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Why Is Essay Writing Important
Writing an essay on the importance of essay writing might initially seem like a paradoxical task,
a meta-reflection on the very process one is engaging in. However, delving deeper into the
intricacies of this topic reveals the multi-faceted challenges inherent in crafting such a piece.
To begin with, the writer must navigate the delicate balance between self-awareness and
objectivity. Explaining the significance of essay writing necessitates a recognition of personal
biases and experiences, yet it also requires a broader, more universal perspective that can resonate
with a diverse audience. Striking this equilibrium can be a tightrope walk, demanding meticulous
consideration of language, tone, and narrative structure.
Moreover, the essay must transcend the mundane and clichГ©d observations about the
importance of communication and critical thinking. It demands an exploration of the nuanced
ways in which essay writing serves as a conduit for intellectual growth, fostering analytical skills,
and honing the ability to articulate complex ideas cogently. Unearthing these subtleties requires
extensive research and a deep understanding of educational philosophies.
Crafting a compelling essay on this topic also necessitates the ability to synthesize information
from various disciplines, integrating insights from education, psychology, and literature. This
interdisciplinary approach adds an additional layer of complexity, requiring a writer to become a
curator of knowledge, selecting and arranging information in a manner that illuminates the
subject's depth.
Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the challenge of keeping the essay engaging and
accessible to a diverse readership. Juggling the academic rigor required for such a discussion
with the need for clarity and readability can be an intricate puzzle. The essay should not only
convey the importance of essay writing but should also exemplify effective writing itself, serving
as a microcosm of its subject matter.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of essay writing involves a delicate dance
between introspection and objectivity, a nuanced exploration of the multifaceted roles essays
play in intellectual development. It demands a synthesis of information across disciplines, an
awareness of audience diversity, and an exemplification of effective writing. While challenging,
the endeavor is not without rewards, as it encapsulates the very essence of the topic at hand.
For those seeking assistance in crafting essays or exploring a myriad of other topics, there are
platforms like where similar essays and a plethora of writing services can be
Why Is Essay Writing Important Why Is Essay Writing Important
Analyzing Erikson s Psychosocial Development Theory
Erikson was a theorist who focused on his theory for psychosocial development. The
article Psychosocial Identity Development Theories, highlights the keys points and
idea of Erikson s psychosocial theory. Erikson was very focused on the idea of ego
identity and obtaining full potential. His theory or model stats that, identity formation
is based on overcoming conflicts that individuals encounter during adolescent and
early childhood. (Karkouti, 2014, p.257) He believed that all people must endure
certain conflicts in their lives, and then overcome them in order to obtain their ego
identity. The idea of psychosocial development is focused on social conflicts, and
environmental factors. In the psychosocial model that Erikson created, it places
people into eight stages. In order for someone to move on to the next stage, they must
first overcome the conflict presented to them in the stage that they are in. A well
established identity will get stronger the more that conflict is successfully resolved.
The eight stages are basic trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt,
initiative verses guilt, industry versus inferiority, identity versus identity diffusion,
intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation, and ego integrity versus
despair. In this article, it not only focuses on the main idea for psychosocial
development, but it continues by then saying that the theory has two criticisms,
stages are descriptive and they are difficult to be empirically
A Brief Note On The Uk Supermarket Industry
This report will be conducted as follow, first a brief introduction of the analysed
industry; the UK supermarket industry with a concise facts about the size of this
industry in the UK, then analysing the macro environment of the UK supermarket
industry by using the PEST framework that analyses the Political, Economical, Social
and Technological factors, which has a direct impact on the UK supermarketindustry.
After that the micro environment of the UK supermarket industry will be analysed in
depth by using the Porters Five Forces framework, which consist of the following
aspects; Threat of the new entrants, Bargaining power of suppliers, Bargaining power
of buyers, Threat of substitutes and the Existing competitors. Finally, summarising...
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Figure 1: Market value of the UK supermarket industry from 2007 to 2017
The above graph illustrates the importance and the market value growth of the UK
supermarket industry for a 10 years period starting from 2007 with 133,6 billion
pound until the predicted market value for 2017 with a value of 192,6 billion pound,
with a staggering growth percentage of 44,16% throughout the last 10 years.
2. PEST Analysis
2.1. Political
There are many political factors that can affect not only the supermarket industry in
the UK but any kind of business in the UK, those issues can be summarised in the
following factors:
The possibility of UK leaving the European Union
One of the main recent political factors that will have a big impact on the UK
supermarket industry is the possibility of UK leaving the European Union that
might becomes a definitive decision after the June 2016 election. This decision
might change the entire UK supermarket industry operations because of the big
number of goods that have been imported from the European Union with a free tax
because of the European Union free zone trade. Therefore, the withdrawal of the UK
from the European Union will cause a big rise in the prices of the imported products
and materials from the European Union, as a result of the increase of the import tax
that was zero when the UK used to follow the European Union regulations.
Government regulations and initials
God Is Good And Evil
The naturally good world has been corrupted by evil, and a God is going to restore it
to its nature. Apparently, the restoration is indeed obvious. It is shown through the
everlasting teachings of kindness, harmony, and peace. Men are smart, but they are
selfish and ignorant, making them unable to invent such moral teachings. Hence,
those teachings, or Laws, are derived from an another source Godwho is perfectly
selfless. Indeed, Christianity is sensical, for there are evidences that God is making
changes in humanity. If there is a God, then who God is, by the way? Those who
believe in God have always questioned the Supreme Being in whom they believed
day by day. Eventually, they start to make the answers to their curiosity. The first...
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Similarly, all of the innocent Jews would be executed cruelly as Hitler treated them
as if they had been devils. Or in a more Biblical context, had everyone agreed with
the Romans perspectives that Christians were evil, Christianity would not have
existed. To this point, the Pantheists could argue that Vengeance should not be done
because there is a God, who is beyond Good and Evil, tells human not to do so. If
God was beyond Good and Evil, how would he decide which actions are good and
bad. As he was neither Good nor Evil, he could judge any action was moral or
immoral. For instance, he could say forgiveness is Good. At the same time, he
could also declare Killing is good, for goodness and badness did not simply exist in
him. If God was this way, no one would choose to follow him. In contrast, a Good
God creates a Moral Law, which commands people to forgive and not to kill.
Universally, everyone knows that killing is bad, and forgiveness is good, but why
it is so? Killing is bad because such action goes against the direction of the Moral
Law. Conversely, Forgiveness is good because it abides by the Moral Law. A
Good God makes the Moral Law, and solely the Good God leads men to a better
world. A Pantheists God only leaves humanity as it has been. Another man made
answer to the question is Dualism, which states that the universe is a battlefield of
two Deities Good and Bad(Lewis, 1952, p. 42). However, if there were actually two
Government And The Government Of Bangladesh
Like many other countries of the world, Bangladesh government has also three
organs; and the three organs are the combination of the government of Bangladesh.
These three organs are the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.
In order to run government, the three organs or branches of government has some
relationship with one another. But the thinking matter of that if the three branches
have very close relationship than there create a disorder of the government and it
may be harmful for our democracy. The government by his only one hand doesn t
keep a good concentration of all the branches, if the three branches has separate
power and separate in their all activities ;than they will do their all action more
efficiency and more effectively. When govt. is less people and confront in activities
than the political freedom may be established we think. So, the activities of
government are scatter or decentralized by different persons or department in order to
perform more frequency; so that every department of government has gained the
freedom and no department can overlap their power to other department. In
Bangladeshi context, how much separation of power is established, I wish to work
about this.
In Bangladesh, after the started of parliamentary government the principles of the
separation of power didn t effect .Because; the ministries were the members of
legislature. The executive and the legislature were the closely related. But the
judiciary is the
Heinz Ketchup Commercial
My choice of media is an advertisement by Kraft Foods Inc. and I chose it because it s
minimalistic and intriguing. Thesis and Focus How simplicity and authenticity
overrule ostentatious advertisements: A visual analysis of the Heinz ad campaign.
Description In the above advertisement for Heinz ketchup, the company takes an
approach to amaze their audience with the help of abstract art. The featured
advertisement is for Heinz Ketchup. It includes a garish red backdrop. It also features
something that looks like a classic bottle of Heinz ketchup, but actually are
horizontally sliced tomatoes bundled on top of each other in the shape of the classic
ketchup bottle. The text below reads, No one grows ketchup like Heinz. While the
advertisement is simple and minimalistic, the combination of text and picture is
enticing to the targeted consumer. While other ketchup companies have flashy ads
claiming they have the best tasting ketchup in the industry, Heinz takes a... Show
more content on ...
Even an advertisement about a universally known brand has the potential to be
interpreted in various ways. In the Heinz example, a consumer may see the sliced
ketchup bottle as an abstract sculpture, and therefore associate the company with
innovation and art. By stating No one grows ketchup like Heinz , they are saying that
their ketchup uses natural and fresh ingredients, unlike other competing brands.
Ketchup is made in a factory and by any means isn t grown . However, the text below
the picture reads otherwise. By this, the marketers transform a sugary condiment into
a wholesome, raw ingredient. This is clearly an attempt by the advertisers to assign a
healthy connotation to ketchup. Not only are the advertisers attaching a nutritional
aspect to ketchup, they are redefining ketchup perhaps in an attempt to promote a
healthier way of
Lowell Factories In The 1800s
Lowell factories started to be made so the owners needed workers; the owners
chose to use girls to work in the factories. Women got paid less during that time
period so it would be cheaper for the owners. The women who worked in the mills
were called mill girls, they were usually 15 to 35 years old. Mill girls worked 12
hours for 6 days a week, and lived in boarding houses. The textile corporations of
Lowell paid higher wages than textile cities even though the work was difficult and
tiring and that it was bad for their health. The mill girls protested the wage cuts few
have succeeded. On March 5, 1824 Lucy Larcom was born, her mother worked in
boarding houses, the boarding house was owned by the Lawrence Manufacturing
Company. Lucy was rarely
Four Season Hotel
Bander Alsowaida
Sami Basuliman
Ta Wei Chuang
Sharda Del Rio
Meihan Dong
Xiaoxing Liu
Anand Mehta
Bander Alsowaida
Sami Basuliman
Ta Wei Chuang
Sharda Del Rio
Meihan Dong
Xiaoxing Liu
Anand Mehta
Luxury industry became a commodity for some customer. In order to achieve the
customer satisfaction, most hotels tiring there best to serve their customer need. In
this report we have two hotels which are the Four Seasons Hotel and Mandarin
Oriental hotel. Each one of them provide a high quality services including luxury
rooms, luxury food, a business man need and organizing the wedding occasions.
Before that, ... Show more content on ...
Four Seasons also provide a centralized system for purchasing and hold ownership
interests in an existing 34 hotels and resorts.
In addition, services include at their resorts and hotels include:
В•24 hour room service (H)
В•Twice daily housekeeping service (H)
В•One hour pressing and round the clock (H)
В•Four hour laundry and dry cleaning service (H)
В•Extra spacious baths and architectural design, which maximizes views, privacy and
enjoyment of the natural surroundings. (R)
В•Chilled towels and Evian spray (R)
В•Dining options now include home cooking (simple, wholesome recipes that
travelers would have at home) and vegetarian dining
В•No luggage required program,: replacement of essentials if a customer was to lose
their luggage
В•Replacing ties and outfitting guests with a suit and a shopping service with local
В•Small meeting rooms and computers and translators and interpreters.
В•Teen Centers and Teen Concierges to plan teenage activities
В•Kids for All Seasons are available at every Four Seasons resort. (It is a structured
program offering children an array of organized activities.)
The Mandarin Oriental
The Mandarin Oriental offers management and operating services for all of its hotels
and resorts. There services also include at the hotels and resorts:
В•The newly opened Ayurvedic Penthouse offers an exclusive range of rejuvenating
therapies straight from the great traditions of Keraleeya Ayurveda
В•Children s day care
The Problem Oriented Policing ( Pop )
I. Introduction A. Define victimization:
Victimization refers to that aspect of criminal behavior and intent where the
perpetrator has harmed the victim and made their person helpless. It is the action of
hurting a person. Victimization is the end result of criminal behavior where a person
has been bodily or mentally traumatized and harmed. Victimization refers to the act of
being a victim while Victimology refers to the study of crimepatterns in individuals
Victimology refers to that study of social science which deals with the different traits
and behavior that is exhibited by criminals and victim studies in crimes. (Zaykowski,
B. How can communities make their communities safer and lessen the likelihood of
becoming victims.
Communities have to ensure that their law and order systems are rightly in check and
that victimization of crimes are immediately reported and communities participate in
safety programs. In order to ensure safety in the community, the community members
share the responsibility of law and order.
Problem Oriented Policing (POP) is the modern proactive take on community oriented
policing. Police activities are focused on specific long standing community problems
and devising a plan of enforcement and intervention with the assistance of community
based support((Goodman, 2009)
C. Thesis statement: This paper will discuss a theory of victimization, examine real
world examples, and describe a recent incident of crime in my community.
Research Paper On Fashion Photographer
Introduction From the sound of it, a fashion photographer is a person who makes a
living in the fashion world from taking photographs of clothing and accessories
lines. Through this, the photographer has the ability to communicate with the
designer to make sure that the right qualities of the fashion lines are emphasized. I
got this information from common sense, but there are somethings that I would
need to dig for to find more about the fashion photographer career. Some of the
details that I would like to gain from this project about a fashion photographer have
to do with more of the logistical side of a job. What is the education needed for this
career? Why is this job an essential in the fashion world? Does the job pay well?
According to Wikipedia, fashion photography is a form of photography which is
devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items . To become a fashion
photographer, one need to have an understanding of the technology used, have the
ability to use editing software, have good networking and business sense. With these
skill, the photographer then has the option to get his/her bachelors in photography
and maybe masters in photography. Even though not all of professional fashion
photographers got a degree for their careers, it is highly advised. Education at a
college or university level hyphens one s skills in the intended career, but also it
gives the opportunity to have a more well rounded individual with more business
skills. After
PandaExpress Essay
Panda Express
Lo Mat
Organizational Behavior
MSB 730
March 09, 2014
Panda Express
Question 9.1 Does it make business sense for a CEO to prioritize self improvement
on the part of his employees? Does it make more sense in some industries or types of
businesses than others?
It makes great business sense for the CEO to prioritize self improvement for
employees. This is a smart move to coach employees in performing citizenship
behavior on the job. Organizational citizenship behavior benefits the entire company
by employees supporting and defending the company actions, working to improve
operations and being loyal to the company (Colquitt, Lepine, Wesson, 2013, p. 39).
Satisfied employees will ... Show more content on ...
Question 9.2 Do you find it appropriate for companies to ask about the book that
applicants have read, or to encourage employees to attend self improvement seminars
that could be psychologically and emotionally intense? Why or why not?
