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World Hunger Essay Introduction
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World Hunger Essay Introduction World Hunger Essay Introduction
Catcher in the Rye Theme Essay
Catcher in the Rye written by J.D. Salinger, is a novel in which the author creates much irony in
the way he presents the loss of innocence or the fall from innocence in his main character, Holden
Caulfield. While Holden clearly believes in protecting the innocence of children in society, he
himself cannot seem to hang onto his own innocence. Throughout the novelHolden shows his love
and protection for childhood innocence, the irony that he in fact himself may be losing his own
childhood innocence mainly due to the responsibilities which he has taken on, and also shows that
he may be more innocent than the reader first thinks as his simplified view of a complex world is
much like an innocent child would see. In this novel... Show more content on ...
In the book Holden seemed to be angry with life and almost everyone in his, and although we
dont know for sure I believe he wasnt as pessimistic before his brother died. Holden did not
understand why innocent people like Allie had to die and let conceited people like Stradlater live.
No one was there to catch Allie and he feels that no one is there to catch him either.
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The Impact of Information Technology on Banking Services...
MATRIC NO. 07/0527
APRIL 2012
SERVICES (CASE STUDY OF ZENITH BANKPLC), written, researched and submitted by
EBHOHON OLUWASEUN I was carried out under my supervision and it is adequate in scope as
a project it meets the requirement and regulations governing the award of Bachelor of Science in
Banking Finance, ... Show more content on ...
..........................20 26
2.4 Theoretical Framework..............................................................................................................26
2.5 Moderators Component..................................................................................27 28
2.6 Research Paradigm........................................................................................29
3.1 Research methodology and design.......................................................................30
3.2 Source Data.................................................................................................31
3.3 Data gathering procedures.................................................................................31 32
3.4 Data analysis.................................................................................................32
3.5 Ethical issues................................................................................................32
4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................33
4.2 Data Analysis.................................................................................................33
4.3 Management of Information Technology Infrastructure...............................................34 53
4.4 Test of Hypothesis...........................................................................................53 56
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................57
5.2 Summary......................................................................................................57 58
5.3 Findings of the Study.........................................................................................58 59
5.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................59
5.5 Recommendation...............................................................................................60
Bibliography........................................................................................................61 63
Curriculum Vitae...................................................................................................64
Letter of Permission................................................................................................65
Questionnaire.......................................................................................................66 68
As Information Technology is the modern trend in
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Rocky Mountain Vacations
When we think of the holidays, our minds are almost always drawn to the iconic image of
families gathered at home to celebrate together. However, spending the holidays at home isn t
mandatory in fact, a Thanksgiving or Christmas vacation might actually serve to make the
season more festive! If you re itching to take the family somewhere new this holiday season,
look no further than the following destinations. National Parks The national parks are a popular
tourist destination so popular that they re often overcrowded. However, if you plan your trip for
the winter season, you may just find you have the whole place to yourself! Both Rocky Mountain
National Park and Yellowstone are absolutely stunning in the winter. Rocky Mountain offers a
variety of activities for cold weather fanatics, including ice climbing, winter mountaineering,
snowshoeing, and skiing. Yellowstone, on the other hand, has a few more leisurely options, such
as guided snowshoe and snowmobile tours, complete with stops at warming huts. Though cold
weather national park road trips during the fall and winter are entirely possible, you ll need to
take care when it comes to wildlife in the road. The roads are likely to be icy, and animals pop up
without warning, so stay within the designated speed limit and have an emergency braking plan. If
winter weather isn t your idea of a good time, head south to the national and state parks located in
Texas, such as Big Bend, Guadalupe Mountains, or Monahan
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Benefits And Drawbacks Of Using Secondary Market Research...
Introduction In this business report, I will identify what the benefits and drawbacks of using
secondary market research is for an organisation. I will use three major brands in the UK car
market; Mini Cooper, BMW and Audi. I have used these major brands as they are the most
differentiated out of all the car brands in the UK (see appendix 1). I will analyse their 4ps;
which is price, place, promotion and product. I will also use PEST analysis to explain the
current trends in the UK car market, and back it up with justified market research. Benefits and
drawbacks for organisations in using secondary research Secondary market research is market
research that s already gathered and prepared for you. Secondary research also known as desk
research is when an organisation identifies suitable sources and getting access to them;
reviewing and accessing their suitability for their specific research objectives (Mcgivern 2013).
There are many benefits and drawbacks of using secondary market research for an organisation.
Benefits of using secondary market research for an organisation is primarily based on how the
research helps aid reaching the research objectives for the business. Secondary market research is
the amount of time that can be saved (Ghauri 2005). With primary market research, it is up to the
organisation to go and gather the research themselves, hence why it s referred to as field research.
This tends to take a very long time, whereas with secondary market research it
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Technological Trends May Be The Most Relative Trend For...
Technological trends might be the most relative trend for GoPro s industry. The main trend in
technology that applies to GoPro is the growth of the Internet. Society is concentrated on
broadcasting to the world the daily activities and using social media as the medium. You can
record your daily adventures and share it with friends and family. YouTube is popular a platform
to upload daily video vlogs of their lives. A product like GoPro is a great asset to achieve this
kind of lifestyle. Other sites like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook benefit from this company
because people can upload a picture or video that they wish to share. Technology will probably
have the most influence on this company in the next 3 5 years. The action cameramarket... Show
more content on ...
stock value is on the rise compared to GoPro.
d. Political/legal trends There are no specific regulations or laws effecting cameras in general;
however, GoPro is facing infringement allegation. The company is accused of patent design
infringement of the Polaroid Cube. The only political or legal obstacles that stand in the way
are those that will affect the company regrading drones. Air safety is a huge concern for drones and
operators may face charges for violation of federal regulations. e. Sociocultural trends There are
nearly 3 billion social media users and the rise of social media plays a key role on our society. The
way we communicate, live, and view the world is impacted by social media. Millions of videos
and photos are uploaded on a daily basis. This is possible with the help of products like the GoPro
that help a consumer make videos easily with little equipment. GoPro is utilized by user to share
daily activities.
f. Global trends GoPro is used globally and trends remain unaffected in terms of global trends.
g. Physical environment trends Physical environment trends affected by failure/malfunctions during
operation. Power failure can cause the drone can fall out of the sky and potentially cause harm to
anything in its path.
External Analysis, The Five Forces:
Rivals GoPro is competing with every camera from basic phone cameras up to up to elite products.
GoPro biggest rival is Rollei ActionCam 420. Both cameras fall under the
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In Defense Of Laptops In The Classroom Summary
The article In Defence of Laptops in the Classroom by Rebecca Schuman, a university professor,
offers a different perspective to the banning of laptops in academics. She argues that while it might
be distracting, it is ultimately the student s own attitude towards education that dictates the
effectiveness of electronics in the classroom.
As the title suggests, Schuman argues that laptops have a place in the modern day classroom. She
emphasises how the current generation lives in an age that doesn t learn to write by hand (5) and
argues that it is impossible to separate technology from learning. Rather than to disregard it,
Schuman suggests changing the way in which lessons are conducted, with less of an impersonal
pedagogical approach, ... Show more content on ...
She argues that policing the behaviour of students further infantilizes these 18 to 22 year olds (6).
Rather than banning the laptop, she uses it as a challenge to develop students to become more
independent learners. She presents the opinion that one learn(s) all kinds of things the hard way in
college (10). She presents the distractions of the laptop as an obstacle that students should learn to
overcome on their own terms rather than forcibly, in order to further benefit them in the future.
She brings up the idea of responsibility (10), one that is taught through actual experience instead
of a textbook. Throughout the article, Schuman does not back away from the fact that the case for
a laptop free classroom is indeed strong (3), even going as far as to include studies and evidence
that support the detriments of the laptop. The emphasis on the challenges posed highlights the
initiative that she wishes to impart by relaxing control on students. The stress on self creates
awareness as to how students are often treated with differing attitudes, as 13th graders , children, in
the classroom, yet expected to make decisions of importance, old enough to vote and go to war (7).
In giving students the freedom, she wishes to develop and hone their decision making
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The Marxist Leader Of The Cuban Delegation
1.Introduction to set the tone: Che Guevara, the Marxist leader of the Cuban delegation, delivered
a speech in New York on 1964 before the General Assembly of the United Nations, in which he
condemned the transgressions of imperialist US foreign policy. The first three paragraphs of his
speech set the stage for a broader message, which exposed the hardships that imperialism had
inflicted on Latin America. He did so by first welcoming the leaders of three new nations who,
though not Latin American, suffered similar hardships at the hands of US imperialism, and could
relate to the Latin American struggle for self determination.
2.Imperialism: Guevara, like most Marxist Leninists, despised capitalism because he believed it
was a highly oppressive social system. He understood it as merely a precursor to hegemonic
imperialism with an end goal of social, economic, and political dominance on a global scale.
America, from Guevara s perspective, was the headquarters of this paradigm. The leaders of several
non aligned nations shared Guevara s sentiment towards the United States of America because the
Americans had gained quite a bit of notoriety in the global community for essentially preying on
developing nations by taking advantage of their weaknesses, namely through the exploitation of
resources, which generated American capital and usually left nations dependent on American
assistance. This form of control, Guevara argued, was a key part to America s imperialist agenda.
One of
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Poverty Is The State Of Having Little Or No Money
Poverty is the state of having little or no money, goods, circumstance of being poor. One out of
seven people in the United States live in poverty, Approximately 50 million Americans one in six
people struggle with hunger, many are children. How is the U.S. poverty line determined? First
established in 1965 by the social security administration, the povertyline was based on an
assumption that the average family must spend about one third of its total income on food. The
official poverty line was determined by a family market basket at low cost food budget that
contains a minimum level of nutrition for a family multiplied by three to allow for nonfood cost
such as rent and utilities. At a poverty line of $1.25per day, more than 1.4 billion people live in
absolute poverty which is a condition that exists when people do not have the means to secure
the most basic necessities of life. While others live in relative poverty that is a condition that
exists when people can afford basic such as food, clothing, and shelter but cannot maintain an
average standard of living in comparison to that of other members of their society or group. The
United States has a number of class divisions that are characterized by widely diverse lifestyles and
life chances. Upper class is the wealthiest and most powerful class, Upper middle class is composed
of professional s (ex. Attorneys, physicians). Middle class are white collar office workers (ex.
Teachers, nurses). Working class are considered
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Sympathetic or Antisympathetic Essay
In Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House, Nora starts out as sympathetic person, making decisions based
upon the welfare of only others, and never herself. She is a caring, na #239;ve and loving person,
making it easy to forgive her for her faults. As the story proceeds her motives are questioned, and
so is the idea of whether or not she is still a sympathetic character.
Previous to the opening of the play, Nora makes the decision to get a loan without Torvald s
knowledge so that he can go to Italy and improve his health, showing compassion and love for her
husband. Nora s aquiring the loan with her father as a guarantor, shows that she cared enough not to
worry her husband with money problems at a time that he needed to heal. Forging her ... Show more
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Linde, . ..when I am no longer pretty...Torvald no longer loves me as he does now...amuse[s]
him... play the fool for him (1497). We do not know when she came upon this realization, but it
does not affect her until she acknowledges his reaction to the news of her forgery may be much
different than previously expected. This realization creates a devastating blow to her mind,
paralleled with her tarantella practice, Not so violently, Nora. (1523). Nora is literally dancing
for her life as she is now unsure of Torvald s reaction to the news will be. Chaos overtakes her
mind, as she becomes aware that Torvald would not take the news of her forgery well, yet hangs
on to her image of the ideal husband who like herself would do anything for her spouse. Torvald s
comment, . ..the beautiful apparition disappeared (1528) is the turning point of Nora s beautiful
character into that of a selfish one.
In the end, Nora makes the decision to end her marriage, leave her children, and run away from her
problems, showing only self interest. She forfeits her family for that of her happiness believing
what Torvald previously says, an atmosphere of lies contaminates and poisons...breath...children
draw...contains the germs of evil (1509). Even though she is aware of his dishonesty, I must try to
buy him off (1534), she still leaves her children with their father. Her decision is selfish, and her
selfishness is backed up with the fact
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Essay about Inventory Management Systems
Assignment 1: Inventory Management Systems
Mondith Sreng
During a conversion at my family dinner my sister mentioned her small clothing store and she
also discussed how frustrating it is to manually track and record all of the high demanding items
in her store. My sister would like an easier solution for her problem. She decided she wanted an
automated system, but she told us that she has a very small budget. So she asked my mother and I
for any advice we can give for her store.
I mentioned to my sister that she should try using a Universal Product Code (UPC) which is a great
and affordable automated system for her small clothing store. Universal Product Code ... Show
more content on ...
Now that she has the software to create her bar codes she is going to need a printer as well to print
off her bar code labels. The Zebra thermal Barcode Printer is a basic bar code printer which would
be perfect for my sister s budget it allows my sister to print off bar code and also the price right
next to it and the bar code printer only costs $200.
The ongoing maintenance that will be required for this process is that for every item my sister
owns she will need to keep track on which code belongs to which item by typing the description
into the system. By her doing so it is letting the system know which code it belongs to what and
she wouldn t have any confusion on how many of that item she has left. That way whenever she
scans an item out of her inventory she will know exactly how many of that item she has left in
her inventory. My sister will also need to stock up on bar code labels for her bar code printer. She
would need to check her inventory every month now since it is an automated method instead of a
manual method which she would have to check up on inventory every week.
(n.d.). Retrieved from
Shelly, Rosenblatt. (2012). Systems Analysis and Design (9th ed.). Boston: Thomson Course
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The Top Three Brands Of Virtualization Software
Virtualization is a combination of software and hardware engineering that creates Virtual
Machines (VMs) an abstraction of the computer hardware that allows a single machine to act as if
it were many machines, or a computer that does not physically exist as a piece of hardware. The
hardware that is seen by the operating system is emulated in an effort to separate the physical
hardware from operating system. This allows the virtual machineto be moved and hosted on any
machine independent of hardware. Virtualization technology is possibly the single most
important issue in IT and has started a top to bottom overhaul of the computing industry which
is why many companies around the world have are using its softwares to enhance their business
opportunities. There are many virtualization software programs such as IBM PowerVM,
Microsoft Hyper V, VMware, Oracle Solaris, Citrix, XenServer, and KVM. However, based on the
information I have read so far, I believe that the top three brands of virtualization software are
Citrix XenServer, Oracle VM Server and KVM. Oracle VM Server for x86 and KVM are open
source however, Citrix XenServer is proprietary in nature. Oracle VM Server is widely used by
big enterprises whereas Citrix XenServer and KVM are used by small to medium business and by
individuals. KVM provides full virtualization whereas Citrix and Oracle are not. According the
citrix website, Citrix is the leading virtualization server. Citrix Server
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What Was The Cult Of Domesticity In The 1800 s
Abolitionism, Nullification, Cult of Domesticity all of which are major themes that occur during
the early 1830 s. The following ideas may not be heavily related but, together they helped Martin
Van Buren get elected President of The United States. Abolitionism which was a movement before
and during the civil war to put an end to slavery in the United States. The Nullification Crisis was a
United States political crisis beginning with the tariff of abominations of 1828, occurring during
the presidency of Andrew Jackson, involving a conflict between South Carolinaand the United
States Federal Government. The Cult of Domesticity also known as the cult of true womanhood is
a term used by many historians to describe what they consider to be a triumphing value system
among middle and upper class women during the 1800 s in the United States. All of the following
helped Martin Van Burento become president which is not very important in American history but,
the way Van Buren became president is extremely important in American history. More importantly,
The Nullification Crisis, The Cult of Domesticity and Abolitionism were themes that foretold and
even bigger conflict the Civil War.
