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XAT 2018: Essay Writing Tips For MBAAspirants XAT 2018: Essay Writing Tips For MBAAspirants
Global Merger Essay
It is proper to present a business definition of merger as it found on legal reference with the ultimate
goal in the pursuing of an explanation on which this paper intents to present. A merger in accordance
with the textbook is legally defined as a contractual and statuary process in which the (surviving
corporation) acquires all the assets and liabilities of another corporation (the merged corporation). The
definition go even farther to involve and clarify about what happen to shares by explaining the
following; the shareholders of the merged corporation either are paid for their share or receive the
shares of the surviving corporation . But in simple terms is my attempt to define as the product or birth
of a corporation on which ... Show more content on ...
It is an interest point to mention Citi Bank (mostly based on the northeast USA) from the Citi Group
who makes a move to add some fun in this particular merging process. The terms learned on class
such as contract, negotiation, creditors, agreements, counteroffer and other will be utilized and applied
as a matter of review enabling for the a better understanding of the learned concepts from Business
Law. During the recent years the economy, the business world and the government have been
experiencing tremendous change that is impacting all common private and public business practices.
Business are experiencing a Global Financial Crisis on which are not only the local or national
markets but also the global markets are impacted on a negative and at times threaten the existence of
powerful established corporations and organization. The new era is not a safe haven for no one
anymore; including those who one time were described as solid financial enterprises. This
environment has obligated the USA government on to attempt to rescue or become involve in the
process to alleviate or provide some temporary solutions in a form of financial bail outs and
economical stimulus package. This era started back on year 2007 and to continue to this very present
day touching many economical areas such as Housing Industry, unemployment, investments
securities, stock markets and others. One of
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Thucydides Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian War was an exceptionally predominant war that had consequential outcomes for
both Athens and the opposing side of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. The Peloponnesian War
was an ancient Greek war that began in 431 to 404 BC. Thucydides was an Athenian historian who
wrote the account of History of the Peloponnesian War , which became the most immeasurably
valuable primary source. The events of the Peloponnesian War, the outcomes, the consequences of the
Spartan victory and of the Athenian defeat in conjunction with the historiographical debates about the
war, reflect the ramifications of the conflict.
The Peloponnesian War was historic and consequential to both protagonists. The events of the war
however proved to be ... Show more content on ...
The Athenians had allied with Sicily. After Sparta and Athens concluded the Peace of Nicias treaty in
421, Athens ordered out an armada to conquer the island. Sicily was now a target due to the fact that
Sicily was not much smaller than Athens conquering all of it would have brought Athens an immense
amount of resources. The Athenian force consisted of over 100 ships and some 5000 infantry
( 2015). When the armada landed in Sicily, Lamachus recommended to attack
immediately as to take the main city when it was still unprepared despite that the other two
commanders suggested different approaches. The Athenians created a base in Catana and defeated the
Syracusans in battle, nonetheless illness, political sabotage and death had struck the three commanders
causing crucial complications. Hermocrates convinced his men to extend the city s fortifications and
reformulate the structure of command. The new system failed and the Athenians laid siege to
Syracuse. Athens sent reinforcements to Syracuse, and very burdensome, Sparta declared war on
Athens, this made spreading the required resources difficult. It did not take long until the Athenian
Expeditionary Force was conclusively destroyed. Thucydides however states that the Sicilian
Expedition contained some of the greatest action in Greek history To the victors the most brilliant of
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Abigail Adams Letter To Her Son
On 12 January, 1780, Abigail Adams writes a letter to her son, John Quincy Adams, who is traveling
to France with his father. She encourages her son to take advantage of his travela and use his skills and
knowledge to help better himself and experience growth. Throughout her letter, Adams uses ethos,
allusion, pathos, and other rhetorical devices to encourage her son John to continue traveling. Abigail
Adam s emotional appeal was the main rhetorical strategy in her letter. When writing, she uses a
maternal tone to encourage John to make his parents and country proud. She uses the words my dear
son to address John in the beginning, and continues using the words my son throughout. She speaks
formally, with attention to detail, but this helps ... Show more content on ...
Adams asks her son the rhetorical question, Would Cicero have shown so distinguished ...of Catiline,
Verres, and Mark Anthony? (ln 30 32). This allusion helps express that every great man has had some
sort of opposition to encourage them to go beyond their limits and do great. After, she writes war,
tyranny ... to ages yet unborn (ln 41 49) to allude to America s beginnings, which shows her son that
he can become great in the face of hardship, but only he can will it so. Furthermore, Adams uses a
reference to an author she met with, comparing her son s travels to a river. She writes, ... To a river,
that increases its stream the further it flows from its source (ln 17 18). This metaphor helps to teach
her son that the more he travels, the more he can improve himself. Adams establishes her credibility
by not only being John Quincy Adams mother, but by also being the wife of the soon to be President
of the United States. Her ethos helps reassure John that he is following the right path because he is
following his mother s advice. With her ethos, she clearly expresses how important his travels are, but
she won t have to worry about him not listening or not following her advice. She is able to put in the
allusion to the past without it sounding like a lecture. She uses her pathos to encourage her son,
knowing that the respect at the end of his travels would be worth the
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Richard Adams Watership Down Analysis
The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good
government Thomas Jefferson. In Richard Adams Watership Down, the rabbits in the story all live in
groups on separate areas of land. These areas are called warrens, and there are three main warrens that
will be discussed in this essay. Each of the three warrens have a different type of governments being
run inside of them. The Sandleford Warren, the Efrafa Warren and the Watership Down Warren are all
ran differently. Each warren has modern world equivalences relating to their governments. In the
following paragraphs you will be able to see which modern world government matches up, and is
present in each of the three warrens in Watership Down.
The first warren is the Sandleford Warren, this warren is a communistic government. It is a communist
government because all rabbits live under the order of the chief rabbit Threarah.. All the rabbits know
to respect the chief rabbit especially if you are in a lower class like the rabbit Hazel. I m awfully sorry,
Chief Rabbit Hazel pg12. The chief rabbit and his communist government want to control all the
social classes and money in the area he controls. There are three social classes in the Sandleford
Warren, the Chief Rabbit, the Owsla and the Outskirters. Outskirters that is, the rank and file of
ordinary rabbits in their first year pg4. All these social classes are controlled by the Chief Rabbit. Mao
Zedong started a communist government in China in 1927 and just as Chief Rabbit controlled the
social classes of his warren, Mao Zedong controlled the social classes of the country of China. In a
real life communist government the leader of the government will control the country s money. In the
warrens the rabbit do not have money but the one controllable factor is food. The caste system ran by
the chief rabbit lets you know what you eat and when, determined by class. Cowslips are for the
Owsla* don t you know that? Toadflax pg5. Cowslips are a food for upper class as Toadflax tells an
outskirter. Through class system, control of goods and one single leader you are able to see how the
Sandleford Warren is a communist government. Efrafa is the second Warren and
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Historical Developments in Philosophy Essay
University of Phoenix Material Philosophy Matrix | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ... Show more content
on ...
| |Political |Study of nature structure and | |Totalitarism, Marxism, |Adam Smith, Thomas Hobbes,
|Nature of government, legitimacy| | |moral justification of state. | |communism, facism,
conservatism,|Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill|of rule, dominion on rule scope | | | | |liberalism | |of
governmental authority. | |Structuralism |Looks at interactions of |Structuralism did not last long
|Phenomenology, Marxism, |Wilhem Whundt, Edward B Titchner|Language, Anthropology, social | |
|elements or structures to build|past titchners death, |
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Nursing Nurse And Skills On The Management Of Wound
During the first week of our new nurses in a surgical ward, I was supervising one of the
supernumerary nurses. We were looking after a thirty nine year old woman, Ms LC, who had
undergone a laparoscopic peritonectomy. We had to start her on a negative pressure wound therapy
dressing or NPWT; as suggested by wound clinical nurse consultant and the doctors during their ward
round, since this would allow the fast healing of her wound.
I showed the supernumerary nurse the proper way of preparing an NPWT using a non touch sterile
technique, started by slowly cleaning the surrounding skin prior to the application of the pressure
dressing. Since it was the first time of the preceptee to perform a pressure dressing, I have provided
my preceptee the principles of wound management so that it will reinforce the knowledge of the
supervised nurse and skills on the management of wound using NPWT. I also provided the preceptee
the protocols and the wound management chart to take note of the type of solutions to be used in
managing a surgical wound. We also documented in the progress notes what we have performed, and
informed the nurse in charge on the frequency of dressing change in a week.
During the procedure it gave me an opportunity to share my knowledge about the proper management
of a surgical wound. I felt relieved knowing that I was able to develop the skills of my preceptee in the
aspect of wound care and knowing that the patient was also involved in the
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The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Our Life
This essay will be written to raise awareness into the idea of drug abuse and what causes it as this is a
growing issue within adolescents in our world today. This essay will help to inform people into the
negative impact drugs can have on your life and to also outline how an individual can refrain from
such acts. It is worthy of investigation due to the fact that it will enable one to gain a greater
understanding through science and research about how an individual within the aforementioned age
group can be influenced by differing factors, which ultimately lead to consumption of drugs. The
essay aims to ensure individuals refrain from conforming to the underlying contention of drugs as a
negative substance.
To fully grasp an ... Show more content on ...
Teenagers and young adults choose to take drugs for many different reasons and these include: To fit
in, to escape from pressures, to relieve boredom, to seem grown up, to rebel, to experiment (drug free
world 2006)
Many teenagers feel as though consuming drugs acts as a solution to their problems. However, the
drugs usually become a major problem affecting their life as the years pass on. Drugs soon become an
addiction and lead people s life astray. The addiction itself can be considered a brain disease because
drugs change the function and structure of the brain (NIH, 2014). The brain is made up of a variety of
parts that all interconnect to take out a specific job. When drugs are consumed they cause the brain to
stop functioning in the way that it usually does. Drugs can affect three primary areas of the brain and
these include: The brain stem, the cerebral cortex and the limbic system. (Brain and addiction, 2014)
For most people the initial decision to consume or inject any type of drug is voluntary. However, over
time, drug use can cause changes to the brain and this can take away peoples self control and therefore
limit their ability to make sound decisions in certain circumstances. There are many biological and
socio cultural factors that do indeed play a role in drug use, and this essay will attempt to explain these
factors with reference to relevant research studies.
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Illegal Immigrants Are Good For The Economy Of The United...
Throughout the history of independent United States, the country has attracted immigrants from
different parts of the world. Illegal immigrants form the larger proportion of the immigrants into the
United States. Policy analysts, government officials, as well as scholars have sought to ascertain the
political, social, and economic impacts of the illegal immigrants (Hanson 11). Particularly, there has
been raging debate regarding the economic impact of illegal immigration to the United States of
America. It has become a matter of debate and study as it relates considerably to the nation s politics
and economy. At the centre of this debate is the question of whether illegal immigrants are good or
bad to the economy of the United States (Dudley 18).
