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Building your rst
MongoDB Acaon
Introduction to MongoDB
MongoDB Fundamentals
Running MongoDB
Schema Design
Ruby & Sinatra Crash Course
Building Our First App
@spf13Steve Francia
Chief Developer Advocate @
responsible for drivers,
integrations, web & docs
Iroducon to
What Is MongoDB?
* Document
* Open source
* High performance
* Horizontally scalable
* Full featured
MongoDB is a ___________ database
* Not for .PDF & .DOC files
* A document is essentially an associative
* Document == JSON object
* Document == PHP Array
* Document == Python Dict
* Document == Ruby Hash
* etc
Documt Database
* MongoDB is an open source
* On GitHub
* Licensed under the AGPL
* Commercial licenses available
* Contributions welcome
Op Source
* Written in C++
* Extensive use of memory-mapped files
i.e. read-through write-through memory
* Runs nearly everywhere
* Data serialized as BSON (fast parsing)
* Full support for primary & secondary indexes
* Document model = less work
High Pfoance
Hozoal Scable
* Ad Hoc queries
* Real time aggregation
* Rich query capabilities
* Traditionally consistent
* Geospatial features
* Support for most programming languages
* Flexible schema
Full Ftured
Depth of Functionality
Database ndscape
What is a Record?
K → Value
* One-dimensional storage
* Single value is a blob
* Query on key only
* No schema
* Value cannot be updated, only
Key Blob
* Two-dimensional storage
* Each field contains a single
* Query on any field
* Very structured schema (table)
* In-place updates
* Normalization process requires
many tables, joins, indexes, and
poor data locality
* N-dimensional storage
* Each field can contain 0, 1,
many, or embedded values
* Query on any field & level
* Flexible schema
* Inline updates *
* Embedding related data has optimal data
locality, requires fewer indexes, has better
Mongo Shl
user = {
username: 'fred.jones',
first_name: 'fred',
last_name: 'jones',
Sta wh an object
(or ay, hash, dict, c)
> db.users.insert(user)
Inst e record
No collection creation needed
> db.users.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("50804d0bd94ccab2da652599"),
"username" : "fred.jones",
"first_name" : "fred",
"last_name" : "jones"
Quying for e us
* _id is the primary key in MongoDB
* Automatically indexed
* Automatically created as an
ObjectId if not provided
* Any unique immutable value could
be used
* ObjectId is a special 12 byte
* Guaranteed to be unique across
your cluster
* ObjectId("50804d0bd94ccab2da652599")
ts mac pid inc
Tdaonal scha design
Focuses on data stoge
Documt scha design
Focuses on use
4 Building blocks
of Documt Design
* Choices for schema design
* Each record can have different fields
* Field names consistent for
* Common structure can be enforced by
* Easy to evolve as needed
* Each field can be:
* Absent
* Set to null
* Set to a single value
* Set to an array of many values
* Query for any matching value
* Can be indexed and each value in the array
is in the index
beed Documts
* An acceptable value is a
* Nested documents provide
* Query any field at any level
* Can be indexed
* Object in your model
* Associations with other entities
 Aßociaon
Referencing (Relational) Embedding (Document)
has_one embeds_one
belongs_to embedded_in
has_many embeds_many
MongoDB has both referencing and embedding for universal coverage
Excise 1:
Mod a busineß card
Busineß Card
“_id”: 2,
“name”: “Steven Jobs”,
“title”: “VP, New Product
“company”: “Apple Computer”,
“phone”: “408-996-1010”,
“address_id”: 1
“_id”: 1,
“street”: “10260 Bandley Dr”,
“city”: “Cupertino”,
“state”: “CA”,
“zip_code”: ”95014”,
“country”: “USA”
“_id”: 2,
“name”: “Steven Jobs”,
“title”: “VP, New Product
“company”: “Apple Computer”,
“address”: {
“street”: “10260 Bandley Dr”,
“city”: “Cupertino”,
“state”: “CA”,
“zip_code”: ”95014”,
“country”: “USA”
“phone”: “408-996-1010”
Excise 2:
Store a busineß card
“_id”: 2,
“name”: “Steven Jobs”,
“title”: “VP, New Product
“company”: “Apple Computer”,
“phone”: “408-996-1010”,
“address_id”: 1
Insng wh Rce
“_id”: 1,
“street”: “10260 Bandley Dr”,
“city”: “Cupertino”,
“state”: “CA”,
“zip_code”: ”95014”,
“country”: “USA”
Excise 3:
Re a busineß card
c = db.contacts.findOne(
“name”: “Steven Jobs”,
Quying wh Rce
“_id”: c.address_id,
“street”: “10260 Bandley Dr”,
“city”: “Cupertino”,
“state”: “CA”,
“zip_code”: ”95014”,
“country”: “USA”
Building a
MongoDB has nave bindings
for nr allnguages
Official Support for 12 languages
Community drivers for tons more
Drivers connect to mongo servers
Drivers translate BSON into native types
mongo shell is not a driver, but works like
one in some ways
Installed using typical means (npm, pecl,
gem, pip)
MongoDB dvs
Building an a in Ruby?
Had to pick a language
Sinatra is very minimal and approachable
Wanted to focus on MongoDB interaction
Ruby gems are awesome
Works well on Windows, OS X & Linux
Seemed like a good idea at the time
Csh Course
hing is an object
class Foo
# => Fixnum
# => String
# => Symbol
# => Class
# => Foo
def do_stuff(thing)
class TheThing
def do_the_stuff
puts "Stuff was done!"
name = 'World' # => "World"
"Hello, #{name}" # => "Hello, World"
'Hello, #{name}' # => "Hello, #{name}"
1 + 1 # => 2
1 + 1.1 # => 2.1
6 * 7 # => 42
6 ** 7 # => 279936
Math.sqrt(65536) # => 256.0
1.class # => Fixnum
(2 ** 42).class # => Fixnum
(2 ** 64).class # => Bignum
1.1.class # => Float
a = [1,2,3]
a[0] = 'one'
# => []
# => [nil, nil, nil]
# => []
# => [1, 2, 3]
# => "one"
# => ["one", 2, 3]
# => 3
# => [2, 3]
h = {1 => "one", 2 => "two"}
h[:one] = "einz"
# => {}
# => {}
# => "one"
# => nil
# => "einz"
# => "einz"
# => [1, 2, :one]
# => ["one", "two", "einz"]
Vaables & Names
CamelCased # Classes, modules
with_underscores # methods, local variables
Corol Structuresif condition
# ...
elsif other_condition
# ...
unless condition
# ...
# ...
Sinat is...
not Rails
not a framework
a DSL for quickly creating web
applications in Ruby with
minimal effort
Hlo World
# myapp.rb
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
'Hello world!'
TP Acons
In Sinatra, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching
Each route is associated with a block:
get '/' do
.. show something ..
post '/' do
.. create something ..
put '/' do
.. replace something ..
delete '/' do
.. annihilate something ..
Routes are matched in the order they are defined.
The first route that matches the request is invoked.
Route patterns may include named parameters,
accessible via the params hash:
get '/hello/:name' do
# matches "GET /hello/foo" and "GET /hello/bar"
# params[:name] is 'foo' or 'bar'
"Hello #{params[:name]}!"
#You can also access named parameters via block parameters:
get '/hello/:name' do |n|
"Hello #{n}!"
Route patterns may also include splat
(or wildcard) parameters, accessible via the
params[:splat] array:
get '/say/*/to/*' do
# matches /say/hello/to/world
params[:splat] # => ["hello", "world"]
get '/download/*.*' do
# matches /download/path/to/file.xml
params[:splat] # => ["path/to/file", "xml"]
Building our
A in Ruby
Iroducing e mieu a
our database
Download & Impo e vues
curl -L | 
mongoimport -d milieu -c venues
mongoimport -d milieu -c venues StrangeLoopVenues.json
Mongo Shl
L’s lk at e vues
> use milieu
switched to db milieu
> db.venues.count()
L’s lk at e vues
> db.venues.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("52335163695c9d31c2000001"),
"location" : {
"address" : "1820 Market St",
"distance" : 85,
"postalCode" : "63103",
"city" : "Saint Louis",
"state" : "MO",
"country" : "United States",
"cc" : "US",
"geo" : [
"name" : "St. Louis Union Station Hotel- A DoubleTree by Hilton",
"contact" : {
"phone" : "3146215262",
"formattedPhone" : "(314) 621-5262",
"url" : ""
"stats" : {
"checkinsCount" : 0,
"usersCount" : 0
Crng a Geo index
> db.venues.ensureIndex({ 'location.geo' : '2d'})
> db.venues.getIndexes()
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "milieu.venues",
"name" : "_id_"
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"location.geo" : "2d"
"ns" : "milieu.venues",
"name" : "location.geo_"
Sta wh a skon
▸ config/
▸ helpers/
▾ model/
▾ public/
▸ bootstrap/
▾ css/
▸ images/
▾ views/
Download & Install deps
mkdir milieu
cd milieu
tar zxvf GettingStarted.tgz
bundle install
Resolving dependencies...
Using bson (1.9.2)
Using bson_ext (1.9.2)
Using googlestaticmap (1.1.4)
Using tilt (1.4.1)
Using haml (4.0.3)
Using mongo (1.9.2)
Using rack (1.5.2)
Using rack-protection (1.5.0)
Using shotgun (0.9)
Using sinatra (1.4.3)
Using bundler (1.3.5)
Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is
Run a
== Shotgun/WEBrick on
[2013-09-13 21:25:43] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2013-09-13 21:25:43] INFO ruby 2.0.0 (2013-06-27)
[2013-09-13 21:25:43] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start:
pid=85344 port=9393
Op Brows to locaost:9393
Pri --- ror Scre
Connecng to MongoDB
require 'mongo'
require './model/mongoModule'