It is very appropriate to ask a prospective employees about what books they have
read and to encourage employees to attend self improvement seminars. Behavior
issues are just as real as physical issues to help the well being of a person. If it is
alright to ask an employee to take a physical exam to determine fitness, then it should
be acceptable to ask simple questions about behavior fitness. The structured
conversation approach to interviewing, commonly referred to as Behavioral Based
Interviewing, aims to discover and examine examples of past behavior through
guided questioning (Brumm, Mickelson, White, 2006. p. 28). In this case, the hiring
company is allowed to ask questions about the latest books read to assess their
learned behavior in judgment, teamwork, and communication, and understand their
Question 9.3 From the brief descriptions offered, what personality traits (or cultural
values) seen to be reflected in Covey s seven habits, and in the content include in
Landmark s seminars? Do those traits or values seem important in a business like
Panda Express s?
Dr. Covey s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are (1)be pro active, (2) begin
with the end in mind, (3) put first
Rhetoric In Optimus Prime
Who am I? and Why am I here? Optimus Prime s final words are used by Michale
Bay to reflect the human curiosity, which often leaves us searching answers beyond
our existence. He also uses these biblical rhetorics to give the Autobots, who are
equivalent to protagonists in the transformers serious, a higher purpose in the movie,
which is to act as a shield from the Decepticons, ie. the antagonists, and prevent
mankind from extinction. The centrally aligned juxtaposed visual of Optimus Prime
the Autobot hero, riding the robotic dinosaur, represents the enduring nature of the
story, repressing both the past and the future, while the robotic heroes and machines
seen in the poster foreshadow far in to the possible future, the visual of the... Show
more content on ...
The designer uses this posture to convey the superiority of this character, and those
of his kind in the movie, who protect the mankind from extinction. The use of bright
red and blue colors for this character in contact with the darker colors used for the
deceptions, are used to show the forces of light, which are the autobots in this case,
standing against the forces of darkness, the decepticons. The visual hierarchy used by
the designer also introduces a theme of good vs. evil, which is seen throughout the
movie; the good character is placed on top of the bad character, which conveys the
dominance of good over evil. The audience is then immediately draws to the three
central characters below, who are seen to be running hand in hand from the
obliteration. The gesture of the human characters holding hands also supports one of
the most important phrases in the movie; Stand together of face extinction , and
brings out the unity of mankind that prevails throughout the film. Furthermore, the
contrasting sizes used for the humans and the machines is also used to convey their
importance in the movie, which isn t so significant as compared the main heroes, the
Osteopathic Health History
Chapter 1
History of medicine and how it affects modern health
Medicine is the scientific practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of
disease, this encompasses a variety of natural health remedies using herbs, saves, and
transmutation of various ingredients including precious metals. Throughout history
societies have medical beliefs that provide explanations for birth, death, and disease.
In early history, illness has been attributed to witchcraft, demons, adverse astral
influence, or the will of the gods! Some of the earliest records on medicine have been
found ranging from ancient Egyptian, Babylonian , Ayurvedic (the Indian
subcontinent), classical Chinese (before what we now know as traditional Chinese
Medicine), and ancient ... Show more content on ...
The two groups had a large debate, the allopathic doctors and their medical
approach to medicine was by means of aggressively driving the disease and illness
from the patient s body. Over time the allopathic used, and promoted sale of drugs,
surgery and later radiation, they used heavy metals, and toxic metals, like mercury,
and lead to displace the original disease.
Long before the use of local anesthesia, infections, and death was common, many
patients feared the so called modern medicine and were unwilling to have this
abrasive approach to healing and feared the allopathic methods. Over time the
masses started to choose the homeopaths over the allopaths, they feared the
allopathic doctors and their medical approach to medicine was by means of
aggressively driving the disease and illness from the patient s body.
The Rockefellers had changed the laws, and the educational standards, while
modifying the licensing regulations to exclude natural medicine. The herbalist
charter almost bans the use of natural means of healing, the booming drug industry
grew out of the patients sickness and disease, the FDA was sold to the U.S. public,
stating they were to regulate the people s food and drug safety. A media campaign to
associate the incorrect natural medicine was dubbed quackery hence the word quack
when referring to a
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Actions speak louder than words. Just one of the many sayings my father always
said. He had a few he liked, but I believe this was his favorite. He is a very proud
man, with great morals. He served in the Vietnam War in the Marine core. He is
the type of man where you never had to guess how he felt, he was more than happy
to let you know. Being the oldest of six, he had the responsibility of caring for his
siblings. He was not able to enjoy the joys of a usual childhood. He had the burden of
helping his struggling parents, hold the family together by working very young, and
acting as another parentto the other kids. There were no summer camps, vacations,
or free time for him. Only changing dipers, cleaning the house, and going to work.
He once told me The only time I felt like a normal kid was at school After he
graduated high school, he joined the Marine s. He felt that he had already been
living a very structured life and believed it would be a smooth transition. He was
right. He was finally able to be the man he wanted to be, not another parent in a full
house. Although there were many guidelines he had to follow in the military, he
enjoyed the fact that he could be himself. He doesn t talk a lot about the war. Only
some stories of partying and having fun. The parts about the war itself he keeps to
himself. I can only imagine some things he s seen, and had to do. He was a gunner
on a helicopter. Sometimes he provided ground troops
Prejudice, comformity and stereotyping in American History
Introduction To The Topic
American History X is a great film that portrays prejudice, stereotyping and
conformity. Prejudice is negative attitudes toward others based on their gender,
religion, race, or membership in a particular group. Prejudice involves beliefs and
emotions that can turn into hatred. Having an opinion or idea about a member of a
group without really knowing that individual is a part of prejudice. Some people
make judgments about a whole group of people without knowing very much about
them. Sometimes people are afraid of those who seem different from them and
unfortunately, they express that with name calling and negative treatment. When
people grow up with these ideas, sometimes it s hard to get rid of them. Like in the ...
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Derek fires his gun to kill and commits violent actions,
which ends up in the death of the two black kids who tried to steal his car. He s
convicted of murder and sent to prison for three years.
While in prison, Derek begins to see things in a different way. While in jail he
learns some hard truths about life from a fellow inmate and his old high school
principal that takes special interest in him. Avery Brooks, the principle ask Derek a
powerful question. Has any thing you ve done changed your life? But, when Derek
emerges with a desire to change his attitude, he finds that words are not enough.
Three years later, everyone awaits Derek s return. His mother Doris who prays for
his safety, his girlfriend Stacey who longs for his return, and most of all Danny
who s desperate for his brother s love and guidance, yet is driven by his own
increasing white supremacy hatred. Danny who idolizes Derek has stepped into his
shoes. Following the crowd of the white supremacy group the DOC. Avery Brooks
the high school principle who has helped Derek also tries to help Danny by telling
him to write a paper on his brother in hope to make him see things in a different light.
Unbeknown to Danny, Derek is a changed man. Fresh from prison, he no longer
views hatred as a badge of honor. Ashamed of his past he is now in a raceto save
Danny and the Vineyard family from the violence he brought down upon them. His
mind is open and sees the
American History 5
error of his ways.
Ethical Argument Against Euthanasia
Medical Ethics
Medical ethics is always seen by many as an unusual blend; one many always seem
to question. The fuse appeals to a range of different temperaments, to the
philosopher, the doctor, and to the man or woman of action. It tackles the big
questions of the morality of killing and the painstakingly difficult decisions having
to be made by many on a daily basis. It also relates to the ethical spectrum as well,
when can a mentally ill person be treated against their will? Is it a crime for any
doctor to practice a form of euthanasia? Where better to start medical ethics, than
with the complex topic of euthanasia.
The main idea of euthanasia goes against the oldest and most famous moral
instructions in religion, Thou shalt not kill [Exodus 20:13]. To be technical, the
practice of euthanasia is morally required by the two main principles of medical
practice: the respect for the patient s autonomy, and to promote their best interests. ...
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There are two interpretations if point 1 . One method of interpretation is the bad
company fallacy or argumentum ad hominem, where a particular view is true or
false, not because of the reasons in favour or against the view, but by virtue of the
fact that a person holds that view.
The second more widely known view is that all views by the Nazis are immoral.
Some Nazis may hold views that do not relate directly, but they would not be seen
as Nazi views . The Nazi views being referred are their horrific actions of torture and
senseless killing. The problem with this view is however that the supporters of
euthanasia are not supporters of the Nazis, and so this point can be considered
invalid. The point at issue is whether euthanasia in certain circumstances is moral or
immoral. All depends on the specific circumstances at hand and the best interests of
the patient at
The Book Of Psalms
If the book of Psalms be, as some have styled it, a mirror or looking glass of pious
and devout affections, this psalm in particular deserves, as much as any one psalm,
to be so entitled, and is as proper as any to kindle and excite such in us: gracious
desires are here strong and fervent; gracious hopesand fears, joys and sorrows, are
here struggling, but the pleasing passion comes off a conqueror. Or we may take it
for a conflict between sense and faith, sense objecting and faith answering. I. Faith
begins with holy desirestowards God and communion with him (v. 1, 2). II. Sense
complains of the darkness and cloudiness of the present condition, aggravated by the
remembrance of the formerenjoyments (v. 3, 4). III. Faith silences the... Show more
content on ...
1, 2): quot;My soul panteth, thirsteth, for God, for nothing more than God, but still
for more and more of him. Now observe, 1. When it was that David thus expressed
his vehement desire towards God. It was, (1.) When he was debarred from his
outward opportunities of waiting on God, when he was banished to the land of
Jordan, a great way off from the courts of God s house. Note, Sometimes God
teaches us effectually to know the worth of mercies by the want of them, and
whets our appetite for the means of grace by cutting us short in those means. We
are apt to loathe that manna, when we have plenty of it, which will be very
precious to us if ever we come to know the scarcity of it. (2.) When he was
deprived, in a great measure, of the inward comfort he used to have in God. He
now went mourning, but he went on panting. Note, If God, by his grace, has
wrought in us sincere and earnest desires towards him, we may take comfort from
these when we want those ravishing delights we have sometimes had in God,
because lamenting after God is as sure an evidence that we love him as rejoicing in
God. Before the psalmist records his doubts, and fears, and griefs, which had sorely
shaken him, he premises this, That he looked upon the living God as his chief good,
and had set his heart upon him accordingly, and was resolved to live and die by him;
Sociological Perspective
Coming from AJP, I needed to cross Fifth Avenue to start my walk, and like what I
had to do every day when I had class at that building, I found myself once again
waiting for the walk sign to appear across the street. This Sociological Perspective
of seeing society in our everyday lives showed how the smallest personal choices,
even the action of walking, is affected and shaped by society and how it functions.
As I was walking through Fifth Avenue, I noticed that there were buildings at every
corner of this long street. Students, some wearing Carlow gear while others wore
Pitt gear, populated the sidewalks, conversing with other students. As I got farther
into Fifth Avenue, I could see UPMC hospitals and signs with directions of
entrances and parking lots. People populated the end of the sidewalk in this street,
waiting at the Bus Stop sign. In the area of Forbes Avenue, there were a lot of
restaurants, and I noticed many students walking to get in and eat.
The pedestrian traffic was very similar to the automobile traffic on the street.
Through the Sociological Perspective of seeing the general in the particular, I was
able to identify the general patterns of the group of pedestrians walking on the
sides, including myself. There is a systematic way in society that traffic runs, and
as I was walking, I, along with the rest of the pedestrians near me, looked both ways
of the street before crossing at the end of the streets at Forbes. At one point in my
walk near in Forbes,
Comparison Of Baboushka And The Three Kings
Baboushka and the Three Kings is adapted from an old Russia Folk Tale. The story
is about Baboushka who has the three kings knock on her door while they are in
search of the newborn Christ child. They invite Baboushka to journey with them
and she declines until morning because all of her chores are not finished. Not
wanting to delay, the three kings depart and continue on their journey. In the
morning, Baboushka packs what little treasures she has to offer the baby and tries
to find the trail the three kings left. However as there has been a lot of snow, she is
unable to find the trail and gives the gifts to the children she meets along the way.
Every year during the anniversary of the birth of the baby Baboushka resumes her
search and gives
The Contributions of Isaac Newton Essays
Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, on December 25, 1642. He was educated at
Trinity College in Cambridge, and resided there from 1661 to 1696 during which
time he produced the majority of his work in mathematics. During this time New ton
developed several theories, such as his fundamental principles of gravitation, his
theory on optics otherwise known as the Lectiones Opticae, and his work with the
Binomial Theorem. This is only a few theories that that Isaac Newtoncontributed to
the world of mathematics. Newton contributed to all aspects of mathematics
including geometry, algebra, and physics. Isaac Newton was born into a poor
farming family in 1642 with no father. Newton s father had passed away just a few
months before... Show more content on ...
Later he read and mastered Oughtred s Clavis, and Descartes Geometry, which led
him to take up mathematics rather than chemistry as a serious study.
As a result of the Plague, from 1665 threw 1666 Newton had spent a great deal of
time at home. During this time it seems evident that a great deal of his best work was
accomplished. He thought out the fundamental principles of his theory of gravitation.
He determined that every particle of matter attracts every other particle. Yet he
suspected that the attraction varied depending on the product of their masses. He
suspected that the force, which retained the moon in its orbit around the earth, was
the same as the terrestrial gravity. And to prove this hypothesis he proceeded by
doing this. He knew that if a stone wall were allowed to fall near the surface of the
earth, the attraction of the earth caused the stone wall to move though sixteen feet in
one second.
The moon s orbit relative to the earth is nearly a circle, and as a rough
approximation assuming so, he knew the distance of the moon, and therefore the
length of its path. He also knew the time it took the moon to go around the earth
once, a month. Therefore Newton could find its veloisty at any point such as M.
Then he could find the distance MT through which it would move in the next second
if it were not pulled by the earth s attraction. At the end of the second it was at
John Proctor Mistakes
This Essay is about the Play the Crucible from Arthur Miller. How in this play is
with my opinion the tragic Hero and why?
John Proctor realizes during the play what his consequences following on his actions
and he really tries to correct his mistakes and take the consequences.
This play is a very good example that our actions might have consequences, we never
would expect. When Proctor slept with Abigail, he thought he could get away with it,
he never thought that he could bring a whole town in danger, just because his pride
did not allow him to tell the truth in the right moment.
Before the play starts, John slept with Abigail; he broke one of the ten
commandments and he betrayed his wife. When the play begins the relationship
between Abby ... Show more content on ...
Wipe it out of mind. We never touched, Abby. (Miller 15) Proctor to Abby
John Proctor and Abby were arguing because Abby hopes that John is in love with
her and that he will sleep with her again. But John Proctor regrets what he has done
and he will never do it again. He wants to fix the relationship with his wife Elizabeth
and want to forget what happened.
He ignores the fact that Abby will not give up until she gets what she wants. If he
would have realized that earlier, the witch hunt could have been stopped. If he
committed earlier that he slept with Abby, nobody would have trusted her anymore
and she would not have been able to get so much power in the court.
You drank a charm to kill John Proctor s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody
Proctor! (Miller 13) Abigail and her friends were arguing if they should tell Parris
what happened in the woods when suddenly Betty wake up. She yelled at Abigail,
then she collapsed again.