The Nullification Crisis was a major political crisis that began with the Tariff of Abominations of
1828, which occurred during the presidency of Andrew Jackson involving a conflict with the
United States Federal Government and South Carolina. South Carolina felt the Tariff was
unconstitutional and
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John Steinbeck s Life And Accomplishments
He was born February 7th, 1902 in Salinas, California. His mother Olive Hamilton had been a
teacher, and his father was John Ernst Steinbeck, who was a manager at the Sperry Flour mill.
He had 3 sisters, Esther, Beth and Mary. From the time he was 14, he wanted to be a writer. He
wrote short stories about where he lived. His father lost his job when John was a teenager, and
his father tried opening a feed grain store, but it failed. John went to Stanford University in 1919
(but stayed there for 6 years without getting a degree). His father became Monterey county
treasurer. He wrote these novels, screenplays and stories: East of Eden, The Red Pony, Tortilla
Flat, Sea of Cortez, Cup of Gold, To a God Unknown, Pastures of Heaven, The Long
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Karen Horney Was One Of The First Noted Female Psychoanalyst
Karen Horney was one of the first noted female psychoanalyst theorist who, along with Alfred
Adler, formed the Neo Freudian discipline. She did not agree that individuals are ruled by their
repressed sexual passions and with many of Freud s other theories. Her theory on personality put
more emphasis on the individual s childhood experiences and the social and cultural aspects that
affect them. In order to explain a person s personality, Horney developed the theory of neurosis.
In it she listed the ten basic neurotic needs, how people coped with life, and she looked at self
realization versus self idealization . We can use Horney s theory to examine the personality of the
recently elected president, Donald Trump. The 2016 election... Show more content on ...
But it is reported that during those years Donald still got into fights with other students and was
angry or aggressive at times. Donald worked for his father s construction company during the
summers and went on to Fordham University and then transferred to the University of
Pennsylvania, where he graduated with a degree in economics in 1968. After he graduated he
joined the family business and moved to Manhattan where he tried to grow it beyond what his
father had done. Using Horney s theory we can examine the early years of Trump s life. Of the
ten basic neurotic needs Trump strongly shows the need for power, the need for social
recognition, and the need for personal achievement (Horney, 1942). As Horney s theory
emphasizes childhood experiences, we can see how a child who grew up in a big family that
was affluent would want power and social recognition. He grew up needing to compete with his
siblings for his parents attention and by watching his father he believed that success in his
career was the best way to achieve personal success. Lots of Trump s actions pointed to him
trying to fill his need for social recognition: he was a star athlete, a student leader, and he was
known for being cocky. In Horney s book, Neurosis and Human Growth, she says feeling at bottom
isolated and hostile he can only develop an urge to need to lift
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Hannibal Lecter Villain
Hannibal Lecter was the most feared psychopath created by Thomas Harris. Prior to the release
of The Silence of The Lamb America thought he was another fictional character. After viewing
the movie they began to realize Hannibal Lecter was based off Doctor Alfredo Balli Travino.
Travino was convicted and sentenced to death for the manslaughter of his gay lover Rangel. The
crime of passion included Travino slicing his neck and draining his blood and methodically
chopping Rangel s body into pieces and shoving him into a box. Later he drove to a relative s
farm where he and a farm hand buried the box. Upon the discovery of the oddly marked grave,
by another worker, the police were informed. They went undercover to Travino s practice and
arrested him. Immoral actions are not only in the real world, they are also depicted into novels.
From fairy tales to love stories there is always a villain that stands in the way of the traditional
happy ending. For example in William Shakespeare s Othello, The Moor of Venice Iago, the
antagonist, formulates a malicious plan to destroy Othello.... Show more content on
Iago created this plan out of jealousy and revenge. Cassio, Othello s right hand man, was
promoted to lieutenant instead of Iago. This was the final event that sent Iago over the edge; the
first event being the rumors of Othello having an affair with Emilia, Iago s wife. Iago s plan is to
get Othello to believe that Desdemona is unfaithful to him. Iago s reasoning, jealousy and revenge,
is what characterizes him as evil. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he
who helps perpetrate it (Martin Luther King Jr). He who thinks evil thoughts is as responsible as
one who acts upon them. Iago himself has passive contemplations that transform into concrete
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In Defence of Marx s Account of the Nature of Capitalist...
In Defence of Marx s Account of the Nature of Capitalist Exploitation
ABSTRACT: According to Marx, at any given epoch of a given society, [there is] a quantity of
necessaries [recognized as] the necessaries of life habitually required by the average worker. The
variations in the type and amount of goods recognized as necessary for life between different
epochs and different societies is due to the different physical conditions and to the different degrees
of civilization and comfort prevalent. In advanced capitalist societies, the necessities of life
include a heated dwelling, food, clothing, and access to some means of transportation, be it public
or private. However, the average laborer in advanced capitalist societies has ... Show more content
on ...
But the average laborer in advanced capitalist society has access not only to the necessaries of life
but to a variety of luxury items as well. For example, the average worker has access to at least some
subset of the following luxury items: fine food and drink; an automobile; a television set; a hi fi set.
In this paper, I will (I) explain Marx s theory of the nature of capitalist exploitation; and (II)
indicate how the phenomenon described in the previous paragraph may be interpreted as evidence
against Marx s theory, and sketch an interpretation of this phenomenon according to which it is
consistent with Marx s theory. My interpretation will suggest that the average worker s access to
luxury items can be explained by the necessity in capitalism of reproducing the working class.
(I) In some of his early works, Marx suggests that the poverty of the workers goes hand in hand
with capitalist production. For example, in Alienated Labor he claims that in capitalist society,
labor produces marvels for the wealthy but it produces deprivation for the worker (61). Indeed, so
much does the realization of labor appear as diminution [of the worker] that the worker is
diminished to the point of starvation (61).
This view, that as a necessary result of the capitalist mode of production the average
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Clinical Site Comparison
There are many differences between my first semester clinical site, at UCH Denver, and at Penrose,
this semester s site. The teaching style of the technologists is different, acquiring clinical history for
every patient is required, and there are children and infant patients in Penrose. These create a stark
contrast between the two clinical sites.
Up at UCH Denver, the radiologic technologists give the students a lot of leash. In fact, they almost
drop kick students into preforming exams. Students are shown how to do procedures and run
equipment, then sent to do exams and grab the techs before they take the images. The atmosphere
is pretty relaxed and everyone is accustomed to teaching and correcting student mistakes. Trial by
fire is the way of learning up in Denver. ... Show more content on ...
The radiologists expect tech notes on each patient, unlike UCH Denver. For the most part, a tech
has been by my side to make sure I obtain the correct information. Then, they check the notes
students write to assess whether the notes are written well enough, giving us tips and corrections.
Ed has suggested that I write down the clinical history, in short hand, of course. I have found that
writing down my questions before hand ensures I do not miss my information. Students are allowed
to retrieve patients from the emergency department and outpatient waiting areas. There are small
changing areas and gowns available, but hardly utilized. Most patients seen in the exam rooms are
already changed in the emergency department. The greatest difference I have discovered is that our
patients include children and babies. Children are so much smaller and they
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Dissociative Experience During Childbirth
The article I chose was Dissociative experience during childbirth. This experiment was assessing
whether or not labor pain, traumatic childbirth, obstetrical variables, and previous trauma were
part of causing a dissociative experience during childbirth. The method used to study the
hypothesis was by having 328 women completed five surveys up to 72 hours postpartum. They
were between the ages of 18 42. Out of the group 68.6% were married or living with a partner
and 43.3% had a job. The average number of years the women spent in school was 8.8yrs. More
than half (59.2%), did not complete high school and only 2% (6) completed higher education.
From the group, 19.2% of them had a miscarriage before. More than half (51.5%) had already...
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The program R v2 version 10.0 was used to analyze the data.
The results indicated that dissociative experience was more common in women that considered
their childbirth traumatic. Some things that were associated with having dissociative experience are
previous trauma, obstetrical complications at birth, forceps, prematurity, complications with the
infant, not being happy with the maternity care, not having a job, a lot of pain, and education
levels. A total of 11.3% (37 women) experienced significant dissociation. Sense of time changes,
things occurring in slow motion, not knowing what is going on, feeling uncertain or disoriented
about where they were or what time it was, things that they are not aware happened at the childbirth
and blacking out or spacing out were reported as being the most common dissociative symptoms.
Below is a graph from the article with details on the results; At the end of the experiment, the author
found that Dissociative experiences are possible during childbirth in particular symptoms. These
symptoms include sensation of a change in the pace of time, not being aware of certain things that
happened, and disorientation. Traumatic childbirth also impacted perinatal dissociation. Traumatic
childbirth occurred when women feared for their lives and their baby s lives, received news about
some terrible obstetrical intervention or medical
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Responsibility for the Tragic Events in Macbeth by William...
Responsibility for the Tragic Events in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Macbeth is one of
Shakespeare four great tragedies. The witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were all responsible
for the tragic events that occurred, to some extent. The witches were the ones to start the evil as
they drilled the prophecies into Macbeth. His vaulting ambition drove him to perform not only the
murder of Duncan but of many others, and Lady Macbeth also had a part in persuading him to do
it. She keeps very calm until guilt suddenly strikes and she then commits suicide. Macbeth is about
a successful military leader whom is presented with... Show more content on ...
He revisits the sisters who predict more for the future. They tell him to beware Macduff, to fear
no one of women born, he won t be defeated until Birnam Wood comes to his castle and that
Banquo s sons will be royalty. By giving him these predictions, Macbeth feels uneasy and
becomes ruthless in saying he won t hesitate to murder as he did with Duncan. Seize upon Fife,
give to the edge of the sword. His wife, his babes and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his
line. Therefore the witches were at fault for killings of Macduff s family and for starting all of
the distressing circumstances. Lady Macbeth s main faults which led to tragic happenings in
Macbeth were those of her powerful and manipulative character which persuaded Macbeth to kill
Duncan. She gives him courage, presents him with a plan and tells him how they must act to get
away with it. ...look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it...Only look up clear, To
altar favour ever is to fear. Lady Macbeth also wanted the spirits to take away her kindness
feminine tendencies so she could help with the murder. ...unsex me here, And fill me from the
crown to the toe top full Of direst cruelty. She was culpable for making Macbeth feel unmanly
which resulted in him proving himself by killing Duncan. Although, she wasn t the one
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St. Basil Of Caesare The Origins Of Monasticism
Monastic Rules
Monasticism is a way of life of inner and is considered liberation from material things. It means
denying one s self of worldly possessions, to live a humble, set apart life and being totally
devoted to the study of scripture and spiritual matters. Many base the Monastic life on the 1
John 2:15 17 which states, Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the
world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world the desires of the flesh and
the desires of the eyes and pride of life is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world
is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever (ESV).
Origins of Monasticism
According to Frazee, monasticism ... Show more content on ...
People were becoming Christians at a rapid pace; some church communities started to show signs of
not being strict with guidelines and regulations. The Monks were respected among the people and
we a positive addition to the time. The monks living their solitary life were instrumental in
preserving education and the Bible. During the early and middle years, one of the institutions that
remained stable was the church and monasticism was important to its stability.
The most important monk of early medieval Christianity was St. Benedict. In 529 he wrote a rule
for his monastery that would become the rule for almost all monasteries of early medieval
Christianity. It emphasized physical labor and involved vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
The Benedictine Order of monks is still in existence today. Monasteries were indeed the centers of
learning in the medieval period.
St Benedict made the decision that he would be able to a benefit to other monks. He founded
twelve monasteries with twelve monks in each. Some of them were not happy and resented him
for the stricter rules imposed. Others felt that Benedict had powers not typically a characteristic of
an ordinary person. His sister was responsible for the formation of a covenant which became the
foundation for houses for
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The Polygraph In The Truth Machine
In The Truth Machine, a science fiction novel published in 1996 and written by James Halperin,
some scientists invent a machine that can detect lies perfectly. As a results, it stops crime, changes
the world system, and saves humanity from self destruction. Could humanity ever build a similar
device? And if we cannot why do we keep using the polygraphtests. For almost a century, the
polygraph has been one of the closest device from a liedetector used for criminal investigations.
Many in the scientific and legal fields do not rely on it, because of its versatile accuracy.
Moreover, as the psychologist Leonard Saxe, PhD, (1991) has stated: The idea that we can detect a
person s veracity by monitoring psycho physiological changes is more myth than reality. Even the
term lie detector, used to refer... Show more content on ...
Several studies have showed that some parts of the brain are more active when people tell lies
rather than truths, such areas at the very front of our brain. As a result, while abandoning the
polygraph, some scientists have accepted brain scanners, using two methods. The first one uses
electronic sensors to measure brainwave , called P300, appearing when we see something familiar.
Through this signal it is possible to determine if someone is hiding something that they know about,
like a murder weapon. The second technique is called, the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(FMRI); Showing the location of active neurons, by tracking the blood flow that provides nutrients
and oxygen. However, there is no Centre of dishonesty in the human s brain. Those neurons can
even be more active when someone is telling the truth, or when they are trying to decide whether to
be honest or not. However, these techniques can detect lies up 78 to 85% of the time, which shows
that we making good
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Argumentative Essay On Health And Social Care
In a world of unequal capabilities, there is the need to be each other s keeper by helping lift up
the less fortunate. There are countries around the world where some children have neither a decent
place to sleep nor call a home, and some families must go hungry for days because they can not
afford a meal. Unfortunately, this is true for some citizens of this great United Statesof America. In
the absence of a social safety net to help catch those members of the society who find themselves
trapped in very hard circumstances, our streets may fill up with more homeless citizens, and we
may see death from starvation. A social welfare system capable of providing the resources needed
to lift the less fortunate members of our society can go a long... Show more content on ...
As Moore and Ferrara described, Medicare, Social Security, public schools, and welfare programs
might be run poorly, but they are a security blanket nonetheless. Voters do not want to trade a devil
they know for a devil they do not know. Most Americans are interested in the sustainability of the
social welfare systems for themselves and the future generations. Even though it is sometimes
rumored that only the poor apply for social welfare assistance, Morgan states that In reality, the vast
majority of Americans benefit from some kind of government social program about 96 percent,
according to the political scientist Suzanne
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Installing Bamboo Flooring Essay
Usually there are no instructions in the box on installing bamboo flooring, but it is done just like
ordinary hardwood flooring. The proper floor preparation is essential before any installation. It is
important that all sub flooring be flat with a tolerance of no more than one half inch over a twelve
foot span. If the sub floor is made of wood, staples are better to use than flooringcleats. Staples
hold better and do not squeak when stepped upon. If you decide to use a glue down installation,
use the adhesive that is specified by the manufacturer. Be sure to avoid water based adhesives at all
If you care about the environment, you should be installing bamboo flooring in every room in your
house. Bamboo is a renewable ... Show more content on ...
