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What Is A Transition Sentence In An Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "What Is A Transition Sentence In An Essay" can be both
challenging and rewarding. While the concept of transition sentences may seem straightforward,
delving into the nuances and understanding their significance in the overall structure of an essay
requires careful analysis and thoughtful expression. One must navigate through the intricacies of
seamlessly connecting ideas, maintaining coherence, and ensuring a smooth flow between
Crafting an essay on this topic involves not only defining what transition sentences are but also
exploring their various types and functions. It requires a keen awareness of the specific needs of
different parts of an essay—introduction, body, and conclusion—and how transition
sentences contribute to the overall unity and clarity of the writing. Moreover, addressing the
potential challenges and common pitfalls associated with using transition sentences adds depth to
the discussion.
The difficulty lies in striking the right balance—being informative without being overly
technical, and being comprehensive without becoming verbose. Writers need to present the
information in a way that is accessible to a diverse audience while still offering valuable insights
to those with a deeper understanding of the subject. Additionally, weaving examples and
practical illustrations into the essay can further enhance its effectiveness.
In conclusion, tackling the intricacies of transition sentences in an essay demands a thoughtful
and nuanced approach. It is an intellectual exercise that requires a blend of analytical thinking,
linguistic skill, and a keen understanding of the art of writing. Successfully navigating these
challenges, however, can lead to a well-crafted essay that not only answers the question at hand
but also contributes to a deeper appreciation of the craft of essay writing.
For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on various topics, including the one discussed
here, similar essays and more can be ordered on The platform provides
support for academic writing, offering tailored essays to meet individual needs.
What Is A Transition Sentence In An EssayWhat Is A Transition Sentence In An Essay
Narrative Essay On Midnight Cowboy
I walked out of the movie s with Steel when he asked, What movie did we watch?
I had already told him three times, but he couldn t remember that well. So I told him
it was Midnight Cowboy .
Steel snapped his fingers and his pitbull came running right behind us and she
jumped on me and started to lick my face steel fell on the sidewalk laughing. Then he
got up and grabbed her and lifted her on his shoulder and then sead greecpit stop .
She looked at him then licked his face he set greecpit down then we went on our
way then a blue mustang pulled up. Three people came out and they were socs. One
of them went to my school and was in the same class as me I think his name was
bob. They looked drunk.
Bob pulled a knife out and sead to me you need a haircut Steel started to laugh when
he stopped he said your not going to touch his hair without a fight then he grabbed
his branz knuckles and put them on he was a boxer in new york back in the day till
his dad walked out on him and his mom then four weeks later killed herself by a gun.
They looked at him like as if they were confused the Bob sead to him you know that
it s stupid to bring branz knuckles to a knife fight steel said no it s not . Then he ran
at us but greecpit jumped in his way bob kicked greecpit out of the way steel lost it
he punched bob in the face and he fell to the ground bob s friends grabed steel and
bob grabbed me.
He was going to cut my hair off but then my brother s sodapop and darry ran up
Future of Modernization
Future of Modernization SOC/120 May 4, 2013 University of Phoenix Future of
Modernization Modernization in the United States has four traits which were
identified by Peter Berger in 1977. The first trait was the decline of small, isolated
communities. Approximately one hundred years ago there were 40% of Americans
living in cities. Today, 80% of the population lives in cities. The next trait is the
expansion of personal choice. Most people choose their lifestyles instead of allowing
others to make that decision for them. The next trait is the rising amount of diversity
in the United States. Interracial couples are more accepted now then it was even 20
years ago. The fourth trait is the orientation toward the future and a... Show more
content on ...
Modernization is a worldwide trend, as countries such as Japan and China combine
traditional and modern ways. In Japan they are advanced as far as technology, but
there are still few women that are corporate executives and politicians. In China,
contemporary socialist thinking are mixed with ancient Confucian principles. What
took decades or even centuries to transpire in the West has materialized in a matter
of a decade or two in China (The Pros and Cons of Modernization: Cancer in China,
Bill Chameides, 2008). Other countries, such as Mexico and Saudi Arabia, struggle to
move ahead economically because of the respect they have for their religious beliefs.
In short, although we may think of tradition and modernity as opposites,
combinations of traditional and modern are far from unusual, and they are found
throughout the world (Society: The Basics, Eleventh Edition, by John J. Macionis,
Ch 16, pg 495). The consequence of modernization is that normal traditions will
disappear. Some fear this will dehumanize our society. Though modernization has
been successful with diversifying our cultures, increasing our wealth, and expanding
opportunities, the processes of transformation ultimately leaves people feeling
insecure and dejected. The fear is that their jobs will be taken over by computers
which ultimately will prevent them from providing for their families.
The Truth about Hackers Essay
The Truth about Hackers
The Truth about Hackers In the winter of the year 2000 an eighteen year old hacker,
who went by the name Curador accessed about 26, 000 credit card numbers and put
them on the internet. With the help of an ex hacker, Curador was eventually tracked
down and sentenced. All of this was explained in a frontline interview with Curador
himself also known as Raphael Gray. Who are these so called hackers? Are peoples
assumptions about teenage hackers correct? In 1995 the movie Hackers portrayed
the images and lifestyles of hackers similar to the one mentioned above. The
characters in Hackers show a media example of finding themselves in cyberspace by
forming a community which creates their own boundaries. According to ... Show
more content on ...
The article, Finding ones own in cyberspace by Amy Bruckman, explains how
anyone can form their own cyber community. Bruckman says, the way a community
is publicized or not publicized also influences its character (175). Even though the
hacker society has not been publicized, they are still around. Hackers publicize the
information that they want other people to hear. Their prerogative is to portray
themselves the way they want to be known. In an interview conducted with
researcher Sarah Gordon, who studies the psychology of virus writers and hackers,
she states, There are lots of kids just out joyriding on computer systems. Not
everyone knows what they are doing or how serious they are affecting other
people. Therefore, many different cyber communities are formed including a few
for hackers. Also shown in Hackers is the idea that hackers not only come together
through the internet, but also in the real world. Everyday hackers do not limit
their meeting places to just the cyber places as shown in the film. The hytec
environment such as raves is easy for Hollywood to associate with hackers.
However, raves and cyberspace are not the only places for hackers to meet. They
can also meet anywhere such as a coffee shop or a park. Hackers tend to be
perceived as people with an addiction or infatuation with computers. The movie
shows the main character staying up all hours of the night and not really getting any
sleep. Many people do this for other things
Analyzing The Theme Of Friendships In Shakespeare s...
There is nothing on earth more to be prized than true friendships. Its midsummer
night dreams by William Shakespeare. Friendships go through many stages including
hardships, but will remain strong if true.
Even though Hermia and Helena are best friends, Helena will do anything for
Demetrius. I will go tell him of fair Hermia flight (shakespeare 1.1.20 21). Helena
and Hermia are best friends, but Helena loves Demetrius, so will tell Demetrius about
Hermia running away. Helena says that if she tells Demetrius about Hermia running
away, that he will love her, and that when he chases after her, he will realize that
Hermia isn t the one for him. Best friends are like sisters, you tell everything to. The
sisters vows the hours we have spent (3.2.98 99).
Job Corps Graduation Speech
Nobody else s footsteps lead exactly where you re going
I d like to start by thanking everyone who is with us today. Friends, family, staff,
everyone. It s an honor to be able to share such an incredible day with the lot of
you. As we stand here today on what can only be described as the edge of our
future, it becomes very apparent that it s not a distant reality anymore. It begins
here. It begins today. We began this journey as scared little kids, each with the
same goal; to get to this stage. What we ve learned along the way will serve us as
we move on into our futures. Even though we started with the same goal, some of us
will go on to college, others will go straight to being considered the working class.
Each of us, however, will travel ... Show more content on ...
I was convinced that I would have had to spend another three years in public high
school, which for me was out of the question. Within the first two days of being in
this program I felt entirely different about coming to school. For once I was excited
to get up and make some progress. The program has helped me a lot with
narrowing down what I want to do in my future and has helped me map out how to
get there. A part of the program, as well as a requirement for us to graduate, is a
portfolio. Which is essentially a binder of assignments that prepare us for jobs and
future educational decisions. Seems nice right? Yeah, no. I m lookin at you,
Donna. In all reality though, as much as I complained about this portfolio, and let
me tell you, I complained more than my fair share, it really did help me when it
came to researching colleges and creating a resume. The teachers, however, are the
highlight of this program. I ve never in my entire schooling career connected with
teachers as much as I did with the three marvelous individuals that tried their best to
keep us on track this year. Sherry especially, or as a lot of us in the program called
her, feelings, helped me the most throughout my year here. She listened to me
complain every single morning, helped me with more things than she was required
to, and when I went through a rough patch during the year she was there to offer
Women In Astronomy Essay
Monica Neira
Astro 1105
Professor Kornreich
5 August 2015
Women in Astronomy
Throughout history, women have always stood in the shadows of men for power,
recognition, and praise. Their roles throughout history consisted primarily of tending
to the house and children. Even when they were able to attain jobs, they were of little
intellectual stimulation such as secretarial work. Fortunately, women have never let
the male dominated cultures of their time hinder their involvements and
advancements within the academic realms. Three women from the ancient, middle,
and modern periods provide examples of female persistence within the field of
astronomy that reflects a long time battle for gender involvement in academia.
Despite the common theme ... Show more content on ...
Although the misogyny women have faced in the passed has settled a bit, it still
exists. Even today, women within scientific fields are struggling to be held to the
same esteem of men, however female contributions throughout history and today
cannot be undermined. Ms. Armstrong captured the essence of women in astronomy
best as she stated, Astronomy was never just a man s field. Women have always
studied the night sky (Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin).
Works Cited
Brahe, Sophia. March 2012. Astronomy. .
Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin. 2015. She is an Astronomer. .
Gordon, Robin. Sophie Brahe: Carrier of Sulphur. 2015. womenalchemists. .
Hypatia. 2008. The Woman Astronomer. .
Hypatia 4th Century Woman Astronomer. 29 July 2010. Space Daily. .
HYPATIA of Alexandria, the Last Philosopher of the Hellenistic Era and her Brutal
Assassination. By Yannis Yalamas. Dir. Yannis Yalamas. 2008.
Sophia Brahe. 2015.
Sophia Brahe Helped Map Planets. 11 March 2002. Gazette. .
Turner, Jean. Cecilia Helena Payne Gaposchkin. 2001. UCLA. .
Tycho Brahe. 1995. The Galileo Project. .
Zielinski, Sarah. Hypatia, Ancient Alexandria s Great Female Scholar. 14 March
2010. Smithsonian.
Puerto Morelos Research Paper
Puerto Morelos, Mexico
Looking for a tropical location to take my family, we stumbled upon a gem of a
city named Puerto Morelos, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula near the larger city
of Cancun. As my children are getting older, it is quite possible this will be one of
the last trips we will be able to take as a family. Our friends happen to have a time
share property on Puerto Morelos that they allowed us to use. The city of Puerto
Morelos has a typical Mayan history for the towns in the Yucatan Peninsula (Coyle,
2013); however, is not your typical tourist town. The town and seaport of Puerto
Morelos may be one of the last remaining authentic fishing villages on the Caribbean
coast of Mexico (Coyle, 2013). Sitting just off the shore, the Great Mesoamerican
Reef is designated as a national park and offers exceptional diving and snorkeling
(, 2005). Unlike its larger more touristy neighbors Cancun
and Playa del Carmen, Puerto Morelos is a place that someone looking for a quiet,
peaceful, yet comfortable vacation spot will ... Show more content on
According to the book Chilam Balam of Chumayel, the current territory of
Quintana Roo was settled first by the Itzaes, who arrived from the south in 435
A.D. and inhabited Syancan Bakhalal, which is today known as Bacalar
(, 2005). The present day geographical area of Puerto
Morelos show traces of the Mayan culture belonging to the Chieftainship of Ekab; as
demonstrated by the structures that are located in the forest and along the coast:
Coxol is located 1 kilometer north of the city, the Altar is located in the botanical
gardens, the Mayan walls are found in the mangrove swamp south of the city, and the
Pyramid of Muchil is to the south of the city near Punta Brava
(, 2005). The area has a rich Mayan history that can be
The Greatest Science Papers
That s not hyperbole. I really mean it. How else could I react when I open up the
latest issue of Bioessays, and see this: Cephalopod origin and evolution: A
congruent picture emerging from fossils, development and molecules. Just from the
title alone, I m immediately launched into my happy place: sitting on a rocky
beach on the Pacific Northwest coast, enjoying the sea breeze while the my wife
serves me a big platter of bacon, and the cannula in my hypothalamus slowly drips a
potent cocktail of cocain and ecstasy direct into my pleasure centers...and there s pie
for dessert. It s like the authors know me and sat down to concoct a title where every
word would push my buttons.
The content is pretty good, too. It s not perfect; the ... Show more content on ...
Movement was no longer by creeping, but used muscular contractions through a
siphon to propel the animal horizontally. Freed from its locomotor function, the foot
expanded into manipulating tentacles.
i a4650a364628b045d3f57a3baf0e7529 monoplacophoran.jpeg
These early cephalopods, which have shells common in the fossil record, would
have spent their lives bobbing vertically in the water column, bouyed by their shells,
and with their tentacles dangling downward to capture prey. They wouldn t have
been particularly mobile that form of a cone hanging vertically in the water isn t
particularly well streamlined for horizontal motion so the next big innovation was a
rotation of the body axis, swiveling the body axis 90В° to turn a cone into a torpedo.
There is evidence that many species did this independently.
i f8e43ceb7154a2f6b4c1b890e7ac4f64 ceph_rotation thumb 500x331 67138.jpeg
The tilting of the body axes of extant cephalopods. This was a result of a polyphyletic
and repeated trend towards enhanced manoeuverability. The morphological body axes
(anterior posterior, dorso ventral) are tilted perpendicularly against functional axes in
the transition towards extant cephalopods.
We can still see vestiges of this rotation in cephalopod embryology. If you look at
early embryos of cephalopods (at the bottom of the
Gilgamesh As An Epic Hero
Gilgamesh is one of literatures first heroes, and there is evidence to suggest that he
was a real historical figure who lived between 2500 and 2700 BC. Gilgamesh is
credited with building an immense wall around the city of Uruk, and gradually over
the centuries, a 3,000 line epic poem was written around 1200 B.C. As the king of
Uruk, Gilgamesh is two thirds god and one third man, exceedingly strong, and a
tyrant towards his people. Gilgamesh uses forced labor to accomplish the building
projects of his kingdom. As a result, his people pray to the gods for relief from
Gilgamesh s harshness. The gods provide Gilgamesh with a Wildman named Enkidu;
matched in strength, they become best friends. Together they have many adventures.
One venture
Placebos And Ethical Issues
Placebos have been used in clinical trials since the eighteenth century but did not
become a research topic until the late twentieth century (van Haselen, 2013). Most
often when using placebos in clinical trials it is to determine whether or not the
active agent has more effect on a patient than the placebo by providing each to the
same number of recipients. The trials are almost always double blinded, this means
that both person giving the drug and the person receiving it are unaware whether
or not it is active so that good care and relationships must be present in the
recipients at all times (Tavel, 2014). Ovosi, Ibrahim, Bello Ovosi (2017) declared
The choice between placebo and active controls in clinical trials affects the quality
of the result as well as the ethical and scientific acceptability by both the public and
regulatory bodies. It has, therefore, continued to generate discuss among researchers
(para. 3). This goes against the autonomy of a patient which is the right for a person to
... Show more content on ...
The placebo effect, prescribing placebos and the use of placebos in clinical trials
all are examples of why placebos are an ethical issue. The reason it is an ethical
issue is because the physicians, for the most part, are giving patients inert
substances and telling them it is going to make them feel better. This can be
perceived as lying and deception by certain people even though the intent is to
help people have positive effects when there are not many other options without
the use of drugs. The nocebo and placebo can also be considered reasons for the
placebo to be an ethical issue since they do not always have a positive effect on
patients. This is due to the continuous lack of knowledge one has on how exactly
placebos affect the brain. Placebos being an ethical issue is because many physicians
and patients have different thoughts on whether or not a placebo should be used in
Persuasive Speech On Pet Photography
Today s surroundings give the customer a variety of decisions. Lovable Pet
Photography endeavors to be the best decision for the customer. Giving great
representations, focused valuing, and phenomenal client administration is our
trademark. Pet photography, even in a solid economy, is an extravagance; hence, our
clients will get a representation that catches the magnificence of their pet, as well as
the identity. This will be accomplished through customer meetings and calmly
investing energy with every pet to make them agreeable in the setting picked by the
proprietor. At Pet Photography, we view pets as individuals from the gang. Through
reliable, astounding results we are focused on giving every customer quality and
fulfillment. ... Show more content on ...
