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The route of administration (ROA)
that is chosen may have a
profound effect upon the speed
and efficiency with which the
drug acts
 The possible routes of drug entry into the body
may be divided into two classes:
o Enteral
Oral Rectal Sublingual
Dermal Inhalational Conjunctival Intraocular
Lozenge Drops tabs
Some drugs are taken as smaller tablets which are held in the mouth or under the
• Advantages
 rapidabsorption (angina pectoris)
 drug stability
 avoidfirst-passeffect
• Disadvantages
 Inconvenient for all drugs .
 small doses
 unpleasant taste of some drugs
 E.g. of sublingual drugs:Trinitroglycerin, Borbrinpherin
 E.g. of buccal drug: Nicotine
Tabs Capsules
Suspensions syrups Gels Elixirs Powders solutions
convenient soluble Dispersible Effervescent Chewable
 Advantages
 Convenient - can be self- administered, pain free, easy to take
 Absorption - takes place along the whole length of the GI tract
 Cheap - compared to most other parenteral routes
 Disadvantages
 Sometimes inefficient - only part of the drug may be absorbed
 First-passeffect - drugs absorbed orally are initially transported to the
liver via the portal vein
 irritation to gastric mucosa - nausea and vomiting
 Disadvantages cont.
 destructionof drugs by gastric acid and digestive juices
 effect too slowfor emergencies
 unpleasant taste of some drugs
 unable to use in unconscious patient
‫الهضمي‬ ‫الجهاز‬ ‫بحركية‬ ‫يتأثر‬‫و‬‫الطعام‬ ‫تناول‬ ‫أو‬ ‫أخرى‬ ‫أدوية‬ ‫بإعطاء‬(‫ا‬‫ل‬‫مث‬:‫قد‬‫ي‬‫فاقم‬
‫الميتوكلوبراميد‬‫األدوية‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫امتصاص‬)‫وبمدى‬‫استقلب‬‫للدواء‬ ‫الكبد‬Er‫الممتص‬(‫تأثير‬
‫األول‬ ‫العبور‬),‫ا‬‫ل‬‫مث‬:‫يتخرب‬75%‫من‬‫البروبرانول‬‫الممتص‬(‫ذلك‬ ‫من‬ ‫وأكثر‬
‫للكيتامين‬)‫الكبد‬ ‫ضمن‬ ‫األول‬ ‫العبور‬ ‫لدى‬.
‫بي‬ ‫األمعاء‬ ‫ضمن‬ ‫كامل‬ ‫أو‬ ‫كبير‬ ‫بشكل‬ ‫األدوية‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫فعالية‬ ‫زال‬ُ‫ت‬ ‫حال‬ ‫كل‬ ‫على‬‫يتأثر‬ ‫ال‬ ‫نما‬
‫اآلخر‬ ‫البعض‬
 The first-pass effect is the term used for the hepatic metabolism of
a pharmacological agent when it is absorbed from the gut and
delivered to the liver via the portal circulation. The greater the
first-pass effect, the less the agent will reach the systemic
circulation when the agent is administered orally
Magnitude of first pass hepatic effect:
Extraction ratio (ER)
ER = CL liver / Q ; where Q is hepatic blood flow (usually
about 90 L per hour.
Systemic drug bioavailability (F) may be determined from the
extent of absorption (f) and the extraction ratio (ER):
F = f x (1 -ER)
Hardcapsules Softcapsules
Parenteral topical
composedof twoparts, canbe
packedpowderor granules
Soft capsules
one piece. Containinga liquidor
Liquidphase minimumdegreeof
One phase Highly sugared Aqueous sol.
1. unconscious patients and children
2. if patient is nauseous or vomiting
3. absorption may be variable
4. good for drugs affecting the bowel suchas laxatives
5. irritating drugs contraindicated
•‫امتص‬ ‫لضمان‬ ‫المستقيم‬ ‫ضمن‬ ‫الدواء‬ ‫يبقى‬ ‫أن‬ ‫شترط‬ُ‫ي‬‫اصه‬.