This was the moment when the reader realise that Abigail is not a gentle, little girl
and that her goal is to kill Proctor s wife, and all her actions are to reach this goal
and it does not matter what happened with the people around her as long as she gets
what she wants. Proctor realized to late what consequences that night with Abby had
and because of that this whole tragedy could
Essay on Experiment and De100 Module Team
Tma05, Introduction to a de100 project on the likeness of a logo A fictitious
educational experiment was created and conducted by a team on the DE100 module
and therefore they had to maintain plan and undertake a project to pinpoint their
potential findings; this therefore meant launching a logo for internet TV channel in
order to address whether or not evaluative conditioning works in either
experimental or control conditions. The logo was used to question if it would
attract an audience and if they liked it. Evaluate conditioning is where a person is
likely to like or dislike something because it has been associated with something
positive or negative (Brace N, 2014, P 159). We can be unaware of evaluate
conditioning and exactly... Show more content on ...
This validates the position that evaluative conditioning mechanisms can endorse
positive attitudes (The Open University).
Evaluative conditioning operative comes from Brace who had suggested that
people make associations either positively or negatively when they are transferred.
An interesting example is used by Brace who explains that people take a dislike to
other people s names, it is suggested that this is caused by a like or dislike to a
particular name and it therefore becomes associated to a certain person. This can then
affect an individual s behaviour and attitude without being aware of it.
Chen et al verified this by sharing similarities with findings to those that were found
by the DE100 module team. Chen et al was interested in whether or not the findings
would differ when pairing the sporting event with a sporting celebrity compared to a
non sporting celebrity would make a difference in participant s attitudes. The
participants who were in the experimental condition with a celebrity who had viewed
the slides had developed a positive attitude than those in the control condition with no
celebrity and sports. The method used in both DE100 module team s and the Chen s
study were straightforward this therefore shows a strength and it now means that any
future replications can be conducted with ease. The participants who took part were
known to the experimenter may
Similarities Between V For Vendetta And Anthem
Anthem is a story about how mankind enters a dark age where individuality is now
eliminated by The Council in an unspecified future date and unspecified location. The
narrator of the novel, Equality 7 2521 is a rebellious young protagonist that conducts
illegal secretive scientific research alone and writes in a journal in an underground
abandoned railroad tunnel. This dystopian novella deals with authoritarianism as the
governmenthas taken control and assigns jobs and duties for every being based on
the Council s decision. In the novels Anthem by Ayn Randand V for Vendetta by Alan
Moore, the totalitarian government takes advantage of their higher power to enforce
strict obedience on citizens, without concerning for their opinions or wishes and
removing their personal freedom, which causes a rebellious protagonist to take
charge and struggle to find their freedom. Although the storyline of Anthem may be
slightly different compared to V for Vendetta as Equality 7 2521 rebels by breaking
laws the Council created such as dating and escaping the city and V rebels by
conducting illegal terroristic harmful actions such as killing and blowing up
government buildings. In both narratives, the protagonists rebel against a cruel
government that takes advantage of having a higher strength than anyone else in the
The futuristic group The Council makes the decisions on the many strict rules the
city should follow and obey. In the novel Anthem, everyone has lost knowledge of
individualism to a point where they do not know pronouns such as I but instead
Equality 7 2521 has to refer to himself as We . Such would have been our life, had
we not committed our crime which has changed all things for us. And it was our
curse which drove us to our crime. We had been a good Street Sweeper and like all
our brother Street Sweepers, save for our cursed wish to know. We looked too long
at the stars at night, and at the trees and the earth. And when we cleaned the yard of
the Home of the Scholars, we gathered the glass vials, the pieces of metal, the dried
bones which they had discarded. (Rand, 7) The Council dictates a person s future by
assigning a job they believe best suits a citizen. Although Equality 7 2521 wants
My First Trip To Football
Last night my travels took me to Carlisle, Ohio to watch the hometown Indians host
the Eaton Eagles. This was my first trip to Carlisle and it would mark the first time
since the 2015 season, that I have watched the Indians. I would be seeing the Eagles
for the first time ever.
I expected a much larger crowd but as many times this season it was not the case, but
those who were there got to see a good competitive game, that was entertaining
especially from the defensive side of things.
The Indians defense would set the tone early in this one, when Daniel Smith teamed
up with teammate Gage Smith, ... Show more content on ...
Heading into the second quarter this one looked very even,even though the Eagles
offense was yet to soar, while the Indians offense had shown a glimpse of going on
the warpath a couple of times.
Just twenty six seconds into the second quarter Moore fumble the ball and
scooping it up and going about fifty six yards for the score for the Eagles was Chip
Parker. Parker easily outran the offense, who looked like a fighter, who had just been
tagged by a Ali right cross. The point after kick was missed causing this to stay a 13 7
Eagles lead.
The Indians offense would work the ball down to the Eagles thirty four yard line
and from there Chambers electrified the crowd, with a Archie Griffin like run, back
when he was running for the buckeyes. The point after kick gave the Indians the
lead at 14 13, with 5:31left in the half. On the drive the Eagles defense again had
problems tackling and this really led to a lot of extra yards for the Indians.
With 3:41 it appeared their was pass interference on the Indians receiver, but the ref
said the ball was tipped before the interference happened and this led to a interception
by Moore on the pass thrown by Ryan Venable. This play really seem to change the
game and in my way of thinking the Eagles fought hard but never overcame this call.
Defense was big again, with :27 seconds left in the half, when Moore was taken
down by #54(Not on the Eagles roster)
The Class Struggle In The Communist Manifesto
During the middle 1800 s Europe was stunned by a Revolutionary party pamphlet
called the Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto was one of the most
well known and most widely read brochures in Europe at the time. The success the
Manifesto gained, helped it to be recognized as one of the most important and
significant articles in European history. In the beginning passage, the first line stated:
A spectre is haunting Europe the spectre of Communism(322). Europe is under
oppression from communism, and it seems as if the battle of classes are going to
clash. In the first section of Bourgeois and Proletarians, this quote stated that The
history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles (232). Since the
beginning... Show more content on ...
On the other side of the spectrum, you have the Proletarians; the Proletarians are the
employed workers who have no properties. These Proletarians have no means to the
production or assets. Therefore they are forced to work and the struggle to make
ends meet. In the first section Marx mainly talks about the class struggle between the
Bourgeois and Proletarians, according to Marx the Bourgeois have become the most
dominant class, they controlled all modes of production from the world market to
rural land. Marx stated that The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has
put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn the motley
feudal ties that bound man to his natural superiors (323) asunder. The more power the
Bourgeois gained, the more feudal contacts they replaced, they made regular
occupation wage labor. According to Marx, the Bourgeoisie became so dominant that
they were forced to expand their market across the planet. Molding countries into
their liking, taking resources from whomever and wherever because they were that
The Beliefs Of Colossions And The Nicene Creed
According the the word creed oringinates from the old English
word credo meaning, an article or statement of Christian beliefs which eventually
broadens to any statement in which I believe . This creed is not the basis of
teaching, rather it supports the sound doctrine of the Bible, where we will
specifically be focusing on Colossians 1:15 20. The Nicene Creeddefends TRUE
Christian faith by fully clarifying the deity of Christ, thus safeguarding the apostles
teachings. We will be exploring how Colossions and the Nicene creed work together
and their differences.
The Nicene Creed says that through Christ all things were made, including heaven
and earth and all that is, seen and unseen comparing to Colossians 1:16: In him all
things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible . The
comparison is EXACT however I feel like we can elaborate more on scripture since it
s probably the basis for the creed. In verse 16 JESUS Christ is supreme over all of
creation because He is the creator of it all! Paul leaves nothing out as to not be
mistaken. GOD created ALL THINGS in HEAVEN and EARTH. All three
Heavens, distant worlds, people, animals, places, things. Every last detail was
created by GOD and the creed agrees fully with this fact. Pauls s mention of
thrones, dominions, principalities or powers may refer to four classes of angelic
beings. God made them too however this may be more of a corrective against false
teachings promoting the worship of angels. In order to understand this we must
dig deeper to that in which it s referring. This is a direct warning; Colossians 2:18
says, Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and
worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not see, vainly puffed up
by his fleshly mind, Here the word cheat comes from an athletic arena where an
athlete would be disqualified if he was caught cheating thus those who practice
spiritual disciplines brought on by false teachers also face the threat of being thrown
out of the game . False humility, in this case, probably refers to taking delight in the
harsh treatment of the body, self harm and or humiliation. Finally, the worship of
angles refers
The Pros And Cons Of Australian Political Donation
Political donations play an important role within the Australian Legal System. There
are many cons and pros about this particular issue and debate about how it affects the
Australian democratic system and if the law on it should be altered. A political
donation is a donation of money to benefit candidates, political parties, member of
Parliament to help with the funding of elections, political and community activities.
Parliament of Australia (2012) has claimed that it s Establishing a funding scheme
that ensures fairness and openness requires a legislative system that promotes an
equitable distribution of resources among political parties and candidates and the
timely disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure .
A political donation is not a donation that is for an individual s ... Show more content
on ...
It s an implied threat: if you don t treat us well we ll give you less and they ll be
ahead. Having donators like companies and individuals that donate a fair amount
of money towards the party they choose will affect the views and decisions of
politics and influences them, as these donors will want their voices to be heard.
But some individuals like to keep their donations are secret from the public and are
able to donate a certain amount and split that up into smaller donations and give it
to parties. According to ABC News (2017), We don t know the source of 49
percent of the money received by our major parties last financial year. That means
in the year leading up to a federal election, politicians and their parties derived $77
million from undisclosed sources. And it s entirely legal. This tells us that almost
half of the donations that have been donated by individuals or organisations does not
have a source from where the money came from and can potentially be Dark Money
(funds donate to influence elections, and donors don t have to be
Boso And St. Anselm
In the beginning of the first book of Cur Deus Homo, Boso and St. Anselm are
having a conversation. The two men discuss different topics and issues all
involving God. Boso fills the role of the questioner, while Anselm explains his
thoughts and beliefs. He still does not really understand what he believes in and is
slowly trying to put all all the pieces together. Boso asked why it was necessary for
God to become human and why the son of God had to suffer. Anselm answered
with the idea that only a divine person could save people from sin and evil, so that
is why someone resembling God had to be placed on this earth. God was placed
here as a human to show us his power and capabilities. Anselm also talked about how
in order to enter
Marriage as Slavery in Middlemarch Essay example
Marriage as Slavery in Middlemarch
One of George Eliot s challenges in Middlemarch is to depict a sexually desirous
woman, Dorothea, within the confines of Victorian literary propriety. The critic,
Abigail Rischin, identifies the moment that Dorothea s future husband, Ladislaw, and
his painter friend see her alongside an ancient, partially nude statue of the mythic
heroine, Ariadne, in a museum in Rome as the key to Eliot s sexualization of this
character. Ariadne is, in the sculpture, between her two lovers. Theseus, whom she
helped to escape from her father s labyrinth in Crete has already left her, while the
jubilant God, Bacchus, her next lover, has yet to arrive. By invoking the silent visual
rhetoric of ancient ... Show more content on ...
Unable to fully explain something by itself, Eliot takes advantage of literary devices
to displace the content and coat it so that her reader may swallow the meaning.
Sir Thomas Browne s definition of satire, which Eliot includes at the begining of
chapter 45, further admits Eliot s awareness of the displacing (as Miller says)
literary tact she employs in describing ideas that her reader will not otherwise be
comfortable with, like her sexual female character or her complex theory on
perspective. Without the borrowed help and satire of times past; goes the quotation
from Browne, condemning the vices of their own times [passed times], by the
expressions of vices in times which they commend [present times]... [Satirists] cannot
but argue the community of vice in both (422). A bit earlier, Eliot puts the definition
more subtely in the words of Mr. Brooke, Dorothea s father, Satire, you know, he
states, should be true up to a certain point (369). Middlemarch itself is written in the
context of having taken place about 40 years prior (1832) to the point in time that the
narrator herself occupies (1871). Likely, Eliot frames her criticisms of the town of
Middlemarch such that they reflect on the then current state of things in England.
An instance of Eliot s
Continuities West Lists In Portraits
1.What are the continuities West lists in portraits from the 15th to the 19th centuries?
According to West, portraits were expected to hold a likeness with the sitter s status,
character, or position. However, some fundamentals were changed once
modernization came about with a wave of new technologies and the industrial
revolution; this of course, had an impact on art. For example, the invention of
photography made new possibilities for portrait art. Another aspect of this time, was
how to represent people and the changing views of individuals in society.
2.What is modernism and how do portraits change in this style and period?
Modernism is a period in which technological advancements have been made and
refers to cultural and aesthetic responses;
Differences Between Ordinary And Dynamic Capabilities
3.1.3Firm Capabilities
A firm possesses two different kinds of capabilities, the so called ordinary
capabilities and the dynamic capabilities. They are quite distinct in theory and in
The ordinary capabilities of a firm refer to its ability to use and coordinate tangible
and intangible resources with the aim to reach a desired goal (Teece, 2014).
The dynamic capabilities of a firm refer to its ability to build upon existing
capabilities and at the same time to develop new capabilities (Teece, 2014).
The basic distinctions are outlined in Table 3 below from a practical point of view:
Ordinary CapabilitiesDynamic Capabilities
PurposeTechnical efficiencyCongruence with opportunities
Mode of attainabilityBuy or buildBuild
Tripartite schemaOperate, administrate, governSense, seize, transform
Key routinesBest practicesSignature processes
Managerial emphasisCost controlEntrepreneurial leadership
PriorityDoing things rightDoing the right things
ImitabilityRelatively imitableInimitable
Table 3: Some Differences between Ordinary and Dynamic Capabilities (Teece, 2014)
Ordinary capabilities are focused on the allocation of ... Show more content on ...
Sustained competitive success requires continuous sensing, seizing, and transforming
in order to overcome the challenges that changing customers, competitors and
technologies brings (Teece, 2014). Such changes in the environment of the company
usually occur over time. This means that while making the transition companies in
such industries have to maintain certain former core competencies while building up
new ones. The core competencies are defined as a combination of tangible and
intangible resources and skill which distinguishes the company from other market
players. The concept of core competencies foresees that
Singularly Perturbed Problem Essay
section{Parameter Uniform} In the context of singularly perturbed problems posed
on non rectangular domains, the finite element method is a natural choice for many
researchers (e.g. cite{118}). However, in the context of singularly perturbed
convection diffusion problems, it is difficult to construct monotone methods on
highly anisotropic meshes, which are desirable when thin layers are present.
Moreover, energy norms or other norms based on the $L^2 $norm, are the natural
norms associated with variational methods. Error analysis in the pointwise norm is
not straightforward in a finite element framework, especially when one is dealing
with a problem that is not self adjoint. Given that their interest lies in parameter
uniform numerical... Show more content on ...
The presence of a convective term means that the data of the problem across the
entire domain has an influence on the outflow boundary layer, in contrast to reaction
diffusion problems where it is only the data local to a boundary that has an influence
on the boundary layer. Hegarty and O Riordan cite{115} constructed a parameter
uniform numerical methods for the singularly perturbed problem posed on a circular
domain. Asymptotic expansions for the solutions to such a problem have been
established in cite{120,121,122,123}. Analytical expressions for the exact solution,
in the case of constant data, are given in cite{123} as a Fourier series with
coefficients written in terms of modified Bessel functions. In cite{120,121,122}
sufficient compatibility conditions are identified so that the accuracy of the
asymptotic expansion can be estimated in the $L^2 $norm or in a suitably weighted
energy norm. These expansions are derived without recourse to a maximum principle.