We offer an assortment of representation completions from which to pick. These
completions will be appeared to the customer upon get of the evidences, and the
customer will be given a pamphlet which delineates these completions to compliment
an assortment of pet pictures. These completions are utilized on the delightful
representations that are shown in our studio exhibition. Pet Photography likewise
offers custom and instant surrounding for all pictures. We have a lovely choice of
tabletop casings to upgrade the customer s determination, and an assortment of
surrounding materials showed in the studio for custom casing development. At Pet
Photography we are focused on client administration and
Wyong Roo Attack Essay
The North Sydney Bears went down to the Wyong Roos 18 16 in a game that saw
a scoreless second half thanks to some inspirational defensive efforts from both
sides. The Roos flew out of the blocks early to an 18 0 lead after just 15 minutes,
before the Bears clawed back with 16 unanswered points just before halftime.
Heavy and constant rain caused poor ball control by both sides for the entire 80
minutes, in a match that was separated only by a Tyler Cornish conversion. The
two sides has polarizing opening sets to the game, with a Leivaha Pulu try coming
off the back of a Cody Walker bomb that went out on the full. Pulu was put over by
a lovely Cornish short ball, which meant the Roos were up 6 0 inside the opening
two minutes. Scott Sorensen was standing in an offside position at marker in the 7th
minute, and therefore did not make a play at Matt McIlwrick,... Show more content on ...
Willie Manu thought he had a try after Cornish threw him an inside ball off the
scrum and he crashed over, but the pass was ruled to have gone forward. The
Bears were losing the battle of field position at this stage of the game, and giving
away back to back penalties certainly did not help their cause. Cornish grubbered
into the in goal area in the 15th minute and showed tremendous speed to win the
race and score off his own kick to increase the Roos lead to 18 0. Angus Crichton
made a huge run towards the goal posts and was pulled down just short of the line,
before he dropped the ball in the act of scoring just five minutes later. The Roos
immediately found themselves back on the attack after the Crichton mistake and
received a penalty in goal kicking range. They opted for the two points but Cornish
missed to the right. The Bears finally opened their account in the 28th minute when
Cody Walker dummied to the left and burst through a hole to decrease the deficit to
Essay about Personal Narrative- A Seinfeld Addict s
Personal Narrative A Seinfeld Addict s Dream Come True
My heart ached. As constant as the waves of the sea slap the rocks, so the emptiness
lurked. The icy hand of desperation wrapped me up and constricted. I was suffocating
in that dismal abyss of loathsome sitcoms. I lamented but nobody heard, my pain had
no companions.
No! Why? Why? Why? I cried. I dropped down on my knees and flailed my arms
wildly. My lamentation sliced through the air like a blade through butter. Worry not
Michael, there is counseling available. my mom replied. This is way beyond
counseling mother! I retorted. Don t you realize that Seinfeld is going of the air?
Seinfeld isn t coming back, and there s nothing anyone can do.
Mom tried to soothe me. ... Show more content on ...
I know your pain. I too have been intimate with agony.
How? How can you possibly know what I m going through? I know you liked
Seinfeld, but I loved it, Ben. I rasped. Besides, there is no way to keep the Seinfeld
dream alive. Everyone knows Jerry quit and he won t come back for any sum of
That s the thing Mike, we can work around that. My plan doesn t involve Jerry
Seinfeld signing any contracts; we just have to persevere and have ambition. Ben
This sounds too easy Ben, but I ll do whatever it takes to keep the Seinfeld dream
alive. What is this venture you speak of? I asked.
There is a fabled island just off the Atlantic coast called Duergar. This arcane island,
is said to bear every Seinfeld episode on tape, uncut and unedited. Ben answered.
I smiled at the perfect thought, but then a pang of paranoia shot through me. I
seized my friend by the throat and backed him against the wall. If you are
fabricating this, I fail to see the comedy. Deceive me not, Ben. But if you are true,
then I shall be in debt to you for the rest of my life. I growled.
I kid you not. Ben confirmed. In fact, I have already booked a flight to Bangor,
Maine. We ll leave as soon as summer is upon us.
I was still weary about the situation Ben had cast upon me, but I d be a fool if I
declined his offer. Good then. I proclaimed. As soon as summer commences so our
quest begins. Let us take up
Arthur Radebaugh s All-Seeing Eye Police Department
In the 20th century, one particular vision for the future that wowed audiences for
generations was the concept of a state of mass surveillance. This would be a society
in which members of the public could be watched at any given point in time. In
1960, an artist by the name of Arthur Radebaugh drew a comic that was reflective of
this theme. As it is aptly titled, the All Seeing Eye PoliceDepartment depicts police
officers at a futuristic precinct, as they monitor several screens showcasing live
closed circuit television(CCTV) camera footage (Novak). In the comic, the dispatch
police officer appears to be pointing at one of the screens and giving an order perhaps
he is witnessing a crime in progress and he is sending out the appropriate... Show
more content on ...
By comparison, in Radebaugh s comic, the CCTV camera is the only highlighted
piece of technology used for surveillance. With respect to real world alternatives,
the wiretapping of phones was an approved police practice in the U.S. as of 1928
(Harris). With the use of CCTV cameras, the police usually have to wait for a
privately owned business to hand over their surveillance footage after a crime has
been committed. In contrast, with the use of wiretapping, police can adopt a more
proactive approach, as they can listen in on the phone conversations of suspicious
people, and they may be able to catch them before a crime even takes place.
Particularly, wiretapping is prevalent in U.S. narcotics cases. In 2010, a wiretap
was used in order to get a conviction for the Dominguez drug smuggling
organization, as two defendants in the case were recorded as they were clearly
arranging a cocaine deal (McCombs). The prosecutors were able to convict the drug
distributors only because the defendants made their intentions plainly obvious in the
recorded phone call. Meanwhile, Radebaugh s comic forgot to consider that while
CCTV cameras can be extremely useful, when using them it is very difficult to
identify the underlying criminal intent, as only the criminal act itself is on display.
As it has been
Characteristics Of Kate Chopin Contributions To
Abigail Brueggman
English Composition II
Dr. Vanderlaan
Essay 2
DUE: 10/ 31/2017Kate Chopin s Contribution to Regionalism
Between 1865 and 1896 regionalism/local color fiction became popular. Regional
literature can be defined as fiction or poetry that focuses on the characters, dialect,
customs, topography, and other features to a specific region. Regionalism
incorporates the broader concept of sectional differences yet lacks nostalgia or
sentimentality. Many critics have argued that regional fiction contributed to the
reunification of the country after the civil war. It was also said to rebuild our nation
identity toward the end of the 19th century. During Kate Chopin lifetime she had
remained invisible in the ... Show more content on ...
There is no mention of interracial concubinage in the story however scholars have
assumed that La Blanche, who appears white is legal named as black, may be
Armand s mistress. This would add cruelty to Armand s sarcastic retort As white as
La Blanche . The air of mystery among the blacks cause Desiree s child to be an
outcaste. Desiree s death wish, written to her foster mother, infers her lack of
acceptance is hard on her and her child. In fact, two lovable characters elicit a strong
empathetic response by the readers yet begin to reject their bleak fate that appears
inevitable. Among the many hypotheses that have been put forward about this short
story, one of the most striking is the one propounded by Margaret D. Baier, who
argued that Armand Aubigny had been aware of his own black heritage all his life
and that his marriage to Desiree was part of a plan to have legitimate children that
would pass for white, as he himself was passing (Gibert 3). Chopin s text would have
reinforced the prevalent negative feelings towards racial differences. Desiree s baby
being presented as a stereotypical character of a victim of a divided inheritance .
Chopin short story The Storm , gives obvious examples of regionalism. The Storm,
takes place after the Seneca Falls convention in 1848. Which was sought to fight for
women rights. The Storm is
Analysis Of The Book American Writers
Out of all the amazing American writers no one compares to S.E. Hinton, better
known as Susan Eloise Hinton. Early life of Ms. Hinton was no different from
anyone else. Susan Hinton wrote a lot of amazing and inspiring books; her books
were also about teens. Whether you are intrigued by the early life, works, or about
her writings of S.E. Hinton you will learn that she leads a remarkable life. Hinton
was born July 22, 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She attended Will Rogers High School
this is where most of her writings were based from. While she was in high school,
she started her first draft, and also one of her books The Outsiders was published
in 1967. This book was actually based on her high school when the blue collar
families which were called Greasers yet on the other side of town were the Socs
which were rich from the money in the oil in the area. The Socs wore expensive
clothes, and drove nice cars (Smith). Hinton wrote books with the narrators as
males, and she did not think boys would read her books because she was a woman
writer, so she used her initials as her pen name so readers wouldn t know she was a
woman writer. Hinton met a boy in her biology class as a freshman, he became the
inspiration of her second book ,and helped her with her writer s block by making
her write until she got to two pages before they would go out on a date and if she
didn t fish two pages they wouldn t go out the day.(hinton) She did know later they
would get married in 1970. During
Travis Phillips Interview
The person I interviewed was Travis Phillips (dad) . He took care of me and has
always been their. He was born 1/11/1978 in NC,tennessee. Travis only has one
sibling. Her name is Pam and she is a photographer. The places Travis has lived are
NC,Tennessee, Ohio, and that is it. Travis has attended B log elementary, cane river
middle school, Mountain heritage High School, and Capella university. A Physical
Description of Travis is tall, Glasses,Gauges,tattoos, facial hair.
When I interviewed Travis Phillips he I asked Travis what was his first car? id he
said it was a 1978 dodge colt, blue and white, 2 door little car and he said he worked
for the money to buy it and when he first got to drive it he was really excited to
drive it .i asked him how he was different now from than back then? He said that he
had grown more mature and less of a troublemaker and ... Show more content on ...
And friend, he said that he want to be known as the person that was there when
their friends needed something or need help he was there.My favorite time I have
with Travis is when we all went to a halloween festival we all were goofing around
and had a lot of fun got big pumpkins.
Travis is really helpful loving funny fun he always helps me when i need help. He is
loving and always makes sure we get everything i want and need he works alot he is
a hard worker so that he could put food on the table he works from 2:30pm to
11:30pm all day every week and is an awesome dad his importance is to be my dad to
make sure that i have everything i need in life and be a loving person to talk to his
meaningful quote is i tell you what it s funny we use it to make fun of him because
when he is about to say something he says i tell you what yea we kinda make fun of
him for it but he knows were
Enron and Parmalat
Managua, Nicaragua
Sept 28th, 2013
In 1985 Kenneth Lay merged his company, Houston Natural Gas, with Nebraska s
InterNorth to create the Enron; a company to be the biggest natural gass corporation
to exist in the U.S. During the 1980 s, under the presidency of Ronald Raegan, there
was a considerable lack of regulations regarding the energy markets, thus allowing the
company to buy and sell contracts for a delivery at some time in the future.
By 1990 Jeffery Skilling joined as a former consultant, eventually to become Enron s
COO (Chief Operating Officer). His participation encouraged the incentive of making
the company more focused for contracts for delivery of energy as well as change
accounting procedures to ... Show more content on ...
Parmalat s strategy at this point relied on building a network of off shore mail box
companies so that the company could conceal the losses, being the largest bond
players Bank of America, J.P. Morgan and Citicorp. Basically these banks had the
notion that these bonds were sound financial paper where in fact they were absolutely
nothing. (Claudio Celani, 2004)
Claudio Celani suggests in his article that what strikes one is not only the
dimension of the scheme, but the arrogance of its authors. For instance, one of the
offshore mail box firms used to channel the liquidity coming from the bond sales
was called Bucanero, which means black hole ! Appropriately, the first class action
suit in the United States on the Parmalat case, filed by the South Alaskan miners
Pension Fund, is against Parmalat, its auditors, Bank of America, and Citicorp and
focuses on Bucanero It was later found out in 2003 that the company concealed a
sum of $14 bn black hole , as Celani suggests, in its finances. (Claudio Celani, 2004)
For the next years to come there was a marathon of court cases on both continents
(American and European), and so it was discovered that nearly €4bn of funds in a
Bank of America account did not exist. Though the firm admitted to have a certain
amount of debts it was later seen in 2004 that it had in fact about €14.3bn (actually
being 4 times the amount suggested). In turn , by 2008 Fausto Tonna is
Visual Recognition And Its Effects On The Brain
Perception is based on ones ability to convert physical stimuli into behavioral
responses. The processes of perception can be viewed as fluid always free flowing.
Physical stimuli being sent to the brain being converted into information an in return
a behavioral response is expressed. When the brain suffers braindamage a lesion is
caused and the brains elasticity will work around the lesion so the brain can still
function. However, the lesion is still in the brain. Visual recognition is selective
attention in vision where one has the ability to recognize objects, or people s faces
(site). Agnosia is defined as ones inability to recognize sensory inputs. Agnosia is
typically a result of brain injury (site). When one suffers brain damage... Show more
content on ...
Journal of Vision 2015). There was an experiment conducted where Participants
were calibrated with an 8 dot calibration before the start of each task. Subsequently,
each participant did both the Number and the Area Task, with order
counterbalanced across subjects. Participants had to verify whether the cumulative
area was higher for the blue or yellow side, independent of number. In the Number
Task participants had to verify whether the total number of items on the screen was
higher for the blue or yellow side, independent of cumulative area. The
experimenter stayed with the participant for four practice trials in order to make
sure that the participant understood which dimension to attend to on each Task.
Each trial was presented for 2000 milliseconds and participants were able to
respond at any time during that period. The stimulus stayed up after the response,
allowing eye tracking to continue for the full 2000 millisecond period. However, all
of the reported results are reduced to the participant s response time on the particular
trial. All eye tracking variables were extracted from the data by examining fixation
points along the horizontal and vertical axes; fixation points were determined with
thresholds on both velocity and position. Any samples that were unreliable were
removed from the data analysis, because the participant blinked or looked
Attitudes About Their Metacognitive And Emotional...
Previously prepared interview questions were designed to investigate in greater depth
students beliefs about their metacognitive and emotional regulatory abilities. These
were now augmented with further questions suggested by questionnaire responses at
the extreme ends of their scales. Students selected for interview were extreme
responders in this sense. Discourse analysis was used to qualitatively analyse the
interviews. Immediately, the first theme that occurred was that those who responded
extremely strongly agree (SA), tended to refer to internal regulation, identifying their
level of control over thoughts, feelings and behaviours whilst those who extremely
strongly disagree (SD) referred to external regulation; mainly the... Show more
content on ...
However, those extreme SA focussed much more on the content and subject of the
class Question three: All participants stated that they were better behaved in classes
that they enjoyed but extreme SA where much more detailed in their explanations
stating behaved as expected , be polite and kind and focus much more as opposed
to extreme SD who tended to give one word answered good and focused Question
four: There was a clear divide within this question across participants, extreme SD
stated that they didn t feel they could express themselves; however this was said to
be due to certain teachers or being ignored . On the other hand, two extreme SA
said they felt they could express themselves whilst one said sometimes. However,
the main difference was that extreme SA acknowledge that it was not a clear cut
yes or no, but in fact it depended on the context. More importantly they
acknowledged that when they did feel as if they could not express themselves it
was due to internal factors such as pressure . KJ stated that if they did feel as if they
could not express themselves they would find the appropriate time to do so whilst JF
stated that they may feel like that if
Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome
Hutchinson Gilford Progeria syndrome (HGPS) is a very rare and destructive
genetic disorder. It is progressive, causing children to age rapidly beginning 2 years
after birth. Children with Progeria usually appear normal at birth, however by 1 year
the signs and symptoms of Progeria begin. Symptoms of Progeriainclude short
stature, bulging eyes, micrognathia, disproportion of head to body, alopecia,
beaked nose, pathologic bone fractures, hearing loss, photophobia and
hypertension. (Alves and others 2014) Progeria s occurrence is 1 in 4 million to 1
in 8 million live births and males are more frequently affected than females. The
average life expectancy for a child with Progeria is about 13. (King 2013) However
some with the disease die younger and some live to be 20 years or older. Death in
Progeria is primarily caused by heart attacks and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a
disease in which the arteries become hardened. (Bhimji 2011) Although Progeria
demonstrates both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive methods of
inheritance, most cases are due to random mutations (Alves and others 2014) In
2003 it was discovered that Progeria is caused by a single base mutation in LMNA
which results in the production of a mutant Lamin A protein product called Progerin.
