stroke treatment seizures ichd 3 therapy chronic migraine episodic migraine migaine stroke management risk factors encephalopathy kidney disease ckd uremic encephalopathy not to thrombolyse golden period thrombolysis oxcarbamazepine carbamazepine lamotrigine valproate levetiracetam epilepsy generalized epilepsy sanad ii sanad 2 sanad diabetic neuropathy neuropathy diabetes aidp thrombocytopenia myelopathy neurological complication chikungunya gb syndrome hospitalization migraine pediatric migraine triptans prophylaxis triggers cerebellar infarct brainstem infarct vértigo phenothiazines antihistamines rombergs test barany pointing test cerebellar hemorrhage anticholinergics head thrust test unterberger test arnold chiahri malformation vestibular migraine multiple sclerosis central vertigo nystagmus vestibular seizures babinski weill test nursing requirements guidelines update ms updates ms magnims plantar reflex babinski sign ivig myathenia gravis autoimmune conditions cidp differential diagnosis of viral encephalitis encephalitis vgkc nmda receptor aie lgi autoimmune encephalitis updates of nmo neuromyelitis optica treatment options nmo bleed gloma scan ct mri ncc tuberculoma classification etiological loc syncope loss of conciousness delirium ncs lower limbs nerve conduction studies ncv lower limbs nerve conduction velocity ncv ncs approach approach to coma coma examination altered sensorium cerebral circulation cerebellum cerebellar connections
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