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Writing A Essay Outline
Writing an essay on the topic "Writing An Essay Outline" may sound paradoxical, as one might
assume that outlining the process of essay writing should be a straightforward task. However,
delving into the intricacies of crafting an essay outline reveals a complexity that mirrors the very
challenge it seeks to address.
At first glance, outlining an essay appears to be a linear and logical process. One might think it
involves merely jotting down key points and organizing them in a systematic fashion. Yet, the
difficulty arises when one grapples with the need for coherence, cohesion, and a seamless flow
of ideas. Crafting an outline requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but
also a keen awareness of the overarching structure that guides the reader through a logical
progression of thoughts.
The challenge intensifies when considering the diverse essay types and their unique
requirements. A persuasive essay demands a different approach than an informative one, and
navigating the nuanced distinctions between argumentative and expository structures can be
akin to traversing a literary labyrinth. Ensuring that each section of the outline serves its purpose
while contributing to the overall narrative thrust becomes a delicate balancing act.
Furthermore, the anxiety of choosing the right level of detail for each section can be daunting.
Too much detail can bog down the reader, while too little may leave them confused or
unsatisfied. Achieving the right balance requires a careful consideration of the target audience,
the essay's purpose, and the desired impact on the reader.
In essence, writing an essay on the topic of "Writing An Essay Outline" becomes a meta-
challenge – an endeavor that invites the author to grapple with the very complexities inherent
in the task they are attempting to elucidate. It demands a self-awareness that transcends the
mechanical act of outlining and delves into the realm of metacognition, where one must navigate
the cognitive processes underlying effective communication.
In conclusion, the difficulty of writing an essay on the topic lies not in the simplicity of outlining
but in the nuanced interplay of intellectual, structural, and communicative challenges. It is a task
that requires finesse, insight, and an acute understanding of the art and science of essay writing.
If you find yourself grappling with such complexities or simply seeking assistance, it's worth
noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on
Writing A Essay OutlineWriting A Essay Outline
How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of...
How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of Search and Lust
In her essay, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema , British film maker Laura
Mulvey attempts to demystify how pleasure can be fulfilled in film. Contending that
a pleasure in looking (scopohilia) and a pleasure in possessing the female as what to
be looked at (voyeurism) fufills the audience s desires, Mulvey suggests how
filmmakers use this knowledge to create film that panders to our innate desires. In
Meshes of the Afternoon by Maya Deren and Vertigoby Alfred Hitchcock, it is seen
that Mulvey s argument the desire to look, the hunting, seeking, and watching, and
harnessing of the female form is natural human desire. Deren and Hitchcock will use
... Show more content on ...
Important first is understanding what Mulvey is suggesting what it actually means to
derive pleasure from a work as she sees it. She divides pleasure into two categories
voyeurism and scopophilia that for her represent the complete fulfillment of human
desires in a work. The question as to whether they can coexist harmoniously is the
critical component of Hitchcock and Deren. The difference between these two
artists and others, as it will soon be seen, is their uncanny ability to play toward
both the need to look and the need to objectify women as the image of that look
and do so in such a seamless manner that it can escape the audience s attention.
How, artistically, do you implement Mulvey s suggestion that there is some desire
to be gained by the idea of looking and seeking in art? There is a mirroring duality
to much of this voyeurism we enjoy in cinema. The extreme contrast between the
darkness of the auditorium (which also isolates spectators from one another) and
the active search playing out on screen allow the individual audience members to
feel voyeuristic as they watch in on someone else s narrative (Mulvey, 2184). It is
dark and secretive, and they can watch in as Scottie, for example, attempts to figure
out the enigmatic woman of his fantasy. As he watches, so does the audience, and it
is within this complex stacking of pleasure that the audience own desires are fully
realized. Mainstream film , where Mulvey places Vertigo
Essay on The Children s Appreception Test (CAT)
The Name of the Test The Children s Apperception Test (CAT), according to Albert
I. Rabin (1995) was first published in 1949, and the manual reviewed was the
eighth revised edition. The test was revised in 1991. The Children s Apperception
Test is an extension from the TAT, which is for adults, using pictures of humans
rather than animals. There is a CAT H that uses human pictures, which was created
after a controversy about whether animal or human pictures were best. There is
also a CAT S supplement. Purpose of the Test The Children s Apperception Test
(CAT) is a projective personality test used on children ages 3 10 years old. Children
will decipher a series of 10 pictures consisting of animals, each in different situations.
The... Show more content on ...
The manual does not meet the standards that are recommended in the American
Psychological Association Standards (Reinehr, 1992). The Development of the Test
Test Administration The manual for the CAT indicates that knowledge of theories of
personality, ego psychology, and cognitive development must be understood to
interpret the made up stories of children (Shaffer, 1980). However, there is no set
restriction of who can purchase the test, administer the test, or interpret the test
responses. According to Shaffer (1980), The CAT manual avers that it may be
profitable in the hands of the psychoanalyst, the psychiatrist, the psychologist, the
social worker, and the teacher, as well as the psychologically trained pediatrician.
The test is given in the form of a game. Each of the ten cards are presented one at a
time and the child s story is to include the past, present, and future of the situation on
the card. There is no set time that it takes to administer the test. Both administration
and scoring are not standardized. (Hatt, 1980). Norm Information The normative
information is limited. All that is known about the normative group is that it
consisted of 200 children ages 3 10. This test is appropriate for the age group of
children tested, 3 10. Knoff (1992) suggests that, they fail to elaborate on this
assertion, providing no data, documentation, or critical analysis. The CAT remains
largely untested, despite the large number of articles published on its use.
Developing A Quality Product Within Budget And On Time
Testing is an integral part of the entire process of designing and developing a quality
product within budget and on time. In order to achieve this, a project manager need
to be able to clearly see the schedules, receive meaningful deliverables, as well as
take recognition of genuine issues, which testing groups, as is the case with all other
software groups have these in plenty Prior to this, however, the whole testing process
need careful planning, managing, and reviewing. An effective test managementserves
to ensure that products offered by a firm receive comprehensive, well documented
testing in addition to being fully ready for production.
Techniques and attitudes for testing group
Successful test group management ... Show more content on ...
A test group has essentially four main functions: quality control, quality assurance,
testing services, and developing services (Kaner, Falk, Nguyen, 2000).
The Quality control
The quality group wields significant amount of power over a test group for the
reason that QC inspectors can easily stop the shipment of the product until all
procedures and standards are met, and all designated problems are resolved.
According to the IEEE standard 610 [2], quality control refers to a set of activities
designed to evaluate the quality of developed or manufactured products (Black, 2013)
As such, quality control is a term applied in a hardware manufacturing or hardware
environment, in which a large scope of physical items are produced and/or shipped.
Each of the produced items has to be taken through a thorough testing process for the
purpose of ensuring the quality of product is high enough for ship. Failure to meet
high quality standards would result in the rejection of the product or system.
Therefore, the quality control group within a manufacturing organization conducts a
quality check, under the leadership of a quality controller. Quality control needs need
to follow solid item library management that allows for traceability, uniformity
predictability which are attained through testing of the design, the developed
products, the product relationships, as well as the product system (Farrell Vinay,
2008). The quality controls are crucial in
The s Theory Of Human Behavior, Emotion, And Thought
Relationships exist in every possible corner of humanity. The adage regarding
strength in numbers is a relevant point to deliberate when discussing the benefits
and deficits of belongingness. The belongingness hypothesis states that people have
a basic psychological need to feel closely connected to others, and that caring,
affectionate bonds from close relationships are a major part of human behavior
(Selterman, 2014). People are driven to form and keep positive and significant
relationships with others who reciprocate concern and care. The need to belong
motivates human behavior, emotion and thought. Whether looking from a
theological perspective, But you belong to God... (John 4:4, English Standard
Version) or an evolutionary view of cell mutations and adaptations, it is inarguable
that successful procreation ensures the survivability of mankind. In this act of
procreation lies the very reason it is a human necessity to have relationships and
seek a level of belonging. Normal and healthy development depends on the
associations we form and the existence of humanity is proof of the innateness of
belonging. There is abundant evidence that social bonds form easily. Indeed, people
in every society on earth belong to small primary groups that involve face to face,
personal interactions (Baumeister, 1995). Whether the relationship is romantic, filial,
sibling oriented, friendly, or based on a need to survive is of little consequence in
this dialog. It is quintessential
The Effects Of Monopolies On The Economy Essay
Monopolies People have been doing anything in their power to gain money. Many
think they are leading the competition with doing nothing wrong. Others see it as
unfair to do the things that monopolies have done to society. Lawsuits have been
made to stop the ones behind this, but some monopolies weren t always out to hurt
the economy, but to help it. Monopolies have impacted this economy in the past
and even to this day. Way back in 1932, Charles todd and his wife decided to
introduce a new game to some fellow friends. It was a real estate board game. They
sat around playing the game by rolling the dice and buy properties. The couple
liked it so much that they asked Charles if he would make them their own set to
play with. Charles began to show more and more people the game, and then began
applying more and more rules to it. Many began to ask the name of the game, and
where it came from. They also asked about the rules, who had come up with them.
Charles had no answer for them. Where it did start was in 1903 from woman
named Elizabeth Magie that lived in Washington DC. She spent many late nights
trying to come up with a perfect board game. The main idea she a was going for
was a game that represented current day s political problems. Drawing after drawing
she finally had the game. Elizabeth spoke to the public about her game. The game
included buying and selling railways, houses, hotels, paying taxes, collecting annual
income, and if you trespassed on someone s land you
The Planet Of Saturn
There are a total of 8 planets as of 2014, because Pluto is not considered a planet.
Earth is described as the planet that has a lot of energy and is said to be average out
of all the other planets. When the Earth tilts, it makes the seasons change every 3 4
months. Earth is described like the planet who protects the other planets from
dangerous situations. Next, there is the planet, Venus, which is described that has
similar features as Earth. On the planet of Venus, it is as hot as a desert, or maybe
even hotter. It has clouds covering the surface, and it also has many volcanoes unlike
planet Earth. Also, Venus has many dents and holes because of meteorites and
asteroids hitting the surface of it. Venus also, spins the opposite direction, and slower
than all the... Show more content on ...
Fifth, there is the planet, Jupiter which is the largest planet in the Solar System. It
usually changes colors and gives off more heat than it gets from the sun. Jupiter
has swirling gases which are found in the atmosphere of Jupiter. It has many
moons, but one of them, Io has some dangerous volcanoes that are said to be very
hot. Again, there is another large planet, Saturn that spins very fast on its axis.
Saturn consists of many rings that is made of ice and dust. There are at least 18
moons on the planet of Saturn. Seventh, there is the planet, Neptune which is very
much alike to Uranus, because they look the same. Neptune consists of large dark
circles on the surface of itself, and is actually the farthest planet from the Sun.
Eighth, the planet, Uranus is said to be unique because it is tilted 98 degrees. There
is many rings but they have not been discovered since 1977, and also has 20
satellites. Finally, there is the planet, Pluto, which is technically not a planet as of
right now, but it was in the past. Pluto is the smallest planet, and is farthest away
from the sun. The atmosphere freezes and then returns back to normal. It is said from
some astronomers
Pretty Little Liars Essay On Identity
Have you ever dreamed about starting a new life? Running away from everyone
and everything in your life including school, your hometown, your home, even
your family and friends, and starting a new life. everything about you will change
from your looks to your personality, you ll have no baggage. Your past and future
goals would be a distant memory. Of course, it s something to think about but it s a
fresh start where you ll have a new identity and everything about you will no longer
be you. Pretty Little Liars is a series by Sara Shepard. Going on three years and five
seasons later, Emily, Hanna, Spencer And Aria the remaining girls are now junior
living separate but charmed lives in their hometown in Rosewood. Even though
someone name... Show more content on ...
It Highlight the fact that we as human is never perfect were entitled to make mistakes
or even keep secrets. Secrets are apart of our human structure. The writer tries to
characterized it better to be yourself rather pretend to be someone or something your
not. it also shows the importance of friendship through thick and thin. We protect the
ones will love rather they right or wrong at time and you would agree the girls
displayed this trait. Things doesn t quite work out in the girls favor they still
doesn t no A identify. The girls were barely able to survive the entire season with
the encounter A placed upon them. It s seemed A is just getting started! Just as
Emily sexuality emerges in unexpected way for many people. The girls are the
remain the talk of the town where the lies are stacking up. The Clues to Allison
disappearance are still leading the girls on a road to a dead end. Will the mystery ever
Key Differences In Bulb Development And Limb
Amphibians and mammals show similarities in their development, but also have
many differences. One of these major, and possibly most important, differences is an
amphibian s ability to regenerate its limb from the amputated area. The article
suggests the main difference in limb development and limb regeneration are in the
manners the processes are initiated. The process is largely dependent on the cells
ability to commit once it has specified. The paper attempts to make sense of limb
regeneration through various models that show the steps of regeneration
scientifically accepted today. It is important to note that key differences exist
between the two processes such as the ability of the proliferating progenitor cells to
revert back to their... Show more content on ...
In the boundary model the anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral regions set up a
concentration gradient using the morphogen like epidermis that formed into a soluble
substance as it moves along the distal axis. It sets up the different structures once
amputation has taken place. The sonic hedgehog sets up a gradient along the anterior
posterior axis while stimulating the production of the new limb along the distal axis.
According to Mariana Martin, this model only works if the salamander retains its
axis such that the posterior region is thinner than that of the anterior (Martin, 2008).
This model of morphogen behavior follows temporal order such that sonic hedgehog
gradients set up the posterior distal axis through compiling the blastemal cells, which
acts to trigger BMP signaling. This in turn activates the FGF signaling pathway. This
pathway shows similarities to that of the homeotic genes of the drosophila, which
have segmentation due to the homeotic genes. When one of these genes are not
expressed, or in other words knocked off this results in a defect that can lead to a
missing region on the drosophila (Gilbert, 2014). This yields similar results in the
salamander but instead uses genes such as band2, which results in lack of posterior
characteristics on the salamander. With these similarities, it makes tracking gene
expressions in regeneration comparable to that in the development of other organisms
Good Will Hunting Ethical Issues
Good will Hunting is a movie that teaches us many good things about the world.
The main character of the movie is Will, who goes through many struggles and has
a reason to be angry at the world. As he is shown in the movie and the way that he
acts is because of the way that he was brought up as a child. He had an abusive
father, who always abused him as a child, which caused him to live an unhappy life.
His childhood had an effect on future, he turned out to abusive to people around
him, and he showed angered towards the world, in order to take out his own anger.
Often times when a child is abuse at a young age, they become abusive when they
grow up. For example in the movie will attack a youth, who use to bully him in
kindergarten, after this incident he faces imprisonment for attacking a police... Show
more content on ...
Growing up being abused had a major effect on Will, he had no fear in the world,
and he did anything without being scared or without knowing what the
consequences would be for the actions that he takes in the society that he is living
in. Going through these struggles in life, Will meets Skylar, and she tells him to
move to California with him so that she can start her medical school there and also
will get rid of his past and thoughts about his past. Skylar wanted to help Will, so
that he can be a better person in the world that he is living in and be less abusive to
the people that are around him. What will become as an adult, is a blame to his
childhood and that is what Skylar wants to help him with, she wants Will to forget
about the past and move on in the future. When Will goes to California he meets
someone just like him over there, he had the same story as him. He also got
abused when he was child. Due to how he was treated when he was a child, he
grew up abusive, he didn t know to treat the people around him and also because of
that he didn t want to get into a relationship, he was too scared to be in a
Total Care Nursing Home s ( Tcnh ) Rehabilitation
Description of Organization:
Total Care Nursing Home s (TCNH) rehabilitation therapy program is designed to
produce positive outcomes in the restoration of patients lives by providing Physical
Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy. TCNH provides treatment
specifically tailored to patients needs and capabilities. During the admission process
TCNH designs a personalized treatment plan by conducting a rehabilitation therapy
screening that takes into consideration each patient s medical condition and their
ability to undertake rehabilitation therapy. The facilities rehabilitation therapy
program is designed to produce positive outcomes, including but not limited to:
Improving patients mobility
Assisting in the ability to do self care tasks
Tools needed to prevent further/future complications
Assisting patients in managing pain
Most importantly providing hope and encouragement to those patients in the facility
Types of Rehabilitation Therapy
Physical Therapy:
Probably the most commonly known form of rehabilitation therapy, physical therapy
is the treatment of disease or disability through therapy and exercise. The programs
include assistance with gait training, bed mobility, wound care, restraint reduction
and wheelchair positioning.
Occupational Therapy:
Occupational therapy is designed to help patients regain skills related to activities of
daily living. Individuals may require this therapy if, as the result of an illness or injury,
they have
Adhd Misdiagnosis
ADHD misdiagnosis a trend in commentary ADHD has become your dime a dozen
catch all diagnosis in adolescence Understandably of course it s a money making
machine between the cost of therapy, medications, and depending on the
medication weekly to monthly blood draws. There s lots of money to be made off
of people diagnosed with ADHD. More than that though, is that it s become sort of
a trend. Few topics have generated as much public concern as the diagnosis of
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to data from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, outpatient visits for ADHD jumped
from 1.6 million to 4.2 million per year from 1990 to 1993 (ADHD Overcoming the
Specter of Overdiagnosis. (2002). ADHD has... Show more content on ...
1997) It is easier than ever for a less than honest individual do become aware of and
learn of the symptoms of ADHD. This overabundance of coverage has led to a
kind of public hysteria, parents and doctors now see ADHD around every corner.