(Blondel and others 2014) Progerin is toxic and causes distribution of the nuclear
structure, defects in DNA repairprocesses and other issues that are associated with the
premature aging that their bodies
The Importance Of The Number 451 And The Fireman s Job
1. What does the author indicate about the importance of the number 451 and the
fireman s job? The importance of the number 451 is the temperature at which
paper burns. The fireman s job is to burn all books. 2. How does this introduction
go against conventional wisdom and signal to the reader that a different value
system will be introduced? This introduction goes against conventional wisdom
and signal by the firemen s burning books down instead of stopping them burn. 3.
How does the author indicate that Montag has a daring or rebellious streak in his
character? The author indicates that Montag has a daring or rebellious streak in
his character by Montag keeping books at his house instead of burning them. 4.
According to Greek myth, the salamander is able to live in a fire without being
hurt, and the phoenix lives for 500 years before dying in a fire and being
regenerated from the fire. Why would Montag have these symbols on his clothing?
Montag has these symbols on his clothing because they represent that they won t be
hurt by the flames. 5. How is the character of Clarisse McClennan differentiated from
that of Montag? The character of Clarisse thinks in terms of feelings and the
character of Montag thinks only about his job. 6. Montag returns to his house after
talking with Clarisse. What hints does the author give about other dimensions to
Montag s character? Montag is faking his happiness and he hides something behind
the grill. 7. Describe Mildred as the
Analysis of Organizational Behaviors in Glengarry Glen...
Organizational Behavior
Final Paper Organization and Management Analysis of the movie: Glengarry Glen
Glengarry Glen Ross is a 1992 film adaptation of a play by David Mamet. The film
depicts four salesmen pressed to sell the Glengarry Highlands and Glen Ross Farms
real estate properties. It is assumed that Mitch and Murray, the unseen business
owners, are unhappy with the sales performance of the office, as they send a
motivational speaker, named Blake.
Blake (played by Alec Baldwin) is sent to challenge the staff. Blake is merciless in
his criticism of the salesmen. Blake holds a stack of cards containing contact
information of people interested in the property. He waves the stack of potential leads
... Show more content on ...
(Greenberg. Pg 450). This may explain Blake s derision for the sales group; as he
closes his rant, he says, I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to. They
asked me for a favor. I said the real favor, follow my advice and fire your f a
because a loser is a loser. He clearly believes they are not great people and are not
born with the attributes to be leaders. The great person theory describes born
leaders have special traits in common; as Greenberg describes, born leaders share
traits and characteristics of: Drive, Honesty and integrity, Leadership motivation,
Self confidence, Cognitive ability, Knowledge of the business, Creativity, and
Flexibility. (Pg. 450). While Blake may have some of the attributes, he did not
possess the attribute for Flexibility . Greenberg defines Flexibility is the, Ability to
adapt to needs of followers and requirements of situation. (Pg. 450). Blake did not
adapt his approach to create inspiration and motivation for the sales crew. He used
pressure to power his influence by giving them an ultimatum or they face losing
their job; and pressure to produce a sale in order to be rewarded with a valuable lead
to another sale.
Motivation is not only about money. As Greenberg points out, motivation and job
performance are not synonymous. (Pg. 215) Occasionally, even with high motivation,
the job performance
Drug Trials Problem
When thinking of people who take advantage of the drug industry for monetary
reasons, what generally comes to mind is either people who deal illegal drugs or
big businesses who charge exorbitant amounts of money for their products. There
is a third type of person who participates in enough paid drug trials to make a
living. Making a job out of paid participation for drug trials touches on profit,
progress, and problems. However, I am going to focus on mainly the problems.
When individuals try to participate in enough paid clinical drug trials to make a job
out of it, a number of problems result for both the individuals and the study. It is
often people with minimal skills or those in non lucrative job markets that turn to
paid drug trials.... Show more content on ...
Take Elliott Sharp again for example, His pro tip for people interested in
participating in tobacco research is to always say you smoke name brand
cigarettes and when asked how many cigarettes you smoke a day pick a number,
any number, greater than ten (Sharp, 2012). Even he realizes and states in his
article that this type of lying can skew data. Researchers should be looking for
those outliers is his defense (Sharp, 2012). What he doesn t seem to say is that if
everyone takes his advice and a trial ends up loaded with people who lied about their
health or lifestyle, those liars are no longer a few outliers. Studies can end up
wasting their money on inconclusive results or result in inaccurate findings. While
this may not seem like a big issues in the field of tobacco research, imagine if this
philosophy crossed over into research dealing with life threatening health
implications, these little lies on the front end of trials could cause serious issues for
Personal Narrative Essay On A Trip To America
Another trip that I made this year was in July, with my mum my sister. We went to
San Francisco in the United States. The trip started out pretty bad, because we had
to travel very far we also had to exchange flight in New York and that was when my
sister who is older than me, told us that she had forgot her passport! We looked
everywhere and in every bag that we had but we couldn t find it. Since the security
in America is very strict we weren t sure if we even could get in to the country
without the passport. It was a really stressful time and we didn t know what to do,
but luckily there was a support group at the airport who could help us, and one of
the men went back to the plane that we had just arrived from to look if the passport
A Country Is The Top Of South America
Venezuela is a country is at the top of South America. Its total land mass is about
352,144 square miles and its capital is Caracas. The country is bordered by the
Atlantic Ocean, Guyana, Brazil, and Columbia. This Spanish speaking country is
broken down into four environmental regions. The coastal zone has the greatest
population because all of the big cities in the region. The plains, otherwise known as
llanos, has the greatest region, making up about one third of the country. Andean
Mountain Range, more popularly known as the Andes, is the longest continental
mountain range in the world. Lastly, the Guiana Highlands homes most of the
Indians native to the country. Venezuela
seems like a simple and beautiful place. After
learning about the country s political history and economy it becomes more
complicated and turns into a war zone. Venezuela s past government has a rocky
path. The start of the chaos was in 1830 when they first started as a Federal
Republic. From 1870 1888 Antonio Guzman Blanco was in charge. During his time
in power he built infrastructure, expanded the agriculture sector, and created foreign
investments. The next known leader was Juan Vincente Gomez. His dictatorship
started in 1908 and continued til 1935. Gomez s was the reason Venezuela is a
major oil exporter today. Following Gomez s term, the country decided to draft a
brand new constitution finalized in 1946. A year later, this constitution led to
Venezuela s first elected, President Romulo
Relevance Of Birth Order And Personality Learning Styles
Mikayla Titus
Sociology 312
Dr. Sabrina Danielson
14 December 2016
Relevance between Birth Order and Personality Learning Styles
The debate between whether there is a correlation between familial birth order and
specific personality traits, such as intelligence, success, and social skills, has been
discussed and argues since 1874, where Francis Galton started to first look at the
subject. The birth order s impact on the individual is a subject that still is
questionable on whether it exist or not to this day. There are plenty of studies that
argue for and against this correlation, but the real question is which is right? Through
this study I will look to try and reassure a reassure a correlation between birth order
and personalities traits, through examining the main focus question, how does birth
order influence the personality and learning styles of an individual?
In a society where equality is important, this study can enlighten how learning styles
are influenced by birth order. Along with provided research that can help support
ways to make success achievable by more. By determining if birth order does have a
clear influence of these learning style, we can furthermore learn better ways to work
with the later children to enable them the same chances that the first born children
tend to have. This will provide evidence to help give children an equal chance at
success and prosperity.
Literature Review It is commonly assumed that the eldest child tends to be
The Problem Of Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sex Trafficking Have you ever walked into Wal Mart and taken the time to
look at the numerous pictures of missing youth that is plastered on the wall? When
looking at how long they have been missing, it ranges anywhere from months to
years. Looking at their age, both boys and girls, it is hard not to wonder if these kids
are being trafficked. Child sex trafficking, also known as human trafficking, is a major
issue that is not only plaguing the United States, but the world. Residing in a state
where teen sex trafficking is very common, it is imperative that not only adults, but
the youth understand what child sex/human trafficking is, what is a sex trafficker,
and the data that reveals the seriousness of child sex... Show more content on ...
Children within the United States who are being trafficked are part of what is
called, domestic minor sex trafficking. These adolescents are citizens who have
been forced, coerced, or misled to become a part of the commercial sex industry.
Some of the most common ways to force minors into trafficking is through exotic
dancing also known as stripping, brothels, porn, escorting, and massage services
just to name a few (Minor Domestic Sex Trafficking). It is disturbing to know that
there are children who are going through this. In order to create prevention and
intervention programs for trafficking, it is important to understand what a sex
trafficker is and the strategies they use to recruit children. A trafficker, also known
as a pimp, is anyone who receives cash or other benefits in exchange for sex with a
victim (Smith 7). This form of organized crime is solely responsible for the wide
spread of sex trafficking throughout the world. Corruption and greed of these
traffickers makes it possible for sex trafficking to quickly and easily flourish.
Traffickers can be anyone. They are both male and females from several different
ethnic backgrounds. Child sex traffickers transport children away from home to avoid
exposure and to lessen the chances of the child returning home. Throughout the
United States, most major cities refer to the track as a street
Salem Witch Trial
The Salem Witch Trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts during the end of 1692
and the beginning of 1693. These were a series of trials and prosecutions of
suspected witches. Most of these supposed witches were women but some were men.
These people were accused of making local children ill by practicing witchcraft. The
children claimed to be possessed by the devil and gave names of witches who did
this to them. This struck a fear through the whole town. Everyone became scared of
being named a witch. After the witches were accused, there were trials in the
courtroom to determine their guilt. If they were found guilty, they were punished.
The majority of the retributions were by hanging, some also died in jail, and one was
stoned to death. This... Show more content on ...
In A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials it shows that Governor Phipps said It
were better that ten suspected witches should escape rather than one innocent
person be condemned ( Blumberg ). This just shows that he was tired of innocent
people dying. He thought that it would be better to save the innocent people and
potentially lose some bad people, instead of catching all of the bad. So he decided
to get rid of the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer. He replaced this court with a
Superior Court of Judicature. This court only found 3 in 56 people that were
accused, actually guilty. A large reason there were so few convicted was the fact
that this court was not allowed to use dreams and visions as evidence to convict. In
addition to creating this new court, the Governor also released several accused
witches and prohibited any more arrests. Most of the people that were involved in the
trials apologized shortly after the trials
Essay on The attack on Pearl Harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941 will forever be
immortalized in the words of President Roosevelt as a date which will live in
infamy , yet the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were far more deadly and
carried greater geo political implications. Many persons in the United States carried
the burden of assisting in designing, deploying and eventually dropping the first and
only nuclear weapons used in an act of war, yet Paul Tibbets s experience is unique.
As a Lieutenant Coronel in the U.S. Army, Tibbets was tasked with the organizing,
planning, staging and flying the mission to drop the bombs. His orders lead him and
to face many personal sacrifices, and living with the responsibility for killing... Show
more content on ...
Coronel Tibbetts formed the unit as a composite group, or self sufficient group,
that operated under it s own authority and personnel, and was excluded from
working with units other than those that were directly under Tibbets s command in
order to maintain a heightened level of security and secrecy because of the nature
of their mission. Major Robert A. Lewis, who was Tibbets co pilot on the Anola
Gay, recalls The day we arrived Tibbets mounted a sound truck and told us that we
were an extra special unit in many ways. He said first, we would be completely
self sustaining, that we would have our own engineering, troop carrier, and
ordnance groups even our own control tower. He ended by saying, You will not talk
about this project to anyone. Don t even speculate amongst yourselves .... anyone
who does not want to stay under these conditions can get a transfer right now (Tozer
71). The security restrictions around the base and the men lasted for more than 11
months; and because of the heightened level of trained and trusted men understood
the need for such an information blackout, the secret was never leaked. The 509th
composite group was officially activated on December 17, 1944. The 1,800 member
unit was of the highest caliber of solider, Comprised of hand picked machinist,
Guillain Barre Syndrome Definition
Definition of the Guillain Barre Syndrome:
An inflammatory condition which attacks the peripheral nerves
Causes, signs, symptoms of the:
The cause of this condition is still to be determined. There are indicators that it is a
type of immune condition, which is linked to inducing the immune system to antigens
that are shared between the infecting organism and peripheral nerves. Therefore, it is
known that is not linked to genetic nor is contagious
First sign is usually tingling or weakness in your legs
Symptoms include muscle weakness, muscle aches, back pain, paralysis, inability to
breath, irregular heart beat or blood pressure, and can lead other life threatening
Unusual sensations are also typical such a numbness, prickling, ... Show more content
on ...
Some may experience continued weakness
Select individuals may suffer from neurological symptoms resulting in the inability to
work and participate in leisure
The Effect Of Suicide At Maine West On Maine East
The Effect of Suicide at Maine West on Maine East
The girl that is walking down the hall past you, the one you said reeked ? She has
been going to school with you since the first grade, and she s someone who has
never done anything but be nice to you, while all you do is degrade her. What you
don t know, is that her mind is eating away at itself because she is suffering from
depression and anxiety. She does not need your words to make her feel any worse;
she is already at her breaking point. Suicidal tendencies are so common that about one
in five high school students actively considers suicide. Suicide is often at times the
result of misery that is commonly correlated with to an emotional, or mental illness
in a person. It is thought that there is an understanding as to why some decide take
their own lives away, but there is no definite explanation. Theories about mental
illnesses range from field to field as to why they exist. One thing that we do know to
be truthful about suicidal tendencies are the contributing factors to the idea of
suicide. With that being said, Maine West and Maine South have a program that is
designed to help students understand this their mental state, and to help them if they
are indeed weighing the idea of suicide. If Maine East understood the positive effect
that Elyssa s Mission has at Maine West, and Maine South, then the school may
consider adopting the program into their own school.
Abundant amounts of teenagers trying to commit
National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner
National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner introduced us to areas in the world
where people are living longer and healthier lives. Dan Buettner and his team of
researchers took us to four different areas around the world known as The Blue
Zones. They uncovered the secrets to health and longevity and told us how we can
apply these habits in our lives. The four Blue Zonesare:
Okinawa Islands, Japan
Barbagia region of Sardinia, Italy
Loma Linda, California
Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
We learned about these people living in the Blue Zones through their personal stories,
as we were brought into their homes and learned about their lifestyle and what they
feel were the best practices in health and longevity. We were introduced to... Show
more content on ...
First, I wanted to mention some of the longevity secrets that were mentioned in the
area of Sardinia. They believe in eating a plant based diet consisting of fresh fruits
and vegetables, and they believe that drinking goat s milk can fight against heart
disease and cognitive disorders such as Alzheimers. They take daily walks and
enjoying with family and friends and of course the daily glass of red wine are just a
few other secrets. They value family connections here in Sardinia; most families live
together, from the parents, children and the grandchildren (Buettner, 2008).
In Okinawa, they enjoy being active and being outdoors in the sunshine, gardening
and enjoying the company of their moai (circle of friends). Having a good attitude
and what they like to call the ikigai , which is what they say, gives them a purpose
in life and what helps them get up every day. They also believe in eating a plant
based diet, the consume a lot of tofu and rarely eat fish. What I found very interesting
that they eat more sweet potatoes, and they consume the spice, turmeric, which has
been linked to healthier hearts (Buettner, 2008.)
Loma Linda residents also believe in eating more plant based diets, eating in
moderation, eating an early dinner, drinking plenty of water, exercising to maintain a
healthy weight, and as we have seen in Sardinia and Okinawa, spending quality time
with family and friends.
Heron Tower Procurement
Contents Page
I. Introduction
i. Location3 ii. Specifications4
II. The developer
i. Heron International6 ii. Planning Problems6
III. Sources of Funding and Risks
i. Internal7 ii. External8
IV. Stakeholders10
V. Procurement Routes and Associated Risks
i. Management Contracting vs Construction Management12
VI. Legal System and Dispute Resolution16
VII. Conclusion 18
VIII. References20
I. Introduction
Procurement, by definition, is a collaboration of merging activities which ultimately
lead to something or a service being acquired. (City of London, What is Procurement
[online], available from ... Show more content on ...