•‫تمتص‬ ‫قد‬50%‫الدوران‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫الدواء‬ ‫جرعة‬ ‫من‬‫الجهازي‬
‫وال‬5%‫هذه‬ ‫تختلف‬ ‫عموما‬ ‫لكن‬ ‫البابي‬ ‫الدوران‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫األخرى‬
‫دواء‬ ‫بين‬ ‫النسب‬‫و‬‫آخر‬.
Gels Ointments Creams Pastes Powders Aerosols Lotions TD patches
•Mucosal membranes (eye drops, antiseptic, sunscreen,
callous removal, nasal, etc.)
a. Dermal - rubbing in of oil or ointment
(local action)
b. Transdermal - absorption of drug through skin (systemic
i. stable blood levels
ii. no first pass metabolism
iii. drug must be potent or patch
becomes to large
‫الجلدية‬ ‫الصيدالنية‬ ‫األشكال‬ ‫من‬:Cream, ointment, gel, solution
‫الجلد‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫الصيدالنية‬ ‫األشكال‬ ‫من‬:Patchs‫اللصوقات‬‫األشكال‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫تصمم‬ ‫الجلدية‬
‫الدوران‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫العديدة‬ ‫بطبقاته‬ ‫الجلد‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫الدوائية‬ ‫المادة‬ ‫عبور‬ ‫لضمان‬‫الجهازي‬..‫رغم‬‫أن‬
‫االمتصاص‬‫بطيئ‬‫مؤلم‬ ‫غير‬ ‫و‬ ‫موثوق‬ ‫لكنه‬.‫الطريق‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫المعطاة‬ ‫األدوية‬ ‫أشهر‬ ‫من‬:
-Fentanyl‫تطبق‬ ‫المزمن‬ ‫األلم‬ ‫لحاالت‬ ‫يستطب‬ ‫الذي‬‫اللصاقة‬‫ل‬72‫ساعة‬.
-Scopolamine=‫الهيوسين‬‫تطبق‬‫اللصاقة‬‫مدار‬ ‫على‬ ‫مستمر‬ ‫تحرر‬ ‫لتعطي‬‫ثللة‬‫أي‬‫ام‬
‫و‬ ‫الغثيان‬ ‫من‬ ‫للوقاية‬‫اإلقياء‬‫بعد‬ ‫تستطب‬ ‫قد‬ ‫أو‬ ‫السفر‬ ‫دوار‬ ‫عن‬ ‫ينجم‬ ‫قد‬ ‫الذي‬‫الجراحة‬
‫من‬ ‫للوقاية‬‫اإلقياء‬‫المخدرات‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫عن‬ ‫الناجم‬..
‫األخرى‬ ‫الموضعية‬ ‫األشكال‬ ‫من‬:
‫المهبلية‬:‫ومحاليل‬ ‫بويضات‬ ‫و‬ ‫كريمات‬..‫الفطرية‬ ‫كالصادات‬(‫كلوتريمازول‬)‫وال‬‫صادات‬
‫الحيوية‬(‫كليندامايسين‬)‫الموضعية‬ ‫الحمل‬ ‫مانعات‬ ‫و‬(‫بويضات‬‫نونوكسينول‬..)
‫الشرجية‬:‫مراهم‬ ‫و‬ ‫تحاميل‬(‫الشرجية‬ ‫البواسير‬ ‫لعلج‬ ‫كالمستخدمة‬)
Contact lens
Sols Suspensions
Sols Ointments Emulsion foams Gels Tabs Suppositories
Intranasal Intrarespiratory
Parenteral Enternal
Sols Sprays Inhalants Ointments
intranasal Intrarepiratory
1.gaseous and volatile agents and aerosols
2.rapid onset of action due to rapid access to circulation
a.large surface area
b.thin membranes separates alveoli circulation
c.high blood flow
Particles larger than 20 micron and the particles impact in
the mouth and throat. Smaller than 0.5 micron and they
aren't retained.
 Respiratory system. Except for IN, risk hypoxia.