It has almost become a social norm for a child in school to have ADHD. One could
argue that ADHD isn t necessarily a disorder but an unfortunate byproduct of a
fast paced reward driven Society. Luckily there is hope. Recent studies have been
done and new tests have been designed to help curb the tide of malingering in
terms of ADHD. The IVA CPT adequately distinguished adults with ADHD from
non ADHD (Colleen A Quinn 2003) Many people will fake the symptoms of
ADHD in order to get access to the prescriptions given to those who suffer from the
disorder I say few that these medications will help give them in the edge in their
work or home life. Students will sometimes take these drugs and hopes that will help
them focus on the paper that there trying to write or give them that needed edge to
focus on the test they are taking the next day. Either is are pursuing these drugs for
recreational use they are hoping for a high off of the schedule
Essay about Solar Energy and Storage
1. Introduction
As fast increase in energy depletion is nearly related to an increase in a population,
people face several environmental problems such as decreasing energy resources,
global climate change and greenhouse emission. The integrated systems for combined
generation of useful outputs are spreading around the world fast, since they offer
diverse advantages, such as higher efficiency, low operating cost. Energyapplication
choices are restricted by thermodynamic principles. Comprehension of exergy
application methods can help identifying. An integrated system energy manufacture
process refers to a system more than three different purposes, including electricity,
cooling, heating, hot water, fresh water, hydrogen, oxygen and air,... Show more
content on ...
Al Sulaiman [Exergy modeling of a new solar driven trigeneration system] have
used exergy modeling in order to evaluate the exergetic performance of a novel
trigeneration system utilizing parabolic trough solar collector (PTSC).
Solar PDCs concentrate solar radiation to a single focal point by means of one or
more parabolic dishes. PDCs have concentration ratios in the range of 600 2000. As
a result, they are rather efficient at thermal energy absorption and power conversion
processes. Thus, PDC is selected to be the prime mover for the integrated system in
this study.
Absorption chillers can make use of renewable energy resources, such as solar,
geothermal and biomass, in order to generate cooling. The other benefits of
absorption refrigeration systems are that they do not cause ozone layer retrenchment,
they make use of natural refrigerants possibly having less CO2 emissions and they
are independent of electric grids. The most common commercially suitable absorption
refrigeration systems are single and double effect systems. In double effect
absorption refrigeration systems, a secondary fluid (absorbent) is used to circulate
and to absorb the primary fluid (refrigerant). The success of the absorption relies on
the selection of an appropriate combination of absorbent and refrigerant. The most
widespread absorbent and refrigerant combinations in absorption refrigeration
systems have
OECD Countries Case Study
General statistics for OECD countries, including the UK
It is estimated that an average of 83% of today s young people in OECD countries
will complete upper secondary education over their lifetimes, based on current
patterns of graduation.
Young women are now more likely than young men to graduate from upper secondary
programmes in almost all OECD countries, a reversal of the historical pattern.
In Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia
and the United Kingdom, graduation rates equal or exceed 90%. Graduation rates for
women now average 86% compared with 79% for men.
Since 1995, upper secondary graduation rates have increased by an average of eight
percentage points among OECD countries with ... Show more content on ...
Disadvantaged pupils who are behind in reading and writing will also be offered
extra lessons before starting secondary school. The initiative may provide a way of
reducing inequities in education quality and opportunities.
Statistics in the UK across the years regarding students who got qualifications
At the lowest threshold (no qualifications): 1% (6,000) of pupils in England
obtained no qualifications in 2009/10. This proportion is much lower than either
five years previously (3%) or a decade previously (6%). However, the comparability
of these statistics over time is actually very unclear, given that: the scope of what
counts as a qualification has been widened; the range of possible qualifications has
increased; and some pupils without any qualifications are no longer included in the
At the middle threshold (less than 5 GCSEs of any grade): 7% (47,000) of pupils
in England obtained fewer than 5 GCSEs in 2009/10. This proportion has fallen in
each year since 2004/05, when it was 10%. By contrast, the proportion had remained
broadly unchanged between the late 1990s and the early 2000s.
At the highest threshold (less than 5 GCSEs at grade C or above): 25% of pupils did
not achieve the higher threshold of 5+ GCSEs at grade C or
All Hail the King Essay
All Hail the King
Who wears the pants in their relationship? someone may ask about a couple. In the
short story By the River by Jack Hodgins, Jim Styan is definitely the one wearing
the pants and is in charge of most, if not all, matters regarding him and his wife s
life. In essence, Jim is the King of the jungle, or more appropriately put, he is the
King of the Canadian wilderness. The balance of power in some relationships isn t
always an even fifty fifty split. Sometimes, one of the partners has most, if not
complete, control of the relationship. Unfortunately,
Jim and Crystal Styan s relationship is a prime example of the presence of ill
balanced relationships around the world.
In the relationship of Jim and Crystal ... Show more content on ...
She lets Jim talk her first out of the classroom and then right off the island of her
birth and finally up here into the mountains to pursue his dream (pg 130, 133). All in
all, it is extremely evident that Jim plays a very big role in this relationship and
decides everything and anything while Crystal stands by and succumbs to everything
he says.
Adding on to Jim Styan s complete dominance in his relationship with
Crystal, he is also exceptionally disloyal. Time after time, Jim fails in fulfilling his
dream of becoming a farmer, but Crystal is always supportive of him no matter
how badly he fouls up. Jim is so ungrateful that when Crystal put a hand on his
shoulder to comfort him when the sway backed old Jersey cow disappeared into
the bush he shook it off as if she is the one that failed him (pg 133). Even though
Jim has dragged her from place to place always looking and looking for his dream
and for that dream and for him she had suffered Crystal Styan has never though of
leaving Jim and that miserable place (pg 133). Perhaps it is because he can no longer
stand his own failure, the treacherous and ungrateful Jim left the unsuspecting Crystal
all alone in the mountains with no one to care for her. Even after Jim s unannounced
departure six months
Lab Report Sample Size
Area 1: What was the sample size for this experiment? The article does not tell you
the number of mice that were researched in the experiment, and because of this, we
don t know how reliable the data is. The sample size, for all we know, could be
very low (say, 10 or 100 mice), and if that were the case, it wouldn t be a very good
representation for a much larger population of people. We need to know how large
the sample size is in order to come to a better conclusion over how reliable the data
is. Area 2: What are the effects of resveratrol in red wine, blueberries, etc. on humans?
According to Jane Cavanaugh, an Assistant Professor Pharmacology at Duquesne
University, the experiment only tested mice in laboratory, meaning the experiment
did not directly test humans. While mice could provide indications as to what may
happen in humans, humans are still very different from mice, and these results may
not be as accurate since they only show the effects on mice and not humans. We d
need experimental results coming from humans in order to get a better idea of how
resveratrol actually does affect humans.... Show more content on ...
The article provides us with vague information about what was specifically changed
in each test group. For example, the article states that mice that ate the whole
blueberries experienced better results compared to mice who just had resveratrol.
The article does not tell us information such as how much resveratrol (by itself) was
given to mice when they were tested or how many blueberries the different test groups
Media Influence On Culture
The media has a large influence on culture and our beliefs. Many people are
influenced and affected by what the media says about their own culture or other
cultures. The media can make some cultures seem better than they are and make
some cultures seem worse than they are. For example, the police are given a bad
reputation for shooting and killing people for no reason. This is manipulation of
the media because they do not give people all of the details on why the police shot
them. What actually happens is that the police are forced to shoot people because
they are carrying weapons and refuse to put them down or even use them against
police. Also, most news channels are sided with a certain political party. These news
channels will try to hurt the reputations of opposing politicians, while trying to boost
the reputations of the politicians in their party. A way I have seen this is that my
grandfather, who is a democrat, watches one news channel, and my grandmother,
who is a republican, refuses to watch that channel and will only watch a different
one, saying that channel is just a bunch of stupid democrats. A third way people are
influenced by the media is through celebrities. For example, if a celebrity says
something controversial, their fans will sometimes agree with them and also believe
what they said to be true. Although sometimes they have no idea what they are
talking about and are just trying to sound intelligent but end up being a bad influence.
People in our
Essay On The Louisiana Purchase
On April 30, 1803 France sold 2,144,510 square kilometers of land to the United
States of America known as the Louisiana Purchase. The United States of America
paid 15 million dollars (about 283 million dollars today) in this treaty. The Louisiana
Purchase was one of the most important land trading in history. It provided territory
for westward expansion and extend the land area; however, it was opposed by many
people at that time. In the same time, 15 million dollars total was much more than the
national financial capacity of the time. In any case, the Louisiana Purchasewas so
important to the US because it gave them a better way of trading to foreign countries
and allowed the United Statesto become a much larger territory.
The Louisiana Purchase territory in that time was much bigger than the Louisiana
Territory today. In the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana s territory started from the
Mississippi River to the beginning of the Rocky Mountains. The Louisiana Purchase
territory included Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, parts
of Minnesota and Louisiana west of Mississippi River, including New Orleans, big
parts of North and northeastern New Mexico, South Dakota, northern Texas, some
parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado as well as portions of Canadian provinces
Alberta and Saskatchewan.
At that time the Mississippi River had become an important transport route for
agricultural products west of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States, while
Selma HasicMidtermDr.BanksBRONCHITIS Bronchitis is the inflammation of the
mucous membranes of the bronchi, the airways that carry airflow from the trachea
into the lungs. The thin mucus lining of these airways can become irritated and
swollen; the cells that make up the lining may leak fluids in response to the
inflammation. Bronchitis most often occurs during the cold and flu season usually
coupled with an upper respiratory infection. Bronchitis can be divided into two
categories: acute or chronic each of which has distinct etiologies, pathologies, and
therapies. I chose this condition because it seemed like an interesting topic to
research on, and I am also interested in learning more... Show more content on ...
Bronchitis usually results from a viral infection, so antibiotics aren t effective but
your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if he or she suspects that you have a
bacterial infection. If there is a chronic lung disorder involved or if you smoke, our
doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to reduce your risk of a serious secondary
infection. Cough medic ine suppress a cough that brings up mucus because coughing
helps remove irritants form your lungs and air passages. Over the counter medicine
may help if your cough keeps you from sleeping. If you have COPD, your doctor may
recommend an inhaler and other medications to reduce inflammation and open
narrowed passages in your lungs. Some side affects of traditional treatment for
bronchitis are: shortness of breath, rash, hives, itching, swelling of lips, face, or
tounge, and in more severe cases fainting. Although research on the use of alternative
medicine in bronchitis treatment is limited, there are some remedies which may be
helpful in soothing symptoms: 1) Slippery Elm helps relieve sore throat and cough
associated with bronchitis. The herb contains mucilage, a gel like substance thought
to calm irritated or inflamed tissue. 2) Pelargronium Sidoides extracts of the
Pelargonium Sidoides plant have long been used in traditional South African
medicine to treat respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis.
Invisible Wall Fire Monologue
Today is the last day I will let people make trouble in this town! Now being second
chairman of the board I am basically in charge. Especially in charge during a crisis
like this here one. I don t know what folks here are getting upset about. A local
plane tried to land on the highway and hit an oncoming truck!? Now Ernie had no
right taking it upon himself to call homeland security. Yes the accident was fatal,
but that s where the word accident comes in. Now I am not very sure what all the
chitter chatter about some invisible wall is, but they are full of it! I now have this
here situation under control if everyone would calm down we would be able to
handle it civilly. Of course though everybody is upset about severed limbs they are
Evaluating The Sources Of Data Variable Is A Controlled
A hypothesis is a point of research for evaluating the sources of data in either a
controlled or uncontrolled experiment using variables. An hypothesis is the
prediction that requires the process of being proved of being false or true (Bowles,
2013). A hypothesis must be clear and simple to understand that states the purpose
of a test. It must contain logical and be testable. The hypothesis defines what data
variable are considered for testing. The development of a hypothesis begins with
identifying the object with an abstract concept of the research and relationship to a
statement being evaluated (Bowles, 2013). There are four stages to testing a
hypothesis in statics. The four stages are state the hypothesis, set criteria for a
decision, collect the data, and evaluated the data. A hypothesis statement contains
two parts a null hypothesis and and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is
represented as Ho or Hn that is believed to be true or a basis for an argument (Tayor,
2016). It always has a equal sign (Tanner Youssef Morgan, 2013). The alternative
hypothesis is represented as Hi or Ha that is established as an opposite of the Ho. Ha
can only be reached by the rejection of the Ho. Ha is the desired outcome. A example
of a stated hypothesis is as followed: Ho: p = p, and Ha: p =/= p (Zhong Zhong,
2013). The criteria for accepting and rejecting the hypothesis depends on a specific
calculated value set by the research. The criteria value has to
History Of Bioterrorism
Conflict around the world has called to action many forms of warfare. Everything
from weapons involving nuclear activity to the use of child soldiers has been current
and deadly. Not too recently, bioterrorism is an especially lethal and life threatening
attack. A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other
germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. (CDC,
2007) Essentially, bioterrorismwas developed to invisibly dispose of any enemy and
their subsequent constituents. As early as 600 B.C., the use of fatal and harmful
diseases were recognized as a threat to armies. To begin the spread of these diseases,
inventive ways were sought after. Initial plans involved the uses... Show more content
on ...
Each state has their own separate disaster plan prepared to administer the medicine
as quickly as possible. CDC also states on their website for the stockpile that the
medicine in the NPS is free for everyone and enough medicine is available to
protect people in several large cities at the same time. In the event of a contagion
alert, the United State is prepared. They are working together at the federal and
local government level to find the quickest route for medicine to reach the people.
Although an alarm is expected from the American people, there is no need to
expect the government to abandon its people in a serious time of need and
dependency. Along with the US having levels of preparedness in place, the people
also need to discuss and assemble personal response methods. Before a terrorist
attack, enact safety plans. Spend time with family members discussing the actions
needing to be taken place during an event. Inform families and communities about
response actions and the risks possibly associated. If an event should ever occur, it is
critical to remain calm. Check in with local officials and emergency personnel for
further instructions. If injuries
How Did The Yakshis Add To The Buddha s Message
1. Artists might have been reluctant to portray the human figure of the Buddha
because many Buddhists believe that once you have reached nirvana, the Buddha
could not have been physically presented. 2. The wheel might serve as an effective
symbol of the Buddha s message because the eight spokes of the wheel symbolize
the noble Eightfold Path set out by the Buddha in his teachings. Also, it represents
the endless cycle of rebirth, which can only be achieved by reaching nirvana and it
can only be achieved by following the Buddha s teachings. 3. The inclusion of the
yakshis add to the message of this image because they represent the Indian female
earth spirits that are suggesting fertility, the message it displays is that the Buddhists
Bendigo Business Model
In contrast, to post heroic practices of groupthink limiting the effectiveness of
sustainable contribution, Interface and Bendigo have expressed the nature of the
business being beyond the pecuniary aspect, however, still acknowledging the
importance of tradition. Thus, according to Clegg, Teo and Josserand (2006 pg. 55)
post heroic practices have not suppressed the nature of supremacy, but rather
institutions and managementbecome intrinsically ambiguous to democratic
mechanisms . Therefore, demonstrating post/prior bureaucratic practices remain
interpolated, accordingly branching away from modern bureaucracy to a refurbished
hybrid form of democratic principles and Weberian ideal type (Clegg and
Courpasson 2004, pg. 54). Hence, this... Show more content on ...
For example, Interface s model emphasised a more ecological and environmental
drive, while accompanying the social aspects of maximising stakeholder satisfaction.
However, Bendigo Bank solely emphasised on the social aspects, in accordance to the
enhancement of customer and community welfare. Overall, the contribution to
sustainability elucidated a post bureaucratic view, however, Clegg and Courpasson
(2004) suggest, post bureaucracy forms are an original amalgamation of older
principles in a perception designated as a new. Therefore, the degree of bureaucratic
essence was evidential as both cases acknowledge profit as a significant outcome in
the social and the environmental aspect of an organisation. Therefore, Stubbs and
Cockling (2008) highlight the role of leadership in contributing to sustainable values,
by aligning organisational ideal s with the community values . Hence, focused leaders
are then contributing to cultural sustainability in the minds of the stakeholder
(Bansal, 2002 cited in Stubbs and Cocklin 2008 pg. 116). However, Cockling and
Stubbs advocate, once the culture attains sustainability there is little reliance on
hierarchical leadership. Thus, modern bureaucratic leadership has indefinitely
interpolated with this collective style of post heroic stakeholder sustainability,
shaping and driving the purpose and mission of the business, through the sustainable
Ohio State University Research Paper
I have several plans in store for after high school. I plan on attending college to
earn my masters or doctorate degree in a medical field of study.I hope to attend one
of the following colleges: Ohio State, Michigan State, or UCLA. Ohio State is
located in Columbus, Ohio, Michigan State is located in East Lansing, Michigan,
and UCLA is located Los Angeles, California. When looking at these three colleges, I
will be comparing overall fees, varsity sports, student population, the size of city
where the universityis located, and the awards offered. Out of these three universities,
I would prefer the Ohio State University.
When I am looking for a college, I look at the total fees it takes to go to that college.
Ohio State, on the main campus and in state, annually costs $25,579. Ohio States
total costs are lower than both Michigan State and UCLA. Michigan State costs an
average of $48,848 and UCLA costs $33, 391, which is a difference of $13,000 and
$8,000. Based on the prices given for each of the colleges I would prefer to go to
Ohio State because of the lower price per year. Also, depending on my final GPA in
high school, I could be getting scholarships. Depending on scholarships offered and
from what schools they ... Show more content on ...
Ohio State offers many activities on and off campus such as sports, and other
recreational activities. Ohio State also provides many great sports teams including
football, basketball, baseball, and soccer. Another reason I chose Ohio State is
because of the great medical background and education it provides. Ohio State runs
one of the most recognized hospitals world wide called the James. Depending if I
pursue medicine, the James could provide with a job straight after college. Finally, I
chose Ohio State because of the awesome campus life. My cousin goes to Ohio State
and has provided me with background and information which made my decision much
The Position of Islamic Lawin Malaysia
Introduction It has been argued, that if colonisation had not been responsible for the
introduction and application of English law, Islamic law would have developed to
become the law of the land. Islamic law, coupled with the customary law of the
various races, indeed represent the indigenous sources or basic foundation upon
which the eventual growth of a legal system could have been founded.1 However, the
grant of the Charters of Justice 1826 to the Straits Settlements, and the eventual
application of English law both through the judicial process and through legislation
in the Malay States had effectively displaced Islamic law from its premier position.
The role which Islamic... Show more content on ...
For example, it is stated (in traditional Malay language): Orang berbuat bala cara laki
laki perempuan titah Dewata Maha Raya jika merdehika bujang palu seratus rotan.