Various studies have shown that majority of the United States citizens think that illegal immigrants are
bad for the nation s economy. However, there are those who believe that they are good for the
economy. Several surveys show that there is consensus among many economists that both legal and
illegal immigration is good for the economy as it provides cheap labor, gives net boost to the
economy, reduce the cost of goods and services, and widens the market for goods and services
(Kenney 23). This paper will discuss illegal immigration and its impact on the economy.
In general terms, illegal immigrants are defined as all individuals who are foreign born and are non
American citizens and who are not the legal residents of the nation.
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The And Professionals Help Create Devices That Interact...
novices and professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and
actuators. Common examples of such devices intended for beginner hobbyists include simple robots,
thermostats, and motion detectors. Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form,
or as do it yourself kits. The hardware design specifications are openly available, allowing the Arduino
boards to be produced by anyone. Adafruit Industries estimated in mid 2011 that over 300,000 official
Arduinos had been commercially produced, and in 2013 that 700,000 official boards were in users
hands. Hardware: An Arduino board consists of an Atmel 8 , 16 or 32 bit AVR microcontroller
(although since 2015 other makers microcontrollers have been used) with complementary components
that facilitate programming and incorporation into other circuits. An important aspect of the Arduino is
its standard connectors, which let users connect the CPU board to a variety of interchangeable add on
modules termed shields. Some shields communicate with the Arduino board directly over various pins,
but many shields are individually addressable via an I²C serial bus so many shields can be stacked and
used in parallel. Before 2015, Official Arduinos had used the Atmel mega AVR series of chips,
specifically the ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, and ATmega2560. In 2015, units
by other producers were added3. A handful of other processors have also been used by Arduino
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Summary Of Steven King Why We Crave Horror Movies
Horror Movies
I think that we re all mentally ill; those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little better and maybe
not that much better after all. In Why We Crave Horror Movies the author Stephen King argues that
everyone is a potential lyncher. I enjoy an occasional horror film that is well made. Most horror films
are not that scary. Horror films tend to be low quality and sometimes they are garbage. I have seen my
share of lousy horror films. I do watch horror films to be entertained and I enjoy the suspense.
Although I appreciate some horror films I disagree with Steven King s bold statements, and I agree
with some of his other statements. In Steven Kings thesis: if we share a brotherhood of man, then we
also share an insanity of man. ... Show more content on ...
I can appreciate the mystery and shock that I get when watching a horror film. Steven King goes on to
say that I watch because I want to show I m not afraid. He goes on to say that it s like a roller coaster.
A good horror movie would get a good scream out of me like a roller coaster. I agree with him on this
analogy. Also, that horror films are made to get a reaction out of me. It s true depending on how scary
the film is I might hide my face or leave the room and come back when it s over. We go to have fun he
goes on to say it s a certain kind of fun. Resulting, in watching other get hurt or killed. I can watch this
because I know it s not real. It s always interesting to see who is going to survive to the
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Over Criminalization Research Paper
Over criminalizing citizens causes a lot of harm to many aspects of society. The crisis of over
criminalization refers to how some laws are not necessary because they try and regulate natural human
behaviors that are not inherently evil (Brainmass, n.d.). These include laws like gambling, prostitution,
cohabitation and drug use. The argument of over criminalization discusses if the government should
try and restrict human behavior (Brainmass, n.d.). One side says that they should because these acts do
not correspond with community values and the other side says it is impossible to stop foul behavior.
Realistically, the government plays a similar role parents do but on a much larger scale. Just because a
person with authority says don t do that, doesn t mean everyone is going to adhere to the standards. ...
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There are many prostitution stings every day in the United States. With prostitution, both parties agree
to the act. There are two human beings fulfilling two different needs. The reason why it is dangerous
is because it is illegal and isn t regulated, which attracts the wrong type of people. There are many
countries worldwide that allow prostitution. In those countries, this industry causes much less harm
because it isn t restricted to just felons or rejects. The law enforcement officers conducting these
operations can use their valuable skills elsewhere. Over criminalization damages community relations.
When citizens receive sanctions for committing victimless crimes, the information gets spread
throughout their network of friends. Their friends are naturally more empathetic towards the person
they know and turn their frustration towards law enforcement. The monetary costs and the possibility
of jail time for these petty crimes are as ineffective as creating more mandatory
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Oncology Clinical Nurse Essay
Growing up, I have had to endure the loss of many family members to the devastating disease we all
know as cancer. My family history varies from the different types of the illness from lung cancer,
leukemia, breast cancer, ovarian, and so on. My mother and grandmothers on my mother s and father s
sides suffered from ovarian, leukemia, and breast cancer respectively. I have seen the horrible effects
it has on the victim and their families, and knowing that pain and grief personally, makes me believe
that I would be a great nurse in oncology. I want to help those going through what could be some of
the toughest times in their lives if not the toughest. An Oncology Clinical Nurse (OCN) is someone
who has training in the treatment of those diagnosed with cancer and ... Show more content on ...
An ONCC has many jobs, responsibilities, and duties to uphold and respect to be able to operate
efficiently, much like other healthcare professions. Considering this career choice, I learned that I
must be a Registered Nurse (RN) that is currently in practice and liscensed by the state I m working
in, a four year Bachelor s of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, and, depending on my location, a
particular amount of contact hours within a cancer care facility to obtain skills in the care of cancer
patients. Along with the required skills and certification that an OCN needs, there are optional
certificates that a nurse can acquire. Certified Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurse (CPHON),
Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (AOCNS), Certified Breast Care Nurse
(CBCN), and Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner (AOCNP) are a few of those optional
certifications. An OCN has many jobs and responsibilities that she/he must be prepared to take and
complete to the best of his/her abilities. Some of these jobs include creating individualized care
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Analysis Of The Article New Avon Ceo Vows
Article Summary
In the article, New Avon CEO vows to restore the 126 year old beauty company to former glory, Jenna
Goudreau (2013) interviews Avon CEO, Sheri McCoy, on the current issues facing Avon Products
around the world and the results of management transitions in the company.
Over the past few years, Avon s stock and net income has declined as a result of misplaced focus in
different areas throughout the company. Under the former CEO, Andrea Jung, the company had an
internal focus, was expanding too fast, and failed to recognize the needs of consumers in different
markets. Under the new CEO, Avon is improving by focusing more on sales representatives, cutting
jobs, reducing spending, and pulling out of failing markets. Additionally, they are incorporating
information systems and social media as selling tools, catering to individual markets, and foregoing
other growth areas until the core business is stable. With these improvements, Avon expects that it will
see a turnaround in the coming years.
Brand image losing value
Declining North American operations
Decreasing market share Strengths:
Low costs for operations
Well established distribution in various markets with wide range of products
Committed workforce with a common goal
Internal disagreements over leadership
Competition from a variety of companies
Lawsuits regarding compliance on an international scale
Strategy 1: Solidify leadership
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Ernest Hemingway s We All Fall Down
I would like to thank you for this amazing and wonderful novel, We All Fall Down.The novel has a
very meaningful story behind it, as it explains the story of a young boy and his father who experience
the attack of September 11 while they were at the World Trade Center tower in New York. The thing
that I loved the most was the relationship between Will and his father,John. At the beginning of the
story their relationship wasn t very good. Will always thought that his father didn t really love him
because he was always busy at work and he was never there for him. Later on, we see how his father
really loves him and risks his life to save his son, which proves to Will that he s very special to his
father.That bond between them got stronger,
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Emily Grierson Bystander
In the short story A Rose for Emily, author William Faulkner shows a woman, Miss Emily Grierson,
who is seen as an upholder for tradition by the community. Emily lives on her own with a butler in her
old, dusty mansion and has her story told by the viewpoint of unnamed narrators in a total of five
sections, each depicting her life from someone one in the community s perspective. The story
demonstrates Emily s life through the eyes of bystanders. We are introduced to the main character
through her funeral being hosted in her home in which has not been seen in over ten years, excluding
the single servant. Miss Emily had a special relationship within the community since 1894 when they
remitted her taxes. As the more modern ideas arose, the new generation was dissatisfied with the old
arrangement. They had a special meeting in her home where they were quickly excused off the ...
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This is after her most recent lover disappeared and her father has been dead for about two years.
Instead of confronting Miss Emily about the smell, a group of men were sent at midnight to clean up
the smell with lime and eventually the smell was gone. The Story now returns further into the past,
more recent to the death of her father, as the new narrator gives details about her boyfriend Homer
Barron. The town disapproves of their relationship and fail at attempting to end their relationship.
Later she is seen in a drug store ordering arsenic. When asked for legal reason on the purpose of
purchase, she gives no response and is mail them anyways. The town takes the assumption of Miss
Emily having suicidal thoughts over relationship issues with Homer. Miss Emily is now seen
purchasing more masculine items, leading the town to assume that she will marry. Homer leaves town
and returns later, only be to seen a final time entering Miss Emily s home; she now barely leaves her
home with minor
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My First Year Medical Student At St. Marthers
I briskly roamed the wards, 7:57am on a Tuesday morning, doing post operation checks on the
patients on level five. I was a fourth year medical student at St. Marthers. Today I was assisting my
first basic craniotomy, the partial removing of a skull due to a brain tumour, with my mentor, Blake
Anderson. It was a dreary day, rain specks decorating the windows, the sound of wind whirling like a
vast engine that could rend the soil. I recalled that Blake had always said that the first 24 hours after
any surgery were critical, he said you go into surgery to be fixed, and during the post operation checks
is when you find out if you were successful, or if there are any complications with the healing process.
All patients were clear. Sometime ... Show more content on ...
Doctors like to think they knows everything, but in the emergency room, you have to work fast, and it
s those drastic measures that inspire me to be a surgeon. My pager vibrated in my pocket, from Blake,
he said updated scans required immediate attention. It wasn t scheduled for another 4 hours. My
stomach was sinking, I wasn t sure if it were nerves, or intuition. His scans were fine last night. I
couldn t help but wonder what could have gone so wrong in such a short period of time. I could hear
it, I could hear the increased intensity of the machines as his blood pressure dropped. I could see the
patient bleeding out on the table. I could feel my head being cut open, as If I were under the knife. My
thoughts were becoming irrational, I almost always imagined the worst. I was a persistent person, I
bear a deeper malice, live to earn, thrive, and as persistent I was, I still managed to convince myself of
the worst.
I greeted Blake and the surgery team as they were scrubbing in, I could see the Pre anaesthesia nurse
hooking up the patient, Jenna to fluids, and I could feel death creeping, like an obedient monster
purring at its toil. I felt my stomach rise to my throat, yet I felt it drop to the floor. Blake looked at me,
cautiously, and he assured me everything would be okay. I watched the creases around his eyes as he
smiled, convincing myself he was right.