require './model/user'
# Connection code goes here
CONNECTION ="localhost")
DB = CONNECTION.db('milieu')
# Alias to collections goes here
USERS = DB['users']
VENUES = DB['venues']
CHECKINS = DB['checkins']
sng Vues
get '/venues' do
# Code to list all venues goes here
@venues = VENUES.░░░░░
haml :venues
sng Vues
get '/venues' do
# Code to list all venues goes here
@venues = VENUES.find
haml :venues
sng Vues
%h2 Venues
%th Name
%th Address
%th Longitude
%th Latitude
~@venues.each do |venue|
%a{:href => '/venue/' << venue['_id'].to_s}= venue['name']
%td= venue['location']['address'] ? venue['location']['address'] : '&nbsp'
%td= venue['location']['geo'][0].round(2)
%td= venue['location']['geo'][1].round(2)
sng Vueslocalhost:9393/venues
Paginang Vues
get '/venues/?:page?' do
@page = params.fetch('page', 1).to_i
pp = 10
@venues = VENUES.find.░░░░░(░░░░).░░░░(░░░)
@total_pages = (VENUES.░░░░░.to_i / pp).ceil
haml :venues
# replaces the prior entry
Paginang Vues
get '/venues/?:page?' do
@page = params.fetch('page', 1).to_i
pp = 10
@venues = VENUES.find.skip((@page - 1) * pp).limit(pp)
@total_pages = (VENUES.count.to_i / pp).ceil
haml :venues
# replaces the prior entry
%h2 Venues
%th Name
%th Address
%th Longitude
%th Latitude
~@venues.each do |venue|
%a{:href => '/venue/' << venue['_id'].to_s}= venue['name']
%td= venue['location']['address'] ? venue['location']['address'] : '&nbsp'
%td= venue['location']['geo'][0].round(2)
%td= venue['location']['geo'][1].round(2)
sng Vues
paging rough Vueslocalhost:9393/venues
Crng Uss
Users are a bit special in our app
Not just data
Special considerations for secure
password handling
Not complicated on MongoDB side, but
slightly complicated on Ruby side
Crng Uss
class User
attr_accessor :_id, :name, :email, :email_hash, :salt, :hashed_password,
:collection, :updated_at
def init_collection
self.collection = 'users'
def password=(pass)
self.salt = random_string(10) unless self.salt
self.hashed_password = User.encrypt(pass, self.salt)
def save
col = DB[self.collection]
self.updated_at =
Inherited from
Crng Uss
post '/register' do
u = = params[:email]
u.password = params[:password] = params[:name]
flash("User created")
session[:user] = User.auth( params["email"], params["password"])
redirect '/user/' << session[:user].email.to_s << "/dashboard"
tmp = []
u.errors.each do |e|
tmp << (e.join("<br/>"))
redirect '/create'
Loing in pa 1
configure do
enable :sessions
before do
unless session[:user] == nil
@suser = session[:user]
get '/user/:email/dashboard' do
haml :user_dashboard
Loing in pa 2
post '/login' do
if session[:user] = User.auth(params["email"], params["password"])
flash("Login successful")
redirect "/user/" << session[:user].email << "/dashboard"
flash("Login failed - Try again")
redirect '/login'
Loing in pa 3
def self.auth(email, pass)
u = USERS.find_one("email" => email.downcase)
return nil if u.nil?
return if User.encrypt(
pass, u['salt']) == u['hashed_password']
Us Dashboard
-unless @suser == nil?
%image{src: "" <<
@suser.email_hash.to_s << '.png'}
redirect '/'
%a{href: "/user/" << << "/profile"} profile
nding a us
get '/user/:email/profile' do
u = USERS.░░░░░(
░░░░░ => ░░░░░.░░░░░)
if u == nil
return haml :profile_missing
@user =
haml :user_profile
nding a us
get '/user/:email/profile' do
u = USERS.find_one(
"email" => params[:email].downcase)
if u == nil
return haml :profile_missing
@user =
haml :user_profile
Crng an INdex
> db.users.ensureIndex({email : 1})
> db.users.getIndexes()
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "milieu.users",
"name" : "_id_"
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"email" : 1
"ns" : "milieu.users",
"name" : "email_1"
A Vue
Showing a Vue
get '/venue/:_id' do
object_id = ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
@venue = ░░░░░░░░░░(
{ ░░░░ => object_id })
haml :venue
Showing a Vue
get '/venue/:_id' do
object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id])
@venue = VENUES.find_one(
{ :_id => object_id })
haml :venue
Showing a Vue
%h2= @venue['name'].to_s
%br= @venue['location']['city'].to_s +
' ' + @venue['location']['state'].to_s +
' ' + @venue['location']['postalCode'].to_s
%image{:src => '' << gmap_url(@venue, {:height =>
300, :width => 450}) }
A Vue
Nrby Vues
get '/venue/:_id' do
object_id =
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
@nearby_venues = ░░░░░.░░░░░(
{░░░░░ =>{░░░░░=>[ ░░░░░,░░░░░]}}
haml :venue
Nrby Vues
get '/venue/:_id' do
object_id =
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
@nearby_venues = VENUES.find(
{ :'location.geo' =>
{ ░░░░░ => [ ░░░░░,░░░░░]
haml :venue
Nrby Vues
get '/venue/:_id' do
object_id =
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
@nearby_venues = VENUES.find(
{ :'location.geo' =>
{ ░░░░░ => [ ░░░░░,░░░░░]
haml :venue
Nrby Vues
get '/venue/:_id' do
object_id =
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
@nearby_venues = VENUES.find(
{ :'location.geo' =>
{ :$near => [ @venue['location']['geo'][0],
haml :venue
- @nearby_venues.each do |nearby|
%a{:href => '/venue/' + nearby['_id'].to_s}=
%br= nearby['location']['city'].to_s +
' ' + nearby['location']['state'].to_s +
' ' + nearby['location']['postalCode'].to_s
%a{:href => '/venue/' + nearby['_id'].to_s}
%image{:src => '' << gmap_url(nearby, {:height
=> 150, :width => 150, :zoom => 17}) }
sng Nrby Vues
Nrby Vues
Checng IN
Checng in
get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do
object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id])
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
user = USERS. ░░░░░_and_░░░░░(░░░░░)
if ░░░░░
░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░
░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░
flash('Thanks for checking in')
redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id]
Checng in
get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do
object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id])
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
user = USERS.find_and_modify(
:query => ░░░░░,
:update => ░░░░░,
:new => 1)
if ░░░░░
░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░
░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░
flash('Thanks for checking in')
redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id]
Checng in
get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do
object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id])
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
user = USERS.find_and_modify(
:query => { :_id => @suser._id},
:update => {:$inc =>{ "venues." << object_id.to_s => 1 } },
:new => 1)
if ░░░░░
░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░
░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░
flash('Thanks for checking in')
redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id]
Checng in
get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do
object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id])
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
user = USERS.find_and_modify(:query => { :_id => @suser._id},
:update => {:$inc =>
{ "venues." << object_id.to_s => 1 } }, :new => 1)
if user['venues'][params[:_id]] == 1
flash('Thanks for checking in')
redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id]
Checng in
get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do
object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id])
@venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id })
user = USERS.find_and_modify(:query => { :_id => @suser._id},
:update => {:$inc =>
{ "venues." << object_id.to_s => 1 } }, :new => 1)
if user['venues'][params[:_id]] == 1
VENUES.update({ :_id => @venue['_id']}, { :$inc =>
{ :'stats.usersCount' => 1, :'stats.checkinsCount' => 1}})
VENUES.update({ _id: @venue['_id']},
{ :$inc => { :'stats.checkinsCount' => 1}})
flash('Thanks for checking in')
redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id]
You’ve be he
def user_times_at
if logged_in?
times = 'You have checked in here '
if !@suser.venues.nil? &&
!@suser.venues[params[:_id]].nil? times <<
times << '0'
times << ' times'
times = 'Please <a href='/login'>login</a> to
join them.'
Checn In
%a.btn.btn-primary.btn-large{:href =>
'/venue/' + @venue['_id'].to_s + '/checkin'}
Check In Here
=@venue['stats']['usersCount'].ceil.to_s +
' users have checked in here ' +
@venue['stats']['checkinsCount'].ceil.to_s +
' times'
A Vue localhost:9393/venue/{id}
What we’ve led
* Model data for
* Use MongoDB tools
to import data
* Create records from
shell & ruby
* Update records
* Atomic updates
* Create an index
* Create a geo index
* Query for data by
* GeoQueries
* Pagination
* Single Document
* Some ruby, sinatra,
haml, etc
Next ?
’s on Ghub
Some Ids* Create interface to add venues
* Connect to foursquare
* Login w/twitter
* Badges or Categories
* Enable searching of venues
* Tips / Reviews
E IF YOU KED !
Building your first MongoDB Application