Jika merdehika beristeri atau perempuan bersuami ditanam hinggakan pinggang
dihambalang dengan batu matikan. 8 This is the law relating to the punishment for
zinДЃ.It can be interpreted as: Those who commit unlawful intercourse between
male and female, the order by the King are; if they are free person (not a slave) and
unmarried, they will be flogged hundred lashes and if the free man had a wife or
the free woman had a husband, they will be buried till waist and will be stoned to
death. This law is in line with Islamic teaching. When Malacca was a Malay
kingdom, a compilation of laws was made on the orders of the Ruler and this, the
Ibid., p. 110. This stone was found near Kampung Buluh in Sungai Tersat, Kuala
Berang at Hulu Terengganu, which its date is 22 February 1303 or 4 Rajab 702 A.H.
8 See Ahmad Ibrahim, Perlaksanaan undang undang hudЕ«d di
Diversity and Abundance of Scavenger Species in Seagrass
Diversity and abundance of scavenger species in seagrass beds in comparison to
intertidal flat zonations in estuarine environments.
Scavenger species that live in estuarine environments, are organisms that niche in the
trophic structure just before detritivores. The energy and nutrients broken down, is
then passed back into the ecosystem, where the detritivores further complete the
breakdown process of organic matter. They are opportunists when it comes to their
diet, scrounging for any organic material to eat, which can place immense pressure
on the organism to survive, if essential resources are deficient. Scavengers are
herbivoric and carnivorous, allowing them to nourish on any organic matter available
to them, whether they be dead or living. (Nielsena A.Gosselina, 2011).
Intertidal (mud) flats are shielded intertidal and shallow sub tidal areas (Quinn, 2014),
with significant ecosystems that provide a diversity of highly productive,
environmental habitats that are essential sources of food for fish during times of high
tide, and for birds in low tide. The sediment composition of intertidal flats depends on
the interactions between the physical, chemical and biological processes (Widdows,
et al., 2004), but the sediment if mainly fine particles and mostly muds. The sediment
itself can also either have vegetation growth or be a completely bare flat region.
(Quinn, 2014).
Seagrass are an angiosperm plant species, which grow in a grass like pattern
Death Row Punishment
Just as Ray Bradbury has said, The gift of life is so precious that we should feel an
obligation to pay back the universe for the gift of being alive
( A lesson taught from practically birth, is that the human
life is sacred. If the gift of life is so special why do cities and states in the United
States find it fair to kill someone instead of keeping them in solitary confinement?
These statements are only a few of many that spark a controversy over the issue of
prohibiting or allowing the death penalty to continue. In recent studies of six U.S.
states, 44% supported the death penalty, while fifty six percent believed it should be
banned. Out of the group who disagreed with the penalty, a majority explained their
reasoning... Show more content on ...
The jury could not be as well rounded in their background knowledge in the subject of
pinning someone to the death penalty; that could sway the judge s decision on rather
or not the person in subject receives the death penalty or not. Racism in the court can
take a deadly turn. The government needs to take into consideration that every
American on American soil is obliged to having equal rights and equal protection of
the law. If that statement was true more than half of the accused on death row wouldn
t be there. There needs to be more evidence brought to court for the issue of placing
someone on death row and they end up being not guilty, having zero involvement
with the crime. What is next? How does the government make that up to a family?
Just let the family accept that one of their members were exiled without strong
evidence in the court of law? It is unjust. Other countries do not seem to really care in
our involvement with the death penalty because they evidently have crueler
punishments than we do. Just because of that, that does not mean that we should
follow through with the death penalty. The death penalty creates too many problems
and issues in the government and society. There is constant argumentation if the
death penalty should be retained or repealed. It is clearly evident that the death
penalty should be expelled from the government. Suffering behind bars for an entire
lifetime is cruel punishment
Dabc Essay
Part 1: Research and identify possible marketing opportunities:
DABC is one of the biggest clothes manufacturing located in Melbourne, Australia.
The first DABC clothes store was established in 1990 in Collingwood under the
name AB Clothes with only 4 staffs. After almost 30 years operating, DABC has
become one of the fastest growing Australian brands with now over 80 stores
throughout Australia and 3 flagship stores located in 3 Melbourne largest shopping
centers. DABC has provided the outfit solutions and is famous with its sharp
tailoring, top quality, high competitive model and shiny accessories. It is one of the
most searched fashion stores for metropolitan men and women.
Review of DABC company s Marketing Plan: DABC is having a very effective
marketing plan which identifies its customers and competitors and also develops an
approach to create goods and services that satisfy customers needs and preferences.
Company is now planning to prelaunch its official website to provide customers with
access to purchase products online, update with fashion news, watch season fashion
shows and receive suggestions and advice on outfits. On the run with company
competitors, DABC also offers loyalty customers with promotion and discounts
regularly. Besides, company is going to expand the business by opening more retail
stores, online shops and even on social media.
DABC company s products on market trends and developments:
Nowadays customers prefer changes in
Congenital Heart Disease Essay
1)Introduction Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are the most prevalent of all birth
defects and the leading cause of death in the first year of life, (1) with an annual
prevalence ranging from six to twelve affected infants per 1,000 live births. (2)
Several chronic maternal medical conditions, including diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, connective tissue disorders, and congenital heart disease confer an
increased risk of CHD in the offspring. (3) Congenital cyanotic heart disease
(CCHD) is a cardiac defect which facilitates complete mixing of the deoxygenated
systemic venous blood returning from the tissue and the fully oxygenated pulmonary
venous blood from the lung in a common receiving chamber. (4)
Cyanotic congenital heart defects include; Transposition of the great arteries, Truncus
arteriosus, Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. (5)
Echocardiography is the initial diagnostic modality for a patient with suspected
congenital heart disease. In some patients, however, use of this modality is
encumbered by its limited ability to delineate great arteries and intra cardiac
anomalies, pulmonary veins, and coronary arteries. (7)
Besides echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and Multi slice
computed tomography angiocardiography (MSCT) have gained particular
importance. (8) The presence of image degrading artifacts from implanted metal, such
as intravascular stents and embolization coils; higher cost; limited availability;
contraindication in imaging of
Classical Liberalism Vs Modern Conservatism
1.The term Science originated from French basically meaning knowledge . By that
definition, Politics certainly is a Science. Politics is empirical; it evaluates both
quantitative and qualitative data. While many contest that Political Science is not a
science because of the general inability to fully quantify things such as human
decision and public opinion, significant portions also deal with demographics, voting
patterns, and the economy. 2.Modern Liberalism differs from classical liberalism in
how it views the governmental role in the economy and society. Modern Liberalism
advocates for heavy governmental involvement to stimulate the economy and
advance social programs. Classical Liberalism, on the contrary, is more conservative
in nature. Founded primarily by Adam Smith, classical liberalism believed that the
market could regulate itself and it was dangerous and unnecessary for the government
to get involved. The similarities between classical liberalism and modern
conservatism boils down to the role of government. Both do not see the government
as having a significant role in the economy, knowing that a free market could better
and more efficiently regulate itself. 3.... Show more content on ...
The grass is always greener on the other side is an idea that human nature thrives
on. The idea that, no matter how good life seems to be, a different country, idea, or
person will be greater and bring more prosperity. A major candidate for the DNC
was a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist: Bernie Sanders. It is clear that certain
thoughts and opinions, especially among younger demographics, towards socialism,
Marxism, and communism have shifted since the end of the Cold War. Overall,
however, people have reconciled that socialism, fascism, and communism are
ineffective and oppressive; even so called communist countries are far more capitalist
Case Study Of The Innovative Journey Of KHDC Ltd
Introduction Handloom industry is one of Economic generation organization for
India because people in india give more preference to their traditional culture. The
handloom industry is next after the agriculture for providing livelywood for the
people. The government has given the importance to the industry by promoting
handloom products and special intrest in export of the handloom products.The Office
of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms has been implementing a various
units through out the India to provide the job opportunity to the weavers. Karnataka
Handloom Development Corporation Limited is such organization which is started
with a mission to be a Market Leader and to provide the employment opportunity to
the rural people.... Show more content on ...
The firm is equipped with equipment to meet national and international standards,
Different variety of fabrics produced by weavers is processed at processing unit
situated at peenya 2nd stage 15kms from Bangalore, The processing house was
established in 1980 with having post looming processing capacity of 5 6 lakh
metres of different varieties, The process house is having a mordenized silk yarn
deying plant having production of 2500kg of silk yarn per month with computer
Profiling By Police
As kids we all played with remote controlled toys or have at least seen them. But who
would have ever thought that they would have come far enough that we can fly them
in other countries and even use them in the law enforcement area. Which there lies
the question. Should police use robots in their attempts to confront suspected
criminals? Yes, I think they should be able to. It will save many policeofficers lives. It
will also show that the police aren t just kidding around, it will be a show of force.
And lastly is will save time, which turns into saving money. Police officers are like
soldiers in some ways. And like soldiers they are fighting a war. But their war is a
crime. In the past 5 years or so, the United States have really picked up on using
drones overseas to fight. And look how it has worked out. We have not lost nearly as
many soldiers as we had in the past years and as many as we could... Show more
content on ...
One major thing they do is show force. They make their presence known to all the
people, to prevent people from trying to pull a stunt. But here lately with all the
criticism and hounding on the police that s been going on, I think that they have
kind of let up on showing their force. And the people have started to stop taking
them as seriously as they did in the past. But in Dallas, Texas when the police used
a robot armed with an explosive device to confront a man who had killed five
officers, it was a curveball. A good curveball. It showed everyone out there that
they aren t just going to sit back and lose many officers. It showed everyone what
kind of power they have and hopefully put some fear into them so they will listen
and obey all the laws better again now. And I don t think that they should stop there.
When a situation like that arises again, I think that they should once again use a
robot to confront the criminal and do what needs to be done. Do what have to be
done to save officers and the people of the United
Rapunzel Research Paper
Rapunzel was a girl who lived in an isolated tower with her foster mother, Gothel.
Mother Gothel didn t want to let Rapunzel left the tower because Rapunzel s golden
hair had magic that could retain Gothel s youth. She told Rapunzel that the outside
world was dangerous. One day, a thief named Flynn Ryder went into the tower
unintentionally because he stole a crown and got chased. Rapunzel captured Flynn by
using her frying pan. Rapunzel requested the Flynn to accompany her see the lanterns
in exchange for the crown. During their journey, Flynn and Rapunzel went into a pub
that was full of bad guys as Gothel warned Rapunzel. Actually, the villains were not
bad as Rapunzel thoughts. As similar as Rapunzel, the villains had dreams. When the
The Evolution Of Democracy In The Early Republic. The...
The Evolution of Democracy in the Early Republic
The evolution of democracy from the time of President Thomas Jefferson to
President Andrew Jackson can be depicted as a minimal change in conceptually
agrarian viewpoints and strong supporters of equality for the common man. While the
two men essentially shared many of the same beliefs and ideas, there was a
noticeable difference to how they acted on them and spoke out about them.
As the nation s third president, Jefferson organized the national government by his
own ideals, doubled the size of the United States, and struggled to maintain American
neutrality in the face of ever increasing pressure. The seventh President of the United
States, Andrew Jackson was a general in the War of 1812... Show more content on ...
Jacksonian Democracy favored Laissez faire economics over the proactive federal
investments promoted by the opposing Whig Party ( Jacksonian Democracy , 2017).
Jeffersonians believed in equality and rule by the educated. Jefferson believed
education would be the cure of all evils. He said, Educate the people generally, and
tyranny and injustice will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. (Hart, 1898).
Jacksonians thought the best way to end corruption was to allow all the common
people to vote and have their say in their government, however both men clearly
demonstrate that their definition of the common man doesn t include minorities.
On the American frontier, democracy became a way of life, with widespread social,
economic and political equality. The system gradually evolved, from Jeffersonian
Democracy or the First Party System to Jacksonian Democracy or the Second Party
System and later to the Third Party System
Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracy are the same in just about every regard.
Their views and goals as presidents are the same. Both are in favor of the common
man and feel that it is the common people who should have the biggest influence on
government, not the wealthy aristocrats. They also support states rights and feel that
the federal government should not get involved with the states affairs. Both men s
actions clearly show that the common man does not include minorities. Both Jackson
Zelda Breath Of The Wild
Open world game is the game that players can go around the world without
limitation. It is one of popular game genre for people to explore the game, but it is
also one of the hardest concept for game developer because the game requires to
show various places with no repetitive contents. For example, The Division, open
worldthird person shooter game in 2016, successfully showed destroyed New York
City with natural color, but it failed to give various contents with good gaming
experience. Another example, No Mans Sky, open worldaction adventure game, had
a huge world with different planets, but it failed to show different atmosphere of
environments. However, Breath of the Wild solves these problems well. Legend of
Zelda: Breath of the Wild... Show more content on ...
It is one of the important elements for the game because of the massive exploration
that allows players to spend on finding secrets. Most of players tend to find the
secrets in open world games and Legend of Zelda game series bring its concept
very well. For example, Shrine is the place where players solve the various puzzle
to get Sprite Orbs, the object that upgrade the number of Link s maximum hearts or
Stamina. Shrines can be found easily on the map such as behind villages and
random flat surface, but some of Shrines can be found if players solve secret puzzles
like hitting targets with thunder arrows and dropping balls on specific
The Impact Of Fitspiration Images On College Women s
It is undeniable that the body changes many times throughout the length of adulthood.
Education is one indicator that a person has began their journey into adulthood.
Attending a University is a time when many men and women set out on their own to
find their own identity and place in the world. Part of that identity is body image.
Tiggemann and Zaccardo (2015) conducted research that aimed to investigate the
impact of fitspiration images on college women s body image. Participants included
130 female college students ages seventeen though thirty who were randomly
assigned to view either a set of Instagram fitspiration images or a control set of
travel images. Fitspiration is a social media term used to describe media images of
men and women who are extremely thin, fit, and toned. These images are used to
inspire fitness and healthy life styles among people through the use of social media.
Several aspects of fitspiration raise some concern. The majority of men and women in
the images display one scrupulous body shape. Although these images are less thin
and more muscular than that of fashion models typically found in magazines, it is
still an unattainable ideal for most men and women (Tiggemann Zaccardo, 2015).
Men and women use these inspirational images to motivate themselves to lose
weight, go to the gym, and eat healthy wholesome foods. As understood through the
social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954) people have an innate motivation to
compare themselves to
Little Miss Sunshine By Valerie Faris
Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton s Oscar winning 2006 indie film Little Miss
Sunshine follows the eclectic Hoover family as they embark on a cross country
trip in their dilapidated VW van to the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pageant in
which nine year old Olive will be competing. Olive s uncle, Frank (played by Steve
Carell) has just been released from a brief stay at a mental health facility following
a suicide attempt, and is left in the care of Olive s mother (Arndt, 2006). Under
doctor s orders, Frank is not to be left alone at any time, thus the family forces Frank
to travel with them to the pageant, much to his indignation. Frank s battle with major
depression and the added stigma of his recent suicide attempt act as a foil for not
only Frank, but the rest of his family throughout the film. According to the National
Institute of Mental Health study, 18.8 million Americans suffer from depression in
any given year (National Institutes of Health, 2004). Those who suffer from major
depressions experience five or more symptoms of depression, lasting longer than two
weeks, and cause the individual functional impairment in their daily lives (National
Institutes of Health, 2004). Major depression can be characterized by persistent
feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and emptiness. Many who suffer from depression
also lose interest in activities he or she once enjoyed (Barlow Durand, 2012). Some
physical symptoms include fatigue, headaches, body pain, and digestive issues
Analysis Of How A Woman Can Get Hurt By Jean
Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt , an article by Jean Kilbourne bitterly rags on
sex in advertisement. It goes into detail to describe how companies have become
increasingly more likely to sell sex in advertisements for products that, in reality, are
entirely unrelated. Kilbourne focuses primarily on how this is harmful to society
especially women and children and how they are viewed by men, though men may
also be targeted if not nearly as frequently. In a similar article called Taking a Bite
Out of Twilight, Carmen D. Siering shares her disapproval of the popular novel
adored by so many: Twilight. Represented by the iconic red apple held in a women s
palm with a sinister black backdrop, Twilight is a modern fairytale where the prince
belongs to a monstrous society of blood sucking models, and the princess is your
average, plain Jane highschool girl with a knack for getting into trouble. Siering s
opinion is most basically this: Bella is objectified and downgraded in the Twilight
series; a character created solely to compliment the plot propelled by male
characters. Where the majority of the population sees an aching, beautiful and
dangerous romance, Siering sees a controlling relationship and a dull female lead.
Kilbourne s article brings to light how Siering s article, directed at Stephenie Meyers
readers, is so accurate with the the recommendation that everyone become more
aware of the messages they are absorbing from media as it snakes its way into society
Interpreting The Book Of Revelation
Approaches to Interpreting the Book of Revelation
Josie Nicolato
Regent University
Approaches to Interpreting the Book of Revelation
The book of Revelation was written by the apostle John, in an apocalyptic literature
style. It consists of a series of prophecies about the end times, when Jesus will return
and triumph over all the evil residing in the world. Its purpose is to bring hope and
encouragement to Christians so that they will continue watching for the return and
victory of Jesus Christ, but it is also a warning of the Final Judgment that
nonbelievers will endure. The depiction of the cosmic battle that takes place both in
heaven and on earth, symbolic language, and introduction of surreal ... Show more
content on ...