The majority of the tower is allocated primarily for office space, totalling in
442,928 Sq Ft. The Offices are principally divided into groups of three floors to
form relatively small office villages of approximately 35,000 Sq Ft each. It is
expected that in total the offices will house 20 25 tenants who will use the
premises as their major representative offices for the UK. The renting of the offices
has a certain degree of flexibility, designed to be let floor by floor, as well as village
by village. Levels 38 40 contain a luxurious sky bar and restaurant overlooking the
city rooftops. This has huge appeal and is a spectacular and exclusive option for
the wealthy, high flying businessmen who enjoy splashing a bit of cash. At the base
of the tower there are three basement levels for retail, parking, storage and
management services. The site is in an inner city area, free space is sparse and
commercial business competitive. (The Heron Tower, 2010, [online] available at [Accessed 24/4/10]). The construction of
this superb building started in September 2007 and is set to be completed in the first
quarter of 2011 at a construction cost of approximately ВЈ185 million, with rental
office space estimated at ВЈ75/SqFt
II. The Developer i. Heron International
The developers, Heron International are one of Europe s leading property investment
United Parcel Service s Ipo
United Parcel Service s IPO In any organization, financial analysis is one of the most
basic parts of evaluation of a company operation in any business environment. As
businesses operate, it is very important that the managers know the real environment
for which a firm carries out its activities. The competitions evident in the market are
substantial to the decision making process of a firm. Also, firms need to give much
attention to the market forces of a particular industry to make sure that they are able
to make these forces turn to their advantage. This paper will indicate the UPS s
bussiness enviroment, porter s five forces, trends in the package delivery industry
,factors for success in the UPS s industry, UPS s relative strengths, the appropriate
benchmark companies for valuation purposes, and the UPS s accounting policies and
methods,. The UPS company is a multinational company and this means that the
company needs to give attention to the different external factors like politics,
economy, social, and technology. UPS needs to give attention of the political
governments of the countries within which they operate. Because of the different
political instability that has been seen in some of these countries, the company must
invest in the countries which are politically stable. For example, the company
recently declined venture into some countries in Africa because the political
ambience in these countries were quite unstable. In the event that these countries
The Rivalry Between Queen Elizabeth I And Mary Queen
Of Scots
The Renaissance was a period of times during the 1300 s to the 1700 s. During this
time thoughts and ideas flourished across Europe. At that time most of the
countries in Europe were governed by monarchs. Although a large number of those
rulers were male, there were a few powerful female leaders. Queen Elizabeth I of
England and Mary, Queen of Scots are prime examples. The thirst for power among
these two sparked the beginning of a long rivalry. This rivalry between Queen
Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots led to the latter queen s unfortunate downfall.
The Renaissance provoked a flood of ideas amongst the people of Europe. The word
Renaissance means great rebirth , the rebirth being of an interest in art and
education(Frey 316). The works ... Show more content on ...
Mary was a threat to Elizabeth, but the English queen recognized that Mary was a
fellow queen of another nation, Scotland (Hanson, Queen Elizabeth I ). This meant
Elizabeth had to be more cautious in her attempts to take Mary down. Elizabeth
decided to use Mary s speculated crimes against her to demoralize her reputation to
the point that she lost her respected standing as a queen (Hanson, Queen Elizabeth I
). Elizabeth snuck behind Mary s back; she helped her enemies and promised to aid
those who performed acts of treachery against the Queen of Scots (Hanson, Queen
Elizabeth I ). Elizabeth s wit, one of her most remarkable attributes, would be one of
the most difficult things Mary would have to fight
Top Girls in the Predicament Essay
ВЎВ°Top GirlsВЎВ± in the Predicament
From the perspective of society, despite certain conditions it had established for
women to move up to the top of their social careers through both the official efforts
and the endeavors of women themselves, those British ВЎВ°top girlsВЎВ± under the
influence of Thatcherism in the late 1970s and early 1980s continued to live in a
predicament resulting from the traditional gender bias, which was further enhanced by
their fierce reaction towards it.
I. Introduction
II. The idea of feminism in Top Girls
III. Certain social conditions for the birth of ВЎВ°top girlsВЎВ± in Britain by the
early 1980s
A. The official efforts
1. The parliamentary acts to promote gender equality
2. The governmental efforts to expand ... Show more content on ...
II. The idea of feminism in Top Girls
The term ВЎВ°top girlsВЎВ± is drawn from the famous play with the very same title
written by Caryl Churchill, the most often produced British woman playwright on
both sides of the Atlantic in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Being committed to
realism, she insisted more and more explicitly in her plays on ВЎВ°the connection
between politics and the quality of daily life, between peopleВЎВЇs internal state of
being and the external political structures which affect them, which make them
insaneВЎВ±1. Guided by this principle, her Top Girls presented the issue of
feminism during its ВЎВ°new waveВЎВ± in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Marlene, the protagonist and recently promoted managing director of the Top Girls
Employment Agency, has got what the feminists say they want: liberation from
domesticity and child bearing, and the chance for success in the male enclave and
the world of work. There is, however, more the other side of the story, in which
Marlene is trapped and forlorn. Besides her rudeness to her inferiors and
GI Endoscopy Biopsy (EGD)
43239 Upper GI endoscopy biopsy (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, flexible,
transoral; with biopsy, single or multiple). The beneficiary underwent an
esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and was diagnosed with unspecified disorder
of the stomach and duodenum (537.9), which is not covered by the Local Coverage
Determination Policy L29167. The documentation did not include prior physician
progress notes to support the medical necessity for the EGD procedure. There was
no indication of symptoms of physical findings that would support the medical
necessity of the procedure in accordance with Medicare guidelines. The beneficiary
was a 65 year old woman who had been diagnosed with mild gastritis. She
complained of abdominal pain for approximately 5... Show more content on ...
The provider submitted a copy of the claim and medical records. The provider also
indicated that a corrected claim had been submitted with the diagnosis code
537.89. On March 09, 2014, the QIC sent a letter to the provider stating that the
payment was denied due to the lack of medical necessity/invalid diagnosis. The
claim was billed with the diagnosis 537.9 (the incorrect code) not covered within
the LCD. However, the provider had already submitted the appeal with the correct
diagnosis twice. Was that information taken into account at the time of the QIC s
determination? The QIC also indicated that the documentation submitted did not
include any prior physician progress notes from the billing physician/PCP to
substantiate medical necessity for the procedure billed. How would the progress
notes have changed the determination? The claimant was evaluated in the ER; the
ER doctor discussed the case with the billing provider while the claimant was still in
the ER. Per the ER documentation 6:46 PM Discussed case with Dr. Selub (GI)
states for the PT to call his office at 9 AM and he will be able to F/U with the Pt in 1
Mission 33284 Research Paper
June 3, 1986 an adroit group of astronauts went on Mission 33284: Journey to Mars.
They went on this trip in search of life on Mars, or at least evidence of life on Mars.
Five of them set out on this precarious journey to space.. Not a single one returned
home. No bodies were discovered, no calls were sent back to base, not a single clue
was given as to what happened; it was just nothing. A full investigation was
conducted and it was concluded that something happened to the engine and they fell
into oblivion. December 8, 2016, 30 years later, another set of astronauts were
chosen to take part in Mission 33284 once again. The fortunate group of 6 were:
Kamila Hernandez, Jackson Sky, Linda Marshall, Ronald Po, Alexandra Janet, and
Jason... Show more content on ...
For a moment the ship stayed just floating in space then it began its steep descent
into the deep dark trenches of space. The ship fell for what felt like years until it
finally crashed on a hard surface. Kamila, who had bloody nose and left leg was
completely shattered, looked around at the now wrecked ship. The entire back of
the craft was flattened the only that was visible was the long trail of blood
trickling down. Kamila slowly crawled to the intercom and dialed 33284 on the
intercom. Nothing happened. She dialed again and again and again and again and
once more and another, but... nothing happened. She sat staring at the blank
intercom in complete disbelief then she began to sob. Now realizing she was
stranded in space with no one to help, and little oxygen left she began to sob harder
and harder until she began hyperventilating. While wiping her tears something
caught her eye, there was a piece of a spacecraft outside. But it wasn t a piece of
her spacecraft... it was another spacecraft. How could it be though, she thought,
what other spacecraft has cras ... She didn t even finish her thought before
realizing. She looked down at the intercom once more and understood that 30
years no calls were received because the calls weren t meant to be received. She
realized that the call she just made didn t go through not because it was busted but
because it wasn t made to go through. She realized what Joe meant when he said that
she would find out eventually what 33284 meant. And as she sat there all bloodied
and wounded, she realized she wasn t sent out to find life on Mars she was sent to
Essay on Forecasting Denosumab
Forecasting Denosumab
Why is forecasting for any new drug so important? Why for Denosumab?
Drug forecasting is a very important and essential process for any drug for multiple
reasons: 1. Cost: The drug development is a lengthy and an expensive process. It will
aid in the predevelopment process to identify future demand and to identify if it is a
worthwhile venture. The future of a company could depend on the success or failure
of a new drug in the market. 2. Profitability 3. Market Share: forecasting will help in
identifying the size of the market share and market potential will aid in the
manufacturing and distribution process. Will also aid in proper utilization and
eliminate waste. 4. Competition: Assess the ... Show more content on
2. Denosumab has been FDA approved for 2 indications rather than 1 which is true
for most of its competition. Both the conditions are prevalent in the population and
their incidence is growing. This will allow the drug to tap unmet needs for the
available market. 3. No new drugs are to be available in the market for this
indication in the next 5 years so it makes the product very lucrative.
How will the customers react when Denosumab is introduced?
The customers for the drug are the patients, providers (physicians) and the
insurance companies. 1. The patients will see ease of dosing as well as improved
results as compared to the market. They will identify for the drug to decrease
disease complications and improved bone health. Give patients alternatives to
treatment for their own disease. 2. Physicians will see increased compliance of the
drug in their patients as the drug is not patient administered but provider
administered. Will limit the variations in dosing patterns and practices. Provide
alternatives for treatment. Improve revenue as it is administered in the office rather
than at home. 3. Payers: Payers may react to the drug unfavorably as it is at a higher
cost as compared to other therapies. They may add the drug to the formulary on a
tiered system. But they would be more willing to pay for osteoporosis prevention and
management rather than the complications that arise from it.
How will you develop a forecast for Denosumab?
Similarities Between Game Of Roses And War Of The Roses
A Marriage between Roses and Thrones
A marriage is usually perceived as two people in love and bind themselves together
with an unbreakable bond. However, in the medieval age, political marriages were
more often than a love between couples. Both the Wars of the Roses and HBO s
Game of Thrones, political marriages occur in order to lead to personal gain and
conduct strategic planning for one s kingdom. In HBO s Game of Thrones, a scene
from season 3, episode 5 shows Tywin, Tyrion, and Cersei discussing marriages in a
manner which exemplifies the significance of political marriages compared to the
Wars of the Roses, between Margaret of Anjou and Henry VI, especially through
close up shots, lighting, and sound. When watching the fifth episode of season 3 of
Game of Thrones, Tyrion, Tywin, and Cersei discuss how they can use marriages
so the Lannisters can secure the North and it can be done if Tyrion marries Sansa
Stark. This is comparable to Margaret of Anjou and Henry VI. Margaret of Anjou
marries Henry VI and thus as stated in The War of the Roses, Marrying Henry to
the French king s niece seemed to serve two greater purposes: it would bring
England a diplomatic and military truce in the French wars and it would enable
Henry and Margaret to rebuild the dwindling stock of the English royal family.
(Jones 84). As seen, the two of them getting married would give them exactly what
they need to get a truce between the two countries and kings. Similarly, if Tyrion
were to
The Special Years ( 1907 And 1908 )
The Special Years (1907 and 1908)
Between having won a financially lucrative lawsuit against the owners of the
Mineral Springs Hotel and Bathhouse, plus getting paid for still working there, and
now collecting a monthly pension, Charles is able to purchase a lot and a half for
$150 ($4,000 in 2017). He is undeniably enthusiastic as he hires men to build the
first house that he and Elizabeth have ever owned. And what a location. Near the
end of a dead end street, it is only a one block walk to church and a three block
walk to work. As August of 1907 arrives, the Okawville newspaper announces that
Charles Lorne s new residence was nearing completion. In September he and his
family move into his new residence at 804 06 North Nashville ... Show more content
on ...
What a feeling of relief and of satisfaction when he receives word on December 5 that
he has won again. His pension is to be increased to $8.00 ($210 in 2017) a month.
Earning a pension that brings in $96 ($2,500) a year is a significant increase in the
income of Charles when the average worker only makes $.22 an hour. (L141)
Charles and Elizabeth now have two more members in their family. Their first
grandchild, Charlie Koehler, is born in East St. Louis back in 1903 and their
second and third grandchildren, Grace and Irene Hall, are born in 1906 and 1907.
Now, in 1908, they add two more grandchildren with the births of Orval Koehler
and Charlie Hall. Unfortunately, they all live in East St. Louis and therefore
Charles and Elizabeth are unable to see them on a regular basis. They are helped by
the recent addition of a $1.25 ($34 in 2017) round trip train ticket that can be
purchased on Sundays.
Charles is a member of the Okawville Post 582 in the Grand Army of the Republic.
This is a fraternal organization of veterans who served in the Union Army during the
Civil War. This entails sometimes wearing military style uniforms at various
functions. In 1908, he is proud to learn that he is being promoted to the rank of Aide
de Camp to the Commander of the Post. The certificate that he is presented with
comes from the organization s headquarters in Chicago. He has it
Operation and Performance of Reciprocating Engine
Operation and Performance of Reciprocating Engine As an accident investigator,
understanding the operation and performance of the reciprocating engine is
essential. Reciprocating engine can be branched into two groups, the 2 stroke and 4
stroke operating cycles. The 2 stroke reciprocating engine completes a power cycle
in only one crankshaft revolution and two strokes, compression and power stroke.
This is achieved when power and compression stroke happens simultaneously while
the piston is near the bottom of its travel. The 4 stroke reciprocating engine operates
on the 4 stroke 5 event cycle, which are the intake, compression, power, exhaust
stroke and ignition event. During the intake stroke, the piston descends from top
dead center (TDC) with the exhaust valve closed and the intake valve open to the
bottom dead center (BDC) of the cylinder. As the piston descends, a mixture of air
and fuel from the carburetor is drawn into the cylinder. After the intake valve closed,
the piston moves back toward TDC of the cylinder compressing the fuel air mixture.
Just before the piston is close to TDC, ignition takes place by a spark plug in
gasoline engines which produces an electric spark in the fuel air mixture. The piston
move back down toward BDC resulted by the pressure from the combustion of the
compressed fuel air mixture. This causes the crankshaft to rotate, thus turning the
propeller. During the exhaust stroke, it expels the used fuel air mixture through the
exhaust valve
The Triple Bottom Line Model
The Triple Bottom Line
A triple bottom line model never merely quantifies an accomplishment or rather the
wellbeing of a company through its conventional monetary bottom line. However,
triple bottom line similarly measures social, ethical as well as environment
performance of the company. Triple bottom linetypically is an incessant process that
shall assist the company in concentrating into the performance of a more sustainable
business whereas demonstrating to local communities together with employees of
that particular firm that is not merely looking forward on profit making, but similarly
a greater common good for the company operations (Hitchcock and Willard, 2009).
TBL is a sustainable model for business that balances financial success, community
participation together with ecological sustainability. The firm which employs triple
bottom line towards capturing the set significances, processes as well as issues of the
company might decrease and determine whichever harms resulting from company s
operations then create economic, social as well as environmental values of that the
company. The model typically outlines that everything is supposed to taken into
account that needs of the company s shareholders, employees, stakeholders,
governments, clients, business partners, local communities together with the entire
public. Reporting through Triple bottom line (TBL) is currently turning out to be
more ordinarily used across several sectors within
Sanchez Family Case Study Reaction
Sanchez Family Case Study Reaction
The Sanchez family is facing many problems, from substance abuse to economic
hardships as well as hunger and language barriers. The family faces immigration
concerns with Mrs. Sanchez nephew as well as their older daughter Emilia, we know
that the family is struggling to put food on the table and having Roberto and Joey in
the house is not helping. Although everyone in the family has concerns that need to
be address there are some that are greater than others. Emilia for instance has a
substance abuse problem and has a possibility of deportation. As the Social worker
on this case it is important to differentiate which person in this family has greatest
need for help and who can be placed on the back burner
In the Skin of a Lion Anaylsis Essay
Discuss the ways in which textual forms and features shape your understanding of In
the Skin of a Lion.
Michael Ondaatje s postmodern exploration of the early, developmental years of
Canada, In the Skin of a Lion, is expressed through multiple perspectives, with no
dominant perspective or omniscient narrator. The narrative is presented as fragmented
and contains interruptions from intersecting perspectives. The presence of class
conflict forces the characters to experience extreme adversity, with their contributions
to building the society going unnoticed until Ondaatje has addressed their social
exclusion. Through reinterpretations of motifs and symbols, Ondaatje adds new
dimensions to events in history and characterizations, whilst the ... Show more content
on ...