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Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 5: Introducción a Aggregation Framework
Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 5: Introducción a Aggregation FrameworkConceptos básicos. Seminario web 5: Introducción a Aggregation Framework
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Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 4: Indexación avanzada, índices de texto y g...
Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 4: Indexación avanzada, índices de texto y g...Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 4: Indexación avanzada, índices de texto y g...
Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 4: Indexación avanzada, índices de texto y g...MongoDB
Conceptos básicos. seminario web 3 : Diseño de esquema pensado para documentos
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Conceptos básicos. seminario web 3 : Diseño de esquema pensado para documentosMongoDB
Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 2: Su primera aplicación MongoDB
 Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 2: Su primera aplicación MongoDB Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 2: Su primera aplicación MongoDB
Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 2: Su primera aplicación MongoDBMongoDB
Back to Basics Webinar 1: Introduction to NoSQL
Back to Basics Webinar 1: Introduction to NoSQLBack to Basics Webinar 1: Introduction to NoSQL
Back to Basics Webinar 1: Introduction to NoSQLMongoDB
Learn Learn how to build your mobile back-end with MongoDB
Learn Learn how to build your mobile back-end with MongoDBLearn Learn how to build your mobile back-end with MongoDB
Learn Learn how to build your mobile back-end with MongoDBMarakana Inc.
Beyond the Basics 2: Aggregation Framework
Beyond the Basics 2: Aggregation Framework Beyond the Basics 2: Aggregation Framework
Beyond the Basics 2: Aggregation Framework MongoDB
Back to Basics Webinar 5: Introduction to the Aggregation Framework
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Webinaire 2 de la série « Retour aux fondamentaux » : Votre première applicat...
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DrupalCon Chicago Practical MongoDB and Drupal
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OSCON 2012 MongoDB Tutorial
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OSCON 2012 MongoDB TutorialSteven Francia
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Introduction to MongoDB
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Introduction to MongoDBJustin Smestad

