end; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 85
  • 86. :: ‫**حعشٌف انخطأ كًخغٍش‬ Declare ًٍ‫ًٌكٍ حعشٌف يخغٍش ( خاص باألخطاء ) ض‬ declare v_sal employees.salary%type; my_exp exception; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 86
  • 87. ‫‪** Raise‬‬ ‫‪if v_sal >5500 then‬‬ ‫;‪raise my_exp‬‬ ‫إرا طهع انششط ( ‪ ) IF‬خطأ ٌعًم إصاحت نّ( اعخشاض )‬ ‫إنى يكاٌ انخاص باألخطاء‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫78‬
  • 88. ** Commit else dbms_output.put_line('The salary is updated'); commit; end if; data base ٍ‫) إرا خشخُا ي‬commit( ‫ٔظٍفت‬ ‫ٌـحـخـفع بدًٍع انخحذٌثاث ٔ انقٍى‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 88
  • 89. ** Rollback exception when my_exp then dbms_output.put_line('The salary is more than 7500'); rollback; end; data base ٍ‫) إرا خشخُا ي‬rollback( ‫ٔظٍفت‬ ‫ٌخشاخع عٍ خًٍع انخحذٌثاث ٔ انقٍى‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 89
  • 90. Procedure & Function SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 90
  • 91. Procedure Begin Exception End ( ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 91
  • 92. Procedure SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 92
  • 93. Procedure SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 93
  • 94. Function Begin Exception End ( ; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 94
  • 95. ‫‪Function‬‬ ‫تحدثنا في الشريحة السابقة عن اإلجراءات المخزنة و اآلن نتحدث عن الوظائف المخزنة‬ ‫لكن الفرق أن الوظائف المخزنة ترجع قيمة‬ ‫الصيغة العامة كما يلي :‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫59‬
  • 96. ً‫ ) ف‬Declare ( ‫ال ٌٕخذ قغى‬ ) Function ( ٔ )Procedure( SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 96
  • 97. Procedure create or replace procedure print_all_emp( p_did employees.department_id%type) as cursor c is select first_name,last_name,salary from employees where department_id=p_did; begin for v_rec in c loop dbms_output.put_line(v_rec.first_name||' '||v_rec.last_name||' '||v_rec.salary); end loop; end print_all_emp; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 97
  • 98. create or replace procedure print_all_emp ( p_did employees.department_id%type ) SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 98
  • 99. Procedure create table circle ( id number, r number); create or replace procedure circle_proc (p_id number) is v_r number; begin select r into v_r from circle where id=p_id; dbms_output.put_line('Muhit : '||(2*3.14*v_r)); dbms_output.put_line('Area : '||(v_r*v_r*3.14)); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('The circle you selected no exists'); end circle_proc; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 99
  • 100. create or replace procedure circle_proc (p_id number) is v_r number; begin select r into v_r from circle where id=p_id; dbms_output.put_line(‘ Muhit : '||(2*3.14*v_r)); dbms_output.put_line('Area : '||(v_r*v_r*3.14)); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('The circle you selected no exists'); end circle_proc; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 100
  • 101. Function create or replace function getR(p_id number) return number is v_r number; begin select r into v_r from circle where id=p_id; return v_r; exception when no_data_found then return 0; end getR; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 101
  • 102. Procedure create or replace procedure circle_proc( p_id number) is v_r number; begin v_r := getR( p_id ); dbms_output.put_line('Muhit : '||(2*3.14*v_r)); dbms_output.put_line('Area : '||(v_r*v_r*3.14)); end ; ) Function ( ‫ ) إنى‬v_r ( ‫قًُا بئعُاد قًٍت انًخغٍش اندذٌذ‬ ) Example 30 ( ً‫انغابقت انخً قًُا بخعشٌفٓا ف‬ SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 102
  • 103. Function create or replace function getDid (p_eid number) return number is v_did number; begin select department_id into v_did from employees where employee_id=p_eid; return v_did; exception when no_data_found then return 0; end getDid; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 103
  • 104. Procedure create or replace procedure updateEmpSal(p_eid number) is v_did number; begin v_did :=getDid(p_eid); if v_did!=0 then if(v_did=50) then update employees set salary=salary*1.5 where employee_id=p_eid; else update employees set salary=salary*1.2 where employee_id=p_eid; end if; else dbms_output.put_line('Employee not found'); end if; end updateEmpSal; SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 104
  • 105. Procedure SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 105
  • 106. Procedure SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 106
  • 107. Procedure SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 107
  • 108. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 108
  • 109. SQL - PL ‫دسٔط‬ 109
  • 110. ‫ذــــُ‬ ‫تحّذ هللا‬ ‫دسٔط ‪SQL - PL‬‬ ‫011‬