The oil urethane wood finish supplies a highly durable coating that allows the beauty of the
wood to shine through while minimizing discoloration due to age. A lambs wool applicator is
required for even coating, and one gallon can cover over 600 square feet. The water based
urethane finish can be used only on previously sealed surfaces. The crystal clear coating shows
off the natural wood beauty, and it dries very fast. No mixing is required, and it is very economical
to use. One gallon will cover up to 1000 square feet.
Polyurethane hardwood floor finishes are blends of synthetic resins that protect the surface of
wood. They are moisture resistant and available in high gloss and semi gloss as well as satin and
matte. The finish is recommended for kitchens where splashing water may be a problem. The
polyurethane finish is the most common and it turns a lovely shade of amber as it ages. Do not
shake the polyurethane container because air bubbles will appear in the final finish. Instead, stir
the container to avoid any mishaps. The coating should be applied with a brush or roller going with
the grain to avoid marking the finish.
The types of hardwood floor finishes determine the kind of maintenance you must use to keep the
floor new looking. Most of the time all you have to do is sweep the floor with a broom or dust
mop, and clean up spills as soon as they
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Innovation and Change of the Ipod Essay
Innovation and Change of the Ipod
This report on innovation and change examines how Apple s iPod is the first entry into the
marketplace that addresses the needs of the portable digital music market segment. It explains how
it is small enough to fit comfortably in a shirt pocket. It shows how the device addresses the
shortcomings of other portable MP3 music devices. It also looks at how market segmentation has
been one of the most vital factors fueling the demand for technological products, as companies
recognize that segmentation equips them to generate more sales than the mass marketing approach
of the late 20th century. The report examines how Apple understood the needs of the digital music
community, together with ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, rather than learning more about new artists, the consumer learns more about his or her
own tastes by creating his or her own mix. Not only is this but it a new technological way to enter
the world of Music. Just in a box smaller then the size of your hand you can have all the latest,
music, videos, internet, pictures and etc. You can choose the color you want the Ipodor any other
accessories that come with it, you can personalize your Ipod so it represents your personal style.
2. There are various ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES that are leading to today s development of
new products or improvement of current products. Consumer s needs and wants are changing from
a day to day basis and businesses must keep up with these demands. The following are the needs
for a new innovative product:
Changing Nature of Markets Consumer demands change; Ipod must monitor the market and adjust
production. On the other hand a product can also be in high demand by the consumer and the
production would have to increase on short notice to meet the demand.
Economic Factors The general level of economic activity in Australia and the rest of the global
economy tends to fluctuate through periods of upturn and downturn. The level of activity in Ipod
also moves through similar cycles.
Financial Factors The availability and cost of finance is a key input which can determine whether
Ipod can introduce a new innovation or weather it should just re improve the product.
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Picture Paris And Bicycle Thieves Similarities
Sometimes people forget that food is an art and that it has the power to move us emotionally just
as music, literature and paintings can. Picture Paris and Bicycle Thieves are two films that both
employ the usage of narrative devices hand in hand with food to develop the characters and their
family bonds. Although each narrative revolves around the central themes of food, family and
dignity the two are developed in radically different ways. The Bicycle Thievesuses the concept of
neorealism to employ the theme of hunger by focusing on the day to day struggles the Italians
faced after World War II to develop a family bond whereas in Picture Paris the theme of food is
used to draw a parallel connection between her obsession with Paris and the... Show more content
on ...
Throughout the entirety of Picture Paris, we are following the story as an external narrator who
seems to know all the actions of everyone, primarily of Ellen, tells it. The audience is under the
impression that this narrator is predicting what will happen to Ellen even though noting has
happened to her through an omniscient perspective. Until the very end the narrator is anyone but
someone who plays a major role in the short film. Towards the end the narrator is revealed to be an
internal character, the protagonists boyfriend. Due to this newly acquired knowledge it has the
audience question the accuracy of the story. Did Ellen really kill her husband and bake him into the
PГўtГ© or did the narrator toy with our minds and make us think what he is revealing is the truth.
Bicycle Thieves conversely mounts the story without a narrator. Without the narrator the story is
unbiased and the audience knows without a doubt in their mind where the story is heading and that
Ricci unfortunately will most likely end up with
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Corrections Paper
Corrections Paper
April 21, 2014
Stephen Rubino
Corrections Paper
The criminal justice system is responsible for enforcing the laws created at each level of
government. A major part of enforcing the laws is detaining the people who break them. The way
that an offender is punished for a crime can be different depending on age or the type of crime
committed. Depending on the age of the offender they could go through the juvenile or adult
corrections system. Each system has levels like parole and probation built in to help rehabilitate the
offender. Another form of corrections that is used is community corrections. This form allows
citizens to help with the corrections process while giving offenders a second ... Show more content
on ...
With jails and prisons facing an increasing overpopulation problem, with less staff, and budget cuts
more and more probation, parole, and community corrections are becoming a solution (manhattan, 2000). Parole and probation function through their operation programs such as their
case classification system (Burrell, 2003). This system allows the parole board to classify which
cases should be considered for early release and which ones should not. Once a case is determined
to be eligible for parole, then probation uses the case classification system to decide if the case is
high risk or low risk (manhattan, 2000). Community corrections becomes a part of the
parole and probation services once the inmate is released into the community by operating
residential and secure custodial facilities and provide free labor to local organizations through
community service programs, probation and parole are best known for their role in the supervision
of offenders in the community (Burrell, 2003, p. 1). The administration in jails, prisons, parole,
probation, and community corrections have many different
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What Is The Frail Category In The Scarlet Letter
It is to my belief that The Scarlett Letter could be placed in the Orthodox Christian and Fortunate
Fail category. It could be that I am a bit biased, but it just seems that the story was a best fit for
those two categories. In the story, Hester had an affair and bore a child with another man, Rev.
Dimmesdale. This is highly frowned upon. For her adultery she was forced to wear the scarlet letter
A over her breast, to make it known that she had unlawful sexual intercourse. This had to be very
embarrassing at first. But be that as it may, she was able to move on and raise her child. On the
other hand, Arthur, is punished by his own feelings of shame and guilt. These feelings probably ate
away at him, as he knew his role and should
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Analysis Of The Meal And Everyday Use
One s appearance is the first thing people judge when they come into contact. Some people
immediately wonder about his or her status, weather that person comes from wealth, what their
job is, are they married, do they have children, are the not wealthy. In the poem, short story, and
drama being analyzed, the appearances of the characters and families are not what one may think.
In fact, they are the complete opposite, one may say even deceiving. Their minds shift and ready,
like dunes (Berger) is an interesting phrase used in Suzanne Berger s The Meal to describe the
state of the children. Berger s The Meal along with Alice Walker
s Everyday Use and Wendy
Wassersteins Workout use carefully selected words, tone and imagery to portray a pertinent theme
of deception in appearances. Suzanne Berger, Alice Walker, and Wendy Wasserstein all have some
sort of familyrelationship and the woman of the family seems to bear the troubles and struggle.
Throughout their literary works these problems help built the story. Alalysis, Oates Indruchova
Libora notes that women in today s society are not as relevant as their counter parts. They do as
much, if not more but do not receive the credit.
Suzanne Berger s The Meal uses a variety of wording to exhibit the amount of deception depicted
in the perfect family being described in her poem. A stanza from Berger s poem reads Their minds
shift and ready, like dunes (Berger), meaning that the children have been participating in
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Deer Season Should Be Longer
Do you think Deer season should be longer? Where the deer are overpopulated there should be a
longer season. Anyone should be able to shoot deer if they are destroying your property.The deer
population has outgrown any other animal population.
One problem about having a longer season is that if we have too many long season hunters then the
deer might go extinct. Another problem would be that the deer would bed down and not move as
much as they do now. Longer deer season will cause less people to spotlight.
If you ve been hunting for long enough, chances are pretty good that you ve found yourself in an
argument or two about the viability of a year round hunting season. For some hunters, year round
hunting is almost a possibility, whether through the hunting of a wide range of both big and small
game animals or thanks to nationwide and international hunting trips.
However, for ... Show more content on ...
However, a yearlong hunting season would also give states an opportunity to create more
appropriate and consistent hunting regulation methods that, when employed for 12 months at a
time rather than one or two, could actually stand to help create more balanced deer populations
rather than destroy the animals and their chances of survival. This one probably goes along with
the more regulation point above, but it bears repeating due to the level of hunting related accidents
and injuries that still result in so many tragedies every year. A yearlong hunting season, as well as
the extra regulation it would bring, would force hunters to be more vigilant with following safety
When you have 10 or 11 months off from hunting, it s easy to let safe practices slip to the back
of your mind. If we were all hunting all of the time, safety rules would have a better chance to take
firm root and could also be more easily
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Why Participate In Graduate School Admissions Essay
There are numerous reasons why I would like to participate in this program. My first reason is
that I hope to become better prepared for entering a graduate school program in philosophy. I am
passionate about philosophy and my dream is to become a philosophy professor so I can share this
passion with others. My colleges philosophy department has limited resources, and I hope that this
opportunity will help me to close any gaps in my knowledge regarding the graduate school
admissions process.
My second reason for wanting to participate in this program is that I look forward to meeting
other people my age who are as passionate about philosophy as I am. Currently, I am one of two
philosophy majors at my college. The promise of connecting with
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Examples Of Free Will In The Knight s Tale
Lucas Shelton
Mr. Small
English 12
18 November 2014
The Canterbury Tales Literary Analysis:
Fate vs. Free Will One of the most controversial questions within the philosophical spectrum is
whether a situations outcome is based on fate or free will. Geoffrey Chaucer examines both sides
of the argument in The Knight s Tale , which is only a small portion of The Canterbury Tales
. The
tale centered itself around two men, Arcite and Palamon, who fell madly in love with the same
woman, Emily. They were both forced to overcome major obstacles in their paths just to be near
her. Yet, in the end, they faced the greatest challenge. Arcite and Palamon, once the best of friends,
became the most bitter of enemies, as they fought to determine who would ... Show more content on ...
As referenced in the previous paragraph, Arcite even fell victim to the lover s sickness of Eros.
(Chaucer 5) The author takes the extra step to describe its symptoms to the readers, in such detail
that Arcite could almost be seen in his weakened state. Those included an unhealthy, gaunt
appearance, sunken eyes, and extreme paleness. Another example can be seen in the layout of
the amphitheater, which was created by King Theseus to make a spectacle out of the last battle.
It is interesting to note that a man would go to such great lengths to create the most out of a
seemingly meaningless series of events. Regardless, the amphitheater was very extravagant. Near
the gate, stood three temples devoted to the gods, each of which were finely decorated with high
quality materials. First there was Venus, the goddess of love, then there was Mars, the god of war,
and lastly there was Diana, the goddess of chastity. The third and final example of imagery that can
be seen within the tale is the emphasis on Arcite and Palamon, specifically their individual styles of
fighting. Both men were compared to animals in this sense. According to the text you might judge
that Palamon in his fighting were a mad lion and Arcite a cruel tiger. (Chaucer 7) Later on, King
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The Importance Of Writing A Web Portfolio
For my project I chose to create a web portfolio. I chose this because I ve found that it s the best
format to showcase my various projects I ve done through the History and Communication
departments at Western. Previously I ve worked on a project similar to this for my
Communication 350 class but I wanted to be able to build on what I learned to make an online
portfolio more suited for career oriented work.
In approaching this project I wanted to get several things out of it. First and foremost, I wanted to
take the time I had to create something I was genuinely proud of and get to use in real life.
Additionally, I wanted to build on my time management, reviewing, and graphic design skills.
Initially, when I think back the project was ... Show more content on ...
This made me think critically about things I have done in order to decide what I thought was
worthy of a showcase. People tend to want to think that a lot of the things they do is objectively
really good. Although, sometimes that s not the case. I went through my work that I had saved
from my years at college community college and Western and picked some of my favorite
samples. I left some out that seemed irrelevant such as a few graphic design pieces from my
Communication Technologies class that were done purely for an assignment and I had no
attachment to. Then, I further filtered them by looking back at what kind of grades I got on
them. For example, I liked a paper I wrote for a Hamilton and History class last quarter. However,
after being reviewed by my professor, flaws in structure and argument were pointed out. While I
like the content, the quality of the paper was lacking enough that I decided not to display it in my
portfolio. I think being able to think critically about your own work helps you become a better
producer overall. Anyone can have someone else critique something they did but it takes an open,
objective mind to be able to pick out and admit that stuff you do is not always perfect.
Additionally, this project really challenged my attention to detail. I chose to create my site using my
own template to be more original instead of just using a pre made website and inputting my
personal information into it. This
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Jelly Kingdom Research Paper
In a land far away there was a kingdom, this kingdom was deemed the jelly kingdom. mainly
because all of its inhabitants were made entirely up of a jelly like substance. Many citizens lived
in this kingdom, mostly peasants and higher political figures but on top of them all lived the royal
family. this family was made up of the queen, queen Alexandra and her son princePink. in recent
years there had been a small battle between two kingdoms, the jelly kingdom and the fire
kingdom. over time, the battle had evolved into a full on war, it was known to all as the great
rival war. in the midst of battle the late king, King Augustus had lost to a fire knight. There was a
great mourning over his death, it was a sad day for all.
Once the king had ... Show more content on ...
mick was fighting off twenty me simultaneously, not even breaking a sweat. Once the prince had
reached the top of the tower he found the princess tied up in a chair. He went over untied her and
took out the gag that had been in her mouth, prohibiting her from talking. As soon as he had done
that princess penelope said with urgency look out, behind you! ut it was too late, a very large
man already had his arms around the prince. Out of nowhere Mr. Mick emerged from a door and
rushed over to the large man holding the prince and began to attack. after a few blows to the man
s arms he let go of the prince, and after a few more critical hits the man fell to the floor unconscious.
The three of them had left the tower in silence. Once they reached the bottom of the tower and
they were all outside the princess then said, thank you, thank you for saving me. The prince and
mick then replied with a simple no problem gesture. After the royal backup had arrived, everyone
s injuries were tended to, and the princess was sent back to her kingdom. But before she had left
she gave the prince a letter, it talked about how she was grateful and how she was hopeful that they
would have many adventure in the future.
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Persuasive Essay On The Inca Trip
Indulge your passion to explore and cement your bond with nature by visiting some of the world s
most remote and exhilarating places. Choose from many possibilities, including mountain
climbing, safaris, historic hikes and island explorations. No matter which trip you choose, our
knowledgeable and experienced guides will make sure you have a safe and rewarding experience.
Everest Base Camp
The hike to Everest Base Camp provides unique scenery and a valuable cultural experience. As the
journey winds through the Khumbu Valley, you will walk in the footsteps of the Everest mountain
climbing pioneers. After a challenging hike to the top of Kala Pattar, you will find that you can see
Mount Everest and the Khumbu ice field. Several rock memorials are visible at the top of this
climb; tributes to the many Sherpas who have perished while attempting to climb Mount Everest.