Mais procurados (20)

The emerging world of mongo db csp
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OSDC 2012 | Building a first application on MongoDB by Ross Lawley
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Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 5: Introducción a Aggregation Framework
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Conceptos básicos. Seminario web 2: Su primera aplicación MongoDB
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Back to Basics Webinar 1: Introduction to NoSQL
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Beyond the Basics 2: Aggregation Framework
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Back to Basics Webinar 5: Introduction to the Aggregation Framework
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DrupalCon Chicago Practical MongoDB and Drupal
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Back to Basics Webinar 3: Schema Design Thinking in Documents
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Introduction to MongoDB
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Introduction to MongoDB


Getting Started with Go
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MongoDB Analytics: Learn Aggregation by Example - Exploratory Analytics and V...
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Big data for the rest of us
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Painless Data Storage with MongoDB & Go
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7 Common mistakes in Go and when to avoid them
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7 Common Mistakes in Go (2015)
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The Future of the Operating System - Keynote LinuxCon 2015
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What every successful open source project needs
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Building Awesome CLI apps in Go
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Building Awesome CLI apps in GoSteven Francia

Destaque (10)

Getting Started with Go
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Getting Started with Go
MongoDB Analytics: Learn Aggregation by Example - Exploratory Analytics and V...
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MongoDB Analytics: Learn Aggregation by Example - Exploratory Analytics and V...
Big data for the rest of us
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Big data for the rest of us
Painless Data Storage with MongoDB & Go
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Painless Data Storage with MongoDB & Go
7 Common mistakes in Go and when to avoid them
7 Common mistakes in Go and when to avoid them7 Common mistakes in Go and when to avoid them
7 Common mistakes in Go and when to avoid them
7 Common Mistakes in Go (2015)
7 Common Mistakes in Go (2015)7 Common Mistakes in Go (2015)
7 Common Mistakes in Go (2015)
The Future of the Operating System - Keynote LinuxCon 2015
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Go for Object Oriented Programmers or Object Oriented Programming without Obj...
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Go for Object Oriented Programmers or Object Oriented Programming without Obj...
What every successful open source project needs
What every successful open source project needsWhat every successful open source project needs
What every successful open source project needs
Building Awesome CLI apps in Go
Building Awesome CLI apps in GoBuilding Awesome CLI apps in Go
Building Awesome CLI apps in Go

Semelhante a Building your first MongoDB Application

Webinar: Building Your First App
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Webinar: Building Your First AppMongoDB
Building Your First Application with MongoDB
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Building Your First Application with MongoDBMongoDB
Allura - an Open Source MongoDB Based Document Oriented SourceForge
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Allura - an Open Source MongoDB Based Document Oriented SourceForgeRick Copeland
Building your first app with MongoDB
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Building your first app with MongoDBNorberto Leite
Dev Jumpstart: Build Your First App with MongoDB
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Dev Jumpstart: Build Your First App with MongoDBMongoDB
Intro To Mongo Db
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Intro To Mongo Dbchriskite
node.js: Javascript's in your backend
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Architecture | Busy Java Developers Guide to NoSQL | Ted Neward
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Battle of NoSQL stars: Amazon's SDB vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs RavenDB
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Dev Jumpstart: Building Your First App
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Dev Jumpstart: Building Your First AppMongoDB
Dev Jumpstart: Build Your First App with MongoDB
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Dev Jumpstart: Build Your First App with MongoDBMongoDB
Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.js
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Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.jsMongoDB
Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.js
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Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.jsMongoDB
10gen MongoDB Video Presentation at WebGeek DevCup
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10gen MongoDB Video Presentation at WebGeek DevCupWebGeek Philippines
Webinar: Building Your First MongoDB App
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Webinar: Building Your First MongoDB AppMongoDB
Code as Data workshop: Using source{d} Engine to extract insights from git re...
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Code as Data workshop: Using source{d} Engine to extract insights from git re...source{d}

Semelhante a Building your first MongoDB Application (20)

Webinar: Building Your First App
Webinar: Building Your First AppWebinar: Building Your First App
Webinar: Building Your First App
Building Your First Application with MongoDB
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Building Your First Application with MongoDB
Allura - an Open Source MongoDB Based Document Oriented SourceForge
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Allura - an Open Source MongoDB Based Document Oriented SourceForge
Rails with mongodb
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Rails with mongodb
Building your first app with MongoDB
Building your first app with MongoDBBuilding your first app with MongoDB
Building your first app with MongoDB
Mongo learning series
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Mongo learning series
Dev Jumpstart: Build Your First App with MongoDB
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Dev Jumpstart: Build Your First App with MongoDB
Intro To Mongo Db
Intro To Mongo DbIntro To Mongo Db
Intro To Mongo Db
node.js: Javascript's in your backend
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node.js: Javascript's in your backend
Architecture | Busy Java Developers Guide to NoSQL | Ted Neward
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Battle of NoSQL stars: Amazon's SDB vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs RavenDB
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Battle of NoSQL stars: Amazon's SDB vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs RavenDB
Dev Jumpstart: Building Your First App
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Dev Jumpstart: Building Your First App
Dev Jumpstart: Build Your First App with MongoDB
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Dev Jumpstart: Build Your First App with MongoDB
Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.js
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Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.js
Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.js
Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.jsWebinar: Building Your First App in Node.js
Webinar: Building Your First App in Node.js
MongoDB and Node.js
MongoDB and Node.jsMongoDB and Node.js
MongoDB and Node.js
10gen MongoDB Video Presentation at WebGeek DevCup
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10gen MongoDB Video Presentation at WebGeek DevCup
Webinar: Building Your First MongoDB App
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Webinar: Building Your First MongoDB App
Code as Data workshop: Using source{d} Engine to extract insights from git re...
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Code as Data workshop: Using source{d} Engine to extract insights from git re...