Whilst Harris perceives it as symbol of life and creation, water ironically takes the
lives of the workers in the Waterworks with the water heaving in, shouldering them
aside in a fast death if they dig just one degree up. The harsh and tedious conditions of
the work, pissing where they work, eating where someone else left there shit ,
dehumanizes the workers, insulting their inherent dignity and contrasting the
imagery of opulent structure they are building. Harris notes the Egyptian feel of the
palace, equating his works to that of the pyramids which coincidentally draws a link
to the cruel treatment of the workers and how bodies have similarly been entombed
in the structure during construction. Ondaatje, however, recognizes their contribution
in revealing glimpses of certain characters; the voiceless and marginalized become
recognizable as the novel progresses
Ondaatje presents Patrick Lewis as character amongst the lower class to demonstrate
the fluidity of identity, through the journey he undertakes, which allows him to
emerge from passivity. Patrick s quest to gain enlightenment is reflected in the
prologue, as he drives through the unbetrayed countryside, introducing implications
of hope and maturation whilst isolation and alienation is indicated through the
prevailing image of darkness. This sense of isolation is further expressed through
Patrick s childhood. Ondaatje addressed the roots of his abashed

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What Is A Transition Sentence In An Essay

  • 1. What Is A Transition Sentence In An Essay Writing an essay on the topic "What Is A Transition Sentence In An Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. While the concept of transition sentences may seem straightforward, delving into the nuances and understanding their significance in the overall structure of an essay requires careful analysis and thoughtful expression. One must navigate through the intricacies of seamlessly connecting ideas, maintaining coherence, and ensuring a smooth flow between paragraphs. Crafting an essay on this topic involves not only defining what transition sentences are but also exploring their various types and functions. It requires a keen awareness of the specific needs of different parts of an essay—introduction, body, and conclusion—and how transition sentences contribute to the overall unity and clarity of the writing. Moreover, addressing the potential challenges and common pitfalls associated with using transition sentences adds depth to the discussion. The difficulty lies in striking the right balance—being informative without being overly technical, and being comprehensive without becoming verbose. Writers need to present the information in a way that is accessible to a diverse audience while still offering valuable insights to those with a deeper understanding of the subject. Additionally, weaving examples and practical illustrations into the essay can further enhance its effectiveness. In conclusion, tackling the intricacies of transition sentences in an essay demands a thoughtful and nuanced approach. It is an intellectual exercise that requires a blend of analytical thinking, linguistic skill, and a keen understanding of the art of writing. Successfully navigating these challenges, however, can lead to a well-crafted essay that not only answers the question at hand but also contributes to a deeper appreciation of the craft of essay writing. For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on various topics, including the one discussed here, similar essays and more can be ordered on The platform provides support for academic writing, offering tailored essays to meet individual needs. What Is A Transition Sentence In An EssayWhat Is A Transition Sentence In An Essay
  • 2. Narrative Essay On Midnight Cowboy I walked out of the movie s with Steel when he asked, What movie did we watch? I had already told him three times, but he couldn t remember that well. So I told him it was Midnight Cowboy . Steel snapped his fingers and his pitbull came running right behind us and she jumped on me and started to lick my face steel fell on the sidewalk laughing. Then he got up and grabbed her and lifted her on his shoulder and then sead greecpit stop . She looked at him then licked his face he set greecpit down then we went on our way then a blue mustang pulled up. Three people came out and they were socs. One of them went to my school and was in the same class as me I think his name was bob. They looked drunk. Bob pulled a knife out and sead to me you need a haircut Steel started to laugh when he stopped he said your not going to touch his hair without a fight then he grabbed his branz knuckles and put them on he was a boxer in new york back in the day till his dad walked out on him and his mom then four weeks later killed herself by a gun. They looked at him like as if they were confused the Bob sead to him you know that it s stupid to bring branz knuckles to a knife fight steel said no it s not . Then he ran at us but greecpit jumped in his way bob kicked greecpit out of the way steel lost it he punched bob in the face and he fell to the ground bob s friends grabed steel and bob grabbed me. He was going to cut my hair off but then my brother s sodapop and darry ran up
  • 3. Future of Modernization Future of Modernization SOC/120 May 4, 2013 University of Phoenix Future of Modernization Modernization in the United States has four traits which were identified by Peter Berger in 1977. The first trait was the decline of small, isolated communities. Approximately one hundred years ago there were 40% of Americans living in cities. Today, 80% of the population lives in cities. The next trait is the expansion of personal choice. Most people choose their lifestyles instead of allowing others to make that decision for them. The next trait is the rising amount of diversity in the United States. Interracial couples are more accepted now then it was even 20 years ago. The fourth trait is the orientation toward the future and a... Show more content on ... Modernization is a worldwide trend, as countries such as Japan and China combine traditional and modern ways. In Japan they are advanced as far as technology, but there are still few women that are corporate executives and politicians. In China, contemporary socialist thinking are mixed with ancient Confucian principles. What took decades or even centuries to transpire in the West has materialized in a matter of a decade or two in China (The Pros and Cons of Modernization: Cancer in China, Bill Chameides, 2008). Other countries, such as Mexico and Saudi Arabia, struggle to move ahead economically because of the respect they have for their religious beliefs. In short, although we may think of tradition and modernity as opposites, combinations of traditional and modern are far from unusual, and they are found throughout the world (Society: The Basics, Eleventh Edition, by John J. Macionis, Ch 16, pg 495). The consequence of modernization is that normal traditions will disappear. Some fear this will dehumanize our society. Though modernization has been successful with diversifying our cultures, increasing our wealth, and expanding opportunities, the processes of transformation ultimately leaves people feeling insecure and dejected. The fear is that their jobs will be taken over by computers which ultimately will prevent them from providing for their families.
  • 4. The Truth about Hackers Essay The Truth about Hackers The Truth about Hackers In the winter of the year 2000 an eighteen year old hacker, who went by the name Curador accessed about 26, 000 credit card numbers and put them on the internet. With the help of an ex hacker, Curador was eventually tracked down and sentenced. All of this was explained in a frontline interview with Curador himself also known as Raphael Gray. Who are these so called hackers? Are peoples assumptions about teenage hackers correct? In 1995 the movie Hackers portrayed the images and lifestyles of hackers similar to the one mentioned above. The characters in Hackers show a media example of finding themselves in cyberspace by forming a community which creates their own boundaries. According to ... Show more content on ... The article, Finding ones own in cyberspace by Amy Bruckman, explains how anyone can form their own cyber community. Bruckman says, the way a community is publicized or not publicized also influences its character (175). Even though the hacker society has not been publicized, they are still around. Hackers publicize the information that they want other people to hear. Their prerogative is to portray themselves the way they want to be known. In an interview conducted with researcher Sarah Gordon, who studies the psychology of virus writers and hackers, she states, There are lots of kids just out joyriding on computer systems. Not everyone knows what they are doing or how serious they are affecting other people. Therefore, many different cyber communities are formed including a few for hackers. Also shown in Hackers is the idea that hackers not only come together through the internet, but also in the real world. Everyday hackers do not limit their meeting places to just the cyber places as shown in the film. The hytec environment such as raves is easy for Hollywood to associate with hackers. However, raves and cyberspace are not the only places for hackers to meet. They can also meet anywhere such as a coffee shop or a park. Hackers tend to be perceived as people with an addiction or infatuation with computers. The movie shows the main character staying up all hours of the night and not really getting any sleep. Many people do this for other things
  • 5. Analyzing The Theme Of Friendships In Shakespeare s... There is nothing on earth more to be prized than true friendships. Its midsummer night dreams by William Shakespeare. Friendships go through many stages including hardships, but will remain strong if true. Even though Hermia and Helena are best friends, Helena will do anything for Demetrius. I will go tell him of fair Hermia flight (shakespeare 1.1.20 21). Helena and Hermia are best friends, but Helena loves Demetrius, so will tell Demetrius about Hermia running away. Helena says that if she tells Demetrius about Hermia running away, that he will love her, and that when he chases after her, he will realize that Hermia isn t the one for him. Best friends are like sisters, you tell everything to. The sisters vows the hours we have spent (3.2.98 99).
  • 6. Job Corps Graduation Speech Nobody else s footsteps lead exactly where you re going I d like to start by thanking everyone who is with us today. Friends, family, staff, everyone. It s an honor to be able to share such an incredible day with the lot of you. As we stand here today on what can only be described as the edge of our future, it becomes very apparent that it s not a distant reality anymore. It begins here. It begins today. We began this journey as scared little kids, each with the same goal; to get to this stage. What we ve learned along the way will serve us as we move on into our futures. Even though we started with the same goal, some of us will go on to college, others will go straight to being considered the working class. Each of us, however, will travel ... Show more content on ... I was convinced that I would have had to spend another three years in public high school, which for me was out of the question. Within the first two days of being in this program I felt entirely different about coming to school. For once I was excited to get up and make some progress. The program has helped me a lot with narrowing down what I want to do in my future and has helped me map out how to get there. A part of the program, as well as a requirement for us to graduate, is a portfolio. Which is essentially a binder of assignments that prepare us for jobs and future educational decisions. Seems nice right? Yeah, no. I m lookin at you, Donna. In all reality though, as much as I complained about this portfolio, and let me tell you, I complained more than my fair share, it really did help me when it came to researching colleges and creating a resume. The teachers, however, are the highlight of this program. I ve never in my entire schooling career connected with teachers as much as I did with the three marvelous individuals that tried their best to keep us on track this year. Sherry especially, or as a lot of us in the program called her, feelings, helped me the most throughout my year here. She listened to me complain every single morning, helped me with more things than she was required to, and when I went through a rough patch during the year she was there to offer
  • 7. Women In Astronomy Essay Monica Neira Astro 1105 Professor Kornreich 5 August 2015 Women in Astronomy Throughout history, women have always stood in the shadows of men for power, recognition, and praise. Their roles throughout history consisted primarily of tending to the house and children. Even when they were able to attain jobs, they were of little intellectual stimulation such as secretarial work. Fortunately, women have never let the male dominated cultures of their time hinder their involvements and advancements within the academic realms. Three women from the ancient, middle, and modern periods provide examples of female persistence within the field of astronomy that reflects a long time battle for gender involvement in academia. Despite the common theme ... Show more content on ... Although the misogyny women have faced in the passed has settled a bit, it still exists. Even today, women within scientific fields are struggling to be held to the same esteem of men, however female contributions throughout history and today cannot be undermined. Ms. Armstrong captured the essence of women in astronomy best as she stated, Astronomy was never just a man s field. Women have always studied the night sky (Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin). Works Cited Brahe, Sophia. March 2012. Astronomy. . Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin. 2015. She is an Astronomer. . Gordon, Robin. Sophie Brahe: Carrier of Sulphur. 2015. womenalchemists. . Hypatia. 2008. The Woman Astronomer. . Hypatia 4th Century Woman Astronomer. 29 July 2010. Space Daily. . HYPATIA of Alexandria, the Last Philosopher of the Hellenistic Era and her Brutal Assassination. By Yannis Yalamas. Dir. Yannis Yalamas. 2008. Sophia Brahe. 2015. . Sophia Brahe Helped Map Planets. 11 March 2002. Gazette. . Turner, Jean. Cecilia Helena Payne Gaposchkin. 2001. UCLA. . Tycho Brahe. 1995. The Galileo Project. . Zielinski, Sarah. Hypatia, Ancient Alexandria s Great Female Scholar. 14 March
  • 9. Puerto Morelos Research Paper Puerto Morelos, Mexico Looking for a tropical location to take my family, we stumbled upon a gem of a city named Puerto Morelos, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula near the larger city of Cancun. As my children are getting older, it is quite possible this will be one of the last trips we will be able to take as a family. Our friends happen to have a time share property on Puerto Morelos that they allowed us to use. The city of Puerto Morelos has a typical Mayan history for the towns in the Yucatan Peninsula (Coyle, 2013); however, is not your typical tourist town. The town and seaport of Puerto Morelos may be one of the last remaining authentic fishing villages on the Caribbean coast of Mexico (Coyle, 2013). Sitting just off the shore, the Great Mesoamerican Reef is designated as a national park and offers exceptional diving and snorkeling (, 2005). Unlike its larger more touristy neighbors Cancun and Playa del Carmen, Puerto Morelos is a place that someone looking for a quiet, peaceful, yet comfortable vacation spot will ... Show more content on ... According to the book Chilam Balam of Chumayel, the current territory of Quintana Roo was settled first by the Itzaes, who arrived from the south in 435 A.D. and inhabited Syancan Bakhalal, which is today known as Bacalar (, 2005). The present day geographical area of Puerto Morelos show traces of the Mayan culture belonging to the Chieftainship of Ekab; as demonstrated by the structures that are located in the forest and along the coast: Coxol is located 1 kilometer north of the city, the Altar is located in the botanical gardens, the Mayan walls are found in the mangrove swamp south of the city, and the Pyramid of Muchil is to the south of the city near Punta Brava (, 2005). The area has a rich Mayan history that can be
  • 10. The Greatest Science Papers That s not hyperbole. I really mean it. How else could I react when I open up the latest issue of Bioessays, and see this: Cephalopod origin and evolution: A congruent picture emerging from fossils, development and molecules. Just from the title alone, I m immediately launched into my happy place: sitting on a rocky beach on the Pacific Northwest coast, enjoying the sea breeze while the my wife serves me a big platter of bacon, and the cannula in my hypothalamus slowly drips a potent cocktail of cocain and ecstasy direct into my pleasure centers...and there s pie for dessert. It s like the authors know me and sat down to concoct a title where every word would push my buttons. The content is pretty good, too. It s not perfect; the ... Show more content on ... Movement was no longer by creeping, but used muscular contractions through a siphon to propel the animal horizontally. Freed from its locomotor function, the foot expanded into manipulating tentacles. i a4650a364628b045d3f57a3baf0e7529 monoplacophoran.jpeg These early cephalopods, which have shells common in the fossil record, would have spent their lives bobbing vertically in the water column, bouyed by their shells, and with their tentacles dangling downward to capture prey. They wouldn t have been particularly mobile that form of a cone hanging vertically in the water isn t particularly well streamlined for horizontal motion so the next big innovation was a rotation of the body axis, swiveling the body axis 90В° to turn a cone into a torpedo. There is evidence that many species did this independently. i f8e43ceb7154a2f6b4c1b890e7ac4f64 ceph_rotation thumb 500x331 67138.jpeg The tilting of the body axes of extant cephalopods. This was a result of a polyphyletic and repeated trend towards enhanced manoeuverability. The morphological body axes (anterior posterior, dorso ventral) are tilted perpendicularly against functional axes in the transition towards extant cephalopods. We can still see vestiges of this rotation in cephalopod embryology. If you look at early embryos of cephalopods (at the bottom of the
  • 11. Gilgamesh As An Epic Hero Gilgamesh is one of literatures first heroes, and there is evidence to suggest that he was a real historical figure who lived between 2500 and 2700 BC. Gilgamesh is credited with building an immense wall around the city of Uruk, and gradually over the centuries, a 3,000 line epic poem was written around 1200 B.C. As the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh is two thirds god and one third man, exceedingly strong, and a tyrant towards his people. Gilgamesh uses forced labor to accomplish the building projects of his kingdom. As a result, his people pray to the gods for relief from Gilgamesh s harshness. The gods provide Gilgamesh with a Wildman named Enkidu; matched in strength, they become best friends. Together they have many adventures. One venture
  • 12. Placebos And Ethical Issues Placebos have been used in clinical trials since the eighteenth century but did not become a research topic until the late twentieth century (van Haselen, 2013). Most often when using placebos in clinical trials it is to determine whether or not the active agent has more effect on a patient than the placebo by providing each to the same number of recipients. The trials are almost always double blinded, this means that both person giving the drug and the person receiving it are unaware whether or not it is active so that good care and relationships must be present in the recipients at all times (Tavel, 2014). Ovosi, Ibrahim, Bello Ovosi (2017) declared The choice between placebo and active controls in clinical trials affects the quality of the result as well as the ethical and scientific acceptability by both the public and regulatory bodies. It has, therefore, continued to generate discuss among researchers (para. 3). This goes against the autonomy of a patient which is the right for a person to ... Show more content on ... The placebo effect, prescribing placebos and the use of placebos in clinical trials all are examples of why placebos are an ethical issue. The reason it is an ethical issue is because the physicians, for the most part, are giving patients inert substances and telling them it is going to make them feel better. This can be perceived as lying and deception by certain people even though the intent is to help people have positive effects when there are not many other options without the use of drugs. The nocebo and placebo can also be considered reasons for the placebo to be an ethical issue since they do not always have a positive effect on patients. This is due to the continuous lack of knowledge one has on how exactly placebos affect the brain. Placebos being an ethical issue is because many physicians and patients have different thoughts on whether or not a placebo should be used in certain