 Intranasal (snorting) Snuff, cocaine may be partly oral via post-
nasal dripping. Fairly fast to brain, local damage to septum. Some
of the volatile gases also appear to cross nasal membranes.
 Smoke (Solids in air suspension, vapors) absorbed across lung
alveoli: Nicotine, opium, THC, freebase and crack cocaine, crystal
meth.Particles or vapors dissolve in lung fluids, then diffuse. Longer
action than volatile gases. Tissue damage from particles, tars, CO.
 Volatilegases: Some anaesthetics (nitrous oxide, ether) [precise
control], petroleum distillates. Diffusion and exhalation (alcohol).
 Lung-based transfer may get drug to brain in as little as five
Solutions Suspensions IV,IM,IA,SC
 Intravascular (IV, IA)- placing a drug directly into the blood stream
 Intramuscular (IM) - drug injected into skeletal muscle
 Subcutaneous - Absorption of drugs from the subcutaneoustissues
Absorption phase is bypassed
1.precise, accurate and almost immediate onset of action,
2. large quantities can be given, fairly pain free
3. greater risk of adverse effects
a. high concentration attained rapidly
b. risk of embolism
1. very rapidabsorptionof drugs in aqueous
2.repository and slowrelease preparations
3.painat injection sites for certain drugs
-‫الترا‬ ‫يؤذي‬ ‫قد‬ ‫أو‬ ‫كالبنسلين‬ ‫األدوية‬ ‫لبعض‬ ‫بالنسبة‬ ‫مؤلم‬‫كيب‬
‫المجاورة‬ ‫التشريحية‬(‫الوركي‬ ‫العصب‬ ‫أذية‬)
-‫امتصاص‬ ‫ا‬‫ل‬‫مث‬ ‫ا‬‫ا‬‫دائم‬ ‫موثوق‬ ‫االمتصاص‬ ‫يكون‬ ‫ال‬‫الديازيبا‬‫م‬‫لدى‬
‫بالعضل‬ ‫حقن‬ ‫اإلعطاء‬ ‫لدى‬ ‫منه‬ ‫أفضل‬ ‫الفموي‬ ‫التناول‬.
-‫ا‬ ‫تحت‬ ‫أو‬ ‫عضلي‬ ‫الحقن‬ ‫كان‬ ‫إذا‬ ‫فيما‬ ‫التأكد‬ ‫علينا‬ ‫يصعب‬ ‫قد‬‫لدى‬ ‫لجلد‬
‫البدين‬ ‫المريض‬
1. slow and constant absorption
2. absorption is limited by blood flow, affected if circulatory
problems exist
3. concurrent administration of vasoconstrictor will slow
 intravenous 30-60 seconds
 intraosseous 30-60 seconds
 endotracheal 2-3 minutes
 inhalation 2-3 minutes
 sublingual 3-5 minutes
 intramuscular 10-20 minutes
 subcutaneous 15-30 minutes
 rectal 5-30 minutes
 ingestion 30-90 minutes
 transdermal (topical) variable (minutes to hours)
 Oral - controlled-release, timed-release, sustained-release
 designed to produce slow,uniform absorption for 8 hours or
 better compliance, maintain effect over night, eliminate
extreme peaks and troughs
 Depot or reservoir preparations - parental
administration (except IV), may be prolonged by
using insoluble salts or suspensions in non-aqueous
The ROA is determined by the physical
characteristics of the drug, the speed
which the drug is absorbed and/ or
released, as well as the need to bypass
hepatic metabolism and achieve high
conc. at particular sites
No single method of
drug administration
is ideal for all drugs
in all circumstances
Very Important
Polt ghraph of different dosage forms and it’s plazma concentrations
The routes of drug administration and their effects

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The routes of drug administration and their effects

  • 1.