Mais de Steven Francia

State of the Gopher Nation - Golang - August 2017
State of the Gopher Nation - Golang - August 2017State of the Gopher Nation - Golang - August 2017
State of the Gopher Nation - Golang - August 2017Steven Francia
Modern Database Systems (for Genealogy)
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Modern Database Systems (for Genealogy)Steven Francia
Introduction to MongoDB and Hadoop
Introduction to MongoDB and HadoopIntroduction to MongoDB and Hadoop
Introduction to MongoDB and HadoopSteven Francia
Replication, Durability, and Disaster Recovery
Replication, Durability, and Disaster RecoveryReplication, Durability, and Disaster Recovery
Replication, Durability, and Disaster RecoverySteven Francia
Multi Data Center Strategies
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Multi Data Center StrategiesSteven Francia
NoSQL databases and managing big data
NoSQL databases and managing big dataNoSQL databases and managing big data
NoSQL databases and managing big dataSteven Francia
MongoDB, Hadoop and Humongous Data
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MongoDB, Hadoop and Humongous DataSteven Francia
Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS Applications
Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS ApplicationsHybrid MongoDB and RDBMS Applications
Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS ApplicationsSteven Francia
Building your first application w/mongoDB MongoSV2011
Building your first application w/mongoDB MongoSV2011Building your first application w/mongoDB MongoSV2011
Building your first application w/mongoDB MongoSV2011Steven Francia
MongoDB, E-commerce and Transactions
MongoDB, E-commerce and TransactionsMongoDB, E-commerce and Transactions
MongoDB, E-commerce and TransactionsSteven Francia
MongoDB, PHP and the cloud - php cloud summit 2011
MongoDB, PHP and the cloud - php cloud summit 2011MongoDB, PHP and the cloud - php cloud summit 2011
MongoDB, PHP and the cloud - php cloud summit 2011Steven Francia
MongoDB and PHP ZendCon 2011
MongoDB and PHP ZendCon 2011MongoDB and PHP ZendCon 2011
MongoDB and PHP ZendCon 2011Steven Francia
Blending MongoDB and RDBMS for ecommerce
Blending MongoDB and RDBMS for ecommerceBlending MongoDB and RDBMS for ecommerce
Blending MongoDB and RDBMS for ecommerceSteven Francia
Augmenting RDBMS with MongoDB for ecommerce
Augmenting RDBMS with MongoDB for ecommerceAugmenting RDBMS with MongoDB for ecommerce
Augmenting RDBMS with MongoDB for ecommerceSteven Francia
MongoDB and Ecommerce : A perfect combination
MongoDB and Ecommerce : A perfect combinationMongoDB and Ecommerce : A perfect combination
MongoDB and Ecommerce : A perfect combinationSteven Francia

Mais de Steven Francia (17)

State of the Gopher Nation - Golang - August 2017
State of the Gopher Nation - Golang - August 2017State of the Gopher Nation - Golang - August 2017
State of the Gopher Nation - Golang - August 2017
Modern Database Systems (for Genealogy)
Modern Database Systems (for Genealogy)Modern Database Systems (for Genealogy)
Modern Database Systems (for Genealogy)
Introduction to MongoDB and Hadoop
Introduction to MongoDB and HadoopIntroduction to MongoDB and Hadoop
Introduction to MongoDB and Hadoop
Future of data
Future of dataFuture of data
Future of data
Replication, Durability, and Disaster Recovery
Replication, Durability, and Disaster RecoveryReplication, Durability, and Disaster Recovery
Replication, Durability, and Disaster Recovery
Multi Data Center Strategies
Multi Data Center StrategiesMulti Data Center Strategies
Multi Data Center Strategies
NoSQL databases and managing big data
NoSQL databases and managing big dataNoSQL databases and managing big data
NoSQL databases and managing big data
MongoDB, Hadoop and Humongous Data
MongoDB, Hadoop and Humongous DataMongoDB, Hadoop and Humongous Data
MongoDB, Hadoop and Humongous Data
MongoDB for Genealogy
MongoDB for GenealogyMongoDB for Genealogy
MongoDB for Genealogy
Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS Applications
Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS ApplicationsHybrid MongoDB and RDBMS Applications
Hybrid MongoDB and RDBMS Applications
Building your first application w/mongoDB MongoSV2011
Building your first application w/mongoDB MongoSV2011Building your first application w/mongoDB MongoSV2011
Building your first application w/mongoDB MongoSV2011
MongoDB, E-commerce and Transactions
MongoDB, E-commerce and TransactionsMongoDB, E-commerce and Transactions
MongoDB, E-commerce and Transactions
MongoDB, PHP and the cloud - php cloud summit 2011
MongoDB, PHP and the cloud - php cloud summit 2011MongoDB, PHP and the cloud - php cloud summit 2011
MongoDB, PHP and the cloud - php cloud summit 2011
MongoDB and PHP ZendCon 2011
MongoDB and PHP ZendCon 2011MongoDB and PHP ZendCon 2011
MongoDB and PHP ZendCon 2011
Blending MongoDB and RDBMS for ecommerce
Blending MongoDB and RDBMS for ecommerceBlending MongoDB and RDBMS for ecommerce
Blending MongoDB and RDBMS for ecommerce
Augmenting RDBMS with MongoDB for ecommerce
Augmenting RDBMS with MongoDB for ecommerceAugmenting RDBMS with MongoDB for ecommerce
Augmenting RDBMS with MongoDB for ecommerce
MongoDB and Ecommerce : A perfect combination
MongoDB and Ecommerce : A perfect combinationMongoDB and Ecommerce : A perfect combination
MongoDB and Ecommerce : A perfect combination


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Building your first MongoDB Application