  • 13. Persuasive Speech On Pet Photography MISSION: Today s surroundings give the customer a variety of decisions. Lovable Pet Photography endeavors to be the best decision for the customer. Giving great representations, focused valuing, and phenomenal client administration is our trademark. Pet photography, even in a solid economy, is an extravagance; hence, our clients will get a representation that catches the magnificence of their pet, as well as the identity. This will be accomplished through customer meetings and calmly investing energy with every pet to make them agreeable in the setting picked by the proprietor. At Pet Photography, we view pets as individuals from the gang. Through reliable, astounding results we are focused on giving every customer quality and fulfillment. ... Show more content on ... We offer an assortment of representation completions from which to pick. These completions will be appeared to the customer upon get of the evidences, and the customer will be given a pamphlet which delineates these completions to compliment an assortment of pet pictures. These completions are utilized on the delightful representations that are shown in our studio exhibition. Pet Photography likewise offers custom and instant surrounding for all pictures. We have a lovely choice of tabletop casings to upgrade the customer s determination, and an assortment of surrounding materials showed in the studio for custom casing development. At Pet Photography we are focused on client administration and
  • 14. Wyong Roo Attack Essay The North Sydney Bears went down to the Wyong Roos 18 16 in a game that saw a scoreless second half thanks to some inspirational defensive efforts from both sides. The Roos flew out of the blocks early to an 18 0 lead after just 15 minutes, before the Bears clawed back with 16 unanswered points just before halftime. Heavy and constant rain caused poor ball control by both sides for the entire 80 minutes, in a match that was separated only by a Tyler Cornish conversion. The two sides has polarizing opening sets to the game, with a Leivaha Pulu try coming off the back of a Cody Walker bomb that went out on the full. Pulu was put over by a lovely Cornish short ball, which meant the Roos were up 6 0 inside the opening two minutes. Scott Sorensen was standing in an offside position at marker in the 7th minute, and therefore did not make a play at Matt McIlwrick,... Show more content on ... Willie Manu thought he had a try after Cornish threw him an inside ball off the scrum and he crashed over, but the pass was ruled to have gone forward. The Bears were losing the battle of field position at this stage of the game, and giving away back to back penalties certainly did not help their cause. Cornish grubbered into the in goal area in the 15th minute and showed tremendous speed to win the race and score off his own kick to increase the Roos lead to 18 0. Angus Crichton made a huge run towards the goal posts and was pulled down just short of the line, before he dropped the ball in the act of scoring just five minutes later. The Roos immediately found themselves back on the attack after the Crichton mistake and received a penalty in goal kicking range. They opted for the two points but Cornish missed to the right. The Bears finally opened their account in the 28th minute when Cody Walker dummied to the left and burst through a hole to decrease the deficit to
  • 15. Essay about Personal Narrative- A Seinfeld Addict s Dream... Personal Narrative A Seinfeld Addict s Dream Come True My heart ached. As constant as the waves of the sea slap the rocks, so the emptiness lurked. The icy hand of desperation wrapped me up and constricted. I was suffocating in that dismal abyss of loathsome sitcoms. I lamented but nobody heard, my pain had no companions. No! Why? Why? Why? I cried. I dropped down on my knees and flailed my arms wildly. My lamentation sliced through the air like a blade through butter. Worry not Michael, there is counseling available. my mom replied. This is way beyond counseling mother! I retorted. Don t you realize that Seinfeld is going of the air? Seinfeld isn t coming back, and there s nothing anyone can do. Mom tried to soothe me. ... Show more content on ... I know your pain. I too have been intimate with agony. How? How can you possibly know what I m going through? I know you liked Seinfeld, but I loved it, Ben. I rasped. Besides, there is no way to keep the Seinfeld dream alive. Everyone knows Jerry quit and he won t come back for any sum of money. That s the thing Mike, we can work around that. My plan doesn t involve Jerry Seinfeld signing any contracts; we just have to persevere and have ambition. Ben convinced. This sounds too easy Ben, but I ll do whatever it takes to keep the Seinfeld dream alive. What is this venture you speak of? I asked. There is a fabled island just off the Atlantic coast called Duergar. This arcane island, is said to bear every Seinfeld episode on tape, uncut and unedited. Ben answered. I smiled at the perfect thought, but then a pang of paranoia shot through me. I seized my friend by the throat and backed him against the wall. If you are fabricating this, I fail to see the comedy. Deceive me not, Ben. But if you are true, then I shall be in debt to you for the rest of my life. I growled. I kid you not. Ben confirmed. In fact, I have already booked a flight to Bangor, Maine. We ll leave as soon as summer is upon us. I was still weary about the situation Ben had cast upon me, but I d be a fool if I declined his offer. Good then. I proclaimed. As soon as summer commences so our quest begins. Let us take up
  • 16. Arthur Radebaugh s All-Seeing Eye Police Department In the 20th century, one particular vision for the future that wowed audiences for generations was the concept of a state of mass surveillance. This would be a society in which members of the public could be watched at any given point in time. In 1960, an artist by the name of Arthur Radebaugh drew a comic that was reflective of this theme. As it is aptly titled, the All Seeing Eye PoliceDepartment depicts police officers at a futuristic precinct, as they monitor several screens showcasing live closed circuit television(CCTV) camera footage (Novak). In the comic, the dispatch police officer appears to be pointing at one of the screens and giving an order perhaps he is witnessing a crime in progress and he is sending out the appropriate... Show more content on ... By comparison, in Radebaugh s comic, the CCTV camera is the only highlighted piece of technology used for surveillance. With respect to real world alternatives, the wiretapping of phones was an approved police practice in the U.S. as of 1928 (Harris). With the use of CCTV cameras, the police usually have to wait for a privately owned business to hand over their surveillance footage after a crime has been committed. In contrast, with the use of wiretapping, police can adopt a more proactive approach, as they can listen in on the phone conversations of suspicious people, and they may be able to catch them before a crime even takes place. Particularly, wiretapping is prevalent in U.S. narcotics cases. In 2010, a wiretap was used in order to get a conviction for the Dominguez drug smuggling organization, as two defendants in the case were recorded as they were clearly arranging a cocaine deal (McCombs). The prosecutors were able to convict the drug distributors only because the defendants made their intentions plainly obvious in the recorded phone call. Meanwhile, Radebaugh s comic forgot to consider that while CCTV cameras can be extremely useful, when using them it is very difficult to identify the underlying criminal intent, as only the criminal act itself is on display. As it has been
  • 17. Characteristics Of Kate Chopin Contributions To Regionalism Abigail Brueggman English Composition II Dr. Vanderlaan Essay 2 DUE: 10/ 31/2017Kate Chopin s Contribution to Regionalism Between 1865 and 1896 regionalism/local color fiction became popular. Regional literature can be defined as fiction or poetry that focuses on the characters, dialect, customs, topography, and other features to a specific region. Regionalism incorporates the broader concept of sectional differences yet lacks nostalgia or sentimentality. Many critics have argued that regional fiction contributed to the reunification of the country after the civil war. It was also said to rebuild our nation identity toward the end of the 19th century. During Kate Chopin lifetime she had remained invisible in the ... Show more content on ... There is no mention of interracial concubinage in the story however scholars have assumed that La Blanche, who appears white is legal named as black, may be Armand s mistress. This would add cruelty to Armand s sarcastic retort As white as La Blanche . The air of mystery among the blacks cause Desiree s child to be an outcaste. Desiree s death wish, written to her foster mother, infers her lack of acceptance is hard on her and her child. In fact, two lovable characters elicit a strong empathetic response by the readers yet begin to reject their bleak fate that appears inevitable. Among the many hypotheses that have been put forward about this short story, one of the most striking is the one propounded by Margaret D. Baier, who argued that Armand Aubigny had been aware of his own black heritage all his life and that his marriage to Desiree was part of a plan to have legitimate children that would pass for white, as he himself was passing (Gibert 3). Chopin s text would have reinforced the prevalent negative feelings towards racial differences. Desiree s baby being presented as a stereotypical character of a victim of a divided inheritance . Chopin short story The Storm , gives obvious examples of regionalism. The Storm, takes place after the Seneca Falls convention in 1848. Which was sought to fight for women rights. The Storm is
  • 18. Analysis Of The Book American Writers Out of all the amazing American writers no one compares to S.E. Hinton, better known as Susan Eloise Hinton. Early life of Ms. Hinton was no different from anyone else. Susan Hinton wrote a lot of amazing and inspiring books; her books were also about teens. Whether you are intrigued by the early life, works, or about her writings of S.E. Hinton you will learn that she leads a remarkable life. Hinton was born July 22, 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She attended Will Rogers High School this is where most of her writings were based from. While she was in high school, she started her first draft, and also one of her books The Outsiders was published in 1967. This book was actually based on her high school when the blue collar families which were called Greasers yet on the other side of town were the Socs which were rich from the money in the oil in the area. The Socs wore expensive clothes, and drove nice cars (Smith). Hinton wrote books with the narrators as males, and she did not think boys would read her books because she was a woman writer, so she used her initials as her pen name so readers wouldn t know she was a woman writer. Hinton met a boy in her biology class as a freshman, he became the inspiration of her second book ,and helped her with her writer s block by making her write until she got to two pages before they would go out on a date and if she didn t fish two pages they wouldn t go out the day.(hinton) She did know later they would get married in 1970. During
  • 19. Travis Phillips Interview The person I interviewed was Travis Phillips (dad) . He took care of me and has always been their. He was born 1/11/1978 in NC,tennessee. Travis only has one sibling. Her name is Pam and she is a photographer. The places Travis has lived are NC,Tennessee, Ohio, and that is it. Travis has attended B log elementary, cane river middle school, Mountain heritage High School, and Capella university. A Physical Description of Travis is tall, Glasses,Gauges,tattoos, facial hair. When I interviewed Travis Phillips he I asked Travis what was his first car? id he said it was a 1978 dodge colt, blue and white, 2 door little car and he said he worked for the money to buy it and when he first got to drive it he was really excited to drive it .i asked him how he was different now from than back then? He said that he had grown more mature and less of a troublemaker and ... Show more content on ... And friend, he said that he want to be known as the person that was there when their friends needed something or need help he was there.My favorite time I have with Travis is when we all went to a halloween festival we all were goofing around and had a lot of fun got big pumpkins. Travis is really helpful loving funny fun he always helps me when i need help. He is loving and always makes sure we get everything i want and need he works alot he is a hard worker so that he could put food on the table he works from 2:30pm to 11:30pm all day every week and is an awesome dad his importance is to be my dad to make sure that i have everything i need in life and be a loving person to talk to his meaningful quote is i tell you what it s funny we use it to make fun of him because when he is about to say something he says i tell you what yea we kinda make fun of him for it but he knows were
  • 20. Enron and Parmalat Managua, Nicaragua Sept 28th, 2013 ENRON Background In 1985 Kenneth Lay merged his company, Houston Natural Gas, with Nebraska s InterNorth to create the Enron; a company to be the biggest natural gass corporation to exist in the U.S. During the 1980 s, under the presidency of Ronald Raegan, there was a considerable lack of regulations regarding the energy markets, thus allowing the company to buy and sell contracts for a delivery at some time in the future. By 1990 Jeffery Skilling joined as a former consultant, eventually to become Enron s COO (Chief Operating Officer). His participation encouraged the incentive of making the company more focused for contracts for delivery of energy as well as change accounting procedures to ... Show more content on ... Parmalat s strategy at this point relied on building a network of off shore mail box companies so that the company could conceal the losses, being the largest bond players Bank of America, J.P. Morgan and Citicorp. Basically these banks had the notion that these bonds were sound financial paper where in fact they were absolutely nothing. (Claudio Celani, 2004) Claudio Celani suggests in his article that what strikes one is not only the dimension of the scheme, but the arrogance of its authors. For instance, one of the offshore mail box firms used to channel the liquidity coming from the bond sales was called Bucanero, which means black hole ! Appropriately, the first class action suit in the United States on the Parmalat case, filed by the South Alaskan miners Pension Fund, is against Parmalat, its auditors, Bank of America, and Citicorp and focuses on Bucanero It was later found out in 2003 that the company concealed a sum of $14 bn black hole , as Celani suggests, in its finances. (Claudio Celani, 2004) For the next years to come there was a marathon of court cases on both continents (American and European), and so it was discovered that nearly €4bn of funds in a Bank of America account did not exist. Though the firm admitted to have a certain amount of debts it was later seen in 2004 that it had in fact about €14.3bn (actually being 4 times the amount suggested). In turn , by 2008 Fausto Tonna is
  • 21. Visual Recognition And Its Effects On The Brain Perception is based on ones ability to convert physical stimuli into behavioral responses. The processes of perception can be viewed as fluid always free flowing. Physical stimuli being sent to the brain being converted into information an in return a behavioral response is expressed. When the brain suffers braindamage a lesion is caused and the brains elasticity will work around the lesion so the brain can still function. However, the lesion is still in the brain. Visual recognition is selective attention in vision where one has the ability to recognize objects, or people s faces (site). Agnosia is defined as ones inability to recognize sensory inputs. Agnosia is typically a result of brain injury (site). When one suffers brain damage... Show more content on ... Journal of Vision 2015). There was an experiment conducted where Participants were calibrated with an 8 dot calibration before the start of each task. Subsequently, each participant did both the Number and the Area Task, with order counterbalanced across subjects. Participants had to verify whether the cumulative area was higher for the blue or yellow side, independent of number. In the Number Task participants had to verify whether the total number of items on the screen was higher for the blue or yellow side, independent of cumulative area. The experimenter stayed with the participant for four practice trials in order to make sure that the participant understood which dimension to attend to on each Task. Each trial was presented for 2000 milliseconds and participants were able to respond at any time during that period. The stimulus stayed up after the response, allowing eye tracking to continue for the full 2000 millisecond period. However, all of the reported results are reduced to the participant s response time on the particular trial. All eye tracking variables were extracted from the data by examining fixation points along the horizontal and vertical axes; fixation points were determined with thresholds on both velocity and position. Any samples that were unreliable were removed from the data analysis, because the participant blinked or looked
  • 22. Attitudes About Their Metacognitive And Emotional... Previously prepared interview questions were designed to investigate in greater depth students beliefs about their metacognitive and emotional regulatory abilities. These were now augmented with further questions suggested by questionnaire responses at the extreme ends of their scales. Students selected for interview were extreme responders in this sense. Discourse analysis was used to qualitatively analyse the interviews. Immediately, the first theme that occurred was that those who responded extremely strongly agree (SA), tended to refer to internal regulation, identifying their level of control over thoughts, feelings and behaviours whilst those who extremely strongly disagree (SD) referred to external regulation; mainly the... Show more content on ... However, those extreme SA focussed much more on the content and subject of the class Question three: All participants stated that they were better behaved in classes that they enjoyed but extreme SA where much more detailed in their explanations stating behaved as expected , be polite and kind and focus much more as opposed to extreme SD who tended to give one word answered good and focused Question four: There was a clear divide within this question across participants, extreme SD stated that they didn t feel they could express themselves; however this was said to be due to certain teachers or being ignored . On the other hand, two extreme SA said they felt they could express themselves whilst one said sometimes. However, the main difference was that extreme SA acknowledge that it was not a clear cut yes or no, but in fact it depended on the context. More importantly they acknowledged that when they did feel as if they could not express themselves it was due to internal factors such as pressure . KJ stated that if they did feel as if they could not express themselves they would find the appropriate time to do so whilst JF stated that they may feel like that if
  • 23. Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome Hutchinson Gilford Progeria syndrome (HGPS) is a very rare and destructive genetic disorder. It is progressive, causing children to age rapidly beginning 2 years after birth. Children with Progeria usually appear normal at birth, however by 1 year the signs and symptoms of Progeria begin. Symptoms of Progeriainclude short stature, bulging eyes, micrognathia, disproportion of head to body, alopecia, beaked nose, pathologic bone fractures, hearing loss, photophobia and hypertension. (Alves and others 2014) Progeria s occurrence is 1 in 4 million to 1 in 8 million live births and males are more frequently affected than females. The average life expectancy for a child with Progeria is about 13. (King 2013) However some with the disease die younger and some live to be 20 years or older. Death in Progeria is primarily caused by heart attacks and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the arteries become hardened. (Bhimji 2011) Although Progeria demonstrates both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive methods of inheritance, most cases are due to random mutations (Alves and others 2014) In 2003 it was discovered that Progeria is caused by a single base mutation in LMNA which results in the production of a mutant Lamin A protein product called Progerin. (Blondel and others 2014) Progerin is toxic and causes distribution of the nuclear structure, defects in DNA repairprocesses and other issues that are associated with the premature aging that their bodies