The smooth case, where significant compatibility is assumed, is examined in
cite{120}; the non compatible case with a polynomial source term is studied in
cite{125} and for a more general source term in cite{122}. Based on these
asymptotic expansions, a numerical method is constructed in cite{124} for the
problem, which uses a quasi uniform mesh (which is, hence, not layer adapted). By
enriching the finite element subspace, with certain exponential boundary layer basis
How Caffeine Works Not A Drug Summary
Summary This article talks about how caffeine works and how it may be considered
a drug. The article starts out by saying that billions of people are addicted to caffeine
and then explains the history of caffeine. It was originally used to protect against
insects because the amount of caffeine in plants is toxic to bugs. Then, when the
caffeinewas absorbed into nearby soil, the plant growth of nearby plants would be
hindered. Because of this more and more plants evolved to contain caffeine and
eventually it was discovered for human use in by Chinaand the Native Americans.
After this more people discovered caffeine and it has now become a multibillion
dollar industry. Then the article explains the effect caffeine has on the body.
Online Gaming And Its Impact On Social Psychology
Through the formation and participation of major professional online game
competitions to more leisure forms of gaming entertainment such as popular
YouTube channels, online gaming is continually growing from a form of hobby
and quickly becoming a mainstream form of lifestyle. The idea of friendships
initiating solely online, and growing into complex relationships that readily
provide and accept social support, has become a vibrant social experience. Video
game genres such as MMO s (Massively Multiplayer Online), which could be
subcategorized into genre s such as MMORPGs (MMO Role Playing Games) or
MOBAs (Massive Online Battle Areas), aggressively inspire interaction and
communication between gamers. Popular MMORPG s such as World of Warcraft
offer involving storytelling and large scale boss fights that require large amounts of
teamwork and cooperation to succeed. These features strongly motivate
communication and collaboration, which in turn possibly begin the development of
acquaintanceship between players. The aspects of online relationships have only
just begun to develop as a field of study in social psychology. More extreme aspects
of online interaction and conduct have been studied in the past. Topics range from
cyber bullying (Thacker, 2012), to online romances (Huyhn, 2013), even sexual and
gender identity (Martey, 2014). The topic suggested here is more concentrated on
social and emotional support, more precisely: Does the anonymity of being online
allow people
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Managing Our Kids
Media Use
Managing Our Kids Media Use
Ciara(age 12): Ciara believes that she must stay late to talk to someone who she
considers a friend
What is Media Use, anyway?
Interacting with anything that has a screen is termed as the use of media. There are
several advantages and disadvantages of its usage. Parents usually define media
consumption as useless. However, it totally depends on the user how he/she uses it
effectively. Electronic media plays a significant role in children s academics as well.
Parents fail to get the fact that digital learning is equally important for a child s
educational experience.
A More Useful Definition
We have classified media interaction into three separate categories which can be
referred as the three C s.
Media Consumption: To consume media passively without contributing.
Media Creation: To produce and distribute in a way that needs active participation
and problem solving skills.
Media Communication: To use media to communicate with people.
In a case study, a mom from Connecticut was interviewed about her child s media
use. She believed that her child, Nelson, was given only two hours out of the whole
day. While... Show more content on ...
She gradually got back to normal. Her sleep patterns were fixed again and the
irritability in her behavior was completely gone in a few weeks time.
The Learning Habit Studies came up with the finding that media use is a prime
contributor to trouble falling asleep.
TV Rules
Television is one of the areas that require parent supervision and strict rules all the
time. Earlier in 90s, we never felt the need to set any TV viewing rules as there
weren t as many programs as they are now. The amount of grossly inappropriate
content that has been airing on the television currently severely needs a rulebook.
The New Rules for TV
A total of 30 to 60 minutes maximum in the evening that too after completing all
assigned home chores.
Electronics are prohibited in the children s
The Development And Production Of Golden Rice
Transgenesis is the genetic modification of the traits of an organism through the
transfer of genetic material from one species to another [8]. This method is when a
gene is inserted into a different specie so that the organism will attain the desired
gene from the foreign (different) specie. These organisms can express the genes
from foreign species because the genetic code for all organisms is similar which
results in that particular DNAsequence that codes for the same proteins and therefore
the same trait and will be present in the newly inserted foreign organismcontaining
the desired gene.
Transgenesis occurs mainly because of human manipulation with the purpose of
improving animals and plants, modifying crops and also using these organisms as bio
factories for human gain/ benefit.
The development and production of Golden Rice is a good example of
transgenesis and the method of Agrobacterium which was found due to the work of
two European scientific who discovered the addition of foreign genes of daffodil
plant and soil bacterial would produce provitamin A as a way to prevent vitamin A
deficiencies all over the world, especially in developing counties. The technique of
using agrobacterium uses a naturally occurring soil bacteria (Agrobacterium
tumefaciens) that has the ability to change a plant s genes by invading it through its
roots or stem. The end result would be the production of beta carotene in the rice s
endosperm (makes up the majority of the rice grain
Differences Between Catcher In The Rye And Holden
The Catcher in the Rye, which is written by Jerome David Salinger and the novel
What We All Long For, written by Dionne Brand, both depict the inner thought and
the growth of a young rebellious character. Holden Caulfield, the sixteen year old
protagonist in The Catcher in the RyeпјЊis in the dilemma between childhood and
adulthood. He is caught between the mourning of childhood s disappearing and the
fear of adulthood s coming. On the other hand, the novel What We All Long For
represents a generational shift in the politics of being in Canadian space. Tuyen, the
protagonist in the novel is a creative artist who has fled from the pained nostalgia of
her parents, Cam and Tuan s, and she lives downtown on College Street in Toronto,
above a store and next to her best friend Carla.... Show more content on ...
For Holden, the social background is the post World War в…
Ў period, during which
the old tradition has been broken, yet no new standard has been established. The
society is changing and the culture is becoming free and phony. The lives of many
Americans are increasingly characterized by a sense of alienation and loss of
individual control and distinctiveness that lend new meaning to the merging of social
identity and self identity. The social imbalance and ambiguity make it more difficult
for adolescents to grow up. The young confront with the social problems brought by
the post World War в…ЎAmerican civilization. It can be inferred that his rebellion
derives from such social background. Holden s rebellion, as shown in the novel, is
towards the adulthood which he thinks is phony, corrupted and puzzling. In the
process of his rebellion, Holden, consciously or unconsciously, takes the role of a
spokesman for children, the weak and vulnerable group in the materialistic world.
Being unable to overthrow the corrupted world of
Indian Boy Love Song Analysis
The poems New Orleans by Joy Harjo and Indian Boy Love Song (#2) by Sherman
Alexie have two very similar themes. Themes are underlying message, or main
ideas, basically the theme is the lesson you learned after you read a story, or in this
instance a poem. The theme in New Orleans is that you should put forth the effort
to find out about your culture s history. While the theme of Indian Boy Love
Song(#2) is that you should, try your hardest to become close to your elders, don t
be distant. While both themes are focused on their culture, New Orleans is
actually looking for information on her Creek culture, but Indian Boy Love Song
(#2) is apologizing about how he s distant from his culture. In the poem New
Orleans the theme is that to learn more about your culture, you should put forth the
effort. To get this message Harjo used compare and contrasting. For example They
caught him in blue rock, said don t talk. I know it wasn t just a horse that went
crazy. This is showing development because it s showing how her people got
caught, and they attacked any and everything. Another way the author shows this is
by saying I have a memory. It swims deep in blood, a delta in the skin. This shows
that her heritage runs deep through her. In addition to these two quotes, another quote
that shows relation toward this development is Nearby is a shop with ivory and
knives. There are red rocks. The man behind the counter has no idea that he is inside
magic stones. He
Body Reflection In Pinnipeds
Pinnipeds had developed ways to remain submerged in the water. These mammals
have found a way to deal with hypoxia, the lack of oxygen. When the Pinnipeds dive
they are able to induce bradycardia, reducing heart rate. They have vasoconstriction,
with constricted the blood flow. These things are done to conserve oxygenwhen they
dive. Even though they are able to store oxygen rich red blood cells in the spleen for
the dive, they need to conserve it over the the time of the dive. These things are what
constitute the dive reflex in the pinnipeds.
Most human can only hold their breath for less than a minute. This lab will look at a
simulated dive influences heart rate and explore what stimulus cue a dive reflex in
humans. To see how the heart rate is effected in a dive, this lab we will hold our
breath and submerge our face in water. Since we know that the Pinnipeds induce
bradycardia when they dive, we would expect to see that part of the human dive
reflex since it is part of conserving oxygen in the body, when the right stimuli is
applied. From this we thought that holding breath would trigger the diver response,
even if there is no ... Show more content on ...
The control is the simulated dive where the subject held their breath and submerged
there face in water. The experimental is when breath was held but the subject did not
submerge their face in water.The average magnitude of the dive reflex(BMP) was
taken for each experiment. The BMP is the difference between the average resting
pulse and average dive pulse. When the BPM was great, this showed that the dive
reflex was stimulated. When the BMP was low, then the dive reflex was not
stimulated. (Figure 1) The experimental hardly caused a change in the BPM, which
means that it did not trigger a dive response. This means that the stimuli of holding
breath does not cause the dive response in
Alfred Thayer Mahan The Influence Of Sea Power Upon
Alfred Thayer Mahan s seminal work, The Influence of Sea Power upon History,
1660 1783, published in 1891, is an influential work of military theory. Although
he is a revered military theorist, Mahan was criticized for not being a systematic.
For example, he failed to consider social and cultural conditions in the rise of sea
power; the rise of the English middle class, American agrarian discontent, and the
rise of Russia. He also neglected to properly define the term sea power, of which he
claimed to have invented. Even so, two main interpretations of sea power do start to
emerge. Firstly, the command of the sea through naval superiority and second, that
combination of maritime commerce, overseas possessions, and privileged access to
foreign markets that produces national wealth and greatness. Mahan also theorized
that a naval fleet should never be divided and that victory at sea is only possible by
fleet concentration, his most important principle in naval warfare.
During the time of Mahan s publishing, the United States was beginning to change its
views on warfare. After the Civil War, US militaryleaders had more time to devote to
studying ... Show more content on ...
According to Corbett, minor strategy may be of three kinds: Naval, where the
immediate object is to be attained by a fleet only, Military, where the immediate
object is to be attained by an army only, Combined, where the immediate object is to
be attained by army and navy together. He also insisted that the object of naval
warfare must always be to secure the command of the sea or to prevent the enemy
from securing it, either directly or indirectly. 35 In his view, command of the sea
means ―nothing but the control of maritime communications, whether for
commercial or military purposes Corbett believed that in a war between the two
strong opponents, command of the sea will be in
Analysis Of Mayflower
In 1620, a group of Christians, known as the Pilgrims, made their way to the New
World in hopes to flee persecution. They docked their ship The Mayflower at a
harbor in what is now known as Massachusetts. They called this colony Plymouth.
Upon arriving, they were sick, cold, weak, and low on supplies. Not to mention they
were months behind schedule. Not long after their arrival, the Pilgrims were met by a
native of the land, the WampanoagIndian chief, Massasoit. Chief Massasoit
welcomed them in a very friendly way and helped them to get back on their feet. In
the narrative Mayflower, author Nathaniel Philbrick s extraordinary retelling of a
familiar story, not only are the people and events of America s past brought to life, he
also magnifies on the gruesome proceedings of bloodshed and war. In this fair
account, he gives the perspectives of both the natives and the colonists during their
many struggles that came not long after the Mayflower had reached land. He goes far
beyond documenting the myth of the first Thanksgiving between the natives and the
pilgrims, as he explores the hunger for power, political and religious control, and land.
As an accomplished writer of nonfiction history of the United States, there is no doubt
that Philbrick thoroughly examined and cautiously documented the past. As he retells
the story of early America, he relates it to the similar themes of America today. By
doing this he hints on the phenomena that history repeats itself. In the
Application of Gis in Natural Resourse Management
1.1 Background
Natural resources play a critical role in the welfare of developing countries (Huizing
etal, 2002). For many developing countries, natural resources are the base upon which
all life depends. However, many developing countries have experienced and continue
to experience severe degradation of their natural resources. Expansion in technology,
population and economic activities have led to accelerated and unsustainable
exploitation and depletion of natural resources (satapathy etal., 2008). This
degradation, especially of forest cover has led to diminishing soil fertility, soil
erosion, increase severity of the impact of drought, and the further reduction in the
ability to produce food and other ... Show more content on ...
GIS, with their capabilities for spatial analysis and modeling of diverse data, can
enhance the ability to address several natural resource and environmental issues that
have spatial component (Nijkamp amp; Scholten, 1993). GIS can facilitate the
organization, manipulation and analysis of diverse data often associated with these
issues, and the data structures, and analytical techniques of GIS can be incorporated
into a wide range of management and decision making operations that pertain
specifically to natural resources.
1.2 Problem Statement
Nigeria as a developing country has experienced severe environmental degradation
and ecological deterioration in the past century, with little or no real solutions to
alleviate many of these problems. Information on the variability and distribution of
natural resources and natural resource problems is needed to enhance decision
making in natural resource management. Use of conventional methods for mapping
and estimating potential risk areas is relatively costly and time consuming and is
subject to a variety of errors. Recently, however, advances in computing power and
the increasing availability of remote sensing data have renewed interest in using GIS
to address a wide range
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima
the Miracle Of Our Lady Of Fatima is a feature film made in 1952.
It was promoted as a fact based treatment of the events surrounding the apparitions of
Our Lady of Fatima in 1917.
It starred Susan Whitney as Lucia dos Santos, Sammy Ogg as Francisco Marto, and
Sherry Jackson, as Jacinta Marto, with Gilbert Roland as a fictional character named
Hugo, a kindly but agnostic friend of the three children, who rediscovered his faith in
God through the Solar Miracle of Fatima. The musical score by Max Steiner received
an Academy Award nomination. The filmwas released on DVD on April 4, 2006.
It is 1917, and Portugal is feeling the aftereffects of a storm of Masonic, anti religious
sentiment and the violent overthrow of the government ... Show more content on ...
At precisely noon the clouds part and the sun shines brightly upon all the people
then the sun shifts through a rainbow of colours and appears to drop toward the
ground. Many people panic, some pray or watch calmly, and a few disabled people
are healed. As the sun returns to normal we see Hugo standing in the middle of the
kneeling crowd, his hat still on. Removing it, he says Only the fool sayeth there is
no God. A short epilogue shows the huge basilica where the tree once stood. Inside,
Lucia is a nun praying before the tomb where her cousins are buried, with the
converted Hugo at her
A Brief Note On The Italian Shoe Industry Essay
2.Demand conditions If the local market for a product is larger and more demanding
at home than in foreign markets, local firms potentially put more emphasis on
improvements than foreign companies. This will potentially increase the global
competitiveness of local exporting companies. A more demanding home market can
thus be seen as a driver of growth, innovation and quality improvements.