  • 2. Agda Introduction to MongoDB MongoDB Fundamentals Running MongoDB Schema Design Ruby & Sinatra Crash Course Building Our First App
  • 3. @spf13Steve Francia AKA Chief Developer Advocate @ responsible for drivers, integrations, web & docs
  • 6. * Document * Open source * High performance * Horizontally scalable * Full featured MongoDB is a ___________ database
  • 7. * Not for .PDF & .DOC files * A document is essentially an associative array * Document == JSON object * Document == PHP Array * Document == Python Dict * Document == Ruby Hash * etc Documt Database
  • 8. * MongoDB is an open source project * On GitHub * Licensed under the AGPL * Commercial licenses available * Contributions welcome Op Source
  • 9. * Written in C++ * Extensive use of memory-mapped files i.e. read-through write-through memory caching. * Runs nearly everywhere * Data serialized as BSON (fast parsing) * Full support for primary & secondary indexes * Document model = less work High Pfoance
  • 11. * Ad Hoc queries * Real time aggregation * Rich query capabilities * Traditionally consistent * Geospatial features * Support for most programming languages * Flexible schema Full Ftured
  • 14. What is a Record?
  • 15. K → Value * One-dimensional storage * Single value is a blob * Query on key only * No schema * Value cannot be updated, only replaced Key Blob
  • 16. Raonal * Two-dimensional storage (tuples) * Each field contains a single value * Query on any field * Very structured schema (table) * In-place updates * Normalization process requires many tables, joins, indexes, and poor data locality Primary Key
  • 17. Documt * N-dimensional storage * Each field can contain 0, 1, many, or embedded values * Query on any field & level * Flexible schema * Inline updates * * Embedding related data has optimal data locality, requires fewer indexes, has better performance _id
  • 21. user = { username: 'fred.jones', first_name: 'fred', last_name: 'jones', } Sta wh an object (or ay, hash, dict, c)
  • 22. > db.users.insert(user) Inst e record No collection creation needed
  • 23. > db.users.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("50804d0bd94ccab2da652599"), "username" : "fred.jones", "first_name" : "fred", "last_name" : "jones" } Quying for e us
  • 24. * _id is the primary key in MongoDB * Automatically indexed * Automatically created as an ObjectId if not provided * Any unique immutable value could be used _id
  • 25. * ObjectId is a special 12 byte value * Guaranteed to be unique across your cluster * ObjectId("50804d0bd94ccab2da652599") |-------------||---------||-----||----------| ts mac pid inc ObjectId
  • 29. 4 Building blocks of Documt Design
  • 30. exibi * Choices for schema design * Each record can have different fields * Field names consistent for programming * Common structure can be enforced by application * Easy to evolve as needed
  • 31. Ays * Each field can be: * Absent * Set to null * Set to a single value * Set to an array of many values * Query for any matching value * Can be indexed and each value in the array is in the index
  • 32. beed Documts * An acceptable value is a document * Nested documents provide structure * Query any field at any level * Can be indexed
  • 33. * Object in your model * Associations with other entities  Aßociaon Referencing (Relational) Embedding (Document) has_one embeds_one belongs_to embedded_in has_many embeds_many has_and_belongs_to_many MongoDB has both referencing and embedding for universal coverage
  • 34. Excise 1: Mod a busineß card
  • 36. Contacts { “_id”: 2, “name”: “Steven Jobs”, “title”: “VP, New Product Development”, “company”: “Apple Computer”, “phone”: “408-996-1010”, “address_id”: 1 } Rcing Addresses { “_id”: 1, “street”: “10260 Bandley Dr”, “city”: “Cupertino”, “state”: “CA”, “zip_code”: ”95014”, “country”: “USA” }
  • 37. Contacts { “_id”: 2, “name”: “Steven Jobs”, “title”: “VP, New Product Development”, “company”: “Apple Computer”, “address”: { “street”: “10260 Bandley Dr”, “city”: “Cupertino”, “state”: “CA”, “zip_code”: ”95014”, “country”: “USA” }, “phone”: “408-996-1010” } being
  • 38. Excise 2: Store a busineß card
  • 39. Contacts db.contacts.insert( { “_id”: 2, “name”: “Steven Jobs”, “title”: “VP, New Product Development”, “company”: “Apple Computer”, “phone”: “408-996-1010”, “address_id”: 1 } ) Insng wh Rce Addresses db.addresses.insert( { “_id”: 1, “street”: “10260 Bandley Dr”, “city”: “Cupertino”, “state”: “CA”, “zip_code”: ”95014”, “country”: “USA” } )
  • 40. Excise 3: Re a busineß card
  • 41. Contacts c = db.contacts.findOne( { “name”: “Steven Jobs”, } ) Quying wh Rce Addresses db.addresses.findOne( { “_id”: c.address_id, “street”: “10260 Bandley Dr”, “city”: “Cupertino”, “state”: “CA”, “zip_code”: ”95014”, “country”: “USA” } )
  • 43. MongoDB has nave bindings for nr allnguages
  • 44. Official Support for 12 languages Community drivers for tons more Drivers connect to mongo servers Drivers translate BSON into native types mongo shell is not a driver, but works like one in some ways Installed using typical means (npm, pecl, gem, pip) MongoDB dvs
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. Building an a in Ruby? Had to pick a language Sinatra is very minimal and approachable Wanted to focus on MongoDB interaction Ruby gems are awesome Works well on Windows, OS X & Linux Seemed like a good idea at the time
  • 49. hing is an object 1.class 'a'.class :z.class class Foo end Foo.class # => Fixnum # => String # => Symbol # => Class # => Foo
  • 50. Structure Method Class Invocation def do_stuff(thing) thing.do_the_stuff end class TheThing def do_the_stuff puts "Stuff was done!" end end do_stuff(
  • 51. Stngs name = 'World' # => "World" "Hello, #{name}" # => "Hello, World" 'Hello, #{name}' # => "Hello, #{name}"
  • 52. Numbs 1 + 1 # => 2 1 + 1.1 # => 2.1 6 * 7 # => 42 6 ** 7 # => 279936 Math.sqrt(65536) # => 256.0 1.class # => Fixnum (2 ** 42).class # => Fixnum (2 ** 64).class # => Bignum 1.1.class # => Float
  • 53. Ays [] a = [1,2,3] a[0] = 'one' a a[-1] a[1..2] # => [] # => [nil, nil, nil] # => [] # => [1, 2, 3] # => "one" # => ["one", 2, 3] # => 3 # => [2, 3]
  • 54. Hashes {} h = {1 => "one", 2 => "two"} h[1] h["1"] h[:one] = "einz" h[:one] h.keys h.values # => {} # => {} # => "one" # => nil # => "einz" # => "einz" # => [1, 2, :one] # => ["one", "two", "einz"]
  • 55. Vaables & Names CamelCased # Classes, modules with_underscores # methods, local variables @instance_variable @@class_variable $GLOBAL_VARIABLE