The Inca Trail
Explore the mysteries of the Incas! The trip begins in the pulsating city of Cusco, Peru. In Peru
rich history combines with stunning landscapes, cloud forests, lush jungles, salt mines and ancient
ruins. On this trip, you will see the Inca sites of Huillca Raccay and Llactapata, as well as
incredible views of the snow capped Veronica Peak. As you hike the Inca trail to Machu Picchu, you
will see many amazing archaeological and cultural artifacts.
The Lemosho route is our preferred path due to its ideal balance of low crowds, beautiful scenery
and a high summit success rate. We
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Limitations Of Video As A Learning Tool
2.1.2: Limitations of Video as a Learning Tool
Although video has become prevalent in education, some argue that the very presence of video
inhibits learning. Salomon (1984) measured sixth graders preconceptions of the ease or difficulty
when processing print or video based lessons. He discovered that lower mental effort was
extended with the television lesson, perceiving television as easy, and print as tough, thus
requiring more mental exertion. He stated, It stands to reason that when subjects face a task they
perceive to be easy relative to their abilities, their investment of effort decreases and no additional
effort expenditure is needed to perform the task that is perceived to be well mastered (Salomon,
1984: 694). Thus viewers perceive videos as less demanding and invest less mental effort into
processing the information as a result, which negatively influences their learning achievement
(Saloman, 1984). However, since Salomon s work others have conducted research to determine
what other effects could influence a learner s invested mental effort. The category and subject
matter of the content also impacted a viewer s intention to learn from the video material. Kunkel
and Kovaric (1983) discovered that learners view educational content as more serious than
entertainment, and subsequently, altered their motivation to process either information. By
analysing college students and their preconceptions of television shows produced for the Public
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Process Essay About Becoming Dorothy Gale
The process to becoming a new character is one that many people do not get the chance to
experience. It starts with the makeup, applied in a dimly lit dressing room, surrounded by other
actors in the same position. Foundation put on so heavily that the face resembles a just painted
wall and lips stained for weeks after the final performance. Mascara applied thinly at first. Then,
darker and darker so that the people in the back can tell that your eyelashes are there. And in one
swift motion, much like the act of painting, a dollop of crimson red lines the cheekbone in a grand
finale. The makeup is what makes you appear different. It keeps the illusion alive. Becoming
Dorothy Gale(from Kansas) was a simple process, considering my... Show more content on ...
I chuckle under my breath at the absurdity of me still having stage fright after all this time. My
heart hums to the sound of the audience s murmur and I sing under my breath, looking for the pitch
to Somewhere over the Rainbow when, suddenly, in what seemed like slow motion, the beat is
heard and I walk on stage, no longer myself. Reciting the lines is just the beginning of acting the
part. The emotion conveyed brings the character to life. Dorothy was not just a girl in a movie or a
book. She was living, breathing, growing. She was me, and I was her. This is how theatre was
meant to work. As the performance ended, the reality of what I was losing became very clear to
me. I said my last line, stood in my last position, and bowed together with the wonderful cast I got
to share my journey with. The lights dimmed, the music played in conclusion, and the curtains
closed slowly, signifying the end of a star performance. Once the black curtains hit each other, in a
final round of applause, the cast scattered in joy towards the meet and greet. All the while, hugs and
congratulations were dealt out like a hand of cards.
The happiness those around me felt was not reciprocated by, a now lonely, me. In one instant, I
had lost a part of myself that had grown in the last few months. Once the production ended, I
realized that Dorothy was gone. We were no longer each other. I sat in silence, mourning the loss
of a dear friend, before turning into the hallway to pretend one last
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Responsibility is Escaped by Obese People Essay
Responsibility is Escaped by Obese People missing works cited
It s important to preserve notions of individuals accountability and responsibility (Parks ).
Responsibility and accountability are attributes that many people believe should be part of
everyone, but this is not what is happening if you take a look at the court systems. In today s
society people pressing lawsuits is readily accepted, and companies are looking out for it all of the
time. There is almost always someone else that a person can blame for his or her misfortune other
than themselves. Obese people are joining right in the trend also. They believe that the fast food
industry can be found responsible for the weight epidemic that is blooming in the Untied ... Show
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They are trying to blame the fast food industry for their obesity claiming that fast food is a major
contributor to the problem. Tying obesity directly to fast food is a much harder task than tobacco to
cancer, because there has not been any scientific research showing that fast food is the main cause
or that it is addictive. Obesity is thought to be the number one killer in America (Parks), but there
are many factors that contribute to the epidemic such as genetics, exercise routine, environment,
illness, prescriptions, diet, and emotional health.
Obesity leads to a number of diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure,
stroke, and certain types of cancer ( NIDDK ). Obesity in it self is a hard health problem for a
person to deal with, but some of these other diseases usually come along in association making
the problem even worse. Certain disease are related more to women than to men. Obese men are
more likely than non obese men to die from cancer of the colon, rectum, or prostate (NIDDK ).
Scientific research is making the cure for cancer easier, but there are still many cancer patients
that doctors are unable to treat. Obese women are more likely than non obese women to die from
cancer of the gallbladder, breast, uterus, cervix, and ovaries (NIDDK ). Cancer is not the only
health problem that the body battles during obesity. Many
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Animal Testing On Dogs
.... Using dogs as a test subject is a big issue in the U.S . Whereas most of the dogs are rescued
from outside shelters. Using dogs as a test subject is a big issue in the U.S. given that how the
dogs are treated. There are many statistics showing that these dogs are abused. Also, one of the
diseases they test the dog on is the Glycogen Disease. In 2013, about 74,000 dogs were used in the
labs for research (Malisow). Dogs are used in glycogen storage disease gene therapy research.
The dogs with the disease used to be able to live for about 28 days. Now, they can live for about
a year (Schweer). FDA shows that 90% of tests on dogs fail on humans. As a result, it is a waste
of testing and a waste of dogs (Malisow). About 68% of the dogs tested are used for cosmetics
and drug testing. Also, more than 1,000 experiments are going on at any given time (Schweers)
This shows that so many dogs are being tested on in the labs and one of the worst things they test
on is glycogen disease.... Show more content on ...
There are many rescue teams and alternatives to testing on dogs. To do so, they can use human
cells and tissues with volunteer humans.They could also use cadavers (dead human body
models) as alternatives to dogs. Obviously, those bodies would be donated We believe that this
animal use is a violation of the principal investigation for provided false information about
alternative non animal technologies to justify animal use in his protocol, states Dr. John Pippin,
senior medical and research advisor to PCRM and author of complaint (Swanson). One of the
biggest rescue teams for research dogs is the Beagle Freedom Project. This program has saved
over 450 research dogs in the last 4 years. в…“ have had their vocal cords cut (Malisow). Also,
many research labs are getting rid of using dogs in experiments like the Texas Health Institute.
(Schweers) Many people are trying to stop dog testing in labs and those were some of the
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US Oklahoma Essay
On a warm afternoon in the Pacific, an Admiral inspects the deck of his battleship from the
bridge. Battleships play a large role in the Navy as long range artillery support, and as floating
fortresses. The U.S.S. Oklahoma was one of these grand ships. After the U.S.S. Oklahoma was
commissioned, she served her country for many years before falling victim to the Japanese
invasion of Pearl Harbor. The U.S.S. Oklahoma was initially launched on March 23, 1914, and
commissioned two years later on May 2, 1916, with Captain Roger Wellis in command. The
U.S.S. Oklahoma was a Nevada class battleship with a total length of 583 feet. She was also
outfitted with two triple and two dual 14 /45 caliber deck guns, 21 single 5 /51 caliber deck guns,
and two 21 inch submerged torpedotubes (Toppan). The U.S.S.... Show more content on ...
Oklahoma lead a long life serving the United States Navy, which means that she has completed
many of the missions assigned to her. The first mission the U.S.S. Oklahoma undertook was an
escort mission for U.S. President Woodrow Wilson. She was to escort the President, who was
aboard the U.S.S. George Washington, to France in 1918. A year later, she returned to Brest,
France in June to escort the U.S. President back home from his second visit to France in 1919.
After her escort mission was complete, she was to join with the Atlantic fleet for training and
ship upgrades ( U.S.S. Oklahoma ). Throughout the 20 s and 30 s, the U.S.S. Oklahoma served
with the Pacific fleet carrying out training operations and exercises until 1936, where she was
then ordered to rescue civilians trapped in the midst of the Spanish Civil War ( U.S.S.
Oklahoma ; Dean). After new threats of war appeared in 1940, the Oklahoma was sent back to
the Pacific Fleet (Dean). The U.S.S. Oklahoma joined with the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on
December 4, 1941, and conducted a night training and live fire exercise with the U.S.S. Arizona
and U.S.S. Nevada on December 5, 1941 ( U.S.S.
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Sonnet 71 By William Shakespeare
Sonnet 71 by William Shakespeare
Sonnet 71 theme is love; reputation, death and mood is mournful The speaker reflects on his life,
and he states his last wishes are to forget him. The speaker is worried that his reputation if that
should surface that it will cause pain and anguish to his wife. This sonnet has a role reversal,
persuasion to entirely forget the poet and not to dwell on the poets death or the painful past it may
cause. The sonnet 71 is in four quadrants this is rhyme pattern as abab cdcd efef volta gg and
iambic pentameter. Shakespeare uses five in each line this concludes a pentameter. The significant
of the Sonnet 71, speaks of coping with sorrow and fear, humiliated, and concerns causing pain,
because of the difficulty and interruption, and the speaker wants lover to remember only good
Line 1 No longer mourn for me when I am dead the speakers are still alive, he is reassuring his
wife that it is okay to let go. The poet cannot escape from death, and his wish is that his partner
should not live in pain. The speaker apparently wants his partner to move on with his life. This
line also shows that no one can escape from death. The second Line Then you shall hear the surly
sullen bell this line has a better understanding poem and interpretation on grief, it is time to let go
and let the poet die in peace. In a way, the poet is done with this world and wants to be free. The
third line Give warning to the world that I am fled , this
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Comparing Julius Caesar And Antony
Octavian and Antony No contemporaries could have possibly known for sure as to who the victor
would be from the conflict that arose between Gaius Julius Ceasar Octavianus, Octavian, and
Marcus Antonius, Antony. However, knowing what the ultimate outcome of the struggle was, one
may be able to look back into history and offer key reasons as to why Octavian was able to defeat
Antony. Ultimately, I believe there was not one key reason for Octavian victory. It was a
combination of Octavian s proximity to Rome, his favor with the citizens, and the elimination of his
opposition at home that all combined to allow his eventual triumph. Overlooking some smaller
details, it is first important to know that after Julius Ceasar s assassination that Octavian was named
his heir and returned to Italy to claim this inheritance. From here, he gathered military power and
allowed the senate to use him, in order to advance his political position, and he was sent to fight
against a rebellious Antony. At this point, Octavian did not try to decimate Antony s forces, instead
he proposed and ultimately formed the second triumvirate with Antony and Lepidus as the other
heads of the state (Wells 13). From here, the Roman territories were divided into areas of
governorship with Antony taking the east, Octavian the west, and Lepidus had the Africa territories
(Wells 17). This would turn out to be one of the main contributing factors in Octavian s ultimate
success; for it allowed him the opportunity
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Loren Eiseley Essay
Loren Eiseley was a strong autobiographical nature writer who was also contemporary in some
ways. He was born in 1907 and lived until 1977 in the plains of Nebraska. His mother was deaf
and a unstable mother. As a child Loren spent his childhood writing stories and poetry, this was an
interest of his at a early age resulting him to his future of being a nature writer. Loren Eiseley
eventually became a professor in Pennsylvania teaching anthropology. In the mid 20th century he
made a achievement of publishing his first book, not only was this his first book but it was a best
seller. It influenced many Americans on human nature and natural events. Eiseley spent much of his
life alone, he talks about New York City in his writings and how their... Show more content on ...
To me being in a city like New York and going to the train station is something so far from nature.
Loren has seen a different way of looking at this in a nature way, since he observes the crows and
pigeons. Not only does Loren Eiseley talk bout New York but also his experiences in the forests
of nature. He has said You may put it that I had come over a mountain, that I had slogged through
fern and pine needles for half a long day, and that on the edge of a little glade with one long,
crooked branch extending across it, I had sat down to rest with my back against a stump.
Through accident I was concealed from the glade, although I could see into it perfectly. The sun
was warm there, and the murmurs of the forest life blurred softly into my sleep. When I awoke,
dimly aware of some commotion and outcry in the clearing, the light was slanting down through
the pines in such a way that the glade was lit like some vast cathedral. I could see the dust motes
of the wood pollen in the long shaft of light, and there on the extended branch sat an enormous
raven with red and squirming nestling in his beak. In this passage Loren Eiseley was so
descriptive I could imagine him trudging through the ferns and the pine forests falling asleep next
to a
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3 Cone Drill Test
Introduction Agility is the ability to move quickly and easily by using speed, balance, and
performance. Some test completed to test agility is the t test, 3 cone drill test, and pro agility.
The test given is the T test. The T test challenges the ability to run forward, stop suddenly, go
from left to right by side hopping, and then back pedaling as fast as possible. The objective for
this test is to challenge the switching up of different direction as fast as possible without falling or
messing up. This test shows how in control the participant is with there body and the power and
strength of their legs. The age of which most t test performed are in high school and college
students with fitness ability. Although the T test is defined as primarily a measure of agility, it is
not surprising that leg speed contributes substantially to the variability in T test scores (Puaole,
Madole,... Show more content on ...
Test procedures for this specific test lets the participant know how the test is completed. The
participants begin by warming up and become familiar with how the test is conducted. The test
is called t test since four cones are set up in a T formation. Cone A is the starting cone, which is
the base of the T . Once the participant starts the test they will run forward to the B cone that is
10 yards in front of the A cone. Once they reach the B cone they will stop abruptly and side hop
to the left to cone C, without allowing their feet to cross over each other. The distance between
cone B and C is 5 yards. Once they reach cone C they will side hop to the right, past cone B, and
continue to cone D. The distance traveled from cone C to cone D is a total of 10 yards. After
reaching cone D they will go back to the center to cone B and back pedal quickly to cone A to
complete the test. The participant should always keep their body facing forward at all
... Get more on ...
A Research On Animal Farm
Animal Farm The term: Organic deduces via natural resource there s only so much organic matter,
because organic matter is determined what has decayed and at what amount for centuries. As our
populace grows, the right kind of organic matter diminishes, there lies the problem. Here s the
unsavoury verity. One of my bones of contention is that the consumer reads the organic term so
frequently that marketing has inadvertently diluted the organic term s validity. For a starter, soil
has to be fertile to grow produce apparently, fertile soil benefits from even greater quantities of
chemical fertilizer; of the premise, organic matter isn t available en mass, to facilitate our inflated
populace; hence, it s pure ignorance to systematically take the view organic produce hasn t been
treated and claim it has more superior qualities. Oh yes, the imperialist Supermarkets dictate the
tune to which our farmers grange dance to, due to authoritative policies ridding advertising
standard powers to watchdogs meaning the supermarkets are allowed to use every trick in the book
to capitalise on sales; affirmation, why the organic label is 100% marketing. Retailer s awareness is
vehemently tainted and totally imbalanced; their aim is to satisfy their shareholders first and
foremost too few consumers don t configure retailer s allegiances let alone their marketing prowess.