According to this view, the events in Revelation are not tied to any specific events
historically or in future. It reduces John s prophesies to a one simple big picture
idea about the continuing struggle between good and evil (Gundry, 2012). Though
there is some truth to this summary, the idealistic approach is heading towards the
mindset that Boxall warned his readers about. The idealistic view seems to
emphasize the analogy aspect of Revelation, as if it was only written to hold
devotional value. This approach would be good to use to gain a simple understanding
of the overall theme of Revelation, but should not be the sole perspective used to
interpret the book. Preterists and idealists have much in common in that they seem to
reject the prophetic element the book of Revelation. However, in the preterist
approach, Revelation was perceived to be describing the events surrounding the
destruction of the Roman Empire (Gundry 2012). For example, Mark Hitchcock
explains in his article A Critique of The Preterist View , that some scholars believe
that the seven heads and seven kings, mentioned in 2 Revelations 17:9, are symbolic
of a complete set of Roman rulers. The number seven, referenced in the scripture, is
viewed as being an apocalyptic symbol for completeness. Though all four approaches
agree, to some extent, that the book of Revelation contains symbolic
Abraham Lincoln s Our American Cousin
Abraham Lincoln was shot in the back of the head on April 14, 1865. He was at a
play Our American Cousin in the Ford Theater. John Wilkes Booth was the one
that shot him. After he shot him he jumped from the balcony and broke his leg. He
hobbled away in a dramatic manner. When he was hobbling away Booth screamed
out Sic semper tyrannis. Right after Lincoln was shot in the head a doctor from the
audience rushed to help him. Lincoln was slouched over in his chair paralyzed.
Soldiers carried him to a house across the street. The vice president Andrew
Johnson stood by Lincoln bedside until he had died by many other close family and
friends by his side. The first lady and her oldest son laid on a bed overwhelmed with
grief. John Booth was an
Neorealism In Open City
Historical films like Roberto Rossellini s Open City (1945)
The importance has in taking part of the Italian neo realism movement that was
This film was created after the fall of Benito Mussolini s government, Rossellini
wanted to create the film to show the realism and the after effect of the war, the
films were created majority on the streets of Rome all the buildings and the
infrastructures were damaged the film was well thought out Neorealism was a sign of
cultural change and social progress that Italy was going through.
With the historical importance of its time with the war ending Rossellini wanted to
show what the citizens of Italy had to endure, the working class life and of the
struggles the people have to go through and social conditions, one of the major
aspects of the film Open City was that Rossellini used nonprofessional actor in
anticipating the real expressions and feelings of the character, he wanted to show
the raw film and the realistic faces and the genuine emotions of the actors in where
they showcased the way the character felt, where there acting was more real, where
the character acted in accordance to their emotions of the after effect of the war in
which this was a personal effect on the characters. Italian Neorealism came about as
World War II ended and Benito Mussolini s government fell, causing the film
industry to lose its idea and the foundations of the film, the majority of the films
needed to be very carefully written and directed
Analysis of the Movie Doctor Zhivago Essay
Analysis of the Movie Doctor Zhivago
Doctor Zhivago is a historically accurate movie. It is a love story that takes place
during the Russian Revolution, World War One, and the Russian Civil War. Doctor
Zhivago is historically correct because of the events it represents, the people the
actors portray, and the level of detail put into the setting. At the beginning of the
movie, there is a scene showing a man handing out flyers asking workers to join
him in a peaceful march to protest against the Tsar. The man s name is Pasha. He is
an ordinary worker who believes to reform Russia there must be a complete
revolution of thought and action. Pahsa, when asked if he was part of the Bolshevik
party, claims no allegiance. The Bolsheviks ... Show more content on
Gapon was the organizer and leader of the Bloody Sunday march. He too escaped
with his life. After Bloody Sunday , he sent a letter the Tsar of Russia saying, The
innocent blood of workers, their wives and children, lies forever between thee.
After the massacre, Gapon became very violent and became one of the leaders of
the uprising. In Doctor Zhivago, Laura s fiancГ© changes his name from Pasha to
Strelnikauf and becomes a leader of the uprising too. Gapon and Strelinkauf are
quite similar in their actions and beliefs. Nine years after the Bloody Sunday
Massacre , Russia becomes involved with World War One. In the movie, there is a
scene where Russian troops are marching through Moscow and the town s people
are cheering for them. During this scene, the narrator describes how when he
entered the war, the party gave him the job the recruit troops. Bolsheviks, now
referring to themselves as the party, wanted the Tsar removed and the power
placed in the hands of the people. The Bolsheviks believed that the troops fighting
in the war would soon become tired a weary, and would be easily convinced to
come join the party. The narrator in the movie mentions this tactic by saying that the
soldiers boots were new, and by the time they would wear out, they would join the
party. The narrator of the movie described how Russians looked at the war. It was the
Germans verse the Russians. This is very historically accurate. During World War
One, Russian
The Game By Teresa Toten
The Game is a novel written by Teresa Toten in 2001. The novel examines the
affect of abuse and the feeling of inadequacy on a young person and how they cope
with it, in this case the young girl develops a fantasy world in which she battles the
evil with her sister. It also shows how a person s mind tries to protect them from the
realization of events that have happened that at the time they may not be able to cope
with. The gamewas invented by two young sisters, Danielleand Kelly. Danielle is the
older sister that suffers from a tumultuous relationship with her Father which
includes physical and emotional abuse. Dani takes a lot of blame for things that
her sister does wrong, to protect her. She wants to be loved and respected by her
Father, just like her sister is and you find that she has memorialized one memory
where her Father was actually proud of her. There is also the realization that there
are many more memories of when he was disappointed and angry at her. Bearing in
mind that she is also taking responsibility for her sisters mistakes you can imagine
a childhood filled with misery and fear and the need for respect and love. Dani
initially invents a game with her sister representing good versus evil and as you
read the book you realize that Dani s entire life is a game. She reverts to her
childhood game in her mind when facing difficult conversations and situations. Now
that she is older, she uses alcohol and drugs to help take away the memories of the
Wrinkle In Time Quotes
In A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline Lengle the main character, Meg Murry, turns into
an independent person. At the beginning of the novel Meg is down on herself .She
doesn t think that she can do anything right.For example Meg is in her bedroom,
during a hurricane, after school.She says, It s the weather on top of everything
else.On top of me. On top of Meg Murrydoing everything wrong. This shows that
Meg is stressed because things are not going how she wants.This quote also shows
that Meg is down on herself because she doesn t think she can do stuff right right.
As she encounters conflict, she becomes more confident as she starts to focus on her
family.For example Meg is in the cave and sees her mother mother crying and feels
her love
How Did E. B. Seitz Become A Mathematician
When someone familiar with mathematics is asked about late 19th century
mathematicians, names like Cantor (1845 1918), Chebyshev (1821 1894), Dedekind
(1831 1916), Poincare (1854 1912), and Weierstrass (1815 1897) may come to mind.
If this list were expanded and the countries of these mathematicians compiled, only a
handful would be from the United States. This is possibly due to the recently fought
Civil War which ravaged the country causing citizens to focus on reconstruction for
much of the late 1800 s, or possibly due to the lack of prestigious universities
specializing in mathematics in a country barely 100 years old. Either way, the main
outlet for American mathematicians of the time was presenting and solving puzzles
and problems in... Show more content on ...
Seitz, was born in Ohio on August 24, 1846. From a young age E.B. Seitz showed
a fondness of learning, although at the time across most of the country there were
only common schools to attend. These are now remembered as one room school
houses where children were given the most basic education. In order to attend
college, Seitz would have to pass entrance exams and without a college preparatory
academy he was left on his own to gain the knowledge required. Thus, Seitz began
to independently teach himself. In his common school, it is said that he was more
capable than his teachers in arithmetic, and completed algebra by age fifteen
without help from an instructor. According to his brother, at the age of 20 he began
teaching mathematics at Greenville High School in Greenville, Ohio. Seitz then
began course at the University of Delaware but did not graduate, his brother gives
the reasoning he at that age had outclassed all mathematicians of the United States
[7]. In 1879 Seitz was offered the position chair of mathematics at Missouri State
Normal School, in Kirksville, Missouri, now Truman State University. He had not
applied to the position but took it nonetheless. It was in Kirksville that E. B. Seitz
contracted typhoid fever, described in his American Mathematical Monthly
biography as a demon of death, and passed away on October 8, 1883 at thirty seven
years of
Understanding of Thermodynamics
Understanding Thermodynamics Through the Concepts of Absolute Zero and the
Distribution of Molecular Speeds
Thermodynamics is the study of work, heat, and the energy of a system (NASA,
2010). To help explain in more detail the properties of thermodynamics are the laws
of thermodynamics. The first law explains that a system s internal energy can be
increased by adding energy to the system or by doing work on the system (Serway
Vuille, 2012). An internal energy system is the sum of both its kinetic and potential
energies. The first law more simply states that the change in internal energy of a
system is caused by an exchange of energy across the system, typically in the form of
heat, or by doing work on the system. This relationship ... Show more content on ...
To find K , one can add all the kinetic energies of the molecules, and then divide that
sum by the total number of molecules. More simply, another way to calculate this
is K = (3/2)kT (Department of Physics, 2010). The reason one might want to find
the number of molecules with a range of speed or the average kinetic energy of one
molecule is to better understand how two different molecules can have the same
kinetic energy while moving at different speeds. A large molecule will have slow
speed compared to a smaller molecule, which will have a much faster speed to have
the same molecular kinetic energies. In relation to temperature, a molecule with a
lower temperature will experience fewer collisions between molecules while moving.
A molecule with a higher temperature will experience more collisions with other
moving molecules due to its faster speed.
Now that we understand how work, heat, and energy impact a system in physics,
we need to consider why this is important to appreciate as a human. As animals (or
humans) do work and create energy, they give off heat. Therefore,
thermodynamics can be applied to animal bodies (Serway Vuille, 2012). As a body
s internal energy changes due to different amounts of energy being lost, this rate of
change can also be measured with an equation just as before in the physics world.
О”U = Q + W can still be used, but each value will be divided by the change in time,
Differences Between An Imperative Programming Language
Describe the differences between an imperative programming language and a non
imperative programming language. Imperative languages are based on the sequential
execution of instructions that direct the computer system what steps to take in order
to come up with a solution to a problem. This is achieved by the programmer setting
states, such as assigning data to memory, altering states, and controlling the sequence
of instructions (University of the People, n.d.). In order to achieve this, the
programmer must have a complete plan of the process the computer will use achieve
a solution. Issues that can arise with imperative languages are side effects caused by
the status of states being altered in some unintentional fashion because the computer
is executing the instructions, as outlined, by the programmer. In non imperative
languages, the necessity of controlling the sequence of execution is less important.
Attention in the language is instead focused on what data is needed, what the
problem is, and what result output you are looking for. The programmer needs to be
able to define the problem and result for which they are seeking a solution, but the
computer decides, based on built in functions of the language, how to return the
solution to the problem. As no states are altered as part of non imperative languages
programs, there are no issues with side effects (University of the People, n.d.).
Discuss an example of where you would use an imperative language and a situation
How Did John Smith Influence Jamestown Settlers
The simple fact is, John Smith helped the Jamestown settlers tremendously and made
them stronger as a result. He achieved this through his excellent leadership skills,
knowledge of survival and ability to maintain peace. He even strengthened the
colonist relationship with Native Americans during their time of struggle. During this
time many tribes welcomed the English with opened arms, but some pushed them
away in distrust. This may be due to previous encounters with Europeans. This event
can be liked with the development of our nation as we know it today, without these
individuals coming to North America during this time the United Statesmay not have
become a nation.
This specific source was created by John Smith himself in London, 1624. During this
year multiple events were happening such as, England declaring war on Spain,
Netherlands and France sign anti Spanish Treaty of CompiГЁgne. The cards are
heavily stacked against Spain during this moment in history. This was just 17 years
after John Smith helped establish Jamestown. Soon after this source was ... Show
more content on ...
Smith was injured by the gunpowder accident he was transported to England for
treatment. He had left the colonist with at least 3 months worth of food and
expected the Native Americans to continue trade with the colonist while he was
gone. John Smith assumed he would be in good health upon his return, but sadly
never came back and perished in England to his wounds. During the time it took
him to travel back to England these unfortunate 500 colonist struggled with food
shortages and lack of leadership. This was known as the Starving Time the winter of
1609 1610. During this time settlers ate whatever they could get their hands on this
included, dogs, cats, rats, and mice. After Mr. Smith s ship reached England it is said
there were only 60 colonists
What Are Emily Dickinson s Accomplishments
The Life, Works, and Achievements of Emily Dickinson
On December 10th, 1830, Emily Norcross Dickinson and Edward Dickinson gave
birth to a beautiful baby girl named Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (Poets). Little did any
of them know that Emily Dickinson would be a famous poet who continues to move
people with her words to this day! Though Emily Dickinson wouldn t receive any
awards for her poetry, she is easily one of the most inspiring and touching poets of all
time. During her life, she wrote almost 1800 poems, but only about 12 were
published. Dickinson s fame only came after her death, but fame never seemed to be
something she wanted anyways (EmilyDickinsonMuseum).
Emily Dickinson grew up in the town where she was born, Amherst, Massachusetts ...
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She decided that they had to be published. Lavinia went to Mabel Loomis Todd and
asked her to help her get the poems published. She got Thomas Wentworth
Higginson to be the co editor and together they were able to publish Poems of
Emily Dickinson . They published two more books of poems by Emily Dickinson
before running into a lawsuit with the Dickinson family. This caused Todd to lose
a bit of land and put a stop to Emily s poems being published, but eventually Todd
was back to publishing Emily s poems. Soon enough, Todd had published almost
all of Emily s poems. In 1955, Thomas H. Johnson took Emily Dickinson s poems
put all of them in chronological order and then published it as a complete book of all
her poems known as The Poems of Emily Dickinson . Then, Ralph W. Franklin
published another version of The Poems of Emily Dickinson that had correct
punctuation and spelling
How Is Benjamin Successful
Along with critically thinking while making decisions, Benjamin used his social
and communication skills to his advantage to grow him into a successful person.
He was able to put his communication skills to lead him to success by taking
advantage of others for his own good. From his own words and experiences in the
autobiography, as a young boy he seemed very outgoing, ready to meet people and
face anything. While meeting so many different people in life, he was able to learn
new things from them, which allowed him to find new opportunities in life. From all
the people he encountered in his life, he tried to show them his potential and priority
in his interests and work, even though some people mislead him. Benjamin used his
own brother for
Franz Sigel s Struggle During The Civil War
Franz Sigel This is the story of Franz Sigel a man who was from Germany and led
forces in both Germany and the United States. During the Civil War he led forces
in support of the Union. His blunders as a Commander led to a huge mistake and
cost them the battle. The battle of Wilson s Creek was one of the bloodiest battles
in the Civil War. Because of his action on that day his reputation was severely
impacted. Before the Battle of Wilson s Creek Franz Sigel was born on November
18, 1824 in Baden, Germany. Franz attended school early in his life in Bruchsal,
Germany. Franz felt a longing to join the military; he attended the Karlshrue Military
Academy in Germany and graduated 1843. After graduating the military academy he
was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in Baden Army. Sigel had a short stint where
he left service in... Show more content on ...
Sigel came back into service as a Coronal during the 1848 Revolution. During the
Revolution Sigel faced several diversities he tactics were not very good but he was
respected throughout the German community. His forces attacked the town of
Freiburg in 1848. His forces were later defeated by Soldiers from Prussia and
Wurttemberg. After this setback he was promoted to commander and chief of Baden
s revolutionary forces. Later that year the revelation began to fall. Sigel retreated his
troops to Switzerland and he fled to Britain. After the revolution in 1852 he decided
to move to United States. After meeting the daughter of educator Rudolf Dulon he
married her and settled to St. Louise, Missouri. This is place where he had an
influence with the community which was primarily made up of German Americans.
After settling down he began teaching at Deutsches Institute and became the district
superintendent of education for the city. April 12, 1961 the Civil War began.
Missouri was instrumental battle
America Spektor Analysis
Americas Sad Conformity No one saw and no one heard, they just followed lead ,
one of many lines of a brilliant song that depicts the American identity. Blue lips by
Regina Spektor, a song with a video to go along, about a sorrowful man who sees
America as it is. A sad nation full of conformists, who all had to grow up way too
fast. It is not a happy song or video, and it does not show a positive view of
America like many songs about America. The lyrics and video show the American
experience and its identity through the lyrics. Regina Spektor is trying to tell
everyone what Americans are like, Americans are sad conformists. Blue represents
sadness, gloom, calm, and even fearfulness. Which is one of the reasons it is obvious
that Spektor s song... Show more content on ...
She says, Blue lips, blue veins, blue, the most human color. Spektor is saying that
sadness is human and in turn American. Blue is many Americans favorite color,
but this is quite strange when blue represents sadness. It is because the American
people are sad. So blue being a favorite color of Americans could show what they
are too afraid to say themselves, that they are sad and are not happy with the true
American experience and identity. Spektor explains why they are sad. According
to her, it is because they are always in a rush, and are enslaved in the assembly line
. Nobody is happy when enslaved, it is simply not a happy word. It is a word filled
with sadness and sometimes even anger. But Americans are a slave to an assembly
line. In the video a man is standing in the middle of a field with a picket fence
around him, when all of a sudden the fence turns into bars and he is trapped. This
shows that Americans are stuck doing the same things over and over, they are
trapped. It is what is causing them sadness and rightfully so. Americans are rushing
around, never smiling because who can
Proposal For Food And Beverage
Linda Holland Blackwell
HOSP 309
American Public University System
Food and beverage is an essential part of many meeting and careful planning can
save a large amount of money. The planner must know how to negotiate and what
to negotiate. Food and beverage is a part of an event that creates memories and
provides a service that goes beyond just grabbing something to eat. The planner
must know what to negotiate how to negotiate when it comes to food and
beverage. Because every event involves food and beverage. It can be puzzling to
some planners as to what is negotiable, prices caterers charge for their services, and
where concessions are made. The Breaking Down Barriers Association (BDBA) is
sponsoring an event at the Raleigh Convention Center, located in downtown
Raleigh, N.C. The BDBA is a 6,000 member nonprofit association whose members
are individuals from across the country. The BDBA was founded fifteen years ago
by a group of individuals who specializes in racial inequality and saw the need to
make a difference for future generation. Over 65% of the organization s membership
are professional business people and the remainder of the association members are
suppliers to the businesses. Although the majority are women, 45% of the members
are male; 40% Caucasian; 37% African American; and 12% Latino, Asian, and Native
American. Knowing the makeup of the organization is an important factor for
Exploring The Cost Of Hydraulic Fracturing Essay
Exploring the Cost of Hydraulic Fracturing in Colorado: What are the potential
effects of the Tres Rio 2016 Oil and Gas Lease/Sale on Montezuma County s public
health, ecological communities, and economic stability?