The surgical team was situated around the unconscious Jenna. Blake
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West Jet Case Study
WestJet Case Analysis | February 6
| By: Abdu Dipersico |
Current Marketing Situation
* Ranked as the second best airline in Canada * Ranked top employer and has the most admired
corporate culture in Canada * Known for having customer friendly culture and enthusiastic employees
* Expanding year by year and adding more traveling destinations which include the United States and
popular sun destinations * Added more advanced, next generation, aircrafts * Set goals for 2016 to be
1 out of 5 most successful airlines in the world * Offer great customer service experience at great
value, which will essentially attract more customers and help build on their goals of 2016 * Uses 1
aircraft ... Show more content on ...
Even Air Canada suffered bankruptcy but has recovered. * WestJet is competing with surface
transportation alternatives, which consist of automobiles, buses, and rail transportation who offer
lower prices than airlines.
Market Segments Target Market | Business Travelers | Government and International Organizations |
Diaspora Travelers | Seasonal Travelers | Demographic | * Male and female * Ages 30 55 * Married,
usually with children * Income: $30000 and above * College graduates * Own home | * Male and
female * Ages 30 60 * Married, and usually with children * Income: $40000 and above, * College
graduates * Own home | * Male and female * Ages 25 40 * Single * Income: $20000 $45000 * Some
high school graduates, but mostly college graduates * Rent home | * Male and female * Ages 19 60 *
Single, married, or with children * Income: $10000 and above * Range from some high school
education to college graduates * Could rent or own home | Geographic | * Mostly Urban, some
suburban * Cold or warm weather | * Urban and suburban * Cold or warm weather | * Urban * Cold
or warm weather | * Urban, suburban, or rural * Cold or warm weather | Psychographic | * Practical:
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Theoretical Perspective On Behaviorism Theory Essay
Theoretical Perspective to Behaviorism Behaviorism is also often referred to as the Learning Theory.
The origin of the behaviorism can be traced back to the paper that was written by James Watson in the
year 1913 titled, Psychology as the behaviorist views it (Watson, 1913). This paper outlined a series of
beliefs that underline the practice of behaviorism approach. At one point of time the psychologists
even believed that this was the only so called scientific approach (Watson, 1913). Some of the basic
assumptions of the behaviorist approach are:
(A) Complete behavior is learnt from the environment: Behaviorist approach lays extreme emphasis
on the environmental factors how they influence the behavior of humans and animals. This is almost
to the extent that it eliminates the innate inherited factors. This is tantamount to saying that the
behavior is totally learnt and not any other way. The assumption is that the learning happens due to
classical operant conditioning. It therefore implies that when a child is born its mind is tabula rasa or a
blank slate and what gets into the mind is due to the various conditions of the environment (Sammons,
(B) Psychology is a science: All scientific theories essential need to be based on sound experimental
data. Experiments must be independently verifiable and repeatable. The empirical data must be
supported by controlled observation as well as measurement of behavior. James Watson opined that
psychology is a purely
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A Character Analysis Of Vivian Bearing
Vivian Bearing Character Analysis Vivian Bearing is the main character within the play Wit by
Margaret Edson. Wit centers on Vivian s journey after learning she has ovarian cancer. As the story
progresses, Vivian s characters grows and changes with each passing moment. Edson does a
magnificent job of displaying this character development through Vivian s actions and dialogue. The
play opens with Vivian speaking directly to the audience. As she explains her situation, the audience is
given the first taste of who she is and how she presents herself. Vivian is a very articulate, well
educated, straight forward woman. She does not sugar coat anything, especially her condition. In the
beginning, when Dr. Kelekian tells Vivian she has stage four ... Show more content on
However, when Dr. Posner seems to exhibit this same attitude towards her when he is discussing her
treatment, she begins to wish she hadn t been so difficult because she now wishes that he would be
more personal and accommodating towards her. It is here that Vivian really begins to re evaluate her
life and choices and further develops her attitude. She becomes a bit more lighthearted, even sharing a
laugh here and there, and develops a close relationship with her nurse, Susie. After consciously having
no visitors, Dr. Ashford comes to see her. It is revealed through flashback that Dr. E.M. Ashford is the
one person who Vivian regards with the upmost care and respect. She is a former professor of Vivian
s, who was very tough on her. Vivian feels as though she helped turn her into the scholar she is today.
Her close connection with the professor is apparent when Dr. Ashford becomes her only visitor. By the
time she arrives, Vivian is not her former self. She is extremely sick, and very weak. Vivian tells Dr.
Ashford that she feels so bad and then she begins to cry (1122). Dr. Ashford comforts her, and begins
to read a children s book to Vivian in an attempt to calm her. Through this she manages to lull Vivian
asleep. When it is time to go, she leans over to give Vivian a kiss goodbye and leaves. It is after that
scene, that Vivian s heart gives out and she
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Debate Law Process
When someone passes away, their estate enters probate a court supervised process in which a deceased
individual s assets are paid towards outstanding debts and taxes, with the remainder being distributed
among their heirs. Though much is said about avoiding probate, understanding the process and laws
surrounding it is essential to ensuring you or your loved ones wishes are carried out properly. Below, a
probate lawyer from Knochel Law Offices in Bullhead City, AZ offers a basic overview of probate
The Probate Process
When you die, the executor of your estate named in your will will file documents with the probate
court. If you happen to die without a will, the court will appoint an executor on your behalf. This
individual is tasked
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Essay On Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression. It is when you feel sad, down, or blue at
specific times of the year. The most common time of year for this is late fall and winter. This is when
the days are shorter and most people spend less time outdoors. This is why SAD is also known as the
winter blues. SAD less commonly occurs in the spring or summer.
SAD can vary in severity and interfere with work, school, relationships, and normal daily activities.
SAD is more common in young women, people with a history of clinical depression or bipolar
disorder, and people who live far north or south of the equator.
Symptoms of SAD include:
Depressed mood, such as:
○ Feeling ... Show more content on ...
The diagnosis of SAD is usually made through an assessment by your health care provider. You will
be asked about your moods, thoughts, and behaviors. You will also be asked about your medical
history, any major life changes, medicines, and substance use. A physical exam and lab work may be
done to make sure there is no other cause for your depression. You may be referred to a mental health
specialist for further evaluation.
Possible treatment for SAD includes:
Light therapy. Light therapy involves sitting in front of a light source for 15 30 minutes every day. It is
thought to work by increasing the duration of daylight sensed by the brain.
Anti depressant medicine.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a form of talk therapy that identifies and changes
negative thoughts associated with SAD.
Take medicines only as directed by your healthcare provider. This is important.
Check with your health care provider before starting any new prescriptions, over the counter
medicines, herbs, or supplements.
Keep all follow up visits as directed by your health care provider. This is
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J. R. R. Tolkien Essay
Three Rings for the Elven Kings under the sky, Seven for the dwarf lords in their halls of stone, Nine
for mortal men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord in his dark throne. In the Land or Mordor where
the shadow lies.
One Ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind
In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie... (J.R.R. Tolkien, Rings)
These are the most famous recognized lines in The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkiens masterpiece.
Strong, tall men, fun party loving hobbits, pointy eared elves, short, plump dwarves and slimy, icky,
putrid orcs are just a few of the races in Lord of the Rings. (J.R.R. Tolkien, Rings) ... Show more
content on ...
Tolkien was influenced by many of the stories he heard in his religion and greatly influenced his
literature. (David McDonald, Bio Sketch)
Life for young Tolkien was very hard on him after his mother, Mabel passed away on October 15th,
1904 after succumbing to diabetes. Tolkien was only twelve years old. (Walter Tompkins, Great)
After Mabel passed away, the two boys, J.R.R. and Hillary, would become orphans. After that a young
man from the Catholic Church, Father Francis Morgan, would look over the boys as their guardian.
(Tommy Silet, Lord)
After settling into the boarding house, Tolkien, just 16 years old, met a young woman named Edith
Bratt. First they formed a great friendship, but soon their feelings began to change and they fell in
love. After Father Morgan found out about their relationship, he separated the couple. (W.J. Rayment,
A Bio)
After that incident occurred, Tolkien looked toward college studies. At first, Tolkien was rejected from
Oxford because of poor study habits, but still determined, he retook the test and was accepted. At
Oxford he would major in philology, the study of words and language. There he read Classic
literature, Old English, Gothic, Welsh, and Finnish. He was also influenced by Icelandic, Norse and
Gothic mythology, which he used in his books. (Oliver Grandy, Famous)
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Biodiversity And Its Effects On Biodiversity
Abstract. Biodiversity is a variety of life and it is important to maintain biodiversity because it
provides everyone s needs for food source, water source and shelter. Currently, Georgia Gwinnett
College expanding with construction around the area, will this cause a disturbance where the campus
will not be able to have biodiversity or having some disturbance can increase it? The research
measured biodiversity in 5 different places around campus, these locations varying levels of
disturbance and resources. After analysis, it was determined that sites further away from the stream at
the downstream location had less biodiversity, and that the GGC site location had more biodiversity
than both of the stream locations, which may be due to more diverse habitats with the location, or
sharing more transition areas with areas of higher disturbance.
Introduction. Biodiversity is a variety of life on Earth at all levels from genes to ecosystems and the
ecological and evolutionary process that is able to keep biodiversity in balance (Willington, 2005).
Biodiversity is important because it satisfy s everyone including animals, organisms and humans basic
needs such as food and water source and as well shelter(Wood, 1997). The overall goal in biodiversity
conservation is to create a foundation in developing ways to protect and use biological resources in a
way where it does not destroy important habitats in an ecosystem (Nangendo, 2002). In ecology it has
been taught that everything from
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The Martian Chronicles Essay
The Martian Chronicles
The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury, is a science fiction book and was written in 1946. This
major work by Bradbury is a collection of short stories relating to Mars or Martians. Bradbury had a
clear vision of the Mars in which these stories are set. His vision was one of a fantasy world from the
Martians point of view. In this work, the humans from Earth are the aliens from outer space. Bradbury
has won many awards including the O. Henry Memorial Award, the Benjamin Franklin Award, the
Aviation Space Writers Association Award, the World Fantasy Award for lifetime achievement, and the
Grand Master Award from the Science Fiction Writers of America. Bradbury supported his awards ...
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In his ninth story, The Locusts ;, Ray Bradbury uses similies to envoke a response from the reader. He
makes the many rockets that are landing on Mars to be just like locusts, swarming over a concentrated
area and destroying it. And from the rockets ran men with hammers in their hands to beat the strange
world into a shape that was familiar to the eye, to bludgeon away all the strangeness, their mouths
fringed with nails so they resembled steel toothed carnivores, spitting them into their swift hands as
they hammered up frame cottages and scuttled over roofs with shingles to blot out the eerie stars, and
fit green shades to pull against the night. ; The reader sees from the similies that the rockets were
overwhelming to the Martians and they were only pests, they did not help.