  • 2. The route of administration (ROA) that is chosen may have a profound effect upon the speed and efficiency with which the drug acts
  • 3.  The possible routes of drug entry into the body may be divided into two classes: o Enteral sublingual oral other oParenteral I.V I.M S.C
  • 4. ENTERNAL Drugs Enternal Oral Rectal Sublingual Topical Dermal Inhalational Conjunctival Intraocular parenteral
  • 6. Some drugs are taken as smaller tablets which are held in the mouth or under the tongue. • Advantages  rapidabsorption (angina pectoris)  drug stability  avoidfirst-passeffect
  • 7. • Disadvantages  Inconvenient for all drugs .  small doses  unpleasant taste of some drugs  E.g. of sublingual drugs:Trinitroglycerin, Borbrinpherin  E.g. of buccal drug: Nicotine
  • 8. Drugs Enternal Oral Tabs Capsules Suspensions syrups Gels Elixirs Powders solutions Parenteral
  • 10.  Advantages  Convenient - can be self- administered, pain free, easy to take  Absorption - takes place along the whole length of the GI tract  Cheap - compared to most other parenteral routes
  • 11.  Disadvantages  Sometimes inefficient - only part of the drug may be absorbed  First-passeffect - drugs absorbed orally are initially transported to the liver via the portal vein  irritation to gastric mucosa - nausea and vomiting
  • 12.  Disadvantages cont.  destructionof drugs by gastric acid and digestive juices  effect too slowfor emergencies  unpleasant taste of some drugs  unable to use in unconscious patient ‫الهضمي‬ ‫الجهاز‬ ‫بحركية‬ ‫يتأثر‬‫و‬‫الطعام‬ ‫تناول‬ ‫أو‬ ‫أخرى‬ ‫أدوية‬ ‫بإعطاء‬(‫ا‬‫ل‬‫مث‬:‫قد‬‫ي‬‫فاقم‬ ‫الميتوكلوبراميد‬‫األدوية‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫امتصاص‬)‫وبمدى‬‫استقلب‬‫للدواء‬ ‫الكبد‬Er‫الممتص‬(‫تأثير‬ ‫األول‬ ‫العبور‬),‫ا‬‫ل‬‫مث‬:‫يتخرب‬75%‫من‬‫البروبرانول‬‫الممتص‬(‫ذلك‬ ‫من‬ ‫وأكثر‬ ‫للكيتامين‬)‫الكبد‬ ‫ضمن‬ ‫األول‬ ‫العبور‬ ‫لدى‬. ‫بي‬ ‫األمعاء‬ ‫ضمن‬ ‫كامل‬ ‫أو‬ ‫كبير‬ ‫بشكل‬ ‫األدوية‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫فعالية‬ ‫زال‬ُ‫ت‬ ‫حال‬ ‫كل‬ ‫على‬‫يتأثر‬ ‫ال‬ ‫نما‬ ‫اآلخر‬ ‫البعض‬
  • 13.  The first-pass effect is the term used for the hepatic metabolism of a pharmacological agent when it is absorbed from the gut and delivered to the liver via the portal circulation. The greater the first-pass effect, the less the agent will reach the systemic circulation when the agent is administered orally
  • 14. Magnitude of first pass hepatic effect: Extraction ratio (ER) ER = CL liver / Q ; where Q is hepatic blood flow (usually about 90 L per hour. Systemic drug bioavailability (F) may be determined from the extent of absorption (f) and the extraction ratio (ER): F = f x (1 -ER)
  • 16. DRUG TREE HARD CAPS. Drugs Enternal Oral Capsules Hardcapsules composedof twoparts, canbe packedpowderor granules
  • 17. DRUG TREE SOFTCAPS. Drugs Enternal Oral Capsules Soft capsules one piece. Containinga liquidor semisolidmaterial
  • 18. DRUG TREE SUSPENSIONS Drugs Enternal Oral suspension s Solidphase Liquidphase minimumdegreeof dissolution Parenteral suspensions Topica
  • 19. DRUG TREE SYRUPS Drugs Enternal Oral Syrups One phase Highly sugared Aqueous sol. Parenteral topical
  • 21. 1. unconscious patients and children 2. if patient is nauseous or vomiting 3. absorption may be variable 4. good for drugs affecting the bowel suchas laxatives 5. irritating drugs contraindicated •‫امتص‬ ‫لضمان‬ ‫المستقيم‬ ‫ضمن‬ ‫الدواء‬ ‫يبقى‬ ‫أن‬ ‫شترط‬ُ‫ي‬‫اصه‬. •‫تمتص‬ ‫قد‬50%‫الدوران‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫الدواء‬ ‫جرعة‬ ‫من‬‫الجهازي‬ ‫وال‬5%‫هذه‬ ‫تختلف‬ ‫عموما‬ ‫لكن‬ ‫البابي‬ ‫الدوران‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫األخرى‬ ‫دواء‬ ‫بين‬ ‫النسب‬‫و‬‫آخر‬.