  • 56. Corol Structuresif condition # ... elsif other_condition # ... end unless condition # ... end while # ... end
  • 57.
  • 58. Sinat is... not Rails not a framework a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort
  • 59. Hlo World # myapp.rb require 'sinatra' get '/' do 'Hello world!' end
  • 60. TP Acons In Sinatra, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching pattern. Each route is associated with a block: get '/' do .. show something .. end post '/' do .. create something .. end put '/' do .. replace something .. end delete '/' do .. annihilate something .. end
  • 61. Roes Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route that matches the request is invoked. Route patterns may include named parameters, accessible via the params hash: get '/hello/:name' do # matches "GET /hello/foo" and "GET /hello/bar" # params[:name] is 'foo' or 'bar' "Hello #{params[:name]}!" end #You can also access named parameters via block parameters: get '/hello/:name' do |n| "Hello #{n}!" end
  • 62. Spt Route patterns may also include splat (or wildcard) parameters, accessible via the params[:splat] array: get '/say/*/to/*' do # matches /say/hello/to/world params[:splat] # => ["hello", "world"] end get '/download/*.*' do # matches /download/path/to/file.xml params[:splat] # => ["path/to/file", "xml"] end
  • 66. Download & Impo e vues curl -L | mongoimport -d milieu -c venues wget mongoimport -d milieu -c venues StrangeLoopVenues.json Database Collection
  • 68. L’s lk at e vues > use milieu switched to db milieu > db.venues.count() 50 Database
  • 69. L’s lk at e vues > db.venues.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("52335163695c9d31c2000001"), "location" : { "address" : "1820 Market St", "distance" : 85, "postalCode" : "63103", "city" : "Saint Louis", "state" : "MO", "country" : "United States", "cc" : "US", "geo" : [ -90.20761747801353, 38.62893438211461 ] }, "name" : "St. Louis Union Station Hotel- A DoubleTree by Hilton", "contact" : { "phone" : "3146215262", "formattedPhone" : "(314) 621-5262", "url" : "" }, "stats" : { "checkinsCount" : 0, "usersCount" : 0 } }
  • 70. Crng a Geo index > db.venues.ensureIndex({ 'location.geo' : '2d'}) > db.venues.getIndexes() [ { "v" : 1, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "ns" : "milieu.venues", "name" : "_id_" }, { "v" : 1, "key" : { "location.geo" : "2d" }, "ns" : "milieu.venues", "name" : "location.geo_" } ]
  • 72. Sta wh a skon /Users/steve/Code/milieu/app/ ▸ config/ ▸ helpers/ ▾ model/ mongodb.rb mongoModule.rb user.rb ▾ public/ ▸ bootstrap/ ▾ css/ styles.css ▸ images/ ▾ views/ footer.haml index.haml layout.haml login.haml navbar.haml register.haml user_dashboard.haml user_profile.haml venue.haml venues.haml app.rb Gemfile Rakefile README
  • 73. Download & Install deps mkdir milieu cd milieu wget tar zxvf GettingStarted.tgz bundle install Resolving dependencies... Using bson (1.9.2) Using bson_ext (1.9.2) Using googlestaticmap (1.1.4) Using tilt (1.4.1) Using haml (4.0.3) Using mongo (1.9.2) Using rack (1.5.2) Using rack-protection (1.5.0) Using shotgun (0.9) Using sinatra (1.4.3) Using bundler (1.3.5) Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
  • 74. Run a shotgun == Shotgun/WEBrick on [2013-09-13 21:25:43] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 [2013-09-13 21:25:43] INFO ruby 2.0.0 (2013-06-27) [x86_64-darwin12.3.0] [2013-09-13 21:25:43] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=85344 port=9393
  • 75. Op Brows to locaost:9393
  • 78. Connecng to MongoDB require 'mongo' require './model/mongoModule' require './model/user' # Connection code goes here CONNECTION ="localhost") DB = CONNECTION.db('milieu') # Alias to collections goes here USERS = DB['users'] VENUES = DB['venues'] CHECKINS = DB['checkins'] model/mongodb.rb
  • 79. sng Vues get '/venues' do # Code to list all venues goes here @venues = VENUES.░░░░░ haml :venues end app.rb
  • 80. sng Vues get '/venues' do # Code to list all venues goes here @venues = VENUES.find haml :venues end app.rb
  • 81. sng Vues .container .content %h2 Venues %table.table.table-striped %thead %tr %th Name %th Address %th Longitude %th Latitude %tbody ~@venues.each do |venue| %tr %td %a{:href => '/venue/' << venue['_id'].to_s}= venue['name'] %td= venue['location']['address'] ? venue['location']['address'] : '&nbsp' %td= venue['location']['geo'][0].round(2) %td= venue['location']['geo'][1].round(2) views/venues.haml
  • 83. Paginang Vues get '/venues/?:page?' do @page = params.fetch('page', 1).to_i pp = 10 @venues = VENUES.find.░░░░░(░░░░).░░░░(░░░) @total_pages = (VENUES.░░░░░.to_i / pp).ceil haml :venues end app.rb # replaces the prior entry
  • 84. Paginang Vues get '/venues/?:page?' do @page = params.fetch('page', 1).to_i pp = 10 @venues = VENUES.find.skip((@page - 1) * pp).limit(pp) @total_pages = (VENUES.count.to_i / pp).ceil haml :venues end app.rb # replaces the prior entry
  • 85. .container .content %h2 Venues %table.table.table-striped %thead %tr %th Name %th Address %th Longitude %th Latitude %tbody ~@venues.each do |venue| %tr %td %a{:href => '/venue/' << venue['_id'].to_s}= venue['name'] %td= venue['location']['address'] ? venue['location']['address'] : '&nbsp' %td= venue['location']['geo'][0].round(2) %td= venue['location']['geo'][1].round(2) =pager('/venues') sng Vues views/venues.haml
  • 88. Crng Uss Users are a bit special in our app Not just data Special considerations for secure password handling Not complicated on MongoDB side, but slightly complicated on Ruby side
  • 89. Crng Uss class User attr_accessor :_id, :name, :email, :email_hash, :salt, :hashed_password, :collection, :updated_at def init_collection self.collection = 'users' end def password=(pass) self.salt = random_string(10) unless self.salt self.hashed_password = User.encrypt(pass, self.salt) end def save col = DB[self.collection] self.updated_at = end end model/user.rb Inherited from MongoModule.rb
  • 90. Crng Uss post '/register' do u = = params[:email] u.password = params[:password] = params[:name] if flash("User created") session[:user] = User.auth( params["email"], params["password"]) redirect '/user/' << session[:user].email.to_s << "/dashboard" else tmp = [] u.errors.each do |e| tmp << (e.join("<br/>")) end flash(tmp) redirect '/create' end end app.rb
  • 91. Loing in pa 1 configure do enable :sessions end before do unless session[:user] == nil @suser = session[:user] end end get '/user/:email/dashboard' do haml :user_dashboard end app.rb