3.Related and Supporting Industries
When local supporting industries and suppliers are competitive, home country
companies will potentially get more cost efficient and receive more innovative parts
and products. This will potentially lead to greater competitiveness for national firms.
For instance, the Italian shoe industry benefits from a highly competent pool of
related businesses and industries, which has strengthened the competitiveness of the
Italian shoe industry world wide.
4.Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry The structure and managementsystems of
firms in different countries can potentially affect competitiveness. By using Porter s
diamond, business leaders may analyze which competitive factors may reside in their
company s home country, and which of these factors may be exploited to gain global
competitive advantages. Business leaders can also use the Porter s diamond model
during a phase of internationalization, in which leaders may use the model to analyze
whether or not the home market factors support the process of internationalization,
and whether or not the

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Why Is Essay Writing Important. Why Essay Writing is SO Important - YouTube Essay writing, Writing, Essay

  • 1. Why Is Essay Writing Important Writing an essay on the importance of essay writing might initially seem like a paradoxical task, a meta-reflection on the very process one is engaging in. However, delving deeper into the intricacies of this topic reveals the multi-faceted challenges inherent in crafting such a piece. To begin with, the writer must navigate the delicate balance between self-awareness and objectivity. Explaining the significance of essay writing necessitates a recognition of personal biases and experiences, yet it also requires a broader, more universal perspective that can resonate with a diverse audience. Striking this equilibrium can be a tightrope walk, demanding meticulous consideration of language, tone, and narrative structure. Moreover, the essay must transcend the mundane and clichГ©d observations about the importance of communication and critical thinking. It demands an exploration of the nuanced ways in which essay writing serves as a conduit for intellectual growth, fostering analytical skills, and honing the ability to articulate complex ideas cogently. Unearthing these subtleties requires extensive research and a deep understanding of educational philosophies. Crafting a compelling essay on this topic also necessitates the ability to synthesize information from various disciplines, integrating insights from education, psychology, and literature. This interdisciplinary approach adds an additional layer of complexity, requiring a writer to become a curator of knowledge, selecting and arranging information in a manner that illuminates the subject's depth. Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the challenge of keeping the essay engaging and accessible to a diverse readership. Juggling the academic rigor required for such a discussion with the need for clarity and readability can be an intricate puzzle. The essay should not only convey the importance of essay writing but should also exemplify effective writing itself, serving as a microcosm of its subject matter. In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of essay writing involves a delicate dance between introspection and objectivity, a nuanced exploration of the multifaceted roles essays play in intellectual development. It demands a synthesis of information across disciplines, an awareness of audience diversity, and an exemplification of effective writing. While challenging, the endeavor is not without rewards, as it encapsulates the very essence of the topic at hand. For those seeking assistance in crafting essays or exploring a myriad of other topics, there are platforms like where similar essays and a plethora of writing services can be accessed. Why Is Essay Writing Important Why Is Essay Writing Important
  • 2. Analyzing Erikson s Psychosocial Development Theory Erikson was a theorist who focused on his theory for psychosocial development. The article Psychosocial Identity Development Theories, highlights the keys points and idea of Erikson s psychosocial theory. Erikson was very focused on the idea of ego identity and obtaining full potential. His theory or model stats that, identity formation is based on overcoming conflicts that individuals encounter during adolescent and early childhood. (Karkouti, 2014, p.257) He believed that all people must endure certain conflicts in their lives, and then overcome them in order to obtain their ego identity. The idea of psychosocial development is focused on social conflicts, and environmental factors. In the psychosocial model that Erikson created, it places people into eight stages. In order for someone to move on to the next stage, they must first overcome the conflict presented to them in the stage that they are in. A well established identity will get stronger the more that conflict is successfully resolved. The eight stages are basic trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt, initiative verses guilt, industry versus inferiority, identity versus identity diffusion, intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation, and ego integrity versus despair. In this article, it not only focuses on the main idea for psychosocial development, but it continues by then saying that the theory has two criticisms, stages are descriptive and they are difficult to be empirically
  • 3. A Brief Note On The Uk Supermarket Industry This report will be conducted as follow, first a brief introduction of the analysed industry; the UK supermarket industry with a concise facts about the size of this industry in the UK, then analysing the macro environment of the UK supermarket industry by using the PEST framework that analyses the Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors, which has a direct impact on the UK supermarketindustry. After that the micro environment of the UK supermarket industry will be analysed in depth by using the Porters Five Forces framework, which consist of the following aspects; Threat of the new entrants, Bargaining power of suppliers, Bargaining power of buyers, Threat of substitutes and the Existing competitors. Finally, summarising... Show more content on ... Figure 1: Market value of the UK supermarket industry from 2007 to 2017 The above graph illustrates the importance and the market value growth of the UK supermarket industry for a 10 years period starting from 2007 with 133,6 billion pound until the predicted market value for 2017 with a value of 192,6 billion pound, with a staggering growth percentage of 44,16% throughout the last 10 years. 2. PEST Analysis 2.1. Political There are many political factors that can affect not only the supermarket industry in the UK but any kind of business in the UK, those issues can be summarised in the following factors: The possibility of UK leaving the European Union One of the main recent political factors that will have a big impact on the UK supermarket industry is the possibility of UK leaving the European Union that might becomes a definitive decision after the June 2016 election. This decision might change the entire UK supermarket industry operations because of the big number of goods that have been imported from the European Union with a free tax because of the European Union free zone trade. Therefore, the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union will cause a big rise in the prices of the imported products and materials from the European Union, as a result of the increase of the import tax that was zero when the UK used to follow the European Union regulations. Government regulations and initials
  • 4. God Is Good And Evil The naturally good world has been corrupted by evil, and a God is going to restore it to its nature. Apparently, the restoration is indeed obvious. It is shown through the everlasting teachings of kindness, harmony, and peace. Men are smart, but they are selfish and ignorant, making them unable to invent such moral teachings. Hence, those teachings, or Laws, are derived from an another source Godwho is perfectly selfless. Indeed, Christianity is sensical, for there are evidences that God is making changes in humanity. If there is a God, then who God is, by the way? Those who believe in God have always questioned the Supreme Being in whom they believed day by day. Eventually, they start to make the answers to their curiosity. The first... Show more content on ... Similarly, all of the innocent Jews would be executed cruelly as Hitler treated them as if they had been devils. Or in a more Biblical context, had everyone agreed with the Romans perspectives that Christians were evil, Christianity would not have existed. To this point, the Pantheists could argue that Vengeance should not be done because there is a God, who is beyond Good and Evil, tells human not to do so. If God was beyond Good and Evil, how would he decide which actions are good and bad. As he was neither Good nor Evil, he could judge any action was moral or immoral. For instance, he could say forgiveness is Good. At the same time, he could also declare Killing is good, for goodness and badness did not simply exist in him. If God was this way, no one would choose to follow him. In contrast, a Good God creates a Moral Law, which commands people to forgive and not to kill. Universally, everyone knows that killing is bad, and forgiveness is good, but why it is so? Killing is bad because such action goes against the direction of the Moral Law. Conversely, Forgiveness is good because it abides by the Moral Law. A Good God makes the Moral Law, and solely the Good God leads men to a better world. A Pantheists God only leaves humanity as it has been. Another man made answer to the question is Dualism, which states that the universe is a battlefield of two Deities Good and Bad(Lewis, 1952, p. 42). However, if there were actually two fighting
  • 5. Government And The Government Of Bangladesh Introduction: Like many other countries of the world, Bangladesh government has also three organs; and the three organs are the combination of the government of Bangladesh. These three organs are the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. In order to run government, the three organs or branches of government has some relationship with one another. But the thinking matter of that if the three branches have very close relationship than there create a disorder of the government and it may be harmful for our democracy. The government by his only one hand doesn t keep a good concentration of all the branches, if the three branches has separate power and separate in their all activities ;than they will do their all action more efficiency and more effectively. When govt. is less people and confront in activities than the political freedom may be established we think. So, the activities of government are scatter or decentralized by different persons or department in order to perform more frequency; so that every department of government has gained the freedom and no department can overlap their power to other department. In Bangladeshi context, how much separation of power is established, I wish to work about this. In Bangladesh, after the started of parliamentary government the principles of the separation of power didn t effect .Because; the ministries were the members of legislature. The executive and the legislature were the closely related. But the judiciary is the
  • 6. Heinz Ketchup Commercial My choice of media is an advertisement by Kraft Foods Inc. and I chose it because it s minimalistic and intriguing. Thesis and Focus How simplicity and authenticity overrule ostentatious advertisements: A visual analysis of the Heinz ad campaign. Description In the above advertisement for Heinz ketchup, the company takes an approach to amaze their audience with the help of abstract art. The featured advertisement is for Heinz Ketchup. It includes a garish red backdrop. It also features something that looks like a classic bottle of Heinz ketchup, but actually are horizontally sliced tomatoes bundled on top of each other in the shape of the classic ketchup bottle. The text below reads, No one grows ketchup like Heinz. While the advertisement is simple and minimalistic, the combination of text and picture is enticing to the targeted consumer. While other ketchup companies have flashy ads claiming they have the best tasting ketchup in the industry, Heinz takes a... Show more content on ... Even an advertisement about a universally known brand has the potential to be interpreted in various ways. In the Heinz example, a consumer may see the sliced ketchup bottle as an abstract sculpture, and therefore associate the company with innovation and art. By stating No one grows ketchup like Heinz , they are saying that their ketchup uses natural and fresh ingredients, unlike other competing brands. Ketchup is made in a factory and by any means isn t grown . However, the text below the picture reads otherwise. By this, the marketers transform a sugary condiment into a wholesome, raw ingredient. This is clearly an attempt by the advertisers to assign a healthy connotation to ketchup. Not only are the advertisers attaching a nutritional aspect to ketchup, they are redefining ketchup perhaps in an attempt to promote a healthier way of
  • 7. Lowell Factories In The 1800s Lowell factories started to be made so the owners needed workers; the owners chose to use girls to work in the factories. Women got paid less during that time period so it would be cheaper for the owners. The women who worked in the mills were called mill girls, they were usually 15 to 35 years old. Mill girls worked 12 hours for 6 days a week, and lived in boarding houses. The textile corporations of Lowell paid higher wages than textile cities even though the work was difficult and tiring and that it was bad for their health. The mill girls protested the wage cuts few have succeeded. On March 5, 1824 Lucy Larcom was born, her mother worked in boarding houses, the boarding house was owned by the Lawrence Manufacturing Company. Lucy was rarely
  • 8. Four Season Hotel FOUR SEASONS HOTEL vs. MANDARIN ORIENTAL HOTEL Bander Alsowaida Sami Basuliman Ta Wei Chuang Sharda Del Rio Meihan Dong Xiaoxing Liu Anand Mehta FOUR SEASONS HOTEL vs. MANDARIN ORIENTAL HOTEL Bander Alsowaida Sami Basuliman Ta Wei Chuang Sharda Del Rio Meihan Dong Xiaoxing Liu Anand Mehta EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Luxury industry became a commodity for some customer. In order to achieve the customer satisfaction, most hotels tiring there best to serve their customer need. In this report we have two hotels which are the Four Seasons Hotel and Mandarin Oriental hotel. Each one of them provide a high quality services including luxury rooms, luxury food, a business man need and organizing the wedding occasions. Before that, ... Show more content on ... Four Seasons also provide a centralized system for purchasing and hold ownership interests in an existing 34 hotels and resorts. In addition, services include at their resorts and hotels include: В•24 hour room service (H) В•Twice daily housekeeping service (H) В•One hour pressing and round the clock (H) В•Four hour laundry and dry cleaning service (H) В•Extra spacious baths and architectural design, which maximizes views, privacy and enjoyment of the natural surroundings. (R) В•Chilled towels and Evian spray (R) В•Dining options now include home cooking (simple, wholesome recipes that travelers would have at home) and vegetarian dining В•No luggage required program,: replacement of essentials if a customer was to lose their luggage В•Replacing ties and outfitting guests with a suit and a shopping service with local retailers. В•Small meeting rooms and computers and translators and interpreters.
  • 9. В•Teen Centers and Teen Concierges to plan teenage activities В•Kids for All Seasons are available at every Four Seasons resort. (It is a structured program offering children an array of organized activities.) The Mandarin Oriental The Mandarin Oriental offers management and operating services for all of its hotels and resorts. There services also include at the hotels and resorts: В•The newly opened Ayurvedic Penthouse offers an exclusive range of rejuvenating therapies straight from the great traditions of Keraleeya Ayurveda В•Children s day care
  • 10. The Problem Oriented Policing ( Pop ) I. Introduction A. Define victimization: Victimization refers to that aspect of criminal behavior and intent where the perpetrator has harmed the victim and made their person helpless. It is the action of hurting a person. Victimization is the end result of criminal behavior where a person has been bodily or mentally traumatized and harmed. Victimization refers to the act of being a victim while Victimology refers to the study of crimepatterns in individuals Victimology refers to that study of social science which deals with the different traits and behavior that is exhibited by criminals and victim studies in crimes. (Zaykowski, 2011) B. How can communities make their communities safer and lessen the likelihood of becoming victims. Communities have to ensure that their law and order systems are rightly in check and that victimization of crimes are immediately reported and communities participate in safety programs. In order to ensure safety in the community, the community members share the responsibility of law and order. Problem Oriented Policing (POP) is the modern proactive take on community oriented policing. Police activities are focused on specific long standing community problems and devising a plan of enforcement and intervention with the assistance of community based support((Goodman, 2009) C. Thesis statement: This paper will discuss a theory of victimization, examine real world examples, and describe a recent incident of crime in my community. II.