  • 22. TOPICAL Drugs Topical Derma Gels Ointments Creams Pastes Powders Aerosols Lotions TD patches
  • 23. •Mucosal membranes (eye drops, antiseptic, sunscreen, callous removal, nasal, etc.) •Skin a. Dermal - rubbing in of oil or ointment (local action) b. Transdermal - absorption of drug through skin (systemic action) i. stable blood levels ii. no first pass metabolism iii. drug must be potent or patch becomes to large
  • 24. ‫الجلدية‬ ‫الصيدالنية‬ ‫األشكال‬ ‫من‬:Cream, ointment, gel, solution ‫الجلد‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫الصيدالنية‬ ‫األشكال‬ ‫من‬:Patchs‫اللصوقات‬‫األشكال‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫تصمم‬ ‫الجلدية‬ ‫الدوران‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫العديدة‬ ‫بطبقاته‬ ‫الجلد‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫الدوائية‬ ‫المادة‬ ‫عبور‬ ‫لضمان‬‫الجهازي‬..‫رغم‬‫أن‬ ‫االمتصاص‬‫بطيئ‬‫مؤلم‬ ‫غير‬ ‫و‬ ‫موثوق‬ ‫لكنه‬.‫الطريق‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫المعطاة‬ ‫األدوية‬ ‫أشهر‬ ‫من‬: -Fentanyl‫تطبق‬ ‫المزمن‬ ‫األلم‬ ‫لحاالت‬ ‫يستطب‬ ‫الذي‬‫اللصاقة‬‫ل‬72‫ساعة‬. -Scopolamine=‫الهيوسين‬‫تطبق‬‫اللصاقة‬‫مدار‬ ‫على‬ ‫مستمر‬ ‫تحرر‬ ‫لتعطي‬‫ثللة‬‫أي‬‫ام‬ ‫و‬ ‫الغثيان‬ ‫من‬ ‫للوقاية‬‫اإلقياء‬‫بعد‬ ‫تستطب‬ ‫قد‬ ‫أو‬ ‫السفر‬ ‫دوار‬ ‫عن‬ ‫ينجم‬ ‫قد‬ ‫الذي‬‫الجراحة‬ ‫من‬ ‫للوقاية‬‫اإلقياء‬‫المخدرات‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫عن‬ ‫الناجم‬.. -‫لصوقات‬‫النيكوتين‬..‫إلخ‬. ‫األخرى‬ ‫الموضعية‬ ‫األشكال‬ ‫من‬: ‫المهبلية‬:‫ومحاليل‬ ‫بويضات‬ ‫و‬ ‫كريمات‬..‫الفطرية‬ ‫كالصادات‬(‫كلوتريمازول‬)‫وال‬‫صادات‬ ‫الحيوية‬(‫كليندامايسين‬)‫الموضعية‬ ‫الحمل‬ ‫مانعات‬ ‫و‬(‫بويضات‬‫نونوكسينول‬..) ‫الشرجية‬:‫مراهم‬ ‫و‬ ‫تحاميل‬(‫الشرجية‬ ‫البواسير‬ ‫لعلج‬ ‫كالمستخدمة‬)
  • 31. 1.gaseous and volatile agents and aerosols 2.rapid onset of action due to rapid access to circulation a.large surface area b.thin membranes separates alveoli circulation c.high blood flow Particles larger than 20 micron and the particles impact in the mouth and throat. Smaller than 0.5 micron and they aren't retained.