Another theme Bradbury uses to gain the reader s attention is time travel. In his tenth story in The
Martian Chronicles, Night Meeting ;, Bradbury uses time travel to convey more of his ideas of Mars.
There was a smell of Time in the air tonight. He smiled and turned the fancy in his mind. There was a
thought. What did Time smell like? Like dust and clocks and people? ; Bradbury uses all of man s
senses to express his feelings of what exactly Time is. By doing so, the reader has a clearer
understanding of Bradbury s point of view. He
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Diversity Vs Human Diversity
Is a person a homosexual or do they simply identify as a female in a man s body; is a lady African
American or does she simply have dark colored skin? These are two of the basic examples of how
science and culture have differing opinions. In this work, I will examine the diametrically opposing
views of science versus culture on human variation. The concepts of race versus skin color and gender
versus sex will be the primary focal points of this writing. For the scientific perspective, data will be
used from the works of both D. Crocetti, who holds a PhD in Science, Technology and Humanities.
and G.D. James, who holds a doctorate degree in biological anthropology. These are both subject
matter experts in their chosen fields of study. For the cultural perspective, I will primarily use my own
experiences and observations to show the dichotomy between how culture and science view human
variation. This dichotomy is especially apparent in both race vs physical appearance and gender vs
sex, which are often highly debated and publicized topics in today s world. In the following
paragraphs I will highlight a few of those disagreements.
I have always believed that skin color is simply the color of a person s skin, and while it can tell you
where their ancestors came from, it is not a determinate that can tell you how they will act, think or
their basic intelligence level. The scientific perspective supports this view, but explains not only how
but why there is a
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What Is A Non Traditional Family
It takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb that means a lot to me. Some families are not
traditional, meaning there may be only one parent in the home. I am a part of a non traditional family.
My mother is raising my sister and I as a single parent. Although I have had moments when I wished
both my parents were in the home, I have had the benefit of being raised by a village. The parts of my
life where my dad s absence left holes, my village filled in. Often times my uncles, grandfathers and
cousins stood in the gaps that were left by my father. When I was in the second grade my school had a
breakfast called Donuts for Dads. This was an event where all of the students and their fathers would
eat donuts before school and the
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US Army Motivates Employees
Every company must motivate their employees to ensure the maximum performance is achieved out
of each employee for the company and employee long term success. In this essay, I will focus on three
ways that the US Army motivates employees. The programs include the Awards Program, Counseling,
and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). In the military and in the civilian sector the
ultimate goal is for employees to be happy as they perform their daily duties and make the most profit
for the company. It s hard to get top performance out of people who don t enjoy coming to work. For
these reason Companies utilized many forms of motivating employees to ensure the ultimate goal is
achieved, increase and maintain profit. Walt Disney at some point ... Show more content on ...
Not all motivators have to be rewards and incentives. Fear of punishment is definitively a motivator to
perform well or at least perform to standards. If punishment or strict rules of some kind does not exist
in an institution especially as large as the military, control is lost and performance and standards are
declined. An example of a simple punishment for sub standard performance is the article 15. If a
service member is caught malingering or not performing his job, the leader is authorized to
recommend disciplinary action in order to motivate the member to do his job properly. Usually, a
counseling statement and a warning call will do the job but, in cases where this fails, punishment is
necessary to ensure the employee changes his behavior. Use of non judicial punishment is proper in all
cases involving minor offenses in which non punitive measures are considered inadequate or
inappropriate . (AR 27 10). Non judicial punishment as the regulation describes it, is designed to
punish members but not affect their career if they decide to stay in the military. This punishment is a
slap in the hand, and records are destroyed after the member leaves the unit where he received the
punishment. If the article is implemented, then the Soldier could receive confinement, pay deductions,
and extra labor. This punishment is definitely a motivator for newer soldiers to perform their job to
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12 Year a Slave Essay
Twelve Years A Slave Essay During a time of cruel punishment and harsh conditions of life as a slave
in the 19th century South, there was a book that shed a light on the life of a slave unparalleled in past
as well as in modern literature. That book was entitled Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup.
Northup was born a freeman that was obtained from his father after being freed by the Northup family
due to loyal service. Growing up in the free state of New York, Solomon was allowed an education
that was rare because of the sad disposition of the majority of his race. Solomon gained much
knowledge of industry and hard work from his father. As a free man of color, he enjoyed various jobs
and hobbies from timber raft building to playing ... Show more content on ...
Northup and others were to be shipped to New Orleans. New Orleans had the biggest slave market in
the South. It was a place no slave ever wanted to encounter. Before arriving in New Orleans, they
made frequent stops at other slave pens to resupply goods and acquire more slaves. Escape always
came to mind while on the ship but never came to fruition, as opportunity was lost. Arriving in New
Orleans Northup was given the name Platt and placed in another slave pen similar to that in
Washington. While in the pen they were to be kept in a presentable manner, washed, shaved and
dressed in a cheap suit everyday. Slaves were instructed in moving to their spots and looking smart .
Each slave was to stand in their spot while potential buyers viewed and analyzed them thoroughly.
Northup became well known for his violin skills, so much so that Freeman was able to exploit such
skills in pricing. However, after being exposed to small pox earlier from another slave, Northup got
deathly ill and was rushed to the hospital, decreasing his value. Though still weak, he returned to the
slave pen where he was sold to Mr. William Ford. Many different masters owned Northup, but two to
be discussed are William Ford and Edwin Epps. William Ford, a future Baptist preacher and owner of
a lumberyard, purchased Northup in the New Orleans. Ford lived in the Great Pine Woods of
Avoyelles Parish by the
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Marketing Policy And Practice Of The Pharmaceutical Company
This document present the marketing policy and practice of the pharmaceutical company, Reckitt
Benckiser and their brand, Nurofen. A recent case in the industry has surface due to the unethical
marketing practice of Nurofen discussing that the brand has been using unethical marketing strategy to
market their product to consumers. Marketing theories and strategy such as Pestle analysis and 4 P s
Marketing strategy, ethical theories such as utilitarianism will be included to evaluate the marketing
policy of the brand. The resulting data from these evaluation are meant to provide recommendation for
the company.
The recent scandal in Australian, the branded painkillers, Nurofen has ordered the brand to take their
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( 2015) Nurofen has to produce a report to disclose to their consumers of the
findings, and their mother company, Reckitt Benckise has agreed on an interim packaging with
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission for use following the removal of all Nurofen
products in Australia. ( 2015) Findings and Analysis
Based on the findings on the Nurofen case, marketing theories and strategies will be used to analysis
the case from an ethical point of view.
Marketing Mix
Pricing a product is important to the brand, it produces value for the products and services, consumers
frequently make a deal on what they purchase and the amount they paid for the purpose of the
purchase. (Wooruff 1997) Consumers will be feel exploited when they are paying a high price for a
product which do not value the amount they spent. It is not ethical to manipulate the price especially
necessity good, pricing strategies must not violated on values like transparency, autonomy and
honesty. (Guo 2012) As a market leader Nurofen priced their products at a high value, but these
products do not value as much as their have priced. This is price discriminating, the brand is charging
different consumer different prices for the same product. (Juan M 2011) Price discrimination is
consider unethical, but as a
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Differences Between Fahrenheit 451 Book And Movie
Besides sound effects and visuals in a movie, descriptive language in a book, both are usually very
similar. Specifically, between the book and the movie Fahrenheit 451, the two share many of the main
ideas, but have multiple differences. A couple of the top major differences in the movie are that
Clarisse doesn t die and they omit to tell or mention that there is a war going on. Some similarities are
the characters personalities and looks. All of these things have impact on how the movie and book
contrast and compare to each other. Characters in the book and movie are mostly the same to each
other. For example, Mildred/Linda and Clarisse are almost exactly the same to their character in the
movie and book. Clarisse is still curious and imaginative while, Mildred/Linda is still shallow. In the
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However, they both have an important role in both types of fahrenheit 451. Clarisse s role is to ask
Montag questions to make him realize that the society isn t good for him. In the book, Clarisse s death
is important because it makes Montag realize that what she was saying about the society was right
nevertheless, they didn t kill Clarisse in the movie. So in the end, Mildred s/Linda s role was very akin
to Clarisse s role. Her role was to help him realize that the society was bad by being the example. One
quote that shows that Clarisse is role is to make Montag realize that the society isn t good is I don t
mix. It s so strange. I m very social indeed. It all depends on what you mean by social, doesn t it?
Social to me means talking about things like this. Or talking about how strange the world is. Being
with people is nice. But I don t think it s social to get a
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Jose Maria Cordoba Research Paper
Because Las Palmas road is the easiest access going to Medellin city, having a place that s situated
right in this location is an appealing idea especially for those who are very much into urban living.
Colombia is a country that owns beautiful places, not to mention the faces of its people that left the
whole world in admiring astonishment. These, amongst other considerable factors would definitely
lure you to get a property in this arresting venue.
35 Palms Towers as constructed by BienesYBienes, offers direct connection to the airport Jose Maria
Cordoba. This means easy access when it comes to air travel without worrying about the fuss of
getting to the airport. Aside from this, the property s proximity to residential, corporate, hotel and
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Notes On Blue Aspects Of Green Infrastructure
Joshua Chia Design Literature review
The topic of this literature review seeks to explore; how can a biophilic approach to blue infrastructure
in urban spaces increase the well being and resilience of a community? A wide range of material was
investigated, from published academic articles to books. This review will not cover the topic of
climate change, case studies or the essence of well being itself, it does explore how landscape
elements might influence our perception of well being. The sources essentially break down the main
topic into separate sections, exploring how they are linked together and providing a coherent
investigation of the topic.