  • 92. Loing in pa 2 post '/login' do if session[:user] = User.auth(params["email"], params["password"]) flash("Login successful") redirect "/user/" << session[:user].email << "/dashboard" else flash("Login failed - Try again") redirect '/login' end end app.rb
  • 93. Loing in pa 3 def self.auth(email, pass) u = USERS.find_one("email" => email.downcase) return nil if u.nil? return if User.encrypt( pass, u['salt']) == u['hashed_password'] nil end user.rb
  • 94. Us Dashboard .container .content .page-header -unless @suser == nil? %h2="Dashboard" %br %image{src: "" << @suser.email_hash.to_s << '.png'} %h3= -else redirect '/' %small %a{href: "/user/" << << "/profile"} profile .container#main-topic-nav views/user_dashboard.haml
  • 97. nding a us get '/user/:email/profile' do u = USERS.░░░░░( ░░░░░ => ░░░░░.░░░░░) if u == nil return haml :profile_missing else @user = end haml :user_profile end app.rb
  • 98. nding a us get '/user/:email/profile' do u = USERS.find_one( "email" => params[:email].downcase) if u == nil return haml :profile_missing else @user = end haml :user_profile end app.rb
  • 99. Crng an INdex > db.users.ensureIndex({email : 1}) > db.users.getIndexes() [ { "v" : 1, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "ns" : "milieu.users", "name" : "_id_" }, { "v" : 1, "key" : { "email" : 1 }, "ns" : "milieu.users", "name" : "email_1" } ]
  • 101. Showing a Vue get '/venue/:_id' do object_id = ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ @venue = ░░░░░░░░░░( { ░░░░ => object_id }) haml :venue end app.rb
  • 102. Showing a Vue get '/venue/:_id' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one( { :_id => object_id }) haml :venue end app.rb
  • 103. Showing a Vue .row .col-md-4 %h2= @venue['name'].to_s %p =@venue['location']['address'].to_s %br= @venue['location']['city'].to_s + ' ' + @venue['location']['state'].to_s + ' ' + @venue['location']['postalCode'].to_s .col-md-8 %image{:src => '' << gmap_url(@venue, {:height => 300, :width => 450}) } views/venue.haml
  • 106. Nrby Vues get '/venue/:_id' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) @nearby_venues = ░░░░░.░░░░░( {░░░░░ =>{░░░░░=>[ ░░░░░,░░░░░]}} ).░░░░░(4).░░░░░(1) haml :venue end app.rb
  • 107. Nrby Vues get '/venue/:_id' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) @nearby_venues = VENUES.find( { :'location.geo' => { ░░░░░ => [ ░░░░░,░░░░░] } }).░░░░░(4).░░░░░(1) haml :venue end app.rb
  • 108. Nrby Vues get '/venue/:_id' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) @nearby_venues = VENUES.find( { :'location.geo' => { ░░░░░ => [ ░░░░░,░░░░░] } }).limit(4).skip(1) haml :venue end app.rb
  • 109. Nrby Vues get '/venue/:_id' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) @nearby_venues = VENUES.find( { :'location.geo' => { :$near => [ @venue['location']['geo'][0], @venue['location']['geo'][1]] } }).limit(4).skip(1) haml :venue end app.rb
  • 110. ... .row - @nearby_venues.each do |nearby| .col-md-3 %h2 %a{:href => '/venue/' + nearby['_id'].to_s}= nearby['name'].to_s %p =nearby['location']['address'].to_s %br= nearby['location']['city'].to_s + ' ' + nearby['location']['state'].to_s + ' ' + nearby['location']['postalCode'].to_s %a{:href => '/venue/' + nearby['_id'].to_s} %image{:src => '' << gmap_url(nearby, {:height => 150, :width => 150, :zoom => 17}) } views/venue.haml sng Nrby Vues
  • 113. Checng in get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) user = USERS. ░░░░░_and_░░░░░(░░░░░) if ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ else ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ end flash('Thanks for checking in') redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id] end app.rb
  • 114. Checng in get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) user = USERS.find_and_modify( :query => ░░░░░, :update => ░░░░░, :new => 1) if ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ else ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ end flash('Thanks for checking in') redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id] end app.rb
  • 115. Checng in get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) user = USERS.find_and_modify( :query => { :_id => @suser._id}, :update => {:$inc =>{ "venues." << object_id.to_s => 1 } }, :new => 1) if ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ else ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ end flash('Thanks for checking in') redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id] end app.rb
  • 116. Checng in get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) user = USERS.find_and_modify(:query => { :_id => @suser._id}, :update => {:$inc => { "venues." << object_id.to_s => 1 } }, :new => 1) if user['venues'][params[:_id]] == 1 VENUES.update(░░░░░) else VENUES.update(░░░░░) end flash('Thanks for checking in') redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id] end app.rb
  • 117. Checng in get '/venue/:_id/checkin' do object_id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params[:_id]) @venue = VENUES.find_one({ :_id => object_id }) user = USERS.find_and_modify(:query => { :_id => @suser._id}, :update => {:$inc => { "venues." << object_id.to_s => 1 } }, :new => 1) if user['venues'][params[:_id]] == 1 VENUES.update({ :_id => @venue['_id']}, { :$inc => { :'stats.usersCount' => 1, :'stats.checkinsCount' => 1}}) else VENUES.update({ _id: @venue['_id']}, { :$inc => { :'stats.checkinsCount' => 1}}) end flash('Thanks for checking in') redirect '/venue/' + params[:_id] end app.rb
  • 118. You’ve be he def user_times_at if logged_in? times = 'You have checked in here ' if !@suser.venues.nil? && !@suser.venues[params[:_id]].nil? times << @suser.venues[params[:_id]].to_s else times << '0' end times << ' times' else times = 'Please <a href='/login'>login</a> to join them.' end end helpers/milieu.rb
  • 119. Checn In %p %a.btn.btn-primary.btn-large{:href => '/venue/' + @venue['_id'].to_s + '/checkin'} Check In Here %p =@venue['stats']['usersCount'].ceil.to_s + ' users have checked in here ' + @venue['stats']['checkinsCount'].ceil.to_s + ' times' %p=user_times_at views/venue.haml
  • 121. What we’ve led * Model data for MongoDB * Use MongoDB tools to import data * Create records from shell & ruby * Update records * Atomic updates * Create an index * Create a geo index * Query for data by matching * GeoQueries * Pagination * Single Document Transactions * Some ruby, sinatra, haml, etc
  • 122. Next ?
  • 124. Some Ids* Create interface to add venues * Connect to foursquare * Login w/twitter * Badges or Categories * Enable searching of venues * Tips / Reviews
  • 125. E IF YOU KED ! Questions? @spf13