  • 32.  Respiratory system. Except for IN, risk hypoxia.  Intranasal (snorting) Snuff, cocaine may be partly oral via post- nasal dripping. Fairly fast to brain, local damage to septum. Some of the volatile gases also appear to cross nasal membranes.  Smoke (Solids in air suspension, vapors) absorbed across lung alveoli: Nicotine, opium, THC, freebase and crack cocaine, crystal meth.Particles or vapors dissolve in lung fluids, then diffuse. Longer action than volatile gases. Tissue damage from particles, tars, CO.  Volatilegases: Some anaesthetics (nitrous oxide, ether) [precise control], petroleum distillates. Diffusion and exhalation (alcohol).  Lung-based transfer may get drug to brain in as little as five seconds.
  • 34.  Intravascular (IV, IA)- placing a drug directly into the blood stream  Intramuscular (IM) - drug injected into skeletal muscle  Subcutaneous - Absorption of drugs from the subcutaneoustissues
  • 35.
  • 36. Absorption phase is bypassed (100%bioavailability) 1.precise, accurate and almost immediate onset of action, 2. large quantities can be given, fairly pain free 3. greater risk of adverse effects a. high concentration attained rapidly b. risk of embolism
  • 37. 1. very rapidabsorptionof drugs in aqueous solution 2.repository and slowrelease preparations 3.painat injection sites for certain drugs -‫الترا‬ ‫يؤذي‬ ‫قد‬ ‫أو‬ ‫كالبنسلين‬ ‫األدوية‬ ‫لبعض‬ ‫بالنسبة‬ ‫مؤلم‬‫كيب‬ ‫المجاورة‬ ‫التشريحية‬(‫الوركي‬ ‫العصب‬ ‫أذية‬) -‫امتصاص‬ ‫ا‬‫ل‬‫مث‬ ‫ا‬‫ا‬‫دائم‬ ‫موثوق‬ ‫االمتصاص‬ ‫يكون‬ ‫ال‬‫الديازيبا‬‫م‬‫لدى‬ ‫بالعضل‬ ‫حقن‬ ‫اإلعطاء‬ ‫لدى‬ ‫منه‬ ‫أفضل‬ ‫الفموي‬ ‫التناول‬. -‫ا‬ ‫تحت‬ ‫أو‬ ‫عضلي‬ ‫الحقن‬ ‫كان‬ ‫إذا‬ ‫فيما‬ ‫التأكد‬ ‫علينا‬ ‫يصعب‬ ‫قد‬‫لدى‬ ‫لجلد‬ ‫البدين‬ ‫المريض‬
  • 38. 1. slow and constant absorption 2. absorption is limited by blood flow, affected if circulatory problems exist 3. concurrent administration of vasoconstrictor will slow absorption
  • 39.  intravenous 30-60 seconds  intraosseous 30-60 seconds  endotracheal 2-3 minutes  inhalation 2-3 minutes  sublingual 3-5 minutes  intramuscular 10-20 minutes  subcutaneous 15-30 minutes  rectal 5-30 minutes  ingestion 30-90 minutes  transdermal (topical) variable (minutes to hours)
  • 40.  Oral - controlled-release, timed-release, sustained-release  designed to produce slow,uniform absorption for 8 hours or longer  better compliance, maintain effect over night, eliminate extreme peaks and troughs
  • 41.  Depot or reservoir preparations - parental administration (except IV), may be prolonged by using insoluble salts or suspensions in non-aqueous vehicles.
  • 42. The ROA is determined by the physical characteristics of the drug, the speed which the drug is absorbed and/ or released, as well as the need to bypass hepatic metabolism and achieve high conc. at particular sites Important Info
  • 43. No single method of drug administration is ideal for all drugs in all circumstances Very Important note!
  • 44. Polt ghraph of different dosage forms and it’s plazma concentrations