The imperial scenario simulates... chocoholics orchestrating chocolate production;
... Get more on ...
Why Is It Good To Work In Groups
There are three kinds of jobs: first jobs where people have to work alone without any help,
second kind of job is where you have to work in a group, and finally the third kind looks for
equal work: invidual work and work in a group. Arguments for working in a group are: its
funnier, theres a big chance that a problem will be solved earlier. But as there as have a great
thing to do with your team, there are reasons why is not good to work in a group. Main reason is
jealous. Everyone in the team has something which will make another in a group jealousy. For
example, knowledge, a great sense of humor, boyfriend/girlfriend. Then you can t have control of
everything what is happening in a group. Many people like team working, but there are also
... Get more on ...

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World Hunger Essay Introduction. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. World Hunger Essay Introduction 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. World Hunger Essay Introduction World Hunger Essay Introduction
  • 2. Catcher in the Rye Theme Essay Catcher in the Rye written by J.D. Salinger, is a novel in which the author creates much irony in the way he presents the loss of innocence or the fall from innocence in his main character, Holden Caulfield. While Holden clearly believes in protecting the innocence of children in society, he himself cannot seem to hang onto his own innocence. Throughout the novelHolden shows his love and protection for childhood innocence, the irony that he in fact himself may be losing his own childhood innocence mainly due to the responsibilities which he has taken on, and also shows that he may be more innocent than the reader first thinks as his simplified view of a complex world is much like an innocent child would see. In this novel... Show more content on ... In the book Holden seemed to be angry with life and almost everyone in his, and although we dont know for sure I believe he wasnt as pessimistic before his brother died. Holden did not understand why innocent people like Allie had to die and let conceited people like Stradlater live. No one was there to catch Allie and he feels that no one is there to catch him either. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Impact of Information Technology on Banking Services... THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON BANKING SERVICES (A CASE STUDY OF ZENITH INTERNATIONAL BANK PLC) BY EBHOHON OLUWASEUN I MATRIC NO. 07/0527 ECONOMICS, BANKING AND FINANCE FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES BABCOCK UNIVERSITY ILISHAN REMO OGUN STATE APRIL 2012 SUPERVISED BY: MR F.A.AKINTOLA i CERTIFICATION This research project, THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON BANKING SERVICES (CASE STUDY OF ZENITH BANKPLC), written, researched and submitted by EBHOHON OLUWASEUN I was carried out under my supervision and it is adequate in scope as a project it meets the requirement and regulations governing the award of Bachelor of Science in Banking Finance, ... Show more content on ... ..........................20 26 2.4 Theoretical Framework..............................................................................................................26 27 2.5 Moderators Component..................................................................................27 28 2.6 Research Paradigm........................................................................................29
  • 4. CHAPTER THREE 3.1 Research methodology and design.......................................................................30 3.2 Source Data.................................................................................................31 3.3 Data gathering procedures.................................................................................31 32 3.4 Data analysis.................................................................................................32 3.5 Ethical issues................................................................................................32 CHAPTER FOUR 4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................33 4.2 Data Analysis.................................................................................................33 4.3 Management of Information Technology Infrastructure...............................................34 53 4.4 Test of Hypothesis...........................................................................................53 56 CHAPTER FIVE 5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................57 5.2 Summary......................................................................................................57 58 5.3 Findings of the Study.........................................................................................58 59 5.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................59 5.5 Recommendation...............................................................................................60 Bibliography........................................................................................................61 63 Curriculum Vitae...................................................................................................64 Letter of Permission................................................................................................65 Questionnaire.......................................................................................................66 68 ABSTRACT As Information Technology is the modern trend in ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Rocky Mountain Vacations When we think of the holidays, our minds are almost always drawn to the iconic image of families gathered at home to celebrate together. However, spending the holidays at home isn t mandatory in fact, a Thanksgiving or Christmas vacation might actually serve to make the season more festive! If you re itching to take the family somewhere new this holiday season, look no further than the following destinations. National Parks The national parks are a popular tourist destination so popular that they re often overcrowded. However, if you plan your trip for the winter season, you may just find you have the whole place to yourself! Both Rocky Mountain National Park and Yellowstone are absolutely stunning in the winter. Rocky Mountain offers a variety of activities for cold weather fanatics, including ice climbing, winter mountaineering, snowshoeing, and skiing. Yellowstone, on the other hand, has a few more leisurely options, such as guided snowshoe and snowmobile tours, complete with stops at warming huts. Though cold weather national park road trips during the fall and winter are entirely possible, you ll need to take care when it comes to wildlife in the road. The roads are likely to be icy, and animals pop up without warning, so stay within the designated speed limit and have an emergency braking plan. If winter weather isn t your idea of a good time, head south to the national and state parks located in Texas, such as Big Bend, Guadalupe Mountains, or Monahan ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Benefits And Drawbacks Of Using Secondary Market Research... Introduction In this business report, I will identify what the benefits and drawbacks of using secondary market research is for an organisation. I will use three major brands in the UK car market; Mini Cooper, BMW and Audi. I have used these major brands as they are the most differentiated out of all the car brands in the UK (see appendix 1). I will analyse their 4ps; which is price, place, promotion and product. I will also use PEST analysis to explain the current trends in the UK car market, and back it up with justified market research. Benefits and drawbacks for organisations in using secondary research Secondary market research is market research that s already gathered and prepared for you. Secondary research also known as desk research is when an organisation identifies suitable sources and getting access to them; reviewing and accessing their suitability for their specific research objectives (Mcgivern 2013). There are many benefits and drawbacks of using secondary market research for an organisation. Benefits of using secondary market research for an organisation is primarily based on how the research helps aid reaching the research objectives for the business. Secondary market research is the amount of time that can be saved (Ghauri 2005). With primary market research, it is up to the organisation to go and gather the research themselves, hence why it s referred to as field research. This tends to take a very long time, whereas with secondary market research it ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Technological Trends May Be The Most Relative Trend For... Technological trends might be the most relative trend for GoPro s industry. The main trend in technology that applies to GoPro is the growth of the Internet. Society is concentrated on broadcasting to the world the daily activities and using social media as the medium. You can record your daily adventures and share it with friends and family. YouTube is popular a platform to upload daily video vlogs of their lives. A product like GoPro is a great asset to achieve this kind of lifestyle. Other sites like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook benefit from this company because people can upload a picture or video that they wish to share. Technology will probably have the most influence on this company in the next 3 5 years. The action cameramarket... Show more content on ... stock value is on the rise compared to GoPro. d. Political/legal trends There are no specific regulations or laws effecting cameras in general; however, GoPro is facing infringement allegation. The company is accused of patent design infringement of the Polaroid Cube. The only political or legal obstacles that stand in the way are those that will affect the company regrading drones. Air safety is a huge concern for drones and operators may face charges for violation of federal regulations. e. Sociocultural trends There are nearly 3 billion social media users and the rise of social media plays a key role on our society. The way we communicate, live, and view the world is impacted by social media. Millions of videos and photos are uploaded on a daily basis. This is possible with the help of products like the GoPro that help a consumer make videos easily with little equipment. GoPro is utilized by user to share daily activities. f. Global trends GoPro is used globally and trends remain unaffected in terms of global trends. g. Physical environment trends Physical environment trends affected by failure/malfunctions during operation. Power failure can cause the drone can fall out of the sky and potentially cause harm to anything in its path. External Analysis, The Five Forces: Rivals GoPro is competing with every camera from basic phone cameras up to up to elite products. GoPro biggest rival is Rollei ActionCam 420. Both cameras fall under the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. In Defense Of Laptops In The Classroom Summary The article In Defence of Laptops in the Classroom by Rebecca Schuman, a university professor, offers a different perspective to the banning of laptops in academics. She argues that while it might be distracting, it is ultimately the student s own attitude towards education that dictates the effectiveness of electronics in the classroom. As the title suggests, Schuman argues that laptops have a place in the modern day classroom. She emphasises how the current generation lives in an age that doesn t learn to write by hand (5) and argues that it is impossible to separate technology from learning. Rather than to disregard it, Schuman suggests changing the way in which lessons are conducted, with less of an impersonal pedagogical approach, ... Show more content on ... She argues that policing the behaviour of students further infantilizes these 18 to 22 year olds (6). Rather than banning the laptop, she uses it as a challenge to develop students to become more independent learners. She presents the opinion that one learn(s) all kinds of things the hard way in college (10). She presents the distractions of the laptop as an obstacle that students should learn to overcome on their own terms rather than forcibly, in order to further benefit them in the future. She brings up the idea of responsibility (10), one that is taught through actual experience instead of a textbook. Throughout the article, Schuman does not back away from the fact that the case for a laptop free classroom is indeed strong (3), even going as far as to include studies and evidence that support the detriments of the laptop. The emphasis on the challenges posed highlights the initiative that she wishes to impart by relaxing control on students. The stress on self creates awareness as to how students are often treated with differing attitudes, as 13th graders , children, in the classroom, yet expected to make decisions of importance, old enough to vote and go to war (7). In giving students the freedom, she wishes to develop and hone their decision making ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Marxist Leader Of The Cuban Delegation 1.Introduction to set the tone: Che Guevara, the Marxist leader of the Cuban delegation, delivered a speech in New York on 1964 before the General Assembly of the United Nations, in which he condemned the transgressions of imperialist US foreign policy. The first three paragraphs of his speech set the stage for a broader message, which exposed the hardships that imperialism had inflicted on Latin America. He did so by first welcoming the leaders of three new nations who, though not Latin American, suffered similar hardships at the hands of US imperialism, and could relate to the Latin American struggle for self determination. 2.Imperialism: Guevara, like most Marxist Leninists, despised capitalism because he believed it was a highly oppressive social system. He understood it as merely a precursor to hegemonic imperialism with an end goal of social, economic, and political dominance on a global scale. America, from Guevara s perspective, was the headquarters of this paradigm. The leaders of several non aligned nations shared Guevara s sentiment towards the United States of America because the Americans had gained quite a bit of notoriety in the global community for essentially preying on developing nations by taking advantage of their weaknesses, namely through the exploitation of resources, which generated American capital and usually left nations dependent on American assistance. This form of control, Guevara argued, was a key part to America s imperialist agenda. One of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Poverty Is The State Of Having Little Or No Money Poverty is the state of having little or no money, goods, circumstance of being poor. One out of seven people in the United States live in poverty, Approximately 50 million Americans one in six people struggle with hunger, many are children. How is the U.S. poverty line determined? First established in 1965 by the social security administration, the povertyline was based on an assumption that the average family must spend about one third of its total income on food. The official poverty line was determined by a family market basket at low cost food budget that contains a minimum level of nutrition for a family multiplied by three to allow for nonfood cost such as rent and utilities. At a poverty line of $1.25per day, more than 1.4 billion people live in absolute poverty which is a condition that exists when people do not have the means to secure the most basic necessities of life. While others live in relative poverty that is a condition that exists when people can afford basic such as food, clothing, and shelter but cannot maintain an average standard of living in comparison to that of other members of their society or group. The United States has a number of class divisions that are characterized by widely diverse lifestyles and life chances. Upper class is the wealthiest and most powerful class, Upper middle class is composed of professional s (ex. Attorneys, physicians). Middle class are white collar office workers (ex. Teachers, nurses). Working class are considered ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Sympathetic or Antisympathetic Essay In Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House, Nora starts out as sympathetic person, making decisions based upon the welfare of only others, and never herself. She is a caring, na #239;ve and loving person, making it easy to forgive her for her faults. As the story proceeds her motives are questioned, and so is the idea of whether or not she is still a sympathetic character. Previous to the opening of the play, Nora makes the decision to get a loan without Torvald s knowledge so that he can go to Italy and improve his health, showing compassion and love for her husband. Nora s aquiring the loan with her father as a guarantor, shows that she cared enough not to worry her husband with money problems at a time that he needed to heal. Forging her ... Show more content on ... Linde, . ..when I am no longer pretty...Torvald no longer loves me as he does now...amuse[s] him... play the fool for him (1497). We do not know when she came upon this realization, but it does not affect her until she acknowledges his reaction to the news of her forgery may be much different than previously expected. This realization creates a devastating blow to her mind, paralleled with her tarantella practice, Not so violently, Nora. (1523). Nora is literally dancing for her life as she is now unsure of Torvald s reaction to the news will be. Chaos overtakes her mind, as she becomes aware that Torvald would not take the news of her forgery well, yet hangs on to her image of the ideal husband who like herself would do anything for her spouse. Torvald s comment, . ..the beautiful apparition disappeared (1528) is the turning point of Nora s beautiful character into that of a selfish one. In the end, Nora makes the decision to end her marriage, leave her children, and run away from her problems, showing only self interest. She forfeits her family for that of her happiness believing what Torvald previously says, an atmosphere of lies contaminates and poisons...breath...children draw...contains the germs of evil (1509). Even though she is aware of his dishonesty, I must try to buy him off (1534), she still leaves her children with their father. Her decision is selfish, and her selfishness is backed up with the fact ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay about Inventory Management Systems Assignment 1: Inventory Management Systems Mondith Sreng CIS210 4/15/2012 During a conversion at my family dinner my sister mentioned her small clothing store and she also discussed how frustrating it is to manually track and record all of the high demanding items in her store. My sister would like an easier solution for her problem. She decided she wanted an automated system, but she told us that she has a very small budget. So she asked my mother and I for any advice we can give for her store. I mentioned to my sister that she should try using a Universal Product Code (UPC) which is a great and affordable automated system for her small clothing store. Universal Product Code ... Show more content on ... Now that she has the software to create her bar codes she is going to need a printer as well to print off her bar code labels. The Zebra thermal Barcode Printer is a basic bar code printer which would be perfect for my sister s budget it allows my sister to print off bar code and also the price right next to it and the bar code printer only costs $200. The ongoing maintenance that will be required for this process is that for every item my sister owns she will need to keep track on which code belongs to which item by typing the description into the system. By her doing so it is letting the system know which code it belongs to what and she wouldn t have any confusion on how many of that item she has left. That way whenever she scans an item out of her inventory she will know exactly how many of that item she has left in her inventory. My sister will also need to stock up on bar code labels for her bar code printer. She would need to check her inventory every month now since it is an automated method instead of a manual method which she would have to check up on inventory every week. (n.d.). Retrieved from Shelly, Rosenblatt. (2012). Systems Analysis and Design (9th ed.). Boston: Thomson Course ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Top Three Brands Of Virtualization Software Virtualization is a combination of software and hardware engineering that creates Virtual Machines (VMs) an abstraction of the computer hardware that allows a single machine to act as if it were many machines, or a computer that does not physically exist as a piece of hardware. The hardware that is seen by the operating system is emulated in an effort to separate the physical hardware from operating system. This allows the virtual machineto be moved and hosted on any machine independent of hardware. Virtualization technology is possibly the single most important issue in IT and has started a top to bottom overhaul of the computing industry which is why many companies around the world have are using its softwares to enhance their business opportunities. There are many virtualization software programs such as IBM PowerVM, Microsoft Hyper V, VMware, Oracle Solaris, Citrix, XenServer, and KVM. However, based on the information I have read so far, I believe that the top three brands of virtualization software are Citrix XenServer, Oracle VM Server and KVM. Oracle VM Server for x86 and KVM are open source however, Citrix XenServer is proprietary in nature. Oracle VM Server is widely used by big enterprises whereas Citrix XenServer and KVM are used by small to medium business and by individuals. KVM provides full virtualization whereas Citrix and Oracle are not. According the citrix website, Citrix is the leading virtualization server. Citrix Server ... Get more on ...