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a technique often administered by oil and gas
companies in order to create fissures within subsurface shale formations. After a
site is established, the initial step entails breaking through the soil and stone via a
bit placed at the end of a drill. As the drill moves through the rock layers, it utilizes
air pressure to drive fragmented rocks to the surface.The drill ceases immediately
after it comes into contact with the first indication of fresh water. Once the drill is
removed, cement is incorporated into the drilled hole in an effort to prevent
contamination of the water source and as a safety measure.
Secondary steps require a perforated gun producing high magnitude electrical currents
to be introduced down the wellbore (oil field terminology pertaining to a hole
generated from oil/gas exploration), helping drive holes into the cement and
ultimately enabling a channel for gas flow. The gun is then removed. Under high
pressure, the drill pumps a solution of water, sand, and chemicals into the established
site, allowing the gas (methane) to be released and stored.
Finally, a pipeline constructed from the storage space to the consumer market
supplies the gas as an energy source. Radioactive waste water also

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Writing A Essay Outline

  • 1. Writing A Essay Outline Writing an essay on the topic "Writing An Essay Outline" may sound paradoxical, as one might assume that outlining the process of essay writing should be a straightforward task. However, delving into the intricacies of crafting an essay outline reveals a complexity that mirrors the very challenge it seeks to address. At first glance, outlining an essay appears to be a linear and logical process. One might think it involves merely jotting down key points and organizing them in a systematic fashion. Yet, the difficulty arises when one grapples with the need for coherence, cohesion, and a seamless flow of ideas. Crafting an outline requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also a keen awareness of the overarching structure that guides the reader through a logical progression of thoughts. The challenge intensifies when considering the diverse essay types and their unique requirements. A persuasive essay demands a different approach than an informative one, and navigating the nuanced distinctions between argumentative and expository structures can be akin to traversing a literary labyrinth. Ensuring that each section of the outline serves its purpose while contributing to the overall narrative thrust becomes a delicate balancing act. Furthermore, the anxiety of choosing the right level of detail for each section can be daunting. Too much detail can bog down the reader, while too little may leave them confused or unsatisfied. Achieving the right balance requires a careful consideration of the target audience, the essay's purpose, and the desired impact on the reader. In essence, writing an essay on the topic of "Writing An Essay Outline" becomes a meta- challenge – an endeavor that invites the author to grapple with the very complexities inherent in the task they are attempting to elucidate. It demands a self-awareness that transcends the mechanical act of outlining and delves into the realm of metacognition, where one must navigate the cognitive processes underlying effective communication. In conclusion, the difficulty of writing an essay on the topic lies not in the simplicity of outlining but in the nuanced interplay of intellectual, structural, and communicative challenges. It is a task that requires finesse, insight, and an acute understanding of the art and science of essay writing. If you find yourself grappling with such complexities or simply seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on Writing A Essay OutlineWriting A Essay Outline
  • 2. How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of... How Cinema and Theater Convey Pleasure in the Acts of Search and Lust In her essay, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema , British film maker Laura Mulvey attempts to demystify how pleasure can be fulfilled in film. Contending that a pleasure in looking (scopohilia) and a pleasure in possessing the female as what to be looked at (voyeurism) fufills the audience s desires, Mulvey suggests how filmmakers use this knowledge to create film that panders to our innate desires. In Meshes of the Afternoon by Maya Deren and Vertigoby Alfred Hitchcock, it is seen that Mulvey s argument the desire to look, the hunting, seeking, and watching, and harnessing of the female form is natural human desire. Deren and Hitchcock will use ... Show more content on ... Important first is understanding what Mulvey is suggesting what it actually means to derive pleasure from a work as she sees it. She divides pleasure into two categories voyeurism and scopophilia that for her represent the complete fulfillment of human desires in a work. The question as to whether they can coexist harmoniously is the critical component of Hitchcock and Deren. The difference between these two artists and others, as it will soon be seen, is their uncanny ability to play toward both the need to look and the need to objectify women as the image of that look and do so in such a seamless manner that it can escape the audience s attention. How, artistically, do you implement Mulvey s suggestion that there is some desire to be gained by the idea of looking and seeking in art? There is a mirroring duality to much of this voyeurism we enjoy in cinema. The extreme contrast between the darkness of the auditorium (which also isolates spectators from one another) and the active search playing out on screen allow the individual audience members to feel voyeuristic as they watch in on someone else s narrative (Mulvey, 2184). It is dark and secretive, and they can watch in as Scottie, for example, attempts to figure out the enigmatic woman of his fantasy. As he watches, so does the audience, and it is within this complex stacking of pleasure that the audience own desires are fully realized. Mainstream film , where Mulvey places Vertigo
  • 3. Essay on The Children s Appreception Test (CAT) The Name of the Test The Children s Apperception Test (CAT), according to Albert I. Rabin (1995) was first published in 1949, and the manual reviewed was the eighth revised edition. The test was revised in 1991. The Children s Apperception Test is an extension from the TAT, which is for adults, using pictures of humans rather than animals. There is a CAT H that uses human pictures, which was created after a controversy about whether animal or human pictures were best. There is also a CAT S supplement. Purpose of the Test The Children s Apperception Test (CAT) is a projective personality test used on children ages 3 10 years old. Children will decipher a series of 10 pictures consisting of animals, each in different situations. The... Show more content on ... The manual does not meet the standards that are recommended in the American Psychological Association Standards (Reinehr, 1992). The Development of the Test Test Administration The manual for the CAT indicates that knowledge of theories of personality, ego psychology, and cognitive development must be understood to interpret the made up stories of children (Shaffer, 1980). However, there is no set restriction of who can purchase the test, administer the test, or interpret the test responses. According to Shaffer (1980), The CAT manual avers that it may be profitable in the hands of the psychoanalyst, the psychiatrist, the psychologist, the social worker, and the teacher, as well as the psychologically trained pediatrician. The test is given in the form of a game. Each of the ten cards are presented one at a time and the child s story is to include the past, present, and future of the situation on the card. There is no set time that it takes to administer the test. Both administration and scoring are not standardized. (Hatt, 1980). Norm Information The normative information is limited. All that is known about the normative group is that it consisted of 200 children ages 3 10. This test is appropriate for the age group of children tested, 3 10. Knoff (1992) suggests that, they fail to elaborate on this assertion, providing no data, documentation, or critical analysis. The CAT remains largely untested, despite the large number of articles published on its use.
  • 4. Developing A Quality Product Within Budget And On Time Introduction Testing is an integral part of the entire process of designing and developing a quality product within budget and on time. In order to achieve this, a project manager need to be able to clearly see the schedules, receive meaningful deliverables, as well as take recognition of genuine issues, which testing groups, as is the case with all other software groups have these in plenty Prior to this, however, the whole testing process need careful planning, managing, and reviewing. An effective test managementserves to ensure that products offered by a firm receive comprehensive, well documented testing in addition to being fully ready for production. Techniques and attitudes for testing group Successful test group management ... Show more content on ... A test group has essentially four main functions: quality control, quality assurance, testing services, and developing services (Kaner, Falk, Nguyen, 2000). The Quality control The quality group wields significant amount of power over a test group for the reason that QC inspectors can easily stop the shipment of the product until all procedures and standards are met, and all designated problems are resolved. According to the IEEE standard 610 [2], quality control refers to a set of activities designed to evaluate the quality of developed or manufactured products (Black, 2013) As such, quality control is a term applied in a hardware manufacturing or hardware environment, in which a large scope of physical items are produced and/or shipped. Each of the produced items has to be taken through a thorough testing process for the purpose of ensuring the quality of product is high enough for ship. Failure to meet high quality standards would result in the rejection of the product or system. Therefore, the quality control group within a manufacturing organization conducts a quality check, under the leadership of a quality controller. Quality control needs need to follow solid item library management that allows for traceability, uniformity predictability which are attained through testing of the design, the developed products, the product relationships, as well as the product system (Farrell Vinay, 2008). The quality controls are crucial in
  • 5. The s Theory Of Human Behavior, Emotion, And Thought Relationships exist in every possible corner of humanity. The adage regarding strength in numbers is a relevant point to deliberate when discussing the benefits and deficits of belongingness. The belongingness hypothesis states that people have a basic psychological need to feel closely connected to others, and that caring, affectionate bonds from close relationships are a major part of human behavior (Selterman, 2014). People are driven to form and keep positive and significant relationships with others who reciprocate concern and care. The need to belong motivates human behavior, emotion and thought. Whether looking from a theological perspective, But you belong to God... (John 4:4, English Standard Version) or an evolutionary view of cell mutations and adaptations, it is inarguable that successful procreation ensures the survivability of mankind. In this act of procreation lies the very reason it is a human necessity to have relationships and seek a level of belonging. Normal and healthy development depends on the associations we form and the existence of humanity is proof of the innateness of belonging. There is abundant evidence that social bonds form easily. Indeed, people in every society on earth belong to small primary groups that involve face to face, personal interactions (Baumeister, 1995). Whether the relationship is romantic, filial, sibling oriented, friendly, or based on a need to survive is of little consequence in this dialog. It is quintessential
  • 6. The Effects Of Monopolies On The Economy Essay Monopolies People have been doing anything in their power to gain money. Many think they are leading the competition with doing nothing wrong. Others see it as unfair to do the things that monopolies have done to society. Lawsuits have been made to stop the ones behind this, but some monopolies weren t always out to hurt the economy, but to help it. Monopolies have impacted this economy in the past and even to this day. Way back in 1932, Charles todd and his wife decided to introduce a new game to some fellow friends. It was a real estate board game. They sat around playing the game by rolling the dice and buy properties. The couple liked it so much that they asked Charles if he would make them their own set to play with. Charles began to show more and more people the game, and then began applying more and more rules to it. Many began to ask the name of the game, and where it came from. They also asked about the rules, who had come up with them. Charles had no answer for them. Where it did start was in 1903 from woman named Elizabeth Magie that lived in Washington DC. She spent many late nights trying to come up with a perfect board game. The main idea she a was going for was a game that represented current day s political problems. Drawing after drawing she finally had the game. Elizabeth spoke to the public about her game. The game included buying and selling railways, houses, hotels, paying taxes, collecting annual income, and if you trespassed on someone s land you
  • 7. The Planet Of Saturn There are a total of 8 planets as of 2014, because Pluto is not considered a planet. Earth is described as the planet that has a lot of energy and is said to be average out of all the other planets. When the Earth tilts, it makes the seasons change every 3 4 months. Earth is described like the planet who protects the other planets from dangerous situations. Next, there is the planet, Venus, which is described that has similar features as Earth. On the planet of Venus, it is as hot as a desert, or maybe even hotter. It has clouds covering the surface, and it also has many volcanoes unlike planet Earth. Also, Venus has many dents and holes because of meteorites and asteroids hitting the surface of it. Venus also, spins the opposite direction, and slower than all the... Show more content on ... Fifth, there is the planet, Jupiter which is the largest planet in the Solar System. It usually changes colors and gives off more heat than it gets from the sun. Jupiter has swirling gases which are found in the atmosphere of Jupiter. It has many moons, but one of them, Io has some dangerous volcanoes that are said to be very hot. Again, there is another large planet, Saturn that spins very fast on its axis. Saturn consists of many rings that is made of ice and dust. There are at least 18 moons on the planet of Saturn. Seventh, there is the planet, Neptune which is very much alike to Uranus, because they look the same. Neptune consists of large dark circles on the surface of itself, and is actually the farthest planet from the Sun. Eighth, the planet, Uranus is said to be unique because it is tilted 98 degrees. There is many rings but they have not been discovered since 1977, and also has 20 satellites. Finally, there is the planet, Pluto, which is technically not a planet as of right now, but it was in the past. Pluto is the smallest planet, and is farthest away from the sun. The atmosphere freezes and then returns back to normal. It is said from some astronomers
  • 8. Pretty Little Liars Essay On Identity Have you ever dreamed about starting a new life? Running away from everyone and everything in your life including school, your hometown, your home, even your family and friends, and starting a new life. everything about you will change from your looks to your personality, you ll have no baggage. Your past and future goals would be a distant memory. Of course, it s something to think about but it s a fresh start where you ll have a new identity and everything about you will no longer be you. Pretty Little Liars is a series by Sara Shepard. Going on three years and five seasons later, Emily, Hanna, Spencer And Aria the remaining girls are now junior living separate but charmed lives in their hometown in Rosewood. Even though someone name... Show more content on ... It Highlight the fact that we as human is never perfect were entitled to make mistakes or even keep secrets. Secrets are apart of our human structure. The writer tries to characterized it better to be yourself rather pretend to be someone or something your not. it also shows the importance of friendship through thick and thin. We protect the ones will love rather they right or wrong at time and you would agree the girls displayed this trait. Things doesn t quite work out in the girls favor they still doesn t no A identify. The girls were barely able to survive the entire season with the encounter A placed upon them. It s seemed A is just getting started! Just as Emily sexuality emerges in unexpected way for many people. The girls are the remain the talk of the town where the lies are stacking up. The Clues to Allison disappearance are still leading the girls on a road to a dead end. Will the mystery ever be
  • 9. Key Differences In Bulb Development And Limb Regeneration Amphibians and mammals show similarities in their development, but also have many differences. One of these major, and possibly most important, differences is an amphibian s ability to regenerate its limb from the amputated area. The article suggests the main difference in limb development and limb regeneration are in the manners the processes are initiated. The process is largely dependent on the cells ability to commit once it has specified. The paper attempts to make sense of limb regeneration through various models that show the steps of regeneration scientifically accepted today. It is important to note that key differences exist between the two processes such as the ability of the proliferating progenitor cells to revert back to their... Show more content on ... In the boundary model the anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral regions set up a concentration gradient using the morphogen like epidermis that formed into a soluble substance as it moves along the distal axis. It sets up the different structures once amputation has taken place. The sonic hedgehog sets up a gradient along the anterior posterior axis while stimulating the production of the new limb along the distal axis. According to Mariana Martin, this model only works if the salamander retains its axis such that the posterior region is thinner than that of the anterior (Martin, 2008). This model of morphogen behavior follows temporal order such that sonic hedgehog gradients set up the posterior distal axis through compiling the blastemal cells, which acts to trigger BMP signaling. This in turn activates the FGF signaling pathway. This pathway shows similarities to that of the homeotic genes of the drosophila, which have segmentation due to the homeotic genes. When one of these genes are not expressed, or in other words knocked off this results in a defect that can lead to a missing region on the drosophila (Gilbert, 2014). This yields similar results in the salamander but instead uses genes such as band2, which results in lack of posterior characteristics on the salamander. With these similarities, it makes tracking gene expressions in regeneration comparable to that in the development of other organisms
  • 10. Good Will Hunting Ethical Issues Good will Hunting is a movie that teaches us many good things about the world. The main character of the movie is Will, who goes through many struggles and has a reason to be angry at the world. As he is shown in the movie and the way that he acts is because of the way that he was brought up as a child. He had an abusive father, who always abused him as a child, which caused him to live an unhappy life. His childhood had an effect on future, he turned out to abusive to people around him, and he showed angered towards the world, in order to take out his own anger. Often times when a child is abuse at a young age, they become abusive when they grow up. For example in the movie will attack a youth, who use to bully him in kindergarten, after this incident he faces imprisonment for attacking a police... Show more content on ... Growing up being abused had a major effect on Will, he had no fear in the world, and he did anything without being scared or without knowing what the consequences would be for the actions that he takes in the society that he is living in. Going through these struggles in life, Will meets Skylar, and she tells him to move to California with him so that she can start her medical school there and also will get rid of his past and thoughts about his past. Skylar wanted to help Will, so that he can be a better person in the world that he is living in and be less abusive to the people that are around him. What will become as an adult, is a blame to his childhood and that is what Skylar wants to help him with, she wants Will to forget about the past and move on in the future. When Will goes to California he meets someone just like him over there, he had the same story as him. He also got abused when he was child. Due to how he was treated when he was a child, he grew up abusive, he didn t know to treat the people around him and also because of that he didn t want to get into a relationship, he was too scared to be in a
  • 11. Total Care Nursing Home s ( Tcnh ) Rehabilitation Therapy... Description of Organization: Total Care Nursing Home s (TCNH) rehabilitation therapy program is designed to produce positive outcomes in the restoration of patients lives by providing Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy. TCNH provides treatment specifically tailored to patients needs and capabilities. During the admission process TCNH designs a personalized treatment plan by conducting a rehabilitation therapy screening that takes into consideration each patient s medical condition and their ability to undertake rehabilitation therapy. The facilities rehabilitation therapy program is designed to produce positive outcomes, including but not limited to: Improving patients mobility Assisting in the ability to do self care tasks Tools needed to prevent further/future complications Assisting patients in managing pain Most importantly providing hope and encouragement to those patients in the facility Types of Rehabilitation Therapy Physical Therapy: Probably the most commonly known form of rehabilitation therapy, physical therapy is the treatment of disease or disability through therapy and exercise. The programs include assistance with gait training, bed mobility, wound care, restraint reduction and wheelchair positioning. Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapy is designed to help patients regain skills related to activities of daily living. Individuals may require this therapy if, as the result of an illness or injury, they have