Article 1: Blue aspects of green infrastructure. Sustainable Development Applications
Analysis: Iwona Wagner sheds light on how green spaces in urban areas might adopt a blue
infrastructure approach to improving water balance in the urban landscape. The article opens with a
brief overview of the importance of maintaining water cycles in highly modified environments. It
stresses the integration of ecological processes into water management practices, resulting in design
solutions. Examples include bio filtration systems and retention ponds that purify and retain
stormwater on site. Their aim is to allow local aquifers to recharge and reduce the risk of floods and
drought. (1) In my opinion, this design approach allows landscape architecture to transcend its
ornamental reputation into a medium that encourages
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Asian Carps In The Great Lakes
There were Asian Carp found in a water mass in one of the Great Lakes. Imported from Asia, the
sliver carp, will out compete native species in the Great Lakes for food. This would ruin the ecosystem
in the Great Lakes because the carps will out compete the species that are native to this lake for food
causing the native species to die off. In the Great Lakes commercial and sport fishing is an industry
that is worth billions yearly. The silver carp that was found in the great lake could have gotten there
many different ways. On is that is swam through the electric barrier that prevents carps from entering
the water way. Another is that it could have been on about and carried past the barrier. Lastly, it could
have been placed in the lake by
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XAT 2018 Essay Writing Tips For MBA Aspirants

  • 1. XAT 2018: Essay Writing Tips For MBAAspirants 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. XAT 2018: Essay Writing Tips For MBAAspirants XAT 2018: Essay Writing Tips For MBAAspirants
  • 2. Global Merger Essay It is proper to present a business definition of merger as it found on legal reference with the ultimate goal in the pursuing of an explanation on which this paper intents to present. A merger in accordance with the textbook is legally defined as a contractual and statuary process in which the (surviving corporation) acquires all the assets and liabilities of another corporation (the merged corporation). The definition go even farther to involve and clarify about what happen to shares by explaining the following; the shareholders of the merged corporation either are paid for their share or receive the shares of the surviving corporation . But in simple terms is my attempt to define as the product or birth of a corporation on which ... Show more content on ... It is an interest point to mention Citi Bank (mostly based on the northeast USA) from the Citi Group who makes a move to add some fun in this particular merging process. The terms learned on class such as contract, negotiation, creditors, agreements, counteroffer and other will be utilized and applied as a matter of review enabling for the a better understanding of the learned concepts from Business Law. During the recent years the economy, the business world and the government have been experiencing tremendous change that is impacting all common private and public business practices. Business are experiencing a Global Financial Crisis on which are not only the local or national markets but also the global markets are impacted on a negative and at times threaten the existence of powerful established corporations and organization. The new era is not a safe haven for no one anymore; including those who one time were described as solid financial enterprises. This environment has obligated the USA government on to attempt to rescue or become involve in the process to alleviate or provide some temporary solutions in a form of financial bail outs and economical stimulus package. This era started back on year 2007 and to continue to this very present day touching many economical areas such as Housing Industry, unemployment, investments securities, stock markets and others. One of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Thucydides Peloponnesian War The Peloponnesian War was an exceptionally predominant war that had consequential outcomes for both Athens and the opposing side of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. The Peloponnesian War was an ancient Greek war that began in 431 to 404 BC. Thucydides was an Athenian historian who wrote the account of History of the Peloponnesian War , which became the most immeasurably valuable primary source. The events of the Peloponnesian War, the outcomes, the consequences of the Spartan victory and of the Athenian defeat in conjunction with the historiographical debates about the war, reflect the ramifications of the conflict. The Peloponnesian War was historic and consequential to both protagonists. The events of the war however proved to be ... Show more content on ... The Athenians had allied with Sicily. After Sparta and Athens concluded the Peace of Nicias treaty in 421, Athens ordered out an armada to conquer the island. Sicily was now a target due to the fact that Sicily was not much smaller than Athens conquering all of it would have brought Athens an immense amount of resources. The Athenian force consisted of over 100 ships and some 5000 infantry ( 2015). When the armada landed in Sicily, Lamachus recommended to attack immediately as to take the main city when it was still unprepared despite that the other two commanders suggested different approaches. The Athenians created a base in Catana and defeated the Syracusans in battle, nonetheless illness, political sabotage and death had struck the three commanders causing crucial complications. Hermocrates convinced his men to extend the city s fortifications and reformulate the structure of command. The new system failed and the Athenians laid siege to Syracuse. Athens sent reinforcements to Syracuse, and very burdensome, Sparta declared war on Athens, this made spreading the required resources difficult. It did not take long until the Athenian Expeditionary Force was conclusively destroyed. Thucydides however states that the Sicilian Expedition contained some of the greatest action in Greek history To the victors the most brilliant of successes, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Rhetorical Analysis Of Abigail Adams Letter To Her Son On 12 January, 1780, Abigail Adams writes a letter to her son, John Quincy Adams, who is traveling to France with his father. She encourages her son to take advantage of his travela and use his skills and knowledge to help better himself and experience growth. Throughout her letter, Adams uses ethos, allusion, pathos, and other rhetorical devices to encourage her son John to continue traveling. Abigail Adam s emotional appeal was the main rhetorical strategy in her letter. When writing, she uses a maternal tone to encourage John to make his parents and country proud. She uses the words my dear son to address John in the beginning, and continues using the words my son throughout. She speaks formally, with attention to detail, but this helps ... Show more content on ... Adams asks her son the rhetorical question, Would Cicero have shown so distinguished ...of Catiline, Verres, and Mark Anthony? (ln 30 32). This allusion helps express that every great man has had some sort of opposition to encourage them to go beyond their limits and do great. After, she writes war, tyranny ... to ages yet unborn (ln 41 49) to allude to America s beginnings, which shows her son that he can become great in the face of hardship, but only he can will it so. Furthermore, Adams uses a reference to an author she met with, comparing her son s travels to a river. She writes, ... To a river, that increases its stream the further it flows from its source (ln 17 18). This metaphor helps to teach her son that the more he travels, the more he can improve himself. Adams establishes her credibility by not only being John Quincy Adams mother, but by also being the wife of the soon to be President of the United States. Her ethos helps reassure John that he is following the right path because he is following his mother s advice. With her ethos, she clearly expresses how important his travels are, but she won t have to worry about him not listening or not following her advice. She is able to put in the allusion to the past without it sounding like a lecture. She uses her pathos to encourage her son, knowing that the respect at the end of his travels would be worth the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Richard Adams Watership Down Analysis The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government Thomas Jefferson. In Richard Adams Watership Down, the rabbits in the story all live in groups on separate areas of land. These areas are called warrens, and there are three main warrens that will be discussed in this essay. Each of the three warrens have a different type of governments being run inside of them. The Sandleford Warren, the Efrafa Warren and the Watership Down Warren are all ran differently. Each warren has modern world equivalences relating to their governments. In the following paragraphs you will be able to see which modern world government matches up, and is present in each of the three warrens in Watership Down. The first warren is the Sandleford Warren, this warren is a communistic government. It is a communist government because all rabbits live under the order of the chief rabbit Threarah.. All the rabbits know to respect the chief rabbit especially if you are in a lower class like the rabbit Hazel. I m awfully sorry, Chief Rabbit Hazel pg12. The chief rabbit and his communist government want to control all the social classes and money in the area he controls. There are three social classes in the Sandleford Warren, the Chief Rabbit, the Owsla and the Outskirters. Outskirters that is, the rank and file of ordinary rabbits in their first year pg4. All these social classes are controlled by the Chief Rabbit. Mao Zedong started a communist government in China in 1927 and just as Chief Rabbit controlled the social classes of his warren, Mao Zedong controlled the social classes of the country of China. In a real life communist government the leader of the government will control the country s money. In the warrens the rabbit do not have money but the one controllable factor is food. The caste system ran by the chief rabbit lets you know what you eat and when, determined by class. Cowslips are for the Owsla* don t you know that? Toadflax pg5. Cowslips are a food for upper class as Toadflax tells an outskirter. Through class system, control of goods and one single leader you are able to see how the Sandleford Warren is a communist government. Efrafa is the second Warren and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Historical Developments in Philosophy Essay University of Phoenix Material Philosophy Matrix | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ... Show more content on ... | |Political |Study of nature structure and | |Totalitarism, Marxism, |Adam Smith, Thomas Hobbes, |Nature of government, legitimacy| | |moral justification of state. | |communism, facism, conservatism,|Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill|of rule, dominion on rule scope | | | | |liberalism | |of governmental authority. | |Structuralism |Looks at interactions of |Structuralism did not last long |Phenomenology, Marxism, |Wilhem Whundt, Edward B Titchner|Language, Anthropology, social | | |elements or structures to build|past titchners death, | ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Nursing Nurse And Skills On The Management Of Wound Description During the first week of our new nurses in a surgical ward, I was supervising one of the supernumerary nurses. We were looking after a thirty nine year old woman, Ms LC, who had undergone a laparoscopic peritonectomy. We had to start her on a negative pressure wound therapy dressing or NPWT; as suggested by wound clinical nurse consultant and the doctors during their ward round, since this would allow the fast healing of her wound. I showed the supernumerary nurse the proper way of preparing an NPWT using a non touch sterile technique, started by slowly cleaning the surrounding skin prior to the application of the pressure dressing. Since it was the first time of the preceptee to perform a pressure dressing, I have provided my preceptee the principles of wound management so that it will reinforce the knowledge of the supervised nurse and skills on the management of wound using NPWT. I also provided the preceptee the protocols and the wound management chart to take note of the type of solutions to be used in managing a surgical wound. We also documented in the progress notes what we have performed, and informed the nurse in charge on the frequency of dressing change in a week. Feelings During the procedure it gave me an opportunity to share my knowledge about the proper management of a surgical wound. I felt relieved knowing that I was able to develop the skills of my preceptee in the aspect of wound care and knowing that the patient was also involved in the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Our Life This essay will be written to raise awareness into the idea of drug abuse and what causes it as this is a growing issue within adolescents in our world today. This essay will help to inform people into the negative impact drugs can have on your life and to also outline how an individual can refrain from such acts. It is worthy of investigation due to the fact that it will enable one to gain a greater understanding through science and research about how an individual within the aforementioned age group can be influenced by differing factors, which ultimately lead to consumption of drugs. The essay aims to ensure individuals refrain from conforming to the underlying contention of drugs as a negative substance. To fully grasp an ... Show more content on ... Teenagers and young adults choose to take drugs for many different reasons and these include: To fit in, to escape from pressures, to relieve boredom, to seem grown up, to rebel, to experiment (drug free world 2006) Many teenagers feel as though consuming drugs acts as a solution to their problems. However, the drugs usually become a major problem affecting their life as the years pass on. Drugs soon become an addiction and lead people s life astray. The addiction itself can be considered a brain disease because drugs change the function and structure of the brain (NIH, 2014). The brain is made up of a variety of parts that all interconnect to take out a specific job. When drugs are consumed they cause the brain to stop functioning in the way that it usually does. Drugs can affect three primary areas of the brain and these include: The brain stem, the cerebral cortex and the limbic system. (Brain and addiction, 2014) For most people the initial decision to consume or inject any type of drug is voluntary. However, over time, drug use can cause changes to the brain and this can take away peoples self control and therefore limit their ability to make sound decisions in certain circumstances. There are many biological and socio cultural factors that do indeed play a role in drug use, and this essay will attempt to explain these factors with reference to relevant research studies. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Illegal Immigrants Are Good For The Economy Of The United... Throughout the history of independent United States, the country has attracted immigrants from different parts of the world. Illegal immigrants form the larger proportion of the immigrants into the United States. Policy analysts, government officials, as well as scholars have sought to ascertain the political, social, and economic impacts of the illegal immigrants (Hanson 11). Particularly, there has been raging debate regarding the economic impact of illegal immigration to the United States of America. It has become a matter of debate and study as it relates considerably to the nation s politics and economy. At the centre of this debate is the question of whether illegal immigrants are good or bad to the economy of the United States (Dudley 18). Various studies have shown that majority of the United States citizens think that illegal immigrants are bad for the nation s economy. However, there are those who believe that they are good for the economy. Several surveys show that there is consensus among many economists that both legal and illegal immigration is good for the economy as it provides cheap labor, gives net boost to the economy, reduce the cost of goods and services, and widens the market for goods and services (Kenney 23). This paper will discuss illegal immigration and its impact on the economy. In general terms, illegal immigrants are defined as all individuals who are foreign born and are non American citizens and who are not the legal residents of the nation. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The And Professionals Help Create Devices That Interact... novices and professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and actuators. Common examples of such devices intended for beginner hobbyists include simple robots, thermostats, and motion detectors. Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do it yourself kits. The hardware design specifications are openly available, allowing the Arduino boards to be produced by anyone. Adafruit Industries estimated in mid 2011 that over 300,000 official Arduinos had been commercially produced, and in 2013 that 700,000 official boards were in users hands. Hardware: An Arduino board consists of an Atmel 8 , 16 or 32 bit AVR microcontroller (although since 2015 other makers microcontrollers have been used) with complementary components that facilitate programming and incorporation into other circuits. An important aspect of the Arduino is its standard connectors, which let users connect the CPU board to a variety of interchangeable add on modules termed shields. Some shields communicate with the Arduino board directly over various pins, but many shields are individually addressable via an I²C serial bus so many shields can be stacked and used in parallel. Before 2015, Official Arduinos had used the Atmel mega AVR series of chips, specifically the ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, and ATmega2560. In 2015, units by other producers were added3. A handful of other processors have also been used by Arduino compatible ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Summary Of Steven King Why We Crave Horror Movies Horror Movies I think that we re all mentally ill; those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little better and maybe not that much better after all. In Why We Crave Horror Movies the author Stephen King argues that everyone is a potential lyncher. I enjoy an occasional horror film that is well made. Most horror films are not that scary. Horror films tend to be low quality and sometimes they are garbage. I have seen my share of lousy horror films. I do watch horror films to be entertained and I enjoy the suspense. Although I appreciate some horror films I disagree with Steven King s bold statements, and I agree with some of his other statements. In Steven Kings thesis: if we share a brotherhood of man, then we also share an insanity of man. ... Show more content on ... I can appreciate the mystery and shock that I get when watching a horror film. Steven King goes on to say that I watch because I want to show I m not afraid. He goes on to say that it s like a roller coaster. A good horror movie would get a good scream out of me like a roller coaster. I agree with him on this analogy. Also, that horror films are made to get a reaction out of me. It s true depending on how scary the film is I might hide my face or leave the room and come back when it s over. We go to have fun he goes on to say it s a certain kind of fun. Resulting, in watching other get hurt or killed. I can watch this because I know it s not real. It s always interesting to see who is going to survive to the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Over Criminalization Research Paper Over criminalizing citizens causes a lot of harm to many aspects of society. The crisis of over criminalization refers to how some laws are not necessary because they try and regulate natural human behaviors that are not inherently evil (Brainmass, n.d.). These include laws like gambling, prostitution, cohabitation and drug use. The argument of over criminalization discusses if the government should try and restrict human behavior (Brainmass, n.d.). One side says that they should because these acts do not correspond with community values and the other side says it is impossible to stop foul behavior. Realistically, the government plays a similar role parents do but on a much larger scale. Just because a person with authority says don t do that, doesn t mean everyone is going to adhere to the standards. ... Show more content on ... There are many prostitution stings every day in the United States. With prostitution, both parties agree to the act. There are two human beings fulfilling two different needs. The reason why it is dangerous is because it is illegal and isn t regulated, which attracts the wrong type of people. There are many countries worldwide that allow prostitution. In those countries, this industry causes much less harm because it isn t restricted to just felons or rejects. The law enforcement officers conducting these operations can use their valuable skills elsewhere. Over criminalization damages community relations. When citizens receive sanctions for committing victimless crimes, the information gets spread throughout their network of friends. Their friends are naturally more empathetic towards the person they know and turn their frustration towards law enforcement. The monetary costs and the possibility of jail time for these petty crimes are as ineffective as creating more mandatory ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Oncology Clinical Nurse Essay Growing up, I have had to endure the loss of many family members to the devastating disease we all know as cancer. My family history varies from the different types of the illness from lung cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, ovarian, and so on. My mother and grandmothers on my mother s and father s sides suffered from ovarian, leukemia, and breast cancer respectively. I have seen the horrible effects it has on the victim and their families, and knowing that pain and grief personally, makes me believe that I would be a great nurse in oncology. I want to help those going through what could be some of the toughest times in their lives if not the toughest. An Oncology Clinical Nurse (OCN) is someone who has training in the treatment of those diagnosed with cancer and ... Show more content on ... An ONCC has many jobs, responsibilities, and duties to uphold and respect to be able to operate efficiently, much like other healthcare professions. Considering this career choice, I learned that I must be a Registered Nurse (RN) that is currently in practice and liscensed by the state I m working in, a four year Bachelor s of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, and, depending on my location, a particular amount of contact hours within a cancer care facility to obtain skills in the care of cancer patients. Along with the required skills and certification that an OCN needs, there are optional certificates that a nurse can acquire. Certified Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurse (CPHON), Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (AOCNS), Certified Breast Care Nurse (CBCN), and Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner (AOCNP) are a few of those optional certifications. An OCN has many jobs and responsibilities that she/he must be prepared to take and complete to the best of his/her abilities. Some of these jobs include creating individualized care ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Analysis Of The Article New Avon Ceo Vows Article Summary In the article, New Avon CEO vows to restore the 126 year old beauty company to former glory, Jenna Goudreau (2013) interviews Avon CEO, Sheri McCoy, on the current issues facing Avon Products around the world and the results of management transitions in the company. Over the past few years, Avon s stock and net income has declined as a result of misplaced focus in different areas throughout the company. Under the former CEO, Andrea Jung, the company had an internal focus, was expanding too fast, and failed to recognize the needs of consumers in different markets. Under the new CEO, Avon is improving by focusing more on sales representatives, cutting jobs, reducing spending, and pulling out of failing markets. Additionally, they are incorporating information systems and social media as selling tools, catering to individual markets, and foregoing other growth areas until the core business is stable. With these improvements, Avon expects that it will see a turnaround in the coming years. AVON SWOT ANALYSIS Weaknesses: Brand image losing value Declining North American operations Decreasing market share Strengths: Low costs for operations Well established distribution in various markets with wide range of products Committed workforce with a common goal Threats: Internal disagreements over leadership Competition from a variety of companies Lawsuits regarding compliance on an international scale Strategy 1: Solidify leadership ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Ernest Hemingway s We All Fall Down I would like to thank you for this amazing and wonderful novel, We All Fall Down.The novel has a very meaningful story behind it, as it explains the story of a young boy and his father who experience the attack of September 11 while they were at the World Trade Center tower in New York. The thing that I loved the most was the relationship between Will and his father,John. At the beginning of the story their relationship wasn t very good. Will always thought that his father didn t really love him because he was always busy at work and he was never there for him. Later on, we see how his father really loves him and risks his life to save his son, which proves to Will that he s very special to his father.That bond between them got stronger, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Emily Grierson Bystander In the short story A Rose for Emily, author William Faulkner shows a woman, Miss Emily Grierson, who is seen as an upholder for tradition by the community. Emily lives on her own with a butler in her old, dusty mansion and has her story told by the viewpoint of unnamed narrators in a total of five sections, each depicting her life from someone one in the community s perspective. The story demonstrates Emily s life through the eyes of bystanders. We are introduced to the main character through her funeral being hosted in her home in which has not been seen in over ten years, excluding the single servant. Miss Emily had a special relationship within the community since 1894 when they remitted her taxes. As the more modern ideas arose, the new generation was dissatisfied with the old arrangement. They had a special meeting in her home where they were quickly excused off the ... Show more content on ... This is after her most recent lover disappeared and her father has been dead for about two years. Instead of confronting Miss Emily about the smell, a group of men were sent at midnight to clean up the smell with lime and eventually the smell was gone. The Story now returns further into the past, more recent to the death of her father, as the new narrator gives details about her boyfriend Homer Barron. The town disapproves of their relationship and fail at attempting to end their relationship. Later she is seen in a drug store ordering arsenic. When asked for legal reason on the purpose of purchase, she gives no response and is mail them anyways. The town takes the assumption of Miss Emily having suicidal thoughts over relationship issues with Homer. Miss Emily is now seen purchasing more masculine items, leading the town to assume that she will marry. Homer leaves town and returns later, only be to seen a final time entering Miss Emily s home; she now barely leaves her home with minor ... Get more on ...
  • 17. My First Year Medical Student At St. Marthers I briskly roamed the wards, 7:57am on a Tuesday morning, doing post operation checks on the patients on level five. I was a fourth year medical student at St. Marthers. Today I was assisting my first basic craniotomy, the partial removing of a skull due to a brain tumour, with my mentor, Blake Anderson. It was a dreary day, rain specks decorating the windows, the sound of wind whirling like a vast engine that could rend the soil. I recalled that Blake had always said that the first 24 hours after any surgery were critical, he said you go into surgery to be fixed, and during the post operation checks is when you find out if you were successful, or if there are any complications with the healing process. All patients were clear. Sometime ... Show more content on ... Doctors like to think they knows everything, but in the emergency room, you have to work fast, and it s those drastic measures that inspire me to be a surgeon. My pager vibrated in my pocket, from Blake, he said updated scans required immediate attention. It wasn t scheduled for another 4 hours. My stomach was sinking, I wasn t sure if it were nerves, or intuition. His scans were fine last night. I couldn t help but wonder what could have gone so wrong in such a short period of time. I could hear it, I could hear the increased intensity of the machines as his blood pressure dropped. I could see the patient bleeding out on the table. I could feel my head being cut open, as If I were under the knife. My thoughts were becoming irrational, I almost always imagined the worst. I was a persistent person, I bear a deeper malice, live to earn, thrive, and as persistent I was, I still managed to convince myself of the worst. I greeted Blake and the surgery team as they were scrubbing in, I could see the Pre anaesthesia nurse hooking up the patient, Jenna to fluids, and I could feel death creeping, like an obedient monster purring at its toil. I felt my stomach rise to my throat, yet I felt it drop to the floor. Blake looked at me, cautiously, and he assured me everything would be okay. I watched the creases around his eyes as he smiled, convincing myself he was right. The surgical team was situated around the unconscious Jenna. Blake ... Get more on ...