  • 14. What Was The Cult Of Domesticity In The 1800 s Abolitionism, Nullification, Cult of Domesticity all of which are major themes that occur during the early 1830 s. The following ideas may not be heavily related but, together they helped Martin Van Buren get elected President of The United States. Abolitionism which was a movement before and during the civil war to put an end to slavery in the United States. The Nullification Crisis was a United States political crisis beginning with the tariff of abominations of 1828, occurring during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, involving a conflict between South Carolinaand the United States Federal Government. The Cult of Domesticity also known as the cult of true womanhood is a term used by many historians to describe what they consider to be a triumphing value system among middle and upper class women during the 1800 s in the United States. All of the following helped Martin Van Burento become president which is not very important in American history but, the way Van Buren became president is extremely important in American history. More importantly, The Nullification Crisis, The Cult of Domesticity and Abolitionism were themes that foretold and even bigger conflict the Civil War. The Nullification Crisis was a major political crisis that began with the Tariff of Abominations of 1828, which occurred during the presidency of Andrew Jackson involving a conflict with the United States Federal Government and South Carolina. South Carolina felt the Tariff was unconstitutional and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. John Steinbeck s Life And Accomplishments He was born February 7th, 1902 in Salinas, California. His mother Olive Hamilton had been a teacher, and his father was John Ernst Steinbeck, who was a manager at the Sperry Flour mill. He had 3 sisters, Esther, Beth and Mary. From the time he was 14, he wanted to be a writer. He wrote short stories about where he lived. His father lost his job when John was a teenager, and his father tried opening a feed grain store, but it failed. John went to Stanford University in 1919 (but stayed there for 6 years without getting a degree). His father became Monterey county treasurer. He wrote these novels, screenplays and stories: East of Eden, The Red Pony, Tortilla Flat, Sea of Cortez, Cup of Gold, To a God Unknown, Pastures of Heaven, The Long ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Karen Horney Was One Of The First Noted Female Psychoanalyst Karen Horney was one of the first noted female psychoanalyst theorist who, along with Alfred Adler, formed the Neo Freudian discipline. She did not agree that individuals are ruled by their repressed sexual passions and with many of Freud s other theories. Her theory on personality put more emphasis on the individual s childhood experiences and the social and cultural aspects that affect them. In order to explain a person s personality, Horney developed the theory of neurosis. In it she listed the ten basic neurotic needs, how people coped with life, and she looked at self realization versus self idealization . We can use Horney s theory to examine the personality of the recently elected president, Donald Trump. The 2016 election... Show more content on ... But it is reported that during those years Donald still got into fights with other students and was angry or aggressive at times. Donald worked for his father s construction company during the summers and went on to Fordham University and then transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated with a degree in economics in 1968. After he graduated he joined the family business and moved to Manhattan where he tried to grow it beyond what his father had done. Using Horney s theory we can examine the early years of Trump s life. Of the ten basic neurotic needs Trump strongly shows the need for power, the need for social recognition, and the need for personal achievement (Horney, 1942). As Horney s theory emphasizes childhood experiences, we can see how a child who grew up in a big family that was affluent would want power and social recognition. He grew up needing to compete with his siblings for his parents attention and by watching his father he believed that success in his career was the best way to achieve personal success. Lots of Trump s actions pointed to him trying to fill his need for social recognition: he was a star athlete, a student leader, and he was known for being cocky. In Horney s book, Neurosis and Human Growth, she says feeling at bottom isolated and hostile he can only develop an urge to need to lift ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Hannibal Lecter Villain Hannibal Lecter was the most feared psychopath created by Thomas Harris. Prior to the release of The Silence of The Lamb America thought he was another fictional character. After viewing the movie they began to realize Hannibal Lecter was based off Doctor Alfredo Balli Travino. Travino was convicted and sentenced to death for the manslaughter of his gay lover Rangel. The crime of passion included Travino slicing his neck and draining his blood and methodically chopping Rangel s body into pieces and shoving him into a box. Later he drove to a relative s farm where he and a farm hand buried the box. Upon the discovery of the oddly marked grave, by another worker, the police were informed. They went undercover to Travino s practice and arrested him. Immoral actions are not only in the real world, they are also depicted into novels. From fairy tales to love stories there is always a villain that stands in the way of the traditional happy ending. For example in William Shakespeare s Othello, The Moor of Venice Iago, the antagonist, formulates a malicious plan to destroy Othello.... Show more content on ... Iago created this plan out of jealousy and revenge. Cassio, Othello s right hand man, was promoted to lieutenant instead of Iago. This was the final event that sent Iago over the edge; the first event being the rumors of Othello having an affair with Emilia, Iago s wife. Iago s plan is to get Othello to believe that Desdemona is unfaithful to him. Iago s reasoning, jealousy and revenge, is what characterizes him as evil. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it (Martin Luther King Jr). He who thinks evil thoughts is as responsible as one who acts upon them. Iago himself has passive contemplations that transform into concrete ... Get more on ...
  • 18. In Defence of Marx s Account of the Nature of Capitalist... In Defence of Marx s Account of the Nature of Capitalist Exploitation ABSTRACT: According to Marx, at any given epoch of a given society, [there is] a quantity of necessaries [recognized as] the necessaries of life habitually required by the average worker. The variations in the type and amount of goods recognized as necessary for life between different epochs and different societies is due to the different physical conditions and to the different degrees of civilization and comfort prevalent. In advanced capitalist societies, the necessities of life include a heated dwelling, food, clothing, and access to some means of transportation, be it public or private. However, the average laborer in advanced capitalist societies has ... Show more content on ... But the average laborer in advanced capitalist society has access not only to the necessaries of life but to a variety of luxury items as well. For example, the average worker has access to at least some subset of the following luxury items: fine food and drink; an automobile; a television set; a hi fi set. In this paper, I will (I) explain Marx s theory of the nature of capitalist exploitation; and (II) indicate how the phenomenon described in the previous paragraph may be interpreted as evidence against Marx s theory, and sketch an interpretation of this phenomenon according to which it is consistent with Marx s theory. My interpretation will suggest that the average worker s access to luxury items can be explained by the necessity in capitalism of reproducing the working class. (I) In some of his early works, Marx suggests that the poverty of the workers goes hand in hand with capitalist production. For example, in Alienated Labor he claims that in capitalist society, labor produces marvels for the wealthy but it produces deprivation for the worker (61). Indeed, so much does the realization of labor appear as diminution [of the worker] that the worker is diminished to the point of starvation (61). This view, that as a necessary result of the capitalist mode of production the average ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Clinical Site Comparison There are many differences between my first semester clinical site, at UCH Denver, and at Penrose, this semester s site. The teaching style of the technologists is different, acquiring clinical history for every patient is required, and there are children and infant patients in Penrose. These create a stark contrast between the two clinical sites. Up at UCH Denver, the radiologic technologists give the students a lot of leash. In fact, they almost drop kick students into preforming exams. Students are shown how to do procedures and run equipment, then sent to do exams and grab the techs before they take the images. The atmosphere is pretty relaxed and everyone is accustomed to teaching and correcting student mistakes. Trial by fire is the way of learning up in Denver. ... Show more content on ... The radiologists expect tech notes on each patient, unlike UCH Denver. For the most part, a tech has been by my side to make sure I obtain the correct information. Then, they check the notes students write to assess whether the notes are written well enough, giving us tips and corrections. Ed has suggested that I write down the clinical history, in short hand, of course. I have found that writing down my questions before hand ensures I do not miss my information. Students are allowed to retrieve patients from the emergency department and outpatient waiting areas. There are small changing areas and gowns available, but hardly utilized. Most patients seen in the exam rooms are already changed in the emergency department. The greatest difference I have discovered is that our patients include children and babies. Children are so much smaller and they ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Dissociative Experience During Childbirth The article I chose was Dissociative experience during childbirth. This experiment was assessing whether or not labor pain, traumatic childbirth, obstetrical variables, and previous trauma were part of causing a dissociative experience during childbirth. The method used to study the hypothesis was by having 328 women completed five surveys up to 72 hours postpartum. They were between the ages of 18 42. Out of the group 68.6% were married or living with a partner and 43.3% had a job. The average number of years the women spent in school was 8.8yrs. More than half (59.2%), did not complete high school and only 2% (6) completed higher education. From the group, 19.2% of them had a miscarriage before. More than half (51.5%) had already... Show more content on ... The program R v2 version 10.0 was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that dissociative experience was more common in women that considered their childbirth traumatic. Some things that were associated with having dissociative experience are previous trauma, obstetrical complications at birth, forceps, prematurity, complications with the infant, not being happy with the maternity care, not having a job, a lot of pain, and education levels. A total of 11.3% (37 women) experienced significant dissociation. Sense of time changes, things occurring in slow motion, not knowing what is going on, feeling uncertain or disoriented about where they were or what time it was, things that they are not aware happened at the childbirth and blacking out or spacing out were reported as being the most common dissociative symptoms. Below is a graph from the article with details on the results; At the end of the experiment, the author found that Dissociative experiences are possible during childbirth in particular symptoms. These symptoms include sensation of a change in the pace of time, not being aware of certain things that happened, and disorientation. Traumatic childbirth also impacted perinatal dissociation. Traumatic childbirth occurred when women feared for their lives and their baby s lives, received news about some terrible obstetrical intervention or medical ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Responsibility for the Tragic Events in Macbeth by William... Responsibility for the Tragic Events in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Macbeth is one of Shakespeare four great tragedies. The witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were all responsible for the tragic events that occurred, to some extent. The witches were the ones to start the evil as they drilled the prophecies into Macbeth. His vaulting ambition drove him to perform not only the murder of Duncan but of many others, and Lady Macbeth also had a part in persuading him to do it. She keeps very calm until guilt suddenly strikes and she then commits suicide. Macbeth is about a successful military leader whom is presented with... Show more content on ... He revisits the sisters who predict more for the future. They tell him to beware Macduff, to fear no one of women born, he won t be defeated until Birnam Wood comes to his castle and that Banquo s sons will be royalty. By giving him these predictions, Macbeth feels uneasy and becomes ruthless in saying he won t hesitate to murder as he did with Duncan. Seize upon Fife, give to the edge of the sword. His wife, his babes and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line. Therefore the witches were at fault for killings of Macduff s family and for starting all of the distressing circumstances. Lady Macbeth s main faults which led to tragic happenings in Macbeth were those of her powerful and manipulative character which persuaded Macbeth to kill Duncan. She gives him courage, presents him with a plan and tells him how they must act to get away with it. ...look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it...Only look up clear, To altar favour ever is to fear. Lady Macbeth also wanted the spirits to take away her kindness feminine tendencies so she could help with the murder. ...unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top full Of direst cruelty. She was culpable for making Macbeth feel unmanly which resulted in him proving himself by killing Duncan. Although, she wasn t the one ... Get more on ...