  • 24. The Importance Of The Number 451 And The Fireman s Job 1. What does the author indicate about the importance of the number 451 and the fireman s job? The importance of the number 451 is the temperature at which paper burns. The fireman s job is to burn all books. 2. How does this introduction go against conventional wisdom and signal to the reader that a different value system will be introduced? This introduction goes against conventional wisdom and signal by the firemen s burning books down instead of stopping them burn. 3. How does the author indicate that Montag has a daring or rebellious streak in his character? The author indicates that Montag has a daring or rebellious streak in his character by Montag keeping books at his house instead of burning them. 4. According to Greek myth, the salamander is able to live in a fire without being hurt, and the phoenix lives for 500 years before dying in a fire and being regenerated from the fire. Why would Montag have these symbols on his clothing? Montag has these symbols on his clothing because they represent that they won t be hurt by the flames. 5. How is the character of Clarisse McClennan differentiated from that of Montag? The character of Clarisse thinks in terms of feelings and the character of Montag thinks only about his job. 6. Montag returns to his house after talking with Clarisse. What hints does the author give about other dimensions to Montag s character? Montag is faking his happiness and he hides something behind the grill. 7. Describe Mildred as the
  • 25. Analysis of Organizational Behaviors in Glengarry Glen... Rosie Organizational Behavior Professor 2011 Final Paper Organization and Management Analysis of the movie: Glengarry Glen Ross Glengarry Glen Ross is a 1992 film adaptation of a play by David Mamet. The film depicts four salesmen pressed to sell the Glengarry Highlands and Glen Ross Farms real estate properties. It is assumed that Mitch and Murray, the unseen business owners, are unhappy with the sales performance of the office, as they send a motivational speaker, named Blake. Blake (played by Alec Baldwin) is sent to challenge the staff. Blake is merciless in his criticism of the salesmen. Blake holds a stack of cards containing contact information of people interested in the property. He waves the stack of potential leads ... Show more content on ... (Greenberg. Pg 450). This may explain Blake s derision for the sales group; as he closes his rant, he says, I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to. They asked me for a favor. I said the real favor, follow my advice and fire your f a because a loser is a loser. He clearly believes they are not great people and are not born with the attributes to be leaders. The great person theory describes born leaders have special traits in common; as Greenberg describes, born leaders share traits and characteristics of: Drive, Honesty and integrity, Leadership motivation, Self confidence, Cognitive ability, Knowledge of the business, Creativity, and Flexibility. (Pg. 450). While Blake may have some of the attributes, he did not possess the attribute for Flexibility . Greenberg defines Flexibility is the, Ability to adapt to needs of followers and requirements of situation. (Pg. 450). Blake did not adapt his approach to create inspiration and motivation for the sales crew. He used pressure to power his influence by giving them an ultimatum or they face losing their job; and pressure to produce a sale in order to be rewarded with a valuable lead to another sale. Motivation is not only about money. As Greenberg points out, motivation and job performance are not synonymous. (Pg. 215) Occasionally, even with high motivation, the job performance
  • 26. Drug Trials Problem When thinking of people who take advantage of the drug industry for monetary reasons, what generally comes to mind is either people who deal illegal drugs or big businesses who charge exorbitant amounts of money for their products. There is a third type of person who participates in enough paid drug trials to make a living. Making a job out of paid participation for drug trials touches on profit, progress, and problems. However, I am going to focus on mainly the problems. When individuals try to participate in enough paid clinical drug trials to make a job out of it, a number of problems result for both the individuals and the study. It is often people with minimal skills or those in non lucrative job markets that turn to paid drug trials.... Show more content on ... Take Elliott Sharp again for example, His pro tip for people interested in participating in tobacco research is to always say you smoke name brand cigarettes and when asked how many cigarettes you smoke a day pick a number, any number, greater than ten (Sharp, 2012). Even he realizes and states in his article that this type of lying can skew data. Researchers should be looking for those outliers is his defense (Sharp, 2012). What he doesn t seem to say is that if everyone takes his advice and a trial ends up loaded with people who lied about their health or lifestyle, those liars are no longer a few outliers. Studies can end up wasting their money on inconclusive results or result in inaccurate findings. While this may not seem like a big issues in the field of tobacco research, imagine if this philosophy crossed over into research dealing with life threatening health implications, these little lies on the front end of trials could cause serious issues for
  • 27. Personal Narrative Essay On A Trip To America Another trip that I made this year was in July, with my mum my sister. We went to San Francisco in the United States. The trip started out pretty bad, because we had to travel very far we also had to exchange flight in New York and that was when my sister who is older than me, told us that she had forgot her passport! We looked everywhere and in every bag that we had but we couldn t find it. Since the security in America is very strict we weren t sure if we even could get in to the country without the passport. It was a really stressful time and we didn t know what to do, but luckily there was a support group at the airport who could help us, and one of the men went back to the plane that we had just arrived from to look if the passport was
  • 28. A Country Is The Top Of South America Venezuela is a country is at the top of South America. Its total land mass is about 352,144 square miles and its capital is Caracas. The country is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, Guyana, Brazil, and Columbia. This Spanish speaking country is broken down into four environmental regions. The coastal zone has the greatest population because all of the big cities in the region. The plains, otherwise known as llanos, has the greatest region, making up about one third of the country. Andean Mountain Range, more popularly known as the Andes, is the longest continental mountain range in the world. Lastly, the Guiana Highlands homes most of the Indians native to the country. Venezuela seems like a simple and beautiful place. After learning about the country s political history and economy it becomes more complicated and turns into a war zone. Venezuela s past government has a rocky path. The start of the chaos was in 1830 when they first started as a Federal Republic. From 1870 1888 Antonio Guzman Blanco was in charge. During his time in power he built infrastructure, expanded the agriculture sector, and created foreign investments. The next known leader was Juan Vincente Gomez. His dictatorship started in 1908 and continued til 1935. Gomez s was the reason Venezuela is a major oil exporter today. Following Gomez s term, the country decided to draft a brand new constitution finalized in 1946. A year later, this constitution led to Venezuela s first elected, President Romulo
  • 29. Relevance Of Birth Order And Personality Learning Styles Mikayla Titus Sociology 312 Dr. Sabrina Danielson 14 December 2016 Relevance between Birth Order and Personality Learning Styles Introduction The debate between whether there is a correlation between familial birth order and specific personality traits, such as intelligence, success, and social skills, has been discussed and argues since 1874, where Francis Galton started to first look at the subject. The birth order s impact on the individual is a subject that still is questionable on whether it exist or not to this day. There are plenty of studies that argue for and against this correlation, but the real question is which is right? Through this study I will look to try and reassure a reassure a correlation between birth order and personalities traits, through examining the main focus question, how does birth order influence the personality and learning styles of an individual? In a society where equality is important, this study can enlighten how learning styles are influenced by birth order. Along with provided research that can help support ways to make success achievable by more. By determining if birth order does have a clear influence of these learning style, we can furthermore learn better ways to work with the later children to enable them the same chances that the first born children tend to have. This will provide evidence to help give children an equal chance at success and prosperity. Literature Review It is commonly assumed that the eldest child tends to be
  • 30. The Problem Of Child Sex Trafficking Child Sex Trafficking Have you ever walked into Wal Mart and taken the time to look at the numerous pictures of missing youth that is plastered on the wall? When looking at how long they have been missing, it ranges anywhere from months to years. Looking at their age, both boys and girls, it is hard not to wonder if these kids are being trafficked. Child sex trafficking, also known as human trafficking, is a major issue that is not only plaguing the United States, but the world. Residing in a state where teen sex trafficking is very common, it is imperative that not only adults, but the youth understand what child sex/human trafficking is, what is a sex trafficker, and the data that reveals the seriousness of child sex... Show more content on ... Children within the United States who are being trafficked are part of what is called, domestic minor sex trafficking. These adolescents are citizens who have been forced, coerced, or misled to become a part of the commercial sex industry. Some of the most common ways to force minors into trafficking is through exotic dancing also known as stripping, brothels, porn, escorting, and massage services just to name a few (Minor Domestic Sex Trafficking). It is disturbing to know that there are children who are going through this. In order to create prevention and intervention programs for trafficking, it is important to understand what a sex trafficker is and the strategies they use to recruit children. A trafficker, also known as a pimp, is anyone who receives cash or other benefits in exchange for sex with a victim (Smith 7). This form of organized crime is solely responsible for the wide spread of sex trafficking throughout the world. Corruption and greed of these traffickers makes it possible for sex trafficking to quickly and easily flourish. Traffickers can be anyone. They are both male and females from several different ethnic backgrounds. Child sex traffickers transport children away from home to avoid exposure and to lessen the chances of the child returning home. Throughout the United States, most major cities refer to the track as a street
  • 31. Salem Witch Trial The Salem Witch Trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts during the end of 1692 and the beginning of 1693. These were a series of trials and prosecutions of suspected witches. Most of these supposed witches were women but some were men. These people were accused of making local children ill by practicing witchcraft. The children claimed to be possessed by the devil and gave names of witches who did this to them. This struck a fear through the whole town. Everyone became scared of being named a witch. After the witches were accused, there were trials in the courtroom to determine their guilt. If they were found guilty, they were punished. The majority of the retributions were by hanging, some also died in jail, and one was stoned to death. This... Show more content on ... In A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials it shows that Governor Phipps said It were better that ten suspected witches should escape rather than one innocent person be condemned ( Blumberg ). This just shows that he was tired of innocent people dying. He thought that it would be better to save the innocent people and potentially lose some bad people, instead of catching all of the bad. So he decided to get rid of the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer. He replaced this court with a Superior Court of Judicature. This court only found 3 in 56 people that were accused, actually guilty. A large reason there were so few convicted was the fact that this court was not allowed to use dreams and visions as evidence to convict. In addition to creating this new court, the Governor also released several accused witches and prohibited any more arrests. Most of the people that were involved in the trials apologized shortly after the trials
  • 32. Essay on The attack on Pearl Harbor The attack on Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941 will forever be immortalized in the words of President Roosevelt as a date which will live in infamy , yet the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were far more deadly and carried greater geo political implications. Many persons in the United States carried the burden of assisting in designing, deploying and eventually dropping the first and only nuclear weapons used in an act of war, yet Paul Tibbets s experience is unique. As a Lieutenant Coronel in the U.S. Army, Tibbets was tasked with the organizing, planning, staging and flying the mission to drop the bombs. His orders lead him and to face many personal sacrifices, and living with the responsibility for killing... Show more content on ... Coronel Tibbetts formed the unit as a composite group, or self sufficient group, that operated under it s own authority and personnel, and was excluded from working with units other than those that were directly under Tibbets s command in order to maintain a heightened level of security and secrecy because of the nature of their mission. Major Robert A. Lewis, who was Tibbets co pilot on the Anola Gay, recalls The day we arrived Tibbets mounted a sound truck and told us that we were an extra special unit in many ways. He said first, we would be completely self sustaining, that we would have our own engineering, troop carrier, and ordnance groups even our own control tower. He ended by saying, You will not talk about this project to anyone. Don t even speculate amongst yourselves .... anyone who does not want to stay under these conditions can get a transfer right now (Tozer 71). The security restrictions around the base and the men lasted for more than 11 months; and because of the heightened level of trained and trusted men understood the need for such an information blackout, the secret was never leaked. The 509th composite group was officially activated on December 17, 1944. The 1,800 member unit was of the highest caliber of solider, Comprised of hand picked machinist, welders,
  • 33. Guillain Barre Syndrome Definition Definition of the Guillain Barre Syndrome: An inflammatory condition which attacks the peripheral nerves Causes, signs, symptoms of the: The cause of this condition is still to be determined. There are indicators that it is a type of immune condition, which is linked to inducing the immune system to antigens that are shared between the infecting organism and peripheral nerves. Therefore, it is known that is not linked to genetic nor is contagious First sign is usually tingling or weakness in your legs Symptoms include muscle weakness, muscle aches, back pain, paralysis, inability to breath, irregular heart beat or blood pressure, and can lead other life threatening conditions Unusual sensations are also typical such a numbness, prickling, ... Show more content on ... Some may experience continued weakness Select individuals may suffer from neurological symptoms resulting in the inability to work and participate in leisure
  • 34. The Effect Of Suicide At Maine West On Maine East BUILDS The Effect of Suicide at Maine West on Maine East The girl that is walking down the hall past you, the one you said reeked ? She has been going to school with you since the first grade, and she s someone who has never done anything but be nice to you, while all you do is degrade her. What you don t know, is that her mind is eating away at itself because she is suffering from depression and anxiety. She does not need your words to make her feel any worse; she is already at her breaking point. Suicidal tendencies are so common that about one in five high school students actively considers suicide. Suicide is often at times the result of misery that is commonly correlated with to an emotional, or mental illness in a person. It is thought that there is an understanding as to why some decide take their own lives away, but there is no definite explanation. Theories about mental illnesses range from field to field as to why they exist. One thing that we do know to be truthful about suicidal tendencies are the contributing factors to the idea of suicide. With that being said, Maine West and Maine South have a program that is designed to help students understand this their mental state, and to help them if they are indeed weighing the idea of suicide. If Maine East understood the positive effect that Elyssa s Mission has at Maine West, and Maine South, then the school may consider adopting the program into their own school. Abundant amounts of teenagers trying to commit
  • 35. National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner introduced us to areas in the world where people are living longer and healthier lives. Dan Buettner and his team of researchers took us to four different areas around the world known as The Blue Zones. They uncovered the secrets to health and longevity and told us how we can apply these habits in our lives. The four Blue Zonesare: Okinawa Islands, Japan Barbagia region of Sardinia, Italy Loma Linda, California Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica We learned about these people living in the Blue Zones through their personal stories, as we were brought into their homes and learned about their lifestyle and what they feel were the best practices in health and longevity. We were introduced to... Show more content on ... First, I wanted to mention some of the longevity secrets that were mentioned in the area of Sardinia. They believe in eating a plant based diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, and they believe that drinking goat s milk can fight against heart disease and cognitive disorders such as Alzheimers. They take daily walks and enjoying with family and friends and of course the daily glass of red wine are just a few other secrets. They value family connections here in Sardinia; most families live together, from the parents, children and the grandchildren (Buettner, 2008). In Okinawa, they enjoy being active and being outdoors in the sunshine, gardening and enjoying the company of their moai (circle of friends). Having a good attitude and what they like to call the ikigai , which is what they say, gives them a purpose in life and what helps them get up every day. They also believe in eating a plant based diet, the consume a lot of tofu and rarely eat fish. What I found very interesting that they eat more sweet potatoes, and they consume the spice, turmeric, which has been linked to healthier hearts (Buettner, 2008.) Loma Linda residents also believe in eating more plant based diets, eating in moderation, eating an early dinner, drinking plenty of water, exercising to maintain a healthy weight, and as we have seen in Sardinia and Okinawa, spending quality time with family and friends.