  • 11. Research Paper On Fashion Photographer Introduction From the sound of it, a fashion photographer is a person who makes a living in the fashion world from taking photographs of clothing and accessories lines. Through this, the photographer has the ability to communicate with the designer to make sure that the right qualities of the fashion lines are emphasized. I got this information from common sense, but there are somethings that I would need to dig for to find more about the fashion photographer career. Some of the details that I would like to gain from this project about a fashion photographer have to do with more of the logistical side of a job. What is the education needed for this career? Why is this job an essential in the fashion world? Does the job pay well? Research According to Wikipedia, fashion photography is a form of photography which is devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items . To become a fashion photographer, one need to have an understanding of the technology used, have the ability to use editing software, have good networking and business sense. With these skill, the photographer then has the option to get his/her bachelors in photography and maybe masters in photography. Even though not all of professional fashion photographers got a degree for their careers, it is highly advised. Education at a college or university level hyphens one s skills in the intended career, but also it gives the opportunity to have a more well rounded individual with more business skills. After
  • 12. PandaExpress Essay Panda Express Lo Mat University Organizational Behavior MSB 730 March 09, 2014 Panda Express Question 9.1 Does it make business sense for a CEO to prioritize self improvement on the part of his employees? Does it make more sense in some industries or types of businesses than others? It makes great business sense for the CEO to prioritize self improvement for employees. This is a smart move to coach employees in performing citizenship behavior on the job. Organizational citizenship behavior benefits the entire company by employees supporting and defending the company actions, working to improve operations and being loyal to the company (Colquitt, Lepine, Wesson, 2013, p. 39). Satisfied employees will ... Show more content on ... 291). Question 9.2 Do you find it appropriate for companies to ask about the book that applicants have read, or to encourage employees to attend self improvement seminars that could be psychologically and emotionally intense? Why or why not? It is very appropriate to ask a prospective employees about what books they have read and to encourage employees to attend self improvement seminars. Behavior issues are just as real as physical issues to help the well being of a person. If it is alright to ask an employee to take a physical exam to determine fitness, then it should be acceptable to ask simple questions about behavior fitness. The structured conversation approach to interviewing, commonly referred to as Behavioral Based Interviewing, aims to discover and examine examples of past behavior through guided questioning (Brumm, Mickelson, White, 2006. p. 28). In this case, the hiring company is allowed to ask questions about the latest books read to assess their learned behavior in judgment, teamwork, and communication, and understand their concepts. Question 9.3 From the brief descriptions offered, what personality traits (or cultural values) seen to be reflected in Covey s seven habits, and in the content include in Landmark s seminars? Do those traits or values seem important in a business like Panda Express s? Dr. Covey s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are (1)be pro active, (2) begin with the end in mind, (3) put first
  • 13. Rhetoric In Optimus Prime Who am I? and Why am I here? Optimus Prime s final words are used by Michale Bay to reflect the human curiosity, which often leaves us searching answers beyond our existence. He also uses these biblical rhetorics to give the Autobots, who are equivalent to protagonists in the transformers serious, a higher purpose in the movie, which is to act as a shield from the Decepticons, ie. the antagonists, and prevent mankind from extinction. The centrally aligned juxtaposed visual of Optimus Prime the Autobot hero, riding the robotic dinosaur, represents the enduring nature of the story, repressing both the past and the future, while the robotic heroes and machines seen in the poster foreshadow far in to the possible future, the visual of the... Show more content on ... The designer uses this posture to convey the superiority of this character, and those of his kind in the movie, who protect the mankind from extinction. The use of bright red and blue colors for this character in contact with the darker colors used for the deceptions, are used to show the forces of light, which are the autobots in this case, standing against the forces of darkness, the decepticons. The visual hierarchy used by the designer also introduces a theme of good vs. evil, which is seen throughout the movie; the good character is placed on top of the bad character, which conveys the dominance of good over evil. The audience is then immediately draws to the three central characters below, who are seen to be running hand in hand from the obliteration. The gesture of the human characters holding hands also supports one of the most important phrases in the movie; Stand together of face extinction , and brings out the unity of mankind that prevails throughout the film. Furthermore, the contrasting sizes used for the humans and the machines is also used to convey their importance in the movie, which isn t so significant as compared the main heroes, the
  • 14. Osteopathic Health History Chapter 1 History of medicine and how it affects modern health Medicine is the scientific practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, this encompasses a variety of natural health remedies using herbs, saves, and transmutation of various ingredients including precious metals. Throughout history societies have medical beliefs that provide explanations for birth, death, and disease. In early history, illness has been attributed to witchcraft, demons, adverse astral influence, or the will of the gods! Some of the earliest records on medicine have been found ranging from ancient Egyptian, Babylonian , Ayurvedic (the Indian subcontinent), classical Chinese (before what we now know as traditional Chinese Medicine), and ancient ... Show more content on ... The two groups had a large debate, the allopathic doctors and their medical approach to medicine was by means of aggressively driving the disease and illness from the patient s body. Over time the allopathic used, and promoted sale of drugs, surgery and later radiation, they used heavy metals, and toxic metals, like mercury, and lead to displace the original disease. Long before the use of local anesthesia, infections, and death was common, many patients feared the so called modern medicine and were unwilling to have this abrasive approach to healing and feared the allopathic methods. Over time the masses started to choose the homeopaths over the allopaths, they feared the allopathic doctors and their medical approach to medicine was by means of aggressively driving the disease and illness from the patient s body. The Rockefellers had changed the laws, and the educational standards, while modifying the licensing regulations to exclude natural medicine. The herbalist charter almost bans the use of natural means of healing, the booming drug industry grew out of the patients sickness and disease, the FDA was sold to the U.S. public, stating they were to regulate the people s food and drug safety. A media campaign to associate the incorrect natural medicine was dubbed quackery hence the word quack when referring to a
  • 15. Actions Speak Louder Than Words Actions speak louder than words. Just one of the many sayings my father always said. He had a few he liked, but I believe this was his favorite. He is a very proud man, with great morals. He served in the Vietnam War in the Marine core. He is the type of man where you never had to guess how he felt, he was more than happy to let you know. Being the oldest of six, he had the responsibility of caring for his siblings. He was not able to enjoy the joys of a usual childhood. He had the burden of helping his struggling parents, hold the family together by working very young, and acting as another parentto the other kids. There were no summer camps, vacations, or free time for him. Only changing dipers, cleaning the house, and going to work. He once told me The only time I felt like a normal kid was at school After he graduated high school, he joined the Marine s. He felt that he had already been living a very structured life and believed it would be a smooth transition. He was right. He was finally able to be the man he wanted to be, not another parent in a full house. Although there were many guidelines he had to follow in the military, he enjoyed the fact that he could be himself. He doesn t talk a lot about the war. Only some stories of partying and having fun. The parts about the war itself he keeps to himself. I can only imagine some things he s seen, and had to do. He was a gunner on a helicopter. Sometimes he provided ground troops
  • 16. Prejudice, comformity and stereotyping in American History X Introduction To The Topic American History X is a great film that portrays prejudice, stereotyping and conformity. Prejudice is negative attitudes toward others based on their gender, religion, race, or membership in a particular group. Prejudice involves beliefs and emotions that can turn into hatred. Having an opinion or idea about a member of a group without really knowing that individual is a part of prejudice. Some people make judgments about a whole group of people without knowing very much about them. Sometimes people are afraid of those who seem different from them and unfortunately, they express that with name calling and negative treatment. When people grow up with these ideas, sometimes it s hard to get rid of them. Like in the ... Show more content on ... Derek fires his gun to kill and commits violent actions, which ends up in the death of the two black kids who tried to steal his car. He s convicted of murder and sent to prison for three years. While in prison, Derek begins to see things in a different way. While in jail he learns some hard truths about life from a fellow inmate and his old high school principal that takes special interest in him. Avery Brooks, the principle ask Derek a powerful question. Has any thing you ve done changed your life? But, when Derek emerges with a desire to change his attitude, he finds that words are not enough. Three years later, everyone awaits Derek s return. His mother Doris who prays for his safety, his girlfriend Stacey who longs for his return, and most of all Danny who s desperate for his brother s love and guidance, yet is driven by his own increasing white supremacy hatred. Danny who idolizes Derek has stepped into his shoes. Following the crowd of the white supremacy group the DOC. Avery Brooks the high school principle who has helped Derek also tries to help Danny by telling him to write a paper on his brother in hope to make him see things in a different light. Unbeknown to Danny, Derek is a changed man. Fresh from prison, he no longer views hatred as a badge of honor. Ashamed of his past he is now in a raceto save Danny and the Vineyard family from the violence he brought down upon them. His mind is open and sees the American History 5 error of his ways.
  • 17. Ethical Argument Against Euthanasia Medical Ethics Medical ethics is always seen by many as an unusual blend; one many always seem to question. The fuse appeals to a range of different temperaments, to the philosopher, the doctor, and to the man or woman of action. It tackles the big questions of the morality of killing and the painstakingly difficult decisions having to be made by many on a daily basis. It also relates to the ethical spectrum as well, when can a mentally ill person be treated against their will? Is it a crime for any doctor to practice a form of euthanasia? Where better to start medical ethics, than with the complex topic of euthanasia. The main idea of euthanasia goes against the oldest and most famous moral instructions in religion, Thou shalt not kill [Exodus 20:13]. To be technical, the practice of euthanasia is morally required by the two main principles of medical practice: the respect for the patient s autonomy, and to promote their best interests. ... Show more content on ... There are two interpretations if point 1 . One method of interpretation is the bad company fallacy or argumentum ad hominem, where a particular view is true or false, not because of the reasons in favour or against the view, but by virtue of the fact that a person holds that view. The second more widely known view is that all views by the Nazis are immoral. Some Nazis may hold views that do not relate directly, but they would not be seen as Nazi views . The Nazi views being referred are their horrific actions of torture and senseless killing. The problem with this view is however that the supporters of euthanasia are not supporters of the Nazis, and so this point can be considered invalid. The point at issue is whether euthanasia in certain circumstances is moral or immoral. All depends on the specific circumstances at hand and the best interests of the patient at
  • 18. The Book Of Psalms If the book of Psalms be, as some have styled it, a mirror or looking glass of pious and devout affections, this psalm in particular deserves, as much as any one psalm, to be so entitled, and is as proper as any to kindle and excite such in us: gracious desires are here strong and fervent; gracious hopesand fears, joys and sorrows, are here struggling, but the pleasing passion comes off a conqueror. Or we may take it for a conflict between sense and faith, sense objecting and faith answering. I. Faith begins with holy desirestowards God and communion with him (v. 1, 2). II. Sense complains of the darkness and cloudiness of the present condition, aggravated by the remembrance of the formerenjoyments (v. 3, 4). III. Faith silences the... Show more content on ... 1, 2): quot;My soul panteth, thirsteth, for God, for nothing more than God, but still for more and more of him. Now observe, 1. When it was that David thus expressed his vehement desire towards God. It was, (1.) When he was debarred from his outward opportunities of waiting on God, when he was banished to the land of Jordan, a great way off from the courts of God s house. Note, Sometimes God teaches us effectually to know the worth of mercies by the want of them, and whets our appetite for the means of grace by cutting us short in those means. We are apt to loathe that manna, when we have plenty of it, which will be very precious to us if ever we come to know the scarcity of it. (2.) When he was deprived, in a great measure, of the inward comfort he used to have in God. He now went mourning, but he went on panting. Note, If God, by his grace, has wrought in us sincere and earnest desires towards him, we may take comfort from these when we want those ravishing delights we have sometimes had in God, because lamenting after God is as sure an evidence that we love him as rejoicing in God. Before the psalmist records his doubts, and fears, and griefs, which had sorely shaken him, he premises this, That he looked upon the living God as his chief good, and had set his heart upon him accordingly, and was resolved to live and die by him; and,
  • 19. Sociological Perspective Coming from AJP, I needed to cross Fifth Avenue to start my walk, and like what I had to do every day when I had class at that building, I found myself once again waiting for the walk sign to appear across the street. This Sociological Perspective of seeing society in our everyday lives showed how the smallest personal choices, even the action of walking, is affected and shaped by society and how it functions. As I was walking through Fifth Avenue, I noticed that there were buildings at every corner of this long street. Students, some wearing Carlow gear while others wore Pitt gear, populated the sidewalks, conversing with other students. As I got farther into Fifth Avenue, I could see UPMC hospitals and signs with directions of entrances and parking lots. People populated the end of the sidewalk in this street, waiting at the Bus Stop sign. In the area of Forbes Avenue, there were a lot of restaurants, and I noticed many students walking to get in and eat. The pedestrian traffic was very similar to the automobile traffic on the street. Through the Sociological Perspective of seeing the general in the particular, I was able to identify the general patterns of the group of pedestrians walking on the sides, including myself. There is a systematic way in society that traffic runs, and as I was walking, I, along with the rest of the pedestrians near me, looked both ways of the street before crossing at the end of the streets at Forbes. At one point in my walk near in Forbes,
  • 20. Comparison Of Baboushka And The Three Kings Baboushka and the Three Kings is adapted from an old Russia Folk Tale. The story is about Baboushka who has the three kings knock on her door while they are in search of the newborn Christ child. They invite Baboushka to journey with them and she declines until morning because all of her chores are not finished. Not wanting to delay, the three kings depart and continue on their journey. In the morning, Baboushka packs what little treasures she has to offer the baby and tries to find the trail the three kings left. However as there has been a lot of snow, she is unable to find the trail and gives the gifts to the children she meets along the way. Every year during the anniversary of the birth of the baby Baboushka resumes her search and gives
  • 21. The Contributions of Isaac Newton Essays Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, on December 25, 1642. He was educated at Trinity College in Cambridge, and resided there from 1661 to 1696 during which time he produced the majority of his work in mathematics. During this time New ton developed several theories, such as his fundamental principles of gravitation, his theory on optics otherwise known as the Lectiones Opticae, and his work with the Binomial Theorem. This is only a few theories that that Isaac Newtoncontributed to the world of mathematics. Newton contributed to all aspects of mathematics including geometry, algebra, and physics. Isaac Newton was born into a poor farming family in 1642 with no father. Newton s father had passed away just a few months before... Show more content on ... Later he read and mastered Oughtred s Clavis, and Descartes Geometry, which led him to take up mathematics rather than chemistry as a serious study. As a result of the Plague, from 1665 threw 1666 Newton had spent a great deal of time at home. During this time it seems evident that a great deal of his best work was accomplished. He thought out the fundamental principles of his theory of gravitation. He determined that every particle of matter attracts every other particle. Yet he suspected that the attraction varied depending on the product of their masses. He suspected that the force, which retained the moon in its orbit around the earth, was the same as the terrestrial gravity. And to prove this hypothesis he proceeded by doing this. He knew that if a stone wall were allowed to fall near the surface of the earth, the attraction of the earth caused the stone wall to move though sixteen feet in one second. The moon s orbit relative to the earth is nearly a circle, and as a rough approximation assuming so, he knew the distance of the moon, and therefore the length of its path. He also knew the time it took the moon to go around the earth once, a month. Therefore Newton could find its veloisty at any point such as M. Then he could find the distance MT through which it would move in the next second if it were not pulled by the earth s attraction. At the end of the second it was at