  • 12. Adhd Misdiagnosis ADHD misdiagnosis a trend in commentary ADHD has become your dime a dozen catch all diagnosis in adolescence Understandably of course it s a money making machine between the cost of therapy, medications, and depending on the medication weekly to monthly blood draws. There s lots of money to be made off of people diagnosed with ADHD. More than that though, is that it s become sort of a trend. Few topics have generated as much public concern as the diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, outpatient visits for ADHD jumped from 1.6 million to 4.2 million per year from 1990 to 1993 (ADHD Overcoming the Specter of Overdiagnosis. (2002). ADHD has... Show more content on ... 1997) It is easier than ever for a less than honest individual do become aware of and learn of the symptoms of ADHD. This overabundance of coverage has led to a kind of public hysteria, parents and doctors now see ADHD around every corner. It has almost become a social norm for a child in school to have ADHD. One could argue that ADHD isn t necessarily a disorder but an unfortunate byproduct of a fast paced reward driven Society. Luckily there is hope. Recent studies have been done and new tests have been designed to help curb the tide of malingering in terms of ADHD. The IVA CPT adequately distinguished adults with ADHD from non ADHD (Colleen A Quinn 2003) Many people will fake the symptoms of ADHD in order to get access to the prescriptions given to those who suffer from the disorder I say few that these medications will help give them in the edge in their work or home life. Students will sometimes take these drugs and hopes that will help them focus on the paper that there trying to write or give them that needed edge to focus on the test they are taking the next day. Either is are pursuing these drugs for recreational use they are hoping for a high off of the schedule
  • 13. Essay about Solar Energy and Storage 1. Introduction As fast increase in energy depletion is nearly related to an increase in a population, people face several environmental problems such as decreasing energy resources, global climate change and greenhouse emission. The integrated systems for combined generation of useful outputs are spreading around the world fast, since they offer diverse advantages, such as higher efficiency, low operating cost. Energyapplication choices are restricted by thermodynamic principles. Comprehension of exergy application methods can help identifying. An integrated system energy manufacture process refers to a system more than three different purposes, including electricity, cooling, heating, hot water, fresh water, hydrogen, oxygen and air,... Show more content on ... Al Sulaiman [Exergy modeling of a new solar driven trigeneration system] have used exergy modeling in order to evaluate the exergetic performance of a novel trigeneration system utilizing parabolic trough solar collector (PTSC). Solar PDCs concentrate solar radiation to a single focal point by means of one or more parabolic dishes. PDCs have concentration ratios in the range of 600 2000. As a result, they are rather efficient at thermal energy absorption and power conversion processes. Thus, PDC is selected to be the prime mover for the integrated system in this study. Absorption chillers can make use of renewable energy resources, such as solar, geothermal and biomass, in order to generate cooling. The other benefits of absorption refrigeration systems are that they do not cause ozone layer retrenchment, they make use of natural refrigerants possibly having less CO2 emissions and they are independent of electric grids. The most common commercially suitable absorption refrigeration systems are single and double effect systems. In double effect absorption refrigeration systems, a secondary fluid (absorbent) is used to circulate and to absorb the primary fluid (refrigerant). The success of the absorption relies on the selection of an appropriate combination of absorbent and refrigerant. The most widespread absorbent and refrigerant combinations in absorption refrigeration systems have
  • 14. OECD Countries Case Study General statistics for OECD countries, including the UK It is estimated that an average of 83% of today s young people in OECD countries will complete upper secondary education over their lifetimes, based on current patterns of graduation. Young women are now more likely than young men to graduate from upper secondary programmes in almost all OECD countries, a reversal of the historical pattern. In Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and the United Kingdom, graduation rates equal or exceed 90%. Graduation rates for women now average 86% compared with 79% for men. Since 1995, upper secondary graduation rates have increased by an average of eight percentage points among OECD countries with ... Show more content on ... Disadvantaged pupils who are behind in reading and writing will also be offered extra lessons before starting secondary school. The initiative may provide a way of reducing inequities in education quality and opportunities. Statistics in the UK across the years regarding students who got qualifications At the lowest threshold (no qualifications): 1% (6,000) of pupils in England obtained no qualifications in 2009/10. This proportion is much lower than either five years previously (3%) or a decade previously (6%). However, the comparability of these statistics over time is actually very unclear, given that: the scope of what counts as a qualification has been widened; the range of possible qualifications has increased; and some pupils without any qualifications are no longer included in the statistics. At the middle threshold (less than 5 GCSEs of any grade): 7% (47,000) of pupils in England obtained fewer than 5 GCSEs in 2009/10. This proportion has fallen in each year since 2004/05, when it was 10%. By contrast, the proportion had remained broadly unchanged between the late 1990s and the early 2000s. At the highest threshold (less than 5 GCSEs at grade C or above): 25% of pupils did not achieve the higher threshold of 5+ GCSEs at grade C or
  • 15. All Hail the King Essay All Hail the King Who wears the pants in their relationship? someone may ask about a couple. In the short story By the River by Jack Hodgins, Jim Styan is definitely the one wearing the pants and is in charge of most, if not all, matters regarding him and his wife s life. In essence, Jim is the King of the jungle, or more appropriately put, he is the King of the Canadian wilderness. The balance of power in some relationships isn t always an even fifty fifty split. Sometimes, one of the partners has most, if not complete, control of the relationship. Unfortunately, Jim and Crystal Styan s relationship is a prime example of the presence of ill balanced relationships around the world. In the relationship of Jim and Crystal ... Show more content on ... She lets Jim talk her first out of the classroom and then right off the island of her birth and finally up here into the mountains to pursue his dream (pg 130, 133). All in all, it is extremely evident that Jim plays a very big role in this relationship and decides everything and anything while Crystal stands by and succumbs to everything he says. Adding on to Jim Styan s complete dominance in his relationship with Crystal, he is also exceptionally disloyal. Time after time, Jim fails in fulfilling his dream of becoming a farmer, but Crystal is always supportive of him no matter how badly he fouls up. Jim is so ungrateful that when Crystal put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him when the sway backed old Jersey cow disappeared into the bush he shook it off as if she is the one that failed him (pg 133). Even though Jim has dragged her from place to place always looking and looking for his dream and for that dream and for him she had suffered Crystal Styan has never though of leaving Jim and that miserable place (pg 133). Perhaps it is because he can no longer stand his own failure, the treacherous and ungrateful Jim left the unsuspecting Crystal all alone in the mountains with no one to care for her. Even after Jim s unannounced departure six months
  • 16. Lab Report Sample Size Area 1: What was the sample size for this experiment? The article does not tell you the number of mice that were researched in the experiment, and because of this, we don t know how reliable the data is. The sample size, for all we know, could be very low (say, 10 or 100 mice), and if that were the case, it wouldn t be a very good representation for a much larger population of people. We need to know how large the sample size is in order to come to a better conclusion over how reliable the data is. Area 2: What are the effects of resveratrol in red wine, blueberries, etc. on humans? According to Jane Cavanaugh, an Assistant Professor Pharmacology at Duquesne University, the experiment only tested mice in laboratory, meaning the experiment did not directly test humans. While mice could provide indications as to what may happen in humans, humans are still very different from mice, and these results may not be as accurate since they only show the effects on mice and not humans. We d need experimental results coming from humans in order to get a better idea of how resveratrol actually does affect humans.... Show more content on ... The article provides us with vague information about what was specifically changed in each test group. For example, the article states that mice that ate the whole blueberries experienced better results compared to mice who just had resveratrol. The article does not tell us information such as how much resveratrol (by itself) was given to mice when they were tested or how many blueberries the different test groups
  • 17. Media Influence On Culture The media has a large influence on culture and our beliefs. Many people are influenced and affected by what the media says about their own culture or other cultures. The media can make some cultures seem better than they are and make some cultures seem worse than they are. For example, the police are given a bad reputation for shooting and killing people for no reason. This is manipulation of the media because they do not give people all of the details on why the police shot them. What actually happens is that the police are forced to shoot people because they are carrying weapons and refuse to put them down or even use them against police. Also, most news channels are sided with a certain political party. These news channels will try to hurt the reputations of opposing politicians, while trying to boost the reputations of the politicians in their party. A way I have seen this is that my grandfather, who is a democrat, watches one news channel, and my grandmother, who is a republican, refuses to watch that channel and will only watch a different one, saying that channel is just a bunch of stupid democrats. A third way people are influenced by the media is through celebrities. For example, if a celebrity says something controversial, their fans will sometimes agree with them and also believe what they said to be true. Although sometimes they have no idea what they are talking about and are just trying to sound intelligent but end up being a bad influence. People in our
  • 18. Essay On The Louisiana Purchase On April 30, 1803 France sold 2,144,510 square kilometers of land to the United States of America known as the Louisiana Purchase. The United States of America paid 15 million dollars (about 283 million dollars today) in this treaty. The Louisiana Purchase was one of the most important land trading in history. It provided territory for westward expansion and extend the land area; however, it was opposed by many people at that time. In the same time, 15 million dollars total was much more than the national financial capacity of the time. In any case, the Louisiana Purchasewas so important to the US because it gave them a better way of trading to foreign countries and allowed the United Statesto become a much larger territory. The Louisiana Purchase territory in that time was much bigger than the Louisiana Territory today. In the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana s territory started from the Mississippi River to the beginning of the Rocky Mountains. The Louisiana Purchase territory included Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, parts of Minnesota and Louisiana west of Mississippi River, including New Orleans, big parts of North and northeastern New Mexico, South Dakota, northern Texas, some parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado as well as portions of Canadian provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan. At that time the Mississippi River had become an important transport route for agricultural products west of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States, while
  • 19. Bronchitis Selma HasicMidtermDr.BanksBRONCHITIS Bronchitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, the airways that carry airflow from the trachea into the lungs. The thin mucus lining of these airways can become irritated and swollen; the cells that make up the lining may leak fluids in response to the inflammation. Bronchitis most often occurs during the cold and flu season usually coupled with an upper respiratory infection. Bronchitis can be divided into two categories: acute or chronic each of which has distinct etiologies, pathologies, and therapies. I chose this condition because it seemed like an interesting topic to research on, and I am also interested in learning more... Show more content on ... Bronchitis usually results from a viral infection, so antibiotics aren t effective but your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if he or she suspects that you have a bacterial infection. If there is a chronic lung disorder involved or if you smoke, our doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to reduce your risk of a serious secondary infection. Cough medic ine suppress a cough that brings up mucus because coughing helps remove irritants form your lungs and air passages. Over the counter medicine may help if your cough keeps you from sleeping. If you have COPD, your doctor may recommend an inhaler and other medications to reduce inflammation and open narrowed passages in your lungs. Some side affects of traditional treatment for bronchitis are: shortness of breath, rash, hives, itching, swelling of lips, face, or tounge, and in more severe cases fainting. Although research on the use of alternative medicine in bronchitis treatment is limited, there are some remedies which may be helpful in soothing symptoms: 1) Slippery Elm helps relieve sore throat and cough associated with bronchitis. The herb contains mucilage, a gel like substance thought to calm irritated or inflamed tissue. 2) Pelargronium Sidoides extracts of the Pelargonium Sidoides plant have long been used in traditional South African medicine to treat respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis.
  • 20. Invisible Wall Fire Monologue Today is the last day I will let people make trouble in this town! Now being second chairman of the board I am basically in charge. Especially in charge during a crisis like this here one. I don t know what folks here are getting upset about. A local plane tried to land on the highway and hit an oncoming truck!? Now Ernie had no right taking it upon himself to call homeland security. Yes the accident was fatal, but that s where the word accident comes in. Now I am not very sure what all the chitter chatter about some invisible wall is, but they are full of it! I now have this here situation under control if everyone would calm down we would be able to handle it civilly. Of course though everybody is upset about severed limbs they are finding
  • 21. Evaluating The Sources Of Data Variable Is A Controlled Or... A hypothesis is a point of research for evaluating the sources of data in either a controlled or uncontrolled experiment using variables. An hypothesis is the prediction that requires the process of being proved of being false or true (Bowles, 2013). A hypothesis must be clear and simple to understand that states the purpose of a test. It must contain logical and be testable. The hypothesis defines what data variable are considered for testing. The development of a hypothesis begins with identifying the object with an abstract concept of the research and relationship to a statement being evaluated (Bowles, 2013). There are four stages to testing a hypothesis in statics. The four stages are state the hypothesis, set criteria for a decision, collect the data, and evaluated the data. A hypothesis statement contains two parts a null hypothesis and and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is represented as Ho or Hn that is believed to be true or a basis for an argument (Tayor, 2016). It always has a equal sign (Tanner Youssef Morgan, 2013). The alternative hypothesis is represented as Hi or Ha that is established as an opposite of the Ho. Ha can only be reached by the rejection of the Ho. Ha is the desired outcome. A example of a stated hypothesis is as followed: Ho: p = p, and Ha: p =/= p (Zhong Zhong, 2013). The criteria for accepting and rejecting the hypothesis depends on a specific calculated value set by the research. The criteria value has to
  • 22. History Of Bioterrorism Conflict around the world has called to action many forms of warfare. Everything from weapons involving nuclear activity to the use of child soldiers has been current and deadly. Not too recently, bioterrorism is an especially lethal and life threatening attack. A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. (CDC, 2007) Essentially, bioterrorismwas developed to invisibly dispose of any enemy and their subsequent constituents. As early as 600 B.C., the use of fatal and harmful diseases were recognized as a threat to armies. To begin the spread of these diseases, inventive ways were sought after. Initial plans involved the uses... Show more content on ... Each state has their own separate disaster plan prepared to administer the medicine as quickly as possible. CDC also states on their website for the stockpile that the medicine in the NPS is free for everyone and enough medicine is available to protect people in several large cities at the same time. In the event of a contagion alert, the United State is prepared. They are working together at the federal and local government level to find the quickest route for medicine to reach the people. Although an alarm is expected from the American people, there is no need to expect the government to abandon its people in a serious time of need and dependency. Along with the US having levels of preparedness in place, the people also need to discuss and assemble personal response methods. Before a terrorist attack, enact safety plans. Spend time with family members discussing the actions needing to be taken place during an event. Inform families and communities about response actions and the risks possibly associated. If an event should ever occur, it is critical to remain calm. Check in with local officials and emergency personnel for further instructions. If injuries
  • 23. How Did The Yakshis Add To The Buddha s Message 1. Artists might have been reluctant to portray the human figure of the Buddha because many Buddhists believe that once you have reached nirvana, the Buddha could not have been physically presented. 2. The wheel might serve as an effective symbol of the Buddha s message because the eight spokes of the wheel symbolize the noble Eightfold Path set out by the Buddha in his teachings. Also, it represents the endless cycle of rebirth, which can only be achieved by reaching nirvana and it can only be achieved by following the Buddha s teachings. 3. The inclusion of the yakshis add to the message of this image because they represent the Indian female earth spirits that are suggesting fertility, the message it displays is that the Buddhists believe
  • 24. Bendigo Business Model In contrast, to post heroic practices of groupthink limiting the effectiveness of sustainable contribution, Interface and Bendigo have expressed the nature of the business being beyond the pecuniary aspect, however, still acknowledging the importance of tradition. Thus, according to Clegg, Teo and Josserand (2006 pg. 55) post heroic practices have not suppressed the nature of supremacy, but rather institutions and managementbecome intrinsically ambiguous to democratic mechanisms . Therefore, demonstrating post/prior bureaucratic practices remain interpolated, accordingly branching away from modern bureaucracy to a refurbished hybrid form of democratic principles and Weberian ideal type (Clegg and Courpasson 2004, pg. 54). Hence, this... Show more content on ... For example, Interface s model emphasised a more ecological and environmental drive, while accompanying the social aspects of maximising stakeholder satisfaction. However, Bendigo Bank solely emphasised on the social aspects, in accordance to the enhancement of customer and community welfare. Overall, the contribution to sustainability elucidated a post bureaucratic view, however, Clegg and Courpasson (2004) suggest, post bureaucracy forms are an original amalgamation of older principles in a perception designated as a new. Therefore, the degree of bureaucratic essence was evidential as both cases acknowledge profit as a significant outcome in the social and the environmental aspect of an organisation. Therefore, Stubbs and Cockling (2008) highlight the role of leadership in contributing to sustainable values, by aligning organisational ideal s with the community values . Hence, focused leaders are then contributing to cultural sustainability in the minds of the stakeholder (Bansal, 2002 cited in Stubbs and Cocklin 2008 pg. 116). However, Cockling and Stubbs advocate, once the culture attains sustainability there is little reliance on hierarchical leadership. Thus, modern bureaucratic leadership has indefinitely interpolated with this collective style of post heroic stakeholder sustainability, shaping and driving the purpose and mission of the business, through the sustainable business
  • 25. Ohio State University Research Paper I have several plans in store for after high school. I plan on attending college to earn my masters or doctorate degree in a medical field of study.I hope to attend one of the following colleges: Ohio State, Michigan State, or UCLA. Ohio State is located in Columbus, Ohio, Michigan State is located in East Lansing, Michigan, and UCLA is located Los Angeles, California. When looking at these three colleges, I will be comparing overall fees, varsity sports, student population, the size of city where the universityis located, and the awards offered. Out of these three universities, I would prefer the Ohio State University. When I am looking for a college, I look at the total fees it takes to go to that college. Ohio State, on the main campus and in state, annually costs $25,579. Ohio States total costs are lower than both Michigan State and UCLA. Michigan State costs an average of $48,848 and UCLA costs $33, 391, which is a difference of $13,000 and $8,000. Based on the prices given for each of the colleges I would prefer to go to Ohio State because of the lower price per year. Also, depending on my final GPA in high school, I could be getting scholarships. Depending on scholarships offered and from what schools they ... Show more content on ... Ohio State offers many activities on and off campus such as sports, and other recreational activities. Ohio State also provides many great sports teams including football, basketball, baseball, and soccer. Another reason I chose Ohio State is because of the great medical background and education it provides. Ohio State runs one of the most recognized hospitals world wide called the James. Depending if I pursue medicine, the James could provide with a job straight after college. Finally, I chose Ohio State because of the awesome campus life. My cousin goes to Ohio State and has provided me with background and information which made my decision much