  • 36. Heron Tower Procurement [pic] Contents Page I. Introduction i. Location3 ii. Specifications4 II. The developer i. Heron International6 ii. Planning Problems6 III. Sources of Funding and Risks i. Internal7 ii. External8 IV. Stakeholders10 V. Procurement Routes and Associated Risks i. Management Contracting vs Construction Management12 VI. Legal System and Dispute Resolution16 VII. Conclusion 18 VIII. References20 I. Introduction Procurement, by definition, is a collaboration of merging activities which ultimately lead to something or a service being acquired. (City of London, What is Procurement [online], available from ... Show more content on ... The majority of the tower is allocated primarily for office space, totalling in 442,928 Sq Ft. The Offices are principally divided into groups of three floors to form relatively small office villages of approximately 35,000 Sq Ft each. It is expected that in total the offices will house 20 25 tenants who will use the premises as their major representative offices for the UK. The renting of the offices has a certain degree of flexibility, designed to be let floor by floor, as well as village by village. Levels 38 40 contain a luxurious sky bar and restaurant overlooking the city rooftops. This has huge appeal and is a spectacular and exclusive option for the wealthy, high flying businessmen who enjoy splashing a bit of cash. At the base of the tower there are three basement levels for retail, parking, storage and management services. The site is in an inner city area, free space is sparse and commercial business competitive. (The Heron Tower, 2010, [online] available at [Accessed 24/4/10]). The construction of this superb building started in September 2007 and is set to be completed in the first quarter of 2011 at a construction cost of approximately ВЈ185 million, with rental office space estimated at ВЈ75/SqFt
  • 37. II. The Developer i. Heron International The developers, Heron International are one of Europe s leading property investment and
  • 38. United Parcel Service s Ipo United Parcel Service s IPO In any organization, financial analysis is one of the most basic parts of evaluation of a company operation in any business environment. As businesses operate, it is very important that the managers know the real environment for which a firm carries out its activities. The competitions evident in the market are substantial to the decision making process of a firm. Also, firms need to give much attention to the market forces of a particular industry to make sure that they are able to make these forces turn to their advantage. This paper will indicate the UPS s bussiness enviroment, porter s five forces, trends in the package delivery industry ,factors for success in the UPS s industry, UPS s relative strengths, the appropriate benchmark companies for valuation purposes, and the UPS s accounting policies and methods,. The UPS company is a multinational company and this means that the company needs to give attention to the different external factors like politics, economy, social, and technology. UPS needs to give attention of the political governments of the countries within which they operate. Because of the different political instability that has been seen in some of these countries, the company must invest in the countries which are politically stable. For example, the company recently declined venture into some countries in Africa because the political ambience in these countries were quite unstable. In the event that these countries
  • 39. The Rivalry Between Queen Elizabeth I And Mary Queen Of Scots The Renaissance was a period of times during the 1300 s to the 1700 s. During this time thoughts and ideas flourished across Europe. At that time most of the countries in Europe were governed by monarchs. Although a large number of those rulers were male, there were a few powerful female leaders. Queen Elizabeth I of England and Mary, Queen of Scots are prime examples. The thirst for power among these two sparked the beginning of a long rivalry. This rivalry between Queen Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots led to the latter queen s unfortunate downfall. The Renaissance provoked a flood of ideas amongst the people of Europe. The word Renaissance means great rebirth , the rebirth being of an interest in art and education(Frey 316). The works ... Show more content on ... Mary was a threat to Elizabeth, but the English queen recognized that Mary was a fellow queen of another nation, Scotland (Hanson, Queen Elizabeth I ). This meant Elizabeth had to be more cautious in her attempts to take Mary down. Elizabeth decided to use Mary s speculated crimes against her to demoralize her reputation to the point that she lost her respected standing as a queen (Hanson, Queen Elizabeth I ). Elizabeth snuck behind Mary s back; she helped her enemies and promised to aid those who performed acts of treachery against the Queen of Scots (Hanson, Queen Elizabeth I ). Elizabeth s wit, one of her most remarkable attributes, would be one of the most difficult things Mary would have to fight
  • 40. Top Girls in the Predicament Essay ВЎВ°Top GirlsВЎВ± in the Predicament From the perspective of society, despite certain conditions it had established for women to move up to the top of their social careers through both the official efforts and the endeavors of women themselves, those British ВЎВ°top girlsВЎВ± under the influence of Thatcherism in the late 1970s and early 1980s continued to live in a predicament resulting from the traditional gender bias, which was further enhanced by their fierce reaction towards it. I. Introduction II. The idea of feminism in Top Girls III. Certain social conditions for the birth of ВЎВ°top girlsВЎВ± in Britain by the early 1980s A. The official efforts 1. The parliamentary acts to promote gender equality 2. The governmental efforts to expand ... Show more content on ... II. The idea of feminism in Top Girls The term ВЎВ°top girlsВЎВ± is drawn from the famous play with the very same title written by Caryl Churchill, the most often produced British woman playwright on both sides of the Atlantic in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Being committed to realism, she insisted more and more explicitly in her plays on ВЎВ°the connection between politics and the quality of daily life, between peopleВЎВЇs internal state of being and the external political structures which affect them, which make them insaneВЎВ±1. Guided by this principle, her Top Girls presented the issue of feminism during its ВЎВ°new waveВЎВ± in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Marlene, the protagonist and recently promoted managing director of the Top Girls Employment Agency, has got what the feminists say they want: liberation from domesticity and child bearing, and the chance for success in the male enclave and the world of work. There is, however, more the other side of the story, in which Marlene is trapped and forlorn. Besides her rudeness to her inferiors and
  • 41. GI Endoscopy Biopsy (EGD) 43239 Upper GI endoscopy biopsy (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, flexible, transoral; with biopsy, single or multiple). The beneficiary underwent an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and was diagnosed with unspecified disorder of the stomach and duodenum (537.9), which is not covered by the Local Coverage Determination Policy L29167. The documentation did not include prior physician progress notes to support the medical necessity for the EGD procedure. There was no indication of symptoms of physical findings that would support the medical necessity of the procedure in accordance with Medicare guidelines. The beneficiary was a 65 year old woman who had been diagnosed with mild gastritis. She complained of abdominal pain for approximately 5... Show more content on ... The provider submitted a copy of the claim and medical records. The provider also indicated that a corrected claim had been submitted with the diagnosis code 537.89. On March 09, 2014, the QIC sent a letter to the provider stating that the payment was denied due to the lack of medical necessity/invalid diagnosis. The claim was billed with the diagnosis 537.9 (the incorrect code) not covered within the LCD. However, the provider had already submitted the appeal with the correct diagnosis twice. Was that information taken into account at the time of the QIC s determination? The QIC also indicated that the documentation submitted did not include any prior physician progress notes from the billing physician/PCP to substantiate medical necessity for the procedure billed. How would the progress notes have changed the determination? The claimant was evaluated in the ER; the ER doctor discussed the case with the billing provider while the claimant was still in the ER. Per the ER documentation 6:46 PM Discussed case with Dr. Selub (GI) states for the PT to call his office at 9 AM and he will be able to F/U with the Pt in 1
  • 42. Mission 33284 Research Paper June 3, 1986 an adroit group of astronauts went on Mission 33284: Journey to Mars. They went on this trip in search of life on Mars, or at least evidence of life on Mars. Five of them set out on this precarious journey to space.. Not a single one returned home. No bodies were discovered, no calls were sent back to base, not a single clue was given as to what happened; it was just nothing. A full investigation was conducted and it was concluded that something happened to the engine and they fell into oblivion. December 8, 2016, 30 years later, another set of astronauts were chosen to take part in Mission 33284 once again. The fortunate group of 6 were: Kamila Hernandez, Jackson Sky, Linda Marshall, Ronald Po, Alexandra Janet, and Jason... Show more content on ... For a moment the ship stayed just floating in space then it began its steep descent into the deep dark trenches of space. The ship fell for what felt like years until it finally crashed on a hard surface. Kamila, who had bloody nose and left leg was completely shattered, looked around at the now wrecked ship. The entire back of the craft was flattened the only that was visible was the long trail of blood trickling down. Kamila slowly crawled to the intercom and dialed 33284 on the intercom. Nothing happened. She dialed again and again and again and again and once more and another, but... nothing happened. She sat staring at the blank intercom in complete disbelief then she began to sob. Now realizing she was stranded in space with no one to help, and little oxygen left she began to sob harder and harder until she began hyperventilating. While wiping her tears something caught her eye, there was a piece of a spacecraft outside. But it wasn t a piece of her spacecraft... it was another spacecraft. How could it be though, she thought, what other spacecraft has cras ... She didn t even finish her thought before realizing. She looked down at the intercom once more and understood that 30 years no calls were received because the calls weren t meant to be received. She realized that the call she just made didn t go through not because it was busted but because it wasn t made to go through. She realized what Joe meant when he said that she would find out eventually what 33284 meant. And as she sat there all bloodied and wounded, she realized she wasn t sent out to find life on Mars she was sent to
  • 43. Essay on Forecasting Denosumab Forecasting Denosumab Why is forecasting for any new drug so important? Why for Denosumab? Drug forecasting is a very important and essential process for any drug for multiple reasons: 1. Cost: The drug development is a lengthy and an expensive process. It will aid in the predevelopment process to identify future demand and to identify if it is a worthwhile venture. The future of a company could depend on the success or failure of a new drug in the market. 2. Profitability 3. Market Share: forecasting will help in identifying the size of the market share and market potential will aid in the manufacturing and distribution process. Will also aid in proper utilization and eliminate waste. 4. Competition: Assess the ... Show more content on ... 2. Denosumab has been FDA approved for 2 indications rather than 1 which is true for most of its competition. Both the conditions are prevalent in the population and their incidence is growing. This will allow the drug to tap unmet needs for the available market. 3. No new drugs are to be available in the market for this indication in the next 5 years so it makes the product very lucrative. How will the customers react when Denosumab is introduced? The customers for the drug are the patients, providers (physicians) and the insurance companies. 1. The patients will see ease of dosing as well as improved results as compared to the market. They will identify for the drug to decrease disease complications and improved bone health. Give patients alternatives to treatment for their own disease. 2. Physicians will see increased compliance of the drug in their patients as the drug is not patient administered but provider administered. Will limit the variations in dosing patterns and practices. Provide alternatives for treatment. Improve revenue as it is administered in the office rather than at home. 3. Payers: Payers may react to the drug unfavorably as it is at a higher cost as compared to other therapies. They may add the drug to the formulary on a tiered system. But they would be more willing to pay for osteoporosis prevention and management rather than the complications that arise from it. How will you develop a forecast for Denosumab? The
  • 44. Similarities Between Game Of Roses And War Of The Roses A Marriage between Roses and Thrones A marriage is usually perceived as two people in love and bind themselves together with an unbreakable bond. However, in the medieval age, political marriages were more often than a love between couples. Both the Wars of the Roses and HBO s Game of Thrones, political marriages occur in order to lead to personal gain and conduct strategic planning for one s kingdom. In HBO s Game of Thrones, a scene from season 3, episode 5 shows Tywin, Tyrion, and Cersei discussing marriages in a manner which exemplifies the significance of political marriages compared to the Wars of the Roses, between Margaret of Anjou and Henry VI, especially through close up shots, lighting, and sound. When watching the fifth episode of season 3 of Game of Thrones, Tyrion, Tywin, and Cersei discuss how they can use marriages so the Lannisters can secure the North and it can be done if Tyrion marries Sansa Stark. This is comparable to Margaret of Anjou and Henry VI. Margaret of Anjou marries Henry VI and thus as stated in The War of the Roses, Marrying Henry to the French king s niece seemed to serve two greater purposes: it would bring England a diplomatic and military truce in the French wars and it would enable Henry and Margaret to rebuild the dwindling stock of the English royal family. (Jones 84). As seen, the two of them getting married would give them exactly what they need to get a truce between the two countries and kings. Similarly, if Tyrion were to
  • 45. The Special Years ( 1907 And 1908 ) The Special Years (1907 and 1908) Between having won a financially lucrative lawsuit against the owners of the Mineral Springs Hotel and Bathhouse, plus getting paid for still working there, and now collecting a monthly pension, Charles is able to purchase a lot and a half for $150 ($4,000 in 2017). He is undeniably enthusiastic as he hires men to build the first house that he and Elizabeth have ever owned. And what a location. Near the end of a dead end street, it is only a one block walk to church and a three block walk to work. As August of 1907 arrives, the Okawville newspaper announces that Charles Lorne s new residence was nearing completion. In September he and his family move into his new residence at 804 06 North Nashville ... Show more content on ... What a feeling of relief and of satisfaction when he receives word on December 5 that he has won again. His pension is to be increased to $8.00 ($210 in 2017) a month. Earning a pension that brings in $96 ($2,500) a year is a significant increase in the income of Charles when the average worker only makes $.22 an hour. (L141) Charles and Elizabeth now have two more members in their family. Their first grandchild, Charlie Koehler, is born in East St. Louis back in 1903 and their second and third grandchildren, Grace and Irene Hall, are born in 1906 and 1907. Now, in 1908, they add two more grandchildren with the births of Orval Koehler and Charlie Hall. Unfortunately, they all live in East St. Louis and therefore Charles and Elizabeth are unable to see them on a regular basis. They are helped by the recent addition of a $1.25 ($34 in 2017) round trip train ticket that can be purchased on Sundays. Charles is a member of the Okawville Post 582 in the Grand Army of the Republic. This is a fraternal organization of veterans who served in the Union Army during the Civil War. This entails sometimes wearing military style uniforms at various functions. In 1908, he is proud to learn that he is being promoted to the rank of Aide de Camp to the Commander of the Post. The certificate that he is presented with comes from the organization s headquarters in Chicago. He has it
  • 46. Operation and Performance of Reciprocating Engine Operation and Performance of Reciprocating Engine As an accident investigator, understanding the operation and performance of the reciprocating engine is essential. Reciprocating engine can be branched into two groups, the 2 stroke and 4 stroke operating cycles. The 2 stroke reciprocating engine completes a power cycle in only one crankshaft revolution and two strokes, compression and power stroke. This is achieved when power and compression stroke happens simultaneously while the piston is near the bottom of its travel. The 4 stroke reciprocating engine operates on the 4 stroke 5 event cycle, which are the intake, compression, power, exhaust stroke and ignition event. During the intake stroke, the piston descends from top dead center (TDC) with the exhaust valve closed and the intake valve open to the bottom dead center (BDC) of the cylinder. As the piston descends, a mixture of air and fuel from the carburetor is drawn into the cylinder. After the intake valve closed, the piston moves back toward TDC of the cylinder compressing the fuel air mixture. Just before the piston is close to TDC, ignition takes place by a spark plug in gasoline engines which produces an electric spark in the fuel air mixture. The piston move back down toward BDC resulted by the pressure from the combustion of the compressed fuel air mixture. This causes the crankshaft to rotate, thus turning the propeller. During the exhaust stroke, it expels the used fuel air mixture through the exhaust valve
  • 47. The Triple Bottom Line Model The Triple Bottom Line Introduction A triple bottom line model never merely quantifies an accomplishment or rather the wellbeing of a company through its conventional monetary bottom line. However, triple bottom line similarly measures social, ethical as well as environment performance of the company. Triple bottom linetypically is an incessant process that shall assist the company in concentrating into the performance of a more sustainable business whereas demonstrating to local communities together with employees of that particular firm that is not merely looking forward on profit making, but similarly a greater common good for the company operations (Hitchcock and Willard, 2009). TBL is a sustainable model for business that balances financial success, community participation together with ecological sustainability. The firm which employs triple bottom line towards capturing the set significances, processes as well as issues of the company might decrease and determine whichever harms resulting from company s operations then create economic, social as well as environmental values of that the company. The model typically outlines that everything is supposed to taken into account that needs of the company s shareholders, employees, stakeholders, governments, clients, business partners, local communities together with the entire public. Reporting through Triple bottom line (TBL) is currently turning out to be more ordinarily used across several sectors within
  • 48. Sanchez Family Case Study Reaction Sanchez Family Case Study Reaction The Sanchez family is facing many problems, from substance abuse to economic hardships as well as hunger and language barriers. The family faces immigration concerns with Mrs. Sanchez nephew as well as their older daughter Emilia, we know that the family is struggling to put food on the table and having Roberto and Joey in the house is not helping. Although everyone in the family has concerns that need to be address there are some that are greater than others. Emilia for instance has a substance abuse problem and has a possibility of deportation. As the Social worker on this case it is important to differentiate which person in this family has greatest need for help and who can be placed on the back burner
  • 49. In the Skin of a Lion Anaylsis Essay Discuss the ways in which textual forms and features shape your understanding of In the Skin of a Lion. Michael Ondaatje s postmodern exploration of the early, developmental years of Canada, In the Skin of a Lion, is expressed through multiple perspectives, with no dominant perspective or omniscient narrator. The narrative is presented as fragmented and contains interruptions from intersecting perspectives. The presence of class conflict forces the characters to experience extreme adversity, with their contributions to building the society going unnoticed until Ondaatje has addressed their social exclusion. Through reinterpretations of motifs and symbols, Ondaatje adds new dimensions to events in history and characterizations, whilst the ... Show more content on ... Whilst Harris perceives it as symbol of life and creation, water ironically takes the lives of the workers in the Waterworks with the water heaving in, shouldering them aside in a fast death if they dig just one degree up. The harsh and tedious conditions of the work, pissing where they work, eating where someone else left there shit , dehumanizes the workers, insulting their inherent dignity and contrasting the imagery of opulent structure they are building. Harris notes the Egyptian feel of the palace, equating his works to that of the pyramids which coincidentally draws a link to the cruel treatment of the workers and how bodies have similarly been entombed in the structure during construction. Ondaatje, however, recognizes their contribution in revealing glimpses of certain characters; the voiceless and marginalized become recognizable as the novel progresses Ondaatje presents Patrick Lewis as character amongst the lower class to demonstrate the fluidity of identity, through the journey he undertakes, which allows him to emerge from passivity. Patrick s quest to gain enlightenment is reflected in the prologue, as he drives through the unbetrayed countryside, introducing implications of hope and maturation whilst isolation and alienation is indicated through the prevailing image of darkness. This sense of isolation is further expressed through Patrick s childhood. Ondaatje addressed the roots of his abashed