  • 22. John Proctor Mistakes This Essay is about the Play the Crucible from Arthur Miller. How in this play is with my opinion the tragic Hero and why? John Proctor realizes during the play what his consequences following on his actions and he really tries to correct his mistakes and take the consequences. This play is a very good example that our actions might have consequences, we never would expect. When Proctor slept with Abigail, he thought he could get away with it, he never thought that he could bring a whole town in danger, just because his pride did not allow him to tell the truth in the right moment. Before the play starts, John slept with Abigail; he broke one of the ten commandments and he betrayed his wife. When the play begins the relationship between Abby ... Show more content on ... Wipe it out of mind. We never touched, Abby. (Miller 15) Proctor to Abby John Proctor and Abby were arguing because Abby hopes that John is in love with her and that he will sleep with her again. But John Proctor regrets what he has done and he will never do it again. He wants to fix the relationship with his wife Elizabeth and want to forget what happened. He ignores the fact that Abby will not give up until she gets what she wants. If he would have realized that earlier, the witch hunt could have been stopped. If he committed earlier that he slept with Abby, nobody would have trusted her anymore and she would not have been able to get so much power in the court. You drank a charm to kill John Proctor s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor! (Miller 13) Abigail and her friends were arguing if they should tell Parris what happened in the woods when suddenly Betty wake up. She yelled at Abigail, then she collapsed again. This was the moment when the reader realise that Abigail is not a gentle, little girl and that her goal is to kill Proctor s wife, and all her actions are to reach this goal and it does not matter what happened with the people around her as long as she gets what she wants. Proctor realized to late what consequences that night with Abby had and because of that this whole tragedy could
  • 23. Essay on Experiment and De100 Module Team Tma05, Introduction to a de100 project on the likeness of a logo A fictitious educational experiment was created and conducted by a team on the DE100 module and therefore they had to maintain plan and undertake a project to pinpoint their potential findings; this therefore meant launching a logo for internet TV channel in order to address whether or not evaluative conditioning works in either experimental or control conditions. The logo was used to question if it would attract an audience and if they liked it. Evaluate conditioning is where a person is likely to like or dislike something because it has been associated with something positive or negative (Brace N, 2014, P 159). We can be unaware of evaluate conditioning and exactly... Show more content on ... This validates the position that evaluative conditioning mechanisms can endorse positive attitudes (The Open University). Evaluative conditioning operative comes from Brace who had suggested that people make associations either positively or negatively when they are transferred. An interesting example is used by Brace who explains that people take a dislike to other people s names, it is suggested that this is caused by a like or dislike to a particular name and it therefore becomes associated to a certain person. This can then affect an individual s behaviour and attitude without being aware of it. Chen et al verified this by sharing similarities with findings to those that were found by the DE100 module team. Chen et al was interested in whether or not the findings would differ when pairing the sporting event with a sporting celebrity compared to a non sporting celebrity would make a difference in participant s attitudes. The participants who were in the experimental condition with a celebrity who had viewed the slides had developed a positive attitude than those in the control condition with no celebrity and sports. The method used in both DE100 module team s and the Chen s study were straightforward this therefore shows a strength and it now means that any future replications can be conducted with ease. The participants who took part were known to the experimenter may
  • 24. Similarities Between V For Vendetta And Anthem Anthem is a story about how mankind enters a dark age where individuality is now eliminated by The Council in an unspecified future date and unspecified location. The narrator of the novel, Equality 7 2521 is a rebellious young protagonist that conducts illegal secretive scientific research alone and writes in a journal in an underground abandoned railroad tunnel. This dystopian novella deals with authoritarianism as the governmenthas taken control and assigns jobs and duties for every being based on the Council s decision. In the novels Anthem by Ayn Randand V for Vendetta by Alan Moore, the totalitarian government takes advantage of their higher power to enforce strict obedience on citizens, without concerning for their opinions or wishes and removing their personal freedom, which causes a rebellious protagonist to take charge and struggle to find their freedom. Although the storyline of Anthem may be slightly different compared to V for Vendetta as Equality 7 2521 rebels by breaking laws the Council created such as dating and escaping the city and V rebels by conducting illegal terroristic harmful actions such as killing and blowing up government buildings. In both narratives, the protagonists rebel against a cruel government that takes advantage of having a higher strength than anyone else in the city. The futuristic group The Council makes the decisions on the many strict rules the city should follow and obey. In the novel Anthem, everyone has lost knowledge of individualism to a point where they do not know pronouns such as I but instead Equality 7 2521 has to refer to himself as We . Such would have been our life, had we not committed our crime which has changed all things for us. And it was our curse which drove us to our crime. We had been a good Street Sweeper and like all our brother Street Sweepers, save for our cursed wish to know. We looked too long at the stars at night, and at the trees and the earth. And when we cleaned the yard of the Home of the Scholars, we gathered the glass vials, the pieces of metal, the dried bones which they had discarded. (Rand, 7) The Council dictates a person s future by assigning a job they believe best suits a citizen. Although Equality 7 2521 wants
  • 25. My First Trip To Football CARLISLE 28 EATON 20 USED ROSTERS FROM HUDL.COM Last night my travels took me to Carlisle, Ohio to watch the hometown Indians host the Eaton Eagles. This was my first trip to Carlisle and it would mark the first time since the 2015 season, that I have watched the Indians. I would be seeing the Eagles for the first time ever. I expected a much larger crowd but as many times this season it was not the case, but those who were there got to see a good competitive game, that was entertaining especially from the defensive side of things. The Indians defense would set the tone early in this one, when Daniel Smith teamed up with teammate Gage Smith, ... Show more content on ... Heading into the second quarter this one looked very even,even though the Eagles offense was yet to soar, while the Indians offense had shown a glimpse of going on the warpath a couple of times. Just twenty six seconds into the second quarter Moore fumble the ball and scooping it up and going about fifty six yards for the score for the Eagles was Chip Parker. Parker easily outran the offense, who looked like a fighter, who had just been tagged by a Ali right cross. The point after kick was missed causing this to stay a 13 7 Eagles lead. The Indians offense would work the ball down to the Eagles thirty four yard line and from there Chambers electrified the crowd, with a Archie Griffin like run, back when he was running for the buckeyes. The point after kick gave the Indians the lead at 14 13, with 5:31left in the half. On the drive the Eagles defense again had problems tackling and this really led to a lot of extra yards for the Indians. With 3:41 it appeared their was pass interference on the Indians receiver, but the ref said the ball was tipped before the interference happened and this led to a interception by Moore on the pass thrown by Ryan Venable. This play really seem to change the game and in my way of thinking the Eagles fought hard but never overcame this call. Defense was big again, with :27 seconds left in the half, when Moore was taken down by #54(Not on the Eagles roster)
  • 26. The Class Struggle In The Communist Manifesto During the middle 1800 s Europe was stunned by a Revolutionary party pamphlet called the Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto was one of the most well known and most widely read brochures in Europe at the time. The success the Manifesto gained, helped it to be recognized as one of the most important and significant articles in European history. In the beginning passage, the first line stated: A spectre is haunting Europe the spectre of Communism(322). Europe is under oppression from communism, and it seems as if the battle of classes are going to clash. In the first section of Bourgeois and Proletarians, this quote stated that The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles (232). Since the beginning... Show more content on ... On the other side of the spectrum, you have the Proletarians; the Proletarians are the employed workers who have no properties. These Proletarians have no means to the production or assets. Therefore they are forced to work and the struggle to make ends meet. In the first section Marx mainly talks about the class struggle between the Bourgeois and Proletarians, according to Marx the Bourgeois have become the most dominant class, they controlled all modes of production from the world market to rural land. Marx stated that The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn the motley feudal ties that bound man to his natural superiors (323) asunder. The more power the Bourgeois gained, the more feudal contacts they replaced, they made regular occupation wage labor. According to Marx, the Bourgeoisie became so dominant that they were forced to expand their market across the planet. Molding countries into their liking, taking resources from whomever and wherever because they were that
  • 27. The Beliefs Of Colossions And The Nicene Creed According the the word creed oringinates from the old English word credo meaning, an article or statement of Christian beliefs which eventually broadens to any statement in which I believe . This creed is not the basis of teaching, rather it supports the sound doctrine of the Bible, where we will specifically be focusing on Colossians 1:15 20. The Nicene Creeddefends TRUE Christian faith by fully clarifying the deity of Christ, thus safeguarding the apostles teachings. We will be exploring how Colossions and the Nicene creed work together and their differences. The Nicene Creed says that through Christ all things were made, including heaven and earth and all that is, seen and unseen comparing to Colossians 1:16: In him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible . The comparison is EXACT however I feel like we can elaborate more on scripture since it s probably the basis for the creed. In verse 16 JESUS Christ is supreme over all of creation because He is the creator of it all! Paul leaves nothing out as to not be mistaken. GOD created ALL THINGS in HEAVEN and EARTH. All three Heavens, distant worlds, people, animals, places, things. Every last detail was created by GOD and the creed agrees fully with this fact. Pauls s mention of thrones, dominions, principalities or powers may refer to four classes of angelic beings. God made them too however this may be more of a corrective against false teachings promoting the worship of angels. In order to understand this we must dig deeper to that in which it s referring. This is a direct warning; Colossians 2:18 says, Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not see, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, Here the word cheat comes from an athletic arena where an athlete would be disqualified if he was caught cheating thus those who practice spiritual disciplines brought on by false teachers also face the threat of being thrown out of the game . False humility, in this case, probably refers to taking delight in the harsh treatment of the body, self harm and or humiliation. Finally, the worship of angles refers
  • 28. The Pros And Cons Of Australian Political Donation Political donations play an important role within the Australian Legal System. There are many cons and pros about this particular issue and debate about how it affects the Australian democratic system and if the law on it should be altered. A political donation is a donation of money to benefit candidates, political parties, member of Parliament to help with the funding of elections, political and community activities. Parliament of Australia (2012) has claimed that it s Establishing a funding scheme that ensures fairness and openness requires a legislative system that promotes an equitable distribution of resources among political parties and candidates and the timely disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure . A political donation is not a donation that is for an individual s ... Show more content on ... It s an implied threat: if you don t treat us well we ll give you less and they ll be ahead. Having donators like companies and individuals that donate a fair amount of money towards the party they choose will affect the views and decisions of politics and influences them, as these donors will want their voices to be heard. But some individuals like to keep their donations are secret from the public and are able to donate a certain amount and split that up into smaller donations and give it to parties. According to ABC News (2017), We don t know the source of 49 percent of the money received by our major parties last financial year. That means in the year leading up to a federal election, politicians and their parties derived $77 million from undisclosed sources. And it s entirely legal. This tells us that almost half of the donations that have been donated by individuals or organisations does not have a source from where the money came from and can potentially be Dark Money (funds donate to influence elections, and donors don t have to be
  • 29. Boso And St. Anselm Reflection: In the beginning of the first book of Cur Deus Homo, Boso and St. Anselm are having a conversation. The two men discuss different topics and issues all involving God. Boso fills the role of the questioner, while Anselm explains his thoughts and beliefs. He still does not really understand what he believes in and is slowly trying to put all all the pieces together. Boso asked why it was necessary for God to become human and why the son of God had to suffer. Anselm answered with the idea that only a divine person could save people from sin and evil, so that is why someone resembling God had to be placed on this earth. God was placed here as a human to show us his power and capabilities. Anselm also talked about how in order to enter
  • 30. Marriage as Slavery in Middlemarch Essay example Marriage as Slavery in Middlemarch One of George Eliot s challenges in Middlemarch is to depict a sexually desirous woman, Dorothea, within the confines of Victorian literary propriety. The critic, Abigail Rischin, identifies the moment that Dorothea s future husband, Ladislaw, and his painter friend see her alongside an ancient, partially nude statue of the mythic heroine, Ariadne, in a museum in Rome as the key to Eliot s sexualization of this character. Ariadne is, in the sculpture, between her two lovers. Theseus, whom she helped to escape from her father s labyrinth in Crete has already left her, while the jubilant God, Bacchus, her next lover, has yet to arrive. By invoking the silent visual rhetoric of ancient ... Show more content on ... Unable to fully explain something by itself, Eliot takes advantage of literary devices to displace the content and coat it so that her reader may swallow the meaning. Sir Thomas Browne s definition of satire, which Eliot includes at the begining of chapter 45, further admits Eliot s awareness of the displacing (as Miller says) literary tact she employs in describing ideas that her reader will not otherwise be comfortable with, like her sexual female character or her complex theory on perspective. Without the borrowed help and satire of times past; goes the quotation from Browne, condemning the vices of their own times [passed times], by the expressions of vices in times which they commend [present times]... [Satirists] cannot but argue the community of vice in both (422). A bit earlier, Eliot puts the definition more subtely in the words of Mr. Brooke, Dorothea s father, Satire, you know, he states, should be true up to a certain point (369). Middlemarch itself is written in the context of having taken place about 40 years prior (1832) to the point in time that the narrator herself occupies (1871). Likely, Eliot frames her criticisms of the town of Middlemarch such that they reflect on the then current state of things in England. An instance of Eliot s
  • 31. Continuities West Lists In Portraits 1.What are the continuities West lists in portraits from the 15th to the 19th centuries? According to West, portraits were expected to hold a likeness with the sitter s status, character, or position. However, some fundamentals were changed once modernization came about with a wave of new technologies and the industrial revolution; this of course, had an impact on art. For example, the invention of photography made new possibilities for portrait art. Another aspect of this time, was how to represent people and the changing views of individuals in society. 2.What is modernism and how do portraits change in this style and period? Modernism is a period in which technological advancements have been made and refers to cultural and aesthetic responses;
  • 32. Differences Between Ordinary And Dynamic Capabilities 3.1.3Firm Capabilities A firm possesses two different kinds of capabilities, the so called ordinary capabilities and the dynamic capabilities. They are quite distinct in theory and in practice: The ordinary capabilities of a firm refer to its ability to use and coordinate tangible and intangible resources with the aim to reach a desired goal (Teece, 2014). The dynamic capabilities of a firm refer to its ability to build upon existing capabilities and at the same time to develop new capabilities (Teece, 2014). The basic distinctions are outlined in Table 3 below from a practical point of view: Ordinary CapabilitiesDynamic Capabilities PurposeTechnical efficiencyCongruence with opportunities Mode of attainabilityBuy or buildBuild Tripartite schemaOperate, administrate, governSense, seize, transform Key routinesBest practicesSignature processes Managerial emphasisCost controlEntrepreneurial leadership PriorityDoing things rightDoing the right things ImitabilityRelatively imitableInimitable ResultEfficiencyInnovation Table 3: Some Differences between Ordinary and Dynamic Capabilities (Teece, 2014) Ordinary capabilities are focused on the allocation of ... Show more content on ... Sustained competitive success requires continuous sensing, seizing, and transforming in order to overcome the challenges that changing customers, competitors and technologies brings (Teece, 2014). Such changes in the environment of the company usually occur over time. This means that while making the transition companies in such industries have to maintain certain former core competencies while building up new ones. The core competencies are defined as a combination of tangible and intangible resources and skill which distinguishes the company from other market players. The concept of core competencies foresees that
  • 33. Singularly Perturbed Problem Essay section{Parameter Uniform} In the context of singularly perturbed problems posed on non rectangular domains, the finite element method is a natural choice for many researchers (e.g. cite{118}). However, in the context of singularly perturbed convection diffusion problems, it is difficult to construct monotone methods on highly anisotropic meshes, which are desirable when thin layers are present. Moreover, energy norms or other norms based on the $L^2 $norm, are the natural norms associated with variational methods. Error analysis in the pointwise norm is not straightforward in a finite element framework, especially when one is dealing with a problem that is not self adjoint. Given that their interest lies in parameter uniform numerical... Show more content on ... The presence of a convective term means that the data of the problem across the entire domain has an influence on the outflow boundary layer, in contrast to reaction diffusion problems where it is only the data local to a boundary that has an influence on the boundary layer. Hegarty and O Riordan cite{115} constructed a parameter uniform numerical methods for the singularly perturbed problem posed on a circular domain. Asymptotic expansions for the solutions to such a problem have been established in cite{120,121,122,123}. Analytical expressions for the exact solution, in the case of constant data, are given in cite{123} as a Fourier series with coefficients written in terms of modified Bessel functions. In cite{120,121,122} sufficient compatibility conditions are identified so that the accuracy of the asymptotic expansion can be estimated in the $L^2 $norm or in a suitably weighted energy norm. These expansions are derived without recourse to a maximum principle. The smooth case, where significant compatibility is assumed, is examined in cite{120}; the non compatible case with a polynomial source term is studied in cite{125} and for a more general source term in cite{122}. Based on these asymptotic expansions, a numerical method is constructed in cite{124} for the problem, which uses a quasi uniform mesh (which is, hence, not layer adapted). By enriching the finite element subspace, with certain exponential boundary layer basis