  • 22. St. Basil Of Caesare The Origins Of Monasticism Monastic Rules Monasticism is a way of life of inner and is considered liberation from material things. It means denying one s self of worldly possessions, to live a humble, set apart life and being totally devoted to the study of scripture and spiritual matters. Many base the Monastic life on the 1 John 2:15 17 which states, Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever (ESV). Origins of Monasticism According to Frazee, monasticism ... Show more content on ... People were becoming Christians at a rapid pace; some church communities started to show signs of not being strict with guidelines and regulations. The Monks were respected among the people and we a positive addition to the time. The monks living their solitary life were instrumental in preserving education and the Bible. During the early and middle years, one of the institutions that remained stable was the church and monasticism was important to its stability. The most important monk of early medieval Christianity was St. Benedict. In 529 he wrote a rule for his monastery that would become the rule for almost all monasteries of early medieval Christianity. It emphasized physical labor and involved vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The Benedictine Order of monks is still in existence today. Monasteries were indeed the centers of learning in the medieval period. St Benedict made the decision that he would be able to a benefit to other monks. He founded twelve monasteries with twelve monks in each. Some of them were not happy and resented him for the stricter rules imposed. Others felt that Benedict had powers not typically a characteristic of an ordinary person. His sister was responsible for the formation of a covenant which became the foundation for houses for ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Polygraph In The Truth Machine In The Truth Machine, a science fiction novel published in 1996 and written by James Halperin, some scientists invent a machine that can detect lies perfectly. As a results, it stops crime, changes the world system, and saves humanity from self destruction. Could humanity ever build a similar device? And if we cannot why do we keep using the polygraphtests. For almost a century, the polygraph has been one of the closest device from a liedetector used for criminal investigations. Many in the scientific and legal fields do not rely on it, because of its versatile accuracy. Moreover, as the psychologist Leonard Saxe, PhD, (1991) has stated: The idea that we can detect a person s veracity by monitoring psycho physiological changes is more myth than reality. Even the term lie detector, used to refer... Show more content on ... Several studies have showed that some parts of the brain are more active when people tell lies rather than truths, such areas at the very front of our brain. As a result, while abandoning the polygraph, some scientists have accepted brain scanners, using two methods. The first one uses electronic sensors to measure brainwave , called P300, appearing when we see something familiar. Through this signal it is possible to determine if someone is hiding something that they know about, like a murder weapon. The second technique is called, the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI); Showing the location of active neurons, by tracking the blood flow that provides nutrients and oxygen. However, there is no Centre of dishonesty in the human s brain. Those neurons can even be more active when someone is telling the truth, or when they are trying to decide whether to be honest or not. However, these techniques can detect lies up 78 to 85% of the time, which shows that we making good ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Argumentative Essay On Health And Social Care In a world of unequal capabilities, there is the need to be each other s keeper by helping lift up the less fortunate. There are countries around the world where some children have neither a decent place to sleep nor call a home, and some families must go hungry for days because they can not afford a meal. Unfortunately, this is true for some citizens of this great United Statesof America. In the absence of a social safety net to help catch those members of the society who find themselves trapped in very hard circumstances, our streets may fill up with more homeless citizens, and we may see death from starvation. A social welfare system capable of providing the resources needed to lift the less fortunate members of our society can go a long... Show more content on ... As Moore and Ferrara described, Medicare, Social Security, public schools, and welfare programs might be run poorly, but they are a security blanket nonetheless. Voters do not want to trade a devil they know for a devil they do not know. Most Americans are interested in the sustainability of the social welfare systems for themselves and the future generations. Even though it is sometimes rumored that only the poor apply for social welfare assistance, Morgan states that In reality, the vast majority of Americans benefit from some kind of government social program about 96 percent, according to the political scientist Suzanne ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Installing Bamboo Flooring Essay Usually there are no instructions in the box on installing bamboo flooring, but it is done just like ordinary hardwood flooring. The proper floor preparation is essential before any installation. It is important that all sub flooring be flat with a tolerance of no more than one half inch over a twelve foot span. If the sub floor is made of wood, staples are better to use than flooringcleats. Staples hold better and do not squeak when stepped upon. If you decide to use a glue down installation, use the adhesive that is specified by the manufacturer. Be sure to avoid water based adhesives at all costs. 2 If you care about the environment, you should be installing bamboo flooring in every room in your house. Bamboo is a renewable ... Show more content on ... The oil urethane wood finish supplies a highly durable coating that allows the beauty of the wood to shine through while minimizing discoloration due to age. A lambs wool applicator is required for even coating, and one gallon can cover over 600 square feet. The water based urethane finish can be used only on previously sealed surfaces. The crystal clear coating shows off the natural wood beauty, and it dries very fast. No mixing is required, and it is very economical to use. One gallon will cover up to 1000 square feet. 5 Polyurethane hardwood floor finishes are blends of synthetic resins that protect the surface of wood. They are moisture resistant and available in high gloss and semi gloss as well as satin and matte. The finish is recommended for kitchens where splashing water may be a problem. The polyurethane finish is the most common and it turns a lovely shade of amber as it ages. Do not shake the polyurethane container because air bubbles will appear in the final finish. Instead, stir the container to avoid any mishaps. The coating should be applied with a brush or roller going with the grain to avoid marking the finish. 6 The types of hardwood floor finishes determine the kind of maintenance you must use to keep the floor new looking. Most of the time all you have to do is sweep the floor with a broom or dust mop, and clean up spills as soon as they ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Innovation and Change of the Ipod Essay Innovation and Change of the Ipod INTRODUCTION This report on innovation and change examines how Apple s iPod is the first entry into the marketplace that addresses the needs of the portable digital music market segment. It explains how it is small enough to fit comfortably in a shirt pocket. It shows how the device addresses the shortcomings of other portable MP3 music devices. It also looks at how market segmentation has been one of the most vital factors fueling the demand for technological products, as companies recognize that segmentation equips them to generate more sales than the mass marketing approach of the late 20th century. The report examines how Apple understood the needs of the digital music community, together with ... Show more content on ... Therefore, rather than learning more about new artists, the consumer learns more about his or her own tastes by creating his or her own mix. Not only is this but it a new technological way to enter the world of Music. Just in a box smaller then the size of your hand you can have all the latest, music, videos, internet, pictures and etc. You can choose the color you want the Ipodor any other accessories that come with it, you can personalize your Ipod so it represents your personal style. 2. There are various ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES that are leading to today s development of new products or improvement of current products. Consumer s needs and wants are changing from a day to day basis and businesses must keep up with these demands. The following are the needs for a new innovative product: Changing Nature of Markets Consumer demands change; Ipod must monitor the market and adjust production. On the other hand a product can also be in high demand by the consumer and the production would have to increase on short notice to meet the demand. Economic Factors The general level of economic activity in Australia and the rest of the global economy tends to fluctuate through periods of upturn and downturn. The level of activity in Ipod also moves through similar cycles. Financial Factors The availability and cost of finance is a key input which can determine whether Ipod can introduce a new innovation or weather it should just re improve the product. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Picture Paris And Bicycle Thieves Similarities Sometimes people forget that food is an art and that it has the power to move us emotionally just as music, literature and paintings can. Picture Paris and Bicycle Thieves are two films that both employ the usage of narrative devices hand in hand with food to develop the characters and their family bonds. Although each narrative revolves around the central themes of food, family and dignity the two are developed in radically different ways. The Bicycle Thievesuses the concept of neorealism to employ the theme of hunger by focusing on the day to day struggles the Italians faced after World War II to develop a family bond whereas in Picture Paris the theme of food is used to draw a parallel connection between her obsession with Paris and the... Show more content on ... Throughout the entirety of Picture Paris, we are following the story as an external narrator who seems to know all the actions of everyone, primarily of Ellen, tells it. The audience is under the impression that this narrator is predicting what will happen to Ellen even though noting has happened to her through an omniscient perspective. Until the very end the narrator is anyone but someone who plays a major role in the short film. Towards the end the narrator is revealed to be an internal character, the protagonists boyfriend. Due to this newly acquired knowledge it has the audience question the accuracy of the story. Did Ellen really kill her husband and bake him into the PГўtГ© or did the narrator toy with our minds and make us think what he is revealing is the truth. Bicycle Thieves conversely mounts the story without a narrator. Without the narrator the story is unbiased and the audience knows without a doubt in their mind where the story is heading and that Ricci unfortunately will most likely end up with ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Corrections Paper Corrections Paper CJA/484 April 21, 2014 Stephen Rubino Corrections Paper The criminal justice system is responsible for enforcing the laws created at each level of government. A major part of enforcing the laws is detaining the people who break them. The way that an offender is punished for a crime can be different depending on age or the type of crime committed. Depending on the age of the offender they could go through the juvenile or adult corrections system. Each system has levels like parole and probation built in to help rehabilitate the offender. Another form of corrections that is used is community corrections. This form allows citizens to help with the corrections process while giving offenders a second ... Show more content on ... With jails and prisons facing an increasing overpopulation problem, with less staff, and budget cuts more and more probation, parole, and community corrections are becoming a solution (manhattan, 2000). Parole and probation function through their operation programs such as their case classification system (Burrell, 2003). This system allows the parole board to classify which cases should be considered for early release and which ones should not. Once a case is determined to be eligible for parole, then probation uses the case classification system to decide if the case is high risk or low risk (manhattan, 2000). Community corrections becomes a part of the parole and probation services once the inmate is released into the community by operating residential and secure custodial facilities and provide free labor to local organizations through community service programs, probation and parole are best known for their role in the supervision of offenders in the community (Burrell, 2003, p. 1). The administration in jails, prisons, parole, probation, and community corrections have many different ... Get more on ...
  • 29. What Is The Frail Category In The Scarlet Letter It is to my belief that The Scarlett Letter could be placed in the Orthodox Christian and Fortunate Fail category. It could be that I am a bit biased, but it just seems that the story was a best fit for those two categories. In the story, Hester had an affair and bore a child with another man, Rev. Dimmesdale. This is highly frowned upon. For her adultery she was forced to wear the scarlet letter A over her breast, to make it known that she had unlawful sexual intercourse. This had to be very embarrassing at first. But be that as it may, she was able to move on and raise her child. On the other hand, Arthur, is punished by his own feelings of shame and guilt. These feelings probably ate away at him, as he knew his role and should ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Analysis Of The Meal And Everyday Use One s appearance is the first thing people judge when they come into contact. Some people immediately wonder about his or her status, weather that person comes from wealth, what their job is, are they married, do they have children, are the not wealthy. In the poem, short story, and drama being analyzed, the appearances of the characters and families are not what one may think. In fact, they are the complete opposite, one may say even deceiving. Their minds shift and ready, like dunes (Berger) is an interesting phrase used in Suzanne Berger s The Meal to describe the state of the children. Berger s The Meal along with Alice Walker s Everyday Use and Wendy Wassersteins Workout use carefully selected words, tone and imagery to portray a pertinent theme of deception in appearances. Suzanne Berger, Alice Walker, and Wendy Wasserstein all have some sort of familyrelationship and the woman of the family seems to bear the troubles and struggle. Throughout their literary works these problems help built the story. Alalysis, Oates Indruchova Libora notes that women in today s society are not as relevant as their counter parts. They do as much, if not more but do not receive the credit. Suzanne Berger s The Meal uses a variety of wording to exhibit the amount of deception depicted in the perfect family being described in her poem. A stanza from Berger s poem reads Their minds shift and ready, like dunes (Berger), meaning that the children have been participating in ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Deer Season Should Be Longer Do you think Deer season should be longer? Where the deer are overpopulated there should be a longer season. Anyone should be able to shoot deer if they are destroying your property.The deer population has outgrown any other animal population. One problem about having a longer season is that if we have too many long season hunters then the deer might go extinct. Another problem would be that the deer would bed down and not move as much as they do now. Longer deer season will cause less people to spotlight. If you ve been hunting for long enough, chances are pretty good that you ve found yourself in an argument or two about the viability of a year round hunting season. For some hunters, year round hunting is almost a possibility, whether through the hunting of a wide range of both big and small game animals or thanks to nationwide and international hunting trips. However, for ... Show more content on ... However, a yearlong hunting season would also give states an opportunity to create more appropriate and consistent hunting regulation methods that, when employed for 12 months at a time rather than one or two, could actually stand to help create more balanced deer populations rather than destroy the animals and their chances of survival. This one probably goes along with the more regulation point above, but it bears repeating due to the level of hunting related accidents and injuries that still result in so many tragedies every year. A yearlong hunting season, as well as the extra regulation it would bring, would force hunters to be more vigilant with following safety measures. When you have 10 or 11 months off from hunting, it s easy to let safe practices slip to the back of your mind. If we were all hunting all of the time, safety rules would have a better chance to take firm root and could also be more easily ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Why Participate In Graduate School Admissions Essay There are numerous reasons why I would like to participate in this program. My first reason is that I hope to become better prepared for entering a graduate school program in philosophy. I am passionate about philosophy and my dream is to become a philosophy professor so I can share this passion with others. My colleges philosophy department has limited resources, and I hope that this opportunity will help me to close any gaps in my knowledge regarding the graduate school admissions process. My second reason for wanting to participate in this program is that I look forward to meeting other people my age who are as passionate about philosophy as I am. Currently, I am one of two philosophy majors at my college. The promise of connecting with ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Examples Of Free Will In The Knight s Tale Lucas Shelton Mr. Small English 12 18 November 2014 The Canterbury Tales Literary Analysis: Fate vs. Free Will One of the most controversial questions within the philosophical spectrum is whether a situations outcome is based on fate or free will. Geoffrey Chaucer examines both sides of the argument in The Knight s Tale , which is only a small portion of The Canterbury Tales . The tale centered itself around two men, Arcite and Palamon, who fell madly in love with the same woman, Emily. They were both forced to overcome major obstacles in their paths just to be near her. Yet, in the end, they faced the greatest challenge. Arcite and Palamon, once the best of friends, became the most bitter of enemies, as they fought to determine who would ... Show more content on ... As referenced in the previous paragraph, Arcite even fell victim to the lover s sickness of Eros. (Chaucer 5) The author takes the extra step to describe its symptoms to the readers, in such detail that Arcite could almost be seen in his weakened state. Those included an unhealthy, gaunt appearance, sunken eyes, and extreme paleness. Another example can be seen in the layout of the amphitheater, which was created by King Theseus to make a spectacle out of the last battle. It is interesting to note that a man would go to such great lengths to create the most out of a seemingly meaningless series of events. Regardless, the amphitheater was very extravagant. Near the gate, stood three temples devoted to the gods, each of which were finely decorated with high quality materials. First there was Venus, the goddess of love, then there was Mars, the god of war, and lastly there was Diana, the goddess of chastity. The third and final example of imagery that can be seen within the tale is the emphasis on Arcite and Palamon, specifically their individual styles of fighting. Both men were compared to animals in this sense. According to the text you might judge that Palamon in his fighting were a mad lion and Arcite a cruel tiger. (Chaucer 7) Later on, King ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Importance Of Writing A Web Portfolio For my project I chose to create a web portfolio. I chose this because I ve found that it s the best format to showcase my various projects I ve done through the History and Communication departments at Western. Previously I ve worked on a project similar to this for my Communication 350 class but I wanted to be able to build on what I learned to make an online portfolio more suited for career oriented work. In approaching this project I wanted to get several things out of it. First and foremost, I wanted to take the time I had to create something I was genuinely proud of and get to use in real life. Additionally, I wanted to build on my time management, reviewing, and graphic design skills. Initially, when I think back the project was ... Show more content on ... This made me think critically about things I have done in order to decide what I thought was worthy of a showcase. People tend to want to think that a lot of the things they do is objectively really good. Although, sometimes that s not the case. I went through my work that I had saved from my years at college community college and Western and picked some of my favorite samples. I left some out that seemed irrelevant such as a few graphic design pieces from my Communication Technologies class that were done purely for an assignment and I had no attachment to. Then, I further filtered them by looking back at what kind of grades I got on them. For example, I liked a paper I wrote for a Hamilton and History class last quarter. However, after being reviewed by my professor, flaws in structure and argument were pointed out. While I like the content, the quality of the paper was lacking enough that I decided not to display it in my portfolio. I think being able to think critically about your own work helps you become a better producer overall. Anyone can have someone else critique something they did but it takes an open, objective mind to be able to pick out and admit that stuff you do is not always perfect. Additionally, this project really challenged my attention to detail. I chose to create my site using my own template to be more original instead of just using a pre made website and inputting my personal information into it. This ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Jelly Kingdom Research Paper