  • 26. The Position of Islamic Lawin Malaysia CHAPTER FOUR: THE POSITION OF ISLAMIC LAW IN MALAYSIA 4.1 Introduction It has been argued, that if colonisation had not been responsible for the introduction and application of English law, Islamic law would have developed to become the law of the land. Islamic law, coupled with the customary law of the various races, indeed represent the indigenous sources or basic foundation upon which the eventual growth of a legal system could have been founded.1 However, the grant of the Charters of Justice 1826 to the Straits Settlements, and the eventual application of English law both through the judicial process and through legislation in the Malay States had effectively displaced Islamic law from its premier position. The role which Islamic... Show more content on ... For example, it is stated (in traditional Malay language): Orang berbuat bala cara laki laki perempuan titah Dewata Maha Raya jika merdehika bujang palu seratus rotan. Jika merdehika beristeri atau perempuan bersuami ditanam hinggakan pinggang dihambalang dengan batu matikan. 8 This is the law relating to the punishment for zinДЃ.It can be interpreted as: Those who commit unlawful intercourse between male and female, the order by the King are; if they are free person (not a slave) and unmarried, they will be flogged hundred lashes and if the free man had a wife or the free woman had a husband, they will be buried till waist and will be stoned to death. This law is in line with Islamic teaching. When Malacca was a Malay kingdom, a compilation of laws was made on the orders of the Ruler and this, the Ibid., p. 110. This stone was found near Kampung Buluh in Sungai Tersat, Kuala Berang at Hulu Terengganu, which its date is 22 February 1303 or 4 Rajab 702 A.H. 8 See Ahmad Ibrahim, Perlaksanaan undang undang hudЕ«d di
  • 27. Diversity and Abundance of Scavenger Species in Seagrass Beds Diversity and abundance of scavenger species in seagrass beds in comparison to intertidal flat zonations in estuarine environments. Introduction Scavenger species that live in estuarine environments, are organisms that niche in the trophic structure just before detritivores. The energy and nutrients broken down, is then passed back into the ecosystem, where the detritivores further complete the breakdown process of organic matter. They are opportunists when it comes to their diet, scrounging for any organic material to eat, which can place immense pressure on the organism to survive, if essential resources are deficient. Scavengers are herbivoric and carnivorous, allowing them to nourish on any organic matter available to them, whether they be dead or living. (Nielsena A.Gosselina, 2011). Intertidal (mud) flats are shielded intertidal and shallow sub tidal areas (Quinn, 2014), with significant ecosystems that provide a diversity of highly productive, environmental habitats that are essential sources of food for fish during times of high tide, and for birds in low tide. The sediment composition of intertidal flats depends on the interactions between the physical, chemical and biological processes (Widdows, et al., 2004), but the sediment if mainly fine particles and mostly muds. The sediment itself can also either have vegetation growth or be a completely bare flat region. (Quinn, 2014). Seagrass are an angiosperm plant species, which grow in a grass like pattern
  • 28. Death Row Punishment Just as Ray Bradbury has said, The gift of life is so precious that we should feel an obligation to pay back the universe for the gift of being alive ( A lesson taught from practically birth, is that the human life is sacred. If the gift of life is so special why do cities and states in the United States find it fair to kill someone instead of keeping them in solitary confinement? These statements are only a few of many that spark a controversy over the issue of prohibiting or allowing the death penalty to continue. In recent studies of six U.S. states, 44% supported the death penalty, while fifty six percent believed it should be banned. Out of the group who disagreed with the penalty, a majority explained their reasoning... Show more content on ... The jury could not be as well rounded in their background knowledge in the subject of pinning someone to the death penalty; that could sway the judge s decision on rather or not the person in subject receives the death penalty or not. Racism in the court can take a deadly turn. The government needs to take into consideration that every American on American soil is obliged to having equal rights and equal protection of the law. If that statement was true more than half of the accused on death row wouldn t be there. There needs to be more evidence brought to court for the issue of placing someone on death row and they end up being not guilty, having zero involvement with the crime. What is next? How does the government make that up to a family? Just let the family accept that one of their members were exiled without strong evidence in the court of law? It is unjust. Other countries do not seem to really care in our involvement with the death penalty because they evidently have crueler punishments than we do. Just because of that, that does not mean that we should follow through with the death penalty. The death penalty creates too many problems and issues in the government and society. There is constant argumentation if the death penalty should be retained or repealed. It is clearly evident that the death penalty should be expelled from the government. Suffering behind bars for an entire lifetime is cruel punishment
  • 29. Dabc Essay Part 1: Research and identify possible marketing opportunities: Introduction: DABC is one of the biggest clothes manufacturing located in Melbourne, Australia. The first DABC clothes store was established in 1990 in Collingwood under the name AB Clothes with only 4 staffs. After almost 30 years operating, DABC has become one of the fastest growing Australian brands with now over 80 stores throughout Australia and 3 flagship stores located in 3 Melbourne largest shopping centers. DABC has provided the outfit solutions and is famous with its sharp tailoring, top quality, high competitive model and shiny accessories. It is one of the most searched fashion stores for metropolitan men and women. Review of DABC company s Marketing Plan: DABC is having a very effective marketing plan which identifies its customers and competitors and also develops an approach to create goods and services that satisfy customers needs and preferences. Company is now planning to prelaunch its official website to provide customers with access to purchase products online, update with fashion news, watch season fashion shows and receive suggestions and advice on outfits. On the run with company competitors, DABC also offers loyalty customers with promotion and discounts regularly. Besides, company is going to expand the business by opening more retail stores, online shops and even on social media. DABC company s products on market trends and developments: Nowadays customers prefer changes in
  • 30. Congenital Heart Disease Essay 1)Introduction Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are the most prevalent of all birth defects and the leading cause of death in the first year of life, (1) with an annual prevalence ranging from six to twelve affected infants per 1,000 live births. (2) Several chronic maternal medical conditions, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, connective tissue disorders, and congenital heart disease confer an increased risk of CHD in the offspring. (3) Congenital cyanotic heart disease (CCHD) is a cardiac defect which facilitates complete mixing of the deoxygenated systemic venous blood returning from the tissue and the fully oxygenated pulmonary venous blood from the lung in a common receiving chamber. (4) Cyanotic congenital heart defects include; Transposition of the great arteries, Truncus arteriosus, Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. (5) Echocardiography is the initial diagnostic modality for a patient with suspected congenital heart disease. In some patients, however, use of this modality is encumbered by its limited ability to delineate great arteries and intra cardiac anomalies, pulmonary veins, and coronary arteries. (7) Besides echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and Multi slice computed tomography angiocardiography (MSCT) have gained particular importance. (8) The presence of image degrading artifacts from implanted metal, such as intravascular stents and embolization coils; higher cost; limited availability; contraindication in imaging of
  • 31. Classical Liberalism Vs Modern Conservatism 1.The term Science originated from French basically meaning knowledge . By that definition, Politics certainly is a Science. Politics is empirical; it evaluates both quantitative and qualitative data. While many contest that Political Science is not a science because of the general inability to fully quantify things such as human decision and public opinion, significant portions also deal with demographics, voting patterns, and the economy. 2.Modern Liberalism differs from classical liberalism in how it views the governmental role in the economy and society. Modern Liberalism advocates for heavy governmental involvement to stimulate the economy and advance social programs. Classical Liberalism, on the contrary, is more conservative in nature. Founded primarily by Adam Smith, classical liberalism believed that the market could regulate itself and it was dangerous and unnecessary for the government to get involved. The similarities between classical liberalism and modern conservatism boils down to the role of government. Both do not see the government as having a significant role in the economy, knowing that a free market could better and more efficiently regulate itself. 3.... Show more content on ... The grass is always greener on the other side is an idea that human nature thrives on. The idea that, no matter how good life seems to be, a different country, idea, or person will be greater and bring more prosperity. A major candidate for the DNC was a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist: Bernie Sanders. It is clear that certain thoughts and opinions, especially among younger demographics, towards socialism, Marxism, and communism have shifted since the end of the Cold War. Overall, however, people have reconciled that socialism, fascism, and communism are ineffective and oppressive; even so called communist countries are far more capitalist in
  • 32. Case Study Of The Innovative Journey Of KHDC Ltd Introduction Handloom industry is one of Economic generation organization for India because people in india give more preference to their traditional culture. The handloom industry is next after the agriculture for providing livelywood for the people. The government has given the importance to the industry by promoting handloom products and special intrest in export of the handloom products.The Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms has been implementing a various units through out the India to provide the job opportunity to the weavers. Karnataka Handloom Development Corporation Limited is such organization which is started with a mission to be a Market Leader and to provide the employment opportunity to the rural people.... Show more content on ... The firm is equipped with equipment to meet national and international standards, Different variety of fabrics produced by weavers is processed at processing unit situated at peenya 2nd stage 15kms from Bangalore, The processing house was established in 1980 with having post looming processing capacity of 5 6 lakh metres of different varieties, The process house is having a mordenized silk yarn deying plant having production of 2500kg of silk yarn per month with computer colour
  • 33. Profiling By Police As kids we all played with remote controlled toys or have at least seen them. But who would have ever thought that they would have come far enough that we can fly them in other countries and even use them in the law enforcement area. Which there lies the question. Should police use robots in their attempts to confront suspected criminals? Yes, I think they should be able to. It will save many policeofficers lives. It will also show that the police aren t just kidding around, it will be a show of force. And lastly is will save time, which turns into saving money. Police officers are like soldiers in some ways. And like soldiers they are fighting a war. But their war is a crime. In the past 5 years or so, the United States have really picked up on using drones overseas to fight. And look how it has worked out. We have not lost nearly as many soldiers as we had in the past years and as many as we could... Show more content on ... One major thing they do is show force. They make their presence known to all the people, to prevent people from trying to pull a stunt. But here lately with all the criticism and hounding on the police that s been going on, I think that they have kind of let up on showing their force. And the people have started to stop taking them as seriously as they did in the past. But in Dallas, Texas when the police used a robot armed with an explosive device to confront a man who had killed five officers, it was a curveball. A good curveball. It showed everyone out there that they aren t just going to sit back and lose many officers. It showed everyone what kind of power they have and hopefully put some fear into them so they will listen and obey all the laws better again now. And I don t think that they should stop there. When a situation like that arises again, I think that they should once again use a robot to confront the criminal and do what needs to be done. Do what have to be done to save officers and the people of the United
  • 34. Rapunzel Research Paper Rapunzel was a girl who lived in an isolated tower with her foster mother, Gothel. Mother Gothel didn t want to let Rapunzel left the tower because Rapunzel s golden hair had magic that could retain Gothel s youth. She told Rapunzel that the outside world was dangerous. One day, a thief named Flynn Ryder went into the tower unintentionally because he stole a crown and got chased. Rapunzel captured Flynn by using her frying pan. Rapunzel requested the Flynn to accompany her see the lanterns in exchange for the crown. During their journey, Flynn and Rapunzel went into a pub that was full of bad guys as Gothel warned Rapunzel. Actually, the villains were not bad as Rapunzel thoughts. As similar as Rapunzel, the villains had dreams. When the royal
  • 35. The Evolution Of Democracy In The Early Republic. The... The Evolution of Democracy in the Early Republic The evolution of democracy from the time of President Thomas Jefferson to President Andrew Jackson can be depicted as a minimal change in conceptually agrarian viewpoints and strong supporters of equality for the common man. While the two men essentially shared many of the same beliefs and ideas, there was a noticeable difference to how they acted on them and spoke out about them. As the nation s third president, Jefferson organized the national government by his own ideals, doubled the size of the United States, and struggled to maintain American neutrality in the face of ever increasing pressure. The seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson was a general in the War of 1812... Show more content on ... Jacksonian Democracy favored Laissez faire economics over the proactive federal investments promoted by the opposing Whig Party ( Jacksonian Democracy , 2017). Jeffersonians believed in equality and rule by the educated. Jefferson believed education would be the cure of all evils. He said, Educate the people generally, and tyranny and injustice will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. (Hart, 1898). Jacksonians thought the best way to end corruption was to allow all the common people to vote and have their say in their government, however both men clearly demonstrate that their definition of the common man doesn t include minorities. On the American frontier, democracy became a way of life, with widespread social, economic and political equality. The system gradually evolved, from Jeffersonian Democracy or the First Party System to Jacksonian Democracy or the Second Party System and later to the Third Party System Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracy are the same in just about every regard. Their views and goals as presidents are the same. Both are in favor of the common man and feel that it is the common people who should have the biggest influence on government, not the wealthy aristocrats. They also support states rights and feel that the federal government should not get involved with the states affairs. Both men s actions clearly show that the common man does not include minorities. Both Jackson
  • 36. Zelda Breath Of The Wild Open world game is the game that players can go around the world without limitation. It is one of popular game genre for people to explore the game, but it is also one of the hardest concept for game developer because the game requires to show various places with no repetitive contents. For example, The Division, open worldthird person shooter game in 2016, successfully showed destroyed New York City with natural color, but it failed to give various contents with good gaming experience. Another example, No Mans Sky, open worldaction adventure game, had a huge world with different planets, but it failed to show different atmosphere of environments. However, Breath of the Wild solves these problems well. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild... Show more content on ... It is one of the important elements for the game because of the massive exploration that allows players to spend on finding secrets. Most of players tend to find the secrets in open world games and Legend of Zelda game series bring its concept very well. For example, Shrine is the place where players solve the various puzzle to get Sprite Orbs, the object that upgrade the number of Link s maximum hearts or Stamina. Shrines can be found easily on the map such as behind villages and random flat surface, but some of Shrines can be found if players solve secret puzzles like hitting targets with thunder arrows and dropping balls on specific
  • 37. The Impact Of Fitspiration Images On College Women s Body... It is undeniable that the body changes many times throughout the length of adulthood. Education is one indicator that a person has began their journey into adulthood. Attending a University is a time when many men and women set out on their own to find their own identity and place in the world. Part of that identity is body image. Tiggemann and Zaccardo (2015) conducted research that aimed to investigate the impact of fitspiration images on college women s body image. Participants included 130 female college students ages seventeen though thirty who were randomly assigned to view either a set of Instagram fitspiration images or a control set of travel images. Fitspiration is a social media term used to describe media images of men and women who are extremely thin, fit, and toned. These images are used to inspire fitness and healthy life styles among people through the use of social media. Several aspects of fitspiration raise some concern. The majority of men and women in the images display one scrupulous body shape. Although these images are less thin and more muscular than that of fashion models typically found in magazines, it is still an unattainable ideal for most men and women (Tiggemann Zaccardo, 2015). Men and women use these inspirational images to motivate themselves to lose weight, go to the gym, and eat healthy wholesome foods. As understood through the social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954) people have an innate motivation to compare themselves to
  • 38. Little Miss Sunshine By Valerie Faris Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton s Oscar winning 2006 indie film Little Miss Sunshine follows the eclectic Hoover family as they embark on a cross country trip in their dilapidated VW van to the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pageant in which nine year old Olive will be competing. Olive s uncle, Frank (played by Steve Carell) has just been released from a brief stay at a mental health facility following a suicide attempt, and is left in the care of Olive s mother (Arndt, 2006). Under doctor s orders, Frank is not to be left alone at any time, thus the family forces Frank to travel with them to the pageant, much to his indignation. Frank s battle with major depression and the added stigma of his recent suicide attempt act as a foil for not only Frank, but the rest of his family throughout the film. According to the National Institute of Mental Health study, 18.8 million Americans suffer from depression in any given year (National Institutes of Health, 2004). Those who suffer from major depressions experience five or more symptoms of depression, lasting longer than two weeks, and cause the individual functional impairment in their daily lives (National Institutes of Health, 2004). Major depression can be characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and emptiness. Many who suffer from depression also lose interest in activities he or she once enjoyed (Barlow Durand, 2012). Some physical symptoms include fatigue, headaches, body pain, and digestive issues
  • 39. Analysis Of How A Woman Can Get Hurt By Jean Kilbourne Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt , an article by Jean Kilbourne bitterly rags on sex in advertisement. It goes into detail to describe how companies have become increasingly more likely to sell sex in advertisements for products that, in reality, are entirely unrelated. Kilbourne focuses primarily on how this is harmful to society especially women and children and how they are viewed by men, though men may also be targeted if not nearly as frequently. In a similar article called Taking a Bite Out of Twilight, Carmen D. Siering shares her disapproval of the popular novel adored by so many: Twilight. Represented by the iconic red apple held in a women s palm with a sinister black backdrop, Twilight is a modern fairytale where the prince belongs to a monstrous society of blood sucking models, and the princess is your average, plain Jane highschool girl with a knack for getting into trouble. Siering s opinion is most basically this: Bella is objectified and downgraded in the Twilight series; a character created solely to compliment the plot propelled by male characters. Where the majority of the population sees an aching, beautiful and dangerous romance, Siering sees a controlling relationship and a dull female lead. Kilbourne s article brings to light how Siering s article, directed at Stephenie Meyers readers, is so accurate with the the recommendation that everyone become more aware of the messages they are absorbing from media as it snakes its way into society s
  • 40. Interpreting The Book Of Revelation Approaches to Interpreting the Book of Revelation Josie Nicolato Regent University Approaches to Interpreting the Book of Revelation The book of Revelation was written by the apostle John, in an apocalyptic literature style. It consists of a series of prophecies about the end times, when Jesus will return and triumph over all the evil residing in the world. Its purpose is to bring hope and encouragement to Christians so that they will continue watching for the return and victory of Jesus Christ, but it is also a warning of the Final Judgment that nonbelievers will endure. The depiction of the cosmic battle that takes place both in heaven and on earth, symbolic language, and introduction of surreal ... Show more content on ... According to this view, the events in Revelation are not tied to any specific events historically or in future. It reduces John s prophesies to a one simple big picture idea about the continuing struggle between good and evil (Gundry, 2012). Though there is some truth to this summary, the idealistic approach is heading towards the mindset that Boxall warned his readers about. The idealistic view seems to emphasize the analogy aspect of Revelation, as if it was only written to hold devotional value. This approach would be good to use to gain a simple understanding of the overall theme of Revelation, but should not be the sole perspective used to interpret the book. Preterists and idealists have much in common in that they seem to reject the prophetic element the book of Revelation. However, in the preterist approach, Revelation was perceived to be describing the events surrounding the destruction of the Roman Empire (Gundry 2012). For example, Mark Hitchcock explains in his article A Critique of The Preterist View , that some scholars believe that the seven heads and seven kings, mentioned in 2 Revelations 17:9, are symbolic of a complete set of Roman rulers. The number seven, referenced in the scripture, is viewed as being an apocalyptic symbol for completeness. Though all four approaches agree, to some extent, that the book of Revelation contains symbolic