  • 18. West Jet Case Study WestJet Case Analysis | February 6 2012 | By: Abdu Dipersico | Current Marketing Situation Strengths * Ranked as the second best airline in Canada * Ranked top employer and has the most admired corporate culture in Canada * Known for having customer friendly culture and enthusiastic employees * Expanding year by year and adding more traveling destinations which include the United States and popular sun destinations * Added more advanced, next generation, aircrafts * Set goals for 2016 to be 1 out of 5 most successful airlines in the world * Offer great customer service experience at great value, which will essentially attract more customers and help build on their goals of 2016 * Uses 1 aircraft ... Show more content on ... Even Air Canada suffered bankruptcy but has recovered. * WestJet is competing with surface transportation alternatives, which consist of automobiles, buses, and rail transportation who offer lower prices than airlines. Market Segments Target Market | Business Travelers | Government and International Organizations | Diaspora Travelers | Seasonal Travelers | Demographic | * Male and female * Ages 30 55 * Married, usually with children * Income: $30000 and above * College graduates * Own home | * Male and female * Ages 30 60 * Married, and usually with children * Income: $40000 and above, * College graduates * Own home | * Male and female * Ages 25 40 * Single * Income: $20000 $45000 * Some high school graduates, but mostly college graduates * Rent home | * Male and female * Ages 19 60 * Single, married, or with children * Income: $10000 and above * Range from some high school education to college graduates * Could rent or own home | Geographic | * Mostly Urban, some suburban * Cold or warm weather | * Urban and suburban * Cold or warm weather | * Urban * Cold or warm weather | * Urban, suburban, or rural * Cold or warm weather | Psychographic | * Practical: ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Theoretical Perspective On Behaviorism Theory Essay Theoretical Perspective to Behaviorism Behaviorism is also often referred to as the Learning Theory. The origin of the behaviorism can be traced back to the paper that was written by James Watson in the year 1913 titled, Psychology as the behaviorist views it (Watson, 1913). This paper outlined a series of beliefs that underline the practice of behaviorism approach. At one point of time the psychologists even believed that this was the only so called scientific approach (Watson, 1913). Some of the basic assumptions of the behaviorist approach are: (A) Complete behavior is learnt from the environment: Behaviorist approach lays extreme emphasis on the environmental factors how they influence the behavior of humans and animals. This is almost to the extent that it eliminates the innate inherited factors. This is tantamount to saying that the behavior is totally learnt and not any other way. The assumption is that the learning happens due to classical operant conditioning. It therefore implies that when a child is born its mind is tabula rasa or a blank slate and what gets into the mind is due to the various conditions of the environment (Sammons, 2014). (B) Psychology is a science: All scientific theories essential need to be based on sound experimental data. Experiments must be independently verifiable and repeatable. The empirical data must be supported by controlled observation as well as measurement of behavior. James Watson opined that psychology is a purely ... Get more on ...
  • 20. A Character Analysis Of Vivian Bearing Vivian Bearing Character Analysis Vivian Bearing is the main character within the play Wit by Margaret Edson. Wit centers on Vivian s journey after learning she has ovarian cancer. As the story progresses, Vivian s characters grows and changes with each passing moment. Edson does a magnificent job of displaying this character development through Vivian s actions and dialogue. The play opens with Vivian speaking directly to the audience. As she explains her situation, the audience is given the first taste of who she is and how she presents herself. Vivian is a very articulate, well educated, straight forward woman. She does not sugar coat anything, especially her condition. In the beginning, when Dr. Kelekian tells Vivian she has stage four ... Show more content on ... However, when Dr. Posner seems to exhibit this same attitude towards her when he is discussing her treatment, she begins to wish she hadn t been so difficult because she now wishes that he would be more personal and accommodating towards her. It is here that Vivian really begins to re evaluate her life and choices and further develops her attitude. She becomes a bit more lighthearted, even sharing a laugh here and there, and develops a close relationship with her nurse, Susie. After consciously having no visitors, Dr. Ashford comes to see her. It is revealed through flashback that Dr. E.M. Ashford is the one person who Vivian regards with the upmost care and respect. She is a former professor of Vivian s, who was very tough on her. Vivian feels as though she helped turn her into the scholar she is today. Her close connection with the professor is apparent when Dr. Ashford becomes her only visitor. By the time she arrives, Vivian is not her former self. She is extremely sick, and very weak. Vivian tells Dr. Ashford that she feels so bad and then she begins to cry (1122). Dr. Ashford comforts her, and begins to read a children s book to Vivian in an attempt to calm her. Through this she manages to lull Vivian asleep. When it is time to go, she leans over to give Vivian a kiss goodbye and leaves. It is after that scene, that Vivian s heart gives out and she ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Debate Law Process When someone passes away, their estate enters probate a court supervised process in which a deceased individual s assets are paid towards outstanding debts and taxes, with the remainder being distributed among their heirs. Though much is said about avoiding probate, understanding the process and laws surrounding it is essential to ensuring you or your loved ones wishes are carried out properly. Below, a probate lawyer from Knochel Law Offices in Bullhead City, AZ offers a basic overview of probate law. The Probate Process When you die, the executor of your estate named in your will will file documents with the probate court. If you happen to die without a will, the court will appoint an executor on your behalf. This individual is tasked ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay On Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression. It is when you feel sad, down, or blue at specific times of the year. The most common time of year for this is late fall and winter. This is when the days are shorter and most people spend less time outdoors. This is why SAD is also known as the winter blues. SAD less commonly occurs in the spring or summer. SAD can vary in severity and interfere with work, school, relationships, and normal daily activities. RISK FACTORS SAD is more common in young women, people with a history of clinical depression or bipolar disorder, and people who live far north or south of the equator. SYMPTOMS Symptoms of SAD include: Depressed mood, such as: ○ Feeling ... Show more content on ... DIAGNOSIS The diagnosis of SAD is usually made through an assessment by your health care provider. You will be asked about your moods, thoughts, and behaviors. You will also be asked about your medical history, any major life changes, medicines, and substance use. A physical exam and lab work may be done to make sure there is no other cause for your depression. You may be referred to a mental health specialist for further evaluation. TREATMENT Possible treatment for SAD includes: Light therapy. Light therapy involves sitting in front of a light source for 15 30 minutes every day. It is thought to work by increasing the duration of daylight sensed by the brain. Anti depressant medicine. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a form of talk therapy that identifies and changes negative thoughts associated with SAD. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS Take medicines only as directed by your healthcare provider. This is important. Check with your health care provider before starting any new prescriptions, over the counter medicines, herbs, or supplements. Keep all follow up visits as directed by your health care provider. This is ... Get more on ...
  • 23. J. R. R. Tolkien Essay Three Rings for the Elven Kings under the sky, Seven for the dwarf lords in their halls of stone, Nine for mortal men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord in his dark throne. In the Land or Mordor where the shadow lies. One Ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie... (J.R.R. Tolkien, Rings) These are the most famous recognized lines in The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkiens masterpiece. Strong, tall men, fun party loving hobbits, pointy eared elves, short, plump dwarves and slimy, icky, putrid orcs are just a few of the races in Lord of the Rings. (J.R.R. Tolkien, Rings) ... Show more content on ... Tolkien was influenced by many of the stories he heard in his religion and greatly influenced his literature. (David McDonald, Bio Sketch) Life for young Tolkien was very hard on him after his mother, Mabel passed away on October 15th, 1904 after succumbing to diabetes. Tolkien was only twelve years old. (Walter Tompkins, Great) After Mabel passed away, the two boys, J.R.R. and Hillary, would become orphans. After that a young man from the Catholic Church, Father Francis Morgan, would look over the boys as their guardian. (Tommy Silet, Lord) After settling into the boarding house, Tolkien, just 16 years old, met a young woman named Edith Bratt. First they formed a great friendship, but soon their feelings began to change and they fell in love. After Father Morgan found out about their relationship, he separated the couple. (W.J. Rayment, A Bio) After that incident occurred, Tolkien looked toward college studies. At first, Tolkien was rejected from Oxford because of poor study habits, but still determined, he retook the test and was accepted. At Oxford he would major in philology, the study of words and language. There he read Classic literature, Old English, Gothic, Welsh, and Finnish. He was also influenced by Icelandic, Norse and Gothic mythology, which he used in his books. (Oliver Grandy, Famous) ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Biodiversity And Its Effects On Biodiversity Abstract. Biodiversity is a variety of life and it is important to maintain biodiversity because it provides everyone s needs for food source, water source and shelter. Currently, Georgia Gwinnett College expanding with construction around the area, will this cause a disturbance where the campus will not be able to have biodiversity or having some disturbance can increase it? The research measured biodiversity in 5 different places around campus, these locations varying levels of disturbance and resources. After analysis, it was determined that sites further away from the stream at the downstream location had less biodiversity, and that the GGC site location had more biodiversity than both of the stream locations, which may be due to more diverse habitats with the location, or sharing more transition areas with areas of higher disturbance. Introduction. Biodiversity is a variety of life on Earth at all levels from genes to ecosystems and the ecological and evolutionary process that is able to keep biodiversity in balance (Willington, 2005). Biodiversity is important because it satisfy s everyone including animals, organisms and humans basic needs such as food and water source and as well shelter(Wood, 1997). The overall goal in biodiversity conservation is to create a foundation in developing ways to protect and use biological resources in a way where it does not destroy important habitats in an ecosystem (Nangendo, 2002). In ecology it has been taught that everything from ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Martian Chronicles Essay The Martian Chronicles The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury, is a science fiction book and was written in 1946. This major work by Bradbury is a collection of short stories relating to Mars or Martians. Bradbury had a clear vision of the Mars in which these stories are set. His vision was one of a fantasy world from the Martians point of view. In this work, the humans from Earth are the aliens from outer space. Bradbury has won many awards including the O. Henry Memorial Award, the Benjamin Franklin Award, the Aviation Space Writers Association Award, the World Fantasy Award for lifetime achievement, and the Grand Master Award from the Science Fiction Writers of America. Bradbury supported his awards ... Show more content on ... In his ninth story, The Locusts ;, Ray Bradbury uses similies to envoke a response from the reader. He makes the many rockets that are landing on Mars to be just like locusts, swarming over a concentrated area and destroying it. And from the rockets ran men with hammers in their hands to beat the strange world into a shape that was familiar to the eye, to bludgeon away all the strangeness, their mouths fringed with nails so they resembled steel toothed carnivores, spitting them into their swift hands as they hammered up frame cottages and scuttled over roofs with shingles to blot out the eerie stars, and fit green shades to pull against the night. ; The reader sees from the similies that the rockets were overwhelming to the Martians and they were only pests, they did not help. Another theme Bradbury uses to gain the reader s attention is time travel. In his tenth story in The Martian Chronicles, Night Meeting ;, Bradbury uses time travel to convey more of his ideas of Mars. There was a smell of Time in the air tonight. He smiled and turned the fancy in his mind. There was a thought. What did Time smell like? Like dust and clocks and people? ; Bradbury uses all of man s senses to express his feelings of what exactly Time is. By doing so, the reader has a clearer understanding of Bradbury s point of view. He ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Diversity Vs Human Diversity Is a person a homosexual or do they simply identify as a female in a man s body; is a lady African American or does she simply have dark colored skin? These are two of the basic examples of how science and culture have differing opinions. In this work, I will examine the diametrically opposing views of science versus culture on human variation. The concepts of race versus skin color and gender versus sex will be the primary focal points of this writing. For the scientific perspective, data will be used from the works of both D. Crocetti, who holds a PhD in Science, Technology and Humanities. and G.D. James, who holds a doctorate degree in biological anthropology. These are both subject matter experts in their chosen fields of study. For the cultural perspective, I will primarily use my own experiences and observations to show the dichotomy between how culture and science view human variation. This dichotomy is especially apparent in both race vs physical appearance and gender vs sex, which are often highly debated and publicized topics in today s world. In the following paragraphs I will highlight a few of those disagreements. I have always believed that skin color is simply the color of a person s skin, and while it can tell you where their ancestors came from, it is not a determinate that can tell you how they will act, think or their basic intelligence level. The scientific perspective supports this view, but explains not only how but why there is a ... Get more on ...