In a land far away there was a kingdom, this kingdom was deemed the jelly kingdom. mainly because all of its inhabitants were made entirely up of a jelly like substance. Many citizens lived in this kingdom, mostly peasants and higher political figures but on top of them all lived the royal family. this family was made up of the queen, queen Alexandra and her son princePink. in recent years there had been a small battle between two kingdoms, the jelly kingdom and the fire kingdom. over time, the battle had evolved into a full on war, it was known to all as the great rival war. in the midst of battle the late king, King Augustus had lost to a fire knight. There was a great mourning over his death, it was a sad day for all. Once the king had ... Show more content on ... mick was fighting off twenty me simultaneously, not even breaking a sweat. Once the prince had reached the top of the tower he found the princess tied up in a chair. He went over untied her and took out the gag that had been in her mouth, prohibiting her from talking. As soon as he had done that princess penelope said with urgency look out, behind you! ut it was too late, a very large man already had his arms around the prince. Out of nowhere Mr. Mick emerged from a door and rushed over to the large man holding the prince and began to attack. after a few blows to the man s arms he let go of the prince, and after a few more critical hits the man fell to the floor unconscious. The three of them had left the tower in silence. Once they reached the bottom of the tower and they were all outside the princess then said, thank you, thank you for saving me. The prince and mick then replied with a simple no problem gesture. After the royal backup had arrived, everyone s injuries were tended to, and the princess was sent back to her kingdom. But before she had left she gave the prince a letter, it talked about how she was grateful and how she was hopeful that they would have many adventure in the future. The ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Persuasive Essay On The Inca Trip Indulge your passion to explore and cement your bond with nature by visiting some of the world s most remote and exhilarating places. Choose from many possibilities, including mountain climbing, safaris, historic hikes and island explorations. No matter which trip you choose, our knowledgeable and experienced guides will make sure you have a safe and rewarding experience. Everest Base Camp The hike to Everest Base Camp provides unique scenery and a valuable cultural experience. As the journey winds through the Khumbu Valley, you will walk in the footsteps of the Everest mountain climbing pioneers. After a challenging hike to the top of Kala Pattar, you will find that you can see Mount Everest and the Khumbu ice field. Several rock memorials are visible at the top of this climb; tributes to the many Sherpas who have perished while attempting to climb Mount Everest. The Inca Trail Explore the mysteries of the Incas! The trip begins in the pulsating city of Cusco, Peru. In Peru rich history combines with stunning landscapes, cloud forests, lush jungles, salt mines and ancient ruins. On this trip, you will see the Inca sites of Huillca Raccay and Llactapata, as well as incredible views of the snow capped Veronica Peak. As you hike the Inca trail to Machu Picchu, you will see many amazing archaeological and cultural artifacts. Kilimanjaro The Lemosho route is our preferred path due to its ideal balance of low crowds, beautiful scenery and a high summit success rate. We ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Limitations Of Video As A Learning Tool 2.1.2: Limitations of Video as a Learning Tool Although video has become prevalent in education, some argue that the very presence of video inhibits learning. Salomon (1984) measured sixth graders preconceptions of the ease or difficulty when processing print or video based lessons. He discovered that lower mental effort was extended with the television lesson, perceiving television as easy, and print as tough, thus requiring more mental exertion. He stated, It stands to reason that when subjects face a task they perceive to be easy relative to their abilities, their investment of effort decreases and no additional effort expenditure is needed to perform the task that is perceived to be well mastered (Salomon, 1984: 694). Thus viewers perceive videos as less demanding and invest less mental effort into processing the information as a result, which negatively influences their learning achievement (Saloman, 1984). However, since Salomon s work others have conducted research to determine what other effects could influence a learner s invested mental effort. The category and subject matter of the content also impacted a viewer s intention to learn from the video material. Kunkel and Kovaric (1983) discovered that learners view educational content as more serious than entertainment, and subsequently, altered their motivation to process either information. By analysing college students and their preconceptions of television shows produced for the Public Broadcasting ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Process Essay About Becoming Dorothy Gale The process to becoming a new character is one that many people do not get the chance to experience. It starts with the makeup, applied in a dimly lit dressing room, surrounded by other actors in the same position. Foundation put on so heavily that the face resembles a just painted wall and lips stained for weeks after the final performance. Mascara applied thinly at first. Then, darker and darker so that the people in the back can tell that your eyelashes are there. And in one swift motion, much like the act of painting, a dollop of crimson red lines the cheekbone in a grand finale. The makeup is what makes you appear different. It keeps the illusion alive. Becoming Dorothy Gale(from Kansas) was a simple process, considering my... Show more content on ... I chuckle under my breath at the absurdity of me still having stage fright after all this time. My heart hums to the sound of the audience s murmur and I sing under my breath, looking for the pitch to Somewhere over the Rainbow when, suddenly, in what seemed like slow motion, the beat is heard and I walk on stage, no longer myself. Reciting the lines is just the beginning of acting the part. The emotion conveyed brings the character to life. Dorothy was not just a girl in a movie or a book. She was living, breathing, growing. She was me, and I was her. This is how theatre was meant to work. As the performance ended, the reality of what I was losing became very clear to me. I said my last line, stood in my last position, and bowed together with the wonderful cast I got to share my journey with. The lights dimmed, the music played in conclusion, and the curtains closed slowly, signifying the end of a star performance. Once the black curtains hit each other, in a final round of applause, the cast scattered in joy towards the meet and greet. All the while, hugs and congratulations were dealt out like a hand of cards. The happiness those around me felt was not reciprocated by, a now lonely, me. In one instant, I had lost a part of myself that had grown in the last few months. Once the production ended, I realized that Dorothy was gone. We were no longer each other. I sat in silence, mourning the loss of a dear friend, before turning into the hallway to pretend one last ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Responsibility is Escaped by Obese People Essay Responsibility is Escaped by Obese People missing works cited It s important to preserve notions of individuals accountability and responsibility (Parks ). Responsibility and accountability are attributes that many people believe should be part of everyone, but this is not what is happening if you take a look at the court systems. In today s society people pressing lawsuits is readily accepted, and companies are looking out for it all of the time. There is almost always someone else that a person can blame for his or her misfortune other than themselves. Obese people are joining right in the trend also. They believe that the fast food industry can be found responsible for the weight epidemic that is blooming in the Untied ... Show more content on ... They are trying to blame the fast food industry for their obesity claiming that fast food is a major contributor to the problem. Tying obesity directly to fast food is a much harder task than tobacco to cancer, because there has not been any scientific research showing that fast food is the main cause or that it is addictive. Obesity is thought to be the number one killer in America (Parks), but there are many factors that contribute to the epidemic such as genetics, exercise routine, environment, illness, prescriptions, diet, and emotional health. Obesity leads to a number of diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and certain types of cancer ( NIDDK ). Obesity in it self is a hard health problem for a person to deal with, but some of these other diseases usually come along in association making the problem even worse. Certain disease are related more to women than to men. Obese men are more likely than non obese men to die from cancer of the colon, rectum, or prostate (NIDDK ). Scientific research is making the cure for cancer easier, but there are still many cancer patients that doctors are unable to treat. Obese women are more likely than non obese women to die from cancer of the gallbladder, breast, uterus, cervix, and ovaries (NIDDK ). Cancer is not the only health problem that the body battles during obesity. Many ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Animal Testing On Dogs .... Using dogs as a test subject is a big issue in the U.S . Whereas most of the dogs are rescued from outside shelters. Using dogs as a test subject is a big issue in the U.S. given that how the dogs are treated. There are many statistics showing that these dogs are abused. Also, one of the diseases they test the dog on is the Glycogen Disease. In 2013, about 74,000 dogs were used in the labs for research (Malisow). Dogs are used in glycogen storage disease gene therapy research. The dogs with the disease used to be able to live for about 28 days. Now, they can live for about a year (Schweer). FDA shows that 90% of tests on dogs fail on humans. As a result, it is a waste of testing and a waste of dogs (Malisow). About 68% of the dogs tested are used for cosmetics and drug testing. Also, more than 1,000 experiments are going on at any given time (Schweers) This shows that so many dogs are being tested on in the labs and one of the worst things they test on is glycogen disease.... Show more content on ... There are many rescue teams and alternatives to testing on dogs. To do so, they can use human cells and tissues with volunteer humans.They could also use cadavers (dead human body models) as alternatives to dogs. Obviously, those bodies would be donated We believe that this animal use is a violation of the principal investigation for provided false information about alternative non animal technologies to justify animal use in his protocol, states Dr. John Pippin, senior medical and research advisor to PCRM and author of complaint (Swanson). One of the biggest rescue teams for research dogs is the Beagle Freedom Project. This program has saved over 450 research dogs in the last 4 years. в…“ have had their vocal cords cut (Malisow). Also, many research labs are getting rid of using dogs in experiments like the Texas Health Institute. (Schweers) Many people are trying to stop dog testing in labs and those were some of the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. US Oklahoma Essay On a warm afternoon in the Pacific, an Admiral inspects the deck of his battleship from the bridge. Battleships play a large role in the Navy as long range artillery support, and as floating fortresses. The U.S.S. Oklahoma was one of these grand ships. After the U.S.S. Oklahoma was commissioned, she served her country for many years before falling victim to the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor. The U.S.S. Oklahoma was initially launched on March 23, 1914, and commissioned two years later on May 2, 1916, with Captain Roger Wellis in command. The U.S.S. Oklahoma was a Nevada class battleship with a total length of 583 feet. She was also outfitted with two triple and two dual 14 /45 caliber deck guns, 21 single 5 /51 caliber deck guns, and two 21 inch submerged torpedotubes (Toppan). The U.S.S.... Show more content on ... Oklahoma lead a long life serving the United States Navy, which means that she has completed many of the missions assigned to her. The first mission the U.S.S. Oklahoma undertook was an escort mission for U.S. President Woodrow Wilson. She was to escort the President, who was aboard the U.S.S. George Washington, to France in 1918. A year later, she returned to Brest, France in June to escort the U.S. President back home from his second visit to France in 1919. After her escort mission was complete, she was to join with the Atlantic fleet for training and ship upgrades ( U.S.S. Oklahoma ). Throughout the 20 s and 30 s, the U.S.S. Oklahoma served with the Pacific fleet carrying out training operations and exercises until 1936, where she was then ordered to rescue civilians trapped in the midst of the Spanish Civil War ( U.S.S. Oklahoma ; Dean). After new threats of war appeared in 1940, the Oklahoma was sent back to the Pacific Fleet (Dean). The U.S.S. Oklahoma joined with the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 4, 1941, and conducted a night training and live fire exercise with the U.S.S. Arizona and U.S.S. Nevada on December 5, 1941 ( U.S.S. ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Sonnet 71 By William Shakespeare Sonnet 71 by William Shakespeare Sonnet 71 theme is love; reputation, death and mood is mournful The speaker reflects on his life, and he states his last wishes are to forget him. The speaker is worried that his reputation if that should surface that it will cause pain and anguish to his wife. This sonnet has a role reversal, persuasion to entirely forget the poet and not to dwell on the poets death or the painful past it may cause. The sonnet 71 is in four quadrants this is rhyme pattern as abab cdcd efef volta gg and iambic pentameter. Shakespeare uses five in each line this concludes a pentameter. The significant of the Sonnet 71, speaks of coping with sorrow and fear, humiliated, and concerns causing pain, because of the difficulty and interruption, and the speaker wants lover to remember only good memories. Line 1 No longer mourn for me when I am dead the speakers are still alive, he is reassuring his wife that it is okay to let go. The poet cannot escape from death, and his wish is that his partner should not live in pain. The speaker apparently wants his partner to move on with his life. This line also shows that no one can escape from death. The second Line Then you shall hear the surly sullen bell this line has a better understanding poem and interpretation on grief, it is time to let go and let the poet die in peace. In a way, the poet is done with this world and wants to be free. The third line Give warning to the world that I am fled , this ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Comparing Julius Caesar And Antony Octavian and Antony No contemporaries could have possibly known for sure as to who the victor would be from the conflict that arose between Gaius Julius Ceasar Octavianus, Octavian, and Marcus Antonius, Antony. However, knowing what the ultimate outcome of the struggle was, one may be able to look back into history and offer key reasons as to why Octavian was able to defeat Antony. Ultimately, I believe there was not one key reason for Octavian victory. It was a combination of Octavian s proximity to Rome, his favor with the citizens, and the elimination of his opposition at home that all combined to allow his eventual triumph. Overlooking some smaller details, it is first important to know that after Julius Ceasar s assassination that Octavian was named his heir and returned to Italy to claim this inheritance. From here, he gathered military power and allowed the senate to use him, in order to advance his political position, and he was sent to fight against a rebellious Antony. At this point, Octavian did not try to decimate Antony s forces, instead he proposed and ultimately formed the second triumvirate with Antony and Lepidus as the other heads of the state (Wells 13). From here, the Roman territories were divided into areas of governorship with Antony taking the east, Octavian the west, and Lepidus had the Africa territories (Wells 17). This would turn out to be one of the main contributing factors in Octavian s ultimate success; for it allowed him the opportunity ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Loren Eiseley Essay Loren Eiseley was a strong autobiographical nature writer who was also contemporary in some ways. He was born in 1907 and lived until 1977 in the plains of Nebraska. His mother was deaf and a unstable mother. As a child Loren spent his childhood writing stories and poetry, this was an interest of his at a early age resulting him to his future of being a nature writer. Loren Eiseley eventually became a professor in Pennsylvania teaching anthropology. In the mid 20th century he made a achievement of publishing his first book, not only was this his first book but it was a best seller. It influenced many Americans on human nature and natural events. Eiseley spent much of his life alone, he talks about New York City in his writings and how their... Show more content on ... To me being in a city like New York and going to the train station is something so far from nature. Loren has seen a different way of looking at this in a nature way, since he observes the crows and pigeons. Not only does Loren Eiseley talk bout New York but also his experiences in the forests of nature. He has said You may put it that I had come over a mountain, that I had slogged through fern and pine needles for half a long day, and that on the edge of a little glade with one long, crooked branch extending across it, I had sat down to rest with my back against a stump. Through accident I was concealed from the glade, although I could see into it perfectly. The sun was warm there, and the murmurs of the forest life blurred softly into my sleep. When I awoke, dimly aware of some commotion and outcry in the clearing, the light was slanting down through the pines in such a way that the glade was lit like some vast cathedral. I could see the dust motes of the wood pollen in the long shaft of light, and there on the extended branch sat an enormous raven with red and squirming nestling in his beak. In this passage Loren Eiseley was so descriptive I could imagine him trudging through the ferns and the pine forests falling asleep next to a ... Get more on ...
  • 45. 3 Cone Drill Test Introduction Agility is the ability to move quickly and easily by using speed, balance, and performance. Some test completed to test agility is the t test, 3 cone drill test, and pro agility. The test given is the T test. The T test challenges the ability to run forward, stop suddenly, go from left to right by side hopping, and then back pedaling as fast as possible. The objective for this test is to challenge the switching up of different direction as fast as possible without falling or messing up. This test shows how in control the participant is with there body and the power and strength of their legs. The age of which most t test performed are in high school and college students with fitness ability. Although the T test is defined as primarily a measure of agility, it is not surprising that leg speed contributes substantially to the variability in T test scores (Puaole, Madole,... Show more content on ... Test procedures for this specific test lets the participant know how the test is completed. The participants begin by warming up and become familiar with how the test is conducted. The test is called t test since four cones are set up in a T formation. Cone A is the starting cone, which is the base of the T . Once the participant starts the test they will run forward to the B cone that is 10 yards in front of the A cone. Once they reach the B cone they will stop abruptly and side hop to the left to cone C, without allowing their feet to cross over each other. The distance between cone B and C is 5 yards. Once they reach cone C they will side hop to the right, past cone B, and continue to cone D. The distance traveled from cone C to cone D is a total of 10 yards. After reaching cone D they will go back to the center to cone B and back pedal quickly to cone A to complete the test. The participant should always keep their body facing forward at all ... Get more on ...
  • 46. A Research On Animal Farm Animal Farm The term: Organic deduces via natural resource there s only so much organic matter, because organic matter is determined what has decayed and at what amount for centuries. As our populace grows, the right kind of organic matter diminishes, there lies the problem. Here s the unsavoury verity. One of my bones of contention is that the consumer reads the organic term so frequently that marketing has inadvertently diluted the organic term s validity. For a starter, soil has to be fertile to grow produce apparently, fertile soil benefits from even greater quantities of chemical fertilizer; of the premise, organic matter isn t available en mass, to facilitate our inflated populace; hence, it s pure ignorance to systematically take the view organic produce hasn t been treated and claim it has more superior qualities. Oh yes, the imperialist Supermarkets dictate the tune to which our farmers grange dance to, due to authoritative policies ridding advertising standard powers to watchdogs meaning the supermarkets are allowed to use every trick in the book to capitalise on sales; affirmation, why the organic label is 100% marketing. Retailer s awareness is vehemently tainted and totally imbalanced; their aim is to satisfy their shareholders first and foremost too few consumers don t configure retailer s allegiances let alone their marketing prowess. The imperial scenario simulates... chocoholics orchestrating chocolate production; ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Why Is It Good To Work In Groups There are three kinds of jobs: first jobs where people have to work alone without any help, second kind of job is where you have to work in a group, and finally the third kind looks for equal work: invidual work and work in a group. Arguments for working in a group are: its funnier, theres a big chance that a problem will be solved earlier. But as there as have a great thing to do with your team, there are reasons why is not good to work in a group. Main reason is jealous. Everyone in the team has something which will make another in a group jealousy. For example, knowledge, a great sense of humor, boyfriend/girlfriend. Then you can t have control of everything what is happening in a group. Many people like team working, but there are also ... Get more on ...