  • 41. Abraham Lincoln s Our American Cousin Abraham Lincoln was shot in the back of the head on April 14, 1865. He was at a play Our American Cousin in the Ford Theater. John Wilkes Booth was the one that shot him. After he shot him he jumped from the balcony and broke his leg. He hobbled away in a dramatic manner. When he was hobbling away Booth screamed out Sic semper tyrannis. Right after Lincoln was shot in the head a doctor from the audience rushed to help him. Lincoln was slouched over in his chair paralyzed. Soldiers carried him to a house across the street. The vice president Andrew Johnson stood by Lincoln bedside until he had died by many other close family and friends by his side. The first lady and her oldest son laid on a bed overwhelmed with grief. John Booth was an
  • 42. Neorealism In Open City Historical films like Roberto Rossellini s Open City (1945) The importance has in taking part of the Italian neo realism movement that was important, This film was created after the fall of Benito Mussolini s government, Rossellini wanted to create the film to show the realism and the after effect of the war, the films were created majority on the streets of Rome all the buildings and the infrastructures were damaged the film was well thought out Neorealism was a sign of cultural change and social progress that Italy was going through. With the historical importance of its time with the war ending Rossellini wanted to show what the citizens of Italy had to endure, the working class life and of the struggles the people have to go through and social conditions, one of the major aspects of the film Open City was that Rossellini used nonprofessional actor in anticipating the real expressions and feelings of the character, he wanted to show the raw film and the realistic faces and the genuine emotions of the actors in where they showcased the way the character felt, where there acting was more real, where the character acted in accordance to their emotions of the after effect of the war in which this was a personal effect on the characters. Italian Neorealism came about as World War II ended and Benito Mussolini s government fell, causing the film industry to lose its idea and the foundations of the film, the majority of the films needed to be very carefully written and directed
  • 43. Analysis of the Movie Doctor Zhivago Essay Analysis of the Movie Doctor Zhivago Doctor Zhivago is a historically accurate movie. It is a love story that takes place during the Russian Revolution, World War One, and the Russian Civil War. Doctor Zhivago is historically correct because of the events it represents, the people the actors portray, and the level of detail put into the setting. At the beginning of the movie, there is a scene showing a man handing out flyers asking workers to join him in a peaceful march to protest against the Tsar. The man s name is Pasha. He is an ordinary worker who believes to reform Russia there must be a complete revolution of thought and action. Pahsa, when asked if he was part of the Bolshevik party, claims no allegiance. The Bolsheviks ... Show more content on ... Gapon was the organizer and leader of the Bloody Sunday march. He too escaped with his life. After Bloody Sunday , he sent a letter the Tsar of Russia saying, The innocent blood of workers, their wives and children, lies forever between thee. After the massacre, Gapon became very violent and became one of the leaders of the uprising. In Doctor Zhivago, Laura s fiancГ© changes his name from Pasha to Strelnikauf and becomes a leader of the uprising too. Gapon and Strelinkauf are quite similar in their actions and beliefs. Nine years after the Bloody Sunday Massacre , Russia becomes involved with World War One. In the movie, there is a scene where Russian troops are marching through Moscow and the town s people are cheering for them. During this scene, the narrator describes how when he entered the war, the party gave him the job the recruit troops. Bolsheviks, now referring to themselves as the party, wanted the Tsar removed and the power placed in the hands of the people. The Bolsheviks believed that the troops fighting in the war would soon become tired a weary, and would be easily convinced to come join the party. The narrator in the movie mentions this tactic by saying that the soldiers boots were new, and by the time they would wear out, they would join the party. The narrator of the movie described how Russians looked at the war. It was the Germans verse the Russians. This is very historically accurate. During World War One, Russian
  • 44. The Game By Teresa Toten The Game is a novel written by Teresa Toten in 2001. The novel examines the affect of abuse and the feeling of inadequacy on a young person and how they cope with it, in this case the young girl develops a fantasy world in which she battles the evil with her sister. It also shows how a person s mind tries to protect them from the realization of events that have happened that at the time they may not be able to cope with. The gamewas invented by two young sisters, Danielleand Kelly. Danielle is the older sister that suffers from a tumultuous relationship with her Father which includes physical and emotional abuse. Dani takes a lot of blame for things that her sister does wrong, to protect her. She wants to be loved and respected by her Father, just like her sister is and you find that she has memorialized one memory where her Father was actually proud of her. There is also the realization that there are many more memories of when he was disappointed and angry at her. Bearing in mind that she is also taking responsibility for her sisters mistakes you can imagine a childhood filled with misery and fear and the need for respect and love. Dani initially invents a game with her sister representing good versus evil and as you read the book you realize that Dani s entire life is a game. She reverts to her childhood game in her mind when facing difficult conversations and situations. Now that she is older, she uses alcohol and drugs to help take away the memories of the
  • 45. Wrinkle In Time Quotes In A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline Lengle the main character, Meg Murry, turns into an independent person. At the beginning of the novel Meg is down on herself .She doesn t think that she can do anything right.For example Meg is in her bedroom, during a hurricane, after school.She says, It s the weather on top of everything else.On top of me. On top of Meg Murrydoing everything wrong. This shows that Meg is stressed because things are not going how she wants.This quote also shows that Meg is down on herself because she doesn t think she can do stuff right right. As she encounters conflict, she becomes more confident as she starts to focus on her family.For example Meg is in the cave and sees her mother mother crying and feels her love
  • 46. How Did E. B. Seitz Become A Mathematician When someone familiar with mathematics is asked about late 19th century mathematicians, names like Cantor (1845 1918), Chebyshev (1821 1894), Dedekind (1831 1916), Poincare (1854 1912), and Weierstrass (1815 1897) may come to mind. If this list were expanded and the countries of these mathematicians compiled, only a handful would be from the United States. This is possibly due to the recently fought Civil War which ravaged the country causing citizens to focus on reconstruction for much of the late 1800 s, or possibly due to the lack of prestigious universities specializing in mathematics in a country barely 100 years old. Either way, the main outlet for American mathematicians of the time was presenting and solving puzzles and problems in... Show more content on ... Seitz, was born in Ohio on August 24, 1846. From a young age E.B. Seitz showed a fondness of learning, although at the time across most of the country there were only common schools to attend. These are now remembered as one room school houses where children were given the most basic education. In order to attend college, Seitz would have to pass entrance exams and without a college preparatory academy he was left on his own to gain the knowledge required. Thus, Seitz began to independently teach himself. In his common school, it is said that he was more capable than his teachers in arithmetic, and completed algebra by age fifteen without help from an instructor. According to his brother, at the age of 20 he began teaching mathematics at Greenville High School in Greenville, Ohio. Seitz then began course at the University of Delaware but did not graduate, his brother gives the reasoning he at that age had outclassed all mathematicians of the United States [7]. In 1879 Seitz was offered the position chair of mathematics at Missouri State Normal School, in Kirksville, Missouri, now Truman State University. He had not applied to the position but took it nonetheless. It was in Kirksville that E. B. Seitz contracted typhoid fever, described in his American Mathematical Monthly biography as a demon of death, and passed away on October 8, 1883 at thirty seven years of
  • 47. Understanding of Thermodynamics Understanding Thermodynamics Through the Concepts of Absolute Zero and the Distribution of Molecular Speeds Thermodynamics is the study of work, heat, and the energy of a system (NASA, 2010). To help explain in more detail the properties of thermodynamics are the laws of thermodynamics. The first law explains that a system s internal energy can be increased by adding energy to the system or by doing work on the system (Serway Vuille, 2012). An internal energy system is the sum of both its kinetic and potential energies. The first law more simply states that the change in internal energy of a system is caused by an exchange of energy across the system, typically in the form of heat, or by doing work on the system. This relationship ... Show more content on ... To find K , one can add all the kinetic energies of the molecules, and then divide that sum by the total number of molecules. More simply, another way to calculate this is K = (3/2)kT (Department of Physics, 2010). The reason one might want to find the number of molecules with a range of speed or the average kinetic energy of one molecule is to better understand how two different molecules can have the same kinetic energy while moving at different speeds. A large molecule will have slow speed compared to a smaller molecule, which will have a much faster speed to have the same molecular kinetic energies. In relation to temperature, a molecule with a lower temperature will experience fewer collisions between molecules while moving. A molecule with a higher temperature will experience more collisions with other moving molecules due to its faster speed. Now that we understand how work, heat, and energy impact a system in physics, we need to consider why this is important to appreciate as a human. As animals (or humans) do work and create energy, they give off heat. Therefore, thermodynamics can be applied to animal bodies (Serway Vuille, 2012). As a body s internal energy changes due to different amounts of energy being lost, this rate of change can also be measured with an equation just as before in the physics world. О”U = Q + W can still be used, but each value will be divided by the change in time,
  • 48. Differences Between An Imperative Programming Language And... Describe the differences between an imperative programming language and a non imperative programming language. Imperative languages are based on the sequential execution of instructions that direct the computer system what steps to take in order to come up with a solution to a problem. This is achieved by the programmer setting states, such as assigning data to memory, altering states, and controlling the sequence of instructions (University of the People, n.d.). In order to achieve this, the programmer must have a complete plan of the process the computer will use achieve a solution. Issues that can arise with imperative languages are side effects caused by the status of states being altered in some unintentional fashion because the computer is executing the instructions, as outlined, by the programmer. In non imperative languages, the necessity of controlling the sequence of execution is less important. Attention in the language is instead focused on what data is needed, what the problem is, and what result output you are looking for. The programmer needs to be able to define the problem and result for which they are seeking a solution, but the computer decides, based on built in functions of the language, how to return the solution to the problem. As no states are altered as part of non imperative languages programs, there are no issues with side effects (University of the People, n.d.). Discuss an example of where you would use an imperative language and a situation
  • 49. How Did John Smith Influence Jamestown Settlers The simple fact is, John Smith helped the Jamestown settlers tremendously and made them stronger as a result. He achieved this through his excellent leadership skills, knowledge of survival and ability to maintain peace. He even strengthened the colonist relationship with Native Americans during their time of struggle. During this time many tribes welcomed the English with opened arms, but some pushed them away in distrust. This may be due to previous encounters with Europeans. This event can be liked with the development of our nation as we know it today, without these individuals coming to North America during this time the United Statesmay not have become a nation. This specific source was created by John Smith himself in London, 1624. During this year multiple events were happening such as, England declaring war on Spain, Netherlands and France sign anti Spanish Treaty of CompiГЁgne. The cards are heavily stacked against Spain during this moment in history. This was just 17 years after John Smith helped establish Jamestown. Soon after this source was ... Show more content on ... Smith was injured by the gunpowder accident he was transported to England for treatment. He had left the colonist with at least 3 months worth of food and expected the Native Americans to continue trade with the colonist while he was gone. John Smith assumed he would be in good health upon his return, but sadly never came back and perished in England to his wounds. During the time it took him to travel back to England these unfortunate 500 colonist struggled with food shortages and lack of leadership. This was known as the Starving Time the winter of 1609 1610. During this time settlers ate whatever they could get their hands on this included, dogs, cats, rats, and mice. After Mr. Smith s ship reached England it is said there were only 60 colonists
  • 50. What Are Emily Dickinson s Accomplishments The Life, Works, and Achievements of Emily Dickinson On December 10th, 1830, Emily Norcross Dickinson and Edward Dickinson gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (Poets). Little did any of them know that Emily Dickinson would be a famous poet who continues to move people with her words to this day! Though Emily Dickinson wouldn t receive any awards for her poetry, she is easily one of the most inspiring and touching poets of all time. During her life, she wrote almost 1800 poems, but only about 12 were published. Dickinson s fame only came after her death, but fame never seemed to be something she wanted anyways (EmilyDickinsonMuseum). Emily Dickinson grew up in the town where she was born, Amherst, Massachusetts ... Show more content on ... She decided that they had to be published. Lavinia went to Mabel Loomis Todd and asked her to help her get the poems published. She got Thomas Wentworth Higginson to be the co editor and together they were able to publish Poems of Emily Dickinson . They published two more books of poems by Emily Dickinson before running into a lawsuit with the Dickinson family. This caused Todd to lose a bit of land and put a stop to Emily s poems being published, but eventually Todd was back to publishing Emily s poems. Soon enough, Todd had published almost all of Emily s poems. In 1955, Thomas H. Johnson took Emily Dickinson s poems put all of them in chronological order and then published it as a complete book of all her poems known as The Poems of Emily Dickinson . Then, Ralph W. Franklin published another version of The Poems of Emily Dickinson that had correct punctuation and spelling
  • 51. How Is Benjamin Successful Along with critically thinking while making decisions, Benjamin used his social and communication skills to his advantage to grow him into a successful person. He was able to put his communication skills to lead him to success by taking advantage of others for his own good. From his own words and experiences in the autobiography, as a young boy he seemed very outgoing, ready to meet people and face anything. While meeting so many different people in life, he was able to learn new things from them, which allowed him to find new opportunities in life. From all the people he encountered in his life, he tried to show them his potential and priority in his interests and work, even though some people mislead him. Benjamin used his own brother for
  • 52. Franz Sigel s Struggle During The Civil War Franz Sigel This is the story of Franz Sigel a man who was from Germany and led forces in both Germany and the United States. During the Civil War he led forces in support of the Union. His blunders as a Commander led to a huge mistake and cost them the battle. The battle of Wilson s Creek was one of the bloodiest battles in the Civil War. Because of his action on that day his reputation was severely impacted. Before the Battle of Wilson s Creek Franz Sigel was born on November 18, 1824 in Baden, Germany. Franz attended school early in his life in Bruchsal, Germany. Franz felt a longing to join the military; he attended the Karlshrue Military Academy in Germany and graduated 1843. After graduating the military academy he was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in Baden Army. Sigel had a short stint where he left service in... Show more content on ... Sigel came back into service as a Coronal during the 1848 Revolution. During the Revolution Sigel faced several diversities he tactics were not very good but he was respected throughout the German community. His forces attacked the town of Freiburg in 1848. His forces were later defeated by Soldiers from Prussia and Wurttemberg. After this setback he was promoted to commander and chief of Baden s revolutionary forces. Later that year the revelation began to fall. Sigel retreated his troops to Switzerland and he fled to Britain. After the revolution in 1852 he decided to move to United States. After meeting the daughter of educator Rudolf Dulon he married her and settled to St. Louise, Missouri. This is place where he had an influence with the community which was primarily made up of German Americans. After settling down he began teaching at Deutsches Institute and became the district superintendent of education for the city. April 12, 1961 the Civil War began. Missouri was instrumental battle
  • 53. America Spektor Analysis Americas Sad Conformity No one saw and no one heard, they just followed lead , one of many lines of a brilliant song that depicts the American identity. Blue lips by Regina Spektor, a song with a video to go along, about a sorrowful man who sees America as it is. A sad nation full of conformists, who all had to grow up way too fast. It is not a happy song or video, and it does not show a positive view of America like many songs about America. The lyrics and video show the American experience and its identity through the lyrics. Regina Spektor is trying to tell everyone what Americans are like, Americans are sad conformists. Blue represents sadness, gloom, calm, and even fearfulness. Which is one of the reasons it is obvious that Spektor s song... Show more content on ... She says, Blue lips, blue veins, blue, the most human color. Spektor is saying that sadness is human and in turn American. Blue is many Americans favorite color, but this is quite strange when blue represents sadness. It is because the American people are sad. So blue being a favorite color of Americans could show what they are too afraid to say themselves, that they are sad and are not happy with the true American experience and identity. Spektor explains why they are sad. According to her, it is because they are always in a rush, and are enslaved in the assembly line . Nobody is happy when enslaved, it is simply not a happy word. It is a word filled with sadness and sometimes even anger. But Americans are a slave to an assembly line. In the video a man is standing in the middle of a field with a picket fence around him, when all of a sudden the fence turns into bars and he is trapped. This shows that Americans are stuck doing the same things over and over, they are trapped. It is what is causing them sadness and rightfully so. Americans are rushing around, never smiling because who can
  • 54. Proposal For Food And Beverage FOOD AND BEVERAGES AT THE CONVENTION Linda Holland Blackwell HOSP 309 American Public University System Food and beverage is an essential part of many meeting and careful planning can save a large amount of money. The planner must know how to negotiate and what to negotiate. Food and beverage is a part of an event that creates memories and provides a service that goes beyond just grabbing something to eat. The planner must know what to negotiate how to negotiate when it comes to food and beverage. Because every event involves food and beverage. It can be puzzling to some planners as to what is negotiable, prices caterers charge for their services, and where concessions are made. The Breaking Down Barriers Association (BDBA) is sponsoring an event at the Raleigh Convention Center, located in downtown Raleigh, N.C. The BDBA is a 6,000 member nonprofit association whose members are individuals from across the country. The BDBA was founded fifteen years ago by a group of individuals who specializes in racial inequality and saw the need to make a difference for future generation. Over 65% of the organization s membership are professional business people and the remainder of the association members are suppliers to the businesses. Although the majority are women, 45% of the members are male; 40% Caucasian; 37% African American; and 12% Latino, Asian, and Native American. Knowing the makeup of the organization is an important factor for
  • 55. Exploring The Cost Of Hydraulic Fracturing Essay Exploring the Cost of Hydraulic Fracturing in Colorado: What are the potential effects of the Tres Rio 2016 Oil and Gas Lease/Sale on Montezuma County s public health, ecological communities, and economic stability? Introduction Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a technique often administered by oil and gas companies in order to create fissures within subsurface shale formations. After a site is established, the initial step entails breaking through the soil and stone via a bit placed at the end of a drill. As the drill moves through the rock layers, it utilizes air pressure to drive fragmented rocks to the surface.The drill ceases immediately after it comes into contact with the first indication of fresh water. Once the drill is removed, cement is incorporated into the drilled hole in an effort to prevent contamination of the water source and as a safety measure. Secondary steps require a perforated gun producing high magnitude electrical currents to be introduced down the wellbore (oil field terminology pertaining to a hole generated from oil/gas exploration), helping drive holes into the cement and ultimately enabling a channel for gas flow. The gun is then removed. Under high pressure, the drill pumps a solution of water, sand, and chemicals into the established site, allowing the gas (methane) to be released and stored. Finally, a pipeline constructed from the storage space to the consumer market supplies the gas as an energy source. Radioactive waste water also