  • 27. What Is A Non Traditional Family It takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb that means a lot to me. Some families are not traditional, meaning there may be only one parent in the home. I am a part of a non traditional family. My mother is raising my sister and I as a single parent. Although I have had moments when I wished both my parents were in the home, I have had the benefit of being raised by a village. The parts of my life where my dad s absence left holes, my village filled in. Often times my uncles, grandfathers and cousins stood in the gaps that were left by my father. When I was in the second grade my school had a breakfast called Donuts for Dads. This was an event where all of the students and their fathers would eat donuts before school and the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. US Army Motivates Employees Every company must motivate their employees to ensure the maximum performance is achieved out of each employee for the company and employee long term success. In this essay, I will focus on three ways that the US Army motivates employees. The programs include the Awards Program, Counseling, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). In the military and in the civilian sector the ultimate goal is for employees to be happy as they perform their daily duties and make the most profit for the company. It s hard to get top performance out of people who don t enjoy coming to work. For these reason Companies utilized many forms of motivating employees to ensure the ultimate goal is achieved, increase and maintain profit. Walt Disney at some point ... Show more content on ... Not all motivators have to be rewards and incentives. Fear of punishment is definitively a motivator to perform well or at least perform to standards. If punishment or strict rules of some kind does not exist in an institution especially as large as the military, control is lost and performance and standards are declined. An example of a simple punishment for sub standard performance is the article 15. If a service member is caught malingering or not performing his job, the leader is authorized to recommend disciplinary action in order to motivate the member to do his job properly. Usually, a counseling statement and a warning call will do the job but, in cases where this fails, punishment is necessary to ensure the employee changes his behavior. Use of non judicial punishment is proper in all cases involving minor offenses in which non punitive measures are considered inadequate or inappropriate . (AR 27 10). Non judicial punishment as the regulation describes it, is designed to punish members but not affect their career if they decide to stay in the military. This punishment is a slap in the hand, and records are destroyed after the member leaves the unit where he received the punishment. If the article is implemented, then the Soldier could receive confinement, pay deductions, and extra labor. This punishment is definitely a motivator for newer soldiers to perform their job to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. 12 Year a Slave Essay Twelve Years A Slave Essay During a time of cruel punishment and harsh conditions of life as a slave in the 19th century South, there was a book that shed a light on the life of a slave unparalleled in past as well as in modern literature. That book was entitled Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup. Northup was born a freeman that was obtained from his father after being freed by the Northup family due to loyal service. Growing up in the free state of New York, Solomon was allowed an education that was rare because of the sad disposition of the majority of his race. Solomon gained much knowledge of industry and hard work from his father. As a free man of color, he enjoyed various jobs and hobbies from timber raft building to playing ... Show more content on ... Northup and others were to be shipped to New Orleans. New Orleans had the biggest slave market in the South. It was a place no slave ever wanted to encounter. Before arriving in New Orleans, they made frequent stops at other slave pens to resupply goods and acquire more slaves. Escape always came to mind while on the ship but never came to fruition, as opportunity was lost. Arriving in New Orleans Northup was given the name Platt and placed in another slave pen similar to that in Washington. While in the pen they were to be kept in a presentable manner, washed, shaved and dressed in a cheap suit everyday. Slaves were instructed in moving to their spots and looking smart . Each slave was to stand in their spot while potential buyers viewed and analyzed them thoroughly. Northup became well known for his violin skills, so much so that Freeman was able to exploit such skills in pricing. However, after being exposed to small pox earlier from another slave, Northup got deathly ill and was rushed to the hospital, decreasing his value. Though still weak, he returned to the slave pen where he was sold to Mr. William Ford. Many different masters owned Northup, but two to be discussed are William Ford and Edwin Epps. William Ford, a future Baptist preacher and owner of a lumberyard, purchased Northup in the New Orleans. Ford lived in the Great Pine Woods of Avoyelles Parish by the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Marketing Policy And Practice Of The Pharmaceutical Company Introduction This document present the marketing policy and practice of the pharmaceutical company, Reckitt Benckiser and their brand, Nurofen. A recent case in the industry has surface due to the unethical marketing practice of Nurofen discussing that the brand has been using unethical marketing strategy to market their product to consumers. Marketing theories and strategy such as Pestle analysis and 4 P s Marketing strategy, ethical theories such as utilitarianism will be included to evaluate the marketing policy of the brand. The resulting data from these evaluation are meant to provide recommendation for the company. Background The recent scandal in Australian, the branded painkillers, Nurofen has ordered the brand to take their ... Show more content on ... ( 2015) Nurofen has to produce a report to disclose to their consumers of the findings, and their mother company, Reckitt Benckise has agreed on an interim packaging with Australian Competition and Consumer Commission for use following the removal of all Nurofen products in Australia. ( 2015) Findings and Analysis Based on the findings on the Nurofen case, marketing theories and strategies will be used to analysis the case from an ethical point of view. Marketing Mix Price Pricing a product is important to the brand, it produces value for the products and services, consumers frequently make a deal on what they purchase and the amount they paid for the purpose of the purchase. (Wooruff 1997) Consumers will be feel exploited when they are paying a high price for a product which do not value the amount they spent. It is not ethical to manipulate the price especially necessity good, pricing strategies must not violated on values like transparency, autonomy and honesty. (Guo 2012) As a market leader Nurofen priced their products at a high value, but these products do not value as much as their have priced. This is price discriminating, the brand is charging different consumer different prices for the same product. (Juan M 2011) Price discrimination is consider unethical, but as a ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Differences Between Fahrenheit 451 Book And Movie Besides sound effects and visuals in a movie, descriptive language in a book, both are usually very similar. Specifically, between the book and the movie Fahrenheit 451, the two share many of the main ideas, but have multiple differences. A couple of the top major differences in the movie are that Clarisse doesn t die and they omit to tell or mention that there is a war going on. Some similarities are the characters personalities and looks. All of these things have impact on how the movie and book contrast and compare to each other. Characters in the book and movie are mostly the same to each other. For example, Mildred/Linda and Clarisse are almost exactly the same to their character in the movie and book. Clarisse is still curious and imaginative while, Mildred/Linda is still shallow. In the ... Show more content on ... However, they both have an important role in both types of fahrenheit 451. Clarisse s role is to ask Montag questions to make him realize that the society isn t good for him. In the book, Clarisse s death is important because it makes Montag realize that what she was saying about the society was right nevertheless, they didn t kill Clarisse in the movie. So in the end, Mildred s/Linda s role was very akin to Clarisse s role. Her role was to help him realize that the society was bad by being the example. One quote that shows that Clarisse is role is to make Montag realize that the society isn t good is I don t mix. It s so strange. I m very social indeed. It all depends on what you mean by social, doesn t it? Social to me means talking about things like this. Or talking about how strange the world is. Being with people is nice. But I don t think it s social to get a ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Jose Maria Cordoba Research Paper Because Las Palmas road is the easiest access going to Medellin city, having a place that s situated right in this location is an appealing idea especially for those who are very much into urban living. Colombia is a country that owns beautiful places, not to mention the faces of its people that left the whole world in admiring astonishment. These, amongst other considerable factors would definitely lure you to get a property in this arresting venue. 35 Palms Towers as constructed by BienesYBienes, offers direct connection to the airport Jose Maria Cordoba. This means easy access when it comes to air travel without worrying about the fuss of getting to the airport. Aside from this, the property s proximity to residential, corporate, hotel and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Notes On Blue Aspects Of Green Infrastructure Joshua Chia Design Literature review Introduction The topic of this literature review seeks to explore; how can a biophilic approach to blue infrastructure in urban spaces increase the well being and resilience of a community? A wide range of material was investigated, from published academic articles to books. This review will not cover the topic of climate change, case studies or the essence of well being itself, it does explore how landscape elements might influence our perception of well being. The sources essentially break down the main topic into separate sections, exploring how they are linked together and providing a coherent investigation of the topic. Article 1: Blue aspects of green infrastructure. Sustainable Development Applications Analysis: Iwona Wagner sheds light on how green spaces in urban areas might adopt a blue infrastructure approach to improving water balance in the urban landscape. The article opens with a brief overview of the importance of maintaining water cycles in highly modified environments. It stresses the integration of ecological processes into water management practices, resulting in design solutions. Examples include bio filtration systems and retention ponds that purify and retain stormwater on site. Their aim is to allow local aquifers to recharge and reduce the risk of floods and drought. (1) In my opinion, this design approach allows landscape architecture to transcend its ornamental reputation into a medium that encourages ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Asian Carps In The Great Lakes There were Asian Carp found in a water mass in one of the Great Lakes. Imported from Asia, the sliver carp, will out compete native species in the Great Lakes for food. This would ruin the ecosystem in the Great Lakes because the carps will out compete the species that are native to this lake for food causing the native species to die off. In the Great Lakes commercial and sport fishing is an industry that is worth billions yearly. The silver carp that was found in the great lake could have gotten there many different ways. On is that is swam through the electric barrier that prevents carps from entering the water way. Another is that it could have been on about and carried past the barrier. Lastly, it could have been placed in the lake by ... Get more on ...