  • 34. How Caffeine Works Not A Drug Summary Summary This article talks about how caffeine works and how it may be considered a drug. The article starts out by saying that billions of people are addicted to caffeine and then explains the history of caffeine. It was originally used to protect against insects because the amount of caffeine in plants is toxic to bugs. Then, when the caffeinewas absorbed into nearby soil, the plant growth of nearby plants would be hindered. Because of this more and more plants evolved to contain caffeine and eventually it was discovered for human use in by Chinaand the Native Americans. After this more people discovered caffeine and it has now become a multibillion dollar industry. Then the article explains the effect caffeine has on the body. 3
  • 35. Online Gaming And Its Impact On Social Psychology Through the formation and participation of major professional online game competitions to more leisure forms of gaming entertainment such as popular YouTube channels, online gaming is continually growing from a form of hobby and quickly becoming a mainstream form of lifestyle. The idea of friendships initiating solely online, and growing into complex relationships that readily provide and accept social support, has become a vibrant social experience. Video game genres such as MMO s (Massively Multiplayer Online), which could be subcategorized into genre s such as MMORPGs (MMO Role Playing Games) or MOBAs (Massive Online Battle Areas), aggressively inspire interaction and communication between gamers. Popular MMORPG s such as World of Warcraft offer involving storytelling and large scale boss fights that require large amounts of teamwork and cooperation to succeed. These features strongly motivate communication and collaboration, which in turn possibly begin the development of acquaintanceship between players. The aspects of online relationships have only just begun to develop as a field of study in social psychology. More extreme aspects of online interaction and conduct have been studied in the past. Topics range from cyber bullying (Thacker, 2012), to online romances (Huyhn, 2013), even sexual and gender identity (Martey, 2014). The topic suggested here is more concentrated on social and emotional support, more precisely: Does the anonymity of being online allow people
  • 36. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Managing Our Kids Media Use Managing Our Kids Media Use Ciara(age 12): Ciara believes that she must stay late to talk to someone who she considers a friend What is Media Use, anyway? Interacting with anything that has a screen is termed as the use of media. There are several advantages and disadvantages of its usage. Parents usually define media consumption as useless. However, it totally depends on the user how he/she uses it effectively. Electronic media plays a significant role in children s academics as well. Parents fail to get the fact that digital learning is equally important for a child s educational experience. A More Useful Definition We have classified media interaction into three separate categories which can be referred as the three C s. Media Consumption: To consume media passively without contributing. Media Creation: To produce and distribute in a way that needs active participation and problem solving skills. Media Communication: To use media to communicate with people. In a case study, a mom from Connecticut was interviewed about her child s media use. She believed that her child, Nelson, was given only two hours out of the whole day. While... Show more content on ... She gradually got back to normal. Her sleep patterns were fixed again and the irritability in her behavior was completely gone in a few weeks time. The Learning Habit Studies came up with the finding that media use is a prime contributor to trouble falling asleep. TV Rules Television is one of the areas that require parent supervision and strict rules all the time. Earlier in 90s, we never felt the need to set any TV viewing rules as there weren t as many programs as they are now. The amount of grossly inappropriate content that has been airing on the television currently severely needs a rulebook. The New Rules for TV A total of 30 to 60 minutes maximum in the evening that too after completing all assigned home chores. Electronics are prohibited in the children s
  • 37. The Development And Production Of Golden Rice Transgenesis is the genetic modification of the traits of an organism through the transfer of genetic material from one species to another [8]. This method is when a gene is inserted into a different specie so that the organism will attain the desired gene from the foreign (different) specie. These organisms can express the genes from foreign species because the genetic code for all organisms is similar which results in that particular DNAsequence that codes for the same proteins and therefore the same trait and will be present in the newly inserted foreign organismcontaining the desired gene. Transgenesis occurs mainly because of human manipulation with the purpose of improving animals and plants, modifying crops and also using these organisms as bio factories for human gain/ benefit. The development and production of Golden Rice is a good example of transgenesis and the method of Agrobacterium which was found due to the work of two European scientific who discovered the addition of foreign genes of daffodil plant and soil bacterial would produce provitamin A as a way to prevent vitamin A deficiencies all over the world, especially in developing counties. The technique of using agrobacterium uses a naturally occurring soil bacteria (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) that has the ability to change a plant s genes by invading it through its roots or stem. The end result would be the production of beta carotene in the rice s endosperm (makes up the majority of the rice grain
  • 38. Differences Between Catcher In The Rye And Holden The Catcher in the Rye, which is written by Jerome David Salinger and the novel What We All Long For, written by Dionne Brand, both depict the inner thought and the growth of a young rebellious character. Holden Caulfield, the sixteen year old protagonist in The Catcher in the RyeпјЊis in the dilemma between childhood and adulthood. He is caught between the mourning of childhood s disappearing and the fear of adulthood s coming. On the other hand, the novel What We All Long For represents a generational shift in the politics of being in Canadian space. Tuyen, the protagonist in the novel is a creative artist who has fled from the pained nostalgia of her parents, Cam and Tuan s, and she lives downtown on College Street in Toronto, above a store and next to her best friend Carla.... Show more content on ... For Holden, the social background is the post World War в… Ў period, during which the old tradition has been broken, yet no new standard has been established. The society is changing and the culture is becoming free and phony. The lives of many Americans are increasingly characterized by a sense of alienation and loss of individual control and distinctiveness that lend new meaning to the merging of social identity and self identity. The social imbalance and ambiguity make it more difficult for adolescents to grow up. The young confront with the social problems brought by the post World War в…ЎAmerican civilization. It can be inferred that his rebellion derives from such social background. Holden s rebellion, as shown in the novel, is towards the adulthood which he thinks is phony, corrupted and puzzling. In the process of his rebellion, Holden, consciously or unconsciously, takes the role of a spokesman for children, the weak and vulnerable group in the materialistic world. Being unable to overthrow the corrupted world of
  • 39. Indian Boy Love Song Analysis The poems New Orleans by Joy Harjo and Indian Boy Love Song (#2) by Sherman Alexie have two very similar themes. Themes are underlying message, or main ideas, basically the theme is the lesson you learned after you read a story, or in this instance a poem. The theme in New Orleans is that you should put forth the effort to find out about your culture s history. While the theme of Indian Boy Love Song(#2) is that you should, try your hardest to become close to your elders, don t be distant. While both themes are focused on their culture, New Orleans is actually looking for information on her Creek culture, but Indian Boy Love Song (#2) is apologizing about how he s distant from his culture. In the poem New Orleans the theme is that to learn more about your culture, you should put forth the effort. To get this message Harjo used compare and contrasting. For example They caught him in blue rock, said don t talk. I know it wasn t just a horse that went crazy. This is showing development because it s showing how her people got caught, and they attacked any and everything. Another way the author shows this is by saying I have a memory. It swims deep in blood, a delta in the skin. This shows that her heritage runs deep through her. In addition to these two quotes, another quote that shows relation toward this development is Nearby is a shop with ivory and knives. There are red rocks. The man behind the counter has no idea that he is inside magic stones. He
  • 40. Body Reflection In Pinnipeds Introduction: Pinnipeds had developed ways to remain submerged in the water. These mammals have found a way to deal with hypoxia, the lack of oxygen. When the Pinnipeds dive they are able to induce bradycardia, reducing heart rate. They have vasoconstriction, with constricted the blood flow. These things are done to conserve oxygenwhen they dive. Even though they are able to store oxygen rich red blood cells in the spleen for the dive, they need to conserve it over the the time of the dive. These things are what constitute the dive reflex in the pinnipeds. Most human can only hold their breath for less than a minute. This lab will look at a simulated dive influences heart rate and explore what stimulus cue a dive reflex in humans. To see how the heart rate is effected in a dive, this lab we will hold our breath and submerge our face in water. Since we know that the Pinnipeds induce bradycardia when they dive, we would expect to see that part of the human dive reflex since it is part of conserving oxygen in the body, when the right stimuli is applied. From this we thought that holding breath would trigger the diver response, even if there is no ... Show more content on ... The control is the simulated dive where the subject held their breath and submerged there face in water. The experimental is when breath was held but the subject did not submerge their face in water.The average magnitude of the dive reflex(BMP) was taken for each experiment. The BMP is the difference between the average resting pulse and average dive pulse. When the BPM was great, this showed that the dive reflex was stimulated. When the BMP was low, then the dive reflex was not stimulated. (Figure 1) The experimental hardly caused a change in the BPM, which means that it did not trigger a dive response. This means that the stimuli of holding breath does not cause the dive response in
  • 41. Alfred Thayer Mahan The Influence Of Sea Power Upon History Alfred Thayer Mahan s seminal work, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660 1783, published in 1891, is an influential work of military theory. Although he is a revered military theorist, Mahan was criticized for not being a systematic. For example, he failed to consider social and cultural conditions in the rise of sea power; the rise of the English middle class, American agrarian discontent, and the rise of Russia. He also neglected to properly define the term sea power, of which he claimed to have invented. Even so, two main interpretations of sea power do start to emerge. Firstly, the command of the sea through naval superiority and second, that combination of maritime commerce, overseas possessions, and privileged access to foreign markets that produces national wealth and greatness. Mahan also theorized that a naval fleet should never be divided and that victory at sea is only possible by fleet concentration, his most important principle in naval warfare. During the time of Mahan s publishing, the United States was beginning to change its views on warfare. After the Civil War, US militaryleaders had more time to devote to studying ... Show more content on ... According to Corbett, minor strategy may be of three kinds: Naval, where the immediate object is to be attained by a fleet only, Military, where the immediate object is to be attained by an army only, Combined, where the immediate object is to be attained by army and navy together. He also insisted that the object of naval warfare must always be to secure the command of the sea or to prevent the enemy from securing it, either directly or indirectly. 35 In his view, command of the sea means ―nothing but the control of maritime communications, whether for commercial or military purposes Corbett believed that in a war between the two strong opponents, command of the sea will be in
  • 42. Analysis Of Mayflower In 1620, a group of Christians, known as the Pilgrims, made their way to the New World in hopes to flee persecution. They docked their ship The Mayflower at a harbor in what is now known as Massachusetts. They called this colony Plymouth. Upon arriving, they were sick, cold, weak, and low on supplies. Not to mention they were months behind schedule. Not long after their arrival, the Pilgrims were met by a native of the land, the WampanoagIndian chief, Massasoit. Chief Massasoit welcomed them in a very friendly way and helped them to get back on their feet. In the narrative Mayflower, author Nathaniel Philbrick s extraordinary retelling of a familiar story, not only are the people and events of America s past brought to life, he also magnifies on the gruesome proceedings of bloodshed and war. In this fair account, he gives the perspectives of both the natives and the colonists during their many struggles that came not long after the Mayflower had reached land. He goes far beyond documenting the myth of the first Thanksgiving between the natives and the pilgrims, as he explores the hunger for power, political and religious control, and land. As an accomplished writer of nonfiction history of the United States, there is no doubt that Philbrick thoroughly examined and cautiously documented the past. As he retells the story of early America, he relates it to the similar themes of America today. By doing this he hints on the phenomena that history repeats itself. In the
  • 43. Application of Gis in Natural Resourse Management CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Natural resources play a critical role in the welfare of developing countries (Huizing etal, 2002). For many developing countries, natural resources are the base upon which all life depends. However, many developing countries have experienced and continue to experience severe degradation of their natural resources. Expansion in technology, population and economic activities have led to accelerated and unsustainable exploitation and depletion of natural resources (satapathy etal., 2008). This degradation, especially of forest cover has led to diminishing soil fertility, soil erosion, increase severity of the impact of drought, and the further reduction in the ability to produce food and other ... Show more content on ... GIS, with their capabilities for spatial analysis and modeling of diverse data, can enhance the ability to address several natural resource and environmental issues that have spatial component (Nijkamp amp; Scholten, 1993). GIS can facilitate the organization, manipulation and analysis of diverse data often associated with these issues, and the data structures, and analytical techniques of GIS can be incorporated into a wide range of management and decision making operations that pertain specifically to natural resources. 1.2 Problem Statement Nigeria as a developing country has experienced severe environmental degradation and ecological deterioration in the past century, with little or no real solutions to alleviate many of these problems. Information on the variability and distribution of natural resources and natural resource problems is needed to enhance decision making in natural resource management. Use of conventional methods for mapping and estimating potential risk areas is relatively costly and time consuming and is subject to a variety of errors. Recently, however, advances in computing power and the increasing availability of remote sensing data have renewed interest in using GIS to address a wide range
  • 44. The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima the Miracle Of Our Lady Of Fatima is a feature film made in 1952. It was promoted as a fact based treatment of the events surrounding the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917. It starred Susan Whitney as Lucia dos Santos, Sammy Ogg as Francisco Marto, and Sherry Jackson, as Jacinta Marto, with Gilbert Roland as a fictional character named Hugo, a kindly but agnostic friend of the three children, who rediscovered his faith in God through the Solar Miracle of Fatima. The musical score by Max Steiner received an Academy Award nomination. The filmwas released on DVD on April 4, 2006. Story It is 1917, and Portugal is feeling the aftereffects of a storm of Masonic, anti religious sentiment and the violent overthrow of the government ... Show more content on ... At precisely noon the clouds part and the sun shines brightly upon all the people then the sun shifts through a rainbow of colours and appears to drop toward the ground. Many people panic, some pray or watch calmly, and a few disabled people are healed. As the sun returns to normal we see Hugo standing in the middle of the kneeling crowd, his hat still on. Removing it, he says Only the fool sayeth there is no God. A short epilogue shows the huge basilica where the tree once stood. Inside, Lucia is a nun praying before the tomb where her cousins are buried, with the converted Hugo at her
  • 45. A Brief Note On The Italian Shoe Industry Essay 2.Demand conditions If the local market for a product is larger and more demanding at home than in foreign markets, local firms potentially put more emphasis on improvements than foreign companies. This will potentially increase the global competitiveness of local exporting companies. A more demanding home market can thus be seen as a driver of growth, innovation and quality improvements. 3.Related and Supporting Industries When local supporting industries and suppliers are competitive, home country companies will potentially get more cost efficient and receive more innovative parts and products. This will potentially lead to greater competitiveness for national firms. For instance, the Italian shoe industry benefits from a highly competent pool of related businesses and industries, which has strengthened the competitiveness of the Italian shoe industry world wide. 4.Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry The structure and managementsystems of firms in different countries can potentially affect competitiveness. By using Porter s diamond, business leaders may analyze which competitive factors may reside in their company s home country, and which of these factors may be exploited to gain global competitive advantages. Business leaders can also use the Porter s diamond model during a phase of internationalization, in which leaders may use the model to analyze whether or not the home market factors support the process of internationalization, and whether or not the